3~n.. ~•t~ru3st.,-. THE ILOTAT:' - TOR .TH•AKERICA nimus OF mos IN NEW MIK. He : Vete the. Institutions; Mum with E&yor - „ woo f and Listen, to an Irstelluite Number of Speeches. A Crazy Sastlibiaan Attacks Ike Priaie. THE GREAT ,BALL. kimulas; NOB A &MOEN An Allirin, and Almost en Accident - We liontimre cur chronicle of the journey of the Prince of Wales, and his adventures in litiOr'York ,„ • OOP A LUNATIC ASSAULTS TIM PSINOII., A noteworthy ineident oaonrred. A craft Eng , Rahman had' taken a podtion near the _front door, and biertme quite boisterous," shaking his lists at .the Prince, and threatened to shoot or kill him. declared. the Prince - would'never be King of --; Ragland lived :to be hundred years old ; that the dernooracy of England would never allow its The man became so disorderij and threatening , that Miner Rhodes, of the Eighteenth ward, Inter - fersd.aid arrested him, takfng him to the Jeffer .. don Market Police Court, before Jailion Connolly. The pristiner gave his narnsai -Edward 'Mantissa. ,4(ter. tbia.asmewhat exciting episode,the . royal party, baying entered theparriages, drove ott; amid rho rethusialtio cheers of the multitude. - -7 RS ITISITS yen INSTITITTIONS. 2 1 The, Prince, daring Friday morning , visited the Volversiy, where Otionoinor Ferris mad* a speech; the, Woman's Library,- tier Law School, the Astor Library; the Cooper Institute,'and tho Fret Ace. -. demy, at which plums speeches were .made and appropriate welcomes extended to the Prince. He ales- Arno' palatal Park, planted an English oak • enters Americas elm,en'd heard a speech;, He also . visitarMayor Weed's residents., Where h_partook of a hutch irk company with James Gordon Bennett, 'Etr.i - Jaiikes'Goidoa Bennett. Jr., and other Ostia . ..,..gaisteni people. ' The royal varty then Waited the >Doer anti DembAaylum. The PrinTi WAS Tod.3lTed Peet,.and seemed higrly gratified with th e exercises - of the ptiplis. A ride to the High Bridge ifellowid, *hen . the whole party returned ,to the city by water, on the steamer Trumpeter. =LIM „ On - Friday evening , the reat bell took place in the Academy Ad' Maki. This was intended to be a magnificent affair, `and neither pain/ nor expense - seem spared to Make it worthy of the city, and the eity'a royal guesS.Twenty-eight.hundred invite• bau tient were d, "besides. three hundred oomph!. -menbary to, diathleinhed citizens. The decora tions were ostentatiously magnldeent. HOW TUB BALL-HOOP APPWIND The ,Sire time &Caribou the - axons: There are MititarY-looking men, with crosses Ana ribbons—foreign dhows and ambassadors, it may be; .thereltre, our own military officers, with epualets and floral; theri the towering form of Gen..ileottl *lmam out-best men, our spin. - wall"; °gawk, Grime* Hormans, etc. ; there are our %Aston, and their oleos of millionaires; there are our feishioniblet—young, posts, ail old—not - half so: many 'boodles after ail, - aa we expected. We miss the hearty, wholesome, " ruddy faces, the shapely arms and bright eyes of the- girls of the happier lower claims. But now and then a hum, frost and unhaakneyed, beams upon no, •,* reclaiming thii menus. HOW ?111 PEOPLE DRESSED Dream •vary cacetidinoy. but white and pink are decidedly In the majority ; bine and crimson mite, with an , oecasional purple and black dress, are discernible. Of fabrics, by far the mot are Muslin, whisk of MI others most beautifully set MT fairy forms. There are many silks, and.now and that a stately form is clad in appropriate velvet. Gentlemen 'are usiversally clad In blank suits. throughout, with white cravats. - Very properly, at about twenty minutes past ten, the Prinoe and his stilts entered from behind . the stage, while the band play ed " God Save the Queen" - and " flail Colombi a ." Ile was enthusi ' astleally greeted, of course, but without cheers. In fact, itwas not generally known that he was present until belted been'eome tires receiving the passing salutations of the company. 'Dressed plainly and flanked by the Duke of Newcastle, the Eidtwit St. Germaine, Lord Lyons, Gen. Brace, ;ad the - other members of his Butte, be took his position at the extreme rear of the stage, and as many of-the ocatpany as could reach him passed ,With eilutatione, which he acknowledged by bow ', lag. `He seemoduluelt fatigued, as well he might - !Dar Ms bird day's work. i1L6J , 14/OR' 0/ PBS BALL• 110011 Girls WAY—AL- XOIIT 'AM ACCIDINT While this pleaiitnt ceremony was going on, and beibre a tithe of the company hall'paietd, a sadden crash was heard, followed' by Orestes, and an im• mediate pressure outward from the centre. T he floor, insufficiently wippOrted, bad given way near the centre of the - room. The Prime Immediately 'retired. 'A space of thirty or forty feet square was cleared, a etude of policemen was formed with a rope barrier, and the sounds of hammers, axes, and caws were soon beard In repair. . This untoward eminent delayed the ball for another hour; dancing did not commence until 12 o'clock, and oven - then much apprehension was felt fb* fie safety of the floor. Earlier in,the evening, a smell , As of .11re ores discovered in the Prince's lE dressing room; bets upon a rigid search, nothing rkiiirfda - ROW IrEn PRINCE DANCE). Seemed to enjoy the dancing; not dancing , vigorously, never waltzing more than a very few moment/, at a time, not half long enough probehiy to 'satiety the saltitery inelinallans of New York belles inured to the Berman cotillion ; but he soon resumed the - whirl ; and 'after the ball was once opened; -ha missed no dance except when at - sapper, until he left the:room at nearly 5 o'clock. He bore the' critical inspection calmly ; his part nere, too behaved with - remarkable composure; with Yeakrepablican -411gnity. , they of .course on " oldster' it :distinction to . dance- with' a Crown prince; bat there- was- no ridiculous elation, no underbred perking wad -prinking; and when their, royal eompanlon offered his. arm, which he did in - ,every,insteneo, waiving the' etiquettes that bedpan royalty &breed, and conducted them to_ their chaperones, there was no crowding of friends ariand them, and complimenting—no undue ' Tidier neatifeetatione of an,y,sort. , The young ,ladle. liowenier,..without - .exception, conformed to •the i tnette that governs • European courts, and dec Ali other invitations to dense during the ..evening. , Since royalty dispensed with its privi; leigesi Democracy wee willing to go half way. And, indeed, it would have suggested itself to any per , Foe Of "delicate, appreciation of the proprieties, that 'the son of a Queen - was hardly to be pat upon a , footing with the other young men.- Exalted rank certainly can elaim respect from the veriest ter Tax kiRST puevaliia - Thelltst'qizadiilliirasdainposed et the follow ing persons: The Baron and , Mrs. Gov. Morgan ; Mr. J. W. Gerard end him Howland ; Mr. W. and Mts. - Astor,-Jr.;• Mn. Ether ! me rn and Km , Belmont: -Mrs. Morgan's dress was of white reps silk, nearly' covered by blank chantilly lace llonnoes. . Bead-dress, white feather and diemond; --Ornaments, pearl and alamonds. ' • reatimati.or rag patent. The Bunn danced thir teen een dames, the following ladles tieing his partners: • Mrs. , .GorslaasMorn ' • Miss Mason • Mrs. Glould.; . lioit; :Mit , lie on: Russell ; -Miss Mason; Field; Miss Fish, daughter ()lei-Governor Fish; M. Aiwzo „Damon Mrs. ,Colonel Van Buren, lew_of ex-) rseideat Van Buren; Mist ay, .daughter. of John Jay, Baq ; Miss Mies Butler; Mrs. Matunell B. p .` -. Bdsiard Cooper. The Baron left at *lied of the lath dame. AFTEX , TAW WV/WNW .'"liennewintpocitethandkerchiefs were pinked up— some of great value; worth one hundred dollars, of theoortheat lace and ornamentation. some asked what atfould be done with them? home wandered them trophies of the night. Others wished to leave them with the police. But, if left with the pollee, it was asked, what would become of them? • • : Tim -loss -in torn lames of the oostliest desorip. Lions- mast baits, been very great. 'We do pot 'think. it would" be en exaggeration to say at least 420,1fi10 Were lost, as the laces worn bythe matrons d Wire the 'eastllest,Bruisels, tho. - The young ladies in' bunco and flowers often looked like Young.dmerlos in ruins: Their flounces ' would be trodden upon, and long sittings would follow in train. Then flounce. would be torn t ff, ',and could be picked up in all direotions: The fitly. dot I sr-young-ladies' Muslin dresseiean Name 'ly be werer,egoin. It would be difficult to esti mate in money this sort of damage. 'the beaux, - to rescue the bouquets of their part ners, would often be 1111011 'Upholding both hands full of flowers; as If these beaux were stems upon *bleb Stoners grew. - The young ladies often came • ail towering in the most magnificent bouluets, but, they were - of no ulster display, as In the jam thoy could not Wiesen. • , • can. (SCOTT AND PAKILT. Forenuist sad first, in all this orowd, wee 'to be seen looming up the majestic. form,ol, the conquer or 'of Mexico—Els fait and graeeful married' daughters wore, grouped's/round him, at ono time , ; eatiere' dais intended fot the Ihrow,--andthe boys-r eel among them became the cynosure of all eyes.; TEL DIPLOMATIC CORPS The diplomatic corps vvaa not so numerously re presented-as bad been expected, and tlekets "blob had been left with the head door-keeper foitbe fol lowing delegation were uncalled for : Bursts, Costa Bios, Pruasu, Portugal, New Granada, San Salva dor, Spain, Benmark, the /Motherlands, and Bel gium. .tut BALL .1N DOLLARS AND CSDIII Tita arithmeticians thus calculate: I=7 ifre - siss":: :l — , S3 AS iiiik sqlve hire. .----- . , * LK ' S ,Outtsr ofeemtaiture 40,01X1 Elena are e :4s=. , LIS 0 feattentaa's dress,. Stirill - umna5te..........., I,ooolTotaL ............... SOMA* 1' The estimate 'of jewelry is the value of the .ainottrit that' was worn While large el:inshore of ;tidies own roll 'complements of diemonde, obvi ating the necessity of any outlay in this regard, ,others had to, make now purchaees I. complete 1 theiroutht. -In the item of $40,000 expended by 'be nourtnittee le embreeed the use of the Acade my,- the tickets of admission, supplies wines, music, "nphelstery, floral deoorattone, and alters . OA Saturday musing the Prince visited the ' honeXof neural•Soott. Soya the llerald: " The veteran warrior reeeived tho PrlnCe and Suite in a most cordial manner. Ins Royal nighties' wits, glad to meet again the accomplished cote- Mender in whom he hu taken the dullest fn. tore St. ' The visit was not pretreated. It was a pleasant social mill, of a staidly private character. The memberS of the household were introduced to UM - Prince and the nobles , end a short time was de • voied,to noolal obit Chat and the Interchanging of , •The veteran biro was exceedingly kind and Manne to-the hopeful royal heir of England, and the young Prince appeared:as highly pleased at reeeiving those civilities as the Maarten" Ge lispil wait unrestrained in beatowlog them. ills 2001_ high ness Mt, very triackst ease , and freely perlid•• • I=,4llpleat errerutop.-Pelingl Of sadg/ieilxtn_liullf ple:Oraabeiit wAtereeit l*, l ll l l , then tier distieguished gusts took leave of Aurvitialloomelinder." • ;A: iragins. • • :44 1 iIiiing thorn mai a torchitglikpro. Bl islifsh,Uuseit Sift amine kg l Kl4 ,l o4,44#lowsel ilia , More. Porky. ‘einia lli t'neSpenhah..-ildty how ennaparder, and tholes"-Mosiptniati, nod aut. ' pods • Soo thousand Ask fa 11104„ filiffilittO 41, wog 71 1 1 1 11 =r4tUr t""" Amor Letter from Lyooming County. taoruniendonoe of The Preml WILLIAXBrORT, Oa 12 Now that the eleoticin is over, which has ended SO disastrously to the Democracy, the inquiry on all sides is, who killed Cock Robin? Some soy it was Forney; some say the Dutch, who mostly abandoned our party for their ancient enemies, the Know Nothings ; but a vast majority admit it was 0. P. F. at Washington. It was J. B. who laid out the Democracy colder than a wedge. To him is due the Credit of Republiaanising the entire North, and he will have the pleasure of stepping ont of the White Rouse to make way for Old Abo Lincoln, the railaplitter. I assure you that Lincoln's election, by getting the vote of every froo State, is looked upon as a foregone conolusion here ; and lot me add the Democracy of this county will not dis solve the Union. Neither have stooks nor real es. tate suffered, notwithstanding the portentous threatenings from the South shadowed forth in that late despatch from "Augusta, Ga." Below will be toned the offieial returns from this county : Oormucoa—t.. G. Cartin.Rep., 3,594 ; 11. D. Foster, Dem., 3 03 4 . Cortina major ity, 560. liloanaoss—li T. Hale, Rep.. 3.479; Robert Fleming, Dem., 3,116. Bale's majority, 383. ASSEMBLY—W. M. Armstrons, Rep., 3 623 ; H. 0 Bressler, itop.. 5.306 LRobert Crane, D0m,,3,00 ; 0. A. iichenbaoh.PSEl.,2.BXL 9,B C l4 o .An is s e a e —A u9l9 .Rev , 3.713'; Curio, Dern., REGATER AND RECORDEZ—TiII, Rep., 3,597 ; Blair, Dem.. 2.575. Hill's maiority, em. Cone:sea—Keys, Rep.,3.514 ; 933. Key's MaJonty.69l. AtIDITOR—COMiIy. Rep., 3,521; Hilliard, Dorn., 3.030. Comly's majority, 491. Last year we had an average majority of tour hundred in the county, and this year Gen. Foster ought to have had at least that much. But the truth is, a great many did not know he was a can didate. Our last County Convention acted like dumb dogs, and dad not mention anybody, endorse any man, or assert any principle. The result is seen. About nine hundred of the rank and file naturally enough thought the Democratic organi sation had been abandoned, and they joined the enemy. In 1859, Judge Hale beat White about 1,800 votes; this fall his majority over Fleming is over 2,000! Truly this district is getting no better fast. [The result In Lyeoming is still further explained by the following letter to Chairman Welsh :1 WILLIAM H. WsLem, Chairman of the Deutoeratio State Committee : DEAR SIR: Your favor of the 20th September, propoundin4 certain interrogatories, was duly re ceived. Owing to pressing bunions of a private nature, I was unable' to attend to the patriotic du ty of assisting to save the Demooratio party from defeat, and thereby to perpetuate the glorious Union. Besides, the Information I could then have given would by no means have been so relia ble as what I now eend you. I will answer your questions seriatim. Query let flow many 'Foster olube are orga nised in your county, and what is their strength ? Answer.—There are none organized in Lyco. ming county : there are several disorgantzsd. Query 2d. Is the Demooratio party thoroughly united upon Boater; and, if not, what is the ex tent of the disaffection? - Answer. No, e•1-r! 'The disaffection, appears to amount to about eight hundred votes. Query 31. Are there any divisions upon tho county ticket that will affect the gubernatorial question? Answer. There are. The county convention nominated a couple of Breokinridge bolters that no conscientious Democrat could vote for, and the alternative was presented either of voting against the ticket or staying at home. Many preferred the latter. Query 4th. Vlsat will be the probable result of he Legislative tioket in your Representative die. riot? Answer. Two Wide Awakes elected in a die *riot that gave, last year, one thousand Denroora tie majority, Query Ath. What is the strength of the Bell and Everett party ? Answer. About six votes all tolled ! Query 6th. What majority will be given in our county, as nearly as you can intimate, for War? Answer. This must. be cyphered out by "the rule that ;works both ways.' It ought to have been live bundred for Boater—ft rs five hundred for Curtin. Bat " slab " is life. With regard to fusion, the Cresson compromise won't do. It cannot carry Lyooming county, and as goes Lycoming so goes the Union. A fusion with the Linooloiter' might possibly beat Douglas. What say you to that? and what would 0. P. F. say? An early answer is expected by Yours, truly, A FAITHFUL DEMOCRAT. Lycomiog county, October 10, 1800. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. PHILADELPHIA. October 13, MO. At' the Stook Board to-day, Pennsylvania Railroad shares fell or 34, but otherwise the prices of all invest ment securities were very firmly maintained. State fives are ;dandy at 97 City Loan at 102 and 1003 , for the old and new Issues respectively ; North Pennsylvania Rail road Mock at lOg ; Six per -cents Mi. and Chattel tens ow. The Improvement in Catawissa and Williams port & Elmira securities is maintained. The money market remains in an enay condition, six to seven being the rates for lone on first-oleoscolletoral and for grin e commercial paper. Peterson's Demeter sends us; the following informa tion regarding anew and dangerous photograph othin terfeit note on the Rome Exchange Bank. New York: me—photograph—vignette, female, rooks, shield, .ko,; Washington in oval, on right end; State arms on leit end. To produce these bills, the paper must first be Mired, which gives them a smooth, varnished appear ance when finished. A little rubbing with the finger will blur the engraving and make the note feel greasy But the hest and adroit' ely sure lett is to apply in solu tion of Cynatie,of Potassium, when the spot touohoci will turn white. bidet de Bicknellwrite to as that they have this morning detected a very dangerous altered SIO note, Purporting to be the true Inane of the Trenton Banking Company Vignette,mdkcaald with boy, pail by her aide ; oval female portrait on each lower corner ; 10 on each upper corner.' The title of the bank is in a circle over the vignette ;in the genuine it is straight. It is altered from the genuine Is. - The New York Express says, speaking of railroad competition, and ite disastrous effects upon the Grand Trunk Railroad of Canada: The shipwreck of-the Grand Trunk, and the tones inflicted upon our home roade. do not teach them wisdom, and on Monday next a new war commences between the Menem and Hudson River Companies, which will throw the dividends their stockholders have tired of waiting for far ahead. The Mamie backed by the New York Central, and A friendly arrangement with the Lake Shore roads and the Miohigen Southern Company, While this quarrel lOU on a new competitor for Western buqicees is enietly, yet vigorously, moving forward, and in a short time the 'Lake Shore, the Michigan Southern, New York Central, Hudson River, and Harlem will see the Atentie and Great Western scheme fully realized, and the Erie road raised to a more commanding position than ever. having advantage■ in time and distance which will secure beeiness against all competition. Whether it makes money is another affair. According to For non's 3 United States Railroad and Mining Register, Railroad Conventions ere still called lad held with unabated perseverance, notwithstanding the:practical difficulties which beset oonscientinus railroad officers who strive to put into force the stipu lation, contained in the compacts entered into. Con cerning the quintuple compnot of the five Eastern trunk lines, 'lt in averted and reasserted that, in defiance of its provisions, the two New York companies carry firet dare goods from Boston west for fifteen cents leas, and second clime goods ton cents less pet hundred pounds, than from New Yoik, the New York Central carrying by all rail via Albany, and the New York and Erie carrying by boat, via the round to New York, and thence by rail. This practice is grist to Boston, whilst to New Stork pity the two New York companies are as the upper and the nether millstones. The following are the earnings on the North Penn sylvania Railroad, na : eptember 7660. arning■ in In first ten months of fiscal year. Berns time lest year.............. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Saler, Ootobor 13. 1860. RI - PO/TM HY IL E. EILAYMAKIII. MO robants' Exchabg 0 ' I , IRST BOARD, al ICCSI Reading R 6x'B6; 7 1900 Cite' R 6u. -10t5.192_43 , 1000 24 Penna R 6e...45 743 i 23 Cataw It nif..bswn 1434 21 do —.- lb% 23 do ... --.. 14t: 50 Catawiess R con.. b3g 100 do old - 1 nil lib Elesieanref —lots 21341 Rd Long inland-14mi 1334 100 do tawn 1314 NO do cash 1354 460 do . 1304 100 do- .... •.. 1354 BETWEEI 4400 abt Penns be &ars. 9/ WOO Blom& R let tot; .• 74 3300 N retina R as ..h6 7414 nod Reading R 65'86.. 76,4 Sot 011eti Canal Ws 27% 100 N Yowls R 104.... 100 9 William ie & Elm.. 236 2 Hazleton Coal-- 51 63 Rah Ray pref.....b5 24 I 76 Penns R..-- lots 41' 101) Reading :100 do 62 10 N Penna. K. 1034 3313th dr. 13th-et R b 4 18 15 Race & Vino b 5 35 5 Morrie Canal-- . 6ig 4 Lehigh boil p-- 413, 2 ehilaila Bank.— 324 2 Corn Exalt Bank,— 27 26 BOARDS. 68 N Penne 1034 1 Penne Life 1n5..—.1t6 60 Reading • • 235; 5 Union Bank of Tenn 86 2 do --... .... 86 6 Planters' Bank Ten. 102% BOARD. 88 Oataw R prf Ate h 5 16 168 do 00n...10ts 63-4 25 Lehigh Sarin.— 43 16 Penn& .. 41% 60 Reading R..--b 5 13% 10 Del Div Canal...—. 48 8 CM k Amboy... • • 13 01 5 .5101715 Canal pref.. 11631 200 & U 14 1100 Long Island ltn.bs 1.303 n PRICZE. SECOND MOO City de. .mm. 10514 RAO Beh Newt% 'B2, 76 7000 Canons 7m.. . barn 33 3011 do ..„ ...b6 83 1009 1 4 reams 14 . 15... Eloslret rhst 3114 me Elmira 74 1000 do .,. 74 Catawm R nrf .1014 14141: 160 do 15 CLOSING Bid. Asks. 14123 .‘1 .Etthi la 4 ktUtir c i,iinf_l 7 3 .e, 05 Read m 'fo eft.ing 92 Reed tutee 66 764 7654 Dane/L.,— 614 4174 nril 14 fd int 64 87,4' 90 s or La eon dv off .54t4 .4 Fob 1 .86 7774 labor! Nal , I ' m 61.88 90 v , reti3l it; 1 51. ; ..:2/ 241 1 Emirs R • 3 2)4 Elrture, 7. Asked. R... Aci CI tit * 66 NA 4 °rut 8"1" 426 Penns p.an R—. 103: IN Penns n 8 1'6,1 . '1. 41 6 ,aNi Catawie cna'•' — 'ol "Igg VlgijirereftiL 11 - r i nond ace k Vine -et :341 15 % )i est Phi% 68g $ 69 ,it i orue:t Puke._ on 30 ,, I hie & W C°2422 a1nut...32 $3 Philadelphia Markets. OCTOiIOP 13--Evening: The export demand for Flour is limits& and some I,SOO We have been disposed of, In lots, at 05,715 for standard euperfine, and 85.875£ for Pennsylvania extra, including 900 bbls Western extra on term kept Prints. The sales to the trade range at the above rates for su perfine and extras, and $W bbl for extra family and- fanny brands, as in quality, the market closing firm. Bye Flour is soared, and selling in a man way only at $1,23. Corn mete with a moderate inquiry, and further small sales of Pennsylvania Meal are re porttarist $3 bbl. arum—There is a good demand for Wheat at fully former rates, and less offering; sates include about 6 WO bar, in lots , at from 1560 for common up to 1350 for good and choice Western and Pennsylvania reds, 135 m 130 for Southern do, and from 130 to 1550 for common to choice white, the latter for Kentucky. aye is dull, and Rolling, in lots. se wanted at Thebeo far Pennsylva nia and New York, Cora is dull, and only about 3.500 bus prime yellow found buyers, mostly at 730 afloat. Oats are also dull, with small .sales of Boutoern at 350, and Pennavlvenia at 370. Ten thousand bug prime New York Barley sold at pried kept private flanx.—There is little or no Queroitron offering. and E NO. / selliter at,i 27450 4P ton' Corron.—The market is quiet, with min of 350 bales at steady Prices. Gitociatas —The movement small and the market generally ktm. Peovisions.—TherC is no change. and a small burn nen dome in Pork, Noon, and Lard. Butter is dull and assns.—There is very little doing. for the want of Cloverseed inlernand at se ag brie. • )11 d 87) $2,70.3.,1. end Flaxseed at Sb.62re .., I ' l ' 4 Y is nog went,' I bide Ohio sold at Mo. op efailirivbilta at hoornaillots 230, drudge bleMbio, -end Imam AM's° "'gallon, ig ow York Stock $lOOO Missouri Bs 7914 800 sh Mich 8 & N I s 5.4;31 6000 Erie X 4th m bds.B7/4 50 Ch Bur & Q R. 4110.-89 - 6000 11111 tr. Mies 2 m 6.64 g le do 10000116 Mb So 2,1 m bds.ss 26 11l Con R—....50n..8.M.f loch Del dr. Red C 0.953 i 100 do—.. 660..8.3 , i 100 Canton Co - .2o 160 d 0....... .. .... .83 17 Peeigo Mall El Co. 8636 100 d 0...., .....x30..833 60 Del .1., & West R.. 91 60 do. ......,..en 1..83N 100 Mil dc Miss R 19 SOO do .b6O .BThi 200 N Y Central R.. ..89 56 4 :1,. 89 N „ er z t i . : tig'tiirg R. 15 858 do-.. iso d 0....— - 560...0.4 tO (3 d0 ° ... ' .. ' .. R .......e6ii.:P 4 60 do. —....... 65..89%1150 d 0.......- ....773 4EO Erie R. .393.41650 do. ... .. —010..7n 100 d 0.., --MO 44) lOO do Tro 78 2 ' o l 0 ci t k ))l) R A Ts a Ha r lem dnf i l R t . . :::% b 60 . t•: ' 42 7 1 1 f 1 2% 3 CIII o d t c o : :i 1 . .. 1 i :- Island ::::81 O R . .. 7 7 3 7 ; i 0, I go ni0..48X New York Markets of Saturday. noua.--The market was more buoyant and active, and advanced about ten cents 4p' bbl, with gales of 25 OM Ws. tueludine superfine Mate, at $5.400500, and extra. at $l5 6000.70 WHEAT wee in native request. with sales of 1110,000 bushels at $l4O for winter red Western, $1.5201.33 for Milwaukee Club. CORN was firm, with sales of ;Omit 62,04 X) bushels, In eluding Western mixed. at 710720. l'aov stone —Pork—The market wits without change of importance. The ewes embraoed about 800 bbls at $0910019.76, and prime at $l4 50. Wittssy.—The market was firm. and held above the views of buyers; 240 was bid, and Me asked. Markets by Telegraph. NEW Onr.Es rra, Ootober 13.—Cotton—Sales to-day of AM) bales at stiller pom e but without change in the quotations. Worn—Mixed sells at 650. Freights on cotton to Havre imr. bxnhances unaltered. eiNcI%NATI.Oot. 13 —Flour Grin at $5005.10. Whisk] , Mesa York 818. Exchange on New York firm. at. Ifr mint. premium. Money in fair demand at 10 ml2o. CITY ITEMS. [From the Boston Evening Transcript, October 10, SPALDING'S PRSPARRD LIM —The value of this glue for dotneetio purpose. is inestimable. The diffi culty of preparing common shoot SING for use led to the new article. In a liquid state the preparation can be used without heating, dries slowly, emits no offensive effluvia, and ready for application. It is put up in glass bottles, securely corked, and sold with a brush to apply it, at the low price of twenty-five cents. Every family should have the compound constantly on hand, an there by any artlole of wood, paper, orookery, or glees can be mended. It will save more than its cost every month in the year. The adyertisement, in another column. shown for what it is useful t hnd where It can be pur chased. ogle 22.1V2t BURNSIDE'S rum: EYE absolutely Pura—recommended by physicians, and endorsed by the peaks. Hare. sound. and reliable; mild. mellow, and nutntious. Try it. Try It. Try it. CLEWS Sr, STOCK - PALE, Proprietors, 328 Walnut street. TROUBLE{ MIONCI TRH POLITICIANS.—The poli ticians are in a torment. The State election mover, but they are quarrelling about the result, while the war of the Presidential contest le booomlng earnest. In the meantime, reasonable men of all parties keep cool, and show their good judgment by buying their own and their ehildre n's garments at the Brown-Slone Clothing Hall of Roakbill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, where the handsomest assortment of gen tlemen's and youth's wear in the country is to be found, AsoPtre RHotvrv ere. In wise old 'Atscm's famous book We all have read, with laughter, Of that sly fox that lost his tall, And Boomed all tails thereafter. 'Tie thus with Regnardr in our time. (To illustrate the fable,) They're "sour grapes," wo will not ohm b, (Because, they were not able The morale of our (tail) tale is this— Beware of envious folks, And when you wish to purohade c'ottiee, Go straight to Granville Stokes' ems-price fashionable Clothing Emporium, No. 607 Chestnut street. A valuable prevent acoompanies eaoh garment sold. SPECIAL NOTICES. FOIL COUGHS, OR FOR ANT DISEASE OF THE Breathing Organs, use J. It, 8 TAFFORD'S OLIVE TAR and IRON AND SULPHUR POWDERS, which are advertised in thin paper. The Olive Tar infuses magnetism or vitality, allaying at once any pain or Op pression, and its great balsamic properties heal sore ness and infismmation. The Iron and Sulphur Powders, being a soluble preparation, unite with the digested food, and enter with it into the formation of now blood, the iron retaining the vital or life-giving forces in the blood, which in its circulation is diffused through the entire system. The oembined sulphur converts the waste or worn-out particles of the blood into gases, which are expelled from the body through its pores, by the increased energy given to the (simulation. It Is these wastes or worn-out particles of blood that form Phlegm and tubercles, and it is their acrid humor which irritates and destroys the membranes of the throat, bronchial tubes, and air-cells of the lunge. Send for a pamphlet. See advertisement in this paper. Sold by all druggists, and by DYOTT & CO.. No, 232 North SECOND street. Philadelphia. 0010-If SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SAFETY TRIM' Coarrany.—Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. RULES. 1. Money is received every day, and In any amount, large or email. 2. FIVE PER CENT. intereit is paid for money from the day it is put in. _ a. The money is always paid ioaok in GOLD whenever t is called for, and without notice. . . 4. Money is received from Execuior 3; Adminisir a sore, Guardians. and other Trusteee, in largo or small flume, to remain a long or abort period. a. Tho money roomed from Depositors in invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other lint els's securities. 6. Oltioe open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest corner Third street, Philadelphia. ran SEA ME N' S SAVING FUND—NOSTIIWEST CORNER SECOND and WALNUT SITREETL—DOROBIIa TO. eeivadm small and large amounts, from all classes of the &immunity, and allows interest at the rate of FIVE PER OENT. per annum. Money may be drawn by checks without loss of in terest. Office owe daily, from 9 nista IS o'clock, and on Mon day and Se4u;day until nine in the evening. President, FRANKLIN YELL; Treasurer and Secretary, ORA& M. MORRIS. ORE Pities, CLOTHING OF THE LATEST ISTILIVO. ludo in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling prices marked in FlairtFtgares. All goods made to outer warranted setts. factory. Our ONE-PRICE system is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. eo28•I► JONES fa CO.. 004 MARRET Street. SALAMANDER FIRE-PROOF SAFES.—A 'Very isrge assortreent of SALAMANDERS for Bale at rea sonable prises. No. 304 CHESTNUT Bt., Philadelphia. au3S-tf EVANS & WATSON. GROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. Tho Best is Use for 'Family Sewing. No. 730 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. aurt-1, ALL SHOULD not fad to read the adver tteement of Prof. WOOD In to-day s Ssissr. McILVAIN—G ARAN—On the 11th instant, by Al derman C. Brazer Charles N. Mollsom, of Went Ply ladelphie. to 11. C. Galan, of Camden. DROWN—JOaIfttiON —On the 11th 'latent, by the Rev, W. D. W. cohnromen, Wm. brown, of Wilming ton, Del to , Miss Mary A. Johnaon, of title °AY. OaltH UTHk.ftti—HELME.—On the 11th instant, by Rev. Thomas W. Murphey, Mr. Win. 8. Carruthers to Miss MAry a. Helms, all of rlutadelphis WINROW—HOWSZR.—On the 11th instant. by the Rev. Thomas G. Allen, V. H. W mrow, of Philadelphia, to Mins Missouri Bowser, of Richmond, Va. PSF.NSTEY—PARII Y.—lly Mayor Henry, on the 10th instant, by Friends' ceremony" Franklin Lentos tot to niartha Parry, of By berry. Twenty-third ward, Philadelphia. LIO.DDKR—CALLAN.—On the 11th instant. by the Rev John McDowell. Mr. W. Franois Dodder, of rolls toern,to Mice Mary, daughter of Win. Callan, Haq of this city. SLEIIMER.—ht Norristown, CM the Nth mst. Mrs. Margarerta Simmer, wife of Adam Sleinme r, in the MI year of her sae. Funeral from the residence of A. Simmer, Swede street, near Oak, Norristown, en Tuesday moraine, at to &Mock. • -- 35•231 12 ..... _32,778 03 F iIi.,W 7 F.ILER.—On the 12 I, instant, Caroline B. Falweiler, in the 20th year of her aso. Funeral front the residence of her parents, No. 620 Carlisle street, below Parnell, tine (Monday) morning, at 9 o'clock. IM=Ell $319.. 45 07 230.834 40 • • • • • . HANN 11.111.—0 n the 12th instant, Mark B. Hannutn, Bred 30 Funeral from the residence r f Hannum, near Cheater. to. day, (Monday.) at 11 o olook A. Ai. KEEN —On the 10th instant, James Keon, in the 00th Year of l . le age. Funeral from Ins late roe:deuce. 10115 Elmokaniaetan etreet. this ((Monday) morning. at 10 o'clock .1 ACKBON. On the 1101 indent, Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of the late Ellie Jackson, aged a 3 years. Funeral from her late residence, No. AM Charlotte street, above Poplar, this (Mendel) morning, at 10 o'clock. _ . .. .... 838.8.10 67 oittßE rr.—On the 11th instant, in Upper Darby,. Delaware county. Charles (Jarrett to the 'lath year ot ins ate. nomas —On the 12th instant, Mrs. Margaratay. Herne. in the 29th year of-her age. JOHNSON.—tiuttilenlr. on the 12th instant, Owen Johnson, Imebana 01 Mary Jane Johnson. Weekly Roper RE ALT I Interments its the City to the Din EM33313 Asthma. • • -- Anemia......... ..... poplexy Burns Cancer Uterus—. Casualties ..... Croup . Congestion of Brain Cholera Infantum,.. Cons'ption of Lungs Convulsions .... Diarrhoea Dropsy r. Brain. " Heart Disease of Brain.... Heart... Spine..._ Drowned,..... • • •• • • • Dysenterg....^•••••• •• • • Effusion on pram— . Fever, Bilious ..-1 OF TILE Under 1 Teen...—. From 1 to 2....... " to JO. ....... 10 to 15 to " 20 to 50..-- 30 to . " 40 to NATIVITY—MiIted Stet known, 14. From the Alm& the Country, 4. WARDS. 11 First-- . 19 Third 1Y Fourth-- .....1d Fifth.. —.. —.lO Sixth 4 8 The number of d in _week of 1859 ai Week ending Oa Oot /Balm 130; Pea By order of th e BLACK SILKS ! BLACK SILKS ! Bouquet Figured. Gum Imnale. grogset Figured. T nglish Mourning. lapin's. Olaees. legalist Robes. Gros do Rhinos. Bevan Flounced Robes. Bonnet's Silks. Gros Gram. , ' . ' Patent Boiled. ' roUlt 4e Tots.'_ . Gres d'Boosse. ,T,enettennes. Ottomans. Annures. Lining Bilks. &o. vgki4loli E., SON, Mourning Store, veB tio, 9113 Clo§tnut moot. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPMA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1860. xchange, Oct. 13. MARRIED. DIED. t of Interments Ovrlcts, ecttoberl3, Philndelphia from t et! October, 18G0. DISELISES. Fever, Puerperal .W;t u cL morrhage .'. intlammation, Brain Branslit Liver. " Lungs " renconeeum.. " Bt. & Bowois• Insanity.. I n an)t •••.. • • mania. n-143tn.. -. Martunn us Neglect eats, . borofnlo Small-Fox Still 80rn...—...—. Teertung.—.. TUITION . . ..... Unkn0wn........_ .OVE THERE WERE: 63IFrom 60 to 60 .. 18 0 60 to .55 " 70 to 60 ..... .. 10 " 80 to 90...... 6 60 to 100.__... oe, 182; Foreign, 42; Un house, 11; Peoplo of Color, 11 ; from WARDEN WARDS. Tooth ....—...—. 6 Nineteenth...« 15 Eleventh.-,_.,. 4 Twentieth.._ ._. 1t Twelfth.-- .._ ..." Twenty-first.... 7 Thirteenth— . ;5 Twenty-second.. 5 Fourteenth.... 7 Twenty-third....l2 Fifteenth..._. .14 Twenty-10urth...20 Sixteenth. . 4 Unknown . ..... .. 9 Seventeent . h....lo ; Eighteenth.....lo Total.. .. —, 238 death oompared with the Correspond ind of test weak, was as follows: lotober 15. 1859. was ...... —. 112 lobar 6. 1860. was ... ... . . .7....... .219 males, 108; Boys, 81; 0 i r15:133. e Board of Health. s.II.THIUK n ini it Pti. Ilealli Meer. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SEE FOURTH PAGE, ARRIVED. Steamship Boston, Croaker, IP hours front New York, with olden and passenger; to Jae Alloardlo*. Resorts the colic Marthallall, Inadod with lumber o ff the Fluor on the Middle; sabre Win 1. Springs and Colorado, it berm brig and two sodomite, below Reedy island. Steamship Kennington, Baker. 481tura from Boston, with mdze and passenger. to Hem! Wtheor. Ship Lanoaster, pecan, 40 ffeye from Liverpool, with mdse to John R Penrose. Brig Delhi. Barnaby, It days from Havana. with su gar, &o to Thomas Watteon & Sone. Oot 3, let 8130 N. long 7080 W. spoke schr J W hindear, from Matan• one for PM Laeophia, with lons °QIN Ilth, at 1180 P M, elf Cape Ifenlopen, was run into by an unknown solo, which carried away jib, flying Jibbeom. outwater and head goar, sprung bowsprit, and caused the brig 10 leak, Mr Jacob Marshall, pilotreporte at the Breakwater eohr Anna, I Br) from St Martins, with salt, and brig hi olunkus, from Eastport; bark Sea Eagle, for Havana, off Bombay Hook on haturday at 4P M. Bark Sulfate, for Matanzas, went to nos on Saturday at 21' M. .BY Tx:Eagan/Mi. (Correspondence of the rre ind YoRK, Oct. 14, Arrived, brigs Col Cowin'. from Matanzas: Grenada. from Vuevitain ' hi. Mayhew, from liermudai Ocean ?Dray, from cadiz, via tiermude, where she pot in le.k.. ing badly. with seven feet of water in her hold. The solir it Bean. from Richmond ror Rio. arrived at Ber muda leaky, and would have to be discharged. Aloe arrived, sohr John Ar. Mary, from Manzanillo. MEMORANDA. Steamship North Star, Jones, from Aspinwall, arrived at New Yak 12th met. Steamship Snxonta, Ehlers, cleared a Nowfrork 19th inst. for Hamburg. Bark P 0 Warwick, Galt, for Itto de Janeiro, gleaned at Now York 19th inst. • Steamer Planet, Wilson, and Ileverly, , Pieree, hence, arrived at New York 13th MIL JOHN 11. OOUOU, ESQ.—THE REV. !kg Dr. W. J. R. TAYLOR, of the Third Dutch Re formed Church, (a personal friend of Mr. tiougn,) will deliver a brief address of welcome, introductory to the first lecture hy this distinguished gentleman, which w II take place HIM EV ENING. at Musioal Fund Ball, commencing at ni o'clock. A limited number of tick ets ( twenty- five cents each) are vet on eale at the VP e moat Book and Hume Stores, and at 'he Houma 01 the Young fiten's Christian Association, 1009 and 10 fl CH atiTir UT Street. It KEPUIRLICAN INVINCIDLIES, AT. NCNG,Tr ATIOIC M. —Varado to Unmden at LVr- It order ot ehn Commit W tee. A 14. LICINBIIAW, hlarehaL UDOUGLAS DEMOCRATS, ATT EN. VON !—The Dinh of Douglas and Johnson in N:nth ward will fling to the•breene, THIS (Monday) AFTEHNOON, between four and flop o'clock, from Fiftoenth and Market streets. a DOM:I,AS AND JOHNSON BANNER. the !argent and handsomest ever made in thin city. it will be presented to the Ninth Ward Young Men's Demooratio Aesootation in the eve nine nt 71dx o'clock, at their Hall, northwest corner of FIFTEENTH and MARK Er Streets, after winch a Mass meoting.will to held of the friend. of Douglas and Johnson. Distinguished speakers will address the meet. ing.,The Douglas and Johnson Cluba of the city aro cordally invited to pat pinnate. tIJAMEB AGNEW, It. Chairman Committee! of Arrangements. [TrFEMALE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF , PENNSYLVANIA. b 27 ARCH dareet.—Teaoh eye and others wishing a thorough knowledge of Phy siology, Chemistry, or Anatomy, can attend the lectures on these branches only. The session will open with a gensrat introductory by Prof. fq,Y.fiEl.l, COATES. D. D.. on WEDNESDAY, the 17th inst., at 4 o'olook P. 11. The publio in invited. ocls DZSTATEMENT OF THE UNION BANK. as required by the second seetion of the aot of ~ Assembly of this Counnonwealthr approved the 13th day of October, A. D. 1817. Amp_unt of loam and dlnootents....- .$634.617 sr epe0t0.......-.. 82,766 21 due from other banks --.. 71,662 76 of notes in circulation—, 74.010 00 deposits, including balances due to other banka.............._ 415,068 40 PIIILADXLPRIA, Octokeyll, 1860. CITY OF PHILADELFIIIA,S.I: 1. Jamea Lesley, Cashier of the Union Bank, being sworn. depose and say that the above state went is correct, to the best of my knowledge and JAMES LESLEY, Cashier. Sworn before me, this 12th day of October, A. P. 1860 It P. C. ELLMAIC ER. Notary Publio. [SyOFFICE OF THE rIIILADELPHIA and Germantown and Norristown Railroad Com pany, OCTOBER 13.1.60. The Annual Meeting of the stook and loan- holders will be held at the office of the company at the north east corner of NINTH and GREEN Streets, on MON DAY, the Rh day of November next, at 10% M. An election to choose Your Managers, to serve three years, will be held the same day. at the same place, un mediately after the close of the aforementioned meet ing, and to close at 2 P.M. W. S. WILSON, null mwf-tuoa • Secretary. M. OFFICE OF THE GIRARD F. AND 51 . INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 416 WALNUT The Board of Threaten have declared a semi formal Dividend of Four Boilers per share on the capital stook of the Company, payable on and after thefirst day of November. A. N. GILIA.TT. Oct. 15, 1880anwf15t Treasurer. IT'• THE PHILADELPHIA BANK. OCTOBER 13, 18n0.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockhold er's of this Bank, will be hold on TO ttBDAY, the sixth day of November neat, at the Banking Rouse, at 12 o'clock, M.' and the Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Banking Rouse, on MONDAY. the 10th day of November next, between the houte f ten o'clook A. M. and two o'clock I'. M. oolti-auhtule 13. D. COhIEOYB, Cashier. giTSOUTHWARK BANK. PHILADEL PHIA, October 9, 1860.—The annual eleotion for EITORd will be hold at the Banking Bonne on MONDAY, the 18th day of ItOVEMBh:ft NEXT. be tween the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'oloolc D. M. The annual 'meeting of STOCKIIOI.DEES will be held at the eame_plaoe on TUESDAY, the 6th day of NOVEMBER NEXT, at 12 o'clock Al. oall dtnol9 F. V. STEEL, Cashier. FARMERS , AND BIEVIIANICS' BANK, l'into.nELmita, October 6, MO. he ual Eleotlon for Direotors will be hold at the Banking-Rouse, on MONDAY. the nineteenth day of November next, between the hours of 9 o'olook A. N. and o olnok P. M., and on TOEBDAY.the sixth day of November next, a general meeting of the Stookho,ders will be held at the Banking-House, at t o'olo.k I'. AL, agreeably to the charter. - ...i .... .c4aytnela W. RUSHTON, dn., Cashier. BANCROFT LITERARY UNION. REMEMBER: FAIL NO t` TO HEAR HIM! enlightful Looture on the " TWO HIMIBOLDIE," Dy the talented Historian. and Eloquent Orator, SABI,. M. SMUCKER. LL. D. Musical Fund Hall, FRIDAY hymns. October 19. Tickets only 2.1 Cents. For nate at the .Flincipal Stores, and at the door on the evening. Fice-gt`amwsmwf . . CIT 1' cO:IIMISSIONERS , OFFICE. rnicsniumnirf. Oct. 11, 1860. p er BOARD OF APPEALS will sit upon the fol lowing days,.to hear Appeals of Property Owners, to wit : First and Second Wards. Monday, October 15. Third and Fourth Wards Tuesday, October 16. 'tith and Sixth Wards, Wednesday, October 17. Seventh and Eighth Wards. Thursday, October 18. Ninth and Tenth Wards. Fri day, October 19. Eleventh and Twelfth Wards, Monda y), October 22. Thirteenth and Fourteenth W ards, ruesday, Octo ber 13. Fifteenth and Sixteenth Wards, Wednesday, Onto. bar U. Seventeenth and Eighteenth Wards, ,Thursday, Oc tober 25. Nineteenth and Twentieth Wards, Friday, Octo ber W. Twenty-first and Twenty-second Wards, - Monday, October 29. Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, Teeeday, October 30. EDWARD R. WILLIAMS, (MAMAS M, MEAL. JOUR A. xi ovum tiN, orl3 130 City Commissioners. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE LECTURES. —The Course of Lectures before the Institute Pts:s commenee on MONDAY EVENING, the 11th instant. at 7g o'clock. and be continued nn MON DAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY EVENING, for twenty weeks. The That Course, of ten yreeke, will ooneiat of—Mon day Evening—On Chemistry, by Professor B. 11. Rand. Wednesday Evening—On Electricity, by Professor J F. Frazer. Friday Eyenin—On the Anatomy of the lionises, by Profs: arrangem entbreollt. The for the second Course will be pub. hated in due tune. blaoh membor of the Institute, on paying his annual contribution, and each life member will receive a sea. son ticket for himself and a lady ; Ito will also receive season tickets for Ilia childron, Wards. and apprentices, under 21 years of ago, on the payment of one dollar for each minor. 4 . 07;1A aj MC2liberShiP —Annual contributions 83, or life membership 132.5, with an edition'sl charge& one dollar the fiat year for a certificate of membership. UentleMen wishing to become members will please apply MARKaII of the Institute, in SEVENTH attract. below ET, to oce-64 WILLIAM HAMILTON. Actuary. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA US AND READING RAILROAD OOMPANY. acti, J O. The holder. of the bonds of this Company c , due ul M y MOO, can now receive, upon application at this offire.lo per cent. in omen, upon the term. specified in the circu lar attached. The holders are also entitled to the benefit of a Sink ing. Fund of 0140,01 p per annum, as established by the stockholders at their annual meeting. held January 9. 1860, and in purscance of the contract, entered into by he company and duly reoorded, to carry the same into treat, S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. CIRCULAR. .stirs CO the Holders of .Philadelphfa end Beading Railroad Company Afortengs Bonds, due July 1, Imo, These bonds are secured by the first mortgagee on the road, amounting in the aggregate to es,m,too. The net revenuo for the last firmer year was nix times the &mount of the annual interest on these bonds. The managers propose to extend them fora paned of twenty years, the holders retaining the bonds and the security of the mortgagee in the precise condition In which they are now held. Fresh sheets of coupons for the interest, payable lutif,yearly, will be issued. A bonus of 10 ~eer cent. will, be given to the holders, in consideration of their tweenting to the extension. Tins bonus will be paid in each to the bearers of the bonde, on their signing a receipt and presenting their respeo- Live bonds at the office 01 the OUMUShY, or to its agent., for endoreement. Forme of receipt end endorsement wilt be furnished OR aPPILOILtion, By order of t he Board of Managers, sir-tf W. B.MoILIIENDIV. Beeretarr. NEW PUBLICATIONS. LEIDY'S ANATOMY. WITH. 392 ILLUSTRATIONS. Received this try. and for sails by LINDSAY & MAKISTON, Publishers, Booksellers, and Importers. 25 South SIXTH Street, above C. nESTN UT. L DSAY & ELSTON PUBLIsH MEWS' FRAC lICAL .THEATISE DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 9d edition. OANEAU'S TEXT-BOOK OF MIDWIFERY. 2d edition. HEADLAND'S ACTION OF MEDICINES. 3d edi tion. PAGET'S SURGICAL PATHOLOGY. 2d edition. AIHNDENHALL'ShIANUALOF,EXAMINATIONS. 6th edition. TANNER. ON INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD, and other valuable hledleal Book.. 'I hey also have on hand a complete assortment of MEDICAL Thx 1-BOOKS, which they will sell at low prices. • 0013-tf SIIOIDINOT AND FURY BIOURA- P-7 PHIES of Tho President of the United States. Tne Governer-General of Canada. Albert. Ki Consort of Etleland. CORNWALLRINC OF WALES AND DUKE OF los aneestors, the tieorges of Englane. The Guelph Family, as well es of all the Noted men hand women) of the century, appear in APPLETON'S NEW AAIERIOA_N CYCLOPEDIA, Now publiahine, inquarterly volumes. at 83 each. JOHN 111OPA KLAN, 33 South SIXTH St., Agent for Pennsylvania and Delaware. Agent, also, for these Statom °moot Philadelphia, Pittsburg, and Wilmlnettm. for Putnam'a new issue of Wanhinaton Irving's Werke, Moldy. Illustrated, in manthly.volumes, at q 1.60 etch. to be 111 21. oubaaribere to THIS /WEN OY have TWENTY PER CE ok DIT. DISCOUNT on all B 0 00 ts extent nubsorintl 08-t on Bos. f G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK STORE, ‘-• • NO. 439 CHESTNUT Street. BUY got books AT EVANS', i W at h u e r r: ; Yx d oan get books in every department of BUG BEAR. IN MIND that bookies getting your book at the lowest retail prom, A GIST. Worth from to cents toTHAT $:110 MICOMPan inn each Book. ALL THE NEM BOOKS AS SOON AS PUB LISHED. Call Si, end ono trial will assure you that tho best Place in the city to buy books, is at G. G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT. 008-tf No. 4 39 ClitglaTNOT Street. BOOK BUYERS.--Gentlemen: I have taken the Basement of the Philadelphia Bank, 410 CHEW/NUT Street, whore 1 will continue to buy and sell (ile I have heretofore done at the Custom house Avenue Book-stand) old and new Law and Mis cellaneous Books. I have for sale upwards of 100 old black-letter Books printed prior to the year 1499. Also, a copy of Erasmus on the New Testament, a vols., 4.t0, printed in 1648. Price e3O. I will also deal in Engravings and Autographs. Perfume at a distanoe wishing to sell Books, will describe their names, dates, sizes, bindings , conditions and prices. Pamphlet Lawn of Pennayl= vania, and Books upon America wanted. JOHN CAMPBELL. ()ST —On THURSDAY AFTERNOON, - 14 -- 4 °mall GOLD OHAlN.with ahead attaelied. The finder will ho liberally rewarded by returning It to No. A IS South FIFTEENTH Street. THE PRINCE OP WALES WOULD . 0 - (if time had permitted) have gone to RBI MF,R , 4I Gallery, 1v0:m.615 and Oh North SECOND Street, far life-size Photograph in 011. IL, K EROSENE OIL.-100 , bbls., 50 half ,bbla. Ken:wine' Oil made under the EneliehTs tlnt Funerior to the Coal Oil in were( use. For hale 1 , . nowL.by, AstILIVALIBR, er., CO. No. 16 South wharves. raiD ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS UP TO IT, O'CLOCK LAST MOUT GIRARD HOUSE—Ninth and Chestnut Welke, Jan P Bonny, Wllm, Del Wm II Page, Pinta A. Brown & la. Georgia H L McDonald. Laneast'r N Loakart, Lancaster A C Jackson, Columbia R F Dickerson. W'rospott J Watt, Pennsylvania Mime Watt, Pennsylvania 8 ireoddon, Riohmond, Va John Gilliland, Alabama Mrs Gilliland, Alabama Miss Gilliland & sin. Ala t , E Gittinge, Baltimore W W Williams, Vymnport RS Hama & wf ,N York Miss Harris. New York Mine Cook, mew York Miss Watt, New Orleans Mice It Watt, New Orlea's Mr Dyer & la. Roston win L Shepard, N York Wm M Weed & wf, N York Miss Weed, New York Miss Newkirk, New York H. Howland &wf N York .1 B Carson, 8t Louis 8 H Aldridge. Jr. Perla Mendelasolm, Mies E W Losille, Now York J H MoColum, Columbus, 0 W McDonald, Ohio Mr & Mrs Gamble. N York Mhos Gamble. Troy, N Y J II Barrett. 8 Carolina Mime Damn, 8 Carolina Win Neliall, N Carolina It Newcomb. Now York David H Waller, N Jersey .1 {Valtertma & wf. Balt Ii Herring, _Baltimore Curtin. Centre no, Pa 8 W Pettis , Meadville W Ma Donald Ohio F ' , steel°. Mississippi 8 Imo, New York .1 Isaac, New York T R Roberts wf son da, NC Mr John Watt. N Orleans Mrs Hobbs, 2oh & nu, N 0 M. a Watt, New Grimm Androw Watt, N Orleans John Jameson. New York John A Stoddard, N Y 1 H Cummins & fain, Dol NI Martin, Lancaster, Pa B Alexander, New York C E Parsons, w& o. N Y • Mr & Mre Gignilliat, Ga Wm G. Gigallliat, Georgia It M Gamble, Michigan F Eckstein. Cincinnati John It Murray. Missouri N H Ormber,Sweet borings R McCarty, riweet epr'gs J H Bartlett. Columbia 8C N Johnson. Wsnlungton Mr & Mrs Vincent. Ohio Miss Vincent. Ohio F G Makin, Arkansan hdwin Pilkinton. Virginia James Smith, Daman, N Y Willie Wilson, Phila Jon W MoDurmitt, Md Philadolphia Win Reed, New York Jas Malone, New York Rawl Sprouts Bonnsifon, Philadelphia S Mame& io,New York Miss Adam, New York Geo C Whiting, Wash Aiex you ng , El i a t u s in t a, w C Woodmen, Illinois J Moore, Wash, lima I" It Green, Princoton. Ind J W Ferguson Rw. N Y Miss Craig, Now York J Griffith wf & oh, Otto 13 011TINENTAL HOTEL—Car, Ninth and Chestnut. D B Kershaw, Philadelphia. 11 .1 . Roberts,. Pennsylvania T J Worsham, ounesseo W Lawton, Bost , m Mr Davis. Pow York Jos W Spencer, Pittsburg A 8 8011. Pittsburg D E McCormick, Pittsburg It 8 Monett, Madison, Ind Wll Smith, Kentucky 01 , Morgan. Fort Wayne Jno ()pavan. M V,& la, N,Y W B tyouttiworth A. la, farm bliss troathworth, Mass W H Goldthwinto, Alalia'a Mrs Gokithwaite. Alabama E Spaulding & la. Boston 1) 0 Plainer, Boston W F Bufor(' Jr & wt. Ky W Mulligan, 8t Lena) 'l4 F Poulterer, tit Louis W Poulterer & w, fit Louis W Roberts. Chicago T Y Wierman, Harrisburg Or Gibson. It ohmund, Va HWorthington, N C 0 8 hlausor. Baltimore Peter Ihrio & wf, Eaaton Miss Ihne, Easton 0 W Goldthwait, Br, Ala J E Bary ft' la, Virginia Miss Bury, Virginia Miss Ahren. Virginia Miss Huger, Slim Carolina Frank Huger, U 8 Army 'r It Caldwell. N Carolina Mies Mary N Caldwell, lY C M II /Sanford & la. N York It T Bacon, Boston James V limner & la, N 0 Chas C Doherty, 011,0 MI) Ogden & la, Chicago Mime M H Ogden, Chi ago Mies Jtilla Cutter, Chicago 0 Butterfield, Chicago T M Mathews & la, Ala B 0 Mathews. Alabama Mies Mathews. Alabama A Samson & la, Boston M IBC stinninger, St Prinq Mrs W Lowton. Boston John I) Bailey. Pittsburg John A Poor tc w. Portland Julius Sherwood & w, Pa W Boyles• Mobile T 0 Budd. Charleston Mrs Budd & 4 all. Charleston Miss M. Cliudd,CliarlestOn John C hlorram. New York l ance Anneeiey. Albany Mr Man, Philadolphia 8 B Marsh er. wf, Boston N Merritt, New York J at Hart, Oswego Mr Lyons, Louisiana Mice Lyons, Louisiana Mies C A Lyons. Louisiana 1) E Jones, Maine B Coleman, Niagara Falls Richard K Cross, N Jersey Lllommedien tr. wf, Cin,o F Watkins, Atlanta, Ga. G N A MoLondor. Atlanta, s, J K Parker. Connecticut Nl3 Hart, ). harl , ston. 8 C C V thlevel, New York .1 Y. Howie. Baltimore Goo P Walard, Baltimore J W Sachnria, New Orleans B Id Rolla, rand - gra B Thompson. England W K Biggins, Lex, Ky John Lex Ky It T Compton & wf. N Y W H Lam bson, Delaware LI" Merin, New York /no 21 Dawson, Pittsburg .1 W Patton. Pittsburg It I Button, Jr, Riolim'd,Va Sampson Jones, Rusted.Va It F Carter, Ireland It 8 Hipkins. Virginia A Kirkpatrick &M. Pi ttsb N A Wheelwright, Boston Thom W Baxter. Chicago 0 N Tumor B Bigelow, Boston L K ransbern, Boston N Davidson. Washington Capt Lee, Washington M re Ellis, Washington Win Vernon, Jr, PI York Jot Poseyillavre do-Grace .1 II harbino. Dayton, () 813 Motzger, Wash, .1) C JCL Honry, , Boston MERCHANT/3' HOTEL—Fourth street. below Arch, G M Conover, Philada E T F.ah, Marone°, Pa J Hook & da, Wayneshorg .1 C Wallace, Penna. 8.1 Craighead & la, Peoria 1) Patteison, Kittanning J Hiteshew, York Swinge J Elliott, Fauna A Bibinsalea, York Springs A W Haines, Philadelphia. J heron & fa t Poona C Hemming, Clinton, Fit G Blythe, New Jersey W 11 Butler, M. Chnnk A Nimmo, New York 'l' Morns, New York o T Davis, Charleston H Gilford. Syracuse J Jenkins, Virsist Chester Hlt Lindsey, Penna Mather. Ohio H. Crane, Ohio J McElroy, Ohio .1 E G.Rn, Coßtieville, Pa AMERICAN HOTEL--Chentnut street. abovo Fifth. M Sams, Augusta, Ca W H Phyla 'rhos 8 Camp, New Jeremy 0 J Robbins. New Jersey. Jos Noblit, Philadelphia R E Cooper, Missouri Miss M L Cooper, hltseouri Win 1) Hogan. Parma F Stewart, Patina Rowland. McKeesport B Dicks. Dayton. Ohio olt Manley. Chicago W II Brown, New York J p Pierson, Baltimore C F Perlons,_Erie, Pcnna T Harvey, Pennsylvania C W Pettit, Wash, L C C Tomlinson. North Car Jordan,lsorth Carolina C d Wean, St Louis T 1. Riourd & PI, Del H C Wilson, North Car M Emanuel k la, Maryland bliss Emanuel, Mars land Dr J 8 C Howland. Aid ST, LOUIS HOTEL—Chestout at., above Third. II Smith, Norfolk, Va .1 H Hutchison, New York 0 S Amen an, Chicago J Stokes. Burlington no J Jacobs, St Louis L Abroaqueta, Havana Al Abrorquoia, Havana A Alireseueta, Havana H O Bullook, Louisville D A Chichester & lade Gee W Jones. Philadelphia .1 E Brown, Philadelphia H Henderson. New Castle B Morel. Philadelphia D F Merman, Boston J Thayer tc la. Memphis F A Auten, Trenton 0 II Conrad. Now Jersey J A Harris, Philadelphia J D cooks, Philadelphia H J Addiso & n, P New Jersey T Wilson, Piffled& Smith la, Jersey JON Ea' HOTEL—Chestnut street. above sixth. Albert B Dod, New Jersey Reagan, New Jersey Dr Geo el Upshurk. eon. hid I Mai slier, Chun g° CO Boades.Wilmingtn, NC Pea W ralbott & la, Balt Geo Walker, Boston L It Henry, Georgia Dr H D Arnold, Deorgia Dr IH Hammond, Del A Therkield, Ohio Jae C Adams, Usitimore John D Smallwood. N J P ,Franklln, N J Jesse James, Penney Ivarna THE UNION 110TP.L—Arol, street, above TM d. R W Stiles, Philadelphia C 8 Overholt, Ponna Jl, Shallenborger, Perna A 8 Overholt, Penns M O Tinelinan, Payette on L Edward, Ohio 11 F Crane, W Liberty, 0 M MeCormick, Altomm Ira thraney. Ohio W Enos, Perrysville, 0 J Skilee Huntingdon, Ind A N Seip Easton M Quigley. Pennsylvania Mrs A J Quieter, Perna R Snodgrass Philada J Thnmpeon. Ohio G P Augustine, Ohio J iil Barndollar, Fauna! STATES UNlON—Market grad, above Sixth. James Conner. Penneylea's W Ralston. Armstrong co R Ii Parker, Patterson, Pa John Weldy. 1' llnety, Pa Frank P Green. Bellefonte W Hardy. MoVeytown, Pe J. Frank, Limerick Wm Green,Pe nnsyl Yawn John Laird. kleCoysville J Patchen, Clearfield co W Green. Pennsylvania M Matthews. Penns H Hawkins, Pennsylva'a E Hawkins, r ormaylvania G 14111348t0n d, Bellefe'e Geo L Plitt, Pittsburg .1 Kirk. York, Pa Abase, A Kirk, York. Pa Wm Bentz et son. Carlisle C F Parkins, Erie. Pa James Conaly.Erie W Hoops. Chester co James T Lootiard.Cleartiold J C Loyde, Pittsburg H A Allen, New York C A Mestrzat. Greene en Wm H. Watt. Pittsburg James Rresten, Pittsburg George Arnold, Baltimore NATIONAL HOTEL—Mee street. above Third, G \Waco,. Vermont A Kelly, Darby. Vt C Avery. Pennsylvania 0 W Krampb, Wayne co J G Brown. Pottsville J Freese, Greenberg Booker, York county 0 Campbell, Montrose Quillmsn k wf, Plorrist'nW Keever. Norristown Miss C Wanst tier, Norrist'nJ Hummel & tart, ra Mrs t.oholly, Selinsgrove A R Long, Lamborn J Peters, Philadelphia 1' le Niaging, Reading .12 8 Flowage. Middleburg 1 email, Selinsgrove M Spaeth Beavertown NB f3oror, Ple:imigrove It gloat,. Snyder no 1) Wilson, Middleburg 1 . /White, Clinton no .1 B Slone & la, Colum oo Ludwig, Shrewsbury J Miller, Bunks 00, ra FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Second Arcot, above Market. John Haring, Now York Wm Livingston, Mdl H C Warning & In, N Jersey Miss 141,7 , 1 N Warning, N J John Cresleysion Mira 1.3 Ctesloy,Boston Hustontl H boarborn, ia Petrol,. glenton. N J .3 P Bortnlet, N JOISOY 6 13 Magill. Montg on E M Hubbard, Maryland A Johnson, Phiadtlphis H Benson. Delaware J no B Cooper. Beebe no 11 Wood, Now York W R'twlina & la. fa John Manlove, Delaware John 11 Johnoon. Virginia 11 Stover, Delaware J C Pennewell, Delaware .1 0 Bird, Delaware .1 U Smith, Delaware 11 Wren. Newark. N J W S Fredericks. N York Col A C Wynn. r.lnbama Mai .1 II i ale, Florida J Beam, Philadelphia Mark t; (Blomberg, Del COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth street, ab, Chestnut B a Undorwood, N London Josiah Dickson. Chester co 8.1 Bale, Rarford co, Md .1 Ford. Maryland H E Rai land, Lanoseter no E McCullough, Rowlandvs Jos T Kirk, Cheater no. Pa Wei Kirk;Chaster co W T Beal, Pennsylvania Morton Pennook.Delaware A Atwood, Chester co W Mintzer, Pottstown E W Gaming. New York Jos Gilmore, Chester co N De Brea. Doylestown Truman Coates. Lancaster .Tohil Trainer. Cli ester co John Duran. West (Mover .1 1) Barton. New York outs Blllnian, W Chester Wm Hobart, Pottstwn W D Roberti, Philadelphia BARLEY 811BAP HOTEL.—Becond at., below Vine' Jae MoKinstry, Bucks co J Smith, Bucks co W Watson. Bucks co W Davison, Cheltenham Sam' Groff, Cheltenham Jim tr Atkinson. Bucks uo R fa Crane. Now Jersey H Welton, Bucks co W l Rodgers. Bucks cu Band bolliday, New Boys D Blair, Bucks co 3ceso Comfort, Bucks co Joseph Bill. lioorgia J 1' Liverzoy, Fenno Jno Dlilwortli. New Dope L Comb , • Byberry W A I milk. Alabama r; A Savage, Alabama Coo 1. Allohin. Plurnixvilto R C Yeager, Pennsylvania S Reifsnyiler, Tennessee SIERCHANTS' J101.1813-11tird street, mb. Callowlntl. K F Steckel. Lehigh co II A A Ihrigta, Reeding Geo It Hale, Reading Thou G Rteßgol, Ponna Ait Swoyer, Towanda, I'a Weitzel. 'Wolin co. Pa, I evi Bookman, Sucks oo . 1 Trentont Sunit, Penneylvatna oung Pennsylvania J T (toldaborry t Pi Carolina G Tagert, Nona Carolina BLACK DEAR 110711:—Thitd et.. nth Callowhill. .1 Detwei Cr, Douglasville Al Ilinehinan, Philadelphia 11 , neliniau. Phila II Dorliest,Drexlertown,Pa Lewin Brute bash, Exeter Lewis Taylor, Bucks co I, Ball. Philadelphia 11 Ott. Chester an. Pa J Long, Lehigh co, Pa C Zoity, Flowertown, Pe, Ml. VERNON HOTEL—Sconnd street, ;O. Arch. S 51 Tato, Philadelphia A Sinclair, Trenton, N J Mrs A einclair, Trenton. NJ Jno Weldon A, do, N J J 1.) Rnlloo, l'eminilvanin. COVARTNERSHIP NOTICES. rhISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSIIII. .1L.7 —The Partnership heretofore existing' under the firm of SIMONS. COLEMAN & CO., Wagon Manufac turers. woe this day dissolved, by mutual consent. All Persnlis having &alms against the Into firm will present them to lloury Simons for payment., and thorn iruobted to tatid firm will 'flake pay meet to him. ti ENE Y SIMONS ROBERT M. COLEMAN, GEORGE F. COLEMAN. rlidatfolphin, Rept. 15. HENRYSIMONS will continuo the humpess at the old stand. and we obeerfully recommend and sehoit for him the patronage of the customers 01 the cid firm. ROBERT M. COLEM AN. ocl6 6t• G c.OllO el F. COLEMAN. TIISSOLIYYMN.—The Copartnership of GOOD & WHITE is this der dissolved, bT mu- Suet oone•nt. All persons indebted to the concern or havinu clime authori z ed ll plena. in.DWIN A. GOOD, who ia to Bottle t hey EDWIN A. GOOD, ALEXANDhIt 11. WHITE. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. H, INN. The business of this concern will be carried on. as heretofore, by 0012-tf EDWIN A. GOOD. M ARSEILLES MADEIRA.—UB9 casks of ' , dominos Madeira, in quarto:a and octavos, of " Valetta" and " Grousset " brands, in custom house store. For ral A e by JURBTCHP. & CARSTAIdS. oop-ntwc.3t. Sitts and 2.04 South FRONT street, ' In jsopy SEIGNETTE BRANDY.—An VOICO to nrrtvo, For Rale by JAVRETO & OARSTAIRS, 0015.inwr 3t.. 202 and 204 L oath FRONT Stmt. LATOUR OlL—Always on hand and for sate, to arrive or fro in store, by JA1111.1:1111E k 041 RSTA Solo Agents for the Vetted Staten, oel6-towf-3t* 202 end 20 1 South FRONT Street.'] WHITE PRESBRVING BRANDY, • PURE OILER ♦ND WINE virrEanit, Green Ginger, Mustard Seed, Spices, to., to. All the requisites for Preserving end Pickling purposes A1:41411.1RT 0. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES. Cotner ELEVENTH and VINE Btroeta. FAMILY FLOUR, MADE FROM-CHOICE WHITE WHEAT, 0. H. - MATTSON. ARCH end TENTH streets. soli) TORAGE.—Storago,for merchandise of K. , all khki, and at low rata ,a at Kenaincton EOfOV9 peek, riU t , Loan North DELAwAnk; Ayenuo. aol3 RETAIL DRY GOODS. EYRE AND LANDELL, EYRE AND LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH. PROPER PLACE FOR SHAWLS. PROPER PLACE FOR CLOAKS. PROPER PLACE FOR SILKS. PROPER PLACE FOR MERINOES. PROPER PLACE FOR POPLINS. PROPER PLACE FOR DE LAINES. PROPER PLACE FOR CLOTHS. PROPER PLACE FOR LINENS. PROPER PLACE FOR NAPKINS. • PROPER PLACE FCR QUILTS. PROPER PLACE FOR BLANKETS. olB•mwatf CLOAK OPENING. GEORGE FRYER, No. 916 CHESTNUT STREET, 'W in opon CLOTH AND VELVET (MOANS, ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, In the usual ELEGANT STYLES 0011-tf Of this ENtablieltment FRENCH ULA.)AK. An assortment of GAY FRENCH STRIPE CLOAKS, Just imported. Tho richest goods of the season IVENS, No. 23 SOUTH NINTH Street CLOAKS.—The greatest bargains in the city at ].VETS'. CLOAKS.—The largest stook, the best ease' 'atent, the choicest colors, the finest qualdiee, the tenet superb trimminge, the newest styles, the best work, and deci dedly the lowest prices in the city, at IVENS', 23 South NINTH Stmt. osh3 im LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS. ZEPHYR WORSTED, BEST QUALITY. GILT IRIMMINGS AND BELTING& CROCHET FRINGES AND BERTHAS. EMBROIDERMD SLIPPERS AND CUSHIONS. EMBROIDERED CHAIR SEATS. WOOLLEN YARNS, ALL SIZES. ZEPHYR-KNIT TALMAS AND JACKETS. AEPHYR-KNIT SONTAOS AND SLEEVES. ZEPHYR-KNIT CAPS AND GAITERS. RAPSON'S TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE, Corner EIGHTH and CHERRY threats. oe9-0126 FRENCH POPLINS. A FEW CHOICE STYLES AT THE RIGHT PRICES. Lupin's French bTotinots, at the right prices. Figured Wool Detainee and Cashmeres. Valenome, Plaids, Figured Alpacas. Children's Detainee and Wool Plaids. BLACK DILE:6B GOODS. Auction Into French Mer Moos. 65 rants to Si. " Wool Detainee, 80 to 50 cents, " " 6-4 sublime mutiny. el 25 " Bombazines and Alpacas. Amellnes, Ft, d Alpacas, Rope. " " Bleak Silks, L obu • PERCO& COMA RD, 0015 Southeast one, NINTH and Al A BEEF. hIALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, of all the new shapes, ready made or MADE 'lO ORDER. First-ohm work at popular prices. Every garment guarrantied to fit and please. Cloths by the yard or piece. of just the right kinds for Ladies', Posses' and Soya' wear. COOPER and CONARD, 0015 Southeast nor. NINTIY and MARKET. CLOAKS.—The CITY CLOAK STORE, 142 North MGHTIL livery one Is talking of the great bargains and superior quality of the CLOAKS at the now CLOAK STORE, 142 North EIGHTH Street. CLoaßs.---1f you want the best value for your tummy, go to the Clty Cloak Store, 142 North EIGHTH Street, above Cherry. PLOAKS.—The CIIY CLOAK STORE, 'LI 142 North EIGHTH. to said to be tho boat and cheapest stare in the etty. oel3-1m FALL CLOAKS OPENING DAILY. TILE FINEST ASSORTMENT IN TILE CITY W. P. CAMPBELL'S, NO. 1194 CHESTNUT STREET CLOAKS. --A magn)ficent assortment of all the newest styles imported this season. with every new material, made tip and trimmed in the very hest manner, at prices that defy all competition, at the Paris Cloak Store, northeast corner of EIGHTH and WALNUT Streets 0013 lm BARGAINS IN DARK FANCY SILKS, SUPERIOR GOODS AT FIF CENTS. Purchased at the late Auction sales at on immense' sacrifice. A number of lota of DARK FANCY DRFSSSILKS, - - - at W. 56. 62 cents per yard CURWEN STODD ART & BROTHER, 4450, 452, and 451 N. SECOND Street. 0013.4 t above Willow VERY OHEAP MERINOS 811ARPLE89 BROTHERS Have reeoived !arra tote of FRENCH. MERINOS, (FUEL, WIDTH,) lit retail or by the Case, From 56 cents to el per yard. Bohm far below importation cad. AUTUMN AND WINTER SHAWLS, French Blanket, Rcoteh Blanket, Paisley, Vienna, Brooke. Girl's s h awls , Black 'pawls, Heavy Berlin. Small Checks, Frtends' Blanket, Cloth and Bilk. Bright new style stripes, Mons Travelling Shawls and Rugs. Silellt BLESS BROTH kit& 0ct134 corner CRESTAi UTand EIGHTH Streets. SUAWLS. Rundle and Chaim, Laine Shawl.. Long and eguare Blanket Shawle. Stella Shawls. all colors. Revereable Shawls. Plush ehawla. Mums' Shawls. all qualities. CHARLES ADAMS ARCH ooll4wwllf EIGHTH. and 810 CLOAKS —A large variety constantly on hand, also made to order in the most fashiona ble strles, at lower rates than any other establishment, and in one day's notioe. CHARLES ADAMS k SON, ocB mwftf EIGHTH. and ARCH Ste. LINEN GOODS of every description, in chiding shirting linens, Wile linens, towelings, napkins, doylies, linen collars, &n.. &n. CHAill,f , 8 ADAMS cieFilnwitr EIGHTH. andARCH Sta.' WE INVITE pat tieular attention to our v v stook of Dress Goods,whielt we sell at a small ad vance on cost of wocortatton. JOUVIN'S AND BA HAR S A B D DAM VE s oN, octi-inwftt BIGHT!' and ARCH Rte. E YRE & L ANDEL'', No 400 ARCH. Domonstratiou in Shawls. Long Brocho .bawls. S 6 to S3O. Dolterino ?laid Phowle. Argyle Plaid Scotch Shawls. Sehool 01 , 1 Long and Square Shawls. ocB mwf - FIORE & LANUELL, FOURTH AND ARCH. STREETS. Printed and Plain Illerinees. Richest and Gayest Selalues. Wool Detainee, from the Salo. Popline, Plain and Embroidered.. oce.nnei EXTENSIVE IMPROVE VENTS! THORNLEY & OHIBIII, N. E. Corner EIGHTH & SPRING GARDEN ate., Having enlarged their ptore. apd INCREASING THUD HTOCR. Now oder for invention oNr. OF Uhl BEST STOOKS OF GOODS in their lino in Philadelphia BOUGHT FOR CASH EXOLMVELY, And will be sold POSITIV.KLY CHEAP! Special attention invited to Bilks and Drees Gonda. Shawls and Oloaka. Clotne and Oaatainerem, Blankets and Flll3lllOlB. Linen Ucoda and Minding, Alarandles and other Quilts, Hosiery. Gloves. &0., Re. All Goode marked at the lowest prise. 8018 LEGAL. IN THE ORPIIANS' COURT FOR. THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of !VIGRA Met: ARTRY, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit aettle. and attain the account of !VARY T. AIcCaRTHY, adminimratrix of the estate of said decedent and to make distriburion of the balance in the hands of the ac countant, will meet the ;mates mtereated in' the pur pose of hue appointment, on THURSDAY, OeMbey Reth. at II A. M., at hie office. No, 109 North SIXTH Street, in the olty of Philadelphia. oaa•finwat LEWIR D. VAIL. Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE AL CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of SARAH .I.;ANCl3,deceaseil. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of Isaao Bowley, Kaeoutor of the Estate of the said decedent. and to wake distribu tion of the Balance in the hands of the pooountanti will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his eeeointinent, on AIONDAY, the 22i1 day of OGTOS ' ft, at 4 o'clock P. hi . at We Office, N0..32 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. JAMESovi. B. Dp. ocllsmulmat Auditor. LE TTERS TESTAMENTARY UPON 11 - 1 the Estate of AMY DIXON, lato of Bridgton. New Jersey, but formerly of Philadelphia, Peniisrive nia, widow . , having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to the said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having olanns to Present the name, without delay, to JAMES hIAUBB, Executor. No. 4 03 WALNUT Street, 001-m6l Or SARAH WESTCOTT, xeeutri x. NOTICE.—APPLIOATION HAS BEEN made to tho Auditor General of the State of Penn or Irania for the renewal of a Certificate of t'ennar Iva ma State Loan, per not of April 16, 1815, No. 1,760. for 51,44045, dated April 10, 1313. In name of Si ills C. Kennedy, the same having been lost or destroyed. 684 m3m . . . NOTICES. NOME. —An Instalment (being the I Third) of Ewe Dollare_per Share on the Capital Stook ot the 1.1....RMAN I:OWN PASSENGER RAIL WAY t O. 111 called, payable on or before NuVzINIREIL 6111 next. ooham WIII. SINGERLY, Pee. and Treat. 1U RS. SANDG REN, PROFESSIONAL ILENURSE. has opened &Boarding House at No 1011 Spruce street, for the epeotal accommodation of Invalid Ladies, and for those coming to Philadelphia to be Con fined, or for medical attendance, where they can have careful mirstng, good board, and all the comforts of home. Mrs. B. refers, by oerrnistion r to the following professional gentlemen; Professor C. D. Meiga, Caspar Waster, M. D., Pro'essor 8. D 610/38. L. Rodman, M. D.. Professor Joe. Panel:dist, Professor 8. Jachron. lasso Hays, M. It. A F. Penro , g , ILL D., Professor Hodge, H W. Norris hl. ".• J. F. Melts, M.D., Frofepor B. H.. Bwksun. uclpi WANTS. WANTED—A middle-aged, gabHbr, and intellireat men, to do light porprage. Address "Barker." office of this raper. ooze-3t.' WANTED—A situation - 1s a Salesman in 'a Cloth Untie.. hs hadseyeral years' exeo rienee. dedrese" W. B" this °thee. oola-et• PARTNER WANT] D —The advertiser has an established business, paying well, wishe s a partner to increase his capital. 0.60.1 required. Ad drere " Factory," Press 0530. 00/5-4t* BOOK-KEEPER, of long expvience in A- the Importing' and Commission business, and in the Dry-Roods Jobbing Business, in oven for an en sasmment. Reference to former employera in this oiry. Address " Accounts." this °tripe. 0015-3. L. INFORMATION WANTED—Of Henry nAz RL, who left New York about three reengage. since winch time he hoe not been heard from. ahould this meet. the ere of he father, Henry Bezel, or hie hrother-tn-law, George she ffly. who remde to or ablnt Pinladelphia,llhey will confer a favor on hie wife. Mar garet Hazel. by communicating With her at 419 Roose velt Street, New Yofk, care of oel6-3t TIMOTHY HURLEY. AGENTLEMaN OF EXTENSIVE COM maroial experience is eairous of a situation as Cashier or Book-keeper in a respectable corporate com p S a t i sfactoryntile house. reference given. Address "Box 3061% 0." mita -mwf3t* WANTED.—An ex perieneed Bookkeeper and Accountant. n good poninan, Whose limo is not fully occupied, would like to obtain writing of an/ description that Ge could do at home. Lawyers and others having more writing than they can attend to will find it to their advantage to avail thernsolves of his cervices. Address •• fiCRIVEN ER," office of The Press. oclo-4t* WANTED—A Situation as Apprentice to the Printing. or Saddle and Harness malting trade. finely to Mr. JOHN 'WHIST, of the taro of R. 'gel, Ihu rd. ic Co.. North THLRD Street, Philadel phia. oeB-12t, $5,00 0 T0 $lO,OOO . —A Partner, with this amount, and business abilities, in a lons•entablished coneern—safe, small risks, and steadily on the increase—will realize 81,6C0 to 82000 Per annum. Address, with name, "026 Yost Office." 0c13.20 FOR SALE AND TO LET. rr LET.—A desirable Store, located at nouthertat corner of FOURTH. and MARKET atraota • now vacant, anti to let. Apply at No. 605 CHESTNUT Street. pUBLIO SALE OF ONE OF THE BEST A. Farms and Flouring Mills In Eastern Pennsylva nia. on WEDNESDAY. October 17th. Apply to ISAAC n ()BEETS, Real Estate Agent, 233 South THIRD tribet, second story, or (kept to him at Norristown, Pennsylvania. 0013 3t," A. DESIRALE BUSINESS FOR SALg. AND STORE TO L.T. Inquire at No. 1113 North FRONT Street. 0012.30 FOR SALE-A BUSINESS NOW IN R- annulment operation in Boston, Port! tnd, New York. and recently eatablialted in this oily. A chance is now offered to establish the same in an adjacent city. Tho tinsineas is funnel' ; very remunerative and re liable ; requiring barman capital. and a rare onnorth n'YofroDraprUgranresn.tabpUptilyiners a burunei l mAin ii. 009 6t * No. 111334 North NINTH &t. TO 011 AIR AND U ii.BINET MAKEIIB. The Phcenix Wcod-Bending CompanT, owners of " Blanchard's Patent." for the States of New York, New Jersey , Pennsylvania and Maryland, will sell county, town, or WHIP rle hts. or grant licenses Co use, on easy tense This is the only patent. All infringers will bo iltrictly dealt with. Apply to JOHN 514 , e8Y. or C. A. BLIRDEM No. 34 BROADWAY. New York. cc4-dim !OR EXCEIANGE.-A CHOICE TRACT aimed unimproved farm land in the State of New Jersey, convenient to the city. will he exchanged for city property. Apply at No. .115 FEDERAL Street. se22•tf idFOR RALE OR TO RENT-The Handsome RESIDENCE, No. 1t , 36 DEL ANCEY Place; twenty-two feet front. Terms very mow Ap ply on the Premises. oel3-3t* dis LARD-OIL FAOTORY.—To rent, a LARD-OIL FACTORY with 32 Patent Lever Presses. with Plates, Bags, Tubs, Kettles, Tanks; all In complete order. Apo. to ROWLEY, AKFIBURNFR, & 004 No,lo bOUTH WIiaRVEB. AROII-STREET PROPERTY FOR vica. SALE.—The Store and Dwelling. No. 211 ARCH Street. Apply to ALLEN & SI67R. Real Estate Bro. Isere. office suuthe n nst comer o! FOURTEL and WAL NUT Streets, N 0.., second floor. oel2 6te MISSOURI. LAND 11 300,000 Acres for Sale, at prices ranging from DM to 50 con biter Aore, any quantities ?natured. TAXES paid, and PATENTS proeurAl for parolut me re of Land under the Graduation Act. Plate funnelled gratte by er:donna a PONtSge *Hung For further information apply to WILSON, RAWLINGS & CO., U.S. and General Land Agente, Gft CHESTNUT Street, Be-Wean THIRD end FOURTI f ST. LOM, KO. LAND WARRANTS bought, gold. and located. ocg 111 BOARDING. eIRST-OLASS BOARDING.—A Family or Single Gentlemen can be accommodated at 331 South EROAD [street. oul3 BOARDING.—Three choice communica tins ROOMH. on the first floor. which may be had together or separately, will be vacant on the 16th of October, at MRS. LEVELY'S, No 1216 CHESTNUT Street. soll-112t* EDUCA.TIONAL. PRIVATE TUITION.—A Recent Gradu ate of Harvard College, htassachusetts, now pur suing. his professional studies, wishes to take one or two Pupils to prepare for College, or to Instruct in English Studies. References: Semen Walker, D D.. and C. C. Felton, LL.D., Cambridge, Mass.; Wm. IL Fut ness, D.D., and Charles IShort,. has., Philadelph‘a. Add r ess, " h.. F.,' Box Me Poet Office. or,ls.olwfat IigSURANCE COMPANIES. THE MUTUAL LIFE Ir.SIMANCE QOM FANY OF NEW YORK. AsaMs: • MX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, DIVESTED I WOR • THMVERBS3 ON OROOEAL ESTATII The DrettliUM are LOWER than in many other Comps nies, and the Dividends have been GREATER, This is a strictly MUTUAL Company. There nre no Stockholders, so that ALL THE PROFITS BELONG TO TEE INSURED. Pamphlets, and every information, may be had GRATIS. on application (2. F.A'LEIFORD STARR, Agent. B. W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Thomas Robins, John Welsh, Mordecai L. Dawson, ' Geor g e H. Stuart, George M. Stroud, E. S. Wile en, John B. Myers, J. Fisher Looming, Joseph Patterson, William C. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, Arthur G. coffin, Thomas H. Powers, George W. Tolano, Witham McKee, Thos. Walloon. n 23 Iy.ll "VANE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO 406 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA, INCORPORATED APRIL 1856. BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RIMS DIRECTORS• Samuel Wright, D. B. Rimer, Wm. W. Wafters, J. W. }Wore - Inn, Chu. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., Geo. A. West., Jaoob W. Stoat" 0. Wilson Davis, Mcnko Stern. Thos. B. Munn. GEORGE W. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice Preet. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHAR D. Secretary. Han , ift SAVING UN DS . " A little, bet often, tills the Purse." CIBANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. _a. - 136 South FOURTH Street, between Chest nut and Walnut, Philadelphia, MO all Daeosita on demand. Depositors!' money secured by Government, State, and City Loans. Dround Rents, Mort "e, k°. This Company deems safety better than large profits, consequently will run no risk with depo sitors money, but have it at all times ready to return. with 5 per cent. interest, to the owner, as they have alwayx done. This Commune never sue Fe l :11 ' 11 1 g: married or single and Minors, can deposit in their own right, nudsuoli depoints can, be withdrawn ONLY b their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by.the State ofPennsylvania, with anthoritr to remise money item trysteee and executor& LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Ofiloe open daily, from to ft o'clock, and en Wednesday evening' until 3 o'clock. DIRE: 0D Jacob B. Shannon, Cyrus Cadwallader. John Shindler, George Russell, Malachi W. Sloan, Edward T. Hyatt. Law's Krumbhaar. Henry Delany. Nicholas Etuenhoture, Nathan Smedley, Jae. H. Satlerthweite, Jones Yerkee, JAGWh W. Lipvinoott. N B. SHANNON. Preeident. C=ars CADWALLADOX,Wrea4XTer. nr>g-y " A Dollar caved Jo' taloa earned." K- SAVING} FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN TER ur,—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM. CAN Y, WALNUT Street. eouthwest corner of THIRD. Philadelphia. incorporated by the Mato of Peorayl• Tama. moneyot received in Way NUM. large or email, and in terest mud from the day of dwelt to the day of with drawal. The effiea to open every day (rem nine o'olook in the morning till five o clook In the evening. and on Monday and Thareday evenings oight o oloov. lion. HENRY L. BENNER, Prelident, ROBERT SELFILIDOE , Vice Preendenl, Yirturatt J. MIND, r1301et417. _ DIMICTOAF Olen. Beery L. Benner, V.l.F,nrroll Brewster. Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barr ttobert Selfridge, Francis Lae, Samuel K. As titan, Joseph Yorker, C. Landreth Manna, James L. Stephenson. Money ;a received and payments made daily. The investments are made, in conformity with the nrovicona of the Charter. in Baal Estate lifortgages, (Orounil Rents, and ouch lire-class reourities m al ways maute nascent 140011r1t7 to the depositors, and which onunot fail to give permaneney and stability to this Institution. SAVING FUND-UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CEIEB7- NUT Street. Large and small emus received : and Dahl book on_de RESTwithout notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTIs REST Hon? the day of deposit to the day of WRl drawal. Office hours, from 9 until 5 o'olook every day, and 09 MONDAY EVENINCS from? until 9 o'olook. DRAFTS for rale on Borland, Ireland, d ;oatlnt from „fl upwards. President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD, Treawer—JAM Ell R. RUNNER , PLINY FINK. /town,. sal? A INIERIOAN SAVING FUND. -Qom pan7le Buildiß,troutheuet corner WALNUT and 1011RTII Streets. Open daily from 9 hill 6 o'clock, and on MONDAY tillBcn the 0115111 Mg. Old Inetaulion ban always mu i d n full, on demand, without notice. LNTEREUT FIVE PER CENT. All gums paid bank, on demand L in cold audeliver. T RUSTEII, _ - S. RT HIL LD IN , Preeident. SAME. WORK, Vice Provident, John C. Farm, T. E. Haner, Coerce Nugent. John Aneraoh, Jrn Sam]. T. Bodine. AM. ußoberts. John Allman, donne Bowman, H. H. Eldridge, Wm. J. Howard. JOHN S. WILSON ,Treasurer. /Olin C. 81M8. Secretary. aulLim SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, Mae, 331 North THIRD Street, between Vine and CaHewitt% Incorporated by the Loginlatare April 14th, 1361. Open for Deposits and Payments, daily, front 9to 234 o'olrmk. Also, on bIONDAY and I'ILUItBDAY EVENINGS, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Interest. 6 per cont. per annum. Depositors otio with draw their Moneys by Cheeks, if desired. Special De newts received. JAMES S. PRINGLE, President, ruinous WARW. Netnrettarw aOO-tr BUTLER HOUSE, No. IN SOUTH SIXTH. Street, Opposite Independence square. Conducted on the European plan. Accessible at all hours. seta-Sin A. R. LUKENS, Proprietor. CiIICKEN SALAD.—The undersigned ',mild inform his oustentora that he has onm meno cd niaktng hie uelebrated 011 IC it EN di\ Af). and to pv , p4ted to 5011 , 0 it at an hours. J. W. PRICK. coin 31, Corner FOURTII and CIiEfiTNUT Sta. STBREOSco,pEs AND STEREOSCOPIC) VIEWS.—AIso, Seminoles. Eve-glasses. Seem glasses. Moroseopes, and all kilid of Optical and blathe malleal Instruments. at M.. 1, FRANKLIN'S, Optician, 113 a. FOORTR pont, below Cneatnut. AMUSEMENTS. tiTALNUT-STREET MEAUX. • - Tr v Bole Lame -- Rt. a. G mursT. T. Btasa Manager --Mr. WM. CH7OIII . Ovinaaaa JoB,o_. MUSS . VIM (MONDAY) RVENIaltd. IRBLAND AS IT WAS. R a -ed Pat........• • Barney Williams. cf° y 0 Tr0t....-.PRINCE . DOLO .M RO III 3 . (i.y William,. Barm Prince Dolorosa . • • • •BILa. BitrileY TEE IRISH TIGER. p a dd y Ry an ...—, Barney W WiTarm. Doors open et - icuarter to 7 n cloak ; yarrommisom commence at 71i o'clock. /117 - Prima aa usual. WHEATLEY & CLARKS'S AROH•ST. THEATRE. Tit E G REAT COMBINATION! THE ROYALIST: THE ROYALIST: and THE DIFRCHAN MERCHANT itLERKS THE AND HIS CLERKS! Is now attracting immense °yards, And will he ciontinoed EVERY EVENING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Tee curtain Uses on the Royalist at ttf. CONCERT HALL. There is one fact Which cannot be contradicted : that PROFESSOR ANDERSOEN AGE. IS TEE WONDER OF TR Neither the GUBERNATORI AL ELECTION Nor the . . _ ROYAL EXCITEMENT has affected the Wizard's audiences. Every irreales during the exciting week the Hall has been crowded by the ELITE. BEAUTY, AND FASHION or PHILADELPHIA. This proves that Professor Anderson's ' ALMJICAL ENTSRTAINCISNT - is admired, appreciated and patronised by the citizens of r hiLadelphia, who nightly honor turn with their pre sence. The public, with one voice, pronounoe PLotessor DEltSuti'a entertainment to have no _ MA- TO ME PUBLIC. "WC Professor ar..uEßSOtill stay in Philadelphia is now limited to a brief period. On m 0 .1) AY. lath October, 1860, and every evening during the week, Professor AriDEß.eocl will appear in his " PSYCHOMANTEUM." and perform all his astounding wonders, forming " A NIGHT IN Tim WONDER-WORLD." New and startling wonders every evening. LOBE, NO TIME I " Stand not on the order of coming. but come at once." EVERY EVENING, AT 8 O'CLOCK__, SATURDAY AI , TE,RNOONS AT 2 O'CLOCK. Price of admission to the body of the Ifell,so cants, Balcony, 25 cants. (1 C ONTINENTAL (Late National.) WALNUT Street. above Edghik. MONDAY EVENING, October 111, EIGHTH WEEK AND P men T o VEG Y LAST SIX NIGHTS OP THE SEASON OP CARNONOSS AND SHARPLEY'S MINSTRELS. Change of Programme every night. Success unparalleled. They respectfully announce SIX PARKWELL pesponmeNcgs. " Six cistinot changes of Programmes." "Otte nightly." Introducing all the Troupe. Pitst n•i g BLACKRICH ARD squ. THIRD." harploy Richard. Lower .as ..................Richmond. And a great cast. Doors open at 63. it commence atri. Tickets. 25 cents. 111VDONOTJGB'S OLYMPIC (Late GAIL .LL.- TIES.) RACE Street. below Third. HUNDNEDS TURNED AWAY ON SATURDAY NIGHT. SECOND WEEK of the great Moral Drama of UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. The beautiful CORDELLA HOWARD es the." Gentle Eva," assisted by her parents. Mrs, G. C. H0W.,,R0 " ToPag." in which character she stands unrivalled. Mr. C. 'HOWARD as "St . Claw." the neat Origi nal. .1. E. Mc DONOUGIT as " Faineant Flea:sitar." Uncle Tom'e Cabin every evening this week, and on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Price of admission. lb cents; Family Circle, 15 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock ; to commonest at 7ii o'clock. SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE. ELEVENTH STRBET• OPEN FOR THE SEASON. NEWLY DECORATED AND PAINTED. MR. SANFORD Has secured one of the LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented heretofore, who will appear nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doors open at 7; Commence at 734. Admittance 25 cents. Children 13 cents. sel7-1m C ARL WOLFSOIIN AND THEODORE THOMAS'S SERIES OF SIX CLASSICAL SOI REES, at the FOYER of the ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Subscrintoe will be received at the Music Stores of a. Andre tr. C0 , ,110t Cheatnut street; Lee tr. Welker. 122 Chestnut street; Beck ic Lawton, Seventh and Chestnut streets ; and Th. A. Schmidt, Juniper end Chestnut areas, where the programmes and maim laze can ha eren etlb DENNA. ACIADEMY OF THZ ARTS.-1025 CHESTNUT Street. Containing a large collection of Painting, and Bevia ture, is now open daily from I A. M. till f P. M. Ad mimo on ib eta ; children =tang Team 11 cent. Ire-1,1 SALES BY AUCTION. PAPER HANGINGS AT AUCTION, HART, INIONTGOUERY, & CO., No. 322 CHESTNUT Street. Will close out the balance of their large Stock of PAPERS, BORDERS. DECORATIONS, AT AUCTION, On TUESDAY. OCTOBER leth. Great bargaina MST he had. The DESKS. SCREENS. SHELVING, and FIXTURES of the Store Will be 'obi at the same time. oela-Ittf• IkIEPICINAL. J 0 R. STAFFORD'S OLIVE TAR. WHEN OLIVE TAR 13 INHALED its healing Balsamic odors are brought in contact elith the lining membrane of the THROAT, BRONCHIAL TUBES. AND ALL THE AIR•CSLLS OF ME LUXOR. relieving at once any pain or oppression, and healing any irntarion or inflemation. WHEN OLIVE TAR IS TAKEN UPON Btrogg, It forms 34 unequalled Soothing and Healing Syrup for Coughs sad all Throat diseases. WHEN OLIVE TAR IS APPLIED, its Magnate or OCR oentrated curative powers render it a most speedy PAIN ANNIHILATOR. Wive Tar is not sticky--dou not discolor. Fifty cents a bottle, at 442 BROADWAY, N. Ir.. and by all Druggists. J. R. STAFFORD'S IRON AND SULPHUR POWDERS are a coluhle preparation of Iron and Sulphur. identical with that existing in the blood of a perfectly healthy person. Uni!ing with the digested food, THEY REVITALIZE AND PURIFY THIS BLOOD. THEY IMPART ENERGY TO THE NEIVOOC STATEN. THEY INVIGORATE THE LIVER. THEY STRENGTHEN THE DIGESTION. THEY REGULATE THE SECRETIONS OF THE DODY• AND ARE A SPECIFIC FOR ALL FEMALE WEAKNESSES PRICE, ONE DOLLAR A PACKAGE. At 442 BROADWAY, New York, and all Druggieta PAMPHLET CONTAINING TEATIAIONIALS /ROM TUN following and more than 100 other well-known promi nent poraons, wilt be sent to any address,frte by mail. GEo. LAW, Esq., Fifth avenue, New York. ism so:I DRAPER, Esq., Ranker, New York. TIIURLOW WEED, Kan., Albany. N. Gen. Goer GREEN, Washington, D.C. Col. SAMUEL COLT, Hartford. Conn. Col. Crum. Mar, 11.8 A. Rev. JOSHUA LEATITT, Ed. Independent, New York. Rev. E. BRIGHT, Ed. Examine. , New York. Rev. D. W. CRONA, Agt. Am. Bible Union, N. 11%; Rev. 0. P. A. STINNING. Butternntta, N.Y. Rev. Dr. LEONARD, Exeter. N. 11. SEND FOR A PAMPHLET Sold by all Druggists. DYOTT & CO., No. 2.32 North SECOND Street, Agents for Pennsylvania. 10224 m ASHMA For the INSTANT RILLINF and PEI- I MANENT CURE of this distressing eon- Plaint, m FEND T'B BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, MAO by C. B. !SEYMOUR h. CO., 455 BROAD WAY, Nam York. Prioe in per box ; sent free by poet lar7-em in FOR RALE AT ALL DRUGOIRTIF. SPECIALTY FOR LADIES. - TRUSS AND BRACE DEPA RTM BUT conducted by com petent Ladies. Entrance on T WELPT.II 'Street, first door below Race. A lull line of Meohenical Berne- Moe. tight and elegant in construction. specialist adapted to Ladies' use. C. H. NEEDLFI3. Proprietor. B. W. corner TWEL,PTII and RACE Btreets. Philadelphia. SZir Entrance to C.. 11. N.'s Room, for gentlemen, et the corner. A WONDERFUL AND NEVER - rilittaMs REMEDY FOR DISEAI3EB OF THE F . PRO.ESSOR AIORRIIV EUCEPIIALOS, AN EXTERNAL. REMLiDY, Prepared by MOE:RIDGE & CO., Pro. 62 North FOth Ftreet. %Er And retrial(' by Druggints generally. selt-3mif I-l ART'S DIGESTIVE.—To invigorate the digestive organs.—Toone who profess to take no modloine use it for its strengthening an§itties. Cold by W. G. b 01.1639 N, Northeast corner of TENTH and ARCH. and other Druggists. oca-18t. FURS. LADIES' FANCY FURS !—F A NC Y FURS !—FaREIRA, at his New, One-price La dies' Fancy Fur store, 718 ARCH street balow i EICHTIi, has now in store, of his own mpeding and manufacturing, the most complete assortment of Fanoy Furs for Ladies and Children to be found in this eity. embracing every kind, quality. and style,ss all my Furs have been in.ported by myself during the presentlear. and manufaetured under my own supervision; and havin adopted the one price principle of doing business, I feel confident in sayine it is the Interest of alt wuttuut to Purchase a sot of For to gm me a call. 5 oolb-ttr MILLINERY. MTSSES O'BRIAN, 914 CHESTN UT Street, alxwo Ninth. will open Paris Millinerl for the Fall, on THURSDAY. October 11,1880. cop -IS t MRS. M. D. KING. 27 South SEOOND Street, corner of Bleak Three aile,r,wi 11 open Fall and Winter Millaterl on 1: IiIURBDAY, October Ilth. Doll-6t` GYbINASITJM.—The Philadelphia Phy sical Institute, at the corner of Ninth and Arch streets, for the proper development of h eali h, strength, mind. graceful attitude, and the cure of ohronie affec tions, by medical movements, adapted to both sexes. of every age, to open for the Winter course. After a care fill examination, a number of phymelans recommended this Institute es the hest in the Union, latch opinion is sustained by Dr. Winship (the great gymnast) and hun thed"f were benented to it lint year. Personal attendance , s given to classes by Moms. HILLEDIIAII1)& number of well as Ws. 14IllYsIti. I he Institute has a of largo siloone fitted un for the different sexes and °twee; also dressing and drawing rooms. ks.. Office in the Building. N. 13.—Prompt attention paid to Masses out of the Institute. oesl3 st* Professors BILLEBRAND & LEWIS. MORE LIGHT I THE GAS LAbIPS FOR THE MILLION, may he seen at 2 , 4 NORTH. SECO4M Street ; 430.000 worth aro now m use. The Warleretreet, Green and Coates. Ridge road, and other horse oars are now Wong them. We alter any filthy Kerosene Lars into (Me Lamps for 81 ; 10,000 Agents wanted to se them throughout the United States. The Gee Latot light a room twen ty feet square for cnie cent an boor. nR. C. AA GREENS CO., No. 244 NORTH SECOND Street, above Race. sel3-theat A ZUMEA ! • ~..AZInIEA AZUMEA ! AZILIVIEM AZIJIVIEA! ,AZVM.EA PROF. MORRIS' AZUMEA BAKING .POWBBR Manufactured solely at No. 62 Ninth FOURTH Street, and for tale by (ironer. generally'. 88 / 2-38 " - AVA COFFEE.-1,000 pockets prime •-• Java Colfax, for sale by JAMS GRAHAM k CO.. &KTl'll A Iti.osat„ REI) LEAD, GROUND IN OIL, Menu' rkouto,ed and for sale. WETELEVOLL k BKOTHER. 47 and 661 fiord) BECOND ket oral 4 VAMPIIENE AND BURNING. FLUID,_ ILI Manufactured and for male. WEIVERTLL & BROVib.ft, 47 Bad 49 Mogi 0311
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers