, losesoh-otainiel-DongkertyilliC• Oa IitIDNNSDAX "MOON; Ai, THE NOOKS Or THE ~.011111002A110 CINNTRAE•sAINNIATIoNrOONNIN, ?NI TUTS AND CEMBIXIDX 811111111,8; , Mr. Chairman and yellow-members of the DOW glee Club tam lingering 'With scold this even ing, and It is not my haendler! to task. more than a very few remarks. „Perish-Me to begin by, say ing that it hr an mewling.; mei, wither; a 'Milan eholy eight; to see Some , of those' who blustered most bravely in the 'commencement of this Uhl page in their advoetteyof the principle!" adopted by the National Deniooratic Convention which met at Baltimortyarefwbb loudly denounbed - all com promise, pith-41mM who 'were the disorganize's there ; that even nolf, when wo ere in the midst of this grand' struggle •Cor the Constitution' and ,the uplenoo Sae teat elmedy. they are ,beginning to gdati .undir the insolent threats of, bold-Wed trieksters;or are medaced by the whining cry of infanrous politicians, who would sell their country for as " much gold as can be grasped the." ' The last specimen which we have had e ti s tated men in the whble Commonwealth who have been guilty of aught of the kind. Mr. Itlihatd•J. Haldeman, appointed by the Natiorialtfottviiitkos as the, member 'of' .the •Ereentive Voiturdttee for- the State •of Pennsylvania, who,' the W *Y part - of this contest, wee -zon ; in his dentmoietion of all mimpromiso with ' thee. Amor gazisersluj diennionists,- came' out .In the public newspapers of this city, upon last Saturday ; whilst, in' the, drat part of hie:card, he spoke of the fact of , there being a' settled dodos , . alms the Brockinridgo men in the Beath to break down this Union, yet In, the close be undertook to say that he offered upon Ike pert of the Donglae rum to gbi the dlSOrgaMßelli. five men upon the eleeteral ticket,' Now when he - dared to do a deed li ke thit, he proved himself unworthy. of the trust that was confided to him, and he deserver! to be dominated by the Democracy forlhia act. lilies of " Thafe so," and applause.] lam not going to dwell wan thil subject for any considerable time, yet I soy that when he, •in 'his card, said; "I cannot re gard the Breoklmidgers in any other light than as wild and deatruotive rebels end, throughout the South, BB Diannionists ;" and yet, when he asks us, we; the steadfast-Ileinoeraoy of Pennsylvania, who never flinched, and never bowed to the storm of fanaticism in the North or the ,P.,outh, to lower our banner of the Union, and agree to Compromise with traitors, we will laugh with derision "at this tinkering of political draders," to ute Mr own words, Why, fellow•eitizens, are we slaves; are we like cattle in the fields, that these men can undertake •to sell us to the foe? [Cries of "No, no ; never" ] I sal] he did .what he had no right to do, mid a do not care whether it is now or after the Ootober election, never, so long as these men ate at war against the Union, the Constitution, and . the De mocratic party; never, under my eircumstainces, will I hold them aught sloe than my political enemies. [Cheers.] • As I observed- before, it Is not my intention to - address you at length thin evening; and vet, like my friend Cessna, while We all very Maio talk about keeping down principle, and any nothing about it at the present, it will start up upon the tongue, and leap, every , instant from the lips. Whilst I ilia very devotedly attached to /Er. Fos ter, and pray he - may be elected Governor of the State at the approaching election, 'yet, at, the same time, I minuet forget-that we ere engaged in a national contest too. It is the °outlet or prin ciple, not only forPeconsylvania, but for the Con stitution aid the Union itself. These disorgen• loots say that .Mr. Dotigisa Is not the nominee. Dreekinridge is not the nominee; he is in open war against the organisation; end any man who, in any manner, inlets him_, cannot, in any ,6011:10, be_ocuddered a good Democrat. In the Baltlmere Convention, immediately upon Its reassembling, Mr. _Church, of New York, propeced a resolution, that' all contestants for seats be re. fermi to a. committee, to be appointed by the and that - everyone of the contestants pledge himself to abide by • the decision-of the Con ventiOe, and support the candidate that might_ be nominated. - • • -; • - What was the response that ise 'made to this motion by delegates from Southern States? They seta, snob a resolution Is dishonorable to us.. -tlf conrse, If we remain, in this' Convention we are bound by its deolesions." Recollect this feet, that when these Southern gentlemen seceded, one after the other—when Media seceded In part, North' Carolina !weeded, Arkansas, Reatieeky, and other Staten in Flirt seceded, they were still bound - to abide by the adieu of:the ,Convention, , and par tieniarly as to the questions on which they them. satires had voted; • Bat I demand to know what Pennsylvanian left tkoSonvention? Show me by-the record .where, atoy time daring the whole of its sittings—l ask '• dry man who is in favor of .the Itolnination of 31r. Breekintidge, where "Is the -Pumeylnnian who arose, addressed the Conientiouraad *OW goaded from that body ? Not it singlocusefemita:littur all remainedin the Convention, end fterelherit when the.vote was taken upon the lastlsnot, wldshiao.' in Mr, Douglas ; taut every karbastiakn will ray, in the language of common NOM Weirjuillice, that every delegate who in the Conventionally= Pennsylvania, and from the'Southern States, when Mr. Douglas was declared the nominee, l. bound by all the rides of honor Disupport h im, and him alone. 'Prolonged ohs/raj figain, .fellow•eitlsens you all recollect the fierce Lecompton contest. What was the *Mu meat urged by every advocate of the Leemapton Conatittition, and by Mr.. Suakin= Itinuettin his message to Coupes:, in which he advocated it ? Ile said' every man there had a right' es. vote, and if ho failed to vote it was ideown fun; and of course he wee bound by the action of those who did vote. That is the argupentishioh we On now— that whether they were in the Convention or out of it, they are bound to abide by its decision. And yet, in the face of all this, we are asked to com promise with these men, and pit theta upon an eahality with our nandidati. What was the gunge of Mr. Douglas madstin his amok on the shores of Lake Brie, OilYtidaphist ? fie said: "I think that every man 'Who lalleves. that ,slavery ought to be banished -from the hall, of On t zess,-and remanded to the' pupae of the Tex , ri sisubjeet to the Constitution _ , ought to hoe and'rapt together; but that no .1 ,1 etneerat east, without dishonor and a forfeiture of stilkrit fed and Iv ineiple, fuse with. anybedy who win vor of anterventirm i either for slavery or against slavery. Lincoln and Breedsursdge naght fuse, for they agree in principle. I can never lase weed either of Mom, because L defer from;both."' - • .• - • . gnat le the language of our commander-in.eldef —that id the language of-the great leader of the Anterfotin Democracy , to day. [ C heers: That is the Dunnage of the man whole, and always has been, true to his party; that is the language of the man -who, 'in every palliest oonteat that btu occurred since his manhood, has been fighting for the rights of the people, and the success of De mocratic principles. [treat applause. j Ile is our eendidate and, as long uhe is right and tree we mhst sta n d by him.' I cannot for :an instant think of any, fusion with the - Breakin rldgers, so longes.they are opposed:. to - the prin ciples of the DatiOnalAunooratto Convention. Let them ground their arms, and beg for quarters, and we will alter a time forget and forgive their trea eon, and:embrace them again as brothers, bid un til they wlthoutterad Surrender let us treat - this as oar political foss, slid wage against them unre lenting war,. • Mr. Doug herty concluded amid prolonged shouts of applause. • - SPEECH OF JOHN VADITBELL. re Whenever a onus arises in the affi sof a nation, it -bournes the duty of everygood citizen Whine hie 'monotones-4va p these straiten , proper direction. - In a conflict oanne opinion upon great national questions, it alas happens te 00 0.41 1 114 ths worst passions of the human heart are - evored. wl moll tunes the ambitiotudy bold and bad try to sap to destroytheir conntry's liberties; then it is that the virtuous and the , Patriotic , step forth to fmatrete de - signs of traitors. aull_to prevent the catastrophe of their country'. ruin, We. here to -night, a portion of the regular Illemeeratio party, have.pasignett tens. in conninetion with the Douglas men all over the Uaiint, the glorious task of preserving thiCenstatelicip of Our common country. end Of" rearanon - witness United States , - at, sar•Uow ti t s male reenter Demoinaoy ; y . , isosordiug it s maples, • organc ition, author:il l and usages. we that Stephen A. Douglas ilapiohett V. Johason are the 'regularly nominated emoaratie candidates for Presi dent and Vice President,' nor do we condescend to reason an axiom like this with the Breckinridge Dis unionist& We, the Douala* ,Demooracy. claim to be - right aa regards our platform, and hamlet ;neer unitive' and intentions • but, although' we diem Mule.' we do not deny - but aid the large saitiority of the Republican " and -Bell parties are also actuated by;pure and little . tareated motives , nor de we say that all the followitra of Dreekinndge are Dumnionistip mid traitors. Yet while we 00neede that some of his followers are em nicely honest, we at the same time a re certain that most orthem are persons utterly devoid of all principle, mere tones and mosetroopeni,ooWbole, and 1111115145. flubtreet4he poor goalies. devils of once-olden from the Maims; forces in - this oily, and vbeite is hie strengthl- Echo answers where. There could not be mettenensh found upon Ideation day to dietnbete DM, union tieketi . You know how the calm-holders have to bleed, tO_Maietr. if "sounble, breaking_np the De mooratio party. oar, creatures °atures 1 how we must pity while we ammo t em,ise slave like, they are forced to do th , bidding of their muter, the old publio lunation an Cr the White Rouse. Well may the language of the poet be a R Wall s t ?r e adom 3 ye r ean . tell ' ' That whieb slavery is too well: '3 is to work and have snob pay ' As Just keeps life from {a y to oar ; In your blade mein a w it For . For the tyrant's use to dwell. 'l is to be a slave in son., • And to brook no high control . Over your own wills, but tio That which °them make of ye." Fellow-ottiZeWl, I now desire to direct your Mien; Hon to our ;omelets. in contradistinotion to those of oar political opponents. The Territorial question, that is the -' Annighty Nigger.' us the Aaron ' s rod that has swallowed up every rehes in uthi W • take the demand unmistakable ground that the people et IL Territory are competent and PAWN the right to make laws to govern themeelvoi, and to form inieh institutions as will suit themselves, only conforming to the Condltntion of the United Mater. Aristotle, Plato, and Cicero, amentan silent writers . . Sidney, Locke , Roleleitt Paine. Bet them. rind Jefferson, among the. modern, advocate h e right of ielf-government, Upon , the direct outlet on before no, every National OonvontiotiOf our MIT 51505 mahas given ft. this doctrine t he seal of its approval. Every p ominent Deineoratio statesman has lent to t his endorsement ; aillong theeeltre to be included Presi des Buchanan, Vice filmiest it BrecitinridtLflaes, Cobb, Hunter, and host of minor habit T Vein is thereferceettled, and lt:b., unneepellisi,te trier dinned it. With de it is a nrineple, a d o gma - , an axiom. Our opponents, the Republicans and the followers of the young Major, completely end entirely mule upon one and ihe game propositionrwhich ie, that Congress atessesei-e the solo power end mat to legislate for the Territory ; __They saartry to ayadiptais in Lill:till on o f their vierni and policy, but it is of no use for them to deny 1 t—it sticks to the m ea the poisoned shirt ilfw ti Neg stuck to Retail's, a like it tpo theist bring to them death and destruc tion. But from tin common centre of opiniOn the divergence ia mdlcal and extreme. Theltepubliesna are for an anti-slave oode, the Drackt, ridge Disunionist"; are for a pro-slav a l l eodt, as if ii. body-like Clengrees, thousands of miles r Off , could understand the interestsof the WOW in • soh ' 1° 1n:75 ,11,1 4 ' 2.7h " 4:1117712rt1Aike , that the great popatu principle of sel l-government, to be del *moved t was it int defence of this MniselPie that Warren fell ama ron Bunker. Hill, and that Mont gimery offered up is Lb before Quebec ; for whloh ' Wasibineten unsheathed in. mon], and Lafayette 4 ; aged the ocean; for Stick ?eine wild* WI risen ',..4. . and Jefferson panted that garnet 014,01.--._tk• - million of Arneriean Indspendenee ; for wham o i l er mid Pulaski fought and bled, and s istiffbree an d • ley whieliyhe tremulous .1156501914 age rg yt d tidally pupplieation to the ingSlail of • o 10t he the fond mother - with teat i ps ail . , thVgagY laillityttigt 11 1 .1 'V , " sr ! trp gan aa ff nee lief to die. in As detente et tna übertiesiof hie 're, fellowAdDiess, He, hive and tried and regular Boma:rimy. orthedos in , our faith, believe la nom& heresy r to Uttiltaintameif by the.RePoh li agAuTh sad by the usiatonowerebtJtini O. Brea s .— We hOldlett the &Mt 5541 t6theidatibete i tif Igt great W I ipeitiosralio farts; a party' Illiend b li off 411 WI. Ir t V"lPterl4s24l to,day AO 5 • ICIPSO 155 tr pear f L.' , ..! W.= ~,,:* 6, A. hi . r e -'— l'''--- -4.101.' will ever forgive the. Hon, John (tliteckinringa for his attack noon Its unity, principles, and organisation? A man far mightier than e "` to whom, in point of elo. queues and intellect he le but a pigmy, made a ...wall , " . i tsgi i l r mintettlited a similar onmit Ireful til:P.l3 le t" :It i ds/ss ' 10 8 ,1 5-, " T s A o ' n rim" re CA S s ?A tb:x. Prioailia,vrever gP,N. him tin traffic imit not consummated Intliji ems until after li e had famed with the IMAM BE the Hermitage. Jackson spurned his proposals. whorl° You Mink attempted to be the so-between and salesman in the base transaction ? None other. I regret to say, and with shame be it spoken, than .tames Hgehlrl a the present old public functionary of the white I give my authority iris vi be •fonnd, dstaiied r a i t e length, in Steven fIImPPO ' lely sa Meres'Y'rgi tow e l rick Stoner, that Manual' old Den= , me the book. It M. for the present,inpy po t Ziplon. I am not one of Mom lino admired tual: Po el. Is merwris nisi eon=". is Si adage I believe in, because li t tio often happens that " The evil that men do lives • r them; the good oft interred with their bones.'" an nothing but the neoessity of drawigg an siiWrinite_cop_psrufoilip_ogg.avoidligme to wes th del,o4b. i tt i rrf u gligiidgi. from Dia same State, and Scathe same stet. • The dmastrotm failure of the fortnevought t o reserred es a Warning to the latter, not to he deesi by-Similar illnMOns...The two remind ma of the Al v ile ig the eagle and thpillettlaW: An esql. i g ps trotin it Myna =talons V° 5 6 E 4 att empteda s a t t a similarsheep , tnese instead ofiefaring upwards Ms ohms became Mat in the wool upon the sheep's bac k, in which he remained en tangled nntiltke shephe . rds nrived, who mixed lam by thei c 4randl=ang orig. her. P -pitmans, the Comp ens of the Southern Du 1s Wilnam Yancies—a man, it is said, of =re e ogneUoo. and or- most persuasive powers; yet ip his own district , in Alabama, he bas been beaten in the o . l2 gial recently held there; go that even where it Might inonghtafit d Disunion would inumeed, It has been si gnally ; proving ooneltalvely that our Southern brethrel n o hot desire to see Mr. Yanorly's • opinion. carried to practical operation. There in loamy prospeet• or scheming treitors at the South: loamy has been beaten, two to one. In own Kentucky, and only polling some thr, votes ou s t of 130,n • slave State of Miwouri. • nt Van - rey ages that he a Disunioniet. Has heForgot ten his le r tr. Senghtar ?iswhoh he says that he 'lntaqs to precipitate the ootton ate= into revolu •tton. wonder that he denies that he is a Disunion ist,• seeing how ' strong public opinion is ;setting in aseunst him at the South. The letter to Mr. Slaughter 'has slanshtered VanceY, with a vengeance. He pule . me in mind of the fable of the fox that lost his tail, who called amoeba; of • foxes to Mk= them to go Millen, like hi it • The convention of Dimuilmusta... at the 'Maryland bite, Baltimore,was a meeting of Politi 'cal foxes, • Fellow•citisens, DMA.' roselutely lOok at the direful reimits e l o ffiguillon. Would Any iMetion of our country be ben tad were hat iiammity to befall us ? • Would i tu i tbd r ?, olti e b,L s trlaand grat i e4t . bu i t4c:t the i r ty 9 surtimnded by embittemetSimatile stioplealinie at BUY moment to raids, by desperadoei fanatically con 'mentions. She- would be exposed to the honors of a Servile war,. as =Das a wag of Oats and races. bit let us look farther - Wars Woud become frequent between rival peoples 'We have only to t glance over the map or European history to wanly tn is act. Wats of religion, trade onion:meat of ambition , et cetera, will occur from time to time: cities burned,. old and young butchered, mothers and wives handed over to the passions of a licentious and brutalized soldiery ihe ta rwatedestroyed, tr. as a cionsequence. famine eg Sedum= the muter& e people; and, to add to the gegen! isusformne, pesti mum travelling in the foot- Pimps oft iMine, While, to crown the acme of disasters, some military ohieftsin establishes his throne upon the necks of conquered and enslaved nations. • hatchllow-mut/us, to sit tamely by while parrl °ides treason and disunion ? admire Die true omiyaile , gtlr who, when . asked, Vir iinna, if Lincoln were to el ect e d, it be a stifiable. cause of noestion. , ' answered, No; a =Wound ought to be hung higher than Virginia hutM John Blown." In that answer was conveyed the philosophy o a preotioeiletsteemeh. em no man worshipper. rarely call noon any of the great men of our party; but when , this true man. who has so well earned the title of Demos= Chant shall again visit ouf Oar , 1 will oaILUPOII him and thank turn for that noble sentiment.. BM should such a misfor one as the election of Mr. banoolit ceour, and should there be any D =monists so insane an to interfere with - his inangu ninon, let the Republicans rad on one side. so that e, the menhir Dsmoisracy o t • country, may see the law =Miamian. the Constitu tio n defended and pre served., and= legitimate authoritiessupported and re. 'p ee , I.'4l wit 7-oitinens, our Ship is a gallant ship : her tome te ' gular Nomination." I rumisted tonsil our colors IQgphetr,msinmast we intend to bring her into Port Wasiungton a lons, way ahead of the •• Bellwe ther" end itail-sphtttr winooners: and as for the • Black rirate.Disumon, we must give her such a broadside &s will wink her beneath the wave, of popular perdition, with her wholepiratical orew almard , whence the trumpet of an archangel cannot call them again into political existence. Feltow-otiisong, though we Pan enterinto no compro mise with Dauxumusta end traitor" we must have a eleen vietort or a clean defeat. m ade this pledge at Baltimore, and!will maintain it to the end. Should °then fad 'and fatter or even become Biglerized, it shal ilproce not ed be I. Even e if defeat stared me la the fare, 1 Wll onWetd 9 Thoug*g e h the cannier evil prospers, yet 'tie truth alone net • And tubed me wanders outcast, now I see around her tn • Troops hro o e f Malaita, tall angels, to shield her from all to p side wr Then wretched crust, • Ere heroism brings fame and profit, and 'tie eras porous to begirt. Then it is the brave man chooses, when the coward stands aside, Doubting in his abject spirit, till his Lord Is crucified, And the maltitude make virtue of the faith they had And I gm asked by the miserable tools and hirelings of Mr, Buchanan to vote the Reading electoral ticket . Never! never will I vpte for such a ticket, because " Timeo !Natal dons rprentes.' My motto Aut Caesar, !tut radius." I reform to vote the Reading ticket upon the Philosophy that ki d s Against the Democracy. I will neither vote the Mg ticket, nor will I vote for any candidate for Governor, member of Co grew. State Senator. member of Assam y. og Row °goer, who sup. ports this ticket. I tell lon, fWow-eltizens, we must ea the war lab the Breoldeviage comet . Be hind& ert Carthago ;" we must get rid of every °Maple is bar path ; we mind expel) any and every doefsee and traitor f ron t our ranks we can have no political Inter course in common with them. hat!w we, the regular Plemooraoy,ntseeourselves at the mercy °teem* knave, who wpuld betray us at the first favorable opportunity ! 0.14f0r a tongue to curie the slave, hose tresson,lthe e deadly blight, • Comes over the connoile of the brave, And blasts them in their hour of might. May life's nntdeesed copier him • Be drugged with treacheries to the brim; With hopes that but sdl fly With joys that Vanisw h ile he sips, Like Dead Sea 4ruits 'het tempt the eye, Yet turn to sines op the lips. His country curse, his children's shame, Outcast of virtue, peace, end flame, O May he at last, with lips 91 fame, theearchsd desert th irsting die, While lakes that shone in mockery nigh Are near him untouched, untested, - Like the ones glorious hopes he blasted ; And when, at tut, his spirit flies, dust prophet, let the damned on dwell Full 'lathe sight of Paradise, Beholding heaven and tasting hell, do not desire to dictate to the City Bernadette KW °alive Committee, but I do think that it ought to &goer thin the proclivis of every nominee upon our ticket, In this twenty. Nu tt f It is considered that such Is sot a part of its duty, then the committee of the Douglas Central Club might to do it. But if portlier wall do it, then I must ascertain the Mots and act accordingly. The proinuome that I promised to carry Into casea tion at Baltimore, I will carry out at all rake, and at everyireierinoe. allaw-eitizens, there are Arles 9f " Peace, peace, wherTere ho peace!" I can point out the method w oh besmear oen be restored to oar rodeo, Let the o public, funotiontuy of the Waite _goose call in irte ours. nor let th, nark any more. Let them keep their o ff ices, tint II into the rear ranks, perform penance for their o eneekand after due protatioui_ we may admit them a lp to Democratic brotherhood. bet a ;argon of their penance be. an open recantation against the Kansas - Bnecanier forgeries, and an utter repudiation of the Gevernmental 09rtuptimur revealed to the Conde Investigating . Committee. • Pellow-citizen thirty yOMITB,IIIO. &MIA. named Bark, was heated In Glasse, for a series of murders. Be sold the bodies of Ms viotlni to lye dimmers, A new verb ties been added to the English surely. of hts mime. I give y r tt as my autintnttes tne two learned lezioographers ebster and Worcester. I have aolaam tomako of the mare editorsof all cont. oretellelve SndhW diotioneries. Three years ago that Bunton; Senator i lea, wrote a letter to Mr Bunton; Or Kamm, *neva rig him to !tend up for Re enter sovereignty, for " the EMI istratien with beireth• ing weak in the ha w," ehb rt ly t ter the distinsinthed eteteeman i pme himself we in the lame/ ; C u t has btle., 2 thaely suggested he became w aU over. • er these orteninstenoes, I deem it to be t an act o rusts. to for an, that hth fame, or ra theC am . r. should te per: tad to the remotest Posterity therefore o te vet te iglerise appears to me net clue more etteh ous, t I may so say it, more Pleonastic, andit oug tto become anglicised. It is re ntar that oat learned Senator is ,to accompany the union candidate for NictePresident on a stumping tour in the Western Sta_ths • /Madero of the °laser! de parted, howl Wry Our Western fell'ielagemh hat an. urtellectual feast is being pipet or them ow_ they ttr more than easisoni chasteners 9I language o Big ler and Lane widi i i; th eir Demostheruo Wearisome will se rouse thet!' sem of their hear era that Beagles. Lincoln, and ße prospeath will be 90molstely Motel! Le t me giveageken lame, un ion indeed it be • throwing pearls binore swine." I battled it from Salluetvehen 51106(1ot-boy, " Prtusenam inoikee consult° et len constituent mature facto orer est. , • There is a disposition, on the part of some, to evade an matte iontilutrgatiloottinztonl h toe nominated ttliete that Azle gone ze fa es :ay onei deform; ofkhe regular llemocraey, but t cry raised, "Oh! do not introduce the Douglas e very now it wilt hurt the tioket," must be scouted by every fearless and honest Bemoorat. Now is the time to Layne mon the tioket is for boogies, and who against him. ,The Democracy is aroused. and no trimming, or myrardlce, or treach ery on the part of aterested politicians can arrest its Progress. Titewaves of popular indignation are mani lla, aid Surging, and roaring, and they will "weep into nothingness_ every petty trickster or palatial hunk ster who dares to item or turn aside their mighty our • ellow-eltnens, this nominee of ours , this wonderful Than, is endearing himself daily and hourly' Byre and more to the rota of the Peon's. Ther e , in, tune litevens, - obeirman' of the Breckinndge Disunion Na tional Committee, who lays °tom to the character of gentleman:" God save the mark"—lion coiled Mr . ' Douglas " a travelting mountebank." Us eable the tyranny and rascality of the Administration tiptoed Win to appeal from its dictum direct to the People. when the present Buceeniers were let loose upon him became he refused to be a renegade. He stood up for the right when the present wicked and corruptAihrunistration became recreant to the pon t WWI Of DS racy , and when craven Senators bent the knee to him whq now ocou_pies the White House, in Order" that thrift might follow !twelve." .Douglas despised Iris tboati i mut spurned his blandishments. He appealed f rom rhiitudrank to Philip when; ' that is, from Bughanan to the molds. Were not tall Means tried to defeat Douglas at Baltimore 1 coercion, threats, bribery, and I rruption , were resorted to, but all were of no use.he National Convention branded the mastless of e Administration as notitious, by norui nal mg its great and incorruptible adversery. Then it was that' the old pnblio functionary " of the White House " cried havoc, end let slip the cogsf war." A pliant tool was found to take a nomination ( p rom" Bolt era. Disorgenixers, Diellnioniets, and Traitors."_The newepapere, wherever Federal corruption could pollute and corrupt them, were euftidized to malign and to vi tuperate the" Great Tribune." who wee thus compelled to lake an unprecedented step in a Presidential can vass Hal eloquence, courage, and onstotenoy , are atoning the skeletons in the whited eopulehte. at W.Maington, to:shekein thenreere clothe. c i ric e iValk l nt ' 474lll7lirtgZe th ni ' ; ') W e o s :tl and wh y ' to show to the irdommillee w ho have been maligning m learn e d . have forgotten more then many of them evern I use strong and splthetio terms, especially Ir applied to knevent, rogues, or fools, / ono neither fawn nor natter—tiod did not so make me. I give what i deem to be the proper linguistical terms to each idea. lam not so sentimental as to call Politioal vie and knavery political virtue and henget,. I cal things by their right earner: For Instance. I cannot say that Mr. the ir been grateful to Hr. Doug las for the lar s kind ness to the former ; therefore, Wa v rntordirls ttterggrZA n birM.A nd ilill! no feelings, old women in pantaloon's, and the bar 'tonal ( Tend mirseitee of Federal olgoe-holders may Mt me and weloome for my strong_ yet effective* sts. And why should they not if it 'Sorts them gir cation, arm that by they are enabled to miry Myer with their masters ? Fellezrizeils, I *pow to you if any one among yon ever h er me tannic} lie, even by Implication, of any one. . appeal to omit any of you ever he rd a that I ever broke my word. forfeited my pledge. lorgot favor, forsook alined, or forgave an enemy f ;go, not one or you ever Mord of such a thing concerning me. In ooneiroi. permit me to say that I hired no person to writ es flee), for me j toy lan[ and ideas are my own; there us aught In them worthy of your ap probation. so man the better for me, If you disap ove of l ily ideta,the fault is exolusively my own, and, such, ant wiiiins to bear the odium and onus. I never abandoned as honorable and Mainly* profn- Won to wows a MoOPhant to power, or to eat the insider ognial beggary, L have never crawled upola kneetto guy man, and, with the blazons of God, L ev i" . 01,110110 1Vvery many r a to live, and shall not dogma myself F r illy children , by becoming 'slanged at the age of' 6 Yalta have detained YOu too long, leffir Gone arts by urging upon you, one w i llLto an for the Mai Of the people, Stephen A. CIERMANTOWN PAIIBKNOER, RAIL WAY COMPANY-011ms grim and Dunonn Iltreeto—przanzurnza, Aug. Mat, I*—An Instal ment of pm DOHA= per shar:i l belng mond lusts - pomp? the oapital stock or ermantown Pusan- Or 'way Company, is due sayable on or before Sae. raids" of Ootobernextni. Order of the Beard 0 nI users, GSRLY. set-lm - .13eoreary and Treasurer. PHILADELPHIA 8c BEADING RA11:0 phtu jzt os emilipany, offlea 907 Bluth Fir d that t rt, the heldere et ktro w ne lm o r f tibi l l i 7Orn — oilt. v ene on the ht rin: are Teibifted to leave thorned tele Oineti on or foe w r..ee b t o b Imam, Vex remote wip st be given, and tirgie.23ll4:l;tit "" 11. n iii4 P ORD?' teenier. PWILADELPUL T • :RA OOTTA MA. ~a4elpifile sit inri Fr" ••• stilt 3 17. - i rt r e ttiz. 4 00. Mat e • • Jo worths the Isee 4ll pm g l i treti a lMu u .ser g tritte a r ga lle • it r e g r! ataa. a Name premiere. Wigs noel' pzepared eueettcwifiitWasea amino enotrerneog Terni artily notdor toylu=w w 1021 , `RAMC'.-_-_ PIMA liELPIII:AtbARD Dr `RAMC'.. EDWARDS. CLARKE. .HAR, D. RYREHN CoNSAD. - i UOMMIELVP 4#,TrEil PA•pyr, wM. GO.Twzn.. HAGS At the Merchants' zschango, Philaded:4in. sNi, John Trucks, Lindsay— —........1nverv001, loon skip Tuscarora. DT,— —........:.4ivera001, soon Ship Nov bangdon, tone.--.L--..Livervool, soon Bark Alex McNeill, ere..„_;__,„ ..uverpool, soon Bark BeaiHaal i fi t Kenny— Havana, Niel Bark Su i GI, Asa --...... MILAIESO. Brig Mary Mt en, Norden .0 eau. won SAILOR; OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. • • FROM THE UNITED STATES. - - JUROR FOR BATS Bremen New York—Southampton.— .Sept 19 angaroo— _New York_Liverpool.— ---Sept 29 Teutonia —New York—Southampton.— ..Oct I Europa— ...New York .. Liverpool . . Oct 0 Edinburgh.. ...... New York— Oct C Ad r ...... ~New York-111pm ....... Oct 6 Parma— New York—Liverpool. .... ...--Oat 10 Arago-- --Near York.. Havre....—......... —Oat 19 Gamow— ..,,—..New York—Liveypoef —Oat 16 Saxon ..... --New York—Southamltou ..Oct 16 Oat 11 New Yrnir --- New York—Bremen.. ..—.—..00t 11 Borwmi a ....New York—Southampton....,....Nov 1 FROM EUROPE, 15198110 A Lltirli DAYS Edinburgh — , .o—Liverpool—New York—. ... —Sept 11 Anglo Saxon Liverpool—Quebee. Persia Liverpool—New York... —....—.Erept la Sagonia— --Southampton—New York 18 Prince Albert.— Ordway—New York.... ..... —Sept 18 Arago-- ....,.....Southampton — NßA York—.......—Sept 19 Qlaagow ....Llverpoo ~.Nsw York— ...—. Bept 19 ' North Briton—, —Liverpoo —Quebec,— —.Sept 10 Arabia— Liverpool—Boebm Sept 11 Connaught Oelway—New Y ork.....—Sept 25 O of Baltimore.—Liverpool—New York— Sept 26 Vanderbilt—..Southampton—New Septa! New Yoric--.South amp ton —New York..-- Oot 8 Borualia--,,Southampton —New York.-- —Oot 4 he California Mail Steamers sail from New York on the Ist. 11th, sod fOth of eaoh month. The Havana Steamers leave New York on the Id, 7th, 12th, 17th. and 27th of eaoh month. MARINE INTELJLIGENOE. PORT 01 PRILADELYHIA, Sept. 28, 1800 SUN iktEt--:.- .6 - 8 -SUN BETS-.- a 62 !HAW WA 1960 ARRIVED. Bohr Mary A Cartwright, Thomas, 4 days from South Mills, NC. with 76.000 cypress and cedar shingles to Norcross to Sheets. Bohr Mary Ellen, Cottingham, 6 days from Boston, tatiAt to ooptatn. Brig War Eagle, Will ia ms , P ort au Prince, Thomas •Wattson /k Sons. Brig Leviathan, Ifoffsex, Boston, E A Sender & Co. • L ahr M A McNeil, Turme, Mobile, A J Heron, Jr. Bohr E 8 Janes, Townsend, New Orleans, D 8 Stetson deo. , So C hr DJ Sawyer, Hall, Portsmouth, B A Solider & Co. Bohr Mary Ellen, Cottingham, Richmond, Moat k• Co. ova 8 Shrivel., Dennis, Baltimore, A droves. Jr, (Correspondence of the Exchange) LEWEB, DeL. Slept. W. A harm brig is now off the Capes beating In. blehig 8 P Hawes, Cornelia', John Wilson, Lydia Ann, and wm COMO left the harbor this morning for their respective destinations. Wind W. Year", &0., N. W. HICKMAN. ( Clir jri.l.FMll War Sept. 27. teem The Kingstonlen withll boats, laden and consigned as fellows: Commerce, wheat and corn to Thornton Barnes; He vra. Schoch; wimat i, eta . to Humphreys, Itodloan & ii, o r ig ' : Craig; o E1 1 ;n .1 1 b 3u r r ilig, r ilirtil IrFINIIN'iI °gr in, E D Trump, and Ariel, do to id Trump . & Son; J B wrens, do tp Camden; John Walls, do to Malone & tutor; Sally Johnson and John Wister. do to 8 Bolton & Co; T .1 OM., McCurdy & Co, do to Nororou & Sheets; Id J Link, Lone Mar, Emblem. Capt A Moyer. and ;times B Henry, coal to Delaware City; James Cook, limo to Bohemia. BY TELEGRAPH. (Correspondence of t fasw Tohe Press,'n • i. Sent 2 7. The bark Aaron I Harvey was whore at klatacong Affrioa, Aug 24th. She would probably get off uninjured MEMORANDA. for Shi Phil elpp Ijomingi Burton, cleared at Liverpool 13th inst his. Ship Hortensia. Atkins, for Philadelphia, sailed from Liverpool lath inst. Ships Montebello, Frank Haynie, Mary Washington, andn Golden Light, for Philadelphia, were loading at Li verpool 12th inst. SHips Golden Eagle. Loos. Grace Gordon, Babson. and William, Berry, from Callao, arrived at Norfolk 28th mot. ship Naze. Holmes, from New York, arrived at Hong Kong JulylB. • Ship Syron, Green, cleared at Roston Nth inst, for San Ff4aoiSoo. Ship Zooms, from New York for Shanghsa, was spoken lOW tilt, tat 222 Pi, long 38 30 Ship Western Star, from Boston, at Calnutt re mai ned u Bark Achilles, Gallagher, for Philadelphia, at London lath inn, loading. • Bark Old Htokory, Holmes, cleared at New York 26th inst. tor Falmouth. Bark Grapeshot, Watson, for Pernambuco, cleared at New Orleans 22d mat.' • . :Bark Seneca, from Baltimore for Montevideo, was spoken 234 inst. fat St; long 79. fobark Sherwood, Rawson, cleared at Bogdan 96th inst. illirt=r, Hill, for Roston, wait at Valparaiso 19th tilt Bark Cimino. ( Brent) Rohlfo, from Rio de Janeiro, arrived at New Orleang 112 d met, with 3600 bags coffee. Brags orizava, Pendleton, Burmah, Sherman, Oeorge Amos, Nichols. and 0 Chaloner, Phinney, hence, ar nvod at Boston 24th Inn. Brig Sabao, Swirper % oleared at Boston 26th inst. for Philadelphia. Bohr Aloe, Martin, hence, arrived at Sohn, NB, Mid Instant Behr Emma, Shorter, beam), arrived at Petersburg 2kl in &firs st. H AWeeks, Weeks. E T Allen. Sampsoi; # Barall Cullen Cullen, Ephraim & Anna, Dole, Pearl. re.wn, figet l n a ltegr a t i flyout Predk Wansn. Comte, Illam Dm tenderloin, id & man, Elnan, Rebecca Knight. Endicott, W Ba rtlett, Donnelly. and North Pacific, Marcy, hence, arrive at Hoo_ton this i n st. Rehr Horizon, Jarvis, hence, arrived Hew London Bth inst. Behr Challenge. Ball, from Vinalhaven for Philadel phia. remained at Newport 4 P Id hence,ut, boor Chance L Hulse, AloOar. arrived at Fro vid enoeSsth inst. Bans Isle of Pines, Friageh, mid Mail, Kelly, sailed from Providence 25th nat. for Philadelphia. Bohr Chrysolite, Smith, hence, arnved at Fall River 25d inst, Bohr F Curtis. (of Addlsoo) passed Old iut, ohm donc4,loo miles BW of Blink Island. H inckley , m Bos ton about 2th Inn. for Philadelphia, , meaner. (Holmes' Hole 18th.) Roane. k 2 vessel of On top regtstsr. Inuit in Addison, In 1859, owned by the captain and others, and valued at 815000. SAVING FUNDS. "A little,bet *hen, AU/ the Punt" IN SAVING FUND, No. ii - M l , Wag A t tr I; raffie tl e h oilla o ge sti t o ' il lttvz oi neenree by Jlevernegent, , Uremia Rents, mat 7. (tainpany dome estety b2er than WO 1, til, eoweetnently will ron no ek with der"- tore nton=t hare tt at times reedy to re , wan per 0012 G inteijiift, to the ownsr. ex they 're cone. Whig Company never, moon ed. Yon es,married er finale, and Moore, oan 189 4 depafit tx then own right, and, mob deposits nen bepirawn or i t s. r by their consent. r.perwe . incorporated by the State of ansurylrania,with alithonty to melee money iron treats*, entexeontors, ikatioE Jaw S MA LL BUM BEOJIIVED. Moe open diul7. (roll; 0 to 3 ealook, sula en wegnesday evening NOW So'olook. IRECITO' limb B. Munn, Ot REL, rum wall der. lon Stkindler, Seers. RuatteU, Malachi W. Slain kdward T. Hiatt, ?t. :afa r V e a r it ar lso Mg .Q, YD etuf.. jpneB iNookhW. Jimcnoott. MOON H. IGNAN_NON. President. OLDWALLAIIns ffromarar. NYNI-r " A Dollar saved is twice earned." A BEEMAN SAVING FUND.—Oom za. _itar; t a T Building. polemist Teel WALITP ralogf, p.rid oNtO t a t tr toir rt k ynlaning, 11 old ointration hag gams gald n of on demand, Irithout "14 12EREST FIVE PER GENT. All same d Doak, og domadod. in gold andel' gOr. TRUSTEES. EX WV11.1,13/N,Yrrlient. Ar i Woa4, Val , Pres eat. t ttniv i si u tafijr., sa c s! . Altnadater7A: IMILH. H. Eldrid et ' RON.Treaiirel. JOH NAM Secretary. • auft-Im ;i OAVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN. Pis 7 f KIT Beg YTR UpT t t riOndirtY The lia r trOf Fer a ala lttoney ter aci u d mita: no turf: tiraoarn4 l rill: m a d n 7 o d r heol troP 1 1 .70.tr. f .1 1 0°,..Veg1 i .111" Cody . 11 1. w. . WILL/Alit J. , Secretary. xinsuvoits: lon. Rpm A. Benner, F. Carroll Brevratar, Bdward L. garter, Joseph B. Barr 'abutlßlßridae, Enna*lA*, &Tat K. M b lton, Joseph Yankee. fV. math unni, Jamas L. hitepnansan, oney is received and payments made daily. he investments are made. in conrormiay_with the pro 'Worm of the Ohartar, in Real Dr Morita 's", Orcund Rents, and snob llnt-aWm sou ties u will al waye insure nano' Warily to the epositors, and wiuoh cannot fail to (Ivo permanenor and stability is this Institution. aul-lv ANING FUND—UNITED STATES TuusT oomPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST. NUT Street. L area and small rum reoeleed, an i ?' aid book oq i de ma-id without notice, with Ply ENT. IN 14 ItEdT from the day of deport to the day of w th drel f 3 .ce onre, yonl Until o'olook every day, and ell 0131) y_iivEri NUB from 7 unOl 9 o'olook. M DRAFTS for ma eon England, Ireland, nil loWland. from gl upwards. Somident—STEPßEN R. CRAWFORD, TEMTVICItiTAR. B U NTER. !try LEGAL. TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Bwniq do Abel!, surviving partners, dco., vs , Ohas. Koobersperger. Mint venditionl eXpanas. Bantam bar Term, 1859. No. 841. '1 he auditor appointed to report distribution above fund smug from the Ellerin, gale, under the writ, of "All that certain lot or moos of ground. With the buildings thereon erected , situate at the southeast cor net of Broad and Wallace streets, in the county o[ Philadelphia,commenoing at the southeast 0071/01% Broad and Wallace streets, and thenoe extending southwardly along the east line of said Broad street forty feet to a point; thous outwardly along the north line of ground now or late of Mark Balderson, on a hue parallel with Wallace street, eighty-twe grou n d g ranted thence northward along the west line of g or intended tokave been slanted to John Eckstein, on a line entailer - with said Broad street, forty feet to a point; thence westwardly along the south line 01 Wat tle(' street siety-two feet to the place of beginning, ' will attend the duties of his appintment on WEDNESDAY, October 10,1860, at four o 'clock, P. AL, at his aloe, No. 030 Walnut street, when and 'where all Persons interested are required to present their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. 5026.10 t THOMAS J. MEHL. Auditor, LIZABETH CARPENTER, by her next fiend, &0., yi. JOHN CARPENTEN. COM. Flom, Divoree,Vooket, Neagh T. 1860, No. 21, To John Carpenter t You are hereby notified of a rule granted by said Court of common Reaa on you, to show eauee why a dProrge a vraeuto matrito onto should ant be granted to your wife, nlizabeth Carpenter, said rule returnable on Saturday, Sept. 39,1860. e522,26,28-Bt. NOTICE-LETTERS TESTABIEN - TARP 11 to the Estate of the late DUNLAP MoLAIJOH LIN basing been granted to the underlined, all per sons indebted to the Estate are requeeted to make "Pay ment, and those having claims agaiwit the Eststo to present them without delay to M. A. McLAUGHLlN,Ezeoutrig i eel4-t et* No. 413 Booth BROAD Stmt. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE JR- OITII AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of REBECCA FLETCHER, deceased. The Auditor along:anted by the Court to audit settle, and adjust the supplemental account of B. LITTYLI. and BENJAMIN COAT ES, lexeentore of Robocoa Fletcher. deceased,. and to report distribution 4 pl 91A balance on hag,. partles t attard. 0 0 r,1,60 BIXT . 12., at No. 109 North seri-frrnwat ROBERT M. LEE, Auditor. &MK' Mk-- SLAD, HERRING}, d : o. -moo bbla. Nog. 1.1 and 1110rge sad podium Mao lsaehin assorted yantares. of very °bolos lonian ore • S t b i t r3 . l:l7 No lf l o s .7l. /"'3 ,10 ° , "1. so bh. pow if4il medium Ab do, fitZ 7 11 ,tg• new tar 0.1 Hsang. sio o oa • .100 tali o.j. 'Do do , Ng, 1 solir righ. 2.0 do pima NO. 1 611000. 100 giuntala lank (WWI. WO boxes ilew rco 1,(.111000•• Xt.yr'l/kndilry 110111 r awe • r iF*iirSE*. PTPECTINE ; PERSIAN FEVER CHARM PV.VER AND AGUE EXTERAIMATED. THE 'HUMAN CONSTITUTION SANER FROM WRECK'. T.Fitt PREVENTIVF. AND fiHMEDY. INTERMITTENT AND BILIOUS FEVERfI, NATURE'S GRAND RIRITORATIVE INPECTINE. INPEOTINE. NPEOTINE, INPROTINE The terrible malady known as the FEVER AND AGUE hangman"' hundreds of thousende of Perrone throughout theworld every year, and has naval till now been met by 'roomful medical treatment that has not prodaoed severe which affect the lunge, the spleen, the liver. the heart, or other parts of the human organism. The INPEO TINE is the natural antagonist of all fevers, and whe It comae in oontaot with the skin, le absorbea by the interior organs, which fella sully miums and all ten dencies toward those maladies which prostrate the mind and body with fever. Fever and Ague molt from numerous ousel. No Pima is exempt from the agues which promote the ex istence of the disease. 'That being cue seated in the system, induou depression of saints. lassitude, lan guor, pains. chills, fever, and a long train of disagree able sensations, depriving the patient of all , ar ~. reduoing him or her to a eondition of Why will any one suffer the horrors of a debilitating Intermittent Fever, when. by the use of the the eminent metheal am' magloal qualities of whish are instantly absorbed, ALL TRAM OF DIBEAIIII HAY DE ANNIIII BHLF•CARE 1B BETTER THAN PRVEBO NATURE IA WHIRR TEAR ART. EVERYIDINEADE HMI 4 DIVINE BEM EDI. THE WISE APPLY WHILE THE POOLLBH BETTER PREVENT THAN STRIVE TO CURE THE INPEOTINE. flu cured thousands of both sexes of the most /Wad }al fevers. Read and rettem. lyto o 61 fe 01no Dcci Lemuel Small, of Pittabuts, tot two Isatausgsslo to himself and society' —ll martyr to Chills sad Fever— curia in less than throe weskit, and improved in eight hours. Mary K. Belknap, Sandusky, Oho, after alannot losing her reason as wall as strength, by Interndttent Fever, with Chllbi, restored to health In twenty hours. J. It. Tilton, of Belgrade, Kama, bromrht from death's door, having suffered for four yeOn. Made well in five weeks. and improved in two hours. Adolphe hfonbro, of Frame, relieved in on* hour, while travelling in the care of the Fort Warm and Chicago Railroad. lie was aPPereuli, Olaf with Chills. Ellen R. Benson, Lockport, New York. rescued after seven years' suffering. A perfect cure. Thousands of other one' prevented and mired ever,' month, end not a mingle complaint or the effloienoy of the INPECTINE WRY IT, PROVE IT, KNOW IT, And make known its wonderful powers and virtues. 'kat those who suffer, or who are threatened . with wagering. may be led to nee a inmate, innoxiour pre paration, furnished br the field of Satire for MAN'S BLESSING.. IS BOLD Bit ALL DRUGGISTS AND BIRDICINE PRICE ONE DOLLAR. Int by mill to , any out of the United &aim It In not taken. inwardly, Got to seglied outwardir. 000 0rdinn to di :notions, *tilok moan, any sack paok ale. JOHN WILCOX & CO.J RICHMOND, VIRGIN/A. Wo. 89 111„1 , 4K OF aorrtmEacr, BuilWoo. ' MIAIV 110/II till'SV. 11110411111111114011 Fit . . b~Y(;YNAL. CLUIEB INSURED IN A DAY. INPECTINE. INPECTINS MEDIC/DILL DUMMIES. EXTREME NELPLEBBNIL/11. INVALUABLE INPBCTINE. PERSIAN FEVER CHARM, LATED IN dl PEW HOURS.? DREAM. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. PERSIAN PEVIIR CHARM, PERSIAN ?EVER IMAM. INPEOTINE DEALERS IN AMERICA. REMEMBER. NANISFACTUARD BY 188 MAIN STREET, BRANCH OFFICE, X 9 P W,P,Wram:BW; 2 st 0094. INEDUINAL. DYB3PEPBIA. Djepepsia, Debility of the Byitem. llyeeeellat Dyiipepsia, Debility of the System, Dyspepsia, LIVER COMPLAINT, ACIDITY, LIVED COMPLAINT, ACIDITY. BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. BMX HEADACHE. 1111,/01/8 CUIrIPLAINTS, HICK }IEADACH tip FLATULENCY. LOSS OF APPETITE, FLATULfiNeY, LOSS OF APPRTJTS, and the numberlonother Manatee arming nom Indigos• bon and functional disorders of the stomach, find read', robot' in that established and Marling remade, THE OXYGENATED .BITTER. THE OXYOF:N.4 TED B/TTriff; RELIABLE TESTIMONY We call the attention of the reader to the following latter from President Smith, formerly of Wesiefan University. and now attached to the Solentifie Corr.' of the Expedition which recently Willed for Greenland MIDDLETOWN, °ann.. Feb. i 9, 1869. Sum W. FOYLE & Co.—Oentlemen I first made use of the Oxygenated Bitters some seven or eight years since. Having suffered for twenty years from a form of dyspepsia, which was attended with a nervous head vibe. on an average of not less than one day in a week, I was induced, by the unpretending reoommendation of Dr. Green, " to try one bottle, and if no benefit was received to discontinue the use." The use of one bottle warranted a further trial, to the extent of some three or four, with a careful observance of the accompanying direetioas. The result was. an almost entire relief from the usual dyspoPtio symptoms and their depressing. painful consequences. I believe these Bitters produced an entire change in the habits of say slalom, and upon the active energies of the diges tive organs. I now deem myself as exempt from Dye pepsin as moat person*. These Bitters have also been of service to other members of my family. Very respoot fully your', AUGUSTUS W. SMITH. • THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS RICHMOND, Tioga no, Pa., Aug. 25,1958. OIWTLENEN After suffering for more than thirty years with Dyspepsia, and trying many semedies re commended for that disease without any good result. I was Induced, by Dr. F. H. White, of Mansfield, to give the Oxygenated Bitters a trial. I took two bottles, whioh gave me 0 much relief that 1 purchased two MON, which aye nearly or quite effected a cure. lam now nearly seventy-five years of age, and for three months put have felt no inoonvenience from my food I take great pleaslue in recommending the Bitters to W afflicted with Dyspepsia and Its concomitant die- Oases. A. BEDARD. FROM DR. WHITE MAN3YIELD, Tiogn co., Pa., Aug. %,1958 I have used the Oxygenated Bitters In my ➢raottoe with decided moms in debility and general prostra tion ko., and confidently recommend them in general debility, and diseases of the digestive organs. IP. It. WHITE, ht. D. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, PREPARED IIY H. W. POWLEit Co„ 19 TRERIONT Street, Boston 80IJ by liruggiste, Peelers, and al trohants n even town and oity throughout the oonntry.l DYOTT 8a 00,. RISNORTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE AOENTtI soz,p EVER YWILVRE. SOLD EVERYWHERE iMoof•dk TMLE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARN, AND °MOWS MORE AND MOAN PoDDLAIL EVERT DAT. md tisetirnonia's. new, and almost without number, ight be given, from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of sooiety,whose touted testimony none no Id resist, that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative wi II restore the bald and, gray, and preserve the hair or the youth to old age, in all its TOltthfill beauty ATTLN ORIEL Web. De0..111. 1858. Pao,. WOOD: Taos wing plume scoop; a line to in form thee that the lair on my head all fell off over twenty years ago, caused by a oomplioated °Mont° dis own attended with an eruption on the bond. A con tinual course of suffering through life having reduoed me to a state of dependence, I have pot been able to obtain stuft for cape, neither have I been able to do them up, noloonsequent of which my head has siffered extremely from cold. True initio Inc tO Ray MIMI & HOOges almost the last q_ent h ailoa earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restore. Tout the let of August last. I have faithfully follows the directions, gad the bald spot is now covered w ith hair thick and black, though itiorty it is also eomt in rill over my head. Feeling confident that anotrelnarge bottle would restore it entirely and permanently. I feel anxious to Persevere in its me and being destitute of means to more, t any 1 would ‘, thee if thee wouldet pot be vitiate to send me an order on thine agents for a bottle. and variety* to omit the Scripture declaration The reward is to those that are kind to the widow Sad the fatherleam" Thy friend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. Lnaorriax, Noble no. Indiana . Feb.S. PRON. O.J. WoOD: Dear Sir: In the latter Part of the rh e r fforUtlerhtlftittrOnilieg the ir Yo rk . tft State e m en hair, I% f a rCi j A u :c= ti l t l it l T ' ,Re%grA°:=T e s a in " gft, c etri: r 4h7rg'pr; part of my goalp was almost entirely bereft of its cover ing, and much of the remaining portion upon to side and back part of my head Mtn/ after became gray ; so that you will not be 'mortis When I tell you that, upon my return to the State of In ana. too more oasual ao. quaintanees Were not go much at a loss to discover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my more in timate acquaintances wee to recognise me at ail. at once made application to the most skilful physi cians in the country, nut, receiving no assurance from them that my hair could again be restored. I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, to the latter part of the year MD, your Restorative was recommended to me by a druggist. as being the most reliable Hair Restorative ip use. !tried one bottle, and found to my great eatisfactiqn that it was producing the desired effect . Sinop that time. I have used seven dol. Mrs' worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a rioh mist of very soft black hear, whiok no money can uy. Ns a Miarkof MI gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of so wonderrul an erode, I have remota mewled its use to many of my friends and acquaintan ape. who. 1 am haply to inform you, are using it with like sheet. Very roepeotfully, yours, A. FL LATTA. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 111 Broadway, and sold by all dealers throath out the_world. 'gFh v Restorative medium, and pu el,2;p in a "l o s t , t i e r; small three s e uses , eta pint, anti retaila i‘ for'ocus dollar per t bottle : the medium holds at east MOOT per east. more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars a bottle ; the tarts holden: l r 4o per cent. more in proportion, and re tails for 3 a bottle. 0 York. OD & CO., Proprietors, 444 BROADWAY, New and 1 14 hi ARK KT Street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggista and Fancy Goods Deal "tad hare by DYOTT & CO., D3ll North SECJDND street. auLS-mwf d-eowWtr MOTHERS. MOTHERS. MOD ERS. NOT S. Rti. It must be obvious not only to you. but to OM) atten tive and intelligentnerson. that the first diseases 01 in- Le o n w t rrislifhle t tla u t , r o oo n a a girr4re r d sm or i d t pon of their t for the alleviation and cure these diseases lo ine n iiieqli known as DR. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL. Prepared from a formula used by Dr. Eaton with re- FirtabUt success duties IMAM yeas' practice. we Ow It to IA a most fellable and a flioaolous remedy for titan tile complaints, and one trial alone will convince tOu of its superiorit y every other preparation of he kind. It is particularly recommended FOR 011ILDREN TEETHING, nd at this period of infantile '‘ life, when hour anxious darts are pained by witnessing the mutterings oh your ittle ones. It will be to and invaluable In Sokft.seistg tha Owns, Redwing intainotatton, iterissing all Pain. POT 1:118E.Ali 8 A'rTlits DINO TKlalllNti, such eu /Harr/ion, Dysentery, Orites•g in the Berets, Acidity of the Stomach, inni, Cotic, and Cold to the thud, we confidently o tt er this as ninon In i a certain relief and tril e ? l im . iTigh e e K eroVON nvan to can hardly be estimated .' imp ort ance IN CONVULSIONS. fnqm which more infants are said to die than from ani inner disesse t the little sufferer is relieved instente• 'slowly, Is if by mach, • and In this dread complaint alone. its intrinslo value ' is inch that it has teen recona rrankgurtirhouPrlrrtroanaivini the sine of alOi io n y o oTt a sell a °u r y a as your suffering child. Dr. Zaton'a ljfantile s Car di ar di contains NO MORPHINE OR OPIATE a/tint/kind. or of toAatetier nature, a fart rabid, ti e Fftifill Warranted In statute cannot be gad at inoo nun ot artLaras b i l o i n c. 4 l , tiV:teg a diLa i re f Ar o o t county:yid:Ulan arti becoming convinced o i llPifeltit . tV and of the sad and blighting ("consequences w lioh are certain to result from the use of narcotics disguieed in Die form of quieting remedies; their (wntinned admin istration b:ine Invariably followed by etupefaotion, and DIA dlfere from even other remedy. It DOES NOT CONSTIPATE the boyalt, neither done It not by deadening the sensi bilities of your obilden, but nature ly, through its rare_ medioinalAuslitusg, by removing all pain and ougo o f mem. we earnestly you, t therefor e , y lo t totter time In Innl i nring a to .o you ro nev a iy Intl to relieve a your oftll4 t r ite verily harm/era, and can• not injure CA. most &Heats Infant. evire napq s s b gn Vitt; EATON ' S y 1 VP: A N i r t) I ke E n tT ) 7 1, 0 1- t ue. mated only by CHURCA DUPONT. No. 400 liIROADWAY. New ore. . And sold by them. and by aU mayetable ?talents. and DY yo & co, oul-mittsoir 937 North SECOND St.. hiledephla ANNISEED-4 casks Italian for sale. WETHERILL DRTIMR, N ve3o 47 azd 49 hart t PM.` P PL BOBAX, refined, in cases and barrels, for Ws. WETHERILL & BROTHER. said 47 and 49 North fIbCOND EL JAVA COFFER.-1,000 poekets prime ria11 • Wr, 1 9., 16 Man GUAVA 6. Cu. EDUCATIONAL. VREELAND INSTITUTE—A BOARD NOHOW. FOR YOVNO insti tution le located in a delightrul...healthy, and retired tart or the country. twenty four miles northwest o. hiadelnina. two hours' ride from the city ; anoestuble y Norrie , uwn r ‘lilnll4l and cages, twice a tint. Item 37:a10n opens Ontaberi2d. For circulate, address HVNBICIKER Principal ee27-t0022" Per kio m en Bridge. Mont gomery 00.:Pat ESDAMES WIEGARAY AND D'IIER- Ica VILLY respectfully inform their friends and the vblio that they have removed their Boarditt and Day School fey IronnaLadtes from Loaan Square to - Norr. 1G27 and 1629 BYR.UCk. Street. Pupil, from five years of age upward prepared for the foarth clan. 1,36-1 M -I,Y ANT, STRATTON, & FAIRBANKS' MERCANTILE COLLEGE, El. E. corner BE VEPITIt and CIIEBTNUT Streets.—Day and Errata ( Setlio/13. Would stal instruction in Bookkeeping, in cludiugneneral Wholesale and Retail Business, atop wog, Forwarding and Commiumn, Banking, E. change, hlanufactorlng. Bal.roading. eteamboating. &c.. the most therougri and Proffitt' , COW.e in the United State,. Also, Leoturee, Commercial Calcula tions. Arithmetic. and the higher Mathematics, Pen manship Out in the city), Cones ,nilence, ho. For rile, their new Treatise ikkeepina. beauti fully printed in colors, end the best work published. aeal.f 4UNDERS' INSTITUTE, P-7 THIRTY-NINTH r MARKET STREETS, PHILA ELPRIA. Professor E. 1). SAUND RS & CORTLAND BAUR DERS,A. M., Principals. lion. wra. BIOLER, Clearfield ; WM. MoK [MDR, Egg., of the Merchants' Hotel Philadelphia ; Iran. J. W. FORNEY. of The Press ; 'llon N. B LIHOWNE, Mauch Ohunk — oll of whom 441 V, ton s . boarding in Philadelphia; Rev. R. WEISTBRoOK. D. D., of the B. B Union ; lion. J. W. AtAYPIARD, Williamsport ; J. LEISEN it IRO. Esq.. Bust ; and Engineer of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Comp y; and lion. ABA PACKER, Saunders' lasti•ure—will give their friend, who may be looking for a safe, thorough, and pleasant school any information desired respecting thin nominate. Agrove and lawn of LIGHT ACRES are attached to the Institute for geolusion, reoreation, and physical ex ercise. Er The terms for a session of five months, counting from the day of admission, are VII for day-boarding pupils, 81® forpupils why upend Saturday and Flanday at home. and Slid for pupils remaining tionstantl Y. No extra charges. Payment, in advance. aule-6w THORBECKE, TEACHER OF THE .2-:4• PIANO, No. 1902 FlNE . St res t . At home dailt at 2. sal-mvOlw• ITALIAN, FRENCH, AND LATIN, by E. T. RAMBALINO, ee2o IN' 1393 PINE Street. rrHE MISSES CASEY it MRS. BEEBE'S English and Primal:. BoArding and Day Behool. for Young Ladles. No. 1703 WALNUT Street, will be reopened on WEDNESDAY. September If. Bell lm ENGLISH AND ULASSIOAL SCHOOL. —The szhool of the aubeeriber. in Simei' Building. ESTN uT street, stove Twelfth. N% tll re-open on MONDAY, the 17th of Septembe C r. HARLES SHORT. PRI N G GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYEI, N. E. Cor. EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Btrasta. Book-keesing. Langua ges. Mathematies,Dravins. to. Boys reeelysd at any age. DONLEAVY LONG, Ptinelyal. se3-1m• UNION ACADEMY, No. 6 SOUTH FR- C/ TEENTH Street—Principal. THOS. D. JAM ES.— Ar opted to the promotion ()remind health. good scholar :it 16:: en d Ter & Jr.% t trollcou;auld may be had atilt Ist HARRIET BROWN WILL REOPEN He r SCHOOL FOR GIRLS on the N. W. corner of FILBERT and JUNIPER Streets. opposite Penn Smarr, on 10th or ninth month. ( Sept.) CLASSICAL INSTITUTE. DEAN STREET. below LOCUST. The duties of the Classzoal levitate will be resumed Mond 7 y , September 3. J. W. FAIRES, A. M., an 27 Principal. mmiss M. W. HOWES HAS REMOVED itiaiher sohool for young ladies to 1023 CHESTNUT street. and will reopen on Wednesday, September 13. A few boarding pupils will ths rammed. For oiroulars, inquire as above, or at the rreabyterian House. /331, and 1336 Chestnut street. augl-aw VENN INSTITUTE, SOUTHEAST 00R. NER THIRTEENTH and FILBERT Streets. re opens MONDAY, September Dd. Four more pO9lll will be admitted. Catalogues sent to any address. R. STEWART. Principal. CENTRAL INSTITUTE, TENTH AND SPRING GARDEN Streets, will reopen Septem ber 3. Bon prepared for 412 y Division of the Public Grammar Schools, for Coils res, or for_Bustness. ati32.3vr" H. D. McGUIRI... Pnnotnal. MR. WINTHROP TAPPAN'S BOARD NO and DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES No 1727 VINE street, near Loren Bemire, will RE-OSEN on WEDNESDAY, September 12th. throulara furnished on applics.Uon. anl3-411r. MISS LUCY R. MAYER and Mrs. R. M. BIRD will loosen their sohool for young la dies, at No. 1010 &PAL elf street, on MONDAY, Sep tember IT. suglt-lm BUSINESS CARDS. NEW ORLEANS (LA.) PIDAIIIJNE. JOY. DOE. da Co. Hare been appointed sole agenta in Philadelphia for this extensively circulating paper, of commanding in fluenue. Business men are advertising in the best news papers of city end country, at the offices of Joy,coE, & co.. Athertising Agents, FIFTH and CREETNUT Buret.. P hiladelphia ; Tribune Buildings, New York. seNi -t f MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, ADVER• /VA. TIME FOR re . IN BEST CITY AND COUNTRY NEWSPAP : . ( et publishers' 'noes./ throdelt J. W TER'S ADVERTIB 0 AOE i rCY. IL W. Corner THIRD and A CH Streets. afar Call or mend for Lino( Newip pers. rr3l tf MATHEW BROOKS, MAN VFACT/1 REX CAMPAIGN UNIFORMS. In ovary varlet . , of colors. No. 13 9 North 2.111110 Street . . . . , Iglu lin opposite Cherry. P t ad 'P R Al3 n E 11:(1 8 11A EE NIC AL ENGINEE a . "4 PATENT ATTOHNKY, No 114 Booth 81y11 ntseet. I Nearly opposite the County n }tonic) Prepares Specifications, Drawings. 0., and triumate ill other Dachau oonneete4 watt the obtaining of Let ters Patent Machinery Designed end Drawings mud*. tab-3m• RR. CORSON, REAL ESTATE BRO. • ERR AND CONVEYANCER, NORRISTOWN. Penruisivania. FAx STORES. MILUS, arid HOTELFOR SALE In Montgoinery. Bunks. Cheater, and 'taints Connties. vamps Yr= MI to RIO sorsa. in 'cod hiss, Person* applying will lie shown propertlas (ease of °o. Vet and Mortssiaas negotiated at fair ratan. HAND. SOME RIsSIO.KNOSS tor sale in Norristown. Potts town, and intermediate plums. For Catalog - nes and Ind dello riptkon, address R. R. CORSON, Jl2l4rn Norristown, Pn.. JNICHOLSON, • Manufacturer of SHIRTS—LINEN and MARSEILLES BOSOMS AND COLLAR& A large and choice 11.11Bort111011t. bild WILL XADI, always on nand. unto which 1 partlonLuly lovas the atttoOLOn of cAill and prompt-plying 211012-T2Y2 buyers. H. E. Corner of SECOND aid ARCH Streets. sot-3m• YFIIGUET & SONS, d. IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS. No. lite &nth FRONT Street. Remy° regularly a_full aseortment of dellrable CI 0 aRI3. whloh they oder at low rates, for cash or ap proved credit. PAWBON NIOIIOLBON, 1100KBIN)?pRik, NOB. 119 AND 691 aiiNOR BiltErs. Between Market and Chestnut stmts. I'ILILAJJELPHIA. isArm PAAON. IT W JAB. B. 1110110111011 J WAGNER JERMON a• • ATTORNEY AND 00U0ELLOR-AT-LAW, (Mee. No. 116 South !XVI Street, (Opposite Independence Beamed Patmanztrula, Ur the aid of reliable Attorney', at different point" in the Umtpd &stem is enabled to Prosecute and eolleet optima or every dem:mutton. .Particular attention /van to the examination and re. cover f of the elm mg of Letatees and Devbtees, and the examination of Land Titles and li/souring tho interest. °theirs and all portion" interested in the same, in all Tartu of the Union. Has the 63tatntes of all theatatca and a Commissioner for most of them. Derea m ttione carefully taken under Commumonm aull-e - fp J. BAYLIS THOMAS, BM k;..1• ATTORNEYAT-LAW, removolble 0110 e from No. 143 Arch street to No. 4119 WALNUT Street. }tertianlar attention Oren to the recogerg of Mercan tile Claims. The drafting and examinhuov. of Congerancee,Assignmatits, liners of and other Inatnur.enti of Writing The manggement Executor ships, Adminietratorehipa, and 'trust& superintended; and the beat securities procured fur the permscebt In vestments of Mousy. tistietsetorr referencegieea when lequired. arad-am• INSURANCE. COMPANIES. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN miTRANcf: compANy. INCORPORATED BY TIIR LEDISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA, 1823. OFFICE S. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Street', Philadelpaia. MARINE INiaIIRANCE ON VES6ELS, CARGO. To all parts of the World. FREIGHT IN. LIND INSURANCES On Goods, by River Canals, Lakes, and Land Camay, FIRM parts of the Union FIRE INFURANCES On Merohandise generally. On Storms Dwelling H on ., & o , ASSETS. OF THE CnIMPANY, November I, LW. Par. Market Patur. ITS 060 Philadelphia City 6 .t. cent. Loan 411511,060 60 100=1 Pennsylvania Mate 6 neut. Loan. 93.645 0,1 21,000 Penn sylvaula Mate el cent. Loan . II WO 03 55,003 U.S. Treasury 534, 4P' cent. Notes and Interest due —_,. .. .. 11.263 al 30,000 U.S. Treasury 6 .kw omit. Notes and interest due.... --...... ..... . 50,615 00 525,000 Temporary Loan to the City of Phila delphia...-.. . . . . ... 25,000 00 850.009 P011115,U116 atiruga i,i . Nij l i,i ige 6' cent. Ronda . . .. . 6 55 1 0 CO 320,0 0 0 North Pennsylvania Ra . nfroad M'ort gag e 6 Voent. Bonds.-- ._ _ . 13,500 CO 814,000 West Philadelphia Passenger Railway Company 7ir ot. coupon Bonds, 12,600 GC em,ooo, NO shares stook Germantown One ConIMMY. interest ri.'d principal guarantied by the city of Maa s:ow. 100 shares PenneBlvania Railroad Cum $5,000,100 shares North PennsyiVaMVßailroad 3r" Company.. . ... S„)N 82,85 U shares Philadelphia Ice Boat and Meam Tug Company, PAila.lelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Corn Pony, Ocean Meam Navigation Company, Philadelphia and ilavre de Grace. Steam 'row Boat Company. Philadelphia Exchange Company.. ----- —.— 2,310 CO -- f 435,880 Bonds and Mortgagee, and Real Estate. Of- 3 a 18,713 6 lioe Budding— .... . . . ... . Bulls yeoeivablo for Insurances made_ .. . Debate due at Agenmee—Premitmern Ma rine l'oliciesi, nterost. and other debts due the Company.•—•.... . . ...... .. . . 65,564 63 Scrip, and chic k of sundrrineursnee 13oni Cash on Deposit in Bank DIRECTORS. Himmel E. Stokes, J E. Peniston i Henry Sloan. Edward linrtington, H. Jonesßrooks. hipencer ilbomtis C. }lend, Robert Burton, ProoI) I'. Jones, JornesH, tishun I"..Ey re. ohn 11 Sample. l'iltstig . T. Mot g " .B. klll. A MARTIN. President. . HAND. Vice President. toretarv. dld istrin William Martin. • Edmund A. Bonder, Thoophilne Paulding, John N. Norm."' John C. Davis. James 'Fraquair. William hyre, Jr., Janine C. Hand. William C. Ludwig, Joeoph H. Seal. Dr. H. hl. Hutton, liporge C .coyer, )lug Craig. XClisrlea Kelly, HENRY LYLLIUMN, 500 000 HAVANA OICIARS.—Cons prising: Partatax Etviro. E ' spanola, cabanas. Nriabano, lick nes. Calhoun, B A rnaw, Vora.,ion, Arroyo Hondo. a o. 0 , Regalia. ndres, Millar. Concha. Opera, and I , ,su linos, of all luxes 511111 i (I IL and gnosis i i Sci rtre L by 10 0100 arrivals , an d .or sale by 1., si 4 R 21 t. if, sidi Ihr 130 WA Jet: litrs•e. CARDAMOM SEW. MALABAR-1 case fur gale. WETHF:RILL Sr. BRTHER. relo 47 inJ 49 North 8h0074 I) Pt. BURNT UMBER—Ground pure in Oil, for sedoliki WETRERILL & Bwriuskt, IT ami 49 PO 6 / 1 ;99:4P 4troth .01 SA.LEIII Di AUCTION. -- FURNESS, BRINLBY & 00.,__ No. 420 24.01111Ey STREET. tap OE 0 &LE OP VIXEN N.AISD SAXON ROODS. THIS Pricer )21ORN PIO, AT 10 WO K. A OARD.—Tbe pirepoi, on rat ruo * Li nvigistad too sale of Psalm an 099 II t (Friday) momna. Moot. 23. at 10 0 onk. 02 o 'O. on am months' orsdit, comprieing the most doldrums aelloauent offend at auciLon this season. N 10S—To Jobbing. insole this megn,ng -41,300 PIEOEO SAXONY DRESS DODDS. Of the Importation of Means. Seltimeder Mothers. NOTICE—To Horsley' • 200 LOTS YANO LK R AND OB STAPLE SILKS AND 8 ES. Comprising some of the richest good. Imported. To Merchant Tub s. An invoice of— .. Malt pros gram silk wettings. 2.-4 superb bombaziner. SALE OP 350 MORS RICHPANCY DSPAS SILKS AND 160 FLOUNCED BILK ROBES. • This !donnas, Se pt. IL at 10 c'eloek— DM pimmel2.lol2 tubs printed ekint2 colored posit de vote. 20 pieces SIM nab Lyon. black moos antique. SO do 21 inch super quality ex Wesel plain 1 0 111 t de sole. 110 Piecee Piper quality email figured bleak silks. 2) do sold colors Poudelle sake. 20 do .4 inch slain P 0121140 m e' 100 6,7, and 9 iiOIIIICIN ex rich milk robe.. 60 do do Week do. lo vise*, ex heavy Paris bleck_poolt di writ, RICH CHINTZ ) , 0111,ARDs AND PRINTED rich shied FALL 25 please Pans filth ehlAti foatinti. lid do do 64 r039r01l Cashmeres. CHECKED PO LARDS. Warntated a I Bilk. 4 cases (40 pieces) oheeke,l foulard., all silk, for the best bat and coo trade. VIENNA BROCHE SQUARE AND LONG SHAWL& KM eupenor 12-4 Vienna Mocha square shawls. 500 do CH ENIL L E SCA RFS. dn. 100 doz.', ex rich Paris chenille scarfs. .PARIS BLACK AND DRES.OWN MOUBLIN DE I . LAIN • ISO pieces fine to extra fine Paris Mack sad Irroinl mouslin de la , nss. POPLIN FRANCAISE BROOME. 2 cases rich poplin Francais. broclie. BALE OF 4,400 PI E0,F.8 EIMCON Y VIOVE,II DREBO 60091. FURNEBB, BRINLEY & CO.. Aa041.4444r4. Will include in their eats of 429 MARKET event, Friday, Sept. 29. 1140 traces of &axon r woven dress of the wall known nianulacture of hi sssss . &bounder Brothers, New yolk. - . Consisting of -2.50 pieces pod de chests, extra heavy goods. mb ego do chal lies, su analityand new designs, 27s do limas. high Initred satin Minh. sfo do challi toy/0.1114in ground alien f Tarr mime 200 do Floridan., small designs. in plants. 225 ,to Formal; splendid soods, brooks figures. 301 do woollen satin. highly Mitred silk stripes. 200 do do do do do doubts width. 450 do Jacquards small set Bear's, an entirely nee/ mike. 20) do bnlliantss, silk fi~~ures. for beet ell t i p 100 du Atlantwe.raosuard figured. g 400 do plaids, small diMgus. brig t ono, in red and blait chetah. ZOO do Union plaid.. double width do, bright colon in red and black cheeks. 650 do Union plaids. single width. In oar well known manufacture. The eigove, comenaing the most approved striae of their Importation. are Crean goods, jest landing per steamer Teutons , and carefully aamint. for the Wads and market. Your attention as respeWally caw* to thisuale. whieh include all the latest noveltreg of th A I ET.- 9° 'fre . ali of !agony drew goods wall commemio at It o olook Precisely. 6.4 SUPERIOR PARIS BLACK BOMBAZINE—OF A VERY SUPERIOR MAKE. This Morning. A full assortment of superior i'aris Black Bombs ulnas. PARIS DRESS BILKS AND SILK ROSES. An Invoice of rich Paris Dress Bilks and Bilk Robes. SALE OF IMPORTED DRY DODD& On Tuesday ?doping', October 2, at 10 o,clock, by catalogue, on skx months' credit. fop pack:vex and lots of fancy and staple dry goods. IP Samples and eataloguee wist 7 on ' , tor:lon a / 4 of sale. F. PANCOAST, AUCTIONEER, Buc kl• eassor SCOTT. in.. 431 CHF.RTNUT St. SHERIFF'S BALE OF STATIONERY. Will be sold for account of whom it may concern. On Saturday Morning. Sent. M, at to o'clock. the balance of a stock of sta tionery, blank books. envelopes, pen', pencils, to. Peremptory Bate of Superior AMERICAN CUTLARY, TO CLOSE ANACCOUNT. On Monday Morning. Octoberint.wilt be sold by catalorae,on "Alberti credit, PS cares of first quality Amen min Cutlery. sow, enemy a fall assortment of the best goods In the mat get. Sale positive, ootmnerming at 11 o'oloak precisely. gar Catalogues and samples ready on Saturday. Bey bomber 30th. I..IDILIP FORD & 00., AIIOTIONSIRB, m No. 530 MARKET Street, aad 521 MINOR &met ST. LOUIS, 10. WILLIAMS BOYLI & 00., AIIO • • von/At commAIQN o ll i No. 6,llorth 14.. BT. Ulll, (forziorty int& hum. sm. uuhig horn. & drat their services . tho merchants , hag re. 11 agh t m oti pf r!t i t .," tr ajar tt.• millo of gem* oar- IletUtzoonts mad, thou days ahin g is 1111 111 Mean Yen. Cloghorn. Va.,ll44olattlo. i i sinow& c grspor. lavo4ot .. Ztha,rtinnt.any& Nov Yon. Wood.gOrfsfy. & Co, E9t.Lotto, Ma 6 . Crow. ofourrarr. & " ** nthls-tbituli suiprmo. TOR TUE HOUTIL-011ARUS Tori_Atip ekvAmmikil firmfaumps. PH.LIBII7 Hoary' Frei at an swap. of /lonian pie stun M AT flaw Yort nontil i zo. o „ o. Ike 11./a. Mall Stammlop SEYSIO _NE STATE. Ca4P. tam Char los P. Illarybiaan. ostorldiap. Urtobor 3.10113 o'olook A. M. la"njii in ° lra icrovilgr-s -?ha W. I. MAII ftaismollua BTArft Or eznitem. Captain Joan J, fanny'. will mail oft PatattlaY. tonal»? 'Mat 4 ciolool P. M. Aim%in la to so hoess—enly &I lame at M. u g oils ohanto Iran arery s.terdAy to every Ivo nays. I..x.te rename!, se d %Cs of Ladle( lima 977 day. entlMMlligileaMMlMl: fin 47):::ffect=1 " :Vettli.1,1171:2i aa tV orgii Eta , Mar Wee ass goat vita etelunitirlotlit7 l 4 , lll railreaM. mh. tor all Maass In the the/013ot veil. 5 U ILARCL rrentlt an 4 !mimeos cot • Large propeNeg ef gay& shipped *oath will berfornal to be Ismer by than by rainy Ireivela. Um -mama beats tort= rate. N. B.—lniar% . .. all Itall=lPrggs a =frab the mi llall . r muul oo4 Coco rT a nn . "t ie: .. t ".. 11 4 retNizar. ram. 0 T *WWI° Fare I y ate route le to is per Het. err than by the I ular,d Routs, ea be eeen r iab: we deln. Tbroath ttekste oaa Ytk rico ton wad a....b mu, IS. I CL 6 oil the whole route , SLOW MU OW TM nib to he onteenterr 1 VIA CHAILLX2I . O3. ! VIA VAVANNAIL To 4barleaton—..—.l.l 00 To Sarannai.—..— 1115 L T 00 ° Vir ati oon Atanta— 21 00 Atlanta-- 21 00 Montsonteri--. 25 00 Columbus— 21 0 . 1 —23 00 t i lb.o7. ---- n9l New O rleans__. to °atm/miry t 5 00 Nashville...—. V rill Alobile— .. 00 Knoxvalle____ 25 50 New o:Lama N/ TS Mempla.—_ 2110 Fare to Savannah. yta Charleston... • - • -•-• • Charlaston. Via Saw/moan --• •— • • N ix) Fo MIL of Morns maw ruler roe s has or freight oreaanate &WI on e board. it second wltart *Dore Vine et LE to . EIONr.AVO.. D. 1•20 NORTH wNARVISZI *dents In Charleaton r T. B. t 7. 0. 811DD4.... . Itmzumatt.BUNlßS OAK For Florida from Charleston. Mawr °warm *seri Threaday. For Florida from Savannah. Moamar§ Iltadary's and Bt. John's every Taaains and BatardaY. MTHE BRITISH AND NORTH IL AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM.- 11011 NNW TOXIC TO LIVIIITOOL. Chief fenbiu Passage ----$lll Bsoonc Cabin Passage ?II PROM GORTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage .......-- ---- —.4110 liettond im r i...,. , 'The 'naps fro m eV YC , lt i call at CFrk Harbor. he ships fro m tots a Mgt an and Cork Mir l'F.RßiA, Capt. Judkine. ICA rrAQA, Capt. Llpg. ARABIA. Capt. J. litons. AMER-10A, Cat. Noodle, ARIA. Copt. E.O Lott. NI AGIRAV 4 a , pt Audenecni AFRACA, Capt. ithasoson. EURO A. t. J Lanen. ectrrieq now bust These vases Garry a °tear whit. :Font Last-head t AKAop starboard bow; red on port w. BIA, Stone. laves lkoton, W nitoday. Rept. I AFRICA. Shannon, ' N. York ,_Wedneeday. advt. U AMERICA, Mouth°, " Baton. Wtdasday. 800. If ARIA. Lott, " N. Yorg,_Waneoday. eusipL Pe YU ROYA, Little. " Boston. wodrioaday. Oct. 3 pi& irtum, je,nricui, " N. York. Wednesay. Sept. le Berths not secured until paid for. An en periend eurgiron on bard. The owners or thew ciii.a will not to aocoustable foe Gold, Silver, 801 l ton. gpools, Jewelry. Precious State °rhino's. unless tolls of laden are signed therefor and the value thereof then; apresal. For fre.ght of pas sage. apply to E. CUNARD, 4 &mhos Gre•l. eel New 1 ork. EXPRESS COMPANIES. wwwTHE ADAMS EXPRESS CO. .odice 320 CHESTNUT IhUsse formsr.ls rsrosts. rsoksies.lderohscolss, klank Notes. and ape° , e, caller by Os ova Linos or in oortrieotloc with other 4sprthe Cora to sv the Druicopa: 1..J.w and mutes or the Unitelthakt*l. K. 8. RA 813Y0d0. 1•14-tr decors! lesportstasidost EXCURSIONS. PHILADELPHIA AND REA.lntiv_ i!ALLitoAD. LK, ON OF t A 111.11: On with s a d slier A coo j V Ie CG =LI N4 d_ z 'r e holder and msnit ante tartly, limy Porringer Train, and Si SAY IBC The) Will void by the Trerarer, at de °dee of the cioacoani, 0. Beath FOURTH Street , at a Meatus of twenty-dve Per cent from there y fares. Potties erlehtnt to enJoy the Bummer l it he Coantry v , fold ttue e very de/nrahle ro ute, the zed' baxim: Valtele beteg &moat the a.oet baton I Dad healthy In the State, and emcee_ Bible by foe t as Um end to Fhltede4ta eatly. 8. Treasurty, rintacn.rittA. hlaroh.l6th.l3lo. label/ 014.t,...AN FOR TEIE SEA SHORE. —CA Marz AND ATLANTIC RAIL ROor.r.—On and alter BA 11,411AY, Eepternber 1. Matt tram loaves Vine street vqt . ar.. —1.30 A.M. k:3press • • ruRNINu, LEAVES ATLANTI ° r.M. C. Mad ..... LIM ..... —.IAA A.M. Stospina All . 6 tations going and return:oc. Fare to 1 tlanun,1111.11u; round trip tickets, good for three dill, 32 I rei cht must he delivered C r c covt ,,.. P oin t us 3 Y.M. The CNnyany veil not la resp.,nstble Ice ant enoJe until received and recetiZed for ht their Atent at the Votnt. au3l-tf J011:1 O. 13RYANT. Arent. PDILADELPIIIA AND R 1-,AMNG RAIL/WA D. DE i.t(AttFui, EXCURSIONs, nn and alter MONUAY. JULY 9th, until Septemter .7.0. the tot:owing routes will be opon (or etoc uroce. 1 toketa (or laic. at Picket °Moe, Broad and Callowhili 'torte. 1:0 I.:IIBEAT% Fat's end retura-- ES 80 _ .. To ,Saranion and 19 To Lock Raven and tett:in—..., I ee For further rftftlOollfll 11O• 11T11111 NUL Of spele to Tielet Agent or the eetheeeli Broad lag SSinirtult "treats. or to tro. F. 13 'A Y, tieneriii A tont 1 hI C. 1 Residua Railroad. Phila. Q. A. 1111.10 L Bum nate adult. R 19 1 ,11111. trll-'seld $80166 67 SUMMER RESORTS. ,INSION fIOUSE. MOUNT CARBON, FICHUYI.HiIif. COUNTY, PA. Families acoommodatel with good moms at ridge/id prices. tit.[ 041-eittblithed Hoots, locate.' Is the gato tei e.”l:lB:isfe and eoond tgoontsino, intmed)ateiy the lute rot the Philadelphia .lit Reading RAP , within half mile of Pottsville, Piro/ rtY kept .0, o omph Head, of the old Mansion. now*. La4sl/hua. has, same hie demist. boss ander the e erg* of ha daughter. The House is prepared. SI al] seasons of the year, for the racy ttou of guests, end has to e t! recital, la; I. order. he !ante garden , and put adio•aing , preuepti great int ...Intent-6 ai a glimmer resort. to pandas ir.ah nu to 'mend a short Ursa away front the dates lard tar moil of toe cities. where they oils breath' Grath stoma tutu a4r, and onto? the wild awl bosattfal locum of the owl rowel. Commatehou eautesager Valeta. fee u• of fast- Ilea. are /told at S redgettuo of ivirate fro wry seat.. end an sooomm•dattun t ua w.ll Slav* Pottangla during A. summer month,. to eaapt• t4eee Lk* %I dealt, it to send that houseat portion ot the hit., had rotatrothe woo ersoiag. ea whoth , the gi k rboe trill be thtrty•three peg Mat below tae • For tsrms, a pel tuo trY eel. Meath* lloatAotat . 1030-ltst situ • ra. OIT En 01 L, in gouts and into, for gals. IYETLB 11,1,4 BR 1.400 47 444 411119t41 SALES ST •UCZjOi MM I IIOMAB a . Kos. IN magi ir VRTII tint. WmA % ija ittia A s ' 1) A. I as er ssusia isly IBMS NOY cssaassspust sales. Sir Eandbills of each ',mom, imig=adio. to addition to Cush ye pasiish on tSa r aaeb sals c es uze th=srsams, fa imi lWa lt4 zza. al & rd.,. IQ 11111/10110` illi C .15 r sad ths Es is will allitiV Mai at A i as Po ad zr I a t t.0 1 ,. 5s as 1 0 El it . if , t op i t i m pi sa.. •lit pi\ .. L wain a &mac. jrinerar:::..r, ° =2:. 11117 I .a X= P PIMPV era Wilarthm store IST goal wawa Wend Oa MU rrinse2 F•eisarn and ad vervard creasasortallr la ova}am (of which I.alo toiNas an gnaw apasarty.) aii °harm Peremptory Salt. COUPON fIONOX lIIIOATOAGZEI. &a, On etteuray. October lat. at 11 o'clock. cool, Will be add at Public tale at the ?ha ulslplod Factuttoot. "Want re term tor cask. for sotonat or whom it my 401101102 • the kilogram. via : Ea c. 42 n bonroht of the Eudora Markin Care n. vinam c alt IMP in, i f7•lolo.laattarad by throe lii 2rst beams! data leth March. UM; tits data lab Jaaa.ll//: lad tad tail or Femur/ . land inteoAtid at Pal ta Ita spirt gads book A . No. ff. alLit• V/ ; A IA peee MK lad A D , aid. ma ka. Akio, a tempt of A. W. la . es t or the Gtrard Trots, for le of and hte lb/tribe wand. Third. A eel bond end a giws soles anted by buses mad bawls. t. um bet wale jute singe to a M n hiring been he tilt Cavemen-tut to Frapoet.A.Ditrzal,aed .... V Franc' A. Detail to William Aseltaittl. dry policies of insuraoc• upon taa Market Toatto Gl a tt said company. Terao—Casb.aayabl• at lb* time of salt, lama thusly attar the atrocorty is atraok at; ELEVH FALL A A LS—OCTLIFFII Neat madam. ENT RESIDENCE.. eulk huss Russ fard. 1020 Filth exest. below Guard Avow*. Lot 37 foot (mot. Very dealrablo Cooker? ItEXIDErmv 2... icor* .11traa of Lend Oak lino. ooze .Da old o.lr. lennutraana Rallrood. lamothat• paramout, ?err. sash . Nut Maim REStDENCS. Mat» loath Ifourtuath street. near Chartaut :strut has Ma mane sans_ manes.. May M axasunod bayou 10 sad IL sad !I an 4 6 o'ol oat. Elegant Brown Stone R.ESTDENCR..No. Jill Wart Logan ovum. Lot fi feat front. leidaes. Tt• hone la boat Ili t h e but manner and mass with alitir no darn oonvetuoneec • • • • • • Two sopa nor Modern 11LESIDENCV w ti aids mac, stables, and amen ecoass, Posolrford load sad annuli stmt. lota saektll fast front. 1118 Sat deists Cana stmt. Executors' Male—Estats of John Nerriests. dasssalL,l CKAN 13E2_2 If ?Alit. 322 AMIS. Joliass.r.Allas no county. MOW J•1111T. &belt MIAMI (=LI: moat. Statical. ors taw Cstodioa aid adjoin= lands of Mari_ _ protest S A IVE M IT. Three-otory Inek DWILLINU. NMI Caleriddll strum oast of rvesatialt stesst. Torso story Brtok 2Ws LUNG, No. W Waeltissioa anat. °welts Jedasos taws. od ors ra- story Minok DWELLING. No.IN Pm* street. wan of 741414, atrat: las UM moans calm - Iv snare. Lot 110 Rog boot. Moder* Back ItESUMNCE. No. MS lass . Test of Touth *rat; las tba madam oat s. uniadzassomessyss,„ Nest St odor. DW21.1. 1 / 1 2. No. 73113asosnrood first Sousa oast of Eighth stew; Ma the airdorta eveissoes. Clear of slijscunbnaeo. Four-story Brick_FulTDlDltY, 134 Nat stoat. be twasn Ssoond and Thirdatlas Waist an Three -atom Brick W=B. No. SC theist a.. eat of Fifth street. . . .. .. Throe story Brick DWXLLINO, Ne see POTSD IL. bettri . pifth e i pd KUL god Mem* sad nee 4 PP;OJIY U or wool.. BY nee 5 131 Neat modern pins two. lee, lin loath Maul street corner of street. lee theme/1m eoe venieneez. Valusbes it.seureporty. Three-mory bnok D Llano, No. IX Asia street. east of Third street. Three-stonr bnek TAVELN AND DWELLING. No. MOO Coates street, vast of treat! sestet. ry . I TRACTS. 1393 rritk3 BOAD TOP COLL LANDS. Boyce mots valuable Cce4 Leads, Broad Top Bad_ ford ace Houttagdoti ocisaties. Pelisse teams. Tema half eash. Hs.. Mlle. slam sad surveys: atm a meet of Mr. John Fulton, geologist. tosterher untu spieurrait of the coal. toss be sees at the 111110t400 moms. earn absolute. 114F.LITH FALL SALE—OCTOBEN 11. Peremptory eam on the Promum. Pao KT IY oe nixed WA. bdezilia, VAL ['MILK FAJIH. 110 ACRES 31 Radnor gatemen a. Delavere county. on the r tarnpika.l2 mass from nalsibilolts.l:l: a l• • wile of the Morgan Btanon and use- saner o a sale of the ay n Station. on the ,Weer road. Th* land is in first- rats boadatos. the ram sdnuttsd to be one of the best in sadnor licrieastusg. Terms—Ontrfeinl cub. gale abso'atte. Bale No. 331 !oath BEVIEINTR B 1111 U cjuti illet. NEAT FURNITURE. ms ka., Tux 14 Septa& at 10 o'c!ock.No. c ale 'ri th Ihrrealerith ii.. be acme street. the entire erathcoll. Am esneeth. bedding and be 4 linen. Re.. via iiiin tae emir the atty. Alio. the tchen [mutate sad war may bo magma as tio lasolaag 44 gab, at I o'clock. Fitlllaptory 11140, 8 0.91 S MAIM StbOOL STOCK OF UPS tEjl i ticOlk • Os &Ewan Oct. 1. at 11 east*. at Pio. stmt. t Os tlre stock of P. &Astor. Oats aka & folustos.) Os- T =IVIIAU J c s c r j OftsltMilla! toted with stoat cam tor sionrevoss at i Vatrastod ht esst=. with cat Ma : lrr a tr= Ll:=4=rsusse to mak. BALE OP s ST4IIDA.ND AXDpormut BOOLL OSF VA itIOUSUBJECTS-41 pities a anilinthals. sii new and frisk stook. Os Tassdat Cat. I. st the suction gory, • larss sisonsupst of Po 1 , 415 t eusesdansoms boots. all soy sad Thu. AMC Sir Cata:.nsas n.IDI needypi ittosiar 111011014. sad th• sirsitjed imssst.s Cy 117 1131111 !most et PESIVA Urerh LC .. .00D Ift&NIO. TAP AY CA VI'S. AA. Os Val..!..rr 3. st fielatite. Street. beast FOarla saved= pry .tec tlistrag 110111- ba cill stiausber tarsi Mrs. nosiromit Ibris. tpsvis t Co Las taxmen sersan. mgrresa alias aell tresses. he., a M t a gostiseksrieruslatsa bastiss ma att. A Me 'abee sr xay ba summed at otetark se Uhl reassai of this de elel .0 1, 112 , liseLl EMPAI Ch. As • V.limi. 14 lA* ir m .ll7 .4 Blmieft iIIMI eal imea.A WA 14. *tie mart salte. ---- ;; J V S U Pr.miC e 4 L iN L irrirl,g _kb am ns -5 vae CA. lt , e tL . ka. MS 0 i IL. Olobis Iltl, st J• i t c. . at Oa UN it rea =L • i r k i t aatit.okus. tk !take t Itatagraad Yvyscutts. tal alma., •.•itast arm. Snmatia. mod olrat ase. pats. Ott Cloths. kt., to ••• bat •dm t knit. Mil It Cic.....st order.. E4== • sar :la eiboest ftuuture vas sudit of Xoase Cs_.nrzon. SO ILISILLSIS OS Cla 11011 LISS of WSW at 11 cicada. Intl, estainesee. Mns•MEI NATILANEI, A 1:3 OTiapillta 1A ae x cipiut . Jim =11.42 , 11', mcilliesse lrallia TO IbOLIL 121. 000 to Wu. as the kowesS niteh as dkossq 'wales, *welts ,T-tser shout. to goods. Os Uni u. 3 el k Verri. rn alfir "l" . sad e r a 1•1 tIT ~,.. 7=i. tarts or sins II &spouts no ist la % i v ran= mo o ts. tits ay. Sr Primal eatrsass as Z air Val sass soap tow II V11:111. Rea" i etiM/31§WitielitMAT__ ST Adyskoss of PIPS sildlSMals se two Tar son Mares or OW. Me Splainis. al gas vie ens. hi Au)rite , the Ali 71EVIZA := N 5OO. OralseVrAric AT LIT at pe t : V4l Vat P g7i `' .lggl.k. ft... evened lel:Gheff. at astaislase „ =l, t _oro l iA t_ even' disonsaos. ssur7 ...., stzsatests, first a sa.its of Writs spirs,MlFT IL imponstion pnco Incas Sues to st.ll/4011•• 1 14 rations sitar lusts u VII MULLES Attsadjsl to p•rsosaity Os AerssaSST. Cassis arsests of SAY 11114 wrepm si, ue_iav attest. mu; ISALAJI _1 IS CO BPLENDID 317 or DIAMONDS AT PAIVATii aAL Cooslatilag of diamond aoal opal broaatota aa,t oar tuns. k'rtoo, atat Coot ia Paris aims- f ifm STEINWAY & SOWS ITZW PA TENT OVVTAIIItSAXAND ?MHO!. SQUARE WU:4D. Ali StitILEZ PIANOS. Fc P :vier noci In consorts pnrata melee by Chi Iv twiner& Received M. trat t rAtinn ore, tie it mak Arir, rom t5..1.111 , Gor 1102. 0 rvn. Cbsl:ecgt, I ocalirstAton. I , A I RR di r 1001 CtitMTN 1., Iltrost. l ov PIANOS ! PIANOS! ! PIANOS !! F1.‘',40 FORTE.. Fro ATI:4. 1 14 tru! othi Nss t Cazt.lhle,! , had n. •a.! CH C F.,. HGOIO-D, SEVENTH ha ESA 1.4 pom HAINES BROS.' °MST/WM; PATEN T-A CTION P:A . .;(O FUNTT3, CtivHow First Claw_ ttswv 5et444. , tar:ll4t. rt:Z o Lin fag LoAcCe X N. a IL sad othjit ar. for as,4 644,Z1-Saad t Y' oisonug o wAtmc, S. E. c.,,e me el, sad karat itc. PRINCE t CO.'d Impromt DLO7 . .. 3 r trt Md. • "Irak.. THE CELIBILITED ROYAL C OOK LNG STOVE is flea of eta most 114)1s;{, Ccokira Stovaa 'rot istr.slreal. It .a sulda e utter rah or rlthoot cu.:room. futarsa sr* of ear.ous stlt.a. adapted for blame< et:Lar coats rood. The H c•talo:a Ida Royal. walk t moray r ecoatatexaz a cote:Lac suva:, of hat WSUr. a a . - -rabas im pro: cat nt fAr koarolatirrs. . . . . 'these stoves u• muss of t.. Nast I ma. sal WAtit RANTED to glve ssiamDi. , ...ln. Ples.... eximstfieekra purch %Aunt. NORtli cs.A. Nos tell St Iron Found's,. No. 409 Y . BEcp. p Et. 0 STOVER! STOVES!! JAMES SPEAR 116 MARX ET STREIhr. a now prepared to m.. the Influent the psh., esot• cornthetat• in all the class. I alibi Stone tree• thin in; other eatahitanntent in Pattadalenta. In proof of wh , n he , nr..e• CONI, AAAAA tvi rxriIt•IIIT.D.X. '1 ar , r3l: N.r.. 4 ere Amon, PIS 0 . .11 rola sr int en , 511 sev•ral of whz:h hay, Cprady ontstani a El t ~F . . tst:on al nifpinatna in •, t.t.ts:• anti , :asa - st, say • - •..e: Stores , n tire. JAMES SPEAR lathe lo'rentor sod Filial*, of the IrrittorenJ Gap ,etch( 6.1 , 0k112/ Stare, ildksolfiCl4•4 ti. be iii Sett Store f , tr farndy 4id to th• world. JASIEs s ?EA it ,s the Puente* of the eeebtatel Oss - rotenantni C.soluag Range, now rarnttir 11.31111:i into re...eta! nee, JAM t.. 3 3 PEA A 1r ILI Prover of the Intyrorld S i re r•s AkttAght coetracosy Par:ot .514 re. JAM EP MA ft la the Int•gttps of ak t orero'! ( POient OrtiAmao , s: State I. to. Allied. from its twailly sod inlay, a hi.p. atm rogroa tr , N 11IfTWT • sally itdriticed. JAMES SPEAR the Pr'ea•er of the Labor. fro:. rod email . vsrior I moing JASt h 8 EA al R tar freiralot ga4 Patsy-too of the ceebrated lotway ear Horror. JAM it is as !aviator of th• fin/rorkt Fire Goikrd Store. For d, of the allor• the Toronto, airy!eater e,oir A.lvritri,,tris 'which rerun tit to bis syderytood by the v..= to he i*e flora', smetated and preform! to Lay ,taer oat ries of cast es. he the INlArtet ; sod a, neteq tver4 a cordial trYttakorkto porroo. Pwent rtf !saves t. , 1 tat' lid 'lslets* gr thetosatren ert,. r to •rmnins sere ere rr rittratioo shown 'Sam. whstlier totem:last itomed..usfy 10 yet ch tze Of Mlt. ikat.Ja 13 E PORT WlNE.—Fhyaininz antl -4. I n 711.411. . vsst of s rs4all• *rooi. et PI!". 4. PO AT I% 1:04. an usssted that Wry fl• obese* IS at lES R. cesTaraLt e •s W LT," ji a t. LAvsof touthesat eanscr A:s iv..•• lOA,O %V". 4. Mid s POOP r bAusd is Ossess SED. ion rFA IRBA N KS' PLATPJRI4 1101L18. fir as " Ijtilliils4 REAM' it(X)FING.-JOELIC !LATER. isprsysnol los fateMW si rooln4 as war. A 3 0.44 , 1 Met _lltrah NIA ?4"I oir Alseil V* .4 Vrallsaftr W iz its Situate rt-P3-°4\.avr.., l r r i &L . t v I nzg e t . Lira . Law; vta& V ARD OLL-50 M y am. Notes No. 1: ll j uigtit 14 a446161171a5ra PIANOS. STOVES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers