' --- --'''''-'*--..-'-mmissr.—'"::: ific . ~. „ .:,., The , ~ , ty- ,, 1 ...i.:74; Zitr-fi3litilllialiflolititsliffajte, A seseril=l4,APltyi•neitr IA 00110. to-daY; , OWE, • 041vOnfediV fisogois: M. I,_ _ ..=IZ I . I O II, X. - • Pliolualsiasta-ltaileroad• stook "aia ,13 ° ,148 , - . 04.044 kehuylkill Navitfitmek "4 11 44 1111 _.., , -;... .. joding . / 141 4 , iitiiikitiisultthiziastetlmikrisoisatien, 0 . ,di . i., : at; . . 4 '• aPeakinSPEAPOPer-100isiigiietEtke'.1pitifni ix __ol4i,Likkik:l,4l46:it7atiser rii,lvad to-clay, nays : wpr '''' West 41 Aiiiiiiii Inlaseidstivs ,innopto on alas toeflait theateressOfjenelr talyorwn .1' get t sot o , = albs- fas_t;Ttorn rvessaammr notice I-, ~ ~m r, >' •- , ". :• , -.:',, - Oaed. • Juked, ,, -4 iii64iiiiiiiiiiiiiilivariv..;:!,'- t4' „ni .ti" ;,. , iiii.4,,..,••• ~.A4( all - ' MX- ' ' isliro9ss::: ::::::.....,-,.....-- • 104 - ISM Ng. M90‘ 1 4. • • • ,...:.,.4 - -... 14 , 44t - ...:•` . ..• • 5 .. 63; Mwe ,~ Iliy r .;, , ; ?..;4. ' 4 11 !!!!--t,• , -;...,- -, - - v , •!•• - .l k ,; . : _IX ''-' S ' : "^ l • r' - i , "'A:" -- :.7.7 . , - 48 -- . 52 4 ','.'. 4. :L.• it t n. t ....q:•;- 2 -•. - •:-..- -lit - '''' et ri.' - .4 r• ".. 111 T: .° :- 71; . ... i , . . - ..,.:;, 5t .-, `. ' fig f ...-..- 4 ;..A...,.......,-...,,,,,;._,..,: - * l o,, o ilkiiiiiika g , p t hell: isionq of s e iza et _ ToTor d •Zilrwireilitirelel: . Mao. tooii, all -- skottotoe. - lindood.wo do - , Aliii id* 44tioh gneiss aim so onato= ' e 4 _. %,,4-4,,,,,i66,;,,ii"itzNa11ia57u7P071 : n o N IN :v a 7Z: iftotoimialit Is atiOt4orof Molding foi the tallaion i a that Btete.. - 'Dian abt - of th¢last 'Yesiabiairo, the canal hid ana roiselonete are required to °edgy to the controller of the State, rn or l'efore the let or:October, the :einonot eittottail as wpid for, the "saftnittt•of interest on the Slate debt, iodate'', etetement, if trill be the duty of tiotowEr isibigate Mama of hr tz! 01/211411 hollists“' • .4 Vera prayer tstbtsgee to to inereleed teenl:teiteipte. ibwiikoanse s tion, ot 6t r irsisouilk it the tine of trs oity, ss • easearearenteiterollintatirabunitted tut winter to tho - 411, fretir94Cseeendi . nis: to th e Coterier of. the Medi .-_therftal the nearket .krr the Welt , widths on the 11 . 1 .„ AP &mond Cholla. and lune' 'sj Olwriktwew betliforelso and - doniesWiesolunse. Tho • itettertiathreor attar, not only eafiliked tt funnel' en in -. snowed Napoli of capital, bet alio lid to augmented ttlfinittrier enema of 011ie.. PIO. haportint Ow* tniparldped. horrapir; in =tee of disconat; bit it was evident,. towarde.-tho clone ~of bushier that evening, - the, lower'qaotatioi• senet oboe jrersii. , The fidiatint are the entientoluitatlenl e for mono tionletant elehange, to., ai thaniaded hperonlite & Co. beakers, Ho. eo No:oh Third draft: ipm - . 4thip.24 dnt. ;,..1.81 Old American gold. t r. t o ur , 1 i r : 4 F7t".4161;6 - ,;12,' Fire se tinders. Mmenehdoublipons....le.lo •iitte , P-4-149 ream 0336.22011., ..2 • , illie/4i. mr --- 1E54372...:.- - ..,P - Silo 16"110,' ...1,-,-. , • glic 0m0tti....... Ity to 1 • &tots :- 1: raszlie.:. :. -I fr50.1144'., , SP ". py Louie— -_ A :. ": " 1 :, ' leItTICI.:7.1:1 - to R -.1 . - IN:: ,Nesnaille....... 12 :: ' , lt :411 - 44;. ' ‘-, 1 - . .sissmen—.. •il.. Pillaaelphia .11140 - ,l9ielkauge Sales, - flpstember 27, 18113 121126001 - 14 . ::11,*, , obersiaili, isioclriggott &reit ,-e. - . -- , i , Font 130&2111, 1 Vir I 301) eiStOr•t: • I -•,--• Irons% 1.:...:. - ...b6.-.41 61 lalki - : •1; """ V I IS - 6°." l ,' :n - 3 - iii . .;3 " Ili ,r ,. • -- 1-T": 2.:70 31 ° Prosa ....--:•10)i ~* . F.•. . = . .7106 a wit& ayret...........17 - tr‘titillillit - Tir."::-... 7 30.. SO C320/01 alining..--.10 10 2110 60.`.. - . - .... - ...'.:-• ..- :SO '6O do- .—....10 I .4 1000 do.. -., -.LS% 50 Norristown K........... 48% - NO er6.4.....-..1 6813eh.N5v.wret...:.1)5..24 to . ..........,014-2 •1 rt 1.4100 Lt........ 04 .....iots_lS.-, 64 ‘2.71200120 3.. MN CI &S.: -.lplassm st 3 rat or Tenn.— 10014 . JO - ___P , L..-- -- . BOARDS SETWBS u U6OO l l lic.-61!;Icetc. son D.) Morns 4 d 0... . 26 16:: Eld"rrilliiigaii'...7s . BOARD. ' 400 Read R.. .. ...: .... _RS 'OBliill011111iCt11)..* NM ' Bliorrts Crita'pref....ll6 ... - //e6iiie1........:!.1:34 u.r 13/ I ii.....:.:..:.133( I makeroial 8k.... a 52,54 . , T4 0 401 - fnOC ~' - . _... _ . . t. i 4 ,4 0 : ..i.c. :1 As ~., -, " ;im li ~. •••• liar . . ... a* it l rd...)2s,i ,:441 ass. WO. Mira R.— met-112( 18 -, Slav 14 12122k111- . 0, ; .1334 I 11 Fifer : 4F 2% osnit 102. 102 2 L - 121421.8228 , tb 1.48,48 -81 42 est Philo L.. 4 CO 18 Pine . 7 10 , 11 128 111127W812E18 . swarzusire 57Ivbnins thaval IMMO' . Ms thstted'opeistions te-dm, and the Flom market is salet;the retailers sod bakers be ing the onli haters it SSAINCLIS for superfine, e 5.75 dttfor extra.• Si Wieti,Bo•for femityr. and 16.7eie7 for lutes blends, liceoletne to enikty ; there le little or no Vetif owe rig! tr` rr i gf 11481 11 V: 4 = 1 1 n0 o ir gmf,lann 0 1 1 14 ' 4 isd.the latter at 413.11) . nth ~ •• ~. . r- ~ .• , Mere a'soddeassieletorteloss vettd. se!bes; about lele best lellen West free% /7114enls M.-0V WOW ? ne e ulalsl o ..en to meats. the tar es .. s. Ste Is wrote eelhas in la t Tee et . WM*. .111 it i , 011:14111 1.4 60,11 b1 ; 1 ' Atilt, gatari d 4set so_ Vests eessilltaeti For te sae PRI foe .C. , e etelesprArl Mew York ''', • , , Waal* esiot Mltlit 40P enteric! Ira. , are Amer Ls Aber Outwit , but bel e* .-"` siewlyoute wee to My me waited :rkhissect. ___, ad _. t . sl44st e r ri nila s ioxpli n t :s enser t. its. ii" iir li e l 4atit ' slet . 'tierees erd aas t littler res. • it dositams dell. —Two attsteelesse ,AO vemesseed have 43 11".4 0V—", (14414111141:114 ' I 3 4 RW- 4 ' 14 ry Arit i bbliisellher at 100.1 1 ) ti for; buil vassisee °hie. meheituttObble Itt . mo ; ttradM Mi , ,Wheo, end hhOselleOr gallon,. Ng11: „Trak , Stock ..ractnigssozgepti‘27: 001; liii 48. .V..). ..-, ,-; - 1 sO l's i51,...,00 nig 11=-Wil i rtrt - 17: - . l I I I M 3714441 ProVd..tddoS NIS it %folios ID ili.-Oe SOO - do.. :...•.........:.:-... U rgl, *v. ,:' ." ..i.:,.. MO' -• da -:...- ..... .. SW satisoun't tills._ ,_. I : +40:....: .....--. ... :::13Y___ 4 • 1 1000 d 0.... -...-.oi TO 30) 7 ' GO, :V •-•-- - o UN,' 70,0 • -;....;:.-.....;: - ....:•r - 10 IttßAVirk Irtfd $...10 ', I lilt _. Is bar- KO Nor & WgroWOrr. 0; i rot ismolo tiO Kasai( w....... 44 421 k.. - dtivottc st- no. , ~ do. '.. 4 f'-%4-"..e..• dtik: ...;•,,, SO‘ ISOdo-........-k,.aeo 0 .. .• , 611.,, 03. SO •V. ..... . ! .1.16S . . 4 . & „....,,,,,„ gv- , . ....:,i.ro. • INIII h 8.11006.:ii*0- dein fr,1%04111.- lOC 1 ..„,:„._,_, 3 _ - - 116„:...„:-...... MS do. V.-.; al Eltposa /a CM R..... 7d . IN loft hi 1190. `. aft.,. - ..,....... I'M 73,41 4 IRDPR- I- 13... 177 - WO_ - do'' soo - I.:tialt Ist In IS 770 do -..........-- - *7O 77 r 4 XI 77snig Commend...lM: MD • - do ............ Id . 77,i NelataiMAink-. - •10 1 3f 0 do.: .*. • ••• . MAIM I 19 14 Xty " *lr si r elev -,S: 4 ...! 'ii2° :.. 1 41 ,‘ ...... r. ,, , - . .4 r 0i 111M1V104 i .... 74,. .•..., . 4 0..-..... .81 lilt, tio2.-.7 . 0311 , 10 ?I Clint 11.......,::. q u `do.••••••• -.MO 7 • li-lt e .= , ..-..........., t:••••.. 0 Mbibld&R . l R-..• Oa - Ili i •k 4 E. -v r -,44 41 ;ili - ir,i -- 3: - f . .... := TIA •• , ... .. .ti s w tio.. - ..-.7. IMlti. ille A •ev , ,,:, -....;•,... •:,"tiora ISO Wt. ' -.•MO MU 01De do I 7 1;--40,••-•••-1-.......:10S1 17 g 'n. , d0._ ..„... . ; ... 4 Iv d o ...............•• • so woos*. lei I e..;: 0 1 " - dv.......•............ IllY • 1831 . hID iii w it - .7 ,,ii,,,- 7 . ! ... 2 r a RI Ttairaril iiu . „„... g. . ,K 0 r 100- mS " '. :,71.:.=: ‘4* uo do' . .::.:17.7e oug /MI. '- 0'..;,......., 00 eor.., DO d 0........... .. .. 00 e,7 172 ; iso:.• , ,i-,.. • ..........• OM IVO Chicago 4 R. i R... n!': 110;1 MO - - 1 -- . - 1 4 .... MO it .JO do MU , . SO -t'', ' - ....:•.;.-•,...:...:410 al' 10 , o .......--14117S 1110 ~.......11M so d - ..... _. ai • 01 0-:-- - • .::»-`--. WS 0 do- ... --. IA Rof tu • • do -...,-. me II •MO d 0......... . -.. . -. MO 7,.. /71rRtas ii. , AlNrsed..„.„ al Id do • ' MO 707 b ,10 fladian &iv KA= es no do 00 IS , MO do.— .......... St so d 0........... ego MK -, 00 d 0.........- hIS 64 SOO. do -..: 78M AID do-- •-.-t4O 611: I 4 "do . 4- " -MO 77•34 WM Ihrino./cilltosd , 11 ao Cht flit4eiiii‘or..roo to nO - d 0....:••• - - Aril 112.4 SO Del 1.. k_ltros /1..... OM 40 , ito ' ---, ...'.-.•.1#1,23.1 300 LsCrottee de, Mil R. 3n -01 it -,-----; • , 2x IS New Jane, it -.134 100 . S ..1‘; :. Vio 2a . • ''• • '' ; ' - • •- • 4- • : • Tug umilikra, . . . ' 1 . 401111( ue milhekt• at rut ',haste, and quoted at ~......1/Sator roe, and vs SO' tor-Patals, with' ii matin' rhis loortist for Orin Shit Weaattetn Floor is S to 110.000sr. , osisOlos show ailze77 tesetasaio Jo pig egati7allt Um .advanwt dad eonsOssers too sea not in • "nod to Alarm.* ea sous sulk . 1140ip31 NAM MIL* lailarbblip at 77T10 tor pipet nue State. /MOD 11604A1t 49.. , SO for enotetini Western. Of il . , OA* "t 10.0116.70• for eAdm toadd % hoot jiWf. utters lour li a shads better, with :146 Itp, ' l""i ftiti f il li trZ o lltdn't . • or sutra. , 0 spa 70 bbl• at $11605 orottts. ,6Selir.--Wizeat le main lode , batter, -Nrith a itood y ba- II •.. f fr e igrat, 1 7 0 % te te /0Z tialU ed adV i Lt . o . , 73 11336, itailiths winter redV a istAntir at 1113 f; ' t" -^ ' "rl + , rit pawl vegtr amet.,-. ... , y. mt. ......... Reeelptc 0.1P7, , bna i kocitt•Me, for western mixed....,' MU an jour timi ,u, I rmo. tot ilfutpot 400r;ang deeSdo rot' . '' to-ilar /44 MU! ii quiet.aid mi. S ( IV tir - or Adli . atlllll iti for liter Slop: It tan :0 4000 ropier F i r i rs, Ira tau ux• old , , saatket ••a so d lan anobange , with aides IMl•bbf• at Nod= for &Watt,' P rime, • 115•3110 foreasattnidets; mole 0 for 700sokail muff,. /sad $7010 , 07100107% estra .Mess, 00 Alfalfa are dull , MI , _af • r , drail i til v iak i m i t rivi dg ir ii k . _ • •• •I_lo4 mow for te d . 010, sill . ,`Clowisik la touttjtook I I Rau . .. ~t ottrity; tet4lti,Witheakeoolnit Me. II Rau • * caory, ITEMS. Voos, 14froi Clorpet- Swa o P l 44)PNlther Dula* WallintilOW/aatiw Braithef,"istea*ltaiereapt malt; by IL Ippagiirfr L Co..naChaiitaat'street: - . , IldanzOavan - ifials ati an •Sedoiat.io• aWtRI4O-effnin4lhoonta of the bovals,,balxidal ooa, tirsamt wok mot samara hoodaehe, dyrioaata, ik,o:folif *admits& Wit Ilion!d aptara fire th.B nit liOolviato 44, and do Oa Mango ay* be tikkaa at all Maio without inomonionoo. Thq 00w, Ikaiarlot wofooki *yaw fo the tan,' Oaa di Nat a laratirfifootOrfalt Ora' sallioloakfolumitoa M *sail Pais& Prefixal( wet br a. 001Proor, Ea* ifasooil&laktbf Radii% Dfiaatata - P ioatmboa tr 1104 4 •Otf. • „ T • 1: . '-f f fjon . sitiztoio , iiraitioj of *very demi* floifkC4llt ItateLthanaraolarid and •sioid. br mow. chinitib 00414 Cheat .• ARRIVAttB - PIiItICIPAL -HOTELS or to.l%° , o'imoai Wir zzitar. = , "-• 1 411' lINVOIBk7Ninnt alli - d Chestnut stresM. ' — 614, %WOO 4 , 6:1 ) , Fisher, New 'York c took tre La ~ - Miss Brooke, Louisiana_ 1116 . hamar, imams JohuLlNeel, Claiville, AY A mid* wt. Ohio bliss Newkirk, 0 lo Ire Mira= &A. Villa - " Cap; Templeton, Orleans Garrott, Itavrisinirg ',MHO Blia.Koyara, Pans J A Brownell, Washington li Thompson, New _York Min Thopripsem. Ns or 'Mn B. Thompson, 11 York Mai T. Oldeloicallt,G Mies _. J A Curry, _New York - • Min COT,: New York " 'dim Maxwell. New York b&WhiSs.lNCarojing ._. -„ M °Heal, Hood,-No Carolina IS WillisiMS,ScOaro Ina . }llay Turner tt, is, 8 Caro li na l'ilatv Tapioca' arolina, Miss,Tarner,B. Carolina 0 W Heirrron, iniesp,uri dliu Garrison. Missouri AN Pittman & la,l3rooklyn 0 Brenton & in, M. Chester mrs /liter, West Wiesner „ 8 0 ilongan & wf,l3alt G B Wing, Columbus, go - DWI Daniels, Ciamanati 0 /118 tau pep, , New oristtnii it Hanes, New York JA I tal • a t" 0 1 3L N IPC, l '° , T .;figitt il tZ ' NU. N Y Y o c e t it James WI ton, e nce_i ' v ond, ,Thos Bogart,' Pdauland J M. Ranier & le. Virginia"' Geo H Dalian'', Jr,Yinsin'a VW* Pingth Ciestia ' , C COPyley. Dig Columbia John Davis &m, virginal Ram! white, Tennessee Mr coped ikla,Relaware Ono. ells &w. n Carolina WBltio a, yeas . ' WI/ Jones, Conneotiont cilium I & la, MarYll htrii Moulton, Baltimore Fhi Prawn, New York' F Risabeli & son, Pi York B M /gallon &w fi Newyork Miss Jooksonrlilew York Jae Rogers & 11, sw York Miss Rogers, New York B ',Nab. N.. *tiny • ON l'hompson, New York B Stockton, New,Yetzey , Hon Wm Donaldson,_Fa Pedro P Pass,•llavana J R.obertson ac 15, MN" 0 kliyatylitc,Wmgoort J B Otty, Pottsville imi Misr -‘ .- P-T Nison x. & In. pemmomm, Miss H ROM Penns Miss B Row. Psnosylvanly Master Ross, Parma j_lt You,. New York • - ; John Brandon, Now York H tramilton,New fork - B W Davidson. Poona tAtitNew York - 't' Frain New Orleans a rla. New York" V ,i4,Boisn. li S N W e& Ricks. CB N, •- • A Louise & Is, N-Yra S Gregory* Is. 33 0 . , MeinGregory. P 1 Carolina Miss Morrison, 8 Carolina Mies Henry, 8 Carolina Mr Mahn' 8. la, Alabama Miss MoElsoY, Alabama Mast McElroy,. Alabama J S Lestimelc it wf,Brook'Y MissLoonier,-,BrooklynMiss N. Lavinier r _Brooklyn Miss 8 Tnompson, BrookPn Jim K Whitney, New Yoik. W I V Roberts. Baltimore , liar! Linerd. Elkton Jno A Bionic:id. Lareaster Geo Kyle, Baltimore H D Cronin, Baltimore - Biehard tiiiford. Bait ' Donegan,New York - H Williamson. Penna W N Adams & la, Conn M 1' Core. Conneatiout W Jaelcson,,Newport N, G Nista% Mass .) . Boott. Williamsport . Miss Porter, Williamsport 0 BRunter, Williamsport • Mrs Manton k Williamso'rt W H Winder Philadelphia W A_?thepar . New York J °taw, New York 8 A Walsly, ew York ... ,[l , Punta, New,, York - I, Pde Acevul P'Breaohun , "" A Titer a Illornabh " W Bissell, betroi t 0 H Ittiset,'New Orleans 'TB Nickerson & wf,l3 C 7 Wills, Penns Tiarter & son, Ig o if 13 Masrew , Penns . .T Hadley & la, N Y RP Horwitz ; ,I Stoner, Tennessee • , 85 OONTINENTALROTEL—Cor. Ninth and Chestnut. A A Marsh. Coutinpatil 0 II Dayton, New York Miss P-Derron, New York J oe lei inert, Freeport, 111 John 8 Emmert, Illinois F Robinson. Wisoossin S Oaken/4 1 4 00 k, ' Geo W Hoffmann , Monroe T Bean Cinoinnati, 0 -- John C Royer & ib. Lana AC M Pennington, USA RH Barnum & wf, Ohio Mimi hi EDutel,_Olimi•- DB Zorn. New York H Heine. New York— SD °Wien, Rlohno'd, Va -• Qulleld. Cincinnati, 0 I W. Brooks & wf, KY Miss B Brooke. Paris ' Ky Miss Mollie Brook*, R,y rril-T CI Laughlin, Ey - Mrs Oboe P Higglne• HY hos S Higgins, Pane, Ky 0 F Stevens, New Haven Chas Itt, Wood, Boston A S Copeman, Utica, N Y CS Grubb, kancaster Robt Donald, New tYork W M Galt, Wztungton . liiV 6 Stay neriti more k mArri Chi cago lt . T land Ohas ' ir_m maryland .l F 0 Ximnall..oloblia Mhos 'V Kimball M F Kimball, Mobile 0 II Johnson, Boston J F Monit, Loulsieina 3 -Brellin.,& la, Connecticut Mrs Holmes, Chili tiem N Holliday & la, Mo W Say re & wife W Richardson C T canon, Baltimore L Owen: Alabama Hole Collins, Geer to Mini Julia Collin& goOrgia Miss M Crawford. 1) at Leatherman M emphis R C tinnkley, Memphis Mpg,/ C;Brinkley:'Memphis Mho A Brinkloy..Mem phis Miss Pegram,Rl(9lMOnd MISS L Richmond Mire Hazal,_ltiehmond L Nelson, M.:unpile Trio 8 Elite, Igen Francisco R 8 Lammot. Delaware . Chaa Ladd, Portsmouth _ Miss Ladd, Portsmouth Miss Fowls. Alezmrdria W F Ladd. Portsmouth Eliot Coves. Washington S D Stoney, Charleston A H Lamb* la, El Carolina Jim Akin, Tennessee -0.1 Gaston, Memphis H Y Gray & la, Charleston 0 E t HathaWav & Pittsb A Arm, Norte Carolina E chs & im wf,Lond - J..os W Cheater Jo Moms Pi A Okeson, Norfolk Geo FMoore, New York - P P Wilson, Alabama John?. wiLson, Alshtma • I D Bellamy & wt„ . N 0 ,miss ne E nellarny. NO AA Wightman, N York NY' Aglett & P. Sewell, Bath, Ma A Manger, - Ifew York W W Igurdette, Wash, D C M Ogee & la, Natchez Miss M Ogden) Natobez Mrs Cochrane, Natchez John Ogden. Platchez Franois Ogden, Natohez •A B Elliott, New York W P Sawa!, Bath, Me R Woolfolk. Tema H Ragnel & la, Texas EB Grew. San Franoisao 1)8 Look, Montgomery co W S Walker ` Chester no films Donnell, N 0 - I W Tuoker,paris,France H T Hoyt, New York W A Oner,Piew York J W Wheelwright. Boston Hon T Herring &ia N J Robt Rennie & Is, N J 0 Whitfield, Jr, Ala bama ifsquissibell,London b ?hutch, New itt York nrg Prir i ta r r a lk7w r i. j r,i ", 3 V:Pagi f ti t Nrk 1 1 1 7 It g; r, ;my: Salt „ Davies, Virginia. William Rankin, Virginia Jae W Gibson, Virginia R McDowell, Bath F T Bash, Boehm F H Smith & w f , Newark W M Bennett, Virginia E Allen, Jr, ew York W Powell, Keaton, Aid H Saeger, Penn N sylvania • Br/tourney & la, Boston 4 0 Starts John J Qaborn, New York J W Fowler&wf,Memphis J Platt. New York C Kihne. New York Ferry. New York ft calmer, Baltimore _ iihapns 81= NJJohnston, Macon E taaton. pew York John P Hooper, Baltimore Fohiroeder. LOTIIIV, Kr A 111. Schroeder. Louisv,lfy W C Mudge, Cinoninati, 0 Wm F Rowena', 8 0 Lyman A Jaeoba4Cbw York F Deltont, New York . MIIRCITANTIP HOTEL —Femith 'street. below Arch. N Daly,Avgagts. Os j I Wampol r Phcenixville Joluau w 'Ashburn, Indiana II Rushing Tennessee Asa McNichol: Illinois , TM. lautehinson, Pittab'g NE Drossy &11,Ehsabstlen A lmbrie, Meroeraborg .K. a Labile. London. Ps 8 P Carpenter , Palma. N 7 MP Aeon, Salem , N J Miss Carpenter, Salem, NJ wm Eolith, Wash, Pa .' hicob Illolrman, Pa inn bk4Ort Bedfoni oo I hi Hatcher, Ohio Gee w. Feats y, Ohio Jno .1 Eberle, Imnosster A D NKr , . MontimMery 0 W Brackenrige, Taxa T , suer. Virginia J 0 Haltgell. Virginia A ayott. Tennessee W G Wall, Virginia W Harper. lows • Miss Kennedy, Pittsburg A 8 Tied. Long Bottom J a groodrow, Ohio George March, Ohio J M . Agostino 8c la, N C 7 Moms, Pennsylvania A Donee, oralo iM Miller. Bealavelle • "3 B Adams k la, Troy, Pa on J ishindol, Lehigh W Boyd, Massachusetts milord Busted. California Yr W Mars) or. California dewier, New York ~ ' , John D Darra4. California v ji A l igr . P4TTe Morgan. .Ii a l iset I L ehner. , Tennessee ,asson,Tennessee ITeMeiserco N Peters; Pennitylashis Gen Jill Poster. Pa, 'MEW itOTEL=Chosttint west, above Sixth • _ _ Mi. Ink: roam .Gto Wtwall.Naryland, Idt r ut notrarolins 4 .l° Plalarderar" E D3lystoo, Perms Lento Eramuert, o N B Rusk, _" North Caroor- a Y &gratin'. N Carolyn, W_Wartloo & Yittkbg T Latham, WoklorfftYo H Visit Itonoseloor. N J Dr D tomotreet, le J litre Eunter,Chioako tibra Watford. Chionto J Vt.& X osds, Vs X Waiter. Virionis C Okra. New ork T N Adoir, tatomotoyi L - an, raw :York -7 AllwoM‘ . ro.em hie B' baits New Jersey It Dnnhsr Wieconatn Dr allok. - Wokk:D Orshom & eon E x,Tortnearee V C GramVirs 'Rim AYEPIQAF HOUHE-r.Ohestunt Went. alms fifth. Ur*Oen, NewYerk W Plitererr, sv r Pads . Minors E Livingston, Wis .11 Carrier, Chicago .1 B Thorne, 01110,1110 Allan. - Obtonso De Laney CharriberL N Harry Kanta 6 kYN 1 C , 3 1 F itat i giL K , Ch oero OWA ( 4 11 1i:1 2 4 tieltr i z ' arfi k 7 1' krann_4 2 , CludlLldaryland T M Almon u, e Virginid J; Newlin ' Carolina N Carter, North Cdr &P.m', North Carn,ljill. Win Tonkin, Maryland /ennings..__New York' N °omen, Maryland Del human. West Cheater M Davis, Ohio Bitty, Cinoinnati 3 O, d D Hearne North Cat. Wm H-Ercrun; Alexandria JO 'Warner. Pottsville, Cat. I B Jaelourir Ltbsnon no Dr L./Minim. retina P Wilbur ' Pennsylvania w Reed, Connecticut 'rimer • Lew (mown, re Win Caulk, Jr, blaryland W E Camp, Nem York r H Barrett, neaten John 11,, Yount, Tennessee E B Britt, fludblk, Va. J W Deft. tinfro:k. Va T L Waitaker, N Carolina M 0 Hiptenitall.N Carolina ST. LOUlS—Chestnut st.. above Third. J JBmitir Penns Michael Smyth, It Oland Geo W ones. Delaware 'P titrre , New York B err.ith. New York J ft Folsom, Ohio •in w Minefield. Baltimore Tb Holbrook, Providence tMiour Harrel, New York G B Marne. loin, 111 n Jordan. New York J T Redden, Newark vi H Covode. Poona Wm Lyman. Bunko CO &win Akers Baltimore "iN Reid ll3ould. New York Win Beggs, New York L K Emerson, D Columbia 'Emerson, Dist Columbia Lula Carden, Cuba 1£ L. Owens, Fenno THE UNION HOTEL—Arch street, above Tbi,,, , te I` Gallagher. N Alerena, rd, M *MOM. HarriOurg John Lebo, Easton N Dodge. Cedar Hill, Tenn Dodge,Jr, Cedar Hill, Tn T Brandeburg, Ohio J W Presley, Barnesville, 0 T 8 Frasier. Barneev'e. 0 W M °mhos, Maryland., ' 3 T Davis : Funkstown, 114 i Hrt e rl l o i h e t n egg n P l e r i s O l g t i r et e lagt:n t. Hawley, Foirmaville M %%Mary Indiana Si, Cash, Indiana _ Zeigler. Pen Castle, Fa Men Rogers, It KiTti. Easton IV M. Kamm. Mercer.OgJa I Lewis, Belmont, 0 w Alborg B ra inard k re, II in Vonoorgow Ir. In. N Y Goorown, rown, Ohio JB Forman, Virginia C Dein. 'Lintigrtile, Ohio Beni Kingsbury. Ma es, I in. Coinbo, N e w Jersey E D Ashton; Clinton Oh STATEri UNlON—Market Street. above Bixtti, A Z Bosworth. We%bore J Kennedy. Pt Kenned:-Prt J DMArhertr, flicker co aaranock, Bedford. Pa tWright, Chruitiona, Pa b A Marchail, Harriet:are L Harris. N Kingston. Pa. N Kingston Pa Oyster,B @nde Meehaniesburg D Meshamesb'g Harrisburg S Konklin, York on, Pa Sava Slim, Juniata OD; Fa .0 Winer, IMO on, Pa D MoCahan, Chester on, x iss Johnson. Chester on ri ;loam Chester co' J C Walker. NI oaragna MClark, Juniata co T k Watt, Latrobe, Pa W B Torbert. Master on RF M Torbert, Chester to Goodman. Lone co, Pa .IPueey, Colombia, Pa T Orient & la, Pa OOSSMISHOIAL HOTEL—Sixth street. ab. Chestnut. Gen B Pierson, Chester co I Olgok Toughbonatrion W MOler, i lulioston Shi O Nesbitt , Pt Davos it Jos Brooke , mar arytand 111, Harrison, Davenport Neenn,,Port Winton, B L flange. Chador co M Watson. Ximbleville Mies ?billing, Kimbleville Bibs Lanborn 'Chester en P`Ciawtbion, Chester on W Taylor, Maryland John La okland, Maryland Jill Ramsay, Oxford, Pa Daniel Stubbs, Oxford, Pa Ituver, Chaster co •11 Walton t erm B Chester B Chamostscra • R Airmler, Maryland W Beatty, Marita_nd K.llllldwin, Delsware haler ft , NATIONAL HOTEL.—Race Knot, above Third. isignhati Phila Col 5 Berns. New York J Bissokerbook, Now York Jan Brown , Delaware A Wag, Belvidere .! Chan CiiiiVidYs_Win fi eld 'Ohm Moyer b safes Jan Pollock , Easton M Reber. Lebanon • A Remold, Lonouter Marl: Ruck. Greensburg J.P Michael. Now Jersey P gene, Reading N Rork, Phcenixville W Christman, Penns FOUNTAIN ROTEL-esecond street, above Merle. W Lawrence. Baltimore J W Morgan, Concord , De C AEnnawer, Cono'd. Delj Concord. Del B B ker, Camden. Del R Bayer. Philadelebut well, Itekr York Job 11111 sway, N JorsPY iEvert Y Jonee, peens, iv's At Doyle, Phileidelphis BARLEY 80EAF HOTEL--Bscond et., above Rae% Jirodbedd, Pike co D E Patterson, Vilna .J Williems, Font Peter Ent. Nem Jersey And rkes, Hatboro /dm Tailor & sen,Denvil's It 8 Bailey. hew Jersey J Vaa Horn & dau, Penne. MT. VRIMON BOTEJJ—Peoond _street, above Atoh ,jtylbd Oweni, Pottsville Edw Odteila, Pottsville I,oll2=t;!!!grWk Yan4TA B J:iNn.. eeff Lovett, Trenton, NJ ' , SLACK HEAR HOVElr—Third M 4, tb. Oa H 8 Gulatin, Leesport Roht Long. Helgalrvine VrairkTnittitli, figt:LlVATirootdate t0triL71:17;161,114" i#ll, 1 15glidetigir Casper Road, ecomerton . -- [E ,Z___4ll NIB , HOUSE— third *fret, ab. Califr r e r l i ntl ; ir ß l 7 aWil l :rat i t ill er ' : i:ft it tit illia:l l .6. CO " eo s.oeh, Othossoolur f E remert, Bethlehem *ha i &Wile, Labiaton A Flan li, Jr. Bew Jersey rs Botyruse, Boohoo 1) A Albright, Beading Joe Cooter, AllYerstown BALD EAGLE ROTEL—Third et., above Oallowbill , Bees., Jr, New Jersey • James Bannon. Illinois 1 , 14 Leisenring, Penns A Awench, Bethlehem VAT, Bai fritilted, Pa A M Wettmer , Lebanon co It Stein. adelnhia • Oint Ot.onirsiG o? Tttei LATFAT Ilinasailido in the best meaner, she/emir for RE TAW LOWEST' pnoti =lrked. In ,Alloloodisauditoncievonoranted owls. 641 *. 'Our ONE-PRICE Anton of attiotly Adherol 04 Ative#utior Row mike, I - taFk-ii '7024R4 CO. 604 MARKET Otreet. ,mure forerunner of • Couttrotpthit(iith tot tootaatii rotitmod and rem anent- Jraitta brthil aft or Dr. J. R. BTAVFOJtIYd OLIVE TAR IMPEDE ',SAUL PIMA POWDERS. Tao mitt.' or*Vosoglili lad koala sorest/no sad lofissamstlont • AiIMM; add B lihter Powdits;aonvorty Dia Tanta OS. SWilkiWitYWOolas aC tim Maid IMO gam, Which sllO/la4 %Martha boar * Mama of bolsi OhoostottitithioWlito Usti is of mist Mo. -4114_,,* 1 0 1 , 4 , Wayoacirs aothiami In a Oysmortyma lm mathiy by mail to say mi -1 mr ' k i t vwtiIIESASIAt thisfirost 1014 trz sit ' I lfrti./UTE W•CU,r , Wm North 001 • 4tbtr; t tiFk.OlAl. NOTICES. ANOTHER tkosmokrar TRIBUTE TO THE Iltrintl6lllTy OP M 583114 EVANS lE. WAV3OI.I'I3 OUSE*. —Honking o,tßee of Ilfredata Metcalf, Nahrtikko Ca, September, Ism,- r mzeme, EvAies Bi *ATilini-- ,Daar Airs :—Our Office Building was destroyed by the great lite of May lath, 1850, which onaumed over 8100,000 Worth of property in our city. We had in use one of your 8400 Fire Proofs,whioh contained our Books sad other property valued at over $30,000. The fire oc curred at 1 ceolook, on Saturday the 12th, and our safe wag not taken from the ruins until Toesday the lath, after (72 hours) exposure. ,The bank of the safe was then at a red heat, anion opening it the hooks and non tents,were found in a good state of mettervetion. so mph no that we still continue to use the' Journal-and ledger then taken from it. We most cordially recom mend your Fire Proofs to those who are in need of suoh safe-guards In the event of fire. ' You will please get ready for us another safe, the same sine, at soon na portable. Very truly, yonra, hlcOans & NETceLF. ee26-wmf St . _ _ S ' AVING FUND—NATIONAL SAFRTY TRUST COMPANT.—Chartered by the State of Forumlvan's. RULES. 1. Aiono9 is received every day, and in any amount, arse or emelt 2. FIVE PER CENT, interest le paid for money horn he day it is put in. S. The money is always paid hook in GOLD whenever tis called for, and without notice. . . 4. Money le received from Executors, Adniiniatra• tors, Otirdions, and other Trustees, in large or small sums, to remain a long or short period. 6. The money received from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Oround Route, and other first elms recurines, , 6. Office open evOry day—WALNUT Street, southwest coinoyThird street, Philadelphia, lale SEAMEN'S SAVING FUND—NORTHWEST 00UNER SECOND and WALNUT STRUTS. —Doposits TO calved in small and large amounts, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of FIVE PER CENT. per annum. Money may bo drawn by cheeks without leas of in terest. Office ociyaiklily, from 9 until B o'olook, and on Mon day and ffektiiNay until nine in the evening. Preeident, FRANKLIN FELL; Treaeator and Secretary, CHAS, M. MORRIS. Ath snour.n not fail to read the adver t bsoment of Prof. WOOD in to-dare paper. sal-ti SALAMANDER FIREPROOF SAFES.---A very arge agoortment of SALAMANDERS for male at rea orusMe vices, No. 904 CHESTNUT SL,Philadelphia. au23 tf E VANS k WATSON. GROvER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED .NOISELESS SEWING Km:MINES. The Beet in the for Family Sewing. No. 790 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. enl7-1.7 IMPORTATIONS. IRovorted for no Presci RlCHMOND—Stesmein City of Riohmond, rolls leather D Kirkpatrlok & Sone: 73 Itne tobnooo 3 It Sank & Co; 20 do Mercer & Antelo; 135 do Bueknor. MoCammon & Co; St do Motz & Seehin;l do W H Yea. ton; 2 bags feathers Ido peaches fungerioh & Smith; I box iodise Warner, fliakey Merrill; 15 bogs seed 1,9 do envies hillier & Bro; 4 htidaseed3 Palmer & Co; 10 bales domestion Welling, Coffin & Co; 20 bare roots, Ac Thee Welder, Jr; a pkgs mdse W Baird; 50 bble tar Wearer, /rider & CO; GO do Rowley, Ashberner & Co; 15 empty basks Masser. Collins & Co; 2 sheets iron Morris, Wheeler & Ore 253 pkge fruit 20 do mdse2l3 empty casks Various cOukteneen. . Na—Snhr 0 W Grine. Palmer—Ha bbiS roam Knight & 1ie1439 bales yarn HRT at. MODoVitt; 48 do nheeting shipley. Hazard & Hutobineon; 131 hags fruit Waterman. Yonne & Co; 17 do lungorioh k Smiih; at do Hidelmari & Hayward; 126 do Ono K Smith & Co; 12 Tolle feather D Kitkpatnek & Sony 1 cask widen N Trotter & Co; 2 bide fruit 36.700 ehinglee S Holton & Co; 19 pkge !amides various ooneignees. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. BEE POIJIVIE PAGE ARRIVED. Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, from m Rich mond, a Norfolk,_2s hours, with mdse and passengers to nos Webster. Jr. Bow brig Orison Adams, in bal last trim, off Doak Creek, and a large number of I:g tit vessels in the bay and river, bound up. Bohr Geo W GrICO. Palmer. ff days from Wilmington, NC, with naval stores to D 8 Stetson & Co. Bohr Hopp. Riokards, 3 days from Indian River, with awn to.) W Bacon. Bohr Olivia, Fox, I day from Odessa, Del, with grain to Christian & Culon. Steamer Anthreoite. Jones. 21 houis from New York, witn mdze to.W M Eaird 84 Co. BY TELEGRAPH. (COIIOEGOGGO2IOO of The Proms.) al pt 27. Arrived, ship M liottebohn. from Liverpool; brig Anosetta, from Bt Martine; echr J Darling, from Hir, BSTON. CAT Highland Light. shies Martha ! from Calcutta; Haut'lug', from Manilla - ' bark Salaam, from Suenoe Agree; brig Surinam. from Algoa Bay. MEMORANDA. Steamship Delaware, Cannon, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. Steamship Photons Sprague, Matthews, for Philadel phia, sailed from Boston 86th nat. Ship Wyoming, Burton; sailed from Liverpool lath inst. for Philadelphia, Ship John Clark. Latournou, from Baltimore, arrived at Liverpool lath Mat. Ship Island Queen, Lenkhern, for New York, galled from Patras 29th ult. Ship Superior. Soule, for New York, cleared at Lon don Nth mut _ Brig 0 H Frost, Lowrie, or Mobile, sailedro m Doe ton tech tut. Bahr West W ind hence . was at Saps 14thinsk Bohr Will o the Wisp .(.Br) Hunt, from Sierra Leone lk uarrived at New York yestordar.. Bohr le Applegate, Cramer, hence. arrived at Rich mond erith. inst. . • ••• Sabra B W Perry, Sampson, d Simmons, Gould , hence, arrived at Denton:6th hest Behr Bay State, Ferguson, hence, in going into Boa ton. got ashore on the eastern end of George's Wand. and remained 26th Bun. Would probably be floated off same evening - . Bohr Maria Pickup, Baker, sailed from Salem 25th inst. for Philadelphta, Bohr L B Ferguson, Smith, lienos t anived at Salem 78th inst. • . Bo4rs .1 L Radnor, Cordery. and B Pharo, Cramer. for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence 26th inst. Bahr A Henderson, Crowell, for , Philadelphia, railed from Providence 28th mat. Bohr Sarah, from Wippican for Philadelphia, arrived at New Bedford 26th Mat Bohr Francis Newton. Gilkey, hence, arrived at Ban gor 24th inst. Bohr A Colby., Harriman, for Philadelphia, flailed from Bucksport mat. Behr Mary Patterson, Somers, bony, arrived at Porte mouth 21th inst. Bohr Good Hope, Phillips, from Beverly for Philadel phia, arrived at Gloucester 22d Inst. Bohr Knight, Gage, for Laguayra, oleared at N York yesterdsy. Bohr Bodine. Risley, Cleared at New York yesterday (or Philadelphia. Steamers Novelty, Shaw, and Bristol. Allen, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. RDL MRS' ROLE. Bept RI, PM—Ar, brigs Robin, Win Nickles, and Louisa ,Philadelphia for Boston; Mora:tic Light, do for Bath; Jail Crosby, do for Marblehead; Fi nancier, do for Salem; rehire Caroline-Grant and Louisa, do for Breton; Laly of the Ocean, do for Newbury port; B Dickinson L Sturtevant, and Sarah Louisa, Boston for Philadelphia. 2ith—Ar, bark Sylph. Baltimore for Boston; sobts Gashing and Frannie H Abbott, do for Boston: E M En- Ie; Philadelphia for do: H El Sworn , do for East Cam bridge; Richard Thompson, do for Salem; Z Stratton. do for Haverhill; Daniel s Mershon. do for Philadelphia. Stu 245th, bark Andes: brigs Win A Dresser, Robin. Wm Bickel?, Louisa, Mornini Lixht, Jan Crosby. and Financier; Ochre rdnnterey. Garonne Grant, Louisa, Lady of tho Ocean, J B Dickinson, L Sturtevant, Sarah Louisa. . . 2604—N0 arrivals. 8 A west, blowing fresh, In port, the arri vals of yesterday. NAVAL. FOR WIRT COAST OF AFRICA—The brig Calvert, Wil ler. will be despatched from this port about the 3d prox imo, for Sierra Leone. eco. All letters and paoltages in tended for the African squadron, or persone on the Coast,bo foiwarded, if left at the Foreign better Office, Philadelphia Exchange, on or before the above date. .WARREED. WINNIE—MENTGRff.—tin the 17th Instant, by the Rev. Andrew Manakin, Mr. D, C. Winnie to Mn.s Lotus° Mentres, all of this city. RRIBER—DARDBLRY.--On the 23d instant, by tho Rev. A. T. Spalding, Mr. Charles R. Reiser to Mips Catharine Dardsley, all of West Philadelphia. DIED. PA YNE.—On the 27th Inst.. Alice P., wife of Edwin W. Payne, in the Mst year ot her age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to att•nd the funeral, from bar late residence, 1803 Lee street. k ightoenth. above Chestnut, to-morrow (Bator day) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. 40th year KELLY.— his On th e. e 24th instant, Jamul'. Holly, in the of ag Funeral from his late residence. No. 733 Hansom street, this (Frida y morning , at 8 o'clock. EMLEY.—On t e 2.5 th instant, Benjamin F. Finley, in tho 35th year of is age. Haft ElL—On the 25th instant, Mr. Georse it., son of the Rev. Samuel Y. and Clarissa N. Harmer, in the 27th year of Ina age. Funerat from the residence of his uncle. Jacob Boon. Bowman street, near the depot, Germantown, on Sun dae afternoon, at 2 o'clock. HA'PFTELD.—On the 26th instant, Elizabeth, relict of the late Adam Datfield in the 77th rear of her age, ECKERT.—On the 26th instant, Martin Kurtz 1 4 chart, youngest son of J. d. and E. 1,. Eckert , aged 4 years and Ii months. • • . Funeral from the residence of his parents. No. 1715 Rittenhouse si re et. this ( Friday) morn i n g, at 8 o'clock. MARTIN.—On the 55th instant, Dr. Charles Martin. Funeral from his taro residence. No. 22 Hamilton street, Allentown, Pa., on daturday morning at 10 • M . 60 . 14.—0n the 25th instant. Richard, son of Itioherd and Eliza Moon, aged 22 months and 2 weeks. 'Funeral from the residence of his parents, Nn. 1433 Front Street, below Jefferson, Kensington, this (Frines) af ternoon. et 3 o'clock. SMIT.II.—Un the 26th instant, Samuel Smith, aged 33 years. Funeral from the residence of his brother. John Smith, No. 422 Marriott street, this (Friday)afternoon, at 2 o'olook. STAMM E.—On the 26th instant, Mary, daughter or William and Frame Stu' ble, in the 6th year of her lags. Funeral from the residence of her parents. in llart's lane above Front street road, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. . . • - . BAIL Y.—Fdward Bally. in the 55th year of his are. " Funeral from hie late residence. No. Mo 13ran .r oli street. thin (Friday) afternoon. at .1 &Moak. MODRNING , GOODS FOR FALL.- Blaok Arnelinesi Reps Anglia'', Arum Cash -17107811, JApin's Merinos, Caahmeroo, Bombazines. Tanaieee, Moo realines, Bomtmeinos. Velour ope. satin de, hines.Paratnattaa. Bombazine Alpacas, &a. Heoand hiourniag Corded Wanes. V one dolmas Gmn &a. Black nod Purple Parts Printed Mousseline De lisines and Qesbrseres. Black and White English De Lainesill% Dents, 13E8140N trSION. Mourning Store, se! No. 918 Chestnut street, THE ANNUAL MEETING OP THE CONTRIOUTONH TO 'PEE YOUNG MAN'S 17;TUTE will be held at No. .43.2 WALNUT St, on MONDAY, Oetober Ist, at 123: o'eloek, When the annual report of the Board of Trustees moll be sobmit tad, and an electron for trustees held, 97M. L. BERN. se2B-3t* Smote.," of the Board of Trne tees. • MARCH TO TILE 141/514; OF THE umort."—The Democratic citizens of the ECOND WARD will assemble on SATURDAY EY E- N6.29th inst.,at 7 o'olook, at Mealy's, TENTH and CAR PENTE R Streets, for the purpose of rnarchins. in torch-Licht proooszion. to the Git AND CONCH Eq- SIONAL MASS MEETING at FIFTH and Sill PPEN titreete. The friends of Hon. H. D. FOSTER, VIM. P. LF.HP4AN. and the entire tlcket, are invited to partici pate. H. A. OILDEA, Maißhal, (3aoaGß Dm T, / Assistants. WM. N,TISDALL,S eO2B-2t• aIiPTGRAND RALLY OF THE. DEMOCRA CY OF THE TWENTY-FOURTH WAR P. in ot the gallant HENRY D. FOSTER unit the whole Demearatio Ticket. SATUR D A Y t HELL HO TEL,. Darby plank told, on EVENINU, Bent. 29, at 7,s' rf cloak. 800, A. V. Farms. Henry M. DeohOrt. Col. "Nano Leeoh, col, Thss. Fttzgereld , nr,d others, will nthwess the meeting. 0021.30 tqUNIVERSITY OF PENDISYLVA,NIA..... LAW DEPARTMENT. t:m of this Instttetion will OOMMO/300 on the first of October next. The following are the subjects of the 'adores: BOR. GEORGUSIIAREIWOOD—. International, Con stitutional, and 011 Law." Prof. P Moe eLL.—" Pleading and Prantice." Prof. E. ISPENOICR MILLER—" Estate and Conveyancung." The introductory lecture wAll be delivered on Friday, September 2k ;4.8 o'clock P. M., at the usual lecture room. by Prof. E. Spencer Miller. au23 tito AGRICULTURAL FAIR, POWEL'IONT. DAY end The Exhibition DAY. will be continued open on PRI-' SATUR PROGRAMME OP FRIDAY, REPT. 1.9. 9 A. M., public trial 01 Kershaw and Colvin's patent cow milker. 19 A. M., processions of herds of Durham., Devon", and Alderney.. 11 A. M.., grand cavalcade of all the horses on exhibi tion. 19 M., trial of fast walking horses and oxen on the track. M., trials of trained or mane tea horses, 't It P. at., exhibition of draft horses. F • • • 4 P. M., trial of s .. id. ' LLADIES AT THE'rEENOW JR-Al The LarlioCchule for the practice of Kr. Dela-, oroneel Oorinmroic roach. commences forenoon. in the Pivot week of October. The mum dlepenoloi isiDi any, itlt o r OASES OY,SEED s LEAF TOBACCO, For applioallon ;than the hours .possed tinth ' the. luter , FRVICII 81.43.5RZ , , xtbrcl, Awl jr*lo by , . .It,l glioteld-tr (.10% . D. /mom fc CO. ritiLL.ll4:l;;;i4R:: THE PRESS - . I EPHYLADE -PHIA- :AMWAY, SEPT,Km-mn 459 itibU. DEMOOKATIO TIOKtT: - FOR OONGREEIS. Ist Distriot—WlLLlAM E. LEHMAN. 2tl " JOHN BRODHEAD. Scl " JOHN KLINE. nth " WILLIAM AIORGAN. Gilt " HARRY INGERSOLL. brnIRIATURV. Inc Difitrint—JOßELll CALDWELL. " THOMAS E. OA.SRILb. 8.1 4 , PATRICK MeDONOUGH. Uft " ROBERT E. RANDALL. Bth " SAMUEL JACKSON. Gth " CHARLES L. WOLFF. 7th " PAUL KETTERLINUS. Bth JOHN SMITH, la Oth " HENRY DUNLAP. 10th " HENRY O. LEISENRINO. Ilth " JOHN S. RIEHL. 12t1r " WILLIAM G. SNYDER. 13th " WILLIAM D. MORRISON. 14th " GEORGE W. H. SMITH. 10th " JOHN M. ARUNDEL.. 16th " THOMAS W. DUFFLE:LH. 17th " 13. M. ZULICH. FOR PROTIIONoTABY Or DIsTRICT COIIRT• WILLIAM LOUGHLIN. PEOPLE'S TWKET ht Dishiot. JOIIN hi, 1111TIAA " ED wARD Jay ILIORRIS 11 " JOIIN P. VERREI. 41.1 i " WILLIAM IL N L LISS " WI LLIAM MORRIS DAVIS CLERK OF COURT OF QUARTER BEVIIIMS. Illtprthwahraztvp%, let Diane, ABRAHAM STEWART. " WILLIAM H. TURNER. 9.1 " - WILLIAM 11, SLOCUM. 4th " HENRY E. WALLACE. stn " JOSEPH MOORE, Jll. 9th " DANIEL O. THOMAS. 7th " JOHN H. SELTZER. Al. D. 9th " JACOB E. RIDGWAY. 9th " DAVID JONES. 10th " JOSHUA KAMES. 11th " ISAAC A. SHEPPARD. 12th " RICHARD WILDEY. ' 13th " CHARLES B. FORD. 14th WASHINOTON M. WORRALL, 15th " JOHN F. PRESTON. 16th • " Ito,NRY RIOLER. 17th " CHARIAR F. ABBOTT. ELECTION—TUESDAY. OCTOBER 9, O'er thy crags, Allegheny', a blast has been h'own ; flown tln tide, nuesnehanna, the murmur has cone ; Front the Delaware's marra to the lake of the West; Wherever the foot of the freeman bath pressed; 'Tie the voice of a P Rena uprlsen—awake Pennsylvania's watchword. with freedom at stake, Thrilling up from oath valley, flung down from each height, Our country and !into , ! God for the right! G RAND RALLY. PI THB BATTLE-GROUND OF GERMANTOWN, iY HAVOTI. OF FREEDOM! PROTECTION EQUAL IGIITB ! ID TI UNION OP V THE BTATER I A hIAOB MERTIIIO OF THY, PtOPLit WIL UV MILD ON TUURSDAY, L OOTOBitlt 4, 1880, The am Anniversary of the glorious stmggle for liberty at Uermantown. Let at remember the deeds of our Revolutionary three. led on by Washington, La fayette, and Wayne, and show our apprematton of their virtues on the memorable field of their heroism. All who desire to eeenro . . . . • THE FREEDOM OF THE TERRITORIES! A BRNEFIOSNT HOMER MAD BILL! A RAILROAD TOTIV THE PA IF CIFIC! A PROTEC- E TARF BFI C! AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS! By means of the triumph of LINOOLN ! HAMLIN CURTIN ! AND ' DAVIS ! Will assemble on the Battle Field. The meeting will be called to order at one o'clock. Seats will be provided lot 3 000 Ladies Excursion trains will be run during the dos at reduced rates of tare. The Pon. JOHN WOOD, of Montgomery. will act as Chief Marshal, to whom all Wide-Awakes. Clubs, Counts and Tannehip Delegations will report upon Osoir arrival on the ground& Delegations Intending to bring with them ear., wagons. and platform.. with i Wants, guiles, or tableaux vivants, emblrinatio of the great invincible truths of our cense, wilt please report in ad vance to the Chief Marshal, and take the places in the day;_ght moosesian that may be assigned to them. A TORCIILIGHT PARADE AFIREWNDRK A GRAND DIS- PLAY OF OS Will take place in the evening. The following eminent speakers will positively be present and address the Hon. FRANK BLAIR, of Missouri. Hon. FREDERICK P. b'PAPITON, formerly of Ten nessee, now of Kamm. Hon. JOHN TEN ), VOX, of New Jersey. lion TOM tIoRvgIN. of Ohio. II on. HENRY WILSON. of Massachusetts. 11 on, .lOHN HICKMAN, of Pennsylvania. Hon. JAhlEe H. CAMPBELL of Pennsylvania, J. N. PRETTYMAN. Est., of Batlaware. EDWARD 0 BRADFOitD, Egg., of Delaware. Ron. W M. D. K SLLEY. of Pennsylvania. Hon. ANDREW O. cußriN, of Pennsylvania, • Don. E. JOY hIOBRIr. of Pennsylvanis.- ROBERT L. MARTIN, Fee.. of Pennsylvania. Hon. W M. PENNINGTON, of New J erse y. Don. MIAS. R. TRAIN , of Maseaohnuettn. lion. JUAN COVODPI. of Pennsylvania. Ron. N. B. SMITHERS. of Delaware, W. PI N CKN EY EWING. Esq.. of Maryland. Or, WM. ELDER. of Pennsylvania. Hon. WM, B. MANN, of Pennsylvania. MORTON MnAIICHA P.L. Esq., of Pennsylvania. Hon. HENRY O. nicoßE, of Pennsylvania. Dr. FRANK TAYLOR. of Pennsylvania. WILLIAM MORRIS DAVIS, of Pennsylvania. JOHN Al. BROOMALL, of Pennsylvania. Col. EVANO. of Maryland. Judge MARSHALL., of Maryland. MONTGOMERY BLAIR, of Maryland. ALEX. MrCt. ORE, of Pennsylvania. OEO. A. C. , FFEY, of Pennsylvania. Freemen of America. muster in Your mighty nura. bore, for the defence of your rights and the rescue of your country ! Come from your farms. your faetories. your workemope, your mmee! Come from your forge.. your furnaces, your looms. and your offices Comeone and all, and attest your devotion to the true principles of Republican Government! ARISE! YE TOILING MILLIONS! And hurl from power the corrupt faction that now mis rules and disgraces your 001.11WrY. Redeem the land from the sway of conspirators and traitors. Secure fur YOUTSelvee your children, and your chil dren's ohildren the broad lands of the West, to ereot therein now !Was, in which the sacred rights of Free dom and P R O CLAI M shall forever he inviolate. PROCLAIM IN THUNDER TONES! The laud is the rift of a bounteous God, And to labor Ilis word commando. Yet nullions of hands want acres. And millions of acres want hands. Keep it before the people, lhe laborer Maims his meed— The right Moot!, and the right to toil, From spur and bridle freed. The right to bear. and tho right to share, With you and me. my brother , 'Whattivor is given by God froin'lleoveli i To one as well an another. The soil line fallow, the lands grow rank, Yet idle the poor man •tande m Oh! millions of bands went acres, And millions of acres want hands. Voters of the Fifth diet tot , freemen of Philtulelplife, Montgomery, Chester, Delaware. Berke, Books. echos'. kill, and Lehish, ,Fenneyivania expects that every man this day. wind° lne duty. _Siberian Henry Fisher, Colonel C. G. Childs, Charles Wittier, Germantown, Min Wort. Charles' Iredell. !dark H. Richards, Robert T. Potts, Lloyd Tone& Montgomery county. Dr. Frank Taylor, E. Capron, U. 11, Painter, Chester count, y, Barmier, Jouhun Eyre, David Ralston, Jacob Her ren, De'amara county. Bomemin Bannon, Schuylkill. Levi Bartholomew, Buono. Cozumel Wm. ii. Kelm. Bioko. Levi T. Rutter. Cyrus Newlin, 'Toward lie, Win. H. Kern, Harry Coggsbatl, Wm. Rotoh Wisher. General Wm P. bdward ilailowe Committee Emhart, and G W. Ramniernly, On behalf of of 4r ransornents. CommunioallonemaY bo addressed to CHARLAIB R. T. COLLIB, Bea'? of Com. ae2B-6t • Box 705 Philadelphia Yost onto.. rgio THE VIRTUOSO. —d collection of 'JL Rare Silver Medal' and Coins for sale, about one thousand in number, comprising a series of Lutheran, apoleonio. and Louis Philippe imedalst rare antique German. Dutch. Engltah, French, American, ere., me dals; a Subscribers , set of the Bindle medals, in ease; very rare Enehrh and Roman coins, tee. The above, now offered for sale, entire, were the collection of Mr. John Allen, a well-known Isumtsmatologist of New York, and comprise tholatharinss of over sixty Years. Ac an unique addition of interest to a piddle Inotitoti o n or private cabinet, such nn opportunity is seldom offered. es it es believed to be the finest ooSeetlen on this continent. Address, for term, /to.. (MORON ROGERS. 441)4 PEARL fit., New York City. se2B.6t %IRE FARMERS' MARKET, ON MAR. RFT AND FI,LBERT ETTREEII3.east of TWELFTH Street, will he OWN to the public on and after to-morrow. SATURDAY. for the sale of all ar- Moles usual to such en establishment. The trARMERS attendimpihe Philadelphia Markets, have Wit mid provided thlatilerket, and trust it is no disnreilit to the City. They resPeotfully solicit the patronate of the citi zens. i At.. •PROPLNi ' PUB FORSI, OR rier • • i.-,(our oftrd Photo. Paroriptipot 4titio • wiiir 45 cents' and upwtrds!. , hie s. u n it ar y OND ISt, above Green It. IMONIMMIMII6 MAR 141, 4 Ls's' -- STIOEI atr 70 • . AND PAnOY 000D3 Abl.p ti u 393 W.ALitia' B 7 ILEBT• teU '"LOW llx"militlLADELpnr.A POLIIVICA.L. •,,POE OOVERNQE•OP PENIcdfLYANIA, HENRY D. FOSTER, Of 'Westmoreland County'. STATR SISATOR, ➢ietriat--HA\tl'EE RAN OALL FOR RECORDER OP DEEDS, GEORGE W. WUNDER. Fox eLvitv. ov QEARRBII SIMAIWiII, PHILIP 11. ',MTS. FOR CORONER. ANDREW LOWRY •eB•tf Ii CIYVA ~111, ANDREW el. OTTRTIN =MD lIPCOILDFR OS DRBDR, ALFRED C. HARMER i'ROTIIONGTARV OP Int , TRICV COURT Pllll.ll' S. WRITE GEORGE IL ➢IOOItE CORONER, ANTHONY CONRAD SENATE.-FIRST DISTRICT, JEREMIAH NICHOLS RETAIL DRY GOODS. LUPIN'S BLACK AND 'WHITE MOUSSELINE DE LAINES, 37', CENTS. Just received, one case of ad-wool Mourning Mousse- Demi, at tag cents. Alto, from auction, ono lot of Blank and White all- Wool Illownielines, 31'i cents. One lot plain Black do. do., 25 cents. BLACK AND PURPLE POPLINS and VALENOI Ad. A lai go num tnient, from 373; cents to 81.873: nor yard. BLACK AND PURPLE All-wool Paris Printed Alonseeline do Lamm 41 MC nor yard. BESSON & SON'S MOURNING STORE, It 91S CHESTNUT STREET. SUPERFINE BLACK TIIIBET. JUST BECEIVED, A few pieees of " Wost,n's Feta " extra fine quality BLACK TIIIBET MERINOES, The finest quality ever made. ALIO, BLACK FRENCH MERINOES cents. BLACK FRENCH MERINOES at 90 cent/. BLACK FRENCH MERINOES at 81, &c. SUPERFINE BLACK TIHNET LONG SHAWLS. Also, a few boxes of extra fine BLACK THIBET LONG SHAWLS, the finest quality we have ever hail for sale. THIBET LONG SHAWLS AT ALL PRICES, With a full assortment of every desoriPtion of MOURNING GOODS, Front the lowest to the finest qualities made-the entire stook bought lot cash, and selling for the lowest 'Possible prices. BESSON SON, MOURNING STORE, It No. S ty CHESTNUT STREET. EYRE AND LANDELL, TYRE AND LANDELL, EYRE AND LANDRY...IJ, EYRE AND LANDELL, EYRE AND LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH FOURTH AND ARCH FOURTH AND ARCH FOURTH AND ARCH FOURTH AND ARCH OPENING OF SILKS FOR FALL OF 3860. NOVELTIES IN SILKS. NOVELTIES IN SILKS. NOVELTIES IN SILKS. NOVELTIES IN SHAWLS. NOVELTIES IN SHAWLS. NOVELTIES IN SHAWLS. NOVELTIES IN POPLINS. NOVELTIES IN POPLINS. NOVELTIES IN POPLINS. NOVELTIES IN DE LAINES NOVELTIES IN DE LAINES NOVELTIES IN DE LAINES NOVELTIES IN MERINOES. NOVELTIES IN MERINOES. • NOVELTIES IN MERINOES. Nein. yam 2m EXTENSIVE STOOK OF DRY GOODS , SELLING OFF AT VERY LOW PRICES, To close out. E. J. LEVY & CO. Are now selling their vers . extensive Bad choice assort ment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS AT EXTRDMELY LOW PRIOES, FOR CASE ONLY. During the prevent week they will offer, 'n addition to their stook of Fanny Goode. - AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT LINEN GOODS, BLANKETS, RoUSEKEEPING 000118 OP THE VERY BE.ST 13ESCRIP noNs lAMB TED, At ptices GREATLY BELOW THE COST OP 1111 FOR PATION L. J. LEVY & Co . 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. REAL IRLSH POPLINS. EgE. THOS. W. EVANS & CO, RAVE JUST RECEIYM) Sicasas cf REAL IRISH POPLINS, . of the celebrated bIANIIVACTURE PIM, BROS. & Co.. 818 AND 820. 0 - 1110 TN BTREEL se22.tf HOSIERY POE LADIES. GENTLEMEN, AND CHILDREN. SERVICE & C-I.REASLEY. (Formerly with L. J. Levy S. C 0..) Be` to inform their friends and the pnblio that they have opened the new core, No. 1208 CHESTNUT Street, with a general assortment of 'Hosiery Cools. Gloves, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas. &o. FALL CLOAKS OPEN! INIG DAILY TUE FINEST ASSORTMENT IN TUE OITY, W. P. CAMPBELL'S, ee72.6t NO. H 34 CHESTNUT STREET. HE LI NDER9IONED II&I T E NOW IN T Store their Fall Importation or ZEPHYR WORS'I'EII, umbraning all the now and chose() colors 01 the season• in all. the finest stook and ssnortment ever offered to the lathes of l'lnladelehin, and, as heretofore, the whole from the celebrated manufsedurers, HERTZ dr WEGENER, IN BERLIN, Now sr, favorably known to tho ladies of this city, and which we have had the pleasure of introduoing• As we aro desirous to give to our customers ever! advantage possible,and haying facdhies for so doing seoond to none in our line of business, we have concluded, for the future, to SELL FULL, HEAVY WEIGHT, Without aovanNng the price per ounoe. Our custo mers will, therefore, enjoy the advantage of having their Worsted WEIGHED AT THE COUNTER, The only real preventive of fraud. CHINCHILLA REDUCED TO 20 CENTS. We would also call attention to our stook of EM artortmEtEs. in Worsted and Chenille. EMBROIDERED 81,I1'PERS. EMBROIDERED SOFA CUSHIONS. °R KS K O N F TATLILN K I H N AL FO . RWORKING. FLU PBD EMBROIDERIES. NEW-STYV GIMP TRIMMINGS. GILT TRIMMINGS AND GILT DELTINGS. OREM GARNITURES. WOOLLEN YARNS, ALL SIZES. RAPSON'S 'TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE, CORNER EIGHTH AND CHERRY. _so26 2nt 10 RICKET FLANNELS. Just reoeived, superior white. BHARPI,EB9 BROTH ERd V h HARPLESS BROTHERS P.? Have opened a fine display of ropelmer. JUBA alerinoes, Brnohe Corded ropelins, and , Think fanny stuffs. RIOII MOUSSELINES, Chintz Comers new designs. Neat litylee bright colors, Friendly patterns of A MINN SHAWLS. 121. Now opening, Brooke,Oaahroeree, Striped. Broohe Ombre, and all the thowinter Shawls, imported for this mown. SBA ItYLBSS BROTH PULS. 2e28 -if CHESTNUT and Mari% Streets --______.... FALL OPENING.—Our alterations be ing 0011)004d. we have now arranged for sale a Ste assortment of FALL. DODDSFROM NEW YORK AucTrorm, Mph, for quality and price, cannot be curium' in the MY. Velour Ottomana, all styles, from 60 cents to 81.76 per yard. ireneh Men noes,inoluding some rich Nowlin. rime d moriones. munificent styles, 4tin a Solo ; Poplins ; inoraha, all wool Slants, he., te., Y. o. 260 styles Samna Potatoes-4W (mom One ease 4 4 double IitITDIO CMIIIIIOP/1-12'i cent i. JOUVIN'S AND BAYOU'S (41.0VEn, puce rnertvoej A splendid setro,tm,,nt of 11011.2E11 0 1 , 0 FURNUDIIND 1100141. We have resolved to sell goody at a LENS PROFIT TRA N EVER BEFORE! And hereafter will have but ON I: PRICE We invite oitizenkand strangers to oall and examine our stook before looktrut elsewhere. UHARLES ADAMS k SON, sele•wmf EIGHTH and ARCH ttta. EXTHNSIVB IMPROV.EMENTS!' THortriLtY &'01,118.M. N, E. Comer EIOHTEI kSPRING OAIIDErnt4. Raving enlleafgairtittit 14 °'w °lc7Ailir - OX 1J EST STOCKB OP (()pDB In the 4 tins Philndelphts. 110IJOIIT FOR CAFIE I.KcI,LTSIVEIX. And odlt be sold POSITIV,LV CHEAP! spenial Attention inirtte4to Bilke and Drees Goode, Blmele and Cleske, Clothe and Catermeree. Bleinkele and Pisnnele. Linen °coda end Alitelini I hlerseillesand other traltet Romer,. tilovsn. Y, &o. Qoadi aisrkod ttm low' est Frio*. ti eta , RETAIL DRY GOODS. CLOAKING OLOTIIR, OASSIALERES, DROALCLOTHS, VESTIKIR. &c. Boys' Casanneren, good patterns 75 call. Fatinets and Union Ilium mores. tid to 70 ate. Panay Cassimares. from to Fine Black Caseirnere and Doeskins,BLAcK BHOADerdiTlint. For Dress Coats, Frock Coats. Overcoats, &c. Heavy Overcoats nks. Beaver. Pilot. Trioot,lto. LIGHT CLUAKIN 08. , For Ladies' wear, of every desirable shade. Fine quality and low price, by the yard or mime. N. B.—Taalors supplied at lowest net ossh prices. neI2COGPP. ft & cor(A RD. Houtheast nor. NINTH and MARKET. VYRE & LANDELL, NO. 400 ARON Street. 100 lota Auction Goods. Merinos'. Shawls, thlks. DeLainee and Cashmeres. VYRE LANDELL, NO. 400 ARCH Street, have found inn derma of peers that RIME BILKS draw oustonrer■ for ether gond', therefore they have this women Mid in the Rrehest Bilks impeded. Beet Black Silks made. Mika for Town Trade. set: TALL CLOAKS IN PREPARATION, some opening every day. Stock will be complete. Orders taken and executed with despatch. rail and Winter Shawls. Children's and Mums' Shawls. COOPER tr. CUNARD, sel2 Southeast nor• NOM and MARKET. NEW PUBLICATIONS. HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL bIXTEEN PAGES HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, FIFTY COLUMNS THREE CENTS WEEKLY. FIFTY COLUMNS ___ Pronounced the, Cheapest and best Penotheal of the day. THE BEST WRITERS WHICH MONEY CAN COM HAND. THE BESTAND MOST ELEGANT LITERATURE THE BEST MU:IIC, BY THE BIST COMPOSERS THE BEST WIT AND HUMOR. TILE BEST PUZZLES AND CHESS PROBLEMS. TILE BEST GARDENING AND HORTICULTURE. THE BEST RECIPES FOR THE HOUSE AND WORKSHOP. THE BEST LESSONS IN GERMAN AND FRENCH THE BEST BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. THE BEST HISTORY AND TRAVEL. THE BEST SCIENTIFIC AND ARTISTIC NOTES. THE likST POETRY. THE BEST TALES OF EACP AND FICTION. THE REST ANSWERS TO cORSESPONDENTs. THE lIFST AILTICAL AND DRAMATIC CRI I I IMAMS. THE FINE ARTS, NEW INVENTIONS. LEADERS Or( CuRRI,NT TOPICS, Ar., ar . ho. EVERY WEEK -ALL FOR THREE CENTS The trade supplied by IIOSIS & '1 UCBFX, and DEXTEI4 & COMPANY, or any of the wholesale news agents in New York. Publishers, A. lIARTIIILL & . , 0 North WIL LIAM street, near Chatham. New York. Order the G rit number from your News Agent, or send &Three Cent Stamp to the publishers G r It. Sabanyiption price *'1.50 a Year. Paid in advance. 5e2G7.830 3g 5 1 : THE INDEPENDENT, OP THIS WEEK, IS JEST OUT, Opening with a N.E,W AND ORIGINAL POEM, MRB ELIZABETH, glyitETT BROWNING, Entitled DY IN ITALY." "Inscribed Mints!agent Publics Out of It." This is one of the moat terse, graphie, and original contributions which Mrs. Browning his ever mode to the INDEPENDt,NT, to whose columns she is a Npe mai Contributor. THE FIRST STEP ASTRAY," An admirable article. by REY.ISTEPREN R. TV NO, D. D., Which no young man ean regal without being made the better for it. "FREE SILL," BY BAYARD TAYLOR. . _ . Not a political discussion, as one might suppose from the title, hut an account of the author's farm among the Peraurylvania Quakers, and an announcement that it shall be Free Boil for all his friends, and for all the world, shot out only asainst such as shall feet them- selves personally referred to in the sign no the gate post—" No Bores Admitted Here." " THE HTRUGULE OF IWO," A graphic , politina article, by HORACE GREELEY, Having reference to the present Presidential struggle. and going as straight to the point at issue as an arrow to a target. "JOHN D. GO DOH AND FORMA TH H E TEMPERANCE RE BTN, REV. THEODORE L.CHYLE:R. Giving some amusing inoidents of hr. tiough's ora torical tour through Engla RndO d and Bad Claud. MN, DV REV. HENRY WARD BEECH R. From the text, " May grow up INto thm in all things, Which is the head, even Christ," This termon was Preached on the 00CARi012 or the lug communion in Ply mouth church. " A POET TO A PROPEL': f," Ch ßeing a scrap from an album, addressed to Rev. Pr. ever. JOHN G. WHITTIER. A Foam, "TO CHARLES SUMNER,' BY A DAUGHTER oF ROWLAND BILL. "A WORD FOR THE GOVERNOR'S k; ARS OR, PETER TITELMANN HAWED FROM IHE DEAD," Dein; ea Recount of n Modern Inquisition 'within Forty nblefor tO ew Vork, IsT • THEODORE TILTON. THE INDEPENDENT published EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, and ie furnished for 'lwo Dollars a year. by mail, to all pereone mewing out of Pew York and Brooklyn. To persons residing in either of these came, it is delivered at their doors by oar rhos, at Two Dollars and a Balf. Address all letters to JOSEPH H. RICHARDS, No, b BEDKIHAN STREET, NEW a ORE. Specimen copies sent grattattontly to any Witten. FOR BALE 1W NEWS AGENTS PETERSON'S COUNTERFEIT DETF.O- TOR for Ootober Ist. desoribinpt 74 NEW COEN TERPEITB. in now readr. Eno° 10 cents sol 7-11 ONLY TEN CENTS-PETERSON'S DE TECTOR for Ootobor Ist, now ready. 74 NEW COUNTIDIFEIIfi. .27-34 ILLUSTRATED NUMBER !--PETER. SON' DETECTOR has a fao simile or the hogna plate of the Bent of Morgan. Georgia. geTI-St PETERSON'S DETEOTOR CONTAINS artmles on Train. Ftmks, Money. Bpeele, Ex- Mane. Politics in Banking, Frauds in Linens—a shirt as a voucher—Bank of Commerce. &e., &o. re77.11t IN PETERSON'S DETECTOR everybody -A- may rely safely on the inotationm of the price of mo ney—the prices of the different Rank and Railroad Stooks—and the wholesale prloes 01 moat armies .f Trade. ae27-3t 74 NEW COUNTERFEITS have appear ed in tlie last month and are fully described in PETS , HSUPPR PETEC tOR Inc October Ist, published this day. I. verybodr should have it. Siesta numbers ladents. or $t a yaar. or a 1 ear for llieserni•rnonth ly. Call or send to T. B. PETERSON Jr BROTHERS. ea 27 3t No 306 CHESTNUT Street. Phila. SAUNDERS' LATIN PARADIGMS.—A new systent of Latin Paradigms, with a Synopsis of Declensions. Adapted to any Latm Grammar. by Cortland Saunders, A. M. Long Ilya. Price 76 cents. This work is recommended by the Processors of ancient languages in more t h an thirty of our Brat Col leges. au3o4m E. If. BUTLER & CO., Publishers. "ROOK BUYERS.—Gentlemen: I have taken the Basement of the Philadelphia Bank, 419 CHESTNUT Street, whore I will continue to buy and sell (as 1 have heretofore done at the Custom house Avenue Book-autml)stid and now Law and Mis cellaneous Books. I have for sale upwards of 100 old black-letter Boma printed prior to the year 1199. Also, a 0051 of Brasmus on the New Testament. 2 Stu, printed In 1548. Price vo. I will also deal in Engraving. and Autograph,. Perrone at a distanee watt* to sell &mks, will desoribe their names, dates, sizes, bindings, conditiona. and price,. Pamphlet Law. ol PermaYl- Tania, and old Gook. upon AMenoa wanted. aus-6m RAIN CAMPBELL. P,," McIiENRY , S BOOK ROOMS. 406 WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. STANDARD IS U DSC HIPUON WORKS. (.el3 PERFUMERY. CRISTIANI iSa 00.; PERFUMERS .9ND IMPORTERS, DAVE 11111110 1 711 D TO NO. 30 SOUTH FOURTH STRIMI. Five doors above their former stand. k Co. Have purchased all the materials, menhir, Sco., the late Gun of T. It, Pr:rusts lc (N o. 716 Chestnut Asset.) and live added all their styles to their otiru variety, with ma new ones for the present sea son, making the most o Motets assortruent of ell hens* in this weary. 0. & Co, continue the importation of DRUGGISTS' ARTICLE'S, of which their stook is now very complete. They will apace no pains to their attention to the wants o( their customers, and maintaining the good quality of their articles. aug-tool rAr ER HANGINGM. PAPER -HANGING. (FALL TRADE.) HOWELL dis BOURKE. luring removed to their new Ettore. CORNER FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, Are now prepared to otter to the Trade a. large and elegant assortment of WALL PAPERS. bolt Ok.llB, FIRE SCREENS. WINDOW CURTAIN LOODS. &c.. All of the neweet and beet design,, from the lon eat snood article to the finest GOLD AND VELVET DECORATIONS. Southern and Western merchants will do well to visit the eatablialonent of IiOWELL g BOURKE, N. E. CORNER FOURTH AND MARKET mill :TS aul9-2m PHILADELPHIA. UMBRELLAS. SLEEPER & PENNER. WITOLERALE MANUFACI'IRER:I o U M all ELL A S AND P kit ASO LS NO. :1 tit; ;VIA R ET &FRl:we, 9111T,AL91.9111A, fire now nulling more than ViYR UTINDREDPIP99999I9 VAIIIRTM 09 VY1BRT1•I A.l of evert size, from 72 to 4D inches. Bayern who have not had S. & F.'s make of goods a•lt find their Wile Well 'meat in looking over thin well-mad., stook, vela). LOOOOlO9 MANY aovoLme , 062 Met o.ls elsotrAvr , nu7S-2m ONSTEUR ALE4ANIIER DE WO. LOWSKI. Pt PiNtiF tz cOMPOSEH, and VOCA L -151, intiiii i r i rtis ? VMS _ ml. the eltlle that ha hus commit htiril rot o erWrriftfrt nub* the riallft, and tn ems] s't, a Phi adetlphia li gs Itions. Wosinwakta me thod. a person tomtits a sli kftylrietfs dr Music will speedily be enabled to ma it with, sr j Incility b and exec:turn operant" and orassint peasant] rd - "Wino , . Ac to the Vocal Pa, 1 aLpit toaaliganall 110 arrives at meet extraord ns icanftlai renders ohs voice powerful as Wellfte eavitilli rw i Mid thesinger la ena bled to vocalize tne most diffictilt panacea with RN , . Weil, facility. and nerfection of tone Mons. We intros! has already 'proved, by Ms numerous matt last season, whet could he done by his new mode rif instruc tioni. which has mide the greatest sensation in Europe. Thole_ who wish to avail themselves Of Qua rare method sholila apply at onm. at his resichre. No, 701 &ANSON woe hOtirilill 0 ... p10 4 .4 . 44 s. eVery dity , , ,, Unil ti iiie will ear-‘ , ."'"'" '' WANTS. W ANTV).---A young lady experienced to teaeloo. w. ekt like to form an etieseement i n or near the out.' t , t metro t to Matte Dreeta Prone', and In limb. Itee of retereneee liven titta EE go South. Athire, U. H., Frt." C4CO. A4Z. WA.N'rED By a first-class old esta blished Life lueurani a Coalmine of New York, an Agent to element the Company an this.oity. He roust he an active, enerentio, and peweeuerang Person in good sternums, and qualified to do the Nualneeu of Life nsurance. Address, with reference, Bog b7l. Near ork Poet Office. ee'..cs at A FIRST-CLASS BOOK-KEEPER, who has hatt twenty yeanr' experience. wishes an en, gegen env. Bert ref erenee given. Address" Harper." tive office, se2s St" U• 8 . MARINE CORPS RECRUITING . SERVIcIi — WANTED—For the U. R. manse enrps, able-bodied, utuhirried men. between the ages of 21 and years, not feu than II feet LK tnohes high, urd of good oilman ter. Soldiers serving In thin corps perform duty at nary Yards and on board Muted States shipe-of-war on fo rotany,atfaotiors. r m $ll to 321 pet month, hendes clothing, re ticule, tto. All other information which 111 , 111,0 desired will he riven at the Rendezvous. No. 311 Routh FRONT 81., near Spruce. bit Lieut. W. 8 rokt:B Bull). re17.12t ec rutting 012,cer. rrEACHERS WANTED—As Principals, Ansiatante, or Fanners. m the different Slat's. Belloofe, Fannies. and Colleges. seeking competent Teachers (for any seotion of country.) can obtain the beet talent for any Department by &dere/Luc tbe " Na tii.nol Teachers' Institute." 33.., BROADWAY. New York. A OANVASSING AGENT IS WANTED for hIEDIA and DEDAWARE County. GET -IVSBURGII and ADAMS county, (and ever! Toss' and County in the Stain.) for Putnam's Na.ionsl Illustrated Fdition of WASHINGTON IRVING'S WORKS, LIFE and LETTERS, now subhstung 11 monthly volumes. Address JOHN Mc? ARLAN. Office of the New American c'))olopedia, 33 South SIXTH Street. ee2f-tnaf A Kett fur Pennsylvania and Delaware. FOR SALE AND TO LEI an TO LET—A NEAT DWELLING. No. SDI 23 North Seventeenth Wok, with heck build ings. and modern conveniences. Apply to P 4. 11 N INCH MA. Emil Estate Agent, No, 2S South NEV F' Street. sten 2t• TO LET—The largo three-story Store, No. 205 CHURCH. Alley, suitable for Commie Jinn or any, other mercantile buainess. Poise..lol3 giVerl immedlately. Kent .2i40 !mx hundred dollars) per annum. Apply to W .11. IiYAIV, northeast corner of )3F.COND and RACE.. ae2 I • Gnlrtit aTO RENT—The handsome dwelling houge. 714 PINE Street ; large yard. 40. Partly furni.thed,irdemued. Apply within, from g toll A. NI. seX-21.• TO LET—Two Fitts in the WEAVER -11 CLUB BCA FILM. A der rame opp or . iUnitY for gentlemen who wash their horses econouti O call kept. nod well groomed and fed. No persoaltes oadto the hostler.. .4p Oren the Stable, WFATN.It Street. between PIFTII and SIXTH, sad COaTb:S and GREEN Steels sold-St • ►(iflE SUBSCRIBER HOLDS FOR SALE 11 n handsome country residence. sttcated Aso emi nence ore fourth 0( n male above the ternuens Cl the lademiton and Darby Ratlrned. II acres n( .uperinr tanil.tormotted br Darby creek: well rse.teted by never falling spring.: house spacious, contemns all modern improvements; Witter through the house. bathooom. dumb ersoLsr..!co. Al.°. a tame green house. hatished. with fine foreign graves. tre house. •pang house. stabling Sc. Handsome ground• around, abounding to fruit and (cue, elmde trees. For health end treantr, cannot he surpassed. ae.1.161. JOHN B. BARTRAM. FOR EXCHANGE—A CHOICE TRACT aeon,' nninlliirolied farm lutil in the Ewe of New Jersey. convenient to the city, will be exchseeed f city omperty. Apply at No. 11111 FEDERAL. Elute. sett tf HOARDING. 1218 WALNU T STREET.—A few se• leo t hoarders seeornmod .ted on ressonsble term,. Second and third story. •tngle and communi cating Thorns. SOZ Or A FEW SINGLE: GENTLEMFN CAN lie accommodated with cool boarding in a kent•el Private family. Location central. Mitre. 6. F. It Prriir office. ae22 BOARDING.—The eligible and well-fur nished Hones, r4,-, 1.31.1 WALNUT street. wilt be reopened for the reception ot tin or three perma nent femilies.oll the Ist September under the supervi sion of efficient honselteepers. References exchanged. sit,l-131 COAL•OIL LAMPS. K F;, ,, R he O i S m E . N en E . 02 . 0 A r w L I, OIL TR Ie k O P .5 - 55., No. North EIGHTH Street. in the maniutatture and sale of Kerosene, or Coal Oil. Lamps. and the extra ordinary quantity atria lastly-celabrated Kerosene Oi: sold by them, hem excited the Jealongy of certain par ties claiming to be the " only manufacturers" of Coal Oil Lamps. We have heretofore, and do now. claim to sells bestir article, and at as lots, a rite, and, in many eases, much lower than any house in the trade. Whe ther we have kept our word we think is fully proven by the foot of the immense sales made to all sections of the Union. Knowing no South, no North. no East. no West, but giving to all section' an article of superior work mansht P, gotten up with the best tan'e, and rearranted, in all cases, to give satisfaction, and we now reassert that we can, and do. and will continue to, sells supe rior article of Lamps,Caelierr. eke., together with everything appertaining to the businees. of low as can be boue.tit either in Philadelphia or elsewhere, for uroot of which we invite reentry merchants and dealers to soap, ne our stook, and coolly therngelvese that this is no idle box:stint , but aie,,,./..ioeta, which cermet be ens trllValtod by mere assertions. We claim to manufacture (notwithstanding the " shoe string" in and sill our lamps as so , as, any other house in the trade. The mar question is: Can we do it: We answer. eroph , and are ready is prove it in the most strisfactory manner. viz : by s-lung at such Micea will challenge any one to produce the same artiries et a loner Price. Our motto, •• Lion •OrD LET hivt"^thero is room for lin7estr. indu.dr*, nn , Integrity must and will thrice, IN .c. P ,M r A h i e b o e rn ‘ ie v al;ra l t No. 35 North Street, N. E. corner FLibert street. First flo• r, Remit Rooms. TV/tel,,rote Boom,, in the liner stories of Non. R 5 and ;17 Otortb EMI CH street eeV ti LETTHERE BE LIGHT ! A NO TEE CO h I. REDS RESPONDED TO TEE COMMND. &fence in her onward progress has extracted Oil of such purity IPA perfection. that tie light it produces will me with the sun in brilliancy and almost in mutt, at which it is now furnished. The leviathan of the deep can now sport an can in his native element unrno tested, and the unclean tenet of our Inraelitirh brethren may now grunt fearlessly. the sato ifioe of ha life not being required to etwe light to those who were groping darlatesii. KEHOSEN4 or Cost. On. and lamps for its use. hare been brought to p een state . of purity and perfection, that in many resects it is superior to the boentifal gas-light. The Oil has been deprived of its odor and color until it resembles 'clear germ; water, and the Lamps in which it is need have undergone a hie improvement. so that we now have a light equal in brilliancy, superior in steadiness and safety , and at less than half the coat of a Vit o tii h ?ip r :1311,Tiet:iisg light. Mann Cantu:ad by M. B. DSO IT, to every imaginable form of beauty and use. and are adapted to nll the rar l / 2 us purposes for which light it requited. We claim to be tire only rnaituracts. errs of lic,o,ene Lumps in Philadelphia. Others profess and advertise to make them, but they simply buy, the parts from those who do manufacture, and put them together. which ilijoat as much toward manufacturing them anthems who put the strings in a Pair ol shawl do toward making the shoes. 1 hate now on hand, or my own mannfactute, the largest essortmeat and handainiest variety of Kerosene Lampe. Chandelier., Brackets, tee, in the country. fitted with any of the various burners in the market.so that no person can Mier you a tatter article, or at leas cost than can he found at my store. My machinery and facilities for manufacturing are not surpassed, so that I am prepared to compete in priers and qusltty of grinds with any itl the business Chandeliers and Lamps of even , dere/lotion altered to burn herosete, end te bronzed, gilded and finished eo_al to new in any style desired. The purest and best Kerosene Coal Oil for sale at martu'aritnrers' prices nber'es, Wicks, and all thinza pertaining to the busincts, wholesale or retail, at the lowest muse[ Tate. SIT Ater. in No Its South svcosn Etrot:. below ca P.STIS I I',am. it rectors No. I CARTEN. Street, ad joining the Vote in the rear. Merchants and others will had it to their interest to call and examine nut •teelt andprices. M. I\IIOTT. No. 114 South BF.COND Eit.,ard No I CARTER an, PHIL/dn.:LH-11A. . , Pnmple. of our 0 ocan ziel OD el Albitlnti to the Arai oolterot Four. se3s-1t NOTICES. CITY 0031MISSIONERS' OFFICE— PHILADELPHIA, September 23, L:6O. The Assessors will meet for the poser's° of add:nr to their respective lists the nan es of those pet sot., who may have Loan omitted, or may have snored into the wiled since the Ism assessment. On WED 1:8DA1'. 26th, THURSDAY. 2:tb. and FR (DAY, 28th of Septenther. between the hours of ono and ten o'clock P. M.. at the fon:mins places. viz: For the First Ward, at the house of Samuel Grath, PAM' uuk road. above Bred street. Second Ward. Isaiah Fume, N. W. corner of Fourth and WastUnrron avenue. Third Ward, John Conrad, N 0.813 Pasevunk road. Fourth Ward, John W. Dubreez, No. 714 South Fifth street. Ward, Charles Bard Deem, N 0.230 Routh Fifth street. Sixth Ward, William Leech, No 310 Chem street. Seventh Ward, denies Lot:lel, N. E. cot. of Twelfth and Lombard. Eighth Ward. blame] 'o, R.E. ismer of Hansoiii and Eleventh street Ninth Ward Hamel B. Beitler, Nn. HIS Market at. Tenth Ward, Colombia House. No LJ Broad street. Eleventh Ward, Benjamin Rainier's, S. W. corner of New Market and Coates. Twelfth Ward, William Greenman, York e and Buttonwood. Thirteenth Ward, Charles Miller, No. 749 Garden. Fourteenth Ward, John Maharg, No. 1392 Ridge eve- DUB. Fifteenth Ward, Mlonael Lewis, N. W. nor, of Coates and West streets. Sixteenth Ward, Widow &rare, S. W. eon of Fourth and George. Seventeenth Ward. Henry Smith, B. W. corner r f Front and Master streets. Eithteenth Ward. C. V. Nauman, corner of Franklin avenue and 'Marlborough Street. Nineteenth Ward. John Doerr N. W. cor ner of Amber and 011iestreets; John Face, Richmond greet and Read. ' u l"WTill i gttl . Ward, J. W. Ranson, 8. E. corner of Eleventh and Girard avenue. Twenty first Ward, Coverington Hotel, Ho tee road, amt's Green lane. Twenty-second Ward. Brunner's Hotel, German town. Twentv•Hird Ward, Reuben Frederick. Harrowcate Hotel ; Daniel Fannce, No. p 7 Frankford road siobert M. Murry, Bust:eon. Twenty -Purtti Ward, 8.8, Wise, Lancaster pike and Miller street. EDWARD R. WILLIAMS. CHARLES NEAL. Cif; re. Joitri A. liousEmAri. te.C-3t NOTICE is hereby giNen that Plans and full Hpeotfcattons for the erection of a first-class Grammar Cahoot-house, to the Fifteenth Ward, will be received by the undersigned at the othee of the Board of Control .ere. H. E. corner sixvi and 1111 1 F1.F111 Streets. until MOND.% Y. the EltiliTH day of °ClO }that., at 13 o'cleck, N. the said schom-house to he erected on a lot of ground situated at the southeaot corner 'twentieth and Coated streets. 113 feet 13'4 in' has front on Ceuta. street. 0) feet te , . mchee to Twentieth street. tr) on east on North etreet, Arid 83,feet inane/ on the east line to Coate , street. The budd ing to to three stones m h.; g ht. to accommodate me thousand pupils, loud not to 0... t over fifteen thousand dollars. The amtuteet of the ;Ain approved to srperintenit the erection of saot sehool-house. and receive for Mg 'st ew,. throe per cent. on the cost of the t In Consequen:o of an error in the former galvanise meat for pairs, fee . of the above Mr ld'ne. the evert description the lot not being given, hence the neces sity ot tne aroma notice. By order of the Committee onProto'irts. Dow- RT .1 at I'D thl„ 3t Secretary Controttere of rubric , Schools. --- SALES BE AUCTION. .: 1 1141.70 L.O O.tERIAt4ES AT AUCT:ON .. —IIII.IITIETit THAD!? 8A 1.. F AT NIT , 1 \I I Ins enla sail n.o plIcA on WI t)• NEIL AN' IVORNINII.O , tof, AAt to o'r! st cha I.IAZAAH. 1•1!NTII and : 4 ,1.00:11 “beet,, nod wio not be p Strnied on Arconnt of the. Irelther• "/ be eidib, [ion will rudwnee n. etdre t Ciiirrinbm node tiv rilherb Or tha 1 1 10 eft rer"tt , "n " PIT Y and OP' Tho Cartiagpb mw tin examined two tog cre vioae tnbi!e. 1.1 geld An( AnAtioneor. _ • - PATENT w anvoirr AND 011fl.LED IRON ! REPOT c • wl '715 CHFSTNUT UNDER MASONIC HALL, 11. C. SADI.F.R, Genotal Atent AND BANK LOCKS, DOORK, &c. striouyib• °sty Mbrottralis txrd - trikds . that Ii bot • Pitt tin 4 Drumlin proof. WS-tut-If AMUSEAZNTO. CONVERT HALL. TEE GREOF AT ENTERTAINMENT THE DA V. .XTRAORD/NARY FI/CCESS mph .tic and Pronounded Tntimph. TO-Nlt.ll4T. AND EVlk.ill f at S, PROFESSOR ANDERSON'. Wiz ird of the North, And CoSMOPOLITA AIriNARCEI OF MAGIC/AN% in hie greet }'r tertalpmept. A NIGH IN NC ON tht.ll wuRLD; o MAGIC. MYSTERY. r. AND MIRTH. PRW3IB3MNY. VOX Evt.:4lNG, selected fro. the penmen, in ranee eleneie. Act 1. Ft. fen rodare. Ilvt. The Cautdron o. the t: Act S. . Elackinclinin Palace. London, IMO. The eh:me 30p Act 3. 1304 tea Mekeleon, 133. Tnaumaturd.o 88r prices. Act 3. New Vries, 113. The Prlritcel..t..., Tocsin of the :111 - "AC toes. ar,l trr....:a of rzarmact•ctso.l Art A. Ed th rho Itaa off Actß Recolif.n, 81nthr.ch Islands. 11e3, The Caba listic Constar. Act?. Forte, MC The Ideeatrom of Feathe r , 8. •Nlelbearne, Bentr.B the Ve,l cf This, or Eteeond .11rtit Pi traordi Act S. Calcutta. 1A57. C AO1.1 1 )3T RD'S Carafe. Act 10. Cairo. Erypt,lB3i. puma Meeig. mr , F i . tient. Mini E. Anderson. Aot 11. Beath, PI?. Anderson's Charmed Chau. of Comes. Act 13. Rangoon, Baymeh, 1357. The hussysreb:a /0. eatable. Act 13. Phitadeihtna.l3s2. The Precarious Poenhon. Act lc Rumored Castle, Sect:sad, 131. Anderson's Enchanted 13.,x. Act ls. Tahiti, Society Islands. 11cano!cti311 Erspo -181102. Mus Th e Prefes, l r win be assisted br Andenoc. the Modern 3lnemosTr.e. Mn end retro-ref:unmeant orthoosehms. Mies Flora Andertou, -• YOUiad A/rental" In 1/10 Choretikopsn. Miss EltZn Actersou. the Attendant Ariel. Mr. J. H. Anderson, Jr., Aid de-camp to the Wizert Doors open at 73i o'clock. Commence at 3 o'clock. Hods of Me _ _ • • „Su ca n t. Balcony . • • . cent. fiesta should be secured at Box OiEce, daily trout LY till 4, Ticket,: obtac-We also at all Hotels ar..l if:cc eters& Grand lIATINEE no SATUR DAY. s: 2 P.ll .etT-tf N ° ' 8 ROYAL EQUESTRIAN 2 ROL PE, snnx fIIBLO+ GARDEN. NEW 70RX. Astler's Atophthestre. tcl yr.rt caire of England And the Gs. - muttent of E - -trotto,l-1 Perform br Au- r,kirT. TRI , FK m ID i AY, AN s D i• Aril'ADAt , SwytemberV,ll;. gad U. AT TUT? CONTiNEN rAL - In EAT 711. W nen irni Ca Ictindtie..l NiPLLE: ?LC A ZOYARA, CHF, FIX HANLON BROTHER°, W L I , IA }l.;htla attfAucurt .m GEORGE. ALBERT. FREDERICK. TtiCIMAS, , d IlksT AO artA ROHATIC iiir WORLD , .•'‘EBAnTIAN Atrcs. D I. E'y, CIIAI.II TONI. Mort. Dl' 8. , 11. Mr. JAME:I Mut./ ir I LLIY. GFORtte etszitv , t Rlder Will !AV I..l.lt`A[i/ MT. 4. VENPO KT FuRTI PERFORME:Itg to.. vao:lt Rader the dtreertJt: JAIdE2I NtX(I.N. Who 1111 make 114 FIRST YIRIT TO PHILADELPHIA r With the ENTIRE ROYAL, COMPANY. Artl, for the fast tuns in the City of Itrother.y Lore. tthttnt REGYLAR AMPRITHVaTttr. PRICES As YOLLOWR • nrO , OI Circe and Fautuotte.__..... -..._ feat. ?MOOT and Soo ta: 4_7lrole •• CO Wren under 10 ,es of sir.to Dre•• C,r&, 2$ floor, open at a Starter to 7. Performance qr torn meat* nt a qnseer ton o'clock. t3IT: R DAY. at If deook. A rtI..F.CI L MATINEE.. WALNUT-STREET TITRE • • Sole Lease --Mrs. M. A. 6A.IIM_ETTSOI. M "VP Manat er— VI M. A. cm.' P.VA Hiatinsas Arent— ...—. Nr.ichs. D. MI.J/LPH THIS (Friday') HVY . .NINO. Paw. THE BONDMAN. The Maidnie DI Sip/Lb ST Mr. P. R.icb.irss ; Mad. Dirt Corinne, Mitt C. Dictum's. THE DONNIE INK WIPE. DOIATII oven At 5 WWI! O'CIOAIL 1 1 4Tf011:14410ls continence at o'mock. Prices of Animation Dress Cagle. Mesta seta:red * without:Astra °harem) 60 cents (Sititte to - co red at 60 cents.) IN rents; Bee.ond Tier acci Vaisult circie and Thud Tter,23 items Private Bogen. Si can 03 o sle Pests to Orchestra 61:14 Priests Boss. TS a. WIiBATLEY & CLARKE'S ARCII STREET THEATRE. 1 • 131.9 (Friday I EVENING. Re - pt W. he celebrated mysterious Drainst.c omano*. THE CORSICAN BROTHERS. To-night and to morrow the only meets it can to per formed. To commence wan the popular Comedy. EL, . The whole of the great Star Cninpany in the bill. To-morrow. at It o'clock • [kik Clrand Marine, Toni Tay.o,'ll great Comedy of the •• ELECTION" 1 , 1 preparation, and will ahortly be gra:laced. M— oDONOUGH'S NEW GAIETIES-- RACE Etreet, above Second. THIS i Friday) EVENING,. t•orit. Zr BENEFIT O' JUL lEN fiIAHTINETV. On ntioh °ocarina he will aprear in two of his a-rosi est oharantara, JAC , / Dr—d BTROP AND THE WHITE KNIGHT. (nrroenning wan ROBERT MACAIRE. law Excintong nn the TiAht ANON?: LEHUAN In ha terrific Batt.6 Leap. To conc'tir with THE GREEN `ttoet..lTEß. h f i t olz .. tl t i r w c.. h . o r l . s 4 ;l l .tr ,, t;r4t a t . ; and CJ Im e re:a :a AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. GRAND !F•LIAN OPERA The Direet , re of she ACADEMY OF ML'S'r, NEW YOKX, reepecant.7 announce that they wl,ixtTe b.:14 6 oon or ITALIAN OPET,A rneladinz GRAND RFPC.F. , ENTATIONfi, The first of ,th tike etas oe AIIiNDA OitTOBER 7. The Ritioninp Operas ari.l be slyer ROlll-.l+l' DiABLF, by---... t/ H. 1/1A- _ I PI: It! PAN!, by.... BE L' NI, I It NAN'. or . Vila'• I Fe, VERA FB FlC!LitriNl:, . VER Mt , 3, 1:s FGll'l'o, ..... AZ:Tsui!. lots chef d cnr - re of •r.i. srest tote„ el.-- terneert. for the first tame. In Ph , lndelphts. In the shore Representation!, toe rot:as:in!' A - t . , - . - ts "' Urst;`,.‘)3.l Is t rArn. mo'mu COLSO - :tt AND MADAME 1.1 , 11.2 FARM, Her first epee:rinse in Pivlsietefi.a.) [GNORI BRIGNCLI. STIGELLL tied t . eiriNt,Rl FERRI, h. BARILL fitl 7 .liNii •ND 1111'.RR CARL FORMFR. 1 HI e host appearance stn.! his return fr= Enrin.s.. l'Ondocterl MAX AfARETZFR, Flavor MCZIO, nod It/At' 1110 k. 8111AK09C.11. T in Director* intend to render o.ls the most 1 rt bent Opera'', Reason ever x 111 513 In flit 3 ‘piel- 3 . Full partteu:sts in (mute anneutteetnects. ,er INFORD 'S OPERA HOUSE. ELEVEN IR RTREEI OPT — I FOR Tut. BF. AM)I4. NEWT i P ("ORATE?. AND P.kfRIFI) MR. FORD Hw xrured rao or LARGE , FCONi P. 4 ever Verse - rat ra - e.~ who sill novear v.< h •17. rtmlford pPrloral ersn even , Doom ,ten e• ; Cornalpsl, &tot 'PL•. CARL %VoISSODN AND 1111:0DOrr. TIWMAS SSEHIP+ OF SIN CLAS:ct,:AL Ao! El. at the FOll,ll. of the ACALMIri OF Nrt:4:t2r. S will W latette, at the 1.,..e..c , •• ,eft c & Cn., IhN f•vet , Leel Cneenut wee:, Lack k LAlgtry e 717:, end is: A. ?:bass:.Ju s C. 40 taut atra,ta, wS•rs t e sznirssmsse , sa4 bra can is sets. se:, 6w pENNA. ACADFNY OF THE II:it; ART/L-1023 CfIUITNT r Prre.t. Cant Cal.( L0x..., oollootou of 1"T:1 .11 , 11 r tloroo9nov oven thily from 9 A Si. P. 91.. A.C -n/JinOn 25 au. Ohl:anti Owlet I/ Tears, 11 t l ADZES' FANCY FURS - 1 JOIN FAREIRA. ONE-PRICE FANCY 'Fyn stone. litvtne now open at Illy Nov Store, 715 ARCU a nd fn, not , m 7 large and beautttul assortment of all the different styles and qualities of Fancy Yovs. for tulles and children. that vili be worn damns Cs coming se avon, and harm adopted thecae-anon proa orsda of dome finsiness.l feel confident in sensor that any WI) Wk‘idar, a net al Fara for herself or fnend caa hit a the advantage of selecting from a rery hogs ns• sort meat, and at the lowest pout fito %airs they can he bought for in the ons, wean' -et if REMOVALS. REMOVAL. EVERETT, HICKS, Sc CALDWELL, CLOTH HOUSE. Have removed to 323 MARKET STREET. Borers ere toot ted to examine oar ■toot. Loll 21, REMOVAL. CHARLES HARKNE93, wIiOLEILLE CLOTHIER. HAI REMOVED vo No. , Ioe CHESTYI.7T STEEL r, South S:de, above RtxtA. PHILADELPHIA. auS) tra THOIVIAS THOMPS'ON, SON, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS 4, ,' CAIIINET•MAKER3' MATERIALe, 13S SOUTH SECOND STREF T. tT Brocatells. Flushes, Rep, MonaAke. and 671T1 da se nD4an .f Ittrz.ture at.j re:9 Sra BUTLER HC)IJ:s.E. 112 :•orril :I\lH (. r: orta inerp.rtrwrte Conducted oo tta S. , ,v:c p..).1.,. .Aecer.3lZ. , 'e ett tour. set; 1. • 41.12'4. LUXEN °AST-ST . l_9 Kr 4 !3F, „ PIW%; AJJAMS. ks., - t B. eA LS 5 , 30 Vreitira . ;)t.Cr CO • A 111; 31'41' E. I.F• kNI) BUILDINGt=. Ch‘rtered t^ eleeSW—ral.l,l;CO, vnlne. MI invested .n ECA.PA ar.rl3l , ll`.a.ble securit•...--zan tir,un to 1111117 C on Ves‘cla &::d Str.,los of :41,re6trAtse, . on ITURS. byra'. 1 1 111 LC 11inr7 1). BtlC.7Ttli, tisorst it f , 111,7 1 , Simeon Tot y Samuel grant. Jr , MA.r...tleater, "'man. I.horrual li Wat. , nr. John B. 13 tdd. bete) C. Frau:li... WilLarn R. _ Ch:.r:As S. Lew 2, _ , IN - ,51 C. Csrron. FIF:IR 1 D. Ft AR? 4:12.. gearetary. 4^-t o l eiv YCIJANOE INSIXANCE COMPANY tial.w t. iaattrr sare • s s CS ozi Moss. sad Mil?ettaadom . , t. at iambi* tams. *Mar Ciaiss4 in par- Ps .ipi• . XL P iii aL.,„ ‘ / 4 "ajaii .;"l3l - Ar i l 3 aii;V: -7 .,„ ., , ." s • • ' lli' art illia47 , to. arlill 441.. sisbo, %Mow ' t. itqww vr, sm. lowan Mil Watt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers