t, F' -- 2.,•if - ,_ ' # ..:,:;.,.. i io , 4, Swot: rodfira 1 , .--! ~-' -- , -,'-', i ,4,... - -..:.:::.* • .., - - 4; -, 7I .T.ait , -.''" -- - ' iruNeNtarsiMpia p. 1,8150,, 7 ;," '' - - • - , ' iti ral li4Sl a p •-ki 1 , ip a 1 1ii - : t horn Ehntzgal , ,lioniaLVAM.4 Maiiiilasiiiiis Pss. and the Paolo 005641frittA t t ,_:... t ' Ailii Thu RR *r A 4. 47.1' is*Taßrle#ll6l-r* ntlroliiog,at thouth . /11W#001,0 4 **Arbia antioirOWl4o4lol4l 0 ** 1 40 ,1 0 Maw itu7 eonA fireiitd pea ormiiiiii4 , ,Frokis hasikiiiiiiteo/04(baltietCDketistot of Naphs.lKV lluitfi,*o47lloiii" - ooitia of 40 7 40 4 41 4 0 1 104A1e; ,i4tv` by his nit asiCtio: asidiWAlais of silo is* inteasettitnitishisbi . -bit/Obeid/ AniniferredAlie ilaaa "Trine' Niti L ibitoikti 'Slide of " tlie mh°l ` 3 - ' OCClialialiditakAliik.inal' / 4 9ahilia 4 a , Victor ihlanalaaillid4ntlanti• 4iCa PDS; in t*" ahahnktganWninieseeriariaided 10km/biped Nelsioi is i. and mdliPlerltis 'On - ' ,'; ' -f -3 ";;-. '' '.,' We p . 24 4 0,,it t * alT.ikii dat#l:4 the °ewe hccwites j ate 'l_ eiXtirlielh'i St - w - :,M9 C;-from : South ..theawrie4.hmea; Destret , stmeriospAnd: the Pacifico iiiihigoiTiiiii newt tea 4fspenil bnntglet to - San Franoiao by lleaborlt,l94 c?!eer, /root Yo. kohamit*l ll oo - 4e.Ta t h:*v it ! ., '_ h o r ..... th * It willibineen that theSolitcontferiersotini the public buildings' on -Penn Square has been tally eonsamtbitiet *phi .roleivitoArthisi; Sr. - `,. TIM pi pers wegn,ll9wwilly eirted,- . b7..the,,oons,rnieolon,ori yeaterdniriaektboAelheil #4,4 54 ' ,. .141*A11.erfr - thing s, aintAlbatt WI pen With whisk the alg- L natursa atiltedlree Made or: n Aulli tram An Anieriqn v esplo, Of course the fi e, will bei,gra tiled nrilt#4o4o9nottef Ott'Soileso.: /t Would hoes besartoteetlileille dive itittioA k " etl'irliett. play/n*6SO. Star Spangled Banner'? or O , Yankee Doodle" In one of thnanio-ropMs, When we at . tempt tiipitliotSilieftslinO'sise 9/Ininelng Mit; Jan. t:hit Dat4l44l'Datiain would kr".• been exeeedinglp•appreptiate, :i ;: , . ~,,, • ' • : ff i Septititaitobrit:inonth of disaster'. The Calamity on Lakiiiiiioldgari,9l4lstoini in-the Gulf of . ,Meit co, and - the Aopilegrattoot'Ari,NOw llrloiont; will- ill be remetibereewitli : grief. PiCM )3t.' tout" ICC' learn that, on SimalaYAhanai .raa:/a ognikaEng9ii oonanmiatittal4: l /o.tonanalala , land iiaata°3 4 nD, the homproctltrom:buidretl pelts. ,' A ehild waif , burneditn4tiatiltii iIiniSMISIMMAhY thi mire- - loaanolat!fil*Waglio/k ) ."! ~,"'',.'"-',. The &lint Slit:/ , ldiadelikidSo6Utiioi 'the Pro,' motion*'Spiitinliiiiriwill cleiMASSY s at'/..9*C1-." ton, Welt Philielelpida. , ;Thensrangessante are en a largo s and atmlitivotwele,;end„flyllyolll4 in s di: <sates that tbealpilray will be of s'attiat:lntereitiog oberaeter ^i, The 9fisidi'it' the tinited'fliattie Stab:an Peia are stiGauseektiod, Psweldmit Oastilia, who, by the way, bili`khitelveoieridlrcini hiestoitid, Wilhelm to settkilAtAMtepentirifshinit telbrierttlemerit by any other -a. third ;'rile ism; position' Mt rindetatoodi hu Ibsen' ie4ieted by our Government. - :ThoPreVent of the Assembly, who is theillitleop pl",, i brequ*n, biiirlOirooldant I pro. feckopit , mettitution;, llossti , oontreete are still sialVept t 9 Oki 4proisl Of Vieyresident only, a bill itio!ighi tlint;prar in th9/tlnSto/ ilmivers having be e n Ofest!ilt '• •• • .., 79'': n•.— . - - We WA; 044 - A1atai1r..,b 1 0 1 0 1 4 1 4 1 4. 114 x1 peeted*Sal//ttai„SiStV Po Sin 4Aberiosind the I weat skald it-4tdoti,iier:ii rk hinikibit'atitlitOtki tober,Xiidlhis'iboletiedesinsieliwt,l4ol4oll69,l Stevens: Wain iiiitalaii'; 'Div, tiiiiit s iiC Nciiiiialwii., The &AIM.' WS Wei Wain!, /SP Sir AM/dein ' t r e dc 'lhafirt• YOlaf P.s. l 4PtAahk , *xi' 0 /: Wen York> orlik4onftEilll , Aitittill.' liii Ind be.`tlfeli: °am ' . Riv.llt.t.l.f. ,° 11 ,1 14 ,4 , f2, Fth.alhorsi.; bud: among her co mp any of emigraniii.will b., It la an, tioiPati 3 C 444 4 100, 9:3'P01 0.41°,4: residents O. Penn4lvanis. , I Dr. , /lalli *4/oldsters, or Mr:. Coppiager,i of Able OW will Amend ;peekaiwanna °°°l2°)°4l#othr.'una.:Totha4*lattlWl9onte Or for t ti e irtithinri gii-adrom. -13 ;40T;; -- **lt '0#44 11 0Xg;,;.0 6 ?•; of EataTl le *!kW`Mh e *O e r a I Rrf l !t 4 n" i T d two eil„," . The fltrfiasl4l;,lmoocoms. the opesStir,...roteillei intoseag; . were Ptthilies*C.9:4 the 4.7 - :theklilthie. l WAW, eiate the - thth.fffthe - WO:iek mailiet 'vestal , pre. onmberosill..be to ittooderise, r. ,TheAustole oss j a mmedheasikheitreeti crowd ed _ "Jtno2-isiinfOßW,,t° tton tolittlibed *the oilier of Tho'rrosoohat night schools of I . Wltootiop .4 lol:44lotoria4 otr 96a alrßt or frooortit N 941444: 4;444* if oaradliiJ;' , l 4 ;oo:44*;lonj raq.-to laboosa, oahoi i ro • • •.; Harm, /centre* -,..-'IIIIOIIIOIIIIW-11). rmhi ;IMF det ed- tO obWd e popularity in-the United States. He h tio ' • thorongbltloo3.thikhe.o,ol 4- ' will of all why , ante- in -contact with him. AftetPAWii.r.Siitkeititinkie the t annajilviatti the &aid of Plainaylvania, wherwite hul • reze**o-** l # l l t . ol # * _9l ' . 4 k l6l C lowinvity .o)ctlbe'r_ • MoOrifik . ingt.s2: l v , Altctlisithig Richmond ,, and•Balti• more;I:910/9040 -i 0.4: /ii .4 1 * on:ghia,'a Alvening,44o49Viti 9. z wil /eai4:o l ' l -11 . 0fIrli*. 9 >€ 4 rtY!' , I n c e D th t orOetd her li;reifiilk#4 6 :,o 9 o. 1 .oocroxil fina*. t otteiniiting Weatl'ohlt;4lllWM4 , an' Canibtftlyiret4til*titititt ini , the 20th :f :L i ~ l r ~b ;f ~ . I. f l 1 1 6 ' -4 vc.6l ri-,lAlliemon ": '- , 4 ~ 4,, f?z "2 , 0 , ,r - ';', muidolThr , • . _ .., .. _ ~ ... _ . ~.., . _...... . , , shifitpialisuastaititaard.salosayEt - toperforai tipfl dillisalt poet of Norma, obi tabilir now ataligliA gieffailtaalifitiii plea% 'Aida reettiffiaLiimgorr , riir moil , fele' ~.: .11e!0Wi6 4,1,514Aw,-' n"'fOi rksu,llkb4.i .., ':tl'la'o.4l4klfr* "i4it . ..." '' s e dllOT iuiq' rft*. : 4 , ssigua,4. 4 :tea' t•pa, a board * -:, • ' air" ' " m!na 't l' 14.0. lies 'f - 00 - 101 te rd NI -00 1 1'' 4 * * , 1 4iiiiit WailiViltikaWind, t il4liikreit; P lik . ' ' 4airattuatild..' -'-' t 4 .4, t d,4tr i soark - ' , '" j ar'lliatiNafill L i i'q't; tirate ',4alir fi At , t?'" L tataiii' . ' .-.,...7 ..,r , ...1. JI7 °St - M°" '- • l 4fifilf Of , .. • Vrtfloa folifyjsi rallialsot :110,111Asai t iuma rarolyi.if tover;boisn Otai' *Mt Mt ' taa' 'Mari two -topes , e . ~ 4 4 tejt ! ' rlPPl:4.4lbltt# : °et , 4l Wein j r 4-,itz9PS $4 1,18 0•1 1 44 92 ; 6 4. zoiglikviftior isfalsto l fix,mas. And iota." sigisist-4tt ' oi , iot: siollyia , tovitif ordirfrossokiP.t; firoald:ati.t ' vise all' the oiliairon of the opota to go iiiiaioe. litag t ofilleiitilgtiiiiiii t s 6i t , laritia."n z Attfliiiii: -0 40 111 # 0' Kf irtic4l *4 l #4* ;4' ..t...,. t - , - , t ..." , , , ~ . d4 " 1:4 W. .. 1 ' 1 '' :1 4 111t , ‘fr i frfifitiiii t ''''' , ,•, ',, ' J il.ii,,Vek*etb.44 414,044'1:1446,414,1itter, -"Aoo sratoiritatii.by.fireAutnim • t niagassifili is,, .iflitiftoSO itf , - , lt lo , roportat that trillistiagaidai ko*""Wir4lla6llo 4•qibstrieriftos - ia , dio , " 4 /ViittiblisfiAlifiaWat tii,bik , ifil liii sal; iftelPasMPria_l4ll.o4ll4 # l 4 ' ii) , ii%:,fo7,, I itM-teirttittß ii ittL 94 _ ll,thl 44 .1 4:1,.,...,, i yrt &A v. Ifo .., 't - :;•troit . XPlitgr ::,_, 1 i g4kra ' .l74X, ~ t t .4brrlV NW 2,4 : 1110.. ttil-t , 1,: ill , .V . ,. ~,,, • j .;.4}141.144441"i1iCi;Erri001144.4:, 4104 hi11i.449 91#01sootnot eiraskwill or.ollt,sy•saw iraM4,, allireolooltj alartigotalisortiaolt 4 -*' ' '' 1 k 6 A! ,'. .0 1112 '“#. 11.11 t r,44 • ~ pfl. -;' . ..,, • r.---:, ~ f tz ,X):- - ;: , • i'!:, , ,1 . 3t.,-...-':-, r .....-.:,-; -, , .,,,,. 1-, 1,-.:.---, , -,_- y-f,F- i - j 5,.. .!' , ..'ic...5". Z" f tr , i'qr..., - ;:. .4- t:f4tiff,3: , /..c.kr..' , e r , '% - ;-", 1-4 , ... , , ,- -.:. ,„,, 1 u t , ,, ,, 1 0 4,Tp-5 . :11. ~ - 1 4::,•:;A;7' „A' ',5-'' Ago aw of Conventions and the Union. 04 Th po zw alti oß en in assu rega m rd et h el y . the . cea frie i nd row s of i leipismocratio National Con ". 4 liee4oi Olt i rlitcted a terrible blow u . ‘" 1 iirgiwak ~iop of the great party w .11,, 1 mTaY yak-possessed a contropiiiirpo 'in litiis 'iotadiry, but it also insiolhowlY ie4pit*efatti.. Hipp of the Union itself* its ri iaeie'rable ioic" In the minds of the great body of . Reoperate, North and South, the long-conti nued assendeacy- of their organization,.andit , 'many; hrlllipt 1 political aehleyeibeliti,lievii generated% belief: tilisit'in iiniariaiice and in- ISE* &Witness it-b - ouly-wicsmd to the• Con - -• A aX ltittieulltellilf e j liiiiij lry i - 44 , '-Now',lhei'Se6estionista did that we 'WI lirawal of less than' one-third of the mitatierin :Or tlie thaw* Getitenthril „-eieri . the orighietAbdy; l'itiiit:es land,. de •-sikaye all the binding--force of -its pre 4,i4illiei via iliel'udehtthatJoitirD'.,Blisint lifistiiew, as the nominee of the Seceders' Con- Ventlion; liiialii much Welt tollit position of the: 'itiiiiiiir Democratic - candidate as STEPHEN A. Donor e, altheuglitiie litteirWas supported by more thantwo-thirds of the regular delegates. .Ale 'of course do not believe this doctrine ;,, on the contrary, we :consider it untenable and Abitibi: - Ent it has ,been widely disseminated, be4fOrma the basis of nearly' every Breckin ridge speech: The, ' key -notes;,wee sounded from the phials 'or the White . Douse itself,' by no: less a personage thanthe,President, who "contended that every Democrat was at perfect liberty :to' support , :ei l ther candidate 'without opposing :'lgier (iiiistiliegiou` of, his party. Throughout the whole - Sonth; every Breckin 'iidge neirspaOrnMid 'orator' takes . the'same view of-this istibject, :and ,tlitufass far asi posse hie' pave the.rway for it , dissolution of the , 'Union; ' I V, t eaching; that: thc.withdirsisa/ of; tear; than, one-third ~of .the ' ,members of a; perhanieritary'body destroys the legality' of its proceedings gad renders, the transactions 'of the *ciders as legal dr that of their antagonists: Tide is accompanied in some quarters byetien threaii,,of.dissolritiOn in, the event' of the election'of Lnibotat, and in others by a studied sileitee . ha,regard,to the, question whether, his encodes is to be eohaidered a legitimate canes far sundering the.Oonfedemcy. '.•: ! • ~. The, fact" iheidd :not ',be overlooked that; either by accident or designi every Breckin. ridge advocate is necessarily a disseminator of tihninion' , iweeepta, because the same,rule which he so rigidly applies to the proceedings Of &National: Opnyention is applicable to the proceedings of the Congress.and Senate of the :United' States 'oi even-to the. Electoral Col lege itself, andwould of, course be readily ap pealed to if any serious disunion demonstra tion !should-be made. ' If the people of the South can be indueed to believe the doctrine Beeuesitie and the other Secession speakers haire! applied to, the Democratie Convention, they will be prepared to adopt, rte logical in, .ference that the withdrawal of a portion of the membera of pongresaand the Setihtejrom a majority:of :their associates' will destroy the legality.; , of „the proceedings of the original bodies, and also that a Minority of the electors areas comietent, to choose a President Oiler the' hty,l4? .4f ilia; Seiessimi nomination) as a 'Majority of them. ', : .; , - • ,Downfall of the Bourbons liVittiAizi3Oxeotibn; of , Queen 'Satsuma, ot 1401,:•so-Boixisen; nevi )reigns, -In Europe. She " • - ," • "The liatiote ofsediner ' 'l.lett ntoomialalbast • All nerasudlntiiiisatons " ' • .'; ','Arafsasa'andiase.' ; het:Ylnepmtldis, • Fasinnir 41:, wink= Xing of the - Sa„Sictilial; liaiAisposed of him . He :retreatecl,to Gaeta, taking •with hhit,ajlertit,tkdeAraf what' our 'Western folks would properly call it pluniler,'! though we hog t he did not ideal sitliy,the'silver door. liindles from liia"'palape , .adf the #iieiisk Duke 4fittottena did—and is now, like Lear , only- a Xing lit Munn, a discriwned." . - Jaanair,a; of Spain, invited him to take re iirg4 with her. ,. Bitt the Cabinets of Vienna, Innich,pod: Dresden are 'said to have urged hini to retreat,not into Spain, but into Germ's liy, f . His , Wifeis daughter of the King of Ba '4l44a44O*eNpOoted to • seek an asylum in Willa, from his fathei-in-law. `, lihis, 'will 5 5 ' . 1%* inil'had man 'has fallen nthOittliWaribjEtctir, even his army and 4411ce—:4Michitaring to retain him. m,Ari.,,go=,‘-1 authority ripciir , inabasatisini 'all, over, Europe, wend Y'a.trprio.ll:,deacribed as Duke of Plabiance, Pagnii; 'mint Ctiiiit4; hatistlitati Grand.' Duke Of ,Triseiny; and: also as Sing of the Two, *cities, and ,of ~ferarafetri 1 , lie Is" ai Much 'Sing of the Two' Siellies' _fitWilsof Je#lisalem—and notmore. " = .• . :When: IfirAterris, 11;,; of Naples,', 'succeeded his Either ,Flanriartn II.; (King ;Sonia, of 'agiiiinsed Juerriory,) neVer , had a . King such 4 . ~, .' ,`.'• ..,''Tlia',srjti trier!,died, in *Ay r 'O5 ti ,iii the foolish megleoted the otuniee Irif hinoraltig'Mnriar, l l' . atting, well. ; Belies met:ivitlir**liii ° - i ' ' 4 , ritet, refers to 'this faitlit thefollowing 144 ! ougariaiisikThat the , ,. ,sieitrinssoffored,by Mr MintrtitiriAls,isad thslonne sró hereby appmesi, and that ildsArthur - doing; Me lasso "budder ichto ha:sfuri _tket iianuut of securities in4P ordaseewitkiMir ,regusrrournesi Ake 'pentrsot for the erection et the new pahila buildings bade i - L,i foes wiiMeCtialdoWitnaw , touliiinsd , IV"' IL' ' n '' 1 teriertihtwe to soansetion with psl4seop/1- 1,000, , , , , , i2 4 .' '.;- : .:...; • f,i , ~ . , 1 . ; ThOi.4f,o4Bitimga ". here alluded to were 4 , 4 . 411' :';' '.,'!,'". 7',.1 , ,:" - ,, largish; on sntui s as y• • ':' ..' 4 '': ' s - ,t he -sureties they i , _ , . : • : le, , - consent to aet hi that iisisteitY; and i shit' iltoi• their pro, ,petty,' showtogthat they were leen:dully re ' !IOW)* te_ttie4i!*i.it rkutied. It alleged ;tlist lir: iia4ilBuli;:iiii; irp believe tili 't,a/p. :oper bicutifir, ,; ersett, ;ft. KiTonsmowmpilea. 'w . l*Ab,***igon ;, but as thelatteidid Ot do so, Kr. ltoeseruva's bid, • being tliidoweirt, properly Isadore& Ohs, was . finally , . accepted. :, It II true',! a inajoritY of the ,Coinmissioners ' t;i'!" iittitiaii iSfeirPd the c4W4O;t O , ; *X. 1/... t 9 7- Aarzini on the , Caere . presumption. that tue lterind„iloi`,lo.,' Karmen, conld„inot be rq muniiiativel;, and . that, tbe Work would either, btirz,eleoptive,: or ' a great - lois entailed , upon MO; bet, 'Piton sequence of his protest against this action, the whole: question was reopened by,tifteresolutiort' Melted' on Friday, and all a* 14440ril 46100,100,00;ejlent, ort,gittya;-, daniroperly'autlftticata securities , ',The 'Minh we hare Stated_ abode;'.'. Dire • pm/ow, instead of giving the Wileiiiitidemanded, pre sented. the ',protest we; publiibed yesterday, f 1 . 4 *# 1 !*". 1 0 001 "; to tueire been Do other pro per e:Ottrits ieft,,fer the Ooraluissioneza . ork SS ; tindaftberlithe one they adopted. ,1, „ • , gi4rol l irc i ßd'P MritAtine. September_ number hu reached us, through ay.: Sieber, stoat her. for the New York repot.- Where. It contains oaly seven artiolea, bat each is 4 11 - ! :4 f : o,l'o th r late Sir I ( o bart RAeYN 1,14, spa the first, par t . of the _Romance of Apatini, a promising story,; Great Wits, Mad' Witi, ' Aithur and hla Nomad Table, an 'Ua old' foirP rotnencii of chivalry; An Str4glo st liralawro a 'rauliablfiehatty;ouleadati; PISOr 1 31 , 04 ;tl 4 t,- ° , l i 4r ikroaden lad' a Nether portion of thVointOtlio^ Fa rip of Norman Sinclair. This is the best nuns *tic#4E:**64 liseblishantrteirettil inonths. of , / Mir *AMON iidlo4ll.l * 41 0 06 . ,h 1; *tit kito,aeg 44 4 prime said —Oh Id elttek,. . *iikitl4',4ll;, uticrueidirior-! I:'''W,iVelitLiiilioiffea' ' fauserad andOn spi;2lll4l,6ii e .Ardios -of 43oploaiorlivIttracoltolior,4, 8,004 Tlrd otzoot. E;iE3 Mr. Yancey for the Union. lCorrespondenee of The Presel WASHINGTON, Sepr i rr .22,;185, To TON HONOBABLI WILLIAM - WIT!: 0101,.... tag nislOol haff'l.lo,plealiare ofAitenligi tosk,afar - 144oh'iitiliwohal 'lthever's, fikthia, eiti.V,li t *Mee mild adtd sweet mind* and sugar. ITttough *sing from airentlemarkeonsidered to bailie:first ' Q uo, tirojosteri, -theOrlres little, fire - th IC 'lt was - tame, almost too - tame, even fo`r• a - Northern Democrat, and overflowed with declarations of love and attachment to the Union and the Comititition. After having been introduced by Dr. Boyle;the chairman of theßrookinildgisAitsixlisitioli;as "the Patrick Henry of the Southern Democracy," you began your speech with the declaration that you Won - Ai - 41a no part*:".....Ahis -was: plain language, ItiMshotiall •that haa..)west said about: you by Kir.-liiinglas and his friends. You were little of a, Demookat irt 1848„and de,noti "pant to be onuin 7H 1 . 60 i though you are the esoknowledlild leader of, one pa tof it. ! Having induced, at Baltimore and Cherie, ton, a parkof the • Southeni Domooraoy to follow your• footsteps, and obey your, teaching's and Iriter i pretationa of what , you , call protection to Southern rights, you• now: repel them, (Molly . in. tirMing those who have followed your standard that you. are. no Seoessionist, but for the Constitu tion add the Union ! • Having run their, ship upon a rocli, from which it .never can get off, but must sink before •the ides of November some, you, the experienced , captain, perceiving the danger which must engulf the whole, party, prudently forsake the ship, tryingto get a berth, as you did in 1818, 1852, and 1866, on the good old liner, the Consti tution.and the Union. Having put the matches in the lends of , your followers, and perceiving now that the fire which they have kindled must destroy all, you fly to the safe place °Ube Constitution and the Union. . , • You had not a word of ,pity or consolation for poor Breokinridge and Lane Lust night. You did not even mention thew names, You scorned to say anything in their favor, quietly Indicating that they must not consider you as *belonging to any party!, Neither did you make any allusion to the great :principle of protection of slavery in the union,* what is the same, in the present Terri tories !ot .the tinned States. „The word tout tory ". was not even used once in your whole speeoh. And you cannot and will not deny that, only a few weeks ago, this was the burden of your arguments. Whilst forlorn General Lane is travelling in the country making speeches about the equality of, States, and protection (slava code) of slavery by Congress in the Territories, you have forgotten everything about, it, and know only the Constitution and the Union ! In the speech which you made here in Washing ton some time ago, you had much to say about the " theatrical" Democracy—meaning those who were for the regular nominoes of the party, as nomi. noted in the Front-street Theatre, at Baltimore. You denounced them as worse than Abolitioniste, who would inevitably hasten-the destruction of the rights of the South. Judge Douglas was then, in your eyes, worse than Lincoln; a man whose ob ject was to drive -the South from every Territory in the',United States. Then you denounced" squat ter sovereignty," heaping ridicule upon those who advocate that' doctrine, and sailing it a heresy worse than Republicanism. Then you saw no dif ference between the Douglas Democracy and Re publicanism. Now mark the change ! Yesterday you knew nothing about the " thea trical" Democracy; Dohglas was no Abolitionist, no renegade; you did not even mention his name. You raid not a word about "squatter sovereignty," or about protection of slavery in the Territories. You even went so far as to include the Douglas Democracy in your enumeration of the friends of the Constitution, stylingthe Republicans as the only enemies which it has in this country. Nay, more! you aotnaliy weaseled and begged that there should be a fusion of all the conservative elements in the North to beat the common enemy ! MR. YANOKY, YOU ARE OCARID ! Would 40 God you had made 'snob a speech at Charleston, or Baltimore, and had there evinced so much love and attachment for the Union ! Having ' divided the party—having brought up new issues ' which you now no longer defend—you talk of ' - ficSiOrt!" ' • Why did you not counsel peace . before,and nee all your eloquence and abilities to keep together that party which alone Joan beat the Republicans? -But,' according to your own con fection; you are no Democrat ; and, therefore, the Democratio party has no right to expect from you 1 1 anything but evil. . 1 I repeat, again, .you are frightened, other- .wise you would "not have dodged last night the question put to you: "What the South should do in the ease of Lincoln's election?" It was ex pected that you, at least, would have the boldness, which Mr. Breekirmidge does not possess, and give a plain answer to'that question. Bob you did not do it! Your telling us about imaginary cruelties committed by Abolitionists: or Northern people, burning your houses, murdering your children, and poisoning the springs and wells, was fancy, Mr. Yancey, no more ! You cite the recent .. news piper" events in Texas as an illustration. But you km) :grata to know, that they are ncttNni kl ie s it nated not with Incendiary Abolitionists, but with kidnappers, who tried to steal negroes to sell them afterwards, and, being prevented in some in 'itanees from so doing, they took revenge, and burnt some barns. I hope you will not class these Southern kidnappers with the Northern Abo litionists: They belong de lure et de facto to others: The story about, strychnine has been stated by the papers to be a Canard like the rest. You see that your reasons for going' out of the Union are hallueinatione, , wbleh' might frighten women, but not statesmen. And if the Aboll- ' Heads should ever attempt to attack. the Beath,' thei t kesin only, dolt over our bodies—and you know the Aire 2,000,000 Demooratio voters in the North; WhOill love the Union and the Constitution as well as yeti: Don't get frightened ; we will take care of the' Abolitionists; they shall do you no harm : let ii alone, and do not cause divisions in the De 'seloorstie 4111 j. You • talk about the " Wide 141,3thillfelOpied itay,thiit they!sire arming. I cannot' : . ,,..,,,,eigit - ',- lepeifible thata gentleman of Am. -Amid- _, , _ ) ... 4kiti` mph apprehension feat' '-. 4 01441 instate . _,H , - What never exist biirit'l AN slot Ati; *essilithat subjeot ! , 1 '-hoar speech lest-might• was, in =foot, a Union Speech. If you are r aeriosui it year love for the Co e stitution - and the Union, Mil Mr. -Breckinridge, wboekftlettde are now so briidly engaged to .eleot Lltriolt; to withdrittrhis name from the field: We 'glee you the' assinthif that, if you do, you may ,depend - upon it that Litwin never will be Presh: dent. At the sake time it would be well to welsh 1 thehild Man 'at , the ' White Home. He is full of ' rulteltlef:• , ' • - ' Hoping - that my letter will not be unpl . %. you, and emit the suggestions bereit sordid • ~ ~ not' be beneath your 'esesideration, I rernain, three times thmebeire for the Union And Clout'. tution,ltpre. ~roadie himself. His .. daughter, Miss L. J. - Aridersoni appeared, as a clairvoyant; ibilowed , by a wonderful inhibition, Whioh must be witnessed to be appreciated._ It• beat, all we haie ever witnessed in that Ste. His son :and two „. other daughteeellso assist him very . ~ . ably. ; . , , • ~..:1 ... . , , , "I. At •-litillut•street . Theatre ,, the .Inaelltalkte id Mi.' and. Id* phinge;in Belles opera of f' The Eiktharittelk,-,-; :' I I : by far the greatest audience it) litrity(kltirik• ~ •••,., , *vary seat wail Occipte,d. Tilutliseta " I .. ..1 we , ` 77 `• ‘.., 1 ,• • .• sit ' Miss Etchings, who lon • .., ! • 1 ,,, , .‘• , /10 e billlippt reception, Site sang • er, • -: ever„and her speaking voice has obtained more Silliness than before, She is One of the few ladles who can act asysell as sing, and Iher'Sielta muss' spirited perfiribiaace. Mr. Itiohing'e Rain& was acceptably, rendered, and Mr. Ediiin•Adiuns perforated Dm lire, of , bon' Silvio verfludielously, sad without rarit,• Mr.-, ilt Hemple made"' ' 'desl Of a ataall part •We by no measuil w ' : Mr.Shipritin'e Dr. .Mcithana. , :Sites.,, Itwas; — ity hirinorous. Miss Etchings *as splendidly ittired. 'Ai /pate the ObiSideil, and • gresositetleal language of sago Silly Oobbor, " she 1110,:de*td elegant" . The opera wild be repeated th•liaVaning. I - s,„ I , _ ' Signorina PAW had # benefit at the-. Academy of Music Jut night, and .we understand that the Id, t01:14SIIIkti was • better than' on Saturday. She sp. 1 pearel 0 Ytokella iii '" La Traviata," (a part which, unfortunately for her, rori)uirod noting as • well as singing,) and was supported by Signor „Er tant,-arld net by Signor Brlgnoll. "Arolotreet Theatriwas fully as much crowded MI its *Omit-street rival. No wonder, wheitin the opening pleas, t , Everybody ' s , Friend," 'Mrs. Job's Drew, that versatile god admirableiotress performed, and, aloe Messrs . Wheatley, J. S. Mario, and L. R. Stowell appeared in their favorite alusuaters :—Olarke's Major Wellongton De"-13oots would skean all the house of itself. . Dierks and pretty Rose Sterrett M 1, The Rough Dlealerid," were additional attraottons,,and, last of all, Mr. W. Wood'i;Tpato lithe ooMio pantomime. Last night it was perceptible that there is a "Star Company" at the Arab. "The Green fieriater," it MoDontragh's Gaieties drew a great numiMi of hearer's and MOM to that very - pretty,' convenient, • and well-conducted theatre. - The Martinetti.Ravel troupe continue POPOir bare, and,'may play . ler any Length of Dine: -;, , . . ' Sanford ' , Opera Troupe, Blevinth, above dlifist nut street, was crowded, there not being, in fag, a spare seat at any one. The company is very good, and thstevertert perfOtriimvesvery Wooing. . Thel4larnoross and tiliarqiiiiirolipe; 'which itl eludeclrank BOITOr •and , - Pranir. Morei; resumed ' operations at the Continental Theatre, Walnut I street.' • The eoinpany is; atrerigthened by the so owiston of Mr:lWllliatas,i' giodhassosinger, rniE PRA-PHILADELPMA, TU,ZSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 This evening, the Mime! Magill appear in.the opera of "Norma,!',-faiti ilia' out etp.kinettaivr- Agnes Natali as ,Nortiso;' , ;ll4,l*ll3 , ratili Adelgtsa, with Signor Atiiisol. Thomas F. Plitaigheir atlgalaiom-stree Han Last Himaing. Pursuant to ansonneemene, the la:dare-4N Of the season was to be - set in motion at Bansoni-Itreet, Ilan last evening, by the eloquent Irish patriot, Thomas French, Meagher, in a lecture on "Lord Edward Fitzgerald, and the Mon of '98." For so early In the sewn them was a very large AU._ dio,lloo 0! pidieS gentlemen attood ueot o ; the !appointed . hour , Ai feif Oilianteff iifO4 eight o'cleek,the.",Yike and Nunn/MO, No. 1, of Philadelphia," and the Bmmet Guards entered the hail, in fall reglmentale, and. were greeted With applause, the °Blears taking their mats upon tho platform," "A'quarter of an hour of sizepenseinsued, (Wide ,which; varione surmises were afloat at to the leo torer'i not making his appearance, when one of the officere on the platform, who was evidently slightly "in for it," rote, and to the evident chagrin of that gentleman, announced to the audlenoe " Left tenant Rogers," whereupon the latter imntedleteli left the stage, but returned in a few momenta, and stated to the audience that Mi. M. would be the're on five minutes. Meted scarcely taken his peat, when John O'Byrne, Esq., on behalf of the com mittee, came forward and ought to quiet the • growing impatience of the, nudism,e by telling them that " a telegraph despatch had been received from Mr. Meagher, stating that he would arrive at 8i o'clock, by the four o'clock train from New York," adding that the arrangements for the lecture had been made in good faith, and would doubtless be complied with—if not then, on endure evening. The •e:planation was followed with a resigned hum and chatter among the audience until the time limited for the arrival of the lecturer had expired, the only event oaeurring du ring this interval to interrupt the mono tony having been two or three ludierone "field commands" from the aforesaid exalted omoor. It now began to look very much as If the andienee was destined to leave the hall, with their enthusiasm for Ireland, and her dead and living pa triots, unexpended ; and this was realised at about ten mimics before nine, when, without any fur ther announcement, with the utmost good temper, the ball was deserted ; although the audience bad previously commenced to retire in large numbers, (receiving their tickets or their 'money as they Arent out,) notwithstanding the overtures of the "phunny" officer above referred to, to make a speech instead of Mr. Meagher, if they would only remain. Having written the words of our caption in tho early part of the evening, without anticipating the disappointment which followed, we have inadver , tently perpetrated an Irish bull, for which our friend Meagher must stand responsible. LATEST NE WS By Telegraph to The Press. APPALLING CALAMITY AT PITTSBURG TWELVE PERSONS KILLED. PITTSBURG, t3ept. 24.—One of the meet appalling calamities that over occurred hero startled our chicane to-day. The boiler In the marble works of W. W. Wal lace exploded at 1 o'clock this afternoon. There were one hundred men engaged in the works at the time, ten or twelve cf whom, it is supposed, Were killed, and several wounded. The boiler passed through the building, reducing a part of it to a heap of ruins, and then struck a clothing store on the opposite side of Liberty street, killing the proprietor, Mr. Robert Barkers, who was standing at the &Kira/Behead was nearly taken off. The boiler then passed through the rear. wall of the store into Swartz Lager Door nail, which it nearly demolished; and a man named Wilpeifer, who was in the saloon, was killed. The boiler finally landed in the Presbyterian grave yard, back of the Hall, having paned Arough four walk. g The followinifare among the killed, in addition to those named : Robert Barker, J. H., Hamilton, Wm. Agnew, John MoCatobeon, James MaOntobeon, Tbos. M. MoArnett, Wm. Burke, James Laferty, Wm. Ma- Milan. The coroner's inquest will be held tomorrow morning. EARELEOSNZOS Or DOTI - TWBITT , PIVE BOOSTS! BOHNXII, MID ?BRIM HUNDRED PEOPLE MUSIC LII33-A MELO HORNED TO DEAR. Sr. Lows, Sept. mut., stahlaof...Arrtal,f'vrashingtort streets, was Bred by matches, which were thrown, while burning, on a heap of loose straw, by a party of b opt who had used them to light their cigars. The flames immediately spread to the adjoining building; consuming in all over twenty-five tens• meats, and rendered houseleu three hundred people. During (the excitement of the occasion, a child was thrown from a house on to a feather-bed ; other bedding was then thrown on it, which took tire, and the child was burned to death. ' . New York rollties., VIZ UNION • SIC A ail 1134PORD. Maw Your, Sept. 2k .— Union ticket 'against 'Lincoln is understood to' re been finally sr. ranged. As nearly constructed, it gives six Break inridge district elector& as follows: J. H. Brower, Jacob A. Westervelt . William B . Duncan, W. A. J obbe, Stephen P. Rowell. and A. B. Conger; and One elector at large, viz: Henry S. Randall to place of R. H. Walworth. The ticket now stands as follows : ' . Douglas men 18 Bell andßverett men 18 Brooklnedge men 7 , 35 ft , . • %6 , 4 COngrianio,nat Ntnninattona. Vision, PE, Sept, 24.—The Deilemstio Con greisional oonf ofYthe Thirteen* distriet.met at Stroudsburg to-daVand. nombiated Col. Philip Johnson, of Reston, for Congress: Tnizirox, September 24.—Joiiph teeming was nominated today for Congress by the Dome °rata of the First district. The Great Fair at St. Login r • Sr. Leyte, Sept. 24.—The number of to the great' fair whioh commenced to. al• ready reached 0,000, and about 1, n weraentered at any previous exhibitiow t , -,, At the opening Mil morning, 00,00 11110111. ere resent, And on the "day that liana Renfrew visits, the fair (for which 000asion a Credal programme has been arranged) probably &glib/Abet number will bolo attinclasoclkTive hotel. are jammed and the streets crowded with people. . • - Sr. Louts, ~tilati r 24.—About 20,000 people arrived in. , to-day, on the fits prineipal riiiramds. '' ~;1012w sir openetAli beautiful weather and a good Otee. The (street railroads and - 'buses ate all and do away, with the promisououi ng h ere t o f ere experienced. `. „ , te. lent attendance at till city wltneeted or' rather maijin old rut notice.. kt.b ffin k oh elegance, temple ,of aiinaiteuro. • Elm isitoias enthuslas not only greatly litre. - his add!- prnrit Rin,w , INDEPINDVIDEr Sept, t4:44lllttiitta go mail, with dates to the fdth herd last night. -; 'The mail party, tonsiating of Mr Devers and his 'fumigant, who drive the mall coal% between Banta Re and El Paso, were attaoked' by la band of In. diens at Ojo del Muerto. . There is co news of importance from the plaice. The rancho where Mr. Peacock . was murdered hat been abandoned. • The time of .the departure of the mail f r om this plasm to Sante ge, bet been °banged from Mon days to Saturdays. , [lnterference with a Public , Meeting. 'Sidatir Hnsr., Carbon County, Pa., September 24.—A . large meeting of the Pemocrany at -this place-on .Baturday night, was attacked, and the speakers Henrysaulted with eggs and other missiles. lion. 8. Mott and othersoriio ware on the stand, were strait. * Vs * (Signed) A finostai Bum.. Frtim, hington: • 14Asatrarron, Seit: 2#. . Ca has. It said; bOn appointed Chief of the'Bireau of Ordnance and HydrOgraPhy, plaim of , Oeptain Ingraham, who hap bean detaibal,:tp'the Oplamaild of the steam sloop•of-War Riohmond. , Mr. Glosabroneer hu accepted the President's tender .to bourne his private,seoretary, ..Mr. Gray has, been appointed postmaster at' Bellow's falls; Vrmont, sloe Atkins, who hu been removed for other than a politioal cause. , WaikeFre late EtpeditiOli: A . Naw, Catmints, Sept. ',24.—The whom,* ,A. Taylor arrived here to r -drij, from , Utille 'on the 18th She brings 2,8 men Rho were connected with the late expedition of Gen. Walker. Gen. Walker end Col. Snider yore Imprisoned at Truxillo t and were to l?e shot on the elf - suing day. . , • Iteportei la Spain and Wastusi day intim thority, hr Havana, 1 rlons Il per aimed posh twenty Mr at Havant ;eting. , BTOCEBI -A colored camp meeting hi as mane of a, Mr• rible fight trove and *party of ;rtshmel, gantry/ere usad, and Wesel 4 the parties were -learftilly, though not fatally injured, - , ''GeV: Seward 111 'geese& LeAViteWertru, • Sept. 340,0overnor Sawed and party arrived here Wieorning by de•Awaiies," SheY were milved by2ibar'ONide-Awaiies, and escorted to the Rlantet House amid the Arlng of cannon and, cheers of the people. Britt addreelep were piado' by ger. Seward, See. Nye, and M. Adams. • • ' MY: Seward will be serenaded tide - . . . . ___.- Case of ,Tapkalow, the alle g ed rrat.e. 'Tnartrox,•gept. 7.4.—The, gaited Ehates Ciro& Court insets In tbls 014 to-marrow. Jackedow, the Cid:tamp, , will be tried dull this' term. Ilia One 411111retto before the Gran Jury, and If a bill is found if 1011 tbeu be AlL versed. . c . .. The Sisters Natall. Explosion of a Holler. EMMEIMMI Conflagration in St. Louts. Later from California, 4 \ s t i f x, , ,llly Pony Express.) `Sir. :eta Pitelittlet: 241 .—,The Pony Ex i5,....440 Fah Fla detealo the 12th, arriv VI leer, i ~...... _,. MARINI LATILLIOWNCIrAT rived Bept, Mote, non Hese 110n1: 10,11 ip hieetros crFt ; m-- Aledeeptsetit, ship lute stwAllow. r sil *bu ss e s sk .00E'l far COT .. vnth at Cal snared yoga rower rind 118 the U se of woOls &hip Lord Raglan. elbows& - -. . GENERAL ItEtPfl.. The steamer John Ir. fitepheno Balked .yeeterday for Panama, with 232 passengers andlsl.ooo,ooo in gold (of wbloh $020,000 was for New York.) and 142 bags of Washoa silver ore, valued at $lB,OOO. The pony express, with St. Louis dates to the Slat August, arrived at Caroni Valley this morning. - The tenth anniversary of the admission of Cali; ry o rrai,inee ; the Union was celebrated 7,by they* l . 'nestle& Sari Flanalsoo oh the 10thi. by the pia .till sespessakos.ef.bnaineui, a procession through the prinelpal streets., an oration, and a grand ball t the largeltpublic hill. I „ ~, ~ ' At the Repnblioan primary election in Ban Fren etic*, do the Bth instant, ten out of the twelve die. traits 14e3ided against making a partisan notnina• tin for local offosers„and in favor of an alliance, with the Peoplel party in the municipal election.' This le regarded AN a complete re-endorsoment of the Rrifernt city government. , . The trill of W.•}l. Stone for killing a member of the laid Legislature, during a political dispute, Is proceelling, at Bailment°, before Judge Hardy, the same Judge before whom Judge Terry was re-. eently'acquitted. , The Ereokinridge State Conventien is in session at Sacramento. An electoral ticket will nntionbt edly be nominated, as many of that party believe that the State can be carried for Breckinridge. The' Mariposa gold mines, on Colonel Fremont's grants, are reported toyield immensely since the eempletion of the extensive quartz mines. The last week's yield was at the rate of nearly $2OO per day. A camel express is about to be established 1)6- tween Los Angeles and Fort Mahone. Sufficient minium returns are mado to the mar shals to form a basis for estimating the population of California at 500,000. A .fire at Sonora, on the 16th, destroyed Lead. wiek Miler's stables, together with nine horses. Loss, $9,000, FROM OREGON The dater from Oregon are to the 6th instant. A silver excitement has been brewing in Oregon for several months, and the moat extravagant rumors now prevail respecting the mines in dia• rest pegs of the Cascade mountains fording, on Williametta valley. Several parties have been prospecting during the summer, and many more were Preparing to go. Dr. Brag, of Salem, hes left at the ,Stateeneui °MO° epeoimens of giver ore from the Santram mines, which assayed $4,206 to the ton. Other specimens averaged $1,200 to $2 000 per ton. 'The:Portland News alio tho moat encouraging reports from tho Gold Creek gold mines, which it represents the yield to range from $5 to $lO a day to the man, and that enough paying ground has been explored for 5,00 miners for several years. Some 850 mon were at work on the Creek. • Iron ore has been discovered in the Oasoado mountains. On the lot of August, Lieut. Mullen was at Fort Benton, having completed the military road to that point,'and was toleavo that post for Walla Walla, immediately repairing and Improving as he tra velled. This line of road is 393 miles long. blej, Blake was to have left Fort Benton for Walls Walla, with a command of 800 men, on the 6th of August. The Portland Advocate says it would seem from the argument of some that the Washoe silver lode belts the continent as they claim that theJantiam, Walla Walla, and. Fort Hope mines belong to the same vein, and there is a probability of th eir posi tion being moro fully demonstrated by the disco very of mines In the vicinity at Mount flood. FROM {YAM:UM/TON TERRITORY. The Washington Territory dates are to the 31s ultimo. A fire occurred at Fort Vancouver, destroying $5,000 worth of Government stores, The Olympia Pioneer says that acting Governor WOW is determined that the Indian pirates who had taken refuge In Victoria shall be brought to punishment. These Indians are believed to be the mtirderers of the crews of the Helen and Maria and Blue Wing, in February, 1859. The Pioneer sat■ Gov. MoGill will take steps at once to overcome the technical objections of our neighbors across the straits. FROM BRITISH. COLUMBIA The British Columbia 'advisee received are to the 4th inst. The Victoria Prtee Current, of the ad of Sep tember, gives the following summary of raining °orations in British Colombia: The etate of mining antes .id British . Columbia is very prosperous. At the latest accounts the eraser river was being rapidly deserted, except by Chinamen, for the new Eldorado at Rook creek. The rash ap pear, to be general all through the country, as numbers of men were on their way from Oregon end Washington Territory. At the poets at Puget Sound the same excitement prevails, and at many lumber mills the men have bad their wages in• created to Woe thank to stay. With regard it, the yield of the mines, there is, as might be ex• peoted, some Mame in the accounts, but all agree that the miners are making from Live to twenty dollars per day to the hand, while some claims axe stated on reliable authority to pay $lOO a day per man. The country in the neighbor hood is sold to resemble California in its forma tion, there being plenty of basin topped hills, which On tunnelling, have proved auriferous. The gold is very coarse, and found on the bed rock. There is no doubt about the extent of these new gold fields, as good prospects were found by parties in charge of the mule trains which passed through this section of country en route for Quenelle river. The Welratiohe river, to the northward 4,V i nt creek, is also said to be aurifenorturi forrn•tt, o , n ot r h arr er . to _ opini similar.it ori rae u ut o - 1 ---strr h. j a d is of si t d h e es o e f m Qu in u es es e c i a i n a be banned by the amount of dust ...tired at Vic toria, as a large quantity finds Its way taw are on in ischange for provisions, Ito. It la a settled thing that a wagon road must be put through from 'lope at any cost. There Is every reason to bo lter, that his Excellently, now In British Columbia, wills.* the importance of hurrying on this work by as additional grant If necessary. 'lle number of miners in the district around Rock ;creek and the Blmilkamen U estimated at more than one thousand. From Quesuella river, welleer that some large strikes are being made. Greet prices have been paid by Chinamen for claire. The silver mines are getting up in the marlet. fieveral ;piedmont m . 6,0;101,11,04 slelding 24001)er ton. Cinnabar has also been discovered In Os neighborhood or Hope, In.whioh . lity Wain iota te rapidly incresalug value." , - LATEST BY TELEGRAPII. . , Saone:mo t Sept. 12-3 P. hl.—The Dreekin ridge sad Lane Demooratio Convention reassem bled hits this morning.J. B. Weller was elected peirimint president, with seventeen vine• prof dentil, ling one from aeoli judicial distrlot. P. L. Shoff, 1 T. Beach, and Frank Laughton were eleotedaaries. The cg persons were appointed electors: Wm. :of Los Angeles ; A. P. Dudley', of Celevet; V. E. (larger, of Tams ; and Zech. hiontgotryof Sutler. The Cvantion is still in session.' OF thyeele by the John L. Stephens $929,158 goes to He York, find eighty thousand dollars to togland • ' ' The Sot shippers was not made out at,the hoax the expel leaves. BTaalleis reallPflasis son Nsw YoSx.—The cabin wangler" es Billows! l eapt. 0.-13. Dell, O. O. u. B. tomcat .1... Deana and wife; nal :8, army, nod Julies Newman. la , go. United Motes Indian agent ; Orrn't . a nt ad lT: tt i h at.,l3lwatt naket. A. fichattsjereoltels. . Manilas. Btevens,ll. htiat leek. 0.% vita and niece. A . Frye, 111. Anirolo. N: Minsk. P. Baud, John lertafsen, Il L _Petion, J. Frank, AhloNioh. Horace Harrington, NV : Herds, J.;'. Uru'. 1.. Prager. John Higley .1. M. H. eleyder, L2lllB, G.M. Baxter. L. 1,. Secretor, and rAlvard 'nor° were No lathe steerage, mmeresal Intelligence. Batt Fatter), Bent. 12. 4 Y. M.—An native trade with the City has improved the general tone of the market. nowise/red transtiotions from first hands. The defile healthy and not particularly directed to tiny one se. ()wadies are quiet and firm. Rig Cof fee sells laollic; nothing done its the other,kinds. Coal—Sale ROO loop of , hard ex. Nonpareil at 8 10. , fluent 16fliales at 131.010. Na il s—sates at aho. f a fhb t inactiver at the last noted Meets. Pik vjai opn—nr Lard—hales of 8011 eases •• J. 00."•Aleue4. in lo'` at itivital9o. tooprloo barrels of Eleltrio elpark (new) at all Tor - tr, Ira nlear.,Sl9 or 'meet. Bacon runt home ape not inquired Woe as alt ornward tendency in foreign t Carolina ichanged. Raw Sugar is firm eater 9r L2OO bbls 100. I and 2 China at 'Mail. Beantul ie more activool Mils of crushed sold on spe,m'ation tit 133i0 441 do. to dealers at MO. tipriits—l hero is a fair ay for foreign Brandies. and domestics nre firm linking up a little: American Brandy fa°. Spirits of intine-9 000 galls ex. Electric Spark sold atill).2so l Apioes-1,000 mate of Cassia sold at 1130 Wines—Clinactive. Common Cherry isOsser)ia. In Teas therethipg doiel ng. Wheat continuee to come freY: leinand for export is well maintained. F'reithte ew York pre about 8050 .I. o ' ton ; to England. 4:to Ausiralia,l9 Mister les. Shipping has been dossed uy the Advance in rates, and ton nage 11 pliterited. • Sena tetvord tot St. Joseph, No. T. Joaslept. :3 —Senator boward arrived likeliest ni Ide was rewired` et the depot by tie . 4 Widakes," and esoorted to the Pateo goose, whit was called out•end made a short s.secb. Not less two thousand parsons were pre most— Mato was listened to with the closest attooUen. ~ Mr. SO i !ewe to-morrow morning for Ilawrence , inworth. e D rt r also had a demonstration last mi t t ! Pt, In t v a torchlight procession and ratification ng. 1•• , • • The Turf. por 7127 FLORA FRUFLY AND PATCHRN NEW FoMt 21 trot biittieeti Fldra Temple andhozOno r mile bents in harness, came air to•rer the Centreville aquae, !Jong Island. Tim Ciro straight heats. Time ,' let heat, 4 m. 5124 heat, 5 m. NoWk Bank Statement. Nxw YORK4U—The hank ptatement for tho week ending c 2,1 inst. foots up as follows; Decrease..... •• 1 station 1,400 WO g, sae . . 1,1116,000 Increase ...... 13,000 Me by 'Telegraph. Oax.aiy.t. r,.,l.—The Adriatic's Down im pAtte'd greeter At C. the Cotton marker to day ! and holders deto advance I sales 140 -day of 7.00 bales st.lo,;fol middlnti. hiolaasse tnew)tells at See. • Flour eVasoo. , 6 Ilwcturiw - rt,l4r 24.—Flour firm, at $4 90.0 t 95. Whteky steroll4:o. Wheat steady. Corn firm. ,ovicona apliaao Vow York steady, at /i,Pr pit sent. vreintv I.earinp of Y'rl tbe ou w gallant, from ooloothing a t MAx4OO. ppey of nob Lna Aim bolos WO out popanot r, Daravvalllr.-4s the tow boat Nfaitaraunning down the Delaware. about 8 o'olooltday Inorning, with a fleet of twenty-four oara,'she not With an accident which caused l ath of ono of bar crew, and serichtsly ends the lives of several others. It appears tht opposite Clallowhill 'street, the current ohe hindmost of the boats to sweep aroundo" come in collision with a solmouer that vmhor in the river. The bow of the 00 booOt the aide of the canal boat,: stavingg . it in,eini the butt trl! Oak, a oa tastrophe whiestened; by keying eighty- Aye 081 Of lausrd. Two men, named Pet rtoir siositil itlr of the boat) and Patrick elavin, I, ar e este gado, Doran suooeeded, by A' desperafefnforoiNt V WIT tr 41 411 the *otos Whiobinto the MI ka; _nut latent want doWn witplat, and' was, of course, drowned. Iloreted hhoselfort some loose planks whisk fldon the. water, and he was takeh off by of tiirth-ward °Moore 'who were attracted Pea - for help, and who prop curia a bast Ms his assistance. The night was so dark the guide the elders • had•to 'the spot was the he Asperllled malt: Ha ; Watt' 6001PleielY , ' when rescued. Both inerthelOnged I . ' The sunken boat was on Its way from ' .to the SOhnylkill. TM' schooner escaped , , , ,' , , ~. C 1 T Y. rt ..44.1dUldEMENTa THIS EVENINU. -1111 0 11.1 v k...Cutimes Ak ?Nifelt4rs —" buith• g . :1 1 M7 „Ac o Valle, , liMpup• !toad and Loonit streets.— „? r ge l yjae i kb i ltt r ui p street, above Twelfth.--: .. 1 4,1:111=1, 1 1 1 hazer. 111r alitilt and Ninth sta.— HalLn unemytha, of F.:lumina PESfiltrigArill ACADEMY or Till r w. Te. No. 1025 C hestnut street . —Exhibition o Paintuata and Sculpture, every morning and afternoon. CONTINENTAL THEATER, WlLlallt et., shove Eighth Chum:Toss end Sharpley's Minstrels. - 13.011therrilizer. Hovel, .Eleventh ltreet; afore 13A est i aps,—Coloert nightly. ettcrie*.ea 's New GAILITITIL RE.OB street. shove Esound.—.• T Ravels." Tna 141 . 4 Af t wrakoA4s.---,-Tlya coroneell invest in the case of Robert Crawford, who was Murdered, on Friday sight last, in the Ninetuoth want, met again yesterday afternoon, at the Nine teenth-ward station.konse. • Font witnesses were examizied, but no evidence was elicited to tlx the crime upon any partieulr,peraou. :The witnesses all agreed in their description of the two men who ran from the scene of the pounder, e. abort time be fore the body of Crawford was discovered lying on the pavement. ,These two men evidently com mitted the murder, or had some knowledge of it, and It le important that they should be discovered, if possible. The deteotive officers were on the look-out for them yesterday, and scoured every portion of the Nineteith ward, In the hbpe'of lidds mg some clue that would lead to their deteotion, but without success. The man who was arrested on Saturday, and who formerly boarded with the deceased, was dieoharged, as it was conclusively shown that he was in another place when the inur. der was committed. The police, however, on Sunday night arrested a man named JAMICS llollingsworth, on suspicion of being connected with the tragical affair. So far, there is no evidence to connect him with it, but be Is held in custody to await further develop. meets. The suspicion against him arises from his resemblance to one of the two men described as running away from the scene. . No trades of the whereabouts of the murdered man on Friday, from the time ho left home, at 7 o'clock, until near 12 o'clock, when hie murdered body was founddhave yet been discovered. The man who called at hie house during the week, and made the appointment to sell him a lot of yarn at a sheep rate, it is supposed was one of the party who laid this plan to rob and murder the unsus pecting man. When be left home he had eighty nine dollars In gold with him, which he showed his wife before he started out. The absence of money upon his person when found indicates clearly that it was for the purpose of gettlag possession of the * money that he was murdered. The murder was a most atrocious one, and no means should bo left untried to ferret out the guilty parties It has been suggested that the Mayor should offer a reward, which may lead to the detection of the murderers. The coroner's inquest adjourned yesterday, to meet again at the elm place on Wednesday eve ning next. OPENING OP SIM •AGRIOCrLTURAL FAII.— The Pair of the Philadelphia Society for Promo ting Agrloulturej will open to-day at the Powelton grounds, Twenty-fourth ward, at 12 o'clock, when there will be a grand otvaleade of all the horses on exhibition. During yesterday exhibitors were bu sily engaged in arranging their goods so tut to make the best display. A large number of valua ble stock has been entered horses, and other ani mals, and the display in this department promises to bo very fine. The mechanical department also appears to receive mush attention, numerous err proof safes, cooking ranges, sewing machines, agricultural implements, an 4 other articles, both ornamental and useful, being already entered. In the building allotted to ma chinery, a dna double-tuning ten-horse power, hot-air engine bps been put up, intended to run the machinery. All the tablet in the "Ural hall have been sat up, and to-day the specimens will be placed on exhibition. During yesterday afternoon, the entrance being free, a number of gentlemen, in vehicles and on horseback, amused themselves by driving and riding around the course at a 240 rate. Enterprising individuals, who desire to sell lager beer, whisky, oysters, and cakes to the outsiders, were also bard at work erecting temporary sheds and booths outside the enclosure, along Bridgewater street.' To-day, and the balance or the week, there will doubtless be Door's of speculating geniuses, who • for • cent will indulge spectators with a chapels to try their lungs, show them how mach they can lift, or how many pounds they can striae, a to Heenan, at " punching" machine, while those who desire to get weighed, to see wbether they have Abed or lost flesh during the summer, will also be gratified on the moat ressennble .terms. On every side, there are indioations that the fair will be very suocessfol. To those who desire to visit ft, we might say that the most pleasant way of molting the ground is by the ears of the Rua and Vine streets line, Which pun Monk Thht4 street, flora the Exchange, and out Vine street to the Wire Bridge, affording a tine view of the Fairmount water works, which to stranger, is a matter of some tin- Tortance. The fair ground can be entered from this direction at _this northern gate, on Bridge water street. • 'rim Rnatuants' MARKET.—.TIIO new mar ket building, on the north side of Market, Weal! Twelfth street, it nearly completed, and is to be opened for business on Saturday next, the 29th inst. This building is the work, almost uolusively, Or uke farmers attending th• Philadelphia markets, Erfnelpally. from Delareare,' Chester, lid Mont. The stockholder', or ../" - CO - , - four and five hundred, number among them nearly all the principal farmers fn them counties, and ' , so one stockholder has put in more than about $l,OOO. No "mond call has siverbeim made upon any of the stockholders for money, and yet the company has promptly met all its payments In cash, and le in • condition to do so 'to the end. In numbering the stalls, the oompany have adopted the method now used of numbering the houses in the city, by which the number of a still Indicatii its location. ; Timm are Mx avenues run. ; ning the entire length of the building from Market to Filbert street, aed each avenue has forty stalls upon eaoh aide of It The avenue. are numbered from east to west. and the stalls northward from Market street. The stalls in the first arms bey gin at 101, those in the second avenue at 201 those In the third avenue at 301, and so on, the odd num bers being on the easterly, and the even numbers on the westerly aide. A due proportion of the stalls: barb +been let to butchers, vegetable and Jersey farmers, and a few to dealers. The fish de partment is separate from the main building at the Filbert-street end of the Street, opened on the easterly side of the building. The stalls in all those departments have been let to the best and most enterprising in the several branches, the managers baring in all oases awarded them at felt rents to the best tenants offering, without tempting spy premiums. ' • it Is expected that the opening on Saturday next will present the finest display of marketing of all kinds that has ever been exhibited at any one time and place in Philadelphia. Tu PUBLIQ BUILDINGS ,cOMMISSION—TIIS dORTRACT wins MR. MCARTHUR SIONED.-The commissioners met yesterday morning at the Mayor's office. AB the commissioners were pro sent. Mayor Henry resin the chair. The contrast awarded to John McArthur, Jr., was presented to the board ,and read by the seeretsry. Tce instrument was then formally executed by the parties of the second and third parts. The following moll:Woe, offered by Judge Strand, was unanimously adopted : Rrsoitaki, Met ;the eontraot his gay eximuted, in duplicate, by John IdeArther, Jr., and his secu rities, be transmitted io the Select and Common Counolis of the city, as the contrast awarded and prepared by the Board of Commissioners for the erection of new public, buildings in the city of Philadelphia, apd of wbish the approval by said Councils is requested by this board. The Commission met fn the afternoon at four o'eloek, when the papers relating to the contract were formally, Mined by the commlsokmen, Mr. McArthur, and his, securities. The signsturee * were affixed with a quill made from the teether of an American eagle. The Coma:180M Alien adlpartied to meet at the call of the president. It now remains, to bo seen whether City Counelli will approve of the contrast or sot. _ A UsEFIILINYENTION.—A few days since a very useful invention was tried publicly, for the first time, on the Fifth-street Passenger Railway. The trial took ;decent Callowhill and Vine streets, and during a fire, which was burning at the time, fa tit. John street, a thoroughfare In the vicinity. About two squares clears were blocked. above Cal. lowhill street, anddheold.fathioned Jumpers lying promiscuously about, the firemen not su ff ering them to be used. Mr.. Bridges shortly after arrived on the ground, with n half dozen pair of the'. Pro testors," and in n tab minutes the long block of oars began to dimmer° itself, and the regular line pored on in sumo:mien, 'without further interrup tion. The firemen expreiged themselves highly pleased with the. invention, affording; as It did, such entire protection to their hose : The detention of an hour or so to the passengers is very detri mental to their daily receipts, and th ere Is no doubt but the use of these ' r Protectors " will amply repay the companies for any expense they may Incur is providing themselves with so seems eery an article. TIIE PRINCE'S OAR.—The car to be used by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, in oarry- Ing Baron Renfrew and hie matte trent Cinoinnati to Baltimore, via Creatline, Pittsburg, and Harris burgoves font westward yesterday, to meet the die tinguisted party for who.. nee It is intinded.i Ifle car is arranged in compartrnenta, with sitting room, Peeping . 001M116/1, diviniproom, °lows, its , and at one end Is an open verandah, whlalt frill accommodate is dozen persons with Feats, afford ing a fine opportunity to view the road and sur rounding country. It is said to be the mutt beau tiful Oar on any of the Nada the States, and ter this reason it has been ed' and wonted for. the use of the Prinoe and his suite.- P'inap t --There was an Quin of fire ca used about ton o'clock yesterday morning , *the slight burning of the chemical laboratory of Powers and Weightman, at the sionthwest corner of Ninth and Parridbatreeth. About three o'clock yesterday mornlng, an. et tempt was made lc burn tlen dwelling No. 417 South Thirteenth street, by kindling a pre against the outside of the hack door.. , RUPPIANd part y 'Pf rttf nano broke into the 'bowie of 'Phoniest .Ifolland, on Germantown road, above Jtfferson avenue, at an early hour en Sunday morning, and after beating the inmates, they damaged the luirultursi ind car ried eff some. 4rtiolot The following named persons were arrested 414 04011ilit•ct prison to answer the charge of being coneerno in 'the outrage; James Rodgers, James 1400artney, /Isn't Burns, 4n4 ,(elan Dyvlin,• „, . MlLlTArtv.—Tlic Emmet Guards' ()apt. D. O'liano, paraded,yeaterday afternoon, aoootu planted by a tine band of music, and, after march ing throngh the tiootpal :streets, Proceeded to the Parade Groun , reer of the County Prison, for target practice. he , corps p4,4ded with small numbers, having only, twenty muskets oat, hot, nevertheless, made a very neat appearance. Dnapfg Ounnsin.—About half past seven o'clock last evening, a man named Joseph T. Sill was knocked down py kilp; adapt on 4e had with a slung shot while walling near the fugostort, of the Lamb tavern road and Broad street. No was severely, if not dangerously, wounded, apd the perpetrator of the deed made his escape while' his rioties•lay, SLIGUT han. 2 —Atotit nine o'clock laqt evening, an alarm of fire was caused by the partial burning Of"e hottee ittLybrata attest; two doors P ,1 1 114 ° , - : L • Gti.aRDIAMS OF TED POOL—Thin body held their regular stated meeting yesterday after noon at the Biookley Almshouse Mr. Marls in the chair. The comma of th ottis • • • -1 24 ).,,, name time inn ".•.. ' ••• D ' - Adeel wi the lut twe weksllB; blrthe, et 4 ; ;lea 'IS t dttb:lll.e. 1041:5tidi.7729. bilinha me Tti nt . , ti*lethttralljeku franialeaetiotepfraoturt the Medial Board, euggesting the propriety of establishing a museum for the preservation of pa thological and other specimens, to aid In the Inves tigation of dlitleolo, report that they bareeven the subject due eousideration, and GM ef opinion that the museum oont , mplatedoennad be a valaalda acquisition to the medical diep u b m „ it house, /MA that it_aut be eellealailaad az with comparatively trilling expense to the = tkin. • The report,reie ledektipalded..lll d mei* lion recommending the establishment of the mu- The committee to wh e was referred the qua& lion of attaohing Parry's electrical rod to the steam. boilers In situ in the .variknu departnoents et the Almshouse, report that the red would add safety to the boilers, end recommend that they he procured at once, provided there is an item of ad. proprietion from which the °splines thereof oan be taken, and that it should not extend the sum of $3O for each boiler. A communleatterfwe's ladeived r frear of the insane department, suggesting that the board of many of the inmates should be paid by their friends. The cost of keeping a patient is two dol lars per week. ';. ; „ _ The Committee on Hospital, to which wu refer red the communication from Medical Board rola• live to opening the Hospital free of thaw to the student's attending the verbose medical ',alleged of the city during the winter season, report ", That they approve of making the lecture. fru during the coming winter, subject to the miss which at present govern dilutes! interne/800 in the Hospital, and have suthorised the chairman of the Commit tee on Hospital and Insane Department to lune tickets of admission to snob students as may be en titled thereto. A resolution was agreed to directing the holm agent to report the names of those in the hoes*, and the number from whom a ranatuteration Ia re ceived by the Board. The Board then proceeded to an election (or visi tor of the Fourth district. As there had been some disomaalou in regard to the conduct of Mr. Daniel Lowry, the present visi tor of the Fourth district, Mr. Willi am s oirelled • resolution that he should be directed to tarnish the Committee on Accounts with all the bills of groceries, and that sail oceumittee shall report the state of the appropriation for the out-door poor of the Fourth district at the next meeting. Agreed to. The 'legion was postpaaed. Daniel Law+ was elected apothecary of the Fifth district. Elwin Moore was elected plumber and gas fitter. The Board then proeseded,te open the sealed pro posals for supplying wood for the ensuing year. Contracts were awarded as follows: In the Second district at 85.25 ; Eighth, $7; Jlath,lls 35; Seventh, $5 30; ltleventh, $7 50; Third, $5 48; Fourtb, $4 89i ; Fifth, $5 25; Tenth, $7; Find, $5 43; Ninth, $6 50. Mr. Brown Offered a resolution trash destructs should be awarded at the above prince, provided that the wood famished by the eantreeters be ap proved of by the appropriate committee. Madere. Brown, Williams, and Srrety,were appointed the committee. The proposals for supplying coal were then open ed The proposals sensed from $3 05 to $5 25 per ton. The esentreate were awarded to the lowest bidder. The Board then adjourned. Tits HOARD Or TR4DII.—A meeting of the Board was. held last 'ruling at the recta, Chestnut street, aboie Fifth. A communication, in response to one previously sent by the Board, was received from the Chamber of Commerce of San Franeiseo, urging upon com mercial organitetions to take speedy measures to India.) legislation upon the sebboot of maritime is tercourse daring time of war, taking the ground that private property should be free from moleseta- Bon. A memorial was presented by Yr. Keehonle to be laid before the Postmaster General, show ing that Phileadelphia has a large commercial interest in the postal communication with Cabe. Tee insurance Ones In Philadelphia bare also large Intelsat' connected with admiralty traheactions at lb" welt, aid the neighbor- I log Bahama Wanda when a large amount of wreaked property is adjudicated upon and dimmed of annually. In view of them latereets, Hsi Mir mortal urges the nateutty for completing the lines of telegraphic and railroad eienaile&u to Ceder Key. Inasmuch es Coaguss hes, by law, established a post route between Cedar Key and Key West. the service can be easily intended to Havana. The Board entertain the bope theft the Dr piedmont will afford to the publics the advantaged to be derived from petting it to They ask that a three-timea a-week nuts. may now be provided, if it can be ohtained upon reasonable, term*, and hop* that at no distant day the Dived meal may be able to Tian the lierelde tO • daily connection—a result which the opening of the rail nod connection to Cedar Key readers resaleable at a moderate cost. The Board eonearred in these views, sad the president was eathorised le ounatealesta with the Poen:outer General on the webfoot. A communication was read, from a writer who desired his name withheld, calling the atteatlen of the Board to the important* of keeping open this navigation of the Delaware darri{ang the amain winter. The writer proposed to eatablist at Petty ra Island, above the city, an artificial dam, er oh-. ' 'Unction of the lee, earlier to that which fre quently occurs at the Bone Me. bekurthe city. s lbuLommn niceties was rfffaryti . Mr. Lorin Blodgett mote a feast addrud, advo ratios the totultrattion of Randall steamships to ply bstween the United States sad Ramps, and also In the California trade. He stated tbat about one-half the amoaet seismal, to exisafruet rise of these Telltale bed been sabeeribad. He spoke rather severely upon the leterior aeseetrestawa the ocean steamships Wang net el New Turk, owned by Com. Vanderbilt, asserting that he ran the poorest boats he corned, and kept the best laid up in ordinary. Without transacting any farther business, the Board adjourned. OMSK OP Bahl BALL HILYWILIt tint Ex cztatoas, or Bnooatve, Lyn Hiss Pathan's, was-vs.—Considerable interest was mudintad la the game of bus ball played at the grounds of the "St. George's" and "Olympics" clubs yesterday afternoon, between the " Eraslsier" Baue.leall Club, of Brooklyn, and nine Philadelphians, 'e lected from Ave different clubs. The admission , having been limited by tickets Wired gratuitously, the number of sounders on tbergroand, though large and respectable, was not gayest lie it would have been without such a restriction. A large num ber of ladies wart present, and evideatly enjoyed the sport. The" Exweisiors" haves earned for them selves the reputation of being the champion lay ers, and it must be confessed that the dexterous i tiovemeaU and unerring ostentatious evineed ' their playing yesterday, and at Balls more en Sa turday, entitle them to this claim, at lout if the best players of Baltimore and Philiade/phin can be regarded es fair samples of their rivals' old% The game played with the Baltimoreans on Saturday last resulted' la a Signal defeat of the latter, the Baltimorean* having gored 8, epithet the Brook lynlteed 51. The following were the selestadadas naiads& philens: Storms and Fisler'of the "Equity," Haut and! Richards of the'" Olyinpio," ,Eakin and Wurof the liandiron " Borkeeabeli and Moore of the "Athletic," and Smith of the "Wimsea." The goose was leyed with much spirit, the' Philader patens doing nobly, considering their formidable rivets, and the fact that it was theirfira rune with the same held. The last. inalag"was soar , plated at a quarter before hie o'clock, the game having coupled two and a half beers, when the acute stood Brooklyn 15, Pkthulelphia 4. Phila. I delphiailt will thaw !some, although else life ander two less than Baltimore, has exisetly reversed the apace of the champion drib; ended really /good about i threedold bones pass than her 0 dlptee-,, mental" 'Lair, -Afitritle game, tie usenet mmood tett= ball of the defeated party Wee handed over to the Excelsiors, in a gametal mad eltareeteriati- Daily humorous speech, by Cot. D W. C. Moore,' of the " Athletic," who had been chews captain of the field. The latter was appropriately responded to by Sir. Leggett, who officiated In the same capa city among the Irceistors. • Tire proceedings of the day were pleasantly eon. I eluded with *collation at the Falls of the Schuyl kill, at the expense of the Philadelphians. iiildßLY A 11P/t71311 PHllOll. Yesterday, the polio* of thin oily received informa -1 throe that a oolored man, named Joseph awe, with I balf a dozen aliases, was convicted at Mount ILI. ly, N. J , of a burglary at the store of Mr. Rodgers: Remota' city, for ablate he was senteaeod to ten years' Imprisonment In the State Prison at Trenton. Slue was arrested in this city by Deteetive Oaken 'lenders= and Chitties IL Smith, and was taken to Mount Holly,' where he was convicted, as above stated, 'The. his tory of this men for 'eighteen years past, shows a remarkable perelstenoe in ;same, noterlibstandlog be has undergone long terms of Imprisonment, suf ficient to terrify the moat hardened. In 1812, he was tried in the old Court of Quarter Sessions, be fore Judge Robert T. Conrad, and cmivioted of a burglary, for whisk ho was senteneed on the 14th of April of that year to 12 years' imprisonment in 'the Eastern Penitentiary. Ile served this term out, and being convicted of another crime shortly after his liberation, war untested to five years inure insprdsonmsnt in the same place.' This term he served out also, and after a few months of liber ty, he is again consigned to a felon', cell for ten more long year., and if he lives till he co,mpletes that form, be 'will bassi rased 20 sears of ;bia life 113 priaqi. Truly, the way of the transgressor Is hard. OP.ICKIT Cum.—At the annual meeting Of the Atalanta Cricket Club, held on Truittlay evening last, the followlng•named gentlemen were elected' u ofloors for the ensuing term of three months : • President, Wiem..H.llstler. Viso President, Chas. II Elliot. to•eretary, Jan. 11: Wright. Treasurer, J. Marshall Ciecdrioh. ' Field Captain, Waterman. around emanation, I'. 11. Andrews. W. W. ff ma n hlll, pfkvid Molride, R. Edgar XprCrr itharaoan Roper .— The Tenth And Eleventh.street Railroad Company comMenced renlog a number of oars ea L. rails of th e Ches‘. Mut and Walnut-11mM Company yesterday mom. dog. Mr, Adam Wartbmen (who, by the Trey. Is Ithe moat ettergetio contractor Incur city) completed l i the currep_eonneeting,ihp roads. In a few Pours withodettn,y detention to tra-el, which IS tery crs ilitahle to his engineering skIll„ NAIR OP A WELL-I:SOWN CITIZEIC-1, 1 James If. Kelly. • well known in 'porting tholes from his tlonneotion with the Boffalk Park frptting course, died yesterday afternoon at his reddens. Sarum street, above Eightb. Ile had heen cul t I feting a long lime from ooatumptfett of the longs, I which was the cense of bla death. Be was about forly•llve years of se. , Sp nag Dsienr.—The oorprier held nu in quest yesterday upon the body of Charlotte Bose , a married woman, forty years of age, who diet suddenly, In the morning, at her residence, Beer street, above Malden. She had been In bed health for Immo tifpe past. A verdict of " death tram mt• torsi nausea" was rendered. (iONEI TO WITRESDARRN.—ne Decatur Fire Company, of Rrankford, pr-oeeled toyiliker barns yesterday morning. They were aeoompa • bled by the Liberty Cornet Band. Hox. F. P, STANTON, formerly the secre tary or am:lraq Walker In Kansas, *III address a 4eputiPean nieeUN at 464Taal 4,14 11 1 ,4 irr,lrde• I • rniArrtiAL AND CO _ - . - 4/0 1 / 1 1 011 1 11 er rr -- ; • - -_ Pa 4 ; .- • ' ` A htt w a tt Illet ilea* NIA, tO•lif7.l VA fltili OW* nano Pont* MIMI& t Them ors no anon ofiiislllldio otioniiPoisitio fancy stooks. aoil tip ,orialitlal bilit = th. 14.14 . , oonirinti let uniadnitfog inv. Tim Minh of wow trine martetter ebeedeate and de ratio for arivo hum seplote Ind lonlea' is` Ned eat- Wend. art elleaete at edi es 7 Let use. Mr. & Brirllmort. Onalaneeereer el th•Aerkni bar road. notiliOn todiora of Wixom dna en the let LoaShetHer. that to read 4otaatioa. tic's will two tie itotOnalt at the also ado tionanat• on or to brit tballeal tranote and be banished wan male-hi therefeire. . - • •,. UPFICIetIe RIM aratrinumm. 1 . r ax , 0 1 • • , X . so • e ' • 14,73. • . arac966, . 141111191. ... --. - SW. U.' Unrrt -L WElle SWIM ..:_-. -...„... FeaSoloala,._ WWI, 0.6111.111e ' tertirßriii .... 0 America 3.00.573 AIM 391 MO NI MY en• Fan k S.A. 1.10.1144 p a in 11111411 r4ere •.. 1.1144011 Wan tax - ..., 1.1142.11 X .4 1 ,111 Wile .1.. 1.6.11411, JO VAR • ri Mao thing .. I .017 SC aos.tm 91994111 Ulan Vcrtliv ' 66.!73 M 1 MI 973 9.19.2 111 77J 111 779 MS at0m....._._ . 1 MS 111 1316 01 36,14 was Min. 8- mech. Motile Limn( MAN 143 74 ' Commerce .-.. 954.933 WA 966 154.213 T u ad r e d m n-s.. lmm ' = M Cm ,Mh 3Q . Conaotidattoa . 611.241 swat it it leks City -- ... - . 112314 971.8119 iaana twat ComMouw96ll.6 166.037 541461 OS MI 111 MI Corn, Exchange Ca oli ; .44 Mg , /UM TM* Unlon...- --- I 193,713 ' MIMI ULM litalt . Total. -. J-.. _I raia.ma MOM* AAIUN 1 041 4119 DIMS !Ts. etacitiaTlce. boat.H. boot.r. ~ ot,. . 17. ladelphia- 9 1.74.0te a 1.717 AM Sattist OICJOIX North An9.9i46. 1J1N1.3161 lASI 349 3 .1191 194.969 Farm & Alec*. 3.141,131 3,6141.L1 371716 no no r. cooloo - . is r e . M r i g e iz 3113 , l i ,b e g 2 I . ' tiblirtiMi .. • IMAM am.ma MO. Mao divide- .. 70.1 kg ft* KM Mfr Man • onagtou... 610.111 4114,14 J 31111,4 • MAX no Towstaki C 3 aft Cl Cl NM /UPS Mani 1911690 alai 73511110 IN Mg pc. & hisoh WI'S Se 010 WA* Mali ni sr_o• .- .:: 02 933 Ai.): jj,,, a T999 199119 ; - 3 ' 4 al 964 . 11 PM T 1.711 1- onsolutaLlost . 2Z6 610 MEM bild gIIO AZ City .. - . MAO on MI HMO Commonvoslth .134419 MIMI MAN MAI f i oni n Exchang_ • 31127 t 3(1.74 zgg AI Man I T0ta1........ 14.11M.413 11,3111.111 !mama 111111,11/ Thil, sit lust stas empare witi thisuivrovtose stata insets sa follows : Ent. 116. Coyatid nook_ $ll 770 OBS 411.717.1111 Imars 97.70.616 17.144/40 . Be. ta ert 4.411 4.741 04 . . 116.744 Proas otiter Rt..- 1J 3.624 lad 114-1.44. 411344 ue to other Bks._ 3.151 Z 3 4144.217....D.e. Ise 11.14.116a.....1641!442 14 SO . taw. Min (kr:astion.... . SW** UMW. .9•4.. 22,21/ Loons. tippets: Onyalation. Nor. 4.154711.199.40 1.111.116 14.211,1111. 111 Jars. 71. Ms, nM2'374 111, ".1 ifaly ii. 311.11111 6 4 ; art. 3. Va 16 . .441.64/ Mail/ 2.743 N aly - LAWS* 4 . 411 44 11 0 so. S. 2JM 11 4 4 -14.164.401111 IN/ .3117-.16 301.3600 6.44 4174,14) 2.11141111 1 2- • 9 .....76.3282111 4. BIM 1/66.11114 4.413.14 Lab ..7114 " 36.24170 4.401.1141 lan 1M17114 ....a661 T.l 4746444 2711.746 24.1411 eat. 6...._11.161.11 1 1216.4111 1414.2117 4 , 0207 4.761606 2 641,40 ren t " 11 ......14.010.237 4J71.177 3.7114,M 16 " 77_ 41 191.791 4 761.344 1.304!* Y 764 111 440. 1-27 6911.031 4 731 917 BUMS IA MB 740 10__....V294.111 4 7,17114 It= 14 *MOW " 17 —174,91.0111 4.741621 11.1/1161t 14411.4114 " 71.796 406 4.4i2 R 14.9117.610 311 .1Y fiallon64 , ts a Muses, t et Is. 1096o~asiaor tb. Pbl.l64•llbui Cl 4 ones Rosso (e adi snot nana Sept. 111. 1646.64 fortnied by 160 06664164*. 864464/ N. Arnold. R. : Iftbraest .. swig* fru els at 331 NI 11 _. . 3MK 01310 Mil •^* II ..-.. 3 3t3.231 :3 13331111 33 ......_. 3 XII SI 31 1111431 11 .. IMMO 144 MU am= Aims it van 174 ?ht usrustra oolong* vnill those a 'ransom wets (ollor•i 714* Eer.,. , 1 Post ass tuna op the Rim York Moak amuk•t t.-day : Tlo @tort nark et. ea the line unearlar. Wes laver. eraireelDr tbocosuss•d rllreta is er(rsea einem ties 11 Lead... bet se Weiser Sle• err wee einnee r. e_tiond insani lee Owego, eesee. awn lb • MI Twit nod. Its stony et tseilh aoseket nteareallet • galf smi le nose. w Web sr • Sr.. , wtelienet ea im-arena Pow TOO Clratol at,ore at ba'ielen. atter naiad in Mt en tee epeeist o. bemuses. Ile Western nooks no Well=Ty es the nose. lan 110(1 c 0 its (v. ar tri • , 0 Mi. Lent Wawa 131w7abi. Weeir _ - ent's( (00 0 (. IP teems gni ingiggei ()news gee reel end 3 Ilelf VIOL ael. nk 4 Ms enve of tenwts. ' T ao WWI lawe elneltea dee gently to the on , ' or Mt was es sonalosse %see lathe VI isecem I tees . dim tete es nest do e se berets bees mann log I be gilt the eardsinn to. old quarrel of than soallts lot Ha r yi he n ealestly between dr Le ONO* NY is Ga.n4. tan lane, !bemire at Ilere Noise the Inneneiygt. Ile • deign Deere arm aaj FWeb , bee belt 4a, lot Or (130 Mete us re enends or all rte needs. 1 - 10 de to (Seely la (01(014. Moe Cannel MI get 1. hunts Madge II bet 15 Itl• Corn pa* neon ors • say (0 Pat a T.*, • A Walprf (1114 Co.akadoww vameenihrh and Deena:Wl 0. gehyne kaol am. in senintleablinw. Ito Word •• sot" was waisted. The C.esasdMa Ina pomace.' his &lunacies. istuAli 111.44mrp Lau Ora or sits,. 0( heeieetren yet • • Eysis nee nee.* is etre."( dressed. west, at We. meg schemes. rear ism wumanbas we abbot's* sowrio nos house. re Woe. whoau st.L trd at taw now. ens Loge otrrog to ow ••• noon a; CPI ren,*(l4 Beton noil . • brhl or Pfirw Hams lad !lenient le IA 10S. s 4 .4(0011004. Maw Tori car .Wool lsost . new ie d i l la ce Ise ims. 1•141 a del plua Newt estialti• MU , ' erpualar L. aft 11.1moldoira dr S. N. azdrimacd.ll43( Vidida estoot RUIN? "natl. a a City So. ----Übe. S =bor at aR. ..-- say; at j a fio.: ---- -::::: ir :--:---- it ...,%,..470 - ,q - . 7 . ', ELM 5.1. 1 * IA •• -_-- L— ..7 7, 7M 1 Fos it " th runtett t. 71 Readied Rdo • Ad. 714 U 6 M pot ao e 3 ha Lir% 3 Red , Resolver. . IS S do. i itsiniliii ii. 7.: ' I.. ex I flu " ( ..-- Ma lt 11/11.11 lOW Poona It LI Iln. . froteittit It . Kiri 3 Oti Itesdia4 R. - isda.SAPe•SR - dr -......—.116 Rh MO INV Ina Po. as A. :Ws_ - AS M Id rile 74 A r a Ss lli SIN IMO do Tel NIS 3.14 . r.... asa I Ike -- Ili hdo • tufo.- idifi MI ~... all.- ~..,. .. 28 los Poo ea St ..... Iks 1 P world plow imp .11, lOW city k ..... ....... loi‘. I .1.. _ . . no its do iec.)Ree 4 . .... ...3." 1.11°""‘""."6"6"6"4 pe. al deet... Rth. Jo de..... ~ ..... A•Nii lax .co W melt. mm , 4 - IC et. (0.0 Co if mt.. bt $3%; a Ve t ioy — ai l mx/0 do Ist oat , .40rot A ' - UM X Penes X Ms .4101.1111 • cum** ThCIIII-IMIADY: * • . S&L 4•6114. Iki Isdigtha .16-161 MN: 1ia111..4 . 41 4 .1 7, ; `lila 1i0i.....-1-../ol ' Mho ?Ufa M_.nel• lel Ills‘l>i 6 7 41 IL! issl nu en ja-ant of "IS ,. all &1 ' as x v . - 4 as . 7.4%1 uL pm * PI kVA eald•10 La only; 1 1 P 4 .11N . 11_,.. • iat 11s111-.. 77 1 . 7.1 Al MI. UV , 41 41 0 6 , A&I ad. tIN • lith it ilma &I L I% u 1 cork d. ol 17). Mt tirSl6l.lvott. 116 lle • &as g Vrispi- joi f: 46/ aSe El mod 71., 76 Wellli TN E tatall t i t 1:16•11 , S 61 !lis• & .... ilnl 11;47.. 12176 Ale...tr.. : a • fr:,...,,,_____.. & Pillttdelpkla natkets., dErtints W—rrimrse. Thine is a bitter feeling in Finer, owing to the Ws foams Hes. and ridding are lira *alto to sell to-dor ES opts Western extra sold at .1.74., rad so Mao do no• Isms kept private. The trade are batting in n es ii way at Inon 1661.14 to 11/1 77 for an soda*. s ir 441.20 (Or Citable!. .stn Faingt , sad baba? ip for ay brands. brands. at If dS 4 / 1 1,- PTO V4t Fria MUM • MIRO WS) at 44 XS. Con Meal.. bat _lta.la lestured fag. Sad Penisylvaars dud at 1k my beL T.—Th en , is not much dotag.„ 411 fide to tbstuter nab/ of holden. and morns Mad MO eras amiable* at form dl 24 to CA) for common and good rsd. met ly Western . sad lintiellOal 33 hr num PalarYSftlaa ; sad Contain, do. veh/eit is now he'd algae,. rairmass imps* tau tit white at i Lhirt 10. the MatimEwereans mire. AT •Is millrift In a naafi tr i :y . arde d eor aostairra st d alo ls f Tfortn n o% .4.1 s Con igtaarlitsLaum; erttlt=tlPiM /ow to sate at No. Uts =SOT asj ass Western mixed at 730. Oats an tea.iwill farmer Wee of r at Xc for larlaeare. Yo for remarry l iter a. eh,* fly of the former. Bil.thrY in In & ma rl .* d tea a flaw York ao'd at Imo. Bann —A small gals Ist ha. I Qiidreitatat wan hada at in go tea. Cotto.c—Tbe market is err bat met at prevstree - rates. aad a small bunnies doing. Onocvans• no tatrrtarees.—Thire ra very IWe dr Los and Ad ehanzesta the martrt for intasv. asses- - Then la very Lute offering. and pone kticiverrierd re mares aad wasted at Oa 23. ear tundinry AI ain bb/. tia movies ot at wanted at ifik to, Okier stay. g3k4o for Penns 144,121ti0 for drudge. sad 331133 . tin for kilos Sr Linea. Philadelphia Cattle Market. 8 TTTTT ins 34.1307.—5te reelipta of Bier Cattle API apun this week. regetting *boat t all Tr mar ket is beet, and /noes *boat Um nate *a ip2.ite7 60. 32 Irma A bra7aaie, Chester. so.. 'sacra par 264 b.& 3u John landereon, • inottia, 4212 MIL 76 Soot: 3: Kimble, Mary lag& VJ61626 & Kat. r O•alatg. 47.103230 . 4 on e,iut.:l t Carr, Ohio. 112011. 111 Plutip Hathaway'. Carter wash,. lin& P. MoFillen, Cheater , Co& PI P. Ma} , 144,1 r , Ohio. 4843 at 1221 Coeliac. & 1171044. So ken Wag & ale {ape, Oiteager masts, 86a 3.Z. JJ B C. Baldino. Cheater 00007 • 4349. 320 Mooluy & sang*. Oe a*, 44246/ 110 it Se do ridye. Clitlttr oa w4 .1 (11... 42800)72. 171 A oil & Vaten , Ohio. 871* 91 Ilalaa.t Co,„ 0 10. 4 7 ,31 at J Fellhamer, Oh .0, 67534330. Chi:m.o6lo. 8803. 21 Courwa. Cheater wanly. 83 73. 21 Kahn, Chest: r ooupgy, 4344 et IMOD & Seyer:ou• Vinnots. 43 Mali& 73 Coon q ac, Trainor. Vaunts 424173. 66 li. Winfair.t. Ohio. 71702812. 36 !norm. Bla W. 83 F. nidahauch. Ohio. leaB:3, 83 W. pee v.,. ch.nd ler & et. Ctigotoy enuaty, 4831, Be Thoonva uti.o. 473.635 J 21 D. W. Brialley, Virginia STA& 33 John R. liboon. Ohio. 4706.71 ed J. iihe.by, Fannin Ivapii. 476473. 13 drintoh. Delaware. pia 9 36 Rabat, 2 1 :4124wasuair eciantr, 4149. 16 f i aokagia ;Delawtia, 42 to. /6 • garman.Ogno. 8768 orris rains. Ohio. 3 N 79 1 36 . 83 head of fine cattle went at so New ork. 6.000 Bheep armed, and in:d at 703.t.3 it lb, es .., condition. 'a 711(417w , 711 y. ( 414111 Inning from 423 to 475 4Yhead. wooirp..l 1 173 head of Hogs arr,red. and so'd at IL G. Irn'tiors . Union Drove Yard. at from 4/ 8 O to 30 V :80 lba as to quality. Market brisk. New Nork Stock Exchange, Sept. 21. SECOND BOARD. • MOO 111 ssa Cs 79 5 .: , 100 M ieh a& N 1 R.. fl scau .11 Central Wa.... 9911;9% do. 80) :3 • G.l N Y Cent' al. • 10 , .1:100 d0...._......Ud 6du do.. LW do .._...... bad Ls 4,; lad do 'lOO NlAch9 6ost I tk.tAd 100 do MO - • • ad'( :CO -W 59 , 41 AI Pansols R LA I .to la) fll cent R Eko • • d ®Kg do. 1W 0a...-. ..??1.3 - .• 14 $ Ms Brie ..... 3a.si ex opt 4r. Pitts R- .". WO do ---- 39 , 160 Raba& a. Ca R. 77% WO do . . . . . . :Pt 3 73 d0 774 dud 11,0 Muds: o 99 Yod do. t.a) 44 11311 HlO4Oll kV do --- .... x 6047 r 0 d 0... .tun a.+l IRO do-. ito Radom R Chle.l4o - 2 R. I .11..bd0 To!. WV Harlem pref..- 00411443 do ..... eau 76% 10 do.. in. _3x P 5 . ,„ dO) do. .4. . coo to.N, U. Rowing New York Markets Yesterday, .. 1 4 suits are onehanrodorith small sates of Pots at gam and warts at # llol *. I t Loti. — The market Ihr State and Westarit Float lo anode easier. The tome trade oneratal on a eery smut I scale, sod chippers show Woo no dwrostwo Idova toKo larce chipmeata. evelat the lowA t o o nees. Sate. at SS ers itti for soliorkt• 'tate, ISO co 'atm Jo Sae al2 tort superhero er e ern. #3 hoina, tor extra do. Is 33 0011 f 0 r, 10 90 - arop Bouthsot flora 1 . 1 in' Oiaikad• tAlt seal% with sties of 1.100 bats al Cato as 33 for mired b seed. sad Spar Is for antra. Canada Floor is heatrY. with Wes of 3;so bble - at Ii newt 50 for antra. (site—Whaat is 1 to f seats lower. Ithivoem ay pear la the market StAll i zery Ira* y. but the home tra.re is Bull ve,y reltietatit 1 tr. 11o.oss too. 'echidn, wia ter ied Weateta at #1.21.21 ; Ctocako Refine at *LIS 01.16 q; Milwaukee club at el 2931 Cora is Mead,. snit' intim of 60 to bus at 6Serfe for Wattling ;MITI Oats are treed' , at 57 00% fur Soothe rtt aid Jew Vf0 4 :11 fur elate and W erern. Sy •me coutt. at 79realftr, Biel y is Arm. at alelatio iltnietal is tow. wan sales of OCetttbta V.V.:OI3Na. Provision) —Pork toannet. With antes of 0* Wt. sit ll9 SI% for new mew. #PI tort All 4 991 . 1 411 fat 1141 , rime, 112 25 for old do. $, 1( Is sales. was sales of app Okla. at estorday's olooljC , LISr 4 InsagL sales of 190 bbis, 1W 'a Can 1144.111 are u arra draJe at 19.•iello for it Ind 'atria foi awn*. t j . n 110 leer shd Choose ire naltrappL
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