"•'' 4 ‘1.491-leriallINWIPT !Cq!. 11" .1,-I.o.2yoyita • . 10 . 1 ,„ • -„, tqoftl'ul.l . * , 1, t , 0 , 51 kerZiol dri 1'54, muter 11:1 9TI *OOl I'Z , • %rife/ 10:*, ,, ihi lt r,, agiettne ...4 1 16 , 4k170.41 34144 1 4.0r0W'ML1M <1 ' 711110.100 1 14271 . 10* ilkirdato34lo , l3l ,4l4ollo .ba ' all') • itr,ol4.lkimee*iminsodys rPdi eszA. • ;!,.°. acoa jitriawr. f t t li r li fC r it i v ‘, - • ,6kMagl: 3 / 1 /IVBSI3 , 1 : 7 4 4 1 .04. 31 . 11 Pt Mffle.44l,*, *Alp, 011nialin , pm: 1 8- 'ReleatOrOt Ltr r r t ^ vrjr witio "/Kiriitatne Chitt44ißliEßES ' • I ntairt34 40 4 / 1 1 113 ,Y 4 MN I M I A MIL lAMB' CLIMISF fn. - ,t,atilaNnie3l% ?".;'1111), uisuirimonis,t CORKUNION 111UUMIAWril TON 11114 1141 . 4104 P ELFILIANDLILTA Goma. f A W E L 4 AN9: OO Qms -814)0 • itii:o4ol:llArt Olt► by the pinkie*, the hlieirbiglodittplki of AMERICAN- GOODS. = go Imp iw sun mina DanIakIitUMPAOTIMING'OO.IPRINTII; 11, 1 1!rigl?' BROW7S B E I MUT E A 4 01NONigiat3 AND - DIMS . . ' '', 4 *FlilariO.WD.EXP(4 AND apainn...mont, BILEIAAN: 4A ft: -ki*l/dIW AND • Pknlil) Man ISLAND' raferirrp: -P-4/Whaillate ' Plate 40 6 4.0i 1. 00 111 ; 1 11 1 1 . 4 - 1 ,- ( 7o ll9 ANDltiatin; , - ,7 ~4114.7,WCiOILAND1INION burins ;- 8149 , *4441 . .1/6301' ; ;?LA51)C4111) MUD DOEMUNII; *MI APP.1 0 00 1 00.111 1 1 16 ; 4111,131WCIARIONIABITTIM -vsrxitti* Nl' ta 1 4 0/11,11titnIr 311 AT - SUVA 111Thid" , :444**4.1.1046 ::.Zs.±.(_.**4l4l7#llo4ll4lo4.lkizarnuk • , tr4:I4WAVAL SKIRTS. =MY& (mown: " 18 ' 04 "Mt! I t. 740.4140 - 14 0111,11Ati141 , ' " 1 ClAirliallNi • rllOlOlOl/11** IOW!, a ikfitriOri gent= -Noarrinal Iwo* "`, VSMO:ttAxitoig*CliL 'I',AIOO3II I ISTITEVIIIICr Imejakt , • zoativrovir aides% afi. --iniollirkigerOsaes MAIM& 41 01 .n10*VP,Viaari% ! . ,PMPlffi r F4 :t1 • •notsWilitiriufinustti • lIITORTES A D'DB!!iz IM lOU . it FllftbilßHlNG „e sty - tonornirgrrukT. - uwo n e e ttothp A - 40.4 erpo. an.) tasul 01.1TaRY, CPIAIi WAITER& ' =ORM , , Dboß MATIN .01,CITHE8 bllltriOLUl. to., to. Palau ooliiiiimitistilevoitittinto 'aro portioulairly 111itort4olufoocoodiudion of this stout of Morn 410044..• 'a- • , • • ' oor-bOrilot 81,4517MNINITNII 900D/I :" Vns eityria doirr. 4; it we. - 14i'• 4444 !'saieleslillidiNeu odabebt mit mai -fin Pio *Ow Usistrarshot avt,sisess. . ; •-•t • • ' "1 1 lii - ff-A4q 14 ; ) ,C, 4 ' al 99 4 1, oir+, IM=B A l ter; • '-'II94IIOKMIMPAPtITURR:, .ler.,rogr;i • Itilb :,, - I , 4atreinelta'sArENirhErii, , , ,111141atirlitliST; Itee kliOnt,Ml434ooo.o*- 01 HOisj = r ` QUADIVIJA; maulosionkand . .1 , ..-L f twmok *yip iIitttiVIISITCID 'MOW. 4,nititztozatir,;amtizr, WARE. Otos: .T4PlFgclguf,." _ tt.' • . 1„ ;/; . :,:.11 ea: W AL4IIPD -IIT REIM , • ' -• • Ikkrit/ XA 01 CZNICT fsafty" '' r.oAnee.m.."Dio k c, , , MT ~1 `. 2 ... ..: .., f e , I,A . -, • 1, .-:. ~—ittirre .i "' ''' y, , i i' , 4011, IMFT ''' ' --1 :3 lux* nlss,. , 6 ' ammo Tsui. -...kimargfiftEiguatte=stM :Fl3'4rtJitEA~tiyAl~lPs; &c. KIitAXS - glitillElllllloll QUA it I aIIAPIDIVOLIMI. 2111aCKWII, &eh • - sod Orsoart z r• , • • *Min 11111,MtPlit101111V • • t! !Po r. •!, ‘ r . yiiTTERW. 'dr : A J,1*41.1,1AX! 49108911twisik *ad OLASNtii -t i skeit G-0.1.L8 88, t., minor, 'kelt. PAINTINGS* . 104. w. vilsoll44ole•ll444lo , 4oVOLEKer WHOLE DRALEA, . , . . . .... 'Wer-ie----- , ..--.1%.#. - -'i •-!.•••,,.-, , ...,:i - , . „ . , ~ ~'",41.- 4 410140.c.:::=;..1qt..:,;:--,:v... il.-- , _r -.: • - rhatoshou6 !: .'' ' ' I 41157 4;4 j )4 3 OW 5ii04 1 414 - tiling Mine ' • - ' a lo 1 000 4 II M i t )10 4 10 *Pi* NW" )t 4 -:l3'- ' 4 - 4 141111CUIDIMillaritLYArek rumpus. ;. ,_ v:rff a* ~Z t :17 1 ..sr.4kE .... , MgM 4 ozdt l .-4,41:1%.41 Wavellllllll4 • ..tier*Zllo..Jeje,JJ,,,...".F,J,i," : Az`, • • ••• .7DlifffasBi Aida iron ; y.moltr. , ;(l •,• t • • I • r • " • .I'lo t _ 1 7. "" ° la I' j) j • vo. • • ,„ a 176-fr,' .• - golOm - • 40 " r , - 4 Ltt . cif I • edc. ' • lopii — tr* --• • - li _ • -„..;„ ! • • 03 • • • It Tint- " t'f'7 111 1 • :41 - • it 1 ! •. - " • e • a.a.A. ofo'd _ - -- • , t _ - _ 31. rif [.'L" , • • =ll UZIZA NO4.k. WO4PIAM. IMORSTiiii As: SONS; FIFTH AND,Oniticr STREETS, •• (dtijits*gtht: Massifaclorb) Invite ilk* ottifititigi of tuifitito their AU stook of LADIES' DRESS t:31.;0 AK 111tIMMING:S, ==ll PANOI! . Drejiaspz:ix)tps, BtNVltius , vz4virmatiOros6. !MEI ' AND 91L2 Ski/1144, ilirrtorin. 'Slums BERTHAS, SO., &v. Our no* *oak of antrus, 011iTLAND WOOL, to., U VIM larks epi4 =lowa! A tit Hi* of all oolon mai abodes. • Ourfaol4loo for holm loalitotion, as well ta dtteat ii*,lllo,ticolrititfTiipitnorkoto,euiblsoultocior P1 1 44.0 1 4: 1411 44": : aElinle6 jaAOO4OO. WHEELER. & WILSON. • SEWING MAPfIINES. 011311M111 MEET; szoozu) nowt. -HAAS* BOVDCaIi • SEWING. ISIACIEtENE. gaIIIWWA L D I MPON'IniIiMe AND HeA.VY worm. -4/gahlwituvror.„„tpittot—,_bibd— 4"..'UtitalN 4 ,3•Eit & CO.'S DIDEILIS: AND DOUBLE-LOOP air" BEING MACHINES. rainvy - tr, - • • BLEU, MM., Nit; '.6ofk Pea Of MOTTLE MACOMB, SOO, • DOUBLE•LOOP AXTON NAOMI' OMa DAS ytW,. • Tb maialase _aaa moat .aslant maabbea men- Watered forAngadi f am; • r. a. MACOMB DILL COTTON, NEEDLES. OIL, • , imataatit oti heal ,J714-am VlVnAkllt & simma DU • • 4 de • limit; 1, you is • NefigiN • art 71f •11.11 PEA!! *ZRY. AN/'.l 004 Agfitiratgßs . XM OtPORTERS, . ; akvi WOO l'o M. SI SOUTH lIPOUITII , OTINIST. - "- Fitt49 ol lo oll thmanalif dull. . 1 . 1. itott io tiptr ortil, assay mit oast moat as kew* Ul. most °WS.* mass 0.4 ; go. ocatiuse thiai e i ii ii i i- 41. - 1,00/11t " W i t Ty itu N a m e r + lit FAR IW!lviMul• Olt MILI:ni..) .40*Ex.t, do, BOVRIKE; oriviiiorialioriet‘ithigrtawifore" ' 00/INRE lovais AND DIARIDOT: VMS* An 1110 V Predated to odor loth, Trade a Iwo and sinus mooromm t or WALL ?maks. /*JUDO& . ' DIRE SORBENC WINDOW CURTAIN 000 De, do.; All of tbo.romort Mit dositoto, from Of lased rsodlardolitothodaot • , - ,,ROLDANDVELVICT'DIWORATIONIi. &galas mod st Welton' merchants do well to %lilt ihormitablicato of BOMISLL & BOI7IIIEZ, E. 0011talfa.FOliiTleilibbiLliZET BTIEBII6 , - PHIL4IIILPHL46-; , : PNBSEU4Si. SLEEPER it VENNER. • WHOLZIALE HANUFAOTURARD tiIIBB,XLL'AB A. D PARASOLO, - II ! . ! In; ' PEIA, RXW ' ' in =winking mow tkaa , . - , rtvg gintnna ninsiatwvnintlni n VMJIZLLLI ci4 0.0. tryingLiszik e i t i r ...,, 1 Ind st l. Alignintan ` ro okineir t = ligfaXe ir *inn oust movscouto, sot nui tea nali-nin Pait*Adg,fiesto*iiiii to INlX.—ive itrEY 6 . 4111 dot ittsvitkoi of th's 01,125 t0 to °sr astoitavo gook of as AT . . I. ' ApS, Elok we' our st s ontsu creEivel. peso inz ppiiptiodded goods yit roi 1W them talso4Tlrr Tom etrolrmitatt, ''! ' ! • ''' ''. - - • OloffiTtliathit44;, , PM ' aa CCOnigg wan t VAT: AW11,04-9 umixowAttE. MOORE, 11.EXSZEilt, &00. ARS low' toritaris TERI4'74I.I,T,ATO,OR OF HARDWARE- - ".51. ma 415 ROMIOIOI6 "MAT 11111ovAys. REMO V ALI • r • aps&ETT, WOKS, & CALDWELL, OLOTH HOUSE. romooott t.:: . Si RAREST STREET. jaw, ots tOvltod to sundae 'tat molt. son-km ItERtpV4Ls. 47HARVE8 HARKNESS, witounuivii ourranot., ail RBlllOvau • No: SOS CRISTNIIT STREW/. Owe Math. PItTLADELPHIA. ftEMOVAL.-MO3B . E. M. REDMOND ban mama to 210.1224 WALNUT street. 4.41/2410 THOMAS 'THOMPSON. , SON, '& CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF OAB/NET-MAICERS' MATERIALS, 986 BOOTH SECOND /MEET. BriesSißeirsOSi,Ress, Essostio. mid OM dsioNSdosdt Bannon sod Outten Good!. Nll-su Win PREIiRVING BRANDY, • raiz °flan. AND • WINE VINEOA'Iti Otassion.astard raid. Spiess. ike.. ke. Allthe rHWIW. for Preiersi . lit and Plokliiig "cop.". 4,IASERT a'ROBERTS. • • • - DEALER SINE; GROCEEEMSI t .. acirasi torains am itrstic FAMILY ?LOU , MADE FltOM 00010 E WRITE WHEAT, C. a MATTES° ANEW tWA TENT* stresto Ota l titi k rEgt BEtstai , FOX - 1M1711.0108, - FIRE ALAMO?, kre;. .- 'NAYLOR & 41304 - '11 1 04.7 ' ass cannuslos NOM ikk . t el ykraiffit lOW WWAALLANIatifiII• k V-I,' jotazix.J A L. BAXLY.. HAVIRTER AND PADEN. LARGE, :ANIV, DEAUTUUL • Asaoitalejit or . 1 DRESS 0 0 13.8 , . eud • Of the , • , NEWEST AND OHOIOEST STYLES,' tho • LOWEST PRICYEige. • The attention of oath and prompt ais-months ha ' era iairiented, , .‘ • LARGE ,AND ATTNAOTIVE ST TOR • FALTa:ANE, WINTER BALM. 15$03tilet4E, • 1110•1 4- araljpk #1 CO.. 1111RORTER8 AND JOBBERS, , If% 490 MARENT entRET:,iO4 " No: sill AllitcHArir syRERT, IMILADDLPWA4 , Ell Palma P.twf , P°RE'"!' " A.l4 ' 33RY GOODS. I siolootid -with a 'nisi to the Interests of CARE ima rhrrritettmgL4oefireitMe?. Dea l ers, to which they I " - A FULL STOCK PACT KED letomrri largizzinnidgu.; be found *bantling. mfg . snouted *lomat'''. at LOWEST MADAM' • 01 WHOLESALE BUYER EVEN,' NOVELTY OF THE SEASON. 'ME LOWEST CASH PRICES. SirMorehaate,onTo mitetotlii mildo,us.l4defulk HENRY IVENS. No. 93 IouthAINTH Stril A. w. LITTLE & 00.. .spc,K ,copoDs. No. , SSW lIABIENT STREET p 1: 01-IAFFE.V.S. STOUT. it FOREIGN AND DOWD:IT'D DRY GOODS. No. 623 MAILEST.STIEB m&linx k wouty, FOIBION AND DORM= DRY GOON, 334 lIMLIET STREW?. coati sad prompt 13M 2 moatbs' Buyers. of all Zino aro Intitfit to Is mualuition of oar Stook. • RE 111 0 V, Af!t•iv. La:4oeit Cl,the thoetruatiori by fire of tiew Tame enturt esowep - • YAED..GILLISIORE,, &CO. • ! HAVE IMMO !RD NO. 61Q OT:IESTNIIT Sr.. soonteras. , ..morE sum ' 711191ADZIMILIL. • - Whey hare new open Sta BKTIItit NEW STOOK SILKS 4ND ,1 1 .:81fOr DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, owns, RIBBONS, DRESS , TRIMMING'S, ¢C.i Together with &LOWE AELSOLTIONIIT of STIFLE 4ND F.INOY ,Wl-11,T E 000Ds. 1 L'AIBROIDKRIES, LAMS, . )51101TILLAIL Ao. Having reositwabit a wash Pottion of their PALL IMPORT4TIONS, I previous to the firs, they are enabled to ampler A NEW STOOK,. to whloh they invite the attenuon of their Cortoniers AM BM!s generally. ear Ala WURTS. AUBTIE., & • IeII'ORTNIN AND ZOBBBRDI IN DRY GOODS. ,No. 311 MARKET Street, stove Third. ep tlto l'aieszuram. melt Dams. sal+ VALL AND WINTER. 1 CLOAKS & MANTILLAS FOR THE ' WHOLESALE TRAD4 ingil li t i o Vif.t• w ies kngone w i l lger 3 to 4 7 - mvsot our Stook, whiott we 0.. r at ' ; n. LOW . PRICES. AND ON LIBERAL TERN& 1 J. W. PROCTOR & cp. 1 THE PARE; MENTILLA and CLOAK MIMI IS, 70SCHESTNUT STREE ., . sumul R . WOOD, MARSH,- A HAYW • t, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS , AND . CLOT.HING. NO. SO9 MARKET STREET. ' tic r o ttiod Winter Otocik now oomplate and rthijior CLOTHING. KELLY & DOHERTY. 4 rAILORS, 31 and 33 SOUTH FIFTH STREBT, lIA.VX MIT 311108192 D TiIIIIL FALL AND WINTER STYLES, Together with a large assortment of NEW. AND FASHIONABLE GOODS, To which the nublio are invited to examine, selo tot • . GENTS• FURNOMING GOODS Girj"4IISIgI4 , s'FITRNIIMING GOODO. Ge s° `" s4 ll,4 l 7tu r tegk b A a ti r ihiPtifit_TOtr T i r&S L.LIN i. F.LANAELts P 4 'lllet LI, s Ki &0., Bebtotoo in pondon . and___Paris,io "too 5,11011 attention to 1111141116 4 ' 43 i d ir lnf i rp,, ■e,l , ' A few doors below the " cononentilf.7 SIP4.3kLING AND STILL CATAWBA P,7 WANII/LOTIIIIIII 37 J. ESHELBY. Cincinnati, Ohio, Always on band, 084 In lota to KIN NN O B lOBO 4. l * ONANLEB F. TAGOART, dole 1.8081. No. 681 M ANNET EarOet. R. SHOEMAKER ill 00. UAW. PAMIR!. 01111 AND VAINDINED fuser FOVICIR AXED JLAOZ 117.4 m TRY; TRY, •TRY, To bortispjarr a ce ARD 803 WM • DOORS % AND sumints gestir4e radoir Frames ana Fa mes. ! wALIi- 11111r4 PURE ' , PORI' WlNTG—PhyBiOsne;ansl t 9 Jak i Ca-R.1114 Llatl a Lpt:og i ßtag, Nat ft"o011191r !M MAP It Ni) mut WWI !It . Mr, I 0.1 ° W 1 4. . • oAsmifor BRED LSAT TOll4 Puo, UM , tit MI% fitid for kilo* ' .` es96-tf HAZ4II9N Bc. I ~a't~, 'fit°-~; ~ HlLADsubmt,-- - Eon, ,„ .11311 /Ct •71 ... oiltjtiof!o , ! ',No* , tI6OTBi. NEW OAR STING. t By rate,;i'rfivaiii I laavo reotived a full varlet, of all the aew stylise of I FOREIGN ,OARIJEVING. 00701811314/ IN rime or TBDIPLETON'II Bowe tad Breadth AXMINBTERB; , • NOQUELLB, RICRUT,A CO.. CO., AUBONN, FRENCH MOQUETTE IN BIHOLUM ; i JOHN 08.088L8,7,,,t, tiA:N•t3 wit,Toisrs. VELv*TS. BRUSSELS AND TADZOTRY ;. HENDERB O,N! El 'Ore fl'E Il sl i Ilattinutiloivei woes ..r..p Dmi*vitiiiitits. , Timea,•gobtat he,. Ili*. souk* 1 0+9004 1 4 the latqlehi, moat.* letoaa, be ()bred at . traisuaUr low triode. In eilitittou topur vanuty of • ' !, '''7 '' ' ? I FOREIGN docaiS; i >I ire have the opal varie d of ,: - ' ' ' AMERICAN:INGRAIN bia*Z-P,I.At OIME'rING. 0/L OLi3TIII, ~ i . 0 L s 4 From 1 to 8 Ord; Irtde, °toren; veitd, of 141 '. ' a4mpm EL ciii,l4o, No.;, WO CaltBTNltt ST., billow 11 11, s,eicamwrw • - . -• • ' .1411LiDifilli A. , FALL TRADE., !i MOOAtitT.IN:V.Att: l cuitpgraiiiturg+tlollB.,;.!l ormat FOR *UZX, 41110414i44 1 07, Also, importer/a and Dealers in 1'• CARPETINEWs • • • , OXL,OLOTHIS, MATTINI*3„ R11t3.8. pc, 601111 952817111 T 6IRMIT4 (09asits , the Mists Homo./ Southern and Western Boyers ora rooroctirlir to NW. AUSTIN BROWN. WHOLESALE DEALER FLoott OIL-OLOTTIB4 184 North THIRD' 84844 nonthwost:. oornol of &&CE. inn Mutt) tn" HATS AND CAPS. , A NrAr HAT 'STORM' JOHN E. FOSTER, • (Late of WO 4lontb TWA stntat,) limit natio OW atm, at ', NO. 381 V i r i .ESTNT.rt S .. , . v i nteAu3l 9 „. or *l3l,,lnvitia She titan ion ILTitaldrANll! Mai/MM., STOOK i 010 , HATS AND OAPS. siii- Ws new fall lOW axe inch admired.. , aaU In 1 e C H. GARDEN & Clo,„ Manamdaratsofaa4 intalaaale Dalin la .1 , If.yill, CAPS. AND sTia , WAxotwir ipboY ism AND Amtvricarrifte WO caALFLoW7MII; ROCHES, PEATIMItn,aao, Non 600 and NIII MAlllfrir MUM% ~,,_..,, flantliwwit owner off i Sixth.; , „ ~ : . "'"' 1 1 ba tayaa,,a 4 no samtoawor In bad to wiF ilh „ ;: . ~ tan r ==Z=l wiNDow- skiAblais*: CUR'T'AIN GOODki. W. HENRY PATTEN, No. 630 CHESTNUT STREW, Offers a WU stook or NEW and CROWE EATTERNS, at ea LOW PRICES and en as reosonsele esrinsi as our house in the, Onited.Etates, r - PREPARIKA GLUE. SPALJJENGIIS PREPARED OLUEI "A BTITOR 11l TIBLIA BAVAIII RIM" ECONOMY! DISPATOR !JAM TIM mass As amasses ititt'Atl;srot6 s to tt;111-4tialitsit fart/ ttt, it iti "rbrit deldrtibia to luttii some pima. and )60ettlint V 1 47 far rePating Binuturo, 'nye, Crooks SPALDING'S PREPARND GUI 1 • %Meal' push ereergenolethaad no hotuishind Gan &tort to be withcalt it, It is shrsierelldr and •p to the 'doh., my point, !riots le no longer lt /Amelia, for limping /halm , sebutered veneers, heedless dolls, sad broken sr/dim It is Suet the &rho'e for oono, she% Ind other ornamental Work. so vorMlar with lathes or refinerttent and tote, This admirable pr/aeration Is need Gold, being ehe• eileally held in eolntibn. and poseresina all the traln►ble qualities of the beat blnet-makere' .ilne. It Mal be seed 'the ylsoe of ordinary mundane. , being 'aptly mine aoheei►6. ussrin. IN NVEILY HOU/INP A. B. A blush soomestace aeon bottle. PRICE TWISPITY.FIVII CENTS. Wit*Was Debo4l4o. ss OED/iR &NO. Htw Yint. Address HENRY O. `D D'ALHt.ING. 00 York. • . l'teff ork. • Yet If fat Declare la Otteee eentstrung roar, eight, and twelve dozen, a Nautili! Lathograslua euow-cxzi aeconteanyias each package.. • -- Mir A stickle ot NG tle of • • IMATADIB PREP.& RID ° OWE , gill aave tan Weed Deccan anatially to evert kneel:told. Bold by all immortal Stationers. Dryads* Mart- Imre awl Panuttue Dealers. Grotantlt,Md rano) storm illountry Merano" should make • note of SPALDING'S PRIEPARICII GLIM Ira making up their list. IT WILL STAND ANY OLIMATI, all -201 K-7 • NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, 79, 77, 79, 81, 5341 c Of DUANE STREET, NEAR BROADWAY, OFFER , FOR BALE A NEW ELEGANT BTOCE of DRY GOODS for the PAL TRADE, suited to Mt sections hi the country. They tie orening WOW. AMOSICEAG . AND W A M.S U T T A • FAINTS, IN 'NEW :AND :DEfintittliW4 lITYLIRtg TH85.4 OBIANIMATBD PRINTB it. the - 01144tprza. SOT tow'sokl la ths ITZDSTATEII,sm th ey beg leiftito Mi I4O,tibNiOultir otti etlpg to them. atizt 'piiirdivaatix, A,' Rtittard' i liAjf,.. ist a i % ft .rittiset." . r, ~..,.ii, . , Pth 'sr. 1411 : lTh 91 t4 , ''" 7l a r• ( I * . tartt W w gm .'. jr. ..1- 1 iSor i• -q• ?? . iBI-. ; , If SDAY, SEI ) TSMIE*R 26, 1860. gljt Vress IVSDNIISDAY, SAIPT23II3Fit 26.1860. Frtnn4l, and BrattBL 01.1kmra. Tho difference in , th.q officering of the Prench and British anny has often beenipoint ed out. The'two systems aro as Mr separated as Via , poles. ,' The British officer.essentially belongs to the li'xistecrae.Y.; the French to the Donk:9loy. The,Britongelieraliroomntences by T.iLying a regnlaied sum for his linst . com- Mission, and advances through each successive grade by purchase also, . Sir Henry Havelock, who saved British India, had no money to ex pend for this perpoSe,...and , thus', wad over twenty years in obtaining the rank of Captain. The French officer obtains each grad; of rank by,ttiorit.;.• ,Meriey 'otio 484 tob.im,btiaaso it cltfittot torbelire ihnir:. ! .l.4 is only Since • the Crimean War that tho' iritiSh gentleman wanting to enter the army was subjected to any examination whatever, whereas, -in the Feeney: siiietoo, 'a cenimisaion iatit be grent4miletiathe,penitia.,for iyiloni ,it, des tined has passed through an examination in the ordinary elements of education, and has shown his acquaintance, not only with history, geography, and mathematics, but also 'with the elements.of the art of war. . ,Further than all, this,. except ',Where the Frenchman has been educated ,Mtpreesly for hie profession at one of the, national military colleges, he must commence at the bottom of the ladder, and thence rte through the va rious steps of rank. In' England, : on the other hand, the instances are comparatively rare in which a private soldier rises into a commissioned officer. In the United States army, notwithstanding our lend and constant talk about equality, very rare, indeed, are the instances of a private soldier obtaining a com mission, after any length of service or any degree of meritorious, or even valorous, con duct. In the Mexican war, several such in stances occurred, we admit—but how few since In the London Atheveunt, of September 8, jest received, there is a review of "The French Under Arms; being Essays on Military Matters in Franco ; by Blanchard Jerrold," which has set ns thinking, as above, upon the difference between the military system of France and England. We shall Illustrate the subject by presenting -two full-length pen_ portraits, by Blanchard Jerrold, of English and French officers. It is only fair to add that in , the following sketch, Mr. Jerrold wholly forgets that, by the , present system in England, oven a Duke's eldest son cannot be appointed even to a first commission in the army without having flint proved, by fair examination, his book-learning and personal fitness. Hero is Till BRITISII OTTICZR :Aft Eagllsh ofacter's adulation le expressed by so many pounds sterling. Lord Tupplagbam has ;been a very tiresome fellow, from the slay • when, • i to thelorrorOf thetEarl'e servants, he ;could walk .alone.' He revelled to mistildeforall kinds before IhEld *rite his 'nitre; Tbn know 'the won eplutter upon paper which stands for his bile name even now, in his thirty-second reer..l... It wits impossible to erem any serviceable knowledge , into his head . But, then, of what use was knorefedge to the head that bore aloft, along the' broad pavement of Plees4llly„ such a kit t Oewletige Is the neeemity of the heed that wears ms hat Lord Tripplagbam went to Eton and learned boating. - Re went to Cambridge and learned smoking, and drinking, and the elements of gratibliog.. liet' reached London, prepared to held s'oommand is•the army, *patrol the Hay- Market, and ;Mortgage his *. eafatart fn St.,James' street. On more Hind ea& osmasion,•while the play ran high, he would 'composedly eat plover', agga that bra „jest.cost him one hundred pound, eaa. Now, with the,vioss, and not the atnd les of Eton and Cambridge, he WAS `f lit for aothmg but the army." Brave he certainly was.' • Ile thrashed sititsyman at college, and will be a prominent' nate if hot regiment go to therior, But, thou, suppose be has Ms men the wrong way; suppose that his dards and. wine have been • cultivated • Att the ' ex pense. 'of Lis Military duties; • suppose that he Is put on the etad' before he is able to under. stand one of tho vitally important duties of; staff' 'Meet? Lilted are loot The blood of lion-bearted Mien; and ?drown, flows In vibe. Of one hundred and sixteen, staff (Misers bent originally with the British firer, to the Crimea, one huedrectandnine were Lord'TupPinghems ! 81111 hOw'ptand is my Lord Tuppingham! He is an officer and a gentle man: England althea bim to be an offlaer and a soldier. Talk to him about reform in the army, and be grows eloquent--that is, as eloquent as Lord Tuppiegbautt can grow—on the love the Bri tish private has for the sway of British gentlemen; British gentility meaning littlish guineas. It is pleasant to be led astray by' tbo beardless repro aentaUve of a long line of earis—sweet to meet an unavailing death under the patronisingeye of Lord Tuppingham ! Well, it was a Lord Tupphigham who could not rnatosevre his regiment out of the barrack-yard. Still the army mutt beciime very vulgar, indeed, if Toppingbams cease to command it: Jut ea the Ronde of Commons falls to perform its duties now that the property Attalllication abolished, or when the ballet-box' appetite in elec. tioneerlog committee-rooms. The manners and ha bite of Lord Tupplugharn• are neiseasaa7 tp the pro per organisation of the Britieb arntr• .Would regiment respect the mandates from an camera' mesa-room to which. no speeially-provkledl wine cellar was attached? Champagne it Inoperable from the proper maintenance of dircipltne." This was true to the letter a few years age, but as we have said, (or rather as Moliere wrote,) eliaoas awns change tout cola," The companion sketch is drawn quite cou leur de rose. IC is true in the main, though, and Is Ball of spirit TIIE rnErcrt orrxcari Many readers whose . eyes.l 11 upon theeepages will follow us eagerly to, the Boulogne oemp—to the Camp ,de Mars—to the Boalaverdilined.with Frenob troops—bearing still in mind many grate ful remembrances of courtesies shown by French officers, most of whom aro riot den in the illation cry of Lord Tupplegkem es gentiothen. Their. whiskers. did not. putt their feeble way beyond Piccadilly collars. They drank champagne as Youths when, their sister wee married and when their father was deoorated. Their youth was a time of hard work, and of work much of which will shook Lord Tuppingham. Imagine his Laid ship fashioning his own clothes--making, with those hands, his innocent bad ! Still, my Lord, there is not an officer in the French army who has not, performed these othoes. And shall any man say that the gentlemen whocommand the Imperial armies, from the sous-lieutenant to the marshal, are not the equals in sentiment, in mangers. in 'moire meets, of the dandles who purchase the right to wearsplendid regimentels in England You rill find a lieutenant and a sergeant arm-in-arm on the heights of Boulogne. or drinklog Lyons beer together at the Grande Halle, or arguing, warmly over ti game o dominoes. Oa the march you will see them (Mattering together. A French officer has • polite word for every Inquirer. I see hundreds of Eriglith ladles ready to echo these words, and to add many more to them in grateful memory of those visits to the camp of Ambletehse, where °Moen were always ready to do the honors of their mud huts to the " blonde misses" of Albion. And then, on summer evenings, how many plea sant stories were poured, by dashing lieutenants, under those dreadful hats worn .by young,. and, alas ! by the old, ladles of Ragland When the fete was given to celebrate the fell of Sebastopol, bow Many Gallia arms encircled British realms at the open-air ball? Were the manners of the cava liers in any way coarse ? I appeal to theneands of English ladtee Might'not the atfebility of the °Meets who did the honors of the Boulogne camp to all comers—who gave ladies convenient places for the Sunday moss,and shelter when it rained —be contrasted with the spirit which dictated the famoue " the Tenth don't dance" to the juvenile commanders of England? Bat, then, French.' lieutenants and English lieutenants live under' very different auspices. The Frenchman knows his business from the beginning, and belongs to regiment in which recruits appear yearly, and from which the drilled soldiera Wade to their homes. Thera is not an order which he gives that be could not perform more satisfactorily than the man to whom he given it. But, then, tide is his sole claim to his position. Ue is not the son of an earl. Ilia father is a Lyons grocer ; his mother was a pretty milliner. Do you think that he shirks the subject wheq ancestral claims turn up in the conversation of his brother-officers Do you think he hides theysternal olive-jars, and stows away the maternal' needles? No, .my Lord Tuppingham ; his pride levet, yours. Ile would proudly parade the Boulevards with the grocer on one arm and the milliner on the other. I ant not the papegyrist of hie morals—bat is, of his rela tions generally with his countrywomen—but he never tries to force hie way Into aottedees' dressing rooms t he never turns up in a drunken row ; he never plays foul practical jokes; be can always re member. Tie is really end truly a man with a procession,and who has phased severe examina tions D irectly you see his lieutenant's epaulette, you know that he is a man of education—that ho hes beaten other men who competed with him for hie rank. Possibly be was educated at the [ expense of the nation, bemuse he arrived at the threshold of St. Oyr with a eound stook of know. ledge,. It is men like this young lieutenant who ' have made France the Spit military power upon the earth. In the British. army, as far as wo can ascer tain by referring to the lists of appointments and promotions,. published hi-weekly in tho London Genetic, the average number of non• commissioned officers who received commis stens, in each month, is shout twenty-live in Imo of war;and about thirteen In time of pod-, Thity.nsuelly. are Made Qoartormasters and Adipterds vith the rank of pisigri.' com pliance with a very good provision suggested 0 , 00, d by tee late Duke of Wellington, the aiim of $6OO is handed, along with his commisalen, to each person thus promoted, to pay for WI out fit. If this article %sore not already sufficiently long, we might annex to it the different Prices of military commissions in England, as 1 :„ formally regulated by the Authorities o the War Office there. We have repeatedly eon requested to give this information, w fell, strange to say, is not to be #nnd, of ; late years, in the -Irmy List, published monthly under the surveillance of the War Office, as above named. Judge .Douglas at Erie. lISCNIVIIS A GLORIOUS WELCOME—Ufa SPNECU —DRNOIINONS ANY FUSION BITIVIEN HIS MINED! AND DRICCE.INIUDON—PRINIS THAT ERRCEINRIDGE. AND LINCOLN DIOR? PROPERLY UNITIII—THE RE RULT or Tan trutroota—WHO *cm: as ratsz- DRKT IN OASIS TUN PROPLIE rAmid ELECT. Worreholidence of the Prou.l • - •'' • \ - ' ' '' .' Data, tlepf . 22..le' . ' 3n.l.loDronglei aritad in OiejitY'*isteida af. feridenist Nil( past two oilloek by tie Lake i 3 ore I l i 0 Italiroad, in charge of Mews. J. W. Do , James 0. Biarshall, Irwin SalpP, Wilson' Ord, Ot'Leigeli x and Wni. D. Scott, a committee ()flour citizens' iriro had en appointed to go to Bu r talo 'escort and 'et M' hither. Ile received a glo ous in , . , welelome at the - hands 'of the Democracy of put woozy, who turned out, in force to receive him When the train reached the depot a saluteree Bred by the Erie a r tille r y, and the thunder oft sir two guns, united with the shouts of the multitude in attendance, fairly Made the welkin Hag as pen glee alighted from the cars. The orowd that ini.. mediately pressed around him was so dens t ej'hat it was almost impassible for the commit to get him to his carriage, and do eager wero the iPeo• ple to see bird that, for some time, It looked # if he would be crushed to death or smothered in f the compact, epited, and straggling mass whiehr rounded him. Severed military companies we in attendance, and one of these formed around the open carriage in which be was placed to keep beck the crowd, and a precession was then formed, which escorted bum to Brown's Hotel. This Pro cession was nearly a mile in length, composed of the military and citizens, on horseback and outlook. Several large teems were in the line, which bad some in from the country loaded down with stur dy, . live Democrats. prom each wagon rose a large hickory pole, and hens' it Boated the nattiest colors, whilst grouped around stood the men steady log the pole and waving their bats, and shoraties at the top of their lungs in response to the wild cheers that roes from the street and sidewalks Ie was a most exerting scene, and beat any pop niar demonstration I have ever before seen In polo! of genuine enthusiasm. A pretty teeter.) in the procession was alost named ' , The Constitution," which was dr we upon wheels,and in which were seated titirty.Gtree little girls dressed In white, typical of the thirty. three States of the Union. Shortly after arriving at the hotel Judge Dougiu proceeded to the pith- Ho slur, opposite, where a stand had been erect ed for him to address the people. Around this had collected a vast crowd of men, women, end children, and his appearance was the signal !for another outburst of enthusiasm. The meeting was organised by the selection of Geo. 11. Cutler, Erg ,for Pres'deot and Messrs David Olin, Heeler McLean, F. M White, John Kilipatrick, Robert Cochrane, B. W. Gerrish, J. Y. James, and Win. P. Shattuck, for Vise Presidents ; bat hardly lad it been organised when the rain, which had been for sometime giving premonitory signs of Its oorning, began to fail in torrents. The ptioile, however, stood their ground, and a proposition to 'Mourn to Ferron Bel was voted down anima unanimously. ,In a few minutes the and the proceedings of the mettles Mr. Coulter, after castrates of Erie upon the large numbs) Mgr felkier. citizens who, notwithstanding the shortness; of the notice Ltd the inelemeaoy of ..the weather, wre present uniting with them in useithimlng the Demo• eratlo candidate, for Frealfluii; et the United States, introduced Judge Dose= irleeperpsher one boar, therein Ming at intervals dazing Me remarks. An incident in his speech was the following call from a pertain in the crowd t "We want you to tell us a little about fusion!" Judge Douglas replied—You look as if.ion were pretty well fused out there now. (Laughter and applause.) Well, I will glee you my opinion as to fasten. [Cries of "Rood.") I think that every man mho believes that slavery ought to be banished from the balls of Congress, and remanded to the people of the Territories, subject to the Co:natation, ought to fuso and sot together ; but that no Deuwerat east, without dishonor, and a forfeiture of sal f-respeet and principle, fuse tolth anybody who is in favor of intervention, either for slavery or against slavery. [lmmense ep planes. Linoolts and Breekinrsdoe mrsight fate, for they agree in• principle. (Laughter and sheers.) I can never fuse with either of them, because I &fete trout both. I three cheers pr Douglas.) I em in favor or in toms acting to gether who are opposed to this slavery agitation. and in favor of banishing It from Congress for ever; but, as Democrats, we roe never fuse.'ei user with Ndrthern Abolitionists or Southern bolters and Secessionists [Loud cheers.] WHO WILL BE PRESIDIXT /V THE PEOPLE PAIL TO As he wu about closing, another individual asked him Who would be President in case the people and the House failed to elect. In response to this gnestion he said : "The Viol, President be comes President of the United States, in the event the people fail to elect and the louse cannot elect." The same person then asked, "Who is the Vies President In that case ," Judge Douglas replied, "Him who the Senate chooses of the two .highest candidates for Vies President, voted for by the people ; that is to ay, either Jobneon'or Hamlin...l44,er* and laugh r.] In the event the people fail bs elect a Presid nt, the Constitution proeideitlhat the House of He re seetatives shall ohm,* one from .the three highest oandidatee voted for by the • people,' who, in that case, will be Hell, Lincoln, and toren; [three cheers]; and if the people faillto eleot a Vice Presi• dent, then the Senate sabots that officer from the two highest candidates, who will be Johnson and Hamlin. If the House fails to eleot by the Muth of March, then the Vice President becomes President, and in that ease Johnson will be the next President. I therefore propose three cheers for Herschel V. Johnson !" The cheers were heartily given, and were fol- lowed by nine for Douglas. After his speech the Judge received his friend. at Brown's Hotel for one hoar, whieb wu thronged by thousand; anxious to see and get ► shake of hie band Ile then left for Cleveland with a commit tee from that city who bad come thus far to meet him. In the evening speeches were mad* to an au dience of come twenty Ere braidesi l fn Barron Hall, by Iron. Ed. C. Marshll, of go orsiasy, and George Copway , the head chief of the Ckippeisas, who Is on the war-path for Douglas and doing good service in the cause. These gentlenien made able and eloquent appeals, and were listened to with great attention Our friends expected Judge Douglas to remain over night with them, and had made preparations for a grand torchlight proses eon In bls boner, but they yielded him reluctantly to the °level's& committee, as he had promised to reach Cleveland last night, and the Democracy there were all ready to give him a great reception. Considering that but throe days' notice of his in., tended TIME here was given, his reception was a splendid one, and indicated that the people of Erie county wear him In their heart ofAearts ea the great vindloator of their rights and the rights the people the.wholecotintry, Look for a largaly inoreased vote for the straight-out Duraglits electoral ticket in November as compared with the vote east In 1856 for Buchanan in Brie county. The work goes bravely on here. Penny. Letter from Tennessee. (Correepoodenoe of The Frees.] NASHVILLE, Sept. 20, 1840 This city has been enlivened for,e, few, days past by , the meeting of the Grand , Lodge of the United Obits's, I. 0. 0. F. The wiernbera mat on Monday morning feat, qt the Odd Fellows' Hall, and, pre ceded by the members of the order in Nashville, Marched In procession to the Capitol building, where they were welcomed by E. B Ltanocok, and by Mayor Hollingsworth, on behalf of the civic authorities, to which an appropriate response was made by D. O. Sire Fitzhugh, of Virginia. The following persons were eleoted officers for the en suing two years, via : for Grand hire, IL B. Boyl 7 Mon, of South Carolina; Depoty Grand, Sire, Mut ton Herndon, of Indiana; Oland Secretary, James L. Ridgeley, of Maryland ; :Oland Treasurer, Joshua Vansant, of 111Wrylaud. The fact that I every State in the Union,eveig Territory, and the OtMuidas, are fullyzepreekntAid In the oonvocation now being held here, excites Much puhlto interest, and the , appearanoe of so many strangers in our streets ,eidabte,,mnolt semark, and generally of a Melly ialrqrabin r chara§ter. On Wednesday the representatives' paid their 'recitote to the widow of 41,1dn'indi e l i dentrO ; after an Introdtictilm,' an par 4 t Odisto of her splendid horpl ici,sdeAl;ltherls ,the rettaflutettitb'eFrssident:repcse4 beneath a beautiful maneoleum, theraltipnYlng a tribute of TWO Cam. t J • 1 . , rerpt :: to the ntepory or the patdot and ` , e ater won, whose Administration'will ever be rieptirded ti ar , , rtr of the most tril li on 'end rztge,•° l4 " kb the country bu ever witOlestid.' 01 Minds l , the repro tent:Alves visited the Frermilate:vr ta i lion, attended by a large tetatier of disailliddents of Liashrille. CIO arriving at lbe iamb t w itt yv t dr Plf:c4 Pltiriot..ito enturenyr,laktod * rod, oh.Lt the band performed a, spjectin dOrgsp i li i rru a., , bro have pli , the States been represent by their eons at the temt of Andrew Jackson, 014 It is to Le hoped - th4t every itieri'preseet wtti earry tv his home abide of' the patziotht, trnt9n•Living t M i opfilt which th e actiston watt PA Irellesiaulat' inspire in every American Mitt' rAftslr'ffif ng a while areinnithe,torab, Dr. Wnikeri on beh if of iv I Dr. John•Lawrinee, presented to the Grand go a obair; made btidokeiy, tiftielv.had gitiwn pen the grounds Of the ittereoltage, .The oludr ar oeptial, arel.spo teitireatuntade by,D Al!. Gip Its -12,0c7,,,keh01f of Ayegrand Lodge, and pa °tic 'spel,llaware Made by other prosaineptnoembent 'orthe Grand Lodge.", Altogether, the oeca#was of the melt interesting ',Sham:tier'. • ' .1 ' . 1t , 'i,l ,14.1 - a , ' . . . . . ' -' " / ' Lefier font Sunbury.' .. at:lirrin . arryat, Fokiannoi,,or,23llllAN GCLlC4L, LtriPLE . F.A,II, nn OP. Z i lli I' yawn Tlx viNir • ' ' Morrentondenos oVilio`PreiLl , 1 , ' - 2 -' ' Stribtfnori PL; tevtoillber'il:lls4o. Thofolieteinth initial Cloarention . 4f.tkol an gelionlAbelbeinsi elsod .tif ZartAlmaisykoa •11 i o DOW 10 'MICR igtek OW) - '. 2l l Caltalidatelo, tb of olerioal and lay membei;s, lanensna'dy.largo. This Synod Is largely 40/easing .114 numetical streng6l, and violation soon to rank among ) the largest roatberti Synods in ibt/ swantry. ,Tw'plvo ministeit fram other Synod, wiri rocoltled Into nobody ad tbla leellide. T. bpolong , et - aria/load sermon was presobid; et Friday soristniv, by the Piertdaot -.et(' Sinai. BAT. Deedel Stair, of fran ca:tor, from Int Corlathisas. 9:h ebefrar. 224 rens. " That I might by all means Jane 141044 l." The di/cools* was chusateristioslly ibis sod elo quent, and wee listened to with deep interest by a crowded audlory. Synod met for the transaction of business 4n Satorlay mortice, (September 221 after baling spent on hunt In devotional seeress,: Opened bali ng prayer by the president. The volt' wet Galled, and nearly every member proved to be at hie poet, se wn:menial by • lay delegate. The following-named elergymea from sober Sy nods were resolved Into donnas Son with this WY, Via • Roy. Aneurism Babb. t•ynad of West Penn sylvania; Rey J It Barclay, gyaudot Maryland : Rev 0 P Knuth, D D , PiPsburg Synod; Her . P flier, Carrtral Synod of Pannoylventa; Hey. idles S. Johnstoe, Central Synod; Rev. John H. Derld/on, Centre' Synod; Rue J W Ssalraris, West Pennsylvania Synod ; Rev. H. Seth", All.. ghee? Synod; RAW. &lola Dorsey, Synod of Vir ginia; Rev. Edward J. Homo, Central Synod; Rev. T. Stork, D p., Synod of South Carolina; Rev. H. M. Bickel, Synod of Ohio The preeldent's annual report was read and re' (erred to a committee. A newly•orgazised Latheren eongregifion' at Banishers; tesether with their pastor. Re" Z B. Johnston, were received into eanneetion with body. An application was preset/tad frem 81. Jetties' English Zransolloal Lutheran Chore!' is Phi phis, a new organisation. There was also present Mr J. B Ganes, as delegate. Both ware unahl money admitted. Under a provinon of the Constitution, Gib'illßl ce.ra are not eligible for mere then olio year. nod, nod, hese', prooended to aa election fog ell 4, Rev. Batter Charles Knster, Ketie.,oM g as tellers„The eleetien retalted is the oho's*, of the following named persons, He : Prosiale.t,Bpv. Charles A. flay, D D.. of Herr:abuts ; Saw Roy. 9 Dower, of Selinsgrove; Tre.uorsr, R Greenwald, D _D L of Zenon. Iter7J. Wedakiisd, of Lebarem, assts./get la high gratification to wanine the vela numerous t tendanoe on the part of ministers eattnected th the Brood; and adverted eapeclally, to the gra - leg foot, that, aloloai withoat "seepage, seek • tartar 14 agsmormied by a lay thatigete. Tice t argee3 moot favorably for the preseet sot p ;moth, yrosperity of the body,' Led Est eta mented amfoinem la the apreea of the 'a Kingdom! Bev. Boolatnin Hurts, D.D., was received ea the dclegate from the MalsMothonßytiod, ape C. C. Bough:ate, D D , u the delegate fret" Central Synol, of I'enns7lvania. A nombir of oleramen'of other &arches Were received as id. 'dory. members. The altentgas and evenieg innenunly.peetln the usial IltsThies PriParetory bib. Loser Slip per, which fa to bo celebrated on to-worron (.94b - bath). The various palplin or this and the boring town. are to bo occupied by the clergy/lea of Synod. Snaeosto, Life in the West. LYNCH LIW SHPHZIII-CITILyZITION EIYOND THE eisi b The following graphic dosnription of an Me ' pt to hang au acquitrod prisoner we a/Irani fl oe e Leavenworth MH4II of the 18th bet jowls . Gordon had been .aoonsed of rho =Mir of ; jowls Gordon Gariti, b agirobling saloon at Leseenworgi, g. - ear, was tried .6a acquitted by the ocurt, an d 'or dared to be let at liberty :, rss StIBIII IX C9IIXT. The menthol nabafti the 'obidna and aa th ey clanking , ' anbn th e door, Uwe skate a deep t* !l ing mouth:s awl the eadltore Inert le et. toward Me door of the coort.rcom., Abe p r. moves *bat Ws ethanol felts* one counsel; his fate before harked with *abbe now ,hecomre ilththed wi th WOW; ; now orimidied ;' gases upon the door with s u - ned? hone teetard"the'oosrt,' and minified ti feelings of is man Oho bas pawed 01:1111tryhtg *psi to ando mike 1, 1 2, 0 1 1 g ~ ,A 4!4co. laTr.• c!•• Tga xMllulki.7' ityl4 l 4 l ll.- • • -•; I Some time before Gordim,ly.“*ollmil Main, tit flew 3borit the ' sines that be weld oohs be se , 1 1 quitted: " Crowds : milled , to •lb S ' etrartlhe to ascertain the fasts, etuwe oatiditmetretty , rq breathing vengsanes• The gore ; proeed i e• the' news rierala liki Wildly* beer tlis iltYy sal the crowd angsmoted, • • • n ..,-; i The p riamser .wea now, fres to go where be piqued, bat dere teat Leave the court room for fess qf he angry crowds without. It *at apparent thilt as attempt would honied* to lynch lina. • At thiatkas tho excitement was so Miens* that Owl, thane was no other we, to save Gordon'allte except by taking him to the county Jell. /use Km '.." owaaum! Aocordlegly, he placed himself ender eberp of the mayor, and moved oat of the °Geri - beet*. When he steered tee hall • sees* of tbitierlitt erelturnent commended. The mayor and • of about thy men 'started down the haft, a d as the *setting, tossing erowd turfed to aid' fro, pressing opiate the clioers, and trying to get it the prisoner, it wed • commotion nab II tretra read crowd of bateau beings can get up. Down into the street they weat, the crowd yeillog, •• Hang him! hang Mao!" and the bravo, stern ciliates closing around him, made • Arm vrigl of protection. Finally), by dint of great &maw, the savor landed him asfsly to J.ll. Bat now the aorione trouble hiecl, jolt cooronvenned. Tn• orewd toward around the4•ll, and became ,wore and nvorp Pa rton,. „Iderk armed with =whet" and renutverv, end kniVes s isthered think and ram and As the shades of nlelt. Oslo, on, large boadrive wer• up all around theejell s throwing tbelr furld If i,t far out over the city. and the wild, diwiewilie )rein of the inforiateqi potpie mad, It a pane terribly YITId and fearful. ran 88888 PIM OP TIM NOS. During all thM time Mayor MaDowell mails several freeness, urging obedioneeto thetas,. and requesting the people to reran, home is quiet; that ho was determined to entorise TWO Is* at ail ha zards It was deafly agreed ketones the mayor and the rineeaders of the rtot that Gordon should be delivered over to Sherif Middaugh, and that all itrther dleorder and *untie prommedrngeshoull cease 'on that being done. to this 'arrangement the faring spirits er the molieedeternly egret.] At tbtd junettre,' the mayor left the pit fin` &few moments to attend Mien:re matters en thhceide or the creek. In his ebiehoe Genteel Wall bran_ght out of the .1 and turned over foShertr.liraidstagh, and now commenced inane of mad fray that beg giEts description. The arowcf tuthild nail Gordon oryilig like demons, 4 , Ilebg him!" '" Ilan; him!' They forced him down %to ihieninew and rooky glen north of the hill: It 'llia then about eight o'clock at night. and' a Oink darkness h a d settled nTion the whole city, iisdt s tblt tierce crowd raged in thatAirk glen 111filletnOne.' It WAS terrible. Dnt the , brine Offend et6dAlf the prisoner like gallant men, ind, seinsilidatit most overborne they still reehened kind Vatted for ward, holding their priNner safe In their charge. A CRITICAL If OM WIT ILX•CCTION Al.• 10•1 SMI1111:111P.. . Several times the crowd bed a hailer around his neck, but each tlme - an• oflleerent the rope, and thud:my struggled up out of thiamine; sad then followed a tumult of strife between the oXesrs and , rlorcirs that was desperate 'to tke•last degree, ap ~Fourth street to Shuffles, and down Shawnee to :the Planter's louse flare this crowd halted, and the contest for half mo hour wan Berea and tertilo. Te din, bowl, and confusion war now wane than Pandemonium, the - prisoner begging to be bong, killed, or anything to take him dot of Snob agony. By this time every stitch of /Arching was torn off him, and be bad nothing on his body but his clank ing amine. TIM PAISOIMS SAYID. I, !The s i naeyor et lust sueoed•A •tgwiti•hkg • fresh body of citizens, and ,wloloesiAt• closed solidly around,Clordun,o l o .4 , 14 b4 144410.f0r the al f r 4.14, though paten* ets tan ',gibing, aPd gl•Tin9"1011 - maw. at t a r desperate 5trt440 2 ,11 , ga. agiact WoY lanai 40m, { hp 4S , _ 6 114 %0-t:tor t:tor on !every a 1 . 1 4 Z , out, azd *gated, and the sheriff Is also - REttnte Iv* BYasA &ratlines - 40 nOoll in slowly. The, ttearneer, Wm. A. Booth. , $6 Front street, aekitowleigno tt,tetal 4115,144.011. THE meant Pas* mo> PB L "L Tiro Pas* till St to IV siVI i ter woe. is advaadio at..._ —llOlllll Three Caidelip " - - " ... ........... • Lae 7‘710 , ", " --.... IWO a a Tvrarrtr nee TvirucCor es. at latimenber Po' • Chlib of Twooll-40* 'or omit. wa wilrommil se SW% t/1 110 girwit-ss 11Pit• Clabo AO" P" , 4110/W111an .' lllolliiiiid le are aemislior Ts • 'Or nate fa am. cal./roasts " 144 tA ne Ulm& liar*. is tag kir am Clilints naro a AMOS OX 71[X11 !taw le la 11••••011.1. It Z 017.11.114 • Ttri: Dmir staidrom Tin liticatetoon *Mom th .1 tfilit2trit t4ll 43 eets;‘,R.l . yusi is" ce,,.... , , The Print,* bid se' . .111a*aiiV ta, Lout JohaiWittssiritslisil as to bisistovesesstsi Mil: 10 4011.1 saw him ride 10„dsit giscoralis. wall, lipd apl Port; V. pilieserila t m... is sosp-,4i,, .... 'rho at Centime& li _ ems ... Mr hotel at 1} 15 , 010ek es _ . isms. wideb etrismbitirlb shmitllit the rich in emAswlll lit poorcni n i t U 441•11 Ernie - the omits aad, A l p ~ MI6 1".1 . .... . and the erSw# aheertd ,i .L•410.5t0904 -7-7 • -*.. /s Wt r , irr , ps iw,,„ Long Zolarc. r id(adf si ; , hha up - at as - Vii. seheailows Irina of 14,4zems. andeasiliaildatteassulint, USW ,aoa seelrttaeddidess~ with tbe enteeptdos tw RA jk also Ed :11 Ault tiki pos. 1111. ply titttFiit NI irbithilW Irlai '1 siss - issksittisblir P sili ism , 4114mispintimst arta, and his desartare,rit44 was takes to JtmsporrSW lif sip, ikemNM•l ids is Apr ar elm seedier weamerhaLt , • -I ?fie Priat• is weeder sheet. All lake tetiewer• au tls la dellabted,sedvVvelopesterweeweresi at the Great - West, trev et, awl, Wiledislim .ienee yelil;era kryi, , .., "D•stepte's Beiinost, •-• Berne Iteetag Moats ll* Vtall. sore. of Iteclehtligh dkildter ' A kandeasse diedebed pia ehr laWeedaramalkome and eisiteMmedi bee, heed i seimiew t, Mr* w tlro.l as ti,ealoak- pad ,alepe trel.s. hey. Itr.laroridid the Mr-64w ?noel on Botchy, and beard • semen UM. ' • Elwood wird* week 4 ' Ter reel AM was 'rat in manorial' Ilit-art tamiagbt by s s: pro from the Quota IaY•ITIf • 14 1 144411111. -- Yee 'ard air be spent st 9yeaew's ibitimboliNle 1; 4 Is rot, co r es f ro m ban. To Ova" he ga^7.., ea 4 'arftt tryou Art tie Ort,ibbellb vmm out ortabast wyte-afhame "Ant, rift oaf boas Wow Wows. Twederly wit im. tams thiag. Wednesday ise ertkike is ill 111wha 'ft a rot of the prograwas, lis 4: 71,.,,,e vtlf 10 snood as • le• RI , • awed. 1611111. Pe win Toed a* 111 pee teen The hake of Nserewthaa Luwil al. Braes, Load needs& Lai dig. net hew G,, .; wan. have pew with haw. 2he INA AL smas vet today. 01.1/AD, Art septa Ttr7 brtaklari.4 tads= /la t o p pes , ris- I tat a: 12, tad tessitit el mie_lei Vim Hanese, es %lOW Maim Mit ad Darts?. Tbirlrregengnie peelelee the Al:madam* oil rose. Man It a lOW -OMNI It, P 1 0114 00 1 1 .11 party hi Jolty to W tl l llll/41 watt bet Melee ItAtelLtittrier The with lie limbo Is The pats et the time All ate ell to tee gift ,Ilte ecoarist woof to Srlwli% mania le tulle arrangesaasita GENERAL NEWS. . . A iiromam. was Two Bromism. k.-114piAmist MAR2ISD raise gas -.i.litessa Deer tortedity, la tateletteity, ins* ea I,,Catharbs• Buda. ma Sete' Wei Millenem, *, Baal ,p4.06 - lig .. vit 78,01 ago to a seut easel Jeist alz pan age Ilekilier herbieliies as Witt* as.; .Lei awe retell, ateisedisit sifes Ili wife reeelyad so Letter new klea. kaisage se word of me, melodist be was a " Tbeelisee• tort stoe4 *at ewe eillieller, tritser IddlrVitelliat hectare 11011011/0111 .4 1 1 1 WM ilifili Mr** 110 Wm. Ptavin, eel thew liare Urea *oho - lin Itocchiseertey; *Mid thseereilee la pews mid train: trait ad bit Fleeltu Minko 4 l:l1 1 144 1 0 , 1bA114 "eali t bit Wee stiereallee 'star* seas Asiskim he the restelesiiief P ita te Web*. 111 . Utf me y moo. Ila tailkadto ben. fa lbw eillffies et 4444 1 1er At g o t a tel% 1 114.1111 Al eao• of illos Woo rumpus 'a dole • Pitatai it, lad Sittera ' mi. thd lbo 'mullein PlUar ip z s q Maar fa t... , Ma atm 00111, pet =tato .0 to Wive sag ' team :VA ireebes.—ittetelert Decrelleck apt. it ''' To.slipemispriAlislaiimmieliiiMmi at a meat be Übe al ilatekeine. AborAllime balls, etiloi did not aloe meeta all. dinned ot 113 , the larerler 'esiebeete, • whinier • leer* *glee kelt tied Vest let 4 malle /0., t4sa *Os oak - Mita 'MA Mere repress** le libm 117= dons, eitaliben all lefeterbitikii tir at a 901 lebel• a Mildew mut allsaillsg, male M. Jared the teen that he 44 aborb slim 441/Mki later, tie bull *mod beef lie, bentsi iims speetators. •Kr tbeleidd wee* lei* awl .0 odes 4ackairitemeell Dished Irides knee to et:ape, eautps a ileae ofAtiabldat The . tarsadoe, sword stik'attesiOtel VAIt animal; ied Sutural - soldiers ea IMF es maillsis eD 4 C 4 " 41 0. 10 . 4 0 awake! with Veit lit•O‘ apt bee,astil some Of tbe 0103Xtort, WNW at it. the fa eaklotiffeensed cartels At hada', tae lereadie lot beireut 'ot iiii eta, setae ekllfe)4 applied, WA , Wes 4 14 1 14.01 bk feet. The parnaWdo set ea, thud*, pima vas killed or ma tileitrtt tie sal (11.0/0111d easbulso. A Boas t . Pio mini' tsi ' tial if .-Lcs• tat - 14 is 14 les' welted' bailie errs' zit** B4lbibe. , Whet tapes tioablisolleita Tea blarebesrardica ti a i l&Perteolberper. tom saes Of road's on t rdp•_kana bel!.7 omit . Dtbalf,' a' rinip‘' Mis rope. std two Wee at shoos. mipoissifte vet! Plstionn. o Swh i ck X .PC 1Ai11 1 1199 1 4 6 1 61 . 1 . 11 do Itorpose of seals; Ilglile, gave way,, tie torn II; she ge , W bnilliiii' BlN**. who. *a 1•11-.1ws Mr Arsonsie vaseds: just 4. _ At dip taqocct„ yostsurdopthe Aiii-ja *it TardK rAtraind Wes btimikisi tisik - olmi 1111 , ligesealedvetbealisidallf 111 P 211•401 aid bia uimatcbt-I, ll6,l l l l4§ ll 44t ru ac tr bsame lisimi , for:iliac" lie comber M. laMmptgasa M Meitit'ked Ittty war* - moist I. custody.". . i t 0 %. ~ •,.: ea, 4 1 4essim....aioniimsg,.. &pais* kis W Cleeltley lUele, 1 1 1441. : Mire:,ll Male e to ' pied hero Curry, satalied ettierttil licitceiri i'Ll`t!ettitleatiPkinatitat mull le witinvormdbpail to grim ihod.psit of gum.. lie mom AO, ilbs Wed, 1~11 *try' gouty reuse ereallk teas ea derehasi-mbse ike - csodso oft the ee.Wrat WI. ono M 4 a: 2 2,, , Z. 4 *pow 24 tals wt., to abet 'c reasa, bat be takit "tam be frtiebt; Meseitteviitile . " lle. Flop i aio, to roptbsOilen Mal ,last se Imsmicirl fr, met WA 94,1911",‘Ki1k totebat.kala =1313b1, j gg S atitteeng Thee tar tad mar h 44, tedeibig ea r eye, wield trot I* te ddies be-tat. $1,200,000 SroLu.--Considara. taffie to eat 'has bean ceenVekened b rotriais p a , Cc i la Nay West, noneeettnig to tiker Jirr um am. ,They UN* hw oft ible +Misr ;reeding or adir.cearof *to bally= Iltilltlo2lll of Havana, wit, regally from that city, wick tomato the aranal OLIN; oho. It Le thought Ow *say SN, oo his way Ntw OrLearit, sonstOlftwi Cuba. and spent ate Um" fent perpas it at maim Dim-1f Ow *ea- Horne =0 REIT."--41. oesteepeetteet el' the Jigs York World, smug tram Beritetera, elys that uteri am two tboo•••• remere ai net la that tit". Mall quit' lately. ant sera 44 Ms raffarad mat la Ws res p ell. so 4 than Webs trot a little sreaktairla wasuratarsta• _ SIN Mgr lafaria.4 by • Nada( Arai at howearmsalat sb Lai • loci Ilit of tesesesce to 1y is de bra el Saptuabar, that the Itaaaleal lac d doss until very few are Taft Lame ars VAN la ite aresd Is Bade. There tea be la 40114 . IML lasszarosrum Is smarts Sr • Lifitaillid• ras.—John liaary Prise, la red-.4eves 401eiee d iv, bast been asafristest of ltaorib lbs m rt h divas, La swiss the destkel,faseitOolirs aged sight years, at WUtoq, Banton* &•sesild,lll•• York, on the :lit of d up, et Tibizu me . Mir deliberately shot Qom, al Ume ni4 if b sister, Newels be had nut • boas Isa Bee dram, sad threw atones and clubs at her. The lAA be Awe le the House of Refuge at Itoehester. During the last Sikh way, alt odium in it rte. gimens marthing upon the BaUej raesivid.pakellf• pence from htesgent in Englsod that s ti rs, ad 5.1,500 hid teflon WM s lot. the tarried annicaparded'hy regrew to ksow bowh! woad Oak. it" The young gentissasn, altar dye saillse• Lion, and, perhaps, eonealtatisa with his trennwies, replied, that he would " take It &pale ile " aid the roll talus wan remitted to Mrs in I/muff& of kis shales. Taw TRW? or LAKE &cum.—A MOE who hni been ac t i,nrnlng to the soar wwilitorboall at Lake Bigier, California, daring tan. pat theve months,, inform as that It L not tinerwattiktste mountain trout there *heti weigh fro{;' to twelve toiindt. He It! aver crash t esti tlintsinilglent ton pounds, and a Merman was swisontek * F un taken one weighing twenty-throe pcsawiln!..3pirst of tAs nous. A Nan WfY or ILurawo THE Lixpiorio ~ c ox . Does,"-4amee htesketin, who had started up the Nast York diptplithee hy representing tlig he bet been robbed of a shook tar i mom, ha been proved to IA its impostor: florpectlat Wiwi, and charging his with laving dovetved. _linnia, lio se k oowledged to the Maws that La had fabrioshol the lie in order to make the landlord " mil dews, and are the' reputation of his hone." Oar Sunday night, ilia Cliftiaznosijiittrom the mines, one with fl Mill, and tbti mute with twisty fear mine* of geld OM, pia up s* Mal ihir x, p ,4 0 , 00 , to 'ma Freselseeit !hozAlfa were attmshed, rubbed , and Dew nounin lk by the intuttes of the hosish, *la Ur. &psi with their fa kOttioliboty, Mot Wl* all &wows* from of the god* Inlet track of th em Tun Wheats crop of. Kunktkusitto Mod Connecticut is mostly Innisid, and, like allierhor elope fail *aeon; iso di tioAtialitr. "WON AM lii% handsktt oda* haws *away hew film West Bpi/WM to Nino York. Oohs 1 1 1* acre, of tobacco are raised this freo, 4 .iar north of_Actont Toro. whose Stirumply - . be less Man T.,700,ta. ,I potrods: _ . . Ittaxi:Att ik C;znt- - -T . b, tan [ etti,gm'siyeTtuing to , i Cl4l =B 184 ofiiipteMbit fin pigmy rying 13,kidlif to of sad: ilumbiribb. sopa therm were 1,11111 .boots *wed this prn, abrake 11 0.4449 lisas Id Kok . • . . —:. _Vi.ile c up osir silmes)1 111 116410 t so Wise at ... 140
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers