" 4- - - •'lsMnkSl • •• NVrlar4UOMlßeadynlhe„ 0 4/6" 1110117/011 Yinosylvasitadirli. filmdom*. Ali bott Ire. • John parurti,:z loess corpus. PalarleagtrO iftf ..eianarreirFlßes wows, * o,lier•aftProtiretinst his own use =VC fotkowtot sr -pasty; under the fob to ita 'nekl: John Carter, the eleye of OPPt 40044:IftYitentat Wes, m:l4 Mott • ter to Norm*. Whether. ch i hhn on hoard the United fttlis . TotiWiemie. Tide, in MN* ,inade railrOM43 , l9l Carter, inoarid during the _rtenstaetfhtergist"Vitinini4f7.l•l i trt e Paiistn "it a t eLlee llis iiiii n a"& ".y l tea ulipseewujoiiiineCapt.l all thssoisisseran RrAetr ,. tpdsk i , A 1414046, nurser, retain from $4 O l , uses - areseil / the amount sutworibed. When the,thip,reeeheit %hi pert, andithenrew.wererons 'tefernsbn*Edr4ad dliebeiged, Carter mull about ipIearSAIMPII tittore thh demanded the s2s6; nod! swaeireutent it. Ma wee .topped And. informed that ita,tnnst get ‘W toaphington,stitit a company ofj .ursiflnee,'en,d the 'money 'satosortbsd srosidliecilent to Com. 'Delfireiit. Watehhat :his opporitullild - Carter miniped from tilt weasel, and then' ,14id, h? Annie before. ,W., B t , Pismo Esq., is his; oonnfe • fdr.;lik made demand Aptlir:Abbott tht 'unit* bithebribed; welthathe oils, due. The gepirwag,that Ur., Abbott 'maid Aare piomm^ muntoate with Commander De P r otest, who was. yashington. After- tide; Itriiielelysel a lette iriyieh he , ted 44 otter a Qom: ones • shad determined o retain the ar for the present', ' k•thit w • a liben.ipektl.tig thei 001 ei effort irte; hat nt binee, Mi. tcatne_la Philadelphia, hdving !keep wrderekto.thri.,Ealvam l i` arid h* *fa iqrVitlii •onla eridifist charge. = •,; The judge at •Nisi Prins refused to hear the case: but gentit baokto „the' Quarter Sessiens, it being ' irittild'efidemidiYa of the terlii' rethkoti ' dafe was retarned. _ • civ•Nitiro Pints —Justace [Woodward Ed.} wards vs. Edwards.—The argument in this easii mipio,, tit" ,eouct,onSe ‘ tordici, • I • StliiTtliesz-ihilitice" Stredig.—koriaglian vs. 'The City of Putiadelphla et hull, the motion for en injunction waaidismissed. Agighd " : "' - tritagik tidos.- two n'etholcoh•Saiiirdiii afternixin,the's os , e, o William Auld. charged with -arson, was gin en to the jury, and lifter an hopeadellboretion, a verdict of guilty wi4 ieriaered. - The prisoner, who seemed perfeitly imuorid; wee, reinanded for amitenco Rant , 41 , in - lho Matter of the 'rale entered upon Mr Samuel' Tiasies; • to sbniv.etinee why 'he' snoul i no be stricken from the list, of attorneys, the anis Crowley woe - agaln nailed to the wltneag and, inate a crof_restating the testirtiony, whin. ha , led te'-itie entry of gait Vavi h swore thatllle formic; atatinnea Wail false. Th .+341141.11/14 thin dismissed. .lidge Allison cam, owilarbto.matiatltidge Ltidlorr in thh (464, the I I'm stating illat,where a member of the bar Wm con; -tensed, hit profetted to 'have the advioe :Wein& Walter and James Phillips; who stand ch. r,;ed with! Chi" death' of David ‘Remph'ill, by stp bin him with a keife, ,tho t iiight of the 6th the resent month. wore admitted to bail In the r Pt et .00 . 0 0 the Distriet Attorney that. or ai a pf,this testi:ll4y r he Was eatiafiel that the offeneelwould hi a erode less than that of is !Ir. der irthwirst degree, . ..2 The sidgin-ken.t2. ll • `the'inothnsinl arrest . reiniTirthe Ogee aftithert, nottiPson convie"4 of nsurdeiln the drat degree, doe postpckied _ . • While Judge" Allison was ,resent ih court." 4 called the'fbahn libelous., for the purpose of near ; 11, ,ii , t4. wee 8, 44 1 nenill testimony priunlied, but tim.thei postponement w had until Twesdal, (to-morrow.) 4 4NJEJELEA NEWS. ••'Baton OW 100011.01 ALICEIt • --- Th jte,C•rent{•, Sitatdir sap : Betterat -Walkertartnin a tet 4arbefrat eeriiparallsely rirly . agee, We era told that but just attained:Ms tkdrti l eilith'„Vat: . II' , ” 4 born in Nashville, , ,,Tip im elsi4Aa, may, 1824. ea Wile thoroughly idutialeCander the most fer , ,ebl anspiedslbr Witateier Bbeldlittufsisabie he %nigh . select lo After. life, tut the lintrareity aega::ted himsellueitit the Alf:best ItenortioicAliefaik l end afterwatde in the miediell schools of ,PhilAdt anglarls; 'enjoying, also;,. Wbtle - in Nam , . Ihi 'Atteanteltes of a telthrongh Garmaity ti tyl where Ins opporttutt for Belles-lettres sehol,,T9hip . ~bhtliaanly enjoyed Illoojeted hyla Ming then, at least, l ttiet" et hal to,a,degreo that utterly forbid the Lie, ad advenharous or • restless 'career in liter life flis -to theattudiell Itrofeision, he atolitunimtiottealy to eater ajonl.turne , t "blni -4 ,3 4bulrait; and:the simulations of the lett; natduttly to:pOlities, -In irhtell 14 , 1AV:en id. 4 try New Odom, 'and robsosiently; 'in' I, t frem Witt& point he entered up -; litairdeutotoreer wbtsb, altos AO - Tailed 'fortune orrf . „ . six years, /a ewe „te - O rlitatid.”:, ',. ;.. , ; .....1' ws , lain.asi Off • Narrow-I'l3:i Sti.i.x4 - - iiiitisor Foraos--A -writer le . the Worid,. , u , . lading to Durton'a library, rays-:-Lest, ho: -tor tainly, not /soar, are the first four folios, 1623, :63; 1613 and 1685. .As there. will, undontred v, he Coneiderilde Competition fOr these voluines, o list of prima realised by them at tdmilar sales i:. I;ogr ...landau, stp,t•be unintereetlitg. - The folio of 1623 was originally publisbed, ao'. cording to Lowmies, at - £l. 1' the. White Il t Irh t'S copy, brought £ lB ' 7e. 64.; Kosooe's, LH. ; Rai , - rick's,..£34 24.11 ; the Roxburghe's, £lOO ; Komi -...ble's, £ll2, and fiernaders',fl2l 16s '- The folio. of 1632: Garrtelee Copy, .....f.:'. '. lit ; _White_ Knight'ai 14' 2e. 6d. ; Sir Mad S. ken', M :N. ; I/Amble i, Mlle.; fitarders, , ,gi 3 2,. - .6d.; •, Sfevenec - .4,18.185: -The last mentioned copy, lag a ' 'elfrlollo . -StortirhiVerg: r., It 'Odiitiftlisil the atztoi graphs of Bon Johnson , and V harks the P o t, bein . the identicalcopy with wbloh the latter u :Ale away thehoory hears oftrie imprisonment, - - .. ~ Foliii of '1663. fibseitms' 'Copy, £6 12i. 14.. . liemble's £6 8.1.,.• White-Buie:it's, £ l4 10'. •, steal ley's £l6lBe . ; floxbittigfie's; 135 ; Dent'. F.AS 21 Folio. of, .485.ketvans' copy, ,g 4 „ . I .2.J. itu, g White' Kni g ht's,' 16i ;' Rosburglies, ~ . :i'• 6s. Ramble's, 0,1,178.• 64. • - , . • What At. Buston'afotorfolios will brlec at the coining' side 'depends entirely on' the comrsititioa e l and thelnowledgesof their eanditlon and , heir r lathe vehr, anKmg the i eiddasi v - . - A' NB* . 1 .0k.a.,4i., - Pgvitst.—A rin . tv ,ft•vorl lately introduce 4. from Kcirope; is noW.; st.usit i ti ''.Mug„..Aly ..„literary-dilattonti. , Bibllogrupao , 4=4t - '" Illustrating:" A single ease sill Mos} trate the patholegy of 'the epidemic. A valuable book, generally in quarto or - royal octavo. Is par: chased. A Oat of ail pereetifittiffplacee min , lone ,in the work is carefully made. Autograpt s en portratta °tithe persone;,eadienigrated views c f lb places, tire them prooured, insertitff in the props Aplacest eed...the wholeis afterward „elegantly b•urnd ' a !YhentSTfiv l ol ll , if , tag: , smell, are either ".ir laid' or "mounted, " p that is either set into or , a te :-IPJPottelleets o f ft:teals.' of the:yeluasto.. - iThe re rite works: for illartration in rtele,%eountry sr 4 ,•11,•411 a:ooring ...to Amorioan. history, ~,_ The,,,filt7 quarto impressions, printed by Mr. Patoelt44 p•Arring!e , Washington were inserts alitatughl'fo , this purpose, ,)",issm one 'copy,. whieh Are , ehas seen, aerosol' _hundred. dollars .-.ltoviG . ..groad blies eltitentillf kr aostollotaP 3 l l , Portraits, Ilstrttlew and it la„,thaAptimichutAthe owner to . ao entsigtri with illustraahrossumkr . swell t the fire volonves - the .beelklbettertweaty,` ,. . The .resuit'ef ~ .this furor I,:kesk Of '..tensrael - 'rifeets - the .eetabliskleeet;of bobs devoted to the sale of matter adapted, tithe- . poses of the illustrator, . The only matter of regret. to the blbliopoiel in conneotion with this subject ts the friquitit rethleavdestnictlen of 441 books te 'rliblelll %the :engravirigs which they contain.. .114 ~ .:thing4ll,ll/oso common than for,the pnrchater.qf some valuable and costly work to -find that 6110,0,k mom pertralte bove been out out, undould city for theshoneht of som o ardent illustrator. .. • / , ....,_ Ssoossito CALA/1n! --,- Billit•OIG •OF • - .1.14 'O•IILD•3I24.—A , shooking calamt -, ~,• od on yrt • ,day itlferaponl - ist, on the " f • • !...- ' • Tirspe, - i •tithi kiwn of 331demingd'ale; k -.. • - • - nty . . - : '.. i It appears that Alts.:DA, 1 ; .''' r :;; Put,up mw ibis in the fence; qid' • 11 `r..: 2 " ' eattle but of the ,fiedd, lept.ing Sell ...,;: :. .. aboat. the . bouce-1 •Ltr . O., S I II.6CTPUri . ! ' ,• ,- ' . :1••01,• ,h) ' t•O,g•Oil ‘ 104 "-'1 11 Viii,g •#1 ' '., litt,,Mather returned, the - 'eliedested ,greits, .'. ":'' Were .thi' fire, and t_tvcry Ma" 10 •reVue the ', ?infortgrilita Imes from' . de struction Cut. off, „Tee 'ichipresi.weil.,burne4 4, cinders. The Ettlo '' &if. remained .of,thent: mail found in the Corner farthest from 'the. door„, All the hay and some stook;, together with ,three bud. ~,Crud bnstuals of „wheat, and Ake out -bulldings t are - all destivied,' ` Thu _wind `was. hard frin o . the south, his elee'the dwelling he* Wrinid haveheo . p btrined 'also, ,The father eof,t44. children Isms in Chicago" with ii load of an d' grain„ is Ignorant of the loss of his eltildren. The dam of the fire is ..., uskpowo,,and:.will, stet pro b ably be•fonnd 0ut . ..; " sutgitse is at.feilt.,-CAteago.Press and-Tr:ooa, .:-.8•0-17.-. .: . - - • - :',:r , ?-IA,Ir Eiger rat I , ounow.—Williant GO4- ..,,nfroir Youngman,. who murdered hie mOther,'s wee,. , :rittitt;'and ,two hrothell,',;ht,Valworth, tuna. exc. .' v ", ddtod - oqtlus.mernipgef the:3l instant, on the top of Ifersemonget4ane Jail ~• London." • It is' tom , putted that'tweni7 thiliManti pumps, many of whom hire: takeit lag 'theft 'position' as 'early as eight . : , :k r eitaik toktitt marititms night,.witnessed the awful titootsele. All the windows of the houses 01001.11,0 -to t r tto, Jail ,wartrorliNe4 with '',, reppetitable" ?in. 4•4;44o^insilfpaid Butes Aliyitig frolefiVelthOlinge 'l3th sa adrenelga l'or"the'swittuttimodatitor afforded to them. The mob howled, roared, and sang, and ' this way entortkined themselresuctil•the murderr appeared ..,on,. the :Sca ff old. ; In the,earller part f „•the isigh.f,, a number of roligiquesnithollasts moved elient the crowd, exclaiming in loud voiles,' ",Tit, ,)thitittent le SOMA ! Prepare to Mfi eet thVdti it' ',, 64e4y - of theme also - cerried plies with placeids, on '-'which tho latter , ziart' of rho mantenos•trak, striated .• he large letters.' Yeninginan died protesting his innocence. - • WHAT Otfit TNA BRANDS SIONITY.—IO Ta.)!- 100/: "Travels in ,Ohina," - the signigoations of wino of the tonnes by which the different briindc Ilrof--tekettre krinwri are given, rhioh are or follow es = making doe allowance for the ehangssi add ear- Aniptlons they undergo in lona and sound; in beta } -. , AZittiertirecfpr_44-3fseit.,--neewa,l--4 4 1.ronttk,e•reins, . It or •ortrishlng spring' --tnatw, *arty la till:I - 81) pol. Hence it is often called Toeing Hyson." Hyoop Skin" is composed _of the infuse of the • other kinds,' the nadir*: tirnt for . , whiolt meant "telt • skins." Refuse of a stiff enamor siewoription, igen tainina many stews, Jr Les-bones." "134. b e , ',ikon, name or the hilla ip the region where , tia - oullitoted. • 'f-,Pobeso,'? ," Peoeo," - meads ..-?! White hide"—the down on•• the •tender loavap. , - ,- ,! . :powohobg" ,, folded plant.'' - 7 ,4, Honehopit4- f,'!..:‘!rniitat.l494l.'" ..' , Twankar, is' the, tonne ,of :00 1 11 *OW in the, , "psotisos Miens itis bought. Conno r infrona a Win signifying "Ashur,", froin Wits preparation.', ! 1 , zwitur PADDOCK AND KITH , STAIWYBIWYGis in- F".:lPAKTaatitgompa - Piest awn Orreistron's Barr AND 1400.—The diode of MO a side, made ' lest weak, hal' been duly' orwarded to the stake ' bolder, and the ntrt doodah of £2O a side bee to at Mr. Yankee Welsh's,' Griffin, Oharalt Street, Adlaillgb.'-ModcPaddeek went into strict training >' ~7 p 7 aihis Did i~nertu'e at Jatatharhead . , sa• .o.anipsaian.Whis aid Mend Dan' and at present 1048 the tare pf,yade health and kripurit,y all' ire baits heard, tido • week, it - oarto diat--atettatent regarding is tralatif iw aid we are palltiveky Heigh two ; 1KoP) d .:7- ri. 4 # ol4. i l fi n difte c rolegTiaßkrAgffin ~,.„ffitneir Fianna' , Okrusstrito.—.Thonsinfiluat. ',-, y ik t i;thie"-Linzeil ekliaj -4 ?sksysthiPittetoirieJ64*- ....... , and of-the 20th in., la t e nerd paniiined on To s' ..0_; - 4 1 0. 01 4 1 11,111 14 ., ... 4owle lhknAofighthisnlittli•Priee eaaaseaeadayArtix : popoptok the: skirl .,„yensens-ellidid, tied etated,that the taut anittito. rluteldriAlg: ( Mliftrtaiettilait After: th e ft hfitor, .ar. - 01,0 wows taficagsileafidiale: itfils ' n0d, 4 404,,, do , isinstattanialbrx' salt oat* I kti Astor lotted I , is bask, partileirlitti *hilted, d le - %grid I , l te.ratiatti - dos:,themead dov z are each to keep the pews. • • === REWMIOIIO - 1N; thte PRILADELP2:II:I , OBTI orPttrs 7, 14 to7p coogek Pam on 8 MGR*, Septembel - Moohi Applying for Odrertioed latter* will 21242 lorsittoOfis dateOtt.4,2juit, SY rd. . Ovißkt p0 11 447 . fr4111132 to a n d 2to • ' KAMER' LIST. Atwell E Mtn °teens H__G A nbabit Alice Anthony M -• Gorman nanny Noel Mrs 2 A ngelo hoebe A Geamstly Mae Nirunger . .1 Mrs A Citthe Getheuß A Mum 2 Oliver }Alen Allen Mary 1' Gallnrc.MarY ' :Vibe 1-l imm* hf Armstrong W.G Garry ( Ellen .0" gibe Cant A lig n A4lB l l4o „ 00,0 a per. Roca° D =Vim lla Uregg,Billgh Wilkie Oath ?obverting Clark %Imelda Mergt Paul Ella - Abel Ann 0• - Gurf- Venue - Prenderstrest Fee .alien Catharine Githeneachel Paul kW • Bailey Mrs John Goodman Mn Peralre Annie Baker Altair& A 'Einem. Mrsr. Payson Mary,G 'Baxter !duo. , Green Judy_ Platimburg Ann Stain Clarenoe °Steroid allary_O Porter ?milled HST blew Mrs Joill Hermes Kate FOrter Jame Barton Kate Bart Charlotte Pearson Addle Beerardyll E ' Hersh Emma D Parker t - Renton nary A , Harris Anna Parker Mars. A !pastier Anna EMI Emily A Ralston Lotura .0•_, man Georg a Her Angie %men Fa nnie Bruhameti 11 blame B , lllle J Ray Sarah BaxtstJane Rahn Hannah Rend Rebecca B imar d agreh Ihmalem Addle C Ringueberg 0 Belden Jennie hi p i eslie t tonl, E B Radenfrank Nl'. 41. th ti7hlPreAnni ± Slake Anna 0 Hall Bell uesell_Elizsoeth shoe. Isabella G %mends, Kate' Roach Jane fliddha E A Miss : Hair tens , Ross Anna Brady Anna Hamilton_ Ross Anna Rider 13 I) Mies Hanson CM lo Rees Chao P Mrs Eli Brown Mr. Henry Jane Rose Mary J Bradidtaw g, Harrington Itia Robbins Martlq Braynari23 D nu Role Mary' • gureh Kate' , Mulkey El sa Rtigere Hy airs BMA 'Ffelialtell_ J R., Kodak mma P Burton AEI Mn, • kenekle Zhao. A Rutter J W Mrs Burk Annie Hirst Sarah - - Shade Mm • Buckle. Allll 2 Hill Mary A '- S tyres t• heal' Bornstead Wm Hood Mse Mrs Sheri's' Manila Rev 8 L ihrichinson•Mies Belch Martha . Brodie E Mrs Holmes Jos Mrs , eheldon b E lure B(Oag Wm Mn Rushes A E Bra Emitters Anal entoher Harriethowell,.VarthaS &Mena Sarah Burnett J Mrs Horne anShim). Aunts Brice Oath • • Hannon Cacelja SagginJ.K/Urs 'Braga, Jane 2 Hughes CharlotteßhatlomeaE 11 Hull Fanny Enignarys t. Mrs Sexton Abby Barns Anne Hushes Annie Smith 'ldiot A_ Damn Fidelitt Hoiakink Nettie h Henrietta Burrows Fanny ' Holliday& Ellen • Smith Isaac nre •Corrareraer inane MIMI& Simpson Airs Cents* Marx A • Ingram Rosa Whig Jane 1 ., child. Inn Mre Ivens Mrs Henry amphora h Cain Charm Clam A Ivies litreb tiiteriatal Bar ventilatory Johnson Mrs Jas Smith• Miry M - Carole/WM% D , Elninirden It Aims 0 11thress•Mary 'A Johnson Fanny. 2 'Sullen Tillie, Carmichel Jane Johneon Mars break Mogg , O• rbilman Julia • Jennings Annie Flievletoe 1,14+411 044,Wel Mad - lone; kienrifttAflessin M aude et - Cathart Nate Jelltitle M Miss S hies (drama \ Clifton Ella' Jesting% Blandon th lee 0 Clarke %gnat Jordan PdartA • Bitinfleld Clerel A Mrs Staab Pereelyie Stewart E Miss Cep litenehe r Johnsoa Erasable eunderland .1 COIL wee Mary Tories Bridget Stewart Alice Coleman 43• E 31 Kettle Ma rd T 2 Sutherland <Miss Creighton Oath 2 Knees* 8 ' Mrs • Miles Hannah J Cunnioahant E Kennedy es , Song n Mrs Maly Bridget Kline Emma Sullivan Mat( da C°v i r /* n u m ° ' Kelinu Conrad §limmere Margt Cool eyMary A, • Mrs • • ougunoy Morgt Cooney HE Miss Kerns Jaa H Mrs Stockton Anus E Conover Anna M. Snowier , Merit • Buster Rebecca Couroy Mary Keifer Magd e SR Mot Conoston Ker. Ends. t Starr Sarah u' Quantum Hannah Lookßebeocsßeater 8 h - Iliac Crouch at nna, LintisayEgruna" Summer Mrs Coleman Mary • , Large Mrs Solomon Lai a Cutter hullo G Lee Mary Towns Lucinda Cuter Eden A • lannall Mn, Thompson Max Deeps Emma • lorwreiton CD 'Phompon Anus Be PorrestEmmt. Lewis Farah Truby klennetta Paws Deborah Londaley Planer Triter Jim lira Davis Mary • Long Anna B Twining" Rnoliel ranee, Mr. • laden& Mott • Thomson Mad E Darlinr Byßla Levi. S A Mrs •i - Dottimore 8 Miss Lawiesa 'Finesse Tuttle Elizabeth DirdrMarY Lockers ;Jno MT" Teller Aines Dean Elias Loyd Emily Thomas Bliss Dinneen Mary Mellott! Odd Thomas Elirtbt'li Deonrdoyer al R 2 MuLary Mary Tindallalgn J Dadspas Smelts C • MoDonaah Bet Tiely Catherine Davidson lalaT A McLunily Ad Tern , Mary P Dave Gams. si Mellivern Meet •Vari.Deusen Mary Behan Wm-Mrs MeConnell•Jane Vanterater Mlle Doty Lydia . Mollvaine Loniaa Warren Armlet Dyer Annie McKean M Mrs Weaver found Drum alsrg't MoGonigle Mgt . Warren Cla ra Doyen Ellen C Mtillaughton A What ton aloe Id Duncan It Mrs, molean Emma 0 Washingt o n_ Pie. Doherty mary McHenry M A 2 range Mina Dohnell Mary A Mcßride Ellen Week. Caroline Dos Maria A McCrea Bathe A 'Welt Sallie Doherty Cath'e Mo Laughlin Mart - Watts Jane Dunham L 0 Mu Molianand K W Walker A C '.lies Doherty If Mrs ' McFadden Mre Webeter talus • Donnelly, Mary C McCabe Rose White aliases Dugan Ellen Macbiller Agnes Weaver Antoci Doerr Susan J Marble Elia'th Walker Andy C Du Pin Mrs Martin Mgt Mrs Drum Rosanna lrlanlaff Martha White D M Mies N.venti Ape* a mann. F tare eetajkAradel SHWA M Lout.* Mannting Mrs 'Weth Mary Everitt Sagan F.; Meyer Celia Waters .A. - iss 2 Everitt Fiatorine madmen Sarah A Weaver A ~ re Pitman lane Masterson Mn Walker Satali Evans K A Mr.e, Martin dolga° hitelno Aire !Croons Mazy it Miller Mary White Annie Evils, Bantry Miller Mary A Weaver Bni ma Eldred Anse M r feiteleill Mary E Wilmer Fannie Ferguson Kate B miles Mary.A Mary a Remelt Anna Magas hltz'th Wiggins Mary Penn e y Jennie P Miller Ths Mrs Wilson Mrs Fields Sarah Mitchell al Mrs Williams Ft3OtAleYkr AMi m tchell Mary E Wpso Mary (3 Prost Amelia B' and Mad Wilson Sandi Farrell Amelia • Morriss) , Mary, Widke rs Fisher Mre MoetigOillerf A WhitmerßraMri FortererAmoill Mrs' • • 'Williams at.ry Fullagan Emily 'Mona Wilson Matt Int engin Emma Moore Clara Wilder W Mi, Freeland Martha Mulford Maria L Widener Ann Frey Martha Morris Willie Mrs Wieman Louise Fielding Ella Morgan Louie," Wool colea, Foaranns CL Mier Monett Mr. Wart Dent lire Franklin J 4 inns alurphy_Mrs White Jam ro Glenn Fanny Moloy Mary Whitney Alra Gretna& Mrs Moamar WYE Kant Maggio' Om Kari A Mogridge Mrs! . , GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Aliton D 1 JA Daniels E IL Hopkins Win K Allen Walrus Dayton &Co It Hopkins 'Thna Aiken,'" 11 , ' . tiaras &Co • Boys Dr ' . Allison v K .Dekon Rev W, Hoes Alfred Allen SW Dead Ellin: D Hofer F P Allen Henri Dent 0 Hodges F C Acheson Jae 0 Dern Thom** Hoyle Rid d Allmon &Co T T Duvall Dr Edw Hoskins Ed‘rd Alexander Jai" Dexter JosHoward Sand Allen Henry De Groot BP' Howard Wri, Am & English Dennaton Mas B If opktneon JAN A ems Peter De re 6 W Hooker aAt Alams T 0 De Ynunr Chas Hoptans Copt en Henry R Behind. A CoA II bo n n ier Freda Allen Banton! Di ckerson 1 8 , ' Hold Aligner Armstrong TH 2 • ulleback Capt L Howell K A Arnistrong Peter iok Leonard W Rankin' jar Atwell Geo Dillon Jae Howell A e llen Armstrons 3 W Illtontoer Harry . Howard 3 R Alm- ugh - John Dickson John - Hunt BF ~` - Ash Bros , Donley, .Frnamis Hubbard Leu is H. AuslandFraircis Deinahue Wm . ennt 13 Appleton & Bnyt T Dante H. Ranh Abraham Anderson_Prol 2 - Boron & Hone flutTAmbrobe Atwood wrn F Dowell Jos limehanson Wm Avast & gnaws 6 - Poull Jos ' Hampliry 811 Amnion Pr. - Dohnty Denis Hawkins Mason Austin Chas B Donoghei John Hutton Geo Atwood A • . Donley_ Barney Hutchinson W P Arnold. Valdin Donahue P Hubbard Lewis it Auernemsunge Mown Jas H Hurdle Alfr. al Armstrong_T It Thosooll M. 0 Hyman John - . Batts Sig brio Drake Benj Honey Chas Ball Henry Drury CH Wald Chas Darnels Jag., Duffle L W iredon John BanstuDDiVia D yer Alfred I'VeeJa. Bayley. W H. nopuy H A Jackson A 8 Baer & Brother Ed Scott's WeeklyJaeobs 1, D Barber Gen C FA/ward Chita Jackeon A hi Baker & Barton Ellis Joe D Jackton Jonn Ranks Edward Edwards B F JaoksonJos Barnard John b dear John Jai dine Jos 1' Barns Andrew._ Ed..foron'a,Stand-Jacobs M Banker OW, s •and • - Johnson Louis Barton Francis .Ellison Will 11l Johnson Bann Bartlett W 0 Eckert' Johnson Beni flaughetrn Geo Elliott John C Jones W II 13arunt, Bro & Co Elder W 8 Johnson L W t Barnes I , - 2 -. Ellett J W Johns A Behan W M.l Et tdn Irath'l Jones D C Banks Cam F D Eohenberger R Joeld 1., D Backer &Co it Edminde John Johnson 'Pliei. T ' Bent Sand A 2 Buntline, HermanJoreamen L Chr ' & Co Judd yiorton • I reit ikidc a r E sPe r tgJ C . •D'l:rirthAiZre Jones Wm Beebe J L Evan. 0 & B Jenne, Ed..ti Beim Jll. • .- . Erie John Rain Jae Bellow Louts) . • Everitt Dr Kaufman Jl' Bergin Win - Everest Kornai's Keeler Lewin Bell waiter 0 J''',. - Evers I A - Kerkesilager Be rnard Janne 8 '• Evans ins it 8 , • Be VP B. ' Egnlemder lEI ' Reamer 'Wm %sebum P tt Eonokt Jas Kesaidn A .1 Benner Jult.W - Emma Edard Jr Kelly W 11 1 1-- 14,,siriap - & Co„ Ewing Chas Napped, P:. l Benner Thee Evans &Co D W Emily Theis Borgai Wm .1 - Ezoelnior Hook & Kelt, &co • Bechlor fr - Ladder Co RennedY John Benner Dy R D Erford Amara Relly &Co AM Geou Ferguson Jos D Kenny Peter Biester Henry' ' Pennitatne Et W' K elly !tont 41 ' Bird- 1 3soob Fader Jam '' Kelly Anthony Blanchard Edm Ferguson fc Kelley Thor! , 8110.11/..., Marepeeklr, ' Hennedy &M. Bt sieW BOW'W - raw w J P.: " • Clem ', ' =..........h0e A Fayerwetaer J & Keene Henr ißr iliMs !An A Tara H ers -t O-Mine A trerT , atlMOS'illeGO Rink gland J & B. :At.0. 1 :_ 0,, rePalliffne_L , '• Klmball Myron .11 ITaiiMiwiy ra : toasts E w lEirbaugh & DP- Bond. Or 30 obi whir T_W,. man tkirdniMY Id 2_ ' , Finch F A : King Sarni Boyer ik'fioi Flick Ono Lkinx John.ll RITMO 4.1) t• -- FitscistbAne a Kirspittnok Jag • Brown Al G Flint & Carter - - Hun; Chair Browne .1 Ve ' Fklier & Bro rinox J C Brown Wm - Fisher & Bro King Mr Brown ft Co WinElanegan Ono 'Knapp LM 2 Brawn Jas . ~ Finnegan , Rieh'dEnapp M L iroWn-Lnary. - -', Finney J I) Krouse Albe 7i. rownWoV - . Forsythe Jos P Keeler John a Brown ". - warren H,' '• • tleIC II W , Bnadlord Min .-, Ferrilloll David navy R it Broyles' It 114 , , - forsythe John Lancaster Jon Branner Thom 2 reeborneHeni 1 Lancaster Gnats Brunner &CO W taxer Win Laws Cant K Bradford John 13 French Simnel Ledoux Henry J Britton -leo H " Fritninger ItW Lewis °amt Brolaskey .1 iI Fox RevT - . • Lennere P Broader Ed L Foreman E L J 4 eland Hey Dr Boin John ' Fulton Li C ' Leonard Roht A Breaker ASV C MPiioher Jo 'n 0' ' Learning L NV Brady A 0 • • 'Enema's & CO2 Lee Theodore Bradley Jon W Foss 1.1 , Wilson Leib Rev .1 ir Bradlee- Gleir-M" Friend J , Lewellyn C C ro Bndnell &Co ' Pranks R R Leib Hon Chas Brash J• ' Pons era E L Lee R Y brooks , & 'Kay- Fo.ter & Muoh Leland Chem() ward _ Ford Mason it Lea Al C' . Bradford Ben! n Premr o gl 0 Louis duelist Bruen Pim Fried berry el Leven. Rev to W muds, F Gonfalon to 0 ' Link Wm 0 ' Stuns Chao H ''' Galbraith - Jno Litman' EM end Byrne John ' • Garrison C K Liribsrdt D at Bniler"risoira Garnet 3 W Linn Hugh W Bushnell Ur J B anyone Hon 0 Lloyd Thins fl Byrne John •-• Oallsher 13 i., 2 heighten Geo ' Burton Dr E W Gardiner Wm .1 - Little Samuel ! Byer's , Edmund Gardiner Win Livingston &Co Burnham; Plumb, Gaunter Jet A. Louts Lion & co ' ' - Garver Sr; Doll A Louderbooh Rv A Butotilts Ch's* tannery Lyons Henry Burke Win Gadner A'M , Lower Wm H. , Borah nap Phan' , Gambrill L Loony, Christ' r 1 Cadwallader W Gar on John Ocaresteli Awl* Gardiner Bki Ly'irgie j g s , , • Cale /14: tieilveher Pan Lord 2' ,' CsuirnOn4. 03. D Gartiteon C Jr . tomcat. Campbell Jan Garber nand F. reooror‘ Ni. #.2 CaketerneY Garland Col VP H. Penn T own ,,b,p , Calvert Br • ' " - thinnig Dr 1 ,1 H 'Mo annoy Tryon tudikn) "r . Hera Mathew ithafk,ol John ; Cannon' Ptah ' - Gets Jam MoCallley - Peter Carter John Al Gear Rev Dr L MoUroesen D. Cann M B ".,_ flattens Frank Monroe John L 8 arr Walter Gill J rut ' ' MoAfee John) Carey Hon Jag Ginginger H. C moßerrnett Jae Carte & netta A- + UM. dr. Son Chas McCall Jr, Henry Carr CO ovr , Gideon &new! ' Moßrlde Jet Chose Rif Otlytm Chas 2 McClintock C W Chambers W W Unlinks Jll 2. MoiMnoell Jae Charming Dr try F (Jove Milford MoCorlile Open C Chandlar W W Gomlier John - McLeod Wli ' Chase Edw E fioodnoh Hun .1 L MoLaushlin J'W Chem nertain Oen (MIMS" Pi • MoMul en J" J. - M D Granby Shelton moGonag a Cant Chamber... Tee Graf Wm' Mclntire J N Ohapukiin & Co W Gummy , Geo McHugh Am w it • ' Glarnnel Jacob McLaughlin tar chimer wng ' IMMO' 000 bloFetred Jae Chnemboyough 0 Green Wm Meo6ll7 'At Ken %Vax - amivri l oTill t Bator lln Pat Work Of,. 'Grant Wm, NeGliniser & Son Cloud J - . Gross fr. Richard- John Clark A. 3.. , eon . McManus, Jet Clark Jag , - Grimly 8J.2 Mo varnang &Co C ark N a - Out & non Alo Paul John 0 ark Beni A prewar, Starkey, .o Vey John Clements Jae . 'ft Co " ' McNeill John Clark E A Graham Hob: Mo Wha Jr Henry Clara Thosane ' grooby BE Mayer J.evl tarnrNtr° -#:41:41 . -1 co itilioalS,A 'o:tewagliii,. - iiit , :t.Zurnal of Mallory Co* Joseph' ' earth . Mamard Henry Collins, John Ha see Joe 8 Mallon H P Cohen Bei:ohs...lt i lowell Jona 0 May John Conner Col JJ A nowell Jai el Mason Hold T Corneal & COI ove rman Mr Mann P B f erf e e:. 4 ration, itrizz,?S Martin Gre"r° Manson E AI & Townsend ' • liarris'it C Allison hlatheus Uriah Bi . : , dlinz 106 -v, B t r vo s e B Maynard& Co F 2 Cole Jon ' ' ' Hartl e is n Manningo Henry Greggregg Mageam en Congdon 3H ' Harris Wm 8 Maoknamarts h.l Collins L p Harrill Chan Martinelli J I Cook Mann Hazzard 'ran 0 . Marshall Win M. Casok Wyn n A. lAtuhurs Thou Martin E B Conk '. Niihau Belden March Clement Darnley Runny Hamer C W M axwell Dwane conroy John . Harmear 'dahlia ?atheism David 2 Copeland WA. ~ Basanyat Win 'lreton Jos Ft Cordwamere lib , Halle) 1 3 2 Isfahan. Jail Y Ginty Haskell Wade 2, ' mersii re If, • I Cuntunghont Rio ' Banton Thos Mont T Morris ortunetorobt Harris Mr Mead John Crosson erns ' — Brirgiron Wm W Mer r i c k S Cannir§ ant-Jr lay Alexander Mitohell Mr ' Croat am , ,,, 4 ., ', dory Wins mink (Inas Cain r_O - '' • Ciskei. II It _ Mitchell Novi It CALLUM' TOOM Reeelelt 'rhos el Middleton it 4.6.k0rr0z7(1 - 'lternandexj E ~ Mitehel,W .i . Crawford T o'. Herman ED, , , Mionaner AJ. Croblistc Witt - Healy . 0 P A ' Miller Nathan . rford gaeo A.- Haanne, &Uhl , Miller Aarini 3 Miami .1' W.' , Heath Thad if Miller Den i ' avenport WM - Hester & Pears* Miller & Son Win *raglan/ Jr Fist Etnann i , Aliner ik.,f4tall- , - Harden Chan ' 0:: 113 ' ' mart' • Darling/lents , e, ' Cunnings, Morgan John , Dade Dr Fr - -& Go Oriel& en Davis Robt ',' iiiibtephert Y Anon Pre H . Daly Thee ', • .. Wotan D .13 ' Mallet W L Dimwit I X,Frit,- '' ilton Eli Illubrn rm It W 2 ahem ' ' 111 Thee 0 It"'• , Alvaro 'Frank is Egg , . , Iran .1 ir ,' ' ' •Moore r F . sinDMßpr jAll- , .: , ,, dime Gmy r - , Moore * ' ' rerTar .q * -'' l a retige" • ' irxe4 ilik J , po l i t e Par "I:4'leirtithf IMONiat ANC „ 9 9 • • • - iley Mr - - - . --Robinson Thou W Thompson Wm Aggreili ll 1 htio l i i i Oliver . ' Tga n t a & l 4 lll l '' Montm Me Don Robinson Garret Thome Benj Rafael R Roberts Bente , Thompson N Moss H Honey J Thomas Iron Co Morris Wm.. ', - Roberts 080 I Thomas Henry 0 Moran John T r-Itouse J 6 ' ' Tilghiban Jno A Monehese A Roley Geo If Thomas John Moroney P ROVIMIChas .1 Thompson T Mohoner_Jerry Robinson WH. Th .mas Bhi Murray Evt - Robbins Rev,F 1, Thatcher ?la Malloy Louis , Moot . A R' , • Trisg Wm rIV ' kedge A 8 ~ Rosa Win R , Trie Lambert E Mertagh is ....._- moos pl, hi uldcon Sr win Robison Thou Ins Co Myers Joe Roberts Ashton Trustoq P 2 Myers Mr - Mallen Jahn 'rennin C Myers Eldali2 'Ryon Chas Townsend Isatto Were Henry Sobirnmel John Tompson .8 A Niel & Co Lewis Sailer Thus 'Trowbridge g 91 Neville 0 L „- Smill T , •, Capt 1' Rite R R •' ' ' Schulte F f G Troesh Michael Nom &co Scatter:load I Towner Chas Newlingtyrne' 8004 W 0 . Treptohard Lt SD Norton Moses I Nalkeld C F ' Quill en Ebe Neasaw h redle 800 tJ 11 uerback B Neilson Robt Sehn Geo 8 sillier 8 W Neat! Dr it , .. - Bantneca Isad'e Volhill Sae L Ranh H B ' . tholbner Chat. Vatsey John Newman Alb't 11Bewall Wm J Valentin Chu E Newton Cape J Severn A F &Wit Vernet! les I, Nejtornillit BeAd Bawls &Co .. . - Vanderslot John Oakford 0 Newell Jae hi Voroe'le Joe O'KaneJas 2 Seers Jacob Vidaver Rev Dal Osgood Chen Semple Dr M Walker S it Oliver Geo itreayer A P War Aug O'Connell Dan '! Shields I B Wallace la Christ's' Oven Mr Shear Geo Walser & Sarver Oliver Sarnia Sheaf,' Win Waterman & Co Owen John 18 . Sheppard Jos Walton I) J'l' Own. Jos, Sherman Ca nt H Watts Capt M O'Conner David, Shippen* Rogan Watson 8 V ft O'Neil John P Sherwin John 4 Way te 8 A Patterson Jae liberrard ft . Ward Elias Partridge & Co E Shingler W Walker R 8 Shattuck F El Wallace John 8 Paton Warner 518imonds - H L Walton A J Patterson Jas B Skulls it M Wainer Dr 1) B Patterson Ever't Silver Frank Wallinging 6 hi Palmer L M D' Simpson RCI Weet AC Palmate'' , Theo ringer Christ's Warier David Parker Reg R Slineerland Jno J Water & Koons Pars Rohs' John Smith Dr Wm We iter J 8 Perim! Jos Smith David Wartman 0 D Parker Sell, Smith Sol Wrishburn Rev D Paint Sand 11 . tirnith-& Co W B Warta Robt Po ard A • , Smith Pritriok Wetson Hiram Pekin Tea Co Snitth Norman L Wallace Jae Petra 11 C Smith W 11 Walker Jos C Potent J. Smith Wet H. Wales P 1.1 8 N Peebles Mr Smith & Largay I Wagner Samuel Pease W C Smith Capt H. B Webb Jesse Penn State Di- Smith Capt West Jae rectory Smith Abraham Weller Henry T Pennock 8 & 111 Smith CW& J B Welsh Geo Peters Wm Smith & Panther- Weigh A Phil& Webbing ton r .' ' Wert Jag Go Smith Richard Welts & Co T E Perkins Alfred 3 Smyth Lyman Walden 0 C Phillips Jno H. r Snyder joatta 0 Weiss Marmots! Perktns t.d 11 -2 Studer Jae Wells Daniel Pearce J 11. Snowile , Li 3 5 , o'elsh A Pennock & Co EC Sayd sr David Weller John Pesples'Jas . Ihnerberger J Weller John 8 Pennock & CoSfoil Sprigs 1) • Weinberg J Puke r 'Bradney,SPerisler & Me- Welt Jae 3 , Pitairn John , - Other Wenberg Beni 0 Plumley Abram Stanlned John Weike A A Plunket Thom Stevenson Wm White Wet B Porter Henry . /Roarer J F White Jade') R Percher John Stone Wm White John Patinas B Street Henry T Whitacre Win Poroher Edward Stewart A White &Co Poack Wm 8 Stewart Chas W Minton Wm Popper Dr Stanton Hon FP Whorls) , Stephen Price Emanuel Steelman Jos j Wind's H L Principal of Palle Eiteintbat Rev B Williams Chas 8 Law School . Stewart P W Willi & CoA T 9 Pratt Dant RP Sultana Jet 11111011 G N Price John Stoma Jacob J 'WS hits Semi B Pratt Jlt Steele &Co Jae Wiaitthas aCo W Preall AnillW J Sterne Emtl . .. - -. .. - .. Palperd Geo Stout Frank Wisler T H Purvis W C riteseneon Jno B Wilstrek L Puling' of Wash Strawbndge Geo Wilson &Co T Everett Stevens Thom F H. Pubberra Belem Stewart P D Winemore 8 J Publishers Stedman 311 Wilson SB lsmehte ' Stephenson, Roy- Wilton NI P Pugh Reainold er R Co Weinman J Pyfers &Co Strong henry K Woodbridge I Ranson ti L Sutton R T K Raymond Wm Sullivan M Word 'Hamilton Raibon Eeter Salle tenger .Trio E Woodward C li RainaY'tilbal J . Southland Silas Wood H. 8 , flathliohe J H tullivan Jno hi WOOllll Win Rankin i: B Taylor Rev M. Wool 1 homes Rathmell Ezra Tebbets John Wolden Wm B Reed Mr or Min 'fate Salmon Woreley Thos Beyer Chae Terrell Irl L Wolfley Wm Remo Chas Talbot C H Wood Samuel Reeves P P Taber Conn Wood Geo Jr Reynolds Jesse Tedr Daniel Wolf Leonhard RetarJohn • 'rotor lonooh Wright William Rebstook L Taite Joe G K .. • Riddle C . • • Tama Chas E Young & Wat- Rioh Semi It '1 hornton H L eon Bibelot Jos Thomas Rev W C Young Lewis Renerk Wm Thomas Joel Young J Rink Wm 8 hompeonJ L Young Besse Richards ft Thomas Edw B Youmans Israel Richardson, Ba- Thomas Wm F Young Wm mins & Co 1 hompeon 1, P Zell Ellwood Richardson Wm Timme E d Zeller Lewis Riddle Robt Thomas 1,. J B Zell Christopher Rockaway Wm Thompson J L It N. B. BROWNE, P. M. IMPORTATIONS. 11.1qoprted tor The Prestr.7 711 rtritattlCO—Bark Imperador-7761 bag( augAr Lewis k Damon. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. EDWARD B. CLA 4E.E. HARRY 4.1( , N8AD. # COMMITTxxas rxZMem WM. L. REHR, LETTER EA.GIS At the Efeicluznts' Exchange, Phdade(phis. ship John Trucks. Lindsay ------ —Liverpool, soon Ship Tuscarora. Dnnlevy.....-- .--. Liverpool, soon Ship Gov Langdon, noon Bark Donn Anna , pool. soon Bark Alex MoNe'ill. Bomers.---......Liverp001. soon Bark Jon Maxwell. Davi5......... Lasuarra, noon Bark Bea Efts le. Kenny Havana, noon Bark Elizabeth J. Foulkes ----Port an Spain, soon Brig Mary E Milliken. Norden.-- —Cardenas; noon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PURI( OP: PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 24, 1860 BUN masa— 2-BUN BETS___.- 660 11.:GH WATER.- - - 10 19 ITUDZI U 8 M steamship Heyetone Rate, Marshraan, 50 hours from Charleston. with mdse and passengers to Alex Heron. Jr. Passenjore—S P Moseley, Airs Graves, G tt C A Greiner, servant, and child, Samuel H Babe, and Bin steerage. Beet 20. at Ileg A M. in Charles ton harbor, prised brig Samuel W elan, of Philadelphia, bound to sea; at 2.45 P .0. 46 miles north of Cave Roman. Passed steamship Columbia. bound 8; on the 2lst, at 2.4 t P passed steamship State of Georgia, hence for Ba variatth. Bohr Lewis Mulford, Doyle, 6 days from Boston, with Pleader to It Witmer. Bohr to leg Thomas. 2 Mum from Turner', Creek. with oats to Jae Barrett k Son. . . . . . Bohr ,Itompopas,_liersughn, 2 daya from St Georges. / with grain to Jea Black. Bohr Farmer Deputy, 2 days from Milford. Del. with lumber to J H MoCmley. Bohr Empire, Marshall,6 days front Boston. in ballast to Tyler, citrate & Co. Bohr Chrattopber Loeser, Laws, 4 days from Bolero, in ballast to Nevin, Sawyer & Co. Bohr Geo Fates. Nickerson.6 days from Providence, with indite to Crorr A t...ollins. Bohr Z Stratton. Webb, from West NewbOry, Bohr B A Taylor, Dukes. from Providence, Bohr A Bumper, Ayres, Irom Lynn. Bohr T P erred, He and, from-Amon. titeamer Josephine, Green, 22 hours from New Yorki With Inds° to W H e n Baird & Co. , Steamer P rn, Sidell.l4 htitirs from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. Steamer Vulcan, Morrin, 94 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird A Co. - Steamship Roston, °maker, N York. Jae Allderdiae. Steamship Arizona, Smith, New Orleans, Bishop, Si one R So, Hark Inna,Wortingsy, St Croix. Fri Tete. Brig Thos Walter, titorth, bt Harts, Jauretohe & Car tons. S.r Palmy. Wicks, Charleston, D S Stetson Jr Co. Sar Theresa .o.Bmith. Wilmington, NO. Dolor & . . sod; ; Georeittorrn, DC..I Street En Co. Bodr Amos, V eb t t 'sle Blnnick."2 & 61° " r. Z 8 trat . averhill, Van Desert, Nor ton & Co. • • • Bohr Riohard Thompson. Lloyd. Boston, do Bohr R onlatueh. Bartlett, Norwich, do Bohr C Franoes. elynatt. Baltimore, co Bohr 8 A raylor, llakee,Weetdatton, Noble. Rani . ett & Bohr fr 1. King, Leeds . Riehmond, T Webster. Jr. Behr Empire, Marshall, Houton, Tyler, _Stone & Co. Bohr C Loeser. Laws. Boston, Nevin,Sawyor & Co. 80ty T Lerned, Ireland, doeton,l, Audenrted & Co; Ste R Willing `j Clay Imola, Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. . thr J Jeromeerome, Alexandria. & o,T Webster, Jr Btr Novelty. Ely, New Yore. W M Baird & Co. BAILED. Ship Zered, AloGonegle, for Londonderry, left Queen street wharf on Saturder, atB cielook 1!, M.,in tow of tug J F Starr. kler cargo consists of Sll,OO bushels corn, 2,000 bbl. Sour, and 60 ekes mdz e-70 steerage pan -1901)getl. Steamship Arizona, Smith, for New OrlearL with the following 'massagers: L Ruoh lc lady, V i m Lyon., Jno Wtl.on, Geo smith, B Cowry, and 4 in steerage. tll?rresPondence of the Philadelphia likohange,) - LEWEd, Pol., Sept. 30. The mire yesterday'prevented any communmatien with the harbor. 1 4 .%keet reported in my last lefties,. terday for their rem Ave destinations. A bark came in yesterday morning, supposed to be the Imperador g she proceeded np the bar this morning. A bark and three harm bngs went to sea yesterday, the bark sup Posed to be the Pathfinder. Wind west. Years. ice., .N. W. HICKMAN. I MEMORANDA. Dam Stenams h2lstinp st. Phineaa Sprague, Matthews , hence at tiostimsh • Malan, s from, Liverpool at h lest, via Halifax arrived at New York 91st teat, Asap Gu lden Light, Vaughan, for this port, entered for loading at L.vetpool o.th inst. ship Flora, from Callao for New York, wee spoken in la t 11 88 N. lona% 10 W.—no date. Ship Stephen Glover, Blatbon, cleared at Boston 21st linst for Ceylon. ship 'anthem Cross, .Wm Boston for Ban Francisco' was spoken 17th ult. fat 17114 8, lon 85 47 Vf frnIP&ITA Ii , 74: and Panther bark and 2 s Igitealtrilidt: 'Li * orders, chip, Caroline. E Tooker, Congdon. from Macro, ar rived at New York 22d inst. Ship Messeager. Menton, for Hong Kong, cleared at New York 22d inst. Zanzibarren Hallett, Ballet, from Boston Itth at July 12th—would sail on the 19th for Mus cat. Bark Hugh Barclay, Chadwick, was at Buenos Ayree tarn July for New York. Bark Caroline Ellems, Enema, hems at Portland 28th arkeilatirston. White. from Buenos Ae roe , eielve'd atigew,Yrsrlalst inst. o taa l i a luttinitga it , oleared At Wilmington, N -W at ari Arabdir )Ninon, th , arrived at Halifax 18th .' • ; ; , Brag Miler, Brooks. for Philadelphia, was all. vertmed at Ch_erieztoc Xte mgt. Brigs W Saner and W J Treat, hence for Boston, were at Holmes Hole list inst. Brig Catharine Rogers, henoe at Gardiner lath Dust and *ailed tam for Boston. ling G W Woodruff; Robinson. from Dighton, for thiti port, at Newport 28th inst. Bahr George st. 'fade, Adams, went to can from Charleston 19th _instant for Philaylclphia; has been re ported, cleared Ter Wilmington. Pi C. Bohr David Faust. Moslander, for Philadelphiti, cleared at Wilmington. N C. 20th instant. Bohm Frances Newton. (MSS; Polly Priori, Adams; G W Rowley, Rowley; J Vanes, Burden,. B N Smith, hmith; an M B Mahony . Lake, henoe for Boston, were at Holes' Hole 20th instant, BA M. Sabra Willow Harp, Hulse; Isabella Thompson, Cor son; Minnesota, Por; A Cordery , Babcock; Snow Blake, Weaver; R Bohannon, Marts; I. A Damen hower, Miller; and Richard Valor, Frink, from Boston for Philadelphia , were at Holmes' Hole 8 A M 20th met. Bobrs Samurai Rotan, Gandy. hones for L_ynn; J Fee der, Jr, I. Ilingsworth. from Baintree for Philadelphia; Gilbert Green, Weaver. and Black Diamond. Smith, froth Lynn for Philadelphia, and David smith, Doug lass Iram raison for Philadelphia, were at Molt - nee 1i01i5..210 instant. Bo lfr Feliherldee, Hamer. from Calais for Philadel phia, arrived at Holmes' Hole Hill instant; had been in collision the previous night off stioveliul light boat, with lien J Jones; had water ways started, five stanch ions and rail broken, and larboard tore shrouds carried a li z otr Sarah Lavinia, Fort, for Philadelphia, sailed train Providence 21st instant. Bahr Fanny Boardman, Crocker, hence for Rockport, at o.oucester,X)th instant. Bohr Vendovi, Bray, from Hillsboro', N 13, at New York, NKr rest. Bar Jno Crouch, Henderson. railed front Newport 29th tort for thtkoort. Bohr Enaellne Haight, Beebe, from New Bedford for this port, at Newport, 2lst inst. Sohr Richard Borden, Arnold, called horn Pall River, 19th Met for this port. Bohr ItrtahurP, Charm, train Boston for this port, at Newport 19th halt and remained Plot. itutt Baur dlarr ft Mifflin, Book, hence at Pawtucket 20th ant. &Mrs Ann Blake, and Montanans, Blake, hence at Portland nth inst. • Bohr hie of Puree, French, hence at Providence 20th initan t. • • Nohr L Riesied, At is, for this port, sailed front Pro , Menem 20th net. • Bohn Barah Viark,-Eirilfln, Belem avid Smith, gime. for this port, &tiled from /lith hat. Satire 814 Croaker, Presoreg, and Albeit Field, gilled from Tanntorilgth Met for this port.. • • • • Plehr Wllll If Dennis had completed repair; at Newport 1981 ,net, and won't' sail for this port font fair Yrdid The crew of the New i ork pilot boat I L/ Jones have been awarded $929, by the owners of sohr Francie Smith, for taking that Velleel into Newport, they paying' their own hula for towage, &d• • COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. VOPA*rNER§HIP.—NOTIOE—I have RON, tue ltettgral Livery.ols and oAanjuiße Eftilda 44µsitiOts.„' . , Bas..,'RClr4l9l l .N, g l i a t i er IgNartif I.ldtiAllge 11aonitsk ..10,to* i qua o BfQlll/%1., meet* NAN. comrpriugs, E AND TRUST COM , ' MUTUAL LIFE, Armle INISU- EpSTNUT Streetts, L4hide tarn; of Jife—grants inaheiree iltri interests in I oontlsots depending on the AdminietrstOrs, Assignee., USES, Samuel E. Stokes, Witham Martin, James MoFsrland, Jogai:di-R. Trotter, James huaton, Vie°DhiliP LIFE y INSURAN _4OOO Art.fllll4 Atras comPOY• 0 1 $937691.62. t iNSIJit Al „laves to.tlii annuities anel•mullostulenu. peel Estate. an 4 yotkils,Al oontinsenoies of Li e. • They not as - P.Uenutorei Trustees, and Guardians. _ Tit 1161 Motel L. Miller; Ilenemin Co,ateei p,ie l Wil I I t l a r4 m 1. 11 .. . i K eft c a l ; K e rn, Samuel 411.13 Y, Charles Hallowell. Henry itodrileltC. T uaKowa ntnsend, William H. Carr, P. V. Dutton. William Jtotrertson, Warner M. RIIBI[I. P.M. Mich] DANIEL Daniel L. Hutchinson. John W. Bomar, Ellis B. Archer, Samuel J. Ohnstisn, Joisepn IC Thorne,, John O. Brenner. ler, Easton. L. MILLER, President, typoEtS, Vies Pre, t. talc. aulB MMIIM AMERICAN ' FIRE INSURANCE CO., ANCUPPILATED 11110—CHARTER No. 610 WALNU'rStreettaboye Third, Philadelphia. thappe a lame paid-np mutat Stook and Surplus In vested in sound and avai tde_Seardities, oontinue to insure on livrellinesCret, Furniture, Marobandise, Yawls In Port and eir .ourgoe prom pt ly Personal PronertY. All losses ran, and adjusted, DIMICTOI/11. nag. li. Marts, John ra.elWll, VA 1111,1°. h. James Campbell, Folmea4 0. Diana, FtWiet Chas. W. l'oultneT, Israel Morris. THOMAS R. MARDI. Prelndeat t ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD. Seoretart. fell-u d)UAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPA NAN NY—FRANKL IN BUILDINGS, 40d WALN_IIT entEET;I4IIII,A ELPHIA. OAPITAI, AND SUR PLUSJ/359,746.70. wree against Lose or Daznare by Fire, and the PCIIIIII of the Sea, Inland Narigation and Trandeortation. OEORGI: H. HART,Tredident. K. P. RUSS, Vieo Preindent. H. H. COOGSFIALL, See'y 1111 , 1 TreWat K. H. BUTLER, Aunttaut ileotetars. Alf REOTOII.3. . Y. EOIMIII, *ger &Perkin', Andrew It. Chemb• - tismual Jona., M. D., 3.radl-t.f deorie U. Hell, A. U. Outten,' E. RE. Bailer H. It. Coggeh . all, Eton. H. M. Fuller ANTHRACITE -INSURANCE COMPA NY.—Authoriged Capital 8100,1100—CHARTER PERPETUAL.- Office N 0.911 WALNUT Bgreef, between Third and Fourth Street, Philadelphia, This Company will insure ageinet tore or damage by Fire, on iquldingri. Furniture, and Merchandise gene rth, Also, rine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. lnland Insuranee to all parte of the U 1310131 DIRECTORS. Jacob Esher, Jos h Maxfield, D. Luther, . hieorge &ken, L. Audenned, John R. Elakiston, Davin Yeemion. VP .Reap, Peter liieger, J. E. Uautu. JACOB ESHER President. WM. F. DEA N, Vice Preedent. W. M. 8111TIII, Secretary. ang-tuthstf TAE EtitTERPRISE ' 60MPANN AB PEILADEpIIiA. (FIRE .1.14191JRA1i01.1 iMOLVRIVEL'h) Ilio/UTANysS BSIT.DINs, S. csn.N.ss pouR.T.N. AND WALNUT STREETS. 1D1R134415811. 1 . 408.0,115at.t.. Davesex, 3950. D. ftwi.R.T, Jowl( - lii ovia, B. A. BAUR Egroca . AItDREW D. Caen, J.1..1. EADona. ORD B ARR. President •Te4Ary. - fon F. IKA.TREITIDED WILLIAM MOICKI* tiALBRo FltArtliti • ' , JOHN M. ATWEIDD, NEW. T. TREDICK, HIRAI WRAEltri tieronv CHARLES W. PDXE . B. D ELAWARE MUTUAL-SAFETY IN RURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATEDEX THE LNIA BO:MATURE OF PENNSYLVA: 1436. OFFICE S. E. VILNEfi, . AND WALNUT . Streets, Philadelphia. 'MARIN B 1 NbORANC.F. ON.VBSSELS, CARO°.• • To all parts); the World, FR41011.; /NIL D'INSURANC.F.S. On Goods, by River. Canals. bakes, arid Lend Carriage to all parts or the Union Plll BANNI.I RANCE'S On Melohandise generally. • On Storeet 1/welling Romietkato. - • ASSETS OF THE C'IMPANY, November 1, 1657. Fe,. l , Marker Value. 123 too Philadelphia Cilia' :F r emit. Leah, . 8123 060 00 100,000 Pennsylvania State 6 oept. Loan, ataya c) 21,000 Paupxylvapla Brats 6 cent. Loan., 21.000 0.1 20,0(N) B. la TreaturYo.4o •Bs cent.' Notes and Intergat 964g3 54 880.000 V. B..l'relueury 6.1 P. oenr. ti and ßole interelLdne ..... 00 $36,000 Teinporary to; the bay ... 26,00000 $50.000 Fenn a sy y lv a a e n a ia t. iii;oanildritatid_3d_Mii.rt.g.e.ie 4,1700 00 600,0 1 0 North renuarlvanis Railroad Mort gag6 6 V cent. Bonds.-- . 12,60 0 CO $14.000 Went PhiladelphpiPassenger Railway company 7 4ls' at. coupon Bonds. 13,600 00 $16,060, MO elates stook Germantown Gag COMParg, interest d pnimpal guarantied by the oily of Phila delphia. . . 000 no acooo. 100 .hares daiya. * 85,0e0, 100 ihrA l s . fec a o4liVin ' iniYlVilifiiiiiiilroad 2'775 00 Comp• 350 00 313X 1 0 Shares Pluladelabialcia Boat and S team Company, Pfinanalphia. and Savannah. Steam Ammgatio4 Com- • Pan,. °dean Steam Navigation , • tlononanY. Philadelphia , and Havre de Crane Steam Tow Boat Company. PkuLadelphis Exchange 2.21000 se° 8408,718 St Bonds and Mortgages. and Reel Eetats. Of floe ........ 75.383 3.5 Mlle receivable for Insaneness made.........1.81.09b 69 Balance des at Agencies—Premiums e a rine Policies, interest, and other debts due the Com pany. --- —• -- • 6 6 , 66 1 66 Berle and stook of sundrTinimiencecorn cash on Deposit in 8ank....,—.—. DIRECTORS. William Martin', Samuel E. Stokes, Edmund A. Solider, J. F. Penlaton, Theophilair Paulding, Mears Sloan. John R. Periroie, Edward Parlingtoll, John C. Davis,. M. Jones Brticke, James Tragnmr, etteneer MI lvaine, William AS3 ra, Jr., omas C. Hand, Ulnae C. Hand, . WithaoLO. Laftwitr, obsrt Burton, snob P. Jones, j P07. 6 1t. h r.f.. rut i t'on , .:,,ames I s M'Farland, George C. Leiner, 'ITT 1, 14474: 1145 4.g Ilugh.Craig,_ . T. organ, - Charles }Celli, a. B. f terser, .., WILLIAM MARTIN, Pregident. THOS. C. HAND, , Vioe President. HENRY, LYLBURN, Seorstort. ' tild.wlni TN SURANON COMPANY OF TEE •■•131 , 4T CP PENNSYLVANIA _—VITIE AND MA EINE • INSURANCE— Nos. & MID A EXCHANGE BUILD NIGS d i . Charteren BlB—Cavital 41100.0*—Assets, January 1,1869.5347,446 6G-109. • • AU invested in sound and mailable seourthee--oon tinue to insure on Vessels ead Cargoes. Iltuldtage, Stooks of Merohandlog,AM. on liberal terms. DIREOTORS. Henry D. Sherrerd, George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby, • salon& Grant, Jr., CharlesMaoalester, ToUuts Wagner, William S. Smith, Thscam B Wattson. John B. Dodd.' 'Merry G. Freeman, WWI= R, White, ChM., B. Levi". _ GeorsbC. Green. HENRY D. SILRILEED. Fresident, WILLIAM 'HARPER, Beorebry., isA-w mt RXCIELANGE . INSURANCE - CVEPANy ILA —office Nib 49a WALNUT Street. Wit& INSURANOE on Home/ and ilfeyehandlee generally. on favorable termer Cher halite.% or ger getned. ' •• ' Jinwinlab Honlah, DIR . Ecrr i Er:a . rd n ' c i . lo - it ha,tll. , John 4/. Ginnodo, fir s /VAin hub - Joshua T. Owen Thorne& Marsh. ' Semi. L. Smedley. Jo& 'l l ittrialf:ezinte. Pr at ipi" BOVSAtio /'reisdeat. igiux 14) MN 0 0. Vas Piteeilela EDWARD W. lIAVID. PeAretArt r . ohm wfinti SAVING FUNDS. "A little, but otten, fUU tioltriai." 4RANKLIN SAVING YUND, No. 136 Routh FOURTH StreetAetween Chest , nut and Walnut, Philadelphia. pays AU Deposits on demand. -, Depository' mosey secured by.Goverameut, stets, end City Loans, Grounditente, Mort [ sasr, &a. 1 T s company deaths safety hetet that large Pro Is, trotieertuently will nut no rink With' dope *telt', ORM): but have it at ell times ready to II retuntwithp er Gent , interest, Ire the owner, ue they vs always done. This Oempany never tunny el.. : ied d=trihgeurawn or et w oe'dmV, iec,at 'gf' be watixdrawn ONLY by their s ontent. Clutter perpetual. inoorporated by tie State of rOtllleYll Sada, with authority to mei,* awn ., train trustees and exeftort, -. ' 1411.0 h. AND NIS L MIMS . fS , OF , IVIIP. Offloe open daily, rOm Ito 3 o elms, end on Wednesday (welling wail do'clook. DIitECITONA Jacob ne i t i a 6 d heonon, Or ko n i a r s te C i llaßtdor. smelt V. 61 , oarki dward T. Ratio Ina Krumb car, 61117Delany, Mellott' Itltteuhcrese, athaltamedleY. twit; Oatterthintite,_ lone% Yorker, _ MOO W.l.4ppitioott. li 11. SHANNON, Preibieht, Orates ULDWALZAVIII. Wrealairer. fty2B-v " A polies aaved IN twice earned." SAVING FUND—FIVE PER °ENV 114. TEREST.—TIATIONAL SAFETY TR 1 , 0/__COAI• PANT, WALNUT street, southwest corner of '.l/ri I SD Philadelphia. Incorporated by the fitste of Hnnzyl , vents. Money a o tb r e gin d tl y i, o l tw d li e vi 3 rt lY th ed e d in ay an oi E d u e:o6 , it to draw Thar/lion . ar/lion fa open arm day from nine o'alook It VI! 1110TUng till five o'qlook 1n the evening, sod on ?Sendai and Thursditi p „id nt. tin/1 131tLPRID(YE r Pres.rdent WILLIA.m J. RIND, P eorebtry. initiov . ong 1 • • 11. cm. Henry L. Benner, k. Carroll Bremner Reward L. Carter, Jeleph B. Barr Robert Selfridge, Prancer Lee, !Sauel K. Aqhten. Joseel Yorkeai m Landreth idunne, Jame/Rteph,oulea. only is reosived and Daymente made Mot. hetnvettmentaare made, In omformity _with the ortaleaa of the Charter, in Real Etote nortgagea round Rents, and euoh firat-etaaa Beouritlema will al are insure portent seeerity to the dawn/tett, and Cleft cannot Thal to give permanency and itabilar 14 ■ liistitiltlon• SAYING FUND—UNITED STATE TRUST COMPANY, oortter THIRD snr.CUIEr NUT Street. Woe. amd smell came reoeivet Weld? Kt 4e. '?ites l r w artre ' dl4Vr h af,gat tothCd e , thede, .1 dritrhouro,fronn sntil 6 O'olook evert day. ond oo ISONDAX EVERILIASS from f until 9 o'clook. DRAFTS for saloon Snolond, Ireland. IA amiss& from LI upwartx. Provident—STEMMA - R. CRAWFORD. Tromuror—JAMES R. HUNT ;R. FUMY FMK. Aotosrv, iiEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT POI THE IN CIT Y , APO 000PTY OP PRILADELIIIA. Plante of REBISUOA 'PLET CH SS, de00117116 The Auditotatitted by the Court to lied, mettle , and adjust th teteental e.eoount of t 3. Ilk PIA. I . ,T . l ta egtif ir p w t hlii. Y sroutorp of (Ibsen' w l i in . t t o report distrlbuttot of the baienoeou , e a patties intetostedfoythe Ylhrt ° r 6 l4o ' ' A I ltrg l . ' eViel n i' Al' eN DA l Y ett i l 9 i Nor • ,_ i, 1. . - . M., a o. oft SIXTH Street, I' h. adelp Ift, Vai-irttliWst - ROBERT M. LEE, Auttor. COAL. aENILTINE EAGLE, "VEIN COAL—Pure, 'LI., Hord. Bright, and (kleesy, 004i', it not superior to now Lehigh Corti , sold. ; Egg , ROI° MUM Car 'Der ton.' Lange Net inn& Call and examine, or . Rend your orders to ,131tApl$4,114`8; 4:OAL Dr POT, ALLOWHILL etrett; third yard above Broad stoet. • • pHILADELPRIA: 'TERRA: 00rl'A RA 4', NutAgrovie f rinu and egghbriNTGAP toed an 1.010 E Nur Ntreet, PltriPed Pllti ene I NaterTiee k li Ventl &tine Eines. Hot.AtriFlue , i4S , FlnttrOquetreleap ,tip'ette.Otte, and ot on table se OY , eery waft ot bat diner. This artiole lelenv,oo attention of all partiell pUttillk_ UP VIIII/JUIPP, MCP me sowerage pipes for otty eraieele, wator toPq n #l. ranted to stow! &sipper* pressure. We ese now pre Ol i. to oontraot with_gitioa or oorpOrstione for this fL ler (muggy; _We werraßt'our goods ti) be aqua . not tponot, to any, other, made in th untied etatte or 'amps. ,Vrqopitoticet;. C4inwey , Fops end 0 11. 11 Wu. ' A T , A 13,437104; "PsloEB.l)Og n OF . 1 - 41 . ITEssftvEti, MAO tivair athe out liwdawnoes, Mosa gat, mwET Weft • • • • T HE ONLY PREPARATION - THAT SAS STOOD THE TEST OP YEARS, AND °ROMA Milan AND 31011 T0PM,A.11..31,3 8. 9 DAY. And testimeni&p. new. and almost without number, might be tPden.uont ladles and gentlemen Inell grades of sootety. whose united testimony none oodld • remet, that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative will restore the bald and.graY, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in ail lb Youthful twenty I Ils.yriu Penne. Mob., Deo 21,1858. PROD. WOOD: Thee wiht element &meet a. lino to in form them , that the hair on m 9 head all fell or over twenty Team ago, mimed by a complicated °tyrant° die ease, attended with an eruption on the head. A con tinual course of suffering through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, I have not been able to obtain stuff for cape, neither have I been able to do them up, InConsequence of which my head has suffered extremely from cold. , This induced me toPaY. Mogan tr. noilgee almost the last cent I had an earth for a two dollar bottle of thy, Hair Restorativeibout the let of August last' have faithfully foil Dire the directions, and the bald spot le now oovered Wit hair think and black, though short; it is also coming in all titer my head. Feeling confident that anortieflarge bottle wodlii restore it entirely and permanently, I feel anxious to persevere in its use. and being destitute of means to purchase any more, I would sag thee if thee wouldat not be willing to send me an order on thine agents for a bottle, and receive to tuyeelf the Peripture deolaration —" and the The reward pia."s to those that are kind to the widow father le Thy friend, BUSA.NNAH KIRBY. Tito OPIUM Noble 00. Indiana. Feb. 0, 1889. FRO , 0. J. WOon Dear Biri f in the latter P.M of the year 1881 . while attending the tate and National Law Bohool of the Mate of New York my haft, from a cause unknown to me, commenced falling off very rapidly. so that lathe abort epac , of six months. the whole Met part of ray Neale was aimed. entirely berth of its corny. ins, and much of the remaining portion upon the aide and back part 01 my headatiortiy after became gray ; ao , that you will not be surprised when I tell you that, upon ' my return to the State of Indiana. tar more mutual no quaintanoen wore not eo much at a lour to discover the pause of the cheese in my apPearanoe, at m more ln- U r " "q"lnian"l wee on t°7""nile ma at"' etettee made entitln to the mo s t Atl fat phyal- Mans in the country, Mit. receiving no astigranoe from them that nay haircould again be restored I was forced to become rationtaled to my fate, until fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1887. your Restorative was reoommendcd to me by a druggist, as being the most reliabm Hair Restorative in me. I tried one tittle, and found to my great eatll faction that it was producing the desired effect. Bunco that time. I have iced seven dol. lare' worth of your Restorative, and as a result. have a rich coat of very soft black hair, welch no money can La As. a mark of my gratitude for your labor and alail in the production of so wonder`ul an article, I have Tetuan mended its use to many of my friends and acquaintan ces, who, A em happy to inform you, are using it with like eneot. Very respectfully, yours, A. NI:LATTA. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444 Broadway, and gold by all dealers throut h oot the world. .The Rasiorative ur put U 9 in Bottles of three albeit, viz: large. medium, and all; the small holds half a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle ; the medium holds at least twenty per °est. more in proportion then the •mall , retails for two dollar. a bottle; the large holden quart, 4d per cen t more in proportion , and re tails for A 3 a tottle. 0 ./‘ WOOD tr. CO, Proprietor' , 444 BROADWAY , New Yol , end 114 NI ARKe.T Street, Sr. Lows, Al o. And sold by all good Druggist" and Fancy Goods Deal er.. • sold bore by DV'Ol7 Br. C0.,232 North SEC&N I.) street. aut.S•mwf d-eowwtt MOTHERS. MOTHERS. MOTHERS. MOTH hitd. MOTH h It must be obvious not only to you. but to every atten tive and Intelligentrierson. that the ?kit diseases of in fants arise chiefly from a disordered condition of their bowels, and in thlsoonnerition we present to your notice for the alleviation and ours of theme diseases a remedy known as • DR. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL. Prepared from a formula used by Dr. Eaton with re markaNe 11110001111 during several rears! practice, we know It to be a most reliable and edienoicus remedy for infantile complaints. and one trial atone will convince you of its superiority over every other preparation of the kind. It particularly recommended, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, And at this period of infantile life. 'when ?sour anxious heart., are pained by witnessing the auderir of lour little ones it will be fond invaluable in S telling the Gurus, Reducing laßammation, nd Re letting nil Pain. For DISE!, HES ATTENDING TP,RTHING', suoh an Diarrhera, Dysentery, oripies in the Bowels, Aridity of the Stomach. Wind, Colic, and Cold in lie Head, we confidently offer this as a certain relief and cure in every DM , when given in time. it will invaia.,- hly regulate the stomach and bowel., and its importance in this tesPeOt can hardly be estimated. IN CONVULSION 4. from which more infants are raid to die than from any ether disease, the little sufferer le relieved inetania. stoutly, as if by memo; and in this dread complaint alone. its intrinsic value is such that it has teen recom mended from one family to spottier. until the name of DR. EATON'S INFANTILK CORDIAL has become " familiar as a household word." We now ask our at tention to a subject of vital interest to youreelt, as well as to your enrerins ohtld. Dr. Eaton's Infantile Cor dial contains NO MORPHINE OR OPIATE . _ of any kind, or of whatever nature, 1 .6 r a fact teach . we art fully warranted instating cannot be said of as v other preparation for infantile diseases, at thil s erms before the pub/ie. - VI We find that throughout_ the country, Moth ere are becoming convinced of thi l and of the sad and blighting consequences which are oertain to result from the use of narcotic,' disguised in the form of quieting remedies; their continued adlllin tstration being invariably followedbY atuPefactiou, and oonstipation of the bowels coding oftentimes In con volsione. Herein DR. EATONOS INFANTILE COR DIAL differs from every other remedy. It DOES NOT CONSTIPATE the bowels, neither does it act by deadening the sensi bilities of your ohildep, but nature ly, through lie rare medicinal qualities. by removing 611 pain and cause of dieeage. We earnegly recommend you, therefore, to Mee no time in procuring a bottle. that you may have at Mead a remedy windy will never fail to relieve your child in time of need. It ts ;Weeny harmless, and can not injure the most delicate Vet. Take none but Da. HATO '8 INFANTILE COIL DIAL,. This you tan rely upon. Price 25 cents per bottle. . • Prepared only by CHURCH k DUPONT, No. 409 BROADWAY. New York, And sold by them. and by all reepootable Drneetera. by DYOTT kCO . aul-mwf-eow 232 North SECOND St.. Philadelphia KW", STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA TENT OVER.STRINO GRAND PIANOS. SQUARE ,GRAND. AND SQUARE PIANOS. pow serlessee, in eoncerts and Dlti private eiroles by the beet ormers. Reoeived the tint premium' over the bret em, from judge, I.ke Gottschalk. Mason. and others. Challenge ad competition. BLASI tie a RUTH ERA. de-ly 1006 CHESTNUT Street. 3,203 00 -- 67,000 31 *801,666 V Nei PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS PIANO-FORTES._ DIELODEONj3, YI FORTE 6. hIEODEON9. Made by Raven. Bacon. & Co ., Minns & Clark, Ils.lle °emu. Q Co., and others. J. R. COWL IL BEVENTII and (MEHTN WWI /JAMES BROS.' OVMSTRop,IO .. chimiiiis r e A2l ;P• ( IC I ] . " ALL? frldiv"ViTegi assortment° Leis XIV.. and other atylex. for ,* l o a Featorr (;ash Prete.. %nd warranted for a yearn. Heoon4-hand fianoe for leagand to rent. ()BORON L. NVALIMI, B. E. Cot% of 118 V I. lent and RQId Bt. PRINCE tr. CO.'B Improved hiELODEONO, from eta. uwanada. htt 9m NOTICE.— APPLIOATION UA S BEEN 11 made to the auditor fierier& of the state of Penn, sylvania for the renewal of a Certificate of Penns, Iva roe Maio Loan, par am of emit 16, 1845,1t0.1.1 1 e. for 11,440 46, dated April 10. 1868, in name of &bills. N. Reg i ne v l n the same having been bat or destroyed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT Plane and full Specifleations for the erection of school-house in the Twenty •third ward will he re m .ed by the undersigned, at the office o' the Be, rd of Controllers, sou theast corner of SIXTH and A DELPHI Streets. until the first day of October, 1840. at 11 o'clinic 31. The said school- house to bm ereoted on a lot ol ground situated on the Frankford road, near 1 7 , , ,n1c. ford, being 50 feet front by 216 feet deep; the building to be two stones in height, to accommodate three hundred pupils, and not to meet over three thousand dollars, The Architect or Builder, whose elan than he adopted, will superintend theereation of said Wool house, and receive for Ma services three per cent. on the cost of said building. According to the Ordinance passed by Commis nothing will be paid for any else not rim , :;. i o b it t h h e e a 'o gri ollfire... pr ert dria). L. set2l-1t Secretary COll trollt re of Public Nohoole. G-ERMANTOWN PASSENGER RAIL WAY COMPANY—tornen &XVI and Dianono Street/—Pnleannpnra. Aue. filet. 1360.—An Instal ment of Five Rollers per share theing second instal ment) on the capital stock of Germantown Passen ger Railway Company, is due and payable on or Wore the first day of October next ensuing. By Omer of the Board of Managers. W tINGRRLY. Secretary and Treasurer. 1860. 1860. - - AGRICULTURAL PAIR, AT POWELTON. TWENTY•FbURTR WARD PHIL.ADNLPILIA. THE PHILADELPHIA FOCI wry FOR PROMOTING AGRICULTURE Will bold lta next Exhibition of the ➢roduote of AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE. And the CHC RT, On the popular FAIR OR9J/NDS ME , West fl ANl uhtde A lphinS, OA 25th. 2eth, 210 i. nod 2tith dart of geotombor. All °Moors to Le entered on or before TUESDAY, Rev tember 20, at noon, at which time the Exhibition will be OPFNTO VISITORS. _ _ . . . . . CoMpetition invited from all parts of Pennsylvania and nu adjoining /bates. Braman frame buildings. tent.. stalls, and eheds will he provided for the display of Stork, of Agricultural Produce and Implements. of Fenite. Vegetal.ler, and 17019 ff 8, and of Machinery andManviattvird (,ord., The most liberal armnsemente Will be mode with Rail road Companies for the transportation of Exhibitor. and Oriels to and from the Pair. Trla sof Homes, Prooess ions rif the best Animals an Exhibition, and putilio tests of Implements will take place daily. Pamphlet Copies of the Premium List may be had gratuitously at the Agricultural Warehouses, or by ad tirelisillg either of the undersigned, at the Roosts, Pio. 626 CHEIS i NUT dt•eet CRAW BIDDLE, President. A. L. KENNEDY, Rea. .815 St A, TIIE VERY BEST AND "HOST economical Stove for Parlor. Hall, or Office. in this market, is the American Gee Burner. five Bites. '1 hese 'wee receive the most enthusiastic pram e wherever they hero been in use ; they are the most economical Gas Burner and Radiating Stoves for warming a house extant. are constructed on the most smentifio principles, and will consume their own smoke and gas, making a gaging of fuel forty percent. over any other stove in use. It I. the house-warmer of the age. has a direct and radiating draught by open,og or closing the Limper. For sale wholesale nod retail. Call and see. N 0.1.23 North FEt.OND Street. selle-atv .1 F. P 1.151.9. 40, TDE CELEBRATED ROYAL cooloria STOVE is one of the most popular Chinking Stoves ever introduced. It In made either with or without samburnins fixtures, and of various style. adapted fur mowing either coal or wood. The iIEIRAVOIIt TOP Royal, with a reservoir cOntaining a constant supply of hot water, le a valuable improvement for housekeeper.. nese stoves are made of the best iron, and WAR RANTED to stye satisfaction. Please examine before purphasing. NORTH °HASS & NORTH. aeThet Iron Founders, No. 209 N. SECOND St. STOVES! STOVES!! JAMES SPEAR, No. 1116 MAII KET STREET, ie r' -Z, prepared to rneet the wants of the puh.io more oompletely in all the detail. oft he Stove trade than any other eetablishment in Philadelphia. in proof of which he invite e COMMA* /LTIVR EX MINATIT. The following are among his own pe u.ar iny entlone, several of whieh have already obtaine national mu tation as nuraansion tq excel/eats and economy any other Stoves in use. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the Improved ties burning Cooking Steve, acknowledged to be the best Stove for family use in the world. JAMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the celebrated Oas-consoming Cooking Range, now rapidly coming lu rAinll ir gl i lt i rA 4 R le the Patentee of the improved Si l ve.lTAlfttkeilltttEtialit" IM l Vl n n g vEn a fo lo r r (Patented) Ornamental Stove Urn, whlah, from its of the Improved Denali Cad utility, le likely, this season, to be univer• Sal! adopted. JAMES SPEAR le the Patentee of the Labor, Fuel, end Comfort-saving Ironing Pan. JAMES SPEAR le the Inventor and Patentee of the b ti l u t la d 111 efirih 'e ter . thelmproved F In ve n tor of F 41 , -botrd Stove... draft of the above the Inventor very justly olalms advantages which require but to be understood by the Public to be universally appreolated and preferred to anyother artioles of that class In the inarket and he would hereby extend a cordial invitation to all persons to want of Stoves to nail and examine for themselves. antes wishins to examine will have every attention Shown thein,whsther intending Immediately to pur obtuse or not. sele-Sm FAIRDANKI3' PLATFORM SCALES Millytprale ti T ZllBlll4O Wig& MtDICINILL. PIANOS. NOTICES. STOVES. EDVCATIONAL. ITALTAR, FRENCH,' ANI)','LATIN, by B. I.lfradr.fgellast. m OORESTOWN BOARDING-SCHOOL 4t-a. FOR WALK roo9ollit of 10th monts, Coto be r next. For pattioul.ra inquire or KA KY S. LurimcrErr, Froprieto(._ , erVI at* Moorestown P. 0.. Itarlineton en., rt. 3. MEROIE E. BROWN HAS RE-OPENED her SCHOOL. for GIRLS in the plestient rooms in the Benne Burden Institute, Northen.et corner of BROAD and !intiNCi GARDEN Streets. se.lB-6t* PIMP. MISSES CASEY &MRS. BEEBE'S -IL Eng 40 French 'Weedier And DKr Oehoo?, for Young Lubec Nig. 17 . 03 WALNUT estreet, will be reopened no WV.DNESDAY. September U. eel& 1m praiLisu AND ULASSIOAL SCHOOL. •-•-, —The eohool of the enbenriber in Sitnee' Boildhat, 0 F4E91'141.1' etreet. above Tweittb, will re-open on NON OAI, the n th of Seet•mber. eel3-tf SiillF ) R [NG GARDEN AOADEMYTC)R YOUNG MEN AND BOYB, N. E. Ow. EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD BO s eets. Hook-keeptnf. Lsnaus.- gee, l‘litherruGtos. Drawl, &a. Rol 8 r.cteivetl , “ an, SPI. F. DU LEVY LONO. Ftinelin.. ne3-Im. UNION ACADEMY, No. 5 SOUTH FIE TEYNTH. Street—Principal. THOS. D. JAMES.— at. acted to the loon otion anomie health. good e^boler ehie. and profitable 61100 0 intions. Lire alert may be had at the room. or they will be gent to any !Adrian. an3l Ln c%IJNDERS' INSTITUT _, TDIRTY-NINTI PFITL I A E 1,1411 m LPHIA. marr STREETS, Professor E. 1). ft D RS & CORTLAND SAUN DERS, A. 51. , Princisrals. Ron. WM. BIGLER,. Clearfie'd; Whf. hfcifIRRIN, Reg., of the Merchants' Hotel. Philadelehis • Hon. J. W. PORN 1.. Y. of Th. Press ; lion 9. BliOwNt. riladel t plva: Rev. R. WER`IIIIO,OK, of the P. 'Veit; en, J. W. MAYNARD, Wiihamgport ; J. bIBE NINO. Erg.. President of the Lelmilt Cagand Navigation CompanY and lion. AMA PACKER, Manch Crink—all rtf uhtms hare eons bearding an Sauedors' Insti vie—tilt give their friends who may be looking for a stilt., Morons h , and tielteant school an? information desi , ed respeount this sertlifiarl. A grove and lawn of EIO HT ACRES are attached to the institute for se ohnnon. recreation, and pb)ccal ex 871}P.The trims for a session of fire months, countms from the day of admission, are 571 for d+r-bor,rair.4 pupils, 5100 for pupils who spend Saturday and grtook_y at hbings. and elm for pupils remaining constantly. No extra ohmyer. Payments in ad rag ee. e.OT9 lm YOUNO LADIES' BOARDINO AND DAY SCHOOL.—Rev. JAMES I. BEL vt'ti Boardine end Del &haul for Yount Ladies. lag* WALd UT Street. will be reopened September Mb. attll-emw2rn HARRIET BROWN WILL. REOPEN Per POROOI, FIR GIRLS on the N. W corner of F11.6t.R V and JUNIPER Streets. oveuunto Penn Square on 10th of ninth moats. (Sept I auZJ^lm' • CLASSIUA L INSTITUTE. DEAN BTIt.E.W. below LOCURT. 'rho dote', ot the Clasatoal Ivo Itote will be rammed Mondsy. September S. J. W. FAIII.E.B. A. M.. ma 7 Print , pel. FrLK)S. BALDWIN'S ENGLISH, IVA TIUNATICAL. and CLASSICAL I , CITOOL, for Boys. , N. E, owner of BROAD and Aitelli will re-ooan Boot. ad• aura ETHORBECKE, TEACHER OF THE • PIANO, No. 1902 PINE Stmt. At home tinily at 1. ise.l.rtowt3w• fALLAD SINGING, CHANTING, PI ANO end QUIT R.—Mr. T. IIIeHOP will resume business tient. 10th. VOCAL ACADEMY. 1202 FM DER Street. ein2ll Itn• M ISS M. W. HONES HAS REMOVED her eohnol for young Dulles to 1525 CH F.STNUT street. and wilt reopen on Wednesday, Feptentber A few boarding pupils willbe received. For saunter+, inquire es above, or at the Presbytensn House.ll34 and 1336 Chsstnutstreet. 'WINN INSTITUTE, SOUTBEAST CON NEIL THIRTEENTH and FILBERT Streets, ra opens MONDAY. September dd. Four more pupils will to adoutted, Catalogues sent to any address. aull-tt B. STEWART, Frtnotpal. VENTRAL INSTITUTE, TENTH .AND SPRING GARDEN Streets. wall reopen fiestem her S. Hoeg prepared for soy Division of the Piablio Grammar Bohoole, for Colleges, or for Unslnsis. auPl sw• H. 0. htcolJlllll, ?mensal. AIR. WINTHROP TAPPAN'S BOARD -17-2.1 NG and DAY fiCHOOI, for YOUNG LADIEt No. 1727 VINE agree, near Logan Bquare, will RE-OPEN on WEDNESDAY, Septembarllth. Circalara furnished on application. aura-roe MISS LIMY R. IsIAYER and Mrs. R. M. BIRD snit 'riven their cahoot for 'once M. dies, at No. 1010 SPRUCE street. on IRON oey. Pen. temper 17. augl4-2m TIRY2ifsIT itz STRATTON'S NATIONAL AIRROANTILE COLLEGES. loostrO at Phila. Mollie, S. E. corner SEVENTH and CHEO'INGT, New York. Buffalo, Cleveland, Chicago. and St. Lome For information call or send for Catalogue. fe2-tf MESDAMES OHE(ARAY AND vILLY respectfully inform their friends god the pah'io that they have removed their Boarding. veil Day School for Young Ladies from Loy ariSsuare to Nos. 1297 and 1029 SPRUCE Street. where they will be ready to receive their pupils on TUURSDII, Sordoni tier 13th. Mesdames CREGARAY and D'IIERVI LLY will re eeive visitors at No. less LOGAN Square anti the SlUth August. jen-ero BUSINESS CARDS. 9ATfIEW MANGF BROOK 3 ACTURER CAMPAIGVINIFORMS, In every cartel. nlOOlOll4 N 0.139 North THIRD Street. selo-1m opposite Cherry. Philadelphia. H ORACE SEE, Mm ENGINEER, and WENT ATTORNEY. No. 114 South SIXTH Street, (Nearly opposite the County Court House,) Prepares Specifteations. Drawings, &y.. and Gannets all other business connected with the obtaining of Let ter Patent Partellinery Designed and Drawings made. au2s-3m• ILR. CORSON, REAL ESTATE BRO KER AND CON VIWANCER. NORRISTOWN, i' VßZte , , i ikroaEa, MILLI,. and HOTELS FOR SALE in Montgomery. Bucks. Chester. and Deismare Counties, varylaz from 10 to 300 earns, In good localinet, Persons applying will be shown properties free 01 charge. Bonds and Mortensen negotiated at fair rates. HAND SOME R Ks' DENG Ets for sale in Norristown. Potts.. town, end intermediate places. For Cuudoeuee and Cud deeonptlon, addrees R. It. CORSON. 1.111-dm Norrirti own Vs. JNICHOLSON, IN • Manufacturer of SHIRTS LINEN and MAK/MILLI:3 BOSOMS AND COLLARS. A large and °holm) assortment, and WiLt marl, always on nand. unto welch I particularly lavas the attention of CASII and prompt-payteg anoitt-stxa toujc r. Corner of SECOND ned ARCH Streets. Pula delghta. an7-3m• SFUOLTET & SONS, 1.7. IMPORTERS Ok. HAVANA CHIARB, No, 11.8 South FRONT Btreet. Raceme regularly a full assortment of destrabte CI GaRS mbioh they offer at low noes. for earth or ay proved credit, reto-17 PAWBON & NIOIIOLSON, BOOKDInDraft, 1%03. 619 AND 621 1111NOM lletwien 6162 e1 LLA an D ELPHd peatn lA. al atitg I JAMES PAWEUN. JAL B. 111101101APG Ir. JWAGNER JERbION, • ATTORNIKY AND COUNSELLOR.AI-IAW, °Moe, /to. 110 South SIXTH Street, (Opposite Independence SUMO,/ PHILADELPHIA, lit the aid of reliable Attorneys, at different point. in the limited States, ts enabled to uroatamte and oolleol olainm of every description. Particular attention elven to the examination and re oovery of the chums of Legatees and Devisees, and the examination of Land Titles and muntrang the interest, of heir. and an persona interested in the same. in e.I Peat' of the Union. Das the Stabiles or the States and is Commludoner for moat of them. Depoeitions earefally taken ander Dommismont. ligt J. BAYLUS THOMAB. • ATTORIIEV-AT<LAW, Has removed hie office from No. 933 Arch street to No. êt9 WALNUT Btreet. rartioular attention given to the recovery of Af amen. tile Claim. The drafting and examiusoon of WM, conveyanoeg,Asaigornefite, Briefs of rale. and other Instruments of Writmg. The management of Executer shi and Tmuta. goperintendfd; and the beet geountme procured for thermanent in vestments of Money. Batiaftiotory refe pe rence riven when requited. EXCURSIONS. aft PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. 11-411 MION OP PARES On and after APRIL lid, VW, Commutation Ttekets, with twenty-eix Doti one, will be lamed, good for the holder and any member of his family, on. & 11 7 Uiendet Tram. and at any time. They will be sold Treasurer, at the office of the company, No. rl7 booth FOURTH Street , at a rednoticin of twenty-fie per cont. from the regular (tree. Parties wishing to enioy the Bummer in the Country will find this a very desirable route, the SchuYlkill and Lebanon Valley. being among the most beeutthil and healthy in the State, and score sible 67 four trains from and to Philtdslph,a titilv. 8. BRADFORD, Treasurer, 171eroh 15th, 1860. n01.21-ti FOR THE SEA SHORE. an.NMEE_, cAmtirg AND ATLANTIC RAIL ROAD --On antireater iSATURDAY. :Septet. tioir Mail train leaves Vine-street wlrt... _l3O A.M. Express•• •• .4 00 P.M. RETURNINO, LEAVIII3 ATLAN TIC: ...... to P.M. Express. .605 A.M. eltoppthe at all 'Stations ening and returning. Fare to A tleello. SLEW ; round trig. tickets, good for three dais..9lJß. Freight must be delivered at Cooper's Point by 3P.M. The Company will not be responsible for any conic until received and reoeipted for by their Agent at toe Point. au3l-tf JOHN G. BRYANT. Agent. PIiILADELPLIIA AND avitimil READING RAILROAD. DE MUM!' f EXGUKSWNr , . Ou and after NION BAY, JULY. lith, until further notlos, the tollowmg routes will be oven for oxourslons. 'rickets for solo nt Ticket °Moe. Broad and Callowhill streets. To Niagara Falls and 816 eo 0 eoranton and return.-- --... 660 "o Look Raven and return —. 860 For further partioutart ate small brie. or apply to Tleset Agent of the Company Broad arid Caltuwhttl streets, or to INC. F. BEATY. Cieneral Agent Phila. it Reading Roamed, Mtn. G. A. NICOLI.A. Genq Superintendent. Reading. lyll-tf SUMMER RESORTN. M ANSI° ti ROUSE, MOUNT CARBON, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, PA. Fnmilies accommodated with good rooms at reduced prices. 1 his old-established Rouse, located In the gali be tween Sharp and 'Second mountains, immediately on the line of the Philadelphia and Reading Raiirivull within Willa mile of Pottsville, formerly sept by Jo seph Head. of the old Mansion blouse, Philadelphin, hoe, since Me demise, been under the charge of his daughter. Tire House in prepared. at all seasons of the year, for the rece_ption of guests. and hoe been recently rut in order. The large garden, and pork adjoining, present. great inducements rte a su mmer resort, to persons wish ing to spend a short time away from the dust and tur moil of the cities, where they can breathe fresh moun tain nit, and limey the wild and beautiful scenery of the coal region. Commutation passenger tickets, far the use of falai. lies, are sold at n reduction of twat; five per and on accommodation train w ;ay aye Pottsville dally during the summer months, to en de those who m dente it to upend the business pot on of the dsy in the cite and return the gam evening , on which the °baths wi be thirty-three per cent below too nnual raters. For terms, appy M to a nsion Hous h lA/RYn t H C EA r D on jeer -Sot Behuilkill Co.. F , a. VAGLE UOTEL, BETIILEUEDI, PA. L " This ler.e and od-establislted House, known as, the LEHIOII VALLEY SUMMER RETREAT," is now open or the season. The accommodations of this House will be found uneurpaseed. The role here. by the North Pennsylvania Railroad, is one of th e plea santest in our State. CALEB YOFIE. Proprietor. oikS Sul GENTS , FURNISHII4G GOODS. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Now opening, n superb assortment of novelties for Gentlemen. viz: EUREKA SCARF TWA. HcA RFB, TIE CULLA itS, F. Latin F THAW LUNG tiRIRTS, &0., selected in London and Pails, to Which special attention IN invited. J. ow, sCiIT r, mid c nEsT3 UT Ntreet, se2:2 A few' doors below the Continental." SLATE ROOFING.--JOIIN WFICII, SLATER, ix prepared to put on any amount of roofing at low rates. All w42 . 1k war rentedto Vet/WINO% 4/10‘Apg4P1 B D =ll4 t l2" • tri- SALE/ 111 AUCTION. FUENISS, BRINIXL, & pie. 4,9 MAMIE, MINT • BALE Or IMPORTS 1) DZIIYO GIOOD3. O Temdar 1001 , 01 Be ptembe IC, at n 10 o'clock, by ac=lo•, cm 6 months' credit, Compriant eoo PeAkages and lots of import/0 dr, coods. LARGE SALE OF NVEDLEWORR E.MBROI DE KIES-8 Cues lust Lands& On Tuesday Moraine. • Peg.= at /0 o'clook, an DaLtOinvoloo of S Mag. Consisting or— Jaaonet and eszubrio collars. Do no sets. Jaconet and cambric, bracelet lets. Flouncing's, wiriest /40. 5 CAKES CIOTCH LAWN, PRINTED BnIiDER. AND IMITATION us SILt La T; ndedHAN DREACHIEFS. J. 312) dozen fine Scotch lawn handkerchiefs. 4 1 ) do men's printed border do, UM do women's do do, I,lpo do men's corded do do, 250 do do Imitation silk do, sT,LLA AND WOOL. PLAID LONG SHAWLS. SOO 12 I black, brown. and assorted rylore stalls shawls 100 ri fine aft wool Odd toed shawls. 20/12-4 wove border Cashmere shawls. 210 12-4 broohe do do do. :40 12 4 doable twilled broche border shaw's. RIBBONS. TRIMMINGS. AND I' ROWE& 160 late new style bonnet ribbons. fanny silk trim moue. belt ribbons, blank silk fringes. watered guard ribbons. Ad. SALE OFcm 12 701 1 11 rin , I 4ll. ordlog,4o3—ALL WOOL. Tuf :12epLinth. at 10 c'elook, 600 pieces Prato superfine, ary sorted oo.onr, black and white, sit wool, Paris 1%11m l:101. EXTRA RICH LTO4B (..tn 'ea fads LOUNCED SILK ROPES. 25 extra rich . 1 noncteod talk Ito.'y Robe r. 23 extra. rich T. 8. and 9 flounced ------- FARIS PRINTgn MiiUeLIN 9) 8 . ItArt.. ES— " FER HR.OB 19. 8 91.4 Sad piece, extra rich Bofer lituaittana, Yrixted Moutahn ue Dune.. qt: 'tam won , 4.11 4, And 12 4 extra heave whoa 1112araelfies Ai.l.-worn• BMW IN FIRVFRIIIRLIIEttIAtirI.4. ax) ail-wool Derain RovernMs Fir i TAIRA RINI BROCA Dr: DRES9 Par best orgy trade. On 'reesday. SW pieces extra rich Paris Brocade Drees 11Ixe , rta tat goods importel BALE OF 4,500 PIEC . F . 34gA.?(ON Y WOVEN DRYS 01:1 0 0D`'. F URPESB, BIINIihY2k C M a A , A iX i Tngteee t. Will inoiude in Irmo eels of ?rotas. Z . .. 14. 28 . raw. 4 WO reefs of NA zoos T enveu &earl anode, of the well. known mono actors of Dteserg. tot•rnieder Brothers New York. cooristlng ot-- ItO pieces poll Ja thevre. extra heave gooda. 450 do ehsliise. mutes 11 qus,:lty and new design. 275 do lostrta own to- treo elate fintsS. SO do enfoll royal. et•m. g round 011 see Tar) scarce 2047 do ilesides, small deal ens m amide :to do Parma", splomd d ,odds. broehe Assists. NO do wooden 14410. highly Mitred WS awns. WO do do Co do do dual , • width 410 do Procter& antallut 214 area an enured, new twee, WO do hnl banters, silk Samos. for bar. mot trade. 311) do AWIZIkII.)4cIOI3Id 12 fed 400 ao all w ooly utdo. s ell drwasta, might eo.ore, i_ nod blsolt o toot. ad do aloe donis width do, bright...o:oft to 100 sod pluck inks. 460 do Union plaids. single width. in our well known mum/facto re. The above. COIIIIFTISaIg toe moat appror•datr lee" of their importation. are ham goods. mit larding par steamer Teptonia, and easefully assorted far the trader and market. Your attention , s rearretfulti oalted to this gale, which will toolculo all the „Writ novelt,es of tn. importation. N,l3.—The eats of ttaxony drew tooth will oommonce at o'olook precisele. N F. PANCOAST, AtIOTIONEER, &tie • , litssor to B. R COTT, JR., 431 UrIESTNUT Pt, SUERIFF'B SALE OP A VALUABLE AND EX TENtiIVR BLOCK OF BLANK HOOKS. STATION ERY, OFFIC_E FURNITURE, to. To bo sold at Salesroom 431 Chestnut strut, Tou N.oraintr. Beat. IC IWO. corny enoini et 00'o:oak precieelr. Included will be found. viz: A full and oomPlete - r• so Gment of Blank Brokt,ce mpusing half and full bound Ledgers, Gay-Boots, Journals. Receipt-Books. alemo•andurn. Pima-nooks. km.. dr.o. Also. a great Variety of A tn:ricau and Imported Let ter, Note. and r mold's paper, white fancy and co lored Envelope e.l)ayla' and other fine Blank, Blue and Carona Int. bloat celebrated make of Steel. Gold. and Ana'agan pens. nupenor Porcelain and Iron Blatt B. A quantity of !superior Drawing and Cap Paper, me dium, Royal, aud Superior Royal Piper. Also superior Morocco Chen-Boards, Paper Weights, Panty Ink-Stands, tso..tot o. The whole complicthe tartest and heat geleetad stock at contain...house stationery ever offered at auc tion.. . . . Now ready (or examination ! with catalogue. BALE OF 000 LOTri DRY MAN OO X M AN S AND IMPORTED 008 at On Wednesday Mo rning. Sept. .e 4, by catalog - rig. on a oreamoommettoutit at 117 o'clock precisely. Included will be found. s choice of lessonnblo coca. stilted to ptesent gales. TWO DRY GnODS STOOKS. Also, included in sale of Wednesday. the stook of two dry goods, trimming, and variety stores. conning= a full assortmant of chain and desirable golds. pkilLIP FORD tt OD., AUOTIONEEIt, StrainNo.l3o MARKET Street. and Sat MINOR POtlitlVE BALE 1014'0 CABFB BOOTS, suors, 81100 D GUM 81i0E8. On Tbureday Morning. September 17, at 10 o'clock precisellos ill be sold, hi catalogue. on 4 months credit. I.* eases man's, boys , and ;oaths' sal!. train. km., and Hungarian boots: calf, hip, and buff brogans, gaiter , . Para 44. and Oxford ties, Women's. misses', and children's goat. calf. kip, ant morocco heel boots. Also, a fa assortment of VOlCLatea. mimes'. and chil dren a oar made Jamie. dozen smrrior kid Al•o. inmates of 2.:0 oases liootolo gingham umbrellas zee from 2$ to 32 loohes. The above sale 1 e rnlorsee an assortment or ltrtods wort"). the attention of buyers, as they are from first- CI.. City and Easters wiuinfeotorers. Sirr/oods open for catuninstkon with datslogues early on morning olsale. surprrmo. FOR TUE 8017TR.---OELAB.UB - ANT SAYAN !CAN rfEAXBIEIPS. PRZIOSIT SIEDUCI.P. Heavy Frer t u as smug* of mesas sey sent So lely New Tor Stumstulic ro OR MIA Al. N. C. Vie U.S. KUL &us:ohm YSTONIS STAYS. Caw- Luau Cbsa. P. 14 unique's. vi sail oo Tuesday. Septa gu bet Yatb, at. IS o'olsolg A. X. . . • . to iS to Pt go•r•- opt, 0 bean at 8... FOR SAVANNA, _OA. captain Joan an Steamship STILTS or HEORO rA. Somn. tr.:l mall on Baturday, Sop tankOer 29. at 4 o'clock P. M. lAroog a in 68 60 au noaro-only i hoary at Res. fi'iYun nays ohartzt4 from oton7 Sapirday to iv,•• flvo 46.76. 600811111081•88, and HUM of Lama aunsi sr do. ay•adld prat-&& at.l . •-wtioal Inaksalloo LET. a itb errATL and STATI 3 OI , CI WAWA tow ran ea apovo ovary tan ay' tboa rat= re-44ir comant on with Chaffin/too an . and Ina loath an floathwaia, t both Charleston an/ Savannah. thews Shl am g et, t nth rag= ars foT Florlda k and vita . &a., for all place& in toe tkoutl_k_makeouttivist. INSURANCE. Vroutt sad IninorsooO OriaLseio orosortlo . . fiWa shipped South to folid to be lower bY flag ty lading .e a ts, the -maim bolas coisl7l. l C rate. K. .B.—[nettiON or. all elil= a c rr o i ege4 . lln . ll7 . nuance:eau, farther than Railroad Companies tatna all milts ftem these points. GREAT REDUCTIOX IS FARE. Yare by this roma to to le per eent. cheaper than by the Initind Rents, as trill be sect by the foßotrinisets dale. Through hams from EhtladOphla.rm C eas ton and Savannah ItalLal6jPl4 INCLUDIISG MR t an the whole route, moot Dom Giarteeten and Savan nah to Montt mmers • VIA CRAILXIIO7I. VI& . . To C2ariestoo-..-- /13 to To Saraczatu— Vs co Aagusts—,.....-. 17 IQ Alinste—..... - 17 50 C01zimb1a.......--. su Co alsoeu--- 53 co Atlanta— —.. 21 ue Atlanta_.._..... 21 CO M0V110100.17....... X 00 Ooluxatels— X CO sotale--......... so oo ea. —.. -13 to 41, Oroon•--. 3070 Uoupsfy 25 00 Knoxville....__ 1e......... T 77 31 le-- - 3310 IS 60 New Orleans__. N 75 Memphle. -_ .. 31 50 Fara to Kavann‘h. via Charleaton ... 14 o 0 • • -• • - • • -- • • - • Charleston, vls Bsvannsh--- - .. 16 GO biDs of Inoins s.snadalter Los ship For freight or pilaw* sisly on board, at second "'Sari &bore Vita rervr to AL HARo.ll_,utt.,,Llc CO, o. 120 rOt1" ILIRVEB. Asonts In Cbarleston,T. tc. G. BODp. sysnoah,lllllll7Blek OAPIniELL• For Florida Ml3l CittIItACII..I44I3.r.OT Carolus ever, TviesdaT. For I.lorlas from Asrsansl, elevates At. Maris sod Elt. John's over, Tannins and Sstards.s. SitaMß BRITISH AND ICORTU AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL 6TE/31- . . . . . . . . . . . _ SHIPS. TROY allar TOl6 TO 14101/POOL. Chief Cabin Passage— ....- . -....... 3IN Second Cabin Plumage - - —.—. 76 Vicar aoaTozi TO LITS•rooL. Chief Cabin Prima.. ..—..—........-..8110 Second Cabin r swage_ .. - _ ._.. ISO The ship. from New York call at Cork 'Barb*: The ships from Boston call at lialtfax end Ccrk Har bor. I PERSIA, Capt. Judkins. CANADA. Capt. Lang. ARABIA. Capt. J. Stone. AM Eft7CA, Capt. M0....Le. ASIA. Capt. N. 0 Lott. NI AGA HA, Capt An& rum A F RIC A, Capt. •Ihannort EURUPA. Capt. J Leitch. ACO't lA. (now building.) Three vessels carry a clear white brat at mast•headl green on starboard bow; red on port bow AR A RIA, Stone. leaves Boston, Wed n esday. Sept. a AFRICA, Shannon." N. York, _TV/gin...day. cept. U A 61P,RIOA. Moodie, " Bowls. Wedoemily. Soot. la ASIA. but, •• N. York L _Wednealar. Sept. M r wUROPA, Little. " Horton Wednesday, Oct. 3 PERSIA, Judkino. " N. 'fork. Wednesday. Sept. I.) Berths not encored until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of theme ship. will not bo socountable for Gold, Silver Bunion, sp e. Jewelry. Promo,. Sunet orMetall. nate.. bills of e laden are signed therefor and the value thereof therm expressed. For freight or pas sage, apply to E. CUNARD, a Bowling green. null New York. MACHINERY AND IRON. = II.PENN &TEAM ENGINE laiii 4 c 13011.T.R T y , 7 l Cat , If t . 7 :4 •11.P., t, Fir rw & i , l LAßA. . C 141E 1 8,130 1 6ER hiAiVY3, LACKthlldfis and POUNDERS, having. for many years. been In' surcessful operation. and been exclusively segued in building and repalnag Marine and River Ealines,high and low pressure. Iron Boats, Water Tanks. Prupede rm. Re., &a., respen dully offer their seni.oas to the petit as twins fully prepared to contract for Engines of e ernes. Marine, River. and Stationary • having eats c astern. of different sizes, are prepare(' to exti•cate 0-- den. with quick despatch. hvery de sonption of Pattern making made at the ehortest notice. High and Low p res sure, pine, Tubular, and Cylinder Hollers. of thy best Pennsylvania a/woad iron. Forging'. of eill sizes and kinds; Iron end arena Castings of ell demon eh ins i Roll 'riming. rtorew Cuttig, and n i t other work sic Seated with the above business, Drawings and spernAcations for el work done at that] eetriblishment, free of °huge. and work grantated. 'rho rabson bars have &Mete wharf doOk room for en. von, or teats, where they can Lie In perfect mutt'', and are provrtod with shears. blocks, &Hs, !co.. Re.. fir IWis'ng heavy or light wet ghts. JACOB '. . fel/PLE, JOHN Lr. . Jell-tf BEACH and I.%al.hiE streets. OAXII.II. V. MIJIIIICZ. J. VAIIIIIII/11411.13:41. S IL.ArMICX. MITHWARK FOUNDRY, ALFITH ABM WASHINGTON EMS'S. rnmenntSztii. MERRIOK. a OOZES, EllfittniELS MACHIN - Mg. Ma4afsotare Rica and Loy Pressure Straw Engines. for Land. River. - .ad Marine Immo, Weis, Gasometers, TanSs. Iron Boats, Om; Cestml all Inni ls, either Iron or Brame. Iron Frame Roofs RI Qas Works. Wort Shops, P road stations, dee, Refute and Gas :dacha:ter) of the Welt and mast Ile Preyed nowitrueti Perot" derorinuon of Plantation Machinery, m e sa Einar. Bow, and Brier efil:s, Viscuirm Pens, Open Breese Trains, Dereositorst Fi tters , ramping Ens.nes, ko. Bole Agents for It. Milieux's Patent Reser Bo act Anyerotas Nsionytl's Patent Bteva Rammer; so Aspinwall' Voles, 'Patent Cantntagat Bazar 11 , v.p.- ins 111.0ir. pOINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 95-1 - I ‘., BEAM! Street.lCeneinston. Philedelphia.—W jL LIAM TIER/3 informs his Blends that, Penns per. phroseil the entire atol l / a :atter= at the above Foun dry, he is now pills& to renews orders for Itollutl. Grist. and Saw Gust, Soap, Chemical, and Rouse Wort, Clean s. Oestrus* made from Rever beratory or Cupola el. in dry or green sand...or lea . m31:1-11 CARDAMOM SEED. MALA'R.AR-1. case for sale. WETHERILL Jr BROTHER. iselo 41 and 4 9 Nona sitcom) es. MACKEREL, SHAD. 'JEERING, sir. 1050 bbls. riots, 1, S mad S large and medic= Mao kevehin .ned packages, of every chows gruel 111 also 10 bids. new N 0.3 large Mackerel. 60 hell lAN new No. 3,11 do. 30 bn:s new No. 3 med , um do. 50 do new Eastern Mesa Bkad. 60 half Phis pew do do do, IFCV bble new haetpott No.l It orrlE 10) do do Dallies do. too do new Barton 140.1 do. 150 do do No locale Fish. Zo o 4.n at: e tapogu ic Kow lar{dln[ and 111 etore ° 472 4 °be."' SALMI ET iitelfloll. M• 7 21 11 2139 85, MITI, fait Prw•Alirti NILO mma4 irroolca AND HEAL, ESTATI.. TVARDATfIiIII2 Pamphlet estalogars now ready . e ROI. sem:mons of all oho 01/11 0 C1 to me 00 twaithir seat. Rt.h instant. with e net sakes Geraller alaleprtua4g, a large amount of 'rale& a 'Mort/. RTOCIIR *Kest. tfaTAI SALES AT 'p u lls EXCHANIO Imes /tISIDAY During the inane season In hay ea Mud salt occasional ea se. W Rezetteilli of each property lanted amparsitsli, la addition to which we pataish, o the 8/01114.11ffl 111fIrY1011a to each sale. one thoorand cataloanes, la PalaPhist forts, giving full dem:mations of all the property to bus mold on the following Tuesday. A R D.—Our sales of real estate and stooks a the Escheat. will hereafter la held at It Valuta' rice and, and, in the evening. at o'clock. 'lWContri boors have the aptton of eitl•er mule. HEAL IMITATE AT PRIVATE BALK. wp. We have a large anicant of real estate at private safe. initialing every demolition of air aad 804111117 Property. Printed bete rosy bed at the sasdas 'tore PRIVATE RALE ILEDISTEIL Ifir Real estate entered oa oar 'rivals. We reclosna and adrerneed ooeam Gnarly in oar Pahlen ails o (of which I. cow, are ;rutted weekly.) t =t• charge. Taattt Pall Sale.*llth Be pumbor. at the Stedman. TO nr.OMIELLERS. 1117; PIFTYFIFTIi RALE OV titiOKK 6 - I.ERLOr.B. PLATNE, Com maned on NONDA'a and to en as tlucentloont ttoo n. - Cala/oases lion' tonal. Peremptory Belot COL: POI 4 BONDS KoBTOLGITS. tkAN. t. traw , . Pars:atter Isth. at II PA a'atnak. now. mill t• mail at Subton &Cs at Oa Fhtlads:pha k:zeharts.ritliost ra serve (or cash. for scuctostt of whom it ray easerras U sos s . o b mod. CI Oka Fasters Kafiri Csisibasty. Si MU each =./ • t arsrad Et crab rbortsturs. Lk+ yd ts March. Lit 1510 Ottp sorbed ri 44.6 1A1C: 16114 CU Ibmi belti-04 cussed y#,,lrdikt at P1.11444/It , a Mien— C . I pir boos D No V. 1%.* A: D B.No. M. PIP snd D NO. vstestztray. ,yu o•ir J I. CAI p• tut teadail of Ph. ,d Ira a 2. f> . - ti uf .4-4 toads. ari/S eL nulls th • by sad 11:0,14 Y 1111,4 &AA ear...`"l Harms, rhvatt. hot ttr4 l ' O t 7t ,j ta T. glt . 7 1 1 tat the hsso l z seo y.sstSX. ”rsaL. sad t las mi te c .,, ,yr..1at Pi-stets .0. D : %leo map Y raz •:a A. Drexel to Wo.lllmi ''Slin Noma Of LS* dry tot, ft • of Isar flour errs tha Ittthl a Ai* lama- Tar.:,.- Cunt &We at thr tiro data'? after tha robins to Knelt 0 .. ? '8 rr DO , B ICGIK COMPA NY M. 03 9a.hsrea stock to Ous altos* Costae. Pats ra. It a disndestl of 13 4f/ teat. M ast. tarte— For at fount of se m or, On earn. 'r.= Ns In whore sikroordstad tan( 700 "qtro.cl rub Coma _ . . C.O do e_oosi ntorsol Ccal Ca JA) d lEmbortrn C.al Co. ell 70 Cataw Pl. WI Pouerpott. 11.r.d Er t g i ft Corte Casa 7 jr Mai. CLIMIkI. In lota 54 , nit 01 1 , 1141;1: 6 LO 11... Ili Wog sad Ibusafv...l.37.as Cos. yi.¢l. TENTH PALL eALE-26th 11112 TEN 18E3. Orpheus' Coat Dais-Lithos of Ahtbssey kiserrsDlir ehsc.aeeed Tbrscs story Brick DW WL Lot of fi= Waabcristos street. west of 04 ".. 11 . were. Boma Estate-Two two-se.yy B sok DvrrLurros. Lombara street rest of Plcroubb gt, set. Bsose Esta , e-LOT OP GROUND, is'eStr st east of C emus...own rose i seventh wird. Same k:stota-Tbtrectorr hook D W EL L:21O. North. Tooth Wises. south ofovisra etiyet.Postr_seett wards PhithSame Estame-Snek t.LLING, Ins!'s.n.d street. werd. Pease erw-DWE GLUM and SAKE r.or,erg. :yrs Fourth street. south of Tammy ave.-it, Ts...4th .'ad. Same /. ,rate-Brick I) se ELLIII4. itex roast. rough of Welt rhesus,. ~.•beiner owsty, Ph. Pe remoto , p !We. et order artist-v. _Faure or John *array. r Three-story krt k ton - and Orirlietl. Worth east oorner crf Nmtb and Antrum Streo9l. rime want Orph-ns Coart!ie-}state of Jona Evans Trees dee& andivir ed ninth _past of the three-eery Ina. DW ELLIN D. :go, kle Soul b Front street. Sane Eatath-A.n ur.divided th part of the three lbw oriels DWL'LLIIs No 614 South Froirt armlet, same EsLare-Art uscityierui cleat stet a the larva al aw, Lod 87,41M:101;st sou unpaid amnia of Dada, rare uronne ado Tau a77efr Deo:' flosifisk feet 6 inrbee front. frame Estate-Ar c story Brick D LLING, 2.Sh. SID Lombetwd street. Neat modern RESIDENCE, N 0.136 Born" Tintetkode si rear.. above Vberry etroet. Lome asd valrudAa Former L0T,16 acres. Jdartst. Chicane., Oak. Forty ninth and Fifttetk streets, 7eren ty-foonb ward. eoptwies brick ea.y. V eaustr.o corner LULL") by 1611fert. 1 1 , atbeadeethdth of Someto and Florida street". Twenty-Alums ward. We No. 7333 SPATTE4%. SUPERIOR" YIIRM (TURE AM MIVIORS. TAYESTRY I/ED - YET. CAM% , 14th testae, at 10 ofelook. ,georamg •0 . .2 00 1....80rMar West. the armenor furniture. large Pre7 3 .. -1, .....•°a"' mit " rem gee chandeliers. dee tap v O /Tot ear s gait chinaate. lair May Le examined with catalataa• the "a" [as of the sale at 8 o elm& Baia No. 1321? Girard averts*, SUPERIOR v 1) diaITURE, ROSKWOOD PIANO. Tex STAY CAYPIrIB. ko 011 mt.. at 10 o'clock., by pitiless'. et Ifa. 329 _ Girard aveaaq. the severer parlor. dip Itcpush•s, ehembet tenutrae. !owned piano-forte, 'meat mei tees, e_ ha Ateo. the lutehea !limiters. Air May be euttunised S o'elock tie JIMMILI 1111 the isle. PEREMPTORY SALE OP WOOL, HY ORDER. OF TROMAR nitsam & CO. . - - Om W•aammuir Marra:4, 6estember 36. at 110'..100k, will be 6 6 d. bleat , enthout reserve e 1 the Mena teturere r zahaset i Mpe t.l North FRONT dtreelt, a Urge lot of Prase!te Ohl., and other Plasm. Tub, sae Iniwzahed Woetl i al grades. ma - Tbeee Wools are vire bight an tUghlY deetrubhee andbe sold in stash lots. In ontr g 4 600CPOITOOdItinf surchteet • Alt the Wookoffered will be in etore aid Men Ew alum &ton et leo. 34. CO. 46 and dr North trope sweet. sad Noe. 31 sad 33 booth Front street. and wit! be for exatutualton the day Kenyan to salt. None soid tr/ measles. estalorams, mitt, full cleacristfon of sash :44 . to ready one week Previous to ens. Lao. a lot of CAP* of Good HOD* Hr r !Izza. thae Na 1 1 6 smith Terratteth street. WALNIIi FtilitNlTtie V:. SOWN 000 1.1.010. CURTdriIa s _TAPXSTRY ealtpars, ks. On Wednesday liforatne. VA [nut—at IS o'clock. at No. e seta 'Ki sses street. above Cased at street. Oka • .611 E &damps. ale seat Rosewood stead. fort*. Sae mates ~Was. Id I.sistalu sad eeermars. Sae taisestrl edetteld. SW. .A.ltto. the Sashes ranuters. sir May be exasuasel atS *Weak ea tbs atelanste et . the ads welt saraloseer. e roma ; P A.On- .E. 9. L'3B Os Wands, llKaram. At i co"Cosk.st thit Maws !Wry. ereellast ceseed-dyad Rriitre. siar,Ptolc Ina martyrs. carps." sta., faun .ass houccOsarst, yew 0011.00111 ma Wt. 84'4 1, 334 4441% EV0410 1 : 1 10 1 113 1 0 ' 1 4 , - 1: NEAT FOLMTIIII. 911.1:31FL3 Ckani, . As. 1). leri4t7 !airflow. Sept. n. al 10 e'evel. No We Pests Swirseeera , k et, taker Berm street. tae (taw.. tanviatry, 4ae earialik6 tadthag tied tad loses. Is- of a Wad/ teams We &V. a i.e. Ual in takes femur, ad rem. s. sir klay att wawa'a ea icara;oo ea age. at o'ekek. 11,10EM1 NATUANB, A OTIONSBP AND OrAIUIMOW NIETCHANT. wealltatet comer ofTlZTirtaff ro lleta 121,000 to kuo. et Ms karat Warr ap Otaftle. vsattee, Jemi:rr.szher /lea, OW fovea, 0k1e.5 mewl, catott in USU.. minors. itsartr .. r bedit ama raieafr i d . e of ega r de t rradoe. i° llPitte n Z t e= tome a ads eta. Wilr Prima:ll Margate in LAUIS Street. fir Baynes holm boa A. IL to IP. M. Hooey sonantoot o kv Ile bard' of Jarman . CPT AKG (441.1 TWO MR MR. Sir Masai*, o inee sat orra ra two err eq.. Artearaet of Vat &Ed sewanta, it ate ter amt. fey BIM loom. AT PTIVA.TH SALK Some of tteltteet GOLD L'ATENT PtO oes LEVET gOPR 7OIaI warcare. =lsaac/tuneo 1 14=ef, tat geld lever Preaogg vatotas. earmustuns peen. So k liA even deeenlboo. airy kw, fIIZO, Pieta& 11111111 stntrrhentr, Inn Nalety of Hanna era ti ti l m. yoportale,•artou„ . e. e . t r on i r ai triatinto to sett sot ar 4 poor mu= ilMid i rt to I :, • visa, try tire Avottoo spy sited. inna" " a" "tr ialila VA4LILLir SPLENDID ISET OF SALE DI 4.MONDIS AT PILIYAT Conifting of diamond sa4 opel bniatrai am Mt- Tung. hum. SSW Cost Pins 111.41*. EXPRESS COMPANIES. THE AD&MA EXPRESS CO...oSee 320 CRIDFIN.Ari zee& tom Pero* helmet. Meretreatee, Barth :thuttle sad Snots, Caul t try its ors Laths or in columetloe with other Pauses Comeartiee. to WI tee 'mato& towns wad oaths et the United Rafe& SANDFORD. 01/ftwes.? Peprtatoadest DEPARTURE OF RAILROAD T RAINS PEyNSYLVANIk CENTRAL RAILROAD-1-I:enratl st , i - X,111.1 , p1 nreeta rttisfl Train !sans-- ..... ....... . 7 70 A. NI. Frts .. zu A. M. xpress p AI. Harns , l , 2 Ancommand.t4o2-.. 42) . M. Lrtnessier Aoonovsodincrt add P. M. Parksburs Accomm,74tton... . ..... a4 , Y. M. west Chester [IAMB IftlVe Elavencki ortsd Mstk..t at. r so A. NI.. 12 30 nedi cop AT. . . . Will maport. lb! Rutreo, and N:aoirs leave 7 15 A. M., and 2 (.10 Y. M. NEW YORK I. INEE—Walsat-E/reet Aedom. Das. ms C. sad A.. leaves.— - 4440 A. A wora. L , Ra. VISJ•Illef . .... 5.665.66 A. AlOrD11:1‘ E.:prom vls Jame y City.. . LK , Pt.:tarot:at •rl a Tacrmy ate Jersey Cay....-.... 11.011 A. Csmdta sad A =poi Adenmrsodatios.........l2 30 ?stmt.*. am Camden .rll A teml. . • •UP f. Evens 6 Favrtms. 4m, Tammy ssd 1.0 . • • E4sai , Mad. VIA Camden sad Jorley C.— 660 P. INiabt Expreml Mail - _/L . Camden sod Aattm4 Amu , candsimo ale P. Al For 84.14,dem. t- Flommatos. Au.. A. I,d C) P. M.. from Wenut ttrset. v Asa". sad 7.1) A. Al . Iron Kenai aims depot, For Water 04 .6. 8 rmram.buri.E•orsrr, tor, Wl l4 4 , Abarm. Nlnotrose, Groat Bend, Ao or 6 A. !a., from cralatit street wharf sad 7.10 A. al., from Knns• 'tn. depot. For Manta Clmak, Allentown tad luttl'eham. at COQ A. M., sad .1.13 P. N.. from WaMat-str , tt wharf. LW 7.13 A. M.. from Kesocirtne depot. ForMoaat Holly, at Eu.o and W, A. ?AL LA azd 4.30. P. N. For Freehnld. at* trl. A AL. so P War Luba for Treatorm,PfLet .1. SowV3o sad 660 P. M., from Vralout atreet wtmrf, ard 1.1, A. ;4., sad 6 44. P. M., Isom %mum Co.l. BALTIMORE RAMP OAD--Brnevt Ltd prin., Hzress Tra'n levres„.. AMA, H. do do. 1114 M. For Wilauocton at &Id, A M., Lt, 6A3. rip, .114 "Foy Middletnarn. Myer, Near Carle. *elf.rd aad in tern:l°4W* &tm. at AU, A. M. an.l !Xl4, P. M. Sam:aye—For Balcunore alll.lO, P. V. READING RAILROAD—I3roa4 and Chow ill rtreets. Farress Train leaves-- 00 A. M. Nleht Expree, ..... 3.30 P It. Reading Accommodmien _ -- oo P. M. ELMIRA AND NIAGAR A PALLS—Eroad 4.d C& towatu. rxiiress Tra.in leaves— _____ 8 CO A. !if N.ght Ex 3.30 lo ISERNIANTOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD —Ninth eur! Green. Train leans for s.onsdsokonksts 3rd Norristown at 111 1 sad 11.86. A. M.. and I.os, 3,6. 4 Xi, 166, 660 471111 /6. P 81- For Yanadualr. •*.t 6 80. .3). Las, 11 06. A. 81.. and 1 SC I OS. 3.05. C.V. 6 63. (110, 613 and 11.16. P. M. For Germantown. 3t 6CC 7 (9. &Oa. 900, 1000, 11 Co. 11 to. A. M.. and 1.00.100 31.0. 3 30. 4 C 0.5 00. 600 600. 700. 3 CO !CO ID IS, 1130 , P.')l. For Chestnut H sr co.oo 10 fo and 13 (0, .L 4 l. Si.. and 102. 4.42, 5.(0. 630, 600, 9 CO ants 10.10 P. M. . ~ . .. . . punchy traina for Gem. wnwil 187 r, 90a. A. M., and Iv:. arv, aDo 7...15 mod 3037. P 31. Leave Germantowll at aW. A. M.. 1.10 900. .30. 9-Ir t p. M. Fo- Iwo stony 9 00,A. 31..301900 0 . 00 P. 31. LeAre IN orristoix% 7.10. A. m.,1 00 and 6,00 P. AI. CA AlDEffirfD ATLA.NTIc RAlLlroAD—lfiaa-aireat wharf. Mail Trafgccas.t..—_______..—__r ao A. M. EIPMA P. M. Accornatcdat nto Etg Harbor catty—. --I Ur. M. NORTH PENNSYLVA?4IA RAILROAD.-Prest &ad Por Doylestown, has still,. A. M.. au/ Le . P. M. For Fort Wasknew, Way* at OS. A. Y., Old ILLS P. M. Banda)a—For Reth!ahem! at &OD A. M. Por DoOra town at 3.00 ?d. WEST CHESTER. VIA mpona—Thlrty-first and _Vadat stint/ Trains lesve at 7as am) NA) A. 11,1 A) and /P. It Stanya lean at EDO. A. k1..2.00 Y. ad. Trains maned thn ( •)raia caa Sazdaya ; t) eapar dan axaeatad. N 7 We.QWST OIL. in unrts and mU, tor it 1111.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers