1.121111121 I-1441111404 ' . r • 41 , 7 , 14 . ,7r r 4. .i.T14•44.1.47;ai: , - . • ."'.• • M 1311611 1 41011 10 1 ; AI ? 411 ,"4 s it Arc:. - + ; r. :" • I .T,SI • irc"; .k>1 ,, 4"?, 4,4 - 44110 LfilitlindOgio.6llbeetrolgieitoi sd u k• Aria l!. Ton Douris fo*,llllisitt iffeliato •X 7 i • rt. II owe smialmenti TiMP01C*01100640.10.04,0 , 04 hl7 , 1 . 17: Inigt.loo46t*-, ~k 4.40104 oworib;oii, M.: :T, r _ _ tI 10. t 1, 0;;0RT;04 2 C44M11 - : it/ Iter , fit R T' • - . ,0:amo.,•• Wm. r--" , ;.:4= loralitAtieirwit:olloirioroOwtv, „ fi f iall* Ziair , ; l . 4 REF .* 1 ,14 -t 'l "*Diff: 4l / I M-# 1, 0#444 17 41107:7 7 11 M t 41 1 4 1 1 i 1 4 14 04filitsklmitimal voolimorbs!'.° l VAN - VMS - ei'Vero l l l o6 l 6oomkkas se•H ou. • vieStUrthik isarkstia NW* wilt* sal Ebb atinitidothibilliblhistoe ' tan . Mart MQIIBRY.'. Y 0 . IMMOrliflPert*#?.. F , !!!"4 - 4rIPPPr "ifea . t ' ,: " n1 f ,444#14 1 i - - 101 1 3 1.: , ;•1 wrmazprie r . '" ' .- " 4,111a ud minnows PM .00.41 WPITM I A & NEEDHAM 1.• Z-1 MMIILF WMUUL ROSIZRY MANIIPACTUBBIII3: We inmaidaNitaii aessisl attaithisiornessa Boors aid Itridostsmoniai oar vow sad untokisioided:fith =ll4-ia..Q111141162.1% and:lMM TVIOX TOP 10111 JULY m Iltrivod asel ZiskOolan, ffATECIAITLIZI) mll4 _ • • - 4AllittrfirOoLENlloolll; ! ,, ::•-••111100D1f; adAlce. TALMO: • 1101 1 11%. ••, • • • •1kii44418.;4..., .y am Oft, is litnita,fran.likii s .jodtipplees r irmatoat awn kegs ptietiesi scommisetiii: 414 - OOylo~ 1 We* AO Ant Ow nosoksaboor, Imetfitto,ceir so Wain Birinyi oftimisfew*q 11109 ;MIME in point wiirisommingio, woo, 70#04 4 , eft imetaralls dioit thsvetroma•Actilio KRX14344 Ca. r.~~1t014~. . - Maltrg*AoK • qY xrapita • , aI,III. I TON. gd - de :a PURPLE' " OREM AND STRIPE a B #O I P I IO..AM DP 1 417 Al n 2lil( gt; 2 4 llB 4 1 0 agir • - . " ;' otaiiiroir *twit; AND . Krivuutri FLANNELS: • • rilativrittriWlDEi zani.A BLEACHED 1142filizsi - Olt WO, MID Fos lila BY •B; l ar• deE & 180 . 1UIRSTINRT STREET. • vliEtcititAit 1 .71: oommitaticaturacoliANT:', s.. sitecusnriT wrslarrt ' 1 P!* 04012 4 , ZA*OX C0A, 31 109, ' .10ILVInUJ 'ol4lBltn,33lera, *cf. muianga t _ 1411!„ ommurr, ma inrywAoyALSTos, 21 40 10 V ` .- PASSPOCRE*. imaglii,savy twos bOaniziON, 84- . .00,0*.Wwies; nmisig;sua: 414 : , • - . t . 1 4 4- 4;II „mike- samay,tiffisto,* IitiTUOINOON, IRO.S rt. '• , 001103810,11 ; • • • six UM' op I naroWELWAXAMEArqa GOOD& AM. WELZING, CtoPF.IN do.; lit ‘oil,tiVO!itUT . °lrar, *!:r. 1 ' 21 '6! thl dwailtdol $-Nr OPPMNItif AM* IX NMI s'llnungisictsuntornuireweriarris; raitnn4v sam_,_iturAw4DAßAF4l; ,;111111f At . *=.l7.Oris;; 2 "MT " gum Itur. I,`',4I!M!IN, ,D:,IFLpNIffI%BI • AND IDA;Mp` .745 LAND UNIIIIY8; • , rgL e aMalgii:44:4 B Fr o -",D U 4 1 4 8; • --.***T--****o - Akti OrrO 1 tAi 116 1 ; oLOTIWAND MMUS • - ALL-WOOL AND , UNION 01.6THS ; . • , SWAIN SAD, Lauri AtEIOLKIEBAS ; aLACIX:4III) KEDIV IMINKINEI • - ,'DA7I'iHIITHD Ql/1011 OABBIIII/11109; 1 ^ Man.- CaailiteßETTß& 4e., *a 0 - As ni W—il -"- lav start 'UMW eve*. segIn4AMETARIaI OCIVILMIL - O . .iIIOIIOIIIIIMATION 0.1 . 1 MILD =MIL) - -6 - z ,L-105,,spitatai l iv.000«. , 00A - Tufm..- 4414taits*.iip4 - iyinirirri.o49:nlio t rola ildiAgilla f t itallA (1111 MI, ' 1-Adaso OW 04*mi/6* alklestk 710117 flenoN aid = - - 1111:161MTIA Ml6*. /SOX FINDINGS; • -1';;;;; 1 ~ -, • 1 Arlitl.4lW " W'r " ! 111 , 1 ' : 1, ! , ,,i , ' , ', ? - 11 - liummi AND - ;IMMIX UMW% Oar ';'''4 ,',...,-1.,,,, teetw h ip#4lol , llllllllll,44.' i -Ari ~ ..1 . - , • -, 4, 1 •5 Cie , -; ,, k a lt h eoestrirvireAtarAo.F stOpes.l '''''''''.- ' '' :" ' ' or:wpm riioT. NIAOr ''' .44 . : 'AP 4 alte -" - - • , '",-' I - 441 1 1.1:,40 1 A APICPX, 010,;'•1` - 101.01140111111MAXTOT 2 IILURIL - 110011 . 1110: c oi(ivityaneriar muserest# awls from', iirsdsickats*rti ' . a? LOW 411111111.: I riflClrianninkr4 - 40,2111 - ' ,„ 1 4,1•PPOOWitr,==. 11 *: 7 1/ 11 I • iree;ur ;wig/10111;VAtiir rEt - , , v4 0 it Le Eiji , .. „ *IOW . • PMEff= ullum PIREDRAM. calUm9IT MIST - !ME pARER-1-LiNexmak.. ; (PALL. TRAWL) :.7 OWE iSS E130131111.F4, AWN resiored to itedroew Name - MOW 3ttrarl. "421D"EititilSZT STRBETt3, , - Axo;.sav ,Oilouo4 to Oder „bithe Trod' a terse sod *oat asseralseabot WAIL rerlat.s. " • • ..30atositsi,1 - - , APIS!: NONEEPOL • • -' • ; WINDOWOUICTAIA,OOODII. Ac., 611 ST theitirrest sad best deities. from the los est 'Weed &Nolo to the finest OoLp Astir,vmot7,ET nEcottevoloi. .IkeiLtiira awl Wellborn tairobaate will do well' CO !hit eatabtignant or; • • - ~• H0.W.1 1 / 4 4.4., 00.11N7d1 FOXINTII 4121DIZARIENTNTRIDIT8. 0111 Sts P ILADBLPSIA.. . , • . - - ••• -r:: i . rA -_t,fi• ril ~.• - •;I.lr, • r " t P ' 11,..1 i,, I ..,,, nous•-atett , 1r., , . .-- . :.L . i. _. s:- -,- :.-----'-`-'-' -'-' I f'ff . : sf 7OM tYI 1,- :1 e t 7y, • ~,, - . . . i c F 5,441.5 _./ - . b ba, . b 04011 t ...A,_ - ...# T ics,co - - - •01, 4 \, • rzt - ..' a . . • 4 4 "- - is . . '.. -.: : - .: ~. A -,, - .., ,-,,‘, ~i„ t4l , , , A , grt " ~ 1 ' ' ; de , -. 1:1011 E -., , , • ... 'a N,, , ; 2 f ,?,N , • 7_,-- 77, ` , .....z.„: ‘4M ~ ~-....", . .'ir d 4 , - - 7. ' ,!, t ° , ~kklytk,, ) - . d::,1,- , ~, ....,,:„. ~ i i ,J , .1 : 5 1 a i ~,,,, ~..„ , ~, . : ~, 1 7 1tE , :. , : , :....I t l rot , , tr 'ill ' ' ,,, 1 . .• 1 ...:iiriv.,,,, No', .....4, , ,,.., 6 ' ' ? 4, 2& . 1 . .,„ . , ,,...„ ..,... )., -,.!01 ,0 ...._ .111 • ..... 6.,6 ._ „ ... .. 0,, ,'"' -t:- ~, if . ~.., 11 , k ,,,, 1 PrA !Ali i 3 . J• ---•- ~ ~r1.1" :4 - •l,i '' ,4 9. ,4. - %,:. li,. ;;;;: 6 - 1 ,, • 14 3,p ,,, ; , ,. , '---- 3 , ~,-",,,... -..-- , ::,J,T, v , . L u. 1 ~ , f ~ r , , ••• 1 ,, ., .) i .1, '•' . • ' ••• -.' .. ~. '. :- ..., V . ' .. • 1.C:.2.;?4-1.• :2.1‘.' '' )!•..Z 4, .• „ ..." 4 • .1_7.. - ..f ,:c. ), - ..'r , ' . !... ; ':-,-;. ,; - ..,1,, ::!;,zi t t ; „., .. , ,d i . ,:.! . .:._ - 1.; , 7_,_,.:,_, • i j„.„ , j , . '' ' i '' '' ~Xlia..- ; .-. . '.. .. ' ' 42 l -.'.2, ',-ft - .. • A 'ILL' '• . , ~.. ? iffe.4 34 f.7 1 4* -. - 7"" --- ....,.. all ' • ' r .....,__.........,......,..._____ ..4 % , :;,,,/, ; • . ' , •••‘..,, ' - -,...,_,........ 1.= ,.., „•,• r • , •', f; •.., . ' ' •:' : ' :' . . ' .- , . ~, , ir:11; 4.‘:No: 45: !" : . P.*DIES 9 •DRESO TRIZOIINGA: WILLIAM H. HORSTM•ANN & BONS, AND ORRERY STREETS, ManitfactOry,) hit* the %Martial of briefs to %Sad Fall stook o LADIES' DRESS COMPIIIIIIII% FO)Y DRIIBB .OIMPN. cups. BINDINGS, ' 'VELtaTif 'Paige= BILL AND ‘11;T'BOIMINOS. BUTTONS, BRAIDS BEF.TEAL km. „ Oar now Kook of ENSILE gEEHTES; SHETLAND WOOL, .to L?viritsted and erobrilso a full ulna of an colon and alndoo. Oai• itoiUtielifer hose pro:Alsatian, au well as dirfo , • ~ • ,• , • -•13 —,, is ial..4;r4l4F'4Yl'itit foretgqoleati - ; susb)os us to offer i ;i d gottattsttio to • Ikutolistorti, - ' • • 340-Int USWING NAORINEO. H_ _ 80, WILSON. iiiikwima*AcizoNEß- Ele 4244 4ir a ii 1544341140916 . Tir *Rms . kpoubont' - 44 1. . SEWING , m.A.OHLNE. . . • fi l lilit# l e l OSlMPinf QiniTirle AND ' ‘ r Vie Ywoulc.. 4 •80tt,..... ti r r itlitioat Of tiotqd• of re 751at Or ,=4, l 7Asdelphts, and ai 4ma NO.TI AL , 0,. AL tamper. 41. . 110234011 w UR.LINGER & CU.'S "vinyl Asti ikitniim-Loor rani ISEWiNG MACHINES.' lioiraturst sid ; Nii.:6o4 - ARCH STREET. ;Pamir IllUrkrlX MACITUOI, Pdw idDOIIII/4-IAX"' "7114"1 'MUM tuau ' , Survives • Tie ausead aad dead adiateat upsoldnea taana hotind fir ill nab 1 UN. T. L—JILIOIIIKM 11t1,C' oorrint..**EDLEs. 91444, etivistwfuz"celumd. bg-aut *AtOW win szwim t9f ivialreftrza. , * rompi : i ~ ,11411qP:UMERY. CRISTIANI -di 'OO4 P 4101101471 - WirD • - 1 ., luirinititurnar r 1110'e 114 , 1011711 VOURTIII OMNI% 1 *ON obi* 01 4 1 : fonlanstiud. , 4 . - 11 116. 170' iityl e atatisir 0312 1 1:0 1 4 I"Dr eptvorriVit=s ',li `.` 'lnt4efilSralo .4tridzsa, dirk*** somi)lits. alkr 4tll 112V a ii .guntazm o zw a s z tig lii.- aa:tool URBSELTiAB. SLEEPER' At' kENNER. .witouseALE mANTRACTuRERB ,11111,8401 L -L It AS 01, 13, NO 925 MARxEr STREET. -• , , ray.,apaT,rixt ; ., sro,sow making looT, thatt , • lIIINDEIDDIFIIIIII.II2 tryBRILLAJI a every olio, from!! to it It o to • arm erholsave Got lid . FA make Ogee& will mos MKT UMW Well Went in eine over tem rmal•mede otookorriok ma*, Na t tily -morstrizi, not vitt Ivia fiamemea, •• • ; • • • • - Leta ¢o UAKDVARE. Mci6RE„, HEN & 00. • "- Nivr imarimG Tliz , zap rAiu sToor. OY • HAILDWAR - E• . :427 MARKET, sad 416 COMMERCE STREET. . , NEW TORE- ADVERTISEMENTS. DE FGREST., 4RMSTRONG, & C 0 .% JNPOR TEES AND JOBBERS OR DRY GOODS. 76, 77, 79, el, 89 it 8S DItAiTE STREET, NRAN ;ROADWAY, , • . • .• , • • • . , OPPRX. SALE, , A REW SLEGANT Aricicas. of DRY BOON, for Doi FALL. TRADE, Batted to OE /Mimes of the country. They are opening • - AP/LOHKEAG 'AND ' W A NI 8 U T T A - PRINTS, 10 MAW , AND DESIRABLE STYLES, THESE ORLESRATED PRIETO are the CHEAPEST and BEST pow sold in the UNITED STA.TES, and they, beg heare ktooalltho Darnealan attention of dealers to them. PRIBILIWING BRANDY, - W l4l YOU( OMER' w 4E • • gni* edit* linitaid Seed: Notari; for Trinitills and Ppikllni puipcoes. ;:ALisirairktiaatiliarkta. tic Oases RIAPNNTX led VMS !Knott.. 04MLUTA, yptGINIt, LOyISIANA/ *ad of ineorrint huts Wight st low rotes. ; 11 NRir , to 1 11 (0 4 30g 4 ,5g, . 8 g CO., , l . 'b :. ' iaNalir South THIRD Rtrfet. MARTIN• /k , QUAYLW@ ALL 11 T Allofting, TOY tAlli f ANDY GI 00DI I • AVIAet flf r udrly 3"T"ViittamtnuA. : mann") OUGAR ! .,1;000 - B w:° . pararriromatii • .. roultd=n IPITI3I--BU-41 • • sixerrilEit#X - k. Bi 47 44,1 MINN* PIO Streeti • " ' " ' 4 1 6, 1 ,jy;vitimaNtaslan ELS , ADVBItTISING i. %Una -A iwiiMP•ra of Dirt Country-et itYY I 42, db.., swirl ; gitartst On 1 Ii U i4,l67Norr.iimel 30 1 4 5 '001 1 11ia.4400 ide wit= si alinggairseA•by iiiXAXAPA - 6 00.. BILK, AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS SILKS FANCY DRY GOODS. IPAFORTATIONA 1 0 011 FALL, VAL M. L. fIALLOWELL & Co „ /133, MARKET IRREBT. 'NORTH FOURTH STMT. Are prepared to offer to the trade their usual varied assortment of Goode, Pirohilsed on the MOST FAVORAPLE TERMS, Hy mistimed buyers, in the principal MANUFACTURING CITIES OF EUROPE. .These hive been 'sleeted with care tor ' FIRST-CLASS TRADE, And will be offered et Prima to commend attention. doom Orme, from all sections of the omintry, aro invited to inspect our stook. 'Tsums.—Elix months oredit to Merohards of un doubted etundted, or 11114 per oent. disoount for oath Tonlvo Per cent. nor minim diooonnt for - advanoo tarineu,ta,aul-thstu-dm JOSHUA L. BALLY. IMPORTER AND JOBBER, No. 2113 MARKET ST.. Jim now open a LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL Assortment of DRESS .GOODS and SHAWLS • . Of the NEWEST AND OHOIOEST STYLES, At the LOWEST PRICES. • Tim attention of omit and prompt six-months borer' L tented. ' aon-tf LARQP, AND ATTRAOTIVE STOOK NOR FALL AND WINTER SALES. SHORTRIDGE. BROTHER. as 00.. lII.PORTERS AND JOBBERS, •No. - 41541114ARKET STREET, and ' N i o. 415 ItED(SI4IT ST I REET, PEILADELPIIIA. mp m 14181 FOREIGN and AIGE- O. 0..13 133. Wanted with ta io the intateais of OAB and aTggWrili ti "frrr . A T, tj. la L S . T O C ntrariElniiilials'irlSVlVAGlVrair= losAandwhowhaefe. R VE . _41401114/4 atomptlr, at LOWEST MARKET ze4-llm CLOAK'S! CLOAKS I TO WHOLESALE BUYERS EVERY NOVELTV OP-THE SEASON. TBEI LOW EST OAHE PRIORS. Ihrlderniutoth' cant autenals mods up II dented. gENA I K IVENS; .010-Bin .1.40. 23 South METH Btri.et. A . W. TITTLE As CO.. SILK GOODS. No. 226 MANNAT BTREBT. aud-In2 FALL" 1860. CHAA'FEES. STOUT. & Co. FORRPON AND DOMEBTIC DRY 000 DB. aat4 em No. 6R3 MARKET STREET. MARTIN & W 91314 FONBNIN AND DOMMTIO DRY GOODS. $B4 MARKET STKIMTK, QUM and prompt Six•montke' Buyers, of all sections are invited to an examination of our Stook. auit-dm* RE M O V A L. in ocalsequenos of the deetruottOti by Al* of their THIRD STexer STORK. YARD. GILA:MORE. Bo CO. HAVE REMOVED Tu NO. 1310 CHESTNUT ST.. SOUTH SIDE. ABM, SIXTH, paltetsarstra. Ti'.., have now open AN ENTIRE NEW STOOK OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, ESLOVIS, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS', 4e.,, Together with a LAROE ASSORTMENT of STAPLE AND FANCY WHITE GOODS. EMBROIDNRESS, Is&ONS, MANTILLAS, Ake. Raying reoeived but u mall portion of their FALL IMPORTATIONS, iortivions to the fire, they are stabled to display A NEW STOOK. to whiok they Invite the Weston of their customers and BUM generally. subtm WURTS. AUSTIE, & MoVEIGH. IMPORTHILIS AND JOBBER/3J IN DRY GOODS, 311:1k1411.10ET Strict, above Third. MOW Warts, e n A P ton. ul litoVelg ohs C. w (with Banns. sul-!m FALL AND Wr.,NTNN. CLOAKS & MANTILLAS , FOR. THR - • WHO I LEWLLE; TRADE. BOUTKEY,K aud WEITERTA MERCILANTS buy ing Alga First clam offer at igivitegt to in ,srat Week , t +mob we offer at , t W RAICES. ' 4:Arp ON Lurinak, TERAbi. , • a% -W. PROCJTOR & CO. THE PARIS MANTILLA.. sad CLOAK EMPORIUM. 708 CHESTNUT STREET. seltint VP • WOOD, 'WAXES, & LIAriVARD, taw_ IMPORTERS MID WiIOLESAILZ DIALEILB , IN„ DitY GOODS ‘., at.° .}:r IN G. SCI 9 MUM nuts Er. Fell saaWkntor Stook sow totoolo ' pad rolhat Duren. VIGMAS '.I.4IC)MPSON, SON. & C o., IMPORTERS AND j( ►BEERS OP OA.MINET-MARERS' MATERIALS 130 siorrit oiooria) a/MET. iT Broottells, Blushes, Re sr, Dunmire, end eve' desonetion of Puttlnure end (- ;mien Goods. 1019101 PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1860. CARPETING AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS, OARPETS. BAIL'S/ & BROTHER. No. OQO OILESTNIIT AN- INVOICE OF 'ENGLISH INGRAINS. JuM opened from anaion. Prtoo 75 aortas yard. • BAITAY & BROTHER. VELVET CARPETS. Now open. tho news et pattern. of ENGLISH VELVET CARPETS. ' BAILY & DHOTI-lEli, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS We now otter for rale the largest Meortment of thou popular Carpotiuga, at ONE DOLLAR A YARD. BAILY _& BROTHER. No. 920 ORES Nur street. BRUSSELS CARPETS. Of tho bast Quality, in great variety, at No. 020 OREOTNUT Street. DAILY & BROTHER. DRUGGETS, CRUMB CLOTHS. &c. The moat extenove stook we ever offered, in ell 'militia and aim. . • ; - DAILY & BROTHEL.' MATS. RUGS. Bee. laminator, Velvet, Tourney, Brussels, Waal Tufted, Coco, plain and bordered, el all sisqs,ln great 'ninety. DAILY & BROTHER, eels-tnetu-sm No, 920 CHESTNUT Street. FALL TRADE McCALLIJAI & 00.. CARPET MANUFACTURERS, GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, Also, Inverters and Realtors In CARPETING'S.' OIL CLOTHS. MATTINGS. RUGS. &Ci.: WAREHOUSE, 500 CHESTNUT STREET, (Oppoette the State House.) Southern and Western Bayern are respeathillarnyled AUSTIN BROWN. WHOLESALE DEALER IN FLOOR OIL-OLOTHS, 164 North THIRD Street, southwest corner or ItACR. (up "tam) sel9.lm• HATS AND CAPS. NEW HAT STORE. Plet • JOHN E. FOSTER, • (Late of 107 South Third street,) Having taken the store at NO. 831 CHESTNUT ST., lipd fitted it up t sudirior style, invites 'the attention of Ids patrons to pia IsLENA.Nr AND EXTENSIVE STOOK or HATS AND CAPS. i aGr lilt new fall styles are much admired.' sell am “.‘ C . H. GARDEN att 00. Mann faotnre rs of and Mlxoluale Nolen in HATE, was. FURS. AND STRAW DODDS, FANCY MR AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFI CIAL FLOWERS. RUCHES. FEATRERS. tke.. NO4I. 600 ,And 602 MARKET STREET. Southwest earner of B,xth. The most extensive and complete .usentiment. : The beet terms and the Invest prices. Firsz-oists booms are bare Invited to cal l. attle•Au CABINET FURNITURE. FRENCH FURNITURE. GEORGE J. HENKELS, 091 'mum trr Brar.wi: Has Just opened a large Invoice of BOULB, QUADRILLE, UARQUETRIE, and ORMOLU WORK, Which he yid mall at vary REDUCED PRICES, FIRST-CLASS CABINET WAR GEO. J. EENKELS, 594 WALNUT. STREET. Orem at VERY REDUCED PRIORS The largest assortment lathe Union, all of New Designs Call and examine before purohulng. melt am CABINET FURNITURE AND DLL LIARD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, No. 261 SOUTH SECOND STREET ' In conneetion with their extensive Cabinet Builineee, are now ttusnuage noo lo oftrbri A ur s. And have now on hand a fall supply, finished with MOORE & CAMPION'S IMPROVED tISHIONS, Whir& are pronounced, by all who have mod them , to be imperior to all others. .Fol' the quality and finish or these Tables the luaus frotuyent refer to thstr.,nurnerous patrons throqsneut Union, wh ears fami li ar with the charaoter r ot their wont. via Ihn GAS FIXTURES, LAMPS, &e. KEROSENE OIL Of SUPERIOR QUA MTV, • KEROSENE, or ,COAL - OIL LAMPS, OVANDELIERS, BRACKETS, tko., Manureetured ard for Bate, at. LOWEST ani by WITTERS da CO., No. sO NORTH EIGHTH STREET, N. r. oor. of Filbett, between Market and Arch. 1101t4in • MORE LIGHT THE GAB LAMPS FOR THE MILLIGY, mar be seen at 0.4 1401111TH SECOND IStmat ; 350000 worth am now in use. The merger street. Green and Coates. Ridge road. end other horse care AM II ”if using them. We alter any filthy Kerosene Lamps Into Gee Lampe ir 31 ; 10,000 Agents wanted to sell them throughout t 'hilted States. The Gas Lamp trl.l Wit a room twen ty feet square for one cent as our. OR. O. A. GREENE /e CO., .No. 204 Nowrit SECOND Street, above Race. set:. thskm-tr LOOKING GLASSES. LOOKING -GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE /RAW, ENGRAVINGS. ; JAMB IL- &% 9K, AbIPORTSi v a, MANTIFACTREERI WHOLE SALE JOVE RETAIL pRALINfi EARIA,W GALLERIES, Olt; OEINMIUT BTU X T. ➢(EDICI_'(AL• , ' HELMEOLD'EI EXTRACIT BUOIIII. THE ORRAT MR %TM. , Pew Disease of the Bjddde? Ktdney It, omwel. Drowsi OROIO4IO WEA IfEl3d, &V., IC. • ilatfereva it /ease, o tease pygelteAmtlentos 1 fif v• utinbuDlO BYNYV•r-a. ' . i ttnt:: oh,/ behest* .. I' a nth. k, weal( Nerves. D o Mau) Wok DlMoudy of Br datallitif UN . all B .QF larkedlol.7LAA DY TFId % IlAge ' d lrePtanliVOSle' 14'16 . vffilziab iemqval, . 50012 toiiowjv nywu, t i t ity t tra xptleyno Pits. • •PR A It OLP A4%stoE, I)III"WrntSENTYISI VSieuiretw. the treat tined° And its certain tb have the {Wired 'eflipot in the Ms ewe oeureextedfroothotoneln i T/LOP 10881 10 . h oz IND 3 le Or 4 OR Olit ie, Mem EVAVAlk 9 lV2l fit a d Olf* Ls presort a gfrarIVAVIANIL Derlitostu %fares of from one_poinith to twenty utriosladreitiet•lierr n i rgjoi l lbr u gaar v fe for inlyietioe, . doll a ir _bAtii i rLo r p i Cl7VilitirlatianT.', I f. • I•13-tr IILARDWOE ' , moues, neusigs. PACKAGE ItIAB,DIVARE 8008E.--=We would respeetfulliball the attention of the"Gene ruiljtdareaTirlde to our eutensive st ook of RI kt- ARDWAR.a, whioh we owet at a mall gerenee by the package. Orden for direct importation eollottedrand Goods de livered either in thin oar, New York. yew re ins IKW 4 W, G L tr. 80 1 `f, 411 COMM ROE itre et, hnrting end Commbraion Merohnnte, and Manta for L Fore ign and Gornentto Hardware. 048T -STEEL BELLE,: . FOR CrIVILONSS, FIRS ALARM!, &L. TOR TALI HT NAYLOR & ago COMEAON attest. ANNISEED-4 casks Italian for sale. WETSMULL Sz - BROTSER L ., «u 47 awl 49 Sort. aucwD No, 926 CIIESTAUT Street OIL PAINTINGS, ilcc,, !co Plasdelphia. A Caro for the Toothache. BY YRS BARD or TOWER HALL. Immo Skinner Flint, a miser. Hod a molar tooth decayed. And of dentists armed with forceps, He was very muoh afraid. While on broken Jaws he pondered, In his angumh he did shout: " With an oohing t^oili I'm dying, lint I cannot have it out!" From the taste of wooden nutmegs, To the miser's quiet town, There had come a roving Yankee, Who was known as Dr. Brown. While the miser groaned with anguish, Dr. Brown was passing bj. And the miser shelved, Pontor. I've the tooniaohe--1 'hall die!" "fie. you won't," replied the Yankee, For you knew I'm very cute Arid, to cure a tooth that's aching, i Oen tell you of a root. "If within your handyou hold It, All your trouble will be o'er; Fora dollar you can try it. And your tooth will ache no more." "Oh!" replied the groaning mixer, " Name the root. I do implore: If, when in my hand I hold it, This old grinder ache no more, "You shall have a eitrer dollar " But the Yankee—not to blame— Said he first must have the dollar, Or the root he - wouldn't name. So the miser nave the dollar, And the corning Yankee mid, The root is on the tooth, sir. Which is aching in your head " If You hold it in your hand, sir. Then your tooth will ache no more !'' And the Yankee with his dollar, Melted ttatmgh the open door. With some other dollars gathered Br tll. Melee Of the root, To the Towne HA L hurried, And he purohased there a suit. " Now, then, salesman," said the Yankee, Take the hat of Ur. Brown, For YOll went so low on prints, That he couldn't beat you down!" Our stook of Fall and Winter Clothing to now hill and complete, adapted to every marker, and umeauslied - ror variety, style, and make. The attentiori of - Wholtaale sad Retail buyers is invited, at TOWER HALL. 618 hi &REIM Street. Philadelphia. It BENNETT & CO. NEW PUBLICATIONS. MAULAY'S LATER ESSAYS. D. APPLETON & CO.. Nos. 434 and 443 Broadway. PUBLISH THIS DAY: LATER EesSAYS AND POEMS. Uniform with the I2mn Ftlitinn of Macaulay. I y01.,12m0, Cloth, 7a mitt. D. A. St CO. PUBLI911: CRITICAL MIECELLANE AN O D US ESSAYS op T. BABINOTON 111ACt f.AY. 6 vote . 12mo, Cloth. et CO. The SAX / vol., Bro, Cloth, In RECENT PURLICAT ONS: THE HISTORY OP HERODOT QS A new English version. Edited with ecipions Hotel and .AP pendioest illustrating the History and Geography or Ee. rodotue. from the most Ancient Bouroes or informatien; awl embodying the Chief Results, Historian and Nth nosraphleal. which have been obtained in the pro of Cuneiform and Hierocivphical Discovery. it) Oeo. Ratirtinsint, IH. A.. nnvisted by Col. Hit Henry Enyriln lon and hir J. 0. Wilkinson. with Maps and Illustra tions. 4 vols. aro. knee. 88 50 each. 11. THE NEW AMERIC CI - CLOP/SHIA. Dio• ROLM/ of Universal Knowledee. Edited br Heorite inter and Charles A. Dana. Vol. XI. Just ready. To be oom_pleted in fifteen or sixteen volumes. Price, in *loth, 03 ; ahem 83 10 ; =roam. Si each. REMINISCENCES OP A GENERAL OFFICER OF ZOCAVEB. By Gan. Clef.. Translated from the Franco. 1 vol. 12mo. Cloth. $l. Brinley. I tr. LIFE ON WILLIAM T. PORTER. B 1 FULIIIIIII 1 vol. 12mo. v. THE EBONY IDOL. B y a lady of New England. 1 rid liotoollustrated. VI. WHAT MAY BE LEARNED FROM A TREE. Br Harlin Coultas. 1 vol. flvo Est. VII. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF COMMON LIFE. By Geo. Henry Lewes. f vols. Ilion. $2. VIII. -- 1101 EN ON NURSING Wn 4T lv Is. AND West. IT to Noy. Byjlorenee Nightingale. 1 vol. limo. Paper covers, 111 cents, Cloth,l rents. t IX. .1111. OLDHAM AT OREYeTONES, AND 1118 TALK THERE. 1 vol. limo. Pries $l. . VOYAGE DOWN TII X AMOOR ; with a Journey through Siberia. avd In&dentat Notes or Mannheim, Xamischal2a. and Java n. lir Ferry MoDonough 1 vol. /IMO.. Cloth. „ X I. A RUN THIROI.IOII BUICOPE. By Paulus C. Bene dict. 1 vol. 12am. Price *ll3. THE THE lIIATOPT OP THE STATE OF &RODE ISLAND AND PnoWDFNuE PLANTATIONS. Si the eon. Samuel Greene Vol. 11. ?rice 9740. CtIAMBER9' ENCVOI.OI4IIIA : A n1cT10:17.77 07 tIyIV2RaGL Kn0wr..1,56 vOtt TAE r60p1.2. NOM pub• linhin; in huts. Part 19 now Heady. Prion 15 :mots 'soh ran. riNTON'EI ADhlcommr XIVr OP TRH DVIIATV9 llf CONOILEAB. To be ehroyloteilin 1.6 vola Vol. XIV D., Ready. Pros in Cloth. 13. Law Sheep, (3M. Half Moroooo, Any of the Rime sent free of postage any distance under3.ooo miles on receipt of the price. eell-3t PORTRAITS AND MENIGIRS WHIOII have already been leaned with tho ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE 'WORLD. AN ReN OF FOLLOWINII PORTRATTB. rved on Steel from Photomplis. and printed on Into Yount for Framg. and Memoirs for Binding. &bandy published, IDAY ho Lad for IS cants flab, cosh or P. O. litmus. end will ho sent. poet-paid, to any address, by oraering of the can Agenu, H. A. BRO 4 i . 00.. 14 HANOVER ...... 1115 'ROYAL 111011111155 THE PRINCE CONSORT, HIS ROYAL lIIGHISEss THE PRINCE or WALES. TUX PRINCESS FREDERIOK WILLIAM OF PRUSSIA, THE PRINCE TRADKRICK WILLIAM OF PRUSSIA. THX EMPEROR or THE FRENCH. THE IMPAs Rs OF THE WRENCH. THE DUCE OF cAMARIDISIL THE EARL OF CAELISLII,K.G. LORD PANEURR. LORD STAN, ET. M. P, LORD BrioVOTIAM, LORD LYNDHURST. THE EARL OP SHAVERSBURT. THE EARL Or ELOIN. THE MARQUIS 01 SALISBURY. LORD AMUR 0. LORD BEARERS. LORD BURT. LORD CHELNIsrORIL riscoopir ratregosron. LORD RHIN RUSSELL. M.P. LORD CAMPBELL. WILLIAM AWARE OLLIDSTONII, SIR 0. C. LEW Is, HAAT, M P. yOSEPII W•ANER HENLEY. M. P. SIR 301111 SOMERSET PAOINOTON, X P. SIR TIT EROT RSLLI, Q. C.. M. P. THE LATE 10ED MACAULAY, VISCOUNT CoMBERMERE. GENERAL 6111 COLIN CAMPBELL, (LORD CLYDE.) THE RAUL OF CARDIGAN. SIR 101 IN LAIRD• MAIN LAWRENCE, HART. MAJOR 011101101. SIR A. WILSON, DART. GENERAL SIR W. RENWICK WILLIAMS, FART. GENERAL CHARLES ASH& WINDHAM. 111A/OIt•ONNERAL 51111.EARDLAT WILMOT triuLLl. GENERAL SIR 30115 VOX BUROOTNE. LIEVT. Girl. SIR GXOTOR WAKELTN 11•1111.11 SMITH, 2111 LATE ADMIRAL. LORD LIONS. HIS HIOHNISS TAX SIATIAEA7A DIIULEEP 5111011. THISLATE SIR lAM.AXTJER.TEXIXEISIIOT. BART. MARSHAL PILISAIER, DUC 13Z MALAKOFF. TAX HON.OIIOEGR MIFPLIN DALLAS, •lIRRICAN MINIS TER. - DARDS SRUNNOW. THE ARCIIIIISIIOF OF CANTERBURY. REV. 11115111 WARD BSI:CHER, TIM BISHOP OF CAR LISLE. THE BISHOP OP WINCHESTER. THE 1115110 P OF RITON. .1115 81111101. OF MANCHESTER 5. WILBERFORCE. D. D., BISHOP Or CIEVORD. THE BISHOP OF ST. AS•PLI. WALTER TARQUICAR HOOK, D. D. ARCHDEACON DERWIN: REV. 30111 CIIIPPENDALLE NIONTIcsQUE TELLAW. REV. HUGH MCNZILE, D. D. REV.E. M•aIIIRE, M. A. R0V.1117011 STOWsi.t. SHOWN. REV. 1111011 STOWELL, M. A. REV. 301111 CUMMING. D. 1), REV. ANDREW 117013. D. D. TIER LAIR REV JOHN ANORLL JAMES. REV. WILLI .114 MoRLET Plllllllllll. RSV. SAMUEL DODSLAND WADI)). HIS EMINENCE CARDINAL WISRMAN. 7. 4. YOSSOCIf. EsQ.. M. P. RHIN BRIGHT. 1 / 3 1/...11. E. PHILIP LOUIE ENO, U. P. THANK CROSSLEY. ESIZ., M. P. T. e. DUNCOMBE, Esq.. X. P. WILLIAM ICHOLIIIIELD. EsQ., P. SIR ROBERT WALTER CARDEN. BART. DAVID WILLIAMS Wt.E. E.Q. SIR 30110 R•TCLIM KT. 11111. LATE BARON ALEXANDER VOIS HUMBOLDT. PROFESSOR FARADAY. P. R. 1.. D. C. L. TUB LATE ISAMBARD KINGDOM BRUNEL. EsQ., C. R. THE LATE CAPTAIN 11.11E1004, OIP THE (MEAT EASTERN.. TUE LATE TOsEPII ATV ROE, OE BIRMINGHAM. DAVID LIVINGSTONX Esq., LL. D. SIX ARCHIBALD ALISON, BART. THOStAs WRIGHT. RIO.. NI.A.,F.S.A. TAMES WILLIAM GILHART, E5Q.,1.1011. WILLIAM rownt, 711111, MN., 1. A. SOHN OIRSON.ESQ,U. A. JOhN B. liol.loll, ESQ. SIR 110011 'dCALMONT CAIRNS. M. P. MR.IIOIITICIKRATING MR. SERGEANT SURE, 03.5. THE RON. EDVVA HD EVERETT. THE LA fE W. It. PRESCOTT, D. 0.1., CHARLES DICKENS. TN. ALBERT 511 1T11, 0503. CHARLES IRON, keg . V.I.A. SAMUEL PURL PI, 11503 JOHN BALDWIN lIIICESTONE. ISQ. PAUL MORPHY. IDSO TiEtx CELEBRATED (3111•EIS PLAYER. MADAME .AITIONI. 'MADEMOISELLE TICCOLDMI NI. MISS ARABELLA GODDARD. MISS AMY •NDOINICK. MADEMOISELLE TITIENS. MADAME CI.AR• NOVELLO. MAVS3totest.LN OVARDUcci. MADEMOISELLE LOTTI DE LA SVANTA. MADAMS ANNA 131/1110r. SIR TATTON STIES, BART. SAMUEL ' , FARBER, EsQ., Q. C.. D. 0. L. AM. /HAT.. HALISIIRTON, M. H. MARTIN F. TUPPER. Esq., D C. 1.• DAVID ROBERTS. EMI.R.•. M. GIAcOMo REYERDISER. MICHAEL COSTA, REQ. MADEMOISELLE VICTORIA BALM MADEMOISELLE PERM Thirteen or Is of the above Portrgits and Memoir. may be 'Mooted nt once, for a Qunverly Sublatiption of 01. or Yearly, 88, by marking this list. and forwarding tt Lott, elm 14 Hanover stmt. Boston. N. 13 enbeenbers for a gunner yr a year receive their Po rtra . ito free front fo:rin. Cases for Binding 5/ Portman and Memoire, which forma beautiful Volume for the Drawing-Room Table, are new ready, tlrt Gaon. Proof inipreselons or any of the ablve. on large pa per, for Framing. el 26, on India, 02 20 each. OFFICE, 14 31P, Nowa STREET, 1e36-eas-tf NENRY A. DROWN & CO ATLAS OF PHILADELPHIA. NOTIole TO THh Now In press, and will soon be issued, a uew Map of the Whole Conaolidated Vim In twenty•ilto sections. on a larger waif, than nny heretofore published. exhi biting accurately the alga of all blocks, hi esti, Qourts. Alleys, Roads, km, with the location of public and other &0,, together with s finely engraved Index Kap. rompurre in Ost/f, *bowing th boundaries of Wards, awl names, &e.. of all nitwits en's Roade in the City. Also, valuable Histories 1 and . Statistleal Tables. alphabetioal lint of litreeta. and teratenaes to cartoon Aos of Assembly and Ordir antes. leo. The work will be printed on superior raper, and sub ztantially und Itt atillA form. convenient to wenty. poor inches. Thin will make it eveo citia'en. and particularly valuable to professional gen thonect. As the intention has been to make tit' II a standard Map, no pain* of.pspepse has been spared in its oraparation. The subecil:Yent having secure d the valuable assistance of the different District horvetors throughput the City. and have for serfired ) earn b•en engaged in making an curate surveys MO plane for the wing. JOSEPO H. BONSALL, No. • ii 7 WALNUT htreet. SAMMY. 1, SMEDLEY, City Surveyor, THIRTY-VLF lit Bt. and LANCAIiTait Av. sett-satuthim tp EADY—THE TENTH VOLUME ,OF ita , APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOP/S- CANVASSERS WANTP.D,—Skilful and resolute gentlemen can make arrineetne equal to that of the bio vernor of the Stan+. The opportunity to °envoi a work of ineh magnitude and sterling value ocenrs e per hope, but epee in hall a century. Professional gentle men, not May occupied. nod etneente,_pieese tape LAN, roy tering addrevathe Agent. JUlrili MaPAR LAN, No. 3 1 !South' bIXTft Street. se3o-St QAUNDERS' - LATIN PARADIGI3I9.—i O6ilf swam Ad apted Paradigms, wi,th Synopsis of Dooletwons. to any Lat•renammar. By Odatland Beandere, A. Al, Long Bvo, Price 78 cents. Thus wort is recomMended by the Proloraore of anatent laugnagea in more than thirty of our Pint Col- Bloc siaB44.ra E. IL BUTLER et. CO., Fablishere. Clje Vrtss SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1860. Among the Poets. The prose of this life is so terribly prosaic, hat It is refreshing to pass out of it, now and then, into the secluded nooks and winding paths which terminate In poetry—paths near which spring up the rath primrose, the sweet briar, the jessamine, and the daisy; nooks in the forest glades, which form natural arbors, with the bright greenery of the trees brought out in delicate tints when the sun smiles through theft wealth of leafy beauty. There is much poetry in the world—and more unwritten than written, wo dare say. In g( The Prophecy of Dante," one of Byron's most thoughtful and best sustained poems, we are told, with equal truth and force, that Mani ire wale who hive never pinned Their inipiretion, and, perehane.. the beet: 'They felt, and loved, and died, but would not lend Their thoughts to meaner beings; they compressed The god within thorn, and rejoined the uteri Untenrelled upon earth, bat far more bleated Than thou, who are deluded by theists Of reunion, and their frailtieJ linked to fame, Conquerors of Wet renown, but full of soars. Not with unuttered but with written poesy do we desire to deal to-day, and shall simply place before our readers a few verses which they may read with Interest or pleasure. Place aux Dames! was the courtly cry at the tournaments, in the hard-hitting age of chivalry, and, even in these more practical and less polite times, wo are willing to remem ber it. Room, then, for Catherine Frances B. Macready, who has published, in England, a volume of poems called "Leaves from the Olive Mount." Miss Macready is tho daughter of Maeready, the actor. Iler poetry la grave, serious, and religious. The longest poem hi her book, and also the highest In atm, Is "The Passion Flower," a tale of sorrow, heightened by Christian faith. The book is dedicated to Mr. Macready, In the following words: T 3 MY FATHER. For ever loved, revered—my been's first frmod— Tender u love itself, and true as truth, I would that men might see ass with my eyes. Know thee as I have known—then should fame's wreath (Bound on thy brown of yore) new eemh!anoe take, And show thee helo'd with celestial light! Yet I, who know thee best, and have enahnned Thy virtues in my soul, shall Isebleet Drove To speak how dear thy worth I—That which has been Most noble in thee never can be known. Oh, loving lies, long silent in the grave. Could but the old fire warm them for a epees. Ilow would they echo now my poor ahPlhusgr And oh. it this adventurous tongue can Lout The transoript of 000 pure intent, true thought, Or generous aspiration, onto thee Alone be praise All good my life can show Is of thf teaching, arid In offering thee This lowly tribute of my grateful love, Goa knows.] give thee bat thine own again! From this highly.educated and (we tear) rather old-maidish poetess, wo turn to Mort,. mer Collins, an ardent and enthusiastic young Irishman, whose modest little volume of "Sum mer Songs" is a collection of lyrics contri buted by him to the Dublin Unirersily Maga sine, and other periodicals. Mr. Collins has deep thought as well as sweet utterance. Here is one of his poems, which shows, ruadinputa bly, that ho admires Tennyson : LITTLE LAURF.TTE Little Laurette was sitting beside her dressing-room fire, in &dream Mono ; A toque:me mixture or love and pride She seemed. rut she loosed her sons. She combed her tropes' of wondrous hair. fler small white feet to the lire peeped oat. Strangely fluttered ter bosom fair. And her lips had a wilful tout. Whoever had seen that little Laurette Looking so innocent. tender. sorest. Would have longed to snake her hi■ own Pat. To be at her ferry young felt. IN it fear that dwel's to those weird Woe eyes' For it is not love sod It Is not sorrow. Ah, little Laurette, Irons your dream arise, You must be married to-morrow. Moaned to one who loves you well. Who's wealth to your life will a glory be. Yet I low you are thltikitir —who can tell Of Frank, who ie over the sea. How happy they were, that girl aid box, On the garden terrace by moonlight met. When to loot in his eyes was the perfect joy Of that darling little Laurette. How wretched they were, that boy and gill, When for the teat time they met. And he carried away a soft bright curl, And the heirt of little Lunette. Pooh, pooh! her heart.' Why. she hasn't a heart, bhe waltzed that night with Sir Evelyn Vane: Into the greenhouse they strolled apart, fle's got twenty thouzand a year. A house in Park-lene—s ()Warm In Francs— A Charming villa os the Windermere. Blie made up her mind, in that very Brat dance 13he'd like to be Lady Vere. The news will go out by the Overland Mail ; In a month or two poor Frank sill bear. That London has nothing to do but bail The beauty of Lady Vere. She'll be Queen of Fashion, that heartleu elf. Till a younger comes, and the world VOWS pool, And as to Frank—will he shoot himself ? Well, i hope he's not quite each a fool. Who next ? Honest John Petrie, from "Aberdeen awa'." Ho dedicates his volume to the Earl of Carlisle--a nobleman with more taste than talent, who, it seems, fosters ability in others. Mr. Petrie's gg Love Lyrics and Lays of War and Peace," contains pieces—good, bad, and indifferent. Our verdict must be that the staple of Ills volume Is quiet crity. Yet, when he gets off the stilts of am bitious verbiage, and is content to play upon tho oaten reed of his own country, John Pe trie improves. Then, "his foot is upon his native heath." Hero is a Scotch lovo lyric, which has no small merit, though the final thought in the closing stanza is a little far fetched : THE BONNIEST LASS IN ALL CARLISLE Ire bean far north, I've been far west. I've travell'd many a southern mile ; And the blithesome girl that I love belt la the bonniest lass in all C trlisle ! The bonniest lea. to all Carlisle! Right pawky is the dimply smile That round her coral lips doth play. Which little pearly etude Writs'. I've kissed the fair, and pledged their eye.— Heart beating time to Love the while ; Yet wane all stars in Beauty's skies By the bonniest lass to all Carlisle ! The bonniest lam in all Carlisle! Her hanel-eye is full of wile, To woman's orbs a brimmer drink, While of hers only I dare think! With her, by Eden's fairy stream, Might I the Day of Life beguile. A Paradise I would it deem With the bonniest lass in all Carlis'e The bonniest lass in all Carlisle To share my ease and Imo my tml ; Atm Ere would seem, sad it wont". Eden without the apple tree. English, Irish, and Scotch I—Surely, we must not close without a poetical specimen from Young America. Hero, noxt to hand, is a neat volume of Poems, published by Rudd & Carleton, and written by Henry Lyndon Flash, a dweller, we believe, in the fir-ort city of Mobilo. Mr. Flash is master of his li art, in ono respect whore poets of three aro un skilled or careless—he trnowe how to rhyme correctly, and generally adheres to rhythm, though such a lino (p. 81.) as " Beauty is Heaven's epitome" is unmusical and prosaic. His poetry is chiefly emotional. From the abundance of his feeling comes his utterance of song. Many and many a poet, hero and elsewhere, crowned with fame, writes worse verses than we find in this book. Hero is a lyric Cole ridge, whose exquisite 4 , Love" was probably but unconsciously in Mr. Flash's mind, might have been glad to own. It reads as if it had been written upon what Hartley fancifully calls g , the rod-leaved tablets of the heart," and is named WHAT EH& BROUGHT ME. Thfir ftditd Bawer that y6u sec Wee given the a yeat ego ' By one whose little, dainty hand Is whiter than the now. Her eyes archlue as violate. And she'e a blonde, and very lair, And autumn tints era not as bright As is her golden hair. 'And there are roue In her cheeks That come and go like Ilvlag things; Her voiee la loiter than the brook's That glows from hidden oprinta• TWO CENTS. !he gave it in. with downcast eyes And rosy flashes of the cheek. That told of tender thoughts, her tongue Had never learned to week. The Wing word had Just been said. And she wu mine as long ea life I gently laid the dower aside. And kissed ray blushing wile. Bbe took It up 'with earnest look, And said," Oh t prize the Sower t"— And tender tsars were in her eyes— "lt is my only dower." Eh e brought me Faith, and Hope, and Truth-. She brought in. gentle thoughts add love— A soul as pure as those that float Around the Throne above. But earthly thins/the nothing had. Exorpt this tided Hower you see And though 'tie worthies/ in your eyes. 'Tis very dear to me. There--snMclent poetry for one day. Next time, it our correspondents will aid, we shall give nono but original poems. Write them legibly, if you please, upon one aide of the paper only, and, pray yen, eschew lengthi ness. Tedious prose is execrable, but tire some, spun-out verses are dreadful, indeed. PERSONAL AND POLITICM.L; —The Feliciano (La.)Demorrat says the liseck• inridge election of that district have refuted a pint diecuulon with the Douglas and ; Jot:Salon electors. —A Montreal schoolmaster, somewhat of an en thusiast In tile Defence of geology, hoe ise4ntty made a good hit, by, which be packet' the edm of $200,000.. Ho took a teams on a tract of land 'Lear Acton, on the Grand Trunk Railroad, upon milli& a little copper ore had been picked up by the farmer who owned it. Setting to work, be noon developed s magnificent copper mine, which hes Jest been sold for $500,000, of which he receives $200,000. —The Bangor Mfg and Courier Ilya the* the total vote at the recent election In Maine will be found to reach 123 000, which La over 2,000 larger than the immense vote of 1050. —The United States Circuit Court meets at Tren ton, N. J., on next TVedneedsy, when Jaoksl4w, the Chinamen, will be trial. F. Pickens. late limited States minister to Russia, expects to return to this country bi the Adriatto, which I Southampton on the 21 proximo. —An aeronaut, Willa by name, succeeded In making an atunsion at Richmond, Virginia, In I caloric balloon It few days ago. Bs aseareled /tilts easily to a height of four hundred feet, and tame down a little more tepidly than he went up, ea MD Is the heated aft cooled and lost Its 400410/IVO power. Ile made a voyage of about half a mire. The ascension, It may be as well to stets, waived* with the intent of drawing an audience for a. Bell and Everett muting —The New Orleans gentleman la thus sketched by Captain Moyne Roll " The Creole cares little for expense; he clothes hiatalf in the bast—the finest linen that looms can produce—the Scott cloth that can be fahrioated—Rate ate worn cost log twenty-five dollar ; and the bills eta tailor of the Rue Royals would astonish even a customer of Stotts. I hove myself some remembrance of a twelve-guinea coat, made me by ono of there tranzatlantio artists ; but I remember, also, that It was a coat." —George Law has recently pareheted the ivilla of Mr. Caset, on the hill adjuent to Stapleton, Staten Island, for fifty thousand dollars. —A Paris correspondent writes that a letter re calved there from Mow. Aug. Marlette, the emi nent Egyptian antiquarian, states that a very Im• portant discovery has been made In Egypt : The excavation' made at Memphia have brougkt to light a metal founder's workshop. We have al ready discovered his toots, about forty pounds of unrefined sliver, gold medals, twenty iUves me dale never seen beton, and other objects destined to the crucible." —The San Francisco papers state that Col. PI it• wont refuses to take any part In the Prealdential —The withal of Baron Renfrew as regards the privacy of his reception at Cambridge are to be implioltly regarded The students, hornet, will have in opportunity of personally psylng their respects to the iiteUnguished visitor, Is one of the halls belonging to the corporation of the University. —At St. Louts, Charles Daggett, for killiagJetin Clancy, has been sent to the penitentiary for ten years —Yancey and Caleb Cashing are to edam* the Brookinridge folks at Bangor, Me., on the 21 of October. They were not quite so near together, In polities, twenty years ago. —Gen. Lana Is now on a visit to tali brother, In Indiana. It is ramarad that ha will •lilt Georgia, on Invitation, early In October. Hamlet. From the New York Daily flew.] The personal pronoun la an tcr.portant forge In criticism. "I" bears the UM, relation the. lumbering and unwieldy " we," that a rapier bears to a pitchfork ore trident. r shall esoptoy It. therefore. The shade of Hamlet, If it be per. milted yet to revisit the glimpses of the moon. wi I, I am lure, forgive one, if I Interpret the vapory fantarlee of Hamlet in the flesh awry; tf that misdemeanor were consummated by the foroe edi torial, In its aggregate capacity. the shade of Ham let would, in the elitists and elegant language of Mr. Guppy, " see It further drat." Anent deakspeare, his tragedies, it seems tome, that whatsoever has been or may be written, thought, or Seta, should be eanresd beneath the cloudy heraldry of impresators Voltaire doubt. teas imagined that his own Impieties! thereon were to be regarded as dicta. Goethe probably ouolnded that he bad settled the subJeet Bat, blest; us, Brown his his theory; Blenkinup his, and Imy own. None orris see meets or the aurora borealis alike None of us notelet our perception, of Bhalupeare's plays The truth is, we see things through a different media Therefore, reader, scholar, amateur, vir tuoso, if the impressions which 1 derive freen Mr ' Forrest's interpretation of Amleth, (flub ti • Danish chronicle of Saxe Grammatious,nrintarily, done subsequently into English verse, with Im provements. by William Bbalupeare, of Stretford upon Avon,) be not yours, why let us join bands In dissgreement, and confers that one cf us is wron. Mr g Forrest appeared, after an absence from the stage of four years, on Monday evening. The house was more than crowded ; the audience more than enthusiestfe. The coffers of the exchequer mast have grinned with uncountable dollars These are popnlar indium of success, but wit these let as have nothlsa. to do. Let us attempt • elope analysis of Mr. Forrest's treatment of the oh aracte r. This Is doe to the artist who, however you and I may differ In opinion as to the pectin's- , Titles of his style, is, without questioo:the first of I living actors. It is also doe to the nubile) which has sabered to the fortunes of its favorite with nob faithful and devoted persistence, throughout his dark and sunlit days alike. We have each our impressions eotisernlng the Hamlet of Bhakepeere. Mine IL for eaamnie. that he has no ohs rooter at all. He wag Moulded by his immediate surroundings; the temper of his soul was morepiutio than the clay of the euripter ; a gush of passion rent his drifting imposes sum der as the wind rends the elovd. He moves through the dusky mystirisi of that wondrous play:st once ' shedding and absorbing night; we look to see his presence fling • shadow upon the arras, notwith standing the wave of limps; even MA humor la sombre and sardonid ; It is not the steer glitter cresting the waver of the living lake, but the phos phorescent glimmer of the dead, anent poc3. You have seen the lamplight, perhaps, retested from an ebony caryatid. like a scattered rosary of stars burning from a night of solid black—l can think of nothing which so well symbolizes Hamlet's hu mor. It s tems not a part of his character, or want of character, but an accident; be is jsound among the graves; he is gloomy at the festival. He ia the sphinx of literature. Noes of the commentator, cf Shakspeari, whose works are aoceasible to mo, have Gunned 'platten!. picture of Hamlet's life previoas I. that time when on the battlement he draws his cloak about him, and avers th at the air bites shrewdly. I confess that I should like to know somothirg of the boy Hamlet; of Hamlet the yruth ; the thy, Wo ofed, contemplative dreamer of dreams—the not yet mature wanderer amid the shadows which gloom upon the confines of the mental world. Metaphysical subtleties were not in these early barbario days a part of the world's lore. The maxims of the court were the maxims, of that. worldly wisdom which - contemplates materiel good alone. (Vide the slvoir vivre of Poll:mina) Eagles done! roost in barn-yards The young Runlet It is safe to believe, did not warp his wild imaginative nature to the dull commonplaces of that northern court. He must have been in strange contrast to those by whom he was sur r ound e d. Be was no mote in unirn with the airy swells of the period who fluttered about the !Wart, of whom Osirlo is as intensified apd Laertee a mild exemple—no more like the steady man of the le gend,, iloratio ( a perfectly unexceptionable, relin• bid Pillion, incapable of kicking over the traces of ae.l to date__. .el 9 , 3 110 MI Intl Ivo conventionality, incapable of meanness, incapable i„ ;Z o e . wee lea ni( iyma 1 , 772 not of servility—the very man to borrow money of on PLASTER is unchanged, with sales of soft at Si 15 a pinch; and, of all others, the man for a Jedicioce bottle-bolder, in case you wanted one,) than with i market linearly bare. and the Wee are father e g r ri i m n and his wild raids aurporionrsthwehpo4fosoilkow a h w t s c0.1:7_,,,,,n,,Tar.r50,,10,1iixiithat6310.6:.r%0M0.r.. 64 7.,,,ne to O mit Maio; a hs and then, lam told the traveler of the Alps 1. siEßn3.—The rees.res or Ctourse:d light, end t o will, find a delicate fragment moss rose spring- d i maj d e e t ea lsA m at , soX . , j t ir i Arai; I rene log from that wintry soil, and laying Its tender an' SPIRITS —Brand , end • , e ernx with a moderste cheek upon the ice. now and then, from • beitelaateeetfellrts k. :hthziehdi..da,t stria:uuoromising..il,nringtherarest irtlizrni:ntt:ilp:nmmlsuemx blossoms of humanity. Let us believe that Item- 8 UDA Ris Arm Ai the nottations of la-t week. sal let did. Let us believe that until the murder , amen roe toot hove been tease, meetly be the 'rode. at of his father be was • dreamy, pestle youth, ,i.fnee? 63e .. trlyr, as in en w, t ,,,„ it h ey .i. i . e t it . swayed by the palest impulses, who might JilamV antes of oaf rendered at Wee, under genial eireumeterces, h aVe ed Into ! Toils is vary eumt.rted the sale* toomitlY COD feed a philosopher, might have founded a new' re- tolswLen . otijor oaf outemstion. et ere ettne rates. ligion, or written mighty saga, or loved like moderate Abelard, or gone genuinely mad, Hi s ',Aft" minanunanzrai. sales reach about2,,ao I t.. must Inevitably have drilled him in One of int from Salo Ho torlow , "yeadeard mnitum; hatibleid these Creations. But with the fall of 000 black at sesge,i feekosood a nee at ageeee, not, mallet* shadow upon his heart hie natur&ohanged. Be " M " writ' , " at • Imes "Pt nri vi g• shed his old indlviduall, ago., scrpensibinfa Us I ,In Tina* of the abundant harteat , the efti. skin. He became. not gradually ; but abruptly, the Hamlet of vacillation and irresolution. Goethe sent of Grand Rapids, Michigan, otcerred a day says that tbe load laid upon him was too heavy to of s P cci al thank f d riric g• bear, and not to be shaken off. Consolone of weak. Tan receipts of grain at Toronto on Tine nem In'actlon, be take. refuge In mining. Un- day amounted to 32,000 baldish, the largest day's Wiled In the miner fellottleeddupliolty, he blun- reeelpts of the season. THE WEEKLY MEWL ma Amu Pane will be seat to labor dhoti bf mait(per ammo, eavenee,) at— —IRAN Three Copies, " NI Flee " " SAND Ton. " " "—Mee Tweet, " " " (to ae. arieemOle.•• TiremyCoplermrsmer " (to mittme of Dash nbarriber,) LSO For a Clah M Tereaty-eae or OVIITOII la MOM ga bit» copy to the getter-ea if the WD, Mir Yoga w reviseted Is OM is yeti Ur TazWalual ?Elm ..--- • - - caureaprza rises. lomed Wee dam Njonti. In ten Ur Steamers. dery with uocomMon adroltntri,nnd linhisets Lla blanderito istrosfilettie analysers. With .aapa clout gagged courage and resolution, he Is stM premed with sr vague eonselousness klusa .bs Ss a coward. The sacred daty.or mange Makes that I.fhloh he mistakes for oowardiee seam a mime, and into his heart come trooping remorse, sad rage, and self-sensation, and despair:: maw, what is an actor to do with *spay= of a obarsetar las • this? Mr. Forma dtd with It an that, histricesie art NM do. As no painter *an' delicate* Om anallot, so no actor mar rally realtsSr mar someoptles d that raystarlons Individuality which- nacres said an attaoghara of sight s urged on by Impalas* Tusk contradict and banal each' otjter, and flag no phases to which human' idsitoll'e7 , pirisass supply a perinea. It has been the fashion to pronenewe Mr. Fermat en seam of the muscular • sheer, This yam, venomous stigma seam to me the eery drip.( east. Those who witaceted his performs's@ an Monday night must ham men that him meet effective Inserssrerattens were et' the niter triplets of ilemlet's Individuality. In the Ilse " 'Tta sot alone MY lain alma, esatieinahm." and those which Immediately emceed, MI deep voice walled and risslveced like the toss of • bell that goings above a city stricken with the places The very syllables "sweased torgemp.jeda, la the *team with Ophelia, shat mem ell •dwri whieitdmaanda the moil flutelsol ell la Ote Ws trips, his quids transition from, aselarnboty bales" Hair to the supoat.d.lB,37qrase s fe wes mass perfection. Nos No perfection welch - rns parsetuati7 swigs to satiate who aireettse, mid deity to three who don't, but that perfest/ea elfish leaves the Imagination Boats/ to desire, the Anent nettling to nevi) at. all b that shislawe aim 'WINS ra mm Ul F l uov g7re dhairn that ost- is 'a;to. Aka. QEMOCI, ~den all Inward siselmandly it de few, bet still onward to the lurid taii Yo- I mad siop.• • The Implarshie ithastainenthas *be site 10 theeitalr editorial Amities to MIMI to me the whole of the toditetialb . I regard this as en outrage. I , bellow* Mr. Narmetht per formance of Hwy tat, an Moeda' West. entitles MR to regard as the int of lirlag_ellret is art. first In poster, not leelred sabodeetio emits» wall la that aanielstie gift IR gbh* gelded to the hearts and sympathies of hie smaller% Ismeammisabiy above and beyond any who bare trod the sew sines the elder Keen. I abould Hee to etre resew for this belief: bet. as I have mentioned, Ih:sodium is grim and tedestele. I bead to eistumstansok therefore, and abscond. Weekly iteTlenw of the Philadelphia Maur k et*. • 131%slortrin. apot.ll.llllllL less.sass gaseorarty trim toll &rust ti..o vast. ses.as La Issas siseisars to U. .sasotelod sada at the ..4 w marts., ersorsls ham, I alma go,se. go/metres Hart t* armor. Bowies& aro saispadool and lover. Caul'..* are area.. fa Cast teases a fair %Israeli Sas as Peru sad Cods* ate la pool issismit. Cotten Ls dna. smut peon beam. rah *rebels* wlth =ors trarsars. Pratt of all Meta V searos. Po moos sow Is Tits hoe statilmt is Wet. sod tam omoosssal is bola re swill set iLsaalsstaral anteimme srs Is mod. is beast. ssektas deist. Lassaor Is asset_ Masai Stores are steady. Tab OLla are Mil LIMO. Ptasmosa Ire to se. sad *a Wow or N u y s sad Fyn Lard a is par retest. Suss is aselissipl. so &Ist's'. Clossrussdl is Is ismsoust. ?snow is 11,st. Wag ecnisseasds f•A ssk•s. Gall mores • hit - ssirr. Tts:skt• aro Ira Tie Dry Gaols trod* se 11r d/snits Is muss. in thnia LIT doggie to 1•40 LI Say lb.taad:sastt.stesofsotinor srsoWs' ssaadistar•- mo, BRE m totTrt ri martyr tae mkt saarsto* est dun statorSao rorsMit awe 0( tam & k rau t ...mi. any apod.• or Sloo • ••111041•41t.tod tO, • rSil•Of +Primo 0 , re y Ida td , bbs. Tio, doom tr rep Ilbtjal•ft ••• ammo otar ha mar ye rem upload am the OlOoi.S. eta, ertral Lao aarloa round tu••r• as Is Mot frr 'sporty*. tido I NO t.. toxtram. and 111 Int *47• for Into* Weir' Moor. I ar•lad too about fin bads itearmrs Kora sad curs C. ill Os taro. kin provaur. t4* starter allnaisa vitt r•aellets au Payer* tit our lassie t ism : tam seam to tat tr•lto Ms* MP • ma a stodarat• swam. at ta• ao,yrt rm." ry•M•portao. Irito••• sat tomer 11114171141 , Mt. to • Ptast• um spree sad . as;fty ni no g a :, small say at at i bap Co.‘ 3101141. kol tn •• maatsd om $3/0 tor hums sad fin tio Mt tor Brontranse, The followier is the is•rea.fee racy &Oa Steed. Ice the •ethyl Septeethe. 10. ISO tt elf-barrels oinseezthee —.— Barrels of ea eel . Ao. d. %IX Op. corn do,ooe.la me ed lor HE A e sn'sitt.at. sad vete** hese fallen off T--Th ate he Lathe! ; salsa at .11/16 ja i. mama frost 4111 for Wooer. as to 111 di far shame roeth•ra red. 0,0,•., as Vital SO far Warrants. awl 414101.1 i for De'swara. *LA ior peer .• to el df alai COI goad au! si jilt Irina Lys al tionand ea 73•111130 tor 74 say tied Pityisintviseta. flanii ta fiat Oetteid atlas of ISM /tibiae pinta •••altsra velem Alen at 14•714 ramie .IPres.us4 Osier ttuatt7 at 7ia74... sad 19./11. 4171073 a Chivas, irrrjvfai Rare. sad ms a fair awls,. s Neat ofTt9a Nrsitei.sad sad !rims Deilevate 44.3641360.avd Pecan Muth atlasiiire• Is Barley that* is mon Ws t w ieja k a . .4laCre•-- oohs et ser a De ut vita Madam ay Si t•eshe Si • a (WPWIO 48 sra sitiiet. Of Poi! this 1114 OMR arid fatally bent in few Mtn : inky of XS Wes at !1573 ea time. n e• ek & ed MOW PHI gala Wm tor Li stereo al ale 36 IP NA: • tat of leaf arts and at 417, ta days : sad Salim Chirac° Si VC ati is very away an• althaelt imam is ruses; them to some hole isistia ao to "oath ad*. 1 •• ratty plain end :anent teatime!! Puma at 133da lie ; Plid."l / 7 4Te• lad %inkier, at lilt )03(6. cash sad 66 days. she y the totreat Lwow press Mean— The stosh is very tight. and there ire en tam vreetliy allots. lard is enteitaaea tiviaired rter. and is kid lane SOO tat asst/ to so est of the mutat o s tern,. : at) do at nal-Ws rash tie stce*to Tart mica nalused : teas are iseatiiid 1.2.111‘, Flaw is in fair detailed seise of aol.d tinittal •aj re:a is tr milleras at Haas 11, D. as at eaattty. Ne. Vo.k Cheese ts in fair dernen aid LOX *axis sold at IL: 4, IL. to err oat of the searket. - • - • • E 6A.- There te setter nmre Omni tm ft,l tnt woboot ebna-nrn mien.: sale. ad ton tAer. Smeary S and 3 we BUJ). *fl. end 421. tee/cetera 1.661 tone fnrre at 819. all 6 mnotba. a Scorch PIa there tars been no stiles. and racer are nommal 1 Lomat, B tr. a- d Hoi'ee Iron eel ionsr;7 at rwrlons resit. lees 4 —There es hot little immense. end Shone Is so inock hers on which In rose* •. Corner is dad A Wrenn yellow Metal slam at Slbieltk, and English theething at re. BALK ft in fltr demand end mite• ar. rstber ...ft.,. .insd woe of em I SttlT 41 , toe. Ta.aree' Bark nor-- tints , .• est aoPt.d. rat Imalmd•ah.e. 8- EnWAX.- Three i•errn binge geed renew ores - lat. asd GMAT 1112,1111014343 4, b. CA PI °LBS.—Three, is mire metlelte he Adamenb and Mrgencerrsets have bora merle far Wu , * 6.04 r. at MieS tSO 47 g too-Ins. Brent a nd Team are doll at Isat casks quottions- COAL —The market le lanctira for tha &mune. bet the desevld fn• bombe ere is r•ther better. end 'neve are ntetoed For Lams Coll there I. rat**, mare d•erend; raseeds are warn* at all the shining point., and se. badly wanted nt tvr h•r rat,' of freirbt• COTTON —Dote is • loth.b•lt.r feeble In the otark.t ander farornble 'Armee from ithrn d. bat the roaroifsets re el warshawe eantrewels : some beds., are indifferent shoat realisiss at diligent Rtes. aid here temnotsr ...thdmrn their etnelle: wiles of 1010 Coshes. eltWee Up's...J. at 1412.546.e1ve117 et the latter retn fo• in.dOhne ftt•tual.m. Th. Nkswlne is s etsinwaset ash* reoesensses for tae tut week. led cons let Etepttenner, ecntrared Irma the dry srecedter tat.• : PAmatTre you Wrra a.: Sine* llf T. ;L: To 11.•• Weok••••• es. F.nec4. ISM 61.. .42 (On 121.450 (M 3 ItW . om fs - cm 17 iivik 100 _m CCU Strut 9 ;IV , . OW 7SO 9.71$ 33 003 .31 MO 700 I .003 41 COO 31.000 10.1210 COO 2/X3) IST b2PTIY/111- TO Ot To To Sways. Presto. Otirr FP. Tee- Frog.. :Sri 6 COO 301) gra MAW 1903-e0........ 71000 1000 1:331 10/0 :333 601 11649. 13,000 160) 17.aal 64060 IVO S ....... 6 3CO 1600 &MO 34 Oil 64.0 460) %Jae 40. t to kla-6 . V.OOO IMO 710, 14 OW 113 031 TAU 4144 ao. so ingo.4. , so mfr./NO aver r %CVO 'eat Tom. • r.d as versos* of r COO over 30360. 4414 Q. ozporto uAeon tit* follow - tag remits t Corneal...l artth t. Nrit. Pose t. FP. rear:. .!•-t ri I.sta •r on 14 000 ta.l 0 deo. I 02) Ito 3219/44 iro deo. 10 ttO CO doe. 1 MO dca 0 CIO tan. 172 KO CUF F MAWS Wlto g 0.111•111 r 1 . 1.6• lit‘ft•Z ie re, Inn at 4..•_4,1•e50• ; or 3 MO but. t0c4.4 VMS R ao •t 013 N.. C0r.0ak......4 Ana* go sots g•us•rg s• I INe. snA Cape at 1.1i.r. le 5. 111 en umr. T h• raek A sof, he Is• L'hl4 AND DYES—Tap meta...nu are t•••• I at Wit titaos• them.* auth'• Soda ay atl , ae. a t soothe' alit.- Sass, of Le r.l 11.0. arid 1"-a Yr 151.3 artral at %is 1334 e * ?mare!' hat witttenthars near- kit:here is ease hula las air,. i FISH —Thera s s lirso•t feels/ Mteltrrrat, Let all gore% Amts. almost. is sus Ws, Cos •41a4ears* : so tAt;on• •131!1410 fro p 11. tor for hart. sad Instirmo y, ad 419414 aao Si hlw/I tenors* mad, t at met anal! 3a; Cdod li(tete P,-Itted loamat Hatt $OllO3. seers me E. totality; Whit. For'. rrtjobjrt iLia Sir bag bbi siariret is pastry luare ef Swim. earl gainer. eras soh wasted- Is demon:stmt. titer. le • Mr trade to torte.. Grimm A trees tell at 'lmam/Air kW. Noakes haw frog' Stein IP boatel. A is dried Apples ban two nod St 414 to Pet b foe ll.rw• .mated AsaeAse eeestaand ?ego. sae Pared UAW; al lb. F PATHERN are *cares; good 'Philters veil.*: la a preait As, •1 tentea V A. • )'aFJ iTR..To tarlarpool :boor IS bar °Sin sit. sad the rates hare shelstry dm:Ma...4; I.taoo Ole Boor more Latin at la 01. sad ccoleasabal, Nall • as 131. To Lon dun Se La meted for and be for heavy epode. TlPeTrt a ltlie ' rillTr ' e l la not too tota Ni g d , ens. " The by ra7: l‘ tl.irt i es e l r n sr °T =l:alasik 11;•. 1 CrlInziOt il om 'U ro rt s Boston, by oh. paetets. 'note s& SIA for toe, tt3 fo o t emia.ard as for ractantamett roods apd •81 for Oct... Rut Instals a , e seams. sod rates le the deepen 111 hir , pe tea,. paid to Boottoo..smt 111140 to Rhode 01 0 —No Batas of either erode ebttlitd etre berm , rutturtrd- OVANO.—There is fair demand for tarot lade. •••1 tries* are mad!. et 446 /MOW for Fe roman tad 4= 14 13 for sombrero. El !P . M are atirirtinr mar* attent•on t 4 0" tee•ai•- ra and Porte Paha lo sod at 111114 tl.to on tine. Vtty stsurbtrr Hider tante from eS ego. as to otaatr. HOPS are {eta firm-awl are Inroad at Vero Or D. as the rate f r new crow: old are worth lib at)! le dolt; "flute hove. mate r'' , U /ILI to 17 ; 'tibiae Pap do at lilt. Pickett. Laths. sad AbISSIIN•telet10110 u IRlSgorged MOLASrE9.—Tbero bra firm. 1.11 sr in tbs market Oct not wrath doing' t .rtes of Cobs Hetsweado : 'tome YOrro Roo it 330.. sal 'New, (lime* at TV/300. roar mouths. A lot of tart Cabeo'd at its. on nat. MAYAN EITORkfk —There nthar worm deans In Roact, and we ntlce awls. of 1.100 hbla. 4) roe Memnon • „1111.3651 In No 3; and 4431•310 r median, end tees' No. 1 Tar and (doh ars dull. at last week's OWltAtiOall. Spirits of Turnentiaa news • hawed in- Vur ar.(3 the sales are on'y in a avail way, at 41,430, the fattor for New York bal. 01L3L—Stierm and Whs't are bald InLif • bat I!. axles are I m ted. LillS@Pd 01'• 5510 as wante is small. d at sin .59. to casks and bee.. Th• stook of Lard (kt hot ample fir the dented. tad Kiore are /toad, Pelts at 01.4 etontla. for Westarn 1Y tater. sad NOW for spas. no morement is rad Cut. Fin* IV is .van.. at Pdab. , th enlmts o r:. s , s‘ ba"•tA, spa WbsAbossill lato ni ted State : for the week shams Ssot. t 9 tdiu IT'abtu Op Buis. Sin. IDs Bone. 933 len 51.0;r3 130.165 Lau sca Teta! oa.iy. for the week, Prem EMMI 1110
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers