Ir . ,io.2i if izt , .:.: .54r4.::T5'.`5,. , • - •!..:: F. , 1. i t,.... i 2 r :f .44 .,t --: -4 . 1t . , , , ..! , it i , . 1 , . , t ,s s 2 qii:,,tc.,:i.,,,,-,A,XTURDIAI,'SgiriIiBES:I6, 1860. . -- -Zino: Pasn.-=;Alenitttidin Sinai and Gartbaldi ; ,9 actiocur., Tmeolgeoii:4liitilttled Peculation; Stepan itopoittlie; - MAC.? eltientsteat Disaster. owson 1:-PontretiPitelNill hatidflPtitt:bilastrophe ; The Prince al Wales in41.01:41 (Anal! Mem ; Ma- =!=2ll k :=ZeirPs.';' ' , :r! - :- . A -i? i The Melte. • , 'all-eini-the-eounnY are aimst oonsphiting their tahors: The redone:l)4mi gu t tie, come very '1011y... Tint/ lerald - says vic , fge „ . ~?,thti a teheve the nMolelyspeatit from New Ramp :"" Aire ondßiii.le bland, however, withal do hotel , . 1 gr,cp.!,iiporpass over the repletion of godly, 9211 la, ,idrfr. , l!for lea, 317,0 4 , ,ard ~- ,4 154- : .11- . 1%- ,h 1r.1 3 1 1 0 , • 316,176.: The, ;Mi. htithod• blend la • teartqlki proiloit p ion;- oP l?elni ,neatly 12 pot. emit. in thu ulatten 'lB6d, 14649 f, tifte;4lionsie; Alm:, ithoptipabOon of the . niker - Atianti° 9 " 41 ' linthendkprilefin* in the meunifienaring °KW, v . :while in many 'of •tlie rural nris - there has been ier`9,lilth , gain a nd 'nine probably a slight Yallisg ow .Ah tlsalti• now ;Western States we will to4oektntbi brood bonus*. Qffietal invesilgations In - Baltimore develop ,thtegs. ,WS that Marshal 4.t0ne14 104 , - Pugged in - the work of hunting up ',0%,08 - ,negroes who have been sold from that ;6 3e - 1 ;10 . 61- :perpetual slavery, et the South Pertain :men „ have amassed fortunes by this .'Thie - .Sorentor of Maryland, at the , isetanee of Menthol Kane, has recently issued re. giltonions upon the Quentoricf several States for negroee thus 1114011 y sold:, • • . • The rude' by 'ea yesterday upon the ; operators for adjectives shiltild not be mederstood - as' applying to the Aiwa elated Prese, , ,isitiongh that binlywas mentioned by. - Ans lit:thr,Parsgraphalluded to, The extravagant, elespateVislitak milled we Cr.infonned by Mr. , Patten, -the .agent, item, - didreot come from hie office; but was sentto an-afternoon journal by tie -.:ptilitioterui interested. ' (rpm Reading ii,y telelogniph that yes usonsiag, about -three ,o clock, an alleged 'hoissr.thief, awned' Barton 'H.' Barrett, 'escaped from the iseitoiliof tliesheriff of Cambria county, • ~ by.'jurtiPlat, ant ; Of tie, 'window of a oar on the c,. L,, 'Catarrhs" - Ballreid: occurrence took place thetrain was in the vicinity of Port Clinton. : , '.A.reirard is offered for his arrest. ..•f ate! from Europe, and especially from - the iseturn:parSof it; modify considerably previous ~sepostokef the, eoadition of the crops. Although ~ ' „-,irairms and tweets' have due. much damage in the Rdsdari "grain.bearing _ Provineete, there is a that the -harvest will turn out to, be. good one. Span will have a large enrpigs fdr .exportation, and, as meet likely. • ;... of.: an excellent guilty.' The deficiency will be chiefly- in the British Islands, Holland, and Cermet*, bat as other °retie' have not suffered to " - ;the some extent as wheat, the demand may not prove's° great as many have supposed. „ - We learn from Waehington that despatchesof a semiofficial aharaster have been received frcni Criss.: They my thaaCohos having been de -F feared, tie State of Comics 1. now in powendon of tbeliberels.- ,Thdllititetioniste bare abandoned, - the cities • Jalapa, and °Antra, where - theLiberale were reising"troops to attack the sue. Puebla. = The Liberal army of the interior in Queretaro were makimrpreparationsteadvance on tie city, of Mexico. „ o Tha Leavenwoith Herald !WA's that the amount of gold'retreilied in that oily by the Pike's Peak Expiesi; Of,the 27th tthimo, was $135,000—585,000 on consignment, and $lOO,OOO In the hands of pea ' sengere The receipt! by the coach of the 29th nitimoeresdated to have been $25,000. TVolie'Esys: there was good tOMlllo—fori apprehensions, of an insurrectionary . _ microcosm 'on. the 'parte th& hlaske Of that we., *.! 03.- tanhltit • Theoiencession'ef inegro girl bilongiog to the disoorery. The , ; ',cßisi444. Am .:Omit arrested were to the ,li .tiattbe town was to =be Mad 011, Bonds). Ow *Bimini Weis in attendance at the i ,4 " , Tdiffereet rdreithee That piper concluded with the -- '.'rettletk`tithort some hlaek-kaartad Abplitlenhit or been tempering with the bleats In •eali phew and vioinity, there eon be no gees: =Bes; the.Oarneni of eleven, and the city an he toe watchful. " „ cii46lliitir journal, speaking of .Cape Jack Wilson) says:: This gentleman,who erommendet the or , zlll-Taisici steamer Lady Elgin; and went deem With 1 4' 1 . ft: tittles' of " Ogderiatistrigh, thirty-eight Z - -04 1 ? PColi, Ho. 0 6 fOiatiSa4- 118 4 412-, boy 011>hafts Ontario, and has commanded` run, sail tiad'steam vestais.-. He oft m soy bemoan and w_'l=•,„ 7 . • - i " We Liras{an Washington that thi receipts fete ari pt- Washington the - pelt we . +4•;inonotod to. 3930 000 TIC tradeoiabsla "lookiellers will epa?clistioe to Idoodaymopioir ci.xt.p at th e auotliit fOOCOO of 2d. 41" Boui, Soifitlroortb stmt. PateiengetrHiillsviiycir - in Eigland• d. The atiteeitilii pieseit rsilwaya in Phila- Ne4tl'oot, sndsioetonbaa at length scale, of the same ; `system- . inAnglaif.: Tpmea 'of -ctliainsi ult. givei n glowing iscaounf,or the , results of -the 'elpernulnt, and, predict, that Yailtiajs over the , • eventnally render the latter i..•TRUN of lioetiin; is the 4(liteiii:liitititimoieliient,'ind'the new line . 61 „ ." rails:was' laid down under , 'the iniperintend '':!iiiii}liiif Mr. U., of Philadelphia. It ex r,Aendlt:citioni the WoSdside Ferry, the landing placwatitirifenhitad, jturt'opposite 'the' centre of 1;14 - iiiiieil,"bi the Shore road, through An "Wand:Conway: Streets; and Si pa, to the en- Biiktm4heAd 'Park." The whole &g -ingen te little more than a miletind a .quarter, but the absurdit c ref the stereotyped objections ' 2 - ,`"lWstteef bpin demonstrated by 014,40 rt !Mite:. lir; Tumuli is about to coin amence%aimilariailways in Manchester; Was 4Oftt'aUd other larire British towns, and in n tr-111 niortthsinore our cousins across the water ;`, - - 3 - - ii-v4r-wiltxriitiably., be ae deeply involviei,:and as YY?i, ireradY iiierelted, In Passeriger.railway specu ,L Slatious) . .a.c the Philadelpitiansmere after the and 81Mb:streets line proved successful. Hou."l/ferschel 'V. Johnson iu -Phila delphia. • .. ... . - 62- a = HOP, V. Jommoi, the !Homo ' '•':Orkitidcluididate .`fio; Vice A Pres ident, will ad , rms:the: citizens : .Philadelp hia,ls at Concert 4, 4 4141; 1 tbli 'evening. He Is one of the best Country, and thisfact, n. 8 as important position he occupies, Will, , -Secure hiMa large audience. Citholdfc' Orphans' Asylum. .-.oe'rborfday,tbe Anttuno for the Wm . alter this excellent and well•oondnated Institution held-'pion the grounds of the Asylum, West • A good band of tousle was engaged in;l'a great dee) of inpiiosS reonsation" Was " the - . ,order of the Two- haidred and thirty or r!phon Children eremite:tally educated and provided !'lV•for tfinder the . °ere of a female religion. anode. And, the 'MA= could accommodate - great, Missy more, 'were peeiniary means. A great many of the Bathe • Aid oldrgy 'of the thy" and its vicinity were ..." 1 L I : :Tirerent• on! Thursday, soli a largo ,orowd of the Ainong the latter, the female Ns owdda predominated, and we may whisper, in •- `atriErituonfidenee ' that it would be diSsult; 'yen in adei p toind - solaite a ik,r °enter of youth. good A.bont - 41*.' hi: the Bev. Michael . MWta iPt,PAlVledllif.P.P4Vm l,lo tOladtiolod the ~ company ,in ,the. following order - Dr. !Shelton • hieekermie, of •The Preset who ProMillid, to. give , • aleistare,lo •Philidelphis, for, the benefit of the ' ' ' Right - Rae. lam B 1 tuore; D. G., fildhciii of the; dloOm of Port Wayne. .1...Wh0 made on eloquent, address;. the Bev. Bernard Xecoeu of Leneerter,And the Barr. Philip Gant t'', well, o f di Beitie;t Phtladelibia. Mr. li s meeko' Oymismetwm. -J.. • • .... • , ACr"er , loitettates, ire .hare hare 0144 to the greet r eerttee 7iitataA. Simko term - Waring to the thing e Er to 4 911 by far ereltoondstited AnmieMy _for ' Physics' ...Education. Brood 'Meet, below Walnut A B D.s).. ze. ere - ,temteliteci by the atteroireiCwhieb ~-r d evelop. the tanalos and bring the limbs into proper notion. : Lie le ddWng tbe. Ph•Uadelphie f „,ipeasts. .14 an, atimirable , manner, and, now has his /Mil "promised iiitiltanting eshool seedy eeMpteted '4),":llemetti; gentlemen 'irpmetteal too• :: : :!tictetei with SIM; sad will etint.mte his aid. • Mr. "briliati" establishment at !piin g Ai, the Academy in Broad street, and Russian With. . The new U ; 4 *": 1 feW days,'lnd when all olio day i n ," siie!ie rk order , we ' 144 meta in &WI thanme oan do So-day • •. - - •••,..^.4to ,gtAimic pox -Otar readers, who :"."."trier.lityiliftbi...ooisiplimioat. of reading intety Ito in ": 1 i'= 4 ;.` The Piiiishgie:dOubtleiMobieifwi:atillmennoe• :in r . ,';4oillitiii - PaMraci 4'ol!'),iiiirii ti4t tbe), are :,I.4[ l .;oliinecit,aninitaense icantity of „their' steaks:l c4iP :-:.5,, f pbblJectionant helfpriee—thit means at half the -a-:..' "u 4cabciala aadnt a sistailth of the English, price 0 4' c t, ,"4,1",'!* trilfVfeir)iiparilitiged eight , sonata pater cec ' ~, E 1 ';': •4*17:7 I O il' I : P*r. 8.0 4 taimla; a dollar. mean*. ki1.14.10 1-.f0t.04/00,••jusi plibliehed t ooMplete in one 12mo _,ix c _ ~; s ol4 the isteiWitiag inisteseithig Parkhill romance raL ; : -: ''!? 1 _, s 'C l i* ,4 , l , l *!!kii: fiiii r ,Oill'lgei /bailee TOP le se -- A- - betik4itliii emorni: - . ito,beve.)l4( reeeived,. u we %_ .... lfritessaleistaitonthly Cumber of Peterson;t #9 20 00:-PflifPfi4ir, Phlohmill be taibliched to lint taltlissig-r4lmpiieme r sto,page , F, beaded .o:4Rimini" ial. 4 6 44 , f 44 r3l**lt t,'lltatifablable'to bailee:Satin,' frosi.the, l a 41 j , tltil l ' fitii10 1 0 0 :- . 0 it's : inforin:lidelk :thei' Ott IC . • Et ..»,.#00)04,A0V1, Lord Renfrew's Reception. Many Persons are anxious to know what preparationi; if any, ate in progress for the reception afitiMterfaimitentin this city of the Heir Apparent_ of , : the British Orown—Lthe eldest eon of' thataitemplar3i woman, wife, and parent,•VntriOstra of England. Whatever com pliments-- are':;:iiiii - fo the Prince of . Wales, upon the soil of the United States, are proofs of popular regard and appreciation of the pub lie character and domestic virtues of his mother: Her . own sex has every cause to be *rid of her, efad ours value her scarcely less favorably. Aaron RICIUREVI, who has not yet completed his nineteenth year, has his charac. ter 'unftirmed as yet, and, of himself, would scarcely deserve much attention from Ameri cans. But as the son and hereditary Emcees= sor of Vntroate, 'the future ruler of the mOther-land;--tlhe old country," as it still (4fectioriately :desipated by many,—he will be hollered ezettedingly, front a stately recog nition at Washington; the metropolis of this 'vast" Republic, 'down to the hearty greeting which will gladden him as he passes through even our smallest hamlets. , Re has travelled much, for a youth of his unripe years, and has aeon many countries, uuder diverse forms of government. We dare say that he has not yet beheld any land more prosperous than his own, more free, more the roughly under tha protection and panoply Of the Law. In the Canada's, which he is on the eve of quitting, he has seen the same race as he left at home, with a mixture of the French blood which beat so warmly in the 'hearts of the gallant men who, bravely but unsuccess fully, battled igainst the attempted domination of the British, when WOLIPE and MONTOALIC heroes and patriots both, tell at the came time, covered with equal glory. In the Oanadas, he • Would see a diversity of laws—the Fr4nch code retied to, amalgamate with ,the British, but sometimes dovetailed in. a clumsy and un eatisfattory manner. There, too, lie would be greeted with what is called ct loy alty,"—namely, personal devotion, some times extravagantly .and even fulsomely expressed, towards a Queen and her family nearly three thousand miles distant, who, by descent, and not by election, govern that British Empire which is so vast in its extent. And here, as we write, we cannot help being reminded of Wzaurea's magnificent allusion to the vastness and power of the rule which is exercised in the name of Queen somata, uwhose morning drum, beginning with the sun and keeping company with the hours, circles the earth daily with one continuous and unbroken strain of the martial airs of England." In the United States, on the other hand, Lord Ezeritzw will find a country and a people not much unlike his own—but with a difference. Our citizens are largely, but not exalusively, of the Anglo-Saxon, or rather of the Celto-Saxon race. But every country in *Europe has contributed to swell up our im teepee and increasing population. Still, faith ful to old traditions, we preserve not only the language of the British people and their de scendants who preceded us in occupation of this land; and we adhere, mainly, to the old manners, the old customs, and sometimei oven to the old superstitions. From England, too, we have derived our jurisprudence ; not only in its essential principles but down to most of its forms, and our very Con stitution has strong appearances of having been framed chiefly upon that of England— (aces t that we have improved, enlarged, and defined it. Iv hat is unwritten and elastic in England, we set down in palpable black and white, defining and fixing it. Our very Fxe eative has been modelled somewhat upon that by which England is governed—except that we have 'substituted an elective • for a here ditary ruler.' We have thriven under our Con stitution, and may truly say with the 'poet— " There never were beer% if our rulers would tits/um, ',More formed to be crateful and bleat than ones.' Lord Ristrnew will see, in the United States, a people is free, and, it may be, a trifle more independent ,than he left at home. We should honor him, as a _mark of respect to hie admi rable mother, and, however we do it, let no hope that we shall eschew that snobbishness which frequently disgraces New York on grand occasions. His stay in this city will be brief, and whatever we do muit be 'fixed for the 10th"of October, the only frill day of his residence here. Be it remembered that it would be bad taste to surround him with English, Scotch, Trish, aud:Welsh, however anxious these may be to compliment and greet' him. Persons of this sort 'he sees, every, day of his life, is his own country. He cornea to see America and her own people; and, to, treat him properly, we ,should bring him in Communication with our ii fair women and brave men." It has been suggested that a Ball, at the Academy of Music, would be the yk;Ti, beet . opportunity for letting him see our Philadel phia folks, and we are in favor of that mode of gieeting him. But we warn our belles that they must not expose this young gentleman to all 412pir fascinations. As a bacheler r lie Is fair game—but the Royal Marriage Act of expiessly forbids any member of the Queen's family to marry without her consent, and a martage contracted in opposition to it would be null and void, ab tnilio, as was that of the late Duke of Sussex with Lady AUGUSTA Muasay, (an Earl's daughter,) celebrated at Rome in' 1798, and broken, by English law, on his return home, in 1794. American ladies may dance with Lord RENrazw, flirt with him, and so on, but they must not dream of marry ing him—unless they are well assured that be is prepared to abandon his native land, with all his present and prospective advantages, and quietly sink here or elsewhere; into a private life, 'thinking, with Mark Antony, that the world was well lost for Jove I The Municipal Buildings. The warm contest which may naturally be expected in regard to the erection of the new municipal buildings, in consequence of the di versity of existing views and interests, has now fairly commenced. The Commissioners have decided upon Penn Square as their loca tion, adopted the beautiful designs submitted by Mr. MoAaraua, and advertised fur pro posals for their erection, which will be re ceived and considered during the present month. But the Supreme Court has decided that any contract the Commissioners may make must be submitted to the City Councils for their approval, and our municipal guar dians in the Select Chamber have already shown their eager• desire to, enter upon the discharge of this duty by adopting, at their first meeting after the recess, and before the formation of a contract, a resolution instruct ing the Committee on City Property to ex amine the proposed plans and specifications. -Thu the ball is fairly opened, and a local war declared not exactly like the Lilliputian con test between the little-ondians and the big endlans,but betweenthe advocates of Independ ence and Penn Squares, or the east and west. endians. The latter have triumphed in all the preliminary skirmishes, and have only to se. cure the endorsement by Councils of the con. •tract which the Commissioners" may make to secure a final and conclusive victory. The former rest their hopes upon a repudiation of this Contract, and a consequent postponement of the whole question until some future pe. rind, when a stronger east-endian sentiment may prevail among those authorized to fix a site for the municipal buildings. The parties who' are most active and energetic in their efforts to Mai the minds of members of Coun. ells, are, of course, the property-holders who taped an increase or fear a decline in the value of their real estate. Bat Councils should be influenced solely by a regard for the welfare and convenience of the people of the whole laity, and should disregard the clamor of those who, from mere pecuniat motives, favor either interest. Indeed, as the queis. tion now stands, the only legitimate duty of Councils will be to say, when the contracts are submitted to them, whether they are pro • per and judicious or not, without reference to their judgment in reference to the location of the buildings. rbaladeJlphia Trade dale. NeatMondaynerning, at Thomas's salesrooms, COntb Fourth street, will be commenced the 55th Trade oafs of Books, Stationery, in this atty. The catalogue contains many and large involooft, whlch Mr. 8011, more sun,. will " kneels down" ,rilth his wonted aliorlty and moms.. j l tool[B AND RAUL EMTATN, TANSDAY Thomas & bons' eighth fall sale will take place on Tuesday next,lBth inst., at twelve o'clock noon, at the Exohnege, INte advertisements and pamphlet catalogues, is• sued to=dali. - - ii. itt:Strits FOR MR. FORREST'S OPEN/N4 NIOBT.—As auotton 'sale for the choice seats at Nthlo's for Monday night nest (Mr. Forrest's first night) took -place on Thursday afternoon. The premiums okthe oftilesd ;Ito* of the seats sold amousted te abon 3 / 4 Sarrsso, THE PR. - ESSe-PHILADELPILIA, `SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1860. Public Amusements. Mass Gateman Broin'atss' OONCIERT.—it is pleasant to 'Swami, !bribe lake of a fine artistt, 'and amoat admirable gerdiewomsn, that this enter tainment, last night, wee , eminently eneeessful: The performers were the fair bsneficeasrs, Miss M. O'Connell, Mr. Praise, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Situp eon, Mr. Blohings, Mr. Thunder, (at the piano,) and Mr. Gaertner, the violintet. Musloal Fund gall was crowded. The best performanooe of the evening were Miss Rioting' . Frond' Chansonette " La Manola," and a new song, called "Only Waiting," composed expressly for her, (with the fault of being crashed by an excess of piano forte accompaniment) and a beautiful trio with Miss O'Connell and Mr. Taylor. We have seldom heard Mr. Truer give " Wilt you come Into the garden, Mend " with such line voice, and sympathetic) express sloe. Mr. Taylor and Mr. Simpson also acquitted themselves admirably. Mr. Gaertner's vlolinita. Eton (it we may sole a word) was beautiful and— tedious. A solo on the violin, osoupying over teen minutes, fatigues a conceAninilenoe. A groat drawback on the evening's enjoyment was the ab• ammo of programmes. Mr. Riebinge addressed the audience, and stated the feat that the programmes were'ordired, printed, and not sent down to the ball. This carelessness and neglect Is unpard one. ble. We believe that Mr. and Mine Etchings will commence a short engagement at the Walnut street Theatre, on the 24th inst., during which one of 13aIfe'S operas, namely, if at all, known in this country, will probably ho produced. Aitan.aranar Innantis.—The new and splen didly-appointed extravaganza called " Lalla itookh," which was played here for the first time an Thursday night, Will be 'repeated this evening. The Florenoeff, who really are capital in it, have capital parts. The third night of a new piece, we bqr to hint, is always the best. The Florenoes re main another week. To-day, there will be a dra matte matinee at Aroh-street Theatre. These matinees are very' successful. WALNIIT.EITRENT TIINATRE —This evening, Miss Annette loon closes her: engagement, which has impressed play-goers decidedly in her favor. Whenever she returns, she may edentate on draw ing good houses for two or even three weeks. The , misfortune of these " stars" is that they all per form in the same plays. Will nobody write new find good noting dramas? On Monday, Mr. and Mra..l. W. Wallaak, Jr., commence a short en gagement at Walnut-street Theatre. Mr. Wal leek is a very good performer, and the public) will gladly go to see him. THD CONTINBNTA THEATRE.-It IS said that Carnoross & Sharpley's Minstrels will not perform beyond this evening : A more rospeotably-oon duoted company of able Ethiopians we have never seen MeDom:won't+ NEW GAIETIES: In reply to a correspondent, we have to say that the Ravel troupe, though not the time-honored Ravels them selves, really are performing here every evening and very sromessfully, too. LATEST NEWS By Telegraph to The From Two Days Later from 'Europe, TUE STEAMS MITA OFF CAPE RACE Decline in lireadstuffs. Si' Jonas, Sept. 14 —The steamship fdelita from Liverpool on the 4th lost , bound for Halifax, passed off Cape Roca to-day, and was intercepted by the news yacht of the prem. Her advices are two days later than those fur nished by the arrival of the steamer Aela at New York. The steamships Adriatic and Anglo Saxon ar rived out on the 4th inst. It is stated that Sardinia is about to interfere in the affairs of Naples. The Landon Observer qualifies the statement that Mr. Lindsay, M. P., visite America in an anthentative capacity. It says the journey is a private One; but, as a repro- Fentative of the shipping interests, Mr. Lindsay has consented to nee his fathoms to induce the American Government to negotiate for the Juljest :tient of various shipping matters. :The English Government, desirous of facilitating these views, has furnished Mr Lindsay withal! the correspond ence that has taken place between the two Govern ments on the subject. A oollielon Occurred at the East Lancashire (Eng lish) &Inroad. Eleven of the passengers were killed, and nineteen wounded, PRANCE EN=Siiii;E= Tba Paris oorritspondeut of the London Herald agya that France hius purohased ten, largo transport ~roamer• In the Thilted Ptitet. The Pails Bourse weidttll. Barites 'closed on the 3:1 at 88 , 880. . The Paris oorn market was lower. NAPLES. hardlniale about to interfere at Naples. It is reported tbs . +. Gin. Lan:minters is about to leave for Naplee with 30,000 troops to prevent the threatened anarohy„ Alt the disposable vessels of the Pardfnlan navy are to be cent re Naples Vigorous military preparations are being made :it Piedmont, the Sardinian Government hiring rvOry available transport If It le impossible to ) ouvey, them with sutholent rapidity, the Pope will be requested to allow of their passage through his dominions An insurrection bad broken out in the provinoe of Terra Delavovo, and the insurgents were maroh ing on Camp Basso Thore is no intelligende as to Garibaldi', move ments further than that helm at Monteleone. It to reported ,that the nesignationa of the Nea poiltan will not be accepted. The Government of Naples will pay France the _um of three millions of franca ea an indemnifica tion for tbelokses sustained by French oitizens In the bombardment of Palermo. .The prohibition placed upon the departure of volunteers from Sardinia is said to have been re- moved. It to rumored that the Cabinet at Turin have ;greed to preventehe invesiom of .the States of the 0 • uroh The Frugal garrison to: Rorie is to be increased by a force of three thousand live hundred troops. A mons has been declared in a state of siege, nod the Papal delegate recalled. AUSTRIA The extetenoe of a revolutionary oommittee has been dimovered at Verona, and the members have boon arrested. The papers that were found on their persons are said to make a startling expose ~f the prootedinge of a neighboring Power. EM MIA. The Prince Regent of Prussia will visit Warsaw on the invitation of the Emperor of Russia, abon the middle of September. The tallow prospeots were unfavorable. SYRIA. Tho French troop continued to arrive a Burnt. CHINA AND INDIA. Bombay dates to August 8, and advloes from Bong Kong of July 17 had been rooelved at Lou don. A famine was impending in the northweet pro emcee of India. The British forces in Obina are ready for an at tack on the enemy, but their French allies bad p-otested agalnat their commencing hostilities, the latter having loot all their harness by shipareek. On the 2t3th of Jane, however, Lord Elgin in dneed Baron Greg to withdraw the protest, and the attack was to commence immediately. THE LATEST. [By Telegraph to Queenstown.] LIVERPOOL, hopt. s.—The confusion in the af fairs of Naples is increasing The " Annexationist Committee" received a despatch from Garibaldi, on the Si, stating that ho would be ih Naples on or about the Bth Mat , and would assume the Dictatorship of the Two brollies, in the name of King Victor Emmanuel. Count de Persigny has made another speech implying that Napoleon has done nothing more then to maintain the Pope's throne, and would not help General Lamorlotere to keep the Roman States. - • It is reported that the Drusos have defeated a detachment of the French forces in Lebanon. Piedmont has made a considerable reduction In the duties on yam and tissues, .to., of cotton hemp. Commercial Intelligence. (By the steamer hiehta,i Livaiipoor., Tuesday, kept. 4 —Cotton—Ti e market closes quiet bulfirm. Tha sales or yes tlyday and to day are estimated at 21,000 bales. including 6,000 bales to speculators and for export. Of ATE ci THADE.—The markets at Manchester Are firm, and trines have an advanoing tendency. BRBARITI7I/711.—The Liverpool Eiraltdatuffs market has* declining widen°. under the offsets of the favor able weather Mews. Richardson. Fissue. & Co. ro- Pert that Pliny has suffered a Cecil me t hen le ; quot mg at 30832 s 6d. The decline in Whe istil. Rod to quoted at 11012 s 3d. and white at 12010 r &I. Corn is 641 lower ; mixed and _ ) ollow 845. Pa ovisioas.—The Y0V1210119 market onntlnues dull. The various authorities report Reef heavy. Pork Ono but qmst, Bacon quiet at easier prices, but the quota g., ;mare uuctuinged Lard steady at 61scifiLs. PEOPtics.—Rosin buoyant. and common has ad at qg lOd fipiritaof 9 1111.0141 , 0 firm at 2106d632n. Sugar steady. Coffee quiet. Klee quiet. Ashes—Pots quiet, at 2so 6d ; Pearls quiet, at 29s Gdm LONDON MARK i.tTB.—Baring Brothers report a decline of 2detild on Wheat. Burma firm and Gd Mauer. Rice quiet; prices firm. Tea firm. Tallow quiet at Moab 9d. • cloud at a AMERICAN STOCKS.—BeII & Co. report the follow ing sales: I , lmois Central. V' cent. discount , 29 $f®11S£, brie Railroad took New York Central ex 80 New York Central Sixes-- —........ tag Penn'a Central 6s lit m0i1 .................,.... 91 From Washington. Wassiserow, Sept. 14 —Captain Walker has been orderedto Chiriqui, to relieve Captain Parra gut in the command of the. Brooklyn, the latter dicer having bean mailed: Junes N Carpenter, of Kentucky, has been ap pointed a paymasterin the navy to gll a vacancy. Paymaster Abbot has been ordered to the Paw nee. at Philadelphia. Commander Thompson has been detached from ordnance duty at Philadelphia, and ordered to proceed via England to the coast of Brasil to re lieve Commander Prentiss, rustled, In the com mend of the Seminole. Commander Drayton has been ordered to ord nance duty at Philadelphia. The St. Louis was at Outten on the 2let of Au gust, and was expected to take book our consul to Riehaobe. New Granada, from which pittoo he had been driven by the insurgents. No definite aotlon bee yet been taken on the proposals for the oustruotion of the Paoltio tele graph line. Mr Sibley has rinsed a question ee to, the infor mality and insuflieleney of the bide other than hie own Tbo President and Seoretaryl of the Troaint ry will, however, deliberately consider the poipts involved. WASHINGTON, Sep, 14 —The reoolpte into the Treasury het week were $930,000 Oapt Armstrong has been ordered to the com mand of the Pensacola navy yard The Secretary pf the Navy , has appointed a board ;to examine into the contrition of the sailing vessels of the navy, the cost of 'giving them full steam power; and the expediently of no altering Wm. " The New York Fusion. New Your; Sept. 14.—The Douglas Committee was in wake' hero to-day. -Thenyestall to be prospect Of fallen, or, at least, six or seven Week. luridge men will be placed on the electoral oak's; New -Yeast, Sept. 14.—The D mai ad State doW; mitts° met te-day at the St Nioholal Iletel„lbr the moose of considering the proposition resent', made by the Sienkinridge State Committee, vie. : the adoption of ten Brecklnridga *looters on the Douglas tioket, and of two of the Brocktnridgo candidates for State oftioers. The proposition was defeated by a vote of seven yeas to eve nays. The oommittee is still in seesion at this hour, (9 o'olook P, hi ,) engeged,.in th e ootudderation of thoiproposition of the National Deinottratio volun teers—via : to leave off from eta to ten names now , on the Douglas tot:skid, and place upon it the names of mob national men from the .southeastern por tion of the State as shall be aooeptable to the marabouts of this - city. , The general opinion is that the latter proposition will be aooepted. The Prince of Wales at Niagara Fans. ILLNESS' OP TUE 14710 i OP NEWCASTLIII CIAFTON 11017111, N1194.17.A . PALLS, September 14 —Tito Frieda of Wales and suite 'arrived bore this evening. Re reaeived the address of the an thoritlee, and wee esoorted to the falls by a grand torohlight proeessiota. - The falls were illuminated with Bengal and blue lights, anti the view WIC magnificent. - The Duke of/Newcastle is slok The orders given to ezolude the New York re parterg from the steamer did not prevent their ar riving safely. Despatches Dom' Mexico. Wannutorort. Sept. 14 --Semi•oillatal despe.tohen from Vora Oros, state that Coboo - having beau do• Tooted, the State of Ooratio io now in poooession of the Liberals The lloaationiko hove abandoned the nines of Cordova, Jalapa, end Orizaba, whore thb Liberals wero railing troops to atteok the enemy at Poshla The Liberal army of the late. rior in Queretaro were making preparations to advance on the city of Menlo° The Ohio at Pittsburg. PITT13111111(1, Sept, 13,1860 —River five feet time inches and tailing. Softie 'mixed during the last twenty-four hours: W. J. MeClay, from St Louis; Memora, from St Louis; Miherva; from Wheeling. Departed : St. Louis. for St. Lduis and tlincinnatl; Euohee, for New Orients; 8. E. Baker, for Wheel ing: Loading Hastings, for St Louis; Linden, for St Louts; Man:ecru, for Cincinnati end Louis ville ; Minerva, for Wheeling. Weather dear and Cold ~ Republican Meeting ut Marricbtlrg. liannissunc, Sept. 14.—A Republican meeting. wet held here thin evening, in front of Brant European Hotel. There was a largo attendance. The Wide-Awakela turned out in greet strength, oomprising delegations from liummelstown, Mid dletown, Dauphin, and other points Hon. Henry D. Moore, of Philadelphia, Ed gar Cowen, Hon. J. 0. Kunkel, and others ad dressed the meeting. Mr. Douglas , New York Tour. Etrin.t, N. Y., Sept. 14—Mr. Douglas spoko at Elmira to•dvy to an audience of 5,900 people. lie will leavaromight for Canandaigua. lie speech contained no new features. Election at New Haven, Coun. New Haven, Sept. 14 —There was an exciting election in this city to-day for assessors and mem bers of the Board of Relief. The Republicans elected their ticket by about 100 majority. Death of the Wife of Gen. Harney. Now Yonx, Sept. 14.—Private letters received by the steamer Aela announce the death of the wife of Gen. Barney at Paris, recently. THE C 1 'l' Y. BELL AND EVERETT MEETING AT BROAD AND SOUTH STREETS—A DISTURBANCE—PISTOLS FIRED—ARRESTS MADE.—LnEt evening, a meet: iug of the Bell and Everett party was hold at the corner of. Broad and South 'streets, and it was an nounced that ;Judge Edward King, David Paul Brown, Esq., and other distinguished gentlemen would speak. A stand wee erected at the north east corner of Broad and South streets ; the Min nto Men came upon; the ground with banners, transparencies, and lanterns; and the speaking commenced, Judge King leading eff. The meeting was not large, but there was a considerable crowd ontaido, who evidently did not sympathise with the objects of the mooting. A bonfire was kindled and surrounded by boys, who annoyed the speaker very much with their noise, to mash an extent that be was compelled to atop and request them to be quiet. This was re plied to with jeers and hooting by the outside crowd. Judge Ring closed, and was followed by Peter McCall. Erg , who spoke a short time, after which David Paul Brown, senior, was introduced He had spoken but a few minutes, when the Contr. !mutat Campaign Club, a Republican organization, marched up South 'treat, and passed down Broad. As they gamed by the Bell and Everett meeting there was considerable cheering on both sides for their respective candidates, but no violence. Pre vious to this, the street lamps on Bread etreet, below South, bad beta extinguished, which WM tooted that a row was brewing After the Continentalu had pealed, Mr. , Brown resumed his address, but be bad not spoken inure than two or three minutes when a rush was made for the stand by the outside orowd, and a iolley of bricks and storm was thrown at the sneakers and the persona standing in the vicinity of theetago. A large portion of the Minute Men fled, bat a few remained, who were badly beaten. Judge King. it is new, wart struck-with a stone, but aueeeeded in making his escape without any serious injury. David Pant Brown was also struck with& missile, but he escaped towards Lombard atreet, and made his way home tithe other gentlemen on the stand, and moat of the meeting, scattered in every . dfreotion, but a few remained, and defended them/wives the best they mould. Jacob Smith, one of the Bell-Everett party, was airsick in the face with a brick, and was stteoked by four or five men, one of whom out him in the band with a knife, inflicting a slight wound. Five pistol shots were fired, but we could not ascertain whether any of the shots took effect One of the transparencies on the stand' was perforated by a ball from a pistol. • - After the persons attending the meeting bad been driven away, the rioters mounted the plat form, carried away the transparencies, and broke everything they could The pollee appeared on the ground at, this time and arrested nine men, who were taken to the Eighth ward station house and looked up. 'Their names aro as follows: John Russell, Thomas Pail. lips, John Hettinger, Samuel Drown, Lewis tio, John Riley. John Baskeeter, Wesley Irving, and Thomas tilndere, who will have a hearing thss morning. A strong party of the police afterwards took pos session of the ground at Broad and South streets, and patrolled the neighborhood for several squares around. At Elevenlh and South streets they Emoted a young man named Jebn Irwin, who had just discharged a pistol. Be was taken to the Eighth-ward station-house, and the pistol taken from him. lbero was mnoh exoltemont at the station house. which was crowded with a number of the friends of the prisoners desirous of effecting their release on bail. The affair caused muob excitement along Chest nut Street, and crowds were assembled In front of the Continental Hotel and Girard House, the Re publican headquarters, at lierenth and Chestnut streets, discussing the af f air, many of whom seemed is think it might result in another diaturhanoe like 1844, which commenced under somewhat similar circumstances. It was also rumored that five or six mon had been shot, but this was without foun dation. A SAD Oese.—Last evening, about ten o'clock, a young woman was found upon tbo pave merit at Fifth and Walnut streets. She was car ried to the Central Police Station and a physician sent for, as she appeared to be laboring under the influence of some pernicious drug. Some broken exptessions of tenderness, coupled with outward evidences of her condition, ware demonstrative that rbe has been the victim of seduction. In the pauses of her raving it was dlsoovored that she live/ at Second and Oxford streets with a Mro. Martha Christie. She bad gone down into the city early in the evening to meet with her lover, and, as she passed through Washington Square. he was seen walking with an abandoned woman. The wronged girl called him aside, apd, persuading her to a groggery at Fifteenth end South streets, be gave her some gin to drink. It is highly pro bable that the draught was drugged. The girl refused to testify as to what had occur red In the interim of her wandering to Washing. ton Square. Some of the frail sisterhood came to look at her as she writhed upon a bench at the station, but could not recognize her as one of the unfortunate. She was a likely.lookirig girl, of dainty limbs and comely shape, and very museu, lar. Three men held her to the bench, and at times she burst from their hands and tall, as If lifeless, upon the Mor. Ones oho paused, and a look of inexpressible woe passed over her face. Then in a low and thrilling voice, muttered through sobs, else said : "I daren't Ibok at my mother—l aint no good to nobody, and might at well be dead." Some of the remarks were full of tenderness. She mentioned "John" with aquiver and a pride, at times apostrophizing hint. "John, if It hadn't been for you r wouldn't have been away from my home. I was happy before I knew you, John. We left the girl shortly before twelve 'o'olocic. She was still etruggling in the grasp of the " her• rare." She was believed to be Mary liammftt, alias Sally Marks, an orphan girl. tier previous oharector had not been bad. POLITICAL.—The Douglas, Johnson, and Foster Association of the Seventeenth Ward assein• bled In their 'strength, on Thursday night last,:at the hones of P. I,ynoh, corner of Cadwelader and Master erects. Mr. Thomas E. Harkins, presi dent of the association, occupied the chair, Mat after the preliminary business of the aosooletlon had boon got through with, eloquent and well pro. pared addresses were delivered by blasera Joshua T Owen, Theodora IL Oehlsohlager, John H. Gam bia, and W. 0. Kline, when with unmistakeable demonstrations for the success of the national, State, and county tloket, tho vast assemblage ad journed to meet at the same niece on next Thurs• day night, for which we have been Informed, ex tenEive preparations will be made, a number of the most distinguished Demooratio speakers in the oity having already given their consent to bo present FATAL MIoiDENT.—On Thursday eveuing a horrible and fatal burning oaro took place at a house in Cabo street, below Morrie, in the rinit ward. Mrs. Burrows, a German woman, aged 38 years, was engaged in the yard washing. when her clothing took fire from a small furnaeo. The flames spread with great rapidity, and they burned with great fury far above the head of the women, completely dean:eying her ()lathing, even to her stockings, and burning her in a dreadful manner from head to foot. The poor woman lingered in great agony for two hours. when death tailored her. Mrs. -Burgomaster, who lived in the same house, wan badly burned in attempting to extin guish the flames The coroner held an inquest, and rendered a verdict, of acoldental death. DIIIKOOEIATIO CITY EXISCIAITIO'OO3IIIITT6E. —Yesterday afternoon a meeting of the 'committee was held at Flanagan'e Hotel, Sixth street, below Bace. The matter of the contested seat in the Twelfth ward was taken up and decided in favor of Wm H• W. Arnold, the Douglas oontestant A committee, consisting of Masers. MoGrath, Con. very, and Arnold, of the Twenty.fourth ward, was appointed to confer with the committee who re cently met at the Girard House, relative to snaking arrangements for getting np a meetir.g in favor of Henry D Foster, the Democratic candidate for Governor, on Monday evening next. No other business was Unsettled. RIIPUBLIOAN BIBIITL.NGI . Iif • MR FIRST Diu ,Veter —Latium Gavistazaa or THE F.IIIIIINDS or linoonte.—Lut evening the Moeda of Lincoln, - Hamlin, Curtin, and'-Baithir, hold a meeting at' .iteeend and Christian strati, in the First district. A stand was erected in front of Rushee' Hay Mar ket, at the fork of Second street and Jefferson , evenne. At Christian street a large fire wan kindled, by the light of whtoh large numbers of mon could be deserted crowding the Roam. They were probably 2,000 in number. They maintained very good order, and were not entbusialtio until the arrival of the olubs. The latter came upon the ground shoftly after eight o'olook. The first olub wad the Continental, parading ono hundred • and fifty med. Then seine the Campaign Club with , two hundred men, followed by the Fifth. ward Wide-Awakes. who wore round tills'sry nape of very ridiculous appearance. Then came clubs from the remaining wards of the First district. They made the aircraft of the entire district, and their appearance was exceedingly fanoiful and pia turesque. Frederick M. Adams was apixdntod president, with'thirty vise presidents, and thirty aeoretarise. He made the first address, and introduoed Philip S. White. Mr. White made one of his humorous addreeses. He told a now anecdote of a Southerner, who told Mr. Lincoln that he would be much annoyed by the South in ease he was eleoted. Mr. Lincoln pointed to a large bundle of letters from southern gentlemen solleiting .offlea, and said that be was already annoyed. Mr. White asked the people, in conehasion, not la. forget " old Phil White," and to vote the ticket bearing hie name. Be was ()hewed. After the rending o fthe resolutions, Daniel Ull man, lisq , made an address lie said that but ono party was struggling to elect a President. and proceeded to walk into John Bell, and the Union party.. Mr. Ullman le a very tall, handsomely built men, 'dark, and with raven hair. He has mode the same speech at several ward meetings We presume that he will nborlly deliver a new ore. In this connection it is rot unjust to state that copious reports of the apeeohes of ward orators have no.value to the general roodor. We have already ohronfoied the earns harangues of several gentlemen more than one time They will here after be honored with a coming notice, Messrs. Wm Moran, J. 'Hominy Harding, and others made addressee. The meeting was made lively by Bayern! squabbles between Bell men and the Liooolniteu. STEAM-ENGINE CONVIDENCIS MEW—Yes terday afternoon °Meer. leattion arrested two young men. named Robert Mitchell and John Neiger. They were operating upon the benevolence of a citizen in one of tho lower districts, by soliciting contributions for the Good Will Steam Fire En• gine A book was found in the possession of ono of them. containing donations amounting to $2OO affixed to the names of prominent citizens* Among others, the names of John Weigand,Rosenherger Son. Henry ii. Carey, Sohn Doll, It Smith, Win chester It Scott, and others. They are. of °cure°, awindlers, and defraud at once the philanthropic and the company they pretend to represent Out wardly they aro gentlemen, with dashing matiners and great assurance. They belong to the compa• nies of idle youth, who, with no ostensible limi ness, infest the Saloons and corners of Chestnut street. Such may be met at all hours of the day, listlessly picking their tooth, and ogling the pass ing lady pedestrians. Their way of life induces extravagance, and as they earn nothing they are driven to criminal methods of procuring money. the fall of the year witnesses their regular sortie upon the public parse. At that season they desire new outfits of clothing; the citizens are returning from the watering places, the merchants expe riencing the fall and winter harvest, an - I the op portunities for swindling appear facile. It is to be hoped that the examples afforded by the eases of Mitchell and Geiser will intimidate amateur confi dence men. They will have a hearing before Al derman Beitler, at the Central Station, to-day, at half past one o'clock. The victimized will appear against them. THE OENSII3.—TiIe returns of the census of the city of Philadelphia come in very slowly Upon application at the office of the United States Marshal yesterday, we were informed that fifteen divisions of the city were still incomplete, and In consequence there will be a delay of a week or ten days oefore the whole will be completed. Mar shal Yost is using every exertion to get the missing returns in, and has urged upon the assistant mar shals the necessity of handing In their returns as early as possible. From the returns already in, no definite idea of the extent of our population can be formed, and the officers decline giving further information tit all the wards are complete. TILE Pr 'ROSH FERRY BRIDGE.- --Cii Thursday, petitions numerously signed, wore pre ranted in both branches of the City Councils, ask ing for the purchase of tbis bridge at the mouth of the Schuylkill, and making it a free bridge for the aceouiteedatlon of the citizens of the lower wards, and the Twenty-fourth ward, who ate deeply interested in the matter There is a large r °lnflation in those wards, and their convenience requires that something should be done by the city to aid them 14 this matter. The upper part of the city Is well supplied with free bridges, and the resident/ of the lower portion windier that they are eniltiod to the same privileges ALLEGED lurosrotas.—•Yesterday morn lug Officer Lemon arrested two young men who were collectitg money under pretence that it Was for the Guth, Will Engine Company, for the pur ooJa of buying forcing bona Tho ewindlers had a book bearing the nemee of several victims Among them were the following : Winchester & Co.. Thou. L tattlers. John Megand, Rottengarten & Non. 1 homes El TAylor, 11. C Carey, `Metope & Leland, 1. Arnold .b Co., Main 1-, McKeown, Robert The accused will have a hearing before Alderman Kehler this afternoon. A310h01113 ISDIVIDUAL.—Quito aD cx xitement ocourred at Eighth and Chestnut streetb, co Thursday evening, in conenquenee of a man, to be a merchant from Texas, throwing hit II nun around the nook of a respectable lady, and attempting to kiss her Ile wan arrested, and liken before Alderman Ogle, and bold in ,Stld boil to answer. Ho was under the influence of li q uor at the time of the °eminence A Philadelphia merchant became seantlty fax, the Texan, who, rafter making arrangements for forfeiting the same, started for his home. DOUGLAS MUSING —POLE RAISIZIGI•— Thursday lest was celebrated by the Douglas De mocracy of Holmesburg, Twenty-third ward. Ths event was celebrated by raising a hickory pole in the afternoon, anti an enthuslastio meeting in the evening Mr 'Mamas Cartledge introduced to the audience Mr. John O'Hyrne, of Philadelphia, who tidressed theta in a forcible style, during which the utmost enthusiasm prevailed The meeting aipurned with there cheers for Douglas, Johnson, and the whole Democratic ticket. FATAL FALL —Mr. Chas. Ewe, aged 32 years, engaged In paintingls.teohantos' Hall, at Fourth ands G eorge atreets„ fell from a scaffold nt, a height of 75 feet, and was Instantly killed He residodin Jarvis below Fourth Street, in the First word, and leaves a wife and one ohild He was an cpimable and Industrious man The jury ren• doted a yerdiat of accidental death. The Rollrad upon which Mr Ewe was stationed was pendant !tom a window; it careened and dropped him from hie perch ROBBBHX.—James Jackson was yester day committed by Alderman John F Moocher. tor robbing Mr. 'boob P Wolfe of his and contents. penknife, and other valuables. This commitment is under the new penal code, which deprives persons charged with murder, mayhem, ripe, burglary, and robbery, from entering hall before an aldermen. RUN Oven.--Margaret MeKeenan, 3 year:, old, residing at Amber end York streets, was run over by a car on the Second and Third-street Put enoger Railway yesterday afternoon. She 1711:4 token to her residence, and it was found that one of her toes had been severed. THE WIGWAXL—A Lincoln meeting was held at the Wtgwam last Light Speeches were delivered by the Beal:rya Blacksmith, S. Al. Smucker, Wm. Kennedy, and others FltftliNADE: TO DANIEL. ULLMAN.—This grntleman was serenaded at the Continental Hotel last night. Ile made some responsive remarks. There was no great escitemt.nt SLIGHT FIRE.—An alarm of lire was ennead about noon yesterday by the slight burning of Kane's tavern, ut Spruce and Front streets. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. QUAIINIIIL SESSIONS—J . II4O Ludlow Meer Ware wax convioted of la char..° of aasault and battery upon Patitak tiulit:an, a cab driver' at the Balainore depot. sentenced to pay a fine of five dollars and co,ni. Barbara Fllemon was convicted of a charge of aton ing a watch. Her plan of operavion was to enter a dwelling bouts in search of velum lee. and molten seen by any of the tumv ea, line protendrd to be looking for Sent below for six months John !toughen: wan convicted of a charge of assault and I attery upon James Mallen. Sentenced to pay 3 fine of ten donate and o tde. . . . • . . G. Ft Barley pleaded guilty to a charge of am tult and L eaten'. Etentenco deterred. Mary MoCoy was acquitted of a charge, of aksaalt and bettery. and the prowoutor is pay the costs. Geo Washington rachlecht and William Puun &Mock( were charged with committing an assault and 1, atury upon John gainsay Adams -chlecnt, and John limner Adams flohbohtwas, in another bill, charged with con, matting an lUMUIt and baliery upon Witham Ponu and George Washin; jou. A family feud, and John Quincy Adams charged George ashinston with it, hang Mtn, and knooking him down. nun while lie was lying down William Penn kinked him, nnd this ;itching woo par ticipated in by asOrgel Was' ineton But Georgia Was mg tot( te.d it different story of au &tack being finally 111140 upon William nu a younger Mother, and than he Geo Wash.. ttou. took pa tto as sist him, n-d subsequently John Qulnoy Adams rammed to the scene of tiny conftet. and while (ie. roe Washing • toe was thanking of no harm ; ho matt ettuuk en Oa head. A verdict of guilt, au to all the parties and the evert imposed fine of Sennd diets Olt ' , so Waehinst , al and Win Penn, and a lino of $.5 and Inca on John Q. Adams John Airy, couvioted of larceny, was sentenced iiim i gaga , t;e a c u o d uuty n e u ris er Brown, two of the gang whose depredations in the Filth ward during the past btlllllllllt, haven ready beep noticed in Toe Press, were y Interco. acquitted on the 101 l charging them with rob bing qtr. Merrill'a boom. thus result woo arrived at through the etuploity of tho officer who made the arr 'at. 110 yr:mood to have their sentence reduced if they would confess. As this was contrary to law, tile coulee can was anted out. at po me officers ought to know would be the oast) lay this time lie the fa' t has been an nounced a f.iffilaient number of limes front the leach. pleitt, a bill ch argo; Cowley and Fr ak White with the ~ a , 0 01117 of goads trout in r. L. Cox, was taken up row lop who lied t eon a wit - cm bsforo the Grand Jury against his companion. wan cal ad t , testify. Ile was instructed by hie counsel Pamuel Davies, not to qu ewer an. vestion which would emanate ha mssif. Cowley then oommenced a belies of prey& loations. all tending to ex ulp Its himself and his otn•anion. Fa Wail,. Midge Luuhow tookbold of the wltr eats and asked him whether any hody hail total ham not to tenni, 1 At hrot iJowlfy said no; but altorwaraa °directed himself, magneto that the lawyer (Davlee) had told him to s Bop DIM ; end not know whether ho told him not to orinunste himself. Then oommenood a vigorous °you examination at the hands of Mr Mavaea. who insisted that he had merely instruotec de witness not b. teat (nattier than this he had not gone in the course of the examir morn. whieh was still uontinued, Cowle• said that Davies had told him to say nutting against the otper ;Attica, ad to nay that he d.d not vo an,, time. at'i this statement Judge Ludlow Imlnedintely di rected Mr. Shaarktiv, the °Wk• to enter a roll upon t, r. Davies to show cause why he should not he stricken from th.• day weekrneys. the rule to barnade returna ble liaturday the tritnesae f wall be bold to ap pear at that time. A verdict of not guilty vita ren dered. John Oowley was next oonvicited on a bail charging him with stealing thegoods of Mr J. hi Lewis. In this else Chore was no bitch, as aeoused had the clothing on when arrested. he rest of the oases were continued until Monday next. A number of petty moult and Ipfttery oases were now taken up. and caumpted the attention of the court until after five o'clock. IRE GRAND JURY of Dauphin county, at the term of the court now in session at Mills. burg, ignored several hills conta.oing various charges of a vogue and diegreceful charaoter against John 0 !regimen. Mr Heylman was present at the beginning of the session, ready to confront lue accusers and refute their charges, but they failed to appear. It will gratify the many friends of thte gentlemen to leer° chat he has been thou rally vindloated ; and it must also be a attires of gratifloation to himself to know thathe has been veleased from the knavish par./00°0one of hoe who once existed on his bounty and oharity.—Bar. ris6urg Telegraph, 4'ept.lo. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Weekly Review of the Philadelphia Markets. rlt ILA DELP lIIA, September 14, Iteo. There has been a moderato degree of animation iu the Produce market donu t : the week. Breadstuff's are firmly h.dtl under nth ices from abroud.and pries+ of most kinds aro withmt any re sterill change. Bark is wanted, Cott is dull, and prices barely mutt une.t. Fish are dull. uudo f , • liackerei, yr con are firmer. Hides are firm, and the stook accumulating. The Iron market is quiet. Lead— hero is but little stook in first hands Lumber—The illos are limited, Fish Oils are in better request. Plaster is in good demand. The Provision market is quiet. Rice is very firm at the advance. No change in L.a.t. cloverseod in scarce. Flaxseed is steady. Wool—Teem in a good inquil y, and prices are firm. In the Dry Goode trade there Is no mew feature, and a moderate busineee doing for the menu The near trado hes hardly pinned as yet. The Bre idt Market is firm, but witho offeringsotable change to r n iie prices. thn tght of moat kind. checking businem to come tent. The inloi Pr Flour reach about Di 000 bb s, in lo t. mostly tor export, at Wad 18 for mixed and good straight super fine, the latter bring very warps; cup. es 60 for ex trm. and 46a0 71 for extra family. including about 8 000 bble of tho latter. mostly selected Weetern. on terms kept private; the tre4 • have been buying more free t, from 86n6 cOlor superfine and extras, and from 86180710 tor extra family and Emoy lota, as to qua lity. Hoe Flour him advaneed. and sell, in Ismail war at $401.1,5 4, bid for fresh ground. Corn heal In um rod for, and very meanie ; sales included about 1 000 Ws. In lots. at 85 00 for Pennsylvania. at which rate it is wanted. and et 78 bbl for Brardywir ilia following lathe irmpeotion of Flour and Meal, for the week ending September 15.1860 Barrels of sup 9lfille•.• •••• • • •••••• lie. flue ..... do. iniddfr as. do. Corn Meal. do. nondemned..- Panohecns Com E&T.—The reipte are Cfernte. and :hers is a fair inquiry Path f shipincnt and wiling. at the ad man. tales reatthee rib iu: 1300 bac at Melia. :or SOW aud prime ten.pylvauta. Vr-ottern and Bouthern :a I. and watts at Pom 15 to 1680 fur emionon to prßre. Rye is in demand. at 780 for n-w and 830 be for old. Corn is rather better. wth solos of 18.(00 us at 743763 for good and porno yeltow, and 724 for wade Ole are inpood demand; 13000 bus sold at 35:side for good and prima Delaware and Maul ind, °hist], at the I .tter rate. and 860373 fir new and old Pennsylvanut Some Barley acid on private tennis, and tlarlev Malt at 953 .IP' banhel . OVl9lo2ll.—The market has been quit during the past weak for all &sonny us but an ithout chorine in prices. 4ro bbls Western and city-packed mere Pork cold at 531076, cosh and s hurt time; prime le held at 11580016; Our yeked mesa Beef sells as wanted for ships' stores at .513214 4 1 ' bbl. Bacon.—The demand h o iallen off. both f ir um consumption and thermal, of other markets. but prove are unchanged : alio* Of Plain and fanny Item' at 2112141; • ides at 122121120 ; and Should .ra at 10210320. oath and short time Green Meats aro quiet; sale• of Pains in dry salt at 110, on time. Lard is more inquired after; the reeeipts and stools are light. sales of KO to prime r t latfo. ; 31.12 On do on a vate terms; end kegs. in email lots, at 1344.2133.0 Butter tath-r dull, and ranges from 102 Ito, as to qua ity in bble, kegs, and firkins. Cheese Is :steady. at Itlalle 41' lb. ME rAl.B.—The market for Pig Iron has undergone no change Amoig the etlen we notate 1,660 tons Pou. dry Ma prom kept saoret. nod 31.60 tons Hug. '223 at 824219, the latter rate for White from LEAD.—There is but hide stook neand no aalos have been reported. Pelt Is held at 8673 1" 100 The. COPPER continues dull, and pro ea the same. 115RK conies forward eloody The stook is light; tales of No. I tfuerintron at 12550 qr. ten. in Tanner's Bark anthill , doing. and no change in Priers. BEESW '.X in held firmly, with further sides o\good ‘, allow at 34a3150 if/ lb • CA.IDLliet —There is m'ret.,enquiry for Adarunn to ;trout of the market with Tree gales of city ninde at 17,6 months. t-tporm are dull at 14.3. Tallow Gauchos cell slowly at 122133 41' 1b COAL.—There is not much doing at the advance; or ders arrive slowl4. and prices are somewhat wartt tled. Lehigh Line and stone commend 13702376. and broken and ass at elm. The retail rates for the latter are 1461206 ift' ton. COFFEt..—The market Is .120 better. and more out live. with melee of 8,000 blits Rio at 13Y221.t5;c on bate. and 1.500 base by. auction. at frem I.ll4dWiti. usual credit. and some Laguarra, by auction, at 14540 lb. co rroAL-1 he market continues very quiet and runes, if anything. favor buyers; sales comprise 002 bales moat.y Uolands. at 101;213hie for low. m,ddllnic, and middling fair inciuding good nil allings. at 12212`im and inferior at 63ile9e. DRUGS aND OYES.—The translations arintinr a limiter° ; sales of 110 casks Soda Ash, to go out of the market. at a price kept urivate. 0:1 01 Lemon and Bergamot are advanein . !noun is held w lit increased ;trainees; Roles of Bengal at 81 43m155. six Months. tytt —Mackerel/ire hold with rather more firmness but • bora in not mu h doins. Th. Moro quorations are '5.7.603'811 ior large lao.l tno for medium No. :1; et 122114 for It rge do; :u958975 for 'arse as; /6 for medium. and ;ye for Ninth tin. Coafish slowly et B%;ste. Ptak d Harting. range Irom 8270 to 13 p•r b.,1 almut 600 barrels Mackerel were taken loam the wharf on private tering. F aOI I' omen of all &seri ptrins it ',area. Rai- I s fleece in damned. end command lush prices tones ' tio fruit tins be-n arriving freely. Green App an sell Voin 81 1:3 to 8260 A yew lOW Dried Apples oat e ar rived, and are selling at 51.060. Peac'es soli from 1-1.73 to 8260 wr basket, us in q nab ty. Dried ges , hes son Iron] 612 2.121 per ;Mau in quality PEA 111 a Itte.—l'ut few otlering ; 113 1 55 Cr 503 We,t ert! MR/T4ISR per 111 . . . . . . FR EIGH —Tn Livurpo .1 there is tin' much &inc. I t •10' bbl to the askini rate. for Flour, and 111 i t 10' but tar .hoot. To London sea oral tame a hue been hl ad up at it Gd for Flour, and 3.. far heavy ponds To Ban I reenter, there le nut fault mite forward the rated vl3, Now. York to 33d 3.3 a lie foot. Wen hat a 'reit hts are what ; tonolral tern wore anode at 1,3 a for Sneer, and ti ft) for Molsoso., toreten port clot .en pad ; a I.! taken to Cotto via New York at SI3,YQ. °Us:. moth the rate. nee ueelvotted. Bneton trelghte are I,ll er Coal .envois are In and rate demand at If I 4 , 0 1 45 to Prot' donee, $1 70 to Boehm, and St 05 to New Yrnk til nfrliNU —There is tut little or nrino °florin; ati no sales hate tram pired• a in good demand and aopoog freoly et hiSa 60m60 too, ca•ti for Peru% P.n. and h2.3.e Id for Sombrero. We nore salon or tr•oty-fi‘e tong .1(.1. 1 no bita (Juan" et 5.13, ground and in hags, and 1113 to. ato rime at y 2l, in am in mate. HEM l' 1.11 evromely aul t, there tibiae little or oo rtock of either foreign or domentlu uoi o m brat hulas. •••••.• • • • • • HIOV4 31'1) dull, and tin 6 , Auwilons ha,' beau re ported exoept to small lute; city slaughter cells at ' c: MOPS —The anononts from the growing olairmia eateurive apeoLative um, ementa, and a further ad s. •nna to prier., have unsettled h.+ ninalot. here ; the Ctlim are only in a amalj way at 236300 fur new !CAVA!, STOftn —There lice bean but I 010 dom.: m Rosin. Tar or l'it•ti ; common Room command. 616649' bbl. a ah. and Wilmin Atm Tar 03; Paints of I urpentine mama a limited inquiry at the late deOline ; .nod Obis gala In lots at 41.340110 OLLS.—Fiah Oils generally meet a steady demand at full meet ; among the sales we notice Crude Whale at Crite64la. and Winter Operm at fit 60.4 ninnies Linaa• d ai ialrgs active, bat primes are steady all c of auks and Was at 612t60u Lard Oil ca I. to a smell way at 61 for W+ .'ern Winter, and 93trYdo for bummer and Suring. IMMO , into U. M.. OW. an. DMA wh. Lb. bony. ram Jnn. 1 to date— 61 Ooa 1.10 163 1 On 00) bomb tin". last year 747.6 164477 1 lie 71. I'I.A TER to uaishito,ed, am'. a cargo of SJI4 sold at e2 Li. l ll7:afir —Tb•re is not mash doing ; Riess of Wht .3 Plat, at 114011 as houMern Yellow Rap Mud. , at. 13116. ands prtLail do at el:0 i 3 Lath. ran,.. f i'll 66 Oil 16 V M. as in quality. dh.aglea and Pieltats continues. last quoted. NlOLAshh:' m +riot ig firmer; salsa alai) hhd. Cuba Muscavado at 93a1T0. and New Orleans at 4410470. 4 month. IIICE ft held firmly at th • late eol,non ; the stack to light. and Iva tterccs a tdd at /334 e. ric oaths. HAl:l%—n era a on laverpool Ground or Fll3O to first han'e and t o gales hang been repo•ttad 8KK1 , 113 loventeed oomas forward , nod to in grerl ve4l3,st ; sal sof WO late fair and prtuos oil at S 6 web 75. 1 COO bus Ti ot r•n'd at 82233287 Flax seed a steady at X 1620103 tly big t 3 181 Pa —Brand , and tan atta fi , lnlv he d. vita trodarate nalee It urn Is selling at 31 0 3 3 for New I - , and. 'a hiek♦ oontinties SON:Of : th o bblg 33 ; Penn e) Ivan a dr, 211443; Ithd, 210 and d ud co 230 •11.111 A It —I no in kat ra nor.• .cttst.., salt•s r 6t , rth la at 6tiettla fu• Cuba 7.3igtdo for Porto RlO O and 7 , 4'.271 ,lo •or tr. w Orleans; a Imo of 13rast, was made at Vie. all on time. r Al,l OW a held firmly; sal." ut city-rendered at Il3ieeloXo mash and onuetry 3t 10c olibecto is quiet. and quotation' elmut the same WO 'I to firm, and a WI. mum IT both I cm the Ir.o and e . tieterri htlyerl ; the ail"' comer se m 0 WO tai. chiefly prima.un priertie terms.inelud en come m•dtunt Fbeoe at 481. tree .I , l‘rter blood at 6240633, fin • lit I ,3430, end nulled at sSSo. cat. l'hiladelphlo September 11. 15,:,43. 11.37011.7313 37 N. E. SLAT/K*llR 51&3 Waldtt 3treet. wiR4 I lai)lßli 2.1ta3 Cam A Am Be '7B 90`4;11,7:1 Road d.... 14., 24 1 , 4)0 do 75 35473 901.* Io Norristown 11 043 01 i IWO lio 'al . . 44 1 i 64 Penn". o luta 4C, 4a') Rend it 84'4.3 '3O 91 1 4 3 i`am A. Am R I'o ;at Wilmington It ....11 to) Sao' Nay C0m.15 9' :43 Green A. Coates . 204 dal do .... . 1 5 . IP, 24 liarrieburg It Its 55 a Anndo ryfit 51ngio Al 11 do . 115r4i 15 lino •it Vice . 30 3 Minehill :imp ... 513, I do -a, 10 Reading It .... 21 1 Se, . 7 hard 01 11 .4) Ido To .....0011, 2-12 , 4 11":„/ Seliurl Nay prf ha rt rd) do Imo 34 i 6 Farm A slelra 115.0 - , luo do .. . cash 23 )1l DBTWRI 14 HOARDS. 10) Sohn,/ Nan An 754 19 (r - en Sc. ro•te. ... lots/ do ...... 1 It cal. 51 90.0 do 75 1 . 1 Union Bic of /eon.. In.'t , n to cd'. 994 SY:et/NO BOARD bud A City S. C V.. 14 150 Long (110 H .... 11 II Arch it ittilarny .. .17 10*) Ao ..-- • , 1 .23 itis , dwg K ..... , 1,7:010 d0..._.. lc .. VA Cit. u5..—.2,116u7 25 Caul t Ain . to Norrieown K.. 51'; .5 Greon o,tos. 1 N Pont, it .. 1 Low hScrip .._. (MORINO PRIGM—STEADI". Rid 4,k„. I'ntladelplitalle..3o2 10 . 934, Elmira. R....vref 11 1 i 14 Phih 6a d....__ ICC 133. Elnura 7.'73 . AO, 71 Phil& 69 . new 1334' 19 , 14 I oug Igitnd R.- Ii 13 ; ?eon% Its—utt oil 97 9711 en N. . 69'; Read R. . 94 I eh CI & N Sono 4P, 42 - • Reading Wm 8413 a 87 !North Penna R...10't Head trite. 'BO in on 91 91 3 1 N PIMA R 6a... 7 3' 71 Read tr.t Ga'gd . 75 76 N Poo4s R lOe 1013'; reins H 41 41'1 Cfttavrien !yin b, Fauna RRI mt 64. 9.3 i 94 Fret( k &tut' , R 43 341 Nor CI coil dv oil 673 i 11P Sear d & Third id'i 13 Mor CI 64 droll. 113 1161, Rape ht Vine-at. '291.3 .Bch N 64'89 'miff 79.14 7931 West Phil% R... ra DL Soho y' 174 v Int 64 88,, Ed Spruce & Pica.. 111 90/11191: 4 aV8tk.- 9 i : 3';11.1 reeu o.Bhotl Net, tat_ .313: 243.. I Chest Ir. Walnut. . 30 Elmira IL— 3 6 1 The fullowing lel the amouct of mil trandporte,l o s tho Huntingdon ono Brood Top Hai!rest, for the wee. ending Soptember 12. 18.2) Snipped for tit. Weal. Previous shipmente Amouut Mr the season B,tnie time list year...—. I=ll2l Markel% by Telegraph. NS Is . 01c1.1.A . 1.• •optember II —Cere n deehc. tan tendenCy utlesto-day of I 'Sel.l 0.0. es etc 103it'0 ,- . NOB of the week. ..... . I Peo t•s e Rece•eto of the meek. . 31 CtS) Reeeipto of the same weak !sit year-- .... . . . 37 !Jr bale, Tottl • ceeipte of the si.ason —.. d 7 ism • Steal la pot' eo. 1016 0 Cotleo firm at 11'.;. , 13‘,,e. Nein, of too wee/ I Lt' bags. luipmta U,C,O tec e; stook in Port 16,0 bsz , , emote' I 850 eats I sit )eir• Tobacc.t unlit Flues 27‘..?1h03 V' It , : flue lea! Lachance on London 9,K.alti per cent. prennum. Oil aof Lading suervi por omit. Exchange cut :New York )6 a% per cont premium. CtrmixxsYt. 2-lepton:O'er It —Flour is dull i sales unim port3nt. Wh•al. dull at irrezuhr prince. Liorn native. Whioky Bolls at 251 re. :loner market unchanged. New York Stock Excitnngc—Scpt. 11. I=l 25 Pan 4 , ne, lt ... . . ..12415 1000 Erie Railroad.. -11 1W 1.1 Clt tioripbls en. 3o) do . tnio 32 4 2,0 0 . ,; •. -b 3 5 3, i I.l)Prunh , .. fail ti et , , 2uo tied 3, . i ..hletuto It. 79)1 152 do .. . - 1:10 W., 50 d 0... 1)30 7974 1131 do .—. . hl 1040 Cleo 5. I o:odo R. 44 WI 51 l' Central.. 5 1 '.. 300 do.- ...--. 49'it NI do ..-.... 1440117'i 93200 00.... - . 43'. , YU do_._. _ - elO 1111 4 la , do -•...1) 401‘ 23 11iLlson River 8....61 1 4 900 d 0... LIU 44V 170 do -_-. .. . 62?-, 50 Ch & hoo k 1..1'3) 0454 luo do ... -03 - . S. 5) do I.3otit:'i 2 0 Ilmlam it prof blO 4.3 t., 60 do• • - -140 54'.4 100 .114ading RR 0.50 ri..., 2uo du . .... 31 103 no ..... • 43'4 47 Nor .4. Worcester 41 5 0 .10 ..... - bio 4.1.‘" 4 01 VirKinia Br -.. 52 6130 00 ..-.... 40 37052 A1te5 , ...r163 „.... 505,f 500 do.-- bll 40,'j 1,100 'Tun 4.1 '9u .. 91 I 5 Mich Central R... 77,4 1. V., II ud •,.. 3•1 mit .02)if 10) du . ... Ij,-, 3300 In Ventral Ws- ..r.) 575 511e6 Bec N 1 G'td 43 .",40 do . .....N i 0 do ... 13047 600 Ilsrlein RR.-.- ..1454 14 do .x. 410 11 EMBEIMEHE Aratie aro stead, with small 5t4123 of rots at 8523, and Pearl.: at 56 cvd. r• x ,, ra.— 1 he market for Stste and Waste' n Flour is heavy, and ten cents ewer Ibe news per ilia hoe eonsid.rribly dinoniened the demand fo export, while the Inoue and r.ristern trade refuse Cr pure 'se m••sthensurhoienttosupply er. sent wayts The re ceipts emount to 9 101 bbis, and the titles 10 (s)0 this at 26 Wel 76 tor superfine toste. 56 porta for extra do. 56 6003 70 for superfine W:litPTl3. 56 Wert; 15 for com mon in inyd um esti, no nn So 1006 .m for ex tra round-heap One. For doctliern Flour the riemard It; b 6 and t o market rather easier, with sales oi 1 eno bbls at $22626 X 5 Mr aupetfino Baltimore. 86 G3 , r7 15 for extra do, 56 [52676 for Brandywine. 56 they 40 for Georastown 11728 for Petersburg extra and 58 700 7 76 for Itiohmond do. Casty.—Wheat is heavy and 103.3 lower. The sup ply is large, and amounts to 245 729 bush. but both ship • Pero and the mtilm. trade do not operate on It lane sesle. In view or the unnamable quality of the la•aer out of the reeointo elalee to.uar rep o rted thus for 173,- 000 bushels. inaludins winter red Western el 332137; Oblong° Serbia or 151.7411119 22, and Milwaukee Cluh prime. at 51.20 Corn is in moderato deemed at one mint lower uncles. With reeelota of 111 010 bush; ears of 34,000 built at 600870 for Western mixed nye is scarce rind firm at kW Barley is quiet. ir.te ore quiet ri 331 P 403 for Southern and Jersey, Oath for Lanada and Western, and 41042 f , r State. PRoVl.lo7l3.—Per. is s cant with Wesel bb sat 4,19 u for old Meer ; $19.3.5219.611 inc new do; 513.23 for old prime ,• 214 Meisel)! r new 11, Bier as in fi,r ro. quest. wits sales of 11 Car hbls at last quotatioue, wawa are firmly sustained. Coto:mate are dolt at 9, 1 40 for '. l houleips, and 30)L+ettc1 ir linms Lard is dun with Wee Of 100 r bls at 19ge1316c. Batter and enefoie are ac changed. ,WiiialLY is quiet, with sales of 100 bbla at harrair. CITY ITEMS. UP-TOWN BIVILNISS IsrPßOvit.atitgre —lt hat not been until wit` in the last decade the•. west of Second street, there were any prom nent Muir ess establish ments beyond the bmite of the o'd otiy proper. Tine is more ogee-tally true of thoss devoted to the retail trade. Ent the great expansion of poyulauo r, far beyond those limits. has r e0n...33.01y, not only accumulated facilities for doing businesa more reriote from the centre. but it has created a demand for first-clam louses. About seven years ago, a new firm—composed of two young gentlemen, who Mid been thoroughly trained in what was then, end has nearly ever since continued, the leading retail dry goods house in Philadelphia—taking advantage of this growing demand. had the sagacity to commenee business ou the north side of Fpring Gard.rn street. west of Eighth. With litt'e capital. other than nnconeuerable industry and filet -rate business qualifi cations. their essay in this direction was at the t me criticised by older holds. It was net long. however. be fore their evident success turned a tide of busimas en prise in that uirection. which has ever sines eonr.nued. We dd not 'my, of course, that Messrs. Tliorniey Chiem were the first to do business on that avenue, but it is generally admitted in business circles that. so fir as it concerns bringing Ferule Garden prominently be fore the public, as a leading tueiness street, they were Its pioneers. Newly five Year' ago at the cornietlon of Mr. Her risrm's beautiful Intl, on the northeast owner of Eta hth and Clime Garden. ( Ramie' and Haydn) Messrs. T. C had the pluck to secure the spacious store arr2sr : neath. Here, again, the large addity.nal expense in volved In this real , Trit induced various prognostic's tines as to the imp 'hey of their not "letting well eunuch alone." as everybody conceded that they wee• then on the high rose to fortune at their old quarters. Dot instead of being unvrartented, their largely-ir - creased business in thelr new house ties given a new impetus to hemlines, in that vicinity, and w,thin the past ! month they h ive been obliged to effect an3ther market improvement and extension, the announcement of which avid be found in another column of our paper to day. The improvement. wh.oh we to -k cceasion to es , mine , eg g eg d a y. m ..ur regular weekly it p ins Garden peramoulations, consists in the r.tlition of the large I,32ture room, immodately over the store. This large and admirably li•hted apartment line been firm l up in , excellent sit, le for the stile exclusively of Shaw's a e Cloak* la which they have /one douse very extensive Lux noes. L.-- .1 452 Wilt regard to the character and capacities of the house, we p. 08411110 timer are but few o' our city reader; woo ar. not, more or less, familiar with both. Th•ih habitual carom now is to buy and sell for cash only hay ng never siren a note; to have but one price, t‘ , never misrepresent good+, and to watt upon their cue tamers with po'ttenes•. without retard to the extent ui their purchases. Ana her very oommeridable ream - e that they ale thoroughly Philadelphian, and have de monstrated the poiribilit• of doing a successful ham ness without either truthfully or otherwise telling pen pie that what they hove to oiler " Was bought in Neu Yeik." They make it a principle. in fact, never to bu , a .'ollar's worth of good , outilide of this city that can b. eurobond with equal ed , .antalo iu it, and their yea Vora purchases scarcely amount to ten per oeut of the whoie amount. In certain departs ants, as, for 'man • Os, linens. con reroutes. et cetera. they WO their oar, and neatly manare to have them arrive directly at this port. With retard to their stook row cm hard. we k- , ow of none in this city that affords bette• fatalities for nb•aining, at reasona , le prices e verYth int denominated under the head of foreign an' domestir dry goods, including elegant lines of black and tenet hike. Their large Insement is d :voted almost ex elusively to the sale of dam etro goods and blankets. A Cooixoa•Srxea PROPOSITI.M : READ It.—A New England editor, who, from the wither oircum stancee of h,• own ease, was induced to try a bottle of Professor Morrie"' Ercermerms" a celebrated Maul elm, fir the nervous system, which has 'acidly at world-wide popularity—and found that by thus invest mg a dollar he achieved a result for which be had ez- Vended , hundreds in patronizing the sohoo s. d riving any percept Me benefit, thus lets oil abroad- side at the trolession : For twenty years I It ave been more or less an in-a ils! selthout !snowing ecactiy what ailed me. My tnedi. eat aufv.sers. of whom in 'urn. I had a score or more most sapient disciples of their respective int-ilia:l. aehoula: each told me that he knew my case • to a dot: that it was perfectly plain; that he hal Lost the wkine dr, and that a fortnight, at most, would find me per fe.•tly re doted. Now. to chow the coniateney of this hoierosoneous mass of infallibility. I must men ton. in th, host place, that no two in the whole batch gave th• same version of my cane; that. in the second place every uou' of them t rift! a drier• et remedy, and third thtt the reeulte of tips. several ea pariments to tied in their consequences eimrrhe•e on an ayerat between 'not any better,' end 'a great dead wore. Early legit spring, at the Instance of a (nand. I rex! a small toluene. by Professor Wm. Morr,s, l'adodrOph:a. entitled •' Ps ulakon ".the Smy:,) )11 ulna fur the Gr..t time is cur Ilia I wig 3<lantificalZ7 m'ce no or tinted with my owe cue. )dewing. 111/;/•E WeUtlY LI I' the convaite homeopathic external appl cation spoken of by the Professor in ma L. uk. was being max, I tstured, as an article of commerce. from /11 , 11 erliabt lunnu s. I resslrest to test Its virtues. From th. no rest druggist haring it on gale f Pr oared oYe of the It ;e ged Lottles at t CCodt of Off • dollar, and used it root., minting deo trdicg to the sUreotions. Rawls • :found and refreshing slaeP, for rattles, irght.; SIN ICIOUS spirits at all hours f the slay : %salty. se rens st tte of mind. instead of a tretting wlnritoul of toter nal excitement; comfortable and Inuoh i audios ed dt geetton,tn lien of n re -cast. in:latest stomach. and noon the whole rout no, morally. mentally, and phi a - call. about two hundred per cent a better man Lot or that wan liefote fatiguing and irksome has becols pleasure. and :s better done. and I sh u'd coo sider myself a regular muanthrort if I did not tell the world about It. The Icesuon wII naturally or ipt In the reader's mind. D'd th• single bottle do all you ssy. Mr Editor. U a porton ntni rning, or were 3 oat nbligod to contains PIS with, it? My miser is tliel the fasts above stated were the re sult of axing's bottle. intended la its nue one: nea r ly e inth. and at this writing I sat on.applaid, and have beam for the tut three date. but propose astounding Its us., ensured that my general health ban been mac , improved by it. Moreover, at Its trifling coat. its eon sadist use the year round. which I preaorua w iuld os unn - cemary. the ' , comae would le small compare , w th my former ripens. to u sleds doctors' bits I ba. a thus stated els My the fun to my own case all co.I that MY -artenende tool beatfit others. sod won d venture to propose. in constlusion. that. all who 11.1, can arty afflicted would ' throw p' y tic the Jog.' l ot L.o time being, and seek the bea'th histories 1.:“:e yi ties." We mar add that the above—which. by the way. t. fr No the pen of a we I blown and rsepoesibl • terser a oorrc.boratrd in the recent Sipe vane of timely otsorecteoludtee nlt a few read+ re of Tea Fres:. The article top spared by Mews. Mootridee & Co , No el North Fourth etrett. and so d by dra4gteta RimenllY throughout the ettl. A CAPITAL JOIE. MIXED Vint A LITTLI PEI veer it, —lt is a wolbeeouth onderstool principle that to proact the ;vetoes exsiest colds. correspood.ta cDenoes should be made in oar clothtng to piht thr weather. the name re!• s isufd be oberted in our diet, and ueorulnely tbe wiliest and woe: posing , caterers aiwaja ineb• thls a point. In 'he tinsel* of Conf•obonerr the oclebrated house of Meagre. v 0. tYt u tr o ur ,k Co blot iceuirect mach of that, n.e lion as being the Napoleon cruersouosers of the Wmt ern world h• etaptina ail their proparaions.tot ' to wenn and et, d. but to iii the too , ,to. which the rases nil it their rounds *dud nap peened. once aeon a time. to he in their store when a witgailh customer, taking ad . - en • age of th s we' se narrate] fut. entered that sto e. Parsed rarest. below the toot and dryly bated for five TeCtlela or rainy irrarieir gem rope. With - int hesitation the attentive clerk complied with the order. and presented the pack ale. .• Ana whit are they made of!" tageirryt the rather puzzled customer. " arta ptreAl"• was 'he ro't'e rep'''. The " sell " wins so good that them re , Afied the pl Wise. by ray lag for the Kam drop , . THE Inve•ToN or TUC Are —There it Item corn eirtnect. in the retire dnml.n of screntifiv in ti rot atd improvement' noon Winch we can write More essay %nee that we are exerting a gond ',Silence or to which we torn with morn rent Plearinie. than labor life. and health simitog evcot., e • rrtiact that the poctlon, both 84,,, :11 end p:1) of Vionimmn• of Door women in th • city h a teen elevated from t.mrrtry, and worse, to r nnpeterniy and respeatabl'Lty,sre s' most feel like taki ng off oar hat '- reverent recOrnitiOn of tr, , rit arbenelrer Ire p. 14.31. rzsr- In. 1r.% dime ea abli aliment Tad .seta him. 3 of 'resat' l'lllinser S Co Arok Erect. m nog Ir••;.., th‘huf ~torte[ ;3 lush), rn &slates for the Unit 24 , tlth• had Furore as wuu Lida the wor',. of ten thouwm! rule. hewmg b heed 'I he eetab'ml.the t. hy tha way. tss Istrly a email r•tf the palm of vnutory Jrl rnslluU the test mtl the g Ts) V.eht t avAty attaaehmte thanuf ',tut ed 111 Cll3 OW% OAKF O IIII ' S NOVELI:Ei -- If our 1137 realers are desirous of ImPlas their lists ;rat tied and emir "underetandines " to the most spew et Parisian styli, let thiica r.eit the beanies.' ratite of Chio•lce Oakforu .ore utile, the Coot IPZ•3' Hotel. Their tall importttions or I siliet' mouses Shore e weed anythiur, to the line to it he• ever tea °Mired before t tlite cuoolr,.snd adm rste 01 y reit, fret MIY now ens prop let; apply •he that " toe hers make the bin'."l , f•e:, cereuinty no '• ism ilia foot divine" col'.l tarn iiiiittely belotiful !in Opit Ord s axes l'arooen style. fire lets invoice r f 1.4e1 . it.+. 6414. aid 111.1er , C1, are 11' , 1 um.h situ lied for the, g rue. 131 Fulaytatioil to Lot -1,011. Ili( al means gu and -re theta ATLAITIC OITY —Tha S.urt.bly train for .IrlAntie City w eV 0 ilia t•rry at the mall hour. 9Le I arty.) Bute+ Rote, .agar allij hly it..rer.ifa:sattlo.r. c' , Yes tra thy •• Ur TV, 10.0 tho out 3 7, rt•Il t teuro." t !..,11,,,d to pat, by Ira; rot et, 'at, for Ural:. rid "rfyoutlt {mew Itkr:tat sr,e•ertoLt tt erre,.'d LOCI Ea: 3,:d I &IC," NS ''},6:d y 1.1.1 ealviVe. t4 - ,•21 In 0.1114 • Intl the pre'. mud the p :1;:c rty s ry tupn •ttou'd to CCV. , ted ttt .ottt.! twL -b u 3 riat , tution, such as tha Franklin es% mg Furd No 13i 8 uth Fourth street, Wow Chestnut, dol , ;hia where it cau bo withdrlwn nt say t, cut Ilottco. withb per cent. Interest Ta:s Saviit rued ne‘ar susrmiled. !Ice ad‘ert:sement In anotner co lumn• PANN RD WARN, of (Ivory desoription, Tea Toilet Were , roLte Warmete. Bird Bread Trunks. Cake Boxes. Grocere Canister'. &0.. at E. W Carry' & 'a Ilot:so furnish' og Store, 71{ Chestnet street, Philadelphia. PLATED CAKE .13333E3a, $.5 to $l3. rkted d utter Tithes. 93 to 912. illted Forks and rroone of fine patter:la. 11 W. Carr2l & Co . .31anofioturera, Tts Ltoestoat street. llorrua'a MaDlCitan F/03 Are en eN,lient re Wed/ for en derangerdeum of the bowels. habitlal uveneas, ruck and nett cue headache. dys. , eus*.e.. &u. Persons of sedentary hie should always tree them They are reliable and ears, anti do not detallte , e ; 03.0 be taken at all timeevroncut ineonsetuerace. 7 h - : cun tam no memory r pleasact to the taste. One E.; b.c a [waive ,(fact, w h i l e t wo ass are oullloient to produze an active purge. Prepares ,nl7 by ti. C. Boner, eixtb and Vine, and eold by leading Divagate. Price per box ie 37)i, oents tt OAR ORCILSRD ACID SPRING Werzu —lbis War for is gaining great cola briar. and the drine.nd 'or it Is increasing rapidiy. Its beneficial character is at tested by thousands, and it IC pronounced by distin 'Mend phi mamas to le eurertor to any other medi cinal timing Water now in use. The almost IlliTtlelllOUS cures which it hail performed lead on to believe that it is destined to become extensively mod in the treatment of very inany diseaeas which ordmary remedies fml to cure. !is curative properties aro established beyond question. end we feel assured that it must. to a great extent. supersede many of the artif Mal oomp,unds of the der. We recommend Wile of our readers who may be suffering from general debility. or from any of the diseases for which this Water is ,resound, to give it a trial. lice advertisement. " WHAT kind of a partner," asked Joe of Jane, Who she heard, with a terribly jealous pain, Had danced with the Prince et the civic belt (liven by the nobs al Montreal— " What kind or a partner. for goodness sake, Vol the roo of little Victoria make ." Well melted," said Jana. "Now, who can stand A man with only a sinister hand ? Any women who wasn't of sense bereft. Wo.llll call him a partner over the left So it is with those who of reason bereft, guy bantams of others—" over the left"— '4 tend of going along with serail) a folks rn the ONE PRICE store Ot GRANVILLE &rolal. V.." n handsome met accompanies each artmle gold It OW Cflostaat gavot, FA7,t,gurzll3o,-ent•' oo I weather w. die hevieg oh aroma to camera pimple to dirwpg ado, ag_ tintion to the ooddition et Utak wardrehen. While upon gled ginhifeot.w• toted !biggest to those who desire to 43 at otiod-Odystartetne lade legeoy at a relsunabls fate. to visit the Brown-Stone Clothier Italia /Welkin Wilson Nos. - Car 68d 6115 Chastest stray:. above Mixtb. and long.:fat their aplentlid ato of iit goods. Ever , naielo a apparel bar gentlemen tad youttta be fcond In ibis extol:giro saisalisbmastt and all ars sot top in tbe eve 0. excelle. Oa and slogans* . r.,eul at to tha firm. and which flu even the Brows-Stone Clothing Hail a:world-wide redatstion. SPEOIAT NOTICES if HAS BEEN CURRENTLY EXPORT= that in moat of the Western cities, the "Town Fell" tolls every day at noon. for the inhabitants to gulp down unloose. as a preventive of diseases caused by malaria of the o'imate. t foes/se, taking quinine Is a conta gious habit, and every new settler is ingished w t., the poisonous drug. and instructed to take It large auto tat ea, if ae would escape the Fever and - ague. Every 'Dues has its med,clne chest filled with this dangerous stud: and. as reitular au the hoar oomes around. **re gular do they gulp it down. es though it was the rieheat deliceor of the season. Dr. J. Hostetter,* ijoiN! Santa than. knowing the dreadful effects of qUinine upon the 'lonian system. when taken with so inneh astligaretlon. has prepared a compound Which has, in all casestit which it has been tried. proved a speedy care f...r Fever Ind ague, and all other dassime,geased by Mill gestitn. For male by druggists and dealers generally. eve-y -where. DYOTT k CO...agents, Did N. SECOND street. itdkW SAVING FUND—NATIONAL HAMM TIMM Clorivarr.—Cbartered by the Saito of retozni :ems. HULL& L. Money is received every day, end ID any =oast ergo or mall. L FIVE PER 03217.iirterest V NM COT DICIST [rent 'he &sr it Is pa fn. L The money is elvers paid beak to GOLD whenever ut called for. and irithen4 neaps. Money is receive° front Evererevs.Afthistrrrersrs. ~ . .eardians, and other Tiara/tea, in large oilman nag. .0 remain a ling or short period. S. Tie money received from DesoOtonl Y tarestad ih a"' Estate, Mortgages. emend Reath, sad other fine- Ilare securities. 5' Office open evel7 clay—waxy" , street. semihved %Vas , ' 21114 "'Mut. PhilA.l.l.A's ALL enouLD not fat) to read the ether isement of Prof. WOOD in to dar's "nor. aselt-ti HITS FOR FALL.—W e. WAHM3I7O!I HATTER, No. 430 CH II VT Street, he.vlng pra- Pared Several new styles of HA ?.$ f u gentlemen's en [min wear, respectfuLly invitee inspection and Ir.- :ronage. aeB-7t SALAMANDER FIRE PROOP &O .-- A very ,arge asaoltmer.t uf SALAMANDERS ter aa:s rag,- ,onabla priues, Mu. 304 Cat SMUT SL. Pblu'r{yhia. au.23 tf ANS & WAT:011. rieI9EX.IM BZWING rlio Beet in Use for Farmly Perez. No. 730 eIiEZITIUT street PhiLutelnhi.s. these e e SAVING rtatn--PlosTemie, oaxsa SECOND and Waratrr Britrara.—Desomits re ;mad in small and lime Mounts, from all talisman of ae oommunity, and Lamm Interest at thm rats of FIVE ?KR cEriT. per annum Money may ba drawn by *knob without lea at M erest. Office open daily. from I =al i o'eloek. and ou Mee and Saturday until nine in the ream . Prod lent, FRLNILIN FELL: Traverse me. grarnitary. 'HAL M. NOXIMIL CARD PRINTZ49, BERT AND CIIZAPLS? IX :he City, at 34 South THIRD street. CIACIUL4R PRINTING, Belt and Cheageat is tin at 34 South THIRD 'treat. BILL-READ PRINTING. Beat mut Chemed is the , ty. at 34 South THI SD street. HAND-RILL PRINTING. Best Sad Meagan la Lk* Ai. at 31 Routh THIRD street. PASIPELLET PittSTINU. *ad livery other dam*. 'ion of Priatiar. of the as dewier aashty. at tN 'oat raiaoaabia lilac at RMU WALT & DROWN'S. Dreier Budding. 1 TIMID 'treat by at' StARR IED. roN—MVER4,-01 th 4 rite ismat. 1.1 sae Re v . C. ti. t.:,,nissr, .11s tf. Virago sztos COLytos. err pea, sr CIL,. Kansas, tu Miss Lstatut A mirror", of to s R ROCI3II—TIZ S RD.—On tie 12th i ytast. b 7 Lladi • r I , L. ratherroo, Mr. nand W ihureask t.. Alma .1(11.114 Tigard. r atightmr ..f G•orp NIA Sank 1.1.1 N, both of this air. DIED. INTUN.-0a the lirb ipst., itarranet^a C. dux:- tor of He, ry 34istos Is Ow )$I year el tell ea , . Ear frl riled sad :nosed' tar 18=0 mn nynalnd t 8 et ad bar fazetil. 'woe Iter b thar's midgraed. Yds ! e FOOm atm.:. on Mood*7 attassoos. at 3 rs'eor.k. prroood 1.111 r• Coma utry. • • d3ll f N.-the twee stoma[ of Timsday, tins Mb ee ant. Ma., t. ':f. of 1802 RAY -Os 91.160.6ay teeerstiS. Ift! pastas', lon y e d orr • ro., Ira* of Jadnaa Looluraras. aged dd r oars - a fr:St.V.Ol and nesds of tfo toady ar• iesper.t , a!, tor, /wood tae !amoral. from So, has ton - dim*. Yu. r?) st-.lnpao arms. a. mmimi , INW4 ""tP"ar‘l t ' m a" " :bareb- (~torment II virION.-Ara Ilia :Nb it sisal. She • 3., dot:Owl Jadob mad API% Minis limo piss. iypict S 3 y goys Facer.: 'runt the raskleus. of Iwo prate. N x mi !ova Syrian, at rt..- 04 $.a3,13y at risers. at 3 l'elock. tl ka VIOL .scat, Jolts lensr.l.ta Lts leta y es, Funeral from IL.s Lam mmi.fasso. bigf Xmak.t Crike , , 1111 Platurday site wyna. at 2 o'ehaolt- THORN —On tit. lastaat. Athena 2.. aha .at ann and aWaht J. Thorn assd WRothe. TA 1' I OR.-O taro t 2 h ..stoat; al Aluiria.f. Dot, Ralf!) Taylor. mod XI 766 I. Mei L.—On ate 12th instant. ILartas Poyis. mati ie ll rL auem: from Um resaJtn,* Li hoe taw her. Fraa atot strsoat. above Thorn?* xi, Lis I:l.alwda- anar m Out WO D.-4/ .ala t. a tbitSlamostaat. filar Giles ILI. • is Lb. MI, you of bu•i.o. Fusamif \mime raintasaa Urination"- Stoat etanwry ....sty on Pwaday iwanliag. N areicok Lta thtt =stmt. Xs. rit:Lar. .aeazln• n tbx• 3 1 .1 year at los ail. Funeral t:ona hts lat• ritsrosaaa. How-s 4 Rarest. 1 •- ow 44 sent on yaaray attarrana. at 4 n'elock. • IiOURA I Ntl GOODS TOY. PALL dmit..zas. }Lin Lulus. Arian Oral !VIM Lap..'. Monaca, Cookaormar.. Bombox. ZINC. • awttaf., koussnsw SOlStalltiML. retwar ••" 0 . d• kmd.. ru.karmis Bastotzlas &21&•&14 to honed Moan mg CaMud Illusass. VisasusSass finsadnis. as BLUIL and hankie Pins Priathl Xceasana Ds Lai nes ea Cul manic Bawls sad W kris ramtirsit De LAr&lPialiN &Ng IL otlLtl_ : t & !toenails ate». se Po. 919 Chescast stmt. CrTHE REV. PETER irptricrit. OF haw irrtl prawb ts 114 Yyru Church. Sr.VG 4 1 - 4 404 SERl:iti 3:r0.4. 04 0-44011 ROW 04.4•440. 14, u 11.4.1 030110 ec:001 A. Id ,a 0,4 st halt 00. 74'44044 )1.-11• - . C.r.oacle B. *De. D. 0.. coir mum. 'nil Dmacs is ! oo rale fp, . Ctiattlb West rills,4erbus, TU-310111A1 Pat v% A. 11.. 4-44 Pi P. X. rjcurac-or THE INTEUr E 56011.. %IP.Lu w m•vot sxn• Twipl•Lt. fro. My— a tat Ray AL IZU PUTTER. D. V, tan Dioc.s• D told an U+ 011 1 1ATIUN_H %L* L). I) ) MOR • 1N.,. AS 0 . .210a. Toad • ru. , la ta• P.N: •ti. at :Si o'excli. -X- A DP.N 6<sta fat atrailegpra. it CrCHI RCH OF TIM COY ICNANT. —51141• t: t: ct , g_txr H•LL. CiPSTALY. xtor•rre.fth 'saw- t.YI. Al SL:NDA.YI•IH., Y. 151 cis RIM b r. !WACO J 1 SPRING HARDIN UNITARIAN SO. L-4 CI nil —Aim JIVe..P.I AP. •lew, ivrce. •%.i Fre•th H %Hybl. ND HAYDN HALL. to, mu: zvrteloisill•n Ett ts• Lt. I-Xl.ll JR at X% A. V.. acvl ;5,.1'. Y. lt• tTATElellE!ei Or THE UNION NAAR. 17 sa req.• red y :be setoesi sexton 0 , ts• Au of rte ..etters! Aessintly of th:s Cocuisoavealtik. up:oeihi 'he I Itb dee of Ot"otor. A. D. ISt. A er.otat of oats and 0.7.4 from n:nor t 0•P,1111 c. rca 11.11,11 de:. S.'s. rte6d:as todat.:es deo to oust 110 1 , 11. , *D.C. • - ! ksipt.e. eti o.`r it 1. 1 / 4 1:4 ,•;-2-1 fir PIIII. DELP : I Aznoi Les •!. tip rr MI Bs- k . 1:112.'01 eeo 111 tAst t. 34 Vra•4 •ta•-, 1$ ,:orre, - . • . to rle Les/ of eit, is ar. /AURA e."t. ra be:ore me. d.rr °Morn, 04 r. D LW. It C. .i.L.1.1.1.%tit. ill N. DOUGLA% CAIIPAIG% b i =tympani at tt.a Cam latyn C:a • totvayyty.l tot 1, 4 %1 V. 1.:1t5t LIC14131:',111:1. ki 11 4 EVEN Oil* at ;}" a'el tck..lo tbs niter kItRSCAL V .1 i•li of , i•• F. d- VAIWL.EVE, fretilien i t. JAE , . B. RONEY...44er. t• .aTTENTION ! REPUBLICAN CI Ett.r, :; Tee cea ant. summate at Esad a.tar e • ata Ja CL It CtElrlaNlltti. at 7 abet. T.• eee to J!,:.• , eaks Frown es." lea - a teat ta i ,t• - , tre•r• at 7:a o'c:catit. Tickets teat. 11) oter et - Cuff-Mat:Bl. it A M. WA L ASR 4W. 9fara4C. TILE C•tITED DEMOCRACY-1111.ST it • t.t..l* WH0t.t.D15.1e1.,- ;KPII - 0.: 6 .1% nth I eM0,11.• 0 . tee :lard antisire , garde ire .e •30•• P I 1., a 4•20 est the MANI EXI t•S • lER CL.LII t , c the stoats at hl•, iTH Clll3 1111:ht, Otteste. IH.. I:atom:tat I t he C• 1.; 1 it. Hon Witt R. Witte. Cr I James Pose. ‘•• 0 ••••1•1td. tat, Heart a. Desocrt. t It R. Young. tat-. (rep. Horatio Ete•ta: t.r.10,0 Fat. hove prcoutett to be present and atid:e s th•nteet.nt• R tor toe gotscl and true toga o,a oat Cottorr and St - ttet.ziets • etr.le .4011020 re for the jot ant 1,1111 far , that ha, mite the c.).••ttt Crest aid trimperoas. at ! vas, at, t•een t .redone tr. esat•tee tar cots lean' •.-t th• thst ate no, a, •3 d.• • •o: " t ,litt_vja2 v y - s , " I (MR 01 THU G 11.1710 1 1,1111••• V.PE,:tAL MEt.i.Ntir, W . , kil'l , ll,l Yr , e• .. • .111,, tV,I.I.:AM I. DA ;TOT. •tre , . F ttLE :t ••t patty. r. at .N.A1.0:314L BAL • L -trcrt. in•rtoott,. cet I rPto.t...: .%t•NI)".••• . .epteutter 1 4 , at 3 c V 1 LIC I '1: I' 1.101 it, 11414 SPIRITUAI.III2.—Tiin REV. 1011,11 PI hRP i. 1. of Ma•rtelcaatta. a .4.11 Poet Bad Orator. will ic • great MA Lb.•, at 1)1 A. M And TS P. M. Ada r tent.t 5•13 3t.• •• OFFERING DAY' 17 Tilt. PRLNIN- Lj SYLvaNI.I TRAINING 5CF10 4 3:. t, r THURRIe.Ve. oep teubet:3 t.T3 for Pale at !h. fo"rozinS r's IRICE. CIINTs. 12.ivard l'erreeh, et N, eon., arch end E.1 , -.1 Parrs h. NV corner F.:ahth and IL &qt. & /3 . other. II N. e ~,or leer' land t.raptnaL a...., h une „F. No. North Fourth ••reet. tl roe f raw-Ina tra:na ano front .I,lr en no.ta.:c , l leeforthan I In ths parer' D'hnar sal harp, II be terve:lel •e! . 3,3:1 r : :en b, tae l r.I lr.n. hate tepee, end Larfal AitT:ctEs..._ re T 1 .h•- : hare 'Pen. Llade be the Chi. drew. Oar 'rata 3043 oft ralso,a.u.l go.oct as se b.i.ep .1.t7. asa tf Irll3 ERSITY rENNSYLV LAW DEPAK TM). 74T. A term N Oas 1r st.t"t2,, w.!! eatomen« on t..le of Octoter next. Th 3 fol owing era the to nee*.a of tn.) le o'nres : . iIoaGI:ORUERTIARSWOOD—" Intarnabo_al.C, , z !Rittman :I. and Olv.l --. • • Prof. P. hlct.;s lieechn4 and Prieto-a. - Prot. K. PENC.r..R Ilea! 2.K1-• in 1 Ccnverineing." • he InErc+Juctory e...rare Intl Go delver! on Fr to,. Septamner st 8 o'otock P. M.. at tke aaas' room. Or Prof. K. Spencer Meier. - - g yms O THE PHILADELIIIII. 44D READLNO LIJIADAD COMPANY. M/i The holden of th e bond s of this COLOVIII7, d L: e 3 a , , I. L"). can r"''' tocsin , . u on etaboatlw,at the n Mos. le car oett. to cash. toot Materna speoz&ed la to circa tar attmt-'il. The holders are also ezactueki to the benefit o!I dint tot Fe" of eliCaxi Per annum. as seratibegad by tin stockholders at their annual meeting. held January ei lailli, and toyersuanoe piths cont.raor..entereJ into by tt "Milan sad Mgr recorded, to carry the swim tore eta. R. BKADFORti, Treasurer. CIRCULAR. r Name le the Harems or Patiodripaia mid fitediir Railroad Company Mortgage Ready, dos Jelly I, /MN These bonds are seemed by the UM nor tsages on Ito road, amounting in the swept' to 4/3.305.1 - 0. The net revenue for the last fiscal year wee ma times the. a:noun:of the annual interest on these heeds. The managers propose to amend them for a period ~., twenty rears. the holders retaining the bonds and a. 'minty of the moiler* to the meows certaition ::.. w hieh they are now hal Fresh sheets of coupons for the antereek payable ha -yearly, will he mace. A bonus et In per sent will be peen to the holders_, at ooteiderattou of their sweating to the cotenant. Th , s bones will be loud to cash to the beware of the ban it, on their signing a receipt and amenities their re.7*". - nos Londe at the aloe of the Coamaay. or to its: geom. !or endorsement. Fermi of neoetrt and saislontentimr wiU La flii" el of a n'i,st2or. .• ^ '.7 C:7 114' m" Mnr az xrs. 7111 MIGASPUI Nearlairi, 5 . 31114C0 44 LYS St SI oil .1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers