~ , 0,.. , - 4;3, .14„;.- 1 0, ThIr e l eminuargipt, - 4-.ifio ~....-. ...{ - 2 - ii , 5717, 1 i4.1 7 .. 70 01 r.: tr„kinr.mossimorillMilliril ', . ; , ,14:1 1 "Air 41 4.‘ • v • a,' , 1 ITSriscisessw riollirisSb sarittis to It 4 canier. zz , s• Ottsik PO it SA Dossoss 401: litortsg. 14- - rssaw es tiles ornspos, i' fr ititiAtfiNth "_ 31 . 5 4 1114 tifearOftwaatofthe Cit y stTs/RI DoL /0:64 .1, 0-0404,4` . . , t ' WilgialrfpAZAM-lk 'III7TOHINOON J 0016101040 1, 1 1 : 1 PARMI, .chi f ;•.; z i ocovets mu* op .1, • , „PHI/6W W r alA-14ADE 12 - le 6 6 prat- • ' frjrllo,ittia.g.-Ri GILL. z-R o NT . Nii.*IO . :CREFFACT sTARET. : • For ule bf tbi Ptiltage: FANCY 00iTiNOS, lINAYERB BEALRICINS,. FHLTSi j ' 31111,VILLN; . iiiiumediy, FITCH. ItOYALBTON, , ANgr 7 ! ‘. ,04.0 5111 444E56 ' RARNieIIiANOTIINICIY:ICA L ONIVIRIS, .ka. 1401;N:40;08 4 ,0LOTi13, MY'S* La. . RRIMAXM IAMU,TON>-- gi PDIWLE . gg GRECS : AND STRIPE d • ; Sm . .) . , ss STABX RDRETINGS AND DRILL. .I..OLWTON‘: SIIRE'TINGS_ AND •IPTC , P. '..qOPOLIF,'BLEACIIRD DRILLS. . • - lIAMILTON , BROWN AND BLEACHED FLANNELS: '-- HAMILTON WIDE EXTRA BLEACHED FLANNELS... , - • .. • ON NAND - AND FOR SALE BY B. W—OfIASE & SON, I.6e.,oB*siiitut :; . 119F0.140: GOODS. • —', F. - V. BUG i & CO.. , , .... ', $ 11 - C6IIE'STITIT T- &TREE T, . „ ~„ Oft rto CO , Wes, and Southern Wholeeslo Bur - ' - - - Moat ocololito lini if &soli Oat! Yam pi/41021d &NINNY, Goon. f , ''''-`: s •., Consprigne, in-part, , , GNlMArdown FANCY WOOLENS, - _ „NDAMANTOV,IIf, CENIDREN , B .. MMHG'. WO:. : ,:- • ' • 111100'0111 -NOV NOS% ,'. : -110i1TON EDAM -.- NON SILL AND WOOLEN STOOKIEMAND:ANNTLAND URN& I Minn tho beef iteleated and wort complete!, hue of : 1 ,,-,:, , item goods era hiro ororLoiroted, sad irldoh aro noted - , _ • ;, ,-,,! '' !t=131,4131 1 . 1 11;t ril4 l l!ndistlles. I _pr i lifvf.ElT,Gosistir : , '•iiii& - t o rD . „„if solvoy-xxitt*Oco.l: 'i,ii k .5.„..* w. . . ,„,,,nosyci44lizointay in; L- ,- AA • q -1- 6tifititukibtliktia CO -- '. 7 ~..,-.,-) ,4" , Ai4114 *Ohl ,'.,',, ' • , I , s*D i erittNik . - " :; ' :;-':41 1, 411 - 1CAN-ANIVINIEri; coa'ni4s, FLTZ24R & 0 84 11 P i s.iralan.‘ ~szli.zif-ANTOW:Ii • 1 *4lo' - AWTFA.OTII/Uniff. Bow: vairkew :Bl:ll l Lark = I A j=tri l Witt all Wart. - '',,FplepirtrAPALlClr EOM ti - 1100 Di, MGM; AIJUS, - smorsjoorraalk NU,040:1141 pig Airkil.oloo , l l ls &a 6 ' Mat.' •31.14414*Wratilinlii ifewir t ralt rAllarinA4 irioNir , ra4= , itio Iron* stk, t ogrorkillipadr graiC, r 10#14% Oki. of Ur 6 5 414 40 6 0 60. :011 .1. - " "/ 1 17 .1 1 4t 1 ; 1 4 OP4 r=r Irridathres-- ~;a4 oxisTHWT ELUx+tek,cOFHLN 14 - Evrayarr, 5,1:5. 4. e , :,'" i .. -•:., e_MWAVAN 900 M ~':L - - • ‘ l . ° IID mil *UNE • • • • Lllollo s .93PAINTB; " sOlatowt. SaNaTINOI3, • . : fortmoppriprO DIALS ; Cll, -7E!..- 04.4,1., • • - . doeatoMiNlloo o, , 4 4 D STRIP BB 11;:rststrit . BIVESIAI3 I AND NAN. MONO '0,4,12T0N". .SitrifEr.'s AND - "WM:IIRn PINORYS ; , - *Oka; IT.I4SEfe AND OAKCIES; AND'OO}TONADES, °KW' AND KEPBYS-; Owras ; - "14,2(01( QA98111101)23 ; 19M I R I P.L*W. 31X)E15 1P NB ; - 4 7 4P,1,00 1 CA130 8 ; 41444**Cri16*thigrr**,-;445: sal-3m r t'aiI9WASMIM4tISOM MILL B. TATJ! Nam ,: L. EYAIYId eCalli ll gi sst viciaty. nliakt oo o l 4 iAd Fraud TABLE co*use, , U2ilO ikisavrois saIEROAD movie, :',liiistrifolug., SKIRTS. d," .Dili , TiON•11 00ATINON. ,Osaantros•ai =Prix mums. &d OPERA FLAN • rrintoi nun cloOrrinem. - ilmittactux . Eitssiiould 301.1111T.TA: &riot. ;•• •-• • • . • • - 4.3.n• P ss. GLASSES. %,•, 3 9A/Sck.tffiur,:a L 13, EIZ 0, rioniur, FRAIttiEB ' .t z „ fit'f tOttnAviNas, ;.;. ' • - I •••40.4•1100, Orcs, &v g^,7 , 1 '1001 1 ! EARLE tg 3 ON' MEM • -- • : • _ x4NUFA,MniRIiir , rieHa,o t-' OALIPIIIIO.IOITAIL • DIIALE fi % . _ GAI"M/Ps MEM Ml=el Iteottircm: PRINTED tele ORZOT/IVFOTIB T, SlORlslithis. . , ril, , ~ ~, :,, i „ _ r - ~,, ,k.i.i._,.-e i i.,1 , _.; ~ - 0' ~ : -.ti..11.0 .-,e. 141 .; .•; . . , . 7 ----(' : ' - Ai . ; 4 ..,,,,..,....... %.1.0 ....... ..__ , Zl l / 4 . triAir ' ...;,. _ •."' - . . •,..".•-- . ' --yrie.7.r .'N , < I.' 4 ,, ,;,?Aterf ' - ' d'siiiit vas, . :..•.:uf..tt, . - . ; , i , i . . . ,• .( .4.t .,. : „.„. -.4c , ' ( 4 /T . I. ,ip < ...z 4 - ~ ,,, --, ..\'• 'i ,.!.l s ti 4 ' e.. _lll%- .b.. 1 • . 1114 1 eve , 1 . ,- k f r .. , ,.1 , : - : • I -- ' ' ... , 141::,:i v.i. ,- * ' .:`'." '" .. -, k, -- • ,-- ' - --t - :- - 40 - li t . '',--?- -, - i , ._, 1 , 1 - , :,,,,,•, ~. _ : t -tc , 1. i:r -silo :-. ; 1 1 ~,,..."! (~ 41 ' ''' ". , !!.°S . ::- .l '': • '*.- Igt , 2', '-'•'. ~,, .c.,.. ...:..... .s, , „• _ . ‘ , - , 14Z: • ••• •.; ..... - -.........-..„ . .' :- 7, vrt 1 t Ai i „ a • . r ~, , ,r 4. *lf .! ''''"- - ,Z.— - i ' II 1 11.1111 - '' , . l jr + ---...-...- , ."....-.. '.." - ....Z............ r ' I "..../.....,'" . •... .1 . . . ' . VOL. 4.r--•NO 39. 4 _WILLIAM H. ROESTMANN & SONS, PIPTII , AND CHEERY STREETS, ,(.Bjljomilig the AfanufaCtory,) • Invite the attention of buyers to their Fell *took of LADIES' DRESS ' ARD cLoAt , TRIMMINGS, colsruisino FANCY DEESS GIMPS, coops, BINDINGS, . VELVETS. FEINGES,, SILK AND GILT BELTING®, BUTTONS, DRAWS, BERTRAS, &c. x Our news/took of BURL& ZEPHYRS, SHETLAND WOOL, .1:4., 3d very large and embrneeS a full itno of all colors and shades. Our facilities for home production, as well as direst ooramunication with foreign markets, enables us to offer inducements to' purchasers, - set..lnt SEWING MACHINES. Wah'ELER & WILSON, SEWING MACHINES, 625 04.F8TNOT BTRUL,P;IWOOND FLOOR. 10M4m HARRIS' ROI:MOIR , .SEWING MACHINE. Nu. I—FOR PABGLY ÜBE. No. 2—A NEW MACHINE. FOR QUILTING AND HEAVY:WORK. Both, sew, from two spool without the trouble dm. winehtig and rims with little or no noise. kffirs°,l l 2442BAV Ratitzh. it'ader'slad, W . P.UHLINGER & CO.'S BELUTTLE AND DOUBLE-LDOP STITON SEWING MACHINES. FAMILY ME, TAILORS skotsmuns,_ savoLvaa, rte., No. - MS ARCH STREET. Pees of SHUTTLE MACHINE, SAO. Facie of DOUBLE-LOOP STITCH MACHINE from fad upward& The simpleet and' moat MS.:dent =whinee meoe featured for ell Mode i use. P. MACHINE BILK, COTTON. NEEDLES. OM *to.. oonsteuali on head. ' he-dm WILCOX 85 GIBBS? SEWING MA -4 Zoi 'Llitr a m o t MigrainfulterViei for its erior excellence. B r a ce la ,W CHESTNUT FAIR BANKS''eaIe 'Werehoue, XIS feB-tf • PERFUIEIERY. GRIST X. 4153 .430.4 ,•, . • PERIANZRS aND IMPORTE&, • • • &WM 113010VID tw. a 3 SOUTH FOURTH srusET, . Five doors above thew former stand, h. 6.1 ive- rantheeed. ell the =tens% inoulde .hei m of Atte late nu of T Paratte & Co.. (No. ne PANitdat MA./ and tusve . added all their styles to their otneveziety, with many new ones for the breeebt ima m=Woking the races riomplete aesortiaetie orany house In entry._ C. & Co. outline the tnapertatiou of • `, DRUGGISTS' • Aitriczles, •of vehioh their It is woven complete. Thgp *lll None banshee in it' Attention to thewaetrot their 0440Meilia sn thie. aeod,atialit7 0 thew r , , . „, and-tool PAPER. IEtKPIGINGS. IAPE4-H,!iNqrpulf.- - , , - • (FALL witA3,:w.) . • • , ' .HOWELL & ;BOURKE. -Baring Nis - owed to theirnw.litow , Comma AND MAR= writHETS, AJ• tioyi aresurd to otter to the Trade s base sad Attila asitortment of • ; WALL PAPERS.' c. • • • 80.110.11118., ; - .:•• IMRE SOKEENS, • `. WINDOW . CURTAIN GOODL &c., .A 1 1 ,4 tbe 'salted And beet' liesiener frail/ the les est , Anteed article to the Ewalt • , ' ' GOLD AND VELVNT.DBOORATIoNB • • - S Beet - tliera and Western merchants will doirell to 'Welt th4seta.bUeYviaat'of ' • -- • ' ' HOWELL k , BOUEKE, Er: E, cOENES Munn AEA MARKET STREET% Atas-zin , ,PiIiVADEZ,VE [A. • . UMBRELLAS. SLEEPER & FENNER. WROLEEFALE MANUPACTURERE , • • -• or DMDRDLLAS AND PARASOLS, NO. 326 MARKET STREET, • • rooanztratn, ses now making WOW , Shan wiwa ncreanuto DIPWWIONT VAOIZTLWEI OW OWORELL/E1 Of_rrellrlOZO. from tg 42inohos. • w r l h iaV a tl . & l .'B l Eiln iVer lntmkikol %ret .tookt ere. *lncadoi amairu NOVLMS, n otr with altoM ulkr HARDWARE. MOORE, HE NEIZEY, do CO. • " ARE NOW OPENING THEIR , PALL STOOK OF __ HARDWARE. • 487 MARKET, aott 416 COMMERCE STREET ,ea-Sm NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG, ea 00., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS, 73, 77, 78, 81, 83 ,E 8/ DUANE STREET, NEAR BROADWAY, OFFER FOR SALE A NEW AN]) ELEGANT STOOK of DRY GOODS for the FALL, TRAM:, nutted to an sections of she entztlrive They are opening weelar. t I ~..•~ ~ _:_ Q W-AMBUTTA .PRINTS, IN NEW AND DESIRABLE STYLES. TI EBE CELEBRATED PRINTS are , the CHEAPEST and BE now sold in the UNITED STATES, and they beg leave to call the particular attention of dealers to them. , au 24-nn WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY, PURE OILER WINE VINEGAR, Green Gluier, Mustard Seed, Spiced, &0., ace. All the requisites for Preserving end holding perPosel ALIIERT C. ROBERTS. . . - DEALER IN . . . FINE GROCERIES.. . Comer FIEVENTE sed.VINE Streets, NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA, vntqINIA, LOUISIANA, Anti ether unourrent iamb bought at low rater, WORK, MaOOl7OH, & CO., No. 38 South THIRD Street. JELLYIST,. 11380. . , NIW, PIANO AND CHANGES. " idNIIDNANTS IN *ANT OF - NLANN BOOKS Assn be sunned from a Tarr superior assortment roads from Idnep stook, or mide to order. WiaIIANIXD AT LOW Talent. WM. F. At MIDDY h SOWS NEW !TORE. Stationers, Lithograpbersi and Letter-Presr. Prieto! ' ' arhir OT sAir LEDGRIt. ' - onAtartup Street. Sea iri,tt • r • • 41110CTtlIP r EN g TLN.E.--200 bble r a aptg Att"."WtVttiVivtki elpik . SR;trPrtrataitiral"; SILK AND DRY, GOODS JOBBERS JOSHUA L. BALLY, , IMPORTER AND JOOlll9l, NO. Ma MARMOT ST., Hai now open a LOOP. 'AND BEitipFUr., Amieriment of DRESS GOODS sua SH'AWL►t . Of the NEWEST AND CHOICEST STYLES, At the LOWEST :P RIO E S. no attention of cub and prompt six-months bnyorn is invited. se -tf LARGE MW ATTRACTIVE STOOK VOR FALL' AND WINTER, BALES. SHORTRIDGE, 73ft0'1 1 HER. & CO., . IPtIP6R.TptB . AND JOBBERS, ,• -tie: MARKET STREET, and tio. 4 l ln 6 s )I o 2EOE 4NT rHIL ADEL PEIA. RICAN SrerLEuandFANsOYPORKIOf andAME- R Y 6 - D . .31.0tud with it view to the, intermits of CASH and prompt SIX-MONTRS' Dealers. to which they invite the attention of tho trade. N. b.— A FUIrt.L STOCK VlVllETAlletlefir i *Alairintfitrt t i; be found elsewhere. Orders executed uromptly, at. LOWEST MARKET RATER. se4-2m SILKS FANCY DRY GOODS. IMORTATIONS FOR FALL, M. M. L. HALLOWELL & Oo . 333 111.5.8.K1:T UT NORTH FOURTH. tiTHEIST, ASO prepared to offer to, the trade their usual varied arsortment of Roods, purohoaol on the MOST FAVORABLE TERMS, .By experienced buyers, iu the Drinairal MAN SFACTURINU CITIES 01 0 These have been selected with oaro for ruterr-uLAtiq TRADE, be oilbredat - 'lUtoco to Command attention. CLOSII BtTTßae, from alt ;notions of the country, aro' invited to inepeot our 'stook. Tzzate;-,834. months credit to, Iderohente of un doubted 'tending, or mix ton cent. dleopunt for cash Twelve per cent, per annum amount for dvanoe payments. ace-than-4m CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! TO WHOLESALE BUYERS. EVERY NOVELTY OF THE BEASON. ar 111 F: LOWEST GASH Nuous. 1 hierohtoe ova taaterials desuld, HENRY- '.13.7;EN5,, ee4.2m'No.4s eontii Street, A W. LaTI'LE as CO.. SIPX, CIPPPS. ...No...ste MARKET 'STREET. F ALL ' " ' 1860. OfiAFVEEK, STOUT. & Co. -FOASION AND 111:44$8170 ,D4TOOODII. ,9,219.9 m 699 MARKET STREET. WOLIF, FOREIGN AND LIONIIITIO DRY GOODS, X 36 DUAKET BTJUIET, Uftk'aNdlovl.Bl,x!lnc.litite Jitteete, pi all sections e invited to in examination of our Stoolt sue-Brn• - R E M 0 V A L. In consticuenoe of the destruotion by fire of thesr . TOM STRUT BROM. YARD, GILLMORE. & CO. iIAVE REMOVED TO NO. 610 CHESTNUT ST.. SOUTH SIDE, ABOVE MTH. PTILLAMPLPUIA. They live now open AN ENTIRE NEW STOOK • OP SILKS' AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, GLOVES, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS,¢ c. , Together with a LARoE ASSORTMENT of STAPLE AND FANCY WHITE GOODS. 'EMBROWEBIES, LAVES, MANTILLAS, ;to. }laving received but a /matt portion of their FALL IMPORT.ITIONS, eretieue to the fire; they aro enabled to diepLer A NEW STOCK. to whisk they invite the attention of their Customers and Buyers seuerodly. WIIRTIS. AUSTIE. & MoVEIGH, IMPOS.T.ERS AND JOBBEIRSI IN DRY GOODS, No. 311 ALMON Street, above 'Mild. p ° kale' A r min, enrt Auette.,_ lannltop I'. molreleli, rumninarnte. obn S. Wanner, garb Burgin, nul-em FALL AND WINTER. CLOAKS & MANTILLAS • run inn • WHOLESALE TRADE. -,-, tiotITRURN ,14,1 WESTERN MEROttANTS-NTI. Ink Medium to rot•olaso 900DS, aro Invited to' ttl• opoot our OWok,wkwlL wo ofor - LOW PRICES. AND UN LIBERAL MEALS. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. Tirz PARIS MANTILLA and CLOAJC Empolunt 708 CHESTNUT STREET e.,2-tra 12 WOOD, MARSH, HAYWARD, IMPORTERs • AND WHOLESALE DEALER:B IN . DRY GOODS .01} OLOT,nING; NO. 309 RISSKET STRIT. pailand Winter Stook now oomnleto and re ,J for buyers. , • , • no-! Ipit' thSINESS MEN ARE. ADVERTISING I TZN a tilhe o lt.ent raliwnvanera. of Otte and Country—at • L 101(. 00.1 K,: & 00.. I RtacYMAtile E tte NT iff < 1 OW , ii Ori . . , WWII/WM 'OTITARS; ADVga aluir9l4DE IN morr AND g otig h esp r A,rbu!hera pr!!)011,) - " tit •,c4 -" pot:tutor , • 001,4 , .Ati(VT. ; • a4ll, - NI • Mn ' AK - 0442402t. Fleltittrtt - ONR-1. - cise - formats: WrantEgu a. , & B " T allo 4 7 and 4 IYortMatTl6l et, ~~ ~~~~, Tatar/ S TBEET,46iIiiiN 4 / 1 0E&ES THE attention 'of Buyers is PEPS:H. FALL 121.000 M. 13,411i1); n Co.; , INIPOSTERS AND JpßßEita OW, • No. 4 . 7 NORTX vlii4) smaskr, Would respectfully invite . the I:01Am of the trade to their LARGE AND wELL•SELEOTED .-VELEt3I-1 FALL.:GOODS. *lab elm are now. opaline. WaiLredidy tit raasiot kindi- of frion and &imble [Dada, Call and exaS,, , nna oiiratook. 147-21 n ' ' el.atin c 18600 FALL TRADE. lafrolle BUNN, RAIGUEI 4 & 00.. IDIPORTERB AND JOBBERS Or 4 • s 14 FANCY DRY GOODS, NO. 137 NORTH THIRD STREET, ARE NOW PREPA RED TO OPFER TO TILE %%RADE GENERALLY AN UNUSUALLY kv AT P RACTLVE STOUR OF 000 n& I.' PiLitt), R 111130149, DRESS GOODS, WU. TV; c 3901313, 1.;MBROIDER111, LAW/.8. • CLOTHS, GASSIMEEMEI, VESTINWS, lIOIIIIItY GLOVES AND TRIMMINGS. Togetherwith a full sad varied stook of FALL APO) WINTER SHAWLS. To alt of whtofl thoy invite tho attontion of .CARIi AND PROMPT SIX MONTHS' BUYERS, 0 2 . Bullet, V. C,_.13 H. M R, IGUEL, W. W. KURTZ, V. BUNN. ' tu.25-2111 8. FALL; IWO. 1860. RAIGUEL. MOO ;E. lit (gO.„ MILL 220 MW 1.121 NORTH THIRD I:3I.IIEET, HAVE POW urtar TOE LAIWEBT MID MOST COMPLETE STOCK F,FLEN,OH, PRITISH, AN. DOBIEBTIO DRY GOODS Thos have over oared, and to vthioh the attootton of DAM AND ODORT-TIME BUYERS Is respectfully solicited. leir For variety =l4 ooloprbiteuess in,si l its 4 part moats, mit prosout track °fora Induciontoota to buyer. uneutpaised by Stlf other home. 'suU•iut JAMES. SANTEE.. a; 00., • IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS or DRY GOODS. NOS. 2119 AND 241 NORTH TRIED OVISET, • ABOVE RAC% ftesseottidis invite the attention of Buyers to their usual LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO GOODS, Among which will be found a general assortment of PHILADELPHIA-MADD GOODS, Also, a large variety of new and confined styles of PRINTS, IttERRIMACK SECONDS, Ac, aull•sm THOS. MELLOR 8a CO.. NO. 8 NORTH TitlitD 15111=T, IMPORTERS Or lioSlEltx. MATS MID DRAWLRB, BAIALT. WARES, &c, Taps,. MaLLou Jou H. MELLOR, lIDWARD BRIM, tiEO. O. EVAN& sul7•2m F ALL, • .1860. COOPER, PARHAM. WORK, . Impoitorm,MOnulaotarara, and Jobbora of HATS, CAPS, FURS. LAD STRAW GOODS, NO. Dl NORTH THIRD STREET, Wow ARO% BUILADELPHIA. MILTON COOPER. , WM. M. MIHAIL ROBERT y. WORE. Ofir Fan Stook now oomploto and ready for bumf. lan r-lai SONVEIL.BARNES. ea 00.. BOOKSELLERS AND rußLlsmits, No. 37 NORTH THIRD SWEET , Lower aide. above Mar);at Strag,Tklladalpt22, Invite the attention Doolun3llorelatUadfry mar nuantittarlf Yeri c largo stook or So °of kg, pub. linegint Inland o heroitlee. torn's; with manna - ous.and Blank 800 e t Parr, an Stationery aenerailr. areisuoilenere 0 MOT nogniar works, among wlttoh are rho [(Almon : TILE CENTRAL HOLD RV:HON, DY'COL. WILLIAM OILPOI,I (Late of the 13. S. Army.) • ILLUSTRATED BY_ NUMEROUS MAPS, One vol., /Ivo,' bonod In sloth. Prioe fi1.15 and a liberal • • ateodnnt tops trade. This batik taarouounaed the molt wonderful, ealeutt ao,'and aornprehensive gesture on the geography of oar oontutent ever Subilaharl• ' SCHOOL BOOKS: SANDERS' SERIES -OP READERS. DROORS' NORMAL ... . e t a . DRODXS , NORMAL biENTAiIJAWYMME- TlO —°to. BROOK KEYMENTAL .. .. 26 oti . By E. BROOKS, A. M.; p r a mor aldfithogiatioe in Pennsylvania State Nor.; rnal Bohool. , Llberal tarrae,for introduation. • , • WHITE'S 0.0P3t4300101.: BY T. MAX WHITE, President of PenneylvinialDommeralal Collage, • PPL, 1 4E, 41APS. Whi;;lmiries of SIX SUPERB MAPS iq noirplotted fn almost °try' eahoal ofAuto to the , Vnlon whore gen, graphy fe taught, and haw no equal. Prior San for full sat of gm traps, or dllnfor set of heinumnere mate alont3.l:l 0418T-STE,RE, BRILLS. FOR CIFURORRO,.FIRD 44nm, 0,, 8031 OWLS 3ti NAYLOR do CO., sslo 00101EiteE Stra•a 9 ' ; • AirrtVitPAY, *tipTENOR 15, 1860. Jimmy Jone II and line Parrot: BP Paz Saki? OP POwaft BALL. digunY Jones, not over prudent, ma 4 &Per, prud . - - A nd-kne conduct. sea h u sband, • - Led Nem,* domestic strife. • ' • Once he boisititerlett/rTOt, _AO Etas • tor t pa , $ . 7. x04 v ii h g r y e i tt o *lni e. , ' ," „ oh. Fci,e l . l 4 imit . M4 l f it l ldt " a ttreter h ge l rd f t 4 ,-..... On . . ~„ 2 tookt 'pat snob nonsense du your g .tor. , ,uetialne head t :.*.l? ecrttliti i il ° _, o 3o,V i ri2,4 : . _ 'l.'l2lll'lmin . o v i ettit morron g , andym parrorehelpl need I 44 \lairs waistiarqlotliss for Bayley, the money fooled *War For t at squalling. bawling perr9t. For a deems cost vottld par.' " Tetra; MY dear." replied the husband, - -VOltt emu V 9 yar/ otraill ' ' coutd 1 boy a °oat?' The parrot Q.htoltbtatutWered : • ol'kowylit HALL :" ' " Tc.l4:6lr a gilll P h ' ..o.ln r , t d . ,, k , : g l y b!eard? Moro? on us I dialnit.niag.„ Did you hear that cunning Dud?" "Yee; I did," replied the aueband. „i tii " i i IIIWU e t olt i tt4bl t h e eute - Awa n but a r,l34‘6,== l It ai 'bought, and fifteen dollars On the suit he really awed. fare. JoetwatrOgled. deliyhted, ~ • ~ reeili,dttXtiteyrigiiretutore been shaved! 4 401ut taatcherhng pie earrot ~ Whiehl r ,p, rot such a KIWI. 1 imp nm other aim's }]lied mere Wietla TOWS* HALL. " You Missives' tne ti o. of Polly • ' -' et V i inal e griis,l4rel: .. oh VI box a reps or me! - t , " YOr intglten sett now for clothing Will to very, very small, Ard well maim a iLst Of Polly For flier saying ' TOW2It HALL, P " Our nook - pt . Fall and Winter Clothici is now Cull and (templet°, adapted to every market, and unequelled for vanetv. style, Raid make. 'I he attentiria4Ml2Asaie and Retail bison is invited, at TO "HUD. 628 MaRKOr g u est, Phlladelahla. • ':, - 't • - ,I ' ' - 1110tNIITT:R ,OA. . FAY,' - Alec:JAI/LIU P 4. Co.. CARPET, jinx UFACTIIRSILS. GLE ECHO MILLS, GEIOL&NTOWIT, Also. Importers and Dealers in CARPETINGS. OIL CLOTHS. N r,, ATTINGS. RUGS. /Re. WAREHOUSE, 509 CHESTNUT STREET, • (Opposite the !Stets Rouse.) &taunt and weatom majors aro roapactfuny Invited le eelaut7-9a, aul7-2zu 1000 BOYS' ULOTIIINO. 100 FOR FALL BUSINESS, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' READY-MADE CLOTHING. Mao, on hand, Lerge stook of GOODS to order, from A.H3EIHELT BLILDINB6, red-tlatultu TENTH and CHESTNUT strain". KELLY & DOI-IhRTY, TAIL OHS, 31 and 33 BOVTII FIFTH 83:1thia, lUVI IVItT ILIM - 7n lIIIIR NIL •AND • Will TER STYLES, - , Together HIM s largo serortutent of . NEw AND FASHIONABLE sons, To whigh, the wpblio are invited to examine. solo 5m MILLINERY GOODS. No. $1 SOI7TI SECOND STREET. I . heco Acre, Mtn c complete apeortmeut of RIB BONS. SBA'HIERS, FLOWERS, and BONNET MS TBRIALet ell the molt feabloneble oolore and etylee. STRAW GOODS, SLarite atairtment of Vernon and Continental Hata. with Feathers to matoh, to which I call tho attention of MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS. Prices are LOW, end great froluoeme u ts will be offered to Cash and responsible Purchasers. au24-Im FALL. 1860. LINCOLN. WOOD, 41,7 NICI-10.LS. 725 CHESTNUT STREET, Ethic) Nook bolow the Girard Home, STRAW AND BILK BONNETS, Fitmou FLowEits, PEATHERS, BIBBONS. Children's and bliss& BEAVEI4 HATS. The largest and fullest amortraeut of the kind iu the au2l-tutheBni THOS.KENNEDY&LBRO. 7 2 U CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH, Rays °posed s SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of FRENCH FLOWERS, HEAD DRESSES, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, STRAW GOODS, •ND BONNET MATERIALS. Ex LOW pßieu. vit FALL. 1860. RIBBONS. BONNETS. ApD MILLINERY ROODS EXCLUSIVELY. We havo now on hand, and daily reoelvtut, a large and handsome assortment of ILIEBONE, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BONNET MATERIALS. STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, " MISSES' AND INFANTS' EATS, SEMMES. &0 , ,, FRENCH AND AMMIOAN FLOWERB, FEATEBES, RUCHES, AND EVERY °TREE ARTICLE IN THE MILLINERY LINE, To highthe attention of the trade Ls &rooted. BOMBED', BROOKS, & CO., aula..2m 43.i.Atunc:1 4 Street, North side, t v , MRS. M, S. BISHOP, NO.- 1010 igrALOHERTNUT street nest dodr td the St. Lsw "acOrethSlBoegetaoaßloss"di ittl a t tlai spineAsnopr pr vs* roil Ls furnish hiTh • eres4 ll 4 Orchard; with vattrri sPle. •• _ • ; - n om m ',OIOSI,BI,4IaItNISAIIIV, GOODS. • I'V[SOO,l7-4ets of the firm' of Win '4o" 1 0htlitei ib 6oft•-bEfentmtooll PURNIBII tlyatA,•and SHIRT litittiriPAHTofty,_Bl4 yripari i t FtrPott (no!irty cregooe pe Girard Hord), 8 'voi,uld reopeettnitreatibe itterition of hie farms nerlorif and trienft so hitnewltordi and 12 pre ' 1 1Pa °l l " l 4 ll l tage ' YAW P rfilt a PliaP with RO, t 'WA &Aim • MORIN ,* - QUAYL.B 4 3 Aritirfttliryeipplicrt anom a 0 81&11E14 11111,0W21:11VINTIJ, PILILADBIdiIdA. VLOTILIICG. F. A. HOYT al 13RO. TIIIB DA OPINED, 11 , 1TU TUBIR USUAL ANSUMMENT UP -MILLINERY GOODS. "1860. M. BEFMHEIBC 111 ALL TILEUL VARIETIEV, &C., AU rtss, P % 41 SATURDAY, .SIPTEMBEt. 15, 1860, Alextilidre Duma, and Garibaldi. An able English journal,•called The Critic, published in London, reviewing tbo Autobi ography of Garibaldi, «edited by AleXanflre Thusuiapf treats its readers with the account, lately given by us of Tun Pares, of the true origin, and real character of ,the work. We said that an American publisher whe had paid $6OO to Dumas for early sheets ;of tho book, discovered by thO time that the tran i littor had rendend twenty-four pages into English,Jhat Dumas bad simply writterta abort :pr )faco,,oudl for the rest of the work -had niMply 3toJen tLe whole of Garibaldi's AutoblograpYy, lated by Theodore Dwight, and Pu ilisttedld Now York, last year; by Barnefail'urr. , _ The Critic has taken the tionble; of. cow. paring Dumas with Dwight, and tao result establishes tbei 414 ,of the , charge Faada by Paiss. It print* two pages c Dwight and two pages of Dumas, fn parallel 'columns, and says : grAllowing for the tortuie which must have been applied to the several sen tences on their transformation from the origi nal Italian into English, French, and then Zqglish again, and considering the determined 'verPosity and affectation which..eharacterize Denies, the two renderinge-atust low° Lad the same origin. • And though, in tho rest of his work, M. Dumas differs materially froM Mr. Dwight, in soanuch as - he incorpotates the memoir of Anitarwhich Mr. Dwight gives separately (as,he received it from Garibaldi) at the end, and in 'so much as ho works up several scenes dramatically after his kind, in stead of using simple narratives is Mr: Dwight has done, and at, no doubt, Garibaldi him self did, whenever M. Dumas does drop into mere narration of, facts the fatal family like ness is discernible. Seeing, therefOre, that .Mr. Dwight, in his preface, positively. de clarer-that his work is a translation, with porrntssiou, of Ganbaldi's very autobiography, and that M. Dumas; in two notes at pp. 96, 124, makes the same avowal, wo aro reduced to the necessity dr believing either - that Garibaldi entrusted his RISS. to two different persons at two different times,. or that 'Ti!. Dumas amused himself! with a little harmful piracy. At any rate, it is quite clear that M. Dumas' is not _the only whiten tic account. A significant fact is that the actual autobiography in M. Dumas' edition ends, just as , in that of-Mr. Dwight, at the return to Montevideo. For though rat. Du. teas gives ui Colonel Medici's account ot. the leonabardy campaign. of .1848, that is not Gailbaldpa . ,autoblograpltyy= add though Dumas hinntieg obliges us with some effusions of his own, that is certainly not Garibaldi's autobiography; and though M., Dumas ob serves! aria. 278, 'Front' this point the notes lea by Garibaldi for us at his departure for Sicily permit us to let him again speak for himself, and to replace the pen in his own hand : it is he, therefore, who is about to con= tinue his Memoirs'—not many will see the• sequitur, or admit that notes dressed up by , Dames are _an autobiography by Garibaldi. Thepiracy, if piracy it be, which is 'no strangly.denounced by.the American writer, startling instance of ilteiairy protligaey."' W erg gllld haiA !tilts :confirmation of our original statement. With itall kw:Madge Of Dumas! Alltirough difibonekty is literasy matters, w6hisliated ngt to, believe a bad re portof him. In Charles Reade's new 'beck; just published by Ticknor & Fields, and called ic The Eighth Commaudreent,; l isa sketch of a certain Auguste. Magnet, a distinguished French roniailcist and dramatist, Which shows bow much Mime' fame has been created by thla .genius and! industry of' others. I When Maquet was a' youngater, - wroth several plays and•stofies, without making Much by them, for be was unknown. .Ono Of these playa, entitled ce lin Soir do Carnaval," was proposed to a manager, and by him admired, and declined according to the formula. Ge;.' Bard, Maquet's friend, took it to Dumas. Du mita liked it; Waved his-magle 'pen over it, called it 1 93athelde," and sent it to a ma nager, who accepted (t Rattelde" with teal. 'The manager ivad Monsieur Anttmor Joly. tfßatheltle"• was played -with success. We let Mr. !Reside tell what followed this fliat connection of Maquet with Dumas : The mete a dramatio story, called 66 Lo Bon homtae liuVat,"..and sent it to the Presse. Editor kept it a month, and then declined it. As Magnet psoed the Boulevards, smarting, be met Dumas, mho asked him if he had nothing by blur. I have only the_ "Donhomme Duvet," said Magnet, sor rowfully. Dwells pricked up his ears. "That Is a good title,? said he. "Come, toll me something about your Bonhommo." Argot° glowed, and poured out a part of his story. "That will do; send me the MB," said Dumas. "I am off to Italy to-night." Dumas took the "13onhomme" with him, worked on him, and in a few weeks the " Bonhomme" came out and charmed all Europe as " The Che valier d'Harmental."--Moantime, the fertile Ma gnet produced "La Chainbre d'Asile," " Deux MOM sur un Mar," "Le Beau d'Angennes," and "Madame do Limiers." For the third time. hazard united him with him Duman in "Antony," aria then was established on a grand male that in telleatual animae to which the world owes the most brilliant romances of tho century. "Les Troia Mouspietalres," " La Maine Margot," "Tine Fille du Regant," "La Guerra des Femmes," " Monte Christo" (pyramid of romance), "La Chevalier tie Matson-Rougo," "Lea Quarante- Conq," "Les hiemoires d'un Medloin," "La Tu. lipe Noire," all these great stories were poured upon the public with a rapldty that has scares a parallel in the history of letters. These stories, it will bo noticed, are Damns' best—thoso out of which has mainly grown his reputation. Magnet wrote them, Dumas performed the nominal duty of revising them, and,. as Mr. Reado says, "placed moat of these great stories on the stage, and reaped a double harvest of glory and of profit." Du mas, as the great author, used to treat with the publishers and managers, and pay Magnet trillos on account. At last, when Dumas owed 184,000 francs to Magnet, (nearly $27,000), he failed, and, at the age of thirty-eight, Magnet had to begin the world again. Mr. Reado does not mention these incidents aarnovel; for they are Well knewn. In 1845 Paris was startled with - full 'particulars, iy a patuplfict called "La Maison Alexandre Dn- Inas otiCampagnie,"tindilso in Mr. Alphonse klKilies''panaphlet a Snrle MereAntelisme Litte mire." - They were subsequently related, in a sting ing biography •Dumas; in ""Lea Contem portals " of Eugeno , .do Mireconrt, and, on looking, even" now, into M. 'Vaporoau'd Dic-, tionnaire Universal des. Centifigieralns, the charge is repeated - in the biographies of Mar guei and of Dumas,. and, .thit names are given of twelve other writers, (alba',•whom aubse 7 quently attained celebrity when on their own account,) who helped:Wes Magnet did —that is, whose brains he made fame end gold ont of, as he did out of Auguste Magnet. The notoriety of. Dumas' Want of honesty, in literary labor,- wade us credit the story of his ha'bing bodily stolen the whale of an Ame riCan G1141;404 and !old ids translated thatt to an Anterlean•.publlsher, and we are pleased to find our course juatified and c; en dorsed" by — our English contemporary, The Critic. A DeanlG SowlE-14/111017GII TAB CLovns AL - 13triouNG BALM:W.—no New York 57772: of yesterday says: "M. Copple, an aeronautical pupil of the renowned Godard, advertises to make an ascension tomorrow, (SaturdaV,) in Jones' 'Wood, by miring of rarided or bested air, in a • pa per balloon: The balloon is of ahout4o,ooo cubic feet capaoltyonade s _of stotit-*anilia' paper, and with stripe of muslin glued ovetilte seams. • For a height of three yards from t4o iletto4 the piier is also lined with muslin, for the purpose of holding np the oar, which is to: be attached. beneath. Tho air is to be heated by banning 'straw, or some other light oemb , nstible,, under . ttie,balloon, nntil it Is well in fl ated, when the car will be hooked on, and the:reckless aeronaut carried- cif.. When the air cools, Mt caopple ~ h is the pleasant prospect of ithertiver he May:happen to bo, with-, 11 10 ?Fr )l i !lif: l l , ,r o lp,r., 00,T 1 ,t.folppg • hie fa'dvb tuto sritich given by's gai halleeni, and ' should t- buret' , wear while, be le in mid-air, the 00nP8- quagga at too disagreeable to oentemplate." RELI gapus, .I.IIITE'LLIGENCE; The Seeoedl'iestitteriatt" Church. This is one of the Oldeet-ietahlished ohne:thee la Philadelphia; havidi leen' fenildedln 1743 . The present large ind - certitiredieur edified of thecen liekethin,.ets. &tenth r itriel, hiSche Ares, ihel' 2 *Netted Id 1 18$7•, *tient tile tidier theidlireptiderteek ,place hatinienarbee ire new known' it the Ott and 1 eimellealerebrenehte ol the: pritibytorips Chilinithi'l beteg lOW VRt1 1 4 4 91 1 21 1 9 thelersoyo them; and 1 eeedeteg, presr , fadly, on !, elm old platt'orte of ! fruth andfeith, and 'Sinai!, 'cdaltelog loyalty to the broad Cilibtialiiedoetrines 'which inspired the plOneer reformitii: to whiter, ;udder Providence, the Preabyterien 011ittift • meet ftc existent*, - The history of tbe'orlgin of the -Second Pearbyterian Church is replete with iatersatewhether retorted in the liallkii - thW ;Mallet aireeinsetanoPe admit. ,ins Its hirth, the , FannTtna4 nhereater, ell UMW who; werojetshily lenstnantentslAnfoSed e ing4ifeebr Abet .bi ro l l PN*4 4 °Rd i -1,%"/ 13 h !P,l P. O titute 4 It , itit'S nimi tarot, Memblersuip: . . - . e e l , ' Its'existence waq oradieh-in'Ond Veth elnette pratteliableieviralliv4cirded in therilfgi uswinate ef Aratiteea; the ConteMtinter'efittlfrpi I exist 'litu Imes, if seretery teetitmeitiresit having 'Peen laid by theeteitiente.divinise-Whiteleld and Tangent. During the hundred and seventeen years of its ex , istenee,ten have luieleateree init. U 1,134 pest sal oboe, of wheat thendaistry of; the llov. l D.4intee' "Way wee the lengeit, havieg mewled twenty-nine years. With the exception of Dr. Slt , i ei, and the Rev. C. W. MI tde,lhaleiritientl s 4.lrefi theta tete have tee thalf - ' t i c' Li 1,..3 La From itie ' e don has excerpted cis honored plies among e:ble elmrelses' of . our My, both from the en:finer:oa Mite - p.*om awd . , the number and respeetability of its tueraterne Among the letterthere at the present time, seve ral of our most, distinguished citizen, * ' some of whoM haVeierietithe city'and Rtateo t id otlieis are Widely knewri'eurnemilinshe - Mein re of the cartons learned prothasionS, descendinisi in many need, Of no fees - diatinghlehed sifes:' ' Of those who have recently been atrielseu, front the roll of 11 3 ' living membership, the names of Charles Mann- , eeel drudge John If. Sane, his lamented son, Dr. Elisha Rent, the great.Aretic explorer, (whose able biographer, Dr. William Elder, is Leo wane@ ted with this church,) an-I the late non. Rid Jones; aro familiar to all. , -, Some idea of the influence exerted, by this eitureh outside its own immediate sphere may be gleaned from the foot that to its efforts the .ttis' tepee of the following aerobes in thin city aro largely at tributable: The Pint Church, in the Northern. Liberties, in charge of the Rev. Ti Je Shepherd; the Ninth Churob, now located at Sixteenth and Sansom streets, the pastoral charge of the Rev. Will. lelsolcwood; the Niftb, better known as the Arch-street Church, in charge of Rev. De. Wads worth; the Seventh Church, Bread - above Chest nut, Rev. James Al. Crowell Pastor, and the Cen tral Church, corner of Eighth . and Cherry streets, in charge of Rev. Henry- Steele Clarke,D.D Surely, in view of this, tho Second Ch4c, bee neither been slightly blessed, , nor dieletinored in her progeny, and the latter will hardly t;eitate to say as much of „their maternity. . . Deeply imbued with the boneezent eleinents of theaCiWietian religion; iti expounded end practiced by Its leirdediateelubdoes, this olinreh hi always iontilbttted its fulfahare iti theestsblish eat and tuippott of the benevolent institutions of t e day ; and if it lies not the honor , of herieg' eidOblistied theAut thunlayeichcol in, &aeries in -the mama tion of • ele.pnbito, there is a respec table plea eon taitted in the late Coenelies C. Ottyler'scentenuary sermon, preaehed in this church, Deeeniber ad, 1845, that by right it bewailed to tide distinotion. Certain It is, that tiarit;g many years it has con tribUted vigorously and wisely to feateringearetexe i tending this gieekturearY of the Gllkrsh mid' in' dice respect the eiample set hi - Pastor, el ders, and members is worthy 'oftheltigheitAktaimendatioria-:', viz t Thitthe edricaticai and superintend ence of , the solsoola'are isetwittinpoo'aued .to tb# yolini and inexperiehaeleetTo a great entaufeehe present: Ceagregetionie made- up of Addnicale , that lere . . 1 ? I ,etz Ai* tegitlarnai Vie 6 / 14 1,t1it L11431114- - -reklette of„fetsttlise comp o sing it, *ugh h teW Of ,the Priinitlie Stook /Maude to perpetuate theft . na .rne . and lin , eage. i . Thri4teeint edifies of. this ohnieh, I created,. - twort ty- three Yoabf kit' under the' etiperle anaemia 1 of a committee, consisting of Dr: Id. lir Pitts:sots , arel 'edged: Reßante is one, of thermos{' ohaste ;and beantlfaL in , PhiladelPhis.J 'At a resent dite, the leetrestigtef debt. upon itaritlienidated by tho congregitien. 3 l and Witidarelespitet routuner the entire 'lnterior hat Meet, thoroughly_ renovated Thelattar Marked Imp rovement to Its Internal:see: peiraha is ,meinly , iine to an iiid,hdi in the afinroh', honorably ,00nneated With !evert' et Its 'most prominent' meteor. 41} , 'tlie"ithre%prittlng ' efforts of this derietrid lady, the biliding bas been ' Placed in iisatly the "tame oondition and 'style of finish in which it was bequeathed to the 'present generation, and was thee. reopened for divine wor ship onfinuday, the,2,l instant.. ~ t :It may be field, pith .trtith,that ! . in. coninnelna 'iiegthis labor of loye,,,thaveneetehlo 44 y teferrld to, *twee irtie . wonmily,medesty forbi ds oar using her nine in this MARC - Way, Ina reared it fitting in 'Munn tto the mem h ors - Of the demnift tee already 'named' who first directed 'the ereatfor, of -tide handsome edition. As aModel of church architee tare, we doubt If this edifleaela- excelled by any other in this.country. .Exquisitely neat and har monious in all Its detail's, there is an entice free dom from the gorgeous, appendages which, in doubtful taste, hat-a entered so largely Into the ' ornamentation of tnoderdetnirehes. The plan and etyle of the building aid its infant - ire, from the 1 1 masaiie marble front to the smallest frescio erns- ment ; the pure white marble pulpit; the bronze pillars, the front of the organ, and even the figures in the carpets of the aides, aro strictly Cirocion. In a visit to this church a few days ago, in com pany with a gentleman oonneoted with it, we ware struck with the culture cad taste evinced in all' its arrangements for the convenience and adtaniago of the church's active operations in all its depart ments. In the large It:stein-room, eve miiy note,, cu posnont, is still preserved, in native use, a very unique, and by no moans unsightly, glees chan delier whioh once graced' the parlor of General Washington's residence In this city. The present condition of the church and oongrt • getion Is In the -highest degree creditable to the eminent and talented divine—thanes , . lifr-IShielde _ . ..... .. __ —.... . . . . NEM —who, slime October 18, 1850, has officiated as its pastor. There is a largo and remarkably steady attendance upon the various services that are hold in it on the liorti's Day, and during the werk, and it lino mien compliment to. the ability of Mr. Shields that his congregation; composed its it la so largely of the elite of our city, without a single exception that we have heard of, unite in ;bestow ing their tribute to his worth as a pastor, minister, and friend. NOON-DAY PiI.AYED,MDIATINCiS.—The carti-dia played In front of the pulpit, in- the Sanisom-street Baptist Church, wherothe Noon-clay Untoay t or-meetings have been held, during the ilest two years, containing the words,, i , .o..rorma . mt In• etittition," bids fair to be a true prophe t'. More than a year ago tho predietion was fteely sndnlgesL ',pa in by those, in Whom probably the wish wits father result os i to the thought, that their discontimiancelwas.in- for working, the the evitable ere long, as the attendance was gradually steam angina requires, diminishing. This calculation was evidently stale- day, and three glands' are. take, as, yesterday, .without-anything atiectal to Tin following in a calculation. attract, we. found on entering et the appointed -. hour a large worshipping assembly, the tiptoe being nearly.filied. The devotional tone of the ineetings also has manifestly improved. With regaid to the mode of conducting them, there aro no dirges to note. The three-minute bell is still is nee to tap down persons engaging in either prayer or Exhorta tion, 'whoSe.inental clock is so treacherous as not td Interpol* a full stop at the end of the prescribed limit. ' Bo far as the epoooh-making is concerned, this bell-tapping may not be out of place, but the idea of " ringing a bell to quit" on a grey-hared patriarch while inc solemn prayer, uttering words which, if sincere, must bo indited by the Spirit of God, Is to many gratiog, and has doubtless-Pre 'rented some from participating in thole daily HOATIODLTDNE AND laTeltxrtfte.—A New meetings who otherwise would. port correspondent gives tome gossip concerning a ' While the meeting was in Progreas; there were A garden, a gardener, and a novelist: • number of written 'requests for prayer read, which • " One of the greatest mri° llti -ee / /L ll / 4 11 ' 640 for a were , earnestly remembered! , . I efthigi4Ditit7o' Inal:red-.7lll"flart:orni:abilret long time is the oreherd- bones of the Hirst William Roman OATsoLDI Tout AerrlttiNCS AND Ba - i ll s, I. l 3w be r l e irr e e: rather new , 111 this eopetry. The navonnur Somer . : —The St. %Louis Repuyican of hoOse is a lean -to, the 4th instant hen an account of the twelfth anal- in the moat sandential manner, ' The thin's. house versery Of the lionann Pathetic lotal Abstinenoe i : l bea ,l a ti b ti y o , i g t ltt t .. ° L.l o .l:',,f a ; l ir tl i ' d b h! and Be'nevolent Society, held in Concordia park. Tiere one can sully tansy be is evjoylt tropical Amens other business tran s acted Watt the election of life, for he hits,thejteaferthe tropics fez, be satire a list 01offiCera 40 Corvii durieig the craning year. year, and their Anita, tuniti es pineapples,sprierds, Thisnielety bat the renntation of being eel of the l ' il a li n e c r e ts 'isn a trrre ig oi,th ir e A gft v o li P gr ' a v n t or a tt aa ila forern6st and , Moat efficient benevolent inaltutions dance end snob as errawberries, pears, pushes, cher. in the West. It is now in a very prosperous eon- rtes,'Ati-- All these fruits aregenerfsg in pots and nation, and numbers about Ave hundred members. what is moat remarkable. the poi imougply filled Minternatat Renarrton 'or ;Tong B. Gotrati.—A wit 4 ni,. o 9_lrttre n d fra ,b ' * l l aOctill,:„ lee of the publio reeeption of Mr. John 8, Googb, the eels. , trnesesoririiiti^sr.,azkere,Al4d444:dir steli.jowyg:; bee the care of- the Matte. 'lli7o-lOrdierly had boated and eloquent temperance 'hearer, mtlll be given' hy the ministers 'of Illassaohnsette, at the 1 tho eare of the garden of Sir ,Lytton Belwer, the Tremont Temple, on Monday evening best ;h a ' novelist, who lived seven: milibe.,oat,A London. 17th inst. Tile address of welcome wales given i e ff i c l e ae g h s t i e to n , d t t . h . o ß u n r la c cr t ss i n lth . blza ltol u ed ti t i ot e , by Bev. Dr. Risk, pastor 'of the Mount Vernon ' guidon. anti thertle Would retu iv tetil ide study ant °hatch, Boston, of which Mr. Gough is a mem. write with :alVhis might' - The pet/Veld baskets her. _ - are geterally outsell -end fi lled - with! mesa and, with the trona trained ,ie every imoginelde shape, LAY Pnunctuna IN Eentatern,:—Ts, many parte some of them laden With iho'Otoloest fruit, present of England men unordathed after the ohlarch ear- A pleturesau A n d'u s ira aiipairinme." vice are preaching the gospel. Some of these ors 1 .._.. , .—.0.....-- -4—.----;-------. Wombwell the"Zatitblisted Church . , and some are A irAlleitsiusn - gentlekdklete l Itteend has ednented men: Wiiettinot Ofttle rentaritable; le ' realised a beannintosoper desenTwistab'btds fair the feet that they are,not rabeked .artfiregulafer" 2.,, n te g„ ° -,, r ri l a ir „, . I. .a ar th ,:r e p til2 ,3 9 , e ig i xr , Z,,frjwieul of fanatics,' and L that many •of the 110-00114 d higher " Tat n if c ;sLl A TlTla r ibattiies. ''Tnii aide :, a well cinema attend their preaching. ' ' 'known maker of butt, Tongs& fog gm bet. Two cENTs. TREF •IVEENZPre - PRIONL rtn )I fraulizehtzeilin tio seat is waholdlis tor ma Cosdas, " " -- • pi n 6, at a. T 5... —lll.lw r. To** "- 1 • " " T'ventrandmartrnr" tibrikend Nat -- LSO FarAkilaub Timktittii , 4ls4 a* ~ail will AM an 1 1 9.31.1 0 11404* katirAt of thialeloi , Air T*lrstria/ .. piffltsalsitag M WI se Mai kr TworpurrArrie - ckuliVikof4l MU* laud thilielissealtsai.is ar the Callirs's 814441 °,N7 , 4 T ltail rood Paealaffis. as mummy* smuts or tAiciirr MUMS Ware zota voLossar—as 3272mmigniar MIS Op 1714.1111 a - ' TVs Viuninsati lissede ptiblltheetja ihiblehig: While atCotmone; sm Tithad:6 l l, own he firi bY itgelftee from Phi ' tame die ArteenaPineohbeerkad7 Lied bi - by gm g yea; pet, arid that theoldehdlemegAire MA be/ ',moon/ alt Nordthet Amy's*hong dthwatt ed.bn. t'Wee poshl• to bblelet nay elpet foe martha i although* fended detEntien'hitdlerweei lb* teak ourfdr tbd aunty tairtieb: ,' ' .l4° "" P ro 4. l efeltr• Ellik• brifsaseeri se d thet one eonunotar leetl pinediftce. to PtdbidelPhle: fai 'ertiell be, hairdit Miami. lli bad no mount *lien he west eit . nnetwyear or two , priellau 'Abell:hit. VIM= 1.80 mkt: while iihrlala ' , l.4 s l vii mil g ir luntind. and other men who ywre Algae* dlealriln come wort way*, hat d uo nwil is detected.' It w elver, to* ' ' ,"' /lAN erivalt iiii - 01dinamd umairtafti nom weal iGipst Pm* orAltet antollahocilitwadigenatetanbemehoesiss Tali rata ow, . . . 6 4trifoloney . dii na i t i b i t r i t c Hik asi eningh taint 4bie4rritilinj i - WS' iwo diromeams tete etc twiteeciatenmw, and arum he;Montrihiethet nyeeft yr taileettld go Penne* 'ism a Centrikelbo womb' Itigni r it te beamed, with &lunar est lopes on Other_ ~rredo, direst aem -1201304*i dYltSa. tiinary4_ley wldedt a Gavials 'lciamint4t obi When - fp ddhealhatald Pt!: hr?ektelOnliettlimee, Wilted! beltateleill 03 wAPPW 4 4 stekVi_sraotliii4 1,. „i... net Mdet - "/"inmi,plawl nod St re laded and 'tWebe' . gnill.on int • allightbildlifidinfeei.- yMaeer, ma Adele InaliMillillehy , ma the day they., _ . vellaw , jite stud, of the oWuetor, , he Mad etit.friterte ' It viltif *d - M, in that them Idottete; eltiongtt trod,' - wifralivi kw ten dehr,lind wed cd . wwwwW, easel& 4 " A. pertainPart;i:Ottfte maid to tit, tteir.gE agent la that , 4 tY, le ko .4 wo n fut Mt the Ilktibct lad, 30Plbahtgli' Chninnnitp - " o• :0031.41..icur.4.00,.- , le. fore gl.tF i aragatifir . ba boadqa *wad . tote M pat+yap lyin fo havallohote , ,ti heilshtenlil _bile rose Miters die would bulls, but that; ha could' at , den tbeideleues. The regolt it that local 'tlekala !mesa lemaiNt, , and ~ - thus . tho robbery was _detee i i ted emend ess prated partleo were then neatox, ved at to their ocoAdielty in the matter, some of when Voided 'piny, and returned titterlii&en P ew petty, while guilt War fintaned•pete "In. vice procideat of Jbwres4 Ift.:Seott, hae been at Pittsburg , for_ seetersh_Aam-smakiag a tibrough inremlgsdon• We - heifirrn,Agia mt. duolors and Leer tioliet . ositetta Meer already bens eeeFended• Tile, tad !nimi deleaa fi PI Harrisburg, mod Iltihreelpida, mod testi= !waken/ orileeided- .It. 14 bellwred - dhat two or more oondnotore on the litteburg ‘ and.74trt Wry** road are impliOted, ex& ir ts , e fea t rathat or lames on the other Ohio roads are y pay. What amount the; Yelloylvante , Gin lee last is not known, bat we have Itsults way large figures mentioned. The mutt of Kr.dleatra tr vegigattona will probably be .leads known badben long. Singular Imposture. " 803 or 3.13.011011 6 13 DITIOI3 [From the Detroit ieverdser,, tipt, 11l " A cam Bea jut come to Dighteriere %avowal re 'potable Germans repro the - ailidela past of esi ewe "1 1l e fpiro thy Ant lutillawoa Im ps elegutillsw -- lag bilwelcb 4 s94 or m! pads r Ikea pacts, and .reprele i n si pr• ~y atm* of befog laewebse. - vegepr he eaded:thalla had be" MANN:WIC th e he 'had . wall , 121tomosii0111110,0111 , bow his 4 6 1 . 04 111 atkaeclt$ ilia deetilateesmallea. lime he succeeded in:Pielint:urill 46 , 4 119/ 4 14 ." 4 two or throe t,' organs, 11 o na the atoonnt of nearly ISSetV: leaps peaking 16 mitten- buspibigt•litrieetias• aad character wane iliseoveradodteatVwery wisely thoughtl .it he* a" ikew• holm -: la lbst 0= 40,014, frepont civic w Jabs 41e. talent - Ws se awe» h Xfair - ' le lady astoelahlic p la blV wealthy, he, for Vatilyollti - 41kilfeedl eat re heat itheht=4l4, A berms bie prowAsei of se _ tit, Thopelast. Pal u= si resolcial tete. 4.4W_ ALM(' whit Ma the • ' 't6 ititaillf Of itileiteasfialaoloteg dais :hats whi , - yarialthielwalwivi*iset- fame (kw- Ain,. weal; be fater tlmtpaitallei let bits 'fie ' b7 41 1 4 • 4 1-ezunscac 4. 1 .44 , 1. Alen t lWZ latoWlloi-: t i k'Ont° , ,: - ll' proapintrmas, lad eit. Ilie idea. ' 1 A Air irrate. - odier sir 4W ten to ity_thewlf• at .4 ,Idnee We 4oputare,themate hie wife, whom he left In the W,Ositltiwis bid brought _the znettUrfera t i , 'crilrtnisfantslisew st' rillaaZiara lobos hithiblieel it iweetalba bi'lial , ifebslal ewe of lilt friends outAllailaDaftel-721air la s madmen of his ocareepaelene r We ray . oJ,lntelhe 'lterriaoa. ' =-• -' ' , " '"lfte.riore, -- 71iy 1, /160. To his Hiabbem-BerorrPrederia Von--.: Dem" t . ,1 lose _yak". Yoe see 'Wittman tiiy lefea fitoulhelq4e p r in life's Pm' 'neVitninahlwaYriend Willa " y *eh a one licualeefiniurptiaeii selessieesswii• - • l ' • Rea lictblnthon A lie 1041;9,00w% yew laurel". tab rein triit bad, ill -ACTIUM leek es/ WWI always be rear 1 iefaile;Efr I:feanf,'-' • ,warzszia,taillierCll.- Isaaan Stn : Torii noble, leading hear! ?or "eV person," 1 11)01011 - ticatklitedzi Ira 'Matti* 60spia EPA 4 0 . r4 , 020v!t.4t0w,,t0 . • Illimns of Was "ebb% eta , respond' to my thankful heat icifahlitlN. Year children will'nst be tbititl4lthefi byloar Meads __- .. .-•- - _ • ._ -• , -I s: ,L; at reiliftiailr IL Next Hank:num "1 ictlat:nawittaiale" - The, nikan's name isKeeilLi l eant" % that oilers hire hafraaita idmmilase way as the parties *Hided toc• "hew :Waeot t euis tea ' eons we IMINIG- 14 PPSOPW 'thilir maw '! sister. WirtitO OP iftE,ARAGO lir 111:11 XISILIAIIII-.110 Mires' DOM (From the St:Loais Democrat or Boot. al • Another ebtilidelable-stdamhbat disaster Ina ed ourred. • The Argo which left A few dais ago for Vicksburg, and has been 'nlifeh etthe time since aground, got abreast of -tided folartd - i, Sunday Sptroin9ng,, B a l t tBo'byk,C wennkl on aanpor tionb of an old Wreak, but which he dodinet know. The hole , UMW, by. ibis. .enoolsoled - tidassd the A4aga to sink in Ave bilontee, within two-hundred yard." of the plaao Where ebil_ snook, and fort] yards frioti the aloft. iA . Poirers' 'laland,,ht nine feet of water on. oak. aide, and nix- on the other. On her deck was a large ireantiV of drygoods, in boxes; which tinted 'away. The cargo will be - staielz a total low Capt. Sloan, who, as 'wallas Idiot Meat and curers, were on board, and ointe,up by railroad yesterday, in forms us that the disweiklayralsed, - 7as she lied porta% atrnight, the weld fed nalf way up to her boiler desk the de, anikr.ot over her guard on the other side; and , bar Sim is out of water., None of the pawn gens lost their The entire live alool2--atventeenhoraieg - -wu oast loose, and regaled -the short, In WRY. 'This Ara go was built at Brow.nAville, Pa r c. is pato am, coat 520,000, and is insured for $16,0_00. She ownedhp Mr. Attain Jtieoba; of BOtrwiturville; Capt. Goo rrggss P. Sloan, and ethorr7Thelfdght list was PuorrrS 'OF REM - Oh Bnantua..;--Thontita A. Gale, a resident ou 1:111 drat; har*rittan a book on the oil wells, which has haat -published by ,Sloan /c Gri ffi th* of, Erie, PattaYlvania. furnished the following facts in regard to the cost of digging and working the wells:, , c The average cost of digging a well two hun dred feet deep to from. $6OO to $7OO. - V./ken there is enough to pay, a _pump andpittea engine to work it are vented, with en 90. vat,"ad shade to 'corer the whole ' this will make the outlay from $l,OOO - to' $1,300. The net of seine wells, when ready, far working, remedies $2OOO. A great margin. is needed for what is called aced date' and • hadduck,'. hat whit is in rea l i ty, the result of ineryerienee in a new business.* Wheal a good paying wall—a tan-barrel well—is oboe ready for working, the expense to light. -- A:very smell steam angina required about two cords of wood a day, and three 'hands' are all that are neoestery. The following ip a calculation for a twenty-barrel well : Three men's wages " $3 00 Teo cords of wood 3 00 Twenty barrels " 30 00 Carling to railroad 1-••20 00 - reighi to Ns* York Interest, repairs, and sinking fund Amount of sales, at 40 Cents per ga110n...4320 00 Deduct cost 65 I's profitz. "From a well of moderate' pretensions, the oil can , be raised; birrellod, and freighted to New York for about 12k cents per gallon." 800 75
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers