- .0.,:EN1.,. -N7.7413,:,,; *Oman z 86tlid;•in. ancient neve slam liv- Ir win Willipsoli,:fiattlen density,, Is Perhaps the oldest man ittDorthera Jersey, being lel years oL ago-so he ea *MI his Memory of events long bygone so statentent. Ile was purchased a plot menyytiars,nge Prit,Cl44 ridden% of Walt: 'EWE; DAffitcat 4 1 - Satagaa* in reclas,: New-Pork , , gtosar, was mresitrehres years old when thekosthlin Tatlepsidenca was declared,. anti: reatentbens• that errant. •Cpm*Hilf agitlyr eivi plates many incidents eon-: 'alieDillwith the, libt: conversation ID quite Ingoriatoligdolk denotes remaricoble Intel me far Ski* WV A l l%,:tills that' the Den itte 9,4•Plidlelat. itiedlanOinitsimlnelensid toTe. ,sisaoli`taifiwnitend end hit dogs on the-banks ,of AI Delaw_arkitiMaUpsok. The DeWitt estate lfaia*eafarteillaailli, iteighberhood Slee ,pecadmiaalor komOng old mut estafbrtable, to 'be iintinnedfor - BO:Jk:NRD. TO DEATII.-- i the ' Meg Triduns'of• the. 14th ingot says : " The hots, of Frank Diana, in 411 i town Of lishleiswig, is this minify :height ire on Friday last; and , was *wad,to gromd,. with all its contaste., Them oldithwr, need rsiPsetifetv one, •tire,`Madithrie yeare,Vertitione in the halm, and wished, in, Me, The agonised father wee at - w . Ork-stalasif Ottawa oh cat saw the era put a flciVew minutes after the Children had been lift *elle; alliptst ettCi tlik house, wire unseal -441,111i himds, wire terribly burned attempt tivteiroff some of the. boards , from' the hen" arid he was. compelled- to abandon his efforts. - A . fair char* bones all that Medd be found after thkincale xis consumed - " "-Ciplii;,Woftifes _Ltititnni:—lU the course of the ensittig month (September) s." won - lan's library" is .to be opened in u room of the New IThicarsify - building. The object of this ilinnsyis-toespply women with reading matter at a more reasonable rate, and with more 'particular refer to the ; female mind, than is the easc.at the' r' end other .libriries of the city. The movement, was let on foot by 'Meeting . held in Dr. Dhiphe'S chiarckiosne, thee tilsoe,•enti its coo. ems itduelo the untiring persevaranee of thew. jeettw; Miss Powell. The litunry-hat already about • .five Moreland volumes, and the betitgtiOn bids fair to Meet With the preeperityrit deserves.—N. Y. .fierafk - . - bithzialwviOn YOtt TESTING VIA, STANWOnt 0 - 1/ 1 &Ueda .—Ttio ‘cierteii• we're ()liaised id , the Zdipborgh (ficotiend; BlirgliVolut with ill-tm:,Wit& lab rig ,. ood 'torturing , two horses wider, thins diary, on the afternoon ot the,loth vac - , by tying .-..bagether,-back to book, the two carts alai* sant horses were yoked, and laging the animals with whips; to onus them,to pull against each other, until; one ..the holies. was, overpowered and " dragged a thrudderablit dittosee along the ground. The eartarc pleaded guilty, and wars each tined Ufa 'iiiiiitocisto; with the aternative - of twenty days' leitralrObOtantiicket that tho Select man, oM-the Sib inst., paid over to the • several detonate thei flumaf $l,OOO "which bad been of for the'deteotion of Woodlarks, as follows : Edward Gardner, Eso $450; Geo. F. Broom, 27b; Joseph. Ihniablin, $175. Some dissatidsotion *slats oonoarrung the award, and it is intimated . tattle; -validity may be disputed. - : _ _ COXBO.4II44IONIMWANIthaToN AID GEOReg ,4l.owN.—The Alit, Council of Georgetown , :have mused a resolution, that lion, .lamesualop, Phi lieViterrY, -Walter S. Cox, Esau Pichreil t and Da*id Inglish'be, And they are hereby, appointed a oommtnee on behalf of this corporation to nag°. tilts with the corporation oUWashington respect jog the_ berme and conditions upon whlohraludon • of. theawo oidos can be effected.. Tarn family of the Reir.' Josiah W. Brown - of 'ltsnotissier, 'Vt.; imporienoal a most sad and,erashiso sorrow.- Dive interesting and lovely faldhirin as ever graced a household, and all; they had; hive fallen victims to that hew and , terrible - --solehrge (diptherie) that la raging - lit many' locali- A10,;1144"all within the *Ott space of thirty•two t i s 1 Memphis Teic . n. d9p4slll says: To planters' in 'all parts °flit. Southwest we would giv,e a word of advice in regard 'to picking cotton The crop is a good one, and why net let yoar hand; pink* little lees cotton, and a grint deistical rash and - , din :pes ;day? There ta pleuty.Of time to .pick all the cotton elsanly. • RETURN or Tllll NATICK STIOEMANERS TROY Tai totivn.—The biatietv (Mass) Observer says: Two or thrall mouths since we ;Annetta:ad, the de ' :,;,pirtare_pf several workmen to the South, to work on shoes. Wo learn that nearly all et them have letUrne4, no:Atkins the climate and society quite iSiVeseitaa that afforded in Natiok. ••' , TwiumithoUiessil pounds have been collected, aldaslienei • via at letteis 'theft.' Mends, in .a p l o d et atemoriel church of George Herbert, the atGleaserten.- The gam includes, donations , from Lott Stanhope; Lord Maosuaisy, Deans Malan and Trench, Sir Bniwer Lytton; Mr Alfred Teeny _ Aosi,•111r• Longfellow, and other literary • Abort 11-000 are still needed to complete thework. , . •As PLAIT, a horse 'traaer, has disappeared from Essex, Ot., and left behind some 0,000 of forged paper. The name of his brother, David s sitt a member of the last Legislature, is the principal , one forged. Asa Platt has heretofore -enjojed a good reputation.. So says the New gavel/ Journal. ' kr Syracuse, on Wednesday night, an at , tempt Was nude, says the Journal, to assaarinate B: Hart. Ile was passing through Fayette Offoot, between Warren and Alontgemery, when two pistol shots were fired at him, one of *bleb ~,tqa a hole In the rim of his hat, an d other just gr,osed the - ortenn. , Tira Baltimore Exchange says that the di : 'Valeta of the Chesapeake' and' Ohio Canal, at 'a, . 'fate meeting at Berkeley 'Spring, issued an order :Mapping steamboats from navigating the oanal, amount of the injuries they do the boob. They alto reduce the 'neon wheat. , storm of Tuesday was quite severe in piingston county. On a small distriet near Dans yips tee hail was so severe as to strip the orchard, dt apples, and to break' many windows. The wind :ries ass very high, add.did moms damage, to knees -•,ated buildings:, , L i. MAX employed on the New Jersey Rail road moidentaby . fell from one of the ears at Mete. chin, on Wednesday, upon - the track, - and the wheels• of another oar pulped over his body—kill ' fig•him _instantly. The body was shockingly • mutilated. , • ACOIDSNT TO A YAINTSII.—A man named Samuel _Hoover, Wale; painting a vessel, at Si/er ly's.aldji,,pard, on Beaolt street, above Palmer, yeaterday moraing, , fell from the scaffold and frac- Inied-iiite of Me lege. Be wee conveyed to hie real dermi,ia. - the neightforimod. IBEIGHTY miles tl'om Davenport, lowa, there is an 18•aore field of onions that will yield thaniat little"siun of $7 850. - - Balker.the Filibuster. ' P ''''A-311111TOIt OP_IIIB EXPEDITION AND ITS airfoil , . Tinktallowintartiole from soorZMpondent et Vni York Heraldlappoars in illatjournal ! = Briti4://ouduolli 44-28,14880 i . . _ ~A s, t horeAs much,speculation regard to the movements of General Welker in Central Ame rica, some antbesiths' bibridition collected on the - spot from hie Mamie may prove interesting to your nememeas readers:- The present edition is an ,- dereho, gm Of Cabanas, the ex-Fru**, of Rent yelmiss, en‘ has for its object Ms. restoration to power... The lipsdnrinbum • and fersio residents , oernestly'dasire his return, all Of MOM fmring dad ' , hating Preiddemt _llnerdiola, bolter rimemi as the Cantral'Amerloin" Bateher"—alitle he heeled!' ' earn - e4;britbrinhnntan murder. While in his • “." . .franken debauches he' has frequently ordered his • friends to be taken out and shot, without the bene. Cf, a drunifteiCoonrt martial, and inquired for them when Ober.. • 11te'expeditiOn wad. fitted out in New-Orleans 'With melt Seamy; (a lesson Welker has' learned - Boni past enable:o . o tha island of Damian was ideated for the rendeavonsliem its isolated peel , tin, and thelicility, of -forwarding, men and of war by tide;.reldrerona fruit vessels trading there, withont creeds* reridekm. Elands. of. asigritehi artivell' by BrOit, ;Touch Taylor, Clifton, and Others, scattered thmulvas =t-antr -the wlslbs wow ased-snunitkuti of war were sawn!, landaus the north side of l ei at Port Ro/si, and 'oersted in the hub ,atter ea= on the John Taylor on the 28th of Japo, old Mahon the island in Taieseedon of the collected his men, transferred some cues on board 1110 vessel, and 'left for parts unknown', and no positive Wont:mien , exists of his where. about+. The:lcarus '(mats-of.wer) has Botched the whole coast for him without disterreting any traces. The Tarter has returned for a' cargo of ,„ fruit, bet "without' rs. Walker will ,be joined o ff ' Ike coact by 43 as and his Meads, make a descent on Truant? or Ofooth and theme to Comoymua: After reinstating Cabanas, which he can HOW do with the'force under him, if not mo lested by the 'English or American Governments. be will march on Costa Bios 'an& Niciragna Be has same lee hundred me*, well armed and eager for the fray, and nearly. all of his old officers ao .. Tee count da,Bergai de' AtilortiteinU has late! proceidetto Boralurilli to' take charge of the mil. , tary school at Poinejftws.'Re is a French officer of some experience, and into be followed-In Jana al*, by Area hundred Franoh emigrants. The Epilog population of Bunton, some 1140 hundred mint tea lays, well armed with Minnie rides, will, assioititas the Beoond West Inds regiment leaves ' declare their independence and hoist their —the Jack, with the stripes for the field, They; are highly theorised againatliatif own-Go. Veranient for abandoning them and thisir'property, and ire 'favorably.,..disposeek. towards ,AOll4llOllOl, with whom' ill the -traded tbi island is carried on. The English Covatement Witt tistosrevery obstiele in Walker'S way if **do not take ad active part against MM. They fear American' STAMM 111 Central America. The following card front a resident of Bonduias in relation to the invasion, also appears in the seine paper : . make in the Herald this. morning a report that libineral"Walkerlied became asecebtted with amnia Cabanas,' er-President of. Honduras, cod was to attetopt.en ov erthrow of Presidentquardi- • Oshanas being the Pusident under the rule of • the liberal tparty, the• statement will mislead the public here If allowed to go ungontradicted. •Belog a reindent of that Rapiblio, I would ask the pill . lege of correcting it through your widely;eiroulated jaunt There ie not the hut 'prospect that • Walker will mantra any, aid or asspathy whatever from • the 'liberal party. Don Jose Ma ria Lazo Is at present the leader of tioat PuttY+Hvgentleman of great wealth and educated hi Durope. , Cabanas lain the Statemit Bair flaitador. Diking teary okl hum, he has retired from publics life, and bag no political sipirotidna; haentanrwaturfebecnal 'Weeds, r , It *Odd amino" Of Walker tia'-itttivapt to slosh fikput try orosdng Honduras., Re would have ett suukthauthree hundred mil, over manta nertow 111.31411, Attfe ten 3711111 goal- No* the portage of monsands. • Heriehil eurdiola, watual President of Bonin• us, faniatinedinginiclimlar with the muses, haying 1 / 1 4411 _4 80 1 07 logoot14: an almost unanimous Aitangli4l6 4.001 - Meatioans, lS e tt ition a/initkri 4 W *Or An.: fowl. , . • And - lttiAtelestleeently- been het by, Radted Btatee, um tneinesdheigi gnat or laud in the ". ' 2of the amnia . , and virtually a mono jAit trad,a ot,tlke °apiary n r - neitoli W:leatiteette Operallent isekhughti.o seeirett by our r:l' ' WO* red= * • 6M -'l4 '-&portr and peesonni r IN sr's tsrasion, n 4 it, t Made le Central e Ittsi4etilreo44l4 4i14 abhorred, iY 6l ~...: 'x.~o ~iiidauxl►; oL'~9~~eiii, L IST OF .LETTERS REMAINING. IN the PHILADELPHIA POST OFFICE up to . 12 reolook P. 1t1.,0n Saturday, Aieust if, 1860. Yorgentr artidyLng for advertised Lettorg will please mention the date of the Tag. Open on 5U11461 from 1 to 8K o'inook A. end it to ;rat LADIES' LIST. Aldworth Mrs Gibson Sarah Nevin Catharine mbruster S • (icier, Mrs HA O'Connor.Nellie Airman Amanda' Gillespie Ellen Ot to Lucinda Oran Atkinson Mrs HP Mrs F almer John Mrs aviary Mrs Coo - Gilroy - Rosalie amen Limns Abnot Mrs Geniere Airs Force S E Mrs Ailey MW D Hamlet Mrs H Veiny Sarah AllenMre A Hayes Mary A Prlestroan A - allmanderEarden M J Fasts Mary G Arnold Elms ' Mania Julius D Phillips Mary Allen Sallie° Mrs Probers Mrs DBMS, Mee E E turnaburier 0 RAT Mary B Saab Jennie airs Minh oe Martha Baleabtary 7 ayden Miss 0 . lan olph Anme gelleri Mrs P J Hameraly Kate flYnnjils Elizet'h Salter Mrs A L Hickey Mary 188 Sate E Hosurconct M A Bill Susan gedmond E M • B , rrett Mrs links gins R Robertson Ellen hireßiddle Jas B abbe Emma . Robinson W Biddle MrsgE N neer anon Robinson F Isokman LA3 Bodges Mra F R houlaton Bishop Mary -.lloopea mni W Roberts B Mrs Blackstone Eliza Graham Rogers Mrs or Burton Hester Howell • Mlle Miss Burton Annie Al Motifs Mil Dnbt Boil Ostorize Monpinit. 0 Burner JuhrsE Browne Virginia Wan* Area 'Rogers Mrs krone Rachel, Humphries L ' Ross Augus ta ßrace ?ary ' odges Mrs F. , Rodgers Lydia BM° Hannah *Mon Mrs D. VFW?. Mary B f i nlYem Howard Jennie Rowland , E Sowers Mrs 2 - Imams Esther Saffold K H toren Mary G Israel Amanda Hhilbert End Mrs 11 M Johnston Ellen. Shuster Lydia mma Mary Jones Jane Salomon Mrs Branson A M.Jenkins Mary Sander Lueratia Brown Clarh'ne Ai Justine Miss Scott Isabella Britton Julia A Johnson Rachel Sykes Martha Bnlbee Mail A Johnson Edward Ilbugaril Elizeth g ow P W Mrs Pahenok Susie Bowen Sallie Johnson Thos G Shower C J Mrs Beek Christiana Mrs Shaw Jane E Carroll Mary - James Mrs AF. hailer v lizabeth Carroll Miss T C Jenks Jenny V Bhowaker Sarah Carolan Annie Kee.y Delinila Slaughter Elizab Camp!, Annie Kating airs Bllgo Jane Christ Henry Kelly. Catherine Sloan mar, R ,Caaey Mary. Kerrigan Annie Sienna Elizab'th Camp Maggie Snort Mary A Smyi h Lyda Carroll Margaret Kelly Catherine Simon Margaret Oahrin MnKnish* , Mrs B J, Smith Martha II Gateman AAI Rirkho6Ehzab MIMI= .1 Mrs Campbell Ann Kelly Mary A Rambler Jane Clymer Mrs hi Keller Susan Sloourn H Mrs - Clark &Ira Lee Kate Stoat Euphemia glemmens Annie Lloyd Embree S Solomon Barnet Clark Burma Mrs Stang:miry Helen' Corfield Ann Linnard Mrs • Stewart hate • Cook Samuel Lynch Mrs Isaac Madman Miss Qiii•insSarahE Lyden Ella R Stout ED Mrs Curling Airs E Longaker 8.9 Milan AI R Mrs • Mitts Ann Lyons Mra Dr Mane Sallie 2 Crosser Mrs A 0 Lenhart Mary Bradman Charles Connor Oath's w nsabongPS Mrs Condon rasps enn Struthers C Struthe E Craddock Mrs AF Lott Mrs E W ' I:Bann Eliza - Curran kliggi. Laughlin Abbie Stottolorinda Coffin Miss 10 Leach Sallie AI Swift Luoy Coborn Miss Lowler Mary Sweeans Margt CraddoekL S Lanny Charlotte Swan Ann 7 • Coolef t Mrs Laurance , Ann W ettarx Man ' Pare um Bell Las! Annie Tyler Luny A en 8 Mina Listing Elizab Thomas Ann le Start Louisa 0 MeLaughjin F Van Winkle MA Demme] ErreeMoLeod Marg't Weaver Ann Davis Eliza McConnell Si Welch A Mrs DO Witt MA A MoLeinsom S Weston Mrs Davis Lizzie J Catharine Weiser E A Mrs DO Forrest Clara MoOmanling A Wants Mary A. 2 Cams Alice Motilaughlin A Walker Sarah A Davis ceoelia MaGea Jane Walker Hannah Davenport Barak McLane Mary 7 Walker Mrs Decker Parmelia Mellon Roes Watts Sallie 9 Davidson Mrs W Mamma Stephen White Mary • Degroot Amanda airs Walker Lizzie M. Dupny Mrs 21A Maddox Susan Waldron M Mrs, Drum Mary A Marshal Thos It. Walker ha Mrs, Doran Mrs J W Mrs Walto Amanda Doak Moi Lufkin Mane Mad WelshAl ponsbo• Jane Martin Kate Webb Annie 0 "orma Jos's/ A Master a lint Walton Lydia Dyer Mrs P 7 Miller Louisa Winit D Miss Dyes Martha.% Miller Margaret Winslow Annie • Daman pHs h miller state Witham Alanfit Exley Sarah A Miiselian Bella Wis,.er Wm Sokford H S Miler Ida Mrs Eldred Mrs NM 2 Mullin Margaret Williams Adeline Eachns Lydia M Moore Annie williams Grace Evans Mrs Dr 'P ~Morris Eliza Willau Cynthia WMoran Annie Willis An Fuller Anna Al Moore Martha Williams Jennie Fr isiois HERarray Elieh E Winslow Mary L Finnegan Oath'. orris Mary Wilson M A Mrs Fitzpatrick Mary Morse E W Mrs Williams Mary J PoliatisbeeSsrah Myers Nate Williams Mary A Fitzmannee kt Moore Ball Woods Cath Flagg Mn 0 B Montgomery AI J Woodside Oath Fern= Carol's) . Morns Martha Wright. Thos I Farr Hannah Moffat Minnie Wright Elizab`h Griffin Casten Anknough Ellen Wright Jane nun Ginty Bridget Nicoll Jac) hire Young _Melina Green Ella Nelson Jennie A Zano Mary .11. Oates Laura M Nowlin Anna P GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Allen 0 W lile 'tough C Heald Thoo Alexanoer DfA Denis El P Hew Hendrick 4lexander R Dasher Wm Heavner Jas It Amts A B 2 Bran Jos Easter Mr Ahern John Delaney Win Herbert Geo W Althope 'I hos . 2 te wanup Jos Regan Adolf alhright Wm Ms Palatine Henry John C Amanoan Trans- 0 Morat 0 B Heateras A gonfalon Co De Riahards P Mr Alderman Robt Delavdu Jag L Bauer Geo &easy 8 J avail Riohard Berner Henry &fee W Id Da rr Elias Hemiepny rim Adklsion A Di al y a hos Benory & Smith Den It Booth MOIL Herrick Rot& 14 Munn Dr Jno A moms in Herlbrook F H Adams E A szeller El II Herrera N 2 ..Aokley 8 Denny Danl Heaskill Ford , Alter Chao E` Demott Peter Hinkel Peter A mop Robt'kink= W B Hirnea Fred Alexander Win Delany M iller,Al L Auttion PR-[ohm WP H iller hdw and Arnett A W B enroll B (if ill Geo H. tre..y • .A. 1,1 Jr . 11 j r .nry Holmes Henry & Atw.d . Anorew Donegan Patriot Howell Geo H Arnold Francis Decker John How W 8 Arnold enry C Dennis Geo Hoffman F 8 Austin BD Derickson J W Rowell 3 B Appleton Jan Bellow, Jae Hillingaworth Ashmend A d Dirwiddie D Chas P Asher Moses Dickinson 0 H Holton Andrew Atkisson John Digs Jaa P Hopkins J H Ashton GF Dillon Herman Hopkins John It Anselin P L i polio John Hooper Cant W Atkins Thou B 2 Diehl & .o Horker Melon R ArbuthnotABhan- Dillmore Riohard Home T W non Dickerson h; A Hamby Win j Armstrong Jae Diller 0 W liodgdon Jord 8 Armstrong W hi Dillon Neal-Howe Muth II Ashmead G L look Johnßowell Frank Arnold W Al Dmediffer John Horideoger J no klartholorneW W Dicier Henry Do ly a bonus ft Diekene Elias Hodges Fredk Baker Isaac E fnakerson John Holland Saml Barnett Isaac , Thome_ Phil Rowell Carley lissome Araks Diok_Jas Bff Lewin E Barney Obed Dgeffenbaek C K o s her D J Bangor W W Ducker Thos Hooper Capt W annyugine WJr renY W Hi unfinikerEhaA Bakard H • W Oei enwadle II utohina F B Baldridgo UM Todd II Nand & Bro Bakerßaker & Co B P Do.inger Ernest Hynes 13artho'a & Dieter Lewis Hughes John Barnhill Samuel Douglass Thos Huey John 4 , raker Wm H Darling' 1, Rummel I! ' Bates Tobn W Dora Edward Bugle & Co I Baird Wm Donaghy les Hunter Geo , Baker TW Donaghy Thor' Duni 6 P ' risonantrne R Dodge & Co 3 0 Hughes & Hale, Bailey Win It Drayton Or E Ilynenuin E L Boom John C Humphrey it Sikkim Lewis Draper JohnH Hedide B A Baker lc Co K J • Drake Miles Ingraham & Mar- Backard & James Dredna John tin Bauman D Disler Casper Isaac ousinV Beitlemen E E tonton A A Iredide A I rd Benson Geo E wattles G 0 harm Aaron Bettie J I. Mows Warren Jame Dr DA Bernard B i Doke W 0 Janes J . B ,Beal Win Dolman, Mr Jennings-Nil It la Baton Richard roue John • Jacoby F. Hantleyß rotun I) d & CoDß2Jactwon H 2 'Bell Copt James Ilia Howard Jewett J 8 Beden .Jaa Edmondson J W Jennison Wm Beebe 3 L 2 ' Elliott Simon Jackson Dr E 1%1 Beard David Elwell Catit A Jackson Jan A Belabor C Einstine David 0 James i• G &-E Boland Dr D El Vent It Jeans Samuel Bing John M. Hilton Edward 3 Johnson J It Bigeloro Jo° Edrebi lasso Johnson Win F Nicking Geo W Mott Wm Jones Edmond Beohnril Lumen Moran Jacob Johnston .1 M Jones &Binger H 0, DEsta ple llope & Bo- Jones J B W 11 8 Biddle &Co H II Ewe & Fontaine Jones Wm Blanoard 0 8 Bonet W C Jordan Mist Ewd Blank Lewis Eyre Thou Jones Geo W Mamba Clog F Erwin Geo W Kearns P Bloomer John Evans John N Keller Geo Blossom W A Ernokson Sarni P Kam J N Blake l!• -Evans & Co I C Kern ins Hewers Geo H larnoknon Capt Kelly 7 Bone... Nathan H Everitt R 1, #eenify Rov 3' CZ Boyd Jag Fagot Frank alp Harrison Bourg &Bone 3 . Farmers and Me- non J It Board John V' °titmice' los CoKennedy Copt CH Bowser Jae Fallon B 3 Keyl ff. Borseor_tdona J- Ferguson Jar Kennedy Soo Bovot mom Ami Fanikaw, Milli- Kenney Henry . Boulden Roy J It ken & •Town , Kennedy Chas ,Boirl Gustrais send hews of Boyd ps: llii Farrell Stephen pis John L Boot 'Edwin lie[l e Wm B ennedy Dan! B Bout a rhos '3 Fa r John Keel John ' Boyd W_E. Mager Henry Kennak & Cum- Bower Win Fltsherbert R Milne Browne Dr G a il Fields SL Hlanhold Philip B r rr e l d e s , idit E F ;ps sh g r ei f fe b fi l ll n u l l e o " Alft P Arms E , , -.4" Jas . potilina spa ;rho: R Brown Edward Fustier Thom I Brown Horace H.Fietcher B NI KUir 0 ft Bradford Jno 8 ' Flanigan G II & Koooe Chas F Brantley Robt B Jos 8 Kohler F li MD Brownell II 0 • Fiske B II Kolb Mathew Ei r ritgit 'b ila la 11l- It Y rtg i' o 6r ha n r e le u r Theo K C'e l*l"'lLQ"" A gudgeon!!! F Finegan Wrn King Jas N Branton Isaac H Fowler Oliver Hitcher E dw • Bridgeno it F 2 Ford Taos Kilian Phillip grads John Frmtairilin bows Dr Jan CM Bryset Angola= Foiled John 1) baudgler Coot J taaTh" ut h' e pT / fit s 0 ifi ng l n t i Vl r t II BiSi g rd a .l 3 B „" r o a c h L X rake Jas Braaten Abrym milkman T B biunbert Rev W lerdohatt. /1 peak k faith* Lancaster Chas , Bursas in -- f ?tarm B iAgaz, itipitif, 2 o2 a - B ur 7 if Ai Frost John B a slice Alfd 8 •Bns Win C Fester Nathan Lawrence Chas Booting 5 & J Feller Capt 3 InoCaireitY JobK Ironic & Co Thos Forapangh A. McCulley H I; Bull 8 C Fox I.J hicOsuley a Huliitt The. W Gunton A C MoClintoolc & Co Bulliley Writ A Gammon Jos 82 'fuller Wm Gather Aaidw MoPormiok My Beers & Bra Oarrocd Wm Et McCormick Mudd Bimkln & (tarpon - tie rya Rev 3no ll MoCaulla & Bro ter Ga toter Jas go Mk' Asher Byers Walter Garcia Fernando oCusker Anth Bullock Beni F Geddo It P McDermott Co Biuneit J B Canner Jag a Bjoaotiald Joh. Buxton FL Gallaher Iteviiß3 0 ' 04 ' 011 .10 fee . euryne j a Mob Gordnef Isaac I, fi v ioDoweu rY A run i l Y ey a :Al:read fittalh ' ia d el‘ sag:lga* Burkana 12 11 . Gallagher P u.'''' O E O . °tell Andy Burnet D W Gate, A mil ' OO . lOl l Jail Bohler G I, Gates Henry MoGraham Jas Corr Fe Garr Hugh Motiresili Danish Cornball Fred Galbreath won , McGuigan Peter Ganda% Jobn H 2 Gardner girl ...bloilvainej L Caswell ,J it g kiddie Ir, in moKehen JAM Carvell J li Garde Riobid 'McKeon = Caskinsulolin G tiailpar Aleedno L 1 1 1 01(o. age r a hoe coda Philip limier (I 51oHnllen &Doha Callidwar k. Mo- George 'V W A/OVey I sal. Donal Geer .7 ellen John Carnbell J 8 Gaubert Albert MtwdonaldJ F Cs king J B bear Along , I, g 4 , 0 Lood Donald CAlksas Marshall Gear John M. 3 ,4 h tl:Afa ci tit heal/ Carter Rev Chas Geddia James ty RD Gerye illoniri 'iri ikon Geo slinnon pink timber 0 ti_ann bif y ;Taal ()ear A 8 Matiohestar MI Feu olua ipor sumer Mandenborough tat w it Gilmore Cast F,,,A OF T_L . Onion J & eif mist Jae W rdinel Win 11 Mover Eiieha V anima Maim Camp Joseph (Dined Lamm' Mart n Dr amen Joh.s a Mathes Coi l t d ts w H eil e , Silber W ii, Moult & Co W W Cabs e Louis Gibion_Henry 0 blinker Henry Coati Wm Jas Gild) w W Mears & 800 II H Chase Matt M Gibson Henry 0 eel! H & G Chambers David (Mance 111. Mercer Coni'd 8 Champion Y °MMUS Win Metz J . B Cllarn, Lyon,: Gilbert Win Alio honer A 3 a eyes Gibbon, Jos Middleton .Dr Chambers W B Gill & Tyndall tibias lino W Clegg Joe Gillespie Cons J Miller Chau Clark JasW Gibson hl E Miller John Clay Wm Gould J miller & Ce Clark H : ' Gordon David F Miller J Clark Geo ()Godwin Cy rue Mitchell John collwell Wai Gookin Bullion A Mitobell Wm Cooper John Go,nlis & Millen ,Moeller ,ll Wm R (hive Nathan C Geo If Connell It K Gormand 'r MooreKnoS H W Colhurn B W Goodman Calvin Moore John H Cohen J B MD , Gowen .1 Al re", 3.4 A r, Corrigan John Graves W HP 'M tn "' ''' Conseil, ea alum Green 3 B Morehead J Colhoun Hugh Gray .1 Aehmem Hormand& S B D Comstock ei B Orman John Horne Morton , Coleraine & Son Graham Adam Morton Dr 3 U I Cooney Win Caren James Moyne BM Coleman Lewin Green A M Morrow willing_ cowton 0 Gaunon Jae Morton Dr W IGO Volker Geo Griffon Thus hlowbray Meyer Coyle Mark Gulee W Muck II W Cowden Dr Grey John Mullane Edwd Col; Alexander busy Wm Muller Mr Coleman N heirs Groomes J It Mondavi! Frd'kM of Onffith Edwd IL Murdock Geo Conlon Edward Gray Andrew Murphy John W Coe John_. . Oregon J A Myers & Benner Cooper Robert Grant Joe Myles Robt Moron F !Gregory Joe II Realty D z Conlin 8 F Hogan Jae W Neilson Robt Cooper Wm H Hon Mat Newbould I? IS Cone 8 WC . Ha m an W E Newman hitch 1. luel Beni_ Ha 3 Nelson Tlioa poker J II Renaber Jai W Niohollio_n L tendon Rev 2 Heger John Mooed Thou , Cresson E II Hager Char /Soot Philip Craig Goo mpton Dr 3 F Norman I, E Crook Thom II do Broil W Rug Leonard inns Third B B. arum John R O'Brine Anew s him/ion Jesse ayes J ut s L O'Brien A ii urnyer Phil ard o en Wm O'Connor E *de Dr F T 2 r AcoN O'Day John Z • fuldlebaok I, arvey P.l O'Neil John , ligioloHerliy_A aington A R Ogden & Sou 3 0 ""15 R ev i f t Horns Geo 8 OsbornWnt !sweet John L. Harmon Robt , Orme Abram 2, barna no E rtan' i ry frutr v r i r iff /erns l' Q Mho John Dawson & Flitch. amnion j P a k F A minus " , ~ 0 fa are r r stye/ 1 011as barmen li H Paint; Jag f ' OSA yid ' Page Geo „„ Daviagon HA' `, ~ anoft oil _•_ Fokker' Win re..., Bevis Chas Hanager A 11. ` Paolo ~, .0.. maive.,7l. 0, , m i cki . pifit tatton W,.in trig kMOE I As nrg alir on aeons Henry 10 1 ,4 An J! ., 0 filPsooJolt lamer it rim yr ‘ poteriOi 4veret rd - ,. 1! Park Diet HD Shea. Win Townnend 8 Revi Parker Kingub'Y Shomehn Michael The Pommy & Phlllipci C 1 Shipping Win Mechanics I Co Plollitinon Edw Shirt Mr Tucker George Philips Jae milepen & Mayan Turner C P Dr P re er a k a w a s k Ate u. sm. p Et a ll p li pe tl d Or l d 1; 111. , Tu T re rn rio e i r ta N T V d S s D Fennel Sas Shull Jae 0 Tracy Charles I' Peppin Wm H Shaw Nicholas Twauiley John Pillsbury Malta 'Sidney Paul T6ll'lllol. TIS Pleasant/A Rev El:81E0m Wm 14 /Ito Sexton Soots Pow John Sipler & ken Free Curch Fenno , ' 5613 i Satan Henry 8 Tucker Win IL Pitts Jim Simmons Chas Turner Curti!' Porcker Philip Sinn John Goo Tulson Porter Marvin Simp son J '1 ust Carl Pouitedp_Alfones Simpson Jerl Ukermau Win Porter Win T Slocum JJQuinn James Porter John Sikes Thou D Quinn Hugh Porter Jos N ' Moon Edward and Wm F Pratt 3 S Slocum Jos it Van Osten P W Primula Coo II Blank Chem Vincent D Prentm John - Miter RH Vsnandon J I-1 Ptent Commereial Smith J W I Van Intim 1) W Excili flank Smith Jae G Villan rtayarne Price Alfred ' Smith C E Vanderslice IS W Price Philip Smith & Sin A S Vantine John Probest Wm Smith a Wayne Vananden John Ratio Sig G Smith la Alphred Walker P Rawle Edwd Smith Wm Waiter H N Randall 13 Smith 0 W Walbert Charles Raynor J W . Smith Jag W Wallies. E Raymond CO Smith jayneline Waterhouse F Herniate rW P Smith Jan Watt George Reynolds & Smith it D Wagner D 11 Bawl ea /mart Jan Warren Janie, Rees Gee W Smiley John W Wattion Peter Read I H Smart Joe Wants John Keen Alonzo Sneacon Mr Wallace Edw'd Rex Gen Solomon J I Ware A El HAMM Henry Sprenoe Geo Weisman Chns Rapp° Casper Sparks P Walvath H Id Seen Ohne Spatford B F Watson John Reichardt Jacob Spencer Thee fl Warden Amb'e Riley John !bangs win Ward 0 S itightmyer A H Spear Chne W Way Francis R Rice David Stewart P D Wagner 0 W Or Richards Wm it Stoker Mack Wallace James G Reilly rat'k stone & Co J West Amos O 3 ex i.e J Storer Jacob J West A 0 Root Win Stadler Sohn 'Wendell ec MC- I Rober F 0 Stemild Jll_ ton .. • ogers R Stoll Aaron F Welch A Robbinson Dr G GStovin Rev F 2 Webb Nat ban Roberts Mr Stephens Sam Weill Dan Root Albert - l Went Robins Thos Stephens Wm Pf Weldon Patrick Robinson S W Stillman, Mr- White Joseph A. Royere Sum'l oinks & Co White Jacob Rothermel Geo Strobel Rev Geo V hortley L 8 Rogers Henry A Stroud B Wilkinson Jae noir Wu R Wagon C A Roberts Win W }twine. is. Wind= Jag H Roney John Sterling Abner B 2 Withers R B Dr Ross Geo D Plarbuck C W Wilson Jas M Ross John Stanton Timothy Wilson Wm Rowland Mr Stewart 3M Wilainson A Robinson W H Stuart grad d D Wilson George Roulaton Sure Win Wiatar Igen° Rudoiplison 8 Sullivan Timothy Williams Russ Mimi swablea Boy Wilson John kyanCapt Silas Summerville 3 Wilson Jame, Ruth Rev P ti Tamed J 11. Wigand Alex Russell Gilman 8 Taylor Henry P Wilkins Win A Russell John Taylor Tom Williams John P eammons treaty Taylor Thom L W4llisms Hew Sa era John Taylor hob' F Wi hauv SD Cr Sargent BMWs Tennton R R Windom John ' Scott Sarni l hompson David Willis Wm A Scott Wm M. Thomas T Wila J . A Sohureman Rev 'Prenohard SD 3 Willard VG Wm & W Thomas 11 W edit 11 R Schmidt &Co A Thompson I Wood intone B Sachs Lambert Thomas John H Wornick Ntoli P Scammon Step% Thompson Wm R Woodnue .1 H. °Midge Jan la Thorn James M Wolf F Peed Joseph. Tiomans Charles Warden P B Sexton Marlin Thomas Rorie! Woodcock Wm Shade Louis Tinglisin Jas W Wright W 0 Shook W A Tilton Wm if. Wray Geoigo Sh Lamm Rioh'd F Thomas Jacob Wright Joseph 2 Strove Thos 1' Timons Thomas Wright G W shorten J F Traub John F Wynooop J . N. B. BROWNE, Postmaster. LETTER BAGS At the Mere&sate' Exch.:awe, Philadelphia. Ship Westmoreland, Dewitt-- ..... —Liverpool, soon Stip Tonawanda, Jultua--.. soon Bar - It Kanawha, Ly non.. -----.--.Cionfuegos. soon Bark Thos DaWatt, —Lagnayra. soon Emit Ch , s E Lea, A1meiti0.........P0rt au Prinoe, soon Brig 'l' B hlartm, Carver ....Cienteugos, soon g Ashby, Beams Eing.ton, Ja, soon Bohr Greenland, Carver.---.....P0rt Spain, Trin. soon aikltllll.lft LN TELLIGEN UM. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 271 1069,1 SUN 27..-BUN 6 39 MOH WATER.- 2.5 = =I Steamship' Kennabso j Johnson. 21 hours from New York. via Cape May 7 hollito with radio and passengers to James &Wartime. Bark Caroline Elterns. norm 11 days from /Vona, with sugar, &o. to 8 & W We.sh. Brig Fann y, ooster, Lord, trom Boston. Bohr (of ltharleaton) Waoks, from Genoa, via Gibraltar, so days , whit mdse to V. et. Sartori. Ang.l2, IA al3l N, long 63 spoke wnaling_seh. James, of rhppt can ; 16th la; sa .2 N, long 6oSY, spoke barque Platy Leo. of flew York; 17th , encoun tered a gale front 8. L. With a heavy sett during wtooh lost stern boat. Behr ehartes Hersey 8 days horst Grey's Creek, Va, with lumber to Gaskill & . . ohr Jdhn Cooper . utotans,4 days from Nantiohoke River,del., wan , t ram to J W Bacon. Bo.. James W Earley, Sipple. / day from Frederica. Del. with wheat to James L. bewley R Co. Bohr Velma. Rulings 1 day [rum thlessa, Del, with oats to J L 6 ; Co. emir Charm, Loring, 5 days from Boston, with mdze to Twills & Co. Bohr U ft Rogers. Langley, 4 days from Plewburyport, vim indite to (leo A Wood. bohr Leesburg, Swift. 5 days from Portland, with plaster to Crowell & Collins. eohr eltar, Crowed, 6 days from Cove's Point, with granite to Crowell & Collins. bohr J L Pearce, 1 day from Dover, Dal, with wheat to Jae darratt & Boa. +. Bohr buena Moore, Sam. srom Boston. Bohr W F fdaroy, Norton ,from threion, boor Aid, Endicott. from Bolton. Bohr Elliott, Weaver, fr. m Roxbury. Bohr B F doiltoay, Beaman, from Warn. holm Richard Thompson, LI yd, from Maurice River. Bohr J B Johnson. JMison, from Danversport. Steam tug America. Virdon. It days from era having towed ship Atalanta, for ...ow Ymk, on Friday 30 ITllic9 to the eastward of Cape May. C BAAD Steamship Delaware, Canno ß n,. New York, J Ander ice. Steamship Keystone State, Marshman, Charleston, A • eron, Jr. Steamship Kensington, Biker, Boston, II Winsor. Brig t..ydia Frances, Gampbell, Cardenas, .1 AI Col roth. Bni Borah 'Wooster. Lord, Boston, Bancroft, Lewin Co. Bony Susan Moore, Strout, Boston, Noble. lintnraott Caldwell.. • - • • • Bohr Ald, Endicott, Boston, C A Hookelier & Co Bohr Lessourg, Swat, Edition, N &odorant & Co Bohr A Hammond, Holbrook, Boston do Bohr W W Mercy, Norton,do do Co bohr Hero, lAkeman, Imarioh, Van DlllOll, Norton Bohr B F Bolliday, Beaman, Boston, do Bohr Harriet & narah.lloo, Lynn, do Bohr J B Johnson. Johnson, Salem do Bahr ft Thompson, Lloy, Broo khaven, Blakistol Cox.. . . boar Bail English, Bliviri, New London, do .• tohr Constitution, atront, Rookland, R. A Boudoir & Co, Naar D 13 Donne, Veazey, Rockland, L Audanrehl & Ron, tiogr Black Squall, Day, New bent, A Heron. Jr. & C_ Saar Olivia buckston, Williams, Augusta, Me, E Wale & Co. - bong Chas H Regent, Langley, Newbury port, Binniok oa & Mover. • • • • Hoer Elliott, Weaver, Cambridge, RappHer & Bro. er !Leary L Oar, Iler, Baltimore, A broves,J r. &'r .1 Jerome, Jerome, Alexandria, 1' Webster, Jr. iterreeposidenoe of the Philadelphia Exohanted LEWES. DeL. Aug 24-9 M. The vessels reported in previous communica tions, still remain. Weather rainy, and so thick that nothing oan be discerned at UP yards distance. Wind B. PI. W.HICKMAN. MEMORANDA. Steamship State of Georgia. Garvin, hence at Savan nah 24th instant. /steamship Empire City , Baxter, for Havana and New Orleanscleared at New York With instant. Ship King Phillip, from Callao, arrived at Beaten 25th instant. Ship Susan L Fitzgerald, Green, from Baltimore for West coast of r outh America, went to lea 21st inst. Ship Juliet Sinclair, trom Callao, arrived at Alexan dria 24til instant. Ship Windsor Forest, Curtis. for Liverpool, cleared at Mobile 20th instant, with 8,451 bales cotton, valued at tiTi l ijigrte of the West, Howes, for Melbourne, cleared at 13oston 24th instant. Bark' David G Wilson Peacock, for Philadelphia, cleared at Be w York.2sth'instant. Brig nerald, Blake, for Philadelphia or Baltimore. called from dippican 24th instant. Brig Beatrice, 1 lako, for Philadelphia, cleared at 47. John, Pi B. 20th nun, Brig A G Cattail, Wattson, for New Orleans, cleared at Charleston 21d inst. Brig Elvin., Elark, hence for Salem, woe at Holmes Hole 241 h inst. Bug Judge Whitman, Bray, hence at Boston, Brig lialvestonWhitfield, sailed from New Bedford Bohrt for Schindler,Comers lot Ban Francisco. MA . los Alexandria, cleared at Savannah 2M inst. Hoare Paragon. Hatch, and J Clark, Scull, hence, ar rived at Boston 24t Inet. Bohrs W Simmone, Mason, Jane Fish, Wiley, JP Cake, Bodioott, and Moore Haskell, nonce for Boston, arrived at Holmes ' Hole 222 met. Bohr Georgia. Sweet, hence for Newburyport, sailed for Ho roes, Hole 23d 'nat. d NOMA J Ireland, Istomman, Prouonnook, Burroughs, L Sturtevant, Dale, Isabella Thompson, Corson. sod Joseph Maxfield May, hankie for Bosion ; Maria Baton, do for Haverhill ; Frances Edwards, Babcock, Flight, Huntley, and Northam Light, Lake; do for Darman ;Julia, Maine, Preston. from Delaware City, for Booton. and .1 K Stensback• Lake hence for Provi dence, were at Holmes' Hole 24Itt ins I! Bohr Maii, Kelly, tor Philadelphia, n ailed front Provi dence 24th Inst. Bohm It 8 Dean, Cork. and Anna Bheard, Sheppard, for Philadelphia, sailed from Newport 24th inst. 24th Sarah, Benson, hence, arrived at new Bedford ,net. Bohr U & T Gmmer, Huntley, hence for Pawtucket, at New London 2.2 d lt. _Bohn) Lady Lane, W hite, hence for Providence, and /qr. Chessmanolo for I rebury at New Lonoon 23d met. bohre Is V W Simmons, liodfray ; .1 0 Babcock, Jeffers ,• T Lake, 801111; JOS garter, Y ates' Ann Cannon. Newell ) J 1) McCarthy. Bruit ; B 1 sharp, Mayhew; 8 0 Wallets, Williams, hence and A Ham mond, Paine, from Baltimore, at Boston sith Inst. Bohr J Truman, Prldham, hence at Fail River 22d inn. Bohr Casper Heft,Shee, hence at Providence 23d Inst. Soars Albert Pham, Cavalier. !or this port. and Ala bama, Palmer, for Smuts, Del, sailed from Providence 2:4 huit. 20th l Bohr u White &mall, for this port, sailed from *den% st. lielirs Dorcas Ireland. Baker, for Jacksonville, mid H P Bergman. for rt. Johns river, Fla, Vreciti sea from Charts:ram:l,S 0, aid Inst. NOTICE TO MARTNENS Notice is hortioysthen that the Fog 101 l on Menace near blanhetgan Licht :tattoo, bluing. loss broken. Th. ringi lu ng rther of a be notice d a that station will be discontinue unti f. BY order ot the Lighthouse Board. . GREEN, Lighthouse Inspector First MotoCt. Portland. Aug. 24.1860. ALEDICINAL. 11,1 OTIIBRIS. . . rano. +Pi. a kras: . . THsßfi, It must be cbviCitin not on r to nut t to every atten tive and inteilmentserson, that tne nit diseases of in... fans arms otuedy from a disorders condition of their, bowels, er din this co , nectlon we present to your notice for the alleviation and cure of these diseases a remedy known rie DR. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL. Prepared from a formula used by Dr. E aton with re-' market, 0 Burmese daunt several Jews practice, we know it to be a most reliable and etrionelous remedy for infantile complaints, and one trial alone will convince You of its superiority over ever amendedreparation of the kind. It us particularly reco • FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, And at this period of infantile life. when irorxr anxious hearts are pained by witn.seing the safferir of your little ones itarill be fo nil invaluable in resins the Gums, jtethiermr Inflammatton, ed Be ieroing all Lain. For DlB.lo,tie,B ATTEripING TEETHING, ouch as Diarrhea, Dysentery, (in+n . g itt thet , Batas's, Aridlty of the Stomarh. Wind, Colts. and Goldin. the Head . , we confidently offer this as a certain relief and onre in every omie when given in time. It will Invaria bly regulate the stomach and bowels, and its importance in this respect can hardly he estimated. IN CONVULSIONS, from which more infants are said to die than from any ether disease, the little sufferer is ielieven instanta neous/1h as it . by . mule ; and in thin dread complaint along. its intrinsic value is such that it has neon Venom htliTname of " as a household word. We now asklollr at tention to a subJebt of vital interest to young' r, we l as ro your suffering child. Dr. Jiaton's Infantile Cor dial contains • - - - NO MORPHINE OR OPIATE Or any kind, or of whatever netters, fcr a foot which toe arefulla warranted in stating cannot be said of any other preparation fer inkantift diseases, at thtibtime before the. toublic. MI We find that throughont, the , country. Mothers are becoming convinced of this truth, and of the sad and blighting coneequenoise whieMare certain to result from the use of narcotics disguised in the form of quieting remedies; their continued admin istration being invariably followed by stupefaction, and constipation of the bowela, ending oftentimes in con- VIlle101101: Herein DR, EATON'S INFANTILE COR DIAL differs from every other remedy. It DOES NOT CONSTIPATE the bowels, neither does it act by deadening the renal bibttesof your °linden, but nature lr, through its rare medusinal_q_ualities, by removing pain and sane of dt We earnestly reoomme nl JOU, there fo re, to loseno We in procuring a bottle , that on may have nt hand a remedy which will never fail to relieve your child in ttme of need. It is perfectly Aarmlem, and can. 110 t ft7srt me most Mime Infant. Take none but RR. EATON'S INFANTILE OOR- D Air. gots can 'rely tepee. Prim, ge cents per bottle. propsred only _ ODUROPI & DUPONT, Aro. 400 BROADWAY. New York, And sold by them, and by all retyatt.ble Dramas. and - ' YO rl` & CO., ga 2 licith 13ECOD_D t ‘.# • (.: 4 !1 • " JIONDAir AUGUST 27, 1860:- ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOMO, GIRARD lIIHRIE—Ninth and Chestnut streets Jan F ',stadia 118 N- ' Wut A Parka, Philadelphia E(3 Graham, Bert Orleatte Mrs Graham. New Orleans (Rio Hamilton, Cinoinuati Tilos C Rochester A C Broil marand W N @Gott, Maryland John Wallitoe, law York Chas I ageoott, to & oli,ff Y .1 Watt. Detroit P D Itertlng,Baltimore Mrs' D Herring. Balt 1' L 811 ford. Wisoousin .1 W B Rooksburn,Pittsb's Jno Gallagher, Fraileriekbg J H His ins & family, La Lloyd Glover, New York Walter Foss, Arkansas Mime 14 Haldeman & svt, Mrs Henderson Pittsburg Miss Henderson, Pittsburg Mrs Haldeman. Harris W H Wilkinson. Kentuoky H B Thirkfield. Franklin, 0 W Geo Gibson. Pitching B B Waloott, N Y Milt JH Douglass, Utica, N Y H C Craig, New York Miss Young E Ramsey k wifeßinford, Rlchmdad, Va John Valk, New York Jas N Morem. Florida gatthew Legg, Et Louis Win Henry Tresoot. D C Jhl Clayton. Elkton Thom it Mils*, wf oh,Balt Miss belle Turner, Halt C Kopperl, Aluminium Mr Btevens, Pennsylvania Col Anima!, Trenton, NJ Robt Frame. D Columbia. W P !Tustin°, U 8 N (I F MoKea & la. 8 Carolina o't' Leggett. S Carolina Rev JII Morse, Carlisle, Pa H Jones. Pennsylvania GI °Halloran, aft obit° Jon hl Battle, Alabama Chas Hubert, la, 2 daughters 011 Hubert, 8 thuolma and nurse, 8 Carolina H Polkitighorne. Natchez W McNeely, ealisb'y, NC Mitchell. N Carolina & J Davison 0 W F Larabee, Baltimore W Bragg, At Louis '0 R Bement. hi. child and .1 ) ; w Brown, PottsvilleoritrYgir. Ile. I Jos D Roornan. Ken tacky Blao.bani. Kentucky Hon ft Walker, Wash Capt J R Diokinson, si Y iV il lte in d t g i ni n d e r hLa r ;firr 7VVT:AIF Virginia John Elsworth, Moloie, Ala W A Clan, entuollY. L Hartley, Cast Templeton, Pa HCOraton,USN M A Pratt & la, Mies J P Roman It O'Connor ii l Van, Baltimorer. . W Lasell, New York Wm Sloodgood E V Boyle, Columbia, 8 10 Monk, North Carolina E A Bossed, N Carolina Y B Emmels & la, Balt • Frank Hyde, Minnesota Jackson MoEland, Utl N James B Cumminss, Mo D vid J Cummings, Mo N G Murray, New rirleans Wm Foster, New even Mrs Fester dr, son, Conn Miss Gregory, New Raven It B Grey, San Franoisco Geo L Phelps & la, Pa Miss Johnson, Pa September C, Terry, N Y D .1 Richards, lltion, Mrs elohards & da, Utica [John A Boyle, New York - W Langl y, W M Kessler, hew York Clifton Comly. West Point Robt 'Wyent, Baltimore W DCuMmeroe, Havana L Livingston, Havana Pl' Lattimore, Delaware W W Fo,taue, Mrs Fortune dr, da, Illinois M P Whalton, Newberry F Williams, Liverpool W T R Duncan, N York D T Coffin, New York Mrs Cowley, New York Mies Cowley, New York H K South, blew York CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Cor. Ninth and Chestnut. T Oakley, Baltimore J A Oakley, Baltimore A Barclay, New Jersey 0 W Robb. Frankfort. Ky ISlioades,__Wheeling,_Vit Harper, Wheeling, Vs J 0 Cooper, Wheeling, Va. A Laughlin. Wheeling, Ye, 8 T Jones, Pt Louis 11 Piokrel, Carlisle, KY BS Miller, Carlisle, KY E Burns. X entooky A Chappell, Carlisle, Ky Moo A C Floklin, Paris.Ky A Newton. Norfolk, Va r 2. 11 I A P l e u h h e a s r t r & e . o l a Gai Wm AMc & In. Ala '6 H Cook, New York W Burford, Bew York pp . ‘ l4lyiner, Pittsburg -13 A Junkins, Bridgeport, 0 W Rine. Indiana m Wq r A g a e n r is, Indiana. in J Smith. Newark. NJ H Goodwin, mI Dickson Louisville, Ky 1. C P 3 lichen. I ouisiana J ^ laYt ,, n, Tennessee li J Rugland & la, Virginia R B Pelee it la. Virginia .1 3 Howard, Georgia. 11C Doane, Mussissippt $ Smith, Ft Valley, Gil Ist Howard, London I Edwards, St Josopli, Mo Henry Dalton, Boston Mrs Schloseberger E 13 port, Columbus. Miss John Al Comegye, VerMont W Jones, Jr, la, Alobne W Lea Montle• , M L Ott, Wheeling Mr Goodman. is A Buckinaster & la. 11l Judge olt King, Louisiana Miss V King, ouisiana Mrs V King, Mumma Boni Hudson. Louisiana W H Barrett & Is, La .1 W Burbrulgo & la, N 0 E Wadsworth & ht, Ala W G Jones & la. Mobile Mrs wobson, Alabama Miss Hobson. Alabama Mre King Parker, Alabama hi .1) Lee & lie. Alabama Miss Mary Jones. Mobile M H Jones, Mobilo A M Moore, Alabama W M Joule, Mobile A B Lancing, Palmyra. Mo W H Thompson, Missouri Al I) Bates, Palmyra, Mo Philips Bunke!, N Orleans I S Stewart, Cincinnati, 0 Dr Stewart. Philadelphia B raylor. San Francisco Cl Polk. Tennessee J B Bell. Chillicothe G T Pilchard. Princeton Al O RUDD, an, New York CR B Went, hvanaville It A. MoMillan & wf. Ala J H Morgan & Wf, Indiana W B Royal, Augusta, t3a Wm C Maddock, N Y (leo • Smith, Hartford L L Motiulfia, New Castle AAI Clark & evf. St Albur Wm O'Daniel, Wilmington Win H McLellan. PI 0 II B Nation, Troy, Y D A James & La Gardner It Colby & la. Ala Dr F W Sykes, Alabama Miss r.; cykee, Alabama. W V Chardaviden. Ala J W Hale. Boston G W Smith, Maryland 14 White, jr ,13 Carolina John 13 Reed. Boston B. Croaker . Boston DB R agsdaler, Tenacious LShowell, Maryland Miss Phowell. Maryland Miss Henry. Maryland Dr Pasant, I =mans Dr 0 11 Sm lb. U S A A M Smith, Washington W A Young, Miss usippi Mies aalle Young, Alma Miss Annie Fort, Miss RA Smith. Georgia L Buret . Charlaston, 8 C G ra shorter,hlontgom'y,Alti, O Hume, Mobile R B Bowler, Cincinnati J A Fox. oorth Carolina W Heflin. A r ka n s as .J L B0)00 & la, Mussuunel C sleeks, J J Hunt, Thou Livingston. Cisoin'i 0 W Clayton, West Point J B Walking, Richmond,Va Martin, Alabama Mrs Sprigs, Louisiana Mot Flower. Louisiana Dr Carnal s la, Louisiana Miss Brunot Louisiana Miss Ogden. Louisiana H 8 derma, Louisiana Mr Thompson, Louisiana W Carnal, Louisiana Wm Boyle, Mis Hama RR Banss. Petarsburg,Va It s V oung,Petereburg.Va W HAoung, Patentee... Yet Jas F Moore &la N York •R C Wintersinith&lis,Tenn Dr 3 H. Simons. Charleston 8 Simons. Charlegiou, 8 0 W A Wales. New York '.l‘ 0 Barns. Newlin Ile Miss L Craswall. Nashville Wto Taylor, ennegste L Greehewald, N Orleans .1380 mat. New Orleans Mrs Poniat & 2 da, IS 0, J Wail, Baltimore • Saml Wall, Baltimore MoßraYer, Benteoky miss At Mc lirarer.Ky Miss 0 enuth, Pniladslea r 3 Henson, Virginia Miss Elleybe, 8 Carolina W DWallgoe. 8 carolina D Campbell, Louisiana, Dr Lso Dick. 13 Carolina D H Piquet, Alabama HJ F Coleman. Alabama G W Norris , Alabama J P Finks, Alabama A Woodward, Memphis Jas • Worsham Memphis W H Lambaon, Vet P Wood. tirowneville, Ten James Long, Memphis K 1, Mat' ley. Bowl's Breen Jr 4 Barnett Georgia. J a Hushes, Kentucky .1 AI Cooper , ' Kentucky P A Hitohcook Eagle River It AI Barnes. Kentucky J W B Leo, Kentucky CJ Glover, Kentucky G A Crawtord, Pentt.K T W Woodeook A la. Ky J P Farnam. sentuoky C F could, Boston AI 11 Drauy. Louisville W R Oelse, Om, 0 W Brose, Chiang°P Heideman, Colninbla,Ps A 0 Davenport, Phila. J M Cosmos. Baltimore Sarni R Smith. Baltimore Geo II Collier, Philo, .1 Nicholson, it S N 8 B Benedict, Troy J King Waterford• Sarni 0 West New Yotk Chas J'ioV7Bii. New York c L Hoffman & Is, Ky W L Wood Sr la. New York J Hamner & la. St Lorna Miss Brady ,St Louis Lewis Fogel B Fort, Al insigeippi MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth et., below Arch. C I,llo2ll.l(entuoky Ni Denman, Kentucky • John Vanaman, Chicago Sam'l Mitchell. Clearfield John W Airier, Tennesurno I. M. Hutchinson, PoullYtt W Ford Thomas & in is, M Cal Mile 1, Crooy, Cal Miss Crooy . California W A aealmont, lown. JI, McFailer, Pittsburg J D Welt, Lima, 01110 Ashton, Lima Ohio A H Wheeler AI ehellutz, Pittsburg W N Wright, Tonnage - tie C Shankelford J Abston it la. hllshmsipill 1, Dinpneri, DanvilLe Ky Joseph Molinline, N J Walter Oliphant, te J It McDowell, Pa DDlonea Philadelphia -It Heileare, Mundane'' , Alum owtwittoonsingst - H ores. Newyork. H Edwards. New York DGDreghttah.HeaMillaion Pll Planes= & son, Conine A Armstrong &In hid Mrs Cassava!, Maryland Jacob P Snyder,_NJ • P BMWielf. Pennsylvania. 0 F SUMAS& WITSIVITS John Danner, Canton, Ohio .1) grillers, Canton, Ohio J Cables., S t Louis, Mo A J MoDongle, Kentucky W Blakeman. Tennessee ean. AlieghenyCiir A Owen. Alabsmn W J dloLead.l3 C (I W Durant, South Carolina C Spencer. booth Carolina Al Clam°, Louisiana Wit Stapler. (Jimmie, ~'Connor, Georgia A Ti Johnson, Kentucky W Yost. Tennessee Hawn& Walker. Ohio W lil Stout. Dangille.Ky W W WHiams, Tenn Joseph 0 Wallace, N J Chas H Brown, Tenn iltdeil. Pittsburg. Pa Joseph 9 Lynch, Pittebnrg, Bardvrell, Penrurelvania AMERICAN ROTEL—Chestnut street. above Fifth. J R Williamson & Sun b'y J Van Arnim, Chicago 0 Prescott, Indiana L It Sloan, N Carolina Thos N Noel, Canefield, Tang T Latham, Philadelphia HMorrison Statesville P n Statesville Jr. Miller, ctatesville W Id Saw ell. Wheeling 1) 'Fraser. North Carolina T M MoGehn & wf. Marie J P Jackson, Pennsylvania. P Raenher, F Routing M Israel. e, 8 0 , Jan Frloker, PittsburgJon C Carry, Pitts lug .1 P Snyder. Atlantic City C B Rugby R K Watkins, Virginia J T Clark, Elkton, Ay I) Black, Elkton. Ky 0 Thompson, Delaware C Hudson. Boston K Bead & la, Lancaster E 8 A Messick, Kentucky B F CooMs, Virginia .1 A Marcia, abhor° John Darle7.l6 0 Martin E Dtokson. Smyrna John If Bowman, Smyrna D Morgan, Wash. C B Toonten, Louisian a Chas Lang, Long Branch Chan 8 Bargreare, N Y IL La Costa, Louisiana p. A Converse. Pi wanton JA Morrison, trinoetan HB Thomas, Maryland .R MOranken,Teenesoce Rft Nash. Tennnssee P K Temicame W Wall. Port. Wayne J BAndiosa, Boston J (loom, Boston BT. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut kb. above Third. BR Moorman. Cincinnati Henry dohwartz, Cm, 0 Win Sturges, N Riohm. 0 Miss It Horn. Pittsburg Miss Kate Irwin, Pittsburg Nis Bustin aunt, Faith's Vries Virginia Fort,Chicago mast Eugene Fort. Chita W Painter:Walt Chest Rev J Marsh, Now York Lutz Ohio ovoridge In & o, NY Miss J Davis, New York Jae Seeger. Iltimiird B Marcel, North Carolina John Smith, sills's. Pie PI Roper, New Serail! E E Williams, Now Yo.k. N Roams, Pennorjvania M 0 Ramsey. Loulsv, P W Ramsey. Madison, tad A Croatian Ealttmore E A Croyeau,_Baltimore 11Mosemond, Now York Gallasher. Philadelphia JHDrounoll,_ _Philadelphia 0 0 Hann. Wilm, N 0 John James, Wilm, N R Brunner, Portsmouth, 0 THE UNION—Arch etreet. above Third. A Palmer, Ohio 0 DI Brooke. Madison. Ind LOU Reaves, Aurora, 111 - I. Rath:tab-rear. Alton, ill MO Kolleuborger , Alton RawKellenherger, Alton II C Grover, Ohio It pub, Rushville. Ind .e, H Mears, PIIiIII 1-1 Bennett, New York E Barker, Roston J C Rochester, Logan, 0 A B McCurdy, Ohio A W Carpenter, lowa J It Jotter, Tamaqua C II HonryJories,Tamaqua C U Wa ner, Ohio • a Gliirpard. lowa A J Pitch, Jervis City ' 0 Buckinghtiok Keokuk, Chuff Cog, Keokuk J D Thomas, Windsor, 0 T H Wheeler,Drloo, N Y II 11. Brant, Indiana R A Wilson. Tennessee hl_P R iggins, Tenn A L Mason, Muaoatino, lowaW P lizipitawl.M4. JONWIP J-IDTEL—Chestnnt street, above Pistil, L Peck. New York W T blather'', Lex, K Jae Caldwell. Allekheny,Pa James Ma 'ride & la, IT V I Iva E Hawley. - 11 8 G A Harris. Mo Leonard Peak. Pliiisda John MoOtatry. N Orleans W Burton. Jr. Arkansas Om, Wilkings. New Jersey Sam! Davie, New Jenny L P Kinsey Kentucky 8 W Whitaker, N C Jacob Loppiere, Cal.rorma Mason.. Maryland Tbe Jankuon . Norristown A Clark. Now Yorir J B Young, South Carolina Pd Forney, Aubern, Ala SY H Cole, Baltimore W Jostler, Trenton, N J Moore, blipet;rt rittaburg COMMERCIAL HOTEL—llixth street, do Chestnut. J C Ford. Port Deposit Jon D Yerkee, Kennett Se Brown Pennnin nia Dr Jno n rokart,Cap, Saw Dutton. Felaware oo Benj_Priok. Li no iok D Snyder. h la.aa C Sepera, Delarare co W N Past*, Plnladtp 4 Burton, pep• York B Irona, Philatla BTATEB UNlON—Market etreet, above Sixth. Win H Wright Chester on Cramp, Chester on Conrad Jones,___vittinurg H .114 bar, Ntsburg J hompson,Washington J T Kirk. Washms ton W Ato, Nm a, Baltsbg.Va Jas Bholdr. ke, Bur It/sten W Harper. Pittsburg W Dupes A A Tuft, New Jersey W Lawrence, Baltimore J B Bose, 0 to Jr 8 Lewis a ram. Philada, Geo uat ()flues, Delaware P W Headman, Buoka co 'fyEarle 8 Bowe Ptulada EMM=I FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Eaclond street, above Mutat. Ritrk , 4 l Pm' or, Dot 4oltn Oottaiall Phila . . t Is, , *al - slam' p uhepp o rg. nPi ! oi lf iame lf A. m0....a. N J u larger. Titrauarn hag page, Hurlineted JaYofeen. Pentealhfante fe ja '49 , a m v e s ) , , fri r d , e lv lsg w 4 yorx 011 Spilpt, Philadelphja MT. 'VERNON HOTEL—Besond street, above Acta'. 11A AUen, Del. Ohio Al l R Williamson, Pa H B Rona, Ileac:ling Riahard Hankies Mr Beretne 0 UMW% hew York R T krnith. Delawni 0 0 it Johanna. Attend° Or 0 C Vanhorn, Boston John W Reeler, N Yon: BARLEY fDrEAF 110ThIL—fieoond st., below Vine. Limo Bookman, Bucks oo C Cadwallader. Books oo D W Levingston. Phtla Timothy ly Davievide W Dalt heltenham Band G Cheitcnhan i Win Lloyd, BUO AY comity Jno B Cole. Way no 00. Pn Isaac L Torbert. Books oo Danl P Nelson, Books co Band 8 Chard,lndiana Jos Hail & eon. Pa Jas Van Born, D ylestown Jas Holmes, Abington L Mundy, Bradford 00, Pa W P Henry. Harriabur John Fretz, Dolestown W Mahan, Dolineton, a MERCHANTS' HOUSE—Thud st,, above Callowhill. 'rhos .1 Rube, Allentown Mrs Rube. Allentown 0 Al en ranyd P e nlentown W D Brown, Easton • len Dubin!,sylvanin !NA Creasman, Backe eo Chas Bachman. Allentown it Jena', blont skimer oq Moses Illmnn, Wi)liamettort BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third et.. ab. Wm Brumbach, Exeter Abm Rtnuders Reading V 0 Peeler, Williamsport H T Beans. ardlef vide David Clernmens , Elms Val Nat han White. B1101(8 cq , David Davis, Phila ' B alflual Morris. Viola John Tonna, Lehaqon, Pa ATarous Freeman, Easton BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third it.. above Callowhill. H Vanhorn, Boston Aug thou. liters, Wisconsin Banal Kinsey, Quakertown P b Leisenring. Pittsburg NATIONAL HOTEL—Rao street. above Third. A J liiinsbe nor. Maryland Bami Kline, Velma J 8 Helfenstein, Penns A f i lJonvin, J Ya.k,rhilacielptoa Jo n H /Manville John W Rubles. Lancaster WO Harris, York, Pa arid! 13 Morgan, Danvthe 0 Hirsh. Lancasterl HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. PACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE.-Wi would respectfully call the attention'of the Oene rfallilai Ilanini g rad et ftig VitfitrVere. stook: k a t P.Til advance by the package. Orders for threat importation scliCated, and Goode de livered either in this city, New York. or New (Weans. W. G & BON. • 411 COHNLEROB Street Flgan ti e l i i n g d e lgra r g i ftWil E gf. °4"`" an d AlTer SLATE ROOFING.—,JOHN WELCH, 13LATKR, is prepared to nut on any amount of rooting at to yr Yam ALI worn warranted to Imre saw. tatoTtz;rUltbragitVatalie4ll.uEa trt To 12 O'CLOCIC LAST REMIT SUMNER REHM-IVO. V,PLIRATA MOUNTAIN SPRING.— Thig Popular watering-place will bo kept oven during the season of warm weather, and unti. the front seta in. Persona desirous of spending the remainder of the season whore they have the advantage of pure water, pure mountain air. (at an eleyation of twelve hundred theta free from fogs, damp nights , and mias mas, usually rtatug from sluggish streams In gorges of mountains end low localities, will hero find every 'in fort and amusement to be n et with at the best-regulated watering- pitmen. Fur further particulars and ciroulare, w ens° call on Jos. B. filyers, corner_ Third and Vine Streets, and Jennie H. Earle '& no., No. € l l.O Chestnut Street, Pin ndelphia, or on JOSEPH KONIGMACHER Ephrata Past Moe, Lancaster county. Pa. nti9-1m QUN HOTEL, BETHLEHEM, PA. This fine old mansion. founded before the Revole hsiosmtoety°,l i t re n intimately of ° o n i n i national o w n i a t th isthneomwoostf cepacity to accommodate a large number of guests The house IR conducted in the best manner, end no thing is wanting to make it the pleasant andcomforta ble home of vinaore during their eoiourn in this de lightful inland town. The air IR salubrious, the moon tam and river scenery beautiful. and to the seekers of either health or pleasure, Bethlehem is not exoelled by eny other summer resott in the Union. aua-lm J.I.,N.IBERT, Proprietor. MANSIOI HOUSE, MJUNT CARBON, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. PA, Families acoommodated with good rooms at reduced priori& This old-established House, boosted in the gap be tween Sharp and Second mountains, immediately on the line nr the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, within half a mile of Pottsville, formerly kept by Jo seph Head, of the old Mansion House, Philadelphia. has mince hie demise, been under the charge of his dentter. ei House be prepared, at all seasons of the year, for the reception of guests. and has been meetly put in order. The large garden. and park adjoining. presents great indueemente as a summerresort. to persons wish ing.tospend a short time away from the dust and tur moil of the cities, where they eon breathe fresh moun tain air. and enloy the wild and beautiful scenery of the coal region. Commutation passenger tickets, for the use of fami lies. are sold at a reduotiOn of twenty live per cent.. and an wilttargzlcgtr:Ln leave Pvlle da 11 d es i re summer to3 l etho V won, ; di t to spend the business portion of the day in the •cit an d return thesame evening. which the ga rges Will be c ent below th e For terms, apply to I4ARY BEAD, Mansion House, Mount Carbon, jaSaam Hdhuyikill Co.. Pa. -L-A -A MERIOAN HOTEL, ALLENTOWN, PA.—This well-known and popular botol has, during thepast season, been GREATLY ENLARGED AND IhIPROV ED, and is now la capacity and convenience spoond to none In the interior of Pennsylvania. The beautiful and h. e sti l i t f n u f l a luni t i4l l 4 u sog, et,11474. renders rangements have been made by the proprietors Mao ism:modal.° mmuner boarders. J. Y. BECHTEL, leYi tea E. W. MOONY. BEDEURD SPRINGS.—This well-known and delightful Bummer Resort will be opened for the reception of Visitors on the FIRST OF JUNE, and kept open till the let of.Ootober. The nowt losee under the management of Mr. A. G. ALLEN, whexpenonee, muttons manners, and attention to Ms guests, give the amplest assurance of comfort and kind treatment. Parties wishing rooms, or any inform Ician regard to the place, will address the subscriber, JNO. P. KEE% Sete) , and Treatmrer, mykklm Bedford Mineral Bprings Co, COTTAGE RETREAT, Beautifully and conveniently located at AT LANTIO CITY, N. J. Boarders accommodated on reasonable terms. M. MOUES. Proprietor. STAR HOTEL, NEARLY OPPOSITH THE 11. R. rrar., _ATLANTIC OITy, N. SAMUEL ADAMS,?ROI% ETOR. DINNER —.— __.......F1FTY OEN T ALSO. CARRIAGES TO HIRE. 1 Imo' Boarders sooommodated off the most reasonable terms. leid Bin A MERICAN MOTEL, MAUOII CHUNK, 4 - A- PA.—This HOTEL is now kept in a manner af fording every nom mt. to strangers and travellers. Arrangements have been made tins season to accom modate SUMMER BOARDERS. The most sublime mountain scenery and rural enjoyments are here af forded. !MORA EL WIWI,. LM, CIEO. W. Wildt ELM. 1026-tael rroprietors. WILE SEA-SIT IiIt—ATLANTIC CITY. .m meXimith's U. 8. 11 TEL The undersigned; propne• or ot the above-named house, being now prepare( to receive guests, re eventfully solicits a share ot the public atron age. Bine bun summer teem has been ad d ed to this hotel a four storied wing . 141 feet in lenir• non- Wr i l l s2gr i iiti t i l lo b t l i ro g o e l tan f ieT te als i c, th r e r: a pg r on roomorrang t -roora, and spaoloun bar - room. prling Balcony, BB lard Rooms , and hot and cold Ba t-w +ter Bath Hooins have be n constructed for top aoconuno dation of v.Vitors, an the whole house will be lighted with KM he house ea been newly painted and fur nished Ash( e the shaded grounds surrounding it have been put In complete order. A well manned pleasure 3 , Yacht. and an excellent Band of Maio, have been en. g l:t l i o n; the season. J. aIicKIBBIN. CAULLEILE The (events resort for thou who tippromato °mad Beeneyy, W RI T Y II LPB , " lage r'' , l o i n r i e t :Tng t Weigertig n a BP ;NOS, o uni b e fl u d no. , p i . REF IN. ood Boolety, and a 0 decommodationtfor Tab { n e e. 300. For particulars scud for eirolli ?nits Low. !Cr. OWEN. OLF.NDIMIN.,& 418301 ERR, Oarlisle Sonng, Fa. VAGLE • HOTEL, BETHLEHEM, PA. This lale and old-establiihed lioneeknown as Vie " LEHI() VALLEY SUMMER RETREAT.' Is now °pew or the season. The tooommrie of ;him Boyle will be found unsurpaued. Th ji de here, by the North Pennsylvania Railroados one he plea santest In our State. CALEB VOUE, Proprietor. jail 9m A MERIOAN HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND— ht-cm-sg. M. REYNOLDS, Propnetor.- This favorite hotel will open for the reception of visitors on MoN. D AY, June 40th . It has been fitted up in the best style, and every attention will be paid to the comfort of its guests. SEA BATHING. NATIONAL 'HALL, CAPE ISLAND. CAPL hin.y_. N. J. This fine, large. and airy hone le NOW OPEN for visitors. It is distinguished for comfort, locality, and superior sooommodarions i with ample roata. for MO per sons. Terms Moderato. i073-2m AARON OAR RETSON. Proprietor. RAILROAD LINES. T pkNIiSYLVANIA ()ENT EA L iAILROAD. 1860 . • 960 MUM DOUBLE TRACE. .860• TRH 0AP,4114141M7 NOW EQUAL , puI L Y T 1W RY. THIR o (IN AMR ER TRAINS maw P ADELP,stA AND pirrsoußO. rolllostfn d , ll74s4llusde ,ind ' t i ggi..a. Thr ztd T iti a lhc r man Pepqt at PittiblU with Throng wipes to and rota all Pointe In qt." West, Northweit, and Southwest —thus turniehing iscilittei tor the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for treed and oomfort by alll ether route. Swear and Fast Linea tin through to Patabina, without e ; roge of Clamor Conductors. All throug t h Pas mßerrer—speerun S t ar p i tiee s r a .! i onizm i l i g "- thus adding muoh to the safety of t rayeim re. engi neer , Smolung Care are attached to each Traini Woodmfra Sleeplna_ Cars to Express and Fast Snip's. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail and Feat lanes. a un dftYlantiiti Lod Line • ila 01 4 • erne Ph ll aaelphla at 7 30A ' 111. VAI T TIL I N I S T VITE AS FOLLOW' t rrisbarg Aooomiii tion,riaVolumbia, 3P. M. urabia 4.00 P. lc arkeshurg .11 ait cheater " RIO F. M. If 50 Y. M. West Chester Passengers will take the Mall, West le Chester Accommodation r __ and Columbia Trains , ppsengere for Banbury, Willientspott, Elmira, Sulfa lo, Niagara Fans and intermediate points, leaving Phi- LaAtayhia at LEA. M. and 9 P. M. go directly through 4 Tiokets Wortwardmay be obtained at the officinal' the Company birhiladelphia, New York, Boston, or Hal troudetil 'g i lafi n t‘saiwzd a r i t p a o ny t tf the impor i tant regular Lins of Steamers on the ilise r ia.lbsP 7 or ° A l i: 9;9 tare always Al low, and time all quick. ü by any other onto. For further information_ apply at the Passenger Sta tlep, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market Streets. The COMpletion of the Western comientione of the Penn arlviteteßailroad to Chi oar°. make oita the DIRECT LINE DET_WEEN TRE EARL' AND THE MT WEST. The connection of tracks by the ,Railroad Bridge at Pir a bar r l.ltTpiding all ofo r f ale or terrtage of Freight, i ttlbraohlt l er by li :OP T 9 l :l4 oVnttrritn, Y urarViittl Y . o in k ru M blina g . iig FilTsTo=4, " th:elirrootin /will bijike y taunt. E RATES e QF t FREIGHT to and fromanypoint in the Watt by the Penttaylrente Railro ad art a, ail times as faverubhi as era sisargest by blast Railroad Comeepats. Ba aartloalar W mark Dmikaarm " rla Parma. lan road. For Fla g l t eglitysa of Lhiniz q Thr*io4s, Goa to, or a tut oof s o Ting Aaento o too Litnal ony 3 D. A. EITEWAII.7, Pittalrarci • 8 1. . a. iivolA C o.egret; J.d. JvnsionomPleY' FOrtsn;ov,l l 7 'Paligek e al C 0. .. 1:111, 7 aoilioN.7! MNgi L eii.o tii2,, 0.• 1 Fit aVol l Et% L . rtiga hid a fflP; ~, E. p.o t e, u l i k vi,l l Ay.; r. G. teHiley ii 9i i . v ltkyAtth l tiwi t igVi sE, r it t i_ r a g irgri 4 2 ' YilUga,Plirlig t t. l fintii,A4, 1.4.: oy.t c tt Ye t ! an moue of' ...sot rens Donate B. W e ICABTO_N, .Ir,. Dnilatiolabla. HA2DAw 141HOOttal North streekmournonk_ tAxBrt &CO., v tArtor ease, or 1 d,.winlem et., 7i.Y. & CO., ro. 77 tateltreet lf oaten. H. H. 1101131'0 , Gen 1 Freight. xgoot, Pill& 1.. L,HOUrI , Gang Ticket gen_,t Phila. K. LHWIaI, Gen'l Don't Altoona. rs. Jim, , L 4 I? I. .1.. .4 u lii 1, P 111 A " Vat il e sk a lan ita+ N P R . t E A W I T ° "IL r SVILLE, NOR IN° L NE, DAIL , (Sundays exoented.) bony., New Depot. oorpar ft sROAD and CAL (.0W- Dm i., 7:1 on n te, DriGL D i. , ... 11 41, CR440126618(44,08 on Thirteconl and a Col of SI argil?, rAt • A. L, 000nootini t at line bud Yrtn SW .PAIYNE4 1 . , .triTA ‘,. =.• RAILHO 1.4_1 r. _, trap mania. to .ittabort.;g CUMBER AND I,LLY LW P. M. Ova mum ciounbarebura. Carlon", ka. L runt A° BOATSE , OHNTRAL ICA/LIIIMO Ir. 47.. trOipt ripping I.) to ' - bury Am. . Ar.TER.IIOOtI mites. Leave New Dapot, °gnu ol_ jrROAD and CALLOW RILL &recta, PlithAs.alle a lit i t (Passenger siAances Ra i ll t Z tr illftit PLI ' BBItg,In 1 B.L ' Vre. ) . i iritia: r r2; . . ..... --.. at b X' bl., DAIDYB ouovi oz iejould.) DISTANCE." VIA PH ,LLADELPRIA AND READING U,AILB.O4D. FROM PftILADALPAIA, !MICA. To i hmojxvill7—....l 0mir,11..--- ......, Elilladalr Ilia and Holding eboot..-- --, and Lebanouliallerakr. ......nal, rg---.....-.4... ger i a i ttli=7.7ik., arogliii_ — _ --- .7.11 4 r 0 , 1 0 [ton .3 — auction .111 , Igubury.---..—.1 srthpro' 1.) "tiubut orthpnther~B4~l-- ..1 bur g --...:178 I Willer-7 Williamsport— ,—.209 trey Shore—. —ln • ook lis.ven,---.13a) --234 i Williamsport and Elmira Railroad. Elmira --. —.231 Tim 840 A. M., and the 3.80 P. Al. with_nnecit th‘ily at Fort ,Upton, (Sundays ,exoeptedd _ the VA I A WISSA, WILIAMSPORE and h.RIE RAILROAD, making °lmo oonheotions with lines to Niagara Falls, Canada. the Went, and tkmthwest DEPOT IN PR ILADELPIIIA:Corner or BROAD and CALLOWRILL St4st. nett-tf mecums. rissratarv• . NORTH PENNItIY I, ail 1: - -' ": VANIA RAILROAD ETD LEHE6T, DOYLESTOWN, EASTON MAUC}I (MUNN. HAZI,BTI)N, EC,KLPV, v,r;11 , 1 1 . HAY le.N, WlLhCrilf.tHtth:,_ WILLIAMSPORT, 6; ii TII ft RE THROUGH TRAINS. • . On and after MONDAS, July Xil 1660Pase6neer i s i Trains will leave PItONT and WII.LbW S't eels, Phi ladelphia, DAILY ,(Sundays excepted.) ex fol owe; At 6.30 A. M. glagretial. for Bethlehem. lientown, Mauch Chunk, 111;leton, Wilkvb3rrp, Wi I:nrr,siiott, & o. At 7.33 P. M.(Exprees). for Bethlehem, Eauton, 1: p. Thin train reaction Kasten at 6.60 P. M., and ' mitten clone connection with Now Jersey Central tor New York. faAt 6 P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, AtV At A. M. and 4 P.l'. for Doylestown. At 10.66 A. M. and 6.140 P. 01. for Fort IVitahipaton. The 6.80 A. M. Beeman Ttedn realot_oloee connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Betl lehem. being the 'hottest and most deniable route to Wileesbarre, and to ail DIJi nta in the Lehieh Co.llReelon TRAINS FOR PILMADELPHiA: Leave Bethlehem et LIM A. M., 9.29 A. M. and 6.23 P. • Leave yleetown at T.lO A. M and 4.11 P. M. Leave t Washington at 0.96 A. M. and 4.101'. 111. Oil SUNDAYS: thiladelphis for Bethlehem at 8 A. M. hiladelphi a, for Doylestown, at P. M. oylestown for Philadelphia at aro A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 6.00 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem...el isOi Fare to Manoh Chunk. 32 60 Fare to Easton... ... . 1 60IFare to Doylestown.. 080 Through Tiokete pet be procured at the Ticket Of face at WILLOW treet, or BEttICB Btreet, In order to Bemire the above rates of fare. All Passenger Traine (except lunday Traded') connect at Berke street with ifth and Sixth streets and &mead and Third,-street Passenger Railroads, 90 Minutes alter leaving Willow greet, Jy9 RL LIB CLAIM. Agent, Q'+ALM.) utL.—liaceigalupi's, for solo by WsTvERILL it. BROTHER, tr 44 49 Norili CONDqtrool. 9934 INSURANCE COMPANIES. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN ITRANCE COMPANY. INCORPORA7'ED BY THE: LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1833. OPplOl4 5... E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Streets, PlutadelP da. MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS,( CARGO. To all parts of the World. FREIGHT. INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by River, Canals. Lakes, and Land Carriage loan parr; of the Union FIRE IN URANOES On Merchandise generally. On Stores Dwelling Rouse.. Ac. ASSETS OF THE O'.M ?ANY. November 1,150. Par. Market Value. I 15255'50 Philadelphia City VP' cent. Loan.. 8123 030 00 100.000 Pentsylvanls Btate 6_lEr neat. t 666 01 21.0 0 Pennylvanta Sate IP' cent. Loan .. 21 000 (V 52500 U. B. ream) /Di 4, cent. Notes and interestdne..... • 8,,263 54 830,03011. S.:trait/10 Ty 6 itr neat. Notes and interest ere...." • ~,• . 30,615 00 825,000 TerepeTtiTy Loan to the Cityof Alla.- dalohts.... . • 25,0 0 0 oo ens oso Pennarkeinla 'sd' Mortgage v gent. Bonds 4 3500 03 820,0'0 North a ennerlvanis Railroad Mort gage 84 1 ' cent Bonds.. . . 12,500 00 lll,ooolYeaf PhiladelPhla Passenger Railway Company y ta' et. coupon Ronda. 12,50 0 00 815,000, 200 shares stook Germantown One Company, interest a d pnno,pnl guarantied by the oily 01 Phila. delphia . 13.000 00 85,000 ICA shares Pennsylvaniaaßailroad Com pany..... 3 775 00 85,000,100 charioirli - fan . n . iiii . anl - rnailio - rid Company..." . . 350 00 82.860 share. Philadelphia Ice Boat and Seism Tug Company, Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Com pany, Ocean Steam Navigation Company, Philadelphia and Havre de Grace Steam Tow }lost Company, Philadelphia Exchange Company.... 2,210 CO nods 840,718 a B and Mortgagee, and Real Estate, Or- 0 fioo Building.. ...., ....—...... 75.343 33 Bills r.ceivahle 'for instil-anus 181,69 a 69 Balance due at Agencies-Premium. en Mo nne Policies. Interest. and other debts due the Company .- 66,66! 68 - Reap. and stook of eundry lasitiance Coin. ponies- Cash on Deposit in 8enk.....- William Martin. DIREC Edmuad A. Bonder, Theopnlllts Paulding, Sohn - R. Penrose, Jebn 0. Davis, James Tragualr, William oAre, Jr., James C. Hand William 0. Lu twig, Joseph H. Beal, Dr. H. M. Huston. George C Linear, Pugh Craig, Charles Kelly, WILLIA THOR. 0 HENRY LYLDURN, LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM. PANY.—THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INBU- A N OH COMPANY. Northeast corner of THIRD and DOCK Street,. Assets, 8: 1 37.691 M. IN Uti. • N LIVES for the why!. term of life—grants annuities and endowments—purchases life interests in Neal Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of LiTe. They act as Executors, Administrators, Amalgam. Trustees. and 013811116118. TRUSTEES. Teruel L. Mtller, Samuel E. Stokes, Benjamin Coat.., William Marta,Richard 8- Newbold, re. B. McFarland. Will am P. Mosher. J oseph B. Trotter, William E. Kern. llamas r..maton, . Samuel C Boer. '1 beoplolue Paulding, Charles Hallowell.Edmund A. r coder. Henry C. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Rodolphua Kent, John W. Bornor, William H. Cur, Ellie 8. A Taber, p. V. Outran, Samuel J. Christian. Williamßobertson. Joaeln M. Thomas , Warner M. Resin. John O. Branner. P. M. Midi Of. r noon. DANIEL L. MILLLER, President. BAM . E. BTOKN.B, Vice Pres t. Sours W.lionNoit. Secretary. mad ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPA PERPga L uthorixed Capital ISSO,COO—CHARTER 1 4 ..o. o. all WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Simi, Fhtladelghla. This Oeetpany will insure against loss or damage in Fire, on Buildings. Furnivars, and Ideroliandum 10120. rally. Als, Maylpe n liumranosa on Vases% cargewi, ano Freight*. Jul. d insu ranoe to allarta of the Vona. DIRZOTORS. root) Faber, comb Nl= P. idither t r. George . Eckert. . Audenried, tt. E i t.1..., avis Pearson, Peter Steger, .7. E. &um. Wl9. l l3ls a Ninis a n td th Aen W. M. SMITH, Bserstarr. SABINE its DUV. INSURANCE ASIENTS, No. 494 WALNUT Street Instqa against tow or Asinsgp by Fins. on Co tton dm Woollen mile. and outer manniaotonee, nUdrium kltighandise i F t urniture. and other vary, on Wm a i r Fitatglrizi 5., old. Fa.nu"'., MUTROPOLIT id i filS.lo."_lritir PROF/DEMOB WAV Vor:lsol.Ror e° ARCTIC FIBS ATI C° &ff ,331PrEVVRIt (I atatal and Banks M.lt's OS HOPE FIRE MET CE CO., OF NEW YORK, 0 Capital and Surplus 0234A44 LO CITY FIRE INBURANBE CO., OF NnW HAVEN GERMANIA FlRE a gs A a Bo. 4 , l s 4 lPE r ieillft " ,_ " Cash uantaal and Bnralna it %$ cm HUMBOLDT Film INS. co., OF NE 'V YORK. Cash Capital and Butane ;MOW In Appljoatlone In person or ay BInNoE v i O na A re promp a ld n dm n. SNo. 4 m& WUT m Stre et THE ENTERPRISE I.NBURANCE COMPANY Pp MILADIPELS. (FIRE INSURANCE =ELUSIVELY.) lIOMPAIKY'S AND S. fir, CORNEA IDUBTII AND WALNUT STKRETB. DIRECTORS. NA.LABO .101174 Mr4Twoon, A. YiltrimiToels E ine. t.splirlir D. OASE. I" " 7 2 . N ANIVIF A j ti f litir a nit i m 031ARLE8 W. 00 SpOretary. / W BEMOAN FIRE 'INSURANCE 00., OOKPONATEIIi 14116-ONA.RTEK PERPWI U No.Blo WALNUT ntreel ;bore Third, Ph to Homing a large pald-up twits] Stoat and Surplus I Tested in sounit And sysl L ! get, re n tman; tr:ro op DerellingseOrell, Furniture, Merolmodms omelo m ron and sir cargoes, and other Forams petty. AU lames TADY and promptly mUtudot. . iii;lthalis. Punyor i s nelkumi, . gampbell. Eir: k .11do y rt . oa, lidmupd 0. Ddrith, Chia W. Poultner• 60141 R. MARLS, President, ALBERT 0. L. CRAWFORD. %oratory. felt-0 OUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPA. -ufrity ta -nt a try4. MALDIN L% WALN u tt STK 1.11 AD FRIA. OA TAL AND t1.110..41 .7 tea ti vert , .. Am Damage ire aad thrlanla the 'filda jEtßol4 HAR ,Preaident. i'SatiHtt, 'Ze an n.7%..a H. BUTLER, t Y /11.tetaryr rer. DiNNOT R. ORa p Nome If ? gtirt, gtwq6 l =ters. ael Jones, N TN bIIRANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PRNNSVLV 'NIA—FIRE AND MA. RINE INSURANCE —Nos. 4 AND 3 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. Chartered in 1791—Citital 3200,000—duets, Januar/ 1, leeB. 3347" 446 60-160, All invested in sound and evadable seentitme—con tinue to ineure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, tool's of Merohandise, Au . on liberal terms. 0/HECTORS. Henry D. Sherrerd, George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby, Prunuel Grant, Jr., Charles !decameter, Tobias Wagner, William B..imith i h homes B Watteon, John B. Budd. Henry U. Freeman, William R. White, Charles tl Lewis. George C Canon. HENRY D. SBERRERD, President. WILLIAM. HARPER, Secretary. mtf EXCHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY —Om Nn,W.19 . . WALNUT Street. FIRE INSIJKANaE on Houses and Manhandles generally, on favorable terms, either limited or per petual. DIRECTORS. Vtngithefuntilloi: fi otaQQhlttaywiLj.d3l.olgria' hue T. Owen. {Rt ll howins Marsh. autacue ftEMljk w . 2, resident. eIIN _QADO, V/o••President. AGDWARD W. DAVID. geeretarg znlal-wrmtt IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE ciTYraglePoriltgaYllU"; PgiotJAllaPlVA. The auditor azolt i ei or vtgiir tt tii D e misettle. '*ugotit"rirtif LAME gIIG/HER decanted and to LUC thetrihution of the btlance In the and, of . the aocount ant. MI. Inset to parties werested .or the turpncee of lue epeointment T UhnDA y the Ath pr •o p t rn be r. at 3 o'clook 1.. t 44, akk i ti d p [ l go: Li :lp. TO vraL- Nß ... .dir,p2), thso../nr/ An • ' ilss..TAmtri H. BREWSTER. THE ADAMq EXPEL% filalNlßCO.,Oftioe 320 CHESTNUT Street torwArde.reroels aokages. hlerohandm Hank Notes and opeole, either by Its own lanai or to tonneau° , Inth other /aerate Compatnea, to all the onnelea towns end cities of the Gluten State s. fell-st Gen S, S u AN r DF t O n RD n t I'VERTISB IN TkiV PHILADELPIITA INO.uIRE R. °Mao No. 441 eiwth THIRD Street, .slow Cheatnpt ormo. ADV ERTISE IN THE PIITI ADE DIA 4-s• oq, !SER. offlee I•o. 121 South THIRD Street. below Chestnut west. Northam Costal! !ilium,. A uvERTISE IN TUE PRILADELPIIIA INQUIRER. office No 121 Booth THIRD etraer, below I. hcsteut street. AOVERTI-E IN TUE PHILAI•E PIRA I QUIRE It, office N 0.1.41 South THIRD Street. below Cbestout street. Sunbury and Erie X, H ADVERTISE TN THE PHILAUE PIIIA INQUIRER. office Nn. 191 south TEIIRD Street. below Chestnut .troet. AVhRTISE IN T LIE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, office No. 121 South '1111R1) Ptreat, below tjaeatnut st.teet. tuat 3t (11 , 11 OE -F TLIE P. N—F READING RAILRI DFLPIIIA, Aug. 23,1860.—T1 on Coal transported by tine on and after let September, ~,, hiciliq4imelol4 Q. ... —• r pollned Bane—. Iklcetown 1 Cetmaptown it, .11—... Eails of Schuylkill-- klllllll,lllk--- hert ft —. Oonshohooken.—,..... Swede Furnace-- t&tuba's— .. orrlst'n or Dridgeporl ort Kennelly—. alley Ponce.— _ theca:vine ytoyer's F0rd.............. Aratningo.---- Ltmenek.,...... --. I. 'ottatown uglaseville —........ lonoaaoy ....—....._ ird shore.— —.— lieter—«*---.... okettou —.-- -- tram.— ----- bilrF ..-- ---. Orwfitsb a and Aubern.' By order o the DinrA.of hlaweip OUI4 - 04 r /61 NAlattaiNEY, fieo'rt - 67,060 31 TORE. Hamel E. Stokes, J P. Penieton, Henry Sloan. Bdward Darlington, H. Jones Brooks, Bpenoer M'llvaine, Thomas C. Hand, Hobert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, James B. M'Farland, Joehne, P. Byre John B Semple; Pitts.teg, D.V. M orten, ' A. B. Berger, MI R.Ttr.i. President. 1. HAND, President. aoretary. din -aim 1E LEGAL. Exllig!ifi CBAFP44viEs. • DE t.PD COMPAN AVM Of 'IOW on Will t e e I `earthier eko $ .ff .7 71 I SALES By AIICTION: FURNESS, 'RUNLET k 00. No. 420 MAU WET WriET. eALE OF IMPORTED AND DO ECM DAY NO01:1 4 . On Tuesday Morning, August Mb at 10 o'olook, by oaralogua r on 6 mufti orgrbt, ' gen psokaxes and lobs of fanny and stalls dry aced.. SF - Bungles and catalogue early on the morning of WO, PARIS Min GLOVES. On Tuesday Morning, 410 dos. women's Yens dark colored kid gloves—war ranted all kill, 60 doz. men 's Parla dark cold kid glovae—varranted a I kid. - CHENILLE PHAVVLs AND ISC tIRFS. 20011.4 "Hob extra new Istria chenille 'bawls. a Is Pompadour, Marie Louise. ard.lmparatrios style,. 600 dozen new Parts style Cheadle acerb'. rRIN lED ComIIMEREI AND srELLA SHAWLS. An invoiee of -14.4 rlgh printed Cashmere shawl'. 10 4 printed and sawed border atella shawls, SALE OF 6,01/0 DOZENN RVOULAR MAHE {COTTON HOSIERY. On Teeeday Morning. 5 050 doz. regular make white, brown, =zed, jute , and black cotton hose ; heavy brow. and rated cotton WI hose. 6-1 FRENCH MEILINOS AND WOOL. PLAIDS. _ On Tuesday Morwoir. C 4 raper colored and Praselt tuelinoe. 3-4 wool plaids. LINEN SHIRT FRONTS. MO dozen superfine linen skirt froes—wartnntsd alt linen. UNDRESSED IRIBII SHIRTING LINVIS. name 4 4 811Deifina undressed Utah sh irting linen. cTisr.l, SPRitiG HOOP BKI Td. 600 dozen HI to GO steel spring hoop skirts. IV F. PANCOAST, AVOTIONEER, St,- / • ceisor to B. SCOTT. 331... 431 CRESTNur tn. 811ERIFF.S SALE OF A LARD R AND yALIJA BLE STOCK OF BLANK BOOttS, STATIONERY, FIX TURES OF STORK. Ac, On Tuesday Morning. . August 23, upon the premien, No. San Chestnut street, commencing at /0 o'clock. Included will be found— BL aNK BOOKS. A lull assortment of superior mike blank books. for merchants, ban Sere, end manufacturer'— s. el. BRAND EN VP:LOPES. An extensive as iortment of ladies' and commercial note paper, lint! Bath and French letter raper, °Ws cap, and amiouni paper, &o. also, fine Free oh. mourn leg, white. commercial, colored, out government en velopes ; fine drawing paper, &c. PestsB, PENCI4I3, AND ! A full line almost approved make fine and oommer- Cl3l steel pew. gold pane first quality lead pencils, slam andfancy inkstand?: fancy articles, find duality writing end tomtit, ink a FIXTU Superior and large French plate mirrors. large fire proof safe orenoh oats cases. superior, counters and drawers, marble floor, &o &o. SALE OF AMERICAN AHD IMFORTED DRY GOODY, EMBROIDERIES RIBBONS, FLOWERS, MILLINERY 00008 NVONA, &c On Frulay °mins, August 01st, by catalogue, on a credit, commuting a t 10 o'olook. gliir sal Catalogues and samples early on the morning of e. $901.655 57 pRILIP FORD it 00., AIIOTIONERRS, A- Street No. 630 MARKET Street. and 4,91 MINOR POSIT/YE SALE 08 1,500 CANES BOOTS. BEDE& 13800AN8, AND 01Jbl SHOES. On Thursdaj Morning. Augur. bath, at 10 o'cloo preoreelyorill be sold, b 7 catalogue. on 4 Montlue ore t. 1,500 MINS men'er. boys , and youths' ottlf. kip train, and thick l?oote: calf. kip, grain, twat, and tnick brogans; women I. mune s', and children'. calf. kip, morocco. and ktd heel boots. Also, an assortment of olty-made goods. Also 44 eases women heavy emit overshoes. to be peremptorily sold. At commencement of sale an Invoice of boot. and shoes. on account or underwriters. Boyers are parnce tarty invited to the above sale. ma FOR THIR 801P111-011 Tom AND MAWANNardssinIELPIL FREIGIET R&D Senn Fret at an armee Wynn= mead. bo w New Tor Steam/nil tag. OR CMA ; n t The U . B. all We MTATE. CHI. sits Chas, P. Marshman, will sail on Wednesday. flop- tembeva. 5610 o'clock A. M. Thrash in MM it .6-• Toe M. S. Mail 8 a. A OP REORMIA. :Walls John J. . will asll hursday, Ango.st So, at 10 A.M. :Iran in W to MI floors-anly obandfomem/ rnNL sdatn w rewi re d, r ann&lle e•a MEOWSy Wred MEOW every daz" itt ..e Pe MET sPArffirraZl Al ITMO vesi r d i l ow nm as %hors avertutaardure orral a = sr= Vehttrisa n e s Ey. ;ea amp wa r mers., s t twiar i qeitt unrest ken or nil dale In t..e lin Vtol wed. Ar p sat i Lnd h llMe=l t o ti=o.B , . by imilnidenallerl - remits Win onsTiarta l nt:D.-1 aseaary 2 = 4 " Forrtguminalli tanned O r r i lte VALr e hr C ere 2 :Si: - • t. • • - r th i e r tNtL a aii la , . • o • tI V tale. Taza tieketa '. • • , IN es L* wboia routs. Meat .. ma U. 11ffn5tr......-.. VLS. CHUM HMIS. 1 VIA SAVANNAH. To Onansas...-- 411.5 00 , To sava n n an— Ile 114 Co a •-•*-...- . 1 7 / frO A l = ---• • • • 1 20 Pi &tants —-.21 A Rants— .... 21 Oo Pdontgonosm--. 25 OC rumbas —... 21 Oo (Mlle --- -..... 35 . Wm. .... 22 00 Wew Orleans—. 20 ra ontgamori ... 26 00 •1hn116... ..... 27 75 - bi te._..--...-- .. 35 ti 3 t . KnoXVi 1e........ z6.. war Orisons- -. Se ra Idemehis. . St eo E: taw ot lading - mimeo after the Wit ha; sailed. or frelaht_pr i=e atzly on board. at second s f above Vine ALEX " ? H 8E077, 27 Lit CO., No 120 sOlifie WHARVES. Office for sale of Ttoksts, aoathweat some. ruURTZ ' and tiIitUSTPI u r Streets &mos in Cbarlestot4_T. S. ia_ T. O. BUDD. ifarannah. RUNTY& k OAM_WR.,46. Tneedny FOY Flodda from uhartsitom. Mame: wre every' 1 wig h ga i ri o is . fr;o%Sanlpa HISSIMOIS W. Marfa and TUB , BRITISH AND NORTH AMLRICAN ROYAL bIAII, STEAM. TROY NSW YORE TO LIVERPOOL. Must Cabin Passage— ....... -..-.•-• ..4120 Beoood Cebin Passage —..• ... - .• .--... 70 PROM BOSTON TO LITIRPOOL. Chief Cabin Pa55age........—.... ....-..5110 Second ..rin Premise , •.. - .-„,. ... 6) Fie elope MITI New Yon( loaf Ili ce l itaripoi. bor. he shim rota Boston cal Bab and Cork Mar. PBRBIA, Capt. Jadkiruh CANADA, Capt• Lair, Alfl t'i da. a kii )" .l2g e* Ar t at t atapiire lr ' • I Ar RICA, Capt. ahannon. B RoPa. vain s D atok a aCtrl le, (now bedding.) . :These vessels obm a olear white light at mad-hand: /Teen on starboard how ; red on port bow CANADA. Lang, Waves . WA. , needay, Aug. a ASIA, Lott, .. . . ork, Wedueselay, Aug. 12 UROPA, Leitch. " ton Wedr.esday. Aug. 23 Pk•Rall a. Minim. " . York Wednesday. Aug. 20 ARABIA, Stone , " n Wednesday. Sept. a AFRICA. Shannon. " N. or f lr, Wednesday, neat. 12 Berth. not seourtd untU paid or. . An experienced Burgeon on board. The owner+. of Abase shise will not be 'mountable for Gold, Bilver Brillion. oo.e, Jewelry, Preotons atones or Ale tals, tale.. bills or e ladurare signed therefor and the value thereof Mono exporreed. For freight or Pas sage, apply to E. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Onion. Inn New York. BUSINESS CARDS. HORACE SEE, MECHANICAL ENGINEER, and chwr AITOFLNEY. No 114 month SIXTH &treat, areatlY p_onosito D r awlsty Court Rouse,/ Prepares epeoltoationi, s. &0.. and trammots all other business oonneoted with the obtaining of Let ter• Figan t I.laolunet7 Designed and Drawing. made. anall-gm° RR. CORSON, REAL EsTATz BRO. • X;E a t AND CoNVEYANCEIit, NORRISTOWN, P REALS,IfORES, MILLS, and HOTELS FOR Montigodiory, Micky. Che.ter, and Delaware Counties, varri“ from Id to 200 sores, is good looaliilea, Penton* spilling will be shown proentles fres of °barge. SOME and Mortgages negotiated at fair rates. HAND SOME RES( 1%1'40E8 tor sale in Norristown, Potts town, and Intermediate places. For Catalonia and 111.1desorietion, Wiese R. It. CORSON, bgl-ern Norrusown. Pa. JNICIIOLSON, • Mannfaot;arer BRUITS LINEN and, MANZEILLEIS /3030619 AND cOLLARP. A large and choice assertinen.. ppiaa Wit.a at•na. always on nand. unto which 1 oartleula rly Invite the attention of Clan" and prompt-unring guo37-rai buf ers. . Corner of SECOND and ARCH de ehia. • any 3/a, I,EVI W. GIV,IFF 4 =-• N EAT h4Rrerig, lis.rmaTEß CO. F. plena t* or at e -Ip motets 8 NCEIE42 OF DOU ..E _p Is P/LLRED PIIRI3 RYE I/VE[IEI6. DISTILLED t ilt dr i rliTits c i l ai itYT ir d ' N LY. actl-Im• E J. BAT L/8 TUOMAB L &LA, AWORBx r -AT-LAW, Hi IFITINIF t ro go no. Pee dxoh street to No. i Partiott r 141Alit leo to the recovery of e bti tt It Claim& Ths s sod exam sett I" Mlle, Folorelettoes,Meisnmeista, ktrtsfs of 1 Ili end other t,itirtrnments or Writint The Rawilsho i l vi g u er d tor d - . nieVe u sl n e•o iltra tfi. l e woo l's ' s a g tor thii Firemen; l i n= vestm en t, ' of Mono,'. isatutitotort robtrozwia A i n v a Whig rfullored• : KEEN& Riapa t bAw. ties REMQV'Et Tomos tom no. 1110 Walnut street le to. ss• month 1' IRD Eltreot. mtm-em• SFIIGUET SONS, . IMPORTERS 00 HAVANA No 2 6 60663 FRONT Buvet. RIKI46VB regularly a foil oasortmelit of dosirable CI- O - RS whlob IMP) odor at tow rates. for cash or ay o credit 120 Iy • pit woori & Niutitazori, _.ffeaKDRITD lfoB. 919 itriu 671tErf, Behr." SL MA UI . gi JAMBS PAWA. , ..I. 1 - 1 011C1101110111 'Ay JWAGINKR JEAMON, • 411101LNXY A.ND COUNSSI.LOR-AT-LAW. rlO, LIS South Street. Mpoatte Independence Innate.) PWILDILPIM, Br _the aid of reliable Anotnere. at allfannt a n d in the linit ollma id ev lntr. te. enardad eit proesonte and °Went PertiaatnreTi an tit r igrtra to the examination and re norg dike OM. sat.e. and DrTieeee. and th e ex nation o Titles and savanna the in m& of o and a persona interested Ln the 114=4. Ln parte of the Union. Has the Statutes of all the State, az] le Oommtealoster for most 9f them. Dpti•Gieecuctorut carefully taken under Communions. an lailrE & BR tDBURY'S CELE BMA fED PATI , NT IDISULAT D IRON FRAM g OVERS I it LINO GdeND.AOTION PIANOS, cansidered unsurpassed be the first artists andiudset, 1100i1 al haters. Wollenhaupt. Wets, and others. over 7,000 ol ihis make have been sold. In respect to oltarness. rich:eves, volume of tone delloarlt elasti city of touch and kiee meeting action they are unequal led. They At a not warranted for )ears , but for time. They have been awarded Gold Medals at every exhibition. For sale at wholesale factory prices for cash, at a liberal discount, oron monthly instalments, at Jareklho I.IteLLAK'S, Nos, 211) and 281 South YIP street, atal-Ims Above 9 pruoe, • LA AND lan • 11/ 1011UWIll erg STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA TEm T OVER-STRING GRAND PIANOS, RQUARP. GRAND. AND SQUARE. PIANOS. now. prefer roc in concerts and in private circles by the beat herforiners. Received the first premiums over the heat makers, from )ndacel ke Gottschalk. Mason, and others. UtiaSono ail competition. BIASIUs It RUTH PAS. 0-11 lOOO CHESTNUT Street. m PIANOS ! PIANOS!! ! PIANOS !! PIANO-FORTES Id hI.ObEONS. PIANO FORTE ME S. LODEONS. Made by Raven, Batton, A Co., Minns & Hallett. Day's, & Co., and others. 14-1 r J. r (IMO. my SEVENTH and OH kBTNI.PI`. /JAMAS BROS. , oVERSTRUNG P A p y N T-A IgT lON MIND FORTE& nt- Clam Piano, made. A anlenthe ameortmenco bonds XtY, and otheyntylen. for sato at Factory Cash Prime. And warranted for a years. becond-hand Pianos for sale and to rent. GhORON WAL I FFI PRINCE &R. E . . ' 'S gor T e i d N INLO B4 l/&& Protn t. 44a. onwards. AVA GOFFEL-1,000, pockets prime LE J E v a cow. for 4110 P 7 JAKE 4 URAUAM 94 : 4 ' streetts WHIPPING. PIANOS. SALES BY &lICTION. - - 31TIEIOMAS & SONS, • mos. 139 and 141 Solrth FOURTH BUHL _ (Fonmerly Nee: V aids 1 FALL PALER UP • STOCKS AND W mwrarnr. Third Felt Sete dath Augnet, at the ?mirth Fall gale- 3d &Wernher. at • . Fifth cab vale 4th ticstion bor. at the Exchange. ' Sixth Fall ' , stealth Seetembor, at thitmelunite s KT Handbills part ready. irrocm to 0 1 7arialITATE. SALES AP TR* EXCHANGE Itvisitx TIMIDLY Daley the Milner Mat% if July and Anna WS occiscionel tele& - sir Handbills of earn" property WNW eessustaly, is addition to which WI enteub, on the esserday srormiese to each ails, ene Mooned eagamiis. ima gt" form, giving dosonistlone of all _ the propster to sold on the following Tuesday. OAR sties of real Vests and stooks the Exchan i te hentafter held at 12 o'sdoes and, n the evening norrn ; - at Centnbuto-a have the est.ott o eaten an. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVA 8 SALE. Sir We have a lama amount of real estate at private including every deaenjatoli of city end, cander property. Printed lusts may be had at the eternal score PRIVATE S *LE REOISTER. Resi estate entered ou oar private We yeasts& and advertised ociconsoreng in oar 3yAlec •titraap (of which 1,000 collet are prm ImingEri lots o: charge. IRIPOPtI..OII II 7WPW commence on MOI.4DA . tiorgam r . illir Catalog oas low riladr. 438. Ifft/ RaIe. COUPOS - 18 TGA SES.Oa Monday, _ dePtsioter a, at _Mattoon noon. will be sold at pat+ • no sale at the PR etyma nachapse, without re serve for cash, for mount of whom it may common. the fohowing. 1.69 coupon bonds of the Eastern Market Company, se cored by three mortgages, the first taranns date lith ..March. 1869; the second treacles date 13th jnne raw: and the third bearint date Tat February, 1811 and re solved at Philadelphia in mortgage book. A DB. No. r. vase 87: A D B. hio.ll, pate ne. and A G B, Pia ad, page ge, respectively. Also. a receipt fo rt A.. W Javenal, enparintsralset the Girard Mist, 0 of stud bonds. and the night& thereby secured. Third. A certain bond and mortgage ;siren and ars ruied by Jam. Young to Billings Cowperthwait for 827.000. tut which bate since been reduced to 811 the same haca. ving been earl gned by the id Haling C.owperthereut to Fran cs A. »aid, and r I, 141311 Fran A. Drexel to William Becknall ands sundry policies of insurance aeon the Man et Mouse d the said company. Terms—Cash. payable at the time of sale, immstliata:g after the property le_strnek off. THIRD PALL BALE---281y ALIT/LW. lir Painter • hereafter. FOURTH FALL gaLg-3d SEPTEMBER. Side on the Preemies. Southeast tomer of High 'trait and Morton t, Gerismitown DESIRABLE COUNPR ft! . .St fiE 'OE and HOUSE HOLD F KNITURE, On Monday Horning. September 3. at H o Cock— Modern connti7 Itesidenoe, Cottage style, sotitheaat corner of High and Morto'. streets. Lot 90 by its. Also, superior household furnitare. mirrors, do.. In cluding Parlor. dining-room , and chamber foinutura. kitchen utensils. Jr.° Sir May be esamined at q 'o'clock on the merlin of ludo. FIFTE_FALLA LE.III SEPTEMBER. VERY , 2IF - ORT T BALE. )3y order of E, nowt. MONTOUR LRON SOIiIP2 T PPP!! WORKS AND ESTA n sday. aeptember 4. 1280. li O t IT2 o o t clock. ISIXIO, at the flats delphis - Enhance— TM very callable erolPettY _hebe.giag to the Masso n Iron ColitionY. rautosid Youtoor 'emote- Ps., ap statise or about 2400 mores very mosbie atheral lama, ores. =aims neat., rafting Ruth,. furaease. haul, Me dwelling'. oMees. ke., &e. Tenbs-170.000 Bluth. srken the property Is Meek of, baleaea on the execution (tithe deed, within M days o f Or Fall_ parttaalasf ready in handbill. F r ereta•tOi7 Sale to wog^ • ••••• 1 1 1. GROUND REro f—An at anal Ground Moat of 090 • 7 ear. othar dtatriaboal PMParialr : Handsoe Modern .11.r.imittruPt. northstat corner Of •ixteept• street arid Girard &volute. pot do tir la) Bala absolute. SIXIB PALL BALIS-11 Wt I include— Clubs as' O art Sale—Fatate aloha 'Reams Ten. An unateided ninth part 01, the h , s e-storr MUCH W DW EL ats, No. 313 South rant valet. Same ortate—an at ciividee ninth next of the Throe:- story HALAL DWEL Lin° No. as roe. h .Front meet. Same Estato— WAREHO USEtiI wt ot the large STONE IED Southwest corner at Delaware avenue and Ton slim below Chesnart street. AS fret • Indies front, Same estate—An undivided ninth pert tirieree dory SRI O DWELT !N N 0.130 10/11h. FARtn. 128 Aare, Arable Lead. wits Imt.teroulents, on the Matord_rool. Di m les front th e &anon. known as the 1 owVe_Farigi. The eAltVat FARM," adi r olnisti the Mon. fogi,- taining 100 acre., with Imp rovements. he "''LAR K FARM." containing UM Aerie of good Fanning • and. The " MORRIS TRACT." anntaintsur *boat IS Attie front on ei Toed. and within - tote of Ettassmt. The •• 51 5. FARM." containing us Mires. glee- Ins on the railroad. with but Mint s. The " DORMAN FAR W." containlns 1M Aimee. Ad joining the above, wtilrimertrremen a. - The n containing Acres Wood land. The “FitAilß'S FOt TAW trontottang Aires of illit7At e tCrle, kohl V•rnen Om= tavasy; L ot i t.ros, U aid ST !Symms As We i .aailiage Bala foi account or the United eta • AtUBLK7II. PUMP,. "MOW, kr. un Wednesday Kornrst. Bastenabot 5, at tl o stook. ti tap Fl.llll Arsenal. Bndea, erg Pa foresee vet of the 1:01344 'la MI len masksts. petentimon.l4 maelLets altered to rstolusiont tontine ramp. I lift and force pump. Also. a lot of unsere.eeoldo tools. —lls] -118 St ILONA, P . SAN 139 as. 14 masa POTISTX Bar ISI MK. /m acs ti.l kUL T Oa itiussiss Mamas. At II o'clock. at. the T Moti on Mom ass smortamsas /*anent seoond-hand rmaore, sharaas ins piamar m _forts. nurters, earpetsa sae., frmr 06111 kw ea 01 00110 0k00Pin, 301110 30 tie nom e . es Gala 'Also. s superior orsat. suitabla tarn anal ehureh or lecture mom. II Velgib LIATI3A/fry a eJliTttltfilig ...T A .L. AND 04,1111114614 3 MMieILAXI4 iseladele mar daring and KAU strayer Koff EY le) IL 825,000 to loan, at the knrset name, dt•maely , vatebes,Jewelry, saes? pieta, err wade. , aro cirussow, sad as 7 ......„ Dir ruse o'remer a;noente. one= to tneenolia l for env litth of tine 'mod eir•ThiMoo. gogarebt & l itur tr le fie We. MT Priirate entrance on W . ibunness hoary trees •A. . ar_nt st. m " . " l l3ZrdikatTArelP oir Advanass oOW and, at two pa area ave=f eise Dna uP , ea* par caw f. 4 f T orfaliat LtVE2 OJ k Noi • INA the fo ' tom. etAtetr illailmi l g ,....4l sB 1 441 sayer Ter pine French SWOP/. St saufAhe -- n=olr Itt=l. Joey mom dole•=e=w•jea - m, ••••••• at I triirrtM e ari - Eiasetituse tomos all =elm, at 11t101111 th Irilp r i l m t, Es Attended ro ' , VW/ bY the A . Consigrunonts OW and • retiVitntan. sited. BPLEI •1 :NDID SET OF DI kIISUND4 AT PSI - VATS HAV, Consisting or diativ;2 8,a4 ortl tjeastpn sad sir rings. Prise. SW. 00.0 in ruts 11).1(0. SAVING FUNDS. " A little, bet often, Els the Pune." VRANKIAN &&VIN FUND. /414- A: 136 S n mith FOVVTIi Street, betsn- %mg mtt W d ain . nt. Pnueileistasi sirmi Depositore n ,fitate, mit Citymo Ley eienatYll=ria% gNi 00117It_, 7.. (._ OW 1 114 0 beiZ fila lartl ta, (94ampostizr In noi a* loath &too atc43' iremi y int erre it at an imaimatty Se =rite yereent. Ware:. to the crlnbee,P ....-......., lur-da 1_ .....,lianied or dui& ea *Dem erne , e,epoint in their own yintiyayiiiiiiesti drown am be lintidraira otrkyiii=aestist. Tauter tenlaarpiN• rated by ele Stabs f enalra t ip i tzityto nesive 'money . irls i7j eyealitelrtti Ito tfl it rils .Ib,m mum"— - • triali k eer „Wenthmtkr„„„,,, 2. 1 31 v. • kdwarl ig T.T. livitt. ' a tesTtalioN ratkat nrY D Vlsf. ..eacwattarstr l / 4 , (rats a wig% 11 Jitra B. &LB Pitsidial. Craws Cum.u.T.A311.4 Tilaquen A Dollar Naval ia Mina SAVING ITIND--ITVE PER CENT IN ratits,NuTNAgratortAbokiwry Tike CO_ WM/ rhilsdigat ineorporated by the State ar ' Vote maiped anY tereot y iatroan the day or num,.; tiarZ l 'ore t rill dra • The aloe as aye? emery nay from .wae o'olook the mortis till Soo o aka In tke oroyung. and on Maeda/ and Wharadw o re ff ria t f ß r i ltft ROBERT BELFRIDOt, Was aid. WILLIAM J. Rua. Reorrairy. DIIIIC 013 lion. Ham L. Neuter. • Coestll =der. I,de:l. piney. Robert dndse. omen B. Samuel Ashton, OOP 441.0. C. Landreth Mune, Ames L. Biapiamen, Money Is reoeteed aad paymeate made dean. The,mveerusete Sr. made. in ecu=ty m erigh the wrong:gone of tee Charter. In Bea) Cround Rents, and such nne-lass eecarittes ailirM trah%rre perfect sealant" to the dftoidtont, and A ur cannot Batt to gin "enneeeney aia stabs ti to , tenon. %AMIE) FUND-1:1141inD EiTifir3 1,7 TRUST COMPANY. oorsor THIRD and CRIMP. PIOT B . ollot. Lan nod mill muu reeemeil, Alwk. t n . : p i i i ggrtriZ in o t t b d i egi r l Vrea4aOrettt lait 00 , trol 0 Autil oo' look 01010 DAY EVAN NOO from T c Atul W 1."41 at' DRAFTS tor se• on England.' • (C . UMW, from upwards. iident--43W1 A. gIi g W.VO&D. palrPliat..notuari. " T 1 Air,IIDiERY AND IRON. - AtPENN ST NAM XNGINZ AND , la c : l alflantlF E ` Fi lmilA gi l: . Ha .,,,0 LBRVano, BLACK 17w L Im, Fr. zmaeo llA w oeratrOn, it Ricerp!iie,ententaareatla entse:d II biuliting and riiipainng Jae and Engines. high and Inv preentre, Iron te, Water Tanks Prope ll ers. k1t...111 1,1 17 1 .70Mi11y offer their terv.oat to the pahli a l am 1417 prepanid to comsat for b arites of Vim afisel DAVIT. and St ore nry . aving tett o patella ofd treat saes, are e:limo to execute or dain with A deagrato b. Every deaoriPl i nof Pattern ring at the shortest natio*. g and Low tore, no, Tubular , NA (.Fader erso7t the Rionneylvaala ohsrooal iron. Porsiage clam [ [ and.lunda i lion and Erase Coatings ofelidesorice,. UVtleA;;Ftlllirawyethibguir• ant! all other wart eca• Drawings and aptiettinatiogtor all work done at theiz entatiishment, free of chime. and sort ellelnttleA• The subscriber! have ample wharf doog MOM for re pairs of moats. where they can he In perfeot safety. And ant provided with shears, blocks, fall/. hr., & a-, for raving heavy or light vembta. JACOB O. NFJ,FTS, )(AIN P. LEtrY. BEACH and PALMBR *trees". P . T PLEASANT FOUNDity, No. 951 r,CII Street, Xinutingleta , PtuladelpLa.-.WIL- Liam if. TIERS in f orms pia Mirada that, Leon sae abated the entire stoolizt Patterns at the aboisfo drg, he is now prop to remits orders Grist. and Bay Pti Castings, boas, COD .au 4 Rouse WorLuisuing. Castings mule from XaTer benitory or Ls Fornaosis. iiro or green san_ et into-tr SAVVIL V. 1111111ICX. I. VAVELLII lcuLlitti o AU It. UNARM& SOUTIMM IeOI3IiDRY YLFIX AND WAMMIGTO/1 masts. - - PIitLADII.II.II7.A. MIERBSOK a BOMB, . o. 23ltelliKEßS AND MA 51-0. Rimigignbndatia Lae Presara rine sernoe. 812"'/12Wtmo, dere, Clasometeni, Tanks.lron iLonta..ll4 Dam tuts all howls, either I or Drnas. Iron Frame BooDi tot dam Worls, Walk Shops, KW. Mid Stations, &n. Retorts an d Gam Machinery of the West and Most Im proved ounstructin Emery description of Planhtion Misoinnerm. mama sa plt : l3lw, and .7 Mill* Vaculan Pamper* Steam Defecahms /Rex. how; Einriaert, Re, - WIT Agents for Ri earn YWCA 611 flit Bothzi Apperign f4rftWg'passtitt n taneal Beni nag-. -130 Bozo& llerkimet count; C i ggiTe . ! for do by C. 0. SADLER • lc) 102 41000 2 ter.L••0+0.241/20r . %/mina FRO T 1211 moil= 20 ) Tierces Prime lb et, Me* Opikth&n Los. fOT ;AWN 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers