• • „ , .. -4 .. 't • ',,, Z r-.. .. '-. 2 ... ' ' 'i‘'llpilliiialii -'' .' ' kr . '4161-, %: f inirr.s 1 Ast. , .e.ar. 1 tig - 147,44 - tetTi ' 4s.., 7.`''''''' ,l ''''' . ~ : eilftilmes• atikliartiPaiiii. 04 , ni •'.! •:1 - ' • , V , ” AMPeitilliWillaer#o4 66 0 114111 "4'1441 1 4 1 0 1 # 44 i ll ** 111e.""al l a w. " 4 'l' ' lVi l ft- '' : If*: - ' 10 1 101111110113110Jilani07 .it,, , 14`-' ^ If/ q `.,.i ,' i , : ,Tlll"rilifitifirilikilllkr': r." ! !''' rekliggWeiliiiiir** * Et,T h i l, 144-444?goldiriemsrivg, 1 4, 4 • 140 . 4: It r:41111a7-1- J r* (.;••• ' • c. - Sr-anl73 T_ 4-li .. alar k (!1,422 pitarintriti6 f` , r• - • - 7,, t• , nEtu ZA. '`•••••.:. • 1 PWIJ BB -4,1114,1114ATERi10, • . • itck , tteotriit =toper" - dtittrw - : . • A -g , , , Ftirf ? Iwo:400ft theobrAier , SAMMY LlNOlia*Oft! • - !1;;+5 • I • Aitrzass. - rA •:, -,,44.)44ikiir waist *sompliits, i a ltr 1 y !Cf P . i54=0, 1 ,21 „ 4 40, 1 7 21 ,. 0 -0 M kr ,49 ,LL L • -L • I - - , 'lir le:l:o4•HpEllirgurFEL . tar ,7; 4.1.11141/401 WU, . `.1 0,/iitiV.# l oo 4 o,illot, '':. 176 4g*Wc040ii**,44 ,1 4 4 . - '..',7l,ll.o3#lll*****-FriliCEZ,Pkiliditl; LOOKING viLaswEt!. • Arti',44Pr--- ANL MANUPACTVBER4 WHOL ' / HALE Aiib Erlit .444 e ~b ALE$►. ,(}47+LEHIEB~ • .016 OREBTRUTSTRIIIIIT. 3 ' .3t'" .NEW FD.111113 Ar4l) inutoze.. 1101111WHANTII f,iff*AliiT Or- iiwkinc HOOKS cia isintiqa Data /kiln' Ravegicor amorusest Reds icons v 44.1 4 9 1. 1 41 .***11.1040priie ?B f 1: WairiAl9lll l 9 Ar,,ow r,tl: lOC ,s44lll7llPlirt , I BON'S r..• 1 - r NEW STORE; I 'sad Ltriter-Preis Mein r.- ammo, mar Linings. 4. C.'S; , C , 1110439 AllenTliUT ettellt. ~,0011.g04f, - KlrOiefflCAA:fiAttit ~.F?t.H -~ti - CIGARS. • t„ : , tY• .T/ • / OF lfA.!iignißßANna. , ; " 0:- 'AATISON " .r/ . o 'o 4 ti , +T oARCLOILAND TINT'S er rtrigalit4l,4o STILL VATAWBA: St., A OA E fa ,1 B. Y tsar • ;.4 . 3,1; , rnt tibia _ - 4400400, - Ifigs 1444 IniCtßiT4Totobs4 I tIALLeB;Pga I ENT , • ,k -titmi) ; IT 0 Hilt I: l *.in MOW/ Iliabliikt la asitoilios hem alf ‘ ,.1 :oat WAMISTIS141110"-tioilall lONOSIA= LilAtatitirtivaisow fa WO aileaskilki• at "mkt, iift ),-,-gribmtraigratbsito4bivabros' Mime I•4* Ole 9.•-sifiatinalle ftionerfonor lapars."‘ Nati: ifin 411 t Mat Mitie4ll l #ool - 4 1 0: 1 4 44 4. 48 1i4WU. 0 14 00 , 4, J i lif&litoleellibaiireetaikui tat asialia Mk. Wile% o a t / Was two ktiviiiiiiiidi*Ottiaivites — "Aroorwil ltxtoOsne 14th ,,A4400. 7.444lofddho,lairfitilbc. , ., , • /14,1i1014,1211112'. rtY S ON..iwNAllb - _ . -, f ,,,- .4 - _ ,,- ;4lll4o; , ..AssislirforlitidisiNisalsifir, • ' - _ ; • 011ENIUM EMU 0., , -,-, . ~,, 4 0.,,,, , ', 4 i 1 - f , ,•r II ~,. . - • . . , ,-, '',-'-- ' --N " / 46 4 !° , ,AI - ---* *- - - - '''' . ~ , , ...,, , rt . : _ .., ~.. ,____ ~ 1 ,.......:_....i • ..,. 1„ . . .., -.' • 4‘ , frolit ~,,-„- ''' ' •- - -.— ~!•'- r . '7 if r 'N 7 . ' "'. k " ''' iI.V 11 , 1 {.1..' t - . ., At , , '- fri-eti. .', .9firt a ' Ar'.3 s 4o i 1 )74, A . .., Th .,.,,,f r an , . 1 1 •7: - -.,•. : 1,.. ..,..' )., ~,,...., ..ry . ,• -,. .• - - itt it, ‘ i ) . ~. 'kr - ---..,•.-' * ....1.... -- ' . ..: - --...: S *J" ,-...-;; .. .rit ' • 1. . 1 7 .. t.* , * :It. ,91 , 104.1 , :„ - 1 !lb J. p.:4•.• ,‘ ,it i ftiO ' -F'f ~ , - A '..3613111' ' 7 : . . .:. . . ..-.%"=" ,•If . J 1.1119 At • 41 , . _ I tit:1114 . 1 1 -, 1 . 1 - rr 1 . ':...". ...; ' - '1.1!.....` ' -.- ..., 4 - I i pi .- tf .Mll.l,C£ A' . I- i. . il , ".›....„ .':,. . 4 ......7 • -1 , . - •'' , - 1414 .'• 1, .. , I 'NMI 1.• JD I.;ij ' . • . , MI 7.nt •1.101 , , • ~, „ II ' c 4 .‘` -, - :,;-: - '.,,„.,...1 pt Jutun l , Mall In 1 bun .1 1 1 ,L . f i l I ,1 i t , • -r ' 111 -......Z.6:-...--,,:,, . .. - 4,8 -"L lit , - Ili - '!! ... ~ . ,f 1.40: -- - ' 4 ._,..• — • —:, „, ,i, . ' .. •-:_, _ ~..›. :•,,,, HA* , bat •.•:" rt...11, , t141 tri2 ", ..' ' '5.... /II , , , 417.±_voi .... 4 -• .112:,, '.......—.- -.. ...tit ~., .7• , , ;iv , ...., --1. ----- t r. 4 , -...ct t,,i-..;cit.,,_th..:-.:: , -- - P%- , •0-' - -.,.•., -, • , ,• '''• “ • 1 , ---.-, r. ... . -,,,,, 0t• tlf.q 1 F"'''t -f' • . ------ • ,-,- --:.-..:2 -- ,- , v 11. •., ta .Ili .: 1 ., " , ' : 1 1 " - '; .n!f?, .` r ! il :1:,1 , i C. ti 7,,,,.t. .t ~,.‘.. r.‘,, "..:-.... . , _,.___ ._.,.., ....... .„ , - . . . ( , _ ... .___ ... . , vYM'SK"W~_ g 5 ?}~ EMI you' 2%* sr, . • • 5: èÈ* wña. tip% luniquak 0 . ' 21111RT-intiti4llTlTOU , MEWING ItiekOnt:SlZS. ''-ratinV3 l l l l)l7oXD - //13' OS.• Ala! UPVPltipel. i oNtihi Vvielik , ° use iiier mieblue in the 1-1 / I li*WthlOttill 4 o 'meter rose 6tirork s WRI , , * tVliad riff Cirotther. - .WODOVEMOURI & $2O ettlarin WE/Mtt IV/U3°. 64signicitqa.: , • MACHITES. t., * l , tt , Aol3lllorelt,urinssikrozoop . ; VIOL 1114 . thilte atiOtY rjO t itt r l're 4 r , ~" • f ." "tf.SEINITINUT M.A.ClarbtE• nlfs Plat 11.—POMAJMit M. •- imawmaoinm , FOlt IZIMITINII AND HEAVY: WORE. ,I .L 1 ; 1= , 011,601 the pow. of 0- 'Ww ak e lihadelphis. and . 7 11Wilk , 1,", 6 7 ,2114 ° 6 :wltxr.,gtxmaicsic its .oa.s . It :61 '' • - .1042M.W124.0 `DOUBLY-toike inns SEWING . MACTAINES. ==t • VAMltilt 11111A.„ ,n. it hOMAXXIIL D STREET. ' , 'PtitiIIIIIIIIITTLEMAOOI2IB4OO. ' PaiosoI , DOVELFI4IO.II2TITM ILIMNIC Fro* ssifAist Wet NW*Mita =barna Site bisisetises: •" - " ' P.14-2MADEINE• EMI. OOTTON. NEEDLES. IEL. Its.i.ossmoattr es-hid& "• - • J74-ilak awn% me. - cffiNg. • 8 5.. u . FdLineyPetiliard tor 11 1 1)kez vi tio• of LAW& s i Tianam .lll ,44, 0f(411134 HOUSE.PIJRNISHING GOODS. StkrialOg ; ilOrallAtaTOO l i Allot lion:rya t ' • " Amiumagsir VIM AND PAILItLIONS. „ . „ ... " Milt Virility. tvorravis Aarriuts, tt . iyeryirstil AltettiLlAl - IirAIINA4iLIE4 NOUSE 117:1412MIRUNI STORE. ip5.,1411. €lll2=llll trusvr. Lrrlf~iM et Fine , - .;. • ItAigGINGS GLOBEBUBLNESS• ' • ' 00" Is' !ABT , OPITGQIIIICRYI a' •; -._ " in m 4T!grlin BTIUT, ~ Vii ut nth's. Mogi 4111, 110" a peek d n N 013 e it :O&M Cli PAPER I t moo n etrivilv,hiu Noucited with tk o il Ibialna....- 4 Sy lialM7o4o PRI 111. i -- AT , 4 ii -_ .. pm, um% mx iiirat megiiolaußogr7 ref , en get ms* 'irsit iii i Tuir Mira, rinsa ' l B. we ' • • -. " , BARAI G N' . .„ . . HATS AND- CAPS. CI; H: •C & - - Manufacturers <Wand'Wholesale Dealers In , : HAT(I; CAPS. - F' S .„ AND STRAW GOODS. FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFI CIALPLOWEk RUMS; FRATRBRS. Pau 1:109-ess4 SOD StARISTLSTRERT. ' Soutbyest &morn( Sixth. The most ostensivet end eaniviete assortment. The 'ben toms sad thp layout prises. Finn-elesui buyers are savtlenlitrly Invited to' antl. „ null-fm Plii IpMy ;,* . MEDICINAL. lULMBOLD'S EXTRA Yl' BUOIIU. , vit ir Foi Diooostoi ri i4 Eroyo. l atrol, Drava Ate. ko. Beffere ° ° too . itonionoo a A t lf a t 1 a difrilkte, rg3s4k! iritt off row. o r n a i mo Disunity of Breathing. I A WU U . n e r.4 IS OF WiliusouLAß 1 7 ,e li t zt r ar mbaker r og e wn, whigh . 1 !!‘rill fOOrtt ilt ffi lifir fyllefto Fite. •. 1 ' FROO II ' 8 EOM AT dmoz ' 1 / " 1 7 1 11413iil• .. • is. . wieluretio. Asil'areisitsialc; ITV ' retereofin the dit tm "NIP -. ' 'ln'; 0 - 6 . ,: .. i t t, - 1 4 6,. ,: 11 ' 111,4• ann, ' . __lf -; ire ° IaWETI4. • tem . ? . imi m i ff ripram iiNs. , • , - O s .'.*:' 7e — A rip .. Gir in gqiii m tO si ti pnl y i: R.T.=,q.uw,:tlMPSirrili CA.ST4EI TF 4 Et, BELLS. , FOR Wi1.01618, FIRE A 14.11.1481, - -YOt MI NAY - & 00.. COMMENCE @treat. ,EN_OLISH BROWN STOUT, scorCa ALE. IN &DONN AND (ILAN, • ; : eBY TRU OMR OR DOZEN. '.4./#II.ERT 0; ROBERTS, • _ DIALER FINE GROCERIES. Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. 18,1-10EMAKEft. gla 90. . . . • , SUS& PAINTS. , . OMB AND DAMMAM Fortbnad Onfsor FOUNTS AND SW= Masers. VAIHNET: . - I:YRNITIIRE AND BIL ,,W.LIARD TASLINS. • . MOORE - a CAMP lON. , , - Nei 061 SOUTH 81.00PID UNSEX_ . IA oonossmon 'lido Iltsir, worm psbiutt strilieu. rilr!* l4 # , lMMltilitibele" 21tprmmvny t ifigg h ie s irlitONS be j o lt to nfrrgni r t,,by ir hare I em. lo • Portiiiiorlihr and finish of Ws! Tables lhe'ru grglitv,oiriturrawat=twaity lIIINgt3B. MN. ARE -ADVERTISING ApAp p rowxornopooon of Litt sod. Country—et swim (IVY. .00E, & Co.. ADVERTIONNG AGENTS, -- 7 .. 4 lRMKTDVargtoTitati. l it , ERUHANTH AND OTHERS, ADVER !ixt MIN' ittli N paltitTeg r inii r g ,PrA! ," ~ ' Corn e r NO - Jiitly,l S. W. Corner 1 D and ARON WWI. i ,STlNdlorrand for L of Nowcpspora.. flint( CIGARS.—A ' heibdsome 'as. 'tbrkeint' on kitfid, bT . repeatarriru% raise, ',art a , cti ties:, AiTlTit: • Zsregosaris, Adermdam, ArroTo Hondo, !co., /too 6r "(141."14 Qua l lUu, tpr taiA° TETE', 130 wALNU'r Street. 4 4 '= 'A MT .... ._ w „ mum NA. ' .'. l i ieriiSistookinf a ic arMit . ting; , _ ~,, ihiablell - Cot Luta rowers. Skit% ken , 11 lOC • ' Iftbops Vail d ma k. :ta , :gg i Ind, a sada-Bib, Ogle* Wisps SIMI trighltiPTlng Needies a . irk** ehessest most taiga I I aZY Inittilli fattehini, fa; , p sties we, is a hew sad anseessful wi tt , Inventions of the am old tanks kiwi • 'lt uplntnis , , 44 , Y, F,.'f'ff , Plimlti; aii. , - ~,, - s, , i r ilaplAY,ltaw 'York. Nfty 0.. LEN. Agent 111rAlt '& Q A PC'd • MD I 4I"DTWIIIN o t pjaNay GOODS iwp 103 BT ST, • • 714"" 711114ADELPRIA. jLLUMI ¢T9B ..„ . i1..: , -yoltyiabitEitile tA., 4,, isairnrovell "aniZ a ?tiqus. agents, .1101 W - 1%1 them 'nom irsateit r dikeira '-'" kiiiiiijrritats;i r iiiketr;, 5 , , , ,-.,0,:&5e , . 1,--- gd 00, Dor D Street. -, AWNIt GS ! ! ' . _ [ - im,l t l a,,vc i mi I s u s s It , , • o,4olMPaivimg - gs, :AIMING 111 AM. 'ri . ...1 , 435: ,, '.....-..44 , i, T I i i_)Strimwtt : • *iii o iP' 1: 1 0d * 1i 2 1 4 100 . 110 i 0 tai 07421 Si lit t eoo l 4 jogro l ier r ohUir else -4V AN . . , , sow& agotimovezi. .. ~ GRAVIL' 4 7. S WC, -870 huff do .,- 45% 41414titireisirat4ra M==l ~ICCIIR9IOI~fIS. STRANGERS , IN -PHILADELPHIA, NOW •IB IL'HE TIME • TO VISIT THE . PEA-81401LE. THE ,ROTELSAT ATLANTIC CITY ARE NOT - RAM FULL. ' :FINE BATHING, SAD.INO,AHD 7118 RINO. Trials Won ~I TINROTREET WHARF . at 7.30 , ituimw SEA , ATLANTIC 'VITT; Rey( JAMUL Ilii HOURS 140 M PALLADELPILL, "AOIMMODATIONEi FOR E,ooo_ VISITORS. ATLANTIC CITY is low whew:Led to be one of the asostilelightful Bea-aide retort, in the World. Its bath ing to uneinomeed ; Its benutibl Unbroken titan*. (nine maul . in length) fa Uneanalled by any:ow the theanneat. lava that . of OalYeaton; itr sir is rewarhabli for Its &nape ita nalhatind Addlit 1101114106, Peribet I its hotels are well farniabed, and le well kelt -, ea Clam of Newport or Saratoga ; while its artuntee and walks ate oketner and broader 0.1111 *merit any other lies- Imam plate in the actuary. Trains of the, CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAID. ROAD leave VINE-STREET WHARF, Philadelphia. AHU at YAP At Wand 4P. Pb. Reterning—reaok Phil adelphia. at- II A. K, aid 7.11 P. M.. Pare 'IAA Roind trip tiokogi, good for , throe dogs, ILISigO be Perokalled or exobnasti tioket Aka only. acA not of or by weadeetora. Diatentale rase. Banda, train leave* Vine street MARVA. lb. i leaves Annaba City at 4.90 P. M.—Mopping only for wood and Water. , A lalearaph extends the whole length of the road. • '.ldlH.f EXOIIIMBIONB TO M ~ "qeiograti• anditdt."nlErinlld Eetrannott Troketi to the above-Derorol "porote ssood frr throe dem are tined hr. the NORTE( PRIMBYL. -vettlAjtelL4ROAD COMPANYj bout ite_gtleee et WILLOW Street and BERNS Mien.. to tleaBLE, REM dub'. to other pleats Swims closeted. FAIT. ' Tti Matta Chunk,...:B2 so 1 o Bethlehern.-.........1112.00 TigA115at0wn........,. LIS ITo Easton.. ... 202 rarties in search or the grand and rowan co. and de alings of inbabps the invigoratingjorstnes o the moun tains, cannot do totter than vent KAMER ...- 1.121 K and Its environs. whioh have Justly been dirk& t e HOWIFEERLAND OF AMERICA." Thins Immo F PONT end WILLOW SAts for Meaeltchuntott CM A. M. and P. AL ; for tont tal r. BL; for Bethlehem, at SAO A. ed., , s ae P• ON II UNDAYS, ONLY' TRAIN' , tts For Bethlehem. et.- A. M. Traiass MUMS Street ,twenty twenty minutes after leames willow Wept. • fro Exosnionwriokete sold on the oars. • ELMO CLARK. Men!. m ar e & IFOR, CAPE MAY „ . , ?milks - 1 stoi 0 cha . A. 6 l. NEW TONE Minn ea DELr i :AM HAW GA lON COMPA i f galObJCßll Bl 34,firs am.". 1114 fifi Ej e r w rf f tli bi cap Car NT ano .o.ew ark. mine from nit ' Pier re j 8 riL uc y i rtw (B ro d iri Y ?le x" : 4414 9 ha Et v Exatir N. jays Cape May i widows meat . 6. tatB. an to Can May (oarriso hire iwiladed).--111 NI mate do " do do I IS rtieketa_(oarriage hire extra). -........ 860 an to M ew York, Cabin-- aOO tate lic;O;e — Fains. — .....— ...... 100 ..7....batdciasirpp/.2..ol t iNtai t leza t,: gr warded with dersea7lll3l °Ayraligno"K.' ;for irn-!n0 314 and J 316 un.EhLAWAfLEAiwoue. PHILADEI } PEITA AND rl i t'li E CIIESIOIOI. giti k etto la r i nDH - J V 'Y Oth. opt I further nottir, the tollowint routoi niltariggUNWlLlgltom«olumdmicwici.mu atieeta. ' I: flin g s N s ° n ni l l tg rZnlrfP u m---- - ..7:.... 9 e e 3 To Look Haven %aura- - gee For further mitten re see small billy. or a my to Tioket Agent off the ninaligal a tlit cilDowhdi Ares% br to '• - 'mu. . A , General Agent Phila . & Reading ilroadahtle. G. A.ffilooua, Otaq lilpperintenitent, Reading. 17/141' FOR TR$ SE A AthRoAD EI . H 0 R E .—OAMDEN AND " S MER ARRANGEMENT. ' Orland alter MONGAY, JULY 2, train" on the Cam l tram ra vine - street folwa 7.30 A. M. teen train (stopping only for i . r - oOd and watsraz. 4.00 P. M. Aooommodatloalo Egg Jlarbotonlii---- • ea/ P. M. RETURRINIIR LEAVER ATLANTIC. Mall— 4.46 P. M. A en froallalierbor A. SUNDAY TRAINS. M. ve Tine rarest at— ---,MO A. M. eve Atianti at 0.30 P. M. Stelng and water. • Fars to tio when tickets are seuc based before Olatertlic it oars, 11.30. Round triattelreta (good for lati4 daye ) iool4o. to be sarohased or exehanged at the ttok§t oMee only, and net of or by conductors. .Irei g ht mud 06)4.8114Na at Cooper's by 3 P.M. - Toe uomiony will not be reeporudoile or en, goods intil received and reoelpted !or by their Agent at the .gcnat. • • SPECIAL NOTIIII3. The accommodation Train to Ess Harbor will on t e l 4M.hintio siren' Saturday afternoon until far- ThroiAllare checked at all hour* of the day at Vine. JNO. BRYANT. 101-tr Agent. TO PLEASURE - TRAVEL- Lk:Ml.—Grand Excursion Rom Philadel ph a ars Fall", Montreal, Qualm, River Segue turf . kite Mountains, Portland, Boston. Berates& isprings. and New york, via Lake Ontano. River St. 11 Grand Trunk Railway. Splendid Steamer MALI in RT for Bagnenar River, and return to Phlladel ra via Portland and Boston Saratoga Brains,. Fares or the round trip tut follows From Philadelphia vie Quebec', White Mountains L ilo,- ton. and New York - . . 0.111.00 Troia Philadelphia vialioidieriVearliiciiirip — n - 1411 and New York. .51.110 fgrom Fe o* ika g t:Z ood ig ., :t4o' . 7 1 oo l i tiial .„.6 aTelal 1121 For ouruon 'nukes and au infonnatiutiaVute, Nani i rit a t t ig et tfßess S. W er mer . o.wi r and general Agent. CARRETINGS. FALL TRADE. McCIALLTJME & CO.. CARPET MANUFACTURERS, GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, Alan, Importers and Dealers In OARPETINGS. OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, RUGS. &c. WAREHOUSE, 609 CHESTNUT STREET, (Oppointe the State Howie.) Southern call and 'Western Buyers are respectfully l lnvited to . euMin FERTILIZERS. COLUMBIAN GUANO.--The following is WeoPY of a Diploma reooiyed by the Subscriber from the Cheater County 41crioultural nomets, dated October 30 ,1 809:•' As a testimonial of their approbation of his imporior samples of Colombian (Nano and Super phosphate of tame, emoompaned bye Certificate as n / ammonia' ot their approbat i on of sundry extraordi nary productions br the , pplication of Columbian s4liano. emonit which were stalks of Corn 13feet hith. Oh Veneers in each stalk, Wheat in the stie_af. yam , of Green finial and `white Clover, and Timothy .littamizian Gran, &0., tem, and a premium for t o best sore of Corn." • Pride 4140 AP' Ton of 2GOO tbs., in Bas. ... Grot;dapd for sale at his Mils, Downington, Chester County. Pa. BAMtWT. BINOWALT, • • Bingwait's DOWNINCITOWN. Pa. Alen . for isle by_PAEICEIALI.. AIORRIti. Corner of fibV.MITH and MA itICBT StreetsPhiladelphia,_and CLOUD SEPPBRIB, Agricultural Warehouse. west Chester. • anriNtf p IfILADELPHIA. PAPER-HANGING MANUFACTURERS, (FALL TRADE.) . HOWELL & BOURKE. Having removed to their new Store, CORNER FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, Are now prepared to offer to the Trade a large and elegant assortment of WALL PAPERS. ASORDERS, FIRE SCREENS, WINDOW CURTAIN GOODS, Inc., All of the newest and best designs, from the lon est- Priced artiohrto the 'meat • GOLD AND VELVET DECORATIONS, Southern end Western merchants will do well to visit the establishment - . HOWELL A BOURXE, N. E. CORNER FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, ' PHILADELPHIA: Jr ..; FALRBANKIP PLATFORM SCALES, jor sale iii YAIOIIII. IgwiNg. • Ifla °HES rnuT Btreet. Phi's. CLAIMS 'ON IRELA:ND.' ' O'NORAIAN4 O'Goit EDWAJITI J,WIL15011), SIRSIRS NICOUNSELLORS 1T LAW. No. Mt B OADWAY. New Yor Having established ostensive. Correspon lines and AgpdoWethroultsoutlrelsed;will take charge of tie rgrei=r?Piarkuthierat'otea!"4ltotiirgilier t r y ta il,. -2,0(1 0 4 014161taite l i Er. 4412 PMWRYI - #4, ~SATURDAY, AUGITST. 25, 1860. feiltirS,Ml ,Sickness t 01P TOW= LOLL. • Ided week:s letter Ileitelved • i ; Frage` way otta Weer—tke l' illentilghlattiruttr is H 1 9 17. 9 z7, , , , r u wt . 61:1 orJwl 61411 In.Ausuat laat—a mu so had wawa all Joy hotteefoopeole me," oould not reh while I woe sit ; And, oh MIMI to paa it— ' I YentreigheaTit VeTinnte r tt I answered "Sir ; with $ I For sirk—sstSi golawful 71°11sttroMelata 'f o lv•YsTr Ty „ dab sr with: *sir Suntan ills whe lire or eatio obeekared. YvAltr opal ofteoltseeeirett the - wont • Of any 'pen on record. . F ' Zit t ry act km! a foLitty eV) ' Shriii=stgei 4 l u a r uitarto r itioot otronary roles, air I lips that yoti hy 'dread' Mow Arengelti l Vo i riulTl i git that Uthrhjoh to wor you ye written. Ycjitshopla at Learning's °pea fount, whale mazy reasons are welling. NM* [Vow, takeetreven gives A atyanlen for proper • caaroktr credit have joy opening well; ' •Add alp ler &Shin. t this. (My hisof,xp_y olosisswords, • vaportaut newt o aIL TtlibiortarliiiturontscSibitsW bay • :et mast Teen gall ) Sir Tarl7424lfilitiVAlßVEA„PigiAir MK AND :D9' GOODS '.7015111 DS. 0 P 'EN '1• - •N ;, '— ' , Et A. 1.1,4, IMPORTER AND JOBBER, NO. 11.3 ;MARKET- RTRRIIT, PRILADRIP.IIIA, I~AS NUS - OPEN - COMPLISTi ll:tai • 13 2' 4 P,L't 1? A X CI D Y • D • . • ,NaLtorliz rpR -ULU FALL "TRADr..,, 1.860. , • ,• 121131,11D1N0 • •.• DRIBBB 0,90 DA IN ALL VARIETIES. - •. BRAWIt.B! sliAwg.A! • , • - 060iN13 AND OASSIMERTA, - • ; ; - - .ILINEN 'GOODS. BLACK SILBB.AtJD . slOORNiso GOODS, SNOLISRAND ABIBRICAII TAINTS; STANDARD , MAKIRI, ptowlEstrla" c4001:44. - A 'smut= "thine reiva:aputog.. iillll4'l% ' A$D • • 5N9)7,-PIQ- Guffowts, At sit times. • • , autd-tr • SILKS FANCY DRY GOODS; IMFORTATIONB FOR FALL, MI M. L. HALLOWELL & CO.. 333 'itiRKET STREET, SIT NORTH FOURTH STREET, Are preored to offer to - the tridip their must varied moot meat'of Goode, Poroherned oo the MOST FAVORABLE TERMS, By oxperienoed buyers, in the principal IRAN OFAOTURIRG CITIES OF EUROPE These have been aeleok with care for PLEEIT-OLABB TRADE, And will be offered at price's to oommand Attention. CLOCI BUYER', from all seething of the country, are invited to inspect our stack, ' Tzens.—flix months credit to Merchants of un doubted standing, or his per cent. disoount for cosh Twelve per bent, per annum dloocnnt lot advance payntenta. au2.thatu-sm FALL. CEIAFPEEK, STOUT. & Co. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. 6u16-33.n „ MARKET STREET. MARTEN & WOLIF, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 334 MARKET STREET. Gun and prompt Six•months' Buyers, of all leotione are invited to an examination of our Stook. auB-3ul" A e W. LITTLE & CO.. SILK GOODS. No. 826 MARKET STREET. auB-3m R E M 0 V A LI • In oonsequenoe of the destination by fire of their 11 1 THIRD EIItRZET STORE. YARD, GILLMORE. it CO. HAVE REMOVED TO NO. 610 CHESTNUT ST.. SOUTH SIDE,' ABOVE SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA. They have now open AN ENTIRE NEW STOOK or SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, BRAWLS, GLOVES, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, 4-c., Together with a LARGE MO RTAIENT of STAPLE AND FANCY WHITE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, LADES, MANTILLAS, .to. Raving received but a small portion of their FALL IMPORTATIONS, previous to the fire, they are enabled to display A NEW STOCK. to iyhioh they Iniite the attention of their Customers and Buyers generally. aull-gm WURTS. AUSTIE. Sgt McVEIGH IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS) IN DRY GOODS. No. 311 MARKET street, above Third. Charles Wurta, Beare Annie, amnion T. 11eVel8S, P _ HILADMILIA. robin O. Weimer, oseph Barre, FALL AND WINTER. CLOAKS & MANTILLAS FOR THE WHOLESALE TRADE. in E MZ E m i el Vir d arrarte r it i lDifflr li e 9 intoTt+M: epeot our Broom, 'woe we offer at LOW PRICES. AND ON LIBERAL TERMS. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. THE PARIS MANTILLA and CLOAK EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. ant-fm FALL GOODS. BAROROFT & 00.. NOS. 400 AND 407 MARKNT BTRE}..T. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF FOREIGN DOSISSTIO Mt, GOODS 'Stook oomolets mad rOOdi for Trade, , OM R WOOD, trAsu, & wawARD, IIif,PORT:ERg WHOLDSALE, DEALERS IN 'DRY eopps, AwO SLOT -111 T! , T 113, NO. SOO itimuntor STAMM buy ra e ll m and Winter t3t4Solt , no/;(fontir!olt and rdintioc PAOMQN9.-1.151, "Leaf up, wag Irv° , 1, 6 11 rt. oh s , , C4t VttSs4 SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1860. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE• Current Religious News. ,Thedull season, in things religions as well u sec ular, is drawing to a Close. To-morrow week, be. tog the, first Sunday In September, many of our: city charehes that have been' closed during the heated term willehe reopened, and in others where the number of services have been abridged during the warm weather, the usual routine will again be inaugurated. Some of them, however, have deter red their fall reopening to a later period, and ai the' autumn communion, in many of our churches,' occurs late in September, it is probable that the tide of our church machinery will not be in full operation until near the first of October . ; by which' time it Is to bo hoped that the relaxed spiritual bows of one rusticating ordained and uttordained ininiriters will have - been suffielently recuperated' for a vigorous winter "campaign. It Is a curious fact that, as a general thing, the mercury end the religious fervor of the people in this latitude era at the antipodes, and that as the one comes down the other goes up. At least by far the largerproper. Pon of accessions to the various deneMinations is made daring the fall and winter menthe. , The doctorate conferred upon Rev. Henry Ward Beecher; by Aritherst:College. of which we gave_ nitioe last week, has been reapeoliallytiealined,' In a note to the Independent, written from Peeks. kill, under date of August 21, Mr. B. returns thanks-to the president and board of trustees of his; alma muter, for having so_ kindly tie. membered lamp . but 00141r:des by saying that "all the use of such a title ends with the Imblie expression of a wish to confer it. For the rent, it would be but en intumbrance, and furnish an dregs, by no means agreeable to my taste. I great ll.prefer the simplicity of that name .which my soother uttered over me in the holy hour of infant consecration and ,baptism. May I be permitted, without seeming to undervalue your kindnesi, or disesteeming the honor meant, to return it to your hands r that I may to' the end of .my life be, as thus far I have been, simply Henry Ward lleeoher." Whatever may be said about this eminent preacher, justly or unjustly, it is very *leer from the above that the reward for which he' is laboring is something else than college degrees and honorary titles. An impostor, styling himself a minister in the Catholic Church, has recently been doing matchers of that church in the vicinity of Boston out of their dollars, under the pretext of collecting eubsorip- Hoes for the relief of sufferers in the Holy Land, with the promise, by certificate, that all persona subscribing dollar for , this charitable purpose would in return have three muses said for what ever' intention they .might, desire. Having Issued and Sold a large number of these cards, the "Per. Father," as he styled himself, lad week returned thanks through the Pilot to the Beaton Catholics for their liberality. This week Arch blahop Hughes is out in a card in the same paper, cautioning Catholics and Frotestantsagainet this grateful "Father," and atigmatisieg as anise poster. I An open-air service was commenced on last Sunday, afternoon, in the southwestern section og the city. The attendance was very good, and the serviced of a deeply Interesting character, premix ing well for the beginning of a movement which has been eminently suocessful and useful lathe old World. At the conclusion of the meeting, the people requested that another should be held on the next Lord's Day, in accordance with which ar rangements had been made to hold service to-mor row near Lombard and Twenty-first streets. Mr. Geo.M. Stuart, and others, 'will addreaa the meet: ing. The Rev. John Jenkins, D.D., pastor of Cavalry (Rresbyterlan) Church, this pity, who hats been ar genie months put travelling on the 'continent - of Europe for his health, has lately returned to Eng land much benefited, and will return to his charge, it Fifteenth and Lout streets, at an early day. The Tabor Middinn, vhidh smios. ttto varti yr Rev. George Van Dears, id said to be ins very prosperous condition, as many tee sixteen parsons having recently been received to ohuroh•fellowehip under Its auepioes in one day. A now Catholic chapel is to be ereoted at Old Point Comfort, to be called "St. Mary'o Star of tho Sea." 18(30. Mr. Peeler, who has made a large sum of money from the sale of a patent plough, has demonstrated the possibility of making the physical plough a preparatory Instrument for the sowing of spiritual seed, by eontributing the half of Ma entire profits, about two hundred thousand dollars, to the Metho dist Church south. Tho Roy. Henry Martyn Scudder, a celebrated missionary to India, of the Reformed Dutch Ohuroh, has lately received (and declined) a call from the Fifth Church, of Cincinnati. Rev. Thomas 11. Beveridge. For The Yreeel We have always admired the Covenanters of Scotland. Apart from any consideration or feeling of sympathy with their peculiar tenets, there were traits of character in this roprosontative elan of a representative people singular and striking. Amidst the gloomy clouds of bigotry and fanati cism shrouding the character of Balfour of Burley, as drawn by the author of "Old Mortality," we can trace the existence of a stern faith, an unbend ing integrity, a high sense of civil and religious liberty, a sturdy opposition to wrong and oppres sion, and a childlike devotion to the doctrines of tho Bible and the preeopts of a 'pure Christianity, which unstained and strengthened the 'believers in the Solemn League and Covenant, thrSugh all their trials and permeations, in their conventicles, In the caverns, and on the battle-fields of Ammon and Bothwell Bridge. They were bold men 'in their enthusiasm, bravo in their boldness, and con sistent in their bravery, although their consistency often terminated lives of pain and self-denial with the death of martyrdom. Wo can afford, in this age of toleration, to contemplate these men, and to pass a true judgment upon their character un biased by any contemporary prejudices of politico and religion. Their religion was a religion of no mashy, and their polities' crood a creed of con &dance. With the tyranny of the Stuarts the necessity for the first passed away, and with the advent of an era of freedom and toleration, the, harsh features of their belief have been cottoned into the oharitablemeed of peace and good will to all men. The descendants of this race of bravo onthusiasti —and the terns implies no feeling of disrespeot—'• may be found in large numbers throughout the United States. The gloomy faith characteristic of their fathers of 1676 is no longer visible, the fires of persecution having died out, and with them the impulses which fostered their existence. Enough remains to show us that the Amerioan descendants are worthy of their ancestry, and that they still retain, unsullied and unbroken in this ago of reli gious latitudinarianism, the simple and rigid faith of Donald Cargill and Richard Cameron. From a race of men like these came the subject of this notice, Rev. Thomas Hanna Beveridge. Ills recent death will be familiar to every reader of The Press, for on last Monday morning his body was committed to the tomb. The feelings of grief and regret, evoked by death, even when sudden and appaling, generally pass away with the oeca sion which calls them into being ; but when a man like Mr. Beveridge, a representative man, in more respects than one, goes hones, a more than casual lance at his career and character is due to the g The life of Mr. Beveridge was a busy and a brief ono Be was born in March, 1830, and died on the threshold of his thirty-first year. And yet the catalogue of his labors, even though his field was in the unostentatious sphere of the ministry—a de partment requiring more labor, and exhibiting fewer immediate results, than any other human profession—is a reord'of unceasing toil, assiduity, and attention. Let us briefly recapitulate : At twenty-one he has passed through college, and the Theologioal Seminary ; at twenty-two, he publishes a volume biographical of Rev. T. B. Hanna,' (a young Divioe whose career much resembled his own,)—a work highly creditable to his bead and heart ; at twenty-three ho assumes the charge of a congregation to this city; at twenty-four he be comes a presbyter of the 'Associate Synod, and is ordained to the holy work of the ministry; at twenty-six be edits, aid 'tranacribea for the press, “Anderson's Lectures on Theology," a task of wonderful magnitude; at twenty. eight he assumes the editorship of the Evangelical Repository, the magazine of his denomination; at tienty-nine he ie chosen a clerk of the:United Presbyterian general Assembly; at thirty, be Is elected a member of the Assembly's Mission Board ; and in his thirty-first year he soddenly leaves the scene of his labor for . that of labor's reward. This analysis is a mere oatilne of the adult labors of this gifted and remarkable young divine. We must not forget that during all this period—or, rather, during a period of eight yearstlir, Bove.' ridge had' been a constant and oonsistent preaoher of the Word of God. lie was the founder ,of the Sixth United Presbyterian Church, in this city, and resits pastor ho remained until the moment of Between the , members of the church and its pastor there existed the etiongest feelings of ettestioe ) ettit)g td a degree nide* eTen le the ministry,; It waS d lowa expresdon of opittion!o'n the part of the decoaaci, that he knew of no in ducement, which oopid lead hit to abandon bis own humble congregation or any other more at= tractive and extended field of labor. In this re spect, pre-orninently,'Nfr. Beveridge was a repre sentative" man,typifying a elan in the ministry 'which is comparatively 'small.' Ambition Is a na tural attribute, and to pomade it Is only to be hu man. The eitild,who clamors for the moon and deeps contended with an orange, and the Napoleon 1 '14 0 , 1 4 11 4de the temple of empire upon eataoombi of slainearo animated by the eszne natural and atintulated itnpulsee. There are warriors of chest as arnbitimas warriors of the world. Goldsmith's village curate, " more bent to haw the , wretched than to rise,",comes to the memory as a beautiful type of a self-denying pastor, but - the lodadement to ambitions longing could hardly have had an ,exiet4l9ce in the lovely • villsige.ofr. Auburn. In a progressive age like this, Imoy. , and• bustling, with everything to invite and nothing to restrain 'the vanity of man, we cannot wonder that even in the ministry there should exist a spirit of ocempatitibn .for the highest and most conspicuous posts in the. briny of Christianity,' There ,was no feeling ilike this in the inert of Thomas H. -Beveridge. Had he sought advance ment, he night readily have found it. A-finiehod scholar, a pleasing orator, a graceful and senteU time( writer, and more than usually acquainted with the cdassioe of ancient and modern literature, Mr Deveridgo might easily have attained the highest places in.the otnirob, end tilled positions more con ducive to . his personal reputation cnd pecuniary : ft was this spirit of, eatebnegation, ao beauti ful and Et rere,,that distinguished the obaraster of Mr. Beveridge, and endeared him:irith more than filial tenderness, to the members= of. his-torturch• Another trait was his ;unflagging industry. He an unremitting student,' net only fa theology, but in other sciences. ,AM aklnstaneenffhe'energy o f his stSidY., andAhe scopeo F , knoliedge he em braced; we. remember, that when a , young man, 'gist entering into the ministry, he eeMmoneed and completed the stady of phonography, conceiving that it would greatly aid his pastoral duties.. Any journalist of, experience, or any reader of , t David Copperdeld," where Diekens so vividly describes, the difilcultietrof stadyingshort-hiud,Will readily isppreclabithe intense Amount, of Mil necessary to aohle'vetttle result, particularly when combined with the performance of other arduous duties. The father of the deceased; Bev; Themai Bear ridge, p: D., 16 Still living , a citlien of ,the, State i of Ohio. He s one of the fathers of the danow.ina den in which his son was snob a' distinguished member, a liforestmr in its Theological Seminary, and is celebrated throughout the Chunk for his great piety and learning - . Perhaps to the teaching. of mph a parent,; ore than to any other human agency, our deceased friend owed the possession of the greatenallties by which he Wall distinguished. ' These lino ate 'ncit written in any spirit of in disoriminate eulogy. The motive does not exist, however consonant the task might be with the feelings 'of the writer. We fetil that in' the death of our friend, society has lost swage. member, and the Church an ardent and devoted laborer. Long fellow reminds us, in one of the most beautiful of his pawns, that great men. when departing, leave behind them footprints en the sands of time. , The idea Is a beautiful one. and appropriate. We see the footprints of Hid* starrier in the towering moon meat, in coequal:ad kingdoms, in trophies of death and- daring ; of the statesman,. in magnificent schemes of aggrandizement and national advance ment; tithe poet; in the sweet eongeenature and the sublimost lyiles of ottrliteratere of the orator, in the immorteisentenensinfhtbe Grecian Demos thenes and the Homan Cicero ;.of the inventor, In telegraphs 'and stain! engines upon the land and the see; of the minister of God in. the existence of a civilisation and. a Christianity which enters into all the relations of society,. subdues superstition and oppression, and achieves roenits only indica. tad upon earth, but fully appreciated in heaven. And before that tribunal, we feel confident in say ing no one wilt be found to have been mere faithful, to the extent of his brief days upon earth and. the opportunities of labbr, than Thomas Henna Beve ridge. J. R. Y. and_Easv. (VW be Press.] - - - How easy 'tis to give reproof. How hard it is to take it! - How eitor 'tis to" tate Cho pledge," How easy lilt to break it ! Iwo How hard to find, in one's own eye, A beam; thotigh big as Tabor ; How easy 'Hs to find a mote In eye of friend or neighbor! How easy 'tis to fall in love, Till love imnalts digestion ; But 0 " borrow° ro romps !" How hard to pop tho question! • How cur. card in hand, to " call " On Fitz flaunt, or McOiddy How hard to woep, when "sure an' she's oat Comes from the lips of Biddy! How OW 'tia to cetlohia A lecture, or sternum ; How hard Ware for our oritto wise To mend or to compose one How easy for D. D. a to preach, And for M. D.'s to,preetiee Bolas td trains their own dose. _ Pray tell us what the fact is How easy 'tie for candidates. To picture forth perfeotion • And talk " Retrenchment " and " Reform," Aw hile be fore election : And when [late] " dear" electors place Their promises before them, Bemire in fat official work, How eery to ignore them: How easy, with a wanoll word, The very soul to harrow; How hard, with MIA/ &honeyed phrase. ~. To extract the yoitioned arrow ! Ex Dos. How Table Rock Fell. [From Wilke& Sririt of the Timm] I shall not attempt a desoription of Niagara. It is too grand for the effort of a writer. 'Every at tempt dot Igoe teen toward it has been a failure. Its mightiness astounds and paralyses the Imagina tion, and the bewildered fanny staggers about in vain for comparison or illustration. You stand be- fore It enveloped In its thunder and its spray, the air 11011110 With murmuring for miles around, and the earth thrilling constantly beneath your feet as if with fear, and behold the broad river rushing to its fate Here and there, as if conscious of the leap before it, It chafes and remonstrates In wild rapids, but remitting the sharp brink in the centre of " The Horseshoe," it resigns all straggle, yleld3 itself in lordly volume, and with a sublime, arching motion, like a leviathan curling slowly on its side, it falls into the boiling hell below. Then breaks forth that roar, which awed the earliest solitudes, which makes it still the most impresalve wonder In the world, and deposits an effect wilts every lis tener's heart, that no time nor distance min efface. No one who has heard It, ever forgets the first per turbation eland by rho complaint of 'belie tortured and broken waters. Humbled and 'blamed into a thousand whirling currents, the river rashes on ward between gloomy walla of rock, leaving behind it, rising from the tumult, a lofty shaft of soft, white spray to mark the meridian of Its sacrifice, Chafing onward, and still descending with clamorous velocity over broken rooks and torturing hollows. It at length finda again a level platform, and spreading placidly upon it, recovers its original temper, and submits once more tamely to the yoke of man. In the ten years which have elapsed since I first visited Niagara, I find many changes have been made. The precipice has visibly receded, and the voracious torrent still keeps eating into the river's rooky bed from year to year. Table Reek boa fallen, but, that wee partly, caused by ,me ; the Tower is still more perilously towards the edge, and memontoes of new victims aro erected here and there aleig the rivet's brink. The Min Chop keepers, with their gaudy ; the same local Indians, with, their bead-work trinkets; and the same lot tering couples, still under twenty years of age, and looking as if ten years were nothing to thorn, re stored the old panorama step by step. The effect was magical, and having again got in good practice at handing out quarters, I was . several times ea the point of feeling about me to tee if I had not ten years or so to spare along with the rest. I said I had something to do with the falling of Table Reeks that broad shell on the Canada side, which in 1850 jutted over the very cauldron of the seething waters, but which tumbled into it on A certain gay in the month of June of that, by me, well-remembered year. About noon on that day, I accompanied a lady from the Clifton Renee to the Falls. Arriving at Table Rook, we left our carriage, and as we approached the projecting platform, I pointed out to my companion a vast crack or fissure which traversed the entire base of the rook, remarking that it looked wider than it had ever appeared to me before The Lady almost eltuddered ea she looked at it, and, shrinking back, declared that she did not care shoat going to the edge. "Ah," said I, taking her hand, "yen might as Well dome on, now that you are here. I hardly think that the rook will take a notion to fall merely because we aro on it !" The platform jutted from the mainland some sixty feet, hut to give the visitor a still more fear ful projection over the raging waters, a wooden bridge or staging had been thrust beyond the ex treme edge for some ten feet This terminated In a small box for visitors teemed in, and was kept in its position and enabled to bear weight by a pen ' &wows load of stones heaped upon its inner end., The day was very bright and hot, and it beteg al most lunch time at the hotels, but few visitors were out, to we occupied the disay porch alone. We gazed fearfully out upon the awful waters, we qtrotehed our heads timidly over the frightful depth below, and We felt our natures quelled in every fibre by the deafening roar that teemed to saturate ne a as it wore, with an indefinable dread. .‘ This is a terrible place!" said I. " Look un der there, and see on what a mere shell we stand! For years and 'years the 'teeth of the torrent, In that jetting, angrv.stresin have been gnawing out that, hollow And some day this plane must tall." My compani on shuddered, and drew herself to gether in alarm. Our eyes swept the roaring cir cle Of the meters once again ; we gazed about in fearful fascination, when suddenly, turning our looks upon each other, each , recognised a eorres• poncliag fear. "I do not like this place!" ex claimed I, !prickly, " Ike whole base of this rook is prabillO v lislategra(44, and perhaps ails poised EMIHM in a supoteteen *lie or Notehao, Toney to fall out Sod topple dowd at any unusual perturhatloo. That ' iissuire there Yeah:ilia and to be Moro than =ally wide .to.day I I think we had twitter leave, firr aa not inlay R oo a , vanish; and toud, der, my paver mutt be published eat week.' With:, theist very wodS--thii latter uttered half- Otiosely, though, tact Without allinsi—Dseised my ,endpin,atesilute panto, we o god as fast as Mir e feet coed 'carry nil; tewatir what might be ealled the shore.: beret d laugh wilertlfelPlo444 tkohialld, - efidionalgolt lat° oar oarriage, felt actually as it we had M 049 nate :einape.• We rolled hick toweid unftbi. ; bit before we had plaxieeded Swanibustee on mu .w 6 ,Y, IS Aundering --report. /ha explosion of ms earthquake, burst upon ns,..ana, with along roar , . the' ground trornbledL i binetith'oir wheels, We tuned, to dad that Tabitsitbair•had• ham W. were the - lint noon it, ohd it ,oria, doribtleos, the 'uturonsi'PeoNorhattodeariUd by our flying footsteps that disturbed -the :esiesiltudelid tos .and th r lted.4front its noel- , , • • • 'is angoirte mere the rood ise Alio& with burry -pecipliseandllarfig thltifolroWing hilt 'hour wp went toldtwilostidred tioseisid advance Of the next morning journals that a lady and gentiensau whb were on the Table Reek had gone .down the- fella. We brit'toild , thit the trot oferdleg' ',timid shake old .roodoll Pridgedrommid to nosivirhaiail would not be disturbed 4y the rMling.of be i yiligeOndloildoe. tableltadk berrenntiably riot tirup upon in the way I Chive: deseribed.leate+—ptibqk newer ; tlysiejosa f oobrineyor haler, S spoken-of I al ways irliudder,and teal as if. I had Zra4itunetbiug to-do withlts - = ' - I have orty.tdadd, that it hest* bath vectored sine I halpcd, to shakefit down: and ,if VT one wants to prove this fetat for'hisosalf; he cart come here, it I hate done this time, and see. 'There Is the "horn abetomat, there the absent ghee, /Ind if those things, like the I§riqlW,ol} th,0414v197, which proved at once ttat- Jack Cade meet htioirleyev and timed fang, do not'ecanblish sit thet'r - have herein nut 141 Alm there Ivan !Greer evi ; 'deice or usainlangue . ra—Gtet ; lB U. E'VerY one'shited came herelt any rate; „ and this Ktatiesest of Loyd-Bytod, , wilii gall” bee would not speek.,to knerinefateasiat•in, Barone, who bait not dist ao4111:01na met with, God . at, .141egeta Fella is flambee/Ty - untied by ' - Your obedient'servant r G. W. The Unlit Trill:an/ph of“ Practical I From liaruer's Weekly.) The Great Eastern bits left tithe ihip of which fortero or three years - we oba4re all been reading, and lopkitog at pietsree, and wondering, and laughing, ant, doubting L aznl bettint-ithe has gone notrotsditi the tango Of ehanees we shall probably viceentitarher again.' 'lf ele designer mama to havmade the *sue militate Ahoy the unhappy Haydenii niide in papitittg, and the later Boman aoulpterilnzetnikllng. The mistake wag tri 'uppe* sing that fered, or grandeur, or tee neesiserily lay in nzs., pion . tra t ia sot neeepsarilytt worir of hiSit art beanies it Is a certain subleCt. painted ;Wit so enoritioasintreide: , ' The 'statue of an emppesror war not heroic - sod! itaprestire merely becau s e'-!t was four times as large as life. And theareat Efeeteru is neither the featest;nor saf. aatt,, nor moat etionomi. mil of abto beano, she to the'olggest. She may be eaus i i the groat- Ba n ish • folly ; bet like many danger., called, atm has a greet deal .that. is excel lent and minterOltitobackup:ll. Bet how - 'beat our 'friends; the ti practical men?" They.bnili bor.-the* anbtorthed for her —they bettered la her,lhey btaggedapon her. If .4 poet goes up id a balloon of any kind, the prae. Goal mee look eryind dbrug their eheiddervi and cry, " poor : If adabsociption 13. proposed for Garibaldi, 9r Kaastith, the nautical men squint wisely, and 'if - patriotism -- pays But the amusing fact of experiencela that if you 'want to see prof ota utterly:and ludieroauly futile—if you want to hear ; throricp wildly absurd,--if you want to See limey running . ..riot—scaly the prac tical men, ted wpteh their perfoimaneea, • and the poets, and fools, and , dreanienutill seem to : you the only people of ordinary common sense in the world. • Practical men blew the houth frea babble.. Prac tical men. mads Ping „Hudson. • Practical, men built thit Gitat Eastern. Practical men subscribed to otito innuinerable• 'railroads-Ides &Ibiza:II:de:1. Practical rut allow the eltrbetteatel crawl ep to a dissy height. • Practical men thick Oat the true way to answer' groat 'publie lineations id to hold your Mole: Piacitieel Meat think;wheit the deluge beginat,tbat lt• isn't going to be anneb.of a shower. And, tben,praotleal ute,n go. home and fortdd the marriage' of daughter -Mary with young Matthew Melody; because he deet • nutlet:tow the-value of money-Tbecause be is note practical man. In toott'a "Antiquary," 6jr Arthur, War4our le a praetbial mkt'. Row he laughs'at the old vision ary .01dbuck .! Yes—and. how sully Donator swivel,. with his ineantatiotut and divining-rods, leads Bir Arthur by the nose. , It will do'no harm to preach this little sermon from that tremendous, text Ad the Greet Pastern. We Loungers and othertiseless people lave plenty of time to study the notions of practical men, and to pernallre why it Is that they esteem es eo lightly. It is because they are busy with Great terns -.a...Aker-greatwwo e: Welty trtelop , g , while loot .An itfeia erl vu.rweU, what dividend does lounging divide? Tell us that, for we We practioal men.". And the. Great Esatern— and the Atlantis Cable—what is their dividend ? Do you think Doustersorivel is dead? Don't you individually know that Sid Arthur be Being? And so a prosperous voyage to the groat ship ! PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. —The Bretikinridgers , are unruly, It', hard to get the orators and writers into training. They go tho extent of their rhetorto on Precis and Joe, and go it nobly. They tell the 'alerted men,abettt the statesmanship of the one and the bravery of the other—how J. C. B. is shining lighl,"' and a, number of other things, and how he called for the drogoone at the battle of eometbi ngot•other; but they are not attentive enougliito Mr. Bnehanan. The," revered chief" is forgotten in the eestasy of their enthusiasm over the Chiei'e candidates. The Custom House organ, of this ally, evidently speak 'fig by instntotions, reminds the dilatory xhotori-, clans of their duty as follows : • • , " We regret to notice. a'so;that persons calling them selves Democrats. allow this low and dowelling_ sato tes of warfare on the administration to peas with time t in difference, if. Indeed. theg Co not regard it with com placency. The monstrous tnjustics of :Am proeedure is caloulated to disgust right-feeling citizens of all par ties. m much ea Ate AmPOldlY is fitted to produce the wildest mischief. by :haling the confidence of the people In the poisticol morality of subtle mass." • The ttatics we podestly claim as our own. The next paragraph trill do withent jtalica .• Let the friends of Breckinralge and Lane who are called upon to debate the great minter' Of this contest before tmeembilea Of the wannte.tatar to mind, then, the just claims of the Administration and its revered chief, who hag done so MILO h, asonficrod so amen. and endea vored an much to save the Denrcratio party." The last three lines should be read and pondered over. •There is a hidden meaning not apparent to a superficial observer. —Hon. J. Scott Harrison, son of the hero of Tip• peoanoe, and Col. W. H. 11. Taylor, his eon-in-law (both formerly ardent Whlgq), are now laboring With all their seal and energy to beat Lincoln. Mr. Harrison supports Bell and Everett, and, Col. Taylor, Douglas and' Johnson: —We have sad news about Bennett and the Prince. The indications are that the royal youth will not go to Washington Heights. The Time) speaks in the following strain.: (tjgcturentir reported that despatches ere in town announcing that the Prince of Wales will bring with him money enough to defray hie own extienere while in this oity, and that he will oonsequently be under no ne nudity of taking any of the private lodgings which have been tendered for no nee. lie trusts tbat the young ladies of the- bonding sonJois will not be dittreesed on sits account. and that none of the' palettial rrariebres" on the a.rertue, at Waehinkinn Height.. or elsewhere, will he prteatated for 44 benefit. hag heard th at the r e gr 6 several hotel, in town wlt-re hp can b., made ae comfortable as can be expeotad away from home." Bennett, however, does not despair. Another editorial or two on ‘• His Oraee the Duke of New castle" may set things to rights. After the! Heenan disappointment a refusal by the Princel would be appalling. —Those of our juvenile readers fond of ortho.l graphy may find the following an Internet - Mg czar else. The names are 'taken at randoni from the map of Maine : pokumous, Prate quergaugaum, Genasagaruasum Abiequoa. end Bekl dobikus. thee we have take Aphi mbeieueiamooi. Ilomjamstilhoook, hluesehiculeaua. tieook, lie.. Ac." . —Political literature is at times refreshing. Thil is taken from a Republican paper of Maine. Th analogy between the D.toto'rs initials and the, weight" of his character is good ; • " I obaerve, Mr. 'Editor. that the ,Republican paper generally in the htate erronoously print the name of onqqq of ,rair ;candidate/ for Benator as • Nathaniel J. Pea ne There is po • in the tootot'a :nine, nut • ere weight in his aharacter end value in his ser vines, and the people manliest their appreciate thereof at the polls." —The liter number of the True Democrat mad its appearance in Petersburg, ti e , on Tuesday laati It is a sheet of good else, and advocates the, electiol of Judge Douglas. Charles Irving, Esq ,is editor i —The marriage of Mile. Piccolomini with the Duke oftlsetani has taken place at Siena. —Mr. Dimitry, United States resident minister, is about leaving Costa Rica for Nicaragua. —Rev.Arthur Cleveland Core, D. D., of Beni.. More, has been chosen president of Trinity College, Hartford, in the place of Dr. Goodwin, resigned. —The Cleveland Plaiwitaler gives its reader, this description of Governor Stevene, L of Oregoni the first lieutenant of Jqo Lane, and the author cr the late address on the drat of clatris on " tht hearts of the American Dec:Corm:l " He is Governor of Weishingtim Territory. and retire' ssent 2s‘gralind Com mittee "1„ : "'11 1 .",° " to Lane's unnoipal feeler and secanaZ a be went o ri e nt Charleston and name back at Baltimore. We will sir one hundred daunts for an exact portrait of the man jst to show our tauten' what a little, tummy. hatchet ' rued u half-maae. monkey ore man he is. Although [hi Ntttlng7ll7iNignTecrgorr, he has net e r,ga ,ea. -The liovr , Ybrk Tribune publishes the follow!. lug deepatoh , , from Washington. Among oth4 things,' it will be seen that Bigler is sanguine.T This announcement, we know, will give universe; pleasure: "tiovernor Bigler and Senator Chairman are here at the Natiened. The former hen been all aloes songsome of the success of the Cresson 'ahem° for defeating Lin; cols to Pennsylvania. Mr. Clineman says that there may not be Ditouglas Soon. in North,Carolina. as tep idea finds favor that the eleotors.whoever they are. shall Ise imported be the netted lientomany. with the understandins that they shall throw their votes for ',)ouelas if Lincoln Gan thereby be defeated. I respect that this movemenirell) more prevail in North Car* Heathen it did in swamis. • --A letter from diesatua says .that, the PR her of volunteers going tcHaribaliii embarra him, and that he has sent word .64 his friend Del lain not' to furnish him with any more ineritit present. --;Siniong the passengers by the Arabia, which arrived in Boston on Wednesday, Were John Gough, Mu. Cashman , mother , t,f Cbarlotte, -TILE wrawyr-Pitzsa. Tax ..airs Paysftl: aellt 10 lallnellien tV ' l l l olPer i ttner. in .1 ThreoPaai t. = la ph, •.4 - 44 Ten " —ma* Twenty " " - **- addesailiColl Tusorposaheroeur" (to ealjytkka( eac' subsegthilt.) each ---- LIN Fora 9 1111 ? 41 Troia - am pp arar..yra slit aced aa atiortoikesetene-nte am Wt. roi •o•;.. are ransaliatt , la ea as Naar 6 t ir kWlL4o 4l4 •__ 'CAPPW&Ki& MUM 61rii r ea Orile . 41011!*4116.1a time hobs Clailliossai , tT _ . ••=- an adeptiaFolia -we Oil Imitate. lie. Gough wail waited 'peg eel lit 'a/I*A H. X. De:ter v e Bodestjerket'itaitiertillities)atitte f waleasea..4eseariaititiartialair4 dish exordia *steam dodiewo,iat Wien Mit to epoWle rd. °option is Boo* tipped , bir Ailif *nand wad eati4-dowtreiss •101k14khriet - datosahtatiese is Xassaaltooatto..-! elalittiage live boa u -2vigioa beNiten oisly dig - tar of t.lont.Petby - r *allZiliiie Ss Wit. W. P. Y. C. TalbochkollaratlittEkressintry. York:Theo - &also very boll& atenrithibliltis boss ilizeu!savg Womb Umpasillo: '• res i°m nest." tor " Pew t s t Tart he visited Mr. Lincoln. Mord, anew • nest nation. be esesdinvoinetann sianers Beene *slim .o , oz • Abrehan: dbrehani! A:OM ale oat- Ma a rn il l to bed Pet • - • • We beg iiisaliegiss Weerier F lkein - which we teRP the ohaireVtlefakeraeto tilsk M.r:Rwentorist nerve held any godless! Any will*tithwf.-7-1 4 far,York — Varneinifiliii/e, the WalHeamint aid rennttle anther, iq eiieetad e to yeeitpren Yreasisee before re tternios crone hia pew,* ,ther, 'mons the Wade o t he /*lie; where he how segleating infests' for soothed aeries, of books. • !heath44W% ,1 1 , -Aierge W 414,12 10 0 * Kimball,the Kalte.4 profs et died, aped..V4 pan, —The freed N ew calk Walker, the_ , ‘Qur '3L47411mi Garibaldi." —lt's rem* tkatiTiedge Sprague, of the Mel ted Siete! ;WO Court, heretofore •eall of the otealleitert ofitite„old,Wklp lathe vicinity of Boa toh, bat defined his pitferenee for Mr. Lincoln. .7-# twenties* is .00ntereplateml between Lord Bait". Penh, thud. -ilate tko„lteniaia of !Wa hl:try; and Lady Gertrude apiett, fourth daughter of the let* Ent of Eldon- -It, tort eltuereorald,cine of the Pruden Minis ters of Atietp,haljuat had* inflow way* from . fatal aueldewt. Re is lender. mediae& tnmenollit. and la &taking. the water* et Mao, ino-47 some miatake te bottle asatahgag aolphprfa said was brought hor)dri.. Portnootily,hailisteeted the error when he met the glare to Macaws* ail Were ha had inealloysegistut of Gee, liquid, end he moved with only bulldog klel ItPh• --Ifrilteiracee Isy nddreased the Repuldhaue Central Ganeolgle CIO of4feir York on Timaraday evening, aid bitkoantanieis ta deny that be had any.let,nion pt waiting w diatioyhenee at the re oast Republican titafaiCorarealino at Spume. — A P4 l l4etktibuN Peeetwitti the Kilts 4:46Tekeistertut awwwire divet.irarreo• eel, adorned with Bavarian...wad AOMMICIaI MD biome. _ - - Weekly : Renew Of the Philadelphia ' • r- /Markets. ' • asurarai. Alltest Basinisas uplifts *lowly, sod tae produce upstate have only been inoderateli active Mains tie peat week: Dark is rather loins% Breeding& aide, a little bittei &woad have soled steady. with heht re rata bad Wes of moot kinds. Coal-.:4nopi ia, n t a isianat , .dralls MI i pncea. totes s ( t int. "Cotfoili better; the use grader ccmaul ' fall eiiees. Fish' aro 'and, at UM week's quittitnonno Ia DQaeatie Fria Itiarsia a fall 'trade dping, 110, owls is Hey or Law Thu Imo market is dull. and prices Lea. Naval 13(Orirair nest: and 'ilmaateek et epirienaareria tine very esnok:sedaded. YsbUdetaaeSnell bald. Lod Oil m craw, Tope:alone age )0414* ineramad Ara no's, owing to its 'Ugh - Wee )parrallhar 1a the Wart Race to dolt'. noallet - adelulaged. • Glaretered scam. Tallow. Tam, ape! /Booties. Wool is in ausady e reenaet, and rims are very fret. In Dry Goods tbererhaa reeeltrare hesixesa lett. She Commandos-aid 'doh. Mom. arttisiotiaut notarial vs rie tionpattie prises of any of tie itsitsts artielsx Trade is bettor rhea ti s eel thiXeriade, bares" take hold The' Preadetede lietried: erithent Yts neetaid • char.ge, bot rather more motive thee_ vett, the isteume keebresd -temp -mist 1111111111VIMMID for emit nds. -The Woe °Mos , bride u rit bblit 25011115 Wear sOomM • tilteeeek. 'crielt•itioeid se. Perrino t deaf for ohoisecort %mho doLleAlleXell.for extra. and 'MN Itrr Mars faMihr now "leehldtat lanes bravoes% 416 eae14.44 edrreblat Wier for !easy Lind. The Wes to the trade byre' DeiM to s 6118 tataliar at the ahoy* Agates, for easatime L oattea, sad hart Maeda.. Bawd= to via Ity. i e% ruler u 11011A:** ROM = In elf Vey at OS 41 1 / tobL core now is also 'carom bet AA de and for it it hauled and the sates 11113 all: at 14 Mier' DM The Moonlike lathe impaction of Flow sad Meal, for the week, ending detest 51.1890 Barns)* et do. realm.- LUIS do. ; tie do. condemned.-- -.•-• • •-- dte To . -- .... . i. iits.area-- ~ en moderat sad it is in fair roan - tart f r p meat, at stead rause.• &donor 26•011 bus at 12/no23igt for ordinary and fair red. 1.3101330 for good sad prima do, and wh.te at 1360111/4.*. tits hatter foe chutes late. Rye is In demand. now vellum at 731730. Corn is dal! and lower, with sales °item bug ortaM yellow at Teo 7.0, closing at Ufa latter rite, maladiessoase aorawas and fair quality at 430710, and mixed Western at lea. Oats are alkir Aemeradt soles of mow boo At alai &WA for good an vim. Maryland and Delaware. alfe for old Delaward urea for new Forms, saddle for old do- fro thing doing in Parley or Barley Malt. Mid Pied is mit good demand at au for shiplabilf, sad Mole IF toe for middluamt .._ VIVIVISION 9 .-The market is firmer'. ?here ii a fair demand for most thisorMtleuka The reetaillaa stocks are light and prices well amtatained ; sales a l Pl mo Wald ese-Perk- at ell afteli 78 - see. sad. abort time; Clear 4332, sad Prime at .151010.6. City packed Mom Kett laallht,Jfm-Moues, .11 , 1 .13 ell holder' barrel Baconfaera is a .good • niamt. and are veil me ; Wes of MO costa. nateuding plain and Omar easofamerl Massa at LIM otdo ; Sides at 12SPLet4e , slid ahoinklers at' tOreleaftl. Man end sixty diam. i• Greits .Meilito are islet. I Lard* inactive, and prices are hard y nrsintauesd; entail sales in textual hbls at 131 fat tend illeilaimeat Mesas time; a rale of Makers po y quality onerrata menu Agues is more 'minim& alter . 'Woof Mallalber.setrd Illialtild. at LtaLthio; some *toy quality, r at 1111Mio ; we keys at IaXISo. Cheapen steeds r-we quo a ISM= at /05fr0....5Mi11, ars la„geod, seauest . at 13•Illdo V dozen. METAIIS.-.Fix Iron continuos dull. sad woes favor the buyers; aisles 2,000 tom outhrsettem omen so. end SUN. 6 won; tor 1 and 1 Seoreli Sig tome are steady at. Selott i there is notbiaa doing in Moons to alter quotaturnet tor bar -and reltioad ma Isere ia a hontedumeira at atavisms rates. Lead -there,is ban little suck hare, and no safes tom transpired. fe dull;•ehatedlting Ill:Amid at 170, and 3 ailed :7- 111.1 Mo. 6 moa. BARK.--There is IMO little inanity for Quiroitroa Bark at adechns of 60. eills tan on last weaa's quota tions; sem o[l9o hhds leo I ag526.116 N 9 toe; Tensor's Bark is steady at last wee k'a quotations, via: 110011 for ohearent and 11112.12 dfr' odrd for elystnlah oak. BEtiala A.X.,..-Thare is very pitta elfenag , and amid yellow comm ands 344360 erth. CAN ii.LILS' test , a livilvag aseuiry mull Wes of oily-made Adamantne at 16K wile fr la four months. everts medal” at Me. Aglow Candlemas!". but litne im mured for,. , COAL-alive re andalsalem air pushing forward thole 3Upplvee7 Agil halt been officially sucouncso that on the let promnio an advance will take place in the toll. both on roiiwsivii,d Quasi ..7.k• market is very firm. but Ina ecarcity Mirada - de vassals at mast Misting vointitends to retard operations.. ?noes are wall mesemated. COF B 08.-The market has been extremely quiet since our last notice sad erteosara lamely maiutsisod. Bales of MO bags Ti to at 14.4013.%10,,aml MO nage yo "aintegtaarTtirisrer. tinder advises (tom abroad, and with very limited moisten'. and a reduced stock. particularly of the fitter, daseriptioes. whieh ma most in request, prices have advanced - 3(101(0 IF lb. Bales of SO oit'et. chiefly Uplands, at eretay fur, to feria. and I releict cash for good middling. to 12360125i0 for mut- Ming letr, and 13.013Ag0. roar mouths, for the later ds sor 'idiom r; , - The blowing is the movement since 41. Ist of Sep to mberlast, as oempared with the previous Wee i Sara 1111). -' UM - TM. Ifff. Reo.at Ports -..4 ittaut • 1,7t1J410 . Waal .11.9,..5ia Ex. to o.l3ntains.66.losin 1,997A* 1.104.09(1 /Media - Prance • ... 141 W -• Mg 000 378M1e 413J10 " other I. ports. 416.1100 342.112 . 271.11111 411.00 Total exporta ....3.717.010 • 2 MOO 5.1135ee !Asada) Stock on band.,. • 144.0ugi , /16.170 96,10) 72108 Of which during the pest week. included in the above, Rectacgoria...... 1.0610C0M 1.385 2 tam I:.Y. to G. Britain. 1W 19.9110 Isom Sa. • Frantic .... 6OW 1,10%1 1.000 1. ports. ...„, IMO 1.101 T " o c tili l gtorts.. - EAU ! 10:622 Wee 11,Mal avulse/4y -B . Meipte-Icaraise at Lb& porta ootaparod with" lat.' Year. 7*(00 bales. Erpotts-incressa to Gram livitam artalebaltai,inerease to Foram, MAI; decrease to other - Loreto' Ports. 3.1.1X10. Total morgue in extorts. MANI bales., . D K PUB and l , 9ES contintie dull. Soda Ash wills at as‘c2Ne..-Kleitehing Potsdam ac Me. cm time. Waits buis. a Leed.ta mares. sad if bars would 11Nio kil - lb. Omuta to held finely, and 115eber e trita for to.her_priemi. Indigo ra alma firm, with. sates Benral at 51 MCI 57, six months. . V EATllhiltt- - 1 here pre Opt few cellaMlS 1 ellell of Western at 4,50120 IF lb. V tell.-There Ira ray few Mackerel coming for ward, and the only gales reported are in small lots from store, ar 'WM for No 1.313 Wolf foe P 0.2. sad fif ea 923 for No. 3 :wharf prices are COO below Mesa rates. Pickled Flatrinia ranee from 31 75 to 23; a sale of aoa/e4 At 250 egv, boa, • Codfish ere Mud et Sallie"' tb. VI , UIT.-In foreign. the transaction.' are unimpor taat. us ins to the watitol stook.ia operate io. Domes tic Fruit of al/ kinds is arriving, treaty. Green Apples are selling at 41 0 19 bbl.llloMontsig to aleatitl, l'alicaell are morn abundant. ano sail no 41=03 V bastet. Plums are selliagjit 33091044' Una. V NEI 0 o's S.- • o Lir rp M. a mop was charters-0 st eclat to 2t 6,1 for Flour. end Sldd tor Grain. To London hither ratag arc demanded. but the °tram are small. The San S rimed's° shipments are Erskine. ma New Voik, at Wig eir tam to not eemet haws a. WIT wee taken at Mho for rums. sod $3 for B.llAammaa. 'I o the South the rages armhole as teat quotad i tame is leas of fsrmg. .To tketon tie rates me 20a for I. lour. ao for Grain, to for trrearn. ement goods. and 3173.22) for Imo. Coil veliela are aeLlOB and sawed at also to Boston. il Into Rhode lit rad. and Ido to low York. • G Ir.BEN ti is scarce, and in the p of males we quote crude at Mc, and clarified at B ads. GUANO Is satlnig In rer Udall werwalumt dense 111 P T V& F.—Theis li little or nothing dotes, and =stock in first hands. WI) En are very 2nll, and the recent arrivals re main unsafe. KOPe are held with a little more firmness. in con sequence of the movement at the Eastward, based upon unfavorable aoominta rewarding tie coming crap ; sauta at Bala° ire lblor Eastern and Wastern. LUMBER. -The trade is rather dull. the active pa gan being over. Whits Pre Boards command a Herr, and Yellow Sap do $ Hata 4i' ht. Spruce Boards and Joist are rather seam Latta swage from 31.7 1 201.711. rickets are worth deal iis M. MOL &nabs continues Mall. and no sales of any roe 'Marlene.) m an edn trade yobbo. tuba m gt .. , it n a , 20 for mimed 250300 for muscovado. NAVAL tiff Ottt.B.-There has been but Itttla dome ; sales of MO bb's Rosin at 91./9) for common. and fun for low grade No. I. Tar mot Pitch are sumo at last week's quotations. Spirits of Turpentine-The market is tomb bare, and tt has advanced; sales at 41043 e, no. genera lx held at the latter rate. 01L..-The' 0 II a farm feeling for Fish Oils. and Om quotatioss of last weak have bees well asaantarned. Linwed Ott re in steady doomed at 69.200, in cams and ! Mats. lard Oil a dull, with sales of Mums' at 13390 c. It ed 1 tl is warm .rqports ot berm and Whale Oil and Whalebone into the United States Bbl. sus Bbts wh. Lb. bone From Jed. Ito date....OAS 119.173 -- 1 019,94 Same time last 77ear....71 333 133 7zl 1.770.770 PLAISTE.R.—There is but little hero; sales of dolt at /2.73 gr ton. RIO S Is held with roars firma/6.W there mmore inquiry: sales of MO oasts, in lota, at 41(teei. four Months. de LT.—Priees remain:without Mune. An import of / eliton'a Fine and one of Oroand sold on enema terms. SHEDS --Cloventeed is ewes and wastod ; lot bush. els sold at 90 V' lb Timothy continues to arrive heel/. ass is in good demean: 2.1301 bushels prams sold at 2.zota bushel from fiat bands, and s2lAtits3 Iron, 'want hands. SPlRrks.—The demand for foreign. is 'imitate and mums without _quotle chartge. D. S. Rum rile as wanted at mosso. Ohio 21.1(i; Poona, Leonia btu at 21.54•XL1; hada too, sad d rudge at 20eltkii, 3 utS.AIL—Tbe law het is dal and salsa unintsortaat. inalndLos tads Quads and Porto &too at Tee:. on time. and a cargo of Brastban. tangs Sept private. TALLOW Is held Yea &mil at Who for city ren dered. 10BACCO ie do% and t h e sales of both loaf aid manufactured are limited. W001.......1 time rtes teen girt activity in *lwo's:kat s pfl, l rat,.l,Atelki2duggere%* n odes la r arn low tand medium _grade. at m at issi• California Mal* Wool sold at Me. 7901 seeistia.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers