INSPEI - -Witt.i:Liitlite titian Waiklas • ' WeenamaSise! al ;raa 'itaiiissatt, D. V:, Avila 22,1860. 11 0;7 444 ,a"thti 11 i5,!.5 1 4 1111 . 1 # 4017. . 0. 1 ." to i t • • ofiz_ that is 311,1 '44. , :eaine , wiertipir i :ttar.*'.ffietekb fa' the immiVtlvirigiweitt 'MAW. 416461 pslltnant- BEMi so SiAttarliff - ti p e l theelsrtti tb P"tltafar °. 141111(., 4 laisisettheiSit'Tyler, sad. Sawa mho rot 6611040 1111., ;464 :hi a : v arjaV e rul, if that dittset itait: f d..,tptd Illakory,:aistolally, was NOS 'hi 'WM riihoakasid EMT a' widow; ' l O StaloWallsh6g teihtStal2iat2bldidien litYltsopirig a lkilidtathosii,. altrissaly; wlibas that 6/810=1:4f0144ial faatsayg...g Wet Ad ,10,001100 Jost ia 34.50441a.*.tltISfailaVois of-Olen Oaf 01‘10 - 10400'ii - id' a' lbsd*Vitiailisintef .the *Bald 01 0 0 1 o,94,A!4ciflratk tike (or,, ifitfrely,oar bit the Whola•Onittry; would be a ff. 4410,41, Ak Ost", sir* 4w. Of tixdi too/N,Pgri!''Y'!WtTOP4rlo:4l"TAii,ir: - • " _ _ • Beneisr. sow erP4 41 7(3 , 05 ,471 .0ii1aii;:in ;Oi t ' d e er raeaiiad it& in toil* them. 'The/ . are noir 00" at i t ! Preme-glileglifai`eutilifadt if,'?Asaatiai• - not: . 11 41 ' golPameaka4:,.ll4'-IjaliSitaa> wh ether ' ate' Ad aktatotalsiielttfte,iFiiiport 114 . • filsaolio or not, - WY d+twion Jallilaiiimat• ThSwitho` Vostiaioftlitein apon.llo.lloo 1,;#10 1111pWAlerlejto - last rtes pooplioof atilt aamitii , 'MUM Olaballa la, irobautti, "ifivonspetesi , •,7-11ailind "; eta IV is a62l..meseidt to say that the object of the warlike to.aatteist ilitifey•diratfaiptin: Joh subjects. Bat howtma that be done? There le no poodtilllty that Mexico, withtbapropentimioem, hlseitate other ANA tuiroutt . 4 atiNibit arau maga aims of the deblhhe owasiSpain., tba to liatiiiatitid tasidatipoiatiatiof 63411e,ift, eiYi' Ate' : r Shall Spain whip* a foothold on ttderteitinant,'whtelilbe` itas diegnmedloy as azietansplod Omni , of Jamie **Oar, hundred years ? Mesh° hasiiree'otin.' cpieisdliktida; sad eould dolt again if naiad and la Mr - play ;lot the Spitatolitilltuatie ,at the Tel tinftKead the jealiiiitY aglingliitil af the oiestieloit of :mu teretterT inothwardyglia to th,...Goiarjatiiiistethadrld, lasverwhidaissiower IrreOlii trek republlo: : _; - oiesit - of a war; Saida ALUM will doubt. 1* atop to slip lats.thatioantry, and be rotidi foraaytbing that may tarn up. - Her is undoubted- Aytamiseatod - •-.diplentatie - httiiglt'!4 mit 'kg id&cad "01 have • topiited • bla old goads; .10 airiaebajpittlag a. Spardsh priiiiiiipon the Orate of the lloabmaami. ;Snob a ficeraninall, oaelees• 4144C4.04 supported by &re* bayonets', hardirbe. wasted without a general elsoold ealglitlit the bitter of expisiotoei • dolier'clemortapon the evils of that polloy,lrith' TOO tOtnagrios wastei.tti • ,endow la- ienseelese wranglinitaboat a - lbw hogree, the - iota:ee l tiflaSlLjnief *lath - Mao aradahuiged by Bo Inset * ' I n siiiigt a red, Ideal° o it an's:pease' of something like a bandied inlillons of dollars 1, to* lorAhe pasty, ef esadolape,lll - dolgo we /par ellitsef „S`,lar,itep, of tli,,,Ywritori, wllioh, by that livistwarlhetarpi totem eatsp r oisi alagethei,' N02611146= Powerin the same tbat,wp ossildetimaldliato hedtatild for a inane:it proitteloritCeiel. &AM *wiz etzpinosa, ;Aim Paid to the lifeateeit itoeormitaat for lauds more than torlatrhse,a4- 11iiiisf (nisi the seithens of thi ffidtid Stalemates . fifteen. ba toatant,sraute BarepiiitiPoWers, reetathere ate of somewhat - palter cionteagwit tLan Atha, • Mori ittin;i4l,. Mudd*: bee placed , herself lit oar power by /spatted * Trielatlon" of the emslatapollididgo treaty; a that we 'rani gaud let liteelaatte lao,dthea - thiitsre omspfeol before teat :ltesirA2gjpit my lottar,*ll Ita;loo long, . nay ay;olnd,l - jaalatia, 1 0 4 mdint. la" alma Ina* thou.:ma IMO °rosin - eat letter" • ' Itarro.. •-• " i.l . oteilkotklfir; ork.''. eviklcciss TO U Isik_tirTATCir gitiOWAP7I.:- ,011 tilig.l4 AO :IMAM arkei cointrepue 10' `raie_TosAL - ,Ticsataitoasciisiov;oli Csiti,:isticiusttapfit! ,;imams ~00mparras mum' cis Tai carsinna—vosi Apout Tat , • • , 41 1#0944 3 i'lente,_ , maw icriix, :Awn 22. 3E io, .•:,7.edge Dopjf#://WICO*I t,oirCerle riopAy g,' 1 4..IffitthrehaViMILAIthl Notfolk, lietuay hedeteiail'i - day . or .t wo here. At twelve to•dly bo.itaCztot..deterrelueJ. 11 iTiLA4 1 .4. :maul* Drelrlott. • I 'hest, tint awnwat, tho.tba Anoelatid,,'Presa will deep dell a _rental sweat to --seciatilinjilidge duitagaili Muir hintith' ;iito?, t trtdpiii• Mnidaiy•ef hteipeeebeiLAtio I I,eyer•,' Thipmewse of the Bell and Everett party i. inns S!iti w i. o .4 4l : l o 4l _ ..141464, SktieiLteeitie,fi Voureßtttee haring me t er po• 4,1` tip'.reeolutli#: - • • • • ` l , . -uNese . examinee hetet - 7 xp• prifitedx Of .67111010* Of 016 -0 Oen titute, Norainating liewitaittee, and 'coin , nitetti the electoral ticket there Made Watt earaoBL sapid:et-et the Cloristltutio*. Union men of the State et-New York." - ' '• The papers of this morning contain a' report of the . .Picinsedings-;of- the Breskirodelge Line State' Cotiemittee, held .yesterday`, at 15 arrat'.'Lvi flpringe: Oit - Of the BIM. of New York it , trio rat Of this littlelinot of tutu' *Wend ihothealste Meg **ad ettontica tryst st~ : tdmplya tlegkel . The affeotsti disappointment they the regular Deamoratix St era Covermittee did not eend 111 freeeiel envoys f"." - ` ilitFj-consult; and eortelliete the emennittee end offeithein eiglit'or ten .ffielddifittatite; "i," fe sublimely rieh. Why; the' Whole party oenl , l be *eight 'up for, IlltleOr nothhig.'; cal left Mem Is sesvirenoe, and that; like theeetele of the good old doetor, In " Atet running out " month helm and they will befit been fordott' When it tome tb giviegMoneyfor ghat i rile purposes, look et the Catholics. Not long er, l whettword came hithez.that his Nolineet the {",po waii"sitert,"Arohhhhop Nightie bawd timer;FLAP • to the faithful, exhorting therateithell out lib, rally for his rallef.llloSinemibilit ix °Scattily -en-. unwed that theataeurdtwilected in the AroL 1341 7 op's dimmer, is *51,131. 04, whiob amount ben duly forwarded; That is better then we P• ot, et ude would have done for thelead iiieeher <4 'my "heretical" denontinatiorfon-theftwas of the g 'obo. fine Commlititiot eitisets iiiipotniedtitaistM3T, late with the Prime of Wales relative to hie Neer York viattorare ogr yesterday for Nostrend ' No" doubt is entertained but that a &Tomb!e issitUnPO will be givei. From intimations I hire beard in visitor" likely to be best informed, I am Goer:dent that Itte hoepitalities to be extended to him will, for olegerwe c costliness, and good taste, far en 'pan anything•hiliterto undertaken in NeW York: The men who Isere it in hand have got the mooriy,_end have gone too fat !r) bo Conueeiedmith artything* of the " Brun:mow! sere.! --, 4 " = 4 1. n Boptembeilase isiovement was set 'on foot , . far the eatabliebment of ,a. Woman's Library. A' Meeting to farther the object was held, and that, adamantine old bachelor, Ames T. Brady, pro eidat, orsix that:tett:A dellete'weve eermied. her4hertti 1004 Matter - 'going, and we are now beginning tOsee t he frttt6.. Routes ,for the moiety have-:'been; - mound in the asiverelty Betiding five or els thousand, volumeii of .good Marks have been purchased and put on the ihnlves, and, we shall immediately see; seated at its tables, any,tattrobar of cherming maidens, readirig elf aorta of -INeoke on all iorist•f eubjecti, and - with - an on joyaient 'to &emit retied in 1015'o:idle ding roae,tomb:tatingjitti itiaperrieeifee haunt the Wit and parlors of the,himoantile Lihrary. A better effort of 'old-bachelor Philanthropy wee miregAmoWn: • • • -Tire Frisco of Wales m Colman. • "', ias; noires ter; acrrrc. ` Tholiraw--Tork Iterate of 3iiitertliti the following item of..iniallipsee rehab* to the gokigesof the ninon ea Wales : ' BEd Waif t ! Daring the "antornsfil nf , ,Tinaiday many of the bileabitents,tislead the last, din banner vowels of wiffseigildo e4a.81.• .Taisfseesse -tittit,(Wwinesday) morning. Tito 'ClOronamene 'dower Advanoe bas • pianad , at the disposal of du. luper . tem The strain. 4119inbar dtuift the . Who% of the g a y her. new tbronoiCwitti qar, hairdrasaers, zentinkiwtflee Whithattiiieen. mining &haat from eViteibli to enstouier *Mg thous •up for the grand WI, of this „ - „ . • • Tbe tottriabrillianifiMandnittitt; ,nof only"pr i . rata dandilegi and l paibUdindldisigs, but the tri• asiplinforshes aro ill tom whit. niiiiiiininarook at ere in ttwi . air • wheialtaddr u n n ards th• oath, Q ap p ears t o he in is- saw. As etatte (Meek ilk of die ratin•of-war wets Ida., tad; the dap. WOO drank with rortspaei /amps. from stela % t quasilithw if at.: wedge won ideidepswl'.Of triPte'44". swabbadt Der brarsee to wits* owes.' Watt," ;dm nth the molt hennas, dia. l'igim***Tmelii"Alks" elms. semi Tbitilten h7.loll9oPtis Amx 4 . l •thdriiiii Levered Milk' the, 'Ammeter uwbusidliZaiP now and it win there Ilse but &Wog iris witnaseed. Tow of th e eith sine bet was iiitoria witkOhijaisibmigtvion s iii add what their 91° I t ie --L ' afr-itt %WHY wasuntde op in vsisidgyr of dames Wigg l e wog. ant— ,'chat the: 4s__ty van frootat' the pre. sew _of hingligi ntAp tsm the Fibs,: no ?due tadint st tett O:WC eneorieg by the Canadian was tabbliked bp the Mayer nakildtiatik etwdbisiad, 'to lbi prima, gyeasintiverf.: Ono had also Impeapitosidad f-thirDak of Ifewoutle- Both wet. `h . .1 The ballroom wad bibwith *it r aio wraiths of the bid inesealed the rap- PeriZMnrcebidatiiii tinitil Of red and . nianed; low '=it''Z i ! li r l ‘ l t r Ot4tl,o l / 4 1 4 6 144 14 110 4., Vibe* spool - and flat! !so 4 " ens. trots JP*toto f lr, Zona ' 4'44 ' sem i _ tora ' a saal. ids etiliersi , also; • • . Olt wood *,41) ha ) ' Vvitztetk, The OW ' lbs 1111 11. 11 "it" **PilbinelZ2 ;MWM eonlisst mewl to glee pmentlan delight to phi educe. T h e -Pr.thoe danced twenly-twb but l of twenty (bur deuces. He mialed - oneleing at supper, and the other be he, had *tatted for the supper, radm. , Miteatne beak hearing • sweat Welts tune' playing, and while dancing a waltz he Blipped and fell heavily on the door, dragging his partner, Madame °artier, the wife of th e Oanadian Pro uder, over him:. Neith,er- of theta was . injqred, and the Prince instiddly jammed up Bud ridged the lady so quietly that but few la the room knew of the ooturenee. Jr* apologised to. Madame C., and motioned the dance. There was another, incident. A large looking glass in the 'ball-Mom 'fell and-broke to pieces, treating much commot ion , amongst the amp pony. The Catholic*, of who m their, were quite a number present, considered it a very bad omen, but on questiveibg Ustaa they cannot teitlyntolielY orvrhat. , The'Priaeillift the • bill•rdini at belt Past four *Week this (Wednesdayyntortilegf There'd of the' company dispersed about live o'clock. when the lights bad begun to pale and grow dim in the light of the early morning. To-day the Prince has ids hair int, and the barber, quite an enterprising man, with an eye to the Main eheeht !roil emit 6V-troll:the locks shorn from the head o scion of royalty, as souvenirs. He has already reoeleed a large number of orders, and will doubtless be able to dispose of the whole quantity. The Panes visits the convent and citadel; he will also probably vidt the Loretta, end attend the Met. • There is a rumor adoat that ,the Earl of Mut grave L to be appolatedGevernor General of Oa nada, vice Sir Edward Read. The Earl of Zdnl graveis said ,to have admitted that snob a thing was ' , are greatly eioited about the Maggot of pradedsnoe, and the „Enke of Nerrowitle lit - worried to - death by their appliontiont sad re' monstratuuss.:_.Thcalergy caught -the infection ; and the Oat ollee presented no at the levee yesterday. with ' Anglican bishops. To give them sialsarsoe to displartheir. loyalty, of which some people have graveqloubta• the Prince want to the onlyasity.yestordly morning, and readied the bishops and clergy in the large hall, where a gorgeous throne bad been erected. -The ceremony was the same as at the levee. An address r espousing loyal - . wolconie. to the 'Prima, and ambiguously worded, with the hope, thatErltists rule might remain 'and extend; was 'or/mated-by Bishop Pies, in French and Raglish The students of the University presented an ad dress in the same language. Prom the:University, the Prince drove to the llrsallne Galivant, which has never been opened to male visitors since the Prince's grandfather, the Dukeof Kent, wits 'admitted. By a rule of the solleart, all males but thereof royal birth are ex cluded. In the large room a throne was erected, and the Nines was received by sixty young ladles of the first families of Canada, who sang a load of w°l - and at each mention of the Prince's- or the Queen's name made low eourtmles. The effect was most bent:Gni and novel. The ladies presents 1 the address to the Ptjeoe, who read a brief reply, tbeoklog them for their 'datums. and aosaluding, "YOWL' exertions to the canoed °donation ars etel4nowni treat may hies continue to eiert a beneficial influence upon, the population of this interesting country." , The Prises yeas thee shown through the convent, and a tkall. gaid to be that of Montenim,..was exhibited , • • We, wsrowning in regard to the Prince's fall lad evening. was the lady who misted hlm to rise, end as 1100 a 81 tie dines was oonoluded the Prinoe informed one of the navy others that he had had spill, on shiu.board. He said that, RS he bad never knighted any one, be did not know but that be might out the Quebec' Spealrene heads off. ' This remark we e recalled by the conduct of Sir Been , Smith, knighted yesterday, ptio goesabont giving his name grandly as Sir Henry. Tha-noide about Quebec are all arrayed with Sep to-day, and the Loretta Lubin" are drawn op in front of their village, with all sorts of dresses-- women in beaver bate and men in bonnets; but the Prinoe did not drive oat The Flying PIA left for Montreal this more •ing; 'and the Prins followsin the Kingston . . . Thompson Weod'e seershary, her been =Ca tally Infor med that the Prime will *adept, the 11191- tat= of the mayor of Nets• York; and accept as many demonstrations as people like to make. Twenty thousand people were assembled to wit tiest the display of firewdrile Few and faint sheers were heard when the Queen's or Prime's name warred, and 'the French asked, ". What is all this noise about?" There are many ISMOVI among the English In re gard to the designs of the Frehohmen. As a. sample of these we give the current report, that two Frenchmen have taken oaths to assassinate 'the .Priooe at Montreal. The French treat this report with levity, and say that the Queen of iteglatni has plenty more eons to supply the Prince's A veal broke dowkon the esplanaden during the exhibition,'aand many persons were injured, two At the ball lest evening a you midshipman had a ."ragalar rpsioleg mateh with the Prince, 'which created much merriment. The Prince joked him about dancing with air-footers of women, and Me middy replied by askieg " Why can't you in troduee a fellow= to one of your handsome part nere?". The Prince laughed; and good-naturedly Introduced middy to a lady with .whom he vile doming. 'The Duke of. Newcastle remarked, oar little man is having a due time. The ladles took paper and sealing-wax from the ,Prieee's stateroom In the Nero, and pens from big druliV room at the ben, but Me:Prima never entered the dressing-room., The French take matters quite coolly. and d s. ` ,play no extra enthusiasm. The Duke of I.Thwoostie is mush annoyed that' there should be so nuab jUltuOlk In the eeletwatien. They could not miss a hearty 'SWIM sheer last night at the ball, or, whew the Queen's name was mentioned, or the, national anthem played. i 'Tient is mash .eweiternest about torn, and bar room ABMs at Ms-hotels latlt lad this evenieg, The :rnett,ot, I. sityls hire very thhi. MrO I IITATIOI S. ;pitriovtodiovrliti P u. 1.. • mAyAgun..l%. - -Xsioh Oloomonoe, truer.-1 idols odor 10 too do lid Dtle do jaw Mows * Co. LETTSR 'BAIN -- • • - At i*liNerehantil' A'' =hangs, Philadelphia, _ ` Ship Wootmbrebao; Wan.— Livenvot.Eosu Stiiplo it annosadli.'inlins— . ~.Livprpool, Boon Ideril &Daft& Lilleb... ...............Cleassesos EDDA ;Bost ay D•llett, Dilt.. . .... _LAgnay ra. coon 'Bark MIN B L0x,Mai5ia5 . ...........P0rt su Print*. won Wrlu , T /12estua. Quint... ...--.....thenteuzus. Boon Iftrig- Ashby, assts. - - ...........,.. King.ton. Jaysoon !Jobr 0r55u15ad,,,Carvir....,........P0tt Spain, Trin. coon % - 44 Mina . OP' THE' 00118.411)9WEADIEits. 7 ( ,• ,- PROM 7ES UNITED STATE RI. " • ' i - .airs - Lasers • yea - - TM 'lll nEdiabli egti......;41V0W Ymig-1t c red.......;......8113 - 26 4.driat a5,...1 Nits Vork.. inv.:. .--....,./03 33 iPareuia ...-.....-.. -117ter.flalway'.••.....--.. Aug 29 1 Paree-...., , ,....... ow Or .:.L19818 , 001....•... • .'... du e 94 Likas....,---... ow ark-Uverpool--;.-- du 90 trim York.. irw VOsit-Brenan-......;,.-- tie% 1 1385agaw.4.4:---:. ww-York-Liasrpool— ..- Boat' 1 ',.. „ lalamanta -....'... New yark....Harabara. „ „,-....80 1 4 I -6-4-- -Botton-I4verpooL . ...... ~8.9 1 , 3 bz,raltiveors-INdar York-Livdrpool—.......Bept 8 d.rigadarbilt.-..19/rar York-Havre* ~..- -Oa pt a Africa ....-.- .......flaw York-Idaerpool...--,,.....8epr 12 data.. • ----New York- Lwarpord...... —Sent 14 Pu1t016•...---....NiviYark-11avra.......,........dept JA Canada .. moston..l4verpool ..... --. 8€ pr 19 1 1 .13093:517R0PE, • ... Lanni , , , „Mora _ B , ,ai, trora XV OM afoottan .....Warsoal-Girrabao.,..--.---..Aus 11 C of pattimote...Ltverpoca.:.baw y.0tk...'.. -• • - - .4ku 3 ni Vafidertdit r .......... • .Harra-ffireir /fork-- —.Aug 11 ,Attica -.::-_,......eyerpo9Lffitir fork.--......AuK t 8 Ara: ~.41. iverPool.:l9ea ark --.-.9.u‘111 Fultcen • ~... • . illosithefflopton-94aw 'ark-- --Au g 22 Norteltak-..-41traryool..eb.0 ................... Aus 23 daP ioksadixi.,..,,,Ctve :-.911a39aa... .. 488 30 premen-..4.Boutgamploa,frarr YOrk-........--1355.5 5 . . TheCalifOiViii Mad Otellinars sail tt‘irr New Ydik on 141. /at. M. aad 1031=k Math:- . - , 4 1 1- 0 KVA** alassaer• save New York on the id. 71h, d. 1911. llth.aadlßra or amasetu, , ' - • mutsms', , INTELiaGENGE. PJH "r:Olt. PHIZAABLPHIA. Aar. 24. kliSra---,.• a va"rrazut. 013-BUN NEW • ~ ' • ARA I. PAD. . . • . is Brii Barmsb; Oberman, from Newborinorto Ketch Cornmeroe, Baynes, from , Mayagaeg. PR, Oth net. with td John Me son & Co. . • . Oar It C Il l et,Wtorlow, eaays flora Weymouth, n bellnatla o glingnimett & sidirea. . Bahr a; W . Townsend, 8 data Dem Boston, in bot tom to sr Otortevant & Co. Bohr 8 3 Elsisfit; Saute, a days from Boston, in ballast to Boris. flawynr & Co i Bahr 'John Whitby, illsadriolisort, I day from Port Pens, Del. with' wheat to Christtan tlurran. 1 Sahli Albert field, Finings, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to N ettatevant Jc Co, BM , Jonathan Cone, Metniffey, 4 days from Haddam, trOfir t troln a jtaithllis, I days item. new York. with t o I° ea tr u bcarre weep, Medford, in ballot; Atituotavi r tit & Co,' 166"4 frowl 1 Bohr Deiartre Denby, I day from kiatrma ' .DOl, Witfr ihnti to Jr g illwit & 800. .. 1 tiot i e Vaw trnst h ente ltl2 l ,i froin gralf= t ! 1 ,WM guff Cr a manoits_Hwitai from Dighton. ' ' 1 1 &lir Amy, hmsbetti, Madera, from Pollutant. SaiirY, T A len. Allen. from Elslumury. I Sohn Anna. Wallace, Itom,Wrovntenoa. - - I.6tilgriPM'ilafguatiggniZe. -. I Peas Onyltia•Aan, eltaith. from Monona. Mu gint.&,Peare. canner. how Salem. Bohr Irma He% lA.. horn Bolton. • I Bohr t W_Pidon. risme, from Baton. Bohr Oro Briwang Weeks. from Ironton. i Bohr Mlnnesots o . Poster., from flagon. - , row Jonathan mat. uono. from Boston. i gohr hew Jerrie,. mat. from Boston, I BOW Jae 8 Hewitt, Rowtatom Bann, ' • , . •.. - ..., . , 1' • i =WWI) Kteenahip ..ennabotoookuwon, new York. Janos Ad ,lierdtee. •- . . __.- - - .._ ' & Bons. f i tl i l i t i ttl i sun t l . b i tr e e t ign : g A l t . T 4 & co. . ,Ii g — traaati. tatternme. itrabsajt Melee & Co. , Bohr 8 ( 3.1 d t' p. hi sweirlis edema, Xil Bum.' oat t & Co. Iffehr g waiti, WV ; Bona, do Sobs Ms 11. Lw, it, do I no t , Gwen E.O„ r. Beaton, ' do ' 'llohr Jonathan May s Cobb, Boston, do Bahr 8 Washburn, Thmanewranntona Henry. 1 _ lc L well. Slit . 14 ' Orntibrawatth thenovet. Noble, Ham mett ell. , 80kw . S. Mon, Faroe. - Oran. . do !Bohr n lip • ettlaleafer.' tondo:toe, . .do Per f, ki at. whitlow 110410ny . do ' °ti tle ! VI 'L et= Wi t & roVt a d a e a tia a ti r t /11 ralf fi di l Co. f t tor , r p_ Cooper;Taylor, on.v/..aokna . a , op Co.hry.,,T datt i apti a ty /daemon r d : c rp:AT Nd i rm. g t , e a n . ,ar . "r itton Cato arighsa ;biased; venienti,N7Lo. arr eli. !Bo r taaL..* Plata. *Anatol'. t Andettried & Ca., 1 13; B:lllvginteet,Ladr.nwtano , 1: nehr Belk atill er ali b Presideisesi do Behr J 8 rig t, iths sismn, fievrn.flawler il Co. ,K. ohr Conn KW .Ttwettia, Prederromfbargi if treat 8 Co. , Italia Watathar littaattaletVidfiliiiiim,; , , - ' do 1, 8491811 MO/Mr, jakTlOS.PawDroSet. do ' try ,irtraty,toirrieu, gitlorokratigatifrF°' 1 iConitimoodesies of thirPhasdeAl Broiliinge.L , ' 1 ins brig J °chine airii 4verigit t. giittir'u D r s wiirftnfetilie only wirmsls at this roadstead.. •Tisti tali Bll* Reed, for ift .logo de Cuba, apd stilt Booty Nutt, for mohlto, wept to elkyastemar summon., Yr ler. t VOUS. wo.. . ,•, .. - ~ W. RICKMAN. - . , • 100/Laniendsom. or The he...) ,•''" • ' Jarrlß DR 841.1108.,Ana R lat. 4 12te B.ldintiwt lett wrath I beat. *en and consigned - 14 1171 ' hei nit r - o t i - an i ' 6oMithe td boat bei ng 14,A , 71 t r ef itr ' t ilt i i Iriit t ,!....rwri: I to 1 4 :1 Op t ,of 'liii k a-day. # • 1... _ _-'' . : ' '•' ' : idEIBOB.II.n.DA. amenable Plaines' Ilnytttn.alnatkown, henhe,anived li f amen**4 inst. , ~ - mole Chnewtedltgithifrom new jock, at fieF . , yrlitlf 'ash and ended tie new Orleans. • Inn Ilannexia, Doane, Una. arrived at N ,Orlanat 144 7 41 hiltaiani,nanetill, : thince. Wan - jrnsnird . 8111' 'ar ti relnit!lntriiii iidltiitelpittli eitioredo wP V. tAVIWICNIA it% TUX: , • •_:. • _ ' , ".• ' ' '!.. 13 21.1tAddrill•AONYOk Witilanti tw dale from WWI. i a,zr,w s zivarg , otatiatt.. • Jug. a.adat at , 0 . . imiit g. *, bo n . fre ,,, i5r , , ,,:.„ ,,, 1iaw g, Roads , .. ,ii 04q Littlii=' tor h lj ' aii/Ailt at iniika 16th 404 s • __ . ~,.-.,. .' 4 ' • , Me,gbdis Oladfdd itßalgioars yister; ,- _Sn ' lLSanawitlif Nolinbher for redladalptdar nm avatar mit giett . flrr Bark Nardhora.(lltitelt) Van Leuven, for Pktladei- Phis. was readf for sea at Rotterdam HAlnat. Bark Barak B Hale. Grother. for Fluladelptua t salted from Matanias 11th Inst. Bark ti W Holbrook Lnectombe for New York, re mained at Mammies relit inet. Brit Saran Starr, !ace, tailediroth Bagna 10th iust for P.hiladolphin. • , • Brig Leviathan, lloffses, for Philadelph fa, wag loading at Havana 18th not Brig Twee Vriandan. (Dutch) Mayar, for New York, was at }lmams 18th mat. Brig Mary' 17 Milliken, Nordin, uncertain, remained at if. vans 13th lest • Bas . ll•ltra Treat, cleared at Cardenas 13th toot, for Pi trie Gov Brill, Arthur, for Portland, remained at Ms ammo 16th inet, Behr B veh ne. York. weir loading at Havana lath inet. 'f4, , Philadolobta. • Bohr Rile .beth. Hall, cleared at Newborn, NO, Intii iost. for Philadelphia. Bohr MReinhart. Jones, for Philadelphia. cleared at Charleston peen lust. Bohr Venial Morris, Hoover, at New Haven BAh inst. rorn Delaware it. Bohnthl R Carlisle. Ryder. for Phlladelpida, and Sa rah that, Orifhn for Delaware City, smied from New port stet &net. Bohr Island Belle, Butler, hence, arrived at Pawtucket get met. Bohr Albert Pliant, Cavalier, hence, arrived at Provi denoe nit inst. Bahr Derimark.rnolson. smiled from Providence hat last. for Phuladelpioa. DIMMER RESORTS. IRPIIRATA MOUNTAIN SPRING.— Tlue popular watering-Aloe win ho kept open during the seaman of warm weather, and anti, the frost thein. Persons desirous of spending the remainder of the aes.son where they have the advantage of pure water, gure mountain air, (at an elevation of twelve hundred feet.) free from fogs, damp nights, and miles- Inas, tottiallY tieing from sluggish streams an gorge. of mom:owns end low looahtiesoin.ll bore find every o .00- fort and amusement to net wit/in t the best-regulated .tratoring- "daces. For further partzoula and circulars, 1A0.00.0011 og Jos. B. Myers, corner 111_1rd - rine -Vane tureen 00d Jamel B. Earle & Dici, phestnnt Etteet,'Pht Mel ph is, or on JOSEPH X ONlamaorizit 'Ephrata Post Moe. Lanoaater county. Pa. aue-1m qUN HOTEL, BCTECLEtigiti, PA. " This fine old mansion. founded hefore the Revolu tion. and lutlnlat .l P fovea/Awl with 1101110 et the most interesting features o our national histy. Is now of onwelty to aooommodsip a lease num b er of guests. The house is sonduoted in the best manner, and no thing is wanting to make it the pleasant and oorntorta- Me come of visitors during their widow* in this de tightiui inland town. The airIO , IIIIIDTIOUL the moon tam and river wieners beano fhl. sod - .to the meeker* of either health or pleasure. Bethlehem no not excelled by soy other summer resort in the Union. • i au3-101 bbiti hßT,.Proprietor. ;MANSION MOUSE, MOUNT CARBON, saguYLKILL COUNTY. PA. Penult's aooommodatedielth good rooms at Mimed pries/. This old-establiehed Howe, Masted in the gem be. tureen Sharp and Reoond trionntains, immediately on the Rim of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, within half o ff ile of Pottsville, formerly s eat _by Jo seph Read. the old Mansion Rouse, PlnMdelphis. haa, sine* hts demise, been under the charge of his leThe Housels prepared, at all 11138W11 of the year, for the reoen'tion of eneata . and has bean recently put in order,_ The large garden. and nark adioimitg. Presents tandueementa sea rammer resort. to andsh i g r o g end a abort thine away from the dust ur moil of the cities. where they can breathe numb moun tain air. and enioy the wild and beautiful scenery of Oedipal moon. Commutation 'Passenger Voltam, ter the use of fatal hae. ate sold at a rennotien of Sweaty Jive pet, opt , and an sooorornodation train will leave Pottavinenadv during the summer mouths, to enable those who may ogira It to speed the Dueness portion of the day in the city and return the same evening, on which the oherkee teat be thirty-three per oent below the until rates. For terms, apply to MARY 11RAR, Mansion Rouse, itiOutaL Carbon, Schuylkill Co., Pa. le3(l,lrn MANSION ROUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, ISAAC THAYER, (late of Burl House.) Pro rietor. Thm Molise has been very much enlarged and im proved. Has now alarre number of FeWly Rooms, not surriaallpy ens Mean meta cay. it is Lig hted throughout with gag,. /Yew and fine walks have been laid to the wean. which w ill be lighted at eight. from the Hotel to the water, Dr splendid reften lag tamp,. Attached to the house (but separate from the main Painting) is a large Hall for Hops and Parties. with a first-ciao Ice Cream and Confectionery attaoted. Over the Hall there are forty sleeping roome for single gentle mez. There is also a playgrou nd for children, wall f h The d :g4 l n i g °l l7;ll:. witl erAll i 'l;ttneer my own es peels' enyervar on, and I trust that my reputation safkotently established to tetlsfY all that nu table will be unsurpaesed. Terms will be OU per week. Transient Boarders! d 1 Der day. Carriages attaoi set to thp Roue tell take Bauder* to and trontthe Omegans* of charge clarion bathing Mews. ISAAC THAYER. A MERiCIAN HOTEL, ALLENTOWN, Pa..—Thta weft-Irnerrn end pnenter hotel has. 4"I I.*VA B itY lie ß a raf i gt e ßD AND 1111PROVOD, tond to now in oapavilf andnranieoue second 0. non the Interior of .rentury vents, beentirat and ealteful situation of Al lentown renders It a de 'ottani internee resort, in view of which eolai ar tanaentente beim beep smuts ha the prowl. Is toe*. bunttnodateintanter boarders. J. Y BBC Ica wet 14 . 9V . 8100 _ _ - ICEEDfORD SPRINOS.—This weli-knotni" an delight:Col Sommer Nessxl• will be °obi@ for the reception or Flew, October . Nesorl•mll OF JUNE, an_d Sept cm tin the let of U, ALLEN, Motel will be under the management of Mr. A. ALLEN, whose else nepoe, coluteous manners, sa attention to hie guest& give tag ankpiest annallllOO of comfort and kind treatment. Parties wishing roam, or any Worm , /snit retard to the place,eddbe subscriber, ~Nu. PEED, ewy sad Treasurer, Bedford Mineral Syringe Eo. COTTAGE RETREAT, Beautifully and convenient:lly located at ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Boarders nooommodatod on reasonable tervos. jele-!m M. MoOLSBEI. Proprietor. STAR ROTEL., musty OPPO/11111 Tllll v, #. MOTU. ATLANTIC CITY. Pl. J. SAMUEL ADAMS, PROBRISTOR. DINNER_..._.._EMIT CENTS. ALSO, CARRIAGES TO HIE. terms. riCr Roßoardersacoommodated on the most rehaw amble IVEANSION ROUSic, friAtToll CHUNK, ox CARBON 00., PA.—This to the most oomfortn hle and extensive hotel in Northam Pennsylvania, and the aroynsaar natters himself that thus My he has no eguded to keeping it in a manner that cannot fall to sa tisfy all Ina guests. • The /10011111 are newly and elegantly fungshed, and the Table always domains the very beat the Marken afford. The hotel is located on the banks of the Lehigh directly opposite the railroad donor. Lad at th e base o Mauch Chunk Mountain. A Path !pads front the rear o lumpthe hostas 14 the top oft ins nionntarn,from which point, own tiundred feet above the Lehigh, the most 'Ohms 100110 imaginable is Presented.. The House a abundantly Supplied with the beat and *mast Mountain thpriny Water. . • Hot end Cola Baths can ba taken at all times. DIX-4m GEORGIC HUPPEB, Proprietor. A ME/JIGAN BOT,EIJ, MMJVH lording PA.—This norm, is now test In $ tosnr r iir C X fording every 0002 021 to mongers and • irseedent Atnutgemenis bays been mode tlate _Reason to groom °date BUMMER tiOltttPERS. Tim most sublime b•54-mantvietqmmitetra _ 00. .WILEIELK. ess , tset Proprietors. lIE BEA,9IIORS—ATLANTIO OITY. maillianvf u. 19. rn. The undersigned,' manna.' or of the abovs-named bonze, beim( - now pre o:0 I. to twins guests, re spectfully solicits a se of the Dahlia cotton- Nip. Hulce let summer there hew been added to all hotel a. four storied wing. ISO feet in length. oon- Vitae (beside the NW-Towne.) a mitte of three Pastore. /IV WIN,, end two for gentlemen,. Also, a reooptiou m, was roc and escape ber-roomi POWilag pIIIS. Millard gnome, and hot and cold Salt-water tiontihavebeen constructed for the Soooteno visitors, and the whole house will be liyhted with as. The house, haw been pewly painted and' W att/10d. While the shaded grounds surrounding it hays been put Incomplete order. well•manned pleasure Yacht, and an exoellent Sand of Mush havebeen im plied forco the season. J. IdeXIBBIN. 1e144) CARLISLE The lovonter roiled tor thole who oporeozate Orland Sooner s, WRITE ICULPIEUR ktto M . es un g t e u e n wlMPo l tr-Valta ti g SPRINGS, Cumberland go „ pa, ~,R00.01 x ., . deed sooisrlf and a(3 docomesocratoor.ror "" , 300. • For Partioulars Bend for Mon , mom Low. lat. OWEN, OLENDENIN. *. vissowati jor.•llm , Carlisle Nor m& ra. OLUISIBIA UOUtstß, CAPE !BLAND— CAI'SS MAY, Pier' 3012167.—Tb)11 firalrelnow HOTEL will be °seized: for_the reception or Sues% 412 the pth Jane, MO. The 'Bowie has been ooranletelY temdred and refurnished. A new oeoknig miter °PPM dream boilem, and every modern improvement added. Extenvive stabling &Otte - tied to the premteee • All' letters ed.:Nailed to the subeenbere, Cnke Wend, New Jersey, will be promptly attended to. 1.4.1H.D te WOOLMAN. Jantee K. Lein: Way proprietor Fro, nklinirotmo, /flail* I_B. B. Woolman, formerly Proprietor Blount ernon Blast. Cape Aland. • dim VAGLE HOTEL, BETHLEHEM, PA. This large sad old-established House kzosra as the ":LENIOH VALLEY BUMMER House to now open for the *kW% The aceommodatto NB of eble House will be found uneurpeseea. The of here. by the North Perumistate Rftliroitcl u mene or the plea santest to oar State . t3ALEB YOlllO3, rroenetor. A tdERIOAN MUSE, CARE ISLAND 4 - m- Mr. M..F.MYMOLDL t rgoyrrtoy. : - Thin fitvorle o tr t tt M i nfelah. ° fu1 . 47 iTteod jinn ' bUtti le, end every attention veld to P the comfort. or ne guests. telB-dtBeel SEA BATIIIMI. PtATSONAL RALL, CAPE ISLAND, CAPE MAP, N. I. This line, terse. end atrr bonus !a NOW OPEN to visitors. It is distinsuashett b onne comfort. touttlity, 1171 , superior ROW odationi , whit umPle MOM for WO per sone. Teruo oderate. AARON OARRETBON. Proprietor. LEGAL. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -s- OITY Mg) COUNTY 'Mi . EHIIADELPHIA. 'state of JAMES HUGHES, deceased. ,The auditor appointed by Pee court td audit. settle, and adjust the account of WILLIAM. DUANE, Es q., ekeoritor of JAMES HUGHES. - deaewract, and to make distribution of the Wanes in the sande of the aeoowst- Alt, Will' meet tee partioi interacted tor the purposes o antment on VIEWS the eh day of esp. mbar. eta o'clock F. Pit,, big °Moe, No. TOO vrAL. street. In the airy or Philadelphia. antitwfmet BENJAMIN H. BREWSTER. iIt.LOOD FOOD. apoo FOOD. 'T— BlAlots FUOD. 141.000 F OOD. , is WOO , . Ihe _attention OE-invalids. Phreiciallill , clergymen, solearino men. and rho VII bitgl is generally,is reepeottinly :Igi i l t ant:6 I t r h Oili m ltiai ' ll ! . and gitirrrorit a d r tiM I Snootiest in its aomposition with .be Mi'mestic li te or red Need. In all ;imago, emoznpanied with , - DBBILITY. theonlitithenae, and nervonsderanlegtent, anal of the b l e d show a deficienor of the red globules. Linda complexion and a rosy tint of the akin. is always Ind toe live of health ; while s pale. wag-liee skin and counts -111000.-1010h evinces a detwienoy of the red g lobo es— , aooorosnolos a dimmed organism. Praia- ations of Iron here been skein for the purpose of supplying tho red globolom, but we (mound that lion alone, Pulehur alone, or Ph ospbororis alone. will not meet the dam elm' in every cane, but ,that a judicious combination of all those clomentansnimessery to restore the blood to eta normal otandard. This joint, never before attained, harts:urn reached In lb* Blood Pood. and its discovery ranks at one of the most . scuentillo and Important of the ego. Its streets In . , . • , • CONSUMPTION ate to *often the cough, brace the nerves, strengthen the system, *bey the prootranng night sweats. inerellae tile" tlyeioal aid mental energy, enrich the blood 3+y ye. storing the lacking rod globules, inerease the appetite: 'restore the color. and clothe the skeleton frame with 'flesh. The Blond Food will be found a one stile in all Chronic Mimeses of the Throat or Lungs,ivall as Meth ma, ffropohiris. Coughs. Po. robao speakers and zingers Valk find it or great Utility is oanitinp and etrengthening tee vooll organs. 'ln Drepepeis !Jeer Comptainte,Dropsg. Epilepsy, Paralyels. Sorsinla, timid, et. Vaal Vance, Fever slid Spurr, *.0., its eat eeey is marked and inotantancoue. In no class of dig eases, however, and the beneficial silents of this remedy 110 oo9SPl"°l4.ll'firtlittllNTs towards the gentle r sex a r il liable. and *Mob will lead tend towards Conimentotion, snob as suppressed or difficult, Menetruation O. een Mekn Whites, lt,espeolallr when thorns complaints ars accompanied with paleness, atlingir hue or pallor of the sign. depression of SPirits. dability, palpitation, want 01 appetite, and, nervous Proii(keition, Was have the ntmoot confidence in /boom , ethnic the BLOOD FOOD to elf who may he min-, :/ions of a toso ot rigidity or energy. and to those Trams ntal or bodily powers ars pn>stritied thropab over. uge, either of tha mind of ob. and we deem Naar duty to say that in ail oases Weakness and Smaolation, A. q din all dieresogof the Kidneys - or Bladderithis pre- P ration hes a oiolol 0000 the attention of oulterers lo)losnootto over-estimated. faithful trial will be found the most ootiViuoing pivot In mud to its "Moser that could be asked for, With the "hove remarks, end with the numerous testinl9ials we have in Niteroi., we otter the " BLOOD Fthir to b4e tionsideratton of the etnicted, knowing that It will aoknowledsod asiprieunnent over nil other viola , . • retbins, patent or officinal, in point oi Draft:loose I.4f ltrt.l7,l:l4hrtitigiv o upon.ritlat'g—emedr is urea,. wit be Oat INS whop desired. We forward tee BLOOD FOoll to, ant' /art. dr 145 United States ii. ?weeder' upon re ceipt 0 ' prlee-8t per bottio. IPS for al x OWN,. Bp osTsful , at osSoSS so ta ke none rull that ang opt hi intnito sighsture upon' the W,lsPe?r. !Va ned t h er is termite, • . • - , _ Prepared •• •" -'ool.l.ltOli .L. - ,DI/PONTe • :; . • , , ~, No. 109 Broadway r New 'York. ' And sold by them. and by DYOTT lc C0.,5t32 Dot D Brusve VAAIND te street, Philadelphia, Mid by ell re spectte tts • . a-nter . 1 t. 'l"f*:k9. l. /V! 11% N'( 4 :if Panno=uPlitilADFLPHlAt FOrii).ASv .AllollBl' 241, • T HE OXYGZNATID BlTTiralB TH , OXY6XN4iD J 3114 ilte. THS OXYGSNATZD IHTTIMS, THE OXYDBNATED JUTTXRX. Dyspersii, Indigestiou. DyApopea. indigeotion,lhM*4.lndliesation, Dylipepifis; indissipans DYstepapia, Indigestion, Dympeisdi, Indigestion. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, OXYGENATED SITTERS, riE 02CYGENATED BITTERS, Ours Acidity, Flatulency, Heart BUM. Water Brash. Ours Plataloner, Kau t Burn, Watar Brash, Acad.?. Cute Heat Ham Walter Bash. Acidtty, platutezioi, Cure Water Breath MailUr, Flatalener, Heart Burn TER OXYGSBATED BITTERS, THE OXYGIINATED,EITTERff. TOR OXYGRIVATED BITTZBH, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. Jaundtos, Liver Complatete,l3Piova Complaints, Liver Complaints, billona Complaints, Janudios, Bilious Compluttts, /Ruud leo, Liver Compl►lnts THE OXYCOEITIATBD BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED 'JITTERS. TES OXYGENATED-BITTERS, THE OXYantATBD BITTERS, Oats Debility of the System, Female Completely, Oure Female Complaints, Debility of the Syatem, Cure Debility of the Slaters , Female ComPlat*. Cure FMCS Complonte, DeWitt, of the Bystem THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. THE OXYGENATBD .13ITTBRS. THE OXYCIEhretTED TifE OXTORNATED RITTZRS. ' Cure Nsryougaiwer. Neuralgia Ossmatol Bitter*, Oxyginteurd Otters, Oittensted Bitten!. Oxus:laud Bitters, Oxygeneted Bitteno. ilmigenstAA Oxygenated Bitters. Oxygenated Bitten, Clue all diseases wnloh orleinste Ins dloordered °ob i olition of the etornsob, or lroperfeot digestion. or In debilitated 'tate of the 'piton:, induced by fever, 01 natio inftuenoi, habit or disease, and are salty owledged by all who have used them to be the moat remarkable medical mostly of th. time,. TUX OXYGENATED BITTERS. rHE OXYGAS'IIA7'.SD BITTERS. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THS OXYGRNATSD BITTERS. are prepared by B. W. POWLE k. CO., 18 TrainDM street. Boston, and are for sale by thew agents. by BM eats and Dealers in hfedioine both In Oiir and country everywhere. DYOTT & CO., Wholesale asents,23o North Second street, Phlledetolita. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGIBTB ROF. WO:11VS RESTORATIVE. CORDIAL • BLOOD RENOVATOR ~, . . Is preemie what its name indlcates, for, while Pleasant to the tuts. it is revivifying. exhilarating. apd strengthening to the vital powers. It also re vivifies, reinstates. end renew, the Wood in all its original purity, and thus restores and renters the system invulnerable to attests of disease. It le the Only Preparation ever offered to the world In a Popular form. ao at; to be within the reach of all. So 0 hemMally and skilfully comb tied ak to be the moat powettist tome , and yet en werteotly adapted as to act is Perfect swords:Nee with the 141103 error furs, and hence soothe ate weaken stomach. and, tone up the digestive organs and allay all uttering mid other Irritation. It is also perfeolly exhilar,a ting in its effects, apd yet it is never allowed or Lassitude or depromion of sisitits. It tacomposed entirely or togetaDme, and thong thoroughly atom-ji Nettie powerfully tattle and soothing properties. and yi. ooneetmently can never injure. anemia remedy h 76 long been felt to be a desideratum ill the medical world, both be the thoroughly skilled in medic al . smarms, and also by all who have (offered from de bility ; for it need, no medical skill or knowledge 4 *yenta see that debility follows all attack. of di e- c, ease and lass the unguarded system open to the „, attacks of many of the most, dangerous to whieb A' poor humanity is constautty liable., btu h, for ea- ..1 suiple, an the follawn3g 1 Consumption, Broneintle, rie Indigestion. Despotism, Loss Of Aegetita, Paint nen. Nervous Irritability, Neuralgia, kalpitatlon X of the Heart, Melancsholy. hypochondria, Nigh el Sweate„Lansuor, Giddiness. and all that class o os oases. eer fearfully fatal if unattended re in time et called Female Mainstreamed Irregraan Hes. also, 0 'Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver Com- 03 piglets, Ktleases or the Kidney., Scalding or In b. continence of the Urine; or altY general deranae. 4 ' inentorthe Urinary Organs. Pain in tee Back,Nide, i., snd between the ehoirders, predisposition to &haat et • cows, Hedging and Continued Cough, Einaciation, 03 • HiladditY in Breathing. and / Indeed, we Might tin , , ingrate Way more still. hut we have solace only to es gay, WirilLrittg only oars the debility folkisrint 0 , Chills and voter, but prevent' all attacks arising Pii ' from Shisur.atio Influences, and oure the disease 0 ' at once, tr already attacked. and as it riots directly os end_persistentir upon the bgtary options, arousini ›. ' the laver to action. promoting. In lent, all the ex- e orations sad seoretiont of the oretam. it will lasi /WY prevent any deleterious, consevdeaote (allow Po tag upon ohanB of climate and ismer ; hence an 21 travellers ghoul have it bottle with them, and ail C should take a to le-aPeonrul at least before eating lee it prevents costiveness, strengthens the dines ca t' :iitioilregitatrriithsahbolgl be n i l* int: han d s l7l?, e r 8 / 1 I 'V o m i t s p t.' men; and all Indies not accu st omed to 'uch out y e, door alarmist should always nee it. Iflttg. will. 0 they will find an saroosblo, Piouani. en elaeleal remedy against those illa whiolt robyhem of their beauty ; for beauty cannot exist without health „ and health cannot exist while the above trregrdiert. ;.? ties continue. Thenotgain, the Cordial le anerfeet A Mother's Helier. Taken a month or two before the * final trial, she will pus t he dreadful ,period with 0 . perfect ease and safety T h e re is no Mistake about be it, this Cordial is all we elairnfor it. Mothers, try oi it! And to you W. appeal to crewel the Mame or 0 decline, not only of your daughters,before at be too Pi late. but ably your sops and husbands. for wattle • the former, from false delicacy, often go down to a premature ;rare rather than let their oondition i t known in time, the latter are often ro mined DP Di the excitement of bowlers that if it ireranot for you they, too. would travel in the same down ward path, until too late to arreat their fatal fell. • But the mother is always vigilant, and to you we oonfidenur alteettl, for we are tote your never. ratheraireetion will unerringly point Yo n r,, p r of, Wood's Aestonstyw Cordial and Blood Renovetori es the remedy sr Joh ghoul De always ne hand in lime ofneedi 0. i WOOD. roprotor, is i Broad. -et. new York, and 114 Market street tit. Louis, Mo. ; and sold by all good Druggists. frame, One Dollar per Bottle. Id here by LYOTT le CO., MI North BErriliffl reef. eininifeW•tf TIE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HMI - - STOOD TH/1 'MIST OF YEARS, min osbals mons ant tetlin rovuLtin stela nay. aed testigionials. new,and abnoe atthara., number. mabt be elYett, from ladles and rientamen In ell armies eooloty,,whilie vaned testimony none F res i st, 4e' pitof, woo 's bear Real_ovettre reit re the Laid andsrey, and preserve the Asa of the YOUt Mold aide is all Oa yontlatilheauty :• Barn* Cella, Mit S.. Deo 31, 31158. Thor. "Wqout Thee Wit plea* aneept Seel° in• form thee that the Mar on ray head all ted on' over meat,. years SWO, maimed bya OOLOSHOSSed okronio dog ma., ettoeded with an eruption oil the bead. eon tonal coulee of infamy tbsorab lite tiaras redttord 19 000 of dependenoe, I hake not been able to obtain Staff for Ammo neither bave - .1 been able!, do them up in OOMIWOOSOOO of wheat tne heed bee eu ered entreinely from °old. Tha indueed Ane to tia rats am Hoarse alma; the last neat I batten earth or a two dollar bottle a thi' RSV itriatoratl re about t he at of Anenstlast. I have Imthtbtly followed the dirootlooe, and the bald soot hi now ooeered with hair think and bleak, glut* tither,: to Is nieo meteor at all over nil' head. YOoling oontident that ano.ner lame bottle you'd T estae, It 'olltWeil 1000 ferpllWOheis. I ISSI 4011011 S to viasevere in its 'wh ited boat distitete et meets to purobsse any more, t would, Des i bee it thee wooldst not be trillium to send me an or4r on aloe agents for bottle. a . end regatta to Vyself the begptulit aeolanstion The reward is to those that are nd to thy. '.stages and thefetherleps," • •ny Mead, ' • AusAmeAm laser; _palm, Noble no.,lndlener ' Peb e, 9, Pear. 0..P1400D Lpear Sir: in to hater part i l llthe yeernet. while Maiming the State and Senora' LAW School of the State of New York. my haw, from* pause unknown tont.. 00010110040 fathom: vary raVaty. so that, in the ehortantso •of Mx 'Ron elks. wbole upper part of my 110411) WailliMOSS entirely ref' of its coral , tar, and mark qt tne rereelatee se upon the al s o and be,* part or sny heedaaatly r Insole gray so that you will not be surprised. when to I you that, oven my return to the State of tor more OSSUS.I so qoointanoeo were not so much AL Olga to discover the cuia o f the chola in my overanalyse as my more le , Salem atelaMittt6OolllWore SO regOglitie me at ail. • I atonal meet* e_pphostuut to We roma stllllll ;Mal ohms ip the emsetrY, bill, reemvins no asituranoe from them that tornair firt SKIM be restol, I was forced to become ,to my fate, until, orteootoiy, In the latter part of t year SAL,' your Restonalve WSS recommended to me by a drusetsl4 at Sims the moat tallith!. hair Restorative ip nee, ale one bathe, and foUtta to rat aatiefboti en that It tiroduoina the desired efliro Mane that ne. have embqueyee dot. Rog worth 0 your iteetora re, and as mph, t,,,ops• riossooat of very SO t lea k SIT.W/110h no money oan i ke , bt mark . of ley aratattile for your let,and skill lo the prodation of SO wonaprn an a , nole, t have mom. mended its use to many Or my Meade endaoessiatsn pea, who, 4, am happy,to•lnfOrni oh. are •ftelng like eat, , Very reoraolfilllf, Math, ' • ,•• • S• es, Liari. !Attorney go comieenor ey.Leyy. Pe t, 40 Broadway, and oats of all tasters tnyonith- Oqt the world. The Restorative IS put up in . *tiles .f *kw . my" IlfAlifgriVirtaitd,dlaelagiLletit7l:ll holds,aR a d om i bolde at least twen,.• per oast. *ore n proportion an i the mall, reta/41,f0r two dollars a bottles the. 15751 hold, a Tut, to per cent, more : in iproportlon, and re tails for 3StCT • • • ' OR D CO, PrtratietOre. tit BROAplyill * 'fVew s yor an la &RICO E Street, St. le i lait nio• an sold by e no d Druiralets and Pana y Dsal• , • , Sold berg , by• DI OTT k 00., 239 North SECOND Street. - ‘, ' . • • rtriatt•eowWtf• SOth.—Baccigalupre, for sale by NiVirSTHERILL /t. BROWER, 47 yid int North ii ChlVlDattoOto sun iM ) 1 0 P 4 1;• An tesilms rpmldy ♦r reallini remedy Ouzo Neuralgia, Nervousness, Cute NerVOIIIIIIIIM 14011fAilia. Cure Neon4* Nerecasuou. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGIBTd. SOLD BY ALL DauoaisTe BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS liAlLitaMD LINE 6. " ii NEW TRIWEEKLY AURN 0 k.:R AND FR FIGIIT ROUTTTTEEEE TTTO QHFCI and PORTEifiIOUT Va., via the Philade/shis, Wilmington, and Baltimore. and Delaware Railroads, thanes by the nre steamer Phila delphia to Norfolk and Portatnouth, vs. On and after July 9th, palsoongora from Philadel phia will take the &JO n A. 141. tram at the de y j i, r ° t i t ;r a f t ing a a n d d A:P a rt/V. t' alr :I v a ° n 11 ? sOl on. fold at. t.) P. M. and. at. Norfolk early sue next morning. 'ChB %insular Philadelph ia mill leave Norfolk on the eventzge ol v ; e lWooder. Wednesday,. and Friday, connecting train at Seaford. whioh arrives at PhiladeiPhiaP.M. Fare for first-oiato cm:mentors, toolotline moats on the 'boat. ST. $44 Second-ohm pawn:me. inoluding Meals on the boat, 0. Eteight taken at .ovf ne by any o the r ' , t he' . For further radiants:v. Poe small hand ibills at the h o w '' , e nd other DeWitt tattoos, or ig.aurre or (3. P. 11ARE, Agent, corner Broad et. and Washington av NENNE,Y. Master ol Tra.Dortation' J 127 &F. R. do . WBEIT 011E81 BR AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD VIA MEDIA BUMMER ARRAN(' MENT. O On and after Mondayuly IN), the passe nger trams will leave rimmutc,Lpit from the elation. corner of Market and Lehman or Thirty• Dist streets, Went philedeiphla, at 1.30 and 1010 A. and aOO, 4.45, and 6.06 V. M. Leave WEST OREETER, from the Depot. on East Market street, at 848, 8, end SASO A. dt, and IA and 0.15 P.M. ON SUNDAYS. of i ara e rigrat i N h i t eitir greedar tianrishl."ll. corner P. L M. eave West Chester, at 7.30 A. M., and BP. M. The last passenger railway oar will leave Pront and Market streets SO minutes, and Eighth and Market streets 2d minutes, before the starting time front the de pot, and oam ft Dar to denote it. The BAR go Car will leave Eighteenth and Market streets one hoer before the departure of the train from the West Philadelphia depo_t, Trains leavir wet 10.30 A. M. and 4.0 P. M. oonn sot at penseiton wit trains for all Meth on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad.- ott,,e and waiting room. southeast corner of Eighth and Market street*, where Pateeopere, purchasing tickets for West Cheater. will be furnished with a ticket over the passenger railway, HENRY WOOD, Iy3-tf General Guperlnteedent. NORTII PENNS'YL- O ioor tirElN.YAT BpLAQAD. LLES MAVEN C_llt Ng. LIABLE ON, _ittwY. WILMS HAVEN WIILICESDA 888, AiIiSPORT, dee. TOILER TILSOUOIL RAINS. On and aser MON keY, Nl* sd. 18114 rassemsr Trains sill leave FRONT end WILLOW Erman.. Ykl ladelphi a, Oil t LY k i r Eandaill eicrled ea fans: Tha t ielAltage 11...feritt'Arik42,4%1111.4=: o. AtS.BO (Extiregel. for Bethlehem, Easton, An. This train reaches Seaton at 6.80 P. M., and makes close connection with New Jersey Central for hew Yorg. &o. At ti P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk, At 9 A. N. and d P. P. for Doglattown._ 10.80 A. M. end 040 P. et, for Port Washington, a 0.39 A. M. Express Train mates olose conneetion th the Lehigh Valley Rai Watt at Uetblehat a. being the shortest and, wont doaDabla monis to Niflutabatte. "4 14 an ItaiYdn'VedrimA., I,oave • Bethlehem MKU A. M., 9.20 A. rd. and 6.23 P. 110.56 yleatoyn at 1.10 A. M and LIB P. M. have t WitalfirteCon at 6.0.3 A. IC and &le P.M. on SUNDAYS: Palladelohla for Bethlehem at 8 A. AL Philadelql . a ? gr Drlllatolrfl,ats P.M. inselphis at ILO Bethlehem for P P lularphla at 0.00 P. M. Paro to Settdeham.. WI Pare to &fault Ohunh.Bllo Pare to E5et00....,..,, 1 soinae to Dogieritairt. 9(0 Through_TialepAng t e r iLtle . ixrogernd at the Ticket Of , Bare at WILLcw BERES Street; In order LO ISOZITO the above rates or fare. All humenger Tralaetexoept_r!unday Trains)cot:neat 111 riZriirVlUN ' enta l t= r k e r l i s ultaMg re ing Wil Ow admit. Ir6ELLIS CLARK, Agent. 1860. 1860• DPRING [ N C —EW TtORR_ LINE% 'MN CAMDEN AND AM Y AND PHILO. DM:MA AND TRENTON RAILROAD___co. 8 LIKED FROM 44111,DELPISit, TO rtii.;W YOltif AND WAY PLAM, Ymio Walnut street Wharf, Wilt leave as follawa—nt: TAW/. At e A kr, via Camden and Amboy, A. tiootan %%lodation. - ---.— --. ... An- $1 %I At 6 A M.vir. Camden and Jersey City (1)1, J.) An ommodation„ —. _ —......---. 211 At 9 A M, Ma Camden sad Jersey t..t y, Montlitt , NAM -.--., --.........--..........—....-....., ... .. I . • . .... 300 At 4/ 4 ill, by Steamboat, via Tanony an I J. nor , Okty, Western Bxpress.—.. .—.— 600 At P Ali, via Camden and Aieboy, Moosup 1.- dation— ... ........ ....,—. . S. At I P Moils - utimaen and Amboy , U. 111111 . A.8z.- II 03 if ririd, by Keie . via Twony and Jamey Afril v ArateTigg et .iii...ti;SOn:Y.l7.nriiii;s:Y 600 , 081 OWs Ti0ket....... ~.. —......„ 166 AV 11, v Banidan and Jersey Oity. Kumar $ 03 Alg a l' 161, vitibamdi a and lirsey oliV. - B - o - titiern II 26 Ate F 14, iviieraldep and r.initoy, Moonimpa , Sion, (Freight and rewengerd-V i t Ciass Tie st, 2XI el • 114) TheeP lid Mall Line rune daily. Tho 11 FM, Booth dr, Mail , as ur d u a Guested. • - Por Belvidere. FAatoq, Lambertnlle, Flemington, leo., at 6 A M an_d 4P 61, from Walnut-street WWI. and 7,10 A M from Kensington, For Water Gap,tlitroodioarg,l6oranton, Wilksobarre, Montrose. Brest Hand Ite. Iron t A. sa. from walnut guest wharf, and 7.10 4. M. KeAstrilton, via Dela ware ktiokswanna an, _ W Wont _A.B. For feerot li at'4 3 /T d ointt 33 o'. l o d" 4 31, WAY 1,114.E13. For Bristol, Trentgo, An., at 134 end II Y. M. from Weapon street wharf, 7.10 A. M. and 6M P. Id. from Kensington. Fort i ntra,Btverton. Ilelasoo. Beverly. Biallini ton. V Minis. Bodin:Ron, kit., at UK, Land 43g p. AL t JO. Belknait for Bordentown and interme diate Plate% g 233 Y. . IM Gumboot Tventon Or Taaany h at 11 A. P. and TaCtner .. Bever ly , Barlmaton, and !idol a% 6F. M. Pik rnsindi of Bamukti homy, lowe d PaslA6- ker. yassensere are prontbited from tak ing"ambles re nate bettastr wormer easarog• AU baggage firer 111 pound/ to be vala for entre. The Pommy hut Mr responalbility (or 064tayo to One D o ll" . 4 , umi a, and will nut ibit hable for OD/ amount beyond 11160, in dent by imolai oontraot,_ WS • • - . WM. H. DATZIItrEIt. Aunt. alitaggla i-1111,ADEI,PITIA. AND READING RNDROAD. ispucrrada OP FAREb On and after APRIL Sd.fri Uonamotation Tickets, loth throaty-ea oeune. I De Mood. good for the older and sat member of 1,06110, Da any tanager a, end at COT Ina el el ' , MI be EOM bz rrvir'holentithl as llttss et/ RI treet,jt ar vn to N. . from the fetrf. fare, . Verges. Int ekloy the Ihamthet to e tAtlAtrz , b nlad I eel desirable Wi t t e n , thesear: anbi among t VAT ' & glntnSl . l 4 . Pdi‘— # d 4' W N. BRAtIPOItit Ireestiier, rlticatiet.Psta. Mame Se th . M. athar-tf PREAMIN WEST CHESTER TRAINS ale PENNSyLV RAII.RRAD I leave depot, Corner NIA v ANTI" O p : St i liggi - 4:v a . ire Cheater at 4 Y. AI. )yip-t< • PHILADELPHIA., G.F.R.- MANTOWN ANL , NORRO -111111LILOAD-BUMMERARRANOEMEN:,— ` On an d r agr o llO ß lMm4,lB6o, ',save Phi!Malaita a, ?, 8, 9. 10. 11,.and IA A." M.. "1,1,109, ft 0, 64(.. 1, 9.1,144, and tud P.M. Lases Oermaneown d, 9 39,9.10. 11./.IA. M., 1,94, 4,11,11.9%,9,9 9 19 r• 43g DA V, Leon FAUAOIIIII,3 Mint A• Zt, 1 1 9, 5, IX, and r. and .beaire r Germantown LID min. A. Ni., 1.10 min., 9, 0 . 30 .X. CIMSTNATT HILL RAILROAD, Leave Philadelphia 5. a, /0. II A. Ittat 9 l6l Ott AA4 R M. Leave Chestnut 11111 1,40, 9010 21 43 A, Mt, Loa, LOA" 8401 1. F. Mt F. Mt • ON based 2115.debbia LOS A. AL, hi, and ni P. M. heatant Hill TAM A. M.. 1.1410, 6.10. and 9.19 min. P. VOR cimmogooß.P.N mu) nonitunowit. Low's Philadelphia 8.00,7 H, 9.08. 11M, min., A. Ni.. LOC IlAa , OM, 6./4, and mg P. M. II an Leas , . Notristnern 11, 1, 8.09, 9. U. A. M., 1 ) (,, 459. d • iehgltiONtANDlAYtR andB 14.lgtoat FORMiA%AY UKP.k. 1.085715 Phitadelnhin 9.09. H.% A. 1t0.1•0142X5, 8.06.4 K ,, 8.60. and 11111f6 P. It Lased !Unarm:dm? TH, 11.10, MC and ItNi A. 15..5, 53i, Arid 51. SUNDAYS, 714/rim Philadelphia 9A.M,a, 6, and M. Mara Manalunk mkA, R ene 4, 6%, and 9.4 p. M. .)I_,X.RMITHraI thiperinterident. 9:19-0 ' DRPOT.N.INTH and GREEN Streets. m a A po 8: 1 7 AI : Eit ARRANGE- T. NvikallNEProX, AND lILLTi- MORS. RAILROAD. OA asol Oat atONDAy,July_li, IMO, PARDEBRER . TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELHIA, Yor o ßalldroore at 11.1 a A. AL, a noon, (Express,/ and UM l A, UM Y 7 Oheater lrl at MB A. M.. 11 noon, 1.15, 640,1.00 and For Wilmington at 2.11 A. M., 12 noon, 145, 5.00, T, and 1110 P. ht. i ggtlardgt"e a a t tigt. l Pk;Ci 'm qq.ll . orp...r 808.15 A. AL and isoo P.M.15. P. N. or maston at 8.111 t i hl,_, and SP. ht. or lilford at 8.15 A. N . Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Baterdsys at 3,30 P. M. Pot Farmington at &lb A. Al, Mondays, Wedneedayg • and Fridays at LOO P. M. o'er Seaford at 8.16 A. M. Mondays, 'Wednesday/hand Prldasit itt.o.ol P. M. F., Ratistrury at 8.13 A. 4.1, SIT Tram at RR A. M, will oonneot ar Seaford on Tuesdays, Tburedsym, an d BAtUrdaYa t wit h atenalbOat to ftbrfonr. TRAMS FOR PRILADELPHLt teava Baltunore at 8.10 A. Al., (ICapreas,)lo.llll, M., and LSI p. al. Leave WI/into/ton mix, aso, and 21.10 A. AL. Lail, 414, :wad 1135 P. M, .:11 , 1 11: 1 1011 " 41 1., %1 % Sari/ At 7.20 A. m it , ctna 2 1 471 0 it, are, and Baturdam Leave Farattny,ton, Tuesdays L Thursdays. and Satur day, at 8.00 A. M ,and 4.111 P. ed. itmivre Milford.. Mode s , Virednesdays, and Fttdays. at T. 50 A. M., and 4.00 F. m• eve Harongton at 8.15 A. M., an I.M P. N. awe vor at 9.03 A. M., and Di 6 , 1 P. M. To ddletown at 10.06 A. . and 630 P. M. save. w Castle at 8.0010.1.0 A. M., and 7.84 P. M. va Cheater at 740, 9. 1 10 A. hi.t/ 1 1.04,143.6.110. and P. P. M. Leave Baltimore for 6.35 P . and Delmar* Railroad at 104 A A._1 4 1.., and 6.2 t. P. M. TRAINS NU.n. 11rmalMORE Lave Cheater at &ftli A. IC an sad 11,40 P. N. A laimo Witalinaton at ASS A. id., 11.64 P. id.. and 1130 111LiallIT TRAIN, with DASSENGER CAR attach ad. , will ran as follows: 111117111 iehleilAtill for Perryville and intermediate Mtn ate I.', I. aye wilmiT c ra for Perry-610 and intermediate id ,m, a t 6.00 r. I. re Havre- e:prt toe for Baltimore and fatermedi attiraresollMort.ll,‘,“ll Havre-oe-Crepe -4 oao end Ite di ....„. at P. _r IS 6 6- r 0b Mae - Me Di 2 COO P. la. ISIINDAY3 Only at 11.10 P. M., frornyhil oda Iptua to Baltimore. Only at 8,93 P t M. from Baltimore to Plilladelphla. . y 7 8. M. FELTON. President. 0111141M1ISELAIIRA ROUTE.- PiiILADELYMA AND EL- I l i t t latell i i ' lTE to T =aqua I Cat:wins, N. ert, Wacfparre k t=ton„ saii D t trlp f hililtonalp =Vallaileedttste, OTeveledid, l 4 l 4ll, Toted:: touch Oh Lou ii, klilvaugee, ard uli Do ta North and Peasouper WiilllVr i l l ii ILt i tla r %est o tg r llpol l it t fabl , hi- UttO u liT a filLT. litiatta, (PaseePter entranc on liTt l tll erect,/ dell., (Sundays excepted), f o r above ' E'Ll lriniEss Pt wr IMPRE.BB. • ..- .. -. - .....1 40 •M. The , tt,p? A, AL tv n tr n ine . ote — it firpeallor Wilkes- AVriatA B° N D 111;06R1SD R UB 6 0 RAIL OA' e . qte k ahooa tratne A ut lie direct oenneetions at ,linl l:l a Wit ,the trains of the tow Yorliand_Vrip, Canandaigna d Dilaters Falls, an linfreio, NOW all Pointe North and est, add theradem usi g p ig eoe ~t to Elmira, Pardo, and thpoponslon Bre. and al 1.-ter-mediate volute. Mete can bat roared at the Philadelphia and Hi prri Railroad LIT eel ieket Moe, northweet comer of XTII end OfiL J. PICT three% and at the _Passenger pot, oornerp . '.4 DARTEk.NTH and OALLOWift L. ° ' THROW ' EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leave the Pint i telphla and Reading Depot, prom sad callowhill erre I 'daily tattodaye excepted), tor all points Weata I Vorth, at 6P, el, Ffralghta inn - be deliPered before aY. M. to intone living erne day. t farther zinnia" , el et Freight Depot, T RIPE ro and CAL 0 LL. Or to CHAS, is, rA PEN e Agent, ribrThertet liorrter SIXTH one lOXZW/MAIT Steele, qU-Philadelphia • , NOTIOE.--OLIESTEN iNiiiiiMON VALLEY RAILROA D—M. nriORP TRAINS VOA DOWNINGTOWN AND IsRALEDIATX ISTATIONS.—On altlitter stlift ?Tay, OM ‘ho rosod,Ocer Trains, . for jiottrotiNyrlmi rie„,tpl lt li m iZei n ntiriz e wara"orra r eg_p l4- 1 • DINAD:od ilAbl+9l. Etroata, (otattotator cu lawtting?: Thri for Tiovokitolol, !o!liTos ai &GO . . 00EI WNAIN fer DiGralaitatrot lame et It(Saiotara eaatotttaJ Y lroad order °Mgt mud or monagera of us Phitsifolifikto Lail Itookillaz Roa DO %PI W• N. ENNEN . . NatoOtary, 1-14,411 t i , TilZ Pll424e sCLVl t a ta,47-)!N '1( PPS MILE§ P9VI44E.WRACit; 1 MO. Tu, a/worm .s I L IK: r 4I I 4 f I IST WI IRVA ra I4 ) ' filphil -, Fj*, 4 43,...., t v o x , di . with'. , w 04 0001 O' Union pone at Ahoy I'll); brough 'row. k• en from at potrlla in tbs eat, nnltaitaatv and 50idalralt _ ut Vnifoing rika tieg, fbr Om friamnattos of , paalwareranampawed for ,infaira an ,ooo,tl br air other moo. . , • Morelli and ?fiat Lingo my rfirisih to Plrtsblri. wit : i o t a canoe, Corso? Clontraotota ' all throat. mi aow/ Trains provicta4 with. t r a.gripro • t 21 "ralidit" u111,47.12,,Vt 13141,4.„ engineer , Um* t am a . am:unt u rau re Miami to asc3 itroodriro aa was r0n.5gr,A0127: 6 30.0 ...t . Eon a" ktrg t alerto Philaitolabli at 110 A. IA . . kit roam . i "m • Faces Rittin LEAvr , ' ) 4 • Viip rrifirbet• twoontraodation, • •• • 11 ,M. If titorabia " • ' arkaabnla " '' B l • etc Chaster " is w.t. Mostar Poarensera will . ota6llaLl, Went Chester Aooommodaboadia want& aim s 1 paassagent for EinsiberY, .vAI So, Niagara Falls, mid into " pia, Zllf. tt#: 1 adelplail r l 7.V1 d. rd rA. A A .1 al ha o g s .n o :Aha Co T leyal e rdl i ttertrek, 0 1911 , or , &4014, or Nl rßiznalw at oaa :Liarra!d_fit any •me . . : p•pliat. west s a o 31„.a..d iU ,)tu' ' = Molar Line of Iftearaltra on a o r o 0 man.. sir fare *lmage an ion, and tine as sta. aa b 7 any other Route. or fucker information ansty at the ?Ammon Rut- Oen, Seutneatit eerily or Et l venth and market Benetti. The oomph, o el the Warn connections or th e enngegenta to =make thhi the DIRECT B B HE KART AND TIER The mingogron Strepk: the4koed Deft, at Fittetrgroging aA ur ardr e y a i g,s Jrzzet. Irat r ated%y ;Minor' (if l'Arat, •azat erehonta end IShilpplin entraining the treargortntroti o their Freight to ttitnen trim eotii denee on itemeedLtrt, TRE West OF ABM= to nnit !nun lay point in the West br the inucuryiYania All 4044 NV at lit times as /onerous at arg Morgati tit gam Rai/reed Coghpantar. OW Bo partial* nark botakayaa " via Nana. Isti roam tor4ZireVV.?atitarriliVAZ M imor, A. ErTEWABI, zootoype .1 JD. n vt , ramr iaroore ago§. N.• Saisallietor Wass. Bt : ~L EEE &to_ Ifni freensiliss Vast; Hams St Bnitt,Aleinshis. Tens.; &get Vora% to.e West. B. D. ioNosTolt. Philadslohts. MAGRAW & 11001 , 19, SI North streak Bollitooro, LURCH It. CO., 1 Astor House. or 18. st.,IS.Y. & Bi l b=gitAtiostrsot i Boston. e. I s ‘ BO I Y/WElfil e Yoie r t e .ge t ort i d. " /S. t WIB, oil Altoona, o. PHILADELPHIA e t N p RE A DIO RAIL ROAD.— AlidlltfOtiß TIAINB for. P01.71211/4.413, REAM (/ a& BARR.O3yt. MORNING JANE, DAIL dilundaye excepted.) Lenge Rev De t . armor o BROAD eon CALLoW ELL L Mreett,PDILADIGLPII/Ai(Passeger OD Dunes on Thirteenth and on Oallowhlll streeta t /pt 4.0041. M.. eonsitetine at Etsrrieburg nrith the PERRBYLVANIA it AIL HoA D,A P. M. trait rumor to Pittabura ; tee CVMDEALADI.D i rog LOG Y. 41. trill 4 uteraoLto Obamberehurg. uee, a. L and the NOSITHERPI etalTrua, ILA OAP IP. 2 1 0..170111, relleillt 10 BlM burnlika. AFTERNOON LINER. Leave New Diket, wow of BROAD and CALLOW. FULL &rests ruILADELPIIIA i (Passenger entninoes I.Z.o4ll4tifhaterr.hinal.gretrmps .. .t.,.. et 0. r. al., on.u.V. iikain ' A! RR VIA PEODELPHIA MID Rxembre irdirilio _Lcki.D. p i z s pj A v e nr. 7 • i 1 E L IE-- :7.. .. I % pliat t, I p hi • s n eu i i i d ai lt e r it ill anphi r l:::= l lo illerabert—_—..... .301 , 21Mizanitralll ' revorton Junation..lii ftnbary. —kW morthombermad--...1111 t ld t. i t nirg— e l m h r_ 7 „ l __—__ll, l Beehary axed Eno X. A. eweiltore=3lll k Raven, MS 4._...7'7' 1 w hea l iEll" 'T ti di LIRA. i.. mil the P. mail% doily Vlta a _ Willtarrr i ldta 'pay& making close neeneeica r i k : Raw to alma F• 414: 'To. the Welt, a Boti wee. • D MillatlLAD LP Dottier of BROAD ea al dis_ti . t. MellßENNEW.Neereesor. lIIIIPPENG. FOE THE EIOETH--- 1 4HAHLia. TONAKISSLASANNAtif STRARISIIPS, FILSIOI LT REDUORII. Seamg at a ug f e a t rWelrfeloa Per eat. fm. levr Mew YOT i t 0 rt. 0. _C. The ILL Mall StaaroaluirMSTOYM !MAW, Dap taro Chas. p. hlarshman, will sad an Saturday, Anguat 26,_at ID o'oloot A. 111.. 7/trough fp altos* honl7,—only ad hoots at Sea . FOR BAV4lirtAlt_eit ta The V. 0. Mail IlmamaMe BTATI% GRORGIA. Captain ;ofifl J. Garvin. vr.a Ell The r. datest 30. at 10 a. sa. lannatt an In to t honrs— tn onl , y 43 bolus et amt. fly=r e itt3 l .l l Verta ard " ffelLtragral23 dicritti-Awa t ir-vntio BLeetuattlee KEY _ rK ATgud ErrA OP GEONOIA now nu/ se above ever, tar days, that. ortolan s tlys-dar oomme, oloatron entb Oharlardm ardi Savarrel. sod the bomb and /Southwest,At both Charleston and Savannah, theas Ships cor nea Ina steamers for Florida Sad witu ISIWWI 414.1 for all Ithaca in toe South and goat/meat. _ iNBlrdatOM. tab r hreartroe or & Wye proportion of Semis egad Southern! Si. fmtid to be lowa by these Immo yeetele. the ^renilani Was on•-kalf the ram N. s.—lpsupapse on all Railroad Fratattls sorutalY unnecessary, fartbar than Oharlsaton or Savannalf; the Railroad Coin oxilraietrilorktNlA. tat pow,. Pare Soy this route MI to 10 per amt. raper than by the Inland Monte, m artll bto 'm i ll the ollormatm dole. Through hatreds from .P,t, I,_via 9 e*- ton and rannah Maaulauira, /VC ntld on tho whO root', outset from (7 and Baena nan. tirtttnre.”- , VIA C15.1111.25T0N. VIAL 11AVAIII.Iall, To ilbarisaso.,_---416 00 To 841 , 0i1/21111.......... VS its Doaattaa tt=t" r 21 20 0rt102111117...-.4 - 31 00 .-- boy ._.... nO grTeTr —39 76 ontgomery. Oil •. 27 76 35 is Knoxrl •.. 22 64, New Orleans_, 39 75 Memento l adi ng. 31 301 V* big or walnut OW the shit Atm 'sr.* .3. 1 .41 1 ` vtfaMp-e,,r`gri b°"' at "e° d ROIA,Jr. I 4 CO it o. 1 016 80 0. VFS. Oftoe for sale of Zoksta, southwest coome, ru1.711.4311 and 01.1E5T141.1.1f Stresta. PD Ufa"lnO Sav rl a ,Z M L EB I. It O Ode f D P LL. For Florida from Charleitor, mauler Carolina every Poi . Florida from Savannah, steamers et, Marsh and Bt. John's ovary Tuesday and Saturday, THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERMAN ROME, MAIL STEAM -841. PROM Mew Toga TO LIVERPOOL. Chief !labia Passage-- ~ .. . —SIX Second Cahill' Passage --..•........--... 76 ? ROM soirroll TO LIVIA TOOL. ChiefCs oin Passage ~..•..—....... ..... ... /MO Second ilatun Primate . .. • . . A) The ships from New Yorli . Oerirei'opiriligriir;r. 'Y be ships itorn metal' call at HaillaX and Cork Har bor. PERSIA, Capt. Judkins. CAMARA, Capt. Lana. ARV/A, Can. J. stone. AMERIC, Capt. hinter. Ah Capt. - 1 , , 0 Lon. NiAGAlrtie_Capr Anderson AP Ca, CapL Shannon. EURoPA, Capt. J Leitch - SCOTIA, fnow building.) These awards eat ry a clear white light at mast-head green 04 start/pant bow; red on port bow. CAll ABA. Lang, laity.° a 1. 4 9a,Va. Wednesday. Aug. 8 ASIA, Lott, , W ednesday . Aug. 18 .I .IROPA, ' , Web. " Ikisto o n * Wdnesdaf, Aug. XI victim A, Judk lAN, " N. York W.ednessisy. Aug. 59 ARABIA, Stone. " Boston, Aroinersday. Sept. a AFRICA, Shannon. " N. York, 'Wednesday, greet, 1.1 Berths persecuted until paid tot. An exoorienoed Surgeon on board. The ow ners m or these ships rill not be unquotable for Gold, S ilv er Bullion, spews. Jewelry. Prius armies or kle , unions bills of laden are skived therefor and the value thereof taerip expressed. For freight or pas sate, apply 10 B. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Breen. an New York. BUSINESS CARDS: R R. CORSON. REAL ESTATE BRO •RE AND CONVEYANCER. NORRISTOWN, ,Ptpnsyivarna. FARMA, arowEs. MILLS, and HOTELS FOR SALE In Montsordery, Bunks. Chaster, and Delaware Counties, from In to 200 acres, in good localities, Persons apptyini will be shown propertiee free of charge. Bonds and Mortgages negotiated at fair rates. HAND 80dIE R.bBl i.EtsCES for Asia in Norristown, Potts town, and intermediate plaoes. For Catalogues and In.l description, address R. R. CORSON isn•dm Nornst.wi . F l a. N101.101d307 , 1, • J• idsunfooturer of BLURTS Lirrtal and MARSEILLES BOSOMS AND COLLAhh.. A lenge nand. ome assortme p arti cu lar wit!. Ne Dlt. alwers onunto whioh I ly invite the Attention of CAJU and prompt-paling 3110111 . -11311 bUfera. . Corner of SECOND and ARSE . Streets. Philo. de ohm. eu7-3m• L.RVI W. GROFF, . 11 -4 Near HA REVILLE, LANCASTER CO., re., Manufacturer on the 1.1,1 Preemie AINQB 1842 OF PUR UB R..YE WII t I E Y. DiTraE6 FROM rnb 8881' OFRYA ONLY . aul-Im. E J. BAYLIS '1110M1,4,79, • ArIVRNSI(-AT-LAW. Has rmnoved hie aloe from :Ica PO Arndt street to Na Ca WALNUT Street. 7oriouflir attention given to the recovery out Almon tile Unarm. 7he retailing and eSaanotion of Will. converanoes, Asaignments. Briefs of "altle ‘ and other truttrumenta of Writing. The mananenaentof Exam:dor shiver, Admintatratorshipa, and Truro , annerintandedr and the boat erothruthe procured for the earthmen% in- Teetmetts of Diener. fiattafaotory refer - en...given when reantred. antit-gm. HENRY KEENE ATTORNEtA74.AVV, Has REMOVED his office. m N 0.600 Wahine street to No. am South TITIRD Street. mhterho • HORACE ati;B, MEORANICAI. ENOIII.IIE.Tt, nni PATENT ATTORNE, 110.114 Rontn at.XTII Street, iNeatli a ormototo the. County Courthored J ' aFtl:CaLgrA T lMlLtteatV.FT:t. ton &tent.. , an* im" ELIGUET .!P. SONS, K.7e IMPORTERS Oh IIAVANA MARS, 2. 1 3 Booth FRONT Street. Huelva rrilarly a full assortment of desirable Cl. +RBWblo they offer at low rates. for ouh rap waved oratlit . pAWISUN MU/JOLSON, BOOKBINDER!! NOB, 119 AND 191 ?amok trrsErY. Batwoon Malt e ! 9.9.4 URLI C T I hoetata A. streets, M t! ! JAM i ES PAWSON, JAB, B. IA witomon. • t W J.EH.AION, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, Chloe, No. 116 South SIXTH Street (Opoosito independence. bettered Plat tAnktprits., Bribe aid of rellablo Attorneys, at different points is the United Staten, is enabled to nroseonte and °onset (Calms of every deenription. rattionlar attention viten to the examlnatioa and re covery of the Maims of Lesatees and Llevivers, end the examination of Land Titles and eecuttng_the Interests of helm and all persona Interested in the same, in all sane (Atha Union. • Haste° B tatutetr of an the States aid Is Conamiuioner fori % n w "" o i re them naientur taken under cornnuatuone, J AVA OOFFEE.-1,000 pockets prime AI joys Coffee, formate b JAM R 9 & Lgri rIA litreat • PITOELL- y .275' Is Pitch, in storo and 5m..% Bow asnsupiEß, No, 1 h 81111 WHA 0,01 •• • • ate Cti'BEEk Buies lierkinter county n, C AVITThqt;P Ie t ti e'.,loaLliPintrCUealt° reloll. 20 i Tierces Prime Retailing OtE rlestQ4 Ri co. for Ws by MAMA GRAHAM ATMIA "gX. AIjeTIOA Ftrarratk B lI ILINLgt SS I leftl,B OF WONTED A ARVII(Witfi DIY maim on raosditridorniog, August iStb, lit ti o'oloolt, by oato*ra— • out I iototha credo, ilk 190 of taaarai4iiitntitdrridpodo. - No eigral*, saga eausiogues &saw mei imonali4 oI N F. RAFOOAST, AtTOTIONIXR, Sio. c:RIPSopT to B. soorr. JR.. 431 EtiEratinlT_,ltA, R 0.1.-1 have, In coonasormaol of Oellontam to health. dintql of aU nay interest in the S.un ism nese wino werlsoteB by ate at an . omLTI( Ul' Barest to Mr. .F. retOOAST. I take UM oteemeteity 10 *WM my thanks for th e /rapport I hare gees vett sad ttelt nsentnisatma tasty snootessoror, beet I my aatiorise w sejleet all Ins unsettled aenotuna. R. tiOnT, la. l'arLsonstris. August I. M. BHVilfrit B i k i OV •11,,AC I ANDYBLy.sBGE 8 CR OP B A BOOBB, BTATRIA BRE. 'PIE- T REB OF OR W. Itc. On Tneedes Memos. A nog 2e. upon the premier, No. 316 Chestnut *seat, commeneing at ge o'cloon. l'artasnlais in faint/ annertiseincata. PUILIP FORD .4 co., AIICITIONIN9B, NO. MO MASK= awn. mai bit Agn 4ol Stale INS MANCE COMPANIES. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN sou NOS. 0 .0762 CY. INCORPORITRD BY raw sonizercrim CiF PANNSYLVAN A. 1,334. OFFICE B. Z. tielt.ttlSK TIMID ASA WALNUT anes% Pitdadolp da. 151 ARIN 'Nei/RANCE ON VICSIBLFS, OA.ROO. To all parte of the World. FAS,IOIIT. IsLAND Tram RANCE'S On Goode, by River a Canal. akee. and Istad Osnisse ' ANewe a t fhe Union IPI 5 APi 13 On Pleyeliandote generally. On Stores I iwolllnsgossisr. ASSAD, Or TR o, C . 40 PASCP. November 1.1867. Pay. Idarkw 'rem. • 60123 too Philadelphia City 6 4 T r nt. jnt5..411,23 560 CO sllOO MO Pent eylvants _Mate 6 m ea t . Ma. I t MS 01 *91.010 p_ennsylvanis some tent Loan. . It 000 60 22.060 O. B.,Tteasucl ip cent hates and otereatdoe .. 2 *SG 45 630,000 11. 0.:: raiser! V OenCIVORe Bad interest due. some to VS= Ter:twelve, Loan niiiie - City of i'hila deletit...l- lasol6o 000 rettnettvastra railroad lid Martial* 4V tent. Bonds ot 31100 00 020.0'0 North reanatlvanis Railroad Mort tate 44/144st. Clouds. , 12.600 CO 114,1)06 West Ph:lade:ohm Poseenter , Company TV at. nos yen Illoods. 12 MO CO 8)5,000, 300 abane. wont Germantown Gov conoonny. intoryost a• d tortnolett ltuarantted by the city or flow,. deltoids-- .. . . Isom al tom 100 Owes renamivit;tl;iiinrOiabiiin -116,000.1011 shares - North Penosylvania Railroad C0mpact,......-350 C 053260 abuse Phi fad/leafs lee Mot ans emu.' Tot Corroatly, Philadoshis sad Savannah Steam Purneation Com pany, Moen mem orivigatton • rompany. Philseelehtli and Havre de Onme Steam Tow Boat Company. Philadelphia Exchange Company.... 23110 VI 6„'kS6 j W ,113 "stds sea liorksiss, had Reel Rasta. or floe &uldiag..t . 16 In IS Rifts fa:sayable forlsettnseeei made.. IPS palest.. See at Aorseofee=-Preisiaine WA. nee POIIO4I. Interest. and other debts att. the Comm!, .; .... - • • • "0 4 14 B:2 le snd sloes .of sundrytyre __ 2oo 00 Cass .. a . 3 m* 31 DIRECTORS. Pazial)l3 ; !totem, ktY., an' Moan. ward Para Vow. B. Joaasardi tracer Sr Wafts, '11)001114 C. v Nobert Da r ton . • Staab p:Soriar. Jame', A. Id Parlatd, Joshua P. Lyn. Say II Bwmato, Pittabl D. .ttorgan. .. AS Af M A . r ir ART Be K. .radridant. L RAND. Viol reigAsat. watery. • dill-wrai William MsOn. Edmund A. bonder. Theooddlue Paslding, t& nt en R. Penrose. sa o.' Davie. Mei Traquatr. Wdheart ete ye, Jr., James . Eland, Lam C O. 1.. n twit. Joseph E Real. Dr. R. M. Ramon. ()sago C to parr gtAfirinCll. XVWI I ROO. C. HENRY L'ILBURIL Sum TN bUR ANOM OOMPA NY OP THE wr,ferz CF P grorsYbv iNze,trate Atm EA, EIRE IerrURANCE Nos. I Arra 0 sawmill' oz ustaitrioa. I. omt. tin us ..01,. is-iss rpu—os v ital 41001Ne—liesete, January ume. . eil invested re ecsiked and &reliable senantrrie—oon- Dens to Mon on Yoisolo Mid 0114001. Iltuldints, Brock' of Mersiandure, ke ..aa liberal torso. • Dill R!!. Irszni D. rhonitd• 130 0t0 y i . EWA. e Imes Toby, raotuol rant, Jr., C 1341104 briealestor, l'obise‘reaber. 'William 8. .mirk. '• Moto 8 Watteau. Jeep R. Redd. WiDiree R. White. Ott,74. F X.T.n. . o.ft. C. Canon. HENRY D BVERILERD, President. WILLIAM ketetreE, doonnars. JelLir ma EXOBANGN INSTOLANOZ COMPANY Plalv ArchaildrLLNOß ?past LAMA eli 11 sad Iderehaadisa swi tsyn . dlr. ot l e l isasestils Wash ~111 Maw naiad or tar mw DIRIeN t m frAthot= "raitr.. seam T. trim, ~,.. Hai . i. Scam Marsh, 0/111 ElJEit.i.. Easdley.,_ lac . TT's! Woe* Jlb PETAH SOMALI eadsEL VIM 4... GINNO/1 Vies ?readmit. . IS D'194170 W. DA M.' , eeretars IFS INSURANCE i-aPANY —THE PENN NU- AteetlE OrldParElf. ?fort , DOSIC Stmts. St L rvEll ror sawn c,s, and endowment/r -egal Emate. arid mites ell costiogeoetee of Jae. They ,or as tzeoutore, Trustee , . led Gum Mims. 'recoil L. Miller. Tit Nealamin Coate,. Richard N. Newbold, Will am P. Ilsokar, Wiliiarn H. Kern. Samuel C knee, Etimus Wavott. AND TRUST COM MUTUAL LIRE vistr thim.t oom.r of ThIAD Ind 47.110101 levant, torn of Ator—gnats rohnses AN i k on t he a nominal* aggennlng an the iLdminbrtrators. dasignses B. . Rolm O. Tovnuiend. liodolabris Kens. William H. Varri P. V. Dation, Wiliiam Koloortaon. Warrior M. Rana. N. allob trDaiitl • ati . Joxrr W Holioroa floors Etta/lon. UAt Pves‘glipt t. . ,o. Ph. t. r•. " *DU SABINE & INSURINSURANCE ANSPITIN 140. 421 WALNUT litheet, ANCE aitainet lees or (mange by Fire. on Cotton lute Woollen NAL and other Yanufesteertes, blerobannure tn Partitu u r o e. And or property, hn ra,o - C °sestet and Sore SilaPils 111. JIETROPOLITAN Fl WM NSW YORK, Cash Capital aad ...MAW ea PROVIDENCE VC/TON 114=. 4 41 0. 1.1"V_, c 4 Bun gee rell ARCTIC , FUN INBU Nati CO, Or fiE YORK, HOPE FIRE 114111?Mr20., 0P0M1 4 1, 111. h Cep CO -plea EWA% ill. CITY FIRE INElTa l afia CO., OF If.t.W.Hev....._EN. DERMA IA FlRMireb taa „ n' d ßgl' t tlr L... 77 ' RUMNOLOT refulitnir. 07. G bits' and Druilita Ouclie A. Applioatione Nemo or - by note will receive Pim* annhon. DUYi .fttette, ie4 am No. 4.14. 'WALNUT Street. THE ENTERPRISE INSTJRANOE COMPANY PP PRILADSPELL (FLU 11101,IISIVELY.) "TWR9 INWA aARM" '1 DIRBOTORE. ,E 4 Usalre_9l4 117“41. Yr !Will ADAM tuanzo FEAZLIISI. JOHN M. ATWOOD, B_tru. T. Timm MANDY WHAT% CRAMLE.B Ha . A MERIOAN EIRE INSURANCE 00., LNOOSPORATSD 11211—CILULTP& maim l it ". 110 WALNUT Pirate above Third, Wallkill& Raving a large paid-u4kg. Iteatook bas In vested to T r unithod • te_Seeintles, ion to In v_ 0* ellinsaitprer• FIMI/t/Ile, KM Vessel lu ort and . air carves, and ottter • Property. All lOUS s befall/ end roaaril "mimosa. - Thos. R. Marie, Jobe T. Lena, John liVenr. ,b /wee B. CVO. itaranei c. mortoe. Edmund Q. bib. Patriot ibuty. to 1 lly. W. Yoe] ey. TkagifilinWAß/B. Prealavall, ALBERT C. L. CRAW ItD. %cream Matt fi LASER. CITY INSUBLIWE COMPA vb NV—FRieRLIN BUILDING& QS WALNUT STREET. PR ADELPHIA. CAPITAL AND SUR PLUS.S369,I 70.—Inmares against Lose or Damage b =.l y ,V 1 the Perils of the Hem . Inland Navigation and Munn. St CRON M. 'DART. President. . P. ROM Vioe President. IL R. COG LER GSIIALY, Ekto't Sec y ma oareret. it. 11. BUT. Arnvititesret T ary. NrgeiHari, tore 3)l3 ,A ll i aster H. JINIC /2 And irk Cb .VD_ E A rl .. N I ; li altet. mosir ItA_RDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. PACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE —We would respectfully oall the attention of the Gene ral Hardware 1 raw. so our evens ve stock of 81 te. Ml:votElAhl HARDWARn, writer' are o de at a. small advance by the package. Order. oor direct iniportnion ao)itated c and Goode de livered either in Wendy, eve York. or New irrleaire. G BON. COMMEROt Btreet, Isepor',lng end emendation Merchants, two:l4lonm for Foreign and Demesne Hardware. bung( PIANOS. Milloll CIL & BR IDBURY'S CELE. B R A FED PATINT INBUt. tern) IRON. avgas ZING G tut ND-ACT/or4 PlAllvvoB, imemdered uniturpassed b. this bra artists sudjudses, ouo k i lof Wollenttstiet, Wets. and others. Oven 7,0000 t this make have been Sold. he reageot to arum. riehress, volume of tone, debaser, etaat4- oiyltorh a and dize z:ritt; w on L i g ar t a t ric oul ti ;then f r i:vfibeen awarded Go& Ededels i at for evhibition. For sale at Wholesale factory prices for Oaalli. at a Itterel amount, o•on nion4dy Instalments, at dA BoduLea Noe. 279 and 281 South street, etal-lne Above Spruce. STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA TE.T ovAA.KrArbto GRAND PIANO 6, QUAKE °RAND. it ND t.QUARIf. PIANOS, ems steterteu Ite ocnlcorte end in prows by the beet prtoruteys. *seemed the Iret oresolemo over the Ten faekets, from redeem I ke Clottaohok. Masna,and others. tAntiehge *,l competition. 11 ), A611, - /luta isD6. 115-1 y 1006 CRItSTNUT Street. • Nai PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS!! PIANO-FORTES,MELODONS), ELANtt FORTES, MELODEONS. Made be Haven. Beam h Co., Nous& Clerk. Hallett. Davie, & co , end °them GOULD, ttlft-iy ' SEVENTH And CHESTNUT. HAINks BROS. , OVERSTRUeva rsr , T 1 r T-A CT lON NANO FORTES, "Cheapest Fon Class Pasaosi resite.n- ♦ spleedld assortmeor of Lome X , and other,etyles. for yam et Feetory Caen Prices, tnd warranted for years: Second-hand Pianos for sale and to rent. 0L0R0.1% L. WALKFR, B.E. COL of SVP,PITS end &SCR St. PRINCE k E. Improved SIBLODEONS. from 44/L upward,. iPI6,SP4 EXPRESS COM•PANIES. THE ADAMS EXPRESS INAPPRvo., 0160+v320 OREaTNUT Street • forwards Naos a, sasses. nierohnowlaw a analrNotenr, Awn bp. o lo, ei th er try Its own Lanni , In oonneot t ion With other Lumen Commies, tn all rba towns and alien of the Erogo sorpron, jell. tf Genl;l4Bnperintendent. St. LATE ROOFINth—JOIII4 ' WELCH, sr..Amt.R, is prepared to put on any amount of rosettut at low rates. All wort ...rrented to (cup. Con. Orders sent tb TMIMM etts4 ail &Ka NTOWN Road Intl be MUMMY &Mead tO. leli TilOklAB k SONS, • Nos. 135 and 141 &nth it otrim street, _gramme ely_Nne. sad st.) 711,1, !ARA OP .11TOCK8 AND REAL 1121Tiltli lid 'MI Oa. MA Lost at tie Eatamaiot. mirth re, Sec 3d tweteetbor, at Ger tans. ird, moo, eth Ileetaiahor. at A* Rae e. Sixth halealth aeatetater, at the Lambdas*. Sir Mao:Willa piti ready. HALES Ar2/419/r nap - Ingo mina My Aiwa 06/7 alf i rjabilis . ivallAtrobeity iatmaa m an i toy, i a ,two tow ioh we paw" oe the %ambit/ pre to each Wm, owl thoopatad oetalonee, is paaaV u n a , vying desenetiopt of all Slot property be aold Do ten /0110111 . F 4 TIMMY. 0A I 1 I).—Uar of yftl estate tad stooks a the EidliaJte y e r. be bald at 13 o'oloos Book; and, in The ootatiaa flax , * "sr iisve• thßogitos ot edthat eats. RBA L 88TATE AT ritivATH W We have a larte aatostet of teal estate at onvata talc toolediag sooty down ptioe ofoliy sad °own artvelay. Printed Mi bate rb• bad at attetioa stars PRIVATE /141.8 L sir Hui estate weird on oar prints meld reetstere,"=. *hum tea. 8413 1C. 0 17 1 , . 1 a4 11A13 /t3, comareroae en 00tspot‘, seesmdfer 31F,Ydai. fT Cadtalos tits now reedy'. Perempto_ry 144. BONDff. kirtaultrafidS, &c. Oa Kostlay, „ ffeotatuber 3. o_l2 o'otoes soca, twat be sold at tab im sale at ttes w i t h mt TO . serve for cash, cm scums% of otiora it ma, imam tit* following. list onueca Scads of els Easter& Market Coresrtnr• sn outed be three mortgaged. the Tart acmes Osak94th Marsh. 1359; the ;woad bvaritig date 13th rune rote: and the th ird Nevi, no dose Tth February, we, wad re corded at letil i tdruphis fa alestsgaie bone. A To 6, so., rueerr pate ne.a.nd A ISM 13. nue szr, respectively. Also.A motet of A. W inveatd. doperiatsradeot of the Girard Trust, for 10 of mud bonds, and tin milts thereby secured, Third. A certain toad and roorlis gimp sad ex•- Co•rd Jam. Yeats to aluitara ria.eit2 fad AO. tot W 2402 ears elc*. been So in .41 Kr lb. Lams haring been ass igned be the • id RaltetPt l'oppeitaltait to Piaccia A reel, and 1..- Trite /214 m ' Pras A. Drexel to wiiiimas Bsteknint and asoluendre policies of insane*, Upon the Marisa Acmes of the dud conisitAY. Taros—Cash. sayable at the tumoral., in:mallet:AY I altar rye property icatruck of. THIRD PALL SALE-28t AUGUST Mfr Patlslam's lisreaft4r. FOURTH FA LLAi 6 BPTESI SER. Salo on the Proaurria.Soothsaat writer of ;loch sues: and Marton Malec. Gornmantown DESIRABLE COON rRY K►SINS•CB and 110USIB HOLD PCFRNITITRE, On Monday Moms*, oto mbar S. ar. o'atoelv— Modern Country liesiadvr.e. Cottage stv le. lontlaarai. eCITtIIr of Hiatt and Moan*. rtfASCI. Lot ' lJ by /Z. also, aurranor hooaapold turaitanr, mirrors „ &a. in cluding parlor. diaing.roont, and chamber (,Wuhan, A sir May &, sir May do onanunall as $ o'ok3ok on As inerniSS of Isla, FIFTH PALL faLS aTH BEPTEMBS.R. VX/ity IMP°VAST 8.3.141. order o .I`ro MONTOUR NON COMPAn g *OILICS pit) On Tuesday. goptontber 4. lae. at It o'clock. noon. at the Palo Exotainio— ery vsloublo preeetty eettOtttitilt to Um 11 `1013t0Of Iron Cowpony, snowed in Montour oonacy• Pa. =- awn e ofatioo,tl.l3oo nom von , ‘l3nabio asteletat ores. =wog nem, lobos mine. /11110.002. Ite , tithitee. odloee, he.. ke• Terme—MOW cub. whorl the trouollt Ie offunk ogf. balance on the execution of tie 4•34l.lnthtn 3u duo of We- • Ifir Full„jaattatalateraad/ to tart hair retemettor/ MA to MOP. 600Ba.ra. GItOtIND ftfte I—Azt asocial (hoard haat of 190 s rear. Whet deiteripticra repartee.. itandaork• rodent 4 er.lngetopt. Borthreat Bova./ at =toroth street and Girard avow. Lot 20 By tett Bale absolute. SWIMS& Irt strra PALL ihALS-11Th SEPTEMBER. Orpha n s lo s' C di._ M—Fatate of John DM/ Tr , a. An eniamood math %rt of the I tiowdnidi7 BRICE IdLt.l2lo. 3111 &with Prom meet flame watate—li np 'weir - idea math hart of the Three nonßßL3f. DRELL, ral, Sus c 011'h ?Ma OVOIDS.. sltrWaste—An sadivalaml math wart of the but* Y, aND WARI MARIE, Seaskrarest wrier 0 Volairar• &IVO Oa and Ton wow Quietist sant, 4fret tootles front - Saxe state—Aa aaNvidOof math art the Three- Mord E 8144 WE L L tit 4. No. 2to Lowborn ei , 044- Phial, Iva Anna Arablo I..aodorna 1111/110 , 01,1414 ea the Milford road. =lse Dom thie Stanoa. known ite the t owe% Punt. The PA ELVIS FARM." 161111161.111$ the SWIM. coo tuanuyeD soros. with tetroveirsots. be • tart RIC PALM. coat:am= MI Acmes of food Parrazat sat " MOR Eh TRACT." oostainlot &bait lia Atm Cont. on a_ma and vniton bait of...UM:IOSL The '• auk v rtl FARM." °mankind IX Acres. trott ing sit Ulu railroad. Pitt The MARAIS ?ARV, osetsisise 0 Aerosol& Joirthe wilt ijoirousmerus. l s essukuwicav °oaten:llnd le ACTIN Wood la • Se . 1 7 0 T A 18 FOLLY." soetahtlis fair Wilms of too. , ter. , Moan* Vous Coorstsn 0 0 0001. Ve t nos. X and ri Section A, sonousieur Paean Bala No. 23 North TENTH Stmt. EIVPSILION FUNNIT VAIN. maws ollariWOOD r Lam. BM:MU karklg. ac- Trio A:Drab's. -41 Nth lust/wt. at 10 o'clock sr No. el North Titsth by osf Coitus. Um ileponor fare ha 1. nowt-040 sit rturror. rosewood stew. by Chiekertag. &west' ear o. Xi, be aulalzeil u 1 chid* as *a manias of the We. Sale for sooodot of nut United Itatioi. MUSKET*, PUMP , . TbOLS. St. tnt Wallow:my Manumit. Nootittoi bit o aJook, st. the S idi Void Assinat. Brottounrit Pa tor wk. vat of thie thaw rt 14112 umaltati. tMro .Jt stator[ sltdrrod to pltrosiztoll. A onlioo trauma Sitar* lon* IT:stalk Alio, lot of otwornoaltio toots, -W111.43, O E , :Z O- Olttniiti InCecrE 1/t,vrk At•ealaa,&M atom i inortiodat of eigrillapt seocui,d-batid tare,rarls. els t otaro-fortgo. OXI Writ% 11116• fa kilillll4 4/16421:44, reiltrree to Ike Wei souVraMorsor 7.1 We. Swat) r.,Btokes. ~htamp Mart .n. lam e* Joasak 0. E. Trotter. Juni* rpato4. beoobilni Paulding. EdmndQA x 01414 18tdial Hatehinsoa, Job* W. Bomar, }lia 8. Author. riientel L c_initiau. Jaime M. Thomas, Jolla G. Bummer, M ureab rialliArta, hi 16) 1../..::./17:5.e.51 eiriev ARW i til e ,%Vas : goniv. asele.62l sea LOAN.) • - 4817,0 00 to loan. it tho reem asoi & lt ilommar. erstsbee.teeretry sorer Plate. des goods. series, saeSse. as:NM% alltest st mei .V• glitrin. DO4OPZ. and or "vs/ atlas. to taw or =tau rem& aro anise to thousatidia fu illPitigioot til" %no Sii ttdo oitl. O' g a r" esitraisoo oit Ca rtresel. ifir• es boors ripe VA. 4. :sr •• F. 4t. itaari tEMVElegell 4 4 l 6lltri itfr. Or Advaapos ar &Masa mrintdirat two Hs *tea Adraasee of 4708 'AA etivercts. at tma oar amt. Du oitt tows. A tu o gifing otroa r att*lMA - A, MIMI 4 the =lli SeThalt Priall• so lover sad elae ftiel„ /dyes arm sad legulla iretaltes. aseFm. . Preach satchel . at airtonialuns for ersesis. Isess o miss doom yboa. sem loyoress, Pointalh Mat s i gramma, ant sway or marina Mom, at hati importation Wino Vaattti•• to Milt pamalloots. venoms other kin i l t, l ig& Beim: Attended to esteosallt Out A.asteioesas. .1"cl i vu"'"`"" " 4 4 ""itlraYA 1 101 11. BPLEII7 DID drIST OF WO ItIONDS rRrvATs agLk. Consisting or diennood }cd opal bresstvin and eta , rings. knew. 1060. Coat is Arta 11400. IGIRAMEini SAHVING FUNDDiasic, No. ! .••• 136 Booth POM Sane. b Owe %mem pautat, Puaogallia, was ail vapoLta oi= and iil*6 ewe, trranrVanr=t= gyp & !, a - my Counotny demi tasty batty COM Luis' pt,614, onosetnontly will nut no tut with itZll 2 6tonot i, but hay.* it at dam MOO tq , with Went. inbuilt, to b a oVur. thel ye a. Tr km*. llog Comae/1Y sure ymion ed. Yenuttoo, married or litnslop and lbws. mn deposit in thou own tigtit , aro gnat dolman 61n to withdraws ogr.y hr ChAlz oollisent. Lmrporstod by am Vans I O g 0 1Mit e t2 . 6.71:6 Stout/ to roottni Won , Inny rrifts, gt.K. 0,00 .0. 0.. aad ea Wedaseday 'vivant nail waa. ILOW11•0131i. DAWN'S. t a t if W.VV4 A. A. Altifirtoci, pwrVi e trAsit. ItblfZials Esp DIILMOTOIL tr, Wyagniosn. • Etritt • firrt b L e nt te a, farJ7 De • Jar .7148atterrif w. 9VelrY be. 1. JAM B. . President: Oran ClaratazzAnas• av 254 SAVING} FUND-41N. PER CENT IN TERES.—NATIONAL BAPSTY VST__4l:O - PAN Vir.4%.L1117T ravet. mcnntrwest ocerrutr Qf TVA Pluladelphut. Itoonenaci by the state or P 11%.911. ... Motterur received m e earn, tame or ma% wid tereetrUdttom the day or deacrit to the der et trite dre. The °Mee le oven pvery de) from *he o`caocat m the :a 111%=111 170 Ork ae t ae .o.yep.Mlr, bed ca M 011417 pill lAVIt, , jeagftil seersei ihr3=l.L' Wmttair . mum, . t 4 on e .l .th&elieTHH ic r is dirir k rißrevehei. Übeit softk9. QUI Pee, Elljalai 1 L hah , {meet 1 mime. ituadreth Manua, James L. StephaMmat. tem le recurred bud poyotenta made atait. he tarvootatonoi oft made, to oosiforauty_vi i t r wto provide/us of the Charter to Rs& EatOr Abaft tok ItionnO Rent', an terot-olon wooaaltoto ea el vers Mere le t' . mernity to the dormuterr., mei trltichasuuct i te mve pattootonor end etebiurt g° tits Lestittortat• ow-zit - SAYING FUND-17NITIED fiTATZB =Ayr oIYMPANY.OOrair THIRD and Clan- NIIT Street. Lugo end inguill nuns rennin& an-d_ Said Imkek i, or2s mi without notion, pith FiV/S rxx cEXT. LOCI! &rare. Dom the as of delimit to the der of toitb 'll°o tt es Ziti l if!argo t io% ° Zth ev rtoolt ay, and on D for Warm England, trelatioitto . otetii: fr%upwards. aver—STRDWEN CRAW iinrer-JAMES R. HUH t; KR. p NY FlBl. Acucar,. rake.PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILLft WOBEhi.--ffEs FIB & It a CTIC AM VIibOAET rieffitet sts, AChilttlATß,Bo LI.II2AILESB. BLACKS Nflrif. awl FOI7rWhIRB, vuts, fOr '111607 7 56 5 3 . been V , gimenki ofietwOPP, end Wen olnairely ared ttt brals and repairing Mamie and Him k:iagineg, n a nd low vesture Iron Boats, Water Tanta Propellers &e., Ito.,respeolfally offer their nerviest: the pnbh WAX ten, INl*Vent eentrent for sinew of a situ. Marine, River. and Stationary. roma sere puerile of drffereat Nisei. are prepared to extolls or ders with quick de/patch. henry description of rata= E s ka"( made at the shortest nonce. Bich and Low saute, Flue, Tabatar, and Mader. Bol ) s's, of the Pertrutylvenia eharcoal troo. POTSII2III Or 10 sista and kinds Iron and Brame Canoga of all dee:lna:loner Ana Tanana. lea Cetnng, and a l t other *art ton mated with the above basines. Draping* and opeoifieattorte for all Writ Artoe at thaii , astebbalunent, free of charge, and Wolk tuaranbed. The aubann ten have ample *km - Innen Morn far ra nde ef boats. where h e ars , As in perfect safetir. a era provided with- blocks, &0., tot raising heavy or tight wetyhts. JACOB O. it SAITB. JO/thl P. LINTY BEAaa and PALM semis. POINT PUASECNT ivaNDity;loo, 951 suecii Btreot, ICensioNton..llolodetoida.-Aftl.- LEAK Timm informs lus friends thl, Worm oar -Immx, stook hod Linat. Costir to r eoeive igo Boip, Chomi rder. for X and mom Work, Gtarku. Oriadmlo orae..r. from Jam- - . Mtor7 or ColitMs rarnsaeo, dry or croon 11 11ndift' aro. ors O-of • &XVIII. v. 117.1111.61. • a. yauttaait *Ulu% re% ic umt. gounriv PIPMI,IIXDIVAUEINGITON MEM xtieircitras AHD' MAO Ittaatildxs Aftard ,LairasetZeNalit", 1740110rar r Olie teal= iren ° loati, &114 NM= rata. ektto_klipa rpos ts _ IroMttle ef t e Li 1!1! Wok tat seat lil-' : 77 Tv: d m_dAliatticsis. of P , Wet , tug tat s o t 6.serhotakin.t. , ON; Iftestit - rains, Do costars, Fitton!, PllFllt sii oat Note Aunts Tor N. Maim t tht 4 Attaangus 11 , Latit'cratettbatta irm a ya% WMtirti Nal 'ALISO NT AUCTION. SAVING FUNDS. "A Ws. bat often. Alta the rms." "A Dollar rated la twioe loaraia‘L" Mt AcIFINERY AND IRON.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers