' -. Ciriir'il l iiil;%ciook4iSsiiiii :.„: 74** - tirottirt -70- 1 - '44 l r 2 P Mll e'7 .- 1":*;: il "i. , 4 who: -- " I " l „„„,,, , t_f s t , . „_.„,.,..„.„ ._,: 41 0 k5 . .404:00tod tyloa r tro twit 60.400004 0 4 lottioo. The . ."..P.°•° - w.t um ItilWiti R . = ow IV sib' 14 neaViedaetatilettbt boor far Lawreacie Meter.: ' :: 10, 7- lilkilla. ' 1 i#lll4,s). - MlSrj, Ida ;ow 41414 r her Olell Oiti so es fstlitte Mats olefins the in ' . 1 . ..... ' "''...htt -:,., ' ~. 4 . 4.*Vintijigt; ttinnton , Air Mitet' &heifer; Ow oii•to-law Ot Dr. ,Paso-, ieterattu e I se, ' ll42t r i - . 'OF' . ' 'ltill'Ut= , Ifie , Min thitteibent ilio" has hie iiikeeitea It it at tenet .•".. s hont " - "Aonki AO ' - - ;that ' an • Wm: tate I Wrenn* rertionviit be Ives; - never Itilit,_ : • Uhl . • .., _Oh* Mee Inn Silt die illea 41.141 Watt bitioottiphohedJ by the aid or ...PlM:jilt , T • A - • - ;11,11,10144 , 400416 - olt . 10, ARI) riltielhAile . ?o,r-fttipas! mould be brought • ' VW tik.giftqpialc.: It" tea to vrooleasa to th e world the oxoeuewso ~. -, I A'. - , g !-V , , '..- te, t •' •• art" : ootatrof *a oratoato - nlado 4t. the:l4oll%-atOnfi - .. .. ... , 'sac itus,4 tbs. '4064 ' c h1;1 111 4 1 .0PA 0 1 1 0 1 1 1- '* W!* o . 24 ‘,4 !CO - old -.11114 '''''... i- 'attlith44oBl4.l4oolll°V '` . • , I • ' ' • • . . - .............. - . • . •.. aVo l lianii**o4 - 1114416Xii• I. • 0 416- 1 lifrefr , __.._414 11 0 4 1 1 1 0 . 64 ,.,, , day! Oho' :., 4loomoomrstoritoi mu eat/rpthilag l spaia,:* 1 , . eitglOttiLlt6; The " eitl wi ll 64400* 40410 rt 041 1 ltk. 1314 k4t TOW . 110% A.A.O .d tr i f i itte 111 A et4aCil.C. WI 'AT `. taC. 4 heittinaitio44o4oo,o4.' ' ?twits, , i won; dolt eitAleht°, ll6 4**o4XAkttlih threat* tot t° 1° teli l o l slthitlf:tAlAttif.°g°;OthiiwibriO4- 11otriatiitik - aid ' peplum towns. Vase= ii tits, liattoood taareatiseat at Joihr Broditt4oB 138 4.)• pretiai. /I,ltrtiospol: 00.'60044R lA, In, ototti `"liplillqi l aid , Nit* Wit' da-• Ibt th - '' htletlo,llllt 'oo,ooo Pelson' alifUm carried over ' Vie remit and event - day' exeetatou trains , p.. -ever it, lambs Phtla d his in.tlielifelifee "aid - retrtieitilo: , ai/Okt.'',i *0044 ' At*VOlgliftliClALe ,:i I _(• • - -- • - A /Re 1101eli " • I " !skit*" rfitS"i Edopist . WISP listite•bestsesavastraerseted.st _the Stook Bard to thaYi tholi0:11!,' leaked W forSeeet of the ise. , i tehittfailikitiltreistursdelisd Nolte keissiii &Voiles; stoeftemoWtoido.:olSd.. • vatoa . efinestiesi , Psessitginfladwty shares me stress' at jienoss quotations. Rao. sad Vise-itteetig abates to-dsf PA W% sat adil4os of If., , We havelseeidedisotiedffteirjodhir Sod, Not. Boor& eirkii:fishitrto alin which rya, " We hsedithiiiisinifitedettietet*,dsageroui attend ten-dollar soh,. perporldss ,to,bd, the wee hiss of the City 8 4/#. , 11 4 0 4 4 ,- ..Aubsy, 7f. 3.'1. • le view felts feet that this assay frailia,alka,ronorts# in the radar of last daterdhifiliofdiftil,WiNiejoi(*& Bittkiielf Apnea to bi daahl#o4lo ll l:44 ll ‘;thdif.tilds , tifin±ttiss thelss&-' oeitedr tissitessidast drew fraud..,_ ‘ . Theft. Louis Democrat saw 0 4 ° Oar eittOns day \ wilt Isla ~Me 1M lbw eneellome o itt i vins. aseurlislanstl FriellWimonl , snipes' raised on i ant- Zing atilstlintabWra for Its choose Drina, o door oil ills snilirier wistat ot tahrneutitir. *The Amin at W ithrre=Mettril i rdo74lr e irst ° CM soon. lowa, grad ratsaoSilah'hiSl,lrainat • loollraft in et. LAM"; is ear 4lsstassallate togas eouthore tart of Iliesitefuld larfeenit ladirente Park, and wilt be Me- VIM tomcat rasoss is Israssosstitiss as soon as Rua OA insignias cut this felt. /t will be to oar Mismari visatirZilie 'Assoetatitat Aso otbsr grape grafter* of to mfieity, as well as of IdernianOlill sonrird toM wa. sad 'mob koostioasi Walt our ,floar site itoOdi. Wheat isomers of the amintru-e. g s mutat far all lilac oral's. ' AN IntoWralta•se do esrakof wasitty•bo form this eoallonti mama say this *soo 'smote. ',The sa seri Olotatat OW cassia/ se a ishir smalottdo fen- Comm snionsilissitekseamt, ItoroUgillyf Under road" at h ilts col, from bum. Taurean 'i 9 TIM MC woo ol,whoiti Ti Moo tried, arm ao le Mem ltaSsla smarms and other 5 000 amain : Mural Is-the ist tzstitsdard of' EncOPrara Irma: Mara, Mr. ittilk toff. sanithsir eakatatton is to sak•4ll,o/4 tOßlAStriattess Of •mOrior , sruss this • remote %to grass mos premiere to to Ante mud a - feed TM, following ottimateOf tolemoss or dio NOT t itiria for IMO. is irOin the Chicago Piers srarnlifssaa. ill food antholtr: , ItUroarwer to an Oohs in the flodirills Danant,i,•.l , - 0 ', "' ••P; ' ' , ' • T-- ,, , :., . .. lillsoill haSmeitiinia I mule .Ot wheat Omit of 83410_,1de. thildjaksiamibout 11311110,000, TM wheat mos of Wlsaaatln VIII 1110014, 7.000.01 A. roma, ACOGOASA. latill a n;!1111. sod MI gen SOON& . YOltraliti re 0 10. II 010,000,11 l a correct; but suer of 'Maw, her oros ci garll,-, t 000 . 'Oa Oro live Um meson western • Mates IfiVilved 118.09 COS bushels w Too • Surpass SM.frara Illtisida, odiou. RA eosins ' o d 'aft& kesmilf aosiansam for bread and mod. wilt bo rarast -to hel' their whole arop.a , :ocir geosir id theft's* me likiiio to tw , dilet tante( loimittinbity,mantimt oa OW' num seas' , . for oodoill4balollte . STD. million _Dams of doer. and shall skit ,ionansh arid to: mis_ _Ts. as to my* faMIMWM. ' ,MMlhana moults Dung.. An witsyrss , wattle-to I.WalalleS. , Tea most. ne t Judo*** adriemitunil stioty or Production of nh.. nom in leekor Moon ii. 100 P . .. aril these ran yeast ga r dr i ß t nt ia =pletr ied . 11113 plou as. l Arpunrc t s i s t a: mowing rascals's. toral•ltd_ tares era. and other larisogi t issmate. Usti ono Dur inedvalsos nln lit, or moms. &Windt of ralirced. Aim, atmodoll. in toil eolus atd ' , tithed a :OW mar.' tot toe anylpits m 'Unfit: stuss=siattotr,r , . li..2irest.. car te % rum es Is .. ri n trisiarsiTi stow 144 1 iMitinta t ia l a rn c ai 'at= gittasUCtitr i sali: transport to roar doors alltiobreadte offs and 'Neat ' Ihe whole acssoit 'MTH comUT also a smuse,sad at mdoratoonma". ~.,. ~ ~. ~ ~,,, 1 -Tberfaaratimetsthe dittsbant teak InatiOsind ktr Um ' Vont Preclidiag d0g.,20: ; 4 , 1; , -.- rl-t . , 14.41a.' `,. , C1A31110100,11001,..,a1U . M. DISL, rigsV"a - , - ,.inuis imMes luaus &Woo f .,..... woo suer ..ii abut. mete, ido - - Waft Ifs 753 MONO Wale 'tisanat....-..... _ sant _ 86 US , MOM - os„m 41:; .„.......MUM NAM . , DIM Milt iiss . . 02,10,81 , 1 4 13111./Xl reu 011.110.4111 Laiifii"lt:F l ,3:. LOCI" IMMO :r,r.va ras Ii opleas 17.116•717171 cI. Y =r e 7:a , ''' Nag • OOW NW& ,r ritbexarg ' 443413,: -. V.• Ili US PAL" . • - gsl, ' CZ it ow froa pil arT -- F ;:-' If fir ?f 4101 rr.se • - - WAN 1011 . 11 W41 t9.i 1111 ' COI Pha,i Ve l t a : at V i ik Z ulia lg e M i le a s julw! ` ""Inialt .16" 1a do- Caln & Am Groan & Cato . ;I- -206 - . 1 41 • -do , AGM IS X Nadi do - le Ihoristrit bi /1-, da . 1 : -IdioX_R • 21 On or - Centl - brafd-216 GTO daub:3Com] :,-17 In X Lib Blink. -UK it sottbig. 1 1 1. 12 ! 1 ..!%.4 1 itg.' ,3 ,!•7 11 4 1 4 Ti I f slaigh natio . - ISlan alt Nana .ll;4l6l-, 1 1)1 * - ;Oa. &and. Pitt qr.f.. 114 laid 14 .1.1 IN O O Ta as • lilt 12,..101 211 30 11, , Pk_ 2 isnd krlarlitil X 7114 - ' se . k-Viniont...lll SO -'--- sat TIM t=lic - 94: 11 1 . . 800 City 88 itieszrt. . - ..18d3d am tio dill: a t* 501t , .. 44 Csigair.-.Sr n ,. WO lentil! it:11 80 do ' .111-18- 80 NordatiC.. , : - .t: - :::.:41 10 . do .. ...... ...-.41 1 80 • do.: : ~1 .- . ......... 81 . IT - do ... ..... ....at 10 ao ---- - Al 1 t I I 11..7 "-.-' :. Of v h OTWBFI 1000 40 4 0015 i etstt.p&iffl low .lisfro - -78. - - .14- .b 6.7838 - - ~.-iNCO I BI ROO l Pittsb City Bt6d,titAl i S. Into do .. - .:.185 960 Ronda is — . ITS 1 N Penns R: - ......'-.IIIS • ROO ,401 .-.....-, ... - ItLio6lsl=l4 Mi. piIdWILAINIK. MIMI: aiz. -- akerwgiN4 ems Oa Ant off 91 ' AM eons M a.. 11140a5.18 ng biLO7ll. 2 eqg is 'feint of • ' l, astesle...l Ctr, tistri.'ing Aid Alor Cla va ilvallif Warr? id:t in. ~_......-._._ Pr Pm , .. 4. S . /Maul,: 81h 7 t;g:F t ,:4!-81 . ,- I -ore `pi51%444004 . :1111trkeei; . ' %'- ,i , ..01. 14, t , c 1 , - , r , " - - , ~,,, , Above? In;•Evinnsn: ,- The to in "owe itttlW export depend for. rioektiet the Thu* ih_illietire.44l bhielereterlsistiasetra mkt si, 111•413(olnst 700 APIs /piny Lind entre, riniOlfse OM*: sueerfiiii Woile4)l4, HAN**, binlb• firedsriin aboulbilitarerie:ttliteHiretitilo,loll4l44ll: for '' reAreititiciai Cow -beig4o.4l - hi' ti44 l trAr Rye ' is iiiivaiiiird Mir It *tepee bbi. Vansayl.;, vanhOldint Meal is tart littliliarairediter; lid bald at ea MVP bbl.. - - ,FELT:'I. - '' , l ;- ' W ni(4y anosnthieloidianed for evirae l etelloV • i well Oat tamed; stelatielellatahels hsvebeesdls , rum"! r sWeeet. it4•lolfile for rein: mostly • 'Ater for pug* leatherai and Hammon writer.' as to •Ity. •Itystfiresilled et 711•7110. for new: Ste WAM" Id on Mail hiesitret: A llrril.is not werr aty, t Ili: desteadlur anal I gbeHiltl4oo busk* rre site el-701710. lapin rlial is rirnolnitel ) lb ow. ;moo tombola wws elite , Oats. steam *seed, w 0 sal, o 200 ktishe s new ebullient _,.,.; _ . * • leis la to kard Mad. foliker AMU INlllerof ist.No..Lstar at SA ter toe- -- ' - -- - tkorreemi levied wit ,290 hales have bwia 11413wied of. lees: ~ . - rltooslitar,A* eland Es' very .:Inint, sod no inks have lartielefeelereitereuoeNesee , - c „ riteeteunicenmVettieltolieetet semsr_s owns• to the lieleneia of holden,' en d the males 4) MIAOW and ti i r eW l e.M= re I M lS M lrm atedr i celietr, n tars Is ' worth ilexes* ter bus - a y so in •••• y 4.- - niaod.sed &Ann NV loystr•old, at 1111.11007 i from Sulam* 111 lon Der: moo asecond-nost, .Isef - latter to go oat of thetteliket , ~,t • - --- ,'" —z , ,-- Wm sielie , iniff.eeteiriesse..oiblils Ate 21)0211(s, dredse um:am sus ii)fopati,, , ::- -, ~• , -,:. C 1114N', fir:EMS. . , rill 0 4Wrialitini =1,411 4 0 One diPartmn(oi trade don florladelabla more efaetnally tont bet elatatifikiiiiiittbe trekaldillettde Oldlitli kW trallit: Wsnlillit ratit o 4o4ls - ats - We Vac yids& ham Tandem tlndaearnennentelanorat in•tini4 delartaust, • we ettfigattarlkit id-WeeitiVeltreentini '& Co. No:fior Cheetnot'• wireet./.-agoreelte-ire Mat, lloure. - 'Mame itentlegialii Wks being Wirialiepdaiiid In til• wigrid i WAS 41414 1 Pkiii !MAP Pt*. WI also d&Waidur luatorleateonstraerrera in WI line. Tim are *IN aro . 2 • orietorprriin, lneal,atiniagit:itt r ,Ositnaatoin; das goes addlogrightfinatarhiohlutie attained a vent Ink' vegetation. in Witten to this. tile ludo also extaaalvi • i lierortilkWes64ll4o#olooofilmoboiligatits;, dtattizygo,. - rw. tdrVlleitrAtobieet the stastit titas. - ,, ' L , an we fond in a retreat limit to their *go and eaginno ' &oat watorociasadOWl*(at Arid% istsmustaldriatsvy t and irtr. and yr *find idrast Odsessitittato , Me" 00.3 1 0. 1 [ 0 511 1 .-Md .Y.4...ROWAIAIM. atakiar r faltnoratetenitined,tly, any, ether tentellaament. 'Wig !Citioodated dad aittadit 00 4 (1 0 tad attastant - of - bartrayas crow that asuksidirmi sad taatlldial kdrikliClldiediek arldarii, IS td Wall , treated' and raw . dssityitti') :.;1Y -..':!: '''' '''' '• '' ''. ' .: ! CE*ll:l49 - 3 - .034 -14 4lawidolj r440 tiii sad taasalsf - , Abssaff-indsr!ths - Casthaittal Hotel; em brims . 14:; 4 1r*.,stizabei 'ad/pit - se . sad - dassiaf basaehad.tiadm, aAttlmariatCtantsana ta tint country. Ineteatinitiii tanterteittattitadttlitretiageadi semi 1 j inenitarte of iWitnide fit theirlrions disirttatits Oar , !-- mrikookOk.A•iiiilirLitien let Ili the - latter ail =Po i taw, fro. gra 9114404. the Kim& daktord bars serried 4 , sash taiildiddratatdof tdatatddli, , la (safari basanl ' Rothilajtqallek MA evamtditits.sh. Hat sad ass' ,; Amt - fags ipii:Umni i4dglit4 Sadillsosil Shaw sat sad itapttdoWWWV , Utstacintas c Caddisees - Estaf Glaatisapsfiloadda _, Ideseseds;lied;liklilidaraiiiiiin , otartr 0804,baguidl is bittterladd aadstastat !it. ',. rim at tA'ltsbibliabisalat this . asy-othardasla,ada is • i 0/6 „.. ", _4,,, 1 t i f , ; " -, : ;,--. ' ZUIPTIATI9A ~,: -, -.' .: •'.:- = .: ' - ._. : ~., ' ;',- :,_ .4 ... Tits Stadiittassasts atonal times *for lii spedastiatifialdidodat ;war'. 1 - 'litiliatdAlst*disalosifitadidar.";:, _ ~,,:- , its s litlklpiland“ lux/. ' A rift *id ,its ', tr spot _ i ham , . _ iiisiimpilliiiiinedlimill mortal -t filleit *rine sialt, wri.yres.b". bay** 1 41416***.i:**, - .lthp. - to In. g *mei ' 1114#4"Igtiy-tais. Avon p froi 4te - ..._jait,96.:,44 A ' _ a$ ' Wirt : 4ol IidTELS ''''Or:llo' LM T IUY raiiiiiitiiir -•, • • - ' , , llolll.4lcm Walk Christnat.' - OinAliker.Airiddleillip'ek WM iidlc i /Ltntneky 1 .,.................„,.....t0n k• 11, Fa Mils 40010141 b .0 -,, .• BAI ;ORM, [Wino- ~, illose.-Pitteboro, -, -W,Mo erroa, Pittoburs , O si vine. OW )1 ily - t lasoliman. Loganso t anoport; J S.Anderson. Pt Lone h M r • ' lil . • John it Priest. fit Louis AO riaC ii i 6 ldo 'E it Wnseirpok,',Wiscorioin .ro \ ~,,_ 0 ... , W;E:V e nner.Lha u ' pit •-tre reQU l ril a . 'frloi:liNtkrista. (ili; i 0 , r. NOV Orleans El Truberr a, N 0 1. min Carolina; : larks, N ti Carolina ' bOs.UeorptO TAllant, keeling,- 1 ~L- WOG, ''' ,-- Mombeltoo:Saltimore Molds ,-, i , ' ' , ,'.' , B Jordan, Petersburg . ' .ItitinerlolgtYli , Geto , Y Byrd, Illinois I Bradford, 8 Carolina . E Qordoo,,ll Coronas 1 r ,fti t teleett. 5 Carolina '' NI YilloGilinok, Owns ~ 'FI asonototts. 80 , -- - ' In Pntsounxixsui,' 5 9 fi:Wort A son. 8 0 se Moore, 8 0 • , - s Mathosok 8C -, ..:, -' iss illoiroutb Oman& 11l oon , Pion solvemia ey, 8 0 , pl i willhoolli 50' - -,- John 1 sonor,Nirginis t a Imo Bl C S a lli u ril i t l a' s: i :. "- I :I 1 2 ig 's /1 4 4.nri , friottihttri,-- J a Tii/jr,. 'tr a uma & ems illi Darrie . , - Georliii ' Altera:C . 6c weisseTer r 4 Ps w ile' , Jersey , , , limiel illetutir New Jersey, len m Iler.ll . 4lltineOrn ' Or M i lliwinty,lc la,lnsmonis PA i Vißre r relg:Zra z ' . ,' , ii , Itii;itrrA i erii'ork Joke' leg, Ohio '. -. Wick, GI ) ;to 3 WDorey. Newarly, NJ , 0 Durrett, sonessee ilstrAleeirKl:aky , , itfra. • :Z i g ' askellM 0 ,_ -W i rnacklr a doEiroltrit. 3 D Ileuird. n .WllMl, B U , • a r nrebter • teri ,l6 . ~ C fPliet r iti d a f let' V o " J o wie s .ir Ci d eo mirwr Akhi,p 4 r dv oos hfrin lyn .,, , ~:11134/100%.terWriioordkly,i.nN NJ , 8 /Smith & it, mobile W i limabort. Maryland -It R ,sem4 r ori. bllcsionmii, ~/ ak k ransas , Wm M., orthilgtoo, Miss ort 'neon. Hies Merl M. BWorthungton. litisMiso ALA orttuiestoo Birsjubs , Jonnloa, Ark . Master M Adams, Ark ' Col Wooo,llaba • .Dr BertjatOt. New Orleans Paton Milddletor , Penguins Miss iIY KllliValt . , Ir &met:. ttino J E Sweeter, tre i T . Gen &kr Hartford ' .' OW .5 Moroi, A ary and .1 W, Oa 'nosy, Mempltii F fel& la, CIA. Kon,W !Medd & wt. Tenkliat • Posed, wenn Nisi Killy Danced, Tenn Albert 'Maras It ite, Ala it Mae, New Yock, • ; Cooper New York -O_W Millen DrrionlYn Lamb, Pbiladelplus Jai W Bammersigyaltilm Dukteard A Is, 14 0 . , , Mies B lie,hoon,„tt Orleans Mos lidogloomerENgtohek OenA, W willia, & le,Fiajl W Willliffili i :79ndiv. J C woods, W geMeston ~ 5 imago/Ay. tiesiMippi SLlBubble. slostri X Twyman. dopendoe $ A Insaumont Ilt orr, Gii, „f r .,,,,,,T,,....,,,k _ , p..l) /onto & la, Georgia 1 'es lArloairg °porgies ; ros 8 Young. Oeorra Robert. 0/1011111 • fr ittooy. Georgia , Rob!,, lian,Dintimoree 'D 0 Wouror & wife., N 0 -Joa i.ame. Now !Disarm - .w, nit ?argon A wt..). _QG Ifibn7 Firunmer. It .York Geo A lisynee,New York w Fiedler. New. York . •, L Clerk. New York NLlenman,„Newilt slir' j' M Kimball, Chitaro N. ftionan, Miry , J WilooCoatreptiout tla l a e k Pit" a tgyvt,S3l,°,Trez FOrbea, 8t rus ~-, - , ~Mgrs lel ottLonir o_o 'Monett. Carollng , 'l' 5 Omen, litionmosd W F Slade&New Altony W a Wisorii. New York Sol C C Otuld rue. Texas Lake B Franck. Ohio .1r Yarn Kleypek &I. N Y Ed* Kirkpatrick. England Closeron New :F 3 olus. Yorky M Nymein,• Now Yo rk , J lull s. New , C .11 Mickey. Oanoille, Va.. ft 1, , e row,.. M Wit . _ , • . . • 0111ED.110001E—Ninth and Cheattint streets. -I it Van Clege,.'Printon .. ', tr ,„..,:,...d r iii, ~„.,...... fir York m , Escms. Am grit ~ • Slant an t la i iitay °kV " arta Y r gr: l ing l i t .1 L IttidiskiMiNinacks to li v li r tilliffititar n ar,Pittaburrt Li =sot vi ew Ptitk! coittr Cuagleirednte -Tlltcs Wattiny. Now York , Mrs Watliing & dui N Y tin Williams, urn', Mau , Muter Williams,Willia Mau le. brew &ta .Vi i - Geo ll_Bencrolt & iti,N Y Vial nomiti New York •Ma N Bancroft. P 1 V MD' Templeton • Baw York D lagraham. Norruitown Mies jpgralcun, orristown Mr Naldaman,k Is, Ps :0 51 Memeater, El C ~. --. 15 1 lifer. Pa. , w Brumley. If C ,- -- • - TW, g annum, Knoxvi,le IB Stubbs. Galtreatoi .' 18 Snyder. Galveston Mama & la. Au to Go N Pratt, Connecticut .111. I.lllnustone. 1.. Master &mum, Balt T WoMUSINgs ik Lpi o,ntimiWorthinaton. N C or , WaninfiXtqa• il C ', Jan in Brand, New York Mm pseud. New y ork-• % - JP Baker. New ,York ' W .Forig i to nii ftl i g in ' , ' ILK ''"l'ilil" I , stlt.trotiol..i: •- 1 . n i.11:`,m4,1,,, „N o Ca n ada 0,1 blest, New York - John . . Chilton, New York 0 J Huse& grf. St Lo ma W S• Lartabta, 'Baltimore N Herter& Springfield . M Blanco, ttplatiaid Loaßwater.Bennatield • Win a Beall'.G eorgia odge Maus: tnebville" ''G Kyle Puns, nom, a Mitatieli di wil. Del • Alex Arm, New Yore piippluir, monad Wm flinoMir, Cinoimiati obasion; ISt Joan,,,N C .1 W Miami , firJoba, a 0 Mager. Droving, Pa Jahns 'Vanning& la Balt aitui gate Kell,, Baltimore Wit Richardson, in . rack pndArgn=i;,.. - - r . "nillZetsa=r l A Fr ic k st. ihinvitle, ..*: I Wolfe - _. . . ,T,Herdn_waslicille - R g Naensille „Rood, New,York ‘—7 A Miller, %tacks -/W 0 Wright It wf. CU, 0 ion T Jones arks. NI Wig Imeet;Cule Oros. ' • re Dual Co Grose 17 illait r Colii Grove ' Reim 'limbo, goal W'rn . Lehigh itio Chu A Murray &la, Md aid Webb, New sock • WIL Fitch, Madigan. In 0 ist Verbs:New r mt. , • -,..i. M Alfneed, a iotim'd,Va 0 W Nag slid & hi. Quebao Miss Ileznard,Quelmo - Nisi m Mesaspird. (tuba° r . Welsh &teat C -Rupp .1 Welsh, st a-• _. iso Lauri, Maddon. Pi 0 totil X Wilson, Nonriek' ' ,ca $ Wiles & ajgorwich McCann. 'texas • . '• W Lang. wash. D 0 ,Lowe & la. Meta , .114 Kelso, Tennessee P,OWelii;new York ' .1-0 °mann & is, N IA I.P4tyli,,Albans ' , asysint k Albany • - • i i.Ei e r - 4' tas rertnrit I* l3 " tocip C lz r h k. 4. llll t i a Mr L ta A rilllllolloaqurre , -', - tomes:Lilo & la, v a 8' ?CA.:a ri...lk;rk B S creen s , Wl fi s t% IA It Maitland-late, Vireos., ' • J It ibglamt, Petembg. Vs =m a l int i laaViiii ,- 5 A s e i ttrag g led ia , 111,74 - i, J T espial. 'a lIIIISONMIII : John b Riker. Jr, N Yule D D01 i 1=1 . ,.. l iea uemb rir or_r_,,Olip.L ... eim . .. Pisani...la rj s Grove itedtwore -, , 5 - Ctialliotwzzi -----,-,- : jail H Wood . Baltimore ' : • IM ItimPeon. Memphis 0 Vfabot. New York Sault, New York GenN liValbsidge.l4 Y. SliMaker, Jr, Lane, Ps It It C BMW% Arkensai . MERCHAXTIV HOTEl—Foortk it., below Arab. W 0 Mom. Yews** Wilenutar. Tennessee PAM, Woody. Tenumame 7 w; Bottsford. vhio J4 r otheolgri A cha _ ina ( ! , ,t d :R A l LTl ElentuokY ffitstieki. Columbus. l i a na ? r ir kli k lpmstild=aboldt fizikionird titraws,J 3 4 B ll , bfgol n t b:ll . l:ld Y gi e g ila r MlLl C N l Atittiltatit NI; Kenali f . Pittsburg L am . kEtllbseky ArT e y cote a tgrs no .1 Menuron. P e!plingvr. Olno 4 Krinsky, Indians K columbie City 1E Eosin. Miltsrebarm 0 llt Koeb, li, Mlllersibc. Mortin Prenglsa. Kentucky I 0 Newung. New Jersey J Oak. *limbos, 11l D Collins, Col John L Pimlico. York, Ps Leonsra Penssno Balt Jew' Damn. Keaton Geo Scott kls, Pe llesili t r l alre i gt ri pPg:141111:1 11l 3 P Bader, ram COY • ° Alwaisuppt C lbenler. *Or, Pek ' {l4 Neal, tecAtthinston vso t. wismist..Loomi J Z Coblett it Loots - sit T Er York irrAINII.T %was roWier.Chuseco it KilltlCAMENOTeettuit- street. above Fifth. te l lLovett; Zeetop • - . --" er F Barden , New York - D am & la. Ohio ~ A. Delaahmutt. Maryland neksraittabars - Joil C Cur - 7, Pittsburg _ - *Mei. Barruibunk J ; M Newlin la den , ri x Wpc W.jlearliu , New York D Smith, Ckinuroilont RS thrutMartussetieut - -IS V i esiloren. New York Dr t le Neiman. st Lotits ' ,&I P o . pipe. gy WT.Andrew. NOW York' . W D OWM Carolina R-Tleodltt.ll Catolitia_ • , / Tn. Marl land , • Woi.o I.OIIIiCOMOn r - CTo MCM,Delaware, 'Wm II Levi la. PI aw York Mkt vi. New York Y "KPlariem oveklyia -, J - NV &saner, Brooklyn Allrilet. New Jersey old Brodhust, E i llongfid 011 mho, Ten n e s see - ' It ft C_Sherard,Ph la JA abooloySPW, York 0 H Kline. At D -Y ork : 0 Pie . Tor k . - ! -ft Hutchinson; PI Amer -Allow., set Pitte - AM rattem'_rennasse '• Willlind kla. Baltimore J M Frick. Ddinermille ALP:wksr. nuelohnsetts NS White, Cincinnati W. Mestandarp. Mamma -. W a Shiley, Visas,* Iml Beitipy,virgint* . L gIS r Tnplett. 'Virginia It Watkins. - Virginia M Elfenthwiek.Pawsuaket . r/t r ait .... x .... t . a . e .„,„ 1 .,,,,,,t 4 ... h c a u 0z1e 'nook titl. liatria . . or -', H Marne, Alabama, AM Minebergem nallllolll3Ml . • ' - • liorow ROTEL,ckaituat street. above Sixth. Oeo WArnsdel.Pbtlnds -- J kistuipranni Wnsjnnston It I' gym, Philadeghla. Jog CDa Radios rioted& WebsterikKß 'N_Routh, Near Castle. Ky J R Ratable*, RI Carolina C_Reader, Rambla at B aroma, Pannagivanta H Regnoldaf Carolina Mrs J 1' Rawg,Kentooky M Weenie& dOr Carolina R C 'Fairfax, Virginia J McDowell. Chicago W N Porter. Ohio - I ft Happoloß.Charibillol4 Dr walla, Texas `A t _ F Atom Mau 1 Wilson. A 111.11.1136 Duo. Abbas% ' Jo Due & w t ßouth Catoliat pluniintekin. 8 d tinder, OtornligtOrb Rs - (woof now Jersey ,D 1. der, Misgoari R enriergon; 'Penns _A R;WhiG). - Yettnarivania , - grj,GlGll HOTEL—Okeatost st, above Third. ' 0 'knot*, Cklow • . )1 Bork, Trenton _ A' Sowalitteastod . V i er, :ell; New a rk firgifie h , Ili e tei l e troliV Le: iir %Lir th n , tar 1 7 0 lift i iii is n p lesitltaa i liki. -..ss i gi r: :# 6 ;4l, l 7 gcegitc,.....iti . 16 ,', •-i Nit 1•1 1 200;1. W .flisooun. New York a r,A , k, luiebie, Pa +swan, Boovill B C - , '.0 W ref ka. Cin, 0 G Gone y, New York ' I 841111101111 L Bristol, 01 1 Spencer, Philadelphia .• H 'coke. Delaware . " fit rooks, De wan - CA Obver akiltimor. - Cbarnbere to, p w . re , ..LAiironf, Tionton ' , kireo t a i, , or to 9 , H Harrold, Philadelphia 'STATES UNION—MuhI Moot. above Sixth. rer.C.l.air ■ l ..l.4,lteaHer Z..D gored, P hiladelphia IM I" ' w ir m ar e r .11 r"I!,: West Chester Jot est ester _Jails. neseteLoo 11 fi ti Y a t er n rMi k S a , ' " Pa4raliV,F Cull. lis kraal a 6 j i n r a %New or Oarrer,Oofasibis. r • w Brad i lia4lar' a , Biliabo./491MIllnialli , ... COMMERCIAL HOTHL-alielh . street. eb. Cheetnut. igir Shots- Philadelphia Jae Brawn, HaT a and 'limbos, Chester eo 1 einem Mt a there if C tetra. nelirlat bA #OllOOll 6 OWS FIE Fems itrc'ssst. .r so - A& PrifAtirlfTs°,ls es giiii r dain, Walk DO Rev eel, A legion. a Johnwadi leap, Pa Cha s treenet, Trenton nerMicgorili, Pa mega, Brietin , , THE LIMON-Art& street. abodellerd, A I sins. Witetine. Vs CM° Mended. Wheeling, vs 8 W nob* • PI, Jersey "ra Hattreil,„ Ohio LOoklerein, warren, OHO &Herman/ Wheelies mi CAW , low& ' • u laws,. Indianapolis John Demuth, :edema - -'ht a beeier,__Hansook.al Y 111 Turpin,Waelliesten,D 0 Wear. New 70MT T 0 FOWL Ohio • ' AM list. Philadelphia D Torrey, Philadelphia a v matt ; Detroit 0 woneige, Peetweleaals' E Helaine. Port Wayne W A-Roder, Aeblena, nine,, ws si is, Illinois • 8,1 /tumor. Phnom ..' - Phillips, ohnom erl Fitbiltili Keaton. Md „, A 170 Cher ' ',risme Sant& Pt Certain J A.W6I A. la. Minion Pa Twas . & le, gateau 111 1 Seirß gales, lel j - - wia n k.fi ew York AT nmartdauner. Pa WrPrms Ilrar, 0, "al J I th. on. ad oDlclWielairA Haaaveralb . ' '. ~ • itemßUM IS*ll IL SOUL—Third it.. ab. Callowhill. l i t ti —.olaaar & loin N / Oeo A Worcester, &Muni no...presteenia H Gomm Pennerlysins • a .., railer Honig eo BeelTomtinemt, H. berry r ~..,. David H. Beelettl, Pa :nilorgiommr eriatmlnel, aline -•'/d re Watson. Reading " Wet Wa tson,,teare lame . Imo P Newland, Penns • „FOOATAIN HOTEL-booed street. above Market. Hammed Tor, Del R ISt Carter, Camden, Del a novelle= 'aerial Del W .t. Cannon, New York 0 IPArdalar, 11Wilii. N i l :, ZIA H Mar, Oloaaoaher .et hien T Ley, 1) , &M.T1 Helga:ads. Felton, Del iA il 'Woolley, wilm, Del in irons, Delaware J e „ • ll tt il ,l a i . "7°:27lrfv D e l 'i 4list A4Meean Tw aOr, gentoo r Del r New York , ;NATIONAL NOTElrritios above Third, Hin Pitrialait Alleehiat ,1 H Inr, Allentown miatizeo.eni, , ,. tir i,.. 4 ,l"mr,n, il , 4a r Wow '-' ' en d sr, rottavil!e ' , , ~-, 7 -- i ii74wv .. Hibiblpy ' Oranissalt, Lebanon 4.W‘ trii/p= 6. l ,oNelsir, Allentown .)....,•:, -1,,-,.. i ~:. - 7 :1. , -- 7 =-., 41141,1114.61.111itYrilev'rbirirsa., hove Calharldil ARani. Mutton H B Jsbisoti, UFO' no el, Montgomery co - :* deal wilts ei, fhi 'aphis el leenm.l'ittabere , Vital alining , yoke to ',Oat Fißiiiiville '.. tit Wei L'ltittol.' . stsmairußthi.lll.oDag.•Timid et.. &bevel Oallowhill. rill 'MU! Ewen 9.L Pinkerton, T i rerrent _pepivatis use et Aar. uoembis . 1. . comb* , !,,, a Limos., pososh, NY . tila . • „ . ~ ~ . . - . .., . . . itit : V ' lidlte i ll . " 7 : :' oI L-e ir lii i P i 1. ..t r A 27 - l*kfu-v". sebeet ,amee......a, e yylW a ' • =ZIII=I iioTEL—:a.oOxia .treat, above Arch, Watehiteeirlehrei J B Grtifi W th.Hangook, N Y Laadie, Milford 'Lewis happel,ll York Al Griffith. Philadelphia 0 Zit:mermen, naiads JBoa,.boaxiMattoook, N Y. n_ft ..1,0144 /011411 PAM l ila steaMshlpßeystoneV D lA, Marsoman, 15 hours from Charleston. with mdse, &o, to Alex Heron, Jr. fiaseengere—J, Yates, Balmoldt. F Murphy, W eyward," Engle, J shoo*. R Roeseher f iC Boos, Mrs A Dquglata and J F Boyce. WJ +lll, J B Stubhs. A %Wagner and lady. Miss J,Y Newfo; e, G Speneer, D Ramsay, A Monk*, Miss Gannon, J C Lewita, W 8 Haskell,' R Whim idle /no Laurens. VP Dowers, Km Jae Cordon. Miss M. it Leo one, Miss M Condon, Mum P Desmond. A Uorelon, T BIMIIeY • F 09 Bohu. M Condon ,t* W Foster, 3' B Carter.l M Baker, and 6in eteerfme, On the lath lust, at 1030 P M., off GeOrgetown,paseed eteamstifp Nashville, bound South. fitearnaldp Kennebno, Johnson. 34 hours from New ork, via Cape stay 7 kmot. with mdse and passengeo, to Jas allSerdioe. Passed below need. island. ketch Commerce, from bloyaguez, Plt ;- fuU rigged brig. under way bound np, and Bohr Jonathan Cone, above Tinioum. - Bah; iialrnim Washburn. Thrasher, Bdaya from Taun ton, with mdsa to Twolts & Co. Bohr Mechanic. Itendnokson, I day from Odessa, Del, with grain to Christian and Curran. OMaiIED. - Bark Oak, Ryder, Boston, Twain & Co. MISMORANnA. _ 6tearnahip Star of C 1,., West, Brown, for Havana and New York oltyired at Newcrieans ilith inst. Steamship Beaton, Orookor, hence, arrived at New York yestord i tY. • Steamship rnville. %Rook, from New Orleans, via Havana Mth aft, arrived at New York yesterday, Belt Snap mon, EH days from Callao, for Balti more, arrived n Haraetoll Road yesterday. • Brig ARCM, baMar. hence. arrived at Eit John, N B. 185 r s t4ton, Atherton, !teems, arrived at Caleb llt ast, HohrJ B/Bleeake Edwards. cleared at New York yeater S l y , for fhialyhta. Sourl e tilitohell, cleared at Boston gist in ghnl TlTomlin. for Philadelphia. sailed from Pall River 18th most. Copt' T ho ts Vinal Haven for Philadolphiet arrived at Rockomod 16th inst. Bohr AFalkenberg. Rogers, hence, arrived at Rich mond Est inst.- • Waltman' Sarah, Jones, and Vulcan, Morrison, hence, arrived at Self York Yesterday SPECIAL, NOTICES. COMPOUND EXTRAOT OP SARSAPARILLA FOR pgApipp BOOT Baaa.—A pleasant and healthy beve rage at Fight Cents a gallon, for family use. Full di reotiOns accompany each• bottle. Its universal and In *planar popularity Is its beat recommendation, Be. ware of numerout.imitatiorm sold on the credit of our extract and advertising• The genuine prepared only by POTTER & CItAMPIN, Practical Chemists, WES TERLY, IL I. Wholesale Agent, for Philadelphia, DYOTT & CO., 282 Ninth SECOND Street. Bold by Druggiate and Urocere generally throughout the country. IT/9 SIMMS* SALAMANDER FIRE•PROOP SAFES.—A very Rage autottnent of SALAMANDERS for sale at rea sonable prices. No. 304 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. auZ3 tf - EVANS & WATSON. ALL stroutn not fail to read the adver tisement of Prof. WOOD In to-day's vapor. on6-tt &VINCI ININD ,4 —NATIONAL &FM' TAM Cloacrery.-uirtered by the State of leaveWant'. RULES. 1. Money u reoetved every don end to any amount large or mall. I. FIVE PER DENT. interest is paid for money from the day it is put in. S. The money is always paid leek in SOLD whenever it is called for, and without notice. L Money is reaeivea from Bustlers, ddininistratinla ffaardimis, and other Trustees, In lane or isnell antes, to remain a long or short period. I. The money received from Depositors is invested in Beat Estate, Mortgagee. Groond Bente, and other first- Masi securities. I. flio is open every day—WALNUT Street. arrathweid or ear ?Ott Street. Philadelphia. MEV CARD PRINTING, BEST AND CHEAPEST IN the Gib, et 34 &nth THIRD West. CIRCULAR FRUITING, Beet and Cheeped in the City, at 34 South THIRD street. BILL-HELD PRINTING, Bed and Cheapest in the Ci ty, at 34 South THIRD street. . HAND-BILL PRINTING, Best and Cheapest rn the City, at 34 South THIRD street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other deserts lion of Printing, of the most superior quality, at the Most reasonable rates, at RING WALT & BROWN'S, Drexel's Building, 34 South THIRD street. lyt if 8ll•M211 SAVING PfIND—NOSTIIWIer ,Cloariza Bscorin and Wsmort 8 .—Deposits re ceived in small end large amounts, from aU classes of the dommunity, end allows interest at the rite of FIVE ,PEA ONN T. ler annum. Mines may be drawn by cheeks without loss of In termit. °Moe open daily, from Oman g o'olook, and on Mon day and Saturday until nine in the evening. Presi dent, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Seiretary, M. MORRIS. Owi Paton Otermini or MA .LATsas wiade In the beet manner, itieressly for RE TAIL BALM LOWEST selling proms marked In Plain Figures. MI goods madam artier warranted Natio lhotory. Our ONE-PRICE system is aridly adhered to, as we believe this to be the only lair way of dealing Clara thereby treated alike. JONEO & 00.. MI MARKET Stook MARRIED. BARYON—BARER.-On the 10th inetset by the Rev. H. R. Vont.ne. Mr. Jo.ln. H. Barton to Hum Re boots ehtnoty Baiter. all of Delaware county, Pa. BRITTON—McCLEI4LAND.—On the 20th Jnatant, by the Rev. J B. Dales. Mr. Jneeph Britton . of Jeffer• son smutty. Pa.,_ to MIIIIS Jane MoCielland. of this oar.* OfirMill'il—nßOßG..--On the 18th inststit,v the Rey. Joseph Perry, Mr. John Obsttin, sof Baines botongh, Pt. J., to oM Jennie O. George, of this atty.. DIED. 1 PaRICBR.—On the 20th instant, James A., eon - of Oilnert a. Parker, *24221wa11. The relatliwo and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral. from the residence of hie father,-No. 1017 Bering Garden street,. on Friday afternoon. the Ilith instant, at II n olook, without further notice. To proceed to the Woodlands. s• DONMIL -,42t Radford, Conn., Aur. Cl. 1840, Mrs. Farah 8., sr dim of the late James C. Donnell, of this o te friends of the family are respeotfully invited to attend her funeral, without further notice, this (Thurs. day) morning, at /0 o'olook, from the residence of 'Samuel H. Perkins, No. 617 Walnut Street. To proceed to /42 , 0 i /1111. BYRE.—Oa the Milt instant. Richard W. Byre, in the red year of h. ease. Funeral from.hle late residence. No. 420 Richmond (late Queen) street, this (Thunder) morning, at 9 o'clock .—. 40. X On the 18th ins ant, Mary Ann Fog, aged 62 yers. Funeral front the residents of her husband, No. 076 Delaware avenue , below Laurel Street, this akurediv) afternoon. at 2 &clout. FIitEDSDIDK.—On the 21.1 'instant, Julia Ann Haute. Infantdaughter of William and Mary Frede riek, aged 16 months and 9 days. funeral from the residence of her earents, No. 12.3 Otis (late Wood) Street, on Friday afternoon , at 4 o'clock. s• SWANN.—O the Vet instani, Robert Willie. eon of 'W 'Siam E. and Margaret Swann, aced 11 months. Funeral from the residence_ of the family. No. 8 Hickory street, Market, above Fifteenth, this (Thun der) morning, at 9 o'clock. WHAN.—km the Met instant, Mary When, Wife of Jolt' Whan, aged 38 year,. Funeral from the reiddenoe of her husband. No. 1039 Mtltou street, corner of Florence, amid orEenth, below Chriettan,this (Thursday morning , at 8 o'dlook. • GILLEN --On the Met instant. Reonah .Gillen, daughterof the late Patrick and Ellen Gillen, aged 16 years, - Funeral front her late residence. No 34.6 New Market street, below Green, this ( 'fbursday) morning, at 9 o'clock. . . . BUCK.—On the oth instant, George Bann, in the &Id renr °this age. Funeral tram his' isle residence. No. no Otis 'Print (late WoOd)• street, Eighteenth ward, this (Thursday I afternoon, at S o'clock, McGHl3.—On the list instant, Mary McGee, aged yearS.• Funeral from the residence of her mother. Mrs. Ann MoCiee, tro. Mae Hamilton street, this (Thunder) nf. terntion. at 1 o'olock. • IX - tax AND PURPLE FOULARD a -J. SILKS. plain blank Fou'ard Bilk.. Black Bagee, IC 641 n , 7.4, d 9 . 4 pride. Black Crape Rants,same width,. Om Often. Ardis Poop.. tChen. Banger and Mohair*. laek Banue,:nffied pnitibr. pin'ireammer Bembasic and Chaim and whit6dAwpi an Organdies, /co. B=BOZ4 l6 N, Itionnnep_Store, • . No . - 9 8 CHEBNuT 7ltreet. N.B.—During My and Acing we clone at 6 Pi M. ITU ONLY RELIABLE ARTICLE— CLARK'S Patent INDELIBLE PENCILS. for Marking all ldnde of Clothing neatly and Indelibly. They do Pew work better than ink, without its trouble or rudrof Blotting. Each msrk 2.000 sytiolee. For sale. Wholesale arid Retail. by D. 0. TAYLOR & CO.. At for the Manufacturer. No. 600 ORE a Street. . 1.9_ UNIVERSITY OF PENNEYLVVNIA..- LAW DEPARTMENT. term of this institetion will commence on the first of Ootober next. The following ere the subjects of the le Fret : on. GEORGE B HARBVOD—" Internstional,Con st tuttonsl i _and Croft Law. prof, P. DIcOA Ll.—" Ilsadia_B awl Prectice. o not; E . PE 11111 ALER— ' Real kente and Cloveyancinr. The introductory lecture will be delivered on Friday, leptembey2B. ate o'olook P. ki., at the usual lecture room, by Prof K. eyerioer Miller. sug23 8w LINCOLN k HAMILIN, AND CUR TIN' TIN,I li R HP EN IN - OP THE rwici,Fr ARD WI - IMAM t—TheWIGWAM erected In A XTII St., above Drown, for the outgoes of bottling of Itiestingei WlLL,nding ate present nests mid National Eleotion. BB OPENED ON SATURDAY EVENING NEXT 'the Sith instant, at V,ti chiocit, The People'', Campaign Clu b. gm Repoli] ioan Invin cible' the Continental end the Wide-Awake Chi bit or the different Wards , and all other Associations devoted to the °awe of Linc Hamlin. and Curtin, are in vited to assemble and Ma rch in procession to the Wig wain: Several eminent if h II he ~pee-ere W-4-- present timddreu the Meeting, whose names will even In Yu quent anneeneeinents. The Freemen of the City are requested to amenable in their might, Ind Chow by their preeenoe thoit they are aroused to a deep sense of the wrongs inflicts upon li them by D Aostio misrule. allow yam Imider on; hair the west 's Witt chosen non la r a nee your proud Illsg on high, Ring out your battle ore— Curti and victory, 0 and erg ght. By order orgl i Co rip y lle o i f A tengiiments. WA I44 MiLoWC . Committee. Iltuila it F. H. WAR it, , IqrPHILADELPHIA, AUGUST 22, 1800.— We, the undersigned. learning with sorrow the ng and destitute oonditiori of our neilibbors at kaiirdaisi., al itryland t catleed Di Ins 'treat conflagration of the 9th Jot., and Mr re Mat some nine** moth t to be devised for her re e . °ail tipon our fellow.oltisens to meet at the rooms o t e llintritsf Wrath., on THURO DAY, Aug DJ. at 4 o'oloolr, I', IL, fur the purposa of oreaulairig %point:llU*. to ooqt sutworiptions for their temporary re lea. Ni g s . PETER RiOHT k OQ, MP" "AfirdwOßK , • D if i t a It HMI iII VI tot,IAMII, b. 00, q'tgi 1 4 8 it 1 rt& lifrg WART t gt IirtOTHEK. IgrialllV.L. E. RUUD, W 111011 T, TINOTHEREL Lu 00, 'FRUIT P, 8110, & 00, BASOROPT & 00, M. WILLI MASON. it B. B. JANN Y, ft CO. OWOFFICE QV THE PHILADELPHIA MID READING RAILROAD 00rANY. The holders of the bonito of this Company', 4;11 . 311 . 11 Ifien,oan now receive. upon application en canoe, Da Rl' tieeaont. In erl. cash, upon the tar p s specified In the mou. th a harm are alio entitled to the helot a Mak ing _Fog of 0140,090 per airum, as 'stab toned by the otoormoi Ors at their mann meeting. he Janpary e. , and in mirmerpoe of t • gontraot, entered into by 7......, and duty recorded to carry the same into Ohio' 3 SItiDFOR.I/. Treasurer , OIR ULA , NLet9 to t 4 Rains Philapita Mid Banging Railroad uoretparty Mortgage ..ilt t.doe Ado I, MIO, me bonds are secured by the not mortgagee on ihe roa d. gmountim in the aggregate tO FIA.WoIOO. The net revenue for the last nom , y , wao six tlraes the ammit of the annual interest on t ese bonds. The manager, argi to oetton them t or a period of he" ? "red** horse' 'rb "Ibonds Title th e smut ty o o mor !Ages n e precise Gond on is which meg are mew held, Fresh sheets of coupone tot the Wersekpayable half-yearly, will be issued, A nas pt 10 per cent. will.be given to the holden:s e e Qom deration of tbeir MlMMOng.to the exte. ~, „... will " paid in boon to.ene n ot e maw on their sit ning a_roaelpAsall o grosanuag. st,r teepee. ties bonds sithe mar in erie lnpanti or io co agents,, rcifrd i eindWß ept * a d gement will be firtilehed , .ogiii i o reediet ain en or . In kl I) 116 Ile l i a jnbUnre Muslim i'r:, .8S: -',, i _.. T-',. ,'. & i ',.,' `, ,- ,:l .i IT . i. 1 i -,..' 1.. :, ,il f.nA ii ;" '-.2 4 A 111 :; ; TIIE PRESSe-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAV 4 -AUGUST 23, 1,860, , ~_..._..._..... irTWENTIETIEWARD—AROUSIC DE : MO GRATN, *ROU@R!—A Grand Mau Pluting oft it friends of DotitipAi, JO lINNO is. and FORTIS*, thc Reaniar ,Democretio Nominees, erlii be held on THURBD sY Evening, August IM, at the Demooratie Reading Rooms, northwest corner of Thirteenth tigd Girard avenue. An who are to stand hp the Lit tle Giant and import a straight electoral tie ket are in vited to attend. -The following gentlemen will addreu the mdetingl Mon. Richard Vera. Den. DonshertiLlfill i Lalkil G. Cassidr, Bac.. F. 11. Vancleve, Geo. w. trowel!. Or Larmater , oonntyLito. o'l3yrne. Esc, o t. Brook, Jig, B. Nicholson, Fag.. and others. Dy order olthe Committee of the coolies at omsenn. son Glob of Twentieth Werd. . , aSt• 1 . NEW, PUBLICATIONS. PUBLISHED THIS DAY. FRiNCIR, GERMAN, SPANISH, LATIN, I AND ITALIAN LANGUAGES WITHOUT 4 M.RSTER, Any one or all of these Languages aan be Learned by any one without a Teacher, with the aid of this BY A. H. MONTEITH, ESQ Published this day, and for sale at retail or wholesale, at T. B. PETERSON 803ROS.'. NO. SOH CHESTNUT emirs THE ROBERTEONIAN METHOD of Learning the French, German, Spaniel,, Latin, and Italian Languages without the aid of a teacher has, for the _Met ten years, beenXimeesafully tested throughout the whole European Continent, and is, without a single exception. need in teaching the modern lang - uagegin all the educational in stitutions of England, France, and Germany. In Lon don, Mr. A. H. Monteith, the most celebrated teacher of languages in the world, has arranged and perfected this system ; and his works on the Study of FRENCH, GER MAN, SPAN.BII, LATIN. and ITALIAN without a Master. contained in this volume, immediately obtained a sudden and extraordinary Pogidarity. MY Person un ac euninted with these language, can, with the aid of this volume, be enabled to read, write, and speak the lan guage of either without the aid of a teacher or any oral instruction whatever, provided they pay strict attention to the instructions laid down in the work, and that nothing shall be passed over without &thorough inVegti gation of the subject it involves; by doing which they will find themselves to be able to speak, read. or write either language at their will and pleasure. The whole is contained in Twenty-sewn Easy Lessons. The French is in Six Easy Lessons, Spanish la in Four. German ie in Six, Latin is in Six, and the Italian is in Five Easy Lemons. or Twenty-seven in all. This work is invaluable to any person wishing to learn either or al; of these languages, and is worth to any one one hundred times its cost. This work hasslreadyilln through seve ral large editions in England. for no persons have ever bought a copy of it without reoommending It to their friend,. Everybody should peeves' themselves of aeon/ of it at once. COMPLETE IN ONE LARGE DUODECIMO VOLUME, SOUND IN CLOTH. PRICE ONE DOL LAR AND TWENTY.FIVE CENTS A COPY ONLY. Read what Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie, the Literary Editor of the Philadelphia Daily Press says of it edi torially in that paper ; " There is no royal road to learning: but where the learner heavily dragged on his lumbering way in former times, he now has a new trent and wonderful engines. whioh greatly facilitate his program. r tudy this book carefully, and you can enquire near half a dozen tan anemia in the time usually wasted n imperfect sagailltma at M e . Radii. aa wall w is ely did fdilton write. We do amiss to spend seven or eightyears merely in scraping together as niyeh Pith; and Greek as might be learned easily and deight:ldly in one year.' John Locke, Sydney Smith, and other great 'scholars, bear like testimony. •' Monteith's book, here before us, professes to make any one, of reasonable ospeoitY and suitable Industry, read. write, and speak five languages dour of them living tongues) without any assisPvice from a teacher. Ellhu Burritt's rinse shows how intelleot and the desire to learn can make a man master of the principal dead and living languages. This book. and a real desire to' leas the language. will enable a student to teach him self Prentili in an incredibly short time; and so with the other languages. The Messrs. Peterson confer a great benefit on society by publishing this book." FOR SALE AT T. B. PETERSON & BROS'. 308 CHESTNUT STREET Mr Copies of the above work will bp sent to any one, to any place, free of postage, on enolosing the prioe to us in a letter. ST Editors of newspaper' copying the above adver tisement In their paper. and mailing a copy of their Peter to ns, with advertisement marked, shall have a ooyy of tho work sent to them at once. per first mall, free of postage. aut2-St GEORGE G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK STORE, NO, 439 CHESTNUT Street. All Boots are sold as cheap as at any other store and YOU have the advantage or removing handsome rm. sant, worth from Fifty Cents to One Hundred Donate, enth each gran t. gr -ahamt orri-MAe 25. PAL C ANSAMieurv. . ierie 111 rOMP I BIB. By Marlon Hulked. author of Alone,"- Ridden Path." " Mom Bide," eto. Price SIM. THE OLD FARM HOUSE. By Mrs. C. H. B. Laing. Pri.eSt. MEADOW BROOK. By Mrs. Holmes, author of "Le na R ivers," " Dora Deae.".• Come Maude." " Home stead on the 1011.inde." eto.. eto. ryioe 01.213. HISTORYOF ITALY, AND TIM WAR OF 1532. By Madame Julie de Mareuerittek With Mays and En. amylase. Price elm. JACK HOPHTON ;Or, The Adventures of &Georgian. Pries SI THE THRONE OF DAVID. Being o r Muon to the •• Filler of Fire ' and " The Prince o the House of David." By the Rev. J . H. Ingraham, LL. From SI 25. me;mouts OF r OBERT HOUDIN, THE WON DERINFIAO3O AN. Fries ft ALL NEW 00K8 8001 a A 8 PUBLISHED. Call n, and one trial will secure you that the beet blame in the city to buy Books le at O .O. EVAN E I 'S 0117B N OK3E9OA BL TN M TS NT e t. MARION HARLAND'S NEW NOVEL NEMESIS, it By the author of Alone, Bidden Fate. /to., Au, is for sale thitutai ; 1 vol. limo . , 431(0, WM. ATI, NTIO MONTHLY, 11LPFEMEEN. EBONY ID L.- 1 , 11781:1 , 0 OCOASIONAL FRoDir US THIIIOIII OF WILI,IAM T. PORTER .~... Loa ONE i 1) TWENTY Paper ; . _OO HOOD Mb MORIALS, 2Vo e..............—. 1.76 Fresh savgliitEDOE AND BEULAH. For sole by SAMUEL RAZZ AROJa., 401-tuthe at 794 CHESTNUT Street. A PPROVED SOHUOL BOOKS, P E. H. BUTL RR & CO.,ublished by 137 South FOURTH Street, Pluladelplua. MITCHELL'S NEW SERIES-Now Ready. Mitchell's First Legions in Geography.-- 40) 25 Mitchell's New Primarr Geography.- --.. 020 Mitchell', New Intermediate Geo graphy —.-- 1 12 =chairs New Ancient Geography - 1 12 MITCHELL'S (OLD) SERIES. Mitchell's Primary Ge0graphy........._......0 42 Mitchell's Intermediate Geography— 0 84 Mitchell's Geography andl 20 Mitchell's Ancient Geography and Atlas.- 1 25 Mitchell's Geographical Questions—. 014 GOODRICH'S SERIES OF HISTORIES. Goodrich's Chilee Pictorial Motor, of the United States. Ready in September-- ..... ........ Goodrich', Pictorial History of the United States. I'l3 Goodrich's Pictorial History of England- --- 094 Goodrich's Pictonal History of Greece— 094 Goodrich's Piotorlel History of Rome-- —.. 094 Goodrich's Pongee) History of France-- --0 94 Goodrich's Parley's Common School History of the .. • 1 12 LATELY PUBLISHED. Coppee's Select Academic Speaker... ...• . • •--- 50 eoppee's Ylernents 0f..................76 Coppre'e Elements of Rhetoric... ..... 011 Sanders' new Latin........ 76 Tenney's Elements of Howl' Ladies 12 Howe' Junior Lediee' Reader..:..... —..... 84 Btooknardes Principle. of Chemi5try.............. 95 Stooknardt's Chemistry, bound with Cooke's Pro blems. . Ramshorn's Latin Synonyms- -...... .. 28 Flander's Constitution of the United States-- 84 NEW EL4TIONB. Hoholar's COOlrioll—English W0rd5._......... 0 60 Flemming & Frenoh and English, and Engliih an Frenoh Dictionary 300 Fleming & Tint)ln's French and English, and Eng lish and French Dictionary abridged —.... 119 Nugent's Frrioh & English, and English and Frenolf Dictionary— 0 63 Dominican Greek and English Dictionary— - 300 Hart's English Grammar....--...... 0 34 Hart's Class Gook of Pr05e......... ..... 0 84 Hart's Class Bonk of Poe try. ......- -......... 0 84 Hart's Constitution of the United ' /Hates —.... 0 30 Cometook's By stem of .. 100 Angell:, Series of readers, in six numbers........ &WS 6t BOOK BUYERS.--Gentlemen: I have 419 OTRATIP to i bur and sell (as I rye heretofore done at the Ousfo_ru house Avei . ook-stand) ni4 and new Law ind eellaneons os. I have for Pale Rewards of 100 A l so a Irn printed prior to the year ISM Also, sops et Erasmus on the flew Teetament,vole.. 410. printed In rms. Pries Bat . I will &Widest in Engravings and Antosraphs. Persons eta dlstarne wishing to s ell Bolts, will dermas their hames,dates. else.. binding!, son Mons, /14111 prices. Pamphlet Laws or Pennsyl van a, and Old Zoete Upon /Menne wonted. _ aull-ent JOHN CAMPBELL. CAMPAIGN TRIBUNE. WEEKLY. To Whiff • demand for THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE at • low rate during the remainder of the Preeldentia Campaign, we have deolded to offer It to Clubs and Com mittee• at the following reduced prices. We believe that a thorough distribution of THK TRIBUNE among doubtful voters will have great Influence In se curing the triumph of the Republican cause, and we will thank those who think likewise to aid us toward making suoh e distribuimin. TERMS: 10 Coyly. to one aildress.lo weeks. from 'tot/. 83 40, 4 7 100' 0 17 Terms Cash. in advance. au2o2td &Wren, THE TRIBUNE. New York. LIPE-SIZEI PIIOTOORAPHS IN OIL of i.muc LINCOLN" are made at _REIMER'S Gallery, SECOND Street, above Go ESN. The hiconees tr y o r o v g . ef t tkr e tp . e negative wag taken at SyrlngfteidiAL, A LITTLE OLD RYE.—Aro you sick and out o i l oorte f try the healing properties of BURNSIDE'S URE RYEWHBRY. Being abso lutely' a pure art ale, its use is always attended with the happiest results whenever• a wholesome stlmUlant is needed, Newts. OLERY & EITOOKDALE, the proprietors of the celebrated beverage, invite all parsons who desire a genuine. old-fashioned Rye Whisky to call at their establiehment, No. WALK Ull Street. and Ridge for themselves. and ipP EFINED SUGARS, AT REDUCED Justoish poloist. Q. Donoghue. 03 South WATER ro e fe t d g r rirt. f ohst`gt t ocilieLloal l el4l . ?rj3iiiiitle're,ratt; FPali boxes Ili% and 10)4. Standard Crushed and Pulver sed 10 Cirole A Crushed 93(_ancl 94 , Standard A White and ON .Cirolo A Wand 89% dawdled No. 4 9%. B 1 allow bg_and 8%. and B 2838 and 8%. Balti more Standard 0 Yellow 9%. and Yellow 8)1( to Po. New Yo , it Standard 0 Yellow 9, and Yellow 7% to 8%. and Clarified Brown Coffee Sugar M. Phbedelehla Clarified Brown Sugars 6% to 60. CT I 0 N . -ORIENTAL DETERSIVE BOAP.—Encouraged by the nest snd merited sun ones of this article, several unprinolpled nutters have closed, imitated itin appeitranoe WON and we feel it our duty to notify thd puttlio Out none is genuine, ex• oept our name ts etsuippita.Mth aa n-wk mAVE I.IOLEONE. WHEREBY EDUCATIANAID AMP irriE CLASSICAL . MACa s it c2 l ,oo a L tre o e f t l , w . 1 14. O r e ll opo liO n O o ß n YAt. s - or - 4YOB MIS 3 M. 11. HOWECI: AB ' REMOVED her eohool for Taunt ladies to 1.625 CHEBDNUT 6 1 : 3 :4 4 . ; „o h n a. d ata w n il t l iT r ipr e ,:t ope r. n a o t p uie W:rin res e b od yw oyL i tr . rroiror f u t . bojd&rpupils %nape ro.totrO i n a l::: - no2l-1m PENN INSTITUTVOUTH v, EAST COB- Nt THIRTEENTH FILBERT Streets. re-' °MO MONDAY, Beptembe to, Form more pupils be &emitted. .Ostatopues sent to goo - address, auti-M . • IL SITWA.N.T. Principal. RAWING AND PAINTING TAUGHT TI at WOODAUFFIS INSTITUTE, No. 83* RA43E Street, suel•et• T M DE I N SS I I i r t S re . e M t, itßerortheNCLll3osf Spring G A RDEN and formerly occupied by the endorsor Notre Dame. will open their_Academr for Youna Ladies on MONDAY THE oF &MEMBER. Ciroulars con taining ulnae, and other particulars. mar be obtained on and after the 27th inst., at the Meanly': sari Lathe lm in AD_ /2 . 1. D'OUVILLE'S ENGLISH ledp e , 14 4 .triffit i lArVt i al`,ViPagra r NITY, September 10th. aulB stuthlm DR. ABHTON S INSTITUTION FOR . yoIING LADIES, No. 929 ARCH Street. four doors below ninth, North ride, will reopen September 10th. Thislone.eetabliehed Seminary is provided with every modern apPlianoe of a complete system of female edit:, cation, and the Priem& is aided by an ample corns o f thoroughly qualified Assistants: but its highest and moot peculiar pxoellance Is its critical method of oral instreetion• giving the pupil a thorough and poetical Command or the knowledge acquired, and enabling the Young lady, not only to fulfil intelligently the daily re quirdinen" of SOMOqIO life, nut also to perform her part with grace and facility, in social and intellentnal so 'cluttl• The memory, though duly eultivated. is taxed as little as possible, and conversational Might ie culti vated RS one'of the most Imeortantobieets of the course of metruotlon. Thus, the dulness of study to partially removed, without sacrificing its et:Repleteness, and to think, to reason and converse, are the remits. au2l.-61 MISS THORP'S S °HOOT. FOR YOUNG LADIES, at 113 GIRARD Street, will reopen aura Im. on MONDAY, devte other 10. CIENTRAL,INSTITUTE, TENTH . AND 11 - 1 SPRING GARDEN Streets, will reopen Septem ber S. Bore prepared for any Dluisilon of the Public Grammar Schools, for College. or for Bmilneeti. Call at tee sCROOI,-ROONI between the hop,. of 9 and 12. au2o 6w* H. O. AlcOlif RE, Principal. ITTTNHOUSE AOADZMY.—English end Olesslenl School, (( In the City Institute Build ing,) CHESTNUT and BIGHTEUNTH streets, en trants on Eighteenth street, third door abate Chestnut. The next session will commence qn MONDAY, Bee temt*r 3. IWO. aul7-Ira JOHN H. WESTOOTT,Trinoiyel. MR. WINTHROP TAPPAN'S BOARD m¢ and DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES, No. 172? VINE street, near Logan Square, will RE-OFEN on WEDNESDAY, September leth. Circulars furnished on application. auiaaw. IVIISB LUCY R. ,MAYER and Mrs. R. M. BIRD will qopep their gohool for young lo dine at No. 1019 SPRUCE. lamed, on MONDAY. Sep tember 17. augl4-2m PRIVATE SCHOOL, FOR, 119Y5.-1.13- CIUB BARROWS, for the past six year, Asso ciate Prinolpal of Rittenhouse Academy. in Eighteenth street above Chestnut street, will open ;a School for i Boys. n CHESTNUT street. necond door below Eigh teenth, Wity_lnatitute Buildings,/ on MONDAY, Sep tember 3, 18641. Circulars user be obtained at the City Institute, end at 600 and 609 Chestnut street. References: John 8. Hart. LL. D. J. J. Reece, AL D. THE MISSES CASEY & MRS. BEEBE'S English and French Xding and Day Bohool, for Young Ladies, No. 170 3 W MUT Street , will be re opened on Wedneeder,Bopt. U. aul-aw A MERIOAN SCROOt INSTITUTE IS A 1 - 11 % reliable medium through whioh Bobo°la and Paull lilts may obtain tentopetent 'remitters. Parente may ob tain. gratuttoualy. Mformation and menhirs of the best flohnols. MUTH, WOODMAN; & 346 BRoAD WAY. New Yyorkg. or nll-tr 609 CH.EBTIIIPP Parma. Philadelphia. nRYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL A-P MERCANTILE COLLEGES. looated at fkila delpilla. B. E. corner BKVISNTH and OFIEnTN uT, New York:Buffalo. Cleveland. Cbioago. and Bt. Louie. For information call or send for Catalogue. fee.tf MESDAMES 01IMARAY AND MIER \TILLY respectfully Inform their friends and the that they have removed their Boarding and Day School for Young Ladles frmn Logan Bemire to Not. 10e7 and 1029 BI'RUOB Streo, wriere they will be Lii d ady to receive their puede THUBSDAY . Septum lath. esdames OHBOARAY and D'HERVILLY will re ceive Inaltors at No. 1209 LOGLN Hoare until the 20th August. jyrisem SIEWING MACHINES. HARRIS' BOUDOIR SEWING MACHINE. No. I—FOR FAMILY ÜBE. No, 2—A NEW MACHINE. FOR QUILTING AND HEAVY WORK. Both aew from tem irpoole Ithont the trouble of re windinr. and rune with little Ot no noise. For Wee& N_o. #ARCEL Btreet, 2 Fluladelohla, and No.lll BALTIMORE Si.. Bat t o o ze Md. autadoll THIRD STREET JOBBING HOUSES JAMES, KENT. SANTEE. 8a IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP • DRY (800 DS. NOS: 229 AND 241 NORTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE RACE, Rsoweotfully invite the attention of Buyers to their neosL atittiMANlTOtourbh,s - c. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, Among wluoh will be found a general assortment of PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, Aloe, a large variety of new and confined Wise of PRINTS. MERRIMACE SECONDS, fec. -aull-In THOS. MELLOR & 00.. ' NO. 8 NORTH THIRD STRUT, -• IMPORTERS or H O S I E R Y. SIMMS AND DRAWERB, SMALL WARES, &c. Taos. MELLOR, Jona B. Mact.oa, EDWARD BAIRN. Goo. O. EVANS. ,017 -2 m F AL L 1860. COOPER, PARHAM, & WORK. Importers, Manalkoturers, and Jabbers of HATS. CAPS. FURS. AND STRAW GOODS, NO. al NORTH THIRD STREET, below ARCH, PHILADELPHIA. MILTON COOPER. Whl. M. PARHAM. ROBERT D. WORK. ear Fall Stook now ooinelete and ready for buyers. aul7-Suy SOWER. BARNES. & CON. BOOKSELLERS AND PUBLISHERS, No. 37 IiORTEI THIRD STREET, Lower rude, above Market street, Philadelphia, Invite the attention of Booksellers and country mer chants to their very large stook of &Moo' Books, pub lished in this and others.tirs. together with Misoellarie. Ong end Blank Books. Paper. and titationery generally. a., B. k. Co.. areeoubliiners of many popular works, among which are the following : THE CENTRAL GOLD REGION, BY COL. WILLIAM OILPIN,; (Late of the U. S. Army.) ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS MAPS, One v01., 1 v., bolyg o l . n u f i V t o t ta e l: ; de liberal Thin book is pronounced the moat wonderful, solenti flu, and comprehensive treatise on the geography of our continent ever published. BOHOOL BOONS: SANDERS' BERM OF READERS. BROOKE' NORMAL PRIMARY ARITHME- . . BROOKS' NORMAL. MENTAL, ARITHME- TIC._ BROOKS' KEY .. T . 0 .-- ilifi - TAL iliiiiiitil- 5 °t.g. . ots. DY E. BROOKS, A. M., • Professor of blatitomstios in Pennsylvania State Nor mal Bohool. Liberal terms for Introttuotion. WHITE'S COPY-BOOKS. BY T. KIRK WRITE. President of Penneylvanla:Coramerainl College. PELTON'S OUTLINE MAPS. This series of SIX SUPERB Auas is now adopted In almost every school of note in the Union where geo graphy is taught. and hoe no equal. Prloe 826 for full eat of stx maps, or 820 for set of hemisphere maps alone. aue-dm OR PROTHONOTARVDISTRIOT COURT, WILLIAM LO LIN. Stowed Ward. 6t &Meet to the Rules of tbo mooratio party. sa2o.. ORIENTAL DETERSIVE SOAP.—One Pound of whioh will do as much washing. and do it better than three of oommon mein .7 ciothes need u o boiling nor rubbing on a wash bo ar y. Over 100,t100 families are now uonetsutly using it, e guarantee It to give salsfaction, or return the money. Ail respecta ble Grows have it for sale. THAIN & TdoKEOXE, iival we Ira' 00 and 94 south wharves. "PROM PROFESSOR BOOTH.—" In my AL: opinion the RA RTELL JAR combinee mere ad- Varitellten than any others for Erceorving, tieing wholly cit cleanly, strong. and durable, ehmine air-tight, andopening opening and shutting with feer win O. Rooyn." FROM DT. ATI. . " I have used the Rano Ali glue Jar in my fanll,y f e k the preservation of Fru t k and in comparing it with it ere previously employed r the purpose, I consider t lady pr0m...W(3,1m0 IPA Milatly not s metal Jar/ or are with metal tope. It is per air • night. and Pee from al! possibility of taint , fete the ease with metal. ) 1 t is 1110011 Ted with more Cue, reptdlty. anti c ertainty than by cement or solder. an armed readur.w le the fruit Li kept 113 the Moe; Wrenn!. manner .ving tested the Jar well.lognel er that it meet ; t a la d: cations that oan Da Jeered. ";"til ?Toll .4 T ! • X. F. e . t 4O I rt,ei., Matlfaeltrere nndeythePAtaaTlV l lUaue-tmt "gg.tElLt. AWNINGS ! AWNINGS ! ! 4 FI,AOIII P Lan ! I t JOSEPH 11 FOS'rllll, AWNING MAKER. 448 No TIIIRD Btroot, oV flu adelphia, 'V Ilan on hand 1 , 14.00 o all elope, or made to Order, a short noiloe. ratios' purism Clubs, or captains o meets, Flat doyen to eatt , botbreAlorohaelng Okla whereere, klai Bottome, Bate, and wagon-oorere. s.l Imo • COMIISBI4* AreUSEL THOMAS 11;`.611".iti. COMMISSION MEROBA,IIIT, No. 212 CHESTNUT STREET: PHILADELPHIA. For sale by the Paoktige: MOTHS, FANOY COATINGS, BRAM% , SEALSKINS, FELTS, Au. MILLVILLE, MASS., ORISKANY, FITCH BUR% ROYALSTON,7 AHD OTHER DIAITEIT OF FANCY CAEiSIMERES, HARRIS' FAINT' UNION OASSIMERES, BA THIETTS, •LININGS, VEBTINOS, SILE SIAB, ho. EMILE LADIES% CLOTHS, VELVETS, .to aulis-2m WEILER & NEEDHAM*. OHARLE4 WEILER. SAMUEL NERD/lAN= ÜBRMANTOW N HOSIERY MANUFACTURERS. • We would call the appeal attention of Hosier, Buyer, and Manufacturers to our new and much-needed im provement In CHILDREN'S and HISSES' TUCK RIBBED TOP HOSIERY in Striped and High Colons (PATENT APPLIED FOR.) LW, FANCY WOOLEN GOODE, MOODS, CLOAKS. TAIMAE, SACKS, SONTAOS, rcusua, &a., &0., &0., Comprising OVER 200 STYLES from the latest hand• knit designs. From our own long praotical expatiating, and employing none but firet class raeohanios, we are . prepared to offer to Hosiery Buyers§ tin of these good' SLCOND TO NONE ,;p, point of workmanship, styles , or prince, and respeotfully solicit the patronage of thi Trade. Sole Agents are F. V. KRUG & 00., 326 CHESTNUT STRHST: b7-stuth 3m RoaTERy GOODS.' F. V. KRUG it 00.. $25 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer to City, Western, and Southern Wholesale Dur mast °cantata line of Staple and•Pano7 DOMESTIC HOSIERY GOODS, Comprising, in past, GERMANTOWN FANCY WOOLENS, sERMANTOWN CHILDREN'S MISSES', WO MEN'S AND MEN'S HOSE. BOSTON RIBBED HOSIERY, AND WOOLEN STOCKING AND SHETLAND YARNS, Being the best seleoted and most complete hue of heap goods we have ever offered, and which are suited wants of the market in Pile., quality and dries. Bole Agents In Philadelphia for' the WATERVLEIT HOSIERY ME RINO AND M1161.13,_ O WATERBURY KNITTING CO.' SH I RTS AND D AWENS NORFOLK HOSIERY CO., HALF HOBE HO ANBED' OTIS MANUFACTURING CO., WALLACE it BON'S STEYJAIWRING OSBORNE AND CHEESMAN'S. eLIR ,Also Agents for e AMERICAN AND OWE PIN CO.'S PINS. Jr7-stutham J . O. HOWE & 00., NO. 240 MARKET STREET, GENTS FOR THE MANCHESTER PRINT WORKS, Have noes in store a fell nasortnannt of the various goods made by the above earnestly. A large variety of very choice styles of M. DRLAINfis, CASHMERHs. OPRILL . CLOTHS, PRINTS, te. J. C. HOWE & CO. Are also Agents for GLENDA, CENTR LE EVILLE • mERRImAtur. ELM STRRET MILLBUky, GREEVILLE. BEDFOR. BRADFORD, TAFT, k CO.'S BLACKSTONE MILL. J. T. SEAORAVE & CO.'S GRANITE MILL, And various other popular makes of FANCY CASSIMERES. ..UNION PdILLS.BLACK DOESKINS, (Very superior nigh-lustre goods./ ndien Orchard, Bleached and Brown Shootings. Shirt ugs and Drilla, Colored Coral Jeans, &c., &o. The attention of package buyers Is solicited. Philadelphia, July PI, IMO. fl3l-tuths-lino RIDGWAY, HEUSSNER, & _OO., IMPORTERS OF ! co 1-1 . DOESKINS, IND OABSIMERES Bole agents for W. ERQIKENI3. cLinle Make.) W._ll. JoRANKI ,( a bhoe.) OHVKIN.B & ¢_ORAILB (Gold. Clothe.) F. G Eli RR M AN & 80K , Medale.) ZAM BONA 8R03., (Fanny Canimereed E. TOENNIEO & CO., and other manufacturers of the greaten oelenritg, 206 CHESTNUT STREET. WELLING, COFFIN & Co. 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer, by the package, the following detariptlon of AMERICAN GOODS, OF STANDARD MAXIS AND IN °BRAT vellum: GREENE MANUFACTURING CO.'S PRINTS ; BLEACHED AND BROWN MEETINGS, SHIRTINGS AND DRILLS; OSNABURGS, DENIMS, AND STRIPES; CORSET JEANS, SILESIAS, AND NAN. KEENS; CANTON FLANNELS AND PRINTED LININGS; RHODE ISLAND LIMEYS PHILADELPHIA LINBEYS AND CHECKS; KENTUCKY JEANS AND OOTTONADES ; NEGRO CLOTHS AND KERSEYS ; ALL-WOOL AND UNION CLOTHS ; BLACK AND FANCY CASHMERES; BO RK AND MIXED DOESKINS; SATINETS AND UNION OASSIhiERES; TWEEDS, CASHMARETTES, &0., &a. anl•3,n WASHINGTON MILLS, FORMERLY BAY STATE MaLS BIiAWLE4 of all eines, in great variety. Embalmed and Printed TABLE COVERS. UNION BEAVERS and BROAD CLOTHS BAIAMORAI, SHIRTS. DOESKINS, and Double and Twirled COATINGS, 6-4 SACKINGS and heavy ZEPHYR CLOTHS. Twilled and Plain FLANNELS and OPERA FLAN NELS. Printed PELT OARPETINGS. . For gale by , FROTHLNGErAM & WELLS, 34 Routh FRONT /Street, anti 33 LETITIA Stmt. SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTOHINEION, NO. in opuralNu7 ea.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE BALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE aka4s GOODS. WDE AWAKES, ATTENTION ! ORGANIZE AND CLOSE UP THE RANKS! YOUNG MEN, SAY YOU `PILL! The undersigned will tumid' the ORIGINAL HART FORD UNIk ORAL conalini rug of FULL CAPE, FIRST CLASS GLAZED OA, PITKIN'S celebrated PA TENT TORCH and WIDE AWAKE EAGLE, at a lower rim than any other manufaeturer. -A ddrems, JP. MEN S. CHALKER, Commandant Hartford Wide Awa ante lit HARTFORD, Coon. • SAVING FUNDS. AMERICA SAVING FUND.--00M- Istir's Bul l ring, eouthaut oriel WALNUT O P olocit, u enrol ' magfiTY. tV7An d igieveft g ! qqd: Old Institution had alwaya paid in full, on demand, without i I i t73REEIT FIVER CENT... AU MIMI P 4 naok,qh T anto gold and ver. # 'NV si l lik i Ne'l l ' fe e d le: i t, ohn Q. Farr, '• E. .mr. oi. , Prg: agent, o 4 1Nt gar., Bawl. . mourns, ro, o r , _ H. dridge' I Sht Howni.d. 10 H . nl4O ' , Treasurer. ' o. SIMS. Saaretary. . su2l -Im SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, KAMA pirsto THIRD 8t g r e e t =h e ll: pi Rh is kilt• el om Af reOr n ee l Pl D , APVm "r ilhdri Interest 6 s.r sent. per annum. PePisatort oart a rth draw their Moneys by Checks, if desired. dpeat De Posits received. JAMES L PRWGLE, President._ FRANOTI HART. ReATTRITY. apilit-ti if AZIIMEA 1 AZIJMEA I AZDMEA 1 AZUNIBA I AZUMBA. AZUMBA I AZUMBA AIORRIB , AZUALBA BAKING I'OWDER Alsnataalared pole, No. SS North FOURTH c and for We kr WA AnorelPals. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. DE FOREfST. ARMSTRONG. & Cos IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS; 70, 77, 79, 81. 83 & 8b DUANE STREET, NEAR BROADWAY. OF'FER FOR BALE. A NEW AND ELEGANT ST UCK of DRY GOODS for the PALL TRADE, Edged to all sections exf the colours,. They are °emelt we ekly. AMOSKEAG WA M•SUT TA PRINTS, IN NEW AND DESIRABLE STYLES. THESE CELEBRATED PRINTS ere the CHEAPEST end BEST now mold in the UNITED STATES, and they beg leave to call the particular attention of dealing to them sun 2-1 m MILLINERY GOODS. TALL, 1860. LINCOLN. WOOD. & NIOHOLS. 726 CHESTNUT STREET, One bloat below the Girard Roue. STRAW AND SILK BONNETS. FRENCH FLOWER 9, FEATHERS, RIBBONS. - Ctoldren'e and Misses' BEAVER HATS. The largest and fullest amortment of the kind in the atty. aual-tuthaant FALL. 1860. .EIBBONS, BONNETS. •ND MILLINERY GOODS EXCLUSIVELY. e have now , on hand, and daily reoeivint, a huge and handsome assortment of RIBBONS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, BONNET MATERIALS, STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, MiSSES' AND INFANTS' HATS, SHAKERS, Ao., FRENCH AND AMERICAN FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, AND EVERY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE MILLINERY LIN:;, To which the attention of the trade is directed. ROSENHE93I, BROOKS, & CO., intl6-9m 451 MARKET Street, North side. ci L TO THE SOUTHERN AND WEST ERN TRADE. Alta. M. A. KING. No. 27 south Second Street, corner of Bleak Horse Alley, has opened a assortment of FALL AND WINTER FANCY BO NETS. of the latest styles. to which she invites the r attention. an2o.lat• REMOVALS. REMOVAL. 'EVERETT, HICKS, & CALDWELL, CLOTH HOUSE. Have removed to 823 MARKET STREET. Buyer' are Invited to exrunine one stook. .ell-tm MOV A L .—The undersigned have re rfusr.#44I:IMYWRATCF, to the N. E.corner er SECOND and RACE Streets, where dealers will find a large collection of STOVES of the most approved smarms. Tinned, Enamelled, and plain Hollow-wire, comprising an assortment second to none in the coun try. All orders left at the office, or by mail, will reoegze prompt attention. LEIBRANDT & Philadelphia Stove Works, and Hollow -ware Foundries. RETAIL DRY GOODS. .FA L GOODS ARE NOW COMMEND OPENING. Fall style Denise'. Fall Style Cash t rn eras. Fall Style Chtn aria Fall Stook of Flannam EYRE & LANDAU,. au.lo-my the ift f FOURTH and ARCH Bova.. MEPICINA.L. P ROF. MORRIS' RUCEPHALOS. There Me MAO Sufferers from MEARES of the NERVOUS 8 YISTE?d, in the city of Miladelphm, who omg he mired by ming PAuFEIVOR MORRIS' EUOEPHALAOI3. Whioh in an original and WONDERFUL REMEDY. compounded from the private formglti of Protestor Morris, 112. D.. of this oity. It acts directly upon BY AB S O R PTIONR through the pore s,SING and it L needs but the trial do E BOTTLE ° S t irs telirl'Y'rlll' " v'!"°°. zxorrEmEn OF TEE BRAIN. meßvous HEADACHE, GENERAL DEBILITY. NED RALGV, RHEU MA BM. CHRONIC ERVOltreMB. So.. . Will find the esinstrolief by te EXTERNA USE, au directedTßY IT I itt_the Circular. TR IT ! iti 1: i TR. Pli TR IT ! it} T , l TRY IT I T RY T 1 TR)." IT ! ' TRY T ! TRY IT I TRI Ti TRY IT ! Tit T TRY IT ! „ IR ,T! 7 It 1 N IT ! ! -.., TM If you are eiha. „ Aet . .M . by . cerer-nvell stud/. It ITo :tire! 1 , 1 c%:,,T i nl a Xgli a ; Lcyou are prostrated by exceselyo grief. If you orave etimuLattat drinks. TIITI TR IT! TR__ IT! TR y Y IT! Ta ! 4 TitY IT! As it will regime thosq numerable gensstrong whit& in dam a morlnd dimposition_gowarda intemperanoe. TRY IT, if ron are maim from Pierson, Debility in any of its forms. and you will end it a soothing and IN VIGORATINO APPLICATION to your nerves, and worth many times its oat, in the relief afforded. Numerous testimonials from the most re table somas can be seen, by applying at the °aloe of the pro etetoni. Prepared by MOCRRIDOR & CO., No. 64 North FOURTH Dtrees. ilrP And for Bale by Druggists generallYi Iy7-if ASTIRFor the INSTANT " MP and PER I MANENT GUILE of this distressing oam- pbsint. ass FENDTte BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Made by U. B. SEYMOUR & CO.. 107 ruisseu Street, Now York. Price el per box ; sent free by post meAim in FOR SALE AT All. DRUGGISTS'. INSURANCE COMPANIES. NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON. HEAD OFFICE', No. 425 0111,5 TX UT STREET. New Building. Philadelphia Bank. CAPITAL.-- - -56.298.800 MUMS OVER- ......- FIRE RIM TAKEN AT MODERATE RATES. LIFE RUM ON FAVORABLE TERMS GETTY I LIEBING, . Ao=x:■ r===l THE MUTUAL L'FB lESURANUE COM PANY OF NEW YORE. Meets: SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. INVIIIIIND IN ST IMORTGAGES HEAL ESTATI. WOrtTil OVNR $13000,000. The premiums ere Lomat then in many other Comte nies, and the Dividends have been ORZATHA. This is a striotly Attnrust Company. There are no Stookholders, Co that ALL WE PROFITS BELONG TO THE INSIIHED. Pamphlets, and every information, may be had a mats, on animation to F. RATORFORD STARR. agent. S. W. comer FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. PHILADELPHIA REFERFNOES : Thomas Robins, John Welsh, Mordeoai L. Dawson, George H. Stuart, 0001F0 M. Stroud, E. B.'ssbe en. John B. Myers, J. Fisher Learning. Joneph Patterson, William C I udwig, ohn K. Atwood, Arthur O. Coffin, Thomas H. Powers, George W. Toiand. William &Wee, Thos. Waitron. ng3 ly 'Er FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 400 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED PE A NN PRIIOI9S6, Mr THE STATE' OF SYLVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RMS. DIRECTORS. Samuel Wright, D. R. flimsy, - Wm. W. Walters, J. W. man , Chu. Richardson, ri enr, ewil. Deo. A. Welt/ scob W. Btoutd O. Wilson Davis, enim Stern. Thos. S. Martin. orEORGE W. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. RUCK, Vine Final. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. 0111- iftt YOUNG LADIES' BOARDING AND DAY ECLIOOL.-- Rev. JAMES I. Snit% Boarding end - av flohool for Young Ladies t 1396 W 1,11 UT Street, Will be reopened derdernber /101. aull-smwird VITHICATLEY & OLIARKK'S ARCH 81r KEET THEATRE. TBURBDAY EVENING. AUGUST 22, VANITY FAIR! OR. VAIN OF TB IR VICES! To accolade with 808 1. , k TTLFII. Grand Kunsan on asturday next, eta o'cloek. Admission. 25 cent, ; &cared sashD un:nseprioaliP. stif cents: Parquet. 50 cents Gallery for cols M oon.. to cents ; private Box in Gallery for co pm sone. 38 cents. Doors open at 7i.(. Performance aomsoeseestaarter tot. GRAND PROMENADE fl COP OERr.TII.IB AFTERNOON, at EOL4ligini• btir4RF:pz?l,4arklz,,byagureili,U ifirtet;tm caw: mpnces at alifgolook ?.11. Fare oor P cents Min every point of the (via Girard-avenue Railroad) to the i.e.ph •Fairmvennt steamers a.lso stop. anitle CONTINENTAL THEATRE, Gate National)) WALNUT Street, above ne t OARNCROSS AND SRARPLEY'd MIPS • OrERAT_NI BURLESQUE TROUP CoMpri•ing_ FOURTEEN ALENTED A R l ifnet And that BRIGIVI taw R of the Ethiopian firmaisma, F EVENING,WER, tiPear EVERY tbis week. The bolos i night wan tided with the elite and beauty of atm of y, to witness the greatest concentration of Wind in this country. SPLENDID PROGRABiliflreasnied PLETE with ORIGINAL NOVELTIES, li with the Brilliant Terpsichorean Displays of t i F UR GREAT DANCERS. Admission 20 cents; Family Circle, DI cents; Orates trii Chairs, a 0 cents; Colored Galiery, la onto. open at 7 o'clock. To commence at a Quarterberm, cONOERT HALL. YY SOIREES MAGIQUER EXTEAORDINAIREII. 0 V E. N .'CROtirIEATZA.L.47.II"NP°OI7I3AOXIST. EVERY EVENING Dull/NO TaZ WREN.. - poem open at TX. Overture at prembelV. 4.1)111I811.1.0N A GRAND MATINEEvrtiI be gives oul i nh- DAY AFTRaNGON. August ftsth o'euelr A. L'EOU Y i!u2l-5t Agect and REIMAtISS RIX. FREE 'CONCERTS WILL BZ given at " SILVERI:ate." opposite the aG depot W the Green and Coates-streets p i i i t s sraY Co sseear. TWENTY-1 IFTR and COATES U. . otaUFEIDAY. TEUXBDAY. sad TURDAY Ives show permittinp.) of this and the ensuing Reoks:lrsat4 tog') o'olook P. Id. The lIRKEIONY CORNET BAND. Bash. leader, has been engaged by the 'proprietor, and no enrhati hat i been spared to render these Conaerteagreeatts sad at mauve. e Green and Coates-streets oars pass PliVOrbliff 'miry three mantes. Pare coats. WI-tithe* E N NA. ACADEMY OF THi MINI ARTS.-1023 CREMVlrrltrixt. towning a Large oolleotion o isantinjwilaCeiltp tart is now OM daily from A. M. WI I P I[. aupoon X eta.: children :mart, plan!. /2 °ants. .11/41 WANTS. WANTED—An active young man, 0300, to take an intarect in a valnabia Patent-Right. Address "P. D. Ford," Bloodl= t to. 1 WANTED—A young lady, who hill had litt• • tonne expeVencerdateacqprivitco=44 s r i ol:r..ir a .. A!' ' - nalint*. IyArANT ED.—The advertiser who is good Chemist, having several yeses experisase in Ole Ch , mien! Work' of New Castle, Enki4ia da mming of a situation In tie eftesonty of ja a Oliemioal Worts. Adds: as "T. H. 8.," Bnsgot, a.. Toe one week. son Ilk• i l ir ' ANTED TO EXCHANGE.—One hu ladredand sixty-mx acres inkshoice agimprovin dln Gloaceat.r county, N.J.. rapidly Improvise' ne ghborhood. will be exchanged for improved city pro pe ty. For particulars address ...1. X.,;' Maas of We ya er, stating where an interview may be had. att23 12t* ALN EXPERIE WED BOOK- KREPER., and is first Glass Penman. is now open for set sr gagemeat. Undoubted references fundsbsd. AMMAR " O. 0.." this office. ANTED—A large second-hand Fire- Proof.. Addreris " Beiparity." this Gaols. guan-a. WANTED—By an active Young Man, whoiesZetit=rigre a . e a v niare s ina"lgir, i n 6 , bltehment menleernsr. or Clerk. Addle '" Liquors." office of The Press. asot.et• ss.ooo . — Z ig it En N t lLD;ln thi rtive, t.into 101k1 the Ad vertmerestsbrishinr a safe sad lucrative business For --r.eelare, address with real aastr. "Beery," officetit The Frets. 24.224 t. WANTED.—A young man from the coon a • try desires /I situation in a wholessia or mina Dreg store. He has been two years in the bisimas.. The best of reference given. Address, " Chesustrr: Ihtiontown. Pa. 3t WANTED—By a sober, industrious wVi all. r l t! e aago r a teWr,a. tcAdano Fodor in °is.orthiszper. a ulnae WANTED—Two first-class ornamental ENGRAVERS. Steady employment and good wage■. Apvly to ].X CA LAWEIJI. &00 . abg=t•4t 822 CHESTNUT strait. _ . WANTED, IN GERMANTOWN—a. modern I..raunor /mime of moderate size, sot vei , distant from railroad eepot. leant about SVC 6 ram "Box 1128," meat Office, ea,21.1c ANTED—BY ANEXPERT PACKER ANT , STRAW PREIdahR. ahastioe ak. ese!.oleame etrew Goods house. Address " ones of The Press. salll4t. EXPERIENCED SALIESM AN WANTED, HOUOZaWholesale FANCY O 000 N 3 AND NOTION o . oaaji tftg rea '" i " "and aria rtferenee. FANCY eoops. Press nt6ae.udp. WANTED—By an experience/I Balm man, a Pi illation in a trifolessle jobbing drs-Noo4} house. Can influence a fair am ount of Aesr short.remft trade. Address " Hamilton. 'at this comae. sunlit. A YOUNG LADY, who has had six rani experiesioe ea teacher. derires•iasilar eah Orin out of the atty. Address " Towbar." tek. URI Psr. sall4-111.* FOR SALE AND TO Ili° RENT—The new four-story bnek No. 1916 VINE West. having thin* stony double back -buildings. and all the modem na w W onomen__,ta • rent sexp. Apply at No. 146 NORTH HARVE9. antilet ak FOR SALE—A handsome Engli sh COTTAGE. on Main 'treat, In Riverton. le. I . mid 7 between the Mambo it lazding_ and Re station. The LOT 60 feet front by 200 feet deeM laid nut, and filled with dwarf fruit trees, grave vines. shrybbary, &c. Ihe house contains on first floor par loroutting-room. hall, nursery. large dining-room. and kitchen. and on sect-e floor four comfortable chamber.. The whale house.a in excellent condition. tread, painted outside. and surrounded by good shade trees. ri &sheen occupied both sea summer ant winter real denee. Terms 413 MO; 81,000 cash. the balance caa re main on mortgage. inquire of F. R. FORS. 002110/idn noßank, or on the premises. Riverton is a Militias'. TO .10 miles from the city. accessible some ten tame daily by steamboat and railway, or by a ants to ridepn one of the best turnpikes in New Jersey. ftist leaves aroh-street wharf at 9,2, and 6 o'clock; *aft Walnut street at neatly all hours. augl6-tisteett• VALUABLE FARMS FOR eALE, In tol , a rood location. For further intormatioa Wei at lib. 434 NORTH THIRD Street , Caraden,, if. J. - aull-stathlm. *PUBLIC SALE OF ORIZABA IRON WORKS. SOPHIA FURNACE, kr.—By virtue of authority vested in us as Trustees tor certain oreditam of fylard MoCormitis, and in pursuance of a decree of the Istria Court of Allegheny county, in the Commos we th of Pennsylvssus. in No. 3 at November tem, 1858.4 re will expose to public sale. at the MERCHANTS' FiCaIUNGE,on FOURTH Street. in the city of Pitts burg'. on TUESDAY. SEP P. 11th. lam, commeciaing at 1 liolook A. M.. the Rolling Mill and Nail &atonal. Bite ted near New Castle. Lawrence county. Perrusyl vein known as l the ORIZA BA IRON WORKS,_con tainunc, eixtecn Boiling &maces five Heating Fur nacen, Bar Rolla, Small Rolls. Nail, Plate. and IV Roll 'Squeezers, 40 Machines . one Wrought " Mac Me. and Machinery for mounts:daring ego and ire Brick. Also. the Blast Furnace, known as Sophia, adjoining . above Works, which is capable of tuning out ISO tower Pi C Iron per week. Also, several lota of ground s _ adjoining. and several Planes of land adjacent to the Iron Works. containing Coati Iron Ore, Limestone, and Fire Clay. 'harm—One-fourth of the purchase money to be psi_d in cash, on the acknowledgment of the deed. thishal anee in one, two, and three years from the time of gab, with interest from that tune; the deferred payment@ to be scoured by bond and mortew on the Drawees. CHARLES swap. 18AA0 M. PENNOCK H. BRAD WILKINk , WM. K. rcteucit. 100 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE, in the rapidly-improving Borough of Downing town, fronting on streets 60 feet wide, running toanglll 20 feet wide; 50 feet front by XO feet deep. 'mut/Lining 10,000 'guars feet. Minimum price. 33 V' foot front, tf early application is made. addreee. SAML. AINGWALT, snag-tf Ringwalt's Mills, Downingtown, Fn. - POE SALE-THE STOCK, FIXTURES, JIL" EBT BASE. h and GOOD-WILL. of a Large CARPET LIBRIENT. LOCATED IN ONE OF THE BEST BURTHEBEI BTREETB IN THIS CITY. The stook none of the best selected in the market. The whole will be disposed of on favorable terms to close a partnership. For particulars, apply at No. 47 South FOURTH Street. aFOR SALE—On accommodating term/ the STORE and DWELLING, No. 211 ARC Street. Apply to WM. R. ALLEN, No. b 32 ARO Street. anll-12t. TO RENT—Two spacious, well /ELlighted, wolf-vent sated Rooms. near the Ex shan't,. suited for prtntinK offices, or for manofactunng pummel , . as there Is ample steam sower attached. Ad dress" X. Y.." box 1307. Post Office. TO BUILD ERS. —A large lot, having three frsnts. suitable for immediate imprmin, situated oc T WEN TLETII greet. below CATi Will be sold on accommodating terms to a Marti Whi will inns ove. For terms, &0., address 'K. omee og this paper. irl•-tf lAOTORY LOT FOR SALE. —A sot. having three fronts, admirably inninnint is 130ataWaStara part or the oity. Wtlt be rental or so o n re e. tenable terms. For nartiotdara. anglr 17111-tf at tins MISSOURI LAND II 300,000 Aores for Bate, at trice ninent r irOln to 60 septa or Awe, in any quantities mut TAX,hB paid, and PATENTB nroeurzd or ameba ge or Land under the Graduation Ant. or furnished gratis by attains= •Pastelas atm= For farther inw r r a v ist Co. U. E. and General Lod Agents, So CH KEiTft Street lh times THIRD and 1 , 013 Sl. L. O. LAID WARRANTS bought, saki. and locatOUlS ed. 176-3nt • ' FOR SALE—The Stock and Fixtures of s Wholesale Boot and thee Howe. now doing • rood business. This is a good OoPortusuts for any one wodues to so into the busiaess, or a house wanting to thareillat their trade. BatisrAeto.y. reasons giving for selling out. Address " Box 280," Philadelphia Poet Moe, with name. jete-tt TO NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS ••• JR- For &Ie a, large lot in the Southwestern sectionof the well a dapted fora Nursery. Ten'ns accommoda ting. For particulars address "K. at 0111 01E0e. agar-t 1 BOARDIN G. AWIDOW LAD AND TWO CHM &en wish boarding in a pnvata family. Please Address, stating terms and location, F. F., Tee Preis office. au22 et. BOARDING.—A gentleman and wife wish to femme boarding in a genteel Drivato family. Where the oomforts of a home will he secured. Address •• Tanuton..' otrwe of the paper. aa.a..5,,, A FEW YOUNG GENTLEMEN CAN I 2. he apepramodated with good b , archsc to a re speotable, quiet family. Address ' Wilson," °Moe of this paper. auSt-et• PRIVATE BOARDING.--Gentlemen and their families. or single gentlemen, Can be accom modated with Board, with element and handsome rooms, forniehed or nnfarmehed, at 616 LOCUST Bt., sonth side of Washington k quere. The ieeetien, being opposite to one of the handsomest parks Itt the eats, Is central, and extremely pleasant. Transient Immolll visitang the city can be acoommodamd by the dadr.dr week. Terms moderate. A basement front room, with private entrance. for rent. notable for an °Moe. iell-tf TWO YOUNG ,GENTLEMEN Oex 11.13 aooommcliated with rood, airy aitalthmelta, or without board, Lia anvatt t.o.ation Address '• ToLllt i AT,' tigerish Blood's Du- P etah . MAI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers