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Z,1 " ;$ 1 0 10, 7 " t,-.AI644Ir*VoiMET44IWY-T. 1 6 4a - 141H 4 ';llll'.4PArtgritli e _ %Mt( tv)• =Tr ,••.1, 4 . 11:1•11,11a1 - 52, ?..1. Plat t 411t . 1 , 01 PIT 0 Ili t't iof ..;1:1V!„:.,,ku,,..fi119f4cj 337:" . tt: • • . *,, k • 1tai . e , . 416 , • sr . • Ab***l4 lo l,7 A,- • woo , „ l itter!, _O 4l Ol - ' . 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',", q , ' MU!, ~,,tn' 0r 4 mnfix, .:, c .;, , q.-i. ralt.:qa, vithormt ~, :, 1., KM•V 42011.4LT10 la ~......• -.-.....,.....,,..•.),.-?, ~.i: 00.121,AV lui t i a -lk i vn ,147ari t 1- , ',--- ki.„ 7 ,,,,e,,,, '' Er t,..r.,'1t ,s's'" 7 ' '. l .., - imamintiPriniihnliftpuß4, wa g te t irWl;gina 17.1 11" i, py fi c ,7; 'at , '. a !, ,!, allga al tit — ----"...,, totaer 1 ~ 1 WO .11111141Biligi lour t , itlarattr TERAIWAR444 '' ' - r ita fqq-0i. , " ffrt r 1 , 1011,401.1401f5vra,g, AMMO. "*. 7 -, r . r . r n ' Am.& 7.r'NAVLOWira'oo•4,- ; jilt.C: - .'-^^ . "` 7M 49* CKII4IItRIROP 0 10 b 1611.4 ' WAIrS,VOUT,i --. • : .• isairmamirmgrojwittp 'Filoaan.,, , : , l , Tv:il-1..7f1t. - BrlA4r44.o l %.lWrgtz_E_!• , :: l , ni - t ', ' - AitaE P T•O• 7II(),BI MOP' " :-.:-;.;?; ;' a '4011:44,4C,? .Z i `: , 5. C E f..4„-TAN I T O 4.. TOXI IO 4 'd /,.iiidi•ouf.ACStspraiLifingfriViba MT . Ihriiste, 4 Rii• c,W 1 9. 1 .**A. 1 1 :: FLF* tr. y Y 1 .,. ;11. ‘ 1 ... .' l ' a 1,7”:4' i,::MTiorOcittniAll';' , "• 7 7 ti,, ',lr. .^ , , I'll - in A,'..1 t,"'," ft Tro , . 4 , 1 i-a- OM APIDNA3 14iUnil4.1 rlikait7:.: , . ‘,.,, ;,::„ - ;, , rj;' , :. ' ,, :, 1' ,.•, 1 7 : " I I CABUIRT-T ciPUENFITAS 7 ‘1 1 40 ,-, : In': . LIMO TABLVV 14 "• " 1 " 7 ' ! _..,„ 1 ,, .!, 1 1 51 1POPTRIV a aaAleiPIPN. ' .; , ti e 6/ I ni4ll"63" tab i lnY&"l new lye tui VW/ 426114111 • "R.- i ris i tal " Vtie pit 1 1" . 117 .1 14 . *Pl aten IV I t Alli ONl: br _ 1 , p a; 1, to. t o r liau t a ti;16 1 4 WAVdiiiiii.an c ilif 1 • .4 j, , ..... I T 4 1 4 11 1. , A 1i!, 1 4/% 4 1.,. &Ala t.12,0°, Ny.,74•Wer pro* Uo4,9iplill •sixar,', 70§1 10/r;1444 d `olitia 4114%47. , N 44,1 1600 r MMMEIBINIMI WM4.Z 5.11 , cipApatSHAnoripp srb:fiffill • ;116""Tielil in as f r _td .. . omit la • 414111 %7 2 -:..$ • • -rtippat r t So, - CI etZ HT '710“. 1.1:),!yr f;ll .,, EgitrungioNs4 '••• ffi sTwom Ufr E U , - ,•,11! • r , k '' , :-.ff ; •:' " 1 4 ,1 4A3 Prffr i : TT)" It; , `:!1 , a'07:11118IT r • r !, • 6 • •1.6: " - :r 7 ;0.7 •,r•:;••:',""Tf.fr7,! - /1 7 ,• - ttX . •, - • •-, ' , • ,;,! , :r • I ) • ) - THE HOTELS AT VATI4NTIO IT V' ARE NOT -t1 .q• •• • ; Nier , RINF(BATHINGOWLING • • AND FISHING. t •••! - -iti7 , • • f, •is:•• ••1•Ii• - g " I , • • WHOP' i t at 7.30 A; ' 07-2 w EA? BAT.ETIN er.. ' ATLANT/O,Orrit,,N.pw :Jsitay.. • - nlidnd FROM . r rAOOOII.IIIODATfONFi I IiOiI ~%GOO,. We TORN, fie4l6 0' the pasfeellebnidnierbldls littho bath. •thibraliesbegin (nine iteleellith>liath) boeneassilieti, any ei tis , ie ckw este, thee: Oblisstet; Itttelcis lessedtable for tta l ittsesdhee ind,ftsblet •fisotlittes we petted; irelsjiroks i ed fatalshg, r atsJ is top t *these iat iiroviorVor bridle 'lts"sUsitasit sad wale ese Mikan elk , !ikedei tiek.tioalitsf 4issf. ether Elsa aetileele theAmb Piglet orthis MANTIC 71.M10.: AtOiD leiNd VINIWITREET WIIARP; Phl adslkua, Alishlzet Met istecPiltL; steregat-.4 Pan sitelpusin A i le. sae fO P,.,M., gare - Ritual iticikett.bese tot' thirsts daps, Sib Ps be urohased utexelketed et the dekko' noes only, bed n eter by ecindentint.' inisienee , AlirdleilYnned* troOn *Wee intik arid et 8m - A: (iNbi RhsessaAthunde Ints 114 6.6 a ,l Igelgtna ehltifet ITO Ailbleatelb S l TM4 l .lP i tan a °, l _,ll at # l / 2 t14 !P i .4 1 .•7 ~1 Jell-If I.mand for rantee of i 014 ; 8 ' . I , J. I,, l y uL c mutt lc 1)1I, C tiorraig 11 " ; '' ' l. l •x .f.ufz:'t. r 1411/TQW/fi sid-, - SASTSI4. --,',:'''..... IL Tiett i l l t i r- 4 bi s eart, %hid R. f Talt i akiliD , t Y . ,, from9to Mica at' liltr i o . ar t, S. Sr a t i STELS. tit ha A 7 71.1 id-: tir;InoVAILIS, 1 11 2d41 1 ' 4 ;'1 .1 0 00 A sl o h a.V C S' 4 4 l 4l' l 4 ' . ‘l3 2 4 :- : ::::: 330 k y r rtworhorrookiefillorpodildiOd nausea; . and do- I MIT= Ifdgo i rWa l tiet i alt, ! t. tr i g:lj, Aulowitologilbritty.r... m iiii„ I.o..tatiraff 1 1 41:014 9 riots for ro ish ni eb cliak, , aturo,:m: aims P.m: ; Itir tom od: /11P:fd4 Pr 10 4 , 411.F1! 1 , 1 494 , ‘, 7 4.. P ' l ° . 111 . and 6 , •.:74,, ,, ,,alic e ktliaNlY11, ONLY TRAM, .., !', , Trartio '- oafillgliiiiiii4eilii - Pirordoillfto r i" ' l WoWZO i r li slTPaitiioloi tri ibi ordiu ' I SUS= 'om - .n .-- i Laub it CetlitY r) • t 1.,,1 aim 1'3,3 a C r• 114 MS) • 1) ;: m . iik i - 76.': •, ,,i0 , K.., 11 ,,,kg t 1 ,•,,,„ ,„.,..--17rz .7 '', , l itEwthitx, :, 1 , iii Ml 9 slll4h iii , illiCitalit r. # / V p ir of, Thlf 1, :1 . " ... V.VirikliZ 0 • "Di; - ,-• a: Mow a:rad : AK , • t 1.1 911 • & V,Ora i lr i4 t . ; od., ( ti) .! wavitrit, , 'i'l4kitryt 7.4 ~, ass A.i,...1,!i..i.,. lure,. ) '''"dar". n'" . i a" aa V w eillMajare AWES , .. 1.4 . .... ti ilgiriZTlMihrZirilli Asi k , hoyattlXillik , "fl 1111114" 7 . 41MVI N A 1 7trabilliKALlKkid 316 DMA Mil l=" ---- ,t a; 1„;;;,, '• 110 , illak IJ 1if10t10,,71 ~... ' • A fit i tt ri IMPIni rig Rtaii al i t lb VP . n tif BOAZ c44 7 11.0 41 en0mk,4 11 et 44. ,r the ~ ..,,•-•:. ....Ir._ ...,.t.,,„! , ...1 , 41 -%4Ct er i libir r A i ' . 7 l/li , U.:-. 7 . - - •110111 l ti; , 4 4 t , tr iretti,Lift aLito e.r.n 1, 0 - h f ii i i i: t ri , a th c, Oa 1171 — Wer4441111mpurnaseldtd; ,414 - ..t:11 LTr.r,,, ttesT.:_sq 4: .1.1tt,,rt," ei; ( 191:•%0 , hylti Vil ig•II tiablW 44F11i dlilei4 • Mr" Rat_ _..P! 19 K ir .o mopping ouivfar.wmea aI I 4 " 14m9414* Mat " V. ittli 6. i' ' a 1 "'W"Catt/ WlZTlVidlriaiiliiii Faro to Atlaisticmtwik tialttigitra 113111."& "1 ,1ireamodi. *Koh I, 4 44 11114 r4 ; 1 ?!: -q ‘ '4 . r. 1.. 271 I 1 1 t OgiftliA ii . 44 . 421 • moony , inn , der Di . Me t 10 WIW reeignol44 , z•ozr tha t rnt:, C• a 4 ~ -.-.7 =x714E,E40 - :( iiiMentlantioArldigy!iirt t t o r ailri" .44'i it i (X l i r ti Aolk4ll .;;',...1 . - , " tlostr4' `I, .t,...-G d iirip i 44 , II llama , Y.. , i "•-• to. • • • r ••i n td * '•• • tai lytail,val , Oohs _ Ar , : 1 f, n4y Ter4sall notary • , • , t , . and bOstftat••l•4o4l*El roe; •.. 4 . • r i vrg i tieit. Wilts Idol r•••)ttr•• . awYst C1...V." _"L'41:174.11L.L1L4 iftrtittitegitl ia 4rPlff.o 4 ,l. ) l l l pllt rrin hva i r o gr ,„ 7ll "i film "4 32 rt,,,F40-0 1 ,„ ii,„..,,,,,.„ IL ', f .:....../....- MKO= '*ootir.X., . I U, Ni At ' 4 0.. , - cARPO*WUFAVTURE4B,: GLEN , lotto ,:hulats, : QE TOWN, ' '; Air::ifikcoltili3e4F.DoOtoro . • . '464Pi°Etisos'of ' , ._ 1. oto ,, ,• i 3 OIL .4 9 :31., THp, MAITTINfIr; RU9SI &cc: : " WAREE6IIB,E; 509.044nTUT ii.TRIAT, 1 _ ;. , L 1 toiioVto She 4%4 ?eili.i.) :, ' r , ,' obrititors ezot.Woltopt iittfecl_are reaps uulir Wetted to wilt • • . • , a017410t _ - C li•A*APPAN :di O'C''; 3 '' ' ' Mattlifaistirifteof sad Wholesalti Deelete In , , , :, t! 1 - :NATL . :AAP,14 , ..., 4 1 , :rf , , e, , ; ,:t.V.N.TiRS.; .., • r.: ,‘ ,"rli ;.- ..;',l '-`, ~ 'Mil BTR W (18Cit)84 ' FANCY 4 0 ILlf. ,AND ' DTR.6*. SON N 8, A WrlPi• .511,,AtFLOwg'84, lurcuP.N; FEtkykttitti,'&p., ' - Nei 600 itild'6o4 aMARE 'r stRY I *T, Bnuthva.tddriseir tir Sixt 64 . . , Thirdniew..xtrosio• licar xp l ylpii;e. n u ortmen t. The beet terrt, lied the [melt 'nee& re Ttret-oleta•bdte ate parttmeat Itentelltte 06414 • i4n , ' i Rul6-2m ... - - - - 'TIRE .• 430.1F,NOTONS !ANA ii,xPp4l,, -l l' FeiCile? air! Ifffifilfa.r?abfithekl tat tbe,bms: fit iia at Srantny tti yeakbernet who Ter front nor vast! Deblfito. rtetaarara,ni. "; stoply 'pa tha mesas a(frellCure.,BY tala ,NY 0 aktv hinliellit A ft er beiplt pUrtn mat expanse thto gfi maim!' Impositioa t a itTLISIL raritt ft , : 1 11Y14:4 c .! i fittb a ruT ty, ; 1., by tiao its a; PJ..-Pli ' drpped Ira. 'MukOKERELi , 6IIAO 4 ,LIERRINO, WOO bbla Noe. I,ltugL3tikrim ausi medinnt Naa keret t, a/sorted psolutglie. Orb vivo' °bolos •• :; 1 , , flatatWit Nish,* 0: 1 1114eljeff ' o f 0 Wi &WOW Aleut tt 1 Iteritalit. - _do ' Oaf ao. E ;do n 'lfoj , ; 0. " : ' 11 4 ) q ' 4 11 1 ,17 ‘ tat %bait.. • . bolo= itoro mix=CMHOlN. 7,1` , • .• • , Mitt . IA111118:_ ; 1111 1 4ColiliVEOTITig, l A Al. l4 4llleW ast ri d i la u fgraqtai 111"Ziii t o.-p , ' 9 • 3 a' irk bast Ma aeot pshasoad4 filik lisaboa Ml , o.lllrandliMoroa a k Dauer .., T _,,... JM! ' l ' ares-o-- - , ,,, vi--- ~' • , „t .ea vane( tha. tad flipatea,4,; antkaaM 4ll 9* leak at Ma , P -14 'l., I iffrar^i"a' . - QVlsl.o* - 476 ' . * 4 41 .14) "' : 449:f P: " 46 / 2014 1 1:0 4 : Vgr a t i s tF I a : V 4 / 1 1 444, 5 4;` 4 - roi:!attcc! ' V'B ri' i s ki t ;*. A ft/481A i d toti , whyllgtiAlln.• la i it • , I 3s• tfAtc:=l-ai uo BsTireomio 4 r vaittotoormamjapid this ifilitriseat ,! • nitrippriml eat of I ( MF ORdi AUX AitilFgaikt , ApiyatfrallYitthitle %TOT wity Lb, *ll Furman thoppligl, Esc! '1."?, Ll` OW\ . 1 1.110 ~',,' 'l' ',:7 1 1f .1,:-. ;14Li :4 (11'.,1 - 1 r .---,i.: - a Li milri `.eaBl , .... AgnamatommsatinUarasmnzomMasamanrs~uu.............4 . ! ,r, 'O, J• '- f , t ! ^' PHILLOBLPHIA: ' 7 WVONESDAY.S -I ALIGICV ' 2i, 1360. fi 'l 7- '' ' '' ' l' 9 i r -, ;••itl, lyl :Ea 70% , . Y. in ..furf....c i . .. . , -...........+•.*,,,,..-...-....... - RC I VIMP‘ li ii IMPU4e ,B UYerX , °I Sit , " °tIMI f i t r . ° l 4l Xi t. i i 0 ..P 41 i M a F*94 i ,T; Or 9 u ! M o o k • ! I.AFTLit& 'OO4 PPA:RCE B 9 630'. 644 , 1011 C ^1,113-tawitilm ~ - r Ft, E In oonsequenee of the destruotion. by fine of their' Tamp STIMET STOEE, 7 . •• i ; YARD; ; 4 31ILLIVIORE: CO&. - • - ~,, ,:, - - - - HAVE REMOYRD •, :,-, : ' :,.. •• ''7 '' T.f: ~ .1, Is t ri;.' ,'.. ~ ~, : NQ.: 810 pHESTNIIT ET.. ~. ~,,,-,. Boom - SIDE, ,ABOYE sur4. ~ - • .: . .; , ~ p lutkirp.pata... g , whey h;vreolov 0m'n ,. .414 ,ENTLRE PAlN ti.tanit • except s 6, I Seo fog, 180 t 100 at low Agent, A AND AD. DR - - ONtoDAut*, 74,51111101DIMES,_LAOR6, Mill ill. Ai: irenkWie to sibs fin, alii , we «all.* t. '' ' ' ''''.lll,:. NEW - STOO . • • 44, ioirlikajlopiinvii. atatteattoct or thlar Oeitomon lindlinaerisenprollt._ tea& Sin ' r f Ofolutt. SEA, Arroao • Ike Oath .l.lo A. M. • d ..(011 r, r.ll. 10, 449 r, Id. . II A. M. .24 A. M. 4 .1 01 011 at the :_sao. any yaw* • oat at tits tarts:4ll;m . , n mai ar- VIM? I A A. out. ! , ntrintadel- Terr&iris ' lifgrgt tt steamer r 4 ° ,! .4inif b " Hoig• 0 111.91 tar*_, .isttadets iffig 6 P 4 ; • ail 405.1 t. 411161 i AND . RY- 600.02,101311E11 1 3. P , E'N • • ) NO. 213 IIARICIFVBTREET,PNITADIIIspas*, ;:HAS, N ow OPE*: , • 'ANS' Coßitallt WZOCk • g O " AA,E! !' A/CO FJELISOVID Tv! , r tit ; 14430:. DRESS GOODS IA AI..LVARLETIES, -•• SHAWLS:, BRAWLS! SHAW .' ' • • `•- CLOTHS:AND CASSHISHRSS, LINE Goo* 'mimic/G[4o, AND MODRNLSTO GOOPS. ' ' . BAGMAN AND, AMDRIOAN pRINTD; STANDARD !HAIRS, j:solViEta 4 .lo G4C)0145, , ' "A APLI{NDIp, LINE. . 14EitlIVIACIt PRINTS SNOW-SHOE "6/N911.13.312' At all , iimea . _ • j stplE•tt PALL.' iste CO O[AFFEEt.3. s Tow.; fer , FOREIGN AND DOMEStiO DRY atilO3m - - No. 523 NARRET STRZET.i: 111[4:4' . 44 & WLIOLISIIALN DRALIHN IN I FOREIGN AND :DOMESTIC) DRY ODOD/J., 334 , 11WMET STIR T. ' GOODS. Wi1...1811./SARKET STREIT. • •,„, . • • MANUFAOTIMERB AND IMPORT/03 1 0 • , , G-QODS . • • lux Pin aphis., STOOK, MKS ,toyri„E;impy DRE!ss t oaos. , SHAWL% GILOVEfI, 848W1N•9 DEER zogittor,lrii#giputioc As§ciargrp t itloi- SZSPLE ✓!ND .F.t W EL4 URT'l7fiTip . „ ', t ' " 1 • - ' Xvl[ey xGH. ' 11.1.POIT 1: A 9 AND.;OO B UB ',., ' - ',' 1:•:,..1: 4 1„R: tr ' ,4'.0 0 5 ,t 0 f 5 i •., - , . -. IVo. 311 MARKET Blnistl aria Tllird. iii CkATlMll A titrit''. iitglio - n r. e lkoVelgh, 'ig:ititil i iit e l r /4:1 -- -' , ! PatiAnitt*nlic, FAI464SPIi r ,INTEIt. - .91;0* - AkairTifiTU ANTI r.'4Ag t•-,% volt • i• ,*1 • r WitotAi; .150 1 / I `likft24 aqd rfi3TEIIIMAIIERC ANT/3. buy Illgittritriwtittrotrer l_ted to tek :POIO.US I AND' ON , tJHBRAL-. SI 7 tOOTPR CO. THE PARIS MANTILLA WI CLOAK EMPORIUM 7 08 011ESTNUT ST4tEWX a9-.ca ' - :117,44X4 .q . O-OPO. .-:. ;' .- 1 • • '-• .3 - BAROROFT. &C OD.; " •,,, nos, 4O Arm: AST MARKET ISTIShT. - igroprets,Apvip...roirßsuit 0 $019314N Att) bcIM:EfiTIO toll, GOOK'. Stook °armlets wit ready r tor Trade. , k ! ' slant R..(wcoo; .itt4ots,a, BAywA,tit,r, - 1 - MP:O . RTE'RS • • `WHObESA,LE. DEALE#i'S•LN ''• ' 'DitY - 000Dg AND • ' N NO. 309 Mft.RICET ATRE7. _ bu TeLlDAWnitaqta9k A.:MD.0900 TV s L r IkREPAREI) GLIJEJ SP4'agNals • ; PREPARED GLUE ".A,BTVrcin7/1111110$ CAVEIf 4 144. t uig , THB n h a ' 6 , B DIIIPATOII 1100NO,MY! . - 48:714 Caliatiiiiin iajilota. *van in itsii.ratisiiii li foinilits, it it veil. 'desirable to have some afar , and r betraintentiray tor repallins-Fununare, ors, °ratite _ . :., •„f : .13PALPAteili illEf4111), tiltilli , - , „a ) meets all tittoh ememoraides, and no hou se uld,oan 4400 to be without it,' 4i a alwayp romAt an dp to "the stink,. mg point. r, Thein quiii Ldnitr a n ty rmilmpies • otters. , spluttered , ventral's, handless dohs, and tiioken' pruilim: 'lt Phtllt tha artiolatos tenni I bell; sad billet smamental work, so popolar Syit4t ladle. if ro apppust 1. Thbit admirable preparation is amid mild, Wile ohe aloofly held rapiciinhog. and possamlint all the *nib% iseitthet of the heel' . • l Ateilk*lrde Ititii;At rally hi raw the plane ,oConlinirr, eteedagi. bans ;vastly • Rem itabeelvs, T , „, - ' • . L I, .- , .. , , : , R 118EFIII. ; IX BURY 110111314.7., : i . , i N.li: A brash eatotopeette seen botthr.,.... „ , PA OE TWENTT-VIVIt w►olp.a(bfit /SUNDA litio+Litike Rgitirr 0. LAIALDII 4 I4. & 00., B .ox laifef,Ziew,York.• -Flit( 'tor , ll•alers in Casts pontid i t il4 4 { O 4, 04 Peen% doseni s I)aptifttl 44p:imp Bmow-fix3, iipoompesulg eßoti PaoK,lte. - ; • , z " ' bottle 4if ' DPALDING 8 PRIPAMID ATYII I iral Nara Psn'tfutelitatrost sanuallr to eiyety litou•Ohbold. . 11144 :„A 6 i Pr°l;l"iiittBeol•l4orhiiiisit yaT4-, •""": ,FC TL f dr", ,an fToY Igipilittelforeitiatcahoakt rusks s rola ok 7 " . SPALDINWS PRIEE*1131)10111, tft • f 7 '• . 1' '2 d e : I %n 1,1 ° Akio Vet OLlietA7 8. I)letbit;:r4 Aiirkiiilitch,in store and (,ar as V ir cv munipkos ,.. k co _ .14(),% "4 - 7 - • • sm7 tfF.Sd~. 160 %430teir ifterkimair county closes, for Ws 14=4, 1 13.11AD4131X1., 0 3 ell A33olllloreet, sO3OOO obey. rioN ,4- T. jos WEDNZSDAYt - AU,GITST 22; 1i366: some More'ontie Magazines. §eplemterAisi;e pretty well dropped in ; and' with !them -some other periodicals a , 'ffli'mperte ; we o a l 30 " Othello,thatwo have as a ma ch. for them all." • ,'• •-• • - TH ' rafilLi§iT QtrdltlA*E4.'" *.elepittii; batch, front 19,-13, - ,Ziebai r , he have the. three' leading British .Reviews; , to wit; The. Editattrih, the Irestfurnsrerilted the Quarterly. Th'ii.ah ',',nrni reprints, by t.lEiccfit' . 6i Co; of Near ji 3 Oh . ,Fieihretril throughout thie,Vo l liniohi With .the lead •posallole . delay (being, sot -iiri:, tilotiif aqvino. Johnnie), and at less thin , one.seventh of 1114.,i11e for which thny - are "sfild itißtlgyabd. , The four Bevieha (Inelo,dlng the ' Alipiih. „prli icl 'ih ) -sto 1 ,801, to shbeeriberi, at. 814 a year , Btu iloci's. Magazine being thrown In, though-it ..w?Od,tipi,tl •thaktaustoverpnearly, tohuporti enrol a of Mawr rWm SdiOarldkilall a goadliartoty , of Iliietat-'-• ,politheekhiefottaati aelantillefgeogpaphhul eilitail,' edelashlatiesi, eentidOgraWatiAlAthate,,tltAtill;: ate Sir It: Morohleon'a latest Geoltonleat Piegave miss.iden. Grate?, Ptographyof Ary Beheiter, get! Emenotpation In Rasa a, Nut*: and dpeyieParid , nee (1. (Jorge - Role, and Ramboldt's .rennitcy` , froldished) eetteepondernee, : , evidah ought, paver hate peen : the light. , There: de , a , etrcui , arthde against beforetoßting, 4pperantlywricten to bat: star hp .Lord Palmerstdh!m:deadded *pehityn'ta Ake ballot. , , ''r , l-" , ~ .f:,. • , L ~.- 'Tho Most interesting paper In the'lVistininswir Review It upon - the. Poet °Mee Moncipoli In' gni land, 'the writer ehewa, from ParliainenterSideMi: mentif, that the profits of the present posh Moe op; temin Mt:gland :chiefly exist only'liponTpliper,, be canoe the eipenses of . conveying letters 'by sea are debited to- the , Admiralty Insteid Of :to the Piet Ofloci,l' More tlikr this, k the •Itevidiren , fritily.,dll-' elute the 4uesikin viliether , the Butte rahenld carry , the'rldttetw df the people, and contends, that , thin viand sersiee should be thrown 'open to public coin. subtitled and 'private enterprise—a, *dory Whleh tleePtow_York Tribune put forward, for the United r States, many pears ago, Other-papers Of more them ordinaly interest are those noon Aiy Soheffsr, t i She Preach , Press, the Strength and We knees of t 3 erinahy,.Strikes, , aud• the Irish Edemit onti-es- Mon.' Thße tepid' hat evidently thoughtfu ,nodose of Contemporary Literature, which , odnolude ;this 'mantle:lr. are ^Well Worth attentfon. ' The Pireabytertan guar:big Reviefol icor: 4 13 1 3r 7 , pnbtished in Callosity, hatresehid us itevial,weeltj j after date. The fault of most theolOgiltit 'pried!, .' 'cild,rof being (kitten& hebvy, is - not char'giabler hem; on the contrary, three arthilevfdimendhalf, -the present number; are more•AltiMusuklik inter esting; even to lay readers' .Titts I astionetti , 4%,ate.,, 'fitsvelutionarylilvtory of Bpletiopseyo bytrefessor , l ,13) fifyillopkins, of Auburn. • The eketehr iwk iqe4 • with general fairness, and traces the , whoie enalise ofßpiseepacy to America, Itpsys A weel-inerlied tribtte , of :praise to , the diameter Sod !labors of Bishop White, snitesys that his ' , devout; humble; Sad. obaritable spirit, throws; absolutel3r l the; 'find, gleam 4of beauty; rai a OburelswhosewhoTelpieViMis .history int/interim' had been tnerked by inorenee, blgotry,- ands spirituallinsigailluaneri , di , om this ....event dates thetrottbirtirei theEpisoopa debettilz 1 ,sigtissf -In' this ootintty ;' amlahoMillatie which,, irliatiltimeciolumnt,'ln the Spirit of Bishdp White, Os hike hotrod place se ant of the Ohutohes whose soisederr tells, ih , oottamon, to evangelkielAmerica IsMd-the World, would be worthyierthetreltpeot end sidssirselon of every liberal:tied; Ohristian mind:" Titil,lmplied 'censure In the eouoluding, Sentence has iettenivil and untrue, and; as all etc bts,eouier with b* good green from one of the I recognized u senet* Preabyteriaelem 14 Americo; l Them follows .thedirst..porticin of en aeoonat of 'Riesia„ sketched lids: personal Observation' obi experieace, and a very able-paper upon Vincent Partake: !he Demi. Moan, who ranks high among theltiformbrit-before' the Reformation. Among . the nbtiod -Of 'New •Booka: in this Reifiew, we •rind a ;trimi:. aint - that Cleittinris'ocitimeigitedif , prinninent:plio - id 'Oar-' ler'afiletory of , thi Great Reformation, I telly Pub'. • ' Hied; 9 Unlit there NI relieved Crawl:Fenn Calvin' Tine - deeP'slisht of -having had r fdiahne't Beivetut ....._.......a....._—_,.....,,,..,,..........,..“aem , the bettor. - ' , ' ' • PrOm 'T. B. Pugh, Chestnut Street, comeethe Atlantic Monthly. .It °ordains '" The' hildren'i lieur,i' a poem by LongfellOw, which ei iiiieuld gladlyquote bete, but Perceive 'that if hits ttlitiadY: gone on Its travels through the ticieriPapre. ' There IL are ' " Soma Notes' ea Bhaltspeire,"' y 'rallitY Kimble, upon the beautiful 'player" e Tem pest," 'which show no great degree of Ciitloall'acu. Mon or of originality. But the conolus die Otte . a 'denies In horde, and eo we 'give It :' • ,', . ' ' - "The openlog of this play is obniaote With rer earliest recolleotions.': Inlaokingdowa he 'dar k' backward and abysm of thhe, , to the riod when I qua but az pony& old, my memory oot,ittrei up a vision of a stately drawing-room , on, Abe.,,ereund/ floor of a beam, deubtleis'longsindeSwopt from the, 'face Of 'the etkith ,by the''daerotuthing 'tide of new 'bonsai and streets that has submerged 4Vbry trace ;of subutban beauty, Moturesquenessoso rural prl• .vaoy in, the neigbborhood of London, cobverting it ' 'altby a hideeus process pf assimilatioTnto .more London';' till' London seems 'aim* ' ore then leaglandr”.ll'Farry. . .! r, ' .i,,rt . :,, :, I , ;• But, in those . years,. ! long*.ecoug whieb .I„ risfer,+-somewhere between Biaokbeittit, stood in this midst of ground 6 fl goodly mansion; stbloh held t I room. At was al waye light and 'etieiSifhl i for the throe windows down to the - bri walk before,it timed south ;, and tboug Was detketted just in, fmnt of thombY, 'nitielmt yew trees', the atniosphere A 'ltself; in its stint; sunny It:Aides,' woe/ , i and iolenin , to niy small ibitiginatlonn muc h. AB the interior of; Saint Peter's o beenaino4 to them, „.Wonderful, large, preofoue old 'chines stood In. each nlnd nolo. *AA jag on` a 'latiel with' the . w whence Inured the utellowtal mein Of fr pourri. , l Into tilts room, , wlthitte'gr eartains and-deep crimson narpet s . in • feet reamed tome buried. a' 9 ADI 11 - 1 nserto be b rought for 1060100 nm ofa .liiry"good; and there I used to ilis looking lady, who wee to me the flttin 1 , .this shrine of pleasant' awfulness , , 1 aweet,ltallan diminutive for her Chrl'il added to one of the noblest old' duorl 'Venice - which was that of her fondly. ,tI liave dime known that aba•vnia t the person of, and warmly personally a t the, unfortunate CaroUne of Brcuiswid of ,Wales,—then only unfortunate ; sol now guess at the drift of roues sad anf tent:with indignant Iles and tearful esi the meaning wad then of , course Irmot to me, butwbioh loan now partly drat° subsequent history, of that ill-uied, t ducted lady., , "The hum of my friend with the gt( name Was like ono of Olorgione's plotni soft and mellow colorlessness that mai " imerrtece 'I bet volto to uel c Chß none. pallideaza, ma CanMa or the Engliehine.O's vereten of the' let " ' Her facie,..h; call it fair, -'swat - ft seemed to me, ' as r reinember ft, ere. and her eyes;-111to bled: wafer oi.erlit. :where the min is But tho Otago was irks, OPeAr the greet \rime portraits, her voice well purely p,Dqv tint, fall, and seft,.—antVin this eine hho'oted td toll' mot the itorY"of the'dn! tore whit& adonted-this room:. • ' ".over apd ova agale,•!al, my imp; ,seeehmg, she teld it,--sonotimes ; it. whiieX held her hand . and lists! turtuid tea, and eyed 'rounding with wonder:add idty; to a tale whteli , sb. soul , ntth a sadness and• et t eesoness the interest of my, beloved tcagody,,' the 3Voed,thetigit at this period of It has bannened to me to interrunt ories of distress, add duerif reins° endrif.thit lamentable. ballad,' I "But ,the the midst I ! sea, on which night iMetatid last sett hilmiess, mastless; selfless hirk fay dily;'end hilt sat a' inen'in the full - out titantiood, His attitude I *as Ono dtjeetion,ank, oho hoe' f llld : long I. hand wAh:whialt btp mos,.pr,e,ro ,tto • abut manner of !doh in them ellaWr ter"aortok' which the' speCnhless Ms Other bend'restod oti the fait 'o ' baby hi:three years :old, who clung 'and 'pith side, ieettdorlng blue ,eyes lips, 1044;4:4,x:1p Into, the halbhicide father.—" And that,' said' the , aloe I hide; iWirt the good Deka of Milan, 'P thin ism his little child, lliirtinda: , "There was something about the II of, the lirospero that suggested ,tol my fattier and tills, 3v?Thape, poliniziejr - -with 'which the repetie .1 'dletrese sleeted my childish Imagine impression made by the pletures,the ,00,04, Where I heard the etc end so among the most vivid that my me 'And. neVeti,':,even•noW; do - I hire th ; that'holdS that MarvellouS history, i • seeing thelovely lady, the. plotters may,' and my, own, sialearold • eel '• *lO oar , leiKeliakspeerjau, ore that , heed ever reeeived. suppose tb , se6r4'Wf my lord fol , • this,. above pobt'i r plays WAS my. gist pos ! kingdom of unbounded delight will• bog - awed spume." • , " The ,Pll6thf Story," .1n the of measure which Longfellow has nevi gelh3e and Mites Standish's ie.' ' poem of greatimwer, related with ',Salty. Its antislavery tone and . dune-ut-to-attribute .it to Whittle °andel:tad Papers aro g" 0 . 141 ' The Prbfeecoes Mary, "Three Mil. icti Presume lelroin the pelt of Ja the poet•pnblleher, is a chapter of eotlone of Miss' Idttford. 'A very - • lttie,d44oi weli?ielier fißl4 ° 1, 1 34$ Nt r ilPth,7l4, ll, has, bead 110apeddiippri t the Ara t „; ' , liar loitered in e, repo limoutttiatte brain idtirldid T , 7 preti etoty. Wut , hlpe, thisiii abet timile,to) a 1 21 4 :' Tiannthlat LILL isingtene,,liVidg thergeletest row , nor. One of the principal personsr,ps Ahat Aver!, a very, liberal and sooompliihed matt, rittaii, f. , (3 , lskeofitinivitilfeiiiiiV attentiqw Itt Ms abider to t i lt!. :I, rineieried - ther t iitry soon *termer, intiteeta; - Therwirall the ta w' to oldolhoeoof th'e Efopereira Pniisit Legion, iihs, coMpelled to irairo'Frl d oe•after Waterloo, had taken midge id gdgland; r lineint• a natural talerit; fonlarh antoree,' rtialataided" Wade!, byi tea:thin] gfepk. lialiab;`tintl (Anne& 'in' different ' entleand the Young one 'foetid each okber Out} and the language-master was soon an 4bitael p eat at the PrlneteaNatte, where he was frosted with , the - nlbri enlottonete% attention.- ,At liuit Demitnipolean (sae ta •repeir toiLendon, bdO bitiblelawektr• he ealled r on"bla frieni Air, t§ ':&fter warin - thatiti to Aim fo r I' tile t plettiore - heltild'exPirhincedln bit ektety, tile' 'Prided stddi r d ' ." • ' ' "'. rem ,beat to kinve my entire reliance, orre unt!llll4Nlitittaness by leaving yon 'a lag eW t A t witti id 101 . 111 fat you' would transfer •-tof i blt t thr t r e te eTtl t h e= irrp7m mi es b n a g i elna l l i l d ; rit,',l c tiii:ilP'on tins - iotitatiolei and 'gee :het 'the: hOtotti net rtuicteothlW.-,7Drew. iipp - t( kW for :Whit aria ft . pyaltekfOr Me ulna!! pr pybirsWiiiita. , 7 1 11 ; ' '" • r• ," lirtanindff, artid , Aida* 'reelliatid' kintraftentioni gods old friend. :The poor pkr,iiirfnlefeiiiii' l l l febt: vkd,' Mk frilltriglartbs, otitgekof littlllnies and Of 'hetet 'winittglylave pita theta, myeel sald' be; 1 601' rf that chid have ofroadeCand grieved Ike' nines. I . :Toned' that provision bad been - snide bithlier'n 'to iniwer my drafts to tirtiaahlakger ,meant than the adjust debt' illy Vint shti it,ept,thte, qutelor , t, inrbdttredliyirrot . te Mthpetror. -An attiotecou ' iltfod -4 " inirrirg;iied b_ Y l s°At° l3 3", 'bet," ittriblited , te liblgeds, lit a -libarod and hdavy attemPt hunter. o b ,9 41, PP . °P a i4Pfl,,P'‘)lli ltfgteorol ogy, ii4fa'AllY AUlAbfr, - dlaispc well hawip heen omit ie ant the*. rattled* ^hem called "A Doy,wfdiTtlit Deed," triil4 7 'lltplelly is upon a grave etibisistr: o'er. The eneodote (pp. 337.8,) in Which the hug-, tifttU and, almost, anblitne burial serviee u m gpleoci t cal Murat buritappd, is in the, , lFtril, posolOtei4ie: ' ' ' Harper'a Itragazine, for September, has !sashed us through -PeterSott & Brothers. It opens with veryes,'' by' hit. - o'firien, entitled "The PA, rd.* cleverly firmer/00 by .I..ifellerM o nen. The writer has telt= the grain of gold 'Whibb 'made Song of the , Sbitt so very 4ahuittge7 and' itdenuated it - so is to rimier /meal Own, and haviCx, thus' attenuated 'the Abif '14 , 4; ,bath 3 8 0" 944 ' 94 1 4 , 9f; p)Nier Nuttnl '"detildagi to „Wear.," , =Bwee ate gene ,rhlly tgood•Lethougliboyt,ntid-tioice ate ditiloalt— but the rythm is b2oiedtngyr defective. ThOdirif, 'of r ,illOicierspd bli..fhat;liatead Worfif., logher lingers to the bigo,'lvAib oc i F 4ll4, and thread t Women' might Aar) attfilitteiteentlY iemPloYndi In `sfibpa, , while Maresionlit wo , eirat'the gold' dialkigiii in the eieerineortheAade, aith - 5 ;11 the All : 4611,14beenf pnl; )3 i . i nn . i lil , P eee P , • tll the P e r , 'off prords,,dtkripg the leot•liTit or stir Years, 9 0 tha t f%The Sewing Bird rs has not the merit if contain; tog one - Siolagbt. "turning from this, we , fall„ , 11 04,:P- 0 0.,CiliYoti s iOteoond paper, enikled blirs!„XagiliudY! . . Buoy and yips - with.hdmot is this eapital, paper, and the .saigra... ylngs aro worthy of it, which small Ipreidet.' "rke,ro - i1 Sin' air Elhish;sted epee the Iltrdiv Jute and ilaildtai3i:4l44l4ZdAba Crulsii,;ef r Two.DSSOMWilahsppilmendi t iqdnd, and o et airs , im e (Abet stories, we bava:Thaekeray's Four George!' and John - Rnskin't-" Unto this Last "—both! from the Cornksliallakweine., - The Monthly !Beloprd Literary Notions, P,ditor's Table, Etisil ; ', Ifereigeltareatt. and Bditer's Drawer, arof.werupol ally geed ih this number: Hem ire a fewelkliaChi from the Drawer, rabbit; Minas eat) of Portutta; 'tut, appears alWayi filled with treasure _ " An Irishman had jest finished a 'job of difilh log for siMi. , l3tout;'w uelghbor .df Sure - In the settlement rha garreAtrust• sante inselenen, , thereupon struck-him. Pat took to his beets, Stout niter him, and didn't pull up till he Nabbed our, hbuse,`htlf WM%)•'may, blowing like a per .. I.Whit's the matter?' Dried my uncle. ti ‘Miethen Eitel:444ld mleetelf had a dittlhilty,' aaTa. Pre' aaakbaialteroLsoadeialisther Stott ten was.. after; tie, se !' " de&ly and) e there' he was partleularyt - ft - gli, Q'firady, whpoe,friels,was uuguestionable. ordered him to, Mop tris Mike, wholtnagined - un.the , 'time that he waslinging inimititcd as any lark,' exclaimed, in extreme diarist, 'Ooh! that I should live tla hear an O'Grady lull Moore's Mei*? A tall a a° lB 4,'• " ' " We hate a physician in Albany fambus'for i bis shill not only, 'but for' hispropenaity to de/ Ids friends.' The Ddeter has hien sold biseielf, and relates the story with as aura unotion as if was not personally interested. One alarm,' night; be, was awakened from aflrst nip. after A labori Ma day's `Work, bythe ringing of his office bell He lout lila liatal'elt of the'riindow, and guide,the, usual 'inquiry, What's wanted ?' " • nab, Doothor dear IDnother dear ! be quick ! .Me Quid• woman, Biddy,, is taring bad,' answered v oi c e below with en unmistakable brogue. nd are yort?' said tbe doctor. 'r(Sa a I'm Dlmiey ignilivan, your honor, end -I live in the Bowery 2. an" ye must be unioki!Doct• "Ihq plug's indicated being at a distance frine 14 Motor's ( residence, and' it being stormy,' the Dooter'dettiutred. Mee" urged, and finally,. as an indeoeMent, Said Nether deer', If you Mime,• gie yos.Un dollars, kill ot sure.' "Being tempted, pomewhat,by the fee offered, pootor &wanted, and. after a long and disa greeable walk' found Biddy , beyond human aid r )Affer Prebaribing for tier as well as he cOuld under the eirdurnotalossi he left,•and the next morning, as he bad expect* he •heard. of her death. -"AMr a rear eable interval the Sootor eent his hill to Din. iey, *he repudiated it. Dinney being perfectly responsible, was sued Immediately for the ten dol. law, in a`Justioe's Sonya The Doctor had &Mined , • hie amount, and was & witness himself. i He stated 160 eoutrept, cod claimed the ten dollara. ,, Toliney,T who managed the ogee himself, repudiating the offers' of assistance " fr o th ' the attendant 'lawyers, Very nuttily asked the witness if hinted pored the ould , w6maa R. Ile &nitrated lathe tiegative.l Then, Ina load, hoikterottatotio, he asked, 'Now. Docther,l nnon the virtue •of your oeth, ri!d yoniksll her?' The Doctor was thunder-struck. lle atammeride Mid finally, npoti the qrfetnion being repeated,- an. &warred again in the negative. Thin, your honor,' laid. Ilinney, the -Daltrey. didn't kape his eon thrsot—he nether killed nor. cured Blddy, , and ha can't have the tin dollars.' ' "'The' Court nonolited the' plaintiff amidst the laughter of the" audience, and the Doctor acknow ledged himself badly sold." " ?Other, duthey take Harper's Magazine ill heaven?', asked a little girl, " Why, no!" replied the mother. "How oared you to ask such n question?" "Beemsseire Sing about it every Sunday .in the SandapeollooW , wth I don't undentandyou,'" said her mother. • q Why, we sing the verse : Iwone to be to angel. And with the angels stead ; A crown "PM my foreholo, A Ringer in my " " A harp within my band," she had' satrap, taken to be " Harper in my hand." , ' ' ' Petersen's La.faes' Itliskaztrie is net so fortu note as nsual - in its steel engraving.Xt israprotty design indifferently engraved. The ModerParl. : Mmineo, Which faeoit, are better than ineffi fishicin plates The drawing and grouping - stirst4okitilit,., A Weed ant, showing the arrival of gtrht ionisl Nail, is well exeMited, end vet emigeetive. The literary a - enfants of this ithigazini tie alway s!' good. Mrs Denison. Elia Itodcdan, arXl diet are first•elatts mintrlhators. Thertry alio abOaa par. We would , sreggest, Bowe or, to a ear, fain Mend'ltving, Wht , Writes pretty love verses to'. " Charlie," that "life's odorate floWere" is II awkward'expreision, as dderate implie& any sort, of giant, Whether pleasant or °Sheave' The Tittle lteeelpts in Peterson era among the qstirre know The descriptions •of the Fashions are reliable, „ill!! they do not puff off certain preferred nlofliyfe,r` in 4ew York, and are written in very intelligible English. 'The Eclectic .114 - 44tasenc, thy which Mr. Usher; is agent here, has' two illustrations il;yezi r rtaid + , OnO,l.awrenoe's . portrait of 'thiokeriy, the other Le Jeure'i group, of the Englleh Reformers and Orintner, arid ttimef 4irk consider this nuinbor of the Eeliettc by far the best yet published,—for; inetead of drattinginign. the four great British Qiatterliee, republished - in. New York, it haa'a judicious seleoti.mr of papers. 'from patiodioatt leis known id this eauatry. „De ,National Okambers' Magastne, the Dublin liniverslty *Tubs!, • ,t6e , Boleolle Review, Bentley's Miscellany, the New Monthly, and the British Quarterly .Revfekto ply a doe varietyof eapitel papers for the Eclectic. ,This number, We have to add, commences the third volume for 1860 and the fiftieth of the series. " 'WO believe that its olroulation Is greater Wow thati titles ever been before; and congratulate Mr. W. if Did= well' editor and proprietor,' upon Ills well-earned A.a Cltarn4ers',Eneyclepeetlea,riipplll.(Blol:,by the Appletops, end seat to ns 8. Ilsziord, dr.l) •is published monthly, - , iv? may inolude it emoog, the periodicals., reliog , ed its 18th monthly issue, .(to be .09Mpleted in 0,) and ex., tends from Bandit to Bread. !be numertMs` 'rations are,irelii onikrityed art wand, and the, paper and ,typography are of the first. alai& , ' IP.i ago, to Los and well-kept. is pleasant and warm, ad' gravel ' the lawn two mag, the room t oboe gay Boma has tall...lato of W, and my de, nooks, grata pot- , • t briatson whioh my snoas, aving been s divinity of bote a Han name. • nnmes of Istfaoliod tio ttoobed to, Pc(doom that" - eon P4Eillmsto s, of,whiott sprishensible ?Fr' e ret by the nd ill eafr t Venetian les.--of that s the poet's thought, • m• colored .wn mks,' gh the fair in toaster% b, Wog vbtoe . bur pm- I , rtanate be• I.ding before ock with ap big Jeers of ok my small r surpasaing (be Babes in ellstimea th ,frautio o of a Mortar log down a altering gig-, war of vigor. of m 'aerobia raninve the !ored to see I ' I .d to the bit ' exprossod S to 'of a girl. to bin kneo, nd laughing Mace otter voice !dopy oeperor7and oe anti flgure' tae those dad to toe. Itation +at his lon. Bet the tory, nod the , the other it "dry :retains_ .gtegio page Ithout again Al of cad die• II tenttl to' teY'taind and is pertly the I,c,theF .the leaden in the ht, oe Eliatibedian ed.inf' pram , lurtablir,'' pi a I,,presallpielpa• Ibar loir!ts !Iv Trim ipolumblit(o`. 0`..) Guardian, of the' dth miya'orthreoropa in that:vieinily : We learn Irma geptlemen who have 'returned from a trip la %slipper dlettleti, and frdm privet. letters from Varldue eeetione,-that all hope of, anything like a .00rn - crop .gone. This gloomy proapeot, we truet,,vrill t aoon hrlghten a li ttle ; from-the - general rani that kb have batribr the pait week or twe. Thloitob? 9 ,A,vibadally whio es t."l"leide,, ..-Jin•rf 1 ,-, •31.,,17'` ^ qt .'` 7,I•CT `',l4' „...., 1 '' • ' tkvi , l: 4 l , Wir ~, '+, 'll9 .•• •, -, r , t.' ' : . .. - .i..r...r. Ti'v .e.......i11iZ •T v - a- i-rt*t.o4. yj , , b• 01 > -... , , fin•Wrin: iT 1 end . );.1 •'..• S r y p it 4.. I i,,, ' boinibirni b ri '3d, i ('': Tit 117 , 01,)11.077.59 .111.1fli , •, , - ' mall 1 aer ria - num .lnad' l ' , r at . b.l ' l* . 111 - AWN: \tit go rrti 01 ,'` , l ' . . ' ' , Three Cornea:” de • ~,...,,t...,..., .. • L.:.e...,.......•.. ~. .4 3 to tar if 1 it , i tr , 1 2 , ~ i, • , ,„...r .a l tf t Ten " - " .' , Tweet! " " ' " •'f ad mile imlldraserflo.lllo Twenty Coples.oraver , 1'..1 • (ea ediheim et" earth ea bearlbrreo eselit:42l —:...... —...: ...._ 1.116 ,• d .. For a Cjib of lhadati-oriaoi`jarair.* 'mil red as I':•..t (1,.: '.1 .. ~.,• a , •: 1, 1:' • 1 " r „ • ti t1f,..) P i ilitYS ;MIT r 9 iktaptter-ik**o44" ior.; to 0.. tiii)licr , i ' , lid r- : .:.. 41. f.l - rt, , - I ^Fosaimatmlaatisiat ea amass So ^n.l , -, Lrl , )') II" +7 , lft . J . 7', P. ~. if al: t+ vas iirairltiabse 4 • * ' —.77-- ' ~, -, DA,LIIIIOIIIIIIIII. 1191m11. Low thle• iftofpCiicit i WiOtpr#, Clatheits litem!mg,, ;--- -:, :. '..• ~"L . -- 4 TVVOur.IE • • i , • i A ...... L t,• I,Ea ul 0 el .:. 9 , • P ? "1 41.411, 1;1111,7 , ,T : , ,r- ~,,, 1 ;71 1 1 1 190A4L 10 4 1 t1Afir4glaeo -- "` — ''''' '' 'I , •if iihrARRA, litf 8 A 172 -Ati • 1 :iui , BAr 1 1; 1 0311 . 'pa nftc,pyrsoo WIT* O, il , OW ode from eh, nuauntialma anii . vm "pt. • 'file iWirt". th I e I lolie "fiats tit' lb/ IMILve• • I' h r. , Pliehaterig umfiLibeity WIWI' tali Iv nem illhatti mbar" latirrerfn idea' '''• . JP,— Apo InfinPifitmoktOttniphsArgrorp Ana "Weed aqte. wintering bliyht ' i .''' '' 'cc ' 114Uialff'ifiei.ieti MU iiiifes. ' " i zieWi•Oilliigliiiii kik A iriAiiblit.ohib:* i ~ ,, F a• , ~ , , whcistotrper or inet egriete elquitelreilt , ; ;t,Like oximnine,elhenenteene the gloom t ~,,,, i, .. ~ ~ • ' . l"h 4 e ttey , mf i f!nt renal? ac ,ruimere f e, ', drim, iiranny ' 4 roads on t teail," t .Distriaied, Wet literaiiia fiend - lig : I - . tWaula mu Mon'. ohm* creiluineln threll. . f „ I .tiffeelento,,tiogsAeoklte ere reeding : t t lil' b l'M n l i ßfr i ltlrivit fro , hoe °II o perk , rung Ini 'TA iikdkiiotraltille.al' 4 l6l bilteli ' 1 •,. r t• ales rikelßerell ofialleizer moulting. ~• ~ : Who strilarfer flietwitians en 6E4') f t ;'; I t 4 c , NPTAOAR not Wb6 . n gx l,o llitylctri; I Weep for t e foremostl " r• ' Thtik SOF OrthettUld Wittig Iletaillf.l ‘ l. ' . Mit 414 Sat itli ifrlthlillathtiti 4hiiii. ' 1 : , r , t'At ilia bestir id deirld *miaow an teWer t ~ i ~A 4 4 7, lool o 4 llAihWort. PVLOlig, • , Ths! co , r,e , fe .. r . stren a doatar t , , ' ' 1144 en itttplii. a nri oirilt : nrd. ye blind, t " ' 'la akin' totittrsii veteran hoar": •• . Your cum, la tbat noblest AOC boat L I P itAinz Ton eket npfeoiltni4 !lag,: i itll. .141 1 / 1 16, 16' ri 0 I . r:T. ,I Jconi i 1 fi `ll.. , ...f 4 ,lg, O 'N X 4 `fA* l. D* ) li/I'°J,k l " I =-Illef'ltarriabiag ' 'Hifi' &nu Wet.' II stulitteti (t Botigititijoutidlil'ae 'oeisie ' 6iit - ia 'Hie f rm of a 1 'datly. -) flt•iekratstilyliti favor) af 'tit], to tame& , nomineak, and oigalist star atkomptkait -fa loilwirit' Ake.ooooetiehili4( -, taikaqs Lk iiindiail iii Oil #fhAtigifi i•litliDibikkiiiitoPulf, feal4Aliti Pfl/1 *Mil Kl T PYAtiltActli, V *t D 14,t ctr4,-,, , :) •,,, ii i, a ;u & in p c , , n rt. 7 s; Ai t ,rftnnq ,j 1 21%, ,ale thet pre a argra eI t ! o utput. ;ft , ida tiatzienf. , . 'Vie 4blttrietlili iiiiii lie c ialinte'ititA 024;44 . Mitidil ' fo' Midis Hebb si - kook W.:ell:intik iii‘ra:7 ,' 14—The inibieria leisce: ••,,t CA . 1 s 9 ' 1') . This Peoria* vi or i auk oat top ace I men, and some of ;nem for tacit to 68:,9 les les err, have gni lost thaw mar ,memo , • II irll T tfg l "Bo " ga& C as alai g' h ' "' a ' ;111 :•'/InDlinifil , ig, Sielkligst Ot Ne* Fork ita ng ken Pltemffivwillis444cs444,oo6. P , i k.,IRO° tht gpmP i tit t ims 4 .-PPulibmintel g l , l Pon e. T AR!"}I!, I li: IVeri,e: i/ MA t t r •MAIA. 6I ' ,Y°rIE f # ll l B ff , r. oit says: ' " 2 •' " " I have not advised the removal of sliziCi t ii since tii rrro i ltilUn d eaArg t e. trAPa M mlin t r ri.0 4 4 (arisuesiseqiektrakaieowrmeramoktera u ent.mei had mad. , teem/emu oonsmegunre for denim meanie t,i the (Thief Maetetrate of 41110WWWI*1 Ulu t se, tin 'Fon r .Lit t iVa=Ativt a ill4 ) Vikigltlli, ' . ma,,,,,, e4 """- I.t w di. Ts raft -to removai.,f r aMoor rad rer ,enes,of on l i. " IR .h A e m eor a emoorat the Rio 1 igi l d. ~ M rlitviAl A tgairdlai j a m tra l lig %et' tor wag v Veklgcest ammo 4 Wloll l iiil nr lila t r ,bB roe tl i e Myt Be I *metal flea. or Don ase 4—"erti t },um turneori , creenletittn. th ion I regret to pee *a s ai= i nire w tOr ilitii lI I = 'Al t 0: " ett a ir& i i hie , P 1 °Pt; nn tots to itt u r 'lr 114, n groin grEringt *ma Aft ,01b.:ZI t'r11,4. 1 mental, to wit t — thellafeaa Of .4 Ire* • Pert, et, whicu peg VW! sha s hon.r teems mush leader. ,‘ ail retheetfelir, .•,-, . 810“411." J .;.-ILA Flonthprnjo?rniti saya: l :' id " t „ . ~„ , . 1, ca.:L:l, l ,l l =4k tra - "VP etrimi,„ l gid h a i l Parlitte. A mane ...... kat .med e g .gikoZing i Vtl i r' lllll 4 l . nli tri,E ° eligwelr Cliol2 One Ifilierthtllkll C SAUTll, ft. "t'ILPA: 1 (*Mona, reheleieme , la this pas. d mim e s t here.tho steeak id Moth totem of da eseetralsneo The 11,11 bar laves to make arreneemeuts Inr it. prodtestloaspo theorem,. wittpa ki a yen fiqUinOPIAL%,, H s ..The,,versatillty of tht t gtolfXork . lima:iris remarkable.. After liapportim ' I ,lo oe lll , '114114 Breokinridpi . Douglas,” rBmbp.illosatop, Gerrit r . &kith, and General teeth,. ands making; some two briddried aita'4l6 . '"pietioVidtioh lo one co, 4, 1 7 10 4 AV 4 liiii44 o3 DAl a g li ' :, , xd ' 114;1 47411 r h ' i r t r gatimtv pe k oe in the North as blereroj MR ofirperpgagang censer/give awl memo ess law of merl4 We emboli atlas reic b rit:oml 00 nide .of on r,eommerm a A tap fello -e se . ' rer them ti ore in th , ge . twos thm mill far * wad . pates Cdtteetttlea_trk let tarea r ty i wawa,. , of re_ltreeeP_Tres 17m dee oar 1 five els rgrarllzmaz onuamtz, .., , ° tihit. , litt tri read It Will be • it wieethit wb Inc *al 'let the nem baus ,AMV,it l yi , 1 17,19,i.atir, 4 " 0 1;17.1 Thi; ll trot. ill ,f 10 1 10 4: 1 1 1 ' r i l . ' 11 •4'1, 1,, - 1 0 4 01 A ' 7 . 1 16 , 4 ., L .IW. " 001 •4 14- Cthat 'Aitt *'4 , - . - iravreca a : alr, l eai ts L'• 7The t rev• ` V• - Airontl vtl" a g e ' • 4 '' irmitj, lee bele,taapellet ? /re splits saga°, ministerial duties. lie pressbed,ltts lasieeppoqn Haworth Church tie. %Sit 211e , 0f 3iiy H test. ! Tim Hee.. hirtlificoli, hushed ef. , 4711111,011 i• Brontft, (Onrrer 1 44 074 . 01 4 1( 4 *Swlit. iko3lleltmbint PfAili-, -iieln Tneeday weaning lett. , it lierapids,'TeAlL i t Hon` Willlere I r Yiinkcj, itH l. 3 l:libama, aifdresead a Large oon'etotreeof Wrili ( On ili 'Witted topies of, the doT, to a epepph coop:it/fits over i j ons Wall., top • nikinly , to, a ire, view of the positions efrititel' Bripokinridge .$3O Lane, 1141 Muesli atid- lolinkos, and the Bea oaad, ilverattpartlos t .and l a panyase of their !respeatiee 0 11 44 11 A 9 , 1 4- 4 Btr" ( 4Pg s 10448 S O* 811 PPrPX-i I, snee,,of oottmi, is los s l l4agigidllfi. in rbfwir tai eau, he oontende,l lies •the , safety of Ilta.l7nlol l -, He field Tootrgietceittli an' `isieitading harokm4 j aients , `,his otaiklo hfilig fieeeregnisily posit?. slated, a : allelic% thts p Mewling* of the Baltimore Convention:le prove Ahetoontrami. Mr. Timm. &leo onteei into ti:eirplapatiop of the objects of the - ' sercallolio , iiike League, Which he asserted Isimno loegs; lii ti4terioei it having been regarded with disfavor by , the Southern people. ..., , , i ..:- Pientlee says there is but one kind of trade that your frills tire.eater doesn't regard as plebeian : and puler- r and that'll the sieve trade.' --The glibtine ituis : f ) f ! . Tne late Joseph Gales, she talisman se/itor of the 111"1.10,11, , , Jarellacrikur.* re eta mem o ry ho pored arith a mofiereent. to be ertloted in W , etun tore by• the residents of that oily. and of alexandTs and •Georice, ',l'm', a1e1kz..t.b..9,-4. 6 4:rtrnroei . ttrointi 11,41°f°•4rP"Aqt°1 ev!zW , P( 000 respect ail gb741,10, • •r•jn —t „ ii, , A 1i t. •1 7 1 Puginat,P 4 lithes thi 1. 14 ° 14 etartnog rumor : '3 • l ~ i Tb• DeelOtteLal drold fdassaciamitte tal toolig for' Caleb Custom!. we 111,ssu he tabu, wastage . fowl 'trash% on the 6 tau haste ra, , i „ _ . I i. i 74 °6 0 9,fir.filltt Men g hav r e.eld ' mai3 oiv ,0004 inKapjoy,4l each a Mpg, and Via ntirreptatt offlaial.„eareer a 5 John Quincy .Adam . ~He lug. , ininister ti the Nitheriudel wuder salaingtow,, 179,1-96 ; minfster r ici libitiiitl i , 1295-9 ;,,minist.ir, fo Yrnsela dortilg i thiissiminiftratiOn af t til" 1 rir k , i miztle,o3 ; , sennor, - ,1244-8 v mliniste4 to f Oita under ldsdiscur, 1809-13 ;.00mmissioner, to ahenf; 1 1813'i4; Minister to:EN/Jana, 1,315-17; - SUretilry yr dtails,lnader,X444ol3#4 l,Preildebf,'ilisv A milt tursn444 144103111 1 Vas NM , lan ttriArt, 'ale date of his death. Thais.,..in aletiod'o ' gftynkme years, theedatewsela-between the laying It eadunf one Gibe mad ,theeseuriaptioniof another, moan w, 44409f11 g4 l blA P If* Pißiwo .# O /q, !, , ,•,, , i - gr,ITIP9i.OF,WPPi B t 9 PP, I 9 I P - i t a t e .tl44 4 4lA lt As muo it tam : %9313 . tsor:t o t ircice of tp..,q 7 , 1 11 r capital of a rumoreli ;;IA 'to Chia couptry an Brasil during Iftslioraing - whitetor net ititutile4," ; 04 fottrintYPPif, thi,hothir 41' ;.c KJ g;indleirit Vet Adsoltal pf :timittirediah,rievy. -I . 1., t.. 1 :; 1 T 7:"BiOndiAl the tight-rope man, Is ng thane i .simang`theueerspipers.-•' Tlittorr:aums say ,t 01 . = ultiontlin Wrllid at Viis f aeon 'Yeatera A • 1 4 8 4 1 trint4 none thelroreer Mr Warman rostra nr. ew, a I We, daw.holted. 140,1 , Sow , elm again Ohm YA. its tram 1111)4411.11:dopirofger.attel,lotilsnags is A72/I`,emtilist 'Who mows no tear.. + —Fowler, tbayi-pOstmas tor, of Neel York, ill ei.., Havana, dOwn Withttie yellentiver. ' 4 --Thi'llewport corpmpohden of 21.8 vantrw Post says that Mr. Belmont has eiehtly put'- chased for B.o,ooolonrteen ;tore. of and ftenting , cih Itallevuo avenue, rind eitendin easterly to .4. Thei 3 Oliffs,',', and that , hp .will prohably build. a villa. . t. ;,,,. • 1 ....Colonel Ounmnshant, for many yea". the *di tor of 'MIS ,Oharlesten News, has withdrawn crops, the ligt r ftirtVclrriir. ",, , ,'' , , ~ , r-Artintegustipg colleotiott if 'autoiripbelp the pomennorief a gentleman of New York min Ms a 4 .9 d, Iletter;frotn , Pioverbial , Philosopby T pperritlitdr.' ' Tordiri; `the editer of the , Lohdon itethavlG4'i „sate, proffering a critique on the .of 'pea. I ' In leciodoia 'the follOwfni 'shigiliarl; modes :end ethaeterlitle quirY l ' "Hew ray yolt,lball we,or .kkkal , eio'not make gager 141./. Yoe , fernenap?„„The letter was eritteeinNavambert , l6l4l. ff .,,,„ , . ~ ~..f a bls follonli/g.V4Prils..tsdi Anna arawrille,l l 9 1 ?, The fly- 1 14 ,Pf IR :?" ) ,4t!4°,-;Pft , q9 l4 odso vr ii L ' ay ser,, , - ' moni', Poi!. #,Mt - rP4iMet., l3 V!Ti DPP' Nei , " ' hit in the neat hand of the genial ant 64 , .'"11ie c'd! InmeTwart pal fished in 1810, but the I rid are de l ta r l2:l..tolertafff..t.'/. " ii , ill at ) rli:ntrar , 748 . 4114 i me dear Williams Linnet this aureole wasurst placed layout , au • ; and. w 9'C& t nottegard yob now with greater love wad "'win f l l4B, %I then did, It li Mamma eveo then I reeesmedion -bio mes/au, and • oved 'on wits entire aff eopcilb . tOiltet aml l l i thy least nomform. that assured itt Your num,' is g •mh.tent, I ean subeeribe.,M)oolf i dwre , Wllnanwifi ly°?&(r'PeTlitancltit.l frien d. •132 T . COLERIDGS.'I..e The., object of the friendship •giteesed in Mshi happily - written - and pleasant not ~ eg -Afilla t ra„ from : the bookmark of; the„yolusne, I as Mr J. H. . 8.. Willisma ~ , . 1 i -.An • Ohio journal has Shin pa mph`?.' t. The MIL ,John nutehitui, of ,this, Ash WerAlnires , i elonel district, was nominated Ou,T tmattey forpres,' election. The nomMation , ,wet b •liqo A im pti o p, i Mr. Giddiugs , having written at. let er stapes,. be was not a eandelate. He bad allowed hisf"ds , .to use his name, but withdrew it.," 1 ''-',',' , l ....The Nereid then coatampMpuly ettiMates ' the Seceders in Aew York : . If the Breoltinridse faction comes iota the arrange ment, bal. nb* oh. the tatter; if not, they loan he'd rtia , without, for they are of httle oopaanuenoe one Way or the other." i I:=3MI ,c~~,~,YPa- - - --__ .- WHO Di Allisqz-Lwitu 7--The Apathy lee liked ning Journalirltit: " A".l si se; views ex. Wiurpre Idatorie,, tit 'orb d x tato yam, has hien almost iota slight of. fa T. I ably slant to re turn to motive lit . ; ander the ~, anew of the Be war Napoleon. Atd-el-Bador arsa tha ebbe who for Moen year', Wm 1632 to 1 847, ardatalsed a Smuts againtnie let 5 - sith at Algeria- Ma and pitiloets lopes oniner lldlyo mematithlim bl , stall anal between Louis I's asC the Stapes: t.,t Morocco. DefiaMei isWitfr - piUseeini, he was held Sithitivit 16 - lmetin Wills limmi. Kuwassa 4.411 4 N11 F °1 " 1 1 ,, Allosation. ka this - rat , parr* tone, Mier hd-C4.4der, Imatag hha withail 'dims ilia t milli 'the MLR: - It is now innettne€4Bl 2, thaltlattloormilethistfthir Sinpam Isisi nut/NM the , Writat !madam .f the /Atlas of ,liirmeeT4a toempipaga.c,Mer tmasjamt $ fairer tt ttift . ,Christia n nsdnr,, Mita that A -al-Rader manitssti his t 1 e Itragrertop b sorrier 16 i r tU Yellow of -is ties inlimmt Leba non, asking only a forms of: lktillichrtops, with d which ka,..aimeipciazegua ocder In a vary limit m." .4111 cu i aib r: 746 4 ,,„ quit a mot ikeiita" t fate ef', - Wild; igtif a dill m iss & Ilisrark? aril of wastryity ' Vollsbothie asthenia so sommoroar. samidy t.'- ressaak azirtut Crime stalks absawl Atepson att slats to NtiVESTa i r. * o T I.47air il l pticatY-Lthadold4 Ed _ 'tine" mesiog plush Meat." •Thentothdavist 'skid lissve mat- Sisli•disf laie Ms eledl fedi meet sok , 'ilaptioity th e fri c =op i th i at then Autism ant"l Weis* the, Laws! m and UM arder-Idflag althea • 4 " ,T-c '' "I'SH L Atiatt , (131f.yikalkireA 'Wyk of the fruit culture in UM v:ninity : "MAU alb et awl Winans dm; nierbiest Mara Stendiestris the Fist toorymarsthan balk iSsiatalldetailtooo he, " sassetwngoses bast . toodo-_,The Cohn' States Dye this stisolWbf Irnkt gg• ow than peripi, ho eteintrith fhb it:Main& ea ths ttoglld regions, waleitistobemoi& grills a varies" , of 4-tad-am uswillsos Oslo Wady Aor peash•ll. :Willeos valkat *Of, f r i t f ia le u lA: aa ' •urasitsi. then aan s tye plea paw In our market, ' tam attains men to from 'leis lisimirsd elftlie." o ' ' 7 -' - ' • " l "%its/ bi Einalluetivt--)'llia thun der shower this mates thatit-tiiii til.4 siouptst dattdmiteans adfailv • bright • ' at 4141.4 taP1 3 . 4044 dia . glaktldde ar, lioN " Ntl e tiliit l ll r ia t er ID iiialpe a l tt arismr;'s pitfitt lutitirdbisti Or hlsid's lag , swallfast lank , asullaii tlmilgb , ill. oilfill have the spinatpin , thi:b4so944s 44* vielitagaieb• hang tO•mtlitlit ll 4 0, 4 , eivainsatirespehoWers. The .-PW . J . °9.111" ,!etteriPalgijr;-*lViff Ir"- nine Grants.) , • , - ', , - ' As iiisetiltifictla ' , hie:ibis bdifes has been 'oticaegot - utak" tali yarfookti brisainfoilidoe tin ,saaottofipal tattaimotalaf vaimiasigirbilithis, of a lealtilitall.lolllaPpos#l TatsClaMmilflrvilbla sad f i n . , . gß a gr i, m, lit•PlkOligel= lltiris_ 11•44 'Qin tilislfiliYie ' hithebreckm of rtietapproseldigsnedieniryl wharickprepased to bay l tr lAb'WstligiMi Ham the Ailsl4l•4-and Ar411 2 4:100. km ,im risme& to 27- 1 1' ?i, i 7f °2 i 9 t a ri , SlPM l iil...,, ,, , Alma 0 1 .some ampule ....laglaray ,o ty, Alayylita; itadimbiti: Am la- Lteriabid 'ddvertb• to' flit proleadlifkaus o f the rill bt ' tolls - ea **am %a V•• and (lido , Canisisimpitopead by elm . of paella wofkft 4 42V:§Willtw ittpuidsolifil* diroo:on of he 0 *MINK,' _ A 11 . 1 !.. switioit , !hand Prlngt,lM: . ; on,Tuaidity weetsZoi the satrot, and fit seems thetiVaitigitketlig istalisiblibins of the forms in oppeittioh to tautkpetva Met pee toa ad otatta s , 'hit N. .1 , •.; 7 .:717,,1t t Qua lawyennzaer few a , tialable from the •Vmosinars, , frehmaters, ' sod emaltstion fees" tasty paid to ess•FibiroyZeily..4four of the lay lish bribery Sir' Tairoy ' Hilly ,milted hi ewes $1,500, in aeattlow ta , settainess aitimmiltetion lees. Ills shergu In the four ostist-sessipted to $ 1 9, 00 C, , .., - . ,--. ~ - ,7 'A lranspabet foriVarr4i, made by dissolving ago par,t of Mc Indlandeboi l in atom' formand aiding sextets parts, by massum, of gum militia in - pbwdeef Nest fin fisC days, and frep 'li-tinily &like Ihemessal in ishleholme astotasset are tioutaised. 'Thomism& la applied with abe citmerAl - hair brigs.: ., . -..: Plsov", Ax idee.of the : eaueuxt td. : lldsMitai , in willed sit ~,•bit Sith,.!&s, liPtitA9.l4 Bll llP -T , t , lita god Ho' rata, from me statensmopc i si t pt goads/was of Janesville, who MIMS Jetsam at fspPglass, Mins, ciaahil nialittattpaix sew FM is& nark est > die, dm 'Shads Ii an the lime of the lineage eta4blottirxelfue =Pee* ~, A yousg Amy 4144, IR. A eirt•Fmint a few , paatoaa days sines szeivatma4l), owl a post. .SPr te arraPKtiPui s r that Ur swallow's& milt' Out oat of • hedging la thcanteitteeslaitlither miter Irbklit caused lamed. 6 Ilatoi stimslime batons be bad swallowed •IttentiltilsOSlMM asstril masked. • PIIP•r, ing for 4fft etailie4l Ji 1.1 it i lte 4 is • cia ■tats' of, . .. i • -. . thin halt , s willies er dollars, the huger potato's of whim' tall foil orstinismaanulde •POlsPallielb : ~••.1 -0.. •".: i, , 1.0 c, , clT, ti_anision stf !the f.City. Goueeß of Att setW Rim revaatlyfrie l 4, e 4•4 ol utiva was offers! proposing Wawa o peal° nresang for the of, considering ' ,2 .11e. 'lifftont put upon .I=r 'Mike 'bY Lord Itrotetire," - .By the eoliths vote 4,i Ittic Mayor, theiresetatieti 103 lour. Ammer College,-Araleret,- htsie.„, basket eohipleted is new gymereium-a pewits building, [3O b 3 07 - 7 0 -I.g,w‘gotk the,lower story le dsvotest ty , tour splendid tonpinvilles and arms of bathing ,looms, , wail s above lc alarge, hlgh z and airy room, deviitatt to the imeAsehun proper:- u'''' ' ''Siziewleil i iiitihipe-it fa - eontefaplated to if:n.oo' 7 ll6 - while toludetrof truppbrasg the Gospel ups tlui native eitarebee is the dircbeleh bloods. illfhlik lirshlinill itildiilb l2 , , yrhon ail boy Obookiah Arah MOIR ;ROO ,4 1, 11 iakerlisious emir kindred, 4 1a !f0c . t9 .-.o edida t t•d ', , , .X'r }e tan), upon refloat) . authority, that th e population of bt Lonte Will be one'down by the ' , census belowl4o,Boo. They Milo - WM *labels/ a , pilule:lmi of 160,0110 to 190,000 r ' Thseity indium wised* lie hottetteties # Val% lima as od Wulf/ Mu* lotui,villefee. , •.. ~ • ,i iilv, TwASeeirojgr.r_on _ !Antes that in the upper Portioe of thiniee !meaty, ,Battle have been footfall- Ing hobs lemma suirrattok - a circumstance almost unattiittri - in Silt "regime- &dote: - The pinoak tram ;have nearly elLured £r ths : offeeds of this 4F.ag A 1 4.• • 0.. - ~ -, v9tritu,natus, L t itc.47,Daii,f,l4.,' Taylor, died i fei.tittyse/O, it Reading. Pa., triaih; create of Kati e* beetreltokedi ebtrit , tt'yeea ifga, by a person nwa4 Romig, who coughtheio iwthe act of taking some oliernakwkilmil i tPlO Lli tfi m - i.o. • .Tax,select poen ta ot . Borageg have just C eppelsed itt,e,,ltoptgozien trateekOya. A flange nun robtoologiod . monfhly - 4W announced So appear Ift;reattr, wider the wittetehtle of Baron BA- Ur. •TBADI OY Nsw fls/Juss.—Our readers Tali be not A. little ateptise44 ham that hearty $BO,OOO sioizia frig t shipped and is•bti atm Avg+ !a this 4,-1:y theliorth.—New 191:454111.,P.fita., ltsseighty-third analTersary_ of the battle pLldonninigtou .was celebtated at that place, on lbursdav, by an Immense gatheriniot people and a Grind "toed tithe. : iftigl'fiaciied San Antonio 'ti.ias, on the. Titta taw, df the hirogios of throitiermazas and 41 ro two Ampripankby, tnn Aaataa#; near nuavilla. ;511a, ne! o dar4 'large s all na!onodin an Antonio. 7italL.Oti; thsi4vp ' AttoF. oad broke 1 r- tViOgigti si small bri ngdi ow the L iter sad station, WWeetnindir ittettoos, Lathe ad ramesaisr-oar talc' lb* gaPr..Ne pima was asigiaks inured. ).. IFBAYLE4 hem from the ~310/11p 4fprekry, quit a ,moetiag witlteld lately in tke norttiorrt part of Rankin minty, .Alobama, to '" • • '' -• ' t ''Strxiiiiliania at NeWbniipote, 4 3taaa., la now Wig "prosaoated with mock vtgol.. Several vessels ht - ,yationo sues aaP. ii taiLeant saws of comple tion.,, CAxicux; acanticted, of ukurdxtr in Florida, and centenced to be hug the Itch but., was respired, Pierident to tticil2t.tt of October. The Constantinople' Itifaculty. The New York - World of yesterday says: f' 'alfyithiz kindness et a litwe we have been favoradiatith.the aubjeinedwginatt Irons a private Latter,_ dated Constantatiopie j 4aly-Tith, from Rev. Dr" - Dwight ? . Amerman utimonary at Constanti nople. Po man hie a tither 'efpertunity of learn leg the exact troth, , alter Irrielt. An account of the riot, sailer agrees entirely with that of oar own Correspondent,. published on Thursday, Dr. Dwight goes on to tag: ir'' , ..• - u hi ' ' ') - --" M"JPight...t's•crlictldwitithe Jepreeentativea of toe foreign Prototaant P..i,gere at th e Porte are gnfitly 'aroused 'l4' thokt"disirraceibl scenes A , meting of fiverof thrinheasheid4sitt Friday at the ,POlkiteuitnutax u and,a..very stmt. note was ad dressed by them JollitlYY.o the`Pprte, making some lieinafide wideh Can %artily faile'being complied , with, find iwhielv,rearstarnabo: si. Jain here. The PI? Itt a Add Lnpa', OPloll4,luh3rreed Bdspan Effe o,',t.fie hbaa of the native PrOtestants, that it tree aterte`tii Abe deciaidit re"prbeent to this eommu ,,lilty,grourkfor eeperate demetwdea of their own, in three or four dif6l. l 4t pieces aronnd the capital. , k , br i jd'h tatterrieta tit fieliJi li new manifested toward us, and toward oar niudyiribreihren. W esuriot, yolk the, streets without tileing insulted. The general gate of fesllnig 'here is anything bpt 'iiiiidasiory.' r The events' ttwerheve occurred lir *Lebanon and Damascus searudo he kindling up an offal d tdra/u Aka !t a arts of hlnsanimans and curia liana of thiscity. The oatragions proneedlera of ABe Aktigniani , iit the burvirg ground, ao non a ' 'their', Jralilwer eharaoter, are strongly sus p ec t e d o f ,Aalaißitlitil kioreign irttigstion, and it is firmly IBelieves that the - groat , Ijert was to nrovoke th; frame tif.gis t dpiu, the, 1 t , th, ahem the fine and cry .ittlilo4 latvraissdi that Aluminum fanaticism hid I Ished Venetian (i) blood, and _tete of thousands off Ulfrilitliniap in this - oa2ttal worild have started up At 'remg( ~ it 4-. which,' of _ocninis, would have t hltkught ou,a gpitool, and terrible civil war in the streets end 1101113 a of Constantinople. '. In fact, WO see rearen .erieugtr on all aides to apprehend thattuch it_ thing may be brought on y - d everay. 'Shy the Lord neon it by Ills prori !' dance !is itsir thing ia tacomiiig..w.ore and more car 'flails-insanely, that ,tliudeal distsrbers of the peace On ,Tarkey ire. the so-called 'Christians of the , liditntrY:' The 'bintaniteAof Lebanon Bret pre• -dokedraliatortusesi"Sbough,thenoaduct et the latter ;Oise: hem? spell tr,tAnall.forch ikededignin lon of the whole civilised' world. "The ' Imenians were the 'eclanartie of the diktraanftil reattsa here, and a, it tques been on all similar occastoise heretofore Oar ~ collator; and, our hope are that elle Lord n tY ati Al inigh reigns.' 'He *Hilda alf Caen:ilea ander Hie feat."
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