• • ,tit T r viE l - A ‘AI" ' - 1 . MIANKEICRWMILACHri aI V-04r - ci EAr ..WWW•M, .. 0 1 1 .4.rtiqf Irn rft lo it,f4SAY b.'l'"; 'Thel6664l6oitelit4iiiogtiftte+ktrollol,, t-ot_l,l4tAbbilldriemplediegissOm4l-Jsimil ins ip ii * Abb. ilavg "bilk Virg; 14iiikik.13W; 1 0 1 ,i'll! -' , RKllitlkSititAilhirianddlii • /414/Mktig,,s44*Aeorge r 0., Settles NZAPt4OIII"i-t,d;‘46,e1,534,0104;1;1eati4 d..4490P, `.odo 4 - I:43°°F t n- 2 Pro!rinrislt- 9 1 0 0 L i " k ; hie ` 40 414 *Mt V*;7, •-fO4 • Opl e p The' teatini ‘.. .sOkAt 10/ "3."4"" tomearlylvo , if: i h is T aa:- A A -T. - ; , .!.1 giVrAnttali****YaLiciliVatio o o l sampin , 19, vttqapp s to be Tuldir 6 ;s4l ~Te,}V,nritif-PLWAPIATIBIie***, "WWl* pf corn - lutA FP- 1 3',VN 1 WA". 1 % .1 7 /1/1"111114733,0 * 1 t2ll .9 'l i tg "1 FOB- 3PF,Filli/L • 00 liabiiir'ielllblit 6 / 1 4* , 100 1 8r ,, n 1 .iiiiciiita , , '5: , 41V.tt b' 4 1 201001 bed border. ..momot.—lo "EtaitY. jr i v It W it ai g Tat ifi a tot ZFAcitaers.7Airbrity., ,,, ,t -. lu , ' -4 114 ' •- - , ":: .-,g .1 *IT ihl' TligitilM gi ,14 " ,: ealta 1 1 4 : ' " 0417 C. 1 .4 4 i' 114441 3 '6 00004 tritHfcto , 4• l ofillitaifo r iiiirbib• 4-114 ;;ATIVI bx lbs:Md - sbotiow - of A PIM pie blobibe... "'. . 1 " ovtittitdpitioeit l ibbthd hiveskialitild ,, ~ . _ 121# Itoiretilitit, l l9sWlt , wix , rqdritot. U .- F-`WfbbibifirliiitikbOttft.3ls"' r• it - both ~, 1.1 . f ~boitioirdeitlC Jabal:y:4g- :SO ,tiaallotieb... .1.0!".2..; ~ * lll.ll+llk. -00 010 .0 0190 DObitobtii., ' - ---- - IliSTI• retrehr 6 .,.„ t r,, n or Wilson, ait (donned. Pokelota`.., 'tile I -•"'"‘" t "i ,i,, 0. wed bad been, , ' tholdaintiffA i .ftere .7- , ,„i t ,1,4 1 i t 'of 1 - 01 -1 - iiigkiaed adder th nee it or ppars us, '' '' "2" ' 4 '' litheaditilta:ontirkgr.,...ol4oo 7 P4lnaalently' ~ - , - ,t. 0,-.oo,4.t."..a tirgri tr:anre-.._ ~-, ;,:,., 1..1.0 11 ,„"07,,,,..1 * I 11 a it-. ...-1111v ~ ...li r wo k e 0340004001 Th lomm o: t i , ithrmis ?It, '1 , ,, I, Pr • ty 1.. Baeogeney of .suitableataohnier. /Sy forams +kw Otte alibi could be =zsyss_riooss, tooling hi , -- 1 -- ,. .4....4' dr& . i tilipll4. St W 11; SWAMI, HOW,l o 4 t ri; 1...9 ~.. ta .'A ,te. f r aig 000 k b o : m oid. bate , ao ant, tor ' 1 4tTat:iiitidintitot.itttolt,;ettelpit. is oaltd:t d WWI el ' 2j , •1, , K0t themporattak • Brtb tslatteailhli*ailikiii tlfOtett , A 4 tl 'N'... was mantled, bat Trait Abe' petWlMatea t eel .,' withttnt , f - 11410 Ottha,alogir tilt - irit t e r l a f. 4. l. , > ittor . v. 4 Og ear atAterill o , 1 ,t4.`..,:f ; FL:p i = 4. 440 , , ,,,,, ati0 .„ 47 „ 4 ,,,, bu , '-;" ek.":' abiol7,Tht- imlirdoeviesttn• quotion wool° stl.. ''' • • 4 '' ;nag nheeit , defe a ts. by„ tiaintinuthit loaf to he .q..1./...4.t . .6 A . , • ' ro o ort y '; igl e k,flio Wilitil , and the •-; oi , 10 ,. -.5 11 4 i g .l4 l ri 14 4% . o mit o f is eor any .34 ' t earvatuso, and at the note nos rrulty. .1 of th. lade W,11011,-deOmplietted , me': -all JD MO 4411. •Tir-4211 1 060rn ' aiiiiiibild 11 4th : tiOtr, ,s, 1, Irma - "...b it t... ..,,, _ , , 1 ~....t,..eod • ,r - v oiA ir o k •••oiNi or iiii ii *..:**,`,•;*lopir-teas rd '`11717.4_44r4 ' o ' ane' odytodortbfe media rot aseording , E *. h e r o rmegoolot, b" t ole: 4143 0 . 1 1. 0 PIP 41P. '' 'i'l"- ' lll et ItV e Vt whiakit, Wit field,' torisittent , 4 'l ''''' i= i tivOn-APPAlwt*t. i, toglitt 1 7k 0 010,...a• di - . 0 00h to rograa+- _ ~ - - - tuZsi -- 1 W oistiblit, an d . aar num •gsb , b'trall4g l T- 'll4 ifititittild td ha il :- - m t a bik ii_ o± te4.4 Lor , t.::, go* rOo'sisaigbaiiiine . • - oh ''' - A•AliOtliinsin the ritwassiorittotttio, Tinetkred a.. d -41.- n k.4 isaleb-,orit- in, cootie?* • i a thole „ -137/Cf, ~olo l ivor i s i •Itigebidis fat gr!on.o! ~ o. s4erewee eetatatwhisia :"', , :,./ q;'' l ' , TiOtsdyheiiittsOonbatWW l that? ,11„: -4id r 4tioapporeat, thatatithontit•eqatia• ,- , TaLlliitaiitek*dal&d4lll44 lo WNW' v:otTsr,i (filed satimprtioally, the ammo', itzsehine,l now in al-, b:•a 1•114,,ng; lobiribifilyserasswwoaid kayo bewatiparialiklY r4,l I"' ' Yki 3 INlfigiM la itC300004.:: ,It la Ltdrtiow-• ----LIF-- 2 -Tottte r titit-Wilitl was not Alit and briginal in - 11 , ,l; - r3' ' TEAK ZlitilakObkeitioo o l ll . 6ll " Tr i r 1 qualti 9 ° a i:ed.thi ' liq - '• ' The pemaii mainirriaied upon, an Ind • :. "' l '''''' ''''ititifnetiohillitithalibeitilled...arntoording to `llne't z i• - • I W* Preaknith Oat, ,Vbtesibility; tow i verptiosity mz 3 t , 4l , o , otiitivastion, ikribt•Wx4. li.• Aiillies 7 Dr thug; and •"•: ' 'e ".ille "latinaloilitt• MOO= -of Rbehister t ell ew York. “ ' - " 4 _The4trooticssuyin/Lintintaltaates9, that the , 74.. ..; , 3 vtavaatkakagyniao,.witai t tferpMf.med as to adadk , I ' , am, 91 4 g0546 , 414111. 0 1 1 1M4 16 M 11 ' 3 ' . . r . a " 1141 V. , ryl . tv..p.q.l t idi . i ' l .- Ss bask 1648 • .to _ol. 4 4 lallarittr 1.q., ,, ,t , •4, qt,eriaeialabiemappolajlat , :: tipat= .01 1 . ?I• 4''' 4l 4l,o f,ett4o 6l l, 4, a 'r o ki zta , „ i i atrat "R la t,,, , mit i rail 1,11-',ttata Year* • - - if . te."' Beeestbf a r.A l ..it at _aggegoodoliodugg, , ow, wit it, " J '' Atv,,o,„.......7=Ziti!4tatiahed in ii topsto wv.; caritataiii; . j:!--+ in tiolttialtaat. optairtkelllaletioll of P olitY of hit ---;--isoentio*,. aadliatios not estsrgits ow farther . 1 ;,41,1 ~..,-;llyoklhailiti? letre_gastor tile I .^Efe hid ' i :-5,41 -.t , :•;-•,' =lda , 14 4, Traw L , A c 4 thdgela r gt 1 0 6 la. doe :td:r e ?et e' , ..•Le n - enithiessnisat; uee mostaltittor hilß„,„ne• DI 1 Oat htithaproewoment or bog to IBIS /- th'. ""'•' t f ;best thi_atadattito _east, , Itollite It the Ton of Yi.iliT 413,1104,.._ , l Mid ortr.on, 411 ,0 , _Ye his lit* ilaultW, the altar •L • •••'• 4 ' feweprir Woliwt,ek• l4l . Prot godson the dau • • 14 , 0. ;; ; ;,..;',17, - ;,46, - . i . Awitriiiiiaildift,'iehea emu' ed as a wit. I , 45ii01l K In Sidirifelatik:MTlSEßStii the' talb.v 19500.10.16. 7,31,00 ty , lC4iiitial i f ‘ U• triti WS '410111410 11141 t IS - 41i . ~ .1:41 -, l . tusl ~. ~.. . • , ..T.,,,, ~,...., A., i i i, n e,i 1 . 2 , 46 .y i .••• - A firm: , . ales*, tapes 10 70 .. .. 0 / . ...V . ." . ..t. , 'S r , -41' t" 0 . ;" ;IMO? )VW .gortossinsg - .7_l_ _ SOinfoloce. .t.. , ‘••• , % '''''' ,l n•u • L a " 'dintaiiod te Angita l / 4 MD, hide imilli. .r.m.1. - .. d v .. , , 11 . 6 . re ,„ tot 010t,0.?,,,0a0ir0r that o r t i m -1"v. ' "1 'I ' t "‘ ' "" ' ld . Wijaiek 7 nl l 4 t- adt ••,-,0•1 c. A ;II) ''' LOrtitv kJ itiolgOtt•niss no, iblt•;/ 1 P 1 : 2 4 , '''' ll •" 4 11flibid4111fpiwiation of 1841Vomb lAN. ' • -'" - e 4..• ‘t 1,, , 7r . 17 . ~.., C' ... • • .. • ' 'bilm," so -bt MOT - r." 3.11 .1 qr, .1.41. - .usereacti ate tfroaanond oast to a , ,11. l' Ike "of / 8 • 50 t, ao.tao MP "Oita if the dase'er ".?. ''. " • " 1 /.witiohli r ,Upltteal, ottd 'orttbA l iss smolt itt el , lit'o j'at' o of 'fiss ' iAl.', ItiOnsaitr Melt• Aktof .'"'.`", '• 4l4 ' • ,, Ihriteritated• ho totd:lsprovelikeu aux earo ,o , • a 4 K1,1,,,,m ..-4 ty B ..y,b ni g A ,hir tatria4v) le i ter ooivied dist , , , •I' '' .l ' l-.. ‘ 7- k' - *OlO at' 4V14441 akili *Weil .4•' t , Z , 6.o3,riknoapropmen Pi t • i• Vs. 6 .? t• f , ' , - a , Witt.* tartkei , oultotof the •initrautarst,,thas sow , '''' g ' •''''" '.mil// .'W-a c t / i f ' W .4t i ft ' cie i en ' 4 ' 6 °1 161 140 I) " ) ::;:%T,V::lmilel Vii3iino4_ trf k1ik1iM0. 0 4 1 .4 4 4 d ' .tit t • • 'i; 40Boe emitted 'AO use o t &begonias ; , •, • • •,,,-:l,'' ''''' ."`" „rrhbite.,s another remarkable to' ''lnt l 111.!1/ '' —!• ''''/ i'eliiin'priAkin's. A patentinuktwatot liiik•a° l . :-- --iteithyareisjeintkorAngeo r ets:lo,ll.,. asi ' t iisseif ; at- ~'' ,' ; io n , tuitedwiluoliaprovitn#ll,l ATlods wits sport h 4, ' ,, '" ,. a / 1 +' b model of 4ite seottodonisidneViiiidtby ids.- It it aTe• , ,. es -ri".; -•,o-d , •,"-• :' hoio ata lint ' e bui...i ' I ..1.t. - • I'OW/a rttili • lf:fti s etVidnenitt 1 gog . . teg at' ; ' . • ' • a." Wo 'l4,_t theymeiiihe j int Inventrue '63 1'312_1 id. : 9 1,11 11 " Is' m'ilul ,Wialr di We maths' mit itt. VV1111.5 "'flitenti i et d vAiretaisdl 1187•1 hillt "li nit i ., i 4 • ~ n eatfalt T asek , giV ig im, Jan,- .riv,3o nor , pithmdon at A/cion Irma .. qiek 4 . 101 i rnvi4or ',lli - ib s -1 1 7,146 ' oi . 'gt s 4 7.1 1 ( ! ..Tr , *Pak ,4 Lllsiotil4e *Mak ”it'' ' , I th e . *t" t gadpe was blipped. amen, *it do, ant Propetf, if " 1 '''t '2 ''' - 111,11 heist' a' Otte* VS Akins ' al ibi alibi**, azi Wachs joint inventors, for an improvershqthe aiwi-r .ezal ,',. - 4 , 7 , tzt inuidualzgazdt of diem .. It Is sir Miklos Ace 1,4 111 . :J.45: : Atte Ittontinnt ot the. improvementlu i • feed; h. a .. • n> ' . . '", AstaitivigswoVtlite ist•soredr aboSSl;rdz needhs-eritt„; l .' s ', ;.•:' , 7/ < ti:/r* ,l idtalliliatiatePoittutsbzight hi Vat *tied it 'telst ,-, T , ' etas *mit din hEs. own Improvement,' ow% net ItJoint p,• ~ ,; , ~, ~, tent brdie IP; - .lrinsimuMilta patent is vohi• --","' '-'-, ..n t9 fitts - *doll of-Akins and FelthdaMd itestioeurilt .IPP • ,, ,i ,, t;sssllll4l4eptearAt4 cottlitteths fitineot Akins him. `` . :71.. , 7 ''"'- r rislf, • lajraf, faatlitapy:tfAt •he.?(K'tiot invent,' tht , , o ' d- , tz . T. 4 ;'-it: diapromenesiandl allettliapastatiltiPaithlr,tl-, -'u , L 1.1 1 .1. a *-,. leammi: tr,A4afit; no. - , r , f •;, q, ‘',...,) ~, ~ . , OJ . 4 . ., , ,;",,V-: - AriliA • 011114. ireilfjavei roof detail urn - --4 ---- 1 - thrtripmetlen of -prierity r and-shill-eontent ours , . if , t fut9l v- tebyrtayingeattior wvary %gavial madisis , andsts v 6`. , JIA. L 4, , AninalidaVeir iweight le ell 'end *ay, and that is ' 11 .„ ) f, , '„, ,, c" mrsicibietbe*Pretention set op in" hohl or Ahinil l „ ''''' '''' lnievegt to the claim of Leader W.:Landon'' , - 1‘ Uni 04 4Lti illlfil NW rAINV ..,10:1 s qUibr ail ':2,, 4 l 7- irt i on or ; ot . , ,ii - th es e. i t - t l4:ji-r ' ;;,?:-..viai at, D4taljtall. ifi)/ZOLiarter, sw Yak, siva • hA t Yit ,, l.-lA` Maw in tie year 1847 b-he maths, tit i ription of . "Li l' , ag Mhobiitti lin 'I siwilLttiper,- observtd, ---, g M - diFisibrgitiorctidit.the elotkotsmigamed on S:u 7 Alf j r ` oe ablimi,fiettate, iithit the cirri or a. 4 ...,,, A;.,varBT.,-' igit %pop ft - it , th • ootoim 0.4 tiro! , k w :),„„ .. ,....,,,,,,,ii. 110 *elites Men me *MID ‘1 )46.:1 , ,,,• '-‘ li' likelitag • ' - if feed •hrithiet • the man or-"tie-.-eau em /" . 4 naiad he varied • that aft*. • *DOW asks, he Its d Wi;dl -7 .4144r400 1- 10 . 04! - -# 0 . - 0AtIlt r ~, ti: -, y , :;,„ Aide otidagtardie,r,a dine in the way af4 'A ;:..,74'4 =orr i muclittiiiiiibibmproniznat; inladaßtintikpv i rd 'l4l,tt preotioel me; till the fell of• ewhen he eotu -- latimed ukitoittaatton otiriinehule la the stti. I 1 i...littil itr. Wrlglli,li 'idMiteetirhe shingle (az modal of 1847 was,not prepare has of any value Of, eit , 7 1 ,.1 qn , n , ,Lotoorrinho'ot the ghterstioditi •heel loss. .`, • t """ 2 4 4ault i lit-digrU 3 44#'°llo• o lWright .4 ' --..t,•tri ..:,, to If j c. , Fan .the .. . II 1 . was gore sioimebi . c . OW* "Awl iniVelibratial*the'teld modes , dottiest in 3841, -tzt 4 1#501 1 144 -1 0' # sideateetittiseidi , nit,. attiasiatil rhal:friAts eiesge.tketioebt wotking up . " the willipAn Awe Tdllretulitie oboe fox the fall of lae 11ttki48.,,,; ,: ~ 'frtlf" 1 " 1 " ' Tirerlltlite ifeag ado tin the moat More an AP - .1 .‘11.141 si , ' f t.145 , rf tm.ollllo Mi b ulk f twlitisni It aangal=s: Waif, at a pies( a st rut 1 . , g ---. -Spann of Wilsoprend - tim ban yetimi l is a 1.0- '4,,zrztlt:e ttrideittigninpuctiliantlidults*T`' •, least,* se .st• usigneamTher`attiof btiisia In tar_olltiv: o ' i ](''' 3 4° Y." ''' ll 'EMI . ' *ie 'onstiagh'gdt i lifreta gate* already ilisuarthat:' 7,4. -stttot- -a,-,„maather pozetetved klinpoitibdity of ) I footing w hit. WI •g55'5 va'' , thi. lettentie'llasmottempfishet.• ,, To otimutme a 13- - 4 ' _prior invention,the•sae& a 6i' have pro • . - .4rti • , a,, ro -It r: kl , b4v•posi-oe u to have re - itilti Ided ta mat* .024 eill ted It in some ' ..?, , t , ';'-'..=-';',` , ) , i ~ ' ;;4o, t uVot , 0 wait hityibotii led into prao 11-it: - .1,. , - , st,etzillisat epiliaiirtd,.litilie ta,mdttleti a patent who, ........o. /I•o4olfiatridltill ' " as limp -- ,tifipted it to preet ills': " p ride Orolle dietila liperbliants, nutria in their re. - : - ,„,,7 - - .llloo'm WA MY - , VA: e l f team* be per. ....ttU 1 0 l - Ti aditecto gunitialt Ilifo al inventor who 4.4" . 1. .11,,,9 . A ogairtagm i tegfibig mid " ust . m . h , ..--m -ALT ~.1 ..i ps c i , s t- l i.si a tedo,- Atk., a m . 0 7.16;;;. 'd- ter; _ __ _., - 1 - 617 11.0," I - ;I,' li this eziertgi ‘Ptilebilild • mottodieoul .0,1., ~ ,, a t..,1 delete/ dee feed of ammo* m , had /10 prim.: 1T t' ''".44 14: 4 g17 1 121: 1 11t1 9 1: 5 421 i11ith r412t titiataiii , r;a :tend fetpateplllllAftdritadjsepressosit 1 3 ,7 //Nide - 4 - :170 . ' ~ ,-'1 , tn-riViaP•ittlie . ;( 111 p 8,4 01 .043 , 4 1,41 1.441 th• Verklas .Vli wil.li , ~.. stl • niesltadissam . imbetordersine • e., P ,, L, , ~ i'• ,, ' - '"llita. •Iddlpeaddedg of tdderg • ind, which we _--- --- -. 7 „ gigs* alleeselosiee opal thel7on, the proofs r 1-,',1 PITM : tireilivistrotasilitlthabl Lee n'a alleged tin. o: n of Vli ki 1 ilptollllllllllo6l, law, Wig aftect , WIIMWthe CI 1,1 soil, ",n , zdidaMalifterf-thai Monier Tel hialtstent Atf latko NU, 'a; ol•• • i 'if ' .''') L • --#4111#4t02 , 50.- .---', ~,,,,,, . 1 .,,, i ;M . ;,, area tete_eaglatz a,,,alfell'o,yeaaile pretendstte ,_ , have : been Anillao•4 l • V;i ,iorilnle hen, hit ftwk," ,_,- ._ ~4 ~. ' "..,- •eleseriptiou of am eettring Marebtait in a newspaper. ,"..t..1 l'f' ...t q• ' 1 etadMode-Itireldeglemodel 4CM* feed izr. 1847, ' "'I I '"'),``"" '2gitikltat.ioftiir;fud kill' liokeotewitlqo wolf the " ' ''''' "' '' I rip lir wawa, at 184 1 /"T Antilieblear , weight EtaC2lll 7 '3,:nt 1 a a s , , ~ ,i 4 ,,,t, -1 , T•% r, 101 , 6091idOnde la; that he .nefay.,ireilred upon _a - '6.`,,‘ , au ? , o , lnitfoit panohAtitifthititehk.te Orrorlt for Burroughs, 1 . 1- ' 6 ' ". ''':" '....11-tite.filihr_lBH,:irtittsraS 'eagitifed in manufaa au pl,-,fd, 7iatettlaitAlrly 344aara•as 5011(13##i lifid did not, 401 ?; ,1 1 1, 1) ,,, , v ,„,,,,,,,sujace • iaakimr, • a-Jaw:Mae for 16 ., _hrue___ , If, or with it: IN 54”, -9 / env" army uaptolasionla fib" ;&ne !Punt! Rat the it) a' , ,:,I, ... 1 1.spit ni e,iinvinanot• of itie6 !.... . , ..i i i _., ~, J ;,, .--. o ar o ,,, i g t on is atst, apilart whole of the ..... " I# `'''' --- "'ltgost v- pita - too oases; the oteer wth , t of them sop; , nbartedie%ptihilt id' A. B. Wined • Invention of -----, -- - -----the-feed-mtetiour-stad oonsequantly the patents go:0 '---.t Y -440)4 '4 6 0 *Pit it ' -' inint 4 til ti I '" d'er " . i , ,,, 11,,•/: ; , .`, '3, litsate,objeetione hate I n th e ewe, et L. ' I ~,, t •-,1 didermdentlyt . ar Me disestlommPon the invent 40 . 1 • '`l , ' 3 " s• floifiltitai , ttle aviessairy Intel/ notice : 1 , ..pkt. , t , ': - 14 ;tr 1. ;tie °vim,* that *V r o fr ar t ie F eant ,V.' n riantiatolliatittoot laiait joie la "zidkil , ll.lii ji. eel-,tn'tn!) ~,. st i r od Oehiendoli IS itmedisegupole teatimotrof _ . ~,, ,i ..„ 0 6 , 911, Aottat, who was eased*** stnit-; ',e,,.:..5, , pt , s; , Wliesirt for Ike , complains - eta. Ho iebitior,sthat alto" ••....! - -,,t1 -,'„l-,,-,cf, nottglopopoinntonood • ittotosehad benefit t-- ' ",'4, , ...,, ''..,' lif thergiootiopanier by. Matson had 0 ?; ;; ', 7 2„ . , -- ,..p.'„ ' „,.., jot buippt-whi,deT- . .asaiity, .0. Wheeler a , Wit, 4 3 i 46,,,, c '' den Mausfasterilag aourPoon, awl i The Grover It - ,,T7f3 - 7 1 , — , „75tilkorfillifin kleikillw - 0 3 ,alifinand that they ,t , z- , . , - , ', -,..>,, , de nO liltemer lu the ,anwOmept, as, repre:, .z.+o/ ecovvrt ~J•togin g itoi,o. htsha sew oompantes,t and ,Its,,steets i n t i A f r f . .1; Svt-Llagketti i iitligl e chat the Om* arat,by,ttuas 4- t rAkV,I,.. s .N - • ' . ' - ''.':.4. a* triataOtat mots ountazildit ,r I ' :''' ' '''' `" - ' i 'xi* lute okowtkote - tae ielra title td' the pitteild,' dasifttoe , eieuovia t a iiitAntia Maki }, ,'? , fit ., .. ith , . 8 ,, ,0t Nov t - ''''' 4 ' 'Whlt:YrZtfirtie aid-folZ.Stotitl df `POs.Pei an.hellitietbilitiVtkO only,porties propor fo u bang ilth fit, turl,, , - . p i ths, - ''s l,,--- - , x . . • 7 ,rA.u..ar1".,' ,1- 1 ,i ,e fr • r-. 1 --- t = '' IciiitireirtrutClai • 4114141 puilloo 1 AMIE& ingiekki lo sad wio,...itolsolo* toil. in tik*Nelit:, -- - stoner of the lldgetlon, stl. , ,v , ,,,,,,, ~,,• 1 1,, tAagilni, I Aantellue ielSitii}Wholdidefithe testimony of pot -1W.,,, ~... , tbetwitio ooluguntle outy,bi eskt - to - te - ln - - - ':' '' `..- ''' TeClairektlether aui oimir - u ailequlreithem It 4.7.03 ~,p,l'* - t" tkopAlta'hho'Onttiratatiii.d lE &ague 4 ifv_to , tic . rusensees - Wlid" Wheeler, then their Interest would not bo such as would, in the - ' lanes of the law of patents, require them to be 1 ' jollied; and this le the relation they hold to the complainants, as babied upon by their counsel. -- ATROVISLR itattifiti? P4N ll Wffil*a.%l g s ' i M s - - .0# 10 0:. litkliWtOls° lillt i n the. / arse: sais.ptoolkoa Witte Nam to i l l° s ilariliallilleand So the;ilfriirtiow.-t , t as been Istrigf,K_*.iont,llAllo,llllCfiftv,' , An effort at *O4- r the ' eat Vial to intro tweelevideseeva i'44:ri it Ittwatealag, but pieetifelltdOit' Vs ', " tiOti",irteb. Vlitestitiall ell ehereatiettl ! ..' Chitea,„„ Wlerwe'lh ' erntainer.l :t to attionturn,leit: the-writh e .wripseits party _wouldhacilital: etiledlialLeAClo*(opportmsity °ff° Td i nkfOTlOFPionsilOnl Y3loo. obiiio.itorob l i° Patties. are not , favore d . heh poet n, to the fitcalieliftint•OPOD ',the ,idea late, csad,grooft. (1 Pews; .941940114. 013 .164 , 37.1 )....,..,..:- , -1 ' VOolflosioriktiere, ,itWboon'ill*lll'iO 13° 1° Ni. 41400% iiiWr-44 milhceA,Mitants of the 33d' Jesaseryolliak Nth. , 3411 and 4146•.• ,-. , 1 . -. ~.•• •ellte• SW ellief ArOlfoi - itteotir!BM'lmethod of I l il l ogif ataiNtli:Oti,iiiii4 tit theArcia,reffulait by tiii jeliiiiedarnfabw. terfiews isotherm whioh Itiiiiiithakand !Mgt set in , dajtmetion sub- Itiastilt, tis Aelinisharc - eoki for; the , pagesecr. 1 4 445 0 . ''' - • !I''..r -• • " - . I r.:' i • :r.Thl:•04 0 11 1 ii; ileUrtet nthe , t ' dettl ,at that byttur needle or its equivalent, in combination with the inattia4 - er r oaattog It ttfliretrai , regnisrly, wh it:oo'l4 Si ftitit. L.: - ~„.7 -. ' , , - Tha ow, ananging Abe feeding surfaces, sub !itardisillyrmt typeolileCin such' relation to the needle thattheyer'oite of them shall perform the t Bee of, stripping the eloth.from the needle as it rifts or fiesedineffeen it: and- ': • .alielteteth;etteititintbig - grid attaching one of .Alle.telailet(eurriees •to ;some , Other pert of the Wittehine. that it may . he removed' or , drawl' away froitfilie Otheistlifteselst pleasure,'Set eft forth. , Nowi it iaappatint_thaa.ali th e Reyeral claims Veit upset asdlrowout of - the • mate • improvement iti•tbe, ing apthiretim consisting 'of the two tut fate blipping 'tbeistoth; Mit sdtessidaK it to the needle by the. intermittent motimsof one of them: slid 80,moms/est as:etthe asitektbae, to adiciit of thOViroing of,the eleth; end seising seams of any practically useful Curvature. • If thin device is novel, end, we.atria - di Shoe* ,thet it was, then these, deandeat emitigiattows; and ,devlecis 'May troll bemeintateed. -- , .. - .:,A ', n The,somo ;observations , Pre !_ aMtleable to the claim fort Combination, ambled* , this feed lot provernseit. !filth!, Went numbered , 4lC f ' ' 8.,',4dA *Mori it 140 JektßSCihat the defend alt'aiiiieMnes domot iefritige , the imprivement of the feed motion of Wilson.... --,' • ' , :I*llhtding flictialidmint'Wilisin, and which iiibiatabolled into.iiiiiiipratament, is the sub otitotkos of lbelarsatteees !between Which' the bloibleiltiitesit or liefoLloi the besteritate of pre- Ott* tatiihitiat.,aad to n arrangloh the e, two' any, foam tit onset thera;:bY en atiemstici intermit leattetittiiii 'or , otib* belt Wonldedfeeee the sloth to the needle, met at the iota, time edeOt alt. be " leg tamed brats hind; so as to pew curved seams. liewilt is gettieistiethat 'this eomiteption, which , hpretaliated i'great defect In tiretiont maehines ,iii witting lid of the frime - ahon - whie the cloth Shia latesed; oat whielf , coonld liereon y with' the h frame -or Caster -plete, , 'mit - t Dense :. t feetienlix, I ! epitfe(prio asitserle - estierehaAw4d curves only; wisimaibi&of -lisle(' csashothed:into h working fasehtne Inwaious model , sad • forms, I A, Oliful I *eat= lek toekt d(ltrled lititiont 7 thh use of 'ili& " Iliie fiegilf: ..ett , ii initaatiti, and adapt It to preettset. use by t sasebsoleal daytime. L I I-Nifeltelialrell hrantlatm-deiptg,r.mott invention. .Bat sakes astyilhat i ciammarillontstin the see' Striation mist,araiati*Onit no inill t* i wlntt ' tht "' tie it& thent.lo:lolalpe. :a appieraseeg the party udeg it is spltieeptilatlttg his . fiyantana; and 'Mat , 4 ialttlftail tareisitatl,atid arldilftithts-,view we are 04Si:the, iiiitthimistist tim.litteseed !defendants tonst be matted hidalgos of the paints le ques ; lhit , o.:tbit itioii3itaitlie that' beasideration we' his, been aide es give to themeless/ tie are satin -114 thiktiMPleleitu - tiiiri:pratittedfo:a I, decree for the infrlngementi and for'inianetioisi and refs , remm to Master to take, ett account. ' ) . . ,• (.1„- it: .7018001 T, CM RT-Skiii THREW- DthrRICT or NEW TORN: l'ae itie'ver and Baker Pewiltoc-M- Wee Compner ye. I fik 4 4 / 4 11 B. Moat and others: The ° woe vs. John B. 1 : mihtet - la rooky. . . , Nhaen. - 0 .1' - 2 ilish - lia r itailit hplid(ed noon let ters patent granted`lo, W.T. N..ffistisprald, detail I le'li,DasenshOf, 185 C as Matinee. upon the thitent 1 il ilea ,oeiCePpiteettoe.ef A. - 11; Wilmot'.:' The Invon. Itirt.erefete4lf ;of ton a meet of' theiftsed molfon r63 2 412' 'tun 114214 mutIen ....e.ZiltOitrof 7saed titelVA oltalielliyuitsNr: iftial Ai cloth, litith wilisfT Gs-Fiats ae4 tdit,dent:il .actekneit Übe snottier efttith: -,T &effect is to free I.lloMidt, _WOM!tha iiiiitMini, thibiretirni with a view maga& Isliiessalth ...: --,-, • ' ~. ,; I •`:• ''-•'''t ' The novelty of BO hepMpiteemitttlit f,ttisputed tht: 'Abe derenilats.'L''''. - ' -,, • ~ . 1-- ' 4 ' ;' -• 1 - "Ve p`rooteiii4il6th s gib inimitiois isiWiise& that ileAteeolseetitiee of derides and rmbtAiment into si,tindoil, to Anti' er May, 1850 I:4nd it was to liodamat into &working winehine in early as 1852 ....Tim , only'las t of the idiot seriously 91sfined by the defetton Mho eitailerpan Wilson's, ei - that of Loindor . W. 'Laptdoir.: ,e have bad 'moisten - tor, 0.1011211130 the .ol.thnt of 'this person, generally an to' the date of Ids-invention of the read motion in sewing meobin es; in a ease'betateen ' f'istterl Wifesslei,agalnst - theee •parties. and_ ex irest our opinion ,on theabiset. . • c. lit. respect to - this . patieuler improvement, it In ,Itilie Meat; pmen'the 'proofs; that riangdon never rombodtid it into a - machine till after. the year 1852, ' Fend:after be soon it in one of A. B. Wilson's usaottines. _ .. . .. . __ ...._ - ,.;Seipeririiblectioris.beve bee been ` liken, , in this snit by the censer - for the diffendalitsi itidepandently of Aeons/01On uponUbe, iitivelty of tie invention. . ~ .1.. -. leis hmlided• the yialntlifs,-14 their charter in hie State othisetseltillette, are inesP`plile ig.Willig :thalaventkin.lit,NetS -Mork; Inesmnek as the char : teroeinitieelbeir otostatioici 'to the: city of Boston - and eounly of Suffolk; in -that , tittatei Bat we do net ito':elittistratii title Outer,' •'ll.lttiosikh a Masse. 'obuisit_te emtpianidliki,the rigitt to lei 'gesture the - alltablitmallieilifid, and festoon! to the limits Wet EltOit/eitiCtit*si - hi *lmola Hon upon it 1 .b3i the lattektNetfrfforls • -. Ilk NSW • 09.) • • IL It it Lebjeeesk that ...The .lilibeader /k,,,Wilson 'Manufacturingßompany - should heel been `made -Parties , - Thit4itieetien is topnffed upon a clause 'PIA* sisigiiieein ut FitNifilahl,' tile patentee, to ;11114S:pliitiitiiiti, 'Mob hi as followl:.-" itubjeot t how; .iiiver, tome essliatteiiiet Ail ,41Y Slid by nosy thh . • ..linsitentdi-et.the'iiidlat t 4 ye ..! id invention, concurrent!, artthlitit.usM Braver; akar, &Co . untie The:Wheeler k Wilkes' Manor taring Omn i ,peny, to whisik.for the tartHeirtfieseizi, seforonce is mike. , • ~, I - The newer tethitobjeettoi itt, L thet:The Wheeler ,i`Wilion Maituthatoitng CotnpaUyite only lioen• • sees scoordint tO, the recital under - the natant, and 'therefore-We tioisiteilei Capable hi fafforflincthe; foundation of istaii.:.", , ,-, !.- .•,- • 4 * ' - ' ';' , 7lft. - The'next islijeetkite is, Ansi e nigger/0 : -.,ooi't ' "MO iliieCti thertiveratise ; parts of this misskine m sed• iusionstrustion, are !substantially ,thseame,se those &seethed In lettarimitent, beat jog. date' 15tif; Atne,lB6V,:gianted to N. Witeelev‘ A. B. Wilson, A. • Warren, and-Woddruff." The defendantreittimed7ther listht,-onthe hearing, to _proknee the patent of the 16th hileilt3s2, and to -*Mr, froactlas-rieltada in it, that the improvement in'fliteililliti bed l'eeti. esalgued by Soon to the four Stinting abeve.taentioned.',Notice. that Wil. ion : had otillrOniwfnitli . of ilie 'i intros Non at the • thee he aleigned to" littigeseldilicd that be ao • gutted_ only_ thicinterest, and' Could conv4 do greeter *tercet to the plaintiff..l i ..,-Thielyeation efe,s,ript taken Ins_the answersonf. Miiilkisfe ants, nee emelt the subject of-erunina iliorriM, issrtirr before the examinee. i -"i ?. 4 -7 ft : • 2 Strike patent 6f 1652'iras titt"pritditood by the defendants-before him. and-the facto Stated in",tbC recital „f 0n ..4 eii. , :erikt relled'sori - tliek 04. tilir4t the plaintiff" have had no oppertilitjt for.explana lion • _ ' find ' evadili'llitiAtaisidon.of thetemansel.-Sc .ssitlefonsilialt.3(hilicipidbla So to , daterinineispoli Shaine/tots hefeisilue. ~,,, • - ,•-.• • ,• Itei,objealhus amnia ten late,* will urthe pity . iietiokof tita patert_Lorl94, ' :"' ', -- Tirrlf-li Blither- ftliteterifia it' devise, tbs.' " 6 "iilii*lii"" died by Wm. 11.4eboism, No , vember,-184/3„and_hiu-patent.hamild to him 7th Marsh, Ips4, eontahrk i the prhoeice of thin lny erm tit ine:ft Wilson. - But it Bed necessity 16 treed ute tlf9teliPilolqand - seasons the model of this machine, to see tha t . the device his,to resem-• bituteep thdafiXtbosi. hi this improvement in question. . ' Witbont fuyther:Piesitlie , ' this • examination in ithekireausiewities fielded the plaintiffs are evil' Ailed to, a,Aeopusfor. the itiftingetoeht, and for in. jopeetties, 'lliki that referseee be' made to a master 14' take an aeminant.. , ); /- ; ir.t C, i • • ~7.-.^ -''...,,, - - '''',,,,,-,- `-.."----' ''' ' ' l4l ' " " ,IlstitSlSM 0' jilOnto . .., OstffsgeSUe Bo3ifiailliedlihr ,ton engagem l l.;';* .... ,..,..' hint',*aytifd, lei by the select. Au ,111" went derstood that lo the an 't Itlon went a* . Rotas This °eased, legyeat %MO OM*. to stay away, as a fight wok 'expeoted; should the anthorttlee,lnterfere.niety . ;Mot nit. modem, however, of the sffeir, exoept Ile ;loplogja,few wen along •the road leading from•the katii ttAlretvait treskumfoutpin the hospitality 'if t e 0` 114,70 t i L - TlCiorriikthit. pained off in 'Mu or.: is it n 6 'a 'fags ietory stainasri The. bald As abut : el el Rsl An *sten anditlYee-quartertof a mite; Dora ',Chishunt,-ffeseh.lt cyst/tined ebotit' four immei , and I wash surroutdea 1,74 a board fence ,twelyaleet high w 'lt *as situated at the hide of: a, hllly and at the footlosidnof.this eiolosure a plat form, shoat: thirty feet %oath, woe erected some four WTtOut On ground, and r ev Ake top of this mie the repot ambit , twenty•foir !e•tuquare. The door of this - platfor m was well reined to prevent 'tkivdoinhattintefrooKOPPb/g4elM Tite'44lo4l°ll - Sp i ttle azolusive use of ladles and,geriffemsn se , oompanYing tham;" were not visible itc *kinked Om:, Ulnae goltieholefelli; he , ail theism:lles - did hot smile on that aveaskti to a :great extent, probably on atmosatitike hero's tr st. 17 r) itent of ~Ilfra„ AdelOnailis MenlimOffnellnw, , 1 ~ ;', ', ~. I T , 4t t dossed o oeloqk only ade People were inside the intelesors: . 'Willie intilide` a thaw/and- persona were gathered 'Melia thelhiMble-riggers and, other entertainments. 'I it lab , It ' ,oo ittitillir that. "yet sottldn't IRA."' '/lit' three o'clock ,the ,goolo, , , sure wee latent thissiSquirters full Ind the 'Spedta: 1 ktivii intobarid 10;000: 4t half posh Wei IthirgfitJ' dlitbriehtered..: 5 - ,', , ,' rj • .', ,„ J , .. I After QS astml , varretnonlea, 'germs Jones and !Wed TilisiVeini ititiedrieed.' Prios was suable -to seeliorightiterol, *Mob Waimea, lbadlylojtirid ; Mr. Tidmarsh meted, In llesr.Tork, while ‘'defend-, fig; a 'idyl who ; .was insulted i' while ;passing through he 'trouts, by, a rowdy. ,hihis emoted nu itomenM.feeltng M Ptiou'itegioi,'bud he was re. oiiiid'velth--eriett ot- , .t Geed' hey, ;Wed," " Look on!, fos yonrselfalreddy.P Do vise "mind round hi knodked - Aitin dein "vary 6andepinelyA4 ~ , ,,,L, 1 1 T_Ottmenagerel wets ; evidently in -4 turfy; and ihs crowd ware dliappointild.hy„the link : of /Obit ahown by'Efeenari and ISitigaem There- wore ,vit iiiiiiiiiiff I:tali,' ill 'tininkitig - VdOthirty minutes. ib_ AsteSiSStrietterVirikratatb'Sgolt the ifalibl' re *ha ktreisitekiiiiiiS n with s9Bt 450;„ „ 1 ~.,' .1, 80Vititif .I§Taw yoameas l'illittrioittOtiot froth - Me )51a - PrforkTimes feeellt Ake an instance of Wiry Yorlcipollti. ,, Oal;'eoonoray; it'srlilee read wltli 4 pleamlzai,erat stalled --with-proat : Oar readers Otay "remember 'that-Kw/01 WWI*. obeli eottee of, sOenfixem-r .beriftent efoli 89antof tbt.' infklitOn eolifoiNias" tipwiat i ld, .14 ':artand3llo,.'flan iy, Oonrention M 80 - Mtia. I they won.fi thittivr;' , ittstd one - day, and( easetbeek. , " . Thel late Of , $3OOll, Was appropriated 'for *Ate** %The' Whiffiraaiiat, Was then drawl, and dis po s e tt L ef simiebew,"llo following state *mit ofrthimitual , expeases of this committee :per, eaiiittsoAttib" &maid to us from a ;reliable souroop tilt ohotiAihitilitottimo of it: 'l3oiaeamfrstoraies foreclose:mins ohiher (cif ', • ': „ea eAttycssate room lad meats * it . iportifilirtidtuil, to bpV Addict/It airtime& hue,. (111tricento; per "-r" . .rate) betireszi , tattseall -station, and ,lioie) hotel ... ;: jot 11191d011taill; a A:1, ••, , . • •1.4 241 . Total or sae in iv • --..... • r : : ;44allf;lolLiSea, ' ..;;::',,T;:,,. roglimbtdoo,l2;2oo; vront - isto i f , ie •' banda,of tkie, Att . 4ll . lAiNpotsbera of the two oo • PRETTT and elegant- Trosent-hats been 'forwsrded to Alisi , litghtfi'ltt altitefat &Doti. Whir rwooversdinidertarkin t atsolontirshlist, ibi the Otimest , "ft 4 iMisliti • t small reptiiiiiik watch in a ring, the cylinder of whioh is mode of an Oriental ruby, itS diameter is the lifty•fourth part of an inch, Its length the forty•seventh, and its weight the two hundredth part of an ounce. moms .YAO:Ke4 !er t ik . WMONOWAiItir TAIVII7ST 22; _ _ .Ragljou;. it • •• • • , vieSigerVit btairrtnn i lkfit3ter l it ama shot/a,. Inior • ) J'AlidttfiffinefillEfisilttantaruss TEE nail/70i The PeterstAtitt(Yfi4 Express gives ae votria„ n , of the recapture,Wlf.OnanlotitAite; tr a y , ti.T.al a ft ab aa3 ft t ,. 4 , 1611 M t: ' '7;!`,;` “wben ne was „.aliont to, bfm the:lmm; baellte tialtiy; teingtt , witik terrific fary-sobast hiemptermid the palm' offigers fl pho pe en let; him. ifti,..was subdiiAff; tiabtfiuffed'"l,4l4 eafetfplioid nn'tinaidiino train. At the,haffrw4 ratio?, itfr„Thsval left , the oars with hia,negra, - plinAng IRS iii a buggy, drove tow rd home.! '';114,1401 not Ordelsededlar before egro'sue ceeded in getting OD 0 . 1 the handeriffs o A 14110141 his master With, deetssralien, eridallafwith intent to )ill or mionsly injure him. i ,no) w li Hatr.+Duval; bei n g a rieHnte man, of arm calibre and # opilels eye, met the assault, fin , for upwards of half an hour the master nit! HAViI; emitted andlibtight lo tido buggy-1 They proceeded thus for about half a mile, when they ward teal tta the Rev Charles T. - Friend. - The etrottinititiof ;wan fortena%o Drivel *Mad no doubt hare hien finally overpowered. He called to Ml. Friend to asaim Mtn. —ln *intim% time the neirro t wasnVitki: powered . euci tied fi rmly with ropes and spare reins, bat the grestatrength of the refractory slave had , rather inaeased than diminished, and tic /tappet!' • th.e.regeil that were,twisted about his arrna,like mach twine, and again offered a fearful resietence They were no ,without any other immediate means of ,senurtng ,although the? ,qttiokit atmeeeded in oVerporreting lava , I ~,F ortenatei7;. min.! Frtendy yrito witnesseAthe vend with',Frioniem and lf erlibilot 'fear, batritni in hey,,ctirritig• fifteen /ma "lif Cotter, olnttOrhlish she bad purchased, suggasteCtliat wont(' anterep for a rope, and at once pmduoing it, foldcdtit,,with bar husband'i aid; taatyffielent Olio fat the purOse: and with it the negro was tied beyond all poisi bility of escape. lie was then taken , safely home.' Both Mr. Duval's and the negro'', °it:kiting • was almost completely stripped from theth, smolt' had been the vigofand t miwellaneouo ' natnia of the, fight." " -- Old Keitietostpitaph. Many years ego there lived an old Indian, had become quite a poet, having written some little pieces that attracted attendee' Otiii bcd been educated in one of the New England cot !egos, but ,subsequently _partially relapsed into: his' former barbarous: vices:. latur :life he, travelled through the country, paying for ' his' ,prevhdons and hie whisy,,by the ozonise of his poetitial talent. 'Daring 'one year of his tour be put up with a man by tho name or Efeaing; Who had jong,wtahed for an 'opportunity to get the ON' fellow to write isle eldhaph: Noooidinglyi a barge' n' Wacstruokt :•The Indiani;withtelli the wariness of his tribe, atipulated that, after be got hie supper he • should give twielbitif the epitaph; and the rest at. ter he got hieforealtSast in the 'morning. • Aceord." ingly, after tapper be repeated the drat instal, ment,'whtoh bad thili:P "There was, a man who dted of late. For whom angels did impatient -wait ' With outstretched arms, and wo/ of love, • , To weal= to the re , has above.' Old Keasel was in eastsoies ,go could think of nothing but his epitaph. ;111 Wan almost willing to die for the sake of having suoit.beautiful verses scribed on hie tomb:' All nigtit his visiOnS were of .thet. l oll•lliti' being ¶Who :was:destined td corky him to the 'region!' of eternal felicity. j• In the. Meinicebildalleddd bientelghbore OS bear his beau tiful epitaph, tint thq paet r prooeeded to get ready ati loitithig,'apsliteentl3l ha's fag fotgotten annbout hie(P,TeNsfee , , .ge wee alien mounting his potty : - when reminded of it — After a little reflection 'hq 'II/reified his ability to fitli.h the task ; but t as the friends of his host had not heard the first part; he said he-Would repeat ft as ft - preliminary__tO the test:.'y tt , '• " " 4. Viers Was koanioo 61M of lite For whom angels did, illnAtjekt wait. L - With outetretolimi anti una winos of Loire, To weft him to the realms Uwe - - Bet - white dim:fume 'hoot the enne— tglgoiratira ro und the lower ' And Xowntelorh u s t , kicked poorlieSsel!'? , Ae he finished, he left, anti Keasel eget:him ; hatthe ties erns unequal, end the noot. 0000 loki• : ; ei' 4 claiotri:"—What - people 'have dottisiastinotively, science teems'to Muslims' ;. ,for, going t io the aeaphore find to the bill ocuntrielt,l they go where oidne" Is Moat' 'abundant.: - This' wurd, ozone la perhapa g puzzler ; to many Of oar leaders, and ielluires some explanation. horny, 4 is the term applied to 0.. recently.discovered 'priftifide J stingin greater or less intensity iii 'Abtigteliniptiereoe-Itgreater itithose situatioMp l ,on Abe .azasborso or, lofty mountains, where- theadr to mosepure:--in'lent, Where,' asi it: large spas, it is toss - pure. It seems more than Probabie that'thli ozone is Air onyipep gap of tin atmosphere in a peculiar condition; but Nbetber, it lap or no, its existence in greater or lin' prepertion'te evidently lonely *unlimited. with,. health . As era; ere Air' iresslng Into this aoientiflc explanatioti, we may u well, embrace the opportunity to imprese upon cur ",readera bow greatly health is influenced for good, Espearally in the feeble, by free Izmir°, not only to good-air, but to-the diffused-light-of day. This .is not the place to discuss the subject, or to bring proofs of what is an undoubted fact, so pray take it upon our testiroony 7 .pray act upon it we know, nut, even yet, how much the chemical rays of ann• light influence Mir well.being, so pray, reader; re. member when we talk of getting plent3i of fresh air, we mean plenty of sunlight as well. —I f osier , Tltoroplotiss , Reottk Resorts. • NINETY C ENT FNITARE Bt TO now Ostigi - Stal#Wll9llloll' have been po long desired,- havejtst bean sent on fr e rn Washing• ton,.and are now for sale at the post °dice. The nolor of theatsmp Is bitta; iq the centre Is a like. 110811 of Vraihington f taken from * portrait made at the time when he resigned the ' . oommaud of the army, ataLis..unlike any othior likenors of him. There are now eight kinds of stamps, whioh are of Abe following denomination ; one, three, five, ten, -twelve; towntrfour, thir ty,' =add ninety cents. The amounts required for foreign letters that are not covered` thy' these, are *Men, twenty-seven, and Afty.four aeon!, for whioh a combination of the eteiatw hew , saiviled will toffiel. ROW R RDA 1 1 1.,..41111. r i p meren-30 pints *nd 10 castor lillaftp ptsr rnd 15 . Cdttra =l,iieritta'stliNre!*.alinl't dQ Anton; 15 do Mormon% Of do Mons** tilde tO baskets wirer Moyer dr Oot ii)osaka wing Pn Kitsch; 8 do Pei dd A Mtillei;111 do P Itenktirt; 16. omen Wan W I) (ton; 4 do CEohoodler & Co: Xi do L Bamberneir &tab; " ANS 141147,1 onaecnos J Knernitert 4Q amen nod 4 'cask* wine John Itnln & Co; 46 caski wine 5n4 OQn4 Mom Wein & Co. B"" OP 1,."1"6 T. m"" PRO HINGHAM. Coo saa HUBERT H,JLISELIy * 1"1"" ' LETTER BAGS At the 4toterehaneek'Rzalialtgei Ph itadelphia. ShipWeetmarelepj,:flepep c ............-74ve - rpool, soon Ship , Tonsweada mod Hark Enna-0.1,W coon 11:11iMed . ,Pit : r i g Vag:: n tirie-Etie-Eeed. Tomo de Cube. pone ling/LBEaTtsutgeireer-e r ..,,,. r .....,c1e0eug0e, soon lent Adel' eetrollctte - Mr==l 9 7 ?t lll 4l-DELPH. I 4‘; 44= 4P 1 b 80• HUILAIIEt:_:I4I4.z.- H-BUN 669 H _ _ Ster. VA.P. Stri, BebyWAre, Cannon, from New York, vla Cape ay SYS hners, krith Inkige and passerfgere to Jim AIM ice. Off Now C,r , e gasped n shin. suPtomtuf Ir , he Ike Ann B Euppee,frion I.lverpo,ll, in tow of, the togg AMerlop,, Hog, glinetra. (Dutch ) 'Van Omrucren,37 dens from Rotterdam. with gin. tL to A Stsphiiti rig Smuts Eger. 'smoke. dope from Charleston, 11th ratoti. Re. tO Pettit, Martin & Co tioin Joseph (Mandell. egathlip, (riders front Ottielde, ng wiih (male to Morris Wain dr. Co , Bohr kphraim At Anna. Dole. g dare from Charles- Meru, Mass to ballast, to Nevin. tterrirr(r, co. rear Lane Tom.filastsionciar,2 day • from Mil f ord; De l, with lumber to J W Baron Bohr D Jones Rowland-sday' from New York, with ,pee to 1) Cooper. Bohr BrOuerre. JOhrOlon,lo days from James River, tta, wait TO OliSfeet boards and scantling to bi rrump Ps Bohr P late. Faremi, s, 3 days from Try. in ballast to Hayes isppe w gesreikery, Hudson, 8 dens from Boston, In NO MA to PI Stoneman a; Coi tiehr T Carter. 1 day from Camden, Del. with wheat toIMF Barran & spa, Bohr Black Bird. Comp ton. frost Boston. Bahr A iert. Chemplon.fro Boston. reh r J B Austin; Thins.) Hest in. Bohr E verry,Sampson. rout Nannyokel. Soh A Heaton, 1t an; from Dow Raven. Rohr 11 0 Floyd. Beckett. Data Dighton. Bohr W Benediot. trout Andasport. eolir Jos Marsh. Matblim, atrtilahead. Steamer Ann Ellett, Robinson. 24 hours from New. York, with mdse to W M Band & ; rtrEARED fitertniebieVirginia. Kelly, Norfolk and Richmond, T Webster, Jr.' ; , Stiamehte BOntou. Crooner, Dew Yori.ma Cape Mar, ;Nur Athisinlisei 4 ; Brig PROW, Baker, Boson. Twain, Co. Brig Barb, Sherman. warehiim.l. Audepried & C.l l l Callon lac (Dutch) Bohabeinig,,Winpltrat,m, Nu A Steptran Boor «I C Seribner. Carlisle. Motile:11 11 Stetson & Co gehrl)l,lmge, *lowland. Elchmond. Va. D Cooper. Behr• Elate, Pewit:ore, ,Waskotstat DC, lisps' Godihell. i. r. Bebr H W lisnethotg Ellie,•Washington, Tyler. atone azil i k4Ma,e, l , o ,:ll,Jil's,k:A. Dunn, Norton & (o. BehriE Phew. Onimer.Denvennent. • do Behr A Tartar,•Drakes, „Providenee. do ohr Y, W Ferrp, vancion, Boso m, Fehr hioom goo. Eoprpton, /knout, HOUM.OIde at CO, Bohr W tisumbury. Burson. Boston. ti Starterent fa Co Bohr J B Davis, Boutry, Bohr A Breton. Ryan. rm Aland tit NoNo mi Rohr I; GP oyd, seett, ormo Milner & Bohr Joe Marsh , Mathis/ Marbieberui, Baas/. Ogle kCo I Bohr T Boro. ' n , Wrightleston. PaIL River, Calmed & 00. Bohr Ariel'', Chase. Wareham, D Copse , . Str R Willur, Chß Poole, Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. aierreasOtraenoe of the Exchange. , LEW ES. Del., Aug TO. Nearly pit the fleet reported at harbor went to see yes (midst; , he only•vegans Nrit are the sohrs P Hawes. J K Norse, Prospect, and John 11 Taylor. Wind south —wesAber warm. YOVV. OP. N. W. maxim's. t0..u.....Thi0070 or he Prem. , NAVRE DE CE. Ang 21, MOO , The Kingston ion with. )I•baste. lsdini and consigned as follows ; ihjlerford, dour to fil'fitapatrioir • and Kinser & Co; J 11 Warmer. tumbrr to Malone & ikarloy, Ma! V S Ken. dig: do to Trentoet I K Lippincott, do to H Groakey T • & Sheen, erg Snow Shoe. do to, • Boynton & Shelt i e : , • Col littis E ve,llkt ° sal !k w n f it h li u , i ll l l l. tV d tfe la VoN .1 Phillips, lime to stigma, L *Col (WANDA ' Steamship Nov York Yob Banton, from Bremen, ar rived at New York tin Mat Sipe • Hortensia; Atkins, bendy; arrived at Liverpool Mit Romeo. Edwards, for new York, eadriff from Ps flans Jane 114.. - o.kitur Resolute, Sheriff, for New York, sailed from Pe. pang June 14. Bark Oldelans, hence, arriveff at Queenstown Para Atirorth_gosta,,hense, arrived at Dublin Bth inst. orig,Llize.pieison,, henna. arrived at Charleston /7th Instant:, Dria Dorothea, Torwelditin, hence for Lrindrin;iti:.' Iri t rd.ir Del Bth inet, , r • r ig a,:pt oh . liieinann. honed, via Queenstown, it odd' at IA caster Bth inst. 136116 f 16penror, Marian, henco, arrived at Charles , 17tri -; ;; • ' &Rua 1 3.57/Y 4 l l liefoll. Maine, and Gan Taylor, Bunter, beton, arriVed •alaxandria Itittt inst. Bohr Bickiks, honed, arrived at Providence Pith, instant. Bobra. Gazelle, Naylor: it Rosa, Durres's, add *ll2 bancriortiviimist niantarypoit 18th inst. , benr 04/light, York. kenos, atrlved at iortlalitilitith Instant. ' • atrtilv • ' lier M elltold ann en,tistsad. Plichrlelphia.satiod front, K,. „ ; • Mystic AIWA. Tribillb, for philkdaltihia. sailed from mystic • „ 13ohe K' 11111.npardi Dickinson, h e nce, unload Pow, ,port 18th inst. • - . liohr sea Witoh.;ll lei, for Fidladelpiilitind trout', Frovidentie_lBth i at. Bo h r Danion;Pticiher, heron: arriVed 'at Baatoa.99th instant, • • Ilhouall,Rorara, Linsley, fortPhilidelnldd,kiilleid' _fic.Bl9llDvditrysiortkath hist. , . Sonr J Brooke, lirafraru, hence, arrivel'ai - Forkland" 191 h instant. Steamer 0 0 Alger, Fenton, hence, arrived at Alex andria ash inst. steamer Thomas Sparks, Grumleg, hence, arrived at Hartford 19th nat. " 11. 1 4 rAti 1 1 3 m7'.14 0 60 1 11:5 , e::14 ; or th• V II antko,atop :4 1 74,4 . 0, • d 2714, 11,511 pqmb i el -bes.des-thesw.kettpet t ed _ at lare loc l 'ln ' tgt?,:= Akoft ttir■&also Th2ruLnry a linter phert sl awlefinrie • releum.l.ll Mid r g eetot • ,Shiskarref /rm. , Uterus teed meal virtue possess sago/water. arena very largely ippon the pre-' UR*, la Sahli Jinarril, co;' hol) gently* sucetedus.. firittlVNlVffigilitttillitt,TLllNZ " Tirr e kt „Urttr-roi Yy etißtireped4isprose—the altos geeiimien are given nt yen rep label eel loyal 'eminent gentlemen speak In ;Arens terms o the me ioinali t al . ue theme '-visterrt "Protn , ilaWenik.T. *mere • lc M. D., of leibtort jieitra r heen k hli Dyer Al ; Edward 1 1"i 9,1 141 . 'El dir Ogle rt• j olltieprr, . I ‘ P . f. Th ul e; ried-Meed•theestoonfi ntly. swine refers to Weds* of eAro:otoresomeza of e sewere sears nudism, I.ohick , nys gured4 t yrks eke of the water, Dr. Beek says. I' WS eatielied thew waters are high l valuable as 'atiedieiriel agents. tOwoamptiell sue, nay mut be fifthly bedeninal for altahrome diseases° the stomach ' 4-, • •• • •••• r.tl P, Whitexehd steltt.erop , istibleet of those gem beforethe M auler. o P yetelans. in the city o ;Yew york, iti•whteh be states thtt Water!. Pal' 'eem deo daffy tome, retriyerecet.icril satrinoent proper ettelhat the ootexotdieemepa to v lob they are more particularly adapted, - are a non eationo of tee dies:Otos sad stutter* , ispost.arld seine f . the rumors eitt•distases ; eioresc • fierceift 1. CAP ye March... 2; chronic d Ysentery”, 016IC , ISSIrCSIS; c tonic clalciPS ; cikecias.;c34oeACO /*NV , 11 ApPin ate, 41 1 011 PA PIMA* eekonerrhagua, and t cel Meets of Ream Fevilds WIAIr 031120 Oe Often toed with u• van 44 "'OVA. of teseetd fevers •ueplus zgely4jroni pro ragtime a scers.,to excite es, ap ye. $ .4 promo; diseation ; diarrtille. ear COMM. Buell okapis deperdent oh telexed or uleerated Mate of the ipueous membrane of the ntstine& Hi Wee toes effeotionf, or tothiasis,heeended with phosphario •oedimeate , It I, the !nimble remedy. being preferable to medium acid. bathe More imlvent and ess apt by thintirmed emit° disorder the stomach, in ebrile dm- A s oio be weed phoperly deitted, u refrigerant to diminish Dent and preternatural neat In skirt die ssss#.-in mom, totem of dyspepsia. oonnehted with an alkaline conditioner the stomach, as in Novas. or ,we-' lot-brash, Awl!' prove better than hydrochlorie Reid. In Mumma Coikapeloysset, atm other Talus ;mo tion of Ma wa ter iltrtir:= arising it r o c rtat:ble antidote. 'ln this pharyngitis, lecleceilie, chronic. mutes, catarrh: and -attend asthma, chronic . spheircimu; - (externally t us gargle in ,wicerated sore throats, caeca of sali vation, end in telecom hot and sleet I iterialso When taken 'internally, awene-glaseffil oi the Water, diluted, taken three times a day, is sefflotent for an. adult, • Other testimonials, from Optician', and other re spectable individuate, 'may be seen on application to the agent. Dealers supplied on liberal terms. • ' , No Write eswisitis satosprocura from • .1/. W.DOST etsWLOIC,nt ' _ • S do , No. 874 DitOADWAy, Nenritarg, XD,irl Salo et tho W fon W olr ioDrul 4 5404 11 Et P r R Pi U t ß he CK t c urle r CxlETH g en a Clit cehl ann Streets. • . Also for wile at FREDERICK' DROWN, Ja.'s, Drug. and_ chemical Store Continental Dorm, corner or Id N TH and OffEditUT &taste, Phtledeielde. • • / he Tiede scomlie at Wholesale Prim. eerie-awl/ PROF: - WO - - itzsrofeATlvE fen primiseli what die name riestei, for,, *bile , pleasant to eel/tete, it la reto YIDS. elthllarating. end aingingt ening to , the rite porno. ft also ro vitrifies) reinidates:and yellows the Wood :pall Its original punt,, and' thus reshareA renders the ' gysten invulnerable to matricke of se, It ut the only preparation -ever , Olfered • it 6 troid in 4 , Wittlre!etkyeZeTerit rein s u, f:e the gem itOwsrOtt tome , en yet so perfeol7 adapt* to act *idea att an wise the p.m: of sea , twohesuf Rues Fools. 14; *maks:, stomach nod tone up the retire ontehe and n.laysill nervou and other ,i re nation, It ileo perfectly ezfulara - - e eels. ood Je tt ie flavor followed by isettOdde ocdepreintiou of imirba • it is notmoosea etirely of. vesetehtel, it.rt those thorout sly corn. bleillet4Werfolly totild tied eobthine trope:11011,W n0rM426141r eery better more: Stroh rentedy has long been felt to .be desitlerabon in the medics Eg world : bath , Or the thoroughlr trt medics , apieneli,and eh* by all who have su ff ered nde r" ; lot It`tteeds no medical won nr knowledge Z seen tofu that dabliitt followsall - Attetoks of die. hi este and lava the unsuuded oaten] open to the stuiehhat 1411117 OLO. mosl daogergue Mequon 4 poor humanity Is enpetully liable. Ouch, for el ample; as the following Oonsomptlerir procreates. O ire Lit °lr`,7l, , giiro h % iweets, Languor, Ojddinese, an ?that chum of a' en *utility rend if .unat time ealledPseildieWsakesbiallaued fretutorairr. Also. • Oliiver:Dersegeteenteltr Torpidity, and Liver Corm 10 1 4 1 4 to• -Oltobb 4l ll ll ifiedoes.Bealillor or In r oontlnebne of !tie thane, or tine itttnerel derange. memo the Urinary ' , ruins Pain in the Beelr,eide ett the &lOU tletli.Sle/ispoeition to ht si l et n oF asking end eorillahtih hinhopition, mi cults in Nreathingrandifedeen.we Might ens aldtete net? more entiebtiteks have space only to au, it will nnt.enfli ogre the debility followist. td hills and Fever, butfprevent .all 'attacks arbour O from Miaamatio Ipflueeees and ours the disease' at Mice, ilvready attacked , and as it eats directly Ardiersietently upon the MIMI system, arouting the taver . to action. prompting. in teat; ell the ea t orations awl esoretit tor ot the al atom, Awn; oval bly prevent soy deleterious consequenpes follow tog upon change of climate and er treVellenfshoeld have, a bottle with them. end ail should take a table-spoonful at lout before satin: 0 As it prevents cosiivenegs. strengthens the ditto e ermine. it should be in the hand, of all persons sedentary habits: students, minutes. literary lei men ; and all irdieg not accustomed to much out. lei door literotse should always use' it. It the, will. they will find au agreeable. pleasant. and dilatant , elt remedy, against- those Me which rob thorn of their in beauty; or beauty cannot titbit without health. in oo4l 4 : 6l' r ' 'S tbn itTir h r e' ig 9 o lll l Y lPiri l o b il s %l, "B: 4 l:4 ll v 7iFiFre i!il tie ; ta noel trial, she will pus the dreedrul.peried with perfeotear pod safety There nap fat %Mai abets! A r. it, this Cordial is we We thiiinal or it. Mollie's, or ! And to you we appeal to detect the Illners or O decline. no'only of your daughters. before it tie too ;late. hilt a sp your sons Mut hps i t ands. for Tide the former. iron] farce delicacy, toe go dotrri , so , liremliture Stavelattier than le their condition b. limy p tune, the Letter erelen se ;hiked Uv Fit the egoitenielit huaineu t et if it were pot for you they, too. would troVel in the same down ward oath. until trio' late to arrest their retail fall. Hut the mother is alws)s vigilant. and to 'mews confidentle 'appeal, fur we are sure idnnner er• feilino attention will unerringly point ypu to Prof, WoorPaibutorative Cordial and Blood Herinvistor, as the remedy which should be always on bend in tame ofneed. O.J. WOOD. Proprietor) 444 Proud M10)1/ ow York. goalie Market stredt,fit. Louie, 0. ; and gold by all good Driuguito. .Price, One Dollar per Bottle. ..-Md d lines by 11YOTT & CO., 234 rth S NoRO* Erre." , • .owd&W• ttLOAD FOOD. .13LOOOOD. 1000 FOOD. I,oop t 001/. 1.00 FOOD. The attention .01010 rig, ph/gloms, clergymen, salentiflo men, nail Me getille generallY, ur fetpeotf all y ighoited J., the inert's or this onemioal prtgaration GO nulubnY. end Pholigh”rne, and wnioli Is Ifledwiat ? CaingOllthAl .W/11/ 10* ifontile: or rad toed. 'in ail defenses accotuganteu defer leilecoariteriance, and nervous derentemenr, atuslyees of the blend show a defio anon of the red globules. Sudo Lsostiplexion and a rosy tint of the skin. ts alwatn todioa twit of health ; while a pale, wax-like skin and coin:de viate—which evinces a dehmeney of the red Moho•et accompanies n diseased organism. nun: &lions of Don have beea t lee contend purpose of supplying the red globules, but we that Iron alone, Palehur alone, or Phosphorous Montour ill not most the deficient' , in every cue. but that a judicious corsblnition of of, these element; tiirmeessary to restore the blood to its manned standard. Thispoint, sever oefore.attamed, has been reached in the Blood Fond. and its discover , ranks &sou of the most so entiSo and Important of the age. 1610 n -dots in CONSUMPTION , are Woollen the cough. brace the nerves, strengthen the bystem, allay the prostrating night sweats, inorcest thephfrioal arid mental energy, enrich the blood by re htoring the lacking iwtsinhales. iecrease the stenetite. Miter° the doldr, Mid clothe the skeleton 'frame with flesh. Blood Food will be found a ape dila in all Chronic; liisengas of the Throat or Lungs, MIA ns APth ma, Bronchitis. Coughs. dro. Pub lc speakers and 'loiters hilt end. it of grest,ntality in wearies autl strengthening Vie vocal organ,. In Dyspeptic I war Comp - tenets. brevet. , Epilepsy. Peralysie. Scrofula tirarel; tit. Vitus' Damie n Fever and Ague, die,, its cfb catty is marked and instautannous. In no class of d id genes, h,ywever raToth. bens fielto:treots of this remedy " 518,5 1 ligil e atirEc, *t to whioh the emitter sex_are Rao ;'antWhieh toward' GonsumptiouTsuclf as sneetened or daimon Memoirs's/ten, Dean Birdmen, White*. so.. especial'. when these comp/tints are acoompanied wit palenese, Oaf v y fir tun et, gostrVion. We gi , e ' The l tilthrsr dophlfents " l'Arooom etidissi tad Bf..00.1),R1101), Yip all who mu% n ulnas or a loss or vitality or energy. end to those whose montalur. bodily powers ro pridityated through oyer lite. either ot the mind or y. and podium hour dut/ to say that in all, mute of eakness and „pinsetation. and in an Messes. of the IT dile), or Blulder. thin pre paraudnilas upon the 'Malign of sufferero whloh net be over-eallinated. • A faith el trial snit be round wie west coimincing proof to resard to its ellloser thkt could be asked or. %WWI tire above remark., and with V° numerous testi =ain't we have in its favor, we offer the '• BLOOD Fthy, ' the consideratrou of the afflicted, knowing that Rathl be acknowledned aiLpre•eminent over all other preen pgest or °Moira), in point sit usefulness, Cir Chian diving the theory upon which this remedy in winded. also ()Willows of _remarkable cures. will be sent free , when doomed . We iorward the BLOOD FO. 0 to alit part of the United States a- Canadu upon Be let ot .priee-41 per bottle. $5 for six bottles. B careful Mad caseate take none bet that • ham ug our fac simile signature noon, the wrapper. Aone other is genuine. Prepared only by MICRON gt DUPONT. No. 409 Broadway, Near 'nth. And pold by them. and by DYOTT &. CO ti vorlh Biqa/ND Wept,'fbliadeiptlia, and by eb respeoiable atia•mwf tf •PLINOS. I JORTE & BR #DBURY'S. ()ELF. FIR ATED P.STe.NT INSUGATKI) IRON. RAME ovans ro.usti D-ACTION PIANOS. considered unsurpassed be the first artists and Judtes snob -as I a.berg. Wollenhaust. Weis, and others Over 7,00 or t h ta make have been rold, In respeet to Isar ,bee, rlehrese, volume of tone, Vileuey, elasti- WO' IUbP Mill ne reebalm if Dation ley ere en renal led. 3 ley tie pet warr an ted _ter lo htlt for all time. • Thee 'aye nein atennhad Gold Medals at every ethibitlon. or sale at wholesale fnotory prince for oast!, at a liberal dismount, au monthly instalments at JAhre.o Olt 27 9 end 281 South l'H street, • • hove Spruce. *MR: 'TEINWAY'B4 SON'S NEW PA -313_1%1' OV.e.R-SPRING GRAND PIANOS. SQUARE GRAND. AND eQUARS IPIANGS, now pre errs. int:muerte and in private circles by the beet eariotseen. lteeetved tn. first ov6r the I est mayors. Nei itidtes ke Gottschalk. Mallon. and others. unalensa ad competition. SI AMU- tc FAITH ES. (15-1, , 1000 CHESTNUT Street. !WM PIANOS 1 PlANpitl!! PIANOS ! -PIANO-FORTER, ' -- - - hIbLODEONS, PIAN°4O7.T7B. . , , hiEt.OTIEONB. - Made b' Riven. Baena. & Co., Minns a Clark, Ballet pawl!, & co • and others. J. F. 0011T,11 171 MAY ,_ : , SEVENTH and CH htini UT. MthiLIAIIO.B BUOS. , 0 VERSTRUNG P )7 B N 7'..it 0 T'l 0 N PlitNo FOICUS " Cliesnese pit Class risnc mad& ' -A . snierni wortinepto ,Lopin if ill., an other styles. for SS sal rnotory Can Frio 00. and wit ted for A years. . 6eognd-hand kfanos /or late And to rent. I, 0 kORUn. j... WALVR t • Id. C O Corof fllbVpisTil snd Alt ii. t. 'PRINOPI k. COM " Ini ve4 RIFLOREON ron *IA. 11 0 0 0FsrtiN. ,- • - "P • ' , Tritl-$m ' LEOAL. TSTATE'OP 3011 N. 3. _HISS. Deceni;ed'— 3.loT,FlE.—Wheretta littera 'of administration, d, h. o. t. a. to the 'estate of JUAN J. R.}.BS. de teamed, have beengranted to the alibis= ber, all persona Indebted to the sold grate 'are.gendeeted to male im. Mediatetorment. teas baring &mine or demand,' ngaiipt tfte eetistee f said etigettent *tit make knotte the same enthottt delay, to, • - • AdM Maerator d. D. b n. o. wELSIL ettle-sdi.* l •• No: 24 FRANKLIN Street, Fluted& VVREREAS LETTERS OF ALINRNIB 4 tratlon upon tha Estate of JOAN RAMC( Oseeftee4. - hags beengranted to the Babeeribee. 411 Persons indebted to sai d Estate are requested to make Payment, and than having Claims against tee Nne; to velem, teem to • • ItESEOOA RANRIN. Admipiltratriac Or !ober Attorney, - 442 nuth 4 iF ritreot. . , , :JAPTWADR, iriC IEIE4 NEXT FilIENOi p DAM; Ti. JOHN WADE.. Com 11n0j1.7,1114.1011nett 1"1". Nn.']. tote notict, of o lilreinh4 e Z in se e wir a•DivorOi TilYl DAY , Mbytelnbor- 1 7 A. D. )8 O . at oul4-tutt4t I4BTATE,, O,F ...ALE: ANDER , WRAYI NA-4 doaawa. m -Liiitrs or AQ'ittitittrittioß t 4 ihe , CAT , et Altmandox,vy rely, deoeottot. ityult• boll St 39 es. o the mitten WA'. all sttimons IsSo ted to lut (1,4113. IN:I. raio e g e ttree s I.4 "" nt l i k . d a c t e . i tl Tif. lB !"r",-. ~..,„:i ,:.,,, .„ r ~ JAmEB C. RAY. -,, t...• r _ AdantiLtii atoft,- vv 4 5416.06 t. No. '239' Mit:STA U'r' 'great. 12111 1 17441.-300 bbls. Pitch, in store and for sale kiROWLEY, &MOURNE% & CO.. No. 16 aosth NY siYES. aulit r mn-i itAILROAD Ll6lll9.',list 9 ~~' :" "v: NEW TRI-WEEtifX 4 1 511 111 ,19 Pa ° , v nart i nittrt t ig 6t; ViallAtelltrphtiV d''Val`nr MTVed9Tg.," l : l " l l4l4`. 6. Pfirawil i aitYlitt A.111111:tt:Itil"it Thurecia)m. and Patnnlnve, arrioul to ford at 1.1 9 P. M., and at Plorfilik eariNt s morning. nie eteamer Philadelphia will tea ' Odor cm the evilmags of , blonddy. Wednesday, al, rttlan qatinaottni with the train at Bedford; which ridded's; Fhiladelphos at I P. M. boa t Fare for Brat-Oa/a paagengers, inoluding . 81. trecond-clan Onadende. 8, h. oluding meals od the bora ; few • Freight taken ae .ow as by any other route. • ' . or, tattlitr eartiaulari , see on.ed ltand•billa at the hoteis,fUld 01. Med public plum or %quire of; c „, c corner Broad et. acid Washington a,. ' K. F . KEIsiNsY , muter of. .'" ,,,, coonatou.l j 727 1M P. W 4 &T. armiammi WEST 0 a ES I.IIR Alp ILADELP VIA MEDIA. PUMhIER ARRANUEMENT. On and , after Monday b Ate, th e teteeeeeerl trains wilt leave PERLA ELPIII4, from the Station. corner of Market and Le man or Thirty. first utreetn West Philadelphia, at 7.30 and lola A. M.. and 3.80, 4,40, and 0.35 P. M. Leave WEST CHESTER, from the Depot on East , Market street, at 0.40. 8. and 10 30 A. M., and 1.40 and 515 P. M. , BUMPAIfB. - Leave Philadelphia, front the depot. northeast cornerof Pjghteenth and Market streets, at 8 A. M. And A P. M. Leave West Chester. at 7.30 A. M. and 5P M. The 'set passenger, railway oar will leavernit end Market *treats 80 sauna- I, end 'Eighth market streeteSlimlnutes, before the starting time from the de-, pot, andanll carry a tiag to denote it. The Baggage ear will leave 'Eighteenth and Market Streets one hour before the departure of the train from the West Philadelphia depot. Trains leavir at 10.3 Q A. M. and 4.45 P. M. connect at Penneltqn wit trains for all points on the ihiledelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad. and welting room. enuthoast corner or Eighth and , Market streets: where pateensers. yurohasing •ttOketsfor West Chester, will be furnished with a ticket nver tlut,natutenger railway. • ' frEPIRY WOOD, . , General Superintendent. emsNORTH PENNHYL vA.Nik RAILROAD Pot - devomitErd, voYLEaovat, EASTON, MAU(TH CHUNK, RAZI.E.TO. MOKIJVININMITE. ,HAVRN, RESBARRE WILLIANSPORP, /So. 'PUREE TBRDon TRAINS. On, and atter MONDAY JuIy Sd. Mee. Possesses Traing will leave FRONT and WlLLOWtreats, Phi. - ladelph is, DAl_LY_,_t Sundays pus Pled, / as follows: At PO A. M. ( _Express), for Usthlehem. Al'entown, Manoh Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesbarre, Wißlam.sPottt fca. AV1.30 P. M.( Express,. for Bathleherp. Easton. &o. This train resabes Keeton at SAD Y. M.; and makes 00131140t10A Now Jester Control for new York. &At P. M. for Ilithlehem, Allentown, Maud' Chunk, . . • At 9 A. ht. gad 4 P. P. fcirDorleetown,_ At 1030 ..!n. GAO V. M. for Fort W i nbtrcton. siFtt e tb e iFithl L 4EVlLTeir d.v .. strrelo . l the abortion and, tmtLletra._ Tore krbarre. and ra t roit Ma) E I N I; Leave Bethlehem at 5.61 A. MI., 920 A. M. and Es P. tn. Loam f 'ratan' at 7.30 A. M Lott 1 .10 P. M Leave t Washington at ASA. In. add 3.43 r M. 014'8UPIDAYIS: Etiggl i ar f grL ß A t ig l iti% a , t a a to.lfif M . yleetown at ruiiada plus at 6.40 A. ° thlehemfor Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M. • Pare to Bethlehem—el 10 are to Mauch Ohunh.o l l .l .o Fare to Eiu0t00......i. 4WI Pare tO 89 Through Tweets omit ber procured at the Ttoket f loes at , WILLOW Stieet, or BEAKS Street, in order to senor, the above rates of fare. t Ail Passenger Tralwp(Sho s tg at unaa, Trains) connect a stk. emit with Filth t streets and Beopmi an Taint:strain with outs. atinutaa alter leaving WillOir SWAG . .116 • - " „ „ SWAB MARK, Agent. 1860. t 7. 1860. SPRING 'AR i p b E TANE2 .. T P.AI t i I • ittO NARtk, 1 417 0 Lit? bd li • atnut-q. till, Will uyo d 14.1134 At A Mita Camden and Amhoy, 0. &A. Agleam modatlon.--... 21 kt Camden and Jemmy City (.11. An- Atj' li stinjamden• — an - d - Teni " s7=i y. - 111 - onds — g " - 91" Fir J ti.t. 11 A , ratan van Y City Weste Exuma,- . . 300 AWE P via rn Camden and AttiW,Aooomm ........ , ' AI f P Ist, via Camden and Amboy. 0. 14 4 I t. Ef f AO - ArP by Btotih - ii;siiiici f fe:oony an r 1 orry AtaT C ity. *l'M= Ti et....—. At 6p M. via Cam n and Jamey City. Evening Ma p ...ti. ID At 11 11;1111 Camden told . .terse7 0E7,134419= Mail At 6 111 - 7fre - Wpdon ,nd' kitifthi golletuntllefla tm, triOulit Mid PaaSengor.7.- Masi Triliet, g Thgr 1111 hloOl Line runs daily. The PM. South-, "Par Bata Al l ign.„ Ptl ?:a_r_nbertvtlle. Flemington, to., at cl A:dan 4 P Mal walnuratreet wharf. and 7.10 A AS from Kensington. • Far Water Gap h tltrouushurg, Scranton. Wilkesbarre, Montrone,Great h o od tco. A. M. from Walnut. street rhea, and 7.i0 A. M:from Kensington, via Dela ware .e.kawaritta and Western IL IL For Mount Holly, at 6 and 9A. M., and ag P. M. For Freehold, at 6A. M,, and 4. 4 ti„ . • • • • • WAY FOY Brigtol, Tiank.a, Ice:, et end 4 „r. M.' from Walnut street wharf.7.lo A. M. an Mg P. M. from Kensington. Por_Palintrs,_Rivertont Delano° Beverly, Biirllng,- ton. Florence. sordentowp. ko., at 1716 . Lend 034 Steamboat Joe Belknap for Bordentown and Interme diate Places, at Of P. M. Steamboat Trenton , for Tawny at 7}.7 A.. td Old rawly!. Beverly. Burlington, cud ilot. are r• ,4 6 0 1 1: 1 1 - . 1 4 4 itg v A t t. po gl t't' b lire6 ii%tallitut A e gage Mit Wilf Ting anarel. Al 0 gg le over baggage pounds tp gun tor ag , ..n. The Company hunt their me - text ty baggage to One Dollarper ground, and gnu not halite for any amount beyond 1100, ex cept by speoisieontract. sole , • 'W M. H. GATzMirR. Agent. a p e .,,,,R0AD...,, ! . simpsi- PpitvEt.PlllA AND rtAnc-rtofilVF gn and after Anti!. 3d, law, °Commutation lloketail Iran twon4y-oIZ 000poo. O F DO Mood, good tor the hokter Dad ono mombor of hto hunill, OoL DRY trenti Ttal s ,.. 0 • and at any time. They will , DO. so hr • sorer at the omoe of tho ooze , No. W elont NO NT feetreet,at a rootion ofitettl-600 WI prom the rig l 'blit r " I r Vit li g tromintir e 0 !Mr ary, t vitynn , i, aptor bgiania l t a n i atirlbo sA be s:fuzz al a r foot Mit= tom midr i b ovinittil. dm iy i li ilaftD,Tiaater. flimardmenia, Blared tR. ... hibtr-et iiii W,g - Sr . OngSTIR TH4174 7 14 P4.74717rp., 1 1_4 - MA !L e lv . , p (TO Wit, 4nr441 . 4.1,14 t-14 all LW MAR IE i dge l oio n i d e a t r i P. ! 111 . 44e1Plu& "A. M" 6 1 ; ;ZP a , PHILADKLPHIA, GEE MANTOWIT AND MPARP3- WOWN AO AUlpilill tiPRANORMEdff.— "Va r Gla-NESYS*V 'iall9. Leave Philiuleltaia I, 7,..8. 9, O. P, e.td a A. 11!„ 4 10 tieSibin l ityg . "8.1 1 1„10711 . 9:1, A. M., 1,1, 5,4,11,11, ,7, ed ILO • t 5 LAO. S .444448 Philideptiit, LOA win. A. Mr 1.1, 5. IM. awl 10 P. M. Leave Gonufultown 8.10 iatn...A. M., MO stn.. 4, M. and AM ,P, M. . • • Leave 1.15 Vie:ifEkitle, i, 436, 8,1, and ini Y. . ; Leave Obeetuat Pi I.lo' t. 41), Ale, 0 . 1011 . 10 A. M., 1.40, SAO, GM, 8.40, an i v . M. 9 ltPa a prd i i t i al: fgiAtit ttartili A: It, 52 . A 61,0 lii%iiitatimilionocKEN_ AND ?4ORRISTOWN. Leave YttilMelphia SAL• 734, tea. 11.0 a, TaLL. A. IL. LOC BA. ki.b.118,6.60, and UM Y. M. .7•44 VP notrittaitii 11, 7, 6,74, 7; 11 A. M.. 17 436. o aed,vg P. m., - 11,eate.0,114delp ' WRITN4 I 6O . i ii. male pormetatt A. an d . LA ili PhilMetplas 640 17.111* A. 11 ~ Loa, pf, te, i , 8.66a.a0,Z P. AL. Leave Alaolan , , • , 44, aa4 DA A: AL.''. 11 .0 1 0 1 i 1 Pf./441 01 .. 06 tiii,', Leave Pattadeipate. • . , ed, awl Ik M. leave Maaameli st . ...M. 44, aaa4V P. M. imli-ti „ ' , 1 .17 1 6(? . Nal " ad drilligustl6. " - SITISIDAR ARRANGE 11ENT. /MLA TAMA. wtgev A.Np DALIN . ',- '- MORS AI 4 repsi4aertZt e l Vi} MA P ALritht; ral tisnore at LM A., 14, p noon, (Express,) and 11.10 P. . • ?Mr at LAO A. M.. 1.11 n00n4.15. LSO. 7.00 and For ilmingtqA at S.ll A. N., 11 won, Lll, 0.90.1 i 1. • Ail 11.10 Pm. . or Maw Castle at MIA. K., and CM r. M. or iii ‘. dletown at Hall A. M.. and B.F P. IL or ror at 8.1.3 A. iti q ar i l if oo P. . Fir ) ; El t it t t itY...lL i'4 l4 oi l lys;Trialrsdart. and Saturdays St Log 1.. pi. For Parmigiana st aA. M. Mondays, Wednesdart. And or ht 3.8(1 . P. M.. ”rir Seaford at 8.13 A. . Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fada.• atami P. M. • Fn.' fialisbury at 8 13 A. M. S? Tram& at 8 13 A. la will oomierit at Seaford on Tuesdays Thursdays, and I:Saturdays, with steamboat to Norfolk. . . . . TRAINS YOB PIULAPELPIIIA Malt Baltimore at 0.10 A. hl., (=wend WM ki ha.i 1nd11.23. M. beave Wilmlnston at ILIBI, r,40, .214 .u.to A. M.. LA 469, and 11.63 P. 11, Imam, sauptirt ati P. O Pk . rSO 84111.Iard. ill dji. inuridaya, and Plattiraars. at TM A. ht.. s t ud 60 •10 Leave Parent tan, l'nesdarer, Thursdays, and Satur days, at 800 A. 113 ,and 4.13 P. M. , nave Milford; llil ends's, Wedneedaya, and PridaYll• at 7.90 A. Pd., and 1.00 P. Al 4 Leave Harrington at 8.16 A. l'tl.,An 4.1.14 P.M. , , eat rii gairett, 9. 2. 6 .tav 'kit* 44 t ie, 4'`,l rAligni'7 l .l4lA l o7 01., ".064i.722.a. P.M.. and la ! M. sir Lesil Baltlinere a for P6allekury and Delaware lisq mall 5 1 1 4 1 A : f fi L ki n / i li t gi'llsi O • RE err ' : 1 90=go ll ii ittAi.a l luir j a i l?". bt l l l lld MO LIG= TRAIN, with rAfRINNORR OAR attaabd, ow Maya .i'ladalara RIR run es tgrvillVad intermediate pipes at . /14. , • . . Leave iltaidtd for Paztrvillia ad intermedia te plume at 6.00 P 41. Leave Havra:de-Orsee for Baltimore and intermedi ate elm:waist 0 co A ..M. . Leave Baltimore for Itavm-de-Orsoe and intermoili ate places at 4.00 P. AI. 111.1r4DAY8 SO at 11.10 P. Pd., from Philadelphia to , Baltimore. at 6,33 P. AL, from Baltimore to Philadelphia. ; :IY 8. M. I , P,upors . President. iiliMM l ELIILRA ROUTE . t" l 4 t fi .P RLADELYIII4 ANDBL MNI4/'y. Eto Tamr;qllB C alamine. tu• r r ' l t e ti!fi ßrn 17 " it1rfilepoitCVltoP C lait,nir.4 " is i 7:" °1 1 PI 'lg' t 1Iko, Tt,A,V4..o,StSoII4 O ,J ttomittr tani will leave tlid now Depot of the Phi. lodolphie,and Regrin; Itttith)B4, corner BROAD end CALLOW 'Streets, (Passenger entrance on Oat• lowhill street,) daily (Sunday's excepted), for above "nt lirtNri r li EOM ...••.....—...—..e.00 A. ri. 7 NIGHT RAP REBEL .• . ........ &BO fad. , The 8.20 A. M . train gormt . ottint Rupert., for Wilkes barn) raison, Boraton, 888 ail stations n the 14uRAWANISA Arty BLOOMSBURG RAILOAD Atte above toms nil i a ditrect. corona at 'lmre wl the trains of tho eve York and me, Canan wan 'arid Niagara Falls, an Buffalo, New ork and Erie. 888 New York falai; Railtoade, from all points North end West, and-the Mee, Daggase &hap J tollinita, Batted°, and, ftespension airy : and It .rerroelite pointa to eta ortyi e 1 rl et the fhiladelphis and El rn re. named ir a s to et Ofnoia northwest corner of HUM and Mr 0 f UT lreete. and at the Paraepger Depot, cornera '4 lIINT. NM - 18W CALI ONVlltid.., • Tff I RSIOVR EXPRI, B FREIGHT TRAIN Leave o hit retains and Reeding Depot, Broad end Osolowht I etre I ,dull, (Bantiale expected), for CI poi ntipWeet rt t NuNP, at *X. - 90, . theielghte MU f lu a beror,B BP.M. to inure r golhit . the , tope dal. I a F Ight Depot. TR& Mgt ; litr s t/IVI hit 011,, ~,,,__ ___ , - tunas.", 4. __ ore ape florthiseet minter Bui. end It4ilp A NUT streeta. ,-,104-# , . ~ . ~, ~ , , 0 Plitinglelokok, #.,07t - AZirtvillil A ONEI.—On And Ir_Mth MO; )1 6 9. rPo j'isitnAer , Trains tor DM NCITOS wulajAtt frilaitwjetrdriM o llopdt o the Mimi. .ttqL, Aratritmg,t4teffinV , obi am `' i kfor Pairataktdri. leavaa 10 - 14 1 AF I SERNOOk 'CUM "rbi ‘Dtlallig trini, terra at II f. M. DAILY Moduli earastad.) By eord rof ith Boarr sasses of the Plilladelpila and Readiaa Railroad arl W. H. IMENNRY.Seorotari. ~~ ~~ ~~~ rr 2 =' ,, t ,- ..- ,- n -, 1 Jr. .1, , ~,:r1, 7 7T /, ' T I MMARVIIM ,I 9 - Al l il' I. tt'l ; 1 l i WO j orr• ,- -. " 186% `, t e 0i..,;.1. 1 ,?:., f.l. 40,: i -::.t:imiimi, -; 4!: I . r , r j i..t . , v .t : .. __ i ll , t ey,keehe ti. 4, f, .• . , , larefier, toe, nes! ,fly . . : q tto Attic is ute t ,„ I_ A .. to w ooy tm etA I: 0 .1 •hz,, •0 , r imtzmi k.4 . w r iost -zzohh •Ihrhumlog 111 , tyr . • - l ow •r thir ' t=l ll . ' ' 'P?' " '• -' •il bV 9, 4 0 r V i 1 t 0d4 1 .2„.4 , 0 .1. pii.,..Mi, Immo. e to g w rent, o.. teeip itui #47.4 lei ' t isoipMr. ~13.• ongia•er, 0, 11. 4 4v410 w s uit if 2T,men. i„, • ' a ', fdriksoo.**b rlc a ,POlthet —Tr AMl 7i„ 7 ; Ville 4:l 4 BhAni.ite!ehli4 stt go A. hi. 1 - • ost re igs, l,oll , , ~,,,,,,_ 1.1 0 ,A. B. C , AY YEA' • Iran ..rroil t - rug Affolofiz hicluiro lumbia- ' • ' • eJtS • , . . rkesbure , "_ ;- .:, eet o ci*net L ..”,. ' ... so . • :. Tr -- : - b...., ....... 4 _to.. ~,,IL lti kwao. ,i heeler 4 r poim ' • ' • • . ---1 , 4 .. g . r . ; MT funente t San , • ~ flgi„;. t. . . 6,4 i 'i •]_ in ia P : 'ti t le i liii: tili g itlt 'Op ti . , c . u t euea ffit 3, 4 401 .Tateata WoM i t to r ~...; 1 r tigine ,_•ti n t i'llogan ' t o r tny'o ' rnipOrlist , Railroad ome In the e z 0 •bootehny ot e reciter ,i e tee of Inseams 'en - ,the pel or rivenr,' • ' ' ' + -- • r 10- Fare IlAwsas as l o w , and thin attatudkr as by any other Route. • .. ' ' - For further lerdnaetAtepli t itt the tioliantiifY . if LL iti-' boa, goutheeet eenlitt love and Market stile% The aorattletiort of the Waite= 00111100POSIP or the f) l7ll7 WintEMl,l%sMriftiV i lle D TAD iii - z• b rze •. ' : tile connection or tinat 7 the fitalroad llndEi et f;th, hue, llVOigen all drajege. or [erring, of Frei together with the wine or zizoo. pro edsan'Aitew ifir aeprOOlated by !Damon of Prated. sad the vet- , line Public. ' • m mi mzo erchte and isaootzusizoi the tnarpo.. rtatio a of their Freight r . PUS yoleisplY, merely trio eoll.ll- don THE a _ ita epos troal. AIP 11. mid ORT to ,froni any 'Dint in the Watt , byte enturyltarda Railroad art at sit mils at . faeorebit 11.1 Or* ,*anted by 111411? Kathrood Co s t ar. • Re eartleilar tat*irkasoltaillt" 11l rf ,, MIL LlU road. • - + inittions to • Talige ll ei C arr r ntrtlioeirtie D em i tap': Da Mir !a"' '' • D. Y z I • .. 11.1.Pletne It Co.. WiZihlt4 .1 .J. Johnston Riflr, Q. t, H. MoNeOlialleylll/11% - y.; glalt B t i tre rt Foraumaulthtb. r 5449017, 6rti lat t, 1 3 . ..r nth - , ana; B. W. Bien _& .. L 130 y,....e.11111P51 ,t,, KLlZkll,p ,. tk...._ , ,,irh zh. i al . - t i., bcr, ?urge :t a ll 4, P. Baas, 8 or, 0. 1 . 1 , R °e x l, v. a .... ..ar: rm. DePhr. Icrtee.. (d pine, Tom, Claus ew°. to, Altos III.; or to Freight Alteets ' allall St sisst lai n, e vr ' S. xlisTott. it,. 'plaids - 4Mo. - A 1 A y It YOOne,.#th week ti le, I,y, 0& M ; VUlter OZ 1 111.121.1 r . litlia ° 4 l " 11, 4 :1;1411 , 0 , x .... r k . , t Mtn MIN. tilist 'filtlOrgoons i tlii,"''' . tally PM LADM PHIA . go Aos 47111 W MIVA, Lo*,,rt, ~),...r . ~,,,,,,, i4a v at Aro am C W li ILL FlteeteliM h il( adargrat intraksit " 1111 1 W I l t i rdz. r. with thrrilgiNet4lx Vil.rua k , d 1.,. mower to Pittsberr ; the Ctlealaiteme, OvWS P. idara._ Tannin to ( CITAIVIELIV A :kstigt=tig bery,llte• . , 454.21. bmv Arral24 . A 714111 4 )kand CALLOW -0..v.,,.....vi .I....oongareiltoes 74. rinnittlat rI 1 417,11:,__TA'Ett .....,....,. - . L.1.....,at II P, . DAIL. t f01....7a en -1.)117M0311 VIA 11/LCWRIA ARV RBADOW sum.. Paolo Plutnntoricbc • . . To flanauxria--•.— Mr L"' .. ",............_ se .. vi 0n.—.............11 Etiti— nil TrevottonUillin: :IN l M i gnitritine.L7.l aIL. *L., lAlavon7 : ,c 3 —=.74 : arra :: . 7: 1 ftapd 60.1taxt. Palai Vtlai t. VIVI lritr a ni zi lli lila CL L o t 0. ...oleic.. to )( I :ma ra . . it ant 14 'a l ai :, Om. of BROAD and CA 0 kum.tr . W i t ode t1170411R9.....tarv. SHIPPING. 411kFOR THE SOUTH. --VEARL*3- aprfantinttt E ranamit, gym tilting an Trace insuitt irer sent. he ' ~r tnt Tra ce Q. ' U. 0. all anatnaluo.XEYoxOndlPPA7FE, Caw tam Chas. P. Minimax, Will sail on Saturday, Amyl sto v t =4 llt en-olu` n Vim . At Boa. 'Zia MA. pig? 7113 r Captalik .1. via xtt Tit UMW, 20.11114 iy.).li.t. 30 . lauxigh WI to If itoly a Itioxtt Boa • " 6 a .xiCitarxn mina =El= ovaryvaigireriliaxtVlßMlOßtildt njrifYs Ix every ten gars , than forpim a4velatigcu nth n tudattox th cnarmcm hat nimma. and a! tit .4 1 a tt i tt h ria t goatoit alittvatratom Au om amen or da an Intl Mimeos, to., tn tun ills 3TrraWra PIM Itht and larximpo orLA n Seivx• A ar good," t r i p a p i •4 v , ssiltar 4,011,7.., ' —i nnTre4l4.o ra Miligirg,UtaSNlA "" 4 "'`'. .tmi t ag i t t.r 6ll 4lN4Fgig a rn Ohl t t et gree,. :t h at' 413!‘ . .4 81.6711244:1771454.` ' VIA CHAnliltON, _ ors. savaartai. ' '." TO Ontoreepan......—.ll7l CO To elevannaa,,..4 . ffire iii A trial - 17 02 g774llsta --. ~. irse U fist •—. zo op mama ........'„ le CO / thetle— —. II lit 41,4tga— .. •. ' 21'00 77--. TO 00 bee— .- 2I Ow n a l ' :.......... e 6 ro /I, reenf. .... _23 IA ew terns—. Se 76 IRCllixonery. ... 26 00 n5hvi11e.,.,..... 27 76 Mobile— —..30 66 KnOXYl'i... ..... .24 al Now orio n c..._, 39 m Memphis._ .. 31 to No bi ll, " 1141 :21 4 041 7 idler the ski. beam:led. FO7 Ight_ei re on Ward; at earned wagon oir rum 0r...F M * . .... _ AL HAsoor._. Co., else 15011111 wirlaRVEO. office for mete of Tokens, southwest omits( .rvuo. 1' ti line Ufthe'Th UT &recta. &lents In gharlanoti4Ml. 0,111,7,DD. 4 WADI NEU, For Plosirdolootoa. Ammer Carolina aver? T Vrticorida frog' earannar, otaxmorm at:Mares and Et. John • swer• 'recde', nett Itlaterdes. . gipNITHE BRITISH AND NORTH ABiIiCAN 'ROM. 11 . 1 AIL STEAM- - TRO = lll BMW YOIIIC 70 LIVEII.I.OOL. • Chief Ca Passnxe .. • irttOM 2,0 LI1411Y00{.• Chief Cabin BenolidCabln Passer The skips foist' "law al Oprir, TOe slope trent /Sento eta At gal 4,14 and WOE Her b° , I C A l td r a i lk t i?trp 7 tVla. Atl Ja. Capt. . Lott. MAGA A, Capt Anderson AFC() ni KIIKOPA. Capt. Lsitoli ' • butyl (now.badeins.) • Thews beads parry a olear white Hat at istset-heed ; green on starboard bow; red on port bow. CANADA. Lang, leaves Aaron. Wedeesday, Aug, ASIA, Lott, ' " L Yotk. WednesdatVAng. V ROPA, Leitch. " 'ton Wednesdar, Aug. rtitltto, „volt Wfaos467. A ss t . ARABIA, Atone. " rt. We redag. Boer. 3 AFRICA, Phannon• " N. 0rk,14 IntisdAyatipt. Berths not secured until'pA frlt. An ex”erieneelt BUrgeogi op board. ' ' owners of these shies will not be Pr e glans for goi t i. Silver Rulhon,,pee•e, Jewelry, Preeirme el , eoes Of Itall. bilhr loten ere 'signed therefor told the value thereof then n expressed. For freight (wen sage. apply to E. CUP4AHD, Bowling , apply New York,— BUSWElfS'pA*pff. NICLIOLSON, vr4 SHIRTS LT M HNa o d u MARS HIL LF4 ausom AND COLLAR', A large and choice aaaortmen., and WALL XADZ, always on nand. unto winch I partloularly Loma tha pttention, 01 can and prompt-payin aftO l 4:l.lFA titulars. S. h. Corner of SECOND aid ARCH Rtienta. Pbtia;• delplon. .EV.I W. GROFF, Nrir BAREVit.GEJP.Toomitna Po t ., hlntontotwor on tno i d Frees N _PCE AB4o tr TIOUS.LE. VIS i'IrEEED • ri IK arnel44p2 he Pure. withou W t 0 trn s .3rue," DISTILLED Autykt Tali BEST OF ityk, ONLY. • ' ' 5n14,10!, E. J. BA lab G ATTOR Bee removed Moak. trout No. flit Awe street to No. WA_LNUT &net. • • , , - : uw, t h. recovery of Mercan et tffOltriv. he &ening as r a j i Yi ti" W" OA V b an Antig nme Bne r Be. sad other Tetras:tints or The ne gomeet of l i ts= lardie l tt il sa t lintier pitul n ed for tlerermelrient, to! veetmente of Money. liottsfsotory reference_ giver. when required. - apwerh. IFIELNIiIt IC. IC.EENt, Haat REMOVED I‘ -41 4 4 W. o. to No. 15? timOr TVIR ' Cr ow are Walau"t.'" mkt , Orn't 110RAU1>`i 'biliki, - ALVOILATL ENGINEER, anel PAT.BN ATTORNEY., , . No. 14 roar. , saTIT Street, (Nearly opposite the. County Courthotiae,) alfirt c ateg=Wl r Tiirli s ttettiei a lli t :Ntt s ter, 1111.nt. - ATM 1171 • - VUIAIET k Pa. IMPuRTE R M o uth envAI4AVIaARB, No. 2.6 •BRONT etreaL II D elve regUlarly MAK assartrpthe of desirable CI. 0 whioh they oar as km Tamil. for cash or ale eta ed credit JelB-1, pAwstiti DILULIOLSON, BOOKBINDER& NO3. SID AND aril MINOR STIRKEIN Between MakklChostnut rtrotte, • • • P . Awaols. JAIL U. racHohsax, J, liTtltiD,4 kai 4 kiltb/Oli, . • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, oAfoo. No. /10 Bouth SIXTH Street, '.'. . . . (Olives:to Indepandenoo Squared lIILADELNIIA, , • 2 brU t r k g? a d d ala r ttl lL .l l 7o=d e g ' Voljo re it r tr iillr i alte i o ' i oloimoo every deaonpOon. .. 'i rozuoular uttontoonF to.itio examination and re tiornlir of the °Mimeo esteem end Devisees. and the az nation of Land Wee and securing the Inteirest of huts an •till yawns Interested in tho same, in el Vette of the Untoll. -- - , , Has the Ittatutea ofttil the ?Welt and le Comeniminner, r° 6i n teoe olt ieltine rthe et al ee ' fear tal!lnun 6oinsaiiiicmi. Bp 4a /I. ' . „ - VA II '1 'I , 0 Id I—A STROLOO v !—LOOX Ma fiTl—qoup iEr FOR'ALL:—'rhe never. tailing re. VAN 11 li •nu ther bat ; t he twoeeedil wnen ii others have at Ad. 'All Who are in trouble, all Vho'hiee been cofortumme;doceirediby false promises, IV to her for Advice Mici comfort. h• Lore aJfairs sAt ..v. r faits:. She has the ore -of vrinsibts the arrius timus of the appointekrum. It le this ChM which indium* i sigv: f i le rrfelint r i a c t e o lirrlelo Mlle e h r eiri l i ° l ° o P u i r il e x l mire a eAtoebood, or eheeot trio It is well oovr to the publio A l t Imo thm the .10, ttlw• first almo per ,soktrho cili a oar the cheer in Imlay, - - c tar e r an E. t , entire oohs 04 Olt all e omoorra alie,w lo - osit-be-tes sad-proved - y thousands, both mernerl :SU elhe y et mthi - da and enerly 151 ., t. her. Mom Otle ' come U, to o'. 1.4411 SA RD et. betweenthud• per one Whit ' •.• ,-,:. . * curfik , 'QL/ILTELJIOOEINII,I9IIN WELOO, PO' SATER:Ai prepared to pttr_,O n q n tra u ropAtX* gqiweas.„,ll.:4llll-otret T wino:a o Kw.dwol inetrosAr.ttetp., 4111 gm SALAAO OtL.—Baccigalupi's, for sale by WETIIERILL & BROTHER, 47 and be North OM) tweet. atoa of . ith.oo4l--13.TOTIIMITIAMPSialf. t4 ~* .;n-S+esscrt .HT 11 3 Th. Vie V• • F H r ato A Ipil77llMio-c 1121/41121.'aus 4140*!Pt, . ;KZAt 4.4-eghaka Istigkeimarimeditis4o7o.4; -1"4 ,F I 44NOOAST;AIIPM 4 _4IS4rO"" A p !Now to B. scoTAlp., Own* 'se: 4 hOittri "a r=r4 *Mg mos Imo hig m 4.0 4 1:1 btrimi.to 1424 IP. • • sato osiervaitrin uprise - extluakk4 .for Cox , stypint liCillemesoma..44l4sailawmos to.lor === it h." ZaVl i iit ir • F # t ,. .CARIVIAL.KOZ lAii t 141? fbrj • Q:_Thi,!D ®ko D ! , IQ . MetY gOleUeli ka. c.. for the Pall et WO. , , f This Maoist. • = • .10 o'cloc August 22d minctaallY. , by Nits h is one eredigoommettalki et k, ~,,1 1 11, I:110W Vaigt, t rap th itlrg4tlrri the-attention of the tredte Inutvited. Included nib be found- , BEAD GOOD. _ • le sabre omen rich ' new styles finer bud nude. Jet bracelett,,timoohest hubbies. Ike, fancy bead apak raoes: Jet and ins , * •beaes, Mimic naves. orramt 8, wade, amens. perfumuto.., • • ~ • - • Also, Une of fan painted mosaic, lays, and cameo Jewelrr, le sets end nivel. fiet , .••• JUL/4 k BLOM t. IS AND 811,,X 14(1E8. 'Mso.s. belt line of ens:mot - whims:ilk )oitiod bloods, wade whits s,lk I.oee. SO DOZISP4 MEN'S ORTOX ET JACKETtf. WI doz. u,en'sextrs Mary, all wool. extra sin grunt racket/. for bon etty trade • • bTnEL SPRING kleo, line of extra minty ban elm steer sprint !mop skirts. • ARTIFICIAL P LOWISH& . Also, a line of real PreectUe ILlERa rtte l ctst [towns. EMBINB. , Ladies' new style embroidered, 11Ieokek, and book oollare,lalsonst and book sets. • • Infants' richly embroidered Jaeonst robes, Jaoonet and book 4oaxicang, eosins, insertins. RIFFIFF'S SAL'S OF A ROE ANN VAIJUA STOOK OF 'JUANA 800 ta, STATIONARY. Fa. 1: num OP_STOR H. . .. . . . . . ' • ~, On. Tuesday Movermv ' A , Magnet ta, upon the premises, N 0.1116 Cliestrint street/ oommeneing at to o'etuet., • • . -, , Vartioulars in future advertisements. ' I.I.IILUP FORD IL 00., AIIOTIONERRB, atrmit. Ne. .3. MARKET BMW, tat Will /NOR POBtTIFR SALE of BOOTS, SHOES, AND BRO . a alit GANSI hold our Fourth F atu,ali Sayi of Roots, Show. - On Thiraday Monies: • Aurng e ttd. at 10 o'o..liraciimity. hir;rataloirtrir. on an 4a t u t v tli m rtioTil n lir , b 9" sn t e rev ate. nod osmium, ihme , mires% ail earl dran'a boot/ aro abort. • abort sale will include an invoice of prime goods IdNiit4d tO Srat-c t V sods. The sUalitlon of boyars is partiaTiri int] • 116 r: 00nd, oven for oximalnaioa. with as •Itiy on ;Ito monies of Ws. ' 111SLAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN ' " PIIN ANON' rONPANY. lIIC:ORPORAMAD RY•7_ffle kEGIB44TURE OF PENNZULTANE4 less. orPICE OlttaNN THIRD AA? WALNUT Streets; Plolarktn't • • N - 1$ k .ft Bpu ON VEBINLB,t • _ ' CAIRO. To all nada 0( she World.' ?Kaki/IT, INLAND !MDR ANDES' On Goods, by Hevn. c 16111.. L 11110414 sad Lan! CILITIO6O • Win pant of the Uslog !FIR V.I'IIoUit•NOSS Oa Mamba:l4os geaTtly. o n mores hatchet maws Ito. •w WiNtaTs or tv. t *PAEY. November 1, Int. - Par. Market Fatlre.' 8 , 20 fa) Philadolphis aryl ',Gent. L4llll-$ll3 (69 07 11/00J31110 YOD.llllvama *we. ettxt mt. 13 666 all 00 tam/Wash ta State 4 . atost. /Wan t non too 421.400 9. B. 'lrsaanai 6 N want. kolas and 410,004 U. B. i rrer et m i ory 6 gp — ,4„,: . ki,;4.--44 " la 61 824,000 TemOrt7r i Vily 7 40 agi • te, dO•tda. 800 (00 rennin Prams I, allroad 14 INottatata 4 wt-inspla 10,10! a 0 MI 07 Novo NaTth gs ammo Mats Es road Mort- " za 6 IPr omit Sondra • . 02/41140Weat Ytotaselpto. ppimpager Pathway • company 7ip ot. tampon Bonds. 12,100 00 1 7 4,000, ))barn stook Gartazatinni (ha Corn or ny. mbarsot s'd e/lppel of iamntiod balb• city of Ybtla labia- . 4100 ah tam Pannallaantilliibiaaraia pan,. . _ 1 776 00 Ea 000,E* shwa •• • company, ......... . 3500) *5.850 sham Mdelphia Dna. apa St eam , • AM Comasar. - Pbtiade i, pda and kavaanab Mama hangs on Cmrt. • pony. 00ssa titbaM Inosation °woman. Pailacalpana and Moore de 01666 Steam Tow Boat „ Company, Failadalphut Excitant* „ Company- .. 1,210 (0 Philadejptua arid Reading sad Lofton yalleyaLK. Xerthen i t Centri ttkal Eintary and Erie A. L /431153) - ,774 Bonds anA Tdortgaiee. and Zeal Edits. Of- 106 61 floe Um Wink . . .. BiIII receivable for Yeti:ragjai . idaLuaca due at Ar enolee—Yremi tune c rine Policies. interest. and Other debts one the Company .. . 66 664 611 Soup and stock of andry—lntufanell'uoin pant ea— . .. . . A _.266 CO Caan on Detroint la .. • WIND 111 ... Voi.eas 67 W illiam Menlo. Wooed A Bonder. Thoonbilus Pae:dttet, Joan A. Penroae. Jahn C.. Davis. leant. Trayttir. Willtun h y re, Jr., Jenne C. Ran. alham C. Ln twig, - IT:emu:ll.4%. - osorge C Leaner, Cifewiridny, atiOtt. HENRY , ri TNSV ANUJI - AVM TELTST QOM= -1 1 1-41PAtr.--Tifs kIaNN MUTI;Au 141 1 4 4,4617; o CoMPANIt. Iforthaseesornar TRIAD - and .00/4_lltrtsts..Amests. 'TIRANA& , IV- 1 14 tl ItlVEit gar tes whorsAitreept life—srante ileslikkOSleert anitowitenate—seroaiela Ufa Interests in Nest lasted. lea4la ecteinb.4 Amending ea the OoltlSHaeurs et - Tear set as kaeostots.4 4 lpisa..tators. Ai/sigmas. treetess, sad Geetd l'aatel L. Hiller. 1"14:1480_, - Makes, Senjame Camas, ilhate Manus. • Itlisberd adleWbokt. • Ilarses McFarland. 1 ban P. jimaltsr, sates JI. Trotter, ' W OMNI H. , antes heron. 'genteel C Hoer. hoonkitua • gfi e .trios_HtUnwelt., .„ UNI , 13 .1. 4 ' t ornorr ea a. N. Lotion. - itayset Chroklas. itoberteon, Joseph ht. 'Thomas, Warner Al. Assn. Jobe 0. Bonner, r.m. lakdow, kastoi. DANIb.I L. tittllt, Tesshlent. . I&ABL' , * alinwL Nips Free t. man Soar W:Hox N URANOX COMPANY Or TE MM ATA,TE OP p KNNBYLV ANIA-PIR A AND MA RINE IABUR4NCE-Mu.4 JiXORANCIE BUILD uS. Chartered t. r/Sti — Capital sflNSW — Altsetth January 1, 1868. 1317.446 au-wa, AII triveMod !.tit loused AM 411.11/ible Ilsountles--OW2- 4nAO to insert, on Vessels and Cargoes. Bitlkkalth Block' of At e D u oFahanchae.A riLgeva tonne, UittEcTuit . Henry D. Alla/std. (Overt IL Stant.. a antoon Toby, • r atonal ( haat. Jr., coatles Maoa,leeter, Tobias Wisaner. i n W g i nf; 0 44 . 914 • ' it ) :11 6 ry l " o: l3 Frri th ? . 11'114am R. Wbitk Chutes 8. Lewis. , ' Qoceort Carron. N. ~ _: ___, HEN D. SHERK.ERD. President W/ 1 " 1 ./.4 41. //MUM • Igeorstary. jet-w ad , SABINE 'at DTJY. , - IN eant/am *alarm Nib 411111 - WALIWT ess• Issue* against too or • br Pire. on Cot Woollen' Nab. ass! other itlmbsOdise in Farsitori. lost 1" I , 4o%Tr i t• rb ripanr. 3!tbli i ttoryti., . .., ....TR0 m4 ,,,. colt 4 0 irmt, pR0v.w., 4 0E,. J... i , : NOV. 4°. . _,- ' • , ...w . • irb!, - ' tia4 eimsairs U. •KOTIO F1if.E ., 91 44, .... ing MK YORK, 44,r 4 NOrN Puifc, LAU " ' 4. 11 ,tM I M II4 , III. , Guth Ca mea l y urplas * 01#,FIRIC 11181142414 : .CO., OF roil! , , 77. GfißkA,Nid. FINE i {L, C11 %, 4 M II inibt uoLDT ige '.- 'Or tiV.'" ff. . - .4 ....... #lll4llllll 11. a 4glen• in s._$ ._ st i lit t lrip.mpires WINDS les am 4Z1 4 01110t. THE. ENTERPRISE ' ' : • LNERIItANOE COMPANY Qp ITEELADP44: , (nap tromtvms imstaxworm 1 9rdir b in Ni z akiia &Mei _....' ' • ~ . aussoiros.a. r j , .11.Asc esaas. rill& Datruat. ig. 0 11, . nat. . anus mix &owl!, - , , oas Woos,. IN. w itincx. . A. • ;aue. . I 141 5P. 1' • Q CH dA1.438 YZ.:C 16 . • t , , ' 4 kmitiOart....-fur • INS ORANOE 00.; 4 21 * p 2L J N P, W Wf4F D :? I , — C rI f Ai XER MAP= PIO WALif liT Millet &Woe Third, M1...W.4v • 'fin eWO 0.110 , 11-111bl i ttopOr sadla clueftp. In vested in vat. ?Jul Iv Wtor sl btair k sort to, =la I" t 7 MOsau - end ' thins Property. .I.lllepipA z ire i xo say id i Thool t irts.,, lox T,Lenrui, 'oho ,: ; , r es it.gamp u llt. • Mtr k ortoz . V.Tigarier. , L ' 420.1nrus .kAltlti. Prod _den% - ALEEYLT.C.LCSLAITiraT leoretarv. zeas-mr • CV:TAKER CITY LNSIJRANCE Ct./EWA.' lair rttfR4SIKI;_iN_fiIIILDINGS,. Mpg WWI irtWi e I: 2 II. O SDLP , III/1. 04 U44/211. VS SU • Cr4,4 o nd the Penis orthe i gs,ManiThivnrs in Ciiii alb R. HART. Prenieent. S. .re Vico Prione.ent, U. t.T d+Us4..L, klaq't sad Trisaa;im, L DITELMA, eimeisat tieustarr. . DLitSClte Synge K. Hart. . tt. C. Qettolh 17..rusle IriLnHerklnioe egrel f iLart. D r . s. Hon. B. e,.. her. naike-ti PEOHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY ILA --WU* t(41.401, WALNUT Serie... FIRE INSURANCE on Noun and Wilpb*.rlii generally, on favorable terms, ei th er tlralme or lON. vault. . Jerernishrimall. ' DM wsztql No be cis: : John Q.; wipio,l o ; 0 , Affith., _ : . Joshua T..._ ,. . owes. oin i patt 1, 1 . Tim um pu.L. eniFinef isitsmi " Alt o t at, iisuoente: Lona, Q.. DriplulX), Vice Pnridiat. ' l'rel'd.6l6 AnwAan, W. ipso. Pearetim int4irrffl HARDWARE PActiAGE U 01,41744. liapAcK AGE HARDWARE HO t 'SE - , ‘We wouljreipietfelly ealftheetteetion of the Gene ral Hardwire rads lo our galena Ts stook of filet- MlNtiffahl. GAEL WAltre4 which we offer at a small vi, , ,thoo-twAho Package. Orders tor threat importation policated, and Goods de livered either in flue aim New York or bow imeauc ; • F G. Lele_l. , & BUN. ' 41t cummEß es Street Importing and Commission Merobants, and Agents-tor o and poriessftei Itardware., ' • surit-tf -THE ADAffiq EXPRESS cii;oIik.E2BO.4.EBTPRIT Ertrest, forwards earaels. aokassia Merabandnowi liwak Rotas.. -ftnn-twerrintner-brita own Linos or ra 0,011140011tM with otqr fiaprewt CRmpawswo to ail tns inrianisa' lowa/ 6 ? 1,16 .44" (11 A.. Ylal o4ll4 t 6 z. „r- ~, ~..: ' BANDO,II.O.. ,l'i lelttf : ' 7r ` -I • - '.Gen* cipoottutiondeut.%f •VJMAIN otm4IRKLAND, " - (ot atalk teWit VUOIPMASC 'NOWA al J,wasottl,,_ : , .ATTORNIES ALVA) CO UNSI-EL L (INS TLA W, , No. Id 2 BROADWAY, Ns* York, G REASE.-475 hide.;ii6 half do., 450 Raving established extensive Correspondence. and Assumes throughout lisland, 'rill take °blase of Ike N",er. do. a 0 kis ',latent TalloiXicerie collpotion of Claims, Plltootee, &0., sad lima towbar %An sko is id for 11• W by W ,• rt bumatia In /DI Partol Um may. Jim marmot its ehlt, k CO.. Me. is splik sal rnt 174NITRANCE CONPAPITE N. 01111. Asomel R. eitokos, J F. Parslst9n, !low/ Sloan. "4.4lirstd narthroton. - H., James Brooks, r z i r e eotion Wotan, • Jusob Jonea,, tr. s ffttff o I , l " g rlar,d. Y. or sal., AM IN Id IN. President. HAND, Vice PnosiNat. - EXPRESS COMPANIES• jAXMit AMr IP/*l* Al !; THOMAS al HSH • ': 1' ,. ; ;" : A ? A V AII ' MaI•V, ma 41 .. s - . Iltrottt. 7 ir VIM A " •;' 0 • ( IJ . i . . ROTATE, bd al nalo. . . .11411110'r' a. ~ mmegive.',.„4.,..... r airiu, . ~_..i : r zutwid:nnt i i..,.. z r..,.__. e .t<F„.7 . 1$ EXAMILANON Aky TUIDUIIkY wo _ _ die neat town tn. .1 urn Aswan oat/ jilli Or siokti tltesa rty ninnid If. In rtkolrwroatv• is .on Oa 7 artnitz t e . ,.. Ina. dining torTdsittoortit ea alli,V4Zanrr'grolnit4 weeks a gm tr,altantta th nalt Hata% A Asa is °Woos BTlParil÷aM TalikarnairiLn. nVija;af i d4r ;nik otrwilaatate at privata , sal re e rntr . inal . oding an nui ty aeon s., tw an ti on .d o s t t l i b c frr i aan a ortortrr. ~ !WATT Elea.B.AVit AP Nest mats *unwed outlaw In Ala ratiortera and advaitiarl atmoirionarty illASntibb.._....,,ONe , 4b g". (01 . Titian I.* otonfo lam w , f: t"...7 ,, a otthass. , til)c. ' S virsy-F OF BoOXS,e. !net m soe oa MO 4 • H irjr °l aLtsio lmin prom - THIRD PA44 BALE-119*AVOLIT Faunal/its Improattior. FOURTH PALG - 1 4 ;iLff. , —Sd SEPTEMBER. Salo on the Presumes. Southeast corner of Huth street and Murton street. Oerjuestova DEBIRABLs. couNTßy_itmlifißNes ROUSE - • SOLD •PUREITUEE. Oa Meads, Meetnnies • September S. et 11 o'eoek— Modern Country Residence. &Msr: . Mete. southeaat cordee /b of edded Morten sheets. tSe by 136. Alen, enpeflOf bollllohUld funitapit. mirrors, tko . in cludlng parlor. thmag -room. and chamber (embus. ki tonen utensils, Se. Siir May be examised at I oPeleek en the morning el sale. FIFTH_LL dial.._P l aTS ILEPTEXERS. YEA 1 3.lirPO TANT SALL . . By color o Tresteee,_ MONTOUI Iftoll CONtraNY'd WORKS AND Beall. - On Y. etestember mac 'at. 12 o'clook. noon, ii: th e Pills &Aphis lixobense--- 'I he Ter, nimble propertUVing to tie Montour Iron Comnuy. artriattd In r smtty. Pa."ooet sash sof shout INO wares 'owl gable mineral ores. nanisg_nabte. roiling mills. Widow, nonaliia dipethnos. Mums sta.. kn. Ternui—Vueoo easb. wise tie property is st daisff. balance on the execution of the deed. inUun 3Wof sate. Stir Pall nartscalara read! in handbills. 01014. 7 1 2. 1 :1 1 -4n to ns% o . 4 l 7os H rtaiii of 054) a year. L uther daeorintendorwsLesnaut, Auldamila modern lt us... northwest Ootrusr nt Mreeptli areas and alrant avenue. Lot r 172 Bale absolute. EZE== .. • Oribano' C. int stele--Belau of Jobi Inuit Veg. Au nuoividoti mitt put of the Three-nor, MUCK Die ELLIN tr. Zeo. hit booth Pinot ontest. Bunn Putsts—A it or dividiK Esti sure of the Vireo story BR fAt DW EML,Ift U. 1u0.3111 Foul Front street. ft.me Estate—Au' undivided eitivirport of the largo STOKE AND WAREHOLM. Soutirpront neialrar, UM. aad_Ton mint, baby Chestnut nun:. 6.let e liars Net &tan se. Imdiroll.4 math part of the Throw eters RBI DWlstii trio. N 0.300 Lotabana at sou FARM. i Auras AraLd• Land.... I inprormanatn. co the Addr.rd r0gi.136 miles from the IltatacaL known an gaol ova's Pmts._ - The PAR.Vi . FARX.'!_ siltation' the s oon. coo- Varna; 100 north, nth trnerovesiets. The " cLA ft If PAIN." Wagoning 111 Aaron of good fLe MORRIS TRAOT."imittoil SIP AM'S front. ou sload, pr AEA In Pup k • of suit.a. The .• ellJevth AXIN; hostabprth nit Amor, trait rat av the nuileoed,leah emiellap. • Toe • ;OM" amitaiakkg PI tiers". NI- Joiras . the I,IIIIKOMIIIMS. The• . dll7a l olo et,", cogauung V Aons Wood tkad. The "BLIMPS FOLLY." amPaiias savor I* dons °fitint.lol.tl,4ode,Viersou Ceneetell Cothlehl• know PI led V tweaks t, ceatailaiss 7* Rattan, - Bale Pro. ft.l *edit TENTH Sheet SUPERIOR _Ftligtilar. DURUM O.3EWOOD it/ ADO. ISMP,OHLbc 4110 , 13T4, Acc. Of PrAsy itatatne. 2ith inn:aut. at le deidek st, Ito, f' North Tenth estak4St. us sajoantor fissuiprtio Furselk-ptmapurr nurro pet k e rsainroo4 paw % ciatesmag. Brsamc• Mi the este.y Do aseahled ate °Woo& oi . the aternizo et SUPERIOR PORN" 'VAS. LaltSldt 2 1 117431.8 CA RPF.TII, CHINK. IV AN - Eit,A ,, SWAR.O, CARD .'Owe rY to-- litte , neet an,' ion stmt. will seasprias XlO Mao ad sioaal band fornitaos. OarPg ta & • m0 , •4 th• atom lor °consomme of elle. sod ie v 7 orthy *as attention of tedlue and when ebtkalrona of swear ian. sir ciamages SOW sow. art tar siosiigas unaae4 for azaunaprAaa, t._ Bo g ai l l a g i n oL A N .."6 1t ..... J arum. • - At ll *Week. at taw tkaatra,atara t es austuaaat all =Wont apeasd-kaait mai bill% itta." — cotaseaaust gcrus:=;mi mr = 4 tit Mt. ttattreateaas of makr. (H3S3 NATHANS, AUVTJO N E ER &MI: AND COMSZIIIMUFS. arattosai sawn 0 SLUM as& . IMAM) to law. list*. loom rum. as diaasooda. watohoa, Amok/. salver afty . goods., abottoas. cre4 i lnti. m a t i o rt7o ‘fai pisaso=orp. M I ...me or_ovaa rutta.....0•42. fo rro Taie o s= z g loa m k lllillri'''4 " --. ... r btlais im iL aib t . sir Saavy AlLLlTalsaawaatr4 oar at ~ .k . i ttPtS AgA isdrv. _ . DireolMMoS Er 50r .. =&04:44 in s r u ttajt Thri f tMra& lS A ll V ll ,ds_wida s et? 4131:OROVO, 11... u, am. - amo 0411Al ork 1 i r i UlCOO=lolriNterill - CO MC .111 !", "Mt , , 1 Av i do=noani tatMajil I. mad. am lay aid Iwo vie. SPLENDID SIT AT PIZYATE Coaainting of diamorrA anal arandaut and oar Pruse. Salk goilt MAL ST. LOVAS* , latiti WIIIMS BO YO 44 11: - .;b0. 6 A AI 3I No.* iti 'tau Q ? . .. Xit. ' with . , I a z % air arlar i t i . VAN Ohoet. tn. ileaair ciatt mrter_niwio as Bettleszerts man mats dim sate. Useptxli ir Ve r Ta l . 111448444% h • a ". " VSt r_ 16 . 1. r .. ,h. elt. . y nsas, Nov "Isit. ': . Wood, dir — tits 4, Co. trIAW Ms. .. Crow. Iglatr. &.. " , lehLf-ttotair sikvilf G FILTIDII. "A little, bit ohm, Slis the Parts." ELAVING IUND, N. FriVorKLIII3D.TH Street.batvCaen- MA mid W/nnt. Ptiladebonna. Me* al on demand. tut.D'", ..,...iftilM.M4A"= y 6 .33 4 , 1 ..2..i . et; l.lr, al".:4%.1 1 1 --- TZ . ti tr diar k e tiOltiblintit e im s oost. talt2Dot, to Us corner. u duo, _Autiotai never tottredor NW tAllotO, •Aa44.n !anon. tea . ,i..arstl%tom . own 41_0_11._ oil Me rl len Us Iluu GAM!. so r T To =oat I mod ottoortxmL • %dr% id.x....MMte I . l izi OW 1 ,itAl litil T ri terot, JP • . .. cattlifro wird . Hyatt, in • • ttoolomot, t . : i ttoti " 1 11.?”. A It. 7 "" COrg. iiiAgglthsattiti2 . aiss - Cm' CADiromlauos, Trommote. 7 4 11 , ... 11X 414 11P. ,, "..". ' - *114" •• A Dollar *Ma 11 1 1 t 1 / 1 00 90{114." MVO YUNDL4IVII Pliia MT. IN .— °MAI WWI^ TRI, ST ME- P . him". t m enrr e i t zaraf Teat. it2= l Th e i l idini =lre treztim pad . °arioviv el- - ,Lergr= • ista i VraV a dstik War.tam . ha n. , tilje LV IL • ..,. it: I.Beestr, . '' ftwien . r r., ' • - .7‘•1 4 1 : ,:r .. . • • .. 4 4 -A ' I rsmal i tsif i sime = II ' leVlC lt t ul l,, til l Cr with th• r •ELliiiiiarst pt . "tadit iti vral . NM* trai Tolgive pi t rz,; - argittoi la tt Wm- . sal-ir - - QAVING rIIND- 7 1MITICD STAUB 1...7 TRUST OONNUIT, «ow VEULD aro CRIDIT , ,NPFSt T rut. - , ! Lute sad mall mu ine i =atitiraml.ll,Veritt allic_... . 1 Aulitimotstatuot..-- , g. Gar Wm aft Rnstaxed. /to .a 2 actin& : 4 at4 LAPA F t. latr AlArliffEßY ATEU moN, . eIPENN STEAM. INGINE AND BOI!Aar iri t iß t ltE k lir , kl., AMU T as), ENGIN Elit. 0 BTB, NOME -ALI , /IILACKEI ldB. an 4WD/11MM Mawr Ve l ars ; ;lae ;11 in e ig i pitht me at 141° r liimpp i l l iew IPreematlONS -Wats? lo ope era, &0.. ko.,readiteetrn, offer th etr, werviees to the au e• of it °TM &Tarr= agne a soi rThlu 111=hs.orv o rers : j o g ° V'Alt:li ritapriem.o . utia—dtag re44 .e.. rtgilers 'il t d ai L N: 11500 Mehl& oharaiiel Iv ia ltroeginse of ell man ; Iroa owl NS Oriel; dewrliNten• I , Tar ins, &rear , ail elder work WM heated with the t er+ , Dem Desvaig• sad time N. Anita done ikt.theit hilekinent,, &ea o shame, sat e rt rearantled. he ~wbaytoera bays sisals w,, , dont rose fob ra p a, oosta,where they ema • to get s, imesz. El 144! ProlUild linathays. Web, awn. ke-. a.... raga= Men or -74... JO r.* LEW IS. BEAM fatal.* staiela. POINT ?VAUNT FOUNDRY, No. 1 451 .& . BElWOlginig,_Kanninston, Phlnydalnhiii.—WlL- LlA ... ? t a T/14A411 , foriim Minnow), that. banal pur se, mtuoiß e materir, M tho adore romp. . e now ri to. rsomvsorders for. RO lll ll,l lad SAW nags, &lan Chemical. and " 48 VT O I2. Gianni. Onetime mode from Rorer rr or Car ds lirlartAaell, in dry or gram sand. or Loam - - ilavil-if wain. v. iktaxrp.. 1/evi...14 tracraall is SPUTHWAR n e l itbal: Vy7ll /Mb WASIIINGTON 3111=1111.. MIAMI !TOE, Wan .I* . :1244 kilgrod Viii? Atieriltsita in titastiee. or an& Baser sthi mama oorndo.• - tlWirtottrhulargrt losto Am: Qota&A. iiral Ltot irameßor.469l Wart Shoat. Il.rar. M B rtr u = i4 d rtri - ti;:datt iiiatiiiiegt sad most tit :Pittecl wirstrued .: j . I , ~ , iforort derorilogOA ,Plan ea- iy, gook aa &I*C aaw• ' " Ain 116 . OPettilaill Timm Derocotois , Norm tau, o. : goo Amato -for . 's -mitt b a VW ir. N irdrAh'it a tqr, li rielta i nn ul - 4uniatorirm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers