tk 40.ra$ c nC 41 J „ BEE 3 J./ „,,,,, ~ . oluid, rOa or es. • ' ptAtAteliti .. . ,thAtr.,A.„,, .w 0.., . `.0:11.1 1 . '7' gairOgio oterNorioWorid Of-vontorkor:} Dolt t.'"l- 1 :116 toltiiillesiblitilietiptSfitieill'iii slyierf-td,Pird- Iteutiew--But r ierlite special eittirtairtutilf, the - Roy tee** „memos* moor two of hoes die- 4..f..-sr , eflps :leiraeMissettfe tigaillemeut sple .. Teo , 4 6 ' f ' t4r 7, i ttae la dreilliiiiie44itidu Ais llallit ii lit' _ ..._ kin kbast_tbei. - ,inolit - eitensive military review "s liseemerestka body afaiateritad volariteer,saklissz, sou display. TIM abet ongisiesie O r tztbe- Pilules . -. 7 1: , ;• - .mammal will, Jia,bll shoo to gettitig up it briiiil9 l 11, "'Jv -; -'n Sorebilibk i Zetweilet Vie Title of *blob shelf tot' , ., ....., .. -: - .2e. .1 on L. 11140040 44, ' _..'swilliAni', ll o l ilitaiiMand• .o' , ; - `.1,11100. arittalb (marabout reisilo *Wits* rill. ' senabladistelsoe wilt Ike bkvited to somesetrate o ~..., , ,bortow,. ",'Greforieisest *Ail ,istienuested.Mar% • ' 6 ”" '....;.;" Y,eisenibli MittriimilMsquadrowast es Alier'phee to do '' ' "-- "'- '''' tallusloot ,(-,,,1 t-' ~-. .., ~. ~ ,-,.,- , .-;,- --'-- ''' -, 't 1, 'Beae bileititicoi 0000 4 thil Or mil "66°1- %. ;“ - !; ,, J , '; 4iflii 4 ooo of UM iWMF *Kik * anal man ' midst. Alroidy, osiersl of tbefloest-privote ; sloes is -the aftryttem been tendered Or biding: ' •`'.• cillfrT - ISlaiiiiElt--fietsbColed l- liff.Alosoi R. Orb:k ilo y g oopymeetheiSiologoot madness ate the "1 ,-'. • i' ' : .aorretery Ortifth . ...orkkolo! - Jond'.:Iourteentli 'as& ! - Thirttootbigrois: o,, , ,,rospostivoiy. It is Mederetood, tivotc,llkitt. those is aborgo„o„,the' expelled e ''" 2-1 ''''' ' at decline - Semptiiii AyayNiiitins tor wilieb ...:-._..,,,,' ~1' yisreriet liknood tit pay/ 7 - --d ~' , , ~_ ,--z ~„, ,T .,-,k;-- , Tbei:losiivesti;:tir'bo Orme', ta oar': dietiostelted e:- , '''''''Maiiir4atAte. Aagediambflteuda Will,be. 10, 'the, ' ' '''''''` Wriferatiou'at-Nritiale-AvieurieMe4oolients, Oil a ',-- -...',.-;,(.- .moverosmib,stey astoullithe;isate then, myth foal 6 " " '''' ''.4 '''tbiltiatever liefoit othieriPied ititilittmontry v „.., . - • - - 'pits soiriosiorlioAday-,..a *lATuffgef - 41 10 .Ufi. 1 wukYigeabißiWutltiFit. eleffilfr dof=frootf rat ) lilies bitter cold In lhoi,o7olog, red sunset, with Sylupg 'olsMailig • kart; *6404 < riday.- , i < =VI* kflfflt!frififfit. *fit Pikl! :2,loolllr.liftlf!WlMlL Aominlaitigioatuo of ~111,11016d44100 frostaggala Buoiloy...i .1 ; 2;11 ii iimFaibrigig t oolok sod pies, I.lW,Ofiliff)fif.:t4ioi-loarrio oo s as iOtthqualto,it' , sn , 111 . 11114. it;? $ :t ry ni . 8 -, c, ; __ rut unwell stipos,-,Tiowo , ,or ;of a due, •'" are mom • • kitellolSilrlAdid/Lde.irldilti gilds* Yr. Janus! Sun:m . l44p t ot Atioohoois Citfa sod sold yob , , elmry & id, ,,, Stookialo;•llfoo/111/11 stroid, .BotothlO ;;;;: l l itilintiokoitiotitiott4octio hilottkat too be and with' oilosototo alio oinit &Hato moony, and he *HMI -it Ito 'adinintogo*. sr_ Whirs it it `iatrodotod into this iniiritit:',COomitttiat",thidloitaiithotity his do ' '.`411&ol that it it it ihoald &did rotiositto itority l aud, •; , ,otioototioo to' itiiidosiitai noir ,fto:" To! CITY iiilltd.:::101” ` , .iiiimoost the wittoitiot Meow io rapidly driarlito ti it; olosoo. ratlines arith-'wellAtcillied = ceniena t z tne =,:," 'Falai. W Galway/he : , Jig ,71104riallAsosslismillthrostalladkonob.,bol,WIlb --!-cdialiWYlasysitsli4ad tag/ amitlnita, • -"ToientiOniftetenionolflik Alhuselradvarer • °Ws & Wilwa, sloe. SO aid see clieslautostreit'Unneve, „ • ; .1- 0 /Tie runic Inetair• eniei.eltusiieirond 11 : 11 00thettejetatien'kelleit ; I NAKirtiegilden • - * *potation is maa'a bust kdaer, r diwe and •4,11 ^ s2 4*44Elawastir4•6lo ot tailings iiiiielosagtfta that Wee eviribnn In WO or his Isl." N a IN' yaws awn. • iii*Miillisfulion'illidwaidiiii*,Whind him to in; r"-- 147 '.‘ th at emmilifter zaory, jamtlii dtY 4 lionatiltold tradtticesr and alf_hien . do moos or low to tad deeds lot those E . 1 .14 0 ,1111 Hole " - 11•011 WEST to hi Sloan atdis Wait /whip." .ia • than maths gold dating swit dtta frovi Alts bowels etelee,Ser44 worolasstlmallis than all the t • ;dignumW &wawa ovatuado frog/ GM/OSe I V minas ;• isms lament eeerkien to mosalitlYiliaslaid WWI emaplad trl(b . faialeleesklitif. .4g4A11-4M-141.010 Mere or sac~ivia"LitAilairt.,,Pig.sor.cootior attest: wilt ads ,• to le•seitibr lunpellen'et the sragor life. =v= *Mei belebteinedeintelitlt,stilable Ofirgia, . ...:4301Oneen; elHalent.oe. balatual l•A 4 layssia4 tee tisii - aid klijOgeek ; ileigjpinnnitniteinee e tlellpelmktelytaye nee them • Ws tillatta.said Yu!' immanmenos. Thai don, • '! 43 -'',*.lk . fesllll4rT=ellklbsillt'letbeeeite. - One linen ai ni4offiAlloore—tol l is OPP- UR 40 el en. ttrinieril cab ty 041lower.6igt.t. = • , :eneti Vine Wirthaldb7lwdliitylinSiglata , Prim/ war boil 111004,04 -lilt, •• 1111111111427 ?IV PlittiCIPAL *WS , .-. ~, .07_.),,.,c. T - -iii iii isciooi,iiiit:ibe. ntiniage, J. , .., r kit - JP" ' IMAMMl•MialtisiMMMatit ibrisit., A A Jit iiiir,&llo. Mi r „ tir Tlai 61 . 014 1 6101 rnellfi 1,44 4 . • t c.- a ilinlitil. Comes ...--: , Ifo TlOigitilkag,-,' lara lamer Pr e_,.b Pa ^'` IrA sA v ol aira l if ii :l 3l ie v r rii i :ftr i lt e,;i r i. l l7 , ,il e atirdi . , -1 duir __l 0 . • 0 , or -,, 1 ~ , ...- dint li f itha . ia.Clty i bet At image eitt ..? .•: /.1., 411 a Omsk i. iii owl.. A, •Chicolc —- 1 r t , ..1i qll , ar. Clue i'T ti li f:!zlrjr.74B. v.,.-.1 ....., it ' Ilif e . t:inoioaou. , .'„', ' -,,,, * Pcilaavilli" abt audition lt, la, zi if I c . "' t ~'4 . I" a " '' NIT Volk AA a &lam. virsiaia• ~,.. . 4 robing Tlial Hampton & to. rad ~ . ' '''''' *1 ''' , '"p arrbiad, 1' IMkakcad T icons* ''''',.' ,• . ' irrearrrio Mal kki*o: Weimar '' ."''''' ' , joke' Artiagicoa la.& 43 . a 0 Orran & lai Ala,. '' -pilarcir, , r 4 , 4 24fitrit New d.,:r k , 1 iron.N ...I l k "'win otter. Now- vow roarnitaranW 4filc . ~,- cie_ll 'lliqyaton,.Wath ~c geoud It kg; Artrakl: Irritfleir 1 ork i , , '.•.1.0 . bir Coca", 00 , 44/12:tt:- C le w z 6. Qv Mir '' ' —. ..."'"eVeliiitilt: N. or ta aEA liver olr M Y Mill . „ 0 . ...tri i r ia lim mt a . .IAV y larttlonit i itapplY - ft i4l2ilia.. Abut. A y Farr amino, Atbrx RV ~ Pi OA 114111111110141.1014 slloi & tedv i i Ai , *tor Paton, row A B IMI &A • NT . i ' filr l igight , kt fl I:t '. ' 1 1 1. ; .14 21 1 r a r a ht i t wi g Ll= f... 1111,1,01 ,8 07; 1, /fix Viabffg 1 ' l la, M i en•Stota filk ''''' ' oaarikin ,--- - 1 4 *T i o l :o474 s #' 1 1 , t p l & tac ks :sr Pin, oh and r ' oral. ilar4c ‘ kanici L. .. '' ' ' - ''' ' '- A7 T. 47,y1,11'e " • '1 s"' ...., . 4 .--,,, -, a , ....rd.., • - ) i Rio- as niii a sic ..xisi 4 kii liofrica ,` "'okras.. chi. o P lowr &Clint ,pd . ~ A Wliglit+k, :A Cm, 0 r lW.llinikkor.alaiik ~«, " o ri a ,N Ni 1e.A . 0, tri g : wiiiii . ~. r - xi , ; „.„. 10 ~, ,:: T . 11l e6.1W7• . " f t ;,.., ~,, * re, ri tiel ollica r if fit °t a r o cia,;.1•;:: : ::•: .11 . 1 i Lotuaiiiit ..ben n 4i _ j oa -- 5 '''. g. --- r ..,.,.a.,tfiv.s,e ..::„.1: -.- ] • o ... u I. _ _ spr . _.,.(.. - 1 .. c1 i ;17 .. X Y lige I.s . tOrett.A . A.plqnk r ;„.......6.11,4,1:4,:r:4,,,r, x011,,..t.7.7,„,,,, ,„,,i„...x.1hig414. , 6 * . A i=lli v aritq l e ull :' - likiza & ~.4„...„ t h,,,„0„. pkwolarit ...• ~ ik flaw- ark •-•, . ~ e t Non York T ic, Allyn, , 4it Aloanr• 7,7, , ' ;„. aaaronoptalorids J Limok,,Ftorcda , „ ':' , i t ramau '' „Florida , - , :.s ' . , - - - - . • -----•' 00 1 r#111RNTAL. L-Cor .; Math ;Math and. ' ; Ohs**. -......,.. cis w s ly, , ,,k w yky. --- -c T . Mim Fit* _ ~ , ----- r "B"lfitaillilmil ! i ''' j el %titie . K :7 6 7 Ps a.. Priiirmilbiitiaa , rs' • ii • . 7 , fiti nt z, lar c i o , 1: '411". 1L1=1. V (P . / d. .861. t... a c --'• 3e in: osters. Ark .'- - ,,..'„2,A".. pih'ilelens, Ark . i - % -;" rir Croke. eh 11112: ritir w 'r e t t a,gr#V.s ' ~..„.1841:irti iT, rz „- : ,...l ipeil lipper, Orocris -•-• ' i' .'-' '. , Prx#6 deo I* - "tc p„ i fff4 ,4tabatus ll* k w.... mum .., ;--.... .-,.. . -.' - r a .,4 ,16. ti.. t ie r orb, . 1.- .sk i i.nraa v ,, -: ,-•- , -.,•,. bm.i`i'444!"l`- -r: mtio s 0 ' - 'll6,MAset i r w roOke: t! 0 - S , • , . 1 • 1 4. , mot al, tellegism!*,p - , • - 144,re n V11, , _ • (U. Y .•,,,, wr f.f .. .:!;e1". • ,1.411,1 '. ,: • .631.1110 :Bge. ~ , , A. . . -4k- la. E7. -,- ,11•••,1• , - , k ',' • ' anmon, Twit'," re• . ' lrlA r A;_.... 4740 ' d '-' ; - ;' ~. 'Pry- „,,. d,r,,,,X. , ~. , ~- ~ rip , 11,1 , " ; ;;, - • N,,,, libragr i rm.r.... Vi 4 ' ';i],f2 ' . - . 1 44,;74.i , ti; r- :. o r ra , r .a detau; - ' w r .. .... :',if A . " 's ; ' ; ',-: :: ' , • ; - , -1, , • ~. - 16 ~. ...;;r, . t ,-,‘'," ' ' 117. 7 * ''4 '„ •/ , j ela t e , ;, i .: 040 , ,... ,. ~•...,, .. t , y k ir. W _ ,Pfill ~,-.,, - , _---• - , 1 * ht: 1. if t... IFta z a. ask. A 0 , .11 Ph, .8 w .,,,r_.:, . .r-;1,.... , w.- , ...1 , , 1141riikau f i l i =o4l , ga s i 0 ,;- ~,, ' -:,,1, 4 . ? '" vaiit yr u S i t a ! Kir i . o = r b. Z - A A .. PM . ."',.. ZlR•l ia.n Vdi r7 :,, a • , ~, ..,..:, ._, t . onio.ntotitecti;,: ,- i it it t i tTionear* ~, .. , J.,.., or iiirc. , l l != ~.,-,0 Woad It .' ~ . 6 # MY* " rf..1,-..- i , . ittalet‘iiV iiia 0 riejir vIl . ~ ,,,,t , , . ~,,..„„,ii , , fbi l s z tl .. :. _; ta.a , ~..,..-. _ o=., go , widt-. , , : ono,' -- , --4.-2.- , _- tat lostiAllitefiail a roovo. iii,;,.,,.. v % rty. Mk* A 0 IOU& bilig,rmuc , - ';'-•:• I k uw l' idl i eitA ° et tivi A - W,,R i oxii t her.-. , „ -., Pap York , ' • - 'Or ' . sir Torr .— q . w. , 4., otometi rk , ,5;:eai1j0......: 04 „ . _ wci,77r. -..;iiiiEliTtpli4VAT3' , , ' ii. ' - 4 '..,--, t Baltletesi , . A t t I O T -c-- - . B. l titrintlar ' IC tAsiviv to -- .: v• ~ - "QC s son 3 ~,,, ; . ',sou - 1441p) ,, ,`,., , ion t. Is. Pi ii. i iiii v Al la tirk ' i 1e: 1 ; ,,, 1' . ,11 , ' .'4 . .„'..ittir. , . 114 116 wa p e t , ~ , , ,1!.., t : ri. „ A lt . 7o . x .eire t "gk, .. t o i t_gie'.. nec-.. .. :• '1 ,ZILL ' . 4 ° 474 ''' 0 4;11 - ' '.4‘ .. ,, :"- ", . ,q - P r ic k!' .f. . . - ' ,. /. °°;": " W0 14 1.:,• `' W ., ,4'" r• • "' a • - . noz . i ii _. Pla w ,ys 4 2 f I lk Lordirsotc,ol,l,••i : -, - ter . I r & f :l6Lirk, 1,. , v iarfi l ; ', J 4, , - 6 ' ' t ' I. ti ' ..., ':, , f .,4 rr i • a,. Ore (r '",' - ... , Z, r "k" le gird. rorr, ; -..- _Avrat",,,, ~, 0 ~,... ;Alai, .1.,,,,,iiiiiii;41•:, . 41* "tiliniN r; itrile itetria t ie,lll, - :e's 3 rinTio.44.tbsnut 1 ),,,, zt a ,i,, J ,.,, . ),,.,...,,,, lir *Wailes XO,I3tOOK ) iraraall , 6l l .._#__, '-':,', lant I. Ci' i ; i i - 7 ' Phin i ,64.lplic, 1,, : ilp k r uoni v .t!= 01., ~ • ',.-- -, ~, . .4,.4 „,... .. ~,,.... . -,...,:-..,, .„. , :, __ bi . •,•:'" '; - ':''' . ! % ligtkpfliAtpgpr,9looitit( • AbOviT n . ,-' Arsiyi l -7....:-., ~:"-..;,,ii. Or 7.7jr°,,, .;,' ~ , , r i".". , ' - . .."PYA''' lr ' r'" ?. . - • ir,'' 004 0 1: , --,''' ~ , si ,- , :.-1; , Itirmd?rojt, c 0 7,,, ~ :c.„ * t oirse. Ponsip f.1 , ..y. .....,-,-.,. 1 'mummy,. r(110 ,-,,, , i i ir „,i„,„,.., Nrs.- ~, - ,11,1 - . Arkit OrAlOrd, mini fis k is; Ps, ,: --------- g losir. - Proorr - ----- ;-: -- P- ;ldiom • •. ~- •,, r •,•••• ~.- CArtrs. .4***- -- Sl' 5:4 ' tili ur-';'' f risi t i ` ; .. s . , w ad . ,,„ : , , 1y2 , 1 ,‘ •- :';'.....-_„. 2 f i..* '*, see: I , il ~•• 1 i i :',;,:' ' ,r - 7 : .4 - iorps•,,Atioolo. r.e.. 6 .!_.:. - N.,,i4....„.6-J:: : - .. • ' - •'''' ' '' , liinCitiiiiblieitot.._ ` - atriiit, 44,4bougoip, , • •• -.., Dom' iporikesh a riellkill*Cllllll4lt6ll : A*l ° Hi. A r 'lr 1 a iiiii - ' , i t , : pci pia . r ft, v ~ , ,'1, ,, eyas .. esary. .rarAri 11 , ' 'one' - =lie•• rblos.._,L ol ,,e2=lli ‘., •-gi alai : .. , ~./,..,-,..... , t ''' . 4- - 14&. ' .- r a • '• - •'' •• e liMilt . HhitistVi i ia 'J , •• te d iZ'' ' j : . ' - rte , nuitir , .., - -,-:.--t Pliallsig : -', , pc, • C • Ln.f EIZIESSE - 1 , 1 i rEmas ? A :lFl ls 'f i ! id. C 4l6, 4.1:04,0 4fir ...00hs- , ..„ .... 4.1 1 4 4,re ishidieldrehin 'rental - Wooer, . ,e 4/ 1 11 liko .., Wokillektentriissn -', on. 40,1;.0 Id 4 00 , '.''. '' , .P. - 7 -, t. , Fewer". niarillih ; 2ll, :cl : 1 4 e rlialtelt_ _ g f -4°* •gr.srailr:ar, - ; &Sotto. us,' iStlemts, Gs, p, Wshm Ri c h mon d., . rot t f a irAis , 4 m ?do toishrldti epsitioarirn 4.14%;e5:, a; Login • ''' 1 / 4 .44"*". t ri o - t oda sy Johnottot, sollideys's 4 egm illhd, #ilyrr&? 44,li d i oattraol l gris , tt ,nY y Igo gratilifidoisf& • , '.., ,-P1.:...L ~., . , , ,-r. , - ''- .. ,-- Ty ek o gott +.l,thyoli ittes — tiVicen, — , Third. •, - I - fiiilier. h ili ten"„;, , iic t iitVOlnoiniosti, 0 8 W With' .. h -,. -, , i rows. Jtesdinc pit oinifftwit et v'o , . PloOron. sZsauvillo , igno il li:Cl i ot. ° Ps 1 1 4:rg , g1tetig. Clair , , P .tt ..- rme, t adaly ', . ~.. rorn, /ors - 0 il A Ohio - .., -.- .. .. A - P Small. clhyrisbary • nem ~ f i tlifold, ti • .iii - Visroon. Trenton. N J MU Havel, sr, sow , ; . Conrad &Is: Dilyton - tismirsosas A, rt Imi • . B Filikson ?low. LI 1 it 0 Cisyno, us 'Orel& !,.1 . HOWL ; Pennsylvania, t o , FLiturroßTM7o7, - ,„- . ll'ar,',7)4Mugm; AKrArk.o4.fitilegib.ol4 -:,. ,i - 1, ' -, Is itattitlOAN ' lttl‘4oa,itielli. IlioVe Fifth. IL Sard, gtils.. 1i ',. ,:, . ..1 . .0 likeinbsrger, rhos - • • .1 - 44g-wsfrwasoth PjUstarg -LH 141 . ortyr Penasstirnia 8: 1 4% rag„T°ll. ~ ri1fa.r.11,1,..14=y41k. 0 : 'fflt=liglr.‘3ll l l-; - " ialtrilteriLtl s r,_ 9 4z, 0 I),Biargs & la, Der:reit li Patorn, moulSed “is toor, Lexmilion:4ll9., J 8 &MOM loimmeion, lia .dashair,-.14 Clastaina J.l *ticker. Colombia, ti C & i t.'l7,li, k ept ilv ' Ir4iio. /Ul T MV. l2 ;rl=ro kolm_il, Rets!.na, Marrland,Alluttsr.lreer Cbe„rjer , flikgryttagini.!'-ia , ' . ..4 - ullnia. 1 11161 1 ,:l, M Tg0.... ti 5000n,,,,_:- ,;':. NO .1 honor. Swop CI A gut. wheys, PI Cc , ,5W 0 Kennedy, Cleorgis• , ` - 'll N Howe I, Cincinnati. ~, J.VoiliaroOmo York It Bard,-Plulidelyhts ..., 7 , , ! - ....... - i Er. o it ' olasn t street anima Sixth. - .RROraiit & farm Pa -- - W J filifslister,'Oeorris or 8 K oox slaloms , , 1I Hoover & Is; II iltanoro s Wpitosktriff, ra ~, •J M Warne Tentuirtraufs ,1 Wsthstir,Pseursylvsnia , •,.P_hips, Burroughs, ..11,Y, .._ A ibbilllKAoll(C4l ', ' ' •'' Wl6 LOOkI4I.OIEtOII Nobt Pit e, Idoryisnd .1 0 ItsuissyClisitonore . ‘. F. 0 Orwy, Baltimilny 0 0 Bradley. slours ~ - f: Welker, VOSlllin- ' ''; ' OroOnaly. NortYork ' ' ' , 01111'11.4710Y, 011erylimd 3 ' 1 ,4 O'Connor, Meg load, . "5 .11 - Andreers,..Ylow ismer - , - , • 444 kielejf Jatugq ntratiVagi 0 1 #1401.4nd begin WO, 1 . NATIONAL HOTEL=-Race roast. aboltgaidrd. - a - 4*. iiniatiutm - . '" , ,1 iss Vaiwkarck Lebanon Diu) D Jimmy DinikOriiiii : , 8 ureby. N ork, Pa . itilgas 10,1-‘ 1, - olViteirt,l°,,VlVlZ ikal,Vaci,,"vW, ) ,' 4o ‘ a w.1. 9 . , : rit . r. - itilre" '' 1 - 41,anyiriirrail , " 11k 4 Vrali.IIitirain Joe Waltaker. Mt Clue - ' - SW Itemberryauttsville larPrip r itooMmt c - ir i f MINI% Now York my ,Igibignak ' ' Bark& 44Jergar . ' i r otffsitivOitcAlitobad ; Millie. above Market. W I Danko. teiniim: Bel 'A W flanqon, Loma°, Del .(114n1 Addis. Pompsylvanis 'Mite Ml !bine. Mt Bally ittrs 0 all elloimika c-MtHolly aim Nelim. Atlantis, N J ' P .W 1 Vtlatle. Bosilebt , pa,/ tastoifield. Media ~Illye,Mar" A MeAsher. s T Oeort, Alseuelis. Del J "orgasm. Pisineorh, [ '0 [Jean 0 carythanklisissysra [ 0 jitritmissikla. Delaware Abniir Goiorth; Nl, J , AighWisughter, Del - , i; J W Bbarp r psiaware Mrs kraew Jersey,,, ail Bbeeloy.' Virginia nisi n .:Vireigla ' ~ - H Brine Edward A Vsilnek. NJ, , ' Mrs Waskidr, New, Jersey Jet t i:of/onisal.Mskylaid . • 8 B.MeGoolgel; Maryland T 'AI ANIN, Delaware City a L. Bali; Dfllawsre A: egtiertg,.Bsitiniore' 11 L Prettyman . ..,, , - Mill VARIIIONtHOTELISeaciad islets:4i. ahem Arch. -11 Ir.Waisok_asinifinnk ' H Kellain. - Xquinunk 411_11 arifla. gastetioi, N Y Mu JOitti &risk & - oh Ps 2 ill.ildir ticirqta, - Riteitrlv:s ' Baal Bitola. xeginua IN,Vbtiligh. ~ , '.:. ( ltriMalig'Zirh t sBO ; _prt e r at i., 2l , : r. -, 9 , !? ,, ! ,, ! p0,50n, Baltimore ''. trANT; I 6 . 4OA4, ,, BMtki"4BMoMI gt.. ' balm' Vine. t Roleogebe. Weilersoi lit, IMP New. -Versa," W H Ikstan. Reselise „ 0-0 Murray. New York -roes 0 Waite, NewJeram- elm' Tsylor. New Jersey _jail" Minim Budiagron [,- ,w Of Kirk, Forestville. Pa • rm. AM BUilly. rt.] r: I. Rigiennogrekßunks oo A Na.i.V.'Bl:;.::,‘ - , : 4. d 'a clrli °I N ' 6 v. Wiegman. Newtowa . , Ik a ll ' a i ekma r :. NL l Airgral7- _kaignirpoit'tuvie' . ' t h effVer7;:t i :::-IV I ' t'Vetrii:l:7l:l 6 7,! frItr:41011V"'" ,vitciaffatrrer. igii*E—Tmid it.. alias! C6ll°lollll. :o.iiniV;,Peliailn, P 4 'ire Anna fltp,Dehiway• B It2A Ninon. ra Levi Shultz, W mummer Dual afta. ARsattelan ' has 8 Moons.ll Chunk Fitata:Naaab Lan k - D R Di.figaderfer, - Beni ritettler. Allmon% „"' liorralil2. Allentown .F" Stettleri Allentown- Mos W Lynn P& John Bus. 84110,1111. Ps 3 I` rOndthildr. Portcjll• ,0 LAnnfund. Dnianarn , R M Brongblne,N Y 40 It fpfirlf Del 60. !CY' ' Arnold. AT' Naln,lo,' Pa- Ernoa. knail i ng • • , J Pathan lignl9. Hu 610 ',John 8 Leah, Carlisle n rnandar; 411004 ..4.,4 4 :0 1 . - P•Prortlv 4 l3 l % T Plaeltly: Nib. Pa ' •n , A 11Ibrinnt. Readinc !HAMM j'Anns floOdlcAshland.Ta t a lt l io " :47; /thorn; Enlarline, Taraaatut, Pa 'I3I.ACIR 'BRARIttir nl2oallarrhlll. C R Ditherer, M D, AllenenW 8 Rarer, Olry Chu FihnertNArts.llle , Chan Harpy, enkintrnwn Wm Ramer, Pannebiarg A &truant' rexlerrown Butknonnitytorrn . Boyer; Boyer town 1111. U. Ponatona nomorton INTITossEit Roansikra 111 (Taunton, Bucks eo Geo w 18,616.86 .• • • EllITIV1Ile• • •P. Raid& t e rtaville - .14 , T Wayne. Bern• Illa LSnyderravine J Kepler. Bohlylkill co Femoseesiker. Penna. Arnold. Penn. • I G W.lfonringi Poona , -.l'lloyer.Btoneraville `.liAtD EMILE Abode Calio;;AM Taairbor. Puniril4pals. lee Nejligh. Arentninc , ; ssturpr. Bucks °thing , Jacob -Miller.Ruck, A .14g41. Reading John *argots!. Retain% :tketelkir; f,TV Ga-tthrk_deli /1 1 ;414 1 - Rooper -I can erials Wel Pao Whltate;_llll tons volL ;row 4& W Eeslitfr hi* filpirelaWre flame &ON mak e sc.,* l owa mg .Ivaidwia St Cot 101)Ma htewoh rY"R Lan ri• Oda ad& W eaurah. imam;!Al 110'r**10111 SO keiri bLearb Jodi MI dr. Ishhml l o.llO llll lll. l kilkil & C o ws 1 owl indsevermer ,MI Iltd*waiwatada ego: 111 Wain° Gamma $ Reese. lior efildh E linnets= &Bow; arrietwsli do Wart* rot, orate% earkhea, Inks Ger( ammady; Wdo %As & Co; *do Tyr &lV& !Mitchel!; Oda Ptarbo, lon * Co; - 3l_do P ltherwirdwrl34 casino ektitardat Jilin !Amok k Ve; 1447 hdta Urfa Maras. Talskol & Co; 1 NM or tom Meal Nri r, - Car 6106 ham bdl4lron Koren. Wh ea •r do ; 4 Mal hardware Traits. Area Wee; al do •kw.pcoa ,rwartfiktd,harsl76 Wind ,1811 cane steel 60 to and% Rah Omani gadae O ogioPa NUM tl hdlg ilk: auks , hardware 111 Galen machinery leratke UMW/Mara ahm ;WM CHARIMSTON-Rrig 4 - Kim& Rit#y, Brooke-3l bal e s mitten Mary /loan tri*on; MI 0I" Ref r; Mame* nee "Cochran t guivall; PlomstY MID Anstm k Gaul; 51 do Pettit: Marko k Co; ,4111 bates cotton WI empty, IMIN Jae pan-d 1 hble We Al Sebes mahogany 11 boles do 10 too mall& bonatyy. ordnr. , ; , PA* .44,14..q.Farriremzi_triz,,t4trruoy_ ;J,, , greN: *E. v0w1e49,, nit iiio,. l . 4 „iteo ship Golden rie ll iS. l P C '; • - " • 'lnAttleßD. ' aVitrsien duns; Dole, Portomouthv Ni. No-, • '17 ,1 41' Niations "°. Like. Bartel - 2, flukieton Ac Cox. • ) Icitrooktondimeo of the Promo " " - • • ) - • )),- Hammon 2104" t • Aug 21. A tricot!. stiinfollotag dame from Ms Chinch/ Islands, bawd to tipmiuutria eteageghtp Rudman', Johnema. Woe, arrived at New York yorarday.„_ likenemskim NONA Btat;loll2ll;foiAlpinwill,nleared at New - York yeatenMy.; - ..- • . o . , 'fißmmtkop -Be Bowl Oman. for Ravens and New etriasMilistAld frets New York yestardar. , • frtr il ", 11 ' 041 9 01.4 . 0 '. for 14yerympLazifed from New Dark OftrrAil 441114 1 1 . 1; Wheeler; aleitreiat New York y'somrdayror,thlooolll7 , llll... isdryrhitansa, &1111, hence for Boston. was at moluge/Ro Smg Atteembite, for Cadiz. cleared at N York. Trogginday.; • ' 'BionalLiina. Penfield. from Rio Grande July 4, arrived at mom York yellevtlay. . Bohr Barak -Cullen: Callen, for N York. °tested at llfiltainctrat.NC,llkh lest. ,Bekr -WI. Wake, Swain, helm, arrived at Wil miming 140. lath ingt Rohr J N Mahar, Ludlow. kenos, arrived at Wilming ton NC. 25th men trehr Sydney Fri.., Godfrey, from Charleston, arrived .at,Wdrainsto, NC. lath Inst. - "Rohm Dayton, Babcock, bonnie forr,Danvereport, 31 11 1 , „4-4-4141r4IL.pbritoRTImilrattli ( oat. ry for Ytilladel- Bohr Flabwo, Bunt OY, - for rhilatlefivhdi, wind from Mei( Nth Mgt. • • • - 180 hr Alhunt,No:brOOlLifities, arrived 'at Salad Mil taltnak - -- • . anama4o ltotan; flandy, A BM& hire. Shrol-' abate. halo* Ibr Basson; Mrsumark. Dal e 13 Ore -1 Men, Neatly Philadalobiat W.A.Donem. . An •agres, 0 Lockman:. alltoost arid 'flitionl - engistlkfroin Boston for do; Aeon 11. - PArzectlWaira 111 %%mbar, or dot thkook do; Ill f Datyltiorensillighlg e rinirsi n t i l ,for; opt s T GarriccolvdZ i ts4l Anfor ° Zeig t lizien. Va l rj, l l . 4lo, I f:P m :gide P A ligued are m al. a 41 3 C1 rmesodth ford.., muted Om Rohner.' tole 29th hilt. ; Ilteabirr -Iliatoi l Athm,nleated at Ne York seater &ram elo • Striae T itairte Solt Ironaidei. Vando;veor, ooe.arnv atar_York Yesterday riL 1 at= ;t:i I I IX /A IS. fa & coo doted Cordon: so Ulth.yotayets ,that :Or bask Aresii,•henns, sr- to- I riglOrrairit;ini of Y, Aqii i V. "l l4l: n 2. was gm A 111 iri , 31% rogiger. bal tat Nand. I ;Or balfat Mid 1101oliad to Boatoa.) ALSSA*DWit FIRI-P*o4 SARISA very issettesent of tiALAMANDESB far isle at rim aoriftle. pdoefs, No ! 304 CHESTNUT St, Ildhulelphis. 441341` ,'!, E ANS 4 WAT4ON. Aii enema' , netlitl, to; read the adver tiameennio rot weep io to-diWis purr. ane-tt , rolaNA , noxer,. Annul' MOOT Gourstrr.—Crharteried by` the State of Pennsylvania. I, Idoneyis 'reeeived eau day, and in any amount la LFIVE PIM 012(111 ',interest is esid for money front the day, It LIFO in. a' The mammy is ohms pad book is GOLD whenever lissono for, and without nothm L. Money is receive° froth Engagers. demintrirerewr, Goaretons, sad other Trustees, in Wes or small lams. tq rioatitn &Irks of Wart wittd. I.l'he reositref bee Denadtoie is invbeted in MO E•tit•. Mortttgel. beim bete, end other first- I Sias eatnirillas4, OMNI Open fiviiidar—wAthrtvi Etna. soattoresl o ,l , , f iiindri Philuuttellio 101 - :115.6.10 PRINTING, Blert AND PRIAPIBT IN ihri.Citlr at 36 South THIRD trtsipt PRINTING; BIM and Cheapest in the 'Ctr,se 34 , 11oittb-THERD, Welt ;• • BIBL4IBRD'PRINTING. Best arid Cheapest in the City: st 34 South THIRD street. - , - ,NAND-OILL FRINTINGi DM end Ciliation in the 'City, at 34 Beath TRIED street.. RAISPNI.ST PRINTING, and overt other deuorip licsof Printing, Or the mood uneasier at the mistifilomble 'OWL schtirkiwaWr & BROWN'S. ihstet's RaildhritiN4 SoitskTerr etreet, Isis tt • „ :81 ;ix Btylimo, - .1t0h)4.-NOivrawkor ooEtga sig Eiriirmits.—Dsmita're lAtiod *email sad ,large sownnts.frdm ail classes of aotimmitylimidlAppipi akti the rote of FIVE 04..Wa. 4 .140 1 : 11 4 11 1P4 • MeV* boar ms bielieeko in th oit loon of in 'Wake. ni• , oleo 0000dsibr, froot • motii o "oiii /tom? ist fiEti ',lligedea t ,oolil aim is, Ea somas. Prod -4100, raohnivg - r0 ona escrows. 14114401 VW: , „ • • ' memo or .ou Wrist Ithll4' •Orriii;irool ff the Sof eigiressly feu ES TAIL,SALEL LOWEST NUJ"; "noes lurked in !Isis Fisares. All goodstAzade to orwerNrarnkntad amis. 0 4 8 14. 103 Ifietesrp , itriptly idhered Pi WO th}efe he the only taw 'doshts AUSti thrilihi bream Ob. JON= 4'004 • 1 4 d - • '1 • .ille X4.lllUri Milt; 441ovirl7tA'fiv!i ~~~~e~L ~r~o~ri~a~. '-lzhia ,a.C: r i T g AI I 1111111.,ANLthielliteceif July. beekke friv.--..-.-__:int:Aserge R. Vincent, of er--. nere le E,Green, of 14'- 0=744NR 3 — 1111EWItiffit":011 Wien' of mr: nee. by. ilteßev,Thuleph H. KentkardOitt. born* h it ia m t tolotint iceeptune Merrick, tli , o 01, f , r Ala . t 0,40, - - • 4 - ,%. , -. - r, - ,f.. , - DIZDp 1 , ,„,,,, -, •,, , , `-. oArtit,..4ll liftgig - Y.6 . 7 fkiniait, the Lk, met. 1011014 , aarryl.Atighe,.4B year of his age , ~,,,.. ~ ens teiket of, Dimity are r ittnadiy, • iiiviggiO i rt l einntlinthbirio ,', te attend h sm.' 'this I. gineedir):artatinoil, St 8 n'elaillr4 fronLitur, , ftitteilenes..2l(o. 365 West Twentieth, atgetit. ,11,:gr. ork;' titegnent at Greenwood Cemetery, MCI 13 —Go the lop ili tgat , Mrs. Della Akins; in o L M .S 01 e 81st 'esti'het(ige:•-_ Ftner from thgistdenciCf herhntband. S pine street: this (Wednesday ) morning, at 10 Itl'er. - A IiDERSON —Ow the 20th Instant, Everett sae `Andensoiti f eke d 2. X dttit ~ i. No . 1753 P Pl e ad iTIA; 4.07:r e .% e 0r 0 , tau ternonn. at 834 o'ciltielt. WTTIIRB.—(in the 19th instant. Ilenriette D.. wire OfJesepkin. Wytisea:and' youngest daughter of *re. ReabetWilkips, in the iv ye.r of her life. !" - Funeral Dona her late residence. Iwo 8(2 Girard avenue, below Foarth.streetohis (Wednesday) afser nom. at 1 o'clock. , ",Yl.3s3Nft—On the 19th , instant, Susannah, wile of false M. Young, Mad 33 13433 . ' Funeral from the „residence of her parents, Main street. Manayunk. this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 ° iehmk. ~ . • 111ENDRICESON.--On the 19th instant, 'Henry 0: •Ifendrlckann, to the 44th year of hina,e, „, , Funeral form the residence of Mn : Myers . near Wal nut ' Mille t , : Philadelphia county, thus (W.edtteld'lr ) n171 i .,V.. g . 1 4 - 1 1. 1; 1 1.11 '° 3 1 0Vinitant, Lydia - Ann, wi re of /*cob RIR:3n the Sad year of her age. . • Funeral from ths.residenee of her licobond. No. 102 7 Palmer *treat. eighteenth ward. that ( Wednesday) af "ternorin : at 4 o'clock. XSTIXO.—On the 20th instant. Charlew E., son of David L. and Arnanda'Ketler, aged 10 months and 15 illys. - .( I t ra m ' PIO/wet • a No. 'fid Renth Rehond street, this' (Wydoesdoy) morning, at 10 o'clock. • D ISPINY f On the 20th intent. Sarah' SI istalleth.ael fe of Robert elms, Jr.; aired 12 years end 9 mer l ins. Funeral rom tne residence of her.father, Mr. David Maxwell. No "ell South Scoond street, this (Wedils. day ) afternoon. at 1 o'dlook. MYll.l4,—Qn the Mai instant, Richard W. Eyre. In the 53d year of la sage. . Funeral front his late residence. No. 430 Richmond (tote Queen) street. on Tharadar morning. at 9to cloak. GA LL.It3RER.-On the 19th instant, Sarah, wile of Petri,* • , alligher, aged 48 years. - . Funeral from the residence of her husband. Southern avenue, below South street, Schuylkill, this (Wednes day) ~S erowe. at 1 o'clock. • LOtlliftlidN.7 7 kin the 19th 'natant, Sarah Loughran, aged 20 years: Ponerol from the residence of her father, Tames Lghran. No. 1922 Barker street, between Eighteenth `sinteenth, below Market, this (Wednesday ) morn it o'clook. iiMITEL. , -Dn the Slith instant, Samos Smith. aged 48 years. - - Funeral from his late residence. No /41 South Haven,,' Street. below Fitzwater, this ( Wednesda y) morning'. at 8)4 o'clock. , 0'D' , 7914P(...—0n the 10th instant, Ohas. O'Donql, aced 28 view; PRYOR.—On the 19th instant. Eliza Freer, widow of the tats Mohan/ Pry, r. in the 00th year of her are, ' Ender.' frogethe rtwidenoa of her son, Chat. Faulk. N0..1544 Rtprahall street. this (Fourth day I afternoon. at 4 o'elook. , ' SCOT C.- - 4:61 the 10th instant. M. Joseph Soon, Ben, in the 6 7 th Year cline ass. • Funeral from his late residence. near Newtown. &mks county, Ea., this (Wednesday) morning, at Ip3i 0'01022 OROZIRR.—Ott.tbh 20th InstiCt, ?Ranh's, wife of Joseph Crosier. and youngest daughter of the late - Isaac and Charlotte Miller. aged 50 years. Funeral from her late realdenne , Levering street. be low woz.l,32liutaytink. this ( Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock . . BISHOP.-01: the 80th instant. at Ore May. Nt Rimy Clay, only son of the Iste Daniel and Prance.' Bi ri h o r &M.-0 the Igth indent, Charles G. Boehm. in the 80th, year Aide age. HULK.—On the lath instant, George Awn', in the I'd ismer hie mac . BLikoic= AND PURPLE FOULARD 1311.41 V. Fain blank Pon'ard , • lot &moo. a 4. 7.4;s: i ti d &il wide. Gray Chine N • ria Poplin,. ray Cliene eeeeee an 4 vlobairs. lank are.H wand polats. Amulet BUmNitirie o and Chair.. I r k slut wh attOrt a istreitig e ril 4a etone N. B.:—Darine and W a e t; 91 r . w " e ll er " at Pe . T' law Ony. RELIABLE ARTIOLE-- CLattIIVII Patent , INDELIBLE PFNCILS. for Marking all kinds of Clothing neatly and Indelibly. they do thew work better than ink. without its trouble or nak Illottmg. Raw% will mark 1000 artiolee. For sale, Wholesale and Retail. lgy D. C. TAYLOR & Agents for the Mannfaetaret. No. 600 CHESTNUT ' _ , totAggn rrr LINCOLN. HAMLIN, , AND CURTIN ! OFFN (NG OF THE -TWF.LF W ARD WIGWAM !—The WIGWAM erected in FIXTG F•t• rove Brawn, f or the graze: of of i Meetings. E'Air ir,orrillirox'BAVllßairE V Milli B FRT. the Esth instant. sin; o'clock. The Peopled Omapsiont Glob. the Rapubliosa eibles 'Ote • Cmgdental and the Wide-Awake of the. liNerant Wards, and all other Ae-oolartons devoted to the coma Linentn. Rambo. sod Curtin. are in. vited to asseMble and Keret In prooescon to the Wig- r everal eminent Erneakars will be present to address the %retina; whose names will be siren In subsequent announcements. ' The Freemen of the City are requested to assemble in their might, end show by their presence that they are around to a (leap pease of the wrongs inAloted upon them by BUncorabonliernle. Followl-0 ther. 's °mle , der on; LeaTheds Fair westhep son in fight - rims your vend fiat on high, Ross nut your butte ors - Curtin and victory, Bad and the relit Byorder of the Committee of amusements. WI% GIANT. B. MANI% WATISBN Committee, Tantlget.. F. 13.-WARDINB, TWE.NTIETHF ,- - WARD—AROUSE. DE-. MOL,EATR, AROUMEI—.4 Oreod Man Meeting 4 a friends of DOUGLAS. JO H NSON , and FOFITE, R,. 1 - th• flevolar Demnenitio Nominees. will he held on TRURBDriV Ennitig. anon Seld, at the Demeoratin Beading Room. northwest corner •of Thirteenth and Girard avenue. An who are willins to stand by the Lit tle Giant end Milflrkft gat/tight electoral tieeet stein. sited to attend. fhe following gentlemen will address the meeting: - Hon. ftiehard Vitus. Thin. Dougherty. Lewin 0 Cwidr. Egg F. N. Vanolave. Geo W. Dardwell. of fomenter . county • Jae. O'Btrne. Esq., Bobt. Brook. Jae: B. Niehoisee. EMI and others. By order of the Comm:rtee of the Dentin and John son Club of 'twentieth Ward. , pill-32t` !Tr. CARD.—THE PROPRIETORS OF A elPt CONCERN. owing their card over the name' of 0. -139 Routh FOURTH Street. Philadelphia. have without my consent pub. liabeil ger name among the references. en, log that for their integrity and ability to fulfil their engagements they refer to myself. and others. As I have no know. lodes ea to the ability or integrity of the proprietors or plrronoern ro fulfil engagement'. the public ie hereby notified seeordinely. . M. H. HORN,. Catagiarh , ry — draa orPlegt - OW THE PHILADELPHIA ;L , S' END READING RAILROAD COMPANY. L. - - Masiqu, 180 g The holders of the bonds of this Company, due July I, IND. can now receive. upon applicationAt this offioe,lo - r tent. innaah. upon the terms speonled in the cum:- Dashed. bolders aye also entitled to the benet of a Riot ing Pond of 8140,007 per annum, as esta b l ished s by the Stoeltholders et their annual meeting. eldJanuary to. IMP. and in pumuanoe of the nontraot.entered into by he company and duly recoydr it to carry the same into Sect. 11. DFORtr, Treasurer. C1RC131,4 Norm to the Holders Of Pitiladsfpflis sad Mahon Railroad Compass Ofortgott Boods,dwo L IMO Than bonds are Doused bY the first mortgages on the road, The n in the aggregate to $3,30L400. The net revenue for the .burt fishal rear Timm: times the ,__lW:=AerVlA=e,rattirtz v rto d fit period of tlenntg Seim, the hAdere retain ag the bonds and the security oz tee mo ics in the precise condition in Whilst' they are now • Fresh elitists of ooupons for • die intereet._payable ha -Seltrlr , will be owned, A bonus Id per cant. will. 011 given to the beldam to ocquildemtlon of their the extension. This bonus will bit Wad In Oa to the bearers of the bonds. on their, signing a receipt and presenting their respeo. tow bonds at the ogle. alike Cotspisay, or to its agents, for endorsepaent., ' in fgaltra o reosistand endorsement will be furnished tvader°l6•Baudg°"e"eau.v...... NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. DE FOREST. , 'ARMSTRONG. &Co • • IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF ~DRY GOODS. , lb, 77, 79, 81, 83 & 89 . , • . • DIIANE STREET, NEAR BROADWAY, OPFER -F.OR SALE A NEW AND ELFOANT 8100 K of- DRY 1300D3...f0r - the FALL TRADE, spited to all sections of the country. The, ore opening wcekly, AMOSX.EAG • AND WAMS U T T A PRINTS, IN NEW AND DESIRABLE STYLES. THESE OELEBRATED PRINTS ate the CHEAPEST and MT now sold in the UNITY:II STATES, and they beg leave to esil the particular attention of dealer. to them. au2 FERTILIZERS. SOMBRERO GUANO CONTAINS EIGHTY POUNDS , OF BONE - PECISPHATE OF LIME. FOR BALE•TO FARMERS At 580 per Ton of 3,000 pounds, by • 40S. B. HANSON : & GO. Sole Amite, N 0.30 North WATER Street. au'f•wfmlm COLULA.N - GICIANO.—The following NIB is a copy of a Diploma received by the Subscriber from the Chester County Arrieulturall Bocietr, dated Ootobar 10.186 at •• A. atestunoutal of their approbation of his superior 'tamales of Columbian Guano and Nuper f'hosphate of Lime, accompanied by a Certificate as a testimonial of thely approbation of tundry extraordi nary productions or the applicaturt of Columbian Guano, amour. shioli were stalks of Corn IS feet high, b. two liSfil in esqh stalk,_ Wheat in tie sheaf. Nam of Green GPM and white Clover, and Timotoy . Hungarian Grass, Am, Am, and ' a premium for tbedsore of Corn." l t Prioe 840 ad 4, Ton of SUP The., in Baursk'. - - - •- - " to Hu rl . Ground aaad far molest his Mills, Doweington, Chester Ai. BAMUFT. RING WALT, Fingimit's Mills, DOWNING - town . Pa. Also for aaIeobI_PAPICHALL MOH Rld. Corner of IthvEtera and MA illall: 'Streets, j_tiladelphilkoind CLOUD & TEBFBRIB, Agrionitural Warehouae. west Coaster. . , cull-tf IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND .COUNTY. "P PHILADELPHIA, Fatate ofIAMES HUGHES. deeessed. The auditor coonnted by tee court to audit. nettle, and adjust the &commit. of wItAl Afil DUANE. Eng.. 'executor °Pia alga N DOHRIt deceased. and to tease distribution of the halftime In the °ands of the account ant, Wit, inset tie parties Interested ter the antennas of !Me eetsdattnent on TtliaiDAY A the 4th day ee tmoer, at 9 o'clock P. M, at his 0111004 No. TuG WAL- U • Ntreet In the city or Phdsdeletda. anetlefinet , BENJahlthl H. ,BRBWBTER. rrVir.ERTY-FOUR CARD Photography for Van, gtereominple views from 1111 to • U. per Onion. Plaln , Photoaaphe for P 6 per doyen, at RI tbal.E.lo3 Glitlal4R,Y, ShOoNl) !Knot, above Olt EN: lt" ATINEGAR.37S, bblß. Clitrifisd Cider • Viuessr, op do. V hits Wit•Sriator t ,t 44r bete. In crate cad n f . o l. 4 l.l„,bYANAviit .11 ug PdOTHUNOTILKY DISTitIOT F 001.11 tr. WILLIAM - ,LOISI9IILIN. Second Wet& Seideet to the Auleepf the Itetnooratio Petty. saso4r THE PRM-PHILADMMA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1860. LEGAL. LtZ=M2 - flittto THIS DAV. ---r ' • rASENPß>jigitidkli, SPANISH. ATIN, AND ITALIAN UNGITACIES WITHOUT .4 mAsT:$-R, WHEREBY I Any one or all of these Languages oan be Learned by any one, without 6 Teacher. with the aid of this BY A. 11. MONTEITII, ESQ. Publlsheit this day, and for sale at retail or wholesale, at T. B. PETERSON & BROS.', `NO. 306 CBESTNUT STREET THE SOWESTSONILAN METHOD of Learning the Etenoli. German.' Spanish. Latin, and Italian Languages without the aid of a teacher has, for the loot ten years. boon successfully tested throujihout the whole European Continen.. and is, without a single exception. used in teaching the modern humane in all the educational In stitutions of England. Prance. and Germany In Lan don, Mr. A.' IL Monteith, the most celebrated teacher of languages in the world, "as arranged and perfected this system t and his works on the Study of P SENOR, GER MAN, SPAN Sit. LATIN. and ITALIAN without a Master. contained in this volume. immediately obtained a sudden and extraordinary popularity. Avy person nn" acquain tsd with these language. grin, with the alder this volume, he enabled to road, write. and speak the lan image of either without the aid of arteaoher or any oral instrnotion whatever. provided they pay striet attention to the instructions laid down in the work, and that nothing shall he passed over without a thorough investi gation of the subject it involves; by doing which they will find themselves to be able to speak, read, or write either language at their will and pleasure. The whole is contained in Twenty-seven Easy Lesions. 'The Pronch is in Nix Easy Lemont, Spanish is in Four, German is in Six, Latin is in Six, and the Italian is in Live Eany,Lessons. or Twenty-seven in all. Thie work is invaluable to any person wishing to learn eitheyor all of those languages, and is worth to any one one landrinl limbs its moot. Thin work has already run through seve ral lane edition, in England. for no persons have ever hone' t copy of it without recommending, it to their friends Everybody should goeseathemselves of aeon! of it at once. COMPLETE IN ONE ,LAROE DUODECIMO VOLUME, BOUND IN CLOTEL PRICE ONE DOL LAR AND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A COPY ONLY. Read tohat Dr. R. swim Mckenzie, the Literary Rditar at the Philadelphia Daily Press says e it edi torially In that paper: " There ie no royal road to learning ; but where the learner he.,vily dragged en hie lumbering way to former times. he now has a new track end wonderful engines. whichrreatly fecilitale ha propose. tudy this book carefully. a , 11 you no., acquire near half a , dosen lan guages in the time usually wasted upon the imperfect aogmsrtin of one. Badly, as well as wieely. did Milton write. we do amiss to spend , seven or Might rears merely in scraping torethe- as cinch Latin and Greek Jomight be learned easily and delightfully In one year. , hn !Aare. Sydney Smith, and other great scholars. bear like test. molly. Monteith's blot. here before us. preemie/ to make an , one. of reasona ble capacity and suitable industry , read write. and sneak five larmorwes ifour of them :lying longues) without any arsistaren from a teacher. Eli hu Serritt's nese 'bows how [Melte& and the desire to learn can make a man master df the Principal deal' and living languages. 'I his book. and a real desire to learn the lansnace, will enabln assudent to teach him self Wreneh in an incredibly 1.1,.vt time; and sn with the other languages. The ?defier 1. - Peterson confer a great benefit on society by publishing this book." NOR SALE AT T B. PETERSON & 8R05.% 306 OUGESTNUT STREEI' NG" Cosies of the above work will he sent to any one, to any place. free of postage, en enclosing the price t o us in s letter., Bditors of newspapers copying the above adver tisement In their paper. and mailing a copy of their Paper to us, with advertisement marked. shall have a nogg of the work sent to them at ono., per first mail, free of postage. an224t aSORGE G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK STORE. NO. 439 CHESTNUT Strset. All Pooh, are sold as cheap as at any other store. and you have the advantage of receiving a handsome Pre sent, worth from Fifty Cents to One Hundred Dollars, with each Bent.. . NEW AND CHOICE BOOKS. 'IRE BUNNY SOUTH. Edited by Professor J. H. In graham. Prioo 31 74. NEM o BIS. By Marion Harland. author " Alone," " Hidden r nth." Mote Side," eto. *ICS I_ls P T W TR OLD FARM HOUSE, By Mrs. 0. .Et. B. Laing. hiltA Dow 11100 K. By Mn , Holmes, anther of 'Le ns elvers." Dora Dean," " Conlin Baud A." " Home stead on the TIM-aide." eto.. etc. Price tll 25 HISTORY OP IT ALY. AND THE WAR OF ISO. By Madame Julie de Mergneritteg. With Mang and En. graving* 25. I ACK iiOPu.TON ; Or. The Adventures of &Georgian. Price SI THE :Ramo: OF DAVID. Being a °monition to the " Pillar of Fire" and The Prince of the Brute of David," By the Rev. J. H. Ingraham, J.L. D. Price 111 ZS. m MOIRS OF ROBERT HOUDIN, THE WON DERFUL_MAGICIAN. Pries SI ALL PRE NEW BOORS At SOON AS PUBLISHED. Call in. and one trial vi 1 assure you that the but place lathe laity to bay Book' is at G. G. EVANS'S GIFT BOOK EATABLIFINAmerr. No.'SD CHAATNUT etreet. A PPROVED SCHOOL BOOKS, Published by E. H. RUTL O R it CO 137 south FOURTH Street. Philadelphia. MITCHELL'S NEW SERIES Now Ready. Mitchell's Pirat Lawry m Geography--........ SO 95 Mitcheire Hew Primary Gemtraphy.......,—.... 090 Miiohell's New Intermediate GeograptilL—...... 1 12 hit tohell's New A natant 1 14 MITCHELL'S (OLD) SEWER • Mitchell's Primary Ge05raphy.......... ..... 0 42 Mitcheil'a intermeduce „Geography-- 084 Mitchell's Geography age Atlas 140 Mtchell's Ancient Gleograohy and A. 155.... ..... 145 Mitchell's Geogratialoal 0 25 GOODRICH'S SERIES OF HISTORIEO. Goodrich's Childs Piotorml History of the United State.. Ready in September... Goodrich's Pictorial History of the United Stales. 1 12 Goodrich's Pictorial Piston , of England .—. 094 Goodrich's Piet mai History of Greece-- 094 Goodrich's Pictorial Nistory of Rome...—,-- 094 Geod Pmt History of Frapce_,- 0 91 tioodrioh's Parley's Common &hoot Hietory of the Worid—.— .. 114 LATELY PUBLISHED. Coppee's Select Academia dpeaker...... ...... 1 59 ropyss's 1. lements of Louie . 075 Copp •e's Elements of 11 1 00 Sanders' ew Latin 075 'Fennel y's Plemenis of Geology. ............--- 1 25 Hows' Ladies' .... 1 12 Howe' Junior Ladies' Reader. ..,...._ ...—....... 0 84 Stonkoard is Proimples of Chemistry—. 195 titockhardt'm Chemistry, bound with Cooke's Pro- Ramshorn'a Syni3nynni. 28 Pleader's Constitution of the Un . ited States.—. 081 NEW EDITIONS. Poholar's Companion—English Words 0 60 Flemming & Tibbin's Frenoh and knitbah. and Eng Del end French Dictionary 3 00 Fleming & Tinbints French and English, and Eng lish and French Dictionary abridged' 1 12 Nugent's French & English, and English and French Dick °oar/ 000.0414R0'11 Greek and English Dictionary__._ aco hart's 'English Grammar.. • ..... • ..... 034 Ilaros Clue Hook or Praseo 84 Hart's Class Book of Poetry. . .0 04 Co&primates or t United States.— .... 030 Comstock•/harm o h —... 100 Ansell's Series of readers, to sle. numbers........ &ale et BALZ &O S es& BALZ AO S NOVELS. 'UM ' : NOVELS PARISIAN LIFE BY A PARISIAN. READY IN A FEW DAY. THE GREATNESS AND DECLINE OF CESAR EIX.ROTI4EAU. A NOVEL BY M. HONORE BE BALZAC. Translated by C.W. Wight and F. B. Goodrich (" Diok Tinto"). One elegant Unto. vol.. oloth bound. Moe THIS VOLUME constitutes the first of a series of transbitions from the French staulard novels of tee celebrated stonore de Wane. Al hooch hut little road in this country—partly owing to the extreme difficulty in rendering their &Amain' arid subtlety of conoeption Into Irnglish—the novels of zao enjoy the utmost popularity in Europe. whore they occupy a front rank among first class fictions. THE SERIES will appear in handsome duodecimos, each novel oom ete in itself, and sold separately or by the set. Printed ro a new and elsgant type, upon fine e with - ! piper, inn corm binding, designed expressly for this work, they will be unusually attractive. ***Copies see ß t U bT rM s & i it '' ,l 6 — T i ß Aß L Fl. 4 . 4 . l" e r f. ' P A ptri l e y h t e".. jyB watt No . 330 G t NE.W YORK WASHINGTON IItVLIG'S COMPLETE wumcs. NATIONAL THE EDITION. An entirely new and beautiful edition oomplete in 21 volume., printed on exquisitely tinted end prepared Paper, with illustrations on steel and!wood at $l.OO ser FOR SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. Shut d THE TALES OF A TRAVEL' 'RR, being the fifth volume of the works as published, and to be had with tee previous volumes, • THE N'. KWH. BOOK, LIFE OF WAtiIIINGTON, vol, I, K iICIS ERROCKER, BRAOEBRID.IE HALL. 'IRA vy,t.,L, R. on subscribing for the whole set at the TIDOK STORE of riAktUe L HAZARD No. 724 Cllherk N UT s treet. Also UN ,in IFORM STYLE WITH THE ABOVE, SALMAGUNDI, by IRVING & PAULDING. , aul7.4mw-3t 8 01 R BUYERS.—Gentlemen: I have taken the Basement of the Philadelphia Bank. 410 0 REeTNU 1' Street, WllOlB I will continue to buy and cell Om I _have heretofore done lit the Custom house Avenue Wok-stand) p d and new Law and Mitt oellaneous Books, I have for sale upwards of 100 old blaok.letter Boots minted prior to the year 1499. Also, a copy of Erasmus on the new Teatainent. 2 vote .4to, printed in 1348 Price 830. I will aliio deal in Engravings and Autographs. Persons at a distance wishing to sell Books will des_ribe thelr names. dates; Rises, bindings, oonditinne. and vines. Pamphlet Laws oi Pennsyl vania. and old Books upon America waisted. au643m 301107 .CAMPBELL. REEVE L. KNIGHT, 262 SOUTH SFr COMO street. 5 doom above Bstuce, west side, bee now in atom a lame aesortrnent of • • C irpn drum $ 0 0 i n ,: g , Cocoa Matting., ko., which will be acid at the ieweet market gripe! for <ash MATTRESSES of kinds, ready made or iLIL made to order, at totrest wish prices. by REEVE 4., EM ET, 569 ROUTH PECOND St., Bdoors ab. P pruoo. Fl EATHERS, of all qualities, for sale at the lowes. cosh Inlets bY NEEVE L. KNIGHT. 26U SOUTH SECOND bt., 6 doors eb. dprine. ',WEATHER BEDS BOLSTERS, AND sizes ready-mide. or made to order, at lowest oast' prices by tuwo tf REEVE h. ENTORT. 80t1111 SECOND St., a door. ab. Wine. DYOTT & CO., No. 232 Noith FECUND street —H aving removed to our pew and soltoiotte Mors, we would call the sotertion of Naive to our ex tensive stook of rAliktvT MHOICINEg t PER FUMERY. and 1 7 411%1CY ARTIOLIie. Our list com prises a greater variety' then oan be found at any real.- liebment in the 'United Butes, and our pnees w ill com pare with any market. • au7-tuthalm 104Mi.tauk4lik...1 rrIllE• OLAESIOAL. AND •ZNGLI.I.; SIINOOta Or R. DeONENORYA. NQ 1108 RKST well- Street, i- reopen on M ONDAYS Annum. AS RTAIOVED viriM tr• 116*,Ets' H t -- o 1820 Itai r -Cdraut iitreet, PENNINErattiTg..BO II 3THEAST COR - Kra TRIBTBENVB 6 ,, t1 FILBERT Streets, re -opens MONDAY. September 10. Four more pupas wit( be 'isdrtfittedi Catilosnes sent to tiny is4dress. 'inat•tf It. STEWART. Principal: nRAWINui AND 'PAINTING TAUrIIIT 'et WOODRUFF'S INSTITUTE, No. eNte RACE Street. • 'at4l.Bt. ASHTON S INSTITUTION FOR D• YOUNG LADIES, wo. 929 ARCERtreet. four doors bekw Tenth, North side, wal proper' September lOrh, This long. established Seminary is provided with every modern epolience of a complete system of female edu ration, aed the Pommel a tided by an ample write of thoroughly qualified Moisten,' but its ,highest and most peculiar exoellenos is its onrinal method of oral instruction giving the Dunn a thorough andpractical command of the knowletlite acquired, and enabling the y oung lady, not rimy to fulfil intelligently the daily re quirements of dornestio life, Out also to perform her part with grace , and facility, in scowl and intelleolutl so cloy. The memory, though duly cultivated. *taxed as little as possible, end conversational talent is aunt veted en one of the moat Important Meseta of the course of Instruction. Thus. the dulness of study is partially removed. without sacrificing its rooddetenens, and to think, to reason and converse, ate the remits. aunt-et AOADEDIY , fOF THE PROT/STANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LOCUST and JUNIPER STREETS. The Autumnal Session will open on MONDAY. Bee. Wittier 3, at 9 o'slook A. M. Ihe tuition fee is, for the lowest class. sixty defiers t for all other (deem, seven ,ty• floe dollars per annum ; there are no extra charges. Applications for admission may be made at the Acade my liner A uge s t lath . between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock A. , ' JAMBS W. ROBINS. A. M., aulo-fmwtf ' Read Molter. MISS TRORP"S SAII)OL FOR YOUNG LADIES, it 118 GIRARD Street. witl reopen on MONDAY. reptember 10. an2o V ENT RAI, INSTITUTE, TENTH AND Xi SPRING GARDEN Street'. will reopen Bantam. her S. Byte prepared Or any Divlurion or the Public Grammar Schools. fon College. or for Ruttiness [`what the , CIIOOIA-ROOM between the hours of 9 and Ir. sub/ aw" E. D. MCGMRE. Prineipal. ipp urr EN HOUSE A OADKAIY.- 1 -English end classiod Entiool, ((in the City Institute Hullda ing.) CHESTNUT sad XIGHTEif NTH streets. en oases on Eighteenth street, third door above Chestnut. The next session will oinsanteneo on MONDAY, hap tember Llano. att/7-len 'OHM H. WESTCOTT. YOUNG LADES' BOARDIN( AND J 1 AY PUMA,— Rev. JAMES r, REI.WB Boarding end Dar School for Young Ladle,. 1 biid W Al.n UT Street, will be reopened September 12th. nnli-em yam MR WINTHROP TAPPAN'S BOARD -ING ar.4l DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LA 131E4, No. ITat' VINE street, near Login Equsre. will RE -OPEN on W KON EBDAY, Voptomber Cifoalarn fwnigked on npplioation. suln4w MISS LINTY R. MAYER and Mrs. R. M BIRD will gegen their sohool foryoung la dies, at No. 1010 BPRUOE: street, on MONDAY, Sep tember 17. augl4.2m PRIVATE SOROOL FOR BOY B.—LII CIUB BARROWS, for the petit el t years Asso ciate Principal of Rittenhouse Modem'', in Eighteenth street, above Chestnut street. will open * School for Boys. to opi /.8 rN street. second door below Eigh teenth, ICI', frurtitnte Buildings,; on MONDAY,lBep temper a. 1860, Circulars may be obtained at the City Institute, and at 606 and OW t..hestnot street. References: John 8. Mart. LL. D., .1. 3. Meese, M. I), auli-1m" TCASEY & MRS. BEEBE'S IL English and Fronoh Boarding and Dv Bohool, for Young Ladies,. N 0.1703 WALNUT Street, will be re opened on "Ifineeder.Seet.Ulth. anl-6w A MERICAN SCIIOOL INSTITUTE IS A reliable medium through which Schools and Fami lies may obtain cow/Vent Teachers. Parents miy ob tain. gratuitously. In and circulars of the best elehools. SMITH, WOODM A York., r 34 6 BROAD NAY, New or 609 CR beTNUT Street. Philadelphia. BRYANT Ja BTRATION'S NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES, laoat+d at Phila. delpina. S. R. corner SKY ONTH and CHESIN I'T, New York. BilW*lo. Cleveland. Chicago. and St. LOMB. Fov Information call or send for Catalogue. MESDAMES 011EGARAY AND D'ILER VILLY respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have removed their Boarding and Deiy Sohool for Yonne_ Lad tes from Los anquare w i ll. tne7 and 1.109 SPRINE Street where_ they be reatto reoeive their pupils on THURSDAY, Septem- I llesd b ames OHBOARAY and D'HERVILLY re ceive vision' at No. 11509 LOUAN Square until the wch Moat. 1126-6m THIRD STREET JOBBING; HOUSES JAMES. KENT. SANTEE. & CO.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS ow 'DRY GOODS. NOS. 239 AND 241 NORTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE RACE, Respectfully Invite the attention of Buyers to their usual LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, Among which will be found a general assortment of PLIILADELPIIIA-M ADE GOODS, Also, a large variety of new and confined styles of PRINTS, MERRIMACK SECONDS, &c. aul7-2m THOS. MELLOR & 00.. NG. 8 NORTH THIRD ISTREET, IMPORTERS or HOSIERY. BRIM AND DRAWERS, SMALL WARES, ko. Tim. MELLOR, JOHN B. MELLOR, EDWARD BAIRN, OEO. 0. EVANS. sat tm FALL, 1860. COOPER, PARHAM. -15 a WORK. Importere,Manutteturervand Jobbers of HATS. CAPS. FURS, AND STRAW GOODS, NO. D 1 NORTH TBIRD STREET, below ARCH, PHILADELPHIA. MILTON COOPER. WM. M. PARHAM. ROBERT O. WORK. SWF Fall Stook no,w complete and ready for buyers!. null-Pm SOWER. BARNES. & 00.. BOOKSELLERB AND PUBLISHERS, No. 37 NORTH THIRD STREET, Lower gide, above Market Street, Philadelphia, Invite the attention of Booksellers nod country rner ohanto to their very large stook of School Hooke, pub honed in this and other o ties to with hliscellane one and Blank Hoop Paper. and btationery generally. ~. B. fa Co., arty publigners of many popular worke, among which aro the following : TUE CENTRAL GOLD REGION, • BY COL. WILLIAM OILPIN., (Late of the U. S. Army.) ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS MAPS. One v01..11v0. bound in cloth. Price SIM; and a liberal discount to the trade. This book is prontrunced the most wonderful, soienti fin. and oomprehensive treatise on the geography of our continent ever published. SOHOOL BOOKS: SANDERS' SERIES OF READERS. BROOKS' NORMAL PRIMARY ARITHME TIO.—.—. BROOKS' NORMAL MENTAL AR1THME- T1C............25 ets BROOKS' KEY TO MENTAL ARITHME TIC.. 95 ots BY E. BROOKS, A. M., Professor of Mathematios in Pennsylvania State Nor mal Pohool. Liberal terms for introdnoti•.n. WHITE'S COPY-BOOKS. BY T. KIRK WRITE, Preaident of Peniasylvania*.Commerolal College PELTON'S OUTLINE MAPS. This series of SIX SUPERB MAPS is now adopted In almoet every sohool of note an the Union where geo graphy is taught, and has no equal. Price 826 for full set am: maps, or erg for set of hernuiphore map. alone. auti-dm INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE MUTUAL L' FE IrSURANOE COM ' PANY OF NEW YORK. Assets SIX mILLToros OF DOLLARS. !MIMED SE P[• ST AtORTOAOES ON REAL. ESTATE. WORTS. OV t.,R $13000,000. The premiums are Lawns. than in many other Cornea men, and the DO/Mende have been 011XATER. Thu, is a strictly Merest. Zornrary. There are no atookholders, so that ALL THE PROYITn BIMUNG to IRE MIMED Pamphlets, and every information, may be had a e,,,yis, on applination to F. RATCHFORD STARR. Agent, B. W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. • PHILADELPHIA REFFRFROEB i Thomas Robing, John Welsh. Mordecai L. Dawson, George Ft, Stuart. George M. !Brood, E. S. whe en. John B. Myers, J Fisher Learning, JOilanh Patterson, Witham 0 1 intim, John K. Atwood, Arthur G. Coffin, Thomas H. Powers, George W. Totem'. William McKee, Thom. Waitangi. n 23 leit FAME INSURANOE COMPANY, NO. 900 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATJD APRIL, ISM BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRV AND INLAND RISKS. Samuel Wriglit, DIJIECTD OR. D. Sirney, W. Walters, J. W. Eve.nian, Chas. Nieliardson, Henry LeNeie, Jr., Geo. A. Welt, Jacob W. Stont9 0. Wilson Davis, Monte Stern. Than. B. Martin. 1.-EORGE W. DAY, Provident. FRANCIS N. DUCK, Vine Pres% WILLIAMS I. BLANOHARD, Seeretary. (All if tf 'TIDE AWAKES, ATTENTION ! ORGANIZE AND CLOgE UP THE RANKS! "N YOUNG MEN, SAY YOU WILL! Tho undersigned will furn , sh the OR IGINA L II A RT FORD UNII. ORAL consisting of FULL FIRST CLASS GLAZED CA_ A t' PITRIN'S celebrated PA TENT TORult and WILI AWAKe. EAGLE, at lower rate than any other manufacturer. A ddre , s, J MSS S. CHALKER, Commandant Hartford Wide Awakes, anl/1 HARTFORD, Conn. MMISSION HOUSES 'o6l‘llWr*Oiiiiti - hi rE - tai II Ati , No. - 212 ORESTNUT STREET, ' PRMADELPRIA. For sale by the Pe r okiie: 01,0T138 FANCY 'COATMiS, BBA,VSM?; SRM9RIN' t 3; PELTS , aso. MILLVILLE, MASS:, ORISKANY, : Frielt BURG, ROYALBTON, AND 01111111. MAXIM OP FANCY CAB4I.IVIERES, HARRIS' MANGY UNION OASSIMERES, SA , TINETTS, LININGS, VESTING/I, BILE. BIAS, ago EAGLE LADIES' CLOTHS, 'VELVETS, .to au , s-2m • RIDGWAY, ILBUSSNER, & 00., IMPORTERS OF • DOESKINS, AND CASSIMERES. Sole agent* for .AE ROKENSa Y L .f iWe no ) k e • t.) G W VOR O &S NN MIDT (S & M Cloths.) F. G FIK RAMAN k SON, (OM Medals. ) ZaffiBONA,RROS.,(Fanoy Cassimoread N. TOESINIES & CO., and other manufacturers o the greatest celebrity. 206 OHEbTNUT STREET. ara-lnt WELLING,4:IOFFIN & Co 116 ORESTITT STREET, Offer, 14 the paokage, the following deaoription o AMERICAN GOODS. OP STANDARD WARNS AND HO ORNAT PARI=TY ORESNE MANUFACTURING co.T.PRINTS ; BLEACHED AND BROWN MEETINGS, SHIRTINGS AND DRILLS; OSNABUROS, DENIMS, AND STRIPES; CORSET JEANS, SILESIAB, AND NAN KEENS; CANTON FLANNELS AND PRINTED LININGS; RHODE ISLAND LINSEYS; PHILADELPHIA LIMY'S AND OHEOKS; KENTUCKY JEANS AND OOTTONADES ; NEGRO CLOTHS AND KERSEY'S ; ALL-WOOL AND UNION CLOTHS ; BLACK AND FANCY OABSIMERpB ; BLACK AND MIXED DOESKINS; SATINETS AND UNION OASSIBLES.ES; TWEEDS, CASIDIARETTES, do., La. •nl.3m WASHINGTON MILIS, FORMERLY BAY STATE SHAWLS of all sixes', in treat variet Embalmed and Printed TABLE COVERS. UNION BEAVERS and BROAD CLOTHS. B LILMORAL SKIRTS. DOESKINS, and Double and Twisted COATINOS. 64 SACKINGS and heavy ZEPHYR CLOTHS: Twilled and Plain FLANNELS and OI'RA FLAN NELS. Printed FELT CARRETINOIL For sale by • FROTHINGHAIIE & WELLS, 34 South FRONT Street, and 1.04-11 30 LETITIA Street. SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, Ifo. 119 OREBTNIUT 00X11188ION MEROWTS POR THE BALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. .we.. MILLINERY GOODS. EL FALL, 1860. RIBBONS. BONNETS. AND MILLINERY GOODS EXCLUSIVELY. 1 We have Dolton - head, and daily TOCCIViDg, a large and handsome assortment of RIBBONS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, BONNET MATERIALS. STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, IdDRIES' AND INFANTS' EATS, SHAKERS, /:0., FRENCH AND AMERICAN FL&WERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, AND EVERY OTHER ARTICLE, IN THE MILLINERY LIN. To wide% the attention of the trade is dtreoted. ROSENHEIM, BROOKS, ft 00., aul3-2m 431 MARKET Street, North aide. eft TO THE SOUTHERN AND WEST ERNTRADE. Mr.. AL A. KING. No 27 South Second Street. corner of Blnok Homo Alinr. has opened rnent of FALL AND WI TSB. FANCY a fail annort BONNETS, of the latest style, , to wh oh she invites their attention. ao2o ISt • MEPICINAL. pf LOP. MORRIS' .EUCEPIIALOS. -1- There are 100,000 Abilferers from DIBEASF.9 of the NERVOUS • Th TEM, in the city of Fillladellflua, who can be cured by wing PRuirES•OR MORRIS' :RUC E P HtA 1,0 El. Which la an original and WONDERFUL REMEDY. Compousded from the Invite formula of Professor Morris ,Id. D.. of this city. It sots directly noon the tgervoil BY A BSOR PTION through the pores, and it_ needs but the trial of • 81110 L LIOTTLE to tat Its marvellous virtues. Sufferers rem E. COITEPIENT OF TEE BBAIN, I PI iIIIVOUB HEADACHE, 0 REHM.. DEBILLTY. rir VRALGIA.._ IttlEU MAT IBM. CHRONIC NERVOUSNESS, Re., Will find the desired relief el its EXTERNAL USE, as directed in the Circular. TRY IT ! TRYIT TRY IT ! TR 1 -0 I TRY IT t TR IT! TRY IT! #Y ii r I TRY IT ! TRY IT ! TRY , i i TRY IT , . TRY IT! :"1 :1 44 fil TRY IT ! T T R RY Y I T I . TRY T T ! TRY IT ! , TRY IT I If you are eshatuded by over-much study, If you suffer from sleepless sisirs. If _you are a violin to neuralgia, if you are prostrated by emissive grief. T If you owe stimulatim M I inim. T iti WI It Y TR IT! Y Y TR IT! T RI IT I T TAY IT! 4 As it will remove those miserable sensations which In dime s morbid disposition towards Intemperance. TRY IT., if you are suffering from Nervous Debilityin au y of its forms, and you will find it a soothing and INVIGORATING APPLICATION to your nerves, and worth many time* its oast, in the relic r afforded. Nu morons testimonials from the Most remeatable sous me can bikseen. by applying at the °Moe of thepro priet ors. FOITpr. mitred Stre by MOOKRIDGE R CO.l No, 8I North RTE et. Igik ^ And for Bale by Druggists generally. .117-If AsrvA For the INISTANT REUEF and PEE mine MANENT CURE of thiattlatreadrus oom vista& Imo FENDT'S BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Made by O. B. EVEYIBOUR & CO.. 107 NASSAU Street. New York. Frioe •1 per box; cent free by post myl-em if] FOR BALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS'. - PROM PROFESSOR BOOTS.—" In my -a: opinion the R • RTEI,L JAR combines more ad vantages than any others for Preserving. Point wholly of glass, cleanly, strong. and durable, clowns air-tight, and opening and shutting with facility. JAMES C. BOOTH." FROM DR. ATLEE. " I hays tiled the Haden till rams Jar in my farniy , forthe preservation of Fruit, and in dompanng it with others previously employ et for the purpose, I martial' it highly preferable, and particularly op to metal Jars or Jars with metal tops. It is pe, featly air tight, and tree ram all possibility of taint, as is the case with note!. It is secured with more ease, rapidity, and certainty than by cement or solder, and opened readily. while the fruit is kept in the moat admirable manner. Having tested the well, I consider that it meets all the indi cations that can be desired. " WASHINGTON L. Artie, " No. 1400 Aron Street." Manufacturers under the Patent, HARTELL & LETCHWORTH. au4.lmif No. t 3 North FIFTH direst. AWNINGS ! AWNINGS ! ! F.t.Aosi FLAGS !! JOSEPH It FOSTER, AWNING MAKER. 443 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia, Hag on hand FLAGS of all mats, or made to order. a short notice. tohtloal parties. Chiba, or eao t aihe veolels, would do well to osU botota_porohealeg else w h eaor e Wason-oovers. .15- if trn• DISSOLUTION.—The Partnership here tofore existing between_t li e undersigned, under the firm °CRY:UN KVERETI r is hereby dresolved, by mutual consent, ti. L,,Retin retiring. The uueiness wilt be settled by H. EVERETT. who has purchased the interest of the retiring partner, and will continue it on his individual ',cermet. C . V.IHtt L. REEK. Philadelphia, August Ie,MORORAOE EuV REfT6 T 1 1010E10 RICO SUGAR.-250 hhds me- Astgrai sn tthi l lgA r 11. byglfis RUMMER RESORT/. E PE11141(4 : 7. -IIaUKUW. : ,_ MC C= Thus Ponlir watering-Ogee will be ke 'L H "; Marisa theses...on pf spot asseastro as#.roti* a. sots in., Poisons oestrous of speredi tip toe rs ro f o the season where they have the eftantsge 'of mire water, yore roonetam air. tat- an elevaften of twelve hundred feat) free from foss, damp nights, end mias mas. usually roping from messiah streams id gorge , of nonn.a na and low looalitois. will here Sod swear s . .ra fort and amusement to be met with atthe best-reltukaMa watering, loses. Por further particulars an d elreMara, please call on Joe. B. Myers, corner Third and Vies 141reets'_ and James H. Earle & No. 816 Charlene Street, Phi &dolphin, or on JOHEFFI 808101d&CHER Ephrata Poet OMee.lesnoseter comity. Pc &echo QIIN HOTEL, BETHLEHEM, PA.' This fine old mansion founded hefore Reeolu tlon. and intmattly Qom:mote. with some o ; the Hi m interesting features of oar nabratal digt,?, is now of Fh l e & rigar is a =nrsttr in th l e ir t:st nu m m s be nn r e_, f s g ;l . x . st ;-' tams ,s wantlns to make It the pleasant and c0m.0,..- hie some of visitors *onus their sojourn in this de hilbtrulydaed town. The air is ealobrotue.the b moon i :11.4%21Tror e aLL ° 4 ' ..gggiikelg i t fnlA ° 4l:lll47 by ant other seelmer resort m the Upton. ' anS-Im' J. lAlakltT, •.yrtetor . MANSIO'I °HOUSE, MOUNT CARBON, SCHUYLKiI4 CQUNTY. PA. accommodated with good" moment reduced 911 11 k o. Ilonso. faceted in the gay be tween ohm, and trand mound ain& immediate l y the line of the Ph ladelphia and •Kee 4ll fllf within half a mile of Pottsville. f=r i l! p l i ta ie r Jo seph Head, of the old Mansion un, muse hui demise. been under the charge et ii, dauvhter. The Bonze le prepared, at all seasons of the year, for the reception of .s eats. and ken been recently put in order. The lame garden. and nark adjoiniag. nnteellte great inducements aa a summer resort. to potions wish ing to mp end short time away from the dart and tut moil or the onion, where they nay breathe Drub moun tain air. and enior the wild and basil:dal lio•nery the coal region. Commutation passenger tickets. new the nee of fami lies. are sold at a reduction of twenty bye per cent.. and an accommodation train will leave Pottairilledativ daring the Jammer months, to enable thaw who may desire it to spend the bushing portion of the day an the city and return the same evening. on which the oharbee will be thirty-three per gent below the anti _nits'. For terms. apply to MARY HEAD, MazudonHonse, mount Carbon, Schuylkill Co.. Pa. MANSION HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. ISAAC TRAMR, (late of Serf House,) Proprietor. This House has been very much ealar-id and im proved. Rea now a lames •nber of Family Rooms. not sersassed by any hots,' ct o la city. It is lighted throughout with gas. New end flue walk. save been laid to the afghan, which will be lighted at night. from the Hotel to the water. by splendid idiot mg Lampe. 4ttaohed to the brume (bat gaming" from the main Imams) is a large HMI for Hops and Parties, with a first-alum lea Cream and Confectionery attached. Ov er the Hall there are forty Mee pins rooms for single minim men. There Is also aplay- ground for children, well shaded and enclosed , with mars. &o. The Wanner department will be ander my own es espial supervision, and I trust that my reputation is imMotently stablished to satisfy all that my table will be unsarpass.d. , 1 Terms w il l be *l2 per week. Transient Boarders 82 per day. Carriages attaoi ettto WIWI' wilt take Painters to tuid e kto the Ocean f ree °Cohan, litgarotiaritt AMEIIIOAN HOTEL, ALLENTOWN, PA.—Tide well-known end popular hotel bee, dioritube 'ni L stae o, bee t KATYIdIeLAROED AND IMPROVED. end is now in ealutolly and convenience second to none in the interior pi Fennsylvania. 'rho beautiful and Peoltnful situation of Allentown 'render' it A de lighiful summer resort, in view of which Tilt' ar ra:momenta have ban made by the f r onPrin to tow' commutate simmer bowlers. 1. • tilso NAIL. leke snit reY. 'REWORD SPRINGS.—This will-known and delightful Bummer Resort will be opened for the ysoeption or Vuitton on th• MEET ; OF JURE, and keg even till the under °etcher. The Hotel will be the management of Mr. A. G. ALLEN, whose expenenos. man oonrtsous ners, and attention to his guests , give the amplest assuranoe of comfort and kind treatment .1 Parties wishing rooms, or any information in repaid to the place, will add reseth e eubeenber, JI4O. P. NEED, Beer and Treasurer, mrllo-Im Bedford Mineral Rennes Oa COTTAGE RETREAT. Beautifully and conveniently located at AT LAN TIC CITY, , N. 3. Boarders accommodated on reasonable terms. lellO-3m M. MoCLEES. Proprietor STAR • ROTEL, • NZAALT orrperts TEE D... 80'0M, ATLANTIC CI rr, N. J. ' BAMUBL 'ADAM% FROBBIETOB. DINNBA .FIOTY mum Aim, ariiifitia TO mat s/Jr Boarder' accommodated on the nu term. MANSION HOUSIe. MAUCH CHUNK, CARBON CO., p&.—This i• the meet comforta ble and extensive hotel to Northern Pennsylvania, and the propnetor flatters himself that thus tar he has Imo cieetted in keeping it in a manner that cannot fail to ea, tiefc r all his *nests. • - i T e Roomeare newly and eletantlr [!inhaled, and the able always (mamma the very beet ,the markers alford. The hotel is located on the tanks o f the Lehigh directly opposite the railroad depol, and at the hose 01 ov i e Mauch Chunk Mountain . A mah . ified trim the rear o the house to th e top orals meataia, r o d which point, pomp eignt hundred feet above the eh, the moat iiilunto scene imaitinable a area , i The Howie is abandsna supph with;the beet and purest Mountain fien_ne water.' P Hot and Cold limMt can be taken at ell times. )eel-3m OBORGa ROPPES. Proprietor. AMERICAN HOTEL, MAUCH MUNK, PA.—Tine HOTEL, is now kept in a manner af fording every eonvort to stransers and travellers. Arrangement. have been made Due Seagen to 11000M modste SUMMER BOARDERS. The Most eablime mountain aoenery and ntralintloymente are here af forded. Id CRAB], WILE sLM. 0 0. W. WILHELM. .1.15-teel Proprietors. rrILIE SEA -SHORE—ATLANTIO CITY. •A• McKIBBIN'S U. 8. Ho PEL. The undersig ¢ ed. proem* or of the above-named house, being now remora( to moms° guests, re spectfulls solicits a share of the pnblioron age. Since Nat summer Mere has been a d d ed to dila hotel a four storied wing, 111) feet in length. con taming (betide the bed-rooms,) a suite of three Parlors, for ladies. and Iwo (or gentlemen ; also, a reception room, wash-room. and spsounta, bar-room. Bowling Saloons. Billiard Rooms, and hot and cdld Balt-water Bath Bootee have been constructed for the aocouropo dation of viMtors. and the whole house be lighted with res. The blouse has been newly pal tad and fur nished. while the shaded grenade mirro ding it hare beenhise Order. A ed clearers Yacht, en exceUeat Butd ofM a ma : re been_en gaged for elson exissin. CARLISLE The favorite newt for those who v=rAnnd,irorarYni wRITE 811ILPILUIL the. !„..., ye e if iniit n atid SPRINGS, i t ooma,"Sko-mat l , • . ... , Cumberlantr 00., - ra, Tith i.. Accentmodatioarfor 300. -For eartioulare viand for Choi ewes Low-lar. OWEN, , CLENDENIN. le VIBBOITKIL Jetstm 'Carlisle Bonne. rm. COLUMBIA HOUSE OAPS 'ISLAND- C. 71 Mar, New Jensey.—Thm large, Ron-elms ROT KL will be opened. for the reeeptioa of guests. en the geth June, MI The Rouse has been completely repaired and refurnished. A new cooking range, ovens. steam boiler,, and every modern improvement added. Exterpive stabling attaehed to the premise. AU letters addressed to the subeeribeil. Cape Wand. New Jamey, will be promptly attended to. LAIR nd & WOOLMAN. James 11. Lai rdlate proprietor Franklin Rouse,y_hi la delphia ;S. B. Woolman, formerly proprietor Alount Vernon Rotel. Cape Island. dim EAGLE HOTEL, BETHLEHEM, PA. This lar4e and old-establiebed Houma, known u the " LEHR; VALLEY SUMMER RETREAT." is pow open or the season. The sooonimodations of this House will be found unsurpassed. The ride here, by tan North Pennsylvania Reilinme. u e of the lien- Maui in our State. CALEB YOHE, Proprietor. jai Dm AMERIOAN HOUSE, CAPE PLAND— Mrs. M. REYNOLDS, Proprietor. -This favorite hotel will open for the reception of visitors on MON DAY. June Nth. It has been fitted up in the beet etyle, and every attention will be paid to the comfort of ite anent'. - lele-dtSept • SEA BATHING. NATIONAL WA L, CAl' ISLAND" CAPE mAr. N. J. • This fine, larim,and airy house uNOW OPEN for viattom. It is dmtiognothed for comfort. , and oupenor accommodations, with &nolo Mom for IN per sons. Tenon moderate. iett-tm AARON OARRETSO4, Proprietor. REMOVALS. REMO VAL. EVERETT, RICKS, & CALDWELL, CLOTH HOUSE. gave removed to ns MARKET STREET. Buren ere invited to examine our zunek. eull-2m REMOVAL—The undersigned have re moved their Office and Salesroom from the Foun dry .at NoRLE-STRr S -1 WHARF, the N. E.oorner of 13ECOND and RACE Sirnets, where dealers trill find a large oollaction of STOVES of the m at approved patterns. Tinned, Enamellei, and slain Hollow-ware, coinprising an assort rent second to none in the coun try. All orders left at the office, or by mail, will receive prompt attention. LEIBR AN DT & fiIcDOWR Fhiladelphia Stove Works, and Hollow-14ra Foundries. RETAIL DRY GOODS. FA L GOODS ARE NOW 'OOIII,IIINC OPENING. Fall style Detainee. Fall Mlle Cashmeres. Pall style Chintz.a. Fall Book of Fiannets. EYRF: k LANDALL. FOURTH and ARCH Streets. au2o-martheiftt p HILADELPHIA. PAPER-HANGING MANUFACTURERS, (FALL TRADE.) HOWELL & BOURKE, Having removed to their new Store. CORNER FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, Are now prepared to offer to the Trade a large and elegant assortment of WALL PAPERS. 130Ras.R8, FIRE SCREENS. WINDOW CURTAIN GOODS, AU of the newest and best designs. from the tor. W ound artiole to the finest GOLD AND VELVET DECORATIONS. Southern and Western merchants will do well to visit the establishment of HOWELL .4 BOURKE, N. E. CORNER FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS. aulB-2m FHILADEbPRIA. JCTLY IST. 1860. NEW FIRMS AND CHANGES. MERCHANTS IN WANT OF BLANK BOOKS (tan be impelled from a very superior assortment made from Linen stook, or made to order. WARRANTED AT LOW PRICES. WM. P. MURPHY k SON'S NEW STORE. Stationers, Lithographers, and Letter-Frees Printers SIGN OP NEE LEDGER. No. 339 GRASTNUT Strait. sw-tf VIGHTII NATIONAL RXHIBITION - 141 AT CINCINNATI. 01110, SEPT.I2III-10th. THE UNITED STATES AGRICULTURAL SO CIETY Will hold its Eighth Annual Agricultural and Industrial Fxhibition on the grounds linerally provided by the citizens of Cincinnati. which ars to be fi'ted up in the best style. '1 here will be Italie arid Tents for the display of lmplemerta. Machinery, Tools. Domesbd - hlanmactares. Farm rind Garden Pl•iduce. Fruits Flowers, and Native Wines. With stalls a d pens for Horses, Cattle. Sheep. and Swine. and An uLequalled mile in length and forty feet n width , for the ex hibition of Horses. The premiums ( tiered in cash, gold, silver. and bronze medals. diplcinan, and certificates arrio3nt to T aenty Thousand Dnilate, Thn w'llremnin oven ram WEDNESDAY, the 19th, to Tri ttBD AY . . the gt ti of SEIATEMBER, thus urn* time to examine en... test the implements and machinery. For premium lists tr• informat on apply at the office of the Society. No. 3 56 PE g ANIA Avenue, tip stairs.) or to the subsoriber. it Cincinnati. Ohio. PEN YES I, POORg . Secretary U.O. Agricultural hociety. and zw-tsel2 RIOS.— 200 Tierces Prime Ratailin AAP M.chatheon Awe, eet. for ate by JAMES EIRAMAA warm m 4 1 111.. 1 F:h. I.: .14, _ ABM -11- B & --§- firpry-n.rprw.:---- • Wk.PissEPAY VVEN rem. AUOlJwr '' VIP R I OR. vete; OP TN I VICKI; To a - nohtd Matineenß s '1"11,RIS. Kir Grand on vittesdies twit, at &sleek edinission- 23 cents ; &eared wets no Dress Orate. 14 1 33 cents Crassest. e 0 cents: On ;ere fne mimed pot- PAL 26 unto ; private Box in Ostler,' ke oolooed Per sons, 38 cents. Doors open at 73 Perfortnanee ammeters sender lot. CONCIERT HALL. • &MEER 7,1,,,G Q,(rEa EXTEAORDINAMEB. LOVE, TIM Wu It LnAtryinwirD ..OROM i• - R AN') POLVPMONI3_I7, EVERY EYI 4 2•IINO TURING THE wart. Dno— • pee at 1X• Overran at $ precisely. f_P_MIAIB.(II4 *I I C PT T O my' GRAND MATIWER en.l he g. a- D rERIMOR. dome 2116. ate alert L'Ec QV RR. auel AgeLt and Reenseee llsaager. , . CONTINENTAL THEATRE) YAR ( Oietet"SE7 r elif i talrs' OPER AVM EP %Pr 1,--"."°UPL-- Comm. int FOURT Th REMO A.2TIAM And that ER MET oToR cf eh* ET" 0114 itiMiltErM Will comma :me a self. of their AWII.7BING ENTERTLINKENTE wEDNE.AD iV EVS III O.AIIMINT 311. • And confirm wend further notiett. A APLENDIU poloonlaimp. zug h t i,, REPLETE with EQ9 LTIMI, ead spar[- tint with the Brilltast Tariteso Zthoinys of tie POUR GRaWI•DANCERa. Admission 21 CoSii Gt. Doom open at 7 ceelook. To wan:acne. at a quarter before • valet*. aalLft pEN NA. ACADEMY OP THE PINS ARTB.-1025 ollisaporr Street. Coortaming a largo aoPeatioa at bunMnat sad Ave, taro, M now open Mtn, from IA. IL tall P. AL Ad minstria eft.; ohildmn ander If Team Melons. hrli-tr WANTED—A large second-hand Fire- Proof. Mdrea• " tiesurity." thin ass. WANTED—By an active Toting Man, who hse had several years axperisaeo la WhOleil&h, Liquor IV ore, a Eituanon le a sushar bar htishment es ~ .aiemaso or cleric. Abhor aloe of The Press. $5 , 000 . tenix tr i4 E . D— n ; th An . actite, Joan the Advertiser in estnbltsl=sale glad tacrauve busmen For partiftasrg, Withrow name. Banry." Gale of The Press. sali-It• di WANTED, IN GERMANTOWN— a MA. modern Dwelling femme of moderate aims, not very distant from railroad oepot. Yen& about 1110 e, Address Box Jac" Pat( mos. spat-;to WANJED-BY AN EX PELT PALMER AND F•TBAW PREBB.r.R. a eituat.oa la a Who /eagle &raw Goode home. Address •• it.," oleo of Me ?rms. • sof/40 WANTED.—Lyoung . man from the oonn • • try desires elevators i s wheloul. or roan Dreg store. He bee been two years ta the besneesa.' The best of Tolerance peen. Addrese, " 0111PUIALlire Uniontown. Pa. sal NVANTED—By a sober, Industrious mu a situation as Wattannan or Patter ni a Wholesale . Store or Factory. Atkin= " Tonrilite• oak* of this *spar. anitt-le WANTID—Two first-class ornamental • • psoasvitas. steady ogod i rot gad good wages. dgglg to J. It CA GLI & goal 4: Sgg env rurstrek maWANTED TO RENT—A good Dwel ling Home, 'nth all madam onainWsnegg-ilog3 Lard nnd sad• mi. Rant IDS to Ina. ataaa " r.O. Box 19:16 ern X* L'XPERIENCED SALRM AN WAIITSD, Ina Wholesale FANCY 000141 AND NOTION HO GOY, one 'who oar, meson°, a mesa; maths and cash trait'. *dames reouleentially), 'nth intim and reference. FANCY 0000 d. Pram Miss. WANTED—By an experienced Sales man. sn . tnstion s trboleirkle Jobbing dry-soods house. Can influence a fair mount of nan short coedit trade. Address " Hamilton," at We oleo. saltl-ls• uuritad A YOUNG LAD Y , w ho six years' experienee ea teacher. desires similarenchlor Veit in or oat of the city. Address Tsecher," caw of The Press. asilo-12t• WANTZD—A &WI/ton, by a man, thirty-seven years of age. of sztontsire szgoli. *nee in business. of goad address. sad esso west to almost SOY xtratioa. MMus' se a stmt. 0 or Woomera. Is !soy .nespeetobly till eras give the moot mummery rotersersoor tO . energy. sod Wetness 011/1101t7 ramodtrons" Wlt r e g nir li be a". 164 addism 6 ` 6 ' . movable IM dm FON SALE AND TO LET. ► -•• RVAT—The new four-story brick Dwelling. No. 1916 VMS Ptrest. having Wes sunir doublie beek•bulldion lad all W soden!ln .""M", S OL AMBIT at No. 146 No WHARVzo. 6621-6: dm PUBLIC BALM OF ORIZABA IRON 1.0.3w0R1C8. BOPIIIA F_ORNACE. virtu" of authority yeatied is as es Tremor tor sertas creditors of Pollard MeCormies ‘ . and in parsamo" of • Mama of the District Court of ABegherty aunty, is the Common wealth of Pennaelvanta. to No. S or Nowerabee 1858. lea will expo.. toirablre ware. at the 1311 R Cll EXC ANGIi, on FOURTH( Bina, in Um city of Pitts burg. on TUirBDAY.BI3P Ilth. 1810, eoaaenataS at 11 o'olook A. IC. the Rolling Mill and Nail Factor.,, situated near New Coal& Lawremera *mar. P• 1111 1 ,- van's, hnown ,;the ORIZABA IRON. molllll.lcm lamina sateen Boiling Formai in Ifoating Pa nama. Bar Rolls. Small Rolls, Nal. Plate,and le Rolla,Bs am se rs. M Nail Mathis's. dos Wraajgbt Ma ehine. and Machinery for manefectsring Nazi and Firs Brick. Also Wo r ks last Formes, known ten{h idiotism( above , which is capable of out ISO Moe of Pig ]non per Week. Also, Several lots of nomad,. adjoining and several Pieces of land adjacent to the •Iroo Wades. containies Coal. Iron Ore, Limestone. and Fire Clay. Tsar. --One-fourth of the purchase mosey to be laid in cash, on the aointrorledrineat of the deed. the W en eto one, two. end three rears front the Lento( sale, with interest from that t me; the defined payments to be secured by bond and mortgage ms tie perms's. ORAIILS.B ICH AP. ißium lg. PhIPIPOCX. KitAD / wbs. K. AMICK. 14)0 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE, in the tsaidly-twerooins Borough of Daman* town. fronting on streets SO feet wide. running to allays 20 feet wide; rd feet front by 11:10 feet deep. coataanisw to toy KELIITO lest. Minimum *nee. $1 foot front if earl a • Bonbon is suede. Address. rOA SALE—THE STOCK, FIXTURKS, LEASE. and 00013-WILL. era large DAEPBT EST 413118EMF.NT. Locik rk:n OVE OF TEE BERT BIIBLNIIBB STKEETB IN THIS CITY. • The stock is one of the beet seleetpd is the market. The whole will be disposed of on favorable Perm to elms a partnership. For particulars, apply at No. 47 iNinth PellitTH street. Call av ?r, LET—The eligible large new Store, No. 11l south FOURTH Fittest, near CHEST NUT. replete with model's conveniences ?leo. the upper stories of one miljoinittr. Terms releasable In quire EARLARL h 8 ir P I NYe MARKET Street In or of NA INN. No aloe et. anWeswfit• la OAPIT.ALISTS.-FOR BALT,- iMThe Machinery. Stock end - "Waren of • tam Idanufactury ,of PAPER ItANGIACIAL mime every convenience for carrying on ea enemies beer- TIMM A desirable irivestateet 00 'organs •MairS7 6" bailor h nA. t geni bu r j etTAi &if:4*ga°' or vritierat v & Jan.mtfir BART. NONTObitair. k CO. gmFOR SALE—On accommodating terms, the srosE and DWELLINS, No. 211 A Street. Apply to WAL R. ALLEN, No. eu. A Street. eall-32. di TV RENT—Two spacious, Weii- JOSLlisbted, well-veattlated Roomc near the Ex shads e. sated for FIL tang °Mass, or for msaafsatanuf purposes. as th ere l is am le steam Rower sitsattod. - areas" X. Y , box 13117. Post Oatos. ITO BUILDEES.—A large lot, having three fronts. suitable for immediate introstainsi, situated on TWEi'l Ti KTB West, below CATkULRINE. Will be sold. on accommodating tams to arm vim. will )mplovl. For terms * am, address "K. Moe of this Paw. .130-t[ I'AOTORY LOT FOR SALE. —A large lot, haring Om fronts, admtratl7 sitiatiki Lk, Southwestern pan of the city. will be reined or sow on reasonable terms. For pertioalars, apply at thus office. irnif MISSOURI LAND II 300,0011 Ames for Baia, at mime ringing tom lilt to 60 unlit' er Aare. many almond's mom& TAXES , lid. and PATENTS Frantz .d for Farnha m no of Land under the Graduation Act. Hats funnebed grata by egokeiag • portage atm" For further informat on metric) Wft.ooN. RAwLtlachs it. CO.. U. E. and General land Agents, Bo CIkEETNI.O 8 B. tureen THIRD end FOUl tr tk„ 81. LOl.llB, O. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. irS-3m FOR SALE—The Stock and Fixtures of a Wholesale Boot and thoe Nous, noing • good business. This is a good opportunity ca gy e wishing to go into the business, or a hosesting to inoreaato their trade. gstiefuno.! reasons maga for selling oat. Address "Hot 2140, Ptuladeplua Poet vrdoe, with name. .10141 rrio NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS - -A. For aile a large lot in the t3ontherestsni matt of oi the ty. well adapted for a Nursery. Tanks tier. For "articular@ address " K." at tide es. riff-ti A WIDOW LAD. AND TWO Mgr: drtn wish boarding in a onvats; famil7. Plasm address, stating terms sad location, F. F., The Prus office. sun 1t• BOARDING.—A gentleman and wife t oo t to seou , e boarding in a genteel erivate family. where the comforts of a home wi l he Bemired. Address " Taunton." office of this paper. angeaLe A PHYSICIAN DEsIRES a small fam il y A to take his house, plesssntly located in the north western part of the c.ty.. and hoard himself and wife. /rent to go towards board. Address " this office. it A FEW YOUNG GENTLEMEN OAN .rx. no accommodated with rood b girding in a re spectable.gunst family. Addreea Wilson," °floe of tins paper. IRIV A TE BOARDlNG.—Gentlemen and their famihes, or single gentlemen. can be accom modated with Board, with pleasant and handsome rooms, furnished or unfurnished, at 616 LOCUST St, south side of Washington square. The location, been opposite to one of the handsomest parks in the ohs, is central, and extremely pleasant. Trannent persons visiting the city can be accommodated by the day or week. Terms moderate. A basement front room. with private entrance. for rent, suitable for an office. tell-ti /WO YOUNG GENTLEMEN OAN BE 31 . sooommoduted with good, airy apartments. (with or without board ,Lin snvats family. Location. out trot. Addles" " TOLBERT." through Blood's Du patch. sots SAVING FUNDS. AMERICAN SAVING VllND.—Com _p any's Southeast owner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. Open daily from B I o'clock, and on MONDAY lall Bin the evening. Thu Old Institution has &WM paid In WI, on &mem& without nonoe. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT- Al run paidWA, on TR demAnd;trignld and st rer. IMITP S. ALEX. ffIiILLDLIS. President. - BASIL. WOHIL, Vies President. John 0. Parr, • T. B. Narver. George Nugent John AnllllBo la, Bunt. T. Bodine, Roberts: 4nfit. Ao . pitman , ; j 10411134° wmen H . 8. WeLBON,Vi Eldridge. r JOHN C. SIMs. Serretan• null -1m QPRII,G GARDEN &AMINO FUND, Office, 931 North THIRD Skeet, between Vine and Callowtud. Incorporated by the Legislature April Nth, 1831. Open rot Deposits and Payments. daily, from gto 25f, °Woos. Also. on MONDAY and 'EBURdDAI NVE• IN GB, Dome to 8 o'clock. Interest Seer oent. per annum. reyositors east with draw their Moneys by Cheeks, if desired. SPOODU De posits received, JAMES B. PRINOLR. President, Faucets Hake. Neoretarr. oulle-tf Il A ZIIMEA ! AZ UMEA ! AZUMEA ! AMEBA! AZUBLEA AZUNEA! AZIIII:611.1 PROF. MORAIEI' AMEBA BAUM; rowDßi. Manaraotured sole'y PIC. 69 North FOUVEI Street. vat for Bale 1••• Alklll =II WANT'S. Ringwilt'■ HOARDING.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers