TitaliliOntitentlisbiAtegat Are thin. alludesi to by the Larreod ROO t 'r I'S ro f igerh*Nsialtif4, silibei4tnit' trim' tlis renew &ewers.. Thetti,jo ir e i tintoti , kood of rain. however. Thownle kW; rleptiiiill 6 . 11 , be a t' leods,Wezprairis I tord;thirdeculeits 4llo e. more! ' l #6,o4ootteJe,fileglec' flalto l4 4 vestek - forithei4A.T. have done. more. Potatoes are _ leff unicirPtindltiitslitadlyleeettat thillatat a - erott, , Early potatoes are good, but urepek •;lic ftt.dtAnt,, ' foie hiatsa4 gene. A r li g th."; Ter.; .• n 6 ; , ' aid year leis of being e feet igh, WM_ - hardly ,olgitt,ll29liiiiehleh:: , tarp tints. la implore Tire s6lnerselOPti , .)c liaraffi Mina speaks the nrsotinetil4.thed be c: Dantelltillei, of Sodiei•iertewnehiPi: kettiTagethereer AfirldU dozen of shinikreelrencen'aere of spring wheat, mitioh,:2NA.W.4lalkidierdinint, allitneed, Produced thirty"Zreeffgrairl“ Tobias Woosaer. of StenyO " shlpi - seinid;:three.tind,e; quarter' bustler etnn - three - sfetes,and leaped .250 dozena.,44iinat. :Akio tandem, digitise will riakelt dathel.Tiltintars.. Teetiviall t 'Schell, of, nib liero4lik - iiiiitheid"' &nit' the ptilduit Of e r little Aver,.. threw, acres:: of - grow* %eighty-fear' bushels - 1;34i italf:or fine rye.P , i; ; .- The'ytgfdiit'Whha l'arle Sento - lee:Mira of Eli ;Aantota,,that . owners of :threshing madames ate ollharteAttbreah outittprOdin4 ott gentrified! for the egieee , over thirty bushels:pin sari Thee nsnrl 'retK - Amie , ; - to.nth„ „They, ire osioulating bn a yield er,k 7t ,thirtv.tb t o l i hnsholnpeteere. ; The bailor of theTreofrit Farpzer save r During, the dit'll haVelinisr:thin44".a largo pait'of Mile; MirgaitillueinarY, Mailing, urn, Lickin4, arornesheeten ennetliN rind, every where the farmers were rejelaing,ne the pruspeet of their gaol crops: . ~!- W ilest,yres ail entendirt stacks or In barns, while 'lind all were yet busy gathering the oat endltiiy haiirest."'Vtilseae,better thanfar the last4yoyeara,,thoughlherillrall ereoe4o4tOtieeXeeoni lostfoll that Moro amorally is, en sidedontofforinerfaiberoo Of the arm Wee. had discou raged thefarinprs,oo.-renohi'snd' stitne,;' - sowed* any, Oahi *ere 111119111riletta;hothin grate, welgb,_,Y - Ane - yield,:and bid, fair to reach:the bid price coati per liushol f itlrhieh pAse they are an roprofitable eren, lir , ' tenet; lgEonid•pree for fintlandln yisatnte. - l at, The - ceet4 'Oeru c tKeolliise anything Of ; thi hint we ever hid, both enratiehilieen k in-thevalleysz , olltattratife limestone 'hills and hottomerather surpasses that en the Slusklmun and Meting bottunt.'. the stalk being ICria:k s'itrot 1 1 4 4 . 111112.156 care othdriilirojeetinit freiCltielit on every ,!MS: The finest_ f - ;:hoYezeen'ltiototi theliens! bpi-, tem ah - MlfgendiSihirid,ttuenniey tom . • The , hity-erep is -troirimmense;,wo gathered in, ard:Wifill aertainithe tat Belt of their o w n . ors ifluty.stoeiciitu t ifer for feokt,iriqsr, 'What' tvilitrieome of the : Great Eastern f Thai at6l7foi.,/ferfilfii thus answers! this Aursz Lion : ~, .„ „,,,, I , . „, , 1 ,„ 7 , ~ ,7 . ~..,„,., , , _ ~, Thu liteatZgrattern 'left' 'Ala 'Cheapish") ;:tin Satunlay -iiorning, after her:Bouthern trip,. and. arrival: iteraratt elx. : o'clock yesterday after no on: She piatedt3bongt Branch , at eltiveWO'altieli lit' the morning,' Iher aonateri,alp; although' Me' Sae been doltig*ltitadthine business here in the epap.:- ttondatiLitAL'itilkshardly pay Intereit'en lier 04- tel steelt, , nsothlthjeet. of eildbition •;andloweue is to bib' Wilde to.pay rd , -her legitiaintWArade is a prohlembeLeoutes and.goes now onherplessure °° "' l 4l. t tri** Vt!leult,eXelting Any ;extrpordi, nary le reak' ;R,00,, gaze . at;her vast .propor.. tione Nialie,stectee up_ and dims al •bayossa , so boys ibratheweat elephant in some• Menagerie p roassitittrit,iradingi..the _streets ; - Int_ there lei :ii dee perin tenth - felt as toiler future by the thinking portioß f *:ttin nommunity,And especially by ship-. ownemero merchant/. c:Whist is to become of her when -her ethibition season -is over, And "she to turng to, Builand? ...That is the 'question. ' . ..`-- - E"N51191 10 1 M.P. is n Aemaud for:ships in this oolintlZ,lns_4llPts .owing to Aim abundant harvest whichzharOslese4l...she, land:, Suppose that the GreeOltatites - were tn take bowie a fall, ettrgd^ 'et breads kAlte' 7 oVerynd., or,of,beVon,;the bans. of such Slaattspciiiiaa ; apply ,oCiithar t , all st-Mme, we uIX deprese.the markeEconibrerably...oi; sup -.- -poso oho o Skit; to come out to this port laden .with l dry gOl, and AO& our, market with some nine teen tfi ed . ' teas „thenulf, - what, a - tumble. date n there * du7:,ailtioynmarttebts initial tack)? 2 Or should." thietintsrmy of ten thonsandemigrants a t ciPtfdelf; ep rlio4P;'What would we de. with ti; Act'lhey :vienidhave. to Camp. out in the etreeta r W,Crif OA' Battery;-.for the emigrant depot would ri'deheld a quarter of them. SheakkiAttrestettithetolvade• between this etattove: try and B rii.firkd-in,any line, itwould work ,a me totial. ehsprOn_citr_sbupping trade and in every l o e branegef, Inyserni . •.,by4, istestuuch, as she would not p d" neeXin'thli'thryte., ,wslitaidly thttla, that ek : 4 irift.,irrkere.trakinate talitotruti-, I ning Iltd•ZTellltierhiiii.ijuid th..tortlandert were sadlyseseroised because She did not moire hit first viii - Wi. 9117(5ritliiit7:111st - SAO liithe name of DI , Athift 'and Coital -; Mather' ;Irtaild Atha do there' by F inj.sittrips tor- Thiropi. If herpeA, sengetimk4-vare , :fillo,she , would take wirsy the whole population of that enterprising eity, , lsAting" int etrahri :10 ';diiheitedas Pomp ey, sad:lA e.Va. monthCatticliionlddenude , the , ,entire-Sims o f Maineef;olidesprodnets and manufastablit: , , ,- We etta'tntybitieth afraid that the emit &astern., like thhaqieNs)lrdad;,yrill hive to go into bank," runteyz4hincoatioriginally..foar ; millions and e half oP*llarsii sail she stendathe : present owners 'somoatheip ,ita tbeitt two Millieus and' ibalf ; but aTI it is rikeli , 'Artie ill 'Viet she willgo into the handsprifrihdAholdere 'of . prefeirred- etask; - Which' am o ruifiFfSlitiff ii'ril RH on r and - thin to *sett OfAho ownerkshckwilkbelike anelephantinAgendemai6 countizegarderi„t4bey hare - bought an elephant apieet thpy,qpnfihnoW,'Whist,to do:lath Wei where 'At it. 4 ../Zeripttleithntt uin Alter or a Va. littiere.to betnedtra present of berth- - morrent-lecwould 4 •bellethtohe , nlnt*elventOttli: It is a pityltfititfit ie.: „".;,-, -- ' ' • - the Druaea. ThelMstegrorlemplee ;Of the Mune, Are .oPOti:. for theft relikiows knostbige Wary "Thisnalsyn; evi nine, abOtittati Thor littersubset;:At 'thir, ebte; mencillente43o,thiNnight's:buslness,:"Akhelte,and Dishiriairestribie, togrether.. when the. news .of the day null tho prlepe of,crops are , dtteuseed. aAV this po ehhptisr g4tiftka, the. Moslem Bonn. is road;_truTii'dlibjeotiors is snide even to strangers. being.prscpaat,,,llxis, however, le not's tenercl rule, o,,nny ntoons t enAlt,itently Eeropeantwhom the DOtslec.pettlaularly wish • to. honor ..'that -they would4Orniseeenstlins to-llie wore, of liter worship. -When the evening le -e little (k+MTh(r;etljieed;Falt)AJshiterdre obffitid witluironEM;KLihanowlkbecomes liher , a.,lfffeert4. son's tege, closely WO, or Out, with i n OW:4, guar,WeerthedoOfprirent 'rill Janie* At• these .r,siotiti g e wierat save the Initiated are ever - Press istrend :they often :stretch far; into the night. - so muoh.Aus Ant I have-sometimes seen the Alkali goingir44le t trorri their heWlils long after nridnighi, Somerpnr,s, frben veriimportatrt matters:, hare ;to be dieftdeA , !Fa etelktukteleetion takes pimps tn the howl iret l tdr , therefoungersttkkidir being obliged to witli I,lthinladts---',theireine dela crime, of those Ali Miliaria Of at' sect—reteeirradone to , delteerato - and Aotermine ulon fff pf theix"fellow•ieliglor, i 4 '. ,AVA 040044 ssi oJa'ordsidie*sel dectrinecef: their =MU ..liAL.Stta keOlea.• te , the eeleeefew , Singular. twthlyi:to form - otnerehAtionding at alt quitlJl,'near our ideas et Prajdnintrstsksra• it be preciiSiA,bY the Muses.. -In the Urger town. of Syrisietherwill bftengo. to the Moslem mOrtriet, met* cud to 6241 theins el Vert Ailloireis of the pro, sowns iadtr , fliiiisarillyleeptans'--itay, they do not sown toNrith to Impose— on-any one , by tide tempo'. , rary adhenelige - tqA*tr tomlnant rel4lon;;10t; 1 +. orthrft6 afinid.tho FultarVe conscription; they, bowie boon Itierfool make' thrtign'of the mtinii.proteq themselves 'ChristranS, a'nd' 'etieti 'ask - foir r nity,, so no raceivw—the rite 'or-baptism ;.--ind"tbey itoknossledge. hat t . sursordleg to, their_ creed,* is wfuklibrOtseetor ftine,whatever zany be the_ reedeet the =stow/seabed). asnong , whom,they live. AltfieliVer, they hold concealment and secrecy the gle - iftest - virfuerr,wltleh sr-'iniin - oniipristtieiii, and seruWifet, ter - iiiA§TO Abet '4' Oriole only becomes such ort ont:- 2 ,l9nie a Weil-. Cus.N~urtEw o? A anise On.--"In hen apeei.h at Coxiottird • thi,fattitidiayakfr. Deigiej 'stated Ili attacbniatt the State s on the pips!: M 144111,0 to th4l4llll:iti;tiati • , si_i_tcli_foifinwe, , nen, live together 'new ail we did thenfn..t.lApondslof pe . eel. and fraternity?: Infra quostitti pato:home ,10,tninthe,Nortblest trith , moreloMiethadither do to jou svetw Gelato the plaitutlefallinoisl and • there you will Ind! the Yanitili'+y, with a Southern irife;theYakketi rtiri 'with :Southern _husband. When their oh on have grewli up, aed 'have - gone to visit thsgraves of their'. f. t ithart,or their:gtotbors or- amperes of t hoirliticeetortythey have bad to "gotoNtreale SA, well motoNewilatopebire tolsee there-both. "Raab child jiltirlilSouttiorn ancestor *Awe!! as oue, aulflio - tlen't like to kave,etullsobellped on the heat of the parontAM , the grandiazetit.- Then; c9too_to talk ,to, ea about a disso/u, ton~f who y0u....!N0! raver.' We tradeanstthwurdn&well as northward.: We flattish the water, that ilowei.slbwtilhett fdleshisippi at, well as thriiitbithafiloirs 'through the; lakes. of the • Fit. LawrenetuK;We , .intend 'tet - fidiesrrthat water wherever.itdortalintilli“tainglet into the broad ocean. 101,144itheej We hare social oommer cid religoptswith the gouth and East alike. We have the tie of - -country ad& of blood. that binds them legother. WEen . you tell ns that this 'Eaten is to X-2d.ii.ittiviti. - tive sa y , !Never the reit son titiVweileierintend s to, travel into- " a foreign cou4se*tidablein a'faisiport and - lame . wised by asessaii.in ardor toiled the tombs of our: la therirlictbie,pc once oPoor ebildhood.‘ Ilene. th ere is ncityilairtilrfliiii' frontier that 'do:Pt:love' this glerionalliten,and becaose.we do-love the Triton our reettpda,nnyof to - alisamtcone rpcirtime of, the „ Theseetriking remarktyririelt Sri will not weaken by till ifien. 'detteliti to meandered In memos , tiou frierthiffdertlfittrhal r eolittehtlaptilation' in' this country is rapidly moving in swortbweeterly infinetuto Innis pothm, will sums alverupperilm?rrkgs-PC ible / Mliatiestpri Vullef." - Tifat sectioirof' the' 'errantry *MIA ilg e to impress its We've on the Government, and to seenru the adoption ter' any manure' -which the public sent.mont btitsbttirerfe SEMI demand. The old rivalry between Now England and Virginia, the enthipont t kirling *Organ .tittineobtontte and South Te'redins - , will drithdio into pigmy propor tions beside th e . .,great PuitlePtiol, and, eedkaelelld j e ter e sti G r the region heteeenithe Rooky Mountains and thergrestiltikes, when that region, so rieh' Sri remieltittsPiesidlopable of-supporting seek Mitititial of.inhliftrits;hhall.bolally poop**. Whe atirptionlation MY chiefly &thug thi - Austi. , tit coot, the linksmaight,bave,tuteu brains Me', 'out the universal ekios in the business relations of the eountrllkAttrirnohtnttsrnd mob a octaitrophe now.,Ther paistan u purolkitiei whieh gave es the', moultfliftAns-skt/P.P4 ,- andAbe..fertile_. region' wattled-At, tisl mesterm tributaries, mid the emu ,..eaMail"lttlieletlitojaning market to the' tortiorestern:,;.empoiegered she rapid settlementef thweertiitry ( ,, ,wire Waste whose far-ressibierpolithitd^reetilts adiktk e tteaceehee Ye I>e felt. The- regitifAteart'of ther eoWnimt will he the cl4l,4oatof,political isidueses ; Paltliti.quesh tient willdaditeeldstk,Witk refinWee. 10 - the later. est gEwhatwewowdt,ell.,,the 'West andifeom ite c l laud to*lopiatira#Asis)l44l,oll, we'kuovelNit the great'set God' cstratfailin eheralt tisillhelon•-i- Nstfeyogi lIMI=Mill . •Tw Offeitteo tdiristiotsyntof the DietriS :its la ittarisororyittittonstiteAt Isslsst,,says the yellow toyer Trwit4,taesethers with. jpsult f lettskt: seta, attsettleitetSt " 4 6 , Siti'forelgsitilikt -nstly .4 se: The new o ct, „.Iridhger,,Eobszte,'Wts,i* G atec misty de k tii - sa,resd Titoose,44l _..'homer - " ititOed thereAWoos o , rzfumit,s7L-smil , - - !" I ,oiisV" ---- 1 3 : 040 fififf 1 3 3- o: l stlittrOititair boo , riithWinte ttontirlite• entAo Mitt an ttesnztrthtr., ttetWai ,11 013 iiiibinzalearly. Skint be d Ist Litherl k." worth-printing at Madrid, an !Os lonia. . .4diNto;uosaiii GEDTPX 4 APII I , 4 IO*EL ,LIK ong Maids* in gonth America' rfates,thet tf go. 1 soin, e..donger - that the supplier of thetsfairniend Sang, - .Peruvian •barki• and tbi. still puirisheifiht !MOW, of quinine obtabled from' tt may.lioikii, elimuited. - „The cinchona, the tree Self itark,•growi ate great height on t sliipsofellhe Andefrin Various Mollifies from' viietdAlir'gralnula. thalatter country' it di foiled' on the, °entre! . branch, of the COrdillora,. 'find the ttroheit.uptiegeshave bitherto been BMus' iirt•Plisiyi end Timaganitta,',tiro gewgranedian Alpine diitiloti. 'But the arialAfildy exhaviited; and both in this oouatry and England another And poorer kind, ktaisniAs Almaguer bilk, ifhieh-"a : oft Arai totally. unsalable,l is Allow used toL-e very gresit extent. - The pride of the best froPoltdiana in the Landon 'market hia gone 'isp; within* very , few yeavi;;frinfleBd per pound to flced and Be, while alaAlinagurri for itionir time robbed by the newaral.filidg ifilfditypurebas,ed it is 4d. A single tree 'yields,front ten .to . forty, arrobas, and it is cal ciliated' that-it willotake at lead Ally year* for the elm:iota of, the old, destroyed trier to • attain a mid dling else. - The irupplies froth. Bolivia, however, continue to ,maintairr tint highest' rank,:both in re. Ord to quentity . andAnsilty..• , , Sena Mrroaria. = The Washington Slates Union, , says ;," ,reply. to • some , inquiries' a touching paregraphin the Richmond Browner, stating thatfdr John Mitchel was going to 'ranee, fumes received' phi:dee flout Abe Emperor Vs poleanote., we stated some days ago, on recent Ind:lunation received from a mutual friend, that 44. Mitchel Was sleeking 'repose and retirement on the coast of I,Orrg:lrdand. Sloe, then, we have received aletter from John Mitchel himself, written' on, board the, good:gip Identity, yrhile ,nearing Sandy Book: 'wino on his way to France ac companied by Mrs. Mitchel and four of their children: , 'Se has not received any appointment from. Maioltion,-.' He gawk ithrosul „simply as an American ellisen'ciny his own, personal and private iffairkand will, be absent some months, probably Ai wee the ease last year, some of the journals In 'lreland will have the benefit of his observations •As a Writer •on Irish affairs and European movements as affecting Ireland, and the opus, tewhieh be has devoted his life, Mr Mitohol hie tie equal ; and it must be a source of great satisfaetion to the more intelligent of his country- Men lathe United States, that he has made itrimigemente to let them hear froth him."' -NkwAr. Tirrmicurrnin.—Thi , steam frigate Suegnehanna, the new flag-chip of'the,Mediterra, neantequadron; was put formally In commission on, Friday afternoon at the Brooktyn,navy yard.' A crew l of over three hundred'sitilors end a frigate's guard of marines went on loird from, the North Carolina at onco'olook, and, all the officers having appeared in uniform, the ftag'was hoisted shortly ,after; The Susquehanna bas been thoroughly over hauled and repaired mime her hat service. Her rate is that of a firstolans steamer, the same aa the Mississippi, Powhatan, and, Saimaa; her tonnage is 2,450, and her battery omelets, of sixteen guns. he Will bear the broad' deg of Commodore - Bell. commander-in-chief of the Beet, and will sail ID a treek.or two. The Navy Department has ordered the Iramedi. 'te °halt of the sailing corvette Saratoga, now at -Philadelphia the will be ready ter naive Service in a few weeks.. • P4 r vionely tethirdeparture, from Norfolk, of the ate corvette': Brooklyn, th e master'S • mates of that skeet Were discharged and replaced by mid.' , A similar Change will take place in all mural vessels having master's mates on board. Sinai ift LOUISIANA AND AZ/JUN.4,—Thu New Priming and Mobile pipers continue to give amounts of . the recent hurrioane in that notion of ,the oonntri. "At the Southwest Pass sixteen lives werci lost „In in attempt to MIN the river. On Saturday night,' about twelve o'clock, says the Mobile Tribune, one half of the male population of the city were teen all along the streeti; where their services were wanted in saving the property Of this merchants whose stores were /Briefed along the river; though much damage was done to tho geode in handling them. - The water .continued to rise lentil it flooded all of - the streets east of Water street. It wee a frightful night to those who re. side In the middle part and outskirts of the city, PartiCtilirli. those ,Vrho were' living in old and rieltett*:;.tedemeufs. ;In msay places'-the wind fairly bowled through the areas and crevices, and tbii rain'entered in places that were never thought ;if:before. , 'ln many, planes ehimnejs were blown down, rods were torn off, , and hundreds of trees irere i nprootedin various parts of the eitv. The loses of many citizens were very great,' probably iniolying not leas thin $1041,000. - . Ltsonma m Eisraravvrtaar, Intagots.— A man amed Columbus 'Nutterfieid, confined In the jail of Shelbyville, Illinois, was taken from thence on the 14th inst.- and hung. Nnttertield was under Irked for stealing horses from Wm. Mlddleeworth. ottfibelby county, and by his confession some time previous to hie confinement In , the jail, , he impli oats T. W. Baeon,of Princetown, but Bacon went 40, to 'Shelbyville, and swore him - clear; The deceased .belosretl to •Bureau county. It is not ktwaim who hung him. The following paper was heind npow the-body, ; placed laid. the Waistband, and evidently Written In a disguised hand " A Wood to. the' Wise' espey to the gore() 'thieies. We. the :Vignettes ,Committy of Shelby Co file. do here by dealers to *weld troblin our Courts with any more horse thieves. Many Citi. Nnw WA= To Paxeravit Flea.—A genius in hester has taken out a patent for preserving' i t fish i 'foe.' He exhibited at a public house there, 'toe S birdie, a oaks, Of "solid, transparent lee, con tain g - thrie amble feet,in the centre of . which Werei twenty or more file speckled trout. - The ,deb !amid, be .distinctly seen, nad attracted the attention of all'wkiiniumed by.• The chamber to receive the Mils ,made in the blValsof, lee by a ehenileelprieni, and 'the '<Wilke Is sealed in •a like 'manner, Milk thus ptit'ep: ein,be kent for weeki in simmer add pent to the .troplos, if required. Aftst the Soh are. eneloied the lee -is , laid - into a box d peeked in ,saw - dust, and ban than be car ried y any.emtveyetete,..,- ~ ' , F tallier Si*nr.—/s. tragical affair happen ed ift the millage. of Freetown,. between Algiers lid (Gretna, en the right .bsnk of the river, last ihmday night- e n appeatithat a young girl having Matted. an abierly - . num, sorts's parties rewired toilette theareokersvari, and, armed with tin pane, ,bell and all sorts of noliy instrinnents, proceeded ,to t tieing:44°mph. Hai* where the wedding pa was *Wattled. Heath ' beanie incensed at ,wba be considered an insilt.to his bowie, &lid, alined, with A double-barreled sliot-gun, he came to his gate, and : fired into the crowd, wounding Nu! ieltsent o , .-.N r . 0.: Courier, Bth. ~.r - ,Alt, -b illltineTnall BEM OP THE HERO or 'ere Afeidon.—We were shown yesterday the hat worn by General Jackson on the occasion of his inatigurationes President of the United States for d$ .seoond . term: The - hat is in an excellent state of presentation, and though In its style fern ttly , reminding us-of Its distinguished wearer, it lojd hardly pass ' for fashionable. It le 'white, • , broad-brimmed, and has a wide orepe on it The tip bears the imprint of the maker, ".Orlando Tisk, 137. , Broadway, New York ; manufsetnred - espetially for his Bralleney Aug.en. Andrew Jack son.i. -,-,Neslevillio Romer, u 10. ~ . ik imrrap. froni Ciensfnegos, dated August 1, says , : • .$ Anemints from the interior are eery male 'factory; and kind- nature is supplying us with plenty. - Theebipmeht, of sugar and molasses con tinues entre to the States and to Europe, but in two tteelfie "tieatation' will take' place until the pew strop, sets in„whieh is at present very promfa ix*. Polities' affairs are quiet, and with "the Cabins much indifference pervades the town, and bearing particularly _towards all nations..except ',Fiance, with whose repreeentatives the dignitaries Of thislsisad ar e in inseparable friendship." , • . , „,.. ~_. , , . ,§se. WAND COTTOI conea.—The Charles fon4lfiricirrhitereeelved' the folloning note: ""It is frely dietreesing to as* the condition of our long 4:rotten mow' Mott Of our Sea Island planters coanted cotton this year, induced to do m thh igh prices obtained lest - year for that deco Iption,Of cotton, and I'think there is nothing lo to ve. them item e very short, yield. The plant. le moat -owe, is diseased . from bottom to top; I 'haw. not Seen the island crop, but I am informed Ihnt? on 'all the' islands (where the planters plant 'iriostly tine) it is mush worse than it is on the main horlering those islands.": -' y , ~. M . -, RISING AND MOLISIG, STDDEXTs.—A eon sue f the graduating slam of Harvard College has bee mid., with the following reigns : - Whole .number,..lo6 ; smoke, 80 ; -do not, 48 ; , drink. 78 ; do MA,..28 ;Adak-wet do -160 C smoke, '2O .;. smoke 'iodide not drink, 2; both drink ,and smoke, 58; neither drink nor smoke, 27. Thominin are reck oned smart smokers - who have made it a habit during the whole or a part of 'their college coarse, anal no &novenae has been made in favor of Mom wh aregt present laboring under a 'temporary flt - of a stinence. OLD.—At the • Into Statietleal Congress, held in England, the delegates from Australia sub- - reitted a detailed,secount of the 'yield of gold In that province from 1851 to 1859. The mini Is nut down at. £101,378,828; or over Ave hundred mil litma of dollars: : The American gold regiene have yielded sines 1848 as much a., if not more than that sum, so that in „round numbers it may be ended ' that. in twelve • years the 'addition to the world',4 stook Of gold extieds,ooe' thousand linst lions of dollars,. : , PAID Finn DEPAFTMXNT 01 NASIMILLIE.— Henceforth the 'city. of Nashville, Tenn., llke all the'enterprising anise of the ;Union;. is to have her Ira eitinguiehed bylbe Steer of sin no, under the mattegentetit of, a paid ..fire department. The de partment is to emceet orbs engines, two of which ;ate now in setWitie: . The chief engineer is to re.' noire $l,OOO per annum, and company . engineers sTop each, VIII' , pipemen . $6OO, rad ell other mem bers/400n year. - - , Tim streets of Paris will soon be lighted'in s manner that must make the night /appear even bithter than_the day— The ntuabors of each boom Mt the plates Indicating the several ,streets are to -be Nominated by as 'many gtot- burners ,: the Blim' me of which, by means of reflective mirrors. 'will i f be tripled. The expenses of thde de:sling light, paid by the proprietors, will 'amount annually to on dollar-and a- balfzi hods'. ' . • h 'will' be remembere4;that, seine mOntbe ago, much -exoitement arose in Ciniinnati on ao• sot nt of the kindnippingota friMblsolt man, W. 'goner. He was about to be sold because he could not prove that he had not &foams time been agave ; a process of, law stayed the sale, and now, after Muth delay, the court has returned bi2n to free doM. • , ineentiou is a elger-making mu thineemitieh can be regulated to make any size or daps of °lgen, at the rate of fifteen per minute, _making them all eo as to draw freely, and using no binding in wrapping. 'Cigars made by the ma 'chine cost, fek menerseturing,-$1.02 per thcrasand, while - thoreof,' the tare, quality, made' by, hand, eat from $7 to $8 per thousaid for'Maklng. • ' • Tim MonireaOrom 1789 to 1799, contain lag invalnable • matetiala for the Wet* of, the Ilteneh Rev e lation, le being republished Paris "" Thetis are not two bikdred persons in 'Prance " expos the intlilliker, o l rth,o poetess a serf:Oho orighial , Afiiniteur, while there ire inure thah 20,000wb0 hale ardently; but vainly, debited to wee/sone." 4Z A Mae. B ohn Rioivn, mays` the Poitenicinth B. Chropie/c, during a thunder, storm was bY lightning, while on her knee! at prayer.' Rh. bad Just made• the remark that if the Lord wished to take them she knew of nothing better to keitelpgthan to be at prayer. ' t • • • - =twit Ciennus.—Ohlte 'hag not made the in. oreaait time ern expected Of her, adding only 800,000 to kir.popnlation,,,or , not, two-fifths, se much as -Petalryieenti'his Reiter peOple' Pow 'AO ;there than formerly, and not a fettle - ere her for, the far away West. , • , . is organ has. been , construc t e d ;at Vienna ‘rthe the Sulu= Artiteb ' is• the great wonder of the ;Any., It tr05t14,0009.,, and, is a complete orchestra of fity M 11111014119, equal to the um In power and. Itinpreesion. , .."Thereivi great rush to gee it. • , • Tat Great - Eitatera;mben she anti& at NW' rord Haven, will be dra wn , upon a enroll," which le now beingiprepired for lei, as her bet te,Plol*.';-: .r ;•• rr ;i ;•, _ ;',- ,tat IT ie wwpwrotgrt, 0 8 odiveriutpoitint tdirOrsigireeldentifeltnesia, 1 , 4 bee. nits i me i,by., th e (Nor.. Tito decree Ointiveli' Thiel of ttlier l iiitilotions heretofore hi= 4,10 upon foreign merchants, and places them aponeg! sailtvelth native meroheets. - , Roreign 'Ware also now permitted to acquire movable or immovable property(-b*' Purolialie,: Will, ( Or done. ' This lawr , waother atepirt thet path:Ofilltep rat reform Whioh Russia Some time ago oommenoed to follow--will 4. 9 . 11 14 1 9 6 .$ have a wholesome lain erme npon.her :trade, and will be„rewogehted with elders/01QU, by itis whole coma:genial world. Tan following anecdote.% related by Beau my; from personal -observation,: "A queen bee and some of her attendants were apparently drowned in a brook, He took them, gut of the meter, and found that neither the queen bee nor .attendants were ' Waite dead. Reuel:our. exposed them to a gentle heat; by which they were revived. The plebeian bees recovered fine. The moment they saw signs of animation in their queen they approached. her, and bestowed upon her all the carobs their power, licking andmibbing her; and when the, queen had acquired sufficient power to move they hummedaloud, as if in triumph." A' HEART-BROKEN ELETIXANT. —A corres pondent of the Now York Clipper, writin&from California, gives an account of an elephant who died of a broken heart. In crossing n stream, in consequence of high water, she was separated from her male companion, who was carried down stream. She seemed' to' lay the matter to heart very much at the time, manifesting her grief In - the wildest manner. Soon after she began to fail, and died. On opening her, she was found petfootly sound ex cept her heart. This was broken, caused, doubt less, by grief in losing her mate. - TO Tribune says : (C A private letter from Wisconsin, by one who has made extensive obsor• .vations and inquiries, assures 'us that the new wheat of that State threshes oat even better then the estimates, and that the orop • of, that State will riot fall one kernel short of thirteen millions of bushels. We believe the largest'orop' ever before harvested in the State was not halt so groat as that of 1860, whioh is now, nearly seemed in excellent °Andition." A WEALTHY person of Florence just de ceased; has left a eingular.will. It declares that the; greater part of his fortune shall go to the man with the largest hump on his book in all Tusoany, and the persona. entrusted with the duty of selecting him shall be themselves twelve ,humpbsoks ! To recompense the latter for their trouble, he directs that; in addition to travelling expenses, each shall be presented - with a gold medal bearing the effigy of /Seep, their prototype. THREE hundred thousand acres of land 'on Hawaii, Sandwich Islands, being ono twelfth of the whole area of the kingdom, were sold recently for $.3.100 The tract contains ' half a dozen good sized volannoes, tour Or ive large sheep farms, and an immense quantity of pulp fn, the rough. The purchaser has been dubbed since the auction sale, the Duke of Kabobs, which is the name of the land in question. AN Imperial French decree limits the price of French, Havana, or Manila cigars to ten cents eaoh. No higher price can be charged by tobacco nists. The price of the small Havana•olgars tt Danias" is fixed at two cents each. What a com fort :it must be .to live under a GOvernment 'that won't allow the lovers ,of the weed to be imposed upon! • Firm of Rio de Janeiro papers to July 21 have come to hand. There is no news of any Ira potteries. The ceremony of taking the oath of fealty, &c., by the imperial princess, Donna Isa bel, second daughter of the Emperor. was to take place in the Senate Chamber oa the 29th• ult , her birthday. A VEOI3 has long existed between certain members of the Presbyterian church at Jersey City, and at the session of last Thursday evening it broke out into open war, two of the membership being arrested at the instance of the pastor, who charged than with riotous and disorderly conduct. . Tan remains of a Roman theatre, and a temple dedicated to Apollo, have just been disco vered near Pierrefonds, near Compeigne, under the detritus of the forest These ruins belong to the best period of Roman art. The bas-reliefs are said to be admirably executed. -, TUE Washington correspondent of the New York Thum advances the theory that the sup posed incendiary fires lately occurring in ,Texas are the result of the long•prevailing drought, which causes spontaneous combustion. ONE of the policemen of Memphis, Tenn., has been attested on the charge of robbing a man whom be bad taken to the station-house on the charge of drunkenness. A watch, valued at $l3O, was the article etolea. , TIN latest accounts from Pernambuco re present yellow fever to have been raging there. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. QUARTER BESSIONS—Judge Ludlow.— Notwithstanding the oppressiveatmosphere yester day, the court-room wee crow ded with will:mime and ?there interested in the fate of a dock full of prisoners:. The court is still engaged with the "prison cases," and from present appearances these oases will oocnpy the balance of the week. Annie Sutton pleaded.guilly to a charge of steal i_Pg• $ 6 4, , the property of her former employer. sentenced to /even - months in the County prison. " John Hem pleaded guilty to &charge of carrying concealed deadly weapons, a pair of formidable looking brass knuckles. The same defendant was acqtatted of a charge of highway robbery. lien tenesd to;sixty days imprisonment. Crocket Loper was charged tvith riot. Loperbelongs to crowd that is •in the habit of attack ing *Hirano visiting Fairmount Park. From the evidence in this case it appears that Loper, with three companions, made an unprovoked attack upon a gentleman, and when passers-by endeavored to interfere they were driven away, with the threat thatif they did, not be 'careful they would receive the Same punishment. The jury convicted him of 'assultand. battery. Sentenced to thirty days. Mary and Winnie Burke were acquitted of a charge of larceny. - . John King was convicted of a charge of larceny .andisentenoedlo Ave months. John Kuhn was acquitted of a charge of obtain ink one day'e lodging on credit by means of false representation.: The evidence wee that the repre sentations were made after entering the hotel as boarder. Sophia fdeCromin and Alice Barnes were con vleted of a charge Of larceny, Alice of stealing pil low oases from the Continental Hotel, and Sophia of stealing silver-plated spoons and cutlery' from !the St Lawrence Hotel. Sophia was sentenced to Six months and Alice to seven months. , . Angust Halau,was convicted of a charge of steal ing six silver spbons. Sentenced to fifteen months in the county prison. ' , limes Lee was convicted of a charge of stealing 'a coat and a pair of boots. Sentenced on two bills to six months in the county prison. , Henry Walker was convicted of a charge of as -Sault and battery upon Ms wife. Sentenced to thirty days' imprisonment. Leah Miller and Mary Sims, colored, were con victed of a charge of assault and battery. Each sentenced to six months in the county prison. .Henry Smoker and Henry Oehler were put on trial charged with riot and assault and battery. On the 12th of July last, a party styling them selves the "Swans" gave a pie.tic at Strawberry Mansion. Everything passed off quietly until about twelve o'clock, when Eugene McCarty, the leader of the "Prairie Hens," (who is now undergoing a sentence of fifteen months the Eastern Peniten tiary,) got into an altercation with one of the ek;" curaionists. In this fight it was testified that Oeh ler took part, using a bean pole, and crying "go in Prairie Hens." After this difficulty had. been settled, MoOarty and Oehler left the ground, and at six o'clock in the evening. just as the party were getting ready to leave, McCarty came up to the, Mansion leading on a gang of over fifty young mon, 'all of them armed, some with slung shots add other. with clubs, sticks, stones, go. Oehler and Smoker were in the crowd. The p arty who rallied tinder the cry of " Prairie Hens made an indiscriminate attack upon the excursionietsi males and females, old and young. After endeavoring to drive Them away, the Swans fled to their coaches, but these in' turn were attacked and forced into the road, and , the women and children were brought into the pity by means of the passenger railway Cominuiye The defence was thattlui Swans had made the .first at tack. The jury renders a verdict of guilty, Judge Ludlow in passing sentence read the mused, who are young men, a severe lecture . /lobed; be said, beeninformed that both were engaged at some employment, and that one was the support of a mother. Under ordinary otreumstanoes this plea would avail, but the community 'Fames:vied pro tection from these brawler's. Each was then 'sen tenced to seven months in the county prison. John Fullerton, who pleaded guilty to a charge of assault and battery, was sentenced to sixty days in the county prison. • UNITED STATES DISTRICT Cotiiix—Judge .oad'welader.—The Auglist term of this Court com menced yesterday. Nothing was done except ap pointing James Rittenhouse foreman of Ilia Grand Jury , . The petit jurors were discharged until this morning. - yfiILADEURTA BOARD,OF, wtrei IT E Ni TATIO.I4. T. ROTHINGABI. Co wow m Monti. R BERT 8. REED. TTER BAS At the Mereha L nt E s' Exchange, G Phladelphia. Ship Westmoreland. Deman Liverpool, noon Ship Tonawanda: Jnlins.-- .-- ----Liverpool, coon Bark Kanawha, Lynch.. Cienfuegos soon Berk Thoirfiallett. Dill. —..Laruarra. soon Berk Chits E Lex. Almeida—.......Port au Prince, coon Brig Ells Reed, dot Jago de Cues, soon Brig T B Martin. Carver —...Cionfouros, soon Brig Adeline, soon SAILING OW THE OCEAN STEADIERS. FROM TER UNITED STATEN, ellini tilAvli 308 • Delo Europe-- —..New York-tiverp001....... Aug 22 Edinburgh— .New Yerk..l.everweel.--..........Aug 25 Ad nat10...... New York-Havre..• •.......... ..... Aug 25 Paran5........-..• ..Boaton-Oalway—... • •.—..Aug 28 Parma— .. New York-Liverg00t..........-Aug 99 mem ..."... NOW York-Liverpool-................ Aug 30 New York.— New Vork-Bremen.,—••••—• Kept Olatgow.. • .......New York..Livaroool —.Soot 1 Hammonla —New York.-Hemtwrg......-• . • •Se et I A nib' .) ..-...,...., • -Ora ton..frive rp001... .... ...Sept 5 C of Baltimona.4riew,York...Llverool— • ...• • •Haar 8 Vsederbilt..—.New tork...flavre—.. —...ftpt 8 Africa.-- -• . :•Nolv ork...Llverpool ....Sept 12 Jure.....,...........„Ra1w 0rk..14verp001............... Beat 14 PROM EUROPE. • Ism LIA.VE - 108 84e New York., -Southampton -New Y0rk..........-.Ang T 8 Norra t qarroan.,l.4vourool-Quebeo.--. —..Aug 2 Nova tian . - ...biverpool-Qtrebeo-............-. -Aug 11 C of flit timore...l4verpool-New Y0rk.........,..Aug /5 Aretaa-‘-. .....Liverpool-Roaton . .-- Aug 26 'Vanderbilt—. , Havre ._ New York-- —Aug 16 Afr105........,.«........1.dverp001-New Y0rk................Ana 18 Jura -..-..--. Liverpool.- New York A ni 21 1 , 811013.4 .. • ..aoutharnyton- riga York...-. ... -Aug 99 c l a North-Briton: —.Liverpool., nobeo .-....., Ater 23 Canade,.! .........:44Vet0 0 01.- gton- ..............Aug 25 Nohe Mien—. .Lleeenool- uebee.....— --Aug 80 Bremen-.....SonMainnlon... ew Y0rk...... Sept a • The California Maingteamdmiall from Noir Yolk on the , Jet 11th. od Mtn of exeh month, . - The Havanaßaman lame Rey/ York on the 14. NI, ISt .11 t h. and Mtn ore.aah month. INTELLIGENC:R. Pon: gun f i k pin ! rigirAottic si, 1,0111." 1 1 7172 1 7M=Mi:==c1 . , . . 1 . . .. A 1181V - .N.D. • ' ' ' - Bohr Stroh .hiingevWeaver, II den from New Yeah, with mdse todo,Lennis, . ; . :Fr C A Heoluraher , Stubbs, 6 doss from Holton, in WI et, to If ridarferysint :VW. : : ~ • • .i • hr Annie M iiilwarda, Somers, from Hingham, Bohr Therein C, Bml in, from Providence. BbhrWsive. Merrljr, from Providenoe. i Ludy Ellen,' Vernon, from Providence. Bohr Deborah Jones . Totem from Providence. - ,nehr Austin. Pareona,,frovrilymonth, , 'Behr Ino, Emmenlon, Dona rota- : . liehr Gaol, Green, Buin, from Dotson: Bohr N_WOOdfrey:Weeke, from Boston. , . SOhr Wm G Audepriftd, HOWSitt.i.ryDri*Oton. h r Geo Amos, Pileb.6llB, trod 86111416 : s i ehrinits a leithOhaiWo BTYm' ' : , Inn, W. .nlAtektoff i r i. to . , IS. • 6041 14- ~ iff)ht . Alli „le i l ligio r aii , , -. •- . prfolo , ..4tßiggp64 , t i gn 4 ATELATIA,„tEttESpAy,..,AVOUSt 214, ./146(); V A. 4, 1.7. li.;-'1 V 0.. :1 fl 4 ,r,fl • . iot,ign a strip Stem co Oso rtn,Baralthlth, Ales Her .Jr •-- • .. ate hipEnintatijo; inheiCa,Rl elf York, lemes . . < • r— <.• • tesoiiturrtupeset•-81rtgelli Matthews, ,Bolgtoa< it ~.•' Brig Black Suet, Pavia. Clardenlis, flenWlßOrtedc4' & Br • • Bohr o J.Ttiomai..Graveneh Oaorgetowil,loreet & Brig Orison Adorns., Vorß, ,POrtIIMA, N ltturtevant & aohg Austin, Parsons, Plymouth. • , Bohr, Oreen,Vreiweer. Boston. ' . ,do • Bohr C-A Heoksoher, Stubbs, Boston, .do re err itt. H i nton; Van Dosed, Norton &Co Fori R w 09dr ro y;Wgooirsi Holston, Nobles Hammett & Caldw - • Bohr Beret'. CoffellObarlealown. do " Bohr Win CPAndenned. Hewett:Boston, • do Bohr lab. Emmereon Provldenee. do Bohr Mahlon Betts, Endioott, Providence, B Mentor & Co. Bohr lady Ellen. Corson,Boston. 0 A Heolcsoher & Co ­ It Chlfillan. Smith. Boston,. Baum, Ogle & Co. Bohr Deborah Jones, Tatem, Roxbury, 1, Audenried & B C oh o' r A M Edwards, SOMeII/, Hftighem, Tyler, BUMS Jaßohr Co. " 'Plieresa.C.Rmith, Olouceater, ' do Bahr A Colhy. Harriman. Bangor B A louder & Co. Bohr Ann Wallace. Salem:captain. Bohr E Chester. timp.k. Providence. If Rotharmel & Co Pohr 1, And °need. Bartlett. Boston, do Rohr Eli Townsend. Williams, E Cambridge, do Bohr Alert. Champion, Boston. do Pchr Gov Johnson, Murray, Drook ‘ l ol .- do Rohr L Ristlne. Duman. New ork, • do Bt'r J B Shriver,..fiennis, Baltimore, A Droves, Jr. (Corrr;spondonon of The Press.; • ' • HAVES DE GRACE. Aug 18. 1103. The Wyollllll2 left Yesterday (Bendel) with 21 boats, and 1126111 this morning with 13, laden and consigned as follows: C & J Corkin, bar iron an f lumber to Normal & W W Sheets; Francis, Jong, Feeler. Daniel Copp. True American. and Yankee reveller. do to do; Melo ; 21no and Florence, do to B 11 511 ton & Co; John A Hoe gehre:ddso to R d Wolverton; & A 8:41: n tin d e d , a to n to T, T d rentri i ii; to M I V r g illo o & t • o Bor r it Ramsey & 'iomlinson. do ro p ila! Ma lone & Taylor; C - R BuOudew,Bulcurhanna, N Plus Ultra, F Ts/enrich. Dauphin, Donets E, and Eureka, coal to Delaware City. Monday morning a tow of 13 ire as follows: J (LA MoConker, oats, hay. lumber, bark, ft.". to order; P,W Chapin, !timber and 'Moils@ to B Boston w Co; Con. ad & Barber, lumber to Norcross & Sheets; Mary & Bolan, do to II °rostra ; Roth,lo to MTrume '& Bone: Mary Elizabeth, do to ' L M Dolby; Rising Bun, AO to malaria & Taylori C L Coder, do to Malone & Taylor: Mary Ann hlnConkey, railroad iron to David Reeves & Bon; Mary,Howman M Seltzer, coal to Delaware City; Jae Cook, lime to Bohemia. (Correseondenoe of The Press) EADIN Aug. 20. The followinx boats from the Union Can to the Bahuglkill Canal to day, bound to Philad e lph i a, laden and nonaligned as follows: A B Shark. ids Iron to .Cabeen & Co; Mary, do to A Jenks & Bon; J A Lemon, bituminous coal to oantaili; Henry'. do to Berfatt. MaManus & Co; Elias Reber. light to captain; Mai J Landis, slain end flour to W H Potts' & CO; Congress . bark YO IJOW7IIIIt & Price; F Swank. grain to Bator & Fetterolf: B A Douglas, do to Perot & BYO; two rafts timber to Bah Nita Co. MEMORANDA. YSS te shipst. Delaware, Cannon. hence, arrived at New k lh in Mollifiable Asia, Lott. from New York for Liverpool, was unseat! 17th inst. by the Etna. at New York. Ship Orpheus. Howes, from New York for San Fran cisco. was spoken 11th inst. lat 2912, long 6940. Slap Winged Racer. Trawls, from N York, at Hong Kons J u dgee—arr 98th May, tor Shaughae Side_, Shaw, Parker, at Whampos 6th Jo u, for New York. Ship Reliance. Bangs, at Manila let June from Hong Kong arr May 15; gets 2800 bales of hemp at $lO par 40 feat. r . Bark Ann Elisabeth, Norgrave, cleared at Havana 14th inst.' for Philadelphia. Bark Caroline Enema. Enema, sailed from Havana 14th inst. for Philadelphia. Brig 11 11 MoOilvery, Clifford, hence, arrived at Fal mouth, Ja, about Mit ult. J Bri ult.g W Trpat, Park, honor, arrived at Kingston, a, 25th Brig Alvarado, Shute, hence, arrived at Belfast 9th instant. Brig C Matthews, Robinson, hence for Soarsport, from Belfast 111th inst. Brig Mary K Milliken, Norden, at Havana 13th inst. from Cardenas. Brig I B Mansfield. Park, cleared at Havana 15th inst. for Boston Bohr Evelyn, York, hence, arrived at Havana 11th inst. Bohr Motive. Rogenhrook. for Philadelphia, called _ fr trhi l lTh an t d elll gr a h h ' a n ntn, Bowen, for Boston, sailed from Alexandria 18th Inst. Bohr Caroline Frances, Sprat, hence, arrived at Alex andria Ipth inst. r . . . Bohr Halo, Newman, henoe, arrived at Newbnrynort Ifth inst. Bohr W C Mershon, Cole, sailed from Havana Sth brut for Cardenas and New vein. Bohn Dorcas Irelaud, Baker, and Trsztait, Davis, hence. arrived at Charleston 16th inst. INSURANCE COMPANIES. SABINE & DUY, INSURANCE AGRI NO. Cid WALNUT 16treet, Insure against lose or image by Fire, on Cotton and Woollen Mille. iinil other his t r iai notone", Building', Merohandisa in F t urre. and o er property, on fem. Fli b tiliffrireußAlTCPCl)"..eqi ITRITENIC": NIWPROPOLITAN C rI h REV.Sra i a I iIIiV ieI It I ea . Cash Capital and * Atirpllisl . 3Bl66B 60. PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON INS. CO., ROV. Cash Capital and Surplus Ri1.788 IA ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE C0., , 0F NE YORK, Cash_Capttal and Surplus illillWl2 OA HOPE FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK, Cash Omitted and Sundt" HMI* fl. CITY FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW RA.VEN, INS.pital andritirplwi i11a1k..901177. GERMANIA FIRE CO., OF NEW YORK, Cash Cardtal and %roles Vila NP 07, HUMBOLDT FIRE. INS. 00. OF NE Fr YORK, Cash lOdpital and Surplus enema 11. Applications inperson or b_y note will receive prompt attention. SABINE & DlJYitionte, Ise dm No. 444 WA LNUTStreet. THE ENTERPRISE INSITRANOE COMPANY OF PH:MAMMA. MULE INSURANCE NEG&X CLU S W IV . ELL R)NfOWNYH AND W A LNU T ETEERTS . 31 •1 P. SATCArnIn STAIIIi. WitaaAm Mitzi l"i ii r e ll !" DLI" . Ss°. . imivaT "I ' MUM) PIitAZIZE, Joan Z., Bitow?, J E CI . V . M T. . 4' i r iv w %o i l: , B. A. FM[lO l 7OOll PRT , D. ,Can, HANEY WHAZUN .a,D. HIIILINGIR. ink kE tEi *. t t lir soo l l it ity. Aga, Areastlnt. -ten AMERICAN nn INSURANCE CO., UN INCORPORATED Ida—CMANTSS PERM N 0.310 WALNUT street above Third, Ph l igflphia. Having a large paid-np ?pipits) Stook and his in vested in sound and avai able deouritiesoion moo to Imre os, Duel li st's, Stores, Furniture, Mere sadist., Yeuels ln Port and their camel, and other Personal Property, All lon- es liberally and promptly adlturted. • • DII3OTOIIII. Thos. R. Marls, - John T, .tAtlra l John Welsh, James R. °MOW% Samuel C. Morton, Edronpal G. Dablh, Patrick Brady.. Israel Morris. ChM. W. Ponltney, ' THOMAS ,R.. MARIE , riesident. ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD. , teoretarr. fewtt ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPA NY UAL. duthorized Capital 400,000—CILARTF.1 FENPBT OMce No. Ml WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Street, Philadelphia. 'Tide Company will insure against lon or damage by Fire. on Badding., Furniture, and Merohendige gene rally. Also, Marine Insurances on Vowels, Cane's and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DLRECTOPIB. Joseph Maseeld, JohnD G R. eoMrge oncton, N. Eckert. ' Wm. F. Deem, m JACOB VARE. Bau BR,Pree . Ldant. WM. F. DEAN, Vies President, W, M, SMITH. Becretan. aph-tathor Jacob Esher, D. Luther L. Levu yearson, Peter Weser. 0 IJAKFIR, CITY INSURANCE COMPA -coo NY—FRANKLIN BUILDINGS., Kb WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL ND BUR- E.:3 , 0519.74010.—1ngures against Loeser smote by re, and Um Paola or th e Bea, Inland Ea tation and octal en. GEORGE 11. HART, President. • E. P. ROSS, Vine President. R. R. COGGSHALL Bee'y and Treanuer. I. B. BUTLER, Assistant Elsoretery. DIRECTO atoms R. Bart, f . oitr'i.r ' int:rains, A. 0. Cotten, E. W. Halley, Andrewit. Chambers. tojiii...°o..tfliller. Samuel Jones, M. D.. inht-tf r ,IFE INSURA.NON AM -TRUST COM. A-OPANY,THE PENN MUTUAL LIIE limy- RANcE COMPANY, Northeast corner of IntlilßD and DOGS Streets. Assets, 5ee1,691 M. myREs LIVES for the whole term f OM-grants ttitonnee and endowinente-perehases li fe interests in Seal Estate, end makes all contraots depending en Ike emirnmeneies of Life. %her sot as Ezeontore, AdstiMetratemo Anicaloge Trots's, ai4 Snap ink_ .. I ' litiallTEY.ll. lintel L. it& moil& Atoka", stings_ , ?nem fderrut, °hard IL bolt/ smeo B. Moßarlana t Slim P. ter, osockg. Trotter • illientig. em, James 'astern,' let U. Been_ Theoph las raildingl harks ilalloweu, Edmund A. tgoader, eau 0. Townsendi Daniel L. mammon, odolentui bat, ahem H. Mrr, V. Dalton, • Ilharn Robertson: • lunar la, Resin, } Jelin W. Hornor. Ellis 11, Archer, rismuel_,T. Christian Joseph M Thomas, John U. drainer, P. a, Monier', Elsa DAME!, L. MI EN, President. SAN LL E. ISTO , Woo Pasts Isle W. Igoitaos.Sesratare. seta DELAWARE MUTUAL BAIrETY IN. "SUR ONCE COTUrANy. INORPOBATED BY THE LEOISLATVRB OP PRNIVSYLVANIA 1330. OFFIOE 5. S. CORNER TRIM!) AND WAIN', Streams, Philedelp_hla. KART INSURANCE ilim VE6OI - 6, cA1t00,..... 116 6U parts "tilts we FREIG"' INLAND INSURANCES o n sway, ny owes', canals, Lam., and Land Norlag• to all parts of the lirticg_ INSURANULO , OnOn Merehandiso generenly. Stores. Dwelluss_Houses, tco. ASSETS OF THE COM,VIIy, November 1.1310. Tar. Narks. Tufts imop, philedelyhia City 6 00 Dent. L0an...81040N 00 100 talo_,_Fenusylvatus State 64, ot. Loan— !3.66600 2* Pannsilvants State 0 Or et. L 066„ amp no X , U.S. Treasury 04 01 cent. Notes and _, Intones; due ---.. ---. NAM id COON U. S. Treasury 6 Web/Votes and inter , oat due - --. 30,616 00 INN Temporary Loan tO the City of Phila delphia r 0,00 00 010,000; Pennsylvania Filroad 2d Mortgage d.Y cent. nibs— -,__ Am ea Immo, N6rOt Penney sante, Railroad Mort- - •14,000 a w Dent Bonds.. . UM 00 WesC e lladelsgssa y66666661' Railway Calmat,' l IP at. coupon bonds 12030 MI 00011,10/ shares 'toot Germantown Owl gt_s Co so m rre a n tra ifiVlVflir ..t.hm_.. ' Itog Oa 011,020;121 Moues reiteariiii - Reirroed Ctorneeny.."...,. lON 10 1160:61.160 shares North Pennsylvania Ite . 7i - r". road Company -.- . VA le Wm, snares Pluladeigdua lot, Bpat and Steam Tug comPany, Philadelphia and . Savannah Steam Navigation Cont ra/. °owl ..13tetterL Nartestios. 1 3 0 TaPally. Valladelphln, and H a _ Try do tirade Steam Tow Bost Compaq, rhllleAlelphia, &shams fostosay —...-..,.. - .—.51,110 N ---- spe eM ortgagn, awl Neal rata., 0r... 4 " 8 " • fte . SON N R lie reire - iir Ineurazwee =We ..- —'l+ll.lllll 0 La onette at Agenmeo-Premiums on 31a rine olienes, Interest, and other (bete duo ._ lt e 1111nY--- N 660.6 and Mot of sundry I - alumnae &Din- ..1111‘ wee----- —,— ....«..-- ........, 14440 O 1 es Defoldt tn Borne ..... COW el 001.1111012 101 67- l e ill oplthuts F 7,111. 0 R. Ponces, tihn es evitrat tlontlre. ll l4, Ilit A IV. Nand, Wl 0 'Ludwig. km II: 444,„ fame G. LOW. t33 ll lMi. 111 WILLIAI _. O. NEWRY ZYLBLIRN OB . am WHEREAS LETTERS OP ADMlNlS tration upon the Estate of JORLY EANELS, deoemiedi have been. granted to' the Babsoriber.' all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make ,payment; add those hams enema against the same to present theta REBECCA RANKlN„Adminlstratrik i , . tt O u r, r tly nt h . e i r t ttorneg 24fl so W u bl th . o. l , l H in th:Y e t toei, IANE WADE, BY HER NEXT FRIEND, ay BENJAMIN PARIS. vs. JOHN WADE. Com. mon Fleas. Dooember /arm. /SM. JOHN w DE, the iboy.e Respondent: Mr—Please ;D al ai ' ' l b: r d.:a 1 4 gra t An c o n u o ini sg erlingL PI" tu5r...... September Ir, _at 10 waloor ft tel ~Wt!-tuthit • „ DIAYLLo for Libousat. DIREOTORIS. A lma7 ; :le n, :. were . Jones Brooks a s anoor Witarai" tromaa C. Hint, oberrtosi. J&oob . J ones, km i lparbLids true re Z i le: river t i 44 r r Mane ~. : AkTl9l 6 . l liosiont. n ; t ,N=D . i Vise fond% LEGAL. RAILROAD LINZ®. *IIIA I I OI4 II II P LITZ° ETt ., NDAR _ W E E Is K ! 1 4 , 1 i 0 NORFOLK and PORTBotoIJE a 6. sus the , Philadelphia. , - W i ntington. and Baltimore. and Delaware Railroads; iiroade, ence by the new steamer Phila delphia to Noryoht !tad ortsmouth, Va. On and after July th, insejlagem from Philadel phia wall take the 8,0 AI . train at the depot. corner Broad street and salongton avenue,. on Tuesdays, Tpirsdaye, and retarders , arriving at yea ford' at 1.30 P. M., and at Norfolk early the next toornmg. The !steamer Philedelphlnerill lease Norfolk on the evenings of Monday. Wednesday. and Friday, conne_oting with *Olin's' at Seaford, whioh arowee a PhiMdelphis at IY. In. - Fare for first-elms passengers, moluding meals on the boat, Irt. Second-class passengets, including meals on the boat, Mo. yrelght taken as dm as by any other route. For further particulars, gee small hand-bills at the hotels, and other ppbiio Plsoss, or ina sire of O. P. DARN Agent, comer Broad at. and Washington ay. H. F. KENNEY, Master of Tiangoortation ./Y47 Im P. W. ls P. f. R. do. WEST 011 SS J. ER 251 AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD' VIA MEDLA, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after Monday. uly 18th 1820 , the Passenger trains will leave' PHILADELPIIIA_, from the Station. corner of Market and Lehman or Thirty.firet streets, West Philadelphia, at 7 . .30 and 1130 A. M 0 and 2.20, ‘45, and 8.83 P. M. - Leave WEST CHESTER, from the Depot, on East Market street, Cl 0.4 e, 8, and 10 90 A. M., and 1.45 and 1415 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. lk l i a g v h a te P ett d a e nN Market f it:egg:l'lll e " Peg' ; P. M. Leave West Cheater, at 710 A. hl,, and SP. M. The last passenger railway ear will leave Front and Market streets 30 minutes, and Eighth and Market streets 25 minutes, before the starting tune from the de pot, and will carry a Sea to denote it. The Baggage Car will leave Eighteenth and Market streets one hour before the departure of the train from the Wed Philadelphia depot. Trains leavir.At 10.50 A. AL and 4.45 P,141., gourmet at Pennelton wit , trains for all points on the Philadelphia and Biltimore'Central Deice and muting room. southeast corner of Eighth and Market streets, where passengers, purchasing tickets for West Chester, will be furnished with& ticket over the passenger railway. HENRY WOOD, 1711-0 General Superintendent. NORTH PFINNSYL VAIHA RA ILROAD. For ETIMERSM, DOYLESWN, EASTON, MA WR CHMY. HAZLETON, ECK L EY, WRITE akirEN, TIMER EBARrWILLIIPORT, &c. THROlgild. TRAINS, On and after 3101 Y DAY, July 2d, 1860, Pasaenger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets. Phi ladelphia, DAILY ,(Sundays a:pentad.) as follrs: At 230 A. M. /Express), for Bethlehem. Manch k. Chunk, Rasleton, Wilkeebarre , Wil anuiport, At 2.30 P. AL (Express), for Bethlehem, Easton, /to. This train reaches Eager' at 6.60 I'. M., and makes close connection with .New Jetties Central for new York. At a P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Ego.' At PA. M: and 4 P. P. for Doylestown. At 1130 A. M. and 6.001'. M. for Fort Washington. he 0.30 A. M. Express Train makes close connection With the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to Wilkeisbarre, and to °II 7OI4 i s t IoIVAZTLIVEPiA, M•a e Bethlehem at 3.63 A. 31„ 9.10 A.'M. and BM P. Leave ylestown at 710 A. M cad 4.13 P. AL Leave t Washington/it CS A. M. and ILI P. M. ON SUNDAYS: Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. M. retadelphia, for Doylestown, at 3 P. M. yiestown for Philedelphia at 6.40 A. M. hlehem for Philadelphia at 3.00 F. M. Fareto Bethlehem—Sl 101 Fare to Mauch Chunk.. 2 60 Fare to Ea5t0n........ 1 Whirs to Doylest 080 Through own,.Tiokets must be pr at the Tieket Of- See sen s at WILLOW rates ee of Strt, fareor BERES Street, in order to ora the above . - • • • AllPaseenger Trains (except Fundlay Trains) connect et Berke street WI th Fifth and Sixth-streets and Second and Third-street Passenger itallroada. inmates after leaving Willow street. JY.S ELLIS CLARK. Agent. 1860. simpipmp 1860. SPRING ARRANGEMENT—NEW s tORK Tiv E, CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PIIILA- D YRIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S INES ROM PRILADELYEDA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACER• Fr.= Walnut-street WharL WBI leave se follows—vin: FARX. Atli A M, via Camden and Amber, C. & A. /imam modation.— 26 At A Pit.tria Camden and Jersey City (N.J.).Ao oommodettion.. - Va t M. via Camden and Jerseita y. Morning At 11Aiii: Viete — anibat7 t 21- niey Citt. Weetern Express.-- 300 AM* P M, via Camden and . Amboy, At 7 P M, via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. Ex press 3 00' At 4 P_M, Steamboat - via . Tationy and Jersey City, Evening Erpreu...,.. .. 1 00 A,t 4 y M, by, Steamboat via Tam Tammy and Jersey CBI, Id Clue 25 At M eM, via Camebn and Jersey 'City, Evening At 11 .P balitail lirliiciii;"Ekiiiihein II Arb a tllli .- WCavaden and tim - boy, AToGilodei, tit) ,(Frsfight and Peesengerj)-Ist Olass Tilet. II 95 id 6. I so 171.4 M Mail Line runs daily. The 11 "1. Seidl:L em Saturdays animated. fro Belvidere. Xaston, Lambertville, Flemington, fso.,et 6 A m and 4 P M, from Walnut-street wharf. and 7.10 A Al from Kensington. For Water Gap..fitrondsburg, Boreinton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Great Bend, &a., at 6 A. M. from Walnut streetA wharf, and 7.10 A. M. from Kensington, via Dela ware Lackawanna. and Western R. R. For Mount Holly, at 6 and 9 A. 31,2 and 431 P. M. or Freehold, at 6 .A M., and 2 P. M. For WAy LINEB. Bristol, Trenton, &0., at 33i and 4 P. M. from Walnut street wharf, 7.10 A. M. and 636 P. Al. from Kensington. For_Paimyra, Riverton, Delano°, Beverly, Burling ton, Florenee, Bordentown, trig, I, and 434 P. M. theamboat Joe Belknap, for Bordentown and interme diate Places, V 34 P. B. Steamboat renton for Tawny. at n A. and Teoony,Bever , Burlington, and Bristol, at 4P. M. Fitti, Pounds of Baggage,ontr, allowed eaoh Paavon gem are prohibited from taking anything no laagage but emanng apparel. All ba gg a g e over rir r tiounds tit 1:16 petd for Company limit pad' e iat. akribb7.7xount er T speaLsloontreat. rorm. R. OATZALER. Agent. PHILADELPHIA AND REA,OING RAILROAD. 1121 9 1 1r i gt lON OINFARBB ! and after ATAIL id; lAde, Commutation Tickets, tweMy-six coupons, •1 be Issued. good for the Iholder and any member of Msdamily,,uut any rassen ger la, and at any time. Mk, will be sold b 1 the edurer, at theca:le or um camsany, No. IST 'south kCURTIS Street, at a remluot of twenty-nye per cont. ont the yeikth4es. r• us vatting to °ploy the (unmet • try will d this a very desirable routs, the So nrlln and Lebanon Valleys bolos among ti l L m a l fgr an trA i . a gr 4 V.l7, B erg o , b IitILADXLPRIAL. Maro4 set 185 P ' MW -es WEST CHESTER TRAINS Ida PENNSYLVA PIM. RAI RlMP li t i va depot, corner ELRYJINTR and MARKET, at Tao A. Pd.,. 1230 P. and 4 P,RI. On Sunday, leave Pluladelphla at A. id., and West Cheater at 4 P. Ml' /760-tf llt uato 4I)I II N L ' AP O D ALI PP____R . L bI aRII4 I. ill; UtT L E i t .n A w RRA r NOnuntitiT,— , On and ' a ,A 41,11, /MO, lir°W. I FOR Baste Philadelphia tit, 7, 80, 10. 1 14 o nd 1.1 A. M., 1, I, Mi , 4_, 8,0, 618. 7, 0. it, 104. Ana P. M. Leave ttennantown tr, 7 7 a, MON t 11./1 A. M., 1,0, I, 6,11. 0, 611, 7,8, 1 4 , 10X :81. 3 on A.Yd, Move 'Philadelphia I.ti n. A. M., 1,11, 6, TX, and UM . 81. an igt ,, ,, i . p il . rantown &ID rain. A. M., 1.10 nut., 4. MIL 011118TMUT RILL MAIkROAD. iiliVlO Philadelphia 5,8, /042 A. 7,7 .9 11 it 5, NC 8, 1, and 103 d P. M. Leave Chestnut Rlll 7.10,740, Afo, 0 . 4011.40 A. M. , LAO, 11.10, ea P , ado, and 1.10 P. M OM SONDAitep ml P• Philadelphia 0.01 A. M.. PO. arid 71‘ 7'. M. ve Chestnut Rill 740 A. 81., MO. 0.10. and 9.10 OP. M. P'OR cazismonockEN AND NORRISTOWN. ' Leave Philadelphia 5.00. 1 1 9.06. HA. min., A. M., LOA 0.80, AA, 0.68.1160, and 1 P.M. Leave Norristown 1, 7, A , 0. 11 A. Td., lA, 83.1. I and 7)1 P. M. _ ON lIIINDAYO, Nem Philadelphia 9 A. M. and 8 and 6 P. Na MAYO lionutoinr A. M . 1 and 6P. M. R MANAYIJNIE. Lefty Philadelph 6.60, 7.N1.06,11.1M A. LW, 6.00, N and 1 P. M. Leave Manaynnk • .30, 3M, and UM A. M.. 8, 400, 8, OM, 8. and Shi OA tIOHIDAY6, 141170 Philadelphia I A; 61,, 8,6, and 8 P 1,. *nave Mansyn.Wl36 A. M., IK , • and P. M. H. K. 8611111, General Superintendent, v/4 PILDITH and GREEN litreets. Matipm B b yl r l .l ll . lEß ARRANGE- PiiU.AML riut io niftlata AND BALM- On an TRAINS O MONDAY July 9, IND, PASSEAGER HAVE PIIII.4I)ELPRIA, For Baltimore at 8.111 A. M., 12 noon, (14xpressd and D.IO P. M. 11 .10 For (Mester lll at 8.18 A. M., 11 noon, 1.11, SOO, 7.00 and .. For WilmingtOn at 8.11 A. M.. II noon, 1.11, 11.02, 7.60, and 11.101. M. Por Now Castle at 8.18 A. M., and 17.00 P. M. Fog Middletown at 8.15 A. M. ands. P. 241. For Dover stall, A. M, , and 6.00 P. For Harlington at MB A. hi., and 5 ..M. For Milford at 8.16 A. M. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at BAO P. )b. • For Farmington at 8.19 A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Nl'l,lllll at 6.00 P.M. Por Seaford at 8.15 A. M. Mondays, Wednesday', and Fridavii r it 6A P. M. For hsbury at 8.11 A. M. NW' ain at 8.13 A. M. will oonneot at Seaford on Tuesdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays, with steamboat to Norfolk. lesTa timoreNflatFalloß A. M IL4A (A" DELP . II , I , A andlo.ll A. 14.. OAS .M. e RAI Leave ITV at 8211,13.10,and 11.115 A. 11., 1,45, save tarisTiii l r tl y L a t 1.50 P. M. Leave Word, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. at 7.10 A. M.. ttnat Rati P. M Leave Farnun_gton, Tuesdays, Thursdays. and Satur days, at B.OOA. m ottat am P. M. tAsava ilford;hlopdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 720 . ~ and d 0 P. M. Lilave arrington at 8.13 A. M.. and. 4.30 P.lll. gre over at 9.05 A. M., and 5.15 P. M, I la ddletor at 10.00 A. M. and 6.40 P. M. va New Omi eat 8.00, 10.58 A. M., and 7.35 P. M. mo irt.Ohesster at 7.50, 9.10 A. M.,19.04, 2.m, 5.10, and Sr nave Baltimore for Salisbury and Delaware Railroad at 10.11 A M,and CM P. M. TRAINS)OR BALTIMORE Man Cheater at 8,411 A. M. 1228 and 11.40 P.M. A il eve Wilmington at 9.25 A. M., 1223 P. M., and 1120 FRFJGHT TRAIN,With PASSENGER CAR attached, will run llowl Maya P4ladalattla for P e nTrille and intermediate places at 1 .M. pi = . a llinkton for Perryville end Intermediate Leir4vre-de-Grace for Baltimore and intormedl ate p at 8 2 0 A. M. Leaveßaltimore for Havre-de-Grace and intormedi ate Wawa, at 4.00 P. M. B" sai;Uir'f42PPerist' M !' k. P. f;BmproPidO/ jy7 8. M. PELTON. President. MANIAMI ELMIRA ROUTE.— IItILADELPIIIA AND n- MIIMR AIL ROAD. . QUIG_KEBT ROUTE. to Tamaqua, Catawiera, Ru t:it .Wilkesbarre,Boranton Danville, Milton, Wit hinisport, Trot Balaton , q anion, Elmira, Buffalo. Niagara Falls, oolkester; C eveland, Detroi,t Toledo, c_incalo,St.Lo e,hlitwaukee, and all points North sod West. Passenger rains ^4Ol leave the new Depot of the rhi lsdflplps all Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and CALLOWit LL Streets, (Pasienger entrance on Cal !whin street.) daily (Sunday, excepted), for above "ntagrl7sSBl, ----Inn A.M. NIGHT Exrß rifi.... - -.- .. - .1.30 P. lif. The 8.00 A. M, train oonne . ote at Rupert, for wilkes hrrelt fi . Nl4 l tnnt n 4o4sll l BDlVßVlM,Ra e . The a ve trains make direct conp_ections at Elmira with the trains ef the New York and E rie, Canenoigna and N iagara Falls, and Berate, New York and Erie, and New York Central Rellroade, from all points North and Wjat, and the Calandra,. illelall 4lissked to Elmira, Buffelo, and Suspension Bps. ant alltt.termediate points. Whits can I Tiered at the Philadelphia and El mra Railroad Sr e 'Ticket (knee, northwest_oorner of 'SIXTH nd 0 ,L gNOT !Wee% and at the Passenger DaP "kri r rlld " M1E11; 4 4113E4 TRAIN Leave the Phil , te ph sand Reading menet, oroad 'sad Callowrtre t tdails (re excepted), for all pqintil Sots 1 North, at I . Iti., ...MI6 tit lOW, tie deliver. herore 8 P.M. to insure their go ng the , sine day. . i ; tt Tfin'i l arTti n an r d n egoWßlLL, or Freight Depot, CaAk. 18, rE , genera Agent,e nt , Nerthw t tort *Omer SU and lORESTII Uraras hr, . SOU- PMWdeletus . -. ' - NOTICIE.--CIIESTER :, . It , , 711"7:0 - , AIINK I NAL P M: • roinieP! A. arts.--Po_p.,lstinwiTom,ti aeltrvirevizigi Tt riortkzur t a h age " o - f JanuAD ow 0_41.49 atratta, (asiquanairran at otasaLCauavaith ' z _ . Jalifl . 111 !LW( ler Dolrtdogtowtti.!eariut be &oo A . . Eilf i aol ' Y'ABI ' " -•" • " W fir Dairalnatawa. loam at AY' ' • -;- - ' - ~,, , (grala awataiL) ‘ , tijigia of Managua a tke rkilaulphis ~.. , ... ~1 , ~, .f. ~ _a , OXYllls4o:etirlo ' scow'Ltr . PILE PENl4StiNiftliLlt OENMII A L IPAILROiD. 800 MILES DOUBLE TEAM 1.8160 e— . 1-800 e THE 00 1 114 1 1 1 1 - 11 - - :in 'z Now Daum, TARR/ li i Is ' A n al hirk BETWEEN F k. . .I, tA AS FI BB tr. c i , j , Conneeting dixpot t • , shafts with Through ROre Boston, rtejr Vase an points tot, and In the Union _Depot at rats With Through Triune to sopd out all points lathe Peat, Northwest, and glouthweet —thus furnishing [actinism for the traupprtation or Passengers munarpaimed for speed and °minor& by any other route. Express and Past Line* thri through to Pittsburg, inthont °hall/eel Carman Coeduarora. • All taioakiiL Pao' senior Trains provided with Loughridge a Patent Brake—speed under parroct eingtrof of the engineer, thus addang_inotili to the safety ors metiers. Smoking Cars ang attached to mug Train_; W Blimpinig , Cars to Exuma an d ant Traine ir gia EXPRESS ar e DAILY; HMI and Fast Lines. Sun days tea. EMail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7 NI/. get Line .. 11.10 A. . press Train leaves ~ Malt . WAY TRAINS LEAVE At FOL WI: Harrisburg Accommodation, via Comm ,lIF. IL Columbia 4.00 P. M. 4rkeeburg ill SAO F. IC est Cheater " 32 ad P. M. Weet Chester Passengers will Mks the Hail, West Chester Athonumodation 'And Columbia:Frain& 1 pessengena for Sunbury, Waßiamiwort, Newt!, Bora h), Niagara Falls, and intermediate points. !saving Phi ladelphia at 7.1 s A. M. and 2 F. ld. go directly ihront.o Tickets Weitward way 130.00talped atpidietalio the Company in PhiLedelp.hia, Flew York, ii, or I tlitTitTiLitiftsieni t t i hr4= d atio a o n n y a tiA ° ap u r r fli n g e * regular Line of Stamen on the Musiampm or o Ohlo rivers. eV" Fare always as low, and time as Wok, as by any other Route. For further inforMatlon apply at the Passenger tha t:lon, Boutheast Omer of Eleventh and Market Stmts. The comp, of the Western , connections of the Pennsylvania Ncad to Chicago. make th is the DIRECT Li. B BETWEEN THE HUT AND TEE GREAT WEEIT. The connection of tracks by . the f i sdfm: 1 bridge at fol t el l ge r r g 4 T hte n iftil i n: r oY4 g me ,lirii i r m r 4 Z e rAtt t ; Appreciated by Shipppers of Freight, am the TreVer- Lo Publio. • erohoteand shippers entrusting rely uft oftheir Freight to this Coming,. can with waft donee on RATESpenyit. THE OFF REIGHT to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad era at alt times as favorable as era skargfd by ether _Railroad Comrants. INV" Be particular to wont package'' , Its ream Rail roeyl. . For Freight %utmost or,dhlwaing Directions, urglY to, or address! either of the following Agouti of the Cal- Daus t D. A. ITTEWAIIt7, Pittburg; H. B. PI eroe & Co., Zanesville, O.; J. . J phaeton LR I IO I O7 O.; A. MoNeelr , gr.; Ormsby &to yes, Portimoutn, O.; Paddook Co., Jekoreouvllle, Indi ana; H. W. Brcrwn & Co. . 'ahem & lilbbert., O: A. C. ideldrum,ftedisoitlnd.; Jos. E. Moote, Louisv il le, Ky.; P. G. Witiley Co., Evansville, Ind.; N. W. Graham, & Co.. Alto, E. F. Bass, Mater A Wassail. Lords, Mo.. Jolisi. H. Bar ris, hashville, Tenn.; Harris & klunt,MOMPhill, Tenn.; Clarre & chow", In:or. H. H. porde, Alton, El.; cr to Freight Agents of Aallroada at Aferent tomb to re 5t r ., 4 , 2 „„Aw ourf North streekßaltlmem_ L EOM & CO., L Astor MOISS., or 18. William 5t.,1142. LEEalt & CO.. 11177. State rivet. Boston. IL R. novo ON, Oen I Freight ilten h la'kl/B. h. RO P Carel 'Floket Asenb P E., LEW/B. Veal Isar! Altoona, i'a, PIIILADSLPHIA AND REA PTISA_RAIL. BOAS -VASS NOBS TRAftS for PTTSVILLE. REAVINO MAILIUSB O. MORNING LINE, DAIL ,Ifiondays @zonated.) Leans New Depot, corner o BROAD and CALLOW HILL Intel:m[4r MLADELFITIA, (Passenger entranos on Thirteenth and on Callowhill streets•ijit 3.121 A. m.. connecting at Ministrant with the PENNSYLVANIA RAIL HO_ _ IP. M. train mains to Pittsburg ; the OUhIBERLAND VALLEY LOS P. M. train running Ohaiyersbuis, Reit_ and the NORTE-WEN CEN RAL .MAILROAD IP. M..train, nunung to Sari bury k.o. AFTRRNOO i kINES. Leese New Dep_ot i corner of ROAD and CALLOW HILL Streets, friILADELYE A. (Passenger mamma on Thirteenth and on Callowhill streets,) for p_ Y ms.. tokd LIARRIEIBUROh, a ii t 0.62 . 1,1 Ylf,D.A.M,ex. for AAP. st Pi DAIL. (Mules. MiTril t it3Es VIA PWIL LRo ADELPRLS AND READING RAIAD. FROM ProneplAnne. To Plicentivillei...:-. 26 Reading-- 681 Philadelohrss and Reading Lebanon— M end Lebanon Yalleyiß.R. Harniburg----112 1 tee ll&;; rtous — ii - oibi ---- ,i'. 7 .51 Banbury- . Northumberund—..ol ILAwisblun— —,, ,0n binft9 —.IW Solna and Brut R. R. Williamsport— ...AM jersey Shore.-----212 Look Ileven,--.136 WiEl rt and Elmira Troy— .11 = 0 , 1. Elmira itTphoenifiia.M.,ifiedthe e a F. t t i train no r eot A de wpm', wild', APITri2Z h . to making Woe, conneotions With li nes to Magian Fal Canada. the vreat, and Southwest. • DEM IN PHILMELPIIIA: Corner of BROAD end CALLOW/JILL Streets. antit-tf W. W. IdslLßENNErsr•ltosretare. SIIIPPING. . FOR THE 130IITH.—ORARLIB- Torum emuseMax enamour& FREIGIPT RED CM. Reim PreSt at an areolof yurriza Per Hat. be low New Yor Bm a Ye TON cr. The U. a. CI Oteamalue. YeTOITE STATE.. Oen tan] Chas. P. Marshman, ert sail on Saturday, August 28 L at 10 o'clock A. M. Through m 48 to go beam-oply *noun at 8144. FOR BAVANTIR,GA. The N. 8. Mid Steamerna !STATE OP GEORGIA ontAla John I. Guam vat mil Thunder. August 30, at 10 A. M. nrongh In 68 tole holm-010 48 hours at Rea. garGatwur oars changed from elrerf 81PirliaY e= nye dem Ooods received. and Buie or Lodi= every day. The_spissdiA_Ant-olaim gide-wheel Orates KEY !MON+. !TEATS and tITATI4 OF CEO 6114. now Pinta above eve ry tan 45111, Um forming a Ye-day commu nication wltti Claaleston and Savanna h, and lalt, Emit and &area bo Charleatou aa.4 Areal thescindps Seat wit steamers for Florida an with MalreledN. fby all glues In trio Smith r A tt Welt 18181.1 shi r riM h Eb s tilmr.z..., we _ l , j ,,°,relte"edi j p g than by sall i es Wools, th e -maim being y eaw-na sae rate. neelnee on MI Railroad 'Freight hi it tinly ummr, farther than Omission or es , the Railroad COMiinian tatted_ AU este frohtLese points. GREAT REMOTION IN P thnl e ll ' ld t .LlNZl. ' TriV 12 XL ,ritt..ctsna t bz dole. Through ticks fr in Yhtladel iai_rili rlini ten sad Salim:Mt stea t tahl r es,lN_OLler the whole route, exceptltem V Men ant Reran non to Montgomery: MANI /Ali. ' To aharltston—..---.111 01 Charleaton--..SU ID Savannah,._...._ UCC Savannah—. 11 00 atignsta--. 10 00 Alamo% .—.......-- II CO Marion-- —.... 111 00 Macon...—.-- Ull t Atlanta...._._... SO Uri Cants —..— .--.. SI 011 tlumbus.--, —. MOO 10mbu—..... it OS winy —..---.. S 4 09 hwy.—. IP OS m gai3Ml3l7 —, V I CA - n .ingf ornery...—. i n New Or —. M7l gow tlrlaanc- - -.., ilOO Flo of Wing ached a ft er the ship plied. or freight or passage apply on board, at sesend wharf above Irmo street, or to ALEX. REAM Jr,,___ Soothwest corner FOURTH anO_CJlSSTgiwi s Agents in Charleston, T. B. & T. O. B UDD. Savannah, HUNTER & GAMIdSLL. F: a r a flortda front Charleston, steamer Carolina every For Raids from Savannah' steamers St Mary's and St. John ' s every Tuesday andSattudam ' THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM __ t. PROM NEW YORE TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage —.........• ......... ..130 Becloud Cabin Passage —.......—....... 76 - • ilions Dorton TO LIVERPOOL, Chief Cabin ..... ...$llO Second Cabin Passage....,..-- • • The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. The slope horn Boston call at Ha and Cork Har bor. PERSIA, Capt. Judging. CANADA. Caut. Lang. ARABIA. Capt. J. Stone. I AMERICA, Capt. Millar. , ASIA. Capt. E. G. Lott. NIAGARA, Cep:Anderson AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA. Capt. J Leitch SCOTIA, (now building.) These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-bead green on starboard bow; red on port bow. CANADA. Lang, leaves Boston. Wedneaday, Aug. 8 ASIA. Lott, N. York. Wedneeday , Aug. 15 UROPA, Leitch, " Boatels Wednesday. Aug. 22 PERSIA, " N. York Wednesday Avg. 22 ARABIA, Stone, " Boston, Wednesday. Best. 6 AFRICA, Shannon, " York, Wednesday, dept. 12 Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Burgeon on board. The owners of these chips will not be al:mountable for Gold, Silver. Bullion, Seems . Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals., 111118 , .11 bills of laden are egened therefor and the value thereof therm expressed. For freight or pas nage, apply to E. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green. ace New York. BUSINESS CARDS. I NICHOLSON, ••• • Manufacturer of SHIRTS LINEN and MARSEILLES BOSOMS AND coLLAHr. A large and choice assortment, and WELL sum alwaye on hand. unto which I particularly write the attention of cram and prompt-paying 311ORT-TIME btlYere. L. Corner of SECOND and ARCH. Streets. Phila delphia. au7-Sin• LEVI IV. GROFF, Man Neer BAR MLLE LANCASTER CO., Fa. ufacturer On te II Iw o .. 8I NO old E 1842 OF DOUBLE DM PILLEED PURE RYE WHISKY. Warranted G. be Pure. without. Corn or Drub DISTILLED FROM TEE BEST OF RYE ONLY. J. BAYLIS TkIUMAS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Hex removed his office from No. g Arch street to No. 429 WALNUT Street. Partioular attention given to the removers of bleroan tile Claims. The drafting andexamination of Wills, Conveyances, Asaigornents, liners of 'nue, and other instruments of Writing, The management of Executor ships, Adminiatratoredups, and Tracts. supenntended; and the beat aectintionyrooured for the permanent in vestments of Atones. tilatisfaotory referenoa given whon required. aP3O-6m° HENRY E. KEENE TTN-A'l-LAW. Ilea REMOVED A his OR ofile F o lom No. l Walnut atm to No. ssr South TIMED Street. nans-ame HORAO SEE, MECHANICAL ENGINEER, and PATENT ATTORNEY, Die. 114. Ponta SiXTH Steet, (Nearly oppoeito the County Courthouse.) Prepare!, Ppoollionttourr, Drawing% Be., aad traneaota all other buetnees oonnented with the obtatrune of Let tere Patent. ap2s FUOUET & SONS, 1,7 * IMPORTERS ON HAVANA CIOAR/3, No. 2.0 South FRONT StreoL Reoeive regularly a full assortmont of desirable CI aRS which Choy ollar at low men, for oaeh or ap proved nredit. Jen 17 pAWf3ON & NIOIIOLSON, IiPOKBI raw, RS, MA. 619 ABU 821 NthOlt BWILYEI. Botween MarkAI LADE3t and LP I (Thema atm% PIIA. JAME S I'AVVISON. JAB. B. Iflollolaow. J J WAGNER JERMON, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW° Office. No. 116 South SIXTH Street, (Opposite independenoe Square,) PHILADELPHIA. By the aid of reliable Attorney'', at different palate in the United States, is enabled to prosecute and oolleot claims of every desoriptzon. Particular attention given to the examination and re clove ry of the (dal= of Legatees and Devisees, and the examination of Land Titles and ceounng the imamate of heirs and all parsons Interested in the seine, in all parts of the Union. ,Has the Statutes of all the Btates and is Commissioner for most of them. apDeems :ll-6m nom oareftdly taken ender Commissions. CA UTION !—ASTROLOOY !—LOOK oFT!-000D NEWS FOR ALL !— The never. failing Ira. VAN HORN Is the but she succeeds when a I others have failed. All who are in trouble, all who have been unfortunate, deceived by false promises, fly to her for advice and comfort. In loss affairs Me os•tr.r fails. Sim has the secret of winning the Mika imn of the opposite sex. It is this fact which induces illilerate pretenders to try to imitate her, an copy her advertisement r bbe shows you the Ithenitel of.your fu ture wife, hue d, or absent fn well known end. It is own to the nubile atlarge that she is the first and only per son who eanshow the likens.' in reality,eon. can give onto) satisfaction on all the concerns or life, which *an be testel and proved bignisands, both married and single, o Badly and ea visit her. Mute one 1 some all Ito 0.1146 LOMB atteet,betwtwollnal war and Broad. . , a.17-et QLATE ROOFING.,-JOIIN WELO El, sLATER, le grepared to nut on an amount of rope' at low rater. Woi warranted to rwa sa tin 'tattoo. Order* sent to THIRD Street and GER rd N T OWSI Road will be prOnlptll attended to. WO am _ _ . _ SOlL.—Bactigalupre, for salo by K- 7 witnIERILL & BROTHER. 47 and 49 North 9 OND OLIO' al( Attiffiatit; 14 1 URNESS, BRLNLICY-.4- 00, - - • No. 499. al MINET_IITDRT. Bat AOF 730 LOTS DRY GOODS THIS (Turman!) n 1 (111(4 G. a UGliaT t :ti CARD.—' he attention o pionsaere is rearms... to our rmle of 7go lo mpor goods. tiler Tuaidagr morning. August 21. at DI o'eloo constant!. On six months realit, ootaprisuuta laxas assortatent ot season able goods. NOTlCE.—lncluded in wile thla morning—' era Fteneh Merinos. Persians. Figured and atria& London ntad otonalin de Igfcea, &it Union Neapolitan plaids. Undressed Irish linens. thin fronts. Marseilles quilts, kid gloves, k NOTICE.—.IO Retailers. This morning, will , be sold a large aasoitroont of fern= dry gOOls.'slightly animated, at the store of Meow. Yard, 01 Itnora. k VAST FALL FALB OP lAIFORTED DRY GOODS. ThiN MONISICN• Anitust 2lit, at 10 o'olock, by catalogue, one mouths credit, 800 paeliarrm and lots of seasonable Goods. —,,Samples end catalogue' early on the morning of LARGE SALE OF FOREIGN DRY 0001/13; (Slightly Damaged.) From the 'tore of Masers. YariLaiimors, k Co. This Morning August :let, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, whinge assort ment of Dry Goods. Consisting in part of 1,000 dos. men's aria women', sneer cotton hoisery, 600 do kid. 'silk. cotton. and merino glove.. BO do kidgauntlets Norway do., meal glove s. l,3oo pOll. cord and bla c k silk trimming and belt ribbons. dOZ. plain and emb linen cambric. hdkfs. 400 do fillet mitt*, long and short. 000 pos. li brillianta.Jaoonet, cambric. and Swiss uns ng. • 60 do soperior quality Trish linens. 64 doz. linen shirt fronts. 300 6 4 to 8 30 linen damask table-cloths. 160 peg. minted milk ttals. 103 do mohair debase, and ool'dCobergs. 30 do supe_rb quality mohair - lustre.. 60 do 6-4 From% cord mannona. 40 do 6-1 do printed do. 30 do 6-4 all wool plaids. 40 do Fans printed detainee, broche.Lyonaise, and poplins 100 do col d detail:wand ohallys. 120 do all wool delalnes, bananas and crepe =rata. 110 printed Cashmere. ate 044, and Tattwt shawls. 60 , Ilenna, square, and long brocbe shawl,. Also, obenalle scarf*, crape shawls. robes. neck ties. sewing silk. flounoings Marinates silk skirts and draw ers, laces, veils, silk nets, French needlework, head dresses. &0.. &o. • RIBBONS,' VELVETS. PLUSH TRIMMINGS, &c. This Morning. An Invotoe or— Bennet I% velvets and olushes. Needleworkbons. braids, trimming& °oilers, silk thread and hook gloves and gauntlets. FRESH GOODS. TLIS Itlornlng. —oases intidon printed monebn de laines. oases Black ant colored eotrores and !apnoea'. eases plaid silk and worsted Meters. oases novae - Ile silk and woo poplunt. eases new style Nespolitsines. PARIS KID GLOVES, Warranted ail kid. 6 to & 400 dozen first quality Pane colored kid gloves—sizes STEEL SPRING SKIRTS. • 2:0 dozen lenge boost' steel spring skirts. SUPERIOR QUALITY UNDRESSED IRISH LINENS—For best UityTrade. Thar Mornint. An ilintioe of superior bleaohed %Ind reared lnsb shirt ins linens—bestquality imported. IMPERIAL. MARSEILLES QUILTS. . 104, 11.4. and 111 4 heavy Marseilles quilts. .HLACK SILK VELVET RIBBONS. A full line aucerior qnslity black silk velvet nbbons. NEEDLEWORK EMBROIDERIES. 100 lots neer style needlework, isconet, and book cul lers and EOM N ' F. PANCOAST, AUCTIONEER, Sue • omor to B.I3COTI', lA., 431 C111011141:1T Bt. C 4 RD.—I have, in consequence of continued 111 health. dispeeed of -all my interest In the A eta befit nese heretofore I:fondly:Ord by ISS St 43/ Street to his. N. F. PANCOMIT._ 1 take Ws oepertentity to tender ay thanks for the support I have reeelvodoind ijair 'continuation to in 'account., whom I hereby aatkorize ttop collect 11 unsettled aominte. D. am:4 a , lir PHIL ADEL PHU. Anoint 1. FIRST LARGE BALE OF AMERICAN AND IM PORTED DRY 0 CODS, EMB1(010E RIES MILLI /IMY GOODR, Re: Re., for the Fall of lie. On Weanesday Morning, August Mil, by catalogue, on • credit. oonune noing at 10 o'clock , punctually. Included will be found an assortment of choice sea sonable Goode milted to so preachlng sales, to which the attention of th f o und is invited. Inoluded will be B BAD GOODS. 10 entire caws rich new styles fumy bead goods, jet bracelet!, brooches, necklace,' ke, fancy bead neck lacer, "et and whit* beads , black bugles, crystal out bead', emery'', perfumes &a. JE*ELR. Also, a line of fancy nted mown*. lava, and cameo Jewelry jo in m se E ts p aßutosiNn B e e rma LACES. Also, a full line of superior white silt Joined blonde, wide white silk laves. SUP DOZEN MEN'S CRICKET JACKETS. 10 dos. men's extra heavy, all wool. extra six* cricket Jackets. for best eity trade - IfortiL% c g a en . tln aTEEL, SPRING 13111RT 4 . Altroo. line of extra tlOallt7 beat sues steel Bring hoop Worts. Mill/4Ellhr, FL , IWF_IFt& Also, a line of real French artificial flowers. 113HILIP FORD & 00 , ATIOTIONERRS, - 11 - No. 830 - MARKET Street. and .411. MINOR Street POSITIVE BALE OF BOOTS, 8110E8, AND BRO GNS. We Intl hold our Fourt A h Fall Sale of Boots, Shoes, and Brogans On Thrinday Morning, 'August 23d. at 10 o'clock realer, try italogre, on 4 'months credit , about 1 . 000 mew men ' s. boys. and myouths' calf, kip, grain. and thick ,boota. balsam. eta and mantation oboes; 'woman a. mimes .and chil dren's boots and shoes. The above male Ind include an invoice of pnmegoods adapted to fi rst-ohms trade. The attention of buyers is Pa aGOls m o v p i en torexamination, :With eatalogne early on the morning of gala. DYSPEPSIA REMEDY. AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. 271 is Medicine kw been used by the public for six pars with intro:witty favor. 'lt is recommended to ,Cure • plissepsia, Nervousness, Heart-Burn, Colic Pains, Wiwi is tiut Stomach, or Pains in the Bowels, Thedtv.ho, Drowsiness, Ifiellem, • Complaints, Low Spirits, Deliriums nowinti, Intemperance. ilt 82IXISTATIII, Eznamurn, Invreoparze,stne As a ?gladiola it ie quick and effectuitl, ourlng.the most aggravated cases ofDrseeesia, ;Gaga Comeaints. gd all other derangements of the lawman and nowels i a speedy manner. t mil instantlyrevive the mat melancholy and drooping spirits, and restore the weak, aortae, and moklr to health. Iltte:leth, and vigor. Persons who, Iron the injuditnows ore of liquors, have become dejected, and their nervous system, shattered, ootuditithons broken down, and sheet to that bomb!. wane to humanity, the DELlitlaramistis, will, al most immediately, feel the happy and healthy Inv/P -lating efficacy o Ur. Ham's Invigorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. . Dosit.—One wino glen full aorta as neenseary. One dose will remove all Bad SWIG& One dose will care Heart-burn. Three doses will ours Indignation. One dose will give you Good Aelletitn. One dose will stop the distrusting pains of Dyspepsia. One dose Il remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of wind or Flatuienos. sea as soon a the "comae& receive, the Invigorating' saint, the cUstresa- Log toad and all painful feelings will be removed. one dose will remove the most distressing alas of Colic, ei dosesn the stomach o A few will remove all obstructions In the Kidney, Bladder, or Urinary Organs. Persons who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney Complaints are assured of speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radial are hy the use of one or two bona'. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, from diamsting too much over night. and feel the evil effeeno. poisonous liquors, violent headaches, siakneas at atotnaci o h ie Th, giddiness, &tidwileli figqd e move oonaUtuees l u g take the Invigotating Span three times a day ; it will mike them Strong, healthy, and kapi y, remove all obstruc tions and irregularities from the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn (ace. . During pregnancy it will be toned an invaluable medi cine to remove dhiagreeable sensation' at the stomach. All the proprietor aslui is a trial, and to induce this, he has put up the INVIGORATING /SPIRIT IR pint Mamie' at 10 cents, quarta SI. General_Depot. CO WATER SECOND reew York. DYOTT & CO,. 232 North Street, Wholesale A_gents in Philadelphia. for sale by all Druggists. 11:2=1 PERUVIAN SYRUP, one PROTECTED SOLUTION OF PROTOXIDE OF IRON COMBINED This well-known Remedy has been used extensively and with net success for • DYSPEPSIA. OR IMPAIRED AND IMPERFECT 4, _ DIGESTION; - FOR IRIS CONIINGUIPIT DETERIORATION or me BLOOD; t * AND FOR TNT FOLLOWING FORMS OP DISEASE. -48" Moat of whioh onginate in DYSPEPSIA LIVER COMPLAINT, DROPSY, NEURALGIA and R VOUS AFFECTIONS, LOSS OF APPETITE, lIRADACUR, LANGUOR nod DEPRIOISION OF SPIRITS. CARBUNCLIsB and BOILS, PILVS, SCURVY. APRF.CTIoNs pp TRESKIN,CONSUMPTIVE, TENDENCIES. BRuNC RI VS. DISEASES PECU LIAR to FEMAL KS. and PL A AIN L TS COM- . ACCOMPANIED BY GENIKRAL DEBILITY. and REQUIRING A TONIC and ALTE RATIVE MEDICINE. NoYa.—The failure of IRON u a remedy for DYS PEPSIA, a bad state of the blood. and the numerous diseases caused thereby. has arisen from the want of such & preparation alma es shall enter the stomach in bIoodTOXID SIAM and assimilate SYRU P e with the This want the PhRUVIale supplies. and it does so in the only form in which it is possible for Iron to eater the curoulation. For this reason, the PERUVIAN SYRUP often radioally cures diseases in which other preparations of holland other medicine s have been found to be of no avail. CERTIFICATE OF BO A. A. BAYER. N. D.. OF STON. It 'swell known that the medicinal effects of Protoxide of Iron are lost by even a verylrief exposure to air. and that to maintain a solution of Protoxide of Lyon, without further oxidation, has been deemed impflasible. In the PERU vIAN SYRUP this desirable point ie at tained by COMBINATION IN A WAY DEVONN UNKNOWN: and this solution may replace all the to-earbonatee, citrates. and tartrat-ii of the Materiel , Me pro dina. A A. AYES. Asia , er to the State of Maas. id BOYLSTON /Street, Boston. N. 11.—Pamittlets containing Letter' from the above monad Gentlemen and others, and giving full informa tion of the Syrup, can be had on application to the Agnate, or to N. L. CLARK & Co., Proprietor., CODHAN BUILDINGS. No. 7S SUDBURY STREET, IitISTON. Bold by Druggists generally throughout Ina United States. Agents for Pennsylvania: OYOTT in Co.. UZI 2 North SECOND Street, Fhtla 6 4.s. erg -tutu!, 3m F fm STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA TENT OVER-STRING GRAND PIANOS. SQUARE GRAND. AND FQIJARII Naxos, now preferred in concerts and in private circles by th e best performer. Deeewed the first premiums over the heat maker., from Judges Ike Ootteohalk. Mason. and others. t•tittUenl o Mt Competition. 11l .ABll.lll ROTH nllB. db-ly 100 t) CIiEBTNUT Street. ow l PIANOS ! PIANOS! ! PIANOS !! PIANO-FORTES. MELODEONS, PIANO- FORT.VB. MELODEONS. Made by Raven, Eason. A: Co., Nunnsac Clark, Hellen. Davis. &CO and others. J. E. GOULD, SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. lIAINES BROS. , OVERSTRUNG PATENT-ACT lON PIANOFORTES, Cheapest Firet.Class Pianos made .".A seleodid assortment of Louis XIV., and other styli. for Bale at Factory Cash Prices, find warranted for 3 years. Second-hand hanos for Bale and to rent, GEORGE L. WALKER, 8. F. Cor. of BEVA PITH and ARCH. [o PRINCE & CO .'8 Improved MELODEONS, (min *l5, upwards. IFARDWAME PACKAGE HOUSES. PACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE.—We would respectfully call the atteition of the Gene ral Hardware 't rede to our extenave stock of RIR MINGRA?d HARDWARL, which we offer at a email advance by the mirage. Orders for direct importation whetted and Goods de livered either in this city, New York. or , liewOrleans. W. G LEW I & BON. 411 COMMERCE Btreet t Importing and Commisaion Merchants, and Agents for Foreign and Dementia Hardware. an 22-11. CREASE. -475 bbls" 870 half do., 450 qr. do. WO kegs Patent Tallow Gresee,tenexior ertlale. In iloy m att . 1 1 .. toir n et u t i. :1 1 40 A llo v i t„ ' tail vorrou.—soo bbls. Pitch, in store, and for sae b ItZletY..44lll3U&Nra t & —lra 16BOMA! . • 111EpICIL1cAL. Dr. DARIIJO HAM'S WILL NOT INTOXICATE OX eurmy. PIANOS. s~L~s~~iiitVivc~ii~ii: ` ~._ MA9 k 80P - • T fi li oi. ° l2s lad itnet. FALL SALd r or lir .rlooM e AMgiu. Peeond Fall Sale Eat Amulet, at the' elm/NM Third Pall Sale 18th Mona. at the IFinsh . = ;,.. . Fourth Pall Sale Id Stouter, ber Fitch gat( ate. Oh September. at the Sgeleage. meth nil Ilth &Wernher, at the Egithanget SP Handbills Part ready. IST(_IfS AND IWESTATE. SALES AT THE EXCHArGis itrysty TUERE Durionnga the l Nielsen 80 , 11804 in July and August lair oessei males. Sir Handbills of eaeh property imam In addition to whioh we publish, onus on Saturday 'mum to eaeh ends, one thousand catakessnee, in isseitirlet fom. gluing hill deeenpluoise of a ll the property to he sold on the following Tutted/IT CA It D.—Our sales of real lutists and smoke a the 'Exchange will hereafter be held at 12 Nebel con_„o • sod . the swains. et do sir Contributpip hare the to_ption k Viiittir sale. REAL ESTATE AT PEVIATS AL. Sir We have a large amount of real state at prieste sale. including every description of city Pad oonatrr Property. Printed hste DM/ tie had MANI aaotia n More PRIVATE. SALE REGISTER. sirßeal estate entered on oar private ale mister, and advertised oocasionally is oar ambito vele lib (of which 1,000 cOPilts ,ThlitrOasT charge. TO noomunts. vISTT-FDPTIN PHLWIEL7III.I TIAN MLR OP BuONS. BILIgOTYPE PLATM tc. wail commenoe on MONDAY. E ster Jr. air - Catalogues In press. SECOND ?At L SALE. sTocka LOANS, to. This Day. August 21 at neon. at the Vhilailella lacking*— * shares Northwestern Bank of Virginia—tar 0 100 . Dividends of horn 8 tole Y cant. are regularly name on this stook. 28. hams Delaware Banal Betty bum:alio° Calmar Stook—par alb par share_ - rpm tone Be.nyraie Mutant Beret., Ins. Co.—. 1 sh• • • are Point Breeze Park dasoolation. 1 share Thiladtelphla Library. 1 share Meroauttle Library. THIRD VALI. RALE-29th AUGUST. lllir Pabealar s hereafter. FOURTH FALL PALS-34 IMPTEMBER. RhOIDSNOE AND FURNITURE. eitrimaatown, FIFTH FALL BALE A 41 1. 1 1 11EFTEMBER. VERY IMPORT SALE. Y Order or reagens. MONTOUR PRON R.OI)IPNY'S WORKS AND ESTATE. O n Tes. September 4. IAIO , at o'cdoc aday t, noon. et the nits delphis Exchange— The very valuable property belonging to the Montage Iron Company. situated in Montour county. Pelrre bi t.• u nm g of,abont XOOO urea very vWnable emenda ores, mining right!, roiling milli. furnaces , wanly dwellings Wham As., km. Terme-4MA* cash, when the proplotY strask GS: balance on the execution of the deed. within SI days of into. . . air. Full particulars ready is handbills. Peremptory Bale to Moms a °agleam. GROUND RErer—An se nnaltirouad /Lent of 190 year. Other deacriptions 'gammas. SIXTH FALL BALE—irra BEPTEMBS.n. Wet Inalade— Orphans' C. art Sale—Frtata of/ola Evans Trees - An_onitivided !math part of Ihre the e-etory ß ßlG DWELLING, No. 315 South Front street. Same Beteta—An undivided Meth port of the Threw story BRICK DWELLING, No. 31$ tooth Frost streel. Same Eatate—Au undivided ninth part ref tha largo STORE AND WAREHOUSE, Boat/twist corner of Delaware avenue end Ton alley, below Chestnut street, 62 feet e inches front. Seine atate—Ari undivided ninth part of the Thrml. story BRICK DWELLING. No. Mo Lombard street. • FARM, 15.3 Ames Arable Land,with Improvement* on the Milford road. Di milieu from the Swims, known as the Down's" Farm. The PARYIS FARM." adjoining the above, Ml bluing NO norm with improvements. 'rhe CLARK FARM," containing 1 Acne dual Farming t and. The ' MORRIB TRACT," costae-Mr Omni SI Acres fronts mi a road, and wi talrt hadf nide ors boy The " suitvia FARM," oontaising knee. Irene, inr on the railroad. with buildings. The " DORMAN FARM." containing M &NM ' S& Joinom the above, MI eh improvements. The SRA UWIOILS," containing al AM. * 09 4 , lend. The "FRANK'S FOLLY," tionbilning over 1M Awes of heavy oak Timber. BURIAL, LOTS, Mount Vernon Cernetn7 ComPaly• Lots Noe, 65 and 67 !Section fa, containing Till Kam feet. Bale No. 23 North TENTH Street. SUPERIOR PUHNITURSi MIRROR, viONRSTOOD PIANO, BRI3bBELS CARPETS, tc. Friday Mora ine • 24th instant. at tai Oa o'clock at No.lll . North Teeth at.. b. catalpas's. the sranenor fereinare. Preash-nuts pier mirror. rosewood pause, by Chickanag, Bassests ear petP.l, Er.c. Mll7 be examined int dole* en the soor--ing of the sale. BR , T II3 NaN IIIII &Mk potunits 5 IO FU 1 g. PIIIENCE-P/61,TED On, P AIIO-FOA B BAUseIIeLAI CARP . On Thursday Morning, At II o'slost, at the Ma'am alms, ea assarM of eiestlent setead-peed, fum es». ads int koldo, ano mirrors, _carpets. at 0.. from es housekeeping, reserved to the mono r ocitasaVi ntl os el sale. , . MO,lEt3 NATHANS, AUCTION BIKE NtfUJtr i a z iOelniqta 21 . 112LICIANIt asteeses - — l* — SWlO lt fto- - SAMOA to loan, attire lowest ream ca dtemesds. watches, Jewelry, slyer AMC die tomb, doted:is. aerie.. Regan, hardware, ers ry fri eau, armory. niters, bedding , sod on of emery • deomisroom i S lug. orliaDigouts. one elaar to treetrade. for Adrian or time Sir The rot Estaithed c tss MPhil airy. PPrivate entrance on RA Street. Sir Businsew bowie f ro m lA. .to II P.ll. Nosey hummer* for the beireAt of demear., CRAYONS ORLI TWO PER two Sir Advs:pes of SIMI sad teroszde st two osr rest id o v r lo t ime f IVO and ussarde, st one fa neat, for . AT PR PirATE SAL . Some of the Mind GOLD PAT LE VER GGRONOMETER.3WATCHSS, ima at the =pal Belling_ priori., gall Wirer siMs , wide silver lever me lamas restahss, . Asian. French watches. st astonistung low fooPoOT every desonlgton, very low,_grine, pewhois ra shames*, drat wilt, of "exam ateseatlell the usavortabon price iwatititisele out imesul. sad vinous ether but Vit.- &UM, ' • Attended' to perionaLy th see Consignments of any and dal tgekds_ eel cited. PIAMI4 SPLENDL7 ID BET OR DI 4MOWDS AT MUM' end . Consisting of diamond ß *psi breastpin add ear rings. Price. 1610. Cori is ra n. 111146°. ST. LOUIS ' AO-. WILIJ A- 8 BOYLZ, & 00. L 21 No. 61orth iortszata colgi mg Neu with arm My ele, keens. I Co:. ' .) their venison to the eaerewolei other. of fbiladeletue, for tlia ash dry 'Polk 0 11 " petsi boots. shoes, hardw we. Jecireitv, ik.e., i r e. IP Cash ministers wade CO room oes=iii /P' :Settlements made three dm altes "liril smarm. hrt Myatt, Mashers, Aciladebrids. lttuart t Bro th er.' " Vaa Wrok. Towsee•Wfter. New York. ' *Otte= % c ec,,,_ . ' Vat ito. Crow. pioCniaie. ft uo. " inkiliktbetelf SAVING TIMMS. "A little, but often, tills the Puree." otuanual SAVING PIING, No. 138 nth FOURTH Street. betw Chest nut end Walnut. Phdadelskia, sNs all Is on demand. DeposittmW Money mewed Solgolfs4. State. end City Loans, Orman Rents. MUM wag. ke. Oomony deems safety bettor Una Lip emfits. ocumeitnently will tun Boma with dere ntore' money. but hake it et all times ready In return, with I per cent. interest, to the owner s 's t ItheFeuy hese "Ivey. done. This COMM! serer l_ed. smai d es. married or Mule, NO MIMS. aim deposit in their own nsht, soil such dolmas can be withdrawn oshy by their consent quirteryertistan/. Incorporated by.tbe ellinnmmsum.wiMmitkom4tommeemme, from trustees end exeoutors. 41I f f i 4ei t jT..rtIV I EfloW E .4 Wednesday ertnamg until o'oMch. I • DIRECTOILIII. i r b B. Shannon, Cnno hn Mindler • Ereorgi i t 7 &Licht W. Shen, Ad . Wan, I 7 , !.PR 1 P b tilt,F.• . - • par, _ 41Biao Autenhouse, &thaw/m.- kH. BAtterthwaits,__ Jonei Yorke., Joseph W.:tantan. - JACOB B. BRANNON, Presioist. (Min Casniniarnsa, Tremont. ap7B-7 " A Dollar saved is twit's earaba." AVING FUND-PTVE PER CENT. M k-7 EREBT.—NATIONAL" WLT? TIM (NM PANT, WALNUT Street, southwest corner of TM% Phil&delotat. insonoratett by tie Maw walk hianey.la %Ivied to ?ram, Via ox i mall. 7 0 74 . tea r rd the da &pan to la This 080 •1 1 area ya ay day from Aim a'alook pa =may till Aye °Von.? tie gr:Mi . aaa 111 ° . and TilUna tirl a gla l t3ll.EAELt. .rl~. Rostaur aELFUV3E, au* Agit WaLtaX J. Itaan,Saaretarf• DitlCTOls Amt. Henry L. Belmar, F. Carroll VrelMet, Edward L. Carter. Joseph B. Barr Hobert Selfridge, ' Francis Lee, 1537061111 K. Ashton Joseph Yates, C. Landreth Manns, J =es L. Stephanie!. Money is renewed and payments made dally. The anyeatmenta are made, eoeormity with OW Orovisions of the Charter, in Real Seto. Morton% rohnd Rent.. and such fi rst-clan Becnattnia r inll al ways insure perfect aelmraty to the depoidomp and vlooh cannot fail to give permanency and stability to thu Laatitubon• sally SAVING FUND—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD end 011.w:- run' Street. Lime and small sane reomve__4, end aid beak on de RENTtbout notice with FIVE PER CENT. INTM rom the Mir cif deposit to the day of with . Ogles hours 4 from ➢ until 5 o'clock every deg, and en MONDAY E JENINGS from 7 until g o'olock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, end Moonset. from allayment*. kyesident—teTEFlLElt R. MAWFORD. Treasurer—JAMES R. HUNTER. PLINY FISK. Actuary. MACHINERY AND IRON. otiftPENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER AFIE LRVY, RA Al AND THEORETICAL ENGINEER e. MAC I aTB_,_ _/301LER-fdAKERS,BLACKBMITHR,, and FOUNr3S, haying', for many yearn . teen in sumeessful ration, aio: been ezeitunvetssegaged MIRO:is an repairing arine and River una. Mal and low pressure, Iron eta, Water Tanks, coveters, tto., teepee tfully offer their memos, to the public es being fully prepared to contract for Engines of s nisei. Maritie River, and Ftationary. having sets o l i datents of ddrereat emelt. art prepared to ties:ate Or ers with snick despatch. Every aescri stied orPattern making nisei, at the ehoriest notice,. High and law Pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Rollers, of tios Lest Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forging a of all sizes and kinds t Iron and Brass Castin of all descriptions ; Roil Turning. Screw Cutting, and al gs, l other work eon nested with the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at their establishment, free of charge , and w(irk guarantied. The submit berg have ample wharf does rpom for re pairsare of boats , where they can he in perfect safety, and provided with shears, biotite, falls, to., Re. for ratting heavy or Light weights. JACOB (3. IeT,AFIE. JOHN P. 1, - EVY. BEACH and PALMER street.. POINT PLY, A SANT FOUNDRY, No. 951 BEACH Street, Kensington, Philadelphia—Wit, LIADI R. TIERS informs los friends that, ham& par oilseed the entire stoop( Pattern. at the above Foes drp, he to now prep to. receive orders for Rolll i a: 1 Brut, aiad Saw M Casting., Soap, Chemfoal Home Work Gearing . . Oolong s made from Jam hereto:7 or Cupola Panacea. In dr] , or prose ',ad tf o/ losin. mrt- SANTIL P. 31/23.1C1. r. 17.1.11411LAA WILL/AX XIIIIICI. SOUTIMARK FOUNDRY, .71FIT. AND WAIMINGTON nirmrs. DigKEICK BONI3, EIIeINEERD AND MACILININTS, ManaraotUO Hugh and Low Prelim* [Steam ruins% for Land, aarar. and Mame tempo. a ßLll a rt, di Tl:llatirs. Tanks , Iron Basis, &a.: Canino Iron Fradlo t lrooforr tlaa or Work neva 3411- road Suitioruirte. Sorts an d' Bs Machican of the liMmit aal List fa prgrodoonatnftal • Avert decennia; of Plantation llaoklnert. mph as 54 1 11 en Gni" MOW, Warm= %%a; Tnime, Dereoatore,rdterg, Panirknir mw. Mole Agents for A. Rbliona'ir meat Acypirstm• ftemotive Patent Belem t a i r ehMtf i. weleerePetect Ormitiesi FenerVirer- EXPRESS COMPANIES. NAMTHE ADAMS IMPRESS CO..olEas 320 CHFATIIIIT forirards . paross, PjeCtligeltg • I•s,4ilA:iiilJdoVillaik owes ..0; i f sA " CO s ti l clip -14 1:Z ti= WWI and *dim us us Ulm= ifts. '• - ' 0144
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers