11=== *Uhl' larder, - Ae thetijitlretitintjthirorati to tbe pletisielonttbeliwt-tkc:Ptiontweirere-er - "4 0 404 I- r*O I 4II I tY , PAI* lestetbett Joined' aw•eqiposatilogt 1 ,2 :4047 , :e1•Lthet Jay base lona lerot ibe egiseartleret *orb* it teritlitatit OtKulte 14. 01 4-4, 114 14,k4 r )00 4 • cof the deg 0.. „- - It now **mos sty - daty*:rsoie 'two !Olt *Slew ettlils - :Coratioonitiett - eMses to thetwegawarispe*Wely should be 1 , •*01 . 1,0 1 ", Ja toi; tonosi - tieorse -W. -Ittebt, all*Wasbi Rid% * en Istorkhointissitt settirettelewl'ati*r.too******, et be* l boi, tbs,ll•Ottau P•Oteoo7...fer P•tio4 twerre,yeers,'tde fettexteillof thidgelltetton , Min "Alireotek th e Mr shotheyootool'hittitlilkleir,ii ha` iZJtbtnjt to tay eat toaftesilietwe of Ofthi not be glut • • Alklitare *sey Li, t error eomodttto slobbery, or bused • bait in any ain't teed. , . Judge loadlow now prWet to rote rowieuoe, James 10014 . ,,vreskircusilt theillseliargehi the hat dutylietosed upon' is bytkelew,Sth teenage of intetha sorrow. By ths„theord t it appears that the Grand Jury of:this:county ledlou l d y ou , w i t h George IDOL Apr thiliniidept How (inirkar, *a the ,twasmi-Meand-dhiet 'Jaatiarylait, :Tow OSACWIIIIF Mod -beim* Jury or your etimetruen, : withrdellbentles, and; Mikan& jdo. Were &Md..; ed id, - eoans th e Jury found ;you ifs= he offence known to Our were mCdi for • riew;tvlal 'mid fn . "nett of thif Judgment; 'these mama win* amilsed at length, and, after deliberite donsfileritiou , kfthe mart, have been overruled, endyou are new bath* us ' for the but time, beartillt dletolfhl, Judgment which we whet' prettying*. ' By the lame( Piiimchwous, " swer7 puma eon *WACO Ow first dogreeolibi iidirs; abettors and eromiselloriieliall tweentereed to sot. for death-Wm - 1444141U sleek:" ^bo.asormoui aid aggravated* the alfenoW of thither of the Ant dagres,4but the, of Ommaaawealth, to obedience to • Divine erection; have deolawid death. to ~Lbak only, adequate punialuseat. - The duly wbieh noWdevolies upon thistribunal tbismostiSolhatcas welt es the Mathias, which a liamilihiliaaik,saa 'thliod eoou to prifonis' andlhisOMMeseat Whlilitte MAACK'S to Mtn:. • Meted upwa you Is mmessari_for the protection of sooleiy.g''Tbe juditialeG irlihrobastitas Yot to thi torabirtilse istateete the innocent 'sad. deremeless from the assaults of the victode sad depraved. nista teak by whet authority we hit t :huh* that we ale insitistritikirttied with ..the pons of the repthientiag here ' thday. tliesotersigat7 of the ' to pro ' treat the tad moos of this sad, hews. by an un-' theeethrizeferethilltrihe • duds of ALM" further sha w ;th say that we have au -resift- Veils:the th e justlelketther ; verdlot Upon, out reeoid ; end_ you uthy-soir *ware the depth, of iimigailt i)j re nemliesteg Maryut semis 'tholepin althea to his liiilitheethitt Without 1 wartime at Midnight, and by illirstel 414- Afyon ham ahunian heart, let it aeliumbedsmow-Ast your eotheitiaos, be from. this t*ssilthrikiiiedl, lest tomorrow's sashay And it Relied athith timid iron. • Pellet ert your condition now is; altithogit we ab hor crime, we owayst sympathise , with, yaw ;•the law ailigle6 mercy - with its jingles, and time will be automat you ender the dlrevtion of vilified ad- Timm te"PrePlke for that event which must termi nate your indrtenhe.' We oannet' tunwelenthmely say thetym hive ma earthly bop. f awe advise you, therefore, not to indulge in inch a delusion. biter nity is beforelyart ; prepare to Inset lb solemn reali ties bYtridietiter lantestaldind like mpeatenomend to this mid may thiaelier of every geed and pedant gift solightelf ystir Mind, so RIM evict theke few words may hive their thug weight with you. Nothing now minder to be dots* hat to. Pro nounes,the eintebed Ithielt the law Magic to the, crime of murder the' est degree, of which yolt stat 4 trandeted, widish - Mittenee la, (here all the SuditerfdrOetl . ' ~L.'" ''' - •" " ' Tom you, ;Wiles muter, the prisoner at the bar, be taken from hence 'to the jai! 4)1 the County of PhlledelphikT from - whiriee , you came, - and from thence to thsgem of execution, and that you be there hanged the neck until you are deed ; and tear Vod iit. , " Malin goodness, have merry an your Mid:-' ' , -- ' - , -r:.::• J.,,Biligiallial , Creel; the celebrated forger, was esutemoiteto an m a n imprisonment , of five letup in the Restern Peeittatiary. • • f , , - ',' J. Edgar . Bithop, 'Lthe aneomplioe of Cross, 'was eententam.tatwoyeargin_thenectiPeoltentierr• I J a luttrelmermand Jobs doormen, convimed under, the 'mislead, penal code for hiving ten or more traenfetleit notes in their posalranoni were' sen tenced to three years • in the penitentiary. Juditirdliiimithen *ailed - Tipster? Porter to the bar ortiMlolll l , mid said. that he took ismedon at the -time' re the irceprl of .Cecca---bettese .be thought it was en tel of'jecticat---to may that Mr. Porter twee, rid, a party torhe watipe, Re never bad the dighted ameba hp tb film, time. not had he now, to suppose that Mr: Porter else a party to snob an arraisement: The mitt woe, **ever, rd bou,to inflict senta;praidthetect'in every eel ' where ent oiliest VerilliDlla iniadatiti JR* bad no doubt Mr. Porter hid acted lower& Mom with a theirs bode hia duty , as kindly cc pitiable.. - 11Maitioitionof a manta Crum'. position at the dm. wed, - st beet; an unpissaint one; •yet the duty r t tisk ear elitialslibe dLionergedartording to the a rim likik,',lf, saki the, Judo; you had: not no tailed in lreearieg the maned of.tirces, vary Many pellets to 'of your deatirwpadd have Visited a kingelent eponym' that I think you Would not have dvverved.- lila not want:soy person to BUitialsCtriat.thf Ow have the shafted stupid= pitisc l that YOttereireil arty to the maps, Such Inge alretiagird v `..licrrever, , require - reptobation, - .. end 11. th ,thauni ted judgment, of the court that reeeee ' . linahhatnitil the lafof September. At diesstimmyeßsdilim,tesituad to your pailtia and itindlektipmarr d'thiSecntt. wiriatNeket. ib•'nktctraiitgiliclAjw . , ;4 . 11 . 7- 0-4,;p.e. ;cOO% brket. • -. .:. , i . ,-,,,,-- c. - , - ;" - raiimistitit, Ana WIC nit. vit;stiiisolln - gt isir to noon or the: suck , market excerpt i'.iniddifie dice inr.little.Etherldil, whisk hae beerflali3bi aiwati dim* II . bid: ifi aced.' Td-day .itif jibed witheatsenenk, Whether &hie lathe math of melt eltilket - htmect /thesulte % Mee the, ieseasement of diteeteltlithir:the ashes *doh war en apparent as iti4thie the ibieet if ikiiii-ielikpi. or Vh• air it is the Ysinlial• 'the userearareetriumlb la the et editions. the ''tiarty:ttrigthit maid premed! =Me hi bad* ate fOrdaiii*ASet Mammy Rsitromi. , drier midi let appser.,,Certsbi it 11. &wave : C.4lW teethes Meatier dietidwhiglitiseletteriabes awl thr:earrbted pokey die ilarthiltNltiintinteiersini gtitaLitthi aellerthill eele wientemicagthi aret tormeetrata timegnet ineahaes tibie Illiddie-Cell: Field. rad*" a tiiiilMY rola from la- 1 alined p lerstra t floe from hen', - Made, spinet the trade and free iletkeeleily • isbontairr ehmbint and d 'stoma doabharserileili•bseks. wilt MI riebir rewarded. Resi n's Ithdrod i .deree ate getting romoser. This stook does pc%;iprear to" eisimethirte With the spookletive -1 stoehtiiii ptilinirAotli irethet, led now trampled by • new VilreatillaberkAVlVl Fel eatemedmier date hard tisighissiMpowittier tibia dawns little. Peel:,./ 1 010 16 46 1104 0 0 __ far's', an etiveueri of X on ingitor etteietiona. `Mummer 'tools hack better, and itemised not be Misdeed tome another mown of sPlienisikat in thesa -- - - • We arelifbridd; - ast good authority, that a lane ale of lisabery and itni*serna lean . -was " sold was, eri vstelist,Viatro ...rats we believe at the int sate re potted orthergrehrred 'loan. mated br the am of the last Legislature for this maid of the Thittntry and Erie Railroad Company. •-•-, • , t' , - -. • • thiestriesa . ltailreed bilis iretimmyt nowlithsterathar the , eruct:Atha or, thenew: e chtiany. It wee coal.' deeds eitheetHed Unit trareneases of so molar's. ticket as tw*Wimaidifelieted wield exert *market inlaimee upotklibtlyteepf the bonds in the market, bet this has not Nark thtrithei; betrense, Perham, a wee the sums hrelterelmket 166111Fil daistid: '., . 041111,161 haft Ars sold : at a &NOMA OS te *per cent, mencileg to,astointaadeimstennectses. , adtirhu s aireitilt Medias di to 6 per wait, and drat °Weems, Isle request at bank rates ihngli.eatne naverA“hentes not well-knoWn, note from Mak hick the eel orlifooritel ofCOranwrts SIM ehealdoner frvightra it win be vein thatfraigine made a further op ward-evevereent'strdiy, Witb"mereased firmness. A eorrespondent woke,' OW . high pain hough s ever did ak trr oar memory br dot torieermd, bat we cannot recaltamilluns hither dies Std 0. e. two shillings six Venal aterhAS, grebe* OW/ per bushel foe grain i that vete teridveyaars ago. At that rate of treithk - a ship three 1, 14 11 5 elm o id and in good coedmen would pay her told kignee lut ordihar4r, appraised.• by the molts of a'stilida Mare. and sonte,old rants in mibug trim made tidietimiir Pam Motth,Orte trip. =At weed rates, two Rim Mudd middy *Om thri shim - ' l'h)lievainak Itmeladeseease t 1 ' it will be seenthd the Wmilkweitiol.Ritheed - Co: have - deals:rid newel: erreeetillMeadetielgitTeineßt.. seeable Pniaad alter the SW letlieenell 'ighttiltakiere "nil resolve their di 'idea* by Appliordictest tits Games! Railroad Fink. BerejeAegwiniek Of, Ninth takwOventente wOrthy of attedien fehther mottoes 'Of theAllttienh , The flostla ~di bieberinthipendem bet la very few ream. sad at oirl'.4i ilial MIMS ' OM best Mine loads In the eountry. So mesh for getting &road in the right PUMA. mad this managing it well inetiritllo' Theltehelialiv fihreeriOnrk'aad Tests Mimed ice emitigrao, moil iiiraisitcasyou ma - go d i t nndai W il t Iwitip tek• Sta illipli.r. WWI ran to iht, v ylaWg *a vaistraa trelettahae in Mamma . „ , II pittadfflpliittknittiteti. - / „, r...? . .1 - .: 1 ~ Atuftroo 16 — Ermitult , The:Flour market it - don t 0 ,414, Witt( bat iittto In tom ottaOrSaT good or tows wok, and the Woos ....„.,..,..nio.to zger . at 4111Vn01.16 ospsriloo bnd T L OHM - to aim, for sad- .. y brendsros in cam/. ir Low r samtivraigab4ol , l4, kj the • , -,-, ". , .-. jai , - , nr,... , nim o rtontiq 'Wh4Ot liYnottlio96 ka yntasirib innoir. lune sr:wend omit tan oes. Mltat torn* ISPr 4 V,Volleini g orOf Vs TA b l i ti s tolio for - sir - ISoinbt.'ssno - li sr is IN b Sim ssa lumi A " "lI USI C9 4/3 "" 7ll,2 l ;toT a s n ot id , 730 Wit. - - ibbnlslioW. - Elate a,o uoomaati, With mks of 6 OM tOdialinete loather/1 tot? a UM InlXo.onlnlAfor nib." rossioNsli. fro dint - ION boatudsoitolorpws; oss , Ponotylvints so* snot* BAbc...-NOtblllll dans 4 guereltron, sad tat no. Its dgp at VirArt ..r ~,,, ,• '' ' COTTON. 0 turn . .11 , t bat insotivi. nn . 6 In gt, i gehr44lll2_. d:" ' is I.llTATio ta asito pad Solar. whAonwo wawa ram. 400 toss oi tta Tar soar. Rtoi !tyliet, 1 11 be r lef Atc, cabs EINOITAt Mei "I :44#iti,,,lll ti s Irbil fii , inn, hat MAK, Intik aaltdii` lOos at6to awl pooultioro w;0o6o, to on owe Igo gm t, 04 t o aeot lecott LArd Is ..**bo 4-Ohne illvei Milo Omno; and Cloninol‘dha? dnuatartoo 'moo. as 4600 ii, tame!, Zook•tto to oollifi atrAlt!tel76 gr, Puha), tike _ tausr fog prim tifirj•ity 4.96aroi. , aid iTio,,ing f or off mars ffelaY, A ti3foloelooootania bbls, no Oxon 4 0.n0 far „ . . .. Phil* 15 ciAltook Exchitage , ' Sales, - Mimesis, inn. Agiosiiiipi.X.S. lidiymAiir, . MN :Rant Ittiiiit.. ,- rriltwP-suARD - • We Tilfii iiiii.: - .. i. - Aits-ii Piii iiiiiiii ' SM 10i 0........ The yo we tr. lith cit.... 0 io3 CIO mg....4.aisto A zeriebutg Re 110 , ....ssob.lol :Arlmosmig 100 4r ider, 3,. .. , • .1010, 10, 4.- - -.2:7.:..4 sneo...rlikielk ZOO du ` ..111 X l OO - EOOlOl .41 *, 1011101'06 - 11tOrir r da.44 - X O l do - 0”' , /0 -, ocr -.',.:.. - .:,b0.44 4100 Willii irt AMPS - 4 do' '._ ....' ,A 44 Isllllll , ',... - 00 'ls Amp/ Meadow elphAll lc. 004,,i..4..'.W; 00 - ;- Of 5000)1,01sv mitt, )0" 1r110108001‘,1.1-11:: .00 - -."...., ...:. ' _.,..--- CWI-01 • • • Villa .114101 t ' 29e /M" . " r 1 1 : . Pi. 0 +to o 4 AO Tian el _, , iu A m p le. moiteik derre4)einie hai mated forth-U0*044 Vie 111dit *wine Marius* Cowrie*, wiselreiremeterverHAlM /It sulatiiinidiallif. Thal auelspriologriaill 0 Urelr Poo, 140• 01 1;4i there 44 54, 10 e 2, itaid4t4C , OstroluWir,4l“,siireretlre Inure*. • h-t=3=4014.--td thi..ll:74.iii „8. em - sr ?Out , reette4 Users; 4 Jlt!! tn.' ulark s Vit k i,rt'7' . .,•:" . _,: , I /04:7111:Fier are as awoke& re. me4 wisor .ftaft, k b• tereeds,iiibitlit Orr, U - 1441.*11 -• - ' Itia4sehe. dtripious, tries: et eecipatery tics arterkl limy* ere ewer Tig i e Z to tare s t E O 4 , Odthtits t stiv 'be verimemiertVairecrie iilk 2 Mieereir retie t0ete . " 6 ,..,`-Oits as mew ta ' ltrwt=l.. " t am mg WI tir Atom% . to Meow * . _ . t ,A` ,I',i` Z, 1.)1, 41 . . 'l,',f iir !..F.•;' g ,•''. . i.f i . 4.-•-•-• ! ,,,, - -0 ','' : '''' • . ~ ,_. - ~ , ' - t .l ',,40a •- t - I'i 1 , , Acti I ti ali t o i r t -i 4 i } r ..' • . t..! - t ' _.,- ' i , 0111 Cm. i 'Paw ~ . . . t 4 4 oe,otti - 5.4A,, , ,'..i . AV`V,- , 6" - 4.\-.-',.. , ;: iiei ' ' '-,' '' ' trili ' . (IV' ' l ' sl t . s'' ' - Pit.a4S.P E JUIJ Liimit e - NDAY, A • • - 11;60. 1. - _ _ .._ , _ ........ . . 6 1 CITY ITEMS. jirroitiihe Witer:PbalaidelDbfei estobsi, ll . l agti. Altrt9iaii - 1 4 neWind titsfatittiali; lull finddinial!tiiniirSitAliaii; kis bless intsodassd , io the°Ws of hattioskimitisist' Its ridable and sage's - ad ,bssi t 'os.. and insakleansny tiolmskesper to repair farm ism and Mims - hold wire,withoattroablit, asi it is 'ldyll's' ;1 1 , 1 4 4 7 tot wise :„; sun 30k 2 tW OpaT t iINALAXD OUttArK MATISIALO; sil ° W el and prints; Now DOods: Wholesale and rind' f - Bionatsiless, Reps Damasks, Satin Lame s , 7111 Chestnut strisi,hithe kladonid Vs% W. 4. 0 ""IL ~Bao'rus A,•• ,'- • ' " „ , „ , .‘ - - ;' • Ltd& Ann AV:thick Cususatts.--just IWetrta, 6 wiwil now st/IsS wholesale and 719 Chestnut '11 ", et ; 11166 Mn;lanto Hilt. W. H. Chtiasu & gee. To OAR BUILDNRI AID RAILROAD CORDA:11111. %Vltava in lion iso-phooes Plush for Oar Beatings, "obeaKaud good, stll9 Chestnut street.. W.S. OAILRYL & BaO, WINDOW 611ADNO aND :WOLI,eIII , II at wholesale. —Merchant' and the trade - supplied cheap and of good quality, nt 710 Chestnut street. W. H. CaRRYL Ego. Quante - Tesittong.—ln the days of Charles I, no idly considered herself fhlidress unless her face was embellished withpantiles. The article was not, as it 15 kat", 'little square of court•plaater; but, on the contrary r it was get rip in elaborate style.' Crescents. full moon'• stars, &O.,.fictuibilitut nyan the faces of tair deplete and we have even read of 000 dame who graced he; •phis with agnismoretrepthsentition of a coach and:six• The gentlemen of those diva, also, woreverfextrava sant costumes; no such a combination of elegance, comfort, and economy Intuit kninin as that which dui tinsmiths' the garments now made at the *own-Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, Noe. 603 agd 606 Chestnut Street, above Sixth, &rums filriarruS.;rVe advllle all young P °°- ple to acquire in early life the habit of pang good lan guaire, both in speaking and writing. add to abandon sa early se possible any use of slang words and phraaes. The longer they live the, more diffionit the soquisition of good language will be; 'end if the golden age of youth, the proper Hawaii for the acquisition of language, be passed in its abuse, the unfortunate victim of ne glected education is very probably doomed to talk slang for - lite. Money is not necessity to procure education. Every man limit in his power. Me has merely o Use the language which he mils instead of the slang which he bears: to form his Mite from the heat speakers and poets - 01th* country ; to fre'aure up °halite PllllllOll in hie memory and habituate kinuielf to their use—as he ,diree to the beautiful garment, got up at the "One Price" Qat Clothing Store of Onativrias Proms*. So. silt Chtlitnnt striitt.' . , - for - A..O' l W and valuable Girt is presented to each purchaser of a garment. Particalar attention is paid to customer or ordered work.---tf AHRIVALB AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS -VP Vill 12 ,o'CLOOK` PAPP X 101111,,. L_GIRARD HOCAR—Ninth pad Chestnut streeM. let Hasimenly:Philly sr we 'lmperial!, Peuna j lipags thisoienati Allen onus, springs, Ili at V kam - "" ra:'i t tut b r neltta, ty"irlj" kr i ll...au.. orc 3' R. Bigirkinsasonnivania Moore, Raort,lll J•T We , . Kantur F_ W W eld. 13 • Miss II Sterling /k. , Atl 0 Miss Wilcox, A 'atm City It Armstrong.stiseond lamed Simeson_, Missouri • - Mrs Haldeman, Pa W Freemen. Nashville L ijoiver, New York D Ingraham & la, New York MHi iagrabamiavr York V L Overton . South Carolina Milie overtax', ca,alitia, - _Nygren k la. NY, . Mies Nawsian Ne w York, Mies , Matthews, IP Y ' i B Elliott fa, Virginia .1 H Horner & lady. NC , Mies Wells, N Carolina J 1 4 Bradley & lady. B C /41 is. Bradley. S 0 W__j_tre.New York , Pit Milberg, New Yoyk .0 wCla it & lady, Conn Miss Clark, Corineotiout Mr Phillipe& le, Albany HopT lonic . New Jersey 0 A Arty, MansfielA , W P BotaU. Harrisburg • Robert Boyd. UIS N ' It A Bottom . R V_Holmes. Baltimore B X Posttargood. Mobile I P Brown. New York - . P.Bellly. Baltimore R Breams, Baltimore W Wilhelm, Baltimore • A Thom.s. Baltimore raw Brooke, Jr. Balt saes Moore. PiewOrlr ens it M Hughes,New York .f , r W Ybhe Bethlehem ixigustaa e enin, Baltimore 'elm Ewin. jußeltlio (Montle ; lei Priem,... Jona ..-.0. riiiiirrer,, Ciiries rnoe, manila Frick _Donn ow:York ear Polon &I. Miumsippl Mjes Jetty, issToot " John Guermoovad Malloy pet 'W__lt Beard er Xe,rk ~W II Garaltook, Jr,,N ~.P CI w Illeyer'i New york ' - Dr I A isanaors & Is, Pk Y ot If 1 harer.floshville - 'A W uthworth. Tenn . D W Critic I..exington. Hy A Thompson, New York " Reno Middleton. York John Jan_n, New Orleans , Geo W Palmer, New York John Brodhead, Atloo City -limos Gordon, New York Arthur Book, New y irk 'John Ell Elbow` & arf. St Louis .10 Cameron & Is Fit Wm F Brotultuts. Tenn M iss Id Bresdusx:Tenn A H Jones, Formorlvanis Col Wm C Brown, Cat Fv.ar J Hanle Cheerer co , Cot • Ir. Heehaw Ps Gen It Noble. New York WA Si coo l IteurVork "%mod Fatal:me, _ - ' Benloroinb Green, Os. 8 0 Bull. Frank , ord Jis Bari l Louisville • , rit e :n ri g i r w i l : 4.5 1 = re ' t h a l ie L lto:r i r7:bi t alinore amoe re:rrseriOn. Salt . rhos F Bell Phileds a Randall; Mobilo , .J__H Plumm er, ohbr, Va • IL Bell, Montgomery. Als W RWash. D 0 o I) Smith. So Cavolios P T Smith. doCoirolina I. *I Mathias Virginia VP Barad Scot' -od Otimminan St Carolina 8 R HarporN Carotins Hg I Anderson A wr. Potsbg C II Seed. 'IT 8 err Pawnee JMNIII CUMMINS% Galt , Gee Fisher. Belt. D H noberoa, B .11 Richard Issas , Baltimore WW. tiuty ; Helausi. Ark -L F Bes o t, Nashville lid a" Au:Ve i l = - gi'» , ;Jag:l7i dr N Y ork Hiss Cook- Sherman ,--- •- - -Vll_Wairtner - , Sammie Haines stal in*. Lancaster -Irael Painter , Westmoiel an no. Ps ..'P Airlock. Phlladrephis John 0 Heylman, 'as -3 R Smith . Jr, New:York - B. Riau : _ , [ ,Witv.e stostenberg,N Y - has a rattefaliMd;Pf Y . lasso Fitsparrok. Westport slOsestrick, Westport 'II Wakeman" New York , oh onshoo. Cincinnati Jal Pearl. ,raertville - ' • C Aitins, &Immo Miss Jane .Wlssins; Mo ' sLwiegine, St Louil 'Or .111 - lerrnari& la,-Ito BE W 'White Lesnin, ICy D Dodd.hwirrnde - ro al ar Ne w Jollier • W 14- Stal l. DeOralle. -, - Rees AM. Boston A Gouralesdaew YOrk - ; L Lawmen, Hautsville it J Bems, Geer York Jam Punter. Philadelphia itsX Ponlet , Territory . A McDowell . 81 Lois ._ W Weed. New Sark • . Chao Moreau , Baltimore W °hewn& Is 'dew York ,TJ Davies, South _Carohns D Dams. - Florida. .- - - II A Huntington, Florida is It Boldon,rtoissonri' , lan Atkinson. 1111 imolai OIS Gilmore - ft: i nter City J F Immtlen.o 8 Navy It Oslo, & liiplon • Ha Binall, Jatneton. ' R B Banalero, ow- tork . John Smith, Baltimore f'OBTirTAL NOTKL—Cor. Ninth and Chestnut. B M • D sr, Philadelphia WC Hal owsk. PhDs, Pt me ny, Lexington N B Judd, Woos* H Pentair. Oaletawg. 111 .I L Townsend. Wisconsin J b Smith. Pox Ludo. Wu! 3,1( Mirarrolk& la Xi W H Brown, Yitesberg --; Ei R a Ye: Untlftt 1' Bakewell. Jr, Pi= J tairsumai. Liberty. m i l Paul I n 6 tfittilLtwir, N X i t is us he r . t.okarfrk i Cokes*. ,iirr York . llay-Vigo. lia 11 Taw, Mesiplus . P' tie , Tennessee a Wietegh, Alabama k A •,„ Alabama AN lama North Carolina T King, inostoo, PI J eirJ oak, North carob* MestimporY, Alit rePage & ens Bunton Page. Monica . B ilbsphius, Edenton . as Langley & demo n Mies '.I o Tarrant. Alabama - Knit A 'Lamest &2 d, Ala gc. l 47,g,TrAi„tittfift , triliimrif,f4l Miss Como. AMbanis iest X ichart z l& sr .Ga 111 D brutlyw Or s 0 K Harm r. It Q W passrin, knortile. y A Mae Gan. Omar Ll ttoCoiliMii . i leur_ . wiz —111. 4 R evi -10b - cr.i.„Dma.,°.. —.M. Myer'. antiwar 4. 3 i 'llllTlifitiositbia,.../disi 3 P gi s iri l l t il l= P air W Ogden s. . tiew ',Arians C lit enderoon & Is:1.1 Zilt§.....r,,VA ' IlvTWAlrF O rrrilburg Dr H ao. Maryland C P Thompoon, ..- 8 N , • I" q k, Missouri Mn Doris lc dun. Cut lass, ! Walla*. Pittsburg Ono J Lindsey, Boston Honallib il exington. KY Non Will*. Laminae/ A Woo ls & Is. Plostontie iv T Body la, Tenn Miss Tannehill, Nashville II V Bryan. t Louie T sdams Mobile CB Church Is, Menmbig T L CarillE Lesdimills• KY PY Dines &la, Baltimore -B Gordon Thom?. Bali ag Valentine. Laub** ', 1 19 Etbenterts, Mahan A A Semmes, US it i,llBtilibins. UPI J 8 Bhaw Is eft St Lasts Base, Ciabinnetl, Ohio C 11. Moot. Savanna. Oa A Lewis. Sayaspah, Ga Id Smith. Jr, Georgia Alhert Cwt. Ware is ILW ref, Geergia /onsham. rgia a- A urn*, worths Ceci & lavasinsh 4 41. adman, Georgia 1' , Bbe I A H BAClellan, Coombs ise 11. mem Gabes Mule 1., semi*. Geoia 0 Bank. New York Miss at Wool**, N a t J L Wars & la, Ala . litiu V P Watkins, Ala Miss M Ponca. Alabama T P Dudley , Lexington, try Tl. Mil . New York if I=l:l 6 Bott i o n t A J Morgan. Boston A Pesee,Muten hes L. Fatah, A i rtight It 114Jey r r u i s k la, Virginia l Bond. Tennessee G .f Ch , Teatimes use J stove*. Wash E Dressier , ton Humphreys. Nashville A Iltswein:Bsysanah, Os saao Bombard, (Borgia BEL‘P_okman,Havainah ml Meinbarp s tileorg is geo Mmer, Albany, Ga Wolf, Gear John II Carvilled; Carotins 3 R Jamey & a, Georgia T M Laurence, Boston A 0 Dyer. Boston UIMO ston r X ihinher. Boston 0 Palle Ala, Memphis waehteKinney, Memphis, X A Sehmeitz &w. Pa H 12 Cochran, N Carolina I" M:rrn, 14 Carolios .I L Brown, tt Carolina A 8 Jo wan. Westport. Mo Vobertson, Jr. Va 4 L illiantoßichmond ohs How, et Laus .1 It Moore, Cincinnati H PloCorkls ic w, E 3 C W 3 H.Ballard, New York C buss lb is Tennessee B 'Kilbourne, lowa 11 W Soper Batavia, Rs Ei Ragland & la, Vs KM a Ilan. 11priderson Oil 1. medado. New York Ait ;eel , Philadelphia .1 Andrews, Woodbury Fp tt &w. 'Lean Miss M otoors,Temseesee Ewa Sto is Moore. Tenn Miss Fanny kloore, Tenn T Allen, Kentu.ky Id Watson, Nashville Watson, Jr. Red river K McDowell, New York Aaron Meer* & la, Ohio Dr Whistler, Philadelphia EE K Low er. US X Hobert 8 Davis, New York i swig W Mahlon, Philo, R A thauford. Alabama W A peace, Baltimore I) A Grimes. khatuOitY I Band Palmer, Pittsburg 8 9 Evano, Indiana John Hitcher, Nobrssks Cy 'Pt m Salon. Washington Kam, Stafford. New Miming /I P Wtiliamson. Minn .3 Fame, New yolt war/ Barbour, Va Chas, LOMA. Cleveland W 8 Harbison, Kentucky W_Clibillook_Rentuoky Chas M Allmond. Del W Lea*, Wilmington , Del P. II Lowe. U 8 X Vdsses M if. Hoard. Providence -. C n_e.., Hine* B Price, Havana WAI Olsinker , New York lei A el t erad. Ter 1 1 : 1 '; errisii i .trint wu crrisn iittis W driiriOrd • . 112 1 i n • ft B How. I, Tennis** Dr s 21! 6libbes i ll C rB ri Rodrigues, 89 1111nokinghani t ew York [ I Newtamer, tillwoosiPPl W LBrunor, tosuosppi Be Kim, Pittsburg W WWap3r. ashore Beatty, OrlOrpetOrlai Missal Malty, Kentucky Ss RWatlieorilito Si. my L Morransteratritaburg A 21Shew, ew York , W Hardt. New York ~...0., iier YArk as T Tails New York i t I T Howard ow York - .t...Pryer i New Orleans ES Irwin 01:11010011 rla ea euditatd, U 61 , 1 il. Walker, Pesteinouth II Watson, !Saab, D u V t wri n f Orit i a t - ir.l 6 .l4 l. l *Votk• as ANI itur, Nashville A Siddivk. Misoimuppi A Eidson &1. l i k4t t l i bis • *L. Ne lson . litent . e . 7 o II PrestW Ng __S Tetoun. etre 3 4 0 SN CT ' 1 ri l PP 0 8 ftw e n r i g! 0 7 1 Faris t/Johnis. (Monis, . Jonso:Oorsis 8 M i ke r " IV). M i nis Bri!rolia Mo t ile,ea, ti Ala lint ' RCHAWTIP NOTEL7Pwarth eto blow Aroh. C lii=4.lWare, Intl r , Larwill, Ohio fio, . Terusawe P Bar*, letinessee Mows, TeUMNSIMI igendne. Pittsburg Scott, Bainbridge 0 I) broded..Monroe co in Job**. Missouri *Skutt, stole. Mo h. 12 Poindattm.Sonors, M 6 A J rank Kittanning, Kittanning, Pa w W t oho. batniebem .1 Lenow, Toone** W N 'Wright. Tennessee .1 0 ebsolielford,Tonn A 0 Resnie.Tennessee Jena 8 Dennis. Tenn 00000 AP Ward, Mississippi A it West. Mississippi A Mei .04. Pilliliallpilli GHOOIIOO Kentucky 0 Uarvill Now York W.l ,00k. kanSberiburg ..,,D V i , Miller liberty, Mo . R Avast, Liberty, CO a osterlUosissippi I IldelhesseL Pam** # A CRP' Ord. GROOMS JAV A. la, tdifilin no. Fa 1 tionabb & le. P,.. At Davidson. vi.sitos , i mon.,,.fi c ui r . "p i 7 lison. Arkansas A ostard, Wish* W lune. bliosarippi my Aglaia. 431aaanas .0 T._ xeduasht, Wee DC J Bowsprit, Mem Turk - W _il, Stanford, Idasi.sippi Sete 44 'rrfarposmaiel " i , aa Cook, ail new pal j ji Dew@ , _wits. ay ht Pro*, Darner J PerrinHi. Urivlollloll, AY t r H (Jason. Missouri P plep i r.r - A Henderson, Moteourl IA . FitabrilE ._ ll_ klirkley, to e Sr, NM idilr Wee. Illiribeloser & tla,Ark MLR Lindeman,. Philada IN Hard, hilitdettais '0 iteloberger, Plulads B V • blayeti. Philadelphia ) 1 .111-ons, Indiana YnEds W Pa9l,Philisda sa ps 0 , 1.11 Augustus Os tßunner Tel* E L resa. 'realm!, diner. 'hikes A Shorevis Texas as 0 *basing, oxfordadlia hiehilhodliski, Barton is Adams, New York Jlll Ronan, Tennessee 1 Jotaser MoTI3L—Ob i ornr a ttr abilp f t mob, Mohasco. USN , • y o it wi . 1 . 1 ir R Munson. N 0 la Santo Providence Jar Do Pre, tusealle, Tenn Jo noon, tsw Moven r wE NM% BaitiMore . W rather dge, Daitim's Jo u T Wabbtfr B K Lestgent & lit. Boston 0 ennedY• Funinfir ._ MSdrallif .Lowsissa,Mo has arineurbrieSti 41 Walk% & la, Nib so E ake. li. um,. ichmond. Va Wi t am II le ' LesbigtouJ Krgusassing ion, Ky A jaann,Lifiseerli 0H ybrand, Washington C anon, or Carolina I. Bailey. neuron .1 Roo*. ii W H Ross, Delaware chile Wright, Delawarer Sutton, Arks** W V Justioe,Tronten, X J ~11110'Connor F 2ibunktoll. Men T Koreheval, Maine iBERICAN /101,m0Itiroiriox owlet, above Fi ft h. A z Ihogies,l2ll o A 1 Phill Ohio ° Ittrateutlryl:ltotaweiiM . Sgassitikuigtr.tgr,;,br; .br, At r io city . z_. .A....c.... y l *eon. Carolina R H Still, North Carolina 2 ifini. a bs ai k ni i in t . Carolina, ; w 3 M n orso nna n . , m M i r and JI a, Chtilleothe ohnit Hudson. Prow, 8I n Mat. New Jitty J W Lowden, New York O'Cootietillow ark I B Boom-are Mh Chunk Today, sew Yor Oen ti Cook, Cirleston - ilisse t ij l .lr, Charleston le From** A, St Louie Alm , Arnim" Wrii A Halsey. a rkansea King It it, Portia th, 0 Pd r c tf king & 2oh Ohio Yager swims. ltd. saibmore ,rlonutul, New York•w Barker. enema ' Caldwell, Witeh'it, Ps .1 A Cornet' ite oledo, 0 (011 14 Ohr P ig KeitVi, Baltimore -" . zo it el *Judi*. :obio Co_ tec Pittsburg Jill Morrig,,totabarg gilvaios • B_l6ootollaa, Texas pcgi-6yW Wdllolll. Deillit&TO ` ifl 47 M Chartpats lami hoar A 1 TJE;b a lr if 0 Ki § ,; jolt Lot" E .ll ' B 'ltir tr"Xi ra Telt ' d i ' s L i• i l liVr ! .. o l t lfir47 - 14 ". . '2 Nt (j rlfiabti; in ttr;wlt4 l l l : o ., l , nt • Mitelateun,Boetoe - r Et, Mart n ji ., mast n' Porkies, sour York ' re Midd Mos, ew York II Appileg, %%poem , 1., Baker. Bal more : - a Baker, tialtimore ' , J Kelly. Philedelphia Root ipptie. 60 wills .ajloeohke, WLesb• D Mies Ida &weeks,. Will W Lionbuli, New Ja r ese W Niece, New Jersey , •W Peterson, Riahmond E B Worrell Peopev lead& W Lee. New York James IC Motile, ye ii C Collins. Phinvielphtik J....:vh , .litnamorelev , , Phil& B MoDoenell Warn, Del 'W 81111 pin qr. Pottstown N ahem., Alex. Va T Pendleton, New York , B Pendleton, New York . B E Pendleton. New York D 0 Collins frEarnmit. Plubstelebia Jla Heed. New Same! y . .olonion. New Jersey kg kieggeesze. Chareate.n Hatoenbranat. at Lotus J B Maroh. Wheelig, Vs Allman, Wleeling, Vs armor Bordenaya, Havens A Baker, Baltimore THE , UNION—Ara street. above Third. W 0 Reed, Climbs rebuts Geo A Dixon A la, Ohio J P Mann. Cleveland Mom 0 Mann. Cleveland 'l` U Heath, Prieeeton, NJ AB Butterfield, Oinn, 0 Crampton. Ohio j Chapman. Pesoeenie .tl W a Homer, Ohio Henry I'llgby,Pitteourri P .PKerri. Venting°, Pa • (I II Renißir. re Harbor. Pa J H Taylor. Sparta, lIID Pike. Lafayette, Ind Deo Gooriman, Ohio • P Davidson, Ohm Geo Morrie. Cumb 00, Pa '1! Edward,. Philada Addison Lytle, Allegheny City STATE' UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. Jaa R Reamer, Ilarriaonv'e B Simpson, Abordeen,Mo Wm Bailey, Chester on Tit Laws, Lancaster co J it Ray., New York D W Gemmuell Jr, Del W A Painter, W Cheater 13 R Long. Lewistown P Rearm. Pennsylvania .1 Fernan des Penns Immo Drina. Fennof l ee Keene. retina Q B Myers, Doubling Gap Chelan, Philadelphia T 0 Challen, Philadelphia la Watson. California Wm Weise, Val}fornia E Doty, Milibutown O Connor, Mi(Rintown GeoTaylo_,r Mitlintovrn 'D M Kunkel, Mifflintown J P Page, New york J Wyman, Pittsburg , Oto Barref • Onto NATIONAL HOTEL—Rao* street, above Third. G H Ilassenaus. MOS taw .1 Park. Atlantic City D M JODea, Mauch Chunk R Stanton,hesterville, 0 Charles Mason. Indiana Charles K Weil, Phila. Perry Reber, Sheemakersv R H Pouter & wf, Pala John Ranch, Ka Dee Mill John_H- Pool, . E M Hartman, Trenton, NJ!' n Riming Reuling D Rankin, Royalton, Pa MT. VERNON itillEL—Eisoond street, above Arch. 8 D Stryker, N J R H Wales. Pike Pond, Pa John Smith. Monte 00, Pa Mr Davis, Philo Thos Frame, Demware Jacob Everett, Pa Tobias 0 terholtser. Pa Mr Mitchell, Egumunk Whit Mathews Equinunk M Bates, Downsvilleh N Y L fiJohnson, , H Mathews. Equinunk. Pa BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third it. above Callowhill. Leisenying, Pittsburg J Woolley, Stroudsburg B Stover. Montgomery oo John Shearer, Backe oo Mim DimmlelliGermentown A C Reanoohl, Penns V Clymer, New Briton I. Tomliuson. Somerton John Tomlinson. Somerton Taos Mile, Pox Chase Mies Males, Pox Chase E Stratton, NOW Jersey Baia Stroup, Atlantio City MERCHANTS' RDIHER—Third et.. above esUowhlll. J H Edwards,Bethlehem John Brown, New Volt Mien R Johtuton.Reigelsville Miss Jearpenter,Rr Wm Hanker Allentown Ono Eaves Montgomery no Jr I. Brown. Montgomery oo a B Res, Willismsoort.Ps John B Shaffer, t' h It it K Damon Albright. Reading Martin Fuhrer.Atlnntio Ott? Wayne Blllinge,Atlantio A. Slight, Montgomeryville N K Zimmerman. Penns A.l Wilson, Conneotiout 8 Ouggenheimer Jc la, Vs .BARLEY MAP HOTEL—Sleoond et.. below Vme. John B Cole, Wayne op, Ps. Ci Wild, Wayne Go. Pa W 8 Hough, Galena, 111 Chas H Lukene,_Poila D 8 Stevens. Philadelphia Watson Comb , Dberry Chas Sturdevant, N Jersey Jeo W Duwarnan & la. Pa John Shaw & la, Pa Croadale Twining & la, Pa D W,lhamc & la, Pa Wm Day, New York Jos W Sleeper Maryland John R Neely, Bucks oo B Wm H Force, aolus so • FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Efeoond street. above Market. 1110 M Reynolde * la. Bah Mlse A J Reynolds. Balt .1 ea Greer. lrhiladelphut H L Prettyman. Delaware J Taggart. Philadelphia Jun 1.. Chambers, Il li nois T Green. New Orleans J I Burrell. Northamptn oo Fg °seen. New York John C Darby, Delaware Jacob Plumley, Albany, N Y John W Waters, N Jersey MARINE INTELLIGENOB. UR FORAYS PAIR. HD. flteemship Baton. Crook ARRIT er, 24 hours from New York. via Cape May 6 hours, with mdse and p .asengers to Joe , Ildercice. Pesird off the Brandywine Light p fall rigged brig bound up. Oir Liston's passed brig Reso lute, Yvan Cienluegoa • t a foreign full rigged brig. bound and several 'ars In the bey and river. hound up. , Brig Delhi, Dernehy, 10 days from Havana, with en gar;rind means to "home/ Watson & Bon. Behr Farmer. Deputy days from fdilford, Del. witk oorh to J W Beacon. Bohr Grace Girdler, Clark, 6 days from Bostanorrith nudge t • George . 1 Wood. Bohr Thomas Borden. Wrightington, 6 days from Fall River, in belles , to Cabeen & Co. Bohr J Williamson: Winsmore,6 days from Boston, in ballast to 8i111310K60,3 & Glover. Bohr George L Green. Green, 5 dare from Bolden, with fish. &e. to Crowell & Colh s. Behr ensile Chaso. 2 days from New York, with noise to David Cooper. Bohr B B Ashmead, Young, sdays from Norwich, in balast. to R R Comm & Co. . _ . Bohr Ranomea, tomes, 1 day from New Castle, Del, with wheat to Jae J Blank. wheat -ohr to J Mantua. Maxon, Iday from Frederica, Del, with /1.11 Barr It &lira. - ohr James w Early. Sipple. 1 de , from Frederica. Del, with earn to James 1. Bewley & Co Bohr Mary. h iokaroa. 1 day from Camden, Del, with onto to James LBewley re Co. Bohr Andrew Nimbly orris, 1 day from Little Creek Landing. Del. with oats to James L. Bewley & Co. aehr L e mDanenbower. Miller. front Boston. Bohr ont usont Corson, from Boston Bohr Treasurer. Fisher, from Boston Behr .1 It Plater. Gandy from Heston. Bohr • 1W Holmes, elloElisell. from “rovelend. Bohr 1 4 W Benton B seaman from Chelsea. Bohr Z Stratton, ebb, from Chelsea. Bohr Colorado, Ale, from reiregrove. cola Shenandoah, Blacsmari. from Providenoe. BY TILEGRAPH. (Correspondence of the Frew, WASHINGTON, Anguat 18. The New Orleans papers of Wednesday last contain additional marine disaaters daring tae late storm. The gotiooner Meehan Hotohltirs irom Mobile, bound to New York, with a cargo of 811 hales of cotton and a deck load of rosin, was dismasted and blown ashore near Pass a i'Outre. There is a probabilny of saving the vessel and WITCO. The storm appears to have swept the wholooosst from the Flonda capes to the blea r lcan COWL filli.MqV &RDA Steamship Kanaington, Baker, sailed from Boston 18th last or Philadelphia. Ship ou rne May Com peer, M White, from New York, arrived at Melb. :hips irgain. a li d lher i ler.siud B Palmer, Low, from N ist r tiMik e nix, goVi k ker u lit i ric t , h arri ve at Hong K grip7=-Oade, Blower, for New York , mailed from Manila June tai " Bhip Therese. Wallace, for Philadelphia, remained at Calcutta June lath. repairing Ship Goddess, Crowell, cleared at Calcutta June le for Boston. Ship 'Clitoris Reed. Preble, for Philadelphia, sailed from Bangor June Mtn. Ships Mary Ann. Hammonds, and *largo, Bowes, for Bolton, sailed from Sawn June 7th; the Martha. Lane, fordo; Cietavius, Pike, and Lucretia, Harding. for New York. Nailed 10th ; Uni all. for Boston 18th, and Nina, Atoßendry, for doors he Ilth. Bark Aurora, Costs, hence, arrived at Kingstown sth inst. Bark Norambege, Saunders from Galveston, arrived at New Vora 18th inn Berk Osselle Rhodes, from Barbados', arrived at New.Yora ißt ie frist. Bar Ohms ir Petercon, from Japan, arrived at Fop Foo J une 2d. Bark Home, Sanest, sailed from Manila June let, for New t ark. Bohr J M Houston, Rumen, cleared at Portland 17th Test. for Sydnev, C B. Bohr Addie E Swaim, Betiworth, from Pare, arrived at New York 18th last. Bohn C 8 Carstaim. Robinson; P 0 Smith, Smith; Albert Treat, Bowdon; • R L 'Pay. Sheppard ; Trojan Cook; B Shannon, Marts; Martha, Baxter; An al; Magee. Wheaton • Ilia* and linens, Price; and W Barrett, arrived at Barton 18th inst. Bohn Helen Mar. Id.adridni Coral Queen. 821122 1 and Olivia Buxton. Williams, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston Mai irst. Bohn W P _Phillips, hence. staLAbilams, Palmer, from n rnyruA. Del. arrived at Providence 7th inst. Bohr C A meoksoher, Pallas. from New Brunswick, arrived at New Haven 17th inst. Sir Sophie, Bell, hence, at Hartford 38th inst. SP.EOIAI4 NOTICES. LAUGH FIBS- WITVLSR'SpittGIS. Lsueuater Towuzli p, July 90,1880. t Messrs. EVANS & WASSON Oserrimatan : The small size No. 1 Iron Safe which I purchased from 7001 . agent, Mr. Adam R. Barr. in Lan caster city, on July 80th, 1868, has been subjected to a very severe teet, which it withstood in a most satisfac tory manner. This, containing all my book& together with valuable paperer, belonging to myself, and some to my neighbors aid friends, and representing a.value of over Twenty Thousand Dollar's. (00,000,) was in my Mill, which was destroyed on the night of the ffth of July, 1860, 'and' passed through the fiery ordeal un scathed. The Sale was on the second floor, and fell to the basement of the mill, and was subjected for six hours to an intense heat among the ruing, which wee greatly Increased by the combustion of a large quantity of grain confined within the brink walls After the fire the Sate was opened, and the books and papers taken out in a state of perfect preservation,the paper not even being diem:tiered. This fact was, owever, to many bystanders a better recommendation of your Safes than could be expressed in any other moral; from me. Yours, respectful'', EVANS & WATSQN-- Have a Large Assortnatuit of the above quality SALAMANDgW- SAFES AT ' No. 304 OHEBTNUT EMREET, On ea good termini any in the United States anl7-at ALL snouLn not fail to read the adver tisement of Prof. WOOD in to-day's vapor. au6-tt SAVING FoNG--NATIONAL SAIIIINY TWIN! Comeasy.—ChaTtered by the State of PeonesWawa. RULER. I. Money is received every day, and in any amoant urge or small. I. FIVE PER CENT. interact is paid for money from she day it le pot in. S. The money Is always paid back in GOLD whenever it is called for, and without notice. 41. , !Roney is recelveo from Executors. Admisistrer ors. Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or small sums. to remain a long or short period. - I. The money received from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgagee, Groand Route, and other Ant es's securities. 4. Moe open elretY der—WALNUT Street, soathwast or tier Third street. Philedolebis IsU BALAKeznlaluta-PRoo7 very large assortment of SALAMANDERS for lode M res• oonsble miem. No. 20.1 CHESTNUT St., Philpalelphls. wag -if KVANN WAIMuto BLACK AND PURPLE FOULARD BILKB. Fl , ein bleak Foul rd Bilks. lack Barege_a M, 6 4,7-4, and 8-4 wide. look Crave Marets. Name widths. Grey °none el. ria Poplins. • frzfk°lll4°,:.. t edan t2 l,ll o " l " . urn's Summer mornesames and °halm Black and whits Levu and Organdles, BEBBON dc BON, Mournisg_Stors, No. 918 all ESNIU fltroet. N. B.—thiring July and August we olose at 6 P. M. 'PIE ONLY RELIABLE ARTIOLE— OLARR4I Patent INDELIBLE PFNOILS, for Marking all kinds of Clothing neatly and indelibly. They do their work better than ink, without Ito trouble or risk of Blotting. Beak will mark SAlNYkyttenee. For A Wholesale ood Retail, by D. 0. TAYLOR & Agents Tor the Ittenursotarer, No. 91.1 CHESTNUT Street. iele.dro HARRIED. ALEXANDER-111BBS.—On the 12th instant,. by Rev. W. Mullin. Mr. Andrew Alexander, Jr., to Miss Aneeline Hibbs. both or this oity. • ElO—WI 61).—At Baddineton, Philadelphia, on the 19th ;dant, by Rev, 1. M. wheelr, Mr. William King and a ss Aims Milt both of Delaware 00.. Pa. FULlR—ORAftittf.—On the 14th instant.by Rev. 'W J. Thom, Murray Mr. J. B. pug, to Im o K ate caaaaa. ARING—LuGAN.—On the Batht,__by Rev. William T. Bunker. Mr James Wanes and miss Mar tha Ann 'Logan, all of this . ci Bauao b RILL , it mi—on the 18th instant, by l i Ciderell e 4l,,q l ; e r tint, bß r u girpfsl.l f . JEFFREY—DAVIES — On the 9d of July, 1 880 at METVIVIUF. atrillibnllll. by Rev. E. B. Wadsworth, Sta r. George Jeffrey to Alite Maria L., daughter of Mr. Sam'i Davame.'of Empire Ranohe, California, late of Philade haßr—MlT_OßNEß —Onihe 18th rant. by the Rev. ./00. B. Kennard, Mn, wm. EMT gst to. Ltesie, Eit s irgr im iluvAttr et r o thh i lAa t it i ne Plitetuter, iof _FROOT R.—At Mount Hnlitill7rJoh the 16th hut. mareatetta Proptet: wiftrof ; 700imins Jr.. and Auneral mitt th residenee other Migrated, It 68 8 : 41 „ piing this lseCoad day.) o'Clook M," "'" Pi,I6MING.- On the 17th Intitant, JOIN* PtNninhi to the 66th year of hie age. . „ The male relatives end friends of the family are respectfully Invited to att. r d the Inners% this (Monday) afternoon, at 0 o'olook. from his late reeldspoe, 340.1911 Vine grant. I.tennent at Woodland °smitten'. , . REV aftlfgrE —Uf corneetion of the em, in tne Slut year of hie age. on wednesday. the nth instant., at the residence of Colonel Wm. Cummins. Rishatio euillas MlAlin county. Pa., Rev. Thomas H. Beveridat, pastor of the Math United Presbyterian Churah of On 'i ts friends end clergymen of different dillotniwitior are respectfully Invind to attend his tuutral. from his late residence, Pio. 126 North Twenty-Ant street. this (Monday) morning. at 9 o'clock . Funeral to tdoint Moriah Cemetery. BRA W.—On the 16th instant, Joiseph B. Shaw, aged digrears. Funeral from hie late residence, fr 0.704 Erie 'treat, westside. first door below bhippen, this (Monday ) mop- Mg, at 9 o °look. WAMPOLE..-- , On the 17th instant, Charles L. Warn pole, in the 81th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence. near Kulpsville, Montgomery county, Fa., on Tuesday morning, lies instank,_at 9 o'oiook. OefilllAN.—On the 16th instant, James Carmen, In the 99th year of his age. Funaral from his late residence, corner of Broadway and Federal streets, Camden, Pi .1., at 10'0 , clook, (bI MTIV.ara the . 17th instant, William MoPeak, aged 87 rearm Funeral from the residence of his son, Henry Morptik, 1841 North eeconii street, below Muter, his(t (mil der) morning, at 8 o'clock. OARREPI.--On the 26th instant, Mow Ann Owen, aged 65 years. Funeral from her late residence, earner of Twenty second and Jefferson streets, this (Monday) morning, at 9 &oak. Bit Ia M KT.—On the 18th instant, William S., son of Captain H . B. and Mary Bright. Weekly Re 11 Interments its the i to the 0:2311:11 AI buminuris.— Apoplexy Aptha Canne r Come r Of filtomaeh. Casualties .....—. Croup Congestion of L Brain unge Coup do Soleil. Cholera • Cholera Infantum.— " Cone'ption of Lunge Convulsions Cyanosis ...... llarrhcent . ..... ropey. Bt r i a elt. ..... Heart. w. Disease of Brain.... Is Opine. ... ‘0 Kidneys. Drowned Dy5enterf........... ..... Effssion on Brain.... Epilepsy Under 1 From Io to le.—. -- In to 30 tolo 20 to " 40 to NATIVITY—United 8 known. 12. Prom the Alrushotuse the Country, I. WARDS. WARDS. I WARDS. a ra Ft...-..,.....20 Tenth .....---.14 Nineteenth.--- 19 Becloud ..........19 Eleventh ....... 6 Twentieth.. .19 Thard .. .... 15 Twelfth.._.... 7 Twenty-tint.... 3 Fottrth..- ..... 9 Thirteenth...... S Twenty-seeond.. 8 Fifth...—. - . 9 Fourteenth.... 5 Twenty-third,,.. 5 1 Sixth .--......10 Fifteentn.—.. 5 Twenty-fourth...l6 ranth ........n Sixteenth - —*. 9 Hang:wit .... -.15 ghth....— 6 gleventeenth —.17 anth—.....32 Eighteenth ....18 T0ta1.... --.251 The number of 'deaths compared with the ;:sorrespond ing week of 1859.'60 and of last week, was as follows: Week ending August Seth. 1869, was. -..... —....201 • ilil " nth, 1860. " • • !...- ......331 Males, 160; F emale 131 ; Boys. 98; Girls, 87. By order ot o Board of Health. ARTHUB HUGHES. Heath °Meer. frya ELEVENTH WARD.—DOEGLAS4 JOHNB.IN. AND FO3 I Eft.—An adjourned meeting will be held THIS EVENI 'OO4 8 o'oloolr. st the house of A. Ruthsrd, N. E. corner Thud and Green streets. - /t• ay :TO THE PUBLIC—A. CARD.—THB DE- Melon of Judge Mahlon, at Cooperstown. ttbth pounced° having been otroulated 13-orptolust over the COIN try, we deem it our duty to state that ih s de fieton, of an inferior and petty court extending ire in uence over only the Southern District of New York, one been virtual, annulled or reversed, so Mr as 1 E PLOWT SEWING MACHINE COMPANY is ronoerned• by the recent decision of the Hon ,Chief Judge Dunlop, of the Circuit Coen of the Betted States. at Washington, which esraullehes clearly the fast that the Akins & Faltbousen Patent is the only original and vales one upon whole reliance cart be placed or Baynes Msokines umetifeetured In the United States Under this Patent the Most owing Maohlue Com pany are the emir licensees and. ooneequentl+. despite the decision at Cooperstown, ail other manufacturers are infringers according 'a the highest legal aur.ority in the /and. This decision of Luse Nelson is already animated from even in the 11 tilted distnot it affect,. Machine B. BLOT, President of The Stoat Souring e Company. PIIMATIELPHIA, August 11., It. fy• OFFICE 174 I Wll i t t glifiNaCLPli . LA. Mien, no. 'the holders of the bonds of f this Oomplit „ dna /017 Mao, oan sw remove. upon loat il las Ma Mem le Pair oent. eaeh, non the tMli In the wren lar attach Tbe holder, are also entitled to the beneAt of a MM., hit Fund of .140,0Q11 per annum, as established by the stockholders at their snout meeting, held January I, 1800, and in pursuance of the mratraot, entered into by Vorluif and di" V l DYlRSlffh tt r i lr= lll9 , cud Netted to Lk Holders qf Wit sad Roadins Rat/read Cneepeny Mort pail! Bonds, deo Jolly 1, app. rai"=F3 bf t l l,olloll26.Al net nonwhite or the hut year 1 / 1 111111Z. 6141111 tM aseennt or the annual Interest on these hoods. The manager. propose to extend them for • period of twenty years. the holders Tiring the bendsSiagg: seopnty of the mortslllollLlA. premiss 0011111 wbioh they are now hell Frio m eta of coupons for the intereatrpayable hali-yesrly, trill be uerned, A bps r, lent, Zia to the itoldeiVat Cru i s e wl a l i Ftot! & I F to tie hsarm ottrbonrs u raapeo net girds% t h e NlT:tiiresoZrutt, or tl j a sleet., for endonerent. Forms o reoeipt and endorsement will be Washed ea applies 08. seder 41" B~ar~pt Me REMOVAL. EVERETT, RICKS, & CALDWELL, CLOTH HOUSE, 800 removed to 1128 MARKET STREET. Buyers ere invited to examine our stook. IPf MOVAL.—,The undersigned have m.,re moved their 0116ie and Salesroom from th_e Foun dry. .at NOBLE-wrap ET WHARF, to the N. E.morner orBECOND sad RAQE et e ta, where dealers will And a lets* collection of BTQIrEs or the most **Moved Patterns. Tinned. Enamelled, and *lam Hollow-ware, comprising an assortment second to none in the coun try'. All orders left at the office. or by mail, will receive prompt attention. LEIBRAN ar, McDOWE_LL. - • Philadelhia Atoms worts. and Hol low-ware Foundries. CAMPAIGN TRIBUNE. WEEKLY. To satisfy a demand for THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE at a low rate during the remainder of the Presidential Campaign, we have decided to offer itto Clubs and Com mittees at the following rednoed prices. We believe that a thorough distribution of THE TRIBUNE among doubtfal voters will have great influence in so ounng the triumph of the Republican cause, and we will thank those who think likewise to aid us toward making Ruh a distribution. TERMS 10 Copies, to one addrels,lo weeks, from tifr4l. $3 4 2.. " 40 " 7 lOU " 17 Terms Cash in advance. address, THE TRIBUNE. auW 2t4 &W New York. pHILADELPIIIA. PAPER-HANGING _IL&NUFAd i rURERS, -.—IFEEt TRADE.) 'HOWELL & BOURKE. Having removed to their new store, CORNER FOURTH AND NEAREST STREETS, Are now prepared to O'er to the Trade s large and elegant assortment of WALL PAPERS. BORDERS, FIRE SCREENS. WINDOW CURTAIN GOODS, &c., All of the newest and best designs. from the lon est priced &Mole to the finest COLD AND VELVET DECORATIONS. Southern and Western merehants von do well to vielt the establishment of HOWELL & BOURKE, N. E. CORNER FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, aul8•Im PHILADELPHIA. SAMUEL .11-ANCK. FOR PROTHONOTARY OF DISTRICT COURT, WILLIAM LOUGHLIN. &mond Ward. Subject to the Rules of the Demooratio Party. au2o 6t* DISSOLIMON.—The Partnership heie tofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm of REIIN & hilt:RP/1M is hereby dissolved, by mutual consent, O. L. Rahn retiring. The business wil be settled lir H. EVERETT, who has purahased the merest of the retiring partner, and will continue it on hie Individual account. CA PER REHR. HORACE EVERETT. Philadelphia, August le. MO. auto mwratif R,TEREOSCOPIO PORTRAI FS TAKEN K- 7 for one dollar. Gilt frames for Photographs at ono d01t... and upwards, at Rltsgd. R'd 0 .., IKE Y, BE -000 D Wrest, above 08EEN. Plret quality of *En brotypoa made at thlg establiehmerlt. It GOLT.IIdfIEAN GUANO.—The following is a copy of a Diploma received by the Subscriber from the Chester County Agricultural Society, dated October 20, 18691 " Asa testimonial of their approbation of his superior samples of Columbian Guano and Super. Phosphate of Lime. accompanied by a Certificate as a eatinionlal of their approbation of .undly extraordi nary productions hr the pplioatio , of Columbian rruano. among which wei e italics of Corn 12 feet high, with two ears in each stalk, Wheat in the sheaf. sam ples of Green Oran and vvhite Clover, and Thnotay Bar. Huagarum Oran, &n o ho., and a premium for the best acre of Corn." - - - - Price e4O ir Ton or 2100 Mc, In Raga 28" in Bulk. Ground and fer sale at the MIW, Downlngton, Cheater county, Pa. OAMITFL RING WALT. Ringwalt's Milli, DOWNINGTOWN Pa. Also for male by_PASCHALL MORRIS, Corner of ShAfENTR and MARKET Boosts, and CLOUD & JEFFERIS. Agricultural Warehouse. West °nester. aulo-tf rALL GOODS ARE NOW COMMEND: ED OPENING. Fall Hey% Dalainas. Fall Stlle Cashmeres. Fall Style Ohintsei. F51101°4)1( of Fianneur. F.Y & LANDALL, FOURTH. and AROR Streets. ti t TO THE SOUTHERN AND WEST vim ERN TRADE. Mrs. M. A. KING, No. 27 goutll Second Street, corner of Bina Horse Allen has olenert a full assortment of FALL AND W INT KR F NOY BONNETS, of the latest styles , to whioll she twits s their attention. a. Ift• BOOK BUYEM.—Gentlemen: have taken the Basement of the Philadelphia Bank, 419 CaItBTISLIT street, where I will continue to buy and sell (as 1 have heretofore done at the Custom house Avenue Book-stand) oul and new Lew and Nis oellaneoue Books, I have for Sale upwards of 100 old black-1040A Boots printed prior to the year 149 9 . Also, a copy flsnumns On the new t,2voL„ 4W, 2 vole„ printed in 1148..Pric_e BM I will &Widest in XitgravinSe and Autotrapha , Persons at a distance wishing to sell Books, irldesoribe the mamas ,dates, hindi nab conditions, aril KlM.amphlet Laws d oi Pennon -I=lll4 old StWiLs tl"9 MEW, t]a sport or Interments. [MUTH 097101, August 18, MO. ill/ of Philadelphia from the 11th eth of August, 1860, MITZI Bryn polio F,aoture.....' '' Fever,e Hilton. Puerperal.— Boarlet..". Typhoid..... tremorrhage. Lunge Booing Cough..... Inflammation, Brain .. Lungs— Bt.& Bowels • Bladder.... Inanition. ........ Mania-a-sotn. Marasmna ..... •• • • Neuralgia.........— old ..... areonfll stai ftlorn.—..—.. 4 7 sti n ei li kei;eni;i10 — s . . Teething. Uloenitton,Storiiaoh Throat.. • • From to to 80.... • 60 to " 70 to 80 . " 80 to 90....... 3 " 90 to 8 " 100 to 110..—. tares, 128; Foreign, 41 ; 8; People of Color,lo ; from 3=2 REMOVA.LB. -EXCITItSIOIIf. sTuAirGE4 ITV poatigkipmA; ,A NOW IS THE TIME - TO vied'. tgs SEA-SHORE. THE HOTELS AT ATLANTIC CITY ARE NOT HALF FULL. FINE BATHING, SAILING, AND FISHING. Trains leave 7.30 A. M. and 4 P. M., daily. aull-2w THIRD STREET JOBBING HOUSES JAMES. SENT. SANTEE. & 00.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP DRY GOODS. NOS. 239 AND 241 NORTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE RAUE, Respectfully invite the attention of Buyers to their usual LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, Among wht oh will be foand a general aaaortment of PHILADELPIIIA•MADE GOODS, Also, a large variety of new and confined styles of PRINTS, MERRIMACK SECONDS, kc. anl7.7m THOS. MELLOR & CO.. NO. 8 NOM THIRD STREET, INPORTERS o. H O S I E R Y. SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, SMALL WARES, &c. Taos. Almost, JOHN B. MELLOR, EDWARD &IDA, Gs°. 0. EVANI. aul7-9DI FALL, 1860. COOPER. PARHAM. & WORK, Iloportere, Atanntse tare rp. and J obbers of HATS. CAPS, FURS. AND STRAW GOODS. NO. 61 NORTH TRIED STREET, below ARCH, PHILADELPHIA. MILTON COOPER. WM. M. PARHAM. ROBERT D. WORK. 11117" Fall Stook now ,complete and reedy for Buret% aalr-2m SOWER, BARNES. as CO.. DOOKiELLERB AND PUBLIBUtRe. No 37 NORTH THIRD STREET, . Lower aide, above Market Street, Philadelphia, Invite the attention of Bookrellers and country mer• ohonts to their vo-y large stook of School Books, pub lished in this and emir o tire Pisether with Atisoollaite• one and Blank thinks. Papor. and htationorr generally. ri.. B. & Co o arc ontilienere of many popular work , . among which are the following: • THE CENTRAL GOLD REGION, BY COL. WILLIAM GILPIN,; (Late of the U. 8. Army.) ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS MAPS. One Vol, goo, bound in cloth. Prioe 81.26; and a liberal discount to the trade. This book is pronounced the moat wonderful. selenti- Me. cud oomprehensive meatus) on the teoerenbr of our continent ever published. - IS 0.1=1001.4BOOKS: HANDERS' BERM OF READERB. BROOKS' NORMAL PRIMARY ARITRME TIO—...... .... ots. BEGOEB' NORMAL MENTAL ......... TIO BROOKS" — SAY TO 1414TaTat.,---Astriviivs . BY E. BROOKS, A. M., borenorolMathematios in Perrylearns State Nor- Liberal terznifoiintrolutti b ot WHITE'S COPY-BOOBS. BY T. PLUM 'WHITE. President ot kennsylvards:Commerolal College. PELTOWS OUTLINE MARS. This series of SIX SUPERB MAPS is now adopted In ghost every linhool of note ni the Union where geo graphy in taught, and hag no equal. Bob. 4Z for fall let of sic maps. or Old for get of hennspnere maps alone. ana-dm NEW PUBLICATIONS. Thills of theilodeatind owly_" MARIO L L ARLANDIE NEW NOVEL ! N no w BRAD I T. ME 8 1 8 8. fly the author of " Alone," " Ridden Path," etc. One Handsome limo. Price $) la. The Publishers are gratified in being ahla at last to answer the thoneands of inquiries for the new Novel by IdARION HARLAND. and not alone gratified with the fact or a new book, lint In being able to add their ',mi g•non that it is far in advance of any of the f ormer orts of thq aocomplighsdanthoreu, notwithetaading nnerstiedenled 'nooses of her published volumes, all of which have been republished in Eng land , Pr ss ance, and Germany. Indeed , no other Ame ri can authoress has the hrnor of a republication in the Leipzig Wines of Alphonse Darr, which embraces Bryant, Lonfellow,. Hawthorne, Prescott, and Poe. The wane of tha story of NEMESIS is laid in the oath ; the time, the beginning of the present century. The customs and many or the events of those 417.8 are Oozed with fidelity and spirit, yet so Willfully inter woven with the narrative that the reader Is not wearied DU Ctft;ll `"`" agg r ostif hi lli r a i go gin t i l r i lZ a s.:h il e o , 9 ll74l yestsrday.and their inmates differ little tram the men and women with whom he associates daily. The Pictures of humble life, of whioh we have many In the earlier ohi r i ii pters. are graphic and refreshing. info other work tom the author ' s pen can there be found greater va riety of incident, morn artistio delineation of character, more eannetpess of thought and vigor of description. and eertainly no other contains a plot so striking in conception, and lo ably man aged. The reader clamiot but remark, as he pmceeds. how naturally, yet bow irresistibly, he ie boine along by the tide of evente—for the story seems to tell itself—the author, a I the while not of eight. Theron no need, after he is once in the current, to explain the bold and somewhat ominous title that frowns at the top of the pass. Before the NEMBtilB is unveiled, the reader feels her anbtle influence , un dinstentlits by intuition that there are hidden springs and secret wires under the feet and in the homes of the unsuspecting objects of her vengeance, and the perti nent motto of the authoress—" The Mills of the Gods grind slowly "—fully proves that Retribution, though sometimes glow, i elwais cure. Zof the autumns of MA lON HARLAND'S "Alone," " Hidden Path," and" oar-Bide," in this country, it is hardly nosegay to Nearly READERS tastifyto their wonderful pop , ulanty. !In thejanquartmf the Nob, York ()braver: iiimur. Naos, humor,andracrj In her ohlninrig paces; much know ledr,. Or human nature. and power to delineate oharito tar-;," and of the Note York Evangelist: "Horne, sin oenty. and truth, are invested with most attractive charms. While engaging the imaginationothe makes all submit to its moral impression, and enlists the read er • a pprobation exclusively with the virtuous and truo. • • As muoh or more can he said in praise of NEMESIB, whioh to now anbtnitted to appraointive public. DE BROADWAY,CKSubIishers. 49$ IKW YORK. 'RECIENTLY PRINTED—New edttions of Alone, 12rno, 81.10 t Theßidden Path. Pima, Ilia; bide. Umo, BM. It APPROVED SOHUOL BOOKS, E. H. BUTLER & CO.,Published by 137 Routh FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. MITCHELL'S NEW SERIES—Now Ready. IYlitehell's Pint Lemons in Oeography--. —ISO 25 Mitoholl's Hew Primary brompriy...„. —..... 0 50 Miro ell's New Intermediate Geography.-- —. 1 12 Mitchell's New Ancient Oeography--. 1 12 MITCHELL'S (OLD) SERIES. Mitchell's Primary Otrography..., ..... 0 62 hi itohelPs intermediate Geography.....-..... 0 114 Mitchell's Geography , and At1a5... ..-_.... 1 20 Mitchell's Ancient Geography and'Aillue.... 126 Mitchell's Geographical gnestions.—. 0 23 GOODRICH'S SERIES OF HISTORIES. Goodrich's Child's Piotoriarllietory of the United Stat. a Heady In September . Goodrich's Pictorial History of the United litotes. 1 12 Goodrioh'e Pictorial Pietory of England --.. 0 OL Goodrich'. Pict,rial History of 0. eece.......-- 0 94 Goodrich's Piatorkl ' , atoll , of Rom.— 0 2.4 G. Pmt riot Biatory of Fianceo 91 Goodrich's Parley's Common &hoot History o f' the World-- . 1 r' LATELY PUBLISHED Coppes . 4 Select A on& mic Speaker - 1 en Coppee'e e lenient' of L 0,,, to , 076 Copp e'e Elements of F --... I 00 Sanders' .• ow Latin Parade me.___o76 Tenney's Figments of lieoloil2. • • ••• •••• • •• • 123 Howe' Ladies Reader.. " 112 Howe J•inuir Ladies' ...... •.. 004 litookuardt'a Prmotples of Chemistry"—, 1 98 fatooktiardt's Chemistry, bound with Cooke'e Pro blame Ramehorn'it Latin ISynonsma.•— .. 1 28 Plander'a Constitution of the United . Btates.—. 081 NEW EDITH:N . 2B. Foholites Conrnion—Euglish Words 060 Flemming & ibbin's Frenoh and English, and Ensile' an Frenah Dietionar2 3CO Fleming & Tinbln's French and English, and Eng lish and French Ilietionery abridged. 1 12 Nugent's French & English, ens Engllah and French Dictionary---. •0 GS Doormen's Greek and English .diotioisary— 800 Hart's 0 St Hart's Class Hook of Prose 081 Hart's Clues Book of Poetry., —........ 0 81 Hart's Constitution or the united . 'States 0 so c o neetooh's Hyetem of Itioaution.-- 100 Angell's Bend of readers, in six numbers........ Ruh! in WASHINGTON IRVING'S COMPLETE ir V WORKS. _HE NATIONAL EDITION. An entirely new and beautiful edition complete in 21 pale r, wit h on exquisitely tinted and prepared paper, with Oluntratlonn on ste e l and wood at Dlno pervolume. • FOR SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. This day is esdy TRe TALES OF A TRAVISLI ER, begs thnfift t •I p olgr o ol the wortsmica as published, and to 11 9 11 , 1 4 t1p c 4 T K I F. 0 AtittINGTON, not. I, KIVIOKERBOCKER, BRAOIIMUD GB HALL, TRAVELLbR, on o nhocrlhing for the whole set st theldOOK STORE of tIA lidUE__ HZAD, Jr., .N 0.724 OBESTN UT street. Also urrlFOßM STYLE Win! THE ABOVE, SIALKAGUrioI. by IRVING & PAULDING. attlT-InaW•3t MOURNINO FOULARDS REDUCED ILL TO 3756 ORNTS. Black arc:minds—lN hi tip Figures. g i re„ k 6ll=l"yiesl7l 87_ 2 ' TX' • All Ine t roularde Tb e 164 "F. I A L AWN it I eontmusiox HOUSES. TEIOIVIAS s. GILL. OOMMISSION ZIER.OHANT, No. 212 OfiIiSTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA." For 'Vs by the Paokago: CLOTHS, FANCY COATINGS, BEAVERS, SEALSKINti, BELTS, Au. MILLYLELN, MARS., ORISKANY, RITOH• BURG, ROYALBTON, AND 0111131 MAXIS 01 FANCY CASSIMERES, HARRIS' FANCY UNION OiSSIMERES, BA TINETTS, LININGS, YESTINGS, BILE. f3IAB, to EAGLE LADIES' CLOTHS, VELVETS, ha. atils-2m RIDGWAY, REIISSNER, & 00., IMPORTERS OF CLOTHS, DOESKINS, AND OASSIAIERES. Sole agents for FR. ERCIEENS,(LittIe Ttoket.) W. A. r.p.„,lAbhoo.) GETS & IMMIMIDT,(I3. & Olothd.) P.O M & 8O 4, (Gold Modals.) ZdA BO GJIROS.,(Foaoy Oassimoreo,) E. TOE NIES & 00., and other manufacturers of the greatest oelebrity, 206 CHESTNUT STREET. ant-Int GEORGE PEARCE & CO.. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF LACE GOODS. 241 CHESTNUT BTR.RET, Philadelphia. 52 and 54 PARK PLACE, New York. aul.mwkflut WELEING.OOFFIN& Co. 118 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer, by the paokage, the following description of AMEMICJAN GOODS. OP STANDARD MAEIIII ♦ND 111 41111 AT ?ARMY GRBRNB MANUFACTURING CO.'S PRINTS ; BLEACHED AND BROWN SHEETING% SHIRTINGS 'AND DRILLS; OSNABURGS, DENIMS, AND STRIPES; CORSET JEANS, SILESIA'S, AND NAN. KEENS; CANTON FLANNELS AND PRINTED LININGS; RHODE ISLAND LIMEYS; PHILADELPHIA LINSEYS AND CHECKS; KENTUCKY JEANS AND COTTONADES; NEGRO CLOTHS AND KERSEYS ; ALL-WOOL AND UNION CLOTHS; BLACK AND FANCY CASSIMERES ; BLACK AND MIXED DOESKINS; SATIgETS AND UNION CIASSDIERES; TWEEDS, CASLIMARETTEa, ho., &o. anl-3rn WASHING TO N MILLS, FORMERkY BAY STATE MILLS. SHAWLS of all eine, in great variatr. Emboesed and Printed TABLE COVERS. • UNION BEAVERS and BROAD CLOTHS. B&L MORAL SKIRTS. DOESKINS, and Double and Twisted COATINGS. 64 SACKINGS and knew/ ZEPHYR CLOTH& Twilled and Plain FLANNELS and OPERA FLAN NELS. Printed FELT CARPETING& For sale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, _ 34 Swath FRONT Street, and 1/24-tt 35 LETITL& Street SEELPLNY, JTATARD, & HIITOBINSON, RO. 1111 ORROTNCIT 0%. OOUISSION YEERMANTI • FOR TRZ ;BALE OF PiIILADELPHIA-MADE alma GOODS. MEPICINAL. PROF. MORRIS' ETJOEPHALOS. There am 100400 Sufferers from DISIDAB)DI of the NBRYOUS SYSTEM. in the city of Philadelphia, who can be mod by arm P_tO_Ll_P • - IT OR album , Fe IT Li .h.; I' 1-1. A LA 0 B. widon le on original mid WONDSRPHL RAISIEDY. Compounded front the private formula of Profess's Morris, SC D.. of this city. It acts directly upon thli_Nervee AUY Auetagrnon th ro u g h the pores, sad it necdhutas trial of • BINOLS /3 to tout Its mervelknas virtues. Hatreren from ~ .xOITERIENT 017 M BRAM. IRVNE4AII.p. ,a...gE DlltuLtwx.. A IffIRMA • CHRONIC E I t.VOILONESIS, Re., Will find the deeiroffrelief by is EXTERN* ÜBE, as (11T R tp l he Caroular. 7 iii.fl , TR il l R § ~. I. .Itr 11 lig 111 i ll II il TRf ! T. fit iwi If on are subsisted by over-mnoh studY. If you suffer from sleepless nights, If,yott are a victim to penis's's. , iiIioytI7,4vIVILIIIIMUTAIIIT g rief , '.# Ift fP T T I TS Ett t i,l, , ' I 4 As 'twill remove those miserable sensations which in duce a mo chid disposuontowarda intemperanee. TRY 1,, if yon are suffering om Nervous Debilits In any of is rortrukand you ill an it e, soothing and NwIOORATISIO an to your nerves, and worth many times its oat, in the relief afforded. Numerous testimonials from the moat retable sources inn be seen, by spilling at the office 0 11ie gni. 'rioters. 21red - by MOCR.R.IDGE & CO., No. 62 North POu RTH /Street. sir And for dale by Druggists generally. irr-if ASTHMA For the Me= RELIEF end nu ll KAMM'S OURS of Me dietreeelas coont- y taint. us FEND T'S BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Made by C. B. dISYMOITR & CO., 107 HAWAII Street, Now York. Moo Slyer box: moot free 1:7 Net rar7.4lm Itl FOR BALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS'. SAVING FUNDS. AMERIOAN BATING FUND.—Clom lnirldullding, Rou th eatd d xneLVTALl4 CT rot gViinfi t on 14f8TIDTY Mtn the.a4ing,. '414 Ola MIME has shwa paid In Ilill , on demand. 'without no . FIVE PER CENT. Allan= disMerroand L in gold auditing.. • T liT , l i i,El3. A X. IttALDIN, Preiddeal. EAMI... ORE. - Vis side Preent. John C. Farb T. E. Ha mar. George Nugent. John Anintanh, Jr., lzkunl.Bodine. Aln. l'll4lberts. John Allman, Jo as B owlngin r _ H. H. ittldridge. WWm. . J. Howsrd. JOHN B. WILSON .Treasnrar. JOHN 0. RIMS. Beorenirs. 1710-1 m PRtt'U GARDEN isAVINIf FDA!), °Mae, 931 North THIRD Street. between Vine and Callowbill. Incorporated by the Legislature April 104,1861. Onen for Deposits and Payment.. daily, from I to O'OlOOE. Alec, on MONDAY and TfIUREDAY EVE6B, from 6 to 8 o'olook. Interest 6 per cent. per annum. Pepotritota can With drew their outlays by CheoLn, if desired. 13peoial Ue health received. JAMES ti. PRINGLE. Frenident. FRANCIS HART. Soorntorp. na.lo-tf If $lOO REWARD.—On Friday night the 10th inst., was stolen from the sabscriber, residing in West Mena'loiter township. York (sonar, FOUR HORBe.B. Two of them are black matoh.s. about le or 1e hands high ; and one of them is four ears o d and the other five , and has a few white hairs on hie forehead, which would not ho radioed without a close examination. '1 he other two are light bay s, and one of them is about fourteen hands high, is Eve years old. has a bald face and one white hind leg, and is blind in the left eye. The other horse is about thirteen hands high, is seven years old. hag a star on his forehead, a white spot on his nose, a white hind foot, and is blind is the right eye A reward of $OO wilt be paid for the recovery of the homes, and See for the apprehension of the thief,_ or 1100 for ti both. BKNIAMIN KAUFFMAN. auglo-t FROM Pkt( TESSOR 11110 T II.—" In my opinion the ART ELL JAR combines more - vantages than any others for Preserving . being who! y ofglass, cleanly, strong, and durable , closing air-tight, and opening and shutting with ran,ll.lo. J•ldlitC. DOOTII." FROM DR. ATLEE. " I have used the Herten Alllams Tar in my fsmi-7 for the preservation of Fruit, an d in comparing it wan others previous) y empleyel for the purpose. I consider it highly preferable, and partioularly so to metal Lars or Jars with metal tops. lt is perfeotly air tight. and tree Itall possitillity of taint , as is the cue with metal. It is secured with more sue, rapidity. 4au certainty than by cement or solder. and opened reiliir.wlll: the fruit is kept in the most: admirable °‘nuf the, ot i g . tested the Jar well, I consider that it meet. cations that can be desired. _ WssairloTo2l Le.TLES, M. D., N 0.14 0 14 Arottatrest.” Manufacturer' under Pm Patent, IiARTELL & LETCHNORTH, sue-kelt No. s 3 North Pkr4ll Street. AWNINGS ! AWNINGS ! ! • FLAGS! FLAGS!! JOSEPH H. FOSTER, AWNING MAHER. 443 Nod, THIRD Street, Phi l ad e Has on nand FLAGS o all 613... Or toads to order, at short notioe. Political parties. Cl u bs. or osittotns or yowls, would do well to call beforeporoluounir elee where. Illaoktng Bottoms, Saga, and Wrtgon-oovort auglit-if Im• AZUMBA I .AZUMX/i. I AZIMIXet ! AZUKKA 1 AMMER! AZURRA 1 AROMA! PROF. MORRO' AZUMRA _ BARRIO rOWDZIL Ilwfao i ecttgrd. 21.. f 9 Port . h FUR IR gm EDITC AT lOIT Ali. rss Timsp's S )0L PuE yourzo IYI lAOIEB, at 113 GIRARD armlet, vtil reopen on MOND Y. remember tO. goo tra• N,N TR AL IN STI EUTE, TENTH AND SPRING a ARDF.N Street,. mll reopen Septet's. leer 3. thra prepared for any D.vieien of the Public Grammar &lbw:a, for College or for ausm.si rau at toe .0H001..-Itoo.ll between th• boy,. o(9 en d 12. AO) tly • H G. Mogi UIR P, Principal. RI 1 TFNHOUSE OADEMY.— En glieh and elusion! School, On the City Institute Build. int.) CHEeTNU r and IMGHTE, H streets. tn. trance on Eightecnth strut, third door above Chestnut. The next 114111011 will conimonon on MONDAY, bap temr . MO. au b l7-lin JOHN E. WESTCOIT. Principal MR. WINTHROP TAPPAN'S BOARD on wo7 I E N ID At vaR n 8 61 0 140. 11 , 00 rib k ir rb a r ye .o l.l4l6 .taku. L l t sit O rEa lE m.o B uoo4 4_ ol . on appl cation . enl6-41w. MISS LIMY R. MAYER and Mrs. R. IS. BIRD will 'reopen their school for JOUEIF la dles, et Ito. 1010 SPRUCE street, on MONDAY, Sip tetaba r 17. 2114142ra I,TOUNG )IADIES' BOARDING AND -IL DAY PCHOOL. Rev. JAMES I. HEI.VB Boarding and Dar School for Y.rnan g Ladies. 1.4110 w ALN UT Street. will be reopened September 12th. enll.smw2in A OADCITir OF THE PROTESTANT a -la- EPISCOPAL CIIVROH, LOCUST and JUNIPER BT_REETB. Th. Autumnal Session will open on MONDAY. Sep tem Per 3, at o'clook A. M. 7he billion (se tor the lorest chum, inxty dollars for all other elesess. wren ty-flve dollars per annum ; there are no extra charges. Application. for 1141113110111 may no !node at the Aoada to I after August *Rh, between the hour! or 10 and la o'olook A. 151. JAMES W. ROBING, A. AL, anlo-finvtf Head Mader. PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS.—LI3- 011.18 BARROWS, for the past eta yews Asso ciate Frio°!pal of Rittenhonee Academy, in Eighteenth street, stove Chestnut street, will open a Bottom for Boys, in CREAM trr street. second door below Binh teermi,caolustatuts ftildingg.) on MONDAY, Bet teeiratilars uniy be obtained at the City Institute , and at 606 and 60e Chestnut street. References John B. Hart. LL. D., J. J. Bacon. M, D. anl4-1m• THE MISSES CASEY & MRS. BEEBE'S English and Frenoh Boarding and Day School, for Young Ladies, No. 1101 WALNUT Street. will be re opened on Wedneaday,Bept. Mth. atailw MESDAMES OBE6ARAY AND WHEEL VILLY rem:4o(4lly inform their & w mds , and the üblioe that they hays removed their (and Del School for Young Ladies from Lommilk i kare to Nom 16117 and 1629 ;SPRUCE Street- where ey will be iac i :to receive Aar iamb on THUBADA , Septa's 13th. dames CHEGARAY and D'HERVILLY will re oeive visitors at No. 1809 .1.4)0A14 Bataan until the 10th August. .11164 in AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE la a reliable medium throukwidalt Wools end Foal- Igr z aar =oe tent taaohenk Paresis atay eb n lIPMENS:7 in.tr al/IT ' itt4af BRYANT & STILIITTON'S NATIONAL raltpe, SUMMER RESORTS. V,PHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRING.- Thu popular watering-alsoe will be kept open during the season of warm weather and anti, the f ro st sets in. Persons desirous of spending the remainder of the season where they have the advantage of pure water, pure mountain air, (at an elevation of twelve hundred feat,) free from fogs, damp night., and ones mu, usually rising from sluggish streams in gorges of mountains and low localities, will here find every com fort and amusement to be me with at the best-regu lated watenug-placeg. For further particulars and circulars, please *all op Jos. B. Myers, corner Third and Vane Streets, and James Earle & eo., M No. 816 Chestnut Street, Phi adelphia, or on JOSEPH KOOMACHER Ephrata Poet Office:Lai/cuter county. Pa. au9-1m UN HOTEL, BETHLEHEM, PA. This fine old mansion. founded before the Revola tion. and intimatPlyoonneeteo with some of the most interesting features of our national historp. Is now of ',vanity to accommodate a large number of gouts. The house Is con d ucted in the best manner, and no thing is wanting to make it the pleasant and comlorta ble home of visitors during their sofourn in this de lightful inland town. The air is salubrious. the mom:i tem and river scenery beautiful. and to the seekers of either health or pleasure. Bethlehem is not excelled by any other summer resort in the Union. au3-lm „I 1. , 18F RT, Proprietor. NIANSI° q 11011914, MJUNT CARBON, fICHUYIA ILL COUNTY. PA. Families aocornmodated with good roma at rednoed prices. This old-established Muse, located in the gap be sworn Sharp and and mountain,, immediately on the line of tho Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, within half a mile of Pottevilie. formerly kept by Jo seph Hood, of the old Mansion House, Philadelphia ham, since his demise, been under the charge of hie Mine liter. • The bonne in prepared, at all semiotic of the year, for the receptton of sneers. and It ta been recently put in cooler. The [arra 'Arden and tetrit adjoining. otenents great Inducamenin as a simmer reant. to persons monh log to spend a short tuna anray Iron the duet and tur moil of the cities. where they can breathe fresh moun tain air and enter the wild and beautiful scenery of the coal resinn. _ . commutv_tion pareenger tickets. far the use of fami lies are sold at a reduction of twenty fire per cent.. and an accommodation train will leave Pottevilled,tilv dunes the summer mono, e, to enable those who may dee re it to spend the business portion of the day in the city and return the rune evening. on which the ululates will be thirty-three per pent below the umal rates. For terms, a poly to MARY READ, Mansionnouse, mount Carbon 1,530.3 m 'Schuylkill Co.. 11e. MANSION HOUSE, ATLANTIO CITY, N. 1., MAO THAYE,R. (late of Buff House,) r lti et b e lc r inie has been very muoh eidar-ed and im proved. His now a laryres - nber of Farad' Rooms, not gummed by any hoted It a is city. It is lighted throughout with gas. Mew and fine walks have been laid to the ocean, which will be lighted at night. from the Hotel to the water, by 4lendindeat ln lamp& 4ttaohed to the house (bat mrparste from the main bup a large Hall for Hope and Bartle', with a And-class lee Cream and Conleotionery attached. Over the Hall there are forty sleeping rooms for single gentle men. There in also kilts] , ground for children, well shaded and enclosed, with minim, &o. The catering department will be under OIL ru a ri t eNlMlDlTAi n id nd ki e t a r ae l ly tk at that be unimpasicd. iti:n . e g will be lint ger week. ranment Boarders VI per day. es enact alto thy House will take Bear 4 to and front the Ocean free of charge during bat' re. J ski-Pt ISAAC TRA R. A MERIOAN HOWL, ALLENTOWN, -R• PA.—This well-known and panda hotel has, durinithe mit se, been lIREATLY ENL ason ARGED MID IMPROVED. and is now in capacity and sonvanienos second to none blips interior normitylvanta. The bisantiful and he toful situation of Allentown 'renders it II do hs trot summer resort, in view if which special ar m= have l summi r i e ;s it mad boardeer,by e ?ro j irgas i rdaiso , tset MOH. • REDFORD BPRINGS.—This well-known m and dellgliptEhtmater Itesort be the reception o Visitor. en the FLEET Ont i nt r the l u s ztar i t t e ° tnagentent of Mr. G. ALLEN, whom expeninoe coorteene manner., aftelltdon t 9 tag mieMa. give t h e =pleat montane e of molten and kmid oreatmenL Parties wishing rooms, or any information In regard to the plata, will addles, the en beeriber, my.o-Sm 3140.. P. RESll 3 l4o!yand Treamter, HMI rd Bimetal avnags Co. TVEPTIINE ROUSE-ATLANTIO CITY. L -nip Potmlar and eminently favorite Romp at Atlantincew has, canoe the dams of last season. been enlarshisk refitted. refurnished. and oompletely re juvenated in every particular. and is now open for the own. Prom its delithtfid situation. near ness to all plaoes of interest. close proximity to the Safest and beat pert of the beech, it Is rendered one of the most normal:um:l and decide* the lleaneldield house on the Island. Terra—Sid per week; OM per day. Children and e.srvants half price. OHN SMIOX, R. L. FUR.EY, SuperinteJndent. Proprietor.jeSl-Inn COTTAGE RETREAT, Beautifully and oonveniantly loestokl at ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Boarders accommodated on reasonable terms. leWant M. Mo4LEEB. Proprietor. STAR HOTEL, ?MUT OPPOSITI TEI V. I. ROTE., ATLANTIC °y IMAItIDEL ADAM% PROP RIE TOR. DINNER.-- -- FIFTY CENTS ALBO, CARRIAGE/3 TO HIRE. Boardent acoommodeted on the most restweablit terms. MANSION 11011811, MAUCH OHIINS, CARBON coo PA.—This in the moat oomforta ble and extensive botelin Northern Pennsylvania , and the propnetor natters himself that thus far he has Eno °ceded in keeping It in a manner that cannot fad to se tisf,t all his pilots. and ele[andr furnished, asd the I ? at t lr= A a n w tkin r affod. s the very bdet the Markets The hotel meted on the hanko of the L411'1,11 1 directly oppoid railroad depol, and at the teas o Mauch Chunk slain, A path leads front jhe rear o the house tints top of 'Ms MOnatiiin, from wmoh point, sown stint mind Met above Ike Lablhh, the Most sublime Beene imaginable in ',mated. The Boma is abundantly supplied with the beet and mast Mountain flipnnx Water. Oar Hot and Cold Baths qan be talrenvit all tames. Jeld-gm GEOKOS HOP.PES. Proprietor. A MERIOAN HOTEL, MAIJOH CHUNK, -cm- PA.—This ROTEL is now kept in a manner af fording every comfort to strangers and travellers. Arrangements heye been made this sewn to sooom modata SUMMER BOAILDERE. The most sublime mountain scenery and rural enjoymeurs are here af forded. htl 0 ItA EkltriLlt GEO. W.WthilliLtd. Proprietors. T SEA-SHORE-ATLANTIO CITY. HE McKIBBIN'S U. 8. ff"fEL. The undersigned, preens* or of the above-named hones. being now preparet to receive guests, re spectfully solicits a share of the pubito patron age. Since last summer tnere has been added to this hotel a four storied wing, 140 feet in 'Ruth. con- Butting (beside the lied-rooms.) a sotto of three Parlors, for ladies. and 'aro for gentlemen • also, a reception room, wash-room. and spacious Ar-room. Bowling Saloons. Billiard Booms, and hot and cold Elalt.w.tet Bath Connie haus been constructed for the accommo. dation of vieitore, and the whole house will be lighted with gas. The house 110.8 neon newly painted and fur nished while the shaded grounds surrounding it Iwo been put in complete order. A well mantic,' plenspre Yacht, and an excellent Band of Music, have teen en gaged 3 for the &Teton. J. McMillin% felt in R E s Li t S T 1 .1. 1,u u } t E 1 w. C x j liT The lavonte retort for those , el .o nepreouite Grand eeenory. Pero Illountam rt , r, inviroraring 131:the, Lo, gunnel Or oli-ventileted S P "/" .;8, !looms, Good Society - , and a Good Cumberland co.. Pa. ut.l, .Iccontrnetiationller 300. For particulars send for CITOn 1X11 , 19 Low lap. Jo7-3m OWEN, 01,ENDEN1N e. . & thVail.StEipCraltia. COLUMBIA MUSE, CARE ISLA.ND-:- , L 1 CAPS May, New Tereey.—Tble ftret-oliaa YtOT S.L will be opened. for the reception of guests. on the 25th June. 1860. The House has been completely repaired and refurnished. A stew sookang ranee, ovens, steam boileru and every modern Improvement added. Extereive stabling attached to the premteee All lettere addressed to the eubeetibers. Cape Island, N ew j eree y, will be promptly attended to. LAIRD k WOOLMAN. James 11. Laird s tate proprietor Franklin House,xhila. delpht 8. 13. Woolman, formerly proprterontonnt Vernon Hotel. Cape dtm - LIAGLE HOTEL, BETEILEHEM, PA. .11.24 This Ile VALLEYestablis Honse A lmown as the " LEHR; &HAMER RETREAT," is now open or the season. The asoommodations of this Hesse will be found unsurpaue4. The ride here. by the north Pennsylvania Rallroads one of the plea santest in our State. CALEB YbHE , Proprietor. Jen am AMERICAN HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND— Mrs. N. REYNOLDS, Propnetor.—This favon i rt n o 4Y tel will open for the reception of traitors on MO - D. Jane mith. It has been fitted up in the beet sty e, and every attention will be paid to the comfort of tie Besets. iele-dtSell SEA BATHING. NATIONAL HALL, OAPPi ISLAND, OAPS MAY. N. J. This fine isrse..end airy house ni NOW OV for Piaui. lite distinguished for comfort. MP sind superby sooommociatione, with ample room For . yer jdß4m OARKETEON, Proprietor. WIDE AWAKES, ATTENTION ORGANIZE AND 01.051 E UP THE RANKS! YOUNG MEN, SAY YOU WILL! Favekon e ti:ZlVA N Z t titirrBtl. 43 4VVlci• CLAES GLAZED Oal , L Pt AIN'S oe e rated A TENT TORCH and WIDE AWARE EMI LE, at a rower rate , than any' other manafecturer. Addreee g Jr , MRS B.DIALK ER, hall Ife Commandant Hartford HAHTEURD,On& tAyakee. ANUHEILIENTI4. WEICA.TLEY &- _ CLARKWI3 ARCH- Ellilt EFT YttFATR)2, MONDAY EvrtrlNG,ArT RI, Mt, ; YordtTt TA RI ; YolllT FA R. I OR. YA ,t; OF F.t - VICES I A N FFT COMEDY BY L;ol.lClk.la • LTI Admiesion !hoots ; &owed toots in Dross Ova,. tFtt t,nta t Perowt. be mite ; tio. buy for 00:0114 pets soot. OS ewe to ; PriVila AIX in Gallon' tot ao:ormi pop. s , ..icsS cents. Dow* own et 7,44 l'orformatios common~ 41 garter to& MIX FREE CONCERTS WILL BZ given at WISP BURG," evree tag dip* or'tY- Y. =VIM itt=?Firinsoiit: on 8 DAY. THDtt BDAY. and SATIN DAY,.(ereet- Dior permittinV tale and the eLaanks weeks, from to 10 o'nloot . The HA AMO CORNET BAND. Bed. leader. hell been engaged by the proprietor. and ma iiiettlaq ball been awed to reader these Conoerts serrelabi• gas ethreetive. The Omen sad Cease-et_ meta elm pug tin eTitry three rare I wets. ludil-twalat a CONTINENTAL TRZATEX, te leationeliWALNUT L M, tr i mb MACRON /OW MARY . ornAltratuirgelaitimour domi.ine FOURTIIK TALNIMED AAJMII. AO two 139j131 Wra it of Um . sTR OMR PIRMAENT, RANK 1111 1 •Wia. Wit commenoe a were of temie AMUSING Earnisratrunarre WEDIMP Elitl IN% Attovrr And moduli • esti farther nodes. e q_ uLI It erten the 0 IttiAT DMOS. Ciaeim".. tM Mammon n n tie cr. K T Adak. To commoner at•etai~ Won l oilort. antlHlt C . . . ONCIUT HALL. sum EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION. FOR MX NIGHTS ONLY, Commencing MONDAY .11 3 111311N0, Anent Mr MI& PROF. LOVE.' THE GREAT EUROPEAN WIZARD AND vzirrinoctuter, Whose wonderful and ,astritonhipg hats ur Magic mad A z, fir:lntr . or da V o e f ni gNn a .taVaid t" the_ admils- rent ag n i'PETW s CrerOl a rl'lti AY M g. = honor of waking his imt apnranwsee 11 at CONCEIT TALL. ON MONDAY RWRIONG.AUGIRIT H. And following evenings. when bil Inn vomit to his patrons the most wonderfla sad Meaning!: thieptip in natural. philosopsical. ant smeable trlioquom. in a variety of iLlionmest• imir:Aror• attempted in Um or any MM, &miry by asp WM artist Oat ki melt NIS Mune wants being et the wee Um* ohastes. sarn ,inadizt, , iill a rnetivs. raar. Bail to neva= of both the Old I gnlV:w cuartiA them. and prolimos• to be the 11141pilia is 2=11". oa wonders. Pm!. Love's paraphernalia lithe mart estansive ever seen. presenting at the was time the etelesomd tames of the Asistio boudoir, tog=with mor imam, MP pearance of.. ual ET The programsupernanme wi llbe *lmaged every oars evening. Doors will be OPMI at 7M. o'*olg. OVarturs wall nom mance at 8 precisely. AumurgrOc. Massha. Cdr ~_. 1.71441TVER. Agent MIMS= ililmairap pENNA. MAMMY or TILE Connming large tam nay oi a lm e • WANTS. ' •'• I" I •A - In a Wholonio FANCY 000D8 AND NOM HO OAS. 040 Woo oaa inane/sea agoods* mow* sad calla trade. Addroon (confidentially), mot mat and reference. FANCY GOODI. "lir °Sew sim-st TJ 811ROHANT8.—A you 116 n, 18 7earo of ;we, having olus'iorkuo Widnes,. would Wm sita . spiot 11•? t, t 7 il e oTio n r c ilt i o v e e :?a ddrega " mauwar WANTED—B y an experienced Weis. man, a situationin e wholesale Jobtess dry home. Can Waseca a fair amount of near .11, 1 ,'Zt trade t _Address Hamilton." at tine case. aslll-111. AYOUNG LADY, who has had aix yearit' experience as teacher. desires similar employ - Joe in or out of the oily. Address " Teacher." oleos Pros*. autgrilFf. W NTED—A, young man as Salesman, • • who I. thoroughly acquainted with the Merchant Tailor's and Clothing trade of this city. To any pence capable of filling th , g position. a liberal oompengetbia will be given. address Box 413, P.O. 1713 -ti wN TED —A Situation, by a man, thirty-seven years of age. of extensive men eu:ee in bonnets. of rood addrea. and otannetent to fin almost arts pomtion. either as a Mesh. supermtendara. or. salesman In very respectably connected, and can give the most saticreatory references se to integrit m eney . and he nese capacity A moderate salary or the present will be excepted. Address "B. 0. H.," o of The Press 1,12-11 FOR SALE AND TO LET. PTJBL' 0 SALE OP ORIZABA TitoN 31 31.W0R713. SOPHIA FUMY 10E, kc.—By vir'ueof authority vest-0 In us as Tri trees 'or oertsin creditors , of Pollard N'eCortions and to pursuar.ce a decree of the lostrlct (lour. of Al'egn• n. county. in the Cokimon woncth us, Perirs.lvania in No. 3 a Plover/the , terin. 1818 wtwill expose tonublicsale.ntlha:llEßClllC•TS• XCHatili 1 .. on FIRIR 1 11 Ftreet. in the cats of ritts ha on FRAY. SEP t. 11th 1860, r.ommencong at 11 o'clock A. 1!.. the Paine Al ill and Neal ' , ketones, situated near New Canis. Lawrenee counts. Partturrl vacua, known es the ORIZABA !WIN ORKS. nicm- Poulos sixteen Boiling Promote five Heating Fro nab... Bar Rolls. small Rolls. Nail: Plate. and Monk Rolls. Squeezer...o Natl Machines. one Wrought flanks Machine anti Macuiner7 for manufacturing Nall AKE and Fan Brink. Also. the Slut Foresee, Iniown u Sophia, edkinins above Works. which ts capable of Inning out LW toted bg Iron per week. Also. usenet lots of ground. adjoining and several piens of land adjacent to the Iron Worlu. eontanuas Coal. Iron Ore. Limestone. and jr,F Clay. Ts I x..—Une-fourth of the parolees tamer to se rif in ouch, on the achncrwlediment of the dredbal an ala one. two , and three years from the the el Mates with interest from this tune; the defined pay/ Bate to be centred by bond end mende! on the primrose. CHARLES 'NAP. 1...9AAn ht. rhAdhlOON, theyttikiellati.l24s. BUILDING LOTS FOR BALI Fin , um! in the rapidly-nmeenting fktretilb 911 1, 1y= town, fronting on *motto feat wide. 90 feet wide; 50 feet front by we fat dap. enourtra 10,000 ammo feat. Mimeo= once, $1 foot mom, if early application ix made. Adduct*, ItINGWALT. anoo-tf Riamealt's Mcroainotoint,, Ps. %ID LET—The eligible large 'new Store, A. No. ill south FOUITEE Iltriet, war MUST NUT, restleto or w o i:l: mo4ocia cou r vonioneus. ON VI =WA E 8 .113Mroot or of EARL SHINN. no • PINE aage-wirm• de TO LET—A fine large Owce•story DWELLING, in TRIENTirry 1N... a b r . ARCH. No. 131. ILmat 4030. Or Woes, sat ea modern tasarayamtnts thrwithoaL fauns at SR, CRISSTNI 15treet. senor athens T io o v o ) AP fin ‘TA ir Ll ar STB.— ens lo .24o lt BALI— mrT as ea k 00. FOR BALE - T!!& STOCK, FIXTURNB I LB OM, and GOOD-WILL. of • large =HM FATL OCA H A T f i lr LI F iENT. IN 013 Or THE BUT DIDIHIHIII BTRBBTEI N THIN CITY. The stook w i lle of the best selected fa isuialt. The whole be disposed arm favorable Isms to obis* a partnership. For parttoutan. apply at No. 47 South 701:7147 1 1 West. do FOR SALE—On accommodating terms, th• STORE aml DWELLINGS.. No. 111E1 Aan Stmt. Apply to WhL R. 41F.T.R14, No. 634 AR Street. aull-Nt• TO RENT—Two spoicioug, well-ventilated loom* near Ex Ex ° hang e. salted for pruiting aloes. or t orris_ Li mu rpm..vlegigit i nCe p t . t a Awn attaer CIERMANTOWN PROPERTY. —for p rir 'LA Bale or to Let. is large and *oats:neat cues in Germantown; _gas. water. large lawn shade, mons of the best Mentions ; will be sad of l .om. Address Box 1480. Philaaelphie post MU*. yll-bet rro BUILDERS.—A large lot, hating ...- three fro nts suitable for Immediate itsgM* eitgated on TWSPULETH Artie. bekepCA Will be gold on_szoommodsting terms to _e ra ... trbi will imptove. For terms, &a.. same .. A. Wit " We paper. FAOTORY LOT FOR SALE. -A lot, having three [route, admirably sitaatad u 'LG Boothweatern part of the city. Will be rented or on reasonable terms. For portionless, apply at Lim odbis. j MISS9TJR.I LAND II • 300,000 lam for WO, a S 89•11 UM to 80 cents roe Aore, soy orobatitioo Not TAXBEI paid, 'ad PATENTS troottdMeno. sw a g orgmO t reol. wow Now For flutter utformaLoo siptlr to WILSON, IekINCIB k CM. E. and tiirWd n 4F,sati, Ihtwoon 4 51,01714. ab. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold. MI lositOd. 1714 m FOE SALE—The Stock and 'Natures of a Wholesale Boot and alto House, now doing a good business. This is a good opportunity for anY oaa WWl= to go into the buitmets. or a homes waoung to inoresse their trade. dattaisoto.e_reaaona ginit for sepias out. Address " How 1180,n Pluladelphla hat Moe. with name. !suit TO NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS .L For Dale a terse lot in the Southwestern sivgiz . i . sl2! the city. well adapted for & Narserr. Terms sow tine. 1 , or parlaonlare address " K. ' at this otkoesTeffat BOARDING. PRIV ‘TE BOARDING.--Gentlemen and their families, or single gentlemen, oan be efitt modmad Gonna, with pleasant and ban rooms, furnished or unfurnished , at 616 LOCUS St., sonth aide of Washington Moue. The location, being oppeatte to one of the handsomest parks in the eitTo co,' rah and extreme./ pleasant. Transient persons mains the olty can be accommodated by one day or week. Tonne moderate. A basement front room, with private entrance. for rent, imitable for an office. Jell-tf hiU YOUNG GENTLEMEN (LAN BE AL accommcdated with good, airy almrFs. (with or without baud ,) in a private family. Um cen tral. Address . "5UL.13E..11T," tarough cod's Dis patch. itpX URANCIE COIII.IVOIES. THE MUTUAL LIFE lICSMANOE SONE.P.4ICY OF NSW YOM . - - - AWO , SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, WRIT=I Inewr MORTGAGES ON RMA.I. 11114•T1 WORTII OVER BISAOO.IOI. the premix= are Lewis then in many ether 0010111• 110119 end the Dividends have been "mamma. raise, bier helia ABBOkA a Olderi , BO tAI ALL' HY. 3/MOPIO TO TIM MOVEN% Tearehleire and *MT inforination, sure he had IMAM, oil soplircjmut lb W. *mei TWEran it rWAtniiireka THEIrADELPILIATRLEREVIS: Thornier Tobin'e Mordecai I.r. Deemer eitims. rar r l ti t ie s ii7 " ' L trialt len, .. r . m.... . grip we, Petterioer ohs id. Atcro 1 . 1 .- --n ~ . • *meg H. oach% ITV. rffircamoTern on. erniponliller plAnts INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 401 CIRESTIM West. PRILADELPRIA. 111001POILLTISMINKVIMINIS BMW "MUM TO FITEAinto INLAND RIM. DUUND 3=r W . U . 1‘ . 11:411 irligs me r wake Bars. liali hnigenge4 WILLIAXO III6I. 0 aMerethrt. -tt A RTIFICIAL ARM S, ARTIFICIAL . 1 -m- LEOS, mitaq by M. A. GILNIA- No. 711 NUT Wein. "Om to pm. Joitn_Notil sad no, lauth, am rams elleniff% Ha
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers