riiof Orint - Mir AApiCitiiliiltill, i#Mbekoptiois Mtikb le a foot•bowevAlilitatigliill, 14144414; Imam' as, t 44; itit- NiatiftiiMMADPViariliaiiir , of , lmitcweriloyeita*pitliivililkwavrizt' • fueled wlemeilorret 10. 41fdPiat,if lOW ti sta./ to ezetlealikilipfeip #10, 1 .4141491 1, 4 r A : eizitaiet aid" bleailfeil lisittsmovoi*eath , We undershot iiiiiiitails*Zer templito ifia s rat l hit, ' 44 'The locomotives Area** - preerecein Ammer stimot, at every, - ,Smailltaivridk,cestithitii‘a sithem. miliimiee Inn Pi:" 114 morning, frame tvailattige4o4o,iiii**Militiliaettililh ? bslow Immbaid, ware rot oa ' Are mid striiyad. tine of Om lialldiagOimattie other was imeophalphyciZilililitteD97 Aid been ream* ill asii! *Wiles* act item do wo. proiillitp 46 1 4010:1ilit , Cooly, and the whole loss will sioi The tire ortictoatelt-ia,•salet reensoeleere %ars VW a tittaatiti iitiairsiwihfirres , loot. - Governor .Seward at *tititlia. Governor SeeVitiirii,leiiiniditWipOpie odOtoston, on fionhalmOtitnni smnieh. e said, Sit4f4ligiielitf;Bigtillatoai, , thht iu had been airs stiddre iticanidet.of4 journey *ow, mewed and expected to,takeolled in a manner Ow: priraMZAXecha4,oosafitttett iablnadet;': bad made - groat mistake in trusting to the 'rail road to get through Nag NnglatiewilhouVithihhht , ef_titai-telegaph, 2tilie4:oso nosii" take ton lats. its‘tireartikatk set taisight•tait bad net desired any of` imnskfora : don t,t;theliandi of hia lie hid, encleMossid ' allAbloairithe ffoittratthitt-tai • titi ! 'math oe„Ogghth - Nee . ther!,he'biuts ; 110 •It'ailled' • oat daring . - the ; tlayer igiat; it 'ael.-Wilight,Wed 7 trivial affair. • - •._ . pon - the MK of Naliackaardtszhe . could play no part lan4qadtw no:4iegoioo. was hie dtitt:qefeilf,A l Cll.6 04 14 . the interests' of Mt Iniantry and 'of lea silty. it was in tbrifebsel oflifaassebiteilts: ,, slt.• IMF • shoat twentrtiltegilitt — ,l4); net - ftd !mid& IWO- Ipa of tb•Olitrittek*listiedelliittot r Awd*Aderaide staterinantofjeaseiehusetb retired Iso. hi. bone, - st , s few tollielollit Mitaitterof *e'en:hut/4M tba.oit sure ot kis toilop:oitkopo. rd.? legs of a pro Slavin , people.'i towardniadeb , , Odgrimege bash ha_ birri ?Mori te *at 'alb* Bag, qtos vait,taterita tie* ithaftwilent ii!iitisod of too Daiwa - Staten nadir this condition of the country. lichatosearfilintairapetithe hietarg ef aaan is this faot„,..that, tarelvi,yoars 'after die death of John Qubley'Ailihni - the people have - for their atandard•bestraEolotahasn Llnsole imifitiaing_ the obligations of the higher law wb tehi the S'ege of • decoy prodalased,AM oontending for weal or sre„, for life or &Sib, in the irrepreMide: tween freedom, and, dar0gy....,..1. digit ,onitto say • that we are inAtehlat daids'OC.thi‘oindliet Woe* the great tsinsapberintatrevatioo of this 41elleg, ' into the Oortirtuitent dielinfied; Sf ahne • He was nutiAltbottl. hftita:ineng atredgelin; labia and isagnageg Ile 'had been •-• down , East,it and could amnia tits' ending* that this .aehofe East *alpinist op to the strujitie glorying in the debt —ritigatistir adi' mod aohlairace gig tr i °l4o:- He should not' W to' his wine' State had, not some Democrats eialinetit. - weedd- amid he 'odd to the litepatidende'nf - Ilidno;let'dows reit own majority istonifigure,godyilease mid ouldidy. , . it by Tour, andlon will approximate oar mrjority in New York: - bad the IMO tdatimopy - ta - gbre" rateresetelo all Ugh*" States, auditor the gist time the banner - a twowiamiktled in toward 'af slave States. •• Let not yonribougbta eiinitii4 to the-Prompt hour. Ntiblitla Victory salt the end of steamy. • If a Doinootat 13 warm ettwornalataina the• erred f of one of thelwif britsiebee of the ileineiratie par ty, then theinstbeimerat ti herb `• FINANCIAL ANRP9.I!IBMWCI.AI4S. . - Tke , ion 6 y ' Stake*. -' , - _ - ' -; ..- tr"Pitti:sititisrii, Aestist la. IWO. :" A limited amount of basica= yras today, traniseted : et the Bleak lloardi --The tivess,lattsii stooks weregun r. and declining ! ',.lltssilisigifittrond shares sold, between ' • boards, to the ,Utent.,of. abont sin hnedied siues: et " terms* Anglin f winrdlS- tile XIX: , , Peinewbrania - tied-. , ro se she l ve byhoghtsifC jgeedisittoidettsuind Ac, and I Allealmar 0051117 *O.! 111f 4 1 50401 -!tg..P. ' Dank 11'14u' 1 sad the shares - of Peseenier ivies,. aoliphailia Ore Ism ' at about previous quotations.: ', , - • .• ~ I The t Moist avenges et Abele* in the eitinf flew, 1' Yore for the ifeek,,ehiliall fithsday list. A 14.14 MO, ('present in the essiewite the following Whanses fronithe k 7/ re vlo gm week!! Sate:Bente Angee 1 .:' . • - -. --f -- Eeetesse 4 loess. ..;,:-.1-.iii i .:4-- ; -i-- I Decrease WHoa••--: , •,•••-••-• • ....--..-:—. 562 419 Nereus n eurealatlon. ... ......,..... tti BSI ,( Demesne elanittillit ditiellita.:-•...:. ~ ... : . 941705.1/' ~ The followtagjelbe, eo4 tour e, of the Shamokin Valley end Pnetwedhi Believed tleopsse; • - - ' ' - 4 ! 1 - ~ L•• , , • - , • , Week. , - Year. 1 • i' For the weak 'Sadist Aug; - ii.Vters IT He 11l 12 l' Batas tinal:histlear.,..,- - ;••.:.4.t111 15 :„. Wylie W r i Iticuesik. ' 5 , i .:-....::..'..`..1.3410852', ,' $1,1193 ii 3 All the tolieeno*,*wettei r eien: id Petaisbnig, 7&.,;.irii T new onweleteli gilled With het kihilititstwoosaw, The I SzPreer Of 0011 outran,. r 1 _'.,. ; ::,:,.. ~ ~,,, . _,__"The exisedliktierididienisittliniined deitind trete Eytrute has "Jaen hut relinto F u g a te shipment 'of in, uncle; Ed lei seventy . - aPits -of oesanefacto red now* ease It New Ork;the_ Amend from the toweeneaturere at- hoops mast tet- neeessarlis Wean Priem sis congealment low: et,. siv we stated , a few d ye eso, nur knee! 11011 pato ,fair ; atattnea. et i r 1 $ hoal:: this shone totalStweenelonoY ysteremitisisei we know not' how, the.WWIN 'etch , toast %VOW, t heptember sae 'October:in tells stoosste.' , it 1 planter. continue to Had 1111 their' mops midst the pre-' ‘ sent ' press ot ointentitiaowir *it, Inuit, expect to !realise low priors rowilArtMlyilies het Masts en i early impetus, and with it mewed arttsityi the wa hines' will be -relweed. , ,aeioittlileettiter ,whe emee re, ', trained from esedtne line. Anew.° wail pad th at he MU bran* prudent snase, -. ,:, - . ~,, ,-, .. ,' Cheer's% tekeonittep , itifetiristrinvi4itiaiite ice , f in the tales of ibfie'ertenisetedat tipiwthWiel. , t-, trance in fritgistei-Thelketway-Pestafet reels* date '-,' sere : ' .. Within Sixty, days ale ones or Shin' his advaneed ::. at leestteeserosert,:-vesheitrd yeeseress of it *hi pr awes soA or $67 AMO..althwilelik her Istedesossut- et Ike never ; pad, of 'molar sac - San Volt,. tweet hkbat Mower • - WA etc A few months site. OtAsts , toe -still as. "sot; ti suminstmit /MU . ASSltalista _onavtlierd with the teat ranee 00111tP011 . 11. it Wes , lemasetittat the uses vim • _ties have beau onietly Indian teat AI& mono deem! At hitt prices onnie ire ,scree, sad we eseteftowisa that 1 few are tine tarittothlWrityitt cat wow: Grata ftetshts Are DOW} et Instills they were Is tseffessiew` , year. aid this ad na t io IN telline g i ps eve r yinna i r o w * :- very rapid ly.rlll ellyPoevii that by - Qs:Where , horses , 1 . ba r 'V' * li ked tenitev i e e 41716 " r " O t e k" Ir. .v. One or year*. . 0 t 0 are tie limit views and MO anteing, that their ewe Mee le ~ Oomillg. Wilk iirala at V 11114115 - o.letternall eaten ate ; penny, the. will mate money fat enot6n. , in efenp„, nate will be Ye who 12a. akin et the; nee ewe aid ia - the right place." .t. - --, •1: - , •• ; - - 0.., .. • ~,• , -., -• '. 'The earnings of theptsoin_cseirer MaihrOed kii,-the. first 'even sioathi otee4)11 , 410• 69 1• 61 1 41161‘0.4 ' few i ... .. wan law —„,..‘....:„.-tl3p,fse7 . A monitor seedy:pox bastion straixed.partly tor tbi ,vorgitis of introdooiso th loop% ot, Mishigan to a knowledge of Canoinnita ASS eomateraisl guest,: It fa 'expiated that two thataind monde_ fro, Adirin !Amt. Jacks In, aid ' - othir" s ' Otseris 'psrgiiiipage ii M t ; ithig will iodide to hilaroll2ll' •,rinsi which tons' the gileriantikt Intermits iof that efts will show tient Miiirerritalateittior, sad allotr ' th to N. for thiteistiaithi slisstegisitoiseiled hi einoin-, i'sati as a mirket tiitiklifgoitisikagethetrentrikin,• ThiladelgiOilik - Vititi3fiiiiigk - Salim, Atitioxisx XX' I.4lVOLVlrti!ziltlFl4% Waking Streik. F15 5 T, 1 . 1 " , "' 102 Ca, 65.—:...10i1v,- si os •—• SS 1 ' - .: -- ll* Se ßaP il a 6 i 4 ! ea) d a ----mew lOah • ~talak lb R __ 1110 do .....—..Reif )01% • _,-...„' lots— ..,. US N. ,40.0 clay 0 ss_..- ...1,0 wt , U,Ntorns:Csial.: _LIM , rat/ **same 84 es 'le to Alla( Cs est 8 b•• le ossi.-, .., Jet' %7451 , 140/11; ,- . do , .. , - 41n..44 .31 - f lO Read'{ sifr 'AI ..., TC Ilea Oise Cold - lc_ ..-..-- • 11l .- 'MO Re.dast , IX: 6s " 1,211111,20 m. :IL- als. We • A • , f 81 .•- , - ;.43,95h TS - mart... matt mng 14300 Rmatiaill, , 64 'ea 1 NOrrottAra IL'. .. 10 a Ws. - , ...:. , ..,_-115,75_, RI- ~- ,-.:4h?.....- 115 ID 110(s)Readarg.1 is'7o., 111-. , s-lIS 'illklo!!ses , Soak glsi , ?OM iteadints MILL All — l.-_ . ''' - ,f....• - ~- ` l3EctillEarpuitwo. - - ',. . ' Inkt tending - ?8 , is" - '• 1481 - 44elibisee Atc ± - . 84 ' )1 'it ... ... ... ;Sall TS' samiesa k. e,s Grp' :1184St 84 BIODXD. sa►sA. i RA) Cal 65........... R .54 I - 1 Piii. likeiss.... 1 ON City R 64.........,1% : &hes R...—..,, aleg UPOlSvhind Mot al lit - ,as flatelobOrg .R. _ , 1. NI - • i 4as do di la 7 Ni tape t. 'Llutd IR 1 ,Ita '?.:. 101:-.; 11 - 6 :', 1 1 ' 7 i4 ' titizPetoticoik - 1 ... re '..1603 N Venn nei....§ al al Rim I Ras prof.. Am. 7C , rti k Mpboy A ~ Wo uilles Bonk - gal . q• Prank k //oath di SO „ . apositie ‘riticalr., - , , .- - • -,- t bv.aiswia...w.ox- At : i litrattohr.o-: am.- ..114 NA lini 01' wileplit&ls Int; :. ~ 111 ; khit& is ~fiev7,le6 'MU Weigjetdl4.....o ‘ ` Uli SU do. ant or Ng •OS (1490 o ir„. ~,:-.,., m , mu' tat _R... ii. ..ass, ril4 ...te m & zienv,4l, , d ; VOA ofi rm . . iTtiliWt g .! . ... 412 • I ll i I antes '4... 11K um I 106„.0i MK , a* H."— IN ,u- ' taut b.so wa sa IN kr Nog. A , strui a7 d oz . .., ? I A .ir,. 4 , im... i m, iv WA's: nicir ?AA ; Ai) &AL.. li-,,, 4% tetia v v i jiiM -4fil stawari i s .... , rchie, 14—Evriong. The rain iittereitesit eat•doit - biota's& today, and' the markets iota boo /all. ,Tbeitt-is so nut* is Plant, the drviind both tar wapetelied boa* oar WOW ftleftrd at /0.11 - torobt stoOit, filrfor frosh-SroVnd asittatbnit, 64,70011Prextumharebrialhierhair INA for fumy batter, as in bbkl i c i n tion was tned sate' fr tithlw swirort• float; Oil Keil eontleue 1101111.11.aad ; ttor foram, slat saw); tied tbr atter atiMiLitr bEi foi terra Rgiestimanta Korb - Wheats are not Terry itleatt - ; bee afit dowsed Int' "tilitet trobeli at Me teriaestiot. wink for rood and and Ulableti- (or fell white trios I. warn: Jaye wantad;. , and Mee bashrls new hold,at reoltir;, Cont is doll and - prime yahoo, was tested at Tee, with.. 'pat fiadior bitten. Mara ant inabaiised,,aew Boatltta esibug at strilifti . i aid aid . ' tot rort.—abontl ty ehhassr Atrititiotiedd to-dir at jig )(.3 ersh• S . m on eseciftv, pplittd ohm iuSetutoged • 1110 ties sold it 1, 0/530, ow taw. A Itelrialit a - oilman* Unsold. °thud; Z.:is Pinar o 40110Welh , /1100'191vNit Pn'tft I. 'stead.- et - MN 41, be , . SWOP NNW it 0.44, video Ithe; biers thigh ; and Lard at htv • Idea Apse. s,,t,qtervir,firor. - end semipro:, ilisccir ib. Iri tll TC7o ,l6 :l lll :gare T ra.tiV , Thnirt l yVat - 4.41.100 oluil a suA ba: bis7oTilreiiift:M iv ibre II I" ( I N= " *6f" , s!, MESE ... _,. , . . . ilia ?dig onri 111:. L ;.. , , 81 - 1 1 8 AO BSt.B I" R.'.bBo Ng • • Joao oats fano& st 7, 4 '•'. 1 00 4 rc _. t....-.....--. ing 19), in Cent .11. bd.- -98, ZS ~- .............181 1- 10X - wip 28 tab 8 8 Pd:..4. $O4 xe,'-d0. , .-. ,. ....,„.. as 1 Va a k •ai r nli m ni: . . 8 4 1 412 hih d tilil ija .. .... 31) 4 1 TAM Exchange 8e•7 0 %74 lee do• , •••', • •-10 10 ~ k 18 PglolBo 14 8 d.... TO . 1 / 1 .1 - en. ,_.........tdd ifi r 71./ Canton C 0...-... Xek Xilli ihhilL top —•• . al 5 Idd Rodman #tvern. : "pB. lea ao • • 7,:it SMo d 0..•..• -" t3O an re ' do ......... •:-., AO la , 6 4 1, 4 p c ... - - - iii, - . fail 1,1 Galt Chi TO X imic do • ......:.: .16089 , - at f: -go A-, - ,=:iyiii mo • ivy d 0.... ~,,,•• AM. 10 . /2 ; 1 . 130 14,• r .„ii."..; 71, 1114 - 31;." -- 1,.....4..:we M . . '4:1•",.:1.1:7,..,tdhl a ,7 5 aatleaP•MlSti! al.:. '.";•••'•... ' "" - 1. ••• • 'lll '.. a 411111 ^ Akr . ,./..., 44 A, • 1i,p,"....•..,....0.1r 1 - 1: 4-3::::::: 7 : ;: :". 4i t tAeltss ?outlaw' is fail' t,:lki i " ‘ Lift i l . uses of hi' bill SAsia or Asoa,aomkataik .. .. ..., .. . ~. . ilt,.e.on • t ig ee • NOsob vin letwomoi *taker* Ilion! it oat/ . ehr) PIIII 40, 4:4" nib pontasssm. ',I be - Inland 0 11111081 , filiftildislo laid Oat pg; - ili t ti s i&nAdlot " sr.'l l7:ll 4 6 90 1 * d rall"W III• $01111.42 1: - ir "r 4 ea "Il io f l I I dr dodi " loa tai , : do - X4l: p r ill" „a . a rr .... ,;,), rum rirpori,,,, - iii. i,...... v . le# ~ ... , "'er •••• • OP. .Tat; . zi u slia i i c o n as I 4. sot t 0 . ,.. 11 % . lOW awl as " - - oil wtth sass of an wife , ~._, 4 ft e ni,Nosellioralel l .,rjal erns . ft W 1 as i, ' .Ils i I+ , an 411 I t i.. 4. • =W ill itt• ' 0 1 g: VilefOLOO ,' tie RAI 1., , 1 0,- „„:1-4..... thi lacriF i a reigorg l A' ra r t.' V iße 'mama to tot 1. , of byroarlts t 7:o , torfarnallt A nS . : 74 EN.Sielriftria r ti...„ r tar. 1 1 .ma....tfewr,„..--A,„..-tim-ofipits o ,elho i Taillii ellii lit ifoll,'Mitlrith ' t'Ou.!&)lo Oliatisit in y 'LItkVAtIVIATITAAIBIIIIM „,11„1,,,,,gi d ,,,1, and entirely nominal. ats ism 4rmsr i , , Fdtati , : ,, , , T....... ig1 i r470.4T4 Pa44,,tort,, -, mons% ortkarinad. , rh. •,a - , IV& h - Pito , s. - Tho r golyps,,tr is s fim, , , , l e itrier t i , lortreiciilP;r i g : le V'qtai i i n t 2 , 4 l ase,MsWak,. - deisr_ rates' taut ,a a rt., mse f 0.,., rairliTlLAlrs afirtir sot , Vr 011 ;j"a mug, tmL . Mom Primo m i lloll , 14. 11 4 1 10 3 ! 113•16:. Bost limns ore qui immut ocru ate ow „ eid 08. *won is dolland nonwisni, 1.. a; Rae rri. t• rd 10_011 awn. st,llo for Rams and Sams. 401,01‘,.. put - end ' , Man, with *alas of JOO btu) lq.- . 7 , tleLnaPalimee am turiohantsl.,. . ~ ..;:i„, , i :',,, . ,••,,,,WINKY i$ hArer;solsstWO bblkstillpm 740,, , ~ , , , • NNW SOAK OATTLB MARKE T. Aihr4 It —The ,hrtivate of beef cattle!Lennon very enteinvo. , -Over 11000 have b. 1001011111111r.,1110. tlldiedir week, in oluount 98 heed m Bergen Hilt to New York kettehtere et etntio Br• • • Thane bus thmoser~is from In to **per heed. Innt:le d roles 'ben 'ion foil, IS sir emit Moor !hen -thetaem teer t imisoley,, °wino to the genera mutters of •• , • llTlmi"totrilufrory:=,bylen Several - hundred MtadriterOttlite nonfine. ynd Munn* oromosion made daring the rest or the der. Quite a_ number 'of *ow ahasgsd hands deonletirr-hrokere mould *ellen drovers of their etmk eta orholezalo • tie. wedge to the eoantry and Esit thew' tq mint' tote_ making - from nab to three tt a ,s gm; ligAri yrcifir. gardArler9Vl Irriat Ifillittdflinr4rin tent week's. L L • The receipt, or Sheep end betnbe htvt. ammo been ;We, 9tnrvonfiriz „Lambs, rinse hore - ,leten very Minh the S to Se ter'Ohnen, and • • •'• - Letter fronilie - Ts land. The tolleWieg"dashitt epleUe front OAFS May Willi its Owe Item es the reader will see. it was nor iiieoder for gebiMation. bat as it eats in big Mit " of S' relater Philadelphia concern; we are .pled to Sive IVaistleoe mbar cotrunns. Mr. E. is undoubtedly a man Str.vagicity tsedrintimerise. and, %reit merits the grea t tameless kg le receiving at the hands of our citisenr. both at' Mir Extorters- in this Taity, and at hut present I F branch at fbe Ease CAPE in AND.AligiEstl9, 1860. ]Eli Egogion : Bore I ego shee r ed mold out of every titbit: Sand tee, by the very hit boat+ a reinfors•asa ofOraireig t Conan t AS.-'4.adies' tonsil and Cuffs in partietilar, and eierittiing skit yaur vivid Idea of the' furnishing buslnese may suggest. Don't send melosa than fifty dozen , of trAr rigor style, hie h-calsieed narrow iiss. Anything you htuntit oparti at home, order toe on from Mite York iamediately. If it were got for the love I have for our city oustomaie, I would say ship tits wig*: Stare at ones. The dotty ariiv&a belie now vnil avarnitoij think, at a lair intimate. over One , hi:hared U 1 fdity'vleitors-alayge majority of whom are lathe.. I aiwthe lion Mot 'holland. I cot/proem lady that lands beWre NU is here two dale. I offered to bet (something 7013:k41/ I Mill oEtnimkt to) in Converse Italians other day, that roould tell any led, whil had been on the Wand taiPdilite with my eyes bandased..' my gannet. a wad' pinked "' in snick' time by a irteite" hailing from - Port (hewn. Missaniget. who *topic wog at le; A. the O. P. E. 0. never task down+ leog•red the !idinigh" the lost iisms'eff on Wedne -day morning et i 0 o'okiali.' In forty trials I hit thirty' thee* thews, Winning Olgit.and The georat wse..theemit (bitty-MAYS had on the Patent Eleo'ro ratiagi and Cada ' I , iroq by the feel. I havainiare money nongthan a /OW broker, Cravats well like itignindnuje its Ilearestown Fair. The bathing csiolightfil. On Eatarday last [was oatried to sea some Slietaneri, to the groat frights)! all but motif, bat swam ash Ore With some ditlisnity. MOllO of this when I return. Situ brother. - - ,JOHN. . -- P. 11.Riighe namogY the a. P. E. o.', and L. P. E. O. lado.,bnrryuythe-bakes.--- - -"•1N"r. A. Eshleman, proprietor of the celebrated 0. , P.ll3.lll . oravat Store, Northwest corner of lieventi. Ind Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. talk/VAL OP MINORS. Eyzaars, HICKS, at C*LDw%LL.—We inviteritteution to the remov.l of this rising, young mercantile - house . freuitheir former loca tion to No MC blether, street, shove, Third. The ',Pu tts-My, et, this house it ClothOoods, of which, in all its departments—se we had opportuhity of seeinem ex soinisa their stock—they - now offer a tempting &mil) , to termini; Ansviolorti 'Midden for obtaining goods, both sf bcorne and direst from Euro - mi. a very large sod Inioreblesequsintatiee of the inia with buyers ell over the Munn. end unswerving attention to busioess,las Made; Omit preterit removal necessary In order to sooommodato their laytely-inemessed tisde. - Por every thing in the line of cloths, osimmeies,' vesting, trim ming., end tailors' goods gent rail., the stock of Messrs. Everett, Rieke. k Caldwell ie now one of the most Wiseslete in the env, both as it reagents extent sod vs- Mai. aid we' were eigeotally strut* with the excellent Otte displayed - maths - 'Oa ICKES MIINRAT'S CANIPISONATISD CORDIAL.— 'This' admirable Cordial I. designed especially for all, those complaints incident to the best of sum mer: - Diarrheas and U.S.C. rireins of tife stomach, voutitingi"&c., reedit) , yield to !testily soothing talln ess...l; is quite pleasant and grateful to the taste. liter retrial. few permins will be willing tabs without Those leaving farina oottutry abou-d not do so wlthoat Providing_titMelialres with 'the conlist ,Igot ioldbyßowst.Bisth*ad•Vino.,Pnoe6o cents. tf ' 'CNATAINEI AND 017ETAIN MATNAIALIi, an styles sad eiders ; NTely Geed., wboleseee and retail ; Satins, aptinshilles, Pints;Dsmsaks, Sawn Lines, rho. &0., 719Viiitstnut street, in the Masonic Bill, W. R, Ceeirm, ik inionswe. LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAINS.--dttet received, 5 cues - new styles, 'wholesaleand reteil.7lo Chestnut s ally in the Mai:Ohie Hall, W. H. CAVILIM k Rio. EITILDIRk RilLiOADVOMPalfitil.—. - We haiii in *tore - 100 - nieces - Plush for Car fleeting., cheap 'god g ood, at 319 Chestnut itterit, W. n. o..asvt. k WINDOW SaADTJ Asa Ilbaggang et Wholesale. MenAlM@ and tea trade, supplied cheap and of good Quality. 7lg Cheslant street. W. 11; Cannel. &B. • ,rWittflOW COSSYS, Tlttswlttse of Peery ,draterip: "Nradilldesholegale Tussle, Ghillie, Fringes, Gilt coy- 'nivel, Bends. Hocks, Drage, Nreeliets. Liainse, are.; Lase and Muslin Draperies; *heap sa the eheapest, at ,70 Chestnut street, in Masonic Dail, W. H. Clamart & Baca- *all-lit • To - SOP:wand ants W Idintwarra.— windosiCartaiii: Curtain Mat•rislg . Window Stiedes, Cords. Tassels: Gilt Window Cornices. Da =Wks, aid White. Cm tains. of every style and de- Actiptioa. at the tows itarbolvinati•prices; term. 6 mos., 'or,e iter oent. off for rash. nd Dastinnor arrest, Ida iii)nitt Hail. Philadelphia. W. B. Canova & Bao., On -Potters and dealers in Callum Materials,,Vurniture Caminito. in. •• lt 'Contain? Britaitti6;—We advise all young peo pip Museum in earir life the habit of arras good lum goggle. both in speaking end writing. And to abandon as early as possible aly age of Wang wards and phrases. The longer they 1194 the atone Mena ' the acquimtics of good lanondte...wilt.hei; _sod _stale_ golden site of Yoeth, the oroser2sessonloithe acquisition of tansusse. Wooed to its_attlee, the tnfortanats similar of ne glectild eduirsabM tummy probably doomed to tog sh i ps f 4 Money le not necessary to procure edsteatlorr. Ovary ma has it's his wryer. • Be has inersly to awe theNwireage which Mizell& iestaii4 oldie along which • ,ha hams to form his taste from the best Speakers and pasta of the 001Intry ; to trailer* tip' ohoice phrases in file meson and bob:bats himself to their use—as he ; dole to -the besatifet garments - got p at the "One ,s , Ame , ..eicr. Clothing Store of Onstrviraas ayouns, 0. 967 Obistoot stOetn ;awful and valuable Ozer is presented to each Puraluwer of a garment. Perticniar attention is paid (o westransei or ordered Walk tt 0644810 AL EXAINIP&II.--"Eorpta dol ore doter Cape - riehria," expialowa .the scholar who was vic timlaed.by•an Incompetent tailor, and whose limbs ware ensued in an unbecoming and uncomfortable aala The Woomera* gromly vexed at his wriobancie. and dtopPins criaesioal, be caste down to the Vigor 00114Ndliaalalarial.iti muttered PM. " Hand m* if I ever, ask sentlior ruts wept at the Itiowlvtiltoce Cloth. hag Mali of Roekhili & Wilson, Nos. 961 sad IS Chest nut street, above Where I always set what I want. end invariably tenets* the fall worth of my money I"' ARRIVALB AT Tilt PRINCIPAL HOTELS • ' 'GIRARD HOUSZ—Ninth and Charnaat straits. ei; Ganz o& . i n toet i ZerY Orleans •• , 1441 r. Lanesarar ithia Z Wviter. o,:mbni- - 'MUM. Bs, Pawkier*. _ s Alex _ a jer. P,StAborg fi s :,r, ~„,,,„ c ,. t i, : e mak ioratna T Watt it,'N:rinoric N alw=er . . l les ot. NOVI= .-Yeatirelvanit , f 3 DuSeld, Pilansgivnisiss. Ili CuelerrNorr i t Carotin's D Cilloil la. NewYnrk Mitehilt WSW art' :ion W Donaldson. Ps YIP a Onneell i p tiosseh J.l Null. liar tiaburt G.Glikuner. mir ork gt, P MeDullwash k to. N Y Mite wedolloughasewYork Miss Reed. New York kiD Thits. Tuts, 1 1 1 Y J .B.oeterauder. New York Mow Phillips, Nortk Carolina A V' Berlin, New York EN ii . 11511111 & 1511 5 Atein City . Kea Green. Atlantic' City -r ,U _p omatoud, New Yor k Miss itemmond. New York w 5 tamord • IR LOCUS I) lloun•fly, Seitmere , J Nlitiloin. Valrunn Hw w fares, N 0 - ColJ 0 Mine la. gialtlintre ti D Bird. eteisburg,Ya SWI N Sassy. 10111451164, . .1 .6 . e Goal .1.5511513111:14 I ir, UMW 15 (a, Maryland iiillforter. Maryland MI C. Elv veil. Maryland d l c ile re a ral:l I' La flit v itrillgtiTo l li s - I gll.es, N C ..rnit4 llen kf fil Til s ir t k, ll 4 l :l) desalt "WO L i u iret t o'r N a W Plotdan, PleneNolk • ha ' Maldan, a l, l an Fran Ttios Gm d, New York rhos Apliettb a el_ t 7 ' aj j A l la T ti h r, Ife i w_ e" If l or n, 1 1 41 11 1 1 40 " :I. New a k W Y4g Y f t la. colnitibtal , Case Drinalmw. N York fton me, New Yolk -", s IN in ipseassw "lark ' s P r iatrg 'lntr i ! , -115 " Bla=14,1Jin i sTa r ir Robert. it ishardsoeGs Geo issranton. ss il,pel lt D l'etnpletmr Arkansas Miss N Balueman. II Y tlyn Beau. Mao* - , F Rullraan, New York ''* ir Chi ke. Plaw.York of V J Leith, New York rolloil l :titri=Eitg teM47114 . V; ;for k "Na Jones London, Bog Jaynes Cusiek, New York' 1.1" iio•.q i o 6 t o n --Janos ri ug hes. New York . A Amber. Yaleig. N J W B Thompson, Albany - .3 na,Oilles. Dew York W H drawDod. Mwourt 147Y1 Wal d wir hew York -- Yl - rtitifire7,y,l:Zpiir,P , I ,:tpiAret. P ri lillgu,v(4l, 4 ,,r 6 Ur Ma rear!. Baltimore .. ........asteP, Baltimore it g owning . Baltimore 0 Harrington, Washington A A w o nion. Wilco. Did AMA. Layton. Havana M .1" O'Gara , 13altionors„ .1g Mutterer. Pa. Darla MM. Pe farina's - Mire l'aine,ldintsians , Co 111114tfiTAti DOTEL—Cor, Ninth and Chestnut .1 1. Roadie. 'Wash. D 0 ~ J I;,Olerk & em, Newark -j all i te ux pe,;44, oo l4mt4 -11 R &air hrie t tiet, unc k Vkrtiactinifietat t az; f-lk=t l . 6 01. 1 tifii . 41, ! iivaritigu'l . . - ; 4 1 I r 4 :gra Ir.Vpig Smfik Motion kw& Clan stem, ieanoky , . fortraltenit tram-, ' W %1,41 3 413. 11 =f 1 T I Felrbeek, Beltonort Deo 0 EverhartiDelt .1 he Rowell & la. can Bfra iterwili, Tennessee te in l'elattarrocirenteeke D in F Church, letter rat Wats WOW" Otatraora rdisa Mara Cliarch, 'leen u tio ir , wula, D c , u wog- &Ts 0 catltte• l nrrg, ti BC . t .i."tv N i lr,. B Ne w ty r l l olk Geo 0 - ainMchc. 8 U ,o T Fro, Is , Batomore 1. •• Doonttle. Now York • Jae T ehronn, N Y yF Gallether,ll 0 N 0 WM i iiidombie 4llayeattn, gprinsheld, lII AI Mardbelr, Indians - -t, Forbes; it la, Notches Ise E Linn, hien:Meg WS Ask, Cineihnati. 0 - coronae Wel -o, Chin De 0 w maps It is. Whom it Itrerwil, Jersey City 'I hoe J Garrett. retie, • g J W Bmkee'y, Kentucky ittiAvineston, corer York Jew Could, pew York &MK & ha- Vlrettle - John - Word, New York latoiker, Maw York. ' - J Packard. Vim mix 4,;1104011 & wt, Belt OIS. ".Solomon, Halt 111 Idarthioa & 14.1418 a , 8 V Miles, Wash. tt C V EnelendMwego, le Y, John F, Darter. elt Lome - 'V Freston, Bartiotd - F Buster . Jr, let Loam 'Nolan, et Loule ' Wm il Mellon. Caen • 11„klowter,-Ottlisago 11 hocrWood. Plain ober,' New York K D Tedoor, Jose)" Gar. v. Setup 081`. .10 tr Miller & le, Virginia • otr ht tabards New York • N it' Adams. New York NI N Jimmie ik. tor Lit York Geo L Todd, Paris It ,itwon. New m llork It F Bentley, Nashville C Kari. Lon mane -.. A nom. 1 1 118mieippl : I*, Waterproof. Le .1 Fehwarte,Miesieelppi ttvinate;Neshvilie J E VV - ool, viretnia ... - 1181ear*• heir York , John 0 rime= peer - York 11; la* New York ,- • N Winslow. N Caroline I Argsetiw.lial - rnms .1 REPAid, Baltimore, Or 118fait . Cinema:tit 11,- - ED a agent - . /damming firt i r s l 4l.l: l loontS: s4 l ,fi,F i_ stegan.ttew it lieven Ww Mettem-FIVA ' algae, AiTlie f irral t atlrlehne it MilorUe , nee, iA a VMS., LoumonllA. My a aim ib Lioxvii b. t . 1 18 Zone, clew yolk lei l l i ht 11,0110intutvri le , 16seam,Waihattatart.DC r at X.Lonis • - olialum. Miltimore . Wm/1 'York A Doolittle, New York -T Plov, Wheeling, V 4 Mk* Miler, Memphis, Ten :Amalie—Aug: 14 :_ Ci Ty, ..1 T,, EIVIS. or TO 12 o'ci ! croac Lair Jail! -PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1860. . . ME'lly k • BATS' NOTHL—Fortrth at., below Mob.. , ,' Illlato ii. pitgthork Jo Pekrikin , 1. Haver' T.,_881 .iNsw York. , W DlD ky, kkintokvlile "R° , ritrAr, James Perk, eltarta - 0 B Merviii i v la• Pa /... J Altk orta nt, Atlanta. BJk Mils .[ n pa* • ;D 0 MINI 1a is. 1 /Psen,D 0 1 Asir Bola eo . J wilden, Imsneld, 011 .1 et. eln ansfield. 0 • J P Thointisim, Phila. Jacob harry !mimes. Ohio " Louis Elb , 11(1518mor. Kr I, Ilartsocki Tern Haute . Wit Stewart, W Point, /9 jolt Pihrierstige,Deorgia m Lama Augusta, Oa d is w mifilm. oodbineat Chas II r u ing, Philp Pa triaTigVate n litp a ' k i h ° 24 B A u kkrt h .4 l hro .. ; i fe ... ! P Winger Frocknii en.r& Hon W H Welsh , Yori,Pa . QbailliMoTedr, Lanoaster fil la s_Qlotolpheys.Lanoaa'r „itil tis ilnampneys, Lano'r .I . 3.itv.„J Dlrin_s : priditton,Nl , 0 R6 2 4 ,3 , t i, i , pont 04 0 1.11%11, T i rsharre ohn Morrow, Misirsititil I S 'U . Frey % la. ralthrlirre I. CON!, (a_uskeitown T i t l itatore, c.b&mbe,l'ail W Slower. Clearfield W arren, mom a t Di yrus Winched,. Rockville John, TroY. N Y J63lea NlNNella, N Territ'y J E Cobbens, St Lonis, Mo S H Whae,Tittsburs John Lightner & la,Pitta's ~ • , . - JONES`, HOTEL—Chsstnnt street. above Edith. 13 0 Brook, North Carolina • 13 T Hammond. Phil's. T 5 Conifer, Manntag,lS 0 BO Do Bose, anning, S C Wm Wmrall, Prov. N. I Dr A Bell, Canton, 11l M C Griarilte, New York ' W Bushnell. Balton. Pa Chas Ravage, Baltimore Mrs Atkisson A oh, Va (leo W NeWe It Maryland A S Roans, Fort Wayne ''.; MU Wan!: Fort Wayne H' Mitonell. Savannah •T fl Reynolds, Mobile .las A Thomas, Baltimore W F Cheek D 0 Thos Finnan, D 0 HI MaDonild. IS Carolina 13 M. 'Madden, New York M Howe, Albany Semi A Sargent, Cm, 0 fl B Hoag, l'otenlbtlrg, Va Tl 3 James, New York 8 Dow, New York - W 8 Dow New ,York 8 Wiener. New York NI 0 Smyth, Alabarn% (1 A Foediok A so, N 0 H Nordlinger, NSW York U B Russell, Boaton AMERICAN }torEfr—chealut, above Fifth. Jesse Keenan Farrington W Potts & la, New York H Elias, Oinolonati J Pitcairn, Fort Wayne CIF Greenwood -Norfolk. Vs P 1. Pohorr K is, Ohio 1 H. Lmtwell, Jr. Tennessee H 11 kamington• F River Jog A Remington. F River 0 H Reynolds. New York g_ ft Conerirt}; PI Joe B pentg, New York Miss Fends, Et Louie Mister rentlY.l4, Louis Merwlrt, Li - cuisine, KY A If Jameson, Howling. Pa A K Rijn., Beading, Pe, R Gen PeneO, PittsburJ R Davis, Petersburg A 0 Brownell, Brooklyn Jas Hickman, New York A D Iliolonan, New ork Mrs' Thomas, Reading JohltA Cram. Ohio H Hawks, New York 'Soo Grier New York L F Penny. Boston 1) 0 Dodd; Now York 1) Willman.. Memphis T H Hrintnn, Went Chester ti B Behan, Allentown J 11 So'keld & wf, Al Chunk 0 11Aloott, St Louis M. Nader, New Beilfor . Copt ritfiel , i, New Orleans 'IT Powers & Is, Boston Miss E Smith Boston T H Smith, Boston G D Ptokes. _oskoß T L Darr. New York E Wagelnston W.F Browing, Indiana J ess e Whitting Delaware , Joho V Hain & Ore Wit }Cocoon, Pile, Wiiminston, Del E aillinehnin, Balt P Sherwood, Baltimore Mrs Brook. Baltimore RT. LOUIS HOTEL—Chest/30st., above Third. F Lower & son, Rending .1' 13 Edmond Washington Mrs Hooker, New York Miss K Hooker Now York Miss A Booker, New York Jos T Redden. Newark Rohl Davis J B Shaeffer. Reeding N Houston. Germantown John MoKinglit, Penns. Julius Franke), New York J E Nonni*, Maryland arkhuret. New York Al S Myers, New York F , N,Hunt. Easton - Henry Altesic, Now York John MO/131 New Votk Lewis Moss. New York Chas F iyilinan, New York P Horne, New York Oar 11,8ohenok, New York 1, Hubert. New York F Helhrne, New York F Filue, Philadelphia I 11 ratrbstake, Maw/ THE UNION—Arch street. above Third. Jaimb Krupp, Jr, Baltimore Leibert. Baltimore II Kessler. Ulnalmmo Wm 8 Bartz,Frederick.hld HJohn Ocher, V rgiul Mrs Arnold. kiiityland Bixby, Pita:bore P P Lefler. Ohm J A Idnydsr,_Mt Joy, Pa Odes, St Marys, Pa P Gime, bt Mary's, ra 11 II Chase, Ohio A bones. Ohio Joe Mabel. Savannah D Pr ke, Lafayette, Ind P Ensminger, Lewisburg .1 Lantz, Lancaster Sarni Welmeraluminelst'n .113 Holcombe, Lambertville A W Poulson. Baltimore, fatevona, Conneetlout John 8 Pearson. Reading W H Price, Cleveland. 0 0 Whitaker, Cleveland, 0 P F Horner & Baltimore • NATIONAL HOTEL—Rene street, above Third 2 Levi B Kaler, Phcenixville J B McShane, klhainakin C Oaken:iv, Cincinnati Thom Potomac', Lartoarer Y 8 Myers. New Jer..y ho. 3 Buhr, Allentown George F Henry Allentown Miss 0 A wow, Pa Dunvroody, WAIN. a P Ett, Delaware John o Campbell, Pa 8 T Kleckner, Ashland David Focht. Atlantic Citynt City 11 8 Levan, Lehigh no W Bank, Atla FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Seeond street. above Market. Me j Lone, Ladoga. Ind Dr 8 U Boller. Saratoga 0 Hovey, Cape May Prank 8 Palmeter. All Cty alms Lassie Patreater, Atl C Towasendt,t3desaa Wm T Ure, wash Colley, A H Cook, Mass lede/phia W E Heaton,P BWtown Sohn B Jones, New York Wm Mab'e• Peekskill W McDonald, New York ALa Rue. New York R N Molligtion ks. C Isla Mtu Fanny Manson, C P Callaway: Lancaster, (IT Duval, Lancaster F. nl E hl Gear, Bridgeton Jan Bheeley, Virginia E Thigpen, Connecticut .1 Finch. Pittabu , g P A Lindle fe. fa, the U John W Davis Delaware Jet L Pryor, mart land J H Lowuer. Camden, Del Mtge Maggio A Lowber, Del Mule ME Mudd, \Tutuila, STATESUNION—'Market street. above Sixth. D C oyeattok, Lancaster Wm Littlefield, Mifflin, Pa J. North. Paterson. I's A O Lone. totternamen N. A Leine. Pens ay Want.. Bona H. bhould, Carlisle Peter Ware: n Bordentown Conran Japer. Bordentown M W Heaton. Hunttnenoo H M. chreiner *Air, Lan.'r Pl A Rowan, Philodevala J L Burnt'. izatlaaratar a Joe H Miller. Chester co Tiles B Vaunt, Cheater co yt Bentley. Metter co, Pa H Dilworth, Cheater co J Bruer, 81.1dilletown B F Shreiner. Litnoaster W F Horne. Philadelphia H P Grubb, Perry county F Wiley, Perry county .1 Cromenbarger, Pa MERCHANTS' HOl.lllE—Third at.. above Callowhill. T Albright, Reading 3 1. Eokel, Ponandvania Geo Emrick.Drittehtn co F Cole. Horthuntherlandoo Wm 9 Drake, Hazleton Peter Weikel. Allentown 14 Hower. Catitesons W Bhenbarger. 0/treasons, p Koller. Northumberland Sohn N teddy. Lancaster co C Lee. Womoladorf Thos 'Yeager, Allentown Peter Evan., Pennsylvania Jail liworer. Allen own 3 R. Walla Allentown John Kemmerer. A Itent'n J Yordg. febnuon W K Hutt,. !kazoo 0 Ueberroth, Sitlesburg Y 8 Higher. Oatawisos T Albright, Lehigh co J . Strauss. Lehigh on H.Fatzinger, Lehigh oo W 8 Young, Allentown BLACK BEA It ROTEL—Third at. ab. TIT/other, bleohanioeville R Bier/. F Whitehall Walter Ihery, B whitehall John linyiler, Bnyclerville Pri II am'. 0 teenlane thilenger:Allentown W battier, Penanburic " - Chas Pinney. Hartsville 11 8 Sorer, Olney J) L Fider. Marietta.. Pa Tomlinson. Morellinil John Berk. Ptitlevielehla le, Pi Levan ItPadinit Miller,Behuyiklit co adalton. Pottehown COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth Street, ab Chasten H Roillson,W Cheater H Comedy, Baltimore R Rowel. Hal/moon D DUI:MOOD,. Valadq. Ohs Baffin,. ton. Cheater no Joe Jackson, Chester no J Rms. Columbia A C Gibson. Mari land Dr CF. Contra, Baltimore Robs /Lynch. Levrieviqe Jut Roman, Biglitartorrn, NJ MT. Vr:InNON 001 EL—Second street. above Aeon. Mika Drake. Charleston W Ruayon.Delaware yen Yi i.e. Beeslo) , e Pt Geo if Marshal. Atex Vis 0 W Warner, Conti evaro_. ranter Werstall,Fnieslv t WmID bora. Newtown obn Benner. Brdg Valley B Adler, Dbilaael plum. Mrs I.uoy Grower. W'otsot 0 Oberon, New lock M. Dilation, Hanoonk BALD EAGLE D6TEL—Thiril it, above Callowhill. A Godshabir Idortilampron T n Letaisiliag. Patibtuß John Millen. Snake no A B Bertolstr, Monix'y eo Baotou'. Hooks or, k. Boater, Bethlehem B Btrashurder,Bfilerav'e SAItIoNY SMEAR TIOTELn-Second et, below Vtne. John Doyle, Doylestown W Cadwallader. Dpolin co Josiah B timithr mireyvlle 8 fluokuum dc so. Newtown r3oo T Bucks D Jan , tt, Horsham Thee Fat, New Jetsey A Denennow , r, /roke co Jew Comfort, Bunks oo ii,s KIN IK PDITELLIIik.fiIUE. ststg rollaTid PAIL ARRIVED. St+amshlp Delaware. Cannon, from New York, via Cape May 8 flours, with mine and passengers to Jam Allerdine. Bark Chan S Lex, Almeida. from Port au Prinee Stet nit.w tb coffee. &o. to Thome; Watteon & Sons. Le It bark Anal, Cheesman, fur New York to 4 doss; brigs Water Witeh, I.arrawny. from elpyr York, disobg; sohr Cantor. for N York. ready. Brie Milton. Hoyt. allied from Ma/Igo/in° lath tot. fur Boston; Rohr Gen Veazie, Gallagher. telt St Mares 2EPhult for Dorton. Bohr . ft Nash. °trout. 12 days from tit John, NB, with lumber &a, 84Mi Dragon & Co. Bohr Wm tannin. Hassel. 1. day from Emma, Del, with grain to Jae L Rowley fr. Co. Rehr Chas Atkinson, Atkins, 2 days from Milton, Del, with grata to Jae L Bawler rk Co. Bohr J M Hro.voal. fildridge• 1 day front Odessa, Del. with nom to Joe L Bewley & Co. Bohr John Maga, Townsend 4 days front Pocoinoke River. with lumber to .1 ss deem'. Steamer Ann Lima, Robinson,ll hours from New York. with oldie to W lit Baird teCo. Steamship John MoMakio. Marshall. 10 hours from /AWES. Le l. with mdse and 0.4.311e,0 , 4 to enptairp Re ports the 11 8 steam frigate Powhatan Plights in last Monday evening: also a laic eillnatellbP. UR IVP rt. Irmo the (hoot of Altos. sod a Hutoh brigs Tuesday morn ink. off Rotates, Nook, pegged ship l'hiladelphia, (man Liverpool. inAttED hip S team ms City of Richmond, hlipbell. Richmond, 'l' r. Bahr Louisa, Hallett, Boston. Noble, Hammett & CsWee% Btor dlinnhaha. Young. Richmond"! Groves,& Co. 'r 3 B bhriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Jr. DT TIMISORAPIt. • (Correloonuouoe ut TIM Press.) Niro( Yollt, Atm 14 Arrived. ably' Southampton. from Portsmouth; It Lane. from Liverpool; Orient, from do; Mae :lon, from do; Constitution. BM from do. [Per steamship Mud° Maori 1 Arrived train New orit, *ratio, et Deed; Albert Gal latin and Aurora. from Liverpool. Arrived from Savannah, Hampton, at Liverpool, ii.NeWitareDe. Statermide Kennebec, Johnson, hence, arrived at New York yesterday Staamstoo Prince Albert, Prows., cleared at N York amitardar for Lfverrool. Steamship e,a, Lott, for Liverpool, cleared at New York yesterday. tenmstap Yiitoria, Cudworth, from Oalveston,nr• rived at New York yettel day. Ship Turmarora. Dunlevr, from Liverpool for fhila delpina, wombat' Mb ult. oir Virestere is ands. bark Fnatibeth. brookman, hence for London, ar rived at Deal previoue to 24 lost. r•ohr Mary kitten, 4Jottingliata, hence, arrived at Sa lem 9th inst. bteumere enneord. Norman, anti Taoony, Ely, hones, arrived at Neg. York yesto, der spECIII.A.L. N OTIOES ALL anouLD not fad to read the adver tisement of Prof. VIOLA) in to-day's piper, CARD PRINTING, BEST AND CHEAPEST IN the My. at 34 Routh THIRD street. CIRCUL&R PRINTING, Bea and Cheapest in the City.et34 South THIRD street. BILL-ROAD PRINTING, Best and Cheapest to the City, at 34 South THIRD street. HAND-BILL PRINTING. Beet and Cheapest in the City, at 34 Bonth THIRD street. PAAPIIIAT PRINTING. and every other &scrip donor Printinc.of the most superior quality, et the raont reasonable rates, at RINOWALT & BROWN'S, DraxePa Building, 34 South THIRD street. /yl 3 tt 0242 PEWS CUMIN° OP TON LATH= eiremmonade In the best manner, expressly for RE• TAIL SALES. LOWEST wUinz pnoes marked In Plain Figures. AU goods made to oraer warranted esti.. %dory. Oar ONE-PRICE system is dna, adhered to, es ire believe this to be the only am - ear of ecallnt All are thereby treated alike. JONES & CO.. W 4 MARK= Street. 811141.31011 DI B SAVING Frnal—NOX.TriVrElre OoINYa SECOND and WaWing dganage.—Deposits re volved it, small and large amounts, hem all °knees of the community, and allows interest at the rate of FIVE PER CENT. per annum. Money mey be drawn by oheoka without lots of ln- West. Offioe open daily, from 'until o'olooY. and on Moy day and Ileturday until nine in the evening. Freed dent. FRANKLIN FELL Treasurer and Beare:arr. ORA& N. MORRIS. M 1117211.0 M1RA0131.0113 VIRMIN DE- S7IOVIB, the oldest and beet remedy known for Ex ton:Moat-mg RATE end MICE, DUCHROA O BEB BUGS, ANTS, hi UtaBITOBB, FLEAS, MOTHS, DRAIN WORMS, end GARDEN INS KOTB. Or Prinonnil Depot, 812 BROADWAY, N. Y. Bold by all Drueetets everrwhere. mile-tin SAVING FUND—NATION/J, SAYETY T 1117137 aottroort.—Chartered br tho Stow of Pennsylvania. RULES. I. Money Is received oven day, and in any amount large or small. p. FIVE pER CENT. interest is paid for MAIO from the dal it DS pet in. L The money is sinters paid back in GOLD whenever it is called for, and without notice. . I. Money is reoeiveo from Executers. Administrators, Guardians; and other Trustees, in large or email mime. to remain a long or short period. e. Thei :dopey received from Depositors is invented in Real Estate. Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other first fleas securities. O. Moe open everyday—WALNUT Street. sonthvost order Third strmht. Pei Inatelehot irJr B..tuurkman lems-raook• SAYNIL—A very One essorturent of sALAMANDEILS for sea at roe, ikinable prices, Va., M 1 011382111rT At.; rittladeto sal-sr iIVA246 WA:klitui. - : DIARRIEII4 . Lt ItOWNST— , WOII,BTRit.—On thee I.3th .inetaat, at , Waahintooa City. by, R-04. Yather. Boyle, taw:awe/at Z. Forrent, Btateereveapo eetrotee. to Ntioslnl3. tort^ a. 1., deuelver of Dr 4 J, Rutherford W . ouster. of •Weahlaqton. - t R11:14. cit-41.114E-§.-00 the Ittli 'inttant, in Cneetei Valley. by the Her. Wm. Whf tehead. Nettle Beath, of New York; to Ate. NelenY. Jones. , DIED. , MITCHELL—On the 12th install% A: E. Mltehli daughter of. 11. N. Mitohell. runeral from the residence of her father, No. 314 Friends' avenue, Camden, N.J., this (Wednesday) at ternoen.' at 2 o'alook.• liTrAt.—On the 13th Instant, albeit Beehter. sled 31 Yeatlf. Funeral tom hie late residence, N 0.608 York avenue. above Vine street, this ( Wednesday) morning, at d o'clock • • • the 71st the I.2th instant, Mr. lima Brooke, in the 71st veer of his age. - • Funeral from his late residence: corner of Wilcox and Nineteenth, above Pine, this (Wednesday) after noon, at 2 o'clock. CAM yrs 1+11:1;.- . -In the 15th instant. ElinaJane.daugh- Pr of Wm. ( 4 and Martha Campbell, aired 6 yearn, I month and 23 days. Funerm lrom the residonottof her parents. N. W. corner of Seventh en d Federal streets , this ( Wednes de afternoon. nth o Moot, CARtiOLL,.—On the 13th instant, Edward Carroll, in the Seth sear of hit age • Funeral from the reindeer, of Michael Delano/. Church mreet, near /teams, Frankfordi thin (Wtot• seaday) afternoon. at 4 n'olook. CLARE —On the 13t.i wawa. Mien Hannah Moine. daughter of John and Ann Clare, mined 16 Tors end 6 utonth6. • . Funeral from the residence of her parents. No. 124 Morns street. LION—Onf Wenesday afternoon Mrs °Vont. VA NI DERS the 12th instant:. 1.1123- 1.1,th Venderslice. in the 4/th yearnl her ale Funeral from thq residence el her aunt, Rakish Ann fatty. No. 1009 Retch street.ab,ve Richmond. (late Queen) Eighteenth ward, this ( Wednesday) env noon. at o'clock. 010 RAN.—On the 13th instant. James Moran, an of Thomas and Mary Aloran,ased 8 years and 11 months. Funeral from the residenac of tile permits. No. 9a Nor' • Eleventh street. shove Porter, this( Wednestlar) of ernoon, at 3 .ectock. • . . , • • • . PRioE.—On the 12 th - instant, Raohel, daughter of William and Catherine E. Frio • nged 2 yearn uneral from the residence of , her_ parent., Hasson street, above Helsrade. (formerly West street,' this ( Wednesday) afternoon, at 5 o'clock. RUCK.—..n the .12th instant. John Rook, in the eth year of his ate. Funeral from his late residence.jfaines street. be low Hancock, Germantown, Oils (Wednesday ) after noon. at 9 o'clock. • • . COPt,LA • D.—On the lath instant, Fame' Copeland; Br., in the 66th year of his axe. Funeral from his late reehienoe. No. h 5 North Rever,teenth street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. • Wei:BT.—On the 13th intt'nt, James. eon of Julia and the late Jentee Street. in the Stth year of Ili; age. Funeral from his late residence. No. 410 each street. on Thursday morning at 8.',/ o'clock. JD V, DSON.—uu the 13 , 1, instant, George, ton of Gem.° and Mury Jano Davidson, agrd 4 years, 8 months, and 9 days. Funeral from the rosidenee of hisparents. No 1227 Fulton street. below Fitzwater, end below Thirteentu, this ( Wednesday) morning, at 9 o'nlook. KEYS R —On tho nth Ins ant, in Mount Holly, N. 1., Father Keyser, in the 70th year of her age. H the 13th inattutt, bite. Anna Henry, In the 811 year of her age. BL 40E AND PURPLE FOULARD SILKS. Plain blank Pou'ard Bilks. : Mack Stress', M.B 4, 7-4, and 9-4 wide. ' Blank Cates Marais. gime widths. Gray Olen° flk ria Poplins. ray Chen.) BSTO.OII and -0 0170.11 - 6. 'auk flare's,, ruffled points. upla'a Rummer Botribazines and (Malys. lack and white Lawns and Organdies, be. BBSSON & nON, Mourning _Store; No. 9IR ilk RRNIIT Rtreet. 11. D.—During July and August we close at 6 P. M. %IRE ONLY RELIABLE ARTIOLR— . CLUCK'S Patent INIIELIBLE rrNOll.B. for Alarkmor nil kinds of Clothing neatly and Indelibly. They no their work better than ink, without its trouble or rick of blotting. Bach will mark 9.00/ artiolee. For sale. Wholesale and Retail, by 1). C. TAILOR & acente for the Manufsoturer. No. 911 CHESTNUT treet. 10112.8 M --- • - Tr. REGULAR DEMOCRATS, FAVOR. A to the eleotion of DU UGGAS. JORWitiON, 'aVrii-TbR, are requested to meet in their realise. tire proolnets THIS and To-emeßomr MoBl', be two.rt the hours of 7 and 9 o'clock P.M.. for the purpose of being regisrtered. is nocordanoe with the usages c. the party. By order of the Democratic Committee of euperintendenoe. auto St` Tr°PIQUE. OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. eo.ego The holders of the bonds of this Compa bl ny, due Je l ly I. MU, can now receive. upon application at this Ogee, 10 oar cent. in cash, upon bilaterale specified In the circu lar attachd. The holders are also entitled to the beneat of a Sink ing Fond of 8140,000 per annum, as established by the stockholders at their annual meeting, held Jautiaty 9, IMO, and in pursuance of the commit, entered into by he company and drily recorded, to carry the same into dent. B. BRADFORD, 'Preguturer. OIRCULfs,R. Noises to Out Hain,. of PhitodolAto Reoidino Railroad Compeers Afortbash Bonds, due Jab/ 1, lea These bonds are secured by the first mortgages on the road. amounting in the aggresate to riSM.4OO. The not revenue for the noel fiseal year was six gimea the amount of the, annual Interest en these bonds. The managers propose to extend them for a period of tweny ream, the holders retaining the bonds and the Beau ty the, mortgages in the precise ciondition_ln whits they are now held. Fresh sheeta of coupons for the interest, payable half-yearly, will be tested. • A bonus ono per ce as s ent i n g given to the holders in consideration of their to the extension. les bonus will be paid in cash to tie hewers of the bond,, on their signing a receipt and pressiitine their 'respec tive bonds at the ogloe ofthi. Company, or to its agents, for endoreemeni. Forms ot receipt and endorsement will be famished on application. PA order of the li tti a . rd u c ! I,i!tanninritrierv. ItEMOVA.LS. REMOVAL. EVERETT, HICKS, & CALDWELL, CLOTH HOUSE. Have removed to an MARKET STREET. Burets are invited to examine our stook, Mal-em REMOVAL.—The undersigned have re moved their Offing and Sale* room front the Foun. drp.at NtIBLE•BTH, E P WHARF, to the N. K.oorner of SECOND and RACE Streets, where dealers will find a large collection of STOVE'S of the m at approved patterns Tinned. Enentellial, and plain Hollow-ware, comprising en assort ^exit second to none in the coun try. All order' lett at the office, or by Mali. will receive prompt Attention. LEMAN/Yr &111cDOWEI.L. • Fhiledelphie Uto - re Welke, and Hollow.ware Foundries. EN LISII BROWN STOUT, qcoyett ALE, IN STONE ANA CLASS, B 7 THE CASK OR DOZEN. AI. BERT O. RO HERTS. DtAroUR FINE GROCERIES. aele Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets, VCR PROTHONOTARY OF DISTRICT -11.• COURT. wu.LCANt Loth:Huai, SECOND WARD. SUDSIOC to the mien of the Demooratio party. al6 4t• USTATE OE JOHN J. HESS. Deceased_ NOTIIE —Whereas letters of administration, d. b n. o. t. a. to the estate of WWI. de eee sod. have been swotted to the subsoil r, ail persons indebted to the slid saute are TeQUeate to make im• mediate pat msnt, ard those having Maims or demands nsainst the estate of the said decedent wilt make known the same Without delay, to HENRY D. WELSH. Administrator d. b n. o. t. a., ante.srdt* No. 524s 24 FRANKLIN Street. Ph,lada Tll' MOST VA IZAB LE OF ALL PIO TURFS ere those of faces we love; therefore de• corate yoor parlors With Ids-a;zs Photographs in nil, made by Red INS mECOND above +rose. 1r • A WNINGS! AWNINGS ! ! Fi AGs! FLAGS 1! JOSEPH H Fels rsit, AWNING MAKER. 441 .North THIHp &plate Has on hand PIA of all stses. or Malld to order, at abort notice e °lineal parties. Globs. or to of weasels, would do well to wilt belore varohasens eine where. Backlog Bottoms Battle and 'Walton • ooven. augls /m. REFINED Sal IRS AND SYRUPS o. Dom° HUE. 23 South WATER street Okra for sale d 000 bb!■. steam refined Sow and %rum at ?educed prieee, for oath or approved credit. aule•Et' Tt, A E, MARK NuTIO.E. The WASHINGTON MILLS, an the suocessore of the. BAY STATE MILLS, pmeheeed the property, Rood erth. and other rights or that company. the WASHING rox MILLS, therefore, claim the name of "BAY STATE" as their trade mark ukonTooiten Goods. The under aliened, therefore. emotions against any I n trims °meat o it .e vioiation tho rights or this ompany. J 08.6. Fa V , Treasurer. VIGHTII NATIONAL RXIIIBITION .112 , 4 AT CINCINNATI. 01110. REPT.I2ih-20th, THE UNITED STATES AGRICULTURAL SO OISTY will hold Pr Eighth Annual Agricultural and Inenstrial Exhibition on the munch, licerally provided by the oitizene of Cinaionaii. which are to bell had up in the best style. 1 here will be Halls and Toots for the Manley of Implemarts. Machinery, Tools Domenic Mont 'natures. Farm and Oardon Fi 'duce. Froits,_Ptowers, and Native Wine,. With stalls a d pane for Horsee, Cattle. Sheep. and Swine. and 'in at equalled Track. one mile in length and linty feet D width. for the exhilotion of Horses. Toe Premiums i illred in rash. gold, silver. and bronze medals , diplomat., and certifietiteeamoant to Twenty Thousand annals The ExhibiLon remain open tom WEDNESDAY, the 12th, to Tril'REID y. the 2( b of SEPTEMBER. thus giving time to examine an, test the implements and machinery. For premium lists or informal on apply at the office of the 40oiety• No. 456 PEisPoWLYANI A. Avenue. .up dime/ or to the subscriber, at Cmommiti. Ohio. PEN YERLP.Ir POORE, &emery U. d. Agricultural homety. au4 sw-tsel2 LUNOH F,VYRY DAY, from 10 to 12 o'o'ook, A. 18., end on W Fl/NESDAY hVEN INO. !Moat Inth. at 4 o'clock. when tile oelebrate4 Bell Rim re will bo attendance to enliven the CNT VSDY 1 / 1 . 0.F.011(iV8 110 r 151 North vototrit st,ret. WM, HALL, Proprietor. aeall4-20 re ROM PROFESSOR D'OTH.--' , In my : e P ti ItWni the H..RTBLI. JAR combines more /M -t any others for Preserving. hems whodr of glass. Meanly, strong. and durable. °losing air-ti and opening and shutting pith LoiliSS. FROM. DR. ATLE.E. 1 . 4 "JAMES C. BOOTII.” .• I have nerd thn Hertel! All slim'sJar in toy &mil for the preservation of FTllit. and in comparing IL With others previously employe for the purpose, I consider ithighly preleraille i and partimilarlY In to Metal are or jars with metal tops. It is pat featly air tight, and t•ee (rota all poet bill!) , of taint. as is the case with metal. It is secured with more ease. rapidity. and certainty tiros by tenant or Solder, and opened readily, while the fruit is kept in the mom admirable manner. Having tested the Jar well, I consider that It meets all the Jodi ostlol7B that can be 29_ rod. "WelitlrOTON L. "MEE, 111., o. 1 40N Arch ktree . t." Manufacturers under the Par N ent , HARTELL & LETCHWORTH. artr-lot f No. 113 North FIFTH StrArit. lipoRTANT TO PROPERTY OWNENS AND BUILDERS —Newly-invented Fastenings for Water pipes. Co as to disconnect any one Bretton with out disturb . ins the otheie; so se to repair it in case of their freezing us and bursting. thereby riving a great expense, ern not del - awns the Patented July si, M E O, by AUSTIN & W3DYK, 1703 ORtSr.NUT Street. State and Count/ Rights for sale. Also. Fastenings by the quantity aulo 6c. pORTO RICO SUGAR.-250 hhda me rlmmilunmß:rilt rtin e lirt.. P O'N'M li :l4l:P r "le by JAVA COFFEE.-1,000 pockets prime Java Coffee, for sale by JAMES GRAHAM. h CO, LEV IA Street. AZUMEA ! AZIMLEA 1 AZUbIEA ! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! PROF. I.IIRIB' AZUMEA BAKING POWDER. Manufactured solely No. 62 North FOURTH ll t r • a I owl tor .11 , ...• ........ ..... n• tn•tl gmtr VA RN ISIT. —5O bbls. No. I Bright or Ship Varnish, in store and for s‘le b ROWLI4V. ASHAWRNEIL h CO, 16 South WHARVES. 604 G 1) PIINCEIE INS ST MART'S SUOTOR e•evx , MALT WIIIBKY, Ex.Westmorelond from liver. pool. Imported and lop sale In bond by JOHN lIITIsON, SONS, .it Co. aul3-mw2t* rr9R.-270 barrelN Wilmington, N. 0„ 11 Tar 3 SBo Yelp do.. do.. In atom and for Into hv ROWLYA & 00" nth 16 6owth ao7 TAMIL -IEII and Gentlemen desiring sum rior 'beard ter the summer eau nom have chubs (Ouse, cool rooms at SUS WALai UT Street. WS lm' 111.141 4 INERY G9OOll. . .„ RIBBOXS; 'BONNETS. AND MILLINERY HOODS EXCLUSIVELY. We have now on hand, and daily receiving. a large and handsome assortment of RIBBONS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, BONNET MATERIALS, STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, MISSES' AND INFANTS' HATS, SHAKERS, tr.o., FRENCH AND AMERICAN FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, AND EVERY OTHER ARTICLE IS THE MILLINERY LINE, To which the attention of the trade is directed. ROSENRBUSI, BROOKS, & CO., auDI-2m 411 MARKFT Street, North side. SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS. MARTIN & WOLFF, C=l FORRIDN AND DOMESTIC DRY 000D8, 394 MARKET STREET. Cash and prompt Six.monthe Buyers, of all seotions are invited to an examination of our Stook. auB•3m• A . W. LITTLE & 00., SILK GOODS. No. 825 MARKET STREET. auB-3m REM OV In consequent's of the destruction by fire of their MUM 8111487 STORTF YARD. GILLMORE..S3OO. HAVE REMOVED TO NO. 010 CHESTNUT ST., SOUTH SIDE, ABOVE SIXTH. PIIILADEtanbt. They have now open AN ENTIRE NEW STOOK or SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, GLOVES, RIBBON'S, DRESS TRIMMINGS, 4 c., Together 'with a LARSE ASSORTMENT of STAPLE AND FANCY WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, MANTILLAS, Ao. Having received but a amalt Portion of their FALL IMPORTATIONS, Previous to the fire, they are enabled to display A NEW STOOK. to which they Invite the attention of their Customers and Buyers generally. auc 3m PRINTS ! PRINTS ! The Subscriber invites attention to en assortment of PRINTS. Which for extent and variety is unsurpassed in this market. Consisuna of the ohouuest styles an MERRLMACK, MANCHESTER, ULOUEESTER, DUTOTIESS, PACIFIC, SPRAGUE, 000HEE0, and other STANDARD MAKES. Besides a full line of ENGLISH PRINTS. Now open and for sale by the Pleoi or Paokam AT THE LOWEST rArCEIS. aosHIJA. L. AittlLY, 813 MAIIPT STREET, quo-U. EORGE PEARCE & Co., MANUFAOTURERB AND IMPORTERS OF LACE GOODS. 241 CHESTNUT STREET. Philadelphia. 52 an t e of PARK PLACE, New Y.:,Ths. au9•wwkflm WURTS. AUSTIE. McVEIGH. lAITORTERB AND JOBBERS IN DRY GOODS. No. 311 MARKET Street, above Thirj• Chula, Womb Near/ Meth,. Muhl hloYcogh. PZULADNI.PICIA. John S. Weimer. Joseph Berme, 1 aul-3m PALL AND WINTER. CLOAKS 83 MANTILLAS FOR THE. WHOLESALE TRADE. SOUTHERN and WESTERN MERCHANTS buy ing !declaim to First class °ODDS, are invited to in spect our Stock, wand, we offor at LOW PRICES, AND ON LIBERAL J. W. PROCTOR & CO. THE PARIS MANTILLA ancl CLOAK EMPORIUM., 7 08 CHESTNUT STREET. FALL GOODS. BAROROFT et CO., NOS, 400 AND 407 MARKET STREE.Y, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC- DRY GOODS. Mock complete awl reedy for Trotle. nut-33t VP WOOD, MARSH, HAYWARD, °LI"' IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND OLOTHING. NO. 309 MRRHET STREET. Pall and Winter Stook now complete and ronilr for Plows. nun nm NEW PUBLICATIONS. 1 4 1TTLE. BROWN & CO.. BOSTON, WILL PUBLISH SEPT. 1, VOL. IL OF A HISTORY OF NEW ENGLAND. BY JOHN 0. PALVDRY, LL. D. Svo. t0.i14-Pawntif B ALZSAYS BALZACI'S NOVELS. W ROVELB PARISIAN LIFE BY A PARISIAN READY IN A FEW DAYS THE GREATNESS AND DECLINE OF CESAR BIROTTEATJ, A NOVEL BY M. DONCIRE DE BALZA°. T IMOA t I 6 . Lie O. W. and F. B. Goalnoh 1!' Diolc vol.. cloth bound . Price $l. THIS VOLUME rionatitntes the first of n periaa 01 translations from the French staorard novels of the celebrated tlonore de Balza°. Ablioneh hut little read in thin counts—partly owing to the extreme difficulty in rendering their debonair on , ' Pubtlety of conception Into Vnglieh—the novels of If/d -ime enjoy the utruoat popularity in Euirme.wnere they occupy a front rank among bret•olam fictions. THE SERIES will appear in handsome duodecimos. eaob nivel clom p:ate in itself, and sold separately or by the set. Printed rro new end elosant type. upon line paper. with uni form bindles, designed expressly lot this isms, they will be unusually artraolive. ***C°Dlenge lifigteratliN r rt A tt lY hei:g. 13 , 8 waif No. 130 GRAND Street, NNW YORK BBUYERS.--Gentlemen: I have ALF taken the Basement of the Philadelphia Bank, 419 CHIESTNUT Street, wham 1 will continue to buy and sell Oa I have heretofore done at tne Custom house Avenue Book-stand) d and new Law and 611s tiellaneons Books, I have for sale upwards of leo old black.letter Bosh printed prior to the year 1499. Also, copy of Erasmus on the oiew Testaipent, 3 vole • 4to. printed In 1648. Price s3i). Iwril also deal in Entravintre and Autographs. Persons at a distance wahine to sell Hooke, will dealribe their names. dates. since, bindings, oonditionz, and Nines. Pamphlet Laws mPennsyl vania. and old Books upon America wanted. aue-ein JOHN CAMPBELL. COMMISSION HOUSES. THOMAS R. GILL COMMISSION MERCHANT No. 212 CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. For sale Dr the Peokige: CLOTHS, FANCY COATINGS, BEAVERS, SEALSKINS, FELTS, & i MILLVILLH, MASS., ORISKANY, FITOH BURG, ROYALSTON, AID ores: MAXIIN OF FANCY CASISIMERES, lIARGIB' FANCY UNION CASSIMERES, BA TJNETTS, LININGS, VESTINGS, BILE• BIAS, &c. EAGLE LADLES' CLOTHS, VELVETS, Ac ¢,1116-2m RIDGWAY, HEMMER, 8; CO., IMPORTERS OF CLOTHS. DOESRINB, AND OASSIMERES. Bole agents for FR. EROKENS, (Little T(oket) W. it JOH ANtrY. (A, bhoe.) (3FAreftti & SOH MIDT. (8. & M F. G lIK H R 1.1 AN & RON, ((:old Medals.) 211. BONA BROS.. ( Fanoi Cassimerer.) B. TOENNIES & CO., and other manufaoterere of the greatest celebrity, 206 OHESTNUT STREET. eLutam WELLING. COFFIN & Co. 110 CHESTNUT STREET, ffer, by the package, the following desoription of AMERICAN GOODS. OP STANDARD MARES ANA IN 61RilAr VAIRIETT GREENE MANUFACTURING CO 'SPRINTS; BLEACHED AND DROWN MEETINGS, SIIIRTINGS AND DRILLS; OSNABURGS, DENIMS, AND STRIPES; CORSET JEANS, SILEBIAS, AND NAN KEENS; CANTON FLANNELS AND PRINTED LININGS; RHODE ISLAND LINSEYS; PHILADELPHIA LINSEYS AND CHEOKS; KENTUCKY JEANS AND COTTONADES; NEGRO CLOTHS AND KERSEYS ; ALL-WOOL AND UNION CLOTHS ; BLACK AND FANCY' CASSIMERES; BLACK AND MIXED DOESKINS; SATISETS AND UNION CASSIMERES; TWEEDS, CASRMARETTES, ,to., &a. aal•Sm WASHING TON MILLS, FORMERLY DAY STATE MILLS SHAWLS of all sizes, in great variety. Embossed and Printed TABLE COVERS. UNION BEAVERS and BROAD CLOTHS B A,LAIORA.I. SKIRTS. DOESKIN/, and Double and Twisted COATINGS. 6.4 SACKINGS and Leavy ZEPHYR CLOTHS. Twilled and Plain FLANNELS and OPERA FLAN NELS. Printed FELT CARPETING/. For sale by FROTHINGHAM tt WELLS, 9d South PONT Street, end Jy2l•t7 33 LETITIA Street. SHIPLEY, HAZARD, it UIITOBINSON, W. 119 OR} ISTNUT 117., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR 'FRE [MLR OF PHTT ADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. MEPICINAL. Flo &OF. MORRIS' RUCEPHALOS. There are ICo. Sufferers from DISEASES of the NES YOUR hYtiTEM, in the oar of Philadelphia, who rum be cured by ulna UCE T FRuPe..PH.OR M4.I. 4ORRIS' :43 S e Which is an original WONDER!, REMEDY. Compoundedom the private formula of Professor Morns, M.D.. of this city. It um directly opouthe_Nerves BY mouttrnoti . through the permand v qt nude but thp trial of • BIN LE EfiIiTTL.V. to test Ito marvallone Wear Unicorn . xgI v TAMIN E T A 0f231/. BRAIN. 0 f.NERAVII SRL itit.. a Mit ti L Altii. CIIRONIC ERYOUSNESS, No., Will find the desir P.RTEed reli ß ef NA by its L USE, u directed In Y ! the Ctroular. TRY T TA} I T! TRY T ArR , l TRY IT ! X III if: ut ili 3. 4 IT! T RY IT! TR T i MI 41 TRy TR I TR x T: TR Y TRY T I IT! If you ere eshausted by over-much study, ff you gaffer from sleepier,' nights, I fy ou area victim to Deere:gm, . T ii you are prOlittliittei by egeesstve gnat, Ii you crave staitley, r n? r drinks, 1 L i 111 T TRYY'T! I TRY IT! I T TRY IT! T Al It will remove those mi lmerahle unsatjone which in duce a morbid diepoidtio towarde Intempersue. . Tay a.. if You hie Wulf from Nervous Debatty in any of it forma d'ari You. will hod it a soothing and IN YIGORA'TINCI APPLICATION 1 to your nerves, and worth man? time, Its Wet, in the rellet afforded. Numerous testimonials from the moat respectable sources can be aeon, by applying at the °tau of the pro prietor,. Fullit Prepared St by MOCKRIDGE A CO., No. 82 North Tli reet. 1 oar And for Sale by Druggists generally. 177-if ASTIRFor the INSTAN lIF T RELI and Pat. MAKENT 01.14XolWs &savaging oom olattit;mee IFENDT 9 S BRONCHIAL CIGABSTTBS, Made by C. B. DEVOUR 4 00„;0,7 NASSAU Street, New York. Price el per bnx; sent free by poet mYf am in FOR SAL,R AT AU. DRUGGISTS'. P E eARED UE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! "A STITCH IN TIMI EAVES NINE." ECONOMY! DISPATCH! SAVE TM? PIRCESI As sestdraly will Atom, earl U mall-rasslatid very desirable to have 101116 oheap and oonvenient way for repairing Furnitare, Toys, Crooks ry, SPALDING'B PRNPARED GLUI4 nests all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it. It is always ready and pp to the stick ing point. There is no longer a necessity for limping 3hulre, splintered veneer', headless dolls, and broken emblem It is Just the attulle for cone, shell, and other ornamental work, so popular with ladies of refinement and taste. This admirable orsnaration is need cold. being ohe awaity held in solution, and eoseeenng all the valuable qualities of the best binet-makers' glue. It may be ivied the place of ordinary mucilage, being vastly more aohesive. "USEFUL IN EVERY HOME:" M. N. A bruah accompanies coon bottle. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE LENTO, Wko:tante Depot, No. 48 CEDAR 6,ree s , Now York. Addreu lISZOY 0. i..ZALDING N e wo., Box No, Pem, York. Put up for Dealers to Cases containing four , eight, and twelve dollen, a beautiful Lithosrastue &tow-calm tocompanying mkt padkage. A mingle bottle of I:WALLING'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times Um ooat annually to every honesbold Sold by all prominet Stationers, DrAirtubt, Herd *nye and Faranuro Itaalara, Utooara, and Fano! Itorea, Country Merchants s h ould make a note of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, on ranking up their list. IT WILL STAND ANY 01,1h1A7 SAYING FUNDS. AMERICAN SAVING and ZlNt i v i l ui Pt i g:4."ltip h er l do e 6 C8 10: 411111 d op SIONRAY till the evening. This oia Institution has alweus paid foil , on dennood, without notloe. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. AR soma gold baol, on &manikin gold and silver. • TRVIPPEk.s ALEX, NiIILLRIN, President. 132 , 011,. WORK. Vies Prosolant. John C. Farr T. E. Hamar. Goorgo Nugent, John A ggi gn o l i , Jr„ Band. T. Bodine. Atli. C. Roberts, John Altman, Jolieut_lkwmark, H. Eldridge, Wm. 1. Roward. JOHN B. WlLSON.Troasnrer. JONN Blnta. seoretw. lrio-im QPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, 6.7 Office. 391 Borth THIRD Street, between Vine Incorporated bi the Legislature ,4pni t" Pa mente . dell trout Isz h irc!'' IS V Ere IN a Oll, from 6 to o'ciock. intermit per oent. per annum. Pa hors can with draw their Volleys by Cheeks, if desired, Special posits reoeived. JAMES S. PRINGLE, President FaiNins HAIM, Secretary. ULU a WANTS. JANTEt.—A young man wants a sit-n -ano?' es entry clerk in a arholeaal• lobbie haute : can famish bast of references. Adder s mil aka. aal4-21. WANTED—An active, energetic man, who oan command from woo to SM. to Join the advertieer in a var. profitable business. For pat heelers address" R M. M.," B ood's Drssatob. OAMtli-St WANTED, a thorough, competent sales men and buyer in a Carpet house; just stssuits. First class references for capability ens integrity will be required: Addreu a. B. Q.." at thin office. sul3-3t. C A.TAWISSA Ist-310RTGAGE BONDS will te taken at mach above m►rtet rates. for its- Proved eit• broperty, at cash enaes. Address Box 1670, Phale.delphi. ant6.6t• %IRE ADVERTISER CAN COMMAND -•• .42.000 in mall. and In willina to take an Interest in a Eel" , norm , busmen.. Where his service' and capital Will afford a living nompenaation. Addreal “Lavranne r " office of Tile Pow. naltOt• WAN'EED- 7 By: an experienced &les mut. a situation an a wholesq. j o bb ing d r i. m .d. house. Can influence • rale amount of neir short credit trans. Address " Hamilton." at this aloe. aulo-12t• A YOUNG LADY, who has had six years' experience ea teacher, desires similar SDI ovne n t in or out ol the City. Address " Teacher." office or The Press aul4/tt* WANTED—A middle-aged man with ale w. having a knowledge of Agwery beefiness. Money -enured retell Interest, and a fair galaxy. Ad dress." Roguery." office f The Pres S. au, 4t* WANTED—A young man as Salesman, • • who is thoroughly accounted with the Merchant ailor's and Clothing %rule of this arty. TQAILY PertOn capable of filling this position.e liberal compensation wtll be given. Address Bon GS. P. U. 1113-tf WANTED—A Situation, by s man, thirtraeren years of axe. or•extenalve experi ence to business. 01 good address. and competent to fill almost 6117 position, either as a olerk, gnsenntendent. or salesman. Iti you' respeotribly commuted, and can give the most intim - Wort reftifelleil as to inrsg2, energy, and bitainem capacity A mod rat e Imp, or of e 2t7P;;sr u a""ted. Auursis D. Is. 11.18111-tt. EDUCATIONAL. WINTHROP TAPPAN'S BOARD- LuL , No ard DAY SCHOOL, for YOUNG LAM E.l,_No, 1797 VINE street, Dear Logan Pans's. will itg-OPEN on WR DN UMW', eteptember 14tH. Csreolara ra , niabod on application. MISS LUCY R. MAYER and Mrs. R. M. BIR D , enoen their school for yonni la dle■,atNo.loloSPßUCE street, on MONDAY. %- Umber 17. augii.2nl PRIV vrE SCHOOL FOR BOYS.—LIT _ive BARROWS. for the riot six years Asso ciate Prinoipal of Rittenhouse Academy. In Eighteenth slreet, above Chestrat street will oven s. Inhcot for Boys. in ClißB I' street. seemed dnor he ow Eigh teenth. fel's Institute Buildings,/ on MONDAY, Sep tember 3. 3360. •-•. Omenlars n.ny be obtained at the City Institute, and at OA and 609 Chestnut street. • . Hateraoota: John B. Hart. U . D., J. J. Ruse M. D. •014.1 m• TIRE MES'ES MEI( & MRS. BEEBE'S im English arid French %%idling and Day %hoot. for Yount Ladion. N0.17U3 WAL IIT Strut, Will Iv re opened on Wednaaday.l3ept. 12th. eul-6w A CAD MY OF TILE PROTEST ANT EPIeCOPAL CHURCH. LOCUST and JUNIPER STREETS/ The Autumnal Fession snit _open on MONDAY. Sep. ternoe• 3 at o'sloolc A AL tetvon fee is, for the lowest class. sixty d.,llarn ; for all other 011111111111. /Min- PI five dollars per annum ; there are nn ni.tn, charm, Applipations (or edmorman may be made at the Aoade- Mr after August bath, between the hours of 10 and le o'oloak A. IS JABLEts W. ROBINS. A. IC, sulO•finwlf Head Mater. YOUNG L %DIES , BOARDING AND DAY PCIIOOI, Rev. ./ AMS 9 I. 7161.it'S Smuttier and Day School for Yonne Ladies. 1535 W e lee UT Street. will be reopened September 13th. attll-smelm MESDAMES 011ECrARAY AND D'HER JJ-IL VILLV respectfully inform their friends and the tin bl 10 that they hav3 removed their Boardier and My School for linunrLadies from Logan's:ware to Non. 15,7 and 1529 BPRUUE Street where they will be ready to receive their pupils on THURSDAY. Septem ber 13th. Mesdames CHEGARAY end D'HERVILLY will re ceive visitnrs at No. 1609 LOGAN Square snot the 20th August. .1726 em A DLERIOAN sOLIOOL INSTITUTE is s reliable medium thantharianh Shwas and Fami lies WAY °litmus eaarent,teaolieng. Fluent e may ob- Wm. sratiutonshi, in ocznsaicno al rook?' oi o tka heri imager. W & 114413 ADWAY Nov Yap OT hal-tf he CHI MIT UT Menet. Philadelphia. IRRYANT it STRATTON'S NATIONAL ktERCANTILS C01,14 . 6:8, krted B. H. 0011116 t GENSiss citEsT iv ‘irk, !lento, ClaTelmad, C es, and Bt. Sr Ink esail or vend rot Ca rane. fa- FOR SALE AND TO LET. TUE SUBSCRIBER, OFFERS FOR •w- sale the fixtures. machinery, utenels. &0., aced in the business of preserving Ittlitni &o. Also stook of goods. A party wishing to purchase the whole will be liberally dealt with. M. B B 4 PV, ikuliAst• No 712 Al h KEN Street. ma FOR SALE—On accommodating terms, MK the S CORE and DWELLING, No. 211 ARI3II Street. Apply to WIG. R. ALLEN, No. p3D ARM]. Street. anll-12t* To LE T—Two fire-proof Offices on the first floor of the Ponneylvant% Pat rited_ Building, Apple to EUMIRID 'sun et eeeretary. 118 TO RENT-Two spacious, well- Amailstited. well-sentilated Rooms. near the Ka- Wang°, suited (or printing °Moe& or formai:infants:int iitirpowbe as there is emote stem sower attached. Ad• drern•• X. Y , box 13'47, poet pram, au7-1 fIERMANTOWN PROPERTY. For Bale or to Let, • lane Itc4 4.OIIVOTIDDIS Hone ID Germantown; OD. R9tor , Inuis I2lvn, and so.oty of shade. in one of .he beet locations ; it be J ilt ow. Ad reu Philaaelphis post °Eike. -lin three large Ortgr,izivdfrawitianii-oliripmc.iate lola' hiving oAtim&l: &„, " to a aal rem "VS ; who flub caper. Magri FAOTORY LOT FOR BALE.-11 large lot haring three fronts, admirably situsted in tne Southwestern part of the city. Will be rented or sold on reasonable terms. For partioalare, apply at this office. dik 10 OAPITALISTS.—FOR SALE— fM.Tho Machinery, fltooV, aod =repletertstu luxe Manufactory .of PAPER ILANOINOti, with every noavopienee for carrying oa an extensive bum nen. A deinrabloitiveatment to persons of energy who orinrsh the business... For sale with or without the burl ins . 'Jaunty at ntfIVIESTNUT Street. wimtf If BART. AIONTOOMI,RY. Ss CO. 50 VALUABLE FARMS FOR 'ALE, in a rood Immtinn. For further information anell at No, 434 , ORTH THIRD Street. Camden, N. J., nult atuthlm. MISSOUB,T LAND II 3QQ,ggn /orbs for Sale, at via'e tonging from 1.0( t° ll l )(ep a iid A , aanttgATT=tfarri.purols sop of Land under the Graduation Aot. Data furnished gratis by onoloaing a postage ItainN For further informat apply t o W Q. LoN, RAWLINGS & CO., e ' "d G eneral atellVertt D. twee:Till RD eod p ouie. qt? el. L 0. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. h7-am FOR SALE—The Stock and Fixtures of a Wholesale Boot and hoe House. now doing a good business. This is a goat opportunity for any one wishing to go into the business, or a house wanting to inereme their trade. BatisGeto., reasons giving for selling out. Address "Bog 280," Phdadolaltia Post vane, with name. Je2o-tt TO NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS For Gale a large jot in the Houthweetera motion of the bap welt adapted for a rtunteq. Terms aooommoda. Una. For "arum:lmre addreee " K. ' at this Mime. all7-tt B OARD Di G. 11010ARDING.—A gentleman, wife, and A-4 , 0m shildren wish to SSOU e boarding in a neutral ppape art r.of the cap. Address " Warren," °Mee thts =Wet' pa IV ATE BOARDING.--Gentlemen sLxd theirlanulies, or mingle gentlemen, can be getout =dated with Board, with pleasant and handsome rooms, intrissiont or unfurnighed, at 616 LOCUST pt., south masa Washinston square. The ihwitlori, betas OPPOBiLd ro one or the handsomest narks in the clip. is of !Oral, and extremely nleagant. Transient persons matting the oily oan be"re" dated by the day or week. Terms moderate . basement front room. with prorate entrance, for rent. suitable for en office. iett-tt 'T'WO YOUNG GENTLEMEN OAN BE enciomracdatar with rood, airy apartment', (with or without Ward,) in a private family. Location veDin tral. Address " TOLBERT," through Blood's m. 'patch. apS INSURANCE COMPANIES. INS f RANCE COMPANY 0 f THE BT ATP, O , s DiINYISYLVANIA. August 144. The o rectors have this day declared a dividend of Bin Per tent-, or Twelve Dollars str Share, out of the prolate of the company. Payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on, memo. au7-10t PM+ Itot HARPER, Secretary. TILE MUTUAL LIFE INSITRANCT SOSIPANS or NEW YOll. SCZ. MILLIM et a DOLLARS. Invisysti mail_ Ito:tress's os saw. ISVAIik WORTH OVER 1113,000. CH). YU mereditras ere Loma& them In many other GSM* Wes, and the Dtyidenda have been iitumma. UM Is a strict', Mavis,. intiTSM. PRO FS are ao Stockholders, thnt ALL 'Num PROF.T3 111,0110 TO 71/1111111M. Pamphlets, and 0•817 1010Z1IllitiOn, *AT be lad ensue, on anblip . atial,fs nvoitn • S. W. oorner FOURit rad' vßil,4pDLrittn ILEFEREr ',toms Ratans, John We . tilordenta L Dssmon, *kcal.* m ar t. . 5. el en, J, Leannut triaril.P= Witham C. Ludwig* Arthar el Cain, %Moms. H. powers, George W. Toland, William McKee. ?hoe. Wattson. nanivil• FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. A:106 CHESTNUT St l r t eet. P 6 U . IL ADELPUL INCORPORATEDEAPRSYLIVAV.IU.THE rPATE OP ISONPINED TO E D I , RE . AND INLAND MM. T I LL DArnsy, e t W. Ws tart J. W. Enemas, ha.s. 114ohe Rena Levu, Jr.. et ,. A. w e d, JACiOn W. Stott. 0. Wilson Davis, Monkq Stara. !hoe. S. Martin i OhOROB W. PAY,President. FRANS 44 N. DUCK. vlos Pres% WILLIAMS I. BLANIJHARD. Secretary. [Jau-illf AMUSEMENTS. GRR'D PROMENADE FREE CON QER V.TRIS AFTERNOON, nt EGOLESFIELD. toggit i klairg i n r onk lo P r ri t r e k. B llt t tg it f e tpl A P 10N c OR om- mellow at .2)-; Mr. Mon Director, Fare IS or I cents from every point of tit. city (via Oward•avenue Railroad) to the place, Fairmount steamers also stop. au3l44‘ PENNA. ACADEMY OF THE FINE AH.T6.-16 0 23 CHESTNUT Street. Containing a large collection of Paintings and Bents lure, is now open daily from 0 A. M. tall a F. M. Ad mission 25 obi.; children under 12 rears, LI cent.. 2714 HAVANA CIGARS.—A handsome as adamant nn bawl, by recent arrivald, ma Pri' Ma - na Pm ta , na. Figaros, pa anon, Napuno. BIN p A Bea, AT,111116. Zaragosana. Adoracion, Arroyo Hondo, in., in., Of all aizeit and analitlea, for Isla low. h7BtL TETE, aoB.lBt 130 WALNUT Street. SPANISH SAFRON.—For sale by WE THERILL tr.. BROTHER, No. 47 end 49 North BEGVIND ,„. 4013 hituskyr-NTs. JOHN C. HEEHAWS WELCOME ROME THE CHAMPION'S RitCEPTION PSBTiVAL N&TIONAL WELCOME: .1011.14 C. RERNAN JOHN C. HEENAN. JOHN C. KEENAN, Wal take plaoe war AT CAMAC'e WOODS.' - AT CA -VACS WOODS, "sr NT AT CAMACII WOODS. NI itir ON WEDNESDAY. AUGURY IS, Sir ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST IS. MI Si' ON WEDNESDAY, AMIDST 18..er On thloh occasion THE CHAMPION. JORN C. axar•x. Will be maistad by JOHN McDONALD /AXES CUBIC[ AARON JONES, C. F. OTTIGNON. THE OVATION, It Is hoped, will prove to the emirs stelliesd yacht the* the BRAVE CHAMPION ti not nnannreetnt int by Du rair Ooallt7TWOlnlal aud taws lords. nu) WELCOILK KOMI: Will Indeed be s kindly greeting to JOIL'i C. lIIIHN.A On his return from his TRIUMPHAL CONTEST IN THE OLD WORLD THE ARRANGEMENTS Will be conducted throughout upon the moot labilkaaa9. amiable Prinoiolug, had will be fogad in err mopes t worthy of THE GREAT OCCASION. and the PATRONAGE OF THE ELITE. With this r.ew, it le tke Wentz*" of the m►wgmeen to rerredues, as nearly as poseiLle. IHE BATTLE GROUND OF FABABOROIIOA, and a taintlo representation of THE GREAT INTERNATIONAL CONTI= for the CHAMP/01MM 07 TIM WOALD. between MEBBRB. HERMAN AND S LYIR. whioh took ewer in Ensiled. on the 17th of Apra Ise. In order to soooramodide the thosweeda who an anxious to twat bf their prosettoe their spewed*. bon of 'ME MANLY MILL and INDOMITABLE OOUILAUR JOHN C. HEI MAN. in defeats, HIS NATIONAL HONOR, the management hag. for this ocastose. ►teed the es - tire of Cameo's Woods, which lase been stony fetmetein, and wilt form owe east ead spacious maw. capable or macaw:nodules sir. NIFTY THOUSAND PEIeONBI,I4 all of whom esti witness the whole proceedings trisboos the slightest inoonvenlenoe. In addition to tie above amp)* ewe, b rauxe or Wl' ADifli ITHEATRE BALCONIES NM and PRESERVED PRIVATE BOXESIII Neill be erected for email:dee seeecarliodatian Or LADIES ACCOMPANIED BY GRETLEIREN, to which they will be escorted by polite 'talkers. by a Private entrance, FREE OF EXTRA CICAIf E. and which reserved seats oommaad am sudsier rusted view of THE EXCITING AND CIIWALSIC FEATS OF MANLY ISHULATION. Ibetwean - JOHN C. HEINAN and THE KNIGHTS AND CHAMPIONS of THE TWENTY-FOBS FEST RII4O THE OBJECT OF THIS FITE. independent of conferring a well. masted oompliment to the recipient of t h e oration, is to allow that portion of the community who hare never seen a struggle for superiority of 'Mena. and strength between opponent*, an coPortanity of witnessing the modem oeeratuil isel dent to snob eve,.ts. void of the nnp'eamett features that too often are attendant upon a personaleteouat•r. THE CHAMPION AND HIS FRIENDS will appear in the same costume, and display the sem • colors an were employed at the mooting in England. MS. JOHN C. HEENAN WILL PERSONALLY AP PEAR. IN THE CONTEST, and FIGHT HIS BATTLE. WITH SAYERS, in friendly and harmless rivalry, o'er again. The seconds and assistants will get up the ring •o cording to the established rule, pat up their ookirs, m lect umpires. and prepare their principals tor the mind event, who will immediately taw for corning, sal take their respective places. All the morew.enis and prelimlary ansagoolooto and tho entire management on both aides will now FAITHFULLY REPRZSEN r THE 0 AHAT CON TEST, as it took place it England. on the 17th of April MM. with the real colon, to.. &e. In order to show Mr. Heenan's extraordinary powers of endurance. he will. alter the grand contort. Imetalo the supoessive assaults of ail the professor■ above named, who will, one after another, cope with the Champion in friendly enommter. In outer to /Sold the utmost feeling to those who de. nue to be present, on this most interesting oecaston. FOUR WbTItCT TI.:TEBT OFPICk 8 will be opened at the Woods. on the der of the thetleal. thus enabling ell the suitors to enter without fear of la conrentence from erowdzng—in addition to whieh, that those who desire to provide themasires with deists in advance may be enabled to do so A CENTRAL TICKET OFFICE hat beta eatabliehedant CEESTNUT STRE BT. nronaile Marahie Hall. lay salmi where intoodurt t•ieitoncsn inocilre their imitate, eines or in peek- Arta, ORDER OF TER ARK 1110EMENT6. The following will be the leading features of the pro - gramme of the festival. The doors will be opened for the admission of visitors at lo A M: M Noon A NATIONAL BALITTE OF THIRTY-Two OUN B will be fired by THE PARK OF ARTII,I4Iy, At I P. it. the %ILA ROYAL BALUTE OF fiIEY.fiNTERN GUNS will be fired. In the interim. sad &Row the firing of the Salutes, si GRAND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT will be given. flu which purpose EECE'S PHILADELPHIA HAND. THIRTY PER PORKERS. J. ATE • ENRON BECK. Leader. - bee been SPECIALLY ENGAGED, and pill perform the following brilliant proaramme PROGRAMME. 1. Overture-"Nabono".— Vardt 2. Marksman's Polka._....__-.Rehm L Aria-" I Lom berth "............ _ . -.Verda 4. I mantes Mange Waltzer e. Anvil Cheraw and GIN/ Song. . Vaal 6. Grand Coronation Marob-"LaProphate"M•yerbewr 7. Overture-" Stradalla " —............F10t0w 8. Ana and Miserera-" 11 Trovatore".— -Nerd+. 9. Bleigh-ball polka.. , 10 Waltz and Duet-" La Traviata".......-. ...Verdi. U. Bolero -•• Lee Veenres Rieilieneee". 12. Grand International Pot Penrra. arranged en- Primly FOR THIS OCCASION BY M. F. ALEDO, CONDUCTOR OF THE ?HULA LELPHIA BAND NO. 1, AND RESPECT. FULLY DEDICATED TO TORN C. HEE NAN, Esq. AT THREE O'CLOCK AT TEIBEE O'CLOCK AT THREE O'CLutl THE CHAMPION AND NIS PRIENDD THE CHAMPION AND HIS FRIENDS THE CHAMPION AND HIS FRIENDS Will drive into and around Ike ground,. and will b. im mediately followed by hie opponent of the °canton. with hie saantanta, when the mg will be formed, anti the MANLY MIMIC DISPLAY commence, the entire performance oonolorling ehortir after four o'olcalr. ME CARS Arrangement" have been made with the Tenth and Eleventh, Fourth and Eighth, and Thirteenth and Fif teenth-street routes for as unlimited sour' oars, which will convey visitors direot to the Woo a• sir NOTICE. MI This will be positively the only representation given by the Champion and his friends in Philadelphia. THE ENTIRE MANAGEMENT under the immediate and personal supervision or • JAMES M. N/XON AND HENRY WOOD. TICKETS OF eDmidsioN.••• • .•.. . cents Beata for Ladies , accompanied b — y Gentlemen, in the baloonies and private boxes. FREE OP KXTRA CHARGE. REFRESHMENTS oy every deserirtion, aid of the best anality, inn berrovlded at the hotel and CM the rrounde. aul3-3( A CARD. If EV NAN'v F ATIVA T.. JONEi' WOOD, MONDAY. AUGUST 19. To 11111 PULL/Cr It having been intimated that I will not apyear at Jones' Wood on Monday. I beg to state that I have planed nn interests in the hands or Mr. James M. Nixott and II) Wo. d for maormement, the benefit accruing to. me, and ilmt when those gentlemen ennoanoe ap. Doyenne id auy place I will be present to lulhl the en gagement. JOHN C. HEENAN. THE HEENAN FESTIVAL. CENTRAL TICKET °FRC& In order to avoid confosr , n. end provide for the veto fort of tbose r•ho desire to be present on Wedneesies next, and Prefer obtaining their iiot eta in viva:wee, A C NT RAI, or r let Ran beenopen, for TH ed E SALE OF TICKETS. Fo. 740 OAF'S NUT STREET, Opposite Masonic Ball, inn 'tsars ) wber. tiotets e obbitscd singly or by the racism,. Pattie* frm. sd ining cities requiring tickets can °wain thorn to ailvanoe bY forwatoing the necessarramount to au.l3-3t JA.ME.B .13A.NCEESt. RD. PRIOR
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