:..:~~, ~~t~ The CeavesatfiiV!VW *4.44lo'holia St" e ,AW, l 4rr.f 4 . o s. ° O. r i 4T l l; Worreseendenoe weiftel .Y CI":11 . 14, The evening sessitat 8 o'clock.' cc vvocoost t.tv,z The commftWeadittheiAteseurer mount istaklAte44oegreig *OH : BalaneOLUmnAeo,o4,,lo9, • MeDIPMMKAWIIIOP-1%,.•0:-, 'i'ota,t, . 70)i t . ............................................... ,- 1 - all el :, . • . , . . _.,,,,_,,.. BaleasehmMaininiiir...-..-.4,a: 4 • - i iL411 , 44:-.1334.157i _„, •u ~.; GA sf, -V , . til 10 The report. WibtAle 4 Tw . f , 4,TX , 1.9 , a - st.l rep:On htaee' t'iww_-oertteif,",losi~d;nlim Pflli - $ 1 , 4 4 thn, , ", e oThelaskelalantAi A tone ie s ttedaiCLY, - the eiklit o ilk : it , Biorlhiiiirgit,W,Ateillitslol Phi1e4444;n0 11 44f 4dhet t .44/14.4 4 5.0 ', SerahoAtifisfeallilaireditittypend 7 Babheill.liT , fi tin of ;lamming- untyr 7,i —,- , ' t • „. , On ikatitin, - it as'ltoil , Mt Vta delegat be aPPointlidertlY; intinago49: 4 4 i04 0 91 1 ' o ‘ New York State Tiatheite l , Aentatiaticit,.:Dr, its rows wee - strongly in,.favor...tittlit;..M.94ol4.ll°- thought it proper to send a strong delegation of our workang teachers there, thus letting the frieAdtg, education in:other pieces see that we fuel an in terest in these things everywhere. The • resolution was then 'amended Mist dele gations froin this association be 'sent to the New York, New Jersey, and ,Ohlo,-State Associations at the next regular meeting of those *stations. Carried.' - • •- , • ~-• • . At this stage of the inroceedinp• Prof.:Smith's. String Band of' Greensburg made their appear ance and _discoursed Beyond abseil Ouse of merle quite to thedelight cif 'the audience. (prof. Smithle i blind man, educated hi the Asylism for the Blind in the 'city of Philadelphia, and having a floe ear for mule has greatly excelled in that art. Place an* =ideal instrument in bla had and he - . is perfectly at home.) - - • „- ;- Lecture by Rev: Al. M. Stewart.. Subject,, En:" homology, or Curiosities of besot Life. Mr. Stewart s' lecture • was listened' to' with marked attention throughout: • The -lecturer left. the beaten, path of " edema," making his lecture instruetite and amusing. He showed the govern ment- of linnets, and their erades,,pecorltien, d'ifferenees, eee.t, their Mining industry, , and . the I uses to whietthey maybe put for the good of man, •I and closed by rattling on the teacher to bring in: everything that, would Interest and %strut their• seholars—froat the Insect up to, the ,Throne of Bed: At the etraoludon of the lecture a vote of thanks was retUrneerto Mr. Stewart for his lecture.. ". Titurtstigildonitnta' Elnamoll, 8f "O'CLOOK.--.` PrtdeVireltey.,,J. Ir Iliati j , Or the ALMPOtiureli i of Greenebrag. Ifinittee of y e s terday read arid adopted. ' . . _.... _ ___ _ ... ... Thendmmittee simulated - Mi . Yllpartyesolitions Orq' the death at BerejannnT: Tewksburyattbmlttedihe • rou° ll eNfel i di t r [ A dorn eraidlegthe reututionej Professor ' Stoddard remarked that while In the Wive: delis of-lifeldeath was alnonpt us. Bit had, - ketweer their dectsaaed brother fen a /ong,timei ' wet *MN Mutat' atfeirrarattente before hie death: . He believed .trie 'ditAW of t adisT.:,itinir tan* dAt , coven and lturernittid labor id Brairratentise of edratakno. r-The tesebeirrOP Ms owniraniff we'rli ereethiginnonntetrait Uhler:unbar? Olt the-lona- ' datiavoidlYlWKO:L= • ' - ''.'"'''' ' 6 '' ''. ' ''' ' 'l - grialiiolo4 l 6 l * " .o 14 , ,if moire tiodeatiiy leitmotiv' inaretweicorark7- ben4l ,, tesOtilfillf:Tradtraraplifd*YMPtrintry deaf fotakraptehlratitg &mit/ t" th tali" ' - ...=, ‘. . 4, ' then of lAntlarlik*Wl kw and • ly sat ie -witif lfilir ired fartilly,lllld - ke -- therblemainge of-ourffeavenly Pared nut wrawatirintivideramelebees , • , -'• ,-1 litutigirslitalkiit intim dua* atm, MiTerarober thenrautralefsebtiol basin katilebtli true Erased ana . .. anuiragifiesued,bahtel muse • - -• ',,•:,* ceignoil, 77atta ounraittee .ofotbrol , jtv qP,-,1 poised tooesixaa bkepephicodeitrachef our de-1 parted friendond eelaborariaithe aratitilbe nut, !nee analuaraialiell,... - ''''.'''' I. L" AV° g-N a i i rg 4.7tharla 3 / 4 1 4 11 1 1 fo ta ..T. ktirj•,- , lbor3bey bel rta er pu Belted is n Onatjtea iif 'thalititc., •T• 103:•) ,•': 11. F. BTODDAID •;:t f , izt ......--------..- 3 . : _ x ... m u , 5 ,..i - ___ • ', ti t tlor , n+: Fill : - AAfir4 citilite ' '' ''n '• Wei viontartiThvßar/0946.4 tMg-• biliiiil iditae~MtiPtlVOlsSiarA*4 eitqaPt arPrO! , ado d••.,i o 4l o4; *"! - .r. 4. t i i 4 s.vtat i ri ii imen tir c , With, iiWi inimailiera:Wraf now in:l4OV Ileil* isenbadverans,wern thou. imiatnial'infe`aolisfWo-7 1 WOO; Naraleeki abate Aratailaßi4 ...: - ..'il',7' , .• ' - Crilif, , O, RPpalatal:- •••-z , ra ' aral. Stsoctfleititeiiii, ;if,ref,4lrall'Ait ChieratiPimulf rA:.'4 l *Fti oUPierabizig ; - hTli.rTaYlort Otabirarat °natty: ~-,.; ! :vielether Stale Assooration'Of Ifinilereer -I_- . - • • ,of Danplibillliferniertiortettd.- vim. ;Aort, . 1 ^ - . 'Batas, of ,Harrisburg 1' *yliAlarruii iik*lctcormar ali"iiiii,v44 . -Ter kitte deracirairahor.. 9; --, $,- ~, -,t liZe s illudierendEnteni - offPittsberg,•;•Yord;. of '' .y. . •. - tif,:0r...K•••.,_,-;;_litesinul,,of:Pliter' bragtmi • .-:: - ..l L ' ••-••••• .2 , • , tsi r v./. r ' 4 14 4 0 6• 1 4;Auilik= 1 114 4, 1 fritu4"1 -41 x*O 1 , *Use U r % .[ r l _... , iirAldblori ulfe-410 1 1W. ; vq_Ellt,m*g, 4,:roe diiirengon than' ei babe miss ,t6T, way. ,Nowltrayinni-eoinnetneto wodittene4heitt• ideas. !l'imotehnitm,al terite the lieu lor holding Yrat,..hitilkatAraft,4lWasikmtra#o**.tio.PBfied LetwralrateCuen bennty, ai hittplau.' - - -1.`.: . ';'7l - 44..v140..0, OfIKOZI . IS - 11121 . 131 - 01 .. - , A , • '•MeWa. ~ B araLitad •Trari„;Of•Pittsburtueri• 4 3 ilearandierrPratitlent. ;11r..11rardielieetduriag 1 t„§"ligOsigurliat'llf-lAr . ,Vott .1 1, 0 31,§1kr1 1 lumembiltailri.4oo4/EPASeiillitiotooleingyeire. I - Vidirritlgentsauttrtirbarehielmi - . -- Itorfullyir- ' lug gentleinen *ere drawn : ref .John !fillet, of Blair county, Bearish' Smith, of Mialin county'k N. T: wig*, 4:440040,,E.1*At0r* o' l = 46B * To fo oungsasneettere, put; du UrituratiOn-for the'Oftlee oaf econfing Serantertt t wo Mho ele'oted: • Masers. Statansan( el•Soaterset 'county, Stioli,•of: Westmoreland, fiterarat, - Cf• Pittsburg, Sterling, of Philadelphia. , • , The balloting reenited hi - de election of Messrs.' Wm. Sterling, of Philadelphia; Wm. Stewart, of ' Pittsburg. _ Corresponding "Seoretarj.--Prof. C. A...Coburn was unantmonary4tlected„coirosponding emreuel. Executive Mommittee.—The. following named gentlemen were chosen on the Ineentive 43ommit-, toe : B. N. Sherman, of lii•bnylittll county •,' A•,11.: Sembower, of Blair county • Diehennin, of Belford county ; P.-A.- Allen, of!Oheater acuity; S. .IL.' Thonipeon of Crawford county. , Mutton ottiras) The chair appointed the followingpaeans on the eommittee to prepare a biogriphioaf eketeh ef. , 332 F. Tewksbury : 'Prof: Stodard; New York ; Prot, Coburn, Bfadford *etifititY•rPtot - Batesror-Orsw ford county. • Y , - - • •- - , An essay war then read-by the authorera_bliss Mary McCord, Of Mifflin county. Subject, " Teaoh- Mg of Pletures-,their !offence on the minds, of Youth." •- „ .- • ~ - .... Thawing was well read and gully eau nom - , peed; and, ideated no ordinary credit - upon the The- moral and immorM, effect of-Velma upon the minds' and hearts_ of euryCiath was fully and beentlfetly +Mows. - - -The inefidrais of pictures-in _schoolbooks Wu held up in , very Blear light; and that i mmoral - -platers were spread abroad 011 AO *MVO the dsmend - of the people. Mb" ltoo. was loudly applauded, and .repetret it vote of thanks -from the mecoiation.----- 4 ' • Rev.-Dr. ilmithi for - forty years a timber ,and litre Pawn Oellegm, delivered - a short address. He bad been a Tong time in'the Mnand he ocauddered this a great honor. I' a great, difference in young men When • they come to college, who bed a careful and Do ;rough" training - in the common-school room. ', If e said tha, eommunication. of thought was notthe moat inirtant duty of the teacher; but the Incul cation of habits of study, 'Digioalt test-books sod stadia ought uot to-be-given .taacholans,..bot Ahoy should bate such studies as would keep the intol• hot et the utmost stretch. He could only extipia 'his gratilleation at whit he hid hilard'and'seon. • ge eansedly 'entreated the loweliers to diaelpbue the 'minds of their -• • ••• Rev. Dr.- Smith followed:, Me Staigisd to She groat' Smith featly, but was. no _Halation to Dr. that ,-had just "..taktin his seat. iHe hid. 'tamp Mbool 48 , yearstigei, It was with feelings trot , pleasure that he looked upon the scene • • Wifett r tio looked upon the stairs .of 4doeiiiiiim46 on id ;Memo ceintiMid - it 'with 7reelienis and association**,t i lteenstraleid :to any, --"libstrhss-the-Lord ht?" Oa the-part of , the citizens of Greensbot; would. sayiltey_feltt :it woo !tenan*: by , thec'dMoir of the ammillation , • '"-• • • /rd • A VOalittheidiiiiiiitlndered with for their lius aid iatitraiting-WddresiesiV o .ln,Hri isartate' warlsr , flitmeinf emit a Imola non, ?''' , 4lSid - thought' ' dfitiiifigiblNitaseclitiMr owed ; -,10- l iWgeatiesaineiviet say for the iemb"; but - betiease they belongedtotktoldsimeatt tesehers. Tnylorrootheitied*with-„Dri-Disrriats, Ile' that all„, chasm ef Wiimatoat ; were , yynee t; 114 liii - thOutit: the great s groattlils , of scitieh loirviine ntilitly teat° 61111111ide did not 'olives these is having for-their testi, the ginon t sow 442.ti f e best methods ot,teso hoc but for the ,00,,pise of awakening entktttium , -,. A "reporia isse4Mid by Mr. Smiiht , '"V---, • asskiese of Tessidem , t. , ..2Th_tileipenteree reed in place of A. .I"Warner'S,' '-of Mercer'. 1%1164; that_ gentliactut., beteg :tient. . The report of, Mr. Smith was prepared daringdaringthe ' sitting, of the Convention: It was very Mr end,. liompleM. Mr. Ai; showed ; that too many istudies. should not be taken, This would egithidelbe • ortlibbinghtiess fit anfonitoof them. - e t uptight the true method„ of theimisitet -was' to. teach principles, and show how they direlop the ,--Firststeprehetititat-tiMateigialy r and re. -r j view aboulitbe hint Tefteti--enos, week e tatiesst. Timelier' should. came esholemflo tkir#4 tho.tbey -I --know something/4 Itimort-teceived._ • - 'Attie of Ntillq , wet . rtittitatid t 0 ,14 ., tied* for •• ,its raped., ,t - '" - • Arrseenotir„ ilissatem=2 . -a'cr.oor. P. ki . .-The, ifouft 'tame -Onta Leffentotioi Was-tiled , to' over, ;I'nkeithe - - - ' '• , First ` .;u;orders - R. tir4wiy, of Coantyz-N , reati by Dr. Taylor,- cif - Chester Er , OttidY nfiliiildtpiveinl" Mr. hie-rePtaty.zioiloeti the rightOl tioyernments. "pi-err - taxes fbr the attaidishment ,, etsehtiols,' but, • 1 emamon - iitathileenly, dßlDoguisited between 0 013 1WOM Ind . ajoreig4dipitfini: A common mitt •- ' astion-briogeiitn - to the point from which he is to _committee .prepirialtlis !bra particular *Petition. The 'cultivation of tins songs, the training of the: . ice ;- and-reading Airithnietio, and itiseein se eammon 'lt Wall the platt, , net walueM the_ dead* that be was dbatuein The elessies have been • called the "Greek an d Ulla evergreiens." No Mho pretended that a knowledge of these was neeemarrin a common edimatiost.- He thought the elastic:ought not to be taught in common-Schools. ---11111"- Prof. rocidarti toof - oseale - a, hi announce' the deethOf one of- the - members of the association itinen themeating--11,4. Tewkalmr;of lim anitinunn annlitrint, moved that a aontralttae • - be appointed to. raft regadatlons expreolve of the feelingi of Use ealoelMlo2l, be. Motion earned. Wheroupon the following wore -appointed that - 7 •. • mosamittes t • P O E, aloddard, IL - McAfee, of lifitintoriland ; A; Bart; of Pitubmg. fisallagiedsnigalwitLisaleglyitaggitt 8.4110 k son; ef Miner dean trt Eintinti "` The - Demand' r,for-s morkeltrrated Cilia* tinning the Teethes tfPublie litag may was high. and- • , cfrel-rtsil self vetreeely. hs Agglawiewaindmiand - for more eigi• dad isdadatidif In the Staelpf.. , neiti had been 711eprorteneek--tdready:---Aba-teeeher,- - of to-day `!* -oral very, different frost. tterpedarfe .of half • eintery eiro. , The braeholkaditin calling, and abeeld be a person of lensed ormation, not having amere book knowledge. Ile should teach - theobildren the 4113 0 the Universe. To do • Ma work properly, he *odd bare a broad and y af _ o " m tr, o •-•; o ret e i i.* cir se a .zimsoint . ner t i l'e 'L:l l ` " : 4 oti °2l i . tur to t 7h t_r 7ii i : i tii t e l li n a d h ln e :: I ffi v nt ' e 't : t : f il th b.di tli lV : e th:T hil ta s a ;t r itel h te l !li t n 9 : i l , ito Intarilf: Ifelhould beadle tst irith" , iiii . hou „„..,,, nil .,.. m t,„fOre etp ir. : ,, v la ro tillr. un iAl ril of **Wallis tinvoreetiolteok gepine-7110 ilyn; adive Amok ;Mil*, and; learn ..heautieli c freM, eans:, • t, , ,i; Wi IWOt , r. , ~,,, -y . ~ ~ rr__ fiat id order *AS the iwportnpat,, JOYUrtier, of ' l "rWyellPt7o?lit ', ..Phriitelilli Pot 0112' fie l i t gift., . s riper was r postPoilei, giving I etii t.; VW itlilliee." BabieetLgcrlifetelir fader rAe.Erte.t iiiAllernAkie'llilrGeilii:col '44710 onl , * ' ldr str . f,:. 4ftdrit abmnis zeptalwae_read hyfrof.Alm.Al2f i . c i)li ter Ma tta kl l ieE r t„'Sgr...Wi priumg Abe Wier 41 _ . _ tt Ill#9 l llo ilet.l obi- n .ft Agi1 ,6, 01 . W . 7.a11. ~,u. 40 lesellb t ApArgir, nista. 4 ..... , Patch. Ms t vim:to , . ~ ~' - the . al* language. ' W n a elayeememinftlkitHo• itt-the-conana•- ' aimed" the lision, 'he Minitel a nibolara to give ',tri wortWialthemext hietert Itr,Geentam audlnso ' aneetet . nirkettaroiittheas commOrtealute- S . ge.' , Tule' would pat illi ' lliibl 'hi`thmk. 3 anValnhanitularAttr.l4ls.oolV.; they n tre ourFaiglish tut_ k-.7.tha__Ctialltlel to !the t hen branohes Is obsttna ' —listen German pu pileptank in the seeondelasin intellectual growth. ,!lady exi*issiefit in Geri:nal Mae tici equivalent in English.t nig grammatioil,eonstruotiosi,•of •,the Gensianiangumgb,had been boniewhat dimigarded y7ir,n W;., the :Objeet being% tiumh the'Enslieh lo . lite pupils ittend:churchi where they heftr, es eaelosive , Germari"emmons. , He ye:mired ' them to write out so much of theireermene on their `home as _they . could rerniunber. ' , Clan, Wanieris euelptd of Palmyra ' , Boarding Behool v Lebanon trooPtY4 4iPor.v reglived :. '•• • ' - ' 10411%114m? IMBIRmaI , IS OnDlan, ' • . , • r. 'Burt, of Pittebtirg, • had a requests ,make: 4 , rh association known as ,the I , Western Penneyl 'Van% Teachers' Association" 'had had S. tablion. They had (usalted; eind'agreed to' have no more regilarmeetings.: The association , might' be eon -Wafted no longer Jo exist. While the immolation Waisted, there was published, under its auepioes; ii peril, called the,Edurator. This had been' aMIZI hediWith Inooooe. Now; they desired to ge ri of-i t: This ( 3tate Teachers') association i ,rtt no organ . ' Other ; btate_ aasno4d(one . have. Th re would be; no , danger of this association tmf: fe ng peounimilyilf - they would adopt the Eli,: caior as - its organ:- Mrrß. - then offered the follow ingyesobitiona, _., - r• ~, • ._ - , Aesolved,,Ttiat the ifdtfeator, a monthly •jone , as , heretofore published under the auspices of the Western Pennsylvanti Teachers' _Association, 'be adnited as the organ of this association, provided a setlafaetery arrangement can be made vrithl the present publishers. _ - , The RIM. Eindly, editor of the Edueator t , AA , . a.brief amount of its history_and ptospents. - .The resolution was disopeeed by. bbflars. iyilliama ' 4l O Xtniferts; ,Davis and • Lamborn, of La:mister ; and Allen', of Ohester edinityy On motion, the for 6ther dismission of the question was postponed. Adjourned till eight o'olOok id the evening. I „ . Letter - from-Superior- City. (Cerreseondenoe of The Pier.] : . Sepeeioß.OreY, LakeSupeitor, July 30,186,0. The Demooracy of Douglas empty held a'xittift,". Cation meeting on the 27th' inst. A series of strong, rtsohltiaa It . .o;, l l4Pled,andorihigitesers. Doug., las and John,* . • They "were4eit read biapinati3ly hid adopted 'with great nnanftniti. 'Parties" deii-, Angie &die ilie'odunti7 front Superior to St: Paul : irk 4 v e ina.:irti Ratified theVithe. t contrite.' Iter hetWeertitib tprti pointitisfyripered to convoy,' is conifortabieletages,, pluisengers and thhir bag; gage, sineliza diem safely at either point iritess then foiii' days,flom lhd time of starting. Traver._ l~rs`a ill plane Maki a note. of this; and pay- no tplaraPreientatiirei circulated by the oldeffrii,ste l ambeani•Which do not Sivarier fifty. - - j I rcgegF Egliure that the editor of the New. Or.. .leantriletralinAitivnyst - othertrwere deterred from riatnlng UM% by fela,of *stamen!' iegard - to con.: vaiiimiftii(St, by tilay Work i6d7reed to ieluin 0n1" , ,i1 4 •44 111 1b0it *C,kieesei ?ataxia,: tO 134. 9taismencii-"*;ilanl ,- - feet; Atiletuf,bfkonitet. the atityei eftba.stestue,r" of:Ofiriehtiid; - ocrierid Wagon Arore iaiddli'.np,::Elniainestiie Mid rtitha larding :1714 :betide the driver,,,* hunily, , returedna after:al a i - Oars. atisenci, theffitopper.:reitten they,had been ftnittlin in:t110 - limey AptkiestitiA:lTiii driveritirtad the - dey af tet,Xo Ofintd, , Stearn comity - , nini Bill rilturn.bi fewlneeltsmitlt , priwitult, - - Am, to - be shliped j tti. the oppor mints: The harvest promisee an abuidi szeile2 dal:Ca/tont Upper - Minnesota. lhoniarlfot tiekit'Superier. ' The Tqueiffdt le,' if lit - Wire eapital-enough'here: to- poetises a large anionidoi 'grain; de. at Cliiiiage,prines ? _fn 1859, oVer"11 00,i' 'O9O panm4;r - of •butter were Intinietoid Into Lake Su- OhlO:1 Jifity title' Can not.9fientn,istppiy.tite lake? - „ The , propeller Pgopts left July ia f o r POttgo Like. :'s l lX:Oiigli*tislOilitoi-140,009 feet of nubs. • bar- .160,fledi. lithe; 0,000; sundries, IV ban* tang filet •Mlta4ir!ipellar -.rentabi heWstbis winter, !A;drderxo seenrennfeawmille monopoly til the lumber trade - belbm the rtteimera from the lower lakes cak,paes 'Direfigh:rifft h ip A ghtity of.te6rll s Arrived - OA this' PiitirA9ol44444llle7A.l4t - dityeettiee'st Oiledkn 49INFAe4f: °Val inictatt.jr atkive4 , canoes 'from go t t,t, ,Woall,. litiejtOuree liefe k:grtrin lieeasee.for- AtillteiOliettom::,ell4l,g4ipforplation 004 it teltte from,tbe 7iett-eed of the lake to the ife *resettle it* liaounootiOn between loolied'to :frith gfillit favor,i4lfiGovernment. The engineer and petty engaged Itkeurveylog e, railroad line from 13t. Peel to Superior s was lut bend from at sandy Take ' - : GENERAL -NEWS Tux active and energetic Livingstoneiin a letter to erereglish friend, tinder date ,of Nov. 4, 1859, • thai describes the -course of that Areal stream which he has opened to momenta end Opt lisation : 1" The riser Shire hes Its-lemtee 'ie the gteen waters - of the great Lakedilyssrm (latitude 24 degreit23 rairiutos south; leiegithde,2.s, degrees 30 ininnteeemst.)., It flowseeren4y * southerly di rection', it:fine neeripiele-streasse foora 80 to 120 yards tn.bresulth, °speeding some' 12 or 15 *Hee frOin-Ninaaa, into ibesintitui lakelet, with a well defined ieritterfhiiiisoa, and perhaps Awl 'of' SIX miles Wide; than narrowing again, it moves great ly on shoat 40 miles, till it reaches Meralnson'a Dataraoth:,..efter_ a. turbulent" {therm, of 30 miles, it--emerges from the cataraot's peeve fed- ' 'capable of carrying a"- large Mesmer, through the remaining 112 miles of Its deep channel, and joins the Zambesi in latitude 17 degrees 47 minutes teeth; 100 miles from the oonfluenee of- that river with the sea." ' From the mouth or the source the Valley of the Shire is bounded by hills and monntafne, where a delight ful climate exists and abundance of water is found, In this letter the splendid African explorer • reite rates, at length, and in the strongest terms, his former expressions concerning the cotton-growing • capabilities of the whole mice..-Se declares that not only are the soil and climate equal to .those of the Southern - United States, but that the cultiva tion of the plant will be carried on with much loss difficulty than in this country: The character 'of the natives seems to direr - as greatly from that of other Africans as does the district they inhabit from the sterile regions which enriound it. Living stone predicts an easy and rapid civilisation of the A Parses tie Panson.—A, tall, philcoloPiti eal-lOokieg Genital entered soar th st, ,Louts,the other dayinmeeentrary, to lei; offered '.540, bill for hie fare:' He war somewhat - intoeioatediand it :was Sound neeeeeary to Afoot, hire. 'Running after the oar , he polled off a conauatoes cost.-ta il nod was arrested, It was important that the' pri -scifiereboeld divulge bil' name", •le 'cede:" - that it might he written , plainlY down with the Words "drank and'instarbingtho peace"--4inseribe 1 over egefuet it : ' eeine. " ejaeoletail, he, and -.an awned further only, by a leek of inefiable aiobre. But the repeated impertfuoneseor asking hid pa me flaallyy befte - dreeti ide,plitieffese "My ash*" he theidered r etetynanieAsA{ol..-..and_lthLrelented andleetrained hhittielfiliste If fearful, k pt. &milli's dartheee Plieene. by the,utterseuth of his barns. 'But boles renefedly4ressed, hei.reifiled,i with , yetistue is Promo Frsde nof n ...14.tiental.! ,Th eeffilot eratinot these; but/to - resale 'the Pollee' teethe. :ge 0- On:4 4. radrii ohirrable name. But the pelsoper -oaly , :teitrsited-with-augmentecLunpreisalfen ess, iShed glyen. Ther•thle the charge of "drunk and *turista/1 theepomie" had to be , written against tbe. name of : Prinoo Frederick Preterit,"" " " ' FM, at •WRlYl4.Wirmi.—Yealerday leartilisg, - -*bone reoloik,',', It • Wee. fight;,, for a 'OA, 0(1000 aside, came or at Weehawken, N. V, id the pMertro of *limited miriabor of the ad titters 011ie tatellietikert: , 'Theeambatatits Were Josiah Fox , suid, ,Donelly, theretter , known :to the fropienteree of sparring exhibitions nea - vinyileVicilightweigheprefesior of the man ,epeonent be a .much heavier ',and stringer Man and the condition* of the match ..ware.thati_ox ' theuld prove the_vietor in the space of forty-live minutes, , This befalfirrio—ittcom lies, es , tbey l'onyght sixty-threti tolinde, wing .Afty,eight mg.,' hie internee, Donelly thus win :nine the stater -The fight woe continued after the above specified tlmo,.to see which eras the bet ter man, Donelly ultimately bringing the contest to a.ternidnetiettbi striking his- antagonist a foul of tics feAlay. iP enese,frenrtho - Rochester-Penbeeras that 'a man L empioyell all a tritok hatd on the Central .'./lattreed, undertook td , ootrimit , stdoldbeit Taeaday efteintetarby thrOttesig Idiroself bitter:elite wheels Hof the tratn 'westward from-- that city, se woe Pilaf Doldwatire,,llo.had bean at work in the enn : ekb lad leoldeed a coup de .thise/;erliich had elleet te." derange iris intelleot.",As the tram wee eivaingthe atation„he rallied to the los samdtive end told bee head ma the Creek in front of it. the cow-eatoheithraist him to one side, but as the,"taaid Vinyl ilowlyThe•bed. thde to repeat the attempt three times, with precisely thieime - result '' He Would have tried: ft -- again, -bet pomp of the bystariders 'dragged him away by main force. His Injuries are confined to some *overstep{ mid bruises on the aide of the head. . A Vioreau, journal states that one of the moat vsitiable adrlferous ilietins 'of that colony owes its discovery to the °blow. A party of theseOzientals, to atroid the emigration tax, smug gled themselves on shore in lluichen bay In the province of South Agstralia, and crossing the borders into Vieteriarmarehed toward the Gram , plans to the neighborhood of Mount Ararat. Here, while seeking for. rota to eat, a party of them same upon the celebrated Ohinaman's Hole, out of which no less than 3,009 ounces were takeThylthin a few hours.' In a few weeks after the announce ment of this• diecovery t - nriless than 60,00110 then - wens living in--the-new diggings,- --it ie believed that this ,gold iegion atdatches from Ararat to denote a distance of sixty miles. „ have been several instanCeS.recontly- IrtThrehilliitesttheasure Creuriiihment being 'mete Ont to pertons of wealth and position - for de faloatlons, embesslements,,and, other cethille, like -oriminels of the !oiliest grade; but a ease, haw just ,Vesurred at the:Fork' suaileas of a stilletronger cha ratiter; in the othelotion, foe bribery, of Mr: W. H. Leatliainimmember of Parliament for Wakefield, for whieh borough he was pleated last year, but was subsequently unseated by a committee of the Douse. The charge of bribing the electors to the amount of $12,500 was proved to the satisfaction of the jury, and the prisoner was found minty. The penalty of this offence is imprisonment and fine. ItaPi TRIR)Ifh '4ll•Ps PRESS. r .PHILAIMPRIA, SATURDAY„ AUGUST 11, —1860.. ieNri .... ~,„,,,,l', ' ~1 VERY iNAN MS OWN F IRE ZNOINE.—At the 'tnenting of the Mayor and Aldermenef Cambridge, ion :Wednesday evening, an order was reported Ihe Committee_ on4tlie !Fire DepartMent in Tiii r'of purchasing 200 portable fire engines, and at n;expense of sl,2ooinThwobjeot, is to, do away vititii the running of all the engines to a email fire';' leif the order is passed these engines will be ttHalted by the police ' ,11;t4ifferent i .aeotions of eity. It is to be tried as ,en,, experiment, the .p ntee agreeing to:take:them batik If the °Hyde' poteatisfied withlhenci . aphe em4' , Of , ytie4lsat.t "1.11 3 44 - Teral ,s 4, -, c,; 1:-.!,,, 1„,.' , ), i :,: 1 . ,- TORE was broken open at Allenle Prairie, AO ga9, one pight last week, and a considerable ant of goo& taken: Thereupon the proprietor offer ad a reward of fifty dollars for the apprehen. sion Of the thief, if taken alive, and one - hundred diill for his dead body. There is certainly a Woe tkirsty , novelty , ro ovelty ,in . suoh an advertisement, 'tent refreAinito'a civilised people. It is p lieb Y to the credit of humanity that no one was tempted, by the offer - to ,butcher the thief, as he was arrested thefollowing day, near Osseo, with he goods in his possession, and quietly conveyed to jag without,interference. , ::.Vairi! ThUridaY bight , Harvey Gott, : a well known Hatchets county drover, after collecting 1125 in New York, tied - the money in a handker chief, wbioh he fastened securely about his body, under his clothing. He proceeded to Hudson in the rspsasser • Bouth•America, Mellon's line, and while asleep.in his berth, some daring thief out through alibis clothing into his handkerchief, and abstract ed the miner, wined awakening Mr. Gott. He had probably been-watched while arranging his clothes, before leaving New York ; followed, and thus robbed. I. LATE census makes the population ,of 'Chili to be' 1,439,120, an thereto° in ten years of 355,310. Over 500 persons born in the United 'States live in the country. A recent estimate of she population of Mexico places it at 8,287,413, ihit increase aince -1853, being 800,000. This estimate seems to 'be in many respeots inamorata. The la§t official census of Bolivia gives a total pope• Tenon for that country of 1,987,352, of which 245,000 were Indians. , ' hratated Abet the •Niagara Falls- are re am:ling at the rate of about one foot a yoir. Go 'elOgy is able hip - redid thet`wheti a TtedisTon'of a mile has taken place—some five, or ..eia thousand years hence—the height of 'the fill will lis reduced by a score of -fer A..... Ten , thoUsand- years more, when the fall shall - have worn its way four miles further back, all Iliatbonstitetes Niagara will havo disappeared, and. he whole, descent will be aooom plished by a aeries of rapids, like those near the whirlpool. - : ikrew Itfammar, yen. BRAE NAILS.—Zinc Haile are now extensively employed in the bikini. feature of boots and shoes in place of wood or iron. It le said these nails are, also substituted for sewing .in ladles' dippers. Au iron last is employed, and the nails, on being driven in, strike the last, and 'become headed or riveted on the inside, thus form ibg a very eeonre fastening. MARYLAND Coil; TRADR.—MITiIIg the week finding August 4,i 'there ; were - Shipped' over the 'George's Creek Coal and Iron Company's railroad ,9,716 tons of coal. For the week .ending the 7th instant there. ere cleared at Cataberland.B; canal -bo a ti 3 ,, with' 9,902. tons of coal. Titz ABMICITIOX OP. THIS RION CHILD.—No tidings of the 'Nice ()had,/ stolen - from 'Nahant on Saturday, have yet been obtained. It is believed Jklit the boy is now without the limits of the Uni ted States. A. R: likikereol, who was arrested on the charge of ebdtiotink tbe'ohild, kas obtained bail in the sum or $10,i100! r•No farther arrests have been made.—Bostotr•Thresiler of Bth inst. A TlllEr - Saturday night last a alive ‘tnalf,'belenglng to lilts' Wm:'Hoof, of Jef .fereen. Bounty, - Va., **sabot And instantly killed by kfr:Sainuel Wright, Jr.,, whose spring - house he was hi the act'of robbing:' • • • TIM autheritieS of Cincinnati are arreSting all omnibus-drivers found acting cruelly towards their horses. DURING last year four thousand two hundred pounds of butter wore made on a single farm in Little Colitidoit, Maks. ' • Tiffs Nei Tifrk Central Railroad Company have declared a dividend of three per cent., payable on the 20th instant, at the usual places. A company has •been organized at Rich mond, Virginia, to construct a street passenger - railway. Tag blakkherrY crop -this :seasondn, the vi cinity of Hervishurg, Pa„ is said to be the largest known there forlears. , Ma. PaitsTioxi llifited States 'minister to Spain, saileffeoin 116 Ron Wednesday, in the Ca nada, on hie returnto Madrid. • Ox the 4th instant; the • corner-atone of a German Reformed ohnroh was laid at Frinkatown, Washington county, Md. !, - • • „ . , 111 H. ll..l,Lirkr;Ers.t];; secretary' of the Ala bama and Florida Raliroad;died et the' Alum • Springs, ViWit feW daysagb: • • Jnik :there wore thirty deaths' in Noitiik;*twenty.one whiter, and nine Madre. Tax United. States storeship Relief; bound to the,ookst of:Afrioa, left poston enTuesday„ • SpEap; c*.-Mayor of Louisville, died at Obloago, Tuesday. r - • •••• SaonETASY TIIOAIPBON and Mrs. • Thompson have returned to Washington from Old point.. , _ TI I3 I ISURDZIIeap_ItIO2 ,— .C.VIGIt,AN9II CplllJr/TS. The Rooky , Mountain News, of the 2hth, gives fall detail§ of several murders lately committed at ptke's Peak. One of the guilty parties was James A. Gordon, whp beeame engaged Ina gaunt with the barkeeper of a saloon where he had boon hi dulgieg freely in liquor, end finally shot him, IS: flioting ti dangerous wound. This outrage he fol lowed up, on the next day but, one, the lath of July, by sheeting and instantly killing one Guts, another:bark - eyesigGtlie bathe town .', Then Gor don thougkt it leas tie to pet ilself beyond the reachlof thelaw. NO one start id penult until met dxl inoriiittg after the murder had been com, mitted, end then all efforts to arrest the Scoundrel proved unavailing. , On Sunday,.the 20th, a bar-tender, Bill Bates by name, shot:and instantly killed Mr, M. F. Redly, an auctioneer. It was claimed that this affair was accidental; and the Vigilance Oommiktee to which the case was submitted so decided, censuring Bates at the same time, for his careless use of deadly weapons. Some of the proceedings of this committee, the. organization of which was provoked by the out rages committed by Gordon, are thus sketched by the 2Yews : " The trial of Samuel K. pram, for mile,atealteg, Wolf. plaoe. A jury of twelye men weir eripanneled: Several witnesses were ex amined, whose testimony established the fact that three stolen mules were found in possession of three men, of whom Dunn-was olio.' DM:Hinted() a state ment to thejny, - admitting that, though ho did not steal the mules 4lqmgeif, 'he knew that they were stolen, atel tiqui riding , ono of dm% klpoi tc, the tastes,' being. anxious to get home again, and having no other way to att. '!he 'jury, 'of course, found hibilrailty, , and he was sentenced to receive twenty•five tubes at 7 o'clock last evening, and to leave the'country within twenty•four boars. In reply to the question, where would the prisoner be whipped,- some said on the-back,and others said he would be whipped on the bottom—meaning, of course, the Platte bottom.' Accordingly, at the appointed hour, the eentenoe, to the extent of nine teen lashes, was duly executed in the presence of a large crowd of spectators, assembled to witness the agony end debasement of a victim quicker than they (lonia have hoop drawn together by the inauguration of a President or the coronation of a Prince. .At the nineteenth stroke the poor fellow fell and the' flagellation ceased. Ills wounds, as well astimself, were dressed, and he is probably now far on his way hence; realizing the butt that ' the way, ef the transgressor is hard.'" "A" (17 TAsAx T. FRO HILNONAIK ' Oo Moui KOBER B. REED. "in" 01 7" • LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. 81111) Westmoreland. De0an....... 'Liverpool, soon Bark White 141.1111, •LamiaYriti soon Bark Leighton , apeights.-=ific; . detlneiro, soon Bark Amy. Hammond-- soon Brig Ells. Reed, taco de Cube, soon Mug Princeton. ....Remedios, soon Brier Cott_...__ ...Pon Spain. Trim, soon BA LT Blidartk, ...cienteago, soon MFIJUNX INTELLIGENCE. PORT OP PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 11, 1860,, BUN itINED- -.6 6-BUN NETS-- ► 667 HIGH - • ADRIVLD. Bteamehi. John Nonakin, Marshall, 10 hove front Lewes, Del, with M 1150) and wonders to captain. CLEARED • • - - • BteAinzhve Statet'of Georgia, Banttn.Bsvannsh Alex 'Heron. Jr. Bteornsplp OrckAter, new York, via Care May, la. AAP T. Steep:loin treanin; frollyirkifolk and Flohntond, T Webster. Jr , Brig SligaininTgon, Charleston, Pettit. Martin 1.0 On. *Mr fred nearer, Sheerer, Emit Csranridge",-R R - Corson Co. Bohr Bohr Carolina Bell. Graham; Nantucket, Nevin, haw er y Co. Sob ec r 8 Taber, Cook, Boston, L Andentled & Co. SAILED. The U stasmsh* Mew pr ,Gporsje. far, Beva naht nailed at 10 A M yesterday, wan full Taught e Sd a number of passengers. iOarreeporidenee ofthe Philadelp ci his Bettange.) • LEWES, DeL, Aug 9, 9 Am The brig Brandywine , for Pernambuco, and five deep ly• laden sabre went to sea yesterday. Not a vessel. in eight bound in. &bra Wm Copt e, J ilton,J P Cake, B re ve, and Corning, are at the Breakwater. Wind tl— weather warm. - Yours. to., ' • • ' MOBMAII, (Correspondepoo of tiip thiladistpb Is, kitchen& GO_ LapAPTP. Aug 10.7 it The achy Veria,Buget from Nen , Orieetui 11th alt, with an assorts oargo, consigned td Messrs Bishop, tii mone &of Yhdedelehta. anchored otr this yesterday, where she will be detained tor ventilation. • You L. r r, &e. Y. iCerreenondenee of The Pram) HAVRE DE GRACE. Ang lO, 18/10. The Wioming left with 9 boats, laden and consigned ad follows; Mary g_ lumber to Nororoas & Sheets; Mary, of Malloy, do; to , R Wolverton; Amelia & Ellen, do to Malone & Tallor;,l3;oitian & Bruner, do to Henry Croakeri. Ono /3 Merrioni do to Semi Bolton & Co; Village Dille, - Verona, Two &eters, and Rebecca Ann, coal to Bel UM,. Steamship Keystonet3tate,Marahman, hence, arrived at Charleston yesterday. Ship Island Queen,' tialithp, cleared at Havannaß 6th instant, for &mon, Main. Ship Orphauy, Bowen. °lured at New Yeric 3 ealciday for 13mh Francisco. Ship Elizabeth. Schmidt, cleared at Nev York eth instant, j'or Melbourne. • Bark I' ?Winton, Stilt son, cleared at New York 7th Instant. or Buenos Ayers.. Bohr Willow Harp, WilLse, hence at East Greenwich Bth instant. Bohm Thos Borden,Wnghtington, andJas MaCloskeY, Btebnins, hence at Pall River 7ch instant. Bohr Sarah K Jones, Jones, sailed from Fall River 7th Instant, for this port. Bahr e G King, Berlina, cleared at Baltimore Shli in stant, for this port. Bohr K S Loonnian. R.ndicott ; Rebecca Knight, Endi cott; Merey_Taylor, Nickerson ; Antares, Cordery l Eli Townsend,Williams; L Andenried, Bartlett; J Frambos, Hickman ; 3 H. Stroup. Corson I_ & Anna, Dole; C M Wilson, Smith ; Wilson, Davis, and kilivr Magnet, Perry, henoe Boston Sib instant. Bo r John Jenne, for tis port. Jones, smiled from Bristol Bth instant Bohr Electric, Lord, at My 1410 7th instant, from Dela ware r C Geo rgeßoh Washington, nerman, from Delaware City, at Salem Bth instant. Bohrs Horace Staples, Gibbs. and Panthea, Clark, hence at New Bedford etb. Instant. Bohr Harrison hence at 14 ewburyport Bth Instant. Bohr John Wright Martin, henoe at New London Bth instant, _Bahr Kmpline Chester. Bowen, for this port, sailed from Newport 6th instant. - Satire Lady Ellen. Godfrey,. Arm 8. Brown, Brown ; Deborah Jones, Tatem ; Bort. 0013JUBY IS, D. Bel lows, Clark; John Warren:Logien henna, and. 'William CoLlyer, Rayner, from Baltimore, at Providence, nth Anstant. Bohr Ann, Wallace, cleared at Providence Bth instant for this pent. • Schrertloston, Brower, and Shenandoah, Blackman, for this_port, sailed from Providence Bth instant. Bohr Horner, Handy, hence at Poi nand Bth instant. Bohr Alice Lea, Poster, and 8. F. Holliday, Beaman, henoe at Belem Sth instant. Bohm Eliza Yharo, C aminer, and H PBimmons, God frey, for this port, sailed from Salem iith instant. MEDICINAL , . Dlt S PEPSIA REMEDY. Dr. DARIIIS HAWS I. !AROMATIC INVIGORATING This Medicine has been used by the public for six years with increasing favor. It is recosnmoula to Curs ,Thispepsia, Nervousness, Ilsort=Burn, Colic Pains, Wind in the Stomach, or Pains in the i4l Bowels, Headache, Drowsiness, Kidney Complaints, Low Spirits, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance. 'IT STIMULLTEB, ExIIILARATISS i . ,idn l K PrVis l eComWauts, o y RATRS.RoT i • WILL NOT INTOXICATE OR STUPEFY. As a Medicine it is quick and effectual, curing the 'mat Tgravated oases ofDysPapsa and a other derangements of the Stomach and Bowel, in ea eody manner, It will, instantly revive- ties most melanaholy and droo l ping add reitore the weak, nervous, and ' A t i r rn n tre l Yntialt i gkusi of l I r an . have become dejected, and their nervous use 'shattered, coruetitations broken down, and alibied td'that horrible ounie.to humanity, theanumunne waiterssis, will, al ine+) t immediately, feel the happy and healthy Invigo rating edicaby of 'Dr. invitoreting Stant, - WHAT IT WILL DO. Doss.,—Onewine glaze fall strolteln as necessary. - • One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. One dose will cure Hears-burs. ' " Three doges will ours Indigestion. One dose will give you Oood.Appetite. One does will stop the distressing PRIIM'OI DrsPelwitt- Onel dose will remove the-distress= anti disagreeable, effects of Wind or Flatnienoe. and ,as soon, as the stomach reqeives the Invignrating Spirit, the distrems ing load and oil painful feelings wilt be removed, ; Opt, eitherill ymove the most disarming ewes of Collo, t e stomaohor Vowels, A few dosesien Iterative all obatructious jh the Kidney, Bladder; or Urinary Organs. Persons wheare senouely attuned with any Kidney Complaints are assured of speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radical curt the use of one or two bottles. NIGHT DISSIPATION. Persons who, from dissipating too much over night, and feel the evil effects of poisonous 'ignore, in violent headaches. inokness at stomach, wealmess, giddiness, &0., will find one apse milli smove all bad feelings. Ladies of Weiland sickly constitutions should take the Invigorating Spirit three times a day; it will make them strong, healthy, and bap; y, remove all °bathe 'lions and irregulannee from the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of, health and beauty to the eareworn face.' Daring pregnancy it will be found an invaluable medi cine to remove disagreeable sensations at the stomach. All the proprietor make ii a trial, and to induon this, he .has put up the INVICIORATINO SPIRIT 11L171411, bottles at to cents, quarts $l. General De00t.413 WATER Btreet, New York. - - • MOTT & CO 2324 North SECOND Street, Wholesale Agents in Philadelphia, Isr-thstuly and for sale by all Druggists. PERUVIAN SYRUP, OR PROTECTED SOLUTION OF PROTOXIDE OF IRON COMBINED Tile Well-known Remedy ban been used extennively ..• - and w im it r Elea t t n ane A e N en D sfo i r mptmEar DYSPEPSIA. 1 2, 4: . 4\6 DIGESTION: I , 7,, FOR THE ,CONSEQIIENT DETERIORAIION.oa Tun BLOOD; AND FOR THB FOLLOWING .• FORMS OF DISEASE, • Most of 'Well originate in DYBPBESIA : LIVER COMPLAINT, DROPSY, NEURALGIA and NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, LOS OF APPETITE, HEADACHE. LANGUOR and DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS. CAR Burci,b,s and BOILS, PILM S. SCURVY, AFFECTIONS OF THESKIN,CoNSUMPTIVE TENDENCIES. BRoFICIII- W.-MEMO PEOU. LIAR to FEMALES. and ALL COM PLAINTS ACCOMPANIED BY OEMRAI, DEBILITY. and REQUIRING A TONIC and ALTE RATIVE MEDICINE. Nomt.—The failure of IRON as a remedy for DYS PEPSIA, a bad- state of the. blood. quid the, numerous diseases canned thereby. has arisen from the want of such a preparation of fronas shall enter the stomach in a PROTOXIDE state. and assimilate at once with the blood. This want the PERUVIAN SYRUP supplies, nod it dose so in the only 'form in which it is possible for Iron to enter the °imitation. For this reason, the PERUVIAN SY RUP often radically onree diseases in Which other preparations of Iron and other medioines have been found to be of no exult. CERTIFICATE 'OP BOS •A. TON - HAYES, • Al. D., OF ~ It Jewell knosin th&titie medicinal efreateOfFrotoxida of Iron are lost by cm a verEhrieLexpostire to air and that to maintain a solution of Protoxide of trod, without farther °sidearm; tee heeri_deemeitinairssible. In the 1' HRH ' , IAN SYRUP; his desiratee' point is at tained by COMBINATION IN a WAY , BEVorIS UNKNOWN; and this solution may replace all the proto-carbonates, citrates add tartnitfabf the Pletetia Medics: •• - A. A. HAYES, Assayer to the State of Meas. 14 BoraTOn direst, Boston.. • N. B.—Pamphlets containing Letters from the above named Gentlemen and Others, and giving fell informa tion of the Estop, oan:be had on application to the Agents, or to -N. L. CLARK & to., Prolniet‘2l 3 . COD HAN B triLDINGS, No. 79 SUDBURY STREET, BOST_oro. - Sold by - Druggists generally throughout the United States. Agents for rennin (canto t 11YOTT & CCoc • 232 North SECOND Street, Tidied& ata-tuths Sni ®AK ORCIIARD AULD SPRINGS. 'LP These Bpringstife situated' in the valley of the Oak Orchard Creek, in the town of Alabama., Genesee go., N. Y. r eight miles south of the village of Medina, on the Elie Canal, and fourteen rnilu from Batavia. tor The principal Aoid Bermes are three Inalumber ; besides these there are six others. They arc all located within a epremt of &Wont fifty rode. '1 he medioinal qualities et the watere are fully shown in the subjoined testimonials. They contain a very large amounted' Bet. Wow. Sulphuric A cid, Sulphate of Lime, and Prow- Sulphate of /roe. Tho great medicinal virtues posseu ed by there waters depend very largely upon the pre sence, insuoh unnsual quantities, of these curative substanoee, Hundreds of case' of disease, especially those rerifit tng from the scrofulous diathesis, have been cured by their nee. air in akin diseases—even in oonfirmed leprosy—the waters have been signally successful. Opinions of medical and scientific gentlemen are given in the circulars. The _following eminent gentlemen speak in strong term. of the medleiaal value of these waters "Prof. Emmons. T. Romeyn Beek, Pd. D., of ilbany; Jag; afeefaughton, of Albany; Edward ntim!, 31. D., of New York; Dr. R. Campbell of Pitts eld, Hsu. • Dr. J. 8. Mauler, of Lockport , N. Y. They reoommend . the waters confidently. Dr. Spring refire to acme of rill' OikiC dialiAteci of several gears' standing, which teas cured (cater. Dr. Book says. lam satisfied that t waters ere high valuable as medicinal agents." Dr. Campbell says. Tney mutt be highly beneficial for all tihronio diseases of the stomach Bad bowels. Dr, 8. P. Whittread a paper on the Ambjegt of these Watere l peforet atiadetny of Physicians. in the city f 'N oew ark. In h,utjt gtetep th a t the Waters pee wee deo dilly tonic, retngerent. 414,4eptritwonj proper ties; and that the elms didlseasea to which they are more particularly adapted. ore Chronic. 80'o:diens of the digestive and unitary organs. and some of the ratans- Sr! glisialses ; nal . o/111C GrOJTV . Tia ;. T . OT . Onit . dIOTIOCTIZ ' PaIt4:I I =T i g:I3VO C %FI:I7I4I:I44:VITTE4O e VIS I TPU t" ra herriorrhasica. and the ligua vs ewes of Hectic Paver. The Water may also be often used with ad vantage, he says. in oases of low typhoid fevers ;to corivateseeneefroen prOtractedlevers. to excite the ap petite and Promote digestion : diarrliceas.partloularlY such as are depetdent on a relaxed or ulcerated state pf the mucous membrane of the intestines, in (salon lons affections. or lithiasig, attended with phosphatio sediments, it is the suitable remedy, being preferable to muriatio acid, as being more solvent and less apt by continued use to dieorder the stomach. in febrile div e/lase, it can bp wad properly diluted, no _refrigerant to diminish 'thirst and preuernahltal heat. In skin die eases—in those forms of dyspepsia connected will an alkaline condition of the stomach, as in Paresis . , or wa ter-brash, jrwill prove better than by droohlona sold. In entree of Colica pictonum. and other Injurious con sequeneen frOm the' action of lead, this water will prove , to be an admirable antidote. In thronic phirrpngitia, eiirettle Mueslis eararrh, and huinid asthma', chronic ophthalmia (externally) OM a gargle 'ulcerated sore throats, in cases of sali vation, and in /eueorrhea and fleet ; and also in paes. When taken internally, a wine-glassful of the Water, diluted, taken three times a day, is aullloient for an adult. , Oilier testimonials from physicians, and other TO. thelDoo /1341YR{T4F, Tay . coon on application to to _Deal t ers supplied on liberal lerme. NoWater tenbiee unless procuredfrom - ' H. W. BOSTWICK, No. 574 B ROAD WAY, New York. For Sale at the following Agenoies: FREDERICK OWN'S Drug and Chemical Store. Northeagt career of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streeta. Also for sale at FREDERICK BROWN, U. e. Drug and Chemical &ore, Continental Hotel. oorner of NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia. The Trade mulled at Wholesale Prince. null-awls THIS 0E1E? AIIIONG TEN 'rIiOUBAND. DALLEYI3 MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR ItAS - universally - supplanted — all — other cliutinents and healing applications In both the Eastern and Westem Hentlephoree, wherever intro dnoed; and its intrinsic *M r gt the true secret of its success in all cutaneous urscitent.'whether the cause be &What or disuses. DIU NIS oit SCALDS Tip instantly .relieved of their anguish, pain and Intian/Matiplio hi et pp' 5 apil:palegn e t ;nix mar vellous Senier,, an 0 ne to ;clewed es if by a ahArm eall i ttlinV ?alit kSERY. Children are freseent M emtrerers from external In- Ames, . especially Dom Floiatiod Cam Mose By. p,osions—therefore every H mother should have this heahug preparation con -Q .raptly on hand. It heals SCl's Breasts, and quickly 0. 4 removes the TBTIER or RINGWORM, so- preva--, lest in Ms nursery__ TO TRAVELLERS '.,',1 BY BEA AND LAND. The machinist the Tra- g.). veller,and evert other In dividual whom lot en life.-. throws. hem within the alumna cc ne ar ent frppet 9, sap/o t sc, tire, of c o/li- Ilion, should be in mind ...'" that s Biagio Extractor is Inc beet and only friend. It is th . portable and cheap, anti should ewer be en hie nom a nion, as a friend in need Tltere are thou- sands of living witnesses to testify tp ita Imrvgllnnp p l virtue, who owe their amend 'Ma and Muscles 0 4 to (Weaving efficacy. The ollowner are es fee* ~z of the loadresuLissores for OR DALLEY'SMAGI- 44 CAL, FAIN EXTRACT OR is a ritJIVENT/VE gi Ai well ea CURE: Brysipeiss, Bores of alt kinds, riu r liex, - , Fixture, , , . Shot Wounds. Boils, - Frost B ites, ' Sorofula, Broken Breast, Fever Boree, Sonrry. Beteg of Boothe', Fedi?, Boalds, B=l,a 46 - . . ' 4 tr4 hu 'ma- tlTHead, ChappothiLiadiv, ,Marounal Boren,. dDrains, Chilblains, Puns, generally, email pay, Cramp, Buns/ea r , W 11172021, Cmitracted Cords, Filea, _ Tatter, Chafe", 'oeeon, Cams, Dilemma of thegtheumatima, Venereal Sties, Skin Broadway and 1 t a t ePd e E rni rdlt;gt ß , r reir a dVe l aZ t lM, WRIGHT de C 0..., 'ldeal ager.t, It eve also 00 ob• tamed of all respeotanl o Druggists ad Merchant, throuee. cat . le. 1.1.‘ tad watt,. cad iSlinadn. DIOTT 4 CO.. Bill North SECOND Street. fob Wm:newels Assets tor Venneriverna. BUSINESS CARDS. L EVI W. GROFF, : Near DAREVILLE, LANCASTER CO„ Pe, Manufacturer on tbe tile Prom Futon 1.84 Q. OF DOUBLE DIS vILLEED PURE RYE walsKY. Warrtoted to be Pore,_wi thnut Corn or Drug,' DISTILLED FROM THE BEST OF RYE OLT. anl-Im* V" B. 'PALMER,"THE ADVERTISING • IP, At} NT, FL17.61. and GRESTMIT, aivits hu VIGIV2IOt yrto npf Nat mode br navertiiing, dMly between Fe nd 4 crd oar/ Addlyay - - -- • .. .v. L -1 . J. BAYLIS THOMAS, • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ras removed ftin offices from No, oss Aroh street to No. 429 WALNUT Street. Portia Mar attention given to the reeovery of hferoan. tile (Nairn. The drafting and istamipation Fa veZa en n t i Ot shfis, A.dnin stra rsosps, acd Trusts, ponutpnglpt an tee best seaurittes procured for the armanent ves manta of ' Money. tlatisfactOry reference' given when recurred., . anlff-em! HENRY E. - KEENE Arrorfaluaw, Hai EMOVED_MiI o .11 OP , AO. IRO Wtitry to no: US South TAAR atrpos. _ , . I[I[ORAOE SEE, -R- 1 . MEORANIOAL EG_INIER, Ana PATENT ATTORNE , N 0.114 Soutn St TE Street, (Nearly oppoute the County Conrthonead Priam Opeoifion how', Drawinge,"&q., and traaattotti all o th er basun= oonneoted with the obtainine . or Let , term Patent ap.l6 Int" I WAGNER JERMON, • • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, Office, No, 118 South SIXTH Street, (Oagelute Independence Square.) Vrobainntaiiiia, Ni the rid of reliable Allonym, at different Pointe In the. onit2d &M ac. in 944140 U to giveranate tied oanoot (3)4ims drOVery degorlption. Partioular alktiondliven to the examination and re ooyeq of the 0 MI LOKBAMIN and Devisaea, and the. axe nation o and Titles and aequring the interest+, of he mend al persons interested in the same, in all parts of the Union. Bea the Statutes of all the State* and Is Oonnidesioner for most ef them. Deporibions carefully taken Under Counnisaions. ALFRED L. 110IIGII, • . PAP} mANUFACTIMERS , Orders solicited tore _yert deScristioy PArßit AND PAYER-MAKER'S ATERIMIN Pi 0.17 Mouth SIXTH Street, Pelyhaa 11114 m. BALSABTOLI—For sale by WETHE. M RILL & BROTHER, No. 47 and 49 North BE COND Street. PREPARED GLUE. SPAL:DINWS. PREPARED GLUE ! EPALDING'it PRI3PAREi GIVE: BP.M+DING'I3 PREPARED OLIJX! HAVE THE PIECES! DESPATCH QUA STITCH 111 TiMIC SAVES NINE." NM ECONOMY! , • ~ . . . .. i 4 s ‘4q idea es wilt happen, doer' us wet- r e itd.rawsi . lira, it le very deaira,Oip to hay,' panto °nolo and oon vernent way for repairing ~PuT r attre Top,' Clroolrery, &a. SPALDING'S PREPAYS]) GLUE meets all such emergencies, and in household can afford to be without it. It is always reaely.and pp tp the stick ing point. There is no longer a necessity for timplar Alain. splintered veneers, henuilmui dolls. and broken cradle'. It is just the article for cente & shell, and other ornamental work, so Pannier with Is a %of roidtemoat and taste. This admirable preparation leased 001E1,1)03 tee obemi. cally , held in solution, arid vowelising alt e valuable qualities of the best cabinet-makers , ' Glue. It may be used in the place of ordinary mucilage, being vast y ,more adhesive. - - "USEFUL IN EVERY SOUSE" Brush accompanies etch bottle. Pries 25 cents - i WHOLESALE DEPOT, N 0.50 PLATT BT.. NEW YORE. Addreas HENRY C. SPALDING & Co., Box 3,600, New York Put up forDealere in cues containing four, eight and twelve Alozena beauti latkograpli io !Mow-Car aoooinpanyingeaoh package. • BA single bottle of SPA_LDING'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times ite coat annually to every :household. VI • ~ •• Sold by all prominent stationere, Drugglerts, Hard ware and Furniture Dealers, Grocer'. and Fancy Stores. _Country' merohants should make a note of SPALD ING'S PREPARED GLUE, when making up their het, It will stand any climate. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! USEFUL IN EVERY ROUSE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY STATIONERS. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, BOLD BY DRUGOIBTB. SPALDING'S PREPARED OLUE_,_ BOLD BY HANJWARE DEALERS. ' SPALDING'S IREPARED GLUE, SOLD.BY HOUSE-YURNISHING STONES SPALDING'S _tREPARED GLUE BOLD BY FURNITURE DEALEHiI. SPALDING'S ?REPARED GLUE SOLD BY FAD/WI-GOODS DEALERS SPALDING'S PRPPARLP GLUE, SOLD BY GROOERS. - - OPALDING'd PREPARED GLUE S O LD C OUNTRYI, MERCHANTS GENERALLY Mor& HENRY C. SPALDING & CO., 48 CEDAR Street, New York. . Address Poet Oltlee, Boa No. 8,400. • • Annexed Is an Alphaletiold List of Articles whioh, if damaged, may be restored to their original strengeh and usafttinees by SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. AA—Mends ACCOUNT BOOKS-. B. - .Monds BURE AUS. —. „ B C--blends CRADLES. D.—Mends DOLLS .... E..... Mends ETAGERES...-. F., ..Men ds FANS .„. s GUIT AD . F G.—Mends HARP MU G i_..Mends S - . ORKJ_.--..Mende JA L S IW.-- ..1 J.—Aendsß ..J K.....Mende K . ; .—M N ...Mends NEWEL-P118T8.....-....--. o....Mendi 0TT0MAN5........... P.—Mends PIANO-FORTE- - .P _.,Mends QUILT_ FRAMES.. . ... w.... -Q ...- IL...Mends ROCKING-HORDES. . ..... . S.—Mends SOFAS . T.... Mends TAIMES. ",.-...... T U-.. Mends V W -.Mends —.W XYLOGRAPII C.WORK.---..X Y—Mends YARD-STICKS , Y --Mends ZEPHYR WOOD-WOKK.„. k—ln eonolaskm, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE is rueful in Libraries and Bebools. 1- -IL -.Mends Bove a. 1 len? . 2 3—.4,-. en AC LO EC N .. ..... A.... 3 6. -.L....Mends LETT KA! b EALING - ... 4 D. • ..D....hienda DAGUERREOTYPE OABEBO p... • 1.... Met 1MAGE5 ......... 1.... 6 sNRw BREAACIES-_-.....N..- s GUN 8 roultB,- S SCHOOL-BOOKS B—. P. . IL.- ..Mens UL -.mens t tp Y.... Mends PA Eft-ILANGIRGS.:.-...,..r....1.2 ..... .....—. A. lO. ...14 RICKE. FURNITURE-. .R.... 10 13.....E....Mends PRASE HANDLES—.B....I, 17.--.D.:-.Mends DE5K5..... ..._........,. lA-G.-Mends GLOBES,. . ~. -0....18 19-44.-Mendo LOOSENED LEAVES ...L.- .39 10 ... _. .U.... Mends Upholstered FURNITURE-. U.-.. 20 TL—E- -Mends EGG-BEATERS _- . —E-..11 12-....MendsACORN-WORK.--.,..- ._ m 2.3...--..... Mends CHEBS-BOARDS-- ~- -....23 34-...... Mends FIDDLES ..,.....- ,-.24 - 26 Mende SHELL.WOR R.- ..-. -- 26 26.-.-. Mends FILLET-WORK -- _ -..•-- 26 12.........—Mends HOBBY-HORSE ...-..............27 IS---... .-Mends KALEIDOSCOPE. - - -. rs 29- _ - - -Mends RONEI-80XE5...---..24) 30.-- .- Mends PI CT UR E FHA AIRS -.- -_... .53 32-- - Mends VII EFS --,-.. - -61 32..........- Nendit si 31.--- mends SC 00 UN1T 1 NCE....:......-..A9 3L........- Mends PAPIE - ACHE._.. _94 .16_......Mends WARDRO ES'„,,-- --- -35. 16...-...-..Mendl PARJAN MARBLE-- .............36 V -.....Mends RIBS.. . .-........... 37 38-- lends AB Yt UMPEitS-..- .88 70..._._.._ ends Of -WORK..-.- ...... ,-_-.39 t lr 40-...... ends A R-SAFES- - - _4O 11 .....--.Mondo l' C tIR '8- . ...-.... - -41 Cl --mend. v,utia,- ag_kiA. t it . 42 45-.........-Mends AGWEL. uK8...-....-...-......-43 IL ......... pleads WARR_ A D 21.--. • ......-: .44 45....--... Mend EDV eLD5........- -45 47 ......- Me P. t.IIIB Eli, - .... -........ -.47 if t. 48 ...-Aende ALLO 14X ER A M ' ...••-• - 7" 60.....---.. Mend li AchG , , -E0ARD5........ A es 61 Mends RAND- 8 -..-.....-_. 51 69 --.- • • Mazda rOK-110 RIM- .-- -.az az ....-Menaa ASS-Y - 10 ...,„„.„.-.............63 29 -.- Mends ILLIARD A8LE8.....--... 64 --Mends ILLIARD-CUES.-. -..-_.1.5 55 ----Mends WED.:OGER. . - _66 57-.- Mends BROOM ICKS..-. -......-. 67 63............. Mends BOOK-CA E 5..............-. -- -68 59........--Mends BOOT-CR MPS-, ..._..__..._..69 k i i 60.-.-.. Mends BRUSH-HANDLES.--- ..- -60 61-........... Mends BRUSHES....-.- -- -51 62-...-- Mends CAB,I b TS - ... •- , • ......... -4 62 i t....... -...Mends 66 . 1 f, AE5....-..... ........ -,64 163 t-- ---Mends CRUTC ES - - 88 85 ....--.....Mends CUPBOARDS-- --.-- ..... ..66 67-........ Mends CURTAINS- -........._ 67 68- --. Mende CA51NG5,................... . ...88 69 -...... -Meng* 0 .4.111)4 . - 15 - .-.-. - -.69 70-.......- Mantis C C A A hi P RA3I----..--- ~...-.70 71.....-.hlends CHAIRS.-- - --....:.71 71. -.--- Mends CHARTS. _„, .„.,....... 72 73-....---. Mends CLOTHES . - . FRAMES ...... ........ 73 76-......... Mends CARD.OASEB.----.................74 75-....._... mends CHESTII. 76........... Mends D1A,11,141E31 .. . .. . --.•-.. -. _. 75 71... Y... Mends WO .313TANDS ,77 78--- Mends DRA GRZ , BOXEDS 77._.,......78 19- ....... Al ends DISH V , .. . ... • . ..79 80-- -.1 , 16110 tily 4.,,, 51-1510nas 1 1 10E - ROXES-..................81 BZ__..._._-. Mends DOORS .„,.. - .•...........,...... 82 83.--..... Mends DOMINOE S ,S. .83 84-....... Mends FIREBOARDS - ... --. 84 M.- -- Mends FLUTES ...... - ..... .....86 86......... Mends II ALL U STERS....- - 87-...._-.... Mends GLA55WARE............ -.87 83.----- Mends HANDLES., . . . _ ._.,_ 88 89___.....31 a nds GUTTA-PER C HA WARE- .......89 90 ....Mends KITEB.-. - -.-- - ..90 11..... - --Mends TOPS . - .. ... . . ... -----....91 in....-. Mends ORD ANS.- -..-. -.. .. .92 93.......-- Mends 31QPE1.8.„.... , 93 94 -- -,..lllends aBW INU- MACHINE - ST ANDS -.94 9&............ Mends PANP,LIB... • . ..30 96......--- Mends PASTEBOAR D WORK ...-. -96 97.---- Mends PATTERNS. . 94 98...,--...Mende 8 I D EBOARDS„ .„.. -...- 98 a 5...- blend/ WOODEN _WARE 150......... Mends WILLOW WARE........-L.... 100 SPALDIIIG'S PREPARED tuxE. sp.pg WY STATIONERS. SPALDING'S PREPARED ot,og, acILP IIY RELVISoisTE. SPALDII/G'S PREPARED GLUE. SoLD ily GROCERS. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SOLD BY HARDWARE STORES. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, BOLD BY ROUBE-FURNISHING STONES SPALDING...I3 PREPARED GLUE BOLD BY NANCY-GOODS DEALERS. " SPALDING'S PREPARED Ohllß,_ SOLD BY COUNTRY MERCHANTS GENERALLY Manufactured 1y HENRY C. SPALDING & 48 CEDAR Street. Nov York Address Font Offloo, goT Np. 4,cp. Put up in oases- containing either Pour, Eight, Twelve dozen each—A beautiful Littlociparn 8 uo CARD acoompanying each package. is d24-g SltiriPlNll 4 s iglL FOR TIM BOUTH,—CHARLES. TONFREIO A RTSRND SAAI E D A UCE RIII M KTEABHIPS. D. Henry Freight at an average °lngrain' per oent. be low New York Steamship rater. FOR CHARLESTON S. C. The 11. B. M - I,l_Bteamship KEYSTONE STATE. Cap tain Chas. P. bl ftrahman, old on Weditesday, AUtllat la, at 10 o'olook A. M., %%MUSA in wi to go nousp—opir 40 loans at Sew: FOR BAV AMIA.II,OA, The U. S. kfall fitimmlnu KTATE OF GEORGIA. Captain Johti °it August 20 1 at 10 A. kr Ihrgugh in 58 to ophoppti—o„ dB hours at fie'. WirMIIIILIK nays on AMMO 4010 every Saturday to rued &re day,. Goods reoetved, end Ihtla of Lading slimed every day. The spindid drat-!lees side-Wheel Stearns KEY STONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run ea above every_ ten days, thus forming a kve-day oommu,- nioation with Charleston and Savannah, and the Soul* and Southwest. At both Charleston and !avannah , Aimee 4WD' non ilat !nth steamilrg Florid:pan wit; Act., I r p MOON ill the %natal a Wen. Freikht and lii canoe on a largo prdportion of Rood; shipped Smith Will be found to b n loWer by thake ll i th tla ee by sailing *mole, the - rercottErt being one-pa N. D.—lnattranoit on all Railroad Freight is 'entire') unneoosam7, farther than Oriarleston or isavannah. the Railroad Companiea tairjhy, all riaks irom these saint& fixE AT .RERIB)TIC 1 11 Rm . )), ties mite In' 41) I,Or oint. °Wolper than by the InlAnd on:a t( P. 7 will WA aeon by the Ibliorrips Jobe dale. through okets from Philininiolna. via charies t rig I tt4l l 4:T u ti m mo_ :l e crt h el u nirVeltValii47- . nah to Montgomery : • INLA.mx TAXI. To Clltorloaton-...-810 00 Marla - too.-- -An 50 • r annall..--.- la 00 Savannah—. --. unto—. an 00 , Augusta ...--.... -.... 12.1 00 aoon.--- -...... 21 00 .212 , 2 , 0p,..........-.- 22 7f rantz----- 6 „ ) .11 1 , 1„..._,E.0 m,..t.:::.:.: 1 ii.,.. -......_-.vB 00,...„....... 9 O M/I n Siler7---•-••• 5 .0 m0....._ 62 Of mow,— -,---• a /2) New °rioting-. . x 770 Ne untart--... 00 No btllo.of lading - st o ned after the oho nas silitd. For t` reight Or vastqw! apet-04-b4311.. Itt itanc..nit w o w( enoyo Vito liii:Uto Iv t., X,HE N ISoptliwett corner F Ulan surpESTNVII. Agents in Oharlexton l ir. El..k. T. (I, LI Bavannab., IntrEll &OA MD . L, For Florida from Mar miton, atoanor 9019 inn,. Tneedtty. For Florida Gott HaVitilah, 'loonier' at. Mare/ and Bt. John's ovary Tdeadar and Saturdar. AND THE. BRITISH A NORTH .40/ AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL BTEAM- PROM NEW VOltp. TO LIPItttP.,IOL. Ciller Cabin Paasag e •—•••••••••• • .• • • - • • .8139 tiocionil Cabin Passage. • • 78 •••-•••• .... yaw.; BOLTON wo LiValtPoOt.. • Chief Cabin Passage ...• . . - • - • • • • • • • • -.8119 Second Cabin Passage The aloes front New York call at Cork Harbor- Tho chips from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Har bor. PERSIA, Capt. Judkirat: CANADA. Capt• Lang. ARABIA, Cat. J. stone. AMERICA, Capt. Millar. MIA. Capt. E. 0 Lott. ' NIAGARA, Copt Anderson AFRIC A, Capt. tzhannon. EUROrA, Ctipt.,J ;Leitoh SCOTIA, NM building.) These vesaela carry a olear white light at meet-fiend i green on starboard bow; red on port bow. cap ADA. Lang, leaves Boston. Wedneeday, Aug. 8 ASIA., Lott, ' ji. York. Wedneaday , Aug. 16 HRopA, Leitch. ': Boston Wednesday, AUK. as 71.:1t51 A , Judkins, ". N. York Wedneaday, Mg, 29 ARABIA, Stone, ~ Baron, Wedneaday. Rept 6 A F RICA, Shannon. " N. York, Wodkeadea, aokt. 32 Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Burgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for Gold, Silver Bullion, Spew°. Jewelry, PreolousSinnes or Metals. unless bins of laden ate signed thorefor and the value thereof therm expressed. For freight or pas sage, apply to B. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green. one New York, `RI►ILRQ.~;)nLINE~ar ,i,,i' - .... . "oitSii 0 HESVE% igkINERINIk TRileff via. PENTIYILVA, , 1.414 ItAILR I), , leravii' eel? tj-..bornarmr. P.M. t t an a - MARKFII.at7.I3O fe. 14 4-1° l ''. if " Da Sii i 6n ennday, leaYerfillattelp a a 8 A .• M. a ea Chestarat4 P. 111." •, . • ... ~.. ! )1104..c lIE PENNSYLVANIA'. E N TEA L itAnatosat. . " • - Roo buLES,pOUBLE TRAM.] , i • 1 1.860 e" '.. ' . ~:i ' : , 1860 i TRE' , CAPOT ?C , ' : OW: ( MAT EC O AL . tEREE l' fs i Q r t ; yiKE n mi s ri l t iltg fin TrEE,b , ..„„, A .. , - ..tircmih , r„td, niglam,l",% ~...6 poi kaist, and in the mon Remit a ritrrltp tug /Tana to ad . -thusll you ln, face Sal, loy west, and ifouthereat. urmalung ties Or a traang.ttannn•Ot riVgerm unsurpassed for speed and comfort br any' ronte. . . . , trees and raqines Ttn ,thrMigh tb Prtraburg. Without clanged, or Conduotors. Alltirclach Pas nougat Trains pro ded with •Loughridge'm Pete nt Brake—epieed under perfect control of ahe engineer, thus ridding much to the safety of travellers. Smoking Oart are attaohed to eaoh_Tritic.; Woodrars ErI 3 .O44VINV Iltairdal atr.PXt6l alle days exoelited. it Train !mires rldlail,alniita at I 80 49,8 ' f. '. • . teat L L ine " 1140 A.. •'p leas Train leave. " 10.4111 P. M. ' WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS : ._ , ierielnut Accommodation, eta hpubia, IP. AL Colombia " 4.00 . 10. Parkeldratg ' ' c West Cheater . " 1290 . 91 . , West Chester Paasengets wil l e Lae Mall. Welt Chester Acoommodation,and iambi" Trams: passengers for Sunbury, 17111111MSPOM El t 4, Thart• to, Niagara Palle, and intermediate points, leaving Phi ladelphia at 7.18 A. M. and I P. M. go directly throuph.l. Tiokete Westwardmay be obtained at the °Mom of the Company iiiPhiladelpMs. New. York. firisten. or BM' Innate ;an Tloketa eastward pt any of the inultant Railroad 0 oini in the Walt; aiso on board any o the regular Line a( Madam on the Musussuppt or hie riven.. • Kr Fare arwaye as low, and time as sunk, aa by any other Route. . . . • For kiriker infOrmatlon ^ ark . at the Passenger Sta tion, t3ontheast isomer or Eleventh and Market Streets. The completion Western creations of the Penn_srivagiut to %kiwis°. ale this the DIRECT LI F. W E B A THE AST AND THE OREA WEST , • • The connection of tricks by the Jlailread Brides at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or Ill a ralrof Freurbl , together with the saving of time, vantaies_Peediti appreciated by Stunners or Freight, and the wrgivel- IPublie. erohants and Shippers entrwiting the transportation o their Freight to this company, Dan rely with confi dence on its speedy transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point In the West ,by the Pennsylvania 'Railroad ars at all times as fatiorabio as nes chariot by Who' Railroad vine,Putia.siar it; Mari isairsies ;,I 41. e. Penns, ••• . . . For Freight Contraou or planning 1/freedom min' to, or address either thO I.ololol fie Agents of the Cog- • Deng: D. A.•FITEWiIti, Pittsburg; FL H. Pierce & Co., Zonesvilie.o.; J. J. /ohmlon O.; It. MoNeely,Mairvillen, Ky.; Ormsby & pronner. Portanouth, O.; - Paddock & Co.. Jetienionvil e, Indi ana; K.. W.- Brown & Co., Cincinnati, O.; Athern It. Habbort,Cinoinnati, 0,1 C. MeldrnmMadisori, Jos. E. Moore, Louisville, Ky.; P. G. b'Ritoy & Evaraville, Ind N. W. Unshorn & Co., Cairo ,_III.; H. F. Soso. Shale? k Glaze, St. Louis, Mo.: Johp B. Hor ner, Nashville, Tenn.; Harris Pa Hunt, Memphis, Tenn.; & Chic ago, BLOT. H. H...P.oonts, Alton, lit : c.7 to Freight Agents of JiLsuiroads at different points intreWest. . H. .11.411kOHTOH,..fr,_, Philadelphia. . • - EIAGRAW & 800/111, /1Q North ittreelOa l ltimnre.' LEECH & CO., I Astor House, or 1 ff. ill am mt., N.Y. BECH & CO. No. 77 ,Stats Weed, Boston. H. H. Hoporg, Gen I Freight Agent, Phila. L. L. HO T, Oen'l Tioket Agent, !hit. H." LBW , Hetet Bull Altoona: Fa. . . . . .. . , ... , .10-1, , AND READING RAIL ROAD PASSENGER TRAINS for POTTSVILLE, READING and HARRISBURG. MOHR 11% buig, llAll.T r; ASundays exeep _tad.) Leave New Depot. conker of ROAD and CALLoW RILL Btrepts„PHILADLLP .A, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on Callowhill growl, lat top m.; pongeotipsgit,Hamsburg w3th the PENNEWI,VANIA RAiLHurAD,3 p. M. train tnitnins to Pittabdrr f the CUIREERLLND VALLEY , 1.011 P. M. trun mains to Chamrebus, Carlisle, &ILL end the NORTHERN . CENTRAL RAILROA.D.I P. M. train, muung to Sun AFTERNOON LINES. • •-•-. ' - Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Streets , PRILADELIMIA.trastenger entranoes oateenth_ NO on Callowhill etreetad for Parra. mid HAVRIBBUItIiI a.so M. L DAII.Y. for It iv P. m., TrAlLYilerasiCass PHRAJIRO AD ILAPELPRIA A.NPREADIN . FILOY Parikprz.razi lee..= . • - . . To Phreniamils........— Reading —l.3l7lllisdeltphis and Iteadinir bsH. 144 Lebanon Valler3R.R. 7 ,H 2 Trevorton Junotion..kle LeirVar Milton— — m ai Croy— .....,-.. i m en i eroa t i t 7 — ” - slswk sr n ^"'" WlRlamsport and Elmirs . Railroad. . 33e WA, hi:iSid the LSO P. At, trio; orlaneinilf Vf etrA, h tV t itlatitatrii e n i rtit _ Ra th &ROAD making ohm conneotions with Linea to Magus Palls: Cris. the West, and thnithyset. PVT IN PHILADELPHIA: Corner of BROAD end C LOWEILL litrefita. &111 M! MialalOlF.Y.Seeretazi. NO gy TIOR.---CHESTER vAwA RAILROA SENONR TRAI F a DOWNINGTOWN AND PAN- IN 'VERKEDIATE !ST TIONB.— , On and aftergsth Meg, IMO, the Passenger TIMM. for DOWNINtsTOWN will start, from the now risseenger Depot of the Ftula dolphin and Ro g dtp_Rallroad dCompany. corner •DROAD and OALLUWHILth Streets, (passenger en s= es on Gellowtull.. • ANIN4iI WiLAIN for DOW 41D001/11, IjkleVell at 9 .00 A. 0018 IMAM hr Downingtown. loaves at ita m.. irjaundm,__s omer of the uoaMil Vt mlnageni 914, PkWtieblla apt and itesitng Ulusyty. . MoILILENNET, Baoreliry. . WEST CHESTER RAILROAD TRAINS VIA PE,IIIIB LV. IA AlligAD Leave Depot, corner lI:LEVY...IITR And ASARRlajtmotti P . exoert VAndsv) at 7.15 A. AI. nig ~ 111 d 4 alLeave Wait Closter at La A: M.AIA6 A. M.. And Uq P. !M. NOTICES. S TATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. 2—. Sealed proconsli wine received until the (lay of Augnetnext for TWO RENTAURAN LS. to he need upon the grounde of the Pennsylvania State Airman,. rat Society, at Wyorninn, dnring the Exhibition, Sep tember 25th, 23th. 27th. and 28th.. Eaoh build in n it to he 100 feet long by ei wide, with kitchen attached 00 by 24 feet. The buildings to be erected by the contractor, and to be removed at the elm of the Fair. Also. for one LADIES' ICE CREAM, CAKE, cqx- FtCTIONERY, AND LEMONADE SALOitYI. A tent for this esloon, fifty fee; in diameter, with the ne cessary tables and goats. will be furnished by the Soot etd, also for one GENTLEMEN'S ICE CREAM, CAKE, CONFVOTIONERY, Lit.MONADE, ToDAO- Cl/, AND CIGAR SALOON . 76e tent, 60 by bll feet, with fleeciesty fixture. for thin saloon, will alto be fur nished by the Society. Proposals may be sent to. A. O. Heisler, Secretary. at 'Harrisburg. or to General E. W. Sturdevant, General Supenntendeet. e t t Wilkeibirre t A. Li. RIE6TER, Secretary. HAnfliscuscauly 2.3. 1800. aulo-4t NOTWE TO 2.IJILDEYS.—The Board of Commisaioners under en sot of Assembly entitled "An act providing for the erection of Public Buildings in the City of Philadelphia." approved April 9, 1860, hereby invite plans and estimates of cost to, the bu•id - Ingo proposed to be Created. These buildings are da mned for the accommodation of the courts of justice, and their appropriate Wheel, and the st vmal offices of record of the oounty, and also for the accommodation of the several departmeota and officers of tie %num psigovernment of the pity of Philadelphl . a. They arc to be placed on Penn seaere ,the buildingq for the courts. &a., on the northwestern section. and those for she municipal government on the northrnatena seotion,a said Square. A atatmnent, in detail, of the extent of accommoda tion required for the respective departmente anti Offices to be Worded in these buildings has been printed, and persons deaigniug to prepare plane are hereby referred for copies to any of the Board of Commissioners. Ground plank. peotion", elevations, and perepeotilli wawa of mien building will be r "melte, acooMpatur with clear and full explanations- . The estimate* ili r erMil *ggiiiipanit by complete speoifioatioos. and eXplanations o the whole so simple. =net*. and l Mat he may readily com prehended by hereon, not specially buttnotsd in arobt telTle;mid platy, estimates, and specifications to be directed to the President or the Board, and furnished before the But day of Deotember. A. IL 186 d. Egeh uerson submitting a plan must indicate the ma terials to be employed in oonstruoting the buildings un der his plane.. No compensation will he awarded or *4 iv tee tont irnsalog ers for-the plane to be submitted. as hereby in vited. until the means of 06.175114.1 he said act of Assem bly into street c,heu he _provided, in accordance with terra,. AL .1C ANDER President. JAMES 11. LUDLOW. Peorstary, Philadelphia, Jill! 11. 1860. OFFICE OF THE P READING BAILR DlLruck, July 11, 18 , ...0.—T on Coal tymulooyted by thin from July IS, until further 'HILADELPIITAIND OAD OidtPANY.—Pulis lio retell of Freirht end Tolls eonivany will be u follows, .otioe To iohmond—., Philadelphia Inclined .... Germantown R. IL.-- Fallaof hiansyntdr. ..——. EgbelVlt • • •••••-,----r. Oonshohnoloh—.— Benda Fumace._:.L._ ambo's...... • orrist'n or Bridgeport Valle y Fot enne d ike. y- - - Yhtenixville attunes —. Aninanso.:-...—"—•-• • Lhtionok.. Foto town ....---- ReJla ocl Ssrlia-4 , Birdsboro.-- —. Exeter ... Reading ----- --- Tuokorton— Hamburg. Orsrissb's and Ali burn .fir order, of th? .r0:41.14,14 ginitier J 312.10 " W.ll. MeILIIEIVIEY, LEGAL. NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN ; THAT lotted testamentary to the estnto of .108EVII L. hlQ,ElßE,deeassou. haying teen granteoo the 4h4 r eigned, all persen2 having *Wale against the'seol es tate ara re'euested In present theta. and all rattle's na iiehted thereto to pay the same to „ • PiAhloll l TETE, Evaqtor. WALCIIrr Mtge', 1110-TUE P 1114.447, • - JO. ' ANNULAR VEPITILin7t. ebovt t patent (learned , by teientiEb and omit! enl men to the very teat Nolo: ?tiered t 3 the public, end needy on y to in acquit' operation , for its merits tobe.e.Ptir''!Ziatetl. Nothint °Vet' introduced is 4 ,_9NlTAlo tl " m e rited for ventilating private and public ''sehoolS, hospitals , engine • honaes.• miner!, xt l aya . Th l sailing Tommie, 'and for the . oure of' smokY " ohimnevo" they have no egnel• ' • • • • Manufactured and for sale w wholocale e i nd retell, at the OVl e ttn a l n L a LTAll i M iat it n ti Alt Nfit o toot, Forgone!, ottentionwill be given to a lt detonntiong of heating and veritileting bi thy undorsigned, who has blien many years prantpaY engaged to the ato—abum tiogy, also for tale, G un ny 's Joatlylielenreted warm-air rafenintalomking rennet , .1"1 . Soars. . VAN itAAOFNMoIENF:B ORLEDRATED ORIENTAL D TERINVEi , CHEIMICA OLIVE. - • ExTRA .PALE. , . . • ,P 7 13V0,_ -, L . 2 . ;• • : • 1n...1.016T011ika ./to• For este by the sole agorae for the mezofitetlek s. • I'EtAIN dc - MoKEN.% n and INK, WHA Alw wholesale dealers In . . • OCOANUT, COTTON REED, PALM" AND LA INE MLR. , , •- . ., • _-- ,-- - - fOliVrelrif riUbiUET NJ , IMPORTERS ON HAVANA MAIM" • No. 2 i tihnth :FRON r Stret. Reoeive regularlykfull assortment of desirable 01. eafttll t whioh thsty olfer at ratet , for ottelt or an vroved credit. ly SPIRITS OP TURPENTIN..-175.. , Bar- ROVIllP. ir /i t aittat in 'store 16 for . sale by SOUTH WHARVES. su7 TWINY AUCTION cvm/BigNxirr & vo, , = •x, 491,1 punt itREET. P.ANOGA ST, AUCTIONKER, a oiltior'tO ScOrt TE.43tOILESTIttIit St. Vft D.—L banal tot oopeaquffititoe. zontinnad. lit atippitt4 . oE Wirier Wares% th•Auatton bast. re h ep tlr,V.7,lllllo7B l r , ttotAi 9REg.r.z irme wtoPPOttTio trader co Otsubo for tae • istisnorr Wm tilted...sad' eat a continuation to ray 'successor, wawa A meteor authorise to oolvo 'onsettle4 accounts. B. BC Is. t • PIIILAtELPIIIA. AliftlAt 1. MSC FORD it CO., AUOTIONEIRS, .1.• No." 530 RIOUIRT !Omen. aid - 421 MINOR &Mot "' • , 1 1 • pr.RmotrfoßY 11A LB OF.,IIIFIADY44.ADE, CLOTH . ' •1 s .I.dIO—LOWA EdlF4sasi‘ „ ,On Ti 410444 , Azglst puf; at o a prsalawy. aisk sold eateleue,' SKO readr-niade sernsesstee of,tlew Yorl end Oily Inailufiteters. I Oonetidmi of Part sated bote frock, business. end per coate.oememere skim ittmet pains. °bath. Plush, sulk.. end velvet Vesta. .lembraeinx .111 1 1 aseortreent Mut br Tessler Mem. adapted to fa it and slater sales. tor.Bosthern end Neetern Markets, The attention of buyers pert.euLsrly requested, es every 101 4 ;18 l o t i told without retain. ' ," - Snl MOTIIi11:41IVit( "41nina " wi th C."l gUB rly • • THIRD BALE OF.BOOTkANOABOES, FOR THE FALL, OF .Isso t . 1,600 CAMEO. Qn Thursday Karam: Augait Idth, at 10 eoloels will be sold. by catalogue. o calf.ons nredit. 100 oases stetes, born, end youths' My, grain, and thine b.OtIL eat r, thinl y [ and. rne•et brogans, women's, mixes s'. sad chi dren's Mott. A full assortment' of eity-rusde' Roods. Also. 20 doz. Ciellf Maui. • The above male will embrsee afu'l asset tesentof prime goods direct from ,fitit-oLage Inerturcituters,,to *limb the attentpin of buyers icinvlteri. Far 0:310 , 41s open for exentination, with catalog's', • • early ors the morning of sale. „ WILLIAId ,13 BOYLE ) & IDG. &IA TXONEERS & COMMISSION MENOHANTo. No. 6 North MAIN Eit, sT. LOUIS. Mst., (formerly ',nth Messrs. Myers., & offer their services to the' mete Ur, mane unarm's, and others of Ptoladetahla, for 1 e sole of goods, owe oets,_boots, *hoes, hantstaroaileWskrrs&e., && . ake Cash advaaoes made,oa feoetat of goods. gP Bettlemeete Made three days after We; 11711111ferB. , Messrs. Myers, Claghoni, Se Co. 4 Philai•Mid& ' Stuart &Br Cher, FkilsdebAss, " van w 7 0 ., crwesend,is Warrens: Mew York 4 ' L. &B. rte & Co., NyrYort. 4 . Wood, C slaty, & Co., 8t: Louis, Mo. 4 ' Crow. MoCreery. & Co.. " INSURANCE- COMPANIES‘ SABINE '26 DUY,, INSURANCE AGENTS, No, 494 WALNUT Strttet, M Insure &solution or damn, by Foe. on Cotton an d W o ollen ils, and other Mantifitotonvs, Builchnss, Merobandiso; Porn tore, and other Property, on favo rable terms; in the follosrincleall-Imown companies: PEGINIX IN S URANCE gO,OF.ILARTFORD, Coat Eunt_al &lad Surplus e_sea.sts 91. iII:TROPOLITAN FIRE ins. CO., OF NEW Y O RK, Cub Capital and Sulpha MfiSS. AL PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON INS. CO..tavy. cuh_cultal and Surplus 30.73613; ARCTICTIRF, INSURANCE CO.; OF BE YORK: flash Capital and Surplus .388,141 02, HOPE FIRE INSURANCE .CO., OF NEW YORK, Cult Capital and Surplus 8194,84461. CITY FIRE INSURANCE C0.....0F NEW HAVEN, Capital end NEW F OIE 77. GERMANIA FIRE INB. 00407 NEW FOIL__ - • Caen Ca tat awl Margins 399 IN, HUMBOLDT F IRE INS. CO., OF TIE YORK: - Cash Cap t ild andlletilus.l9l3l4.9llB M. Applioationi In person or rope Isla resets° Pros* attention. at. itiz tivivinfakontsi Je4 Dm - •- 'No. 424 WALNUT Strait. THE ENTERPRISE • , INBITR*ROE__ CCM:4NY OF PILIMADFXIth. EXOLuaIVEIN.) . ' lOMPANY'S W. CORNEA irOTIRDH 7 AND*WAT,NIIT STREBTS.. -•- • . F. .ILarces_gran SLUM. • Mo Jur L. Days*. 'WILLIAM 1110K111 674.• ermas - r. NALB*O JOHN BROWN. • JOHN NI ; $70011 . • ' I r impatteag.• Dm'. T. =sot, ' AO)frgt - D. CAJa• MINR7 141111/11. .TQHF RD AKKaresidtel. aR.1.113S . 00X.D.Seoretary. - - 2-E -A MERICIAN - INSTFRA-NOLT;. INCORPORATED •law-cupirnat risArs7- No. 310 well= au•etboy. Havion a large paid-1m tital Brook and lagB2 In raged In /Ft and tyro bto Beenritiaa,oon nu to Insure vp Ilinimilto n a r Fundtars, BLe Vessel' in Port and air goes, and other Person . Property: - All Imam Os sad promptly &Owed. . Thos. T , Jolrrkalt°44l._.- ;John I '' .. Samuel o,;amaanna • ; "P.IM . Patrick Brady, a rm . ounary, , r _T 0 ° . kimidaink. ALBERT O. i..I:IIM 6L BIt h 3arrata4.. tria-ry RIM; Itudibuy and Ens R. R A NT4BAciTr.•.INEIIIII.A.NOZ ,COMP. 6- '—Adtltiod genital eiNdida—CHAITED. PENPriTUnL. L __ • • - offlon No , VI WALNUT' Street, between Third and Fourth Street, Plnladelphis. . • • • - - Thpi Coipany will name against loss er damage by Fire ,lly. on Daildinge.Ferniture, and iderahandmio gene- Alb, Marine Idirgreadel/ on Veneta, carropeei and Freights. Inland lasyiranotl to allarts oi the union. RB. .1n D INF.CTOosibEabbr t , Joseph Maxfield. D. Luther,. - Dr. George N. Aiken, 1.. Addentied, John R. Blakiewnse Davie Pearson, Wm. F. Dean, Filer Dieser.J. E. Baum. - • JsIi tH EAN ER . Vi L _ P ce re Va . D eat. a tetimat £ VA/UR' CITY 11 4 1SEFRANOE COMPA egfaiiiriEll.P. MEM and, ta.l l :iii,We s tutrYUK A rrUvigilirag U. 24". 4IRET • Pritiident. co mattr:Torind Tr a. If. BUTLER, Amistant i ßoaroter el y i r DIRECTORS. Georg 6 IL, ELM • - E. P. I . • W.%llVia . • Fostar Tian ?. • Andrew 0.02 - • - - "Caul ' s"' L1N 2 . 114 I OE IND; TRUST, 00:44 PANT.-TRIL_YEPFN MUTUAL I.I_r_N.NU NANVIIE COMPANY, Northeast corner of — EXMN and DOCK Stream Asotrui, INCAS a. • INSURES LIVES LIVES for the 'whole tom of airs—ireata anniptios And erulartmoulersarolaroet hi* Venom La ItTargiiitriinZialairrsil ooafnaL ~ajendiaL ca the sontingetiams of Life. • Thar sot am Exsontors • AdainiairWorsh ASliafball Trastwis. and liurniinion. wiI.IIIMLEDi " ' flal L. Mar Vsial B h Utis i otrdnElVrisbillita' Joann imam P. Radar. , Joann Nr.ttai, William IL Kent. Jame Camel C. Burk. Theophilna Cam e l • Gdmisped A. Sager.- iltei3ty C. lownser.Sh pameLli.fiatohmaisha 10 4 1010hus Kant,. John • nonsors G. Cane Ea rn a p. V. Minos, Witham Robertson. • -hi. v gosaas iala l • Warnerßasin John G. Branner, .P. M shier. Easton._ • DAPUBL L MILLER, PriialdWil• • SABEL: IL &TOLES, Visa Pres'L Joirm Boximt.geotstanr. Aula DELAWARD lIIIITITALIg 821:FATY M. nycoltPoßA• DAVTR I LMLATI/AS 03 OFF/OF, 11, E P I itti4 rtu r t i M moith AND WA.1.1111, $ . Tir .1411 E itiqvitAzios oc:igiask , ) ;mk t iwe Au Nuts or um • w•rui. 11411171LANCV.8 os &yds, 1,7 tira l uls, Lagos, t Laid Suggisse r 1 V iiill au aPris N trin'tl f gear'''. r AI * if littottinirr, burl, UM Sr Kari it /atm IMPe liade ltruNatit t ic an* " °l olro L ' e ° • erk7oo7lllltAa .----. 22,00:3 00 ln garticiti '• Iv 94 " 944 4111 w j o s . 11130 M 11. El. Volorart ifrot. Ft otigittii iiai: 54 .2644 We gi l til l. - - l'irdi(i ;7714; mai : soak ' Yen*ati.. 14067:11d,8ii l 65 CP,C4.l,4oArPe4bnialiiit,'"W 4• •••iill"a !how weg nelrolt- r to i gt— • Wm, 00 soma, lir U" l . iffr c! „rtli* ,-- /11116 G i l vnlavr''..o tisf 41. 0 4, Ski, I#4ol %,pir....;rw 4, -- r -,„, ar - • lox, 00 outgad, shazaltirtfirricr_ I L I7I a ° IMO. ulturelgt==li - liales . ----- 0 0,10, tai ea Tug UouumY. Ptulal• 01 11 *tu arid myslitab steam iiivivoi , cn , th,en sini. angatiou qurarelikitil 34 la .Lszd Ha mlear; KradAllts IlL ' I&I 1 5101.157 ...-- -- —..—. —.MIS 65 5459,715 54 r ,14,45 . 112 A rolg u r i rt 3 d l :i _-- giacesi .Boutth ALM Mizttszei. ing /WI EOM. Ot reoeivhbre.for.lnearmin retleauce due at .4 enel.ee—f` rine riolext mocriet. And the . G:k." iota etenhinunlxT In CIRO egt.iiiia . l3i fiep~. 1 i lia .0.• 4 I - 91.04 - $1:30 L 1 40' 3.43 1. I 43 1. 1. 1.31 I. LIU LI 1.13 1.10 1.10 LDS 1.07 1.02 1.08 1.01 .300 09 203 DI • lIIREC4O.II. William Maim, ' Ismael E. Stokes. knimar.4 A. &Aar. • e'..P6nrston. jThroptu los Vattlitu. • nry tilatin. ohn n. Penross. : ' ward Darting - I'ON ohn C. Davis,. IL Jones Br. amen Traquair, . Iv r 14' v.iii,a. Witham E.yrs, Jr.. " •Otto - Ch an ADJA.S.S C. usad, St Tharlon 4 William C.Lndwii, Jacob . Jones, ,Jose_ph 11,itt, /Amos .M.'Farlasd. Tt— U. le, liniton. • Joanna P. Erre. . , Was O. Lenpqr, . Jo n 11. Beimptie.Pattb g. ' laugh ll, ..Morgan, :' AnnrleS Yell! . A. iterset_, - •• • WILLIAM .Prettilltra. TAQS. C. II D a l nn .1 1 ;.).Ja41.. itENEY t nIII.IEIV. Renrelnrr. 0 ) ILCIPiES lift,OS.? OVERSTRUNG P.ATENT , ACTION pu t po Forz Es, "C l heapest Finn Class Pianos made. A aydeedid assortment of Louis XI fon saw as Footers Cash Prices. And warra for 6 yearn. Beoond-hand Pianos for sale an to rent. Roil k.. L. WALKFR. • C, E. Cdr. of SEV.I•NTII and .WMI N. PRZNCE CO.'d Improved ALF.LoaDEONS. from Gee. Upwards. jyl6-am EIMMili • hmLopsorni, •, • • • • Made. MELODEON& * Daaaa, Oa Nat= Zr. Glut, Banat *.Dh ,‘,.c., 1 00.33,1 other'. 401764) OfiVENTH and CHEST.Nb R pm ,STEINWAY do MOM; NEW YA , vENT'OVER-BTRINO GRAND PIANott; SQUARE GRAND, AND SQUARE vuorosolow pre ferred in colleens and In ',mate moles by the beat kerformera. Received the first hremnons over the beg, Inakern,frora Judaea like Gottaehalk, Maxon, and others . Granite allconnpetitton. 'BLASIUS BROTHERS, lOW CliES'VNUTStreet. EtintEs3 , cttimr.A_N - iii 7 . • THE ADAMS EXPRESS IN 00..0(See 320 CHESTNUT Street, forerardaPareele, Package.. bieteband,se, Bank Notes. and Speoie, etther by ita own. tAnee or in coaneotre with otker .B , Xpre9ls Compan ies, to all the plumps) tOWIIIIPI4 eitlea Of the Vatted Brites. Is, 8. SANDFORD, jeltt-t! Veneral Suiperintendent AVA • 00F.i.F.E.-1,000 pockets prime Java Cate, for Bali by JAMES GRAHAM. & CO., LETI I'IA Street. -casks, ill y ie g „a hibiNts- • • r • - Pak V 1 • YYM.Lb Cleaned at:a• to obtain the 410441'20...Adam' W. TrNINN paid roll^ Offir. Una north Pflonnil striot. 1,1,10 S , YCOPODIU - M-Foi, - MI. le BROTHER. 47 'mow& Ottu 1010148.-17. ./ 'Leaf Lard % . 13.3-bhde-Bhoolders in dry lair "end bbla Mail York, for sale by C. C. &ADLER lc yO., No. 103 ARCH.Street, stoma door above PROWL, hill ST. LOUIS, MU. VCOil MITH. &Rae 13031541-• a,mi co a,otso Em4Nos. 'side 'by' W yid !,? ricerth SALES BY AUCTION. St THOMAS & 8011 S, • ' i•-. 0-• I'l al. A 39 and 14 t South FOURTR Street. lyrormeily Noe. a dad a.) PUBLIC.BALE STOCKS AND REAL •ESTATE. - iyaraphiet oardosesa containing felt descriptiona of, ll the aropertr to be sold on T uesday next. 14th inst., at the Philadelploa Exchange, are no w mid, . STES AND REAL ESTATE. SAL;ES AT EXCHANQE EVERY TUESDIY. During the Mesa season in Jay and August call wattalonal sales. , .. Mr Handbills of each =mats leered peeerately. is addition to which we publish, on the Sunni s , previ o us to each sale„_ - ' one thousand • cataloguta. in pamphirat form, giving fall desereptroes of sit the property t o be sold on the following TuriedaY. CA R. D.—Our astes ot real estate and ameba at the Exchange win hateafter be held at 32 eclair, noon ; and.”, the sesame. eel o ' c lock, • _. 11191" Contributors luses t =Doe of either male. REAL. ESTATE A 2 PR IVATE SALX. ST We have a lame amount of real Waal at print& sale. including every description of city and o nneys property. Ybintaa lists may _be bad at thermal= store: , ' kPRIVATX 33414% REAMER.. 'Rest estate eatered on our private sale registers and advert:igen ocoatonally is our yobbo sale abstract. (of which 1,00(1'15=1a are prtatoi weekly,) , Jam co charge. •". • . . . r ..: , • TO 017 iA Taut THE. o vuerv it yinat - ;ELR ATEs SALE g;ero r m E DAi - septimborm Zak oil Catatotneeln mob R. 249 - siztAßEs GREEN RIME IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. Oa Tuesday. - iing.l4, at 12 o'clock - noon. at the Eachatige:ltral sold. without reserve, by order of trustees -1.219 shares Green Ridge Improvement Company—par Ishara Philadelphia Library. 1 share Mal -pantile Library. 1 share Point Breeze Park Association. Executors' Peremptory Sale. ea shares Preferred Stock Al.esheny Railroad sad Coal Co. REM., k.,STATE—ATTGUST 14. Orphan's' Court state—Estate aloha Tiennen, d eed. Two story Brick DWELLING, Cathedral avenge, weety- fourth ward. Sams Estate—Tero-stony Brick DWELLING, ad j oining. Same Estete—Two•atory Brick DWELLING, ad joining. Orphans' Court Pale—Estate of (hoes Ruzaile, deed. GROUND RENT of tlen a year. Same Estate —GßOUlr D R.RNT of 190 ayear. Peremetera Eale--Dy enci•r of Hem. Very valuable LoT.3 acres, 19 uerohes, on the Yogi road, above Nieetmv lane. Sale Oxalate. Executors' Sale—Palate ofJohn Pismire. • "STEAMBOAT HOTEL," at Bnclesburg, frost= on the river Delaware. - - •. ereirotari BAI ATONE AND DWY.LLINOI. Na. L 333 Third ward. (Inaba strait' . . ' Peremptory Beile. Three-story Bncs. DWELLING, Twelfth street, north of Oxford Tvo Three-story Brick DWF.LLINGS. Nos 123 S sad 12'e Christian street. watt of Twelfth street, with two three story boiok dwellings in the reef. on Thurlow street. VERY 15IPORTANT SALE. Er order of Trustees. MONTOUR IRON COMPANY'S WORKS &BD ESTATE. TV September 40 On 860, at 12 o'cl Md oc & k I. , noon, st the Yhila delphia Exchange— The very valuable crouerty belonging to the Moatour Iron Company. maimed in Montour county. PY, con sisting ofpbout.7.ooo acres very valuable mineral /sue/. ores. mining rights, roiling math. furnaces, neaely 306 daclhney affirm eee , &o. Terme—SW.oop ca.h. grluin the property ig amok Off. balance en the execution of the deed, within 3t) dam ol 'far Fart partioaars ready in Italidbills. SUPE Rt OkFURNITU RE PRENMPL a T a E tyw, MIR RORS. PIAIIO-FORTES, BRUbSELE CARPETS. • • • Oa Thursday Moraine, Ate o'clock, at the Auction Store. as atiortimat of excellent 'awful-hand furniture. elegatil maim-tortes. Erie remora. Garrets, eta., from fams decumna honeekeepire: removed to the store for eoaveraerme at vale: • - MOSES NATHAN'S, Aif Olio NEER As•n. AND 001101131110 N • 111XECIANT, settnuse earner of KITH and Ntrome. MONEY LOANS .23.000 to loan, at tne 'Unrest ratte. on diamonds, .watphere..ieweirr.mtrerWate.arr, good", clothing, igro cones, wars, hardware, miller( emote ntill ore. fur nitare. bedding, and on good, of every deeenetion. large or mall amonntiaone dollar to tnommends, for anentith of time on. tar The Oldest &tab BMA, In thie opir pyirate fatzsgoe on RA Cy. Street • Sir Businese ottare from II A. 11. to AP. M. NAM insurance tor the benefit of deem tom. OHARGnS t,N1.1, TWO PENOENT.- Advandm of DUO end uslearelent two for oem. Advances of ;lid and Nmentrde, at one ear sent, for short loan: r pervATE BALD, Rome of the driest GOLD_PA.T4I,EVER and, ONRosIO.I,IE,TEIR WATCHES. DI tilled at ben the meal selling erica', gold lever pip *pine waten3 lever lever and leeine ',ratchet. English. .3 Preach watoker, at emenishme emelt. jewelry every drone i rtarl y laj g rat at 1111,011ta1 . 41 vanoaa r hi engrantitiss to salt nerrelmee fa, att OUT jihazs Attended to ee rie Ay the 4antmr. Conaigureents Mr and Inas IlAimlanat MAtIMINERY AND IRON. PENN STNAIa _ENGIN' AND llar,A witizA-N - EAgis i cy. Re 1 leliD TIINOXIaI Oat Malin II fr. miti I& , BUILAIIR-MKX,S. 'LAM dr end VOW/ b 'AS, having. for =say -yeers. teen ia irsooeseful Fula end new agitprop), tamed in building and renames Minn. and Lver Engines. bun and low venue, Iron Ikeda. Water Tants 'Yropellenl. Act.. ,to , rPrpeotfully offer t heir services to the pebhe se twine fair provered to, oirettaot for Regime of &A. sigee..ldepilit St mt. 'and Stationary. }Wring Pita m terns or dl at Laos. are preaared to _ or - dirt with da aenatoh. Leery desaripti=tterAr mar n aiale at the odic= nonce. B i l o g i tt i and a trar twat kennsyl is oha ia1,........iren. Forgiaae of ri 4reriei and loud/ ; Iron end Arm air anda rgoV lllll4 /toll Turning. rhymer Elattirre___ ether oem-• treated with the above beeinow. printing' and gewuJorattona for 63 troth dose at third establishment, free or charge. and work gearantiecr. The anteonlbers have armpit wearl.doefr TOONI*II pairs of 001t11. where they eel pis ii whet - and. are provided with ahears, Meting, We. &a., for ranting heavy or light treichte. ... .11ILN-P. ilt MUM and RitUliElil II streets& - MINT- PLEASANT YOUNIUtIf •No. Sol - 1 1- IgkAgit Eltroirt, X ; —Wlle litttlf fl. TIERS totems hog SW abated ths snare stook of w og the flkit.'&l3"ani.Mloofi-l ei Zeoo_ ~...'" m.OO eillto°.7os .F 0.;., .0 dr, or: rasa Maas pir WAR. 12111.4.1 RAXUL O. 111313111C5., 1. VAIMILIIII 111321k1e11 SOUTH WA WELLIAX ICU SOUTHWARK FOURM I Y, _ MARI AND WASEINGTom PHILLBTI.7III.L. ftil?t 4; MERRICK SO c IIA T ENGINEERS AND MA Maanfactere High and Losr Prelim* 'ereslee gmna k . for Lead, River. %ad seem. Boilers, Geometers, Tiiiikearon,g e b,a o .., c u t ulie of all kinds, either Iron or Ilrese,„ Iron Flame Roofs for Gas Way., W o . Y n om A s a_ road Stations, Aso. Retort/ sad Gee MectAlecar of the latee mut Mit LlR groved conitracto Every_ desonricrg of 'Planted= .lillehinery, each ea u gar, &ix, at, Rust Rubs, Veer= Pans. Open Stews Trains, Deter' a‘ors,_Filtere, Psuaeing Engines, tee. Aguits for rt. 11111ttax's Palm)* Sugar Azwatui• Neuutiyth's ?Meet Steam Aermwall t*. A Niclecy'm Patent Centrifugal Sager Draig ism Mishi see-, SAVING FUNDS. " A little. but often. fat the Pune." pRANICLIN SAVING FUND, No. 136Adath FOURTH Streit. between blast- Eat and Walnut. Philadelphia. Pim Ililiairta oa demand. . . ......... Depomtote money wowed t upTenitecit, Mate, and City loans, Groi Rent., Mort ml4ll, & 41 . hie Company deems e• profits, letter thei leree consequently Val no rock with depo atom money. Seltelt St all timed ready to return. with 3 tyr , ceas. =tercet, to the ovum, ea they lea ve Tha Company never eneni:d. veal parried or ringle, and Minot, can t em!! ip weir own vistaed suotitlepoente can c.,‘ l " a d : apelm " conictran bi the Stale of renneylvania k . Irmo anth i cy -I rTty tOreCelee money trot Itermieje A surz._ - __ wiz RECEIVED.' KV . Open to o'clock, and on Wednesday evening until 8 o'clock. - UUIM lamb neannon. D CYOrISUS. Cadvalls.der. ,Tohn Snlndler. G e orge Reuel! , Istnleeei W. Mos -lidvard T. Hyatt, Lewis Knnebbsea. Henry DeLenT. Elobvlss Eittentetese. Nathan Smedley, Joe. H. Butszavalte,__ _Jenes Verne', • Jo/mph A. ctott- JACOB B. SEARNON, President. Oran -s CADWALLADMIL, Tress - arm nel3 " A Dollar saved is twine earnefl.." SAVING FIINI)—IIINE PER CENT. IN TERM' -NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY. WALNUT Street, 90'2 thy eat corner of THIRD, rhilAdelPhia. Incorporated by the State of Fermat value. - idonsym received in any .non, !erne or mall, and in-. tort: lewd from the day of deposit to the day of with diNe office in men every day from nine o'clock in tilt. morning till five o'clock in tke evening. and on Monday and Thursday evenings till eigli . e . o'clea. Hon. HENRY L. IinNNER, Presi.ient. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vioe Itesident, Wiputm J. Assn, PecretavY. • D11111C1031% Am. Henri 1... Banter, F .CaTtialßrevataT. . /341matd. L. Qartet, t i o t te . sh . B_. Ears Robert Selfrulge, ca Lee. Eamuel K. AshtOtt, Joseph Yerkes, 0. Landreth Pin.,e4 James L. Eta ptotensz. /Cone 7 is mewed Put payments made Aphly. The ths*aitoes.ts are made, in conformity with the Mega-oas of the Charter, in Real Ea' rtata Mortssteo. wsoancl Rents, and waah first-chum hoensitaa as wai al vase =lva perfect security to the dww.lass and vhlah cannot fall to rive permanency ned ttabthq t° this Inititatida. ant- r -- - 11.0146 r if SAVING FUND--I.INITED STATES TRUST COTVANY, cornni. TRIED and CD ILST NUT 8 troc4. - - Larne rwiall *tuna received and _paid tack InvoLvilthout notice, with FIYI PER CEN T. INTII IttV i i . trorn the ditY of depot& t.) tha day !,,f 3tnes houra, from f until 6 o'clock every day, %Pi on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until* o'clock. DRAFTS for sale cc England, Ireland, an/.. Scotland, frrnm ka upwards, freeldent—SW.PllEN R. CRAWFVI • Treasurot-WITS R. BOATEL nor 113.1 i. Actuary. HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. pACW:: HARDWARE 110 USE.—We amen resiLwodully tLe atteotion of the Geo,- Z.Plirctleare irrsde to our extertetee !Rook of BIR aIIGRAM ILUDWARE. slush we offer at a emelt savanna by the package. Ordets for cliregt nuntortktion sob:lA:ad, and elsolla de. theta* e:Oter Wu ally, ?(ow Yore, or New Orleans. W. O. LEWIS tr. Son, • 413 pThiNintßeE Street, • 4agerciaz end 44=:on Al{ As! set for Fantasia:ld .1/suestisYstiware. VT. NICHOLAS HOTHEI, BROADWAY, !USW TORR. When ogotletsd. lax Years ego, the ST. NIC HE'S was universally pronounoed the most magnidden t. con venient, and thoroughly organized estahludiment of Le ltend on this eostinent. 'What it was then it remains tm ror—withouta nval in size, is, suinguousnes s , asd in e general elements of ociffort and enjoyment. The tel has aooommodations or one thousand evens, ra e4lndingonehnndred complete suttee of apartnierta for Bin hundnid parsons earths oonitortatitr seated sx the tables of its three pobho duunt locum' and aCtr thing that miderp art has devised for the convenience ant social d grati t ica l tum of the travel li ngpsalm hue been 0 VI mitt 'at t hrgtn e l at7niatt derived nom it. reunited°, its iniperb ' s??cintteent4 pad as_ home- like comforts aria luxuries. has been en eVery Year by the unwearied exertions of the proprietors. TREADWBLL. WHITCOMB, & CO. pa SON '0: filtlllol.soN - . ' natikintmEne - ' rioa. 919'0D - 991 farroh. mum. • Betreen• Marlet- and 'Cheatmat •ifireNtl• Pl9ll ADELP.III4. , • JANCESP.AWSQ2I. . 1.1111, B . Pldlll4go.o, it,rl iy• . C AND L ES, PARRARN R E B TAX ii rmn c.H.BßlZAlltipkftx, . , Apamenum • - Med or antlY boxes to suit soy market.. Poraake VA i & e rola s On d r ri n c 1 1 4":1 7 46,1ii' WA- HOTELS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers