• Thty,Sy Han 'Massacres. &JITTER WHOM Tni • [Fe:nettle Providence Journal,,Augeet s al - The lollowity ,bo painful interest It — Sae coMmueleated lo the Windily Coneert for, Minibus rah; M evening/ The. Rev. WArlheei ito+P‘ttr. it M Bnotrerare ep. pointed a ootorditta tint,i-aptrate' With' any other; oommittee that may be appointed here or elsewhere to deviss,means,for the relief ni,these su ff erers, they,.wilinot appeal in , vain to the sym pathies ore Chrtetito community. Mr. Atonal LI the dansticad - oorderat Bvreetr, . • "Iferiour, Elyria; JIM. 28, 1850: You -neve 4001 !tlea , hard °Cate boritige was- sates that have mitt boon perisnreed riPalt_ the, poor Chruitimteof Monte: e lk p Zia by the rudes, aided in sumo oases by Tslitteir soldiery. , • /e fete front my-gire you an *digests idea of the present, state oritsupin Syria , The,flateriraa,lattedeltoria haat obtlthated the loss suitatin kedlis Obadiah@ in 10,800, and ilia of this Prate, abeetl:2oo. Tinsialaahritaite of the Christian *censor Niel( Hoar and Itselesiy a were brutally ableatittereds lu'cald'ltteed; after a fall surrender had been Made. Thirty or forty amanita bad been plundered - and burnt, and the moults wars pot ,te death„ soma iota ef whom were Neatly; hundrod yillupta has been burned and the crops of the peasantry destroyed. Many churches have also been burned, among them the duterioan mission chapel at Sashays and the Wittoot homes at Deir it Kota. These rants are enough to strike the civilized world with ; but there is yet something to_ be told. • is believed that notices than sixty thousand Chrislutus are now homeless and starving, and here 1 3, . ' , that hope for subsistence than the charity of the Christian world. , MIFe taau t MT . hoisand ' ritgitlvos bare been supported by iho consuls, ies; marolaints,. and oonyems of Beyrouti but We is only a tem porary mrabgement. *lambing mast be done fpr the starving, "Massless., thoussants who are,_ now hiding in oases and other secret pieces Mail pintos Minh be declared: - Geyroutie no longer a . piece, if artily for Chris tiana. Yl.tsletu fanaticism is now fully aroused, and the 'l:urliish Government Moe found it ne oeiteary to tostiou u platoon ,of soldiers in - every consul's house for their protection. Thousands of the uhrheiau refugeee, and large' numbers of the native residents: have dot the country. Indeed. the lend isfull of emery and deope . et woe: Amerinan missionaries, aided by .the' guards from die. Smerionn consulatu, - have brought away many pitir,- besieged end perisouted Christiana, whose lives have been thus preserved; and the English vessele.of.War hove picked up -about 2,000 --flegttivis, tunny wounded women aid children, who had escaped to the ken eoast s and there is still work for them todo. • - What can be done in the traltesl States far these famishing widows end orphans? 'I will say nos thiug now of vengeance for the European Powere wilt no, sloubt exalt justitie , for this great crime ; bat budistuty eslis twin MC not only to distribute bread to the crowds arsund my house, but to pre sent their cause to my countrymen, and to arouse their sympathies in behalf ot. ails 'persecuted people. The Bing of Greetsuluts sent,* slim of money for their' present relief, and' Oltrris ere made elsewhere to eolltsst money, toe that object. Aue r's"' sent food to Ireland and to Greece, and will not something be done for the Christians of Syria? You will doubtless see fall coconuts of this bloody struggle in Ike Etitopoan papera. I yend you a leaf from'au old &martian copy of the Pentateuch. I think you wilt dad it to be from DUteronetny There are about forty male survivors of this aniguliu• people at Nablous,'the atddent Sbechem, where I obtained the enclosed. The High Priest is a venerable old man, very cour teous and agreeable. -This -leaf re thoughtto be Very. old, sad may be worthy of a pities, hi your . cabinet.• J. augur/vs Jamison. , Prince Jekxnue lion4R,rte. . ; A ceerria or-nil AlittnlCAAt 111111 . 51 A T! 'rho Noir Yoik Borald puilliithed the folloyini. yestiedity : . • '• " Poinatizienta, August 3, 1660 As so - many,vergiuus of the marriage of Prince Jerome Bonaparte to his American wife, Miss Pat terson, of Baltimore,,arri being circulated , rsend yen an-ettesenapen the -subject, taken from the Life of Commodore Berney;" , which I think will piste things in their true - light. - A'FigiaND Or vie Rehm!. 3IXTRM:rr Furor TIE: LIP* OF COUSIODOES Li July of'thic 'Voir, Jerome Bonaparte; the yOungerit , brothere of - Napoleen, - wbo bed maimed from the Coastal: the Commission of Ceipitoiris de • russsears,,witheut having, hoWever, adghteet, pretensions' to s knowledge. of its duties, - had taken the opportinity of a orals, in the Waist India seas to snake a Vials to Baltitions. Ile, - wits t(((ot e- peeled by his friend, General Benbel, a seetetarP,, Orbital:fond- s - large • suite of atteedante, off of whom were immediately invited -by .onitmodore Barney to reside with himAitringtheii stay in the city, an invitation welch was very gratefulliait oepted, and- CIO remained several whekale-per take the elegant hospitaitty_of hie family. trpg% Jerome stsprewlng a wish to visit Phila delphia, the Coibutodore gadded hiM by planning an agreeable excursion tbroligh Yore, Lazes:der, the springs, and other feebitinable Ogees 'of warn , titer resort to ailed which' he accompanied Mid ' troduaed Tnej , passed several days in Philo delphis. with whteh Jerome professed to-be "Much plea/get; and 'as Cieryborty connected' with the Captain was more or less alien in the United sonatas, the r`onatiodore lost no opportubßy of grail fyieg the vary natural turiesity of his, fellow citi zens by ebowingnff" ihei. young Jerome at all public placers witeiu numb, The races at the beau. teal village - of-Barre de Grace; ma the Bowt,re uff.std ens of tfe:le.ricessione, and ,atr im mense conoonnsa of comerritien from . the neitth-1 boring &duties bid thong the.ohariee of seeing *bat subsequent events toed tuittle te'tallef tor the rest of theirlives= . -Ltieri krundging of Westphalia, the brother of , be'griatist mew in the world: = • = A short rime attextheir return to Biltimore, the Mattes at tioviiisto,wii teak 'place, mid there for the Arai titne - Jetureiri new the betteedled P—,----, idnigie . ,Vatioe. Wagessough-tours - his heart. SI hid Daiarrfilaill la Melly a cerearnee before and, forgettingempire., Mere prospect s, end everythiog but theleseinating objets before - him, he Waisted on an tutroduetiou to her, and very seen appealed to the friendship of the „Counodore aid him in his matrimonial designs, The Cornier)• dote very . prudently and firmly remonstrated With hint itgaust the' folly nf forming an .attrarbutent with any lady in the Belted' Suttee, situated as be weseeunder aka; and entirely dependent upon his brothor, who had, qo doubt, other views for hint ; he reminded. him that' the laws of 1 6. 1‘170.1 would telt. roaegoize a marriage so con tracted, and that. in the event et his brotber-ob feeding, the innocent and lovely object of his affec tions .veuld be turn from bite, and Ins sonseguence could not ,be (attendee then painful to all parties Comuisdere Barney felt it to be' his further duty to tunic the seam representations to .Mite P— and her Limits, ; and thus, instead of essistiug Je rome la the sap which he seemed resolved upon takrue, Ito did everything that striae-propriety would josiife to oretent its consuminatioe— Our reader: need um be 'Mid how little his argunmete availed on either side; the muiriage was probably ' delayed' by' his:irderferunee, but at length book place moOririediiiii Day, .liO4. The Whyte world are aegaainted with - the meat. - Commodore Berney wag at • this time art effiect in the French gervieo—the.stink of Criclniillr, d. Val 9-e,eu du •Piemier, and a cotemilCion as Chef .I),vaSioll des elried.s N.vales, answering p , the rick of commodore in our service. Creme dere 13-kr , ry had returned from France ' the soar Werra Jaroule - riritarttbia ontintry. Penn this. Claraar you-wilt see the Pens cor respondent of the Coorrier des - Etats .Unis was incorrect by- asserting that " - Jerome had been en ticed into the' matt* by a premeditated Ichelow" CITY ITEMS. Tar Ir.—Thore 'ore &Genstar of offorere io this city win; are Willing to tweedier arnount of moos lad pains t.)11130.11nt bitter health. They are not Sick enough to ha confined in done, tor is recurs a phis( nice in imminent haste. and yet. firm the shattered awe of tiled tenons - system they can truly' say that ;,they " never draw a Steil breath." 'lO ell such we - would rico:46l[nd limp!. -experiment, and that re.-to try the preimatio t advertised in another column of "one paver entititled Professor Morris' kneephaloe" It loan exurnut remedy, perfectly a mine in rte mare _ dienle and r an do no harm, aLd no hays germinal and " indubilsble knowledge of several e ores in which the ramedluiPowortif Mix liquid hag bedn almost mimeo ;quer demo atraten People are eo soetiatonged to being inimbniged bf' 4euoke'rZ Viet they elre_ Inch to - niabo thigbff experime tasi, le I booth from own knowledge of eldisiirtieto se do met believe that. there is nit intelligent man or woman. whose retvei era in any way afietted, after nnee try int it fit ily, ltilV without It in future to; tan times it, coat.' We believe the ," phalli*" 4roriannetta iieVa=low-4na Jig, Me ory, toed luirdl Iv sold by all the gnineivel ¬ its In this city. - - Wvtr IR TIME 21111 V OAKVOSItIe ?--If we in tended to answer chid questio; we should sat. " to ard see i" but our °bleat is a nrtf rem one—vie, to 'tall at tention t, tat feet that Ike his become one of the ste notyred questions of the day. at least imonaall elapses who weer r.oue adapted tither to men, women, or ohi,- Area, whieh t In our catenation, includes about as wide &moue o■ Ocaeral Tis,kn'a oelebr►ted Mimic.' al, the World and the Witter mankind." We bgvei heraotele, Baud that from the very extensive and Domeier* trans and cis• Arlantie arrangemente of Messrs. Charles Sea ford k Sons for °Mem ng everything new the t. oment i t is , t t, t a,,o t a to the public, Ott • deoessaply .naive 'mere or lets 4ovaltiee byereiy arrival trim :abroad. la lent, it I.i almost thidos Ibis to eider their Magog pent Store, ;mem- The Continental, without Aodigg= aurae MeWlli lag to hleassi the *sate and attract the 'attention. How they menage to' sea the tholeesr. articles at the Illtedbrate ulnae they do, is only setoonted for ))• thy it aatenor, fartyitties for importing 'tied mannisotating their hita Stool,. • 81:13111S6 CONFECTIONS -Ordinarily, conf r eotiotis, - whethrr *umuier Or winter. are the same, bat the term. sumtn., Vol , J earring," in 'contention with the he in* , of Whiebr wit ate 'atieut yo 'yeah; Mein simiethiug. - " r he souse the roman eat reedier woo cttoorifir soirpt et to tie any other lhan that of Mersin, E. G Whom= k. Co-, on Serried ktreet, bekor ChMetnrit, &nd the reasons for direriimmittun are equally patent. - iotaiara' l . • (1. W, Co. have ' teen -fur several poufsW, part mak ing a aloe uthunfeetions. which. while the., are deli cious tu the tilde, err, at the same mile. uirdiehin:: and may b - .Wen with profit, by both utibliva end adults, during the Warm Weather. No (Mi. thinks of leaving tee city now. Matey three days, without bebor "fronded with a boatel of Melte impious edibles. 'flier taint become ae intheperisible to a °wintry trip as clean Lain. - w. P. UHLINSIIHS tt ... Co 11. SEWING MACHIN'S Be- TABLImeMeNT.—We doubt kitten. is anotler t swing • hisob.itr thanefactory In this country in ish.ch as great variet) of firttatielity_ntrehines is wadi and ewntd by a sior4 fire, MI at the celebrated rnanureetery or the firm attach heads this tat.aaraoh, located at No. entiAteitiortm."_ herlir mote' largely engented in sink' DIYuiC he Iholeartie trade remelt' the 6tiuthsed,West with Newiet.tuohines than -any ,i3ther fhtistieltins bowie,. they peons advantages. - as alight be euppo ,, d, fur rifigiVing the /anti trade hete'also, sot equalled by anttitattririu.,,Ttiei hive probtibly 'lunched sumo pri- '',„Tatititnithes istidmenuftetoiieeirith these tabor-shvins matrumeate the r ear other Wiliam the bre; either io :".' - I)oetroi,,Bolihritire', kitilede ' - .PUH• • AliPlONOAlliLk.—a*Me. If tin *ID Whiikg . :7:.nleatiaißallirOt a. S imoserage; should be,sereisit to go- care a fellable 'anionic There oats ba• tio•ddubt that `there 'fire `Miineroin sdulterited 'and; inatitilitrs fed seder the Loma, :hem _ . uhesatos sod grow • nottprz)lx ; ,nd surety. It be times ott . ctr, thereforii. totlireot Raoul:ion to an article thnt is the real, thin;, shd,frec from intensities, add each ; :...Bueusales,Old , :f:lothicigishelfs A) , All nyo; hive testes!tt,'bs orihoel snolysts or otherahm, foriti and we have howl of instances in it less beet, ineacrt bed in toddles! prattlee with hatiorkea,noodfateLmindenc 'Omuta la! attune flout oonstitottonskweskuesersnd , lo our views. those whp.#,ro Sairnihi:Va anon = •', esILLMI Jae I:lLad,:falp; eaaaelliat - re niediiir *goat '1 rAtited:Of Xteathlaul Arch streets. pronounces it'!" , hosur:ties, and of theheag , tualtty,'t and iddia,temiedldt cah•Lenoatnocalisli.: ,e4dt tf , ' el •1 1 .0111N1i;LiaalateLid;:iLa did 4606_14 , AL, , • talk 'ot - butnin Ufa as a journey. but how variopaty is, that jotimimr werformcd -There are *mouth° gloms forth.xlit. end ehOd, and maatlid, to walk on carrot lawns, and smooth 'emcee, ..itlierei every gwe ie arresteri and every beam is tem pered: There are inhere who wait ob the'ataine paths bf life, aren't di'Mns rinkery,wad tlinsigh storing xor mire - peer sharp nfittotions ;,w,allt With bare feet'and ;naked Fitaitiladed, mengled4 and chilled t . Whilst there are ibill,Mbers whose pathway' lies between these two ,eatretnis, Uho preserve the even tenorof their way, and AMY their , garlaients at the One Prins" 'Faablonatde Einednem of tins.xv.ctit Erman, Ao,sot Chestnut sqe9t. agiaggropriate'and valuable Gift 18 1: 1 1 to purchaser of a gamma. • tf gented X .ilittßftei i lltbauPtionAvlie - ICollatity,. ' :Th. a `admirable: Cordial is designed esieciallv tot all' those complaints Incident to the heat of sum , - Ikarruceit' , Mid ‘nivere saline or the stomach, r Ol . , g, koirreaddi •yield to, deem soothing hall/- stied: It is quite silserdttsnd greteftti to the taste, '44 44 atrial,fewgeneasmill be willing lobe without it. Thaielinieing for the &entry 'hand not 40 10 .without 'ProViding 'thainselyes with the &Wei, It is hold bt Boger. sixth and Vine. Prise d 0 cents. Usti: OictisnEr . ACID Swung! :lilfAvett.--ThiS acs ter ia gamins great, celebrity, and the demand for it Imre/talk ispidli." Its beneficial character is at tinged by thousands, and it is pronounced by distin anishitanhyininabs to be superior to any other medi einal Spring Water now in Use. The almost miraculous puree which it has performed lead us to believe that it ii destined to honoree exteninvelv used in the treatment of very Maoy diseases which ordinary remedies fail to murm itii curative properties are established beyond qiiestion, acid we feel assured that it must, to a treat eaten , , supersede many of toe artificial emnpounds of the die.' We recommend those of our readers who may be suffering Irom general debility:e or from say of tho diseases for which this Water is prescribed, to are It trial. :Nee advertisement. • m512-sly "Hie WEN SPARISB SOIMMING. TO-DAY WILL. DAVE, FOMETNINO To- it 111110 h. Properly in vrieh.d, will coon enable him to pay for and enjoy all t ho tieesiesines and many of the luxuries of life, end have a - balance left to denosit in the Franklin Series Fund, No 141 Reath Fourth street, below Chettne, Philadel phia, where it can he withdrawn, os. DICKA No, with five per cent iniereet. Open daily from 4 till a and on Wed misda)• and gaterda3• until-II o'clock. 'This company invests only in Orivernnient, Mete. and tidy leant, ground reran. mortrages, &e., pow en &mond, arid never mew:dad. Forpim, mechanics,. elerk,i rind all olooree of ICU erunninul•f, here have en opportunity for investing without,riik. fee adver tihoment in *nether column: - • . UK KrCAPTITRIIOP 001:0111SL 011099.—C01, J. Bu . airman Cross, the fugitive forger. was recaptured on Thursday night, by the District A tternay and a nu other of 'experts. who traprd him in his lair. The Path' pattered on the Colonel intheir shirt sleeves, and tlim caticht him napping. It is net to be understood from this feet Let the Detrict Attorney and his friends try in the babitof going 'a damming sleeve!. On the onntrarY. they a e man of taste, and they usually wear the eh , gent styles got up at the B•own igrone. Clothing Hail of Duckbill & Wilson, Sob. 60gatd 645 Chestnut street, above ~ t xtb. • . ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS UP TO 12 O'OLOCK LAST SWOT CONTINENTAL; HOTEL.—Cor. Ninth and ChestriuL H Cawnet thwsit, Memphis R. Datinink, Tenn hi y Fowles; Ismisbn.a - Jun ThoMPsite, Tenn WB Omebey. Now York ' 'John P Crush... Di York Jim P Cro)4oy. JINN York I` 0 Williams. Memphis Gt. O'Neal& is. Allan Cy MJ Kink-Ctn. Ohio - te A Onons, Pittsburg; F M Lowe & .a. Paris, Ky W Knox, P venom 1, Mergapstern, Piltabilrg ti Cityler, Cincinnati. 0 CO Thompson. Chicago D M Walbridge, Rochester M A New tc la, Uhicato Lindbeim, Na w i ork MgaLeocl. Wash, D C it Wirth OA ti Snore. Ciu, 0 TO na wls,, Chicago W Builiink, Kentucky Wm S Harbison Kentucky 0 W Bigkeomre. KY Masendorl & la. Mobile W T Poole, Wain ,G C E Sorrell Savannah. Oa 1 evt Joy & la, lean Alm H P Willh.me, 'loon Miss Mary won , .'lenn It D Imnsett. Tenn . Mrs Dawson, MOMPhIS Mike Gray, Memphis „ Bliss W may. Pisstwin Miss e May. Pla•hyille I, Perkins. NitehVille I a fl - rinklay. Memphis J.. F Nelson. Memellts rH I ozwood, Inaulphus.. Y B Treads, Toledo M V . 1) y , Jr, Toledo Gen A :Koval. Memphis Sin 3 R. Dawson. Columbus Nies E Dawson, Columbus 11 T Dawson. i 'Mambas. Oa Jos Perry, Virginia Wm , eerrY, Virginia F G Terry, /Vernet& N Datanierns. Louisiana ; —Penenez, Louisiana. B Matta k, Cinemas NW I Brun,. Boiting,nlisa J B Carton &let. Louisiana JP May • Tennessee .5 Mitchell & wf,Cmainnati J todenbar, er, Kr J 6.w01& Cape May J Fredertlid:B 4 'llin°r. Wm T Baugh, ma't more Jll Benedict & wf. N Y Miss Dater. New York Jam Benedict, New York • gilder. Baltimore J M.e . onts (Sao Mn Bun an. Ohio Wen James & Ia Minoan Levis Morris & lady U Billon, et Loins R Bell, Charleston B t Leary, Charleston H Rater. Richmond - T Barlow la % Tat. &, 1 1 4 11 , 6 Texas' Robert (L d Campbell.t ' s T , ' „ /xas O Hudgins, Yirrius s E D Porce e r n :DellArzre T,T Moors, HolliCataborit, D W Townsend, .v ork Miss Townsend. New York Miss la anon, New York S e a rl itilt:!tre'r. A arr r aston e Mrs Jong. Peniessee W Lanahan & Bait Br:Seminal...tail/by o,leans mills Ch tile, New 'f ork N New,York,- H Barnes,,Badlinera D Caldwell, Pennsylvania 0 , nue T Ewen.. N York --,leggiort.46 - Paris A scarlyerPiew York J Hess, New York L B rauier, New _Y ark A Ll,mes. Portsmouth A Aldridge, Jr. ashimore is Beaman &la Balttintsre' D iohugrorman, Michigan B is Wood. Galveston Hatch. Augusta, Gil Miu Hatch. Tex ,, 0r Mite A edereo”. 6ee,rela P J W illie lc la Texas Mien lid I t Wontek. 'Texas LTmoniar. outs -H e tingooe. Mimissippi Miss Conker. Tennessee C R Cargill, New York J Coition. New York A Perrin. New York • • . (4, Porter. Connecticut J 0 Wooten, Toussaint , Joon Ely. Bucks counts. Pa Mr Rale, haltanore Jit Powell &U. Alansms Miss MMI Powell, Ala J C Wood. Washington James If Boon. Mississippi AT Mathews, Slimming L E oavate, New York Cl 4 Holmes & let.•Plonnu Chas 'C Holmfw, Florida 'W YTowatend, Miscuing John H Cole. fLidi" o " W E Cooke, Baltimore W W I ouisisna A Book & Miss Yalontme, is* M Gtlhe k d e . No w i o loy n o Tit Moire k. It, Virginia Ars?. tl & wf, Pittsburg Geo k W Nilson. W H luodrioh. Atigusht, Ga W I Clow:lrian, Aususts,ris W P Van Dr rveualabaint nit Mort it is. Agsst , . Oa W P wisWins. nnimMilliPsi tt Sheri - era. Mashies:Pßl Tins aintnn. heNtriq C W Bret - 4hp It hi 0 "onre. 4esilintori , Ya "ins Moore, ',elitist n,Va, W,Nowbolii. nee Javier C A Crass, New York R kitinhA, wf, .yew Orleans Her H Hardie & is, Vs GIBA RIP HOUR R—Ninth and Chestnut streets W Redd., New York" W Rai/dear, New York Alex But. P.thaborx Jam Hart Pittsburg F Fullerton. Laumster, Ps John Blower", Nashville Sand Prii*ett, Nasbai I e R 'r 101 kostrick, Ttna W illur P Padduck Ohio .1 Wile. bt t om. Mr. M-Canter, Cheater on .1 tl Hides, Pennsylvan i s B Blackburn, Maryland Mra Blackburn, Maryland Misr Hiaolsburn. Marylard Miss Wi , coz. Maryland J W Math) & 14, N York Wits Morelia, New Volt A C Helm% BeslklYe J Ii Imlnionds, Brooklyn P Orlison & Pesos Pobt Ortuson. Pa P O Luther. Pottsville W L Morris & la.At CAT Crehar Hurdles, N /Means PA W Okla &la Cleo Mr Orptis & Ix. St Louis CI W Metoalle Kentucky .1 E liowda & la, Maryland Mioe Gow4y, Md. Louis de Vair & is, Pane r. Ward A: is New York John H Todd, Virginia My Gregory. New Yolk Mr aarke, Nev: ork J D , tern & Is. Bethlehem Miss Stem. Bethlehem" Mr. .Scrsitten.Geeettet - tru 111 r Scranton; Georgetown John :Bo lie, Mar) mid Jae MAretietti. Maryland .1 al 83111P1,11 1a r. J critter Mansfield, Ohio J hl J ew etstlY A oquin, Alablins John It Bidets. I' entucky Mrs Ittdout andelittA, Ky w R o btriam Rwhmond R Robinson' Hinhmohd huiob F. LOW ri .I.lldo !oho Wits .n & la. re IJ ' Mies al L W.. 11.0, N C 1) J Boards & la. Itt 0 Miss flumes. fS G w Howard, Miestsefpri Gilbert Mogan. Newark fje W Werner A. Is, el 0 All,. Werher.ti Chemins Dftnny, Delaware . • Tine II White, Delawaio A W Hervey A Ls. Albany hies Harvey. Alban, c`itte Yeen,... Albany W lhus Hart. !aottullr Z Parham, Oalibrore • RJ Haldeman. Barre/huts hi iTht.ttirson. - Cineitiveti 0 Seattle. LouistanA nonarx nurweb. 1, 0 J J Morgan k Li. 0 P Giles & lA. Vtritinitt T 0 Dooley. Maryland i!Reissun. Louisiana /1 B An bon) & la 80 MINX Anthony,C hl MCcle k , - - Miss Cola. [few York K Jackson. A labs no W .!•aiitard. Peoria 1,0 Milan . , rooria M N GIMINVOW. PFI7OII Geo Haradion, N A Richards, lihodeWand P BMeier Nhode ~land; Win Collins, Washinctou W Kennedy, Nataass Cii !Bockhorn, Notches W rawlo d, N 0 1) 0 M trim: Baltimore i)0 veil to la. new York Mix Neil, New York A , If Phalips. floineltieut J IL Cook Conneat , out MINIM hfiletlM, P 4 ?Lao. I Cameron, I arrislig Ass Itorr, Harrisburg Mini W.F.:lion. Harrisburg Allll3 Iluahr. Hirrisbur4 MI Warlord. Harriebur4 J Da1:0411, l'lnladelphot B arrhard, flasnoute 1 W l'Orter. Harrisburg W Donk Jr, acrishurg Tr G W il,rrishurg J - Horner, Y.r-Huis, Miss lioener, Mine Loggia Wells. luta% A 0 idle, k !a, Mn ,, ) land Ju ihe.,,(n New Yorc D Munn, New Yolk R 11l gnaw. New York Jos 01 , 0,1Jan - tenure' J P Pear!. Nashville . Jon M Coleman Tenn or') Atom. Newberry, B C SNO nas, Wsanington 111 .1 Adams, Wheeling Mrs Adams, Wheeling JD le In. Weak G H Watson, Mary iand Jos C Manning. Baltimore W H Boston. ii Carolina 0 W Van Hook. Missisappi Mies MoVvrin, W E Pierce, Wilmington W Cinetouati It Cooke. Virginia John W Foster,B 'Atmore G•o Bingham, Naltobore Trios K Arlarus,tinllinaore vo A Roos, Bid fawn .1 H p , assns. ew York B bipmul, New York W V Canignell. Virginia J Corner, Virginia H Lynch, Virginia Mrs 'Lynch. Virginia Geo 0 Knowles Jr. Balt Simon Wray. Now 'York George Wray, New York Ad Baxter. Ne - e York E. B Law.N ow York W B Blaohword. New York J W mfllisan, K'ew York L Harrgion New York F B Cookran, New Yorki w N liewenit ' John Nigher, Rhode 151...nd Mrs Nisast-Ithude Island p B Opottwood, Ohio T Yorke, New Orleans W kadde. New l ork W Roods. Jr, flew York Iki Nixon, New York MV.RCHANTB' HOT KL--Fourth st.. below - Aroh. • Erbrn.l,ardittster. Po, J W Jones, Virginla J 8 Nalton.Pliitedelphta John M.Floa man, nnOT Joe A Harwood, Tennessee N 0 Harwooo, Tennessee Jos Lett. Tennessee, Oren ßamsey. Tensesbee al Les ni Word, Tenn al les E Howell, en..eesee Thom Pry & It W Omer, Altoona CNonk.elmk&la.Pa Miss 1, Prater. Pa B Witmer +-telling, 111 D M crawford. merlins, 111 0 R White. ?inshore .1' Hollinan & la. Indiana co A P Brown & (a. oewtown H C Cornell kla Nee (own .1 N tAndatly Plitaborr 11 Hand ton. 11 snots W B Polo'. Jr. Pittsburg W Archer & da. Green," 11,1 Staple, Gettysburg A J Dean & la. Newark. 0 Mies Dean, Newer k, Oblo V file .or & N W IlTalgott.Jeiney Orly ,M Waugh. W oroeuvillo 8 Tbneltul.Oltasausua r blood. Brookville w b Peery. Pll,lsdershis. J & is, t etlevi le. Pa II N %%Babe & la. Be Drills C .rarvill, Nashville, Penn F MeNt at Junorta It W Aurora. Clearfield. l'a D Zot ler. 1 &Crosse, Wis"Pnos Hare, Pittrour • D pp & ladr,Yerk. ra Mrs Campbell, Pitts H B Burin:our, hunk W M McGarr., Piptsbusg Claw oherts;Os lord, Miss Jon Kirkup. otheinnati L , 101 Powers. Nashville H Wvaterrettn,*t Louis It it vtauruatt lady, 06'.e. 0 Walker lady. Ohm W Steele Tenn John Ramos & lady, le AMKRIOAN HOTEL—_hest - ut, above Firth. N P Frisby, Chas B Smith, Pittsburg K M Smirk. Pittsburg John H Tomlinson. N Y A Miller, New York W Keened, & SOLI, Ga 0Aw1e , .01% Nei/York W 8 Bally. Illinois P Pinsky. iilmma 0 Smith. Pennsylvania T J Alison Ic no. Oxford W J Drummond. Va J ha K ['hem. son. PI John W Jeuup Delaware W h Pennew.ll, Delaware John TDe Ford. Delaware hem Pelarrare .1 PA Kenneth, Minima! IniorgirtEd, ilLonu James Sam ole, P.2t Louie A - OdeCotmlek,OXlntd. Pa - $ Goods . Penney tenni% Chan Vr.n kr rk, Pennn. soruple, relit 15/ 1. uoin el Pierson. Manhiosn • C H Miller, Mr, hit an Ilmes - 131. Baltimore Geo W Todd & in. Md Mr aoworth .t d r. Md Mrs Hernias. M. .1 ft Wh,laker. Thcetaxvil e A K Whilak. r, tornninvllle Chan A KnoderAr. , Hetdins H itriglisui New r ork vbs./ Bretz, North , 'Caroline W Ch.onbers, Pliba W Utley, NeerW hlin,ra. NY OH Allen & InoVire, l tuts Alt Plrebet, N Carolina D P Q,UIIIII Ohio J I , White H urimpbcll. I ex, Va J D 3 Marshall, Philo DCAlit••e,Trenton ' Veva& SusilOor. , N J kr English, Freehold, N J JONES' KOTEL .-- Cbeetnatstreet. above Sixth. O W Freed. Philadelphia. H C Fairfax. Virginia. W H RATITIUD. Hal:more J C Briscoe. Phil ,delphia C h Andsrahn,Al Pi Mitchell Savannah, Gs I en sylvania P Carnes Ma ylpnd Dr flawrell. Maly a..d t handier, Ihniton Ch,r,est.,:n Doff, New jersey It (Jon, Pennsylvania er Balkh, Camden C C Cahn, Philadelphia JO Koribaok, NO. York H lira) bell. Geergia U Kibler, Maryland F Johnson. New fork fil , sa /Jarrett., Die. 'Ork Joon Barrett, New York James Ffiegete, Nee r York Join Ku:A L .% ew York Miss B gime, Hew York I J GosinsrLDOWJereaY W .11. , 3Loveti, Norfolk .1 Africk, Delaware BLACK - BEAR HOTEL—Third it, ab. Callcnrtitll. John Bum& Tmmont. .H ti Wirer, 0 any ' W Part. Fenno , want& 0 c Faust, Penrsylvania Jeremiah Kerr. Venus A Buckman, dieelianu•ss'e Jti Treater ducks county Casper Kiln d'berrY Frank No ds douthinioton t%Kgcbeu,Mime John , ifersb -Jas Bubb, l'en.burg It A Neold. lAil.oz ton K 110)6r/down Jas thok. Bucks co F T Beans, Y ardleyvae Thoinan W Baum, Harrisburg UNION—m arket Wen. above Bath. D F Ariderso_,n Phil.de'phts, Will Buoys, Delaware' j Btown, Will% Del J' Appleton Willa, Del Jars B Del F King. Pittsburg' D Itleartny. po s ter H H,twlet. etweter M F Sharp, fixitignora U Lew redge. liftit;morr. Win Luther, Hartiqiurf r•llwait McVlung. Thus leoNlinu & e, Altoona Jun J B throhm, Leb won COMWERCIAL ROT K.—Sixth street. oh. Chaktnet. T B Jacobs, West Cheater Jon I Brooke. Ertittuore Cr owfard. Ariel:lMo City W S 'Thompson. thole 0 0 W 0 Blower- Chester oo W C Blltr, Ptit lade lothe, l'Cir , e SS I.dwti, Jr D W Hunter. Meet, 00 41 RRArdin a r ta, uh.ster co blaster Bertha. ChoereJ Co W ?ocCerty, Steubeeville,o SthilOßANtB' HOUSE—Thud it.. Bpove t :allowh I. .T - fl EN0,.11 - . White If even H H bane ro Kunkle, New York David hlo, el, HAW York 7otin Fkunr. Peckayivututv H Hurry., .Peonsilvankt ,Morr Penusylventa °to k` us on, IPennsylvhnui H 8 140:0111. Yeimer tvsnla 1, R Prather. W wheel ue. VII A Pluck. Jr. Frenohtown 6IT lai4.Br. Froluhtuwu A Kum, listulatig ST, LOUIS IEIOTH4- 4 0hestunt. above Third. J P Roam, rbiled.lphis A W Prick , Harrisburg Damsel] Cols, OilviinniOF John Dm*, new Ymk Mrs n•Drack. New York Mrs E Williams, Nashville S Rhine , Teitall T Peterson, Belem ' E &Minors • P . Gerard, New York Dlliddle. Neer York R W rioott. Natalia O Wleterceet. New York 011 Frederick. St Louie W.Peterson, Richmond .1 Edmond. Waah. Pa wee Weldon. MoKespl,Pa 13 F Foots De Mrs IT l'atteson. Ohio W H Wallace. Ohio' • Wee Rare Wallace. Ohio Mies Eliza Pattereon, Ohio ,Z Wrones, M D, Norristown BARLEY SHEAF HOVSIr-Seoond it.. below Vine. Xis M Boileau & la. Pa Mies .Roilean. Ps David Falb_ Bucks county Wm Boileau &I, Bucks no Mr Blair. Bap ke county Dr Af, Boles & la N J W Thorne.. Fox Chase -C A Ringer, PosCtme Wilson D Large. Bucks no B P Brows, Jr, Blocks no 14 Buckman, Backs eo M B Moore, Phonated Oeo P Merrick, Rucks co N Miles, kooks co naval Mohair, bucks no Peter Case. Books no James Palmer, Bunks oo Jonas 11y, Boots on roma% BE ens. Bunks no Sas ki Cornell, Buoks co Join Polk. Pennsylvania T N Pickering, Pa W,,i Davidson Pa A Loophole, Pennsylvania Wm Li Allen, Bristol VERNON HOIIEL-4Setiond street. above Arch' W Ellis, ' J Magill, Bristol i'hosMclerran, New York M's Kate O'Neal, NJ W Erwin., West roint, FOUNTAIN ROTRl.—.s.lmond street. above Market R B Dowdy. New York Ware & la, Baltimore T R Dorman. Delaware I Morton. Phliadelehle. ofl Bmitt.. Philadelphia John Ohio R Black. Delaware M R Stratton, daldw,N 3 h Townsend, Delaware THE UNION—AreII sheet. above 'Third. Wm' Reisman. Terre Route '' MODaniel, Matta, Ohto Golden .Ohm D Zenner, Ohio L Mon nw, Philndelviiie ern "ai.ae 14, Phil W 'I borne & la, Cm, Ohio W 0 Com'e .1 N Dintent & Indy, N I JNI O Neil & lady. N J `alai I Cleaver, I ort Fern Joe Cleaver, Port Venn Mrs Hulse, Kansas Ter NA rioNAt. 111.41 , 1—Ilane street AN - An Third, A P Rhoads. Pennayivania W F Harris, Pennsylvania John Conrad. Lancaster on P Hinionan. Lanoastor co i'elaware Mt Kin:island. Who 1' IL inalrioh. Ohio Jun H Wiluame Dauv,lte Guramben Jonn P ()alio Hurriaburg A P ai a. York co H !snit:cis, Cape mar 'rhos lore?, Homburg P ROOM; BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Thera et.. above CaHoudin Itun VM. Chem ville T Horloohor, Bethlehem Odenheuner, M Chunk T M Ln , nenrw. khtts. , urg Junuthan Smith. Bunks OW Mum *Joh. onnsburg Bent hewn Ltuoks o, it RIVED, fltesroshio Delaware. Cation. from New York, yla Cape May 7 hours, with mdze and passer;ers. to Jae .s. derdioe. Near Edward lewid.Chipman, G das s from Thston.with rose to John M Keened)* & Co Sour Yandalia, Cooper, 1 day f , out Tsylor's Del, with oats to Jee L Bewle) & sohr Gold.n I- Johnson, 1 thy from Frelerioa, Del, with v. heat to Jug Bewle & Co. Bohr 84111..1, labor. Cook, 4 days !tom Weymouth, in baths!, to ...udenried & Co. firati.-:M, 4 days from MidLomat, in balimit to Nevin. eaw3er & Steamer Plank Diamond. Allen, 21 hours from New Ye, k, with nidze to w .11 ihnrd & Co. Bark Leighton. tElpettlite, Rio Janeiro, Butter, New hall a Co.' • Nehr Justine. Me !don. P,,wtuelatt John 'Area. Bahr Trade Wind. Tilbury, [Melon Noble, Hammett, & Gtr All en , N ew York, W ti Baird & Co. Bic H I. (law, liar, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. ST VeIa.GRANS. iCorrespor,denoe of the Philadelphia Exchange., CAPP:MANI). N. J. Aug. 10. 9 P M. The steam-tor f•ampson, of an.l for savanah, Ervin Wllinime.on. Del. where She has unisr,,o , e r.y urs. went out this afternoon. Nothing going in. Wind S. I Yours, PHU& H. IWO HEs. NF WitTNI - ir. Steamship City of Washineton. Jeffrey, cleared at New York vreisrday f,r Liverpool. ship ramose, Howland, for rhiladephia. entered for loadinz at Liverpool 24th uIL Ship Emma J. no Joraon. for Cardiff's, d Hong Kong, mite (role Liverpool klth tilt. snips v elhi, . ane.lor Philadelphia.: ugultlld, and tismlsmon, for do, wi.h despatch, were 12 h RE Liverpool 28th ult. Snip .1 Baker, ellen, at Cardiff 26th tilt from Liver pool. Bark Powhatan, Simmoia, at London 24th tilt, from Saari, la Glenda. Brig Emus, Thorne:mu, hence at Boston 9th Mat. Brig Mobs A. Page, Lewis. hence at Bath, Me, 7th lost . Brig Rob-n. from Salem for Philadelphia, UM spoken 9th inst. In miles E of Cindy Honk. creme Horace Staples, Gibbs, and Panther.. Clark, hence at NPW Be ford 9th lent. ft,ihr . C.,nninsham, henna at Richmond 9th Mat. Mohr Shylock. Howes, hence at oath 7th inst Solna Si Bolan Gaudy• H E Weston. c one; John Cadwaladsr. layton; W Dillon. Pierce ; a Taylor. Dukes; Hannah Matilda i'lloB C neon: H A Rogers. Home ; and Geo Ldwards, Weeks, hence at Boston, 9th inst. Si- ) EUIAI.. N.:)TIOFS. COMPOUND EXTRACT OF S ARS APARTLLA FOR PIAISING Roar plearrant and hea'thy trove rase at 1. labs Cents a Gallon, for family use. Full di rections isomers thy each bottle Its universal and in oreasine popularity is its best recommends..ron. Be Wars of numerous imitations sold on the credit or our extract and advertising. Tne genuine prepared only by t'r , TTER & CHAMPIN. Practice( Chemists. WFS. TEMP, R. I. Wholesale Agent. for Philadelphia DYOTT & CO., Bill North lit COM) Street. r-o.cl by Druggists and Grocers generally throushont the country. JOS thornier. FOIAINTITING THAT NEVER FAILS.—We hear a good deal. through the ',ma, of infalble" medi cines, but the only reliable prooce of the real excellence of a medical preparation are Its o es, In this respect 1110sTEVPER'S d'rOmson Hi ['TEES defy com.ett- Con. No cumtive o'er attained the mama popularity in the same time seven years ago it was not i.nown out of private practice, ow, the salts amount to over two thousand bottle, allay, Every a. eat of the pr prieture makes the am° retort; cures niurvelloos-eonndenee of the people a router in the preparation every day demand uoctinullly in-reams hatere your in every mulish. anoint ate nonderful mmc's' in Di ones elf', taver ' Complaint, General Debility. Diarrhmi. Dysentery, and ell complainta of tke stomach am ex cretory organ• It is not only Salient but palatable, hems the most *erasable of alt the Bittets at present before the while Bo'd by all d ugeisto. TYOT r & co., agents, 931 North SECOND St., PhlholnlphlO. ltd&W BAMING RoftES.—Otte of the largest as aortments of BATHING ROBE' in the Ltoted otatee for . Ladies, Gents, and thuldren at EILOAN , P. .506' MARKET fitriet, Mindelphta, or at he store on CAPE ISLAND, N.J. null-3t• ALL SHOULD not fail to rend the wirer toement of Prof. WOOD Di to-dm'a piper. xu.S ti CARD PRINTING, BEIST AND CHISAPEIIf the Ca), at 34 eolith THIRD 'Street. ..ILO:MAR PRINTING, Best and Cheapest In the City. at 3 t South THIRD street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING. Best and Cheapest Ir the tht), at 34 South THIRD street. BAND-HILL PRINTING, Rest and Cheapest in the City. at 34 South THIRD street. PAMPHLET PRINTING. and every other deserts. tion of Printing, of the most superior quality, at the most reaannat•'e rates. at RING WALT BM/ W Drexel's Buttdine..l4 booth TH!RD etreat. trl4 PAVILNI3 EI7ND SAPHTY GOMPATM—CASTWed bl the Mat* of Pennnlvnn•e RITLk,B. 1, Money , rrer, 'kn.! In rms U,t 41 4 AI Anie,ll. 9. l' VE rot irolhos ME (Ng it In f•nt .n. 11 hPyOrs hhOk c4i4rn Eel! 10r, Wet Vithvla in r 4,17).U73,'", ors. 6-1t1d.1 , 1.0. 471 , 11. , ..her Truhte , z,;r, v• oi tr Ai! to Tenl2,lll a long •r 1 snort Ve.m 4 . 6. The money received from ilomactoih ; u. Peel Eirtate, )lo•t.tger, around ritent6, an. l utile. li e 13.5 tenuritien, G. ORLIN, crpen 01 , 611 de.,--WALNUT fttrAet. tnutio. 'Etbyrd attrpAt. Pn•1ft4.11,1,14. 39” Arle PRIM?, OLOTHING OF Tun LATSB2 rq Mae, made, to the best manner, axpreaely for RI. TAIL SALES. LOWEST Whitt prices marked ix ftatn Figures. AS goods made to orner warranted sat,. Rotary. Oar ONE•PRICE imam is tartan adhered to, as we believe this to he the r•ner ,air way of AS are thereby heated ahin, . JONES & CO. maker eat MARKFT Street SEAMS II 8 SiAV /NG FUND—NORTHWEST Connita BacuTnand W &MUM' BTREBTL—DepO2II4O (If • calved in small and large amounts, from all olaasert of t he community, and allows Interest at the rate of FIVE !'ER CENT. per annum. Money may be drawn by cheats without loge or In. toresit, Office open damp, from 9 mita 5 o'olook, and on Mou day and Saturday until nine in the evening: Frew dent, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretsre 'NIA& M. NOR RIR HALAMA_NDitti lIILIt-;'11001!1 0 )28 —A vorl iftrse assortment of BALMY] • NOE R.B for sale at rob sortable ernes, No. AU (•HY.ATNUT St.. PURA& rhos asta-tf .'t•AAN * W A I'tit,4" METERS' MINAOULDUit VERMIN Ds staoyea, the olden an.'.best remedy lonian for Ex terminating RAW and MICE, COCK ROA "HES BUGh. ANTS. WITeQUITOEn, FLEAS, MOTHS, GRAIN WOMBS. and GARDEN [NW - CTb. W Principal Depot. 612 BROADWAY, N. Y. field hr all Orneclote everywhere. myle-em MAItRIEDi ARAMA—ROWBuTHAM.—On ths 29th ultimo, by the Rev. J. Huth, at fleeter, Pm. Joseph K Adams 0 Mies Caroline rloarbutharn, all of W Emu:loom late of Philauelohia LEN FEtITY—ORF:EN.—On the 9d instant lot the Rev C. D. lloopor. Mr. Cleo Green. . of Camdenf Pada delphia. t o %MR LOoillll. A. I/010KM. on thseth instant, by me ey. Dr. Clay. B,rnat , t Duyeker. U. M Miss Alatilds. zier, of 13 ooklin, R. Y. • WAR K—‘ the 9th of February. ItdO, by the Rev. Joseph Mason Mr. Reuben M. Ware to Miss Anate J. Love, all of this atty. MILLER.—On Friel" evenine, August ' 10. Mar caret. wile of Andrew ronerol l e e km! teto residence. No 801 south Four h e'reet, on Monday afternoon, at 234 o'o'ock. to the friends of the family are re.pectfoill all out (Other no'ree, interment at Laurel RM. Thursd,iy mornons 9th instant, Alexander Wray. I eq. 'I he relatives and male trim de of the family are in vited to i , trend hie funeral, this (Saturday) afternoon. at 4 from his tate reodenoe. N. E. °odor of N .xteenth and Arch atmets. To proceed to Laurel Cemetery. DS —On the 10(11 instant. Wm. A. Ed Wet ds, In the 28th year of Ins a. e. The relatives and friends of' the famLy are re err e d fatiihear..t..tei,ng. hlV2iluVrarlat,lu' from t e on trusp,i i l mice of matuin 2" Mt 10 o'olook u 1 ". Y LIPP.—On the siti instant, Christian P. Lipp, in the 48th yt ar ol his age. The re atives and friends of the family are reavet fully invited to attend thr• funeral, from his la e resi dence, No 211 North Ninthstreet, this (Sstiirdsv I alter norm. at ro'clock. without further notice. The Oita and Ladeutter county, Pa., paper. Magee cop,. 1 - ivh i.L.—On tan an met., Rev. William twill, IL Do aged 82 Trot funeral services will be Held on Mond iy. the 18th, at 12 &meek, in 'he Sixth Preata teririn I.lhuroli ; friends of the Jaunty, and te chirt men of all denointe . ,- tio lased to rite nil. t fil 4 ti : le_p in l:t i i ii i d n instg nt. Jest pit Morgan, son of n th neon and . Mary Pine, dged years Funeml from e reside nos of hien/morns No 10 South Fourth street, Camden, .14. J., thus (Saturrril„,) morn tn 4, at 10 o'r . lock. ALLOW Al' —tin the 41,h instant, Isaac /Mower, aged 64 yetaTa. Funeral from titillate rrendence. No. 716 Brywit street, above Front, tinSundny of on, ntriri'elook • NlitrLErt.—Oti the 9th in' taut, Mrs. zarati Alter, in the tad year of her ago. Funeral front the residence or tar grandson. Tl'r m Hardt . Second and lliainonti streets, tin: 18 snout I afternoon. ot 4 ro'clook. I, l_ll,(iREW.—Un the tith instant, Catharine, d 11- ter of Bernard and Ehz ,hei n FOnertil hunt me residence r I lir.r nirents• N 1118 Pats' ink to .d, tout I gat urdni I altermron, at 21'. I, tr, A UGUSTA.—On the 9th ILemnt. Alexein,t n mull, daim,hter of John mid ton late Kest." Augusta, in the 6111 Year of hot age. Funeral from the residence of her father. `'r 157 North Ninth fatal, this 'Saturday) morning. ot Wilton; Drrl'OilL , fri 3 1..—0 n the 9,tt :net , Edward troth , heat aged 30 yet , re. Fulani from the riLiolmee of hot Itgotheror I- tv. Fraugh, IL it errimin. No. ditt South Eighteenth y oem gooier of Mettudy, *di (3,ture.dro t atte.,tron, .1 o 1111010600hristtryher. non of Jar - el and firomromie aged 7 months and 29 dose. ' Fulimal from the resitleuen of his pareidl WI I tutu etre& below Logurt, east al %will • firm. at, tau, lEaturgal I allot not, I t.t 0 o'clock THE pRESS. 7 -PIMADELPtrIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 11., ENGLISH.—On the Sth instant, Mary Hazleton, only daushter of Muriel Jr., and Mary kr:Wish, aged yr are. Funeral from the resldenoo of her parents. No. 423 Enter pose street,this itaturday atterioon at 3 o'olork. II —On the 9th irritant, Mrs. Agnes Smith, wile of Joseph Smith. Funeral from the readsnoe of her husband, 8. E. corner nf 11oroe and Filth meets, on Monday rump ing,at en'olook. WA Li', rfir —I'M the Sth'ine`stet,:ROecos, , ,wite of Enoch Walton, in rheTelh year bl bar are. Funeral from .11a robtanese of her-hoband. No. 1236 WO')111)Ii.0 :trout, the nr,thiy afro noon at 2 o'clock. WALK I'.R.—nn the Ch h tnetemt,'lhialiester vailey, youngestthughterof William and Baran Walker. - . Funeral from the realienne of her parents, tha (t.a , urday I afternoon. at Zo'oto^k. 'Jot 1.1.44 , 018.—0 n the a h ;natant, Rufus Joseph, eon of Charter and tlarah Wiltaina, a..ed 7 months. Funeral r. oin. the re ,nla o parents No 1320 Routh Eighth etr et, tom ,` i atii Way ) n , t 9 IN:lif.—on the Oth isettnt, Mrs. Elizabeth Leitch. (late Wateno) to the &Rh yetr of her age. Funeral from his late realteme. No DOT South Sixth a stet, on Sunday site rnooacit 6 o'clock. int MAC AND PURPLE FOULARD -M SILK& Plain Mask Poteard Silks Black filmes. lf. 8 4.7 4. and 8 4 wide. Initek.Ceape Maretz. limns widths. Chene via Poulain. Gray Chen. Bari:Nett and ' chairs. tank Rare, e. ruffled points. ) upin's Summer Sint hashes and ChalYs. Black and whits fr,wns alit Organines.'&o. tfliiBB o 7 l h fON. Mourniag_Btore. ti:sNitT Rtreet. N. B —During' July and ikustlit we cone at 6 P. M. /NY, ONLY RFLI ABLE A ELT I t • CLARK 8 Patent INDELIBLII Pr 'MOILS, for equrking Oil kinds of thrthiirt neatly oral indelibD. Tboy do their work bettor than ink. without de troub:o or rusk or Illott.ng. 1 aoh will nark 2 000 ortioleri. For tVholeriale and !tetra In D. (1 TA LUh & i oronta for tho 11nnufarAurer. Nn 911 1..1..181'Nrf rem reD St!l G FR 1N REFORMED ACh btr ' eot, below bouro, —Dome ry seice orCliA 141 4 - £H c. et 101: o'olook. re , t111,1,1 by 'La pa: ;toy. Ur. 130,t(1.:MUElt. It• LOGAN SQUARE CHURCH. WILL. 111 rtoiwned 1.. r allhailBalp T(1.1111 ,, I 07,', at I reap Ling 11) Rev. JUDN PATTON. lor. It* UNION SERVIco4.—THE REV. W. R LOB. E. 1.) .w. l l ru nohTo. sioß Roth MORN; N .r E the '4teont t Yreellyterinn Gintroh. !rßo.ur. abovo CHt,STNUr stream. Sob loet b SP , a'.l3ll request- , tntalu, ' , rut Music of rho ganutu •v " tut in 00 ArmR“ON. at 434 o'elodc, in tit» Third Iln:orfoed Dwelt Chelan, Pr.:4'M rout 1'iLiBP;111: Streets. l'" 1 •7 . - " r . 1 ' ;$ 11 . 2r , THE t BASK . thi. 13 , n- d Axe, inhl , of thin •: ,, iterionw•m tnn n ltii t :r7op 4 r c o - ve n j the 13,e d of (P-Tober, A 1. 1(157, Anvinc.keJoannund diecnun a t.-- - ,V4.62,070 24 44 due from other banks . ..... 603 74 rt oft alas in circulation 71,18, Or &vadat. including 1,01,0065 doe to other b nks . 429 299 67 ADRLieIA, AucULl 10, MU. CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, at: I. JatilPa t.0e107 01011101' 01 the Tinton flank, being worn dt pose and eat Ora the 1 bore rtntement to cor rect. to the bunt of no knowledge aol b,thef IA 11ES Itt••141,1. Cithter. Sworn before me, thin 10th Oar of 'tutr. t, A H. 184311. It P. C. EI4I4IIIAWER. Notary Cul ha. SPIRITUALIS3L—COVFE IL ENC ES nt o :r4t 60141-,T. 11..n1,14. or 813614, , iy. at EN 51 soil 8 I'.-. Question—. AT , th e phenomena of od.rn ntualiam tn. Tenet of flyr reneiremet.ts and oonditione of 1.1118 ,i,e 1" Adoosr•us 6 c...te. It.. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, •< PIIILADELPIOA. AUGUST 6, 18-o.—Where is J. OUCH • , N CLOWN. Intel) cony °tad 4.f For ..on e4.clp. 41 en Itaturdav la,t trot. tna otetody of time oirwr of the Court having 'dm in charge at d, ne the end. of 01111h° unt.l.9 restore t hat said futon ebouo be puntehed Gar th° onm , .. 04 0 htnh ha h re been mntaated, I offer a to eat 11 of Fur Hunri)Rt,f) AND FICtl Y nota.Aßs, a h ash I will eore to ant person who vtll apprehend and noltver hint up to juoitoe. au7-6t V. I LLIANI 13. AIANN. Donnot Attune, DEVICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND READINO RATI.ROAJI COMPANY. _ MARCH, 1860 The noldere of the bonee of tins Company • due Jul, s. :,160. can now receive, upon application at this office, lc ker cent. in cash, upon the term, specified in the ei roe • r attached. The holders are also anted to the benefit of a /Sink ing Fund of 9140,000 per annum, as established by the 3tookholdere at their annual meeting held January 9, !000, and in pursuance of the oontraot• entered into by to company and duly recorded, to carry the same int., 8 BRADFORD, %Treasurer. CIRCULAR. 7eites to the Holders as , Philadelphia and Reading flaaraarl Company Mortgage Bonds,due July I,IBW, ,These bonds are secured by the first mortgagee on the • oad, amounting in the aggrer.ate to 83.308,400. Tho net revenue for the last fiscal ,i•ear was ou times the .mount of the annual interest on these bonds. ,The managers propose to extend them for a period of 'went, rears, the holders retaining the bonds and the neourity of the mortgages in the precise condition ix which they are now held Fresh sheets of coupons for he interest ~payable half-yearly, will be issued. A bonus of 10 per cent. will be given to 'he bolder!, in consideration of their assenting to the extension. This :ionus will be paid in oath to the bearers of tbe bonds. Jn their mgninga receipt and presenting their ream :me bonds et the offioe of the Company, or to its agents, ,or endorsement. Forms of receipt and endorsement will be furnished ra apPliestion. Br order of the Board of Managers, os m.ll T 11 V NIP v RETAIL DRY GOODS. r pr.*: FRENCH ORGANDIES AND ASV - B—Th° bel.t assortment in tho city. and Which wit he soB le,* than cost r importation, to close ont bilance sock Vos season. els, all Summer 0/10 , 1.1 nt and otloto cost. to mike we.) for our Fall Goods. CHARLFS ADAMS Pc 813 N. at.ll EI 0 cati and ARCH Streets • 9 ‘,) YA DS 4.4 FIGURED FRENCH POP " lirvltants. purchased at a sacrifice, to I, iiol4lpt 121ic per sari, worth 25. A fie .rtineut or Crape Clllare just recnived• sioi all tie latest .011,11 Collette and C.ull. at the lowest prices. proved Spring Olciris constautls on hand. CHARD 8 ADA 801 , 1, all P.lOl-ITit and ARCti • tivelL 011:3 REA'S ADAMS tr. NM'S fidetery Examine Charlee*dame & Son's ImaPna. X atone Charles Ad , 111,1 & e ode .!.tepets..te. EX.ttnioe enerles Ademn & "n,'s 'flu rtinsee. Brunie Charire Adana & Ban a nquee a. . twee Cnnrlee d dame ac entee White 0110 a. smine Charles Ad me & , nn'e PIaW floode. null MOLUT H end ARCH titreets 'REM . O VAL. EVERETT, HICKS, & CALDWELL, L.OTII HOUSE, Mayo removed to 423 MARKET STREET. thi!erri arc invited to ex, mine out meek. mull 2m -•- - . he untle , signeh have re oh.v. 'host I (fin- and from tlw Foun dr) at • /11.3, SrK o VI 1 - 1.1 11 F. of the .4. i•:.eorovr of :0: 4 ;0 VD and RACE, t•ortoomi, a h •re rr,t.a er., will find I ir,o colieetion iriVE• of t.. , 0 in N. n pproved p to, Tin i. unit fl•in w tra, I. arming nn orao:t -ent Gond lo mono in the iun tr.. All 01(10 jolt lit the ekm, or b:. ;nth, wilt receive prompt attention. LE1.13R. 4 N 0T & 110'.V FA, Priutdelpata ritovoVir.olm, dikg-Ifll7l and 11.1 , 1, , , r , r NEW PUBLICATIONS. S CI W;;71; ESA :Et ct )„ BOOII4ELLFII6 AND PULILI , H f , RS. NO 37 NO R.!",1 STIts.;ET Hide. ^lx - we YlntLio St•ret. Allvielyhm 411t1:9 to , ht: ."'t Ltl4o c1,):1, •!.."1 111 1 01 111.(i ',l o ` 0 0 , , , 11e1.0.6 4. . I 1 ..111.1,, I' is tlik, Juqiit, THE CFN1124,14.1v..1) I:r.GION, BY 01, Wl.' lAN ii(LPIN, t Late ti e U. ) ILIA'S ED lit NUME.1,01.1.! 3U P 3. One ' , oh boon,'to eloth ?Hoe SI 2S; and ait berg diecount to the trade. Thie hook urntononnoed the meet wonderful. menti fi • and voruprehenai, e freatteenon the 4, eographj al our .eontinente.er pabtished. ;.•!;,(11001, NANDI. RS' rERI ES OF READERS. BROOKS' NORMAL PRIMARY ARITTME TD.: . . , . . IA eta BR , s,KS' NORMAL MENTAL ARfl'HlE ots BROOMS' KEY 0 MENTAL AIII.TH - ME- Tle 2A eta Professor of alathomatios in 1 eons: Ivania State l'lor Mai 'Chow. Liberal terms for lar.oductt n. COPY-ROORti BY T. KIRK WHITE, Presid.nt of Prnaeyn•ima (iolninereial College. PE.,TO -'8 OUI LINE MAPS This RATIO% of PI X SUPERB NIAPq is new adopted in almost Avery soon il of POW in the Union a here geo graphy ie taught, and ham an reuAl. Price 625 for full set of six maps - , or dig for set o: hemtep ere wigs alone. suß 3m rtfly 1 OUR BOOKS AT EVANS' GIFT NAP BOOK STORY. 439 CH Eu ' PFT Eatorst. 1 , (num Jo cold as cheap as at any r store, and ton have the 14,0 of receivins a S' titi , Mll3 Present, wort from Fifty tents to (doe Hundred foliate, with each 80. It. • NEW BOVE. THE 800 • H ; oft TIIF. SOUTHERN A t HOME; cuntir. ems Five Yews' Fap.cience in !be land of eager, ries, and cotton. Edited o Prof J H, fr:inhale. NI iinoasippi. One volume, no o, 2.11 pa gra rri etg 1 25. LAOIM' WRITES.; POE I FOLIOS In great variety, and rift Irv!' a c A. L 'PRE NEW lIOOKS 'n every des inmost of 1,11. ware Hooka of Pact, nooks% Of Retina, .110lAN of History. llon‘s al Farmers, Books of Dia, atehit H 0. El for :tea ,sales, , k,s of Trdoel. 13ro1 of Humor, Rooks of edv. more, Hots of Pathos. Bsalos about Hato e. -ticks fur A unu.ement, Hooks sn,ut trio's, Basks for 1)0• aI. n. usks r brut !nib, us, cooks about Nodtsrs, Idsokotibilitt Hip.ters. D,,oks about "odors. 0,11 in and one trial will IFPIIrt: ton that the bee' plane ie the city to rumbas° l'ooke is -t G, G. EVAN S'S Wl' HOOK F.4T ki3l 1 4 141:ENT. au9 tf Iro 1.39 CH rdtTNUT -treat. BK I have taken tie Basement of the Philadelphia Bynk, 419 CHE'+TNU I Btrial, whole I will omitinno to buy and I have hernia, ro done at tic Ctitfuhtt -11011,0 Avenu I Book st4i dl r. tl and new t aw and 11Is ce4rnerma Hooke. I have fir sale upwvrila to lull nit Ida Mr-letter Boe• a !vitael vier to the Near 1491 Allah a copy at Er,iittl,oft the .row 'Postai wit 2 vita printed in 999 Price 030 I wilt n.1..041eal to l m raven, s and AUtnittaphe Peratitie at a distane • lahin t sell Bookih will Ma rube their 1.411109. dates 4 see hindltiot, conditions, arid prices. Pataphl t Lowe o Penney] Paola. and Mg Bunks upon Amami, wanted aut-dirt JUHIS CAM Efl . SUNDAY TRAIN FOR TH FA SEA 1,.."-10 leave Vine' street at 830 A. M Leave AtNot o at Tlits tr, i,i will d onfi Id, Walello4d, li. ol 4111 !..,g4 Ci(101.) AAIJ RUT VP ES, PI I OTO -4U4 up ;14, t'i;.+ 0.;;01' tt, cry. G.. t' , 111: DO' ,t; MI t‘'Zi hlOtt.t.r47 hie f-vt,Lo,y, ; ,t,. At ng' . .l'llbte Pyori Jr. 'l'lll.l AN r AND , "+l,- i; F'n'; 1:111.• 11. ;nr tl.ot, Heroo , , Cnn •• • .I,—, fte,,n, ~ , te , feetT (0 In' ~, "110 . f t hotnmntt (”1.: % .1 . , otitnn I r,. Nii;'ll,l". itrn t Kt p IRE MO VALE. 1111BEIME BY E. BROOK% A. !I SILK AND DHi GOODS JOBBERS. SILKS FANCY DRY GOODS. IMPORrATION3 FOR FALL, IWO. M. L. H ALLOWELL & Co.. 333 IVIARKET 8 CREEL 27 NORTH FOURTH STREH T, Are prepared to offer to the trade their usual varied assail meat of Ooodi. Purchased on the MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. By experienced buyers, in the principal 11 i , ~NUFACTURfllQ CITUE9 OF EUROPE. These have been seleoted with care for F 1 MIT-CLASS TRADE, And will b 3 offered at prices to command attention. Oboe': floviaas, from all sections of the country, are m. ited to inspect Our Mock, rEIM , M. — Six Menthe oredit to Aferahanta of un doubted standing, or six per cent. do,count for cull rwelve p.tr cont. per annum Miscount for advance ments. au2 thatu 2in iflM TIN & WOLFF, I=l FOREIGN AND DOM hi3TD: DR, '•OOD 334 MARKET srat:Er Cnsh and prompt % , tx.recntl.s' flu;:ers, of er,l amrt,eqs dre invited to au elmindanhon of our Stank. auB 3m• A, W. (X)., 'SILK CiO(d)S No 325 MARKET STREET. aufl-dm REMOV A L. • In consequenee at the destitution DJ fire of their PRII.D STREET them YA GILEMOBE. &CO. • HAVE REMOVED TO NO. 010 CHESTNUT ST., SOUTH SIDE, ABOVE SIXTH. PHILADELPHIA. They have now open AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CILOVEi, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, ilru . Together with a LARGE ASSORTMENT of STAPLE AND FANCY WHITE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, LACES, MANTILLAS, Au. ,Having rece , ven but a small portion of their FALL IMPORTATIONS, previous to the fire, they are enabled to display •A NEW STOCK, to whloh they invite the attention of their Customers and Bums generally. auft Sm PRINTS i PRINTS The Subcoriber invites attention to an assortment of PRINTS. Which for extent and variety la mismanaged In this market. Oonsigtins of the choicest styles in MERRIMACK, MANCIIRITER, GLOUCESTER, DUTCHEOS, PACIFIC, SPRAGUE, COOUECO, and other STANDARD MAKES. Besides% fu:lhne of ENGLISH PRINTS. Now open and for gale by the Piece or Package. AT TEE LOWEST PRICES. JOSHUA L. RAHN', 213 MARKET STREET, ant-tf PHILAD ELYRIA. AUSTIE. NteVEIGH, INIPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN 1) Y G- 0 0 1) S, ro. 311 M ARKEZ Street, shove Thiiil. Charles WuT•s. Henn Annie, Hutrillton 51eVet,h, PLIILADOLPIITA. John r , . Woollen Jo ephßurini, Aul.3m FALL AND WINTER 'L()AKS & IVIAN'TIL - LAS FOR THE VVI-E( )1 Li' A 1_41 , 1. SOUTHERN nun W ItttiTF.RN AI6ROHANTS bnt tn.. It k ntit to rota °lmo GOO ant, nm now.; to at ^the' oto Nook, wittelt w,, of - Vt.,. at (.) W ix!) I/A , 1.111E6 A!, TNit' J. W. .1 3 1:0UT(..)1i 1;I t: RI 3 Ali rt TILL.% and CLOAK EM !'OR i7l , r ill A ALL CIO 01_3S. :13 ARCtiOFl' & NO 4 . 405 AND 407 MARKET STREET. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO DRY Go:R.DB 8 , colt complete and ready` for Trade DO WOOD, MARSH, & HAYWAT{D, 1111P0 RTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 1)R GOODS CLOTI-11N a. NO. 309 al R BRET eaktba.T. tail a:,d Winter Stook now complete and 111 , 11 V for bwere• au2 Sin INS RANCE COMPANIES. NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON. HEAD OFFICE. No. 425 CHESTY UT STREET, New Building', Philadelphia Bank OA °ITAL.. . I NCONIE OVER FINE RISKS TAKEN AT MODERATE RATES LIFE RISKS ON FAVORABLL TERMS OETTY & LIEBING, AGICNTS V.B. RANCE COMPANY Ot"i HE rITATP OF PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA, u u.t 6, 18.10, I. he iiireuitirs have thin dos declared a dividend of Sic E'er Coot ,or rotelve Dollars pc r Share, nut oi the prefita o the cow early payable to the stock holder'', or le.al represent •ttves, Int I mune. au?-tit Wit, feet lIARPI,R, Peoretary. HIII.F. M (TUAL LIFE INSITRANO.i: COMPANY OF NEW YOIX. _ a A a Ass 151:4 MILLHAir OF DOLLARS. ,sin %II WOR PIRA TH T 0 V ER013,000.000. TCREB nri REAL AAAAAA She premiums are imwaa then in many other Cleatcc airs, and the Dividends have been ORIATJIA, hild ill a strictly hlvram. Oouipeiny, There are st Stookbolders, so that ALL THE PROFIT?! SELoNa TO ins !Mehl). pamphlets, and every information, EMT is MO t 7.47 1 ,1. on em,pligatton to 1. RATCHFORD aTtatit,Acent, L W. ootrier FOURTH and WA1,14111" Sitottc, 9 131LADELPHI.4 REFEitEric.F.l6: 'Samna!, Robins, John Welsh. Mordecai L Dawgou. fleorge H. Stuart. , looiKe M. Stroud. E. B. Nliolen, lola, il Alters, J. Mahal Learning, Joseph Patterson. William C. Lod., John M. Atwood, Arthu• a , 1 7oilln, ',Vnormi , H. Power.:, 3eurg 5 W. Toletud, W , l.J.nm MeWeos. Rhos, Walloon. oll.ly: C . '•: , 1 , 1 INSURANCE CONIPANv, NO it: VA CFIESTNPT. Strer t. PHII A DEI PIIIi. t)." I I!!ATYP TIIE S'l it4l2; 3 , !U N D ~, w, Stov.c. ;',l,llllC' nr.ta, ,Wr •t, Vk DAY. F, Pif FRAIICIS S. MTh - . V;c.v Pres t. LLL L 4 I. PLA Lir.ll-,!tl 1;0. t.ltll. 275 ban, r,lurr anal 1 91-0 LI :WWI, 111;.;IL:11 , 1?, . 1,1 :;01 ii 0. I 712, - .4)lth'. 11 , 1 N pE 3:- 1 - 01.11 ; .1i .30 , ,11017 i,. \ Y,H t •„.• .41. t v.v.) J. 71 RIDGWAY, HEIISSNEK, & CO., IMPORTERS OF IA 0 T H S DOESKINS, AND CASHMERES. Sole agent. for FR. ERCKFNB,(LittIe Tioket.) W. A JOH Y,l hhoe.) OEVIr RS & SOH AtIOT,(I3. & M. Clothe.) F. 0 II r, It ft $' lAN & RON, (Gold Medals.) Ikal BON 4. II RCM. (Parlor CaaNiuneres,) 'WEN NI ES & and other manufacturer' of the greatest celebrity. 206 01-IESTNUT STREET. rut-1m WELLING, COFFIN & Co 7 Offer, by the package, the following description of AMEKICAN GOODS. OF STANDARD WAKEN AND IN GREAT VARIETY oftERNE mANuFAcTuRiNo co , s PRINT, ; BLEACHED AND BROWN , IBEETINIIS, SHIRTINGS AND DRILLS; O.3NABEFRUS, DENIMS, AND STRIPE; CORSET JEANS tiILESIAB, AND NAN• KEENS; CANTON FLANNELS AND PRINTED LININGS; RHODE ISLAND LEDLiEYi; PHILADELPHIA LINSSYS AND CHECKS KENTUCKY JEANS AND COTIONADES; NE4RO CLOTHS AND KEIVEYS ; ALL-WOOL AND UNION CLOTHS; BLAOK'AND FANCY CASciIMERES; BLACK. AND MIXED DOESKINS; SA'i I iET:I AND UNION CAS`.SINIERES; TWEEDS, CA9IIISI,IItErIEI, (to , &c. nul-3111 W LEit sir• NEE 011 A M GE RMAN TOW N HOSIERY MANUFACTURERS We would oall the enamel attention of foolery Buyer/ and Nlunufaoturere to our new and much-needed im provement in OHILDIUN'S and MISSES' TUCK RIBBED TOP HOSIERY in Striped and High Colors 'PATENT APPLIED FOR.] Aimprislng OVER 200 STYLES from the latest hand designs, From our own long pram teal experience, and employing none but first Mass mechanics. we are prepared to offer to Hosiery Buyers a line of these goods SECOINO FO NONE in point of workmanship, styles, or prices, and resonantly solloit the patronage of the Trade. Bole Agents are F. V. KBU(r & C 70.,• (77-stuth Sin 324 CILEBTNITT STREET EIOSIERY GOOD '.4. F. V. KRUG. & 00.. 325 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer to City, Wostorn, and Southern Wholesale &7- most complete line of Staple and Fancy DOMESTIC HOSIERY GOODS, Comprising. in part, GERMANTOWN FANCY WOOLENS. GERMANTOWN CHILDREN'S MISSES', WO. MEN'S AND MEN'S HOSE. BOSTON RIBBED HOSIERY, AND WCOLEN 8 ro , AcING AND SHETLAND YARNS. Beimg the beat seleoted and most complete line of heee Foods we have ever offered, and which ale milted waste of the market ir. price, quality and stiles , Polo A: , nts in Philadelphia for the WATt'RVLEIT HOSIERY MERINO AND MIL O ALL Wool. WATEaBURY KNITTING CO.' SPIRTS AND DRAWERS, NORFOLK HOSIERY CO., RUSE AND HALF HOSE. OTIS MANUFACTURING CO., WALLACE & SON'S STEEL SERINO OSBORNE AND CH' .ERMAN'S. SKIRTS. Also Agents for t AMERICAN AND KOWE PIN CO.'S DI-Mutt-oin eIT. C. HOWE &00, NO. 240 MARKET STREET, MANCHESTER PRINT WORKS, Have no- in store a full aertortmciit of the Viiiol.ll g00. , e made by the above company. A large variety of very ol.oice styles of CASHII.I7:APF, OPERA CLOTHS. PR LVT,•,, GLENDALE. CA ;VTR F VILLE. MERRIMACK. ELM STRR ET. L BURY. GREENVILLE. BEDFORD 13HADFORD. TAFT, & 00.'8 BLACKSTONE MILL, J. I'. Sh: AGRAVE & CO.'S GRANITE MILL, And venous other popu'er makes of FANCY - CAS:t;INT.ERES UNION MILLS BLACK DOESKINS, (Very Eupenrlet high-lustre goods./ Ind;an Orchard, Bleached and Brown Sheetines, 3hirt ;rl,:rl and 1lr;115, Colored Corset Jeans, ht. 3:0. [Be attention of packnee buy row solnoted. Phtlidelphdt, Jell SI, 186. I 31-tutha loe; ra,Ki N(%Tt) N iYi [l, 1) , 1-" , )li)11:1:1;.: 3;.:Ci 31:Al I". M11.1,S 11=111111I311 huto - Keti, anti Printed TABLE covEloi, uNJON BEAVERS end BROAD CLOTHS H L MORAL KI DOEPKINFL and Double and Twisted COATING. a 4 MACK INGS and 1 - .elv, ZFPHYR CLOTHB. Twilled and Plain FLANNF, N and OPERA FLAN N Printed FELT CARPETING' F‘,r sate bY BAZARD, Mr HUTCHINSON, NO, ORERTNUT 511.. CSOM M ISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE RALF. OF PHI] 4A1)E,1,P1-11 A-MADE • GOODS. akB4ra 13:10F. MORRIS' EUCFPIIALOS. -a- There are 100.0 Sufferers from fORRAKRA of he i4bKVuf.tl Y. .EM,inthemtyofPhtlsdefphta, who can be cured by ÜBlng PRoFES - OR MORRIS' N.:UPEPHALOS. Which is airoriZu and WONDYII FEL REMEDY, Compounded from the private formula of Professor Morrie, N. D of this city. It acts directly upon the Nerves BY ABLIORPTIO4 through the pores, and it needs but the trial of SINGLY'. BOTTLE to test its marvellous virtues. Sufferers from OXCITI , ht RI' , T OF THE BRAIN , oIRVOI S HEADACHE, OIiNERAL DEBILITY, NEU ITALLIA RH SIIMATIRM, CHRONIC NERVOUSNESS, Ae.. Will find the desired relief by its EXTERNAL ÜBE. as directed in the CirouLar. TRY IT ! TRY IT! TRY IT ! TRY Ii ! TRY IT ! TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT TRY IIT TRY : T 11 ' 1 ! R . r ! TRY IT ! Tax IT! IT! TRY I l' TRY IT! TRY IT TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! ((Jou are es Imitated by over-muqh study, it you sutler Irian eleepless moms. If toil are a violin' to neuralgia, you arc prostrated by excessive grief. If you crave stimulatm II! g drinks, RY I TRY IT!! TRY • TRY IT! TRY LT! ThY IT! 41 ' , mown those miserable sengatione which in- 2418 son $1.200.000 As it wal remove those miserable —nse. (Mee fl. mortott dmo/talon town (LIP Intemperance 'PIiY I f. if •ou are suftertro; trout Nervous In en) ot its fortes, and wa t it it. a so. thine Ind IN V MOH A !NG' A l'PlAt CATION to your ortrves, snd worth units ti 111.3.4 Us uos" ;tie rebet afforded. .Numeroul testimonin‘s nom taere'V'etAbte V 010013,9 can ha seen, to 111 , 1 , 5111 g tr:o oil. .3 of the pro 'motors. pored by AIoCK al.. No, 62 Norte Street. tip Andtor Street' Dr0v,,. ,4 " 0 1 , e 1 .t 1 T. )3 7 - . ASTH'•.tt YL:11 , a A NI. cu it; tlo I Itttre,; 4.. -,,,.., (.4 ui -, ..i,'%:E, ~ ..-..;.- . L. 1 .A ct.::;.p.),-t,:R, Nini'e 11. tiETYIOI..It ,!‘).. 107 etrz”. Nev . i or Pone 11 per bos., Flit I reDly rc,zi rcel G.T. !:111: SAL A: I.'l' jr.4. NICHoL3ffiN, • • .11%).1,itotaro; ol Mlll{lB I,r \IA fit , ;ONIP AND CIDA„A 1:” left ~t1lInt: .• o' h Ind upf iftw •%. „Ltvdiori ~t CASH aid COMMISSION HOUSES. 116 CHESTNUT STREET, dAMUEL NEEDHAM ALSO, FANCY WOOLEN GOODS. 11001)8, oLOAXB, TALM 0.8, BAcKti, BoNTAGB, NUBIAB, &0., ho., gco., AGENTS FOS TIM J. O. El 0 W E Az CO Aro otP,.. A k er to for FROVIINGIIAM h WELLS, 34 South FRONT Street. end 35 LEN PIA Street MEDICINAL. o,atier of P f(C11 r„!, EDUCATIONAL. VOUNG L'DIE-' BOARDINci ANT) -a- AY FTHOOI, Re JAM LadiesM d'S II mil's, and Dnr Reboot fu r Yount . 15:5 W ^ UT street. will be reopened Se9temberlftn. anli•eritp 2 n nr MIS-ES CASEY MRS. BEEBE'S English and Fran -h No‘rdinp and Day Pohool. for Yonne Ladies. No. IDA WAL sDT Street, will I e re opened on Wednesday, Sept Dth. ant flw FSDAMES CHRSARAY AND D'HEIt • MIN respectrully inform their friends end the ditio t i thewhlly tielizr . egozeLl o t . tnr& i zr4ii t c o r t ird e. fri , end 1729 gPitift.iE Street where they will tie ready, to receive their pupils on THURSDAY.Septem ber Mk. Mesdames OHEOARAY end D'HERVI LAN trtil re ceive visttnrs at 240, leo9 LOOM.' Square netil the 20th August. hileta MERMAN SOLIOOL INSTITUTE is & l t i e e l e t • m . `e7 lis o b4 . l , le tiliglit=aopooho cratartemer. inVitialil3re a o dn f tow Mike* TOW. ' OT " HITITJT Et?. eert. pyTANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL MERILANIILE COL,Erprafe, ,7„,o g y r Fltq n delvtun,. S. E norner 'SEVEN NOW rk, Bufrelo,l6krooland, Memo and Ikk.,Eolir POT nrAhr,r., all 1.Lt.1 r _ s lta , ni .11 •VII-11 L'AIMEtt RESOit'eS EP IIR AT A MOUNTAIN SPRING._ Thu ix,puhr watering-plum will be kep oven during the season 41 warm weather, and unit. the (rout Fete , n. Poisons der room of euendine the remainder of tint genson gat.ore they have the advantave of auto word'. pure mountain air. (et en efevatton of etrehe hundred fort I f•oe from togs dame nights. and .111. - M Is. utmally smog from s'uegish tlre,ins to &orges of moo., on • Ld 1., locs.',Wes.vrol I - ere find e , ,ery e and amusement to hi mot with et the boot-re,ahtv wutert nu n'4ers For further ogrtioulars inn LI:111,g, prose 0:11 on los. D, Myer', en rue r Third and Veto z'tres•m. nod Noise u'e .Nll Slit ChR - 0100. Sire, t, Phi 441Plph - 41. e, 10 ,, Eiqf FONIGAIAQH F,ph rat& P.M Offico.l.,o,,aster cow t.. I's. au9- tia QV:4 HOTEL, BiITiILEIIE3I, PA. Ls Ec founded Leinre the Ron 111.1 mod 1nt,14 •t•ly°once:, wit oomeo .11 tin r. aet intervertt, t..brrs Oar Iritoo.lt hnt - qr. 10 now of 0 • pnotty to aneolonoointe a 1 :rut' number of once.: the house is rernti . in too hest mkt:M.lr. , nd 01114 litt,,ll ... 01, In.ik‘l It the rioasant and c011•101'... his Hine avt , their to ourn iu this di— it,nttui inland ton n. Tne air I. Salubr von, the mono tom anti river seen , ri be' ot.bil. and to the 'teasers of either rental or pleasure, Bethleoeui is not excelled by OD) other mauler resort in the Union an3-1m .1 bt. IGf RT, Proprietor. p ERIt Y CO els'iT Y WARNS SPRIN S.— r , :.8 favorite Summer Resort ii. now open for dm reception or vtaitora. Fine mountain caner). beauti ful walks and it, lvty faenitira for boatirm, hatpin;, and fishm4, and the bealtn- qualities of its waters, make yi a m o st dedirahM Owe, hoth fur small ettoeta and for bl..1111:03. it It in daily coin: 111,10811011 With Phil Mel phi a, lialtonso 0. ,ad Pittsburg. 'it meane o' a daily yta.iu and mail commetim, with the trace from these eke., at OOi hate, t t. Terms moderate. For parLoular.:. adoreqii 30IIN EARLY. 7y12 Im Warm dpi Lieu. Vero nouniy, SUMMAT fIOUSE, DARBY ROAD.- Tina pennant rur tl retro four index from the nit!. is now open an pus the doo hlif-hourly. '-eu Unman 'lnd fnmtlln. acoominodaterl. 13ood fienting. tan-pin Ole) fine stabllng, handsome rooms, a good table. Terme n.o.larabs for full or partial boa.d. and mingle meals It 27-swavr AIIANSICP: HOUSE, MiUNT CARBON, CYLK I LI. COUNTY. PA. Few bee eoeommodated with good room. at reduced Price& flue old-est , ibliehed House, loolted in the :en be tween Sharp and 1 , econd monntain. immediately on the line of the Philadelphia and Reading i:atirond. within till( n mile of Pottevine. formerly kept by Jo. elph Heed. of the old Mannion House, Phi!adelphie. has, e‘n,,e his demi., been ceder the chatge of hie dsu.hter. Tne Rouse is prepared. at all seasons of the year. to: the reeeption of guess. and his been recently put in or,ler. The large :ardor]. and park adjoining. presents great inducements an a summer resort. to persons wilt ing to nu. nd a short time away from the dust and tur moil of the cities, where they oar breathe fresh moun tain air. and en my the wild and beautiful scenery M . the coal re l inn. oommut,tion passenger tickets, ter the use of fami lieu are sold at a reduction of twenty five per cent., and an accommodation train will leave PottscrilledatlY during the summer m. Otto, to enable those who may desire it to spend the business portion of the day in the city and return the game evening. on which the charge' will be thirty-three per cent below the usual rates. For terms. apply to MARY HEAD. Maasioa House. MoVlot Carbon, Je3o.3m Schuylkill Co . LONG} BEAUS HOUSE, opposite TUCKERTON. N. J.—This Hotel is now open for the reception of visitors, both permanent and trari a:neat. Having been at a large expense in refitting and re-furnklonx I feel assured. that for comfort and con volve .oe It will compare favorably with any house on the coast. The best of cooks and servants have bees procured, and no efforts shall be roared to render the star of guests ~...reeable. The prospects for Gunning and Fishing are esoellent. Oysters or the Sneer. quality I have in abundance. With these inoreased advan tages, am confident that the most fastidious TEI have no cause for tionplaint N. B —Capt. WILLIAM GARKILL, will run a daily .ine of first-alasspaokets from • tlant.e City to the beach, one of which will be at Atlantic every morning on the arrival of The morning train !roar Philadelphia. Parties wishing to come by way of Lead's Point, or otherwise. by addressing me a few days to advanoe. wit , have a good boat to meet them at any point named. le3o-6w L E w P. BTKWART. 311 ANSION HOUSE, AT I_ ANTIC CITY, X N. 1., ISAAC THAT ER, (late of hurf House,) opr tor, PC t Ifile House has been very much ealar - ed and im proved. Fl‘e now a buret:. obey of Family Rooms, not sun awed by .Im , hote.i..t 11 is city. It .s lighted throughout with gas. New and fine walks nave been laid to the ocean. which will be lighted at night, from the Hotel to the water. by splendid redeet mg lamps. Attached to the house (but separate from 'he main building) a n lan.° Hall for Hops and Parties, with a first-clam , . lee Cream and Cortleet.onery attaohed Over the Hall there are forty sleeping 10 , 111$ for single gentle men. There is else a play around for children. well shaded enclosed, with mare lte. The catering department will ti." under ay own es pecial supervision. and I trust that my reputation in imMoiently stablished to satisfy all that my table will be unsurpassed. Terms will be 4112 per week. Transient Boarders SO per day. Carriages etre°. ed to the House will take Boarders to and from the Ocean free of charge during bathinghourn. e23.tf ISAAC THAYER. AMERICAN HOTEL, ALLENTOWN, P 4.—This' well-I=lllM and popular hotel has, dunne_the past reason, been tr ATLY UNLARGED AND IMPROVED. and as now in capacity and convenience second to none in the interior of Pennsylvania. The beautiful and healthful situation of Allentown • renders it a de - lightf ul summer resort, in view of which special ar ram.ement4 have been made by the pmprietors tone c.nattiodate summer boarders. J. Y. BI CA I` El— jesti 3'. W. 810014 V. 11.41 , 1DF , J11D SPRINGS.- --This well-know! , and delightful Summer Resort will be opened for the reception of Visitors on the FI PP): sip JUN:L. And kept oven till the let of OotoLer. The Hotel moll he under the managunentot Mr. A. .AL.Lt...m. ori,se experience. courteous manners. and attention to his sne4e. ztve the amplest assurance of noin:,,rt and kind treatment. Partlea wiahna room,. or any Informatlon n regard to the Once, snll address Oho euhionber. JNO. P. 1:11diD, Sena'y and rronaurer. 30-Sni Radford Mineral Sonora Co. CoNGREss. IIALL-ATIANTIO CITY, N. J.—This spacious House, situated at At:antic C.ty, will be reopened with every account odation for visitors on the 26th instant, by the submriber. The House fronts the he,on 12) feet,giving a splendid view of the 'Mean. arm is near the Fistula; anal UMW' point. No pains will he soareu to secure the comfort and non - venience of sneers. 6..20.2m TIIIIMAN C. CiAFIRV.TT NEPTUNE HOUSE—A TL ANTIC CITY. —Tinos pc0 , u1.4 And Slnlnentl, tavonte Roane ea Ati,sotto Cit! b IS. elnee the closing of I.t Benner— been :nlarsect- refitted, zeloro mid completely re - luverißto.l it '3 , -ry: 'l , now or.en r the • - e.0,0m Poo t , Ile,r nonn p:,,, , ;e3 l, Ll:res , , close prominly in 141(% rott,“ sat best Pm; of tha tif . La'i, at raild , L(CL: rue 1 , 1 1: 10 ll'It7.1.1 , :!1111 the houn a on !Jo Teru; p. 7 - ai.co per d.ur. elnMi Cu nod h ;1; ;Nee JOAN ;MICK, Plo t r.et,,r. It. L. FllRl.:',:.Zp3tit,tender.t. de2l-2m I CI UT AGE RETREAT, aad r, n,onlen , ly atcd AT TIC) !;oardarp a Nomidzir.tad on reasonable Lent,. ,e3)-3m tii. ;v1:01,EFIB. Prowao!.or VAR ROTEL. NHARLY UPPOhall CHh:O•TEL. A PLANTIC Cl': I*, N. J. SAMUFf ADA:rIB, KOPRI t'iOß. FIFIY 0 1•Pilq PIN N ES 10 11.Ar,lern tuo,t rO.. • toms ittANSION ELOGS'eI, 0111):•;`, , I, La- ',ARBON CO.. PA this is the moat comfort:- hie awl extensive hotel in Northern Pennsylvania, toe roprietor flitter* himself that thus lar he bee suc ceeded in keeping it in a manner that cannot fait to a:- tilts all his 4ursts. The !looms are newli and eleenntly furmalied. oat the Table alwayn cant/ions toe earl best the Markr:s afford. The hotel is located on the honks of toe f shish. directly opposite the railroad depot, and at the base of Mauoh Chunk Mountain A path leads from the rear of the house to the top of this mountain, from which pools, some cleat hundred feet aIXIVe the Lehigh, the most eubtime scene imaginable is presented. The House is abundantly_ supplied with Its hest and purest Mountain Norm: Water. Sir Hot and Cold Baths can be taken at all times feke-am GlsOltGe. HoPPEB, Prom.etor. A MERWAN HO'rEt , MAUCH CHUNK, 1 Pm.—Thie IWTEL Iti now kept in e manner ef fordow every oom art to erramiers and travellers. Arranrements ha'e been made this season to accom modate EJLIMMER BOAC DE RS. The most subl me mountain scenery and rural enjoyments are here af forded M1011A , .1. W(LII , LM. OEO. W. WIWI] I .I,M. .le2&- teal Proprietors. 9111 E SEA-811 , Rl , l---ATLANTIO CITY A McKIIIBIIVB U. 8. H !'EL. --•. . • - - The undersigned• proem - or of the above-named house, being now prepare ) to receive pleats. re. speotfull , solicits a share of the public patron age. Since last summer there has been added to this hotel a our storied wing, HO feet in INuth. con tuning (beside the bed- rooms.) a suite of three Parlors. for Mies and iwo for gentlemen,. oleo, a reception room, wash- nwim. and spacious her-room. Bowling Fialoons, Billiard Rooms. and hot and cold Ralt-w iter Bath nooms have been constructed for the accommo dation of meitors, and the whole house will be liehird with gas. The house has been newly painted and fur nished while the shaded grounds surrounding it have boon put in oou.plete order A well manned rderisnre Velar. and an excellent Hand of Music, have been en- K need for the season . I. MeKIBBIN. lett if C I.RLISLIK The favorite resort fir those who appreciate Orand Svelter), Pare Mountain Air. I nvuorattni, WHITE NITLPHCB Baths. Large and Well-vantllattd SPRINGS, - Cumberland co., Pa. Rooms, Oixvi Society i and a Orkvl Accommodations for Table. 300. For particulars send for Ciro° - VERWS Low lar. OWEN, CLEW) EN IN, a VINECHER. is7-3m einriisle Rprina. Pa VoLUMBIA HOUSE. CAPE c..en MA2. New Jersey.—This lame, first-aline HOT will be opened. for the reoePtion of guests. on the 23 , 11 June, HEKI. the Honer haw bean completely repaired ami refu-nished. A new cookies ranee, ovens, steam holler.. and every modern improvemeot adds , . ateirive stabiles attached to ine premises All letters add rued to the subscribers, Cape Islane. New Jitney , aril be promptly attended to. LAIR II & WOOL,fil tlr James H. Lard late proprietor F ranklin House. r bile denims; S. B, Wm - Meath formerly proprietor .bunt Vernon Rote.. Cape island, ote, V 4 A(4 LE HOTEL. 131 , 31.11.1:11E‘L This large nndold-estahlished House. known as the LSIPMH VALt.FY SUIVINIErt non , dken for the season. The soonemndations tilts tiense will be tonne Preserve:km-eh 'l'h^ nee h--e. dth Penns, teeny. Raitriel. is one of the p,et. 'Muter. 11 our State. CA 1 3 YOB E, Proteseter. jeta iii \SEN.IO2'N ';, •I 'F - Mrs. M. R Propreror.-71, h. , f o wi.l,,rten r erytlon of ~ :tors 0 1 slitno Vith. I; 11 me h• to,/ up ,*4 antip,,,p 1, a,`.• • ATING. ri ON A', C.'ll t {, NO," to , LY.EI visitors It• Ruport, atun. ,! • I , ir ' eapt Fetito, wojer tte. je:`, q(lN,yri..o•lc, Q! 1J 1t.0 . 1.i1N(4, i•l; ::,LAND. N. J.- , 11 , -A77.i it I - houst , e ovllc , rl.l,e Wei Ire, I /01 IV cceeueeenteere.reereltyealworeemeee,..seermeroemmrememerenumeenwarmoreereeees. nrifziT,‘ L NAILS. ( INlszc• I4ripe ) illar.llPito (1.1 0 GO Porta.ta 1,c1! ri a Worio. Iron Fairertar —tality of trll , ta Pt , 0. rtti aaciltit, (ti Ore att.' :UK tt .1 001111lillelli 11. 4.10 1 , 1 ,1 11) firILS'A. t,l . — •V • , • Eat It II cruet r.lwayP ;ON. t . :1. Gilt 1...1 MAI', :21 (3,011 1 ERC,1. b!ree , . t . attat , T r tt t't•ttift, t ~ ~ d -. ~.; sP..isr.% • TiJ IA -PluN TPVAL NATION( al. WFLCOMBTO JOHN C HEENAN. OAVACTB W OnbATPIOLLADFITJEA. DNE.DAY, ArODFT When the " Rattle Orr end of Famb.,e,,agb v io b • produced. end na fete pirempated in kr jogai HEENAN. JOHN McDONALD. J Akita OUPIOK. 2 1 / 1 10t. JONPB c. F. urribNoN.- E. PRICE'. kc. BV.W.. r i c lilir t B 1 "I 11 , OF THIRTr PERFORMER& Pmtioual uka—Amet .n and ' mania—at n noon. and 1 P. M. GRAND ENTRE O e. THE CHAMPION and his f Mind; at 3P. 31.. wboa Got ring will forma CO. and u wittier comprnee. Adm:•..on mats. Ladies. accompanied tri . ionimustri,lnu arcerted to rsaerved •ear.,n :he PREIS OF XTk CITA"GS of FOC full particulars and prc Tama .rot daily James Moms,. avidity. and Wedusad.p. mod It STURD.NY, THE 11th AUGUEIf. FLEVVNTA GRAND PROMENADE FREE coylepivy, at EGGLEI.IRI.D. IM 111111 TIIIIIIIPINI or the P tehmond and Jebeylkill Ragroruf by th. pry,j, A %WHEN trF. CHE 'TR A. Mr Monts Beerherter. Aired or florrmereoes et 30 cloak P. M. Feb reit' pear P:ol[ramtre.. Persia, T cents. (rota evert 'Mat or tas odl to the p'aoe It' _ pE N NA - . ACADEMY OF THE. FINi ARTS.-1093 0ff1.2 rNtT Berect Piro collection of Paintinrc and 0.-01,. tare, aou - open .1 Aly from M. VAS e. M. A. , nininvin 25 ; children under L 1 years, if cent, W,_RT'l C kIAWTS , 3A 1,,t-Y.:ORTGai;I: BOND , mum, 1 4 ,o• .3 ptriirt ...v .vprop, ty, e.nb ‘l,l , lr^-. Box. 5 ? 0 i., , •1 llx n. _ F r' E ADVr:T'IT :TR CAN (702.13L1N1) taxedi! • r-.• •”: • ,tu. •• d . I, ' °lnn- • I 1,- it" rpo CAPITALIST:4 -- Walited„ , „ Anuf be of A . ,7, y- 4 1, • " En ," •erpro< .: fA, • WANTED —Dy expenohs.rd Sale htla of , . Co n .1-`1,2 tor n.lllO V-F,,04, Int [rad, •Addrcal Ft t °lnce 12 , A YOUNG LADY. whi, los had six ytt.r.: Perlin,' , a;teneber,d2alr,:.., raw!,- avitdopper.: in "1' out of the cay. 4 , lJrcxs " “moo 2,4 I' rt.., Mll9-12 LIQUOR DEA LEt:S.-SiTUATION WozPer'. by s. •(11 , 1; IliS2 who onders:ezds tke mi') Inc :sod manor:, wrist; el it zuors Post city - refo r.hernr.ll• . d.ireig“.llolo7 ,olo.j t • W .1 N T Er) at No. 7 tfl ,Morrt.i wANTED—ITiLe ices of 4 , ..0 efficitdit. Salemen 's a w aAerVa Hoot end Shoe hoe,' Address, wltir refer,nee, & C 0.," th,a sifit•e. WAN T middlt-aged man ith • 1000. Itar,nc klilDwled: of Hat ery busioNis. Move:, ecured Interest. and a lairsalary. Ad dram" Hosiery," Oifille of The Pres W‘NIED—A young man as Salesman, who and thoroughly acitd wit° the Wareham Ta ior's and Clothing trade or thasal To etw Tenon oapable of filling Ors position. a libe ral oompewasta wilt be glean. Address Box 41!. P.O. W.NTED--A :iituation, by a man, thirty-wren years of are. of mmensive eassov. epos rn `nt.lnela. 01 good ad 'real. and competent to ng Almeet an, position. either ass clerk. sotorttendat. Or sale,man Is Vary respeetably onam•eted, alal give the moat irmersatory references an to maw: . energy. And banners capacity A moderate waxy or the resent will be accepted. Address "B. S . A. e of The P.e,e Je FOR SALE AND TO LET. AMFOR SALE—On accommodating terms, the BrORE and DWELLING. No. hit AEC E. Bt , ret. Apply to WM. R. ALLEN'. No. , Y3O street. poll-12t• VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE, in Lin-F a rood Ineatinn. For further infuriation 1 134.17 st "in. 434 ORTH TH. MD Btrut, t,maitsp. N. J. null-atothlm• TO LE I—Two fire-proof Offices on the Ann fint their of the Peonsylvente P&EDIIIJ Mol SMITd flunding. l. to IIII) H. tall 61 teteretary. in TO" RENT—Two spacious, well- MIR Hated, well-voettilated Roo a. near tho Fs c halve. ma, tell fur pm unit oaken. or i'vr marioisetonng vorr i nei . %lt . he t rx . 4s,74l . oizo o lLzor assaciater ....7 &- aro_ E UNDERSIGNED, W NHL) G TO • devote his whole time to the praetioe of medicine, will depose of hie DRUG el 1 OAP, e tested No. North NO lib.l*.N street, Lancanter. Pa. Laceseter Mee one of the cheapest sad hest mstkets in the imitates. Persona crm live mote contfortchle in tbhmit) than in Philade'phirt. and at nail the coat. 'Phe store te siteatod in the principal business strewn. and has been to seeoesl fol for about PIS years. There is a Newton the momteve for five sears, wth thevilege of awing It up at ant moment the occupant feels pri dammed. To a good ourcharer. terms will be made VS47. Per (nether information call at the snow. D. N cCOEM ICE. irtnoastiir. end , . fd. I. e!ERMANTOWNT- - riIOPERI Y. For ale or to Let, et lam acd ocovement Hoek. es Germantown: gas. water. Wets Iwo sad itk.sty of shads, loose of ' be base loestioss . sold ow. toldross Box lefEe, Phila.:toilettes t °Mos j,*-1 BUlt DERS.—A large lot. having -- A three fronts. suitable for itasseGiate isaproreseese, situated o, T W ENTi 15TH street. tatow CATliAtile_ Viral be sold on accommodating tem& to &Jr/71.1141S will implore. For tem.. iddrese ••tr, ,oe or the paper. 10•41 ACTORY LOT FCT. SALE. -A AL lot, having three fronts, achtirahly Wasted to tmuthweatero rat of the atty. Will bll ranted cornett on meoneble terms. For partlatthire, *MT at thin oboe.ble-tr - - TO LET--1 he fi rst floor of the fine lituld mg N 0.794 CtIYST.NIIT stx.et, fowlerlY meal, aa a wholesale and lately sa a retail, f g F I r- Perfumery More. Apply st the ofilearo JC.' NAL & Co., o. 704 CIiESTNUT Street, Phila. 11Z4ba M ISSO Uri" LAT4.,:n-I-1 :100 ,00. - t Aces for Sala, at raleas raayong from M, to 50 center er Ar,(l. 'a any qauntittedi required FAXES 01'd. and Pa. I'ENTB pmecr_d for v.robai *ern of Land rnder the linuiuntioa Act. Plata futrusned z - ratas by enoloatra a port:se yam.. POT furthar info:mkt on apply to NV I It GO., and Oezaral land On Cfi ST:. UT dtrem. b. Careen THIRD ••nd o OFR Loumt, At. ii WARRANTS boitii ht. sold. air] lodated. xi.t FoR SALE- The Stock arid Fixtures of a Wholerale Boot and .',oe Bona!, etxxl bueine , a. Thin in a gOna o , uortatatY wonting to no Into the anemone. ors house tr - onty..^ to increase tr.eir trade. Mtael-ot:r. V teADOOR gl% ),; nelonr. nut. Addles' •' Box .ItiO," Platedo'eloe. Vote Wlrace. with n tine. tt 91 111 NUKSERYMEN iNi) AL Far Rate larva Int In tc , Sow "f tne eqy we'? :Wanted for a Nary, y. '101.1,3 FOr pattn alt.ra andrect " 1:." at tug oiL e. anl7-t gvntlezualt aud in! in. n Wl` I. to n hoar D:1;7 la a e,ntro 'l, cl !100 Raver. • IES :Ina entl,mca desiring nor 1-I)ard9 , 7 of Inr..n, m cool roa at 9-4 .1 1: 1- BP IF -.IT BOARDIIiG. --GentiHnen and cr single gyardeira , a, uit't Board, mlh rletaxana rod hvidson, To faratshed or uti Carmahctl. at t•lrr Lode US. r 3,11 th s:do of Waals.nton :guar , Thl Ica - ottou. boons. uppo.o,r, to crae ol rao idta&otneot p:r:C3 Ir the CitV,l' (Tatra', old 0:.:reoltly pleasant. Trona:rat wri;.,/,1 thy 01t5 con 1,5 rt‘3,orn-no,;hted iv t day nr week. 'Perms moderato. lo,YY:aent t - roorr. no , o privnY, a:Aral:to. r sattol 1c for rn let! 11 9[ l '4'o Ift GENTLEMEIi (lAN BF *nth gn d. I tin, .4, (W.• 01V 1!1C '1: prlvt.:o i.nczt - on trn.l. c • I:t.)ers 1), Vito'. • SAVING FITIMS A .YIE:RICAN b:A N - -Com. I ,a n y' s rntr. &La 3- Streeut (two , t ~, tt. :: o'olkt:k. and on tro (USDA', ttll tt, it,tnit., Old st.tutior. ha` !tree} f Ol l notice. INT Fit EMI' FIVE PER CENI Ak., non la pwri tAnk. on dernanj• ,l m gold dna so,/ 9I.EX. NEI ULDIN, monde at WORK,Vine President. John C. I. 4.7 r. r. E. lia . g.ar • Geo ran Ner.ollC, Joan tzti. !Anil. T. nodul, Alb. `.. Roberta. John Allmon, Incas Bowman, B. H. Eldndae. Wm. J. Howard. JOHNS. Wlo'lol4 Trpastrer. JOHN C Boorman . I\PRII - ik; IitARDEN SAVING i; UM), °Moe, 931 Nnrth UMW Street. between Vine and Callnstill. Incorporated by the Legislature April 4th. 1967. Open for Depagitsd Pments. daily . from 9to 234 o'clock Also, on MONDA Y and TR UlteDa V EVENINGS. from& to 8 o'clooi 'Were/113par cent. per annum. releoeitora pan With dots their • one's , * by Cheeks, if deinr , :d. Newels. De prinks reeeived. JAbIEB 8. PRINOLF., President, PR/LNCI• RAAT. Seerstart. agiSP-tf 11 lIVANA CIGARS.--A. ha •dsome as sortinew on hand, by recent arrival,' c- p nr II Cabanas, Partagna. Fttarn. + apanora. Die ptunng 11 not Sea Arnim l'n, Zara:on:cm, Actor7etnn Arturo Hvndo, A - 0., It'. Of an sines and qualities. for 0610 1017. by IiAnELB TETE, 130 WALN ,' I !greet. A ZI.I9I:EA ! AZ MLA .1Z t.: ! AZUMEA: AZUMEA: A7VNTEA AZUM KA ' PROF. MORittIV AZUMI tlnKtrvii PCWIM P. Mann!Vnare x.),1411 R•ro,.t. nod t •11,1..1 - FROM PR( ii ,. 0T13.-•• htply "pin.° • the H RTFLI. IAH ,orr b nes more ad vantages than RUN others for Pt eserv.n2, b, tn 2 , ho'b ol . voe ~ 1). strong. and durable. ohmnag air. tl2 ht. and °porno. and shuttins , I.ltrY• .• JAMS,. C. 11,0Tft PEON] DR ATl.e.t. " I have uo.d the Hatted All /Mr-- i.e tr ny; faun • I r the or-sort - anon t.f Fruit and .0 .ore: it. •1 atilt 'doers hrevioun.v emp.me f r the itypoon. 1 .•enioder i• highly nrelerahle, red ca.:fold - Lily PU I.m •tal or 1 , 18 with metal , _pt. It .• Jo . , ea Iron. ell p—osihlld• of in a Ina can an tat. it la a eared witt mord Sean , ttpldit - 1 . at! ti au ty• cement or t•ict r, and op •ne i read. • wane me fruit to kept tr. the into- adv.o.ahle harem,. alai ac teat'd r h-• J ir 0.Ate...., tint it meet. tt * Inds cation. that eon t ePorea •• W••dtate.rox I. Art no. M. P . " 140, Aeon Sttm-t llthnurneturer. under the Parent. HAI; PELL it r- t i Atil TO IT:. Nt_t JP. •. , ,E1 BI iLuFt -n =LIM I N• 10- ' Ora Fll., , , r , •L, L r_,V)B.I 0 RICO a^,l JAmwg GP AN AM - - - 7 k AP--Far e by V ETTIVIZILL e' 1921c,:thSEj';NDSt:Ter. "'cc, 4it A h AIR ..A- ==ill=te fiftz_t rAinG. AC'-1; No. tv4:port' , 1,01 ---;?;V. , 114. s t T.: 1 T ';`l7, :•',..e.:' "- .
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