. *• nm. 4 n't'&-*■* «’. •* -• •' " ' , .. journal* Think of It* >t£-'Z9*i £*>~' ■• , - • ■» r.t. ■ - ■ Wmm-*: ihmwoß ’ theArnett*** Eagle. a rM'; 1 11 U',?< . ■ ' Xelter—it Mr. :f SUacMer-. _r ' '^or.!ij(pto* ;i raiMiwoaiß iruanur. Vv,, !»■*• p.i .535?.VT; !»t r. f '‘ t''’I’* 1 ’* ; ~ .'•* -** SBWABD'B BCTLT ipf: dWOBIiSTi’ • ,jj " -'Jig'-i -.. - -V»r, .‘r ; , j>vj X iHthyitiettWi iSMWii>. 8. uioitln»on Ht Htcuim'iruTiii mttbr. .'W* rif v ’. cr -d < ?ll ‘i.'AM’S,. 1 4 / s tnM^te ■omalehilMOatrMMVMohip'nkfor ttnMt'vM: : K , *« : ’ .I’oiipioy ntnri, mat ooo)*nitar*'©r politiial iflktrtT’ll "’LI difficult toww.bit.wiy j&SSMSBSKffi^ ®SraflQgl@@£S!SK wialjantonl pSfcoblo' paiij oombtnationj will political tnaUriiinowdriffij^ piijty,_ii ijittf i India what condition U thoDe , mcntle party?..lho July and rigor?** ontigy 1 Ja.fartfadnig iwnawingUnlf.bybbgluning to appmlatethojiring, nil, nil t nbitaatiai Imw oftlih>rM«tt ta&futun, and la adapting iti orga s''5 '' -t T *H ; % K*, :, jKlUTr.'ijn:T**,.(‘ilta»pai«l»iat* nnma ’’ 1’,.:, ■. acaaniniruu.” ■ »o !psrW#yJtrS the oat iti re<inanlwiftlytkatflf^freaHy*oistwi • in th* coonomy of ont political arraagemonta, It fa ptwSSdMlw mmpttona of m who ohly ; tta* frail 'the duat. of l«*> to mouth IndpM WlmnasaSttmeataHtl.a; and, taoiw thpprtljllidtMpiaaacaiaaod oohaolcnoo with loakiof anil* lad tnat Of poorer. To tho mind of tM?Ho*tS TttS);«i(Wqf ;of Abollttonlam—of the “ atrikinr; it" iaTiYnetoiwrdts(in* !ax carnation 'of be. ing the nent. that aljtho Booth..lf not allttho Retrograde progress »*,to OMWW tto* ,&m wliprognaa. • .In tho lataei, the whoto world marabea together;' in the .errbe.Wbleh So* once boon oonrtoted aa abrnWUtr ousamhoM ita<cronßd agate as-a hnt onol hoMto Uhoon mw aliape, unworn M<W O»;Worid often dodo iti old enemyin a atraoge diagniao. Thai, though AboHtlonlrahee been oonrtoted of bra tall te and barbarity in thattohart Wanda of tho world, and offormringthomlntojoncloiond depopulation, yot itnow ißadj brfontwi & tho form of tho “it ntnwUi oosSiot,’' and ohillmgo* tho ambition of tho North while It inSamoi iti aomaftnou, which now;t»okt to wreak ita atonement for meroeonrj oozdidoow npon tho “glUWriaggee»r«Utloe” of tuireroai MOelity. In thiewey.end through tho combined. lnflaehcea if ’Wahltr,apeenletk>n~lkmbi t'on.jonpidity, and ion iclinoo, tin “ impnwiblo - thongh aniacialrraJoiti Tand-lnh'Bmau, irfaetbeoOmlng a Hring and tortiMo roality.. its. saiTT coxonnhi ran, mtnrraor.nji nnrmi TrtW’W t*»ofctbgr s orrafc«:4| )o iigi )n ji( g , t 9 HsrthrU about to.be consolidated against the South. It U fatilo to . deny, ualen ell the Sims Mound OS batray, .that Mo Federal Government 7 ,. about to poet »»<? the hande of the majority se, - turn and that all iti power will be used to mpplr and utterly to destroy,tke inuituttan of timer a as it exists, amongus. Neither to-morrOw, no r tka next weak, nor the next year, might the dec - gar ha piMtodin thehowtoftt^s2ithTbn; ,f »• eabmW to tbi notional domtaattonAdiloh is 5S? r J? , *ttSf d «ataa% wtu iae- TitrtlydwblVunlHa whole htatery of tho world be roreroed.'and the eeeextial principles nf humanity be rproietlonlsed. . So people oaa Wcly Commit their rights and CirSlsatioafo the custody ofaoothar eudSoatilaeommanity, and It la idle tr deny that tho Nerth bto tho South a boettle com ■ manlty. ->r ■ .aDfajUtro couruiiaiiTS ooy, aawiao. Tbit'tfcsiiare the distinct and tIUI imaaenae sentod te. the oountry by the Black BepuMl«in party no one can truthfully dany. Thu par. v four yean ign.ln itaeoncantlon at PUladuphm declared thiT ’‘Polygamy and sMvtry ware twin relics of herbalism, and abould be immediately destroyed,” and upon tbieleeue it then earns within a heir'a breadth of selling She Qoretnment. 'Since then It baa inoruled In etrongOi day after day while the organisation which then opposed it, and was attend enough to snatch rlotory from it, is ri ven asnnder, thus giving it an almost certain road to eueoeas. The Blast Republican’ party i* stronger to day than it hat ever been before, it now oontrols substantially the political organisa tion of all the free States, except California and Oregon. 1 It is, too, fa its declaration! and princi ples morelmpndent andaggraasirethan ithaeenr beea kefera. It la treeTKr. Seward, the cun ning artificer of the party, .is ngt ffa elected standard-bearetinthofreSent eontest; but Me dina DeSarigoe well lays :“It is not.always the satXoman wno warms the bran and who' eats i the bread.’’ Mr. Seward’s intellect, sulUvattbn, mi) smbltion. taada him too consoryatiya far the muses of tha-Slaok Bepnbltcan party: and. true to their mstinots, they salsotod a man whoso vulgarity and ignonpoa afibrded a guarantaa that ho .would be the mere instrument of their will It b humilie tin*> Mr“.‘ <UUt»«ag, tp aaa a party in «hb country putlfag forward a men for, tho Presidential chair, onoe oerapitd by Waaktegtonacd Jefferson, whoso only aehlwatatnti have teen that ha split a few hundred railsln early Mb; and, atalater pariod, vilified the armiea of ab countrywhiia fljrhtnurhf r battlason a foreign soil; aad,to OSoWn auToliarxed' filOffaMfhlwWaadyoeaUagthe prinoWe* ofbi* party, and hb ownolalme to Ue nomination Ibr the hlgheit cfibe in the gift of tba Eepnblie. an. Kairx woa’r wiu*>o*>ui'-'‘oT»B*-!*or.’’ ; ‘ It has beeneald that If the BepuhUoan narty scoceeds in the pending Preridanftal election, it wOl meoead through the forma of tha Oonititution, and that weiauit wait for an “overt aot.” It is immaterial to a fra*people,.WheSber they are oi<- preeaed nnder the forms of aHoneritatioaror-orer “degaiart ita/fama :th«r«*Ui opprouion Itself, and not the formfa wbiehltoomee. Abravapeople matsaroi tyranny by vprineipis,- and iuot by tho weight of. itslmmedlate blow, orbythe gsba in whSh. Jl'‘ thpeara, What boots it’to the'South. whether herfoes deipoil her. through the perverted forms'of ■the GonetetHttem, or operand again tt rJbm’Wust, bp&SitW the SouthwElthar herfo. be hypocrite Or Mtsafa, If bar life be Uieforfelt ?. So; it aoasatUa at littiswhsthcrthS KspabHeanpartv -rarndwr «mfoftM;ef.tss' Cohetifatloii ordet,eoidng as the poaseSabn and exenist. .of power bj tkam will bo our deatractlon. ' Bhall we wait fin.au orertset?” la. aot tba aesubk ttbn ffifbnpfoTW'jiMaQ,. tbrooghanlefione, eonipiraoy against tba attar,i*a “.evert aet?” Is net tno orgenisitioi;ef a party ta one section, upon the ayowad, al»lnte, .hrtexyuilre ground of war faro upon mmlbbr Saetloß, an “oyartsot?” Isnot the peesessidhwf ftp aoyerpment by ,on« sdetldn, with tho deaiarSd' rf rwioldlng all its powers to destroy thojsjipafty and uproot tho hinds of tfaeae who will aaaaritour honor, dixnity. end Intdresia abroad "to a iatofHolyWilUu and Ureeo-AoroSi.wboea. aola .oocupatlon'it will bo <o dafaaao USf. aud, witb auppbminUtrias, to inna. tiafe themaelyaawbibforawnariatooraelei? , * ■ ,« , /anw»nß’a' l iLifx»;. .. . i - Will it be a tweet eowoltttoti to ! theeo pbilo- Bophlo»l «p»et«n*» ,'• crrert eot*”to tee Mr. Sumner MioUhr toKagUod, thetbe Mty Mmand with dlplerattio loitre tbe“ ftMouthlrt” which ho wore when iMr Breckr ebtttteed him for hie iMClent iMaden,' tad which, it liMM,beV*ethtlr etrricd,dabbled,with the Bnebets of Argjlt, whew the inrited him to dinner t Mo;: it: t».i Merejatgon to tallr ehonf " waiting f( r orert It la declaring that the only inrolt the Booth will neOftiUe iaaesff. - No pwW—not even &i‘Bdh*’ Culatte party in Franee—hnavarbMu bu«r or Kora meagre! then is the KepsMiiih'.v It .Ul'Bbt*eonr»s oMnsti to lift FnrWwyWßßiag; ’*» Jtgnix' Sufficient to mike Vrtu conquest, remwc table It has nevartoocheO m-«ST^OTSgfS;- B *; gusriaAakfaißUfy bnt to rtußd.r it.Hsnrtieunded with tSjrfSMjJy tnco* of iti^nintciTßptidhSciil cotfl^Silti peculation,it ihtpti 1 so nekonsi bllttyfwhffa'KnooanoMno atom* jJJLJWSJ" the HRiVHa bo promise for i n giZ '^l'i&hstZSSl^A ofgMoiW* M «<Pl«lt*#|Msjß atfask noon tko libarties end hStoyrflo** - «At noht, dowfi ttoptd, foneusalttigMykaia TM tpM muhi tuftrur." lnit of spollsapd now= or, the. deny thihtitoHfoJtt; world, ora false to the obligation, of the Oon«»»ttoa, ani defy truth and'')sttto*.'"-' >p*- : stc-';« r-jww-n. iaaoeti Will; ska-B*t.Afa»lm pact* uamee, aid ■smgsm?ss^»jm ,of ■ tbe \ : ♦Wit pirty - oppoea ltaaif to thla, great MhlonqUMt? . In itajtn, led gmorsHon tba -Whiff party wu Ufa crAnyagelmt the progroa aeMom wigkbeeauaa,uafert«*aulw for it, present ■ ItAwttMVprtaAt power,, audita knowledge P^Sh^ft^rS'S System, aad .!*•■ afivoealM soon became petrified fa* apart of the ! joaw., Lot.lts followers catch of the presort, and mnruh abraast frith ♦flit':»Wt ?; "tbbtpap ?At*' : bPw ira man * mt'% «Vwfia*' mumt.” • . * Through - bmldbTbDWfittsfiportACyfitthoNbrih, it did not disdain falsehood; aOd,through obtti naoy at the-South, ltwent os in search of fresh misfortunes. 1 Will it how make the Sooth a unit, or,will |t dime net, in " ’78," when every val ley rangwUhdomsstio itrffo.and even brooklet babbled ofoivildlioord 7 Will It bow Its heed to I "vulgar tyranny," and sacrifice its mnnhoodfor a Union whieh loads its enemies with benefits, find crashes Itself with disfavor? - '■ “BQttAMTr w'tm tanoit on »i>hrinsitsosi out " ■ ox nr.” • • , . Will the Denjoeratto party, which is now passing through deathlhta a new life, forfeit 'part honors and fhtnre confidence by submitting to a fool usur pation of the Government ? Will it fbld its hands arithbnt a straggle, and see the Bebth pnt besido -the north like a whale beside a swordfish—the one all prey, the othef all weapon t Will it see ohr splendid system of Government, with their asperate laws and political nsagee, fused into one immense and incoherent mass, all equally dependent upon the common central authority? 1 oannot believe it.- Why not, than, a union of the South for tho ssjra of, the,Sooth?., At. the North Caesar, hah n party, Pompey has a party ; butaeßouth hns no It kept, raw MB’ sections apart from ths beginning of the present strnggle. bnt it has itself fallen to pteeee ln the conflict of,principle; and the North add’ths South now stanffroato faoe.while each is spear. Drsaci after dream have floated before us,' and vasisbed nevsr to return; Illusion after Illu sion hlvfibreksn up and drifted away, and we ars awakened te a conflict which cannot be avoided without dishonor, and In which wc oannot bo van-, qnlshod without rain" The South now stands upon the, Constitution, antbbei standard is in thahinds ofßreek In ridge aad iaoa ; let her sons bally Ho it, and; undaritrmoya on to “ Equality In tho Union, o? Independenceout, .ef.tt,”' . ': ", r , . , ; !.:-u*in: *om-iint>ijfg»l>*RT.‘^r>; l tjiji',ug!oii7, ' /Jjßut.iliisuli the, Bleok"Republican party obtain pewer, and tho bouthr-eiC Aitrpassive—what then ? WUlcXinvoke 00-oparaUon—while I appeal to the T3tlSe‘«rotfnd'lo,.be l trae'.to, their,, honor—yet, if, tbfise tall.l ilsGmrkjs? the State atom, ifnites iary;:aud at all hazard*, to secede from' the Ukioti. Anyfate isbetter' thandegradarionand a elow-eehsuming, tyranny. ' Tho. Federal' Govern ment might baaboUshed ibiiporrow, and the. South Would,only khow it through the removal of burdens and the withdrawal of oppression. Every' Volume ofthe'Federal statutes , might be barnC-and'-ibe South,would,never know tmet an. injury hadiEobn doua to hor,. Her protection comas from her State Governments, and andsr these’alone,.if the Union we rain mins, she, eoald aohlevoher safety and prosperity., She, will meet.the fntnre with organ ised Governments'and notin a ooafnaed and ehaotio - TBtt WtY THB TUIKG IS 10 BB DOHB.‘ ,f In; my judgment, if -the Black RfittbHefifa':pSrty saoecedc. in-.thc ooming election, the Governor should immediately assemble the legislature, and that body shouldprovide for a.State.Con vention, eehtth ekould protect the State Jrdm-the dishonor of submission 'to Black 'Republican rultl 1 Before the tribunal ofthn world, and at tho bar sf history, we'ihall stand justified. 1 Freedom ltvea mnah'morc In,the spirit of a pbopla' than in the'forms of a government, We'ehell receive the tflaudita bf brave menfor preserving freedom, and not reproanhee for shattering a despotism. • Sena tor Hammond.in his unanswereble and consum tnate.argnments on the admission of Kansas and squatter eovereigaty,’’ haa exposed the resources nod the rights' of the South. Upon both tremor aafoly stand. . ’ W kiaflkfi b>,BHßronio., ", The Uhlon-ii-jußt-jUs •travellers,tell ns many Eastern habitations lore—a palace 'to look upon; o »tetn^.^Tn a r; bat the master pots his walking-stick or his boot heel through’ the rsflers, and be finds that the white ante nave eaten all the. substance out of the that all that'he' sees about him is n coating of paint, whieh an intrusive blow may dis perae.ln a elond of dost. The skirting boards havo already perished, the rafters are now ready to tnmblom. .Wa of the South have done everything to ,'pre serve the Union.. We have yielded almost every thing but our honors. Let us yield that only as an enemy yields his banner. I have the honor to be, YOur obedient servant, Lawbekce' M. Ksiit. , Orangeburg,,o. H., July 18, 1860. WHIT THU JOUKBALI SAY OX MB. KEITT’S MANl xesto—the “ tikes” thihks it silly. The New York Times of Tuesday says ll Col. Keltt's letter is a very silly production. It abounds In'wSSt'-he Consider*':Bho>writing,;'and what he hopes others will, .eonsidor- high-toned chivalry But It is all great trash. .It .is neither sensible per,impressive. It is the gasconade of a man who has long wielded power to whloh he .Was hot eaUtled. aM Who fsets that hs.esn do so no longer. Chios is always at hand when we-. no longer, diotate the law- The' l minority section, ’ its Col. Keittstyles the' South, has ruled ' the ’.nation for fifty year*—of conrso it sees nothing but ruin in the proepeet that the power is to'pass-into' the hands of the 1 majority auction.’ - Bluster, pom pous 'threats, are’the first resort of men more eager for power, than .for justice under such circum stances.” ... THU TIBBS THIBMS HB ORLT WASTED TO CRBATB A :,; ' .... , SBBSATIOE. ' . .We da not believe Colonel Keitt really snliai hates', any secession; He has aimed to write a station' letter—to create some kind of esMtemeat among - Southern politicians, and lo Wfighlsownpolitioslhshnernpon the outer wall He writee ell this rigmarole because It has become fashionable among Southern ultralits to talk In that way.. Thay foresee, as he confesses, that the sway is passing over to the majority section, anti they fear it win not bo spirited or ehivslrio to lot it go without a protest, so. -they- prefer to put it in tho form of. a. threat^—When the oontingenoy oc cur* they.will think better of the matter. After a ftonnbllotn’ President hes been elected, and when nothing whatever id to bpmsdu bymonaaes, they wiU ocnridar the matter srood deal more oonlly then they do -at. present. Colonel Keitt win lin'd the Oid Whlgr; Lthe Amerjcshs, the Bell men, and ihe' friendi of Boaglu, el) .through tho South, nnited and firm egeinst sseeeslon, or at least de termined to ; awal| l, eome.; < overt.eot” which shall readerraoblhdasperate-remedy necessary. And that “ overt act’ ’ will never come. ' THi kasALD is'a‘ nunvons vivan. iawfflffsfaasssKaK a eolnmn and a half of editorial, in double-leaded type, predieting all sorts of disasters. The Saco mya ;‘' Tbit the Strath. Csii seeede, if united in tho movement, there is no reasonable doubt. The vote of that section trill be given to Breckinridge find lane.' r Tht .Sen thorn. Seufitors and members of the Hods# would go to Elohmond instead of Wasnlngton. . Congress being opened In regular form; Mr Bracklnridire wofiid be. declared Presi dent of the ,-Unlted Sonlhern Republic, and the Government may ha organised-in a week sfter the rernlb of the November eleotion is made known. There is really nothing to prevent such action on the partof the Bouth, and there is every-reason to !drau thatit may take plan.’ ’- |TiIEBaaALbDIEBS it its .duty'“to wabk.” In tlsw of this state- of. things, we deem It to he onr doty to warn parties Interested of thfi danger which threatens them, go .far as we ean see, the Breckinridge movement at the North will nvall nothing. Lincoln will be the Northern' President, andißfMkiqtldge'tbe .Southern.. The oonthslon into whloh our oemmeroial and monetary affairs will be thrown cannot be' described. Trade will reoeive a blow compered to whloh the storm of 1857 was a mere flurry;-stocks will go down to within a fraction of nothing; all kinds of property will depreciate in value, and the fortunes aceumn lafodby years of toll will be swept away In a’ mo ment. THE SBBALD THIHKS “ SOBBTHIXO BAY BE SAVED XBOX TUB WRECK.” We advise our readers to prepare for tho coming erisis. Between this time,and November eome tUng may ba oayed fimn the wrock. Merchants wbo hava dealings wlthSonthern traders will do wall to olosa up ouoh affairs as soon as possible. Holden of Southern Slate, railway, or oity stooks, or securities of the General Government, should realise upon them at once. Bankers at home nnd abroad shonld prepare themselves for the inevita bte panto in financial affairs. Theorists is immi nent; The dissolution of the Union is afsot already determined upon. - Led us be prepared to meet the doom whieh the trading politicians snd orasy fa natics of thodsy have precipitated upon the Re psblio. 'THB “B0LLBTIB” ON IBE OATABTROBHB. This Evening Bulletin of Tuesday says: “ Mr. Lawrence M.'Keitt, of Sonth Carolina, has nev-r been, regarded as a man profoundly wise, and be has talked disunion in Congress so long, that no body, either at the Senth or the North, aver treats what he cays as.wortby of serious thought. In tho profound oalm with whloh people are awaiting the election of Llneoln, he once more lifts up his voioe, and appears before the world In a long doenmest, declaring that the only honorable course for South Carolina to partita is to secede from the Union its toon, as the tnoeees of the Republican party Is known,. Mr. W. L. Yancey writes a briefer letter, looking to.the etma remedy for th*. grievance of a Republican President. Sensible mendn all sections ere aeenstamsd'to'lhcwlltUp outbursts of folly from rack man -as; Keitt and Yancey, and they are net alarmed at theßi. The letters art not worth pub ltshlngrAnd atQI less wortk predicating revolutions upon. Tbore Isplaely ef patriotfani, conservatism, and gaad sens* at the 'Sooth to submit to the con fHtnttonal elaotfon of a RermWlesn President, and te try how ha 'governs before thinking of seces sion.” , - THE YANCEY MANIFESTO. .. The followlag is the celebrated letter written' by Mr/W. L. Yancey; of Alabama, to Mr. Slaughter, of the. game State: . ’ J ■ Movtgomerv, June 15, 1860. Data Sir : Four kind favor of.tha 16th ia re ceived. :1- hardly agree with ytfu that a general movement can bo made that will dear out the Augean stable. .If the .Democracy were over thrown ft would result in giving place to a greater and hungrier swarm of flies. The remedy.of the South ia not In Woh a process ; It la In a diligent erganiaatlon ofher trad men' for prompt reaiatance to the nextaggreaeioo. It must come in the nature of things. No national party oan earn na; no •fetioaa) party con over do it; but if, we oonld do •S our fathoro did—organise eoumittdea of aafety f?F-*J}«’-,41|e 1 eqtton, Elfateai and it la onlyfn them “ iSfi?® hope for an effective movement—-we rball the ffbathdriheert,!SatrUot the Sduthem mludi ftypewuage to each other, and at the pro per moment, w one organised, conoerted aotion,' wa 4anpreelpUat% th* cotton States into, a revolt on * k** v b«io shadowed forth in the Sooth by j ’a bee been taken up-and recommended in the Advertiser fthe Montgomery organ of Mr, Jancey] : under, the name of 11 The League of United Southerners,*' „b O , feeeplng up tkßjr reletioni on all «her questions, will hold too Southern Issue) paramount, end will inffuenae parties, tdgiaiatnrea, and stau lmon . j have no time to enlarge, but to suggest me,,i Yi „ W. L. Van oir. , To Jag. s. SI.AUOHTKK. KB. BIAOSBTBB’a'BBPLV—HE IB CADSTIC ON _ „ V I'l . (VAHOBV, The Southern Confederacy publishes the follow fag note from Mr. Slaughter concerning Mr. W. L. Yaneev and hie famona private letter, the pub lication of which- has created a breeze at the Sonthr- ' „.Avpa»ta. June 10, 1860. Du, UiMßparoN-Dear Sir: I have long with, held,,an answer to tte chargc tint Col Y.ncoy’i letter to teyaelf wad a privite letter, and should not have bean: pabllnhed, for the reason that when (afterlt had been |inM(*hed, several! months, and, ehdorsedby hla newspfiper suptdttem) thls ehargo was made I wrote to my gallant friend Hover A Pryori'glvlDg the whole history or fas oofrespond •joed.', CeJ.TAniifly look; It; eoulrary, to my expeo tatlp* l iln<J , ihllh dndgeon''’,,.l , foUithat he was ilneare, and rald not desire to make a gentioraan for. whopv/1 Viniertalneii so muoh Odmlratton nn- WfaSllJpiWdji.ftcWMifay gwl.tefane, While I waara oflim of Alabama, to enjoy an afanadniaitea with this diatlnguiched ohamplon of Southern rlghti. I knowrttafc he enjoyed horn* the m tadon of being'e eleVer gentleman in dll hlsm-t stißctsarid habit!. Ido not question . that he re- hi# letter to me as private and confidential. Bat to the faota: v In the offloe of a .warm personal friend,X sat down and;dtew u£ a letter to Golv Yewby, in which! congratulated him ripon his nomination, by several papers in South Carolina and elsewhere, for thaPfendefitial'ofiee/ end ate ted that h* bad many friend! in Georgia wHo, ipauld be pleased to (udr from h%pi, ana that I would be glad that he would write to me his views on the remedy for .Southern wrongs, such as the rejection of Kansas with her Constitution. I maintained that the democracy had deoeiyed its, and could he trusted by us no more with the guardianship of our interests, that we needed a movement of the hon est men of all partita to oleanse the Augean stables at Washington. When Colonel Yancey’* reply eame, I was surprised at its tone. Itdid not dis cuss the points raised in my communication. I read it to a friend, who knew the contents of my letter to Col. Yancey.' The question was raised, did the author Intend this letter for the public eye. I maintained that it was purely ah avowal’ of po litical principles, that Col. Yanoey/was not the nan to have one set. of principles for the pnblio and another to be kept private. TJpoq this wore, and uponthe grounds that I had written to Colonel Yancey, to get hie views that his friends *n Geor gia might hn w kts position, I refused to adopt the suggestion of my friend to write again to Col. Yancey and ask his' permission -to publish it. I eaih.it ttrovldbe an tnsvlt to him.- • • 1 It ousts me nothing to say I am lorry that I gave that letter ,to the public', for th® reason that if Col. Yancey desires to have private purposes in polities it should be no speoial business of mine to make thtm’pnblib,"; ‘ . : / This stale and often exploded charge of il pri vate letter which skoidd notkape been published,” was rmtoped In the TTnitod Stateß by |ir;, Jeffer son Davis, who whilom- denied .that Gen. Scott was *>braveman. Of this I should' have thought no* think,.if t had ttefc called fcpOn Coj. Yaticejr to do meihe justice.to-publish my letter whioh drow his response. I have no fears, that my country men will censure the oourse'that! then took. ' Col. Yancey wrote nothing more to, me than he bad endorsed in the Southerti'Ztague. whioh Was afterwards , greatly >modified by a distinguished Alabamian. He nor his friends have thought pro per to repudiate it. While' the question of the union ; is at) stake, the. people will care little to know whether an obsonre man violated private confidence. I am now satisfied 1 that this flimsy plea of . 1 ' private. letter**' shall continue, If they think it has merit.■t only ask those who desire to know the truth to take this oase as I have stated it, and decide aa to this confidence 1 ’ question. • , By the insertion of this letter in tho Southern Confederacy you will greatlyobligeyour friend, • >; > Jas 8. Blauqbter. A PLAN FOR DISSOLVING THB UNION. A correspondent of the Charleston I&ercury thus proposes a plan for dissolution: u Mr; Editor : I Bee it proposed in your paper of the l?th that, in ease of Lincoln’s election, al, the. Southern States should recall their members from Congress, and proceed forthwith to organixe a Southern Confederacy., Now, with deferenoo, allow'me to ask whether.such' a mode of action would not savor strongly of retreat, to say the least. Remember, the city of Washington is on theftotith* art frontier of Maryland, iinDedUtoly, adjoining the northern- frontier pf Virginia—on our own ground, therefore. Should net the Southern States rather instruct their members of Congress (In the case supposed) to enter the Capitol and hold it against the intrusion of any Northern member or members who may be the abettors of Lincoln, and who may olaim entrance therein on tho first Mon day of next -December? A ‘ crisis’ would undoubt edly be at hand, but the disturbers uf the Confe deracy should most certainly bo driven beyond its pale.” RfcRttBLIOAKIBU IN MARYLAND, The Maryland Republican Executive Committee have issued an address, in which they say; “We accept the action of the ChtoSgo CrinHh tion in proposing Abraham Lincoln ana Hannibal Hamlin for the offices of President and Vice Presi dent of the United States, avow our confidence in their intelligence and patriotism, and affirm our belief that, if they should be eleotod, they will administer the Government in strict accordance with the Constitution, and with a just regard to the rights of the several States. “ The great question to be settled in the present election is, whether slavery shall be nationalised, and extended over all the territory of the Uttltet States, leaving no portion of those sa&t domains where the white settlers elm bo secure from its blasting influence, dr Whether it shall be oonfined to its present limits, to the States in whioh it now exists, nl an institution over whioh the Federal Government has no jurisdiction. The assertion, either so ignorantly or maliciously made, that the Republican party proposes by fc&e to abolish sla very, and elevate tkehdgro to a sooial equality with the white ffihn, we denounce as a most un founded &66tuatioa. “ This party is essentially the white aan’S party. Its sympathies ; are enlisted in fedhalf of the white race, and its fundamental object is to protect and ennoble free labor. Gar party reoeivesthedootrine that the Federal Government has no power .to In terfere with slavery, or any domestic Institution of the several Btates, and declares the invasion, by foroe, of any State, under what pretext soever, to be amongst the glavest of qrimes. Believing, with the founatts ox the Republic), that Congress has 4 the power to mako all needful laws and regula tion! respecting tho Territories belonging to the United states, r and that slavery should. 6e con finod to the States in which it ne# exists, we ac cept the proposition of the tihioago Convention— that freedom ‘ is thfe normal condition of the Ter ritories’—and that It Is both the right and duty of Congtea to exclude slavery therefrom by positive legislation.” GENERAL KEIH ON TUS PROPOSED FU SION. God. Geo. M. Kelp, an olecjof at Urge, on the Stato Demooratio ticket, hie written a Tong lotter to Mr. Haideman in reply to his circular. Gen. Keim says t “ The plan tecommouded by the State Commit tee is wiao and appropriate. All true Demoorati eonoede that it ie of the firat lmportanoe that Mr. Lincoln should be defeated. I oan rote most oheerfuliy for either Mr. Douglas or Mr. Breoktn ridga in preference to Mr. Lincoln, and know no other mode by which it can be done, bat by a union of preferences upon one electoral tioket, If the insidious devices of those who prefer men to principles should prevail, and two electoral rickets are thrown into the field, it will not at least So the fault of the Demacratlo party of Pennsylvania, but of those only who, begarilless of fealty to time honored principles, fronld sacrifice all at the shrine of personal aggrandisement. Thank Heaven! that olaas of men have no weight with the conservative, sensible, thinking, and efficient portion of the com munity, whose votes mast decide the election. Tho battle must be fonght in Pennsylvania. A cordial union of all for tho sake of the Union Upon the suggestions of the State Committee would seouip the ■ triumphant election of that ekoelient and worthy oitisen, Henry D. Foster, to the Guberna torial chair,.a majority or the Congressional dele gation, a majority of the Senate and Honsa of Re- Sreientarives, and, as a necessary consequence, a nited States Senator. Arc all these glorious re sults to be jeoparded for the sake of any one man ? Is it to be done at the diotatlon of a body, which can claim no shadow of authority for its Inter ference with our State organization, and which seems to have so little confidence in Its own innate strength as to transfer ail it possesses to the keep ing of a single individual? I trust, however, that better counsels will prevail. OSK. KCIK’S COiiPLIMRHT.H TO TBS EDITOB OF “ TBS I find, too, Out every movement whloh Is made In this btste by those who are sensitively regular end oritioslly punotlllouj is prescribed andheraldeil forth by the editor of The Press, the msnirest objeet of whose editorial labors is, not to eleot Mr. Douglas, but to defeat him so utterly that he shall be powerless hereafter forever. From snoh ohl oanery and deception Berks oonnty has resolved to rid herself. It is not to snoh sources she looks either for Demooratio principles or Democratic usages. She is this day as ready to manifest her attachment and dovotion to the principles as inonl oated by a Jefferson and praotised by a Jackson as in the palmiest period of her snooesa; and her abiding intelligence, cannot be convinced how any party can be made strong by division. She holds In abnorrenoe all who have caused snoh remits: and, for my single self, I will not be linked with any of them. o*s. KEIM’B COHOLUBIOE. The conclusion with which I oloee is briefly to say that, for all these reasons, I shall, if eleoted, oast my rote as elector at large, “ without eqnlvo* cation, compromise, or ohange,” according to tho action of the State Committee. If that committee should deem it proper to suggest any other service for the general good, it woiud be equally proper either to acquieeoe or resign at once. There is, in my opinion, no condition more degrading than to misrepresent these who hare confided to you a public trust, and which no private consideration Bhoutdevcr impair. Very reepeetfully, your fellow-citizen, Gborqk M. Keim. J. B. SANSOM WRITES A BETTER. J. B. Sansom writes an elegant, polite, and gen tlemanly letter to Ur. Haldeman, in response to the oireular of the committee. He says: “As a friend of the election of Judge Douglas, I look upon this call as the most impudent ana pre sumptuous ever emanating from a man having the least pretensions to good sense. The Demooratio party of Pennsylvania are not to be led by the nose by moh excitable little oreatures as Mr. Hal deman, and I trust there is not a true friend of Mr. Douglas in the State who will respond to this un authorised call. u BB THBBATEBB TO BOOT THS PARTY. To me there Is hut one regular organisation of the Dentooratic party In this Stato, and having been honored with a plaoe on the State Oommitteo by that organisation, I shall treat all ethers with the contempt they deserve. - X support Mr, Douglas because I believe him to be the regular nominee of the party, bnt if hla in judicious and foolish friends continue to follow the teachings of a corrupt clique in Philadelphia, headed oy John W. Forney, instead of the-teach ings of doty and patriotism, I shall be compelled to declare a " separation” from the contaminating tench of facsemen. ” I will follow where Demo cratic principle! point the way, bnt when they eease to lead I eease to fellow.” Bespeetfully, J. B. Sansoki THOMAS B. FLORENCE ON THE AMERICAN The Hon Themes Bi Florence hag written a let ter to the Breckinridge men In New York so full of eloquence, patriotism, and all that sort of thing, that wo can’t refrain from ‘ publishing It. After this manifesto we consider the canvass praetleally settled: Wabhinoton, July 17, 1860. OnBTLBnaB: Onr patriotic fathers have entrusted us with a priceless scon—the preservation of the Constitution and the Union- No one oan oontem'- plata the. grandeur of their effort to .establish a free government without emotions of gratitude. Their time And greet deeds are engrayeu upon the tablet of onr memory never to be obliterated. -But a llwie more then eighty years of its ezlstsnoe have liassed, and this grand fabrio of republican States **2*®isatcits Base.' It seems propernow to look baok and ask ourselves,-Are we the faithful cus todians of the; greafc trust confided to us? Oiir Revolutionary nfires fell'ln the cause of equality of rigkt»ito na most gloriously and uoftelfUbly was the sacrifice made. “ They fell devoted but undjing- I he very Kales their names are sighing; The waters murmur of their name: The woodsare peopled of tteir fame; and yet we are now, on all sides, “round and about us,” met with the abandonment of the prin ciplee of equally, the fundamental basis of out free Instltntlohs, upou tbi dcquellfled observance of which only osn they be perpetual. In this gloom, when the hopes of the nation are well nifttntoMtated, and the expectation Of avert ing the dire catastrophe of a disruption of our ito PRESSI—PHILADELPHIA, ’THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1860. Confederacy of- equal States ” given up do despair, it is, indeed, gratifying to fihdmeh fearlessly standing up for the right, demanding a full recognition of equality of rights of all The State! of the Union, and battling boldly for its and thetr maintenance. Our Union must be pre served. It can only be by maintaining) in all their foroe, the requirements of the AmerUan Constitution. Thi9 ; y«l! propose to do under the flag of Breckinridge and Lane. It is a glotiotta purpose and aim, in whioh I bid ydu God Speed. -. Other engagements will prevent my being. pro erit ffith yoh te-mrirrow night. 1 trust your ef forts in the cause of right, justice, and “ equity,” whioh to “ equality,” may oe orowned with sue cess. Truly your friend, Thob. B. Florence. Hon. Gideon J. Tucker and others, Committee, &0.. Ac. , SEWARD’S RBPLt TO GRKfetiKY. The -Evening Post publishes the following letter from Senator Seward in reply to Greeley, and says: "Neither of the parties to-the correspondence has, as yet, made any public avowal of it, out aside from internal evidence of its genuineness, the original' has been so freely exhibited about the oity as to justify the expectation that a oorreot copy would bo in circulation by this time. Nor is there anything in the letter, considering the con fidence in which it was uttered, that a statesman of Ur. 1 SewHtd’s prudence os a politician, or skill as a writer, might not hate written: • Wo should not Print it if we did not think it genuine, and did not Know that the seal of privaoy had been so far removed from it aa to make it in a measuro public property. “ Your letter is 4 iJrlofely letter—a Very porcu pine of a lotier—bristling with sharp points all over, so that I soaree know how to handle it, and' cannot handle it at all withoutpain. X have a sort of sad hope 1 that the exhaustion 6f your noble labors In the campaign whloh hits just closed may be In great part responsible for the sharpnesr of your oonsures, which I am stilt not prepared to pronounoe wholly unjust. “ But on one point 1 must hasten to dear myself. At the time when'you deeoribeyounelf as suffering actual want in Albany, I had no Idea that you were or could bo eo oircumstanoed. If you had then let me know'your odnditioh it shoUld at onoe have been remedied. But is it quite just to bl&mome to-day for an offense solely the result of your own sensitive nature? You were entitled to better terms than you had, and you should have had thorn had I known your necessities. “ As to your right te withdraw from the firm of 1 Seward, Weed, & Greeley,’ that of oourse oannot be questioned, however muoh-your brother part' ners may regret It. I think, too,.thatwbotber with us in name or not, we shall always have the benefit of your serVloes. For this firm was Incor porated under divine oharter, if at all, for high and holy purposes It has so far sttooessfully ful filled a high aid lofty mission {-and while the na ture of Horace Greeley Continues what I have known it. ho oannot —let him try ever so hard— dl&serer the bonds of piinoiple which unito him to our notion and ultimate designs, <( As to many of the charges in your letter, so far as they apply to mo are abso lutely now to me., .My position at Washington has compelled me to resign even.suoh slight interest or part as lat on* time .took in- local management; nor am I at this moment aware of what steps are being taken by Mr. Weed to eeoure my re election to the Senate, though assured that my interests are safe in his hands, you know that in the 'machi nery of party it is necessary that sOmo oho head should be ifi Command, and that place in our com bination has devolved on .Weed. . ■ jf the may nbt haVe filled it wisely is quite possible; hut that he aoted on his best judg ment t feel sure.. As I have never spoken of you to him but as I would. have spoken had you been overhearing me, so, knowing our relations, you cannot expect me to speak of him to you otherwise than as of a, friend to whom I stand under obliga tions net easy to be spokefi.. “Of m&bjr details published it) your letter I mutt still pfe&d ignorance, confessing myself partly In fault, perhaps, for not having, taken more in terest in things interesting, to you*. But over the Redfield matter, for instance, of,whloh you com plain. I had no control whatever., t am sure if you think this part of your letter over again, you will confess having done me some injustice. u But the main difficulty and fountain of all the apparent n6gl6ot of whioh, you. Complain; or rather whloh you now ejtpole, arbse from a misconception on my side of our relative positions. ■ To me it has always seemed that Horace Greeley, editor, was the main prop of the firm; and far from ever dreaming that he oould need any aid from me, I always looked to him for that support which tbo more powerful brother extends to the weaker. This is fountain of our mutual misunder standing, and I. frankly as I deeply re gret. my share In it. . “ As to yet another part of your lejtor—that in | whioh you spe&k of a nomination personally offen* i rive and injorfoufl to you—l can only repeat what I I haVO already said about my non-interferenoo in looal matters; and try as you may, my friend, you can never foioe me, by taunt or mlseonoeptloh, to write yOur honored name on the same page with that of either Webb or Raymond. We think alike ftbOfcS people of this class, and the views put for ward by mo at onr last conversation at Washing ton, as to their characters and the injuries they have done to us, are those to which X still adhere “ As to the firm of Seward, Woed> andJGreeley, I think, on a fair review of.,the .whole matter, that you will eojnc to the conclusion that you hare not been without an immortal reward for your services in the -borinoss of that firm. Voir nave gained name and fame, power and r&rittan—yoor eeall> mehta finding an echo in at million hearts, and your history as a reformer being sure to go down io an admiring posterity. “ I know you may ihink it fitibltt mb to thus re fer you to future generations for a reward which it may appeal to you I have obtained whlfo still on this side of Jordan; but such is the immutable law of compensation, and Nature - assigns different re wards to different degrees and varieties of service. You have chosen the better and more philosophic I post in our firm ai‘ thinker, guide, and feeder of the lamp of principle; while Weed Ims labored 1n hts own department at the.machinery, and while' I have borne my brunt of the contest In the boAr garden of Washington. The tale ot Athou, i*or» los, and Aramisfinds its Chief parallel in our' labors. .. u And again, is not the Tribune now—whatever ihay haVo your sufferings in the past—an ahqpdant compensation to you ? It is generally regarded as a most excellent and constantly-im- Proving property. ' If, when you were starting it, had known that you wanted capital, it would have given me pleasure to have invested as a mere judicious speculation—for what paper oould fail j that had your ability to guide it? - i “ And finally, that the junior partner should make a temporary from the firm, and to to Europe Ter a fresh stook of Ideas, to'revive is frame, shattered in the severe advooaoy of a noble ecuse, I hold to be most righteous and pro* per. .But on year return to your native land I shall hope to find yon onoe again the main prop, pillar, and support of our polltioa! house. “I have written this letter hurriedly, and with more than my usual warmth, beoause I am'anxious to show you how utterly groundless aro the suspi cions you seem laboring under, that your services in the partnership have been overlooked or taken for granted. It is this, if I read your character aright, which gives the sting to every paragraph in your letter, and not the reoolleotlon of pecunia ry troubles long slime past, and whioh you boro while they aotually oppressed you without a mur* mur Hoping to hear from you soon, when health and your usual cheerful philosophy shall have been restored to you, I remain, as ever, truly yours. A short and swoet letter from Hotf. D, S. Dick inson, addressed to a resident of Jasaioa, L. 1., is published by 'the Farmer of that place. It is as follows: Binghamton, July 12, iB6O. Dear Sir : I see no way for the National De mocracy but to support Breoklnndge. The party has fallen into the hands of gamblers and trick* stars. To get up a fusion tiokot would only per ftetnato their corrupt influence, and l am for stand ng by principle and taking the consequences. . Truly yours, D. S. DiokTKBOH. Plerpont Potter, Esq. WHAT iiACHANUS SAYS. , One James Maomanus of Bellefonte.Pa., writes a letter te Mr. Haldeman on Stato politloi, and, af ter abasing the editor of The Press for a oolutnn or two, says: Now, sir, X am opposed to having two Democratic electoral tlokcts in the field at the sometime; and those who aid in sq doing, dls gnise it as they may, Intend te give the eleotoral vote of the State to Llneoln' and Hamlin, and de feat, irthey oan, the eleotion of Gen. Foster. But so far as Centre county is concerned, I am satis fied that her united Demooraay will sustain the action of the State Committee, support the elec toral tloket put In nomination at Beading, and frown down any attempt atdlsnnlon of the Demo eratio party by those (to use your own language) “ composed of schemers, aspirants, and victims, whlsh, as a whole, now forms an organization that appals every true lover of the Union.” ■ Yours, &0., Jab. Macuabub. GOVSRNOR BBWARB TO THE rSOFBB Ok WIBCORBIH. Aobbrn, N. Y., June 26,1860. Gbbtlbkbb : Bo long as I may live I shall oho rish In my heart of hearts the memories of the kindnesses of the Republican people of Wisconsin It will be a more serious disappointment te mo than te them, if I fall to meet them, or at least somo of them, during the present season, and Inform my self of the rapid growth and deyelopment of their noble State. I know that they will not donbt the earnestness with whtoh I look to them te yindioate the ptiholples and policy of the Ifaputlioan party by the Support of Lincoln and Hamlin, its ohosen and worthy representatives. If there shall teem to be any need of it, I will cheerfully speak to them in that behalf. BuLXwant a little time to repair wastes after an absOK of olgtdecn months frcrifi fiomo—»llttlo bring tip arrears of correspondence with Wends who Vo w patient with my seeming neglect as they aw 1 generous in their confidence. l After these things 'ere done, I hope to look into the Northwest. ' Faithfully your friend, Wiliam H.iSswAnD. The Lincoln an ft llamjin Oiub/Beloit, Wis., Hf BSDAMEB OHEGARAY AND D J HER- JjfM. rVlZjbV’i reepeotfullr Inform - their 'friends and the pwpuo that. they have removed tbeir Boarding and IJaygehool fty vouhtLitdiee from Loxan'Seuare to Noe. 10si7 and 1589 SPAIIoB Street where they will be Ksdv to reoeive their pupils on THURSDAY. Soptcm r 23th. Mssdames CHEOARAYand D HEHVIbLY will re ortyo visitors at No 1808 LOGAN Scuare unt.l the aoth Ausust..- ; Jjrtdin A SCHOOL INSTITUTE is • ,7j— reliable medium throuehwhlohSohoolsana Famt- Uesmay obtain oompetentteaohen. Parentsmay ob tain, erntHltoosly, Information and oironlan ofthe best •oheou. smith, woodman, it cu„ ~ nll-tf SOI o^laTN?l?Btr»rt. i> PhTiad l el»M»o DRXANTJb STRATTON’S NATIONAL new. A ‘rk, Bufialo. Claveland. Obloero, and SU Ijous, Ft fm m&tien. e&IT or send roy Catalogue. fsS-Sv PRTVYaWjcLLS Cleaned at a low pnee. , to obtain the contehtSj 1 Address WM, TINBON, rondrette Ofl|oe. 1918 North Second street, jy ig-im* CLATE ; ROOFING,—JOHN WELCH. tw BLAfTKR, is prepend to, put on any amount of roofis* at low rates. All workwarranted to iriVeiA tisfaotloni Orders, sent to.T|tIRO Btreet and GER, MANTOWN Road wifi be promptly attended to. i • ’ «sgBm * , , ~ . ~ i t CYRtfP MOLASSES. Ac.—soo hhds and & Barrel* LOVBRINQ’B Ne Plus Ultra. Golden tor ruu. and, extra Golden. Also. MuadSj itteet, Alfred l. doogb, PATTER AUI^Nr. Orders eolioUed iw«yfitisW9! Rtlon of 'S PAPER AND PAPER-MAKER’S HATEKIAUb jjjto^WßonthSlXTH Street,Philadelphia. THREE SENTBXOEB PROM T>lCEl2iabtt. EDUCATIONAL. IfItPORTATIONS. IJtepqricdior The Press.l &10 t>? k JANEIRO“Bark .‘Lelfhton, Beeizhts-dMO 838 do nertlgg Johp. fVjUnnedy A Co. - ' , , BOARD OF TRADE. LETTER BASS ' •> • 1 iAtthsiMerokahtP Exchange, Philadelphia,, Ship Southern Kf gtits.Hanrood .Liverpool,soon Berk FMrida, Monday.’....- .-.wcieafncgoir m> on; Berk 8t JamesiOnlse,.————.Rio de Janeiro, eoon Bohr A M Bartlett, Bartlett,., .QienCUegos, soon MAitUTB liiTSLlteftfCß. FORT OF PRiLABILPHIA, July &6, IBQO. SUN klHESrr— 4 12-BUN SETB_*_ .T 8 H OH WATER— ~ —, .8 04 in /• V , ARRIVED, ! Sehr Lima; (B?) QTBrien. 13 days Jroai Halifax, NS, With fish to John M Kennedy k Co. > ' .Sohr Jonathan -done, Mebaffar, 8 daysftom Haddatn, Goon with otoue to J&a ÜbOlcakey A 8o8«. . Sobr Mark Stand Uh. Atwood,6days from Boston, in ballast to Natnrtevent Sc Go. ■ Sohr Oharm. fr\*pr, (J days from Boston* with old iron! rtoPhanixlron-Works. > .> i. r , Steamer Vuloan, Morrison. St hours from Mew York, withmdse toWMßftird&Co. . . . CLEARED... .. . . 4 Bteofritilte JJgl&vt&TO, Citation, N©W; York, Via Capo, . Mtk mariarel; ttvis, Perrtambtioo,'Wetsibrd, Rankon ion A Co. Sohr Hero, James. Ipswioh, Van Dnsen, Norton A Co. Sohr 4" 0 Baxter, Baocook, Newbury port, do Sohr Georgia, Bweet. , do do Sohr YlrginiaTfaner, Chapin, Washington, do Sohr Georgetown, do • Sohr w H Rowe, 'thomss. Providence, do Bohr J M. Vanoe, Burdse, Boston. „ do Bohr Mary StandUh, Atwood, Boston, N Sturtevant Bohr Ohara. Baker* Boston, Cabeen A Co . Sobr 2600, Fields, Baltimore, Tbo* Webster, Jr. Sobr 8 L Crooker,Presbrey, Taunton, R R Corson A Co, pQhr Albert Fields, Phillips. Bristol, HI, do Bohr Maty NoWels Covelk Fall River, do Sir J 8 Shriver, Detinli* Bitiimore, A Groves, Jr. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES. Del, July24,9PM. Two brigs, whioh oame in last night, are the only ves • sols at harbor. Wind fresh from Njfi. Yours, Ao., N. W, HICKMAN, (Correspondence of The Press. ■ ‘ HAVRE'DE GRACE, July 2*. 1880,, The Wyoming loft with 14 boats, laden and oonsigned M J ad genian, lumber toThos BaileytJnnes, McCurdy, A Co, lumber to CadwaiadOr A Co; D W Bennett lum ber to R Wolvarton: Major E 8 Keddlg and Geh R Wat son, hlrnber to Trenton; Charles Blanohard, lumber to Toon iraict, Mary Bowman, Ellen* Mary Ann MoCpn key; John Griffip.C MSett* 80 Collins, and Compro mise, coal to Delaware City $ Red Rose, ooal to H N Bur • roughs. XT THLHSBAPn. M (Correspondence bf The Press.) • '■■■■ .v iHANgTON RnAns,JtilrSo. Arrived, batk Printout, from Montevideo June 10th. Spoil* on the 28th, fat 80 40 8. lon* 8020, bark Loretta, ‘rora-Buenos Ayres for New York; same day, whaling jark‘Matilda, m Dartmouth,*!! well. Left in port fri gate Congress, from Rio; brigs Dolphin and Bainbrldge. and steamer Putaeln,from Buenos Ayres all well. Bark Ro noko frohi New York: bark Salacia, from Boston. Also arrived In the Roads, hark ( nmpanaro, from Bn •n the, 22d. Spoke 28d, off Cape Frio, bark P 0 War wick, from New York, - . * ' MEMORANDA.-,- , Steambhlp Cambridge, Howes, ole&reil at Boston 24th fthin.tligniandfir, Sberhiah, fdr New Yolk, cleared at C&loUtw May SI. , Bhip Leona, Norm, at Callao Jane 22 from Chmohas, and sailed 27th for Cork. Ship Chstsworth, Hurne, tailed from Callao 23d June for Boston. Bark Gambia, Stein, sailed from Rio de Janeiro 20th alt. for Philadelphia. Bark Leighton, {freights, for Philadelphia next day, wee at Rio dp Janeiro June 22. Bark Valet'a, Thompson, cleared at Boston 34th inst. forCajJe ToWn* COH. • Brigs Wm (MoGilvery, Warren, and Judge Witmaa, Bray, hence, arrived at Boston24th inst. Bne Orinooo. Tabbntt, from Boston for Philadelphia, sailed from Newport 22d inst. Sohr H W Benediot, Ellis, henoe, arrived at Norfolk 2Sd inst. Sohr Riohard Borden, Arnold, hence, arrived at Fail River 23d inst. Sohrs Roxbury, Chase, Martha Jane. Clark. ATirrell, Higgins. Henry Perkins. Goodrich, from Boston for Philadelphia; D P.Talpey, from Portsmouth for do. ant Lejok, Rejniok. from Wareham fbr do, sailed from NewiJort sd iHst. _ , , • - - . Sohr Fnooh Pratt. Sherman, hence for New Bedford, arrived at Newport 23d inst Sehr E A Cummings, Kerr, hence, arrived at New Haroa23dmst. Sohr H B Gibson, Crocker, henoe, arrived at New London 23d inst. Sohr J R Mitchell, Morris, henoe, arrived at Paw tuoket 23d lust. „ , Sohrs S Applegate, Cfanihdr, hence, and Ann S Brown, Brown, from Alexandria, arrived at Providence 23d inst ' Sohrs War Bto*d, Smith, and J R Tnhnsqn, JohiitUn, sailed from Providence 23d.inst for Philadelphia. Sohrs Elisabeth t-ngllsh, English, G*nrge Fdward, Baker, Edwin T Alien, Allen, and W A Henry, for Phi ladelphia, sailed from Salem 23d mat Sohr Problem, Cole, for Philadelphia, went to sea from Charleston 23d inst „ Sohrs Brunette. Johneon, and 8 M Kent, Thompson, hence, arrived at Baltimore 34th iftit Steamer p C Alger, Fenton, henoe, amved at Alex andria 24th inst. MEDICINAL. DYSPEPSIA REMEDY. flh DAflilJS HAM'S AftOMATID INVIGOftATINO SPIBIT. This Medicine has been used bv the public JOT ux years with inertating favor, It is recommended to Cure Dyiptpsia, Nervousnsu, Heart-Bum, Colic Bain*, Wind in the Stomach, or Pain* in the Bowels, Headache, Drowsiness, Kidney Complaints,- Low Spirits, Dslitiutn t+emens, Intem^ermic., It SrifibLATEs, EikiLAjtiixff, litvidcJnxTko, fibr WILL KOT IIfTOXICATX OK STOPXVT. As a Medicine it is Quick and effectual, ouring the moetagsravated oases of Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaint*, and all other derangements of the Stomaoh and Bowels in a speedy manner. it will instantly revive the most melancholy am drooping spints, and restore'the weak, nervous, ant aiokly to health, strength, and vigor. . Persons who. from the injudioious us# of liQuors. have become dejected, and their pervoos systems shattered,' constitutions broken down, and edbJoet to that horrible ruin, .Sow S,lri *' Does.—One wine glass fall as often as neoeasary. One dose will remove all Bad Spirits.. One dose will care Heart-burn. Three doceswiU oure Indigestion. One doee vUI give you a Good Appetite. Oat dose wilt stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. One done vnii remove the distressing and disagreeable effeots of Wind or Flatulence, ana as soon as the stomaoh motives the Invigorating, Spirit, the distress ing load and all painfulleoifngs Will be removed. Opedpeeudll remove'the &odft distrtsSmg pains of Oolio, either in the fetmnaonpFm>wsl^,, ■ A fewdbseq wiil remove all obstructions in the Kidney, Bladder, or Unnary Organs. Persons who are seriously affljored with any Kidney Complaints are assured of speedy relief by a dose or two. and » n. or two bot. ltß , Peraons who, from dissipating too much over night, and feel the evil effectspoisonous liQuors. in Violent headaohes.siokneas at stimaoh, weakness, giddiness, Ao., will find one dose wiu i .move ail bad ff elulgs. Ladies of weak and elokly ooobtitutlons should take the InvlgoiatingSpirit three times a day; it wifi make them strong, healthy, and hapt y, remove all obstruc tions andirregulantjes from the menstrual organs, and pstore the bloom of health and beauty to the oareworn faring pregnanoy it will be found an invaluable medi oine to remove clsagrecabl* sensations at the stomach. , All the proprietor asks Is & trial, &nd to mdiToeThisThs has put up the Invieoßatma Brisix in pint buttles at 00 oents, quarts 91* General Depot, 48 WATER StreetiJfew York. ; DYOTT & SONS, ««**!.*, Wholesale Agents in Philadelphia, Je7-thstnlr and for sale by aU Druggists. THE CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND, DALLEY’S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR C3AS' universally, supplanted fill other JL-R- Ointments and heading applications in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, wherever intro dueed;, and its wivrt* is the true secret of its suooesf in all cutaneous affections, whether the cause be mcuUnt or aissaas. BU7NB A g SCALDS are Instantly relieved ' of H their anguish, pain and Inflammation, by a timely 2 application or this mar vellous healtr % and the S flesh |s renewed ae if by a ram® ry. Children' are ..frequent» sunerersfrom external In juries, . eroeoially from 'r Fluid and Camphen* Ex v.ostmu—therefore every S mother ehould have this healing preparation eon- S stimtiy on hand. It heals uuiosly Sj removes the TETTER or RINGWORM, so preva- n lint \n thtnvrterv. 1 dividual whose, lot in rife throws mm within the chance oi acoldont from 2 Ate, or tolli (.mmws ftrisahstesa' olieap, and itionld aver b. ea Mi oompanlon, ai a friend l a ‘f-lft 011 " 6. aw'd* oflTrini vitnHiaa to tertif, WiUmarvellqtil S rlrtae, who owe their aoand Jimba and mnielee 3 to iu ranna elfioaor. |?otenßreaat, fewAoiM, i ioomr,“' Bites of Reptiles, Felons, Soalds, Qanoer, . Glaniluiar Dis-Sonrf; Oraoked Lips,. eases. Seald Head, Chapped Hands, Mercurial Sores, Sprains, Chilblains, Poms generally, S&aU Pox, Bontraoted Cords, Kfnf, ** Tette”’ ° f ***' Venereal Borei, Solf at the frinolpalD«oti • 14 Broadway, New York, T. W, JUYWTT * SONS* fe.r wh.i.air.topgE^aa. PIANOS. mggfa HAINES BROS.’ OVERSTRUNG rrrm patknt-actiow piano fortes. 41 Cheapest Fl™* Class Piano* made.’’ A splendid nuortmencof Louis XlV..andotberstylei, Tor sale at Factory Cash Prjoes, and warranted for S year*. Seoond-hand Pianoe for ■ale and to rent. „ „ „ , GhOßGfc L. WALKER, S.E.Cor.of SRVi-WTH and ARCH St. PRINCE A OO.’fl Improved MELOOEONS. from S4S, upwards. jylg-Sm PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS!! PIANO-FORTES. MELODEONS, PIANO-FORTES. „Made by Raven, Daoon* A Co-i Nunn* Halter*,Davis, 4 Co,, and others, ’ ■ mrU-I ’ SEVENTH and'CH^S^SVT. tfaam STEINWAV A SON’S NEW PA oonoorte end in nrlveto olrolei hr the heel penormen. Received thnlirat cr.muinui o«r the be.l «-lv I 0« CHESTNUT Slr.it LEGAL. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS UiSLJPHI™ 6 CITY AND COUNTY OF I>HILA _ i.tn'te or MICHAEL GRATZ, deoos.ed. Tbe Andiior appointed nr the Court to audit, settle, and Adjust the eocount of FRaNK M. ETTlNG.Trus tee unrter two certain deed* of trust, one dated Ootober S&k’SPtttf REUBEN EITINO, and ether*, to FR R D ERICK BEAT*-8, and »he other dated Ootober 89th, ‘Bl3 by sa'd Beates to SIMON GRATZ, and others, re corded reapeotivelv at Philadelphia, in Deed Rook G. w. R„. w p. 10, pp. 713 and 7i7, of foeFstate of Mlohael Grata, late of oity of Philadelphia, deoeased, and to re port distribution of the balaLoe in tho hand* of the ao oountant.willmeetths parties in interest, on MON- D *Y, Auruet 6th-1860, at* 11 o’clock A, M., at his office, No. *l6 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. * JylLtuthsflt CHARLES 8. PANCOABT, Auditor. PI THE ORPHANS’ COURT OP CHES TER COUNTV, and Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania. * the mattor of the Estate of RICHARD McPHER SON, late of the township of Badsbnrr, in the county of Ohes er, and State of Pennsylvania, deceased. _The heirs and legal representatives of the said RICHARD McPHEKBONr deoeased, and especial y MARG ‘ BARNES, (late McPherson, I the wife oT HENRY BARNES, and n-sister of said deceased, or her heirs and legal.representatives,if any, will take ndtioehHat the UndersTi nedha* been,appointed by said a i ao P* the parties entitled thereto, the sum of two hundred and sixty-stx dollars, and thirteen cents. (95M.13,> with its interest the hands of the administratori Ao.. ofthe deolased. and »hstth# siud Audited Will lit'dyhto office. in thtf borough 6f,We*t Cheater, oountr of Chester, and_State of Pennsylvania, op the FIRST DAY of AUGUST next, at lOo’S.ock A! M., wheh all parties olaimmy to be Entitled to said fiirfd win present too evidence of their title, or be thereafter debarred from any partthereof. * Y r.VRAZRR SMITH, ; KAJJLHOAD I,INKS, rpra PENNSYLVANIA „0 K NT BA L im ;»M|aß iB6O. 1 TH« «™®Wfe||| Y 0 W E <* UAL BE® K iMMML, IsSu swam, 2# SuM 'lSirSf'uicJ Fart Lin eg ran Ihroath to witSSatifliwueolOMipi' Condnoton. ABI fhroiurh Pm ■sneer -Timms ftaTiM Witb'Loafluidn’a Fatent Brake iiMd under perfect control of tee engineor, thus addlSTmtiHh to the wiftT of traveu«r«. , SmoSiniCars art attaches to mt&BmWoptiwr* xStltllt&Bavtmi DAi£yTMiffiaadljart'SiiiM. Bim- JfaWtiWtfv* Atffilv Xamelrarf Aocomjpodation.Tia CoWflaW** « f» *t« " ■ $11; i; WMt dliMi,r rMi«aefr* W.rt Cheater AoooounoaatiQUtA&a Goluthtna TrtiflC, , _ Company in Philadelphia, New- York, Beaton, or Bal timore } asiaTioketaEartwaraat any of the important n «|fe»t« ,aliraj« a* low, ud time m tiioki ttbjUM other Jvcmlfa * • ■ For further information Adflt At tifd PAinsc 4r Sta tion, Southeast comer or Eleventh and Market Strefrte. The completion of the Weetern oonneotiona of the THE GREAT WEST* The connection of traoke t>y the Railroad Bndie at Pittabarc, avoiding all dravaee or nrriace of Preifht, togetherwith the saving of ti me, are advents* eereaailr gppree&ted by Bhipppers of Freight, aim the Travel imis fli/oeerdblf as ere charted fry ether Railroad Companua . wr Be particular to Bark packages " via Fenna, Rail road. For Freight CbfttTtfttf or Bhljttihf Directions, apply to* or addreaa either of the folkmusfi Agent* of the Com pany: • - • H.B,Pierce A Q.; B. MoNeely, Maryville, Ky.j Onftsby k Cropper, Portsmouth, O.jpaddook * Co., Jefleretoville, Indi ana: H. W, Brown k Co..Cipomnati, O.; Ataera k Hibbert, Cincinnati, O,: R. 0. Meldrum, Mediaon, led.; F. BaM.BMlerJb GlaM,StTlo^ t MO.; John E. Bar rie, NahaviUe, Than,: Harris «_£rantL'MempEia» Tenn,; in the west.- ... 8. B. KINGSTON, Jr y Philadelphia.'*', ' MAGRAW £ KOONS, ffl North street, Baltimore. LEECH t CO., lAstor House,or 18,williamit«,N«Y, . _ , E. LBWlfl, GehUßtth’t Altcotta, Fa. jas-ij. j ’> < l&BCaBBI PHILADELPHIA, GER MHP MANTOWN AND NORRI - TOWN RAILROAJJf-SUMMKR ARRANGEMENT.- : Li»v# a«rm»ntoin>ax l *n* ) U.iiA.M. l Leave Philadelphia 9M min. A. M., 1,3,0, 7X,and ?.» min. A. M,. 1,1f1min.»4,6X» *“ *' QHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. L«wa mfidelphia a, so, uA. AL» 1,4,1, «X, 8. 9, and lOJtf P7M. Leave Chestnut Hiil, 8.40, 9.4011.40 A, M.» 1.40,3.40,0.10,8.40, and 1.10 P. M. Leave Philo- l.lphia »ud 7X P. M. Leave "Chestnut Hill 7AQ A. M., 1240,4.10, and 9^o .‘t'cft.CC'RSHOttOCKEN AWD NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 040.774, 9.08. 11. W, mix.* A.M.* LM, AW. 4*. 5-M, 640, and 11* P. M. . Leave Norristown 6,7, 848, 9, 11 A. M., 1)4, 4X, f and 7J6 P, M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A.M.andSand 5 P, H, Leave Norristown 7k A. m.» 1 and fl P. M. « Oh MAhAYUNKi _ Leave Philadelphia WO, 7H, 9.08. ILQB A. M,, 1.08,108, 4X, WS, 840, B*.and lUf FTm. 3.M, »K,andll* A. M.,7, ? t; 6 ,"' SsftmATß. . „ * Nsa” andP. M. «n-tf .‘yMaßfflKamwssk ISwcim PHILADELPHIA ASSsESaKESKAND READING RAILROAD. On and at ter July 1, W». Mileage Tickets will be issued at #4seaoh, AdiSctraatofSe percent, giving the holder a right to tfafrci 9,000 miles ad anytime, between any points,an«» in the No. 1 oar of ahy Passenger Tra n on above Railroad or the branohes worked by said Com* pany. ;. „ Business men ard ethers, having occasion to travel frequently between different pointf, will find this ar rangement convenient and eoonomioal. -For said tickets or other information apply to the Tio-et Agents on the Line. (i. A. NICoLLb, General Superintendent, Reading,or to B. BRADFORD, jePMm ' Treasurer, Philadelphia. ft C mm NOTICE.—CHESTER RAILROAD-PAS SENGER TRAINSFORDOWNINQTOWN AND IN '^RMBDIATKIffTATIONS.—On end afterWthltoy. 2860, the Fsesenger Trains for DOWNINGTOWH wiu start ftjnath* -new Passenger Depot of the Phila- leaves at 8.00 AFTERNOON TRAIN fer Downinjtewm leavefi fit By^ orderofTh^Soajtfo?Managers cf the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, ap3 ~ \ Wt Hi MclLHßNNßY,Secretary. ISvntt AA£l> ■nSSnj BALTiMOItZ RAILRO*DRUMMER ARRANGEMENT.— after MONDAY. July 9th, 1860, the train# will run as follows t Leave the passenger depot of the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad Co, oorner Market and Thirty-first streets, west Pbilacelpkia, dally (Sundays excepted 1 at 7.90 A. M. and 4.4 S P. M. On Wednesday* and Saturdays aa extra train at93Q Leave West Grove at Woand 840 A, M., and 440 ?. M. Philadelphia connects d|- rebt witira daily line of Staiea.Vto London.a&d Oxford. ReturnlnElsaves* Xiordat 6,39, A. M;, Ctfn necting with theSJO-A. Id. train from West G.ovfl The beautiful soenhry abd well-known healthlul&eea of Delaware and Chester oountles offer superior in ducements to thoee looking tor summer boarding. Freights for this line received at No. Philadelphia, June 78,1860, taulS Superintendent. JK a ajß WEST CHESTER Sund.Tl St r.ll A. M„ IUO P. M.'.rad 4 KM. ImkS w«l Charter at AM A. MVTII) u A. M.. and IM P, M, SHIPPING. d*aWL THE BRITISH AND NORTH sniff* American royal Mail bteam -8»w itii id niMaUßhi, ~.. Chief CabipTM.a.o Mik Second Cabin Passage. _ _ yg „ . , vkomaostor to LivixrooL, Chief Cabin Passage- — flip Beopnd Cabin Passage —.. w . ■ eg The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. The ships from Boston oell at Halifax and Cork Hat -2s&?P.hfSifcr. ABIA. Capt. E. G. Lott* NjAGAJlAtCaptAndejsoa AFRICA, «^^b ro , M EUROFA : ba,?. J. Lattoh, These Tessels carry a dear white light at masthead: green on starboard bow; red on port bow. NIAGARA. Millar, leaves Boston. Wednesday, June 37. “• &Z£WisSSs.'iSZk f loV Wedno,dM - Aus ' An experienced Surgeon on board, Th. oyttsra of th..« .Mm wiU not h. aooonntabl. for Gold, Silver. Bullion, Soaoi., Jewelry, Praoion. Stone., or Metal., unleeam]]. of, lading are eicned therefor, and the value thereof therein excreined. For freight or vauage apply to _ IS. ofeNARD, my, , BoWUnc Green. New York. ~e*SML FOR THE SOUTH—CHARLES. , Heavy Freight at an average ofvurxnxii per cent, be lew New Yore Steamship rates. FOROHARLESTON, 8. C. The U. 8. Mail Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Cap tain Charles P, M&rshman, will sail on Saturday, July 33 at 10 A.M. ' Through in « e«t. The U. 8. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA. Captain John J. Garvin* will sail on Monday, July 30, at 10 A. Me 1 hrough in 63 to M hours—only 48 hours at Sea. iSrBailinK days changed from every Saturday to every five days, Goode received, and Dills of Lading signed every day. above every ten days, thus forming a five-day commc uioation with Oh&rletton and Savannah, and the South and Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah, these Ships con ?ieot with steamers for Florida, and with railroads, Ao.* or all plaoes in tne mi^SouthwMt. Freight and Issuranoo on a large* proportion of Qoods shipped South will be found to be lower by these ihipe than by sailing vessels, the Ternium being one-half the rate. N. 8.-Inenrenoe on el! R.iiiroid Freight is entirely nnneoessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the H “‘ ro * l WMM l o , Sr , s*N , M ,e so,D ’*- Fare by this routo as to 40 per cent, oheaper than by the inland Route, as will be seen by theXollowing sohe dule. Through h'okeU from PhiiasleHe‘via'cWlM ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING on the whole route, front Charleston and Savan u&h to Montgomery:i . To Charleston..,..—BlS w Charleston—-.. 833 00 Savannah,.lo 00 Savannah—si 00 AugustaI——. 1 ——. 10 00 Augusta scoo mac on 1100 Macon— _ 079 Atlanta—33 00 Atlanta »l CO Colnmbiu 31 00 Albany 34 00 Albany , &oo Montgomery--, so oo Montgomery—.. 88 00 MobUo.—— . 88 00 Mobile— —..... eg so No Sm*of B £S*ng*signed utter S^slS^hassaiiaiL 1 °° w&teVSJe WorT lr ° n bWd * fct „ _ -ALEX. HERON, Jn, m „ Bopthw<j*toorfier FOURTfI and gHKSimrf, Agents in Charleston. T.B. AT. G.BUDD. „ . Sarannah, HUNTER & GAhIMELL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina every Tuesday. * For Florid, from Ibvannah, eteaiqore Bt, Mery’a end St. John’, everr Tuesday anil Betuidnr. EXPRESS COMPANIES. fly I i Mil HIM i TTIT ADAMS EXPRESS CO., Olßoe 320 CHESTNUI' Street. £i r irKß«2lJ a i?A!s* M ® l^ ohanti '* e, UenkNoteg, S/ltK r . own. Linea or inoonneotion with other Kxprese Compamea, to all the prinolnal towna and oitlea of the United Rtatoe. t HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. PACKAGE. HARDWARE HOUSE.—Wo , »sjldfesMhtftillyoall the attention of the Sen*. extonslve Stook of RIR- hq E ’ whlcl, w * eff " “ »“» a Ordoro for direot importation eollolted, and Soode is dverueltunfu thleeity. New Y.^voSi^ V COMAUJRjOF. Street, . . I»s?rt:ag and Cfommisoion Merchant#, And A*ai.»sii?r r ereigaand Dcm set i a Hardware? aag^tf IMAOKEREL, SHAD, HERRING, <*c.— LT VA,I ( Mv, b Hn.?,-A l > 3 L and 8 !#*• »nfi medium Mao “sorted packages, of a very choioo quality; S 2 SMjvWw No. 3 large Mackerel. M half bblq newNo.Slrt . do, 30 bbls new No. 3 medium do. 60 do newKastern Mobs Shad, 60 half bbls new do do do. • UOO bbls new F-astport No. I Herring. SCO do do HdhiaxNo. l do, 300 do new Boston No. l do. ' 1 22.9° do No lscaieFish. ,S 3 do prune No. I Salmon, 100 Quintals Grand IJank Codfish, ipo boxes now Herkimer county Cheese, Now landing and in store, fm sale by MURPHY A KOONS. 1411 NORTH WIMHV|v2, pORTt) RICO Bftds WUHNESS, BRINLET ft CO, A Up, 48, MARKET BTRfcET. BSOOTT, Jr ■ AHOTIOHEEB, No. 4'il • CBEBTNDT op*4iti Ui. Cartora Hojm, p ?BACTIVifBTOoi'OF aSß*l& o6oD W,LL - Oa Friday Morning. JolrPtb. 1810, upon the eremises.lD Market street, upon a oredit of six months ,Bale oommen«tar »| ]0 o'clock precisely. JBy order of executors ol.theestate of Jas. R. Martin, Br.. deceased, inoluuaa in sale will be round— _ _ FELT AND WOOL HATS. A'full and oompiele aseortmeot of men’s and boys’ medium to high cost new style felt and wool bats. SILK HATS A*D CAPS. Also, a full line of men's new styles super quality silk hats, men's and boys' medium to extra quality cloth, velvet, and plush caps. . . , . Also, doz Men's fine Wm Tell.Kenat. Canton, aad palm hats; boys’ fanoy bats} ladies’ new shaped straw bonnets, fanorhU^i Alstf, A quantity or tailors'trimmings, bahce» bind inBl,UD F J AND T EASE OF STORK. Also, the fixtures of the store, comprising offloe furni ture, cases, sine Ac. AJsn.a qaant ty of empty cases and carton*. wr Catalogues ready and the goods open for exam! nation two days previous to the sale. 13HILIP FORD A CO., AUOTIONEEKS, No. 030 MARKET Street, and -31 MINOR Stmt lakqe sale op boots *3® siloes ior THIS FALL OF 1860. OASES. On Thursday Morning. August 2d. gt RLo’ctoek preoiaely, we will offer by b*talo«pe,ou four months' credit, a most extensive aod [esiropie rmsortment of Foots, Shoes, Gaiters, Bro gsns, Ao., Ac., embracing about I OiA cases of the most oelebrated Eastern zhanufactares, and of city-made "Theabove sale will prove attraclitd to Soatbern and western buyers- as the sale comprises invoices Cf fresu goods direot from the msuofaitu'ers. Particulars in future advertisements. WILIAMS, bOTLE. ft 00., AUO{ their ssrvioss to the ifiefensAto, iMmnioTeme, sad others of Philadelphia, for the ewe of goods* oar pets, boots, shoes, hardware, jewelry, Ac., Ad. Wr Cash advaapes made on receipt of goods. 9T Settlementa made three days after sale. « Yoth ** Wood. Christy, A Ocu, St. Louis, Mo. *• Crow.MoCrearv. A ■: .* mhlf-thftflTr gjABINE 6a DUY, NaURANCK AGENTS, flo. ,34 WALNUT BtnM, nsure against loss'or damage' by Fife, Q& Cotton and ' YoollCn Mills, aad other ManufaotoriM, Bniidings, Merchandise. Furniture, and other prdperiy, bn favo rable terras, in the following well-known ooinpeme's : PHCBNIX INBURANQE CD., UF HARTFORD, .. Capital and ountlns IKt-Mt 91. MSTROPOLITAN FIRK INS. Qo..OFff£W YOmK. PROVIDENCE ® > ' ARCTIC FIRE COm OF^NEWWRK - , M h Capital and Surplus #68.119 (J 2. HOPE FIRE INSURANCE CD., OF NEW YORK, CITY FIRE INBUM<oi i, Ca, n^)F I {l'fcW®HAVE?}; GERMANIA'FIRE*INS?*io^ 1 OF* ’ Cash Capital and Surplus #115399 07. HUMBOLDT FIRE INS. CO., OF NEW . . Cash Capital aad Surplus #Z5,988,81. Applications fti person or by note will receive attention. BABfNB A DUY, Agents, Ja*. 8m . . ' - No. 484 WALNUT Street. THE EN TEBJPfHSE INBUHANOE CIOM&AHV OF PHILADEPHIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING' B. W. CORNS A JFOURTJk AND WALNUT STREETS. DIREOTORS, F. Rxvchvoud Bta£s, Momz>xcAi L. Dawson. WiluamMoKbi, Say, Mt Btvaat, Nalbao Fuaziib, JpBK H. BtQWp, Joßit M. Atwood, B. a. FiraxstPsx, Bpwj. TrT&BDicx, AfdbbwD.Clsh, HxBBT WRAXTOH, J, L, SXBIBOXB. . T , „„ V. RATCHFORD STARR, President. OHARLKB ff. COaK, Secretary. feii A MERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., *2^ INCORPORATED XOO-CHARTER ferpet. No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Ssrplos In* vestoa in sound and available Securities, eofttume to insure oa Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchamdiee. Vessels in Port and their cargoes, and other Peraoufi Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted, , PIUOTOPS. Thoc. R. 3laris, John T. Lewis, John w eiab. James R« Campbell Samuel C. JKcftcfi, Edmund G. Dmtilh* Patrick Brady, Gftaj, w. Posltaey, larAel Mortis. ALBERT C. L, C^AWyoß^'^oretejVf r^g£& ahthbaoitb insurance compa- Cstitil «WOJXK>—CHARTER QAae No. 8U WALNUT Btreet, between Third and Fourthjtrpct, PbiladelpUa. This Company will insure against loss or damage by Fire, on Buildings,Furniture Merchandise gene , Marine Insurances oa Teasels, Cargnss, and Freights. Inland of the Umos. Jacob Esher, Joseph Maxfield. D, Luther. Dr. GeorseNTEokert, L.Audeofte4, Johnß. JBjakiston, RKSssr ; o se*: L W.M. SMITH. S«wiß>. .gtaSlrtr BQuaker8 Quaker city insurance compa- NY—FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, M WAtN&T MEET, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL AND BUR US #U9<74f.7o.—lnsures agamstLoss or Damage by e, and the Finis of the S*a, inland Navigation ana in.portatwn. Koß HABT £ P~~U l it. _ H, 6. Trewar.£. B. H. BUTLER, Assistant Secretary. DIRECTORS. G«ori« H, H»rL E.P. R«»>, 1< O. Catteli, Foster 8. Perkins, ft. W, Baiftt, Andrew R. Chambers, It. R. Ooggahall, Samuel Jones, M. D.. , Hon. H. M. Full Sr. „ mhg-tf [ IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST 009- JLdPANY.-THK PENN MUTUAL LIFEffiCO m ft^i22«^s raMor t:,i INSURES LIVES for the whole term of dlfe-grants annuities ana endowment*— purchases hie interests m MeaTEslafo, and makes all oontracts depending on the eontmgencieaof Life.' .. . . . . >Th*y act.as Rxcoatois, Atotulstrators, Assigsees fr«W.^G.«dl m Benlel L. Miller. gmeel P-fftek*!. nenianun Coates, Itinhea Martin,. , B. Newbold* J&mee j?, MrFvla»di William P. Hooker * Joseph H. Trottdr* jrilliamjf. Korn, JamosjEuton, tJf „ kemuelC, Huoy* Theo#hUas PauldintS CbarlesHjuloweli, x k Edmuad A. Bonder* „ Reur/CTTowasecd* f DulMLrHntohiiuvG re# 1 ?!:. Siiw William Roberuor* Joseph M. Thcnut** Warner M.Rasin, Jbhfi GiEreener* P. 8. Miohler, Barton. , w JeiN W. Kobnos. SMrcUtrr. salt T>BLAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN MJf BUIUHDBCOMPANY. INCORPOBATEDB Of PENNS YL 7AsJr£ JSM. OFFICE S. E. CORNER THIRD AND WAlBtfV Btrtota, PtmadeTihia* MARINE' INS UR AN CE •N VESSELS* ) ££6?°*, i W«H. * miAwD INSURANCES Or Cn4i t bj River* Comls* Eakei. tynd Lied Ctrrlftct to all parts of the urnoiu. FIRE INS VRAM CBS Ca Merohasdiee jtencr&ily.. •* “•'iiS'^afewT, NoTemberl*iafß Hari/J 7ai«f« #lS£oM, Philadelphia CityB Veent. US4N W #lOO,OOO, Pennsylvania State a6P ot. Loan-—, 93.M6 oo ifl,<W Pennsylvania State 8 #r ot. Loan. 11,000 00 #S4O9, U. 8. Treasury OXt? oent. Notea and , , interest due— . HJ63 U #Bo,efc) U, & Tjrguwry 6 V ot. Note* and inter #lB,ooo Temporary Loan to tJiS Oit? rf'pSia* delphla-. —. —19,000 00 Pennsylvania Hailroadld Mortr&re __ 8 §Foent. Bonds.-—,—. 4>4OQ 00 #lB,OOB, NortJiPennaylvMua Railroad Moit- rareB W pent. Bonder.. —. UJQG 06 #14,000 Wait Philadelphia PaSiearor Railway _ Company 7 6K ot. coupon bonne...* IMBO 00 #SMO6,IOO «harea atoclt Germantown Ga> Company, interest and prinoiMl raanumed by the oily of Phila delphia —— - 2£4CO 00 #6406,106 chares Pennsylvania Railroad #6400,' 100 Pennsylvania Ran l- * ‘ road Company —. US CO #9480, shares Philadelphia loa Boat and Bteam Tor Company, Philadelphia and 84U.88Q #403,713 M BondTand Mortsages, and Real Estate. Of fice Building.....-—. . mou Bills receivable for Insurances made -—121.©2 a Balance one at Agendas—Premiums on Ma rine Policies* interest* and other debt* due ■ the Company-- ————♦*♦» IMtt # Bonp and stock of sundry Insurance Gcmpa —rr? r ■ — I*9Bo 88 Cash on Depoeit in Bank-...,. gJWO si ftSßlrKt-CT Wililim Martini Edmund A. Sender, Wheophilua PaoUins, John ft* Pcnyo**, John C<J>avu,. Junes Tmuair, william Eire, Jr„ Jamgs C. Bland, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Sea!, Drl ft. M, Hunter, •eo»e G. Xioiper, ssrav, wtrri4 jmrfKYLIiYLBUKIiI. Bao V B. PALMER, THE ADVERTISES * * AKgNTi WTH and CHESTNUT, live, r,.s view* of the principle and best mode of Advertising, daily, between 10 and 4 o’oloofc. Address myll«8m V. B. PALMEH. EJ. BAYLIS THOMAS, • , „ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . Particular attention given to the recovery of Mercan tile Claims, Xlie^. drafting end examination of Wills, Conveyances, Assignments, Bnefs of Title, and other Instruments of Wefbfig, .The management of Executor ships. Administratorship!, and Trusts, superintended; ana the best securities prooured for tbe permanent in* vestments of Money, Satisfactory reference given when required. apiO-Sm* „ K. S.'fiANDFORD, General Superintendent, Henry e. keene. ATTORNEY^T-LAW. Has REMOVED nit office from N 0 ,630 Walnut street to no. xsf South THIRD Street. mh»6-n * Horace see, MECHANICAL ENGINEER, and PATENT ATTORNEY,- * * No. 114 Beuta SiiTH Street, (Nearly opposite the .County Courthouse,) Prepares epeemoa lions. Drawings, &c., and transnot* aU other business oonneotea with the obtaining of Let tars Patent apis 4m* J WAGNER JEKMON, • ATTORNEY AND CGUNfIELLOR~AT*LA'VV\ Office. No. 116 Bo^IhSIXTH Street, (Oppo*itff laaependenre S*mro.i PHItADRLHIIA, aiaofrelisbio Attotnevs, r.t •Ji^cn-u -the. united States, ie. enabled to nrctecuio nnu i> clAimioJcveiTdescription.’' ' Particular attentionriven to the examination and re* ooverr of the claims ofLeratees and Devisees, and e s? n l‘natton of Land Titles ami scouring the interest Union* 10 * 1 * interwleil iB 1110 * im9 » in all Has thefltatnUa'orall thcStafcs and is Comiulmonet for most pf them. Depositions carefully taken under fotrunisuoiui. ayU-sm_ m TOQUE* & so m> - -IttFORTISHS OF-HAVANA CI9AM, uo.suu, QMDBttmiJ*. &.ix j* _*gc* lT ®.t®pySly » ftma«*ortmentof dMir&b!* 01- StvtiwHiw'**** off#r *** lew raiii, f« «g SALES Bt AWCTIO*. BT. 01/18, MO. INSURANCE COMPANIES. Steam Cora- peny, Ooean Steam NavirsUon Company* Philadelphia and Ha vre do Grace Steam Toir float Company, Philadelphia Bxobanto Caapany ... —jjio 08 MKSOTOAft Samvel K. Btokee* J. F. Pem*ton» aecrr Stoanj &hrardltarlmrts*« Hi Jones Brooke* Ssenoer M’llvatße* TnomssG* Hand* Xobertßurton, Jacob P. Jones* tesr !M^Ak™! r jfrMddeiit It HAHi)» vice President oretarr. dll BUSINESS CARDS. ■ALES BY AUCTIOIU M THOMAS ft SONS. • Nc* 13, 13d 141 Booth FOURTH BtrMt c aad R) - BALKh EXCHt9G i 6 I 'vvi)t?^TUEBOAY. season in July sum Asgwst oaiy o< W& n * , »V , ''fMch prowftT Mmn.li, in EfZ pgStien, on the eaturday yrwvioua ‘ oldoo,h *te a ß‘A l gfll o-s® SIS Site MASSS2 SfiT Part of the handhlrt tor eaea stocks. Vt CAB D.—Our sales of rial eetato . ♦. jj o’elock. the Exsoange, will hsrssfur be bet# w boo* ; and, jn the evening, at fyeicelL ■ x - the option of •HbVT ■«. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE te WT WAhavealargeamountof real estate ff sols, lnalndifig every nascription of city end msrsfvy " oMrt, - “iFi L<3lV-flS 6U ™^ I,i Rea] eatatoentered on our private sale register* and advertised occasionally in our public sale abstract., copin are pnntod watkiy,) oi wiUcoremenee on MONDAY, September U, UfO. tiT Catalogues in press. PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOND?, On Tneaday. July o'clock noon, at the Philadelphia Ar chings, will £* uoM Without reserve, toraoeoast -»f whom it b,et ■•fc’oroani, 0 fen per cent 3IX« t each. (#6«e.) of the Cfttawissm. Williainer <Jrt ' *“ n;1 Erie RatlrpadCompaar. PhilMelplnn, ■ REAL ESTATE— All v '' U ®T,V.„ ..... Twanty-tourth ward * fno . Same Kstate-Two-gtofy Brie* jnfEW ,wo ' joining. ■ , asms Estete—Two-story Brick DWHLLIJfa/ joining. 1 Orphans' Conrt Hale—^Estate of Georgg Jlsx#e, dec GROUND R£NTor#9oayear. Same Estate—GßOUN D R^>NTof#9oayesr. Pere/bporrHsle—B/ord r of Heirs. Very va'aabidLOT.Sacres, IP percbea,oa the York road, stove NicetoWfi l&fi6. 'ale absolute. Exeootors’ Sale—EeCafs of Jobs Fesaise. “RTEaMBO»T HOTEL,” at Bridesborg, froabo# on the river Delaware. v STORE AND DWELSNd, S No.' 339 Green street. Third ward. Peremptory Hsle Thrge-sfory Brick DWELLING, Twelfth street oortfc of Oxford, VERY IMPORTANT 84LE. flr order of Trestsee- MONTOUA IRON >R)MPaNY’B WORK# AND ESTAI*E. On Tuesday, Sept, 4,18 W, at 19 o T ulook, noon, at the Philadelphi Lxchasgo— The. very valuable property belonging to the Montott Iron Ootfipauy situated m Montour oouQty. Pa.. 000 sistliggor stottf 9.900 aor*s very valuable mineral lands, ores, mining.righto, rolling mills, furnaces, nearly 96t dwellings, offices, ac,, Ac. . Terms— 520,000 cash, Then the pnmertj is struck off. balance on the execution of the deed, within todays of ale. Full particulars ready in handbills. A CARD—Ottr sale this mi>>d*y) morning, at the’ store, will comprise, besides 4CE#ols. of excellent wegnd hacd fumitute, fir# proof safeT mnlfaC bf F*nwHi Her-- Tins.* Co, n large 4^elviog.'drawer*. medic DCs, Ac-JOhina AS* glassware,- beds and bedding, Bnueeti, ImpenaL and- otaer ear pets, £c> Forming an attraotire aeeortmettt, worthy the attention cf ladies and others ttoarous Oa p®** °«S*- n skWon. es no* ready, sad the artidles for examinacoa. .Sale at Noe. 139 and 141 Booth FOURTH Street, "SMB: , M This Moruißg, . AtPo’clock, At fte Asetkm Store, aa ■■Prtmwrt eg excellent seoona-hhfid farm tare, elennt piaso-iortoe* fine minors, carpets, eto„ from ihaibes desßrnsf houxekcesuir, remorad to the nor* tor convenience of sate. ' t Alsoj a stock of drag gists 1 jars, bcUles, medMtßes.Ac. Also, showing, drawers, Ac. _ , „ Also, a ure-jrftejf safe made by Parrel A Herring. Also, two iargsf*ciyches‘s. 1%/fOSES NATHANS. AUOT’IO AND COMMISSION ftThNCHAf,"?- <* *hsasS acme; of SIXTH ac-d iIA’T? StraeiL ' MONEY VC LOAN.* #28,000 to loan, at the !oV8»; rates. c 0 watchee, jewelry, silver plate,arv goods, ciotinwt. r-o -eer:os,tesar*.liaid’sare,cutlery,preAps.mirrors, fwj fiiWre.wdoing, ami m goods of evere aescn&nos, ip larJa.vs.ruijdMouiits, from one tho&*andg, for acTj-nttt cT time agreed on. ey~The Olpgfefi EcMbhShed Bouse in tST Fnyate entrance on RACE Street. WBT Buasnee* hours from fJL. M.to 9 P. aj. Heavy mraranoe for the benefit cfdepoeitnnt CHARGP-80NL> TWO FEE CENT. . Advances of #lO9 and apwards at two per eetoL Advances of #lO9 and upwards, at one per ton short loans. - - a AT PBIVATES*LE. the went sslhsg ptioet, gold lever and lepine watchee» silver lever and lepiae watohes, English, Swiss, antr French wstohes. at astonishiag low .pnces,, jewelry of every description, very low .gun*, putols, musical in strument, first qcaaty of Havana cigars, at half the importation price, in euaxtttiM to ssit purchasers, aad vancQs other kinds of roods. OUTDOOR BALKS #t'- ,i*d to peisojuOiy by the Auctioneer. iiucmmy axd iboit. PENN ST RAM ENGINE AND j&MgCbBOILER WORKS-3ti»RntS:I,KVV, B»n&isi and FourtDERS, having, for many yean, been is •aocenfnl oseritie*, ud dmb ezclunvely engaged « building ud repairing MAriaeiwid Rrver IsnrmeStbisa ud low preesnre, Iron Spate, Water Tanka. Propane*** to.. Ao. v r*tpeetf«Uy offer their servioas to the gabbe* m being fully prefared to eontrast for Engine* of all sine*. Majme, River, and Stationary* berime wts of eaters* of different aisea. are prepared to eaeput* or qera with gcick despatch. Kverr description of Pattern making mide at the shortest notice.' High and tow , I’ree&ure, Flue, Tabubr, and Cylinder Boifers.cif lh* viH Pennaytvssia obarcoel mm* Fbrrisxt of au mmn and kiddsj Iron and Rr*w Casting*, of aUdesoriptioaa; Roll Turning. tforew Catting, and all other work eoa neoted with the above tmsiseae* andjnasiflfiatmafor all work done at Uteir eltai>)ia£jara*«7Tree of charge, end work cearaatied. . The tabeen ben have ample Wharf dook room for re~ : fairs of boats, where they eon lie is fttied safety, ! aid ftf« provided with ah ears* most, fails, Re., Re.* ; for raififi* heavy or liiht weights. Jacob g« itKffiKi JOHN P. liKvf. fffcAOH and PALMER stream. POINT PLEASANT FGTJNBBTj No. 051 BKACH Btreet, Kensington, Philadelphia.—WlL- LlAM H. TiEßßimorma hi*mends that,haying pnr aijSeed the enttra stock of 'Paneraa at the aboveFras dry, B 5 is fiery prepared to receive order* for Roiling, Grist. s'T'T Gaw fSrti Castings, Sea*. Chemical. and House VVor*, Ce&nsr. Gasbags made from Rever beratory or Cupom Furnaces, la dry or creen sand, or loam. • myt-tf SAJTYXZ. 7. SUKKTCS, 7. UTSgiM KRXXiek, WILMA* K. K*U*SCR, SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, K? FIFTH AND WASHINGTON ffTJBKKSS FRILADXLVEIA. MJSRKICK & SONS. ENGINEERS AND MACHINIST!!. R!a*mf*etnre Higa and Low Pressure Steadl Engine*, for LaCd»Eirtfr. etui Manna servioe. . - Boilers. UheemeterSi Tanfcs.lroa Boots. Ae»; Gatlin** 0 Work Shops, K*W and’Gas Machinery oX the latest and sort fat proved construction. - . . iivery deacripbou cf Plantation Machinery. such as Sugar, Saw. ana Gnst Mi'U. \Scaum Pans. Open Steam Tsaina, Defecators. Filters, Pom pin* Engines, Ac. Bold A«5nU for N. Killieux’a Talent Sugar Boiling Nasmyth s Patent Steam Hammer; ail AspinwiU! * WoUoy’s Patent Centnfixai Bum Drarn inr Machine* . aod-r HOTti-3, ®T. NICHOLAS HOTEL, K~ BROADWAY^. When oomplfterf. £1 years no, the STt? TnGlll) I L&3 was universally pronounced thf most magnificent, ooc* Tenient. and thoroughly ortsatsed establishment of L.# kind on this continent. tffhst it was then it remoras to day—without a rival in rise, in sumttucegne**, sad in the general elements of comfort ana efljejmest. The Hotel has accommodation* for one thousand guests, in cluding one hundred complete suites of apartfiM&ts itrt families. Six nondred persons can be oomtortably system at the tables of it* three vnbho dining rooms t asd no thing that modern art ha* devised for the convenience ana sooial gratification of the travelling public has been omitted in it* plan, oris negleoted in it*practicaldetails. The early reputation ot the house at home and abroad, derived from its msxsitudo. its superb appointments, and its home-like oomforts ana luxuries, has been en hanced every year by the unwearied exertions of the proprietors. __ mvir-Sm TREADWELL. WHITCOMB. A CO. SAVING FUNDS. “ A little, bat often, fill* the Purse.” CTRANKLIN SAYING FUND, No. JL 136 South FOURTH Street.between Chest nut and Walnnt. Philadelphia, pays all Deposit* on demand. Depositors’ money secured try Government, State, and City Loans, Ground Kents, Mort gages, Ao, This Company deems safety better than large profits, consequently will run no risk with depo sitors’ money, bat have it at all time* ready to return, with fl per cent, interest, to the owner, as they have always done. This Company never suspended. Females, married or single, and Minors, can deposit in their own right, and snoh deposits can be withdrawn only by their consent Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority toreoeive money from trustees and executors. LARGE AND SMALL BUMS RECEIVED. Office open daily, from 9 to 3 o’olock, ana on Wednesday evening tmhl 9 o’clock. DIRECTORS. Jaoob U. Shannon, Cyrus Cadwoltader, John Shim Her, George KosseU, M alaobi W. Sloan, Kdwanl T. Hyatt. Lewis Krnmbhaar, . Henry Delany, Nicholas RiUenhovae, Nathan Smedley, foe. H. Satterthwaite, Jones Yerkes, Joseph W. Lippincott. JACOB B. SHANNON, President Cyrus Cadwallahst., Treasurer, ap*-y “ A Dollar saved is twioe earned.” CAVING FUND—FIVE PER GENT IN >3 TEREST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY, WALNUT 8 tract, sonthwest ooraer of THIRD, Philadelphia. Xnocrvorated by the State of Pennsyl vania. Monev is received iq any sum, large or small, and in terest raid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The office is open every day from-nine o’olook in the mommy till five o clock In the evoning. and on Monday and Thursday evenings till eight o’clock. Hon. lIENRY L. HENNER, President ROBERT BELFRIDGE, Vice President. Wjllia* J. Russ, Secretary. __ _ „ BraxcToa*: Hon. Henry L, Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, Qarter, Joseph B. Barr Robert Mlfridge, Francis Lee, Samuel X. Ashton. Joseph Yerkes, C. Laadreth Manns, James L. Stephenses. Money is received and payment* made daily, ins investments are made, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in Real Estate Mortgagee. Ground Rents, and such first-class seouritiee as vnlfal ways insure -perfect soourity to the depositors* and whioh oannot fail to give permanenoy and stability to this Institution. aul-lr CAVING FUND—UNITED STATES and CHEST- Largo and amnlt suma rnoairred. and paid t'ackon do mandwjUiontnoUoo.'inUi FXVK PER UKHT. IMTE REST from the dajr of deposit to the day of tnth dnvftl> * o’clock every day, and on SI p-ftV EVK N lit Gfl from 7 until 0 o’clock. DRAFTS lor sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from upwards. Fresideat-STEPIIBN R. CRAWFORD. Trearorer-JAStES R. HUNTER. FLIfTi > ISK, Aotuarr. CAUTION !—ASTROLOGV '—LOOK OVT!—GOOD NEW - FOR ALL I—Tlie nevtr la.ling Mrs. VAN HORN is the ben; she snoceeds w«i en Hli ethers ha re failed. All who are in tronbie, aU vro ; avo been unfortunate, deceived by false promise*, fly to per for advice and oomfort. In lev* aJr<xi:-*kt tzur/o *v«. She has the secret of winnin* the affee «»>»>*•* n! li e opposite sex. Itisthis fact wfcieh indunee .I*l om*e rretanoers to try to imitate her, sad copy her advortifetment. She shows you the Ukenesao? your fu ture wile, husband, or absent friend. It is veil known to thejubUo fit lane that she ts the fintand on”??S son who c&nshow the kkeneMi irreality, and can rive entire satisfaction on all the concerns or life, which can be tested and proved by thousands, both married and tiLyle. who ! / ''hd easerlir visit her. Ccmecroel uokio A.i* to No, 1534 betireen'Jnai p*f an.i ItroaJ. JiS fll*' OAW SON & NI(iIiOi,SON, 3 jjw .» jmswm mmP FAWBOf< • iatrS. mosowo*.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers