' Wbrs slntad/lkejttrorj afipearodiueourt y ester-- 'day,-aafftba ease eif-Jaha aad-Jesaph-Danaally,; charged with being aeofseory before the feet to > linwi, waseaUeS,_a»d, on a. motion, by. /aha Donnelly's Mnnl,the court allowed a severance, ■ ud John Wake In putoatrisf.. The testimony was shoot thasnmaes upon the former trial; .'• ; The charge grow out of a robbery ochinlttted at ; the far storoofhlr,'DoTle,Horth Deeoad etreot.on tSajklght, of <he Ist of January, 1890; Albert Ba ke* o»d. , ‘.<!eckey”,Moynw weroarrested and charged with tljo cemmjMjob of tbs robbery.ond ware subeeqdshlly. triad and convicted. They then implicated the defendant! Shortly-after tbie, John D/ceelly -v*a trtcd and convicted, bat ajsew trial wai granted,-owldg- to* an informality In the hill ot iaalcttnent- The testimony for the Cs*- monmaltb opon tba present oeooiion wee,.*** a ,rtpitUiafflulupon the former,trial, Alt tha aitoeetea bat thoeae on tho Jt«d ««ro exeiadedftom the court room duringteetrial. Tie dietwitaes* dolled ;eu'W Daria; irho testtfiedthat he kept A, Mr Baond itreet • and Ooombe' alley; the stora-wM entered on the , night of December Sl, tW»>r Janaary 1,1895, by bursting open tha-treat door, the look having Matt first anK>rawedr:»nolewaa oat through tho entry ielotbeetore; atW about 81,400 worth or fare.takea; of Usle lot be got b«k about $BOO worth ; after Shey wen stolon ' he grot eaw the roods at thmKsyor’s office jbefors this the owatr Sad seen Mr. Joha Donnally at Hr. BstheU’i offiee.lMr.BetheU was Mussel for th*. two'beya charged with the robbery) ; DonneTiy there said ; he wlshed the witness to,have hD goodi book, and haproposed to hare them returned upon tho pay . naapt of the toward which-’jad been offered; the witness gore no definite-oaswer then, bat sabee a*«*d> pay the reward (8150), pro- Tided the were returned satisfactorily. .The week, follprnng Mr. Donnelly, Hr. Sohlamm, knd Mr oelled Upon Mr. Darls, ood - Hr Uehl*£iin,(Se tootles pollee, fold him that Hr.. -Donnelly would return the goods, and the witness Jgjjj/ f* 1 < * M-*® reward. They then ' - Crese-exemlnoif .—Mr. Sohlemm did not explain -- how the goods were to be returned: 1 understood \ that Sohletoni'and' Danaelly were aeSos together *er the recover); of the goods;at Mr. Bothell's ’ offlee Mr.Doauellytold we I woe- in the buds of :thePhiltitines,,aadltmderstood he raeanttha po - lloemeu; .Baker endikaynes had been arrested at this time, and hod been oomaiitted for trial; upon the heariog before the alderman Joseph Doahelly testified egeiost them; John Donnelly wee present upon that occasion; l sixty or slxty-th'res pfeoes of fare were taken from the store; I got book from tko effioers forty,four or forty-six pieees; Ism sore I did not got fifty-clght pieces ;at tho Interflow' with John Donnelly, 1 told him If ho Would refttrn •he goods satisfactorily I woaid pay him the re ward; and would Kayo nothing to do .with the po lios officers; Hr. Donnelly told mo he had not the goods, hut wwrtd got them from others, tad he aald he woaid - hare to pay somethtng to do it; ho olwsya told nu ha know nothing of tho where abouts of the goods. Offioer Schlemm testified that be first leaned of the robbery tho morning after it took shoe; and I went to the store end made eh examination; got • list of the articles stolen, and hod s printed olr ouUr forolreulatloUaWong the pawnbrokers, Mr. JowpVftoMWly.wttuMho net; five or six days ‘ fßor this, Bskersnl Haynes were arrested upon information' reeelysd from Joseph Donoelly, who had reooived a call from Baker with apiece of nr; the prisoners Wets at the-Central office, and •ho witness saw John and Joeaph Donnelly then; John allowed to see tho prisoners, as the wit •esa ibought something might be got from the ■“ Ooysafter the interview John Donnelly said, they are stannoh as bricks, they won’t tell any thing;” after this the prisoners evinced no dispe sttioa to tell anything shoot the affair; the next 'day, the witness met John Donnelly, end charged him with haring the control of tho geode; he pro ' tested Jo the moetoolemn manner that ho had not; tho witness saw the goo&s at tho KeyorVofieo; the witness accompanied John to Mr: Davie, to -settle the matter of the reward ) Donnelly woaid ■ueror. tell the witnbmWho had tho control ot Me goods; the witeess JoM the defendant how to mo 'nage tho ttsurn of the.goods, bat he would not '■ocept the plan; theteeods were taken to the ex- Stress oaoe, and wefotharereenrered. Cross-examined.'—l hed my saspicioa excited againet John, Donnelly,andlt was my determino <ion to haTohjm arrested when he wot osngbt with the goods; wo arrested everybody eonneowd with tho box of goods, including tbs drim of the ex press wagon ;Jf (hink there wore some fifty-eight or sixty pieees returned to the Mayor’s offios- Donnelly always denied having the goods, bat spoke of other/” parties,” and refused te giVe Henry Thompson worn.—l keep ears to hire; I hnnled a box from Sixth end Federal to the, local vxpras oHao; it wu Hailed op; John Donnelly told mo to go and get that box; he told me to take « to tho oxprtci offlca; after this I saw John Donnelly and OfflcerSohlemn at Fifth and Ohaot* •nnt, and aU of aa went to Mr. Darla’ itore; I did mot tall Hr; Davit that the box had been delivered; aim* this Donnelly* and I stopped In a leger-beer fa'oon, and Hr. Donnellj told me to write dime. Hone to send the box to Hr. Davie, Seoond and Coombs’ alley, and this paper I took to the ekpnaa o&ee and told them to tend the box; I did not tell Oorcer Soblemn that t had left the box at the ex presefefios; ailer this X was arrested; and then we eaw Seblemo, and be teamed to .be In a paaalon, and laid the box had been taken to the Major’s s*oe by other detectives, who' wished to get tho reward. ChHIM Wood morn —I n> thii box’of Modi to tie w«*oo on the way fromtho express'o#“e, to Jit. Davit’, Store; that box w*a, taken to the Mayor's offloe and opened * we wore watehlor for It; don’t hnsw thet anybody asked fee to do so; ttta toward w» one of Abo objeoti, of course; Mr. SBlth, end; Mr. Tugart and syndf wateked; Mr. Soblemm intimated they were oomlng; we were ana store opposite to Mr. Davis’,' watching. Alber t Baker, one of the young men -oonaeetel with this robbeiy, wis ne*f examined, and taatt ged as follows : X bad’been disokarged from the' penitentiary;en tta Jltb of November, 1859, some via or eight days before the' robbery; I Went to w». .ywsya tv..,-..ity • * w ~Tr'iT.rriUin Joseph Donnelly whan John Donnelly was not «bo»k was obtested to, and the objection tnsttlned. Witness tin the Frid.j previoui to ths robbery, I met dokn Donnelly at Jones’ Hotel, in Dook street, and he brought mo some, slow matebes for Mowing opoa Ore-probb, wbleh be said ware sane rior to any I h&d bean in the habit of getting from him; I asked; him Ifheeonld not get a heck for me, as r wanted one for a little private bualneei to soeie off In a few nights ; he mid be cottld not, bat he ooold get me a top wagon; X asked him if it was good enough to go through the oity on Sun day, and he said yes; and I than said, if that was ths ease, it would do to use at night; .! told him that if he got the wagon I would giro him a eape worth at least S 150; X told-him what tho goods were, and he asked mo who was to take them, and itoid him Joe was to tike part of them; John then said 1 knew how redaosd ny . was; that he was a man of honor, and all tbataprt of thing, and that I ought to trust him with tho goods to pat him on Ms feet; I told him ir he would take ths whole amount as they earns from the store; he should have thsa; I asked, him If ho could raise the money, and ■« said he had good bookers and he ooufd got the money; on the next day we met again, and Se •aid the wagon would be on band ; be aikad me whan end where the tbtng ana to be done, and I eaked him to walk with mb and set the “job;” that was on Saturday; Haynes was with us; we want, to Second street, and stood on the opposite aids and looked over nt the store ; we went Into n tavern, aod.we left John there while Maynes and I went over to the store; Itook ont the sorews from the front door leading to the entry, and I inserted wooden pings,-painted Meek, which i had pre pared ; 1 marked ontn place to eat the hole in the wall, end found that the bit Xgot from Joo Donnel ly was (w short, and would not do; I went over I to the taveni again to John/Donnelly, and toll him to get a bit made according to. a pat tern; I told him I had fixed the door, aad the thing must "be dose, fcefore'l|<mday morning; I was totneetJobn Dofinetlyat, a-certain place, to get the wagonbe was to oome don the Ridge nveaut to Niatb, and to Awh and' down 1 Arch street; we than walked down town to get the bit; at Second and Pise Haynes left tu, and at Seventh and Pine Donnelly, left me; he brought the bit; I- then .went borne j we got tbroogh The wall and then selected, (he fan; Ileftfiaynes pleklog oat the fan, while I. etorted ont to meet Donnelly with the, wagon; I met him with the wagon, and got in bad drove down to Fifth aad Atoh r and tb«ferjohn Donnelly got ont ana I drove on to the. store, and tho goods were pat in, and we went back to Fifth and Arab where John Donnelly got in, and we.droro to Sixth and Race streets, and there we heard toe dook strike tone; I told Haynes to go home aodte be ready to an swer In osso bis ttotoer.caUod» bat Donnelly said he eocsldered everything was .safe, in his hands now, and thore was no necessity for' either' of ms to stay away from home, any; longer; we then parted, and I said, A happy H«w Tear,*’ nod John said “ Yes, it will be a happy Hew Year, to toe man who bee toetthes* goodson Monday I met John at JonesVEetel, and. asked bow many pieoes there were, and fid Mid sixty pieces; we hit upon an agreement that we were to receive $4OO : he paid yfOdowh/and theotherwas to be delivered toe next day ; d£Tatsday I met Joeeph Donnelly, aad he said, “1 sw bytbe papers that year job wasdone;” be did not liKeitbstisase he'did sot get toe goods. / The further conv«*aUonwithJo*eph was ob jected to, and tho objection Sustained. ‘ The examination oft this witness was not eonolu* dfid when the ocurt adjourned. Dhath .of a CL«E«TMAK.-rThc Hev. Oouttland C.Van Rensselaer, D. D., died yester-! day morning, at his residence, in Burlington, Hew Jersey, after an illness of: several months. De ceased was a member of toe Van Rensselaor family of Albany, and was possessed of a large fortune. He'was a distinguished divine of toe Presbyterian Church, and enjoyed an. extensive acquaintance. ALEXANDER, ?gS3BYI*RUN CntJfiOH.—lt will gratify the frieadi of Dr. Kevin to leant that the oongrtgfatien, at* meeting on Tuesday ; last, deeUnea to aceefit bis resignation as pastor, > This Is encouraging to this new and prosperous enter price. The pastor may bciexpected to proeohon Sabbath week. ' ' * of the<3i rard Fire Insurance Company ftforms us, by note, that bis company had no lusuraoto-upon the pro perty burned at the store of Chariot Borthroyd A Co., Ho. 139 North Fropt street,‘fin Tuesday morning.. / Coroners Olfi* —Last cvewngA&e coro ner was notified to bold an Joqoeetoß tbdUMdy of an unknown man, who died suddenly In .Htoton’s court, between Profit end Second afia Friu&and Federal streets. - . - • • \ HdsPrfiL.OAfi*.—Yesterday boywMned Oeorg* Bathan, sged eight year*; fel* Into a mortar box, in, the lower part m the city, amd Injured bicsselfceverely. Both of hls lest west shockingly bruised, and it IS tbmight.be will lose his eyesight, fle was taken to the hospital last •resiog.- r - -J *-r \ j ~ ‘ Breckinridge and lane New York City '■ . CeaaittM. Haw. YoM.Jnly 2o —The Breckinridge and Lane General Committee of tbleelty orgenired thia evening, QnnUVae W. Bmithia the ehelr.' ' Sxn* ward in tho oily w«» faliy reprenaoted. -Prlauy .elNtioiu mn ordered to he held to ofceoaa lilmlii 10, the: Braoklnrldga State Con already called loaaeeabte at Byrastua o* (ii7tkof Ao(aat. ■"? A taoelnttoarm Barred reonlrlc* ell tha mem ber* eflb* CoaaoliU# towttndreie beta from tha Ka«»rt rod tamamay flnll AjaoelaUonr, or from ay affaaiaatUn teat aattalM BtapboaA. Don- '£*“ K ;-tw. Illlßatt^Paltticfi. Obi«mo; mV V.-rltn-' W*' A. BMMMtta gWWBIMHW On|i«u l>» th» FiM-dhtriet INMwntrt* - BOIKW, . AitM* taliad (liaiisPi'?#* 4 - ••'•'-;; ;■ -, letter ttwm NewrYortu ICorrespondwce Of The Free*) - - Nbw Yenic. Jnty *5» 1860. The adventurous young men In this oily engaged in the .slave. trade* ora considerably .exercised at: the 'freedom with, which. they are , alluded; to ia the Journal of Commerce, and Evening Post. The former states that ” deliberate calou* rations here been made , within the last, few weeks among some of the' enterprising young titgro’ traders , who Jiavs their stronghold in this city, i.B'fef*rd to the possibility of eaptoring the 1 yes ysts chartered by Govornmeht for the conveyance of the Afrioans to their native country.” True ae this is, and oalonUtod as it la to direct public attention to thetraffio, it is nevertheless the foot; that vessels'are at this moment here being fitted outfor this very trade, and noonefor a moment supposes bat that the ownerawlll, by hook or erook, manage to'elude the Gorertufteht officials, and glide : smoothly out of port for Africa and a market. -- It is understood, in political Circles, that ex-Pre- Bident Van Buren has announced his preference for .fudge Douglas* add will give him suoh support as comports with the dignity of his position. . A grand , demonstration and explosion has just taken plaoe in young Hr. Breckinridge’s camp. Until within a day or two there have been three distinat organisations in this City, each claiming to be the regular and authoritative exponent of Oiat gentleman’* .views, vis: the (video a J. Tucker party, tiie Augustus Schell (Custom* House) party, and the national Democratic Volunteers’ party— the latter composedexclusively of oommerclat men, though enrolled aaflofag Its members appears the name of that eminent merchant, Gideon J. Tucker, as well as the names of sundry others, who wefe_ • never -* merchants," excepting in politics, last weCk,l as I.said, theire were' there organisa tions. \Nqw there are but two, . The arts of .diplomacy have been brought into requisition, and the. volunteers, abandoning the peaceful realms of tape.ahd bhokram, have soared into high polities, passed resolutions, unanimously endowing the Tucker and Green party, and broke. Sehell’s party to Immortal smash! You are to re member that tha Volunteers are the money-bags of the Secessionist forces, and thttegular heirs of the old cotton party of the past, whose high mis sion was to Save the Union and preserve their trade'with the Bonth.' They are freely tapped and bled superbly In Presidential campaigns—the pur ge fluid always running into the Democratic They hare now cut the Collector, the Adminis tration, atai Mr. Dickinson, leaving those worthies out tn. the cold, and ranged themselves under the banner of Tuoker and Green. The question arises, whiohjof the two surviving organisations irregular ? Where do the. men felt propose logo? where the postmasters and- custom-house employees? The latter cannot dram up men enough to eonstitute a State Convention; Tucker ‘ may possibly be able to do so. The speotaole to day presented by ' the smashed condition of the Breckinridge forces Is pitiable, The Administra tion has been completely riddled. - The Great Batters Is really beginning to do somethings Yesterday was the best dty yet, nearly seventeen thousand having boarded her, and'this morning the rash Is nearly as great. For the Capo Hay excursion one fourth of the tiekets are sold, and it looks as though it would be a suc cess.- ~ FINANCIAL AND COM! . t} The Hotter Market. PmbanxLlpHiJi, July 85, lseo. fitoeks boked - better to day, Pennsylvania Railroad stock advanced toi9ft, and Reading to 31ft, bat after- Warda rSCedtdttt ilk. One hundred shares of Bohe itoliukttlnlhg stock sold at Aft; Fairmonnt and Arob tirtet Peaienier Railway shares soldat Uft; Green and Coates at 33ft. We have already stated that a railroad convention, he'd in New York, had adopted a report in favor of in creasing the freuhtretss gradually on and after the 16 th of August. Ths proposition ia to be earned into effect n the following manner 1 “It was decided’to hold a ttaKftrak once in eabh South, or oftener, if required, at fidfiatoor New York temately. of presidents of the five Eastern trdnk lines, or their nCraifieee, to act ih their places; and that no rnuettest from tbs rates established at those meet inn be ptMlitted, without the content of Tour o£ the patties, or of three, provided that one of the three be a representative of one of tbe Southern lines; also that the representatives of the five Eastern trunk lines be requested to nuke ■aoh regulations, from time to time, as they mav find expedient to carry out their decisions in regard to rates* It wee also urged upon the differ ent" lines earning passengers between common points, to-agree to the entire abolition of aU agents, outside omoes. payment of commissions, Ac. The re presentatives of the five trank lines were requested to meet at ones. an* decide on the rate to be put in foroe between the 15th of August and the Ist or Sep tember next. The following roads were represented 1 The Great Western, Grand Trank,'Michigan Central, NeV York and Ene, Pew York Central, Fennsylvahia Central. 1 Cleveland,'CotambUs ahd Cincinnati, Michigan South ern, Boston abd WofoeMfr, Toledo, Wahasn and Western, Buffalo abd Eiie. The Cihoihnati Qaxetft say*: ‘ * k Preta a gbhtleman connected with the Illinois Bdtttbera road, 1 Vincennes to Mound City,) we learn this the iron has been purchased and is now ready to be. lald.upon the first twentr-five miles below Vinoen nee-the gradoatuia, .masonry, and bridging of, fifty miles oi this road having been w a forward State for se veral weeks, and ouiy awaiting the arrival of the iron to be finished op at enoe. .Parties are now at last pre pared to purchase tails lor the second twenty-five miles.. It mil be rsoolleatsa that the Illinois Southern readis 01 six-foot guage, and will enable the Ohio and Mississippi road to send and receive can. to and from Cairo ana MottUd City, without transhipment.” The .New Orleans Crescent holds forth u follows ’ “Thefolk)win* remarks, from the Missouri Demo crat of Tuesday last, ooafirmswhac we have all along swpeoted; that theft were large amounts of paper drawn ia the Weston New Orleans, for speculative and kiting purposes. Tb a paper, or a share of it, is now maturing eaeh successive day, and if produoe oannot he appropriated towards the payment, sight foods, or its equivalent, have to be remitted to meet it. Ii is al ways a pleasure to our ooromeroial community to make advances, either in cash or accepting, to facilitate tMusaot'ons and oomnmoe in general with the great west. But in some parts of the west there has been some oventeppißirreaaoaameJunits, and the indulging of fevers g rested by our merohatttsjf not pro video for by shipments of prodaoe, must be promoted by remit- aa bribe folk)wing sxtraot al •‘The week opens with a heavy demand for eight ex ohangeou NewOrieesast X f cent. premium. The. Rspplr was soon exhausted, and X premium oooW have bean had for it.. Tha demand ia caused bv considerable Juaabtiee of time bills maturing on New Orleans, which ave to be met now; modes no margin of profit offers in sbippmg prodaoe, remittance of ibis sight exchange is the only alternative.; The demand for Eastern ea change was quite lance also with some dealers, but the »elUng rate is- unchanged-**! premlQm for bankable fmtds.JX for currency. Brokers were quite willing to bay at J(in bankable funds bstcoa/d get little at this; -The following are the'shipment* of eoalby the Bar clay Railroad and Coal Company, for the week ending ialrll, 1M0„ i,*JOO Previous shipment*.- .Ixl® 03 ’ Amount for the season—. Same time last year..... Inoreue 1,64406 QAbxxst op CouxTxarxtTKKs.—A gang of oounter ' ieiton has been arrested at Parkersburg, Va., vis: Jra Johnston, Adui Valentine, and Hiram Sutton, the latter a hotel-keeper. In the poesa—ion of Button was found many implements neeeasary in the manufacture of the bill*. lathe cellar they found the plates for State Batik of Ohio, twenties; Bank of Kentueky, tens; a new two-doltar plate on the Southern Bank of Ken tucky* whioh hod never been used. The plate is thought to be one of ever made. ' - - Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, Jols *, INI. ' KaroMiD it f. E. Slatma***, JH>« Walnot Street. WSHTBOAkB. IMlCjtjrlt..;-.lteir..lOtf< aPennait...39X MO City fie’« 98X 100 Bohem Mining... 8X 100 tf0.4..’0S 18fc S»Or A Coates...b&< SIX JOOCityfij #* JL.......1Q1J* 90 do— bfI.MX 1009 Read's it 6*'70.... MX M> d0_.........&3k 1000 do *70.... SIX A Lehigh Vai R..... &4 600 Cam A Arab 6a ... M 49 Nomst’n it. .lota~ 49 6000 Morris Cal 6a ... 95 9 do —48 X ... .... .. .** w £ TSoh ffftv Co 10k •0 do 10 SON Feaaa A., log VAroh* at Railway.. 18H i do.— ISK BCommercial 8k... fll 7 d©„ ei 11 Fhilaßk 119* 60 Reading*.. - ..hi.. SIX 10 d0..~....3dj«. SIX BO do t)K 100 d0..~ .31X 100 -d0... ....... fix 160 d0...10t*-cash, flic 700 do..dots.. Slfi 10 Lehigh Scrip... 3?8 18 d0...10t5. 88 Y BOARDS. , 1 MOO Del DivCl4s.2drs, to i < Union Bk of Tens. B&tf BOARD. .BETWEEN 1 Lehigh 6orip»~~. 38 | 9 d0~~~..~.... M i BECONU 13000 PenQa6e.«~.... 9*X IMTJity JO™ «4Ctty6eß....eatli..lol IflOOLTsl UJ§ end'd... 80M SOD Fean* R 8« 9dmtg. 6»V 188 Or * Coatec.bs.Ui. J3X 118 Gr. A Coates. .lots..»X 10 RMdinLA bf .Six 4. re niui Tft..,.-—.. ..39x 22 do s do~~ mi .1 do. 40 CLOSING PRICES.—PIRM. Sid. iakcd. Sid. Aik«d. l6lX|Wme»tfcE7e IM. 08 70 SeSdinf R..,£...51x5181 North Prana A. ..wj< 10X Reeding. Mi '78., S4X . 84* N Pinna HU... ..76 78* leadOeWintotßiH 90 . N Pcanaßloi..lol „ 108 Read mt 85'88.., 7* . 73X Catawieealetmb.ffX 90 Penn**. 40 • Frakf & South R. 49 si Pinna Rid rotSt »X 90 tSee k Thd-sU R 47 49 Morris CnToon~ <4 . M Maoe k Vin*-et..31 SI Moms Cal prf.JlS-; 118 X, WeetPhiUß. 66 gch N la'sjaofrlX t 76. tlffttee AlPine. «10X luj£ BohuTlNavimfe.K. {Green £co*tce..SSX 34 SfiheylNavStkt* 10. . MXlChest JfcWalnut.Sl SoEnri ask. 34 1 Philadelphia Markete. Jolt 26-Evening. There it very little movement in Breadstuff* today, end the market for Flour i» dal! bat‘steady at previous ratee. Salac aremoetiy tothe retailer* andbakeri* at §39606.37 for superfine, #B6O for extra, f5.8X4F6.76 for extra family. and’#<soB 50 for fancy brands, a* to quality and freshness. Rre Flour i» dall, at #BBX-4P bbl. Corn Heal meats with a limited de mand at #8 63X for Pennsylvania. Whmat ia unsettled and lower; the offerings are me derate, but the millers are holding off, and about 3 000 bos told at UOfllWo, the letter for prime reds; issoieOo for white. Rye is dull at 780 old. and76o for new Penn sylvania. Com ooroes in slowly; email sales only are reported, at67®«o afloat for prime yellow. Gate are leesaouve; we quota Pennsylvania at 400. and Rela wawntsd’e t #8 for let No. 1 liuereltron. CottoWj— I There is very little doing ; bolder are firm with a reduced stock, of better grades aapeoially, to deal Groceries.—Sogare are'wanted and bringing full prioss, the firmness of holders limiting operations-.„ _ . Provisions.—Holder* are quiet, and withw small,bu aineasdoinglH Pork and Lard ; a sale of. Baoon Hides was made «o Booth at Ho. fihonldere in salt are worth 9Xo, at which rate further sales are reported.. Butter and Chetee are unchanged and a small business to is dalli with light receipts and sales at *l® 3So for bMs, 9Po for drudge^and flof* gallon for hhds> Markets by 'Telegraph' Baltimorr, July Flour aativti Howard Btrset, JriJS. whsusteadr;red,§l3ool.36; white, fljosi M. Corn quiet;yellow, 6e#73e.. Provisions firm and unchanged.-WMskyjteadv at *)X#ao.. . Chicago, July 36,—Flourls quiet, with a. downward tendency. .WJhMtJirmi galesjof «00, bushels at 90e forfto. 3 spring Wheat: andWowfl. for red .wmtir, in store. Corn active; sales of 19,000 bushels at 49* 43X0 in store. OatrqaistatJSo. , , Tlw. receiptsof Flour and Gnus amps January Ist* as compared with t|ie reoeipts danfi* the same pewo* of lB*rihow aniinorease orw«Wj*rrels or Flour 660,098 bushels of Wheat, .and 7,6ra.090 bushels of Com. increase of shipments during the same time 080 berrelsofyioor, Bo,ooo taehslsoL Wheat, and *BO.OOO ,bushels of Cora. \New ORtRAKs, Jdly B.—Cotton unchanged; sales IX99 bates. Plour active at #6. Freight on Cot toff# Havre IX° \CITY ITEMS. Ah ImHrtamt It£M fob tbs Ladibs.—-We need not infcgia the feir portion of o«r readers that Messrs. Ohaft»g;9akford A Sons (whose magnificent ■tore under the‘CooUnenUl Hotel is one of the most highly indeed petfcte to all who visit our oitjr,) offer the nest stock of LadieVand Misses' Shoe*; Children’s HatirMd Ladies’ and flan Umbrella* to be feead ia bow that the prices of all the** are lower by a i* |S per eeatice than nsual.in anticipation of the Fall ing*, thot* w'io are not fully supplied with every thing laws Une.hitve the opportu nity of baying the best artieMnat the lowest prices. : Lae rag, RbadTbis !—Unit and moths in carpets are efftotaaUy eradicated by theipatent Carpet-beat ing Machine, iW KobU street, Mtd yonr order, or cal aad see theeperatioa, Pm James Mttbrat’s CaitrliobAtbd Cordial,— This „ admirable Cordial is designed aepeoially for all those oomphUat* inoident to the heat of nra* mn. Diarrheas and severe pains of the stomach, vomiting, Ac., readily yield to its very soothing infin enee. It is unite piwstnt and eratefhl to the- taste. After atrt*l,fewo*ree»awW be willing to be without U*?u« fa tha mttfF ahwd 4© " without proyiding themselves with the Gordlel, Xtis sold by Bower, Sixth add Vine. Prioe 60 cento. tf , A Word or ADVio*.—-Ifanjrreader of The Press desires to procure for himself an elegant, com fortable, and economical suit! If he desires to get anr single garment which will be faultless in quality and becoming in style; if be would fit out his growing cons injarments that are at once handsome and economical* or if he would enjoy all the advantages of fair and up right dealing—let him go to. the Brown-Btone Clothing Hall of Rookhili A Wilson, Nos. 006 and 000 Chestnut street, above Sixth, where he will find a stook of goods exoelled by none in the world, with a guarantee that he will be dealt with in a fair and business-lure maimer. • Mahnirly Youito Foucs«—-Yottngfolkfl ghould be mannekfy; but how to be so is a question. Many good boys and girls feel that they oannot behave to suit themselves in the presenoe of oompany. They are awkward, olownish, rough. They feel timid, bashful, self-distrustful, the moment they are add rested by a stranger, or appear in oompany. There is but one way to get over this feeling, and acquire easy and graoeful manners, and that is, to do the best they oan all the tiihe.athome as well as abroad. We must be cour teous, agreeable, olvil, kind, gentlemanly, and manly a home, and then it will become a teoond nature every where. The moat agreeable persons we have ever known in company were those who were most agreea ble at home, and purchased their olothmg at the “ One Prioe Gift Clothing Emporium” of Gxaxvillk Stoibs, Ho. 9ft Chestnut street, where the full value of the money is guarantied, and a valuable gift pre sented with eaoh article sold. PASSENGERS BAILED. In ship Wyttmidg. for Liverpool—Mrs Jane K Wick ersham, of Philadelphia; John Vanoe Powers, Trenton; Dr 8 A Lewis, and seventy-five in the forward oabin and steerage. RARINE INTELLIGENCB. 9EK FOFRTH PAGE, -Steamship Kennebec, Johnson, from Hew York.via Capp Mar 7 hours, with mdse and passengers to James AUdsrdjoe. Passed two lumber-laden schooners above Reedy Island. Baric Leishton, Speights, from Rio do Janeiro 14th ult. with ©©flee, Ao. to Matter, Hewball & Co. Sawaaip Bankhee, Keen, from Baltimore, going in. Left ships Pocahontas. Delano, disobg ooal; Albatrossa, MoLeoa. ballasting; harks Gambia, Kean, do; Sarah Ann, Hill, and 8 W Forte, Lane, in. distress, ana would be con demned; Marion. Fowler, for Baltimore in 8 days,* Cam panero,Dubet« disobg; Rebeooa, Miohener. do: Parana, Lowell, do; Indus. Thompson, do; Nelson. Place, m dis tress. just arr; and sohr w L Cogswell, Penuy, disobg, June Uth, off Cape Frio, passed a ship showing a blue flag with a while square in the centre, supposed the Esther, hence for Rio. Reports brig Triad, from Ha vana. off Cherry Island Flats. Bark Chester, Atkins, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Tsrelli, MeUon & Co. Sohr Hornet. Henley,-8 days froih Portland, with plas ter to A Co, , Sohr Olivia. Fox, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with grain to Christian«Carran. , „ , Sohr Amanda, Bites, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with wheat to Jas LBewlay <& Co. . , , Pohr Sarah Warren, Hollingsworth. 1 day from Little Creek, Del* with wheat to Jas L Bewley A Co. 8 teams r P T Heartt. Sidell. 84 hours from Hew York, wi’h mdse to W M Baird A Co. Steamer Taoony. Ely. 14 hours from Hew York, with mdse to W M Baird A Co. Ship Wyoming, for Liverpool, left her berih at the foot of Walnut street at 6 P lu yesterday, in tow of tug Amerioa. having on board ISnassenger >,and oargo con sisting of 1093 barrels flour, 39,730 bushels wheat, 90 hhds tallow, 38 do baik,6s bales rags, llbbls nickel ore, PS boxes cheese, 1 carriage, and 4 pkgs mdse. A Ship is nQfgfolnc in, supposed to be the Westmore- Ifchd, from Wirqrpdqi. A full rigged brig passed in this morning. No vessels m sight outward bound. Weather fine, with a moderate breese from the southward. _ Yours, Ao. THOS. B. HUGHES. (Correspondence of the Frees,) „ Boston, July 38. Arrived, ship Albatross, from Rio de Janeiro; barks gasard, from Loando; Amanda Spear, from Shields; surelia,from Capo Haytien; Benguela, from Sagua; Amanda Jane, from Cardenas. MEMORANDA. , , Steamship Boston, Crocker, hence, arrived at New Taylor, Modowan, for San Fran citoo, oleared at New York yesterday. Ship Chancellor, Borland, at NeW York yesterday PrripJsdpJrior, Bottle, for London, Cleared at N York Bark Amy. Hatatnond, cleared at Boston 34th inst. for Philadelphia. ...» . , M Bark Linda, Hewitt, from Matansas, arrived at New York yesterday, „ „ , , Bark Indus, Thompson, for Baltimore next day, was at Rio de Janeiro 2id ult, , Bark Jblue Wmg, Burnham, from Baltimore, at Rio de Janeiro 33d utt. Bark Fanny Crenshaw, Munson, from Riohmond, at Rio de Janeiro 32d ult. Bark Lauretta, Bailey, from Buenos Ayres June 10th, arrived at New York yesterday. B'ig Chattanooga, Norris, irora Baltimore, at Mon tevideo loth ult. , « fc ' Sohr Boudder, from Lagdna, arrived Ddpoht, Cortdu AuflCMer l£ok, Montgomery, for Philadelphid, hailed from Balem Solir Dfyvfd E Wolfe, Aussell, henoe, arrived at Dsn vers Idth inst. ... > .Sohr* C A Greiner, Weaver, and AC Reeves, Lake, nenoe, arrived at Boston 34th inst. Behra Mail, Kelly. J B Johnson, Johnson, and Rest less, Smith, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence X4th inst. Sohr hnooh Pratt, Sherman, hence, arrived at New Bedford Stthinst. „ Sohr W w Many, Davis, from Delaware City, ar rived at New Bedford s3d inst, Sohr Fanny Boardrean, Matthews, from Delaware City, at Portsmouth 33d Inst. flohr E L B Wales. Hoffman, for Philadelphia, cleared at Wilmington. NO, 34th. inst. Sc hr Federal Hill, Irvin, henoe, arrived at Richmond 84th inst, f Steamers Josephine, Greene, and Beverly, Fieroe, henoe. arrived atNew York yesterday. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELB, DP TO 12 o’clock last right. CONTINENTAL HOTEL-Coroer NmtlnudOheltuul, JO Evans, Oxford,Min J Plnthmer A la, Pittobnrg Geo Hynson A sister A 8 Keatfi JIB Edwards, Del co F Pield. Del op obit H Allon. Chicago J H Seovm A ram, Pittebg fi MoKeet A son, Pittsburg issN T Krenson, P.ttobg AW Loomis Pittsburg C Hsywood.St Lciais^ W H Watery, at Louis J w Mo Comte A fhm.Tenn i ewis Cameal. Cin. O And McCormick, Cut, O JT Worthington. Cin, O D Clarke, Miss WL**rm*trong Ala. Tenn N B Derst A la, Dayton, O Wra Hdnt AI a. Miss J G Harper,Canada AG Simon.Balt Misajl Simon. Bait J Bowling. N O WMjttter.NY 9 H Webster A ton, Miss MoDMetu, Newberry, 8 C anrLynoh, Ala J B Hawler. NO iff Fait n. Savannah Mr ?avne, La . _ B.A SewelLLondon, Eng LevijMattson A la, Pa Mrs Thatoßer fit Clair . Goo Brown, ind G W Read. Miss T > Boutha'd. &ichmond And'w.Wyiie A wf, Va J P Leavitt, Cm, O W P Strong, Cm, O Jos Loth. Hartford, Conn J C Brsokett, N Y - John H Lloabeapr fit Louis d Appold A so -1 , Balt J cwis Towns, wash,D O CD fcjngler A fa, Bait C Bernhard, NY W B Willdnc, Del BC Powell, 8t Joseph Wm Case. NY '"’m B Wiley. Lanoaeter SMB Addarna, Carlisle J W Johnston, Brownsville S Alex Voutress, Miss Mrs Voutress A ohkrn Miss C L Mathews A wf. La Mrs H Mathews.La Jos B Cleveland A 3da, Md GSWilliams. Cm,O SC oa*tmgs,Cal Wm Corliss. Prov, RI M Hastings. Troy CNewhn.NY . GBPeirr. Buenos Ayrps M W Lewis A la, Nashville MiasN WiUiatnsrNash’lle MissN vtoNaiiy,Nashville PRg m tih, Nashwlle Jos A Biggs. Cin.O L C Rankin, Cm, O ' Dr F Irish, Pittsburg B H Irish, Pittsburg UB Holmes. Pittcbnrg Miss A decider, Miss MnH N Gambnll. Balt W H Fry, Rionaond, Va Max Glaser, Cmpinnati, O C VBaker.Va^ J Behm. Evansville. Ind Dr Wert A la. Pa H B 'obnson A la, Md Miss Henry, Md R A Sinclair Ala, Va MtoCESlnotair, Va Geo w Sam peon. Texas L E Hlgbr, Detroit LAMarbury. Va Rev SM Isaacs, N\ BP Edge, Lexington, Ky W Gavel, Savannah, Ga HD *eadman, Savannah A L Hatch A wf, St Louis <vt a i Myers, USA B Arthurs, |M D. Pittsburg E H Wilson A wile, York W D Davis, Freehold, N J JDBedel.Freehold,H J EHStowelt,N Y V N Richards. N i H Robins, Harm W R Cole, Balt J 8 Kirby A la. Cin, O A J Rogers. N,7 Jas J MoNelly, N J ARchreibner, NO ChasC Bostwiok.N Y C Fleming, Pittsburg Prof O Collins, Carlisle, Pa » WSmith, Milwaukee W H Tali.nan, Milwaukee TF Jackman, Milwaukee RevJ Bray Ala, N Bruns'k A A Denman, NY JPlut, NY EFHoughton,Phlla H DStover,NY W Waliack. H Y Jh Barber, N Y Dr Gordon, Mobile, Robt B Auooin, N O Z D Gilman, Waah’n K B&tdw n, Wash’n M Joel, Canton, Miss Chat Whiting, H O DMaupay.NO It W H Webb, Nashville Jas L Webb, Nashville G R Rider, Md Beth Dashill, Md J G Kittle, Cal H Jones, La H W Gambnll A wf, Balt 18.93 03 ......11687 18 GIRARD HOUSE—Ninth and OhwtnuUtreet#. J A Hill. 8t Louts ' J H Hotter, fit Loots H P Mowrath, N O John L Cassady, M o Sirs A L Obento, fit Louis Mib« M Chenie, 8t Loots L J Chenie, fit Loots WF Remolds. Pa WA Cathcart, Bt Louis Archibald Fullerton, N Y H 0 Lauimiß, Phila Jas B Parker A la, ri 7 Miss Parker. N Y Thos A Laurence, N Y Jno C Hammond & la, Md Chas Hammond. Md W G Henderson. N Y Thos PhilSe, W Y . JooC Martin, Albany HenrrT Martin. Albany K Weaver. Mast Miss Weaver. Maas L G Edwards A la, Montreal Miss Edwards, Montreal J Hi tanner A wf, MO L Gilmore. Va SV White. Va 8 M Bradford A la, 8 C iss Bradford. 8 G Edw Tyler, N Y TI epoaia.Mass SW Moms A la. NO J Williams, r* C Richard Thomas. N 0 Mrs Jamsr, Elkton. Md Jes B Bowlins. Ga H Lewis A sis. Miss J W Ifemmings, Md W.; Hewley A wf. Norfolk J W Mariey A la, Norfolk R K Carter. Balt J W Webb. Wash G H Acorn N Y John H Brady. N Y Chas A Terrance, Balt J M Bishop A la, Va Miss Young, Va 6 H Greenwood, N Y E Morgan, N V E Sterne. Boston Thos tC&emphill, Ga B G ‘'owe t, Phila John Wallace, Boston L P MoAller, Pa W fit raitb A wf M. J Walker. Columbus, Ga W Williams, Lancaster G R More, Borrystown L Puller. Norwich D Samuels. Winsburg £ Patterson- Md AllenWiugle, Milford G A Diost, Balt R H Reynolds A la Va J N Williams* Riohmond 8 Sanders. Jr, N Y T Macintosh, Indianapolis B N Bradley, N Y Jos 418immons, Md J W Beazell. Pa A Knight, N Y Geo D Cook, Balt E Turpin, t ng Jas Hamilton A la, N Y Miss Hamilton. NY Miss Maxwell, N Y B P Brown. N Y Jas Mason. Dell 8 Myers, Del F Brown. NY W P Chamberlain, Biohm’d John 0 White.N Y Miss White, NY ELPIumb.NY J Barbee. Louisville L M Close, Wash, D C C Wendell, Wash, D C B.Seyroour, N Y R Christie, NY P R Tompkins, Wash W H Rwm, Tenn Chas Mayer. Balt H B Fiddeman, Del J G Dolben A w, N Y J K WoS£*i! Y 6Wttrk ’ N J W Temple, Del MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch* J ,T O’Leary, Pittsburg D H Elliott, Petersburg Jno Hewitt, PhiJa RB Jones, Mo JosDjesrt.Pa JfaoK Force. Wilkesbarre Adam Wilson, Pittsburg W M Sprankle, Ohio J PWethenll, Bethlehem Jos P Jackson, Texas M R Barr, Erie S G Turner, Shawneetownl AS JepkSSn. Heading , , Jas F Sbunk, Harnsburg Mias M J Findley, Harris’s J Little W H Slymyer, Mansfield,U G H e.athews. N Y B Mien. Lost Haven Jos Fenner. Monroe co H B Brodbead. Del W Gap B C Binds, Pa £R Baer, Lancaster , HonWmßisler.fa Landmesler, Wilkesbarre 8 Trisobet, N i J E Hmith, Waterbury O Roby, Mass w D Thurston, Mass R W Lambeth, B C Mrs Lapibeth A oh, 8 G Hon J ffohmdio, Allentown R Jennings, Conn John Fisbbaok, Indiana W P Ftshoaok, ndiana P P Swing. Batavia, O Lewis Madden, Cin, 0 J E Giffln, G F Rangier, L&no, Pa D Bratton, Elkton, Md JONES’ HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Sixth. T Forsythe, Media, Pa JG Murdock, Cm, O L HMunlook, Cin, O R C Morgan, N Y R V Titus A fa, Balt Q Weed. Qa 0 * Hammond, Conn W B Price, 8 C R B Porter. N J J Hoffman, Reading W Craig, N Y ' P Anderson.. Lowed W«T-iorne,NY , BWiener. Hoboken A King, Riohmond, Va W H Nally, Wash,D C 8 B Walters, NY WE Ames, N Y AS Bath,N Y AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut, above Fifth. A Hawkins. Trenton, N J D V Barnes, Detroit H D Warner A ais John H Cochran. N Y H B Smith, Batt . _ E P Watkins, wim’n 0 Bunttinser, Sohl Haven H G Bond, N Y HBond.MTD,NY R GSimpsoo, Del R T Fujsram, NO* E T Love, N C Paul A Barrier, N C . Rufus ABbimaook.N C J FEiliott Ala.Feona, 111 GKlagman.Mass B R Howes, NY W Cowles,Boston Jas Hunter, Richmond J G North, N Hav, Conn E Foertler, Pittsbarg J W Mink M William, Phila A M , WH Yoest A wf, N J EK Dearborn. Trenton,N J B M Bill, Trenton. N J N Par ban, Tenn B M Clarkson, N 0 C Brinton A la, Pa |M Cruiokshank. Md H Cruiokshank, Md H Steele. Jersey City J Mints, Jersey,City T N Patterson, Sohl oo E 6 Sheldon, NY , Geo H Hiok, Newark E Martin. Perth Amboy 0 C Biereon, Perth Amboy EAPaeker.N Y D Bendamer. Bait John F Gordon, Va 0 Brenohel, Zanesville THE UNION.—Aroh street, above Third. A S Cadwallader. Fa Tbos B Wilson, Allentown J 0 Force * la, Wilbesb’e Robt Phillips, N Castle D Beti, Balt Dr B D Patterson A wf,N J B Harris, Memphis Leon Gan*, Ark J Prater, Memphis Thoe A Boult, Hagerstown <3 w Lamson, r fills . Mrs G W Lsmson. Phila Miss G i amson, Phila O w Swift, New Haven ip Hntrioh, Easton. John Beok, Easton Y Heisler, Bethlehem BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third *t.. ab. Callowhtll, T 6 Leisenring, Fa Elias M Kants, Pa jojja r |fiy|pffiiSjff | A* itosd, flerasee. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1860. ARRIVED. BY TILB9KAPH. BY TBLXOHAPH. ST. LOUIS HOTEL-Ohestnut street,'above Third. J O Smith, Balt- Robt 8 Gould. Trenton Fred Neudhoper, PbUa Amns Dave, StLouis llios Joyce. Brooklyn CbM Burke,N Y T MBtone, Albany , . E Matthews StLouis Mrs K «at hews, St Louis H MoQ.uil)en, fit Lonis . Geo H Brown. New Haven' H H Stover, New Haven J Johnson A wf, H Haven ’ J DJohnson, Hartford Miss Camp , ' c Terry, Elmira . MrStemeou AIa.HY ’ HVesin, Pnila _ ' SParkhurst, N.Y . - - . Wk Painter. WChester T C Adams, n Y L TSmith, Reading G B Fooks, Whaley ville Obas H Shipman, Jf J , John H Clark. Newark, NIB Fell, Phila . ‘ Wm Morton, NY MC Murray, NY j _ SPATES UNlON—Market Street, above Sixth. 1 W J Green, Reading SB Morns, „ : Mr Mar ns A wf. Phila Jno Meersh. Cooperstown Wm Albright, Cooperstown H Hertxler. Phila i E_M walmsier, md Alex Hohueluer. Texas J W Cromiine. Phila ' h Salinger. Phila , W P Williams. Wash, D C Geo ti Cramer, Altoona ; Miss C Elder, Altoona J Thudiam, Carlisle Morns Johnson,Midcletwn J Ferguson, Phila H M Dorr, Pa COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth Street, al. Chestnut. Sami Stratton Chester oo Griffith Ellis, York oo , FJPennock,Oxford G D Chemey.W Chester 8 A Porrer,'Rochester ' -A Fletoher Awf. Ohio, . R Maxwell, Kennet Sqnare Wm L Hannum Pa John Larkin, Jr, Chester D B Nivin, Chester co . L E Nivin, Ohesteroo W 6 Jackson, Wi)m. Del , John Tnompson, Pottstown H F DarliOgton.Dojl«*tvm J W Cox, Chester oo James J ChittioK, Phila i Vowexd HudiHeson, Del oo Geo Rioharde, Pottstown ZebaDarlington, Deloo ’ BARLEY SREAP HOTEL—Second at, below PC Beyle, Phila ' . John Baoher. Philo, , Thos Ent, Lambertville Dr SO Bradshaw, (luker’n J Jones. Pa Jos Watson. Pa I Potter A la, Bradford oo L Thomas, Lambertvillo MERCHANTS' HOUSE-Thud st, above Callowhill. J H Markham, Belvidere H Btetler f 'AUentown - J M Mathews, Doytostown John Brewn, DoylestiVwn C H Cregor. Bucks oo Geo Deomer, nuoks ob J L Bherk. Bahamas ' C Foils an, Buoksco H Biokei. Jonestown MT. VERNON HOIEL—SeoonU street, above Aroh. J T MoNeebr, Trenton ’ R T Cann- Delaware ThoS Barr, Pa . W Cann, Delaware D Wright, Princeton Mrs Chapman, Balt BCCipet, Bolt TH Eddy.Latnar, Pa , FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Beoond street, above Market. C Ridgway, Pleasant Mills J Rowe, Richmond, Mo > W Denham, Me KLord. Camden, Del GP Lord. Camden, Del Mrs H Anderson. N Y Jonathan Tevis. Phila R. Reynolds. Del , Miss Maggie A Lowber, Del Miss 8 E Johns, Del BLACK BEAR HOTEL-Third it., ab. Callowhill. < w s Rorer. Cindy Mastßorer, Olney Jacob Rorer, Olnfey . . Epbriain Lobs. Pa , Henry Maurer,Bechtels?ille JBli Bpchiel, BeoMelsville. 8 Morris, Phila J Kolter, Reading. Pa l NATIONAL HOTEL-Rabe street, above Third, J 8 Bass, NJ 1 • John Hoover. Dauphin T M rearce, N J Fleming Webster. Pa Jno Prong, Pa Simon Y Kern. Allentown i) C Metz. Del Jno P Gruel, Pa ! IWRank, Lebanon fi W Brown, AUentown . ohn Baune, Freehold David fiaune, Freehold :IO Harper, Shamokin SPECIAL. NOTICES o#mpound E.xtbact of Sabsaparilla for MAKina Root Bixa.—A pleasant and healthy beve rage at Fight. Cento a Gallon, for family use. Full di rections aooompany eaoh bottle. Its universal and in creasing popularity is its best recommendation, Be ware of numerous imitations sold on the oredlt of our extraot and advertising. The genuine prepared only by POTTER A CRAM PIN, Praotioal Chemists, WES TERLY, R. It Wholesale -Ageht, for Philadelphia, DYOTT A. CO., ,233 Nyrth ShCOHi) Street. Sold by Druggists and Grocers generally throughout the oountry. jyl9-thstul6t* Bathing Robes.—One of the largest as sortments of BATHING ROBES in the United States, for Ladies, Gents, and ohitdren, at SLOAN’S, 606 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, or at his store on CAPE ISLAND, N. J. jy34-3t* Oku Pbioh Clothing op the Latest BTTLss.made in the befct manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST gelling prices marked In Plain Figures, All goods mad© to orabrwaf ranted satis* factory. Oiir ONE-PRICE system is strictly adhered to, as we believe this to be the only iair way of dealing Ail are thereby treated Alike. jtiNES A CO,, sofi-tf & MARKET Street Salamander Fibk-Fboof Safes.— A very large assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at rea sonable prices, No. SO4 CHESTNUT St, Philadelphia. 11188-tf RVANB a WaTsON, Ssaxhx b Saving Fund —Nobthwbst CoBTfSB Sxconn and Waljutt Stbbxts.— Deposits ro eeived in small and large amounts, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of FIVE PER CENT, per annum. Money may be drawn by cheeks without loss of in terest, Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o|olook, and on Mon day and Satnrday until nine ih the evening. Presi dent, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary, OIIAS. M. MORRIS Mbrres’ Miraculous Vbrmin Dr stkoybr, the oldest and best remedy known for Ex terminating FATS and MICE, COCKROACHES BUGS, ANT&, FLEAS, MOTHS, GRAIN WORMB, and GARDEN INSECTS. JKF* Principal Depot, 613 BROADWAY, N. Y. Sold by all Drurgists everywhere. mylMra Saving Fund—National Safstt Trust Oompart.—Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. RULES. 1. Money is received every day, and in any amount targe or small.. 3. FIVE PER CENT, interest is paid for money from the day it iswut in. A The money is always paid back in GOLD whenever it is called for,'and without notice. 4. Money isreoßiVeo from Hzientcrt, AdtnMstratqra, Guardians, and other Trustees, in large of Small sums, to Tcmain a long or short period. 6. The money reoCived from Depositors is invested in ‘ Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, ehd otass seouHfcldi. . ~ . I. Office open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest ruer Third street. Philadelehia tail Card Printing, Best and Cheapest in the City, at 34 Booth THIRD street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City, At $4 South THIRD street, ' BILLHEAD PRINTING, Bert and Cheapest in the City,at 34.Sodth THIRD street. HAND-fiiLL PRINTING, Bert and Cheapen in the City, at 34 South THIRD street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other descrip tion of Printing, of the most superior quality, at the most reasonable rates, at RING WALT A BROWN’S, Drmel’s Building, 84 Booth THIRD attest jyU-tf MARRIED. ANDERSON—BOHN,—On the 24th ultimo, by the Rev. J C. Clay, D. D., Mr. Robert Anderson to Mtss Christina Bohn, all of Philadelphia. * BOIBNOT—BURR.—On the BTh of May, by Rev. A. A Willits, Dr. J. S.Boisnot. of Philadelphia, to Miss Lis tie Burr, of New York oity. * LENNOX—KINNEKR.—On the 23d instant, by Rev. Franots Church, Mr. David Lennox, of New Jersey, to Miss Annie Kinneer, of this city. * men. PARRlSH.—Yesterday, 7th month, 35th, at Long Branch. N. J., Margaret 8. Farnsb. daughter of George D. and Sarah L. Parrish, in the 3d year of her age. * WARE.—On the 14th instant, Joeopit Ware, in the Min year of his age. Faner&l from the residence of his mother, Mrs. Ann Ware, No. 641 Lombard street, this (Thursday) af ternoon. at 4 o’clock., * , WILSON.—On the itd instant, DAvid G. Wilson, in the 56th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, Nri. 478 Dillwyn street.thii.(Thursday)afternoon, at So’oloak. ‘ ARMSTRONG—On tne 24th instant, Mary Arm strong, ased 49 years. Funeral from her late residehoe. Lynn’s Row. Twen ty-fifth street, near Green, this (Thursday) morning, at ltf ojolook. * ARTHUR.—On the 24th instant, William, son of George and Isabella Arthur, aged 4 years, 6 months, and 23 days. Fune<alfrom the residence of his parents. Twenty : irth street, below Spruoe, this (Thursday) afternoon, at S o’otook. , * BRIEBON.—On the 2Sd instant, Jameh Brieson, in the 3lst year of bis age. Funeral from his late residence. No. 822 Steward street, Christian, below Tenth, this (Thursday) morn ing, at 8 o’clook. EMERY.—On the 23d instant, William Emery, aged 53 years. Funeral fiom his late residence, No. 3188 'Jefler son street, thls(Thunday) morning, at 9 o’clock. * FISHER.—On the 23d.. instant, Agnes Elisabeth, daughter of Charlei and Jane Fisher, aged 31 years. Funeral from the residence of her father, back of No. 911 Otsego street, (late Church,) this (Thursday) Md itiilant, Joseph Fitz patrick, in the 69U year of his age. Funeral from hie late residence, Dana (formerly Duke) street, first door above New Market, this (Thursday) morning, at 8 o’olook. * GAVIN.—On the 24th instant, Elisabeth Gavin, m the 2Ut year of her are. Fuaera) from the residence of her brother-in-law, Hugh Bwift. Manner street, between Thirteenth and Broad and Carpenter and Prime, this (Thursday) after noon, at 2 o’olock. • H*LLOWiSLL.—On the 28d instant, Mr. Jesse Hal lowelt, in the 6Sd year of his age. Funeral from bis late residence, No. 1030 Oxford street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o’olook * MAITi.AND-—On the 23d msL,Mrs.Ann K.Maitland, wife of Thomas Maitland, and daughter of Samuel and Margaret Coats. Funeral from the residence of her husband, in Norris town this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o’olook. * TORBOBS,—On the 23d instant, Isaao B. Torboss. in the 87th year of hie age. Funoral from his late residence, Story street, above Thirty-sixth, Mantua,this(Tbursday)aftemoon, at 8 o’olook. * TFLAOK AND PURPLE FOULARD m 3 SILKS. Plain black Fou’ard Silks. B aok Bareges, X, «-4,7-4, B-4 wide. Black Crape Marets. same widths. Gray Chene Rttl& Poplins, Gray Chene Bareces and Mohairs, Black Bare f e, ruffled points. ._ , Lupin’s Summer BomDazlnes and Chalys. Blaok and white Lawmi and Organdies, Ao. BESB %tt¥o M H* B^, N. B.—During July and August we close at 6 P, M. nPHE ONLY RELIABLE ARTICLE— ,f , CLARK'S Patent INDELIBLE PFNOILB, for Marking all kinds of Clothing neatly and indelibly. They do their work better than ink, without its trouble or risk of Blotting. Eaoh will mark 2.000 artiolos. For sale, Wholesale and Retail, by D. C. TAYLOR A CO., Agents for the Manufacturer, No. 911 CHESTNUT Street. iell-Sra ivy* TWENTY-FOURTH WARD DOUGLAS \JL3 CLUB, will meet at the READ ING ROOM, MARKET Street, on FRIDAY EVE NING. JULY 2J, at 8 o’olook. Jrto-st* JAMES MILLER, President, rrs=- REPUBLICAN INVINCIBLES.-The Lk3 regular business meeting ofthe club will beheld those intending to join will please take nottoe. Arranjementa have been made togo to Wait Ches ter on Friday evening,*7th instant, Excursion tiokets One Dollar, to be bad at the door. GbO, INMAN RICHIE, President It* GEO. D. PATTEN, Assistant Beo rrs* office; of the Philadelphia LLS AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY? March, IMS, ' The holders of the bonds of this Company, due July 1* 1800, oan now receive, upon application at this offioe, 10 Eir oent. in oash, upon Che terms speoified in the oireu r attached. . , . The holders are also entitled to the benefit of a Sink ing Fond of 9140,000 per annum, as established by the stockholders at their annual meeting, held January 9, IMO,and in pursuance o?theooniraot,*ntere<fintoby he oompany and duly recorded, to carry the same into ffeot. oIrUW 70 **’ Treasurer, Tiotxee le the Holders of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company Mortgage Bonds, due July 1, ittp. These bonds are seoured by the first mortgages on the road, amounting ip the aggregate to 984)8.400. The net revenue for the last fiscal year was six times the amount of the annual interest on these bonds. The managers propose to extend them for a period of twenty years, the holders retaining the bonds and the security of the mortgages irf the precise condition in whioh they are now held. Fresh sheets of coupons for the interest, payable half-yearly, will be issued. A bonus of 10 percent, will, be given to the holders, in consideration of their assenting to the extension. This bonus win be paid in oash to 'thebearpr* of the bonds! on their signing a reoeipt and presenting their respec tive bonds at the office of the Oompany, or to Its agents, Forms ojreoeipt and endorsement will be famished l Wt f 9aHHlfcirr. lUaratmTT. ptURNINu FLUID, Alcohol, Camphene, iT2G j l rjNAPIOOA—f,’ood.—For sale byWETHF RILL A BROTHER, 47 and 49 North BEOONd Street. liW OYCOPODIUM—For sale by WKTHE. * BROTHER, 47 aad 49 North •KtJUNO NEW. PUBLICATIONS. qur SLAVE STATES. NOW READY, A JOURNEY IN THE BACK OOUNTRY. FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED, Autiior of 41 A Journey in the Sea-board Slavs States,” " A Journey in Texas,” ” Walks and Ta Iks of an Amenoan Fanner in Fnglaud,” &o. 192 pp. Tteelvemo, Cloth. Price 81.25. This volume completes the series of “Our Slave States, f> in whioh the objeot of the author has beon to desoribewbat was most interesting, amusing, and in structive to lum during a journey of fourteen months through these States, undertaken for the purpose of studying the oharaotenstios of the oountry and people. A keen and impartial observer, and a very graoeful and attractive writer, he is acknowledged to have presented in the previous volumes of this series the rabat intelli gent and interesting aooouut of the region they repre sent whioli has yet been given to the pub’io. The pre sent volume, embraomg the interior Slave States, com pletes the account. THB SBBIES HOW IHCLODHS, .A JOURNEY IN THE BEA-BOARD BLAVE STATES. 734 pp. Prioe, *1.23. . A JOURNEY THROUGH TEXAS. 618 pp. Prioe, fil.2S. A JOURNEY IN THE BACK COUNTRY. 492 pp Price, 91,20, PUBLISHED BY Mason brothers. 5 and 7 MERCER STREET, NEW YORK, gOIENTIFIO, PRAOTIOAL, AND INTERESTING: HISTORY, THEORY, AND PRACTICE ELECTBIC TELEGRAPH BY GEORGE B. PRESCOTT, OF BOSTON, Stwertafenctoif of Electric Telegraph Lines. One Large Volume...-. .Price SI 7g. WITH ONE HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS. I Thih volume will BUUply the Want long felt, of a com* plete Maiiualof the Eleotho Telegraph. Its Author is thoroughly acquainted with the subject, both theoreti cally and praotically, having had thirteen years’ experi ence as a practical Operator and Superintendent of Telegraphio lines. The book, while soientifio, is at the same time plainly and popularly written, and gives the most thorough information upon all points' connected with the Telegraph. Its illustrations are numerous and attractive. The volnme contains,with otherthings.the following interesting features 1 A brief but comprehensive summary of electrical sol etioe, which will prepare ever; reader to understand the pnnciplesof the Kleotflo Telegraph. A description of all processes of telegraphing, and all the instruments used for telegraphing in every part of the world, with an eHgraving of eaoh instrument. A'history of the Atlantic Telegraph, and a report ver balist of all toe mesl&gei wbibh passld over jt. An interesting description of the Kiebtrio Fire Alarm System used in Boston, New York, and other oitie*. A ohapter of miscellaneous matters connected with the Telegraph, with instructions as to the proper mode of preparing and sending despatches. K 7" For sale by all booksellers, or sent, postpaid to any address, by the publishers, on receipt df the price. TICKNOR & FIELDS, Publisher.— ~ BURR'S FIRST LOVE. The New York TVmss. in a reviewof MARGARET MONORIEFFK; OK. THE FIRST LOVE OF AARON BURR, Two or tiyee of Colonel Burr’s love-letters are among the literary curiosities of this collection. Am accurate transcript of a letter to Burr, from his fnend * Leonora,'to given, with all the Imperfeot orthography and warmthof-paislou { and a facsimile of Burrs oele . iratod cipbiTT-letter, the key thereto, frequently referred to in oonnectiouwith the history of his treason able ptoc. fwes the uUe-pago. These are curious and valuable additions to the history of a remarkable man. and va hava to thank Mr. Barflett fbr putting us in pos session of them.” . _ A handsome JJrartvbUimo. Bribe #l^s For tale by all the bobksellkr, or sent Vj Mail, post paid, on receipt of theerioe^hr DERBY A JACKPON, Foblisbers, U No. 498 BROADWAY, New York. TIfEDIOAh PERIODICALS EOR JOLY, Pal)li.li«4 hr LINDS A V k DLAKISTON, \ . ' Publishers and Booksellers. . , - 25South8IXTHstreet,aboveChestnut. RANKIN’SHSLP-YEARLY ABSTRACT OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES. Price,p rannum. S 3; Com plete sets, sheep. 9t per volume; Complete sets, half doth, SI.CO per volume. THE BRITIBH AND FOREIGN MEDICO CHI RURGIOAL REVIEW. (The London Edition.) Per annum, 95. THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MICROBCO PICAL SCIENCE. Prr annum. 85. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCI ENCE. Per annum. $8 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF .PHARMACY, Bi-Monthly, 88, Subscriptions received for all American and Fo roign MEDICAL and 80IENTIF10 PeriodioaU. Jyto IVEW PUBLICATIONS. J-v THE ROCK OF AGES; or. Scripture Testimeny to tHe one Eternal God-head of the Father. Sen and Holy Ghost. By E..H Biekeriteth. M. A., with dn In troduction by Rev. F.JD. Huntingdon, D. D. Itiho. 630. HOME AND COLLEGE. By P. D. Huntingdon. l2mo, £0 cents. THE RELATION OFTHE SUNDAY-SCHOOL TO TBE CHURCH. By F. D. Huntingdon, D. D. Pam- Pl MORmNG U HOURS IN fA'tMOS. Sj TKompiion. U THE?AND-HILLB OP JUTLAND. Bf D&tl. An dersen, 12mo. 78 oenta. AUIOBIO9RAPBICAL KECOLLEC- T K 1 R B, pFa°Ti?lv’ELB AND RESEARCHES IN AFRICA- llmo. 3t.U. THE KELLYS AND O’KELLYB. Bj AnlllonV Trollops. 81.lt. For sale by WILLIAM S. * ALFRED MARTIEN, JelB No. 600 CHESTNUT Street. JUST PUBLISHED—BRIGHTLY*S PURDON’S ANNUAL DIGEBT6 for 1854 to 1860 —containing the amended Constitution, Common School I aw. Consolidation Law And its Supplement, Corpora tion Law, MiliUa Lavf, Criminal Cdae, trith report of the revisers; Free Banking Law. * KAY & BROTHRR, _ Law Booksellers, Publishers, and Importers, Jyl7 19 South BlXTil street. POLITICAL. rpo THB DEMOCRACY OF PENN A BYLVANIA! DOUGLAS, JOHNSON, AND FOSTER! GRAND MASS CONVENTION. The undersigned, the representative of the National Executive Committee, and members of the State Exe cutive Committee, resident at Harrisburg, only respond to a voice coming from all quarters of the Common wealth, when they call upon all Democrats DEVOTED •TO THE ORGANIZATION.OF THE PARTY, and who unequivocally, and without oondition, reoognixe STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS end HKRBCHEL V. JOHN SON as the rcghlar nominees ofthe Democracy for Pre sident and Vioe president of the United States, to meet at the STATE CAPITOL, IN HARRISBURG, on THURSDAY, July 26, at 3 o’olook, P.M., to oonsult together as so what is best to be done to insure to DOUGLAS and JOHNSON the honest, faithful, and en ergetic support of the Demooraoy of Pennsylvania. All who refuse to concede to n mere Executive Com mi'tee, (the creation of one man, its chairman,) the right to IGNORE THB NOMINEES OF A NATIONAL CONVENTION, and recognise those of a seoeding out side organization; all who will not oonoeile that a miserable minority oan diotato terms to a well-ascer tained majority ; all who desire to support a clear and unequivocai platform of principles—the non-interven tion platform, whereon stand Douglas and Johnson—ra ther than march under the disunion banner ol Yanoey, Rhett, 8c Co., and those who make an open boast o hostility to the Union; all who would maintain the Cinoinfiati platform end the flag which has so boldly waved .over the ranks of the Demooraoy from 1848 to tha present nmmtnt; aUfikjho would stand by principle, aod perish rather than (Wort to expediency, and fail to rise no more; all who would stand as awall of fire be between Abolitionism at the North and 'Disumonism at the Bouth, are invited and expeoted to be prssent on this occasion. Thousands of the true-hearted, independent, and principle-loving of the Demooraoy will be here. Able men, sages in Iheparty, and the best orators in the oountry, will be present. Come.’ this day, well spent, will prove a valuable legaoy to the remotest future. Tiokets will be issued on all the rail roads entering Harrisburg. R, J. HALDEMAN, Of National Domooratio Committee for Pennsylvania. A. L. ROUMFORT, W. D. BOAS, WM. H. MILLER, J. M. KREITER, WM. H. ECKELS, PHILIP DOUGHERTY, JNO. H. ZIEGLER, Members of the Demoaratio State Exeontive Commit tee, resident at Harrisburg. Jyl9't2s "VARD, QILLMOEB, & 00., HAVE JL take n the Store No. 810 CHESTNUT BTREBT, South side, above SIXTH Street. AU oountms house businen wilt be attended (o there ir»->t CONTINENTAL NAILS, (Edge Gripe,) manufactured at the Portage Nail and Ironworks, from superior quality of Juniata Iron, on machines of the most approved oonstruotion, and warranted to be at feast equal, in quality, uniformity, and finish, to any other brands in the market. Other brands (flat , . . iai OO^lMEßCE^itreot. Prince A Christman's superior solid-eye Planters' Hoes for sale as above. JyH-iflm OPIRITS TURPENTINE 275 bbls. SjWW. T OTll3&iS n ß. at Sl r V. nd No for WHARVEfI. Ir» TVAVAL STORES—2SO bbls. Spirits Tur -1 v pentine; 8,000 do. Shipping Roiiu; 480 do. Tar; 600 kegs do.; 840 hbls. Pitch, in store, and for sale by A CO., No. 16 South JALAP— For sale by WETHERILL & 4T md 49 Nerth SECOND Strett, SUMMER RESORTS. Washington house, J* „ caphisland,n.j. This House, situated near the Prea.fi, and on one of the publio streets of »ho city, is op-u for the »ec««tion of Visitors, at an averse rate of 86 p« r First-rate ElaWmgattaohed to tho premises. , jy2M2t 8. B. WOOLMAW. « RIVIERE HOUSE,” . LEWIBBURG, UNION COUNTS, PA. 3 his favorite resort of visitors is kept in first-olas* style. It i# the most comfortable and extensive hotel in the town. .Locationtheroostoentral. Charges mode- __ R. G. HJETZEL, Proprietor. PERRY COUNTY WARM SPRIN S.— This favorite Summer Resort is now open for the reception of visitors. Pine mountain eoenerr, beauti ful walks and duves, faoilaties for boating, bathing, and fishing, and the health-giving qualities of its waters, make it a most desirable plane, both for single gue'ls and for families. It is in daily communication with Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Pittsburg, by means o* a daily stage, and mail connecting with the trains from these places at Carlisle, Pa. Terms moderate. For particulars, address JOHN EaRLY, jy!2-lm Warm Springs, Ferry county, Pa. Doubling gap white sulphur AND CHALYBEATE SPRINGS.-This famous watering plaoe has been entirely refitted and furnished, with obliging servants, and every advantage that natu ral beatifies of the country and easy access oan afford the proprietors oner every inducement to persons seek ing pleasure health, or recreation- The Springs are situated eight miles from NewvlUo, Cumberland oonnty. Pa., in a most beautiful and fertile seetion of Cumberland valley; they are various in their oharaoter. strongly impregnated with sulphur, magne* sia, iron, *c.» and have produced Wonderful sanative effeots upon invalids and others. Visitors will find first olaas hotel accommodations, with attentive servants, and all the dehoaoies of the season. Pnoe of boarding 91 35 per day, 98 per week, 830 per month. Passengers leaving Philadelphia by the morning train on the Pennsylvania Railroad conaeet at Harrisburg with the train of Cumberland Valley Railroad to New ville, where first-ol&ss coaohes are in readiness to carry passencers to the Springs. Pare from Philadelphia to the Springs 94. Twd trains a day from Harrisburg oonneot with two lines of coaches to the BpnngS. Pare from Harrisburg to Doubling Gap Springs. 8115. Tioketsrobe had at the office of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Philadelphia: Cumberland Valley office, Harrisburg! and return tiokets, at same rates, to Philadelphia and Harrisburg, to be had Of the propria tors of the hotel. jyll-taul KANAOA, KQBER, COYLE, A CO. YELLOW SPRINGS HOUSE, CHESTER COUNTY, PA. The above-mentioned House having been thoroughly repaired and, refitted in the beet manner with now fur niture,&o.,isnowopen for Hoarders. The .Yellow Springs House offers every inducement to visitors, being large and oommodiouj, with shady walks and romantic ndes, 3tc. The variety and quality of the Springsand Baths have >een long and favorably khown, and thesubsonber,who ins been far several years past connected with the Co umbift House, Cape Island, N. J., will Use his beat ex ertions to make the stay of his guests pleasant and' agreeable. Stages oonneot daily with the Reading Railroad 8 A. M., and on Saturdays with the BA. M. and SK P. M. line. . Every information will be oheerfully given, by ad dressing the subscriber, at the Yellow Springs, Ches er County: dr ELLIS, atFhcenixville Station, Reari ng Railroad. A. U, SNYDER. Jyg-lm Bupefifltendent. jl/TANSIOS HOUSE, MOUNT CARBON, iUI SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. PA. Families accommodated with good rooms at reduoed prices. This old-established House, looated in the gap be tween Sharp and Becond mountains, immediately on the, line of tbo Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, within half a pule of Pottsvllle, formerly sept by Jo eph Hoad, of the old Mansion House, Philadelphia, has, since his demise, been under the charge of his daughter. The House is prepared, at all seasons of the year, for the rooeption of guests, and has been recently put in order.. The large garden, and park adjoining, presents great inducements as a summer resort, to persons wish ing to spend a short time away from the dust and tur moil of the oities, where they can breathe fresh moun tain air. and enloy the wild and beautiful soenery of the ooal region. Commutation passenger tiokets, for the use of fami nes. are sold at a reduction of twenty live per oent., and. an accommodation train will leave Pottsvilledailr during the summer months, to enable those who may desire it to spend the business portion of the day in the oity and return the same evenlug, on which the oharkes will be thirty-three per cent below the usual rates. For terms, apply to MARY HEAD, Mansion House, Mount Carbon, Schuylkill Co-.^Pa. f ONG BEAOU HOUSE, opposite TUCKERTON, N. J.-This Hotel is now open for the reoeption of visitor*, both permanent and tfan soient. Having been at a large expense m refitting and re-furnishing-1 feel assured, that for oomfort andoon venionoeit willoompare favorably with any house on the ooast. The best of oooke and servants have been procured, and no efforts shall be spared to ronderthe star of guests agreeable. The prospects for Gunning and Fishing are excellent., Oysters of the finest quality I have m abundanoe. With these increased advan tages, 1 ahl confident that the most fastidious wi'l have no oause for complaint. ,N. 8.-Capt. WILLIAM GASKILL Will run a daily nne of first-olass packets from *tlantio City to the beaoh, one of which will be at Atlantic every morning on the arrival of the morning train from Philadelphia. Parties wishing to oome by way of Leed’s Point* or otherwise, by addressing me a few days in advanoe, will have a good boat to meet them at any point named. jeSHSw LEWIS P. STEWART. MANSION HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, LfX ff. y„ ISAAC THAYER, (late of Barf House,) Proprietor. This House pas been very much ealar ed and im proved. Has now a large number of Fflmilj Rooms* not surpassed by any hotelin this city. It is lighted throughout with gas. Hew and fine walks have been laid to the ooean* which will be lighted at night* from the Hotel to the water* by splendidrefleot- Attaohedto the house (but separate from the main building) is & large Hall for Hops and Parties* with a first-class loe Cream and Confectionery attached. Over the Hall there are forty sleeping roomsTdr single gentle men. There is also a play-ground for ohildren* Well shaded and enclosed* with swings, Ao. The oatonng department will be under my own eg pemal supervision, and l trust that ray reputation is sufficiently established to satisfy all that my table will be unsurpassed. Terms will be $l3 per week* Transient Boarders $1 per day. Carriages attaoi ed to the House will take Boarders to and from the Ooean free of charge during bathing hours. Je23-tf ISAAC THAYER. BATHING . j,26-th »2t OCEAN HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND, N. J. This well-known establishment* tho favorite resort of visitors* is now onen for the reoeption of guests. It has been enlarged and refurnuhed* the sleeping roomssp/tmousand airy* and communicate to suit families. The house will be supplied with wat«r from the oold springs. Persons Aarons of spending & frw weeks of the sum mer in an agreeable manner could not do better thau to give the Ooean House a trial. ISRAEL LEAMING, Je36-gw* • • Proprietor. AMERICAN HOTEL, ALLENTOWN, PA.—This well-knotfn and popular hotel has, during the past season, been greatly enlarged and improved. and is now in cap&oity and convenience aeoond to none in the interior of Pennsylvania. The beautiful and beautiful situation of Allentown'renders it a de lightful summer resort, in view of whioh .special ar rangements have been made by the proonetors toao onmmodate summer boarders. J. Y. BECHTEL, Je2fitael E. W. BIOONY. BEDFORD SPRINGS.—This well-known and delightful Bnmmer Aeeort will be opened for the reception of Visitors oh the FIBST OF JUNK, and kept open tilt the let of Ootober. The Hotel will be under the management of Mr. A. G. ALLEN, whoso experience, oourteous manners, and attention to hie guests, give the amplest assurance of comfort and kind treatment. Parties wishing rooms, or any information in regard to the piaoe, will address the subscriber. JNO. P. FKBD, 800*7 and Treasurer, Bedford Mineral Springs Co. jgEDLOB’S HOTEL, ATLANTIO CITY, NEW JERSEY. At the terminus or the Railroad, on the left, beyond the Depot.—This House is HOW OPEN for Boarders and Transient Visitors, and offers accommodations equal to any Hotel m Mlantio City. The chambers have been vorr muoh improved, and rendered more comfortable by Venetian bunds having been put up at the windows. Charges moderate. Children and Servants. HalfFnoe. wr parties should keep their seats until the oars arrive in front of the Hotel. The signs ore conspicuous. jjS-lm Aloys shaufler’s railroad HOTEL, ATLANTIC OITY, ocpo.it. the Rail r°“d TH S £°BEBT BITUATION ON THE ISLAND. OT* Newly fitted np with new beds and bedding. Boarding and Lodging $1 perday. JyMm TVEPTUNE HOUSE—ATLANTIC CITY. la —This popular and eminently favorite House at Atlantio City has, smoe the olosisg of last season, been enlarged, refitted, refurnished, and completely re juvenated in every particular, and is now open for the season. From iU delightful situation, near ness to all places of interest, dose proximity to the safest and best part of the beaoh, it Is rendered one of the most convenient and decidedly the pleasantest house on the Island. • Terms—9lo per week; 91JQ per day. Children and servant* half price. _ . , JOHN SMICK, Proprietor. R. L. FUREY, Superintendent. Joll-lm £jOTTAGE RETREAT, Beautifully and conveniently located at ATLANTIC OITY, N. J- Boarders accommodated on reasonable terra*. je»-3m M. MoCLEES. Proprietor. THE SEA-SHORE—ATLANTIC OITY. McKIBBIN'fi u. B. n-TEL. The undersigned, propria-or of tho above-named house, being .now prepare* to reoeive guests, re speotfullr sdlioits a sharo of the pubho patron age. Since last summer taere has been, added to this hotel a four sioried wing, 140 feet in length, con taining (beside the bed-rooms.) a suite of three Parlors, for ladies, and two for gentlemen; also, a reoeption room, wash-room, and spacious bar-room. Bowling Saloons. Billiard Rooms, and hot and oold Salt-water Both Konms have been constructed for the aooommo dationof visitors, and the whole house will be lighted with gas. The house has been newly painted an.d fur nished while the shaded grounds surrounding it have been put in complete order. A weH-pianoed pleasure Yaoht.and an excellent Bond of Musio, have been en gaged for the season. J. McKIBBIN. jel4-tf _____ CARLISLE I The favorite resort for those f who appreciate Grand Scenery, ! p ur6 Mountain Air, Invigorating Baths, Lane and Well-ventilated Rooms, Good Society, and a Good Table. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, Cumberland 00., Pa. Accommodations/or 300. TSRMS LOW. OWEN, < je7-Sm Ej'PHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, jOJ Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.—This estab lishment will be open by the )ltn of Juno. The ad vantages of this beautiful resort are: Mountain soenery, pure air, and soft water; every variety of baths, and amasementa; a good stock of livery horses, and car riages. For further partioulArs call on JOSEPH B. M.YKRB, oorner Third and Vine Ntreets ; JAMES 8. EARLE, No. 816 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, or to the proprietor, JOSEPH KONIOMAOHEK, Eohrata Post Omoe. Lancaster Counts. Pa. mTSO-lm TTNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, N. J. —The subsonber takes this method of informing hit friends and the publio, that on and after J UNE 90th his bouse will be open for the re oaptionof guests, when every, effort wilt be made to please those wno may favor him. The house is plea santly situated on a fine bluff, with lawn in front. A full view of the ocean, good roads, stabling, Ac., make it w attractive as any house in the country. The com munication is accessible by two dally lines from footof Walnut-street wharf, viz.: 6A. M., and 2P. M. jgr*'*- o ™* 7 ' a. &'6ema£“ je»-*m Proprietor, /COLUMBIA HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND— Capk Mat, New Jersey.—This large, first-olaas HOTEL will be opened, for the reception of guests, on the 28th June, 1860. The House has been completely repaired and refurnished. A new cooking range, ovens, steam boilers, and every modern improvement added. Extensive stabling attached to the premises AUletters addressed to the subscribers, Cape Island, Now taw. Till b. prompUT L a«.nd.d t .o iirooLM AN James H. Laird Jate proprietor Franklin House, Phila delphia; 8. B. woolman. formerly proprietor Mount Vernon Hotei, Cape island. jeU-dtm CONGRESS HALL— ATLANTIC) CITY, N. J.—This spacious House, situated at Atlantio City, will be reopened with every accommodation for visitors on the 29th instant, by the subsonber. The House fronts the beaoh 190 feet, giving a splendid view of the Ocean, and is near the Fishing and Sailing point. No pains will be spared to seoure the comfort and oon vemenoe of guests. Irto-9m THOMAS C. BARRETT, American hotel, mauoh chunk, PA.—This HOTEL is now kept in a manner af fording every comort to strangers and travellers. Arrangements have been made this season to accom modate BUMMER BOARDERS. The most sublime ISSf ■ o ' neri “ 4 )ea .u. l omw . W S. r .. CEA BATHING. , K’ NATIONAL HAI.L V , "jtM-l'm™' ""aAfdW OARRETBOH, Propri.tor, CEA BATHING, CAPE ISLAND, N. J.— For particulars send for Cirou iLENDENIN. A VISSOHER, Carlisle Bpnng,Pa. SUMMER resorts. ©TAB HOTEL, city ' Si JOTIL DINNKR BAMUt ; L ADA "%. PKbFRIKTO^ „ ALSO, CARRIAGE} TOHIRE * CEX,TS * U KT Boarders accommodated ° a the most’reaeouabl* * ielo-8m ' YfANSrON HOXjSS, matfoh chunk m. .^ CARBON C 0„ PA.—Thir ie the most comforta- H* “2 attentive hotel in Northern proprietor flatlere himielf that thus Ki'hl hS’eno- Uefrljl'hie sneete. 11 m “ m “ ner ltot oamiot »H to n newly and elegantly fnrnUhed, and aSbisf“* a W T 1 oomaini the very beat the Market, , Thehotel u located on the banks of the ?<ahi*H Mjmrth J pi pp< u , M' the » r '»‘ and at the late*of h°mi£! , £?fh! I 2!i??r ft A leads from the rear of » I Vi^ l, FO“Otam,fromwbiohpom*, 5«»!!P.J?2® n * hundred feet above the Lehigh, the mos 2 sublime soene imaginable is Presented. PuTe^thlountainStninffPfatßr. 811 * 11 With “« b "‘ Hot and Cold Baths can be taken at all times. Jeas-Jm GEORGK EOPpM^Pro^iLr. E AGLE HOTEL, BETHLEHEM, PaT rf r^7n.oW #^n< * old-estftbli»bed Houm. known AJ tbs . * LEHIGH VALLEV SUMMER RnSiEA'K” aaa^Sgfe AMERICAN BOUSE, CAPE ISLAND—^ Kfl J)?,i ' ?®X*roLDB,Proprietor.-This favonte nW °V, h S r ®o9»tion of visitors on MON-; DAY, Juno Vtfa>, It ha* boon fitted op in tho boot altontlon 1,6 widto tho comfort or its JeU-dtBepl WANTS. WANTED—A SALESMAN in the Wine' * * and Liquor business in an importing house. one w i!i o »S a ?K o r? mn i^ ad £ n< ! influence a Virginia, North %nd Sooth Carolina first-class trade. Tho beat of ro- S^2S e !s*i raf A! rd * btuineu qualification! will ho re- also the ohiraoterof the trade of the appli .3?°° w n° £ eet *. j h ® 7W" °** bo advertiser, a jg—**■» "qaa** WfANTED—A situation, by a middle rn.v. *£!2jrßS?r m , u, ’ 0 '! 1 m Mpaoitj in which he can K?- J 8 IMel * a,e '°l Pleaae addreaa “ Neceiiity,” at tui! office. lyaa-st* I^^ANTED. —The subscriber, having his morninga at leisure. would like to make an en gagement to keep a set of boots for anjr oonoern whose ot au thnnse the employment of a per manent book-keeper. Address “O. M. H. f ” office of The Freu ' jytt-fit AATANTED—A situation as Book-keeper, * " by a young married man with several years' a 1^ 1 n „ e * 1 I*®d1 *®d p f> n 0 . Pirst-olass references given. Address R., 1 * office of The Press. jyaa-flt IATANTED —In a Market-street Cloth * * House, a first-class SALESMAN, who can com onl£saDlftA*eamount 01 Country trade. Address Box Jg»Q P. O. __ Jy2s-6t* Sftionnn TO 815,000.—Wanted, a Partner with the above amount, to join the advertiser in a safe and paying business. City references, of the most undoubted kind, riven and re- 3 Hired; alt communications strictlyconfidential. Ad ress, with real name, “ Activityat this office. IK-et* Wanted— in a dry-goods com mission BOUSE, a LAD aoouitomed to keep (Sales book and Invoice-book. Apply, in handwriting, stating age, to “ 80X743 1 ' Post offioe. jyM-lltif A THOROUGH ACCOUNTANT, WHO i s fully 'capable of conducting the financial labor and business departments of a manufacturing establish ment, is now own .or an engagement. Address “Hamil ton," at thieomoe. JyO-dt* A YOUNG LADY FROM THE NORMAL SCHOOL wishes a situation as TEACHRR in a Srivate family or seminary, in or out of the oity. Ad ress '* TUTOR,” this omoe. jyfj-fit* WANTED— BY A YOUNG MAN, A situation in a wholesale dry-goods, grocery, or tardware honed; understands bookkeeping, and has had some experience in business. Salary not so muoh an object as steady employment. Can furnish the beet of reference. Address *' J. P.,” offioe of this paper. jy!7-12t* RANTED— JBY TIIE ADVERTISER, * - who oan give first-ol&ss business reference, a utu&tion m a wholesale dry-goods jobbing house, as bookkeeper or salesman. Address f * P. G.” offioe of Tab Press. ‘ Jyl7-10t* W-vNTED —A young man as Salesman, who 1- thoroughly acquainted witn the Merohant Tailor's and Clothing trade of this city. To any person capable of filling this position, a liberal compensation wifi be given. Address Box 413, P. O. jyU-tf WANTED —A Situation, by a man, thirty-ssyen years of age, of extensive experi ence in business, oi good address, and competent to fiU almost any position, either as a dark, superintendent, or salesman. Is very respectably connected, and can give the most satisfactory references as to integrity, energy, and business capacity A moderate salary for thepresent will be aocepted. Address " B. G. JL.” office of The Press jell-tf BOARDING. BOARDING —For two gentlemen who would room together, in a small private family, in the pleasant village of Kenderton. Tioga station, on Germantown Railroad. Address ,4 8. H. W.,” Box 2070 Philadelphia P.O. N. B.—Accommodation to keep hone and carnage. jyg* 3t FAMILIES and Gentlemen desiring supe rior board for the summer can now have choice oflargc. cool roomaat9‘is WAJjNUT street. jy!3 lm* PRIV aTE BOARDlNG.—gentlemen and their families, or single gentlemen, can be accom modated with Board, .with pleasant and handsome rooms, furnished or unfurnished, awBI6XiOCUBT Bt., south side of Washington (square. The location, being oppoeite to one of the handsomest parks in the oity, is central, and extremely pleasant., Transient persons visiting the city can be accommodated by the day or week. Terms moderate. A basement front room, with private for rent, mutable for an offioe. jell-At TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN OAN BE accommodated with good, airy apartments, (with patch. w» NOTICES. IVOTIOB TO BUILDERS. —The Board of li Commissioner* under an tot of Assembly entitled *• An sot providing for the ereotion of Pablio Buildings in me City of Philadelphia,” approved April 3. 1860, hereby invite plans and estimates of oost to' the ba'ld • iQgi proposed to be ereotpd. These buildings are de signed for the aooommodation of the courts of justioe, and their appropriate offices, and the sere r al offioes of reoordof the oounty»and also for tho aooommodation of the several departments and officers of the mnoioi p i| government or the oity of Philadelphia. They are to be placed on Perm Square; the building* for the courts. &0.. on the northwestern seotion, and those for the mumoipalgovernmenton the northeastern seotion of avid Square. . . , A statement. iu detail, of the extent of accommoda tion required for the respective departments and offices to be located in these buildings has been printed, and persons designing to prepare sums are hereby referred for copies to any of the Board of Commissioners. Ground plans, sections, elevations, and perspective views of eaca building will be requisite, acoompamed with dear and full explanation*. The estimates are to be .accompanied by complete specifications, and with explanations of the whole so simple, minute, and full that they mar be readily oom prehended by persons not specially instructed in arohi- The said plans, estimates, and specifications tp be dtreoted to the President of the Board, and furnished before the first dsy of September, A. D. iB6O. Each verson submitting a plan must indicate the ma terials to be employed in constructing the buildings un der his plans. No compensation will be awarded or paid by the Com missioners for the plans to be submitted, as hereby in vited,until the means of carrying the said set of Assem bly into effect shall be provided, ip aooordaaee with its terras. ALEXANDER HENRY, President, JAMES R. LUDLOW. Georetarx. . .. . Philadelphia, July U, 2860. OFFICEOF THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY.-Pinta dklphia., July 11, I96o.—The rate«of FreirhteidToii* on Coal tr&mpdrted by this company will be m follow*, from Jnly 16, until farther nottoe; To BtoUmond^— Philadelphia I riolinedrlane.... ~~~ Nice town Gormantown K. ifr.— Falla of Bohuylkill.— Manayunk. Oonehobooken.—. Swede furnace..— i ftoiriit'n orßridgepoi Port Kennedy.. Valley Forge..——~ Phasnixvilla —_.—» Royers Ford.-...—. Arammc0............. Ltmenok. Pott* town pouglassville.—... Monooaoy —. .Birds boro. —... • Exeter Readme.— Tuckerton—— Leeeport....« ——— Mohraviile— Hamburg.— ... Orwigitrg and Anbnrn.l IJS 1.17 i£ 100 1 M MS By order of the Board of Manager*. „ , JjlMm W. H. McILHENNEY, 800*7. PLANTEBS’ BANK OF TENNESSEE. NatHvULK, Jane 30, 1860. This Bank has this daT declared a dividend of thi ty eeven dollars and three-quarter* per share out cl tiu surplus or undivided p'onts of the Bank-parable to toe Philadelphia Stockholders at the WtSTEftf'i BANK, aa follows, viz : Ten per cent. and fractional parts o one share in CASH on and after tie Mtb July next, aai the bslanoe either in oash or new Stock at bar. at the option of the Bank, on or after September 17,1860. By order of the Board. .. jrd-lra D. WEAVER, Cashier. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. Dissolution op partnership.— The partncrihjjf heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm of MAISuN LLY.u th'a day d,.solved br mutu.l coosent. Q{ . MA JAMES ELY. MILLS, FORMERLY BAY STATE MILLS. SHAWLS of all sizes, in great variety. Embossed and Printed TABLE COVEKB. UNION BEAVERS and BROAD CLOTHS. BALMORAL bKIBTS. DOESKINS, and Doable and Twisted COATINGS. t t SACKINGS and heavr ZEPHYR CLOTHS. Twilled and Plain FLANNELS andOrF.lt A FLAN NELS. Printed FELT CARPETINGS. For sale by FROTHIJNFGHAM & WELLS, 34 South FRONT Btreet, and 35 LETITIA Street. CPARKWNG AND STILL CATAWBA ® WINEB. MANUFACTURED BY J. E S H E L B Y. Cincinnati, Ohio* Always on hand, and in lots to suit purchasers, hj CHARLES R. TAGGART, SoloApsnt, No. 631 MARKETStrtet Rr. corsoh, real estate bro • KER AND CONVEYANCER. NORRISTOWN, r FARMs” i BrOREB, MILLS, and HOTELS FOR HALE in Mnntgom.ry, iiucki'.Cheiter, and Dalawaro Conntica. vartiu* from 10 to aooaorei, m good looahtiM. Faraona applying will bo "br.wn proportiea fraa ol Uondß and Mortgages nagotiatad at fair ratal. HAN ft- SOME RESII'ENCES ior aala in Norristown, Potta town. and intermadiate piaoes. For o soil (.rues and fu.l doaoripUon, add rasa *• JK 5:2522 iL ipai-6m Nomatown, Fa. BALSAM TOLU—For a»lc by WS JHE. RILL 4c MOTHER, Ho. 4T and 4, Kortfclß' OCRS (Mat, •L" IVATIONAL THEATKE._a ko k g E iooS H SM^ WSTREM ' NIBLC'S sT THIS STAR TROUPB OF MUSICIANS. DANCERS. ANfiJsSHSEIINs" Anti SA/.? K VA°Y U f«^®^r THIB ***' Second JNight of tha Ntrnioe of T _ JAPANESE. TREATY! Juhu» Quakenbtuh ~ Q«o. Ghmtr A. performs dbefo« theE*btuny. in N*w York. 7 Drew 0 rol«...'!"!?®.° F _f? MISSI<>N 9( Oroneitra Chairs "jj{ .< prediSi^* 611 at *® vea; 60 oo»»«m» at eight o»oloe*, eat * invariably reterved for Ladiea. mad g#n. beKtuS3S,oe n! ' lng them - nouDAY.-a&npd M*ti. NATI()NAf MTNgTjdjLs, At Umi PENNA. ACADEMY OP THE PINE ARTS.—IO33 CHKBTKUT iLI rU,S Containing a large foUwtiott of Soala sasradssa»&al3£K3S> gotOMOH S TEMPLK, * ad&SS&alrxtitietai i .aW^tePSSßii ggMspaanriHl Admlpioa, 30 cent* j children, half pries. c, “< Jsru^ S| TO LET— on HABROWQATE LANE, JSJ Above the. passenger railroad tafia* to Frank ford, a {tree bncu ntssiioof excellent vMnißivaD* ■table room, Awn to n. bffhimoSh. Btr ” t ' Tra n kford? <! g<MiS^gta fJERMANTOWN PROPERTY. Tor Bale or to Let, a l*rf e and convenient House la Germantown; gas, water, lane lawn, ud pUntr of >bad% to one of rhe bast locations ; wifi be sold low. Address Box 1480, Philadelphia poet office. JsS-Ini BUILDERS.—A large lot,' having* . three front!. euitable for immediate inireveiiwt. ntoated on TWENTIETH etreet, below CaTMaEBs Will do sold oaaccommodating terms to a party vki wtilimpiore. For term#, <fco,, addreae thiE paper. , jyg^f LOT FOR SALE A Urge lot, having three fronts, admirably stated ia the Southwestern part of the city. Will be rested or aeM on reasonable terms. For parttalise, ufiTat SU Office* Jyjp ff f | VU liEX—The first floor of the tine A ing No. 704 CHESTNUT street, formerlrooeupied u a wholesale (and, lately as a retail) Fancy SmSud gsass LAND!! 300,000 Acres for Bale, at prices riming from !■£ ws;w» a aC*. sers of Land under the Graduation Act. . Plata famished grabs by enciaatmg a r**f* slump. For farther information aipTrto WILSON, RAWLINGS * GO., U.S.and General lata Assam, ' mJv wjmfifc LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, ancUoeateil. lyi-Sm » ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT.—On the Castor road and Bustieton turnpike, about a n.ile and a half fnm the railroad depot at FraakSrd. Handsome stone mansion; tenant's boose, ud ail ne cessary out-Luildings; a beautiful sloping lawn, an abundance of ebade and fnm trees. There is a stream of water running through the whole length of the plaee* t or further particulars apply to , _ M.'THOMAS A SONS. Aaotioeeera, Ijncagao 139ftndH18onUiFOURTagtrak. SALE—The Stock and Fixtures of a A Wholesale Boot and Shoe House, now doing a good business. This is a good opportunity for any one wishing to go into the business, or a house wanting to inoreaee their trade. Satisfactory reasons smug for selling out. Address 41 Box 380,” Philadelphia Post Office, with name. taMi ■ TO LET OR FOR SALE—A FOUR ftorjr honee, double back buildlnvt, all modark Im provements* in comply* order; an eleirsat large yard' Term* low to a good tenant, Sitaated Wo. If 84 CKJtATNUT Street. Apply at No. TI9CHWOTT Street, in the Masonic Hali TO NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS For eale a, large lot in the Southwestern Motion of the oity. wall adaptedforeNareerr. Terseseeoe—o4a ting. For rartioulan ad drew ** K« at this ofioe. aylT-tl INSURANCE COMPANIES. nrm mutual lot insuranci COMPANY OF NEW YOU, SIX MILLION??* 1 DOLLARS, urrasran iji m» aomTaaeae on aaaz. serai * WORTH OT£I«nCMa. The premiums are lows* than in many ether Oespa alee, and the Dividends have been •mm. . .■“•Jt&flBS; swhSgmMur- M . move to tbp raseaJS. Paaphl—i and ever/ hforaatioß, mar be had “»rasiswffl(MßL PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES! . Thomas Robins, John Welsh, Mordeeai L. Dawsoa. SeorgeJL SteMh' Ceone M. Stroad, E. JLWbetaßrapv Johnli Myers. J. Fisher Leßsaa# Joseph Patterson, Willi— 0. Lmtiip. John M. Atwood. Arthr < Csft. : Thomas H. Power?. Ooorge_W. Tweed, William McKee. Thoe. watteoa. aW-IyU * AMB INBUBANOE COMPANY, NO. 406 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. CONFINED TO FIRELAND INLAND RISK! nntsetoms Samuel Wright. D. B. Birsey, Wm. W. Walter*, J. w. Evermsu, Ghas. Richardson. Henry Lewis, Jt,; Seo. A. West. JaooD W. Stout. O. Wilson Davis, Menko Stern. Vhos. 8. Martin* WILLIAMS 1. BLANCHARD. Secretary, Unll-iftf AMERICAN SAYING FUND Oom panj’s Building, southeast ooraer WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. Open daUy bom •tm I o’clock, and on MONDAY till 8 m the evening. This Old Institution has always said is full, on demand* without notioe. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sums paid back, on demand, in sold and stiver, T RUBTREB, JTHjLLjjffl, j^yd.nt. _ oAMid. w uk&i vice i renaent. John C. Farr. T. E. Harper, George Nugent, ohn Anspaon, Jr„ Barol. T, Bodine, Alb. CLRoberts, John Aikman,, Jocae Bowmen. H. H. Etendg*, Wm. J. Howard. JOHN B.WIUSON .Tcaasarsr. JOHN C. SIMM. Secretary. jyM-lm CPRING GARDEN SAYING FUND, Offioe, 331 North THIRD Street, between Vine and C&UowhilL Incorporated by the Legislature Apnl 14th, 1861 • Open fbr Deposits:and Payments, duly, from 9to 314 o’oloos. Also, on MONDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, froms toB o'oloek. ' poaita reMivod, JAMEg g _ Pmll(eLKi a_. Fsawcis Hart. Secretary. uN-tfs pURE GEORGIA ARROW ROOT.— The special attention of physicians and families is called to the superiority of this articls. It is rapidly supplanting all other bines, and all those who have need it give it the most decided preference. The following Extracts from Certificates m the hands of the manu facturer, Col. Hallowrs, will show the hign estima tion in whioh the Georgia Arrow Root is held by thoee gentlemen of the medioal profession who have fully ex amined iW 9141 91.40 1.43 I.** 1.06 1.43 liS 163 146 ill lie aIM IJC 1.11 1.11 in 1.11 i| 53 «3T one pound, 6334 cents, or two pounds for 91. Complete instructions accompany each package, showing how to make the most delicious articles for toe table. FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FREDERICK BROWITB DRUG AND CHEMICAL BTORB, N. E. CORNER of FIFTH and CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, ARP AT FREDERICK BROWN, Jr/e DRUG AND CHEMICAL’STORE, LIO 8. E. COR. of NINTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS, Und^HiLjm < ?aiA® 0t * i ' “ 1 have exaroioed and prepared some Arrow Root, manufactured by Col. Hallowet, of Bt. Mary’s, Georgia, it has the best quality of that variety of weals 1 hare met with, being superior to any Bermuda or other Arrow Root 1 hare seen. SAMUKL JACKSON, M. D.. University of .Pennsylvania. 11 PtiOF. MOKKIS’ £UCJKPHALOi>. There are 100.000 Sufferer* from DISEASES of the NERVOUS StfaTEM, mtheoitr of Philadelphia, who can be cured by using PROFESSOR MORRIS’ 3SU OEPHAiiOS, Which i* an original and WONDERFI/L REMEDY. Compounded from the private formula of Profeeeor Morris, M. D.» of thie oity. through the pore*, and it need* but the trial of a SINGLE BOTTLE to teat its marvellous viitues Sufferer* from EXCITEMENT OF THE BRAIN. NERVOUS HEADACHE, GENERAL DEBILITY. NEURALUIA. RHEUMATISM. CHRONIC NERVOUBNEBB, Ac.. Will find ibe desired relief to tU kxtkrk-rl .use. ” R ?f : TRY T! THY T! TRY T I TRV IT I TRY IT \ TRY IT* mi If *6u are •▼hauiied by over-rauoh study, ■ if 10a aaffer Irom *leeple«s nights, if you are a notim to neuralgia, U you are prostrated by sioassire mef. If you orave »timalatinr drinks, TRYIt" TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! *v« it viU retpove those miaerabla asm daoe a morbid disposition towards intemperance. TRY IT.ir von are suffering from Herrona .pebUitv in any of its fonus.and yon wiH find it a nothin* ana INVIGoJtATING APffLICATIOW to your nerve#, and worth many times its ooat, inlha relief afforded. Numerous teatimomala from the_ meet respectable sources oas be eeen< by applying at the offee ofthe pro 'p'ep'n’red br MOCKRIDBE i CO., No. «i North FOURTH Streot. „ ... ter And for Solo br Dnnfiit* t.a.ntllr. ACTUMA For the INSTANTRELIEF ted FBR AMHMAI MAWENT CURB of thi« dietrmiap oom- plaint, u» bbonchial cigarettes, Made br C. B, SEYMOUR A CO., 10T NASSAU Street, New York. Prioe $1 per box; eent Tree by poet mrT-dmifl FOR SALK AT ALL DRUGGISTS'. ! AZUMEA ! AZUMEA ! AZUMEA! AZUMEA 1 AZUMEA! AZUMEA! PROF. MORRIS* AZUMEA BAKINS POWDER, Manufactured aolely■ ‘ No, 69 North FOURTH Btrw>t, and for b- RlOfi.— 200 Tierces Prime Retailing Cbarteetoo B:ce, Jbrc&la br JAMES ORAPA?" fc Co.. t.KTITIA > treat. * IF.NNKSSY BRANDY.—7O cask*, n AMUHEIIBNTI. FOB SALE and TO MET. SAYING FUNDS. MEDICINAL. m\ ||! T iisUoqj wtuohiß- TKY IT! FEND T > 8
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers