Air".- SrAKirs- Sayino-Pond—Nobthwjwt !<: '; }- ?.* '*‘f> ¥lrluii&£*&tenw*. OoH.nan Second StaßSTa,—Deposits re- V'- t “® r *v<Aritfa?i~ -oejvodinsmallaud larse amounts,from all Clascal of |*S« m tfßWmW.tolallow, inWtwt « tha rate of, FIVK ***OF-XT-parannum.- ..« i t#* “ • '•' .wd YnSFth* ? ayfttd Saturday until-mne in lie evenini,;, <Eyeirfr OHAS-M.MOMIR. ■ ... • The :yjx»»ai>k.'V»>t«»*t -agnit? Ke» whfteiiOT>t& at able <fooplp lf§ia®lti»oMi;!f«ia&'Wifto Clif- aiWajlt#.* jti.eiaaowjtfgj . ioa ia?ojfi||ogan£ftrnj'-. aflnat. ■ fc **>; ;OB«e fie it and' sih^^endjfhk xjd^9MWf‘t® ; «* -worth ?«fid-'.«ro#E quiet Rmt ©iegaßOe fe verso; ihnt .dramtQ3{3.' Wve .p»int<4 #i ® m J ‘*®y -*bk wtiatM W« those wfffib^e%6!hlfi|f j U* t„ . : ‘ Jho family the sop, Julius uni his wife. An iuiusi*t'MlMlfttsbiS[*<t«'s t>»tweeti Ibaroldetaod' the joirgeYiflirtMj oo'aplcs.' 'Tho elder Granger; hia,,«i£ , iwtfer, the,; fatter, bat»g ; lhe'nSslj> J “‘t«r;ol'BtephM’Ai&ougl»».' i Th»; yoMgoraf^arMgerwaaoljssatslttiellioeofuiy. ,Js# nWtß?ss,|ihil*«l«JSi»)* jwi graqtula, arp’iTell TeShbtei 'h/tho' tas& and urdfcr'which within: ’ Thodejf mkd€ thechoerfutfirb Et * |h® pXnpT io which’.tfie servant e&ridtietedws tbb* tnoro lhO I Wr3l .adornments,;*/ fit' . though jV-VfV’r'l was .not, surprised to’ fin'd c a verV" the “XitjleGlsnt.” , - o 1 moot hs Wasthe- U. JadV -'Mlwvto# iQt&'jikw* socemplipfied Aft&efi inteHlgefiVhid’ fqpr6«»Wej3i»ph»es r -.-lifira9 slTeied' a jes?ipWo•name 'and-fame of bar 4^ ; lu,tli'e;c6lit‘Pq'bf the' conversation sho reajaikadft’bat jlio' family.had of, lateTfoelvea' mAiTyletfora aaqniringwhethor this 1 Mf.Dutijjlaa* .coyly history, waidcao-; mother vu-, eoWfirpodr^ and if yoh ad Jbeeu obligedto wbrkat oabi* no^sjiakiug^oj.iighosrd,' e(cy; attd -sne iMd ftteny, d»yS', : £ knotf not to he truer Tho cabinet* maker L atid"n6~ ; wore*. Mrs.t Douglas, tha^mother, hfidboth tho' meutos *qd inclination tocive Stephen sthorough that odd kept hjm at ephoolv ToC' lwy x . UroU, 'O/-.- ! thw l , iqiportvincd. her.'.td' |lJow. him Co learn a trade, pleading ‘ partiality- for cabinet . time tho only ambition that, ho knew or felt. .Mrfc. r 1 D. refused renoatealyybnd consphted at last, with tho thought thaV.the wiwr t?!;curo .the boy’s liking waspfiyeioaily unfit. . being %oak end to pat him At it; 'And the woman's foresight.*,wfis/uot at fault,," Three months appreaticeetfip in;’the shop . ; suffloed»' r -At %o ciklof that tluie he returned to bis irioiber,say- fdfbTm f fifidtfiaf,with her-oopwftli' fi©>.w**rtd twfime and' rc-‘ main therewsloßjf w<«he.a«rired. did-; aadiyben, tUojvjdoir fcbr*. anjVVcfiioVj& to Wrl6^oauty, B (tephe'D; wfts a out to the Canandaigua Academy—Knexcetient institution—as o boarding BhrdcMi'OTid-roioftihed thorfi^wjtil^tdo, - flo^clniuued *l reading raw’r atr.Ganahdasgua 'fis: long bould to strike out wvi„V^etiUpfbt'htaisaif, ,ru Anabttion. far jnoro th*o hcbeW t ityfJ#d to I!lihois. ;iU hjaalUr, '.‘brought'' ( t»n‘a»( he ky-toomneh sttiifyj hca ii"obß*tlt«t!oa'«hich; at thattiftOj ap pBan?dfcoWe,<alactJi«d.niuslL' tp" do .Trith,hie yen* j t i '-t.Wa''-: . , ; a)op^a4;iyJii^yopng;wMi feif-reliantr , nnd quite disposodriovdor-for 'htmecUirathertbrini . }tai:% otheys do fdtWmv#»ohl*:l^trto botViie;' , thhb < fra* to Mid" , Jut thditoßea^of 'hfcSWting b'eetiUaa; extremely , aUxßriyadvahtagesin-vbuthv Ac, tionecrlng oiher humbtigß. :; .v.t; M«. J&. Beaglasi Is a very tpld.iuejho.srflS.o^jrMyectj^baA. 5 1 Ignesscd her 1 ag* from ; should - 1 havo said At least fi('teen.ybarsyounger. Inheight' ahe^iarfiptoyerfl^loet,pßinrobably weighs less 1 tbw ochbundrsd «dd she expected trainr tot- that it wasnl .b*ghtheSufo^|g^irhejs;M;would come; “Two 1 safuih e wc'di{l hot lock fbr him, ; hedroppod in on nswod oude a long Visit.; &a never • v?rttefwhehSW.jn*y expcethimv J, < It was quite evl- 3 dontthe old lady<fqUy understoodthecirenmittuides ■ under \was running for- the Pjresi* t d«tehf^hd 4 Bhe'*ecmtd to assent to a remark of her i Betaooratie party divided i he-’»^<sff^iis ,, eh'&be, toM-tne. i (said shfc>jth)i!febe<did notwanf^mn hr the Pro- | 4 fear waaa t ‘tA »is. r nioth^r^f { 1 ff be efeetrd ; boptlimed j .Vone good ’ troutd) come of would xoUkingapeeohea smd save his 1 hea^t i, considerable' fear ofthe 1 . appearedt - political pbM^fe': 5 : :thiDy she ( felt entirely sure— sio. bo beaten 'would hot' hurther soa at all Ys and spe*iiu*»'of4ttabk#upoohiu), sheV good*ratu i&qn she thought the* newspapers had ddmf eo.hß;. ru&umg the’ Preeidenoy now could ttaKe= ; n«.di^oro2iceubbatlhat;' :• iy,- : ‘ i Afr.’’tfrTMgor«'' thb bf Mr, Douglas, is' -With 3 ’ tho ipjfijoptien of helpg'a' fie is in the. -He herb from j /Suftcliii Conoectqsht, lb lieOO, .find,'.' purchased' the H® b!o J?£ f ? a,wilderness)'on; which'Jhe ,aowi lives,: il«i.^vAjtSififtf ip oil the changes and revo- \ -Toted*• 1 Uie.HicdeHojnhiir flott, be hu , *bDl)4»Bt rcoSs,n to fMli- proatl-rof- Ihcmi If ho .thonl4 : DjVcf;r*acb',tho' r TrceMob<iy > ajid oironmi Bt*n(i§s 6uoald fotoo lum lc take tip Mg -bode uudcf t!ie nwlp[ -ho' JMsnch«.(cr Igrm- hotoe which bo Wost, iho fata will cot bo a fcsd oao. Bottor fag G«efa.' elifbajtgns, it ifnot pirobablo tho popplo wi!l b*n!,li MwD. froto the country, or that rras,,rat lea>Vi;wittt6hi*'3bbad ;fuH> of what ; a-tpriiH!lpl«, ,dqttatfar:eoyeye<Mti^7V , Clifton bpnitgg, rcua gtoy wiih big mothor. 'Jho great?, of ibiwe ijayvof »hlch Mr. Donglaa ie ohs, rioAtfH^SFdiif Sorfdbc.—Tl(id; rule? o*H)rancti by the trustees, and, with adapted by thoßreourtreCcmnml-at its hist session. ’ They comprise a full apdebmpreheiHiW© synopsis of toe. proposed and.juso of the school—prescribe; SfolSwt; rdslhiUiljt «k. Ifon; &Wi ffpfn&, ooVbf £&[ eoacaisstcncrßiortheMrehaßaratideqaipmeßtof >*Kip Vcaght to h«. from the Ist of July to to v : br}* : frfM&ihad; MinaiD-jhire antfl~ xAM first of F«bniary,nnd then to be removed in' 4ftb;m#nd*ir’to,th»tm»jt Harbor of.BiMrtown, to ’ of.Mby. lk.thi»‘way : Ut. jf EA«ur,.iltei>«hbol wohld he known. xpprcmatedbytbe w'coJe maritime interest of ■ the-Cw uweajth,; and, the, boys made 'conversant, «fil The. «*«sbro hare a hearing on the 17th' instant uponlhVqatetibii of after which' »weeiMwtf»n vnll btf issued HceoMliu* to the deter-; of iW.tsama^Sosion^wbtfief^^ /%!^.'BfiKOk ; aiißal n• %ridgh} PcitnHm coquty,; Indiana; ; It is.pobHshed m§Qth?ys'fnd is taid to bo af large as * pane of : i "'"SS)Kriaftrwas«ftgfin3f'*<jiairifiß'cityof Loa jim ii*. the tate oflnine.handrbd thouaand dol lar* par acre. • - - -■ - - * e .r.-owia TkWWimey y.J A'"' ; . ; PjnitAiiitPWrAi‘Julj,ti ; 1 ; Uiitin£;bl|S&eS ij>ricalb,',“ii \r3?svtH. ■of oairffoYseekfng inTM(msn»btiog : etilH«rgefyin ;,V*P9M,of,tbod«nandi .... : ' ‘ '' Speak ’,”5, .*?. r rf>li F cfifo for crops in England, the Kstv i'ork:67i/y/7?';ty List says: ‘ '" > “ I t is true that the stocks of most- kinds of , urbonVone bullion six hundred, thousand \<litu!«iS tcutn ISs^yMraVtho/fame: date—have ,; ttwH,far Mon vqoeltn the demands upon them, end ’ U'JWtiStrbfprieln&therefbrcv/lhftt: values have not ' more/Hpidiy r.iH-anoeil.liuttiio elgaa ate all to wardnkigiier. prices, and f hot the feast In ti- rigolftoahtdfikeaS ntuergreat eosrcUyef folder, - -sshfclr ivJaf the price of animalfoodto such a lirldina publm meefingSto dla oaorae*,il|»h4oof'hutol)e'r»jßaat altogether until .;l>fl9e*/*w;&ddSi<l: r Tfle wHtprs/tit the graftr'oir. ' { oatarfcifotfafdadjbj ohobsteainer totblsooentry, 3dfsw‘rt>»SitftySave .gny settled, eo)ivldtten* »b home authorities 'p'afJfe;fitao3Kd,V;d.o»ii«tib!lrti , ''of the London if Ernies ifipeafotottpesk- with? something; loeaof "'haaitiitlotta /dkimta ,ha*'oo doubt that, judg ing by lora* on i nrtprsraapes, the harvest will ho a month inter tnart" Behai, and then very defi "efSitt Srrqaal! ty. ■" A' deSoienoy of atletUtfourmU ? aa/ofttain: The/aarne atatoof things obtains in France, wherathe wea tborhas been nil along even -iWOMe than in Eng * land: XliroazhqutHetmatty and the sonth of Isu .ropolheytoldie tnoro likely to bo under than up ■% .th-lhioM)wy avorago. Jt would, se*m io lie to ' lerobfy ’ tlosr, - therefore,-/,-that if Knebmd - and I’ rdbae toast iir a n.upo n foreign countries to make j fewllheitifnßdi’efioyithome, they will hevouioome ‘ ll »,Vawd%WleiPS ; f*fctbat inyjand ishero, *lrea%bitepot iomateriallylofiuehee thawr t-.-dioaryii«r»ge«fcrloei[i In'theeohrooof andtfSr SWMflleveryrittio^ ’SsPhWWWSSiaßriwve'rto meets laigtlyraug’ , inetft&iidbuietsd'ftWH abroad, and as ourteohntry . :..was reldom irv a better pcsillcnto meet that de -timand. .»he.;&t!*««yi the. <s«rotfy suarahantr.'the .Cotre£ isalsoHjum, but there*ls no ~ PaovisioNs.-»TkeinarfeetU buoyant t lOO.bhia Me*« #prkmls*t;6&tBs*nd}20 i»b/a.Clear do at s2t« m ajiTbaued fijfcats afe held it a further ad-’ ytOTe. MijftiimaU-b&BmWw bnly' to ;ln Lard .tnere eh nut muolt domr; tolders ask ISHaiStio for trc» a wwe continue 4uU,.antMLUoU~ linna the same..' :7 ' ' - - fiisKY is doll, PennayJviulU libl* soiling at 21®21K0; ‘Western do a^2li»£t22 j t-.dmdge, 20c, and'Jidda at 210 * n'-'-f- '-v : . , v ;, t . ; YorkMarkcts of Sntnriliijv , Flour has bestrrather seuiet ;10-day. vales bavins been mw or only U.WQaW.Ow bids ofaUkmdStVrjtbm yrnteiday’a range. - .. >v . - . ; fWheat has beenaasood demand., and; about W.CW bushels have,been sold at £1.67-fo{. .white'Keatuoky, 91.46 fottdd white.Dbio and new white ttoutherni 9140 for new amber rJiieey. ®l«®ol.3S; for ml and. amour 'Wes nrnV »L29®l*>. ihr-AUlwaukee Club, and, 91.25® 128 for C/wcaeobpridir. i Co a a iuj*d firm, with 1 , pale* o f 78.000 tnißbels, nearly all eoeed Western ttjEed»*t®2oeri32so, . , ]Rt»aOdiUELnYaro quiet: : ; . , 'A tnocwrat&deOßiaderevaifs for oats, asfiee and pro- fcxrj ■; j Coxioßie dull and heavy* |' • vi> HtBKT.~About39CHt£ito' were sold at 21 >4O. . It iV«w Y«rk Stock](Exolmngc July 14. boAud.' V 5000 mCanlbde’dO-JOOtf Vtt Metropolitanßk..l(Uf 36000 Tenqftr'fO.;^; 1.00)3 / 13 Nassau Kk..~-.~103 tNtOaroliiiaOesv- 9 * €o,Artisan sUik... MiMODrifi&u6&©B?& W Mechanics 1 8k..117 -. Cal*t7«.. .. SO Del Sc Hud C MX Bro<iVlyniW-!*..'.104 - . 49 Penn Coal Co~~.8«4 - 7000 Erie 2.1 m..B9K«Mp 480 PaeifioMS3...9ia9l!< SCO Erie 3d meat ...Mi 120 b Mich WOErie SJ ’B3. :9iXmS6X m Mioh 8 JcNl.tfjlalS d4U)O Erie A 6th JSO Indianap & C K...42?a MOAHud HSd mv.:v. .J 00« 3580 2000 Harlem I*tm..V..WJS 976 Erie R..»_ 8000 MJehCehSvolst <OO Hud RR.....495<r50 ■MSFaudCbda 10-Erie K Aes’detk-.-SO . ' 97X©W$< 100 Mil & Mibb A 7 KOOO Mioh So2dm 62X62}* 1002 Chi & « 1... .73*£<fr74 ■ 12000 Mioh So KF bdsJ.Bo ; U 75 Cfi Sc Q... . ,76*76>4 500‘IJLCea hd*......v.84., 1850 N, Y Cen E... «I®Bo4 2000 Da C&M l. G bds.l7. 4150 Reading R.. .14Jf»T4«g • low N J.Cen-2d m..., :io}. 650 Har ori .41K«42 2000 Gal fc Chi Ut r. .\M}l' * 0 Reading RJ. 30011 Clevfc tolB Fbds.7B? H7oMlahß 6rd...‘.87®37» .SO BkS ft, 24loGal ft. Chic...G6J*x67X 425 Panama R...,)27®527>5 «'PkB'NYivrk:.v..loo 1725 111 Oen 50p,.;60?i®57 1 20 Bk Commerce. ,.,s&% • ■ v 1, From the Scientific Araertcan, September 3, 1850.1., * Spalding’s PhkpAred Glue. —We have received eeveraleamples of prepared liquid glue, put up in email bottle*, by Mr. H. C. fcpalding, 30 Platt street, New York,and have tried it io mending.old furniture, Jtis a very convenient article for domestic use, and deserves to be kept penitentlyon band in everyhbusehold. It ii also a convenient article for pattern-makers and in ventors in constructing and preparing their models, iiisa&itw'' : ; V V"'-.' ■ 1 Rbv. Johk Chambers will leoturein Solomon’s Templet on Tuesday evening. 17th met., at 8 o’olook, in National Hall. Temple open to visitors at 7JS o’olook • The publlo are invited to a rare intellectual treat. Let all that oan be present. *_ -*, - jyio-2t ; Tms,Pcßiiic JBeit.DiNoB Question.— Where the public btuldingMhall be looated t js the great question of the'dayfn Philadelphia.\ Penn Sqaare barfits warm ad* vocates j while the anoient location onlndapondenoe Square ishrged by anumerona party. The arguments pro.and con aronumeroui*, tf'not'bouvinaing; but the great question remains strong argument in fhypr of Independence Square him not yetsotpublioly urged/ To wit:itsprbximity to the famous Brown- Stone Clothing Haft of JldokbiU A-Wilson, Nob. 60S end dOS Chestnut street, above Sixth, where the mosteto gadtghrji ents for gentlemen and youths to be found in the Cnion may be prdc&fed. ~ ’j . , " Peb'sonb and faotlteb repairlng to, the differ ent places of summer resort should not fail to take with iiiem’Bowza’i MsnicrATkb Fios, which ore a safe. Speedy, aodeettaincure for coUiveness, habitual oon stipatioo.d jfpepiia.eick and nervous headache, and bilious affection* generally. They consist of pure Alex andriaeenna.’Combined with the best quality of aroma- so skilfully inlniddri the figjts to prevent detoetien in tirte.’'Pnco‘ S 7& oefete’per box.Manufaetured by Cico.C. Bower,Sixth and Vine streets. tf , _A .Blihs Skt—Everybody loves to look up at the clear bine sky, and let the mind wander away amid itsazure depths." 1 here is s ohsrm in-tbe deep,dark blue of the.ooean, that never fails' to awaken poetic emotions ;and sd;wßbibps{iMifcy.aftboßoul; a yield ing'and obliging temper,'whioh; makes home happy,' driving away clouds; and allows no rude storm to rage there.' tt|maices.the/;* soft answer,’’whioh.“ turneth away vrrath.V and'nttere that kind word whioh is sweet er to (lie he&rt’than houe'yeomb; and, gently persua sive’, lsAds hll 1 men. to purchase their elothmg at the celsbratodpß^e-pries’ emporium ot Gbanvillk Stoke#,' No. $O7 Chestnut street. V ; ■ , ( , 1 ' A'Catps ’of' the’mdst skilfat butters in tho countrv are and aGrpT of Intrinsic value and use is presented with-eacharUoie sold. Each article soldijas Iqw as rah be purchased olse wherei ehd warranted to give satisfaction, jyll-tf MAIUNB INmi/lOBNOiB. kKK FOURTH Steamship Boston,Cr6okcr,2l hours from New York, via Cape-May. -wilji-iadas oa*sengerß .to James AJldordice. t Passed-n'3ifge- deeplv-laden,ecbr ofr.the Fourteen-foot Bank,bound up', and an unknown bark at duarenttoe.' 1 r ... ? ■>*.' ~ .. * Bark Oak. Ryder, t dijs'frouv Boston, with', mdse to Sn*G«i ojSi, 0 jSi , lO‘dayK from Calais.'with I^KchV AdnJrs, from Whhjilg tom-NO, with naval stores tgUJjJcteUon & Co. Bohr- Adolph*Bugeh-Maeon. 8 u*y* from Boston, with 3C Scsf;L'ady?u^S , from Boston,Vitlt 3tt| bWrhernpg to order.-* '*•* v, -\- • '' / " gchr Halo. Newman, tfdays from Newburyport, with mdse to GetfA Wood, v';; •• • ■ • Bohr AAiauship, Morns, I day from Little Creek, l)el; wifH wnentto Jos L Bewloy A Co. ' Sour Win ret). Hazel,* 1 day from .Smyrna, Dei, with wheat to Jaaii Bewley & Co. Br TBLBOEAPIIi iCerrespomtrncfe „t ui«* HbuauelphiaExohsnye.) ’ - . CAPE ISLAND. N J. July IS-6J? PM, A foli-nsred and brigs parsed m to-day. Nothing seen going out. 'The brig Pulaski, from New York lor,Cuba, is at the. Delaware Breakwater, awaiting her papeis, which were forgotten. Wind south, aud we&’iior fine. , s Yours, Ao.i ; - THO 3. JB. HUGHEB. • ** iHLwaAPH. „ {Corrtopodaectceoi'inePreseJ ,= - - • f ;■ j *$ * - JNkw,Yo*k» Jul?l6. 'i-Arrircd.afeamahtp Daniel Wobeter, from Aajunwall via Havana.,with atarboafd abaft broken:ahip Swjtsser land, from Sunderland; ship Helen, from Bremen. The; bark 3 W; friend, henoe for 8t Jago. vraa lost on the West Casoo* Juno 90th. The hull was sold for 9*60, Tart of theoargo eras saved in a damaged condition. , MEMORANDA. / • Steamship Fhmeas Sprague* Matthews, oloared at Boston 14th inttfor Philadelphia* ..Steamship Bavaria, Meier; from Hambuig, cleared at Newark 14th inst, ' .. ’ - Steamship jte Soto* Johnson* cleared at New Orleans 11th jp'su for.Havaua and New York. _ -tfhre- Morning'Xlxbt, Johnson* cleared at Sau Fran oiscoMthtttt. for Kara IsUnd. , . , M Ship-Kesolate. Fnnoe, from Liverpool, arrived at W Yoilrniblast. Marshfield, Torroy, from C-ir »». arrived at Sa 'Vsnoafi 12th Inst. - „ ~ , v , 7 fwk Aberdeen* Cocuran, at Mataa *n innt, was BP lor-Baltimore. - Bark unda* Hewitt, for New Yorh,ra tannagSthinst. : Bark Hamilton. Jarman, remained at ( lv *'Zm Bth iDNt, for Philadelphia., * . ~ » BaTk-Elhan Alien. Moore,fer Cape of Go \ —**©pe* oloared at Boßtoolith olearaaoe '-■'lug, k- t : >- . Brig Hamel Maloney, Steelman* forN York, c* inrcd at Mobile UKhlMt. ,- » , . . Brig |‘<nuna. Baker* hepce, was below Boston 14th nut. . Brig Norfolk; Andrews* cp?redat Hew York 14tU mat .JiobrVeLma, Hojett-.for Philadelphia, cleared at Now- Orlqapslith tntt* with 57 bales cotton,.lB3 do yarn; 1810 pint lehd,ll7, bbVolay, 8 dp .whiskey, 141 empty obis, * A Cordory, Babcock, Rowa«sett.-BroWn, i Cadwalader, Godfrey, amt Althea, Corson,‘hence, arrived at Boston Uthlnst, Qohr.moonitshc, S Kites, from Galveston, arrived at Boston Hth imt. \ , ScfcxO MFetUt, Nlokorsdu, cleared at Boston 14tU lost for Philadelphia. . / , , Bohr Joe B Hewitt, Ross, cleared at Salem 13th mst. for Philadelphia.' ' ‘ Bchr E W-Benton, Blaokraan, henoe, arrived at New* port 13th inst -fiohrs W W MaToy* Norton, and Fidoha, Wheaton, for Philadelphia, Ana Farmer. Siminoas; for Delaware City, sailed from Providence 13th iu*t. -'oonrfisrali dark, Griffin, for Delaware City, sailed from Warren Mtlunst. * T „ (t • Suhn & li Cfoober, Preebey, and H W Morse, Phil lips, hence, armed at Dighton I2thin»t. <■ -Bohr Geo A Tittle. Adams* from Charleston, arrived henoe, via Charleston, arrived atGeonietown.BC, ,4th mat. - - ‘’Steamers Ironsides, Vanderveer, and Sarah, Jones* -henoe* arrived At New York J4th Just, -bteamer Madsie, Orumley, hence* arrived at Hart ford 14th met. rfFKCIAXi NOT!OS8. daKAT-FntH -in Gkohgia. —Tub Best Safa.Wii»s.-MSbbpxs eodo’, Georgia, June o, i 860.— ”hiks'RS.Herbino ACo.—Gentlemen: Iq the exten sive fire which occurred in this plaoe on tho night of the Mtb.of March last,:our store vu entirelyconsumed. We had m our store one ofyonr Champion gates, in ■which was deposited our money.'books, and papers. After the fire was oyer, it was taken out of the rums and opened. All the contents were preserved ; the binding of the bdoie onlybrmg ciirled by steam. We tnink ihjem now the best Safer viude, Very.respectfully* . • #l,O 00 reward isofferedto any-pereem who will show that a’Herring’Ji'Pfttdnt Safe has ever failed to preserve ita contents in any accidental fire. 7Aaßßi.*HKfiiiißo, , &Go., No. 629 Chestnut street, are the only manufacturers or Herring’s Patent Clrnm pton Safes in the State of Pennsylvania, '• „ •-/ FARRfcli, HERRING, k CO„ 'JyM-mwfSt •. . ~ 1 - -029 Chestnut street. Caiid Phintik%l?est andCheapkst in the City* at 34 South VHfRD street. CIRCULAR, PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City, at S 4 Sooth THIRD street. j BILL-HEAD PJUNTING, Rest and Cheapest in tho City,at 34 ?sdafctkTHlßD street, . HANDrCILLPRINTINGt Rest and Cheapest in the THIfiD street. , I*RIN # TING, and every other dfiscrip tibnof Prihtlng. of the moot saperior quality, nt the Didst rdasodable rates, atRINGWALTA BROWN’S, Drexe!’« Bailding, 34 fc’outh THIRD street. jylS-tf --OBA&tttfa JRSBRS.VrOno of.thelargest as sortment* of bathing robes in the United States for La die., (Jonta, and Children, at SLOAN'S, SOd AIAHKET Street, Philßdnlrlua, or at hi. store on CAFE IBEA N 0, N.J. ? -: • - JrlJ-st* : V MNT;Bit s ' ;Miraculous■ -• Vkkmin JDb vxApteb, the oldest and best lemeity known' for Jnx- JjrminatmK. r BATS and MICE.’, COCKKOACHES BCffs, ANTS/ MUBaUITOES, FLEAS, MOTES, aS*IN‘W-OB»l3,ahd GARDEN INSECTS. - : ■ BIB BROADWAY, N.Y, SeWWill Drotlists.sverTwhere. ■ ' ■’ ..mrH-Sm 1*? —i- - ;^BiYi|<i..f l im»TtNi*iaWAt' Safety 'fftttsT CrW?.£rr.-wl.Ttared h, as Stare of Feunirlvema, 1 n RIILES.J .. •. ;jv • r. ■ I, JUmer.eTerr dar, and in anr amount ,)*iT»or'mtlajr.-W< ! '. • A-FIVK-FRR OfcHT, intemt is .aid'for mona, from the day it i. Fit id. v.; ■: , ■ . ; t The modey iialvoy. pa ii book in 60M5 whenever 'ltta'eailedfor,andwithOlitdotleo, ’ 4, Money i*mw\vtafmmjtztcvtors< 4iminisu«tcrs, Jf* W otljor TrnjttoM, in lar,a dr email some, to remain a km*; or snort Oeriod, *, The money reoeived from,»eposito,s is iiiveetoJ in Re*! Estate, Mbrttaies, Oretwd ROnte, And otfterfret '.elaeeeeoarittee. •- ( ' " '‘ T '' : -5 - * . ' ' ‘'•4 ff-r .5 '"Ci' t ■ ;iy; j-,v - ‘ tfal ..., ■ . *JV Salahandkb. Firb-ProoF SaFbs. —A very large Assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at rov eonable'priees, No, CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia, •. SuSArtf . , . RVANB k WATSONi .. Ons , Piuoh % Oloxhlnqi op tss Laths* Stylus, made' in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES, LOWEST, soiling, prices marked in Plain Figures. All goods mode to order warranted satis factory. Our ONE-PRICE system is strictly* adhered to, as we believe this to be the only fair way. of dealing Alt are thereby treated alike. JONES & CO., ii eeS-tf «04 MARKET Street,' July, 1860. by Rev, Abol C. Thomss, pastor of Firat'UnivorsalistChurch, Edwin F. Miller ana Alary A‘.Kel!j, lwth of.tlus oitjr- * WBttSTiSR—KiNO.* w On tho 34 mat., by Aid. C. Bra zier, Mr. Jsaaa'J). Webster, of Lancaster co.«PA>tto ■Mis? Plimbe Ann King, of Delaware county, Pennsyl vania.' ', - , _ - .. •. ' * the Utli instant, bv, 4he Rev. Damei Gaaton Mr. Moses Ridpath to Miss Rachel F. Jones; l>oth of Philadelphia, . * PENN6cK-KROMER.-On the 2d, Rev. F» 8 Robbins, Wm* H. of N. J., to Elizabeth J., eldest daughter of E. G. Kromox, of Philadelphia. * tho MtUJnstant, Mr. Sarah Rariset, 1 roho, of the lata John 'Binniugham, aged 74 The 1 relatives and friends o} the family are respect fully attend her funeral, from her lata rosi ,denoe. No 92i North Seventh street, above Poplar, Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Funeral to proceed to -Alonument Cemetery,' , * * DECAN.—i»u tho 12th instant. James Browne, in fant son of Robert it. and Jane W, Decan, agedl6 month**. • j *** ' LEWIS.—On the 12th instaut, Robccoa 11.. wifeof John Lewis, daughter of Isaac and Frances Harding, in the 82d year of her age. : t . m „ Fnnoral from .the residence of her husband.-No. 1243 North Tw&lfth street, above Girard avenue, this(Mon day) afternoon, at lo’olook. * CaßfE.—On the I4tti instant, Ida Carte,daughtdrof John P. ond Catherine Cane, in the Jtb year oi her mre. Funeral froin the residence of her parents. No. 1712 Barker.street. this(Monday>morning, atSo’clook. * • • FIT 2 PATRICK —On the 14th instant, Mrs Catharine Fitzpatrick, in t>e 31styearof her age. . . „ Funeral this {Monday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock, from her late rssidenoe,' Centre street- Matmr nnk. v - PRICK.—On tho 13th instant, Elizabeth P, Prioe, m . . , RIOHAROyON.—Oa the 12th instant, Virginia B„ only child of John H. aud P leaner Prauty Richardson, aged 1 year and 2 weeks. AIOGEE.—On the 18th instant, Robrrt Mogee, m the4Cthyiart>fhißage. t ' ~ 4 _ Funeralfrom'his late residence, near Bridgeport, Pa., at'.Oo'olofik this (Monday) morning. * M’CLUNE.—On the sth instant, near Rockville, Chea ter county, Margaret; widow of the late Thos. M’Cluno. and mother of Professor Jawes M’Clune,ofthe Central Hiclt Sohool. in the 87th year of her age. * TUOMPBON.—On the 11th Instant. Mrs. Sarah L. 1 bompaon, widow of the late John Thompson, Esq «of Delaware co.; Pa. ‘ r - - * BTOKBB—On the ISth instant, Idel Stokes, daughter of Joseph and Wilhelmina Stokes, in the 6th year of her Hinton. —On the Uth instant, Moses Minton, in tho , 60th ycat of his age. l - * ROBiNS.—On the 12ih instant, John A. F. Robins, son of Zaohariah and Frances T. Robins, aned 10 months.* 81 MON.—On the lith instaut. Frederiok U.Rimon, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Simon, aged two years, six months, and seventeen days. „ . * 81'APLKH.—On the I2tu instant, Ellen Staples, aged 15 months, daughter ol George and Alary Staples. * > Weekly It Inlermtnts in the Ci to the Abscess Apoplexy.... 1 ; .Mbuminuria mrns.,..-.—...- )ancerof Hreast... * 4 . Btomaoh, Casualties.' '3roup '/ongestiun of Brain Cholera Infantum.- *•* • Morbnk..... Cona’plion of Lungs Convulsions Cyanosia-:- , )ipthe?ia ... Jiarrh'ma Jroosy, 8rain...... “ Cheat Dieease of Brain..v. “ Heart... “ Kidneys.. Drowned —.. Dysentery.*.;., Debility-... Effusion on Brain.... Erysipelas*. of the , ,»OVB, TUKRB WEBB t Under. 1 year.*—........110 From 40 to CO From Ito 2 37 * “ CO to 00. “ 2to 0. 21 u 60 to 70. “ 6to 10 9 “ 70 to 80. “ 10 to 15 9 ** 80 to 90 *• 16 to 20 8 41 90 to ICO. “ 20 to 30 21 " 30 to 49., 13 , Nativitt— United States, 231} Foreign, 45; Un known, 13. From the Almthouie, 14} People of Color, 7} from tire Country, 0. •- • ■ , WARDS. ’ WARDS. | WASD3. 2B Tenth 14 Nineteenth 1« Second Id Eleventh 8 Twentieth..;—.lo ,'b‘n)v» .2 Twelfth-,—..,. 8 Twenty-fir*t.... 3 fourth. 17 Thirteenth.;... 9 Twenty-second.. 5 ;»fth.. H Fourteenth 71 Twenty-third.... 8 ilxth . 7 Fifteenth..- . .2l)Twentr-fourtli.. 25 lovonth 15 Sixteenth.. —. 7 Unknown 11 Eighth... 11 Seventeenth,. ~13| _ Ninths. 3 Eighteenth....,lo|' T0ta1.........23^ . The number of deaths compared with the correspond’ ing week of 1859**60 and of laifc week, was as follow*; Weekending July icth, 1859. waa 265 . “« 7th, 1860, V ..279 Males* Females, 144; Boys.ft)} Girls,9s.. ily order of the Board of Health. , ARTHURiICGUFS, HeathOffioer, Black Pam black Fouard Silks. B aok Bareges, %, 6-4.7-4, and 8 4 wido, Blaok Crape Marets, same widths. ' Gray Chtno fi»tia Poplins, GrayCheneßarcaesand Mohairs. Blaok Rare, e, ruffled points. ijipin* Summer Bomuazmeß and Chalys. t Black and white Lawns and OrgnnUtes, &o. BESSON Sc SON, Mourning Store, tI „ . . No. OJB OHEBNUT fftreol. N. JJ.—Daring July and August we oloso at 61*. M. The only Reliable article— CLARK'S Patent INDELIBLE PENCILS, for •Mnrkmg; all kin* of Clothing bestir and indelibly, 'lKey do thmr work botlar than ink, without ita trouble or risk ar Blotting. Rash Will mark 2 000 artioloe. For Bale. Wholesale and Retail, by D. C. TAYLOR k CO„ Agonta for the Manufacturer. Wo. 9XI CHESTNUT Street. - , - lel2-3m IOIIOCKSINK IfUILDINGVASSOCIA- F nPoia 1 Meeting will be held on MON DAY EVENING lgth inst, al the Lafayette Hose House Punctual attendance is requested, as hnainess of importance will come before the meeting. jyl4*2t* rrs=* ATTENTIO N ! REPUBLICAN INVIN- U-3 Cl BLEB !~Thero will bo meetings for DRILL on every eveningof the week nt the Republican Head- Ounrtore, SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. Byorderof tun Committee. Jyl2-iit* A. M.WALKINSHAW, Marshal. rrs* OFFICJK OF. THE PHILADELPHIA UJi AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. 1 he boldersof the bonds of this Company, due July l, 1800, can now receive, upon application at this office, 10 Sir cent- incwk, upon the forma specified in the oirou r attached. . The holders are also entitled to tho benefit of a Sink mg .Fund of $140,000 per annum, as established by the stockholders at their annual meeting, held January 9. IBCO, and m pursuance of the contract, entered into by be company and duly reoorded, to carry the same into ‘ root ' ■ cm%UL K A A R UFoiu ' 1 TraMUr6r ' Notttt to Jks Holders of Philadelphia and Reading JUtlrood Company Mortgage Bonds , due July 1, iB6O. These bonds are secured by the first mortgages onjhe road, nm<mntmg in the aggregate to SS,3CB,<OO. The net revenue for the lost fiscal year was six tnnbs the amount of the annual interest on these bonds. Tho managers propose to extend them ior a period of twenty-veers, the-holders retaining the bonds and the of.the ihe.preoise. condition in whioh they are now held. Freeh sheets of coupons for the interest, payable Jialf-yearly, will be issued. A bonus of 10 per oent. given to the holders, m ponnidoration of their assenting to the extension- This bonus will be paid in cash to tho bearers of the bonds, 11 "oeipt and presenting thoir r3*peo- Lvo bonds at the office oi the Company,or to its agents. lor endorsement. ■ ’ s Forms of reeeiptand endorsement will be furcishod on application. By order of tho Board of Managers, . «t-tf w. H. MdIITHKNNY. Secretary. HAINIS BROS-' OVERSTRUNG AT ENT-A CT lON PIANO FORtKS, Cheapest Firßt-.Clgas Fianus made.” A splendid Rssortmencof Louis XIV., and other styles, for sale at Factory Cash Prioos, and warranted for 6 years, cocond-hand Tianos for rale and to rent c, „ « „ GEORGE h. WALKKR. S.K.Cor.of SEVa.M'H and AKCH St. A CO.’B Improved MELODEONB. Trom $45. upwards. jylB-3m •"p BABE MARK NOTICE. „i.a. T n2vHa. B .^ G J,99„ MtLl '?' “ ! J lho succos.or. ot the BAY BTAIBi MILLS, pnrehased the property, 6 9r°, a of that company. ’ ihe WASHfftGTON MILLS, therefore, olaim the name of . . « “BAY STATE” as their trndo mark upon Woollen Goods. The under- V t ,«?Jf,?i e V 0 »1 utlonB u? ?a l n . fl , t , Rny infringement of it 88 a violation of the rights of this * ompany jyiq-mwlltn . JOt*.S. FAY, Troamirer. •OEIMERj BECONO STREET, ABOVE 5*7 GREKN, makes spUndid pictures, from the fact that none but the best artists are employed, and every ooavenienco is afforded m making the pioturca. it* PRIVy-WBLLS Gleaned at a low price, to obtejn tho oontents. Address WW, TINBON. Foudrette Office. 1313 Worth Second street. JyW-lnj*,| T TNCOLN, BELL, AND DOUGLAS.— -*-4 Steel-plate Portraits of the Presidential Cnntli dates, to be had, wholesale and, retail, at Callender's, Third and Walnut; Zieber’s,Third below Chestnut; eornerThird and Union streets; and at Frederick OJdaoh, N. V/. corner of Fourth and Aron streets jyJ4*6t* Johnson tc Foutbu. pONTINESTAIi NAILS, (Edge Gripe,) V' manufactured at tho Portag* Nail and Iron Work* from superior quality of Juniata iron, on machines of the most approved construction, amt warranted to l>o at least equal, m quality, uniformity, and finish, to any other brands m ihe market. 3 Other brands (flat and edke gripe) always ou hand, JOS. O, D. CHRIeTMAN, „ . . _ t 431 OOMMERCE Street. Prince & Christman’s superior solid-eye Planters’ Hoes for sale as above. iyK-lm OAED XO THE PUBLIC. OONGBESS SPRING, SARATOGA, APRIL 16, 1860. An attempt has been made todecoire the pablio, by persons offering what tkty tall “CoitGhEag Water” from Fountains; and at the prioe of six (4) oentg per gloss, The wholesale price of the genuine Congress Wa ter, at New York, being about 7M oen taper glass, the im* position of protending to sell at retail at less than cost, and without allowance for freight, cartage, or breakage, is apparent; but their probablo oonrse has been to empty, one bottle of genuine Congress Water into'a Fountain fillod with their trash, and thereby christening its total contents. ( We have nevbe sold Congress Water in Fountains, nor in vessels of any other description than ordinary ■ised ot-Ass bOTTLXB. The dork of evory battle of the genuine is branded “ GONGREB3 WATER “ $, 4 W.,” and any, without, those, words and letters ou the cork, is couhteeeeit, whether from Fountains or Bottle*, '' . • CLARKE & WHITE, Proprietors of Congress Spring, The following gentlemen in Philadelphia, vis s 1 FREDERICK BROWN, oor. Fifth And Chestnu* sts.,- O. S. HUBBELL. 1410 Chestnut street, A. D« B. TAYLOR, oor* Ninth anp Chestnut streets, i . Areomwiantljr euppbed by us with the genuine " dow la MUe, apif-inuf 98 CEDAR St., New York City. A ZUMBA l AZUMEA ! AZUMEA ! _ aKUMBAI AZUMEAI AZUMEAi AZUMEAI!’ PROFi MORRIS* AZUMEA BAKING. POWDER, Mamifaetured solely . n No, 89 Worth FOURTH Street, and ff>rHa^e^^ , • tfr. rnyM-Sinff ENVELOPES. 7— Over 200 styles and eises, selling from 80c. per 1,000 upward. Or. ro SS6‘ tteua,Tto, r ‘ iRRV ' e i&°i u £ r ' Tmi .PRBSS.-JFWLADEy'mA.. MONDAY, JULY 16. 1860. MARRIED. DIED. >ort ol’ Interment! Health Ofsicb, July h 1 of Philadelphia from \th of July* 18G0. DISfIISES, Fever, Scarlet..--*- “ Typhus _ Typhoid.... Gangrene.. Haemorrhage...—.. Hooping Cough...-. Inflammation, Brain “ Liver., Lungs. “ Pemonmußi St. So Bowels Inanition.. Jaundice Mania-a-potu Marasmus Old age........ Palsy Rheumatism Scrofula Btiu Born.~~-« Tabes Mesentertca. ITuraors. Unknown ... AND - PURPLE FOULARD SUMMER RESORTS* KITTANNY HOUSE; ' FULAVTAItR'WATER. GAP. ‘ 'Tills ff^yorite,Moh'ritainjt csort i*BQW-op?ftto visit- By,ibe,ereDtionjpS bmjaiair,fhe~ lUttonh will be year. - -,f, ? ‘i'hd t Al t r3(jiior}BAte i DBautiful'*m«iniraifci sqeriery. fine •air anq^,rurc, ( waUi, Pleasatirpriyisjaud waikfo rowing,. fi Vniy r r ; ", at tio a. Ant ■ ami arrive at the Gap Tor i or bf the Nofth* Pinrtim&mft Kailrbftd in the Bfterhonn, remains* Eastdnrfvefmfcht.- L. W. BRODHBAD,-' Jylff mwf3w ■ ; , Proprietor. PERRY COUNTY JYARM SPRINGS.—/ This favoyite.Summer Resort is now open fpr’thq rooeptlon o( visitors. Fine mountain '•saoaQTTt.beftutir; ful walks and d/iyes, fspilitiasfor boating, battling, and fishing, and the health-giving qualities of its waters, make it a most, desirable-place, both for single guests, and for families Iris in daily comrounloatloirwith Philadelphia, Baltimore,and Pittsburg, by mean* of a daily stage; and mail connecting with the trains from these places at Carlisle, Pa. Terms moderate, „ For particulars, address JOHN EARLY, jyl2-lm ' . Warm Bpriggs, Perry county, Pa. _ Doubling gap white sulphur,. AND CHALYBEATE SPRINGS.—This famous watering place has been entirely refitted and with obliging servants, aud over; adyftfctage'thatftattt'-, rfrl beauties of the country and easy acoess oan afford' The proprietorsoffarovory mdqeementto persons se»k imr pleasure, hoallh»'or recreation,. Thoßpnugsaye situated mghti miles from Newvujo,- Cumberland county. Pa., m n roost beautiful and fortilo,, seottonof Cumberfand'vaU y.; various m their, character, strongly nupreguaied with au’phur, Ri&siip*. sia, iron, Ac., Knu Jiavo produced wonderful sanative-, effects upon invalids nud otcors. Visitors will find first- ■ class hotel acaomniodatious. with sttentivo servants, and all the delioaoies Of the season. Price of boarding' 81 25porday, sBporweek, 830per,month. Passengers leaving Philadelphia by the morning tram on the Pennsylvania Railroad opuiteot at B&mslsurg' with the tram ol Cumberland Valley Railroad to Now-, villo, where first-class oosvilios pre in readiness to carry . passeneera to the Springs. ' \ , Fare from PJiiladelphiatpJheSprings $4. , ■ Two trains a day front HnrnSburg connect with two Hues of ooaohos io the-Spmigs,'. Fare from Harrisburg, to Uoablinß Gap Springs? Si M. . . .. Tickolstoltp had at the office of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Philadelphia; Cumberland Valley office, Harrisburg; and return tickets, At same rates, to Philadelphia aud Harrisburg, tbbehad ol tho proprm to r so£ trie hotel. - , - , Jyll-tanl ICANACA, KO3ER. COYLE, & CO. YELLOW SPRINGS HOUSE, CHESTER BOUNTY. PA. < : The above-mentioned Houso having been thoroughly repaired and rofitted in the host manner with nowlur niture, &c., is now open for Bohrders. • The Yullow Springs llouso offers every to visitor*, being l&ige and oommodious, with shady walks and roraantio ndos, Ac. The variety nnd quality of the Sprinssnud Baths linVo been long and favorably known, and thosabsoriber, who has been for several years past connected with tho Co lumbia House, Capo island, N, J., will use his best • x ertions to make the stay of his guests pleasant aud agreeable. Stages connoot daily with the Reading Railroad 8 A. M. f and on Baturdays with tho BA. M. and S>* i*. ,u. line. Every information will bo ohoorfully .givon, by ad dressing the subsonlrer, at tho Yellow springs, Ches ter County: or i£LLlB,atFh(BmxviUe Station. Rea - im Railroad. a, U. SNYDER, jy6-lm . Snpernltendcnt. UfANSION HOUSE; M )UNT CARBON, IT*. SCHUYLKILL. COUNTY. PA. . Families accommodated with rooms at reduced prices, • . . - Thidold-estiblisbed Honso, looated in the gap bo tween Sharp and Socyttd mountains, immediately on the line 01 the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, Within half a mile of Potteville, formerly lent by Jo seph Head, of the old Mansion House, Philadelphia, has, since his demise, been under the ohargo of his daughter. The House is prepared, at all seasons of tho year, for the reoeption of guests, and has been recently put in order.. The large garden, and park adjoining, presents great inducements as a summer resort, to persons wish ing tosp«nd a short time away from the oust and tur moil of tho oitles, where they oan breathe fresh moun tain air. and enloy the wild and beautiful scenery of the ooal region. * Commutation passenger tickets, forthe ueo offara;- lios, are sold at a reduction of twenty five per oem., nnd an accommodation tram will leave PottavUleda'lr during the summer months, to enable those who may dpsiro it to spend the business portion of the day m the oity and return the same evening, on which the charges will be thirty-three per cent below the usual rates. For terms, apply to , MARY HEAD, , „„ _ AlansionHouse, Mount Carbon, ieSQ 8m SohuyJkm Co., Pa. Long beaou house, opposite TUOKERTON.N, J.--This Hotel it now open jor the reception of visitors, both permanent and tran sient. .Having been at a large expense in refitting and re-furnishing. I icblassured, that for oomfortamfoon* yemoaee It will compare favorably with any house on the coast. The best of cooks and servants have been prooured, and no efforts shall be spared to render the stay of guests Agreeable. The prospoota for Gunning and Fishing arc excellent.. Oysters of the finest quality I have m nbundanoe. With those increased advan tages, i am confident that the most fastidious will have no cause for oomplnmt. N. li.-Capt, WtLLIAM GABKILL will run a daily line of first-claes packets from Atlantic City to the beach, one of whion will be at Atlantio every morning on the arrival,of the morning tram from Philadelphia. Portios wishing to come by war of Leod’s Point, or otherwise, by nddressing me a few days in advance, ‘will have a good boat to meet them at any point named. JaM-Sw LEWIS P. STRWART, j§EA BATHING. OCEAN HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND, N.J. This well-known ostablishment, the favorite resortof visitors, is now otkm for the reoeption of guests. It has been enlarged and refurmahod, tho sleeping roomsspWOu*and airy, and communicate to suit families. The house will be supplied with wat*r from tho corn springs Pomona <fo«rous of spending a f-w weeks of the sum mer in an agreeable manner could not do better than to give tho Oooan House & trial. ISRAEL LEANING, jetd-gw* Proprietor. AMERICAN HOTEL. BETHLEHEM, Pa.—The Proprietor of this Hotel has newly fitted up his house for the accommodation of visitorti during the summer season. The American Hotel is situated on the most elevated spot m the Borough. Bethlehem is too well known for its beautiful scenery and commanding view of.the surrounding country, and lor its salubrious mountain air, to reqnire comment. The subscriber is now prepared to rooeive Boarders and Families, and promises to do his best to render their stay with him pleasant and agreeable. Charges Moderate . J. W. R. PHARO. jeW-lra • Proprietor. Eagle hotel, bethleiiem, pa. This large nnd old-established House, known as tho ** LEHIGH VALLEY BUMIVUSR RETREAT?” is now open for tho seasoh. The accommodations <*f this House will be found unsurpassed. The ride here, by the North Pennsylvania Railroad, is one of the plea santest in our State.. CALEB YOKE, Proprietor, je263m AMERfOAN HOTEL, ALLENTOWN, ■f-*- PA.—This well-known and popular hotel has, dunhgtrie pastseason, been GREATLY ENLARGED AND IMPROVED, and is now in oapaoity and convenience seoond to none in the interior of Pennsylvania. The beautiful and henltoful situation of, Allentown ‘renders it a de liglitml summer resort, tn view ofwhioh speoial ar rangements have boon made by the Proorifitors tosc comiqodate summer boarders. J. Y, BKOlITiil,, Je2s-t*el F.W.BIGONV. SEA BATHING. NATIONAL IIALLi, . CAPE ISLAND, CAPE Me Y. N. }. This find, large.nnd atry house is NOW orEN for vfiutore. It is distinguished for oomfort, looalitr, nnd superior acootniuodatious, with ample room for 209 per sone. Terms moderate. Je23-2m AARON QARRKTBQN, Proprietor. mLIGIIT-UODSE COTTAGE, NEAR THE LIGHT-HOUSE* ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.-. (tho nearest beuse to the surf),is now open for the re oeptibn of HoardorSe' The proprietor respectfully oohoits acoutinuanoo ol the patronaAO of hlsfriond* a!id the publio- Jea lm» JONAH WOOTTON. Proprietor. CI’AR HOTEL, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE tJ. S. HOTEL, ATLANTIC Cl I'Y.N.J. rM . r „ HAMUJiIi ADAMS, TrOpRIFTOIL , DINNER FIFTY CENTO. ALSO, CARRIAGES TO HIKE, Hoarder* accommodated on tho most reasonable* terms. ietO 3m TEEMONT HOG&E, OaPE ISLAND, N. J*—HUMPHREY nUGHEB, PfopriaLix.-Thls houee, bo oleaaantly Kituared in olose proximity to the beach, will be open for the reception or visitors on the 25th inst. Tho large, splendid lawn m front of live house; the unb shade, good rooms and tablo. render it the most desirable place on the island. Attached to the premises are bowling saloons and barber shop. JelB-lm T EBANON VALLEY HOUSE. CHAB. W. KUHNLE. Summer, boarders taken. The house is new and 00m modious. with grounds attached. Surrounding conntr* beautiful end healthy. Railroad communication vmi fho city twiceaday.’ Charges moderate. Jelsim* TOEPTUNE HOUSE—ATLANTIC CITY. *■ v —This popular and eminently, favorite House at Atlantic CMy has, since the closing of last season, been enlarged, refitted, refurnished, and completely re juvenated in eyory particular, and Is now open for the reason. Froin its delightful situation, near ,fleet! to all places of interest, done proximity to the safest and best part of the boaoh, it fs rondered one oi tho moot convenient and deoidediy the pleasantest house on the Island. Terms—slo por week; $1.50 per day. Children and servants half prioe. o , JOHN SMICK, Proprietor. R, L, FURRY, Superintendent, je2l-Jm Beautifully and conveniently located at ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Boarders accommodated on reasonable terms. • M. MOCLREB, Proprietor. TUE SEA-ilHfiß F.—ATLANTIC CITY. McKIBUIN’S U. 8. II * i’EL. The undersigned, propns or of the above-namod houee, being preparet to receive guests, re- Bpootfullr solicits a share of the publio patron age. Smco last summer tuare has been added to this hotel a four storied wtttg, H 0 feet in length, con taining (beside tho bed-rooms.) a suite of three Parlors, for ladies, and two for gentlemen; also, a reception room, Woah-joom, and apacionß bar-room. Bowling Paloontf, Billiard Rooms, and hot and cold P<-wstsr Bath Ropmshavebeenoonstruoted for the acoommo cation of visitors, and the whole house will be lighted with gas. The bouse has been newly painted and Tur nisheu while the shaded grounds surionnding it have been put in complete ordor. A woH-manned pleasure Yaoht.and an excellent Uandof Music, have been en gaged for the season. J, McKIBBIN. CARLISLE Tbo favorite resort for those , who appreomte Grand Soenerv, CuraberUrd ,o ! P». R“Se»> Eooioty, and a fiood Accommodations for AQOi ® , 300. For piHidulaw send for Cirou iehms * VISSOHER. JoT-3m Carhslo Spring, ra« BEDFORD SPRINGS.—This well-known and delightful Summer Resort will bo opened for the Teoeption of Visitors on tho PliiST OF JUNK, and kopt open till the let of October. Tho-Hotel will bo under the management of Mr. A. G.ALLLN, Whose oxpenenoe. courtepus manners, and attention to his, guests, give the amplest assurance ol oomfort and bind treatment. to tolfK“Ate,SS . 0 h r .SU n ra, r er tlt,n TTNITED SPATES HOTEL. LONG BRANCH,.N. J. —The flubsoriber takes'this mothod of informing hia friends and the publio, that on and after J UNE 20th his house will be open for the rn ooptionof guost*, when every, effort will be mode to please those who may favor him. The houeo is plea santly situated on a fine bluff, with lawn in front. A full view of.the ooean. good roads, stabling, &«., make it on attractive Many house in th© country. The ooro mumoation is aoocsslble by two dally lines Irnm foot of Walnut-street wharf, viz.: 6A. M..and 3P. M. . Referenoe-Grondy, Warden, A Co., 229 Chestnut street. B. A. SHOEMAKER, Je&-2m Proprietor* OPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, -*-4 Lancaster County, Fonnsylvanift.—Tlus estab lishment will be open by the Hth of June. The&d vantagesofthisbeaututtlresortare: Moantaineoenory, pure air, and soft water 5 every variety of baths, and amusements; a good stock of livery horses, and oar riagOß. For further particulars call oto JOSEPH B, MYERS, corner Third and Vina Stroet* 5 JAMES 8. EARLE, No. $l6 Chestnut Btreet, Philadelphia, or to tho proprietor, JOSEPH KONIGMAOHER; Ephrata Post Office, Lancaster Conntr. Pa, mr9o-3m COLUMBIA HOUSE, GAPE ISLAND— 'LLC-'p?. ,May, Nbw Jpr«9j.-Thi* largo, OnLolata HOTI-.L will ta oponod. for tfio recaption of gue.t., on the 25th June, 1860. The House has been completely repaired, and refurnished. A new oookmg range, ovens, steam boilers, and evory modern improvement added. Extensive stabling attaoned to Hie premises AU letters addressed to the subscribers. Cape Island. New Jersey, will be promptly attended to. •„ T tJil LAHtD-fc WOOLMAN. Jaine* H.Lalrd,late proprietor FranUm House. Phila delphia; S. B. woolman. formerly Mount Vernon Hotel. Cape Island. ;‘ jet*-d*m CONGRESS nALL, GAPE ISLAND, OAP B MAY, N.J.—This Hotel will oe opened for the reoeptiob, of guests on SA TURDAY, the 16th Inst. “ ,Tho Bowling Alley* have been 1 removed,'and new sleeping Tooms added, since fast sewm. ■ Jefl-6w WEST & THOMPSON, Proprietors. , CONGRESS lIALL—ATLANTIC.CITY, J.—This spaqious House, situated at Atlantio City, wilHie reopened with every accommodation for visitors on the 28th instant, by tho subscriber. The House fronts tho beaeh 13? test! Avid# aspiegMU view of the Uceun, and is near the Fisamc and AwL&t point. No pains. will be spared to seeure tK, eomwft and con- T f*B3£!! 0 suc " lj ' . ■ %'homab 0. Imjuuot. SUMMER RESORTS." _ BEDLOE>'S7fI:O.®EX, l j ■ ’ AIXANTfC; JKItSEy. s&&^t«a , s n ff4^rf° omro^ 9i|mj „fy? hivjb tfteo vatv touch imuroved.aild eiQraooraf^rtable blinds having put up at the windows. ‘ , , '- 2p?r««» moderat®. . *-*•,<• ‘ and Servants. Half Prioe. l arlies should keep their seats until the oars arrive * iyi 1 s^nß M® wnspiououe, XLOYiTHAtJPLER’JS RAILROAD fojd l§°bt B h ATLANTIC CITY, opposite the HHll ' »BST SITUATION ,ON THE ISLAND. ' Newly fitted .’tip with new beds .and beddiuff. Boarding and Lodging gl per day. , jyMin Mansion house, Atlantic city, n„ r N. J., ISAAC THAY t R, (Into of Surf House,) * ojpnflroti ' ' •»ujs bus been very ynuoh enlarged and un proved. Hhh how a large number of Fanub Rooms, not surtatijed by any hotel in this oily, , *t »* lighted throughout with gas. New and fine walks ha'Q beonUulto tie ocean* which will be lighted at n| B la “ orn^l ® to t}ie water, by splendid roflect- Attoohedto the house (but separate from the main building) is a laree Hall for Hops And Parties,' with a ,i u 1 m*", * ce Creaiu and Coufeotionefy attached. Over 4110 nail there aYo forty sleeping roomsTorsiusldgentle i-i* .-Mtore is also a play-ground for children* well ™ i ,l< * onoiosed, with swliira, &o. ino department will be tuidor my own es peom.l supervision, and Intrust that niy reputation is suilic’ently established to satisfy all that my table will be unsurpassed. • , l orins will be $l3 per weolc. ■ transient Boarders $3 per day. attached to the House will take Hoarders to a “U rrom theOooau free of oharge during bathing hours. ISAAC THAYER. 1 INli'fib states hotTl, ’ V,. -MILI.KRSBURO; DAUPHIN COUNTY. PA. , litis well-known Hotelhao been leased by the sub-, sortbor. qnd has been thoroughly"rerovated and entirety powly furnished. Millorstmrg Is situated In one of tho most romantic regions of Pennsylvania: the Susque hanna river Hows immediately by the to»n, and'aliords gne lishmg; the mountmn scenery is unsurpassed in the Btaf«. Game abounds m great' plenty, affording iline ■sport for huntsmen; the mountain streams abound with trout in great plenty. City visitors, who are desirouß of spending a few months in the country, will find this one of thp‘most desirable places In Pennsylvania.’ The North Pennsylvania Railroad passes the town, and it is tM'WY communication with Philadelphia, Baltimore, and New York. The subscriber will use every effort to make his guests comfortable. 1 ' A. J. WARFIELD, Proprietor. MdJergburg, Juno ft), 2360. jeHS-lm SJOHF HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY..N. J. • This spaoious Hotel* poascssingtho most advanta geous location at Atlantio City, having been recently tmlarsqd, will be opened for the approaching season on tils 9.h instant. , , Anev.wing throe stories high and 93 feet in length* with verandah sutrounding it, naa beet* add’d, contain ing 45 lorge and airy rooms, and extending to within 60 yards of the ocean* a fine prospeotof which is afforded from almost every room in the house. Gas u being Introduced into the building* additional bathhouses will be erected, and numerous other im provements made, it being the aim of the proprietor to make the SURF HOUSE odd of the most attractive piao*s of summer resort near Philadelphia. The table will bo supplied in the most liberal manner, and all possible care will be exexoised in tho general ar rangements of the house .with, a view to the comfort andconVemoncs ol guests. 'ihe «jtfmngAt Atlantio is unsurpassed - and the pure, dry. atmosphere has proved to be particularly benefioial to invalids. Parties wishing to engage rooms will please address the subscriber at the Surf House, or at the Ashland street, Philadolphia. _ JeOmWf-gm - H. 8. JJKNBON. •TiffANSION HOUSK, MAUOH CHUNK, ITX CARBON CO., PA.—This is the most comforta ble and extensive hotel in Northern Pennsylvania, and the proprietor flatters himself that thus far he has suc ceeded in keeping it in a manner that cannot fail to sa tisfy all his guests. The Rooms are newly and elegantly-furnished, and the ratue always contains the very best the Markets afford. - The hotel is looated on the banks of the Lehigh, dlreottappposite the railroad depot, and at the base of planch Chunk Mountain. A path /cads from the rear of the house to the top of this mountain* from whioh point, some eignt hundred feet above the Lehigh, the most sublime soene imaginable is presented. The House is abundantly supplied with the best and purest Mountain Sprint Water. Hot and Cold Baths oan be taken at all times. j>M-2a QJEORQb HOPPES, proprietor. A MERICAN HOTEL, MAUOH CHUNK, PA.—This HOTEL is now kept in a manner af fording every oom ort to strangers and travellers. Arrangements have been made this season to aeoom modateSUMMEß BOARDERS. The most sublime mountain eoenery and rural enjoyments are here af forded., MICRAKLWILHkLM, GEO? W. WILHELM. Je3J-Uql Proprietors* Heath house, SCHOOLEY’S MOUNTAIN, N. J„ Is now open for the reooption of company. Communi cations by letter will be promptly attended to. jell-lm D A. uKOWELL. Proprietor* A 51ERI0AN HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND— Mrs. M. REYNOLDS, Proprietor.-This favorite hotel will open lortho reooption of visitors on MON DAY, June 26th. It has been fitted up in the best style, and every attention will be paid to the oomfort of its guests. Jelfl-dtSopl SEA BATHING, CAPE ISLAND, N. J.— DELAWARE HOUSE is now open for the season. Jo)9-2m* JAMES MKCRAY. Proprietor. NEW PUBLICATIONS. Buy your books at evans’ gift BOOKSTORE. 430 CHEbTNUTStreet. „ BUY YOUR GIFT BOOKS AT EVANS’ Gift Book Store, No 439 CHISfNU'i Street. Books are sold as cheap as at any othor Store, and you have the advantage Of rooming a handsome Gift with eaoh Boob. NKw BOOKS. GOOD BOOKS. Looking nt Life, by Sain Frioe 91 75 Hawksvtew, by Holme Lee - Price 1 00 The Throne of David * Price 125 The Mill on tho Floss * Pnco 1 00 Marcnrot Moconeffe Price 125 Robert Houdin. tho Magician . Pnce 1 00 J.eavos of Grass, by Whitman > rice' 1 25 Home Bookot Health - Prico 100 .Hunibolut's Letters Price I 25 Love. {L.’Autour,) by Miehelet.... —— Price 100 Life of Abe Lincoln Prloe J 00 Life of Stephen A« Douglas—*— ..Frioe 1 00 Life of Gotiaral Bnm Hum ton. Pnoe 1 00 ALL THE NEW BOUKB As SOON AS OUT, ~ And A Gift with eaoh. , , Call in and ono trial will assure you that the best place m liio oty to purchaso Books is at _ „ G. G. KVANB’ GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, jy|ii-3t 439 CHESTNUT Street. BROWN, & CO., 37 KII.UV lITREET ...T.'..BOSTON, PUBLISH Tltrs DAY, A [UiA'CIH’AI. TREATISE THE LAW of COVENANTS FOR TITLE, SY WILLIAM HENRY RAWLK. THIRD EDITION. REVISED AND ENLARGED, bvo. Price $5.50, Thu work is devoted to tho consideration of the lia bilities and rights of vendors and purchasers of rent estatOi ansinc from thoit’ Coreiisi U fot Title. Ouoh oov'enants aro, ir. some rhapeor form, introduced into nearly every conveyance of nal estate, on both sides of the Atlantic, ni d the demand for the present edition would aeom to indioaro that the Profession have not deemed unnoooasars'a work winch has for its object thelranatyais and praotioal effoot. In the preparation of this edition, the former treat ish hn3 ber-fi carefully revised, and all the authorities pub lished up to tho present timo have been incorporated. “H is a work of muoh value to the profession through out the United States. It displays great industry and researoh, and sound Je,:al learning,"—if. B. TaNky. “ This work gives a condensed view of the doctrtnos estsbluliod by Judicial decision oq this subject in al most every. State in the Union, which id nowhere else to be found. Too industry and research wdioh it ex hibits, do honor to the learned author, and entitle bis work to the patronage of the profession.”—H. C, Grixr. “I have examined, with muoh interest, Mr. Rawls's recent work on Covenants of Title, and have received from itthe highest gratification. The work is a most valuable addition to our stook of original American taw Treatises.”—Geobgi Suarbwood. jylS-Stfmwif Business guide op the Pennsyl vania RAlLWAY.—Arrangements have been made to publish, at an early day, a COMPLETE and accurate BUSINESS GUIDE of the Pennsylvania Railway, to embrace lists of all business tnbn in evory oity and town along the line, from Philadelphia to Pitta burg, togfthor r/ltn those of west Chester, Lancaster, York. Columbia, Pittsburg. &o . Ac., ircmdinir-JOOto 600 other cities, towns, and Villases. An edition ol about 6.PGO copies will be published for sale, and in ad dition ear copy will be placed gratuitously in the bauds of evorr busmens man along tho hue of the Pennsylva nia Railway. Mr. F. B. DAVIS is authorized to aohoit subeonp tions and advertisements for the above work, and is now engaged m canvassing the oity for that purpose. Further information wilt bo very cheerfully given at the Office of MoKlroy’s City Directory, 38 8. SIXTH Street, second door. A. ftichLßOY. jyli-3i if Sole Agent for Philadelphia. |yOW READY. APPLETON’S COMPANION HAND-BOOK OF TRAVEL _ TO UNITED BTATEB AND BRITISH PROVINCES, Including. ~ ~ , California. Knnsis, Minnesota' New Mexico, Utah, Ne braika. WaßWngton Territory, Oregon, tho lothmus of Panama, Withadesorigtion df the PrinoipftlCitiep and Towns, and places of Interest, Together with flotels.T rough Routes, and Routes of Travel. With Colored Map*. 1 vol., square 12mo. Paper covers, 60 cents. Cloth, 76 cents. Sent free by mall on reoeiptofpriee. D. APPLETON Bc, CO.. Publishers, jyll-wfmSt Nos. 443and44dDroadway. VALUABLE* SCIENTIFIC BOOKS, Published and for raio by JilNt-HAV k BLAKISTON. No. 05 South SIXTH St., above CHESTNUT. D'AUBUI3BON’B HYDRAUJ.ICB, for the uso of Hnrmaers. From tho Frenoh. By Jo.roh Bennett. lIEWKON’S rjtINCII’LES AND PRACTICE OF LEVEEING. 1 vol., octavo. KITHTFN ON THE MANUFACTURE OF SOAPS ANII CANDLES 12mo. THE COLLECTOR’* MANUAL AND BUfLDER’S P f!knoe u on th ?; art of P WH F tLDINhSMEMORANDA ON THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS USED IN ENGINEERING CON STRUCTION. lflmo. iy!3 The yeaß of grace. •I lIE YEAR OF GRACE; A Hietory of the Revi val in Ireland. AD. 1859. By Rev. William Gibson, D. D. With an Introduction by Rev. Barow Stow* D. D. U i3outN?Na HOURS IN P ATMOS; TheOpenins Vi sion of the Apocalypse, and Christ's Epistles to the seven Churches of Asia. By A. C. Thompson. llmo. S THF. SIGNET RING, AND OTHER GEMS. By Rev. J. I)o Liefdo. lflmo. 63 cents. TBAVELH, RESEARCHES, AND MISSIONARY LABORS nuklNG AN EIGHTEEN YEARS'RESI DENCE IN EASTERN AFRICA'. By the Rev. Dr. J. Lewis Krapf. With an Appendix respecting the Sources of the Nile, Languages and Literature of Eastern Africa,&o 12mo. (J 1.25. For sale (jJ, LLIAM g t ALFRED MARTIEN, Jetf No. 603 CHEBINUT Street. SAVING FUNDS. AMERICAN SAYING FUND.—-Coin. cany’s Building, southeast corner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets., Open daily from 9 till 9 o’clock, and on MONDAY till Bin the evening. ThU Old Institution has always paid iu full, on demand, without notice. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. Alt sums paid baok, r on gold and silver. ALKxSWhILLPIN, President* SAML. WORK, Vico President. John C. Farr. ' T. K. Harper, George Nugont, John Anspaoh, Jr., Soml. T. Bodine, Alb. C.Robert#, John Aikraan, ' Jonas Bowman. H.H. Eldndge, Wm. J. Howard. JOHN B. WlLSON,Treasurer. JOHN O. SIM.B, Secretary. jea?-lm SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, 331 North THIRD Street, between Vine and Cailowhill. Incorporated by the Legislature April EVEN INGS, from 6 to 8 o'olook, Interest 5 per oent. per annum.. Depositors can with draw their .moneys by Cheoks, if desired. Special De M 69 ved. J AMES Sj pjii KGLK> p r c!df,r ( t, Frawh* HIXT. Seoretarr. ititti-tj If P ri'Oll.—875 bbls. Pitch in store and for bale by HO LBY, ABHBURNER, fc CO., No. 16 South WHA . . JylS WANTS. ANTEDr—A SUuation an Salesman, in A tiiorougih AcfcoxmTAfjii’, who is fullycapableof condHotjnr.tlia financialsodbu siness departments of a manafnHMi/JK establishment, °g? n * orftn “Syracuse,” at this office, * -~ 7 JyU-6t* "t®^ANTED—A Situation US Salesman, , " * either in a Dry-Goods Jobbing or Grocery House « ha* had ten year* experience, ana cm inflaeqoe dousi jlerable trade. .Referenceundoubted. Addrefts •*G.L. T.,” Press Office. - -Jyl4-St* ANTED—By a young lad, fifteen ydava ▼ v ofage.aSlTUATlONMeTrand-boymawhple aue store. Can write a good hand, and is quiokai figures.- Address ‘fThotaas,” offioe of 2he Prctr . jyl3-3f >. > • WANTED— A -youngman as Salesman, who it thoroughly Ocduaiutfd with the Merob-nt Tailor’s ana Clothing trade of this oity. To any perron capable 0/fiiiiag th>o position, a' liberal compensati n will be given; Address 8u*413» P.y, jyJ3-if ."WfANTED —A Partner with $lO,OOO to " 7 ,®J6iOOO f either silent or active, iu an easy and paying business. Undoubted xefsrenoe given and m qmrcd. Address “ Capital/’ at this office. jyiO fit* SALE—The Stock and Fixtures of a "*■ , Wholeiala Boot ami Bho© House, now doing a good business. Tins is a good opportunity for uny. one wishing to go into the business, or a house wanting to increase their trado,- Batisfiotory reasons giving for selling out. Address “ Box 280,'' Philadelphia Pest Office, with name. - - js»-tt \MT ANTED—A Situation, by a man, v* thirty-seven years of age. of extensive experi ence in business, ot good address, ana competent to Gil' almost any position, either as a olork, superintendent, or salesman- - is very respeotably .connected, and can give tho mo*t satisfactory references integrity, energy, and business oapaoity A moderate salary for thojjresent will be accepted. Address “ B. G. H.,” office of 2n« Press. JelS-tf FOR SALE AND TO LET. mFOR SALE —The desirable modem DWELLING, No.* 1121 MOUNT VERNON street Double three-story baek building, largeyard, Ac, Will be sold low, and on easy terms. Inquire at No. 200 MARKET Btreet.__ ' JyiVsV f^XECUTORS 1 SALE.—The Stock Fix •■-A lures, and lease of the Wholesale Hat, Cap and Straw. Goods tfouse,No. 417 Market street, for sale. Thisisagood opportunity for any one wishing to go into busmens, or a house wanting to inoreaee their trade, as it is a long established and favorably known bouse, and withal an excellent fooaton. Inquire on tbe premises for the Executors of the Estate of jylS rowiCt JAMES 8. MARTIN. Bf., Dooeaaed. Mfor rent—ready furnished -SARALON BOARDING SCHOOL for Girla, Dt n DEN Street, near Green, Germantown. This established Bohool, with large, airy buildings and shady grounds, is now offered on account of theqeath of one of the Principals. Apply to Jr n 6t- 3oa r o aufet. gjjj FOR BACE—A four-story brown- Ka.,toQ9 residence. No. BiJ PINE street, opposite the hospital. It has all the modem conveniences, is well finished, and is in good order, Apriyon the premises, or at 417 MARKET street, of the Executors or the estate of James 8. Martin, Hr., deceased j)l3fmwfit* TO LET—The first floor 6f the line Build ing N 0,704 CHESTNUT street, formerly ooeupied as a wholesale (and lately as a retail) Fanoy Goods and Perfumery Store. Apply At the offioe of JULES HAUEL Sc Co., No. 704 CBEaTNUT Street, Phila. JjH-lm MISSOURI LAND!! 300,000 Acres for Sale, at priqes ranging from lift to 60 cents per Acjre. m any quantities required. TAXES piid, ana PATENTS procured for purcha sers of Land under tbe Graduation Aot. Plats furnished gratia by enclosing a postage stamp. For further mformaton apply to WILBON, RAWLINGS Sc CO., U. 8. and General Jftnd Agents, Bft CHESTNUT Street. Between THIRD and FOURTH, . ST. LOUIS, MO. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, and located, jy2-3m . . «FOR SALE—A desirable COUNTRY RESIDENCE. with abont ten acres of Land, and improvements, near the Brandywine, six miles south of West Chester, near the Baltimore CentraOlaUroad. Address „ J. W*LeON w je 19-lm” Parkeville,Chester county, Pa. M | TO LET OR FOR SALE—AFOUR- Bastory house, double book buildings, all modern im provements, in complete order; an elegant large yard. Terms low to ft good tenant. Situated No. 1924 CHESTNUT Btreet. Apply at No, 719 CHESTNUT Street, in the Masonic Hair. mySS-tf TO NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS For sale a. large lot in the Southwestern section of the oity, wotl adopted for a Nursery. Terms aooommoda ting. For particulars address ** K,” at this offioe. apl7-tl gm TO CAPITALISTS.—FOR SALE— fiM-Tho Machinery, Stock, and Fixtures of a large Manufaoturr of PAPLft HANGINGS, replete with every convenience for oarrying on an extensive busi ness. Adesirable investment to persons of energy who oan push the buvnesa. For sale with or without the building. Inquire at S2B CHESTNUT Street. jalBwfmtf if HART. MONTGOMERY, k CO. HOARDING. PERSONAL. —A Young Lady wishes Board in a private family, between Seventh and Blond, vine anq Poplar. Terms moderate. Address *' Miss Douglass,” Blood's Despatch. It* TWO OR THREE GENTLEMEN OAN be aooommodated with good airy apartments, (with or without hnard.)in a private family, by apply iog at No, 1127 Fit BERT Street. j yI4-2t*_ FAMIUES and Gentlemen desiring supe rior board for tlie summer can now have choioe of large, pool rooro»at92s WALNUT street, jylJ Im* PRIVATE BOARDlNG.—Gentlemen and their families, or single gentlemen, oan be accom modated with Board, with pleasant and handsome rooms, furnished or unfurnished, at til 8 LOCUST qt., couth aidaof Washington oqoare. The location, b*mg opposite to one of the handsomest parks iu tbe city, is uon'ral, and extremely pleasant. Transient persons visiting tho oily oan be aooommodated by the. day or wedk. Terms moderate, A basementfroutrooiu, with private entrance, for rent, suitable for sn offioe. jelLtf rpwo YOUNG GENTLEMEN OAN BE A accommodated with good, airy apartments, (with or without board,Hn a private family. Location cen tral. Address “TOLBERT,” through Blood's Dis pritoh. ap23 MEDICINAI.. PROF. MORRIS’ EUOEPHALOS. There are lito.OOO Sufferers from J)IRKABEB of the NERVOUS SYSTEM, in theoity of iMiMelrhm, whocan beouredby using „ , PJU/KES'OR MORRIS KUCEPHALOS, Which in an original and WONDERFUL REMEDY. , „ Compounded from the private formula **l rr<«k*i>***r Morris, M. D., of this oity. It nets directly upon the Nerves BY ABSORPTION through the trial«’( a to test its marvellous virtues. Sufferers from EXCITEMENT OF THE BRAIN. NERVOUS HEADACHE, GENERAL DEBILiTY. NEURALGIA, m RHEUMATISM. • CHRONIC NERVOUSNESS, Ac., tv,II find th. „ 8 K , as directed ri the Ciroular. , . TRY T f TRY T! THY T 1 TRY Z\ TRY T! TRY T! TRY T! TRY T! TRY T! TRV T! TRV T! TRY T! TRY T ! TRY IT J TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY T! TRY IT! TRY T! TRYJTi TRY IT! TRY IT! If you are exhausted by'over-ifiuch study, If you suffer irom sleepless niglus, If you are a victim to neuralgia, IJ you are prostrated by ctoessive grief. It you crave drinks, K TRY IT! K Y TRY IT! Y TRY IT! i • mw t As it will remove miserable sensations VJhioh in duce a morbid disposition towards mtemperanco. TRY lT,if vouare suffering from Nervous Debility in an, d it* M-’cMoT"'” 5 toyouVnorves.and worth many times its cost, in tho relief afforded. ‘ „ , ... Numerous testimonials from tho moat respootaolo souroes can be seen, by applying at the omoe of the pro- Pr j!» 0 repared by MOCKRIDGE A CO., No. «'-»North FOURTH Street. . . „ „ cy And for Sale by Druggißts generally. jy7-if Aflffiriy 1 For the INSTANT RELIEF and PER AMUIAI MANENT CURE of this distressing com plaint , use eKN» T ’ s BHONOHIAIi CIGABETTES, Made by C. B. SEYMOUR A CO., 10T NASSAU Street, New York. Prioe 81 ner l»ox; sent free by post my7-Bra ifl FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS’. NOTICES. rpilE FIRM OF AUNER & SCHOFIELD, Carpenters, is this day disso.ved by mutual con sent. GEO. A. AUNER, July 1,1880-jyim* I.ANB SCHOFIELD. TBE INTEREST DUE JULY 15th ON the bonds of the Wyoming Canal Company will be psidon presentation of the Coupon At tho Bank of North Amgrioa. . .. >yM ?t? BUSINESS CAHDS. VB. PALMFR, THE ADVERTISING! • AGENT, FIFTH and CHESTNUT, tivea hi, views of the principle and best mode of Advertising, daily, between 10 and 4 o’olook. Address myil-8m Y. B. PALMER. EJ, BAYLIS THOMAS, • ATTORNEY-AT* LAW, Has removed his office from No. 423 Arch street to No. 4«9 WALNUT Stroet. Particular attention given to the recovery of Mercan tile Claims. The drafting and examination of wills, ? Conveyances, ABsienments, Briefs of Title, and other nstraments of Writing, The managementof Exeoutor ahips, Adrainiatratorships, and Trusts, superintended; ana the best securities prooured for the permanent in vestments of Money. JSatisfactory reference riven when required. ap6o-oru* Henry e. keene, ATTORN EY'-AT-LAW. Has REMOVED his oflioe from No. Md Walnut street to No. am South THIRD Street. mhl7-6m* HORACE SEE, II MECHANICAL ENGINEER, and v PATENT ATTORNEY. No. 114 SouU SIXTH Street, (Nearly opposite the County Courthouse,! Prepares Specifications. Drowingo. Ao.,and trancacts all other business connected with the obtaining of Let tens Patent. 4m* J WAGNER JERMON. * ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW* Offioe, No. 116 South SIXTH Street, (Opposite Independence Square,) Philadelphia, ... By the aid of reliable Attorneys, at different pomU in the United States, is enabled to prosecute and oolleot claims of every description. , . , , PaT«oular attention'riven to the examination and re covery of the claims of Legatees and Devisees,.and the examination of Land Titles and sogunng tho interest! of heirs and all persons interested in tho eame, mil parts of the Union. . . „ .. _ Has the Statutes of all the States and is Commissioner for most of them. . . „ Depositions carefully Uken under Commissions. ftpll-flni _____ SFUGUET A SONB, * IMPORTERa OK HAVANA CIGARS, No. 218 South FRONT Street, Reooive regularly a full assortment of deeiraW* C OAKS, which they oiler at low rata*, for ofljgis cr as nr«TK orsill* 4{ j»' > ALFRED L. IIOUGII. ijt PAPER MANUFACTUR U HfIVAGEN J Orders solicited lor every desoriptiott of ' .... PAPER AND MATIiH IA L 4. No. IT South SIXTH Street, PMlkde ipM* felt-gm* i : OAWSON * NICHOLSON, F NOS. MR Bim. Dntwc.n Marke, and pjl9 a , tr,ut alre.ta JAMES I*AWSON" Ii * I,KI j-*S. D. HICHOUSOH, 1.017 It* £'I REASE—ISO bbls., 675 half (10., 400 quartor d0.,550 kitta, 500 1-quart oau>. 375 ,-qnart ennn Patan"^Tallin Eti r iu r rsl v ”{3 r ,° AMUSEMENTS. pRNNA. ACADEMY OF THE HNS . ii V^ , '. ,n7 bing a Urge collection of Painting# and Benlp from ft A. M. tillT P. miasion gg cU.. ciublren under W years, I>cents. fy?-tf SOLOMON'S TEMPLE. .A tKrtMtmod.lofio. rrnnd ’ _ «AHKET,IioYE BTRBKT. llit Model til 3ft feet long, 34 feet wide, and U f«Bi high; It tilted bygss jets,and u# woriysDera l presented by 600 fitures, arrayed in JrwfJh Soaffii? grounding !hcvarion.cwmj. siv. iti'rr.TkS,Jl pwaranoe. 10 - Admission, 25 cents; children, half price. Fdmily/Tickets five for 91, and packs of ton, for Clubs and Societies, $j &) tuyi-tf By thereqdeat or a number of b'ohools and Societies the Exhibition will be continned until the Mth inst. SPORTING. POINT BREEZE PARK.—Oh THURS DAY NEXT.-19ill instant, at 4 p. M.. the horses GEO. M PATCHEN and FLORA TkMplb will con test mile heats, best three m five,toh% rneM> Tiok> ets. 9ieach, toadmitamale person only; may boob* tamed at the iigua l places. , , jyjg WARNE S RIFLE AND PISTOL GAL ▼ ▼ LERY—Now open, corner of EIGHTH and CHESTNUT Streets, 'ibis Gallery has a distance ol thirty,yards for Rifle Shooting, with two large Sky lights. 1 The most complete Gallery iri the Union. , je2S-lm* INSURANCE COMPANIES. j§ABINE & DTJY. INBURANCK AOKfJTS, No. Vil WALNUT StlMt. Insure against lose or d&maze by Fire, on Cotton ana Woollen Mills, and other Manufactories, Buildings, Merchandise) Furaiture. and other property, on ravo llCTKOPOUTA^^'ittaSfißiWßS: PROVIDENCE *' ARCTIC EIRE HOPE EIRE INS^rtWl o^*^, 01 CITY FIRE INSU^N^^^W^WeJJ; oermania miftSlWMftnfflC w - HUMBOLDT EIrSISMS? Cash Capital and Sarploa ABB.MS 61. Apphcatlons m person or by note wUi reoeive prompt attention. SABINE Sc DUY/Agents. J4*3» No. 424 WALNUT Street. |’HE ij;]N TERPKIBE INSURANCE COMPANY OF' PHILADEPHIA. (EIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) Uot vm& wmh&'Sijm** DIRECTORS. R lUtcbiord STU», fhWHU L. DA.WSOK. William Mcß&s, (iso. h. Stvaht, NALBEO EBA2IZ3. J.BH H. BboWK, Jo hi. M. Atwood, B. a, Eabbbitoox, Bum. TjJpBIDIOH, AIIDMW D. OA.B, HsnHT G . p UP«JEtd -Mt CHARLES W* COXE, Beoretarr. * j»U OFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 40« CHESTNUT Street. , „ , „ Philadelphia, July 10,18 W. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this dar, * dividend of three per cent, was declared, out of prd* fits of the last six months, payable on demand. Jyli-6t W. I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. rflHB. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE * , COMPANY OF .NEW YORK* . , r BIX MILLION?OF DOLLARS, tPVXIVSD WJhttT MOtttaAegS ON RBAX. UUVI WORTH OVERfU^Oim flkft premium# are i.owxx than in many other Cempfr nlet, and the Diviaends have been niim. This is a striotly Mbtttal Company• There are p* Stockholders, so that ALL THE PROFTH PHONO TO THX INSFU9. Pamphlets, and every information, mar be haft •1 ATI?, on npyliqationto F. RATCHFORD STARR, Agent, 8, W. corner FOURTH and WALNUi Btreik PHILADELPHIA REFERENCE!: Thomas Robins, John Welsh, Mordeoai L* Dawson, GeorgeH. btnart, George M. Stroud. h. 8. wholes, John b Myers, J. Puffier Leajninf« Joseph Patterson, . William 0. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, , Arthtr • Co«a, Thomas H, Powers. GeorgeW. Tolacft, William McKee. Tbo». Wattswi. nm-lylf* Fame insurance company, no. 406 CHESTNUT Btreet, PHILADELPHIA, INWJRPORATED THE STATE OP CONFINED TO FIREAND INLAND JUBO DIEXCTO&S Samuel Wright. D. B. Birney, Pm. W, Walters, J. W. Everman* Chas. Riohardeon, Henry 4r.» Sco. A, West, Jacob W. Stout. . Wilson Davti, Menko Stern. Tbps. S. Martin, GEORGE W, DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK. Vice rtes't WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Beoretary. [jajl-ifU F NSURANOE COMPANY OF TH» *- STATE OK PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE-No. ft EXCHANGE BUILD ING'S, Clicrtered in HW—Capital !IGo,ooo—Assets, January I* 15W, G«7,44« 69-100. , • AU invested in round and available geeurmee—con tinue to insure 00 Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stocks of Me rcbar.diiy, Sr cogp-^ *’ Reury D- Sherrcrd« George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby. Samuel Grant. Jr.. Charles Macalerfor Tobias Waguer, r.’illtam 8. Smith. Timms# 0. Wattses - ic»m B. Budd. Hen nr G. Freeraav. W;iinpi R. Whits, Charles£.Leww. Leorre C. Carton. HENRVO.BIIKRRKRD, President. WiLLIAM nAßtnr.R.WeoTetarr 4a ft-arfm tt INSURANCE COMPANY Ci -Office No. 409 WALNUT Street. FIJtK INSURANCE on Uotusea and Merchandise generally, on ffttor&We terms, oither limited or per- Poloal ' 01RKCTUIIS. Jeremiah Bonsr.ll, Kdwmrd IK Roberta. John Q. Gionodo, John J. Gnflths, Joehna T. Owen, Reuben C. Hale. , Thomas Marsh, John Mopoweft. Jr., Barn). L. Siredlet. Jae. T, Hate, Bellefbnte JEREMIAH I3ONSALL, President, JOHN Q. GINNOUO, Vice President, Kdwahd W. Daviji. Secret* re AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., INCORPORATED IBM—CHARTER PERPET- WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia, Having a large paid-up Capital Btook and Bnrpma In fested iu aouad and available Securities, continue to insure on Dtrellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Veisola in Port and their oargoe., and other Personal Property. All losses hberaUr and promptly adjusted, niUKCTOBB', , Thoe.R.,Maris. John T. Lewus, Johh Welslj, James R. Campbell. Uamuel C. Rforlun. Edmund Q. Dutilh. I'atnrk Bredy. Ohas. W. Poultney. - President, ALBERT 0, L. CRAWFORD, Seeretarr, fea tl Quaker city insurance oompa- PLUS 3359,745.79.— In«reaasaimnL«a or br 'tra, ami the Fenla of tho 80a. Inland Nanaation and Tnmn.ortatgm R K. ?. RCSS. Vtoo Prendent H. H, 009GHHALL, Soo’j and Tmmnr. 8. H. BUTLHII, Awifltant Seoretar,. DIRECTORS. Georae H. Hart. E. P. Roua. A. C. Cattell, Foster 8. Perkin*. K. W. Uailer, Andre* R. Chambotr, 11. R. Cognhall. Samuel Jonei, 61. D.. Hon. H. M. Poller. mtt-tT I VELA WAKE MUTUAL BAPKTI IN OFFICE 8. E P CONNER, AND WAfcNBR MAItPSfE’ INSURANCE CAMOh" 1 ' 3 ' IHo all part, of the MTerH On Merchandise generally. thaatores-Dwelbnir Houjee,Ac. AfeSKTStXF THE COMPANY. November 1, Ifitt. » Ar H*ikst fmtu* 8125,080, Philadelphia City 9 V cent. L0an....9 90 100,000. WAMOO £ennxrhrama State 6 ot. Lmii.—.. OAOO 00 IIS.OCO, U. 3 6XIT oent. Noteeand ' interest duo *J<B M «5)jX» U. 8. Treasury 8 V ot. Notea and later cat due—.. - W,sis w 4125,000 Temporary Loan to tQ3 Oity of Phil a delphia - - - mMK w •50X00. Pennsylvania Railroad Sd mortgage BY cent. Bonds 4SJ9B 01 810.000, tIJM M , 14W) W«tP^hm P«.n„r „ shares stock Germantown Gas interest and principal guarantied by the oity of Phils- delphia——.~ IMOO 00 91,909* 100 shares Pennsylrama Railroad - „ Company-^-,—VrTTe 09 99 M8, 100 shares North Pennsylvania Rftil- road Company WOO fffASO, shores Philadelphia Ice Boat and Steam Tag Company. Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Com pany, Ooean flteam Navigation Company, Philadelphia and Ha vre da Groce Steam Tow Boat Company, Philadelphia Exchange _ ' Ginpanv —*2,910 00 agSS.366' 9408,718 94 Si>uds and Mortgages, and Real -Kstate, Of- lUIU See Building- Hills receivable for insurances made—- W Balance due at Ageuciee-Preimumson Ma rine Pobcies, interest, and other debts due Ronp SKfsKlofiMdry Insurance Compa" T}iet« .*..«« , • , , i , - ,m , m— 4 . I■ ■ ■ ■ W Cashon Bepoeit in Bank &JHQ 91 tfIKUCTOftB. Samoal H: Stofct*- J. F.P*ni*ton» llenrr 8lo&a# Edward Dainnuteai H. Jones Brooif*, gjjencer M’llvaipti ynomaa C. Han*. Robert Burton, iSS&tofaal.’,, 0. T. Morc&H) || M MARTfls" r^T«idea»- !. HAND, Vioe President. nrf tAinr. dia William Marlin Edmund A. Scud#. Vhcopbilus Pauiaiss John K. I’enyoM. John C. Davu, James Traquair, William Ksre.Jr., James C.Jland, William G. Ltwwii. Joseph H. Beal. Dr. Jt. M. Huston, «eorge G. Lciper. Hush Craig. Chirles Ksifet WILUA . THUS. C, HENRY LYLDUHW. Bee L"IFB INsORAKOB AiNtf TRUST COM* PANY.—THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INfO RANCE COMPANY, Northeast eorner of TBIHJP an 4 DOCK Street*. Asset*, $537,591 62. • INSURES LIVES lor the whole term of drib-fra* ta annuities and endearment—purchases b£»lnt«rwta iff Real Estate, end nrJcrt all contTaot* dflprA'na onta* * o TheT°aot e M o i:ieoutcrs, AdminJet/nicrt, Arffs*** e “" J ‘sfvsT4ii*' pauicl L. Miller, K 9amn*i 1 fiffirdß^Sewbolfc' William P, RacJtetf. tZSIS&JSS 1 * * EarntteU^HjaK 8 * Yheophilni Pauldiaii wiJS&H Kdmund A. Bonder, . Wa£a£r* %gsM2£ir* Win! rtsc b , Joseph M. Thomas, Jans VT. noKHoP.Soorctar*. »b» HEMOVAJLN. J3EMOVAL.—JOHNBION. HOLLOWAY IV & COWDKN, Proprietors of Hollowly'« Worm Confection. Hollowny’e Arnica Plasters, and liiesken s Touer Ointment, and Wholesale Dealer* in Family Medicnea. havo removed to tJa«*t oommodiou* new ■tore. No. 23 North Sixth street, where they respectfully invite their inendsand customers. **»* at A. It. JOHNSON, DENTIST, m- SttEßJforms his friends, and the publm. that he has removed, from Areh street, to No. .Jod North NINI J» Street, near Vine, where he ia prepared to atterd to all operations in surgical and mechanical dentistry. Jjlo-6t* _ IHA3TOR Oil* —Kast India, for sale by WETHEHIbIi & BROTHER. 47 and 49 Nbrtb 9SCOND Street. BREAD. ' MANUPACTUI&fc ■ MECHANICAL BAKEBY. •** ** oar.maa a. tan poi.Lowm« PLACES i MECHAMICJUf JAKEHYi & W, oorner of )lfMd m 4 C. CLARK. —«—■—*—P SiJtr*e • tf e^ow H. MoNEIL. *'/t^^° orn<f Sixth and JATKO St ■ ffo, m street.. JOHN G. MOXJSY .w*No.llMVll»*reet. T. P. SMITH No. US Norik Fifth rtxeeL 8. 800 Y ... — r —S. E. corner Fifth **d w. W. MATHBWB e. 8 i D. KNIGHT. Broad stroetf below Wal- OEORSE QARVIN n"hl* Lombard Mr^t. D. COURTNEY, —N. W,. oorasr Sixteenth WM. COURTNEY n“*«UsSth'Tw.lflh B. K. NAWAMAKBH.I-*-I.:F <s!s a 1 pireet, abor* 8. LENTZ.—- JWh »d L. HOLLAND sJfe.?S£S,.«,.n DAVID SADDLKH__ £Wt„U, J.WEIOHTMAN etnet, beio* «. 8. TOMKINS ifirSS'WSTxk Freni H BROOKS.*-AA..S.*w?oap a g r ©f Seventh F. MORRIS 1 - E. B. TURNER N>T»i*Tf?S Fr<wt 8H UBTER_„,.. —sfw?oiira*rlltoe« end THOS* T. BLEST Corner Nineteenth street B. A SOWN a*, /. MoINTYRE— —~Tweiity-Moan3**tr»et, ab. ALEX. FULLERTQN r _ Comer of Fifth Chri*- MRBi Ei KAMBLEK«^.2781 Contes itmt D.F. St T. W. WOtF. tfl Girard avenue. WM. McCHACKENtK Bwiltoa street# R. R.BEAZLY ..—~ .N. W. ooroar of Twelfth JULIUS KLEft- ...... ,8> W. cor? 1 oPSSrteentt M. NIPPEB.~i~ 2C. corner B,W.iSS?¥!2tli ant j. l. .tor. m C.H. RAINIER. Wtot PHlSsiphin. Mfcec. N. L. YARNELL, Ltt^SSST 1 ”**" JOHN B ARNDT Tmott aad Pin. Snn SEO. B. TOWNSEND TMCkaUr.Faat M. McCLBKS— -. Aiiantio City, N. J,'' D. HORTONJ Ftot*ne*,N.J. BBBRLEIN - —_Cahsabfn,Fn, JOB PRINTING. NEW JOB PKINTINQ OFFICE "THE PRESS” I.prepnred toexsonte nsatiy.olmaplT aad expmlitiowdy nut o.ncajrno* or PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTIN*. BOOKS. PAMPHLETS, PAPER BOOKS, BLANKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, POSTERS, HANDBILLS, Prißtißf for AUCTIONEER*, LAWYERS, MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS. MECHANICS, BANKS, RAILROAD AND INSURANCE ML All ordera left at* the Publioatlon OHm of JU rut. No. Of CHESTNUT STREET, will be wnmtVl ttended to. JaM-tf WINES AND LIQUORS. TPHE VINE-GROWERS’ COMPANY OF ff *Yoiw<SloW OJlX ’ TH IS CORPORATION, neiberisf itsahnr*- holder! fourteen hundred Proynetor* ofshe hat Vine yard* in tha Ihetnot of Cornao, lia exteallire TfiiWlafc manta being loeatad in the oemtre of tee town of that name, waa organised for tha exireee yeryoee of main' t&ining the starsaard ehareoter of , „ -PURE. dSsKAOBRAIfDY. by yiuyymg that article, in all it* native aontr aad ax* ceflenco.jto ta Foraign youtnaa. ami ta bound down hr ita Statata of HanUaooa to Mafia i ta transaction* enbraly to tha Braadf (town vithStCa DiatriotofCocaao, aad wholly tha yrednea ofvW yarda in that fiigkly-favored locality ; oano nnialtuii whstovai admittiaff into ita itniihi—aanj Hiaaili whioh imay haT* baan vrodaoad withoat tha Uamhiof stud Distnot. 'Wlththe ohihct of extandinx the last rayatation of their brand by raoh ■aana only aa will maattfcaan ifoiklrnttw taaMiSMM Bumtfimammm aii.doi.afall-ninibataMaaek.aii4 tha awe viUba iluMMd or to tb. Trad* aad the ftblio, br the aader mentioned rasyeotabla firm. Everyboltl.i.MainTViti the eeMaleof theCoM- —tbeoork. beer the mb. etaoi., Lid the laon. ooatem an exaot deaenitioa of the .unlit?, dair .igam ta fm-simile. by the Aveatof the Coeveay. The BrandiM aov oCned ooann ol tvo dUbreat analiue., both KU.ruiti*d to be muEt Mr. la .aabtr, difleriay only in praatofafe, aad doneeeofaCaaaUi ace rayrasentad. amtaola for family or modieinal mr- KTo^^iiiiS^iN'^'sss^St of itaaxtreme.aia t and bacaaaatha remote yanrof iu actual prodsotiop la beyond yomtira ranfioatioß. Objection* harmg been uryed that tha bottiaa are too iargejand the Rmndy.ofa greateratrancth than.ia aaa allysupplied to thepubbo, the Arantof tha Jomyaoy ventures to exyreaa tha oyuuon that a large tetlln niTj be preferred to a amaUer one, aad that in otefegninf the article of tha exaot strength at which it wan exported from Cognac, consumers may reoogmse the adrutace of adding water to *uit their own taste, instead ofylF QOOD GROCERIES. FRED. E. SWOPE. NO. ISOS MARKET STREET, I ■ Three door* above Twelfth, Ha* opened a welT-aelaetad aaeortsent or I CHOICE FAMILY SROCEKIES | FINETEAS, Whioh he is prepared to furnish at the LQWKST CASH PRICiA. jel-frtn-Sm HOUSE. GREAT EASTERN. The city cars* conveying passenger* to the immediate neighborhood or the Great Eastern* leave the Astor House every two minutes duriss the day* New York, July 3-tuthlm JULY IST. 1860, NBW FIRMS AND CHANGES. MERCHANTS IN WANT OF BLANK BOOKS can be supplied from a very superior assortment made from Linen stook, or made to order. WASEASTBS AT LOW FBICBS. WM. F. MURPHY A SON’S NEW STORE. Stationer*, Lithographers* aad Letter-Prees Pnnteis *lO5 OP THB LBD9E&* No. 339 CHESTNUT Street. Jel sw-tf OOAPS. ►3 VAN HAAGKN A McKEONK’S CELEBRATED ORIENTAL DETEMVJS. c “extra plSr pa bl'owm. FULLING TOILKT. he. la. PALM AIgMEL^ /HANDLES, Kj parhafinb OEBMI M»e. Assorted sites. Packed in plain or fancy boxes to suit any market. Foraale by the agents of the manufacturer;, THAfrT & MoKEONE.n aad MS. WHARVES, felg-swtf MRS. JAMES BETT8 } INVENTIONS IYJL FOR LADlES.—Approved of aad highly recom mended by the Medical profsasioa throe* hoot the United States, Thirty Thousand Inva’ida naming beenedvieed by their physician* to use her Surgical AfJrffSfv* ® be would caution Merchant)* aad other* ageißst rurohasi»A except at her rendesee, ÜBi WALNuT Stryt ? _whe/e she can be coosoHSd kily,<>£, andS. Her “ Hg l cation. ScnlfteetoanTiarteftheLnltedStatsj. He signature is on each arti«*» mnttnsha-t. rm THE PUBLIC. 1 CALHOUN’S ANNULAR VENTILATOR. The above patent is deemed, by eciemtifio and praetx 1 / he the very beet .ever offered to the public, and only to be sees in aortal operation Tor its tnarttf to be appreciated. Nothing ever introduced la ; m perfectly adapted for ventilating private and peblio btuUmsß. schools, hospitals, engine houses., mines, •team and Bailing vessels, ana for the cure of mnoky 0i ?B?>hota*. e-d ..tail, .t Personal attention will be given to all descriptions or heating and ventilating by the undennrned. who has LA IMS ON IRELAND. \J O’GORMAN k WILBON, Ko. IJ3 BROADWAY, N.w Yorh. Having Mtabliihed uMum Correepondenoe anil Agenote. throughout Ireland, will take chirr* of the collection of Clhimi, LoiMlM. to., <u»d .tttndto oth.r bmin.M in Mir part of that cooutrj. jMO-«totb3m TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT OF CHES .1- TER COUNTY, and Commonwealth of Pennajl V lS'th. matter or tb. Eltate or RICHARD McPHF.R, BOIf, 1.1. of the tewnthip of Badetmr,, tn theocanti nl dies or, and State of i’«nß*,lr»nra.iieo«aaed. The* and legal reprM.ntatilr« of the KR’i 1 RICHARD MoPHKRRON, daoeaeed, and »«peoiali> AIARG *R 8T BARNEB, 1 late McFbaraon.l the wife or HENRY BARNES, ami a inter or laid dewaMd.rr her betrs and legal ro*roa.ntatij.h, if MJ. Wlll take remaining in the band* of the admnuitratpr. fcc., of lb. said Richard' MoPhorWn, d«wa»d, aad >b«t tho sud at hi* office. tn the boronihof Wc«t Cheater, ooontr of Clie»t«r nndState of Pannplvama, oo tho FIRST DAY of AUGUST nut. MWlFo.ook A. M.. when allpartto..lauctng entitled tofud land will present t&e evidence of their title, or be thereifu r "• te, r** “ r ?fVSs3l f k SMITH/iUli,, Jan. W, JMS. JrtltbM CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS, LABELS. COMPANIES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers