SNfcIfSSW- 1 ' W^fWW^K**®" I ****- : .. .--»■ ,»»!' A-”. S#jrt*)|sJitS!!ii 1 fE ] l ll: „»« . , *«u?fc#^MfCTKi<4V>aou At:, Cantor oounty. ; rni'rtrj-' i ~ »»«'* I'Aain Hotel, BetU«hini,t»i' ,q MlBs ?r sSi£«*t£* * miosaj, Hiiiij C*** Utma.N. J. : . j,,,™i, ' • $ : ~ ,w, *^S«AU.k^ j M .. .* SS^^SkjSnksi jswfrlMSffltS;',’;-: > ftW.vt 'i 4 jl 1 '/irii ' t ,~.n ; i'-r -± .*f' lltellfclSKis: - > , 'X* , r -I' —? -v dottShW M«|*Mii«; ImporU«tlAtfor;fr<Bn:Nqw vmo£mkei «pf Arrival?.,>n!,tJio.-I’ria<:i(>»l Hotel*.; IflMqf Lsttora ifaft ?sat Dfiiet f Mftriofc Iptelligenec,- . ;:“2« \lapT i , »».^>?wh-.^ > i.> _>:< -»v- n- n ~ . iv?nfohV.> 1 ~„*v -•:•.>?. -I ■ . I;- > t fV , . - V-v, * (lelegote from the Four ' t«eSBiPStite to ph*v;leBtoD; h»s;w,Htte n g . ihsfcntlon ofthv’Suto, Committee. Mr. Ward irinjjflhllyiv’ s l«ws Iks’ ehctnaitanen »tt«nding the m^ag s ijW; infos lb' tbeiSaVmouj;ttVi''p.^*?)^S^| :^? i .|h» diapositlolr ol ’tlre .CoßTairtioD tohery forever 11-o . Uecritaptonqoettlen—“ th»t reek of the devil’* own tiVlfftingf Ijl.ifo J ! Em'oT politics;’ ’ r to the action of JtoUlmsfea to > .the.. abtioOL. of tho , ConvoDlzn ' W .-i roUtioß' : to ' tbo iz-mimser ref,. vbfing, ■ by «ie ir B(atis';delefeetlon*; ! to : th« «eotloe8; of e.lafenJdilhgytfjßS ‘ 'sibsejmefit cMtidgi'irai:llii«ijy v to'iiaowii re; oofcniMbßwgi** aad -Jobmon; **, fes.WrtkW? n'»fc(B»ted ;*Micltd»t*t( End to support them; as oitch. ‘ Hb IvoUs AriT'retelrftoee to the Oooerobt r. pesgoeriioy, a* to fee/prbpriely of supporting Ben Footer. - / ... ’ : ''»<ff¥HSf«? J f»ttt i Jd4jr« lotarnewsfroiriKarepS by ■ w toneke »Br»ngen!»at«ft>r *;,vr»lt .df Prlooe Sn.- pofeStfltarArierioan- .■ The leelher. mefohenls - or. 'BnglamlWflrC irofortumrfe, numerous failures ne on nr im;./ -Ac 0 c of tho AffiOtib!i!l houses in Liiir poolwereehinpromioeff.,. Kapleawaiatill !d a etiite •pfdisturb»DSo.> The Kieghad arrived to the pity, nfll reYders®. the-formation of aaatlonal gtnirJ. ’ vjsrfefelt’i fee bird changed it.. Morocco .had paifltbefiriliiv Siaimept-*fAe jo"jemnitydoe tp.Spain under,fere, fate treaty/ Tho Neapolitan minister at Pari* hud ris/ /dissolved. t. Uon: ( in' die 1 Prlvy;C<ioMUofiEraheo.. i oe m t‘ \ldh‘n ’O’ ■Hibhiifelhe ohOTfohed ehild of America, tll.or|cfeiKlirdfh'er honor.tha/dariingqftholj .a. '^ernen^u4'jie/l'jt(^9ifa|tAj^^Ate*i^9'/> > ., l ;d ',prowe»fqrj*U.liß»f io.fegie; arrived,'at ,Slut on tWaßd'otr ißatordayjncctimpaoiedbyhiVtru. by hellohnJa ifet rai D er ,”a a d second, Jack .'Maddodald. !3^ : j6i^&MpijK^Jre^(*a , hfm*eifon. ! lhVliTarrd' pfefe'.lit* J fei)iinpli it : jentranea into;New,! York.•,toiday.'-:-Of/the.foln re movi>*tj ehis-eMtio B. B/we are not informed:’ Wo luorcoiife/* it on. (he -Ho* the infest lAfierfoan nation dan brmk thia indignity rto ebtimitTiiiftptie; wefeel euredhat notl,in,c dipl&ndyjWfji appe»W the ’angcf of . . V i(i .t 0„.,., .- .'•’ r,:‘ .; ‘'i B'rofo'BanfouWc-have intaUigenoooftbo eukiie of t»o. plmioe, apji' ai fatel keoident to a tt:ii*i. dai&tA«hit»,j« «di». tofc--kri bf/mt bary.rrtSjdifotfnßd to tholieWghi.--. O ti r'., 1 ;i i ßieeting rr*« hefd ot l',^wj|j? !l^nfiei£iid) ,^^flday^| i^;£j,'a l ßejiAb!i; outi .nreetiiric ti’ae held in, JrouieviUo. on the m me ; r TrhUeon&»tßrd4y oTeßing tho ftdepvVff, ■ fB/fekltiridgifecld f m.eetftlg In Ufotariie «!t?«' '■ ‘j'’, w -^feei^l/;fefefeeTtHng’. I fe , affe :10|rThilrMay;,';it ’/Pcdut/Br«e»«,;E*rkirt>etween .’F&ra/ Tcitipio. zvJ ' '--•.Putßhen.-/if*:iope fei* afWr.wtli not bo charae ;:'ta?l**B by’fho aeoTiM whieh took pin e / ’t-i fe'e/irFf'.ifqtfri’fftffolk/Pftriit.;/ : ;//;“. *■ f iX" ’ whe are on an efet»Bk^.<fftf(iKli*frS??ife? ; f s ’ , ‘ " Vork on Saturday morning, abdwere received on. Arrival bj’if'cjtUeh’raetif hf thS/ Slxth’Regtmn t. ’ : If/iV ’camtrifeda proei;eded/ to the Astor/U’/i -e, .. -where, thej breakf*afed , 1 In fee afternoon too .Zou»v6»g»vtt»n efeibiUon-drillia fee Pari, witch : W'd Sil.nessv'l b/ ten thoakand person*. - The Jtil' ,walf fe.HqfetalJ taptiss/and oorrcotucsi and procision of the m? Ta ?U en -*.®^ c / - warm eiwwninma Isara the speotators, and by the' r<'-: sent, were superior, to the execution of any corf sip. iflhdFirttaßlVftioni) --.VTz’iof/i .TarzA->?j.,l . *! The 1 trtt bale of : new eottoti arrived, in."N* ir/ ’ “YoA on Saturday by the Steafehip Phiudehh/J, pi». B. iwprpit^ra, . • r'-T*ur}< iti : X}alrfN! - t|£-4rat vf: -/r-'-JT \ ' ,v '< 'BytbVarrtrai oftko oTarland mail we have f"i-- wTieet frooL-Sau Frnccjeco. to the 25ih ultV iho ''u'e*Vis Bdsineaawaa veTy'dhll,., bit ni'i'r ojiViraieftilß, AtiMiiie.portaaabswiueijttotho dppnr vdthrOof;tho praricmsiaatl. Ihe aceeonte efiho '"VG&ogtoiaiaial election- \n Oregon, announoinx ihe pTOberatic' eaiidljlate, bj- a ■' liu /;i*fr;:ai*icontr»«<.l-,>!'/: V..-/ s-.c-i-- - . sTtfelhe'etwirLihip Adriatic railed from Now York on n«Ti i e I "wlth' ! :iir, , •l.!|^^gl^and'|lUlj42;S6'«'inapeoie;.The'Ed ih - -Aw**)? ?!ss4'9 r for liiierpool,wj th 2:'o passcngera, and $190,579 in ipeole—making* Iptnl - ' ; W4tt^>a«*siHt»»»aßB-sljSBs.l3&Kl - : -' v The legal taehwill held a meeting to-dayto fro- <^,?Wp*bp®l^L^«V-i!o b; lii',bnuilt»g« .at any ether j>i*ee than Inilepetdai ce .miSquira.W'Wj^.'-n-!,- ' !W ‘Wi dddtiioeal f*et» ! h*v'e been breagfct to light '6£;M|yB&njhy<e r ,;';a#a’ohiJ^ ; ‘to’liejr‘7brkV .Xtapiiearithat'ihtutiy -iivifterthetimeef dbemnrder.floSinnareehed fat <>, - , ? tai*fcat»» tf Franola Enta,ln Porty-toorth atrrtt, ab)gllljr.M«ltod ; rtitoV'r.od Ji)paittteil,aM[iyb, Ahtoh he're^ti4aM& J the prd !4 r |«fPW3WiW»| *• i ,-lilpi at the -iri thatia.-toaa fotßgitostheeonntrj.:. Tbla latter In, todfMitfoßeftoAiiblr. aetietoiatad' by the, trail* -'Vi otbhj ot 'bf* *'lfb ; if ''lbe 'eorbriiir'a inreatigation.’ ■.« ln theiembe, a*d reecgnliod Win, I- Htbeipereoawho oame iato tke atoreon tbe morn i b-r V! ■ . The. weather at Van, Bntreh;'Arttliiiai, iato'rrid s being 1 , Pitt', *£*- ■ f‘+ - -‘ r 'i«V'« ‘■-Oi. , itsii JilyEclipse.r, { * a -,:■:.... I!US«CHM Ml l(jMWMWl^<^lfe3]N|<to t .oTIW' Smitksoninn lti aotjdwUtio-wKlSfltbor r -’ ifn W4*lBgt«a:TeiTito»y, : »Bd »!«o to JfaAntfor,', . f*lt; and ■ " .‘ttPHietiisi i i’-TW;; c|i' ta wear Ptxt. kfnoii:, ■ "I s or 's&& ¥. ftp *** U<MH «j& j B t$ * ,o r,(4feteH»er ! ofrtlB?l, MB .rtX‘M9*MMrjti>e««tf, S/'MffAta'UiOsAioiM i»r.Taflwy.;; tiia* to:<fcm«r»(, T< jti . r thor«fe<ril», !iwi»<«ri;fc»»»«tter.«)llpM(»hlob mij rsa^t^«d)*f<Wirt*S, ! iritteiM<i»rf3r.lie ■ ■ '‘'"f iSdfißftjlW or *n<l «It«m»tiuic»i M art a#orri«i • Is! r^W-iVfWiViV I '' ■ •*' .*IVM «i* ! ,ij. \ .i&m i mi* •- h-. -S 4 TSi foiro»tpgij®*,^i9f.ofr.tfe* «?,--, s-'iKtasr ’ -/!■< I ’ Hon. Henry B. Foster. | A painful rrtmor In (Sun day) papers leads ua toU|>o„Jrnpreasioii that §on. FostkK, the DemoraffWAd an t * Governor, counselled tl|i|fcl)oiUd ef the offlco-holdora fed Democratic State Co^ral'^^Mritte 6 the Domocratrpcf Porinsylvania on t\io preecnt electoral ticket, composed of Douglas and Breckinridge men, with tlio understanding aitliccol', theßo vote l'or "any" bthorfoandldate, ..-for Frraldotit. We Called ; his ppsiUon on tlpia (liap.ntedaud delicate ques tion; ahd up to tilts :Utnono answor ! tiitB been fetni'lied.' It -is true 'Udrlaiii 'dlfec organs of' biaHpipn s ju-]P,eßnsy,iyauia J ,«qntroited.i)y jtW'Bloiiiß aUdr'Mfj BuoHXVAUphaVo qhargcd: Wvkfe*'^ c ‘.iVopl'iGbu:',. t'osrEß, jve liaYc ’onlyja .desire to put him upon ja'-jplßtlrilrru of 'defeat;: lt'fs dot oiir'purpose to’ ifemparqljifemoiiVosi'mfedpresent’ cpuflict be. tween’ despotism arid Democracy in tho Ddnio., braite^^y,Wfth th'StaOtiyeß'qfothers. 'Plifc sin-,’ doing must be test-, bd ’by’wliat wc’irave doneand shall do, and the s|nprifij;j“ii£fferise: we i'afeAppprislng. arlll be tested,by the. same unerring standard. /We, entertairi tbe 'khifle-t. feeliirga towaTds'‘Ge'n.‘ i regarded'.,his neriiinationby this Heading Democratic G onventiun as a most for itfinatq qib'.iihrit) in; the selerition of ;Hsnhv bcFosrEEas trio Democratic candi :date,foi;.Governor, 1 there ;rvaß- an opportunity for.a fcuniriß/Ot; the, pempcr'acy of/ Fenasyl variia.. ...Gep.iF.osrßn hiiriaeif,; wjijle » irierif tier of tho' Legislature’ ot Perinsylyanla," per d<trmedAn./,a'(i!l! qr'perspriai. friendship’ to tho editor,of-this journal by Aiding in his. defeat as a candidate tbr / United .Statea ,Senatnr--and ,rye Aaay/thi^,/wife h.w salirical disposition— because .if the Senatorial toga had fallen upori''Us We eho'uid’/noV'jirohably' haVo . hail the. ojiporlumty ol'taking so effoctivo a stand' against of Hr; Bucuanau. ,^;ar,Afeoj:j!j'pfe,‘Wd i fe.ih]’afeij)g. i Geri.' FoSrijn for our cdofeat in that contest, we felt rejoiced when tliq opportunity Syas presented to- give hiifl..the L ad,ygritagc;of. any Igood opinion Tu i Pbkss might cherisU in his favor. When lie yrari Wyitrij| ( fe;Wa|hlri]Bferi!fri assist'flie friends interests of pririnsyl) vania, arid When ’ho went there, The Pbess heralded and aiipiitudcd hia'coriduct. We felt delighted .to show to onr people that a Demo cratic candidate for - Governor f had' gone to lynsferigtbn'/for the, purpose 1 of, making an honest effort iri favor of the great industrial in tcresrtsofhis State. '■ ’’ ': ’ : : So much, Uien, for the feeling which har animated; and continues to animate us, in re: fereri’Cij : t<j/.General .IJosteb. 1 , But tiro great question • ho really docs favor thb ihfafoaus proposition of the .State Central ,Qofefeittrie;' t whicji universally repu diated by tho Democracy of’the” State'7* The SUndriy'phpSr nlltidhd to' declares that’ he fa ,yqrs ;it. Several of the interior Administration pappfa,make the samo declaration,, and it is a ■ 'significant fact that^every' piarty journal in tho 1 State/which refuses to. raise (lie name of the . regular’ Democratic cmdidato for X^resident, ' STKruKh.A. DcicoiiSjilies tlih flag of Htsnv D. Foster. . Ho must speak out in this crisis. ’ Boldness^now may DO fortune hereafter. Do feat,to-day, Under,, tho, Douglas popular-sove reignty flag, wonld bo more profitable .for , .GcrireralThsTEß than.defeat bnder tho scare; i .lqus prbxiositibn Qf .fhe. Stato Central Commit tee. • A siparatc Douqlas electoral (icket -h:ui , certainly General Foster must' choosu between such a ticket arid tlio morigtel combination Supported liy tlio officials on the feilo’CenW-al' the Disuniouisis. , We wish we could inspire our Pennsylva nia' politicians with some of the feeling that animates HEn'scnst T. Jouhson, of Georgia. Joh.nX’obsvth, of Alabama, and PiEßin; Socle, of Lonisiaha. hiiiese men do riot hesitate to accept, aiperilous,. responsibility.' .Tliey feci that' they arw right;-and they peraiit conse querices; lo ;i 'tifee themselves. Will General Foster allow tho .hucksters and in trlgUcrs who thke the puly'of the Federal Ad miiusiraiVui’iaPqnrisylvariia, to manage him, or will hc ’,,'■■■ !y re-echo the sentiments of the Deninevae)' m Wcsterri.’ Pennsylvania, ar.d thpowJiiinself under tho flag of tho Union, and eg/uTiNt ihe SCriessionists ol tho South I ■ ’i'lie Confession'ef Hicks. i /T-hc, confession rif Hiues, .the .pirate who .was hung at -Island, near. New Yolk, pri.Fildity last;-is.’a BinjgulAf document. Few will bo liiapoatal to place aiiy reliance upon l l;e uucorfoborated statements ‘of h wretch nlio, buq.of the most fiendish'.monsters that ever lived; and its he eoiistiili tjy manifested a disposition, towaru the clq.ip of his career, to excitn the horroi and curiosity kif^those-who visited him by re citals .of jri-etCu'ded 'dpeds,of his tragic infamy, mauy of jvbicJi.ihe. /iimseif subsequently pi;o nbnnced " uulruoj it-is nol at all/probable (bat his latest rind most authentic'sketch of his life '—although it was furnished whon ho knew that his lnortal' csireer was neariy - ended -ia eorrect and truthful'; arid ; yet, it is likt-ly lliat there is a basis td’ reality for many of his self t^tfeM^fenSfA..-V;., ’' A • : Jtls difficult lo imagine how. any human be injg effild/’cdolly liayo -murdered thp three mi- tho E. A. Johnson, merely to- obtain a comparatively trifling ritnotml oi" money, ri'nles’s a long antecedent careorbf 'crimo had, gradually hardened ids heart anil infused into him the desperate cou rage; and., diabolical nature, which alone cculil have/ qualified him lrir such a horrible deed. It seems certain.that his stories about bis entnos/tipon the Pacific.’ coast .’have at least some foundation, and- feat he possessed tlio reputationthere’.of ‘a desperate’ and remoriv.- iessr villain, i It ,1s scarcely, possiblo that he realized the munificent rewards which he has spoken of, and thiit tho illgotten gains he ae quired by robbery aud murder, pnd squandered in gambling, -profligacy and debauchery, amounted fn fee aggregate, as he alleges, to a large fortune,. His love of exaggeration prohaldy found frill ycat iri'these' statements, grid, he.has,'npjdoulfe.spbke of what were really paltry sums, as large amounts. Deeds, too, which; have /hjfe no /.existence except in his wicked imagination, he has, wo suppose, described as astual occurrencos. But if/after mailing <s!i due aliowances’for his nntruthfulnoss, wo were to suppose that there is ‘4 tangible hrisis for his story, it would to some, extent account for.what is very ru .markabte—the large number Of vessels which are annually lost’without a single cluo to (heir ■fafe ovor reaching feoir'oiynors or insurers. Can; it be possible that in this day, when piracy, in its .old form. of plundering efui sers boldiy sailing bver/ fee ocean, has been effectnally > crushed,. it. exists in tho terri ble'’shape, illustrated-by. the crowning act of infamy! in tho lifo ofHicKs, which he certainly committed, andfehicb; as fie alleges, was but one of a long ‘series .of similar crimes 7 ' of Hccimii. .There is aa .item of intelligence eonnected witii tho arriTal: of the steamship Vanderbilt .which will excite mora'gonetai interest among a largo portion of the community than any minors of newEit ropean.cempUeatious, any, speculations in re gard to tranx Atlantic. cropsj and tho proba- S rise in'the.prico ,pf Ainerican pro idacte, or even any pew-success of the, patriot ’^rjr : or-Italy, ''Gatiihawi.- The ' pugilistic chimpion oi Americajthe l redoubtable Hxii hasj.returnoi toi the, land, which, in Uif! estimation' o! his fidmireis. has ,'fn the prir.6- ringf and' exciting new. sensation awaits N, after tlicli ero reposes for a day at oue-of ite outposts,, iie makes his tri umphal entry into that renowned - metropolis. Will notbe sußlcjeiitiy,liberal to make another appropria tion ot sloo,oop tb cntertain him, while the re ;^Pe^©n!,Sf|Mf;rsc6uo?T^K'^av’agance it HiittHishin tbe minds pf; her hilt- there cim fie ‘iio.ddnbt that t j, 8 : sinf - and expensive, as ’ io fhb Japanese'Einimssy.' thfiOmj Mcring nefo. .Not, ' s!H? 5 ! Ir l-^ri<m s i Roman general, bf'eafr-' tivcß, ftiul tv list ofnewjy.coßquered provinces won the { he' apd.fiornc w woofshriientP.Ymiireetpicdliyt than the boast « go ►swnieg ffl'. S(W; Writrihle'-.i is a‘ hidher tjlio to dioti!K;tion*'‘,tud-'farnO ! than the any man could win. Hoynlty Plays at Soldiers. | On the 23d of Junoiffemo volunteers assethlded aff/feydo Parfe Loiidon, tfi6'fo|^B k caimgp in i-lilqh Qnccri VioTdfiiA was sri|ted, give her fee Usual sa lutes," were u , most graciously” honored with tho rippVoViiig smiles of Majestyfaud returned horiio, well satisfied with their day’s work. These 18,000 men, principally from the middle and “ lower” ranks of life, would’db pbotrian’s .service,ma.doubt, in the event of.a/French in- Vaslori—tho raw-head and bloody-bones of John Bull’s apprehension over since Napoleon, at the commencement ,ol the -present-century, assembled on iiunieusu. | aruiy and.yasiflotilla at Bolognli,' ’riglft opposite ’tho British Coksi, and indeed ulm6tit''witl!iri Vie#,’ Und "threatened to invade’ England. l ‘ ’ these 18,000" ‘ntea hr 6 about one,sixth of. (blTiyliole, yoluute'or force, noini najHyA.esjimqfed'ptAfeofejlQ, bpt pj.; which, it would bc a good deal to get 100,0U01uio action; —and then;/they should hqfcolleiited from all parts of England, Scotland,’ and YValus, for tho. British Government arc so mttcli afraid of the Irish that tli'oy hiive put' a ‘ strict prohibition against oven a solitary volunteer company being embodied in Ireland. The greatest available strength of the army of Great Britain; actually available in the event of such a’ sudderi emergency’, as an Invasion, is> thirty,.thousand regular troops—infantry, cavalry, and artillery. . Tho ’ remainder ot the British army is distributed in garrisons at home; in maintaining what is called “order” in Ireland; in' the colonies;'in endeavoring to keep' the vast realm of Hindostari in tax paying subjection; and in the Chinese war, whieh has probably re-commenced ere this. There is further a militia force of about forty thousand more. Say that 'oveify man on tfiu muster-rolls of tho regular army, the militia, and the volun teers 01 England were to come'upon active service—but a deduction of ono-oighth might really be made, on account-of illness and other casualties—tlio 'whole military ’ force available for the, defence of; England would not exceed ono hundred and forty thousand— a force which, We take it, would not he more than sufficient to defend unfortified Londou. In 1814, when tile Allied armies, by fraud and force,, captured Palis, that city was scarcely fortified at all. Now, with its wonderful outer ail’d inner lines of fortifications, Paris is a second Sebastopol,, which, defended by some forty thousand soldiers, might hold out for weeks against an army of two hundred thou sand opponents. ■ A force of 140,000 for tho defence of the whole of the United Kingdom of Great Bri tain and Ireland is evidently inadeqnato. Yet, for an annual expenditure of $75,000,000 this is all that England can show. Wore Napo leon to carry out the expected invasion, surely he wopld 7iol attempt to land' in tho south of England, nearest Franco, where ho is ex pected. Bettor would it be for him to ran up St! George’s Channel, and pounce upon Liver pool and Manchester, wife their immense wealtji... Bcst.of allj for bim. would bo to land a large force in Ireland—at Cork, Waterford, Limerick, Galway’, or Belfast, and take chance of the Irish going into the movement, from thair great and hereditary desire to cut off all connection with England. - Napoleon, at, this moment, with a well disciplined and well-provided army of 500,000 men/ could readily spare 800,000 for the inva sion. of Queen VtCToniA’a territory, if lie pleased. With such inadequate means of de fence as England possesses, tin'll these means widely scattered, England is very wise in trying to creato, foster; and extend a military spirit ainong her miildlo, classes. Therefore, tho exhibition of 18,000 volunteers inßydo Park, (much ridiculed by tho Parisians, who frequently see a review of 100,000 regular troops in tho Champ de Mars;) was a very wise expedient. A fortnight ago', (on July 2d,) there was (o have, been another military exhibition in the vicinity of London. The National liifle As sociation, organized for the avowed purpose of showing the Volunteers jhow to use tho were to have hud a great field-day, at which the newly-organized citizen-soldiers were lo shoot for Whitworth rifles, silver medals, ami money-prizes to tho amount of $lO,OOO, of wlu'oh Queen Vioiobia gives ono prize of $1,250, her husband $5OO, and her cousin, Cambbuige, $260. Tho shooting-place was to he, on Womldcdoh-common, a sort of Wesl- Philadelphia. to London. - Tho distances—the gun being the long Enfield rifle—would he 800, 500, anil $O.O yards for,the ordinary prizes, but the best 40'shooters nut..of the. \viiui.-'d IVere tlK'li to eompcTelSr the Queen’s prize of $1,250, and the AsSoeiatiou’s gold medal, the distances here to be 800, 900, and 1,000 yards. We warrant it, that a Kentucky rifleman would greatly astonish , these raw Volunteers, who have so recently began to smell powder. At this shooting-match, ns at the review of the Volunteers on Hyde Park, Queen ViCtohia and most of her family were to be present— Queen Elizadeth,'at Tilbury Fort, in antici pation ol the arrival of the Spanish Armada, would supply a precedent. Every thing in England, ip which Royalty is concerned, is dono by precedent. Tho programme, duly published in the London Times, announces that Queen Viotoiua, with her husband, eldest son, -&C.,- would arrive at Wombledon “in seven carriages,” and then— ‘ Hftr'Mnjefity ?.nd the royal pArly paß3ing tbrouph ihfe royal teuL*, will tako tbeir piuoes iu from of tho dais, whoD iho addresses from tbo President mid Council of tbe Aseociation will bo road to tho Queen sud bis Koyal Higbncss tbo Prince Consort, by'tbo Right Honorable Sidney. Herbert, M. her Mftjeaty‘B Seorot-«ry of Bttito for. War; 'To vrUlcb bet Mujuety and his Royal Highness wiH graciously roply. Tbobnmlsot tbe Guards trill be inmsod within tbo onolosuYO’.' - - ■ After tbO preecntation of tho addresses hor Ma jesty find the Court, preceded by lao members of tbo Council of tho‘Assoolßtion, wiirhdvanco to tho firing point, at 400 ynrda’ range from the first tar get; ' ' Whon her Mi-jssty will fire the first n-Jle t atid declare the prise meeting opened. A royal salute 0f.21 guns will then bo fired. Her Mujesty end the royal family will then re turn to tbe roynl tent, and, ontoring thO 'royßl car riages, uIII drive aloi*g tbo. lino of firing jwiM?, uni leave tbo enolosuto uf tbo opposite side of tbo Common, •' ; •* Tho 'Volunteers entored tocorapote for tho Queen’s prize -will bo paraded before her Majesty, More plain in its statement than this official verbiage, is tho rimes’ plain statement ; “ Iler Majesty will open tho proceedings on Monday by firing the first rifle, from a Binall open pavilion erected at a short distance from the front of the Royal tent; the. rifle will he fixed on a line with the first target , on tho loft of the spectators, and at a range of 400 yards from it., The general firing along tho whole lino of targets will then commence.'*’ When Geohoe tho Fourth enjoyed bis luxu rious retreat at Windsor, in those later } ycars when he became so fat and unwieldy that lie shrank from showing himself In public, he used to fish in Virginia Water, a huge pond which had bfeen excavated for him in Windsor Park.- In that pond there wore no fish, but that did not signify to tbo Royal Angler, for one of his attendants, in an adjacent boat, would quietly dive,- and qdjxutiy fix a live fish upon the King’s hook, whiohhis most gracious and obese Majesty would draw out of tho water, greatly enjoying his piscatorial cess.', It may be taken for granted that Queen Viotouia's rifle-shot would hit the bull’s eye. Her courtiers would take care,- of courso, to fix the gun in tho,exact position for that pur pose.* Tho Quoon would pull a string, with a pretty little . shriek at her great temerity. The shot would be,fired, and great* would, be.' tho joy at. finding .(though it had ajt been ar ranged beforehand) that she had lilt the tar get !. , There are stage tricks off tho’ stage as well as obit. • . . . i.. .. ... or .Paixtixcs To-DAV.—Tho sale of ele gant paintings at Blrch\fc pirn’s Aubtloh 'store, No. 914: Chestnut street, will take place this morning; at Ua’dlook. * Sale peremptory. The fnunos will be'soid vrUh'Uio paSbtfßg?; ’Wn bftvo to acknowledge the receipt of tt(o Il lustrated tendon News and Illustrated News of <t/ie World, of Juno 80, from Callender <t Co.,' North Third street. . j'-'Atjp6INTM,EHTS' By (JoVi»WoR.— KftS eelaa Brown, of county, to‘- ba president of .the Sixtb’.ludloial district of iPonnsylvn 'nU.'eonjjTosed of the bounties of Brie, Crawford, the'rodm'oNbe Ilbn; bndth,d*QHQod. ■ 5 John Wi Mlsh.inml Adam Rice to fee notaries SubliG for tho county of Lebanon, tO; reside at Le* anon." 1 * '■ ’ ; . •* -. s ifi.'M. Bucbftnan‘of Centre county, and Jacob 'HoblnKo'n, /, bfLuzorne county,' to l bo aids to tho. QdvC’rntoVwitft thd'rfttikpf Ltet\t! Colonel/ •' , Cyrus'ii\ T'er£hipg,'bf.Can?brfa‘cotinty, I to bo notajy puhlic,‘to fit -r >T(ifiqat!6wn:. \f',. ‘ Henry 0. . Al/en to be uotprieajjublio for Lyooming county, to reside at, s. ■ . < , . . J6hn Murphy, Jr., to be notary,public for Wash ington county / to reside at Cannonsburg. ( .ii Sonlerß.A, Smith.'to. bo protbenotary-.of JJuoh&: ®ou9ty,)»jßd John'Wj Fry; aeaeasej3."k : "> , George N. Eelohord to bo notary public for Lucerne county, to reside at Wilkeibarro. THE PRESS.-PIrtLADET.PHIA, MONDAY, JULY Europe Wants ,Fpp.ii. With no BnmU wo reii tho to: reign newspapers; fey/aicertain what may lio the prospects of tho harvest there. Tho fesflit of our investigation Is as follows! In England; Ireland; and Scotland, bad weather continued uji to.tlie end of July. The wet and cold had neatly- destroyed ell tlio summer ftnitsi Frafitio arid Italy tVere in fei) samo disastrous state. In Germany, on tlio 27jth Jufte,_thp fine wcatlier yhich had there, -prevailed for a' low days, was.hroken by yio,- lent'tifmrits of. "fkili and'bail. In Spain and Portugal tho complaint is the samoi - Russia had suffered, very littjo, jtttid the. liloppuß of Foiaiia and itio .vast plains of the Ukraine will probably, supply a go oil iloaf.of. wheat, .From., Hamburg, fe^, port for fee. )yhoitt-j>l-(),duqi!. in tbo u fey,fee Elbo,’,s j carcoJy any grain, is, idfee, expected. , As tvo have al ready stated, the muin supply, (not of Indian Corn, which is little used in Europe, hut) of wheat, rye, barley, and oats on which Europe will mainly depend for tlio next twelve months, will' chiefly come from tlio United States. ‘ This ij tile golden time lor American agriculture. Our farmers ought to make much money this year, and they deserve it all, for they labor “ with a will.” Nor is it from the cereal productions of llin soil alone that American farmers may expect to make large profits. The scarcity of fodder in Europe has made cattle scareo and dear. Great discontent prevails among the working classes of England on account of flic dearness, of fiesbmeat. It is yet dearer in Franco. The prices run thus in Paris—fillet of beef, -18 cents the lb.; tough rnmp steaks, 28'centB; inferior beef for making soup, bone included, 20 cents; ordinary joints of veal and mutton, 25 cents the pound. Now, American beef and pork can be sold in England and France for prices much lower than this, and already the English newspapers are mentioning the fact, and giviDg receipts how to treat these salted provisions, and cook them so as to form pala table, nutritions, and comparatively low- priced food. Of course, if tho cows cannot bo fed, cheese and butter will also bo scarce, and abundance of these can be shipped henco to Europe. For what we may thus send abroad, tho greater portion of tlio payment will bo made in gold, for there is no use in glutting the American markets with English and French manufactures. But here, already a difficulty looms up in the distanco. Ruseia, France, Sardinia, and England, ore severally in want ol money. Russia wants $80,000,000 ;- Sardinia wants $30,000,000; Franco requires $30,000,- 000 to effect farther improvements in Paris, anil $00,000,000 to'complete various lines of rail- way; England will probably require some $30,000,000 fo,. carry on tho Chinese war. Hero is a total of $180,000,000 to bo drained from the money .markets of Europe, besides a vast amount to bo sent to this country, within the next twelve months, for food. How can all this vast amount be raised 7 ARRIVAL. Qi' THE BENICIA BOV The Iktest New York Sensation. HE DON’T’ BEING THE ‘'BELT.” John 0. Jletnan arrived at Staten lilandyrslr*- day morning at two o’olook, and remained there daring Iho dsy. His movements yesterday were not of a pnblio oharaolcr. Ho will rnuko his tri umphal entry into New York to day. HRRKAN’S LAST BAVB IN ENGLAND, Tho London Sporting Life of July 4 Faya “ Hoenan and Jack Macdonald sett this day (Wed nesday) at .about two o’olook, In tho Vanderbilt, forAmerioa. They will'leave London for South ampton at a quarter to eight this morning, end among those who will accompany them to bid them adieu will bo' Tom Bayers, Mr. Cushing, of tho Alhambra Palace, and a Eoleot oirote of some doztn or fifteen friends. Ilccnnn expressed a wish to have an interview with iho cdi.or of tho Fportiug Life previous to his departure, in order that ho might thank his English friends for thoir numcr ous kindnesses during his stay in England, deck Macdonald noeoinpanied U 3 to the Now I'oik Hotel, Leioestor square, whoro wo found the redoubtable 1 Boy’ in the enjoyment ot an aftornoon nap. It--, however, soon started up on onr arrival; hut as l-.e lay upon tho bed with his coat off, ho realty d’-l not look tho formidable fellow that ho has provid himself.” iieknan on mobuisnev’s nosk, Heenaa at once raftted off into a boyish nnrrn tivo of. what he intends to do with Moerlosey when ho gets homo. that noso ofhis” exete.icird ihild with a hearty laugh; -Hit ho lM’itilllH'l, -' When I’vo finishcd-Morrloecj- I’ll couio ovor (oEuglaiidegain anil-send that !r.- lcybiidgo Infant to bi-hi,” whereupon the editor of tho fiiiiirling Life reminded Hoenan that Hmst seemed as if hemonnt fighting. "Nothe,” roars out the Vankco obeinpiou, ■'he means money making, and hopes, by linking his namo io tuino, to get dp benefits throughout tho country, on tho atrongth’of a fight with rao.” Tbo lJor.icift Boy, bowovor, is ertdontty eouoi ing upon on introduction to Morrissey, and ever and anon oxclaims, iu high glee, “ watt till I go! bomo.. M Alorrifsoy won’t fight, wo remark. ~A bM , (shouts *ffoenau ognin), “ho must; besides, Mor risroj’ain training to fight mo when I got buck. A filend oFiainc buo written to tell mo so and jut adasbumler tho faot;” and Hecuon, in onlor to give full effect to hi 3 omutions, flaps tbo bead of a frioud who Ins bocn plaoldly smoking a oigar tit hisbedsido, and tbe Irlend starts up, and keeps out of roach for tho remainder of tho afternoon. Ilocnim’s hist net iu England bus boon of the moat meritorious nature.. At an expense of £BO ho baa raised a monument over tho remairs of hie countrymau Freeman, wud lica burled at Win chester. ‘‘ Tbo poor fellow,” said ileonou to up, •* L v-’n-j determined should not bo forgoMcn, i nd when tho physician who attended him in his fu'nl illness beard what I’d dono. ho sent mo u pouhel* knife, the only thing in tbo world Freeman bad to call hi? own nben he died, and I value that very muoh ” After all, Hetman roUiro* to his country without a bolt. The ono presented to himattho Alhambra is not yet p;dd for—Messrs Hancock, the rnai.u faoturerP, detaining it until Iho ia defrayed. It is to be regrnUod that roroo arrangement hid not been made so that tho new bolt might hate bean insured t« llecnan, for ns thiags fitand ftt pjo sont the presentation at tho Alhambra was » m*>ro farco. nn THINKS THE BELT *'* A TOV.” Hoenan, howevor, exprmes no regret at tho lo.:s of Iho nov/ bolt, and declares ho looks upon a toy in comparison with Iho belt which he yet me ms to fight for. During Hecuon’s Ptay in England ho has made an iramenso number of fiicnds frem his quiet and gentlemanly conduot, as well op his piCRt pluok and talent, and we feel euro that oar renders will join with u<* in wishing tbo gallant fellow rnd his ncoorapliebed second, Jack Macdonald, a ?sfo voyage and a prosperous career. Tira n. n. goinq back to rngland. 170 moy remark that both ileenan and Ji:ak Maodonnld express their intention of returning to England in October or November. (For Tho Prcss.l Mr.. Editor: In'the Now York ITcrald, of tiio 13th inst., in an editorial calling attention to tho correspondence between the Japanese Envoys, Capt. Dupont, and August RoJinont, , eon corning tho present of $20,000, given by the Hn voya to bo distributed among tho police of the chit's through which they p&BJcd, gives the follotriug ns tho figures: Davs. - Men. Amounts. Wnchiußton ?5 100 ,520:0 fialtiinore J 400 10 'Philadelphia 7 • 711 a.ko fiew York. J'* • 1 too n ?:o T0ta1...-- §20.t4i0 And, after a fow further romarks on the subject, says: “ It will bo seen that tho Now York polico have the lion’s shard of tho princoiy gift.: This'faot u & strictly inathesoatioal one, but, at tho same time, it is a silent recognition of the. superiority of our ’poUce.”' : Notions, lew persons Uko tho trouble to mako mathomatioal oaloulalions to ascertain tho tnuii of' such assertions, the above remarks may tend to orcuto tho impreesion that the envoys, or (<iMt njfiybesecn from the-ooireepondenoo, that. filr. Belmont wes directed to-make, os nearly os,pos sible, an equnl distribution nooording to tiio rum ber of'men employed and munber of - days on 'ditty) Mr. Belmont displayed partiality, it may In well to plaoo tbo following calculation and mu!:3 before the public: . . By multiplying the number of men on duty in any oity by the number of idays in that inly, we find the numborof men on duty one day,, aud by. dividing the amount awarded that city, by the number of men on duty one day, t?o-find the amount ner day per man. Witness the Tceulfc: : - *Noof Men Pordav > -'Bars, men Cnertay,-A»nt.,pei*fnan. Washington*.*,., 25 x l®}** WO JjSAiots, BaStircore lx' 4{H> ** - 400 300 -** is rhiladelphia...... 7 x rl£«» -1077 S3CO oiiv - Wow.York#*'*, i ,W X IMo ** 20748 . Tb?-ff&otions uiotho nearest quarter of a cent. Farther cfpiment is. unneqossftry.. Tjiuth. Speel’R ’6V Dabibb DouanERTV, Ego.—On the ifirst pogo of oui' paper’of to-day; 1 we print a brief titioTt of a speech delivered by our eloqUenbfriend r Daniel Doughty, Esq.-j in Indopcndonee PhiladeThbia/ on the rooming of thft 4th inat —tho fpiritwwbibh fihbrfld find thohearf of evfeVyr true Demooratr' ' 6 r f ' MVi Dougherty'ifi'onb 'di tho moat able,"eloquent, ’ and purOimonof-our party. Never seeking Uis-Demooraiy springs spontaneous from iho ijearr.i and hißßbblo efforts in behalf of |he suceewyf cvor*living principles of our creed arc based upfm convieUQhapf duty to hir cottntry».'>Mx-.vßOtogberty has a bright future, and wo pyodiot he a mark in the history of bis day. Wo commend his speech to our readers,— Harrisburg Sentinel. THE U. a. IN HIGH GHEE, THE D. D IK MAa.NANIUOL’y, TUK-B. H. 18 BELTLESS, The .Tojpnncsc. wrtW.WWiuiWiritMSaavttttltK WASHTX'GTOSr CORHESPOITOM C . Letter from ** Occasional.** (Correspondence of "3 ho Frees} , ,‘ f _ Washington, D. 0 , -Jitfy la, JSSO. Young Mr. BrccMnrUgo will not go to Califor nia. Ibßt he contemplated snoli an exodus, though it is defiled by his drgans, is SenAtor-nathahi, wno tVas to acriompaitf hiin; Tlita left with Mr. Burch, tho motnbor for California, and is now on tho way ovor tho overland route to his.homo»- .Tho-handeomo Vico President; went to Baltbpofe itf'Ute early pfternoon Friday train, n "grand reooptlon in .tho City, of. Monuments. It was a gloomy wel come.' jLiiko tho cheers of tho boys at Dothoboys hull, tho huzzas oi tho faithfdl had “tho chills on them and when tb-y retired, Mr. Brcokiuridgo returfiwl tff nis sjlontchamber, no doubt to medi tate upon tfio awful saorifiifcS ho had made and tho foarfut rcbpyuslbility ho had assumed. Thoso who shouted for him wero tho paid parasites of tho man at tho WhittFHouEc; whohas always hated him ; and oven the sentences that dropped from his lips, promising . njm>t lmvo re turned hot Qufeoa upon his heart. Xl,o f cry tho' Brookinridgors blartcd to fnghton'dnd’ouosoKduto’th'o tfoiith ogain3t i?ou glasT^faMiuJ'^affAy I '-'* Iri' KbntiidSy Itself; under' the Je*d’©f ! lfarhey,'of thcß Louisville betnocrat , and*John-U. Maoon, tho reaction'against Breckin ridge is terriblo. ".Tho LoutavUle ,l)epwcrat ia fillodjWith the lugs luld in tifftdifferent de-, and, for' Douglas;’ and ovouln Lexington, wh6ro th 6 former resides, a great assembly was'convened' tho' other was addressed by ond of the ablosf De mocrat* inTavor of the Senator from Illinois.- Tho .last numb'd of the Richmond cdntains au elaborstd and masterly argument’ from one of the delegates to .tho Charleston and Baltimore Con ventions, Mr.Hoyo, from, th q. Trr el fth cl pc to r«i dis trict, in favor,o£ ( Douglas,-and tbo indicAli.ons are Dpuglas vyllj at least divide tho vote of that 'Stalowlthlireckinridgo. Meanwhilo tlio SecildoM,' terror-stricken nt tho growing strength of Douglas, and looking forward to the election of a Republi can by thoirown imprudence; nmt'moro than this, anticipating tbo certaiu sequel that Douglas and. his friends will remain In possession of tho organi sational the Democratic party honceforward, are offering terms of compromise and union, wbioh aro 'int}i&D&u{ly rejected by Dooglas and bis followers. lunderetand'tbat Judge Dong'las liliaself, now in UpW York, is receiving, evory day, hundreds of letters from tbo South, In which tho writers call npon him to stand firm, assuring him that, in nny e^tr his voto in that portion of tho Uniou will bo an ample vindication against tho aseanlts of tho DisuniqntebL ft . ~ Tho Scriptural adogo that a certain bad plnco is a mora “ refuge of lies” has nn npt illustration in tho manner in wbioh the ndvooates of Breckinridge dony that they tiro bisunlonistS, afad in a Into article in ti ‘ i i , heVo)iStitu(inii ,, ‘ (Lwiaiinfi that Dr. Gwln find Mr. Buchanan had no quarrel, und that their rolu. tloos now aro as friendly Vis they have beon in tho past.' That Dr. Gwio has denounced the Prosi dent,, and tfiit the President and ho had n difficulty, only ucGmcus but was tho town talk a littts more Ilian, a week ago, am! j et, in order to destroy the trUth, a statement has been fabricated which is nothing more or less than a gro?a premeditated falsehood. To such shifts aro men always driven who support a bad cause. The apparition cf a Republican triumph begins sadly'4o tr6oble tho Diadniofctete.’ They lnvo said bo much against Douglas,-and -have so loudly do dared- that they prafor Lincoln to him, that thoy now contemplate tbeir fnto bsforo their own people in-tho event of Lincoln’s election. Tho Republi cans tueinjelvcs regard tbo tribulations of these gentlemen with the utmost philosophy. Thoy will bo very anxious to stcitro a certain Southern sup port of their Administration,' ; nnd aro casting about for tbo most competent Southern men who will agree to servo ns Cabinet ministers under Mr. Lin coln: Mr, Benjamin,,having sot tbo oxaioplo of preferring Lipqoln to Douglas, would make a capi tal Attorney .General, unless, indeed, Mr Slidell, shpuld ho bo defeated forro-clsotion to tlio Senate, by tbo. Douglas braves In Louisiana, should in. sist upon being sent tb’Spain tinder tho Illinois rail splitter for tho purpose of ooasunlmnHng his dar ling flehemo lor, tho acquisition of Cuba. Thoro jV an iDovitfblodoeliny, in tho opiuion of ambitious public men, and both Mr. Benjamin and Mr. Sli dell may fipd thcmjmlyea so controlled by their de clarations against Douglas as to bo put forward as tho organs of Lincoln for'four years from’ the 4th of Maroh, 1861. Should Lincoln bo choson President, there wilj bo a sad and mournful procession of dilapidated office-holders from the various departments. Pro tected, as'Mr. Lincoln would bo, from tho ava lanoho of Southern applications, which has rolled in po,terribly upoq every now President eicoo iho orgaoizUiqn.of tho Government, and' no doubt rescued‘by patriotic resignations on tbo part of thoso who declare that his election will dissolvothe Union, It will bo a uioat significant spectaclo to see mon- who have grown gray in office—who aro, in deed, tho checks, btops, and obstacles of that great circumlocution system which has besomo a’tttstevil hero-»lufuiDE_ tbeir trembling stops,to the homes *<*»-{)m nynnultaiifl.thaw-Jiavo. Wo t-h?i|lthen ascortain whother certain men aro fodUpeus&blo, in tho munagoment of pu\>U<s affaire—whether tho Union will o oils pa c like a great balloon when tho gas of tho offi cial firc-eatorn ia withdrawn from Washing ton, amD whether now mon and ' frosh mon may not bo able to provo that thi3 ' Re public depends upon no particular individual, and that even h change, no matter huw drar may Bcmotimes bo, may not save a billon* aiul constipated system. The vono rablrs who early oon’ea* along tho avenue everyday nt three o’clock P. M., at-about $l,BOO a yoßra-nicco, and who have grown gouty before dufdy detke and ia cosy snuggeries,- rcalire thu possibility of a now regime-. Their dissolution of tho Union is their romoval from offico; their idea of tbo of iho.pcmootalio parly is the receipt ol a yellow onvolopo enclosing a pullto re quest to I-rvo'; and their only idea of a v violation of the, Conslitulion is the apprehension that tbu places wbioh know them now may,'after tho fourth of March, 1801, know them no moro'forever. Do not understand mo as wishing for Liccoln’s election. Eveu it I should do sc, I would bo no morosioful than Mr. Buchanan And thoso who op pojQ Judge Douglas. It is quite probable, if health is accorded tq mo by “ Divine,” to uso tho'languago’of tbo “'oldpublio functionary’ 5 at the; head of Iho Government—l may, from my garfet, retiew n Republican Administration with as much impartiality during its progress 1 have watobed and waited PP'Jn that which it has beon my mission to cuticiea before tho American people.- , Ah idou’of the way ia which tho ofiicc-holders in tbo feeuth intond to resist Lincoln’s Administration, in tho event of the defeat of tho Democratic party in November, was thrown out by ono of their num ber fifow days ago. Ho intimated that tho Seoato would rofuro to oonfirratho Cabinet of Lincoln, and that tbo .session of thatgravo body would bo pro longed after tho 4th of March, 1601, on tho ground of tlw dctcrmirifttian.of the supposed mpjorityto refubp to cou&ont to Iho nppointments of tho now Prcsideut. ThL is rathe? fin extreme remedy, tint it only goes to show that Iho shrewd oncs’ero look- ing ah:hd with u greet deal of caro and anxiety. I perce-ive that the Dauphin County Oanvontion, in your State, has unanimoufly renominated dho presejit member from that diatriot, Mr. Killingor. This U a deserved recognition of Ihe fidelity of this gontlrwan. Ho has become cojuptcuoua here on account of the zoal with wbioh h& sustains’lho in torcsta of hia own Stftio and partioulnr ’ distriot. When Pennsylvania tollowa tho’cxarriplo oi South ern S&ite°, nud sustains Fuoh men, hor true inte rests will be better cared for. Occasional. Doings at Tins Patent Oppice.—Tho following afo th« issues from tho Patent Offico during the past Wtoit to ciuzons cf-Pennsylvania : Alloi Agnow of Chester oonnty, and Wiljiam of Uhadd’s Ford; ior improvement iu cultivator*. Abrlm O Brown, of Philadelphia ; for improve ment in condensers . • G. \y* Oorahn, of Corson’s Pool O/fico ; far im provodinhcbinO f6r sawing bevels on Intha. /Georjo Hetriok, of Rqidsburg ; fqr improvement in aecd-pfanters. , , A. R- Jlurst, of Obamborsburg ; for improve ment id borso hay rakcv > :. , , F'raderick ond/SfimurlEberlv, Mocbnn i<jiburg; for improved ihsohluc fur bonding wood. ! ’Chris ia’n Bhurps, of ’Philadelphia'; fdriuiprove mentirpaokingcartridges. , , , . • , Juhn’.A. C, J- Sqiithj of Philadelphia ; for im provou)\nl in putnps.’ ‘ ' ' ‘ - i ■ 8 B. Wilkins; ot-Milton; for improved spoke ma chine- .* • FusiiiAti or Jacob S. llXudkii.—After tho execution of ibis'wayward yomjgmannt Bclvi tlero, oiVthe/Oth ,infL, bis remojns worejCjnvoycd to the htino of his parents, about four miles west of BluiyUowri, arriving there about six o’clock p. m. •• >- j } f 'i .• . - • On tho body was deposited in its last iMjng pl‘a<?o,on tho farm of Mr. Harden. *lllO general esteem which tho Harden family have long and-doservedly enjoyed in tlio neighborhood, ap’d tho deop sympathy. Jolt,Cor.them in their nf fllpjion, railed out an pnnaually largo attendance of'acquaintances and friend?, and a u6ep solemnity pervaded tho entire multitude, Tho opening prayor ,vyaa offpigd by the Kcv. X, Nt-Vanaarit’, of Hope; an ; npprcpriftte bymn was sung; when an itaprrs sivo discourse, founded on-Hoseavl, 4, was- de livered by the Rqy- AJatbis. of stil)Trater. •The solown sOrvioes wore olosed by tho benediction, pronounced by thb'Rcv. Alr. RoillyVbfßlairstown. • The trunk belonging to the deceased,, which con tained; fcls,,nepers and other personal effcots, was removod oy his brother from tne jailatßolyidcro, oh the dsjf previous td the 1 exeofthon. ’Ariiong hia posthumous remains,is a oafcfuliy.,written Jittlo .work, wliioh, in the gpifle of. an admonitory legacy io tho 6oritains t h revelation of'the'guilty Safest of, tne-writeSy.'and- may ?teobnlcal!y and properly fa termed'tho Dying Confession of Jacob S, Harder * . • ThO pfooij)t pufrtloatiXn Of this work fr'Widely! domahaod by’ tbe public ’ curiosity; but the aged' | parents pnforumatq.authoy, being indisposed' ! .to prolong tho painful notoriety which attnohos to lift rimfidvuavohot onoouruged tho enterprise', nnd hoiiao it/aleada' deferred. Tbo> probability, how ever, ft,,that after judicial will bo print ed, arid, whilo no essential fnot h’lll bo suppressed, it will afcpiftfr in a shape calculated to satisfy tho yhtiogsl tyfrftfUy.Of fIU; and ,;at the ho instrumental In turning many from tbo paths which’ lead to deatraotion.—jSi&M&z (iV. J.) Register. LATEST NEWS Uy Telegraph to The Press. fOUSt DAYS i.VTi: It JltOJl CUUOI-K THE VANDERBILT AT NEW YORK. ARRIVAL OF HEENAN. I’rlttcc Napoleon’s Visit to America* DIBTUIUIANUM9 A’i} >APJjhJS, Police Statioiiw MA9BA.ORHS XDJ BIOILT, Sliiiinimli with the Koyul Troops JH'iuiiiiT <'l J\r»-i cliaivln, COTTON J)KC{. h’AJJS TCFFS LOW Eli-CON'SOLS 10 S ». New Voiik, July 16 —Tho steamship Vaudorbilt has arrived from’ Sauthuinplon, with London und Liverpool dates to tho 4th lust. Tho stoamship3 Africa and PrtncoAlbort arrived out on tho 2J inti. The North .Briton arrived at Londoiuleriy on tho Ji inat, atid faulted Liverpool on tho 4th Inat, John C Jiucnnu, tho pugili.Jt, and Col. Cipriaoi, are among the passongora by tho Vanderbilt. Xno hitter to mako arrangements for a i Isit by tho Prmco Napolcou to Amorica. Numerous failures had occurred among tho leather merchants of England, tho aggregate of their ■ liabilities being £[,600,000 sterling. The American bouses iu Liverpool eogaged in the hide trade uro not compromised by theso failures. NAPLES. Fresh disturbances bavo occurred in Naples. Tho police stations havo been attaoked by tho people and pillaged, many lives having been lost on both sides Tho King bad arrivediu thociry, and ordered tbo immediato formation of a national guard. An ambassador from Naples was oxpcotedsoou to arrive at Turiu, with tho proposition for an nl* Hanco with Sardinia Garibaldi’s Ministry in Sicily is said tabs popular. , waej-acres aro said to havo o-ccnrro-1 in Sicily. Tho followiog aro tho latest dospatches : Makhhiloks, July 4—A skirmish took plnco on tho 30th, near Messina, between detuohcoer.t«? if Garibaldi’s forces nml a portion of tho royal troops Genoa, July 4 —Gnrioaldt has appointed a new Ministry, including Aignor Natolioas Minister nf Foreign Affairs. An understanding will bo arranged bolrrcon Hnr dinia nml Naples, relative to tho common interests of thoir orowus iu Italy. ,MADnti>. July J —Morocco has p»M tho first ir stnluiiiut of tho indemnity Agreed tipon hy th' treaty of peace between Spain and Morocco. FRANCK. Prince N.ipAcon succeeds the Into Prince Jerome as President of tho Privy Council. The Neapolitan iaioLter at Parte baa reaiVned his post. ' PORTUGAL. Tho Ministry hai been dissolved. Commercial Intelligence. .i luly 3 —Tho sales °f Cotton for tho pp<jt throe dA>h hvvo h»-n 25.000 biles, inoludtn* r.tio b ile* on srooilation. ohaad with a declinm* tcndenc;, quotations hems ami barely main tamoo. The adv.css from Manchcstor are favorable, tho market beinj. more nmro'ucd, tliou,:h quotations «ro birely maintained, JwvMtroi-r.. July I—Thosilen of Cottsn to-day have been t0.W.0 bales jro!mlinT3OJo bales on speculation and for export. The market closes irregular, though quotations r.roumhan.'rd. _ July 3 HaRAnsTRFra.— I Tho market snows u dechnine tendenoy. all quotations hem? lower. dosinsduU. Pjouriß very dull atCdeie fleo me. 'Wheat is also cull, and IJuSI lower; sales of red at JOs Set HsSd ; wlute Ilsdd4»l2soil Corn has a d’ohnini ton dfDoyjpnil holders aro pressing on the market at a in cline cl od.t Is Contiderable sales of yellow havo been made at “Oja.'Ua; win e3As6dc3ls. Puovis o\n.—The market oloafs dull; l>oof ami pork are both heavy, and in cider to effect sales a cons dura ble reduction in eaoh would bo necessary; baooa hrru; lard st-mly, at£7aa , sC>j6d. la low is slightly advanced for all descriptions; sales oi iSorth American at 51* CJ. I'KOimcs.—Kosin e.eady at 40 6tt4ou Cd for com mon. spirits of Turpeo»me dull, ami quotations ora nominnl nt 3?s Cuiti3i<. bucarfirJi. Rico steady. i.oMox, July »—Cccsols are quoted at &3?J for ao count, ex dividend. „* Ju'y 4.—The cloeinK quotations to day are &3’ii®W£ for account, ox dividend. Later from California. [Per Ovarland Mail.} Vanßukf.x, Arkansas, July l-i.—Tlio overlacd mail, with San Francteoo datea of the 25th ult., has arrived bore. Six through passongerJ camo with the mail. Ban Francisco, Juno 25 —Thoro havo been uo arrivals of vtfctela here sinco the departure of tho last mail. Sailed Juno 24, chips MiduigM, for Melbourne, and Black V/airier, lor Martian. The Midnight took 2J.000 sacks of wheat. So limited have been business transactions for tho week that n rotrospeot otnbracing dotaila would afford little of interest. Priced of alt articles have uudorgono no important obnngc. Tho affairs of Brewster tfc Co., and other busi ness houses which latoly failed, arc still eubjccu of general discussion. Tho loDg-expeoted jwny express, with 6t. Loute dates of Juno 0, arrived nt Carson Valley on tbo evening of Juuc 22, and will reach fran Frnncitco ty-night. Tho prospoctof To-establishing this en terprise on a permanent basis is a matter of gene ral congratulation. The Supremo Court, on tho 221 inst., rendered u doetelon,tho Poter Smith titles to roal w.j/taxmir DmrTTuuoiscu/'OXCopTritrTOinnrasir ana water lots, which aro confirmed. Many millions of preporty are.4tffeoted by this decision. 11 Is favor able to settlers in tbo neighborhood of San Fran cisco, and deductive to tho schemes of real estate speculators in the various towns of tho Stato. The steamer'Undo Sam is - advertised to sail for Pamim/ion tho JOth.lost, oarryiog tbo Now York aud other L’aatcm mails. Capt; K Poudl<*ton, who ivas convicted last yoar of cruelty to'soameu'ou board tho Wk Sarah Park, on llio voyage from Liverpool to 6an Fran cisco. has boon discharged from custody, having served out hia torin of ono year’s imprisonment in tho couuty jail and paid hid fino of $175. Official returns from tho Oregon olectiou give Shiel, tho Democratic candidate for Congress, seventy majority over Logan, tho Republican can didate. The ctcmuor Columbia arrived on tho 23d inst, bringing accounta from Crescent City and the northern counties of tho State. Tfco exoiteiuont thoro regarding tbo new copper mino3 continued, and fino claims wero being opoued with excellent prospects. - * - Tho papers still complain of tho depredations cf tho Indians, who kill cattle whenever opportuni ties occur. A largo number of Chinamen havo congregated at the teaportF, waiting conveyance to British Co lumbia, whither they go on account of tho mining tax in California. Tuo following was telegraphed to Vianlia : Ban Fhancisco, Jutio 2d—l P. M —The chip Enterprfao nnlvod off (his port yesterday. Sho was boirdod by a newly-appointed pilot who endea vored to enter tho harbor during u donao log. Bhj grounded near tho ontranco and remained in a perilous situation until (his evening, when, afier removing part of her cargo, tbo was got off nnd is uow being towed in. She has leaked considerably, and part of lior cargo is daraagod. Tho amouut of loss is not yet known, but it is probably not very large. Tho steamer Senator has arriyed from San Diego with a company of United States troops for tho Wfishoo mines. ' hpuken April 4, ship Wild Bangor, from Boston fur this purr, in tho South Pacific; April 10, lati tude 25 north, longitudo 7d went, ship Witchcraft, Jroui New York for this port. Tho pony oxpicss will not ho despatched this week, it being found itnpo-*3tblo to rceoDStruotr tho Rtaiiuh.l ;so soon. Probably by the latter port of next week it will resume its trips, •Brewster & Cote stook waa sold yesterday by tho sheriff for $35,400. ' The markets aro utterly stagnant, with ft down wari tendency. Few sales aro made. Buoioe.>-s is very gloomy indeed, without nuy propptot of re vival tilt alter July 4. From Washington* Washington, July 15.—A proclamation ha* been issued by tho President for the solo of ono million ftcros of luml in Minnesota, not hitherto offered lor salo Tbo lands will ho disposed of in October next, and include the land remaining to tho United States Irom tfao railroad grants in Minnesota Gen. LtitiO, acoompHrded by Governor Winslow ami other friends, is about to leave Washington tor North Carolina on a visit, by invitation, to Warrentown and oteowhero in that Stain. Tho Douglas National Executivo Committee, havo prepared, find will publish this week, an n-1- drees to tho country. Suicides nt Easton, Easton, July 15. —Mrs. Schimor committed sui cide, about noon yesterday, hy hanging horself to unc i f thu rafters m tho garret of hcr3Utor’shou?e. When discovered sho was quite dead. The family arc well off, and thu deceased was much esteemed and generally considered of sound miml. She is supposed to have beeu laboring under temporary derangement. 1 Adam Ourroll, it prisoner in tho jail, awaiting hie trial au a chnrgo of incendiarism, committed stii cido lost night by opening tho veins iu his arm, OAusing him to bleed to donlh. A small lad, son of Mr. Stanbury, was drowned in tbo Lehigh yesterday afternoon. Uelau tmj Politics. WiwusniOK, Del., July 14.—Lovi 11. Springer, Win B Hyland, J.AI. Barr, Bmniot Robinson, and Charles Gallagher, wero elected this evening as delegate to tli® Peopled State Convention to meet at Dorer, on tho 2oth instant—the delegates elected being favorablo to 801 l nnd Everett. Tho Repu bllcans reorganized tho meeting, and ap pointed live other delegates to tho eamo Conven tion. Tho proceedings woro attended with much noise and confusion. lloptiMicau Meeting at Ijouisvilic* Ky., ICy., July 14.— A largo Republican ratification meeting was hold iu this city last night at Court-Honsc-Squave. A Breckinridge ratification raeoting will bo hold to-night. lXonglas Meeting at Newport, Tcnu. Nr.wror.T, Tenn., July 14.—A large Democratic mooting wap held in thii oity last night. Speeches woro made by Gon. Flournoy, of Arkansas, and others, and resolutions adopted endorsing tho nomi nation of Douglas. Hat Weather at Van liuvcn, Arkansas. Van Buiibs, Ark., July 11.—Tho thermometer indicates u touipornturo of 10d deg. in the shade. Tub Fiikmident*# Home.—A report has been in cirautalion,herd for several days, that President Buohauau has sold his resiiionco near this city, known as Whoatlfind, and that ho has purchased, eria about to purchase, a proporfcy ia tno.vicinity of Baltimore ft is also Mid that Air. Pot ter is tho purehasi-r, lo whom fho place has many oherished aspooiationa, having -bean onoo tho pro ‘Jiortvof his iathar, his oliildhood’s htnno, and tho fideno.'of a beloved mother’s death. Wo'cannot Yipjoii’for th'e autberitioity of the reported pale, bat such rumors aro not eonerelly without some foun dation,— Lancaster Express. TH EC 1 T Y. iSioßEKi'.tttß Tins i’lftfryhVAOM op Finis Aiits, 10*3Chest* crrtafto3t>-Thes7t& Auudal T'xiiibjtion. i Hall M«ket. at>o7« Twe’fth »lre?t,— womon'i Tanjpi6. M ~L PiiEcaoious Yctotiis.--—On Sntiml'iv, Ofli cer Thaykara liuiono McCarty and ilcury omokor, two of thfi notorious g«ug of ruffiins Ptylsng » Pruirie Hens.” This gang of tnitmvd infes*. the n-irthwotsm portion of ihe city, and particnlarly the neighborhood of tho Girard College, lnojjruwu u.oowpoaeii <jf boya,ranging from twolvo toftufcMtfeqycnrd ofage, andMdfnny. a hid of about Bixteen, in the recognizeclleftder. and tho potico havu for a. long timo bad their'eyes upon hint, only it lias Ueretotoro beeu found iui lUfsibio to effect hte arrest. On Ihe 23»h of Maroh last, n varnish manufactory near tho Collcga was. tired and destroyed,' ami fmn the the •• Prnitic Ileus” early the next morning, *Eutno nf them WefcstrOugly afeßpectfcd'ofbeing oodcotu»;<1 In tho .outrage, bu; the guig FcaUctcd before the could eatoL thebs. Ou tho 2‘itb, tb<rday af ter iho firo, a portion t>f thegang visited tho tavern of Lewis Uabsor. Trfenty-fi/urlk and Poplarstrs&tj, and attempted In p»3S ft couototfeit quarter of » dollar. McCarty,was on<fofthe parly. Upon Mr Jlitueer’s rofutal U> toko Iho iuopey. thoy crea'cd a diotarbance/and vVero then' forslbly* ejected from tho premises Thoy-then nttaeked tbo house wiib bricks ond-siohes, mid ouo cf tho party attempted to disclmrgo a jiiato! rt Mr. J 1 , but it (ni&qd tiro. Fiually, Mr. drovo theta, away with the contents of ft shot-gun. McCarty eUll carries in bis forehend tbo marks of the shot. Tbo Just outrage in which tho “ Prairie Jlclj *' wore engaged <'o:urrcd on Thursday - berry M'Dsion- . Aa Associativa titv ‘•Swuna” were holding a plc-nia f»t thcMansioc, when AlQGarty,-wjiii u.number of bic rn, camo-ontho ground ‘and created a distucb-»nce They were driven away, after which they cane back to the cilyj obtained a rctoforceoicnt of the Hens, and thop returned to the p’easuro ground just as tbo pafty wero stoning homo.- Tlio ouitii buses were s'oncd. n fiumber of the exenraioDisij iLjered, nud tbo “ SwstiS 7< Pompcllcd to Ry. Uu Saturday morrdi g M-jCArty and Sucker were caught nt Ridge nvenuo and Coatcs strfct, by Ihe ofiuer*. M'.'Curtj', although ft l*d in uppoirauev. gftvo tho cfficcfj a tough fight f??lbro ho cooseut»'d to go, find it was not tihtll ho received fi b!o*v on Vuo head wiih n hilly that he pubmittor?. Ablernnp Beitlcr held tho f° r ' thor hearing. Ketuen oi- tub Gi/abu.— National Guard, C.ipt. Lyle, returned homo < n Saturday nftcrr.uon, f r<* n* their encampment often (lays near Bcth!eb« m. Tbo corps wero escorted t from iLo deyot by the Black Jlui#ars, Cayt Bcekcr. Tho battalion pipped over nleog route through tho city, reaching the armory abcut j o’cirujk. ’Jhe Ooar l paraded t»3 a biiulion cf four cmnymnic:, IIJ made a really Uuo appearance, the inarching, whctlicg. aud execution ol the nianini, being cxiremely avclt donej tho remit of thtir prsctlco at csrnp Oa Thursday last IhonffucrH of tho Guard »i -hnd'd-u dinner piirlv at Gt.l S .V/etheri!l>, nr.rl in the ev*Dipg n re\ >» w v/as tendered ♦<» M-j ir Urn'T.l limwj, ar>l *.U it, of the Sevon'h Dinsict), by M 1 j>r J^ylo The n’ghtofthe &iD'e ijny n w.u giver, by th« -mUc.M'V of Bothleheui, ot li-t* Iviglo il-'l-l, whi *h *vas nt.ttdcd by quite a rub ber of ladies. On Friday night there was n grnrd dtepiiy « f Oreworksin the'or.canjptncnt. At übout H o’clrck on Haturd ly mnrnirg tbo company struck tent*, ned camo iutu Bctblehem, where tho offi-jers wire invited to u reception nt the rciidenco of Dr. IViI- l-OD. The cooipany wa.l tli?n escorted to tho cits by th« \Yfl«hingttin Grays afnl Bethlehem ArtilL-ry, aud started for tho city nt ore o’clock. Duilr : their stay, the health of the r.ffieors and men k'ij much improved, and they fpcak. in tho higbe j { tortiH ot iho bird treatment they received at the liaLds of tho people of Boiblcbem. ScAitriTY op ■\S t atsr.—At this suason of tho year, when there ia a large quantity of used, thu Vi'ater Works are taxca to their lUrao-t enpaoity to supply Iho demand. The oocttnupd dry weather, for a week or ten djys pa3l. b- ■» caused a much larger consumption than ohm I. i.i view of this statu of things, the Chmf i.f tho Wator Department, Henry P. M. ha? fidlrc?-ed a communication to tho Chief Eogi necr of tbo Firo Departuieur, rcquestiughim toculi tho attention cf t’uo firo companies lo Ihe fact of the roircity of’water, and urging upon them the necessity o! the utmost economy in tho u»e < I Wfter, Hod nlao to dcsM from tho useless wnsto if water indulged in by ira.ny ermponies in tho \ici nity of their houyes. Chief Engineer Fciron, in cempiinree with tiu< fommur.icatiou, hai iirued circulars to the vurious fire cciinpanica reqaesting them to detist froia nt,/ unnecessary waste of w«t©T, opening tho plug?, &nd wotting the street?, or waste ia washing hc«o. An These indications (.f iho inadequacy oflue works t-« supply the demand? cf the oily during the sumrat r months, show iho great importance <*i tho oomph-- tion of tho addition to tho works befare nrtt sum mer. In ituditioii to (he nquest tu (ho firemcr. officors havo caulioncd perrons having watering* troughs for horses along the strecls, against w«a‘• ing tbo water uni»ecc*?uri!y. In some of *ht'> troughs tho water ?3 tnffvred to run tho whole _l hour?, thereby esusirg much waste. It would ti* well fur the citizens to avoid wasting wafer in b ul - rooma, an.i othor ways, during tho warm season .TjibJßdixuuuJj Excursion.—The partici pants in the rcceat excursion to (ha coal mines « f tno Mcuntdin and lieh*gh Navigation Co«! Companies returned to tho city on Saturday even ing by the nny of New York. They wero onte/- talcod on boaxd tho slcumor Uiehard'Siccktuu un der tho supervision of 6. J Bayard, Ksq-, the ? • crotflry of tho Camden find Amboy Railroad line. Morton McMiehael, K<q., of tho North Anttriojr. presided, and arter tbo bounle us repast wu dis posed of, numerous toasU wero drank and rojpoD'i. cd to by speeches appropriate to the occasion. Mr B.iyard ruado u glowing eulogy of tho country through which tho excursion had parsed, find tho public fpirit and enterprise rf tho companies that had developed its resources hy tbo woiiiirg of t 1.3 «nul uitnrß and tbo ooDBl)iictiun. t *f vuiUnmla. A most uii,uoiT>3 was made by ji. Porky Poore, Ei(i , in xeananso to n toast,'aml'mitny wesc the good things said by other?, and mnoh urnr* was tbrcfltcced, tbo mautex of ceremonies during tho excursion haring a long speech prepared, b;it tbo Arrival cf tbo loi-t nt Anility cut short Ihe fe-- tivogathcriDg. A IIANDaoRK Testimonial.—The Em pire Hock and Ladder Company No 1, ofthi&cily, have ju?t had ooratletcd, tor presentation tn tf- 1 Mount Vcruon Hook aud Ladder Company No. 1, of ilnrriaburg, a haudsomo testimonial in tho tbd| »j of a heiity gilt frfine ?ix fv«*t tour inches high, hy four feet wide, including tho photographed like nesses cf the Empire bays. Tkcro aro thirty-eight figures, including that of Chief Engineer Fearoi. cud tho centra piece is j\ beautifully written ca?d of thanks for tho ru.iny favors shown tbo L'mpiio o«mp«ny ou tho ccoasian of tho visit to Harriaburg ond Laconster, in November last. Fatal Result.—ln Saturday s Press'it was stated that a man corned Robert 8.-uitb/ i drayman, bad fallen from ft dray near Tweli b and Cherry etrects. and being eeveroly injured, hv tens taken to tho Hospital. Tho unfortunate mmi died nt iha Uoapital on Saturday. Tbo dray whs filled with boxca, nnd whilo eudeavoriug to keip them from tumbling ofi*, Mr. Smith Jell off liiiu folf. und ono of tho wheels of tho dray parsed ou r his body, injurieg him intcruaJly. "lie lived in Newton street, below Prime, and leaves b wife ai d several children. Accident to a Wifi: Beatkr.—Patii< < McDermott, living at Hichmond aud Emerald streets, in tho Nineteenth ward, was oegaged m boatiuir hi* wife, on Saturday morning, aiic nolL-o entered the roira for tho purt>c3o of iutorfcrii-g with (ho amusement of Mr. McDormott, vrbeu u << luGer jumped tr-in n sccond-atory window, r.i.d broke his arm in two places. JIo was takon to ti e station house, whoro his frsetured limb wnsfot, to.d be was then held to answer for tho damage ho hnd done thu law and common humanity. New Hook and Ladder Truck.—'l Ik* Washington Jlose Company, a i fo\v days ago, housed their new hook atul ladder trunk. Tho 'apiJarntL'? carries lot) feet of ladder. For ucalner-? ond dura bility it will oomparo with any now in tho city. Jt is well proportioned,and altogether an excellent apparatus, anil reflects credit upon tho builder Tho building ocinmittco wero Messrs. KoobcJ, Asay, Burrougha, Krjder, oed Allen. Died ix a Ofli..—A. prisoner confined in one of the cells of the UnioD-9trei.t-sf,uion housc'dti d nbcut eight o’clock Instovening. We d:d not learn tho came of hi-death, bat wo do know that the cel ? in tfc’s, us well as in many oilier station houses i « thinoity, arc =o miserably vectUatud that it ia n w. ncier ?o many have survived the punishment i f their itKnroer&ibm. TUo Comraitmo on Poßec have infanned Councils of this sad btnte of biT-iU*-, and wu truft measures will soon be taken to lusko tho necessary repairs. Anothv:!'. Tr.or uetween Flora Templu and Patcuvn.—Another match betwcoa Flirv Tempi® nnd Gcorgo M. Pfttohcu hft3 been arrange. s , to rjr.rno off nt tbo Point Breeze course, Philadel phia, cm Thursday, tho 10th inst., mile heals, ihreo in five, to harnosa. The maroh will, deuo - croato intenso interes*; among sportir.,* circle?. Oa Tue°day afternoon, at tho i’ark, La-- net and J. Porler will contest for milo heats, be;t in five, under tho snddlo. Dkatii rnou the Heat.—On Saturday afternoon, a man about fifty years of ago, who v.’.U at work sawing logs-ut Walnut street, .was over camo by tho heat. Ho was tekou to tho hospital, whoro ho fiioi in half &n hour after reaching taej c. Ilia name wat i.ot ascertained, nor hsd any oi c oalled, up to yesterday afternoon, to claim tl o body. ArcriniKt to a Steam Finn Ekotxk —Th > steamer of thu Philadelphia IlOf'o-Company btoko her piston rod, af*er having, beeu nn boar and a half in service nt tho Qrc at Kimball »fc Gcrton’c, Tvvonty-tirst nnd Hamilton streots, on Friday morn ing laot 'j ho company will run another steam en gluo while tbo picsont is being repaired. St. .loHmPs Hospital.—The corner-stone of tho new building lor St. Joseph's Hospital, or, (.hard avenue, above Fifteenth streot, will bo fai l with tho usnal corcmonics*, by the Right Rev- Bishop Wood, on Thursday afternoon next', U»ih, at 2 o’clock. 3ha Very Rev. Dr. Morfarlv will dclivor an approprbito discourse on tho occr.- fion. Important to Applicants pop. Opfioj?. —Tho- following uotipo baa been posted on tho door of tho Mayor’s office: ‘‘Applications for policy appointments, upon nny other day tbau Monday, will sceuro tho rejection of tbo applicant.” This blot lias been dbomed necessary incous-- .quence of tho daily boring to which tlio Mayor i* eubjccted. Thrown from a Carriage.;—Yesterday. Miller Miller, ,'ij years of ago, was admitted hi to tho Hospital, suffering from a compound fracture of tho i{jft leg. caused by being thrown out, of n vehicle, near the Lerub Tavern, on Saturday evening, while turning a corner too quickly. New Military Company.—A new--com / pany, called the Pntriara’ Light Guards, is aboir? being organized in tho Fourteenth ward. .ItwHL bo attached to tho reginJontof Philadelphia Light Guard?, Col. J. G.Moreheud. Found Dead in Bud. —The coVoncr, on ; Saturday, hold an inquest on the bo<lj&,»-nf Cathc- ' line Wilson, colored, who was found ‘«aad in her J bed at her bouse* Fifty-first and ,Tfaltlut street?, J Twenty-fourth ward. A’ verdict ; of death from j natural causes was rendered. ‘z , - j Changing to Rkw■ loiik. - Equipments —, At a meeting of the Friendship Engine Company, hold last weeky a TCEplutionyras adopted, proridirg ■ for chttrigintf the -combnnyft ce/ulptnonts c*l tho Now York filyle, to tajio efftet on-tho Isf of Oc tober. '.V ’ i‘,__ .VLI_:L* r Trtat. op a S&am FmS h new’sVekm tngino fccldnging'th tbb Fire Comnany will bo publicly teslritflWs v.i h o’olook, at Seventh and Market streets. : I.'IPOBT.j r <& i SSfK -! to.tiTa M»gaUrt inuM the, m- Uinoaa I,ill KiFg Jf Si’Conkck ors, at * tavern Culvert ten Lrogar has lyog bc?n taorooted cfinsnuf.»etarlc* and dealing in coucTcrPiTf niid. T’OtwKhstfind nig toe most Aireuu&ua'offarrs'lA’dettct him. ho b»-a alway 4 hmtofora .ev*d*l the ilb- hrs ftcaumuUfaJ , an ne.anou-t, owns a very, 4ine country fraat- at Gt^nrd r -Monl S om S as well as w Ji&ochbm '-Tcfidooca ' stroct, above Jcffora;*/). in tbfr i CtafaF has * always h* l n fctnoy vtHUftVsr.tSbj \m an. nu jily given th^ia % suiaptiiMiH festivals He is well known in Montgomery and h is securoi lor himself that ’refpeqs whiok * richer alono tho frequently brlby fa their r-oLers- * ora ilo ffitoompanr burglar, called Bob-•RMIfly-,** - just after to pass n oounlef P fait bill on Iho Bank rf Commerce. About sS<* vreru found on tho purson of o'.‘ch, principally in oountcrfeit biPa oa lh« banks of Commerce, Perm fowaship. Lsoabertvilfa, N, V , and Clinton, Cw>. Lreger »n»t hi* cimpniivn committed by AMcrmjiiOgJt. in defauH-yf J.: 'M [.,,15, i 0 m swer at court. Le<. ai, , KXY'g—Qca rtku Stssmxs Ai?i*t:u—All of SaturJ-ty niornio. v. 4 ocoujiicu .1:1 J ‘-.'ilA-, CJSCi of 00 Imrorl-niß, «;q.t to Iho ,mii- . .Urw,., ,„; frcs tM] ■, ■ r 1 1; tb ’ °' A, ° nt J..h« vy. Cnlln, c«n vulo I of ll'iti n r.j called up, tho d. : r-r,d»u! haviue .'j u!,l ,^. :i!r ‘W t> trios >ritw:.«w lo |.r.)\e lh» Uu h ui his s'.nr; In !*» l’i' h Amturiv. Mre Li-.duu/, >'ij r-ji'ber -| Ih. clnl.l «ft>re-l to .11 luj I", t.-ns.- I -uh-tintliil.v that liu narrative ol Mr. Cmia wai true O her \ wore c.ilk I 1 . .onlradiu Iho Usthnony for too Coicuionw, iiih 10 r. fat;j’, to *» F'-.Ticsrcati m cf Mi Gulin nt 1 he priunry hvari: g o! ti-< 02.-3. At tbU pcuit iuo citcc ivaa ‘igtio eontirned nat>* Saturday ncx r , Li erdtr lo alfaw time f-*r the tr*' duo>K>q of an tmeorfant r In tho c of aicon Uampftin. alios '* Ycpri-* Sport,” ehr>c;ed with picking % hftbeoj corpus was, hexrd. ani'tl.o c.uii refund W-dir ebargo defaciaat M iry WJii’e, charjod-jj;h l a roc or, arts hasrl on fc oorou-t asirlug to be df-uji-iM ito prosecutrix alleged tbur tho defai.daut mu a lodgor a* Lcr hou:®. Jfavlri? nifaacd n Eliftwl. tbo pro'Ciu’rbt Mary White’* aporldiont, a-.,.1 io the UcfaDd=r,fa trank w«t f und a tovr], which hud ba-n wrar’td .'Mi-d tb s ' shawl when it w;«a IA-Vti “ Tile court refa«»d to di.oharg-'. ■ A brtfEch--:*-:h:-i)«ftJ!CCft-ow:s h.-si-I. in Pe-. % '. Mary L wii fcoit./cc) were charged wiib threat s in TvgAri ra CVhcriua 'brea'a ri>' Si ('l fi * ne d 1 1" dtd cot amount to rr.Vy;*’ vi there .'“Lpsired to have t> mutual tff--"'" ugi* tip;.’Dt Iho ptrU 5 *. F.-*rr and Vary wtro dl.s.:hs.rgcd. w.**h nn intTmit*:ou from th 9 judge FaU they Hvmki acivil tongue in Ib-Ar’ hevfa Dhtrht Court—JcdoiT Stro* d. —Tbb court vraa in .'.ton a. short tioM? oo v Saturday but, owing t-» 'ho fib.e <?-r cf Jndgas Sb s t3wrAl *£d' Har*. Lit other than fch'-r»fi's derfiß t.-*s trar.iectcd. Ho'U'ital OSxturday cvoninfiT, a uric. LHiae ur.krorsp, fibout fifiy-fire w«) a-lmbte l to the bc.-pual in a djing coadßian.’ It F»'pesr< he bad b-'rn engiged in rdnieg a «n-*r, &no*th-».*m .o, st \V*dlttu*-stre»t wheif, wHt» b) win ov« rccs*» Hiih iho heat He ftcopteinw* of being Tory nnwcll, and died a few nsina* , ea »*'- ter being admitted to th* hoaptul. r * Robert L-e, sg#>d 2?, had M? h»sl aal to** badly brur«d by being thro fun from a fntoi turo wagou whiia dtvving alocg iltoal street iu ihe lower part of tho oDy. ; Tub I Awruns and ins Neis- Prni.u- BctLWSGv— A mt-etiog of the iccrabers of Bar ot ilui ciiy will ho hold to day, at uooc. la Diatriat Court ro''. UJ . ys. 1, to mko oction on-tb»* sahjfct cf tbs pr- posed removal of iho Ceart Hcufo to Bonn Square. The lawyer!£c n «rsfly?.rw or,p,’Fed to the of locating the ucfclio fciitd- iVrr becatiaw tb*T have their offi- loc.'.ttii 1:1 tuo rt<*’nity rf tb« old-State How^ Found i t owned—Tbo bcAv l! r.n tm known :uan f mnd in the B'bcy’kil! jes ordav flfi<*rtu, >p, st tre first jvbarf b<3atr (faces corr-i.rr h-.!<i ar. irquett bcd a ?er di:t fc«.c« rdirgiy. Tue Booth Fcgjttve Cask—Riot TaßE4r rxko IX Wiscc.vsis —TbcMilwaakce IVioroipiu* cf last Monday, rays ; . J *•£ M. friends have lean expsrijrs that Ju '^ 'j Cole wcaMsoon pc : s tbrouwj) curcDv. on h'; rc.nm fnm (he Fair, n.l 1 r would gm*.» n wilt far a A.'Wt eorjrn. they aqarc qirntly jcidyforh mwhcii be »kou!d*rv*'e- I.rst Sclurdny Judge Pcite caa.e into lowo,'ati%s fticrdr. fcajicg they might thus Juilgo Cole, therefore desired tut (*> let vho epportcaity tl’p, and accord icgly made tbo application in a new thapo. »su; Satuid-jy, ctfaro Judge Paine, »T:a, ifter a tbcrcugU ea»niir,v.s';n r it was defied. -T*»» *.ew j»oh t raised was, that the Guvtrnuirnt had'm? m I' *• imprison Bcolh in any other ylacobit jd • - i vUB. 10 long as oar flats ksd ) • , n Govcmncnt this' pririlegs. Jt|^ge i - 1 . did not consider this SRffijyfuc. grcqnflj: tho writ was denied, wjtfsh haa&iqred g' iruignation among Booth's friends, whokr-y i- >w tbrea.enlng, as the iastreiprf, fagetep'a nV, Rod take B'.oib out on Wednesday rtxL st wild/ lime iho greatmoas conveotioa-as»emU<* .i&LhW ci y, f-w the purpose cf nomin»tiDg lloa. J<?t« K, Putter f.r Congress. Wo uidcre'asil that.Mi- Booth’s friends claim that Judge Paine. HdS/haH hinn- It Ifablo to a fine of one thru.atHi dolfatifor refu irg to grant tbo writ, nnd th.« they iatcnd lo cr-fnree (he Qbp. We also learn that much exe«!«> ruent h 33 existed In tho country in relation to iLia matier, and that the friends of Booth wero reedy to ri«e eny moment, loeaae they wero nolsoc orssfut in obtaining a writ’* L'tk<t rroM Por.T*AO-Pin.NrE—O pfaia T~- tofi'-'l to'' l»rig Isabel Banraarn, arrfvpj at Now V" r| . •*'> Nz'urday, from Poit-aa-Prinre lsl in?!., knj i'” <vy furnished os wbh iho following Ot llarti r On myarrfvfll tbo HnyilelJ Oovt-fr irVnt fccmed lohe In afn' uproar oti of a-iv 5-iioa In Now. Yoik; (employed by t>.«» '<»-ovtrjpjnnn»> ?rodtJ>£' » letter -hr n Weal cf hfa, Ut«t in Noiv Yoik #fltJ BaUi-d 111 rt re was s great of U-iyiKn paper money offered for *aie, mm! raid to bo soot oat by vesvels from there. Ano ther gentleman received n similar letter frrm New York, which he gave up t> Ihe Government. AU vessels lying ~m pcrtwerMbn rouably tearcbcd, but nothieg was found Tfce Pre?idcrt and bis escort wero expecting to arrivo from the Northern States, whero ho has b‘tn for tho last Iwo months. The country wat very healthy and quiet.— Herald . Saw two Sunsets is one Day—A Gluhov* Sight.—One of tho finest sight* hteicer. tbo aoroenut says, that he ever uaw, tvai tho view ho had of two BuuietJ, whila on Lu balloon trip from Milwaukee, on the sth instant, lie »a*.at u certain altitude the first time, whoa he saw the fctm go down upon L-ke Michigan, ard then descended t> the waters of tfce take. Afterwsrdsbecoicmecced rising very rabidly, and soon renewed fcaoh an at titudu that tho fiery urb again began to ri:O fc appa rently, from tho Western water?, ami ore long ho wo* once more in full funiigbt. Then, as ho de fended again the run sink beneath tie waters a second time, thus affording two fcuaset views iq it single day The professor say?, ss the sun ftpuenr «<l to rise the second time, it was one of tho finest ha over witaesscJ, and the spectacle was cf tho most magnifi.'ont desurirtion. Clivatio J’xTiiEues —Tho mefcorolo’lo.i? re cord, tbit year, on thu i’.tcifij coa«t, pesstus thu weatherwise here, ns it iro.<L the fa vans i f (bo East. ’ During the hsr m&mh wo haw* chronicled Juoro acccur,u<f thunder-storms Lid ncciduufa hy lightning than in any previous year since tbs discovery of gold witfcln our limits. Yes tordrythe nows w, .3 flash<d ov©t tfcoAl'a tele graph Fee, frnin Yreko. th st tbo gooJ folke under tbo shade of Ah-unt Shasta *.rcre being visited with a florin, nccompanicd wilt thunder and lightning. Simultaneously with tho receipt of this de?pt*eb csrae ar.cthcr over tho State line wires, Announcing u snow 3torm in the d-dvctnbte regu>» 3 of the Sier ras. nnd this, bio, on the fifth day of June, a mouth, in former years, as delightful in tho mountains na it has beeu this veur wiu*ry, nnd almost continually stormy — Alt-i Cch'fnmia, June d. Elopemkvt at Grdensbcp.o.—J. IT. Pntofcor, a watch-maker by trade, took up hi* nhodo in Grccnsbnrg some months since, and from all cppcaranccj w as d-Ing a pretty fair bu-inef*. About ten days ho Jett for Attcoaa, statieg ns his ror.son for so doing that he was going thither to repair watches tor the railroad company, sirca which be had not bean heard--of-oatu Saturday last, when b.t> wife received n latter from some of her relatives rear Altoona, Informing her of hte elopement with ayoung lady named Pott?, of that place. His wife, it Appears, was not igr.r-rant ot his design v.licu leaving Greensburg, ihe fcnviT-.* reasons to suspect Ms fidelity. On rccrij-tcf iho letter, she (oak theevening train for Alii/om. s ; r.c » which time nothing has been hoard of eufcar piny. \Pittsbu'-!j Title The ]’j.ku::o Pneumonia—The cattle com- cf Massachusetts held a meotfag on TucsJrv afternoon, at thoExecudva CouT.cil unam -bor. Dr. Larin?, who was cons Hated a commHteo to draft regulation? m relation to the management c>f the disease bv towns and oitieft, ns contemplated in section (» of tho “act in addition to on net c -n -ccrnlng contagious diseases among eatile,’* ia -.-u- n report. It le-'umiucnite very s*ricc action. No fiction was taken on tho adoption of tic rq<>rt. Tbo eommisdonors visited the herd of Mr. Cl.ctery. Dclttioat, oa Tuesday-afUrtxc&o. Tho pqrposnof tho commissioners seems to be to ascertain the na ture of the dfeeaso. At Brookfield and other towns there seems to bo a marked progress of tbo disease, but still some of tho oommisfioners aro of the opin ion that thoro will r.ot bo ft requisition of n hospital of quarantine. P OLITIC A I* The Democrat of Kenton county, Ky., have oallod a meeting at Oovington to ratify the r.ouit nation of Douglae and Johnson. A. very largo and enthusiastic Bell and Eve rett ratificalfcn mooting was held at £iou.t Falls city, Dakotah Tenitory, on Juno 2*5. A salnte of forty guns, ono for each State and Territory, was fired. Brownlow calls the Seccders’ assembly at Baltimore the Rtnuinnndgc Convention Jkj,c.e Fe Bri’ler, of Spencer county, is tho Republican candidate lor Congress in the Fiist Ictfianr, district. The Steubenville (0.) Union has raised the BreokinTidgc flag Oheyint, Orders.—Pelton, thepostraafltcr at Poughkeepsie, signed n call for r Donglai mooting a day or'two after tho nomination: - lio mow formally takes back, that signature and goes for Breckinridge. I fox. Ancuis Dixon, formerly U. S.-Scnu tor from Kentucky, is a strong supporter of-Doug las and Johnson. There are bat* two Breckinridge men in RortharoptiKuMris* ' Gov. Foote addressed a Douglas in.Naubvino on Saturday. Tbo Horn Gen. IV. Jones will stump bi 3 Gtata for the _,***- JLittlo Giant.” _ ' ‘ ’ i DountAS has 32 out of the 45 DemocTalic papers in Missouti. ; - 5 Sricnur.Aß.—The I‘tovidence ; “ There havo been eightem eleciiocs of In cloven of them the name .of tho-indivniuai elected ended with tho letterN. > IVHhUttfy one exception, thn tiaiKQ-nf-eVAry _Pf nß ,q Pn yqjh has SMVQd’ttvatorm3lHd to ’termination. OTot-iy oue.eaM,. has. a OindidMejor re-election, nlih N Anal ia his name, becn'dt'featfti; riii-t '<• .-e *h© tioidc of the candidate fwtesss-d thiJ nupicioos lormination.”
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers