CALIFORNIA NEWS. i>u'i' ? )»> -'a v—'r* V ? 7 \^~h 9 ■"•■ '• W« gfcu frbmtbe CiUfynUntib, riowved by »atitnb«r bf-additional items of neWY' •*•* " " • "' IhiopnticK’f WJpii.trkfiif .tosled depositions ta* - ken hy 'CoinmlssfC'ttef John’K- Haekett, at New I - Toik.with jsfs'wmwto the will of Broderick, wow ’ opened ouJotfe ISi.'in the ProbataCpnrt. From the eaewen to the inferropatbrles'thswin oontain ■j > ed.itappters tbattho will of thelate; Senator, ' Wktoh «yeJohp A- MoGlynn *lO,OOO, andthera . - , lidaeofbls eatete to George Wilkee, wee drawn by A. A. f.Mllpf, (fhfmeriy jhdgeef theMsrine Court,) «Si»kJSi«4ef!oVertqa«t,-»od. leMapwssaee, In the Metropolitan Row York. en; fhe.Jd of , Janaary, 1859 j that JTohn J. Hoff, of Hoboken, ■ •limitation. BwdiSok; to wtfni ' ■ aons were prerent but the witoeßPee,«»»H|e will, .■•'vjaMSMffijsassigsS '• •* **«*?* a£?he;i*l«Ml4entifyile °'?,.ie#n signature -/.ssis-v'-yr-'l)'':., 0 ' sir-. as fat as Isis Aneslae by the middle of July. ,".<■<■ T«* W - Ui*' -w -, ealtaZleiishienowripeeine.aßdthefMgereaw ' borilySpiedlothe l*boHoaabht Wwpnt tarir '• - ■ ordethertnSthe bonnteoaaJiarveet na tte.nw: ■„ r '.eriU~'Mnhwhaf-retard ike; ripeningof the grain) .belt,' to fhr, the eropi bid fairtoyieW well. • ■.v | made by the fenoiu olipper ship Challenge, Capt. . . John Land, ta-IBSJ. She-left Mon* Kon* on the --. ,10th,orllawh.and errirwlhem April ,1! .the lripln thirty:the} dajr. Bhe left the coaßt , v,,,;,*f Ja»an on the Sth nf - April; t hn* baring made. »'thertinfyein‘thit'Sd»*try‘ Id ‘th* extraordinary . "Vtthe of. **•*»<«*»-<>•?•• Thetneaitst distance r, n.-rimn hr low weithwhhnodwd ikhdfttxtf Ulles ;nri . tweaty-fapr hoars! ; the highest: speed attained. ' sixteen knots per hour.; The average spead ' iwa-rtenlcnots;-’ ' i - Tea orope of elover in Uuba county ire very i • i lorariant this year. One of thd farmers U outtipg, ■■ at tblr timeone hundred and eighty ac res of c’over tV' Of the flneriqnaltty, ita height beingfrom two to ■'[-'three.foot.V', The wbeat crop In Tuolumne oountyhsg been; slmcst wholly destroyedby the severe front which' '/- ’ " ' halpreyanad during the,entire »&spn. Cbisksb lamoEArioa. The San, ftanoisoo Htrald aaya: It appeara that not leas thin three. ..thoniud. one hundred and; forty-throw Oblneee ‘hakearrifed in California from theporb Of B»P|r .xmg altmh sinim the - first day offset month) end' of this nnaaber over a thoassnd were landed OB our >tehoresyosterdey. ■ . - , THe leOrsrs .ie.Hunani.nT Countv.—A letter „ ~|n the Hnmfcoldt. Ibttwa, written byiMajor-Balnes, ;. .af tha Vnited States army, ehowa that the Indfans have twen morertnntd aninat than sinning. Hav , ing. been drlran from weir tiling and hunting gronnds by the whites, they stealeattle to satlt fy ,thairhnager. The Humboldt -TVsws- thinks that - the United' States troops'-ate of no serrleo thole, and wants a company of rolantaerr to sat in their lirnii—-Stockton .Argus. , , Stare Thnsanitr,—Tho amoont of'money in the. ; State.Treamry, Jnpo J 6, .W«*493,1H.65.' ■ . . A quart! rain recently dlaearered atChill Camp, .. Teolomne oonnty, has tproed oat to; be immensely, < rieh.'- Aa high e» two hundred .dollars' hare heen v.tekoW-fKim asingla panof.tha.daenmposed rock. . t■’ rV; IhaDowMerlHoXltttnsta eays theChlnamen; s.t '. thatplace, era raising, boxing np, and shipping . ~ their deed people, to .China, it i „-iJ iheeorrespondentof theSaaJPranoisoo.Afto, tft - • - Odterado, eayi that about four hundred miners are ■ atwprklnthe OUadigglngs. Benjamin Holiday, ihe tirlnee of California stoek ndoare, 1 has laased a ranch of-4,000 news, in one of the !o«rer cduntles, iof‘gw«ing purposes, at a wot ' Thera is mnch oomplalnt in San Francisco of the seafelty of aeasen. Hen will not go to ceafor g2Q • a.montb. With poor Tpod and rongh treatment, i I. when they ean get $3O, good foodana proper nssge onihore. .. An herthqnaka was disttaotly fait in Mariposa . oatktrrtalogolJaßel. . ••!-■< -v Bappipioa> ,SstPTn.i-The Bepnblleans of 6a .'. ’,,enmanto.fiw; a saalnia of one hundred gnns, on, . .nuedgyerpniug, In honor or the Chloago nomiiia- the hay crop in Taoinmna aoenty is tepsrior this year to anything erer seen before. .t; .l _ —- .NnW Misss. is’OesoOS.—The Dalles ilfo«u , , Set'aeer learns. that gold has, been dlseOrered on ... < Bosk Island, A small, affluent of the Colnmbio, on - - -: the trail between Oolrille .and the Simllkameen. , A mlner. by the name of Haynes, brought imn : Colrllle $lOO, the prodoet of three days work.’ He same Is for piurUions, end One of the partners re . tnrned at osee, . . POLITICAL. The New Orleans Creaunt has deserted Breckinridge, and goes for Bail and -Everett. - The New Orleans Delta vigorously repudi ates all attempts at fusion between the two wings oftheDemoeraej’. The Breckinridge men in New Hampshire - ' propose effceting tbe ormniietion of a Breckin ridge party in that State. V - The "Congressional - Conferees, of .Beaver' Lawrence end Mercer counties, Pa., met-at Now v C.etle on the #th lost., and noaainttad John W• - Wallace, of Lewmsee county, for Oongiers.’ ~, • Toe Augusta Chronicle hears that General - Houston bee declared for Bell and Ererctt. Tci.- - is evidantly; a mistake.; < The aanvass in' Texas on . -behalf of General flosatoa Is now being proeecuted with great vigor.| , - r The Bnekiiiridge then intend to start a new paper at Aagoete, Georgia, to be called the Trv* - Democrat-' [The only Democratic paper now pub llsbod there, tbe CorittituftonaltH, tuppofte Don gles and Johnson. The statement of the Secedlngpepeps, that' - Vitrpatrlck has oome ont for Breckmridrc.; is authoritatively contradicted. He stands by 11-* 'nomination-of Dosglas-and Johnson. —Bartfard ; Piet.y ,-'1 " li f/,"- ,= s n THsr'Hoa*- Richard Brodhcad declared, a; . the DbteOeratie meeticg hetd in Beetonl last week, ' ■ that be felt-bonnd to.stand by the nominee of Hi* , . Democratic National Convention, Stephen A. Don .' gias. : y. t : L A.. ! \,r- .• j HE. Job*-fiiPKS, who used to split rulia - with Hr. Lincoln, in fltioofa,- and who le a lif - -. long Democrat, has written a letter in regard, to ; - Mr. Unjfda, and avers his determination to vote for him. .. .. Tbs Breckinridge men have, a mimeroasty ’ elgced petition to General Cashing. Dr. Loring, . and Enochs. WUliems, Esq , ti> sddrea9 themir - Newburyport,- Mss*. General Lfssblng reached bone on Satnrday. and the meetfng wiU probably come otf at an early day.’ - • The Aberdeen (Mias.) Conttrtaiive has . s corns oat .for Doogtis and Johneon. This istl|-> Mississippi which tin ran np the National Democratic flag, bnt the > ere otter* which wtll ioon follew, and the contest’ will be a lively one in that State. Ddngia* utock. 'i- 'ie rapldijadvenetag to the Foath. ■= f’’? '..Textaed Coninati.—An obscure sheet in Harri<bnrg, with e confidential circulation, end edited by -» pensioner of Senatorßigler,"devote* T/;-,^tiiveoeeta!'lisSecond'rpaee toabq*e of !Z7/e . : Prut..-On the flrit page we notice a three-column „ ; - .advertisement; from She ' Departments at Washlng . tea., The text of its scurrility beersa eery an propriate comment. • ” • A PAipabib HJii—The, Indiana Enttr pritiuji; ;: v 1 -' ■" ' ''‘VJde Lalft stomped thlßnounty two year* ago (bridle benett. of. dodge Hughe*. ,Ho advocat- d , popular, sovereignty, andtalked long and load in .farer of Democrat* ‘ abiding the ungesaad tup ,' SJ P®/ tiitjgih* rAguiar novUnusl. Nowh'econpifier.j that'doctrine as ‘in agitating' question which is . •, 1 threatening to destroy and sorer this brbtherbiod • of StttM!”' - MILITARY AND NAVAL Tire trailed States frigate Sabine and store-, ship Fat month ware at AspinwftU July 4. Ptrasia 0. C. UnuLu has been ordered to the Bablne, vice Steele, who went home,invalided.' ,tho! United State*, brig Balnbridge, of the Brazil' Sgaadroo, toßoston- ; "... Daxixp o>to* has applied for and rceeived an honorable discharge ns First. Lieutenant Com peny A, Seventh Infantry. :The United States‘stoop-of-wag St. Louis, Commodore Poor..salted from Aspinwall for .Oar thagaeaca the 20 th nit, . T«E,Uhlted States steam, sloop: Wyoming, Comiaandar J. K. MltohtU. was at Callao ;'on the U’h«H. United States steamer Powhatan, Capt. , -' Peeraonj arrived at Valparaiso on the Jat of'June; -few*Panacea. Shewould leareshortly for Fhtla i , WBlaamfrom special adrteee from the Pa-, ; , r ?***«gaadßio.Uist tSe.tteam-frf*eteBar»ne«. on heing nltered-at Panama by the United Stetqs - „,“^^••fSs.willprooaadatoncetoSan -' ’ Francisco, tobe oratfcaaled sod repaired. ttse of tbo ves*cls_d*uiled tor. reinforcing rr»reqsadron lßtbeChitt*e*iKM, the eun-b-iaf Baeafab, >alled from Norfolk tm Monday?- When •hearrimont we will have , four -ateamon In the Beetlodlae. .• , Ir le expscted that a company, orJtwo of In- ;yy Will Oooq be detalledto garrieena now mtlj. -’tarrattifanibedtln be,ett»Mi«hedoe*r the Big WlnterCnoeriag; Atk«n«e»'ri7or, for the protection ;/-r:''df;«<!Sn«>ti''®|ikcVP«»i£.. .r , . -7, 1 I’ESi; w%M*Ww*‘?oWM6tt fiaotiiiiitaW » '■ v" ydrdet eatßagiState tniuury encampment »t Vbrjr, eoeatneaeine on th fdiend ending on the Rth of v .,gopm*!*? JWii T4»jor «eaM»l w£. i ti. Keim, ofihe ■ y,-x: 'i-;P»|t*3;"State* naval escort for the Prince yof’tfalee lttaiked of, bot no offlolet order*hare :y*f bien ieeOed on the euWwt. TheAHadne, y;>y7wWeli<wtll ,aeootnoan» the Prince, wadYrallt in . iatltatiapeftba United! Staten jteaß-frifeteMerri :' i ’ fV■ O* Thoraday morning a dctachment of : Oaltad.-«We»£lM*goon».Wt New yorfcoit*, tat * ff "f Canute, P*.-, where • the* are to" he. .I«*edfat«lj ,c ;«|«aH*»diW. ettlTS eel-rbe fa the Vartan depart. (Mate of tta, arjqjriVlte«fc tfkeeler, will deke : -y-:tow>peeag'ehatge of the command. ;-■ -y _ Tfj* Fifth regiment, 5 Md .Coinpaaies A, P, at>dH,eftt« Teith rrgtnent, (Jnlted 6tatM< In* Ivil Whtrr* which were reodntiydeepetehed fro® Camp * ~C Ptdfd lo nnrnient oar military force in New Mm } yeoykave had to abandon the ronte br Spenlsh Fort tpOreen RJrer, fa oonaequenao of the road being '•""yanpiretiered.' - Oo’ the 3oth or Jane they were .*svi ? ,»e»eMeg,la good heelth,ahdwlthoat mnlettation, • • *o «el?de»tfaeHmi, rta Salt Creek nnd Sanpete -i’i ; -‘ - ' 'SS*S J lr * n :fc * ** ¥<>rt on the 'yf£i(UW«,tto', appointmentein thagftny, re r-t*®***^^itrooi tfcebffloo of tbrAbjatest following kMitSW.toJtlyCn arlgl- „£*} ,fc: -~VM: fitiioftidfof the Prwitl t. _ ARECIPO—Brip ; Doris, Edson—W bb fla ro * w * Tapiiton/* 1 ‘ ;;,n .PHIJoADELPHTAboard of trade, Committee or ns Month. jtof&RTyßt RhtKDe - * - 1 - At the Mere Philadelphia. tu. .vyjouaheißarton........... ...s.Liverpool. July » r SiSI gJSSun Heine, Harwood. - —-.. ..Liverpool, soon BiVlT»argar*t-HolB .PeraMWmoo, soon [larkSt Jes*»>".Rio do Janeiro.soon Iwk Jw^&wvll-Dan5......... . .I.eMovVa.sorm liris it T Martp. Carver ..Cienfnetpe. sooa ' llnS-SiolasZillsn ;..V-Jlntoerare. soon (In* Mart kJdilUken, Noiden.-.—'M-'-CiparOnnss. soon. .wSen ijornmeroe; RarneS;..'! AiMetctwr. PR.Jnlj li ,*cM Evelrp.Tprke,; 5 ..,..1.,, r - - Havana, sooa .-hr Fannie, Vance. I. -—.- Havana, soon ymAKINB • INTKLLIGENCE.- ;7f ij'ltY 'tiy pgifLADELPHIA, Jalr U., ISBO. bUNJU»i»-~ e^e-iii-BUN BETSTM iHHH VfATEg-'—ri U~~- —’-i Wp Hrig -.fkms'(.P&nl.JEdsoo, }ldays fro® Arfloibo, with li Sbippkpd, Lane, 4 day* from Now Haven, 1,!4a tden • i ieye from Boston. dar. from Port Wal- coal, Ga* Company. - , Bte*o>*r houra flora New York, MBairil 4- Co. 3 teauialiiii YiVs ini eWSnpna T Webster, Jr* r,. Ofooiier, wew Yvrk, via cape May, ■ Twslls, NtVmt A Co. Tlrig Ocean wave. Morton* Boston* ifi A Bonder jt Co, Sohr A Trent. Bowdoa. Do;ton. L Rothermel & Co. Bohr Telosraph, Rojers. Harwiohport. ftohle, Ham ritett fc CftblwelVr Y StrH-L GaW, Iter, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. . ‘‘i’corre.pondenoeoftl.o Phn^lgMaEgcihMso. , The foHowms-vessels ate at harbors Barit Adjuster awai«n?,oiders,»d the following gial .losded sobri: Lamot.Dopoot. Bnoo.-L Audonriod. Hen ry Slav. J BAnttin. Jnse williameoo. Jr. & t li ' 'Mth.Bo'ow ?l»ke.T Lake,alid A A TmeU. OnebAtk ' '■ N. w. toOKMAM; ’C. fCor’rssimofleiioo’of The Pre«;* , :; . A .. 7 - HAVRE HE GRACE. Jnlr IS. 188. :.Ttio KioSeton' loft.with 11 boats In tow. iadsn and oon ■‘p n s pratujVdVa’JB Vetoifr-wbeet.cog.Tye, . oats teatber, Ac. to Hnmpnreyfy Hoffman A Wright Rtnitoga. oorn to A G C&iMll A Co.and b»t\wniuoaBGo\ <o Mem ok k*on; A Barber. J A Hopper, and Dnboi* A l aw,inmberto Noroross A «neot«; Mery^.do tn. Malone A Tay.'or; 81* Brothere. do to S Bolton A Co, -Trne American,>*M -Baity; Cbae Brubaker and Two SUwru. ooal to,Delaware City. • jm,u. ManandoonsuoM ae follow** • „ . . < ’ - Homeward Bonndi lumber toJS Kflpner; Terpwohore. dote Malone A TrJ lor: DiUfent. do to Sami Bolton A Co; Wm beware Bnrt Wm F Coulter, do to Henry Croa |rey {R F Clark, pi k non to Bertolet A Co; Pmday, do to Cabeen A Co; 8 rafu timber to Sob Nat Co. : MEMORANDA* _ „ ' Skip fefdnd Ooeen, Bolitbo, trem New York, at 8a- Little, sailed from Callao May Bhfp Kinf Phillip*, Rollins, sailed from Callao Cth ult.. 0 for West Coast of Booth America, cleared at Baltimore nth inst. - *ht» Connecticut, Bpjdden, from. Liverpool for Wo v «in«. wbfebiput into* Plymouth.,J2Ault. leaking b%dly, ernved at Portsccoutb JBio, where ahe will duoharge Now Yorkiath Maroli for Ban Pyaec'eoog was spoken April tf, lat 3010 R, lon 37 58. Nt^xib,Baxter.from New York for Bhanshae, wasjpokenJ6tbnU,lats46BN.tnn*SBW.- -- • - -Ship- JoMpb-Crandeil, for Philadelphia, entered ont-., wart at New Ctatle *Bth ult. < ■ -Ship Yhanbim.«*r«ent.frtm New York for Bhang hae; was spoken m.ay, lat 8 N* lons 31W. t Ship Trow«» Smith, from New York Md May fnr Ban Fnmoiteo; spokeif isth uVlat 31 N-wn* 40 w. ' Bark Oof.aonc, nptinyqr, forJPinl&dolphia. sailed from. d 1 *" f Kh?*llSnah- WillPtU, Cranmer, hence, arrived- at .Thereaa C, Smith, fior Providenceg cleared at BaltimorelTtbiri»fc _ > .. . ~ , Msry Jane. Capital, and J. R MitoheJU sailed from New Haven Uth inst. for Philadelphia, •_ t , . Bchrs A Heaton.-Ryan* and D T Willetts, Baldwin, heooe, arrived at lUh inst ; Warren C Nelson, Smith, and Thomas Page, Robinson, henoe, arrived at Newport llth m«t. , fiohrs Aoxbury* Chaeo. Jos M ax field. Mav, Alejauder Hendersoo. Retghnm, W Salisbury, Hudwq, J C Bax *«r. Babcock; F £dwatdB,.Bdbooolc. and R 8 MLUer, j Hender«on f beede/arrlved at Boston 12th inst * , BScbr John E Pattet, Haskell, cleared at Portland Jlth met'/or Philadelphia • . . w . ’ Bcbr J J) MoCarthy, heooe, arrived at Newburypsrt ll law Morse, Phillips, hence for Taunton, passed •Newport 11th m»t The U 9 friaaue jßabiae and storeshlp Falmouth were >t AspinyaUßlh inrt.,. 1 MEDiCINAL. JQYSt'EPSIA REMEDY. Dr, DARIUB HAM’S - aromatic invigorating spirit. Thit Medicine k*9 ifien need by the public for six years ieith increasing /avor, 'Jt is recommended to Cure j}ysptpsia, Nervousness, tteart-Burn, Colic Pains, Wind in the Stomach, or Pains tn fhe BoVscU, Headache, Drowsiness, Kidney Complaints,'Low t-pirits , DeNrintn Tremens, Intemperance. It STtMVLATX*, Exan.ATtATxo, IyviGPZATKfi, Brr ■ ' WILL KOT IIiTOXtCXTR OR STUpKP?. As a Medicine it is quick and effectual, onr'ng the aoet aggravated Ktdnev Complaints, and another derangemehtN oi liioduimoohand Bowels , ?I?*wis a iE?tSS?'revire the c?o«t mplanoholy and drooping spirits, and'.Teetore the; yroakf norvpjip, and sickly to health, strenxts. and.vigor. -- Arsons who; from the iuludioious use of hqncrv. beoomedejectedt*cd therr nsrvoufl system* shsttereff, i ooasdtations broken down,and sul'Jcot to that horrtb e eorae to DBLiRitTM TRKMkNs, will,, a - most immediately, feeltne happy and. healthy invigo rating earner °WoK Do°* Sfilritr ' DosE.MJne wine as necessary* One dose will,remove all Baa hptf , Ow dose will cure Heart- barb. Three doses will cure Indigestion. Oiw dose wiHfiypyop a Good Appetite, i One dote Will stop thsrdistressing pains of .Dyspepsm. One dote wdlremove the distressing and disagreeable effeots’ of Wind drFiatmeaoe, and as soon as the •touiaeh receive* tbe; Invigorating Bpmt, tbe die truss ing load and aIJ painful feeungs wiU be removed.. „ Ope dcse will resßOve roe mwt distressing >pains of Oohg,eitberin thsstomaeteprbf*weli!. ; A fewdoee* wiUremove in the Kidney, Bladder,or IMnary Organ*. ‘ ‘ ' * Parsons who apppenoo*!/ofiiioted with any Kidn«7 Complaints are a«f«rfd or speedy relief by a dose or two, and a : Persona whs, from diMip*tiog’ tw much svpy. night, and feel tbe evil effeets o. goisopousuQuOrge in headaches.sTckness at weaine«s, glddroeß?, Ac., will find onediwe wiili .move all feed f*eliaas. , . , Lidiesof wqaSTnd.siukiy coottituijoßE shou/d t&kp the JnW*oiatin* Bpm» three times a day; itwiil mshc tnsin strong, healthy, and hapt y, remove all obsirao jjoasaetdlrrefnJorities[torn thy juenitnial organs, and pwtore tke &ioosi pfjisaUb and beauty to the careworn faring pregnancy it wiii be £opqd >m invaluable medi cine to remove disagreeable sensations At the atomsoh. . All the proprietor asks is a trial, and "jo uft&cp Urn, to ha* put up the Ihvioobstiho Srimif in pitit buttllina , Je^ilV V f)ik' OHCHABD ACID SPRINGS. >-r , Thom, Springs are situated in the, valley of the Oak Orchard Creek, in the town of Alabama. Gmtsee co„ fti Y„ eight tnjiejifoatb of the village ot Medina, on the Erie Canal. amMourreen miles from Batavia.. , 99- The principal Acid tiaras* cvrgThreo in number;> these there are six others. Tfojr arp all located .jriihuMt utromi.of. about. fifty /ha .B*£tiijtnsJ qualities ofthe waters are fully shown m the stthjonxtrd testimonials; They contain a very large amoiintof Suf yhur, Sulphuric Aeid, Sulphate of Lime, and Proto- Sulphate of Iron. The greAt'medicinal Virtues possess' eit by theee inters depend very largely upon the pro* eenee« in such naueuaJ aaiatitie*, of these curative sabstanoes. . Hundreds of oases of disease, especially those result ing ironi the scrofulous diathesis, have bien cured by theVrase. - . > % . * - . '* ' 1 *■ War in in confirmed leprosy—the waters have been signally suooeaafol. , Opinions of mediecukna scientific gentlemen are given In the. circulars. -The‘ following .eminent gentlemen speak in strong terms pf<*he ! medicinal value of these waters: Prof Emmons, T» hompyn Book, M. D., of Albany; Jas.MeNaaghton,M- DLot Ajtany; Kdw&nl Spring, M; D./of Hew York; Dr.kTc& Puts field, Hass. $ Dr. L», Shuler.of Lookport, N. Y. Tpey recommend the waters confidently. Dr. Spring refers to 1 a ease of chronic diarrkita of several yean* standing, which was cured by thy use of the water Dr. Beck says, “1 am satisfied that these waters are highly valuable as medicinal agents." ttr. Campbell says. •• Taey must be highly beneficial for ail chronic diseases of the ctpmocli and bowels. lir.S. P. Whiteread a paper on the.subject of these waters, belore the Academy of Physicians, in tbe'oify ofNewYork, inwhieh be states tpit the Waters pos sess decidedly tonus, refrigerant, ana astringent proper ties; and that theolaesofdiiieaaes'to which they are mors particularly adapted, are ohronio affections of the digestive and urinary organs, and some of the cutanr ■ out disease* ; ehutatc dyspepsia / chronic diarrhea : dysenteryj chronic diuretic / chronic eystitts : diabetes; oases of passive hemorrhage, such as Purpu !a hetiSorrhagica, and the colliquative sweats ot Hectic ? sv*r. The Water may also be often used with ad •vantage, he says, iji oases of loto typhoid fevers: in • eontaftseeneefrom protracted fevers, toesolte the ap petite and promote digestion s i« diarrheas. partionlarTy suohaearedeperdentona related i)f ulcerated state of thsktrnoons membrane of the inlastmep. in ealou totuaneotipna.orH/auuij,-attended with phoiphatso is the suitable remedy, being preferable to .tnuriatia aejd; as being .more solvent and less apt by coutmoed ose tp disorder the stomach. ,n febrile dis eases, it can be osed prpperly diluted, as a refrigerant todiminish thirst andprewroatural neat In skin dis .cases—in those forms oi dyspepsja oonneoted. wl’li an alkaline oondiUon of the stomach, as in Pyrosis < or wa ter-bra*fc, it wJJlpitfre better than hydtoehlaria acid. In oasesoicrntfdpftteroaurn.and other.injurious con-’ tesuenoeearisttit&omUkp, notion of lead, this water oo.aa aAmkable antidote, In vAreriie pharyngitis, Utryngitftj mucous catarrh,'nod humid; dgthmoi chrome ophtTypimifl (extetpaiiy) aga garglsin ulcerated son throats, in oaf e« of/pafi- Vfttipn, and in teuconhea and gutt And also invjlet. ■ when taken internally, a wine»glae*fulot the Water, diluted, taken three times a day. >s sumoient for an adult, ’ ■ , • ■ , - Other testimonials from physicians, and f'Jliar jo speotable individuals, may oe seen on application to the Agent 7 • . Deafer* supplied on liberal term*. • WWattr ,««i« ««(?.. g’ ( “J , TWICK . • 'Sole As*nt, - * Q ;* rBB0 »& For Sale at the ftiiWin, Awaeiuii ' . . FREDERICK .BROWN'S JSnf »“;• Che>niijy store. hiortheaet fluffier of FIFTH Mid CJUIBINO^ fit FREDERICK BROWN, /«.’«. Drue find Chfitniofil Store, CoDtln.ntal Ilotfl!. corner.of NINTH find CHESTNUT Street*. Philadelphia. . Prtco,. mylP-fiFl, ' THE CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND. dallef’S macho ad pain extkactor t| RHamyersfilly supplfiated fill other MM. Ointraentt find healinr applio&tionfi m both th* tWataste'i'aß rueoeee in afl ajtetintss* whether the cause '"fffm t g SCALDS MKliag preparation nda- 9 etnatiy onhimd._i| heali stamutiSr^n&ior pSB § SB D»sk ; the l^gLfitlsa/;. yjru!s«t SoihJ WRI9HT* <ro.,araer»rAlt«nt.'lt fitolSo bp ocj iE feiy Wlwl«®4lenfiPl?rPSKslviSa, ‘prepared gi.iie. gPAfcpiNG’S HLUB SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! : v .SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE.' SAVE THE PIEOEB ! ECONOMY! , ’ DESPATCH *F? 4, A-SiiTOHiNTmßsavssNiNK. . .. \Aiaecidents will happen, evou tn wcll-regulated/ami lt ia vary desirable to have some ohoapjand con venient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, «o. ( SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE meets all moh emergencies, and no hnosehold oan afford to be withont it; It Is alrrays ready, and up to the stick tro? point. There is no longer'a necessity for limping chairs,splintered reneers, headless dolts, add broken crodtss. it is lost the article for oqne* she(l, and other ornamental work, so popular srtth ladies of refinement and taste. • ' 1 -This admirable preparation tensed cold , being chemi cally. held in solution, and possessing all tiie valuable qualities of the beat oabtnet-makers’Glue. It may be need in the place of ordinary mUoilsge, being vast y more adhesive. USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." ss. J9.-A Brn.vh acoompansee each bottle, Price 25 cents ' WSolbsalb BO Platt S*.» New Yorx, Addre,. HENRY C, SPALWNGACn., . Put up. for Dealers in oases containing four, eirlit. and twelve dozen—t* beautiful Lithographic Show-Card, aooompanying each p&ekage,' iSTA single bottle of SPALDING’S PREPARED iJLUE will save ten times its cost annually to every prominent Stationer#, Druggists, Bard ware and-Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Fanoy merchants should make a note of BPALU* ING’S PREP aRKD GLUE, when making up Uieir list, It will stand any climate. 1 , BPALD.ING’S PREPARED GLUE! / USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE, SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE, 1 : - SOLD BY STATIONERS. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. SPALDING»B PREPARED GLUE. SOLD BY HARDWARE DEALERS. ■ > SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE. SOLD BY HOUSE-FURNISHING STORES. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE. SOLD BY FURNITURE DEALERS, SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE, 0 HOLD BY FANCY-GOODS DEALERS SPALDING’B PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY GROCERS. sold r cMwtry B mehc^antbgS&rally. Manufa tare O ,gpALDING k GO.. 48 OEDaR Street, Now York* Address Post O/Gce, Box No. 3,600. Annexed is an Alphabetical List of Artioles which, i( damaged, may be restored to their original strength and usefulness by SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE. A Mends ACCOUNT BOOKS.-.. A B.... Mends BUREAUS ...... —uß O-.-Mends CRADLES —. D. DOLLS —. D E. Mends ETAGEREB. « E F. .. .Mends FANS , F G. Mends GUITARS... —5 HARPS INLAID-WORK 1 J.... Mends JARS .. lU..Mends KftOBS L. .Mends LEATHER-W0RK..... M. Mends MIRROR-FRAMES..— N Mends NEWEL-FUSTS O. .. .Mends OTTOMANS P. PIANO-FORTES...; ~.P (f... Mends OUII/T FRAMES .—ft uZ:.’d& nMu||xLA-BTr6p.“"'.V.'^'™'u w'".Mandi wfal-BoxEß.:' Mends XYLOGRAPHIC-WORK . X Y„_Mende VARD-6T/cKS.... ■ Y ZEPHYR WOOD-WORK ...Z %Z..U powWon.SPAI-PING’S PREPARED GLUE is useful m Librevisp Softools. 1.. . .8... .Menda SOFAfL.... 1 2.. .Mends PITCITERB... .ZZ V. ... S 5.. .. *... .Mends ACOORDEONS .„ A.... 8 I 4....L....Menda LETTER SEALING «>.... 4 3.. . .D... .Menda DAGUERREOTYPE CA5E6..P.... 5 I~..Menda IMAGES. 1.... 6 7.. ..N....Mends NF VV BREAKAGES.—. N.... 7 8.. G....Menda GUN STOCKS...-, G..,. 8 9.. S.... Mends BCHOOL-BOOKS 5.... 9 10—P Mends PARASOLS —.„„P.. .JO U....K-...Menda RULERS -.R....11 v. ...Menda ELECTRICAL MACHINES..E... J 2 S.. .Menda PAPER-HA n GINGS... - P... .18 :: :§esdl riokety uiiM.7..'.fe:: :5s 19.- .G... .Mends GLOBES 0... .13 a—E-. .Mends KGG-BHATEKB ™. E....3J -. .Menda ACORN-WORK— 32 . .Menda CHEsS-BOARDS— 33 -. .Mends FIDDLES ™„.*4 «_^..;.MendsSHELL-WORK.— 2O 20—Menda FILLET-WORK „36 a... Menda HOBBY-HORSES.—.,— 27 .2£_ Mends KALEi DOdCOPKS 28 Mends PICTURE FRAMES 30 31— Mends SECRETARIES „31 a— .Medds VENEER1NG........,,..,^.....22 33——Mends SCHOOL FURNITURE.. HT—. M 3C,.—Mends PAPIER-MACHE Si WARDROBES.......„ .—.fig M.——-...Menda PARIAN MARBLE~~,, ....AG R—.... Mends CRIBS , 37 » Mends BABV-JUNPERS li—.Mends IVORY-WORK 39 10.—~ ..«.MerfdS MATCH-SAFES .<n U „._.Mends<AUILlJ-WHEEL8......... 4k IS —-Mends TOWEL-RACKS.. , 43 14. Mends WASHSTANDS— 44 g.*—, ..Mejjdß BjSDBTKADR —« Sbzzite<ffl «—....Meads BLACK-BOARDS—,— 32 M-.-..—..Menas BASS-VIOLS „ 33 04 ~ Mends BILLIARD TABLES -34 Li Mends BILLIARD-CUES.—,. .69 fr. ~~.ZZZ Senas *. Z7ZIZIY. —Vc? M—.—.. Mends BuOK-OAREL..,—...— 33 «——.Mends BOOT-CHIMPS..-— u„ trt ** fbZZ* ..Mends BRUBH-HANGLER—. :« 61 Mends CABINETS. 62 63 —.Menas CHURNS. , . .6,1 54.,—. ...Mends CLOCK-CASES 6* 6&_ Mends CRUTCHES..., 6f> .Mends CUPBOARDS.. 66 g— CURTAINS 67 68 Mends CASINGS. 68 .Mends OADDnW™, - -,.60 TO-..——.Menda CAMKRAB.-^......‘^^-*»,,.t-*-.70 7L,. Mends CHAIRS. ..« 73....—,.Mends CHARTS .W 78.. CLOTHEB-FRAMEB 73 Meffdfc CARD-GASES-- -24 73 f WaorfH CHMTS:..CT 73 19-.. Mends PIBHKB... J 7. h »L. Mends DIVANS : ~k* il ——Mends DICE-BOXES J»1 62 Mends DOORS 82 DOMINOES 88 ImBBOARDS 84 85....-—. Mends PLiitß^.va:. ? m ./Woods BALLUSTERS... us 37. -.Mends OLASSWARK... & 88^—Mends HANDLES M Menda GUTTA-PERCHA WARE ~.68 SB.-—....Menda 9O Mends n 91 Mends BTAND«.,.Ai 9o....^.—.Mends PANKLS..... 96.....—.Menda PASTEBOARD WORK w 97...—.Mend* PATTERNS P 7 6g ....Mends O3 ».:.v wooden ware.. Z 99 «»..-..;:..lid|ids yiLLDW ware 100 »* SFAIdPIftG’B pSpABKD GLUK. SOLD BY STATIONBIUCr BPALDTNG’S PRKPARED GLUE, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS, 9eAhWI^EiEs?LVE SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE. 80LD BY HOUSE-FURNISHING STORES. Manufactured by HENRY C. SPALDING A CO., 48 CEDAR Street, New York. Address Toot Office, D%% 9, 5W. , w ne? u ? * a caj,ei ! oontatning either Four, Eight, ol Twelve rfogen eoqh—A beAntifulfiiTHooHAPfllcSHow- CsßPaAoonipaAving each package. dfi-btf witiFS Am) j4Qii9jis. qnu® VINE-GRO WEBS’ COMPANY OF i COGNAC. OAPITAT,. THREE MILLIONS OF FRAWGB. ....THE CUIiNT DK SAINT-LEUER,?L.T*;st. JULES DURET/hao,, Manasbh. • ' . . AUENT IN NEW YORK, JOHN OSBORN ** l numbering amonHt it. .hare* holder. ErartepnTibnfirij] i’repri.tora oi the best Vine ,»rd« Ip the Di.triot of Coidae, C 3 o’ten.ivo!i.h mentibeinit looMed inth. oentredT ura toOTerthnt nata.B, »anor.anlr.d fur the .xnren punSS ol raiin ltS3agthitUsiiirJqi,nuitarof “ .. PURE COGNAP BRANDY, ft* 1 “Hide, in ajr it. native puritr and .x -rS«i«n yountnes. and la bound dbwn nr il. UlAl/:fA of KeKnlatfon to oonhne & trjtuaetrona io'lhe Brand, ,rown within the Diatrtet of Coxriao. and wholl, teS pAdua. of Vine rardhrintiAt niuhif.favored locality , on no oonhtHdn admittin, into it. atorehoueeaan, Brand, been produced without the limit, of provaj anfi 09*4P!6ration of the mont reirpeotaile Wine Merchants in tw United Ktates. ’THE VXMt<j GROW.. gftS’COMPANY hasSutWuedtoo ™«tefflfirsi?. d the bj ® s *- Every bottle Ujiesled with the oapinleof tlieCom paur—the core, bear the .am. etanrp. ami the lab™. S'fifteeuutjtr. did" eixned lo fso-iimile, uf th,® Agent of the Company. The. BtancuCs now niierpd consist ol two different spahties, both bc cauwly pure in quality, differing only ip boirit of ago,' ana the oldest bemr the'lesst%ntSt l?/S ed TflK TuficE YEARS OjLD, u an egcelleht ••rtiole of the He rPprewpjieSr'suUabJe f«tf family or medicinalVur the VINE- Gni/ivtSKo AN i LDILUyiAXi, cq edUcdoA account oflti extreme are, and b«o4ir«*tli» jSno& veardl ita aotusl Production lu verlfloafiotl. ; Ohjeotiona bavin, been urred that the SottMb ar. too larte. and the Brand, of a greater etreneih Ilian louaA alt, tap,lied to thappbiie, the AuentoTthe ■■ amps nr venture, to exprete the opinion that a birite bottle mav he preferred to a .mailer one, and. that in obtainin* the artude of the exact etrencth atwhieh itwaa exported fromuohtMUi. ccnenmera ma, reeoitniee the advantane WateKto'iult (burr own Mete, imtead of pur- FOR LADIES^Af of and highly reoom mendfld by the Medical profession trirUttgtrtiuUia United ShilMi Thirty Thousand Invs Ids having DhsVadvi&sJ byThflir physicians to He her Sprgieai Appliances. Hho •he-oanbe oonlrultea dhilr,, hetweea the hours of. Asdf, Her boMt of W5l] hi gfven on apnh , nSirniJ. Best frda to afar pot? of the Vnlted lie muWffjgrf t*Qff each arfioie. ■; : ‘ *. fr 4 ptAl fmn SCALES *gt T Account books for the ist of Juiv, -msde expressly for our Retail Bales, PK«Ky, fdanofootu/ing fctatiouer, FOUKTH-and UKNNESSY AN 0T.—70 casks, in ” h h . alf r*Bia^g gJOOK-KEEPERS can get gooil Blank- Mj Statioxerf at FOURTH and RACK. . , *|«a> 1m POTASH —For;/sale bv * MOTHER, 4T Mt 49 No/b VANDYKE BHOWN—Orouna Ptire m tHE > SATfiltOA*/ JULY 14, 1860. ANDFRPIr.UT JIOU l E TO'NOHKOCK and PORTSMOUTH, Vl, pin tho PhiladolpMa, V.'jbrmi.tmi. and Baltimore, Wi Delaware Railroad., theoee hr UW new aieaoer Pblla delphlatiiNmrolliandPpramoMn, Va. . j On and after July 9th, peaMwtere from rhilodet ohia will take the d Ift a. M. tram at the depot* corner Broad street and Washington. avenue/ on’ •luMdays. Thursdays, and amvln* at Sea ford at 1.30 P. Me. and at Nnrfoik earlr the l next morning. The steamer Philadelphia trill leave NorCo' lc on the evenings of Monday. Wednesday,. and Fridat* connecting with the train at Beatoid, which arrives at jftelxtdinitmeali on the' * X pecond i olaafli>3«enseLS, including meals on the boat* taken a*i iowaa by any other route. ‘ For further particular?# see small hand-bills at the hotels.and other publio place®, or mqnire of , > ’ ~ *~C. F. DARK, Agent* corner Brood st. and Washington ay, H. F. KENNKV, Master of Transportation* - jySISt , P.W.fcß. H.H.CQ. JSS m "W KS T 0H E Sl' K H AND PHILADELPHIA VIA MEDIA. RUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and -after Monday. July l«h iB6O, the paaienjcer tram* will leave PHILADELPHIA, from the fetation' corner of Morketand Lehman or Thirty-Grat street*. West Philadelphia* at 7.30 ami 10 30 A. M„ and 2.SL *'lSeave WEST CHESTER, from tbe Depot, on East Market street* at 6.40, 8, and 1080 A. M,, and im and a.IS e. M. ■ ON SDNPAYS. Leave Philadelphia, from the depot, northeast corner ofEighteenth ana Market streets, at a A. M. ends ' Leave West ohester.*t7 30 A. M., andfiP. M.: The tsfet passenger railway oar will leave Froot and Market streets 80 minutes, and Eighth'and Markot streets 25 minutes* before the starting time from the de pot, and Will earry a flag to denote it. ; Office aril waiting room’, southeast comer of Eighth and Market streets, wheto eaMengers. purchasing tickets for West Chester, will bo furnished with a tioket ove<- the pnsseneer railway. - . > ” on.and after July 9th, and till the above smnxement take* effeot. the trains wilt leavd’ the deont, N. E. cor ner ot Eighteenth auri Market streets. 15 minutes he fore the above hours from west ’Philadelphia/ Leave WefltClientQr as above, ‘ 3^^ jjj-tf Gen.ral Bmariptendent. ffgg n NORTH PENNSYI. Am wwiggay vania railroad Fot iIETHLiyJEM. BOYXiESTOWN, EASTON, MAOOH chunk; haxleton. eoklpv. white HAVEN, WJLKESBARRF;, VVILLIAM'JpORT, kc. * ’ THREE THROUGH.TRAINS. •On and after MONDAY, -July sd, i«fl. Passenger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Phi ladelphia, DAILY. { Sundays excepted,las follows: At 6.30 A. M. (Express), for Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkeabajrc, Williamsport, io. At2-3fl P.M. (Express),for Bethlehem, Ea* ton, Ac. Tins train reaches taston at SXO r. M.,and makes close oonneotion with New Jersey Central for New At 5 P. M« for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, At 0 A. M. and 4 P. P. for Boylestovu. At IOXB A. M, and 8.50 F. M. for Fort Washington. • . The 880 A. M. Express Tram makes close connection wjth-the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem being the shortest ami most desirable route to Wilbesbarre, and to all points in the Lehigh Coal Region, TRAINS FOR PHILADKt.PHfA s Leave Bethlehem at 8.58 A. M„ 9.20 A. M. and 8.22 P. fflsissi m, ow buwda*»: Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. M. Philadelphia, for Doylestown, at S P, M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at6.<o A. M, Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 5.00 P, M. Fare to Bethlehem..ol #o , Far*taMauohChunk.B2® Fare to Easton. /....,. 1 fiOlFare to Doyiestowyi.: fl®) Through Tioketß mast be procured at the Ticket of fipesat wILCOW Strpet, or BERKS Stfgef, IpTnrddf to seoure the above rates of fare. All Passenger Trains(exoept Sunday T/ains) connect at Berks street with Fifth atm Sixth streets and Second and Third-street Passenger Railroads, go minute* aflat leaving Willow street. JjS BLMB CLARK. Agent. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. REDUCTION OF FAREB! On and after APRIL 2d, 1860. Commutation Tickets, with twenty-six coupons, will bo .issued, good for the holder and any member of his family, on any Passenger Train,'atfd at-any'time. , Tboy will be sold by the Treasurer, at the offioe of the company, No. 227 South FOURTH Street, a$ a reduction of twenty-five per cent, from the yerular fares. Parties wishing to enjoy the Summerjn me Country wiU find this a very desirable route, the Schuylkill and Lebanon Valleys being among the most beautiftU and healthy in the State, and aoces sitttby £qyr trains from and to Phiisdelabfa daily. fim.xogtpm.. Mtroll 01 * 11 ' e—l PHILADELPHIA. GEK- Mmm A> M " Leave Germantown 8, 7. J94,&*, 2, 10,11,12 A.M., i,, 9B* mfn. A.M., 2,8, S, 7X,and Leave Germantown 8,10 min. A. M., 1,10 min., 4, 6 X, “ I4 ' K,f ‘CHESTNUT H ILI/ HAILKOAD. Leave Philadelphia f, 8.10,12 A. M„ 9,4,1, OK, 8,9, and 10J* P. M». * Leave Chestnut Hill 7.10, 7.40, 8.40, 9.40 11.40 A, M.» L 40,1.40,6.10,8.40, and Lift P. M. ON SUNDAYS, LeaveFhiladolphia9.osA.ftl., 2, Land 7H P. M. _L|ava Ohgstuut Hill 7.® A. M., WXO, 0.10, and 9.18 CONSHOHOCKKN AMD KGRiJISTOVN. A - M - I*.vi> fif,m.tovn I, f, MS, UA. it., IX, 4H, f and 7J£ P, BI« ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A, M, and 3 and 0 P. At L«»VaM»n„unklX, 7X, ».», »x, and UK A. M..,, l/a, (, .X, 8, moil ex V. M. ■ ON SUNDAYS, l<«« PWt4ilssl»ki»S A. M,,6, mi 8 p a, *«»t, ItosrsnjJxa. M.,lx, vi,mi s>{ p. M. _ H. K. SMlTH*jGeuemf RuoerlnUiniteui, ulf-tf DEPOT. NINTH and QKKEN Streets, L __lU N SatHH PHILADELPHIA «HMHP»i»B,I!KAOIN6 RAIL WEsvill*, DAlLY,(Bondar*excepted.) Lpave New Depot, comer of BlU»aj> ecu CaLLOW* HIJuL Streets, PIIiLAQfaiLPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth sod on- CaUowiull streets > at A. M„ oponeotina at Harnebore with the PENNSyLVANIA RAILHOiU). 1 mnoir<to,Pitt*hnrr t the MlllSsiHi! nr ” °' r „ AFTERNOON LlNfia. Leave New Depot.coraer of BROAD and OALLOW HILL Streets, Passenger entrance* I.ZlJ'.v.a. at S P. M„ DAILV, (Bandars si eeetM.i ■ DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING leading.. 63 Lebanon..B6 •lillersbcrc. I<l Trevoi?o& Junction. .us SanhurTw-^>—^.....169 Northumberland 171 Lewwbnrg.—. —. .178 lBl Wfewrcz.--:^ Jersey Shore «a Look Haven. • ■W I Williamsport and Elmira Esuiui*«-......-.-jr.?S7\ Railroads making oloss oonneotlon. with linos to Niagara fall*. Cauda- theiWsst, and Sonthwoit * I>F?o;r iN PHILALELI'UIA: Coimsr of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Streets. aaa-tf , w. ». WoTl.HK»frßV.«*«r.lar.. On and niter July 1,1830, Mileage Tiok»ts will be lß.*ueij lit £4A caoh, a durouctof 25 percent., givttu tto holder ?'.rKht to travel Z.OUO miles at anytime, between any points, &p'* is the Nn. J car of any Passenger Tra n on nbovo Railroad hr the' byanohas Worked hypQiiCnm pony. Business men nrd o'fters, haring oeansinn fo travel frequently between different pointy, will find this ar rangement convenient and economical. For said tickets or other information appir to the Ticket Agents on the Line. U, A. NJGvLLs. General Superintendent,Heading,or to P, BRaDPOnt), JsW lm Trcaaurer. Philadelphia. S»'o—m ELMIRA ROUTE.- IRSPSH PHILADHtFIIIA AND EL MIRA RAILROAD. CtUIOKEST ROUTE to TamaquA. Catawisia, Ru pert, Witkesbarre, Soranton, Danville, Milton, Wil liamsport. Troy, Ralston, Canton,'Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Rochester. Cleveland, Detroit. Toledo, St. Louis, Milwaukee, and all points North and ' Fsueng#/ truui* wiij iuO-yj the pew Depot of the Phi lodslphiaand Heading VfinfoWv poricr PHOAD and C^UWHILL> {Ww Hf W .Cal loifhjJl street,/daily {Runday# skeeptea/, wr akovo points, as follows: DAY EXPRESS BUWA.M. NIGHT EXPRESS JAO P. M. Th*» i- n Q A. M. train ooaneota at Rupert, for Wilkes • The above trains make direct oonneotions at Elmira with tjie trains of the NewYairk and Erie, Canandaigua and Niagara Falls, and Buffalo. New York and Erie, and new York Central Raiboads, from all points North and West, and the Canadas. _ t. io Elmira, Buffalo, find Suspension finaKSbabu v^urraediat©points. ; Tickets eanoj i MuurvJ xt the .Philadelphia and El ro .* r Aft i * lr< l%^'‘ l t'>;iAgketOffloe, northwest corner of SIXTH andCtf* raasseger Depot, oorrt-r) j HIRTKKNTHhnd CAM.OWHILL. - iHROUG'. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leave the Phil' »elphja and Reading Depot, BrOad and CfoUoykM *tra Lbforo 3 P. Id. to insure CHAR. &• YKrVkiH, Gsosral Arsnt, Northwest oormr SIXTH and GHKSTNUT gtreeta, aplk-tf ' I’bHadslnhiv 1860, mms&sm 1860. SPRING ARHAHGEMKNT—NEW YORK LINES. THVi cAMDEfT AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRKNTOK4AIL2O4P CO.’S LINES FROM PHILADBLPBTirTONEW' YORK AND WAY PLACES, ' From Walnut-street Wharf, Will leave as follows—via: At 6A M t via Camden and Ambor« 0. * A* Accom* ARF * ' mod&tion.. „ ft 31 5 AtOA awl Jersey. City (N. J.JAo* enmmnda.t»fm.. 1J _ T t , , 325 At 9 A Mi via Camden and Jorsey City* Morning Maa.-—. - 3 00 Steamboat. viaTacoar and Jersey Oifj> WMtepi Express ..... 3 00 ijgtf P W ,^ i Caroden and Amboy, AooomJtio- Atvm » via Camden amf AmCofl c! VnJ A~hx~ prflM ~ ~,800 A? 4 PAT, bjr Steamboat via Taoony Brut Jeraoj City,Everunjc Express...; 8 oo At 4 P M. »>y Steamboat via Taoony and Jersey City. 2d Claes Tioket j.. sj« it 6 PM, via Camden and Jersey City, Evenms Sf'kvwM-r. v*..™. ' .. 800 II.P M, via Caifltfon ami Jersey City*, Bouttietn Atp'P AL via Canidun and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger,}— Ticket. 329 The 4P M Mail tine runs daily*' The 11P M, South’ era MaiF, Saturdays excepted. 1 For Belvidere, Koiton. Lambertville, Fleraington, &0., at a A M And 4PM, from Walnut-street wharf uud 7Jh&'MTr/itrLiSi9ita\nttqa. ' 1 For wawr Scranton. Wilkea>>arre. Montrose, ureafßand. fca.Voi o’A.M.froln *Walo«»t* atreetwharf, and 7.10 A. >l, Horn iFonsmltoa, vja Dela ware Lackawanna and Western R. R. For Mount Holly, ate and 9 A. M., 3 and 4H P. M. For Freehold, ate A, M , and t J\ M, WAY hiNEB ' For Bristol, Trenton. &o„ nt 2\i and 4 P. M. from W£,lnat street wharf, 7.10 A. Al. and 5U P. M. from Kopßlagjon* •FdrPailrarra. Riverton. ftelanco, Beverly, Burling, ton. Florence. Bordentown, 6cb„ at 13X, l and 4X P. M. Bteamboat Joe Meiknati for Bordentown and Interme diate Places, at 9>£ P. hi, 8 earn boat Trenton for Tocony. at 11 A. M. and Tohanr, Beverly,Jßurlineton, and Bristol, at 4 p. M. Fifty Pnuadsof Bapfroee,.only, allowedo„oh Pnssen per. Passantereare prohibited from taking anytnmp m ,baegage‘buttheir wparinp"apparel. .All baggage over fifty wands to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for bajtgape to One Dollar per pound* and will not be liable for any amount beyond ijlDO, ex oept'by srticSAl contract. Aftfr w * ■ • X7N H. QATZMFU. Agent. rgCn«a—aaar; NOTIUJS.--UHESTEK 1 0TATIOfiff.—On and' aflat sth Maj. ‘'lKS®® TRAIN for Semlßiteni! at 8.00 **fellNootr TRAIN for PetratotWwi, iootm »t ' Kwf/ of tit FhlWelrti • «> ****** %! , y.'lf. f^ffaßltNßV.Rforolarr. W EB'f (JIifiSTER KBB9E R Af LROXO TRAINS vu aYtYANIA R.AI'.KOAD. Leave Depot, ooratr f.?w. Jfea fttes Jaactu MM) A. M.> 1045 A. M.» and l<W f> Mo railroad Lines. Philadelphia a»*d noauin* and Lebanon Valley R.R. Norhrin Central Railroad. Canary wd Eo{> JJ. K« r ' " RAILROAD I.INES. »TUI« PJENNSYIiVANfA :0 £ N T BA h bkt-» wsmnsFWi swis&v. Connecting direct at fhiladeiphia wit&Throttgh Train* tom BostfajNewYprk, end all nolntt East, and in the fnion Depot at Pittsburg with ThroughTram* to and from all points In the Wwt, Norfliwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Psssengefstansurp&w'edfor speed and comfort by any other route.- Express and Paet Lines rnu tlirongh to Pittsburg, without change of Carsor Conductors. All through Pas senger Prams provided with Loag/irfrfgew Tafent rake—spead under perfeot control of the engineer, ius addingranch to the safety of travellers. Smoking cars are attaohed to each Train : Woodruff’s Express and Fast Trains. The SXPRKSS RUNS DAILY i Mall and Fast Lines* San ays excepted. Mall Tram leaves Philadelphia at 780 A. M. Fast Line /• IUOA.M. Fxoress Train leaves “ 10.45 P. M, _ WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS; Harrisburg Accommodation, via Colombia. IP, M* Columbia 4.00 p. M. Porkeoburg 5,40 P. M. west Chester “ J 3 30 P. M. West Chester Passengers will take the Mail, West Chester Aooommodationtand Columbia Trains. Passengers for Bunbunr, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffa o, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving Phi* ladelphia A. M. ami 2 P. M. go dlreotlr through.C Tioeete Westward may be obtained at the officesul the Company In Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or flab imore; and Tiokets Eastward at any of the important .Railroad Offices in the West j also on board any of the, regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio rivers. tor Rare always as low, and time as ctnok, as by 'any other Route. For further information apply at the Passenger Bta tion, Southeast oomor of Eleventh and Market Streets, Tbo completion of the Western connections of the ’eunsvlvama Railroad to Chionso. make this the ■ , DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE , OHhAi V. ES a . The connection of traoks by the Railroad Bndee at Pittsburg, avoiding all dnmge or ferriage or Freight, together with the saving of fame, are aavantoccsreodily appreciated by Bhipppcrs of Freight, and the Travel ling Pubiio. Merohante and Shippers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to this Company, can rely with confi deTHEOjA¥|so|yp’ilOHT to sod from snj .dint in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad an at ait times as favorable as an charged by other Railroad GoinpanUs, tsr Be Fartioul&r to mark packages M via Penna. Kail road. - For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or addrees oither of the following Agents of the Com . I. B.Pieroo £ho.', j'.'e JUpiej, <).; R, MoNeely, Marsville, Ky.; Ormeby fc .Cropper, Portsmouth, O.j Padaook *c Co., Jeffersonville, Indi ana: H. W. Brown A Co., Cincinnati, O.? Athern A Hibbert, Cinoinnati, O.j R. C. Meldrura. Madison, Ind.j Jos. E. Moore, Louisville, Ky.; P. U. O'Riley & Co., Evansville, Ind.; N. W. Graham A Co., Cairo, III.: R. F. Sass.Shaier « Glass, St. Louis, Mo.: John H. liar- III.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points Sr KINSTON, Jry Philadelphia. MAGRAW £ XOONB, 8Q North stroefa Baltimore/ LEECH A.,C0., lAstor House,orifl. William st„N.Y. LEECH, A'oo.. No. 77.Statestreet,Boston, ■ B. LEWIS, oin'lEu/tAttiftis.Ya.' Jlcil S&ma&Hmj pummf.r arbange- AND BALTI PAe3ENBK^TffiYNS°LEAVE J El() ! uEctyMtiinaro»TS-i, A- Al.‘. ifnoM.lKjufi^.JiKul u PQr > CW«Wt«i| O.UA. M., 11 noon, 1.1,, 6.C0,7.00 »n<) . k er M* A. M„ II jiooa,, «.£», 7.0), and 11.10 P. M. For New Castle at 8.15 A. M., and 6,00 P. M, For Middletown atB.ll A. M., and 6.00 P. M, ►'or Dover atS.l6 A. M.. and 6.C0 I*. M. For Harrington at 8.16 A. M.- aud 6 P. M. r or Milford at B.IAA.M. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday* at BM P. M Foi Farmington at 815 A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at SXO P. ftl r or Seaford at B.UA. M. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 5.00 i*. M. . Salisbury at 815 A, M. K 7" Train at 815 A. M, will ooaneot at Seaford on Tuetda**- Thursdays, and Saturdays, with steamboat to NtufoUr. „ TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at BA9 A. M„ ( 10.11 A, M«, srdSJK P. M, , LeaveWilmincton at 0.10,8,30, and U.SO A. tt., L<3, * v,. * Leave Saltatmry at l JSO F. M. 1 eave Seaford, Tuesdays, Thdrnclays, aod at 7 2j A. SL. and 2 to p. a- * M it SiWa'' WeJnp.J«,«, 4 .« Loavo Harrfr.gtou at 8.15 A. M., and AiO P, M, Leave Dover at 6M A. M., aud 5.2 S P. M. Leave Middletown at 10.05 A. M. and 0 4) P. M- Leave New Castle at 8.00, 10A6 A. M., and 7XO P. VL .Leave Chester at 7.40, 8.10 A. M.,ilA4,sis,bjo, and f»U r. M. 80“ Leave Baltimore fw Salisbury and Delaware Ramos* atIO.UA.M.»and&2SP. M. , TRAINS EUjv.faALTiMORE Leave ChoSteratA« A. M., U.S3and 11.40 P. fit. Itfave Wilmington at 0.25 A. M., ;aAS P, end 12.20 FREIGHT TRAIN, with PASSENGER CAR attached, , will run as follows: Le&ro Philadelphia for FerryviUe and fntormedieej ploossatS P. M. . <• -v -e)w««r*t®F® n fl>r mi intermediate Ledye USVro-d - Grace for BaUiisore and intermedi ate places ai 6 00 A. 1,1, Leave Baltimore for Hsvre-de-Craco and intermedi ate plaoes at 4XO P, M. .... SUNDAYS Duly at 11.10 P. M., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 6.25 P, M., from Baltimore to Philadelphia. JJ7 , 8. M. FELTON, f resident. < fSS w ggwpiwapi PHILADEI PUI \ CRNTR4L RAILKU • D.-vumMKR A RRANQEMENT.-Oh anti alter Mi/rjpA ~ Jill/ frth, IWI, the trains will run as follows; Leave the pansenyeruepot ofthe West Cheater and Philadelplna HshrunO Co. corner Market and ThirMfth Btrepte West Phila<jelphia, daily (Hnndays exoeptedla)73o A. W. an/)4 45 P, Al, Gn Wednesdays a. d Saturdays an extra train at23o r. M. Leara West Grove at 6Xoand BXO A. M„ andLfiO P.ft. *f bo 1.50 A. ftl. 'i rain lion Efiusdojahio caouehta i 1! ffd? Vj'DJr (biiFllda Of BUMS Lonnon and uiiord. Ifetnrnlngleaves i xfbrdat fIAO. A. M„ con necting with the 350A.M. tram from West G ove The beautiful scenery and well-known healtbtulsess of Delaware and Chester oouuties offer superior in ducement* to those looking for summer boa?dirir. Ffa/jshui for this lr*o received Bt. Philadelphia, June 28,1850, tau!3 Superintendent. ' • tHYWi- FjJffllg, “ A little, but oiten, fills ths Purse." ORANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. 130 South FOU RTH Street, between Chest nut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all Deposits on demand. Depositors' money secured by Government, State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mort gat>{i, fft, A his company deems maty letter than largo prouts, consequently will ran no risk with depo sitors’ money, but hare it at all times ready to return, with 6 per oent. interest, to the owner, as they have always doue. This Company never suspended. Females, married or single, and Minors, can deposit in their own right, and such deposits oan be withdrawn oni»v bv their concent. Charter porpctoal. - Inoornojr*it»d by tho State of PeimsyWanta tnih authotliy-to rdocivamoiiey fromirgstot'iandjcteourorfi ’»* i r r ■ LARGE ANQ BmALL SU!XB RECEIVF.D. . Office open daily, from 9toBo'clook, and on Wednesday evening until 8 o’clock. _ DIRECTORS. iaeoVß, Sbsnnon* " Crirs Cadwalloder, masssatu. Jos. H. Patterthwaile, Jones Yerkes, .Joseph W. Lipoincott. JACOB B. SHANNON, President Ctbub Oadwallsi>bh, Treasurer. -intt-'i. " A Dollar saved is twice earned." SAVING FUND—FIVE FEB CENT IN terkst.-na'cional safety tjf ?t com pan t .WALNUT otiast. corner or Till RF Phdadelphia. Incorporated by the State of rennsyl vania. Money.!* received in anr turn, largo or email, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The offloo ie open every day from nine o'olook m the morning til) n ve o’clock in the evening- and on Monday and Thursday evenings till eight o'clock, Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, President. f,, J' mnkeross: on. Henry L, Benner* • Brewster, dward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barr wobert Selfridge, Franoi* Lee. Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Yerke*, O, Landreth Manns, James JL». Stephenson. Mon?T is reoeived and payments made daily. The investments are mode, in conformity with the Srovnnons of the Charter, in Real Estate Mortgages, Rents, end snoh first-olasssecuritiesaa willal- Witf* tpparjT P&ttoet- *.iotmty tj t)M depositors. and jftaag ll teglv ’ to CAVING FUND—UNITED STATES K? TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD mil CHEST NUT Street, Large and small rams received, and paid back onrte mandwithoui notice,-nth FIVE PEE CENT. INTE REST from the da j of deposit to the daf of with drawal. J , ©*GFiJfeQWss llt Jl l a o’olook every day, and on MON DAY EVEHINQB from 1 until & o’clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from A. 1 upwards* PLINY- RISK, Actuar,: LEGAL. IN THE OBPHAtfg’ OOiJEX VOK THE -9- CITY ANn C'IUNTV OP PHILADELPHIA. ’ E.tatpof CIIAKLiiS |„ CARPENTER IWii N. twin! hotebytlyen that ANNA KUiSA CAGPJJN- Tc Ri the widow ortho and decedent, t*a* filedln said Court an inventory and appraisement of artiolee of per sonal property. eleoted to l*e retained by her under the provisioned' the uot of I'th April, 1861.arri that unless exceptions thereto are presented on or before Friday. July 20tlt, 1860, the same will be approved and confirmed. JOHN MdNTYwh. jggj-th»4t Atto'ne» for the Widow. COI'AUTNEKSHIi* NOTICKH. TOXmOK IS HEBEBY GIVEN, That the A" Limited Partnership entered intoon the 2iat day of Jj’J'fE. 1848, between JOSKi H B. HUTCHIVS »« and CHARLhe* HENR V BHiAN is renewed and con tinUed for TWO from JUNK SM,ltf-i0 ana the/ do herobv certify that the mm* of the firm order whtoh the Bind Dirinerehip is to be conducted ifl OHARtiK'i HbNttY b#JaN. tint the general nature ofthe'Jmsineea to be trurßaoted ia Tat’oring.and the sarne w.JI he transacted in the oity of Philadelphia: that t!>o name of tut 'ger.enil' pnrtrJtrr of B«»d''rinn* fa CHAKLHB H F.N RY lull AN* of the citrrf Phitedel" p 1 ia and the name of the apeoial nirtne ia JOSEPH. H. HUTCiIINeON, of Bristol, in the Plate of Pennayl* vnn>a ; that the capita! contributed hr tho said Joseph B Hutchinson, special partner, ia two thousand five hundred doi.ateui cash. JOSEPH B. HItrCHINPON, Special Pa tner. CHARLES H. BRIAN, General Partner. je!3 set ffh»ta4e'pbia t June 31, ISM. DISS'JJ.UTK'N. — 'ilio Partnership Ijc;c toforfl exisilne in the name* ot’Lbßfc UEARK is (fi&<o|vtd bt limitation. '(he business will be nettled ataao CHEoTi\UT Street, FRANCP LVK. Piiiladjilpuia, June 33, Jft». W*U. H. Tho umierstmsd ooniinua the 'qusineca of I<ee L Bearo at the old pi mo. imo OHJJ'TN'iJr Ftreet. nna reapflotiulli inutethe early attention ot the trad© to their fall importation of LACK GOOD**, WHITE GOODS ami KviHttO UK *(*'B, now openm* and being ofieied on the most hbernl term* - i> la 4f j.KK HROTHKBP&CO. DtfrS’Oi.lJJ lON.-—-The ronarlnerehip heretofore existing between STE P 1»ING ft WIN OATt* j*i tine dny diMM v« d by mutual ronHent The Inisi flisofthw late hrm will he hcttfid by HENRY STERLING,No.ISUARCHMrce*. J. f, HT-RUNO, „ , , WALiER WING/tTK. PKU.AtrBLPdtA Jill? 7, 1830. JyJ2 J2t TERRA COXTA MA NUPAOTORY. REVr N(H ami GERM aNTOWN rotdand 1010 CHESTNUT Rtreet Vitrified Dnin and WRj©r Pipes Venti ating Fluea. Hot Alr Flues, and PrnoKe Flues made ot Term Cotta, and of suitable size for eve»yc'n*Bo| buildings. This article jn worthy the -tteufon of at parties putting, up biddings Lr.r-o size sewerage pipes for city drainage, water pipes war routed to stand a ««vere prrss.ire. We are now prepared to cqntraet With cities or corporations for th?B artiole m anyauanti y. S/e warrant qtjr gords to be equal if not superior to ant other »n the Hnupd-fitatto nr Europe, Ornamonial Chimney ‘lobs and C rdsn V ases, Jeja-tf fiL-ATfi ROOKING. —JOHN WELCH, RLaTfR. is prepared to put on any amount of nmfior at low rates. All work warranted to mv© sa tisfaction Order* sent to THIRD Mreet and GKR M aNTUWN Road will be promptly attended to. <«so 8m GTEWART’B PAISLEY MALT.—Iu Pun- Si. 0 m for ■Jlt-Sm 13* SOUTH FJWKT 0 INSURANCE (COMPANIES. gAJBINEfis DUY, INSURANCE AGENTS, No. 4il« WALNUT Street, Insnre against loo* or damage by-Fire, on Cotton and Woollen MiU*- ami other Mamifcotorie*, Buildingf, ■ Merahaadi**, Furniture, and other propectj, on favo rable term*. In the followin* well-known oompaniesi F««NIX iMSUKANQK CU- uF if,AJiTPOK.I>. m Caen Capital and Surpw* #aB3;32S 91. METROPOLITAN FIRk I*B. C0..0f NKWYOHK, Caah Capital an 4 Surplus 6383,868 60. providence Washington ins. cp.. jßdv. Cash Capital erf SurpluilNtlS 7e6 16. AROTIO FIRE INSURANOK 00?. OPNRWYORK, Capital and Sarplo* $338.11} 01 HOPE FIRE INSURANCE CO.. OF NKW W)MK Cash CajpMjM and dprplue 9234.8 M *l. CITY FiRB INSURANCE.CO., OF IffcW H AVKN, Cosh Capital ami Surplus #334 303 77. GRK3JANIA FIRK iNSfc o>,oFJ*i£W YORK. Caen Capital and Surplus BU6JSO 07* HUMBOLDT FIR« INS. $O., OF PUS aTVTihK. „ Cash Capital and Surplus #239.998 61. Application* in person or hv note will receive prompt attention. SABINE A DUYtAMnt*, lei 3m No. 434 WALNUT Street. entejrfkihe INSURANCE COMPANY or PHTLADEPHIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY’S r.VILDINO. 8. VP. CORNS* FOURTH AND WALNUT BTRKETS, DIRECTORS. Pi Raichfoed Starr, Mordjcai L. Da wren. William IHoKRr, Geo. H. Stbart, Nalbro Frazier, John h. Brows, John m, Atwood, JB. A. Pahkb.toci, llBNr. T* Tredicr, Aubrsw D, Cars, Hrnrt Wharton, j, L. Erkinojpr. „„ , „„ F. AaTOHFORD 6TAKK, PreiidOßt. CHARLKB W. COXE. Bocretarr. foil A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE 00., ' lBlO-CHARTER PERPET' No. 910 WALNUT Stro.t, »bov« Third,! hia. Havinff a lares cold op Carntal Stook arid Saralua In veatod in Round and available 86oilmlM, oontmue to maure on Uwulnre, Store*, Furniture, Merohandiae, sssy." AWio“ M ifa^VrenJ»sv h JSiSss. , ‘ i 1 mu „ . DIHVCTOS*. Bsfiffir?. gaattsst..,. InaeL Morri*. * ALBERT O. L. O^Fag^r. l^^^ Quaker city insurance oompa- AY,-S R ANKLrN BUILDINGS, MB WALNUT gTHEBT. PUILADELPIUA. CAPITAL AND BUR PJ.US H3js,7«.7lJ.—lnaurea afaliut Loia_or II imam hr Fire, and the Penis of the See, Inland navigation and Transportation.. GEORGE H. HAFT, Pretident K. P. ROBB, Vuie President. H* H-COGGHHALL, Sep'i'jmd Treasurer, 8. H. DUTLE&, Aauatant Beoretary. « tto DIRECTORS. George H Han, E. P. Hose*, A. C. Cattell, Foster srperkin*, h. W. Bailer, Andrew R. Chamber*, H. R. Corzahall. Samuel donee, M, D., Hon. H. M. Fuller. mhfl-if ANTHRACITE INSURANCE 00MPA -oa“ital *«»>«»-t ! h ar ter 3ll WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Street, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against los» or damage by Fire, on BmlcUnga,Furniture, ami Merchandise gene* rally. . Also, Marine Inroranpe# op Cargoes, and Freight?. Inland Ii&i } $O%!Lv* r Union. ksfLt L. Audenriod, John R. Biaki*ton, Davis Pearson, Wm. F. Dean, PetprSieger, J. E.Baum. JACOBtSgEßJPresident. w » WALF. DEAN, Vice President. W. Mi SMITH. Beoretary. _, apS-tath»tf I 'JELAWARR MUTUAL SAFETY JNCOR OS OFFIOE 8. B. WAISTS 05 bwWKoB S&lh&b , ( * oftll * art> of th * On flttkxl*, by Carriage „ F fjui p ”ns a f UH A«‘o n R g CnMarohnndue jcecoTt;!;. - ** •* Howmbor i.iijj. WRW«a »*»“■ IntereetCue , . r -—38J69 fff 990(000 U» 8. Treamry MP ot. Note* and inter _ eat due fio.tu 00 •91,000 Temporary Loan to the City of Pbila dalohia ... oo ffOrttV* Feq&fjrlvaais fi&Uroaa Jd Jtfortgag* Rorffi <, ’ KC * cere 6IP oent Bond* - _ IXJMM 914(900 WwfpwlSdelDhia Pauenger Railway ~1 M- Gompnnj 7 9T et. ocopon bonds..,,. U 490 00 •1I£I9»I09 eharea atoolt Germantown Gas Company, internet and pnnelpfu guarantied by the city of i'-tiV aalphla. —- ~ i.x lUL&*« UJus oa 'H4fl?oa| .TUIT - * ***** ** yAjtfl, ... . ( , Ml Art 'l>>iNi <tmr«j|Ffiil«aoi »ma loeßoat and stoaa toi ComiMUM. rJnSial(hla_and , AM• ■ ■ lphl& SarannahSteam Navigation Com pany* Ocean Steam Navigation Company, Philadelphia and Ha vre do Grace Steam Tow Boat Company* Philadelphia Exchange <re*»acy . MXft C 9 BoruStlUi).*.aiaw, andJUfil KsUte, of-*^* 718 w t koo* »m t . . 030 (9 Blue resolvable for Ineur&noea wado--,--.-,. IJI.SS (9 Batanoe doe at Agenoiee—Premmmeon Ma rine Polloiet, interest, and other debt* due the Company ~~ 0464 (8 Scnp and a toes of anndry Insurance Compa- ai DIRECTORS, i William Martin Baranel E. PtokM* sa ter* »sm i: James Travuar, Sjfeneer M'lhraiaet • ‘ FlUuwn Lire, JTh Thomas 0. Hand, J&mc* o.liana* Robert Barton, William C.Louwig, i&cab P. ijnoa, feWs JB« BrT K. NT. Huston, Joshua r. Eyre, &a(C* 8* UlHr. Juba B, Semple, PittaVr, ; fd 5 h Orair, D. T, Morgan, «*' Hharle* Kelly, A. B. Barger* ** WILLIAM MARTIN, President, 1 TT7T nSW 8 '* 0 ' HAWD ’ Vi< * frWMtMt l did Life insurance and trust cosf- PANY.-THE PEHN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY. Northeast iora.r or TOlb'd ‘'ItJJIJ I A{23>3| CuiiW] AI. • Llvlbo for toe whole term of ilife—fronts nnhitiM and endowment*—purchases life interests la JUa! Estate, and mokes Ml contracts depending on tits soaQscanoiesofjUfo. They not as Executors, Adaimiirators, AaJtnMS Trustees, and Guardians. Saotelli. Miller,^ aVS lt. RtOk», |f“& fiarcfisa.M. Sf{ JM* r.Tfaokt r» Joseph H. Trotter, William H.lfern, James Easton, JBSMK&I fa’S!» 3 P&&2EST* fc^SKr I** 1 ** WflllMl H. Can, Em. 8. Aroh.r, ’ , WK /•aw W. Tfomwow.HeorotarT aslfl BUSINESS CARDS. tf'iLAlMg ON IRE^ANO. J O’GORMAN'It WILSON, ‘ O’GoRMAW. hOWABO J. WII.«0N). 4 TTURNtES AND CQVfi&SLLORH AT LAW, ’ . Wo.Taa HROAHWAY, New York.. Waving established e* tensive O.wvspomlenea and Agencies throughout Ireland. will take charge of the collection of Claims, Legacies &o„ and attend to other business in any part ofthst country. jeto-atuthSm VB PALMER, THE ADVERTISING • AGENT, FIFTH and CHESTNUT, riv-ij bit viewtof tha prltioipta and bfl.i iTf-v'.? t,f AilvS/tlimi, jo (’pJajif. Ad'J?«u wrtt-li.i V. B. PALMER. J- BAYLIfJ THOMAS. “*• , attorney-at-law. ?5S I SS , ?rS J .W. , S®°*I rOBI No- tu Arohatrootto No. 438 WALNUT Stroet. Particular attention given to the reoovery of Mercan tile Claims. The. drafting and examination ot Wills, Conveyances, Assienmontu, Bnefs of Title, and other Instruments of Writing. The m&nagoment of Executor ships. Admimstratorships, and Trusts, superintenoed: and the bestseounties prooured for the permanent in wSSXwmrsS W ? , * T * rtfet^u^j^ivan E. KEENER" Haa HEMOVED'ma o mfio^r«?ll^So , WalDnt .treat to rto. aw South THIRU Btr..t, tohM-c-n* tTOKAOE SEE, -* A MECHANICAL ENGINEER, and PATENT ATTORN i. Y, , No. 114 Rout-. tiiATH fltrest, (Nearly opposite the.Conrtj Ovortanue.) Prepare* livavingg. «0., and transacts d’.l Qiy»F bnSiUßiis oenneoted with the obtainin' of Let tors Patent. apM 4m* JWAGNKR JKftfilON, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOH-AT-LAW. Office. No. 116 South SIXTH S»rae!i (Opposite Indoyer, donae ieauaY^r,; _ , , ’ rntLalikLPiua, ' .By the aid of reliable Attorneys, at different points In tneumtod States, ts enabled to prosecute and collect claims of every description. Particular attention given to the examination ard ra oov{r> Devisees,.aha the esanifnatiou ot Land Titles and soounng the interest* of heirs and all persons Interested in the same, in all parts of the Union. Has the Statutes of all the States and is Commissioner for most <?r them. Depositions carefully taken under Commissions. apii-em e FUUUET ft SONS, _*eoei T e rerelerlT »Till aMortraepl oi deiirable CI •ARS. whleb ihep offer at low rate., for uih or ep .r»..d n—/l>t Ula I. A lPHed l. hough; “ i*- PAPER MANUFACTUKERB’ AGEN», Order, eolioited lor everr deioription of PAPER AND PAPER-MAKER’S MATERIAL*. , No. 17 South SIXTH Street, polledelphis? »Awsoa * NiOHuhsoN, * BOOKBINDERS, nos. aia and dat minor st&ekt, Between Market and Chestnut streets JAMES PAW3QN*! 11,AUI!! JAs!'ij . NICHOLSON. Jatr Jr* ill RS. STILL’S I»S CRYBTALINF. LIQUID H‘ IR CQLORER! A preparation new to the public, hut which has long been fn private use, for restoring Grav Hair to Us r.atn it is entirely UUlerent in its nature and effeots from any article .now in use lor the same purpose, being a oloautj paid, nearly as clear as water, reauirlns no wasiiiu* before or after its application free from Hilphvr or any other olileotlonable ingredient, and applied as e-sily wan pnfinary Hair O'* ** v ** Cju bs.had ofth# fbjldving person* i W Z. Harbertt. oorhet Junrher and Pine street*. K d Fennell, No. *26 North r.ighth street. Thomas Lancaster Spruoe nqd Eighteenth streets. Thomas Weaver. Vine and Eighteenth streets. Wm. D. Ihompson. Mt. Vernon and Bevemeenth st’e. buward Gaillard. Jr., Aroh below Second street, K. B. Garrisues, Coates ard Tenth streets. George 0. Bower. Vine ami Sixth streets, A. H. Bowman, epiuceand Second streets. Charles Bhivers. Spruce and Seventh streets. Caleb R. Keener, Arch and Sixteenth streets. For sate wholesale and retail by FIFTEENTH i*LwjukTStreif'l, °» w Pb’l'ldelphin. UfACgEREL, SHAD ULRRING. «c.«- lOOObbls Nos. 1,8 and 8 large and medium Mao kereMaaesorted packages, of a ve.y oholoe Quality; also SO bbjs. new No. 8 large M&okorei, OOhaif bbls new No.Si* do. 80 bbls new No. 8 medium do. 6U do new Eastern Mess Shod, OOhaif bbls new do do do, IAOO bbls new Knetport No. 1 Rerrinc. SO) do do Hahiax No. 1 do. STM do new Boston No. 1 do. 100 4° 26 do prime No l Haltron, IWQUiofalß Grand Bank Codhsb. IDO boxes new Herkimer nounty Choese, Now landing and in store, fin sale by Mt RFIIY * KOONSj {«%* ur. n#jwth wHABV|.g. JAVA COFFEE. —1,000 pockets pnm* Jst*. Cor«, fer »«!• br JAM R 8 GRAK4.W A CO **rs »»•#> OTFEL PENH. — 4,000 Gross »ssorted, Bel’tns from 12c. per gross upward. fEKHY. Bta turner, FOURTH and RACE, JcW-lra SALES BYAtICTIOft. *EIUBNEBS, BRIKLEY & 00., -*] No. MAEEfiT BTRfev,T. K SCOTT, Jb„ AUCTIONKEk7No.T3X On Tuetdny Monung. July )(.commencing at JO o’olook precisely. Conflating in part or— r * Blohly oarved mai ble mantel vaeea, Parian m*irb>« and Imwo figure* and boat*, rioblv decorated flohe pu«n glassware. Freneh Übma tea aeU.out glaa* gob let*- decanter* fine Pan* clock*, &o. Noir open for examination. Putup FORD & 00 , AUCTIONEERS * 3O M/I4KET gtl t‘t. ud m3l MINOR ST. LOITIH, MU. **nLLTAMB. BOYLE, * 00., AUC* with Mewr*. Myers, Clsgborn, k Co. Phi&da,) offer their sennets to the merchant*, manalaotajer*. «a| others of Philadelphia,lor the •eieor dry good*,car set*, boots, shoe*, nerd* are, jewelry, Ac., Ao, Ceeh advaaees made on receiptor goods. •y Settlements made three days after sale. , • mxgixcu. ‘ Van Wyek, Townsend, A Warrens, New York. L. A B. Cofti* A Co., New York. * Wood,Christy, A Co., St. Lows, Mo. ** Crow. McCreary, fe Co.. «« mhif-tiultalr SHIPPMU. TUE BRITISH AND NORTH jjjgfg* AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL mftAU ' .MOM HIW TOM *0 LIMB TOOL, Chief Cabin Paaeage sue Second Cabin Passage—— „ .. _ 71 • FBOM-BOSTOM TO, LITOI-001. Chief Cabin Passage- ..9110 Seooiui Cabin Ptseage an The shits frem New York ©allot Cork Harbor. ships from Boston call at Hkiifae and cork Har- PEkBIA, Cjpt JndWn.,, |CANADA, C&pt. Jrfuir, [AJtfiafCA, C»»t Mlfiir, A|/A* Capt. E, G. Lott, < INIAOiJtA, Cut. Anderson AFRICA, Capt Leitoh* • x SCOTIA, (now building.) These Ttasels earn a olear whits Light at mastheads green on starboard bow » red on sort bow. Millar, leave* Boston. Wednesday, June 17. £?/nftPA tt V « £>• yorkJFednefday. July A Sr* vMiS** 1 u Wednesday, J-ijjru. a b aSiA' „ S*A6ra, Wedneeday, July l& «• 5 05 ,! Joir X. OANAI« B ter ’ ** e ? n *^ a T»AUg.l. ul, *' »K WeOnraday, Aug A .. . ~ N\otJc, Wednesday,/u*. la. uomtPA.Leitoh, Boston, Wednesday#An| *3. FEMIA, Judkins, M N York, Wednesday, Auf. a>. Berths not seoured until paid tor. 8 An eiperienoad yurgeon on board. The owner* of Bieee ehipe will aeannatahle for GoW, Silver. Bullion,, Jcwunr, Preeiotu Stone*, or pnlesji bills of lading are signed therefor, and the theriflftft*?em expressed, For freight or Bfiteage apply to „ E.CimARI), - ro J* 4 Bowling Green* New York, FOE THE SOUTH—CHARLES* w ”“ w -«■ - „ . .FOR 5. C. The U. R Mall Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Cas ta’a Charles P. Marshmaa, will sail on Wednesday, July 4*. a, A, M. *RS “ 8 “* The, u. S. Mail Stunuhi, STATE OF GEORGIA. ■>• OMTOI, will nil on Friday, Joly IhtoMh inis to M konn-only 48 hour, *1 let, for -1 pltoto in to. •"* **• br sailing Wa - wSua being one-half tS toma ‘ v?k;tSßS£S& ton»m?ii™nah.t!lm.RS, on wdi^o^ootfom^ 0 ? 8 * ® r °° »4 8»t«- To QhtriMton-.^—,14 00 lo Savannah.—lf OP Savaimah —. nco Aagjgf*—— *22 Augusta Sf oo nop Macon—«— M Pin At anta. ttoo Atlanta ~ ti» Columbus—BOO (V>)wasb»« . , ll og Btany, * MM Too SS lafei r ~- Sffi New OrlpA»*__, 3S NewOripani—4~ UOO aabiliforh4<Dw after ue ship hM eaiied. JfafwlZEtfJlC on^r “ . Alex, heron, Jr.. Aoathwest corner FOURTH and CHESTjnTff. Agent* m Charleston. T. S. k T. G. iHJJjfT „ _ Savannah, HUNTER k. GAMMELL. - For Florida from Charleston, steamer Caronna even lncedar. _F?r fre»Savannah,stsamenSLMvy’s and PL Johif* even iweedav and Saturday. T WOTIOE TO B The Board of Commismoneni oedema ret of Assembly entitled : An not providing for iho emotion of Public Butldmss i® or Philadelphia. * approved April 5, i-yo hetebr invite p an* aid e>timat? sof coat to thebuMd: me« proposed fo be er-eted. TUse bat'dm.a are da signed for lheaeoon>iriod«t«G:i of the courts of luntice. &i A their s.pj v -o?r;nle olßoee. and the s-veaUffices of toe ©oim»y.and also f.-r the aconramodatii n ths taacici p 1 po/eremeDt of the city of p hdadelphto. The* ate v»bepheed on Penn Square; the b&Pd<nr* for the courra Ac., on the norttar*B*-»ifWtum, ai d those for the ammcipalscvesutfeaton the north-aetern eeotion h'uare detail.of theaxtentof aeormm*v*a lion required for the respective departments and oSica* to be located la these buildups hoe been printed, sad person* d-»»i (jning to prep ire pi .nn are b erebjr refereed lor copies to nny of tne Board • f norjanvliooertf. Ground plans, section*. rfcvat-r.KH, aid pe’Speetir* viejeof eao-i biufdiM reauieite, aeeotnpim.d xrvih cloy and iU" explanation* The estimate* are to be accompanied b» specifications and with explanations of the simple, inmate, nr d tali that *in»j may be res prehended oy persona not specially instructed , teo ure •WABJJJ fhe said plant, estimates, and specifications to be direoted to the r resident of the Board, and fnrnisheii »otototheS>stdi<y i.fSeptemher, A. D. >360, bach person sabmitting a plan must indieat* the ira tenals *o be employed in the buildings un der hiS plan*. No com^ucs t\t»n viill be awarded or paid by the Com nuastorerk tor tne p ans 10 be submitted, ns her- by m- ViteL untj the means of carrying the said net of Assem bly into effect shall t>© provMl*.i, in aeeonU'te with us Ur . l ! iß *t?« „ , rAli #?& W «P KR HENRY* Preside-t, BJAIIES, R. Lt'DLOW. Secretary. ? Fr.ilndi-lphifi, July 11,1830. Jrl3-4w TJiK Pi Z READING RAILRI nkLvuiA, July u. iB6O.—Tl on Coat trsnsiiorted by this from luly IS until further O' TROtf gill Ia s i -®i * § " « 1 s i ■« J_. JLIIA i.l i-3 :l \t is fasafcfc l:g || ifl \s is Manayunk 1.38 131 uri jjf j.ij» Kgbert'a......... —— 1.38 1.32 1A us XJO Ooiuhohocken, IJB* IJ7 ljn i.u> jxe Furnaco....... IJS IA i.i7 i. 07 t<a Atmbo'a l.f« M 3 Llq l .to 1.01 Nornst’n or Bridgeport LB LB! im iqj Fort KenDfdj.. LIT) 1.15 jj*| * <u Valley Fon?e.— 1.11 LjJ Ltd 91. II 1.08 I OJ i.od ft. es JBo*efß J(* I.o* »>| gr g 2 A><mingo 1.00 97 8J W Limenolr 1.03 LB * be to Pottftovn.. tt 97 fti g 7a 94 95 96? 76 71 Monooaoy 9» *L *} 7* *r Fird«boro.....__ 80 » & yj «7 9O & 83 ft <7 Reading..... . ~~~ S 3 8? TO tt ft) Tookerton.- «} K> TO £ « L seaport. 7? n 70 a;. *5 79 7«| »- -* {5 Hamburg,.. ,7? ?* §n Onfiytrir and Anhqrn. Bit fctsl tb? Board of Maaaaers. j-yfo 1 yr. h; fticILHZNVKY, geo’j, rpHE’l UUPONB tF THE GREEN AND *.„p,°ATKB BTREET PARSEtfGER RA'LWaY C'l.MI ANV Wi n* dno on tbo 18iii irst. will bo pud, on PTsscmMinnnttho office, on nod eftcr tbo ttth Inst., ; between the hours of 9 a. *l,and*P.M. J>3 -IpthsnCl DEftPY SBARWi OD.Tremnre?. | DLANTEfcS’ BA>{{C OF TENNE-SBE. ! 4Wi . ' WAiHVILL*, June SO. iB6O. ' t !;i* ZUnlchai thl« da* declared a dividend of tb. ty- i neven doHara and thr»6-<ruMleri pet ehare out iita mrrpinsQr undivided p/.fit* of the Bank lvalue 11 tnp Philadelphia bteokholdeni at the W»-aTKR& PANS. - M fo'lows. viz i 'lea par oeato and part* of : ore ibare in CABH on and JSwi July neat.and i Uiehnaneee.thM'inoNaU'or'netr Block at par. at the . option cTth* wruic, bn or after teptember 17,18C0. By order of the Board , k* »«n 0. WEAVER, CaaMer. A AIEKIOAN dUHOOL INSI’IIUTb 18 a ,~®- w;i*N»ino*»inthro«t!>'»W«hBciiool«Miii F«o£- T. W - NJEILL * CO.. toMjr.uit^ulr, YJUU). 8. E. Jind CAEEOWHILL, [ aS-tf «W * W " iW WHITE-ASH TAMiaUA. nd EEJHGE ! TLJRYANT * STiUTTSN’S NATIONS ■ flppi a^asMfit j For IJU Tm>tioa. c&il or owed far f*a..f HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES, j IfJAUKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE.—We » PIANOS! PIANOS M PIANOS 1 1 MT would retMotimiy call it* attention of theO»> ? Rffn riAflu 0.l r»l Hardware Trade loom extenaiTO Euah nf his. ; MINtfHAM HARDWARE, wHiftk W* ®Sr «»££& tiTanc. bT KuiJtws. *“ * »wu, sSELdbeoks. ..O'JVi tr “V , 'U]'' I 'S?»Won aad SoodJ 4. mT(O-FOHTEB. IiV«M fctt.rTßtiinitr.New YorkjorMßwOrleui. „ , _ . MKLODECA3, * s .»u i mru. t aevnnnid'hSmbr*. GuFFEE’S patent „ p, knitting machines. Fop Plain Stocking and Fancy Knitting ; Machine* for KaUttpjj'fitavan. Shirt* Ao„ ... 1 oiKueises, 319 and i» sand r,ij\Ddi. GndS&ndJ-Rjb. on^nSr^nncS>'iJ‘ , |J,l^. , ' l >?;' n §“«U.h Kpri i* N**rtle, , UTION !—aSTROLOGV .'—LOOS Maolnnci^o?Tnfttolfm W.' ><"•“»•« wi mMlrafiJ . V;! Otrrt-htpoD NEWS FOR ALL!-The never- The Oouee latent tfmfdn* u. A i > toiliDf Mrs* VAN HORN 10 the best! o*l® succeeds Family a»it i waen all other* bay* failed. AUwhojre in troable-a!! feature in the u»[ul invention* of th**s2 d “"9 0 !"V“J »“? rave l»eaunfuitaniu,deceived bj false proinuw. dlUiSli. Sepicr Maoi ine. lOaJ 1 ™ “ a rMi " I Hj »» her tor advire end comfort lit lor- ojotr, ,A* Agenor and Saiejrooin; s tvwJonls. Bhe tm* the eecret of vrinnmt the adro- No. 37V H»oat>wa v v*riflM of the opposite sex. It is this fact wbiofi induces * xr iH?dV 1- V vt ? nr V iirerale pretender* to trj to imitate he , and copy her > ■ yv_V. advertisement, frheshows, o n thelikenessof jour ll - tare wife, husband, or absent fnend. It 10 veil known to the publio at large that she ib the firstand on!i per eon.who can enow the likeness in leaiitj. and can sire entire satisfaction on all the concerns of life, whira can bo tested and proved 67 tkoosaads, both marnou and sinsle, whodailV *nd eacerlv visit her. Come one j come ail! to No. Un LOMBARD Street, botween liuii gepaad Brnad* j>ia Cf qno THE PUBLIO. annular ventilator. «.F!lfL2* Vi IPW*« owned. by BiueDtific&ndprap.ti , oal men. to be the very best ever offered to the puWic. ! ami need! onlj to be teeo wi actual operation for its t SPSP&i 0 Wasted. Nothin* ever introduced if , adapted for ventilatiQß private and public ! - builmnys- sch&olt, hospital*, online houses. miner. < VVTn >» T > svf;2l“ VO * Bpls ' an ,« for cure of eaiokj { TTAVANA Cf^ARS. —Just recc-md, ret* B crr, sa*.fgs§BF s£~ ?! Fncans) utMiioli will b« (it»b to all diioriptions ol Fiiaro ° KSKro Leatina and ventilatm* I>J Ma andeminpd. iho hu i ciliXi. PnitSS’ baeo nan. years praotionfiy enpapeti in thenbo' e bust- ■ iSnaSlr. ntM. Alin lor safe, Calur’t jostly-oalabrated warnpair ?SSLui,'v. ran,M - bM »- is'wif7va£!s. bJ p of *■>•=!».-tvAr“ni*?e;‘^v- : . —3 - V*||.I,IMM Fi*ut Ufli, and pressed sizes—new m ftore, end for sa’e |*AKIS GKEJRN—For sale by WETHE- , “’SeW * RILL t BROTHER, 47 and SECOND ! ~- T Stm ' t ~ otrßfll, J«23 ! Havana OIG AR.S—A LARGE. RAND -500 000 HAVANA CIOASSTSnrr. lS.r^ B lSiSfSSi»^}S?i , a n&- farentbrand*. all size* and pncve, | Tl/NJ. P.aBTaOAS, KBPANOLA ARGU/LLK3 ui recant arrival*, ntd ’or »ale by &o , ke„ of ail uzex and «o 0 ti®*. an fcaa i f.An«rilti« Th|>, ISO WAi>UTßtr»nt and/or cala low, hy ISO poli'lo Rico SUGAR.—26ii hhds toe- I-'*"" R MOLaSSSB, *c.—s<H) hhdA and EMNl'l) vSt liA^v.—l,bUU Bamih LU- j rap- *"*.?**» fioBi7.°*£t^Sari!SiS? l *lJ , !|sl ? „ VRRING’B Cmphed, coarse and fine puivensrd. ■ 22*°‘f ®“J? A O 5*Af ads . Rrd hf ' f - A, B. ant! w Coffee, at»d refined jellow tingnr, for sale , r * a ‘® *** JAAIKB GRAHAM A co., LIST! HA ht JAMtfB GRAHAM A GU.TLhTITfA itVt, ! ■piKIS GflEEN—Cfrotmd ,io <>jl, and for Q OOfl RR*MS WRITING PAPERS, ll ' L * J,ROTHEH ’ 47 ““Ju 9 1 ?K«T B To r fi’iiS II iSS SSSI!"- 10 • i E£S«’ NOTICES. cr.molet* whole so idily com iu aichi HttAUEi.pniA AND 'JAD COMVANY—P»m..- be ratFiof FreirhtftndTol-s * company will be m i^os», BQtlw; dLJU COAli* BAI M BY AUCTION. ]VI TQOMAB * SONS. *«• 139 and 141 Booth FOURTH Btte*. BA D L^A3“^**^3? F fa R 9 DAY . the Katan&y previous on® thnussnd catalogiiee. id wtmshWt of *“ 0,3 prosertT m lar PA^ h Tuesday• 2lth Jatv. n\ p a J? °* the beedbiH* for «Mb see now rinrir, ♦n- %.2-P i-Our sale* of Tea} n ate end rtr*kV «r nno^- X 2S5 a f*V^ lU h*M*tor b* bald at IJoitct, *arV£lr *£*• *"**"*• at r «*rtoch. k ** ■ plj u!2,h s TB the option of either eat*. KBTATK AT BALK? elir?.. “»»“• «• »™u«l ••eHj.JfrSrif to it B.-OKSFLLBRB. STOCKS AHD LOANS. 920.000 SijLSfu’no.VDS, Z'-l 1 *’ I ,!''?.. r Ltbrflrr Company. PMUderchta Cemetery, .eo twoSsi V,Nu !1, T " ero MS.Urj9T9nltßnd.rlhB », >. BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS. Also, i>t order ot anexecnror. a United Slates Bonntr i^»i!sttr^MSs. n “ ttor 30 “"-.k-sss T, ■ . ,*K4,L ESTATE SALE JULY !1. xxoenfor s St!e—l sfrfs uf J.oeb I*. Lanc«slor. daoV, • Jil n sf2£? “rdorir W>ll-Mnlt RUBIUSNCS. N-. 1136 r.SS vu??’?*.! 4 " f Broad rt-oet. 34 feet 9 inrhea m S?. thrnoßh to Cathbert atreoL The noDse am the modern and coovenisriopp N*»‘ my era DVTYLLISG. Nb, «6 Alw-n J B ® orGreen Bfrert. The honw*i*w»Jl boiltend h»«s **Jpri*J*c°nv*Mn<**, Ac. S2«Q may remain oc mortsace. Jtrmnoiate possession. Excon'ors* Peremptory *»aV— Estate of James Ball, .BUILMff*? f.OT«fipn*tf pfn»nt. Hamden. N. J. Same E-.t»te-150 ACK*B TIMBER LARD, Lime in^ai2T Qe ]u p pS wm crßiniy.PcansyJvaiuß,*bon£ JO mi’esnorth of Warren. Sale ab*olar». Hsiiaa Estate—Two BURTaL loTk. Non.'MO and no. ■*s.t«on L, Philadelphia Cemetery. Bale *hoo)a*t.4 yW-ELMNG. No. €O7 Hayes street, between Reed and Wharton streets, hirst ward. ‘ BEALESTATK~*TTGIJST 14. C'°fntsa.'a--P»taUi ot Join Harman,rfre’d. TTOlftSflhwd ™ MS ’ Calami syenite. jcfnl" 1 * i Ul»te—T»o-rtorr Brink DWELLING, ad ,3“!' Ealofa—Tiro*Btor7 Briok DWELLING, ad yoinins. VERY IMPORTANT SALE. T . . , Bt Older ofTropteea. bcorr adeoree of the Supreme Ccmrt of FenaarfYenia. MONTOUR IKOh ••OMPaNY’S WORKS AND ESTATE. Oq T^eeadAy * 6 U ° ,uloo * t * BOflai " Bt the Philadelphia to the Montoa? Iron Company aitnated in Montour eonniy, Ya. era aiatiny at ahont *OOO acr'.averj valnable m.neral Und*. ore*, mimuc riahw. rollifl* millj, fnrnacea. nearly 31» dwelliuKa. omcee, Ac., Ac. Term*—)§«i,oCo ca*h, when the property is atmeh oG". BjUance on the axecaiioa of the deed, within 30 tfay» of Pal 7 particnlars ready in handbills. D fWe at Noe. IS9 and 142 South FOURTH Sttm* superior puiNmiu fsknch-plate»W . *oSfl, BRUftSm CAR|i%7 At * a’oloek, at th. AcntiawSJf/an a^nehßant hOTMekeepus*, removed to the note for oonvenienas *f ]I/TOS£9 NATHANS, ADOTIONBfia ....... , MONEY TO XX)AN.‘ jewelry,eilver »&«,«* cooda, ISff tant P re » WMiary, pianoa. mirror*, lar • 0 »?*• and evenr deeoription, i=, &°/p u h‘ o *■* “> *»"** ■r Banaaaa hatra froraf A., P. M. Haavj iiniaM jot tha haufit of daixiMion. OHARGhBLNLrTwo PERCENT" Ad .anon, of 9109 and rrpward. at asie&f *" «* afwa **« . .. AT PPrTATEB*!*. ' FrenchWatoh^e,a^ieSw'Vrof v^lS?cthe?kr C^.'o|;^,? UU " il aod Attended to MteMallj by the ioch^wwrr. o,gr ,cMauofw •"ad® Jtsaftii^ machinery anm ikon. 4idt„rJNN STBAM. ENGINE AND hS?M^ a •*olaaiTel3 •cimM m . iHiEF 50 ® rewins«»t?ine end Rivet Eacmee, hick *1? %**»• Water TaelaTPropeUey, Owir aervioea to the SaSiiSfiS. ,, *?SS d Eoffiae* of kli V?u?TnmfV£!ti..J?, 9 l\ SUtujnan. havinc nta of «i*th*L S PT ®? *> eneente o,— - Q s iok s^l pp fo^ 4 *'> v ®nr description of f atteia S*^ ,p s,thotte»t Bocoa, Hish-acn low Gffßrp* *™*»Tuwu» r . nod Cylinder the *^ 3J *cbareoeiiron. Poryin?*.of<vl».zse ufl k •tn>a find Rrees Caiunr*. ofaildeeunpiiocs; Ko3 Tucama* Screw ihitt'ae, and all other wetaeoD nected with the above buaiaeae. rurt -.E^»X»5 ,i •°l»p®cifiwKiona for All »erh doneet tW v °tk yaarsQticd. wu - *- Jacob g. nbafie, )«AW BEACH°£d PALMER>n,,^ POINT PLEASANT FOUNDKY, No. 951 ~. ,?BACH Btre«t. Keniioyton, WAM H. TIERB infonna hi. fwd. that, Kto-jS? tlB el:t ' ro atook ot at the a tore till* B « lJ » 11 0* r to. receive orders for Rolling* w* 1 Caibn?«, Soap. aSl Caetinx* maia Raver- or i nmaoee. m dry or ereec witd, r* myf-tf •BMVSI. 7, JCX33ICB, 4 . VxVSSaa atSB3!C3. ©outtoWU&nSby" kj Flyi'ii AMD WASHINGTON STKS*S», PHII-APXLPKrA. KKKKICK A SONS, „ , ENGINEERS AMD KAeH[JfI3TS, MMUlkotarp Hijch and L<r. for Lead, Hirer, and Mgrijic imu. BoilMi.GMometjn, rioi., Ironßow., to.; Carosx. of all kind., or Hrw. iron PyLiaa itooAi for Sm Work*. Work Stop* EiU roji Sttftca., Ac. e^^S™“o? U ° hiMTI ° f “* *“"*"* —tt» Awanta.: N.mjth’.J'itrat Bteuo Hammer; <u2 Aeptarall ft WolMjvWuot CMtrifkol 8u» Dr»S -10? Mwvp# f HOTELS. ! ©T. NICHOLAS HOTIL, ' BJiOADTrAY, ; . »sw yosis. 1 ocwslet'd. 11l yeanago, the ST. NICHOLAS maa nmveTOnj pronounced the aot eufzitieeaU w ! and thoronghly orct*i»edestftbMhmentert, a tand on Uu» continent. ye hit it m then it remains v>- day~wuhont a rival 13 slxe, ia ermptnotuiifiss, and 13 the general eletatai* of comfort and enjoyment. The i Hotel am aefrowßiwutiOM for oce thousand neitr, 13- gtad\ot one hundred complete raitc* of apartments for f»WLu»». hix haadredpersonsean be comfortably seated f attaet&bie»of ifot*TM peblio dining rooms, and bo* i tmn* t hit modem art has denied for the eon vetuenoe and ! social erattfioiuoa of the traTellin* pnblio bw b* 3 : omitted in ite pJaa,a?j*iie*fectedia it* praofccal details. : The early rejmtebonot the house et home and abroad, derived.from its macmuido. ita snperb appointments, ar.iiwhome-ljte comforts ana laxar>es. has been en hanced every year by the naweoned exertions of the proprietor*. m»l7*3m TBULDWELL, WHITCOMB. & CO. EXPItESS COMPANIES, JSiSSSBBE I&G EXPRESS ®SKmcq.,o*oi3!o CHESTNUT Streo--, forwardsparcel*. Piolsaiea.Mercband ee. y-. and bpocta, either by it* own t mes or JPta ofoet Express Companies, to all the puncija) and cities of the United States. » _ K. 8. SAITOFOBB, Jelj-u Gecfteifnperkntsrden:. EIIOCATIONAL. MRS. FREDERICK BODGES, OF 308- tow, intends opening a SCHOOL eOR TUUWQ ijAULhS m this eity* coßuxtefeOias ib September next, Mrs. H. has the fcbnor o,f Mforncg to the Ray. Aiex. l£ Vinton, J).D , Restore* tie Otuiroh of the Holy Trinity, Circulars, wit*'iUpM/tiettlar*, may be obtained of Mr, F. ft. Kftlges.vot Vf’VK street. apa-Jrn* PLVJfOS. » STEIN WAY * SON’S NEW PA TENTOV R R -ST KI NO GRAND PIANOS. GRAND, AND SO UARE PIANOS, no. pr.’ jerreoja concert, and m curate circle, bj tbe belt performer,. Received thtf ant premiust. over tb* t.rt mu.n,rn>miadsnliks OctUclnlk.lKaioa, »nd otharA aUcoapatiLca. MAS IUS BROTHERS, *H>
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers