•rttit. teh ,'fiheUl cfroroomlaof ~. l our te.vt»r»»ho rn.r M mtMti Wj?**** t , t ’*l ■ </' from »<iy of th. W»«ojil)«l, toriv.jta ; >-» ■-■ ' •ir • 'nijlsW f***4**,AM> rWILiBR rtpilitapfo the dißof Wf Mon of iftioitWiitßld itotthil totaks'vitii t ( t*W BoWWB Bbbicafku FMMvhfab sir* biTo. Otnij atttßMon aoa.Mrrooa headache,.aod tahow,a*herioha noamll> 4. 7haj «)Biiat of tore aednKMßMßooafldMd Wtth the heat ehaUljrof oiono ; tWkaoahtHhlty idlftid in the fit ae>6 ererent detection - ; ■ ln r t«et*i rrl6* ceilta periox. hlaxafeotared by oe«;d.Bowet,Kith*«dVineetreete. ' 'tf' - ■' 'Bs*; lorce .‘to took up : »t . the aleee hhu ahjr. aoi tat the atitd wamteV'ieraj amid • tteeUm4e*<ha-' .1 heve ie * oh'arm. lo- ihe. dee*, dara htaeoir. theeeejia.thet.Bever faHe 'to awtheo poetlo . . evaitaKuaad eo iritkltie Mwchrnfthe aool; a rield; ' - • "ie<'eed.oeti»i»« wblok'to.V..,; home hattr, - drine<e!«mf <;l<iea*;*iid atlo»« no rode .torn to rue 'there. It maker the '‘ roft er.swer,” which 11 taroeth aeraiyrathi'.'ahd.etteretKat kind word which i> aweet ’ •? to the heert tkan hOßarcotabj aml, Bcntlr peran*- •fve, tnde aU lM> t« |airehaee their ctothin. at the eelehrated ntprlrt emporiemot 6»*nt>iLrt Biokei, No. ant qfceeteut atraet. A Cant of the tnost ikilfiV oiittcni in the oonntrr - ere eewtoyed, aed aOirr of intnneio valne and nee in pieeeted with eaeh art loleeoM. - Bank atttele anld ae tow as'rah he pnrobaeed elae~ ■ ' Where,’ andhramoted toglve eatiifactloh. , JsH-tf . THE C I TY. . AMUSEMENTS THISBVFNING. Barkat, above . Twelfth atreet.- Th* PAHlosm Fraur Buidob. —A move* uni lraow laprograstlu tba lower portion! of the First a»4Tw»uly-faurtoitords,ln*svorof thoopan io* oftkls bridge u a freabrldge. Petltlona Are in oiroalstloe, ui> namber of signal* bare boon ■ obtained; eomorillog acme of-toaTargast property-, holder* la thet saouon, who are atroagly lb favor of t&o measaia. Mr. Bantoa. member of Seleot Connell (tram the'-Firat wird, bos'moved in tbe matter, and. onTbarsdsy lest. introduced a reso ' lotion loßtrueting the Committee on Highways, in • oonneoUon with Chief Surveyor, to, inquire into ; .the oxpedUney of purchasing tbe bridge, eo al to ;• make it (toe for pebiis travel, which resolution was "« adopted. Tba importunes of .toty.bridge may bo ; estimated from’ tba faotthat U was only opened (or travaton>tba 30th alt., and yet oh tba ,4th of July there were ooe thousand Vebioles patoed ’over it,. > t "'bbaHaa ’i* -luge number of . foot - passenger*. , , po Xaeaiay lart, tbeia waaelmott an equal num ber, the. occasion baipg tbe raoe at Snflalk Park. ’ Tba bridge afforda a ready means of communication between tba lowerportkm of the Pint word and .. tba Twaaty-feurih ward, and .it opona up to im provement a large tract of land in that vicinity,' . wh|eh hoahefatOtlfaiaagnfßhWnnd laineomnara 'tively ldtn, forth* .Want of a propaf outlet. Tba advocates of tbe vaaaMra atate tbat there ie not a brtdga on tha. Schuylkill, from the Falla to ita month, that, ia not free to tbe pablle, except tbia on*. amt they contend tbat they are equally aa weueutitled to oonaiaeratlon in thtsreseeota* , other aaetiont of tbe city. ; ■ Tbe City- Ceaneifi, impressed with tbe impor tance of baring' ait the bridges eommtmUating with tbe etty made' free, are. negotlatlax with tbe Pennsylvtuu Baurind Company to make the new bridge to be erected by tbe eoopaby near Cray’* ■ Perry a ftaa highway ah soon’ aa completed. The elaimr of the eitiaeni inthe lower portion of tbe - el.yfa this respect are equally, aa strong. and If Oounrila grant their request, Hwillbem 61 Indl -1 feetfy the whole oily, by anbaheihg, (ha value of ' property in tbat ioeality, and consequently inornate . the ravacoe from tones to a far greater amount than would pay tba interest of the money expand ad In porebaalng tba bridge. ■ OEOAKlziTipsr op t«» Bbli. asb Fvbbut . Pamir Von tbs P<lc Knucriox.—The Bxeontive Caamittea of tba Constitutional Union party bare given notice'tbat.tbe» trill tie submitted: to tba , party, for Ita saffrageiatthe Oolober eleetion, can didates for Recorder tif Deeds, Prothonotary of the District Court, Clerk of: Quarter Seeeiona, and Co roner; aiu for tba State Legislator* and Congress: A Convention of delegates from the several wards of tha city will be held on Monday, 25th inctant, at 9 o'clock, forth* parpen of forming a eity aid County ticket. A Goagrcsdoaal Convention will .. bo bald jn eaoh dhtriot, on tbe evening of the 89th tor tent. A LegtslAHv* Convention, in each ropre , aantative district, will be held on the' evening of tba J9lh lorU*t,*nd U Senatorial Convention will hd bald in (baßltst district, on Wednesday, tha 'tot day of Aagust; at 8 o'elooklo tbe evening. The; City CanveMon trill. ba composed or dole galea from each ward equal to Ita representation in Common'Canneil,' The CongretriOnai Conventlonr .. will -be cam nosed of thr several delegatee to the < . City Convention from the wards included in the said Oengremionl distriet ’Th* Legislative Conven tloaa will be. oempoaed. of ene.deiegste from each ptobinet comprised in said diatriot; and the Sena torial Convention ot See delegates, elected from •ach df tha Legislative Conventions In the hentte : vial diatriet. The eleetion of delegates from tbe saver*: wards for the City aid Legislative Conven . Hoes will ba KtM.on Mend ay evening, tba 23d in- Ctnat, at toaatißga of the CohstUntloeal Union Aa aoelatloosofeaeh wardi at which trieCUoni no per . : «on will be allowed to vote nnless ba has signed a - dsclarstion of tbe principles of the' party. The (Sty Fgeoativa Committee ahsooDM that the - aaastkmof a nomination for llovanior will bara ferradto tha BtateExeeutlve Committee: FcwinAi. of Bsv. Dg. UopcHTOir.—Tho oanmonles attending the funeral of Rev. Dr.. Boughton, lata editor vd' tha American Pfr/itte rtan, took plaeeat West Phlladslphla yaeterdsy. • Among the olergy «• nolicad Bar. Messra. Breln ati, Darling, Adams, Wallace, HcLeod, Dnlles, Convene, Brawn, Butler, Pierce, Bruen, Dnfflald, and Mean,. Mr. Butler began the services by Voading.the anblimo chapter in tbe epistle to the Corialbtaas, npon tha Reenmotion, which is so fa , . mUiar. but which pat strikes .us with new t.roe. ' ovary time wa baar.it.. Dr. Brainerd followed lit u nddress, id whleh be gothered togalher tbe las- 1 ... seas taught by Dirine Providence in tba removal -af Dr. Haaghton, Mr Wallace,’Who tree formerly . aaiMiated witb Dv: H, in tba American Presbyte rian, than gave a sketch of hiseharaeter, as a man of sanotlßsa. ambition, gnat energy and peraeve toaee, msmitoets, and piety. Mr. Bntler, as a neighbor of tha daeaiMd, and . pastor to Me-family, followed In an addyets. in whiob ba dwait upon' bis more soelei traits, and. his reUtiosa to the Watt .Pbiiadaiphia Cbnreh, to aoaltty.and (o bis family. Darling offered proper. The pvoeesslon moved to' Woodland Cem* ataryfh whose hasntifnl grounds, in sight of tha - Babaylkill, the .nave was made. The ceremonies ware .here eonetofsd with tbe repet ting of pis-. ' lager of Scripture Sy Dr. Brainerd, and the bene dledon by Mr.Bntlsr. , Bautnotra Sebticvs at Arr.Aimo Cur.— ■The trnsteesof the Presbyterian Chnrcb at Atlan c tie eilyglve aetiee tbat they have’made arrange laanta. ts hava.nllgioaa sarvieu in tba chnroh ragalarly doriag tbe bathing season, and that n ’ nnmbar ef eminant clergymen of thia city bar* eonsested to praaeb.- To-morrow, the 15th, Inst, Bar. Deary-Darling.' pastor of tbe Clintoe-rtreat • Presbyterian. Chamh, in thls olly, will deliver a aarmon. Ho wlll ba follotvsd, weably, -by Rev. Jos. ASetar, Rev. B. Newton, D, l),Rev. B. , OrlSth, Rev. Albert. Barms, and Rev. ,T M. Crowell. The ehhreh. bat been ballt ohiedy for •Die RH of vial tore, and tha traataca appeal to them mrald la paying off tha Indtbtednecs of thaohutch. ' PstssnTg rtoii TBE Japaseri to ram Ponton—lt is stated in tha New istlr nape re tbat .. .. the Japanaaeoflalala, before leaving Raw Fork, plaoadio tke handaof tbo Ktval Commimlon tba - >nm of 829,908 to ba divided among the pollsa ■ foraa of toe sevarai olttaa In which tba Ja : panaaa stayed. Tha inoaeyvrill hadirtrlboUd pro ' rata among the police of Ihedtfee of ' Washington, ’! 'Beltlnurrar phlbidelphls, and Raw. Fork. • Raw , F«k. having the largest number. will reealva Some e' (UtM ef the food, Philadelphia 88,069 for aboot ' alz dalltra por man.l aedMha ramaiader will be pqlleapf Wuhlngton and Baltimore, -.-•.-.itf Fail fbom a Railroad Oar.—Yes ' vWwhy morning Lieutenant Bowen, of the Slxtb \ Ward polio 9 divlaion, same vary near loflag his life ' by falling, wtill# in th* aat of iumpiag from a pas asagar bar In .Sixth atreat, near Wharton. Be mad* a detperote roll, and never stopped until be reached a totter, th* condition of whiob does not comport with the byrler-io views entertained by tho - mambera of th* Board of Beslth. Other lian tanaors, whohadiprangfrom the asm* ear, at - owaa monad theif fallsn fellow llsntenaht. and on. flndlng lhat hawaa not hurt, of ooursa joinod ui a . gaaaine haarty iaagh at bis arpanse. ; , Pf-ttCß' Affairs.—TYestndßr, Francis . Patorv w;ia held to b*l| by AMertnan L*nta, for fflAurbisgapoUtloaimaatiegatFront and Whar tadatreata to* evanleg pravlear. ; -Sarny Tawivxl was bald to bali yestarday, by Alderman Rained all, to anawar tha eharga of ae 'Malttog OBosr Wallsoe, of Manaynnk, on Mon dnviaat. : . , - John Fansrio, raaldfng ln Keyser’a court, Cer . maatows, war eowmitted to prlson yesterday by Atdevman Kiog. ehatged with basting bis wif*, aid haookiag noonple of her teath.oat, ' j . Tam .FoirkTAira w the SQBAmm* —The . Odmmiasioner of City Property has given uottee ! that plans for tbs foohtalos to ha placid in tbe .'' Mbits wlll ba reoelved at tha ofle* until th* Srrt Toefday in Bopternber. These foantalna ... will be placed lu Logan, Jafferaou, and Hlttenhoue* .. Bqnares. .With each plan-, c-foil aatimate or ita eost Will ba required. Eaoh plan apprersd of by Connells will entitle its author 16 833 33. It la urobahl* tout, neit season, these deitrahle embet-' luhaswts to the squares will ba In full operation. ' -Fdti Fro* a Window —On Thursday aftaruuon, a tittle boy. named Conrad Donofcne, .. who resides In Sweeney’s court, above Carpenter (tract, Ml from the aoeoud-stofy window and was - badly Ininrad about tho tuok and flu*. Fortn ■ataly IM fail was broken bv hii itriking a atotoat-llna, perhapt utlng hia lift. , PpsciAL MgeilNO OF eCcgciLS —A c»ll bM haen iwuedby. Mayor Hairy (hr a ipsolal ’ toaattog Of-'fte dlty CoutJOll* on widanday next. It la raid thai.be will return to Coaneils, with bis oMjotlons. ths ordlaanes locating the. Fellowehlp, Oobookalnk; Hop*, and Philadelphia Rmrinea As , • - ttaatt IrasAginaeompanlea. - ' : rj? ’ SLloirt FlßVsi-AbOut one o’clock yes taiday mhrnUg, a boon af tot', sorner orpaactcr . gad'Jayne srreatS Aria allahtly damaged by 1 Are, by . istliog.off dra-works.' An a|*rm waveausad aboht alsvan o’olosk. by tha pnrtial hnfning of to* ink faetory Of Calab, Pisroe, at Eighth and MOfria : atfoata*' v ComoKRR'B IsQPABTi—An inquest was , ksid yaaterday morning ha to*' body of Aiirbb ■ Coi*. <ha boywhg(r**>Ul*AbyhalßgTnn ovir by ’ tot Cars of toe Baltimora RallrohffciMpany, mi fbnnd*y *fterttoea.,"Btreia! wUhsstci were *x- Mltn*d, *ad the jafy rerfdCred t Vctdlof of xtscl ■ r death: \K T :::. r.. SAmnow Fsoasb frpb Brofnikp.— £ak jiiuob’eloek on Thti»»day night, s woman: ea i Ann-flalony fall oyarirwrf; at Market; dwharf.and narrowly essayed being drowned,. gk*w« lshedo»t by some men and taken to tha .• etattee-VonJ*.:.';., A WIrEjJmATER.—-John Finrin>'Residing toM*yw*f’rein«L’ flermantown/waa before Alder. mw* •’? aßlaaosai’yastcrdey afiai'nOoa apon'.toe--.body of ■ • ZZ Btaiial Crrtnr-t *r, '•**” . <I I* H 4eßlFl*;*»ker ttt*ea.ketwo*A Btato' and, Bevcnth. SsraNHiva Ooirei.ACHiATfoN Destrdo ties op Kitteai.li aim Oonvon 'e Cab Maetrac ionr—Tho paarthfat uUrrav ear/ maimfactnry of Ueaen. Klmb«U i <Sd'fJoitoo > !do*t«L at' Twenty flrat and Bamllteta etreeta, wat dlwovetod to he oh Bra abdht i half paet nine o'clock ■orelog, and onto* to the oombaetlble’ natnre of the materiale whleh the bttUdiog'eohtatoed, It wee almoit oomptetely destroyed before the flames eonld be eztlnifaished. The .'works eoverad the square by Twenty-Br,t, Twenty fOO feet by 287 in extent, buildings, ««*• mostly of atone. and vttyifltf from one totwe •fcorica id height* occupied .the aides of. the squire. In the centre 1 vm a spice, a large portion of which ,WM .ocoupled br workshops, 'materials, do. The principal of the eatibUshmeht was located in the range of buildings, and was one hundred and sijc.fy feet bj in dimen sions, at the northern end of whioh was a large receptacle Tor sharing's, whioh were used in the furuaoo belonging to the engine. r . ‘ - This, place /wee made, perfectly fireproof, with ; uon doors. dovt and wes’considered safe.. Yester dey'. morning, however, while some of the work-. men> were engeged In throwing sharings into it, s back dranghtforced the flames from under the’grate of the fhraacc..' Theyj quickly bommhnloated to the. shavings, and: before the iron doors eonld be cloyed a lot of combustibles in the shop wore on fir*.' A,heavy northwest breeze was stirring at the ,timej-ena- the flames spread with greet ra ptditv.throogh tbe.entirerangeof bnildings. When the fire'commenced tho hands were all at work in ■the sbopy bat it came upon them eo suddenly that they were obliged to leave without saving their working tools," and Vome of them even left their Watches behind. All the'vainable machinery in this range was of coarse-destroyed; The fire soon spread to the blacksmith's shop, running west from the main range. .U'hisJbnildlngi whleh was fifty feet rqnare, was totally destroyed. .’ On Hamilton street was the paint shop, 120 feet by .65 in dimensions. This was wrecked. The foundry and machine shops were partially destroyed, and the office, a two storied brtek structure which stood in the centre of the works, was wrecked. .. The first mentioned building contained tbeframes of fifty ooal part, jest reedy, to put together, end a large quantity of other work almost finished. These wereidloonsQoied. The books and papers ofthe firm, however, were saved. The only part of the factory that esoaped destruction was the painting shop. 7ha wind-being from the northwest, pre vented the ignition of this building, end It sus tained no damage. Among the property In the building*,, which suffered, was a no w eight-wheeled oar. built for the Oatawlssa Railroad, and valued at s3.oOo;;and an express oar, built for Howard’s Express, end valued at $BOO. The biasing flakes were Carried a considerable distance by toe high wind, and set fire to several roofs of buildings. Ho other serious damage, how ever, was occasioned; Kimball A Qorton have an insurance of $30,000, which Is divided between the Franklin, 1 ; Commonwealth, Exchange, and Hope Mutual, of Philadelphia, and the JEtne, of Hew Eoglsnd. This amount will probably oover thedlreot lose by the Conflagration; but considera ble inconvenience will be felt by tbe partial stop page of badness, and the temporary throwing out of employment one hundred-end fifty hands. -The firm hare already made arrangements to have their factory rebuilt, and they declare that the fire will interfere but little with the filling of the orders they have on hand.' - There were a number of steam fire-engines on the ground a short time after the alarm was given, but the fire had gained to much headway when they arrived that they eonld only be useful in saving adjoining property. ... Accn>Eitrs.~The following eases were ad mitted Into the Hospital yesterday: John Elllfon, aged thirty-five years, while working with a patent.,mowing machine, near Haddington, Twenty-fourth ward, was badly cut in the-right foot by the knlveeof the machine. KHIIon resides in the Twenty-fourth ward. Robfirt Bmith, aged fortv-tbree years, bad his right arm broken, and was Internally injured by being run over by a dray, at Twelfth and Cuth bert afreets- Mery Bryan,' aged nine yean, had her left thigh fractured by falling from a wagon load of hay. LegalTxtblligknce.— Quarter Sessions —Judte Altiegn--Tfc9 ease of •J. Bocbnnnn <Votf« charged with forcing m oheotr of #770 on II JtJ Craw* <OTd, oceopieo theoourtrettarday until after 4 o’clook. Croes appeared in the Cock with a perfectly calm and unruffled-countenance, and his broadolothii still of the. finest texture, altbouth hie nppearanee is in striking contrast with the rest of hie, companions within the "cate.” Dqriqg the entire seuioo.yesterday, the court mom wes eersely crowded.and the most intense enxi-tJ was manifested to aee the <4 hanosome Goio- The Commonwealtb proceeded with the case, first calling tithe witness stand 1 dear Bishop, whose plea of guilty to the charge of passing the check wna re ported yesterday. Mr. Cassidy objected to nis being swmu.and in support of his objection exhibited the re cord of the U. ft. Distriot Court showing Bishop's con viction and sentence for making and passing counter feit coin. Mr Tiepin,deputy U.B.manh l. was calledtolden tity Bishop as the individna 1 roantioned In the record. Ee was convicted on three bills. Ur. Mann th'n presented apsritou bv James Bucnan an. Presided of t"e I’mtad Ststes. In this dooument Bishop is pardoned for the oflenoes of hewa« convicted ta’hs city, sod also of a S'milar ofTenop of which Bishop, under the name of Josiah Sheppard, was convicted in »fwVork Mr. Cessidv presented two additional records, set t>ng forth the coavjotionof Edgar Bishop, in this city. These offences were mentioned in tbe pardon. Bishop was then sworn, and testified as follows ? I re side in lunlap street, and have a wife and four chil dren ; rnt acquainted with the defendant the last Sa turday in Mar; I was railed out of my house,and in troduced to him as” Mr. Jones;” the defend nt sitd he wanted two good men, who were not known tot k e detoctivesr be .said he did not care how poor .they were, as he would furai h the cash: he said hi«hosina*s wae forging, and he con’d make about #2,0 0 a week ; that one of his men had made $60,000; he ssid he wanted a yooeg ,inhn to represent a spruce vouns elerk; tbe other to represent a porter: when he ** done a bank ” be said be always sent the young nmn in first, with a small cheok. end. if that was success ful, he sent the lArger check*, mide an appointment for the next Sunday, and I had a young man there to lut-odoee to him as fit for Mi purpose; Cross con vened with tbe young man and told him that there was no fear of detection tn presenting oheobs—not near so mochas in passmr counterfeit money; Cross made apotiin appointment for the following Tuesday* but he did not come, end l did not see him a* Ain until the Fri day following* when C.oss asked toe how I was setting along* and 1 tnid him I bad no money for my rent, and h* said hnwnutd fix that, aod told roe to meet him at Third and Green, where he voufd rive me some paper onaQaakertannsritbetthe money there wonld tee me through, add a few days afterwards he would hare somelhins on tbe Kensington B*nk; I m*t him the next day»atlOo’olock,atThirdaod Green streets, sod we went to elager b*er eeloon in the neithborhond j I was lMnyehirtelsevee,and had ona eheck shrt; end he told me to so just as T was; he gave me a check and iold me to petit in my hat and take it not when I got in side the b*nk; he told me wbe»e the bank was (Gon colidation); I -went to the bank ane pul.cd out o’* o*—ek and presented it to the paring tel *ifl Mf. Jones me. if then asked, who i...« u ro me*losav * the old man/ and to tell that *ov name was “ Brook* x* 1 . Cross told me to risk for rtnail hilliftti that would attract the attention of the Toller from tbe chock; the cheok wae pot paid ; the c«sh»*r wasnot satisfied and he wen' with me to Mr. Crawford's tan-yard, where tho whole thing was ex posed, and l was arrested by officer Boykins; f n*xt taw Jones'Crosßlet the Central Station: Cross ssid he hadto make four shares oat of the check, and I was to get one-fourth; 1 t*Jri him if I wasarrerted my wifo wou’d be tumeo rut of doors tbe next day; Cross said that wnu’d be all right, that he wonld nay my rent, and see thatmv wife did not want, and if I wasarreste i he wonldsend a man to go my bail. Bjshoe next underwent a most searching cross-ex amination ot over an hour, and in the course of.it he acknowledged he pad been in the penitentiary of New York for three years, for, passing counterfeit money; in the Pennsylvania penitentiary.one; us the county Srieon. four times; he further testified that he was in ured to appear against the defendant in order to be revenged upon him fdr getting lum into the soraps. and then leaving him »u fttapd his purpose was still fur tkei induced by Chief Wood, who represented to him that the da endent never helped hie men.” as two men had gotinto a scrape during the winter, and wem aililu; end Mr. Wood Mr . Bishop money to pay e rent, but he denied that anybody made any promises uretardtohissriitence. . , A detective testified that be msdeau effort to meet the jouag-mau referred to nv Bishop nsconversing with Cross elxmc representing the ** ybung clerk,” but he •scaped over the house tops t , 'Detective Rosscl testluedthat after arresting Cross at second and Washington streets, his valise woe brogvht to the station house and searched; in it was found a memorandum book, some letters, and sew#- paparcl'pplnw; in lheni*mo*andombook was an entry *• n. F. C.« Sixth, below Masterthere were two slip* cut from ft aewspawr, and these slips were accounts of bis former trial. Objections were made to the recep tion of theee artio'ss as evidence, and the onurt ruled out the newspaper slips, but admitted the memoran dum book* Tf • defence eaUed witnesses who testifisd that from whst othensaid of Bishop thty would not believe him upon oath«< Dfrfl-ech.of (Vest Fhilsdslpbia, testified that on the dayfixrd by Bishop, for the interview at Third and Green. Cross was at nis office in West Poila drlshia from 0& oolook in the morning until. V>H o’clock. - Tn hli address to the jury, Mr. Cassidy urged that Dtshop was not eorrobomted in the marerialpor ion of his evidence, and. therefore Croes was entitled to a verdict of not gutltr. , „ Tbe jury, after deliberating alnut five minutes, ren dered a vnrdiet of guilty. Mr. Cassidy then moved for a new trial, and asked time to file reasons. This re quest wae granted. A Man with Qsye* Wives.—An officer from Michigan, bee been in Albany for two ortbree dayitn of a man named Bimon Lord, a nedler* who is represented to be tbe pos sessor oi seven wives,. He Is toot A Mormon, though following np (hefalth. Hfslutvlotim was a beau tiful young lady named CarrieOwene, tbe daughter of a wealthy farmer, residing about three miles from Detroit; .On, iearnipjc the true obarseter of the mis to.whom she bad given her heart and hand* she .went almost orszy, and U now on the verge of Jtanaoy. Her heart it almost broken, and It will be • miracle if she survives tbe attaok. He baa two wives living in this State. Lord Is a na tive of Conneotiont* where his relatives all live. Tbe officer obtained snob information by.means of correspondence as led him to.oome Eastward, In tbe hope of taking back with him this most wretch ed of att debased wretches. Ife hope he will suc ceed. AII Lord’s wives are a%id to be living, four of them having JsnicAerbocA-er. . A tABOBua man fit Crewkorne, England, a short timn since, while carrying a faggot on bis >bon!dcr* felt something cold entwining itself round bis seek. He hastily threw down the faggot, when he discovered that hi* seek was encircled by a lam adder/ He succeeded in disengaging him self without loiaiy. The reptile took rerage In the faggot, from.which It was.taken and destroyed. IMPORTATIONS. (Reeorted tor The PresM ST JOHN.NB-Br *chr Hall&tis, Barbarie-667 bbls olewl ves SiO,ooo laths J M Kennedy x Co. MARINIS INTELLIGENCE «KK FDVATH PAflK* AHRrVKI). Steamship Delaware. Gannun, from New York, via Caee JMay* 7 hours, with tnnse andnnstenxera to Jas Allderdioe. Saw a full Hired bns off Cone May. hound m. and berk Florida, from New York, off New Castle* C °Bnri?FiorfdoTMundsy, 3 days from New York, in ba!- fromßt John* NB, with fish aw! laths wi M Kennedy *. Co. , > • Sohr Bohemia* Clark. 3 da»s from Chesapeake City* with gram to Gbriitmu k Curran, CLEARED. Briff Mar Qneen. Morton* Boston, E A Souder k Co, Pehr Corbtuu. Lawrence,Riclimond, Dlakiston k Cox. Pchr Naiad Queen, Hiilse. do d« vjehr J Looee Jonee* B.idgeeort, do , BTtxnxoiAPH. f „ . «i*prt&iiit(ieiphiaExohacce.i «a«iespog A p K ISLAND, NJ* July 13-581 PM. 3 A and e T herm brik went in this forenoon, and levs/aisehoohersheeedd out. The barks Ann niitabeth* for fcH,'for Richmond, went 1 to; »ea lost ’ri . ev mvun. . T e l r'^m M jSS^S£! ,er l‘ Cht * f * L|V *' ,o, " i * Bobtob, July 18 w*tt(. «« to *if. f rfl m Hsrann; brie* Ci^dM* t rrom Wainn, from Hav*n*. „Ha»*iU—*rriv«d, 7tk,'",t,«ra*r Intel. Hnl)tn«. Chaile,toni brie W»«t lndi&a,Thoray*un, Nov Qr- SmlVd.fith, htk Ex,r,«, Bo n ibBrx, New York; Broror. Cuok. F.lirouth i J J Co*b“ Sp. Wine, It.ton- JJ.i fekrftoUl*. Bswea. New Vorki Ttb. art Mar* Stawrn P. rj, Bo4lon i bri. J M Hoo.ton, RnM.il, . CtauM Tthibris.l l» P. Snow, Smith, Sa,n». Kermn. Ladd. FAlesouth; Sth-berk Zidon, Fowler. Aemedios anrtßoston.: ■ •j _ . Kh,;bni G. Ford, \ CbHh!k&k~\*TkQiit*n Home, CroekeiLNew York i seitoonef Afieiia* Hay. do. L - - ' . - llaTAifXAS.—Arrived 4th,’J. JL Curtis, llsler*Ha- let* bath Franklin* Hitekell, Bos- EveUue* Butler, Aspinwall. • f r Bteamsbtp Kensington* Baker, henoe, arrived at Bpe- Johnson, henpe, arrived at N Adriatic, Oomstook, for HnVritf, oleared at Kennedy, cleared at N York TsarfToemwicd, for Shanghae, cleared at New Bpenoer, from London, arrived ■lter? P°(?lfexando'. Coloord. oiesred at New York Rio Grande, cleared OnterJridge, heuoefor Galveston, was **Bohr Lima^O’Bnen, cleared at Halifax 7th Inst, fer Rihr Rumell, for Cardan&Si sailed from Squall* Howell, and E TSmith, Smith, hence, arrived at RMtoniatiiinst. - , SohT Adeline Towneend, Townsend, from Charleston, arrived at New York yesterday. Sohr Dorcas Ireland. Baker, at Boston 12th mst. from JBnoksvilie. -• . n Sohr Mary StandUh, Atwood, hence, arrived at Bos ton 12th inst. , „ . ‘ . Sohr Three Slrters, Leonard, benoe, arrived at Hioh m«nd l*th inst. ~ .. , . Sohr Deborah .Tones.Tatera, for Philadelphia, oleared at Charleston 10th insti with lumber. , , , . , Sohr J G tttille.fiwain, for Philadelphia, oleared at Wilmington, NO, 12tb Inst. _ Tf Sohrs Revenne. Gandy. Boston, Brower, Isle of Pines, Franco.and empire, Adams,benoe,arrived at Provi dence 12th inst. . . _ _ .. . Sohr Sarah Wooster. Lord, sailed from Providenoe Uth inst. for Philadelphia. „ . • Sohr Cornelia. Russell, sailed front New Bedford 12th inst for Philadelphia. • . _ . . Sohr M. ft Carlisle, Ryder, at Boston 12th inst. from Charm. Loring,oleared al Boston 12th inst. for Sohrjfi exH Brown,Edwards, for Philadelphia,sailed from Bristol llth lost-, , _ Sohr Albert Fields, Phillips, hence for Taunton, at JDiebton lOthinst. • M , . Steamers Taoony. Ely* and Novelty* Shaw, hence, ar rived at New York yesterday, , , . Steamer Thomas Sparks, Grumley* hence* arrived at Hartford 11th inns. . ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, rp to 12 o'clock last night. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—ComnrNmtli »nd CheitttuL J T Heddeo. N J F Butcher C F Bonn-lly, N Y H Amp., Conn TW.bb.NY W MoKmuht & fain, Pa Mil, A Phillip., Pilt«bui2 C Hates tPitObnr, W F»rm.tone, Glendon J M Lone. Pa G T L.n*, Pa D J Dohnn A f.m. Miu Miss M Rumbart Mil. Mi«a I, Rerahart. Mta. Mni G T oon*d k la. TexaaMl.s MoCoroilolc. Waah Mias B*oon. Wiuhin.ton Mr Bnowden Texas J l.eiare k la. Cbailetton Wm Mn«>n,Tanntoa Mlm M A deabrook. Ch.rlstnß A Mom 1, Nin K Beabroo*. Charle.tonMiu Hnnnab trwln. Pa Mis. Trvin. Pittabnrc Mis. 8 8 MeCormiok, Fa G G MoCormiolt, Plttebare B W Ren. Nntobez Shewer Aohlld „ , N Dal.hleraer Miss linoy Knox. N J 8 Benton A wr. Holly Spge W W Croom. N Y J}« Marsh. 8 0 HBmyser.BC Mrs RWard.l'esrarlt, N 1 M o w.nl, Newark, N J W A Wilson. Pel K Wilson, Bel D Goooh k la. Om. O G H Garleohs, Cin. 0 Mrs Fusers, Cin, O A B Goooh.Jßin, O MraChadeyre, Jersey City S W Coe, N Y Jo. Meduley. Fittsbore T Caras. Chicago r; K Mollheney. Texas K H Fell, 111 Dr Jennioxs, Nashville M Courtney. I.a OH Tticms-n. N v WHWBarton,N Y HobtDNesmith. N Y J P Jones, NY, _ 1; P Walker k wf. Ala J T Bradford Sc la, Wls Thos T Br»nr k 1». Ky R D Washburn. Mass Miss J! Tenney. N Y J W Calvert, Ky NP Raker, Cm, O Gen Kendall. NY T T Wierman, Harrisbnrit M 8 Beleulnforr, NY O Rein, N Y W c Pent, NY J 8 Barry. Balt J? B Lome, Balt „ JJ YTeymen Sc la. Texne Miss A M Maxwell, 8 C Miss M M Maxwell, 8 0 Dr Jit Mays. 8 C » A Kyans, Mass H A Morse. N 0 Rfi Moore, Balt Ohaa W At»Wt. U 8 N T g GUUrd. 8 C Jot H tinmibAWf Va £ BHablmton, Vr • A Fcry. France T P tohumbnrg* N Y G R Seward & la, Texas Min Howard* Texas E Rhodee N * joe G,t ookhort. Mr* Lockhart. Mis* Mies Laura Moody. N C Jog R Mumt* N 0 Min Betti* Grey* N C Mte» Julia HMt. N C Geo Kendall. N J ft M Irwin A wf, Ga Mlw rwm Ga Miss Vatnn. Ga G D Matiarv fc la, Ga Miss ChUdres. Ga R Oa J Garnewell* 8 C ftoht Hull. Balt Mrs Its Hard & da Wm J Morns, Fhila GECGefford,N Y GIRARD HoUBK—Ninth and Cheitnut street*. W Petney. N Y _ Benj N Y Bam! Munro* Del John Baxter,Gin. O T H Blackwood Ohio Jo* Oanlope. N Y Jn)>n Ounfope NY J Johnson. Del T 1) Messier fiswf. Pittsb Miss Vanok, N\ V Furman. Nashville J* H Filey A wf, N«|hv TBcott Btow*rt. N Y w B Whitteman, N Y G B Mathew*, Wash W A Poindexter, Kr James MoPhml, NY W W Purtis & I*. Ala Miss Curtis, Ala „ W W 0 Ciirns. Jr, Ala James Bhe»man Ta OhasKeleo. Md J B Brody Ala, Palom Odl D e? Huyett. Nashville Thos H Munro.iN Y Rouert Davis, N Y 8 C fttarr A »a. Brooklyn Miss Vewett. Brooklyn h H Hear* k (a, N Y „ „ J Ela, Mobile , J B Pinney k la. N 0 Richard Sewell, Balt SB H ckraan A la, Md Miss Hickman. Md W F Gibson. 8 0 C F Hnrsett, Balt Col fiha-p. Toledo S P Grafton A la, Va Mias Grafton. Va Mies E Grafton, Va Mast» Grafton. Va Geo Bobmson,N Y „ . 7. Morgan, Fla O F Whitcomb Balt Thos Barnett k 1». N Y Mies Lindsay, N V \ n Henderson. N Y Ju, Callaghan, Btlt 1 K gliTipson. Balt W V Reynolds, N Y (Tn* Rimoson. London Mr Coins London CW Davis, Fla w A Bellamy. Fla W M Wade. Va „ 0 AWalborn. Phila „ John M iMillivan* Pa «H Grimm. Jr & la, r a inrtrevljnf *la.fitLome Mast J CrevHng, fit'-ouia n*oak H Grevling. Pt Louis Moat w Crevlme. 8t IjOuis Miss K Crevline, fit Louis Mim G » revling, 8t Loins G G Pr-sbury, Sr- fit Louis EWilmer. Del MiiwWi’mer Del D F Fertuson. Pottaville 8 N Hrmt'cy NY A Furnam. Del Ja* Purnsm, Dei KRI Williams. Md Thng a Heines & la. N Y MtsHames.NY John v Watkins* Balt H ft Clayton, Nantucket B Fullerton. Ga „ J Th meson k la, NY AC ft* ns Lake Superior J W Wiloox k la, N Y , Mies Wilcox,N ” MVL MoMellandXLotils % o« nr iok k la, V a C Hewett & la. Pottsville 8 Ward. NY . .Hon J BHaskin.NY W ftjnok*. Boston J J MoFlnone. Pnila W G Delano. OhiH, 8 A O-Wendell, Washiogton M Pr*tt. Conn B M Patten. Kv Miss 8 Weld. Kv Miss J Weld. Kr i 3 HTaplov. Lynn, Mass Jl L Delvin. NY Va H Rohinson, Va HK Naieht. Htit N Y r • ug.Taber.NY WTCochran,Va „ Tho* Lindsv xMd Joe Randolph k la, 8 0 Miss Rflndoloh.SC MissYonnc.S 0 George Richardson. B C James Wehb. Me A Yount Del Jos L Cunmrghum, Bost Robert Rosa. NY £0 Rolsou, NY SB Turner NC Miss Turner. N C 1 Bimpson, Brooklyn Miss Mathews, N J Mies L Stewart, N Y MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. Jas Buohanan* Jr. Wash Miss Bnohanan, Wash Mr Thompson, Phite Tho«C Lebo, i< Haven Übas I* Porter,Md W McCord. Pittaburs MiBs«D McCwd, PitUb’g J k Lans- ake, Munoy Mh B l.engcake. Muncy Mfrs L Lansoske, Manor ntjas Nash. Jr* wnospott M Fnlkerpon. Hr M ThornberTjr. Ky Chss MoFaddeu. Latrobe G B Dsnniny. Dayton, 0 Gti Newhsll, Phila w Conk. N Y Don*la*s Hiss, Phila "Wm ft Bh* rwond. Baft Oliver Cnmbs, Ky M 8 Boyce Jc wf Reod’n? Jos A Nummo, NY jUsHonslo -M Chunk LFarber i> „ i( Geo H Dearborn, N Y Wfihattujk.NY ,'otm McGovcTn.Lanc. Pa RvulVanLoon.Pa John J Fher'e Lano. Pa R H ’Wisto'i, Huntingdon W M Peters k da. Phil N H Jennings, Bnlt C A bumason. Conn James Cross, N Y AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut, above Fifth. T J Orinsly, Ala , Jft Duval Phila O Asa Johnson. Lynn. Mass J Healy. fnd, W C Smallwood. Conn John jYBmi»h Conn ... H k Mdy, N Y Miss Fmuia Rsrdinx, N Y n MoCoine* Ind Gen Cebinn, NJ John L Dayns, N V Miss Write. N Y : 5 e nenc*r k la. Del K M Weils A. la, N ji WFellows. Ohm . WBharp t e.l»hio__„ . Fowler. Roches’er. N N Tbo» LnUbtoo. N Y w w Whlttinston. Jr, La A Molntyre. 8 C . Gideon Push. Soh) Haven JJfteibert, Pottsville Thos H Moxear, T»el M B Pmith, N Y WmT K M Jarn«*s. Conn 11 P Qaaris Conn Thos H Brlnton, Pa . M Crawford. Pa W E Bolter, NJ jfk ' Heart, N Y ST. LOUIB HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. M R Burke, Phila J H Hooklay. Phila w ftseppelmenn, Cm C Hocre. Balt 0 M Weldv* Pa OOTi6Hny*Conn John Moss. N Y AirS O'ayton, Halt ihae Goran, NY J A Wrisht. Trenton, N J Wm Creman. Phila J W Boyd. Balt Harter, NY J Fisher. NY A Spenner, Noriiafownj J Murray, Wash - JONVH’ HOTElx—Chestnut street.^above Sixth. JRBall,Tro« DG Baker,J.nncaster TT Crane. NY J W jonev. Phila Peter Jftmimn. Pblla PM»«rs. Phila HKPsnds, NY ADTbompwn.Del L Whitne?. Jr. Mass Jas Mslenei. N O J B Palmer* Me Jno A Mitchell, Balt KTHE UNION HOTEL—Aroh street. Above Third. 6sml Young* NC G Burton. Cincinnati Mrs Writemyer, Reading Miss Writemyer, Reading James Pierson, N Y J Core, La _ J Comes. La Alex Nell, Hagerstown D 6 Adelaberser. Md J J Short. Emmetshnrg 7 N Enwer, New Castle Miss J A tuwer, Pa W S Sharp, N J FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Second street, above Market. R L Bodine, Backs 00, Pa J Younr. Haddington, Pa Col Ash. Ta AC Hall. N J M Hoflmnn, Pa E Cary. Pa >saan W Vioho Is Del P Brandlev. Ireland Jis G Falwcll, Pa Hinm Anderson* Del Wm G Nicholson, Md Alex Knotts. Md GG Guild. NY Jesse Cox, Del Joslah Lewallen, N J Aaron Callaway A Crotbiers* Pa STATES UNlON—Market Street, above Sixth. Wm Eryan, Ind - WG Porter In 4 J Howard jaoobs, Pa Jas MqClare, Pe r ry oo Robt NeiUon, Perry oo Jas L Pugh. Phila E 0 Wade, Balt J Brown, Balt P T Nixon. NY CL Wilson. N Y ft a Sohaflner. Pa M Cunoinzharo. Va W G Porter, Bradford 0 C Tallraan, Holmesburg W H M*soii. Carlisle Jas Goodman. Pa JasKPow&all, Lane oo HP Dunbar, Pittsburg NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. Geo V Meiiey. Lebanon, Pa A H Mesareee fr.la.N J P 8 Hiegins, Reading 8 Johnston, Jonestown *oi Phloss. Potteville John tameson, Pt Deposit B B Bovnton* NY H 8 Kirk ham, Westport Miss M K Rhoads, Milton 0 8 Phantz, Lehigh co W Crompton. Md . , ' Robt Smith, Md „,, „ Jss n Hess, Safe Harbor J J Miller, Clearfield, Pa .Tames E Pringle, Reading COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth Btreet, ah. Chestnut. .T Da«is, West Chester Jas Hushes, West Chester R W L*vis., West Chester J Reiley. Reeding HMD Nesbitt. Port Deposit J W Pratt, Chester oa Lewie Funk* Cerster ro _ W J Vandn&en, Pa Robt Ba'dwin, Lano co Pa Jos Johnson, Lane 00. Pa i r.l M Parks. Lano on, pa l Haines, Lano 00, Pa W F Neeh Lar.o 00, Pa BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third at., ab. Callowlnll. John Rookey, Montg co T 8 Leisenring. Pittsburg k B Neff. Unlonville lID Domer, Altoona. Pa Jacob 8 Shall. Pa flaml ftmith. Buoks co Geo Bower, Phila Goo B*hm. Phila H Llndower, Phila Benj Beans, Bnoks oo BLACK BEAR HOTEL-Third st.. ab. Callowhill. H 8 Root, Muncy F ftchqeoht. Reading A Bnokman* Pa ' Mrs Bosnian, Ptv .1 ft Fuekiiuwi. Yardleyv’e Psff, Yardleyvi te J Smith Jsnkmtown A Fanst. Upper ftehlm H b Korer. Olney N Wagenhorst. Montg co laaao L Trexler, Pa ftssuer Roads. Byhorry 8 A Neeln. Bunks co Ji M Goodman, Reading F UaVonher 'terks oo F T Beans, P% Jos Lruck. York. Pa G Clemens, theater Valley A Stowell, Bornville, Pa PARLEY POTBL—Sennnd st., below Vine. Thro ° Parsev* Doalest’n Sol Holoonibe, N J Alex v oGmxhun. Pa Jos Stackhouse. Buoks co fthas K Palmer. Bucks oo John Farren* Buoke co JasK Hibbr. Pinevjlle JejseSHeston*Newtown Jos P Merrick. Bucks co K N Wiles. Buoks oo- John Polk, Buoks oo T E Piokerlng. Buoks oo John Engart. HarUville Jonas Ely, Buoks oo HC Moore Plumsted Seneca Beans Rucks co Win P Crozer, Bucks oo Jas Bookman, Pa MT. VERNON HOTEL—Seoond street, above Areh, J T Flummerfelt. Phila 0 I aharr. Equinunk Miss F Gregs. N Y A U Stevenson, Ky Noah King. Boston Jos Long. NJ W P Hemysou.Pa G B FarreJQ. Easton Nathan Grear, Doylestown H Smith. Wilm. Del H o Gordon. Long's Eddr- W * Bateforri. Lonz’sEd’y Peter D Struck. Montg co T B o|>erhoultzer, Pa W L Headley* N Y Prof Binging, N J ■ MERCHANTS’ HOUSE—Third st.. above Callowhill, ftbos'Bfandt. Reading' 1 ' G Arnheim,N Y G»’onosTNY • John Hartman & la. Pa 0 Williams, Pft W' H Bloomer,'Allentown W 8 Young- Allentown Henry Martin, N Y • 1 Jacob Rea. NY " A Dr»ke. Montrco. Pa Geo W'Wolf, Pq JB ShAeffer, KeadinV JJ B yfag|ier, ' tynjMßQ' MißApuiffjup Vdiiuin Dr* 8790788* thp qldgst apd bgft remedy known for Ex teripfoatipe RATS and MICE, COCKROACHES BUQB, ANTS, MUtOUtTQES, FLEAS, MOTHS, GRAIN WORMS.andQ4BD£N INSKCTB. KT Principal Depftt; RftOADwAV, N. Y. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. ONB FRIOB oLfflß?ir« OF IHH L4TIBT BTTLBi,rca4« fo the best manner, »xpre«sl7 for RE TAIL BALKS. LOWEST selling prfoe* marked In Plain Figures, All goods made to order warranted eatis- Ihotory. Oar ONE-PRICE system Is strictly adhered to, os we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing Ail are thereby treated alike. JONES k CO,* •efi-tf IW MARKET Street, THE PRim-PHILADELFHIA, SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1860. HFEOIAtt NOTICES. ; Card Printino, Best and OtmAFKUT in th. City, st 34' Bouth THTRC atre.t. CIROUL4H FRINTINU, 8..1 snd Ohuspe.t in th. City, at 34 Bouth THIRD street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Best and Cheapest tu the City, fit 34 Bouth THIRD street. HAND-BILL PRINTING, Beat and Cheapest in the City* at 34 Bouth THIRD street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other descrip tion of Printing,of the most superior quality* fit.the most reasonable rates* at RING WALT k BROWN’B, Drexel’e Bmldmg, 84 Bouth THIRD street. JyM-tf Bathing Hobra.—One of the largest as sortments of bathing robes in tbe United States for La dies, Gents* and Children, at SLOAN’B,BO6 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, or ot his store on CAFE IBLAND. N.J. jylS-St* Sramba s Savins Fund—Northwbst Co&nxe Second and Walnut Stkkrts,—Deposits re ceived in email and large amounts* from all classes of the community* and allows interest at the rate of FIVE PER CENT, per annum. Money may be drawn by oheoks without loss of In terest, Offloe open daily* from 9 until fl o*olook, and on Mon day and Saturday until nine In the evening. Presi dent, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Beoretary, CHAB. M. MORRIS- Savins Fund-National Saphty Trust OoMPANT.—Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania, RULES. 1. Money is received every day* and m any amount large or small. 1. FIVE PER CENT, interest is paid for money from the day it U put in. I. The money is always paid baok in GOLD whonerer t is oaliml for, and without notioe. 4. Money isreoeivea from Sxecutort, AdminUtratcrit Gvordianf, and other Trustees, in large or small sums, to remain a long or short period. I. The money reoeived from Depositors is invested is Real Estate* Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other first olass seourities. 0. Office open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest truer Third str«*fc. Philodalohlo. foif Salauahdbr Firr-Proof Sapbs.—A very large assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at rea sonable prices, No. M CHESTNUT Bt., Philadelphia. ftutt.tr tfVANS k WATBON. TAYLOR—TUFT.—On the 6th instant, br the Rev. G. 1). Oarrow. Mr. George W. Taylor to,Miss Bailie E„ only daughter of Capt. John Tuft, of this city, * BCOTT.—On Thursday evening, the I2tb instant, Mrs Ann Eliza 80-tt. wife of William S.Soott, and daughter or Riohanl and Mary Ann Pennypockpr, aged2By«ars The funeral services will be held in the Bprlng Garden Baptist Cburoh. Thirteenth street above Wallace, on Habbath afternoon, the lfi*h instant, at 4 o’olook The fttnily will meet at the house, N». 2 Alrov street at 3 o’olook. Pocahontas Tent, No. 1, Daushtem of the Fo'ese. are invited to attend. Funeral to proceed to Odd fei'owi’ Cemetery. • . PRfCE.—Oi the ISth inntant, Flizaboth P. Pnce, second daughter of Joshua L. and Maria H. Price, in tlie turelffti year of her age. . « * DEOAN.—• n the 12ch instant. Jnmes Browne, in fant son of Robert K. and Jane W. Decan, aged IS month*. *** THOMSON.—On the ltlh inst.. Mrs. Sarah L. Thom son, widow of tho late John Thomron, Esg., of Dela ware county. Pa. Funeral from the residence of her son, J. Fdgar Thomson, N. E. corner ofEigbieenth and Spruoe streets, thia(Batu day)afternoon.at3o'dook, * ABRAHAM.-On the lltli instant,-Miss Emma J, Abraham, in the 19th year of her age. Funeral frvin the residence of her mother, in Norris town, th'H{Bfttiirda»)auero'<on, at 2 o'clock. * A KATTY—On the 11th instant* Elisabeth Beatty, ared 83 years. Funeral from the residence of Henry Newman. 723 Florida street, this (Batnrdayt afternoon* st 6 o’olook. * BROWN.-»n th* 12 th ins'ant, Barbara Ann Brown, dauKhter of Daniel H. aud Alioo Ann Drown.lir the oth year of tier age. Funeral this (Saturday) afternoon, ftt3 o’clock, from the residence of her parents. No. 1433 Columbia avenue. B iYli vn the 11th instant. Mrs. Klixabeth Boyd, wife of Andrew. Boyd, deoeased. aged 72 years. Funeral rom her late residence, No 614 Twenty fourth street, above Hamtton, this (Sjtuiaay) after noon, at 1 o’clock. * DODGfiON.—<»n the 13th instant, Levi, infant son of James and Elizabeth Dodgsnn, aged 7 months and 6 days. Funeral from the residence of his parents. No, 129 Christian street, this (Stturday) morning* at 8 o’clock.* EQMIgTuN,—On the 12'h instant, Baran, daughter of James anil *arah Kdmistim, aged 12 rears. Funeral from the rcsidenoe of her father. Milton st„ No. iltt this (Saturday) morning, at 9 o’clock. * MORROW.—On the 11th instant, Mrs. Ma<y Merrow, aged 83 years. Funeral from her late residence, bohool-House lane, Ht-stonvtile. this iSatunlay) morning, at 10 o’clock. * MURRAY.—On t..e 11th instant, Mrs. Ann, wife of Dommiok Murray, axed 26 tears. McKkNNA.—On the 2l<h instant, James MoKenna, in the2Miyearofhmago. Funeral from his late residence, No. 701 Booth Twelfth street, below Bhippon,this (Saturday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock- • LRWIB.—On the 12th instant. Rebecca H. wife of John lewis, daughter of Isaac and Franoes Harding, in tho S2d year of her age. Funeral tbe residence of her bosbaud. No. 1243 North Twtlfth street, above Girard avenue, on Mon diyr afternoon, at 1 o’o!o"k. _ * M\NUEL—On tho 9th instant, Eluahoth. wife of John Mauuel and daughter of George and Mary Ann Reese, aged 32 years Funeral from >612 Co.l»ot street, this (Saturday) after noon. at 4 o’etack. * BHKKTZ—On the 12th instant, Cordelia, infant dsu. hterof Joliu and JanoShoctz, aged 2 years and C months. Funeral from the rosiilence of her parents, 713 Thomp son street, to-morrow (Sunday ) alternoon, at 3 o’clock. and pdrplk foulard BILKS. Plain black Fou ard flilk*. Black Budges, J».C 4.7 4. and 8-4 wide. Black Crape Maretz same widths. Gray Cnene H-ria Poplioi. Gray Chene Bire-es and Mohairs. Btaok Bare e, ruffled pptnta, • - . .. I upin’s Bummer Bombazines and Cliaiye. Black and white Ltwns and Organdies, &o. BESSON k bON, Mourn\nx_Btore, No. wift CHRSNUT fitreet. N. B.—During July and August we dose at 6 F. M. Tub only reliable article— -OLARK'S Patent INDELIBLE PFNCILB, for Marking all kinds of Clothing ncatjy and indelibly. 1 hey do tbeir work better than ink, without jts trouble or risk or Blotting. Each will mart 2 000 article*. For et.le, Wholesale and Retail, by D. C. TAYLOR k COm Aeenta for the Manufacturer, No. 911 CHKBTNUT Street. lsl3 8m ATLANTIC CITY PRESBYTERIAN 'LJ? CHURCH.—The trustees o' th s church have mate arrangements to have service* regularly during the bathing senenn, the following clergyman having kindly coaiented to preaoh at the times prefixed to their names r July IS—Rev. WKNRY DA*LING. - S*—Rev. JOS. A. PbISS. Augn?tA-Rev. R. NRWWN D.D. Rev. B. GBTFFIIH. “ 19-ReT. A-UKttT i»*RNKB. “ 25-rtev. J. M. OROWftLL. This church has been built for the uod of visitors inainlv.and thetrastreaapnralto them for nidtopay ofl’the indebtedness of the church. It* ry'r'SPniITUALISM.-fONFERKIVCK.SAT ll_3 BANSOM HAl,L,on SUNDAY- at ‘OM *. M.and 8 P7M. Que*-tloiu l«it Desirable to B«ek M-diumirtto Development t Anitmuion C cents, It* rvy» TWENTY-FOURTH WARD DOU -1 L_3 GLaR CLUB.—A meeting of the Demoorftev of the I Twenty-fourth ward will be held on MONDAY EVENING, av d o'oiocV.fttthe Reading-room, MAR KET Btre4t ami OARB*' Road, preparatory to the orgnmx *tinn oi tho Club for the gubernatorial anl Pre sident al campaign. . „ „ ... Hnllr. Democrats, in favor of the regular Demooratio nominees POUGLeS, JotINeOV, snd rOVTBR. U* OFTHE UNION BANK. I kj? as required hy the second seotion o r the Aot of the (lancral Assemhlv of this Commonwealth, approved the 13th day or October. A. D. 1857, Amount ofioana and discounts —....... $679,939 91 '* spaci* - 61 973 4S “ due from other banks 6405333 •* of notes in circulation 75,1t00J ” deposits, including balanoes due to other banks 411.8*229 Pntr ADELPAIA, July 13,1860. CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, is , I. James Lesley. Cashier oi the Union Baok, being sworn depose ana say that the above «tatement is oor rect, to the best of my knowledge and belief. ’ JAMES LKPLLY. Cashier. Bworn before me. this 13th day of Jul*. A. D. IW>. H* P. C. ELLMAKER. Notary Pnblio, rY-=F* COIIOCKSINK BUILDINGMAASOCIA kY T*Ov,—APpeoinl Meeting will be held on MON DAY EVENING 16th Inst., nt tho Lafayette Hose Houre Punctual attendance is requested, as business of importance will corns before the merlins, jylt 2t* r WE ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE* 11? THIS MORNING, the arrival of Dr. BYRON C. KENNEDY, the celebrated Torn and Bunion Doctor, who, ir our renders will reoollept, some few years avo wis in our eftyand madeirome of the greatest cures eve mode on the human foot. He removes all those tainfoi esoreeences without pain or drawing blood, eve ml years practice on and slndr of the human foot, ena H !o h*m to operate akilfutl* and successfully. Warta removed without causing the least iaoonvouience to &n« person thus affeoted, Ho oan be seen DAY or EVENING, at the BT. LOUIS HOUBE. Street. Ladies who do not wish to oatt. by leaving their Address, will meet with prompt attention. The Doctor brings with him rood leferenoe of skill and fid-litv; we would advise our friends, thus afiUted.to call and see him. Jyl3 2t* rr*» ATTENTION I REPUBLICAN INVIN -73 01BLE81—There will be meetings for DRILL on every evening of the week at the Republican Head- Guarters, SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. Byorderof tun Committee. Jyl2 fit* A. M. WALKINBHAW, Marshal, PHILADELPHIA* JUNE. lStift.-WE* JJJ the undersigned. Booksellers ana Publishers be -1 eving that ourseivee and our employees wilt be bene fited by a alight relaxation from tbe uinal hours of busi ness during the warmest days of summer, agree to dose our respective Stores st five o olook P. M., daily, trom July first till the Wthnf August nrxt: SAMUEL HAZA«D. Jr., GAU^ t v 7 0 2 L 4 K?, ,^ E .?' I■fll,rstre• 1 ■ fll,rstre • , ■ j v ®^B 4 m^ I ' REDMART,EN - J. W. MOOR*?. PR-8. BOOKwTGRE. HfcNRY LONGS'I’KETH. SMITH, KNGLtSH. k CO. US-t«tbtfit HENDERSON. 58S ARCH Street. rv-s=» nmOfi OF THE PHILADELPHIA ILS AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. Thp holders <>l* tit® bond* of this Company, due'L Ififl), can now receive, upon apfilioatidnat this offioe, 10 pqr onnt. in cash, upon mo terms specified in the oirou* tar attached. , The holders are also entitled to the benefit of a Sink ing Fund of $140,000 per annum, as established by the stockholders at their annual meeting, held January?. 1860, and in pursuance of the oontraot, entered into by he company and duly recorded, to carry the same into CIRtiULAIl UFORiJ ' X "“ am< tfoUcs to th* Holdtrs of Philadelphia and Reading RaUroad Company Mortgage Bonds, due July 1,1800 These bonds ate secured by the first mortgages on the roAd, amounting in the aggregate to ff3.t03.400. The net revenue for the lost fiscal year was six times the ameuutof the annual interest on these bonds. The managers propose to extend them for a period of twenty years, tho holders retaining the bonds and the security ofthe mortgages in the, preoise condition io whioh they are now held. Fresh sheets of ooupons iot the interest, payable half-Toarly, will be issued. A bonus of 10 per cent, will,he given to tho holders, iu consideration of their assenting to the extension. This beans will bq paid in oash to the bearers ofthe bonds, on their signing a reoolpt and preseqtiog their respec tive bonds ut the offioo ofthe Company, or to Its agents, for endorsement.. Forms of receipt and endorsement will be furnished os application/ •• • By order of the Board of Managers, ml-tr « MoIIYHKNNV. Stearetarr. •vtAujabm soientimu books, T Published and for sale br * . l-.INi SAY tc BLAKIBTON. No. 25 Pmith SIXTH Bt,. ab'ive CHESTNUT. IPAUBUISWN’S HYDRAUJ.ICB. for the use of > From the French. Bv Joseph Bennett. AND 'Lo*u fc w. Affl H £SkBfc T &£ a ’ p * olv “ 0F 60AM “. dildee ' s PKKFU E KRV.“in„ RT AND ACTUM OH WHII.DIN’S WKMOR4XIJA QN THK STRKNOTH T TNCQLN, BELL, AND DO.URLAS.— JM Steel-plate Portrait, of tU» Prealitentlal Camll dats.,tob. had, anif retail, atCall.nder’.. Third and Ufalopti Zl.lierj,Third lienw Uie.tnuti !'■ 1 fioma., o. r ■ corner Third and Unirn itren e: andlat inadonck Oidaoh, ri. W- corner of Fourth aim Aro* alreeta ' Jy,. g t » NAILS, (Edge Gripe,) V' tnanitfanturad at lh« Porta.. Nail and Iron Works, rou superior unalitjor J linin’,a. Iron, on maohinai of . mo.t approved oonetruotion, and wirranted to be »t ofe h?;„i is ,r,nM?‘ rorral!yi anil “«'■>•••« w l)th.r brand, (flat.«Jjj.4 „ . . OOMMKROfc Ptrcet. Pnooe k Christman’s superior solid eye FHitters* Hoes for sale as above. Jyliim ]\ONE BOX TUK MOSi* PKR f " 80N8 employed in taking Ambro types and >hotog(&nhs at REiMFR’a Gallery. BK COND B.rcet.aliova Green. Cell and pxaminH the she oimens on exhibition. ' ‘ •* • it* HIAUUIED. DIED. NEW rifBbICATIONS, WANTS IT. NOW READY. IHa NATrONAL POXiITrOAI, OUART, MAP OF THF. UNITBD STATUS, CONTAINING Accurate Portraits, from life, ofthe candidates of eaoh Port* for President and Vice President, with their let tart of acceptance. P!»i forms of their respective par ties, with a vast amount of ctatistiosl matter. Result* ofthe Presidential E eetions of the United Stales from LW to 18661 names ofthe Sneakers ofthe House of Re* prosentatives from 1789 to 1860 The Map is beautifully colored, and printed on heavy oalendered p«p*r, size 33 by 40, showing the exaot boun daries of aft ihe States and Territories, extending through to the Pnolfio., . Pontioians of all Parties, and others, wishing to have bsiota them material for Iwlng posted at a single glance, should possess a copy of this map. Retail Price, only 26 oente. Rent, nost paid, on re- Wjo'theprioo. A RARE CHANCE 18 OFFERED AGRNTH. For Terms, Address DUANE RULISON, (Quaker City Publishing House, No. 33 South THIRD ifreet, Philade'phla, Pa ttOSTNESS guide op the pennsyl- VANIA RAlLWAY.—Arrangements have been made to publish, at an early day, a COMPLETE and accurate BUSINESS GUIDE of the Pennsylvania Railway, to embrace lists of all bunnese men in every oity and town along the line, from Philadelphia to Pitts burg. together with those of West Chester, Lancaster, York. Co.umbia, Pittsburg. &o. Ao., including 400 to 600 other cities, towns, and villages. An edition of about 6.000 copies will he published for sale, and In ad dition one oopy will be placed gratuitously in the hands °1 e £ a *. T business man along the line of tne Pennsylva nia Railway. ..Mr. F. B. DAVIS is authorized to solioit subscrip tions and advertisements for the above work, and is now engaged in canvassing the oity for .that purpose. Further information will.be very cheerfullygivea at the Office of Moßlroy’s City DireOtory, 3:IB.RIXTR Street, second floor. A. McV.LROY, jyll 3t If Sole Agent for Philadelphia. 'pnE FIRST NUMBER OF “THE METHODIST” A NEW WEEKLY' PAPER OF EIGHT PAGES, KDITBD BV REV, GEORGE R. CROOKS, D. 1)., i AND REV. JOHN McCLINTOCK, D. D., Will bo isiued on 9ATUBDAY. 14TH JULY. .0,000 COFIEB WILL BE CIRCULATED THROUGH EVERY SECTION OF THE COUNTRY. speoimen Copies, to wh'oh the public are re ferred for further particulars, onu bo obtained in this Citj—FßEE—from the Agents, PERKINPINE & HIUGINS, jyll 2t 50 NORTH FOURTH BTREKT. SUMMER BOOKS FRESH AND ATTRACTIVE. THE KELLYS AND O’KELLYS. m „ A capital new Kuelish novel, by Anthony Trollope, author of “ Doctor Thorne/' Ao. Orders and reorders are fast coming in for this splendid book, whioh is called the best hummer novolthis year. lvol.. doth binding. Price $1.25. HUMBOLDT'S PRIVATE LETTERS. Transited from the original German. A remarkable and gossip* eorrerp mdence between Alexander Von Humboldt and huropoao celebrities in Literature, State, Art, and Science. 1 vol.,oloch binding. P:ioe $1.25. WOMAN. (LA FEMME.) A new work translated from the Frenoh of Miolielet. antoor of •*Love/'(L'Auiour.) rhlibookhai caused an nnusua) amonntof intere»t and criticism, and its sale bids fair to eauel that of Its predecessor,*' L’Araour.” lvol.,clothb.nding. Price©!. „ HABITS OF GOOD SOCIETY. An attractive work upon taste and good man ners. Reprinted from the l ondoa edition. The best, wittiest, and lutet interesting l>ook on manners ever pr.nted. lvoi., doth binding. Pnce ©1,16. *.* Copies ..nt by Je27-wstf PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK. JMPORT AN T NOTIOE To our Subscribers aud the Public In oonaaquence of the rapidly iuoreasing circulation of this paper, the Proprietors beg to announce that on and after this date therwill allow any one or more of the Portraits already published in the Weekly Numbrrs to be selected, thus giving the Public a cnoicn of upwards of ICO Beautiful bteel hngrivings, with a number of the P The Portraits and Memoirs maybe had in templet sets only (irithoHt the Paptr ,) in parts, 13 Portraits in each, neatly wrappered. for ©133 per part, 9of which are now ready Also in Volumes, beautifully bound, 3 of whioh are now ready, 40 Portraits and Memoirs in each prioe ©6 60 each. Either volume may be selected at nnce, and the Paper will be cent for 40 weeks for 87 60, In all .other erases the Paper most invariably accompany the Portraits. PORTRAITS AND MEMOIRS Which have already been issued with the ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD. ANY ONE OF THK FOLLOWING PORTRA7TB, Kngravedonftteei from Photostaphs. and printed on Plate P«8«r for Framing, and. Memoirs for binding, already published,may bo had for 10 cents each, oash or P.O. Stamps, and will be sent, post-paid* tu any address, by ordering of the American Agents, H. A. brown & 00.. 14 HANOiVER BTREET BOSTON. HIS BOVIL HIOHAKBS TH* PBIKCK CONlont. HIS KOf AL IimONKSS TUB PRINCK OP WALKS. THU PBINCBSB PRKDSRIOK WILLIAM OP PRUSSIA. Tit* PBINCK FBBPRBICX WILLtAM OP PRUSSIA. s TUX SMPKROR OP THK PBRSCIf. THS XMPat.SS OP THE FRENCH. •fill? ptrxßOP CAMBBIDOE. TUB BARL OP CARLISLK, K.O. L"R1) PAKMUBK. LORD STAN BY. M. P. LOEO BA«'L*OHAM. LOAD LYKDUUBST. THK BARL OP SHAFTKSBUKY. THK KARL OP KLOIN, TUB MARQUIS OF SALISBURY. LORO RMBUKV. f.ORP BERNERS. T. I* O BURY. I,OXO CHRI.MSFORD* VJBCOVXT PALMERSTON. LORO JOHN RVASPLL. M* P. LOKO CAMPBELL. WILLIAM SWAHT GLADSTONE, M. P. SIR i>. C. LSWtH, BART. M P. JOSEPH WARNER IISNLEY. M. P. SIR JOHN SOMERSET PAKINOTON, M P. SIR FITZROY KELLY. Q C.. M. P. HIP LATE XOKD MtCACLAY. VISCOUNT COM BERM EBR. tIENKUAL RIB CO,MX CAMPBELL. (LORD CLYDE.) THE BARI. OP CARDIGAN. SIR JOHN LAIRD «AIN LAWaaNCS, BART. MAJOR OFNF.RAL SIR A WILSON, B*RT. 4, KNMIAL SIR \\. r AN WICK WILLIAMS, BART. GENERAL CHARLES ASHE WINDHAM, MAJOR GENERAL SIR J. BARDLET WILMOT INGLIS. ORNERAL SIR JOHN FOX BUKGOYNE. LIEUT. OKN. SIR OKOROK WaKKLY.N HARRY SMITH. TUB LATE ADMIRAL LORD LYONS. HIS HIGHNESS THK MAHARAJA •» DHULRBP SINGH, THE LATH SIR JAM.IETJKM JEEJKKUUOY. BART. MARSHAL PELISSIRR, LUC DR MALAKOPF. TUB IION. OBOKOR MIFFLIN DALLAS, AMERICAN MINIS TER. BARON BRUNNOW. THK ARCMtBISHOP OP CANTHBDURY RKV. HENRY WARD BEECHER. THE BISHOP OF CAR' THS BLSQOP OF WINCHESTER. TIIR BISHOP OF BIPON, THE BISHOP OF MANCHESTER S. WILBBKPORCK. D. D-, BISHOP OP OXFORD. tub bishop or st. asaph. WALTER FARQVHAU HOOK, D. D. ARCHDEACON DKN SON. RKV. JOHN CHirrErtDALLF, MONTSSQUK TELLEW, REV. HUGH MCNEILE. D. L. REV. R. MAGUIRE, M. A, RRV.IirGII STOWSLL DROWN, REV. HUGH STOWELL, M. A. .REV. JOHN CUMMINO.D.D. REV. ANDREW REED, D. D. THE LATE REV. JOHN ANGELL JAMES. > SV. WILLI«M MORLRY PUNBHON, RBV. bAMUEJ. DOUSLAND WADDy, HlB EMINENCE CARDINAL WISBMAN. J. A. ROEBUCK, ESQ., M. P. JOHN BRIGHT. ESQ.. M. P. PHILIP LOOSE KINO, M. P. FRANC CROMLEY, ESQ., M. P. T. *. DUNCOMB*, ESQ-. M. P. WILLIAM SCTCOLBFIELD. ESQ., M P. SIR ROBERT WALTER CARDEN, BART, DAVID WILLIAMS WI»E, RSQ. SIR JOHN RATCLIFF, KT. THE LATE BARON ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT. PROFESSOR FARADAY. F. K.S.. D. C. L. THE LATE ISAMBARD KINGDOM BRUXEL. EKQ., C. K. TUB LATE CAPTAIN IKRBISON, OF THU “ GREAT eastern.” THE LATE JOSEPH STCaOE.O? BIRMINGHAM. DAVID LIVINGSTONE ESQ.. !.L. D. SIB ARCHIBALD ALISON, BART. THOMAS WRIOIIT, ESQ., M.A..P.K.A. JAM** WILLIAM OILDABT, ESQ., P.R S. WILLIAM POWELL FHITJI. SBQ„ R. A. JOHN OIBSON.ESQ., R. A. JOHN 0. GOUGH. JiSQ. SIR HUGH MCALMONT CAIRNS, M, P. MR. JUSTICE KEATING MR. SERGEANT SHBH.Q.S, 'i HK HON. KDWakD KVERKTT. THK LAWS W. H. PRESCOTT,D.C.L. CHARLES DICKENS. ESQ. ALBKHT SMITH, PSQ, CHARLES KEAN* ESQ * T.S. A. SAMUEL PHELTB, KSQ. JOHN BALDWIN BUCKSTONB. ESQ. PAUL MORFBY. FBQ., THE CELEBRATED CH4 8S PLAYER. MADAME OMNI. MADEMOISELLE PICCOLOMINI, MISS AR*BKLflft GODDaBD. MISS AMY SEDGWICK. MADEMOI a ELL9 TITJBNB. MADAME CLARA NOVKLLO. MAI'JjMOIBBLLB GVARDVCCI. MADEMO ASLLE J.OTTI DR LA MADAMS ANNA UISHOP. Rife SAMUEL VABRUN, ESQ., Q. C., D. C. L. MR. JV A ttoß HALIRuRTON. M> F* MARTIN F- TUITER, ESQ.. D C. l- nPHB SEA-SHORE—ATLANTIC CITY. Ji- McKIRBIN’S V. 8. H'TSL, The undersigned, premie* or ot the above-named bouse, being qqw prepare i to receive guests, re* speotfullv solicits a share of the nubho patron age. fliqoe lost summer tnere baa been added to this hotel a four started wtng, 140 feet In lensth.con taining (beside the bed-rooms,) a suite of three Parlors, for males, and two for gentlemen; also, a reception room, trash-room, and spacious bar-room. Bowline Saloons. Billiard Booms, and hot and oold 8&U-tr*»*r Bath Kooms have been constructed for the dation of visitors, and the whole house Fb.'oe lighted with gas. The house hM been neWl^ pßnit? d and fur nished while the shaded surrounding it hapft been put in ooraplefc o^ er . A well msn aed rdaaiuri V«? .A 11 Band of Music, hw&ugtfcnen- season. i, AfcKIBBIN. ' OFFICE, 14 HSNOVF.R BTREET. CARLISLE JeW-e s-tf HENRY A. BROWN & CO. IKVID ROBEBTS, EfcQ.K. A. M. OtACOMO MSYKBBKEB. Al CHAKI. COSTA, ESQ. MADEMOISELLE VICTORIA MADEMOISELLE PE>(CO. Thirteen or 6? ot the above Portraits and Mepolrs may bA selected at nneq, for a (Quarterly flubfoription of ©2. or Yearly, $B. by marking this Hat, and forwarding it to the offioe, 14 Hanover afreet. Button. N. B. '“ubacribers fir a quarteror a year reoelve their Portraits free from fo.de. .... Cates for Binding fil Portraits and Memoirs, which form a beautiful Volume for the Drawing-Room Table, are new ready, ©1 each. „ , Proof Tmpressions of any of the ah*>ve, on large pa per, for Framing, ©1 29, on India, ©2 60 paoh. Buy yourbdoks at evans* gift BOOKSTORE. 439 CHRiTNUTBtreet. ’Tia the irest place in tne oity. Books «re sold as cheap as at any other Store, and you have the advantage Of reo*iving a handsome present. Worth from to cents to 100 hundred dollai s, With each Book. Books of Faot, ■ Books of Fiotion, Books of History,f Boova for Farmer™, Books of Biography, Books for Mechanics* Kooks of Travel, looks of Humor* gookso Advwnuu*i, Books of Pathos, .inks about Heroes, Books for Arhusement, Kooks a lout Patriots, Bonks for Devotion, Books about Indians, Books about Soldiers, Books about Hunters, ...jooks about Bsdlcuo, ALL THE NEW BftQKB. Jn every. dera;tu;6nV of literature. Call in and one trial will Assure you that the best plaoe hi tno city to purohase Rooks is at 0. G. EVANS’ GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, JyS tr 439 CHKST^VTfilrelt, jyOAV KEADY. ' APPI.KTrtN’H COMI’ANION HAND-BOOK OF TIIAVRI, TO The Entire UNITED STATES AND BRITISH PROVINCES, Inoliiding California. Kansas, Minnesota. New Moxioo, l/tab* Ne braska. Wash'Ugton Territory, Oregon, tfie Isthmus of Panama, With a description of the PrinoipM Cities and Towns, and places of Interest, Together with Hatelg.T routn Routes, and WlS'SSSiS'ffifc. I vol., square 12mo. Paper covers, 60oei)ta. Cloth, 76 cents. Sent free by mail on rooeipt ofprioe. D. APPLETON k CO.. Publishers. jylfrwfm,3t Nos. 443 and 440 Broadway. mHE YEAR OF GRACE. M. THE YEAR OF GRACE; A History ofthe Revi val in Ireland. AD. 18to. By Rev. William ftibaon, D. D. With an Introduction by Rev. Barow Stow, D. D. U Mo‘uHn?NG HOURS IN FATMOB; Th,Owning Vi sion of the Apocalypse, and Christ's Jivisiles to the heven Churches of Asia. By A. C. Thompson, )!mo. ®li'HK pignut ring, and other GEMS. Br Rev. J. De Liefde. Mmo. 63 oente. i,AflOßf'Vuk^J^K! /kAKfF RKS DBNGE IN EASTERN AFRICA. Br th. Her. Dr. J. L.Tri. Krsitf, With mi Avp/ndtx it>peStin,theSooroea of, th. Niia; linru.re. »r.d Liiordtijre of EMt.ro Afriw, Ao BI4S. ° WILLIAM S. A ALFRED MARTIEN, J.» No. OOGOHJES i’NUT Stre. t. SUMMER RESORTS. PERRY COUNTY WARM SPRINGS.— This favorite Summer Resort i» now ope a f ur t k A reooytiono visitor*. Fine mountain scenery, Wntu ful walks and d<iyes. facilities for boating, betaine, anil fishing, and the health-giving qualities of its waters, make it a most desirable place, both for single gu««t« anti for families, .It is in daily communication with Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Pittsburg, by means o'a daily etsge. andmail, connecting with the trains from these places at Carlisle, Pa. Terms moderate. For particulars, address JOHN EARLY, jylg 1m warm Springs, Petry county, Pa. Doubling gap wuite sulphur AND CHALYBEATE SPRINGS.-Thls famous watering place has been entirely refitted and furnished, with ob is mg servants, and every advantage that natu* rat beauties ol the oountry aud easy access onn afford. The proprietors oflerevery inducements persons seek ins pleasure health, or recreation. The Borings are situated eight miles from Newville, Cumberland county. Pa., in a most beautiful and fertile seotion of Cumberland valley; they are vanoas in their oharaoter. strongly .impregnated with sa'phur, magne sia, iron, «0., ana have produced wonderfnl sanative effeots upon invalids and otners. Visitors will find first - olass hotel accommodations, with attentive servants, and aulhedeiioAotesof the season. Price of boarding 9 1 20 per day, $8 per week, 930 per month. Passengers leaving Philadelphia by the morning train on the Pennsylvania Railroad connect at Harrisburg with the train of Cumberland Valley Railroad to New vilie, where first-cuM coaches ate in readiness to oarry passengers to the Kpringß Fare f'om Philadelphia to the Springs 94. Two trams a day from Harrisburg oonnect with two lines of coaches «o the i»prngs. Fare from Harrisburg toDouDltugOap Sprint. J 5, Tickets robe hau aifhe oihco of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Philadelphia; Cumberland Valley office, Harrisburg; and return ticketo, at same rates, to Philadelphia and Harrisburg, to be bad of the propria to*s of the hotel. Jyil-taui KANACA, KQ9KR. COYLE, A CO. \TELLOW SPRINGS H )USE, CHESTER M. COUNTY, PA. The above-mentioned Honse having beeu thoroughly repaired and refitted in the best manner with new fur niture. ko„ is now open for Boarders. Ihe.Yeiow Springs House oflers every inducement to visitor;, being large and commodious, with shady walks and romantic rides, «o. , Ihe variety and quality of theSpnncsand Batiishave been long and favorably known, and thesobseriber.who his been for several years past connected with the Co lumbia House, Cape Island. N. J., will use his best ex ertions to make the stay of his guests pleasant and agreeable. Stages oonneot dally with the Reading Railroad 8 A. M., and on {Saturdays with the BA. ftL and 3}» P. u. lino. Every information will be cheerfully given, by ad dress ng the subsonber, a' the YeUow bpring*, Ches ter County: or ALLlS,atrhcenixville Station. Read ing Railroad. A. U. SNYDER, jyg-lm Superintendent. HEIGHTS HOTEL.—THIS Hotel is now opeji for the leception of visitors, both permanent and transient. Itn d stmeniihed for com fort and sopenoracoommodAM cfoa, with ample room for two him ’red persona, aoci will compare favorably with any other house for a summer resorr. The best of cooks and servants have been procured, and no effort shall he spared to render tbe star of guests agreeable. The large park and groves adjoining the mansion (whiohis directly on the banks of the river, beautifully shaded,) present great inducements as a su inmer resort, having access to the city several times daily. Terms «8 a week, children and servants half price. The oatermg of the house is under the direot supervision of T. V. Dorsey. JyP-6t DORSEY Sc ROBBINB. Proprietors. UfANSIO* HOUSE, M JUNT OARBON, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. PA. Families accommodated with good rooms at reduced 'thisold-established House, located in the gap be tween Sharp and Beoond mountains, immediately on the ine ot the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, within hslfa mile of Pottsville, formerly »ept by Jo seph Head, of the old Mansion House, Philadelphia, has, sinoe his demise, been m der the oharce of his daughter. The House is prepared, at all seasons of tbe year, for the reception of guests, and his been recently pat in order.. The large garden, and park adjoining, presents great inducements as a summer resort, to persons wish ing to spmd a short time away from the oast and tur moil of the oitles. where they can breathe fresh moun tain air. and emoy the wild ami beautiful scenery or the ooal reaion. , Commutation passenger tiokots. for the use of fami lies-are sold at a reouotion of twenty five per oenh, and an accommodation train will leave Pottsville daily during the summer months, to enable those who may desire it to spend the business portion of the day in the city and return the same evening, on which the oharges will be thirty-three per oent below the usual rates. For termi, apply to „ MARY BEAD. , „ . Mansion House, mount Carbon. JeSO 8m Schuylkill Co.. Pa, Long beach Hou.se, opposite TUOKERTON, N. J.-Thii Hotel is now open lor the reception of visitors, both permanent and tran sient. . Having been at a large expense in refitting and re-furnishing 1 feel assured, that for comfort and oon venieioe it ’•ill compare favorably with any house on the coast- The best of cooks ond servants have been procured, and no efforts shall be spired to render the stay of guests aereeable. The prosreots for Guunlng and Fishing are excellent., pyßtersof the finest quality I have in abundance. With these increased advan tages, I amoonfidont that the most fastidious wi lhave no cause for complaint. N. B-Capt. WILLIAM GA«KILL will run a daily line of first-class packets from ‘tlantio City to the beach, oneofwbiohwiilbe at Atlantic every morning on the arrival of the morning tram from Philadelphia. Parues to come by waj of Leed’s Point, or otherwise, by addressing me a few days In aavanoe, w ®sr^ ood boa * lo BATIIING. , OCEAN HOUSE. CAPK ISLAND, N.J, Ibis well-known estamisiimeTit, the favorite resort of visitors, is now ones Mr the reception of guests. It has been oong'de&Jy enlarged and re farm, bed, the sleeping roomgjpftWbusand airy, and communicate to suit families. The house will be supplied with water from the cold springs Persons ifc*rou«of spendin, n f w week, of the sum mer in nn agreeable msnner could i.or do better then to g ire the Ocean Bouse a trial. IdKAIII. LKAMINO. Je2d-Sw* Proprietor. M BRIGANTINE HOnSF—Brigantine Peaoh, New Jerser. H. D. SMITH. Proprietor, i di* largo and commodious Hotel is now open for the reception of visitors. Persona visiting the sea shore will find this tpe roost desirable resort lor Bathicg, Gunning. Fishing, Ao.; innrovrmen’B having bern n>ade,saoh as enlargement of dining room, new bathing bouses, wharf, walks, ieo. Passengers leavi.g Vine street wharf in the morning train, vi/t Camden and At lantic Railroad, arrive at Beeline's Hotel, wuere Cast, Benjamin Turner will be in rvadiucas io convey them to the Hotel. arriving in time for dinner. jel9 tuthilm* A MEftIUAN HOTEL. BETHLEHEM, Pa.—Tha Proprietor of this Holel has newly fitted lip his house for the aooommodation ot visitors during the summer season. The American Hotel is situated on the most elevated spot in the Borough. Bethlehem is too wei. known for its beautiful scenery and commanding view of the snrroucdmn country, and tor ita salubrious mountain mr. to require comment. The subscriber is now prepared to reoeive Boarders and Families, and promises to do his best to render their stay with him pleasant and agreeable. Chartet Modtrate. J. W. R. PHARO, Je2s-lm Proprietor. HOTEL, BETHLEHEM, PA. This large and old-established House, known as the "LEHIGH VALLEY BUMMER KETREAT,” •b now open for tM season. The accommodations of this House will be found unsurpassed. The ride here, by tne North Penns) Ivania Railroad, is one ol the plea santest in our State. CAL.EB YOHF, Proprietor. j*233m ‘ AMERICAN HOTEL, AL! ENTOWN, PA.—This well-known ami popular hotel has* dunnzthe past season, been itTIEATuY ENLARGED AND IMPROVED, and is now in capaoity and convenience sen >nd to none in the interior of Pennsylvania. '1 he beautiful and healthful situation of Allentown' renders it a de lightful summer resort, m view of which special ar rangement* have been made b> the proprietors toao> commodate summer boarders. 1. Y. BKOHTEL, Je2st-el K. W. BIGONY. €<EA BATHING. ►3 NATIONAL HALL, CAPE ISLAND, CAPE Mi V. N. J. This fine, largo, and airy house \s NOW OPEN for visitors. It is distinguished for ooinfnrt, looahtT. and superior accommodations, with ample room for 200 per sons. Terms moderate. Je33-2m AARON OARRETSON, Proprietor. LIGIIT-HOUSE COTTAGE, NEAR ii. THE LTGIIT-HOUSB. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., (the no trest house to the surf), is now open for the re ception of Boarders. The proprietor resceotfull* solicits a continuance of the patronage of his friends and the public. lm» JONAH WOOTfON, Proprietor. QTAR HOTEL, NRABLY OPPOStTK Tint V. S. KOTKL, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. BAMUEL ADAMS, PKOPRIhTOK. DINNER - FIFTY CENTS. ALSO, CARRIAOK3 TO HIKE. K7* Boarders aeoommodated on the most reasonable terms. i»*o 3m TPBEMONT HOUSE, O«PE INLAND, N. A J.—HUMPHREY HUGHES, Propriet-w.-This house,so "leaaantlysituated In close vroximUj tothe b«ftcn. will be opon for the reoeption of visitors on the Wthinst. The large, splendid h*n in front of the house; the fine shade, good rooms and table, render it the mostdeeirablepiaoeon the island. Attached tothe premises are bowling saloons ami bvber shop. jelB-lm Lebanon valley house _ LEBANON, PA. CHAB. W. XUHNLE, Proprietor. Summer hoarders takes. The house is new and com modious, with grounds attached. Surrounding country beautifulaud healthy. Railroad communication with the oity twice aday. Charges moderate. je!s lm* TVEPTUNE HOUSE—ATLANTIC CITY. il —This popular and eminently mvoriie House at Atlantio City has, since the dosing of last tsiaon.been enlarged, refitted, refurnished, and completely re juvenated in every particular, nndm now. open for the season. From its delightful situation, near ness to nil places of interest, close, proximity to the safest and best part of the be&oh, it -s rendered one of the most convenient and deoidedly the pleasantest house on the Island. , . . Terms—S JO per week; Sl-COperdny. Children and servants half pnoe. , n „v „ ,» JOHN SMICh, Proprietor. R. L. FUREY, Superintendent. jeJl-2m £JOTTAGE RETREAT, Beautifu,Uy and conveniently looted at ATLANTIC OITY, N. J. aooonjuiodated 09 reasonable terms. AI. MOCLEEB, Proprietor. The favorite resort for those who appreciate Grand Sosnejry, Pure Mountain Air, Invigorating Baths, Large and \VeU-vsptilated Rooms, Good Society, and a Good ioblß. in mKs«f u » Cumberland co.. Pa. Attommodaiions/or TERMS LOW. OW$N* < j For send for Cirou rAsNDENIN. & VIRBCHER. Carlisle Spring, Pa. BEDFORD SPRINGS.—This well-known and delightful Summer Resort will he opened for the reoeption of Visitors on tho Fib Si.' OP JUNis, and keotopoa till the let of Ootoher, The Hotel mil be under the management of Mr. A. 0. ALLEN, Whose experience. courteous manners, and attention to his.guests, give the amplest assurance of oomfort and kind treatment Parties wiebjns rooms, qr any information ia regard to the place, will nddraeajhe subscriber, JNQ, r. HEED. Seo’y and Treasurer, tny3o-Sin Bedford Mineral Springs Co. ERRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, -*i-4 Lancaster County, PennsYlvania.—This estab lishment will be open nr the Htn of June. The ad vantages of thisbeanuftil resort arr: Mountain soenory, pure air,and wdu water; every variety ot baths, and amusements; a good stook of livery horses, and oar liafes. For further particulars <vail on JOBEPR B, MyERS, corner Third aqd Vine Streets ; JAMES S. BAULK, No. 810 Chestnut Street. Plul'idelpbia. or to the proprietor, JOSEPH KONHtMACHkR, Ephrata f ofct Offibo. Lancaster Countv. Pa. invSO-Jm pOLUMBU HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND— New Jersey. -This large, first-class HOTEL will be opened, for the reception of guests, on the 3*th June, 1890, Ihe House has boen completely repaired and refurnished. A new cooking nuue. ovens, steam5 team boilers, and every modem unpinvecnent added, ixtenrivo stabling attached to the premises All letters addressed to the subgoribars. OapeJeland, HrrWwUlb.wo^Tfly^g^ Jam®* H. Lairdjlate ptonrUio?Frankliii House, Fhila delphm; S. 13. WoOlfnAhVibrmerlr proprietor Mount Vernon Hotel, Cdpe island. 7 Jell-dim CONGRESS HALL, PAPE ISLAND, VV CAPE MAY, W. J.-Tln* w»!l-lm<res, firet-ol&w Hot.lwiU oe c,eii«d fortn, r^rtiftioa yC guest.on 8A- Altois'W* '-'pan removed, sad new rafel SSh. Proprietor., f*ONGRESS lIALL ■VTLANTIO CITY, N. J.—This apaoious House, situated at Atlantio City, will be reopened with overy acoommodationjor vfiitoM on the 85th instant, by the subscriber. The House fronts the beaoh Ifcifeot, giving a splendid view oftne Ocean, and is near the Pishing and Sailing point. No pains will be spared to aeoure the oomfort ana con venience of gaeit*. „ \m*m THOMAS C. GARRETT, SUMMER RESORTS. JJEI)LOB’B HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY. NEW JEttEY. •W'tolnylSf,,.)!n PtElwwCittf" f®ndSr^ a ®,!^ r si!,f o .!!fk, n u ver 7r mun b improved, and v '" B,mn w, » |l, CKiij^moderate. ■3ite?MBervanU. Half Price. In front of the Hot*i ke % t i ,e i r ***** until ta# cars arrive Jyj-irn «owi. Tne signs are oonspiouous. INTY BOAKDING. ‘ A boys SH AIL RO A D & JEK“- ATLAWI ° «w. tS. tss ana,.. Boarding and Lodmng SI pgr day. ,n ° MANSION HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY Pmorieton'* ISAAO THAYIK - Burf Hone.,) —S??** Bu J>*en Terr, rnuoh ealarjed and lm r'nw ? 1? r I? number of Familj Hoome, not .ur t a««ed br anr hotelin tbn citr. Wlt b rae. New and fine walk, wbiohwill be Inti ted at night, from the Hotel to the water, by splendid reflect ing lamps. Attached to; the house (but separaU from the main building) is a large Hall for Hops and Parties, with a lirst-cl&ss loe Cream and Confectionery attached. Over the Had there are forty sleeping roomsfor single gentle men. There is also a.play-ground for ohildren, well shaded and enolosed, with swinri, ho. 1 The catering department will be osder my own es pecial supervision, and 1 trust that my reputation la sufficiently established to satisfy all that my table will be unsurpassed. 1 w u Terms will be 91i per week. Transient Boarders #9 per day. Carriages attaohed to the Hmue will take Boarders to and from the Ooean free of oharge during bathing hours. IBAAC TRAYERT 1 TNmfiD STATfS HOTrL, Vm. M I L if‘?? BBU 5 0 ; P^ l, L HW . COUNTY, PA. This well-known Hotel ha* been leased by the snb baa been thoroughly renovated and entirely * urnl fp®< l * fillers burg la situatediii one of the most romantic regions of Peunsylvaniat the Husque hannanver flows immsdiatety by the to*n, and aiiords S?«,« r“. f s i h ® mounuitn scenery is unsurvaased in the Stare. Gam# abounds in great plenty, affording fine sport for huntsmen; the mountain streams abound with trout in great plenty. City vieitors, who are desirous of standing a few months in the oountrv. will find this one ol the most desirable .Places in Pennsylvania. The North Pennsylvania waliroid passes the town, and it is in daily cqrnmanicaiioa with Philadelphia, Bala more. 2fA?ki rYoT JS’ T l»*wbecnber will use every effort to make hie guests comfortable. * _ A. J. WARFlELD,Proprietor. MiUersburg, June >O. lBBO. Jett lm lif ANSrON HOUSV, MAUCH CHUNK, J-"-*- CARBON CO., PA~Thjs is the most oomforba-- ble and extensive hotel in Northern Pennsylvania* *nd the propnetor flatten himself that thus far be has suo ceeaed m keeping it in a manner that cannot fail to sa tisfy all hts guests. 4 .*W Booms are newly and elegantly furnished, and the Table siwajioontains the very best the Markers an ore. Thehotel iai loMted on the bonk, of the Lehigh, direatlroppoiitetbenulroAdd.Ml.and at tbe be., or A '««!* from tbe rur of the house to the *op of this monatain, from whioh point, some eignt hundred feet above tbe Lehigh, the most sublime scene imaginable is presented. Tun Houso is abundantly supplied with the best and pwest Mountain bpnnt Water, fw* Rot and Cold Baths can be taken at all timea. jetfi-tm Gfc.OßG>-. HOPPES. Eropnetor. AMERICAN HOTEL, MAUOH CHUNK, r~ PA.—This HOTEL ia now kept in a manner af fording every oom on to strangers and travellers. Arrangements haj e been made this season to aooom modate BUMMER BOAKDERB. The moat sublime monntaln scenery and rural enjoyment* are here af forded . MICHAKL * , OEO. W.WILHELM. j* B *-**** Proprietors. Heath house, „ . BCHOOLK\’ f a MOUNTAIN, N. J., la now open for the reoeptionof company- Communi cations by letter will be promptly attended to. Jeai-lm D A. CWOWELL. Proprietor. TTNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, .N. J. —The subsonber takes this method of informing his friends and the public, that on and after J UNE 90m his house wilt be open for the re ception of guests, when every effort will be made to please those who may favor him. The house is plea santly situated on a fine bluff, with lawn in front. A full view of tbe ocean, good roads, stablirg, *«,, make it as attractive as any house in the country. The com r<>o, of t §&6emale , s!” b ‘ jeP-lm Froprietor, A MERIOAN HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND— Mrs. M.REYNOLDS, Proprietor.-This favorite hotel wilt open (or the reception of visitors on MON DAY, June 25th. It has been fitted up in the beat style, and every attention will be paid to the comfort or its Jeia-dtfepl SEA BATHING, CAPE ISLAND, N. J.— DELAWARE HOUBE is now open for the season, jelfl-tm* JAMES MKCRAY, Propnetor. RETAIL DRY UOODS. VINE ORGANDIES AND LAWNS, -*• closing rut at astonishing prices, at CHAR*,vr ADAMS k SON’S, _ h IGHTH ard aROH Street*. CUMMER GOODS TO BE SOLD THIS mon'h, low enonsh to satisfy all, at CHARLES ADAMS A SON'3. EIGHTH aod ARCH Streets. TO KEEP MOSQUITOES AND FLIES out, buy Nettin«. Tarteton, and Bobbinett. at CHAKJ. 8 ADAAif k SON’S, EIGHTH, and ARC H streets. AS GOOD AN ASSORTMENT OF White Goods as oin be found, is at CHARLES ADAMS k 80N’*, EIGHTH and AHCHBtTeets. HOIERY— LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S, Mis*?a\ and Cbildreu’e A Urge l ! ne, at CHARLES ADamS k SON’S, EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. Linens, embroideries, mohair Vitts, and every variety of Dry Goods, at CHARLK* ADAMS k SON’S, j) 14 EIGHTH and «RCH Streets. IMPROVED SPRING SKIRT IS -L unsurpassed by any other ia the market. For sale bv SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, k A RR T BON, It* 1008 CHESTNUT street. TINE NS AND FURNISHING DRY TJ GOODS.—Our assortment of Housewife and Golden Flax Linens, and Linen and Fa nishtng Dry Goods ge nerally. is now complete at Importer’s prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HABLI* GRfs, Sc ARRISON. It* 1008 CHESTNUT street. NOTICES. rpREFIRM OFAUNBR& SCHOFIELD, A Carpenters, is this day dissolved by motual con sent. GEO. A. AUNKR, July 1,1330-jyl4-Bt* LANE SCHOFIELD. TBE INTEREST DUE JULY 15th ON the bonds of the Wyoming Canal Company will be paid on presentation of the Coupon at the Bank of North America. Jyl4 2t* SUPREME COURT, NEW YORK.-In iO the amt of WILLOUGHBY H. REED vs. MAR THA RK*Dvhiswife. Divorce granted. iy» AUDITOR’S NOTICE.—IN THE OR /l- PHANS’ COURT OF MQNTGOMEY COUNTY. Eststo of MARY KORKRTa, late of Montgomery township, in saic county, deoeased. The undersigned. Auditor appointed by said court lo mftVe distribution of the balance of the estate of said Mary Roberts, deceased, in the hands of B, F. Han cock. Esq.. Executoror said estate, to and among those legally entitled to the same, wib meet the legatees, creditors, and all other parties interested in said distri bution, for the pa poses of his appointment, on WKD NF.S DAY, August Ist 1680. at 10 o’oiook A. M., at his Office, No. 101 EGYPT £treet, in the borough of Nor ristown. CHAB. T. MILLER, Auditor. wJyH-s3t* MEDICINAL. PROF. MORRIS’ EUOFPHALOS. There are 100.000 Sufferers from DISEASES of the NERVOUS syhTEM, iq the city of Philadelphia, whooun b.our.dJr MORR , S , EUOEPHALOS, Whioh is an original and WONDERFI/L REMEDY. Compounded from the private formula of Professor Morns, M. D.. of this city. It acts u reot y upon the Nerves 11 “ BY ABSORPTION throuth tha pars., to test its marvellous virtues. Sufferers from _ EXCITEMENT OF THE DRAIN, NERVOUS HEADACHE, GENERAL DEBuLiTY, NEURALGIA. RHKUMaTInM. CHRONIC NERVOUSNESS, Ac., Wul find the desired relief by its „ „ „ EXTERNAL use, as directed n the Circular. „ TRY T! TRY IT! TRY 1T l TRY I' r i TUY Ti TRY IT! TRY T! TRY IT! TRY T! TRVIT! TR'' T! TRY IT! TRY T l TRY IT! TRY T} THY IT 1 TRY T TRY IT! TRY T TRYIT! TRYiTI TRY IT! If vou are exhausted by over-much study, If yon suffer trora sleepless nigh-** if you are a vioura to neuralgia,. It you are prostrated by excessive grief. If you crave simulating drinU. n> ft TRYIT! A Y TRY IT! D TRY IT! Y I TRY IT* t T Th.Y IX-‘i T Afe it will remove those. rfilSr&tJe sensations whioh in- I duoe a morbid towards intemperance. ~.. I TRY li. if you are suffering from Nervous Qebibty in any res forms, and you will find it a soothing and I, . INVIGokAIiNG APPLICATION id your nerves, and worth many times its cost, in the reliefafforded. . , , A .. Numerous testimonials from the most respeotable source# oan be seen, by applying at the office of the pro- P Prepared by MOCKRIDGE A CO., No. 68 North FOURTH Btreet. , , w And for Sale by Druggists generally. jyf-tf A QTnU A For 1119 INSTANT RELIEF and PER AMUHAI MANENT CURE of this disUessing oom- plaint, use FKND T ’ S BBOKCHIAIi CIGARETTES, Made by O. B. SEYMOUR A CO., 10T NASSAU Street, New York. Prioe 91 per box; sent free by post my7-lra if] FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS’. CARD TO THE PUBLIC. CONGRESS SPRING. SARATOGA, APRIL 16. 1860. An attempt has bees made to deceive the public, by persons offering what lAsy tall “Cowsaßßs Watbb” 1 from Fountains! and at the price of six (I) cents per glass. The whoUsat* price of the stnuin» Congress Wa ter, at New York, being about 7* cents per glass, the im position of pretending to sell at retail at less than ooat, and without allowance for freight, oartage, or breakage, ia apparent; bat their probable oourse has been to empty **« bottle of genuine Congress Water into a Fountain filled with their trash, and thereby christening itsictaJ oontent*. We have nsvsft sold Congress Water in Fountains, nor m vessels of any otkn dtseriptiw* than ordinary flged glass bottles. The oork of every bottle of the genuine is branded “ CONGRESS WATER C. A W.»” and any, without those words and letters on the oork, is couxTTOVsiT, whether from Fountains or Bottles. CLARKE A WHITE, Proprietors of Cofigress Spring, The following gentlemen in Philadelphia, via: FREDERICK BROWN, cor. Fifth and-Chestnut sts., FREDERICK BROWN, Jr., oor. Ninth ana CHettnut, OUaKCes KLLIB t co.ril Msrk.t«tre«t, J. C. TURNPE *NY a Co., Ml Spruee street, D, W South Third Street, O. 8. HuBBELL. Ulo Chestnut street. A. D. D, TAYLOR, cor. Ninth and Chestnut streets. Are constantly supplied by us with the senate* “ Com- K™**” m bo *"“'c£ , A‘k#l'Wis. r# " apl£»tilf 98 OEPAR Bt.. WrwYor. City. OlL—East India, for sale by vy WKTHERIIiI. A BROTHER. 4t and 49 North SKraKVt! Ntr*«t. ,mn TIINVELOPES. —Over 200 different styles and sizes, selling from 800. per IQOO upward. Or AMUSEJIfiXTS, W“ T E R^THF Y .T t e E ° L4KK * ! ’ S ABOU UK^LTiVok“mr’J K 8. B qLA2kK. Ihe performaDoe tooommeacewith A 7 LAN »IC CITY; on Pfinoe of Wal®* Arriv^-i last m 0 atflav 4 Doors open at half Met 7o’clock. Ferformaucouui commence at 8 precisely. Admianoo JS cte. Secure your reals in adv*poe. PENNA. ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS.—IO2S CHESTNUT Street, o-ontamnisr a iir?e ooilection of Paintings and Scui>- ture, is now open daily from 9 A iL ttJld F. M. Ad, mission 75 oi*.: children nnderU years, IP oente. Jyk-tf COLOMON’S TEMPLE. torohful. and periact model of tne grard rooet interesting,building ever bciitisereotod in the immense saloon of BTRBB-r. is » feet long, M feet wide, end 15 feat Ri§Bfmtaa fa h? mI 9° .the worohippeiwr^ arrayed in Jewish oosSnce ■urraradins tbe venous courts, give it a life-like sp-’ ’'open ‘ * Aauilaeion, 25 cents; children, halfsrioe cta^:!fe. fi . , iiS r *«• ot %{.!?> SPORTING. 8 RIFLE AND PISTOL GAL- CffggTNWo°n»*r of EIGHTH and BSfv B lirrf7fiS?%fc D w bs *- fialic| 7. hse a distanoe of lirhil Mur/JlSI* ShooUag, with two large Bkjr f^-’ltn* 39 mo * t ou»pl#te Gallery m the Uavn. WANTS. A THOROUGH accountant, who . _ » fally capable of conducting the fiaaneik) r R a i» . manafeotaring ssuLiishment WANTED-A Situation as Salesman, h „ hJ l S« r .i B a Onr-Goods' Jobbing or Grocery House; t^,l e r i? V y#neace ’A C^B iaflee«ee coasi. A GENTLEMAN BROUGHT UP IN i the Houl Rasmess. having a mx*n »uh oauit%]. wonld invest it in a Hotel or saperisteud ose in thi* citv or country. FleaM addron pSit i«Td!rcm?wUk. V ’ V HALL, No. 155 WILLOW Street.Phitsdelghia. )t* TED—Bv a young lad, fiAttea veard , of Age, a SITUATION ee errand- bpy is »*te store. ,Ca& write a good hind, and is quick at figures. Address * * Thomas,” office of Tk* Prstt. TIT *NTBD—A youDg man as Salesman, ▼ ▼ who i;i thoroughly acqaimtrd with the Merchant Tailor a and Clothing trade of thts eitr. To any pertoo oaeatHs of filling th‘s position, a liberal eompeaeati n will be given, address Box ill, P. v. VVANTED —A Salesman, in a wholesale ~ ’ BlatHouae. One who can influence a short ore dit or cash trade may b»ar of a situation by addressing (with real name) •* 80x896.” Philadelphiar. O. j>l2-st ANTED—A Partner with 810,OUO to * 7 915.000. either silent or aerive. in an easy and paying basmess. Undoubted reference given aha rn quircd. Addisss “Cap.tal,” at this office. JylO fit* A YOUNG LADY, HAVING A GOOD ±*- ednoation, wishes a situation as an Assistant Teacher inaHeminiry.in or out of the city. Address ** Teacher,” this office. Jyg 6t* SALE—The Stock and Fixtures of a -*■ Wholesale Boot and Shoe House, sow doing a good business. This is a good opportunity for any one wishing to go into the business, or a house wasting to increase their trade. Batisf-otory reasons giving for ariii&g out. Address “ Box 290,'* Philadelphia Post Office, wuh name. jeSS-tl ANTED—A Situation, by a mas, " ▼. thirty-ieyen year* of age. of extensive experi ence in busxoess, ot good adflrees. and competent to fifi almost any position* either as a olerk, suvenntsadeet, or salesman. Is very respectably connected, acd can give the most satisfactory references ae to integrity, energy, and tarineae oapaoity , A moderate salary "for the *r#Mnt will be accepted. Address•'B.Q.fl.,*' office of Tk* Prats. Jell-tf FOR SALE AND TO X.ET. MFOR BENT—READY FURNISHED —BARALON BOARDING SCHOOL for Otris, LINDBfS Street, n»arGreen,Germantown. This established “chool. with large, airy buildings and shady ground!, is now offered on account of the death of one of the Principals. Apply to , . CHARLES J')NEB, Jr U-fit* 305 »OiTH StrCONP Street. TO LET—The first floor of the fine Build ing No. 7C4 CHESTNUT street, formerly occupied aa a wholesale (and lately as a retail) Fancy Goods and Perfumery Store. AppivatiheofficeofJOLESHAUßL k Co, No 704 ChEoTNUTStreet, Phiia. jy!2-lm ■pXSOUTORS' BALE.—The Stock fix •9-J tores, and lease of the Wholesale Hat, Cap and Straw Goods s'oose.No. 417 Market street, for sale. This is & good opportunity for any one wishing fo go into business, or a house wanting to increase their trade, as it is a long established and favorably known house, and withal an excellent <ocat on. inquire on the pren.ue« lor the Executors of tbe hstate of Jy9-6t* r JAMKS 8. MARTIN, Br„ Deceased. LAND!! 300,000 Aores for Sale, at prices ranging from 13)£ to 60 cents per Acre* in any quantities required. TAXKB pud, ana PATENTS procured for purohs sere of Lsnd under tbe Graduation Act. Plats furnished gratia by enclosing a postage riamp. For further informal on applyto WILSON, RaWLtNGB fc CO., U. S. and General Agents, 6s CH*gTNUTBtrest, Between THIRD and gfifr R t’H, . - 81. LOUIS, MO. Land WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. Jyg-Sm SFOR SALE—A desirable OOUNTRY RESIDENCE, with about tan scree of Laud, an-i improvements, near the Brandywine, six miles south of West Chester, near the Baltimore CantnOJUUroad. Address J. WvL'ON, Jel9-lm* Parkevlle,Chester county,Pa. «TO LET OR FOR BALE—A FOUR story house, double beck boiidlnri, Ml modern im provements, m complete order; an elegant lane van). Terms low to a good tenant. Situated No. 1924 CHESTNUT Ptreat. Apply at No. 719 CHESTNUT Street, in the Masonic Half. myXS-tf TO NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS - For sale a, large (ot in the Southwestern section of the oitv, well adapted for a Namery. Terms aeoommoda' ting. For particulars address •* K. * at this eifiee. sp!7-ti HOARDING. TWO OR THREE GENTLEMEN OAN be accommodated with good airy apirtmcuts, (with or without hoardJin a private family, br applj log at No. 1187 FI BERT Street. jyU-L* FAMILIES and Gentlemen desiring supe rior board for the summer can now have choice oflarse .oooiroom»atBgQ WALNUT street. Jylg lm* PBIVaTE BQAKDING. —Gentlemen and their families, or tingle gentlemen, can be accom modated with Board, with pleasant and handsome* rooms, furnished or unfurnished, at 616 LOCUST St., south side of Washington rquare. The location, being opposite to one of the handsomest parks in the oity, is oen’r&l, and extremely pleasant. Transient persona vioUag the oity oan be aoeoAmodateq by the day or weak. Terms moderate. A basement front room, with, private entrance, for rent, suitable for an office, jell-tl TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN OAN BE accommodated with food, airy apartments, (with or without board,) in a private family. Location c*d tral. Address “TOLBERT,” through Blood’s Dis patch. ap» REMOVALS. Removal.— johnston, holloway <fc COWBFN, Proprietors of Holloway's Worm. Confection. Holloway'a Arnica Plasters.asdHieskell's. Tet’er Ointment, oad Wholesale Dealer* in Family Medio nes. bava removed to their commodious new store, No. 23 North Sixth street, where they respecially. invite their nenCs and customers. jjH 3t* gs A. K. JOHNSON, DENTIST, m xZ&ZS' forms his fneuds, and the public* that he b&a removed from Aroh street, to No. MJa Nortn MNTR Street, near Vine, where he is prepared to atiecd to aD operations in surgical and mechanical dentistry. jyJO-gt* INSURANCE COMPANIES. OFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 40ft CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, July 10.1830. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this dav, n. dividend of three per cent, was decared, out of pro fits of the last six roooths, payable on demand. Jyll-St W. 1. BLANCbAR >•» Secretary. fpHE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE -I- ffiGMf ANY OF NEW YORK, BIX MlLLlONflfoi’ DOLLARS, lMvasißh in viasT, HoaTQAons on skaj. WORTH OVER . axLOMu fo niftiau. WormAUon, 1- I. W. corner joftiWU PHILADELPHIA RKFERENOEIi Thomu Rpbm*. John W«tt, MordeoniL Demos. HoorioH. Bturl, bon. M. Scrona. K. K. whoion, John B Mysr., J. Ji.hor Lmjnii;,. JoMpb Pnttonus, WilUwn C. Lndwu. John U. Atwood* Arths- a^Coffln, VhomuH. Powen. ewnoJW.Toun,. WllUnm MoKm. Tboo. tWUtton.ag.iylf Fame insurance company, no. 401 CHEBTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. tOKFIKHD TO FIRE AND INLAND RISAn. SIBSCTOB9 Wrl«ht, £. B. Birnßy, Wm. W. Wtlttre, hW. RT.rmhh. Chu.Rioh.nUni:. .« *, w.ti iflooo w. stoat, O.Witton Mento St.ro. Whom S. Msr g”i.; oKG K W. BAY. Preiidaiit. FRANCIS N. BUCk, Yloo nei-l •WIT.f.IAMS I. BLANCHARD. Seoratflr?. [|»ll-iftf SAVING FUNDS. American saying fond com o»sJ’» Bniiaine, Bonthnut corner WALMn’ and FOURTH Streets. Open daily from 9 till & o’clock, and on MONDAY tiU Bin the evening. Th'a Old Institution has always paid in full, on demand. without notice. , INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. AU suras paid baok, on demand, in gold and stiver, TRUST> Eh. ALEX. VHILLDIN, Presideni, SAME. WORK, Vice President. John C, Farr. T. L. Harper, George Nuser.:, John Antpaoh, Jr., Baml.l. Bodme, Alb.c.Robert/, John AikmaiT, H. Eldridse, wm. J. Howard. JOHNS. WlXjSON,Treasurer. JOHN C. 81M**. Becretarr. ja2o )m CJPKING GARDEN SAYING FUIvD. Office, 331 North THIRD Btreat, between Vine and Caliowhill. Incorporated by the Legislature April 14th, 1881. Open for Deposits and Psymeuts, daily, fror. 9to&Xo’olocs. Also,on MONDAY ond THURBDAV KVKNlNGB.frora»to3 o’clock. Interests per cent, per annum. Depositors oan with draw their moneys by Checks, if desired. Special D* posits received. JAMES 8. PRINGLE. Presidsut. Francis Dart. SeoretarT. anSd-tfif. ! AZUMEA I AZUMRA ! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA.* PROF. MORRIS’ AZUMEA BAKING POWDEfT. Manufactured solely No, 69 North FOURTH affl Tor sal- » Ht. T»vU.t amjt THE Ei E-SIGHT LM. 7*mwJ> proved by Ihe use of the PERISCOI’IG .. , pPLCTACuLH, correotly suited ft” aliases by M. J, FRANKLIN, Lpticim, 113 bou f r FObßTii Street, below Ohestunt */"Btereoaoopeaand Views just imported.en irel*. newsQPjects; »■ icrosoopes. Te'escnpe*. Opera.Olajsss. Mathematical and Phjsica! lostrumenla, fiieetricai- Maohines, Ac., at the very lowest prices in the cm wholesale or retail, fepeoiai attention p«»d tra " e Jyi-tuthsoi IVAVAL STORES -147 "bbls fp„iV . * Turpentma, 100 (lo T«r ! < ndinv from ..', . J.i ■ lg*, MO. (Or «(Uo b» gcWI.-V. AOI.UI lihcH . Oa, No, 16 Sooth WHAKVia, j;!,*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers