Ho*, L. Q.,0; LahajS, ton* A candidate forrtatMttott to Ceifgrew. '•dth, tearfi,'ftote; t»j;M®MJ* Mvttfw, that tot m«rep.Wr» to AlrtA«» b»v«bQt)ted ti. 801 l Rites • lift of fifteen Ditnooratfo. ptpets In; Maine, 'of whloii tint on. . ijtpwti tlnridgo ticket. • ' -W* Democratic StatoConvention In Ken--:- ttßk'jf/fftfr, too nomination of an electoral ticket. pjjttttfKf to tbs reanlarnntuineee, will be held at Lcali-tll. <ta tlti 33d of J»ly. . 'po*. G. W> XacMeoN, member of Congrees Trait KreMeky, apoke at Stanford on the 2d; Hr •rained liltaMlf toa?l#die»tlon of hte eonne at ;■ -; t ■ -''TWjßell and Ererettparty in' Connecticut; MMVmT. to anil*; State: Oonreatton, to; 'seat'ln Itewßma onto. let of Atnnet.'to nominate ««*'; dMAitotofPnetdenttateltoton. .V? 1 riStorel tMtet «• pwtftot. Ttoaw*" b?. ;Mbiioppls ltifl^ rerfMr,,Br»ainrM^ , *!»*ter « •ocepUno*,now t dtotowa ilnarpoteWtalte partdn the itftt, », tow I* no nreoHoai dtfereneo ln Uio poelttonata ’ Inn tat th* t*o DenooraHo eandldetta —Utratd A ; Ho». Jow;S; Oita, 6f Indiana, to talked. of». aoandldato tor Ocjrreta from (halfaw Albany;, -dl.trfot.lna tpwtob dalinred at New Albany, on the B'b, ba daotared binaalf faTorable to tba etH-'T tfata tf-Mtoir,:'HallandSrentt TVa noderaUndthat tho ieaaon that Gov. Wl»«,dldnot addrata tba Btaekinrtoia and Lane ranbaatton mVnthw In tbla otty on Monday niybt laid, that be ha. deteitedany partiolpntton in tad, aanaau HU- efler' fba ytrylnla Damoe ratio Btata Conrention ahall bare acted —Wath. Stan lair SJdlma (Ala.y iiyraM says; « Old: Joe Lase.tbe candidate of the flreeatinr Diranlonlate, erbele a member of tba Indiana Lo*lalatore, voted four-dtttloet aod-aeparate Umea for Oonßreee to pare the Wflmbt Proedeo; yat webear tbe par ex> ealinw. Southern -rights Dlennloatata declare hint aperfeet plnk of Saothem chivalry.” . Tanias loot well in Atkmaa. Flournoy, who arood eo firmly by Don (las In Conv.ntlOn.haH - been Hood by. Mr. Knat, and thaee two Rentlemen will lead In the debt. There Is now a good chance that tbit State will RoforJ>o«*t*«AOdJohnton. al though Sreakinridge’a friend. have heretofore delated it a* certain for him',—Staff.. ' 1 Dtixoax lfoßanr, a - leading,Democrat 'of North Carolina, and late eonenl at Farit, made, a autarly epeech at Reletgh, thla week, fitrthe ha-: tlofial nominee#, Oonglai and Johneon. Hade - nconeed the conduct of the ' etoeeeion delegates; from Ihathtatc, and declareKl that a dlenhlota oon eptrasy' wet the father of tho. holt. Hl* speech area received with mnch applanse. ■ • -T«n ,VoT» o* Qcdnou.—Sy a law of thc ■ State of Oeorgla, the Preeidentlal eloetora most reeelre s 'd thejoHly of all the.vptet to bo > elenfed.'.ijboaw .no,'perron reeelvee * mejoflty. then the liegtalature malt ohooee the eleotore The .Bfeebintddge abd litne men,,'eontoloot of being;'the' lowett party In tha State,; areSatterlng tbeaielTM that'tha*cheica of alaetort Will davolve 'en tha’begtslatere. ,-r; ■ ; ■ ' A- Doconae OtaAir.-eThe Bonglss men in Pet'rihnrr. whb heva all the baokbbne and nearly, el) ihe brain ef .tha party there, are patbing mat tnrewitb a daterwlnad band' Thalr laal ehetnro the ineotlvlty of tbelr rympathlaire In thh oity; 1 who permit thamaelvM ; to ba drarehadowed; and lotioldatad by Jnntoltoi.' The Pateraborg Ex-- nrrre.njh; . ‘•Tha frlanda of Doagtaa inAhU eity t wennder-, Itand. are maMeg Brepirationa to iaaae a eem lt will be edited with ability and' anargy- and will nambef. among it* contributor? toaiaol, tba moctteleetedman ofthesOemoeraey of Pateraknrg. ’’—NteAeiomf Whig. .. An Interview with Lady Morgan. > , Tha'aathef of. anharaihg boric abemt to ba piib lUhedby thaMtoara. Barpera, hhdarthe appreprl ate tii|aof “(Jaeest of j^iyosihefcllOw- Ing lottrettiog aecrmot of a poreonal interview with tha ealebratod ibady Morgan, to long ,ono of tha atata of tbahlgheet Engllih eoclety, and bat, , rtoitnlll.deeeated at an adyaneed age';' ; Ardneybidy Morgatipaa the lattoriyatyled her mit; Utlraataigbfr bar, drat a* ;I,ady Morgan merely, #tth a rrapeetabladboklng hnaband, a large; llgbt; beavy matt, In awetari.atTtrbo at onw worablpped And edmonubed bar ae we do a cblid It waa in kbit' abe need, to oali tbe oot-of tbp way lagloneof North Mery lebone tbat I bad stood naar a piano tbe wbolo erenlng endeavoring to. make oot who eonld ba that abort' personage who ■at behind a.emalt table (ihongb' in a circle) oii' which wae pet one of those dark-green circular ritedea whleb tpring ont of a stand! yet even this protection to her,pooreyee wee not tbongbt enough. tor ibn lady held before her face a green-fan, ?/i ■that, a.deep shade was. east -upon - her diminutive flgarebtbind ; nnd, even in s taril-Ugbted'renm' she wes.as tnncb; in retreat it If she bad been tak ing her pleasure on a puniest day, In an arbor. - .< ' T roon pereeived thnt sha wee S centre Of ettrec-, tton,mnin that room where Agnes Strickland at oee lime, Campbell at enotber, - Snare, -sndp in the efutm of the evening, nnmbenesa fclentlfie celrhrltici h»d come ead gone. Sheil,; oven then partially bald, eat .down near, har and relapsed Into hls bcloved hrogae; and tberawas sueba ploy of wit heiwwn Ib«n, sneh brilliant attacks bnbir part.jso'h pungent yet good-natared.retorta on nere. that I frit taro sho was from tbe dear Emerald Isle—one of a race ‘bat baa always its joke and its reply, aeenat deelh’adoor, ' ’ ‘ I said to a grlmdooklog gentlemen near, “ I am a stranger, air; pray, who Is that?” , I'm net) roy eyes towerd the green fan. - ‘ That lady.! do you mean. that very nice looking perton, near- - tba screen T . A fair,- comely ledy, with liehtbatr! Well, yon remember bear- Ing of MU' you were’ bore,' .it must hsve been; that Is she ; she Is now Lady Baeher.” “Oh y as, I know; I did not mean bar. There 1? a lady; eae, Lady Beeher is bending now to talk to ber;ehe.holdeafan ” , . Ob 1 don’t you know ! Lady Moreen, of oonree. 1 ' “Ledy Morgan! but-” " ' ” I doa't meau Ledy Morgan, of Tredegar, but tha entboroeeiof‘‘.The Prinoeae,” of “Tloredep Maeariby';’’ doh’V jroh remember V? " ' -. ' : - “Oertainly/’ . , . . ■ “ Every oee knows her.” punned my informant who, I found afeerward, was a toured reviewer; “ you will Bnd her agreeable; she makes herseV pleusnt.” ■; r. • -- And, indued; eo I thought; for it wu some time before I could get a eool pest of ohsereathm. Sav ing at lait entrenched myself near a foldlng door behindafat dowager,,l took-,a calm survey ot Sydney. Lady Morgan. Eha appeared to me then onthe wrong sideof the half century; no one,how erar. even now, bnowajbtryear of her blrtb, for shebsdlke taet'to to hetself; butitleeon- but no one copM bare aappoaad4t,poMible wbo-knaw her, ovan at the last; thafsheecutd be eighty... She wa, then a rery naail eW rert slight woman,'with an aaey drpopiiig jgura, that looked as if .nature bad naanoarelettwhen sboput it together; and then . she na somewhat crooked, though not-strikingly, wven when. as sbe used fo uy, the “olroulaUd ” through tbe room at ber own aolrbes; and this de feeVgood wamnn' as.'shg wae, as a plea she used to attiihate to Kering prselieod the harp, too mnoh it) her yoeth. But rtwliere that there wort fow.wo aaen of the period In wbloh Ledy Morgan figured aea girl; thatwere straight, thanks to stiff , stay.- andoaekbosrda. - - - , Jfer f«o«, though nevermore than agreeable, had a gnat chum in it* fenintoa contour.' SlieWore - at that tinio her own hair.' I will sot swear that ittrasdff her own, for there were roniolone-Ieoli: ing carle dripping down npon the illght throat; hot ft waa evidently, parti,natural, ferlt war thin, and drawn ncroee her wide forehead with » sort ni taitofal nagltgeaee. It war, however, of a llgbtti haelhaa tfie bandt with wkub, !n her’lartdiije. *e-a«i»i*ptedtt. rettore the: Vefcerebla fhin if Sjdoey hat y Morgan, • r ~ - ,■, H.reveawere'lerge, and of Alrlnhh gray, in early .life probably blue.. One of them had a alight eatt. aad went off ata tangent.to the right; not thla didhot apoil'tbe expreirion.jrtLtoh waa very JWeet-and very thoughtful, with(ipt,Tat any time that X itnew fcer. being brilliant or Marefclng She alwaya looked like a person wbo *aw fmpeV feed)’and ebb alwaye spoke ,of hcnelf : ,ag half hlmp; and talked of visit* from Alexander and dark roewii) laeehea, and thadea; and I never a»w bar witkoot;-that green fan Jp: jier bend'. ’lt ht orweapaatiqaLylTice fiarkelf-Yee I baliaveabaaa> roore than any one elan did-;- nothing escaped her. flnekaew-every *•*«*«*• offoellng tbatpaaeadjn tfceiefßdi of others; abe remarked draw, and‘abe , ner.r unintentional!, forgot or mlitooka person, ’ Her’other featorea wera nklther pronilnent nor beaatifal, yet peculiar; Lady Morgan 1 . own soCmB and aoee ■I never eaw- any oM tbat reeeoibled her; and if oor grandmother. worn here to any it, they wontd declare that LsdyMorgan bftdbeen a v .- t , - _. . -u She had the’ tnanneref a woman who had been wtoaieiire.ahd thefeoppllea the trant of aehrotii; kla", '-BefMee.dlie fane',waa eoftj agreeable, Jifedly wrinkladeyan tlien, lint hanooniouelj tinted with a leupeen of rongo. I remember her draea perfaeily. Jtwas jn.<ooUe ; to a fault—white i Ihort alyayefi and.abroad greao'aiuh, tied ; bahiDd; something dropping and light about her; *?y_ ; .yg !■'* iaeei tearf ovar her abonldert. |,Bhe j Jnojd' Irtrtglrb**** gf'lin fanoy, though ratnor, *' o Pbangoi this etvle; and, ijuMicelled weft dressed, ' -!&*4**.-!<W-a;ir*w York R*»oe***s_Wo: ragret t* record, thedeathaf.probeMy; the '(Meat 1 yaportey «»-tkelfew YorkpreM, Mr. *il«*a«s,: a nephew ot Daniel O'Connell, who'Maw terthta - rpondad froni Uabllo with tb* Londoupeperv.aOd **<•?stMW* «!? yireetlvewrlwrlndhiina-' gaawa,of .that .-period. For more than twenty JJgJ b®"** .oenneotod inovarlou*. portions, bnt •bftdyea law. reporter, with tUSa»Vtwlt7o™- ’ if OatxmtrctZfiom be retl«deighreinaionih#lrio(Se,; ’HjinSSrfom; and honeat oeantenawia wero lotg mbmi-about thaeonftai-thaOilyUaliywndtbe . retirement, and-thenowy of blsde.th will brtwjh: toorh Of tad fteilofi toaianywho were'w ontiofi,-; hia e*e*doUe ofoMtta«i,et>d tjhlealagolar trinity of.affeetlon for Ole,liMand, ; • Qji HogtaM, aitli xoang Amariearao. eomhlnlpg ' .that JtlraK o»ly! . tytha apjilieatldn onlgUt preaeore that ho din; . arson [aUofHrln Wkiflnt: b*gblr. .wteemedr.by. .hwißOdlatMof -the preia, and hid mtmory Will; - wiihdheni, He waaalneaebolarnnd '<Mmmmsssmss < •**»®**** ftfendi, will long lament i Journal ef. Computed tUnk Oiat oonnaeteddh B ■PllSt iniadoua. All the , IntheflbKW,|i>*n»<t/f?rlaifweok»Mr-;“- V.'ilUa glvee one of ills sketchy aooouiits <f SlA vicit to'BlLUldib'fl pCrforoianco at Niagara i 1 AaweapproaohedNUgara, the printed edrot;, tl'cmcut. dulrilmted through the informed o; that MonsiedV BloodlO “aa to walk the »opO, shross the raplda , that afternoon—an nnexpected tight, for whloh .we determined'to expedite .our .dinner,’and defer tbe.contomplatioe .of tbe cata r-iot We joined toa< crowd-toward the show in ’.the middle of tho afternoon, hod entered the enclosure at the republican end. of, the rope (the other end. of coarse, being in her Ma : j, s t v ' a dominion,iftrithe aooommodatlon of- the uiore privileged spectators) There was a great rush's* the entrtnoe, and we hid 60mo trouble to, guard the-ladies who wpfe wlth us'agsjnstTtho Pudentrs of two or. three wtli-dresaed men, who. I thought; rnnst- haTO been dining too freely—ex plained aliorwerd by the-faet that their unneoes wiry elbowing and crowding were merely to eall off intention while they picked my companion's pook (!t l .The wallet wbloh they -stole (minus *lOO and some.privato papers which it contained) was found (ha next morning, under the Suspension Bridge, m'ear'by. ‘ . ■ - A bind of masio was ont-playing the roar of Niagara very vlgOrously, aad, in front of tho ralsed soate, etood a rongh board shanty which was 'to- bo the dressing-rpom of the'performer; and, 'roaehing Iro'mthls to tha-rope, was a fenced In, ptssage-way, at the eatremlty of which, naar the. : blink of thuprodp!oa.l auqceaded. In.getting the moat faTorsDlat'lUM,;- The. view of the tearful 'rapids below; the occasional pasting of a .railway t rain aorosS tn'aph'Mtnby that miracle of mechanic iiigentiUy, tho suspansion bridge; tha snblima seneiyof the' opposite shore, and the comment a of the earroundmg. crowd, helped to while away tlie'hour or’twoof expectation, under a very,,hot >un. * , # -■ * Retiring to his shantyjor * minnte or two; after all wuarranged, his roappehranee was announoed by a grapa tt&i6«t*ianU from the band, and for* ward dame~Teaanseh / with a high crown of many* colored feathers on his head—not with a slow, pace, as ; woild he expected from an Indian chief, but dancing ajigaHthe way to the precipice. It wa4 carlohs. fcowerezyto sep that the smile on his lip, «md hie other eigne of merriment for the many, •were: altogether mechanical and artificial, while •the.oloselyrpfested eyelid, thiough which his keen hlue eye wu herdfj’ yislble, snoired the .inner mind’s ntterabsorption and eonoentratfoa in the .work he had to do. ' The nope was drawn from, shore to ahoro, eight hundred feet across and two'hondred and fifty feet 'high over the Niagara rapid*—a perilous bridge ’frr human• feet to walk! I,took hold of hie arm ,ao he stood trying the rope,'for- a moment, with [Hie halt of .his foot. ItwasUkeabunoh of iron mdapreseible.; And awsy be went— - biS moceißifiad 1 feet hngging the two rides of the ewaying eable:' his balance pole 1 playing up and down* and hi* little figure gradually diminishing aa ’he fraiked steadily on an<T reached the middle of 1 the ‘ chasm, where he proceeded to stand upon one leg and held the, other oaf at right angles! The Spectators,' of eourse, were all breathlessly silent—though I found it mqofc more breathless to. think of, afiehratd? than to sea done. He did it with'so mneh apparent ease and certainty that it wasilke.sfceinga.bird fly or a spider walk the oeilisg—not'to -be wonaeASd at for, that kind of creature .1 am inclined'to .think Hwould bo more startling, (better enabling one to imagine himself intbepenormer’aplaoe), If he were to do it in common clothes. , - Looking eoaree larger than a butterfly as he reached the opposite shore, Blocdln remained fif teen or twenty migrates oat of sight, and then the pistol was fired to annonnee his ieturn. He eame qcletly on to the eentre, where Ve stopped to lie do’wn.ai fall length on the rope, and execute vari* oia postures ana gymnasties; and hstween thlsaed his reaching oar shore again he made several pre tended trips, as if -losisg his balance; the screams of tbe affrighted ladies, at this, very comically varying the tone which was being endeavored bt the band; As he came up the slant of the rope pg*in» I saw that his jipa were tightly drawn-togetheryand his features were rigidly set, with the mental exertion, and it was an expres sion of faoe'that would 1 be worth painting as, a type, of detarmined will. ‘ -Through all the anxiety of.; a spectator’s suspense', l cofcldnotbelp admiring the little man exceedingly, and I was tbe first to give him a hand when he stepped on the ollff. It was a cold olatnmy grip that he gave me In return, and his fingers felt icy and wet. Everybody who could fetch bimgtve him a shake of the hand on his way to tha ehantyV-ahd tbe enthusiasm for him seemed universal. ’“And thus ended “ the show” of homan life put fearfully in peril. Mr. Blondin, I was afterwards iold, has a Vfife: end several children, and realdea at Niagara, having adopted it as his theatre of performance. His professional profits amount to ten thoaeand dollars a year. The Execution of, Hicks. (Kron tba New York-Times of yesterday.] . mm final arrangements for the execution of Hieka will be aob.pletcd to-day by the TJcUed Stfitss marshal; 00 that nothing will remain to he done. on the day appointed, but to carry into effeot the sentence of the law against the criminal. From present pppearancee, this execution will be attend ed with-more excitement than Is usual an such occasions, and the officers of the law will require the support, not oiUy of'all law-abiding oltizess, bat of.;a police, or: military force to preserve order Attflßg j the discharge of their unpleasant duties. ' Throughout yesterday tbe execution was the’ general'-topic of conversation, and the greatest .possible.^eagerness was manifested to procure tickets upon the island whefo the* prisoner*!* to meet hi* fate. Every row boat *od sailing crafe which eouldibe seoured has been engaged for ■ week in advance,- to be used in etmreylnf partiee' to the spot; /steamers and,all masher or. ttUing oraft pIU also throng abbot the island, crowded, undoubtedly,with eager spec tu tors. /4k; /-•;*-* ' , Bedloe’s Island; which has been selected as the place cfexeeotion, If a.Government military post, and pext to Governor’* Island is' one >of the mhst beaot&fal la the BsyofNew yeric. It is abentooe mile.nearlydaa west from the Battery, hat an area, ofeome aeveateeii-acres,'and fa partially covered' onthe north, and west sides with* grfcwth of wit loir, .poplar, elm, aOantbps, and ocher shade trees idn natural growth * A handsome sea-wall sor rounds the island/with the exception, of a small part of the west; side, forming the outwork of a water battery, which is Intended to conceal some forty-five guns bfheavy calibre, the granite plat- front lag to tim eastward. This earthwork la smoothly terraced ftroas tho water, and with Its gratsy co* verisg forma a handsome promsnade aronnd tbe whole eastariy portion 9f tba /island. It' Is upon thiailoping bank, oii that pcrtfonof-it looklng to thapertkeset, fronting die Battery, that Bycdershas selected for the erection of tbogellows. Ae spot is not over, a hundred feetltom the end of the wharf on which the crimi nal and bti attendants will laud. Boats of light draft can approach to within twenty feat of the gal!ows.'sndthere will bo nothing to obstruct the view ofthe exesatibij. /The gallows is tba same which has been long used in tha City Prison. ■ Ticket* issued by the marshal, it is understood, will admit all official persons upon tbe steamer on which the criminal will pass from the eity to tbe J«]a&d/..A:gaar4Af United States marines will protect the area enclosing tha gallows, and prevent all interference with the processiop after landing andfcfl if passes from the boat to ibe fataUpoL As 'the'view from'the bay will bo most eligible, those who intend to visit tho spectacle would do well not to depend upon landing at all * * r AYomor wos circulated late yesterday afternoon that Hick* bad commiUod suicide. The story, however, proved incorrect. Probably no criminal since the days or Gtbbs find Wansley, overwent to-the yellows-with less’pobUc sympathy than Hicks will >eeelve to-morrow wh&c ho pays the forfeit of his own life for the many lived he con fesses to have taken In ecld blood. Jacob S.Hardex ado tub Mbthodmto.— A eorreapont|ont thne writes to the Hew York Tfi- Utnt ‘ , “ After the 'execution of'thia wretched,ybnng nan I deem it proper, tbfoughtheeolninna of. the IViinne. to Correct acme krrorgwhloh, from tl*o to time, have received exienilve enrrow tbrdugh apprtion oftbopmai’,; . , ''- 1 ‘ 1 , 1.;1t , h4a beep intimated that heoanM he was a profemkil preacher of rlghteonaneaa, the ministry of the Methodist Eplaeopal Chilrcb ayihpathiaad with him; and- wontd hand exempted him from the {tot penalty pi the law.- 'To tbii wo reply, ibis not trh* in" pjarf nor ai a whole. *h» writer,- who nalnglea largely .with Metbodlat and other atnif tora, haj not met With the first one who has iu ftny degree ayaipathired with him. On.tbe contrary, they have nntvaraally eateetned him guilty, and de serving the dreadful penalty of his flandlah crime. “ 2,1 t haabesn inUmated that the-Metbodlat people of .Wamm and Hataareonotica have baan dSafrena ofecrcenlng him from the operation Of the lew,.. This sroprononnee,totally nptrne. /Alb the Mlleitnde whloa.has baas manifested by MeihodlSta and ethMfhiis been-fonnls eativiable and eged ;a reata, and thla has been deep>Sd universal. 8. That the denomination to ’which he profeea-. odjy..belonged are' reapohsible for his conduct. That they faavh felt themselves sorely wounded Is admitted, hat that any disgrace should attach to them thsy do not admit. Snoh unhappy examples of bake orimes exlstla all ohnrohaa, and tha II.F. Ohsrob shoafd.hava tba aympatby rather then the enraea of the people. - All generona-mlnded persons In this region take thlt vtewoi the Oaie.” H T SBBi>Muiera*ie A»a*»ra».— W. 0. &a lagher, dabbed. the 11 Berimm of the Vest,” ro oantly opened a new plaea 'of.amasdment—“ The Coldfenm In the warpf hit !'Symposlam,”,on Fifth street,'mnd wlth s vter.to makegood his pro mise' to gomshl '* l thf bsst taleat In the country,” went tn FUladelphU the.other day and mads an .engagement with two stars- fn-the ”cork opera ” liMr-HeserS, WilUstßiCb'stnhetn mnd Fnlton My ers—far twenty dollars, per.week and boarding, 'Myattahgtbfi l‘beed{u ’> neeauaiy to partrav ’ellreg axpanaee. The engaged arrived in the city yeatarday, sa por agreetnent, fcnt this |s about as aaehof the contract they, seem inclined to live np to; having,-as alleged, engaged daring the day. to perforfo at Trimbfe’s Vartetina, for twenty-flro delldrsper week and board,.of. whiahoinmmstueo ■Mr.« Oalltgbcr was not informed until proniDg. Fdelihg iggriSved at this, Mr. 0. appeared before ,Ald*»“»aTtawU and made .affldavit charging the aferswiid isdhrtdnala with obtaiolng money under false ropreeentattoni, IJpoiiihls charge, they, were 1 ' lfc * of tha ’ Coloeeom-’’- will stand no nonaenae, and tb.e Phi tfdelphte “MaM ” wIU. probably find tbemsolves oelfpied UM*lrr tbep Purg«j themaalves of the eon tmeptwaaeoedostaaeged egainit them.- Pitts- CArTn*E oy *,'MraDB»XE.r-Deputy Unftetl hMwlK*sl* 1 Sl W Ao,,iD - of Fld-r . J°* f° .*bls elty oa. hit my back from ilraios iotorfc2-*IKu 1 l! , ' f *j b ' oepinrad a unrdarer and desperado, named Ferdinand’ rbe kae^tii^n 1 ! 1 been tracklng cyersicce ■by f Ibgfoa. Florida, J®’* fif l Bsd. Me threedajkktti/Words wilh and attsadteiHSSSWß tben’midehlawavohfoOPths.dSd Statee of Florid?Heorgta/iAu*^ 1^ inf hls'biiek osthe IsftaMe.-He was thoeehtto the dkg^te ’sdtpJ^ljS^mSks*V^mHiMero'of^ho«t^; •sMsws2aaas®,ss!*. Boikos or OrFicx.—The following jis a liatof thepafonis issnod at Washington to cUiv jxenspl pepn^flyaufo; ? ’,*!.’" ‘ J * Calvin Pittsburg; for improvement in ‘‘ : ' * . 1 ■ ' , j -Wiia. Austin; of Philadelphia; for improvement , in attaching water pipeß.to buildlngs. ; ; K;l\ Buttles, of Mansfield t for improved wrench. Abron B.jCooloy, of Philadelphia; for Improve* ment l& damping railroad oars. ; _ Charles Duton, of Philadelphia; for improved potato parer, ... Charles Bose, of Allentown; for improved device for straining soroll saws. , - John Knot, Anthony Heupe), and Frank Leutby, of Lancaster; for improvement in grinding mills. Frederick ’ Betdle and Samuel Eberly, of Me* ohanioabnrgh ; for improvement In horse rakes. ■ ifobiiG. Shafer; of Fulton oonnty ; for Improve ! ment In mill bushes. Isaao W Yau Honten, of Philadelphia; for Im provement in car couplings. Christian Yost, oi Intercourse; for Improved machine for pointing fence rails. , ■ Stephen A.’Brins, of Philadelphia, assignor to blmself and 0. G. Crowell; of same place; for im provement in corn and cob mills. ‘ Designs.— Garrettson Smith and Henry Brown, - of Philadelphia, Pa., assignor* to Leibrandt A McDowell, of same place; lor design for a oooking stove. Garretteon Smith and Henry- Brown, or Philadelphia, Pa /assignors toLeibrandt A McDow ' ell, of, same place; for a’;design for a oooking ■ stove. - Garrettson Smith and- Henry Brown, of Philadelphia, Pa-, assignprs to Abbott A Noble, of same place, for deeign for a.Qook’s stovo. - .Garrett son SmUh and Henry Brown, of Philadelphia, Pa , assignors to Abbott® Noble, of the same plaae; for design for u cook’s, Btove Garrettson Smith and Henry Brown, of Philadelphia, Pa., assignors to Abbott A Noble, of same place; for 1 a design’ for a cook’s stove. Garrettson Smith and Henry Brown, of Philadelphia,' Pa., assignors to Cox, Whiteman, A Cox, or same place ; fora design for a cook’s 6tove. Sevbb* Storm at Vicksburg.—The Vicks burg Whig of Saturday morningsays: “ One of the soverest storms whioh were ever witnessed in this seotion, passed ovor our oity yosterday after noon.. The damage in tho oity. however, was but slight We beam of a bouse having been struck' by lightning without doing serious injury to either the building or the inmates.; Trees and fences were blown down in various places; bat, beyond these, wo have heard of nothing worth mentioning. We fear that the crops have suffered In the route of the storm. Along the river tbe greatest force of the; wind-was felt. The wharf-boat, together with the steamers attached to her, the Kentucky, the Mary T., the Dew Drop, and the Arago, was blown from their moorings, and all the steamers drifted down the river. Everything with whioh they came in contact was compelled to give way before them. ■ Tbe-littio sunflower steamer Cotton Plant was sunk; the ferry-boat was badly damaged, and several coal boats were Injured, fro lives were lost as fir as heard from.” Tbk Government has selected Watch Hill for trying the sacoess of new rifled oannon. Five mile* .continuous beach, found nowhere else m New England, decided the locality. The experi ments are conducted at the expense of the Govern ment, under oversight of the distinguished inven tor, Gen. James, who is said to have $2OO 000 “ planked” the moment success browns his efforts. They had one trial, sending a ball 2k' miles, half of the intended distance, On the 16th of the ensuing month another tegt is to he made. They will then see the largest cannon, whose ball costs $5O. No fear* are felt In regard to entire success. Watch i Hill is situated about six miles from. Westerly. General Winfield Soott is to lend his preionoe at the next trial. . Sickness in Concordia.—The Concordia Intelligencer says: “ We regret to announce that the diptheria, or putrid sore throat conjoined with typhoid fever, has prevailed to an alarming extent on Forest Home' plantation, belonging to Douglas L. Hirers, Esa., IS miles below vidatia, on the river Dp to Wednesday morning there had been thirteen deaths, three of the deceased belonging to the overseer on the estate. There were twenty remaining on the sick list, but generally consi dered convalescent.” ; V. Aksdea Turck, of St. Genevieve, says that iron Is an effectual remedy for that terrible malady, pituro-pneumonia, since it contributes to the production *nd enters into the composition of tha sanguineous globules. One of the most distin gnished cultivators of La Moselle, M. Oarny, last year treated five diseased oxen with sulphate of iron, and by continuous use for twelve days they were completely restored to health. Swallowing a Snake. —The Lyons (N. Y.) Republican naysi “A boy who lives in Bodus,- near tho Kidge, drank from a spring, a few even ings rinco, and very soon after .was seized with violent pains in the stomach, which increased to such an extent that medloal aid was summoned. An emetic was administered and the boy ejected from his stomach a live blaoksoake, about five ioobes In length, and about 45 large round as a pipe stem.” IMPORTATIONS. (Reported for tbe Prete.l BO»T<»N—Stenitiship Cambridge, Howes—lUo pke* domestics 0 W Chase JfcfionajlMdo ABtod« A Co; 84 do Frothmgbtun A Weils; iOdo Wain, Ijeamlns & Co; 17 do BasM& Maxwell; MdoJL Bsilei; 2SroFarohani, Kirkham* Co; *7 do Junes Kent, Uentre * Co; 89 do F 1 usher <b Co; 10 do Qeor?e F Penbodf A Co; 498 eases boots »»m1 shoes Haddock Reed A Co: 119 do P Ford ft Co; 329 no Whelan ft Co; 43d0 B P Williams ft Co: 12 do Brown ft Pratt; 48 do Lev eW. Ks«!n ft Co:33doBi<*den hoctrft FnrdmaD; 61 do faatsC H Garden ft Co: 41 hh’p fiehJH Levin: 63 bo la paper C Menaree ft Co; J4pkgs ilasawere. Muss*r ft Muaroe; 40 sucks boxarood Cp itnnt baas saltpetre Jordan ft Hfo; IS oases sewinc maobmes Grover. B«ker,t*on ft Co; y oasks linseed oil Wm Gobwer ft Bro; 10 bbis varnish Alien A Needles; 30 kegs herrin* 8 Auberbaoh: 11 bales arias K A B C Spooney 100 rkgs mdse Leech ft.Co . . ■ s rartiAimtirHiA BoxKirwr-rßAtwjr— l GEORGE N. IATHAM,/ T.FROrumGHAM, J COMKIf Tl* OV THX MOWVB. ROBERT 8. RBKP. \ - letter Dags ‘ At tfut Merchant #* Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Wjomlnr. Burton. July 85 BhipBoathern Rishts, Harwood.. Xtvsrpool, soon Bark &Urgaret.Hui«..... Pemambueo,eoon Bark Ht James, dp. Janeiro, soon BarJrJcgftaxwell. Davis ..(Laeuayra,»oon Brie BT Mart'n. jD»mr. ...) .Cjiennlegoa, soon Bn* Solas, Allen.— . psmfcrara, soon Bn* Mary E Mliliken, Worden--......CA^denat.'soon Retch oommeros, Barnes PR. July H Sohr Kvslvn, Vorke .Havana, soon Bohr PsLwno. Vanoe-..~..^..,—......Havana,*0#n •AllilNfl of THE OCEAN STEAmEH*. FMJDH THE VNITBO . IHW LEAVE „ FOE MW Adriatic-. New -—.-July 14 Edinl>urxb.~ • Boston-Liverpool July 14 jEtna—• • New York-Gu*t*n ft LiverpOOl.Juljr 19 G ldenFleece.-.New JuIjrJO Fulton New York. .Havre. July *1 Glasgow.,..NewYorlt..Lirprpool.. July *1 Arabia.. .Bo«ton.-Liv4rpool™ Jay 25 Vimderhilt- .NeF York. .Havre... -..—-. July 28 Africa—..... .New York-Lit erpool />ug 1 Canada-*... Boston-Liverpool Aug 8 Ar&io. New York. Havre Aug 18 FUOM Europe. OBIPB LEAVE ’ DATS Arago-v,......Southampton-New York——. July 4 Vanderbilt Havre-New York -.July 4 C of Baltimore.-.Liverpool-New York... Jpty 4 Africa...... Liverpool-New York-.,. —. July 7 Jura Liverpool- *ew July 10 Canada.—~....'Liverpool~Boston~.‘ July 34 Asia -Liverpool-New York....,—July 21 Australasian*.. -Liverpool-New York. -—July M The California Mail Steamera sail from New York on the 6th and toui of aaeh month. ■ The Havana Steamera leave Neyr York on the 2d, 7th, l*th, 17th, and ®th of each numth. - AKIN K (NTef,f/!RBNCR TORT OF PHILADELPHIA, July 13. 1960, SUN RISES *—.4 41-BUN BETS— 7 13 HIGH WATER 9 SI ’ ' ’ATimVap. Brig Orinus, Belter, 4 dsy* from New Bedford, ia t?cl* Isa to Shober. Banting k Co. 1 * - * Sefar nhss WjlliHini. Golden, 7days .ftrom Pljipoolb, NC, with to 6sml Bolton « Co , 6ohr Rpt'dlnitoji. Clarb. i dtz> from Rlohtnond, wita coal totf Mnrna VlTnla k Ooi’ Pnijjdat the Lazaffttfo, ship Villa Pranoa. from Newcastle, Hog, bn< Mary, rom Bt Jeeo. Bobrß B Howlett. Bflinera.fi days from Wilancaton, NO. witknoobblsrosm to Rowley, AshbaTner kCo. , .Soar Horace.BU>lt«'Otbbs,4days from New Bed fora ip bailMtto Noble.-H»inntett tc Caldwell. So ir M A Shrosebupe frofn fioatoo. Pc nr l Bdiy Eljen. Gomm. rrpm Boston. . BohrElleD,HftHett, from^Bcctott,' . Pobr H&nofth BUokmiin. Corson, from Boston. Bohr B K MayheWs from Boeton. Bchr Pbodeila Blow, Fetereon. from Boeton Fcor MarthaJ Gauso Smith, from Providenoe. Schr Neptune, Ma*ee,irom I<yno. . Bohr John Compton, Biliott, from Maur r eetown. BobrN BTTjjornpeon, Steelman, from Salem. Bchr Jo* Ma’sfi. M«thia*. Jrom Marblehead. . Bohr Hiokman, Dickerton. from Koxhury. PXsEARED. Rtoanuhip Kecnebeo, Johnson, New Yolk, via Capa May. j Aliderdice. - 7 Nejj'uce, Magee, 'Washington, Noble, Hammftt behrß Staples;dibbi. Boeton,- - *■ do> BonrM A Shropshire,B&ropkbirp, Bonton, N Bturte »ant* Co. *’ > . w - B RPharp. Mayhew. Boston, do 1 gfgobr flßew. Pelermm, Boston, 0 AHeokecher & Qo» *§9h?i4kdy FHeu.Coison,Balem. do • fiehr Atert» Oh*mpion. Boston, ftoihsrmel & Wa l&oe Bonr N B T Thompsgnp Steelman, Boston, Van Ov l#Q. Norton k Co. BohrFilea Hsllelt. Boston. do 5 fiohr M i Oeus«i PmUh. Norwioh, B MHnea k C*>. t Bohr John Compton, Elliott, Providence, Binnlcicspn k ®loyer. • Bohr Hiakman.Dioberson. West Denai*. do - •- BehrJ MftT*hyMatb)M.MarMehead,'oaum,OittekCo Bohr B Blackman, Ccreoa, QlbttoeaUr, Tyler, Btone Str Rich Willing, Claypoole, Baltimore, A Grovjs. Jr. Correspondence of the Exchange.) ' A bark came In last niaht, and'ia the only veseelat the Breakwater. Mr Saott, pilot, landed lust evening, and .reports that the pilot Turley supplied, yesterday forenoon, a bark end three Or schooner* with pilots. A tall-rlgfgd brty is now off the Beacon Light, coming Vlnd N moKi vJj BY YptcMtAPH. (CouPSpOß&e&he of The Press.) • r 'NovoLg. July J2.< Arrived,ship Josiah flradlse, from Baker’s awaiting order*. Hampton Roavs, July 12.- Arnved, Conquest, from'Catlao. - I *rSB^ABaSTB?r».umL The Wyoming left with C boats, laden and conaignjad BaTley k Bon and Thotnna Cr&lir. lumber to John Craigt Hiram Mprise, do to Afalone k Tailor; T hi wo tliermei, do to R Wolyerton} Perkin* k McCaun. do to M Tramp k Sons; C R Bookalew, coal to Delaware City. . (o#nw "f“* # f' n ff»< l . J #l , 10.. The following boete from the Union Cenal vuuid in to the eohtt,lln!l C&net to day. bound to Thiladelphln, leden an<l ooneieoed m foilowj: 12 Buokwalteri lumber to D R Buokwa ter; F Cule man.do to Sami Bol'nn kCn; Fimna.dotn John <1,11; Semoel Chrl.t, do to HororpnA Bhe*t»; Bar bnt*. do to oeetftin: 00l Beeber.dn to.fiulpno & TMlor; *1 Bjeerne, hltnminooe coal to Mollveme A Bon: Mer, M Lind, to to Hodgert, Qrenmier kOo; Commerce, bloomo to Wat derMorri.. ’ MEMORArtDA Shlk TwJlight. Cel*,, from Callao, arrived up at Bal- U lSrk for JUn de Joneird,cleared at B»l- Lowing. Kell,. oleared at Baltimore Jltlr In.t, n. Webber, rroro Harana fi [ult.it- Boston nth Inst SpokeWh. lat SSO2, loog JJ33fbrjy Geranium,of Farmin»dale,»days from Feneaoolaror Croton o ,' Blje, for Delaware City, Balled fro*, Wheatop,faenoe,arrived at 'lOtblnst. _ , - ■ -y w^'r'.i Sohre Caroline Grant, Presser* and Kmellne Trial,i frojn.Provideoce lor Philadelphia, uMled from, ' 'pliakbeth, Hint, and'Czar, Hhmraotul.i hence, arrived atPictou soth nit.. . . -.-. „ . Bohr Telia Foyu Deammg, at Boston Uth mat, from Savannah J * - - 1 r - - ' - j 'Bohre.Dapiet Townsendi Toyrnieiyl, Raratosa.' El-, rinds*. Isaac Rioti. Grown Ui3nd Ads, Herbeit, Purvere* for Pmindelpbia. cleared at Boston lUh Inst. . . Brooks, at Boeton Uth last, from Dpla- £SP B,for from New ' ® Meroy, Davis, from Bristol for Defaware City, •akHewponFMkthiDst.' - - - ' .. , n tehm JoW JPkmnm. Hall, Amelia Q Reeves, Labe. fOT i , '>ilJ.l,kla. aaU«d "“k' Cwia.M WarrtH bth in.t frmn j eait,d from Warren 10th ’ heno ” ,r,lv;d M SBV,n ' HIE Pllfc:BS.-IFHiLADiiLi > iUA. ? FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1860. JC&lunBK ‘ dOlphift toKo.rfolk and Ponsinontli* fca. , v - ; ~. On and after July Bth, pcweu*«rs, from Pblladel-. takr the'B tram . atAhe depot; cornor tfrr.ad street and Washington avenue, on Tuesdays; Tbuiiday.s.'and >aturdayr, arriyips at Sea ford at 1.1)0 P. M.'» -at Wpricik < early foe next ntoruing, Tbe-steamer Philadelphia wiU leave Norfolk on the evemnss of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday t oonneotinx wuk the train at Beatoid, whioh arrives at Phiiadelpßla at 1 .• ■ . . , Fare for first-claw passengers, including meals on the Beoond-olas*passenge>s, including meals on the l»oat, taken aslpw as by any other route. * For furiher particular*, see sn.all hand-bills at the hotels, and otherpuulio plaoes, or inqnire of ■ :C. P. IMRE. Agent, owner Broad st. and W ashington gv. H. F. KENNEY, Master of Transportation, jyg let , . P. W. ft o. R. R. Op. West ohestke 'HILAMLPHIA • On and after 16 h 1699, the passenger trains will leave PHILADELPHIA, from the Btation, corner of Market and Lehman or Thirty-first streetn. West Philadelphia, at 7;SO and 10.30 A. AL, and S.S9, 4.46, and6J* PaM. - Leave WEST CHESTER, from the Depot, on East Market street, at 6.40, 8, and 10 80 A. M„ and 1.45 and i.ltP. I. ON SDNpAYS. Leave Philadelphia, from the depot, northeast corner of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 8 A; M, and.* Leave West Chester. atTJOA.M,.andSP. M. ( The last passenger.railway oar will leave Front and Msrket streets 80 inmates, and Eighth and Market streets 25 minutes, before the starting time from the de pot, and will carry a flag to denote it. • Office and wmtiog room, southeast corner of Eighth ami Market a-reets. where passengers, purchasing tiokets for West Chester. wiU be famished with a tioket over the passenger railway. On and after July 9th,' And till the above *mn?ement tikes eifeot, the trains will leave the depot, N. E. cor ner or Eighteenth aud Market streets, 16 minutes be* fore the abovo hours from West Philadelphia. Leave •west Chester as above. HENRY WOOD, jy3-tf General Superintendent ■' BE'-. . H | NORTH • PENNSXL VANIA RAILROAJI. - So. On and after MONDAY, July 2d; laco, Pamenger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW streets. Phi ladelphia, DAILY, (Bundays excepted,) as follows: • At OJ9 A.‘M. (Express;, for Bethlehem. Allentown,' M&uoh Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesbarre, WHUamsport, fto. At 3.30 P. M. (Express), for Bethlehem, Easton, h o. This tram readies Kaston at sao P, M„ and makes connection with New Jersey Central for New Atfi P, M. for Bethlehem, AHentown'i JTauoh'Chunk, fto . At 9 A. M. and 4 P. Y* for Doylpstown. At 10A9 a.M. and 6.6o F. M. for Fort Washington, ' The 6.U0 A. M. Express Train makes oloeo connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem being the shortest and most desirable route to Wilkeabane, and to all points jn the Lehigh Cori Region. TRAINS FOR PHILAIjKf,PHI A i Bethlehem at 6.63 A.M„9JoA.lu.andfi-22P. Leave Doylettown at 7JO A. M and 4.16 P. M. Leave Fori Washington at 6J6 A. M.findSUl 1 . UN BUNUAVB: Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. ML Pniladelphia, for Doylestown,atB P. M- Dor lestownTor Philadelphia at 5.40 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at fi.ou P. M. Fare to Bethlehem..9l NXFarctoMauohChunk.fiS4o Fare to Ea5t0n..,...,. 1 BVlFara to Boyisstown.. 080 „ Through Tickets must be procured at the Ticliet Of fices at WILLOW Street, or BERKS Street, in order to secure the above rates of fare. < «- AH Passenger Trains iexoept Sunday Trains) conneot at Berko street with Fifth and Sixth streets and Second and Third-street Passenger Rauroada. 20 minutes after leaving Willow street. jyS ■ ELLIS CLARK. Agent. fig wo——p PHILADELPHIA AND fiSdHsNISR READING RAILROAD. REDUCTION OF FARES I On and after APRIL 2d, 1860, Commutation Tickets, with twenty-six coupons, will be issued, good for the holder and any member of his family, on any Passenger Tram, and at any time. They will oe sold by the Treasurer, at the office of the company. No. 2*7 South FOURTH Strfcet, at a redaction of twenty-five per cent, from the yegular fares.- Parties wishing to enjoy the Summer in the Country will find this a very desirable route, tbe ScbnyUdU and Lebanon Valleys being among the most beautimi and healthy in the State, and acces sible by four trsinslrCta aodjn PhHwdeTpbfa dallr. 8. BRADFORD, Treasurer, Philadelphia, Maroh 93th. 1880. inhg-tf fig PHILADELPHIA, GER- T^NNHAILiHOAD-SUMME^PSaANGEMISfi- Lem Philadol.fi. i, T, e, #, UhU,‘and UA. M., 1,,, SK, t, «, ex, 7, S. t, lok. aml iIK P. M. ■ LaavßGerjnanto’im}. 7, 7K,a, B>£,B,lo,n,UA. M„ . Leave PhUadslphla min. A.M., t.S, t, 7H,and Uhr.M.- Lsave Germantown 5.10 min. A M., 1.10 min., 4,6 X, “ CHESTNU’r HrLL RAILROAD. Phgdelphia 0, 6,10, I* A. M.,1,4, f, SH, 6,9, JLAave Cheatnut Rill 7.10. TAJ, .8.40, 9.4011,40 A. M„ 1,40,*.49,8.50,8.40,and I.W P.M. . ON SUNDAYS, feave Philadelphia 9.0* A. H., *, 4, and 7M P. M, Leave Chestnut HiU7AO A. m., 1*J0; 640, and 0.10 nuru, f,M, FOR CONSHOHOGKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Korriftown I, 7,04 W, 9, U A. M„ l«, 4>S, f end in P, Al, Leave Pidiadelphia9 W av. N'cr.l.to Wm A. P. hi ON dUNBAYB, May. Philadal.Ma , £ M.,», s, and 8 PM. bare MAMjgakTAJS,M., I)4, m. and«« p.M. jnSreonMnc PHIL.AUKLPHIA , o.tntr<«!rner(4 BKiAtianil OaLLOW connecting at Harrisburg .with the PENNSYLVANIA bury/fto, .. AFTERNOON LINES, r-wjfr.<»i«». u,«« at 5 Ft ftLi Daily, (Sunday* ax -S>ISTANCKBVI A AND HEADING PROM PHILADELPHIA. MU 6/ To PhanixviUd „7» Lflbapbn*. 6$ W|li»r^lmrg,-^. < 141 JqnoUQll* *lg NortbHtbbariand r Loinsbnrf —„». .1718 fiiiitou~—.......,„.ias —-—...187 W»Hmwi«pnft. . , ,-..intt Jersey «>»<»* **? Look Raven..~.„...2Se "rrr: Williamsport and Klmira Elmira Railroad. IfnJA' M.» aa'i tho a.SO P. M. trail) oonntotd&Uy atfort Cli nton,<Bond ays *xoeptei, > with the GATA- WiSSA,, WILIAMSVORT and ERIE RAILROAD, RJ&iRS o^f^np^otioa B Tinea to Nift«ara Fall*, SMM?w»" iWjt-tf • M.I r,Jf«NNEV. H«T.t«r.. ESimismmm Philadelphia READING JUJbSOAB. Uu and altar July 1, i&yo. Mileage Tickets will be issued at 840 each. a diHrciiintofJs percent., giving the holder a-nghtto travel S.ouo miles At shy time, between an? points, an-> m tho No. 1 car of any Passenger Tra non above Railroad or the branches worked by said Com pany. ; Durness men and c»h»rs, having oeoacinn to travel frequently hefwpen different points, will find tins ar rangement convenient and poouoinioal. 'For said tickets or other fatottbatinn apply to the Tio et Agents on the Line- U, A. NIC LiA. General Superintendent, Reading, or to ft BRADFORD. JeBB 1m Treasurer. Philadelphia. BKnprnrnrT elmira route— QUICKKI'rIiOUTE to Tamaqna. Catawisw, Rn pert, Wiiioebarre. fjoranton, Danville, Milton, Wil l\ameportL'"Xtdy; Khnlrn. Bnifalo, Niagara Fafiß, Tlochester. Cleveland, Detroit. Toledo. Ohioago, 6t. Louis, Milwaukee, enu All points Norih and r PBesenger trains will leave the new Depot of the Pbi k!i<nYhlu eiiJ Uwrilnx corner BROAD and CALLOWHiLXi BtrHtaVTfs2p»nser Cptranne on Cal- I'rVbiil street,) daily (Bundays exoeptoa); for alwve points, as follows t _ DAY EXFKEBB 8.00 A. M. NIGHT KXPRESB 8») P, M* • ITie 8100 Ai AL; train connects at Rupert, for Wilkes- IX’rrße Pittson. Bcranton, and all stations on the frAORAWANNA AND DJjOOMSBUJIG RAILROAD. 'lLeaiWFpUAini Oonpeotions at Elmir* wltlii the train* m the DowJwfk and Uric, Ganandaigim and Niagara Palis, and Buffalo, New York cno Erie.and New i orb Central RaiPoads, from all points No'rth and Wect, and the Canads!ft* Baggage to Elmira, Buffalo, and Buspension Bndge. and all i ->‘f rmediate points, Tioketscapbi i woured at the Philadelphia and El was 111 ' Leave the Phi', lelphiaand Reading Depot, tiroadanri Callnwhill stra ti daily (Sundays exoepted), for all point* West a i North, at CP. M. Freights mu be diriivered before SP.AL to insure tire*.' going th» ame day. For - icfurinatioa apply at Freight Depot. THIRTEEN i or to . OHAo, S.T'AFrENj GflhorajAjrent, Northwest ccrnar SIXTH and GKESTNUTEtraets, aplg-tf Phimrielpliia. 1860. Bn-iw, 1860. wnur LINF.S PaOU. PHILADELPHIA TO NEW . YORK A NT); WAY FLANKS, Frcm Wabiut-,treat Wharf, Will leave a. follcvra—vixi At 6 AM, via Camden anfi Amber, 0. ft A, Aflonm7 ißll ' modatlon....* 81 SI AteAM.viaCundca and JerMjCitr(H.J.)Ao commodat{cu,.i * T ,jg At» Aj M, via Camden and Jenie, Oitr, Mornlnj AtiJJtf PM, via Camden and AmWY, AoooMuno dation, Sts At 2 PM, via Camden and Amboy, C, and A. Ex press -- , , n , _ . _ JAg AM PM, by Stoamboot via Taoouy anTJereey City,Evsedoj Express..., . 800 AUF M.-hy Steamboat Tooony and Jersey Oity.Pti Class Ticket a 29 via Camden aod Jersey City, Evening Joriey’cityiSouthem _ At tt rM, vyv Camden and Amboy tion,(rreTght ar.d Pac*enger,>—JfltClauTiyket, S 2S Thed.PMMailLine runs daily. W The 11PM.South? cm Mai!,Saturdays excfiptedr '* r For BolvMert, Eaatou, LarabertviUe, Flemington. &>., at S A M and 4 PM, lrom Walnut-street wharf, and 7.1) A Mfrpm^Eenslpgtoo. For Water Gap:Stroudsburg, Scranton, •Montrose, Great Bend, kri.,jft 6A. M. from Walnut street wharf, and 7.16 A.Jfl. from Kensington, via Dela* ware Laokawannaand Western R. R. For Mount Hpiiy, atB and 9A, M., » and 4« P. M, For Freehold, j p, m. For Bristol. Trenton. ko„ at ili and 4 L\ M. from Walnut straet wharf, 7.W A. M. and 6H P. M. from Kensington,. . ' i dilWltol.',Wte for Bo " )e ' 1 ‘""‘ *Sen~- , Sieamlgat Trenton for Taoonr. at It A. M, and TseanTtPeverij, Burlibrton, and Brutol, at 4 P. M. VMr Fuyad* Of Rnsi»r,,.onlr, allowed each Pa««en eer, - Poftonaercaro grobiliitAfJ from takimtaartninx a, baigoso bnt their w.Sriag uscarel. All huggoac over sffr pound. toMpaid (or oglro. ThoComran, limit their wapoueibnitr tor baggage to One Dollarper pound, and will not h.llable -foranr amount fccjomf SIOO, M eee^aptouUconWvM IXinmwa NOTICE.—CHESTER will start frouLtlip„n©wl ftweiiEor Depot of the Phila- f JUadlng RMlroad Company, comer of BuUADana CALLOWHiLL Streets, (passenger, ea- ''ifiAlN for Dowfclnfttown, leaves at 3.00 MnpERNOON TRAIN for Downlngtevr • leaves at * DJotiY ('Bondfty*'«4^eepte4.) , '* * * 'Bycrderofihe.iicardnrMa'nafersoftiiaPhßadelpltis ■■yp/^V.^'^^faENNFY.gecretarr. WEST CHESTER A IL R PAD" THAI HR vii wJst^eiteratkaA.’A.’l.lOP. m. 9 UKNTBAL 1860rjnl&"l860, TIIB OAPAaiTTOFTH|'SOAPI3NOW EQUAL connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Norton* New York, and all points East, and in the Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains to and from au potato in the West, Northwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of passenger* unsurpassed for ipeed and oomfort by any other route. _ - Ripress and Fart Lines run through to Pittebnrg, Withoutchaugoof Cara or Conductors. AH through Pas senger Trains provided with Loughridco'e Patent Brake—speed under perfect control of the engineer, thus adding mnoh to the safetT of traveuors. Bracking Cara are atUohed to each Train; Woodruff’s f & its* expected. Mill Tram leayo. Philadelphia at 730 AIM, Fait Lino <• “ IIAOA.M. AS FOLLOWS : Harrisburg Aooommodation, via Columbia, 8 P. M. Columbia « 4.00 P. M. fcffiler “ JftfcS: Wmt Chester Paeaenseni will take the'Mall, West Chester Aooornroodation,&nd Columbia Trams. pMsangersfor Banbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffa lo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving phi ladelphiaat7J6AtM. directly throush.E Tickets Westward may be obtained at the offloeiofthe Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Bal tinmre: and Tioksto Eastward at any of the Important Railroad Offices in the West 1 also on board any of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mususippi or Ohio livers. 89" Fare always as low, and time as ouiok, as by any other Route. , For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market Streets* The completion of the western connections of this the „,Tko oonneotlon or tranki, In th# Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoid, 05 all drarage or ferriage of Freight, to. other with th. l«TOt of time, ut odvantaMOreMilr appreomted hr Bhipppora of Freight, and th. Travel ling Pnbho. MerohenU and Shlpppreentnuting tho traneportation or their Freight to thie Companr, oan relp with confi dence on iuipoedvtranelt. 1 tP E mA?T S .t V-REIGHT to and from anr point in the West bp the Fennarlvama Railroad art at alt ttrtt; as /avoraih at an dtttrttd by tUtir Kailroad CompaHtss, • %r Be particular to mark paokages " via Fenna. Rail road. - _ For Freight Contraeu or Siitajing Directions, apply to, or adoreesej thor of the following Agents of the Com pany; * _ ■ B. A. STEWART, Pittaburr; H.B.Pieroefc Co,. ZanfoyiUe.O.i J. J. John.toii.Biplep, 0.1 Ji.McWeelp.MaTßTiUe, Kr,; Orraehp ft Cropper, Fortamonth, 0.; Paddook ft Cp., Jederaonvilio, Indi ana; 11. fr. Brown ft Co., fflr.oinnati, O.; Athern ft Hibbert, Cincinnati, 0.116 Meldtum. Madiaon, Ind.; Joe. E. Moore, Loiueville, Kp.; P. e. O’Kilop It Oa, KvaneviUe, Ind.: N. W. Urahara, ft Co., Cairo. 111.; H, F- Bene, EhalerJ: Glam. St, Ivan. Mo.; Job fa. itar rur,NeahvUle,Tenn.; Harneft Huut.Moraphie,Tenn.; r^F|fihfeMv^?i,te“ntfe B?j£Srtl?m™etv Baltimore, /. . h» LEWIS, Gen’l gup’t Altoona, P». itfl-lr SUMMER ABKANGE and ™- J _ ForßeHiniorentB.l. A, M„ It noon, (Eipr eat,) and U.lO f» Me* All Aa_M, IS noon, I.U, 1.00,7 Ad and For Wilmington at 8.11 A. M„ 18 noon, 1,15, 0.00. 7.00, and 11.10 Y.fA* ’ For New Castle at AU A. M., and 8.00 p. M. For Middletown at B.U A. M.» and 0.00 P. M, Jor Bover at&U A. M,. and MO P. M.. ForHarnagtonatAlSA. M. andoP. M. *or Milford at 84* A. M, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday* At 0.00 p. M For Farmington at 815 A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Piid&ye tat 6XO P. M. . * ;or Bedford atB4o A.M. Mondays, Wednesdays, end Frida* s at 0.00 P. M. at 813 A.M. 89“ Train at 810 A. M will oonneot at SeafoTd on Tuesdava. Thursdays, and Saturdays, with steamboat tp Nojfollf. ord 04t ft M. Leavewiiminrton at€.M,B.SO, and II.H A. M„ 1.45, IJil', andg.MP. M. Leave S&bstmry at 140 P. M. atT^raiiTr*."' lhui,J “ s '' di' B F K'X i .^ n e JS^??A. tl,ErSdlya ' 11,1,1 Satur .eve Milford, Mondepi, Wedneedapa, and Frtdapt, at7AO A. M.,end LOOT. Si. Leave Herrington at 8.15 A. M., enl 4.50 T. M. leave Dover et VM A. ftL. and .SS P. M. Leave Middletown at WAS A. M. and 84) P. M Leave Mew Cutie at B.OO.MAe A. M., and P4i P. M. Leave Chester at 7.40, 8.10 A. M., UXM, t.tl, e JO, and f»3S r, M. L»tg Baltimore f«r fttHaimry and Delaware 'luucM at J£.i» AjM., and SM P* M._J_ TRAINS run HAjbTlMOni! «n Cheater at 8.41 A. M., U.<B and U.M P. M, Lea™ WiUnlntton at 9.JS A. H., HAS P. M.. and 12.211 FREIGHT TRAlW.with PASBENQER. OAR ettaehed, , mil runaa follow*: tear* Philadelphia tor Perrrrllle and Intermediate plaoei at If. M. iMMat wW'W 0n f °' p * rrrrin * “ 4 latenaedUte Leave Havre-do-Clraoa for Rattmiora and intermedi atp plooaa at a do A. M. ate t^aoaaatiioeP'il[ H 0 ''**' 48 '®™ 08 and Intermedl- Only at IMAP. M.» f sto Baltimore. Only At fi.W P. M. f from Baltimore to I'liifjulelshta. is' 8. M. FKI/roN. Fymiilent, fS-BBPWB PUHiADiSI Pill A AND BALTIMORE CENTRAL ARRANGEMENT.—On And after MuNDAY, JnlyOlb. J3oo, the tanas v/jII tun as follows: Leave the p’tsuen/erfiepet M'tbe West Chester ana Philadelphia tfamoou Co, corner Market and Tbir'ipth streets. West Phtlaoelphie, doily (Sundays exnepted)at73oA.M.aml4.fs P.M. 7 On Wednesdays &bd Saturdayson extra train at23o LeavaWest Grove at oAOuid&t3 A.M.,aml 4.t0 P.M. ihe 7Jo A. A). *j ram irom Philadelphia connects Hi rent w.th a owly line of biases via New London and oxford. Returning leaves t aford at 6.30. A. N„ oon nSCtinsr with theB SO A. M. iroc- West G ove The beautiful scenery aad well-kuowd hvaftMulneu or Delaware amt Cheater counties utfer eiipeincr in* a,. f Philadelphia, Jane 28,1880, tanie Wponntehfl^it, CTKANKUN SAVING FUND, No. » l3 j 6 w sl l til street, between Chest* nut and Walnut, Philadelphia, mi OU Deposits cm demaud, . * r - Depositore* money secured by Government, State! and City Itoans, Ground Rents Mort gages, Ao. This Company deems safety better than large profits, consequently VUI run nd risk with depo sitors’ money, but have it at all times ready to return, with S per osnt. interest, to fho owner, as they have aiyaya done. This Company never f>ynatea, married or single, and Minors, can fratMuSt'tas &'ii t iSiffiS t 0 ' po,,t ' Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State ofPennsylvania with authority tdkeoeive mono? from trustees and exeoutors. T LARGE AND BMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Omoe open daijy, from 9 to S o'oiock, and cn Wednesday evening until oo'clock. ‘ Philadelphia and Readies and Lebahon YftlleyTß.iT. Northern Central Railroad. Siuibury and Kris K. K, DIRECTORS. Jsoob B. Shannon, Cyrus Cadwallader, John Shimller. George Russell, Wasaohi W. hfoan, Edward T. Hyatt. Lewis Krumbhaar, Henry Delany, Nichole* RUtenhouse, Nathan Smedfey, Jos. H. Satterthwaite, Jones Yerkes, Joseph W. Lipoinoottr . JACOB B. SHANNON, President. CTBPROamiraLL'Aptß,TrpMuHr« ‘ • a«J-y - CAVING FOND—FIVE PEE CENT IN TERK3T.-N ATION AL SAPEI'V THi'M' poll. WNY.WAIjNUT Street, §oaUiwe«t corner of THIBJ), Fluadelvhia. Incorporated bj the Btate of I‘enr.sjl f ASISi Money ia reoeiyed in apy sum, L&r?o or email, and in draw i ® * rora °* depoeit day ol with- The office*» open every day from nine o’olook in the morninp till uvo o r qlook In the evenfof. and ou Monday and Thursday eveninsa till eiKhto’oiook. Hon. HENRY L.uENNER, President w ROBEJtT SELFRIDGK, Vioe President, william J. Reed, „ „ „ ~ DiHscront:* ITqn. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, hdwa r dL.t arle r, Joseph fl. Barr Robertflalfrtdgo, FranoisLee, famuel&. Ashton, Joseph Yerkcs, G. Lamlreth Manns, James L. fitaidioneon, Monqr is feoeivod and payments made daily. TUe investmentaaie-mane, in oonTdripity with the provisions of the Chrtrjbr,'}n Real Estate Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such first-olas# securities as vnlfal wa»s insure perfect eeouritr to UM' dffsopitqWt Md this /nsStuSbK 1 t? Wtmwjenoj and SuMtj t& CAVING FUND—UNITED STATES Swft 118 ? COMPANY, oorner THIRD and CHEST* NUA Street.' , li«jaand .mollnmireoalved,and paidbeesonds mand without nduoa.inyi Five PEIf CENT. INTE REST from tjip igr pt depult to tho dar of vrtli arnln?i l ? )1 fff!ft < ifrsrS , l! * AW dv. anJ °a ril; oArj.vf-NtNud.froiiif untilfo'oloos. UKAFIS for u!o on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 upwards. Preaidem-STKPHEN R. PR VWFORD, '|MUS NEW JOB PRINTING OFFICE “THE PRESS" iaptoparad to eaacuta neatlr.oheapljrand oxpedltiou.l. ' BOOKB, tt. All onlar. left at the ruhlleatioo Offioe of Tkt mm.No.4W CHESTNUT STREET, will bopromptlj W®>|dadto. ieie-tr TVSSOI/UTION—The Partnership licre ■f-' tnroreexietipsinllie names of LEE k SEA RK 1, uan’*J^?rVlJ ln l l ,U lt l nn * The hiieines* will be flotlled at»SO CHErlTnUTStreet. . . francpi.ee. rmt.APKt.ri)iA, Jitne.'a 18S0. tv, VI. 11. JIrARN. O JJ*® 'ittSerHiKTied oontlnuo the t.uair.oaH of l.ee A “ e “ r *?{*he old Plite. ano CilEuTNUl'nStreat, and respeoitiill. Invite the earlp attention 01 the trade to fM'nM ll importation, of LACE GOODS, WHITE o i»P B d-EMHRO, DEhIpS, how opouint unit helna offered on the inoat liberal terma. J>w « SEE BROTHERS * CO. TJISSOI.U I'IONT. Tlib Copartnership eji ? Un K between STEF LINO fc wfff. UA IK. is this day tiiiso'vid by mutual oonaent. Ton iwßL , i^, h So! a . , "«. l v , ;R , c i^ b rr/A u '‘‘ 1 br Aens v 1 w/hIIR.’wiNS'ATF, PHiEAPsr.PstA July 7,1830, jylg.lgt PARIS .GBJ3JSN—For sale bv WETB.E *■ RILL * BROTHER, 47 and 40 North BKCOND BtrMU ' . , . r fftM snn non Havana cigars, 0 f dir ferent brands, all sizes and snoes. in store, br recant arrivals, and for sale br je»4w CHARLES TETK, 130 WALNUT Street. KAtLEOAD LINES. SAVING Finyps. “ A little, but often* fills the Pane*” ** A Dollar saved is noe earned.” JO® PRINTING. BRsc*irnot< or PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PBINTlfli, PAMPHLEI&* PAPER BOORS, CIROULAHfJ, BLANKS o* EVERY DESCRIPTION, POSTER*, handbills Printing for AUCTIONEERS, LAWYERS, MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS, MECHANICS, BANKS, KAILSOAD Alfl) IM3UBAWOK CQPA.H.TNPRKIIIP NOTICES. iINstiWAirCEcOMPAmES. S&BINE & t)UY, IWSTJRANpE AUENI'S. Ko. 4‘Jt WALNUT Street, InsureJMfalojrt low or dam&re i* Pirc,onCottonend WoouenMiiksend .other MauumctohMi Buildings, MirohgWiis, fnrafturt. and other property, ou favo il rTn6p6LlTAI^&^?«B, , oo.?“)? Sblv^jbk; providence watotew * ARCTIC FIRE INSURAIi'c* CO^SPIviWyORK; <’a»li Oapiul and ftiirphi. *»3S.uaol HOPE FIRE INSURANCE CO., op NRW V \ OHK, Oath Capital and #2343*4 6L GlTY'FiftE INSURANCE CO., OF NfcW*HAV«N, GERMANIA FIRK^jSs. HUM BOLDT OF . „ Cash Capital and Baryta* 9336,968 61. Applications in person or hr note-will receive prompt ft'tention. flAflfNE k DUYiAaents, iei 9m . ~ Wo. 434 WALNUT Street. THE kn terpkibe INSURANCE COMPANY or potiadepbia (FiJUS INSURANCE HXOLVBIVHLY.) eoM &m immAJhme** DIRECTORS, K JUtoBFOM Bum, Moudbcai L. Dawson. W ILLI 4X MoKSB, 6*o. H. Stvabt, Pialbbo Fraiibb, Joutv H. Bsowir, John M, Atwoop, B. A. Fabwxstoci, Bkw. 'lVTrbmci, • Aboebw D. Cash, Rbnxt Whahtox, J. L.JiiuwaiA CHARLES k tem3&gfc a ’ rn * i l& AMERICAN FIRS INSURANCE CO, t IBM—CHARTER PKRPET No. 810 WALNUT Street* above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stook aadSorplna la rested m sound and available geonntiee, continue to insure on DwaUmes,, Stores, Furniture, Merohandiee* Vessels in Port and their cargoes, atad other Personal Property, All loses* liberally and promptly adjusted. „ . ' PtEACTQRS. Thoo.Jt. Marie, John T. Lewis, SaimtelC.AjfortOß, jSSJnnd'G^BntiSil* Patriok Brady, W.Ponlttey, ' ' MARIS, PrMfdent ALBERT O. L. ORAWrORp, jeoretarp. feg-tf QUAKER CITY INSURANCE OOMPA msz PLUS 9jK9,746Jo.~lnsures against lioss or Damage by Fire, and thy Penis of the Sea, Island Navigation and Transportation. _ GEORGE H* HART, President, fc fL H. BUTLER, Assistant Secretary. „ .. DIRECTORS. George H. Hart. E. P. Roms, A, C. CatteU, Foster sTPerkln*, E> W. Bailer, Andrew Jl. Chambers, H. ft. Cocgstaali. Samuel Jones, M. D., , Hon. H. M. Fallot. • mh9-tf DELAWARE MUTUAL SAI3STI IN- Of OFFICE 8. lif CO«J?ER 'fWALHW os^l&i^ wm *' NCJS %f&mn {»■“»«* <>f ft* w«m. Oa «Md«,bjr OinUtf • ■ pMW&gPk. Ob Merohaadiae renerally. f ltS?o£o> Philadelphia City 6 V oent. Sn w a 100,000. State « qp ot» Loau__7 «JM 08 a 51,000 Penneflrama State 6fp ot. T,rmn._ ~ 91,00) 00 9U.0Q0, U.B. Treasury M V cent 'Natee and interact due . . igja 54 •80,000 U. S> Treasury* W ot.Notasand inter est daa~— «04U oo •20,000 Tompotpry lxnn to the City or Phila delphia -■»>-. . _ 80400 00 MOiWO, Mortem. •*4OO, WortSfimwlTOnlft Railroad MSrih rarel w oent. Bonds,-, ujaaa •14400 WcstPbiladSlDhiaPaMoayer Railway ... Opmpany 7 Of ct, ©ojiponbond*..,.. U4W 01 il<409«000 abaru itoolc Germantown 6m Company, interest and prison*! ntarantted by the city of fhfla- . , 10400 M •1489,100 Railroad BM M •1400, PenSsyiVania Rail-* * , road Company 0080 • wso>,harf^S b S. lo lh l lS!.ls^ t^ 3a rami ah Steam Navif ation Com rre de Grape Steam Tow Boat Company, Philadelphia Xxohanie •empany SiSft&SO Cmum U on<is and Mortiagw, and Ke&l Estate. Of to* Bmldin— M ftJBM Bills reoelvaMe for Inrarsnoes made 1 Jl.—l m Uaianoe doe at Aicenoiee-Prenuame on Ma rias PoUaie*» interest, and other debts due the Company—-- ~— IMC4N forip and stock of sundry Insurance Compa nies.,,—r —tt- ud q i Cash on Denosit in Bank. ——«. e?,m f iSISES HS ,rtm Sunder, Paulding, irc*M, ■is, reJSr.. James C. Hand* WilUamrC.WwL*, - Joseph H. Seal, Dr. jLM» Huston, •eor*eU.Leiper, Hugh Craw. Charles Kelly, HENRY bYLBUEN. 800 l JNSTJKANOE COMPANY OP THE . S?'2Hs*4i? HMr-Cwitai *»»,!»•-A»ou, Juunr 1. 18M, 9547,446 <O-100. AD inveited 1b MBEd *nd 4T*ilabl< »®c<ritla*—con tiffl? to rnmra <MYfN*IMM C»rjo«i, Duildisii, StocS* oi Merchaadl*®***--, r^t^rnu, t»s£ ills amsse* ■ ~.. „ HK,iIkTD>Km:HD, Pieiider.L WtOLMBf HAIIPKft. Hgftrwtar.' lot-wfmtf INSURANCE COMPANY —Offioe No. 4® WALNUT Street. FIRE INSURANCE on Houses and Merchandise generally, on naverabte terms, either limited or per- MtUSl* 7 ~ „ „ DIUECTORa. BomsU, Edward D. Bobarta, |o,Sua’T.'owau o ,’ feabaitOHah?.' Ldwabo VT. Havld, rsorttarr nhfl«wftntf ¥ li'E insurance anu trust uum- INSURKS LIY.RS for the whole term or tlifa—trenUi Muinitasj and efldowmente-pnroWee lifelnuirearteln * lrconlr * oU 4o >*n£iiioulA» A **“”** *nnt»l t>. Miller, BamiM S. BUJftt, Beiiiemjn Coetea, Yrtiiiem Herrin, MjPjWM S. Ne-s-boW, June* B. MoF&rUafc pk>.fe r - £»*££*"• i^rtA^pi^v^ o^* l ?^ ai ® j 3* wioiuiu w f godolpnns Kent. JoUawTjforaoi*. * |!ull|w. fefifeitf,* »*nr.r H. Warmer. " ' miClic^ DANIEL __ BAML. £ Homo*. Biumi BUSINESS CABDS. VB PALMER, THE ADVERTISING • AGENT. FIFTH and CHESTNUT, tlvt. hi. view* of the prinolple andbest mode of Advertising; daily, between 10 and i o’oTook. Address myjl-8m V. B. PALMER. jfn J. BAVLIS THOMAS, attention riven to the reoovery of Mercan* Glaimx. The.drafting end examination ©f Wills, Conveyahw*, AfoAmenfi, Bnefa of Title, and other «fwntm*. n rUe management of Exeoutor- Stiir.fi Admtniatratorgfiip*, and Trust*, superintended: and the bogtsecuatieeprocur&i for the permanent in vestment* of Money. Satnuaotorj roiorenos given when repaired. ; &&S3-6ra* I3ENRY E. KEENE, J{M No? X’WAJnut «r».t i» f|o. w Botilh THIRD Btr.ot. mtiWß... jfVORAO* SEE. ~~ ■* ■* MECHANICAL ENGINEER, oaH PATENT ATTORNEY, ’ No. 11l Bom i B.XTII Street, n opposite the.Coonty Courthouse,) Preparee Ppeomeationa, Drawings. Ao„ and transact* all other business oocneoted with the obtainin' of Let tors Patent. apt# 4m" J WAGNER JfcRMON. e ATTORNEY AND COUNBELDOR-AT-LAW, Office, No. 11# South SIXTH Street, (Opposite independence Square,! ' .. . . Philadelphia, &v ßy the eudof reliable Attorneys, at different points lo the united States, is enabled to proseoute andoolleot claims of every description. Particular attention given to the examination and re* aoveryof.theobumiorLexateeeaud Devisees, and the examination of Land Titles and gecoring the interest! oflmirs andjjUjersone intereitedliT ti** same, in all the Statute* of all the Btat*fc and is Commissioner for most of them. f - Depositions oarefally taken under Commissions. apll-OiD S -fUGUET * SONS, •fttf'&wy si •raved ora* It ?«1« u TISSed l. hough, PAPER MANUFACTURERS’ AGBNW, Orders soHoited loreveir desoriptton or BILI, HEADS. PAWSON * NICHOLSON, NOS. *l9 AfU? STREET, S.tw«u .trc.# JAM Eg FAWSON. JAS, 11. NICIJOUOM. LABKLB. Mrs. still’s CRYBTALINE LIQUID H'llt COLOHEH I a procuration n.w to tht. ptiblla.bnt which ha. lon* be.n fn privmto w, for re.tprmi Gw Hair to it. natu u’-oWhukr. 11 * t,M,r »^* ra So«,.nd mo- It l* entirely different in its nature and effects from any article boy in ns* lor the gam* purpose, heing h UnW. nedrj> a* olw a# water, requiring no wa*hm» before or after it* application. free from SHlphttr or any other oidectlonabie ingredient, ana applied a* easily naan ordinary Hair On. Can bckhad of the Following persons* W. Z.alarberu. oorner Juniper and Pine street*. K. J Fennell, No. lid North Eighth street. 2 homaa Lancaster Bpruee amTEishteonth street*. ‘ 3U ,on, £*&* ftver ‘ Vl C. e a P. d Eighteenth street*. > b n? ,s 2 on r Vernon and Seventeenth et’e, Euward Gailiard* dr., Aroh below Second street. K. B. Gernsues, Co.yci and Tenth street*. George C. cower, Vine and Sixth streets. A. H. Bowman, flpiune ana Second streets. Charles Shivers, Spruce and Beventh atreeta. Caleb R. Keeney, Aroh and Sixteenth streets. • For sale wholesale %nd retail br FIFTEENTSr “»y«*m » Philadelphia, COMPANIES. ]Y|aokerel, shad, herring, ao.— LTX looobbls Noe. 1,3 and 3large and medium Mao kerel, in assorted packages, of a ve. y choice quality} also 10 bbl#. new No. 3 lame Mackerel. MhaT bbls new N 0.340 . do. aObblsnewNo. Braedium do. » do new Eastern Mess Shad. IQ half obis new do do do. :lasßbblsnewKastpoii No.lHsrriug. 300 do do Halifax No, 1 do. 2UO do new Boitoa No. j do, 100 aa ;do No ) ssnle F ah. 13 do prime No. l Salmon, 100 quintals Grand Bank Codfish, too boxes new Berkioicrooanty Cheese, ifAV-A OOFF££.^-l > 000'!pooketa prime byJAMM«tA»A3Tfc OO ■pOHNEBB, OO., - »■./««< ItAMBT BTREET. lOjjwi, Jn., ACOTIONICEttrjfiT43I H FS%r,h.^ wth,Curtom Boas •• m an elMajßre. Fronch China tea fiB»i 8» x»ni docks, *o. *"•* * ob ■fir Now open for examination. Philip ford & 00, auotionkers emit* 0 ' MA&KBT Street, and «21 MINOR THE CSIKr AMOKS -TEN THOUSAHD. DALLEY’S MA9XOAL PAIS EXTRACTOR HAS nwrenmlly supplanted all other OintreentH &ad baaUaeawllcatioD* in both tho Ka*t«ra andw®«t*Ta HcmsfS»T««« vtararer tabo dttaadt trMMorot of its wsoaaf Jn all cutftuom . tfttlims, vhaftbtr tha nue ****• "iftw* - ROALiW I 'SUSB&J&J& MKmi kiaHr..tai the 3 laa&laraatwadaiir taa CWldran &ra frauant a mraranfronaxtanialln. nriea, awaoiallr Horn ™ Fluid and CamrCnu Ex ».<wjaw—t&erafora avan g mother aboald tiara thie d -ST AgUS£bt» I ahaaoe oi accident from ® txrl*sivm, fin* or C9lli~ Bio*> •koala bear in mind 2 that tkia Macio Extractor I* hi* beat and only friend* m Itie Doth^ortaWaao3 fth«ap, and iDoald eyer ba « hie oomanipn, u a friand in need. Theta are tho»- {L.mnd*o?lmnx tiimirn to testify tpit* marrelfcie E 'virtue, .who ova their toind h»b« and mueelea 3 to ita mnnt afioaer* Br . ©E. .- :E£ S ®‘* wr* &- ■- “■jSfc “-saw jsrat Conttlwtod Cord*, RS?,**' ToS?rT* Ch&f««, - roife&r ' Vlwn! 0t th * g^gs* tira ' veaoreal Box** ****■«*«&®¥*T“ - ", *u Worth SECOND Street, *»i» Wholaeale Acuta for P«w»»tH—>««. - TUB BRITISH AND NORTH XjyiHfc AMERICAN ROYAL HAIL BTEAM -TOO* *»*w TOM TO LimroOL Chief p&bin.FariMf ..fat Second Cabin Paaiage_~i§ ' _ r*pn noexow to umroob SHitjSftgJteSgSr •- ■ • Tfcehupe fro** gnrVSSps3i aTcprii Harbor * .Thentupefiom ftoetpa oafl. at Mamaa and Oort Har* wt9&ms. ismix^A. Theta atnaothood; Ifesa ffHHSt' 4SfoAo^ tt / ui. !! W York, Ao/.16. :Ift wJ«J: aSI:”: Berthe not cecared until paid lor, • An experienced Son eon on board, Theownerepf theeeahipe will not be accountable for Gold, Silver, Balboa, Specie, Jewelrr, PieoiSSSonS^ SOTSSafifcsnssm^^rti ■w- 1^ rOB TBS SOUTH.—OHABII3- Hearr FreiiitM an av»ra« of intras Mr ooot. ba ler New Yota The V. 8. UallßMuulu, KEYBTON& STATE, Con tain ChulM f. Mwihmeo, will idle® Wednwda, ■ Jolr W, et 10 A* Me Tnroush m 48Jo«Jhow-wITgtow it Bb. 1 _Th«. 0. 8. Mail Steannhi, BTa¥b OP QKORSIA g»,Um John 1. Garrtzi, Till MU oa Friday, Jolj lv A, y^^jnl MTSSum days changed £ro»evmSZnrday to every five days. Goode reoelved, and BukofLadiitg mo*d every day, KL above every ten days. thua forming a five-day eoeuan woation with Charfcetoa and Savannah, and tee South and Bouthweet. At both Ch&Tleeton and Savannah, these Shine oon neot with steamers for Florid*, and with railroads, Ac., Freight and Iriroranje on a large proportion of flood* ■hipped South wiU be toand to be lower fay those ejupe then by aaibng veaMle, the -remiuja being one-half the rate, N. B.—lr»ran» on ill JUilroad Frelfhlii ootirolj tmnMMßnr. SRtor thui ChSiwioa or lavianah, tho !/y thu raate »Jo A* per oeah cheaper than by fa’l.HS a rolS , ht'o'a^^@S^.ft^^P&: ton «ad Savannah rtoAaiilniii JN Cl, LJIIiNU BJ vf, f.w ra tho whole root*, exoeot Iran Charlaoton and tmia nah to MonUomerr t reus, Samuel K, StokM, J. F. Feuatoß* Jftoob P, Joom| James B. M’FerlaM. Josboa P. Eyre, John B< Semple, FittsbY 2:5: ter “• To Ohnrlostos—— ,ll M emulation- $M M Savannah. __ UM ..Savannah— 1106 Ammo,—— SS Adnata MOD Maoon 11 00 Maooiu tore Atlanta no, Atlanta. SIO6 Colon!*—_ UOO Colunban ts K gss~ si si BoM«*rflSmirii*!odattors»w»£i t^irf 1 ® tEmv^Wo^ ALEX. JEEBOIf, Jr„ H*ESesmggffia." -ForFloridaironiOaffieftoa,eteamerCarolina even *• ■"»** “ 4 fkFFIGEOF THE PHILADE r.PBIA AND JO C(»l triMPonod br this omnwbr will be u follow*. from July 18, until farther notice t . To Btohmond—— Philadelphia—— Taatmed plane—. Nice t0wn......... .. Oermanniwn H. R..— Paltiof SohuyUdH.—. Man&ytmk. fcgbert’a:....—_. - <>malvphogke&.— Sroe Furnace Jtaznbo’i ——. Norri>t*n or Bridgeport Port Kennedy...— te&Sfßrr^:. Ko/er’e F0rd,..,..—,. Araminro.... Limenoa.—....... Poiti town noaglfwaville Monooaojr ... Ririlaboro.. • KiaAio* Tuokerton.. r . „.... __, i.seaport , , xrn . Mohre vi11e.... . —. Ham burr _. Urwigflh'g and Auburn. >Urr. *ull By order of the Board of Manaeere. .. W. H. ftScILHENNEY, S« A EDITOR'S NOTICE.—The W(lersi|!ne>l 1 • \ Auditor, appointed hy thp Orphans’ Corn of Lan pesfarcouoty. to distribute the portion ol tha balance llU*}® Of Daniel Kreider, Executor of the last Yf ill and Testament of Dame! Kreider. Hr., lata of Cair tißrvoa lowntbiv. Lancaster county, deceased, vrnon telonea t?, Ja<ob Kreider, to those legally entitled lu Wl *,!•* * or t,ic .PUftose of his appointment in the i lbr*rj Kcom. id the Court House, In the city of 7th day of Auiust nex* at 2 o’clock F. M., wh«a and Khere *H ps torched may attend. W.M. r. BRIW JAif*AsTxa,JunaJO[h, JftW. jl DuANTEbS’ BANK O? TENNESSEE. . . Naenvaia, Jane SO. 1860. Tbl* Bank ha* thlada? declared & dividend of th» »y* ■even dollar* and ttirre*qu\r»&f* per chare out u »u. •••rplu* or undivided o out* of the Bank pajaUe r * tn© PhjJajflalphia eUekboider* at the WrttTiSK* HaNK» aa follow*, vi* -i Tea per oent, and fractional parte ol oti© ©hare tn CABH on and after ve )6th Jolj next, and < the bwanoo e.thcr in o.ifh or new Stock at per. at the 1 option of the Bank.on or after kepteoibftr 17* 1960. , By order of the Beard. i'» J m D. WEAVE*. Cuhltr. ; r j\ W. NEILL & 00., YARD. 8. li. Corner BROAD (ol UALLOWIULL Superior VYHITB aSIl‘. IXAMAQUA, 1 XAMAQUA, and LEHIGB „ , DUALS. ~on* apS-8n PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS! I mNo-foima. pAOKAG* HAEDWARE HOUSK.-Wt 1 6, |Um b«»*. * co.. ■ »“i'W rMWitrolir 0411 the etOntion or the 8eo»- H»Hw *. <hivfi7 *&.. *od oihej*. ** » f »H «»-* - ■roimifcfdgaftgb*.' UTIIC9 oy thepeoMge* 1 ■ • ■ *' »■• , , - {jsa good* 4+ gfiEHi STEINYTAY & SON’S NSW PA. (raasMKaaikfSSsJa - *-H 15* OBtSTKOfttSS HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. fJOFFEE’S PATENT =r— _____ K« f i"£;2,SS E L„„, ; Machine* for BhirU A,*.. »i^»^Wher^hkve%l!Li * Ail whS?i »?? ”£?*& BibM&ohinwof 1 Midll«on3X'i«c.l».indlond t Sib, Jft^Slr . N«iu. ni I trn principle, and are the cheapen cod uiu-t wo ffl "»WmtendSn to trv ti Machines for Knitting in use. - i l VL u ?L he, » M 4«>*l%? r JThe Goflee Patent Family Knitting Maehme, for vlSToslandwSSSs^ w 3LS a J lk^ B#,,o *,ra fß * Fhmi/p and Plantation tut, is a new and tnooesafal to the «ia&in aUnrift lt i* well tawrvn leatnre in the awful inventions of the at#, and rank* «oa vlio Xi^hovthi with the Kevins Macune. • entirtaafiSfcchon“L**^* at<e»*jrr* Aienoy and Salesroom, „ Hn hi tHSffSS ££J& lye, w£ia* -"WBSgag. s^^HtSSSKagp PIIICAUELPrtIA TEKKA COTTA MA- ATFAOTORV. MKVJNIHaodQERMINTOWN MT VATRB AN KB’ PI. AT FORM SIIATEM road and 1010 CHE«TNI T Strut. VmiSad Oram JCL. iSUALfiS, and WmerPlpM. Ventl atm* Flues. Hot Air FluM.and •■g* For aata br FAIRBANKS 4 KTr(Nn. SmoAa Finn made ni Terracmt., aadof amtabla ante ■**-’” ♦ u mi Kjeraiin for even o’ius ot buddmM* T&iaaniole |*nrorthj the i - —■—— —»=■ . ; Atuquon of a l parties Pttttm* op hoildißX*. Lame A CCUUNT £(>oK£ for the Ist nf TnU Bi*e BeWeraye pipe* for cUydreioMe.waterplpeivrar- Ai * *,* 1 01 mated to stand a *"Vete praiaur*. We are bo» preoared ■*, rnede expressly for our tot**l ga!««. to eorurac? with cities or corporation! for this artiofe id • M » nu kotunn* fctationer, J-WilTij and AAC*. . any qnanti y. w« warrant oat good* to baaqoal if not Jeo4«i superior to any other made in the United states nr >urope. Ornamental Chimney Top** and Garden Yw»' JtSS-tf JENNiSSY BBANDY.— 70 cuki, It, CLATE ROOFING,—JOHN WELCH, i - K,m pHLOBATE POTASH-For mlTtr (STEWART'S PAISLEY MALT.—L pin- | k MI,rHE *-« m<-oWS I? EFIM D SUGAR. —1,000 B»mls LO- -- veiuno’B Cnithed. oo*r»* »ud floi »aiTjri*#d. ( wTEEL PENS. ■“--4.000 Cross SflflNftßCL 6f OtULKAM* I fca?.!l2mLus!mt. " "** .low! V SAIiKSBY AUCTION. MEDICINAI.. SHIPFWti. NOTICES. COAL. SAifeS BY AI/CTJO*. .HI THOMAS A SONS. •' o&SnVte'"" Kw "'» »*“> Au g uu4i,' toS C ‘b™"ar.d i^ T im,htat Sm ne fdrteW!?Jffi!2gy. of * n »">»«* »* „ . ...BTOCKB AND JIKAJj kstate. Hi* *! Jt* **«b«Ma Tniadaj, JTth Jn!y. «£r sirt s^sjfeafdsv* «u> ■*“<*• Part orthe handbill* iorntli'iM tun reMe. ..o*B J>.—Onr nki or rod aval# and ■took!, at tb« J'xehaOM.wiU hereafter ba bald at B n«in; and. in tha aTtmna, at 7 o’olootr. . ‘ *e coambnton have the out inn of either ante.. . KSa&JISTATK AT m» «T* BAue.. Jr.?f f*** * Iwa «a»M‘.of ml aatatvat arirata •atojuaiadioK anrr daaonMum-of ratyaad ooumtj lo? nStSSj Oftwjh 1,000 »nate4 w*tkly,j fro* 1 { ' STOCKS ARB LOAMS. 990.00&3?/ftjC D *i.OND6. JnlF }7, at 11 o'clock coon, at *tha Philadalehla f. r &A?cZ'&rZ iUm,t »"*"■ £^^tffsfs^f , gus.fss&g clSS,w"feJ*i!fe?“ i Sir ““ i Raviiotico SJ&ftftfi Mjioso t il« Library OoaMnr. liTnlr i i ol ?r J,*rt«4®f*H»®Ceß»eferr.eeo twolot# d V,N<> '?’ t*»lAnevnßltnaceme .. ‘ B*r«y land warrant's. aim, br order ol an executor, s Emtid Ststee Boon tr %sssi.fjs»sff , “ 4r • -*f®ssra& „ . URAL ESTATE SALE JULY ti. ExAotifePft •Bale—Estate of w.. Lane»ster. de*M. £j®X T2flul7%J* fha MaSf ® faw ** r ®®k The is veil bailt ftsd fes* KM?Tts«£* ro s^ 0M * * e - BE9BO m»y rerwwn o» mgTfrajte. immediate poesessioit. iltxeou'or*’ Peremptory *•»?«!—Ritste of JsmM Bs«, BUILDINOXOT. 8p)i»« fttrSlt. rsaden.ll. J, .teJlM*"’® 0 ACHi'S TIMBER LA?D, LJm*. £•"•* coiiniy. Perinftjlmnja» about “nJlLWl**? .B*l® «b<olar*. . 4tt - n . BEAL EATATE-AUGCBT 14. WftbaDs’ Court »*'e—Feist© ofJohn Bsrnsn. dee'd jS?. la “ , ‘'-Tw»-»tor7 Brink DWELLING; ad jomSJ. • Brink •BWELLINOi ad- v sav impobtart sale. L.tiyi*ATEt “ 11 »t tha ftilaialpbia The very valuable prmertv btloarinf to the Montoar Iron Company ftituated m Mostour ooostr. m.mib. ftiinißA of abontJ mdaoretery valuable miLsnu Unde, d3,il^S.°;. ! ’ ( >ai«, h 4i'Ao!‘‘ ~1 v !l '' fara *"* B^ri ™ IST Bali partinulan ready la haaJsillt. „Sfl«o< Not. 139 and 111 South FOU9TH Stmt. •MaUant l Meond ■"•'•■•a*<■( excellent eecona-hacd furn.ture, elesaai puutO'torteea fiM mirTO.rf, carpet*, eta., from IteU(n%&i£3 hooiekeopipj, removed to the store for co&venieEM ItffOSKS. NATUAHS, AUOTIOSfKKir AXE COMttiaROH JfBRCJUfIT. m*i * ***** ratea, on dteino&dW watohes, Jewelry, silver plate, arr foods* otathfsK «ri... man, hardaaTn"SuSan, £,£s. iffiori, Vav {aHawMaift&K? n £!?** "*T*!7 itaacriatton, & ' { jW" Bum neon boars from •A. M. t<rf P.M. ' ! -: {Eb?» asgmsrt.’sm tss tha usual anllits prison, (oM Imran* laataa vatokas, SS«y«j Attaoaad taumjjjriiy bj tha and M yriHSEKY AS» JKOX. PENS FT RAM SHOWS AN& MsM£K£*fc I SS“*SPi »r 4 tojr mwra. iron hn.WuirTuAcKrotdien,' siMsTstarij*. Swat. mod StatoaSaT?* Isnu Mta oj JaUnwprdiflsnßtsiMi.MAvnwisd to ©r >w with caws despatch. kxarr omwriytkm •fnHttars gakisg a >J9 at tfc« efcart«t natie*. onlV *»ft©s. Prwsar#,Flu« t Tabblsr, utl CjUadpr JtouatpLaf tb« b**tP«im*yhraa!a©fcsnx>»l itoiw Foitiß*iofattaisaa aad Inoda; Ira asd Vra Cast furs. oral!daacriafeoaa; ssawantsasKttaaH* °“' r ™ rss -- *«KasSKt«5 BRACK lamtjv' POINTPLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 9U obMAdtheentire 800kol ParteSeS ‘to■hnFiii ortt bo is »or mpvtd to.raowWflfSrifcr Bo&£«, Gnat* &&d Saw Jull Oatiafii B<ut Cgtmi^iinJ £<*“* flSd* ESr Hereto tadrror iraea eeriyif •awxl t. xnstcx* r» Tivilai —»yty; COUTHWiSK l ¥bs'NliS e . ,J » FIFTH AOT WASHXHOkA •MkuM. JsiS3sSXf‘ to ■*■ *•*•»•« ii’Jmw.lf k IS( Kiubtr* * 14i IU 1-bt Ibi ©T. NICHOLAS HOTEL, Broadway, When octo eleted. nx ream ace, the W. NICHOJ?a I i*® element* oioonuort it>< epjqiipetit Th? s£i?iH!!,?kS > 523?“ ,OE ? C°o»» «i»»»SjiSt», emuntone nondredeotrabW *%ite* « iwnxinii ta at the Übiea of tn (hTM Mbuu dmiaf rooieu, u 4 m&- wD|ti#tniwleni art hoe aevut&i for the eoaveuMce mj •o®.*el fT%nao*tlou of the travelling eeolio >»«* bstv orpiitodiß iu *l*a,orunectastedin itspreotooel4*tag£ TS# e&rlr reputation ot the houee at bom ami ebroedi derived from ite nutitado* its eaperb aseMatments' and its home-like oomfcrts tntt IsipriMt mm bMD |S ,W b 7 1119 unvaried exerooae of tit utTl7-am TaEJtBWEUUt WHITCOM'b, X Cft '. EXPRESS COMPANIES. iiqHß THE ADAM 3 EXPRESS ?“ =W ■?,I"LCO c ,OiSoeS3O'CHESTNUT Rtx*«U forward* Pareelirf-ekniiif.Merehend u, HaekNotee. SH.v**?? 0 '•i ,k#r J ,T J, 1 * •*».<•«*« twin connects* T>tD other .bxprets Companies, to all the Bnaoiaei town* end cdies oftfte United State*. - w *** "E. 8. BANDFOHD, J«i9»u General SopenatvndeEt MRS. FREDERICK HODGES. OF DOS i • m?S N • °pMta* » SCHOOL VOR VOUKS tua etty.eoauneneisx 13 September ansi, mre. JL ha* Uiehoßor of referrtnx U> tfte Lt. AttirH. VintOD, i). D , ReotorortheCnarohof the HohrTnnit*. AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE u * «»»-« JJRYANT A STRATTON’S NATIONAL B. K. owner d* p ?y lm nl&».wOnjitiS’lkrOuSonif ll£-t{* HOTELS. EDUCATIONAL. PIANOS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers