Rat*—ltt4g» Ai!t«» csta at- lUwari ■dotWl * weM'pt oPii«l,ipitftj ootihoi par lao, r but - . Wsdarad bolwMblhem. , 1 =-lTOof woado4 entity to* Wiirjrk of‘poim - .Id?.*'SwifetJ tthook' firtridonthaCoaiMUdatioß IflalbisblUuCol.CftHa Wm jslahd u a do . teketln' towards thf .--- ■fiiidslHiSry ’ wtia oWgadwlthoocsinUtiag »o assault onibuttorc upnb Andrawi.. Bcott. Mr. . Beptt driers nohaaoeatWagon; and. While passing dawn gpafhV)ir*»tft».w*s'»r»«olt*4 br threebfr*> out nr whom,- tha rleteodsnt. threw a brisk.-whira , etroofchtei'onthO obiekptotllntlcr* tiatWtCfcelb, - Tbe dofecmWtliigctffhatK j whioh' Wea .-thrown,-,*ad; that Rcarywagr-ptW ‘hw , ttn its™* thrown o flCha father of thodeteadoht j . famiiy i Hut hr.n«Mt a few ®ieete«.'*od’wa* Ikonar rested.and bf']haat-tort»|eJfWds« ** r - StSittafchC . bitodoormt on hfs f<o«. Verdict not guHty,tbe Brwseßtnr to psy.tha'a-w,' , > K i yard ooa2’UrfyWt>aoh»tgeii.wlth oomralttlag »ji»ial< and naMeyyf .with tateaf to hlHfiaalei iUsdlog .iilWsdtss{<oh»HWl that. whltepaastok down.town, ha wea Btoppedby the’dbfeodant'and a . companion, and.attor being charged with a<taok iug ttiaid, ho attempted to run away. Thenhewao foitowod and. akelfc otto. thrtoreetUn. and ba ’' thw'bat*. • Yordiot, guilty of /is - -V 'Ft*&k’JdWn*oa’t>left>!f'i j(a>lty to Achar#«ot barjltry.'. Ha entered the dwelling of Hruen - «**, Pernor of to J»u Square and.Kaoe.sireet, da »ta» the. temporary oHseaoa of the famtty.anl after paeklegup a number tf articles ba warabedt, learlag when ba was arrested, by the bfflser'nn the haat gentecvrd to four year*. la the .Eastern ,'L' r.- ■ George Foa'er wss scqoltted of a ebaifa of keep log a disorderly hnbse iu Plneellay.. A none - the .h'ird.'fa-at |fr ; F<Wter’e bouse were some wliorei . j-’tse-i to the nWi of .<* Vuttoa Llte/* “ Hopes Anolo,” *• Molly Maguire , " v - ' Joia W\ Culfbwae: putton trial,, eherged with publishing and> ottering •lltteMeretoreme to Al -eeraiß OarntraJlboirer ThaHbal *«» ntmlalaed io W lattW pbbiVtbad ln the Inih /)viiricmt, al Sew Tprk, OT»r lbe ilgßaior» nf .‘'Cora»i);” In this Uttor ttiweepdnet uibe ’f> bagdof dateetives' ’ Waa erittolsadi'aPd frftMnoa woamade fp'WSeteaaW to . whio# ii cbfl<i. While OB .Ka war home Trinti tba boaaa.of ; e kied jfriesdi wl'b s biiket oontalntog bold tlelpala, Wae arr»ri«d on the ebarae of .brio* a happar, apl ta>aii.b«fo»« Jk IdortoNnMoora,, who. - eomodttfd ber dbit- proaolytlot loWliotion, eorner of Twctf:h apd Slllwater,” notWllbatandtod tb» ff*ntSp ni(rt*iUt it xhg ,«4btb«f to bar# her ebUd.ij(WKi»dM'ber;i'<! 'i-'J ;iF^a'.rV-- 1, Thao follows aw appatl to the Itiab woteri of the Fourth trool to sea to le that this pemhoratfo Al daraaan {Aid' M*oi»)i» ijM »-*l«itaii:..<. ~s > Xhtalalter waa puottrhad * few davs boforo tbe ales'lon, but failed,of ita tfftot, aatbe'Aldermaa Wife»a-'eleot«a , ''■''' ; dJdaroao .Moora teitlt>d that them waa so trath to tha atateuiaat aa poUhhedto 'lht Irish, rfaunban. .. ' . A witneea WaaWtVmfhed who teatlQad that Mr. -'.'Mr. Colin Palled no'wiloewea for bia defenre, si. Mstog dhjat.be had'Wp opportunliT to aabrooea aoiuoof them, wbile oibora had left the eify' t ; ' Tea jury oonTleted. aeatapee dbfttted, ' . ,d UwdW#eii; Ctor» w!i r pot ou ttial, oblrgad wflhforsanopcin the Conaolidalion BaDk. .The abaok weS drawn 'to “flash, or -order.”- tvrs77o, apdWaaatoned:B A JvCrawfojd” ' Mr Webb; the''paylns'toller at the Consolida tion Bank, tesrlfled. .'bet tbe ebook ta hanttoa waa praseufed on the2lof June, by Bdear Slahop, with the Hqnrst ibat the tBO6«T oe dlaidetl Into ■Ball bUHitfdTM ihd ieas., Bishop mlB heaot tkaoßeck froaiMr.Crasrtordt j . ' Xh«,Wbtot*f,>t tblapblDt.WaaWllb»adtt.‘rt'«ra i Uordarvthet L tbe defabdast might ba booneoted ' Mra. Bishop, tba wife of Edgar Bishop, testlSsd Mia knew Col. OiO'S Ho came toibelf lwoaeoa the 2Tth of! thy last; bWtv gbttdij, and tonatfaditbr - Mr. BiAep Mr. ,S w*a»«» fn; bat tiw Ooloeal antared into a ebnrtr»at!on with" Mrs. J), and asked if bar husband was still drlaklag.’ She ra, plied that he ar»s, *pd h» thon mid that lf .they oobU oulykeepbita tober.for twooribnsedays -they-maid make s mao of hi®. Whoo Mr B Pams hotae, he and tke Ooltmal had A ptirata-Oor- Torearibß of fwobr ihtw hnara, abd-tbaa loft He latrudßood “Mr danoa l*; Ro eamo agaia. wkast Mr ysbop waseemplalßlßgof baring w,aioaoy to pbj bit >*Bh aad.tbaa IbaColoeol fold .him. tb potuo to. Third ondWtoon ilrrots tka aoxt day, at d be weald gWoblm the nMetsarbambunt. St S’ 'o kaeptbit anpolatinant, r snd F§**-B ; 4M Beta»abl»>«ato onufboiwuattba Xiyor’s adtownadaserrest. Mr. Btikop hadriefantad, .and ; ©a eraeeeitadeaitea, thenitueieeldber lm»- hand turn b<m» m tea'l 2tbcf s January, bielt* nreeian tmetieoaiaout of eigbtean uosttu inibe Zaetampenltentiary. xtt y* . A,«t»»«r bf- Jlw. Bishop corroboT»tedtha fiats ■- hiT*oritnthOTlsttoftbadefendantto Hearted to tb«t,bt»ißV«eroh»nt doing bocilius tttHenOrlnana i *r wuln tbahraw at thetime of iW rtßti WWbonloj . H\n /; Bl*bip!» tMtteoay. ..'Tlteroert :*Bjo*thad before eof><rt tiding ihe cue. ■/ '^na ; B^^At£ : .sSMAW»rip"'Pi«>«cr;—frfc t oTUHiitofaSfakiibffe jrw ter f « reon - • «t-theUilHea pit ‘ #44fwt Uponibe t*M*e of »ft«fefUb-' ■ Capt/Cram liH be bad bran antiad-opon to' -de- UTeranmtdrete, the’eatjaet of iUiM of be cdnlarafmirrwtMereryehnd.aind or bital been- ' - . tSha «lwl«llo ;i U*.A*to4tapteta>lora''to- thl* , Bbl« 1844*0 Bli»otlnjneriatleniotf inlildn eondl.feata'. laropete'f’hitadelphia auohatOdto gM33ST<V»hit* ißdlroef, or tbit rnbleheo'See through’SeteTork; arboehtedto $21,8t5 4ii».aho«r . Jog aoesraeerof orerSJ1)00.000 in dirsot Import *tfom 'rws.lhbt, bat'rha looreara of the faditeet •. igtpotteU'vae. This Holllbe seen that Welt XiakM'tbbfttofgO-port Bf ini ry, for Phlta.Bl phie Thedirecf importation of,t»OTTra*r*lißnltßi : toPbUßdalpbie hMieeteeaediV' What;f«^haeatiar Bfltht<eeotfe*t tvTe “It noi'entn;; wh'.tly tolhe ftetthat the Ifjthter goodrare traatportrd in «(**»< . iklpliooe’vKo*, thereUiMtkerklndeffnelsn laptctitioe *Mob mattbeewieMeHia.' •ft- ia:tlbe fereljta eai«raat trade te-andthroegh PhHßdel -1 pM».-4lt>iBWtl>*»a»et« 9,353 dtr*e t art train fit ■-ftlt oily and J 5595 iedtrepK prtkln* aa ugragete at 20000 errirala efparroeinho pasaed tnoßcfctd the .Beet Ootefdref IBfe. tbererrer* 5,000 who '-cither ateyed here or parted ti roe rk to tba Siutb. Thera irpßotiMeWeifeatiirmwTilehahtmld he -..taken Into ejinsld era lion—ib at is. nhila the ant: Vela in tMeolty hare born a boot tbeiaffioTearl t; '•Kt* Ttfrk'ihay .Tew oWfWerablr .-fn 1868 they »ere Itaabyoaa-baK than in . the prmitms ‘7»tr. ‘ s of fa, BityofPßliadeiphia la.aboqt one'handled, MeVeenadec-thettiwy are heiplngtoatnttela' the Jloeofeeeamehipl rftnnißg bStwoeb jree'Totk »nd Shtdne': They: - w«ild',.bo"doabti,anppite aline ' lii*»'to*fn«B tii* nlte. If tbey>ere awu*d that tbe niea would be aelo* at to’ New.„Yoik l.lmli IX*Btt'*roa!3 Bated here, If the fira treats iow/acd the 'iO.‘( ffi[Dn»'*tfon* esiEo<*i.. . ■ Saw. tuppoat that < tide ehoolil .feaneetabliehed here, and tbii ateatarblpa thoeid, tsh i fatter than ft» wonld no' only come to Bteeiry. httttbe lnferred that they weuld MlaporWdthroagbtbie eltyto lork. ’.He ' then proposed, . toe., About nloe raotoba sgo, bo (Oepe. U.) niaed {he of aterttiig too (oCallforbli - tedoaewKtttope.- : ! -A% , ’. J ' ’ After. 'B'teni ei«hi aonthefnß <h» e!s, the apeaherfuiod ihattha nutterh*» hot teea aleepiniptbet to the ootitnify. ’ Ha <!yic4 thOfe are. aotmi lnilhe aHy wbo ere bonad '‘PJpam.U.Anagb. TbrMyeen ago, be examined -dM< 4bdgn» of Oanti- Sudan - In, BaaCrandteo. »; thoraagk teeMtigiUMi, hn httl noheefin SBa tun, and h««t6i**t>ow,fo aza rear iogbla eon rieflon that the hrojeet Boat, be . a rtntk II ‘ '*hnid-he-'lxtt«r l!»r aafety^apeei.'and,:tberaua ls#hf A SbUt“®l'gt<ni»nl llbe roailog uroea tbe . A(t*r Hiring a loeti deeeriptlm c? iba ateem- Ats/ine tpeaketiMdtbnt ibtapropoeed Http. wMeklsimien foaller- then IheGreatßeaUre, • woekl be tMtoilderably atroagef He efared that natgrmta motili b* omled flytlfian<l:fop'nd, . mini the prtsisnt'tttts trefa'fSi) arid tiej ujost •o<t tfceßHelj'»>.’ > sv ?neop«*fcer here gear a history of the Sde»««u eC-Oaptedn Reodrrll.no 'ha iakee atd tha IVife Oratti. toabnethaffeljjifopoaadplcfti »*" one war thy the etteotiao of the oorebaoti of-tbia elty. Be thga. Id tonelaeiiJß. wirat on to prere that:* vtiHl , efujfht tooihkteiu wit Wfir,aud»fcMtd tietta ■ - ■®*f Wffetgd tbrongb: -aba the racebatwero tie. ~*X. h ftieea»''• (feexee 4»*gbVj end tb* -*• Tfah ke« Bla4e;"4*eß>B«nPtaß«la(w »o Proana, eßere iSf«f>Bfiw'>rHr«d e'W*»# bonn ia ;*dg*«4 at , thd .’*?}'{,.y -\' L . T ; '. - * tote of to,Cayt. Crain, when tha’ Ano ;; Ai.omni of , TOB Cr,vtM t BrotfSonoert. ■-rThe'Hlib-9ohoot- AI4«iH Atattlatiaaheld tbalr ,‘atritnd 'eiSl-hwMMd *« wtfnr on V Wadaaad ay ere aUg, Profeeßoe M,X- Bartari prMUiiF -Tba K >»«liie o®r«r* wo cboaen: Vine Preridonta, ‘#fc Wto B. AtkinarbjOeergalntßgn Riche,, Pep.,; ■- / atwWßbwiiaWitfeWbMr. .t*/*.*—. f-W-rPi 1 Pfefmorß. Otli Keodall was Inelled lOMlfver the littrodoetory. addretts at UMtnext pnblii »eet fatg of lhaa**>ci»tlt>w;^;' : ‘. \ Aa.bwnMbidß!’wite made to tbe oonatitoton, 'rf tffiaata .for thtee 'yarn instead of annuity aahtiharto. 'lt «*■ alto, prowted'to, BnM thenMermeeting lo,&»<em :>Ws*@WJwi.lrltli.lliaTte* -of-obtaining a. aadotber there' tnuua Ut'ealn aoJ ff i'Bifo BMHea ke'd at Gbeen’a Betel, Iq tba - Itraatr fosnlrwgrd.jat.wblisb apole wMbralnd. e'»epriW«b Bbte.' *T|ie;’o«iia^bt«J• Oasapatrri: Cl a Mart tbe "flnqq'nMWoiod'bj'a, dgebstidofntostc. Ml Cbea'ari} ati*itttia Mland Ree/eH #at.»ern treading Is! Muieiriat .rheottfnefefrTatlh inteet,? ■ - JUjianitadPlaeatraeUvan tbebaekef'tbeßebtnt- SP2S2® 1 , Sqt-MMMbUenaiifapq mMt&M t!fcW»etrtla» ■ ay v ■ - -"* '«,■■=.■.■<,• 5-.- iifioßb' op dn««» Oolt,*p*.— kMMiU : *(i)MiOotl«g* taettm |T#> dfe^lvameetaed-bpttieTe-dejhfe) aa VlMitait of fie >?airS »peW" fl*'" ■ 4 issf * -» Fatal . Bjujjumd : Acoiwbw —Yesterday *tteMM«a *«ot«r«& Vo* named Aaron o°le,•■■fed t«o, jrears, while rldleioe . ,on«, «f Railroad ftrssM.. (■{’telly RttfitT lM tfAok, end fteeMwhteM «ia«3 otdrhlsMy,'#s*»' lh» sWefoshV »!■?!>»s gsrerine him ta twt>.V 11*5 weStake&tQhil holes at 8H Anhorn stmt, .where hedled e short time kfterwerds- An Inquest in the cate will bo held at half rest ton o'oioek this morning. yrn-VSCUI AND COWMEKCIAJ.. , Tfte MatkeL 1 V . PmnDELf«J*.jQlyia, WW. firm understood to' be lftmly-intereit'd'in fitnc\MCT»at«d a text fur tale on. Thirda tr mt Jg.rdaT-,bttt cfe?? »«'!?• noftMNaVinho'Stoch Board'. Tfe* hollvitymlHsfty •toeki »till d V6Moadd tional ralui *«re m*t*sM»-rhy. Jteftd»n*'HM toad ib'ma fcm ioSIHi* Rehoylkitt'.Re?irttiod frfMK fw the common* * iein of W<air,N{jrtb"P»»Ht)lw»Qibrt*rwi fßifl*d3f,ck)einK f r#j»t H. J ,Jbweanjje/Mlwa* *hw* senertyly are bett atV'rf*/ ; s«preF»»od tsie s jae*k*t ; u very,ptwn# faff.dl »6Hrtinvee*m*nte®caTitter » - *J%h* Railway Company hawymideft divMhDd of fnurpsrcflntfbrthe list •!* months, to be paid ta thPi*jh»©*b©kJerioriand after the 18th instant.. The Gr*en add Coft’ea-street p.ta«enyer vriryapY: hvre Hotted tbmir dividend. »*t tfapir.ptockiidraaeed&ketiingnp to 33 at the board ♦his tnornioit 5 .; . 1 '■>,-.- The atHyal of A'mijllim and ft half of»p*oie from Ciitf irriift at Ke<r York tende to make the it oner mar ketettllmnre e«r. - • . rhe(a;!nrrmti« tin arenmeta-e eUtemett of *he eereiorennh* Piitjburi. Fort, Wayne, BD<f Chicsro ReilrnarJ Coro pony darinr the month of June, Jfij6.com oarai with themi period of tut jutr, wi t _Frm " Ifiso, '. ' tfeJ , JnereMe Decree**. Frriihe,....*BrBQß *7 #«t«B a»0 BJ*SJ „ . - Ptiowaii otMMt teaats :■.... •*!{!J! fjSremu... : 2W>t» ,’steew;' ws«6 •WC-i'-v J«*U» jo* 01 t’-ofSorf- mm o* . a too oo lesju Mi»c*n*n>.. ■ T6tel.:. ! ..*Kj,a7r utiVM *cr FP.tes n Kern! Hi*/rod JennsryJ !o July 1! - 1810. 18».- Inoteea*. - k i .*1 O»7iJ (8 *»0 «S» 48 BJB9.JW » Tlis /ottowrac ie the aihoeot nf eoft! trureported oner Hie Huotmtdoo ami firoad Tophailroml for the week eedioe jliJr.tl. JBJOt Shipjwwl fof the weekffldio* July 11...*". Amount *B»p»«ASrev.©n«l:r this year»~—... Amount shipped to same' date We y ear ~ Incrw»|3..,t tra*t«Mof lb* Marietta end Cincinnati Railroad have bee* in session thesast week.'fortuepnrpoe* of snreajftit tbedetelt* fur we reorsagtsettoß of the eon}* pan*..li, i$ not probableibat & mwunibf the afoa** bohlon WittbeffMlsd.orthe p’en luVnrittod, be!o*e the middle ef'Aojmat. Tne earnings of the roid for the line were %H 41T.S8.'Th* itcaijtrfor the pooling week leer leer'were rom*tbing over %tt OCtt, being «*vecte**e of about R 7 000. - . -'t he following shows the eo dition of the banks of the far’•*din<<3itie»of theUnlon, according totbetatw* weeil) ehtement ei heod: . C*tC»M*on. N. Voik^.. «4t 833 7tim j 9 MS 327 #Bl m »> Piuta 23earn <arw> iw;mi »«i#i «o»Umi . .. 860 9800 6 0-2 Tift 7 «l7ttl 211S3KM N. ournot iseg,us SMt.nu iQ.wt.Bia Mtei.ua J0M1.:..... U 5 7MUB 41031 072 81.17*417 "IJ4 ESI MO rmUtl WUll 13M7376 18111,401 ISS.OtS.OM Addinf lolhosDowlisxinllo’ninf tii« NtwO letn* hutluieisoai OBl.ond era Os?«9>MtW,S2!. flutieiykn;' Stvctt tstehttie Sales, ' Jolt i>. I*4 Inomtra n S. B. auTuin. M« Wdlnat Street PIBBTBOARD. nocenimi wiiiiDs;.-o..»jj SOOCitr*lolle 41 LebuO fterip 38H N »»6»’6l_74S; •’ 1 do.. •-: »8 «».X**d S«■ *. »-.„. JIH . 3 Min-wll R 64% .loti Irena R........ 1074.12 Lahnii Zino..,tfe»o.'?‘* lap do.'. .be.II ißOtonc lAid.R..M.bS]|3« J» da..-,..t....1t> II I s do ... ..... ~(*■ » d.-i1............,5. 11. SMSoh NavCora.,,ltsolOK W, 0n........... iS.ll , 100 tin ........ ttlOV *J„ d-1 lii.ll, lfl>. do ..o.W« 'fiGreon & Coates.... 33 - 100 .' d0..............10# d>.... 3l S 3 Stidio*R ,o.S> Sti'enn Miomn. 4XIOO ■ do - ....hMIK to - d.> ■• 4#» toßmt Wood R.-... 15.51 IsPsntt.R..—....eSSA I one or* dc Putt -4- 3- :.'tf1'.,.....v..;.. SO,- 4 Ulc N Arnerioa. ..15.139 * do -... ."9 SlOirjnl bulc .-8 . 4 do 89 IW do 48 -ii . ! BKTWBKS BOARDS. ' lCWO.PemiaSe C&P1....94*, MRoadln, R SI.V 11P00 do.™. ..;...S«( WPetaMiol’*. 4« 3000 Seed RCt'8.1.....71* li«M'P*l*hmlTi 17*4 lOMmisH - S».dV»i op ........ UK 4 do ...S9 ' 10! thighZmo 17# ' 8KCON!) BOARD *WPtnim 54 c£P »i!i 1 Pdnna R ..... 29 SO4SJ do ... ~..i....0.J4 ifiofl,Oermaß.— IU.II lso_ do .Prt SI--no- 1 iSirn.ll SOI)R*»e »h’H. ._.TIH 1»| Bohemian Winfne - 0. SJO WOomulOD.C. POSOII »if IdJO’f JBOTf PenntßWlO ,7i 1 SO e)*»v rfd 3l<« low d0.i—....11101175 Ilsajittehillß.......... tiM ; ' >. - - AFTtiR BOiRD, MW Sell Wwar’fS....: .1..... CV«:»a RWORg.-RiaM. U.g.ei.7»;:....8ii» '■ .v lil i.v yuuui«tiH»«»..inK mV rwm>i* kg7«im.ea ro Sljaßss Ml,'.’ IOIS lon«laid H.._. IS* YCi rails »*»'-.W» ' lotKli ehci fc N ,ts is "mum6* .intaffM?,' mx!' eh ol* « Reri» »*X tr Jena n.- p.-.j-ii »i«. MX;»nr>l> Peons R;.,U 11K 2*Bdlw.l«l»’TO m3J 'MV NPenns H » ....'6 7U$ esdte&)intoll)n -ftM? f N Pennvß lOa.MiJ* >ll3 *fadnt*'M.’.;7lV ;T*S Osiswim R .... -a I Vnca li » - Cet wl<tm hda... 31 2ewaßid eetteß<S ft) Krkfd& r'nntn.. II Kerris Cnlsoß..»i.‘< MX Re* Ir'i'M:*, Rtt «e Mom*«3sn»rf.-li« , ; 11S K«« * VießHit..3l)< Si fch n «•’«» icoff 7«; a »« phtis r, ;. mk w *»liiW KsWsief,rg •■" '.V - genres'*' p.ne. ) ux r»*i*>li*s»«k.. I V *« flrseiTA:. oeres.'.JlK 41 Sohsyl Karirri.. .MK Jl.VlChsrt *Wsle m.rr ta Pklltdelphia Harketi. ;. Jtrt.T t»—Erenlnq. ; Thera la rot little export demand for Finn* am! 'be market »»dnN at *reWou*qn('ted rate*.- The only mlei .w* bmirfar* l.QWbbl»eitrtl|*bjn>, At 660ftf, and W 5Wa ftWr d!> K*tai ;jnpejfi«> is JtMjfTr, At at t& 80wf,ae, nrMi moderate rdea„ t fbert fljrflrearerw extra fwtmlr erd faruj> lotaatfinra 88,f13K a* to $4 SO 3? t>W, aertquftU ty. Bye email rtafiytaTand e*le«at tl.trtaßTTO/V. #»bl. f'ora Jtfealjittsdr. trat qwaWirh x farther dale ©1 tO9 bbif Pann^ylvapiato ~ WHt*r it9ath»£ irtpfe inqtfrtd for. and firm at pte rion* a psj Abont'3V,'(Mnni>ela have b<*en d>sw»*d'nf atK6*rt%iA>r->M#«thalatt4ffbr9riiß»f>Pir * u*hem. ani-tSs«U'e4br wMte. aeeordiaito quoit*. R«e e'eady »t frt-m 78 to 6Qo* Cora eao*rau«a doll, -with dairy at Ms for prime yellow afloat. Data art andrttber lower* eboot 3 Cm tor heu‘ ue ■ lUnxirwstftrt&d *«utnlat fir & ton tor Ut Vo 1 Quarrimi*. . »'.;•-:s I. Oottok.—The demand i» limited and the market rranyatprmim* quoted nte*.- '/tikocjrnrve-'art-no'i moobiaqatred for; Bu,?ar and Coflay aTv hnßKir* full rate*.- „ S•* ' Pko v 'mad* -v ft* market for mote inode ft fi*m and •dmafiJek* rt# d.ffertßhe 'tn *he *i«*e of foyert and nurn iinniiflir 1 tM tiwnticwr in barrel Port* B*eon. end Lard: atlMid ¥ea»i«rt fMir.ean fpr higher prio-'t without mcoh Home. Fetter < nd Chests are q”\et and prieeathe wmfi ftaliutqunted _ Buta* aie qaiet, and mere if no C overseed atfainr or a email lo.of doroettio FJ&xaeed bronht 81 63 t®'tn*icv ft pnohanredj Penn* bhs *«fl m.ar& <l*2l; dnidee SO end bhde Slo gallon* Mnrkets by Teleßraph. NeW r»ats*x*. Jol* 11.-o«fton nnehsnred—ealre to-iLy of 1.1« ba! a hoe a declining tsndenej— Cr^mduU. l2—Flour is dull, and no sales have i bfetnveMuKd this toO’Cm/ t. Howard P»re«t ana Ohio hiwifd*»w w53/irf. and Citr Mil l * at 952 s i Wpemi* actjvp and firmer s sites of 8 <M> bushels at 91A1W126 for ret', and &(3ff«tso for whim, Coro am*t. but h«*vy i yellow.64weee. white 16970 c. Pro visions are firm, lutaoiet, with some activity, Whisky steady at 20?5c... , ; New York Stock- Exchange! July 12. ] S-) ' .Reoxn so.nn. .nfwT.nnSDK MMiahSktJtG'td....s7« 2w(>> Mi*»n*Ti 6*...;.., *S Wd do tWO-3.drt.ee-; ..... ««3ftOMich**JtNlß.,. >7V • 4tt» Vteh>olltnCe..M •'« do.ee.. 17? S HMoMicn ?<»i ««..,m- *x> ***> L.fcri« *t WutmM twill Cen R Sop 65 .10 Bank Commerce,...‘oo do csk{ IniMl 4. Hudson Co., wfcjnd J$ WO<’«»t fl Co ........ JOtfiSW ..do-w Wo6s!| •JO uinbi*rland p*ef.,. 18 S<o Galena 4 Chi 1t.... €&£ toiNYCentnl .WK'OO fw --do /..bw§« (fw 3« ..mo mi iJolta*V«>tiMd.A.. do ,WO«7 DO Hudson Rjvß..,.bso<Wsi HO Cleve h Toledo,.. 9iW $» Heylem H pref...,. 41 6M do U3O 3* XU d».e- 100 do.e.e V>K l» Reading RR. t do .... ....*»*»? 60 ■ do-... r.......... 48 *Woh)c*jso A R 1.... 71A >OO MichCen R...--. fit. 400 dot** MOM* **»•' ftfl . do *6O 7.1^ 6»Clev,Co), & C>»R ; d0;.........810 75V CITY ITEMS. ‘ Tab Pbirck of Witta—*ilie ,Royal Htgtoeu the Vtiuc* of Wrdea. otto* Lord Renfrew, will reach the .tfciUcd f tele* m Sefferobersext He. will first visit NewYork# where he will he feasted and crowded to withid wt’lnfh of hie mini hie. It is fondly bowd (hath* will escape safely from New York hospitality, and I hat he mayre»ch Philadelphia in irood order and weltiwmditHmed. Hnebe wiUbetaVetv in chance by proper pariiee And eacbtted indue a»iw«» tot'e RfnwH gto«'* Ckthta* HeUof Poekhill ft Wilsnn. No*.6os*r.d Ml of thi»«6'e<ant*oiU/Wrwhiffi>he<«uWifhreent is bo jaetS. JeJebreted all ore; the world. - .' I**RSOSS Aim F«xtiVß repairb;r i<)..ibedJffer »at * lace# of sommer resort should wot fail to take with them Jfcnv#ii*a Met»'fCA»C.F;?», which'’are * safe, speedy* and, certain eure for crxti vesess- habitual eon jUpation,dyspepsia, .sick.and nervous headiche# *nd DtUonsaPeotifm* generally. n hey ennslst of me A’ex andna senna, combined with the best quality of aroma lies, bo skjHbl'y inlaid in ihed* ft* to prevent detection in taste. Prjoe STH cent* per box/ Manufactured by Geo O- Rower, Sixth end Vine streets. ■■ tf *'■A Blob’6kV •l-Btpfyfcnd/ loves to look up at the o’eer bineskt.aeidUtthe mind wander awaramfdl Heaeore depths. 'JHre;**;* charm in the d*epyfiart btneof theorfean. fails to-awaken poetln so with Ihe t>l*«*ky nfthe nool; a staid, tfttf ard „bli|ing temper, which tn<ke*. home h*ppy# drivle* away efoad*; end "allows no hide storm to ra- e i here.; rttnjfcea .theri 1 , eefl Aeewer// Maroetfa away wrath.V end otters that kind word which is sweet jrjofhe hfert tbaa honeycomb; and; ifinW-p*ttuv ejve f , ell men. to purchase their d'othinr at the dfkbrated otu-priid emporium at,b»ahvillx Brox*i, Che«n»rt,’.street., i : . A Cow of the mo*» skilfal eottofg (n arewmffayerf. and a Qt*t of fatiinsfc Value dkd aee is pt%s«. ted with Moi; arilclj sold. iow.M # an be purchased else where* and warranted to give satisfaction. . Jyli -tf 1 ■SW-W -11 , Cabd J niNTiNa, B.:sr and Cubapest in til, Cltr,.t 3. South THIRD .Uf.t CIH-' UL 'H P.HINTINO, !!,.i and Ch.apeat id th« Citr at 34 Snath THfBB rtlMt. '' . BILL-HEal) PBInTINO. Be»tMiil Cheapen in the City,at 34 Bout!i THIRD street. HftNO-HILL pHINTIN'G, Rest and Cheapest m the City*at 3-4 Sonfh THIRD stree r . , . , <PAMPfItET PRiWTlffG.'etid'every other deeorip •Trfdo"of Prlbiinf.'of the inott eopeiier qaabty, ot the most sp R NGWaIaT *. BROWN’S, risMel’s Baildißk* 4 f'mith TH f KD street. ijU tf ,'f ’ 1 ’ SlUll 8 Biyw® ruND—WOBrNWHS# o#Mtt ,»eoal) uti fUmvt re ednmtiwpsnaU sad lame amounts, from all classes of tad aDoWd interest at fhe rate of FIVE ffeßOfeßt,- poVatehatai' ! J ' • Money,taaWbe drawn by checkn without lose of is [into.: ; ..--.V . - On* omw#r«ft«d*Matil(Veleek,ud' «b Uob- *» to' «s«. ««■»“#> ■ **' Tm " r,r * Bd **° re, * r7 ’ Bipwr Tots* of yennajlT, nA. ‘ mt|r 4 Vl aad in uy amonnt UttaJedHaall*- I 'i-1- t/. ,k,»ivs#wt OKHT.Ut*««j. tor Bone, tmn la HODD wMinr itinealMtOT.endirftkiMl&otioe.. jynrSwt-| ARRIVALS AT TEE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, trp to 12 oVlook LAST PlflHf. , . eifURP HCCait-NUUh Mid Oiie.tnut street,- : wpof?*.'&o.inn«tt ' jifJjjt.bijjSjSW'*fcoai. B ft UriW. Raghviit* J« H*rn.W t>ottU \ k F*«*rbrmV. Canada J« sB rows* ro vn, Canada ; nhM * «*?wt<nr» Y , 0 yf.E»D»|y 37 - - dWJUroIU ftfcia.N J Miss.HaimUotii N J MinaYonnc,N J . • • ’ I*** v sjkb4 Albany , kK But or. e Y Th«W v : H .%Mftgraw. biioM'er- ; W Glasgow, Jr. It *r, Mo’ \ Mjr* Ql»»**ow, SP-oaJ* M*sterG!aaaair v fitJUreis, Mi»o£flne»HtLouli JSA*’o«*i*N.Y J W J?«od Ui Qi"Oatl AHMc.Omelnwm, ±L P J&i rr,Bfc Jk N £ a.u .: wss*y a ■: ■ Jtfiatt.% , JOTStw?"' 8 °;- , I* tieoMWeiker, Mi.e , !?i>«Jl'i<irr'«, 'lm John C MorHB. htii, O N n Miller. N 0 fi E Wtfii*m». Md Th'i Wtilt,,'Mil , John «yke« Uerinnntown j.u'« (Vawf-.nl NY.,' f'lu C'rnwford. N y h'lMltkJ .fV.ir*. M.'m Wm*»lke-.Kts flu Wqr'&r tr tit Phil*' J K WVhinjtou is BeMne-'r fcln, Rl5 Mm U-lmeer Chsr'eston 'nMmMinVsc, U»io Wil«on Alhnnr i P 0»'d"Or fc wf. Ni«*oi» MiwKont Smim ni Brndford, Nissnrs ' nNWildw.Conn MlM«njff.O'.iin Miu Rivrlaton.'■onn Ct|a. Ibftte. Conn J k Hit bowk &la 111 Mim Viller- ChisMo J.BdW&'B' Cnioneo Hon 0/k,Pion«»,Pn . Hun J w FulsrPo J H Rlswsnn, late aop«nor J 8 CsMinsnt. Ohio 5/in Crowell, Ohio T! • JtobtC-iienient.Olun ; Ron Roht J, Walker, Weih J R Hodmiwn N Y ss^OT I*. 1 * . ixvsaS&jt 'jWl{;%“7 ITWaJ.j,wj* ► Walbnctda. Wis ColConh* la. Trenton EOftnerio. vejtioo * Ufa Reaves fr.camxWUe MrsQM Henman,Lanaoo Mia* M l>rvooco G«o KH P lf <»fi«}d 1 W»H*' HBn«*rd>NC . | Mias Howard > O . M*«t Howard NQ FM Pierson,NY ASlead.M I Cyrus Mathew*, N J , B M'« night, Reading R H Ham *lv Cleveland A Marnsrd. «o*toa Fanp'h‘telier. N Y LMavnajM. Boston OHO din Man . Tho* H Whn« & la, 8 C Tfcpl« Robert*. NO J N y P ft V B A£]w»U. N Y CFJ*>n»«.‘'Y JPWilliama „ 0 H Pen '®r« Mi*s .»am*a Won»somer/r N C Alex * ontanmerr. N 0 W W«t, Md M , ► d*r Phefehftrd. Md John Union, Bel John tier,Bel CON*! INESTAL Ninth nnd Cheataut. P P Kerb?. Wompbia 1 ?N Mndeirn, AGA'ams ( N ahvnie H L Rolhiian * *nn Pitteb JaaO’liftra, rnn J>ei>ne**PiUsl)uK Mrafpritu ft oh. Pdlaburg MUa nrnnoy> Pittrburx viiw Price, Pituhiire Roh nion. Pitt'-btinr .1 N Harl«jr a la, Ndshvilla a n Konin* *n * Ja. PI t#*b , 0 A P*>hioBon. P Mrs ► Ticrwin. PijUhtirg biissßicwart. poorer, PitMf«ir« Jno M Tinman. Piiuburx K H lribH- Pitt*bar« H«m * o*w Hemptofl. Pitt# Trtrallftropton, Firuburit Miw Fn'-neatocfe, Pitttinlrg MU» ‘■;oreh«ai>. PiUabarg J».o H Hamp 0 Roudimnlit, 111 _ C M Hmith.l t -Jft* ApMni * vi f Tonn J "W Beorel, Pa MnM'll'f A eon. *»eim B . . J P Penny. PitUhurir Pdw 'Wflder. Lomovilie M.MaoanrtftT. • ox. K- * Mr* MiwsftlUtfr. Kt - Mibb J»and, Kr Ke\r Hlni> <‘o Gcvfdard, 0 Mr* K '*oddarci Sc d.pin J Goddard, i ondon, Eng Clm* WR' cßimer Va B Veaza* Va AG West Hartford W H Hoeilnji, Hartford J«or!ny Galventon BBwMi.Wjim'.Orl , Mlm 0 M fr»«pburn, Wijiih MrsGreenhnw Co» H Wl'ton, prioefisW J«>« B Chandler, Bpnnifi«’d O hWW&i+49f* N O W oDiq* eon,Savannah H Ruth HO Jie» ryaa.NC Jae A B/jftn, JfC Geo PierensoQ A la, NO W fVairfoxd. N 0 WZeland,B*lt V BGarvin Adau,. ABMnltfc Wi*coiwm J| m W* Elizabeth P A Baii'ook, NY J ML Va J B Ander rn. • < « ** Pfinßl® Chwteetftß Pr F tvjrel nde, 0 ■h\ • Manuel Catniran* Cuba & AGCnmmtn* conn fi M HMtt:fey, NY Captßh&w. ITS N nJp jiok;ou. Me\dvil}e Mibb Hattie Oerioltsori, Pa iO Oar A wf. fit Louis CH Haile. Memphis , Mm«L Hflnt. Pror. Ri Mia* J Helm* Prov, jK I AH Morria A W»,N\ SDBerton &vf ' Mr Hale, Boston R Carter. lioßton G Chihmn, Bojbm Wjiyman «.’roir.BtLoa»B - -J ® Undley* N> V h Watson. Perth etnbor K 0 A»bu>n Clmton oo KWBefiY • BBinser,WY _ i OetiH Burnon-N Y J C hlifteon. DO . Tho* 0 #riio. Naehvilte PrankGroen. N«*bvnle ThosCWright Nashville DAAlltsoh.Niahvillo AH *>*. Beat h. NY WmHelin.V*- , N 0 Wm R Moore, Memphis ! Wm Houera. Coim N 8t John & Jo. Mobile 1 ,r .1 Foster, Memphis Hr vv«d»wor»H t oh, D C Miss Brooks, M*m H £ Knight N Y Josiah BartJeV, N Y * T J*enry, Md Revo A Paqli or wf, Pa Jos Mobs (IB tetson.Bridgwater I, I.Maaort,Ky J hNfXnm M' bde, Ala A Myore, I* * Hiereoh NO J-Wet*B t N&tohe* w J Loarr. Cm, 0 K Mexwell. Jr. N \ «T H m man. Mass AreCtatt. Miss • Miw Craft. M*«« H Craft Jr, Miss R i Dariett, BoitOj . W Keller, V WATnitiug, NI-sa Mai HC Maoke*. Easton PH uouxton. Fasten » H Hulbert. N Y Wash For * Sc vrf, Miss YHa’seyNY • JGCran».>C 0 M Wfieeltv'k. N Y Jud/e Mar in, Oalt K Abbot'. BaP H w C.i.UCh ago OOPoberth, C teem AS Loon* NY VV H JohwKm k la, Md *» W GUmoie, Moss MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Foorth street, below Arob, H Patrons. Pa oolPaiaree, Texas AO i*Av.‘ rw*n VHbbarg JB v tofe. rniia a K Bmcdate A wf.Pa J B Fisher, Pht<a T Whu-, York Pa J. C » aim. LojmviUo j Kearney, Pittsburg JW Ut*»bare, Md Mi« C on«o t.taston Miss Wagner. Easton. . Master Jhrie.Va«ton J Mfiardsfo**. Naw York W U Parry, weitford A W «eavor» Cinvtlle c eo ** Hoduhton Eu-ton arable Jno B H> hloaon.N V W ft ftow, WUkemarre John - Oatdman MPwsukee JnoMoOovem. Jr. Lano li.vjityJ< Allepheny City Frank B«uit». Pmla AJr> lie'? Phifa AMERICAN ROrEL-Cliflrtnut,above Firth. ER Shrew. Oo'umbua, 0 AlhW - Gnad*il2er« N V finm l Blurt. NV T W Foster, Harrisburg E O 8t I ©nie C M * dumbos, 0 JohnWdlisros Ohio H Kenned*. Boston H k Mis« hurr son N Y Robt Hilev.Uhto ‘ - ’ TC Bowie*. Ohio O»> vtfrhie. Va « J Waldron &i* Memphis Don Goz>linn. Msk’go jP«tt*.Md John G Mo'ru/or. N f Gen H Lewis. N J K ■« Uh'er l.«bann ► j turns N Y RnM'U Wolf# Winobester n P Hpencsr Lancaster 0 F»Mr, I anrn*ter . W T Foster. M Chunk A p Hammond. Rockville j A Whalen. N V J Xt Frick, Miner*i’/Ke Geo P U* tor John inston - OL Bare*.NO, RTDmtsjas Brooklyn G Hughs k <a. N Y t»en fl Htdt*hu«\ Lxcmoter M M Abodes. T«unton GT Amvo'vl.Taunton H M tinned. 84t A W]u e’NY RobtS Sparse, phila A Goine?, ua J infs’ llOTFL—Ohcetmit street, above Pfxto. It V Polhttlt. Hoil rfavsh'* . J tfarohtrd A la, St LoUl# !>r J !!«#«• *f«, NY C,a.»PpU-Ni , G*»Crane Ala \ _ W EFciter.'Y’ ■ t" ■TMarrty, NJ_ „ “ - -roe Cflnrch. ft Y „ v • H •’ Wnrlaad, Phila ‘Ye* • Mis. Williams— a -. JL Fenlngtom tuq -» vjornso(u*'*a«is w ptnea’on, Canada West E 1) w ba Buffalo J aThnnu*. Par t H Msnrt.Jr. Bale . 8.1 H juii(diebrook| Ge.' S A Slack, flail BT, LOUIS HOTEL—Cheitnutstreet above Third, Jm» J Ga’urha. Phila J F fiiivx, Holiuesburg WHEIr Oh-0 J» AJ)e Frails* & la, lowa 3fis# 4 W- Phillips, Mesa ' Jib M-berts. Wi* Mr«Rßdtohl*en.kY M Hutohitoa.NY N Y hljs ♦fftler'-iok. • N Y Wm K 1,0c,*, Reading, J Brown. Pittsburg John Voore. J Ji» Clark. Md . C „ _ , Alfred *Jn«t. Phllft J Wheeler tc la. N Y Llsidnr, NY , H Kuimmiuid NY <'ha«Girr , ’'iJf N Y John H Tro n«nd, N Y J O Bn»s NY D v»d Harwwer. W Troy John C Graham, Va Wash L Bladen,Torrerdale THE UNION HOTELS rob street, above Third, JHMavkmley New York BM M>ei?, Daupbrnco Miss M M> era, D»upbm co V, R Kng.aod. P» f» a lAhar. Va G Hart. Pm fesrnwa PJ Richards L»hirbco JtM Oamer©n,Ganon»o A W Csnieroo, Canton, O ABATES UNfON—market Ptreet. aboveBixth. L Buck & la. Phila . Thos E Watt, Latr be-Pa Luther flees®. Htrrl*bnrg A Hippie, Ba nbnrige ( Pa Jntm Pdtobtn Jnn .t Rmilh, York 00. Pa Wm J OmvtJjte Wi/m Del Wm T C^wsrt'lf - John n Forrest,"Wibo. Dvt JosT howard. Wash city J J Hail, mohmo..d, va COMMF.RCIaL HOTEL—Sixth Street* ab. Chestnut. J W Jaokson. Md J R McKicsiok Penningtnv mti liips k son. Pa , ftin.B Baker. Chatham. Pa v -t».hr, Core Deposit A ’ >i>n» )** Lepton, Md Chae W Beatty .Augusta,Ga H Chester co G««o Hobart. Ky J Bi Roxboto Wiri P Thatcher, Pa Thus Dirlmeton. Chest ro MRoonvy. Pa J C Ru»a-11, Augusta, Ga b Henry, Augusta. Ga B Rnoidey, Cuohranvilie - BARLFY BHFAF at., below Vino. J C Parry. Pew Hope RHu«t**n, Pa _ Mrs S H Tanner k d.». Pa G W Edwarde* Phfla J> CGi'iingham, Trenton Jos PCroasdaie, Bucks co CCMurray NY . Meat* Brown. Brownftb’g ft’its H Fourh Phila W w Kirk Aeon, Pa Alf Bicker Nowiown Chas ftwer, C eft-nh«n Thos.rnt. ~ John hutch, Hattsvitle Mahlon Herding, Books co FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Second afreet, above Market, fi HcGont#*). Dover. Bel John HDu Plei* Belt A K Hell, Miir-rrt. Bel I. N Bean. Uel 5 M O Bp-rp, Del „ BenJ V Weston, Me onmU'rarth-ROTi,» q Jonaib»n Aaron Md Monon Kryanr. Md David Upbatn# Md . Aug W Slack. NJ Geo Williamson. Del r v Trenton* NJ John J aeatberc, Del AII Cook, Dover, Bel ', EAGLE HOTEL—Third «t., ab. Callowhin. PE Welter. Phil% WN Walker, Pa O Bftitpi. ‘ ycominq co Joba XVecitn, MonVf oq QMf Ritca. Aliiiertlmrff E Wood, Bustos BLACK BEAR HOrBI/-Tbird at..ab.CallowhUL Sol v, etsf,ied. Pa B Self Med# Pa £amßri*sß, fturthampton D 8 HertoK.Pa H-*aSs f’a - GeoWWolliDantoro 8 Wolf, Doafcoro MERCHANTS* ROUSE—Third tb. above CaQowhill. J Kearney, Pittabor* 3 H Youns. Fhda A J Lnbar. Del Water Gap o L Piuketton, Tremont .1 W Kdwarb'. Pa HH Z silor. •‘•unbury . J HorT(T»‘n, Allentown Den PApplebwh# Pa GeollCAmpt>eil»N J J B SmHti. Buoke oo D DaithoußJ.',Tremont Aaron tfocom, ra MT. ViSKNON RO&F<l#~Sroond street# above Areh< IfWeßd.Pa GW Lord. Jr Phil* CWWhite#Fa .. ACamer,i>quit.unc NATiDNAL HOTEL—Rece ttreet. abive Third. C lewis, Bellertown G Koeobt# Phi a V Hhireier, ininersville I. G Grte, fc 1», Do;lest*n Johnh‘ r> * N Y* J Karoh, l^eMnon Col T T Woj th, Leheuoo _____ IMPOHTATIOJVS, (Heponed tor The pr#t«».i '^JL CAST (i, R , Villa t:ns coa 1 8 Morri* Wain ft Co. ' -’’VAN lan '.Mli-Bne Mar,-I7s nanu 170 bbl..ugar G W Barmuiou ft Hro. IPiilSfci.lUtiKCK. fiJGS FOVBTH PAHBa Ship Villa hrenoa* 46 date from Bbields, Yss» wiui coal to 8 Morris.Wal •ft Co. Wna a«round be'ow New Casile. l<u* camo off without, damifce, a&d wa* to* ad up by tut* i 1* Pu>oy aoO i F r. Steamship Dueton. Cr<ioker.2i nodra from New York, via,Cape May. with hjUm at,d.paraai»taia to James A<ld*rujor, Hussed bark Florida, from Mew i ork. above the Bui>y>ob the Middle;eohr Mablou Bjtts. from Rioh luond aftoyy Bomtay nook,*na bas Boris anoa ro ■ reo;ii echr iff the La* »retto. Toe btrk Adjuster Oidais If. m jq’iiquo.wnh HUdbafe nitrate ot soda, put into th» Bi«aa«,avcy for order*. Orung Mary. Morrlimse.lldsya from Gusnienamo# , Cuba v.nh»u<ar. ftc toi»W Hfrnddoa ft bro. Steamer aDam, Nubui*. U hour* irorn New l ork, with mdse to W M Butra ft Co. fJUTII/EDGE. Cannon,hence, Arrived at New A HANDSOME 12mo, SseaiusbiP Star.Jones,from AcpinwaiUbly i, (Uniform with Beni h,) amv«d*ti«'W.id,iJc**eto i di>. , - T».i«-e»9* steamship Gulden.►leece,* am-boll. from Galway, iiicacfiza, ?tAßiiObn<,N*',amve<Jatmw lorkyesterday. fErnm th#» N*wVwl fcv* fPinm , u v v . Snip* apU B H t»p#r. fhiladelpbia, Uuv Lsntdsn, 1 * rom , t ?«g i?, l } ( } vk h ' Q ' i Flom , !. b i%7 , A*X Vn CujutuiDM. Lorepto.a&ii Tua-er.-ra,lorFhifauel* ••An ft.m«fn!n?roni.v «i . ~, Ntw VMk "- s "•ftsnssftgs.'T,; sent Virginia i’non, nldml a e, o’oared at New York drnw , * * !\r i p ? * oh,, »w r * ? lur Gtbriltar. i * ,l ? .wo notion. We fchr Annie Mvee Wheaton, from Boston ForFhlla- ri T ,m n »h°V e l T . u *h n ,* hf delpbia.stiied from Holmes* HHelflth in*t, tmn wb-r>fli U)o *u ronr* auuuceadur, Warren,for f'Mtadeltihiaa’- Ca- • !•»?,. r r»«»»W^ ,,A,^Sr^ an tete Tnoe r Cooper, faytor. fr. mdo a dMlobp. Amec, h }s lor Philadelphia e-iled irom Pmicjf me bm mat, 'chr bmiob Fratf. ttaewian,sailed from Niw Bedford ' «ivir.S», , si l ?i».m a * l H cu *i> r lltft met for. Philadelphia. » , «rT,,»w* Vd «I!Sli tlooon /- Colir Stephen Taber. Ui ok, o eared at Savannah Jfth Str?e l aSd 2* met. for Wilmington, Del,and Philadelphia. iSSInKS,, -i *,'i? °*, 6X Z oohr Baltic, Coffin, hence, arrived atHooklandSdioet. nr^hnh?. whioh Pobra 0 8 Meraboa, Allen, amt JM V„nce, Surd**. SS.,« V n rf»sS s^ o,, L b r henoe. arrived at Boston llth in*t. orih* n vl[ , ««^ns (from the..Vo»pu Aim- vel'' ™ c * '°l h * EU ‘- tlchr/Riohuu ‘i'lKimpeon. Mold, and RCnrton.Lud- M lt ie oneoftiie beat and otnF Tr?npoHM 1 805t ° n lain, <r«tu Boston nailed from duln/M motrt’ ’interestm*' U linve'a *• n*«i*? n .Vlb ,?.*1 . KvasssT' *“ h, “ ; Kfiiissssatjwi wtSaft r ’. r «"s u ,te^; T.'SSfd^'"' BU "' kmo, • mivci 81 w "' ,1n,,0n i"h» n v»^ n f 0 l t"* o” ]7S„b : 'Vobr., W t S W I BW , Ho6jnM,Te!mw«€«, Wooat«r, IF e '»»iS I I t ,? IBO IEO,,T * gtrettiDlet. and M'N* frewing, Shaw, ar- ! the firsflbouabt of the uAitSliSt taieiece'&'iM "satf ?te’d.*w,,K»« w- *»•. ptfswksito. sis MS’iiihiST ‘'•"‘T' 1 *' 1 *-*•*>• •■? !rma o^w>y>t.oW.S ? d«w(»- u ,«-m uvmioV I \vs’ ! ißa'i er ir'iiiol, AU»H t b,»oe, »rriv,d at M.vrVoik i«n.«u r . f oov j w.W OT . toJ„. W,b,.k, 10ui.,, - J Fi«t Edition r„dr o n W e dne s d, r . j Kiipein, a#d »la ( calsbyeil Bi/okHllejc, '* j i>f!JRBY & JACKSON, | « <BBssoadwav.kbwvo«k. ; THE PBES&—PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1860. SFBOXAX* NOTICES* • 'SAfeiko of the tartest »»* sorliaenUof bithinf tohoa in Ih. United St,U.fof ’L&- <tie.,o.nt.,amiCfciMre>i,»iBLo*«'B sot MARKET SumL Ptulad«l,!u», or*t U. .ter. on CAPE IM,A \ D ' N.J. , ... ” ! ~ ■ J»tS-3t* _ Mbtbrs’ Miraculous Ysrmin Dm antoTSA. the oldHt and S»«t r«m.dr known tot B*» torminatin, PATS and MICK, BUGS, ANTS, MUtdUJTOK*, FLEAS, JIOTBS. GRAIN WORMS.mid GARDEN INS SOTS. •TPrinoipal Depot, 610 BROADWAY, N.Y. .; SolrltirAUDmririauowTwhora. in J Irwin Ok* Priob dtOTHiKO of *h* Latest Sinsp, wade la the beet ia&aaer, .xptewli for KB TATI, SALES. LOWEST «el!int pneei marked Plain Ftsuresa AU tooda made toorder warranted ®Awt faotoryi Our OHE-PRIOfi erstem le>etrioUr adhered toi as we believe this to be the only fair war of deallct All are there br treated alike. JONES A 00.» •eS-tf «4 MARKET Btre*L Salamander Fire-Proof Safes—A terj larco aeiortment of 6ALAM r NDEKS for »le at r*a wnaHe priaa*. No. SM CHESTNUT St., FWladelpbla. , n eaf VANS A WATSON , CONARD-FEARAN.-On ih. 3d m.tant, Vr *»»i John Chamber.. Joseph Conard to Mar, F.aran, a’C'l WA RK-LOWSPEIN —On the sth Blatant, br Alder man Chnrle* WoWmg, Aiuustuihtark 10 Ellen H. Low stein. M»h “f this oily. .... MOORK—LiJWiS-4Jn ih« 8 h mebint. br Aliermftn Moore. Mr Cburle* Moore of Heading, Pb.»*o Mice Jfttio ' otrta of FmlarfofphU ... . . • ’ Hhr'NG—UMIN ■»,—Onthe 90th Mar.br the Rev. .T.O cia'»Mt» .He»ln<» of Delaware, to Ml*» Sallie l.imlmt.of vM'adalphla. . , . k . 4 . *'ir,W>N~'. COUNT—On the «th Inetnnt. br tee Rev.'WnberProete •. Mr.lwuvi %V.’*r>n, of Phifadel* phla, to Miss anna Leconnt of Delaware. PEOAN.—the 12th initant. JnmßS Browne. Jn* fsnt »on of Robert K. and Jane W. Penan, Med. 15 JONES.—On the Uth instant. Mire Eleanor A. Jon**. 4 * ‘heeleep* in Jeau*.” . ' _ _ Funeral Pom the reßidenno ©l !flr-H.Pomer*ne,3M Fouth Kfevepth street, fo-U ir*< ‘’’rMar,>at 10o*olo ‘k. to which her Inond* nre respectfully incited * FO3T* 4 R —o'i the Ifltli in*tanf, catlisrine. widowof the la e William Foster in ihofciih >enr of her rue. Funeral from the r**ia<»noo of her eon, 1701 Addison atr*»f. »h s i Fndiit) nftcrfio.*n.-et 4 n’olnolc. * —t’ntho lath instant Thonm* Black, in the BJ:h jnarof hmaee. .. «, Funefft fmm Hi* late residence "*o. 1043 LomWd atreet,ihi«tPridHyl aflermon at3oci ok * rVE —On thelltb inste'it, Mary Magdalen Eve, aged 41 ve&re. Funeral from the resuiaore of her husband Wm, Eve, Wheat street, above Heed, this (Fridayjaper nocn.ntioolotk. . ...... *. J(V‘*Fa*‘»—On the lOih innlnnt, > r,4obn M.Jonee, m the 54 ft year of Jufl hvo. ’ , VunerHl uom hm Ute resulcrco. 2007 Cultcn street, wrst ofTwontieth. this ( Frida*) aft rnnon. at 2 o’el >ok THOMSOiV.r-On ’he Jflfi ir,at,. ft)re- tlerah L. Thom son. widow oi the late'John Thnm*«a, Ke<i«of Drifts Ware enuntr. Fa .. ; ... , from the reiMenc* of her snn, J. PJrar Thomson. N. K, eoreerof huh eentnand Bprnoestrebt*. on Nstu day. atSo’olook F-M. . .* McNALLY,—On the Uth instant, Charles E.. infant , son of James and Saroti Mo>ally, sued 14 months end 16 day*. - * . MO‘ SEEP-—On the »lth instant. w.. iqfent »en of James and Marearot M ol6eed.nzedlsmontho. '* NAGLE .—On the ‘(Uth instant, Hillary H., son of Mary end the late WnftE. Negee, in the7ib >ear«f lua ate. ■ * BhWK AND PURPLE FOULARD BILK®. Elam black Fou’ard Filh*. (aok B >re«o*> 4. 7 4. and B*4 wide. Jilaoif Crape Maret* same widths. Gray C«»ne R* ria Poplins, flmy Chfne Eire eeeod '*ohatrs, fl'aclr Bare a. ruffled points. 1 up-n'e i) imnnzlnes and Chaly*. ill tek and whits L wns and Orgnnaies, Sec, BKBSON A bON, MonrninjjStore, No, »l« OHEHNIFT N. B Dunog July and August we olose at 8 P. M. TUB ONLY RELfABLE ARTICLE—- OLARK’B Patent INDELIBLE for Marking all kind* of Cbdluna neatly and indelibly 1 hey do tbeir work better than ink, without ita troub'e or risk ©r Blotting. Faob will rnnrk 2WO article#. Fnt sale, wholesale ft»*d Retail, by P. C. TA7I.OK A CO.. * gents fur the Manufacturer, No. Oil CHESTNUT Street. Soa WK AWE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE, U ? THIBMORMNG the arrival of Pr. Bh HOM C KENNVPY, «hfl oelehratsd orn nod Bunion Pocmr. who lf oar rvulere wOJ reccbpot. yonTR n o w.s m our oi'ynnd mndo*ome «»f the groitrstcurc* eve* mad* on the bnm'-n foot He ov«g all those Osinftr «fcr/*se nep* without yam or drawing blood *veml vpsra'pr.otv-eob *nd smdvof the hitman foot. enV le b mf© operate sUiifad, end saeeeesfutlv - Warts removed ort'hout c«u 3 lnt the least inconvenience t<> anv r»*mon thus ftflVctsd. He can bo seon or frV fc NiNG.« the KT I.OUH HI»UBR,OH HTNUP Street Lad >ea who dn act vr : *ii ooiU. by JeavJn* *heir Addresfl.wiM meet with wninjite The onc’»»r brmrv wian hm\ ood reformou of skill am! fjt-lity; wo would advise our friends, thus sfflited, to ojl] and see hn»n v ' j»l3 2t* ATTUMTIONJ REPUBLICAN INVIN- Uv3 ClßLE^l—TberewiU br meptinsn for DRILL on evory evening * f the weak i Wedr.e«itys excented) at the ffeviiulrnn Drad.Ciaariers, SEVENTH ana CH* B r Nui'. By orHerof in*Committee, j JU 6t* , , A. M_W>LKiNSlfAW,Marshal. NOTICE-THE PUBLIC SCIIOOLSOF 'Li? the CH’Y tiF FHIHD LPHIAwUCM» K for tbp usual Rummer Yncaihvn cu FKiO nY- JnW 13 and b» REOPENED t.n MONDAY /oi»u*t?r,U6o,at «Vock A. M. tiOBtRT J. ».EMPH<IX; Secretary. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA Uw3 AND BEADING RAILROAD COMPANY. Mabcb, UMO The holders of the baadsof this Company, due July L IS4O. can now receive, upon application at thi* offloe, 15 per cant, in cask, upon tueterms specified lo the mien' rarntiached. The holder# are also entnlod to the benefit of a Sink ing Font! of firliO.OOO per annum, tu> established by (be stockholders, at their annual meeting, held January 9, 1850, and in pursnanoe of the contract entered rnto by he company and duly reoorded, to carry the same into tract. GIRO ULiUL * Treasurer. Nctti* to Iks Holders PMindciekta and RcodfM - Railrecul Compttny Mortgage Bond*, dut July 1, lag. These bonds are secured by the first mortgages on thr road, amounting in the aggregate to 93A».M0. Thr net revenue for the, last ueoai»far-wassix times-th*- twenty vean the holders retaining the bonds and the seonnlr of the mortgage! In the preoiee eonultiontn which they are now Uela. Fresh eheete of coupons for the interest, payable half-re Arly, will be issued A bonus of 10 per oent. will be given to ’he holders, in consideration of their assenting to the extension. Thi* bonus will be paid in cash to the bearer* or the bondi l on their signing ajreoe pt and presenting their respeo twe bonds at the omoe of the Ck>inpany»or to its agents, rorendoraejneat. Fonns uf receipt and endorsement will be famished or application. flr oroer of the Board of Manager*, mlw, w M-irnFVIW, RwimUrv NEW PUJH.ir\TIONS. IjAHE i’IRST NUMBER OY "THE METHODIST”' A NEW WiEKI.Y PAPER OP EIGHT PAGES, RI.V. GEORGE R. OIOOKS, D. C„ REV. JOHN McCUNTOCK, D. 1'1„ Will li. in-iiei on I4TH JULY* 40,010 COPIES WILL BE CIRCULATED THROIGH 'EVERY SECTION OF THE COUNTRY. SPECIMEN COPIES, to wh’oh the pub’io are re» ferred for further patticul&rs, cun be obtained in this City —FREE—from the Agents, PERKIN PINK & HIGGINS, 5B NORTH FOURTH STREET. IT TLE, 'BROWN, &, 00., 37 KILBY STREET... PUBLISH THIS PAY, A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE LAW OK / COVENANTS FOR WILY. MY V'IIUaM HUNKY BAWI*. THIRD EDITION. REVISED AND ENLARGED. Svo. I»Hco $.1,50, his work is devoted to (he consideration or the iia» \>Mtra*nd 'ifclow* of vendoT* nnd purchasers of teat estate, ar sine from ttiefr Covena-ts for Title, Such oovennm* are, ir*ome»hapoor form i. troduoed into nearly evary r-at estate, on both sides oj. the AtUntle, a* d the demnffd for tlir present edition won rt b-ohi Ui indma e tha\ the Profession hate not deemeduimeceesaty ft wiitf.whioh h** for its object their c nft'ytte and practical effect. tv the preparation of this edition, the fnrmsrtreafiso hneta*nc&re'ut(t revised, and all the authorities pub lished up to the present time have beat ineorpora’iri. ** H, U n work of mooh value to the profusion through* out ibe un tei (States. It dtsp n\» sreat industry uni and souud legal loarnom **—it. D. Tanuy. " Hits vrork give* a ootidensed view oftho doctrines established by Jodtolnl no rh'« sohjcflt m n|- »n« stiver* ‘>tat«*mthe Union, uhiotj la nowhere else to I o round. ') he imlJMrv and rcKnarch wntoli it ex hibit* do honor fn the learned *u»hor ■** ri entitle bis worn *u tlii pat run ago ortho prolbisiun U. 0. Grmß, i “Jhav* examined, with much Interest, Mr. Rnwle’s recent work ou Covenants of Title and have rooeiveri from »< tne Iff heat nrrttifioart.m The work is a most vnlu n’e addition to our stock ol -rhinal American _avr Treatises Giouuß Suarswoop. jyiS Stlmwif - "Somenew gculus, 1 breaV.iiu out at once like the Li h rebellion, ft hundred thousand strunk.* [Uoaton *) ranscript. MARRIED. PIED. Boston, !TEW PUBLICATIONS. •V4UI ABLE'SCIENTIFIC BOOKS, V fc nLAR fofc&AW op 4 KUSTRI?GN*rrf?'ifAf|UFAOnJUE OF BOAPJ a nua l and dltldiir's plifts'. sm?n th" Ah r and m’anufaotu re of limo. MEMORANDA on TFTf BTBENGTH 9 p USED IN ENGINF.EttING CON STRUCTION. Wmoj JJI3 Buy your tnoics at kvans* ur^r BOOK STORK.. 4»B CHE TNUT Street. *rls the best place in the city, Books are sold os oheap os at any other Store, and v<ui have the nuvar.taxe Of reo ivlng a handsome present, Worth fromPooentst > 100 hundred dollars, _ . With eaoh Book. Books of Faot, Hooks of Plotlon, ftxiks of History, floo s tor Farmers, Books of fliograpay, flo.ks for Meohamos, Jj'oke nf Travel, Hook*of Humor, Book* of Adventure, - Books of Pathos. Bolts abut Hftocb, ' {looks tor Amusement, 'tools about Patriots, Berks tor Devotion, Books about Indians, Book* about floidiers, flookiabout Himtors. eboi’t9mtof», ALL THE NEW BOOKH . To every departmentaUreratura. , Call in and one trial will assure you that the best place in tne olty to pnrohaseflooksisat OIFT ROOK FSTABLfSRMKNT, . 430 CHK^TNUTgtrret jyow beady. A?pl • COMPANION HAND BOOK OF TBAV£L _ TO Tint K%tibb UNiTJBD STATES AND HHITiPK PKOViNCES, laotudmt California. Kansas, ftfibneaota New Atoxtoo, tftah> Ne br/uka woeh nroa Territory. Oregon, the _letnmusof Panama, , Wild a description of the P/inoip*} Cj»Srs »nd Towns, and places of Interest, Together With "‘o’cls ~ Houiea, and jiiittreiof Trnye'i. W»fh Co iwd Map*. I vol.. square llmo. Paper covers. LO o»nt*. C10th,75 cents. fieavfree h» mall on reo-iptc f pru*e. D. APPLKTON flr CO. Pi\t>hnhe-a ‘jylLwfmSt Nos. 413*nd44 » Broadway. The year op grace. ‘HE YRAHOFOR CK: A History of th* rtevi* ml in Ireland. AD. 13&d. By Rev. Wj.liam G»bs <n. p. D. With an Introduction hy iUv. Darn* Ktoir.P.D. tfmo. $>2S. MOURNING HOURSJNPATMO3I ThoOpenlnUVi sion of the Apnoftispse, and Christ's ►vpib'lm to the •even Churches of Asia. By A. O Thompson, llmo. *TKB Rtvo, ANDOTBKR OEMS. By Rey. pe Uefde tfrao G3c*ot*. TRAVEL*. HKSiSAHOHKS. AND MISSIONARY OABt)«»v**URING *N i- fQH PKKN YEARS'REAL OErtCETN Eastern AFRICA. By the Rer Dr. J. Lewis K**pf. With an Appendix reßprotingtheßouroe* ol tha Nile, I.«ngaa**s and Literature pi BaStern *Forsaiuh **mo 4 ® 1,25, “ B. fc A'FRED MARTIEN, JeW . . No UOSOaKSirfufßireot. MEDICINAL* OXYGENATED BITTERS. THE OXYGENATED BITTEKS, T HE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, An tmfaihns ramadr Ah uufrtJlioi rdinodj Dyspepsia* Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Indigestion. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, IHE OXYGENATED BITTERB, THE OXYGENATED BITTER St Care Aolditr, Flatulency, Heart Burn, Water Brash* Cure Flatulency, Heart Burn, Water Brash, Aold ty, Cure Heart Burn, Water Bash, Acidity, Flatulenoy, Cure Water Brash, Acidity, Flataloucv, Heart Burn. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, Jaundice, Liver Complaints, Bi ioub Coixplalote, Liver Compla : nte, BiUpue Compla'nta, Jaundice, Bil'ous Complaints, Jaundice, Liver Complaints. \ THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, 'Tff^OXruSNATBDBftfEna, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, Cure Debility of the System, Female Complaints, Cure Female Complaints, Debility of the System, Cure lability of the Female Complaint*, Cure Female Complaints, Debility of the System. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS , THE OXYGENATED SITTERS, Cure Neuralgia, Nervousness, Cure Nervousness, Neuralgia* C.iro NenmUis, Nervousness, Cure Nervoußneßs, Neuralg'a, Oxygenated Bitters, Oxygenated Bitters, Oxygenated Bitters, Oxygenated Bitters, Oxygenated Bitters, Oxygenated Bitters, Oxygenated Bitters, Oxygenated Bitters, Cure all disease* mith otlsiaate in a disordered con- dition of the stomach, or imperfect digestion, or in a debilitated state of the system, induced by fever, ©l* matio influence, habit or disease* and are acknowledged by all wnoimve used them to be the most remarkable medical remedy of the times, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS , THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, TITS OXYGENATED BITTERS, ave prepared Uy 8. W* FOWLK fc CO., 18 Tremont Ftreet. Boston, and are for sale by their agents, by Drtig- giuteaud Dealers in Medicine both in city and country everywhere. T. W. PYOTT Sc 80Nfl. Wholesale Agents, 318 North Second street. Philadelphia. BOLD BY AM, DRUGGISTS. SOLD BY ALL DHU3GISTB. SOLD BY AI.L DRUGGISTS, SOLD lIY ALL DRUGGISTS. 3slS-eof--d4iW PaOF. MORRIS* KUOFPHALOB. There are lOOOyfl Sufferer* from DfRPAR'ESof ho NttKVuua orol’bfU, intheoity of Phtladelpbm, WHO HJPHALOS, Whioh is on original * RYMEDY. Compounded from the privato formula of Professor Morris, M. D .• of this otiy. . It aota uirectty upon the Nerves as AttsoM^rrov through the pores, and >r need* hut the trial of a , ttINOLft UOrTJL-tt to (pat its marvellous vutucs Sufferers from fc.XCITF.MrNT OF THK BRAIN, * Ca»ON*CNEJryODHNEBS, &C., Will find the desired relief by its fiXTLKNAIi USE, os directed a the Oironlnt. T , Ui fi . TRY fr*l TRY VI ’iRYIT! TnY T 1 ' TkY IT! THY T l 7*r»* 11 * TR ir. 1 THY itj THY l ! 'Ut\ II 1 •iky r ! TnY 11 f - TKV T! TRY IT! TR> r THY IT t {hY t! l TRY IT I If you are e*hau»ted by over-moon study. If yon suffer Iromsleoplwmiigh a, IT louare&viottm to neuralgia, fl you er; p OAtratvd by excessive grief. If you craro BtumiUt ng (iriuse, T THY in T ft THY IT? R Y THY IT t Y TRY IT! f TRY ITJ I T T«YiT! T its it will remove those miserable sensations which in* dune a inorb d disposition towards interoper-mce. THY IP.i* touare ruffeiing from Nervou* Deb.lit? in aoj o< tU forma, nndtott will tiud It a soothing and JNVIQ*)RAH.VC AfTLIOATfON to your nerves, one vroiib many umea its ©oat, in the relief Afforded* Numerous testimonials from tbo mon respectable sources can be seen* by apply log at the office of the pro pnetora. FtWfi¥f? gto MOOltfilDOß & CO., No* 03 North •y And for Sale by Druggists generally, Jy7-if ICTnUI. For the INSTANT RELIEF and TEA nto I u Jf ill MANKNT CURE of this distressing com- plaint, use ?ENDT’B BBOISfCHIAXs CIGARETTES, Made by C. D. BKYMOUR A CO.. 107 NASSAU Street* New York Price 81 per box i tent free by post mrfHbo ifl FOH SALE AT ALL DrtUGGfBTfr. [ THE PRINCE OP WALES’IS GOING t-vvisit >mt It he comes L» Philadelphia. he, intends to sot a boautiful life ese PhotmodM in Oil, from REIMhR'S Gallery, SECOND ts.reetT above Oreeftr _ \\* ROSIN.— 2,COO barrels thippiog tt'otUn ...c»r«o.o/,»alir J.a. How*tt,l,oiiinjitia tot '*»!*' ’ ASHBUfI«fcR, k CO., *O. IS gwlh SUMMER RESORTS. PSJv h^ NTV W ' 4B ' f BPWB-8 reopen o a m °"° M 0 lh .« hi* w*Hkii*ndd racHuiSi V^&; a .- ,C ® , YIr7».b+eati 1 r 7».b+eati fi'hinir. uml tha h»" l!h o iivmi f oni!’t..S*'r?. ‘ M ® miita if» mint d««ir»h|, «f it»»*r»n. rnd for ft nitre. It is *?’;** frtr ’ , n f| 6 Jbmoe’pbis. Bsltiroors.snJ pf übur!?*h* oailoD wllll dsilystsja nod mail eonuot'ns iff? ihl ! ne, ”V’ “ tliosn olneasst OiriiMo, |*|\ * r »in» from ForPi-limitam,adores,' 1 ’ »_»Ui _ Warm Bprlng,/iaV r : DOOB -UNO gap white SULpHUR AND CHALYBEATE SPRINGS.--™, ”mo£ Sl'V'W* t 1 ®"* * IM bean ontirrlr refill. [1 and rurnlsha? with ob reins earmnre und overj vxnntn.e Ihu iff,, rni n-autle» ol to-oountrr «. .1 eur «o“Sl oim sffjre The oroprletojaofferrvcry poraoniia k lW>!aJUttW h«aUh, or reoreftf(on 9u D ‘Bß k n,fiJfJiVlL n . M ' lroß ' ll /, 4ted mile* from JYewvjJl* Gumuerlaiuicounty. i’a., m a ico*t beautiful and f«rtn« c 1f C «?t«r i I ttct Tall I »Hi® vanou* >n ih«ir £' r iS«l\?iV?'£ re * n, V erf J tr ’ tb P&»r, ravne 2ntA»« o .?.'oS°i«5 D . fl i l,a ‘j Pfodnoed wonderful aimative eusot* upon mva ids >« nd o n«r<*. Visitor* will find fi i*». Sdcf MlUh*Hi l r. u, ’ mn “^r li u nB ' * ith M«*»»ive seyvS, t* M e * f them-mnn. Pri’O of hoarding po per month. on’t J D p![! p S , ' a l d6, P'‘ , a bJ the morning tMin 51*.J•*? * enu*jl\uriia Railroad wfiuect m HamaVnirs viri te's.sr Pa*e f om Ph.MMphinto »ho °pringa 84. linVianiMuulhjia** HnrrMburg OORneot with two lifK.si.BipsssisrjrwTi l '* nu ° m a^-h^ J»H taul FfAWACA. COYLE. £ CO. YELU»W dP#INUS K ÜBESTER COUNTY. PA. Ihe abvjve-mentioued House hv.-me been thoroughly repiirdd and r*fitio »in the beet manner Wlth cew fur- D U4 r tfi/co • is "ow open for boarders The Ye low aprioga Hojm odors every Indno*m*nt beio* large And cummoduvur, with ehadr walk* aid romantio ml**. &o. 7 . Ah® v n a ;‘e l > WdquaUt* of thegprm.sind Bvhahave been looknad favo aUI) known and tbesubecrib-yr, who hie been for several tenre pnrt oonueoted with the Co lumbia Houao. Cope l»l nd n. J., will use his tieet *x er* o %i ” l * 5ta * hi* iueati pleatnot and tjtagoe eonneot dally with tho Heading Railroads A. 110e 4W * ° n oaiUfdi,fl with the SA. M. and 8H t*. «. Kverr information wl l bo cheerfully elven, by ad dreajtng the inhaenher. ft' ti<o Ve low KprioAs. rhee ter Countyi or c.Lil.lH t ntrtia'aixviHe Station. ReoJ ioc Railroad. a. U. oNYDKR. * 5 c '.‘is Superintendent. pU'>RE t VCE mmiTS HO l EL.—THIS **• Hotel ■ now open for tue reception nf visitors, both pe matient and traouent. le, < d ettncaohed for com* rort end BupeMoracoummod* rr*. with nmplc room for two ban red person*, ft*;** will rniupare with house for a summer cetor. The lM>st of emit u oed servaote hare bean procured and no eff.rt ehait 'e spared to render the *UJ P« m«»t« aareeable. I’bo l.ar<e park and grove# ad/omin* tne manelon twlnohis oneetiy on the hnoke of the river, beautifully ebaOod.i gr>*rvt n-uuoen en’s eg a *u "liner report, havmc aeoeMiorheoityeev ralnmos daily. »arms 8R a week*. ehHdreD and oery-nt* half price. The oate.me «.ftha ho u 9» i«u n dc r ihedirepi»uoerv ,, .lnn of |\v. Dorsey, jlft-dt DORSKy fr. >*OBBfNH. Proprletorn 'lifANSlO'i UfsT OAKRUN, ITJL KCUHYLKILI. COUNTY. PA. Famine* acdomoiodated with good rooms At redaoed prioes. '-htsola-est'bnehed ITouae, loo*ted in the ran be tween gliarp ard m. umatn*. immediately on the line or the Philadelphia and Jtoadini KaUroad, within halfa mile ol lutjevd.e, lo'znerly ‘«pt b» Jo eepn bead, of the old Mansion Hoube, Philadelphia hu, since his demise, been utder the charge of his QlUtuvOf. The Bouse in prepared, at nil soosone of >he year, for the reception of suesi*. and h*» been recently put tu order. The larne sarden ana piutr adjoining prreente great inducements a« a summer resurt. to persons wish' mg tosp.nd a short time nway from the dost and tur moil of the cities, where they ca i breathe fresh monn talnair andenioy the wild and beauutal ecenerr of the coal resmn. rofnmuwttou passenger tickets, for the use offami iies ore eold at a reouotion of twenty five per cent., and an occominiKlation train will leave Pottsvilledailv durin* the summer nvjnti e, tn enable those who may desire i» to epenQ tne business portion of the day m the our and return tne some evening on whion theohsrgee wh be thirty-throe per oent below the usual Tates. For term.,apply 10 . „ WARY BEAD, . . • Mansion Honec, '►ount Carbon. j«3O 8m SolrajlWlcv.. P». T ONG BBAOH Horss, opposite "TUSKEnTON,N. J-T«i. Hofl 1. no? n,.a for the reception of visitors, Initii permanent and tran scient. HavutK heen at a large expense in rcfittins and re-furnisbinir I f<*e! ansnrjU that for oooiforiandcon. \ ant® .oe it will compare favorably with any houseon the coast. The best of coolm and servants have brea I'Tl.Vl:,'.’ 1 ! 1 ao .'ft!! I< ' fvmi to rend.r tho asteeabe. fho prospecta foy Gunnins nod Fishing are excellent. Jiystprsof the finastquabty * have m nbandtnoe. tVitli fh*so Increased advan tanefl, ‘am confident that the n»» fastidious wt i have no online for complaint *. B -Oapt.. nrti.LMM wil> run a daily line of first-olass parkem from ti-nto City to the bowi* oopof w»uofi will b? nt Ationtio ever? morainr on the arrival of »ho morning tram from Philadelphia. Fame. wiahinK tatoma !jj wire ..f L„d’« Point, or otherwise, by adilressiue tno a fow days in aovaoce. h'vo a good boat to meet ihom nt anv point named, iO3O-3* I.FiVIM BTr WARI'. gw BATHING. retl BOUSE, JBEARD, N./. Thl. well-known cclaSli.hment, t!.* favoiilo resort „r Tl«itors, is now.oaen fc) r the oi surs’a. ft na* bees sleepingTooinaipmMonsaodairy, and oororaumcat* to Miit families. I*bo housi* will be Miuuiied with wat r from the * old *prin s '» rerbons iJewrcoborspendins af v weeks or the sum mer in an ngreeabb* manner cnuM i or do better then to givo »he Ocean house a trial, JdRAKh LKAMJNG, Piopijntor. m BRIGANTINE Horsv—Brigantine ■5l. ''Mch, 'ewJareST. H. b. KVITiI. IVoirictnr. l ill* lariie and commodious Hoie* is now open for the reception of vis.tore. Persons vim n>t the sboro will find thi* the most de«irablo res rt tor Bit-tcg, uunnms, FißlmjK, &e.j icprov.rnrna bavin* lien ii ade,such as enlarEoment ofdiruui room,new h&thin* bous>s. wbarf walks, to. Paasinvors leavi * Vine street wharf i * the moinioe train, -oi't Camden an * At tamio Railroad, arrive at Ucd!i.n'« Hotel, w.,ern Beniannn lu nerwiilbe in rcodir.eAa m oonvov them to the Ho el. arriving in time for dmro . I«*I9 to»h«l<n* A JdEHI» AN HOTEL. HpTHLKH-M t '** Pa—Th*® PropnetoroftbisHoirlhasnowlyfittM aphis house for the accommotiaiiono* visitors during the sun mer season. The • n orfenn (fotui is situated on th» moat elevated spot in th- Bornneb. Bathleb®m is to * wei mown for its beautiful soecer/ and commanding view of the sumMimling country. and loritse«>ub oa« mnimt iniiGid r?a iro commcot. iHtiosr prep.rcii n,-p*ci«iTw and F 'iniii<*e, aud vr«mis‘« to da b‘ft b-<Bt 10 tender their stir wjtbhim pieoaencandaareeablc. pMTsrs Moderate. J.AY. ft. PrlAflO. Hn . rropnelor. UOIKL, BKTfti Hldvl, pA. Md nld-MtsMiahwl Douse, '■ nnwr, a. the ••LLHIOH VALlfci' SUAIAIUB ;»o*oi*n lor the wiwon The .rcmnrooil tlon« nl tm» Bouse uvlbe found uneurDn-a rl. Tr,* rirtft h.-ro. ■yt o North rennsjiranin Katlrno/ in one of me u'ea santest in our State. CAa#E» YofLL, f roprletor, J'loam A MbR'OAN HOTEL, AU KNTOWN, ■f* P'*—Thlp well-known end popular hotel has. during ibe past season, been * avLARGED AND IMPROVED. nod is now in capacity aud oot.vpnic'r.re to none In the interior ot Peunsvlven a Ida baautiful and heait nv Situation of Ail'otnwn renders it a de luh'ful »niniaer resort, jn view ofwh.Mr speoial ar rangomenM have been made by tlm pro ri-mr* to'o* commodate Bummer boarders. J. Y. JeSS t el b. W. BIGQNV. CEA BATHING. NATIONAL tfcUil., , CAPE ISLAND. CAPjS M *Y. N. S. This fine, lane.and airy hou-o ip MOW OPEN for visitors. It is distinguished (or cornfoit. tlit*. And supeuor RcvctPTOOdatiotui, with ample risim mf '*o pet ■oub Terms uuxlerato. jefl Bin AAR»«N rrupnator. ta *« OTTaIOE, NEAR Ela THE LI *ar-HOLMR ATL lN IMC CITY, N J.* (the tie a eat huiise to ibc aurfj, rov o;ru for the io enptinn of Hoarders. Th» proprietor respeotfnll* solioltw r continnaoce of the patrons .s of his friends and tho nu hue Jecim* JONAH wuorjnx rroprietor. eiAB uom, KXaRI.y.OVPOBITIt THE r, !». TTOT r I, Ah.ANTICCI Y N. J. SAMUEL ADAMS, MVJIMU TOR. DINNER....* ...*.** .. t fFTY CENTS. ALSO, CARRIAGES TO HIkK *s*“ Boarders accommodated on tbo most reasovabie ternis - h» , O 3m THRMont HuU*JB» O Ml l N. J.—HUMPHRBY IJUGHE^ 5 . Pror-net'r-This house, so -lewuitly sitaa’Cd in clmc to the bench vri'l l»e open forth* reception of nsito'S on the fsth msr* The largo, Bplendiif li n in front of the house ? the Bno shade, good romin ami t.b’o, r'-nder it tho moatdosirabl' p'ncs oa the trs] >nc{ m the promises are bowline saloons ai.-l b >rtcr .shop. jo!6 1m Lebanon valley house LEBANON, PA, CJIAB. W. KUHNLE, Prorrirtor. Summer boarders taken- Tbe house la new find eom modious. with grounds aPteohed. Purroundm? country beautiful and healthy- Railroad oommunioatlon with the oity twice a day. Charges moderate. Jels Jm* TVEPTONE HOUSE—ATLAfOfIC OITY. i. v —This popular and eminently nvorno House at Atlantic CUy hgs, since the olosiag of li'-t snton. been entarued* yefittert, refurnished, att« cmnpietety re juvenated m every parucular and is now, open for the season. Froiu its delightful eiinouou, near ness to all plants rf interest, oloae proximity to the safest and best part of the heuh, it a rendered one o! the most convenient end deoidedly the pt?>MntPst house ontbels'nnd. , rtl , u Terms—Blo per week; 81.60 per day. Children and servants balfprioe. , .JOHN SMICK, Proprietor. R. L, FIfREY, Superintendent, Je2i-lra Beantifully and convoniamly located at ATLANTIC » ITY, N. J. Bonrdors accommodated on reasonable terms je2o-Sm M. MOCLEBB. Proprietor, qnnw sea-sh ks-atlantio city. JL McKtuauva u. s. h a'EL. The undersigned, propm or of thp above-named house.' b*mg now preparec to receive guests. re sprotlutt* coUotts & ehue or the pnblio patron age, Hinco Isot summer tnore has been, added to tfiie hotel ft four s.oried wing. 140 feet iu tainlmr (beside the bed rooms.) asuite of three Parlors, forUifter and ’wo for eentlemea; Qiao, a reception room, wash room aud spamoua bar room. *- Bowling Baloons. Billiard Booms, and hot and co'd BoiMr ter Bath Vooms hav« bnen constructed for the acioonuno* dation of visitors, and tho whole houi.e v.vl no luhted with site. The house has been newly pmctod and fur nished whilo the shaded xrounas snnounding it have been putin oomvlete order. \ wbll inamjod pleasure Vaoht. and an excellent Band of Miru*. hr ve been en gaged for the season. J. McKIBBIN. jnH if £J£KUSLE The favorite rr-oort f"r thoee who opyrecuato Grand Scenery* tvuT'p'c Qirr orttTt? Hum Mountain A«r. Inmoratinii WHlTj^yyluß BMUe. Carßcar.U Wt*il ventilated Cumf/rbM ?o®: Pa. «* 0o «' co3i ' t? • » a <* d Acct»nirtOilativmsfoT * 300. Forpartionlarssejnlfor Oiron- T88.M6 I.O\Y Inr. OWEN, CLKNDEIUN. 4s je?Sm Carlisle Spring, Pa. BEPffoBD SPRINGS.—This well-known ami delfcbtful Summer Resort will be opened for the reception of Visitors on tiie Fiuyi' OF JUNE, and kept open till the let of Ootobrr. Tuo wotnl will bo under the imnasonientof Mr. A. G ALLEN, wmse experience, U3 manner*, aud attention to his guests-give tho aiurl&V. assurance of comfort ami kind treatment. Parties wishing rooms, or any information In regard to the place, will address the subscriber, JNQ. P» it»D, t?oa*y mm Treasurer, my3o-3in Bodford AnnerulSpringsOo, CTPHRATA MOUNTAIN S’RINGS, Li L'in'-oarer County, Ponnn’lrr.ni.s —Tina *si*b bshmenr will bo «»p-n b» th Ut* ot Juno Tf»e ftd vauU.es of this beautiful rcwirtar* i Mountain scenery, pure air,anti soft enter: every variety oi batns.antl nnu-ementa; a Rood stock of liver> imr.-on nml oar* riaKOfl. Pot funner particular* call on JOSEPH It. HYEIW, corner Third and Vm« 8 rests: JaMJSd 8. EARLK. No. tJl*» Chestnut fitree' HhiHdelphia. orto the proprietor, JOSEPH KOMGMACHER, Ephr&ta Posfflflfee. LnmmterfTftuntT. Pa. mtSo-Pm COLUMBIA VOUSG, CM PS SLANO— May, New Jersey.—This large. first olsis HOT** L-will be opened, for the reception or guests, on the tt'h June. ISOO. The House has bees complete)? repaired and refurnished. A uew cooking Yan**, ovens, steam boilers, and every modern improvement added, hxton'ivo stabling attached to the premies AU letters add essea to the subscribers. Capo Island, New Jrnaj. «dl t» James H. Laird.late proprietor Franhbo House,/ hila.- delpniai R. U. Woolman, formerly pupnetorWount Vernon Hotel. Cape island. iera-diro_ CONGRESS HAIL, CAPS ISLAND, \J CAPE MAY, N, well-known, first-class Hotel will o* opened for the reception of guests on BA *Thatowhn*l*'Sieji'We been removed, and new “ jSfiS&r Proynotora. CtIS'GRFSS (lALL ' TLANTin CITV,. N i ~Ti!.< B,,mous Ho-'so. aita,ted u AtiMiiiG Cite.wilfb« noni.ll with evaiy Moom'iodMluiifor Vi.ftnte I n t>v? “th bv <h« oab-oribir. Ta«' front*ib» Mooh Kivts, nyl.odld ri«v. Jr.ho riccsi; nr, 1 1. utr <h» Fi»Mn, n. Shtthtevtat. So nUn. *jU b* ,|»nu to Moats th* 'aorntOK taaooa-. T jfe o, "r- WNMafe-RMiMn. ‘ ' SUMMER RESORTS. JJEHI.O.g’B HOTEL, . , ATtANTXC O.TY, WBVY JFJIgKY. At fho cerm/Dirsof the RaUmvf. on the left. be*ond OPBN for Roardcie «««■!#« ac<l otTer* aocommodations e^PhL t< l anv i. f,ot f l ,n . tl’intio Citr. l*?.° v*v* much improved, and btm c't 1 bavin, Ohsrre.mod.rai,. S? pSyiS?i B ®^? nU HalfPriw. iafroitof'tha SSSy ie lß, ,6 ®! , ** ,, ‘ u,lt Ithaoaraarnv* irl°lm H tBli >]gn. a/e coiupicuoui. OUESTER CO! NTV BOARDING. ZfeJA'Z* «eWng a h«aithv retreot during thapre- *dcsirahio 1.-caiion. m Ht?L2. hVnwrii . C ,^lsr a * J .? Rnca,t ' l ''*i **c»i<»r.B ol nur r* , w ri^Tcsilins between the h>->nr«tvf ftiv«. hTkW oMook A M., at 41“ North MEVENTm ft Rw-at» W AM?£* 3iIAUFiEB ' 8 BAIi ROAD r'?« ’ AT,,AN,W 01TVl “'•“ii. u>,R»ii- SITUATION OV THE IBI.AND. MANMON HODSE. ATLANTIC CITY, L eZ,*J r !3 *bo THAYI R, (lato of Sarf Howe,) nrnre/l !“*“ v«T mooh oalargeii ecii int iSuvsfSS 5 l ?If? number of Family Booms, not ho t ?l Jn thw city, Witb ***• and fine walks JK'iM'. tef 0 b r ot nxs, l d* &?.: h ws » * h V2 *» r.Up ft.plat *roKd for eSfdrtif weu shad'd-.od enclose*, withewTn*».*o. ‘ department will h* ander my own es **ntl I tract tha 1 my reeut-tiun la be^nsurpisM? b ‘* hM 10 * aMa & al * lh *t table will Terms will b* #u per week Transient Boarder* M per day. andf/Am t 2« to th ? fj'dito wiUUlte Boarders to 1 til9 ocesn ffee of charge during bathing Imam _ J ?! 18A*C THaYKR. I NITEU (STATPS HOl'Vt; Yki. M ' L ,! P’' ,^S' 5 ' P'”POIN COUNTY. PA. ecJjhAf’lnU i^ oo^1 hasheen leo*erf by the sub n»wwV)i A rm.N« , , b * , t I ii l l hor r Q ' h,y r *' ovatsdatid entirely ® e ”y 'U'BUnoil. 'il ersbur* •estroated in on* «.i the most romnn jo rerions of “ ennsj™me: the'uiau ® nSS%ninf r .?h W * mra “ < * ,at ® T tf *e *o n. and chords fine Mhia* , the roountnm scenery is nnsureassed m the aboun C2 m nl*n?y. aßnrdintf fine s?J?nf fi ; th o streams abound with trout ia great plenty. City visitors, who are derfrous of spendiae a few monthe in the country, will find tui* one <j the most desirable ulaees In PonnayKauia. The north passes the town, and it is iodailrcommanmaion with Philaoelpbit, tfalnmore, Sta'K «;.u JK!W. b ’ r,rUln *"^• ffor ' w Mlil.rahorg, Jog, w A i4 WARFIE ’°’ doliSß, ATL NTIO CITY. N. J This spacious Hotel, possessing the xrmt ad/anta ceous location at Atlantic City, having brtn recently vT naL-.nU Ol>Baod or *pproaehm* season ou /( aew wing three storieshlghandW feet in lentth, witbyeramiaaajjrpondmy n.hae been add 0. romain las fliys**bo airy rooms and extending to within «0 yards nt the oueao, a fine eroapectof which is afforded from s,lmo«t every room in the house. Ga» i* being intrmiuoed into the bu Iding. addiDonal haib bouses w 11 be erecteo.and numerous other im tfa® Mmo? the pruprif tor to make the 6U*rF HoUSK one of the most attractive °[ aomirer resort near Pniladelphia. • The table wjil be supplied in the mo*t Jiberal moaner, and all po*«ible % ars will be exercised in the general ar ranteroenfiof thehoas-* with a view to the comfort and oodveqience of go- efs. The AthctjoisoneorrMsed and the pure. dr». ujujjjphero oaa proved to be particulaily beneficial M,i a I ti £L?s£i? m V°.? Q *.? re ! ( . Fot) ®* t*»H please address the subeoriner at the Barf Rouse, or at the Ashland House, Arch street, Philadelphia. jeflmwf-2m g. F. BVHBOH. ]|f ANEiON HOC3Fj MATJOH CHUNK, hi! n ** tbemoet oomfoxta ble and ejtten»ive hotel in Northern Pennsylvania, -nd the protnetor flitters himsetf that thug for he has «nc o*£tfod*n keeping itina manner that cannot fail to sa tiety &U hie guests. ..The (f.ocniy are newly and elegantly furnished,an* the Table always qoatains the rerr best the Markets anoro. The hotel is located on the banks of the directly oppose the railroad uepol, and at me Tese of Mauch Chunk Moucfciln A path leads from the rear of the house in the »op of this mountain, from which poin*. soo-eeignt hundred lest above the i#ehigh,tbe most sublime scene imaginable is presented TU* House is abundantly supplied with tie beat and purest Mountain t*pnns Water. Rot and Cold. Hatha can be taken at all time*. jetS-2m GhOKG- fldFFKfi. Proprietor. A MERR’AN HOTE , MAUcH CHUNK, f~r. Pfi>—Tins ROTEU U now kept ina manner af lordm* every com ort to a>rsnsen and travellers. modsteSUMMV.lt The tnoet euhUtne cionntain scenery and rural enjoyment* are here af forded. MICgAftL WILH - UM, , • GBO. W.WILhpLM. Je2s-teet Proprietors. TOJS'JINE hotel V t WBW H*VRN CONN. 'i h* subscriber has refurnished tMa fashionable first class ttotei entire this tpriar; remodelled the o d Dining Knom * added » now La lies’ * r-’ioary »and nut in com plete o.Tuorh'S mlliaidsna Batn booms. Famu os can have gaits of ro ms at either House, as low as at an* first-olass House in the Country. Hoarders can.goto and from the TmTINE to the K £. o, ad*y by tail, and take their meals atelther House. with»utextraoharge. Havine porohated and smoked a large farm at Ba ohenFsHead *h»sgprunr, the two Hoases will he fur nished with meats, poultry, milk, butter, vcrfet. bros and timt ait}, from the firm. fi tele Mpn hre has been put up at »aobem*s Head, and ut the 'oitwe. at the proprietor’s own expanse* wtuahoonaectswuhalltheiiaesin lue i nitrd state*. JeS-f7t H LBl SOkANlt/N. e ACHEM S HEAD HOTEL, K? GUILFORD. CONN vhe proprietor of this well-known firs’-olass fashiona ble tfumiuer-bongo would inform iu former p»ir.»/.» an • the pubho generally. that he hns bnill on bon dred feet this spring, makim' seven y-lour new bed rooms now dining room f>ity by one huodrd new parlor forty b* seventy. Pvery room m the bouse is newh furniMtvd with.»«w Carpets and new Cottage Furniture. The Hotel is of mode c construction, built on an extenwe soale. with sccon,m»datJoi • for lour hundred suests; beautifudy loca rd o i 1,-nx Island 'Ottnd. ourteaii tni)e* e«*’nf New Haven, on t„e i'ew Londcaand 3t,ou<n<ton Rail-o-v 1; new Billrtrd Boom, with three new tabi-s two new ten-pin alleja atacou veateatdistance frdm the and twelve nrw oatb loe housat. Pi«king is not ,mrH' sound. A new yacht of forty-five ton*, and *fver«i smili sail -boats, wl i.banouttautly o», hand, ready for parries. Going from *ew Yors to Sachem'* H *ad tags the 8 A. M tram,andS P. M- train; rhtek and ticket to Sa chem s e*d direct efivniinx oar* at >ew Haven— tißie through 'h h »urs- F»om New Haven ro the Head ar3 '■ \ ll \.M. andfiF .M-tunetorty mi utes. t tuo Mgchem a Head depot wjl be found i-n m of Cook’e best four horse omni iiwe new ami oleun, to carry you d r-ci to the tt«u<>e A new lira, ooehnndred by fif.v-two feet, ba» boro huutthtssprinx. which vll ac oav>dM* fift\ houses Eight aorv«nl l*nd have so* u enoloaed and filed with Qf n *®o f, ialand fruit t ee*, walk#. &o. j he hous* will be opened for the recaption ofcorapa •y on the jyjth day of iurenext, under toe immediate •tmernUendeoce of the own^r, ate never esen at the Bead. f-f EAili HOUSE, ,*•“ , . SCHOOLRY’S MOrNTATN, W. J„ Is now own the reception of company Commom* eatrots by letter will b* pr-trrpt y attended to. Je3l lm P a. CkoWKL'*. IToprietnr, UNITED S'ATfeS HOTEL, LONG BR ANCH, N.J. The subscriber takas this method or infnrraiDs his frtaoda and th* publio -that on and after JC> E 20th ht* house will bo open for the re* cepfmn of guests when rverr effort nil be made to pleaeo those who nm favor him. lhe hoos« 1* plea* Mntly situated im a &ab bluff, with laws in (root. a full new of the ocean, rood roads, sfab/i- j, 4a,, make it &s attractive as an; house in the country. The com munication la arwgaible by two dally hoes from foot of Walnut street « harf. vis. i 6 a. M..atwJ IPM. Reference-Graudr, Warden* ft Co.. Qv9 Chestnut •ifopt. $. A. SHOEMAKE®. A MERIC\W HOUSE, CAPE INLAND— Mr*. M. REYNOLDS. Proprietor.-This favorite hotel will op-n tjr the reception of visitor* on M'»N- D'Y, June 75th. it Jim been fitted op m the beat atjrle. ana every attention will bo paid to the oomlhft of it* ■iOQttfl. jglg-dt>cpt OEA BATHING, CAPE ISLAND, N. J.— I HOUSE i, tow open loMh. muon. I.|g-3in* JA.MFB MKCRAY, Proprietor. WANTS. $lOOOO si.ono, S 3 SW, £2,00, to TT • »cve*t oo rooruaxe or io ihe pur o^°<>dground rent# BtSALUJK& PASCHAbL. 720 Wa I.N > I STcSu Jt* WAM'iD —Nya joung lad, fifteen veara °f *?*. a 8ITI; aTION aaerrand l*ojr in awhole * le store. Can tsni« a got'd hand, nnd t» quick at figures. Address •• Thomas," office of The press, WNTED —A young man as Salesman, who <m* d with tho Vercb’nt '»ailor’i and Cmthin? tr*d« «f hub oit-. To any p»r»on ean&bla or fiiiinc th * position. * liberal c-ompensvf U WiU be given. address Box 413, P,o. TirANTEn—A * s alesman, in a wholesale "J Hat House 0«e whoean influence ashorte e d<to/ovh trade may h**rof a situation by addrexsins (With real nemo) • tfoxfiffi.” Philadelphia P.O. jjj3-3t WANTKD— A Partner with 810,000 to $l5 000. ei’herslJent or jfo'ite.in an easy and paylnc bus.ness. Undoubted refrren»o given end re quired. Add em "Cap uti,” at this office jylo gt* A YOUNG LADY. HAVING A GOOD education, wishes a shannon as an Awriftmi Te-chor ina-'euun , »ry*m or out of the city, address " Teaoher." this office. jyP «t* FjH saLß—The Stock and Fixtures of a Wbolerale Boot and Snoe Hoo«e. now dome a good busmen*. This is & good opportunity for any one wishiUK togo into the businesa ora houte wanting to increase toeir tr-de. Satis f ototv reasons girioe for g-ltn* out Andress "Box 380," Philadelphia Post Office, » jetatt WANTED— A Situation, by a man, thirty.seven years of ay#, of oxrensir# experi ence io business oi good ad rose, and oompeionuo fill almost any position, eitnsr a* a clerk. sureriLtandouc, or salesman Is very respectably connected, aod can give tho mo*t satisfactory references aa to integrity, energy and basineu capacity A moderate salary for thepresmt wiU bo accepted. Address " B. 0. H.,” office otThtPrcSi - * Jeia U ran sale, and to let. ®FOR SALE—A fonr-stoiy b<wn stone residence, No.SJJ WNEstreet, opposite the hospital. It has alt the modem conveniences, ts well finished, and It m good ctder. *p Iron me premises, orHtl? MARKKT street, of ihe FseettWs oi the estate o JamesB. Mnrtin. Sr., deceased. j>33 fmw6t" TO LE r—3 hu first floor < f tha fine Build log No 7 i CH E 8 PoUT str. et. formerly ouenp e*t as a wholesale tand lately as a icmitl Fancy Goons and IW'Uinery Store .App»*«t , heo/ficoofJ , '.LiiBHAL , hL &Co. ,v o TU4 ChEaTMJrhtteet, PUila. JyU lnt UTultS’ SALK.—Tho ?tock fix- Jt-i tur*#. and lea*e of ihe Wholcsa’e Hat, Can and htraw Goons »-ou*e. No 417 Murkec street, lor Wt Tnisisagood opportunity tor any one wishing to go into business, ur a homo Wr-.otms to inoreaet their traders it is a long established and favorably known n use. ahd withal an excctiett ooaton. in<uuie on tne ore.i i<es lor the Fxecobirsoftbeß'etaMOf £t» JAMbd B. MAKTm t Sr..DecSM*d. HJISSOUHI LAIMDJI Soft,ooo Aorsa Sals. «i price raoema from WX to 60 cents per Acre. inaajMitfTi»ntie*re#n»Ted. TAXES pud. and i*.-.r^TSpro’.mrd forrurolm sers of I and nnder.tpa tirodua'ien Act Vln\s fuTmahed STOlis hy e< «Jo«iug a peatigo stamp. Porlurthermmnnrtn..» I f»ly v w mog fc c 0 V.B.and Geperal Uod .genta, u 6,01- STN VT Straat, Between THIRD and Ri H, 81. i OUld, MO. IiA v D WAHRiVNTS bought, cold, and located, ha3in _ Zfg, FOR ‘■’ALE—A desirable COUNTRY ES RB-JDFNCK. with a>>otu t«n anresof l,and. «cd jmproveme n s. near the Brandy wine, six miles south ot West '?he*ter, near the Baltimore Central Railroad. Address • „ „ J. W L <>N. Jei9-lm* rarkev lie,Chester county,?*. ® TO LET OR Ftiß HALE—A FuUß story house, doable book 1 buitdlnrs. all modern im prorewents, in complete order t an elecantlar.ejrard. Term* low_to a cooa tenant, ditnated No. 19*4 CHfcSrikUT«treet. Apply St f10,71V OBtfSTNL'T Btreet, in the Masonic Huh. jnytt-tf « 'JO CAPITALISTS.—FOR SALE — every oonvenienbe for o&rrying on an extensive busi ness. A deatrabla investment to persons of energy who pan path the business- For M e with or wuhost tho &ai\dimt. Tnamre atKS CJIKRTNIJT Street JaiaSfotfl? ” HART. MONTGOMERY. 4 CO. TO NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS For sale a. lar#e lot in the Southwestern eeetira of tho city. well adapted roraNnnary. Terms aocoirmiodii' Uai. For »artloisqra addras# •* K. ft at this offioe, apif-tf TJRtrf’StAN BLUE—Ground la Oil, for EsM&SIS2! u ' * 4 7 tu’ AMUSEMENTS. WII E ATL E T & VlfjtKE'S ARCH RTaM-TTHKvT-vR fFrida-l *■ VB v «wrj. " ,MEE *TJkVJMS» r «i!SBr;‘ ,n or Or. The MsgtVT>esrvf me I nTbeimTs. Fir Rupert. Mr. Lewis Baker; LcrfiaSi the Naiad Queen Mr* John f rew. To commence w th the Comlo Draca eaviled T-K FiRFT Nls#HT Doors open at hairpistf n’oiivk. Performance wiil commence ate urooiself. Admission 19ct*. Fecrire >uur gent* in advance GKA*D COM L ME.vTAfiy benefit toLOCF. DU l’&O*REB. No 49&. I O.ofaF. HALL, FJlidaV LV£MNO. JoJy U, /WYMAN, Th* Wi2ird and Ventrilonn'et, Has been ceza ed. end will p*rf.,rni a -anvey t.f bis fttnumtic, wonderfol, and *-xirao.d-D *r> fentn m Le-'ev ovmain, Cto 'ike i aagtabl»-ard interesting Ufe movto.' cutoroat* n Figures will appear. ,?,or®.th,'t»i<nJdatmctthe«t*o tion or *ne neadg of fatmiie*. as a o-ore tnwrncrive tc4 pleasant eDiertaicment cuon, be offered ,o theiueetvee ei <l children. The boom *i» perfectly cool and pleasant, and the ad mission placed at so low a price that tb*r« is no excuse for icavine the little ones at horns. A«LtJgsi«,c.Bote., cbi'dren.hali-cnce. „j| j,. * PENNA. ACADEMY GY TUB fitfE ARTB.-1025 CHfBTNUTBcrret combining a Mire collection or faintinre and 8eal»- tore t i*nowop*n d-il) from# » M. ti*l« truT'Ai misamo ta *»■.; children ondof l> years,ix imits. Jyfi-tf fiOIAIM: iN 8 TEMPLE, large, b-nutifnl. and perfect model of top xrand f***22l,®£* luteresuag tracing ever bailt uTtmted ttt the immense saloon of ~^*i» i^OVR , TWEL'>¥ii STREET. h.T?? loss. 9*- Jeet wide,and Ufdei -LSS * j!f *a* Jets, and the worshippers r»- £TS^««si*,S^#»2%. fie - ur * 8 ar r*yod In Jewish ooatume, ‘ —ding the vanou courts, give It a life-like op> * r £“f* ft* 4 o!»*i I Cliren.;Ml, oha^;«. Lhrnn., 4th and 7th chape t ana bxodn* sgifa cnsp.< foe 10 to Admlsflinp. 8A r*«r»: bnlf p-ice. r r J,*JP'lf,Tick*t» five fo 91 and pack* often, for' C’nhs and Bocierret 81 W itT •\r* J a ? P5 o*** 0 *** a number o r Pehnol* and «o'isttee w » j l beei-ntinnad until the ifth inst. TSTAHNES UIFLB A\D PISTOLGAt /'nTfl-rW W. Ho T oornre of FI’iRTH «B(1 r^ tr o 6, 0 i hisUMlerrh'B a distance of tGiry for Rifle Phrv-.nnv, with two 'aree Htv~ 'Je» liu* h9m °* 1 Ool£p ** * Gallery in tie Union. TV’iYJ ICE TO E —-Ihs Roaid of J-l Cornmjssionr* under an «ct of Asg»-mhlv »n*iUed' l^. M r, p t! 0 Vp n n r ‘i r ? h f •potionof Pabf.'e Ra.rd n-« iu th* Clt* of P ilndel>h>a.'» approved Spfil 2 IgW. °- an i ad * ytusi‘»»{ post fo the tuM? tors prop m.» o be rr»rfou These boi.din sarede aoofmmrd t»oo of gh* „ n’t* of l'*,©*. ; h «V f office*, sod the s ve sl rffionwt Ir°.w ai<d also f »tuo sc<y^ ia .ud\ti->a of tbes* ver*) < ep*rfro* tssnd r ffi«-r*of tb« ran ioi p l.o^n'mertortheeityofPhnsdelsbia. »^o^rl!!,L 0 «;'r« " c “'” ,ODlbe " ,nh tMt,n A ststem*nt. in detail, of the extent of tiOftTaaoiredi for the reueeti ve departiPents aad otfoes to r« located m theta boiidinn bee* prioteSraod persons designing to prepare pf-n* srsasrvbrreferrad • Jorcopiestn an* of ti»» Boird f Ooramiieioaar*. • urouod plans, sections. *leVatioo«. and oe sseotiro- Viewenfeae. bondingw.ll bereguisite, with clear and !n'l explanations , F , c * acoom»aoi*d hr o'raalete, *pecJ*caLoc» and with explanatioss of the wfaJe m> *im pie nu te. atd full that heir may he readuyoom- by person* not specially instructed ißOroAt- , i T be atsd plans- estimate*, rod specifioattort* to be directed the President of the Board, and fareitkid before the ur*t of A. D- ISfit - , Kaohp'rson submirting a plan must indicaU the rea dVr h«Vplans empi ° ,Bd 10 con * ln3 ‘ stin S the buildings nn- No compensation will be swarded or paid by the Com 4krthe P** B V° b ® «übml*t*d. »s herebygn- R. I Floras. _Fbij*4slphja, July H, lfiti • ' jtg-4w ‘ CHINA AND GLASSWARE. g^AUTION—FR>>H FRUIT J vRS—The ere cnticured ..slut th, reriou laiMms <;rß\Ri EEL’SeatesTaEl.“Lam AIRJT afff. JARS, now m mars-t. The genuine hare HorteU'e name on ue oover. Manufacturer* a-cer th* . , , ... HABTHLL & LBTCHWo7rS7 ielS-lmif* No. 13 North FIFTH street. poisox—FßESH FRUIT JARS.—I%© -1 acid of fruit always corrode# the surface oftaeUl; be carefnl. therefore, to eurobese nl> Jar# of olaee and Covers of Gl&eg., HAftTE» L’B LATENT AIR- Ti(?Hl ALL GLara ow admitted ;obe the on, y reliable and perfectly *afe jar in mar.st. , .. m HAuTbLL fc i-ETCHWORTB. JeU-lcif* Manofeotuyere, No, 13 N. FlPi B tfatr- DO Not go INTO THK OOUNTRV vnthont norphnsia* HARTELL’S ALL GL49S. FATEN 1 Atrf-TlGHT^jAßi—Mitt Niebolssn’so«e br ted cook book, with full directions for nutting up irtnts- Ao, together with 609 other cgeful reeevpc*,' SLS“^Tua¥aXK§ juJSU '*' i ‘ ji ' IJi,ii HaRI'EEI a letchwortii, JtU IffllN AorUi FIFTH Strert. INSURANCE COMPANIES. OFFICE OF THR FAME INSURANCE COMPANY. Jo. 404 CH'BTNBT RUut , Paito-irm.. Joj.lo, 12S0. At.i.«,,io]!ol thaßo.r’«f n&ld tisweere, ■ dividend of three per cent, was ared, out of pro fits of the last aix months, payable on demand. Jyll-gt W. J. Hi/A M?h A A ■ .B»crete7V. HTHS MUTUAL LiF£ INSUAA^GB A BJMFANT OF NKW YOU* six ariLWo^l e oF dollars, * urravxo i?L ksv MOEtoAegi ow Rxai mm WORTH OYER BItMW. The premium* are loot* than m many ether Gcw&t* Bisa, and the PiTideadi hare beet oaxatsi, ’“•aa M BXX.ONO TO THX IRSVAtP. Ftmphlete, and every iafonaatios, mav he hod •AAXis«oa application tA SvaiYAOELPHU REEKR}:NCE,| torauKobjs., 7amWelWi, onieosi L Datois, Cot,* H. Stoart, «0W M. Bmm«. K. g.Vh4l«r John M. At»<wd, Arthu-E Coffin, . 09®*.S' foirere. Tolm*, WiDjariMoßm. Thna. wntin - CUAIE INSURANCE COMPACT, NO. * «W CHESTXVT Strut, FHILJtDpiPKU, IKCOKPOaiTKD THE STATED •OSFBiBD TO FXREAKB HfLARD KIS*J. „ . o;a *ctor* fenrnfll P, P. Bircoy, Win. W. Walter*, j, TiV, KYerman, Co«. Riohzrdjo&t Jt}&nr) Lowia % j ®*2* A, ‘ « Bt * • J«oo "W. Stoat. O. Wlte>B flavn, Blanfco St*rn- Wlw«. a. llAmc, WTU.MMS f. SAVING t'VXVS. .Proprietor. AMERICAN SAVING FCNIX—Com .Jr J&lWLV. «o*Uievt wrier tVAUNIT Md FOURTH Street*, (jpfjj r}«ii* imm 9 till £ ni c ]°Tfl!ih^»i OD MOJVPaY nil * ir. thf •fTeoiCE. Th ; s Srithout cotl"™ ha * alws *’ K “ a 1b f " u ’ on INTBK.EBT FIVE PER CENT. AH 932U4 paid •TKMTM^r' ALEX. JTHtf.Lmff.PrcadMt. . . « c* UK KI Vie# htaufut. JobnC. Farr. T. £. Hnnjar, Geor*eNct«nU ftKiSKf:*- SS&fcfe jjSPKiKG GARDEN SAVING KURD, #p%r °* 3 *; W.asnum. Yepositore eta wife 9oStar£!eiT(KU 07a b * Cfleok *’ »*<!**««*• Special Pe _ JAMES 8, TRIABLE. president, Pr iwmw tT<y«r. * uAMf «r ”EVaMI* lES and Gentlemen desiring snpe * rior board (or the suinnur ejnuo* fcaWeHoio* offset*. root room* at 9«5 ‘traet. jyia Im* PKIV * TB BQAKDlNG.—Gentlemen and their families. or single gentlemen. eta be sooom moeatea with Board, with pleasant and handsome rooms, furnished or unfurnished, at 618 UK'Uax fit., •oath sideof Washington The location, b*in« opposite »o one of the handsomest parks m the city. ts osn'yal, and extremely pleasant, ‘iranaient persons vmtmgjhe oily can be accommodated bj; u,e day or week. Terms moderate. A basement front room, with private entrance, for rent, suitable for an offioe. jtll-tf TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN OaN BE secenimixtatal with good, vr, siutmsnti. (with or with; Dt board,Hn unwt family* Looation 000- tral. Addreu TOBSEJIT," through Blood’, DU wdih. ,e* AS A. R. JOnvSON, DENTIST, in- QlWfVrfnrmw bia friends, end the pab 5 >o that ho has removed fn>m Arch street to No. Ufl* Nortn MVI H Street, ne«rV no.wh 're he is prepared to Attend to All operations in surgical and mechanical dentistry. jjlo*6t* CARD TO Til in PUBUU. CONGRESS SPRING* An attempt has been made to deceive the rabUo, by persons offering what ihty tali “ Congbess Watsb '* from Fountains; and at the price of *oc (6) cer>ts per glass. The uhaUsaU price oflhetr**)** Co ogress Wft~ ter, at fttvr YoTk, betok about 7* cents per the im position of pretending to sail at retail at leu than cost* and without allowance for freight, cartage, or breakage* la apparent; bat their probable coarse has been te. empty oat bottle of genuine Congress Water into u Fountain filled with their trash, and thereby christening ita total confect* We have nsvss sold Contras Water In Fountain*, nor in vessels of any' otktr de:trzp:ion. than ordinary eised slays bottles, The cork of every bottle of the genuine is breaded ** CONQUER WAT£R»'—“ 0. ft W.,*’and any, without those words and letters on the cork, is eovjiTsxPKiT, whether from Fountains or Bottle*, CLARKE A WHITE, Proprietors of Coheres* Spring, Tho following gentlemen in Philadelphia, vu: £&KB£W C| * BROWN, nor. Fifth and Chestnut ■*»., FREDERICK BROWN, Jr.,oor. Ninth and Chestnut, KLLIB A Co. 714 Market Jf.O.TORNPR >NY ft Co . «l Spruce street, TBUg. j. HUSBAND, S9«aßouth Third Street, 0. 8. HUBS&LL. Ml 9 Chestnut street. A. D. D. TAYLOR, cor. Ninth and Chestnut streets, Are constantly supplied by us with the yexutju cot)- orebs Watkb ” In bottles, fresh from the Coarrers Sprint. CLARKF & WIUTF, apHMiruf O**CKD'. R St,. New York O^for, l AZI’MEA 1 AZUMEA t AZUMEA! AZUfaEA; AZUMEAJ AZUMEAf PROF. MORRIS” AZUMEA BAKING POWRfiR. Wo. 02 North fourth '!■<- tn'!* ’i.T-if ftlsrmfftctarrd eo'oly STEKEOSOOMIU INSTKIMKJNIS, '»aou*achired jq orer? style, -aith the latest im provements* Mer orcoo'c Vretv*. eonipneinjc Land scapes of America ami Kercie. 6t%taa'V. Group*. *c. t rea-nily,>mpor'e<Mkd *o>d lov, wholesale «»r retail hr M. J "RaNKIJV. uptictan, llvi comb FOLRTiC Street, below Chestnut. p«r»scopm zptcuio m n&d Opera tilasae*. Microscopes, and Mathematical instruments, tugreat toner*. __ J>3 iuwfrt G LAUDS 1 ORRAINE OB LANDSCAPE a beautiful instrument for wwids Clouda, Landscapes &<*. p*nieui.*tly adapud for qm id the counir> and At the ».-a ai-nre TV'VaL NlotO.fe—l-47 b-Is .• units T.l TortcMina. ICO <Jo T«r imdme from udir.ij-. l/f*, »nd jor **}e /•» <!• ahHHI RNm tt CK>.. N(k |». vJm,*!. u» Vhs, OiL—Fast fj«:m for boiv bp WWWBW«* ,U ' * **”»**' ‘ T “< SPORTING. NOTICES. BOARDING, REMOVALS. SARATOGA, APRIL 10, 1600, P C ! »LI.»St'ER $c RHO.. *•■*» chksin rr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers