sSsa&uffiss-- - - -* ¥ ~ *~" oSSmSmM*i£*i r rttf mattart). >**» (»••*»« ■)■*,» tta'WaiMiMi. a* Hum Seal ti tnly «*,*! ■Biir#«irtWl; «M lh*.0<»q>»o««l»»'m**«Bf«»'or. A.foattult wa» t» fc*«y*fo B ; • SJtMaJjhOanMiitkio of .tlii BttifciSitt iuplnt(oi>r«M.'tlM mamrwttonof. t^StmrjOfySbJ^m Bolt*™ from the pMMjmao Mrtjt oppoiiiif,tt»! »athor,of lk b a matter .both . of r«t%» *jrf *|**w aoaieUmiiattoii to tnd boooq ttyns»*!tls*^Ci»?r-*ifotmiMaihrmpwßy ft* bMJIMM* rfth*.Ooapromloo, tuMyKtlj aroh-taiiMte tt* Baton, ttoo that Hr. BtwWnrM**, a««h»kt*n, ihoatd . moboty.ipd tijlbof lists,; TsmMamartatoas.awanlMjtlw.fotaim-- --- >- SrMMBrWmi. bx *be Bolters tsWrlThw Hrtfsmlniswawa of Ibs mode inmswawsb rldellteWaiMjtb* Hoa Ljaa Boyd.orKmtaeky? Pr«i-. deoey before tti CineinnatrOMnreaHoo. Mr; John <5. Ui aprfotntnaent m dele- B*UJromFajettecocntoto the Kentneky State voewnttoiy .whtoh.wae- heMr-et - Frankfort; and which appelated„ delegate* to k Cincinnati. In the St^twViuHoaNrJßreOklpridge voted for a roj, eorattoa fast rooting the driegateefroaeKentuoky tdVbfirfyr Lyon .Boyd for the YfeePrestdeftcy } and wire-worked hta own appointmentas a dele- to carry ont theiMtroottoM to kfeSwbile ||r. BteekfarMgeWai making private afwjgitoMtiwtih; .Washtegfon, ctiyaidctfcerpertsof the.edmtry to defeat Brvfd aadiaemrethenominationfor bfmeelf On the Btfht prerlfma to bt* nomtnatfon*-arrangement*, were of MspartfouHr friends and plparlayefc* thata delegate from-Louisian* ahftn!d n«aw*t*ktmlbr the; Vice pmUney. and that hr, with beeeatkfettodepty; hh<rald manfully. and im mediately throwthaLjan Boyd people off. their ■ naff?, by rising and rmakiig a x speech ;de©Untogi .»e I gr«HW tbat hia owe State of Kentucky hadpremntedthc oameoMtyoai BojdTandtkr.tbcwss bound in honor as wcII tu to carry bht .riieir. wi*hek Thereupon a delegate from Be# Eopiaud wae.’to; risewnd renominate 'him, notwithstanding kin deeliettioo! Alt his the j&rei 'wei I #to crowd their influence apoai ko worthy a young ge&tleih|atax>d bisnomio&tion war to he that securedwith ehthwium.; . / Tbto- prMTbtQ&e literally. . The Louisian* delegefe.d#nomta«te him. He made' .bU deleet; epwh of declination. The Haw Bog: land delegate renominated'him,’and the Conven tion .aflrmedlt; and <m» of the meet moecMfet poiitioel intriita4s f and one of theaioet dl*botK>rable.' This has largely aided to raataio. If It did not create, that repotation for “good look” which attaches to the shrewd Keu* ! InaktovA .6“ s '-' i ’‘ V i TfATedeeeM of this iotrigoc, flattering so doubt I from an axtietlo pedntof rlew, ae.well m gratifying ! fvtn an tasideene, todoerd Mr Breekinridge mu) j hie co’arte to hellave Biat he eoofd eeeare the Pro- ; ■idency hy idinnaf means and merceama. . No eoooer did the breaoh ariae between; Senator PooflaaandHr Baokaoan upon the Leoompton tre#oki»tyi;tbap Ae Watohfol BreekinHdge started thbaViiieof aecnrfng thePresfdeney for-hiseelf hy tepatffl* and aggratattog dfehnion in the parly by ebeonr^iegboth sldee to; heHerc that, he on poeed.the other., : Concealing his real.poeition ad- 1 , opibfoßshebitH! the TOe chair until the BogHsh bill was pasted, wheh tbe Admin*- Stratton policy had trnnsphed hy the kamage of this meastire, Mr. Breckinridge, returned to Ken trfßky and made a' series of idolcnt Xeeotaptr n soeeebes, after; the battle was oyer in Congress These epeoehee were' oopfed sfrainit Jndge Dot:- glaa in the State of Illinois, during his'great.stroe gle against the Abolitionists, withthe view of we«k ening hita aad seehring.the election of Abe Lit • oWn.lttjthe iroUad SUtw Senate, Baring thewho'.e dPthat Breokinridge ? s same was as c one-of‘the Administration speakers against Douglas; who wasthe regu lar'BCteinee dt.theßemderafie party.Altboogh be did -not -attend the meetings in . Js wetl koown that be was in setae! oorrcspondenoe .with the «sti Bohgl|smen; and, jest before the election,' he wrote en ofiensive letter professing to bein favor of BonglM. bnt givingesen reatonses would indnce fcfsfriendi to vote'against him. This was a rtrange vay. ot gtriig mid and comfort to tho pnrty whicb elcoted hfm; bnf not strange when taken !oto connection with Mr ; Breekinrioge'a ?o-: sUkm nnw/M, candidate,of the Bolters ftoa the; rsswtar National Bemoeratto Conrentioa. ' .' Barftk.the last year, wheka Senator wm to bave ham eleetedin Kentaoky.ln tbe piaee of the illns-. trions Crlrtandeo, it that Breekih*'' ridffk’a friebd*\imade; an. arrangement with .the friends of Mr* Oathrie, that If the latter rappnrtdhe foTmerfor the ftenete, BreekinridgeV friends would support Oathrie.for the Presidency. This nmageinent yu ohesrred in good feftb, nn* tii Mr. fireokenridge was elected to the Sfcna’V/ Then he.returned to Kentucky, and made his fa pom- rieve-oirfeapaaehatgraoMortv-ia^wbloh--he disavowed his arrangement .with Mr. Guthrie’* friepda*.aud-ansotmcftdhis.'programmo for the Pre* sidmtiaf canvaMA - v ? ' ' The-result baa hoen seen et Charleston" and at Baltimore. Jefferson Baris could not get a foot ou the platform he so laboriously beiped-to maVe ; had to cnan dowhto amere tool of Brfeli-' M’a frtoiKls, isdili the lemer lamps of Blsa id. to go on bended knees, like Japanese henchmen, end light tbe. Kentucky youth to the top of tbe Bolter’s.barrel; 1 There will he rc ' maiOi * ‘ The Death' of Madame Kossnth Zn- lavsky. A correspondent of The' World, speaking of the death of.’iladainc Koeralh, rays: “ The Hnngaiirii emigration in this country has loit one of ita noblest' members Madame Emilia Koaaath.Zolairshy, the sister of the late Governor of Hungary, expired at Broohljn, after a protracted and painfal lilneSe, on the mornlngof tbc29th of June, in the 43d year of her, life—bavinjbeen bom in tbe: eoanty of Zemnlen, ifnngary. on the Uth c{ Hcvritoptr, 1817. •; ’ ' • ':‘!By i*r rare aeeomplisbmeets an ornament of Her wx. hy her devoted patrtoiism and love of liberty _ the worthy sister of Lout, Kofsnth, the teadetMt of motben, the most solf eporitelsg friend of her jfeJiow- exiles, she pined admiration in life, • bythe heroltm with which she braved a settee of peneontiooe by the enemieeof her coun try, the privation* sad safTetinga of seven years of. extle, and cruel private misfortunes, and mil moro ip ber end. hy an almost superhuman patience, whips' dleplayed the sublime retignetlon of the pantt phileaopbyt'aad the eoosoUtiona of e deep' retigloM seaHment. . Without hope of life, or fear of apent.'the laat.mdutha of bar existence, at tpe remdanea of her friend, Mreß.H Manning, Clinton avhnm,' Brooklyn, comforted by the most eadebrinreChrta bfdsvoted attaohmentouthe part', of .ths wbole familyrreOalvißit the ftequent rlsits of nar anotbsate aona, atstarv, and nloeaa, as wsll af uemarnai friendv, and with the last breath of vahlshlng life often oonveraiag on tha tattreating: toptes of the day, Tba latest event,. in Italy,:, tha . expedition of Garibaldi to; (Seiiy, the recent muifestetions of reviving political life' in Hangary, were as many ray# of hope feraSettar future ia.BnrOpe whieh cheered thejeveningofher life. <I’H he buried in this eenntry.’.ehe. said; ‘in the. lap of ear com non mother eerth, bat my spirit will be with trip lend ’ On another oooesion, the writer of these iinea heard her praying, with an almost expiring voice, to the Almighty for ‘ patterns for 'her nation, wbioh wsa ai needful to. them as to hsr before the dooisive moment' One of those nearest her being sbont to loin the hereof Italy, she. not only gave him her bleseing witboot falteriDg, but even wished him to depart before her death. Of. this only e bint rumor wiH roaek the lend of hsr birth; aid her eoontrj msp. will monrn In sQeooe .eneof the noblest of Hangar,'.' deoghters. who, like.her mother ted oider slster, dlod a homeless, hot not afriend lesi, exile.- Peace to' her ashes! honor to her memory!” Tens Cas* or Many HAXttmai—A core spondent of tho New Jerk World styS: “ Tho appeal of Mary Hartnng (now nnder ran tcma'CLdeeth by hangiog) brought into review, ' open -the argument, the effpot npon her, in oase it If determined that no error occurred npon her trier,: of the. lsdlelation of last winter. The old statute prescribing , death - by hanging as the ponslty .of murder Is repetled, and in Its place Is sahstitntsdi.a-year’s imprisonment, at hard labor, to be followed by exeeuttoa upon tb* warrant or the GtosrriiiWpthe modeofaxeemkm bring apparently left tojll dlsorsiion. It U otyioud that til, is void as a arz-jiost facto law. Inasmuch as It topondds tbepesaltvof-a year’s: solitary ootuhemSnti at herd labor, to the panishment of death, thus serl enily inoraetleg the panltbment provided by the law et tbe time of the oommleston of the crime. If this.ho ep. theg the qnertimvirieei,. whether tho court ’ls not remitted to the common law for the seotenoe it Is to prononnee. The poisoning of a • . hosbsnd by his wifo. at tfae common law, Is potty traatoß. and.the pnntshment it proscribes if thst the euiprit be drawn on » hurdle to the stake, and there "barnt. That snob a quostldh cah arise, Is an ’edifying proof of. the ,onto and skill dis played by the Legislature. In -framing its enact ments.” ...” e;, . Intis. CAnaiEES’ Fxgs —The new- law, •wnhdratng the amonnt to beeblfeetedbv letter c»rrie?a, went lntp effect yesterdsy. Voder the old lawV anthOriSing the collection of two cents, the carrier,'*efC allbwed to retain one Osnt oh each ' s.l«ttor.'; ! The bther cent was patdlnt* the post'dAoe,’ epd (rent to oreate e food to pay thirty twoi ebt-' . iMtOrs efthtteri ftemihevariod, boxes, the Salary of oni mb® the epperyisdr, ,the" eolleetofi .tnd dar . rlerx, and 83,098 a yesi for two’ mail -Wsgons 'em-' - pfpyid lo o srrvlng mall matter from the Genera! > Poaf OMoe ttilhadfgerent stations— Risking shone |iff()iH)ayear;»!d,lhto' thepwu ofloe,. ’.The' re ’ nialoder of the rand,"after pejlngthe expenses j eqnallj divided amoilgthS ninety' ’ - oivotote'M*»r «!e;itewtat the parriere will he. - - an’hqrirod to dolieet only otui. cent on eaoh latter' . dsHvered.Theyare toretntnldthetoit riffle oil! , , t’o'i’AOK.—Tii'e Shamefolly > : nrowdedptSatfevshatwrerleß.meWi 7erkfl>rtbe hedsoj»e%/pStoi»'gSridtoit : '- P ol^^ .gbt*<!* n go*hyehsx-t«)ie:«a atnight.yone. " *tobjfff#fHj4!||ii : !WM-*naM»ito‘: : prtoire. abed:, by .UtPOiATAt'iQHS.. iT?CTg?3nr.^rrroii?. l\, > 1 A~rsd r- - Aroafija. S»HMIrt«I>MMSSI ?.?SmtTßW*P*>’*¥»g -Svw >w«*rt. 0 * r * 0 * mwimt'i Hhip Wynmlnr.Bartoo. .•■• .-. .-..-T.f*j.iiiy«rpool, /nip 16 ‘ Bars Margaret, Quiff- •; { .-»<•*■• v 4,;t^ fSK* ! .. wTHaiaucK. witTorron.AßMFHiA.aiTa i»m. .lit ARIHYBD, ‘ • • B»iV AB KIbisaII.O.WM-»d.r. from N«w Orleau., with U» bhb motuni to gtmit, Carroll & Co. Ve»- eel tpoiebop. Bimnn« ft Co. . , ’ .". BatYJVrcodi*. EaUnok* 7 day® from Cardenas, with togwud raoloseos to JobH Muon, ft Co. ! Above Dela ware Citv ga»auD«noan, from Cardenas. ': > BrigiObeanWoV*' Morton, U days from Matansas, lev?6 da** from Boston, I with ndw to Crowell Ar Colima. fusr O - A ißtetiion.Ribh, 6‘ dais from' provraeetotfn, WitiTaidsft to G A Wood. . , ? alobr J 8 Z» Crt»o*er.-.i*re«breT, 8 days front Taunton, Wlth'mdie Meljon ft Co. - f gnhr. wJMfclsbu -y< Hudson, 6 days from Boston, m * i BttlMn!r*JoSa*lKSl»lK‘Mir«h»U, M hoars from Lewee» Del. w»th produce to captain* - j Steamer Mars.Nioho’e. ti hours from New/\ork, with mdse to Wm M Baird ft Co. ■ ’< •' /. J / BEARED . Steamship Bastoa> vrooter f*ew York. Jas AUderiUee, ; Bark Irma*'Wortingar, Santa 0m«o. FTate. - Brie Kmm&, Baker, Boston,'Twetls, ttellnd ft Go. . W ifaulabary, Hudson, Boston, WSturtevant ft ftohr E li B Wales, Hoffman, Wilm ugton, D 8 Stot eon ft Co. •• - .• ■ Sobr 8 L Crooker, Preabrey, Taunton, L fiothermel ft Co, , . t _ s ~ .. r _ , / - . ,1 Cortespondsnoe ofth* Philadelphia Exchange.) .U , •_ - JjEWES. dIbI. JnlyS-ffA. M.‘ ' The brie Delhi, for Havana, and schooners loaded with ooal.-w*ni to se« yesterday forenoon.' A bark, parted in last, and at thy writing two brigs are off the Breakwater, going up. WmdWwW. ~ .* \ S*w6. ( ftc.. S, W, HICKMAN. ' | ‘ i The Wyoming left here.tlils morning, with IS boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows: - ! C ft L Curtain, bar iron to Peroteft Bret Gov A G ’.Curtain. lumber to M .Trump ft'Bons; Oaniel Clapp, ,Juri*e Linn and Merchant’s Friend, do to H Croska*; !Wm Redgrave do to moorit Hcliy, NJ; Tom Mo- Curdy ft Co. do to Norornse ft Sheets: Clara l &ke- do to Simpson k Neel; J Smith, bark to Wilniington; Ida Belle, coal to N York M 2 Lewrenoe, Washington Lee, and Frontier, coat to Dataware City, W. £. W,' ;' •, L ? : c ’., - HRMOKANDA. ■ > Ship Twilight, A 5 days from Callao, arrived at Hamp ton Hoads yesterday. , . Hnig.Harrisbarg, Wiswell,oleared at Boeton ddinst for St J«bn. N B. . Bark Old Biekory, Holmes, from Anlwsrp, arrived at Havana NUb uit. Bark Ida Kayner, Foote, suled front Havana Sith ult 10-<<a<na. • Bark o w Poultney, Sprague, sailed from Havana sath nUforSaguaijl.... Bark Adelaide, Wmgate. cleared at Baltimore Ist mat for Rio Janeiro and a «*arket. - . Bark Sjrleh. fonee henee a* Boston 9d >qsL { Bark JY Broosman. ltd days, from Callao, arrived at HamptonßOad«yesierday. > Bark Maty J K’mball. 1000, boxes capacity, oh&r 'teredat Havana. SSthuitryoload >.ugar for Boston. New ynrk. or Pbi 81.65 H per box, and 88 per hhd. - ' • i- - - . Brig Loango, Kmc, bSooe at Havana 86th ult* * , Fri£j*onApartfl,Star. art. hence for Salisbury, at New ;boryportBltt*u|-., : • v . f t Brig FortsfSute; Blowes. hence at Portland 90th nib . i Brig Jesie lthysivj. Gooftot, hence at Salem Ist met. :PobrTl*Miller-Gray,heaeeat Bos'oaWrnst. < - Sohv Zeao, Fields, cleared at' Baltimore 2d instant fur this port. ~ v ., Schr.fUchajd Borden, ArnolJ, henee at Fa 1 River Ist inst. r. <Bohr.WmT.oper, Robinson, for this port, sat led’from rNew Bedford Ist inst -MohrsJCarolme Hall,Graham; Gaxelle, Naylor, and ■ Selena Hefen heroe at Newburyp »rt aoth ult., ■ ‘t*ohrs'Volu*tier, Brown, end D P Talpey,for this rort, sailed from Newburypoit 90th nit I . Snhr itomeree t. Miiler: heucu *t N Haven IstmiL ! Sohjr fl w BenediQt, Ellis Newport Int inst. refn’ M Wnthmcton. Burton,' and Barah Upton, hMoeatFortUnddßihnlt. -. 1 jt • ■ SohrsJaonbft wniiaui.MtttSiWs.aod M Patterson, Sntnsrs. henoe at Portsmouth kd.b nit. Bohrs Bahwa. Rmall, and u Kiiza ft Rebecca, Price, hence at ealem 30tn n t. gchr Clanssa. Burgeu, hence at Salem Ist inst. Sohrp.ttmitn, Douglass ior Philadelphia, sailed from Falera Ut inst. - - ’fromSaUmJQftb *t Attn *’ Dcrte > for Philadelphia,sailed , echr Ban L dtarges. Norris, for Philadelphia, sailed . from frmidence Ist inst. . rohr W W Marcy, Norton, henoe at Providence Ist inst.- Rohr J Hogan, henoe for Pawtuoket, at Provi dence Ist inst Bohr Dlrelatfd.Baker, for Boston, cleared et Bucks-' villa. HG, «7 h nit; , • . • - COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. fy-PARTNER'IUP. The undesigned V,! h, “ Sg{CT!» l, I » «»»rtn«r,l)iii-i>o4M tho firm of A. ft B. THANHADBBR, for the transaction cf the Millinery Goods. TrLnounKs and Embroidery busi ness, at No. 9.91 North BRf*ONn Street •^^jparajamah. rjOPARINERSHIP The i,Tftl'S**KKT O BteJrt.® 00t . Md BhM St ' yBQ&WBS&J' j). W. fhilri,l,fc». July 3. 1860, |V, mw, 3t' TVNSOLUTION.—The partnership here tofoYe exl.tipr nirfer th. firm of POWELL & HAZ POWi-.LL,HAELETr. & CO., j. thta d »f dl “°i’ ed »r tauttti! 0OB«>nt; Mr. Wm. H. Powell, reunnf from biuraen. - WM.H. POWLL, ... ‘ . BOBER.T M.HeZLETr, Jueeao, laswt* : EDOAR 0. LYONS. — The' undersigned Say entefed into woopartnaraliip andar artra»askiwMflas^Kfii^“^^ , R'.Bhrf,M.HAZLETT, OH *B O.LATH.OP. jßin.iaaMt* eogarclyons, COPARTNERSHIP NOTIOE —L. S. V 1 HACKER, late of HACKER &.CON ARO, hn» this da,aMooMt.d with him*. ooptrlnariM. K. hE'.AR. *ri»Mr.r.M»lr,«|.B. FRANK VfINGKR. of fEML‘ wnt, ” u ' “■ " m 8 - -5 - •" LEVI 8. HACKER, > -? 1 . MARTIN K. REGAK, i, . , 6Ali ,B. frank winger* * .Pjulada., July 2,188)... jyX-St* ■ HPHB COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE under-th» firm ofWBST. FnßtS tc WlXttrif , h'*<'»J- ,, <a»l' , aBiJ*»jWia withdrawal of H. P. LLOYD. Tha btulneu will ba settled b» the ro ®sl9lS,SJ9.,SsfHi,'StoSi"oo,>t."luo.*>>o i'RY goods LQiWMIhsION ECSINESd, under the firm ofWrfiT ftFOBBo. Philadelphia, June 90, iB6O. . jy2-ct Dissolution op partnership. ■—The. partnership hereto'ore oxietinK between the sobsonJ-ert.for oooduount the seed busioese at 13 < Market street, hae this day been diaaoived* by mutual consent ‘ /uneSO, 1060/ MACHINERY AND IRON. PENN BTEAM ENGINE AND SWMBbBOILER WORKS —NE• FIB & i'HfUriQtL AWD THKORKTi- AL JSNCHNkE^s! ft&OII^Jfg.Sjn.ERMAKERS^LACKfINITHa and POUNDERS, faavmie* for many years, been m successful operation, and been exclusively tpjtssied ia boitdiae and rspamo* Marine and River t oeines. high and lovr pressure, Iron %ate. Water Tanks Propellers, &cw. Re.. r*spsetfally offer their strvioes to the public! a* beingfrUy prepared to oontraot for Bnfinee of all ■iaes. martae. River; and Stationary* havinx seta of patems of different him, are prepared to exeoute or tiers with quick denetoh, - avers desoription of Pattern Pressor™Flue”lulnilsr? and the -Dravnaxa and,tpe«uJloatioas for all vrork doce at their establjihnjept. free ofekar«e ( and work RUarantied, ThSiaWenbers b*v# ample whart dock room for re pairs of coats, where* they oan lie in perfect safety, ana are provided with shears, blooks, falls, &o. t /bo., for raisins heavy or lightweight*. Jacob g. neafie, JaH tf BEACH ud/ALMBll'streets. . ■JOINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 951 chased tha entire stock of Fattens at the above Foun dry. he uinow prepared to, receive orders for Roliinc, Gn*t, Mil Saw. Mill Castings, Soap, Chemical, and Boom WorV Oearaif.'• Castings made from Rever beratory pr C%pola Furaaoesv in dry or green sand, or l 2«l »v .n ft • oirp-tf ■AKPPL Vs KXXhICK, J. VAVeBAM MSHIICg SJOTJTHW ARK loUNffi 1 ' ’ FI7TH AND WASHINGTON STOKE?*. „ , £HQINKEM, AND MACHINISTS, jfiaifeatniw Ilirh se4 Law Pressure Steam Euxines. tor letMi Diver, end Marine service. Briton. Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.; Caetioss oful kmiu, eitherlron-er Brest. - - rcSfStaSMt So’* f °f 'Work Shop*, Kali- Hatorts and' Gas' Machiner j of the latest and most ink proved oonstruotipne > Every description of Plantation Maohinory, each u tMk^Wp»^Sfg,uW r ijra^ (nr Maohins- ,i , i saA-v WINES AND LIQUORS. TITHE VINE-GROWERS’ COMP ANT OF S. OOGNAO. JULES M»„xm JOHN OS BORN, THIS CORPORATION, numbering amouget its share holders fourteen hundred Proprietor) of the best Vine yards in the Pie trio t of Cognac, its extensive Establish ments being located in ths centre of the town of that qmm, was organistd for the express purpose oi mam oSSSAGittANDY by shippmg «at artluMn ail its native purity and ex 9*Uwee»JO Coirespoedenttla Foreign pountnes, and is bound down by its Statute of Regulation to confine entirely to thetfraacT* grown within the extending the just reputation of £SJLi t SS3 < l«!rt2S&;2?*S?L o, “ J,|u l w,,i meet the ap *s£, of the meet respeotable Wine Everr bcttls is ths oapmis of tbs Com-, pwnßhscorks.bsar >henmei stamp.-Mii fholabtla ,Tm. eraacues now. offered, oenttstol two different 3»«Vte, both fuarentted to be equally pure in qn&lity, Slwlsg ooly in point of age* and degrees of strength v'aritoffi ° f ,ta P urged that the bottles are too iSff «I2S«d •length than U uan & airorM Agent o? the vtimpany ■&Sida3ssm&m^m COAL. ly/w* neiijlj &: bo.. |VAfep..> E.CornSr BROAD and CALLOwaiLL, ‘Superior WfclTK and LERIGB Preparcdsedkept VorFamUy ' wiFKoSve J)YSPEPSI A; BEMIEDpi * •' !r ' ;: ‘ i'jSuva haM’S " ' .. ; .. AROMATIC INVIGORATiNO SPiaiT. 't ;*' ,r : Aar pVtkt /or stz fiats ititk inertiling favjr^Jcis ftoomnundid to Curs ' Pf »p9psi*f : K*™avtntBS,! t’elie ' PttiMkiWiitdin tht Btm&th\ bf Paint in ‘ BowtlS) Headashe, Drowsintit, Kiansy ' Comrtawta, Levf Dilirium Trtm«HH,lntunperanu.; ■ ; r J It ETIHtLXTXB, Exhilasatks, Ikvigo&atsb, but WILL HOT -IdtOXICATB Ofi. STVPEVY, ' As a Medtoine it is.gmok.ahd efibotual, our ngthe eases of Dyspepsia. Kidney Comelaints,. Sid auotfter dsrangemente of the Stomach and Bowels a speedy manner., ~ , , , It.will instontly revive the..moat melancholy and drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous, and siokly to health, strength, and vigor. - Persons who, from the injudicious use of liquors,have become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered, constitutions broken down, and subjoot to that horrible curse to humanity, the Dblikiom tksHprb, will, al most immediately, feel the haper and healthy 1 invigo-. r.t,« .Mew w a ik no?' Doss.—One wine glass lull as often as necessary, One doce will remove all Bad spirits, . One doee will oure' Heart-bum. Tnree doses will cure Indigestion. . 1 Cue dote w 11 give you a Good Appetite, One dose w stab the distressing pains of Dysbebsia. remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of Wind or Platuienee, And as soon as the atomaoh reoeivesthe InvigpratibK Spirit, the distress ing load and a I pmnfni%eiings will be removed. & 9 .Su'h.rmS^aX,T! , iA ,treE,,t '* CliM 0f B l t ) f 3e , 'r?rsr'r n l ir”^K u a S UOb * t,aOUOMi, ‘ theSl<,Mr ' Persons who aTe sertously afflioted with any Kidney yomphmts are assured or speedy relief by a dose or two. and a radical pure by the on> of oils or two, ■ • . NIGHTLY,DIBSIKATION renmna who, from dissipating too much over tight, and (eel the evil effects ii. poisonous liquors, fti violent headaohM. siokness at gttuiaoh, weakness, giddiness, » * T 1” one dose will t - move ail oad feelings. . Ladies vf weak and.siokly, constitutions should take the invisoxatingSpint three times a day ;-it WiU make themAtrpng, healthy, and hap, y, remove aU ofautfeo; lions and ir/egdl&nuesfromtn* menstrual tirg&hfe, and restore the bloom of health and beauty Vo the careworn lace. .During pregnancy It will he (bund an invaluable medtt cin»4q remove, uugreCabl* sensations at the stomach. , AU the proprietor asks is a trial, and io indue* this, he has put up the Invigorating Spout in pint butties at 80 cents, quarto 81. . General Depot, 48 WATER Street, NewYorlf. , w , , , «YOf rft SONS, , , . ... J Wholesale Agents in Philadelphia, ‘ Je7-thstnlr and for sale oy all Druggists. O ak ORCHARD ACID SPRINGS. Tbase Sjprmrtare> situated in tlie valley of the lOaiOrfAard Creek, i n the town of Alabama, Genesee -*•*» »>• .'.teight mueesoutb of the village of Ar«dtna,oU an 4 (uurreen miles from BataVia, ~ ’ *T The principal acid Sprmti are three in number: besides these there are six other!. They are all located within » circuit of about SUr rods, ihe medioinal i qualittseoi thewatenarefuflyshownm the sutyoined teettmoniels.. They oontoin a very large amountof *'«/• phur. Sulphuric Acul, Sulphate of Lime, and Proto - I iefpAate cj Iron. The great madtoinal virtues posset»- ed by these waters (ftpend very largely upon the pV6- seooe,.msuoh unusual qu-mtiHss, of thCftb ourative substanoer. — - - - Haadreds of cases ofditewe.efpeomlli those result inglromthescrutulousdiatheiu, have neen cored by their use.’ Mr confirmed leprotf— the waters have been signatly successful, Opinions of medicalamfsoieaufiogentlemenare giVlh in the.eirouiara. ‘ihe following eminent gebtlemen speak m strong terms of the medlomal value of these waters: Prof, Emmons. T. Momeyn Beok, M. !>., of Aibjiny; Jas. MoNauKhton. M. U., of Albany j bdwr.rd Spring. a,8.,0f New York; Dr.R.CarapbflltpfPitts held, raaM.i Ur. J.B. fihulet.oi Lockport.N. y. They recommend the waters confidently. Dr Spring refer* to a case of chronic dtarrhaa of several years* standing , «A»cA teas cured fry us* of the water. Dr.Beokeays, “ I ; im satisfied that these'waters are highly voidable as medicinal agents.” Dr. Campbellsayß, ••’fney mult be highly benefioial for all chroaio dtseases of the itomaoh and bowels. . ' ■ Dr. 8. P. White «ad a paper on the .subject of theso Waters, balore the Academy of Physicians, in the City ofNewYork, in which hestafeeth t the Waters pos sess decidedly tomo* reftigeraut. sad astringent proper .ties; and that the oiass of Utssases to whioh they are more particularly adapted are chronio affeoiionsof the and urinary organs, and some of the cufane ous diseases i chtonic dyspepafa / chronic diarrhaa ; .chrome dysentery j chronic rfturem; chronic cystitis: dtabetes ; oases of passivs hemorrhagei such as Purpu '■ra hemorrhagica, and ihe ooltifruative sweats ol Hectic , Fever. The water may also be often used 1 with ad vantage, he says, in cues of low typhoid fevers: in convalescencefromprotracttd/evers, to excite the ap petite and promote digestion; iu diarrhoeas, particularly sueh as are deper dent on a relaxed or ulceratea state 1 of the mucous tneH\brane of iho intestines, la onloa loas affections or Itthtasts, attended with phospnatio j sediments, it is the suitable remedy, being prelerable to j munatioaoid aa .being more advent and less apt by continued use todieorder the stomach. <n febrile dia eases, it <?An ho used properly diluted, aa a refrigerant ! to diminish thust and preternatural heat Itiskindie . CHBPS-m those lormsoi dyspepsia connected wl h on ! alkaline condition of the Uomaoh, as in Pyrosis , or wa { ter*urash, it will prove better than hydroohlorlo aoid. ; In cases of Cohca pictonum, and 'other injurious cun . sequences arising from the action of lead, this water will prove to be An admirable antidote. In chronic pharyngitis, laryngitis, chronic mueous catarrh, and humid asthma, chronic cpAiAalmfa (externally) asa gargle in ulcerated sore throats, m coses of sail- I v *Ui? n > and m leurorrhea and gleet: and also injHfrs. I . X h * n token internally, a wme-gtassful ot tbe Water, diluted, taken three tunes a day, is sufficient for an OUU't. Other teitimonials from physioians, and othor tn speetable icdmduats, may be seen on flpplioatioh to the Agent. Dealers supplied on liberal terms. No Water genuine unless procured from H. W. BOBTWICK. No. S7l BROATr^T^ mrdNis* "i ch?!;, rtore. Northeast cursor of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. - < Also for sals at FREDERICK BROWN, Jx.’s. Drug and iihemi ot il Bt°re, ConUnental Hotel, corner of NINTH and CHESTNUT S.reota. Philadelphia. The Trade sarplied at Wholesale Prices. myl2-swly THE CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND* DALLEY’S MAGICAL FAIN EXTRACTOR HAS universally aU other Ointments and hOAlihg; ASpUeAtio&s in both the Eastern and western. Hemispheres, wherever intro doood; and itamlmme ment is the true secret of its succcm IhaHcttiaiMoyj affections, whether the cause be ascidtnt or disease. BUFN3 ft M SCALDS ‘ O ore instantly reUeved of f* their anguish, pain and inflammation, by a timely g apphoatien of this tnar ,e£ll?*x and the 2 flesh is renewed as if by a g fllSWfour. Children are frequenta mfferersfromexternalin unes, especially from " Ftnid and Camphene Ex actions—therefore every *3 mother should have tins hbihng. preparation ,oon- a stantly on hand. Itheals 10 TRAVELLERS 3 BY SKA AND IIKD. The '.achiout, the Tra- g veller.&nd every other in diyi-iual whose, lot in life » throws him vntlun the obanoeoi ftcuident from ® srplotion.Are, or eolli- Han, shoulj boar in mind 5 that this Magio Extractor is his best and oniy fnend. S It is both portable and oheap, and snould ever be ea ms oomoanion, as a friend in need. There hre thou- fc, sanae or living witnesees to testify to iu marvellous S virtue, who owe their sound bmbe ana muscles □ to its saving efßoaoy. OAf!’pAiN,'EXTRACT OR is a FREVKNITVe S m well as CURE j En-stcoias, Sores rrfall kinds, Brouies, Flstofa, ghotWoundr, , „ Frost Bites. Sororala, Broken Breast, Foyer Sores, Scurvy, Bites of. Reptiles, Felons, Scalds, Cancer, Glandular Dis-Scurf, - Crooked Lips. .eases, fieaWHeod, Chapped Hands, Mercurial Sores, Sprains, Chilblains, Fains 'generally, Small Fox, Cramp, Firaples, ’fumor*, Contracted Cords, Piles, Tetter, Chafes, ‘ Poison, Uloeni, Diseases of the Rhenmatism, Venereal Bores, Skin* Rashes, fto. the principal Depots, 14 Broad war. New York, W P W Crleans. by J. WRIGHT ft CO., Genera] Agent. It oan also tie ob »2S?rfi.MJoWa?. Druggists and Merchants throughout the United States ana Canada. T. W, DYGTT ft SONS, Mr' JOHN PICK, M. W. DIOR, TVOTIOE.—A Meeting of the Association , known as the “ Amygdaloid Minin; Coinpany of f' a Htof 0I *? held at office of tti* Uompanj* in the city of Phtfadeiphia, on MONDAY, t u Ju y, 1860, m pursuance of the provisions of the2’i teo non oi the aot sopsleuentarr to an not to authorise toe formation of Oorporatious for Mining, Smelnng,/to., tS , *lature of ftliohigaa, and approved on the flth of Pebruary, IBM, for the purpose of electing Directors and adopting, By-jAwi for the government of raid Association, and the traneaotion of suoh other business as may properly oome before said meeting. JAMbS viARSON. Philadelphia, June 16, 1860, H. WATROUa. _ OFFICE OF SCHUYLKILL NAVTGA^ T lON COMPANY. MAY 10th. 1«0.-From and aiier July 16th, 1860. and until September Ist. 1860, the charges for the use ofCars. ard for Toll and Trans- K l ‘i^ t i O Mm A^ t i! r^i. t fi carried to FhiladelptiV M way of the Bohnvlkill Navlgatiou.will be increased Igfteen Cents per Ton on the rates fixed March Uth, 1880; and on the Is* of September, 1600, a further ini crease of Fifteen Cents per Ton wiU be made on said charm, and so continue until the olose of navigation, By order of the Managers. F. FRALEY. milltm . President. H|RS. FREDEBIOK HODGES, OF BOS i Anr??il’* i ?. teDd !. op€nsli,r a SCHOOL FOR YOUNG m ft 1 m September next. Mrs. H. has the honor of reierring to the Rev. Alex. H. F. H. Hodges, TOl VINE street. aptt-Bm* AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE is * rf*- reliable medium through whioh Schools and Faxni- Uesinay obtain oomnetenttoaohers. Parentsmayob h** cn-ti FbSaVde,: IJRTANT * STRATTON’S NATIONAL A* MEROANTILK OOLLEGEB. located at rhile dolphin. S. E. corner SEVENTH and. CHESTNUT i Nrw x rk, Huflafo. Cleveland. Chioaro, and Bt.jLoiis. For ',iii rrnß-t’on. call or send for Catalogue, fii-tl Mrs. still’s CRYST-ALWE LIQ.UID H‘IR COLOKEH! A preparatiou new to the publio, but whioh bw lons been in private use, for re.torins Grav Hair to it. natn ral oolor, nnpartms to tt a glonr appCaranoe, and ran denpg it sou and silky. It ii entirely different in its nature and effects from any article now m use lor the same purpose, befog a oieanly fluid, nearly as clear as water, requiring no washm* before or after ita application, free from sulphur or any other objectionable ingredient, and applied as easily as an ordjnary Hair Oil. Can be had of the Following persons: w Z. Harbertu oqrnsr Juniper and Pine streets. E. J Fennell, No. 26 North Eighth street. Thomas Lancaster Spruoe anifEighteenth streets. Thomas Weaver. Vine and Eighteenth streets. Jfm* B ; J-horapson. Mt. Vernon and Seventeenth st’s, Gaillard. Jr., Arch below Second streot, . E. B. Garnxues, Coatos and Tenth streets. George C. Bower, Vine and Sixth itreets. A. H. Bowman, Bpruoe and Becond streets. Charie* Shivers, Spruce and Seventh streets. CaiehJl. Keeney. Aroh and Sixteenth streets. For sale wholesale and retaiLbv mm** FIFTBENTJ^^ 4 LOoibfsS“te. fbitodelphfa. CANDLES, PARKAFJWE WAX. , PURE SbERMAOETI, CHEMICAL SPERM. . ... ADAMANTINE, Ai sorted eises.. Packed in plain or fancy boxes to suit any market, or rawi®. vL I S ®Ji B IP® manufacturers, THAIN /b McKEONE, a and « 8. WHARVES. felA-swtf ENVELOPES. —Over 200 different styles , and sixes, selling from 800. per 1 000 upward. Or ders by mail promptly attended to. PERRY, Stationer, FOURT H and RACE. je23-lm RlCifi. 2CO Tierces Prime Retailing Charleston Rice, for sale by JAMES GRAHAM ,fe Co., LETITIA street, HAMS! BAMS! HAMS! Prime new Bwgar Cured Hama, 10 oanta per lb., (warranted,) CHAB. SMITH * BRO„ jeJ7-12t* 913 <k 010 MARKET Btreet. fUARET! CLARET! (LABET! ON DRA UG HT i ON DR AUGHT! .pl**®* draught, from SI per gallon upward. Also, ?*» fit Wines amS Ligaors, imported direot, §^«* ft IERkLEBiEUK, 119 Bouth SEVENTH OTEWART’S PAISLEY MALT,—In Pun oheon, of thlv WHiSKEY Jn»t received end tor rale in bend bi GEOHGK WHiTELEY, mvl»-fm 138 SQTTTW FRONT nir«-* /CHLORATE ■ POTASH For salo by & BROTHER, 4T. and 49 North BRCONP street • , ' 1 jet ORIOK-MASISS SiAOUINES which QI'EEL PENS.—4,OOO broaa assorted, tton. , r* l^o'b f ArH I l’nA r At i r ,l^ard -' !fEft tog-lfe T IQUUKIUE— <■ cflow’d Italian,' ’ for sale * *«»***• ‘ T “W .WffjPN&jfjAy, J(JfcY;;4 > ' ;l«66^' NOTICES. EDUCATIONAL. Passengers from FbUadelpblawiujake the klfiA. Bt, trim at fbe depot, cor.' Breed morning. The steamer Philadelphiawill leave Nfttjbk on ihe evenings’ of Monday. Wedh<*tBay,; ard Tnday, connecting wf*h thetrein at.Beaiord, Vnldh arrives it Pniladelphiaatl.F, M. .. . /• , Fate for flrst-dlau passengers, iholuding medls bh the boat, Bj. ' • passengeiS|inDludics meals on the’bb^ti Freii ht taken ai» low as by any other route. ' 4 ' . For furmer kerupulkrs tee an a l hand-bills at ihe hotels, and other publto places, or inquire of „ , O.’F. DARB, Ageat,, f3sAirai—B WEST CHESTER SHMftsßEpEtand philadklphia CUMMER corbet of Market And LeUmaft or. Thirty-first' Streets. Wftst Philadelphia, at 7ft) and IOSQ. A, M., ami isa! 4.48, ana6ftt P.ftL • „ ... Leave WEST CHESTER, from the Depot; on Fast .Market street, et g. 40, 8, and 10 30 A. M„ and 1.18 and * ' ON SUNDAYS*. t.« Ave W®«t nhetter.at733A. M .and 6 J\M* ~ The le&t passenger railway oar will Jeav* Front and M-rket streets, SO minutes, and Eighth. abt|. Market streets 26 minutes, before the starting time from tbe de pot, and will carry a flag to denote it. Oftce&' d whiting room-southeiWt bdrti«r Bf Ftgfitli anu Market 8 reels, whbrb , passengers, pnrohajMcs tickets for will be funhehed wuh a ticket over the pawengdr railway. ji , , , jyi-tf . . . HeafitAl SkberintenOftfat. m noeth p3sNnsyl- RAILROAD For BETHLEHEM, DOYLEBTOWE. BASTOV, MAUOH CHUNK. HAZLETON. KOKLFV. WHITE HAVEN, WILKESBABRE. WILLIAMSPORT, fto. # THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and eKer MONDAY. July nd,JMk Fusescer Trains will leave FRONT, stid Wftwiw sV.*Acs«:Fhi l&ddlKkiA, DAILY. (BunaaVe exoeptadV) os follow®}— - At CAO-A- M. (Express), for,Bethlehem. Allentown, MAtioh Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesberre, Williamsport, fto. < At 230 F. M. (ExproM). for Bethlehem, Efcston, Ah, This tram reaches nefitoh M 130 F. M,, and make# dose connection with New Jersey Central for New Yolk. AtfiP. M, for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauoh Chunk, fto < At 9 A. M. and 4 P- F. for Dovlestown. At 10 30 A. M. and 6ft) P. M. for Fort Washington, The «30 A. M. Express Tram makes olom connection with tbe Lehigh Valiev RailrauL*t BatWeneai .beihg the sjiozteßt and rroetA&intbloroutoto WBiesbarre, and to all Lehigh Coal Region, TRAINS FOK. PJULADkT.PH/A: Leave Bethlehem at 633 A* M., 9.20 A. M. and 533 F. M. - Leave Dcylestown at 7SOA, M and Ali Pi M. , Leave Fort Washington at 6JBA. M. and 215 F. M. • un dUNDAire: Philadglebia Ibr BilhUSheih at I A. 9L sawwa Bethlehem Tor Philadelphia at Aou P. M. ' Fare to Bethlehem. .81 60> Part to Mauoh Chunk,9B 60 Fore to Easton 1 60lFare to Doytestown.. 080 . Through Tiokats mast be pruonred at the Ticket Of and Thlrd-slrast Pusan,„ Kailroada. » minutaa aflat Waving Willow atieet. - ™ j Jl? ELLIS CLARK. AReot. tHEMMBB I’HILAJLIEi i’lUa aM> AHRA i NGE^IENT^o!I MuNDAY, Jolt 9th, JBCo..,he Irom. frill ran U at Leave the passenger depot of the West Chester and Philadelphia Rai frond; Co. corner Market itnd Thirieth etreets. West Philadelphia, daily (Bandars ,exoeptod)at79oA.M.anri4.4B P, M. 3 _On- Wednesdays and Saturdays an extra train, at 1 90 ~ M. ; Leave W est Grove at 6.&0 and Bft) A. Mand 430 p, M* I 'Jhe7.3o A. M. ‘J rain itom Philadelphia oonneots di reot w,tb a rally line of btagea via New London and Oattjrd. Returning leaves i xford At 830. A. IWu con necting with the 8 60 A. M, train from West G ove Thebeantifulsoetiery and tvell-kboWu bealthlul&ese of Delaware and Chester counties offer superior m» tuosejooking for summer boardms. - Freights for this line reoeived at No. Mnrkct^St, ; Philadelphia. June 28 1860. tani6 Sopennlendeat. i»p SA£S, Tu THE7PENNBYLVANIA J ,raiIroad company offers advantages unequalled by any other line—to oer wus seeking HEAL t H «r RECREATION, FRUM BUBINE®M during the teamiseaMer —in the issue ot BxcußsioNficxsts. oh and after June 30th, 1860, to Cxxsson, altooxa. Bxdtord andEpH&ATA S/aTsas, and coupon tickbts for twenty-six trips,- for the uee of PAJt-.Liae, to and from points near the oity. Tioketa to Cn sssox HotbLb, at the summit of the Al legheny mountain—good /or a round trip tfrftAtn JO daws—lobe had for 87.60. y , B Ticketo to Altoona, whbre invalids and others Will find Splendid hdtel accdmtnodationfc, good for round WipMthinlOdaTS-rnn 8716. For Bedford Springs—Passengers ticketed to Rope well, on the Huntingdon and Brood Top Railroad, and for Broad Top City to ulaifs Station. Excursion tfo k»ts. 87u6; single trip, BMO. Two daily lines oi coaches ounneot with the trains. Baggage changed at Huntingdon without extra oharge. Passengers to Ephrata Bpnijgß take stage from Lan caster. Tiokets for Round Trip, Si; Single Trip, $235. trips good for any member of tbe family, at a discount of 28 per cent, below regular rates. 1 ho above tickets ana further information to be had after June 20th by applioaUon at the offioe of the Henu sylyania Railroad Co., sdutheast corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, PhUadelphia. t T „ A THUS. MOORE, Agent Lewis L. Hotrpt, Gen. Ticket Agent. ?eB-lm JSBMBi SPRING A&B.&Xam. SKMIiSISSB men?. - AND BALT! PABSEnSkS 4 TaA^ I M^Y6A'HiI’ 4 AI)feLPHIA J ' , ForJSaltimoreatS.U A* M., 12 noon, (Express,) ani 11.10 r. M, a n A. M„ u noon, l.u, ».00, 7.00 aaa i lKor p |iWn,t°n *1 a.U a. M., U, 7.OCAnd For Ns* Csstls at 8.10 A. M, , and 8.00 P. M. For Middletown at AU A, M., ando.ooP. 1C For DQTsr at9.U A. M., anjAOO P. M. For Milfort at S.U AVM., and (A 0 P. M. For Seafonl at,.U A. M„ Mid.p. M. For Lanrel at AU A. M.. and (AOp. M. »t CM A. M., (Kzarau.i U.U A. M^ 3fS& , *SC" “ 4 *’ Wk Tear*Salisbury AtfcffQ A, M., and gft) p, at. Leave Lamrei eg 6.U a. and &«i p. M, Leave Seaford at C. 46 Aa m., and 430 P. at, Leave MUford at 740 A. M„ oad 436 P. M. Leave Dover 0t».06 A. BL, andffJOF. M. Leave Middletown at 1036 A. M. and 736 P. U Iveave New Castle at &00,10J6 A. AL, and 830 P. M. < L'V't Chejter at 7,as,, lsjjt A. M.,,Jl,fcS7and llllij ill. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Delaware Rail -044 at 10,16 A.M. i _ TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Laare Clie.terato.U A. M., U.MandU.M P. M. Lura Wilnunaton at Ist A. M., ltu P. M., and UJO FREIGHT TRAlN,with PASSENGER OAR attach, . , , will ran a* folloyi: .Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate pleoetatSP.jn, plaowJtjS^^ 00 f 0? FerTrrUl * »* lateraedlato plaSmat i 0 Leave HaVre-de-Graoe for Baltimore and intermedi ate piaoeeat 1.00 a. M. BtS™.‘i{. Hme ' dl ’- Gn * 0S “ 4 a. m, KKi/row« yrmitanf PHILADELPHIA, GEfc TOWN RAILROAD—BUM M^™X^NGEMENJ?T , Lro PhlMelofig «, tTsT), lo7u, wd U A, M., i,*.*x. 4,e, t, ex, r, a. I, iox, end lix r. M. ON SUNDAYS, ~?<»»« PUledelihie »M min. A. M„ 1,3,1, 7X,tnd Iv7l * • Al> B.lO nio. A.M., 1.10 Sub., 4, flf, , 'CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. . Phtlfdalplua e, 6,10,31 A. M., 1,4,1, IX, 8,9, hBQ IvB| a. Hi tu> *MnMX JON SUNDAYS. »re Philadelphiao.oo A. M„ I,.,and 7* P. ,1. *|e ipbeitnut Hill 7jo A. M„, anil 0.10 .f'OR CONSHOHOOKEN AND NORRISTOWN. De&v* Nnrriitown •, 7, BJO, 0, 11 A. »l„ IX, 4X, 6 &HQ 7>4 F. SI. _ SUNDAYS, ware Philadelphia 9 A. M. and 8 and 8 P. M. •ifiE ffiSSMfeta iwM'* A - M - *■“’«•■ £:>**• ““• B “'* !,duH *•*••»• „ ON BUNDAYB, Aeava Philadelphia 9A. M., 8, 6, and 8 PM, rrgmfearaaL SIBBB PHllaiijulPhia r2L2?B™V'*%S>6myrS«Bd»y« e«epte<U _4£*y® New Depot, oorner of BKUAjy ana OAiiLOW fiykADKLPHIA, (Passenger entrance* S?J;-i«2- n irSP d( ? n t CalunyhiU. streets ) at 6XO A. M.f r W iK?S n 6 ?% T 3 Vlth too PENNBYoVaM »a,tt ip; arJ ” °‘ AFTERNOON LINES. n!«^TBfS!T I) SKV c . o ,^?. r Str B J RO^D *» d CALLOW- HlkL PHJLAl)KLPHlA,(Pwien«ercntrftncei on Th«rt«flnth and on C&Uowhlll streets,) tor POTTS • YILfiE M*l HARRISBURG. at P. M.. DAILY.,for at 5 P. M., DAILY, (Bttfciay# ox- OovWiM DIBTANOES VIA PgILAgELPMIAANDiIBAI)}NG ' ’1 " Fi-fil*' • • • —r- —MI Philadelphia »"d Koadlnit an<l Valloj A-H. Danphln— ~-..,-U4' Miller* 1U Troyorton Jnnotion. .169 Banbury..— i6j Northamberland. ~ 171’ L«jri*barg_ .178 Milton-*.,.. , .188 w!lliamwri^2rZ"m jersey 5h0re.....,., .719 Look Raven——...i&j Tror. , D |"*-T' Williamsport and Elmira Elmira-. ,287% .Railroad. «»'u 19 M.t an'i the 3.80 P. M. train connect daily wfffii Cli^^rfete^ce P l « ,'l with the CATA WJfISA, WJLIAMBPORT and ERIE RAILROAD. c"aTOSi»±' PHIA! oorM '° f BttoAß «* ap3S-tf w. H. MrH.HKNNKV. KMr>Ur- Philadelphia isg AND READING RAILROAD. Unnridaiter July 1, iB6O Mileage Tiokets will beianed at s46eaoti. n discount of 25 percent., giving the bolder a right to travel 2,000 nulee at any time, between anr points, an'; in the No. loar of any Passenger Tr» n on above Railroad or tbe branches worked by said Com* pany. > . Business men aril n'hers, having ocoaslon tofrarel frequently between different points, will find tIM ar rangement convenient and eoonomioal. For said tiokots or other information apply to the Tio et Agenta cm the Line U. A. NIC LLe. General luperintendent,Reading,or to P, BRADFORD, Js2B 1m Treasurer. Philadelphia. IBEtia—i ALMIRA KOUm~ HUH9BI PHILADELPHIA AnTeL MIRA RAILROAD. ' QUICKEST ROUTE to Taroaqua, CatawisM, Ru pert, witkfsbarre. Sorantos, Danville, MiltoQi Wil liamsport, Troy. Ralston, Canton, Elmira. Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Rochester. Cleveland, Detroit. lnledo. St. Louis, Milwaukee, and all points Noitii ana , Passenger trains will leave the new Depot 6f th* Phi ladelphioand Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and CALLOWHILL Streets, (Passenger entrance ofCal lanrhill street,) daily (Sundays excepted), for above ’ sd, *dS’«W 8.00A.V. NIQHT EXPRESS.; 3J9P.S. The 8.00 A.M. tram connects at Rupert, for Milkea* barre. Fittson. Scranton, and_ all stations in the LApKAWANNA AND BI’oOMSBUftG RAIlIoad! The above trams make direct connections at Elmira with the tralps of the New 1 York and Erie,C*namaigna and Niagara Falls, and Buffalo. New York and Erie, and New York Ceutr&l RoiDoads, from all points Noth and Buffalo,and fiuspjnalon Bndge. and all intermediate points. Tickets oanba , rocureil at the Philadelphia md El- loket Office, northwest cotter qI SIXTH andCl* U PNJJl'Streets, and at the PaOsngey Desot^oofn*j) Leave the Piitl* lelphiaand Reading Depot, Breulasd. Callowhill stre u daily (Sundays excepted), roi" all points Weata t North, at BP, ftl. I Freights mil bedelivertd before 8 P.M. tdtunu'e' their going th j . ante day. _ . ■ • Ts— ngirertiimreigrri for sided and oomfort by any °%rereS| and Linee run fthnmgh, to Pittvbnrg, Brew 1 rered under Mfiect eontrol of the dflgfdeflr, thus adding much, to the safety of traveners. BsMongpArsoreagoewdtoeaohTraln: Woodrnir® imqniff Anar jitJMgh. »l e - leavM Philadelphia at 7 90 A, M. FasftLifie ' ‘‘ UMA.m. Bonmrg IP. M. Mil. top *? passengeri-for SmiMry, Williamson, EHbira, 10, Niagard KalU, atia intermediate points.Tsdvttfg-Pfci ps^. 6 lVg^lr.i , iPaliM4f T ot of oSt , ST'-forirahraye aa low, and time off qdiok, ad by an f For ftirther mfonhatibn toe Passenger Sta siswswism t«e . Theoo§jda or frSfcs by the Railroad ,Bndg6 at Pitt®berg, avoiding oil droyftge or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of appiiqiated byßbjpppers of Freight, Oflfl the Travsr- Ung Public* , Merchant* and Shippers entrusting the trenfcppitttlqn of their Freight to this Company, can rely with confi dence on its ipeedytrennt. ■ 1 .TIUB RATES OF FREIGHT toand from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at alt times ootjMirdbl* at are.ehnrned by eihsr Mailroad Jlirße wiirtioalar to mark pdcfiitei iifi JPcrrta. JUil ■ H.B.Pl*»afbo.’^|S«T|^o , .j O.j R. MoNejlT, Ky.i t Oroupar. Portsmouth, ft; PadQpol % Co„ Jadmronvilla. Indi- Kii ?«»*, * Co.iCihoipnati, 0., Ath.rn tc Hlbb*rt, Cinomnati, 0.: K. 0. M.larum. Madlron, Ind.; ria, Nsahvffla, Taan.) Hurl, fc flnnt, MerShhi., Psnn.i Clarke * Oft, ChjoHjTnitLW. fi. H. Koont., Alton, nl.tortoFreijht Aienta of Kailroadd at dlffsrant jointa S ii.. piuivisiphU. MMtMWJc K9ONB,BU North atreet. Baltlmor,. FSSSS ? S - LA»*rHoum,orlB.Williamrt.,N.Y. p UI .. I 10S-1V . i&aaHM PHILADELPHIA AND OSJK99RS9Pf r -READING RAILROAD. „On as^Rfti?lpJffi 'totjmi Tickets, with twegty-Six ooohohi,-fiU-be ittued,goOd for the holder amlanT member of his family, On any Passenger Train,.and at ant tfma.' Tha, frill Ifrialdlirm TjoMllror, at thaolfisa of ih. Oomfdn,, No. ttt gbdih FOURTII streat, at a rsduotipn of,-five per cant* from the re.ular fare.. Partial wUhing to onjo, the Summer in the Country will find this a very desirable route, the SchuvUuU and Lebanon Valley® being among them'fwtbcautimlandhealthyln the Slate.and eooes nble by four trains from and **> Fhli«ri*tpbia daily, f HiL.PKr.pHlt. March gOa * T 1nS»?-tif I&H|hb NOTICE CHESTER SEfKSLtitAINS FORDOWfHNGTJwN AND P fN-' iTMrt VMiSNMt wm mart from the new PaMenger Depot of tha Fhila- MWSfffiirWMreu 0 -' for Downlmlown, ImVm at 8.86 AFTERNOON TRAIN fur Downlnitown, Im,m at DAILY (Sundays ectonted,) ayl 'W, H, MciLHENNEY, Seoretary* fgtaf -WEST CHESTER TRAINS Via PEff NK YL VANIA RAIL ROAD. Leave Depot, oorner ELEVENTH and .MARKET Streets, daily (exoept Honda* 1 at 7.16 A» M., Uft) P. M., and 4 P. M. Leave wdatCnester atCto A, M-. 10 46 A. M,. and 8.10 P, M. . 1860. Mmmm iB6O. BPRING ARRANGEMENT-NEW YORK LtfilES. THtt CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S From Walnut-street Wharf, WiU leave as follows—vis: VA&S.’ At 6 A M, via Camden and Aitibor, C. ft A, Aooora- —. ....$226 AM A M, via Camden and Jersey City (N.J.)Ao commodation. in At 2 AM, via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail— ——, - - , 800 AtUAM, by Steamboat, YiaTaoonrand Jersey City. Western Express.- 800 AtwdPMjVia Camden and Amboy, Aooommo dAtion~~- its At 1P M, via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex- A? 4 PM, by Steamboat via Tacony and Jersey City, Bvemnr Express. 8 00 At*P M, tjy Htoauboat via Tacony and Jersey . GfeiP Claw Tioket 136 At 6 P M, via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Ma 11.... ~ 800 M.via Camden and Jersey City, Southern At6PM.via Camden and Amboy. AooommodO tion, (Freight and Passenger,)—utClais Ticket. 225 Sd “ *♦ 160 The 6PM Mail Line runs dally. The UP M, South-- ern Mail, Saturdays excepted. . For Belvidere, Easton. Lambertville, Flemlngton. fto., at 6 A M and 4P M, from Walnut-street Wharf and 7.10 A M from Kensington. . F6r Water Gap. Stroudsburg, Soranton , Montrose. Great Bend, fto., at 6 A. M. from Walnut street wharf, and 7.10 A. M, from Kensington, via Deis ware Lackawanna and Western R. R. For Mount Holly, atffand OA. AL, 2 and Hi P. M,. For Freehold, at 6 A.M.,and fit*. M. ■ , WAY LINES, For Bristol, Trenton, fto., at Hi and 4 P. M. from Walnut street wharf, 7.19 A. M. and 6X P, M. from Kensington. Delonoo, Beverly, Burlinc ' togi FHfenoe. »ordentown, ftik, at liS, 1, and 4K PTM. dtate*fl b °^ f ° r ®®^® ntown lntarme -- Trenton .tor Tacony, at 11 A. Mi and Tooonr, Beverly,.Burlington, and Bristol, at 4 p. JM, Fifty Pounds of Baggage, only, allowed each Passen ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel., Aft baggage over fifty pounds to be paid (or extra. limit their responsibility tor baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, ex cept by speoioloontroot. aria WM. H. GATZMER. Agent 17»RANBXIN SAVING FUND, No. * 136 Sooth FOURTH Street, between Chert nut and Walnut, Philadelphia* paja all Deposits pa demand. Depositors’ money scoured by Government, State, and City Loans, Ground Routs, Mort gagee. ao. This Company deems safety better than largo profile, consequently will run no risk with depo sitors’ money* bat have it at all times ready to return, with 4 per oent. inter cat. to the they have always done. .This Company never suspended. Females, married or single, and Minors, can deposit in their own right, and euoh deposits can be withdrawn only by their consent Charter perpetual, incorporated by .the Btate ?f PennsylTanta with authority to reoeive money ram trustees and exeoators. LARGE AMD SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Office opes daily, from 9to S o’clock, and on Wednesday evening until 6 o’clock. „ * DIRECTORS. Jacob 6. Shannon, Cyrus C&dwallader, John Bhindler, George Russell, Malaohi W. Sloan, Edward T. Hyatt, Lewis, Krnm bhaar, Henry Delany, Nicholas Rlttenhouse, Nathan Smedley, Joe, H. Satterthwaite, Jones Yerkea, JACoIV Shannon!' President. Owns Cabwalladsb, Treasurer. apSB-y CAVING FUND—FIVE PER OENT IN- S3‘^ R J!T-rrHT IONAL safety tri bt com. £ANY, WALNUT Street, southwest oomer of THIRD, Pluladelphia. Incorporated by the State of Pennsyl vania. Money is received in any sura, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. . The office is open every day from nine o’clook m the morning till nveo’qtookin the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till eight o’olock. Hon. HENRY L. RENNER. President. ffiß.fe 08 * Vi °“ P ™ id ” nt _ w _ Di&BOTons: Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brew&tor, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barr Robert Selfndge, Francis Lee, , Samuel K. Ashlon, . Joseph Verkes. G, Landrelh Manns, James L. Stephenson. Money is reoetved and payments made daily. The investments are made, in conformity with the rovisjons of the Charter, in Real Estate'Mortgages, Ground Rents, and euoh fint-olaas securities as wtllal rays insnre perfect, security to the depositors, and jjjcn cannqt fail to give permanenoy and stability to CAVING FUND—UNITED. STATES NUTStreot COMPANy ' °°rnor THIRD and CHEST- Large and small sums reofciyed, and paid bank on da mand vnihontnotioe, with FIVE PER CENT. INTEr RLBT from the day of deposit to tho day of with drawal, 6 o’olook every day* and on KSJ?P4yjS.VKNINGB from 7 until 9 o’olook. DRAFTS for Bale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from £l upwards. ’ President-STEPHEN A. CRAWFORD, Northern .Central Railroad. TO THE PUBLIC. CALHOUN’S ANNULAR VENTILATOR. The above patent is deemed, by scientific and prsoti oal men. to be the very best ever offered to public* and needs only to be seen in aotual operation Tor tU merits to be appreciated. Nothing aver introduced is so eerfeotty adapted for y.eunlatmg private and publio buildings. eohools, hospitals, engine houses, mines, ■team and sailing vesfids, ana for the ouro of smoky ohimnevs they have no equal. Manufactured and for sale, wholesale and retail, at the Heatinc and Ventilating Warerooms of C*laB< WILLIAMS, US* MARKET Street. Phila. Personal attention will be given to all descriptions of heating and ventilating lrr the undersigned, who hoa been many years praoucally engaged in the awe busi ness. Also for sale. Culur’s justly-celebrated wann-air furnace a, cooking ranges, bath boils, re sisters, Ao., by foia-stnthßro . CHAS.WIIiLVAMk Sunbury and Ene R, R. 1 ‘ADIJ33’ TRAVELLING BAGS and for sale by 0. F. RUMPP, 118 North 1-oURrW Street, above Aron, _-__-,Wholesa!e and retail manurActurerof * PORTE-MONNAIES, POCKET-BOOKS, CIGAR a .. „ CASES. MONEY-BELTS, Saohels, Purses. Cabas, Bankers’ Cases, Dressing CasM, Writing Desks, Fort-Folios, Bill Books. • Jobbing promatU rton» oT-Sni MB-f. JAMES BETTS’ INVENTIONS * L " , FOR LADlES.—Approved of and highly reoonf mended by the Medical profession throughout the United states* Thirty Thousand Inva ids having been advised by their phTsiolacs to uie her Surgioal Appliances. She 2?®2. < !?PP on i Merchants and others against purchasing exoeptat her residence. 1039 WAUfOT Street, where ■he panbe consulted daily,, between the hours of and*, Her book of testimonials will he given onapnli oatton B«nt free to any part of the United States. He •lgnatare is on eaon artioie. mitt laths tr CYJRUP MOLASSES, 4c.—500 hhds and Barret. LOVKRING’B N. Plas Ultra. Golden Sr rup. and extra Golden. Also, Sugar-houso, Musco vmo, and Porto Rico Molaares in hogsheads and bar reli, for .afe by JAMES GBAHAM k Go., LKTU'IA street. ■OEEINPD SGGAR.—I,OOO Barrels LO . n 'VERleiß’g Cm.h.d.ooarse and fine pulverined. A, Ji.andCofi>e,and refined yellow Sugar, foreale hr JAMES GRAHAM a CII..LKTITIA .treet. IAVA COFFEE.—I,OOO pockets .prime OofTM, JAMES GRAHAM fc CO (IIL LEMON—Grass, for salo by VVE swww* k BROTHERS. 4T end 40 North P.TOH.— 480 bbls. Fitch, Wilmington .jtlitebarrels. instore and for sale by EOWLI3Y, ABHBUHNBR* k GO .No. 16 SOUTH WIIAHVRB, JhgTURILE AND OLaM served Street. . N. B. Pinners from IS to 3 o’olook. m?33tf fff FAIHBaNKS’ FLA'J FORM SCALES, •Si, ituttßOAttxlftfris.; SAVING FUNDS. “ A little, but often, fills the Puree.” ** A Dollar saved is twioe earned.” ;«rsurii’i(ripß Sg&SSgSiGg&ft • Wcwutfttj 3BGmJiJ7*<bJ. - ottaw -^j»gw»>i(MHg*ti iMeronimmssf, PurotrurtK .aoa:.p<9sf-;»tVPowr< oaffyft* i CasßffoiltMftQd gar phis §»l.® w*. : SSSS,Sfe»M£ OI TY Fl >, E 4N B GERMANIA HUMBOLDT FIKKInS. |O., OF gg'fjjg, „ ApdlioaUoM in veimm h J will r«i»» »ro»J*t '*je7?sS a - . . M |s?&4 rjjrtiE ENTEKP3UME •insurance company of PHILADHPHIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) cos U N Mm L A s T a%£M s> - NiAectoK. F. HatcSM*» IMS*, MoedjcaiL. Dawson. William MoKbS, Ofe. H. feSASt. Nalbbo Fbazizb,- JpiWt Ht B»0lfW* John M. Atwood, B. A. FahnmKfci» JJbnj. T. TrbDick, Ahd**w Jj. Cask, ” W “t E i”^TCHFiA®lk?ffiddsnt CHARLES W. COXE. Secretary. few AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., INCORPORATED iffIMJHAHTER fjwfbt. Vo. Sin SfrMt. »bqroJMrd, JhilWelshis, Having & large iKia-«# QiimSiSfoek and Surplus In vested in soonu aid avftuf&le.W epmidS. eonfiffua to insure on Dwellings,- Stores, KdrtUfßfd, WdfolMndlie, Vessels in Port and their cargoes, add Other Petijnsl Property* All losses lilierpll? a&a pfottptly adjusted. . CIRICTOBq. This. R. Mans, John T/Lewis, John Welsh. A. Camkbel], Samuel C. Motion, Edmund u. Imtlfe, Patrick Brady, Chas. W.Poultnuy, ___ THOMAs'fLMARIS, A Secretary. fe«-tf QuakEr oifv insdranoe cumpa- PLUS BM3,7t#Ja.-liurare. a*aiMi, Lose or p.mM. bi Fire, and the' Penis of the Bea, Inland Navigation ana TrM«iKirtgiog^ cIE jl HARTi present. K. P. ROSS, Vic. President. H. H. COGGHHALL, Soc’r Ann TraemMr. B. H. BUTLER. Asai.t&nt Beoret&rr. DIRECTORS. Core. H. Bert, E. P. Row, u A. a Gattell, renter 8. PerjrtM, B. W. B.iISV, , Andrew R. Chambers, . k. CCsrawyh 9%mn*l Jonee, M, I)., Hon. H. M. Fuller. mhl-tf INSURANCE tIUMPANI Vt i’UB |§ A ?N B sB^c»^sliSMi^: Chartered in ITK-Ceprt&l taOOJK»-Anets, January I« 1689. 9947,449 60-100. All invested in sound and available tinuo to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stocks of Merchandise, *om on liberal terms. - Henry D. BherrerJ* George H. Stuart, Vimepn Toby, . Satnufd Grant, Jr„ Charfe* Mau&lester, Tobias Wagner, wiwstfio, fitoia, ntomai BrWatnsu, TriSSMBK. oflMft. I3SS"’ • George C. Carson. ' HENRYT). BHERREBD, Preliddnt. WiLT/lAM JTAH.PVH.Reftretarv le 9-wfin tf INSURANCE COMPANY N6.4W WALNUT Strett. FtltS INSURANCE o'n Houses and Merchandise generally, oh favhrfcble terra, either limited or per petual. , „ DIRECTORS. Jeremiah Bonsall, Edward D. Roberts, John ft. Ginnodo, John J, Griffiths, ! Joshua T. Owen, Reuben C. Hale. * Thomas Marsh, John MoDowe]l. Jr., Sami. L. fimfedlerv _jas. T.. Hale, Bejlefonte. .. ' - President JOHN ft. GINNODO* Vies President. Edward W David, *doret&n. mhfl-wfmtf A N THBACITE INSURANCE COMPA NY.—Authorized Capital ®4O6,OGfr—CHARTER PERPETUAL.- _,ofl)oe No. 511 WALNUT Street* between Third and Fourth Street, Philadelphia. . This Company wlltinsure against loss or damage uy •Fire, on Buildings, Furnitrtf6, and Merchandise gene- Marine Insurances on Vessels* Cargoes, "and Freights. Inland Insurance to all ports of the Union. DIRECTORS, Jacob Esher, Joseph M&zfield, D, Luther, Dr. George N. Eckert, L. AUdenried, John R. Blakiston, Davis rearson, Wro.F. Dean* Pet.r Sieser; ugagMS^MM. , ■ mF. DEAN, Vice President, W. M. 8 WITH, seorotary. apS-tot<f 11ELAWARE MUTUAL SAPETY IN ii(coßPonATxifiiy E Tsis i ££o7sLATeiig of office b. eT corner > thir ! 6 and wAlnuf Streets, Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCE ON VE6SELS, J _ ! IsjH&T, | of th. W«rl4. On floods,by Riyertcanals, Lakes, and Land Carriage _ parts ofthe umbn. FIRE INOURANOE* Oo Merohandiie geneVdiiy, November!, USB. Per. Marktl Ymlu* fliss,o6o, Philadelphia City 8 V cent. Loan~»9m,tta 00 Pennsylvania State 8 y ot. Loan 95,568 00 fIILOOO Pcnnsilvania State 6 y ot. Loan. _, 11,000 09 iasloQO, U.OreiUfurySHy cent, Notes and interest due «—. ww......... M SJO M fSOJXX) U. B. Treasury 8 y ot, Notes and mtflr cstdue— J 90A1S 00 98,000 Temporary Loan to the City of Phila delphia BAOO 00 980,000, PennHylvania RailrhMSd Mortgage 8 y cent. Bonds : —r- gf ADO 00 950A09, North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort gage 6 y cent. Bfinrin UJBO 80 914,000 West Philadelphia Passenger Railway ... Company 7 y ot. coupon bonds..UAoo 90 911,900,191) shares stoox Germantown Gas Company, interest and principal Sued by the city of Pml? . IBAOS 06 Pennsylvania Railroad , t 9BAOB, M 0 98AS0, loe Boataud'stSani Tug Company, Philadelphia and Savannah Bteam Navigation Com pany, Ocean Steam Navigation Company, Philadelphia and vre do Graoe Steam Tow Boat Company, Philadelphia Exchange Company x,HO 00 8409,713 S 4 Sonde and Mortgages, and Real Estate, Of 3pe Biuidinc.. .. 6J353 SI Bills receivable for Insurance* made 8 Balance doe at Agenoiot—Premiums on hla- riue Policies, interest, and other debts doe the Comwny-~ 8.564 18 Scrip and stool of sundry Insurance Compa- Cash on Deposit in Dank.. . si BIRECTORB. William Martin. Bdmund A. BoudpT, fhecrpbims Pauldiig, John R. Penrose, John C. Davm t James Traeuair, William Eyre, Jr* -James O. Hand. William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. R. M. Huston, •eorge G. Leiper, Hugh Craig. Okule. Keliy, HENRY LYLBISSrfsS Samuel K. Btokea. li F.Pemeton, Henry oloan, Edward Darlingtes; K. Jones Brooke, Spencer M’llvai&a, Thomas O. HanoT Robert Barton, Jacob P. Jonaa, James fl. M'Forlaad* Joshua P. Byre, John fl. Semple, Pit tab’ll D.T. Morgan, “ A. B. Berirer, ♦* iMMARTm, President HAND, Vtoe rresident oretarr. die Life insurance and trust oom- PANY.-THB PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY. Northeast oorner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Assets, 9937,69] 63. INSURES LIVEB for The whole term of ilife—grants annuities and endowments—purchases lifelntereatsin Real Estate, and makes all oontraots depending on the contingencies of Life. They act u Exeoutors, Administrators, Assignees Vrsstees, and Guardians. _ t , TRUSTEES. Rsniel L. Miller, Samuel 0. Stokes, Eeruamm Coates, William Martin, Rlcnard 8. Newbold, James B. MoFarlasds WiUiam P. Hooker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Euston, Samuel a Huey. thpophilus Paulding* Charles Hallorweu,, ' Edmund A. Sootier, Hoary C. Townee* 4» DamefL. Hutchinsoft* Jtoiiolphaa Kent, John W. Horner, WiUiam H. Carr, Elila 8. Aroher, P,V. Duflon, Samuel J 7 ChrtsUa&l william Robertsoc, Joseph M. Thon as, Warner M. Basin, John G. Brenner, P. 8. Miohler, Easton. , KS9P JoH« W, Nnuwnu, H»nr«tf\rv *ulg BUSINESS CARDS. CLAIMS ON IRELANO. O’GORMAN k WUAON. - ,X?ICUAHD O'GoBMAN. VbWARD J WIL'OMI, ATTORNIES AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. 122 BROADWAY, New York, 1 Having established e/tensive C.-rr-spoudence end A genoie* throughout I eland, wtli take oht-rge of the oolleotion of Claims, Legsciee &0., and attend to other business in any part of that country. J»4O-stuth3m VB PALMFR, THE ADVERTISING • AGENT. FIFTH and CHESTNUT,' rives hie views of the principle and best mode of Advertising, daily, between 10 and 4 o’olock. Address ’ myll-3m V. B PALMER. EJ. BAYLIS THOMAS. # , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Hasreraoyed his office from No. 523 Aroh street to No. 439 WALNUT Street. Particular attention given to the recovery of Mercan tile Claims. The drafting and examination of Wilis, Jlonveyanoea, Asti/tnments, Briefs of Title, and othei nstrumentsof Writing. The managementof Exeoutor* ships, Administmtoralupa, and Trusts, superintended: ana the best securities proonred for tbo permanent in* vestments of Money, Saticiaotory referenoe given when required. ap3o-oro* Henry b. keene, „ • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Has REMOVED his office from No. 890 Walnnt *treet tono.xas South THIRD Street. Tnht»-6-"* Horace see, MEOnANTOAL ENGINEER, and PATENT ATTORNEY. No. 114 Potua 81ATH Street, (Nearly opposite the County Courthouse,) Prepares Ppoomoations. Drawings. Ao., and transacts all other busmens connected with the obtaining of Let ters Patent. apM 4m* J WAGNER JERMON, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSKLLOK-AT-LAW, Ollice, No. 1 tti South SIXTH Street, (Opposite Independence Square,) Philadelphia, fly the aid of reliablo Attorneys, at different points in the United States, is cnablod to prosecute andoolleot olaims of every description. Particular attontionjnven to the examination and re* ooveryoftheoimnisofLocateesand Devisees, and the examination of Land Titles and securing the interest! of heirs and nit persons interested in the same, in all parts of tho Union. Has the Statutes of all theStatcs and is Commissioner for roost gf thorn. Depositions carefully taken under Commissions. apfl-gm SFUGUET & SONS, • IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS, . „ . No, 318 Booth FRONT Street, H®oeive regularly a full assortment of deairabla Cl ircvW orAdit °^ er 11 > ow rate#, for or a» ALFRED L. HOUGH, PAPER MANUFACTURERS’ AGENT* Orders solicited for every desoripnon of PAPER AND PAPER-MAKER'S MATERIALS. _ „ No. 17 South SIXTH Street. reii-6m* PA TYSON & NICHOLSON: BOOKBINDERS. NOS. *l9 AND S»1 MINoA STREET, Between .IreeU PAW3ON - «50. NICHOLSOH SJOAPS. VAN CUEMIOAE OLIVE. ■ AI J o”-hoS.fle‘J C f a& t " M and 31 a - wIARV*. IT?K mf« UT * CO^ON SEBD, PALM AND ELA INE OILS. . felB-»wtf TJUOR-REEPEKS can got good Blank tmaßAck! and fitatio "» r f’ ** rERRY’f, F^OURTH jrr,iwpoWoir.'?^';: BfiCOMVJR,, AUCTIONSEB.:>?S.4!U waaeagMßPßfetfeascftg*- •Jply fPh. fresisely. s , ■Comprlw'aK a mrge and of ..goods adaptstfto.preseDtcityTsunsaleP*: - • ■ * ifiJUM!WSSr BRIM/fctifc ’.GO> X■ • '•Wo/ 499 M AMltgr BTHI qoVATJOTIOSBfBS ; Jr .WS3O V.AKKEt sad -Si litNO* ST. LUUIU, *O. >. imrittlAßfS BOYLE,”* 00., ADO W TIOPrK.EKS * COMMISSION.ME JIGH ANTS, vith Meserc. Myers. Clafcfcora. * Co. .rflil»aa»> odei their eervices to the BUDoftfltiiMirit ud ShSrto™hib3elglA, thej»les?dr7fooae. car ytita. booUrahoen. Krdv»e.J6we*rr, . ■ •' 1,, kB. o>rti. k Co., NowVoi*' M • KETAIL DRY GOODS. rjLOteS* SIIR POPLIN.", iL /'J.KAY TR./VeLL'NU GOOIIS. sa fapL‘t-sj f ß<{oTa*aAis. &fi ohestnVTJS— Barege and obgaS'B> _ R'*be&''. Maoy'of them at one half of u»iM.rj|ioe*- SHARP h-S -BROTHKRB. 801 , F RE'CH HWNS »ND OI!«*i- v Selim? tbe summer a took at very Ifixf mfat, _ . OHARP KPS hwothbor «o» fiwiyTEtJTSt. CtldAbES IMA3S * SuN Have made ANOTHER REBUCTIOW OQ their BtOOK Of - SUMMER GOOD*. A ” GR5 f Ar Ikol;cVmt ? nt» to purchasers, for two weeks, ■ prior to Slaking an alt lalon in their store. They prefer selling below Cost theft carrying over goods to another season. French Lace Houmous, Frdnclt Laoe chawis, . French Lace Kageniee, breach Points. French L>ce I’ittfolominiflS. Bilk Mantillas in vanef7, Brest Goods for hommef/ i ress Goods for the Bsastde, Dre'sG *odS for the country, Frees Goods lortheoity, 1 Fine Organdies and Lawns, koULAh D B[uh 8 ol‘-ai"p oat below coot. 4-4 French Chintzes U%&, usually 26 cents. Our Stock of , , , HOUBVHOLD FURNIS'WB SOOC3 is hot surpassed, either in qualify or pried, __ _ jtWif EIGHTH ANouRoH aTREETS, ff AW MS,-Tip-top assortment fast colors -R-A figured LAWwS'en^rioh BAREGES, i iUo Lawns, *?obet. Blue L«wns, Little Fioxmcesf Jhnk Lawns, U uWe Brown Lawnd, Gay Shrled, Black Law, s. Neat styles, Ghosol»te Lmwds, Black Bareges, Finer G'ftdes,. Gremaines, Fine Mohairs for Travelling Brets Goods, Exce'leot *rd ch'ssn Mantilla Silks, Mantles and Du«f€:J Lnce Points a r d M w tied, G> od Blaok Bilk Mantles. , N. B.—Some bargains m obeap nress Good# St a to 13 COOPER & COnAKt/. ' B. K comer of NIN TH and MARKET. Ji£6!N : S VTJ£AZ, BOiS’ WEAR, Cloths, Fancy CwsiitodxM r CheajrCtfJiiiiijerei# Linen Brills, Mftrfieiiteg Vestings, CBeauCoann s, A large stock of the best quality, and at Ondtifdr rates than ftver told. CO'-PKR 4 CONAHIV |039 8. E. corner NINIH Md MARKET. SHIPPING. M#fc THE BRITISH AND NORTH |sgk|ML AMERICAN ROYAL BEAU# STEAM- if , .raon B*W. TOIK to LIVXUML. _ Pawste .$ll6 Second Cft&m.PflffaKft...,. ■. .. 71 ,BB.pKSOg'i6fl -2 6 Lr?*«GOL. - Chief —.#214 Th«®%?^^.i^6»£aiVSo>® The ships from Boston call at HaUIaX &b 4 Cork Har ASIA, Capt. E,G. l*rtt, |niAGAßAtCapt.Andejr»on AFRICA, Casl . gte . J. i-iffi. These vessels oarry a olear white light et masthead; green on starboard bow; red.on port bow. NIAGARA. Millar, leaves Boston* Wednesday* June J?< ASIA, Lott, *' N. York-Wednesday, July 4, EURoPA. Lelteh, '* ' Poston* Wednesday* July it. PERSIA. JadkiCA 11 If. York, Wednesday, Jnty IS. ARABIA. Stone- *• Boston, W*dnasdav. Jalv S 3 AFRICA, Shannon, •** N Y(r?k,'Wednesday, Aug. 1. CANADA-Lang,' “ BCftton, Wednesday, Aug S. ASIA. Lott, “ w York, wedntftfday, Ang. is. EUROPA; Lfitch, “ Boston, Wednesday* Aftg. 52. PERSIA, Juukins. ** N York, "Wednesday, Any. 2u. Bertha not seonxed nnti! paid tor* An experienced Surgeon on board* The owners of these ships will not be accountable fer Gold, Silver. Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones, or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed thCreftr. ana the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to E. CUNAfID, tnyl 4 Bowling Green. New York, FOR THE SOUTH. —CHARLES-, aaHftron and savannahsteamships. FREIGHT HEDUQBi). KosrrFreifhtsi dn «vgra*d <sf PiTtsum ter cent, be low & a The V. R. Mail Steamship REYSTONK STATE, Oat* tain Charles P. MarehmanrWillfidifon W4dns3oay, July. 2). at 10 A. M. f Through in 43 to n houre-only 40 hours at Be*. FOR , The U, 8. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA Captain John J. Gsmn, will sail on Friday, July 50, at 10 A, M. ihroash ift «to«home—only 48hours at Sea. ■firSaßifif dhre sbangedfrom every Stfurday to eyery five days. Goods rwdvM, end DUltof Ladin* mined The epjendM side-wheel StemnAifs KEY STONE STATEand STATE OF GEORGIA uo* rtm ae •bore erejr ten days, thus forming a five-daf comma nioation with Charleston and Savannah, and the South Charleston and Savannah, these Ship* oon- Jeet with steamer# for Florida,and with rail roads, Ito., or all places in the SfuthwesV - INSURANCE, Freight and Insurance on a lafce proportion of Good# shipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing vessels, the premium being one-half the N, Ih—lnsuranee oa all Railroad Freight is entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the itailroKl Fare by this route 28 to 40 per cent, oheaper than by the Inland Route, m will be seen by the fob owing sche dule. Through tiokete frqm Philadelphia, via Charles ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route, except from Charleston and Savan nah to Montgomery: To OlB 00 Bavann&h.~—- UOO Augusta - 30 00 Macon—^—,—. SI 00 Atlanta 33 00 l3 00 Albany U oo Montgomery--.. S 6 00 jMobift ..... a oo New Orleans*.... 9171 New Orleans—,.. 92 09 No bills of lading signed alter the ship has sailed. For freight or passage apply on board, at seoond wharf above Vine street, or to South wMt comer FOURT'aM?CHfeBl’Ntr«, Agents in CnarlertontT. S. A T. G. BtJDD. _ . Savannah,HUNTEß A GAMMELL.. from Charleston, ttoamer Carolina every „ For Florida from Savannah, steamers St, Mary’s and 8L John’s every Tuesday and Saturday. LEGAL. IN TBE ORPUANS COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, istaeof JOHN l). BUUHEB Deo aaed. The Auditor appointed by tbe*Courtto audit, settle, anfl adjust the account of Daniel Starke . Administra tor cunt testanuntoann* .roof JOHN D. HUGH6S,de cea*ed,and to report distrib itiou ofthebalanoe in tne hands ol »he Administrator, will meet the parties in* terestori tor the purposes of tits appointment,on TUES DAY,the litbday of July, amis offioe, No. 637 Wa LNUT Street. Fwlaoelpbia. jea-fmw fit oaMULL C. PERKINS, Auditor, IN THE ORPHANS’ OOFRT *OR THE CITY AM) COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Est-te of H' GH (jDURLB > decea«9d. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account or WILL AM COUPBR, sur viving Fxooutor of the will of HUGH GOURLbV, deceased, and to make distributional tbe balance in the bands of tbe aocoun'&nt. will meet tbe parties interest ed. for the purposes of bis appointment*ou TUESDAY, the i bird Da> o' Julv. at 3 o’ol cic P. ■**., at his office. I*o. 230 North FIFTH Street, in the oitj of Philadel phia. , je22-frmwst* OrORO* W. THORN. Auditor. IN *} HE OFPHaNn’ COURT FOR THE CITV AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, r stale of M«RK WHITESI' E. Deceased. The Auditor appointed bj the Court to audit settle* and adjust the first and final acoountof Mre C*T**A HI'E WHlTtßli/b, administratrix of MABK WHITESI Ei Deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands oPthe Administratrix. will rrie>*fc tire parlies imerea'ed, for the purposes of his ap pointment on MOND Y. the 9th day of July* iB6O at it o’otook A. M.,at his offioe, No. WALNUT St., Phii'defohia. SaMUEL C. PERKINS, JeW tuth&sflt Auditor. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. WILLIAM H.ELLIOTT and Co • MARINE, lus wife, vs. Jt. DBENKEL. Alias Vend. Ex. No. 165. March Term, 1860. The aud tor appointed by the court to distribute the fund m court arising from tho sheriff's sale, under the above writ of— All that certain lot or piece of rround, situate on the north side of I’oplar street, at the distance of 43 feet westward from the west side oi tJohuylki l Third street, now Twentieth street.-in the late district’of Spring Garden now m the oitj of * hilmlelpbia. containing in Pont or breadth ou the said Prp’ar street 16 feet, and extending northward, between lines parallel with sa d Schuylkill Third street, m lensth or depth SLfeettoa it) feet wide stroec, leading westward from the said Thud street into Corinthian avenue, oalled i«coU street. Douuoed northward by said Scott street, southward by ®*id Poplurstreet, eastward by ground noworlsteof William It. Scott and others, and westward by ground granted to liamei **. Drenkel. N. U—A bricK message or tenement ia now erected on said lot. three stories high. ’ Will attend to the duties of his appointment on MON. DaY, the 9th day of July 1860, at ms office. No. 530 WALNtT Btro t, m the city of Philadelphia, at 11 o ctook fil. when and wfter* off parties interested must make their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. JOHN JM, THOMnS, J e27»10t Audi tor. TN HIE ORPHANS’ COURT OF CHES TEft COUNTY, and Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania. In tho mutter or the JSitatn nr R (CHARD McPHEB. rig* ft t h i!o‘ e u r o'Xsr’ H Krv I: V r! v*^ r: 3, (i ?. '„f> Mcl l hn rs o a > the wiTo of HENRY BAKfcE8 t and a sister of said deceased, or nor heirs and legal representatives. if aoy, wilt take notice, that the undersunod has been appointed by said lo .s ltBtr, hwte to and among the parties Hnnfr«^i^ e i r *k^’»* 18 BUm hundred and sixty»eix dollara,.aod thirteen cents, (5W0.13.) vrith its interest Siw®i n s ,, » 8 ,n t f M° of administrator. &o. t of the sa d Richard MoPherson. deceased, and ‘hat tJieYa d rhir» rw,llB l t H/H" omca. in the borough of wfit Chester, oounty of Coestfr ana State of Pennsylvania. o* AUGUST next, at 10o’o.«ckA f if.Yi «Sf.- fl Jlf ßrlie *» e,ain,,, S< entitled tosaid Hied the evidcnoa of their title, or bo thereafter debarred from any part thereof. JP. FRAZe.II SMITH, Auditor. JeSS th6'. Jane SB, lsoo. |N THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA EBtrlte»f CHARLES L. CARrENTRR lioo’d 111 Fi;: cn thjt ANNA ELIZA CA RPEN decadent, naa filed in Bald ™_ r i* J 1 ?, e ni 2l y * n d*PPraiBoment 0 f artiolca of per sonal property, elected to bo retained by her under the SxnPntPn^^ o^ 01 01 Ith Apni, IQSirld thar uJlea? UP £? ? ?«?, IS t 0 " r ® tfesantod on or before Friday. 2oth, 1850, the game will lie approved and confirmed. i #M . JOHN McINTYHh,. jezd-thsU Atto ney for tlio Widow. [VOTIOB Whereas letters testamentary •* J°nl he s : a t 6 of AARON H. BUJITiS, i-vte of the city of Philadelphia, have been sraotcd to the under signed, all persons indebted to said estate are reqnosied to make imiLedmte payment, and those having claims against the same to present -them to AtAttY, BIJRI ft-Execiitrix* No. 1129 PIUIKIIT Slreet. my.Tfl'Wfit* TTaVANA cigars—a large, hand- M.M. POM E anil Varied ASSORTMENT: enfisil ting of BU"b brands mjCABANUj*, FiGa RO, ftfa'p- TUWO. Pa I TaGAS, ESPANObA AiIOUiSU.ES, ltmn.on ham rnn"U:itly, and Tor sain low, by CHARLES iKTK, 13(1 Walnut if" l - l«lS-lm Pa P Wit, PaPIR—NqTE, LEXTER, CAP. ,B,LL, LEGAL, DRAWING. SERMON, t n? , i?* ,i,w OrA < L , J or wle**7Sr PERKY, Stationer, EuURTH and RACE, ItM-la Hi THOMAS'* dONS. '- • > ■ udilUioiiX - totS* uftr.onolhouMjufjsitoVruM. \ o iwAMMai-' Jinn*.fdld»ari»»ion«WMl uw oroM.tM'MMioilo • ESTATE AT PRIYAT* R4V«. . •<££» #S?S#K2S KeaJeatHtamuireu ou our private nolo naiatotr W#ri.'!T"?'3« o ‘*>,<>“"r u> our rablio o»J* ototrSn 1 (of «kt«li 1,090 cotlej «• fno tod wooUr.rmt o’ oaves* *• 94,900 NOHTtfWESTfeIIK 9AIL4OAD CO. Ob Tuidirt - - July 10, at 'JS o’clock conn, At the Philadelphia Rx ch-'fige, will be sold for aocougt of whoa it UT eo*> o*rn t £ our *f ix percent coupon Bo"3*. |looo**qh(R4M.) SfJT* bilroed Conpeay, B*tJere*«n. Coupon lit July, laser, attsehed. REAL ESTATE 81LTB—JUJjY 10. At u o'clock. soon. PEREMPTORY B4LF—MORTGAGE OF ftm Bond and Mortt&geof RBOO. eeenred on fcoue *M let ob avenue, north of landed NtreeWGuMfea. OrpbftSS* Court Bale—Eitaie of EU’ot^A. Twoatory Brio* DWBUUNn. Crows met* U&mm Pnine and Dake afreet Eighteenth ward/ . Same Estate—Two-atory Bnek DWELUsQ.adjoin ing the above. :_7T •--- Orohaas’ Court Sale—EeUta of G*orieFlemiaa.4»a*'d* A Yearly GROUND RENT of so*. ' Bame Estate—A Yearly KENT of #O6. Oaphana* Court Sale-Estate_of James MoCmmIL _ , _ daetased. t Two-Hory Bnok DWELLING, Sw&oaoa rmL be? Oupoq asd CnnstiHo Or* ha a* Court B*l o—►■tale of Jarne* Tbocaa,daoM. Three Moxv Brio* STORE and DWELLING. two three-atorj Brick Dwellinta. and tvo-atory Frain Dwelling. Currant aley and >aken place, between *.’*Qth <*xkl Eleventh and locust and »yruce street*. - 2 >%, 'ree-atorj Brick DWELLING, No. 9U A.RieTtetii MfJi* &*!• w Girard avenue. ‘ _ ifijv *rizaBale atatAAFHamlet Pearena.deeM.,* 3K&. *» Brie.BUILDING, corn.ref W&U,ciirft Jr g/frb. ▼eoth streets. «*Tsn -.® r^o ' l DWELLING, south Fifth attest, b *i' >^r L iM®fiv*' r ”D' p ELLl “a, No,m .Mtof -Lot SO l.«t front. imnudinM foo “KSTfck million Korn. "Ci Emlcn sir., t, oat Or 'rH" ? l , 4o''ioi'y'*^^v”^ Lll<oSl York %telV «* and Middtston a reel, jiin.reMl. -m? —j.f. Bf-tJ* .*n fland.;.!. Alrafem BEaIDBHv ot MiiwL irXe, Coach Ho it, Green street, BuitM * “ . ' °TwoJto” Brio* DWELLING, Brtra' 1 * ,t ’ I,i “" teeoth ward. *, r r BUILDING LOT-Norhwest oorasr W and »erase streets between Fifteenth smv a tee's. -,,j NRAT MODKDN JtESIDENOK-With aid*. 1 No. ls*i Green stream, , T . TWo Tbr««*etory Brick DWELLINGS. nortbeaatNx. nor of *1 Intty 9even*h and Eire streets, Mantua. Peremptory daIe—BUIIDING IOT. southeast comer efTiova and Twentj-ftrjE attaatj 91 by 233 feat. Sale absolute. SALE OP SUPERIOR FURNITURE. BRUSSEL?/ VELVET. AN© GfJfERCA‘ ) ET« O»PU> TA BLt-S. DKVRBT <X>TTV®B FURNITURE, BET'S AND BEDDING,ChIXfA AND GLASS WARE, iaOK NAF»*. Ac. _ . CARD.-Oar sale <*n Tbu T sd*ymorning. r.r tse auction siore. will oomprtre. besides lots of erceh*- r seoond h"sd office tab*esaed desk*. i'i o«»tfag* farrntars, beds and b*ddi*jt, China as:i.<;vM- Ware. iron safe. ve'vet, Brussels. Imperial, ac,* ,-ihcr carpet*. Ac. Forming an attractive assortment, the attention of ladies and others disjroae of pur-' obasirf, Catalogues now ready, and the article* arranged for examination. .Sale at Nos. 139 andl4l South FOURTH - Street./ SUF> RIOR FDftNITURtS, FRENCH-PLATE *,♦£- JXCXS, PIANO-FORTES, BRUbSeL* CAEPiTTF. On Thursday Morning. At«o*o!oofc,ei the Atttiox Stows, pa aasertioeut excellent second-hand furs.tare, elegant piano-ip.’V-r,. fine mirrors, carpets, etc.. from unuues dech-icp-? housekeeping, removedtotti#start foroonverueiio? sale. CARD.-Peblio Sales of Real .Estate and Stoofesati the Eiesange.-— Oor sales ni jeal es*«U and sMc*:n,ai* the > xcbaage.trill hereafter he .held at IP u c'ovkr* nonn ; aoo, m tbe evening. «r 7 o’o ook. . ___ KT Contributors b»v#iha option of either sal:. SALKS FVE*Y TUESDAY. Daring the business seaeon in July and August cn'r odo^sionafsales. *• . - . , BandmUaofeaoh properiy.issoed separately, r m addition to whioo we publish, on the«aturday pnsvter s loer-oh stle one thousand ovsH"»e*, in pawpol ? lorm, giving full descriptions of all th# property to l>«* tom on the following 'luehday. _, ’ STOCKS AND RE*L ESTATE. Et'e at the hocohsnte To* sday/lftb July, bale at the Exiliacge Tuesday. Xtih July. Part of the handbills for eaoh sate now reedy. . REAL ESTATE PALE JULY A . Fxecuf<r/sSsle.—‘-at dsotn* mcieri re*idenoe, Ho. H 25 Arohßtrfist. Lot24.fea:9 uuhes in Iron:, 1» feet deep to Cdtbbert street. s4** NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY, un luesday. Inly loth; at 1? o’clock, noon. at the Philadelphia Ex change, wilt besohLfor account of whom it reayoan-* oern. 4 six per*best, coupon bauds, «[iit» -each#- (R 4 000,) of the northwestern Railroad Co.,‘ Buter . oouaty.Pa—coupon Ist July 18w, attached. Also, fur account of whom II may .concern, a bona * and mortgage fur ©2 5iH), secured cm two raeta of ooa£ lands, wth the improvements, Schaylkin cwnatfri Pennsylvania. Also, game account 100 shares North BraoekCsnal- Company of Pennsylvania, GG7.50 per share paid— pa? • 9 100. • * MOSES NAIHAHS, AUOTIOHBSa ill AS3 COBttIBgItOT MEKggABT. ■a.tUM' rf “ OT fiMnW®at' 935. dOD so loan, at the lowest'rates, on diMuads*.* watohog, jewelry, silver plate, arr goods, clothing, U», eerie., ssgars, hardware, cutkrr/piaooe, mirror*,; toy niture. bedaing, and oil goods o? every desdripaow* ifn large or small amounts, front owe oe&kt to-thousand!. • loriwyl-ngthof time agreed on. . ... - The Oldest fcstabliibed House m this eitr, <3T rritatc entrance on RACE PtreeL ' 9* Brtetndas boars from * A M.tof P. SL Advances of 910 and upwards at two per odnt. Advance of ©loff slo upwards, at one peroeat, mr short loans. ATF»IV A TK 8 *LE. Some of the finest GOLD PATENT LEVER add. nuRo«oMKTERWATCN>ft maanfeetured at baU t|ia nsnal selling prices, gold ldffr«od lepiae wstefaee. silver lever and lepme watofaed,' French watohei. at astonishing low pnoee. jcitlij of every dawnetion, vory Axtii&ttiijt. ffrit cuenty or Havana fcaflrtag importationpr!6e.inanantiuestbsaitpatchdeeo* *b4 various other kinds of roods. OUT DOOR gAT.Tfg Attended to personally by the Adstiwer. - o ro« llD m»m.</an J »d "•fcjg&ftgayf* S?T. NICHOLAS HOTEL. >- jjhoadwa: When omn*let«»l. six years ago, the*BT. was afilvdrsaTly pronoaneed the Boat mafßiaoeflf'ftw* rpnient, and fhoftmshty orcan/xed eftabhghmeat.oy V#' kind on this continent. • w hat it waa then it remains w\. day—withouta ri fralmilxe, in tqßPteoMaaee, aadiia the general elements of comfort, and enjoyment.. T»® Hotel has accommodations for one thousand nests’* lja clcdins one hundred complete cntes of apartments for. families. Bix hundred personscaa be eoodortaoly seated at the tables of its t**ree psbtio dinin* room* t a»a»o7 thing that modern arthal devised for Hie convenience and social notification of tlu» imohp bss-tms. omitted in its plan, or is necteoisdimtf practicaldewfe The early reputation oi the home at home and throes* derived from its maxnitudo. its super? appointments* and its home liSa comforts ana luxuries- one Menses* hanced every year by the unwearied axemens of w proprietors. mi 17-3 m TREADWELL. WHITCOMB* k. GO. * HIL-UTC 7111. Charleston—~~»9B *0 Savannah—~,~.a 81OQ Augusta S 8 00 Macon——. B 75 Atlanta n 00 ColuftbM—M 00 Albany l . ,e 8? 00 ftltfntsoiaery— a woo Mobile,—— #9 90 JONES’ HOTEL.—The subscriber woulcf respectfully inform hie friends and the public, that he has purchased the lease and furniture of the Jocest Hotel Important additions are, sow being made toil; for the convenience and comfort of meat*. IndmdraM or families visiting i)m oity mil be rare to find a hose ooondtonone in Philadelphia, and every exertion wu ba made to mont their patronage Liberal arrangements will be made with persons dw inns Board by the Week, Mouth, or Year. _ mhSl ctwSm AARON GAGE. ST. LAWBfiNOE HOTEL, 880-DWAT and KIGHTHStreet,M3W YORK, one block above tho N. x .Hotel. This new and commodious Hotel ienow Open for the reception of guests, and will be conducted exo'uiively on the European plan. The lotut vs&Wf’n busmen hotel, m this portion of the city, has indueed. the proprietor to establish the prices on ue following liberal scale: Single rooms,Meant* per dart e.egant suites, BLdO. With athcroash knowledge of thebinx.- cess, and strict attention to the wants,of, every puss*. J hope to receive a Übe ra£ bu cJjavor. BS»a»««gi ATLANTIC CITT EX- CiS-g PR*B3.—The proprietors <s* tbe Philadelphia Loo* l ► xprestwill ran an Express to tula popular bathiDß place burns the coming sf«-on Mark all ko« ds by “ Express.’* and deliver at our olnre. or by leavine an order they will be o lied for by our o«'n. wagons. We will also call for amt check bae.a a hotels and residences through. to be reiverrd bx.n k-. etl»ntic City and Philadelphia. tywhich arrangement the travel er has no ©are or trouble with his V-Kea*?. Fre’sbi-parcels. tagtage.and merchandise eMied to*’ and delivered with promptness tbn>uthom the 0-17. Goods shipped by hxpigss, Railroad, ana Stesmars. and bills ol lad-ns returned. Charges lower than by a*»y other oonveynnge. Also. Agents for William Williams & Cc.’s t u’.-c**i7 Express. OAKMAN & CO . Propriet'-r^, jefS-flt Office No. 29South FiFrilßtroet. -THE EXPRESS CO.,Office32f> CHESTNUT Swi, forwardß Parcels. P«okages. Mcrchand se. and fcpecie, either bjr its o*n I lues or in connection with other Express Companies, to all the pnnciprj towns and oities of the United States. h. 8. SANDFORD, Jeld-tf General Superwtender.t- PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS!! PIANO-FORTES. MELODEQNS. PIANO-FORTKB. - hIELODKONB, Made by Jlaveu. Baoon, & Co* Nnnn* A Clark, Hallof SDavn, A Co.» and others. 4< ir.ylt- i SEVENTH anf CH^tSVt, rfaa STEINWAY afSON’S NEW PA* lITENT OVER‘BTRING grand pianos, SQUARE GRAND, AND SQUARE PIANOS, ferred m concerts and in private cirolee by the brat penormoot. Received thd first premiums over the best makers, from judges like Gottschalk, Maxon, and other* Challenge ail competition. JJLASiUS dh-ly 10M CHESTNUT Btr*eL C*A UTI ON !—ASTKOLOGV !—LOOK OUTI-OOOD NEWS FOR ALL!—The never failing Mrs. VAN BORN is-the best; ehe succeeds wnen all others havo failed. AU who are in trouble, au wno nave l>cen unfortimate,deceived by folae promisee, fly to ner for advico and comfort In love ojfairs eke never ftrih, She has the secret of winning the affec tions©! the opposite sex. It ia this foot which induce* illi'ernte pretenders to try to imitate he>, and cosy bey advertisement, cue shows yon the likeness or youx fu ture wire, husband, or absent friend. It iewell known to the public at large that ehe ie the first and only per son who can show tho likeness in reality, and can give ontire satrsfacbon on all the concerns of life, which onn be tented and proved by thousands, both married and single, who daily and cagcrW visit her. Come one l come alt! to No. 1330 LOMBARD Street. between'Joni- Km»H piiILADELPfJA TERRA COTTA BU- A NUt ? AOTOR r* *BVPNIH and GERM aNTOWN road hmt 1010 CHE*fNUT Street Vitrified Drain and Wamr Tipes. Venti ating Flues, Hot »ir Flues, and Smoke Flues made of Terra Cotta, end of suitable use for eveiy o'arsef buildings. .This article is worthy the attention of a 1 parties putting up biddings Ler«e size sewerage pipes for oity drainage, water pipes war ranted tostandasyvero We are oow prepated to contract With cities or corporations for this artiple in any uuantiy. We warramour goods to he equal if not superior to any other made m the United elates or Fui-ope. Ornamental Chimney Tops and (j*ruea Vases. - JeM-tf MACKEREL, SHAD" HERRING, An.— IvJL 1000 bbls Nos. 1, t and S large and medium Mao T kerel.m assorted packages, of a ve.y choice quality; SO bbls. new No. 3 targe Mackerel. POhalf bbfa new N0.31"* do, bbls new No. S medium dew £0 do new Eastern Mess Shad. 1 60ha’f obis new do do do. I 1600 bbis new Kastpnit No. 1 Herring. * .<OO do do Halifax i*o.l dn. r sm do new Bosfon No. 1 do. hd do do No 1 scaie risb. 25 no prime No 1 Satmou. ' I*4l aniouie firai'd Bank Codfish. ! ido Inncaa et«W Ferkimcr county Cheese, i Now landioa oca m tala by Account looks-for the l.t of Jui*, made expresriy fnr rur Retail Sales. FE»RY, Manufacturing butioner, FOURTH and Jt/Cv, ~ j*Q- lc SA»» ORHOIBLIS— lor 6.1. by »*JUK*My APCTPIOK. .rv.-T HOI'EX.S. EXPRESS COMPANIES. PIANOS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers