-to: <li iii min SBBpSB®KSfe sf*«nirttt »u bISSy buVne^a^tMie^eUsSd. *«*»>■ yWnttff* folia, lodlvldßal - nearest ikaUanhoase, eomaonioated <, th**ttslHgln«e' jh»t‘*,|«»-wes raging near Girard - 99H»tfi: the. State. House h»U ecunded the alette, , * 'fort time the enttretre department of t&fctalamat were on tkeir tnn ■rmnoteti' •ease of oouflagratiou. Xha Northern Liberty atetm ■ engine mine tatd "colltriga niUi *■ car at Ooatea »S|*f *0(1 Girard’ hVeao'e,. and ‘ broke Its axle, arWShjiirayanM further progress,, 4lrJ. Stawairtb iMMWiA,4bt>MNbiiiu i Xqiuiqm Oan|iß|;{ iJteMt.ii TUB. QpsursJt Sessions.—-Yee tWlayffcfefcrtiJadjCAJlUeßjPatrtokMarphy wee and battery npbß.MbtLael Toomey. The prideoutorvwitha MaaM,.Tiaitea-Ur. eSurphy’s tavern, wbeiethe friend PaUedferthedrinke,which werenetpaid f>''Ki*k»r«jK*aMr ; Murpby.ordered Mr. Thom; tojow*-. this he icfased to do, and said Hr. S. <**W«fcat pcthlm oot. llr. K. theti etrack the - Heoee the charge of arrsult and bat <g*T» -. -Vearaißtnbt the prateontor to , acquitted of a ohairge of: ae . aa&U<aad’.bcnef;.. .. - Baa»el Thomas waa charted with entering the Ifialeaeof Mr. Keybolds. Twentieth street; The teatimw; proved that the defendant, haying stolen •eat properly, ran'nod hid himself tnl the loft of Mr*Reynold** premises. This reliered the de fendant (rota the charge of entering the home with • iWooioua intent, raft be jnry *tjQtiUt*dbim. *■ -v-Mery Ann Johnson irM acqattlad of a Charge of MSftlMjd hattery, the proSeoutor not eppearing. . Joho jDuffjwea. eharghd with committing an - eeeshU eiai' battery ppon fidward end Fatriok Croaen. and,the Ctpsiebs ware charged with com . jnitttfog an assault’ and fitter; upon Mr.’ Doff;. The partiei reside lathe neighborhood of Serenth aed hakar streets, end;.theoharga exlginetedln oonseqacnce of a fight which ooonrred between the - plirtlael who hed an old quarrel. ;0n trial;’.- . ~• X*tmi NKuit foraißrnon op tbi Pgjdr •TLVaiis SraVa- ’ 'AaniboLf naan ’ Society.—The. Oonualttee, of Arranitemanta pf thla eoelatj an noanca that the neat Stetofiir will be held on the ' SBWSfffiSf**? Groan* near Wllhasharre, on the ®«h; 2dth, 27th, and 28th of September next: The groenils. erf betulifullj looated, end contains .Savanty-two: acree.Atrack Ibr the display of hoiaea wtllfoooeof the fOalureSorthe exhibition: Jtrrengements hare hub made wllh the different railroad companies far the transportation'of ani mals asdarliclfointeededfbr exhibition freo of oost, both weyagndtheaoopanles will iUsde ex ennrton tlcketefor.peasimgare at reduced rates. • AsOTann’lfjtii Ituratb os Sbipboabd.— Yesterday afternoon, John Caee;, 42 jeers old, re oelred a oompouud,fr«ctuje of the .left.leg, while assisting to place’an iron oar-wheel oh.baerd.the •hip Shamrock, at Bhlppen-etreet wharf. Ho was tahen to the hospital task evening.’ Hielrjcriee ere so severo that his lw will have to be .taken off tosavohis’Hf*.- - y ’■ 1 - Disk of. tti« IprijntEfi.—P.ittiek jftirphy, Who was admitted Into tho hospital' on ■ Mnmlaj evening, safering from'; aerioha internal, ir jnrlee . from falling down the hold of the eteamehip Vtr glnla, died the same >rehing at e late boor. The' coroner yiewed the bod; yoeterdey, after which it was banded oTSrte fafs friends for. intement.' Mb. K: L. recently purchased at aoMion.thb Dr.'6t'«wnt jMtat.,' 'on Centre (treat Ee*t>oYy,‘M«ir, payingfolrM $7,800.'; ' : C*’o!t ‘Of Dr.Migfoof l!lia*b«ih) b«e reMtTed and eeeepted a eall to the; Hrit PfctfcjHmnClmrci orMetiilhen.N. J.. Volk, the Chicago aculptor,has gonetothe Eait for o few wtiki. . . M. i\ Wiu.ti Waa in Ohicsgo recently. ~-' FINAKCIAL AND COMIIGSijUL. The MoneyMarlcet. ,- t<. >:.5 ; . "PinL.nWLyiiVi.Jaly S,M». 11 The inOivwae of .the national boHdar .Mimed to affect theetoek market to^'der.aotoolr.iß.the, attendance of. tb»a«n>be'r«. batinth. dinnolinatloa ofthoee in et teadaneo tbaotiveiaWr. Norm Pennijrlvama Hailroad •haie*adv»a=eO K. Bsadina loat H Schuylkill ftaVita-' tioa erefarred watfim. aid Camden and Amboy aha res Ktetter. .->•:£ -■ ' The mow marteteoatineai vary naar, aid the ear - laim oftha third aad foarth vein met without etc-. daeias.anr vemotibl, movement in tho market. ..ThaConntr Fire lunranoe Coraeair kave declared a dtyMead of Amr (er oeat. on the oafltll .lock for the . hut eta month.. V- v'.- ’ -•' "J- 'ti'-"- '->■ Thaatat. merit rtf tha U. S.Mint ip tlua city, for the' ■derti orJune; aheva the total daaoaita tohave twin ♦KiWM.fJ:, Ooli.ftom il'l aonreea.' •ÜBHttrtilrer, tUtUMi Coerer cent. ; weired in eaohanVa foroenta at aewitaaet $3JHh' 7h. .old coinage for tha mnnth waa #ll ego in nil., j #M WB in.half aaklaa i #9.4*>tn anarter eaatea; ,17.78»lndol!(iri, and #8 Z73.<7 in fine hara‘; makioia total of aotd eoioaaa of 9(171847. -The adlver oornaaa waa #ll W in doltarat #aMoo tn half dallara; .SW,*'* in anarter dollara ; >:.SW in dimaai SlVTVOia' halt.diaieai'aad t( IQO in eteoea j ■akint Hie total ailver coins*. ter,l3o. CenU. #34,000 ihewhola namber.of etaoea coihad derin* tho month waiMtAWiSmm.,of#istots.47. The toitowin* to .teotooel. tonnaeo of tho Hhretokia PotteviUe Knrlraed Cotoeenr i • ; *filn«tei'i>idlnirjtme*>.,. -tv. *5»11 ;Sil' -0».W70a Increase —, ..... ... ....... . .V. 1,388 01 " 13,7* 03 Fkiladelilia "stock Exckufe Sales, r;;; vjmiy’A.iMor ' Hiimwwra K BLATXAUR, tHk Walntt Stmt. rißirr. board. M8Ct001 ...........AM1 SoOotohlNnv(J« ’Bl,l*. 7SX »!r-4o' 'W«h:.n»w;.lo*W Oo Send owh ICO do oun.‘.n«r..loi.V m in - ouhlHf NBOitrßOt, ...Wilt nil Penn ft::. ...... 9 K.:, . ,J«i2 so do gl -’Merant. .ip 00 Penn ft: : .«9 »«, OMikAmo/Bc:. SO 10 do 36:v wMtijc» i o»r ? f...ism MQO.do ... B®i 00 Bobembw. Minins. 9 - MBmllCSiOll.dili: SdC -ItVaitartißuk...;. Gl. - 3%ejatuvto ’s»,M. 53 ,a>cur Bonk;-*..5. ~<sk. BOARDS. , V„ , '-«o r ,,f» ; :y!-,rv J -8BCTJro:BoAftD.'. jiew « o h»i jt»v * >a. m»k ; ■Jfc.;:...Bew.iWS • soPenn ft—:. :..bo.Ms£ •'SitSia:::;::* ><; GLQSMePRICBe. V'• ; __ JSid, iiJhf, J3i4, diked nm<bhkM?Mi‘-mx s#jm>KW*k.f * '-Tr Hl* ftobnyi M,; Si - SH KHltar.l MV'JWi. ]m£ hoagltid „ iSL teh.Ci'&Ndvoff.M 4»K MWmwfoiS*h a - L»fiCi&l* Sg« i**’ i' Venn*R... 9: * 9H BftilAr MintdffW’ .»-&# N P«nn*it6«. ...ftti 71J* |simf n ■ ngNUfnMR .v Hoilm > w-4 Frtfd fc Pootb-....', M Mtt ft W wtfa » V'‘‘9B &»o jcTlyJ su R « ‘47 , IffiiCnlooa.. Fw S BS^HpjSte^aSffiSDiß* yf<?~ f ; >tU*4etoUa Markets. TThaFkmr mhrketis very dallto-day. the sales being; eofifised idthewani* of the home tnde nt j9S*7%G : f4tforaJ»erfae;.9M3)£us <a96.lt£ for*xtru,ahd ftoin 9*MtoB.7fW Ml foyfenoy brands* ns in tiielitvj • tiH reeeistf 6ontifidslUHt« and very little demand for' extort* RjreFioarlS lower, some i» bbU Kevin* )N*i' eotd at 9S.Jtmsi79lg'bbli ssoetjyat the latter rater Conr Meal isstea^l^t^hift,’ at ■ %&j£M7w < bblfor Panne W**« t.—There is notrauch offering, th*market is neary nnmln*! atMSwlsSo Jbr reds, sad ItOeltftQ for. white: several lots of nridm.new Wheatremaln on ths marketunsold.'- JK>a is Ssarte. and Pehnai tvamo-, eslls and droopier, Sod abo-t IjißOlraahalSYejW Msfet 570. OateoontTnao very doll, at as*Sfaior{Dslavarß aed Penns* l vanla; a sale' of 1 JBt.tntaet* vm heavy FennsyKanm was nude at 4Qo. HAX*,**ilttsreifr' , i»hMdeolinrd, and small sales of fiat Ito. I ateronkio* at •IMP' ton. CotTov.—The market is very- quiet to d«v i buyers oome forward elowlv: but holders are lesa anxtoos to Mil. and n few small tote only have been diivostd of at steady rates.-. - , - - . ••. • Gsocsbib*.—Th* movement is sraallana mostly eon-? ftßedtoSusars.-withoatanTobanse. . . -Psovistoxa.—Theffcis vsrr little doing owing to the high views of,holers, who are demanding an edyanoe on previous Bome 300 bbla Ue«e Pork sold parget *ls,.eash. and- part, private.' Banon Hama are •ears* and selling atlt*l3o ; no sales or Green Meats orietd.; Jta'tfroontfsnMdal. RMaaUoWtb. ■Whisky mnvMoffsMwly at it ail So fbrfesaK 3stfoTpxtut9kiQito,3to for dredge, and Jio W**uon Toxhhd». V' - 1 •'•' 1 ;y V '. ■ ■ Philadelphia Cattle Market. jblyi.iaeo. ' Tb« Hre.ipt« of SMt Gait], oßlrruobad *b*ut 1.800 BiitiifiSifSttTlS*Bl»ilr*tw»* dalt'-»ed :»fMttriow«r. ovnt to * nuiundEntuitiiig; in th« d»y of ul«. Tha awrfcet wiU be betd hereafter on. Monday of every week* ThofpUowittsaretbepartieotenrof.thesaJts: / NONSAYtiCLV 3. IB Isaac Abrah'ms. Pemwvlvimia, 9t Wtroar. •e John Sanderfos.Ojdo, 93*0.' g|»t^4fosisr* w -.. ,ifiltcriasvlf Bmitir. otunand Illinois* 98*9.50. xcKSTßaidwia* Chester on.. /, Rw.Tol'er.ObilTißSOw*; . • Co, Ob in. 98*9 jf*lnS«S r r. Ohio. fSJßws.eo. . ftAnlJfc-VotarStOhiOttrwSMi - ■ / jfjesmspUfcn.Jf.YChesier eo.* #BfiB.W. s.Hf l r ?-y A 3. “ Sp.MoPilleji.llTftwiS, 98*9. SP^waikaway i Chester eo.* 98*8.75* ■ John SaDriewmr Charter js*f*oohMn &TWd. Ohio and Virginia #B*?* M #,Karts.Jiaaoaatereo,9B*9.' - . yjUßdSNeesarrived and sold at from 98*5 head* to lA'venae Drove Vard. and sold w?m* u> Reynolds* at from 98 to 8845 & 100 as - * *" .- - *, - fit w' York Jf»rket»Ye sterday. ■ &mmsks^&s iEttiwh«w*wl i*rdp>in« f «»d«r Mtiom thi'wWnfr CIOI> ,*M ti§«l!PiiWf Iw It* o*M9 H<w>lt**nN>t> Whiolr to'd*f ••'ffW*# 1 ® Ss*J 1 ' Litanee ■W» anew ytemi»H;to.jrigHi,'liaulierr. i teSief.'i.ar lMMnSlfs aaleaof lambahavanaanmadawt libit rttmcfr A«aoo7i,»t#Tlßl<tf altr». "s»i*al>v R. H.. Hamaof lJlfrra%d for 94,54 s 64. averaalngjliod eadhs W Thas. C; Laikin, Wseid .for~9**8l«; uverager •3 SS, .Hart fc west-sold 4»haid* mostly Lambs, at AftltoV’lb. ..... ’ ITEM s; r -' Photograph op raa i Rat>uiiLtoAic 'Oahpipatb for'tki pßUis«(cr>7-lfr.B. F. Kfimer* UlO suooess* fal PhotorrapbiskeMa«.eu aad 817 North. SaoaM stroot. Photograph ia oil of Hon \Abe Li&oohitho JUpabHoAßcatrildato ior the dshdy. 'Tbo atetaro jo hothtrty Icobea, add roprosonU tho dirtihXh>shsd : original in as life-like manner-as the so<mrate droving of a sunbeam' and, the urtistie ooolieatioA oi colors coild.possibir.rohder.it Mr.‘ Reimef.is fhrhithiog daplioatee at thirtr doUnm each, and ha wiU 'doUbtleM. haVe a large demand for them ts'embeUistr oiub - rooms, etcetera* during the oampaign. 1 ■ >.‘ ‘ ; ‘ r ; v . 'Oakpobdb! this the ten thou eaadeioaraionirti who will probably leave town to-day* it is nut to~ suppose th&t. twenty-five hundred, having neglected to do so hereto- - fore, will first repair to the splendid palaoe of Messrs. OafcfoM Jk Sons, under Tub CoitTiitEKf al. to pro* enre one of ftheir admirable cooi and graoeful: bxcor ■IONHATS. •. ' WneiißßOifß^Truths.—Never, be oast down by trifles. "If a spider breaks his web twenty times, twenty times wUlhe mend it. Makeup your minds te.doa thing# and jrouwill do it. Fear not if trouble oome upon you; keep up your spirits, though the day may be a dark one# . v , Ibe human heart, like a feather bed, must be roughly handled, well shaken, and exposed to a variety of turns .to prevppt its becoming: bard. The moat elegant sum mer styles are sold at ontprict, and esote artiole accom panied by a rfVt« at ’ Granville Stokes 1 Temple ot Fashion, No. 607 Chestnut street. jy3-tf- Thk Arrival op the Qbbat BAstebh.—The Great Faslern arrived Thursday, and the New Yorkers, dropping the Japanese like a calorified potato, have pre pared themselves to so into an ecstasy of exoitementon the shortest notice. In Philadelphia .we need no such material to stir up our enthusiasm, and render us hap py. We have here the Brown-Stone Clothing Hall of JRockbil! A Wilson, Nos. 603 and 606 Chestnut street, above Sixth,-to gladden odr eyes, and we doth* our eelves elegantly, fashionably, comfortably, and cheaply with the garments sold therein. ~ ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, CONTINENTAL HOTKIr-Ninth and Che.tnul.fi. M * ,• Geo Hart.Pa' A Allviny, PR; * f geo MoHenTf, Hd co. Pa JI. Warns Sc la.Cttt, O " N B Hogs A wf. PitUbtirg ÜBBrewster,NY • FAPudson*la,Lo ' W F A Rosiman, Cin. 0 J Browne, Pittsburg HH Newton, St Louis Geo ft Wilson, bt Louis J H Barnard Ala, tt Louis Alex Mudd. 8t Louis " J.C Lyon, Bt Louis STBClarkiNY' k BY Martini Ga RWftoche.NV , 3> D Johnson Jt la, Ga- NHCnTeaan,La GsoLLee. NY Miss Hilliard, Cleveland HonHV Wilson- Ohio W Adam*. Wiss O w Noble A wi.C'evelsnd H Stone, N Y Wells, Port Kennedy J K Zoog. Port Kennedy •£W Stearns, Phila Geo HCoiket. PhTla W‘Lea, Atlantic City J ADrerhelbis. Cal J J wysong. N Y M W p Cooke, N Y, GeoPLabalua.NY E M Cfondal, 111 / ; F A Croudal, 111 Mr Anderson & la< Chicago T Adams *,!a, BTarrirturg Mrs AlUsqn.Bariuburg -.W PJBjinton, Lano, Pa, . JC Potts & son, AftiAny JMltly;, fa Dr L L Nfwsom-Fla / . • missJßHa Bryan, Fla Miss B ft Bryan. Fla r ' “ ' A A Plant, NT WThatcher. Wilm. Dr! - G-W William*. N O Miss wurgbisoa.NO . G WKsndall A fam, N Y DrN Awl,Ky LTYAlentine. N Y AH Gibbs NY •-P Simpson, London Jas R Bach NY HonH CLonxnecker,Pa Geo Phila - Geo Rives, Va Jas MJnsbman. N Y - •• Mrs 1? Benrey, Conn Jas Wingate, Bdt. - A Bfttewa*t, N V Chas Powell, hH HA Dupont, ft Point A G Thornton. W Point -vOMoK Looser. W Point ■-*%&&&&£* -Mis T K Holton. N Y RChnroh.NY, • .'KD.Bobinson.PO Jnn M Scott, Texas • E Hfehardson A la, Miss MinHA Biebardson,Mits -JJtPtorens. Miss H (Sinstman, lU, W ftLpunabarg, Chicago P M Crandai. Balt" . ’ N W Jones. Bait Dr R H GenlGOThomas,Wash L T DoWnesi r/ov, ill - R Holman, Manoa. Ala ’ G,IBA|tI> HoUBE—Ninth ahd|Chestnut streets. ;r 1 ’ JWSmithi Brooklyn CChamuers.Brooklvn - Tho* Mcßride. Brooklyn Jl ft Petnkin, J-ook Haven JHBoss, Harrisburg . J HMyre * la. Ohio Miss Watson,^Ohio OW Pitspatnok, Mo RT Jackson, Bio 4 r 8 W Coover, Balt JW Armstrong A is, Fa Miss Armstrong, Pa Jamos Ohvsr. Pa . Tbos Oliver, Pa w W Willard, W’mspcrt H P ftnnsoo, Sprinfield A ConiDEham, Miss, O H Bynum. Ala l 8 D Weakley. Ala Dr Douglas £ la Va —-LaSue.N Y. t - Gen,Hamilton. Pa ; ’ D Chandler, Del W L Putnam. Hmton GeoWNdlsrm AIa.NY Miss Gordin, NY John Collins. N Y N Y Martin. Md .- •- *•- Miss Martin, Md Col Simpson. Texas , M Jas Myers/ Columbia, Pa - Mrs Mynrs.-.Coluiullta,' Pa K Bangs. Balt ThcnßClaifeonL-Kf- -J M Kirabsl &-la, N Y Wim Jtnn’nr*. N Y - 0 A Smith. 8 C . JasFenntsoji. 8,0 . Ihos Robinsnu, N Y L Gilmore, Md t.. A fkokss, N C WC Bakiev it la, Conn - , J GCalhoun. Ala , Geo Gale, Fla Bam! K Gra ton Troy. N Y V|*Grall T n. Troy,N Y Mias Caldwell,Troy. N Y W Earns,Md JM Winchester,Del Thoe Wigs ms A la, Canada Miss Wirrins. Canada Mm I. Brans, Canada - A PGresnlow, N Y NiW Newman* N-Y 1 . A Welsh, Washioetoa JRJones;St Paul -/ft HPbHtowok.N Y .. RN Moms, N v Geo h Houston. Brooklyn - HonßMaimer,PottsviHe amehaffey,NY ' vpn A R WooPeßtlMl J E Mother, N Y vR johMOB. V*. •- JasHMooey,Texas DfJBF!!»/N0 ' . JPLewisAla,NY RJ B.aJsfcla.N y JJPstIm.N Y B BBrraaaa,Brooklyn-, . , H.JAnberg,Mass , kusm?: 1 ; .., HonWr Pngh. Wash A Paterson, Jr. 8t Loot*!? J VandareooLN Y., , -F WyokoflT.CnWgo J Alexander. Boston . J Matthews, BMt JMKsnf.r.Md JD Hoover. Wash,DC N p Potter- R l ' Mrs Htoes, RT D Coney* Del- . HBkiddsman.Del Miss Lister* N Y «PfIOI!ARTR* HOTR L—Fourth street. below Arob. M M M*ms. Cresson, Fa AI Dean, Newark, O ■ EAlmo. Pa ' AC Rhodes* Baltimore ZH H Cropper. B<unoie HonT Crate. Carbon no J I. Hoffinaa. Allentown Miss M Greenawa'tf, Fa CMoPadren Latrob* Fltfe&d,l.atrobe a B ftfaaata* Mum W Wilson. Bethlehem S JConklin.Easton.Fa CPNoyes.-Britfmore - A C Brodhead* Pike Co, Fa -w P Shultz, Phila ' K W T*Hf«ilfon. Mo - Mn Arm'trong, Mo J K Fiat. Pm® Blofl’ A J Prltobardt. Baltimore R 8 WoPowell.'FhHa F 8 Richards. Memphis J Anderson, Prttshory - JNunter. Peterlwro* C,W TPPimpson* MauchChunk L F Chapman* M Chunk ’ \ ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Cbeetnnt street* ab. Third. S v Clark. Newark. NJ ' Wtn Crone. N 0 .Tee Donnell. Newark W H Wilwn, N Y JasWLynd. NV J Hughes k la. Union. Fa E A Parker. Phila . - F MMeeke.N Y ft Wilder, Midd'etown.Uel . A Hex.Phila ThoeFlimoh.F Y 0 BMervjn,Cnnn Mrs Wlr Long, N Y - MljraßJodd-NY . Jean Fa’ix, Pen* . . T Walters. Sever City John Walter*, Jersey City - J Wjoham, N Y AMERICAN above Fifth. A J Anderson, Fa W H Filtered. Fa^ E O Rosa. Dover. N H James C Watson, Pa J»jßoW>;*on. D.I > JB Mgrtsn.h. r* n Stewart, flrnlm;lf V, Johe Gregg, Reading H Mar & la, Wilmington ' JohnHelloes,Del (SH ImhioaTW.Chester. . Mrs E Taylor k da. Conn F Brady, Pa W fturtis. 1)® 1 oo A H Herr 4b la. Va G Wagner, NY JH Peters* Wa»kington - WCowen. Miss R J Bernolds. Ge r Dr L Trailer, He toco John H?n!ey A la. N Y Miss Hauler* N York 8 T rirampton, Wash ; ' 8 B Crane, Newark, N J J Walling Tbeo Weems, Halt TO Townsend, Belt '« • L Riohardson.Balt Mies Richardson. Halt ' n M Smith, Boston Jm O Tminor. Boston J> H Cooper, Boston . A Knapp,N York --• ■ - . Jared A Thompson. N Y OW Pease, C*l - » Mr* Taasie A dan, N Y HJCennedy, WoJdsbojro . E 2) Porter, Newark, Be JULt s—Evening. JONES’.HtTFL—Chestnut street. Above Sixth. p*vid T Polslfer, N Y M Conran, NY * James Bnyd, Belt. J T Peireon* Balt J‘W. Anderson,Belt - GH Anderson. Balt B FK.Aadereoti.-Balt ...OF Haines, Cecil on, Md R J Bask ley, Cecil co, hid - P Warfg/Bordentown Wr»_R Titvs. Trenton- Jos Trout Bordentoen P.Twonk.’Ky.- - Thomas Hallet. Ga itftSlMbns.SC* .■- EdwardßSmith. Md . Jsz Dudley. NJ " - -j*-Smith. Ft Leavenworth j)r fLttLavgsteth.Border.’t Hon CM Wright, RVan-JtenseVar,Borden’t AH Bragdon- Oneida C R Harkins, Pa „,, RjßFoler, Md , , . O MBurhatm, Hprmafield JH Laird, Cape Island J Laird, McCoysville, Pa r Burroughs. n J Dott, L&mbertville, W J A J Fullmer A la* XO (} T Aostin. Pa H Clayton, F.lkton. Md W-F Attwood. New York JlMnshtr, New York • L £ BnoWf Boston - H 8 Osborn, Fhila COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth *t. above Chestnut. Minible, Chester co,Pa J) Kimble, Chesterco askins. Md . , Jno Hodgson* W Chester jgbes. W*»t Clirster J Devon. West Cheetgr Win Lewie, Chester Jno F Flint. Monte on A Banting, Bel co _ M A Foroee, Cl«a»field 00. Mrs e-aeon A ton, Pa J Larkin, Jr* Chester co Rteodsson, Pa Frank Jones. Yorkoo Underwood, Chester oo V Miller. Cheater<e:> WJy Roberts. Phils J D Webster A la. Lane oo n - 'PMenfg. V Bepfsit.Md BF Underwood. Pa Tmw,Underwood,;Pa ■ • A L Haskins. Del JBffaglett,/ Del N,B Haines. Chester on Jfi Mofra, 1 Phocnixville P Jlfil* w .®r, PhajiaixviHo HCeaweiL-' : do • W w Waihtuight, do W Tbnippton, do ;HQuiditnb, do JFawlr. . -» do HCnkemier, do RBWUliamson; .do , J P.H>U- . do jMjttteod,-- do 8H Wayhtmght, do JWttaig, do. J B Holt, do Wm Hoit, - do J Royer*- do J 8 Pttah. V oo J Rulinger., J . do .f'A Vanderslice. do JFWiddtcombe.' do- WHHuddleton, Chester oo J T Huddleeon, Chlatar ro J BslUnee, Jnn Ma co J Messimer* Pottstown* Fa A*L Bames, Virginia . , STATES JJNION HOTEL—Market et., above Sixth, TProahnan. Milleratown .Joshua Hamer. B*|t LRRtW - ' . 4 KP'iborohurc. LonipviHe eo Gates, NY- Moses Bhelly A la. Pa . . gnht nrofini.PA JaeH Miller, Russellville F Kirv?Md . BFBmfth,i'learBeldco JseL Brishin.BgltefoQte JnhnJnbnston, P» Joi H SUnton* Wil, Bet J P Worrall, Bel co TRJB UNION. HOTBL-Atco street, above Third. WWhitißWit*Ohld • ’ U Bara, If J RWBerelay. Bedford J J Painter,Manor- Pa - Mngb Morrison. Allegheny James Aida. Allegheny Martin Mtklattd.’ ' " A HSloan, PitUbgrg J D Own*. Pittsburgh . F fash. Salem, N C s>at ntewers* Salem, N C T Wormao. Pa _ MSokMeaa,Tex**, ’> ■ . Leon Spaulding, Brooklyn F Bpaoldiagi Brooklyn - BARLEY BKBAF HOTEL-Seeond *L, below Vine. JsoobW Garrett', N J, Geo Pickering, Bucks co fteA 0 Btejee Ala, N J Nftirvls. Hartsvjll© jao WOnbert. Backmgham M L J Gilbert, Buokinghm Chae Willard. Newtpwn BavH Jarrett. Pa H B Hough, Phila- J RVan Pe!t, Newtown B JvnSrei’fy e w town GW Btoeokel, Col, 8 C GeqTMagiil. Ta MERCHANTS* HolJHB—Third st. above Callowhlll, JoeßaoVnan. Betldehem t Weaver, Bethlehem . 6 John, flhawokin, Ta ,T Johnson. MCbuok MBFeflmsn.Pa A H Barber, Boylestewn BFresV.Bath, Pa . H Hjser. eijyder 00. Pa H J Ritter. Snyder co. Po ' B 8 Kegereis, Lancaster co Misk C Kblmt ,1 anoaster co P Gerhart, Lebanon co H Boltnusrmsn. Allentown Miss gennuerman, Pa DAlbifght, Reading BLACK BEAR HOTEL-Thlrd st., ab. AllowhlU* W Uarner. Pennsbarg Henry 8 Rorer, Otoejr 0 Zeteev. Fiowertown . N H Bieber.M Chunk Sidney N Hewk. M Chuuk A Baokmah. Pa A Keehafd.Warriartou ' • » Bebleterrr, Mi)}town John't’oTnUneon, Moreland Caner Fetters, gomerton U YGerling,Amity ville H Manrer, Pa ROiINT VERNON HOTEL.-Seoocd, above Arch st. Mf Varney. B*tk<co.Pa HT Smith, Phila ffesssSfS®?? ■' . ?K.tef. FhiU BALT)EAGtB HOTKL—ThfnS it., »bor. C.llffwM'J. iwgasffft" JRNUfiSft m" . 1 1'Hiinoiiii, hoti[i#-ium n,Mt. .do,, twi*. 5 KOCItTAIK EOTSL-»«<*< *n#t, *benr*H«t«t. WBSI* ; VP TO 13 O r OLOCK LAST KIOBT. thefSisd^ J,m »? - * f'ST; JOHN. F Rv-MAustralts47khlids4s bblsthk^ wainwfiss-WtoAihu '»w»t<».irt-rp«ii(twi<v- if.#-:-’ <v. - ;.. - steamshio pelawiarer-Oannoa.'froin York, via -Caus, May, 27 hours''with, mdn» and P9Ssetf£ ar ? Altoerflics. Atß-A-k,<of the Ledge, passenisrk Aohil •les.from toBdon; - v s.V ... 2l hours from Ne.w.t^ r »* with "Jußk Fleurien de Belize, (Fr) Baulney, Ro chelle via New York, 4 daysj with handy to Ffiftersou fc-Boulton. 1, \ . Bark Modena* Bvder. 7 days from Boston, withljtßdse l °BnK Wa I^o.Norton, U days from with mdse to J Mason fc Co. A . Brig Susan Duuoao.nnowman, 8 dart from C&rdenil, with molasses to fttewart, Carson fc Co. - - k Bns Austialia, Wylie, 10 diva from 8t John, PR, wits, .sugar, fco. to John Mason fc Co. • r*, Sohr Anme Westbrook, Littlejohn, 8 days from Port- And. with plwterftnd Jiftsdingi to Captain i Bohr Edwin Reed, Chieman,.6 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowsll fc • ollms. >' Bohr Sea Gull, Howiaufl, 4 days from Providenoe, with md.e to Crowell & Collins. ' Sohr Star Light York, 8 days from Portland, with [plaster to Jairus Baker, ' Sohr Anna H Hays,—3 days from Newkork, with mdse to David Cooper. Russell, Doffoll-14 hours from Lewes, Del. withoorn to Jas L Bewley & Co. ~ , Steamer BeverlyvPleroe. 26 hours from New York, with mdse, fco. to W M Baird fc Co. . Steamer Sophia, Jones, 24 hours from New York, with indse to W M Baird fc Co. \. . 4 CLEARED. Steamship Virginia. Kelly, Richmond, T Webstdr, Jr, Bark Wheatland, I'eaeook, Rio de Janeiro, W Hedger. ; Behr C A Stetson, Rioh, Provinoetown, N Bturtevant fc Co*' ~ Str Riohd Willing,Claypole, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. BT TELEGRAPH. (Correspondence ot Tno Press. > ' Boston, July 3 Arrived—Steamer Cambridge,from Baltimore? brig Maria, from Port au Prinoe. MEMORANDA. Steamship Pennsylvania, Teal, hsuoe at Riohmond 2d in»t. Steamship City of Richmond. Mitohell, sailed from Riohmond 2d Inst for Philadelphia. , Steamship JCenaebeo, Johnson, hence arrived at New York yesterday. , Steamship Asia, Lott, for Liverpool, cleared at New York yesterday. , Ship Flora McDonald. Puller, for Philadelphia, was at Leghorn 9th nit, ready for sea. ' Bark F Lennig. ftnmner, hence fur New Orleans, was spokrn Slat nit. Ist 25 40 lon 76 40. Bark Kate. Watts, for Cape Palmas, cleared at New York yesterday. Brig Christo. Northrup, from Gambia, arrived at V cv York yesterday. Brig Ocean Ea»le. rassett.from Cape Palmas, WC A, arrived at New York yesterday. Ketch Commerce, Barnes, hence for Mayaguz, was spoken Ist lost Ist 36 45 lon 74 60. Schr J Fr&mhes, Somers, henoe at Danvers 33th ult. Sohr Geo W Krebs,EmerSou, henoe at Baltimore yes terday. • Sohr M Reinhart, Peterson, from Baltimore, arrived at New York yesterday, 4 , Sohr P T Lerned, Frambet, oleared at Wilmington 2d inst for Salem Sohrs Brunette. Johns, and North Carolina, Bunting, henoe arrived at Riohmond 2d ins'. Bohrs Flight Huntley, and Isabel, Taylor, sailed from Providenoe 2d inst for Philadelphia. • Sohr Martha Moore, Benuett, for New York, oleared at Mobile 23th ult. „ . . Strs Anthraoite. Jones; Novelty. Shaw, and Ann Fljza, Robinson, henoe arrived at N York yesterday. ■ hekrs HW- Godfrey, Weeks; Mary Ann Magee. Ma gee: A J Dyer, Rogers,he> oe, and 0 Townsend, Town eenri, Dorn Baltimore, arrived at rioston 2d inst, Bohr Northern Light. Lake, henoe for Boston, Bailed from Holme* Hole 2d mat ; sailedlst, sohrs J. Pander. Jr., J P. Cake, Geo. L. Green, Polly Price, Woodruff Sims, M. E. Haley, and Jonathan May. tohra 31 Plater. Olizsard, Anna a Hays, Robinson ; Fanny-Stokes{ CCoooh,Robinson: DMorris,Hoover, and Alabama, Palmer* arrived at Wilmington* Del, Ist inst. Str J Jerome, Jerome, hence at Alexandria 21 inst. SPECIAL, NOTICES. Bur Youb Bathing Robes pob Ladies Gents, and Children. at SLOAN’S, 806 MARKET Bt, Philadelphia, or at his Store, CAPE ISLAND, N. J. Jj3-2t* ~ The Phrenological Cabinet, 922 Cheat nut street, will be open as usual on July 4th, for exami nations and the sale of Books. J OHN L. C APEN, jy2 3t Suooessor to Fowlsu, Wslls, fc Co. Metebs’ Miraculous Vermin De -BTXOTEX, the oldest and best remedy known for Ex terminating RATS and MICE, COCKKOAOHEB BUGS, ANTS. MUSQVITOEB, FLEAS, MOTHS, GRAIN WORMS,and GARDEN INSKCTS. *r Principal Depot, 613 BROADWAY, N.Y. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. mylS-Sm Sewing Machines. All persons who have bought Sewing Maohmes whioh will not perform the work expeoted, are informed that SINGER’S Ma chines never fail to do any kind of work. No one is ever disappointed m the Machines of I. M. SINGER fc CO*, No. 810 CHESTNUT fit. ap4'Bm _ Seamen a Saving Fund—Northwest Cornea Second and Walnut Streets.—Deposits re ceived in small and large amounts, from all olasaes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of FIVE PER CENT, per annum. Money may be drawn by oheoks without loss of In terest, Offioe open daily, from 9 until 6 o’olook, and on Mon day and Saturday until nine in the evening. Free!- dent. FRANKLIN FELL: Treasurer and Secretary, CHAS. M. MORRIS. Saving Fund—National Saeett Trust Comp ant.— Chartered by the State of Pemmylvenia. RULES. 1. Money is received every day, and in any amount large or small. 9. FIVE PER OENT. interest is paid for money from the day it is put in* 1 The money is atw&yg paid back in GOLD whenever it is called for, Md without notice,' * 4. Money is received from Rzseutcrt, Admi%Utraiors, Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or small sums, to remain a long or short period. 6. The money .received from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other first olaes securities. 6. Office open every dAy—WALNUT Street, southwest omer Third str out. PhilodaiehU JaU Onh Prior Clothing of thr Latest SixLSfl.made'in the best manner* exprewly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling pnoes marked in PlainFigoree. AU goods made to order wurrantod satis (aotory. Our ONE<PRICE system is etriotly adhered , to* as we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing All are thereby treated alike. JONES A CO.* se3-tf ®4 MARKET Street. Salamander Firb-Pboof Safes.—Avery large ansortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at rea sonable prices* No. 804 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. SttJMf kvans A WATSON. MARRIED, ELISON—RLACIt —On Sunday evening. June 17th insb.in ChurobofSt Matthias, by Rev. R.G. Chase, John A, fcHson to Miss F. J- Black, all of this oitr. * FsTK—DAVIS.—On the 30ih ult-. by Alderman Reu ben Wunder. Mr. Mioh&el Fato to Elizabeth Davis, all of Germantown. . . * * AGIN—UONELL.—On the 18th ult., at the parsonage of H. E. Gilroy. Mr. George B. Agin to Miss Ellen w. Moiifl'.ftHof thiaoitf. t * PERHY—MATTHEWS. —On the 2d ioaUby tho Rev. Dr. Carling. Mr. George T. Perry, of Boston Massa chusetts, to Mis* b lisa A. English, daughter of Wm. W. Matthews, of this oft?. * HALFMANN—BTRKNBTSRG.—On the 24tU ult by lev* Dr. W, Barline* Mr. Wm. E, Halfmann to Miss Mary Ann Sternberg, all of this city. * DIED. BIAS.—On the 30Uiult * Dr, J, J. Gould Bias, in tbeS3d year of bis ate. His friends and relatives are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence. No. 606 Fine street,o»? Thursday next, ail o’clock P, M. ** MARTlN.—Sunday. July Ist. 1660, James 8. Martin* Stm aged 67 years and 3 months. The relatives and male friends are invited to attend hte foueral from his late residence, 622 Pine ntreet.nn Thursday afternoon* at 4 o clock, without further notice. ' * * RFOOKBR.—At Germantown, on the Ist instant, Catharine, wife of Joseph Drooker.m tbe tilth j ear of Funeral from the residonoe of her husband, Haines street, on Thursday afternoon, at 3 o’olock, * DYHALL.—On theSdinst., Robert Henry, infant son of Genrge H aad Malvina Dytmll. 1 * G^RDNER.—On !he,2d Inst.,Maurice Elwood. son of John H. and Ellen Gardner, in the 6th year of his age. * GALLAGHER.—On the 2d inst.,Anno Jane, daugh ter of Charles and Annetto Gallagher, aged z months and U days. * GOLDING.—On the 2d mat, Bailie Emily Louisa, in fant d&ughter of Stephen and the late Salho E. Golding, agfldd weeks and 3 days. * JIKEOH.—On the night of the Ist inst., Baldwin Keech, aged 61 years. . * Funeral from ins late residence. No. 417 West Second street. Wilmington, on Thursdav mormoe. at 10 o’ol’k, KEY'S ER. - Oq the 2d inst., William Keyser,m the 68th year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his eon-in-law, Samuel R, hepper, Germantown avenue, above Laurel street, on Thursday morning, ate o'clock. * MONTGOMERY.—On the 3d inst., Anna Matilda, daughter of Andrew and Anna Montgomery* aged 16 mouths sad B days. Funeral from the residence of her parents. No. 1923 Filbert ttraet, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 4 o’ol’k. ~ MONTGOMERY.—On the 2d inst., George Montgo mery, in the 78d year of his age. Funeral from ms late residence. 626 Smith Nineteenth street, this (Wednesday) morning, at 9 <i clock. * PRIOR.—On the Ist inst, Mrs. Angelino Prior, aged 46 rears and 8 months. Funcra l from the residence of her husband, northwest corner of Eleventh and Brown streets, on Thursday morning* at in o’clock. * RICHARDS.—Qn the 2d Inst, Thomas M. Richards, ***Pune»ai late residenoA, IC2O Bpriog Garden street on Thursday morning, at 10J4 o’clock. * BANSBUKX.—Suddenly, on *be morning of the 2d inst., of eholera ipiantum, Isabella, infant daughter of I> £me l ard Lyd i a E. Paosbury. agedfi months. * inst., John G. Selkirk, * SCHWIktERING —-At tisnab/uok,Hanovor,on the llth ult., Gust. Sohwietering of the firm of Runge Sc ScbwieterlnK.<nthe2Cth year of his age. * eOULLY.—On the id inst., John coolly, aged 44 years. Fune al from his late residence, No 4 Higgins’ court, this (Wednesday) morn-ng, at 9 o’obok. * WEI6C.—On the Ist inst., Aljeron Weiss t in tho 36th year of his one, Faneral from his late residence, Falls mod. above Br* ad street, on Thursday after u oon. at 2 o’olock. * COMMER MOUHNING GOODS. r? Block and Crape M&retz* M. 6-4,7-4, and 8-4 wide t Black Bilk Grenadines, Grenadine • Bareres, Camel’s Hair Baregesßummer Bombasines, Cholls, Crane Challs, Tamartines, Tomroata&e. fine Mou«seline de Laines, Lawns, Ginghams, Organdies, Silks, Foulards, . Chalis do tames, Barege Mantillas and Points; Barege, Grenadine Barege and Grenadine Shawls; Sun Umb ellaa, Fans,Summer Gloves aid Hosier; ; Veils:Collars, bletyes* Ao. v BESSONA SON, Mourning Store, Jel No. 918 OHESNUT Street, ITIHB ONLY RELIABLE ARTICLE— X OLARK-’S Patent INDELIBLE PFNCILB, for Marking all binds of Clothing neatly and indelibly. Theydotiuur work better than ink. without its trouble or risk of Blotting. Each will mark 2 000 articles, For sale, Wholesale and Retail, by D. C. TAYLOR fc Agents for the Manufacturer* No. 911 CHESTNUT Street. lel2-3m fTr" PHILADELPHIA, JUNE. 1860,-WE, K3f the undersigned. Booksellers ana Fublishere. bo l’eving that ourselves and our employees will be bene fited by a slight relaxation from the usual hours of busi ness during the warmest daysof summer, agree to close Sujr respective Stores at five o’olock P, M., daily, irom uly first till the»thof August next: ““WA UISI „«. WW. F B,Va£fred martien. JOS SaBIN,’ J. w. MOORF. LINDSAY k BLAKIBTON. 7 BURNS k BRIG. BOOKSTORE. HfNRY LONGBTRETH. BMITIL KNGLISH* A CO. Jy3-tuth*6t HENDERSON, 598 ARCH Street. nr» MECHANICS’ BANK, PHILADEL [Lj PHiA,June SO, 1860. _ llio Directors have elected JOHN WiEGANB, Jr.j Cashier, in place ofJosepb G, Mitchell, resigned, uno JOSEPH G. MITCHEi.L Vloe President, inplaoe ol George H. Stuart, resigned. _ . jy2-3t J.B. MtTOHELLi President. fvss* ALFRED JENKS Ac SON—BRIDES -113 BURG hXACHINK WORKB, July 2, 1860. JOSEPH G. MITCHELL becomes a partner in this establishment from this date, the name and style of the firm to remain unchanged* . _ _ t i iTOY: :4t ? I^r irrv»« w. V PHiM»j;Li.HiA. pa,,: feVSS^SSS, 0 " 1 *' #WB Wrm " “MOlWl.tk. olretK »Md 4 nP*iSi*iiS? ™htl.dto tha ben.fit.ar. Blnk- Shalde?. ft 1 ftSS! Kf “?«”>. M esUWf.hKl by Ih* .^.nrnnd N MailrMd%££? 4, it fdlSUtMa and 8.«4... a wwnv Mortgage Bonds, due July 1,1680. ta * »h.j£it^Mr^SiS'SSwtHS kUQual interest on these bonds. - to ®W 1 d them fora period of *ke holders retaining thebondisandthe ?“L r jSIPVPS a-ieociptaiid presenting their respeo foi.ldora.^al, 0 ® 0 ’ °™“ ““aww.Of '«>« Fohns of receipt and endorsement will be furnished on application, g^rofth. . SeoretArr. NEW PUBLICATIONS. A NFCDOTB3 FOR THE STEAMBOAT -cA AND RAILROAD. ■« ... .HND3AY t BLAKTBTON, 25 S °“ Ul BlXr { l above OHEBTNU|', _ Af«Boi)0TE8 FOR THE STEAMBOAT AND RAIbRO»D, rteeotcd f'om tho beet author., £dite*i by an Old Traveler. X2mo. » cents. Also, tbs following, for Sommer Reading: ■ AFRAJA: OR LIFE .AND LOVE IN NORWAY. Tr.ntl.to4 from tbo Gorman by Hon. E. Jqy Morriß. l2roo, 9J. 1 0 32S$£ S * o£S advkntures in the united STATES ARMV ; or. The Koinaocoof Military Life. By Col. y. bt. Gcorgo Cooke, Seoond Draioons, U. «. A. 12mo, 91. , jy| Buy your books at.eyans’ qtfx BOOK STORE. 459 CHESTNUT Street.' _ , ’Tis the best plaee in the city; . Books are sold as oheap os at any other Store, , „ and you have the advantage _ Of roofiiving a handsome present, Wurth from 50 oents to 100 hundred dollars* „ , ■ W ith each Book. Bookß of Fact* Books of Fiotion, * Books of History, Boo’s for Farmers, Books of Biograpny, Books for Mechanics, Books of Travel. Books of Hnmor, Books of Adventure, Books of Pathos, 1 Books about Heroes, Books for Amusement, ' ‘looks about Patriots, Books for Devotion.- * ' ' Books about Indians, Bocks about Soldiers, Books about Hunters, ; Bonks abont Sailors, ALL THE NEW BOQKM - • In every department of literature. • t Call it} and one trial will assure you that the best placp m the oity to purohase Books is at r G. G. EVANS’ GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, y j)2-tf 439 CHESTNUTStreefa SUMMER BOOKS. * FRESH AND MB ATTRACTIVE. . THE KKLLYS AND O’KELLYS. A capital new Enclfsh novel, by Anthony Trollope, author of ■* Dootor Thorne,” fco. Orders and reorders Are fost coming in for this splendid book, which is called the best bummer novol this year. Ivol.. cloth binding. Puce 91.55. . m HUMBOLDT’S PRIVATE LKTTBRB. - Translated from the original German, a remarkable ind gossipi correspondence between Alexander You llumboldt and European celebrities in Literature, state, Art, and Science. 1 vol.» oloth binding. F:ioe . , WOMAN. (LA FEMME.) r .. Anew work translated from the French of Michelet* Autnor of •• Love,” (L’Amour.) This book has caosed tp, unusual amount of interest And oritioism, and its Sale Jids fair to equal that of its predeoesaor, *‘ L’Amour.” 1 vob, oloth binding. Prioefci. HABITS OF GOOD SOCIETY. An attractive work upon tsste And good man ners. Reprinted from the l ondoi edition. The best, wittiest, and interesting book on manners evor pr.nted. 1 vou, oloth binding. Price 91.13, Coni.. by «». ! jc27-w.tf PUBoISHtBB, NEW YORK. npHE MOST DELIGHTFUL BOOK OF JL THE YEAR. MESSRS TIOKNOH & FIELDS PUBLISH THIS DAY, AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL RECOLLKCTIOKS OP THE LATE CHARLES ROBERT LESLIE, R.A., Edited by Tom Taylor, Ead„ -with a Prefatory Essay npon Leslib, as an artist, and a list of bis Piotares together with Selections from his Correspondence with numerous friends. With a fine Poktsait. This very interesting and important work contains the author’s personal reminiscences—never before given to tbo world—with original anecdotes and fragment! of the conversation Qf many of the most noted literary men and artists of tho present century, whoso familiar acquaintance the late Mr. Leslie enjoyed, 'Among these are: COLERIDau, aitt WALTER SOOTT, CHARLES LAMB, SIDITET SITITH, WASBIHOTON IRTIHO, WASHINGTON ALLSTGN, wonnsweßTn, benjamin west, ■ SAMUEL ROGERS, WILKIE, "TURNER, PLAXMAN, UsAxrxtxr, nobthcote, SIR THOS. LAWRENCE, LANDSEER, STOTHABD, CONSTABLE, fubbl(| nAYDON, BBWtON, and others. Of this portion of the work The Athenasuin says: *'We have strings of aneedrites on each personage— Duke of Wellington, and scores of .others-told in a quiet tone, gray, wo mar say, and To men*like, ana charmingly related in a keenly hutnoyoris msnner.ro that this portion or the book is delightful and amusing.” “Mr. Taylors book Is one of the* most genuine and delightful books of the year.” Ihe Selections from Mr. Leslie’s Correspondence are in the highest degree interesting. They giro to the worjd, for the first time,a portion of tho familiar cor respondence of Mr. Leslie with Washington luvino, extending through a period of several years, and pre tent several original letters of Mr. Is vino’s, hitherto unpublished. JKTFOR SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. TIGKNOrT FIEEjDS. 5 e26-th s _ BOSTON. nnflE YEAR OF GRACE. X. THE YEAR OF GRACE? A History of the Revi val m Ireland. AD. 1869. By Rev. William Gibson, D. With anlutroduction by Rev. Barow Stow, D, B. 12mo. 81 25. MOUiINiNG HOURS IN PATMOB: The Opening Vi sion of the Apocalypse, and Christ's Lpistles to the Seven Churches of Asia. By A. O. Thompson. 13mo. ®THE FIGNET Rl*G, AND OTHER GEMS. By Rev. J. De Liefde. ltirao. 63 cents. TRAVEL*. RESEARCHES, AND MISSIONARY LABORS DURING *N YEARS’RESI DENCE IN EASTERN AFRICA. By the Rev Dr? J, If WJi Kwpf. With »n Appendix respeoting tho Sonrooi of the Nile, Languages and Literature of Eastern Africa, Ao. 12mo. 81.26. For sale by . _ WILLIAM S. k At FRED MARTIEN, je27 No, bOUOHESINUTStreet. New books, FOR KALB BT SAMUEL HAZARD, Ja.. THK MOUNT ' VEHNON*?A Edwi'rd OP THE,UNITED SPATES, being the second volume of the History of the American Revolution, uniform with thecreoediQg volumes. • THE THREE CLKRKB. A Novel. By the author o r Doctor Thorne,” ** Barcheater Towers,” k o. Ono volume. $1 00. HAWKMV fKW. The new NovaL By the author of M Sylvan Holt’s Daughter,” “ Kathie Brand,” fco. One vol. 8100. DANEBBURY HOUSE. By Mrs. Henry Wood. The 8600 Prize Story. GOoents. _THE FIRST BOHN : OR, A MOTHER’S TRIALS. By the *uthor of “My Lady.” 81.00. _.L'UCY OROFPON By tho outbor of “Margaret Maitland.” 76 oeuts. THE KELLYS AND THE O’KELLYS. By Trollope. ®THE REVE LATION OF JOHN ITS OWN INTER PRETER. By John Cochran. $lOO. A DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE. Comprising its Antigolties, Geograuhv, Biography, and Narural His tery. By William South. Volume one, flvo.. cloth. 86.00. jjRUTLEDGIJ. The new and well-written American rpfcVffi NO » LIFE : OR. THOUGHTS AND lu George A. Sals, author of “ Journey Due North.” 81,26. j f $3 SEWING MACHINES. yy m P. UHXiINGEK & CO.’S SHUTTLE AND DOUBLE-LOOP STITCH SEWING MACHINES, FOR FAMILY USE, TAILORS. SHOEMAKERS, SADDLERS, BTC., No. 638 ABOH STREET, Price of SHUTTLE MACHINE, 860. Price of DOUBLE-LOOP 81 ITCH MACHINE from 825 Upwards, The simplest and moat efficient machines manu factured forallkintteof use. P. 8,-MACHINE SILK, COTTON, NEEDLES. OIL, eto,, constantly on hand. jyLSm LEGAL. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OP MONTGOMERY COUNTY. • Jacob B..Hoffher and Caroline his wife, in right of the said Caroline and Eliza Morriston, plaintiffs,'vs. ba- Ann B. Clark, Eliza Fibs, Joseph Fisi, Mi riam Fibs, JohnEvane, and Par&h mb wife. Catharine Boyd, Hannah Fibs, eamuel Borden, John Borden, Jo seph Borden. Ann Boruen. Louisa Borden, Benjamin Be van, and George Sevan, defendants. Aotion of Partition, No. 28 of a ugast Term, 1860. __ . [Copy of Writ.) Montf ornery County, ss. ■ [seal.l The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Montgomery County. Greeting. We command ,you that you summon Samuel Flss, Annß Clark. Eliza Fits, Isaac Fisi, Joseph Fiss, Mi -siam Fiss, John Evans, and Sarah his wife, Catharine loyd- Hannah Flss. Bamnel Bordcn.jobn Borden, Jo seph Borden. Ann Borden, Louisa Borden, Benjamin Reran, and George Bevan. (defendants,) late of your county, so that they be and appear before our County Court of Common Pleas, to be hodden at Norristown, In and for said county, on Monday tneSOth day o*’ August, A.D. 18C0, to answer Jacob H. Hoffuer. And Cnroline, his wife.in right of tho said Caroline aud irilsa Morris on, (plaintiffs), of a plea wherefore, whereas tiie said {ilaintins and defendants, together and undivided, do raid all that messumte, tenement, and tract of land, situated tn Lower Menon township, in said county oi Montgomery, bounded by lands of Wil iam Leeher. Sa muel Sanders, and Denis Kelly, containing five oores and thirty-one perches, pr thereabouts, with the ap purtenances, partition thereof between them according to the laws and oustoms of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania in such oases made snd provided, the said de fendants do gainsay end refuse, and the same to bo done do not pencil very unjustly and contrary to the same laws and oustoms. end have you then and there the names of thoas summoned, and this writ hereof. Witness the Honorable Daniel M. Smyser* President of our said Court at Norristown, this 14th day of Juno, A |i 1860 [Sicned.l F. BULLIVAN, Prothonotary. Published by ofderofthoCourtof Common Pleas of Montgomery county. JOHN M. SIAUFP.ER,Sheriff. j>4-w6t PHOTOGRAPHS OF A SUPERIOR X Quality taken and colored very, nicely for B*. at REISER’S Gallery. Nos 6t5 and 6lt North BE* COND Street, above Green. Give REIMERaoaiI. H* SPIRITS TURPENTINE. —175 bbls Spta: lo Turpentine, in store and for sale by ROWLEY, ABHBURN ER. A CO.. No. lo SOUTH WHARVES. ■pOKTO BICO SUGAR.—2SO hhds .. me- OENNEB3Y BRANDY. —7O o»8k», i? i . ; RESORTS^ fIMAMoK ; HUO9> t -MJUNT [Vj&BON, fliTl SCfeuYLKiLL OOUtfTY. PA.. | FamilrtS accommodated wiih-gpodroomsat reduced Thisold'e»hblished,riouseV.lob>ted r ia the gap be tween Sharp afid Second mountains, immediately on :ths andf JReading.Kailroad, withifi balfamile/otPotuvlile, fotmeriy sept by Jo seph,Read, of the jud Mansion Home, PhiLadeiphia. :naa,sihoe'hi3 Remise, been under the charge or. his Hooke is prepared, at aUseaeons of the year, for ‘the reception of guests, and has been recently put in order. The large garden, and park adjoining, presents, * great indaoements as a summer resort, to persons wish ing to spend a short time away from the dust apd tur-, moil of the cities, where they oan breathe fresh moun tain air. and enloy the wild and boautuui scenery the coal region. , , < •** . I ominutation passenger tickets, for the use offami liosi are sold At a reduction of twenty five per cent., ®nd an accommodation train will leave PotUvilledailr during.the summer months, to enable those who may desire it to .spend the business portion of the day in the oitr and return the same evening, on which the oharges will be thlrty-ihree per oent below the usual rates. For terms,apply to MARY HEAD, . . Mansion House, mount Carbon, • J&3O 3m. Schuylkill Co.. P*. Long beach bouse, opposite , TUCJKBRTON, N. J.-Tbis Hotel is now open , iojf the reception of visitors, both permanent and tran sient, , Having been at a large expense in refitting and re-furnishing, I feel assured, that Tor comfort anaoon* yenie'ioeit will compare favorably with any house on toe ooast. The heat of cooks and servants have been procured, and no efforts shall be spared to render the , B<A y«f.guests agreeable. The prospects for Gunning and Fishing are excellent., Uystersof the finest quality I nave in abundanoo. With these increased advan tages, ) am confident that the most fastidious wi'l have no cause for complaint. N. B —Oapt. WILLIAM will ruu a daily *«ue ofrfrgt-olass packets from Mlanto City to the beach, one of which will be at Atlantic every morning on the arrival of the morning train from Philadelphia, rentes wishiug to come by way of Leed’s Point, or otherwise, by addressing me a few days in advanoe, "I 11 have a good boat to meet them at any point named. je3G-6w LEWIS P. STKWAftI'. gEA BATHING . . OCEAN HOUSE, CAPK ISLAND, y. J. .ibis well-known estahhshmeut, the favorite resort of Tisitora, is now open for the reception of guests. It Mb been considerably enlarged and refurnished, the sleeping roorosspaoiousand airy, and communicate to suit families. The house will be supplied with watT Irom the cold springs Persons desirous of spending a f* w woeks of tha sum mer in an agreeable manner could not do better then to give theOoean House a trial, ISRAEL LEAMING, Proprietor, IifANSION HOUSff, MAUOH CHUNK, ki PARBON CO., RA.—ThU is the moat comforta ble and extensive hotel m Northern Pennsylvania, and the proprietor natters himself that thus far he has ooc oeeued in keeping it in a manner that cannot fait to sa tisfy all his guests. .i W booms are newly and elegantly furnished, an* tiie table always contains the very best tho Markots anord. ~i J,o hotot is located on the banks of the Lohigh, directly oppaiite tho railroad denol, and at the base of Aiaooh Chunk Mountain. A patli leads from the rear of the house to the’op of thismounfsin, from whioh pnin’, f««f fchove the Lehigh, the most scene imaxinabla is presented. Aue House is abundantly supplied with tie best and Purest Motui’ain Bonn* Water. «ot and Cola Baths oan he taken At all times. GEORG* HUFFKB, Fropnetor. \ MERIOAN HOTEL, MAUOH CHUNK, FA.—This HOTEL is now kept in a manner af fording every com ort to strangers and travellers. Arrangements hase l>eeninode this soason to acoom- SUMMER BOARDERS. Tl“ ISSUE, m t,oenef y «»U rural enjoyments Are hero af forded. MIOHAKI, WILHELM, * GEO. w.wilhklm. Proprietors. A MERIOAN HOTEL. BETHLEHfrM, Ffoprielor of this Hotel has newly fitted up hit bouse for the Accommodation of visitors during the summer season. Tho Amenoa n Hotel is siiuated on ilijraMt elevated spot m the Borough. Bethlehem is too wel, known for its beautifal soeuery ana commanding view of the surrounding country, and tpr itesaiubriona mountain sir, to require comment. , subsonber is now prepared to reoeive Boarders anaremMies, and promises to do bis best to render their stay with him pleasant and agreeable. Charges Moderate. J. W. R. PUARO, Jag lm • Proprietor. ffIAGLE HOTEL, BETHLEHEM, PA. If.V&S® »nd old-established Hduse, known as the LEHIGH VaL-LEy SUMMER RETREAT,” for the season. The, accommodations of this House will be found unsurpassed. The ride here, ny t-e north Pennsylvania Railroad, mono of the plea sentsrt In our State. CALEB YOHE, Proprietor. * Jr2sam AMERICAN HOTEL, ALLENTOWN, FA.—This well-known and popular hotel has, during tho past season, been •iREATIY ENLARGED and improved. and ta now in capaoUy and convenience second to noue in the interior of Fonnsylvania. The beautiful and healt-ful situation of Allentown 1 renders it a de lightful summer resort, in view ofwhlch speoiol ar rangements have been made by the jDroorietors toao •oommodate summer boarders. J. Y. BKCHTKL, JeM-t>el K W. BIGONV. SEA BATHING. & NATIONAL HALL, . .CAPE ISLAND. CAPE MaY. N. J. This fiue, large.,and airy house is NOW OPEN for visitors. It is distinguished for oomfort. locality, and superior accommodations, with ample room for 200 per sons. Terms moderate. je232m AARON GARRETBQN, Proprietor. m LIGHT-HOUSE COTTAGE, NEAR Biil THE LIUHT-HOUSE. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., (the noucst house to the sun), is now open for the re ception of Boarders. Tha proprietor reßpeotfulir solicits aoontmuanoe of the patronage of his friends and the puhiio- Je23 lm* JONAH WOOTTON. Proprietor. Heath house, SCHOOLEY’S MOUNTAIN, N. J., Ts now open lor the reception of company Communi cations by letter will be promptly attended to. Je2Mm P. A. CROWELL. Proprietor. .1 VOL. $1.25. TVKPTUNE HOUSE—ATLANTIC OlTy. L n —This popular and eminently ’avorile House nt Abaotio City hns, since the closing of last season,been enlarged, refitted, refurnished, and completely re juvenated in every particular, and is now open for the season.. From - its detighiful situation, near ness to alt places cf<interest, close proximity to the safest and best part of tho beach, it ts rendered ono oi the most convoment and deoidedly the pteaeantest bouse onthe Island. Terms—sM per week; $l.OO per day. Children and servants half price. _ . _ . JOHN OMICK, Proprietor. R, L. FUREY, Superintendent* jeai-Sm £JOTTAGE RETREAT, ~~ Beautifully and conveniently located at ATLANTIC OITY, N. J- Boarders accommodated on reasonable terms. JegQ-Sm M. McCLEEB. Proprietor. HALL— \TLANTIU CITY, N. J.—This spacious House, sihiated at Atlantic City, will be reopened with every accommodation for visitors on tho 2fith instant, by the subscriber. The Hoase fronts tha beach l»>feet, giving a splendid view of tho Ooean. and is near the Fishing and Sailing point. No vainswillbesparoutoiifouretho comfort aud oon vemonoe of guests. je«-2m THOMAS O. GARRETT. CTAR HOTEL, Nuannv opposite the u. a. hotel, ATLANTIC 01 t'Y, N. J. ADAMS, PRdPRIKTOR. DINNER FIFTY CENTB. ALSO, CARRIAGES TO HIRE. W3T Boarders accommodated on the most reasotmblo terms. iefo sra Tkemont HOUSE, CAPE island, n. J.-HUMPHREV HUGHES, Proprietor,-This ■ house, so Weasantly situated in closo proximitj to the beach. will bo open for the reception of visitors on the 3fitl»inst. The large, splendid lawn in front of the house; tbo fine shade, good rooms and table, render it the most desirable place on the island, attached to the premises are bowling saloons and btrber shop. JelB Ira \ MEftfOAN HOUSE, OAPE INLAND — Mrs. M. REYNOLDS, Proprietor.- This favorite hotel will open for the reception of visitors on MON- D *Y, June 35th. it has been fitted up in the best style, and ever; attention will be paid to the comfort of its guests, jaiB-dtPepl WHITE SULPHUR AND CUALYBE ” ATE SPRINGS, at DOUBLING GAP, TA. These Springs are in Cumberland county, SO mites west of Harrisburg, and areocoessibto from all the East cm and Fouthorn cities by railroad to Harrisburg, thence on the Cumberland Valley Railroad to Newville, thence»ight miles staging, m new and easy coaohes, to the Bpring* Passengers leaving Philadelphia. Baltimore, or Wash ington, in the morning oars, arrive at the Springs the same evening at 5 P. AI. This property has changed hands, and has undergone a thorough repair; a large huildiug has been r rooted lu whioli are warm and oold Baths, and every arrangement has been made for the oomfort and convenience of vi sitors. New stabhne has been erooted: horses and carriages will always, be on hand for hire. Terms moderate. Mads daily. For oirculars and particulars, address the proprietors, jeld-lm KEN AGA. KO3RR, COYLE, & CO. Lebanon valley house LEBANON, PA. CHAB. W. KUHN LE. Proprietor. Summer boarders taken. The house is new and com modious, with grounds attached. Surrounding country beautiful and healthy. Railroad communication with the oitv twioe qday. Charges moderate. jeia Im* T HE SEA-SIP -RE—ATLANTIC CITY. A McKIBUIN’B U. B. II i‘EL. The undersigued, propns or ot the above-named house, being now pteparet to reoeive guests, re spectfully solicits a soars of the pnbho patron* age. Sinoo last summer mere baa been added to this hotel a four storied wing, HO feet in length, con taining (bestdethe bed-rooms.) a suite of three Parlors, lor ladies, anViwo for rentlemen; also, a reception room, wash-room. and spaotous bar-room. Bowling Saloons. Billiard Rooms, and hot and co'd Salt-witer Bath Rooms have been constructed for lira accommo dation of visitors, and the whole house will be lighted with gas. The house has been newly painted and fur nished while the shaded grounds surrounding it have been put in complete order. A well-manned pleasure Yacht, and an excellent Band of hlusio, have been en gaged for the season. J. McKIBBIN. ‘ jel* tf TTNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG U BRANCH, J. The subsonber takes this luetUncLof informing hie friends and the publio. that on and after JUNE 29tn his house will bo open for the re ception of guests, when every, eflort will be rondo to plea*© those who may favor him. Tho house in plea santly sitnatadonafine bluff, with lawn in front A full view of the ocean. good roads, siablirg, &0., make has attraotlve as any house in the .country. The com munication is accessible by two daily lines Irom foot of Walnut-street wha.T, vis,: BA. M,,and 2P. M. Reference—Grandy, Warden, Co.. 2v*9 Chestnut street. B. A. SHOEMAKER, StJMMEE BOARDING.—OLD SAND SPUING near 'Womelsdorf. "erks county. Fa. The lari e and oommodions HOTEL, AND BOARD ING HOUtJBi at this delightful Hummer. Retreat, la now completed, and will ho openod for Boarders on tho 13th o' .fUNE t lB6O. twice daily, from Fhiladolphjp. and Harrisburg, by the Reading ana J.obanon Valloj Railroads. 49* Boarders reooived by tbo week or through the season, on reasonable terms. JsB-lm » JOHN MANDERBACH, Proprietor. CARLISLE The favorite ronort for those wj who appreoiato Grand Scenery, wnjTEBmPUUR Cum Sid oo 5 : Pa. Boomß.aoo.lSooutj.anda hood Accommodatidnsfor AU e * 300* For particulars send for Cirou- VXBMS CLENDENIN. & VIBBCHER. JeT-Sra Carlisle Spring, Pa. Bedford springs.—This well-known and delightful Sammor Resott will bo opened for the rcoeptioa of Visitors on the FIRS!’ OF JUNE, and kspt open till the lot of October, The Hotel will be under tho management of Mr. A. 0. ALLEN, whose experience, oourtoous manners, and attention to his guests, give tho amplest assurance ot comfort and kind treatment „ . , Parties wishing rooms, nr any information in regard to the place, will address the subscriber, JNO. P. REED, Seo'y and Treasurer, mydMm Bedford Minora! Springs Co. piPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, XL* Lsnoanter County. Pennsylvania.—This estab lishment wilt bo open by the >lth of June. The ad vantages of thisbeantiful resort are: Mountain goenery, purear,and soft water; every variety of baths,and amusenenta; a good stock of livery horses, ami car riages. For further particulars call on JOSEPH B. MYEIB, corner Third and Vine Stroets ; JAMES 8. EAJtIK, No. 81« Chestnut Btroet. Philadelphia, or to the ptmnetor, JOSEPH KONIGMACJIKR, Ephrata Post Quo*. Lancaster Counts. Va. mvSO-Sm COLUMBIA HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND— CiPB Mat, New Jersey.—'This large, first-daw HOTfL wilt be openod. for the reception of guests, on the ?3h June, JB5O. The House has been completely Tepairai and refurnished. A new cooking range, ovens, steam pollers, and every modern improvement added. Extensive stabling attached to tho premises All jitters adiheeaed to tho subscribers, Cape Island, No* far. Will l» * Jam* IT. Laird, late proprietor Franklin House, Phila delphU; 8. B. Woolman, formerly proprietor Mount Vernot Hotel, Capo island. jol2d2m r<OIIGRES3 HALL, CAPE ISLAND, Vy CiPE MAY, N. J.—Tina well-known, first-olass Hotel till oe opened for the reoeption of guests on 6A TUREkY. the wthlnst. The Bowling alleys have been removed, and new slMPiifc rooms added.jinoelast season. Tefl-V WEST & THOMPSON, Propneßirs. SSEAI BATHING, CAPE ISLAND, N. L— %SSI*' W H mif SMV’&’iT' SUMIHERJRJESORTS. jjEPLoars xro t.b l, ATLANTIC ( CITY, NEW JERSEY. At the temunusiofitbe HaUrcwuJi on the teft. beyond the NOWOPBN for Border* nod ' Vlsitorß, and offer* accommodation* equatt&anfHotel inAtlantio City. ‘ been very rourh improved, and rondefpd more comfortable bjr -Venetian blind* having been pht up at the window*. Charge* moderate. • Children and Servant*. Half Pride. ’ *&r Parties ehmijd keep their seat* until the cars arrive of the Hotel. The signs are conspicuous. ' . , , A LOYS SHAUFLER’S RAILROAD Jt\- HOTEL. ATLANTIC CITY, oupoiite tho Hail- SITUATION ON THE ISLANO. WT Newly fitted up with new beds and bedding. Hoarding and Lodging SI perday. JyMin MANSION HOUSE. ATLANTIC CITY, L.A N. J., ISAAC THAYbit. (l.i. of Surf House.) House has been very muoh enlarged and im proved. Ha* now a large number of Familj Rooms, not surv&ssed by any hotel in this city. It is lighted throughout with gas. New and fine walk* have been laid tn the ooean, whioh will be lighted at night, from the Hotol to the water, by splendid reflect* lng lamps, , Attaohedto the bouse (but separata from the main building) is a lane Hall for Hops and Parties, with a first-class ice Cream And Conleotionery attached Over the Halt there are forty sleeping rooms for sinrlegentle men. Thero is also a play ground for ohildren, well shaded and enclosed, with swmrs, &o. The catering department will ba under uiy own es pecial supervision, and l trust that my reputation is sufficiently established to satisfy all that my table will be unsurpassed. Terms will be 812 per week. Transient Boarders $2 per day. .Carriage* attaohod to the House will take Boarders to and from the Ocean free of charge during bathing hours jo23tf ISAAC THAYER. m BRIGANTINE HOCSE—Brigantine EjL Heooh, New Jerser. H. D. SMITH. Proprietor. This large and commodious Hotel ip now open for the reception of ns : tors. Persons visiting tho sea shore will find this the most desirable resort for Bathing, Cunning, Fishing, Ac.; improvements having be*n made, such as enlargement of dining room, new bathing houses, wharf, walks, Ac. Passengers leavi, g Vine street wharf in the morning train, via Camden and At lantic Railroad, arrive at ifodlae’s Hotel, wuere Cant Bonjamin Turnerwill bo in readiness to onuvey iliem to the Hotel, arriving in time for dinner, jelP tuthslm* UNITED STATFS HOTEL, YJ WILIiKRBBURd, DAUPHIN COUNTY. PA. This well-known Hotel has been leased by the sub scriber, and lias beeq thoroughly renovated and entirety uowly furnished. Millcrshurg is situated m one of the raoatromautio regions of Pennsylvania: the ffusque hmna river flowg immediately tty tho to> n. and atiords fine fishingj the mountain scenery is unsurpassed in the Staie. Cams abounds in groat plenty, affording fine sport for huntsmen ; the mountain streams abound with trout in great plenty. City visitors, who are desirous of sponding a few months in the oountrv, will find this one •>f the most desirable nlooes in Pennsylvania. The North Pennsylvania Hall road passs* the town, and it is in daily communication with Philadelphia, Baltimore, and New York. The subscriber will use every effort to make his guest* comfortable. A. J. WARFfEID, Proprietor. MiUeraburc, June 20. 1860. Je23 lm eURP HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. This spacious Hotel, possessing the most advanta geous location at Atlantio City, having been recently enlareed> will be opened for the approaching season on Uieii li instant. , Anew wing three stones high and 93 feet ia length, with verandah surrounding it. nas beet\ add'd, contain ing 4d large and eiry rooms and extending to within 60 yards of the ooean, a fine pmspectof which is afforded from almost every room in the honse. Gas is being introduced into the bu.lding, additional bath houses wll be erected, and numerous other im provements made, it being the aim of the proprietor to mAke the BU«F HOUSE one of the most attractive places of sornmer resort near Philadelphia. The table will be supplied in the most hlieral manner, and all possible rare will l>e exercised in the general ar rangements of the honse with a view to tlie oomfort ami convenience of gnf sts. The 'tattling at Atlantio is unsurpassed and the pure, dry atmosphere has proved to be partioulaily beneficial to invalids. Parties wishing to engage rooms will please address the subscriber at the Surf House, or at the Ashland House, Arch street, Philadelphia. jesmwf-2ra H. 8. BENSON. WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. gETS OF JEWEL.BY, OF THE NEWEST AND MOST ELEGANT. STYLES. ALSO, LADIES’ WATCHES. Just received. THOMAS C. GARRETT, 712 CHESTNUT STREET, AMERICAN WATCHES. THE AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY, AT WALTHAM, MASS, TO THE PUBLIC. Attention is invited to the following statement of facta iu regard to these watches, aud some considerations wby they should be preferred to those of foreign manu facture: Thoir sale has been constantly on tho mcicaso evor since the business was commenced; thus proving that they havo grown into popular favor through their i»- trinsic merit!. Ae an evidence of the extent to whioh they havo received the endorsement of the public, we may state, that upwards of Thirty Thousand of thorn are now in daily use in the United States, giving perfect satisfaction to their owners. This result has boon effected ia the teeth of the most determined and violent opposition from the greater part of those in the Watch Importing Trade in tho large oities, who have systematically used all their influence with their cu.tomers to disoourage their dealing in an article which threatened, by its superiority, to dispiaoe the foreign watoh to a great extent. Many of the Jew ellers and Watchmakers of the interior, a large propor tion of them foreigners, seconded the efforts of ilie Watoh Importers, being persuaded by their eouneefs, and misled by a contracted aud iraporfeot view of their own interests; by the fear of loss on their stock of im ported watohes, and the apprehension that their profit* might be diminished through competition in a well known domestio artiole, with otuer groundless preju dices arising from a superficial inquiry into the subject Notwithstanding this, however, the watohes have stead ily gained in the estimation of the people, the retailers have been constrained to keep them to supply the de maud, aid by degrees, we are happy to add, their pre judices and alarms are boing dissipated. Uur presontsystem of making the different parts of each watoh the exaot counterpart of every other watch of the same series, leads to a uniformity in quality whioh can never be attained by the foreign prooess If one of uur watohes is good, all are good; whereas each foreign watch is only a probability by itself, depending upon the skill and fidelity of the particular workman *ho may hipnen to bo employed upon it. In addition to thes9 primary conditions of uucoess, every watch issued by the Comp an is made of the most choice andenduriug materials, carefully finished by tho various processes to whioh they are subjeoied, and then put together, in spected and severely tested by the best workmen in tho faotory. Buck has been the care with which these va nous duties have been performed, that out of the largo number of watohes sold, not more than a dozen or two havo been returned to the Company for exchange, from any cause whatever. Every watch is guarantied by a guaranty that is good for something, and by parties that can bo readily reached. Foreign watches,of the most inferior descrip tion, are often/u//y guarantied bv their makers, whom it is impossible to eall to account under any circum stances. American watches eoino to the consumer unburdened br the various expenses and profits incident to impor tation— the total of whioh, including custom-house du t ea, more than double the prime cost of the watch be fore it gets to the pookel of the ultimate owner. This consideration of itself should decide the question in our favor. Every dollar diverted from (ho purchase of foreign watches is so much saved to the oonntry ; so muoh en couragement to home industry, and so muoh added to the public wealth. We do not ask a preference on these grounds, if our watohesare not better, for the money, than the foreign. To conolade—we claim that our watchos are the best and most durable time-kcopcrs in the world, besides be ing tho cheapest; and we assert that a series of watches was never mad* that would show so little average va riation from truo time as thoso we have issued. In in dividual instances their performance has been unsur passed by anything recorded in the history of horology. A descriptive pamphlet, containing full information and numerous certificates frun we i-known individuals, may be had on application to tbo undersigned. C iUIION.-Ab our watch is now extensively coun terfeited by foreign manufacturers, wo have to nforrn the public that no wa'oh is of our production which is unaccompanied byaoertificate ofgenuineaa. bearing the number of the watch, am! signed by our Treasuror.H E. RUBBING, or by our predecessors, APPLETON, TRACY, & CO. As these watches are for sale by Jewellers generally throughout the Union, we do not solicit ordors for single watenes. , For the American Watoh Company. BOBBINS & APPLETON, Wholesale Agedls, No. 182 BROAOWAY, N. Y. m>3ow6tif house. GREAT EASTERN. Proprietor. 'The oity cars, convoying passengers to tho immediate neighborhood of the Great Eastern, leave the Actor House every two minutes during the day. New York. July 8-tnthlm JjALL’S PATENT PLATED X 0 E PITOHE Entirely different m their construction from all others and WARRANTED to keep tbo ICE LONGER than any Pitcher now In ase at a temperature «f seventy de grees Fahrenheit. Tho above Pitchers will keep the water oold for twenty-four hours, A pound and a half of ice in three pints of water will last seven hours and fifty-five minutes; while tho samo quantity in an ordinary stone pitoher, at the same etu perature, only lasts two hours and fifteen minutes! Persona should not confound these Fitohers with those usually sold, but inquire for HALL’S PATENT. WM. WIIjSON & SON. Bole Agents for the Manufacturer. 8. W. Corner FIFTH and CHERRY Streets. mylB-tf GOFFEE’S patent KNITTING MACHINES, For Plain Stocking and Fanoy Knitting; Also. Maohiuos for Knitting prawers, Shirts fco., of all sues. Rib Machines of 1 and 1,2 and 1, 2 and 2. and 3 and 2-Rib, on hand and made to order. These Machines use the plain English Spring Needle, on a new principle, and are the cheapest and most rapid Machines for Knitting in use. The Goffee Patent Family Knitting Maobine, for Fhmtiy and Plantation vie, is n new and successful feature in the useful inventions ol the age, and ranks with the Sewing Maoi.ino. Agency and Salesroom, No. 57T BROADWAY, New York. Jel-3m HENRY C. LEE, Agent Stereoscopic instruments, manu*aotured in everv.stylo, with the latest im provements. Stercoscop'o Views, comprising Land scapes of America and Enrops, fctatuary, Groups, «c , street, below Chestnut. . n K7*PerisooploSpectacles *nd Fyo-Giasses, Opera- Glnsres, Microscopes, and Mathematical instruments, ingreat variety. jya-nswfst Hams i hamsi hamsi Prime new Sugar Cured UADIS BY THE WANTS. VSTANTED— A situation" by a young •Whol.»»& s nl{ 0 5 1 n l I ‘f. i “ l S rior otVntvinab, in . L;I P Homo. Cut ieDmiim » fair tffioififf b ,nJ "* ms!>th ’' W ANTED—In a first-class notlai houso, , * competent salesman, who can inffaeno* o**b Ktfo* 00 *'*** wonthe trade. Address tiiia )y*-wfm at* ANTED—A large store ia a business entrance 54 dwe'Tinx attached, and private ——Address, ** tfox," 1863, poet office. jy3-3t* A ®'J°K-KEtPBR WILL BE OPfN Man,” Peu- pARTNER Wanted.—Tho Advertiser hav*ng B acashcao?U?of aot , ,vo businessman, aata and Xliffmtt °°°- to take an interest in a , 10 *y ,a prontame manutaottirinr business. Yielding already a handsome income. Paniculate VM 8® Jiven «ir P '° , r ,ewUw ’’' h ’ d - MaSS••Profit"”f&TJr jne rrt>*. je29 lOt* PJR SALE—The Stock and Fixture, of a . Wholesale Boot and Shoe Hoqm. nowifoin# n. good busmen. This is A good opportunity for anyone wWnog to go into the basinets, or a house wan tin*tn ioorease thoir tmde. Batisf otorv reason, TR3n5*rJS SSiKJKfcnfiaT 2jo7 ' A young man who has had “V 1 * much experience in the Dry Goods trade wishes a situation in a wholesale honse as Book-keeper or Sales man, Undoubted reference given. Address “ Wti ham, at this paper, jeS 6t* ■MAP AND PRINT COLORING.—Two ITJ. yoim, ladles, wfo hivo had ccnaidarabla exce rienoe it Map and Print Colorina, wuh to aeour, work .''-'nisr furni.lt go n referenoo. Aani. at 9'JO south MXTH Wtsut jeSS-Kn* ANTED —A Situation, by & m&n V V thirty-BSTen year* of age. of extemive expert! once in business, ot good address, aud competent to fill almost any position, either a* a clerk, superintendent, or salesman, is very respectably conneoted, and can give the mo*t satisfactory references a* to integrity, energy, and business rapacity A moderate *al«ry for the present will be accepted. Address “B, G. H., n office ofTne Prer* ' jelZ-tf FOR SALE AND TO LET. If'o MANUFAO EURERS.—FOR SALE. A a 30-inch Condenser, made bv A. Jenks A Bon. In good order. Apply to HBWIN M. MJS.HL. fit* Germantown, J||ISSUUKI jL,AND!I 300,009 Acres for Bate, at prices ranging from J 2& toao cent* per Aoie, in any quantities required. TAXbB paid, ana I'a,CENTB procured for purcha sers of Lana under the Graduation Act Plats tarnished gratis by enolnsing a postage stamp. For further information apply to wfteoN, Rawlings & eo.. U. 8, and General Land Agents, „ 0- CH FBTNUt Street, Between THIRD and I'OiißfH. 81, LOUIS. MO. LAN D WARRANTS bought, sold, and looated. _jj2*3m ORIVATE SALE—Of three hundred and " thirty aons of superior Land, a small portion clear, d and remainder heavil* timbered with Hickory, Oak, Black Walnut, Beeob, Birch, Bird-eye MapK ana white Pino, 'ibis tand is not made up of stone moun tains or swamp, bat is roliiog la: d. hand»omely situated mJaokson Township. Potter county. Pa.; and near Ccudersport, the oounty t >wn. As this land is near the Erie anoBunbury Railroad, it mast greatly inorease its value. For Bale Cheap. Apply to . . . . GEORGE MOORE, je29-fmw-3 * Norristown, Pa. m 'lO CAPITALISTS.—FOR SALE— is® every convepienoe for carrying on an extenaiv* busi ness. A desirable Investment to persons of energy who oan push the business. For sale with or without the building. Inquire St 323 CHESTNUT Street JalSarfmtfif HART. MONTGOMERY. A CO; ga FOR PALE—A desirable COUNTRY RESIDENCE, with abont ten acres of Land, and improvemems, near the Brandywine, six miles south of West Chester, near the italtimore Centra) Railroad. Address J. W LrON, Je 19-lm* Farkev He,Chester county, Pa. ■pOR SALE OR TO LET—A Double A Stone 1 ottage, Germantown, situate on Dewey's lane, seoond house from Thorp's lane, five miuutes walk from railroad station. Contains all the modern conveniences. Apply to F. #*. WILSON, jed-lm 603 CHESTNUT Btreet. «TO LET OR FOR HALE—A FOtJß story honse, double book bnildipss.all modern im provenioau, in complete order; an elegantlar.eyard. Terms low to a good tenant. Situated No. x 934 CHESTNUT Street Apply at No. 719 CHESTNUT Street, in the Ma»onio Hall. niyg-tf TO NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS For sale a. large lot in the Bonthwe*tern section of the city, well adapted for a Noraery. Terms aooommoda tmg. For partionlars addreea ’* K.” at this office. ap!7-tf TO LET.—The first floor of the fine build log. No. 794 CHESTNUT street] formerly occupied for a wholesale (and latey a* a retail) fancy goods and perfumery store. Applyat the office of JULES HAUEL tc CO., No. 704 OHLbSTNU I‘street, PhSa. je4-lm HOARDING. Elegant parlor and chamber, communicating, handsomely tarnished, on first floor, full or partial board. Also.otherhandsome rooms, 22b South BROAD Street n* SUMMER BOARDING.—A few persons can be accomw odated with Board in a private family in one of the most pleasant situations in Tren ton. Address box 412 Trenton, N. J. jy3-tuths3.* "WEST CHESTER BOARDING.—PIea * ▼ sant Rooms and good Board can be had by ap plying at No. 64 West GAY Street, West Chester. jelM-thJcmft* CUMMER BOARDING.—Persons wishing to go to the country can find pleasant Rooms, with good iio 'onimodations, at the WASHING TON HOUSE, •wOO-'BURY, n.J. The Honse has been entire’yre modeted and refurnished tlironshon . For terms, &0., addr*Bi JurtN F. FH»PPo. Woodynry, W. Jo Je33 13t* Late of Mansion House, West Cheater, Pa. PRIV iTE BOARDlNG.—Gentlemen »nd their families, or single gentlemen, oan be accom modated with Board, with pleasant and handsome rooms, tarnished or unfurnished, at 616 LOCUST St., south side of Washington Square. The location, bring opposite to one of the handsomest parks in the city, is central, and extremely pleasant. Transient persons visiting the oity can be aooommodated by the day or week. Terms moderate. A basement front room, with private entrance, for rent, suitable for an office, jell-tf Families and gentlemen wish ing FIRST-CLASS BOARD, with cool Rooms, oan now have choice at 9*J3 WALNUT St. je4-lm* TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN• CAN BE accommodated with good, airy apartments, (with or without board,) tn a private family. Location cen tral. Address 44 TOLBERT,” through Blood’s Dis patois ante EDUCATIONAL. TEACHER WANTED.—Wanted, by the first of September next, a ladr teacher in a Semi nary a few miles from ttidciey, iu a pleasant and health ful neighborhood. To one competent, a fair salar* will to given. Address 44 Academy,” Holmeabar r P. Fa. je29-gr REMOVALS. REMOVAL.— B. LIEBSE has removed to 123 South SECOND Street, between Chextnut and Walnut, and continues to import Brandies. Wines, Ac. jj* 3t* Kemoval. —SMALL & CHANDLER, WHOLESALE GROCER*, have removed from M North SECOND Street, to U 3 MARKET Street, above Front, north lido. t&S NOTICKS, TVOTIOE.—J. EMERY STONE retires from It our firm, and all his interest in our business reaves from this date. F \KN«s.M, KIRKHAfII 3c CO.. Philadelphia, June 30th IMP. jyA 6t* Dissolution of copartnership. The Copartnership hrretofore existing under the firm ot HOOPE9 Sc DAVIS is this day dissolved by nm tu 1 *! consent , _ , _ The business will be settled by Bernard A. Hoopes, who will counnue the Wholesale Hat,JPar, and Straw Goods bnsmets atNo. 51T MARKET Street BERNARD A. HOOPS*. JOSEPH M. DAVI°. Philadelphia, July 2,1860. jyi 3t COPARTNERSHIP. The undersigned have this d*v formed a Copartnership under the firm of LOWER A BANK, for the transaction of the Wholesale Tobacco and Segar Business, at No. US Worth THIRI) Streal, I'liiladelphla. Cuas. c. l.owt'R, LOWER Sc RANK. Hiram W. Rank. July 3. 1830 Jyd-3t* CAUTION. —All persons are cautioned against trusting any of the Crow of tho Frenoh Bark'Fleuriande Bellevue, Baolny, Master. fr» m La Ro chelle, as no debts of their onntrao’ius, will be paid by Captain or Consignees. HENRY BOHLkN k CO., 221 and 223 South FOURTH Street. July 3,1803. __ jy<-3t The i oupons cf the green and COATES STREET PARSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY falling due on the 15th iust. will be paid, on presentation at the offioe, on and alter the lithinst., between the hours of 9A. M. and 3P. M. jyl-tuthsaflt BENDY Mi ARW. »OP, Treasurer. ISAAC ROBERTS, REAL ESTATE Agent, No. 233 couthTHlßDStreet. Philadelphia, and Norristown, Pa. City and country property for sale, exchange, and rent. Titles carefully examined; convcyarcing correctly executed; money loaned on firnt mortis ewes. _ Rsfkrencb*.— Hon. D. M. Binyser, President Judge, Norriauiwn. f. ; **ev. J Grier, Ralstou, Pnucipai Oakland Seminary, Norristown, Pa. jy2-3t’ TO HOLDERS OF BONDS PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD CO., Due Ist JULY, 1860. All holders of above bonds who do not intend to extend their bonds ou the terms of tho Company's Circular of FEBRUARY lost, can find purchasers lor tbe same at par and acorned interest. Alter lstof JULY no interest will be allowed. Apply to DREXEL & CO., 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. HO' T vs. HOLT—C. C. P. M. T., 1860, No. 7.—To CHARLES HOLT, respondent. Please notice Rule to show oanse why IHvorce a vincu lo matrimonii should not be decreed, returnable on BATURD A Y, July 7,1860, at 10 A. M. E. HOLT, je2B-thslt* Libellant, by her Attorney. ' AZUMEA ! AZUMEA ! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! PROF. MORRIS’ AZUMEA BAKING . POWDER. Manufactured solely No. €2 North FOURTH Street, and tomato*- M "" l) r nut* Sm»f THE EVE-SIGHT IM provea by the me of tho PEBISCUPTC HPKCTACi.ES, correctly suited for all ages by M. J. FRANKLIN, optionn, 112 South FOURTH. Btraet, below Chestnut. Stereoscopes and Views, just imported, entirely new subjects: a, icrosoores. Te!o#cope«, Opera-Glasses. Mathematical and Physical Instruments,. Electrical Machines. Ac., at the very, lowest prices m the city, wholesale or retail. Special attention paid to the trade. 1,3-tuthrtt DIAMOND studs, ring*, and Jstw Pin*. Got. Jewelrjr in a greet variety of etyles. uloiGold ff.ok ana vest tthains. Silver Spoon., Fork., &0., equal to coin. Also, Plated Ware of every de scription. G. HUSSEuL, jyjm 22 North SIXTH Street. THE THOROUGB-BRED TROT- STALLION, AMERICAN STAR, will Maud for mares the ensu ns week, at the stable of Chns. l.lojU, B'ue Bel), Darb*. Any perrons wishing tho rervioesof this young stallion »m find him there during the week. K. K. CONKLIN, Proprietor. July 2,1660. Jy3-3t* GREEN TURTLE SOUP—Third ;Sje*% and Fourth July, by JAMFR. PRbBSER.No 808 MARKhT street. Orders for families punctually attended to. J? 3 2t SLATE ROOFING.—JOHN WELCH, BLATbR, is prepared to put on anv amount of roofing at low rates. All work warranted to give sa tisfaction. Orders sent to THIRD Street and GER MjANTOWN Road will be promptly attended to. OlL—East India, for sale by ** and 49 North AS'trfceMKST*. WHEAIiEIA CLIBKJt’B AHOH VT STRKKT THK.TQE ' THB SAIAI) quH&; . Of. The tfvitenee oflh, Lurh.bcfr. ’’ *w Doors open at half-nest 7 o'clock. Perfonsauo* wil commence at 8 preoisefv. AdnsiWOOP 36ets. BOX BOOK oseaTKN PAYS iaaBvai>oe-- POUHT OF DEATH. ' 1 r V/ To iccommodftte nsotto from tbs oouttyr, this magnificent PAlNTlNfifwill remara on exhibition at CON *HRT HALL,onTnESDAYaodWEDNESDAY, July 3d and 4'h, after whioh-it wiUjKWtivsly akiss^ , Open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Ticketsfil eent*;ohil dren 10 oenta Jyfi-St* nn WO GRAND BALLOON ASCENSIONS. * FOURTH OK JUJ.V.-Prof,«i» LOWS Will nt. TWO GR.KI) ABCKNBIONS with hi. TB- Jn ,°U' on the Fourth of July, from ths rear o f pa ACADEMY OF MUSIC, at M o’elSkTA. M 7. and at a o clock, P. M. Ad mi—ton 24 eeats. jyt-it* PENN A. ACADEMY OF THE FINE -ARTS.—IO3S CHESTNUT Btreat. CoatatniDg a large collection of Paintincfasd Setlp ture,i* now open daily from P 4 M. till* rTmTiA mieston 38 otr.: children nnder 13 years, 13 osnte. Jyf-tf W ARNE 8 KIFLB AND PISTOL GAL LERY—Now open, corner of EIGHTH end CHESTNUT Street*, Tbie.Galleiy h~is iliiTaiiosnf tbirtv yards for Rifle Shoortnr, with two targsfikT lignt*. The most complete Gallery in the Union, jctt-lai* COLOMON’S TEMPLE, AUige.beaotital.andpertaotmodeloftnemad est end roost mterestmg burning aver built i* in the immense saloon of MARKET, ABOVE STREET. . The Model isjafeet ions, Si feet wide, and MM high; lighted JrrXft gas jets, mid the worshipper* iw presented by ®o figures arrayed .in Jewish oo«Me surrounding thevanons oenrts, give it a Ufs-Uke ap pearance. Bead Ist Kkgs. fth to Bth oba*.; 1 Chron. ehaen* Si Chrnn., 4th and 7tb obapa; and Kxodas. Mth ehafi. to oontents and description of Solomon's all of nmw ln3JHSsyTJKSr? ,eßtrt in the ModaL 1 2 uxptanaiions, from 10 to 12 A, M,. 3 to* ,and7H t<> 10P: M. Ailralswon,2s cents: ehildri'n. half p*ie*. *>»cks of 19. at lower rata* to Schools, Llobi, Societies, fco., until July 7. isyl-tf CHINA. AND GLASSWARE. rjAtmON—FRSSH FRUIT JABS.—The JARS, now m marxet. The genuine have Hagteu r * name on the cover- Miootanrir* under this msabA , „ . BAUTLLL, fc I,KTCHWO«r3L Jel3-lmtf* No. 13 Worth FIYTH nn*. POISON— FRESH FRUIT JARS—The acid of firait always corrodes the surface ofmetel; be oarefnh therefore, toMmhase >nly Jar* ofulss* and Covers of Glass. HAHTJSLL’S PA'i'HNT AIR TJGH P AI.L- GLAbS J>RB are admitted >o be the og>r reliable and perfectly safe jar in market. HAKTfeLL t IK TCHWORTH. JelS-lmif* Manufsctnrers, No. 13 N. FiFtHetnel. DO NOT GO INTO THK COUNTRY without purchasing HARTELL’S ALL GLABB. PATEN'! AIR-TIGHT JARS.-Mii* Nioholsoa'seele hr ted cook book, with tall directions for ptti», up iruits, &o- together with SO O other amfui reeeiats. given to the pnrehaser of HAJtELL'B PAT JSN XALL GLABB AIR-T GHT JARS. HAETELI a lbtchworth, JelS Imifi North FIFTH Street. INSURANCE COMPANIES. npHE GrRARD LIFE INSURANCE AN -l- # NUITY AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILA DB LP HIA. J rlt s, 1 VO. The Managers bave tbit day deolared a dividend of five per oeot. for the last six months on the oaeitai stock, payable to the stockholders, clear of the state tax, on demand. Jy3-3t» JNO. F. JAMES, Aetsarr. T™ MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE A COMPANY OF NEW TORI. Asset*; SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, mvxifiD in viasr Monveaess ow ant wiiyi WORTH OVER 7h* premium* are lowsk than in many other Ooone mae, and the Dividends have been exaayn* pxboite to TBi insvura. Pamphlets, and every lofomati&n, mar he feed ss&ria, on applioatioo to- 1 S, W. oomer anf ??I£§Bft^)Bek PHILADELPHIA REFERENCE!: Thomas Robins, John Welsh, MordeoaiL Dawson. GeorgeH*Staart. ' Seorge M. Stroud, ETVwfcetaeT^ JohnE Myers, LFlshsr Leeaiai, Joseph Pattereon, William C. Ladwts. JohoM. Atwood. Artto-»caK, jraOTßiui H. Powers «?ora. W.ToUW, William McKee. , Thoe. watt»op7ri£lyif * INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. A 40* CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. STATE OF 80HFIKEC TO FI*K AHO OTULMDIIWI UIKBCTOns - femuei Wright, D.Harney, . Wm. W, Walters* J, W. Eve mu* Cha*. Richardson* Hemr Lewis,7r ; * Seo. A. West, Jaooo W. Stout. 0. Wilson Davis, Bfesko Stern. Vhos, S. Martin, GEORGE W. DAY. President FRANCIS N. BUCK. Vio* i*ree*t WILLIAMS L BLANCHARD. Secretary. [jaU-ifti SAYING FUNDS, AMERICAN SAVING FUND Com -tA. jenny!* Building, southeast eorner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. Open daily from 9 till $ o'clock, and on MONDAY till 8 m the evening. This Old Institution has always paid in fall, on demand. Without notice. - __ INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. AU sums paid bsok gold aad Miver. ALEX jraiLLDIN, President. .. « BAMU WORK, Vice PrimdemL John 0, Farr, T. K. Hsnwr, George Nugent, John Anspaon, Jr., SomL T. Bodine, Alb. C. Koberte, John Aikmon, • Joros Bowman, H. H. Eldndge, Wm. J. Howard. JOHNS.WILSON, Treamr. JOHN Q. SIMS, Seoretanr. 1*34-tm SPRING GARDEN SAYING FUND, Office, 331 North THIRD Street, between Vine and Callowhili. Incorporated bribe Legislature April 14th, 1851. Open for Deposits ana Payments, daily, from 9to 3)4 o’oloos. - Also, on MONDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, from 6 toB o'olook. interest 6 per cent, per annua, repoei tors oas with draw their Moneys by Cheoks, if desired. Special De posits received. JAMES 8. PRINGLE, President FftlMoift H*XT. Sanratarv asJMV-tfif MEDICINAL. pROF. MORRIS’ EUOEPHALOS, PROFESSOR MORRIS' PH OPESSOR MORRIS' FROFEBBOR MORRIS’ SALOB, JSUC EPHALOB , euoepSaEol AN INVALUABLE an Invaluable an invaluable HSHBifc UK EXTERNAL REMEDY. FOR DISEASE* OF THE FOR DISKABES OF THE FOR DISEASES OF THE NKRVOUB SYSTEM, NERVOUS SYSTEM* NERVOUS SYSTEM. Asoooasioj’sd by intense APPLICATION OF THE MIND to the researches of Literature, the concerns of CommeroiAl and and the affaire or Prolesrional and Political Life, or as occasioned by any other cause from whioh the Nervous System has »- oome exhaust'd and diseased. The symptom covered by this valuable Preparation are uameroas: of whioa the moreprominent are, EXCITEMENT OF THE BRAIN, AGITATION AND DEPRESSION OF THE MIND. CHRONIC ** NBKVOU*NESS.”NEURALGIA,RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS HEADaCHK Eto-.Fte. The ta carefully prepared, by per raisaicn. from the Formula, of PROF w. MOHR IS, M. D., of this oitr.to which herefers in hie Philoeeyhiaal Pamphlet. ** PsUKIKoS.’* On the relations of the Gangno-Nervoos System to the immaterial soul of mm. Having exhibned the pnsoiplee and commended tbe system of Composite Homoeopathy, Professor M. eays r ' { it may be permissible that I should offer, as an il lustration, my own oaee. A commons coarse of eta dies for annmfcer of years bad. to a certain extent, produced the ordinary effeote of extreme mental ap plication, by attenuating the prime centres of erramo and intellecmal life, ana hence arose a felt necessity or parsonai relief. Having swell-founded confidence in Comp'-eite Homteopathy and an intimate acquaintance with Materia Medifa ol the Homcsopathio Sobool i selected certain substances of ascertained barmoctoas relations and approved uses, and combined their eeeen tial properties in proportional unity, and wns claddenea by the porseasion of a medicinal retouroe.” Trofcseor Morris describes the mode of application, and then adds; “In this way tbe desired relief has been ob tained, the nutritive system invigorated, the eangUo nervous system restored to its former tone, and mental dearness, tranquillity, and vigor—at the age of nearly three score—are the much valuod results ’* Prepared, and sold Vt HOLE*aLL» by MOCKRIDGE &CO., No. 62 North FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, and at RETAIL by Druggists generally. Pnoe, 91 per bottle, large sixe-50 cents email size. inyg 3iaif infnnujk For the INSTANT RELIEF and FRR AMUMdI MANENT CURE of this distressing com- plaint, use FEffDT’B BBOKCHIAXs CIGARETTES, Made by O. B. SEYMOUR t CO., XO7 NASSAU Street. New York. Price 91 per box; sent free by poet mr7-«m iff FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS*. HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES, PACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE.—We would respectfully oall the attention of the 6ena •al Hardware Trade to our extensive Stock of BIR MINGHAM HARDWARE, whioh wa offer at seatali idvanoe by the package. Orders for direct importation solicited, and Goode de -It»tTi either m this e;ty, New York, or New Orleans. n • b. LEWIS A Sob, ill COMMERCE Street, iEipcrttcg and Commission Mere! asm Acd Ageote for Fatoisb and Pevccatie Hariwai*. JLiLiU MIN ATORb. Evcjt one is oomplaimng of their exorbitant gas bills. At No. 53 South THIRD Btreet, may be seen tho “ best Lamps in the world ” Can be used wherever light is wanted. Cneaper than coal, oil. or eas. > gents are making 960 a weak Belling them. More wanted. 3.10.000 sold. The Gas Lamps willlight a room » feet square fori oent an hour, or will bum all mght for a few cento. dr. c. a. GRbENE Sc CO., ray3i-th«<!km-ly No. 55 South THIRD Street. SHOEMAKER & Go. GLASS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. Northeast Corner FOURTH AND RACE Streets my29-fim CABD TO TIIE PUBLIC. CONGRESS SPRING. SARATOGA, APRIL 16, 1860, An attempt has been made to deceive the pubiio, b? persona offering what they call “Congbbss Watkb. *' from Fountains; and at the prioe of six (6) cento pe 1 glass. The wholesale price of the genuine CongreM Wa ter, at New York, being about 7li oentoper glaw, the im position of pretending to sell at retail at leas than coat, and nthout allowance for freight, oartage, or breakage, is apparent; but their probablo course has been empty one bottle of genuine Congress Water into a Fountain filled with their trash, and thereby christening its total contents. We have never sold Congress Water in Fountains, nor m vessels of any other description than ordinary sized glass bottles. The oork of every bottle of the genuine is branded " CONGRESS WATER”- 4 * C, A W„” and any, without those words and letters on tbe cork, is counterfeit, whether from Fountains c* Bottler. CLARKE St WHITE, Proprietors of Congress Bp ring. The following gentlemen in Philadelphia, vie : FREDERICK BROWN, cor. Fifth and Chestnut sto„ FREDERICK BROWN, Jr., cor. Ninth and Cheetou*. CHARLES KLLIS A Co , 724 Market street, T. C. TURNPENNY Sc Co., Ml Spruce street, THOS. J. HUSBAND, *96 South Third Street, O. 8, HUBBELL. 1410 Chestnut street, A. D. D. TAYLOR, oor. Ninth and Chestnut streets, Are constantly royplieo by ut with the tssvwu *• Con cress Water” in fresh from the Congress Tgftmlf- WwrYSk T (a{r. Qfjnn HE MS WRiTISQ PAP*«S, UjUUv assorted, seliinx fro&Tlo, to fSierreaa, at VKRRY’6, fourth im Kagh7 im-lrn
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers