... Sj r 's&' <* #s MM Ul tOWM torei In Lower He “Ml M Ttadyf ...^asagflK^gssSa 'WHM&gfti ;2H£R|&Pfi£' a»«raii»twt4%ira aiiwttftk* it^ Ift V 8 IfcUr tbaethtthe tiaee bad felly oora* MBldettgplf aefSm oontetnplriiTby th« OMH,4B|tD.X«v)ntk,«<‘teluowafit7 r ■ Visit ror Gjtt'Oobkcils to Faiskowt < Vaar.—Yßetßrdey afternoon, .both branehea of . City Caanoile' adJouroed at BBS. o’olock, asdpro-, eaedilby mrt aaaalbdeka, to the woet tide of ■ the SohuylbiUi to*i**- the proposed addition -to' : trimeuotPark.o*.the weet.elde of theriver. •, Tha patty,- with oity cSelale end reporter*, pnua-. W w# one kjßdrei IMS, and:.patted threaah Paltaaeuat feik,,oa the watt 4d*vbf - Cm tint/ «M.<mi .itMfijmdmti»i!la pm*i (y Cmk Stdnay tad ABMb}.- Oa arririiw at Pafrtniußt;: mm *& outof: the okini - boaMaadwalhadeTattheJpark.with.thavWw of . exaadolag the UaproveoenU that have been Made „ -la le a Meat beeutifal _pl*oeorkteuiw,*dorO*d wltheib - Ida* walk*, far anparlor to ’ nay other otty in tkwilelenjJXheaeonerj la of tbs' tMt pk torn) aateatipttoe,seta bißisg hill,valley: and lake, (nttaq (IrUniC.) while Oa rid aaie stately imt fona » wratefal elude sot to be found is any pa Ui o park of ihetame eecent In thaeoan- i la treat e*' l BeUleda,” Oa faSdaaa* of Oa Paso fatally UPauhaf Ivthfckwhar* a rary aooentablt aateeiekuMßl suhepmMed.-tnptt.aiatiyl*, to vfhfchMttjMUedme turn Whß*onwatering oa, tbaSehuylkßl wp, daMpruing eight griiaat , baata' orewa,*ede»ee»a«andef Oen>OKXlot»Bn>-, leakey.who wan exemlilßg,. preVlew tothagraad trial oiraatardey Ban,appealed on the oalm Sworn of th*.-'e!MrilkilJ,ea**ijirtei the counoilmca by ■leaning theiroera end'eheartng. UVVum yr. Spiitn, of, the C«y took% .;-:ataaip,> > end in a moat: ■; aaaellaat aMaekahewad the liaporlance of-the oity iCytiHdkfytopwMaiiatthagronnd aponwhlch ha aiood.tn oogiplate ihegreat Fatnaouof Perk '• Ba aaU t&fpwgerty tCoa|ed to tho heita rf the: - Peßßfandlyi'aidtheywerewaUngtoeeUH to this parpoM, ioeatatiaUs a meat baeaUfutwoodtaed, ‘ Sy^dewatethe.rlear’a ■beak:’ Ha advocated ' -olt|-.faaiaid4lta^SßnwMai-.f»'•Camber."of. lane' , -projected on the 1 , it bow; tbenyrMia.be. leri fopay than whenthroa - • «? foar large briMJoge had baaa oraotad. Ikia 1 Biwaad inatad ihe tatnnoant Park; on tha aaat, { .iaa*lta pnrahaaa :Waa aeeetmy,to- eraaarra.the eraaurn eide frein bafaix diatlaared by -Bneijktly ; 'hnweriee, feototl»ai pr ®thM 'b(ril(lioaa. ~lia arid ■ tbatif the city porahaaed Ihia grouuiTt mmld not aoatone eent,t«.;etiak;;»;ia*la lnhabltast, and he haHaaM thkt tba atutvOU-noU eordUlly an deraethe . -.!^SSalaadeßthe etaat aide ooinpriaaa about BO aene.acdlatf the Meet baaottfol kind eotapri ala( hill ao4*anay,wtthetatalyto«et Oaea,aa dbu«tißETl*psfJMria«adiaßdibe rirar Behnyl , eaiHl every way ottabWftt tie purpose liE»iJh/laT*uj«Bircß—Comißon Ploai— Jasttoea Ludlow aod soar! waa ba«o^wa *'^Bhaprint ratted ta the eaae af Arm Thomea, oom- Vtßtad of'hreatry« Wedneaday will ha traded - 4'||Mw T - i O’Hari,»«a..‘«aMad;«tsk;rohhar)f. -'Thai j»iaamwlaatliii,tha wUaaatadaitted ikat hibad ; .'Wlytft i yyCii* t <*y^l > -i** t }*».Ty»*«itßk, only <‘^islad:i r The BeUeaObk Mai aßd leekad Wm ' ap fbvhriac Attars Ui'antek-waa tuan hie Itariit^^akTaßd^hofeirtd.thaarel^e',: It wMßriffiajrthrilßadahln'Wroiily thaT»»- dttasenfaad' p>r;th(a i'akaiUriattt'fiCMpraisrß- 1 . ymmmSm jaeraloß- The OMaar who'dade-the. anaat of O jfaal. a ehort dtakaaOr fleaa Where the rohhary - • thalfolwhara OlHari WM aanstsd. Coaetetad *Mak l>atatd Wk» »«t.lltad aa the aharpi. af tt. **• Tkehuu Baltay. eoJoradj eonvUtad on the • eUrya of atabhloa a area, naaad David iforcui. SMtaeur irei de&ryad hotlt Saturday daftolutt i ariotalalnjtOat ha eesld- prodeoe witrtaari ta: tpd I. O. Balaho wera triad otk ♦•.riiaa Mali moiib awwilt wd-baUary. Vardiet net -- fritty at to both, awt aaah to pay hla own eoata - Kanarat BnaBQK:. Oariied with adoltaiy hat aaatwfui» u SSitrj «a Ur baihead i. waa aoarietad *Bd,-aeßtaa«e4 to aix MoothVlM f«M»«iaat v s OosPintaoiT -itlpfyk|» jrpitr Tobt apo - Partanauau Ha»W*ya,-<-OM e! tha ranmtaia ..' ha aa I a oftha aohaj*WiiaJa botholtleia n'.XW heiaMr of oan na owlbeyErirVork - roiada ia . M MlMn.i. BasaM »e«aMi; 7B f4im,«vesaa, SB j Ttmrik kVteaihM; Btdtk uai*ii4 (2 bona,) 4$ . ■ t'MztkavanMni hiiMe,)-!!; avenoa, 46; - The Third Areas* lMd;Ui the largeataad beat aavpaoeddepattaHowYo*:“ThtlraUblaaaf» . . tiia read mn dally at*, thoaaaad-flve kpadMd •■-.apllaa.'. Thaiftent haCMB iadoAoekaraanaeb ■' hjM*Maav.ittea sap -wa;. have la 'oar pity, aad tha aasra ipaasd thaa thaaa la Ifew York, aad w»; hMtaa’Wtsatad. h*t date ara all aaw.,a#d?«f aajrta, have all tha modera In proraoiaota. . , "- la regard to ear*, Ifetr York caßßot aeaapaTO - Vrtthaa- -They tak* but lltC* pride In , thaak aaatly rvpalred aad painted, at a* do. -Wa kmabear/tkriioriaao ahabby. Tbey have oaf gif<l fill '~iat4liidD'fA|MrMt»' laAatlSphf Vbefr rioa?% wnaMßf >Mu- fall* eqari -to'that of ear Sprue* aad Plhe T They drive moatiy without poftt. a pvaoOoa , we\ #o not voVy hlghlyptsprove. - Horaea ' Will travel batter to a pola> ood oaa be detached freen a av.aaaaar, teaai* of deager. To bo aun, aboat a dapot, aad are - cJjWtaVi ’lkaHaarYorkara'do.,iit»a tbeaepblMthay , «a'.iP«oaiaßt;)ilko'pur. old Coneetoga wagpaa. treproveißeota aboat ■ IfeW.trif'BiSAjnitpa.’KCt m ffia raekotiiaharia - M-Aa.-hoffli-p«JU|. : ca«bSj(*bta, raata for.,lk* Tpfkawjia* of tbalr - roada bava nva ef onbtou - o( Bat? late ssswSfea^S tar etreotswefe. in some plaees, »l|»<>*|Blo«K»a»a »o»M»T -The rtsirtSnca of Mr. Q«»rge ’Snowdet »tSUT,»U>M4 en tered thrapghh «ea*ih«tter, ea Wednesday %!w- dorian tb* iIMM of toe family, and robbed of Mlaabteedmohating (o 5120. The thieves have sot been‘netted ' (UsttAiTv.— Yesterday morning, a ptiitfc sr la th* mapiey of J: 9. Bwt l Co., while en-- gsgedat painting a telegraphpole; at Eighth'and federal streets, seeldentally fall to the pavement aad waa serjoaslyisijared. He was taken'to his rssideaoetafUdgway street. Y*CHi Baca Ouw».—The race which was aanot peod for ysstordsy. between the jsohte Blackman, of this olty. and Audendale, of Vow York, did sot oome off, the latter baring been tele graphed for. ■ <*, ecoiDBNT.— -Last evening: John Shcrron, a mate employed on board’ the propeller Antfara elta.lvingat Walnot-street wharf,while. hoisting some heavy goods, slipped and fell onhls b|ak,in jaring himself severely. <• -Pbccbbdinos op City Comrotts.—The stated meeting or both branohes of Counoile was held fastens? afternoon.. ■ILTCTCOTIIfCIL. , Mr.WitoenUsjf—ntedccommuQtchtioa from James B. Bt*v*n#ae;orPaUT*on, flew Jersey, ft&tmg that in emßrian with the «h of »he Committee «n water, he hod eeot a model of aturbfoe wheel to this city,, ana; mueeted thc-cuntr ot lor He construction. llr.jßfeteaeoa belered that hia wheel ecu the but, but -A# failed to aetthb oont'act, and be now sake Conn*!]* to contractor, compensate him tor the owe—faettrfetf la responding totiut mTiutioß. QOifimai iJation was referred to the Commit leeoo : A leport wia presented bythe Chair from the commis* ,stbharetorevi—the maaicipni code.. „ . r ,Twope UtiofcswrrayreaentedbyAr. MoMackin ask ing for the election of market houses on Market street, —tw—nFroaUid Meond» whion Were referred to the : 3®8525!re also evented salting for the rradinr of <mard aveaoa from the bridge to.the Lano-ter Tarn {>uce; from cutters in the employ of .he oity, asking on Boreas* of theirto #US; from the hrapire.Hook and Ladder Company. asking for aa appropriation to ffireka—oars; from DaoialMcCay. i»*i"gaompenia ttop-for timelo»t While he wmedieahied from attending toUadaties. The Areh* ra* Club, of Germantown, pent ACoaa&unKiationdeeUniiig to, nee tht grounds ©t the the reaaontnavit was too pablie for their was adopted, Uviting Common Council to meetin joint convention on’Jbufedaj nest, lor the par* to— oi eieotlng a superintendent of the Girsrd feitsMi, asdueiit of the, same, one acmbcr of the. Board of wealth, om member of the Boa d of Guardians oL the Fopnaad sixteen yobeWMat istrstcs. - TheCommittal©* Rauroads reported an ordinance ; ftuthorumg the w—t FfeUedvlfhixTeas*but Railway Company —ayadoublatrack inlhe centre of Market street from Front to fcightfc, providing that the nompa ■r ekail five aeoontrio tbs Bifhway Department that toetraeks on the south aide or the street shall be re moved, and theetreet repavad ** the expense of the of railroads. toewe—FJUtadelph'hioad in pariienlar. the cptnsai'T- and said that ihe application to have tte traekvlaid oame iron the mSrahMte and property owaem'><m Market street, who dsrnred to have toeir pavemenfa me ded, but toia oould not be done notess toe uaok waa removed to the centre of the greet* -■> - Mr. Fox ode rad an amendment to charge the com paar with the .expeneM of grading.the street, whioh they had waited tor. the eltytodo before making any e/Tortto remove their track. 'This amendment was, attar soman—taste,-withdrawn, whan Mr.Brayton of teredo another- ——aflatent. tastruottng.t be Highway. Dspertmstt to pay At arrearages due by the railroad* tae prhnlttge of crossing tbeMarksr rill—idtte West Philadelphia Railway Comp—y eeeoetved that, they had no right to pay for orossms a free' bridge, which was crossed by the public both ta oarri ages se<Um foot without paying any tax. Mr. W.deprecsted tmatisg other issues into this flues-. tfon." Tbismßssnre waa sot a ked for by the railway company;* bat toy the merchants along Ma-rketstreet , >Mr; dißßXieOi bra tong sddress, deplored the influence exerted hr the railway companies upon the members ol Couasm, by giving them free passes to ride over .IhC’T roads. Me did not think any member oouid vote independently’wails hoMing one of the— railroad tickets in ue pockst. - ,' - 7-Mr, w—i tooughttheg—aemansboutd sffer a reao■ lotion U»tiul »eaibert ef CotmolM should decline to . —r. Ilh*i» warmly depiedlheagsertioM made by: Mr. Vi' MtepOaies- ‘ Jle MU. 111. nuoa of Mr. Umnouo’e oppositioam the rainy, eompanies m becsu.e ns haebeehoomraltii to writ, Ms bum ob b ticket while ndifu i»oa,ot thv u,-l|*a Imre 'TBsdel»s m. ooatiimed la thlsstnia lornm. time. vtuMnsrißUi oasna.hy Mr. Drayton was lost— syr,7. tiAft >7. ■■. ■ : Mr. Fox then ofTendsn stHßdmsnt that, the oom- Msy hs rstnlrsd toßsr lor.xrsdlnx the micelle of Mar tb, rirh. FdirmountFarit. . ..V/ ' I ■ COMKOX CoOXcU,.. - 'A conusantcatioa vu received from tbe trasters of lewing exiraot shoe a the amount of mama laid and the etheMafepyperformctf since the loan waa authorised t Street mams hud 8* alias i services, and meters Uitro dused, 6 038; expenditur— Wrefcnd oitisens the amount aaid by thea.BSidMW; new. kuaiaa, services, and me* t*n, t3t3jULi%; eilar»ement of works. #142,M3 39. file tom or 8113 M 3 tt baa beeo expended lor the pur chaseof toe Kemungtim 6ss Couipsoy. wbioh sum was obbuued fromtos oostuMSut iund. The oommumos t on w— refsrred to thetomrantee on Oa».. , a oommunida&ohwiißteoeUed f>om the City Control- , Jers,<iefer|iagto ttM difficßito;BNmt the drawiqg or toe 1 wrttoniafortoemtlaneeofifeftobeiiiof the.iiirls*High lf^^Mtuit > lltn.£ a Aw%SonjEmkiufy 1 floss Coaiisnr ,rnsnlod s'ostition, s<kia< to bs »u>w- MnmftdMMa,idtks csysiutidistrict; onsfrom , tbs Fniledajrtiis.fcßKme Upinceiii. sakm, to os loosisd ' m svtssa fits.eiuins. ihs nsnai BtunMr.askisxlor tks *reou<» of jtssJbbh. <cc.. were rsasired, sod ap- . prophet,l,referred;-- ■' 5 Mr.fUeltsr.oliMmmof the Committee on Fininoe. 1 reported ea ordinance appropriating lICM.UOO to pay me : eenn-encuel iirejeit fiiuia, due on tne diet of July ; next. Also; a bill proyioing for n temporary loon not eaeMdiu ■»/,««. to meet; carrent expo.see radios do. bafocedsaiuy tat. Wl-nu loan to oe redcenied 40 fonrjßJbtbe.v.A.l.nitby debate entued. ■ Mr. MMe regarded tiiu ,p,Ucaiiun of.the Finance Committeeeeuiereea't of.teiubg toproStey the ed rioe of the jtex iweirey before the aeeeomr of me 1 nte ot tßxuiea. Wluoh the litter did not consider faith ®iSS»M&..lma,UiMins : .p«. , tHM that tkp'dity Wee otuted to resort to the expMient oft temporir, loan i < order to meet 'tee interegttn t ieiudee w:mpg|of Jelyieadrel'ctednocred tupoa 1 the perty to po- gr oe npoa the Commute, on »imuwo, l 'herote«f taxation WM asdoabtedly mo low— *l7o- , for ihe water.met aea nearly ail bMnpmd in. at weilaa Otont eWO-heUtha taxes.'-an appitostion of .this olia* reeurwoeoepreMdentedin Uielegisattiro pf thooity. tnet vneh e mint faadfmoentiy ‘ Men reoorud to. He he “.oppoaod the ueeggmentof toe teteof nut-.t o»at*i.7»i« ta, time the matter woe node; eoaaidaiatjon.woile Mr. Miter ud uavocsted ft.' Mr. MMkerenwnd uto a. statement of the eon ditum of tae. CMpary.. On the tet of- dal ttiere ' wea to be paid, biSie the intereat on tbe Ibnded debt to eom<rfJkM,t«; t« polios ,90.- 000; to aaa, SOI m». end flMMP.lor >Bo lentortaumient Of the Apsmm kdntaety-not more than 71 per cent, of > tbe letter, however, bed been r«ulred. . after.pome farther debate, the pees and nere were saUet, cm mote than tyro-thuds voting for it. the ordi- Coarotr Irom the lien of oortam Jddsmeou, whioh vu Cr—swaiL from tbe Cnmmittoa on Oas. reported 1 a bill.o—sting • loan of 9300,000. Referred toCom mUtoa.ec^ap.,:r.. .*A ftM.uUpn fai najoarn to rn—t as ’Mondsy three o’clock,.w— agreed to. Several btUs from ttotcot Council were concurred in, slier which the Chamber adjourned, and proceeded to view tbe LMtof Ufad m toe west side ot the liohuvl hul, nhov* Fairmeunt, which ;e about being purchased tar.the pn r po— of extending Rairmount Fark. . ■a Tke New Jereey Court of Pardons; , : Taanxon, Juan.—The Conrt of,Pardons met.thia reornio* to ooaeider the om« ortho Rev. Mr-Harden. After aeoaeollaiion, the court adjooreed ti I aftaraoon. It ia feneiatly ronoeded that the court will refnw to eomnte tAaetnuaea. Tub following U a list of patents limed to Penn cplvania from the United States Patent Office for the week ending Jane 12, 1860, ceoh bearing that datat Nelson W. Brewer, of Williamsport; for irrg prorement in self-loading fin-arms. Thomas U, Coleman, ef Philadelphia;-for improrement in hone ihoee. James 6. Coirin, of Pittsburg; for improved steam -boiler. , John 0. Huntley, of Philadelphia; fcrbatgler-alarm. Alfred Johnson of Philadelphia; for improvement in hydrant*. Alfred Steneh. of Phliadelphia; for improvement in- nppereta* for. inoculating. James Lord, of Miner.,Ule: for improrement In fin-arm. Linus Tale, Jr,, of Philadelphia; for improrement in leeka. Eooa K. L.wii, of Philadelphia, aeslgnor to hlmeelf and George WHlianu; for ioprorement m.lde raire. for steam engines. . ■ A Fif ID roa Srontsunn.—Ths bingspon Fret Frees mentions the estonnding fact that, since Ja nuary, 1858, l,WOChlot.a have bcenoarried off by tlgere In Johore, tho and of the Raladea Peniniola. Tata it muck worm than la blngepore. The tigers Show more tfash thelr nsual coming, end regularly feed on human fieth. -They lark bloso to the narrow jangle paths, and spring oat from behind on the uniortonale paiser.br, The Chinese have immi grated into the, Penusola in large numbers, and Sava entirely monopolised the cultivation of gam bler-and blank pepper. The refuse leaves of the gsmbler'terra jeponbt) are used as manure lor the pepper plant. -It it how difficult to indhoo coolies to work in Johore, togreat is tho danger. At the present rate of deaths the cultivation must deoline, Thsuuantily of gambier imported into England an- Wildly, tor djrtTneporpoeee, is 8,000 tons.—Oner- U*4 Fnendof Ckitia. CITY ITISMS. Still Pbeparid ,—To the uninitiated rJiitor of tbe splendid buameu plie* of Messrs. Charles Oakfoid * Bono, uxder the Contissntal, it oartnot be other than * JMetory how the** ceattemeA inanaie to tsetse an immense Hook, attractive -with coiwtanUy adding soveltiee, ati the year round* without absolutely eahauetißl the inventive genios or tho European and Amerioan manufacturers, whose foods they sell. Thou sands of oflr oibxsss*of&oth sexes* are now flocking to theiyialesipoaM to eomplato their outfit for a trip to the ooaa&y'; And the truih is* for everything that may be daetnd in the Way of Gents’ Sommer Hate* Lid ea* and - tttasee* Shoe* Children?* foncy Hate* Ladies* Sun Ura- MOilaa, and.(foot**,fohflshinc foods, Oakforda’ u» bo road fuesUoo. tbe place to go. WKat .iHE SoxdAy Transcript sAvs Alj. **** if CuiMi to si.—We last week announced tfcgßSWßfstemof dorngibasiness inaugurated at the Gpthrag Emporium of Granville Stohes. We are' aatia* tafl that the proesss.wkiehaas already doubled liie former tsttinese, ia a. judicious one. Customer* are furnished with garment* aa low as'by any one in the trade, while, aa a premia* fur their patronage, the profit is diYidedwith them in the ahape of a valuable gift. In every thousand doUara worth of goods sold from the store a fixed valuation in presentation* is dis tributed among tha parohaeers. Thus, one man re ceiveeafine silk umbrelia,while another, perhaps,is prteeited with a gold watch, bat ever? purchaser rc- Deives a valuable present m addition to his porohaes The price* are marked bathe goods in p?am figures,”tf have no lieriution in saying that tboeo who ate in want of eeaeosabto garmenu can be better-aaited at the Brown-etone Clothing Hall of jltoehhili A ’Wilson; Hoe. ROB |ndßoß Oheetnst street, above Sixth, than anywhere *l** in the Union. Their fthek bf goodel* immense and varied, their materials fe£ t£s best in the market, their cotters skilful to a •wmb. and their pneta fair and justalike to the buyer Mdtfcs seller. Call and judge for yourself.. Stock or Max’* Pbij^aoclphu- stack Clothing at tKeribh, on'Saturday xhoming, commencing at 9 o’clook,at C. C. Mackey’s auction room,Mo.BIS Market eireet. A Urgeaesottmentof Philadelphia-made clotl- Jog, coihprisinja greet variety, of Seasonable garraentr, Lc-They will be sold ttifg ?y iand'oiay be examined at,the anbthm rodmttue day (Friday;, from 9 o’clock A. M. til 7P;Mi • ; Cecßf or Dmath-U will be remembered thct **s'**•■ ** RembrandtFeele, will open for exhibition this eynieg at Concert Hall. Few of our oittaeas een afford to lose the opportunity of. Seeing this oelsbjaUd work. *- P«e«o»« ixp nwi.ni Mpalrfog to the diffef “* »>«« oframm.r rnort,.ho«M Mtl.il to tak. with *W« M»me*«i> Flo.; which ai« a «af«, •pprtf. aM MtWa pan for Katireiau, habitual con- «ki* apd u.r«M h,adaob., and talimaaSpotioauM.rallr. Tfc.»«m)«of,ai. Ai«k **dtia p«t»p;-«iew«p# wittth.hMt iu»iii x or a rom »- -■■;■■" ■-»■ --- - . The -Woaet Market. ; ; • - >.-V PHai»KI,?HIA, JDBeII, 1980, ' Theitook® arketwas buoyant to-day l , withageueial advance la th* price* of most deTcrfpUon&of aecnritlea. Heading RallroadsKares'improyed Hi Morris Canri consolidated H {Lehigh Bonn X;■ Catawiaa firstmort t*jtebonded! NorthPeaMylvaniA sixes H, Thecom mon stock of the Sahuyikill Navigation Company ad vanced Mi and 6JB was freely offered for tie preferred ■took, wbioh closed firm at There ia a. decided upward tendenoy in the stock market, whtoh ie stimulated by the low pnoe of money, and the , abundaot supply, a'larW portion'of which is seeking investment la sneaking of the Cleveland and Pittsburg Bailrpad* the Cleveland Herald of Monday say* t •' , 41 The financial, difficulties of the company arising from a large floating debt, are each that It tree imposr Jible for the company, witu the outside pressure upon it or Ferment, to tie kept any longer out of the hands of a receiver appointed by theoourte of Ohio, or a seqnes trdtoraepointed br the courts of Pennsyivan'a: and as the laws of Pennsylvania in regard to the appointment of sequestrators or insolvent corporations were passed before the pnbUo had become acquainted with the uses, necessities, and manner o» operating railroads, and arp in no respects adapted thereto there is .no doabt but what it was much better for all the parties interested in < the railroad company, whether as bondh elder*, general creditors, or stockholders, that the roao should go into the hands of a receiver, instead of a sequestrator.” ' The deficit in Paoifio Mall Company (or over-issue of shares) is ascertained to lie about 1,050, mat ing a loss of about $lOO,OOO. . . Losses have occasionally been sustained by the over sight or neglect by notaries in transmitting notices of protest. Tho Massachusetts courts have deoidedthat as a notary is an officer of the State the bank employ ing him is not liable to their onstomers for losses by negligefee on his part, another new is held by the flew Yorkcourt*. We learn from the Troy Whig that an interesting suit oame on in the Circuit Court in that oitylsstPriday—David later against the State'Bank* The plaintiff sought to recover the amount of a judg. meat, costs, Ac., that he was compelled to pay upon a draft given by him for collection to the State Bank, and sent by thorn to their correspondent, the Bank of the Capitol, at Albany, to be presented to the Albany City Bank. A material error in the notioe of protest re leased the endorser, and Mr. Dater was obliged to stand responsible.' A verdict for about tMfiO in favor of the plaintiff wae rendered. The State Bank intend oarn- T ng the case up« and in the end coming on the Bank o' the Capitol. The following are the current quotations for specie, domestic exchange, &0., as furnished by Cronies & Co.» bankets, Mo. 40 South Third street i Old Amer.K dolls 1.04)4 .Old American sold- - . .106 ‘ Jt..... 1.02)4 Sovereigns. 4.8504.87 Mexioan dollars.-.~.1.W Napoleons—xxfraoosA.B6 Spanish ......1.08 Tenthalera...., 7.86 S..Araer. ** ......1.04 *• ** (Prussian) 8.00 Five francs.....* 98 11 raiders.... 9.98 rerman orowns 3.08 Spanish aoubioon 16.89 French' “ . .1.10 Patriot «• ~,15.70 bxchamob. '. Y.Exoh’ge. par Pittsburg —VtoVdl*. 05t0n........ X die. CivoiDcatt «to H** Baltimore...., Afa ** Louisville Xtol “ lohmond ft. Louis.. 2 to3jW" charleston.... ktoJS t% Chicago.. .2 to 3*“ Savannah «<o I•* Cleveland .1 tol)/ 11 M0bi1e.....;.. Nashville I tol£" New Orleans,. Xto i " Memphis.tottf ‘ Philadelphia Stock Hxchaiige Sales* June a, 1860. RsroßTio si 8* E. Slaymasie, 814)9 Walnut Street. FIK6T BOARD. 5000 City 0i..~.New..104X MOO do -.New. .104*4 1000 Catawissa Im7s.b6 ai)i 1000 do do W.,812 1000 Reading K «e '86. .. 7<X 9000L8chl6s 82 14 Poona &&% 20 do 38# 100 Spruoe 6c Pine StR 12 ~;9 do do .... 12 I 25 !oth ft 11th Bt R.... 40 18 do do ....40 I BETWEEN 900 Tsehigb 6m ’6l .100*4! 50GN P*nnaß6«.~~.. 71 ] 6 Beo 3c Thd BtR 46* 300 LaUgh Zinc. ... IK , 9 Lehigh tcrip.-^....36 19 Chest k Walnut 8t.23 10 Green A Coates.. 13.** 100 Reading K..... .csb >2OX 101 do 30 Del Div Canal. .471$ Iso do -...1*.47& jlooSohlNavCom....-*.. 8# 40 Morris CanaL 34 1 SO Bank Penn T0wn....36 < BOARDS. [ lflO Scht Nav sßwn. B,K 100 Long lildß. tA.Wi 50 B^l , , BECONB SHOO Reading H 6e ’43. ..loft 1000 Cam 2c Amb 8s ’B9. 86- ♦WOCheeVaHl ?**....» IOOONPennaROs 7i 2000 do .....71 6 Green ft Coates... 22 60 d(5 do .b 5, 22 1 Lehigh Scrip.- __. :48K , BMiiaaE\rr.lS 30 Sehl Nav Com sßwn. 9H SO do do 36 Facet Vine StR... 31 0 Acady ofmusic..—. 43 » F* nna R 38* 89 flant’rs Bk.TenoSi 131 ICRS—FIRM. 60 do do ... tlJi IS Lehigh Sorlp.Sdyßi 36 5 J do do • Safe. 30 j 101 do do 3dr«.'36 I CLOSING PB w& n n...J. <i v M i %- Phils tan.. »l 3 •• W&Kl7ilmtg.. 67X 70 Philsnew..lWH lot* Longlildß...V.. 12 % MX enns U . 90X 07 . Leh Ot * N dvoff. MX NX •sdtngß 10 M LehClfcNflorip.362 ££ ceding bds *70.. 84& MX North Perms R... 8% 9 etui intto’44.~,lo3m 101 North penna Jt6s.7l 71 ReedmiN'B6.., 74« 74X NthPennaK. 10s, 97 08 ennaK... 38>| KJ* Cet»R latmt bds M>« 91,X ••noaRM ratfl* MX 90 Frkd fcSoothß.. .. S 3 * omsCnlcon.. 54 1 5; S*o& ThdStaß.* 46 46H lom* Cnl prf. .114 ~. H*ce k. Vine ot R3l 31X WiN 6e’fflmoff73X 74 Weet Phils R 66X ehaTlNsv % lm6e.Bl)i . 63. Bpruo* & fine... H?tf 12 B*2 eXiureent Coate*.. 31J4 33 SohajlNaverf...2l£ 23*[Ohe*t& Walnut. 28* 39 Philadelphia Markets. TheeFloar market is doll; there is very little in quiry for shipment; the sales include about 1,000 barrels super at $5 23, and 1000 barrels Western extra on terms kept private; the receipts are light* and the trade oome JbrwaM slowly at $3.2590.75 for super fine and extras, and s6©7 for fimoy brands, according to quality. Rye Flour is dot! and rather lower, and about 20i) bbls sold at.B3 75®3 ST bbl. Corn Meal in unchanged',-withfsale'sof 4ft9 bbls Pennsylvania at 83.37 H # bbl.. v . - • is no* very plenty to-day. but the market is dwi eves am making m a small era* at 120C)3Sq for *enn«ylv-inia red* and i35»H5b for white, as id quality, tre is unohangtd; about 1700 bus Pennsylvania so dat 7fio. and ZfiO bus Southern at 730. Corn oomes in slowly acd prime lots ars wanted at full prices { about 3,00» bus yellow sold «• CT®63o, afloat the fo>-mer for fair quality, and some inferior at OOaMo. Oats are dull and offered at 420 for Pennsylvania, and 400 for Dolawhro, without sales. BansO nerei iron has declined, and about 40 thds Ist t*o. 1 sold at $33 ton, iJotton—The market is quiet, and about 900 hales sold at previous rates, mostly goodraidalings; Uplands at equal t» 12c eash. OaocKßis*.—-The market is maotive.and a tnoderste business doing in Sugar and Molasses at previous rates. . ’bovisiors are held firmly, but there is not muoh movement in Pork, Bacon,or salted mea-s; of Lsrd about 400 pkge sold at Wfc cash, bbl* and tes are now hel<UUltfo<rft. Fish am.quiet, butnewSsareheld rather higher. Seeds are quiet, and prime Clover Is scarce and Wanted at 9440 W bu. meets •Hh’S moderate demand asflollKo fi»t Pentfa Mo for ohio do, »o for drudge, and »>£o gallon forhhds. 'New York Markets of Ycstetdayi Ashxk are unebanvedf with sates of 40 bbls at 0538 for Pots, and some Pearls at 05.7 A Fiona.—Under the stimulus ofjbe favorable new* from Eurosea very brisk export damaiKl for State and western Fker haa wrung up. and wito receipt* of 9JS* bbls, prices have advanced »to ldo on thoia or yester day. At the olose. ho ever there was,some restriction placed upon the trayere by tbs advanced pretensions of ehipownen. £*>ee&M)OObbtiet 08 20*5 » for auperfine Bute, 06,*5*6.60 for extra do. 06JD*01B for superfine Western. W3s«fi» for common t>» medium extra, and 05.6808 ft) for common to extra round-hoop Ohio, fouihem Hour is in veryaotive reqaesf, and the mar ket is better, with sales of 1,800 bbie at 0».5Q«5 for mixed to good, and 06®7 75 for extra. Canada Flour is ten cents better, wito aalee of 700 bble at B*.»®7.W for ex'ra, corn Meat and Rye Flour are unchanged. r Grais —Consequent upon very favorable newt from Europe, the Wheat mar etistuito excited and with very, good inguliy for, milling and for export, and re ceipt* of bat 16 000 bus.' price* have advaooed folly 3 •So. The Mies report'd thus for agxre« ate us 000 bus et.01.t90i31 tor Milwaukee Club, 01.8601-28 for Chicago spring, and 0128 for amber fowa. Corn par take* ilso or the buoyanoy of the other cereal*, and with an-activedemand from consumer* and chirpers* price* show an improvement of one cent; sales 50,000 tas at 650 for sound Western' mixed, and 700 for round yellow, Eye i* quiet at BAeB6o. Barley is dull and nomi nal. Oa's are quiet at 57*400 for Southern and Jersey* and ttfttfo. Provisions.—Pork opens steady form*** and heavy for p*ime. with sale* of 100 bbls at 018 JO for new men: 017 JO jor old do, SI3JO for new prime. 013.80 for old do. Beef dull; sale* 100 bbls at 04*4» for country prime, 04 fio*6 for country mess* 08*10 60 for repacked mess, fcli.»©ia 60 for extra me*s. Prime mess Beef nominal Cut Meat* steady at 7>i®7Ho for bhoulders and 9*9Hc for Hams Lard is extremely firm* thoush not active, at )*o for prime sale* 100 bol* at llKelfr, Butter dull; Ohio 100170 s State 11®80c. Cheese steady at 7*ioHo, Whisk? is dull, with sales of 80 bbls at3l>£o. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, UP TO IS o’OLOCK LAST SIGHT. GIRARD HOUSE—Ninth and Chsstnnt streets. Miss Townsend, Lancaster AJ W McClure, Va H■* Ha*une*i Albany WG Weed. Albany A McCue, Broken O J Lowrey. Brooklyn M. L Clarke, Chicago ft H Gate. Ky jLO’NealPhila . JW Gratia, New York J Rogers. New York W Ca»dweU. New Vork Dr A Pollen, La R BH Shepherd, La HohephCrd,La R O Thomson. Ttenton CB Gregory* Jersey City J May ville* Jersey City C Marks. Charleston g Atkins* Georgia h A Chandler Rnokaway J W Alien. New York V Forrell, New York Hon F Steels Jtf in A Dutoher. Trenton * K Horton* Wtioonsm S.A Bills Conn J B BhoMinn, Cal ~W R Coulter, N J H M Murray* Pittsburg Wi olermn.Pituburg JM Morris, Pa W MoNeal k la. fa C Dan'els. Jr, Wash, D 0 I'etr.riue. Piuln, K M Willlamim, Le Mft *• M Williamson* La Mm Williamson. La T 0 Green* Boston . Miss Green* Boston J E Smiley, Washington W G Gibson. Texas J w Carson, Cleveland C L oUtter, Ctevelaiul H F Blow A dnu.MLouis W FapureiniWsst foint Morris bhaff, W««t Point A R Mernll, west foint F Hamilton, Wsit Point O J Semmer* West foint KE Merry, Pawtucket, RI R Northup. Pawtaket, R I Dr J M. Hiester, Harrisburg Geo Beals, Buffalo Jno Mathews k la. Moss Miss Mathews, Mats Mi ■ Wilson, Mass Tho* tiibba. Conn Mr Davj# it la, 8 0„ Mis* Davis A sis. S C jas JS Hamlin, Norfolk * W Simpson. Norfolk MiuL Wesoott, Norfolk JBubler k la, Baton Rouge HQ Sanderson D J Cummins. Del W May, Wd MreGMay.Md Geo £ Richardson, SG H W Bradshaw. S C W H W Hager* Lancaster Dr J F May* Washington O H WirckmuUer, NO - COKgerton-jr.Balt N Montgomery.Balt W L Kenly, Balt . E J Cushing, N Y ? W Spencer, N Y DM Chapman k fa, Md EBelden. Providenoe Miss relden, Providence J.BHare, Florida « L Skinner. N Y MB Wesf.N Y M.Malone* fa B Moms, Chester co Miss Martin* Newville, Pa t ;r Ir . vm > f* ft Albright & Ja* Aykaasoa jas Butbep, T/oy M. Reed, Troy NO Barton, Riohmond HoaO a Matteson, Utioa ?.^vN Q , rton ‘.V V F Bernard. California R wlnejt.w. Boston Geo Hobmson, N Y Wobt J Mason, NY a J Ball, Boston MiesL E Winston. Boston W H P-diner, N Y ThvsßFlto«,Montreal Geo CBrowerjNO L Sanders. N Y„ Jo* Trumbull, Worcester M Friese k la, Pa „ W H VV right. Cin, O LC L Huntingdon. Conu W K Alcook, N Y WAflbsp*rd,NY FLRussell, Mass TSoott Stewart J*a FLNioho!*, N Y Geo Miller, Ft Wayne Geo M Laumen, Reading h O Clark, duwex. N J MR Hamilton, N J GR MoCarter. N J _ ThosJD Loner, Balt tors Loner &3 ohn.Balt Mr Welden, Del M Bo ß n*, k aU^’ Vtt CONTINENTAL-®. E. oonier of Ninth and Ghestuut, A IlFmitb, Phila J W Chinn A la,N Y BWW Douglass A la, N Y Mr A B.nxenbargli, N V Mrsßriotenbutgh, N Y Miss Bnokenbargb, N Y AADeyo, Va , GM Cochran, Jr a■ B> Grosman. BtXonis A F Thompson, Boston W TGrainmef, Boston JI) Taj lor, Boston Btiel ue,Tenn . JCampoel). Tenn JWhitworth. Tenn A T Maroy, Tenn W Broadweli. NO J P Whuoey, liooton Mrs RGihett, Wash * W Gi.lett, Wash K D Herrick, NY J Barber, Kr J A.Bmlth A i*.B C Ch&sTidd, Boston WmTidd, Boston CD Brown. Boston OB Swing,Gin RHKup,Cm Wm WinCim, Me WmßarenbM, Newark D it Gnnneil A Jft.il Y Mrs Clark. Pt x Mrs a ndrews, NY J) Piatt, *-liio A CarapweU A son. 111 L T Bradwm, Balt " w/g, Pmdor, lowa W I) Evans, Yt WH Vincent. Ohio Frank Williams JHBinham, WJ . Dr atifeux. PI J i B Acksriy, Hoshvillo JB*ady,NY .1H Johnson, Bait J BPunn, Va I> i* Jj iliooinb,lpsw{ehtM&9 Mr Choate, Boston R N Paterson, W Y .Tas h Howard, conn John Wait . Jos J Clara. Pittsburg Tboi J Molish, Cincinnati Mrs T J Meliili. OmoTnnati 3 F (Jpdegrapb, Va J> Flemming, Harrisburg ' A Roberts, Harrisburg W T Hildrup, P arrisbarg C H Breneman, Laucaater B Banks, Memphis JohnXHobeTta.H Y WBfcnnth, Richmond, Va HK Bor ton, Boston T Dwight, Beaton A Pesrce A wf. St Louis K J J> * iross, Balt JJ Dunlap, V-* „ w 8 Simpson, v& B BTennant. Ve B T Scranton. NJ SM w<qteiey, Fla £RSL**art,NY r J Fowekss, Memphis O P Watson La rsF M Torrey, Miss Miss Wat’on, Miss Miss Webb, Mlm- V Stansiey, La W H Smith, 8t Louis . W Pletoher, Nashville O WOrawfcrd, Texas Miss K H Crawfoid, Texas B Alisa, 111 J K Busy,NO P R Cook. Cal T P Stewart. Gal Viunn. NO M ss Dunn, NO B Flahiutr, Bait John Btagg, N Y C J Hayden & la, Rochester 8 8 Nichols, Va _ C 0 Haven, Boston 8 Stevens A la, Boston 4 Jhhnfilaek JO Hunt, Va W 8 Sullivan A wf, Ohio 8 Kirk &wf, Balt # fobn B Selbr t wt, Bait J F Bajly & wf, Wajligt’n J T Smith, ChamlMribur, A E Shaw. NY NY'' 1 g , t t^>y ~!on fikfiassijsasßrflv* • S WCerSe, Cin,O A FrowenfeW, Pittsburg THM Ptt£S&—PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 22, iB6O. 1: JBMiM.Balt W H Wallace, N Y ‘n&B? r * it** WH H Newmani.Baffalo] »a,Hv ; • is£sj n tp d ’’ T '™ - IttfiSSJtifir - :; gfl Curt..,Chicago Miu* Curtis, Chicago Wmßadley,Ds . . BCbeovlle,Conn I. !> Crenshaw, Rioh’d, Vq J Robb, if 0 W T Coggeshail k son, 07 : R W Price k ldy, Ind JONES* HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Sixth. LV&Ve® . 8 John Gem™, Phils. . C-H Wamirf Wlaoootili JCojieM, NJ . SRSUoIt, Balt J R Reese, Md J P Stevens, 8 0- 1 HM.tobttjl,Mass Tfios Morris,Reading AW Addis. Lancaster W flivem.AJS Geo S*:"ueli, tid W A Walker, N J ! 8 O Willard, NY H Adam.. Ga A Mltob.ll, Go M EQWillte., Del iS’fiJlV ’> I; j* ftnatod. ChHMHto W AKirby, Buffalo D Millar, Reading H K Lefetre. N J V K Lqoae, Georgia B fioott, Jr, A la, Phlla AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut, above Fifth. Henry Frick, Lewisburg J M McKee, Ohio John Rice k ta Newark K Pritohard. N Y A R Beofield. N V H M Richards, Mats J P Zane, California Dr T J OfinU.Md h L Bewsrs, Balt T E Records A wf, Del MHoaly. PhiU AADemifig John* Hayward,Md J FMarklsnd, Newark - John T Wailaoe. Phila Jas Wood, Jbsnesville M W Baldwin. Memphis L LowemhwlN Y tjffisaflw* ' s?a|r^ ohMi,r NY 8 ib£s££d „, Wo Beard, LduOnrd RU Hayes, Odesss, Del , W Polk* Odessa, Del ,M MBROHANTS* HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arab. LParker, Jr,Tredton K P HoFeii, Trenton ,W Anderson, Oitl j DC Stark. XenSii O W OverCeld, Balt D H WU\am«,,wkiiburg • O H Brady, anoco MT White, Uuntlisdoii , 0 P Gwin, Huntingdon J H Corom, Huubwidon R 0 Graham. Clearfield G J Boiloni Harmburg 1N Woods. Boston G W ParmeJee k wf, N Y - Iti c Parmelee. NY. O L Green, Pittsburs . 10l BftiaOa. Texas £ W Fox > lon M McDonald, Me P J Ntohols* M Chunh >avld Fister, Reading J Pastonou. N Y P Biilmeyer. Pa GL Summery. Ua . V M HurliokiGa KG Williams k la, Boston RHutoliens wilkesbarre EH Chase. Wilkesbarre O J shoemaker, Wilkesb’e J W Mernam, Memphis M THE UNION HOTEL-Arob street, above Third. WG Hushes. Va W C Gould. Logan, 0 NJp Clark, Ohio P H Babcock. Ohio J.B Potter, N J J Fitswater, Ohio Mr Kerper, Reading ftt Speck, Hagerstown 8 8 Ppeok. Hagerstown PNevins A la.N J i . Irs H Cusnier k dau, N J W Haslam, Penmngtonvld TJDavioson.N Y R Maboerfl, Va__ . T Millinger, Va Miss VDaley. Wath,D,o ) Candor, Liewistown Dr W B Boileau, N J I Reed. Juniata co. Pa H Allen, Juniata 00, Pa i Singleton, Mo 8 Kauffman, Allegheny J Lehman. Allegheny John D hkites, Lanoaiter HDeats, Pittstown.N J . BT. LOUIS HOTE L-Chestnnt street, ab. Third. 1 Bush, Westfield, Mass A L Bush; Westfield, Mass t J Goman, Ala - Chaa C Rose, Wash V R Maffet. Wilkesbarre John MoKeown, N Y Jos M Harman, Pa . Thos Bell, Pittsburg 8t LO Newmaun,N Y Mr R Roberts A fam, Cal G S Tapley, N Haven L Spring 'r. Phila A G Davis, Conn D H Smock, N J A Heharp.N J„„ J H Beardsley,Ohio N A Baohelder, N Y , F Loras. Cuba 01 de Laforgue, New York O C Townsend, lowa City O Haarhaus, New \ ork H C J arrett. Baltimore J G Bruford, Rlohmond, Va C Tollman, Mass T Bober, NJ WK Loo i, Reading, Fa £ Collier, Eagland NATIONAL HOTEL—Raoe street, above Third. B 8 Levan k la, Lehigh oo M H Horn. Jr, Catasaqna Chas W Cooper, «Uentown Geo D Jaokson. Dashore M Van Rook, n J Mrs Nasn, Canada Wm Spear. Canada „ Chas W Morgan, Va £rs Morgan k 3 ohil, Va J H Riokert, Pottsville * 8 Higgins, Reading P Bartow* Phila 8 Kline, Bernvllle Miss Ida Watson, Espy FOUNTAIN HUTEL—Second street, above Maraat. •ES Bond, Mass Robt Fanington, Balt dw M Parry, Bristol Jno 8 Gabls k fam. Lano J Bell. Do) (estown Tpos J Stevenson. N J l ami P Cullen, Phila W H Sootten. Del .l tf Sarsman k lam. Pa W Arthers, l)el John Allen Ada, Del BLACK BEAR HOTEL.—Third at, above Callowhill. ! > Quillman, Norristown Dr T B Cooper, Pa ’aptEnos Erdman.Pa Good, Allento vn da) T Steokell Allentown C Harper, Jenkintown S Frit*. Charleston, B.C, H (iuiilman. Pa Jno Springer, Ridge Valley M ast Springer, Ridge Vat Thos Bye k la, Ceutreville Most Bye, Centrovilfe MERCHANTS' HOUBE-Third at, above Callowhill, J Rieeel, Riegels T ille W B De&ker, Pa . no HMarkie, Weeding JnoHehr. MineriviHe . ’eter Welkie, Bait H-S Hosart. wilm, Del . n Mo*by, Elmira. NY Jos H Boyer, Hellertown 1 *eo Weaver, Hellertown T W Weaver. Hellertown . Jamon AlbnghT, Reading Sol Casterd, White Haven BAULKY SHKAP ROTEL-Second et,» below Vine, A McGlocklin, Chester co GSFaaiett,P& Jos Batty, Monroe co, L C Hioe.lW .1). Pa W Huntsman, Stroudsburg J Betoken, N Y J A Meauiuont Hew Hope J*RNeel*,New Hope Geo Ramsey. Fa J T Dungan, Bustleton .[os 8 Bait, New Hop# AN Boyer, New Hope W firown, Brownslrarg w H Ford, B.'otfnsburg STATES UNION street, a&ove Sixth. M Fa . H JUJek Haven Juke .21— Evening, A J Hnslttt, Bpiuce Creek Jm Peterson, Philndei A Wolfriel, Lewutown W Meyer, Harrisburg J f-laoy, .Lancaster co W Hoops. Liacaster oo P Watson, Pitts, urg , 8 Hanning Pa J H Hendricks, fchippeaeb Jm A Jenkins. 11l JobnAJiyer, 111 Baml Arnold, 11l COMMERCIAL HOTEL-Sixto m.. a hose ChMtout. P AMoCulloti.h, P* SPennook, Pa PJR Leonard, Cheater co . EG Robertson,Newark M T wait Chester MOUNT Vernon fIOTKL-Reoondet.. ahore Arch. F A Auton, Trenton, N J B Tanner. Newtown Mita E Batler. Newark, N J J W MoGrath, Phil. JJt Wiliet. 111, ’ .Mr Ornman, Pa Wm 8 Butler, Newark, N J - BAL'D EAGLE HOTEL—Third at,, above CaUowhiU, T C Kerttahen, Allentown H Smith, Bnoke 00, Fa , -SIA It INK INTELLIGENCE. BEE FOURTH PAGE. Bohr John ft dare tram Boalon, in ballast u Hearvwjßaor A Son. - : • ■ " Sour Bohemia, ctark.s dare from Chesapeake City, with grain to Christian A Cnrran, The u 8 steamer Walker was ran into this, morning at 8 o’clock* pff-Ab*eoom, by os unknown schooner, and -sunk in thirty minutes niter striking. Captain, omoere, and forty men were saved in their boats, but about "• THOS. R HUGHES, . MEMORANDA* Steamship DelaWaib, Catmon* hence* arrived at New. Albert* Prowas, cleared at N York Queenstown loth, arrived at New York yesterday. Bth inatroif tee Bell Buoy, passed ships Harvest and Ellen » i ustin,for New York; 10th, off Tutkar, passed steam ship Europe; off Mnuhead* passed s.eoinsDip Kangaroo* bound in; itth* 8 AM* passed steamship Anglo Saxon, bound wstt lßh.pasaed snip J K Boynton* from New eutle for New yore.. _ _ ... Ship Westmoreland, Deoan* for Philadelphia* sailed from Liverpool 6th inat. ... . Ntuigampton, Riwell* sailed from Liverpool 7th Ships Emily Augusta, Atalaota.Gov Langdon.Aon E Huoper, Ton&wamlo, and Philadelphia, were loading at Liverpool Bth inst. tihip Ofibom Howes. Kelly, for Ban FrancUoo, aailsd from Liverpool6th inet. , , , . J Ship Susan G uwen, Norton, for Charleston, sailed J, Bimmone, for Calcutta, cleared at Liverpool 3J mat. , ~ . . . Ship toosoonsus. Carter, from Liverpool* arrived at Cronsta<itBlstult, Bbip Uriel* Walker* oleared at Boston 30th Inst, for Caloutta. Bark C B Truitt* Souil* for New York* sailed from Li verpool 6th inst. „ „ t . „ . . , * Bng meptuoe. Ball, hence* via Queenstown* arrived at Londonderry Bth inst Sobrs V 0 9muh. Smith* Jonathan May* Cobb, W A Hammond* Cain* R Knight,Rndioott,hence for fioetoni W W Mft oy, Coraon, Charm* Loring, Irom Boston for Philadelphia, and Knight. Gage, lrom Portland for do, sailed from Holmes'Hole 39th inst. Bohr James McGee, Lynch, hence, arrived at New Haven SUth inst* Bphr Lewis Che«ter % Bomera, from Wilmington* NO* arrived at Boston 89th inst, , Steamers Black Diamond,AllentPianeUWilsor,and Bevery, fierce* heooe, arrived at New York yesterday SPECIAL NOTICES. The New Perfume—-Phalohs’ Pau lowxta.—The celebrated JAPANESE EXTRACT for the handkerobief, prepared from the Blossoms of the celebrated Tree of Japan. The Messrs. PHALON take pleasure in stating that the new extract has never been surpassed for it* strength, aromatio sweetness and lasting perfume. Copyright secured. For sale every where. Prepared only by PHALON k 80N, jelo-20t 01 GREENE Street, New York, Meters’ Miraculous Vermin Dk ainovxß, the oldest and beat remedy known for Ex terminating RATfI and MICK* COCKROACHES BUGS, ANTS* MU6QUITOEB. FLEAS* MOTHS, GRAIN WORMS,and GARDEN INSBOTS. 09* Principal Depot* 612 BROADWAY, N.Y. Sold by all Druggist* everywhere. mrlS-3m To Consumptives.—Qurru’b Cod Liver, On, Jsu,y. This great specific for Consumption is fast superse ding all other* in it* curative effect* upon those afflicted With tubercular disoases* being twioe eg effioaoiousaa theorudeoil. Prepared upon highly soientifio princi ples of the pure oil, and robbed of the nauseous taste of the plain artlole* it i* received into the stomach inita Jellified form, without mastication* and is gradually dis solved and digested* passing into the small intestines drop by drop* supplying tho wastes of the body by it* nutritious properties, and thus assisting and sustaining nature in overcoming the disease.' Approved by the New York Academy of Medicine* and recommended by the foouity everywhere, this preparation is confidently offered as a remedy for Consumption and all ffirofulous affeotions. Sold by FREDERICK BROWN* corner of CHESTNUT and FIFTH Btreets; FREDERICK BROWN, Jr., Continental Hptol; and T, W. DYOTT k SONS. mhSl-stulSm Beams*'s Saving Fund—Northwest Counke Second and Walnut Stbsxts.—Deposits Ve oetved to small and largo amounts, from all clouds of the oomnmnity, and allows interest at the rate of FITS fER CENT, per annum* Money may be drawn by cheoks without loss of in terest. Office open daily, Dora 8 until 8 o’olook, and on Mon day and Saturday until nine in the evening. Presi dent. FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary, CUAB, M. MORRIS. Sewing Machines. AJI persons who have bought Sewing Machines which will not perform the work expected, are informed that SINGER'S Ma chines never fail to do any kind of work. No one is ever disappointed m the Machines of I. M. SINGER k CO., No. 610 CHESTNUT fit, ap4 3m . Onh Prior Clothing of thb Latest BTVLBs,made in the best manner, expreasly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling prices marked In Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted eatir- Caotory. Our ONE-FRICE system is strictly adhered to, us we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing All are thereby treated alike. JONES A CO., seß-tf «4 MARKET Street, Having Fund—National Safbtt Teobt Company.—Chartered by the State of Penhsylva ia. RULES. 1. Money is reoelved every day, and in any amounl large or smelt. *. FIVE PER CENT, interest is paid for mondy from the day it is put in. 8. The money is always paid book in GOLD whenever it is called for, and without notioe. 4, Money is reoelvea from £x«c*tors» AdmiAlttraton, Guardian*, and other Trustees, in large or small sums, to remain & long or short period. B. The money received from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages,'Ground Rents, and other first oloss securities. 8. Ofiloe open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest erner Third street. Philedelohiftr - jail Salamander Firb-PrGof Safcs.-—A very large' assortment of SALAMANDERS for sals at rea sonable prices, Ho, 804 CHESTNUT St* Philadelphia, Afatt-tf ' EVANS * WATSON, MARRIED. On the iflth Instant, by Fev, W. Robinson, John Nippss, Fee., to Mr*. Miry A. this city. - ‘ . . t * rt WJBLLB---BURK.—On the 16th instant, by Rev. H. K, Mr,'Levi Woiisto.Mis* Jaue Burk, all of this KfeLBBY-AbAMS.-0n the 19th instent, by Rev. J. F'.PklSfiML. George W. Kei«ey to Miss Bason Adams, the 9 th ult., to hJv. w. Mullm, George W_ Wa*ner, of this city, to Miss °St r I , SA; •Ackerman, of Newark, N.J. * itlh in.tsnt, to ft*v. George A. Durborow.mr. Wm, W. Makinson to *'i" Lizzie fther/er. all of tlu* city. . . * Yaßuisll—VßZEY.—On the 2&m Deormber. 18S9, by Rnv. J. *i. Kenna-d, Mr. Jacob a. Yerger to Miss Julia the 19th July, 1869, by Rev. John Street, Mr. Willism H. Green, of Philadelphia, to Mis* UoorgiannaPierce, of Gerinautown., • * DIED. K J£BIGHT.—In West Chester* on the 391 h inst.* Eliza t. u.tt7 M. E. Church, Eighth, above Race* on Saturday, the *Jd inst,. at li o’olook A. M. TheTuneralto proceed fr u!&£»W«iol‘*ur«lHill. ** -"ART.—un the 19th lostant, David Hart, in the 49th yewrof tusage. * rft i from bis late residence* Fourth street* ba *°Kpheaiiiut, this i Friday) afternoon* atB o’clock, * • 7iyear# A *V“On theaOtn instant,Sarah Kiernaa, aged f uneral from the re*idenoe of her husband, Jamee Kienan. No. 1234 Market street, below Thirteentn, on SatU day mormn*, at 8 o’olook. _ , * M LLE.--On tho 30th instant, Hiram W. Lee, m the 4dt|i year of his nge. runtTal from; his late residence,Peah street, above morning* at 9 o’clock. , , * _MARLtSY.—On the 30th instant Mary, daughter of u?.U«!} d ,¥ ary Marley, axed 6 months. runeral from the resulenoe of t,er parents, MoDufly, between 'J wenty-first and Twenty-eeoond, be losT?Jßlwrd thi*iFriday)aftornoon,at 3 o'clock. * .MgRyNALD.—On tne 30th instant, Sarah, daughter of Aronibajd and Sarah MoOonald, asedS years ... j-Funernt from the residence i f bet parents, No. 1927 Albert street, thi* (Friday; afternoon,at 1 o dock. • -_H°DDY.—on the 19th insiant, Thomas Roddy, in the »tb year of his age. u'Phersl from the residence oi her brother* James ftopuy, No.2i3iLooust street, this(Friaay) aitermmu, at 3 o’olook * TORhews.—On the 19th Instant. Charlotte, wife of Samuel TotrenS, and daughter of Nathaniel Lloyd, in inezjd year of her age. Funeral from the rdsidenoe of her brother in law, Riohari Fioid,B. W, corner Franklin and CaUowh'li •tceetS'this (Friday) afternoon, at 3 o’ol<ok. * th9 j 9lh jjyjtnat, Charlotte White, in the 62d year of her ase. -Funeral from the rrsidenOe of her son-in-law, Joseph Stocktill.No 1620 Carver street, this (Friday) morning* at 0 o’clock. * MKHphft —On the ISth instant, Mrs. Elizabeth Mer ceT. reliot of the late David Mercer, in the 76th rear or her age. Funeral from the residence of her son* Henry Mer* cer, Elm street, below Giraid avenue, Eighteenth wan!, th r,^T?. nt, iy r ) a “ er bO o n*kt s o'clock. * -FOUL lifißLß.—,»n the morning of the 19th, Stephen Poultererln the J2d year of his age. His relatives and friends are invited to attend his »u -forat lrom the residence of In* son-in-law, No. 221 J. Eighteenth street* ihi*( Friday) rooming at 9 o’olock. To prnceadto Laurol Hill Cemeterv. * * KENNy.—On the 18ih instant, Joseph Kenny, in tho 47th £*ar of his age* after a long and painful illness. Funeral from his late residence. No. 1634 Lombard o*o?ocic.° n morning next, 24 h insU* at 9 K3OMMER MOURNING GOODS. . .2lK'Cif r *fy-S’ I A on, <« M. 8-4,7-4, and 8-4 nride, Rlaok Silk Grenadines, Grenadine . Bareges, Camel’s Hair Bareges. Summer Bombasines, Chahs, Crape Chalis. Tamartines, Tammathnr fine Mourselino do Laines, Lawns* Ginrh iro*. Organdie*, SilkS, Foulards, •o.I 1 - ain es, Barege MantiHw and Point* j * Barege and Grenadine Shawls; fun Uinh ella*, Fans, Summer Gloves and .Hosiery j.VeiU; Collar*, Sleeves, &o. ... BESSON & DON, MoumingJßtore, i* l No. 918 fSHRRNUT Htreet. rfIHE ONLY RELIABLE ARTICLE— ...ICI,AW? P»tent INDELIBLE BFNOILg. for 1 Wnde of Ciothinir neatly and indetihly. 'S U6 r ttianink,-without its trouble ' or , r J ~-n , r Jbottinr. Kaoh will mark 2 000 artioles. For •ale. Wholesale end Retail, byß. o. tavlOK k. 00., }w nte for the Manufacturer, No. 911 OHBBTNIrif Street. s . JeUSra r r f-OJ!,<>,T 0 J!,<>,T I C E .—A MEETING .OF THE L 3 3TOCKHOLDERS OF THE PHILADELPHIA nM.f CKNTRhLIWjEROM) will be f*iSlfl,l'o ) S 6 4 L ?V 0 * SATURDAY, the Both ln.t„ at t o übjok P M . to take into uonalderstion the present financial condition of the Company,end to adopt euoh M e'il Br “V seem JadleiMe to aeeure the ;«» e “ utl °n of the workextendinrthe Railroad toward. Bslnmore, and t&e sucoessfhl wnrkia* of the road. Jel6 fit* ROKT. HODGSON* aemetaiTe fTw* NOTICE.-THE ANNUAL MEETING the CAMDEN AND AT RArLhOAD COMPANY will bo hrid on d A ».‘ Ju .". e , !a ' between the hour, of 10 A. a.-Und* r.Mii at the office of ihe oompanr. Cooper's ointtCamdeu* New Jersey,'to elect Director* of said company to serve for the ensuing rear. j*9-fje2B ROBERT FRAZER, Sec, OFFICE OF TUB PHILADELPHIA ! U AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. The holder* of the bond* of this Company^due’iuly'j, 1960, oan now receive, upon application at tbi* oraCe, lo >er oent. in cosh, upon the terms specified in the oirou iarattached. The holder* are also enUtled to the benefit of a Sink -155 tfu?, of 01*0«9Q9 per annum* ae established by the itookholders at their annual meeting, held Jannarj 9, 080* and in punraanoe of the contract, snlered into by e company and duly recorded, to carry the same into IT . . 0IR B duI K Ai“-' lr — Nerics to JK* Holders of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company Mortgage Sondt,d*e Julv 1,186 a These bond* are secured by the first mortgages on the road, amounting in the aggregate lo 03JW8.400. The net for the last fiscal year was ax time* the amount of the annual interest on these bonds, Tm manager* propose to extend them for a period of twenty rears, the holder* retaining tho bonds and the tlie mortgages ra the, precise oonditionin ¥?]?»Sj2Z* Rrea0 k» Fresh.’al}eets of ooupan* for e interest, payable half-yearly, wiU be issued, i A bonua ofU percent, will.be given to the holder*, in aawmraffA for endorsement. 1 . oeeu* °ii rcoeipt A*" l ooimwment will be fnmi.lied ktcy, Seereterr. SVJWMER BESOKTS. fTNITED STATJS'HOTAL, V.. MrLLERSTOWN, DAUPHIN COUNTY, PA. ’ '.v 1 * well-kaowo Hotel ha* been'leased by the sab sonber. and ha* beyi thoroughly rerovatad and entirely BeWly furnibhed. * willerahurt: i* situated in one of the most rmnaqija region* of Pennsylvania; the Pusqus- 2 ,nD >ll ver »pW« immediate y by the to- n, and *Uord« fine wrong; tUembuntiun scenery iS unsurpassed in the ,ota‘e..,G{wne abounds in great, plenty, affording fine sport pr tnoantAln streams abound with trout in great plenty. Qity visitors* who are desirous of •pending a few mdctha m the country, will find this one or the most desirable places in Pennsylvania. The North Pennsylvania Hailroad passes the town, And it is in daily doromunica’ioa with Philadelphia, Baltimore, and New York.' The subscriber will use every effort to make his guest* oomfonable. ' . _ - A. J. WARFIEID, Proprietor.* Miliereburg, June SO, 1830. je33 )m JCISA BATHING. 1 . .CAPE N. J. This fine, large..and airy house is NOW OPEN for yisitofs. it is distinguished for comfort, looalit*, and supennr accommodation*, with ample room for 300 per sons. Term* moderate.. Je3L2m • AARON QARRETSON, Proprietor. „ WATCHES, JEWELRY, See. SETSjOE- JEWKLRY, „ v ’ ' end : MOST ELEOAN.- STYLES. ■ . . , LADIES' WATCHES, Just received, THOMAS C. OARRETT. Jel3-t29 TIS CHEST., UT etreel, OOX’S SPARKLING GELATiNE, By the grou, dozen, or single package, ALBERT C. ROBERTS. DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, i»2l Comer ELEVENTH and VINE Streele. >£& FOR H AVANA—The A. 1 schooner »as TWEE VRIE »DKN. CapUin MEVER, will siul as above, with despatch.* For freight apply to . M MADBIHA & CABAnA, 6t . gQ4 eouth FRONT FtCflet. The fruit, floral, and fancy . F. , ' I STIVAL, at .COMMISSIONERS 1 HALL, west Philadelphia, in aU of Bt. Andrew’s Cimroh, Mantu*. will continue until FRIDAY Evemog, when the article* remaining wilt be sold. it TJ F,IIIUR’S GALLERY, SECOND -■•o'ftroet, above Green, is the best place to get any d**ired style of'piotuie taken in the bost manner* and changes mirderate. Cali soon. Jt* IiOHNING FLUID, ALOOHOL. AND ■•7 Oampheue. in bbls. and half .bb I *. manufactured \% A feuft *8 ? WSf • aSuuurn6r ’ * ct> 1 Nr *’ ROSIN.— 17fcO bbls. shipping Rosin, in coi>d order, m store and for sale hvROWi.EY, ASHBURNKR. fc CO., No. 16 SOUTH WHARVES. CASTOR OlL—East India, for sale by & BROTHER, 4T and 49 North SECOND Street. j a .3 PARIS jGKBBN—For sale by WETHE RILL k BROTHER, 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. jc2J fmOBATE POTASH For sale by WRTHFRILL k BROTHER, 47 and 49 North SECOND Mroet. * jt22 SAND CRUCIBLES For gala by WKTHPRILL k BROTHER, 47 and 49 North SECOND Street, Je22 Litchfield, conn., May 7th, ibgo.— At a stated meeting of the stockholder* of the'Con nsotiout Mining Company, held THIS DAY, the follow ine gentlemen trero elected Director* to serve for tho ensuing year: Geo G. West, Tim*. H. Hill. , Riverius Marsh, Canton ft. Morre. Joa.B Fisher, J orensco Wt oeler, Jno.W. Buell, . Wm.ll.Crorsmau, Hiram B. Bponrer. Attesti JNO. W. BU’-'L**, je2t-Bt* BeoroUry. Litcuviklu, Conn.. May 7, 18C0. At a meeting o'the Board «f '’ireotora of the Oon neotiout Mining Company held (Ins day. Geo. O. West was elected President, Most* Bowman Treasurer. Jno. W. puoll was appointed becretary, ami R. O, Lowrj Assistant Seorotarj. Attest, JOHN W. BUELL, - je2l-3l* Beoroiary. The subscriber will act as col- LECTOR and Agcut fur tho oo’iootionof Rents and BiM*. Satiofootorv reference and, security will ue Siven for ah aooounts placed in ln« oharge, Omce 5 4 IonhTHIRD Stteet. fto*iJ-neoos) WHARTON,St. jels fmwftt ALEXANDER STEPHKNfI. nPHE LIST OF VESSELS IN THE PORT A of PHII-ADELFIIIA for FOREIGN end DO MESTIC PORTS- end days of sail, oorreotod daily, is eabli.iiad ia the PHILADE LPHIA INQUIRES. r-ERVP.D hr C.EWERS EVERYWHERE, at TWELVE CENTS a weeh. Offiro Idi South THIRD Street. JeZO 3t nPHE LIST OP VESSELS IN THE PORT A of PHILADELPHIA, for FOREIGN and DO MESTIC PORlSfftnd days of Bail, corrected daily, is published in the PHILADELPHIA INOUIRER. BERVEI) by CARRIERS EVERYWHERE, at TWELVE CENTS & week. Office I'll South THIRD 6treet. jesa-3t; mHE LIST OF VESSELS IN THE PORT X Of PHILADELPHIA for FOREIGN and DO MI'B'UC PORTB.and days of sail, corrected daily, is published iuthe jMiiAOf LPRIA INCXUIHER. SERVED by, CARHIKRQ EVERYWHERE, at TWELVE OfcNTS a woek. Office iat South THIRD Street, JeM-at Garden andparlor vases, sta tuarr, Fountains, Ornamented Flower Pots, Banging Vases, &0., of Terra Cotta, manufactured and ? arM o^sn*r Tk HARR , SON . . IQUinHTOTOWH, ffK) THE PUBLIC. J- CALHOUN’S ANNULAR VENTILATOR. I The above patent la doomed, by scientific and praoti cal men.to be the very best ever oflbredto the public, and needs only to be seen in ROtusl operation for its merits to be appreciated, Nothing ever introduced is so perfeotly adapted for ventilating, private and puhlio buildings, schools, hospitals, engine house*, mines, steam and sailing vessels, and for the oure of smoky ohimneTß they have no ecmaL , „ Mannfactared and for sole.wbolesa]a and retail, at the Heatimrand Ventilating Warewoms of CHAS. WILLIAMS* 1133 MARKET Street, Fhiia. Personal attention will be given to all descriptions of heating and ventilating by the undersigned, who has been many years practically engaged in the abu e busi ness. Also for sale, Culur> justlrraelebrated wajm-air la 8uh&& HEW PUBLICATIONS. IVE W BOOKS, F °l#A B |AuSiti Y HAZA‘Rp, CHESTNUT filreet. THE MOUNT VERNON PAPERS. By Edward OF TEE UNITED 8 I’ATEfL being the second volume of the History of the American Revolution, uniform with theipreoedinE volumes. THE THHfciS CLKKKS. A Novel. By th* author o' "Dootor Thorne,” “ BarcUa 6t Towers,” ko. One volume. >91,90. HAWKaVIfiW. The new Novel By the author of Holt’s Laughter,” “ Katbie Brand,” Ac. One 'juj?KSBUHY BOUSE. Br Mrs. Henry Wood, The #6OO Prize Story. 60cents. THE FIRSI BONN ; OR. A MOTHERS TRIALS. By the •utbnrof “My Lady.” 81.C0, ' LUCY CROP ton. By the author of “Margaret Maitland.” 76 cents. KELLYS AND THE O’KELLYS, By Trollope. wIft&.AEVELATION OF JOHN IT6 OWN INTEK •PWtEh; ByJohn Cochran. «IQO. . A DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE. Cbmprisiot its Antiquities. Geography, Biography# and Natural His- B6W ” I^‘a,n Suiitb. Volume one, Bvo., cloth. RUTLEDGE. The new and well-written Amenoan AT LIFE; OR. THOUGHTS AND w?.lun'»?L Gflor * e A. gala, author of" Journey Due North.” 81,25, jf23 fZ-OOV SOMMER READING. '-X LINDSAY & BLAKIBTON liave lately published op MRS. VIRGINIA H. HOFFMAN. 15mo. 63oen!s. SUNSHINE i Or, KATE VINTON. By MU. MoKee ver. LO r TH’SMINISTRY. 12nio. THE FLOUNCED ROBE, AND* WHAT If COST. By Mise MoKeever. McCANDLISR’o LIFE IN A RISEN SAVIOUR. 12 i’flE HOMES OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. Bt Dr. Blork. 3 CHILDREN OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. By Dr. stork. - T“E GOSPEL IN LEVITICUS. Br Pev. Ur. Pel*-. THE GLORY OF THE RED KEME RIN HIS PBR* SON AND WORK. By Rev Winslow? ]2mo. ANNA CLAYTON; Or. T«B l> (.IUIRER AFTER TRUTH. LINDSAY k. BLAKfSTON. „ „ _ Fablishorsand Booksellers. ... .No, 25 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut, All New Books are received as soon as published and for sale at very low prices. je33 A MODEL OP SIMPL'CITY. _THE S.TORY OF JOHN . ELLA RP,, THE NEWSBOY. With » fine steel portrait and six illus* tratlons. 60 cents. __ From the Christian Chrooiole. , . We shpuldjove to spatter this book by the thons&nd. It is a model of simplicity. He who can read it without tears of sympathy for the outoast and negteoted, and without prayers that they m%y lie saved, hath a hard nature, ihe book is both an argument for missionary wcrk nnions the poor and the neglected, and a beau tifql illustration or what that work may accomplish.” Published by WILLIAM S. k At FRED MARTIEN, No. tioB CABS L'NUT Street. WASHINGTON IRVING. SHAKSPEAEE AND MILTON. JAMES S. EARLE & SON Have now open# ror a abort exhibition* the origins Paratirgs by FAKD* of SHAKSPEARE AND MILTON, h i a .t e i-n e ? n successfully engraved. Also, POWELL'S fulMength portrait of WASHINGTON IRVING, Which is now in course of Engraving, as a companion pioture to the Shakspenre and Milton. ADMISSION FREE. EARLES* GALLERIES, je!9-6t 816 CHESTNUT Street, Phila. LEGAL* WHITE & VANVLEIT vs. JOSEPH BCHURR In the Distr-ct Court of Philadelphia, March term, 1860. No 663 Vend. Exp. JOHN P. PERSON vs. J. BCHURR, In the Supreme Court_nf Pennsylvania to January term. iB6O. ** o. 77. Vend. Exp. The Auditor appointed by the Court to report distri bution of the moneys raised by sheriff sate under the above entitled writs, of” All that certain three-story bnok dwelling house and brewery, beer vault and lot of ground, situate on the ens> side of Germantown road, one hundred feet south of Cambria street, in the city of Philadelphia, containing m front 00 Germantown rosd seventy five feet, and in depth one bundled and ninety eet to Hutchinson street,” will attend to the duties of lis appointment on TUESDAY, the 3d day of JULY, 1860. at 4 o'clock P. M., at h s office, No.fiJO WALNUT 8-reet, in the oity of Philadelphia, when and wh» re all mpons are requested to make their claims, or be de fied from oorning ra upon said fund. . THOMAS D. SMITH. je22 tiy3 A- ditor. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.—Tho undersigned A*. Auditor, appointed by the Orphans’ Court or l.an» caster county, to distribute tho portion oi the balance in the hands of Daniel Kreider, Exeoutor of the last Will and Testament of Dante! Kreider, Hr., late of Car narvon Township, Lancaster county, deceased, which belongs to Kreider, to those legally entitled thereto, will sit for the purpose ol his appointment in the library Room. 4n the Court Houre, m the city of Lancaster, on TUESDAY, the 7th day of August next, at 2 o’clock P. M., when and where all persons in* terested may attend. WM. r. BRINTON, . „ Auditor. Lancaster, June 20th, 1860. je«f-4t FTHE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of !£' Gtt G'»URLK¥, deceased. Tho Auditor appointed bythe Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of wILL'AM COUPFft, sur viving Fxeontor of the will of HUGH GOUR.LKY# deceased, and to make distnbntionof ths balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interest ed. for the purposes of bis appointment.Au the Thud Day of July.atS o’ob’ok P. **.,at hisoffice, i>o. 250 North FIFTH Btreot, in tho oily of Philadel phia. Je22-frmw6t* GiORGK W. THOKN, Auditor. CHINA AND GLASSWARE. PRUIT J ARB! FRUIT JARS. FRUIT JARS. FRUIT JARS. THE BEST FRUIT JARS. TUE BEST FRUIT JARS. THE VERY BEST FRUIT JARS. . THE VERY BEST FRUIT JARS. THE FBUIT JARS! WRIGHT, SMITH. & CO., No. J NORTH FIFTH STREET, Oder to the trad, the beat I ruit Jsra out. Call and aae their qualities tooted by experiments. je!2 tjyl UTION—FRBBH FRUIT JABS—The puW o are cautioned against the wions imitations of HARI ELL’S PATENT ALL-trLASS AIR-T GHT JARS, now m market. The genuine have Harteii’B name on tbs cover Manufacturers tinder the patent. HARTELL k LETCHWOkTH, j’el3-ltnif* No. 13 North FIFTH street. POISON— FRESH FRUIT JARS Tho acid of fruit always corrodes the surface of metal; be careful, therefore, to ourohaso -nly Jars of oiass and Covers of Glass. KARTELL’S PATENT AIR TIGHT ALL-GLAbS JARS are admitted obe the on.y reliable and perfectly safe Jar in market- _ HAKTELL k LETCHWORTH. Jel3-lrr.if* Manufacturers, No. 13 N. FIFiH street. Do not go into the country withoutpurohssing KARTELL’S ALL GLASS. PATENT AIR-TIGHT JARS.—Miss Wioholaon’s oele br ted cook book, with full directions for Butting up Iruits, &o„ together with 300 other useful receipts, given to the purchaser of HAKELL’S PATENT AIL GLABS AIR-T.GHT JARS. HARTELL A LETCHWORTH. jel3lmif« North FIFTH Street. CLOTHING. H. ELDRIDGE. « CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE,” N. E. Corner EIGHTH ami CHESTNUT BU. Cnatomer TVorlt made at nftort notice. mh3l3m*if MEDICINAL. pROF. MORRIS’ EUOEPHALOS, PROFES'OR MORRIS’ PHOFESSOR MORRIS’ I’ROEEIsoR MOHRI.- EUGEPHALOS, kuckphal US, ia isumtti AN INVALUASLB REMEDY, EXTERNAL REMEDY, EXTERNAL REMEDY. FOR DISEASES OF THE FOR IKR*ABEB OF THE FOR DISEASES OF syaT NERVOUB SYBTEV NERVOUS fl YSTEv* ,nt.nae op to the researches of Literature, the o. ncerns of Commercial and Financial Business, and the affairs of Professional and Political Life, or as oooasioned by any other oause from which the Nervous System has be come exhaust'd ard diseased. _ The sympions covered bv this valuable Preparation are numerous; of whion the more prominent are, , EXCITEMKaT OF THE BRAIN, AGITATION AND DEPRESSION OF THE MWD, CHKON’G •• NERVOUSNESS,’’NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS HEADACHE Eto..*tc. The KUCEJMALOB is osreftiUr prepared, by per mission, from thePosMULa of PROF. W. MORRIS. M. D., of this city, to whichhe refers mhis Philosophical Pamphlet, 4 ‘PBUKlKoB.*’ On the relation# of the Ganguo-Norvous By stem to the immaterial soul of man. Having exhibited toe principles and commended the system of Composite Hcmceopath*, Professor M. says: ”It may ba permissible that I should oner, as anil lustration, my own oase. A oontinous course of stu dies for a number of years had. to a certain extent, produced the ordinary effects of extreme mental ap plication, by attenuating, the prime centres oforsamo and intellcoiual life, and hence arose a felt ocoessity ol personal relief. Having a well-founded confidence in Composite Homgsopathy and an intimate acquaintance wtth Materia Meaioa ol the Hommopatnio School. I selected certain substances of usoer’ained harmonious relations and approved uses, and combined their essen tial properties in proportional unity, and was gladdened br tho possession of a medicinal resource.” Professor Morris describes the mode of application, and then adds: “In this way the desired relief has been ob tained, tho nutritive system invigorated, the sanglio nervoua system restored to its former tone, and mental clearness, tranquillity, and vuor-at them of nearly three score—are tho much valued results* Prepared, and sold WHOLESALE, by MOCKRIDGE & COm No. 62 North FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, and at RETAIL by Druggists generally. M , Price, SI per bottle, large size—£o cents small sizo. iny23 Smif | omilll I For the INSTANT RELIEF and PER- Afll tIWAI MANENT CUIUS of this distressing com- plaint, use FE H D T'B BRONCHXATj CIGABETTJES, Mado by C. H. BEYMOUH 3c- CO„ 107 NASSAU Street, New York. Frioe 81 per box j sent free by post mr7-<ni if! FOR SALK AT ALL DRUGGISTS’. AZUMEA! AZUMEA ! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! prop: MOltJtlß’ AZUMEA BAKING POWDER TML LEMON-Oraas, for sale by WE- t BROTHERS. «T and wakts. WANTED—A Pro'estant man, of quiet vtmnilJSnrlke c!lv •'£ luehlM in the <K Si’S'P 1 ' n °- 421 r ORTH Sl„ between ARCS end wAaaßii jest ft* 'K?t7'ANTED“"A. situation, by a yoong * t married, man. in anr meroautUe business where he oan make himsslf generally useful -Ts J "sml lector and gnlesman. fooWection to anrkjtSof w. smeu that la honorable. Gan give ifce best of ram. fence* as to oapaoity and integrity. and f soourity! e if Please sedress ’* COLLECTOR!” omoq * Jew 4t* AN EXPERIENCED . B 00& -KEEPFH, -a*- of twelve years’ experience as Cashirr. Book keeper, ana leorrespondeot, wishes an engagement io a first-ofsss house. The fce*t of reference given. Ad dress .** HALL,” at the office of Ths Press, Jel9 6t* ‘IN/’ANTED —A Situation, by ft man, "», thirty-seyen years of axe. of extensive experi ence in business. 0 1 good address, and competent to fill almost any positioh.eithsr as a clerk, sueericteodent, or salesman- Is very respectably oonneoted, and c*n give the mo*t satisfactory references as to integrity, •new, and business capacity A moderate sal*ry for tnttpresent will be aooepted. Address ” B. G. H.,” office of Tht Press Je)*-tf FOR SALE AND TO LET* g| GERMANTOWN PROPERTY.— For S,? 1 * YfUl 'ow.end cn eccommodstiae term., TWO BtalßAdOfiSrONß CO'J IiQER. Loteeaheteaoh front br ns feet deep to & street. -Jtuate on Wexhlnc. »n Q r?^Tovr l /!2“.l, 111 ’*. from Keilroed etatlon. Awple *0 E. TAYLOk, bonvepencer, No, 141 ftortb SIXTH jell-it M DESIRABLE COUNTRY PLACE, 2X nrilea M. of Nor ni town; s aoraa ila re. atone gooTwa^Tr'F^.a^ STO RENT—A very desirable three etoried Bwellins. with booh bLiil''in;» and modem improvement.. No. 1708 Locuet atreet. In excellent order Apply to WM. BROWN. ‘ jegp-tf Mo. 1635 UOOPgT Btreet, #1 STOKE TO LET —The Four-storied •5“ S J°.RE. No. SOS North FRONT Street, above MnMr?“i,“ b lfit? r fSJ.i u,in(o *‘ A W*T toDr.B“AU MON 1. No. g*lh ARCH etreet. Je,9-6t* rro REST hOR THE SUMMER—The HiTi roorn . B °f a large house; Parlor, m?JE: l l ah f n> , rou L <sh e- ftt l vb %?» and bath-room. n ,V te *l of th ® T l°« a station on the Germantown Bailro&d. Terms moderate. App.y on SuS-rhf/ 6 '?! 180 ** J'n W w^T Y-8 tC°ND and ONTAftlu Rl?in > ‘binTo!‘ ° r ad<ira, ’ B Ml *- M - Sffa'rffl’ ®FOR SALE—A desirable COUNTRY RESIDENCE, with about ten acres of Land, ani ® pT ?% m * n ‘ 8 ’ nw the Brandywine, six miles south of West Chester, near the Baltimore CentralKailroad. Address J. W L-ON, Jo 18-lm* Parker He# Chester oonnty. Fa. m 30 CAPITALISTS—FOB SALE— So^tu^f n |Z^ET^f^lKT,pl^t^^th• every oonvepience for carrying on an extensive busi ness. A dasitable investment to.persona of»nergy who can push the business. For sale with or-wiUiont the' building. Inauire at SO CHESTNUT Street: . Jalflwfmtfif HART, MONTGOMERY# k CO. BENT —A Second-story Room, 35 ■X. feet by 80 leet, with steam power. lighted on four siues and heated .br steam.with hatchway. Ao« Apply to, , MoCAMIBR.OBw, frK * 00., 7 1.15 7t oas and Sir# OHBKBY Street, VALUABLE LOT FOB SALE—A Lot, ▼ 160 feet bjr 100, having three fronts# located in the routhwesternpart rf the city* ra the midst of a rapidlr raprovrag neighboihood, Is offered for sa’e on reaaona ble terms For particulars apply at this Office. JeU-lSt* m FOR SALE OR RENT—New Stone laiMannoa. Barn# &o * with extensive accommoda tions and thirteen acres of land# on Chelton Hills Jn quire at No. 8 North THf EI) Street. jel3-ltt» FOR SALE OB TO LET—a Double Stone < ottage, Germantown, sitnate on Dewey's lane* seoond house from Thorp's lane* five minutes walk from railroad station. Contains ail the modern conveniences. Apply to F. a. wil 4 ON, JeJ-ICT 60.1 CHESTNUT Street «FOR SALE, OB EXCHANGE FOR MERCHANDISE—Two two-story briok houses tnd lot of ground subject to improvement Rent for 172 per annum# each. A small amount of oaeh*end the inlance in merchandise required. Address A. 8.. Press Office. my«-lm BOARDING. PRIVATE BOARDlNG.—GentJeraen and their families, or single gentlemen, can be aocom modated with Board# with pleasant and handsome rooms, furnished nr unfurnished# at 616 LOCUST Bt.» south side of Washington rqu&Te.i The looation# b*ing opposite to one of the handsomest parks in the oily* is cental, and extremely pleasant. Transient persons visiting the oily can be aooommodated by uie day or week. Terms moderate. A basement front room# with private entrance, for rent, suitable for an offioe. JelMf Families and gentlemen wish ing FIRBT'CLASS BOARD, with cool Rooms, can now have oholoe at 9 * 6 WALNUT Bt. jei-lm* TWO YOUNG UENTLRMEN OaN BE aaooramodatod with good# airy apartments# (with or without board,) m a private family. Looation cea- ■ tral.. Address u TOLBERT," through Blood's Die patoh. ipX DIVIDENDS. CORN EXCHANGE BANK, Fnn.AnRZ.PHiA* May 1, 1860. The Directors have THIS DAY declared a Dividend f THREE PER CENT, on the Capital Stock, clear oi tateTax, and payable on KfmsjML-,. mrl-tf J. W.TORREY# Cashier EDUCATIONAL. MSS LUCY B. MAYER and Mrs. R. M. BfßDwtll reopen their BCHO n L for Young Ladies at 1010 SPRUCE Street, on MONDAY. Sep tember )7th, 1860. J«2-lm REMOVALS. KExMOVAL. —SMALL A CHANDLER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, have removed f ronj M North SECOND Street, to IM MARKET Street, above Front# north side. <«S SAYIHtiRFUNDS., AMERICAN SAVING FOND—Com jpany's Building, southeast oorner WALNUT and FOURTH .Streets. Open daily from 9 till ,5 o’clock, and oa MONDAY tin 8 in the evening. This Old Institution has always paid in fall, on demandi without notice. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT* All Bami paid back, on gold and silver. ALEX? WHILLDIN, Present. BAML. WORK, Vice President. John C. Farr, .. T. K. Harper, George Nngent, John Anspaon, Jr., Sami. T. Bodice, Alb. C. Roberto, John Aikman, Joras Bowman, H. H. Eldrtdge, Wtn, J. Howard. JOHN B.WILSON. Treasurer. JOHN 0. SIMS. Secretary. je3o Im SPRING GARDEN SAYING FUND, £5 Office, 331 North THIRD Street, he twees Vin.e and Callowbill. Incorporated bribe Legislature April )«Ui, 1851. Open for Deposits and Ferments, daily* from 9 to 2Wolocir. Also, on MONDAY and THURSDAY EVE*lNGB,frotnstoa o’clock. _ Interest 5 per cent, per annum. PepoeitoTS can with draw their. nonejs by Checks, if denied. Special De- Kilt. reoeived. JAMES 8 _ paifiGLE. Preeident. Francis Ha»t. Renretarr. ap&Mfif INSURANCE COMPANIES. CARD— NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. LONDON, No. 425 CHESTNUT Ktriet, Philadelphia. The undersigned begs to inform fits friends and the public generally, that HUGO LIBBING, Esq., of this city, is now associated with him AGENCY of this COMP ANY, and the style of the firm being GETTY k LIBBING. The patronage heretofore, so liberally the anderßiBned waufi WVHfr 1 NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, . LONDON. Capital, $6,293,800 Inoomo.over.Bl.ooo 000. Losses adjusted and promptly paid without reference to London. Raterfiuoderate. , . GETTY k LIMBING, Agents* 425 CHESTNUT Street, . jcfl).6t New Building, Philadelphia •* ank* npnE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE X COMPANY OP NEW YORK. Amhll! BIX MILLIONS PF DOLLARS, m,raD 'Voi&'Kmv&mS?' Th* Btemlum, *ra Low,x th*n in manr other Coom- Hie*, end the Diridead* here been .nun. Jwusfts: - BXLORA TO THS IItIUEID. Pamphlets, and every information, mar be katf BRATia, on application to . . * F. RATCHFORD STARR, Agent. 8* W. oorner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Thomas Robins, John Welsh, MordeoaiL Dawson* GeorgeH. Stuart, George M. Stroud, E. 8. Whelen, John jb Myers, J. Fisher Learning* Joseph Patterson, William O. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, Arthu" G Qoflln, Thomas K. Powers, George W. Toland, William MoKeo. Tho#. Watt#oc. nSt-lril ’ Fame insurance company, no. «M CHESTNUT SlTeet, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED THE BTATE OF #ONFINKD TO INLAND RISK* DIBncTOBS Simoel Wrijtht, J). B. Blrner. . Wm. w. Walter., iW. Everman. Chaa. Riohardwn. Henrr Lewie. Jr., Geo. A. west, JiwoD W . gtont. O. Wileon Davii, Menko Stern. . Tboa, 8. Martin, GEORGE W.DAYj.President FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice Free’!. , WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. j*U- if COUNTY LIFE AND GENE- Vy ral insurance company, PLATTBBURG, MISSOURI. _ Chattered in 188 Q.—Authorized Capital, 8100,000. dibectobs: _ _ _ .. H. Whittington. Winslow Turner, T. R Bradley, Geor,. W. Culver, J. N. HOCKADAY, Seo. and Treas. Speoml attention paid to Collections, and romptly remitted. Buriness solicited. mh»-3m* gLINDS ANI) SHADES. B. J. WIIjLIAMS, No. 18 NORTH SIXTH STREET, 1# the most extensive manufacturer of VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. The largest and finest assortment in the city, at the owest prices. STORE SHADES made and lettered. Repairing promptly attended to. &pa-d3tn [{ SHOEMAKER & 00. GLASS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, Northeast Corner FOURTH AND RACE Streets. n>yS9-6m _ 1860. I0B! I0K! 1860. COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY, BCALBOF FAMILY mfOSB. 8 pounds daily 40 cent# per week. 12 “ “ M •* la s ip « ** JO5 *» »« 78 ” " 175 •• « Bend your orders to the offiees, or may be riven to the drivers. THUS. E.CAHILL Offices. 335 WALNUT Street, Beyond story} PINE STREET-WHARF, SobuilWll. City Depai LOM BARD and TWENTY-FIFTH Stregfi£. at3l-«mif JW FAIRBANKP’.PLA?r.^BMjpALES. tfa# DAMAGED ! PIANOS, MELO fTTTT»deons, Guitars, Vidlin#. Bas# L Vinl*. Double Bas# AooordeonB FluOoas. Ac., from the late fire IUB Chestnut street, have beeu repaired and all put in rood order. For sale, at a great sacrifice. «at 1103 am»**ibents. . var alnut-stbeet theatre. Doors open at 7J»« Ferformaxeea eexunttw# at 8 o'efook. " * 9 INCREASED CROWDED. NIXON’S FOYAIf EaUsrriQAN TftOUFH> FROM NIHUPP OABDEN. Sew tSS£.\ FIRST EIGHT ■’ Mi. WILLTAIf HANI.ON. FIRST /IfflffiTOFl . , L>B HOMES AJUANff# Among the Artistes are Mi e.EI LA ZOYAftAi _ The whose Riding and VrutlUscqu a horse* witftoat saddle or bridle, are paTaPel. ' t MX bMIoN BROTHERS# wonderffluGyaftaeta ever seen ia Ihiserasy other country. The treat COURT “riSiLAHO E«h to ON MA^I^hIPXNY. A GRAND AFTEBNOON "kBFOFmI'ncB, BAginmng at 6 oVWk. Doom nwm *.t gu* 1 Performance Children areadxUtted At the evening Performaca's. BEATS B M# B UBUAL ''** VriTHOUT EX%itA°tfHA»OB. }«1 tt pi E AL E ’ S COURT OF DEATH— This.nblime Moral Pair,tine, br KENBKANVT PEAUE.-mll be eihibrt.a for KIGHT DAYS, «4 »o more* COMMENCING Fii?DaY EVEN in's. JUNE a. Threw the great niMterpiee. of Mr. Emm. Iteer-ra 313 eatr.re feet ol oettru, eon torn. S Ijfe-Biee Ft gores, and in valeed *t - *\ MOMDULAM. ft preeeat# ui rrnpreee'v. rind leeeoe tuos the evil,orln'ejDjmranoa»i4 Wjr.theniseruietrofS man life, and the triumphs of ChristtM Faith over the terrors or Death. - ^aa(Ta^oa Poem of Bishop Forteue, os Xt is free/rom every thing repulsive. again? 0 ' Wb ° iee ** onoe to see it agaia aad open from2tod andBto 16P.M. ’ v Tickets26cents. Semaoft'T.okeu;aQeenf, JelHi M°s? ws QAmrw -»A 0 * IM'mENBE ATTBACTION! “-la*- ALL THE COMPANY. SOLOMON’S TEMPLE. £? Al«rae,beentifat,ud*ar<M,modelnftn.rrasd- ,nT MARKET, AwlfE , 4w| t BTEBET. ■ , The Model is gg foet long, 24 feet wide, aad Sisal by mo gas jets, aad woyahippatp ie< presentM by 6DO figures arrayed in Jewuh Sestame. swounding the various courts, give it a tifiTtSat Read Ist Kir gießth to 6th chap.; 1 Chron., ath ehM* a| WidTto 10P-M. Leotaraatll,4,iadßK«£loafcr" ohfidfi!‘SiSf 0 “ , * i «ti« PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FUK i& T !’ Btraet. df Admiyon» ©eats. Season tickets,ai esats. Ckß reoeir. th.irftk.te at the e*ee of COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. TWOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Th»t the * # Partnership entered into on the flat dav of JXJNE, 1858, between JOSEPH B. BUraHlßSffil and CHARI.KB HENR V BRIAN is^nnmd «. Unued for TWO YEA»S f*sm JUNK suwa"® ®° l * - JOSEPH B. eUiCjaJNSON. CHARLES H. S iLA!*j“ M '' Philadelphia. June 21,1880. And they do hereby certify that the name of the firm s^M^jirA^^tSieMas of the business to le trar sooted is Tailoitac sad tka same will he transacted in the city of ftoiadeipkM: that ivrSSSSg^^^ff^SKSJt vania ;Jhat the capital contributed by the aaMJaeesh B. HotohinsoD, special partner, is two Iboasaad lew handred doliatsm cash. jell frft TVSSOLUIIOW OF PARTNKHSBIP. "Staffs, im _ f^ms aak —THE UNOXE purpose of tr&osaotinc the Wholesale Chun, GLue.isS (Queensiraie.baßineMi at Ito. 508 COJRMKRCK OC. r KOBFJgfIIEBOI*, JohhV^wbit. Jane 1.1860-lai SEWING MACHINES. 'VP. P. UHUNGER & CO, MAKixrACTvnxiis or SEWING MACHINES. Making the Loop and Shuttle Stitch. The latter for aR kind* of raanafnctaring purposes, price VCD. The others are from 925 upwards, OFFICE AND SALFSfiOOM, x 638 ARCH STREET. imusiuiu." !«««» COTTONj^OH,, iRR . & winson SEWING MACHINES. HHNOT OOy, m OHEBTHUT BTKEET, BBCOMB FLOOR, MMhiMfcWith OMtttnit on air* (o Priratn FmbUJh. r Wort STATE Street, Trenton, R. 1. 1H CENTRAL SQUARE, Barton, Tv fal*-«re WILCOX ft GIBBS’ SEWING MA CHINK-—Th. ,rwt and inereneln* demand for TCloox * Gibbe* Bovin* .Machine i» a .naraatoe of ite snpanor exortlenoe. Fnoe ,30. For arte a, FAIR- Bfe Boole 'Wuehonm, Ilk CHESTTNIIT BtreoL r FOB CAPE MAY.—Persons MBSamEßmm abrut visiting CAFF MAY oan have ihetr Baggage called <or, checked from their irsi deace, and delivered no board the Sea-Steamer# Dela ware, Boston, and Kennebec, which leave the first wharf below SPRUCE Street, datlv. at 9H o'clock A. M., by leaving their address at the Ofice of GRAHAM’S BAGGAGE EXPRESS.No. 3 WALNUTBtr»ee, or*. F. FA RTBORNE’S, Druggist, THIRTEENTH aad WALNUT StreeU. Baggage also delivered to tho New York lice#. Orders oarefully and promptly attended to. Oftet open from 6 A. M. until U P. M. jeld-lSt filan IHE ADAM* EXPRESS s9sHH> CO., Office 3SO c SKBTN UT Stroet, forwards,Parcels, Package#. Merohand Bask Note#, and bpeoie, either by its own Lines or lneonceeuo* with other Express Companies, to all the principal towns and oities of the United States. H. 8. SANDFORD. JelB-tf General Superintendent. . OABI> TO THE PUBUO. CONGRESS SPRING. SARATOGA, APRIL IS, ISS9, An attemti hat been made to deceive the pebiie, by persons offering what tkn nil “Coseuxts Wara r * from Fountains; and at the prioe of six (I) eenta per glass. The t choUsale prioe of the gtnuin* Congrees Wa ter, at New York, beingaboat7AgoenUper glees, the im position of pretending to sell at retail at less than cost, and without allow&noe for freight, cartage, or breakage, is apparent; but their probable course has been to empty o*« bottle of genuine Congress Water into a Fountain filled with their trash, and thereby ohristening its total contents. We have nxvsa sold Conrreus Water in Fountains, nor m vessels of any other description than ordinary sized olxss bottles. The oork of every bottle of the genuine is branded “ CONGRESS WATER”-” C. A W.,” and any, without those words and letters on the oork, ia counterfeit, whether from Fountains pr Bottles. CLARKE A WHITE, Proprietors of Congress Spring. The following gentlemen in Philadelphia, vii: FREDERICK GROWN, cor. Fifth and Chestnut sts., FREDERICK BROWN, Jr, cor, Ninth and Chestnut. CHARLES ELLIS A Co , 724 Market street, J.C.TURNPENNY A Co.. 941 Spruoe street, THOS. J. HUSBAND, 295 Bouth Third Street, O. B? HUBBELL. 1410 Chestnut street* A. D. D. TAYLOR, onr. Ninth and Chestnut streets. Are constantly supplied by os with the tom ms * *• Con gress Water” m bottles, fresh from the Ccnnu** Spring. CLARKE A WHJTY. apld-Smif 99 CEDaR St.. New York City. JJALTIMORE CONVENTION. MANN*SHOTEL AND DINING ROOMS ONTHBEUROPEANPLAN. Rooms with or without Meals. Increased accommo dation -luring the sittmg of the Convention, lhe only House of the kind on the principal street, 1*44 W. BALTIMORE STREET, Nearly opposite the Sun Building. O. H. MANN. ioia-81 PROPRIETOB. Every family should possess a STERKOSCOPV—stereoscopic lostrumenta ma nufactured in the beat style; Star-oeaopio Pictures, of the finest qual ties, recently imported, and sold at the lowest piio,, ia the ooantr,. br M pR . WKL , Ni 113 South FOURTH St., below Chestnut. Spectacles and Eyeglasses, provided with the oelebraud Peneeopio Glasses and correc’ly suited for all ages. Mioroscopes and Microscopic Photograph*, Opera Glasses. Mathematical Instruments, Ao,.in great variety, and at the moss reasonable rates. J. 21-if-6t PURPLE TOP YELLOW RUTA BAGA TURNIP B>ED—Farmers desiring a pure and reliable, artiolo at the lowest market rates, should purohaste their supplies at _ R. BUIRT A SON’S Seed Warehouse, jc 21 3t 323and924 MARKET Street, ab Niwitf. CLARET! CLARtT! CLAKET! ON DRAUGHT.’ ON DRAUGHT’ Claret on draught, from 81 per gallon upward. Also, all other kinds oi Wines and Liquors, imported direct, by VBRRitR A LtSIEUR, 119 South SEVENTH Street. je2i-|gt« ! BRACKS! SUPPORTERS ! * Correotly adjusted at NEEDLES*, TWELFTH and RACh Streets. LadiesentTance 1«3 Twelfth streret, fireVdoor below ba-e. Lad* attondante. French, Eng lish, and American,, in great variety. Belts, Elastic Stookfngs, suspensories, Shoulder Braces, Byringes£Ao mrlg-tofulTlri afojTORTLE AND CLAM SOUP served up ever/ day throughout the tBMoi> (Sunday* a excepted), by JAMES IMiOSS&A, Mo. 808 MAAKETi Street. N. B. Pmoera from 13 to S o T olooh, .fw m-'S. m. a wsnop's Parisian ESTABLISHMENT, No. 1016 OHESi'NUX street next door to the 8U Lawreoee Hote', mySS-Im Hair jewelry store and manu* FAOTORv.— Orders promptly atterdfd to. mt.KfeP. 15 North EIGHiH street, above Marhst. io2l-st*tf A HIE BEST ARE OIIEAPEST.— Buy Umbrellas and Prtmol* of . 1 t PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS. in everr ruletr, oh«»», »t •. . as'w nrU'tjrlif
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers