S ‘ f; f JMn«nteß>Wrti>iti«o>.toftlaOiVr MSixSotUM • ’ *** * , ° p f/® 0 >‘ 1 4** 70*JEl8HT UOKTBi t W*K!Wifiui»'-»e*'Bti' Moi(tH>-Icriitl»Wr l«;«4- J -;<' '•---• ■’£ •••• ». . ,lUfi»4 fc»9»ii»rtl»w o»t ofthi oitr «t n>il dm.- ..zjmmmMi&ito** l ■ «"L ’:■■■. mt|T GOODS. jriuUtT, *l»T*Z«nUi, :' »M SOUTH MKOOKU BTKKH, Mow SproM,, v ■;•' jinjnrtTMtmlia' ■'uibi . '■ ■ ;;;Odik>RE3t> TARLETANB. •;jy Wto**!* ••• Vi. '•’ ,-^GIASSES,: Sw., '. - AT MOST 13 OBNT9 WRYAKD Tt>B? PESTS, aSDUUTION J ' .' wtmmuobof ' v • ■ > • MAB TINE AS. • BUT I as! .STOCK - r';/ - > % sums OfcOAKS ASD MAIfTIILAB, V.-; BBotrqEi)! ■■•■•■ . •; IMMUCEB. r'T'r'l-' ‘ / ', ■ 'i!kl<(in«iiE)Mt)rt'4^*nWattowl*otfroi«. v v wm. p. Campbell. ■ iKHt’OtfC 'V MM CKMtSITT SWEET. W [AMVAOXUBY ..; . Of • • 01* 6TH G L 6'a K S l BLACK 811* MANTILLAS, . krwand ELEOANT. GARMENTS, BBOOGHT FROM THE AWACENT WO RK-B O O -B&8 EVERY MOEHIHft. OONARD, IgfcgUyw MtTOH AfrP MAMET STREETS ;. ffsotrcsD to '2O ots. PFJa /niNc*. . . do.* - - *do.i. ‘*W^B^4S , «%E(«TB FER OVNOB. ny’KNimxa zephylir, A MV it oCBBRyj*. ZEPHYRS, IS W(i per f-C4 ' j. «• MAXWBtL fc »OK, : 11 oil lUtafl Htculkctir nt EoUbliilMibat, ELEVENTH fctrette. •jo»wtoL.n * ■ CHI!AP DiESB QOOE|S. OAMBQBB . 'BAnDSDMH mZrJEOS Roßffi. ©*B!tADts^rfit6iTS I r|i4, n * **’ urWKg. thin %i»tat •'U<l-/*MWI-;*;P.4MB;4. : fO^ : r - „■.- ’ ■i.= ; •'i s’4 W found in th«* fWSbB > K£S * ■: OODS -SINGMAND i ’••' ; u ggafjgS^SMßgj^u^ ygrdnwM« f flda»j*TTi IjiitandmcdiomalKdM. JfUtktt u -mf\\ inratywe*? .. f »<» ; jyt;T£*S-AeiD7 oRfcB3- SJSDFFS TO sife&v trtth inroiee of *■£** Wh£w »***j:w. ’.' . ZEamhpsSteßp ' 'ZWM dm IS* >MA noaolcmiiiiiei, . *=.. Cqj&VUaiON.HUL r BEg. hazakd, hutohinsqn, ;• f/; v ) MB in MliS OF ‘'- *HII^ELPHIAMAI>E v 'flotSDS.^ w; -tt ;K!±i TH! HAT»I . j*£Sr» »X*iAW ' HATS. S: iir-* * rlv v -* HATS.; ; • EtAT */.rr -- Va.*- ‘SL v'm&smr^ tV r 1 :•** T«>ow*<m»Tfrjut—l« : -'■*( '•' fl '“'■■' l L; rf'" l ,"?oi' : in*f" , ji ', h- £-vr>,‘> s■?.« » * TvjT )., - -">->- - ,- VOL. 3.— NO. 277. GENTS’ EirKNISHING GOODS. gSBIiaANB CRAVAT STORR :; MOVED i xb THE H. W.COR. OF BEVBNTH AMD OHBBTNUT.: CRAVATS, SCARFS, TIBS I FATENT KMAMFXAAD COLLARS ; GEN TLEM Alt's FURMISHIWO • i . GOODS; . ADI. KINDS BNDER WEAR; • SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER; FOR $9. ; ■ ■' COR. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. QEORQE SPENCER, JR , WENTS’I’CIIHISHING GOODS MO, «S 9 CHESTNUT STREET, (Amouuks Guum H<ki«* ; ofroni* Cohiikbnml Ham,.) Hm aim,* In Store *lares stoak of PINE HURTS. TIEB, GOLD ARB, STOCKS, UNDERSHIRTS, HOSIERY, . DRAWERS, - ■ > GLOVES. ko„ USAsVerrotkAfartlol* in Furnl»l>i&f line,nf the LA- the LOWEST PRICES. PROCLAMATION J!! „JL aWAMORItVcbiNo«'» an* V North SIXTH sHS*t.»s. i i'ee“>» l .«‘Se. o ENTLEM*NB FURNISH •WoJ®9I.’«BS,'.»«T|II» da»aKwen'», M their ODD SCAND. and intend to eoatwne uera/orote, eriat leaal natil doe notice i« riven to tne Contrary. Thtean* •Nneanut it made, in order Ural oar jraaurdne’ »a maa in tfeu oitr and eleewhere nu.knaw that their or-’ dire, sdddreeeed ae above, will always reaoh ae, wheth er they.kaveen toeee. oer adtmHtnutU *• tit nmt- Oorer.f r the time beta., or tot. ■ ■.. ! . P»aeeontthi«onte»d»aeteltln roar mem randdm wek. • inrl'H ■ J f W, BOoTT—lst* of the firm of Win gftßSjllFCT Btreet,(n«arlyoenoaltetbeOliard Hoase.) . jTWTI-arnU netafisi ml] the atteatiOn ol ble Mnwiotrona Wtf fftentaTp, hi« sew atore, and la rre BmlrtarSdOoUaea. ivfi-ly PAPEKHA,NGINGS. po CLOSE BUSINESS. HART, KOHTOOKSBY, * 00., : KO.ttt CHESTNUT STREET, tnueaU eat, tkravfh tele winter and nextatrtna, their ISrieatoakoT ~• ' FAPERHANG-IN Q-S. aealidiaaetentry warletTOOiineeted with the haalnem, A* GREATLYREDCCKD PRICES. UK nUENOttf ATERS AT « TER OKST, BB ■ LOWOOST. Wniea' vaattu theirKoaeea FaearM, aas eat rreat \ . BARGAINS. 18-II Paper hangings. . We invite the attention of ail person* who wish to deobrst* ihetr House*, to oarlargeaizd extensive #tock of PAPER HANGINGS* ef either of oar eaUbtfelw m*ni#, st) of th» newest and bait style*, suitable for atore* or dwelling*, and vat i» imthe oitr or won try. br •awful un. EU »WEt«L & BOORKE, H.K. Oornar FOURTH UP MARKET BlieeU. and IT FOURTH Street, vhlladalnlua. ayst-lm , ‘ Booking odasses. j^ooKiNa-aieAssss, PORTRAIT <U(D, EICfIDM EKAMEB, ENGRAVfiNaS. DID DAINTIItOS, Ac., Ao, VoVje ’'jrit|tKa s. SAHta fc juroMtttis, . whole , SAjM: 4tfj> MSXUI* MU'tJmm j . -- - ; A t-.vh ‘>s .f riff ou&apxa, ' J v/- ■ »»VoiussTNbrwiferi».';. . »h*Mf , Thiladelphi*. RriiUSERV OOOOfI. j?JiENOH FLOWERS. MONTpEKS. : < •'* -> AKO - STRAW BONNETS. lastoyeead** > - A BPLKNDID ASSORTMENT. THOS, KENNEDY & BBC., V,. No.’TS9 OHE6TNUTSTREET. r HEWING MACHINES. F. UHUNQER & 00.. . MAXDFACItTSBBS 0» SEWING MACHINES. Makiaathe t/ocgacd Shuttle Bfatoh. Tha latter for Ml kinds ol jDiUMifiMiW»Tvtn «ats*««%> »ci<va 401, 'ilw otttere are from ttf upwards. OFFICE AND SALtflfiOOM, 838 ARCH STREET. PHILADELPHIA. tyHEEEER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES. HEffiY .007, Aiwt, M OKUTNUT BT&EET, BKCOND FLOCK, liddlilttSai vltk Oyiriton, oanira to Private Families. XS49CH ovneasi .1 wm STATE Street* Trenton, N* X US CENTRAL SQUARE, Baste** Fa. JaU-0s WILCOX 4 GIBBS' SEWING MA _J„" CHINR--Tha treat and tiLoreacias demand for Witoea Jfe Oibbt* fiewißE Machina is a fuarsnteecf LU «^liS2m.h?SS!A s feHl^ißfe^r' MEDICINAI.. MBS. WINSLOW, gt AW BXPKRiBNOED ROME AND FEMALE fftniaUa,.r6mt* to the attention of mother. her SOOTHING BYBUP POBOEILDBEN TEETHING, DtKad ratttoTaSirMtVM SOCK IHFAHTB. ■Kioto for overtoil .0* an! truth of tt, ROT A CURE, when '. know nn loatanoe of /•umllt. Ontlwoon th iu.oseiitiMLtt md Ksmeedationof ita mici im. .w 5» rat* in tnlf sow,”.«(Ur Urn jeftrt’ ivaUtios forth# fulfil- Mmotoroi* W * w ” tJ isaa IkPiroraWa. tat in cotnou uiditt, "MWWWfc* 'ysENTßay ud d/ar 'ether H eriee* from • We voald toy to id suffering from ft&J ot lot letyourwejtidfGe*, ?r». stand between rehef that w»U be BUItE~to follow the ply w*d« Full direo iy eaoh. bottle; None >or®iPpi«kffxa- Ottteide wrapper. PATENT «• .PLATED lOE PITOEE : > Iwtirali diffarostin tkair oonatruotlon from all othera aid WAl< JLAriTKI> to keep the JOE I.ORQER thwt «»» RlteVat KOV ia li»t at a t*m**ratttre of aovautr d«- ItMOFakfMltoit. Thoaboio HWMra will keepthe watar aaM fet »i*e»<»-/M<r *«««. ApoudaMahalf ofiaeiatlUMPfataof inter will .fait muMtofuvt UtrJtvt mittuHii while the feme tuutitf fa ekhriiaerf atooa » itofcer, at the aame tem two tunua anti Sftaes rawntf«! ; fareotll ahoold .Rot oonfoood theaa Pitcherk with . tfcoea aaaallr teU, but toaairi for' o*|iii>B PATES®. son, ’ ■’■r-: •; -'■e* AitahklfcrtMJltonfaotttrar, Carter FIFTH »e 4 CHERRY Btreeu. ■(||AitTlW l >* ■ ■ ~~ ff«giaßgMC? ,M ‘ EXCURSIONS. §BA BATHING. ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY- SX HOURS FROM PHILADELPHIA. ACCOMMODATIONS. FOR 6,000 VISITORS, ' ATLANTIC CITY u now conceded to bo one of the mofltdelfghtful Toootto ip tho w orld.Tts bath npimrpA«Mds iu'twwtifut tmbiofcenbeaffh<nino milei in stngth) is br any on the Coat'nent, saVe that of <?ft’v«e#o'a; ib air ts remarVabla for ita drjne«f it« tailioff aep fish ng famlitlee are perfect; itsho Oisara wsl ( fdrnihhedt and as well kept ssthoae of Newport or Sarntoea; while its avenues andwalkß areoleanerend brofldeV tyttf those of any other Bea place \n taa oountry» , : Trnloe ofthe-OAMD-N ANn ATLANTIC RAIL BOaD leave VINE-BTREET WHARF, Philadelphia, daiJj , (BuG<Jays©XQeptetl)at7so A M.audiP. M. Bs turmns—Tfeach Philadelphia at 9 A. M. and Pnro sl.Bp. Round trip tickets, good for three days, $B6O. p,stymie fo tbiles. A telegraph extends the wliolele gthofthe road* jegQ.tf -CMSMB . TO PLEASURE TRAVEL SSESSK LKBS.—Crand Fxeursion f>om Pht'adel phia to Niagara Falls. Montreal Quebec. River SaRUC n&y. Whi'e Mountains, Poitlanu. Bofitop, Saratoga Springs, and New York- via, l.ake Ontario. River St. Lawrence, Grand Tronic Railway. Splendid steamer MAGNET.for tiagnenav River.and-retuin to Piniadel- Jihia via Portland and Boston or Saratoga Springs. Fares hr the round trip aa .fellows: - f ## . „ From Philadelphia via oaeteo. White Mountains, Bos ton aDdNow.Yoik., i,. s3toQ From Philadeipbta via Montreal, Saratoga Springs, J. and New York' BSAO From Quebec to Fiver, and return.--.. 22.00 ■ Ticket*rood until (rotober 15.1K0 , For,Excursion Ticket* audaj information as to route, Ae.iipply at the oMoe B, W. coiner of- SIXTH ana CHKBTNUT Streets. , CHaB. 8. TAPPEN, . . ieia im . General Ascnt. fc TOR' TQ& S Fi A - 'flSfMHn AM) ATLaNT C RaiLROAp. JTwo trajn* daty,(Sunday -excepted.) for ATLANTIC 011 TY. %ir Mail tram leave* vlne-it»«et Ferry....-—— .7SO A. SJ. Retnrnmgj leave* Atljutic City . 3 )0 P. M. Express train leave* Yvne street Ferry...... 4 0» P. M. Hefurolng leave* Atlantic City... ~...000 A. M< TheabovetraintetopstaUStations. Fare u> Atlantic - &1 » . Round trip ticket* r*ocd for thrre dvs).... S M 'Freight must be delivered at Qooobt’b Poiui by * P.M. The Company will not be Tesponstble for any gnew • until received aiW receipted for bjtneir* tent at the Point. JNO. O, £RYA«r t seB-tf 1 Agent. FIrtEWOHKS. gRILLIANT FIRE-WORKS or a<- STTPEKIOR QUALITY. FRENCH, AMERICAN, AND SKY-ROCKETS, CHINESE roman candles, COLOREO.BTARS, WHEELS, ‘ FLYERS, ROSETTES, FIREMEN’S TORCHES, TORPEDOES, FANCY PIECES. ETC, *OS SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Br E. Q WHITMAN & CO.. . SECOND AND CHESTNUT STREETS. le)8 53.56,MJ)2 3,l FUIE-CRAOKERS.— 5.100 boxes No. 1 gold-chop Fira«Cracker* for vale by , • Grp. K. OH^MBEHS, ; -No. u North WaTKR Street. jpiREWoRKs i fireworks ;: A lARGE AND WKUr’SELKCTED STOCK OF BRILLIANT FIREWORKS, OT the m&itufooter, of 1800, fn store and tot sola, Wholml, nnd by STEPHEN F. WHITMAN. ifB lm ' MARKET STREET, NEW YORK AnVKaTiaBiUjPNTS, «j|ljebgT BKtMONT t‘oo., " , , BAN KEiRiS « »'••» •• l ' r KßW; r itmki' " - ImU Dmmr, ot'CMditto Tr.v.Uori .HifobH la ALL PARTS OP THE WORLD, ' Tmoiii m MESSRS. ROTHBOHILD. . JJUS, LONDON, MANKFORT, VIENNA, NA , PLKS, AND CORRESPONDENTS JaiMia* HOUSJ3rFU|UIIS,IIN« GOODS. gUPHRIOR REFRIGERATORS, Most Improved kind*. , OHILJJH KIW GIGS AND CARRIAGES, '' in Great Variety, FURNITV&& LIFTHKSi Very useful in spresdmr Carpet# and Matting* WILLIAM YARN ALL’S HOUSE FURNISHING STORE. Ho. 1080 CHESTNUT STREET, Immediately opposite the Academy of Fine Arts, »p3O tf £jOX'S SPARKLING GELATINE, Br tlie grout, dozen, Ir .ingle package. ALBERT O. ROBERTS. DEADER IN FINK GROCERIES, ja!l Comer ELEVENTH end VINE Street*. g LINDS ANO SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS, Ho. 10 NOHTH SIXTH STREET, le ti e uoet eiter,ire manufacturer of VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. The Urgeit end finest ajtfortment In the olty. at the lomctprioee. STORE SHADER inode and lettered, itepatrioe eromorlr attended to apZ-rtanr QAST-STEfcL BE.ULS, FOB CHURCHES, FIRE ALARMS, fcc., JOB R ALB BY NAYLOR & GO.. 320 COMMERCE Street. Mrs. stills CRYSTsLINE LIQUID KUR.OpLORER! A preparation new to the public.but which has long been m private ate, for restoring Grav Bali to its txatu ralpolor, imparling toitaglossy oppearonoe,and ren dering it eoft nsdeilky. , ft ft entirely diderent in it* natare end «fT*a*« from any article now in nee for the same purpose, being a cleanly fluid, tte&rh at elw, a» water, veanirlßS no waahm • before or after it* application free from •uipkw r any othor obleotionsbl© ingredient, and applied as *«iy ha an ordinary Can be had of the following persons: w /I. HartierfL corner Jtmiperand Pine street*. K J Fennell. Wo. 20 North Eighth street. Thomas 'am.aster Sprooe and Ei.bteentb streets. Thomas Weaver. ViDe and Eighteenth street*. "B-Uj Ibonjpson. hit. Vernon and Seventeenth st’s. EUjrard Gnill&rd. Jr., Aron bc'ow Second street, t. B. Garriiuet. Coates ard Tenth street*. G* ojsf C. dower. Vine and Sixth itreets. A, B* Bowman* Spruce sr.d second streets. Seventh street#. ro r «de iwfiSafe and ?etAi?'^r e6Dttl ,tTe * t# ‘ . FIFTKENTfisnd LOOU^BtVeeia. ' mgM let FMlidenMh J|f ackerel; PHAD HERRING, Ac.— ' L"X iquo bbU Noe. 1, t and & large and medium Mao keret, in assorted pookaget, ofa vpuoholoe qaahtyi also 60 bbl*. new No. S large Mackerel. «0 half bbls new No. 8 do do, 80 bhls new No. 3 medium do. SO do new-Eastern Mom Shad.- to baa obi* new do .do do. iwu bbls new Rosrpoit No. i Herrins. BtO do do Halifax No. 1 do. 300 do new Boston No. 1 do. MO do tin ho l scale Fish. » do prime No. i Salmon. H*o Quintals Grand Rank Codfish. m Vp boxes new Herkimer county Cheese, How landing and m store, for sale by aim*. rroFFEE’S PATENT *-* ™ „ KNITTING MAMINES, , For Flam Stocking and Fanoy Kmttinr; Also. Machines for Knitting jJrawerti, Shirt* &o. t HibM&obi&esofT snd 1,3 and 1:3 and 3. and 3 and 3-Rib, „ on band and i> ode to order. These Maohlpes use the plain English Sprite Needle, nn anew principle, and are the obeapest and most rapid Mocumesfor Kmuinflnnae. „ , . -The, Goffee Patent Family Knitting Machine, for Family and Phniauon vst, is a now and successful feature in the useful inventions of tho age, and ranks with tho Sewing Maoi ins. Axenoy and salesroom. «o. 377 Broadway,How York, Jel-Sm HBNRV O. LEE, Agent ir^lGAß.—soo' bbls Clarified Cider CtTSWART’S PAISLEY MALT.~L,Pun- K? cheonft of this WHISKEY Just received and for •ale m bond by GEORGE WHirKuKY. . • , ias south r»m«T •JOMN, PITCH, AND TAR.-2,0; 0 bbls CJPIKH S TURPENTINE —2OO bbls Spta W ItiUOBIOB— ** tnow’s Italian, 1 ’? for sale fe&MK * BRWHea ' iT “-- 9 PHILADELPHIA, JUNE 23, 1860. A Little Soiigr* BY THE BAWU OP TOIVEB Dilli, : There'* a l ; tt o Mr. Littlei' •»'- - • J ' •ndftUttle'wifehashe, ■;< With a little )»e*rt that’* conetatit, » As u little wife's eh(iu>il bo. [ Br a htileoot tace’re slielbered; Bv a little farm arc fed j • And thav hav* a little Little, ♦ 1 > ' lnahttleora;Jle-hed. / ‘ And Ihia little pmr nf Littles, With their little b ibr-bny, Of »hetrcnzy little cnt'nre Make ftlmleark of )oy, .SViflrt his little wfe and Little .Sweetly Mnp*«be little song t u Kere below, man want* but tittle* And that little want* not long." With the World tint itttle mixing, . Of the world he lit letnnwe; 7 , Both* reappi* lit 1© nnrveet a From the little seeds he sow*. . At tha Tower'b.aT! with little ■ ,r Ready ovh. fhe little man • - . Ever buys his little varments, Fot as little as he can t And that. littl© is «o little, That h«* rays but little profit , On the lit* le suits he wears. With no little billaAgamst him* • On.ftin little farm he stands Bti» indebted for hi® little, ' To his busy little hand; ' And, at that tnt*v Little Js a little better roan Than nnr/flc litetc-eou'edone, 1 On a little bigger plan. We’ve hut Htt’o time to Itlmr ‘ * ’ * fn our little spheres below; And if lirrle our desorvintß. Litue joj in hearen wo Ti know’. May we all, (ha bis and little, 1 ’ • ’ < Ks>p th>* fitilo faot in vi»w Aawe. herr, candohuUntle, ,i,3- i We should all ihat Mule do. / « A, complete and well-assorted ctock of Clothing now on hand, unsurpassed style aod workmanship, to which the attention 6f wholesale and retail buyers is invited, at c TOWFJI HALL, «18 MARKET St, Philadelphia. ‘ SUMMER RESORTS; UNtTEI) HOnL, ’ . M(U,F.RBT(jWN. DtUPHIN COUNTY. FA. /urns well-known Hotel has been leased bychnsuD- Mriher. and (is* been thomuchly re» ovatedand entireiv newly, furnished. * illershurg is situated in on* nf th’* most romanMo regions of Pennsylvania! the Mtsnns h nna river flows icrua dtate y by ti. aud Miords fine fisninc; the mountain scenery is unsurpassed in the ota>e. Game aboun , -a in rreat plenty, affrtfdm* fine sport ror huntsmen ; tho mountain streim««b »und W'th tiout tn great plenty- City visitors, who are desirnuffof spending a few months in tho cnnntr*. will find this one u the most desirable ukoea m' Pennsybania. Toe North Pennsrlvam* Nnilroni passes the town, and it is in daily oormnanioft iQn with Vlulauelphlv, Baltunofß)* and New York. T/je subscriber will u«o every eflitrt’to make bis quests comfortable. . , A J.- WARFJE T B, Proprietor.- jnniergbnrg, June id • mo, je2a ltd CEA BATILNG.* national WAT.L, CAPE ISLAND. CAFE MkY. pc j. •' * This fine, laree. and nirv house is NOW OPEN fcr Visitors, illsdiatinpU'Shed for comfort,localitr.,flftl superior accommodatioas, wirh omple room for 2w mp sons. Terms moiierate. * * • * JeB32m AARON GAHBET^ON,Proprietor, . WEPTUWE HOUSE—ATLANTIC 01TI* **.7 —Thi* poppler and eminently aroriie Honsoat AtlautioCity Its*, since> the olnsiagof lasi sasann,b*fn eniar<ed. refitted, and completely tp- 1 Juvenaied in every partioiilsr and is now open far the benson. From, it* deUghtful situatioo, new ness to ail plan** rf > («Kereet.otoße proximity to the safeat and best part of tne h*sob« it '* reoilerad qo» of the most convenient and decidedly the plea*aute*thoi»* onffto fs'and. Tora3*~sH) per week; SI.M por day, Children aid WVftnl* half price. *, v BMICIC, Prowietot. 5. h. FI : EEY, SuperintenifenL je3l*J» Heaih house* . ' tiCHOOLEY f B MOUNTAIN, N. I, Is coyroien for tb» reception of company Commaoi eatmrs by letter will b« proront y attended to. j*2Mm • U f A. CKOWKLi., Proprietor. BETftEAT, Beautifully and conveniently looated At ATI.ANTIC < ITY, N. J. Boarders accommodated on reasonable terms icSo-3cn ])!■ MopLEES. ProprWor. C) )NOBfSS lIALt TLAN'i 10 CITY.. ' N J.—This spA'jinu* Ho«se. situated at Atlantic City* will be reopened with every for visitors i-n the »lh instant, by the subt-criher. Tn* Hoqoe fronts iftebespn viyink R cnirndid view of tho tiocfln aft' is near the Pilshm-i and ftattmx mio pains will be spared to secure the comfort anit con vemcnce of guests, ]e2J-ftn THOMAS C. GABRETT. ©TAR HOTEL, .vjtAß/.v t«k tr. «. yrornr,, ~,.AI'LANTIU Cl’y. n. j. ,„„.,„SAAUiEL ADAMS. I'KOI'RL TOR. DINNER FIFTY CENTS. ALSO. CARiIAGKR TO HIHK.- uoardem accommodated on the roost reasnoahV forms >e*P3qt fijSA BATHING, PAPR ISLAND, N. J.~ rt ELA^ r ABF, HOllK**- (Bnowoepnlorthosenfion jo g gm* JAMF6 MEORaY* Proprietor. MBKIGANTINE n i [)BF--’Brigahtim- Peadh. New Jersev. H. D. BWITH- Proprietor. This laTge,nnd comtmidiouß Hole' is nowopep for th» rei-entJonof vis tors. Person* visjt n* toe teft'shore will Cod thF moat demrKblfl .BatMng.i FiRhmK. *o.; iuP»oiV««tyf.(liftdpfiLJi* t p non.suoh os enUrgement of tliflßix-nafimpehw bathing haus.s, •wharfrwiMkSf *?<#.' Psssenrers lean t Vine street wharf i ■> ttte momtag train, -v-i t Camden ot lantio Hnilroftd, arrive al Bedlnn’o Hotel, W‘ ere BenJ.arnin‘l u nerwiH.be in readiness to Convey then-' to the Hotel, arriving m tirau fordinner. jelD tuib'»tro < TKEMHMT HOUSE, O 'PE ISLAND, N. J.—HUMPHREY HI r GHEB, Proprietor-Thit intice. so'Uacnnfly ctttia’ed in close >ro«imUi to the isatm vri l be open for tti* 1 reoaytuin of viaitoru on tue Sfith inst.' The large, sviendid m»n in front of the house; the fine shade, pood rooms end fciiiie. render if the fno*td£sirnbhp>ncfi(mthe)fhnd Attached to the premises are bowling saloons and b,rber sbnp. JelB 1m American hucsk, cape inland— Mrs. M. REYNOLDS. Proprietor.-This favorite hotel Will op-n far tfao reception of visitors on MON« i)iy, duns 7,Sth. It licen fitted Op in thdKes* style r.ud everymtonljoji vtll bo paiflto thoebmfortofit* guottts. jelB-dtSepl ‘YIftUTE SULPHUR AND CHALYBE- If ATK gpvih'GH, nt DOUBIING G U*, PA. These bprinxe are in Cum erlnnd esunty. SQ mile* vest of Harrisburg, and areaocess'be frifnalltho East* orn and routhern cities by raxlro*a m Hartwour* tbenep on the Vailoy nr.;lr<i'4 to Nowillo ihence • uht mi>es stucing. lu new and euy oooohes, tc* the fpringß PaMengMß leaving Pluladolbliia. Baltmnre.or Wash inuton, in the mornuiK cars drive at tie Springs the MmeevenuißiiioP M. This property han changed bands, and hns nnderronF athornuehrepmria ar«e bu ldiuc hns teen • rooted in which fire warm and Gold Baths, nndeveiy .irrantement hns been mode lor the comfort ana convenience of vi sitors. Newsbjbunr bag been erected: hoTsasaud carrmrci will a-wava bs on hand lor hire. Terms moderate Minis daily. .... For circular* and particulars, address ;he proprietors je!6 )m KE*>GA KOSKft. imYuK. & « O Lebanon valley house LEBANON, PA. CHAS. W. KTJHNLE.Proirictor. Summer hoarders taken. Tho house Is new and com modiQUs.with urmimbt attnohed. Hurnundmr. oonnt*j iieoutifnland healthy JlaiJro/wl omnaumoation with Ihecits twme ftdas. Oharre* niooerat*. m'S lm* Tm SEA-SU' -RK—ATLANTIC OIXV. McKIBBIN’B IT. B. H i'EL. t The undersigned, or ol tee above-named house, bfing. uow preparet to rt«tvr guests, re spectfull* solioita a share of the public putron* ngr» Hinoe last summer more has been added t«- this hotel a iour stonod wing. liO fee: in l*n«tli.c*m ttinlitsf beside the bed- n>om«,)s«ujteoftbrce Farlors for ladies, and wo lor geutlemoni tiro, ft reoepnoi. Tonm, \msh-To<*m- ami spamnns bar room. Uowltm. Saloons. Billiard Booms,And hot and cod Halt w Um Bath »<ooms have been constructed fir the acoommo dation or visitors, and the whole houss yri-I he iishtou wall ins. The house has l*een newly painted and fur < niahed while the shaded grounds surrounding it have been put in complete order, a wall inirmed plensurt Yacht, and an excellent Bond of Muar. have been en gaged f»r the season. J. McKl BUiN. Jen tf C iLlfMttIA MOUSE, Ot?E iSLAbD— Cape May, How Jersey.—Thu Urge, first-cUs* HOT - L will be ooeued. for the reception .»f guests, of. the 25»h June. 1860. The House hi* bo*n compietnL repaired and refu nished A new ootking r*n,e. ovens steam boilers.and every modern iiiprovemeitadded p,xt*n ive stauimc attached to iho iremiEi'S All lertersruid essod tn tho subs-'-ibers. Capo Island Now Joreeyi will be promptly Attends* to. f.A/lit & WDOLMaN. James ll. Laird ,latn proprietor Franklin House,»bile delpiua; H. B. Woolman, forroerlj proprietor Mount Vernon Hotel. Cr.pe island. je!3 d>m Hail, CAPE ISLAND, v/ CAI’E-MAY, N. J—This will-known, first-olnsb Hotel will no opened for tne recspiioa of guests oa SA TT t RDaY. the lfithinst. The Bowling -Uejs have been removed, and new g'QPpinz rooms added, sitloe l»stsntsoo. jelX-6\v WEST fc THOMtbUH, Propnetors. TTMTFD S»ATKS HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, N. J. — The snhspnber takes thb method of informing his friends ntd ity publio thatoi and after J CNK SUth his house «m be open for the re oeottun of guests, when „vory o&rt Will be rnnde v please those who mav Invo" him. the house is plea aantly .BUttnet*d on a fine bluff wi:h lawn »n front. > full view of the ooean. go oa rnadi, stabli* g. fco., mak* it a* aUraotive a* any bouse in in* country. The com nmmcatuin is aoorcsihle by two duly lines from Foot o* Walnut street wharf, viz.: 6A. Jf.,and3 P M« Itcfarenoe—Gmndy, Warden, A Co.. Chestno' streoL B. 4. HHOEMAKK", Jeg-ym Proprietor. SUMMER BOARDING.—OLD SaND SPRING near Womeledorf 'erks county* Pa. 'Phe lar»e and oommodt'iis HLTKi. AND BOaKD TNG HOUBts, at this dvligbtful hummer Retreat, n now oompieted, amt will he opeied for Boarders on thv Corannnioii'toii twice da'JT..from Philadelphia and Harrisburg, by tho Benditg and Lebanon Valid) Railroads. , ... KT Boarders received br the week or through tb* season, on reasonable terms. „ i jev-lm JOHN MANftF.RßAClf,Proprietor. dH ARLTSLE The favorite resort f*ir those » j who appriciate Grand Scenery. jyTmr, our Piinc Pure Mountain Air, liivigoratinc WH y*»*ri% P « B Baths. Lfbgeond Well ventilated : PA. !?.;Sff 8 - ,Joo '' Bnn,B » • * Boat Accommodateonxfor * 300. For padioularfl send for Ciroti- TRn.MS now iur. OWEN, CLBNDF.NIN. A* VIfiBCHKP. Je7-Hm CarUeie Bptmg, if a. BEDARD SPRINGS—This well-known and detighiful Summer geaort will he opened foi tho rooeption or Visitors on the FlhSi’ OJ ? JUN>, aud kept open till the Ist of October. ‘J'ne Hotel will be under the managemontof Mr. A. G ALLbN, wiu-ea exporieuci. courto-mg manners, and attention to his guebts. give jhe amplest asauranoo o oomfort mid kind treatment. Parties wishing rooms, nr owf information in regard to the place, will address the uihscnUer, M J.NO. J'. JtlKWl. Sco'vnnd Troa>uror. my3o-Sn* Bedford Mineral Springs Co. Ephhata MOUNTAIN Sr rings, Lsnoftfiter County. Pranßvivonia—This eßtih l.shment will be op»*n by ihr* llt« at June * TaaAd vautases of this beautiful resnij art-: Mountain scenery, pureair.nno soft water; every.variety of bath*,end an.u»emenis; a good slock of livers horses and car rinses. For further Particulars call on JOSEPH B. MY BUS, oorijer Third and Vm-» Streets; JaMBS 8. EARLiS,No.tiI« Chestnut Strew.-Philadelphia, of to the proprietor. JoBKl*fi HOMGMACHER, Bphrata Poet Office. Lancaster County. Pa. m>SO-lm LADIES’ TRAVELLING BAGS manufactured and lor tale by C. F, RUMFP, 118 North FOURTH Street, above Arch, wholesale and refrul manufacturer of & NAhs k^OCEY ET^O T OKS, CWAR jobbing promptly Uonft , pT-gm Burning fluid, alcohol, and CaMPHKNK. in bartflsnod holftmrrela. mnnn- Jnoiured daily and far ante by bOVv I'.KV' AyHBU Ji- WKR. * CO . Nn. IrtWHtTH wnavV., PARIS G^ERN—For sale by WFTHE iIIIiD & BROTHER, it and 49 Horlh SECOND Street. JtS* "€ ji« Jr e 5 s. SATURDAY, JUNE 23,1860. I'flhhiomible Waterlug Place*. Wbato.vcr may bo the custom In other' countries, life at a watering-place in England principally consists of what may bo called the abandon of retjitemenf. .A' determination, to recult health ol mind or body, when enervated and fatigned by tho whirl of- " dissipationa plaoisg of Jwoalth and-station into ti»e:shade, for a brief period; a conten&nent with diet, early, hours, and constant out-of-doors, employment 'or exercise, and, above, alii ja' primitively rural ’simplicity, RSoUttittlti,; lh» jn Epgiandi" t - , r’'- ( ' Oi courie at Brighton—which is only Lon don at tho sea-sido—adifferont mode of living, is adopted- There, as at a low other placJet, whlch in extent, population, and .-Institutions, are .actHaJiy cltiae js attempted what is called il thshionable Hfo,’’ but . really is only its very dim dagnerrootypo. A feeble effurt, for the iDiost with tho chill removed —the shadow of a shade—an imitation badly* imitated— second-hand gracesj. the very dtbria of what, at first and in its owniphere, was only “ west tolerable, and not to’bo eridtired.” In what deserves to be mentioned as a real English watering-place—which means a rotreat! “by tho sad sea-waves,” or sorno ruraiity happy in possession of medicinal waters—a pecniiar mode ol living may bo noticed. A family, noblo, or wealthy, or fashionable—for neither riches nor rant: necessarily bring their possessions within tho charmed circlo of Fash ion, as a Duchess or a millionaire may not bo of the bant ton —having spent «the season ’* ) n turns to. tho bygone re tlroment oL Matlock or Malvern. From the hour of their arrival, it would appear as If their solo desire— V , ' The world facnttiai, by tb* world forgot, Wore to pass as many houra th-the open air as the too capricious ql^wtevfill permit; to ittka the plainest food,' folF'jfblch constant ex ercise gives a hearty jpillv.o, in short, likC ratlona! belngs. as if'aueh things as the' Queen’s ball, tho Italian opera, French plays, - Almacks, solemn dinners, gay dances, and midnight flirtations were no more than vi sions of Fancy, each “an unsubstantial' pa geant fitded.” When such early hours and healthy occupation--'beconig habitual and pleasant, little thought; is given to personal adornment. Open air and exercise are tho finest ir| the world—equalled only by “the magical Stay dew,” which Hibernian beauties look for, and sometimes find. Silks, satins, and velvets, and the yet more delichio tissues—sometimes so fine as almost to reallzo the poetical thought which robed Aphrodite in “woven air”—are left behind. The plain est muslins are placed on dqty and.-In use. A sun-bonnet, a broad-brimmhft; loghorn, a spicy hat, or a «drawn ” silk, becomes tho acceptable suhstituta tor an exquisite headdress by Caradan, or any othft fasbionablo wodit/c . A-- Duke’s daughter,' in sach circumstances, will bo appareled more plainly than tier own femme de chambrc. Ease, comfort, and the fooling that, for tho time, the gay trappings. pf society are to he dispensed with, become very enjoyable sensations. Books, nipslc, and ore as available in a cottage as fit :a palace. Tho goodly nature around them be comes voicetul to their hearts. Snciety'bcort not be wholly abandoned In tills retirement from its noisy crowds. Now and then, ac quaintances and friends will flit across tho horizon; lovers will corns at, limes, it- may be; and, above all, to a whoio family thus assembled, breaking the bonds of custom and etiquette, how welcome is tho domesticity which euch a rc-umoo creates. In tho fashionable summer resorts of Con tinental Europe, tho of living Is of o hy brid character. There is considerable inhala tion of fresh air, and no shrinking from any reasonable qnantity of out-of-doors enjoy ment, or evon great pedestrian feats. But ihare is a good deal, also, of gregarious high tiring—an unlimited display of rich attire—a vast quantity of polka-ing and other “ ball practice,”—and a constant and tompting ex citement of piny, regularly recognized, and (in Germany) oyon licensed, as chief among tho ruling institutions of the place. Some people have gravely doubted whether such a modo of life, pursued for even such a brief period as two or three months, is of more benefit or injury to tho mental and bodily health of young peoplo of both sexes. Wo have no doubt whatever on the subject. Here, in America, it is said “ fashionable’' peoplo retire—not to unbend tho bow, but to take a deeper plunge into tho feverish pursuit of what is called « Pleasure.” Wardrobes and society arc only transferred, in such cases, to netv localities. Peoplo gregariously congre gate, in ssaroh of enjoyment, as they have been accustomed to do at home- They luxu riate in brilliant attire, many-hued as was Joseph’s coat, of yore. They much affect jewels and ornaments. They sro content to lose their individuality and to sink into mere eyphors in the crowd. Professing to bo ex hausted by tho oxactious of Society, they plunge, as if in despair, with double industry, ir not with double zest, into a concentration ot the some pseudo-enjoyment. In floe, be cause it is “ the fashion,” they surrender inde pendence of natural action, and subtmt tomany inconveniences to accomplish the great end of tbeir visit —namely, to display the variety and number of their handsome garments, and to return homo capable of boasting to such of tbeir friends as may not have indulged in a like ex cursion, how charmingly crowded this place or that was, and how delightfully crushed they were through tho route and round of such summer-abodes. That such persistence in what Society calls “ enjoyment ” often pales the check, dims tho eye, thins the face, wastes tho body, and enervates tho mind, is exactly what is not thought of. It i»'some eopsollrtton to reasonable people to know that Philadelphia differs in very many points from other great cities in the Union as regards summer retreats. By right of proxi mity and capita), Atlantic City lias been dnly annexed to Philadelphia. By the Camden md Atlaniic liallroad, access is rapid, con stant, easy, and cheap. It is an admitted fact that the Philadelphia markets are the best sup plied, and with tho greatest variety of neces saries and delicacies, of any in America. Du ring the summer season, those markets supply Atlantic Oily in luxurious and overflowing abundance. Kyorythlng whirh tho most fasti dious can desire is there to bo found. Tho hotels have been refitted during tho spring of this year—some of' them have been greatly en larged—and gas lias been introduced. Tho absurd extravagance of toilette, which has made tlio sensible public turn away from Sara toga, Newport, and innny other places, is not in fashion there. II is not considered necea-1 sary, or, indeed, consistent, for ladies to change their dresses fivo timoß a day j nor 1b a gentlewoman who covers herself with orna ments, as If cho were a peripatetic jeweller’s store, esteemed on account of her ostenta tious display. Simple elegance, in a word, is tho rule for femalo attlro at Atlantic City, and cumbrous wardrobes are generally tabooed, In this respect, Atlantic City much reseinblos the flrst-closs sea resorts in England. l'Ue increased accommodation, this year, at Atlantic City, and tho agreeable fact that it is particularly easy oi access from Philadelphia, will induce many Southern visitors to enjoy the advantages it so largely possesses. Tho season now just commenced will bo the best yet experienced there. Among theso advantages we place sea-bath ing and invigorating sea air. The strand, as delicate in Its feel, under the foot, as a velvet carpet, stretches for miles on tho very margin of the eternal Atlantic, and tho bath ing is not surpassed in tho world, for Us facili ties and its health-creating effects. The ablest physicians declare that oceanic bathing is the true Kttlydor —the best and simplest, and most vvfailing Beautijier. This is what crowns tho advantages of Atlantic City. iIEIIGIOUS INTEILIGEBCB. An Itbu VBOir luslano.—From a copy of tho Banner of Ulster, of Jane 2d, now before ns, we learn that, QU'Thursday, the 3tst ult, tho eorner sttne of a new Presbyterian Church was laid in the city of Belfast, by George H. Stuart, Esq., of this oity. Tho new oburch Is located on Unlyemi ty Vo ad, oppoaite the Qaeon’a College, end is In tended VO'be if oepßelty to seat eight hundred persons. The, Edgar, who lately visited this oouptry,.ln„s W rmy with Revs. Dr. Wilson and Dr, 3UVawt*tedln the ceremonies. Among tbs content* of thsjtettle placed l B the foundatioh flione wore'a'nnjabelcof reports of recent r'efliloos afiombl[«s,a fait-iiqlpe of the’ reign of her bs< s ty Qeeen ViotorloemtAtho name of the gentfomad to vrhbm was aßflgfcedhhe honor of the etams, Bifore layifigllX aiver trowel was pYga'onW |® JeVqil the following’ iosai’i'ptioa: AwNOhUd torGborge.H. Stoart, Esq , on tho oe fcMtoti'of Mb Vh« fon&dxtton-staiiQ of tb« Proabytprtftn Churob,. Elmswood; Belfast, 31at May, 1860 51 After the ceremony ilr. Stnart made a abort address, (a report of which I* given.) being followed by the Rev, Dr. Murray, of Elisabeth town, New is also an Iriabtoan by birth.) who dweVt especi&Uf apon iflte foot (hat, as «iocbaroh was to be Pratby(er&> n thf- pare and simple doctrine of salvation by faith should alone be preached In it. AHNYM/ ExiMtWATIOX AT THU # TIIEOLOQICAL SaiitKAUY, Al^xath>uia.— examination of (be Theological Seminary, at’Alexandria, will be held on Tuesday the 26th instant, com mencing at fi o'cToch A M , and yrll| ednjinue till Thursday, when tho cloring take plaoe. Thf ordination will he on Friday* Tbl* J* 1 one of the most important and popular Eplsoopal SsstltuUesU, and the faot that It fathd Aima Mktar of many divine* throughout the dduntry ha* en deared it to many members of denomfoatlao in all purls of tho Union. Rev. Henry A. Wise, rootor of the Church or the B«vUur, West Phila delphia, and Rev. Phillips Brooks, rector of the fjhurch of the Advent, both tamo to Philadelphia recently* to assume their first charges, direct from this taittUrtfob. The examination of the classes next week will probably be attended by numerous Episcopalian* from tbjl city. Ax Aflfci) Couvr.RT Dr. Kennard, of this city, on a recent Lord’s Day, baptized (by Immersion,) the Rev. C. B. Everest, a Congregational minister, 71 years of age. Movement iff Bihalf of me Jews.—At a meet ing hold in the early part of the present year at Jorusaiein, to take into consideration the duty de volving upon the friend* of Israel in Teferienoeto tholr present condition and future prospect a, the following preamble, together with th* sketch of a. provisional organltalion of a society entitled tbV >( Abrahamlo League for the restoration of Israri,*’ was formally adopted, as we learn from theATiL Unnial Harbinger: u Assured that the time has at last arrived, In the good Providence of the Lord, when speoial and strenuous efforts should be put forth for amello . rating the oondltlon of the < lost sheep of tho Homs of Israel, 7 in reference to their social position, as well as their sniritnal wants ; and persuaded, more over, that nothing is required in order to swore the co-operation of all the humane and patriotic, as well «a tho pious of all nations, in behalf of this noble thoueh much .injured race, bat the dtffaaion of information rel*tivototbe preseat condition and future prospects of Judea and ihe Jews, In connec tion with wme suitable organisation, through which the contributions and efforts of the baoevoleftt V\*7 be made.effective. Wo therefor* pledge our efforti to these object* hereby, a* a council ef ma* nngemebt for the * Abrehamlo League, l doasUUng at present of the founders of the soalety resident on the site of operations, together with corresponding msmbtas in oth*r parts of Pslestlne, and honorary members abroad- It is expressly how ever. that this orgAnlzetion, bring merely prclimi. nary and provisional, will merge In & Eorelgn So ciety. to which it will become subject, as a rtunttl of 'managment, with mpro tzuftiive pou>ere, on the formation of spph foreign association. ‘‘ Wb meeting was held in pursuanoe of a public call, signed by several friends of Israel. Qarp.er, B«q., of New York, was called to the Qbair, and the roeetis? opened with prayer and the reading of the 18th obapter of Isaiah, In connection with a portion also, a few other- passages of Scripture** lire-., ntnble and constitution above lWe «eon Introduced, with explanatory remark* by Dt! Eat day. Spirited and interesting Addresses were then delivered by the Rev. Messrs. Arnold of Australis. Jones of Jerusalem, Mill* of London, kDeaton of California, Kraus of Germany, of London, and Mr. Dinncas of Jerusalem. Nume rous difficulties and objections being started, an animated discussion arose on several tojdoa that came under consideratlon dariag the eveaiog; hut, ms taking ibe vota, the decision w«« nnantmons in Prospective Bishop op Kansas —’Tho Episco pal Recorder, ol this city, in ppeaking of Dr. Dy er's dceliofttion of the Kansas Episcopate, oalloibe aUonUon of its readers to ihat diocese by saying. “ iUe most important that the bishop to be elected bean pbairnotivo, neither in policy or doctrine. A man may be doctrinally orthodox, and yet, 11> torgioally Illiberal; he may belUnTglcally liberal, and yet, doctrinally lax. is important for suc cess in a Western diocese that both orthodoxy and missionary liberty should he maintained by its bishop ; It ifl important for tbe whole Church that in tho Kansas Bishop both of these qualities should bo sooured.” Praying fob Oil on the Political Sea At a onion held in the oily of Quin* ey, Illinois, tho following resolution was recently adopted, with tho request that It be sent to tho dif. {brent religious papers in tbe country for publica tion 2 lt That thli meeting devote the drat week in Jaly, beginning with the first Sabbath In the month, to prayer for our country, especially In view of the'great political excitement which is ex tending over the land that God’s people maybe kept from sinful participation In U; that thoy nony be guided in their action for the good of his oaugo; that those who may be placed In authority over ua may be men who shall rule in righteoumess, and that onr Redeemer’s cause may be glorified in the remit of tho coming election And also, that we incite a?! churches and prayer-meetings through out .the lan l to unito with u«.” Tub Bible Question in New York —The New Yoik oorre*ron< , ence of th. Rostov Ptlo f y for the present week, contains the following: “ We are about to have a mass meeting on the Bible question, at the Academy of Mublc or Conner Institute. Clergymen Are to be thespeakera. The Fourth-ward school authorities are to be denounced for removing Protestant teachers and appointing Catholic 00*8 in their place We are to have it proven that the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United Ftates and the Rnfnty of the country, require that King .James' Bible be read in our common schools ** If T mako a speech nt this meeting It will b» to advise measore* of retaliation. A Catholic ward has removed Protestant teaobers. Let some Protestant ward oxnd i*s Ctatbolfo teachers, ftnd it will ha'evefl, and our Catholio fellow cltlsana will sen that this f 3 a game two o«n play at. Next we will have r compromise Asotin-third or more of tho population of this city !h Catholic, wo propose that there bo in each ward a fair proportion of Protestant and Catholic teachers According to tbe >opnlAtlon-~the Catholic teachers In esob school to iave the choree of the religion* instruction of the Catholio children, and the Protestants of the Protestnut; that is, if the parents can agree as to what it la to be.” An FcoLEfIiASTiCAi. Council has refused to or dain Rev. Mr. Dorman over the Congregational Society at Manchester, Connecticut, on account of alleged unsounJnwa In his Ideas about the Trinity. Tho obnrch and society have called another ooun cii, and if there is another refusal to ordain Mr. Dorman, they will proceed to do it themselves, Ac cording totbo’primiilveriyloof Congregationalism. Ministers anp Churches in London.—lt is stated thr.t London has 930 clergymen, 429 churches, and 423 chapels, of which the latter the Indepen dents have 121, the Baptists 109, the Weritsyena 77, tbe Roman Catholics 09, tho Calvinist* and English Proabyterians 10, the Qaakers 7, the .Tews 10, and tho numerous other sects from one to five each. Origin of Black Coats in tub CLEnav.—ln the year 1524 Luther laid aside tbe monk's cos tume, and henceforth dressed according to tbe fash ion of the world. He chose black clothes, and con sequently the color has become the fashion of tbe olergy. Jlte reason for choosing this color was : The Elector of Saxony took an interest in him, and now and then sent him a piece of black doth, be ing at that timo the court fashion, and because Lu ther preferred it; *o bis rcbolim thought it be came them to woar the same color ns their master. From that time black has been tho oolor most worn by the clergy. i The Tisohenpouf Biblical AUMtaCßinta Professor Tlsohendorf, tho celebrated discoverer of the oldest known minuscripls of tho Bible, found in tbe convent on Mount Sioni, has returned to St. Petersburg, to superintend tho publication of this important work The Russian Government hns granted him for this purposo half a million of roubles, to enable him to ODgage the most skilful compositors, and have typo cast exaotly like tho lottore of tho original. *» Old-Vashionku Texts —A few weeks a friend of ours wus called to preach as a “candi date in a vacant pulpii, and one of the meat se rious objections urged against hU settlement was, that ho preached from “ suoh old-fashioned texts ” The sermons were good, sound, and full of tho Gospel; tho manner solemn, forcible and effective; but then the texts wore so “ old fashioned.—The Presbyterian. Religious Garbling.—' The Oswego (Now York) grand jury publishes a card notifying managers of tairs and festivals held by church societies, that the •practice of disposing of their goods by lottery ja ooutrary to the statute, and must not be persisted In. James Sdyi>a*i, Esq., of New York, has pre sented eis thousand dollars to the Board of Foreign Mififilonsof the Reformed Botch Church, to bo in vented as a basis of orodit in the financial opera tions of tho Board. The fund baa been alyled by the Board the «* Biiydam Security Baud.” Casualty. — Andrew Mariner was seri ously iniurod >eaterday momiK b? a larve fire-proof door frtHiisir on hlehfnd.M Fenton’s »ul loft, atWAl nut-ftreet wharf, while enraged in hoistingaenil. Be was oonveyort to Tils residence on Pelton street, near Girard avenue. TWO CENTS. Letter from Lebanon* » (Correspondence of The Tran 3 “ 'Lwurok, Juno 20, 1860. Editor op Tee Press—Sir: I thought that & Utter from Lebanon might not proro uninteresting to the numerous readers of your paper, and par ticularly as our anoient burgh seems isolated In the way of correspondence from. aU the. world and the rest of mankind. Lebanon ie a borough con* tainlng about seven or eight thousand people, a thrifty, industrious, and enterprising 'community, composed of the honesfcyeomanry of Ougrant Key-! stone Slate As a county, we are emphatically an agricultural peope, and on? manufactnrii* in terests, portlcolarly Iron, are of so tor; our mineral lion 010 hilla are i »n* oo&] are found In th«'(Amli{yi:> ♦y- ■ ■ » »" Within a circuit'of atJd’dt sltf miletftre h&vert* large anthracite.furnaces, which, on an average, yield about, eight hundred tong of iron a Week.: The Sonaughmore iron works, owned by B. W. Woman, Esq., made last week one-hundred and fifty-six tons of metal; go yoh observeshe ft good plucky > . • SaVeropaMo .-feiy-rtßsaTOt.'a- di> witthink the hey ever bid M fair w it dote. this. >»*r. ■ The grain looks remarkably well, notwlihstandrng the hsij-storm yesterday, which, I imdersUnd, did not do mnoh damage. The oldeet resiJesta say they new saw snob immense hail-stones as fell abont fonr o’olook yesterday afternoon; some of which I tneasnted myself were six inches fa efrenmferoncs, and the, fell thick and fast. Allow me, sir, to say a few words with regard to the feeling of the Democratic pari, in thfs eousty, in reference to the nomination for President of the TJaited States at Baltimore. X am no designing politician myself, neither have X ever taken an active part In the politics of~ the count,, though, 0/ course, I have never failed to exeroise the pri vilege of every American oltlaen-lhe right of snf. frago. X am free to say that onr delegate. Dr. Cyrus D. Qieninger, does nut represent the wishes and aenti mauts of tine-great body of theDamoeraoy—those bom and reared in tho oradle of the Demoeratio patty of this county—l do not mean such as hava been federalists, seoeders from the Whig party .and Know Nothings, of which some of the three or * four corporal’a guard of th»wonld-ba leaders or tho part, are oomposed, hut I refer to the feeling and honest Xlcmoerucy. Stephen A. Douglas has a bold in the hearts o* the Democrats of Lebanon county that cannot be embed out, and oJd men, who once stood In the foremost ranks of tho party, and hava tbver de serted it, who ore conservative and honest, cry iqnd and lustily, “ Bntsab for Douglu l" . What I have said, Mr Editor, bos boon to undo* oolvo tho minds of many with regard to out dale* gate to the Baltimore Convention. He represents, air, the wishes of a few politicians, but not the fco» nwt outburst and warm, hearty sentiments of 'the Tory many Douglas Democrats. A Jeffxssow Dewocbat. GENERATE NEWS. Tcbhinq the Tables.—The Pohmasian, a pa per published at Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, prints an aoeount of a tragedy that occurred in a court room In one of onr Southwestern States, and warns its readers against tho danger of lapsing iqto. flnaiMr barbarism. .The ssriousneis with which it discufsej the shocking state of society is fba United States, and the Rlf-consploaeiwy with which It oompans the peaceful and harmless life of ihe SandwichlslUideYs,' are vary edifying. II la but & few years, k»ys thVßpringlwa ‘kfjtiblfotn, •Inot no were giving our money *n£ prayers to convert these heathens, and already they'LefeM to preach to 11s. Next they will be sending swarthy missionaries to convert us from our barbarism— and serve us right. We find the following extraordinary chal lenge Id tbo Petersburg Intcllisgti?*r: Prisce Gkobor. May 22, IB6o.—The sub scriber, feeling himself to be the champion of pro slavery men South, will eay.that ho can whip the champion ot anti-slavery men North, either on land or water. -I will enror a room with him; the President of the Doited Stales shall lock the door, behind us, and inspect us for every half hour until the contest baa ended. .Or I would enter a boat oa the Mouat Vernon side of the Potomac, and meet him near tho middle. Both shall simultaneously leap Brora the o;d of bis boat, and swim anti! we meet, when we will engage; neither boat to ap proach until we agrse as to the victory. My ad* dress is Templeton, Prince Georjre. Vs. ' “1,. L. Lais.” Health of Nrtv York —When we comedo con sider the sanitary condition of toe eify of New York, the r picture, is quite appalling. In this growing worse and worso, and at this momenr/ir A <teml where England and soma European eouetrUs stood" two hundred years ago. - The ratio of d*atha to the whole population in 1835 was one in 40 87: but It has gone on steadily increasing till In 1857 the proportion was one in 27 15. How bad this is appears by comparison with several European cities, in which the ratio of mortality is as fol lows : 7<on.h>al mj JO ( Genoa.,.., 1 1»i.*».25 wrUn..* 1 in4o I Lvons lin 28*4 1 Wemburtr^*.,l iq&oi raue.~J in3s7i f Neir Yorfc~— .1 Ja27.15 Thus, It appears that the ratio of mortality is inu*h greater in the oity of New York than in most of the principal European olties; and this In spite of the naturally healthy situation of New York, of I*B copious supply of pure water* and tbe ease with wtloh a sufficient amountnf good food may be pro cured by its people. The urheaUbloee* of New York can arise only from ft disregard of proper sanitary regulations. We have seen that In point of health New York has been declining; but the contrary has been tho case with Paris ana London. In the fourteenth century, the mortality of Paris was estimated to be one in twenty; bat now, as wo have just seen, one in about thirty-two. Two hun dred years ago the mortality of London was about one in twenty-four; and row one Jn forty. That the unhe«lthincBS of New York Is not owing exclu sively to its size Js shown by tbe fact that London, whioh h tbe largest oily in Christendom, Is also, one of the healthiest — Poston Courier. Encouraging to PRorncTioxists.—The Hon. Albert G. Brown, of Mississippi, has been trying. f>r the last five months, to have resolutions passed by the United States Senate, fully recognising tbe right of Congress to pass laws for tbe protection of slavery in the Territories. He has been unsuccess ful. and recently a vote was taken on his proposi tion It resulted yeas three, to nays forty-two. Those who voted “yea” were Messrs. Brown, of Mississippi, Johnson, of Arkansas, and Mallory, of Florida After the vote was announced. Mr. Brown said, “We are three We aro a small band. That number was required to save Sodom. X think that tbe Republic U safe Some men use words as riflemen do ballets. They say lit“o. The few words u*ed go right to the mark. They let you talk, and guide with their eye and faoo, on and on, till what yon say oon be answered In a word or two, and then they lance out a sentence, pierce tho matter to thequiok. and aro done. You never know where you » r apa with them Your conversation falls into their minds as rivers fall Into the deep chesjns, and -aro lest from sight by its d-*pth and darkness. They will sometimes surprise you with a few words, that go right to the mark like n gun-shot, and then they are silent again, as if they were reloading. Removal of the Lazaretto —We understand that a movement Is ob- nt being made by tbe resi dents of T/nicuw, and tho townships adjointa?, to petition the next Legislature for a removal of the Lazaretto from Its present locality. This idea has been In contemplation for some years, and the time seems to have arrived when action will be taken. When the Lazaretto was established the population in its neighborhood was sparse, and now, that It has become numerous, tbe residents there begin to be alarmed, lest disease and death be introduced into their midst. It is well known that vessels from foreign porta, having slokness on board, are almost dally arriving at tbu quarantine ground, the patienta from whioh aro directly transferred to tho hospital at the Lazaretto. The utmost care and vigilance has, in several instances, failed to confine patients within proper limits, and the in troduction p oC disease among the resident popu lation has been the consequence. There is no reason why the Board of Health of Philadelphia should have their hospital in our midst, and we hare no doubt that. at the proper time, those most interested will demonstrate this matter in snob a manner as will insure them a successful hear ing before the proper authorities,— Delaware Co. Republican. A Man Ties a Stone to ms Neck and Throws HIMSELF TO TBB BOTTOM OF MILL CREEK —The Cincinnati Commercial of Jane l?th he* the fol lowing : “On Monday night last, a saddler who is known by the name of Nieholi*, and lives at Lick Run, made one of the most desperate and singular attempts at eelf-deatruotion that it has ever been our provinca to record. The good lady of Nicholas appears to bo master, and when a friend indnoes her bettor-half to visit a beer house and indulge in liberal potatloDS of that borerace, she gives him a good boating. This so hurt the ‘feelings of Nicholas that he determined tn die ! Accordingly he twistod a numbor of waxed-end* : into a small rope, and repaired to the banks of Mill oreek. whore he fastened one end to Ms neck and tbe other to u fifty-pound stone. Having waded out a good distance Into the stroam, carry iuethe rionelnbis hands, ho dropped H ijoto the water, hoping that it would hold him down until life wo* o.vilnct. Bat tho string broke, whereupon ho deliberately walked oat and adjusted bis appa } ratus nnd made a second attempt, whioh terrain*- | ted like the first. After adjusting his ‘fixing * a ' third time, his friends rushed from their conceal | merit and secured Nicholas. He tows that be will i throw himself under the first train that passes—a j determination that wlUdeabtlees be changed when < the fumes of bis loer die oat.” j A New Sect ih Michigan*.—The Gratiot (Mich.) 1 Avk’s states there Is an organization or denomi nation in that county who style themselves the “ Church of.Gcd,” but who pass by tbe appellation of “ Wynobanarians ” They bo-d south ofthevillage, at a 80boolbou*«. One of peculiar ordinance* oonsiets of washing eeoh other's feet. Tho elder offers a prajeT, then removes his coat, girds on a fowel, ana proceeds to wash the i feet of the member nearest him, wiping his feet with j the towel then takes him by tbe right hand and i salutes him with a kiss. The washed then washes tbe feet of the next brother, and the washing pro ceeds until all uto washed. The. sisters, In the meantime, are busily engaged in washing eaoh other’a feet. After a hymn the services are closed. I The clean-feet feature U to be Commended, THE WEEK3OY PRESS. ™ *%¥ to moan, i>7 roHniteiini,:«XTU«:iii. V %<j,f Tkre Oo»i«., <* « *.OO “ “ “ ~;V— —»•?? WwtvOoDi " “ (IMMtMirreoJifoloß «SfiS? ,^,,orow “ ftoiMWliW *«ftB»t»anh«r.>.ml. j tS o For.Ch.bofTw,otv-re» or WI nsd u ntntoff tptksgotwr-npaf tfei, Q&.’ *»-Famp«j,t»»r« m«Hta4 tour *iAt*nta ist ™wnurXmur. CALiroxiviA Fima. la Cm» for OoUforei* LATER from CALIFORNIA, IBy OvcrlaadM,!!.] THE IKBujj w.m, Stoppage of the Pony Eipreas. £g»aaß^%as!s; UsmtkßliieJmmxcrmL, .. w _ Tfie Aaun DOojr oTTcifTao* are coacenV&ied at Tvra* s»n* »aa defeated, ant. end number from la Qt!*r «» . ****** ******* On tta&rhof-M*?» Cot. JMokMa *#■ over six hundred vo 1a n ter r.sTanrf* Ca dl enfh •WgSß.Gowwßent troop*. Af? I tbe^ At •* a t|OQi Carpnp wfeer* th# eJ2 rsnl P an Alight d;o<i tmiuMis who woreTli-fwited with no'Sn kfm d to •d*. n * principal chief. Two yoinnteera were around* ireffM V r«m)>rs wl vrtvvt^.r* Vg* tt y Bmarit£ U*roe”i * nial J con *f B ?* tawoMfilnitJof thl^t' . Atl th- accounts from the tutv miii-ns indu-xt* fa«ir linmen ** nohae s and ejefsat- w " mmcaie u«\t u ***** ihronl? top l9 of ituoreH in toaohinx the of *ho Ateaujerv aro. more ntimeitm. \ nd esrjiost The jnfferm.ta of the second eabin va*?en?ers are reported as *PfrtNe &no . ,seo t-iiamber ofOmmeree forward* 8 n 3 *"' a to the Celijiwnia dele- SSh their oppos«ttoTj to the ‘7th and Zttit eeottont of t»-e propoerd uuiff. &e beinr seen* rests an a ' ror * b ' e to tbo Cihiornia mercantile forward for a diilr orerlacd 2!Sj* «hd Ooiftytttionsl to the pour eXjprew. Much anxtetr 1* felt a* to the Utter enter tr/5* exPMMßtrnm Bt. Louia at tha 2tfth. *t* fir# oats and h»d not arrived, i*nnt pmbfbJr !)friis - h i*i. uft->ya*sed through Careon v»!( e v safelr and it is hoped have *r>t tbrooth the infeetad portion of »be r> nte without kiTKi. /ow * ® , JIJ* R SS Ir 9* robbed on the *fth, by six cf $ll coo. inobara* of Fargo, & y>Mt£E!ltmf, of reiolelns l n that IS*..?. "Mfv^SShin'S Court CMm git m QceaJre4 X'avoda on the 2Sih ult. Loss bis? sirs; iS?„*i3s;f »»“••>»».». »«* >k.r P„ c .° r ,h'i 1 -f.Vr wet)., tha Democrat, and JaKEmlJi??.?* to fuss with the anti-Lo *2*5 P »?° «** b** l * °f sending Kepubliein and Senators to Tonsresji v*''' l ' 3l * ■“<* ton «ref"“ 010r "°>> Wakhiaa- Th. «„„„ X. L-St-pSeuß. from Panama, vith th* fr ' in ' T,ho AtVami. to ihoMh of M .vTkaJ amvil. Keahip (ialvhra. n»<ta, n vM fremNnr%fc " Weekly Review of the FhiladelfUa •Majliel,. ■ _ * •J’tm.tma.aau, Jpne3a.Mfe. The Predate markets have mini vtn doll this «»k. •bntwithontaiiy mater)*} ehatt'e to not* m theleediM articles. Brea*at*ff*nid*enirslosrlr&tab'rotpievfoti& ratal; the demand is limited total the close there »as a litor feelintr notioeaMe f n floor. Biro |j rather ta Goal there Is mote enlmetion with a tendeeo r to hither prirea. Cofite it firmer. Se.car turtles staedr .icoiry at foB rates, tot Molasses ia daU. Pottos tadau onddrnopinr. Pish ere Brmhr. laPralt tiara Vast? little doing. Woohanite fnPidea The Iron PSeriet is vary dull, load-la point. lotmtor sails frstdp at'foil retss. Naral Starts a-e vary iosetive. Provisions an Laid firmly, bat the mat ket except for Lard ix not very adtire. Sa tis nnehsnjed. Seeds are la moderate re dneat, Teas are firman bat Tabaaeo apd Wool are dnl>. - TV* Br*ftdatoi& marten it vitfcmf mar Jditftfj) r » rt wn '°*?*®b i»Ss3for nd it n&& bttn Treat* met- iti#*Vi»- v^f^STJ? sP° * WwUP* &* rood «W«Ei yaroraoe shoot ex»p*. and &>Lfi2K#s 'a i?’ hhi v£f^«V.S£f r, iHSL iis sAjps tbe trad* have t^€n ■S94S£& •P* 6 * * or ul fx^s. ¥ Mri/feXaacj DnuMU^umjxaitfy Th«< Sl^firSl^SfFVi wilk * *2 d i hs ®***n #ne»Hr doll, « •sj?*P r «jd Corq Meal are but httl* in qairM fonaiv cLill: I*o fornNr.<* told at *3 7aos 87ji, M3tb# t»}for FenonTramaMeal. #hi of *****«* &*** lpr the veekendma Joae SI. laws Half barrel* of tu ser&ae.. tt&nftli of (upeitoa.... w.^.^ “ gfadun** ** Com* KrVaY .* TJ! n! “I I! ’J.VJlt** ' Condemned....,.- » 1/7 O Fupplie*.iritbpatb moderate. nr* tally lip tr» the rtemand. ana we attain redßca f>ur aantatKas Seßo4Klmtb»l inthsa** of 3&*d. bosbrt*mferiotto pnrta_Prnn«jlr'nt* «nd i~rt WfflMWtl" ftcd «hi|i»J>t si.3saj/o ntpsincu 4mss&tofo? frlra red. $1 ?5«1-V *lor -fcootfcjnV w Jrsf SI tfalMfortrhtte, R?« fca* deebnod? Stitt otWßii bashela Pentajh-rnio mostly *t7s®77c. Coratfl&Tlwi ftgnod lDoairj, and, prices are rather better.* **la* of aftG«tu*h*l* prim* jelfow cijiffl* 'fct'G'o, afloat, ia r)mi'PB *r»»e oflair oosbtr at U&690 And i"»*iorai MifffiOo. OauaredaHand tower* J‘«”uitylv*iua*oniT)jf at i l £&t? rd a138®«o. afloat. Ofßar.ej Malt, 1 &0 hW* ®n»d fttdJc. P«oyiBfoN<. r -There la rery little actjrttfio thj marie'i bit PrtflM generally are well maintaicfeL; ***•• <* Ww Vorir, , a Jot®, st $l3 76. and swell Itfttof pnmeatsis on time. CitT-p&cketl W*** K#«f in*-ii lota..foruitp’aatPre*; at Bifan P r| A r ® eteadily maini-iaea. rreeters and stock* being lirU: vi\*» at KtXaKKofor pfcirt and ; JQKaJPBao for Side* ; and SHe@io Cot mnoh?^ Hem*, in salt at ??fe t ftdee tfcs; and PWfde&li b! lyffd—The demand j» better; therece'pi* it<ri stone * r <*Vdpri o MaisTiaojnz * tale* of lo o bht**nd' tejat 12»m{o naah.nnwheldWher; ke»s*e;Unsmalt a V l2 \®J Batter-i* «?n.J. and *ellinf fa Jots at ?^ ,2 ° /?f "*I’ d 'P&7«cd and roll, a* to quilitf. wwlGo -1 fc* Cfi®BS* is jrorlh JJtfll&o & ft. for Pig Iron h«3 untiertnre ?£. < P m * e{ E' dthftre » >b, >« ,in, » inquiry, ir/tb «il«e of MO ton* anthracite at St}. SlS,and ««1 peMoo.fl *>«*, for the three nnmber*. and UMJ Fnrse on tern * krnt ra oret Fcotoh “ir wll* from-secnm! bands a* $24 per t n* 6 mo*, rn Bloom*. Par,-and Roller Iron. the nlu a/eoomptrntipeirunimeorta-'t. Lead is rather no iurt-*er *al-»f repo tad. i.ooper continues ve*y dull; sale* of sheathing at StaSSo, and yellow metalot Mc,s month#. . script* slnrks sre H«ht. ha* thfldemand b*r ftl'eo OB' with asm II »-»taof No-1 jwB»ter»on. end »mo* at g?S, at *hreh fiznrn it i* • wnD?e4. Tanner 1 * Bwk ccmnnrs i»s» quoted ; salra lor Spanish, »nfl fHH&IS for Chestnut is scarce, and good jel'ow commands Sic W a £-NT>»£s? are *r<Wf<Prrr'y doll. Citr Adnman'ine sril id lots * f 4 mns. hpann arc *«M at * .r‘ ‘W Candirs ar» <HU At iwt w* k*s qocFVions, COAt. J he market t* fi-fo-r, the demand harinc’n ©roused fro’*, all aitarrir*. and holders are -teadr at the ndv-n-e At <h<* H*** of last wee* The ror r»rt q.jotrtNons art *3.y#3s9 ton for FebaylkiH »3 40WS«a for >rokeo wa r f r: , r 4 sh * 43 75 fir 'amp ; g 3.75 r r7 h o ok^* fld .^ ri * r^3TV<r W« CONFER.—-There ir er»m« MtV r hnt the roar ket is ©met nwin* in a nvtasnro tn the firninwa of hold fts; sales oflflO-bAr* At mo*Mv v the rota. ex-ah-0{ 500 Mrs ; St roraiutoa T 27<c. ami Mara«»ih-i«t lio.aU .'n tim>*. COtT >r> ctrntu urs dull and un#otttad,*nd; for »he low rr e de*. of whioh the ho’lr nr #h e stork r'-n'in'r. nncet aro tower with of 900 betas inferior to raid dlinr tairnotands -t ft. c«*sh Inclndinr nufldhar fair Mobil® a»l?Mc, 4raoaths: piekin««ats/*; romptas at HfoeHc, and a lot of St. Domingo at Uc & Ib£Ash. The following i* U>e- movement rinoe the temberin*t, esoonsrorM with »»** previiw*fout „ 1860. IMS. *lBBB. I*l. Heo. at Ports 4.4taj«) 3R700 tt&moo 9K7on} Kx. toG. Hritain2s3A.cno I i,&aaiA> i3WAro “ Franc* fiOO .‘staOfiO fX» KlJjO) •• other f ports.. 4*.vof» rztono .ns 000 STv^no Totel exports... .3 M'ono s 7*6 000 2.?MOOO 2 067 TOO stgckqn hand.... 205000 592 000 2At 000 2<Q.«00 Of »b*ph during th* nest week, include,! »n (be ecov« Aeo.atPorts 12 non pono sftnrw arvo Ft.to<- Britem. 43000 00<J J? fWI l-tOTO 4 ,Pw«ce..-. im a«oq 74»0 sono other f. port*. 5 imo » nro 9 ivn 9me Tota* exrnrrs . 49.0 M 45 000 62 000 JBOM Sumnaet.—increnseet the port*, compared with iuc jeer. 753 000 betas. Fanwri—ldcto»»«» ti> Great Britain, 700 Ostades: increAfr to France* ISO-ODOj decrease ro «th»rroreigu porta. 6DJ300. Total increase in export*, fie* 000 P w uGB AvG BY V 3 contir-ue duM and the s-itcs nnimporta*it; *monc them we s rt rne refined IWiix at 19?rJ?.Vc; Rode Arh nr Tdoturl'** Itastn nrSJHo. fi mos ; Tnrkev Opium tab-* 1 * firira*. *pd Btim hssadvneeed. Indigo isaiso firm, with icodarato sales. r ISff»—There Are but few Marlrorol o©mi n v for ward, atid thej* sr* he!d with ir.oro i'.-8 storo quotations are SJ7 5D fills M anrt f«'r theihteo nntni*er«: an invoice of th*» tatter sold from the wb rf ft §|JJO: PicVtad - ernnesell alowly a for n#tdftah there ’* no demand and prices are rominel »t S3«32*th*K'o ffis. FRui Oran*'s and T emnn* ft'araoaota on pri iwn cirrora of R*ham* P*ne Appta* s ht et 1 omsettc froitof a’l kiodaie quirt ami drMep lee and Peaches are ont of sea»on. Green frnit wiJ] commenrr arriTiny more freely from tbe Bon*h m a week or »wo. KK«TH»- R' l —The light, and good West er* raore 45 to 500 &IN * FRFlGfiTr*.—To i.jv® pool th -»a )a ver liUta dome, and no large en®ai'enien*' > hare N»-n ro-o-ted; to Lon don we quote A'ss 2d for Flonr.22a6rt and 25s for wembf j th»re ish'Vlp or nothing doing toSao Francisco; vssrsls suttehfe tortfie W est Indies are wanted? a brie was taken to J ad a t J>iAr»D2is st 40c for Fu«*r aftd *Sior Wotaaros: to NpwOrleiD* the ra»e is Bo per foot Mo~ h-leloc. Ghartroton end Savannah oc, and Wi'rraneton 5c oer foot Con) vessels are in demand «» fl 40 to vid-DCff. 8125 to New Haven. glSOto hartaeton. 8165 to Bo*ta n ana 81 U\ New \ otk GlNRfffG—Jvo transaction* in cither Crude or Clari ce© are reco.teq, GUANO.—The season is over; there is little or no thin* dome. - ** extremely quiet amt withoot zal*e. HIDEq are held firmir. and the stock 01 foreign in first h?t?ds ls very much reduced. n'lVB are very dull; small bol*s at Bffl4o, as zn quantv. LUMBRR.—There is® firm feeline in the trade gene rally, »irh free sates at lastweet’a fienra*: amon*'the transsetions we police Yellow Bap BoAntnat 1 SuMuehano* Bo^ r »tar*p?y from M taths aro doU »t 81 WffWs ; nnthmc d ’inr m Piobets. quiet-vo h small sales of Cuba a: 24£TfS- and ?*eyr Orleans at 47c 4mos ]S AVAf. "TORI- B.—Ro»io, Tar. and Pitch are dull at last week s figures. Fpirils/f 1 nrp-ntit e isiobnviet; Tcqaest and n«s aeam declined ; #3lcs at 4J.S£ , 43.'f<s c°t*b. nUitmt at our lowest quotation*. —t he demand for 1 mseed o-l is hehi.bnt prices are onohanred; sales at 59a6<Tc; the last of Wesrorn Fed Oil w« at 600. t.ard t) 19 rather qutet; sales of Winter at FMi Oils meet a limited inquiry st last week 1 * quotations _ 'LHbTEK i» dun; tbPlsst sale of Bol> was st 81f2H ton. RlCE—^There is a limited rfem.atd, h t prices are w*»U main V-ired ; e.a'es “fiPO casks. >n lots, at 84 502- 4.75-1 ©nr months for f*irm-d prim? quolitj-. FAt-T is uncnatitfed ; *n invoioe of 3 WM sacks Liver pool ha© arrived part of wnich has * disp-sed oi on private terms. Two cargoes Turk s Island have aIA» arrived to a dealer. , , SFtl)' 4 —Th-re isi’nt little movement m aurkind: good ‘ lovefsecd.if here, would command N 4 50e;.73 n*r bus: f*»Timothy prices aro nominal j Flaxseed is worth 91.C2p**r hus. . cUwAR.—T.h* i:..vketi*quiet hat firm,hut without ph 4 u«« in erica* fiia sal a sire* our last comprise I 00) l'bd« at f of Cul>a, 7,V<2'7'*c for Porto Rice, ood 6.V«Sbo for New (Means, all on t me. hPIKHS coatmuo dull L-ut without iteration in prices, N. K. V uni jt stand r At 35«3C0. Whisky is hekl firinlv* but there is no* much doiOK* mles of O do ar 2l<rWo. Fenno, pt Metals, hhds at a.Vc.and is>,a2oc per salJoj. T ALLOW iBunchi.Peed. and ranges from9 ‘4 to 10Vn furoottnlrv Ard mlr-rendered. v inoreased firmnero.but There u, vecy jut 10 duiax. *loBa' CO continues dull, ard a small busicesa onta to noro at former quotatlops, - WOOL.—Therdi*very littladoirs.and poactivity is Anticipated until there tasoino accntnn ation 'fa'ocV; i there is more dome nnd tar?© port bases h ve been ins do. for future delivery. At prices v.tninc from 3 to 3^ft below the rate* ln*t year; amour the »*taß wero fine st cso ©ash : 5 (VS) Jb# «a*hed Jtroev at 4i?4c : C.COOdo uu*a»nea do *t 59c. etisb. Sentence of Maroney for RoLhing Adams’ Express. Mgntoomebt, l Al. 1 .,) Jun© t?.—Msrorey, fhf forcrror agent of Adsms* Express, ha* plended cuilty rfth© roh herj of 850 000, and wr» sentenced ny Judin Shorter to ten year* irapneonment Jn the remreotjeTT, The mccev was recovered last Aurust. o< Finkrrttm’sde teotive of Chicago, heluc found buried tit an obscure ptace near FhiladeJpbis. Hi# wife end other parties «ro lmjshcjited in the robbery 1 and will
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