It to reported dfefte'-to ;• '***• “°*?) - SSmS’«§►*s- p?M* ®^ Mtpl •'aMMUWftMoftflNnH&‘*’:P> t<4‘»•» ■ Bid* fa tbla dtr ’ To IWB imrehMixt tHM ten' nr l«4;*VBI*W»W»t». fnnr mil«f ) EBS3SB&am&s& s wsSmsssSS !*et»b*exinardtotryf It toniilw alamo onlnraea of MiMmmmll 2^Sya?»ttS«sS@ 3KSS W wlllhedeTQtod to,tt>» UtwfH'<*H»¥>». ™e Union, art potted*. Tilt ttlbase jftMhpra »nd » F>e9**JW*nfe.«.AjSplg I »'Vu„ -S' >«'-'• rift Chertae HallnokT of Unfounudof Cowo ettm'kSAtWlfohiigebt of the* family; WffljßKE tBHKSMgSI^' contains mtMH met*-«omee~tbe»-~the“e»e of lettyeer. It sJyetWitWjtlna J ta»ta,wUh a combined eoptanriMStt eWdawtagP heskA I* t«rrl*i > -'4 ee<w>V>rlee, Theehertbm, are divided u follow. t« Bmrf«t.T*Congm|*tioMl« Pro teattnti**tan*arc ; Bu«he»|s 1 riwsetioaal.JAMetbodtoi Spiaeopel, 5 Kethedtot Preebyterlen. 15 BefcnnedDmtah, 18 Romes Cethoffo. t 11 mir eolUsteM:*.’ yuv ’:o ;f9 ;<>;rf fj.yiy.'., 'iti _ MSME^ April Jtrt,; 6*. mes.eonrtatedof, twlodUog: epoor Qintaeni of 8100, under pntostof implaeln<r hta!ii:t travelling agent. . He wat yattain broftebibofore Bemrder Barnard ,tind tanUaetd tpthteeyeir*' Imprironinent it BineHiag. - . A, j3i»o «rtlt more migrated ihtta roll of ftthlon end ’pelortete, ft «fr. Gardner A tsardalohe effhlr with '. Or leanr a ft* yeere *looe.*atapread out with all aieonirr ornplllnfl* In the pnbllo prints,, A fow dayMifipe’Mr' t'. ; tblbHnga aHva wonld baagrte ebfo'aoil relavteoratlng, proeetded to sllrapy liable ln.Greapwioh, ttmaMnedlog Ms own bone. On fS*V»'fSa«to«dtbo' wStMotiltth the Sot mil to 1 . a wagon. wbleh wet dose,pad he drove off; 1 yronf that time nottliyegfardby,notWogiWM fees of him - or-the property.' sltbedgh; a rdibteet ttarah had bees made, tbgoeld phSlyte'.ldfelfttHty being tbo ss»4a2tosdfeiasa: wagon baring been Mae; and Kf.Jlnmoo know ing tMtMo«rehiM«; ; 'Mta. ; -•He i *et'«saßj appn - headed etSo -.Peerlatreetwben betoMeogaged at tretaorer to the Columbian wine Ootapocy, and afteraßfxemfiietfiMi'befbnrJatffne.WeMi.he w bold inJ|l,oM'ball tDlani»er. tle’e*mpUlttt, Hf Blward A. Hearna, eonnaeltor-et-la*, .beeomlrip blianrety. that be had exobanged Mr, Hannon’a wagon for an info rler one at the ttafclaaof Carl S Dnryea, near the FaltoTifprry.Jßcooklyiii'aPdbto laat aeqnUtion bad atUndid tbeirttea^atfbe'llnlon Ooonw,. .. . , The man*ren of tbe Amerlnan lualltsle hart decided not ro bnld fhelr eiualiaeobanloel exblM ' tlon, owing to the dlfllcolty of obtaining tsltable roomi By. next year they hope te bayae perma nent bnildlee :of their ova The nanal asnnel beHldnllaral abew wlir' take place under thelr tploee tome tjaelo dimiembef. r ' • , • iß^Tlblfllp CRreefterAnr Tae tneeO' '.., 7 fter*t*»**nfi9n**tm k Ho; UH )SI *-b»rwwi. iron Jtf) ti«r« *nrt 104} Ml« tmn %f *< Muhnnv h? r«s, tN Mlb w j-WvWajw * Jtljrrf*/Wh»*l«tr: A (&*l MiMaircM IV ft $ UK knind SlO.»l«eMln« 4M««.TMk#ffcCoj 9«Mb» IdWrßfndf.AiHvflMn i do N«ddfn< Pnitir ftßnoUi;! &§J VaAMft-LMilt«; I4Mi«M forth F'J. Fotfasttertffffifeftftfclftj&i l^Mftlinisynfcfoff' Bhlnr«‘#of pol*th P«l«a ft Ova; 7QdaMOB-«ik fl *i hhtrikm > rU,toltA*«]»if'.fmt tAMkH b«rdwft<*!• M, l)<irf.t'»loor , A«ii* blnohior yovdaraSi bd(airaadteMfc - - v,- - •■ w m Pf *[LAnELFHIA fIUAiP Of TILADS. J. T»»>8» BN‘>WnF,»« t i &A%rr, k. STOinw. >OonrnnortbiMorik. At *h* M*rrk*ritJi y pJial/j4*ipkia. AipSAraluk. Jaa* Ship .Vul! ‘ l»hipß .Rhqd? r *A*> ao> R j*%h*fb J.'t‘tfl»k»« Jo ** B%*k ThdiinM OfH i --...iij'i Xduaavm «w»» W A MINK fIfTNUMfJBNCI: KTiai»to-__ __»*-*im «*ra.^L -*—ri *3l •V-' - ’ V, >»w ai.,-'.—i>;« ,i_. ~ ’4»<r? iO_tl Stanwriife f'smbridrv. finvM. 41 beere from Boetee- With Wjiiinr. V Bi**ir»*hie forearm bri*refrom N York. foh» EveUwMHHJStU* fpth/.CtflsbM. Wlth/reift toJS* KL Perot • , . - B*hr:.eyiett«. Robinson; 4 days fram t!toW>Le®dea, with **Ue whole otf »o*hobar. Bsntin* k. Co. Ko»»r Hojm/ Btefcards,3 dtyi ftom Mi Usboro, Del# witk eor/jtW’* W Bneon.,-;; >; ” ! _ r 'its J hn 8 W*|Kire Morris, 8 day* from Hillsboro. DM with lumber tori W «Mawt;y . L:( ,-' -•- *. t . Bcbr v Xpert, JonW, i tovsfromCbeyttfck River, with UmbertoJ WSmcoo _ , ftehv B a WMka. Godfrey. from Bcatoo, W*Btabim*e*m*#i i : f Bobr K(i«a Witlings, Tartar, from Beaton* firhr Paog««**tt. ▼antra, from Boston. i ■ from Bouton. Bohr Ksaa%t»r. R‘ley. from Boston. Bohr E G S'vHt. Hissieisn, from Boston. Rohr David Smith. Dnnstt» from Boston. Rohr Atahama, Breton. . . , , &bv r / /. I Rohr Casper Haft. Shoo. Dorn Boatoa. ■ *«*»*. Bohr i - Bohr 7ight.figottaumiOaMninl. Bohr Sanaiifnmr. from Froridmo*. Qf.BAEKD.’ ' ‘ ’ '• ■* ggtoftnjhty Marihmaii, Cfearlutoa'A BuSn«bh» City ©f llHckall. ftiohmoad, T Msili»jiir«iMtita«, V4B On •|Sf;M^7^SSRr^ b,,r ’ -ft - Hehr JailaMaria.;/IJ»M» WU,^; Jo w Sehr nKvitf do J^t h i B ..^£;^.^!W»i* , NowTjHmi* ' ' ,- £» J 0 MoClo.lf.r. »l*bßi. Norwich, k * Goto* Boh f 8 fi*|inl OpL \SZI2H }%£&*" I **‘ .sod rtfortx ti u tto .TstWPNv;-:-.* •\% t'*-*! m m.mOMMJU*,' sp| tfriffimifr^ 1 *y< Clqrtia, wfrffdl Bm> fto«os»sT»w»,POH, d jmr'ifiniS!%ai«r > «UMrU M Bottom l«tk Idst. fc* ***** **?! ». ISfwM^S FREFAIItfeibIWLVE |gfAjpmQ , f 'P&EPAEB6^LCi:v' ' j i PAEPARKD , - . 7 ,V- ' ,-o'U<,-%■■■ BFAIiDIMO’B PBBPARKD OLUB! SAVE THE PIECES! BpOKOMy! V- j atircHm Tiw *Avi« Nia*.’’ **■ 1 AituHdtntsvtill Aap«#n, m viiU-rtt*l*tidfcimi < °w ,■ ■" > ’VaMi!jiiir»fr‘rff*»»” '■ "f i< ""Mj *“‘»r alumi yJf-litH-lD'to'iimat md>oiM—ia« t*»« valuable !! ‘* trHEI»Ut IN 'EVBiiV Ho'UBB>';' i ‘ ’’|l' iiljtyi Inm bolli*. PrittU o«U WnuuUklMMiSKb/liPu*iSf.iHiw YoWf' .J' NkV^|^M»,SWY M W w»i»»ttr'>l«*ohf*ofcK«. -" ‘ I; IK; .m*rcliMit» rtottJd mak* * notedf SPAJ.p tN&S PRKP-88/iGLUß7irh#nnifeiif faptH«irli*t, It wiu stand any oiimat*.. : SPALDING'S PJtSFA£B 9 GLUE! f USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE, 1 i "MSiwlfa I; ■■rV^m ! mme ua ’ i -. sold • sM£ii**tfßasN&RXLLY. CiWALDINO fc CO., j Ahdiwc Port Ofte»,Bt,iKo7s,too. AnMMdit«»'Ai*li»b«tia»l jLlitot iftislw which, if j awrbc Jo orirmel stxcosth end i “‘ - SPALDING'S PBEPAIUSP GLUE, T. ‘*'.MendV¥aß^|«..:!;'.v. ; .V.‘.Ml'. * - MeodsUMBREILA-STICKS.. V ""■"T."" —;li aU..MeßdftUm.Dni_,~ y Z-.. Mends ZKPHYfI WOOD-W08K... Z fc~..ln oooolufcion, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE is uiefui in Librsriea nod ScfaooU. I—p&j?.Meade SOFAS .... . 8.... 1 1., .“.MeadePITCHERS... P.... 3 $.5;.* U .'.Mead* AOCURDEONS.... A.... 3 'A .. .ft. .-M«»4* pAarUEWRKOTyPE CASES..D.... 6 :m!SS N^ywiEAyAOEs.TiT.T.'.s:::: l! -t ,„B....liend*BUHOol.-BOOKB ._.—_ B_.. » 11.. E...:M«d.KLKCTRtCAI. MACHINES..®....:I M.od.,P A PKK -H A ;gl N 08... ~ P... .13 *A:: :l«d! :: :» tfc.. Mende FRASER HANDLES. 17^5....Mend* UESKS »~..17 5.7& ic;fiJSd ! lo^ski?e o’i/S Ayes 7 a__...'.M«d» ACOSNWORK.... „ a Mend. cHKNg-boards 33 *v_7:.i.Sl«nd.i r [CTllßK PKaMES ..60 to_~UY...Meade WARDROBES . .Mende P*R*AN MARBLE..—.. .36 ~^:I . « _. ...Meode;M a TcH-SaFES So U meads PICTUKKS Jl It Meade UCILL.WHEELS...,* 43 issalflfess^ lß';n:rr-fe.B2|is^x J |B;:;:.77:z7‘r.-S 3 .a.nd* BAHb-BOXJ'B-,.... „..n black 80ARD5..... ,***,. BAli 4 -VmLS - & H BlLUAkj> TABLES -w..A4 M BILLiAKD-CULS. •4 .Meade B|RD-CAOfc.B.. SizrfeM r:::r-:.£ « MeodeCA Bl WETS .......:... -1« a u~+; m.Meade CHURNS .63 Meade CLOCK-CASES „.64 CRUTCHES.. '* * •§J^ggE|J| gDl 9 - *; tt.. ,*—"-L Menu 0A5t^05. ......i rttr.v.! \ rj! itrrr.v« •I^*..;..Meade QAppifcS._ s;n:r=SiSSg4?^rr7“;— 1? n.v.*.~~vM*ada chajatb;. rTT. .73 7B.'e«.w~* Meade CLOTHES-FRAMES ~ 73 Meeds CARD-CASES .u.. 74 i|irrSpoß:::-:r“'ri« 77__,...Meade WORK-BTANPB ..„.77 Meade 76 fl D15HE5......... m. Meade .DIVANS » n MeodapiCE.BOXES ji FjRKBDARDB .u7.1l M....__Mend. M0DEL5...7TT.~... . « M M.fid. SKWiNg-MACHINE STANDB....S4 S:±r±isS mil ~~U "rnwr 1 9P-V Addraa Fo.t<*M,B&^£«? trMt ' -" ,w ' , ° r > ll hotels. ©T NIOHOLAB HOTEL, !EE?_^ifeL*? on *-*Sf? ,t > i«WMrt*uitramainato w*wtn(nit%nviubiin fl in n&MaoQiiiM< mui tn <*B*ral element* of comfort iSa enjoyment/Thr nOb|l Em aooomtnod&ttons tor on* thMaand ineeta. in*’ almSa*oaa. hundred oomeJet* cute <7ay*rtmeats foi K*fi**?K .“W tfWRd t» omnfortanly ml »6 ll»'M room*. »nd no- SSp®fgSS*EEEi j'aa «»jlj r*»ut*tton oi the bona* at home sod thread, aftnMd from iu m**pitod© *rjK>ißtm*st» and ice bom# U»®comforts jmhilnxnnee- dm been;en •roirirtori™ **“ axemens of thi *Bay*7-5m * TREADWELL; WHXTOQM9. * CO. JONES* Hotel,—The aubficriber would rMMrtfblly inform, bin Mend* and the Mbiie, that m bM PorohMod the leaae and farnitnro of the J6w Bowl- important addition* am sowtoim jnadatou 1 forth# ooneenjeoee and comfort of uMMts. • * ItkKViJoan or famine# mmar »fce eityertll bo < ear* to find « fonuf eooad to none m PhiUdslebia, and area exertion tnU be n<eae to merit their patrons** <- < ©T. UAWauMO? U<»t!BI>,;BKO DWaY ItEGAIa. BW’AI’E OP f. AWRENOE JOHNSON, ofUiWSJ&cI? feiiJiw&T iS«^”'VSf“rkri«d'l < ® ;■/wi^SoSfS.^RpwAlyl/.l* , . M " w “* fet AAmij* tirewm, tklrtt . •**•***& a p.M / m:t-ia£aaj.-3 MBA. INVENTIONS pwwat/Ttoty ijfeeituf Inra ids harm* been advised or t#Qjr pifreimaga to life her Surgical Appliance*. Me »/lfSe Sven op appli INSURAftCHE COMPANIES. If NBURA«OB AOBKT#, Noi *ai fIFiALNUT BtlMt. inn Milo,*t 'p* ,or damate br Fire, on Cotton and Fooden Mills, and other Menubictorie*. Suddmae, Mero h amtiaa/ Ulrnilnre. and other propettir. on favo- R^n«.*(su.?“?'S'S' PROVIDENCE W^'^HfN§TON a iN0 1 . F ?fo*, AROTiO FIKE INs’uVMff HOPS FIRS INBUK^BSaV?KW®\ o«*B, > ' *■ ■ - .flMhCutt'iliipd sgrplm IfliAU 61. CITY FJRE DJStOtOI W., Oirffr W HAVKN, Gml| CabIWI Sttrjp ftp SBM.3M Wi &KV YO^ ApftUe&tioM ia per*on or Mr note * ill rwttive prompt vtoofeoih ■' SAflff'iE & DUYt A*ento, JM 3tp, ;' . • "' t No 434; Strtet. despatch ,ENTEKF.KI»E INSURANCE COMPANY . . i>r PHIIiADEPHIA. i - (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) F. Rarcuroap liaui WauufMoKn, PfALeeo fiitin, Jontt M. Atwooh, Dnßj.TjfeeDica, Hnnatr WRiutTptt, CHARLES,£ MEISE A NTHBACIaE INSURANCE, CQMPA- Nyy~Author! ted Capita *«M<»^CHAJITER Offloe vSisftwAltfnrr fltraetibatweenTfcird and Fourth Stfeot, Philadelphia. v' v , This Company will ioure ag&met los* or damage by Fire, on BBildißge, Furniture, and Merohendiee gene- T A&», Marinalamwaaoes on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland ' ' Joseph Marfield, Dr. George N. Eokert, John R.Blakuton» Wm. F. Dean t <J. K. Baum. - JACOB KSHE&tFreside&t. • WM. F. DBAIf. Vios President. W. M. SMITH. Bsor»taryy ■ aal-tothstf Jacob Esher* D. Lnthtr., ’ L, Audenned* D&vii PesTSOtt* FetarSieceri A MERIOAN HRS INSURANCE 00., £*■ INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PRRPET BKoViIO WALNUT Btnwt, abovo Third. Philadelphia. Ha>np* alarire paid-op jfwtal atook .ana.Onrylap la reatedm pound pad ■.vailaold.BeeinttM. oonfmae, to tneore on Dwalhua, Stnre*. Furniture. Merohandiae, VeaMla in Port and their Ciaryoap, and other Pereonal Property. ■. All loteee lit*rally and promptly adjueted. _ ' . nippoioas. _ . hjant, - Barnaul G. Norton. Edmund O. Dotim/ ratriok Brady. W. Fonltnejr. _ i tHOMAA R-MAKIS, Preiidant, ALBERT 0. L. CRAWFORD, Seoretayy, feß-tt QUAKER OITY INSURANOEUOMPA NY—FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, 408 WALNUT STREET, PHrLAbELPHIA. CAPITAL AND SUR- Psan*,&» JkPQ&pSHAJiL, Beo'y a&a Treasurer, 8. B. BUTLER. Aeentaat Seoretary. OeoneH.Hart, XB * sff ßßßoeia, . £:s«, . SXMSSIw™, go, R 'g°TO'(e,. ■ BM>U,U ° i>M,W^Vtf DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETZ IN JNCOBPOiuiS^? B Of t ’PBNNSYLVAffIA, 1386. • OFFICE S. S. CORNER THIRD AND WAItftVT - StrMta, Philadelphia. .MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS. J OARGOi > Xoallp&rtiof the WotM. 1 * INLAND INSURANCES On Ooo&'frßiVto Jaml Curing* FIKK *¥BKaTOI Ob MtrfthaiidiM lenfrallr. o " ato^S i W } ¥{S-c k ofcAlrY. I rY. SfoTsmbar i« iw.-• Murktt_ Yblu* —:m f HM»,Philadel*Ma Cityrfowl. OO •iWJW.Pfnncylvaais StateJ# o t. Lo*o~»..< ttiet oo f n,oo0Penncjl vaaia State «%► of. Loan..—.. 81,000 00 fS.MO.UtSiTreamyoKV' otnt. Notes and • * interact dna *«M M •10,000 D. & Treasury IV ot. Notes and inter eel due...* 80, IU oo I*iooo Temporary Loan to tto City of PhUa delahia .. _ _ ~ mmq 00 9*Wt PaaoikrlvMia Railroad ad Mort*a«e •»*o. “■ *oCo6 _ „ Oom»BT>«f et. «o<iwa (wad*..,,. UM X •IMIOtIBI shana stack Gftnu&tm Qaa deiphfe. >—, rif -^,....... lf-flanfin •MM. IN abaraa Pmutwlrania Railroa* 9MH, Peaairihal* JUui- **** W >tdWi«h«im?hikd»iatutlii» Boat and BtSan ** 00 Tug Com»an,. Philadal,hia ui Ba,annah Btnnm Navigation Com . *s,asss» _____ eamjuu —... —Mill SSSffjad. MoitniM* and Real Estate, ot-** 8 * W Mssat s tfaianoe da* at Axenoias—Premiums on Ma rine PoUmaa, interect, and other debts dne Bonn andsfewlofsundry. Insurance Comp*-'* ***** *® OaaSonDejoait in‘BanirZTr.' ™ ~ SmSSS William Mar WWiCT Bdmmnd ATSOTdar. fneopbilu Paaldiss. John R« Penrose, John CjDavia, JMMeTrMuair, a&.c^&*ii, Jpeeeh H« Seal, Dr, 1L M. Huston, feorfeO.Leifar, fe»,. OTBNRY LYLBlfm Baoi ¥■ IK INSURANCE AND TRUST COM pEffIJSKBp-raJ® INSURES LIVES for the whole tana of (life—grants Ifibaitiaa and endowmsato-purohaae* Ufa interests in *“ o,o,ract ' PeSafifog* I**"* 1 **"* i-f "“ ganiol L.MiUer, Banrael S.Stok**, : J§j§&.|i±f gMEr ,&&&* SJJfissr^ : . #K«r ■ H a wKMktefi as?- Jagw w. WflMoy. Roorotarv. aulB FOR SALE AND TO LET. PUBLIC SALE OF ORIZABA IRON WOBKS, SOPHIA PUHNAnE, Ao.-B, virtua Sf.n2firpili.^s*te d: X ß “I S" Tnutoto for oarlain ore ditore of Pollard MoCormiok. in puniuaDoe of a de* owd of 1 the ftUtnct Court of Ajleguenf county* in tbe Commonweetfc of Pennsylvania, jn No. 3. of November terra, 1858. w* will expose to puWia sal», at tbe MER OHA KXCttANOB* on FOURTH Bueet, m the Ciu the l*tb (twelfth) dayof June, IWO.oomaMnoinf atntfolook A. M , the Rolliiif Mill and Natl factories, situated near New Castle. Law fSHSftoSß?‘Zv£ WD, J! v i IDm ' feownaethe OfIIZABA IRON WOHKB, oo taming 15 Boiling Furnaces, 6 Hwm faniMM, Bar'Robs, Small Rolls, Nail Plate and Hook Boll*. Bsjueesers, 49 Nall Machines, one S»Utd Maoam?. and Machinery for manufac turing Nail K*g« and Fire Brlok. v Also, tbe Bleat .Furnace, .known as SOPHIA, ad iowln* Atom work*, whiohvie capable of turning out uQ tone of Pig Iron per week. Aieo.aeyeTaJ jots of ground, adjoining, and aeveral ft* ‘ or land adjacent to the Iron works, containing Cm!, Iron Or.rftmMwm., »„* Fii» Cl*,. ’ PJ J, 1 " *!“ *okw"!l'd*raent of the deed i the gMU to be secured b, fAW. »CK WM. K. HIMIOK. ffOKSALE—A DBS RABIE FARM, 1 containing US ACER’S OF L*ND.«>ttt»to inßad nor towns Hip, Delaware count?, Mi miles from Phila aelphis.on the old Lancaster Hoad. * bouton** mile from Morgan ■ Corner end Eagle stations on the Pennsylva nit MoM. with all neoeosary FA*M BUILD* ins oonvemeot'y di /ided into field! with good spri gt and running.water noon it. a am*ii proportion of wood land, good orchard of choice fruit, soil of the first qual ity*. i* or a > view of the oremnes and further particular* Vff!?f to THOMAS DAViS-on the preini*es. or CfIAS. Cabinet post office, Montgomery oounty, j a. ■pOR fiAlB OR TO LET—A Double r* Germantown. altu&ta on Dewey’* “®ft* rS, O^ --n- oa j 1 foi™ Tborp’e lane, five minutes r f***wd station. ■ contains all the modem oonvenieaoti. Apply to f.r. wiLtON. - f 003 CHESTNUT Street m FOB SALK, OK jbxohange for 'DISE—Two two-story brlok houses and lot oi around subject to improvement Rent for frfcper annum, each. A small amountof east), and the haldnoe in merchandise required. Address A 8., Prtat Omee. . ” r rinyg-lm PROPERTY FOR S^LE.— A. most desirable Factory, wit** larce lot of ground. fronting on 1 three stree a. suitable for almost any kind °J e M y. p or particu WJa 154 *- Bi « b Mo* Aroh. or to W, D. ROGKBB) Mo. 1009 iieetnutatv mySd-im m TO LET OR FOR SALE—A FOUR HRstory house, double back traildln**, all modern lm pTovementa, in complete order; an elegant far eyard, . awd truant. Situated No. 1694 M ”»• n» cHH B TWr *¥*>'NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS * Jot in the Southwestern section of the flity. well adapted for a Nursery. Terms Accommoda ting. For particulars address •* K.” at this office. aplT-tl &TO RENT —Twp beautifully situated doable houses, well shaded, with coach houses and gardens attached, on Taoony Plank Road, one mile below Taeony. and three-quarters of a mile from Fas. T) LET. —The first floor of the fine build* lor. No.7WCKABTNVTstreet, formerlyoccupied forawnoles«le(wd late y se a retail)feneygoods,and (tUL LIEHttY TO .LET. —THE OELE- J BRATED LITRE FIPLKR COLLIERY, .ituated at Shamokinoin the Shamokin Coal Basin and on the uoeoftne Snamokm Vatley and Potisviile Railroad, will be let upon the completion of the improvements now in progress. There are two veins of Red Ash Coal opened on the proper!*, each seven feet thiok. The coaiis of a supe rior quality, and has attained a high reputation when ever it has been introdpoed - It it bifhlr valued and commands a.ready, sale fn Baltimore and intermediate Ptaoee, to whioh it is sent both by canal and railroad. A market has also been opened for this ooaiin the North Md Northwest. : For shipment to the Fast it may b* Wien to Delaware City, and, upon the completion m fi«» of the eitenron of {be Mine Hill JRai.TQad *“? ,Bham°kin Valley and Pottmallo beeaipped at Richmond.. *fcTSSS?A 7 ?i«- ViU yield from three to fonr hundred -Tbe.Gomerf canbe examined on application to D,W, CjJlefref* on the premises., ' For further information apply to jaMi-tAlu tf , No-ai VniE SU.'.^hTlSlfthlA OKICfrMAKING MACHINES WHICH ftawaapswig r pAR AND PITCH-276 Ws Tar, 860 Ip, DIHECTORS. Mosskcaz lu UAWBOHi <3*o. H. Stttart, . John H. B*oWl*| B, A. Fuwimocs* AfJO**W O.OABH, jTL'.Bißinen, ?OJID *TAKR*?mttsjit. Boreterr. telS roita. Samuel £. Btokee, J.P;Peui«toßi H» Jones Brooke, fapsr • BoberFßurton* Jacob P. Joum, Jamea B. M?FarU»l, S@»y. ■fflfeisass. 41* PHILADEUPIti&S SATURDAY, \ JUNE 16,' 1860. J)YfiieEPslA REMEDY. Pr. DARIUS HAM’B AROMATIC INVIGORATING BPIRIT. Tftii Medicine has been used by the public Jot six years toil A increasing favor. It is recommended to Cure Dyspepsia, tferco'ttsnns, Heart-Sum, Colic Pauu, Wind in the Stomach, or Pains in the Dowels, Headache, Drotesine*!, Kidney Compjainttf Low Spirits, Delirium Tremens. Intemperance. ' ’ It STIKOLATIiO. ExHILActAISS, I.NVIOOHATBB,BOT WILL NUT INIOXICATB OB StOPSTT. Asa Medusae it is quiok and effectual. oar utc the mostag*ravatedciise§of Dyspepsia, Kidney Comojaintn. ar Janother derangementsof thetitomsohand Bowel* InaepeMv rnam-er. , U will ii »t»ntly revive the moat melancholy and droopiLMpmU, and restore the weak, nervous, and sickly to healrh, strength. and vigor. Persona who. from the injudicious ose of liquor* have become dejeoted. and the-r nervous systems shatters*, onoeiitotiQn* broken down, and euhi£ot to thv horrible curse to! humanity, the Dslibiom Tkskini, will, al moat iramediaUlr, feel theh*pp? and healthy invito* ™um ,«0», •vM'ldo! 1 * B ‘ ,irit ' J loss.—One wine ftl>*aa fall a* oftep ae neoessanr, >ne dose will remove all Baa “piine. One dote will cure Heart-burn. Toree doses will onre Indigestion. On* doae will »ive you a Good. Appetite, one dose will stop the distressing pain* of Dyspepsia'. One dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of Wind or Flatulence, ana m soon as the stomach receives the Invigorating Bpint, the distress inf load and a'l painful feelings will be removed. One dose will remove -tee m it o stressing pains of Colio. either in the stomaoh or bowels. A fewdosrswiUremoveaUobatruoiionsiathe Kidney, Bladder, or Urinary Organs. ... Persons who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney ""•ompl *ints are assured of speedy relief by a dose or tvo,and a "^f,'^ r r lv y i‘i| 3 “l^fB?. 0r two bo “- e *- Persons who, from dissipating too much o 9 er night, and feel the evil effect* of poisonous liquors, in violent headaches *ickne*» at stomach, weakness, giddiness, Ac., irilt Sad one dose will remove all bad f'elings. Ladles of weak and sickly constitutions Should take the Jnvicoiating Bpiru three times a day; it will make them strong, healthy, and happy, rembve all ob*truo tions and irregularities from the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the oareworu lace. During pregnancy it wiJJ be found an invaiaableznedi oiao to remove nsagreeabl* sensation* at the stomach. All the proprietor asks i* a trial, and to induo* this* he has put up the Inviookatiko Bfibit in pint butttesat 60 cent*, quart* 91. _ General Depot, 48 WATER Street, New York* „ . i>YOTT A BONB, „ , Wholesale Amenta in Philadelphia, Jo7-thstuly and lor sale by all Druggist# ORCHARD ACID SPRINGS. V These Springs are Situated in the valley of the Oak Orchard Creek, in the town of Alabama , Genesee co., N. Y.. eight milesaouth of the village of Medina,an the Erie Canal, and fourteen miles from Batavia, . POT The prinoipal Acid Spr ues are three in number: besides these there are six others. Thsy are all located within a oironit of about fifty-rods, the medicinal, qualities of the waters are fully shoWn In the subjoined testimonials. They contain a very large amonntof Bel* phur. Sulphuric Acid, Sulphate of Lime, and Proto• Sulphate of Iron. The great medicinal virtues Possess*’ ed by-these waters depend very largely apon the ere* sepoe, insuoh unusual qu*ntuie», of these oursuve snbstanoes,' ' Bandreds of oases of disease, especially those result ing from the scrofulous diathesis, have been cured by the trass, - _ IT* in skin disease*—even in confirmed leprosy— the. water* have been signally successful. Opinions of medloai and scientific gentlemen are given in (he circulars. The following eminent gentlemen speak in strong terms of the‘medicinal valueof these waters: Prof. Emmons,T. Homeyn Book, AL D.. of Albany rJas,MeNau*htpn>M. D., of Albany; Edward Spring. M. DttOf New Yor* j Dr. R, CamptWl. of oold, Mm*. 7 or. J. 8. Shuler, of Lookport, N. Y. They recommend the waters confidently, Dr Spring refers to a case of chronic diarrhoea of several years * standing, which ipas cured bp the use of the water Dr. Beok Says, “ l am satisfied that these waters are highly valuable as , medioinal sr*nts.” Dr. Campbell says, o Tnej must be highly beneficial for all ohronio diseases of the stomSch and bowel*. Vjr.B. P. White read & paper on the subject of these stars, before the Academy of Physician*, to the oily or New York, mwbioh he lUtes th t the Waters poe* •ess decidedly tonio.reiriferant. and astringent proper ties; and that th eo W u * o fdt***s?* to whioh they are, more particularly adapted are ohronio affeotlonsof the digestive and urinary organs, and some of the cirias*- ous diseases; cht ontc dyspepsia ; chronic diarrhota / chronic dysenteryj chronic diuresis; chronic cystitis; diabetes ; oases of passive hemorrhage, such m Purpu . ra hemorrhagica , and *he oolliquative sweats ol Heonc Fever. The Water may also be ofien used with aid vantage, he say*, in oases of <OlO typhoid fevers: in convalescence from Protracted fevers, toexoite the ap petite and promote digestion. iu diarrhoea*, particularly ■oohasaredeperdentoua relaxed or ulceratea state of the mUooda membrane of the intestines, la etUea lous affections or IriA*®***, attended, with phosphatio sediments, it is the suitable remedy, being preferable to muriatic add as being more s Ivent and less apt by oontinued use to disorder the stomach, n febrile dis eases, it can l>e used properly diluted,as a refrixere&t' to diminish thirst ana preternatural beat inskiadis eatfS-in those forms of dyspepsia connected wilt an alkaline condition of the stomach, ae in Pyrosis, or wa ter-brash, it will prove better than hydrochlorio aoid. In oases of Cotica/ictonum. and other injurious con seqaenoes arising from the aotum of lead, tuts water will prove, to be an admirable antidote: In cAronic pAarpttftfts, raryagitt*, chrome mucous ca*arrh. and Aumul- eAroate ophthalmia (externally) as a *arglein ulcerated sore throats, ia cases of sali vat»on,at»d m ItutOrrktawd glut: and also inptfss. When taken internally, a w ne-glai* foi 01 the Water, diluted,taken three times Wdar, is sufficient for an adult. Other testimonials from physicians, and • ther re spsotabte individuals, may t>e seen on appUeaticn to the A *»nt. . Dealers supplied on liberal term*. No Water genuine unless procured from H. W. BOBTWICK. «o. 4.4 BRolJ&llt. nqM-iWIT WtwVoii. THE CHIEF AMONO TEN THOUSAND. DALLEY’S MAQJOAL PAIR EXTRACTOR HAS universally < supplanted all other * Ointments and healing applications \n both the Eastern 1 and Westers, Hemispheres, wherever Intro dueed; waits rntnaw tajrti m' he tree secret its nioosss in all cutaneous nfectims. whether the cause be iMtfeif or disease. , r BUPNH h M SCALDS are intently relieved, of B their uguish, wain and infiammabon, by • timely m appiiQatien of this mar vellous healer, and the 2 uesh is renewed ae if by a ohann.npWemishoreqjaS rejmamin*. _ „ THE FRIEND GF R THE NURfiERY. Children are frequent u fufierera from extemaltn jnries, especially rrom _ Raid and ite~ plosions— therefore every S mother should hive this healing preparation ocm- 3 staatly on Send. Ji-heiue epre Bucsts.and unioUy temovs* the TKTTBiII or § S’rfrstM; chance of acoident from 2 e»lM%»A7jfcys t or estli a ntfffe cheap, and should ever be ao Us oomeaUTUt as afmnd in need. There are thou- e, sands of living witaeeees to testify to its snarvelkjtts S virtue, who owe their •ounO limbs and musolee'j toils saving efficacy. The fenowigg area few 3 of the loaißngduMssUn w a o as we if as Ctjljbi Burne, ' BoresofaU kiads, Btuisw, Fistua, Shot Wounds, BoiWi „ Frost Bites, Scrofhla, Broken Breast. Fever Sores, Sourvy, Bites ofltepUles, Felons, . Maids, Canosr, Glamlalar • Die- Scurf, Shtpped Hands, Mercurial Sores, flpraiM,** 4 * OhUblainsi Fains generally, BmaUroXi fetedOord., te,? - . Powm, UlMra, of th« Vonmti ftorMi Bold at the arioaiwl DiwiU, U'Bmduu, Now York, Md n ajjd !H C6.rtrM «treet. N.w (Jrleaoi. b, J. WRIGHT A CO., Gen.nil Anoot. ft o&n alm do ob tained of »U nuwoUbio and HarohuU (kronihont tho United BtatM and Canada. : T. W. PYGTT fe SONS, , . _ , ns North SECOND Btreot, ftl, Wholaaala Aianta for PemuilvaniA WINES AND LIQUORS. rj*HE VINE-CfKOWEES’ COMPANY OP CAPITAL, OF FRANCS. THIS CORPORATION, numbering amongst its share holders lourtoto hundred Proprietors of the best Vtne yards in the Distnotof Cognac, its extensive Establish ments being looated in the centre of the town of that name, was organised for the,express purpose oi main taining the standard oharaoter of PURE COGNAC BRANDY, by shipping that article, in all its native purity and ex- Knee, to Correspondents in Foreign Countries, and and down by its Statute of Regulation to confine its transaotioos entirely to the Bramf. grown within the Dutnot of Cognao. and wholly the produoe of Vine yards m that highly-favored locality; on no condition white.ei admitting into its storehouses any Brandy whioh may have been produoed without the limits of said Distriot .With the ottfeot of extending the just reputation of tneh brand by suoh means only as will meet the ap proval and 00-ope ration of the most res pee table Wine o .^^L a A BtatesrTHE VINE QROW ERS* COMPANY has authorised the Agency in New York to put up their cnoipe Cognao Brandy incases oi one dosen full-eiseu bottles e*on,a*d the same will be disposed or to the Trade and the Public, by the under mentioned respectable firm. . Every bottle is sealed with the capsule of tbe Com pany—the oorks bear the same stamp, and the labels o- ntam an exact description pf.tbe quality, duly signed in fao-simile, by the Agent of tbe Company. The Brandies now offered consist ol two different qpalities, both guarantied to be equally pure m Quality, differing only in point of ace, and degrees or strength depending thereon, the oldeet being the least .potent One description, termed THE VIJtE-OROWEBB’ THREE YEARS OLo. is an excellent *rtiole of tbe age repiesented. suitable for family or medioinal pur pose*; and another qualitr is designated the VINE GROWER >’ ANTBDfLUVIAN. eo oailed on aooount of its extreme age, and beoanse the remote year of its actual produotiop is beyond positive verification. Objections haying been urged that the bottles are too lafke. and the Brandy ora greater strength than is usu ally supplied to the public, the Agent of the ompany ventures to express the opinion that a large bpttle may be preferred to a smaller one, and that in obtaining the article of the exact strength at»hioh it was exported from Cognao. oDQiumeri may recognise the advantage of adding water to suit their own tasted instead of pur* obaemg water at the price of Brandy. v _ For sale only by GREEN, BROTHER, A COOPER, No. 118 WALNUT Straetr apl4-sduith Bm* HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. PACKAGE HARDWARE HOUBE.-W* R- would respeotfally call the attention of the Gene ral Hardware "Trad eto our extensive.Btock of BIR MINGHAM HARDWARE, wJuoh wo ofier at astmah Avanoe by the package. W, G. LfeWIB fc Bonr^ , , 4)1 COMMERCE Street. B . Importing and Comntiasion Merchants. And Agents ferFwrelgß and UontftolJe Hardware. «stg.<r ADVERTISING POPULARIZED! DO^Mp?P ,^r N o^. , KBi JB! FOR SALK BY’aLLNW?AGENTS. SERVV.B ny OARRI- BB FOR TWELVE CENTS. Ins*rts Advertisements of all sites for SIX OKNTB ALiN, lor the first insertion.-nd FuUR unNT« for each subsequent insertion, or ONB DOLLAR A i. INE a month. •Office of THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. 221 Bout'i THlHDStreeti belowOhestout street. jelt-St A DVitR USING poHJI ARIZED! -aIl , PHILADELPWTA daily morn ng inquirer. PHKET? ElGHl* fAG ESI FORB/iLk/b'? ALL.°NkSv?AGENTB, BBBV“DB* CARRIERS FOR TWELVE.CENTS, Inserts AdvrrtiMmr.nts of atlsises for BIX CENTS A 1 INE forthefiist mssrtion.and FOUR CENTS for enoh subseqnent insertion, or ONks DOLLAR A LINK a month. Officeof THE FHILAOBTJPHfA INQUIRER, 121 South THIRD Street, below Chestnut street. je!4 2t ADVERHSING POPULAR)ZHD ! -£*- ' THE PHILADKi PHtA DO&'ffsWW^ES, P.ICE TWO OE'TS. FOH SALE BY ALL NEWS AGENTS. SERVED BY CARRIERS FOR TWELVE CENTS, AA.prtiMin.nn of All ii„, for SIX-JANTS A LINE for lotaif.oß.Amt FOUR CENTS for r.oßmL.esu.ntinwrtion.orONK HOLIAH A LINE, a m n nth. VffioeofTHfi PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, 121 South THIRD Street, below Chestnut street je!4-3t Mrs. stilus CRYBTALINB LIQUID H 4 IR OOLORER! A preparation new to the poblio, but whioh bas long Been fn private use, for restoring Gray Hair toils oatu appearance, and ran entirely in its nature and effeots from any article now in use tor. the same purpose, being a oleanly fluid, nearly as dear as water, requiring no washin* before or sner its application, free from sulphur or any other objectionable ingredient, and applied as easily os an ordinary HxirOli, - > Can be had of the following persons i , W Z, Harberti, corner luntper and Pine streets, B. J Fennell, No. 36 Worth Eighth street. Thomw janr; as ter Spruce and Eighteenth streets. Thomas Weaver, .Vine and Eighteenth streets. Win. B. ’I hompeon/Mt. Vernon and Seventeenth st’s, ■ EuwaM GaiUordwr.. Areh he'ow Second street. £. B. Garniues, Crates and Tenth streets, George 0.-Bower, Vine ana Sixth streets. A|H<Bowinan,fif»reoeaDa Beoond streets. Charlej.BJuven« Spruce and Seventh streets, Caleb R. Keeney; Arch ana Sixteenth streets, . • For sale wholesale am?retoiTbr . . , „„ . FIFTEENTHMd lsoß®w/S», myMam f ;i - t■■ ; j - 1 .- > .PhlUaelpma, _ TAVA 001T88.—1,000 ■ pockets prime 1 tllliZjmSi*" "’•'W/lAMSIOHAHAM * 00 KAfUH'OAD' linbb. rf*WH PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL IX RAILROAD. ' TtST* — conhecting direct at Philadalphfa with Through Train* R»Jww*pS^S fiwnallpomtotntha west.Northwesti'and Southwest '—thus -furnishing facilities for the transportation of FnaaaßraiynnrtnNMcad'for speed and comfort bran; other route.' Tbpreas and Fact Lina* ran through to Pittsburg, .Without change of Oar* or Conductor*. Ail through Pas* uangar Train? provided with Lougbridge’s Tatam .Brah? under ierfeot control of the engineer. that adding much to tha aaiatf of travauer*. _ I Bjbotrap Cars are attached to aaoh Train* Woodruff 7 * SXPRESS RUNS DAILY i Mail'and Fact Llnea* finn dnyc axoaetad.'• : Mail Train leave* Philadelphia at 730 A. M. i Feat Line “ “ lIJOA.M. : AS mb% V | HdnMjwtri Aooom^odation^^a Dolammai IP.Mt : Farkeahnrr 8.40P.m1 i_we«tChe*tar„ V 1180P.M. „ :Wa*t Cheater Pauangert will tolre the Mail, West i Cheater Aooommodationtand Columbia Train*. • Paaaangere for Snnonry, wimaoisport, Kwura, Baffa (o, Niagara Falu. and intermediate point*, feavin* Phi |lMelßhiaat7.i» A. M. and 8 P. M. go directly thronch.C ■ Ticket* Wejtwardmay be obtained at the offlceaof the Company in Philadelphia, Mew York, Boston, or Bal timore ; and Ticket* Eastward at any of the Important Railroad Qfßoes in the West; also on board any of the 1 regular Lina of bte&mera on tha Mississippi or Ohio tr Fare always ac low* and time aa amok, as by any i otter Route, i For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market Street*. The completion of tha Western connection* of tha Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago, make this tha DIRECT LINE B* 6 * AND THE ; The connection oFtreoka by tha Railroad Bndca at Pittsburg, pvoidmg all drajrage or ferriage of Freight, . together with the saving of time, are advantages readily ; appreciated by Shipppers of Freight, and the Travef i joerohantc and Shippere entrusting tha transportation , of their Freight to this Company, can rely with conh- I dance on itajneedrtransit. __ ‘, THE'RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point iln the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad or* at alt •< tithe* a* favorable a* ate charted by other Railroad • Companies; tST Be particular to mark paokagas •* via Penns. Rail road. , For Plight Contracts or Shipping Dlraotions, apply to, pr address either of the following Agents of tha Com- D. A. STEWART, PitHbOl,; H.S.Pleroo* Co.,Z«nMTill«,o.; 1.1. Jqlmrton.Eipler. 'O.t R. MoNaaly,Mayseilla, Ky.j Orouby be. Cropper, ! Portsmoutt, 0,; Paddpok, i Co,, JeflereonviUe, Indi- MPiH. W. Brown & go., Cincinnati, O.iAthern -k ■ Evansville, Ind.s N. W. Graham fc Co.» Cairo, DU R. Ft Bass. Snalerjt Glass, St. Louis, Mo.; John H. Har ns, NaehviUe, Tenn.; Hams * Hunt. Memphis, Tenn.; Clarke t Cto., Cmoago, HL; W. H.H. Koonls, Alton, pi-tor to Freight Agents of Railroads atdilTerent points latte West. S. B. KINGSTON. Jr., Philadelphia. MAGRAW k, K6ONS, 80 North street, Baltimore. LEECH A CO., lAator House, or 16. William st., N,Y, LEECH A CO.. No, 17. State street, Boston. H. H. HOU|TON, Gen l Freight Agent, Phil*. L. L.HOgPf, Gen’i Tioket Agent, Piula. , . H. LEWIS. Qon’lSnp’t Altoona, Pa, JsA-It |g»—ia ELMIRA ROUTE.— flSjpfaHC9H PHILADELPHIA AND EL MIRA RAILROAD. L ROUTE to Tcmaqua t ,Cat*wi«ga, Ru pert, Wilkesbarre, Seranton, Danville, Milton, Wil liamsport. Troy. Ralston, Canton, Ilmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Rochester. Cleveland, Detroit. Toledo. St. Lome, Milwaukee, and all points North and Passenger trains will leave the new Depot of the Phi- Jaoelnhiaand Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and CALLoWHiLL Btreet*. (Passenger entrance on Cal lowhtll street,) daily (Sundays exoepted), for above points, as follows: The 8.00 A.M. tram connects at Rupert, for Wilkes barre, Pittson, Boranton, and all stations on the LAoKA WANNA aNu BLOOMS BURG RAILROAD. The above trains make direot oonneotions at Elmira with the trains of the New York and Erie, Canandaigua and Niagara Fails, and Buffalo, New York and Erie, and New York Central Hail oads, from all points North am West, and the Canadas. Baggage oheo;c- to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge- and aU i .irmediate point*. Tioket* can o > ,'rooured at the Philadelphia and El mira Railroad ij Vjl’s’lionetOffice. northwestoorner oi SIXTH and Oil * JN UT Street*, and attho Passenger Depot, corn r». HIRTEEN’i Hand CAM OWHILL. TRROU i EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN > Leave the Pin • eipbia and Reading Depot. Broad am CaUowbil) etrs ; ’ i dsiiy ibundsr* exoepted), for a l point? West* i North, at Bp. M. Freights mj be delivered before 8P M. to insure their going tu.- Fine day, _For further information apply at Freight Depot, THIRTEEN i and OALLOWWLL. or to® , ÜbAB. B. rAPPENTGeneraI Agent, Northwest com-r SIXTHand OHEBTN^TB»jje^ 1860. iBBiiM'M 1860. sprin g_arranqbm kmt-new Vork lines. TH- OAMDEN .ND. AMBOY AND rHILA- W4i|os^||g«^w At 8 A M, via Camden and Arabov, 0. fc A. Accom modation.- • ~...8358 Ate A^L v ia Camden and Jersey City (N.J.JAo- AtPAToV via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mai 1....................... * 800 At 11 AW, bySieomboat, viaTaoonvand Jersey City western Express 300 AtUHPM,via Camden and Amboy, Aooommo datton~~ 2 t 3 At > P M, via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ex press soo Ai.4 PM, by Bteambo&t via Taoony and Jersey City,Evemnjg Express...... 3 00 AMP M.>y Steamboat via Taoony and Jersey City, id Class Tioket - 2 it At 4 P M, via Camden and Jersey Oity, Evening Math 800 M, via Camden and Jersey City, Southern At? PM. via Camden and Amboy, Aaoommoda* tion,(Freight and Passenger,)—lst Cis«s Tioket. 325 The BPM Mail Lin# ran* daily. The IS PM, South' era Mail, Saturdays exoepted. Belvidere, Easton, Lombertville, Flemington. Ap»a; OaM ard #PM ,Trom Walnut-street wharf ana 7.19 AM from Kensington. xFor Water Gap. Stroudsburg, Soranton. Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Great Bend. &0., at 8 A. M.from We!n»t -aa<s 710 A. M. frora Kenimgtou, via Dela ware LOokairanaa and Western k. R. got Mount fpiy*at*and • A. M,Sand 4>4 P, M. For Freehold,at g A. ftf,and ip, M. T ' WAY lines i „??' Brittol, Trenton, fce., *t tit sort « P. M. from ' WiUntK atrMt wh.rr, 7.10 A. Id. and »V P. id. from Stumcton. • rorPaimyra.KiT.rtod, B.lanoo, B«verlj, Bnrljii.- ton. Bord.ntowj, 4,„ ,t UX, l and Ot P. M. StaamboalJMHjUnwforßoitS.ntown andlntarrae dinto Plto*., at ,X P. M. _ S'Wtmboat 'Tranton.for Taoony, at 11 A. M. and Tmoii., Bavorlj, Birrlm.ton, and Bnmol, at. P. M. Pift, Ponnd. of Ba*«ai,, ono. ailowoa .«in Pawn ’ csr. Pasjwnsers are prohibited from taking anything ae Ua«af» bnt Niair w,artn, apoaral., ov.r tor iSgg'A'atoOtA’cSSSrltr ponnd! and will not be liable for any amonnt beyond #lOO, ex oept by special oobtraot. qpia WM. H. GATZMER, Agent < SaEBHB PHILADELPHIA, GER umm^™ar!ranskmjs<¥.- isim H-M&'ffl.i* N " l »*f v ? , «<,*,»,11,UA.M.1 1, t, M, M, W, 7. #J», «^fy g *.M min. A. M., 1,1,1,7 X, and Deere Germentown >.lO min. A. M., 1.10 min., 4, «X, nsdKcp.M. , „ CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia f, 8,10,2* A. M., 0,4,0, «K, 8, 8. ud 10. y r< Jn< HUI 7.W. TM t jUD, 9.4011,40 A, M„ 1.40# MB> 0.10, 8.40# and l.lft JP.M. . La, ON SUNDAYS, LanvePhUadelphiao>Gl A.M., I,o,and 7X P. M. Hill 740 A. M„ JlJB> MO, and 8.18 "“fr'Oß CONffHOHOOKEN AND NORRISTOWN. L,arePhitadelphie IM. nt, Me. Ilai, mis., A. 01., I.WIAI*. (X.tM. OM, and 11* ?7m. « L *aYxv%fc Mn *’ *’ B '°*’ *’ UA ' M " IX ’ **' *° ' ' ON SUNDAYS, lAarePhiledelnhluo A.M.andiand IF.M. ■jfist. rara?,® *■ “■ :,# WM7&J: “ d u * *• >L ’ ll PhlSadelskm? Mad BPM. fceere Magayunk7MA.M.,lN,BM.andB^P.M. 01>-tf ifianiM PHILADELPHIA {■HUBUneSH AN P READING RAIL i ROAD.—PASSENGER TRAINS fir POTTSVILLE, READING and HARRISBURG. MORNING LINE, DAILY, (Sunday, aioeptsd.) Leave New De&ot. corner of HRoaD &nu CaLLQW- HiLL Streets, PHILADELPHIA., (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on CaDowJul] streets »at 340 A. M., opnneotrag at Harrisburg with tbs FENNSYs, VANIA H AiLHOAD, ■ J'P. M. train innam* to P>tt*hnrr } the OUmBERLANB VALLEY I.o6P.M.tram TaSrahanburf, ,Oarlnl«, *« : and the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD IP. M. train, running to Sun. bur?. &o> „ AFTERNOON LINES. - Leave New Depot, oorner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Street*, PHIIJJJELPHIA,< Passenger entrances i . —. —at! F. M.» DAILY, (Sundays ex oeptnd.i DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING Faoic Ph'Ladblphia Miles, To pQtßnixville...., ...,~ 881 Reading.... , 63 L Philadelphia a«d Reading Lebanon.... - - 86 f and Lebanon Vauey.lLK, Harniburg-., —ill Daushlu..,~U4 Mi11er5bur*...........142 Northern Central Trevorton Junction. .168 Railroad. grr.... 189 amberland 171 1^—.........->lBl j£ Bunbnry and Ene R, R. * Jersey 5h0re..".'.H1T.833 Look Raven ,736) Ralston.-.-. .2341 Williamsport and Elmira ■ feiSire Railroad. The 800 A. M.. an** the 3.50 P. M. tram ocmneot daily at Port Clinton. (Sundays exoopted.) with the CaTa- WigSA* WILMMSPORT and ERIE RAILROAD, Salting close connections.with- lines to Niagara Falla, knada the West, and Southwest Oornsr of BROAD and OALLOWHILL Street.. «*»-tf , «. « MrII.HKNNRV.SaaT.tar. JS wam SPRING ARRANG E ■MBSKSWP ment. ' and balti PASSBN 0 (?KR d S*RA , For Baltimore atB,li A, M., 11 noon, (Express,) ana UjIQP. M> For Chester at A. M., 11 noon, 1.15,8.00,7X0 and A. M.. 13, LU,0.00,7.00 and U.UIP.M. For New Castle at 8.10 A. M,, and 5,00 P. M. For Middletown at 8.10 A. M., and O.OOP. M« For Dover at 8.18 A. M., and e.CO P. M. For Milford at Al 5 A. M., and 0.00 P. M, For Bearord at 8.18 A. M., and 6.00 P. M. For L&prel at All A. M..and 6.00 P. M. For Salisbury at 816 A. M., and 500 P. M, . . TRAINS FOR PHILApELPHJA Leave Baltimore at 8.80 A. M., (Express,) 10.18 A, M., at0.60,880,,880, and 11.80 A, M.» L6B» 8J 3 ane 8 85 P.M. ■ .eave Salicoury at 6JQ A. M., and 84)0 P. M. «eave Laurel at 0.18 a. M., ana s.w f. M_, Leave Boaford at 0.45 A. M., and 44)0 F. M. *ave Milford at 140 A. M., and 4Ay P. M. >eave Dover at 9.00 A. M., and 6.00 P M. >eave Middletown at i 0.06 A. M. and 7.Q6P. Id leave New Castle at 8.00,10.« f A. M„ and 8.00 P« M. .Leave Chester at 7.49, 9.20, 104 MA. M„ I.S, and WIP.M Leaveßaltk a ore for Salisbury and Delaware Roil *** M 1,1 TRAINS TOR BALTIMORE Amt. ChMteritMl A. M., W.» *nd II.MP. M. & Lmt. wlGolniton atm A. M., U.U P. M., snd IM, PRBIBHT TRAIN, with PASSENGER OAR Mtashad, » will ran as follows r ‘° r ™ r *™Ueiand intermediate tor Pnnyrllls «nd inlnmadlati L«*t. WitoUn,toillor Philndalshla and intermediate pIMK.t4.UP.SI7 , , , Laeve Havn-de-Gru. for Balbmora and Intermodi at«plaoMat«(» a.M. _ . , ate planet L(Q r ) .Havre-da-Graoe and intermedia Only at 11.10 F. M„ to,Baltimore. oS^atJJiP,M„’fr o m BaWmore »>» ' 1 g. W. FELTON. i-remn.a4 laßMMdp— —a PHILADELPHIA AND “*^Hloru#A 8 R^ iLRo A D - On and after APRIL »d, HBO, CommUtitlon Tioketi, with twenty-six eouponet,will,De ißaucd, good fog the firomtherefnlar Area; Pertjee wuhfng to enjoy the Sommer InlEe Country will And thj. e very dearrable rente, theSohnrlldU and LehenonVairaye bam. amour PAiuiiupia,Marakmk, HAIUROADDINKS. ttoSr^XAN PUfLioSiiPHi the depot of the Wijrt:ObMt®r and Philadelphia Railroad Co. eighteenth and Market streets, at fifA.M. and 3JO ann&ttr. M. Leave pepot atlO « A# M. and 0 is P. M, Leave Avondale Al 5 A. M. ami 490 P, M. The6ta«e (.fantooonneotwiih 10 40 A. MTrainfrom Philadelphia and 81ft A. M. Train from Avondale. Freight* for tbi« line received at No. 1816 Market Bt. A daily.lme of stages to and from New Loadonand Ox ford oonneote with the TOP A M. train froni_Philadel' phi»,and theft. *0 A. M tram from Avondale. The heart' tlful sooner? and well-known heaHhlalnee* of Delaware ana Cheater oountle* o»r superior inducement* to those looking for «amraer hoarding. A. B. BURTON, Philadelptnat.M&y 14, IMP, 8m Superintendent. IMPORTANT TO :iUBINK«f* dorm* ihe \earmv)ttuher~ m the i**a* I of recursion t'CCSt*. on and after Juq* JQtb. 186c,t0 CftESSON. Altoona. Bedfoed and Epheata Spe EOS. and coupon ticket* for itt>enfp-»»ar mps, for ihe os* o! families, to and from pom,* near the oity. Ticket* to C> ks?ox Hotels, at the 'ummit qftbt Al legheny mountain—good /or a round trip within 2o (taut— o be bad for 47.60. Tickets to AHoona, where invalid* and other* will find splendid hotel accommodations, food for rotmd lry» tctlAtn 10 days—fare 4716. Tor Bedford Bpnng*~Paj>*tn«ers ticketed to Bope sellaOn the Hun’incdon and Broad Top Railroad, and or Broad Top Qitj to Blair’* P tat ion. hxcarsioa tic* k te. 97.-H; Mnil* trip. 96.40. Two duly (me* o( coaches connect With the irAm*. Bessaie onansed at Huntingdon without extra emerge. haiaencera to BphrataBpr«ng* take *tage from Lan caster. Ticket* for Round Trip, Aft; Single 1 rip. 9138. P«no«7ivania railroad BdBT OF DOWNINGTOWN can procure tickets for J 6 trip* good for anr me'muer of the family, at a diaooant of 26 per cert, below regular rat**. 'I he above txdettf ana farther information to be had after June 20th by application at the offioo of the Penn sylvania, Railroad Co., southeast corner ELEVENTH and MARKET street*, Philadelphia, T T „ THUS. MOORE, Areat. Lewi* L. Hoppt. Gen. Ticket Agent jes lm JStßlSflMn WEST CHESTER rSl*dSb* ANI) *hii.adm.phia . CH A N (Piß l7 R S.' corner of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 7.ofi and 10 41 A. Mm a d3 J 0 and 6.48 P. M. • na . Leave WEST OH KB PER, from the Depot, on East Market street, at 6.25 and 910 A. AL, and £m and 6JS .r, JA .ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at 8.00 A. M.. andioOP. M. Leave West Cneeter, at 726 aod 4^1^84. Je4-tf General Superintendent north pennsyl ISS9HB VANIA RAILROAD. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. .For BETHLEHEM, DOjfLESTOWN. EASTON. MAUOH CHUNK; HAZLETON, ECKLBY, WHITE haven, wilrbsbarre, Ao. ' and after MONDAY, Mar iBth, 13®, Pn—oncer Trains wilpeare FRONT and wILwW Phi ladelphia, DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) At follows: At 6-SO A M. (Express), for Bethlehem* ALentown, Mauoh Chunk, Hasleton, W'lkeebarre, Ao. AtPAOP- M.(Expre»*)i for Bethlehem, Easton, Mauoh Chunk. Ao, This train reaches Easton at <l6O P. W.,and makes close connection with New Jerse» Central Express Tram, for New,' ork. Passengers bj this tram reach Motion Chunk the same evooing. At 8.40 A. M.. and 4 80 P. M.( Aooonunndatton), „ For Doylestown. At 9AO A. M. and BAO P. M, (Accommodation) . ’ „ _ _ . ror Port Washinston. The ISO A. M. Express Tram makes close connection with the Lehigh Val'ey Railroad at Bethlehem being the shortest and most desirable route to Wilkesbarre, .ni n all , Leave Bethlehem, (Express,) at 7.18 A, M. and 6J*F, M, Le.vo Doyleitown (Aooommodition,) at MO A. SI. and 4 P. M. Leave Fort Washington t Accommodation,) at 6JO A. M. and 315 F, M. ON SUNDAYS: Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 A. M. Fiitadelphia, tor Dnyiestown. at B P, M, Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6.® A M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at o.Ow P. M. Fare to Bethlehem. 01.40. lo Manch Chunk, $2.60. To Easton, $lOO To tioyiei'own SOoents. Through pickets must be proonred at theTlokat Of fices at wILt.OW Street, or BEKKS Street,ln order to secure the above rates t«f fare. All Passenger Trains 'except»on day Trains) oonneot at Berks street with Fifth and Sixth streets and Second and Third-street Passenger Raiiroaui 20 minutes after leaving Willow street. - my2B ELt/IS CLAAKt IShMBI NOTICE)—CHESTER SEN D OWNd N GTOWN fj?Z TKRMEDIATE BTATIONB.~On and aftorJfchMay, 1300, the Passenger Train* for DOWNINGTOWN mu sfart from the new Panenger Depot of the Phila delphia and Reading Railroad Corneas?* oorner of BROAD and OALLOwHILL Streets, (passenger en trances on Cafiewhll). TRAIN for Downlagtown, leave* at &oo AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, lssvas at DAILY < Banda?* OKoett ted* i Br order of the Board of Manasera of the Philadelphia ano R'aSins Rvi****d OotnoAnv. apl W. H. McfLHKNNKV, Secretary. WEST CHESTER ELEVENTH and MARKET Street*, dafly (except Sunday) at 7.16 A. M., lljo P. M.. and 4P. M. Leave West Chester at A. M . 10 «s A. M. and 3.10 P. M. SAVING FUNDS. “ A little, bat often. fill, the Pane. 1 * Franklin saving fund, no. 136 South FOURTH Street, between Chest nut and Walnut* Philadelphia* pays ail Deposit* on demand* Depositor** money seoured by Government, State, and City Loan*, Ground Renta, Mort gagee. «o. This Company deem* safety bettor than large profit*, consequently mil run no Ctk with depo ts tore’ money, but have it at all times ready to return* with 6 per oent. interest, to the owner, a* they have always done. Thu Company never •nepeaded. Females, married or single, and Minor*, can deposit in theiTOwn right, and enoh deposit* can be withdrawn ohiv by their oonaent. Charter perpetual, incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania with authority to receive money from truetoesnad executor*. LARGE AND BMALL BUMB RECEIVED. Office open daily, from 9to9o’olook» and on Wednesday evening nnblSo'olooit. . . „ ' DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, Cyrus Cndwaliader, John Shlndler, George Russell, Maisobt w. bloan, Edward TTHyatt, Lewis Krombbaar, Henry Dsl&ny. Niohulu Rtttenhouse, Nathan BmedJey, Joe. H. Satterthwaite, MpieaYarkes, Crnoa CanwAtLanxa/masurer. ap3B-y ** A Dollar saved n twice earned.” CAVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT IN NSTEREST.-NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST-COK PAN Y, W ALNUT Street, eoathweet oorner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Incorporated by the state of Pennsyl vania. Money .is reoeived Jn any sum, large or email, and in terest paid from the day or deposit to the day or with drawal. The offioe is open every day from nine o’olook in the morning till five o'olock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till eight o’olook. WiirLiAM /, Rsbp, Peoretary, _ _ _ maxcTona t Eon. Henry L. Benner, F, Carroll Brewster, EdwardL. Carter, Joseph B, Barr, Robert Bclfndge, Franqis Lee, SamuelK. Ashton, Joeeph Yerkes, O. Landreth Monns, James L. Stephenson, Money is received and payments made daily. The investments are made, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in Real Estate Mortgages, Ground Rents, and suoh first-olaas eeourities as wilf al ways insure perfect .security to the depositors, and whiohoanaotfail to give permanency ana atability to this Institution. aal lr CAVING FUND—UNITED STATES £.TRUST COMPANY, oorner THIRD and CREST NUT Street. Large and small sura* received, and paid back on de mand without notice,with FIVE PERCENT.INTE REST from the day of depoait to the day of with- boars, from 9 until S o’olock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o’clook. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 upwards. President-STKPHEN R. CRAWFORD, TreMorer-JAMES R. HUNTER, PLINY FISK. Aotuary. NOTICES. OFFICE OF SCHUYLKILL NAVIGA- T lON COMPANY. MAY 10th. ISW.-From and tiPor Julr ISth, 1860, and aattl September let. 18*0. the charges for the use of Cars. a T d for Toil and Trans* poriation on Anthracite Coal, oarned to rhiladelpoia. by way of the Schuylkill Navigation, will be increased Fifteen Cents per Ton os the rates fixed Marsh U h, i 860; and on the is* of September. JdOPi a farther in* crease of Fifteen Cent* peT Toq will be made on said charges, and so oontwue until the otose of navigation. By order ol the Managers. F. FRaLEY, my 11 a»n President. OFFICE OF THE P. READING RAU.RO Phil Tk* rates cf Jre\ghl and U Mis company will bene J til Junket notice: ’HILADELPHIA AND OAD COMPANY. L4DKLFHIA. March IS. ltto. tolls on coal transportsd by follows from J&arck IS «n- To iliohmoml— Philadelphia——...—. . inelmed rlane-... fioetown ean an town R. K..—. alls of SohuyHnll.—. Manaynnk. .. Egbert'*. OOnshohooken—. Swede Furnace...—.. Ram bo’s Jfornst'n or Bridgeport Port Kennedy...——. Valley Forge,——.. Phcenuvilfe l . Royer*# Ford——.—- lv Aramiugo 1A Limenok.. ——LOS Potwtown - 96 poagtaasviUe—.. 9f Monooaoj . 9i Blrdsboro—ft. Kxotor - 9i Reading —.— —. fli Tuokerton-. . 8> lieMport..— ———. 76 Mohnvllle... —. 76 Hamburg. 7? Orwigßb’g and Auburn. M After July 15th to September la to Riohtnond will be raised 15 oi after September Ist, on addition: per tou. By ordo of the Board. aptt-Sm W. Jl. Alt 91.58 1.46 1.48 1.48 1.46 1.43 lAS 1«Q lJk IX EDUCATIONAL. (MRS FREDERICK UODGES, OF BOS* t vStEPF* iptort* opentoff a SCHOOL FOB YOUNG UMJlbßintbiß oitTtOommonoioff in September next. Mr*. H. has the honor of rolernng to the not* Jk\vx. H. Vinton, D.D . Reotor oft he Church of the Holy Trinity, Circular*, with full particulars, may be obtained of Mr. F. H. Hod»e«, 701 VlNh .tract. apM.Jm- AMiitUUAiM aUHwL INSTIXUTJS, IS a Mliablo medium throat fi which Sahools and Fcml- Ue« may obtain competent teachers. Parent* may ob tain, cratuitoniiTi information and oironlar* of the best school*. SMITH. WOOpftt&N, & 00„ nU-tf M 3 Btri«t. 6 Fiili«S.m., Bryant & strattqn's national .MBROAWTILB COLLEGES, looatad at rhiia- SHfiHS’.S. 1 !■ SiSVENTH’anTcHESTfiUTi M«r Tt ik, Buffalo, Cl„dind, OMoato,aadBl.Loiit, For ini venation. call or tend for Catalogue. feS-tf PIANOS. SaEfa PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS!! in in piaßo-fortes, MELODEON3. PIANO-FORTES. M . . „ „ „ MELODEONS, Made by Raven, Bacon, A Co., Nunn* A Clark, Hallef SDavii, A Co„ and other*. . , ; J, E, GOULD, »nyM-l SEVENTH and CHESTNUT, ftSSm STEINWAY & SON’S NEW PA TTTTV TENT OVER-STRING GRAND PIANOS, SQUaRE GRAND, AND BGVARE PIANOS, now pre ferred m concert* and in private circle* by the best performers. Received the firetpratmuma over tha best T i tQUOßlCE—“’k'now’a Italian,’ ’ for sale * J<» -i*FrnEWLL * BaOTHEK, «T and 48 #M». louGOftZt airnti ay* i liltl BY AI/CTIQJf. Tj*UBNKS3/ BBINLEy * CO, X 1 No. 439 MARKET STREET. EAST SAEB OP FRKNOB 80008 T-Is SEASON. r • _ ■ Ob Frfeh, Monuiur. „ Jan* 21. & t 10 o’clock b, n*t*£n*ufl, on 8 mo*. cr*dit— E4g»lnu nf f*no, And»t»»l» Fr»ii«hdr> good A Tl SCOTT, ,Tr„ AUCTIONEER, No, 431 "•CHESTNUT Btreet. ocp-iite th.CMtom HOiM, 2'tween Fourth and Kifih street*.' BALK OP SI'JiItfiO^O'PIC*PICTURES,' BOXES* Joj. Rflw Ac. : J Q ?* } B J o'oloc*. embracing ths dead) assort ment of Bns Ed*jisb ud Amenoan grasps, laodsespes/ iflomiuatod pictures* statuary. Ac. ' Also, floe rosewood hand instruments, revolving boxes/ao. ", > wmss WM5& WE&mmi ; AM) BOYS’HATB N»W BHAPE BoNN£fe7&c, . On Monday Morning, June 18 oommenoinx at 10 o’olock precisely. i Included wfi? bV 4 ftffi sXiorlmeft* of faooy bats, equestrians ode-aides, neptuoes. Ac. for ladies* ard childrens w**r; floe spit strait and braid bonnets, of cewanddesirabe shapes \ nan's and be?S’ paim, Pa nama and faaoy straw hats* A©. . tST Catalogues and .samples early on the jfiofnttSt of sale. ■PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, A NO. 030 MARKET Street, and *3l MINOR .Street. w SALjbOPSOO CASES shoes, and straw * GOOfH ’ On Thursday Morning* Jane 21, at 10 o’eloox preeleeiy, will be sold, br catalogue, on foar months’ oredit, BQO cases men’s ■bore , aud youths* kip and calf boots! oair sod retreat Heather setters, Oxford ties. Ac.; bud. iris, and calf tro gens; women’s, imseee*, and children's scat, oalf, and 1 moroooo boo<a ana ahoet. - Also, a desirable assortment of City-mode goods. STRAW GOODS. . . O&Tharsday Morning, Jane ll> at U o'clock, will be sold* 190 eases women’s and misses slrav bonnets. Leghorn and braid flats, brown straw, equestrian, Adelaide do; men’s and boys’ trimmed straw hats. ST. IiOUIH, 810. MMHLUAMB BOtXE, i CO., ACC ▼ ▼ TIONEERS A COMMISSION BfERGHANTS, No. 6 North MAIN Bt, ST. LOUIS, Mo., (formerly with Messrs. Myers, Claghorn, A Co r PhiLada.) offer their services to the msrohonts, manufacturers, and others of Philadelphia, for the sale of dry goods, car pets,boots, shoe#, hard? era. jewelry. Ac., Ac. £C C4J h sdvepoe* made os reoeiptof foods. Mr Battlements made three day• after sue. .. .. „ « kiruincß. Messrs. Myers, Claghorn, A Co.. Philadelphia. “ Stuart A Brother, Philadelphia. 1 I Wam-M, N.w YOrt. i .. -k.A B.Cnn\efcCo.,RewVnih. “ Wood, Christy, fc Co., St. Lonis, Mo. *• • Crow.MoCrearr.d6 Co,. ** mhlf-thstaly THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAll BTEAM , ,»OM KHW YOXK TO ItyXBMOL. Chief C&bm. —Bp - Second Cabin Pftß«*-g« ~, , 71 . „ rsoM boston to trvxarooL. Chief Cabin Paxcag6.-~.~. ..Slid ■ ; Beeoad Cabin Passage. — & The ships from New York coil at Cork Harbor. (hipsfrom UocUm call at Hghlax and Cork Hat rSkaiA, Capt. Judkins, | CAN ADA. Cape. Lank, ARABIA, Cast. J. Stone, I AMERICA,Cast. Mular. ASIA, Capt. £. G. Lott, ]HlAOAßA u Capt.Anderson AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, IfiUftOPA.Capt. JTLeitob, _ SCOTIA, (now building.) These vessels oarry a dear white light at mastfieadi »l (larboard bow; red on port bav. A, Mood is, leave Boston, Wednesday, May 90. 1, Judkins, •' W. York, Wednesday* June A ARABIA, Stone, “ Boston. Wednesday, June IS. AFPJCA, Shannon “ N V ork* Wednesday * Jane Ju. NIAGARA. AltuAf, •* Boston. Wednesday, June *7. ABLft»Lott,. 11 N. York, Wednesday. July 4. EUhOJPA. Leitoh, “ Boston, Wednesday, Ji-ly 11. PKRBJTA. Judkins. “ N. York, Wednesday, July 3A ARABIA, Bicne “ Boston, Wednesday, Jeiy 30. Berths not seoured until paid (or. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for , Gold, Silver. Bullion., Spooie, Jewelry, Preetoua Stones, or Metals, nnlea bills or lading are signed therefor* ana the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to „ RCUNaRO, myg 4 Bowling Green. New York. FOR THE K)UTR —OHARIiES SHKton and savannah bteambhipb, . FRJfiIGHT REDUCED. Heavy Freight at as average of nmsM per cent, be low New Yor| SWMaehlp io6». The U. S. Mall Cap tain Charles P. Marshoaa, will sail on Monday, Jane it. at 10 A. M. The U. 8. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA. Captain John J.Oamn, will sail on Wednesday, Jons 90, at to a. M. i hronch in 48 to 00 bcrars-Nmly 48 hours at Bea. days ohaaged from every Saturuay to every five days. Goods received , and-BiUsof Lading signed ss above every tea oars, thug forming a five-day comma moetiOD wuh Charleston and Savannah, and the South and Savannah, theee Ships eon neot with steomere for Florida, and with railroads, Jto.« for all plaoes in the ' Fraight and Insurance on a large proportion of Goods shipped South will be found to oe lower by theee ships than by sailing vessels, the premium being one-half the rate. K. B.—lnsurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely unnecessary, farther then Chaflestoa or oavenneh. the sssi«»d Fare by this route 93 to 40 per pent, obeaper than by the inland Route, %e wiil be seen by the following so ho* dale. Through tiokets IfomFhilaaei»Ma,naynar?ea tnn anA gavaanah staKmAiaa r lWrn.UTnWQ m> the whole route, exoßCt .from Charleston and Bsvan nah to Montgomery: : To »IJ M > SaTMn*tt. »>. 16 09 r» Aag\tft*>. to oo 0 Macon n oo | 2- Atlanta 800 Atlanta . 31 oo Columbus—--, 33 00 Columbus..—.,-.. M » Albany...-...—.... 34 00 Albany.., 37 ft fa™?— SS tSfiCSm 58 New Orleans.—, 39 73 New Orleans—M 00 No billa of lading «*ned after the shay has sailed* For freight or |t—w apply on board, at second wharf shove Vine street, or to ALEX. HERON. Jr.. * . Boutawest oonier FOURTB and CHEdiN UT» m Ta«Hta londA fro^^]MrlMtoß * Aeamer Carolina every _ For Aorida from Savannah, steamers St, Mary’s and St. John's aver* Tanadar and Saturday. 4 B DAVIDSON, * (Late prWm. H. Barksdale k C 0.,) Brook* note ana Real Estate Broker and General Col lecting agent. w ., BT. LOUIS, MO . will attend promptly and faithfully to anr bonnes* entrusted to him. Bonds, blocks, and other securities bought and sold on commission. Money invested in paper amply seonred by Real Es tate at ten per cent per annum. „„ „ xfirxx* *o Messrs. Runyan, Brown k Co., Jno. /. Anderson A Co.. Bankers; Messrs. Cross, McCreary k Co., Hike,Knight k Co.. Hon.Jobn F. Oarby. sad Messrs. Bell, ijiden kCo.*nt.Loots; Messrs. Norton Bros, Bankers, Pa daoab, Kyi Messrs. pavis k Birnev, Phtlade phia; Messrs. Bbelps. olus k Co., New York; and to St. Louie bosineee men >enerelly. Jed 1113,14 M.H-6t EO. SPOEUND. • ATTORNEY *T LAW. CANTON, KY. , Kr" Special attention paid to theo olieetion of claims in Tngff, Calloway, Marshall, Lyoo, Caldwe’ and Christian counties. Refer to H n. H. C. Burnett. hLC.; Ho H.J.Stiles, Judge Court of Appeals ; ilon. J.C. Circuit Judse, Hopkinsville, Ky. inyO-Itt Yb palmfr, the advertising • AGENT,, FIFTH and CHESTNUT, gives hn views of the prinoiple and best mode of Advertising, daily, between 10 and 4 o'clock. Address myll-am r. B PALMER. EJ, BAY LIS THOMAS. . • „ , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW* Has removed nis office from No. IS Areh street to No. 459 WALNUT Street .Particular attention riven to the recovery of Mercan tile Claims. The drafting and examination ef Wills, Conveyances, Assignment*, Briefs of Title- and other Instruments of Writing. The management of Exeeutor shine. Administratorship*, and Trusts, superintended; and the best securities procured for the permanent in vestments of Money, Satisfactory reference given when required. ap3o-&n* SAMUEL Q. SLO«N, REAL ESTATE BROKER AND COLLECTING AGENT, mhtt-Sm* Bt. Paul. Minxbsota. CTOBAOJ? SEE, n "wmkmsEF*"* No. 114 p onc i BiXTH Street, < Nearly «*pp©«it« the bounty Courthouse,) Prepares t'r&wings *o., and transacts all other business connected with the obtainin' of Let ton Patent. ap9 4m* J WAGNER JBRMON, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL LOR-AT-LAW, Offio*. No. U 9 Sooth SIXTH Street, (Opposite Independence Senate,) „ , „ • PHILADSLrHXA, By the aid of reliable Attorneys, at different ’point* in United States, is enabled to proeeoufce and collect olatm* of every description. Particular attention riven to the examination and re covery of.the claims of Legatees and Devisees, and the examination of Land Titles and securing the interest! of heirs and all persons interested is the same, m all parts of the Union. „ Has the Statutes of all the States and is Commissioner for them. Depositions oarefolly taken under Commissions, apu 4m __ Henry e. keene, ATTORNEY-AT-LA'VT, Has REMOVED from No. 630 Walnut street to No. M South THIRD Street ALFRED L. HOUGH, X*. PAPER MANUFACTURERS’ AGENT, Orders eonoiied for even description of PAPER AND PAPEK-MAKER’S MATERIALS, . No. 17Sou&SlXTH Street,Philadelphia. PAWSON & NICHOLSON, , BOOKBINDERS, NOS. #1» AND 83J MINOR STREET, Between Market and Chestnut streets, _ PHILADELPHIA, JAMES PAWSON. JAS. Q. NICHOLSON. iaS7-i** COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. Dissolution of partnership.— The partnership heretofore existing under the firm of BTIL. S ON k STONE u this day dissolved by niatualoonsent. ROBBKT KTILSON, Philo., May 31,1860. J. a. STONE. /COPARTNERSHIP —THE UNDFR SIGNED have this day formed a copartnership under the firm of bTILbON, STUNK, St. CO,, for the purpose of transacting the Wholesale China, Glass,and Q,ueensirare business, at No. 008 COMMERCE fit. *OBFRT WTILSON, J. B STONE. JOHN F. BENNETT. i firelsl per to: r'ftnoe i inttger SNNE June 1. lMf-trn fp W. NEILL & Co., YARD, 8. E. Corner BROAD and CALLOW HILL, But.rior WHITE AShY'tIaMaCIUA, snd LEHIGH < UALS , „ Prepared end keptwnder cover expressly for Family use. 19r Orders Dy Dtspatoh will receive prompt atten tion. ap® 8m r*AU T I 0 N !—JSTROLOG?»—LOOK VJ OUT I—GOOD HEWS FOR, ALL!—The never failing Mrs. VAN HORN is the belt; yhe suaoeeds when all others have failed. All .’who are m trouble, all ■who have been unfortunate, deoeived byfalse promises, fly to her for advice and oonuort In leva ajfairs sh» never fails. Blie has the aeoret of winning the affec tions of the opposite sex. It is this fact whtoh induces tlh terate pretenders to try to Imitate he*, and cony bei advertisement. Bhe shove you the likeness or yoor fa tore wife, husband, or absent fnend. It is -well known to the pnbho at large that she is the first and only per son who can snow the likeness in reality, andean give entire satisfMtion on all the'concernsof life, wEion can be tested and proved by thousands, both married and single, who daily and eagerly visit her. Come one! oome an 1 to No. 13W LOMBARD Street, betweenMnni l»fl wwn Hrnurt. jrlU-Ut* IUAt'KfiRBL, fcHAD HEttfU&w, <t u.— L I,2 J* Dd 8 Mao kerel, in assorted packages, of a ve.y choice vitality; 5n hJlr kk? w No> V*n Mackerel. Wha f bbls new No, Bdo do, , ?0 bbls new No. 3 medium do. K Eastern Moss Shad. eOhalf obis new do ,do do. 2£CO bbls new Kaifooit No. 1 Herring. 300 do do HatifaxNo. 1 do. 300 do new Boston No. 1 do, 100 do do No 1 scale Fish. 35 do prime No. l Salmon. 100 anmtßls Grand Bank Codfish. 100 boxes new Herkiraer.eoasty Cheese, SHIPPING, • ixLAim paa*. Charleston—. *B ft Savannah—— 8103 Augusta ft 00 Maoon— - n 071 BUSINESS CAIIOS. COAL.“ •AUSI BY AUCTION, Til THOMAS * SONS. ± M - m Ho*. 139 »nd 141 Sooth FOTHtTH StrMt. ', igptT. Mdjtooh. «T«f, Tmw»?. .t tho Bich»n««. K gontribamr, b»*jMttooptio«i rtjiith< t ate. wMttion towhiah , MtosM.jih.tto.Mad oluWraw.ia pM.hliKiOTn. —JS? , REAL ESTATE AT PIIVATR SaLK 1 KF* We bare a large amount or real estate at private tale, inelaiinf every deeonstin* er mtyaed iworr aroponx. i^i-g i Real estate entered, on our private esle rsfitaw 1 end advertised ocoasMoeUy tn oar publie sale aheftmel (<p wjuoix 1,0011 oopiee are printed weekly,) free of Charge* eleo iS¥*B!uS , r^sSA?,^s2Sft*»r: 'trss.fS^W'Sfc. Jane 18th. at l/flWoesfwf ffiootrsee rvs. on the jye- the elegaat CMstry Seat. Fernlturs, *«., of J. B. ROUDKT, k»*_ r oiaf to Earo»e. It is situate OU CM Chester road about beifsm'lesoath of Darby. 10* r ale absolute Full deserfrtlctti in haadbaOe end catalogues, now ready. 8ZOG&8 AX 0 LoAif£, Ascgaffes* Peremptory Co. on Tuesday Moraine, June 19th r at Is <rciooe. noon at ns Philadelphia Broaenie. without reserve, by order of aa eiyes 81 share* Wsebigrton Mann r *ct*nsg Company, off Near Jersey, per *3OO. , 10 do Gloucester do do per *ft, 3 do do do do par HU, *20007 per cent, bonds of the Fbiiadeiphmsad Mtbp Passenger Railroad Company. so shares Northwest Mining Company, of 89 shares Frankford and Bristol Twainka Company— par *lO9. 1 share Point Breeze Park Aasneiettafe 1 share Academy of Fine Arts. 1 share Mercantile Library Company. THIRTY-THIRD SPAIN© SALE—l9ti JUNE. . „ At 13 otaloelt, noon. Orphans’Court Sale—estate late of William Davie, deceased. V&JLY VALUABLE FARM. Ift ACRES, WlMston township, Chcstsroottntr,Pennsylvania, abouteeufte* mite from the intersection of tbs Pennsylvania and West Chester railroads. ThetiQ»roxeeDvptsnreu«Ce»e Dwelling, large stone Bun, stese Bgnng Ho—>, Ru. , Only one-ibimeash. __ __ Ofphaiw'Coart Sale—Estate late of John Kalb. Wi THRKN-aTOXV UUCP. TO woftE Third stoeet, betwren Coatas snd Brown et*. S\me Estate—LOT OrOBOUNP, oRKWBEY; and BEEB VAULT. northwest eomer Eleventh street and Columbia avenue, .hameJ'state-BniLDmo LOT and STABLE, es* Sde of Mamne street, above Columbia avenue, Twea ethward. EXtfoutiU s Sale—Kftato of Hamlet Pearson, dse'd. _HANBdOMK MODERN KEBID>*XCE,No.7II south T r^A? r UofilLss >f D'wEßliNelsa. in# W*st of Eleventh street. ExtvUVftt* hjile—B tta»e of Daniel Barr, deceased. TWO VAC*rt T lOTS. Feotorv snwt, bstweea fievoh &Ld Wilidv, gzifi Spruce usd Sine sta., Seventh .80AKT COUNTSt hEAT. BRISTOL TUBN- P*KE.—An elegant Country Seat, < Acres, with basd gmo new stone Mansion, stood Stable, and Oet Build st* ail new, on the Bnttol near KMmee burg, two miles fro a ' r eocuy, immCT%te weeeeeioo. Fn’i particulars in handbills now reedy. Them* cun t&iia oa»h. Three Urge and valuable LOTS. Nibeta*D?V w*rd, tate K^nsmirton—Valuable ooruer lot frmiting od TM®** raid street. Ad*mestreet ami Tey'eretreet. v tijnWa LOT. Emerald streeL street and Let ter’v .treat; three fronts. Va’eAb/e LfjT* HonUo don etraet nod Elisabeth «L» twofrouta. Tier are within a short distance of the FrankfotO road, and are web sirgated for iiiiimiit— ml A plan *ey be eeenat the auetioo rooms. STORE AND DWfeLUNG~Thr*e stnrv briehftesu and dwelling. No. laid Soaih street* Immediate aloe. HR m*. PerecißtorrSale—Pstata of MarytC. Smith, dse'd*' Three-story brtot DWELLING* No. Mft Lombard street, west of Teeth street, with u three-etor? brisk dwelling in the rear, in Plume place. _ n *; a { fttsiDbNCa, ft o. ift 4> oTih Twentieth struet, north of Chsm street. . ' i*Ul* LOTS, Pscoad street, below Hurtinsdon. Valuable corner LOT, sorthessa corner of Fifteentli and Coatss street Three-etory Bnrh STORE and DWELLING, No. 1818 '‘outb 1 reet. Exccut47rs* gale—Estate of Mary *nu!h, dee eared* Pouv Brick and Frame DwfcLLlNtiB, r*oe. ft and ft Cathanns street, between Front and SwaaiOU Streets. Rest together for *3fta year. THIRTY-FIFTH SPRING BALE-JUNE 36T8/ At 13 o’clock, noon. Orphans' CotfrtS*ta—‘■stataof Sarah ButoVss, deo’d. LursC sod vsiiub e RESIDENCE, No* 684 Reee street, oftDotito Prsatl-n • uunre.eaMof Seventhektect. Lot »feet lUnoheu front __ Elegant brown stone RESIDENCE. Broad street. • west side south of Girard nrenne. with stable and rouse boose rhae all th« modern imsrovmeule end eouvsui ences. ft W inches from Lift feet. May be examined one day prprioe* to sale* Elegant brown-stone KvalUEaCa, Broad street, adjoining the above os to* south, of same deeertpfiju. lot 37 feet I inches frpnL MB feet dess. ... .Valuable Bm’dioc I-ote. Arek street* Two very desirable BUI- dTngTo B.south rtdaot Arch street, weec of Eighreenth street 1 eueh ftfbdt frontbyiasfee deep to aft feet wide suest. . ELK. COUNTY LAN DB -Tract of 417 acres lend, Elk conntr. Pa. Well watered and timbered. Three-sronrbnoJrßTOhEand OWELLING,No. 1313 Ridge avenue, north of BrownetreeL u *wo frame DWELLING?. Noe IXIB and ftftßhueks m«xon street, northwest of Frnnria street. SH-story stone BUILDING, occu piea as a hotel, Naim street, Pmokford. Bums Estate—'Building LOT, adforeiar. B"me Bstata-Three-stary'brick DWELLING, ia the . resrof the abort, fronton? -n Grass street. Handsome moderu BESID KNCF«witfc side lot* nor k : wratoorner Girard nveuse acid rixteeath street. .Lot 40 fret front by ift deep. Three fronts. XxMutors' Sale— state of James Thomas-deeeaeed. Orphans’ CourtB*l# ■Retate of George ■aaheu.dae'U* BRICK STORE ANfiDWaLL -ING.—Two three-story brick d*«lUarg. a ad two-story frame dweilint. Currant alley end E"ken plaoe.-'be tween Tenth aod iUeveath, and Louest and streets. -- Three-story bnok DWELLING, No.T Waihißgtnu i street, oppoeito Jefferßon B«u«re. Three-etoty brick DWELLING, No.HU Boatkßixtk 'street betom Federal street . w Peremptory £ai«. LANDS, Potter asd JleKMu oountiM,Pa., 990_ cr«a, timber land* Potter county, > '< OWN LOTB- Coudersport, Potoer eoaaty. | FQUA RE OF QhO UN D Bmithport, McKees county. Bale of the whole 9 bsolute. -VALUABLE BaKERT.—Two-slory book .Ml* tonse end stable* Twenty-esoond street, soetk of Vtne “'vaV UABLB PAVM, WILLOW GEOVK.—AIw, * valueble Montgoseery county Penn, 198 seres wftkpeOw improvemento adjoin ins tee village of willow Greses fflnretsQd township hfoi tgomsry county. Pa. ■r Be« nandhuia for particular a Anience’s Peremptevymale—Estate of Charles Kayier. Three-story Britk DWELLIN'!. *o* ft New Market street, east tide, above Vine street, with two thtae story bnok uweibuts u» the rear. * w Berne estate—FiveLU^OPGROUND, west Mdeof Hwitmt-a Tth of Condsria street Same > stats—Paw No. 13, class first, in Juliana street Synagogue Caire litate—Also a Certificate of Loan in mii Syie govue for one hundred dollars. Sale 3108 WALTrR Street. SUPERIOR FOR vi ru«B BOOK-CASE. OVAL Mirror, tapestry carpeto, Ac. On TAareday Sforainy. J9thins:ant,at 10 o’dook. at 310* Walter street.firet street above hoe. west of Twenty first street, the sa penor walnut parlor furniture, extension table, book case. outrage suite, ova) mirro>s. tapestry carpels- fee. May he examined at 8 o'clock on ike moraag or the tale. SUPER VOR*FU 3 AOjßfl, Pi AN t^FORTMBRUe 8 KLB OAIPm On Thonday Moraine* At 8 o olook, at the Auction Store, an amortsast oi excellent reoond-haad farn.tare, elekast piaao>Jortaa» fisa mmora* oarpats, at©., from Taaihea declining h< naekeepisg, remorad to ike atom for conraiueßoe » tele 1035 CHEBTNTTT fitreet. HANDSOME PUR"Iru*E, MIRROBB, CHANDR LIEHS. OIL PAINTINGS* BRUSSELS CARPET. Ac., Ac. On Wedsewtoj Morning, SOthioit,, at 10 o’clock, at No, 308# uhevtSQt «treet ( thehandsosps furaitare, use Froach ylate raanU* mir ror*, fi>.» oil painting*, trmdow eartaw*, atoga&t gas ob&rdehera, bocfc-cajca Brussels carpet, As. Atop two refrigerator* kitchen furniture, Ac, •y May be examined as 8 o’clock on the morning of the sale. Pa!«N W.o'mtrKllfrHfeaaMASTEßPtMb HO&SEB* CARTS, TRUCKLE, lIARMESS, *O. *. On (Saturday Morning, 23d iostont, at 11 o'otoet, at the northwest eont«r of N iath and Master streets, 4 hones. 4 carts, $ track wa gons, furniture oar, 2 puirof wheeti for hauling marble, isrß'st. chains. ±o. 2Sr* Mar be examined oar time previous to the sale mptor» Sat* on the Premises. DILLWYN Street NEAT MODERN «»tal DANCE AND HANDSOME* FU *JTU»B, MIRKOR. Ac. _ On Wednesday Mormon 37th instant at 20 o’clock* wjU be sold at public sale, without reserve on tbs promises.tbs n#*t modern rem denes, with three-storr bank building* and tbs WiM«rn improvement* and convenience#, No 9*6 DILLWYI* street, bstvesu Thud and Pourtb, youth or Oresa e treat—#3.o6o may wimibo’i roor.iacn. HANOSOM* H OVSRROUD Fu&*ITUBLR. T 1 • entire household furniture will be mid immedi ately aftej tbs sale of the bows. Sale of tbs whole at* solace. Pall particulars in handbills and ostalocnea- UfOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER XU ANl> COMMISSION MERCHANT, eeutkeesS eoraar of SIXTH and RACE Streets, MONEY TO LOAN. 92.>,000 to loss, at the lowest rates, on diamonds, watches jewelry, silver plate, drygoods, clothing, gro oene , segars, hardware, cutlery, pianos, mirrors, lur mture. bedoing. and on roods or every description. in large or small amounts from one dollar to ttoeiasd*. for any l ngth of time as reed on. The Oldest natabtubed House in this oltv. Private entrance on RACE StrssC e^ - Basinets boars from 9A. M. to 9P. M. Heavy insurance for tbe benefit of de,osiror>. CHAKGrS • TWO PER CENT. Advances of #lOO and upwards at two per cent. Advances of 9100 acd upwards, at one percent, for short Joans. the usual telling price*, gold lever and levin* watch**, silver lever and Jepme watches. English. Bwi*e.a*4 French watebe*. at astonishing low price* Jewelry of every description, very low. sacs, pistols. marioaliA' stramen's, fir*t quality of Havana cisara.atbatf the importation pnee. in quantities Co Hit purchasers, and various other kind* ot roods. , OUT 1)OOR BALBB Amended to personally by the Auctioneer. Consignments of any and every kind of good* coli oited MOoEd NATHANS. MACHINERY AND IRON. 4*2o* PENN £T f ’AH ENGINE AND SHIKbOILKR WORKS -NB* FIE A LPV7, PH - CTfCM. AND TBtORHT* AL BNGINRK-s! MACHIMSTS. B' •H.ER-MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, and FOUND KBS. havine. for many yean, boon m ■ueeeseful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River encmes. high and low pressure,.lron Boats. WaterTaoke Propellers, &o . Ao , r'speotfully cffbr tlrelr services to the pobijo, a« bemc fully prepared to eonireot for Borises of all sizes Marine. Fiver, and Stationary. Having tela of psteras of different sizes, are prepared to ezeauta or ders with quick despatch, bvery oeaorjption of Pat tern making m-de at the shorten notice. H'«h and i ow Pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers,of the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forgings of all sires and kinds; Iron and Br*ss Castings.oraildesoriptiona; Roil Turning. Sorew Cutting, ana all other work con nected with the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at their estapittbrnent, free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers hare ample whart *ook room fur re pairs of Loats where they can lie in perfeot safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, flto., fee., for raising heavy or light weigh is. Jacob g. neafie, JOHN P. LEVY. BEACH and FAbMER streets. POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 951 BEACH Ftroet.Xensingfcop, Philad9)phia —WfL- LUH H. TJhftS inform* hi* friend* that, having par oh&sedths entire stock ot Patterns at the aboveFoua dr*, he i* now *re pared to reoeive orders for. RoUuvi Gniti and % Baw Hill Castings, tea?, CLsnuoaJ, sad House Work, Gearing, Castings made tram Rever beratory or Cvpola Furnaces, in dry or green sand, or toain. inve-cf iaxiil e. muon, _ _ william e. arunick, OOUTHWARK FOUNDRY. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BTRKET*. PHnJLDKL?HtA» _ MBBRICK * SONS. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engine* for Land, River, and Marine cemoe. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iran Boats, fto,; Casting* of all kind*, either Iron or Bros*. . Iron Frame Hoot* for Gae 'Work*, Work Shoe*, Rail road Stations, &o. .. „ . Retorts and Gaa Maofunery of the latest and most im proved construction. ' Every desonpilon of Plantation Machinery, nek as Sugar, Saw and Gn*t Mills, Vacuum Fans, Open Steam Trains, Defeeatpra.FUters, Pom pin* Engines, Ao. Sola Agents for N. KUlieax’a Patent Sugar AoiUns Apparatus: Nasmyth's Patent Steam Hammer: and Aipiqwafi A Woleey’a Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain* inr Maohine- wt-t -WWS ODOMETER JJAND COM are datable cheap and ediciest, ■searing wits ner* ring aoonraey aa* disunqe patted over by. the vuoste t U VAUeKjjf MXUkIOI,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers