% >• «** *• t:'t? ' 'R .*§&■ . - -tmm«*w*"*i&r<Ww?*''* ,ka ' “"*••» *-•* '^SS^SS^SSm^^^rnm^i^m^. *omuM*g ' fg^fgg^Pg -Ttofca^iiSlM;«i^»iWnff«lWMl:««gim:. * o n<i'rfißrt*'*r'»»«^r^tfr l »»**“‘* ,l, lW»««» r: ■ (WMaldaKcfMettyotWawYwk.iiirtojMer y'taa jaar» I; W;ra,a»jß&,,to*ia[f^>t,witM.»: . . . : 'araaali*ar*Bai|i*Vt»aa^. , ''tiat»aal£Mi'M#''*»‘ ka*l> MjfeMl, drasalia&^Arka-wwittlhMllit' .-.•Uj, (* wrfwwaoa, Tia itwrtNnr: . laffljg&fttaswggs , ' ■ 4NM3N«*Np?!I9 >M£# 4aeaa*.»al«hboTWd, for tka. •wunU ! ai| ; # mn> —»MniriirMi«<i«B<waa^gTuSwmM»< ■' aba in U*,»«lStof «b««« haa •TT?'fS S^JW-JW 1 »*aaaiallo« or «wo will - Matty &&*rafo «U puit «t#fn*l marks u mmet. ,; Al£- r^Tth*to«*twi*l ; • -: Hattd'«» **mtnt>*aiivsa «!*oe to tha fctluosafafe ’ > rilktit uid jiaiti'mf »«vi mm 3 tfasbasatifalafidL dsnthffs of.U* Mnomigatiogsrs i . - ml4lriatinwtftewHb y tb* - . tfcaoo>araa»a<toe*r>r lie g>ni Uailod BtaUamall, , «1». ttaawtadi* llw. tin* b«anai Om aitiaa,»sa/ I ■ MWWiT MW traia.ao anaaaaafaMif'-iiflaiaMar 1 -;'• • aaoat aaraawaatiaiooa, ■, - .1 . aoaoartto aaxtwt, jiaaababtaadTo aaUatakabrtaita aoaarkir. M7oarX>fTWaoa<b*t aaa attaat fro* aaraoaal Jraowladga. A abroad* (rarity Wiliahwa Manat kirnHiiuMiiomi. fitou a ' vary aktranftbt-**4 ('tatlrntaaead for httittat : ttiaaaa, aradaaty, and talaat #ke will ba aanalad at . katdaMtbytkalaadiai artutaorthaosara.aad viliof- Nr\- -■V'T. : ;,..-.'szrߣ«S;Co»iUnsßy : -" :^ ITKADR. ~T', V KTRAOTOE tnppitim «U oOk*t btfr.ttr BLiNps and shades. j_; Q *eiji tgpiSftilßSiigte 'forAfe lSii<*ri»| Nwi<»; reoar Haraliar* fSr«si« wpiir, CttnoiktßMaon, A Onmju fe^SpSSB®®«^- MMh. '*“”"^e^S^s&SiS NwYordtd r aaY»r, forßijaaaor*, ailed fioSi Mai»ffor '*« di’./iuMird.ieikd v»M toadiat; Kt’EtTUk. dk. from /•nrOriuuu (or UIo it S£P?#&s&fcMto* Maa, MM, anrirad »t Chariwtoa '«Uir,;ft«a fmtlaaa; |lEinu Sir£ft»rtJMp,BoBi«»o,«)»»|»<lMOluilMtool«t nrrm o,'ciirk, tirtkli »ort. «M from Car- SanMoniak' hfao*, at Baipren jB&Jteilte ktiittotft.'witaluU at PAiUdallAie, aailodfroa fKjES&B-fka 'eWf ■VHUifraaa,; CarUa, kaaaa ! ,; ' i '*: i«W><nB'I.iCATtOIIB. "-. FIN LLOYD-'S 'SOUTIIEBN STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD iv GtJIDB Yfo* nant, • now ready. 1. Rofrejhy of SemTate.Eaf,PrMldent of .the Meaphle asd Charidetoa Railroad, frith aeorreet like- B*|lO*>tML. Xplf Jfimatwr: . ''7 : 7.., iC«r*»o»«tTo(u:e<*U. • i, vmw'cf'NewOriiaie.qafteel. v i Likteeee ofJobeßobiaMeDeaif I, Em., rreeldeat of theViniaiatod Teß*ef*eeEailrohd.'; ; .7*. LlkeiMeeofj'.Edfer Thoefaoe.RM.,Prfaideat of thaPeeeerlvaaieOntrailailnivd. “ ' 1. Bteoriphy OfYrerna’letaodiEee.. with aeorreet liWeWsik'eteel. vv • . i CtiMMaiH Him Irtkmtai, slowiM tfcs Diffcr nssoflln* bstvsss feri» diArntsitisa la U» Vnl- MjSutssuLdCuidaf.. -)*■ Artink u« Dstsrtßrss of ttssabosta sad Oesaa flwisem imWUrnUdgtsm asdCejsdu. li KOtwiii—FnakJL«M» , sUa>tntodNnr>mp*r>’ , i ! ,11 Oamst Tm TabUsof all ths toatkem Railroad*. ; I*. bit) Railroad gUhoB betVMH Raw Orleans sat Hsa York, will liatortnl Facta connected with neb S iqm. ' 'lfc ■oUraodAdwthmnoiiu. '■ fe UatM ", W* TS» Buiiooat*. .'WtUiiwt, Plaoos and Somnor MMiofyanmtkomt thdVaittfßtau*. ’.IK Co»do*i»d BMoripttodoftho Priadrol CltiM ud •TWhDwtt* Uoltodßtkj*. thoWholMtlo Hmuwla Kro Te^whowllto.tioßooth... •' * HwMHiiliiii Qaida, *o.,*«. I • «■ Edltotiol—M«oa«(8o.)»>d Wootoni itailfoad. ’* Bo —M«**bU«»dCW!**toß do. ; **} Do ;-MudMin»iCrain> " do. i. *H . Do -HnOilMMj.t lit. N. do. VDo r ;-*rttt»»*a'e|UO do, -*4 °° — ®*** Tubmmo tpd OeorfM do. ■ »•' . ■Do -Jtd»t T»MMini md V». ■ do. «•; ro. -TDr»HOMd:Al**Mdrl» • do. »• Do -VlnißiOMd TmHDH do, ‘ '■! Do -4krati«ra **aro*d Convention at ty«»h iaitao. >-•> ! ;.*f .Do —Woiota® Homo, Mfmohia if*}- Do —Viriritu Hotol.Bt, tool*. !.. T ¥* OOIDR dinntatw MelßßTOlr la Me goothom <«4 book) «ell Dm Bosthora BoilrouU. oodio •*«£«ttt,to*».»*dTiß»*e. Prtoo »««<*. ta *h»Atnttor Mb OUIDK InPia- MtkU.lt U tobofoood U •• THJS JOKED HOTEDV’ KhaMnonhoala Md badoou-Mi vbonll to tho Booth SS^hiauiSJ‘“*“ ,lui “ *° * 4w BIBLICAL DICTIONART. ; i PUBLISHED HV , , iiITTIJE. BROWN; & 00,, ; j 37KU>Br;8TBBKPvB08I0If. a| DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE, A'W eoKfBXMjp; tt* . ANTICII/ITiM. BIOGRAPHY, OROGRAPHY, AHD ;„t. XIATUEAIj HISTORY •' i.'-;. , ran* n. WiuuxSmith. '.j' -y%r .5 ?<*, -* ,a r p«r B«k hf «B ili.ao6Wl.'i», ’ ~ W ; Bteel fj*o- a. tVjjia’ stobk’ )* - * r JEORQ-E' SPENCER,. JB.. «00l« ••••=• * j * j£' gSMgWlft STREET, ! ' ’ AoroIVIM OuUH»;BaV(S{ OrFOMTS OMftirtWifM ’>h HfomsfcO _ * • ' lerjettook.of ■.dmafc'Mai.e.Lr i u ; -.«*•. • rWSSyiuKis ~«o«rmy,.: DRAwSiSTV / GLOVES,*.!., , ladYrety.UWertiile ie Farai»hlß»llße,of tkp LA asdetihe LOWB9T FWOES. gSHfiKMAN'S ORAVAT STORK TOTHBN.W. SEVENTH AND , .•■: yv; s v:;‘.'l'j' chestnut. ' • v, - V fHURjWTIiMi PATENT 1W ABELL ED COLLARS; , , " ’ GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING : r ’ GOODS; ALL KINDS UNDER WEAR; SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER : 0 FOR $9. .. r : ■: ~ CO*. SEVENTH AKb 'ciESTNUT. - ■yS-tMs***.;-.;..? !:■ •.' . PROCLAMATION lit feisssHs™:#® Br AND, and intend to oantmna taere /orwir. or at iMMui&ldll*K*Mp fineto tseeontrsry. Till an- Soi»Miie£tußAM, in older that «r ntuaermu pa SimeiTtliaoitrasd eSewiem me? know that *j»jr or der*. udanaM *■ ebon, will stwaye iMeh ns/whew ir than hsepento eee oar aduertuemtMt ,* it* AaMrrfr tkajutna beief, ornot. ifteaae oat tU« oat ead parte it is poor mem whip .book.-- ' ■ . mrl-it !*■ fflCgOon»l>(* of the’ Ann 'of W3»> Saggiga. MMtatfoto efll •ktsntira.effa* ijiihl] fh*> nalmidal&ulww stor*, imu pMk gno CLOSE BUBINKSH. ] hart, Montgomery » W 00.. i i MO. m CHEBTMDT STREET, WUI MU MW throortthla winter and neat arise, their i i .vi ianeetoolr of 1 PAPBR HANGINGS. '*a*etiß(of*Terynrletroanneat«dwiUitha btieinete, i ; AT 3RHATLY EEDDOSB PBIOKS. ifflE FRENCH PAPERS AT *I;PER CENT. BE ;■ . - Lowcoerr fsnNS waatoi as>inMTwiM,ni imfr«M j 'BAicaAlßra. PAPER nAN GUN 08. * |We innte the attention of all panose who wuh to. deoonte their Hoaui, to oarlarpeud axlenaiveatoek of PAPER HANGINGS, at either or oir cetaMUh eiente, altof the seweet end beet etrlee. raiuble for etoree or dwelUnpa. *od PSt bp is the eity or eosstrr, by “howell&bourke. N. B. Comer FOURTH and MARKET Streeta, and If goath FOURTH Street, fhllhdalphia. myii-lin : GLASSES. / ~ KING-G L AB BKB, ; PORTRAIT AND' PIOTDHE PHAMSB, IMPORTERS, MJMmoTVRSBS, WHOLE At NEFF, ' ; ... NO. SOS NORTH THIRD STREET, Hav* sow is store a wwt complete (took of HARDWARE. of late importation, and Aiaerieu maecfadtsn,,whieh thfy offer to tie NBA* TRADE os the eery beet tetsae. . ■ - - ■■ . ■ apmkm ■ jg, o. Thompson; ! TAILOR. N. K COR. SEVENTH AMD -WALNUT STREETS. i , Olotilixmade TO ORDER only. '74 Fiseßtookof Material* alwaye os kaad. 4-B. Btraipieie-viHtlsff tie City an! eolilcited to leave tieir mewniree. .me-aa JpKENOH FLOWERS. : MONTUERS. , ! fijTRAW BONNETS. ] A apItKWBIB ABSO*TMKNT. THO 3. KBNNBDX * BRO., ■ Wo. Tg» OWBaTWPTBTKBBT. { ; MACHINERY AND IKON. mini T. MMUci, i i. TisuiK wnxiec, epuTHw^&MlSr »i FIFTHAND WASHINGTON »£££?*, CuUkci B»U -'B§pSi2S!®i' Ktahlanr «f «ka Utast ud sort im MBS.'WINSLOW; ALVIW iit/JYP, BXMAcgSj&I ££ bbuibou><« KX-nuoiffio I Iff" HXLMBOLO'S sXTiUotjj&j i Iff*? ft Pt»ittT* U 4 grtaifa Knu<i; o i hSJfe. %oMm* '-—J •^v ii "- *■ nkM-lv s H*OViaiONS.-2,300 piwwH»Bui ■V* AUVltrM^&goatmittortJmali .mn t »y/vC?r'* : ?T m ' Witim-pmLAPELPmA Tuesday, Jtrftg 8,,i860, FAI’JBB: HANGINGS. ENGRAVINGS, OIL PAINTINGS, Ac., fee. JANES' 8. KABLK A SON, BALK AND RSTAIL DEALERS, SABLES’ GALLEBIKB, •I« OBESTNUT STREET, HARDWARE. Merchant tailoks. ; MILLINERY GOODS. ‘, MEDICINAL, ITIH * QOAYIJPS «oom KAILKOAOiIfIBS. ■ T • j^p^^gSSSS£ TtMetf WfCtwaM mq*7 b* ODULnwfat th ® offloe* oftho rt shrw* M loir, ud tio» u Quick, u br uj jeA$MP*&4 1 The conneotioti of traexe t>j the JUJlroad Bndxe at Fittaparfr jnroidinf nil dr«race or wT**** ofFrojjrbt, town! from any point m the we«t .bjr.tke Fenniilvama Bmiroad art at ail titnn «i /overact* m or# ckargtd t>V mktr Hailroad to mark paoknree “ Tin Fenna. Kell- I4W« ® »£&&& f.’SeaeJaLalerJfc GlaebSt. Ifidf, Mo.i John &, Har rikpSn?Tfie» Tfnn.; mm* fc.Hunt. MemihU, Ttnn.) Cto.» 4 Ciuoa«o» lU-LW. H> h. Kopnt#, Alton* HTot toFriif ht Af«ot* orJUllroadi at dlfftront point* ISS WO— —P ELMIRA BOUTS— fflSfly" pHrLADBLi,,trA and «■- KEHTfIOUTB to Tornado*. CstsviMs, Rn gf iikaabsrrai Bpnntofa Punilt, Milton, WH rt, A r< >lj Kntatpn, Cnnton. E mlra, BoflWo, CALLOWRILb Streets, (Passenger entrance oa Cst loif jziJi street, > daily (Sunday* exosptedJ* for above nSßSW»i™.:a*«: The 9M A • M. .train conneets at Kapert. for 'Wilkes j)Ml»w train.mjie direot oonnantlon. at Elmir* »» 'B*M»*aoliwlHSd to Elmira, Buffalo, snd Buapaimion finds*, and all intermediate point*. „ :TistoUo»ntN>ptwmrad M: th*Thiladalphl» sndEl- Lssr* th« fillsdslffi* u<t Etadinß Uapdt, Broad snd Callowhru street* daily .(Sunday* excepted). for a l point* W«rt and North, at F. M. - FraigfcU must be delivered before BJ\ M. to insure tbeur going the man der. ■ For foriherJnfQTmtion own? at Preiihfc Depot. THIRTKEWTHMdOALLOWKiLL. Or to - t , CHAB.B. rAPFEN, General Ajreni, MortWpt oorner SIXTH Add CfeESTNU ' *Bto. @Mgpt 1860. ; “%wa, ioi Prora w*iimt-«i»etwKrf, Will l«sv* a* foliOOP-Vi*! At » AM, VlaCusdan snd iaAor, C. t A. Aeoom****" nodatfon* ~v <, w , *| m At# A M, Wo Camden nod Jersey City (if, J.) Ao eommodatson...^—. _ 1. „ t p via Camden and Jersey City, Morning ADI aHT Vr Steamboat,’ visfsoonVinOe'rVtr * 00 Atlrllt via' dimden and Ara\>oy» (j. and A!"Ei- *** At_ 4 p"m, t»y Bto*unboat via Tacony auid* Jersey : City.EVeninr Express.,.. , _ ~ o’clL| Jer, f r and Jersey City;Evening AyiP’Mrvik-Coadenand Jersey Oityr&mth era -At# PM. via .Camden and *** lion. (Freight and Passe nienHstCLou Ticket. 228 TtaePMßUjlLlne nmj daiij. Thell PM,Bontff iwg&s' IM> luurm °~ • Fifty Pound, of Esdcuo, only. »I1o»m nob Pnm gf&to<ud»totWMud(or oxtn. -Th»Coni»«n7 limit H. OATZMEft. Acent Philadelphia. fg»c— PHILADELPHIA AND tha dißot oithe WMt Chester and Philadelphia Railroad Co/ and Market strut*, at 7a» A.M. and fcao !>•**• ATpndete 840 A. V. and 449 F. W* . Trs/shtsfortkis lias received atrfo.MlSMarket St, A daily Tin* of staccato and from haw London and Ox* ford oosnuts with the 7«A.M. train frpw'Phifcdel able, and the $.19 A. M. tram Arm® Avondale. Tha bean-' lifdl sosaarr and wall*kmnm baaUhfalnas* of Delaware and Chaster counties offer superior tndqoainenu to thaMloottacforrammerboaiding. A.B.BIfJtTON, Philadelphia. Mar 14. 1860. 8m Superintendent. «C»c— PHILADELPHIA, QJER IA«n» tMtSu. A.’M., 1,3, 7K.M4 Wl I. JB. ■UMM> Sgramntava B.W min. A. M., 1,111 mis.,6K, 1 . ‘ ctaOTNUT MlLb ttAHdIOAD. LMjr. MgSKiil », g. Id, MA.K », 4, », «,,8. », ”TlM»Oh«tnot Bill 7.10, ?.«. 8.40, 8.40 U.M A. M., +™r-wMhgiß. >MnPUlmtelfhla 0.00 A. M„ a, 8, and 7K P. H. _K»t» fihHtnat Hill 7.30 A, M,, lIJO, 8.10, and 0.10 "TR& WNSHOHOOKEN AND MORRIBTOWJ*. . Um fhiUJffiphia «.eo. 7K, 0.08. 11.08, min., A. 1.88. OJA, «*, 8.43,0.60, ami 1114 P. M. \ . L«f» MandMinra 0,7, 8.08, 1, 11 A. M„ IK, IK, e and yia a*, “ u * |Mn FklliAolphid?/ iO^ S .ikl 3 PM. . Kn M»M7Pn|IKA. M., Vi, W. and 0* P. n. WMt l>iMggW;k Bwh PHILADELPHIA ”Ao|Wu{BljNb, §Alfln7(Sundar]ißXoepUd.) JflTf IV«w Dfsot, corner of tIKOA 1» and CAJJLOW nu&itlßtyfr PHILADELPHIA, (PnAMm;*? •attaappt {.!**’» N»» Dwhwrmfffillj&ffi ud 041.1,0 - IpSWmMi R&TAWOEB VIA PHILAgELPHIA AKBKEAWHO ~ BiSiSi "nxs^' BIIBWIT >«m <ll n, i miU9 North«mt*rleio<i..~.,irn ; IdrjrSbMf.**— ; Mi110n—........^.«s ' ■ W°ffi»m«orniZr',".'jS | J«n»fßior« „„aa Look Hav»,... xej Tror°^~~-~7~,'' ' *ll WUl»in<.ort uil Elmira noun. .. S»7\ SaUiom. •Akijc olom «pOMOHgn« wild llttu to Nii*»r* Poifi, •»»Sr WS, M«H.HRNHBY,a«tr*tar>. Smblß spring AKHANGB wRfIK9i^9HM£NT sat fHss ,’wj»liutoi*U,« K. VL, a, \.vt,W»,lX>-j&A *s®ai^p* _ •■jffitlSt*"* ”** *•■••<**»««»,;JO.IIA.M., *#S!jSref9. , *“ ««* «•» A. Mu IM, KZSfiSESZ it M " Ml MO P. M, ps#|» . LKTI g«wO»«U»»t£MI, IMi A.TE.JJid fcOfP, M. , Ch«rt»r tl 740, ».1», UM A. lißai for Boli.lmrr oed Dolovuo K»il _ TBAiMS POH. BALTJMOJIE lo«W Qhootor >t (,4IA. M., ujsiadrf« i>, M, ‘ ,I£inWilminttonHt,MA,Bt„itMF.M„ nai lIM fmsult I*AW. rritt PAM WfOBK OAK tUuiod, IjMom^lohUSrPorrrwß'oad lntonsodloto br ,nrrlu * ut ißttmtiktt jljyyjjtyCoA (orPhllidoltkl* ud lotortoodlAta •5W2^?iS : for ß *m,#<,M “< IntMKwdl- fißnOßHto TO WEST CHESTER SnrvSSßa.' AND IS ' rKRMKD,A ' rK fauna for. VVe.t Chester leave Fhllndelpbla from tijo. joti northeast qornar of Eighteenth end Market treete, at7Jp end andatland 0,1 e I*.hi. In Sundays nthTA.M. and* P. M.,, ' < ■■ , J’aMenferaforHtatloqa on the Philadelphia and Bel-' i to ore Central Railroad will take the 7.80 and 10.30 A. M.. and » It P7M. Trains. ■ wih3o tea), avap iSSko, VKtB 10a of .NORTH PENNBYL NOKMK 1 1?T, AI> ‘ i odalphinj DAILY. (fiuntfayß «xo*pto(i, fas follows.* 6.80 A. M. (Expreii). for Bethleham, Allentown. Jdftuoh Chunk, Hszlfftoa.jVVjlkeebarre, &o. At 180 r. M.(HxpreM),for Bethlehem. Kuton, Mftuoh Chunk. «0., Tali tram reachee Easton at BAO P. M., and makes oloie connection with Now Jersay Central Express [•tain for Now lork. Paasengera by this traio roeoh Mauoh Chunk the aame evening:. , . At 8.40 A, ra. and 4 80 P. M. (Accommodation). At P. 30 A. M.anddAOPe M.iAooomm^^tion^. 6B^ 0^11 ' : WL . For Port Washington. : The 6.50A.M. Express Train makes close eoutiflotiim with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the, shortest and, most desirable route to Wlikesbarre. and to Slfc : i Leave Bethlehem. (Express.; at 7.is A. hi. and OJtaP* ii dft Y. e .P o 7 le,town (Aooommodation.) at 6.20 A. M, and 4 r. M, . Leave Fort Washington (Accommodation.) at 6.45 A. M> and 8 W F. M. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A*. M, Pniladelpbia. for Doylestown. at 8 p, M. i DrtJ , l?«town7or Philadelphia at 6.20 A. M. \ Bethlehem tor Philadelphia at 5.0 c p, M. i Fare to Bethlehem, 1J1.60. To Mauoh Chunk. 62.60, To,Easion.JM ; M. To juoytoatowu 80 cento. Through Ttoketo must be procured at rheTioket Of mresMn or,ler r.evl« vfiltow .trS!“‘ ;er » not ■»»» ' . 1 EI.GIB CLARK. Agent.. iflkhMJM San* StKßn NOTICE.—CHESTER IRNGBR TRAINSf 7 O OVAHnYNQ djh/w N " 2!n U «!lL M P® iSTATIONS.—On and after ssth May, -JPumater Tram, for DOWWINGTOW* Sill .tart bom the newjhuaenser Dopot of the Philip dfllphia anil ReMinc Railroad Company, corner of «g ffMSSSwr^ Btraetffi •»- MO*„m TRAIN for Downingtown* leaving at 8.00 ■ TRAIN tor Downing town. Isavra at ■ ifAily (Sundays Moaptad.) _ a e^** I «»» . W. a. McILHBNNEY, Soorotary. ISHOWH west CHESTER P A O TRAINS vu £5m98988 PHILADELPHIA AND b o a f d M/ x ' road omder andany member of his family, on any Bassenser Tram, and at any time. , They willbe aoldby lira £7nM?lu , «tU h f?? iO,O l t! l? °°i¥i>any. No. 777 South fZSJi * reduotura of twenty-five per cent, from the regular fares, parties wishing to enjoy rhe V l a? QjPR tr 7w W Di|W*d this a very donirabla JP®***^^® ch . a 2 1 i and Lebanon Valleys being among Jtomrk,., March *th. l 4T ou6 ' TVOTIOE to contractors. I- y. Proposals will be received tit the Office of the I^?r^’he n oOT? fiteie. Arsenal, in the oily of Philadelphia. The amount of, masonry will be about 8,800 cubic yard., a large portion of wliioh will be under wnter. •Proposals will.tale the price par onbloyurd, inoludin. the, furnirttng of all material.,, and the expenarsoi oofrer-ilama, pilmr. and all o her item, incidental to the iSifiWtflL 0 / i?? maionry, oicept oement and lima, •whioh Will be fumlined.b; the Railroad Company. Separate proposal, will bo reoeived for the delivery at the bridge of .tone suitable lor the above work. ■> too. for the ponitTuotlon of the inaeonry, looludinx the expenses of the fuunnaiJonß, the stone and oement totolurniibed by the Railroad Company. fames proposing mnv submit plana for four.dine the piers and abutment. diffennK.l'rom the npeoifioations. mifi r ffis^2 f ; 5 „ rn,! ‘ til ’ n oan ,J 6 obt-,'”Bd , „ „ . „ . , .W. H. WILSON. ' mra-tjell Remdent Bnsineor Penna. R. fAFfIOE OP SCHUYLKILL NAVJGa- V-I lON COMPANY. MAY 10th. 1800,-From and after July nth, 1880, and until September I«t, ISW.the enarree for tho use of Cars, and for Toll and Trans airtation on Anthracite Coal, oarried to Thiladelohia. by war of the BohmrlkiU Nayißation.wiu be moreaaed Hfteen Centa per Ton on the rates fixed Marsh U'.h, MBOJ and on the Ist of September, iseo, a forther in crease of Fifteen Cenuper Ton will bo madeonanid oharsea, and ao oontinua until the clone of naviaation. By orderol tho Manager!. F, FRafigy, mrlllni Freaidont. TVOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ■*-’ appiioatinn will be made to the Hope Mutual In anranoe Company for the renewal of Ceftlficato No. 0, for ten aharoa of the oapitalatookof the laid oompany. In lien of one which haa been loan fe33-tuSin Proposals for bituminous proppgab will be received at the office of the PHILADELPHIA GAS wojßKsjNo. 30 South SEVENTH Street, until noon of FniDAY, June 8.'1860, for any part or the .whole of fifty thou* and to as of ifttuminoue Coals. suitable for the manufacture of Gw, to be delivered at the Goa Works, on the Schuylkil river* msuoh monthly Quantities as may be specified in the contract. ‘A'h® first deliveries to ooramence in the month of July next, The Coalsmust be ireib, clean* anddry, and of SQuali ty to be approval by the engineer. The proposals mnst atatc the particular variety of Coal it ia intended to (hr* nuh*anditcf a kind not before used at these works, sample* of .not less, than fifty tons for trial will l e re odired previous to the tijpa of opening the proposal*. The erott ttm of pounos will be oon&idered as the weight intended in the proposals, unless ofherwue ex pressly stated* and. if it be preferred to deliver by mea sure, the struck bushel of 8,088 cubic inches will be used. Ja case of failare to deliver the Cosiaooording to agree ment, the trustees of the Gas Works reserve the right to purchase wherever they may deem best, on i oharge to the contractors any loss or damage consequent on |uh Imium. __ ... Th» payment. willb* mad* In two «jual In.tilmsnt., ftfour *?“ ?f« ,r lif .Moifiod period, or de- Uwry, th» 15th of eaoh month to be taken as the ave i qrthe monthly deliver)?.; pr, at the option of the trustee*, payment, will be made in na.li, with interest deducted. Should the contra©tors prefer to deliver the Coal ear lier than required, it may be received, if convenient to payments will be made to date from the time wlfbS «,‘Slr’er Uritir f ° r “ YoBN m c.”cR f FJBON” tro ° „ KniineerKulndeiphiaOna Work.. **&• . mrt-tjos OFFICE OF TUB I HKADIJtO RAtLIU Phi Tk* rates 4/f night and this eonipa»y will be at til further notice: To fliohinond.—. TnoHneaplane ~ Wieet0wn.........—~ Qerm&ntown R. JL..-.. Pftlltof Schuylkill,^..- Manayank. . kgbert'a,,. . Conshobookon.— Nornst’n or Bridgeport Port Kennedy....*,,-. Valley Forge.. — Fhtemxvule Hpier’e F0rd...,.^-^ Ariminsp LimenojC. «*** . Pothtown.. IkmgmsßviUe *. Monooaoy. Birdsboro,. Exeter. Reading.........,.,. Tuokerton.. Hamburg...... H - ■ unrigib r g and Auburn. Aftpr July 15th to Soptera to Xiohmond Tall be rsiset after September'Uf, an adt per ton. Byorde of the B apXS'lm W,, ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL BOARD- I&9 SCHOOL FOR YOUNG ItfEN ANO BOYS, MT. JOY, Lano&ster county. Pa. mt . , r if. L. MOORE. Principal. Toe location s*. (p overy respect, a vory desirable one. Conran o 1 lnnniottoiv ample and thorough. Pupil* ad mitted at any time. For particulars ne>Q& {or a oircu- tayilm* [MRS. FREDERICK BODGES. OF BOS TON. ittt«ad« owmln* a SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADJhSlothifloity, commencing m September next. Mr«, H. hasjhe honor of referring to tho Jtey. Alex. H. Vinton, 1). D , Rector of tne Church of the Holy Trinity, Sircalara. with full particulars, may be obtained of Mr, F« H. Hodges, 71)1 VINE street. ap34-3m* AMERICAN SCiIOOIi INSTITUTEis * Areliable medium through vhioh dehoois and Fanil* lies stay obtain competent. 'teachers. Parents may ob* of £, b« ( Ull-» M Bryant &. stratton’s national , .MERCANTILE COLLEGES, looated at Ihiin «lpMa, <3. Xi. oornor SEVENTH and CHESTNUTi NaWi'X r*. uuflfvlo. UlflVelADd, Chicago, and St. I,oai», For Int matlos* uaU or send for Catalogue. fti-tf Snnburjr and Rn« R. K, gjffo PIANOS ! PIANOS! 1 PIANOS !! mvn PIANO-FORTEfI. aieLodeons. FIANO-FORTKS. - . . „ MiaOHKONS. ,-Made by Raven. Bacon, A: Co., Nunns & Clark, HaUet SDavie, & Co„ and other®, : J. E. GOULD, mjU' I SKVF/NTH and CHESTNUT. trrm STEINWAY & BOWS nett pa feirpd in concerts and m .private circles by the best peUGTmeia. Renotved the first premiums over the beat di-lT 1008 CHESTNUT street. £JAMPHORATED VBTIVJERT For the Preservation of Fu(<i Cashmeres, and Woollen Goods from the rs voces of Moths* Ants* and other Inseots. The CAMPHORATED VBTIVERT Is a combina tion of Camphor, Vetivert and various Aroraatio*. It hM brea long and favorably known in Europe, and has been found superior to other artioles for tho purposo. Prepared at PARRISH'S PHARMACY, ___ No. 600 AHUH fitrflflj. SHEW & Go PHOTOGRAPH FRAME DEPOT, No. 3S> SOUTH EIGHTH Street, Above Chestnut# ThlJi Is the only establishment in the oity devoted exclusively to PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. A greater rarietr of OVAL GILT FRAMES on hand than oan be found In any one establishment In the United States, end piioei love?. 09” Prior your Ffaotoirapfas, tutd hare them fitted olthcwt extf ghatse. mfag-dia FOR EUROPE.—Having been appointed jAt.Bto for VM, WILLIAMS * CO.VTrajwat- Sfe?.’ ,ve ept-Sm ffo.tf StmTfi FIFTH Street. AKDiSN ANDPARLOR VASES, Sl’A tuarr, Fountains. Ornamented Flower Pots. Hanging Va-s, Ae., of Terra Cotta, manufaotured and RAILUOAD LINES. NOTICES, ’HILADELPHIA AND BAD COMPANY. L»p»irnu. Msrob 13. lm. toll f on coal tran/portid by follows from March 13 «n- Board of Mai H. M.OILHK EDUCATIONAL. PIANOS, WfStJRANCE COMPANIES. gABINE & DUS, I'ItOVrDENCK W% , i'ffNs , TON n i'N3. r S'o* ar'ctio pike HOPE FIRE INBuiu'lfol:' t Co“, n uF U ffis*v®voHK (a ' c l TVFmE. ras u^s;& n tew*gi%i?; germania Frßg^^Sm^fJS?". 77 ' HUMHOi.DT W> Clifl Oipittil &ud Surplus a»3 968 61. s te ! i , S;! ,0M ' njB " on Mi" N o l?A , fe?A7eSu nipt 1 > 4 3m No. .21 WALNUT Street. : A NTIIBAOITB INSURANCE COMPA -I‘MlPETffiu“ttKlTl,6 <' Ca » ltal ' 8 *w,-mo-charter Also, Marine Insurance. on VdaelE Cergoc., ana Freights. Inland Inenranoete all I»r|» of the Union. ' * ~ _ , JJIK-KGXORtjg ' ' llc . ob .r' h " r ’ /oeeeh Muheld, ' 1). Luther. Dr. weorse N. Koksrt, n* Audennedt John R. Blakiston, - Davis Pearson, ' Wm.P.Dean, Pater Sieger, , J. K. Baum. FOB SAXE AND TO LET. COLLIERY TO LET.—THE OELR BRATRI) LUKE PItILKR COLLIBST. aitnated now in progrtfaa? * h * 00m P !e,i »i> of the improvemonU ■ There are two vein, 0 t Red Ash Coal owned on tho propartr, each .even feet think, 'f hV ea£fl!i “ra nor quality. and has attained a njin reputation viurf* ever it has ueen introduced. it is highly vqinart and Ooramands a. road? sale in Balumore m 5 JitSSSiBS plaoes, to whiobit is sent both by rmlrStd 1 , A market has also been opened for this poafin theNorffi and Northwest. For shipment to the East it ml? *2 akes to Delswnro City, and, upon the completion m June next, of tho extension of the Mine HiirjUmoed o oonneot with tije ghamokm Valley and Fotttnlle Railroad, it can be shipped at Richmond. rheae vein* will yield from three to four hundred thousand tons above water level. Thera era n»h*r vein*of White, Red. ssd Gri? llib cSI o/tbe p " lerty, which are easily accessible. The capacity or the Dreakex is fifty thousand tons per annum. f* ViS^!? fhf Jf® on application to D.W, v. i/leaver, on the premises. : For further information apply to ' ■ ; mliM-tathe tf No, Mi VINE Bn.'eLFhllld^;. M FOB SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOB MIiROJIANDIBE--Two two-story brick houses anu iot of ground subject to, improvement. Rent for £7Jper annum, each. A small amount of cash .and the balance tn merohandi**Tsqaired. Address A* ftTFres* nutt-Im piUK SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY property, a farm of 40 or 00 ao r os. situate ou fhe Camden and Atlantio rnilroAd.at .the nammontons!a tiw** thirtynuleg?rom Philadelphia and the tame from JttJaotle. onßn dthe neighborhood isremark ably healthy. The house is spacious, and the who e property very suitable for a seminary or bearding sohoof. or a summer boarding-house. For rartiouUra l" ? ul r oof JOHN wAL NPfgtrpet. raUC-etutMr ga factory property fob sale— A most desirable Factory, with large lot of ground, fronting on three atree.s, suitable for almost any kind of manufacturing.-,'ferai* easy. For particu lars, inquire■ of ALFRKD FITTER, Sixth below Arch, or to W. j). ROGERS, No> 1009 v jeatnut at. tuyU-tm fil TO LET OB FOR SALE—A FOUR. KJastory house, double baok builtlln?*,aU modern im provement*, in complete order; an elegantlsr«eyard. ‘ frmslowto a good tenant. Situated No. I9tt4 sßagjg{gte.ißK ,t *°- 7i * ch b t SALE, CfIEAP—A new Ladd, Web , . •tor, A Co.'s Sewing Machine—the best manu factured. Address “ Sawing Machine,” office of The Tress* : m FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET. -A MiiA furnished house to let. at the northwest comer of n ß. tll,,vrBinJ,e m , ; e or t f ,,< TO NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS For sale a. large Jot in the Southwestern section of the oltsr, well adapted for a Nurserr, Terraoftocomraoda' ting. 1 or particulars address»«K,” at this office. ap!7-tf |gg TO RENT—Two beautifully situated ESa. double houses, well shaded/ with ooaoh hocses* and gardens attached, onTooony Flank Road, one mile below TaoQQy, and threa-uuarters of a mile from I*oo - Kailway depot at Bndeebnrg. Apply at 717 WALNUT Street. mhl7-tf LEGAL. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, TAB MUTUAL ASSURANCE COMPANY far In surmH Houses trom Loss by Fire vj. ANNA w. ODKNHKIftIER, Fxrfoutruc-of JOHN M. ODEN HKIMKit and JACOB GILLIAMS. Trustee, Levan Facias, Deoember, 186 d. fto.&d. Tho undersigned has tw»en appointed Auditor to re port distribution of the fund raised by the safe of the following-described real estate; to wit: All that certain three-story brick messuage or tenement andjut or piece of ground,,situate on the north side of Walnut street at the distance of twenty-five feet westward from the west side of Fourteenth street, formerly called Jumparstrcet, iu the said city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the said Walnut street twenty-five feet, and extending in longth or depth northward of that width two hundred nod thirty-five feet to George street; bounded northward by the said George street, southward by the said Walnut street, oastward by ground late of fcdward fthippen Hard, ana westward by ground granted by the said Edward Ship peo Bard to Coleman Fisher. AU persons interested in the fund are notified to pre sent their claims to the Auditor, at hie Office. No. 849 £outhBlXTH Street., on •IUfiJjDAY, the JSth day of June 1860, at 4 o cfdok P. M., or lie debarred from coming in upon the same. jcl-lQt . JOHN F, BRINTON. Auditor. IN THE COMMON PLEAS OF LUZERNE COUNTY, in re, , Assignment of Morris Ba*be and Phillip Aub, late do ing businesses Barbe A Aub, to Charles Bloomingdale and Isaac Rhine, intrust for creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the aforesaid assignees have exhibited andfiedm the said Court this first ao ooont* and that the same will be allowed by the said Court on the 24dt day of June next, unless cause ba shown why such account should sot be allowed. By order of the Court, DAVID L. PATRICK, Prothonotary. May 25,15(30. ffifP Jtd-13 IN TUE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. F-state of MICHAEL JVIAOUIftK, deoeised. Notice is hereby given that CATfiLARTNE MA GUIRE, widow- or said decedent, has filed in said Court aa appraisement of the personal property therein mentioned, to tpe value of 0300, whloh she has selected ana olnims to retain under the aotof Assembly of April lith.lßM. and ftra supplement thereto, and that the Same will be confirmed uy the Coart on FRIDAY, June Hth, 1860, unless exceptions be fitod thereto. JOHN B. COLAWAN, Junel, 18fl?-ftu4t* Attorney for Widow. WINES AND LIQUORS, f OnflE VINE-GROWERS' COMPANY OF Si COGNAC. CAPITAL, THREE MILLIONS OF FRANCS. rniTB^SSW^ 8 SAINT-LEGER. JULES DURET, >sq». Manaqbb. AGENT2N NEW YORK, JOHN OSBORN. THIS CORPORATION, numbering amongst Its share holders fourteen hundred Proprietor* of the best Vine yards In the Distrtotof Cognac, its extensive Establish ments being located is the oentreof tne town of that name, was organised for the express purpose of main taining the standard character of PURE COGNAC BRANDY, by shipping that article, in oil its native parity and ex cellence, to Correspondent! in Foreign Countries, and fs bound down br its Statute of Regulation to oonfine its transactions entirely to ihelfrancu grown within the District ol Cognac. and wholly the' produce orVine yards in that highly-favored locality; on no conaiuon wh&tovei admitting into its storehouses any Brandy which may haro been produced without the limits of said Distnot, With the objeot of extending tbejnst reparation o( their brand by such means, only as will meet the ap proval and co-operation of the most respectable Wine MerqhanLs in the United States. THE VINE GROW ERB' COMPANY has authorised the Agency in New York to put up ftieir cnoico Cognao Brandy incases ot opo dogen full-sized bottles each, and the same wiu be disposed of to the Trade and the Publio t by the under mentioned reepsotable firm. ■*. Every bottle is sealed with the capsule o.f the Com pany—the corks bear the same stamp, and tho labels ountaia an exact description of tbe quality, duJy signed in fao-aimdc, by tbe Agentof the Company. The Brandies now offered consist ol two different aualitlos, both guarantied to be eaually pure in Quality, iffering only in point of age, and degrees of strength depending thereon, the oldest being the least potent. One description, termed THE VINE-GROWEHS' THREE YEARS OLD, is,an exoellent article of the age represented, suitable for family or roodioinal pur of its extreme fvge t and because the remote year of its AOtual production is beyond positive verification. , Objections haying been urged that the bottles are too large, and the Brandy of a greatof strength than is usu ally supplied to thepubho, the Agent of the company ventures to express the opinion that a large bottle may be preferred to a smaller one, and that in obtaining tbe article of tho oxaoi strength at which it was exported from Cognac, consumers may recognise the advantage of adding water to suit their own taste, instead of pur chasing water at the price of Brandy. COAX, T. W. NEILL & Co.. YARD. S. JI. Cornor BROAD rind CALLOWHILL. nRALXKS IN Superior WHITE ftnd LEHIGH Freparedatidkeptunderooveroxpressly for Family use. ,09* Orders by Dispatoh will receive prompt atten tion. ap23’3iu Mrs. still's CRYSTALtNE LIQUID H«IR COLOREK! A preparation new to the public.but which has long been in private use, for restoring Gray Hair to its natu ral color, imparims to it & glossy appearance, and ren dering it soft and silky. it is entirely different In its nature and effects from any article now in uso lor the same purpose, being a cleanly fluid, nearly as dear as water, requiring no washing before or after Its application, free from syiphur or any other objectionable ingredient, and applied as easily as an ordinary Hair Oil, Can bo had of the following persons: W. Z. Harberti. corner Jumper and Pine streets. E. J Fennell, No, 20 North Eighth street. Thomas » ancaster Spruce anu Eighteenth streets. Thomas Weaver, Vine and Eighteenth streets, win. B. M hompßon, Alt. Vernon and Seventeenth st's. Kuward Gamard, Jr.. Arch, below Second street, E. B. Unrrigues, Coates ana Tenth streets. George 0. Bower, Vino and Sixth streets. A. H. Bowman, Spruce and Beoond streets. ChArles Shivers, Spruce and Seventh streets, Caleb R. Keeney# Arph and Sixteenth streets. For sale wholesale and retail by . _ FIFTKENTH'ond my 23 3m Philadelphia. GOPFEE’S PATENT KNITTING MACHINES. For Plain Stocking and Fanoy Knitting ; Also. Machines for Knitting Drawers, Shirts, &0., , of all sixes. Rlb Maohines of I and 1,3 and l. 3 and 3 and 3 and 3-Rib. on hand and made to order. Theso Maohines use the plain English Spring Needle, on a now principle, and are the oheapest and most rapid Maohmes for Knitting in use. The Gotfod Patent Family Knitting Machine, for Family and Plantation use, is a new and successful feature m the useful inventions of the age, and ranks with the Sewing Maoune. Agenoy and Salesroom, , No. 377 BROADWAY, New York. Jel-3m HENRY C. LEE, Agent, TcTthe PUBLIC. i , CALHOUN'S ANNULAR VENTILATOR. The above patent is deemed, by scientific andsraoti cal men, to be the very best ever offered to the public, and needs only to be seon in actual operation Tor its merits to be appreciated. Nothing ever ratroduoed n so perfectly adapted for ventilating private and publio building*, schools, hospitals, engine housM, mmea, steam and sailing vessels, and for the cure of smoky ommndvs they have no equal, MsnafoohiHiii and for and retail, at *^ o >■''V. l "A ;Y; Y? *2 P' 11 3 Warerpom. of CHAS. WILLIAMS, 118 MARKET Street, Phil*. , Personal attention will be given to all descriptions of heating and ventilating by the undersigned, who has been many years practically engaged in the at)o7e busi ness. Also for sale, Qatar's justly-celebrated warm-air PIbUATORIAL SPORTS. , PHILIP WILSON * CO., 439 CHESTNUT St. would Invite the lovers or PISCATORIAL SPORT to s%4 l^j&n°t r his%?tf. and ■ fAOKtS qunii ni Ituricss' world-renowned Trout, Bass, and Salmon Rous, .Superior Trqut, JBass, ana Salmon Flies nuper extra Llmorto, Virginia, SSiSaam, and Bess uoott a. Baskets. Artificial -Haiti Silk, Bilk ailu liair, Grass, Linen,ana Cotton Llnes^ M COi'FEE. —1,000 pockets prime BtiftllStml fM ul9 bT JAME ® QKAJUM * 00. MMS- ’.'i > . b. •';< lmJ-j'-A. i ■'a u;:):-'o-,"l ( .e j■ j ii> MWTibif. ' Cf., : Li.-jio, m’KJi lMgr BTKMh9. ■ > ; fiOOM. I , ..JSP.'J'* 1 »o° fjilqti Unajr aid , mn SONNW JUBSOHB. = ■ ; T . ;; /."7 Goipo/paadafeacoii mentaies, snewie# from SSSSf. «““»• ““ *»»Pf BW.,j UKUtI Ud Lj sale of Wednesday willbeinotuded-- i2ss£; w “’ tu *“*• "““rt B. He. 481 By caUlofue.onacredst— . ;,,,! , . ' Ua Wednesday Ifbrainr, Jashasas^ssaaass^*^- i r , .. . KKHKOUiKIUIia. i l *“ jMotutmm ouibrio isnass?;;, ! . iiPJNBT AND TRIMMING JMBBONfc' , - f Also, rich stTief brocade, plaid, aad (a&or soalt da 1 J.ACH «iiw and points, jiii^OT?u'l,So. 1 ' ,l4J “ ,heow “" ,l, ' w * ,l,, «* wn»B ulackbUjK lacei,, . ; ~ryrialimii«K«blukFK,ehmllcUwn. L7hsA^.*g; WwkwW'sUrt'auH,, with amt T r MnBRCAMBBIOHAIIDKSIOHIBPg. ta “- «“• , - PRBNCH FLOMTSU. < 100 oartooa -Tioh new style. Vena artifiaial dewera. '7;“'BfEWo\fe BK,^ bi ndim J, Vo. .* O . *»’'••» a . clo “ “ m»oi«o, Pui. T.t . , SUN UMBRBLLAB. ‘ aa llmb " ll “' b "~ 4 * CulonM UI.UIA. .ml, on ti* moniu., of ipHILIP FORD & OO , AUOTIONESRS S3O MARKET aei l»l MINOR gALbOP BOOTS. BHOBB,I,EATKER,'aNO BTRRV •. _ On Thursday hCominc. 1 • v i ; Juts 7, at Id preoisely. will ha «u k# gatalfigue. on four months credit, IS9 MSifSin? boys 7 . Bad youth*' calf and tap boot* j and ift ttostma, calf, patent lo»4Usr in?'bu« £? anp Conrreaa gaiter*; women j, aiMaa*. Hit j and Hiut.nl cHf, tad, SOMrßdttOToSobSlotJ gstjtnt aad .Upper.; , 'ir,i n—ortm. ul uf I iT sad go.t .tin., rrSt. nod oooinn.»f So.® ! r „ STRAW GOODS. ! ~. Oa Thar«l.T Montm,, .. !At 1J o’olook, tiD b. wld, n> ouealubM 1 ud miuw* n iS!*lr Bora fljrti. Md MDMtliu’ kxt/; .16?. J»ib6t«, all triraiDid. and aawiwdtlM. ol*wde * wmplM read, .art, oa mdralas Tor. GOKMLfiWauction STORE. ML E OP IMPORTED WillSa® ‘ , Tliii Morning, . . Jane «. at 10 o’clock, we *nlltmU ehtire stock of a house ieclinlng Irnßinet^^mh^^J twent? quarters, and OUrd braddi..: tn vtim or ftoi ff.vea qa»rl.r-pif«» of.jmrt Md .h.riV bMk.t,uf Peip«r B.ld.i.ck *m» ofifoiuboa-whi.kj.Ad*. *0. ' “ n *“ The sample casvs out of bond will be open for in- early on the mernisg of eale. ■ A MOKRIB, Auctioneer. ST. LOUIS, Mu. VyiLLTAMB, BOYLE, * 00.. AUO ilMwferete with Messrs- Mysr*. Olachon, A-Co.. their aemeee to the merohaata, maaafaeMrm mai of Philadelphia, for the sale of. dry goods* ott ,^ oe- » hardearejewslrr, AoT.AoT^ 9BF Cash advaaee* made on receipt of goods; 9tJT Settlement* mede three day* after sale, „ „ m KimiMClf. &?;£!Bg[n*g°&*- L v i **&. a * lr SHIPPING. THE BRITISH AND NORTH gjjßpHH. AMERICAN ROYAL MAVL STSAM- : nu, r*£W& wxoaxx ‘> t:l '™ r O°l‘ _ Second Cabin Passage . M The ships from New York eail at Cork Harbor. ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Bar- PfikslA, Capt. JodYlns, I CANADA. Capt. Laae, ARABIA, Cupt. J, Stone, lAMEtTnk.fiiyt Sino ‘Tb.MTMMKomrrr, clearwkiwli,ht UmeetbMd: P&VoV'lftert Ww i Md on Mrt Sow. ECROPA.Moodie,t«kveßostoo, W«dßMde,,Me, 3o. ~ PSRSIA.Jeokin,,’ -• N. Yo«, wSSßr.’jue A ABuu'f' u^ m *’ tt w°v°S: 2*5 na-(J er. Jane ,3. m^ifob.:: Judkins., Wednesday, July is. A lAJl lA ’ Wednesday, July as. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Burgeon oa board. Theowneratf theeeabtgswiUmot beaaoewntaU#foy “ * wt *“ s4 -K«Sfk ° r ■CTi . . Bowllm QtMn.N»— Yt»k. *sfmi - fok the nou to. —ohahlss for charleston. 0. C. Saturday evening. Jane 9, and mil on Ssddayaißßtutd# June 10, at 7 A. M." ’lhrough in M to dShonra-ody 48 hours at See. “L -ahwr# aver, ton dsji. thn. form in, a Iv.-dar ooaunn moaQoQ with Charlesbn end Savmnsah# end tiie Booth and Southwest . _ for nll plaoea in td. Bgreh tbwtofc than by aailing vessels, the premium Wing ooThalX the W&USSZff!* *** iUt ** bWii aferr: SS mS!i=z=r. S 3 &SK5?z2 8S IterTrr: S 3 New Orleans—. MTP New Orleans^. uOQ No bills or lading ngned after the ship has ssiled. OTTo * rt - “ . - ALHjC. HERON, Jr., m Soathwett ooraer FOURTH and CHESTNUT, “ AWillSv Tn»lS 0 ' ida itomt OuoUnii.T.rr BUSINESS CARDS. Vb. palmrb, the advertising • AQKNT, FIFTH and CHESTNUT, ,Iv« hi. jre'r.pfDre prinoijto ud tout mode otAdvorUaui, oailf.betTeonlOanddoreTook. Aadrau * myll-am B. FALMBR. BJ. BAVLIS THOMAS. . * ._ , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ka *** Areh atTMt lo ffo. Conveyances, AMlrnments, Rneftiff Title, and other The rnanagement of Executor ships. Admfolstratoralupe, and Trusts, superinteaded; and the bestseounuasproaureci for tbe permanent in vestments of Money. -Satisfactory reference given when required. ApSo~em* CJAMUEL G. SLOAN. c»jusal estate broker and collecting mh23-3m* sV. Paul. Misnuota. UORACE SEE, , No. lie Sputa SIXTH street, (Nearly oppo«ra the Bounty Courthouse,) i? r ?P ar l* Drawings, *o„ and traniaot* all other business connected with the obtaining of Let ter* r&tent. .jAt | WAGNER JBBMON, #f • attorney and counsei-lor-at-law. OfflM, No. 116 Sonlli SIXTH 8 Iron I, * . (Opposite Independence Sonars.) 1 n , • „ PHII.ADBLPHIX, JUh.? aid of reUable Attorneys, at different points in tbeUmted States, is, enabled to proeecnta amaoollMt ol&fms of every description. Particular attention given to the examination and te °£Very of the otaims and Dsvisees, and the foftfjrt*9? “° f ‘ th * Bt * t ®* !* Commitoloiar mnmr uod.r OommiHiou. JJENRY E. KEENI [ to No. V# South iglitD Street. mhfl^Bn* ALFRED L. HOUGH, PAPER MANUFACTURERS’ AGENT, , ~ No. 17SouUi SIXTH Btreot, PoUad.lftu#. folium* pAWSON * NICHOLSON. nos. tis STREET, Botwo.n JAMES PAWSON. IABTB. NICHOLSON, jrtf-to* HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. PACKAGE HARDWAB£ HOUSBo—We would respeotfdUyeaU attention of .the Gena fo T rdlrMtimSjrtotion relloltod, gii, tlvortd »t>E«r is til. .RrTNm YanLjn JUvOtliiu#. offtaißßtaffJa, ImMttlM md poaMSHmjfi SStSx And Ai.utJ Br F«rflH tad "Tiirii LADIES' TRAVELLING BAGS inanufr.ctureil and for tola by C. F RTIMPP i North FOURTH Streot,«iw AreSl * “ 118 rOKTJS-icm A A promptly dona, <)|t i 900 Bb , la - ® n<l 840 hfe. large No. 3 M»ck k°; jartfc "aia w ; , : mT* sirr"--"^ &U.E* Br AirCTtON'. * !-, -. • V ■ ■>-’’: '- -f < (/AT £?:&S2££l »*»V' {■ ' TraW. ~ ' - ■ -' ‘ bntar '«**,« Kt tfc. Ejukuf*, bf 'r£icsss?!™*** v * n »»»«rott-ria.8.,1-: ) Ako ’ *fm OQ«T«tibU u»a, : S ,^s§s^SS»»?K^S?^r3g!g' - (*»»*>|| lrn ''Mr ,3S SlSS&fig™:: ■ramnisTH erxmo BAti-Twa day ' - -At tt Q*gloalr, -' . a sP s «s^s"^ss- ■ IUIfnSOMg ItODURN .: K^ r 4^^^^‘aa2Sffc&; «u* of fasjEJif-ws.sa lh iEL*J r S£l«J > *10'» C«l TtitnS. *** ™ W " IM|. BWmuiltb.lto; BMPHKM'' , BWUim liOOATIOK-1 fare, rtorr briok Dml. W^SeSSS^^y 1 l , sr £ "sl Wboatenl KrMt. ™**u«»ej l *£«? 1 fi! “* t '«* t - «•* otLiwta. H ‘ 4 “ ** Rrwt, Smtiaf ®?s&nysa im’Sj.Wa, * O .» i *, itll o’oloak.aTßfff y.u^ Tt ~ tffmwfcrtM +£Vp£Szr - SS: SALE OF IMTEiIHJTnjo BOOKS FKOM A U -BwnSooil«»iMof w^k ▼anooa v«bj<rcti, iron» private noltonrina . • TT.. ~ H ScftOMß F U jS^fSE®B*RI?MiLrOAI?ITS, lUp jf* ***' H i‘&iss, , r ,M ** - : insowiAM: i JWOti , *SrP^rtioaUramgaaloCT—,' 1 .TMOlSciSfw&'lS: PLATS. w?oo«, oortore, tifoor otond. ko., Ao. ' - Atoo, «Urs# o#k ulnr ehMt. eoto M. „*.!« at No*. 139 .Qd 141 Kustv POUBTH - SUPERIOR FURNITURK, EBEN^.pS'^tfJV. hors, mubsAs clllmr Syfe.aas& TOOLsftS(DjS3i^^^LGOLBP^SAKP sndt^mr.lrM^Mo^d'ttoqrfthoLtoaSßlu^i M ' Wb '° *”*•’ ,n 5 *r“ May be wragiiaed the day.prenons to sale. sdpkriorV?2m¥uß KjJJSMa?TArasT* y HWhtot, MM o’elirelrir JroflWMtoreo. th# CAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, i I S#S!t 4 «WP^PlSSiswi.^f , 8 r y r * ,^L^- *»X*.ds«ftsis!p@Kr NATHANg, AUOTIOHEEB »nmm a TO LGAJU ?y» fqwupx Piece*, dry goods, clothing# grooerms. ghS^a^s3ins±irs3r&saasa JgjeJH to IMMuSjrA?U»M»Se#M, atm,to* - OONgIONMRNTB BOLIOITFD. "* <£2w , MOOHB NATHANA «T. NICHOLAS HOTEL, fk<sapwa^ Wl»» ooio»IM*l. til r«»re.«t>, lh» BT. NICHOLdS wMuuiv.nai 1, praoooiiood tho mou rawoiSoaot, cor veoient, and tnorooghly orsanixed establishment oft* • 1 kind on this oouDnent. What it was then itromains to day—without a rival m size, ia-iQiaptnousnese# tta tw the general elements of comfort and enjoimentTlTh* Hotel has aooomsiodatio&a for one thousand guests, in oloding one hundred complete swtee of eportaneats ibr but bundredpersonsoanbeoomfoHaalrMato^ at the tables of its three pnuio dining rooatsTaadßo omitted in its plan# onsnefleotad in itspraetieeldehui*. The emiy; reputation of the house at home aad abroad* derived from its magnitude, its superb appomtmente# “astaihope;**«laxurie*.hat been??? haoced every year by the unwearied exemoue of the proprietors. yyir-te TREADWELL, WHITCOMB, k CO. TONES'. HOTEL.— The subscriber would £ kl » and the jmbUe. that IrlSjT I*?** and furniture of the Jo«Si Hotel. Important additions are now beim made ±a »*• •™«r«tortto£^ ~d . . ■ - - AARON. GAOS. SJTTIaWRENOE HOTEL, BR(JaDWAV to. 5°V E iS>sl VORK,_onoMook»hoT» prices on thefoSnrwtoc new,and itnotattritiontotne wantso* even neat, I f] AU TI ON I—ASTROLOGV !—LOOK tnifiisau!! advertisement. 6na show* you thehkefieei mjSu S« kura wife,hu»band, or abaent brand. It uwsu kaowm and eingltf who daily end vwr ks» A*Aq t ~ JAYNE’S HALL.—2OO NEW CUSHIONS *' suitable tfette— , Camp Stools, Curtains, 4c. All —lbaf at half JBbhLhmaH’S Cloth Store. No. CHESTNUT Btreet, under tbe Hall* where you get tjojj* handeonw Ckuhs, QaeriaHr—^V— HOTELS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers