MOM cr*mriiiinudiorwt. , • 7.**( 1 4.* ,an. 4 tithe ;AA volirtitibeo :~Ratil4 r 9 Th, ' Xi. Senator lola nibmemi7it7:47**ol_l o * to inten4o,intstbointelleotuni ThkvieW , obit, tlonitinr4o2lB7,46lale-:(Blinn Lis wieate: Nan, atiodlor• R9itorolorilim vei 1, li l oTlidWitiko3" 4111 . 11 Otit** l t 1ai1t0..4 4 tbam.ho bthemote'lliseemMv la.1 a . 6oMtroodonntphnootir****4 4 oloPoW troatiom4.44K W11*4 11 .1.4:;.40411.4‘ *ado, Utmo4isintlawi*4Witie. ka*, 11 40.0 114 4 11 4 .4 6110,0 1 101 44 41 1 11 1411 immentiettAbotr4ohiltiiitemlott*ei*Ad to a 4 f1r,b 12104 : it ill** 401,,,D0abt , .14 7 MIS Oak litil elrnlWllll.l.ll YEA) 1 1 Wl* Mil2,lWretW t the 4APIKONI 'Rat% fees.; bet* laini l " 4" 411 410 44 ***0. 1 .itti Tbommo Totiool*/&*ll**l ll 4‘.."=tw' 4 . like. faatvlliti.'ol%****46l4,**, *iv* aI , KAFT.P.F slated dolegbiontiktho.:_waslosowskii en ,ton, at lemi4Mtioeltlm.. soe., and ocettaiiitioikW44l44ooll:oo4 is hint AVikkilf **FA t i li t hf P 111 1 0 47": f" 81 4'4:4 ommit •gi!* 46, Trenton eon 'Theofe' 411,*Mbo: found Wham ,FinpimespAttifamilitilikr., eanaot—olytio aoT bistai,c ***Theol**t* marks was 41111414,*Priftow7P tkiPt eitedjamtims _.4 l *****Citgl! 0, 1 07: MOM litbeilvitornif lead easy ogee* by them; and oak,ciTti 1 411pro7' siigbt Dom aria . . Whom them *alba pinky of adding to the 4 16 likek**1 11 )4 4 fit a t #0 1 44 4i : /, ' ! l "P h viols* ls man - appealed to the fialiatoTtifilaMar4f4/ 1 , Worm him it any be mot by, et inelerasealter UM. 4 1 4140 1, 0rth0 *Out doss. lliethmipi declined Atiyik! . )eltiaqsfoototy ' relay. .L, - We 1'444143g sticti,.** Ai**. tet '0 1 2.111102i. • m o ltions, and, an amendment *Tel ,by ;motor Clinsmap to th aw a Preit;tihallitOfiGroim, Petit, WIS*, I OO4IV74OV I Wif.. Brown, ***MAW *M.* . sMie tbit:, if Booth' meets in Convention oi,/reounona' end no. MillidGe •good Elouthiti min ilP#1:1 ttoOd4rotth em platform, he will vote for_bink bat he 'doge 'anted and - meal& not too 'ld lanky by abohnotione '(lookinglhQdY it Xisvieloatalai . thtk !Wiens!: 141 "" Yrati o- P 84 47.- 4 11 • ,) Yi}i, :t ;dimwits liartm.,llos. immestithellumt 4 l'ilismrs allimdcialittillesittsiltimlisimitylioltmw,4t,. ait' , ,mnaj oink. U. wu ttul4 A ...004110 4 .0.3t° 1 04 of taint Pd . proislimeisamtbld ,riei• *or dem tittr'! - Wit* ofi _ , ~,,,, , , „ . ...,- __ ' Atrocious_ XlanterlT tiollbadauuti , ' tirtemlbil ititcer4ii4r ' -•-- . ' '-' .':%; ''- 1 - --''•';', .• e 2lTCrreiltrolthee2iiiitrilit . font mod*, *ma', ~ set explained by s op awing ,11' ' 0 01 04 4 *Y" -- * lAt'li 1400 0 1 w sane :aiirt2; ravine at the idea of 'Mak &edit being eGEkluitiltalWODb2; hlopt . l;try lb ?nerr:emints; . his ranimiat -,‘ l. ,': ~•it, . • 4 , • st n , , io - cry. - : The undersigned,' :paitre . Amur on i beardAttit steantskls,l) 4 0 080.," 4 AO' Oreient - trIP &I* libroveb*, to) WWII/ Agatef tbatnittatabatet of feet! etes :Mambas asenikor, which, theitired ' • on bout her bit' Itittleet; abeaVtthatylivri miles belem-Grant.lloarkLitaille. nth af_1164,:. - about 2 o'clock 4,:ff ;Ai iltutite'POlll! and her • AL maw baltiorilmeeli-B; : -ir , lifirn •itr-osere•-on board Atlll. 0 tfLalla; reealated' es a desk I pesstraMm, ear; mew"; clrisaas. On-the meat; ovoids& After lead Bbremport, 'he came to Capt.ll4l:AMaithrOiltdWith in: command of -tho boat) , unit eimemed - I 'dab, to be' allowed to thaw hthithalliortfrtht do be the cabin, WA* war acceded to and a amtement way eme=nd him to . the els& AlealMt harp* ansonithet nroseyth ids Torsossion, bethmeitteth A with** ittai1t. , ,....: , Between twos tiathtinaikettdosk oithilkthrwthg mendug, while' altheitt'aft the peimithar*m. aids•p, -(wisilelied..lll , E; . 41 % 11 1 tharembemy Bleldb:•and : ism a - . the of Ilimalthethoo s -1, , 11 i ; - ) ind ealititt Ma rireurt tie War : - diaw - -il lath e.knife bora , b. • - hint the;riraHilit *knit hie lb*M.Xe woe' -., pomaded from Malt ' a ratattaand . by Jernipn catching the Midair lintWiaimr head and ' BlenthWirriP*lllllZ-44W tulterkfalit:bowitftri re mirth a thryseerebitthitral adroit the throat. - Theprentesurt Wirewerskedistia". were word: by - the 'noire 4xstiiridatb 4,10. eabln; sad , the boat Imido6,thle _Abe, Iteak.: - ' Jest .. it that tiara it. gentleman - imam* Ober* 11,1,11kat;Leondel auf'ef his state-room bite, thmeatittri was, badly stabbed • by•klealk, put 'Wired Ina few Isuunouts, , He mo ulded biNibigHWlktbeirteeit empty,. taw; Am- - other plasincer. IOW& 7L.;•.1:- Aplik It Nashville;' Tenn., bideirthired iii#llliraeliarperned Ids state. , room door to 'a* entc and" ; was thriteddatoty Nabbed by - death. :"- W only deld; - " I ath-ilatK hod," aid ,- thpired,,, ~' • greeniAre timmi knife harbl e=4 - ,thrtiagh the heart' , At this " , .., .aeptalai.,who,,,lthe b o a t -- . as in , , ,mat Milled:and theahm at; thee tato Mit,,m4th)te , risethilielin'i~fetsititthy them WsisWile, .11414114imitionikL.,,Tisiiiirdslavt had upon ,blipm at ihtl.l#l*ailf , !#,Artftt - Mt"' oral other anAttyit , nemitterV ..,- • ; • • Thileaerer es. arZUMaillkbl. - : He • mattee ItAllestasiliewth , tilbili„,,, .t.POl_OOl9O, A. ;a ' p a)* ' - ia- ,W1RW0MP . 0 9 40 .0 r , Texas. Thi: m a Whilifif the deed maim isseititith„ •, , _ WitiMeat • aseldar Wilt - Ifrimi ilia' IW , ' foie. ' thr, ,- , . limitthtedi , Jint dose not jlelg liti' lr ° ' ' tepahlftk lbk aMs - dir edit tin ' the iiimmeslii, t:thirit,'.Xer -; seted ir) tellskinthi re M a dthir„,arlok autdait;. _.* wationried. " - :qr. tthateekentfathlbr; . Afilltabldliworit br.phblia)mthth:tialths , - of taIAV4IOO4O Our* to 14404.. mfirt*ma .411•Ailhosim4WiiNI iiii'lkik: ' Meriptilitt ' MO illabrawfMr *oath; ; - , 0 0110 0-rt ~01 • , Or LIS; lit., ~ «lama .•;, 1 4, 4 , klf them ,-- Wja, t ' - - ' ' -IViett.` ~ , . fritThlta i ir p l kig itiv Asir& Varei4 time; ,- . , .., A, *hit . ," L AVA.S. N r ietini.i; 4.!iiikr/Cl2 - 2. - ~,',.•. - . rii , iiVlll4llZ. R VairVitt4. A, (Friel the New York Ezasathisitemthapo .cl:re tp,:',; Shortly before 'A o'eloth).:V e ttfthate7:l4o” o b i - noon, ..a•• 11 ..., 1 . , ! , - " i- holiiiithir ..- Perlitib* •„'-g g . ,- • • 4 i when ' rear Go rernerfir !or Wawa The itthariagare the -:- ~ , ~,--" 1 o The thipothish is - - if ifilliklirt - * lll „1) - . . . i ., i , e ,. AterAtirlla Mai& Meath 'Loader the - ' ~..x o p pitemilhark, ambited by two he t* . Ilir 'lit thilimpirtietwallak l idth • -Warmest mem othelitattes tbirthewiradrirtilt ea . , - ef,, ~ , $,,. Mitre UMW ot : Gbh: ,• ri.... , 1,',, ~ . .. 2 , effects of liquor be., • - Ma* as as word of mow i to 9, l ):ri , , , - A '' r aiskid , al l ife '" vi : ii . li thr iiii herdat - to laiesthatathethltibmto ad I: ' their kW- Bat law,. Amitif• ;it mis*j • warryolic tale "aroktfleimmle Am, etswilpeitiethe• A* ,r=,...._o•o l ,a tft r al ,supip.t.,i -1.4"c,464-.--' Aholeiiika . - home ~; :,Thilpitlifisraimilie: hi hltdshilipt *4 4 OW : ,:t*V..AftaiON - th,„, it' dititalito - na r tZAth=matha'Atraw'etereasareatal am; - sad:- im faith, his UM tr-he teethed the, • Pi#l l o4fe'' . titotik___„. - 4'viiiiiie Tifte - iiWtai Itomat , ,Ami , jori.,iii.. tlth,gereemitto,..o o 4, ' , 9.T l VOOfi tha k t Weßk..7C'Starri' wee 11-; iwalltil.** B 4._ . , lOWA ) O PMft 1 - 44 _ detja, vaddill` i•-•; "•",th.thirapes Ml l ,.thir,: said were thisratith,Wthema , • .ethil awe email z, ~..: 'it t_ after Arai denim K r al whilthl' , r• , , • ~ 'MAW: ttbeikram , . 4, ‘lssikted , - =:e :”' .: .in :Art litaidtate • • • • i-• unites ittide trine V I WO: l 4 l i oonsi lkla i iigiffifilf dOki at no ' t itt22'iiti AthereWthate they' --- alli'llfrtillitt * 0 041i 1 ; ' 'illL'altellk' TIP 0• hlaw' , -At thee maifintho:' Nththalltetterd, thah -AdakithAtiehte fti 41400 ga ll on •• i makterdeltese itiath - pted to ththe gallon bath i° VeMtel*MaC'tr -11W1134417E14"1-646-114.1 arid ' ~ iliathitherttfth- flat thd arm 4 iiitmetratisibe .rif thatt* amiq 'lpsit wallet the" more Ai the aorta of that Ms; sere to 10cur ides, IMOD* ireltesple and throw • be pith it the 'MUM tbeng6 igiAbial, yeti. Trash WOW. hhfrbritther-aid tharbulat - -'•_ft) bang datrallAlikene aftho 414toplip, • Thu ' bio altalllPortheallo.4 o so'aterer mit Mi . Vlirithithaif with - Cdieptrarietridaioitirlth-' , „orit loitptit i lika , le,: . .' BY. _ 0 Viikeibeardiket_farival:'ilts , ' arum, renalyr thres , , ,, Acausks-duvv, -al , "Vet the , tim A..; fluke' ,to smeni. - Thaw ,_ on Amid were riettlyet ,tid the occ urrence, and hamened to AWN ambit Mit 'llthluirlsor pollee Might be latolterit; and render intatediete asdst alle4o.'faßif Olio!' 4 514 410 A 02100 . • • - 42: 4 12110 'saw dein; mind tif.Vols* . Weskit, Mr the "Storer. ill It's , __,llkiii-L.,_ , " ores the ill r rlh•••.. , • = s it pea" with Um matiossn, 104.,iriciimmailfW,,,Z4V.A d in ,i< 4 ,1" , other: , .www - I•erffer f Ask , iptilida.' e i r .,: ire ,, raters, Alieldiellgilit.oltrOWWW . ends, and ,be n o . sr .., their' Aithertho,4ll of . wham-were 'plthsa to 1 - 1 .;; •:‘ TheAhresthilliete MOM lithOnkfdmitSmthroot, .:(.110$110)10.00440thil his prakeeth,,plato-bi lv -00*10010101.011004','-411themmictighii __ _,.... :,-' , ofttet_ , ES,lNoiski.4l.4lorl4 4 ol.4:i • I rihTlittit PATIO Bicogimptoll4 , Itgi 18 e 0: '; 114 - 64 0 1 01;tirOW,..giikeki#4 04 e- rid ek : very !loch:: tee vominittee lippeali. • %IlftitellfetC,,E:2lCorijagOelh;.who tras,, men GotteAb Conference'. The ease ti 'to that Cenfeyinme fOr st"mtw trial.' ' o. nt Irist lleglaid' en,thek the tear tied sttentliod *note. Won . .(ICfors,„"ot: the rattejority repo t.. 1 • - corDr.Afit*O's sr, the • fir fit JidelPhie;l of.4iiraf aiebiberi of "'pogo*. aominittsec, , Offered' • sabelitate for nrity repOrt. _lt Ivoommendll..the *OP: the calm, neramble of the resierktY blob' ridefes faiths., oorat apd ecoleetats. • ttLerthe gale, And aka vecommeedi that,' thns of•the ple °IOW. shall be made to itid deebirationef briiwiptescontsined • 'hilita l o.l lo rtkils 4 038 report "4 0 4, as vaniiiinapee 0064 ,hy.tlie Jaws of the iMeii•sad , moderate at ions . e 'tetiden hereafter, taking oare, how ... lapis; ,01* abtOlavero peeitiosi of the thidOwneeaded toe'peak in . ' it d Ilist'earefillyeed, eatistiend boththe mejority mino. that - Alum both agreed on ispieva et' th•earePindi•oilly differed in hd tdresed ,thitt Iltirign's Rinsch entfyieeneervative,-andidenentiments in the'Pvmstaity of the Ireton of the States .Icifil the (Mardi were received with eri , 171:of lioW that the WO4iitisibie' Wore VIII' Onnference walla vmtanilements - whatever. Ile therefore the malatitute be•tald oh the table. toes wire Wised biri and,• the motion to• ecatde peertdledity , 'a- Ste •185 to' 88. Cegthot be SIMON; sa ia may lest" of 'Melo( the Conferenee as many of the, ti m e voy4 f izt rprogof haying the NOW-, wvhew of, arrivin g' dl °ntuSh l at , "' 4 . 14 , 11 7 ti , WWI O I I 4 I 4. • i *dors et' Um reported *wined Drt X fororoooi toot Upatt Wit% of the soo . report 1;104 se Mr to Gook imoom , ; fat ' situ " %,, • e. boleti =woo Atte' , of mash. physic .91 4 gaited out all Sand vat a lan . on 111i'ao 1/allaaP -WoßTA'zoxa. lot no Prima • 1 n" **' * 4/6 f lll% *l ir 44 . rt ft Y• 8 ? 1 /1 . ' Er•Rtd t q li. Ivard-issbsatzei — ll - agito cos . p, 00Bno &oedemata_ 411.11472.11,701411trytirew Marko 00.donf'114. '&Co; di: afkiro - -& Roil 0; do Mos amitar, Bros & 00; o Mailert;; otardr bbla 8 114 1 .AMamal. 0; V bide ow /tom; Memtrr bpi Eligl 6 r • Wi ;adolhatminarack." Dm. 8 bbarpima R Dana; d 8 OM eaidirole ormo Moo bap sod bb/a Madam) vari_ aoardraoroe‘l - t. . • • ppripulAV4D,OF:llloB. • Bloat $ Cowilia:az dT TEI Moritz, I 0; 1 0 +14 11 . 1 • • > ' ; • . , - n , • - •'••• WiTTER , III.&6IB -- ••'' • • ••• •At IttehelsOfe, 4.Telsangs, rhsladelpleia. • .••—••• .:•-•-.l•ll.inii Kong soon •k,p rs, =Ain ku no,bOsSOOdsn7-11 rgl real bark waaniastoni wombs.. London: won vi tiL Wand. Peaa0 , 6k.........9/Ithiegos, DOOM X • 310 IStOollbarp... • ••••.!... 4. • ../ Astaelle. s o on . Azobborn. • rdoltevid_ so.soon , I r ' •-• -15tiogo I/ 0 .1Mb% 100 11- -, • Muni War...4.1/smarsal Jaw re a air riut:imitrotac'attai es, 1660. iIiRT - =:O===ll o ,B4 t hi l l mn Pirinniir Tull Dina soh ' n,; via. • at filth to T 110•11111 lie. r, 1 rili hi _,,0 s icitk i„. l" itg leastrend.ouvax....,Barmo cooed. rt r oli i : Pe . i g uiti e t . tee *larTersa,isr vearlaidom a' uy as WPv e ',7 j all ! 3' M!!!" ..1"1"1 An "?' NO Tin . atm: la: ..11,ri Heston' ft:rt with ° VI Bee r te rripts fro& Baßunore, inth mdric co ord in, , 6 , '',. : ", • tthitaldi;Allen, MLitt,. istia from James River, with I bar toll Triunn, lon & co. oft Ogatialir gre , trona Donoont. Del, with doh* CaTtr k toan . ar, 3 days froin fiesford, Del, with 1 40 - its Vcipt a dill !rock indica River, with e Mit J. Ifillareeifrovrielead, 41 days Ansa Suffolk, Ya, wam _Maw to captain., .. Be nranidish4Ohnion.o%lll Rom Richmond, with bad Ittattaan nk, Soh COM` Xibliq 1 dev , frota , Brandywnie, DOI, "LT Ilattrientikti•ox.i.i. , t° Higfitr.lll.7; l lTAV'P" V , VW, / r e tkanz i Poraoaton. f . VOI f is:, 4 ,i ;i ns sin r, : , na .10 boarsfrom Lewes, . ra s So .. r - Arua - nairm. hoots from New York with Eiden to R it llaudA .Co.' , diallblr Ntaidegatlert II hints from New lfzi e rth Ww M Baird kCo • I - - a Jere Ji Eetahru m Vafiald,ll doe from Alba- II .* Oka tog/pat hr. , - ,a AVOIJS.,WIINCE .-- 'ha wracking =homier J 0 -• Amp is, Beile i t 4 - f or tress Bombay /bolt aimed at this yort r i t . 2irtz •Ith brut Evelyn. in tow, 'ALIO,. on her pOp,arrth a cargo or 300 tads moist.- ass, wasi ost. saw tionbay *sac Jan IL and sunk. Hit ouzo; exam SO kilos, iota good oonditioe, and the hall not aatiOtaly ktieted. i ' 1 • -,_t_ ~) '/ OLEAIiEb. StetiikeViVVeitaliste, 9 Ca 1312016 X 1°4.1 allderdlom neap J =Mr:Allen. Liverpool, John li Penrose. r 9 .... ,•5d, Fernando 1 , 9. Workman & Co. Stook Musa. Jonas Cork L a: Vaohardeon & Co. + tldhesuitsaffen,taltdte kreamo yin kaohnsond, fiaatia-latins. .., ~ . , ' ' i t= .ataltda, Pinkham, e.sinksnas, EA Bonder & Co. 2" Jannis, flamer, Sew Snoring, Pettit, Martin &1,k4 ~•, r • . . ,• _,' . , Yak 'Wu 4N . M . Oli, Njake*l2; Boston, Twills, Mel lon ft Bing - s:..,23aiton, i_ . ,_,Trottpr k Co, ff a l ' 444 - '` , '"'F . et''..!**Rt JIB, Twills. Mellon Seltellekign __., db • Ni xtial •-- Malar ta ttapi ashill4liKon.ii Brunton kCo i% oast - thlvannaln J boner. • oast Alsraigoo mastoa,lith do . • ilekr ken= Lawreaeadegalej ' • mato% a Cooper. , newer,. Jkiseons, ahaltnat ' Bedford, noble, hum 4.7ol6l.llniewitial, Van Damn, Norton k T i gr i h allati Hissutti, . th; jig ,t a litttison n ilitivil. ;yrs% kittigtl.,_l4:r"", Al.x.t C ter4.-- CO. =fill' Henry /. USW, Heft B•44$11010 14 .A Woven. Jr. a r• . Merinie• _Of The LISIO MY °RAC E E. XIIII. XA IWO. The Irlirmint MR hers tine mortuni, wits I t Warn la town Wean sad eomagned ag follows : u se k se v;: w, _ c. ir ; '44 l4m l :e r r , pa to i s i , r in air mono & t.o. Wltensantons It pin, do to Bingham H literalism B Ji (MM. Rambler, Campmates. Yoke, Arnold, inumkin, and Er lito I , ~.. ~.. : z -1 V 4•1 3011110 POletty, , anssmgdp Yilig jelly.. Yuen, arrived at Rich mond: wnirmait , . ' sall, 'lll e ana riel lannetiv2=aiiafirt Naomi and Ha 8 .4 Want Queen, Hay, for Ass York next day, was atrim Eak mat. p Cnalionaar, Winsor, for San Francisco , cleared at wYork 800 snot. _' • • Ship twee Standish. Hatch(e)s, from Callao, arrived ap at Baltunore XIM met r Map theixo, Emery, for Sydney, NSW, cleared at Bos ton fath , Slap 111S1 Raman, Crocker, from Delmore, at Li ale rpool 11th WK. -- Wyk ,410/16, town, eitke, hence, arrived at Saverinalt But my Edson, Niokersom hence, Mimed a t BON' ii o ll=tjargon Hisli, for Elo de . Janeiro, cleared " wo . Carolina, Bost, H Means, Treworgy ~ and NI Lo walk pion. Jot /tibial's/los, cleared at View York • • a l t fa i r t l:o o Ta t r, Walter, from Jib Grande, sr &Mr b W Gardner. bourne, from New Orleans, ar rived st 13os t.ft linit; • . - AM, S M 15 Umiak, William' .linee for Middletown, arriveduNs, York nth inst. adhr o it Wheeler, Molhanoblin, cleared at N York fetb maters' Wilmtutom.2lo... okr Sod Wolk. lma. for ' lliO de Janeiro, cleared tit Raltintore TAM. illatir .1 Clark kb, fpompennuidina, arrlyild at fora seoville Mehl • • baba Mary Arma, Bowen, 8 F'_ S o lay. seaman, Fl amm, Wheatonordan_, Brown Northern Light, Conlon, Chins, Negev MN Mahon', kalm, P Simmons, God Louisa. Mean aye, 9aasie , and 7 W Pharo, humor, hence arrived at Boston 25th Inst. WA Bohr F A arinders.Aemerx, hence, arrived at Salem met. 'Behr Peel, Bohm, for Philadelphia, sailed from Bo opt Boston Brower, tor. Philadelphia, sailed from yrovidimotintli hash • • thair Alan: ne, naeldna. from Dighton for Philadel pkliea, g alia at a Newpotalth Met. ih nnigotd - ills Eaton, _Moe. sr_ wed at Mewborgoortagth Antic, Kowa' rect a h tart 1 1 1 th w i " Sohn „Mar rr. tarksr, Smith, Crowell, , .Shoff, saver, iloehne Ann,- oodrrer. DiamoAd, brown. bh Townsend. Williams, U A Orel -I:l4l.gager, Aldittt.gagtaiand Narragansett, Sears 11 ledfolf v s, Iltrossa, sad OrlsCringels, Bangs, for P Maslen& and vane Rase, Phnn, for Alexandria, Goatonntth mat. kr bard Borame, Ireland, sailed from Fall River bor. or Philadelphia. Caster RAM ahoe, hens, at Baker's Landing • u til e t j l a g o m tgommr. Tailor, for Philadelphia, sailed ngdi Ski last W W . Drainard,Botraitohthenee,arrivs at Pro ds' Ugh inst. krs pug !doom, Tug roll, Bea WiteLTyler, War Rteedogroith, amj Harsh h &Word& for.Phitaded , sad visor Johnson, [stetson, sidled mom Prow qaoe sal hum br bush Clark, Orilla, henna. arrived at New Bed ford Nth init. aohi o r „ar t r a hl ei Gause, galled from Mali° WA — jar L liegg P , B l:l; Philadelphia, sailed from Ware- Mixed, Praha, Mame, arrived at &wan ing Met. j.I6X:PRZON'cOMPARIES 1 SPRING iiiiili. 1 ; ' Tlir El t%fpin i na l E. ,trlvs a r otetuhr . awi e rionared, with , ;‘ ~ .1 ; 4-4 0. . hil; !Ail, 14 - - t= 1 . i ~ l rig:. , .. K. ANS BO ilkWEirT. , - .r..r.. ..wii nir ,_„.. w r y, ratty i ti r „so iztik ri ArLicr x: .Iritl itt i t .44-* A li tlol isct ','" volaad r itio i rl ibi r g ion " li tt wit , or is. ' adm*aNeWisior.6l4..:,o l- lAngs tit the Toot Lori MY alter Qom NM. ~,., -Sr ter rim valet mu I tali been ` .. weerttrowr ... 111 WwW 1 ht eSrii: rough to un too. xeedrie, .- ( 4.-- 11 , .1- 14"11 . . lint hrine, Y . „.. rit li taSroaoklion, to Rift. • tgartZrit; 1 i a nte. ,I4r. Biker t ' ' . 11 FRArittjil t ar d al c i a iii111,6t r • orgri ci rrkiiii ii. 14 &thin A . k .: . elide It PAC( r I the exeeeted t., theameale rem. fai • lievisir;en oleo it our e at 7 .r. • be emeety. - il r ia=ilMMtateilw i letkiiiiiViitil • "I 4V=lF d orti th V e ritiirtit me rrio ^-' cetrate • 17 7'trl L ramo t op. i i p lion our v ent me cr . t ;meth, iiilu s, - /SAii ANY. ' •_:, Aler Iteirece. - Slur urerthrri:lree't_ .P, - .-L'L_ , -,';.'-';:;'-i.;,1..,-D*1!'sol!.-;',i, ORN"Atigzet, , ' -'" • a s. itio toad. nod* Divideng • atookogiacor sow ta , • . '‘-; „ ( 91 Veffiler. f ,RALextrOkkfiti*mori. ~ h i~ .Y:sr ~ . >v~ . n:~.-Ltm~ke:.•+aa:..Mwr_: , ~ .. . w 'n~Ei,JGlGEi~,dz. °R;',O4kW°l,4'ND To :.tE:74':, a1,,•-,TO RENT—A house situated on aa : it CidroStotti:Oro, third door 'from tt4lhy , for. h <tog nine , rooms . With tdrot nextion. Ann fcrAt riel;l fro :rnyai.att SALE CIMAr r LA Lsdd, 741)- Zaiirldt q?it" P l ig h. 'ng - 11° best EaT IFYIfea, 49.. °M r r ti " • To Si- . - , . die LETi+.4:Tery,i desirable:. imiolitM iniiit Dwelling HOUSE, No: 815 north Eighth 4tMet ; MINIUM 11/11$130tLparipr, throng MOM. ILO pitollen en lnittoor, `with ittrinedere imptoveinentl: 0 seer &anent 'anent the rent twin cli mew. , ite to: • • myttit EtTANB & WATEIONi 304 oagaNuT et. PO% ,` SALE=THE, LARGE STONE mew hCANERQN.' With" Stabling; 'Tenant, and Spring House, in the healthyand unmoving locality at Clifton, n the Sennalleld weidi e lheper Darby, half an hour'. ride, in the new Meet Chop r Setiroadloani from the city. ,It ea nearly beicate or and, armed lit with , variety of , abed* trees; INA ILE tur , ot water, Itwould make a good Summer 'Startling 'Mae. 'lt has the adeaateeen of a Nutmeg; place, ea therrear endOf, the lot a adapted for, theand lumber business, without interference with themelon. The weighing scales and office are on the pe; woUld imit for a llotel ore Country Stare. emus aemateodatistz City Lotooerty taken 'in es laeorcat oe Vo. 6 eabangton.Builditlei o. 974 Smith Street. , mygt wkm et g FURNISHED. HOUSE -.To. LET.—.A. /M. l : fiartashad honeato let - at 'the. narthyeakooraer of Ninth awl bone ts, ipaly on the, pommel, Or At No: 12 FARQU ; Mllllll DING& , _ ' ye-a ' ryrki NURSERYMEN AMY FLORISTS Pen 'sale a large lot in the Eloithwenteingeetion the ety.'wall adiketed for a Ziemer. Tenho esoommods yor gait tioiegaltddreu •• X. ' at this Moe. elplT-tf . . 411115 RENT4,-.Two ,besutilulty ",=, double houses well shaded, with tsOach •bottow :and gattiewr, Uhl% on Tloaki ri rly: o ftitf o n4 b eto vv i l o o s s4, o .u,dl:nrtrd ei b an t ; Aaalyat 717 • 7 c 1.1 zahl7-tf .111,1 4 0 R „SAL HANDSOME *git.TY, fine inlintas walkOf depot.' Fno garden, with hot - de.' /man -dame of Fruit—Orapes. and Pisani. of ohade. Stone, and water throughout. Stone Stable. Large 1111. IMO VOl7 5000Mintodatinch " a 1 d nowdeenn given whoa • lured. Apply to B. B. COMS.SYS, — atirt-1 , at the Philadelphia Bantu ' POR SALE—The; very: desirable ; arid filigibly-eitoeged FARM, of about 193 aorta( alto= Med'ml MontgowierpeoginOi adjoining hinds of IL N. Hallow Thomas Rowland, John and Josiah Jones, and othert pabont7gniles Dom Market Mast, and XV miles Oast from ereeri-tnne and Oak-lane rent' of the Pennsylvania Railroad, z stranoo aity-line road", opposite property 'of H . nailer, no. -- It in a goo d state of!oultivation: With good improvements, and Doe- IMMO great natural advantages, rendering it anecenti- Will of being converted into one or 1/101: . 111 minty meant of 1 noshrniseed Waal! , • The itneroveniatito oototha of **air good Rouse, with .10 or is room*, pleasantly shaded; large stone barn, with severallood tenant homes. . , For fernier , partiOnlang, antilfto tr. H. , MI.I7ItIITI),' • '"• • itog Booth SIXTH Street. '‘ at, !FIR§T-OLASTSTEABi FORGE FOR 'HALE.-Will be sold at public sole at 2 P.M.on I N)B3tentßa rldrclq at o?Rinilikrhe plpt i ti Known the EnoiDla it ciTEAM FORGE, in toe seta eitc,:. Said forge it stbetantially built, and completely equipped with all the modem improremqincludin almi s _savolvton , Manna - etc= hammer three Kirk s , animals/ eaqh trith , heating urnacee .an thilets,attaahed. - A tire-bending snedmine and Iwo; ree paddling (unmade; , five biaaemiths' forges; thirty ton ammo ; l otlargeet class boring mill ; 'datum maphide (Awning lathe, and inittS-korge eng ine.. Main adding MO by.loo , t ee s , with sheet-unn roo; a saran * aka sad Mick *Moe.' With ' fins-moofd .k. 0., on the pesenses, which contain over Wanes.- , - - . ,floid Forge is most convenienny boosted for business, odloiniug the Reading Railroa d, and so connected theolontn thethaomotivea can Gam, away and deliver aim of iron, coal, and other _freight without post for hauling. abut. s run outside the building, by which ocal, serapdron: ke.limill bezred close 'to each furnace, witkogt extra coat forhaulin g or labor. This Forge 1. capable of ezeoulancthe easiest wor k, , baying forged and Welted the main *hafts or the ;Adriatic," the -. Head to be the largest aver lnaae.) bokridei complete sets of forging' for numerous steamships for Govern ment and othein.. ..TaeCity of Reading presents peculiar advantages for the gaboesaful operation of such a forge. •It is within as miles of Famdelphia.. connected therewith II)-the Beading Railroad aladike klphilyikdl 1110 ten) Canal; Jag =la by reitratfrom New York; lag from Balti MK. ISi from Meter*, and 34 from the Schnylkill eau regia, whence - the best anthracite coal can be ilzsl at Me furnace doors ,for _about ilf.Ss per ton. ir Is stin in ted one in he nat agpeultnral die -Inas fn. sues Vara. bail a ritalpahlitiotrof..ll4ool), and is 1 nol_ or l_te goneral_kealtii and _toe purity of its , water. i ts fp Wang !Melanin irKire mrnaolig an any other m , toted .tesircsi or every 'demo awn can be ITfeeLiZ the o forge aitte I,:”ti=sessfon iivren im. modkO. and terms made easy, to amt purchasers, c The Forge is incomplete order, and is furnished with every geometry tool and , appurtenance' to commence work onnedtately on taking passamou. It is a prover ti we worth the attention of those engaged in the Shierri. business. , ~ 'For any further InfOrmation. aipltc; .. ; H. R. trigLENSERG, -_. • , •-, Cashier Farmers' Beak, Rending , Pit April 110/M. • aplinml3 sILYING fILTNDS: " A liftle,but often, fins the Puree." EINANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. M." 1116I9outh FOURTH Street, between Chest stand Walnut Philadelphia, pays all Deposits o demand. positone mane, secured by Government, State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mort g4gss. sca• t om vompany deems safety better than large profit!, oonsequently will run no filth with dean- Biters' money, but c e nt me r est all times ready to MUM. with ti per cent. i, to the owner, as wey have always done. This Company never Ipendad. males married or single, and Minors, can deem& In their ownright, and such deposit' can pa withdrawn ONLY by their consent. Charter.perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania with authority to receive money from trustees and executors. J. 4 ROE AND SMALL BUMS RECEIVED. Moe open daily, from to 3 o'alook, and on Wednesday evening until 8 o'clock. DIRECTORS. rob B. Shannon, Cyrus Cadwallader, n Shludler, George Russell, Mach' W. Moan, Edward T. Hyatt. Prgilgi r rt i g la nAse. ra t gli :l :lll2fey. His. H. Settarthwalte,- Jones Yerkeei i Joseph W. Jempincott. JACOB D. BRANNON, President. ICTROI CA.DWALL ADIS, Treasurer. ." A Dollar saved /*twine earned." SaVING PIIND-I'ivS PER CENT IN- PaEREZ—NATIONAL SAFETY TRPOT COM- T, W NUT Street, southwest comer ot THIRD, Plaigtieig Inoorporated by the State of Penrual rens, Fecebreitin any ruin, large or minall, 'and in te rser. geld front the day of deposit to the day of with dmwaL 7.'hit °Moe tr open every day tramming o'clock in the =guts till Ave Vette* In the evening. and on Monde,: end .turedif evertiya till eight o'clock. on.HENRY ZENNER" President. OBER SELFRIDGE, Vice President. WR.Ltaig I. Earn, Peoretatr. • DIUCTORS: • f111a , ; . / 7 11119 .c izi e r r igier, F. Carroll Ilresister, Robert Selfridge, „roman B. Barr, Francis Lee, Samuel K. Ashton, ioseph ?Grime, i i Landreth Munns Jarllell L. Stephenson, - Ow a , received sad payments mad* dell,. : be investments are made, in oonformity with the trostidons of the Charter, in Real Estate Mortgages, iirognig Rents, and such first - 010mi securities as will al ways insure perfeot security to the depositors and which eannot fall to Lin permanency and stability to this nintution. - • . ant tr PSVINO FM:I-UNITED STATES ti , " IP . RUST COMPANY, (maker THIRD and CREST RIFF Street. Large and mita saw reoeiveiganil3eid bank on de.' mend without notice, with FIV PER 0101 T. INTE REST from the des of deposit to the day of with drair 0 oe honrs, from 9 until 5 &cloak • every day, and on MO DAY EVENINGS from? until 9 o'olook. It YTS for We on England. Ireland, and Scotland, from Al upwards. PresidenTEPAE l l Ik u p r p t AJ L FORD, FrlrriTheiotuarii VOAL. T. VV. NEILL , YARD. B. R. Corner BROAD end CALLOWRILL. Bnierior WHITE ArirmactuA, end LBRICai (...)OALS. _ Pre red and kept nada: cover expresely for Family nee. - Orders , DiepMeh receive pr ompt atten tion.sP23-Pritt ' , DIRTfil • OLA.TiII.'S , , 111011 IN IMPROVND . gad WWI? Patented Combined Grinding_ and Bolting. or MERC &ANT FLOUR MILL, Daily in operation at t, XS Atztr w,EIT. ZXLOII7 TIMID, PECILAT,Le. - p untt I Floilr Mill, including the complete Madam and bo lting msolump, occupies a sm e of only 4 mat wide. eight feet bli , and twenty-nine feet lone: mpaufacturin. within * man emulus, at a Jingle operation, LW Tito but ttle more than six horse isrWer,familyextra, extra; impertme, sii adofthi low er pada* of Am, pad the different kid of offal tiro-- diming our equal m quality to the best our made rOM II oven mounter wheat; by the be at Merohant lour Mills to the traced btatea, or in Europe. Mammye mho of grinding to two hernia or superior flour per holl ii r ew oompect, complete, and celebrated floor mM h a se n hin carefully samained by many , of the moat Zriel i ;testow lu e 1 , pritlint i grgtr ul te trY om'm " pu d de th b e kr am ; end hak: given their tactimmiale of its intrinalo suparion tl and its immemse utillty.. . 11 414, Scill-olyners, merphants, oapitalurte, specula tOillo and LllO public' in general, are' respectfully' invited Will and examine this highly mead and Justly coyis h pd flour, mill. . ' I • formation cousin/nu- the purehese of the Patent. ftighg for Mates and counties, a nd' the nulls, fy Aver! ya w or the ill/lite& Stemma Great Britoil:4 . ranoe ttermau7 and other4iriculturaloount eii, will be give/ 10 WIMP n g_their lottam to . UAtli, yatetee; ,' ••• ' Ifo. lag itAO at., below Third, Philadla, Illir For further iniormation concerning UM celebra ted doer Asa, plumate, read , the yellow handbills, de goal hint it- . - Will, C. SPIOELAND, -KU* %ATTORNEY AT- LAW; - CA NTON NTOgi k Kv ii , u ' Opeeinl 'Mention_ gosid h O. l th eaea didwell and in, !Trigg, Usliolinfi samli Lyon, 1 "1" °°""es. B tn6tt M.C. • Ron B. J. OHefslt ' Oirouit Judger Coert of AlePudo mos :a Judge. llopkineeillei Ic y. NATAL STOM— bble. Bents Turrtine. ' ffH • . ' j iied for ROWLEY. BO zietto RORtf VEARYER. -In " JURGESS , TROUT, BASS, AND SAL , MON MODN.-111.11.1P WILBON & CO.. ONESTNUT Otreet;having taken the Bole Agency of me oelOrsted Trout; Base, and Salmon Rods; Reels kg., MU IMO mrfriends and the trade, itt e lowed arm tehit-tm— the • TU_GITET:&;I3OI;O3 - -" rates, 300 Bble.• and '340 hfa - . lar ge No . 3 Mack. ersll DO Ws. . s. myna) tuidiNo. S Mot eidTed per nooleranldwardc, and Ecnt - MI & LO__l4 CO, lA7" ' ?An ,IS4 NO d wR R.Vsli. In 1L9.-3,§00 Gallons Extra-Bleached Me 'ahaniol,l 6,000 galas eitik-blettobed V 0414 Oil. IMosimikwee RsetdalWifige • Oil, 1309 gallose No. 3 1-11 , 11 lhl ;Apo siliontrfo. Mocbliarry: 00.0,00 P 'gallon. Re. s~ne: d er H a g tafflgtgaq dare V. Tog • mtptvrwOVlT Alt 111ACIEBOO. lobla., 290 fiferloo qrs. nada kilinlin.kkas received, and in prime oi,ilior.,For oak* ,101ITCH.-500"bbls. PITCH, 'Wilmington 8 te bbls., in eon, end far aide tir_fLOWLEY Ain 44111H1t &CO , No, 16 SOUTH wHARyES. WHITE EISH.-194. heilfHbhu - Littiriirref a ildWrilt i tiktero &gm ftbnva vont. V,REABB.-• 1 ,, • - - ,' :, , • lIPI ' likl bbliy Patent Tallow Grosse. -. I 1to1:relt htbos, do .do - . do - . 1 licat;t:7:s' IG'::':.: ,-; .'. 2 ,o l k..foootoeortioto ;for wroons, oadotttoeid oikne r NfikrATlkerr and for solmat_KOrr lirir, Aug & ....N0.,10 South wiIARYEB. , ... ipi livklYllol , V.-Ileviii been : iikidinfeii z tio tzto l* CPA TrAnset ' -7 1 11 71 ra - fier f. " / " w ar , , an i :a ril . tit . mit , mr . ory . - Mode Weis, , m uir t4wl4, •! . .4.14, 1 45,1-1 2 t 411tdiD \ 2141W ' , ' 1 ,0;9 , "0 ,14 A 1 '. i r I E i'ENNERVANIA p4N T. R.A L - xamitodo. . , -].-.- s i . • ' . i i 3 64 . 280 MILES DOUBLE TRACK, I • iii ~,,,1800 :To CAACITY_SIA I tI Ili-muW- g 1 I, -- , ... TO Arty IN _E 0 Tlty m __ ... THBBE THROM letw i re n, ' Pia ETWEEN PHILAD , 1 BUBO, MliALla n dij i ltotl Ft 44, t1 fal b. Lt ir,s a i„ p , riflinlY.Trotat7 l iiit wrl, hnelliFT . quil l rota alb /obi in e tet, art/lye:p s eud 64,, ,t. west th ou f tt lag nom me or...ras , NM . . non of Fumanti: usuimpanynt ll 170, 101 irlW , br MT °tigrp Sad l,Fst Liner raa o through -to 1 1 .4, nth Vnthouto ante of Ceimor Coridt torn .All thcon pe... , ner i provided with L001(111144; a . atent eltspeed un der , perfect control of toe engineer, thus adds innobto'tne as of traveuere.. , sena Cars ate &Zell:into yr ti , .,„-lrouh; W oodtu r T i : If i rfirfillS C rU l N t g Baitra annetitros. ism- days exortea. sin leaps l'hilatelehiw at Iso .H. ukt int+,l 1 . ~',.;, ''o •-, fa . " It TERlcit LEINE AB FOL int's I Earriaburg Acoommodationivtapolumbili, 3 P. M. gob:whin r' • L .: - _ . ,lifo -•lb , . . %Vag& r .. - ! „ Sit a. M r ' u West Cheater Feisengers' e tee Nail,-:Weet Qhwitetwas f ommodation, s feLl Columbia 'of Ar en ainaile t t l ifniMnindi a reio l' A MIL io l i i ghs it_ ntit: eAt. 7.16 A. H. and P P. H. ge directly tarough.ii Westward may be olt4lned at. the Whose ot the Uompant in Fluladelohia, New York, Boston, or BM- Vi l lg re 1 tEo r e i a ' ic k trbrrfrtl i atolY Clar lm"rtint . eon of, h e regular s, ins of Stamen on the rdiseusurmi or O hio 'vers. 1 ...,_ n -IP. Fare alvtays ea low, ant time as nook. as by trey other Route. For tur t ilierinfortnation apply At the PeneDier Ste tioh, EM I % east corner of Etp_santh lend Market Strada. The ropletin of the Weetern %wiier of the Binz i rs Rai road to i alikeico.m et is t a LINE BETW N THE EAST AND. THE ; s GREAT WEST. . The dOmeotion of trehloe by the. itailroad Bndge at -Pittsburg, avoiding au anuses or rerriage of Freight, together with the inning of thee, Itre savantlgais readily apprelted by Shipppern of Freight, and e Trays - him .len io. Merchants and Shippers enina;Mii! the traMortation off their 'Freight to Otis Pompeii/ Oen re with Cont. denco o N tas eiseedytramt. . THE Us oF , I 7 .mIGWf . to end from any point inthe , eat by the Fenny Innis Railroad are as ail limes ag fanorabts as are charged by alter Bat/road Companies • air Bs particular to ttuttkpacklmeer. via Penna. Rail road. For Freight Contracts or Shinning Direction!, apply to, or address either of the Col/canna Agents of the com pany: 1 , D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg; ' • H.S.Pierve & Co., Benerville, O.; J. .1. Johnin.on,_Ripuo, O.; R. McNeely, Maysville, Ky,; Ormsby ..k. r. cropper, Portsmouth, O.; Paddock & Co., Jeflersonville, Indi- Ea.; lii W. Brown & Co., Cincinnati, 0.; Athern & bbert Cinoinnati, 0.,• R. C. Meldryn t .htadisou Ind; IWOOTO, LOTLIAViIIe, 9 , ; , , ,g 4 t P. U. u'Ritey 42 kia.; p Ile, Ind.; N. W. (b r a d. Co., t o, 3 11.• R. . Sheer Gime; 8 LuMo_„.• lo rl,,Bar -144 anhville, Tenn.; Harris to HentMemp is, Teen.' glarke it Co., Chicago, 111. W. H. H. Roonta, Alton, p.: or to Freight Agents ot at different points in the West. B. B. EINGSTON,AIIIadeIthifi.. • , MAGISAW it moons, North e treat ' islumore. LEECH & CO., / Astor House, or 1 B. William et., N.Y. LEECH & CO., No. 71,_Stateetreet, Boston. .t. H. .110/18Ture, Goal Freight Agent, Phllll. - . L. HOUFT, Gong Tioket AgenL Plata. . LEWIS, Oen'l Sup't Altoona, Fa. 1860. /X maws • 1860. SPRING TBgH- CAMDEN AND T ABU 14'i t • N. -PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD-00.'8 LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLAnES, From Walaut-strsirt Wharf, Will leaver as follows—viz: PAIL At 6 A 26, via Camden and Amboy, C. & A. Meom modation... , --. , ...._..— . i. ,.......... 3 2 00 26 At 6 A 21, via a - Camden gni). Jersey Citi(N. J.l lie eomniodation., . , ~. . . .. _.„._ s sp At 9 4 td, via . Camden and d - Jersey our, 'Morning Mail"— .. At 11 A M, by Steamboat, via Taoony and Jersey - City. Western Eitereee...._ . At 123.6 r re, via Camden an d I, in Vo7;liijcio..- B°° At 2 , via am on and Amboy, C. and A. Bs- ir West .., ... . ._. At 4 - ......... ..... 00 if 4 # id, by SOinnboat via Tawny andgersey City, Evening Expreve....' . - 300 I 4 C it y . M, by Steamboat via Tanen) , and Jersey 241 Class Ticket., 196 At 6 M, via Camden and Jenny City, Evening Mai 1...... . . G) at 111! rd., - via Camden and Jersey City, Southern ..• . ... --- A2l P 26. vta Camien, mid Afilbt ..gooommoda tion, (Freight - au Paasenger, ) — talus Tioket, 726 The 6P M Mail Line runs daily. The 11P M, South lC4 - ern hiail, Saturdays excepted. - - For Belvidere Easton. Flemington, ka., at . 6 A Maud 2 P ,from Walnut-atraet wharf. • For Water Gap. Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkes%arre, Montrbse, Great Bend, fce. L at 6 A. AI., via Delaware, Lackawanna, and .Western R, For Mount - liolly. at 6 and 9 A. It., s and 4% P. M. For Freehold, at 6 A. M., and 28 . M. WAY LINE For '.Bristol Trenton, &a.. at 2% and 4 P. M. from Walnut-street Wharf, and Ism P. M. from Kensington. For Palmyra, Riverton, Palatine, Beverly, Burling ton, Bordentownazo., a02)4 Mond dm M. Steamboat Jos Belknap for bordentown Interne diet. Places at 2% P. K. Steamboat Trenton. for Tsoonit, at and m, _ _ Fifty Pounds of ileggage.enly. allowed each P igeon ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything tw baggage but their wearing apparel. Ali baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their reeponaibility tor baggageto One Dollar per pound. and Will not be liable for any amount beyond SIG% ex cept by epeotal oontneot. • aide WM. H. OATZMER.. Agent. gi-MAPRII ELMIRA ROUTE.- PIIILADELPHIA AND EL MIRA RAILROAD. QUICKEST ROUTE to Tamaqua, Catawisaa, Ru pert,' Wiikesbarre,Soranton Danville Milton, Wil tiameport. Tro alston, c anton, Elmira , Buffalo, Niagara Falls, heater, oeveland, Detroit. Toledo, Chicago, St. Lo afs Milwauke e, and %anoints North an d West. Passenger trains will leave the new Depot of the Phi ladelphia and Reading Railroad. corner BROAD and CA LLOWRILL Streets. (Paseenger entrance on Cal lowhdt street,) daily (Sundays excepted), for above points. tt• gc(ll4l7lllifili..: The . M. train oonnioia c iat simert, for incite t a n r jliA et , A. 1474 A . B ft h i lfi t ii n e.o 61181116 f i r IVA n IL Alt! She above trains make direct connections at Einure with tbe trains of the New York and Ene,Canandaigna and Niagara Fails, and Buffalo Rati.oads from anpoint/ North and West, and theCanadas. Baggage cheek:ld to Elmira, Buffalo, nod Suspension End's. and all intermediate notate. Toikets can be Prroired at the Fkiledelehle end El mira Railroad Line •Sioket One, northwest coiner of SIXTH and ORES V NUT Ittreenk, 'mint the Passepler Depot, oorner of THIRTEENTH and CAM OWltlldo THROUGH EXPRESS 'FREIGHT TRAIN Leave the Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Broad and Callowhill streets daily Mondays excepted), for all points West and North. at e p. m,- Freights must be delivered before SP. M. to insure their going the same day. For further information air at Freight Depot. TRIRTEENTR A veI CALLO or to Northwest eo C rn ß er SDl. S. T r ean r d E GA 9 Bll4 ‘ fl e g t ;ets apl.l-I,f " PHILADELPHIA; OWL. OWN_ AND NORIS- Tow LROAD—SUM ARRANGEMENT.— Oa and arc MON_ DAY, May_15,1560, FO emtatacroym. Leave Philadelph a 6; a, lotiva wr A. M., 1, x 4% 6, e 7, 8.1, 1 1 0 ,0. 4, and 1 P. M. Leave Germantown 41; 7 1' , am, t, 41,12 A. 1 ; 1,3, ma, 51P., br• uri El DAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.00 ,nurt. A. M., 1,3, 0,7%, and WM P. M. Leave Germantown 8.10 min. A. M., 1,10 min.. 4, ex, and it3o P. M. VMSTNUT HILL RAILROAD. .Leave Philadelphia, 0, 8,10, If A. M. 9,4, il, 6k, 8, 13, and MX P. M. Leave Chestnut Bill L 10,740840, 610 1140 A. M t LSO. 8.10, 6.10, 8.40, and Liu 30,_ • • • ON SUNDAYS, Male Philadelphia 9.05 A. M.-. '4,4, and 71i P. M. mi ter ri Eheetnut Hill 740 A. M.., 6.10 , and 0,10 P r eli. CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia a me nd 730, COL 114111, A. hl., LPL Am, 430,0.50, OM, and /IM P. M. ILeave Norrietown 4,7, 8.016 9, II A. - M., 1%, Mir and m P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Lane finia.47slPhillfr and I and SP. M. Ivenve ()num 4.3lkaili 4 d i e P. M. • Leave Philadelphia 5.419, 7K, 9.06. 11.01 A, M., LOCUS, AAA, 1.51, SAO. AV and 11M P. M. Leave Manama;MC CAI "Aland 1134 A. M., 2, 3.05, ix, 6, and 9,‘ M. ' ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia lA. M., 3,6, and PM. Leave Manaytink7N A. MOH, 54, and itti P. M. H. K. SMlTlhnkeneral Suparintendeat, 15111-tt DEPOW.,NIMPH aail' GREEN Streets. TO' WEST CHESTER artil.mml.llooo AND INTERMEDIATE POiN 8. VIA_ MEDIA. Trains for Wert Chester leave Philadelphia from the depot, northeast oorner, of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 7.M and 1000 A. M., and at 9 and 8.10 P. M. Sandal's at 8 A. M. and I Y. M. Passengers for htatiors on the Philadelphia and Bal timore Central Railroad will take the 7.30 and 10.30 A. hl.. and 616 P. M. Trains. WEST CHESTER n'AttßoA'ri TRAINS via PENNI MIRLROAD. Lean Depot, corner X LEVENTR. w¢L _MARKET Stmts. distil temoopt 'Buqday ) at 745 A.M., moo r. m.,- and if. AL Leave Weat Cheater at 646 1t.,14., ID 46 A.M., sad 3.10 P. M. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL °AD.—PASSENGER TRAINS for POTTSVILLE, READINOI _grid BARRISIT.G. MORNING LINE, DAIL ,(Eltindays excepted.) Lpave New Depot, corner o DROAJ.) Ana CALLOW HILL Streets, PHILADELP lA, (Parusenger entrances .on Thirteenth ana on Callowhill streets rat 7.80 M., conueetingat Harrisburg with the PENNSYL.VAN A. IA RAILROAD, I P. hl. train ninnies to Pittaborr ; the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.06 M. train runnier to Chamhersburs, Carlisle, &n . • and the NOATtIERN CENTRAL RAILROAD I P. M. train, running to Sun bury,4ce.. AFTERNOON LINES. heave New Depot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA,(Passonger entrances vilhirteenth and on Ca ll owhill streets,) for POPTB • LE and HARRISBURG. at ASP P. M.. DAILY. for R &DING, only, at IS P. M., DAILY, (Sundays kg pePtse, UIBTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. FBOll Miler. To Phcenistiolle —. 28 Reeding.....--. —. 68 Philadelphia vd Reading Lebanon.. SS end Lebanon Valley R.R. . ..... Millersinirg_ 143 Northern Central •TrevortonJ . unotion..lsB &attend. •Sanburr..... .... .....169 NortSumberland.......l7l . . Lewisburg_ • • -- . . .. ' enor•• . 19? SUllhuty and Erie R. R. y illiamsport- . ...AP ' areal Shore....:—. xts Look Daven.......... 299 , let°a — —" • 13 1 Williamsport and Elmira , l r0y.... MI Railroad. • = Elmira .. ~ -.. ...WA The 7311 A. the Elmira.......-..... W A 3.90 , P. M. tram connect daily at Port Clinton, (Stindaye excepted ? ) with the CATA WISSA. WILIAMBPORT and LRIE RAI LROA D, making clone connections with linos to Niagara Palls. Canada. the I Ist. ap k4outhwest DEPO'r IN ILADELPRIAI Obrnar Dr BROAD and CALLOWRI Streets ap2S-tt W. ti. MaILIIENNEV. Secretary. . : 811141 RON— SPRING ARRANGE MENT: PRILADELPRIA" WILMINOTON, .AND 'MALT/ MORE RAILROAD. • On and after MONPAY. 4P"I 24, 1 81 q1 PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE ••111114 DreLPRIA For Baltimore at B . lk A. M., If noon, ( Prom) an 1140 P. M. . . or Cheatai at BAIA., M., noon, 143. 3.00i7.00 and M. or• Wilmington at alll A. M., If,, 5.00, 700 and 140 P. M. lor Mi rfe rdferow tle n a a t t 8 3. 35 15 AA.. M., A an 4 8 31 °3 00 P. M M .. ' or Dover 818.16 A. N . and StO P. M.,. or Milford at - 8.13 A. Mt and enO.P. M. 0 0 0 r t , s B. T...., e r a h f ir o Tto t Li ti_ ry 0,3 a t, t 8 1 3 5 . I I 1 1 3 Ail A . :A : M. r di _ ... paz i :In dil d aurvi a sAD .oo loo l. l4.ll 7l r.. l mi . IA , Iseraptimore at 840 A. A., (,Lnprefird 19.13 A 31., 1 at Vinniinrto - n 113 6.10$ al% 0 Rd '11 • 60 - A. Bl.. 1.00, 8. ane &S&P. AI. nave Illauetnarr ,466.80,.&.,M4 Mid &CO P. M. ' Leave Lanial M 3.11 A. AL, and3.lo r. Iri. aye Beaton! at 3.13 A. M., and 4.00 P. M ave Milford at 7.16 A. M., and 1.30 P. M. Leave Dover at OA A. M., and LBO P M. Leave Middletolra. at 10.03 A. M. and 7.001', TO Leave New Castle at anodosa A. M. arta 8.00 P. M. Leave Chef tor at 7.40, , 9.1 0 , 13.01 4: ' M., 3.33, 3.37 and 9.11 P. in Leave italtbnare for ilialiebnry and Delaware Rail road at. 74. - r . _. . TIt&IN8 FOlt - DALTIMORS Use. Cheater at 8.46 A. M.,13.38 and 11.40 I'. M. Leave Wilmington at LIM. M.,13.66 P. M,, and nil A, IVl,_ - ,_ ,_- 1 L 1 PREIGHI` TRAIR,With PAIIIMINGER OAR attaehetli , . will run an follows: Leare . g . 4ll*lpbJp, for , f'orrrille and inrermediqta PIAUI at .7. P. Alt 4. , .... .... . l ILeave Wilminiton for Perryville and intermediate P*OI , IIII4IMIT. t , ~- irmave wiiminh n for Phitadolplua andlntermediate p)8013 ate.,d P. . ,ea t Morn. lraddifer• Baltimore and intennedl. ate plseedat 040 A...M. • . ,Linky. Baltimore yor Mavre- de and intormod.k 46 111/44/44.0014',193L4 ''-, , )--- ,': 01- .; l ''''4`.! '' ' • / 14 1 214 /4VAD , 0 TlO, ORT 0,-11., NH 15 -0 1 0 11 . 1116 xPiN ort.V4 /iLit RAM ROA ?,, 61 , OF 110111161., no end arterifift. ,hiaT 99th,1630, pAlnigpfoElft TRAINS vnll Ova Y ?NI and. wii,Lovir atm% Pirioaoiohiev es scams • For Bethlehem; I l ati!h. - Ohanic. Wilkee‘rre. &0.. (SSr Egßei sq lligerisoion. ito (P/Xpreee) at SAO P. M. For Porleitmt (Rooolemodation) at 840 A. ht., and M•I • • For Fort Weehinaton (Acoommiidation) at 9.30 . A, M., and 6,50 P. NI; TRAINS: FOR PINLADV.LPHIA_, Leave Bethlehem, Or:areas) at 7,15 A. M., and 5.22 P. M. • Leave _Doylestown (6,oooMniodation) at 6 20 A. M.. ard a P. , Leave Fort.Weahington (Accommodation) at 6.50 A. M.. and 2.15 P. M. •• , ON gLINDAYS, Philatlelph b i letlllehm et BA. M. 74.40;rn for I , l3foTiVi r ati IC; 1 1 : N:tmehem at 523 P. M. ter2o-50 ELLIS CLARK 4 Agent. SUMMER ARRANGE MENT, .CIIANGE OF HOERR. PRIEADELPHIA AN,D READING RAILROAD. • On and after. MONDAY. the Mk of May, metant.the time of Martine the •PARRENGOItYR REILLADELYETA Alia) READI N G RAI L R O AD 4.7l.llllPAl'.4Y,V,lkelVeltinre • GOING NORTH AND wker. Trains' leave' PHILADELPHIA for READING, pipprtiVlLLß, arid gAMII, HIBUSH atB A. M., 2,90 P. 11nd a," P. X. q(soeornmodati on). ' - _LE.HTLIRNING. Trains leave tOTTBVILLE at 9 A. M. and 2 P. M., 'and leave HARD DOURO ate A. M. and LLY P. M. • The P. M., Adoopittiadation Train runs to READ -I Tne Down 9A. M. PrENHE pt TRAIN froiri POTTS VILLE,and the SAO ,M. PM:MENGE it TRAIN from pifiLaDELPHIA, are the only Train" that run on sun dae. By order of the Board of Managers. ' W. H. McILHENNEY, tny24-tfel Secretary. PHILADELPHIA AND , FALTIMOFE CENTRAL RAILROAD.--1111tideMt . BOAR Dlrr.—Traini a leave the depot of the Westchester an hieelphia_ drol . ut p it sighteenttiazt4 menet street s,7:3oA.M. and San J.saveAvondele fild and 9 A. M. and Mtn P. M. Freights for this line received at N 0.1816 Market St. A daily line of stages to and front New London and Ox ford connects with the 700 A. IS, train from Philadel phia, and 049 A. 41 , ttain - from Avondale. The beau tiful scenery and hell-kauern healthfulness of Delaware and. Chester counties , offer superior inducements to thole looking for smellier hoarding. A. B. BURTON, Philadelphia:Key 14,1860,' am Superintendent. • NOTION.--CTDIESTER iiiiillPill%rALLEY... RAILROAD-_-P .RA AS NGER TINGir DOWNINGTOWN AND i.N. TBRBIEDIATEIBT.A ONS.—On and alter 3d Ann!. IMO, the Passenger 'PmAnii for DOWNINGTOWN will statt froth the new"Pluistager Depot of the Phila doled% t and Reading_ Raihnad Company, corner of BROAD and CALLOwAILL tweets. (passenger en tranoes o_n_CallowhllL .. , IVIIBING TRAIN for Downinetoint, leaves at LSO a AF A iTERNOON IMAM for Doindructalro, leaven el . . y (Pooda%iipepted.) . rwa By order of the d Of Madiatert of the Philedelplda and Reading Rail Comnany. • , „ BO t 1)..),. W. H. PdcII.,HENNRY, Beoretary. • • ), ainapimPill.LADELP.lllA. AND ':. READING RAILROAD. • , REDUCTION OF PARES! On and aft e r APRIL ad, WA, Commutation Tickets. with twenty-six couqns. will be lathed, good for the holder and any mem r aids family on any Passemger Train, and at any t me. They will be sold by the Treasurer, 'at the aide of the eingparly. No. W Routh eOURalt btreet, at a reductio n of twenty-five per cent. from the regular fares. Pe es 'wishing to enjoy the Bummer to tate Country will fi nd thtir a oery desirable route, the Bohuylkill and Lebanon Yetis beins among the most beantillil end healthy in the, _ to a n was sib's by four trains from and to Phtlade plits daily. • ' ~ B. BRADFORD, Treasurer. Pninantityrna.ldaretiettth. Mt ' , mbobtf NOTICES.' XOTICE CONTRACTORS. Proposals will ,be received at the Of of the PENNRYLwANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, until 3 o'clock P.M. on MONDAY JUNE 11, for the con struction of the lissom JO t h e aliment', abutments of a Bridge over the Bobuylki river ' near the United States Arsenal, in the city of Philadelphia. - _The amount of will be about 0.660 cubit' yards. a large-portion of which will be under water. Proposals will state the price uer cubic) yard. including the famishing of all materials, and the expenses of ooffer-dams, piling, and all ocher i tems incidental to the constroclion of the masonry, except cement and lime, which will be (sambaed b the Railroad Company. Separate proposals will li e received for the delivery at the bridge of atone suitable for the above work. • Igo, for the .00netruotion of the masonry, including the expense!, of -the foundations, the stone and cement to be tarnished by the Railroad Company. Parties proposing may submit plane for founding the piers and abutments differing from the specifications. - Plans and specifications wi l y be ready for inspection on the 29th !net, at 'the Engi ear's O ffi ce, Went Phila. dabble, where all requisite in ormation can be obtained. Proposals will be addressed to W. H. WILSON, m,28-tjell Resident Engineer Peons. R. COME OF GERMANTOWN PASSEW .‘" RER RAILWAY COMPANY—Pismanisi.mita, illtty 110). • Notice is hereby given that an election for President, nine Managers, and Treasurer of at enntown Passen ger Midway Company, D IAMONDd the °Moe of the • Company. SIXTH. and Streets, on SATIJR DA Jr. June P. IMO, between the hours of ten A.M. and two P. M. WM. SINCIERLY, myth 00 Seorotary. COFIOE OF SORUYLKILL lON COMPANY. MAY Tette. 1050.—From and 'atter July 15th, 1860, and until September let, 1860. the °barites for the use of Cars, and for Toll and Trans imitation on Anthracite Coal{ carried to nillitilelpnia, hy way of the Schuylkill Navisation,will be increased Fifteen Cents tier Non on,tbe rates fixed March Mb, MU; ant Lon the lid of September. 1860, a further in creasy of Ftfteen Cents per Ton will be wade on said charges, and so continua until the clove of navigation. By inkier ol the Managers. F. FRALEY. non Stm President. it oP OSA LS FON. BITUMINOUS p iCOALB.—Fested pmposins will be reamved at the odloe,of the PHILADELPHIA OAS WORKS. No. 20 South SEVENTH Street, lien noonof FRIDAY, June 0. u for,any sir. the whole of tins thousand tons of Bttertnnoui Costs, suitable for the manufacture or Has, to be delivered at the Gas Works. on the Selmylkill river; in such monthly gnantities as may be'specified in then ntraot 'She firetdeliveries to commence to the mon otJuir zest,: , 'Ph Coats must be tras, clean, end dry, end of a quali ty to approved by the engineer. The proposals must state he psrboular variety of Goal it is intended to fur nish, nd it of a kind not Wore need at Abase Works, es of not len than arty tons for trial win be re- , suirell Previous' kV the' thus of opening the proposal.. Thejrut ot a i t ai lorl,SMlPiourvijwill be aotisidered,se the weig t hiten of f in tnericroliosals, unless otherwise ex- Pre ; ann. lin be preferred to deliver by mea. sure,llieePlick bushel of Me anble tootles wilt be used. In cape or failure to_deliver the Coal itimordj ns to screa ming the trustees of the Gag Works reserve the right to surmise wherever they _may deem best, and charge to th eentrectore any loss' or derange °moment on such adore. atigrVirati l o r glire n ttt l i e tli t e ,t ll , :cTil i l l orrTc= r g:! livery; the Mu OF each month to be taken - ne the give rase girths monthly deliveries r or, at the option of the trustees, PaYmenDiWni be made in oash, with interest dedinitea. 13h4uid the contractors prefer to deliver the Coal ear ner tlititi required, it mar' be received, if convenient to store, but Pasinents win be made to date from the time speolped. - • tlensfaotorT 'county for the fulfilment or the erintraot will be rev:tired. JOHN O. ORSSION, Engineer Philadelphia Has Works. • igiv• 2, 1860. my4-tleB flfllot OP THE Rpippla Rta gi . TA. Jr WEI *fil:freilkg - aped tAu courting tOtil b 4 as tit fardisr malice ITTLADEL.PECIA AND AD COMPANY. • • • •DELPIIIA, Match 12, IMO. • Oils oS soca Srairoported by Mims from March 13 use- To ietemeied--.•_. t kuledelable—...- alined Aline-. 4-- ' 4 oetaWn.t;:.. ~ -...... _. •:: eirreonyliall....:., i i eberre, ' otustiohooken. it e n d ' : :il k • r n so-e 1 : I: ** •. rt"iiiiTrregeVoit ~ t We el t Fi e t . n . L eg t e a : - 7 :7 7 1. .. - 7 -I'. .."- 1 . ... t ottatoint. ... ngiaaavgie:....- ,_.. IMO Of r!.° ,.... .7.7 -.. . cia1t i . uf .. 4 7,....... 1 , = ,, ::—.:. .1:: ‘: 'lW l e7ttiuhnd 41riuly, Beettl • =b li eller a l it"4: per,ton. 1 By order of the tee-ent • •• • • . , W.( AIDDICINAL. THE CHIEF. AMONG TEN THOUSAND. D ELEYstI MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR AB universally supplanted all other - Oiritrnenti and healing applications in both the E ern `an4 Western, Hemispheres, wherever intro ii dented ; end its molests most is the true menet of its sueollee in all cutaneous Ahearn's. whether the cause be eactdott ' or disease. BUFNS a lel SCALDS o aril i ztarttly paved of t; their anguish, ;Loin and in atiorb bye timely w appineition of this Mar ne/011S Seater k and the $ 1 flesh is renewed ea tf We a h 'FNE4VirliblrDs V ' 'l7l lit A i nSERY. Children are frequent 4 euWarers from external in- Aries. erPeotally , loom .F7urd end Camphame,Bn p/ossoss—therefoire every H mother ahnuld have this neahnii. ureporation con- steady on hand. It. heals SOOd Brift , t 'Ladd qinOkl, a . removes the TET'IER or Rthrowossi, is premier . iglu fit the nursery, _ TO TIM - YELLERS BY SEA AND LAND. teiffaetunist, the Tra. r) yeller,and every other in di 'duel whose- lot in We in Throws tun/ within the ell es of accident from o _, explosion, Are, or cosi,- s should bear in OM 1 4 that title Magic Extraotor lull best and only friend. al It is both . portable and op,amishould ever be pp his companion, es a friend 111 ntedl t „ • Tilers are Urn- ~ sands of living witnesses to te limbs termarval ona p l e. who owe their imgrut and muscles A tou t s saving efficacy. Whe'fol4wing_are a few 2, of the /ending diseases for w!o l l ii i i D LEY'S:MauI- ...4 CAL PAIN EXTRACT () is •a REVENTIVE•cI as well as CURE: It , BrOdes, . firrtigi e . ,, '" ' B B° ho re t B 7 ot e a un il ds ki . naL Botle t glus, Scrof ul a, Broken Ell —..- Sore Broken Breast, seeiir r, Saiiii, Bite' of Reptile/1, Pelona. • Sealde, Canner. . Otani!Mar Dip- You , Creaked Ws eases, Beall Reed, Chapped de, Mercurial Sores, lepre De, Clitibiall3at , . allarlitenerally, Small Pox, Cramp, Contracted Cords, Ar e : e s , Tumors, Totter, Cafes. Potion , Clears, Die utes of ' the Rhehes, umatism, Venereal O Sores, , km, , , , . old at the; nrineipal ns Depote,l4 Broaday, New York. p 1 end 151 Chartres street, •Now Orleans, by J. wASORT lc CO., General Agent. It can Om be ob tained of all respeetable Druggists and Merchants thfonshout the United Sii.t . tt*rfui l d y layirlt goys, 119 North SECOND Street, xel , • 1 :Wholesale Agents for Pennerlvama. fIELMBOLD'SIXTRACT IKTOHI7, H.KI,IIIBOLD , s urrsAsT ru c Ca T EAT DIVRETIO. THE ORAAT DIURETIC. HELKIDOLD'H EXTRACT BUCHU. 13 juv i Rmyr TtIN O GRAT DIURETIC. , RELMBOLD _ a __,. , , _ THE MAT DIURETIC. the o s-osauve an d opeolflo Remedy for Themes of , Bladder, ' Kidneys,Gravel, Prcq. whim whaiontrynioTheaknotal of u t4 l ierth tl ic t err 1 Fi r g i v el t. r bLi tr tii h'gan io stUlP°ll4%mbi r d &lam* 0 . A RA LILARGEA ENT% ;, 4" r " ..! l i tzd o,l itwa l Ai"! AND INFLAMMATIOIr. sod SdiiNU 4 SOATN OR ODIVDir. . , no ,li T eouth r retreat' 1 • i St e lp el'f.terth 4 P l9ll . ti. 1,...._ 1.. 0 LED D ED.. „moo ends , MOM "OF TAMA OWA" Sad ilabltikitaillifitiPiararita"" 'WONDERF4, VERTIor th e Clars_pf t ipeunipini and 17rout; 1, 1 A ARTit TIC? ILLS' ' 4 inediolns is offsisavi UtlhOtt bbriftettibe 451 ip being th r t aloft* rete ihtl far the %bore, ra t r, e p ee ev er e; flieedeafedr, .ybYtll4l4lek halal "Ed handed fr nee by the Meet eeedite. , , rnbe epos bacClan absent int nigilani alit waif yordigot ;loosed Olopoo or ant, J r. • •It HE VINE-GROWERS' O MP.AiiY OF COGNAC. „,CAPITAL, THREEMILLIONS OF FRANCS. THE COUNT DE SAINT-LEBER, fauna:mar. JULES BURET. Villa ..-Azgeolit. • • AGENT NEW YORE, , IVO SBORff, • THIS CORPORATIO , numbering amorist:hare holders fourteen hundred Proprietors of the at Vine- Yards in the District of Comma. its extensive blish meats being located the,oentre of tne town of that name, was organised fo r the expreas purpose of main taining the 'standard o erecter of PURE COGNAC BRANDY, by shipping that article, in all its nativeprity and ex cellence, to Correspondent in Foreign manes, and is bound down by its Statute of Reguls on to confine ite transactions entirely to the Brand , grown within the District of Cognac , , and wholly tee produce of Vine Yards to that highly-favored locality ;on nd condition whatever admitting into its storehouses any Brandt which naav have been produced without the limits of said District. With the object of extending the just rePtitation of their brand by such means only as will meet the ay, grovel and 90-operation of the most respectable Wine Merchants in the United &Meg. THE VINE GROW ERfi COMPANY has authorised the Agenqy in New Yor to put up their choice Cognac Brandy In oases of one peen full-sized bottles each, and the same will be disposed of to the Trade and the Public, by the under mentioned respectable firm. Every bottle is sealed with the capsule of the Com pany)—the corks bear the same stamp.. and the labels isclim an exact delsoriptlon of the quality, duly signed fee-simile , by the Agent of the Company. The Brandies now o ff ered consist ot, twq different qualities, both, guarantied to be equally pure is sunlit', differing only in point of age, and degrees of Strength. depending thereon, the oldest being the least _potent. One description, termed THE VINE-GROWERS' THREE YEARS OLD, as an excellent article of the age represented . suitable for, family or medicinal ntir nierf*.ithi,ninrapTraNd,z..alredd the aVaggi of its extreme age, an because the remote year of its actual production Is beyond positive verification. Objections having been urged that the bottles are too large, said tin Brandy of a greater strength than is usu ally supplied to the public, the Agent of the. °mean, ventures to express the opinion that s large bottle may be preferred to a smeller one, and that in obtaining the article of the exact strength at ohieh it was exported from Cognac, consumers may recognise the advantage of adding water to edit their own taste, Instead of pur chasing water at the Ince of Brandy, For sale only by GREEN, BROTHER, & COOPER, No.llB WALNUT Street. . aptil-atnarth am! , ggi FARMS, FARMS, FARM‘FARMS. 1111.—GREAT CHANCE 1. OR. B 3 R9AINS.—Some of ' the finest Properties ever offered at Private sale in Montgomery, Cheater. and Books twenties, by N. CORSON, Real Estate Agent and Conveyanoet, Norris town, Pa. N 0.3, in a Farm of 78 acres, within a mile of Norris town ; will be sold a bargain. No. 6, is a Farm of 90eierem, in Lower Providence tp. No. 7, inn handsome property of 95 sores, near Centre Square. IV 0.9, is a Farm of 109 stereo, In Gwynedd townshiti t No. 10, is a beautifully-located Farm of 103 acres, in Lower Providence, with fine improvement., water and fruit plenty. No. 15, is every fine property of 39 Boren. in White marsh, on the turnpike, in a good ntighbornood, and improvements very fair. tio,l6,ie a Country Seat with 32 aorta, near the bo rough ; a splendid property. No: 21on a Country Seat. beautifully located. with 30 acres of good land, water plonty, fruit, &o: near the borough. N 0.2134, is a Grist_Mill. Lumber, and Coal Yard. with 10 mires, near Norristown, where a large business can be done. N 0.21, is a handsome tittle property of 23.31( mires ' only two miles from Norristown ; improvements nearly new. No. 33. is a handsome little property of to acres. with Privilege of 14 acres, in Lower Providence township. No. 34, is a Farm of 70aores, with fine improvements. good moil. and very promotive. near Line 1-emnsiton. No. 95, is a Farm, ' Tavern , and Store, with 56 mires of land, in Upper Provgdenoe, all in good condition ; for sale a bargain. N 0.36, is a Farm of 41.14 acres. in Norriton township.; improvementa quite fair, coil good, and water and fruit plenty. No. 37, is a very, productive, and handsome Property of 15 acres. in Whttpain ; water and fruit plenty. • No. 39 is a Lot wuh 2 acres and improvements. in Lower P rovidence, in a village. No. 43. lea Farm of 21g aores and very good improve ment., soil very productive; also, 1 Lot of 21 acres, and 1 0140 acres. adjoining No -43 No. 44, is a very productive Farm of 86 ears& in Lower Providence.', beautifully located; improvement. good and substantial ; terms easy. N 0.46, is a Farm of 90 aorta in Montgomery county. 37 miles from Norristown. No. 80, ie a splendid Farm of 37 acres, near Borough limits, very convenient to the town and very pro ductive. . . . No. 61, is a Hotel and 14 acres, 3% miles from the Iv ongh : a beautiful location. No. Se, is a Farm with new and handsome improve eats. avd 30 acres of good land, on the State Road. • No, 58, Farm. Country Beat, ana 56 acres, one mile rom Norristown.. No. 49,ioah andaomo and productive property. near the borough, with PO amen. No. ea, is a splendid Mansion with 17 acres, near Potts town ; for Bate a bargain. No. 61, All a Farm 'Ol 43 Sates, in Norriton township ; improvements good and water plenty. N 0.61. Is a Tru k Farm of 7 earns, two miles from Norristown, on the Pike. . . No. 68. is a beautiful Country Heat and 5 mires, at Nor- Pl. 69, is a Country Semi, and 16 ncres.'withirs the bo rough lirnirs ; one of the handsomest properties in flue vim ; terms easy. No. 72. is.a. Farm c en t s. acres, in Gwynedd township, with good improvemt ' No. 73. is a Stone Alannion and 2 two Soros in a village 7 miles from VOTTIIIIOWII. No. 72, is a Farm of 45 sores, 'new buildings and prime laud, in Worcester tOwnsinp. N 0.75, ix a Lot of ie 110f411.111 Plymouth township, with good buildings,: mules from the rorough. No. 76. is a handsomely located Mario of 116 Bores, along Perkiomen Creek, 10 truing from Norristown. No. 77, is a highly-improved and beautiful's-located Farm of t 4) acres, in Wproester, on the turnpike. N 0.711, is it Stone Grist Mill, with water and stem power,lo miles front Philadelphia, and doing a large business. No. Si. Is a very ens and productive property of 305 i acres. near Port Kennedy' ; for sale cheap. No. 62, is a Farm of 165 acres, in Limerick, with a stream of . water passion thrown it. o. 63, ni a Faun of 29)f, acres, in Lower Providence, with very good improvements. No. $7 - is a highls-cultivated Farm of 72 acres, in Lower PAM videnoe (*Tenant'', With new improvements. No. 93, m a Farm oft:nacres, Smiles from the boron.' h, fine buildings and would divide, making two very hand some frame No. 91, is &Farm of 89 acres, in Norrilon township; a first-rare.fium -and will be add low. No. 96.10 a Lig. of 11 acres and improvements, near Centre Square. No. 06, to a Farm Of 103 aores And very fair improve.. manta Whitpain township; the land is vet/ good and & Vio h . e t7 h , l ?stl i a ' r " g 6 , l : l 46o acres awl 9 lime-kilns, in Ply mouth some of the best land in the State, No. 100, ma Lot of 19 acres and improvements, near Norritonville. No. 101, or a Farm of !Secret:, in P orriton, with good buildings • a beautiful location. No. 10.3.' ie a Farm of 63 acres, in Chester county; near a railroad ;terms easy. No. 104, if a Houdin': Site, containing 10 sores, near Fort Washington. No. 100, is a first-chtss Farm, in Worcester, 0f.% sores and improyementz. N 0.117, tee . Farm of 76 sores near Pottstown, on the pike, and must become very valuable, owing to its prox imity to the borough. N 0.113, is a Farm of 4 . 0 acres in. Upper Providence, with improvements nearly new. No. li 7, lea handsomely-located Property in Wo cen ter, on a piko ; Bunthihop on inn premises; .9.1 sores of land. - No. 118. is a beautiful Count v' Seat, with 17 acres of primeland, In Plymouth ; buildings cost over 120,000;_ will be gold low and on easy terms No. /19, is a good Farm of 30 mires. in Lower Provi dence townsniti,_woh first-rate improvements. N 0.121, is a Farm of 86 sores, improvements very good. land Ma high state of cultivation; only 3 miles from Norristown. No. i 22, is a Farm of 40 sores, in Whitpain; will be sold a bargain if applied for soon. fro. 123, le a very .fine Property with 60 sore., in Ply mouth ; land very goon end terms easy. No. 124, la a Fatm of 49 naves, in Whitpain; land good and iniproymnenta fair ; will he sold on easy terms. No. 12S, lea Farm 0f67 acres, in Whitpain ; a sood lo cation; some meadow land ; improvements very fair. N 0.126, tea model Farm of 11) acres, near Norris town; 9 eats of buildings ; would divide convenient y, and must beoome very valuable, owing to its proximitY to the borough. N 0.127, lea handsome Country Residence, on &yoke, 4 miles from Norristown. with 5 awes of prime land ; will be sold a bargain. No. 129, is a good little Farraof 25 amen, in Worces ter with good improvements. N' 13d. 111 FatinOf 30 aorta, to Nottiton. Improve ments new end .and good; terms gas) No. 131, is a Farm of ftl acres , in Whitpin, on a pike, fine improVements; land good, fruit and water plenty. No. Mg, tea cheap Farm of a acre., in Limerick, on a pike ; will be cold a bargain, N 0.133, is a very fine Farm in Whinpain, of 64 acres, beautifully heated, and in first rate order. No. 134, is a Farm of 83 acres, in the boinugh; will be -sold a bargain, and on easy terms. No. 138, re a - Wharf and 3 acres of Land, with basin that holds 4 canal boats ; stone house with store and bar rooms and? other rooms, opposite Pottstown. No 136. is a !"arm oflin acres, near North Wales sta. tion, with good improvements. / No 138, tea model Farm of 165 acmes, in Ugglgar Marion, 1 mile Irmo a depot on • fiester Valley RailrMd. N 0.139, is a Farm of 76 aches in Whirpain, in the beat Of order, and will sell on easy ?arms. N 0.140, lea Farm oral mores in Whityain, I'mile from dep it on the North Pennsylvania Railroad ; improve ments of the best kind, and no finer farm in the town shit 143, is a cheap Farm in %levier county of 100 acres. near the town of Mercer; a ' good chance for a man of moderato moans. 135 1.25 155 1.70 • 1.20 1.15 LID 1.06 1.02 No. 148 . , isn htindsome Country Seat, with 31 acres, near la orrtslown ; a splendid location. No. 10. is a Flour Mill of 3 run of stones. saw mill, and 10 acres of land ; mill outgrow ; on a Railroad. No. 117, is a Farm of 60 acres in Chewer county. No 149, is a Country Beat and 10 acres of land, on a pike. N 0.152, isa Farm of 77 antes. in Gwynedd township. No. 153, is a cheap Farm (it 78 acres. in oounty; 90 mores of timber land—will dell a Nargnin. No. 155, is a Farm of 71.11 acres, in Chester county ; near Phondivilie. . No. 167, in a Olean and productive Farm of 116 acres, sear Zleelersville, with fair improvements. No. 166, is a handsome litte Farm of 82 acres, in Gwynedd, near a station. 0. me. la a bearrifuly located Farm of 49 acres, in Gwynedd, 'with very fine improvements. on a tale. The above prgperties are all for sale, or some will be exchanged for larger, and some for smaller Farms. I have some very good Store and Tavern gamuts for sale, not included in the above list; also, smith and wheel wright shoes. where a large business can be done. / have several private residences in Norristown to ex-. change for Farms. Rous - s for sale in all pa. is of the Borough, ranging tram ego to ClO 000 Mortgages ne gotiated at reasonable rates. Stooks bought and sold. Rouses fir rent - and rents collected. Publio Bales of Heal and Personal Property made op reasonable terms. For Catalogue, and full descrintim. of Farms. &0., &a., Tibiae° mauves* B. 16. COIOGN. m 923 24 26 29 31 & let Norristown, Pa. . ° 10131 3 A VOLLI ERA TU LET. THE CELE BRATED LURE FIDLER COLLIERY, situated at Shamokin, in the Shamokin Coal Basin, anden the hoe of the Shamokin Valley and Pottsville Railroad, will be let upon the completion of the improvements now in progress. There are two veins of Red deb Coal opened on the property, each seven feet thiok. The coat is of a cope. riot quality, and has attained a high reputation where ever has been introduced is highly valued and oommande &jowly sale in Baltimore and intermediate maces, to which it is sent both by canal and railroad. , A market has oleo been opened lot tins 0041 in the North and Northwest. For shipment to the Fast it may be taken to Delaware City, and, upon the completion in June next. of' the extempon of the Mine Hilt Itahreind to connect with the Shamokin Valley and Pottsville Railroad. it can he shipped at Richmond. hese vents will yield front three to four hundred thousand tone above water level. There are other veins of White, Red, and Grey Ash' Coat on the pro perty, which are easily noontide, The capacity of the breaker to fifty thousand tone per annum. - The Colliery can be examined on application to D. W. C Fo ea u ve h o r n nfor mamo i n se a s p . ply to A. M. EASTWICK, inh22.tuths tf No. 221 VINE Street. Philadelphia. P• 2 VAN EAAGEN k 11IoREONE'S CELEBRATED ORIENTAL UNTERRIVE, CHEMICAL OLIVE, EXTRA YALE, YALE BxilwN FULLING TOILET, Ao. For aale hp the Bolen gents for the manufacturers, TRAIN & MoKEUNE, 22 and.2l N. WHARVES. Also wholesale dealers in COCOANUT, COTTON SEEU7ALM AND ELA INE OILS. fell3-swtf A NTIIRACI'fE INSURANCE COMPA NY.—Authorised Capital 8400,000—CELARVEN. P ft PET BA L. Office No.sttWALNUT Street, between Thini and Fourth ducat. Philadelphia. This Company will insure against lose or damage b' Fire, on Buildings. Furniture, and alerehandme gene rally. Freightsaine %gunman on Vessels, cagoes. and Inland Insurance to all Parts of the Union. DIiti&OTONS. Jacob Esher, Joseph Maxfield, D. Luther, Dr, George N. Eckert, L. Audenried. john It. bilaineton. Davis Poarton, Wm. F. Dean, Peter Bigger. J. N. Baum. &COE ktlItER, President. WM. F. DEAN, Vice President. W. RI. 81141711. &craters% Reg-tutted( A NortiEK. 1110USAN .AUSI IN KEL LEY'S SKIRTS—FIVE CENTS A HOOP.—flo d uctrona looin'l`rl mingn, Ri blams,Lacea, Hair Nets, Coraas, Berlin Zephyrs . !shawl Bordera, Tassels, Ito setts Buttons Crochet Braid. data. U. MAXWELL St BON, Wholenale'asd P. stall Manufacturing' Establialment. my2d-atudcwBtrp • ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT. VISE Cis NTs Akio( )P—Gooll SKIRTS. JP. Another thousand AUSTIN KELLEY & CO.'S Skis s. eduction also in Corsets. shawl Borders. Crochet Braid, Hair tats, Berlin Zephyrs, Trimmings, Ribbons. Laces, Tassels, Rosette Buttons. ete. Manno. Ma XW , LL & SON. Wholesale and Retail fa . ring Estaithstiment. iny23-stli&s3t rp EL, EV EN 11 and CHESTNUT. iIUTEL.—The subscriber would "" ressectfullf inform his fnends and the nubile, that he has purchased the lease and furniture oh the Junes Hotel., Important laid itions are now being made Ur it; for the eonilentonee Mid comfort of guests. Iddlelduels or fanitlies Viettinc tirie city Will ter sure to,firide taste ,ito r tn4te , 4611 i tat r latfelli 'tit! rarY extvrtrFilrill nAtne4omentira kiatirith ptireone de tripe_ 'brthiWoolci 4WIYA,K, - - 111U14 OAOI. wirix,B AND , lIIHMOWL(. , „ )1,; `. _ D &AVIS it;AVOrOI.,. . . . . .. ruittinsjio Bi ni.t O' sT oo kx? ' .„,. ' . BALE OF ro LW . Gocom ouy Bin, 29, et 10 o'olo n ck T , by esda . oatalogne; on 6 mot Otedir , 49 , 9 plekairee and lota of feney.and staple PPP° °I T e pode, . . 116 T Samples and catalogue. early on morning of inle., BALE OP PIM , . Olloooli3. On Friday Morning Tune 1, at 10 Weida. on 6 joont4 ortdit 6001ota of fans and staple. Preach dry goodi• Bl3oolt AUCTIONEER. No. - 431 ; o• cinvortNintimuirt, the Custom Rouse between FOURTH KAY&Stmts. LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE el EOF STRAW„i GOODS, 4 c. • • Tins IdorramF, May $l3: by catalogue, on a credit, commencing et E% o'clock preoisely. Consisidor In part °f— ilm oases ladies' mostdesirable shamesplit StTRW. CO burg. braid, and English straw, fanoy lace, and hair bonnets. to outs ladies', misses', and children's Theo,' hats. flats, bloomers, neptunes, adelaides, &0., white and colored. LegbSO caseWmen:and fanny's and hat boys' menet, Win. To I, Panama, 0m,.. IW Catalogues ready early on the morning of sale, when buyers will &ad it to their interest to attend. • CONGR ESS andE RS. —Case men's patent leather ale* top Coulees gaiters. SALE OF EMBROIDERUFS, BONNET AND TRIM MING RIBBONS, FRENCH FLOWERS, LACE GOODS. & c.. & 0. By catalogue, on a credit— On Wednesday Morning. May so commencing at /0 o'clock monopoly, embrace ing an assortment of ohoioe new goods, of styles mod enalitiee suited to present city Terri( sales. ea. - Catalogues and samples ready on the morning of mate. plilLlP FORD keo , AIIOTIONERRS, No. 630 MARKET Street. and 521 -MINOR Street. BALE OF READY-MADE CLOTHING AND LINEN 811111.113. - On Tuesday Morning. May 22. at 10 o'clock .preeisely. will be sold by oats logue. 300.10 ts of supe rior ready-made clothing, and linen and meal n Shirts. conidsting of the usual assort ment for spring and summer sales. o The attention of buyers is requested to .he above ale. SALE OF 800 AND T& SHOES.HAW LEATHER LININOB, (MOW. On Thur l' sday Morning. May Si. at 10 o'clock precisely,wilt be sold bY4sala logue, on 4 months credit, t.OOO CRAMS men's, - Niel', and youths kip,' calf, and grained boons, brogan,.Ox ford ties, Congress gis , tele, to ; women's , misses' and children's calf. kip, goat, and maroon° boots and shoes, & 'kid slippers, a. Also. ao dog. hid and goat skins, SP dos. white linings, 20 dos. coo hineal linings. STRAW GOODS. . On TM/Today Afternoon. •At 1 c'eloolf preoinelr, oases straw . goods, oensist ing of ladles and misses , Dade' and eclat r traw, Coburg and pearl bonnets, flats, bloomers. &o. • PO cages men's Laim leaf and centon,bratt, Panam a , and %nosed eghorn bats., e&r* Catalogues earl on morning Of sale." - • 8 ft Irk! 11416 T r; TUE BRITISH AND. NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MALL STEAM- S;' •z. PROM NEW TOILE TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage. . ..... Scoond Cabin Passage_ 75 - 71toN BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL, Chief Cabin Pa55age.—........... .--10110 Second Cabin Passage.*---- 30 The ships from New York call at Cork The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Mar ,. . _ PERBItAMERICA.Capt. Auditing, -CANATIA, Copt. Lang, ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA . Cain; Mater,. ASIA. apt.G. Lott, NlAGARA,Capt.Anderson AFRICA, Cap t . Shannon, EUROPA, Can..). Leitch, SCOTIA, (now building.) These vessels carry o clear white light at masthead; rraen on starboard bow; red on port bow. EUROPA, Moodie, leave Boston, Wednesday. May 30. PERSIA, Judkins, "N. York, Wednesday. June 8. ARABIA, Stone, " Boston, Wednesday. June IS. APR WA, Shannon " N York, Wednesday, June so. . NIAGARA. Millar, " Boston. Wednesday, June V. ASIA., Lott, " N. York, Wednesday. July 4. EUROPA. Leitch, " Boston, Wednesday, J. , ly 11. PERSIA. Judkins. " N.Yort, Wednesday, July 13. ARABIA. Stone , -Boston, Wednesday, July 25. Bertha not scoured until paid for. An experieneed Surgeon on board Theowners of these Chins will not 'be itetiountable for Gold, Silver. Bullion. Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones, or Metals , unless bills of, are signed therefor. an d the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or A my! soots to E. CUNARD. my's-sante ' Rnmditir Green. Nr•-961.11r. atFOR THE SOUTH --1.11-ARLRB- TOM FREI AND IIAYAZIKAREDUCED.R STEAMSHIP& GHT Heavy Freight at an average atm:PPP per cent, be low New YorliSteamehipiatee._ hi — Fa tru gLEtdopi t _.. C. The U. 8. Mall Steamstup NEYSTVISE ESTATE'. Pep tain Charlea P. Maratiman, wilt sail on Tuesday. May Sil L at, 10 a. M. 'hunash 43 .19 At hours—oily 11)Acura at mo t . NOR SAVANNAII,IISA. The z U. 8. Mail Steamship STATE, OF GEORGIA N Captain John J. Garvin, will sail on Thuislay, May nt _ . . . i hrtersh tu SS toile hours only 45 hours a ars: liirtailing day/ alleged from every Saturday to every five &lye. Unotas reoeived, and Bilis of Lading fined ev ß i a l r_preldid . fird-alam Sid " EEY STONE STATE and STATE . OF 611Aurryl-run as stave °Very tea days, Thus Waling a fiivq-081. comma moattbn with Charterton and Savannsh, and the - (South and Southwest. • . . At both Charleston and elavanash, these Ships eon Reot with steamers her Monde. and with tailreeas, ler all places in the t?outh and Southwest. INSURANCE. . . . Fraught and Insurauge on &twee proportion of Goods shipped South will be found to be tower by these ships than by sailing vegans, the arm anium being one-half the rate. a -N. R.-Irauranoe on Railroad Frelpht is'entirely, unnet.eisa , r, farther than Charleston or +savannah, the Reulroad Companies taking all risk. from them ponatt (MEAT REDUCTION IN-FARE. Fare by this routo SS to 40 per cent. cheater the luland Route, ma wall be seen by the folloinn dole., Through tickets from Phabolatabiat,earaC ton and Savanroth atesauthipa, iNCL UJUNG 101 a the whole route, except from Charleston and - nah icr Montgomery t - - .• . ' .a..- ' ISILAYID ?LEN. To Charteston-...-.1111 SO Charleston ~..:.......-.41,110 so Sovannah.— - IS OS ' 5evanhah..........4.. 5100 Angtuna—,— ID 00 Awaits —..- MI 00 Ma00n......... St OS . feleoon—".— - 10 73 At1anta........--, 13 00 Atiants— --.... 31 00 001umbu5.......... S 3 110 Columbas-.-......... 'SI re Albans.- - . —.. St 00 Albany conticanery—. NOO Itobtgoatery— . le 00 lotnle..-. • • SS ni Mobile. --- 46 WS ew Orleans.__. ,1111 70 New Orisasir,-", II 00 E i : b r il ls,. of lading signed a ft er the ship Mat saved. or freight or peass..te apply on board, at ascend w above Vane street.or to -... • • „ALEX: HERON, Jr., - .•, Southwest corner FO uRT a and CHEST:4IM Agnate in Charleston, P.C. & P.O. BUDD. Savannah, HUNTER & DARRELL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina every Tneidoy. For Florida Ram savannah, Emmen Ilt. Marta and St. John's every Tundras! and Saturday. 14RDWARE . PACIaGE - HOUSES. .. _ pOKAGTE - HARD PI AIM 110081 t.—We A. j rould ie.B.otririly WI . the /Meet:ion of the Oepe. ral ardWare Tratte' to 01. erten/Iw M o Btook of BM LILT GRAM HARDWARE, which we 'offer et small ed nee bf the eaolmge. Ordera for direct tomttatioa whetted, ehd Goode do 11911114 sitter to Btu 91/7, /few York or New °flea= UG. LEWIS & tkrn, OMSMICE Street, froporang said Commission Mombasa., Add Agent' for Fr.relca axe Dementia Werke - ere. •wpf...., BUSINESS CARDS. • B PALMER, THE ADVERTISING • AGENT, FIFTH and CHESTNUT, rives Ins views of the principle and best mode of Advertising, dear. between 10 and 4 o'clock. Address an711.3m V. B PALMER. p, J. BAYLIS THOMAS. - • AT TOR NE Y. AT- LA W, Jae his office from No. 923 Arch street to No. 42.8 WALNUT Stret. Particular attention myen to the recovery' of Merriam tile ,Claims. The drafting and exaaPpetion of Wills, Conveyancen, Assignments. Bnefs of Title. and other Instrumenur of Writing. The management of Executor chips, Administratorshipx. and Trusts. superintended; and the heat automates procured for thepermanent In vestments of Money, dansfactory reference given when required. ap .tin RAMUEL G. SLO*N, - !•-.7;GEAL ESTATE BROICRIL AND COLLECTING GENT., mbal-9m' BT. PAT!.. MINNESOTA. HORACE SEE, bIFOHANICAL ENGINEER, and PATENT ATTORNEY, No. 114 ?out I SIXTH fltrest, • (Nearly opposite the flounti Courthouse,) Prepares Fpeceneedlette, Preerhtee. ka., and [(smuts all other business com:Kited with the °Mahone of Let tore Patent• 5025 4m. JWAGNER jERMON, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, Office. No. 116 South SIX PR Street, (Opposite independence Senare,) PHILADELPHIA. Bythe aid of reliable Attorneys, at ditfezent pointa the United States, is enabled to prosecute and collect claims of every description. Particular attention Wen to the examination and re. ()ovary of the Maims ot Legatees and Devieeee. and the examination of Land Tales and aeourina the imamate of heirs and all persona interested in the same, in all parts of the Union. Baa the Statutes of all the States and is Commissioner for most of them. Depositions carefully taken under Commissions. pll6m HENRY E. KEENE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Hair REMOVED from No. AM Wa!rept street to No.= South TAIRD Street. mh2dm• ALFRED L. 1101RilL PAPER MANUFACTURERS' AGEN7, Ordors nolioltod for every denription of PAPER AND PAPF.R- MAILER'S %TATER/AM No. /T South SIXTR Stioet, Phiisdolphle6 fell-6m• , _ pAWSON & NICHOLSON, BOOKBINDERS, NOS. 0.1.9 AND *2l MINOR. STREET, Between. Market and Cbcainni streets. PHILADELPHIA. JAMES PAWBOII. JAIL B. NICHOLSON Isrf-ly. LADIES , 'TRAVELLING BAGS manufactured and for este by C. F. R UhIPP, 11;5 North FOUR Prl Street, shove Arch Whoteeale and retail manufacturer or PORTE-MONNALTS,POCKET-ROOKS, CIGAR CASES.MONAY-BRLTS. Sadie!, Purses, Cohas. Bankers' Quite, Dressing, CaSell, writun Deoka, Part-Folios. Bin Hooke. lobbing promPtlT done. anrdm FAIRBANKS' PLATIORII SUALES *ate by _P#II{BANKB & !WING. 411 , • 7, • •14 ‘ , R3 Wr 3,II . A.OKEREL-343 !Ibis Nos. 1, 2. and 3. Mackerel, in whole, halves, quartemand eighths, for sale ny MA U KM H 111).. m• 9 • Pr * T - T F 4 ft^et. a.nnarl door Ahoy. Front. i rrEwART , s PAISLEY MALT.-It Pun °benne of this WIIIBREY_just rooeived and for tale In bond by UE.O KU E .TELEY. royl3-21n 13J NOV 111 FRONT atrPat PRO V liSiUtlN.—liams, Sides, and dere, of various brands; a:so. Mess Pork. _Men Beer, and Smoked Beef, for sale by 0. C. BADbIIIII ry), A R 'll4 oPe•nnr , • Prrtnt Ito? 300 1311 LS Primo Halifax and Eastport Hortittg, a% boxes &Med liernns, MIS WIWI+ l i.h. In awe and for sale by WM. J. TAYLOR & CO. ====l=2l COOKING RANG+ S. CHILSON'S PATENT ELEVATED DOUBLE -OVEN COOKING RANGE. Something new and deoidedty the beet end most oom plete Cooking Range ever nffered to the Public. war ranted to gtve Benefaction In all cum. Call and sea them. ARNOLD 60 WILSON. 1010 CHESTNUT STREET. U. at-Fervvvent.. Sleet. mhl7-tat wain ENAMELLED SLATE MANTELS, Manufactured from lennsylyar Slate Stone, and enamelled and'marbieised ispite on of the run est and meet rare EsY phalli Spanish. Yard Antigun. Sienna, and other desirable Marbles. They are lushly polished. will not stain or discolor by oile, ....side. Gas. or Smoke. are six times as lams as marble, and are sold mush cheaper. They have been used in this Counts) for the last fifteen and in F.uropo for the last forty years, wi h increased satisfaction. Architects Builders, and all in want of mantels, should hot fnil to examine them. Menu ftotured and forsale by . , ARNOLD St WILSONi . • 40 c4EBTI , IUT „ i kkikilialekalk. 15 : 424101114, NV% ,Itt THOMAS &ONS. . I .v.ria Nos. 139 and 141 Born POllllllll West. (Forinetly N0a.13 sad STOCKS AND Attu. , N I frATS:IIII93II4I , NW:- - • fpatrblet cataloged* new ready'. seateruta felf.A . Migr.!:rietu.StirstTlVlV`i b. roil i ut ma . lietr= consenting a tarts a mount sad great va ri ety of Pro - . yeti. rießtt—ltilLfe , edlil'l3 REAL, mars AIR RTOCKB AT THE EXCH4499.—Bales of wet estate cad stoeief every Tssirday, at the Exalleapit. - SrContributors navies the opium of e rt hensalra- ~ ' wandbois ou ii.ki_eroveitty woad w iti t addition to which we peolieh. Off the irlflit to the asTie. Dui thousand ostelostienri JO B t tureit e giving. felt descriptions of all the 0 _ meld ea f Downie Tarehty. ea , WaeghAL‘vekillirwAir *moist P t ill .og y iem ALTß esta ll4l,l3 . irt . pn - rmw , sale, inclosirot 'evatT ttesonitof littratm etweitelt , Progeny. Pietas! lostem h a d at the mullion sieeeS. • PRIVATE &MX .39019.T.P.R- I ZAI3v - R eat estate entered oa our Priests age raallttelet 1 sodadvertised soeselosally in our publics:lie altetreet, (or which 1300 copies are printed -lisokl-TO free of charge. . ke. Oa Tawlas. May 29 at 12 u'olook nova at sae Saattaaga, will be sold— . . •hare Cheenat Hill Agriculture Sneats—asg , EIYA a shares Talladega's Steam Tag Corrigan,. above "NO. S. Trinity, hol, E. Church. Eighth atge o • above Race. Sale Sbeedte, _ TWENTY-BIRTH SPRING eALK-Aus 29: - At 12 o'olook. noon. VALUABLE BUBINEBR BTAND-Lene and eels.* ble_fiye-storp Mos store, with iron front, Bee. =mud 237 NUM Third 'street; 21 lee; by 123 feet, edieent nes extensive dry goods hoose ofhlesars. James, tee. k Co. HerIDoOME MODERN EMIR-STORY BRIO% IthBIBISISCH, .710. 1218 Benne street, west of Mai teenth meet. /Am . non,' ?mare or), doo oct state of James P. UR. oas. NEAT MODERN. REE OTORY BEIGICREE BENCE, No. AR Nor tht ar e street. abovo ' Grow etrcea - cane Estate—BßlCE STORES AND DWELLING, northwest corner of &cloth and Green sheet& • Sams Estate—VALUABLE LOT ,AND STONE QUARRY, Penn street, forneetlf Stalled Shoemaker. tans. Germantown. Same Estate—THßEE LOTS, southwest tweet eir Mather and 3 logs atzsets, Jeffers,ln Lead AseetatMllar Twenty-fhat ward. dame hstate—VACANT LOT, Meredith street, ease or William street date district of H tint Nes:tom HANDS() nn. SIODERN FOu ii-ATt/R1 BATOR REelflt.NC E. No.-1121 Summer Street, between' Rut teenth andtterenteenth streets Logan square. - FOUR-oTORY-lINI IT ATI Ole BROWN-STONE FRIAT RESIDENOE. No. SH.North Sixth greet, be low Callowhitl street. NitaT THIS nE 8 ' ORY _BRICK DWELLING, No. ere Buttonwood street, west of Fourth asset -- - TWO-STORY BUILDING. o o TaMostir Third street, south or perform street, with two Three-story Bnok Dweitints in the rear, is Southwark. YALUABLti LOT, southeast corner of Pruett and Seventeenth street. LARGE AND VALIIaBLE LOT. Twenty-wand Fstr E e iggrO 4lo. lofa l inat il YlWEE4TOßY ERICK It FAIDEIecEB. Noe, me.aed. ant. and .116 North Nineteenth street, tenth of Carlton, near Logan Square. BUSH'S r.ent 8 PAoD, Of story frame store sad Dwelt witb a neat three-story, brick dwellieg inlet rear. northwest corner of croup and Ilinret streets. between Fifth and Sixth streets." - - ••• - MODERN THREE-STORY Inner DWELLING, N 0.21 Juniper steer! t. between Market and Filbert Mar oprite Perle Square, • an frrcßy DPra l' el tt a gos. —T ti l l- ling, dSW Wood street, be- BRICK tween 11 'nth af.d 't enth streets Executors' bate—TWO MODERN TELREE-AI TORY BRICK OWSLLINGet Nos: 414 and 418 North Twenty . ;second Street, south orig., weer. NEAT 14100 E rtN D ELLING. No. 1013 Melon et between o tillers and Coates, and Tenth and Eleventh streets. NS a T 'MODRN BT(INE COTTAGE, Price street. east of lianoooc street; tierresotown. within three sexism of atom street, ant at...outlive mantes' welt of the depot. Adnutnetratrix's Fgale—Estste of William B. Bicker, VALUABLE FOURITORY. BRICK FLOURING- Alf I.I,,foTEASE Erterrtr. MACHINERY. ic.. Hay- • dock street, east from Front street late district of Kes erernetori MUD for account of whom - a um. eon eern-515. Int/BERN HE IDYNCR, AM Borth h street, above Vine street. -Reis absolute. NEW 'mat% BTO/eV - BRICK DWELLING, No. 531 Feder • 1 street sleet of "Pl street. NUBOME co t.,NTRY eiSht acres, Bus tot turnpike. opposite Taeony, Otte and Ma hi CID above Frank ford BUBII4 hen i 5 AND= Throe-story Brick Dwelling, comer of Lehigh avenue and &lama street. former ly Richmond. _ Peremptory SaIe—VALUABLE BUSINE&S STAND. Ma , kat street. east of Eighteenth sheet—Store Asti lugs Hall ; lot 26 feet frost, In feet deep to Barker et— two ttonts. Pomponed Peremptory Brie to riMse a concern: VERY VALI/Ai:lbis Pitla'ESITY, knows ea tks Pavilion." on Wirriabickos. avenue LOW CbestneS Hill, about nine naive Dom railadeldia, five Dwell ing, yri.ti extensive statenn and a nt sera of land. tiOTTAGE RESIDENCE AND LARGE AND TA LOAD E LOF Fine and Forty second streets, Veen ty• fourth war - - • FOU tt-8 I On Y BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, not thwest corner of Almond and Fenn atr eta - ' SUE OF POPULAR SCHOOL-BOOKS. On Tuesday Evening, May 20. at the ¬ion nomae eoent. or Poetdar mho , I booAs, froad, bookfelier Ding bonne." SW For Panic:lllslllM OiltalOrtleli. _ • BALE OP POPULAR - AND INT PREBTIDD mie- CELLANROUB WORKS. n Wednesday Evening Kw 30, at the auction more, a galantine of interestiag hooks, on various subjects. it:R = Yortmuhruu catalogues. rale We. 417 I.outh. 11ILOAD Street. BUFEII.IO.NsFURSITURE NIKKO/LB, WAP.118211.7 CARY...Neg.- 'On Tuesday ins. 29thingt.. at 10 o'cicark, 'at No. 4174oetth Brmd greed, Wow' rine arreel‘tii• furniture or a gentleman de clining hougekeeptog, comprising a suit of Farts made made parlor tortatoror no. Frolleti pinta inantelinrm , Sae engmvings, French'lnantel clock. non cut glass ware and China, silverware. ta.pestry carpets. he. V Play oe examined on UM :Dorms ut sate at o'clock. Execs:iota Bale—Fitateof Imes P. Ellis deceased. o. 604 Norte e , SVEN'►R Street. SIDIRIFTIOLD AND OFFICE F GRNVURE. FIRE, TROOP, CARRIAGES, eLEIvE,.trARNSES. kc, On Wednesday ?damns, - Seth inst. :at lo o'clock. at No. 604 North Seventh st., , above Greed street. The houseseld and office fur:sitars of J 11,1111,1 P. tins deceased , nolading a sesenor desk and book wise, fire-prod, parlor, chamber, and .kttehes furniture moo, a easerior fandiy carriage , Irotualt wagon- eleith'snd sleigh belle. Mee and d0 661 e hag' ne___,ss_ blankets, cover.. &0.. are. ittay De assmuuto at 8 o'clock on the morning el Bale at Noisl3o and 141 &ebb FOURTH Street:7 SUPS KWH PUREED' Ukit, rag:YOH-1 !ORS. ridtV}FuRVES, RIMS-Lb CARPETS. On Thursday Hemp(. At 9 o'clock, at the AlbetiOn Ettore, ►n slllllOrtereata excellent .eoond.ltand torn tam elegant ; yiano•terteu. tine mirrors. carpets, at.., from tem-1 1 ms *Mimed: housekeeping, removed to the store for owrireitiesoil or rale. Bale No. 1205 fIPILIVE &rect. syeptuots. rultrirriab,ElVESTßY CARPETS, _. _ ate Nam . On Friar Morning, Julie Ist, at 10 Weimar. et No. nos Barnes Arend. the superior .turnitum. RAS fixtures fine hatr imattrinesa, d ated tea set, minors, de., of a family declining house . oPing. Also, the kitchen fornitnre. air ?day be exammrd, with catalogue, on the morn-, ins' of the sale at 3 o'cloc k. - • Bale N 0.134 south EIGHTEENTH great. NEAT HOUokHOLD - URNITULE, TAPESTRY CARPEL& ma. On Monday Moraine, I.Tatte 4. at I 0 o'clock; at 240. 134 south Eighteenth atrelt , br catahartle, the satire household and timbals tunnture, tapestry oar Pete, &O. We May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the sale. MOSES NATIJANS; "AUCT lON ENE AND COMMISSION P.ti%CHANT , scoathoset corner of OIXTH and RACBStrosts. - MONEY TO I,AR,t 1111F1,000 to loan, to large o re mall meant., en stools, gold and slyer 'Nato, dramonds, vitae+, Jewel rit owling ,reoes. dry 'ganls,..olottuatt, grooeriaL gam. hardware, mai Napa& tostramante,forniturs. beddins, homee, veld harness, and on all articles of value, for any length o USW Weed .!Wn. C 1 1 .112 ,14 liberal terms than at any other estebits=ent thu sits. OUT-DOOR ILIUM Attended to personally by tee satogeneer, at very une CONSIONNENTO SOLICITED. Ocomignments of all cad every Idnd of goods sollottoo tot public sale ; .two-ttlirdo tho Taloa of the coo& will to advanced in entielence of the Gale. SPLENDID 11,11NTiNG CASE GOLD YATONT LEVER WATCHES, le karat fine, exta full Jewelled_ of the most mimed sad dart Imagers, r cost limit 7 N to 41130 each, at from Veto 4216. MOOED RAMOS. PLAN O 8 wivi PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS ! ! PIANO-FORTER. MELODEONS. PIANO-FORTE& MELODEON& Made by Raven_, Damn. & CO., Nunn% & Clara, Haller *.Dains, & sad °them SEVENTH r E C HE U SLTD, STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA TENT OVER-STRING ORAND PIANOS, SQU &RE GRAND, AND eqUAILE PIANOS, now pro faned in 000certe end in private circles by the hut performers. Received the fin: - premien,. over the beat makers, from Judy ea like Ootteohnik, Meson, end others, allen Chge Alloonnictiticm. BLASIUS BROTHERS. UN CHESTNUT Street. ST. NIOIIOLAS kORKG, BROADWAY. NEW YORK. When completed six years ago. the BT. NICHOL • .9 wax universally pronounced the most magnificent. con venient. end thoroughly organized establishment of the land on this continent. What it was then itremains to day—without a rival in size, in sumptuousness. and in the general elements of comfort and enjoyment. The Hotel has acconimodationa for one thousand guests, in , chiding one hundred complete suttee of apartments for Dimities. biz hundred persons can be comfornaoly seated at the tables of its tares nubile dining rooms, and no thing that modern art has devised for the convenience gad social gratification of the travelling putilie has be. n omitted in its plan. or is neglected in its practical detaihr. The early reputation co the hoards et Ma te and abroad, derived from Its magnitude. r. *a. annointments. and its home hire comforts and aunties. sea been en hanced every .1 ear by the unwearied exertions of the proprietors. inyi7-3rn. TREADwELIi, NVIIITCOMB, & CO. _ _ CAD TIO.N !—ASJ:KOLOU i :—LOOK OUT!—GOOD t4FWS FOR ALL:—The never failing Mrs. VAN ITORN is the best; she succeeds when all inhere have failed. All whn are in trouble. all who have bean unfortunate, deceived by lalse promises, fly - to her for advice and comfort. Ls Ire ofeirs saw never fails, tihe bus the secret of winning the /Joe tiqns of the opposite sex. It is this fact Which induoes illiterate pretenders to try to imitate he , and cosy tier advertisement bite shows you the likeness well yur fu ture wife, husband, or ahem= fnond. It ra known to the publio at large that she is the first and only per son who can show the likeness in reality, and gyre entire satisfaction on-all the concerns of life, which on be tested and proved by thousands, both married and single. who detly and eagerly visit her. Como one.: come ail! to N 0 .1.1.6 LONIgiAItD Eitreet betweeti.lum car *nil Rro.l uJNT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 951 BEAoR Street. Reneiny.ton, MA NI R. TIRES informs his friends that, Noma pur l:Maud the entire stook of Patterns at tho above Foun dry, he is now prepared to receive orders for Rolling. Whit. and Saw Mill Castings, heap, Chemical. and Room Work. Gearing. Caminga mace from Rever beratory or Cupola t unnieee. in dry or green eand, or loam. BREAD AND CAKE BAKERY, No. 823 North SECOND Street, Between BROWN and POPLAR. liait - ingpurchaled the Bakery (formerly occupied by William H. Winberg) we ere prepared to supply the public with Stead made from the best Flour. plain and Sine/ Cakes wed Pisa; Beall eeetry daS Pam., es sup pima at 823 Nortb SECOND Strom. rhilacialphia. mei .Irn WRY k hlat.. 11DITCH.-400 Bbls. PrICO, Wilmington A- &BRE zR IVEN n C O o No nd SOU THW y T A R ms L )7 SPItiI S UtiPIINTINE —ll5 hbls Spts Turp,nhne lading from Bohr "Alaham&;" 100 shall,"forerpentine, liming from soh • If. Con:- vile Iff_KOWLEY ASI4.I3URNER & co_ r4O, AMITH wifARVEA. Kbb (Nos. 1, 2 7 and Ship. Ping) Rosin. landing. from soils " ALsbams;" y On Ws shipping nowin, landing from sem .1 peen." for rtle he ROWLEY, AHELBURNhaI. & CO.. 16 8013TH WHARVES. - myth WI INK'S ODOMETER RANI, COM pA NV. Hartford. Coon . meonfm tore WORK'S PATENT ODOhIk.TKR ilafillfati*E BANDS. rinds are durable oheap and effitient. iseatierubt pith uner- Mg acpurkusy ens distance imaged over by .the vehicle to Which they are attached. these extra, finished 13osula cost but a trifle more than interior Wade without the th in e ..M . ...ed: reliable Arent; Wantedin all parte of the amino,. Please send for bireulare. - nun am 11:111HIV Y ELLS, tILTEILNED 41 A LOW Pctoe Adhreit. _ /La ' Mn. 9177014Zegtglt myfl-Im• 0-1,500 gallons - Extra-Bleached wheli,,cht ; wiitoaa. Birdied Made 011 Cr A v ar g in i A.N to ap td .. triettA ENNEASItA4pi'DY.-79„ it=i"P". gentmi*
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