!t; e -4 . 2 .:l l ,Neklqintilk.4 4 .llk;z. ,--- :;.:.- -14 _,-_ s 1 .,A.1. ,- kl - - f' f•;',.. : :?'' - . -- ;: - .. - : = : -. ? ?- * -- f, • • - "- - --, =' .- ...:(. --- :1 A ittrth :,•• , ,,, t , ' t 4 4 N11,41,4.w, n - 4 4 '1 ~, ~'., Z; 4': l t - ,l,t . i' .4, : , , 1:, - ;t -•- 1 .44111 r. 4 ~. - -.: AI , ~ , ,:' ',',l '4 : -• 1 ' 1 4 - ' • - AI b 4116"11"4 4 6 Ati b lE i ‘i% Inika zis AN 01111 , wick tab& -dam 17,010, , 44,04 4: iikiwitimisemetilikat lilr:f " ' 1 Teo toolu.ftr* r Vile xnek.ilatM_lk . • , irk- ' l ,'t ~ y i' , l% =, ~,,. .1.:...--- - .... ...i....":.., - :t. ~ , -,-I';' ,,- , ~.':-.• " _ 14,' St - I) *V VS114111140*: t ' funtespesiirsosorral 4-! 1 • ipLll:2, l 3i; tstrikagagaWatt -caret ...spa. - Barlabos airm & a tt. iff ilu ts( l o o 4 l oc3/4 ilati .voh i r d 0 . mot •wallitifre t,thiiiilatil - itlii. --max • 10 to IA w Aug__ .. , iwri -IPild.ll-riiiii. sifigl .ii ttitiC ". 111111001%, WIMPIL 110 . as . ' Yeti Ira" leil " tha rair 'VM I t . 9. .." 7 "r: - , PlifOlipl. IP Ih r il:iotiliirPli Piii0110:104' A ... 11 P yr% iii 4; tiotiiii - aai - i:iii mit i , w e. tiaitataa . arit at ay ark at - - Aatarday., luta ittaarataastark.. r ~....., .1 • , .A,: , , . ~ L - -, , trl etalgillialt attar: T I O NPOS U IL M° AS/ 41- 1 Ira anti I 'Am _ .roralath 'tat - -• B. llhia ta t . itattaril.4nmit el e g a rr. ai r 4 " l " 4 I -161 1 10 s 0 0 4 kW** , 11!•*. it", ath ..pit. am 11k,,, ~,,, -, ~,,1.. %; ~f , Dark Itoill i z a lim ammo% PIMP UPP,PO na Got. &ad Ina au Mk •• •;, ''' ' .-;- '- ~ , - • aria Eagito , t, , Ilis b talika,,anlarad .at ,allll4ll. Mk Jklit Itsbaaeariara. or, 14111•40taiie. ateared *Pro.= **POO IP* mll4. ' - _ . ~ . • &Ai. AM, OliaNiftbrie u tellPAPW,Yelrkallaialli:' . . "'? Itnat i lir g alif, Fatima, anal; atarat - Xibilaii! u arikirieT44:tii4;i6o - 4.' , 4441i.ii. iolgtraiO4,444iii•i . :foiliii',it ii, Yivrlltk loaf. An s ro.....,,kei,*iiiiarirttPortilM Nihilist. i at.... .ataa.r.t-Provittsacpo aaa hot. far t a r te n rialle r aad : ' li lk i lgnit (Mi ssile% 'ft 'ir &ski OrPoria.: . :Waked rani Ila ra ta% il=t for . .._ 1,. PM. 00,.. e t Ariave,-il tr in.,___l .....1 4,4„,0 at llestaa tam,' --. r it„ . - awrartst.soisea Ittiv 'nat.! : -, ~ , ....,: y ~,- ;- GeV 0 4- 111. - -rataa. *and at 'acmes filth larlir A Viti Lori =Fan *via' taillaadel pwo tea, al/atoll rtar lath tiara _ - Mir DARlStkblittyisiamanted at, Caarttakat ataaraeil araial:Jiiraite4 Naiad Ikaist:' :40•.taaillta' •„110i best,ftia.:7- - -,..:1, - - 7: , --, - Tag ?ikon nims, or you o'dLocic:iiiiii OONT/MMTAIr-11. It. lamer of . Milt %mid ~ Cliiiimiii yr illgt i plity a l!lN,, , ,Leinisaille - ~.. , ......1.. wr.---- twailvt%. , .- - , &b. Albany ravail eta, - - - . r . r . I ,Maxfoo L D• 111111 ,; ; --- ---‘ -.; ,-; Is Ulan 0/ 1 4 Id Flom ' val‘ , - k P! trot. nos sit too °Mak,__oi oia 1 .•: : Nalk i rb r' Slqi Pt ak Fon I raysrataa.,Wftig. ar? 02 44.11 p raimbig,Ik riu rb ort Wiwi& Dualt,_wasa - ,_ as lir J .k. Yarns,. armill,,,„ , gis O IS P --- 1.81116 Job* faasaAN, SW +•'• la 'Ali Taber. Ali - '-'"-: iii R wait k - ire Amt it, ie.* I ~:.: -it itmettaa .%141. i r ally sy lorfi,c&a, 1, • „,, loya 0 •64,0 244 , , aWs salid9Alit • - - LIWIt ; , 'lll -, I• 6 rF ru . _ . trai r r ile . I li - 1"."‘ i.14 ... ymii, ' y R . - , - 5 : - A - Da attl:24,ft , 4 - iiiiiw4lit• .a... ..,- & Oadiar..aik -.•-• ~`” - 2 , " VW ' mat; . • elaii gimi,,,..at, Ilettow ''Dr_, MN stiatrib rg ~ r nerifia m -lailtpossil/1 at Nellitlion. ~.,...... .AlOl 0 0 Usenet & la. Okla t W L I & le '- ' -' - ff RK. 1/ 1 ,4 Y ':- irrek it l' : IlliVirDsvintN Y•' " - as ' lair r i , N'( . ~,,, .. ' - I p al 1 Fl ew Berl ' 411/IstirAtotlatil .' ;- ' Driiick,,sh,,,lbore Lolkonbash,,c7 8 A - trifi r myttatir m isbair- asaat r aTaTiri ' '" " g r i. l 7lll, h i . 4 1 4. , alAmPtoll gbinflrer k. lii, Vek - - i. 0 G 41614211. VA tuto r mwitx han ;otimipka.t d; on a ir r o... & & ;; ;Lo V ;h a k, ;„ :lo3, iii i.R, .0. : 41 : 1 4 . . ,m v ,;411 11: ;5tb mdobii, Waddel,. SAV o inatz_. ;II tr i al Is, KG • liii iplivatnii Linitriirogll4o.k a McCoy, tit -,_ - . '' ' 0 it'eggrbeTii ,,t, r itearo lti vit' 7 l ! ', l4 Pa ir igni v , A. 7: ,,, . 15:3. V , ,,k- ; .-. iti -Lig . k t. ' -' ii. . A lifigir; Ys ' `--.;'. -'- : -..ir Cl' i t t. 4ii;ol - .1 Tatovrita-,,: ::: 1 1 xriarnifito I YA b sia-- - ''-:-. '' ', At "" .t.e Drip :Ater , ~a- tosiosaJlarion .-. 8111:1: Off, 5• - ' it 1! Naerillra , 8 ChIP el'ai r ' ,;; ' li t yli u sids: lift, MO_ 111 lie - It , : --.,., ibis, Dal -. oim •,11 , Y-. "--!,. '-' Lilt. , t Is , !A sem Pittolipt.ihi ,,, ~'•' ' ''' .' ,- : ' > ' .'' Gitikukaoris :!s-411.11 itti o ata - - t Assets ! , .. ,I_D Coustesk. MY V. - 111, 1 MlS T: 4 l:4 4.l4.lltide Pls:: ::: l7__ .: : , " : : lti f l / 4.: .... tp , i - ,: ._ : ai r ... r : ::: Opi rliarn ood:Dirpo% i° l;if l2 ; : r; QM ' illZl. blr ,_. :,,„ 8ieff.1.7.:,.. ' ,-;: :7 4„_, ' - 4 ::: : : ellia,""4- r" 4 7 - --jva t r-in' .. i'-, • itriouvi.,-.- - vt-ii-cirvp v idi•oa_-,; ' It 1 : 4 ; 11 . 111 0 :4:::: :: 7 § 4 41 1 1 1 =V C"A' Fn ton_ :k tuusl - lialotio,, - 11141 heeler -..:;, , ,T rett. Y: -' Tr% it" R k III II R ,Vt , „ ff ii ,- ..,•-wr..., _ ! _vrern. teso ~..icii.......tuigrztilt;;- „ ,„,, -- -:', - - - ftru l 4lnunt. ft; • moss ?Luse% Colik • tirsli r ir•OACo4l2. w l l ase t a t ri tr y . ; 1. - 4 ' 11 .i , i !i ,, , .,:: :, , F w t, 4 17 . 4ttro i,7-: ilinVyriZir; lie - 4s .Itormithr ,',4, if 9 7 . " k a j 1416 402 : : ', 1L ..,, a t w i t I Phil y- , . _,g to il i tgey'rs , , I . IS! „, . L,-117 , irii m , 1 , 2 17, krs t'i'l !.. ' • '„ - . Itp -All MAtis lii i s l t d I. I; - - - 1 Wirt wit Sit ,:,,, ..,',,,. la, : , - , r , ~, : • 1 j liaii - letql ` i i 7 ., -4 ;:ittF*14 1 ,....0.4iii" : ' -- i• W, f - • .. - 1({,7,„ ,-, ';'-1 - 3 , : 4 r : d 1 , ..- m i ka, , , .:: , , 1 ;,,, -I,k - ; • ,; - ;111. ~. ri* L i smi : 9.101101// i41101 , 0:.--., , ~.1 i t tflta t tnt fY: -: ''-' ,'''''' ' M . ' '''' fi Vlll.. , o s yi tilm ; :45.,? ; , ~._ , , k Is. Y` til zienw rt o• mie rtt j t r ot r r -M871"1 .. ,1 -7-::' f e ri ri' , • , -' ' f ra-1 1 ,7,1 4 4 '•.; -- .. '., fk.- A ._ tir ti vif,li - y- _, , tleash iiiliiit Wiritillli l'4l tint - .400 k- , A. , rowsu Jth..yile, teZ n et t arilla r ;- - 4 1= .A ia .. nein mllawari , - ' -_,. seat,v,i - , - • - St a ii r it y =lerpril ,, , ,;. - - , l li tY4 mon, Iglp lliok BT. wpm NOTBLiiiptatifht. ab. Third., tEP Thompson. UV - : 11!, LPidelif y WillimpO,llds ‘ -; 1 : ,';- c•: , • ,, oras 11. -': , , ' 11" 1 4: i z - is.Lititer:l% Irlia .XY :' t r itod_RA... Mama, _lllsai • Aida. pit -Y ' ",, as QtrTy wistorford --,4oloatios, nl - I , .I t t > fiYiillp i tlf Y . r e 11,.. . ,- : iircit 4 41 , ilk L, , ...L.., ~, .. ~ . ite..... : wiIIIVIA- i fits :•• 0 Low, YoOE t i o to i t i o : Provii7 %Jowl+ - • ' Mis t reat& - ,J AMMO tiellt , . allitipbar, Vl:' •,. ~,, A it iiidai .lil4. aI 6 iit; 067011 ith' F. Z i ngrac ii V, l fYi" . ... : :, '--- '"fr illiza " i taro. gnr ., "ir: , o,,ildsoen•ic I. -......' - Jollit, Loy, it , _ , .I.oitad u ltt;Tillit. ,!) ?•4-11 , 6= r aip s ,,,r , s. e p tlltairei- -: 7 :::,:---- ae ll .PYpirp , pita 'f•soonr. N Y „1 , B eons* NJ., '., i ,.,.,.. .Al, . ____ w yokilfrufw.,.,%:, . TM. Elmira r /1 4 : 4 0 1 POP 1 " ...). 4 41 ; 11, -ftli. . --.. ' 6 11.,.01...4.144,,,,_,..:,_ J - lf. , - 81610411',V?aftli?iimuitli!ictiiiii iantia Arial. ir ALl'ird t ,Z+74 - ., , i.; spegiii-_, .ii,ri, - , t sums taillt. o tp=. ,iiiiii a : - B wi l ittilfri'siftaW: otli t a- '1414a ----: D&erahintirt 4 if :, 111-A: Tr , EPeceram i .ilarkos - ''lllllt., ' •: - • c...,..i1105t0a1 , -5 , : , •,, ,:- -•- 1 , - ;- , •., 6 .- ' _•, rovirxalit - _ - perrkt.—eaaaaa:'acraat. aiairia, alai*: I it,' 1, e4teaai . ,pc I 4,; - -13ditairv - ._ - ~.. al:Arit. N-1 -.,-:..- 1 ram a'. _ 04 ids ,f-_ : , . • .. sop; W,i,Lnil ,- ._ ,43 • • , f a ~, -.,A . •: -,,, I.* , : titili 5 : 3111C r.,' ffillx . , PO 10 , 61 - . l.2mit::; - ! . .. wskijioNl l o :llo iiiiirr. Tiiiiii.t. ' ,:iii•ivio ''' Ciallairiiiii wlf 4 tillkll Mr r,6-• ---,,,,,), 4imx et,*4 1 ii...,„,...m...r, ' td-nm It Botttostlidetrottolf:l; - ' 1,. J - • - ' editsbill liablatid • ,". . . , 1 mrisi" ! r!/,'; - ;-:. - - - :;,;;i2.. ... :., - •• razia4; kith. Lilarsii, .14, ii•faffievnip• War,* reiri, , ,;• Es . ~. ~...,ft rAlietlii7 - THE *2l l Oliii.;;;;I 4!«.• *O 4 Aim.. it l i e gi2 ii,;4,..., - W .. ,,,:--triaMfi nk ii.iti , IS Bar , sir si.lso..py*...'; a - ,- - ----- :, 2 _ "- -- - - 141461bitLiii_r440aas litiastabio*llia4;,-; ' 11 244 41t!! t$rIE :•'-.-I":'::4l 9*tii '' , ix o -..: . cr:PI Yu% •; 7 _,:4 1- .'','`' ole , ..;.. ;:,_ ~iii. , illiettp.ttrz .t , „..,,,, ; • . ; a•••-",-,•-: ',. f i rbuiti,r - ipmotit ,_,..,..? LBlllricza .• -, = ' --.F.L ,V-z-,,,':'-:•-::-..,', -, -,-, im41,1*4,041 - 91WertiiTA it .. 1. 1 4 .4. I* 11 . 1111 4; 1440 , --t , '"k*.g. A.: 4 o4o.l'imoWu 4; ,- : 1114444iiii - iii*itZilWil:l4;l4Aiiirilik. talllia-„fiziworyi 4tzkoi. MWM --- figt. I ' e° : 'r - braitairi . ik.• 4 Itftli . -Xy=1 11 ,;:••;,.- F 4 4 1 ,. : ~-,, . „• .. •-'4 ' _ —. „•!••. - poll .. _ . - i iirt. - ciotptit. •,. 6 .7.‘,0- - -- IMF . .-k.. 1 : A i . , ! as , , 7100004:1. , :. : ....AV . ' ' ' . 7 ,:.11.• .4., . '` l6 - . ._ _..._ 4,: Vitr o tilt e leteßtiTlAN Al. e, .10 0 i i7APIL4 -, -Tke ' 4 '. 1, ilevils , eAlltri l iP l it 4 1 _,: iz pm. bow- 0 8„,„,00„. rf, , . , aultitr- .0.110.0N3 I. 011 Wi 1 iinwieoli. Iliii 44 E tmi' t:174247v3"111:74... ZIP= waiook aiti r. ->Dirve . t i tm+ m i t i f i gt ters . . conmoildiax issooretsry. x4.TIM ONION FAIR FOR- TIRE' MOE _ pix ot T. Josgptril ottenAN,AlkyLow into .. eniood Shoßlitirt—yleoent • Bonn or Thalti).l. : :t_intscandilti. phi 19/1P11,k„,,,,11t 'opiii on _ event w. a Nei, no o r •,,,, . titsrat,,..l7. elitivt:invir:. Amu: Ttnte. M cents. - ra726,8t. iIIiI42II,OIIII3WRY - PEST tYAL_,_ • AAA Olit B* .iir lU etniki ll 'ilf i rie l e4 to 4l s o YL A I l t ag e : ,Wis DAY, And TRUAPRA ,• ..6.1 St ch. aDth, ma abitelle,(Aftenkoettgad niag.r,Blpils adminion, 10 ea :Smolt Smolt Dolotia, .16 ands. • • TA/18•40' , it MIL -IAIS i AI i .1 , 1 , column WILL GIVE A tr ` Ork, " /Z:er ' MEW riirl 14 9 ay. and onntondar gym iminuui of the week. 33; gee will moludo so from mho spore's Affili v.V . • Troilus Ii,ML =IN :Richard ELM or i or: woe 'P it' gimlet. ROI. td Jelitt.: Vaseir Lag. it, botA.VIC_ a rtlyr 11.1 i n t: knowß aid Age. Anoiept Marlaer i ..je %ulnas e ; Ten . a Lord of le rnin,,,The Bnotem Charge of the Li &Wide Ila Ilepositlace; - magma,'" Battle pf lirt, Hood's Oman of InigoniLA ra, Pileoeit. Eking of E, r 1 irt. Brit. ofloisx.Oor :Tillage, Thelon Bair ; see allow's 'Milano to Armor. Building of the Bldg. Weida Mom fOrtido nyins ' , roar, Hiawatha' . Poe a ' 41 cOcrith4nulligy4Attrxdolnu 'to `9 on Genius ;..maraii on the Nabob. cue slte. r__.' , 3 3. 3 33._ - 3 , IS coati. Te be batik the door - and 809 0 UT St. Reading wi • commence at' eight o'eldek.i r. , - ,f 3 33 :: 33- 3 . . m .116 - 8 t EETING 'tO~F THE BOARD OF S T O faliftrAS i t' g srifit e h m 4 . 118001 A :r lON OF . do, CHESTNUT Street on OrDArirrir PI% Masi& Inst. - N.O o'olook, - . • ' Tlidassiusi :sport is minting 'diMinution mem• .V 4, AAIUN BLODGET.)3eareisry, -1211 XI at• NI CD lli Emu AND ' 016NDTLIEILL - ,TAINIENNIIR RAILWAY CODIPANY.— it L af given that the colJroN4 on the Bonds of thte I:ldniparte. me on the first day of June Mit, will beid M thrum pf the Company. fle:,l36lkerth TH IR D fltrneti o ple mir. % ) oo sad after-that dap, between the ►0an 241,141 - r- •,- -- e. COIL ff. WAYNE, Trimmer. . 'OPIIVERSITYPOP PIMPIIPPLVAPITA— th or tlea s iutrg ig of ArAT . Th4=l;tr di tg:h o e f the pres to s isa nor* ono, ro the aernoon, betricain ea eaeb day 0.4 o , o l oo lr. 11WDMEIIDAy s 23ds by the Vice-prosost, (Physical, ° l i na l leA l b, Professor Allen, (Demosthe. = ai rliniAl, ;nib: bT irittosenr Kendall, (Integm !Calm bli) written. ,441AY. AM, WProfenny rCopyso ,(81uor's Chitlins obi Litorshve.) written.••' - • DAY. Seth. by Professor - Doppeo, (Evidences of Won/softy j written. • WEDNESDAY, Seth, br Profsamor Jewsksion, fOlosro's Tosentsoro.) GEORGE ALLEN, a 013430 , Secretary. WV... OFFIVOSOF_TIM - PHILADELPHIA u... 3 :AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. Munn, Me t holders of the besdinf this Company, anelnly 1. 18/10. tile now receive , noon estilicsitioket. thisolooe, 10 tr a =l2l . aeon tile taus spews" to th e mos -Thi,t loia li e ere Ai entitled to th e bona; Oln Sink- MA WM Per .ea auteatilted by the, f ma nil •Itt the eta theetunt. held Jemmy I, nestered into lit maim! +=V P ' r °jig ad MU int° illigt: . „ - , • IV , Treasurer. treedthe, gilder+ fir Phi *tie rui"Realints growl Csmossir Massage Ihmande4 , Juir 1, NM, bonds are secured by , the Iris sidltMlitdd Oe • 11100•Hiting in the ammo* to earrus.loo. 0 11 Wdevdilla Idd r u ta Met WoM mar rreenstamei the 'inbred the sun interest an twee bo r n.. The lietteeers mpg". to extend *sea for It P• 1100 of meitely rmist e the semen !statues the bands rid in le Vlhets i nenor i l ie sbFri = i ptiit a r l - l a qllthrodokSsYrath ho -NM 7, wi ll e& - l.Zsar el rr gent. will tren to the holder& in M I .yrillTe c' rAt a rt%_=t e cs= on thou , surning soiree t ape wme=as the r torsos proeUrs at th e men o the 00111,11110:, or to its Mints, %rens -ornairt ind muthritramit tell be tarnished ovelleetir t6 47 1" ° et rd Of l i t a rillr7hrrsn. Illoetrotar• MARItIED. SCOTT—JidOIRL—OIt the 'Sub Ipet.. by Rev. Jogs team o.6ibbe, P4ter Doott, of Delaware, to Dm Martha Jettabe. P tadelphie.- BO KEIL—a .tc• —Oa the 6th list., byßoy, G. W. /bowmen, air. Behar to Miss Mary B. Yearn.r, .both or Ptidadelotits. • • - ••- CONIAD4-6•TOOKTON.--011 the 14th &MUM Vuthorow, Mg. P. , rites to MIMI Bathe West : d• hew of Dowse ••wAtoonoa, Ma all of this GUY. E net 4 o . l4T2l Il a r i at i —tht i nah inet ,by Rev. d fi h nOfiriva.4,ll 4 2l d iP,Rev. If IL Gilroy. Joan ititadoleti - to Soltoottli ° _4 l B l .atitll.-- IohiB 4SIIIIIRIDDR.--Ca th ' by -attm JAL retain. r. moos Noway to e feltss Harriet, ENOu gan ve ni. D. Onterlrdes. all o this city. " i Wheedr. yiett l i i to Mir atinZYPE: „ DIED. - • ' . ' II sitSks2m the nth Mod, Mn. =es M. Sum, is the 10th tear *tier age. flamed rem the residence of her son-in.lsw Samuel IL Lawemllllll "Wee street. tan ( Mends! ) Mennen. at 2 oatook. ~ . !tit •-; , *Flai l —en "A ~irt. Mn. hash g Lowe, relict of ha frore.the nonce's' of air dasghter. Mn Nan,,Grower, SS (Christian street, this (Monday ) atter • Vittitat e lti; the 30th ma.. lames Millard, re his .._, ral fro.. t o eWegegenee. Second street , fe w. r• Um mad) anereortf, ate o'clock. U A .—On Mb but., Fracces Manny, us the ink *oar a Are. ~ • , , , L irirs late reeklene*Shippra CAM', Wire ~......!041tri em yraistat e detach. - ,„• lois O'fiiiii; Wed Si teims l ". l . - 7 ''''' . Y 1 : 1 ! F., F °l l4!` 14'e of ' . satin from- the residents; if heihnibead, Ile. ill &Wader litir=or• lastentif, MINIM Costar and oft; Odic( is ) elliersoonocr I oMMair, - * , • AVIAN fl.-04 the. Uth tart. Min Elegy, daughter of Mr. dennel 1184116111111111 Balsa d!is Wad Year of her sta.; Funeral freer • the residirw of her, - Mier, Coates s e r - t i s . *7' l, T. 44 •lntti, ~..t,M (l!erlds”) ISCITAUIIf ,al 9 , flt?..-On lbentrehAtesanellorif9 of the 4 „..„.,... z .,,,. ~,,,,,.., iir c zer o l e he, r see. 1 44°Tr . " 11 :WS 4 Wridell aftersioon, at Mool. • , -, - - MACK • BABEGIC - MANTILLAS, of the Ei tuka 40, vadat a " *Awl irell made. ' - look Os. ah ,-•-, ',._-`, k - 1 74.0 - liiiii'ik.,"iiiiko;i, on/e, si34'iiiii Wiliam ? , tinakaatibln itsporkilsjor mak= shawls. SKIMP &..- PON. Ato_u_ratikg Brom . ~ .NUT plrot. „ , - • SPEC.II4V.L:pipTIOES” ,;;DsaragOur..—Wir hive recently had °c aeca,' tons a bottle of Cucosirs, and can well of- Itifddroro tlte' benefit derived by de use, to add our yestomeatto that of hundreds of others, as to its el ude. It soarers the 'lsrelosii of a perfume for the astir, aid. se the same time, alsaaies It flora eft briett eitise.beaving the batr4srfeatly soft and gloomy. We yOosustead bawls to those to used of ea antes - saber to restore, pneeerve, or krill the hat r.-18i, Jeserh (Mi.) Wen. r " 'SAVING AIIID , --NATIO - NALSr eamy llfr iva T i tuer ompARL-(:Ortin4 17 the tltata of . Amy is naeiyai surf day, and hi . 1 2T 31110ttal jail, or smolt, • , ~ F iVE FM CENT. babied la paid for money from thoily it is satin. Tba mow teatime mild beet( MOULD whew's' It Moaned for, mad without rioUoe. 4. - Idoiley is reoeiyoo from Executors, Administrator., Guardians. mad other Trustees, in lease or email sums, to:innate s ions or abort period. e.,Tbe money ameived from Dormitory/ Is invested ID Aesl Mato, Mortseetes Grouted &onto, and other tint etar Oils orbs esenrditY—WALNUT Stmt. southwest artier Third Amor. Philadalahia -- lair , MoiraM DRAVING AND BACI-DBESSINO NsgAILIARNIMP. L. OUTERUNST, N. B. censer FOURTH end BRANCH Streets,' hiring opened his inegnieeent Saloon for Nair Cutting. end Shampooing, in connection with the moat sfaberats priests BATHING' facititigt, would now and nomats to the public, niter • gear'atemeoessful operation ibM leti mime of soemetsodatim hu unoteione patrons sinie been rendered still more perfect. "None bore* beet Mtn* *reemployed. prio. Privets Rooms for 'maim and Children. iT Best Ebb Dyes, aid other dressing preparations 'algal. far Mb. BF' Charges moderate. _ _ Surma" SAyiira luxo—Nowrawat komati Efiteora and Warrior 8 .—Depoalta re. eldoed to small and lane alsoants, from all dares of `the oommaaity• and shows labored at the rate of IFIVEr CIEN t, pdcsadigre. ;Alone! may be drawn by check. without tom of in OM Atilt; from P until 6 0'01(44 and on Mon gag and eatenier until "nine in the evening. Prod• Agitt.IIIANIELIK PM; Treasurer and ilsorstary M. MOROI& _ , . s lifta,toll;,, OBS , VERMIN PE i4II4IIIO,IIW aad best remedy blown for Ez lewediattag RATS and 'MICE, COCKROACHES 'SOO: Awl's, Psutctirrron, - FLEAB, MOTES, goon , WORMS, end "GARDEN INS ROTS. Sir Prierepal - D•oot, 019 BROADWAY, N. Y. oo Sold by all Droalste everywhere, . .._wylo-Ire , • • Num, -OicvnumG,- os xfli LATB9I Sinai. midi la the bat atampr, extremely for RR TAIL 444..5t5 LOWEST selling Prams marked Ia ryas, Figura: An dud& mate to order warrantad dads ;AMMO. Oat OlarP/tlas system fa atziatly adhered to, as we believe - ,t_hie to too the only fair way of dialiag OAS tbaribt tr eated Mika. - Jor4E k CO., 1014,f , OM KAMM Street. • . Sintnini Ilmonsurs. All .persons who jN boasktffirwitor Migokinio which will - not Perform tko Worliiiiriootodilito Wormed that SIXOER'S Ma ikkow owror Jailor% GUY kind of work. Noon, hover loisSiototod m Ike kloohirio of Z.M. SINGER & CO.. No. SIO CHESTNUT St. BALaltAatnas Fias.Pioev SUMS. —A very fora viesertuant of 11,6146.1114111VERs for •ale at rea albls No. Soo CILSISTMIT flt.; Philadelphia, -0:„. , OVAPM & WATEION. obit :firma BIIUTTLE bed d - dottiest ever imOdo, for : :0T e ll a1 7 ;1 16 8' ?I:a rrant* : _! w refivri stitiefronion. rftPleTil 71A 1 lib tie ßßP' WV% 'Wfallrat6l 'GEORGE . s . Prartor.R.,; GENTS' RIIENISHING GOODS NO, isiiindleariiET, • ifirdt,'*l4ol Xiom etioartieoourptisele!, " .. elnir r e lititeti • terse moat • - p a „ .•• , , . COLLARS, . STOOLS; • UN SHlltTtl, BotuzEi t Diontaig, .4; 4. eLeavm. kg., * etbeeifthote • is ,Przeletliclivo, Of the LA TASI!'::"I.6I'II4Ir , , .„.. LIST ,OF LET,Z i tt3 RElUttatig . th%,I I FLADEL *it? . OPIPIOR at 'to ci.NaticA" ,:pamiturday, • 19, tgoo. • • -remoncoiebiliglw ,ev e Letters will Wiwi* Mutt* Rib Gate din,mgt. duen oil Sunda,' ffons to VA M.i aid I to, , . LADIES' LI6T. , Alexende !dant aneylkfarY Peters MS M Aneth Re a , elmbol Mainn' Pettat Jane R 'Anderron' Me eaten l ' Peters Mary 2 Adams M , slitter 0 E Porter Mrs El Mks Salk endertoi K Purnell M Ann Albany... Mash _Hawkins Mrs ' Pedriok M.l Adair maims* ' , Martha .1 ' Prettyma . n Ada tritib l gitil t l) kill e gr kil ':,, ' fa= Igire 8.,. 0 4,0,i, • Harding Emeline 011Ock Rachel 'Sates Jane MrsHenan. G H Randolph H G Bennet Sarah A Harkin Mrs ', Perkins 0B _ Bailey Sarah are Letitia Base Emma Mrs ar Wm 0 Mrs Bartz Baal Mrs Keynolds M A II John Mn Hilieburn Sam'l Rich Kate neon G. Ann Mrs Rent Madame ker Jinni 8 Hied Emily Redman HM gegen&Mar Hoppea M W Mrs Ray Mary Ann Benson _odirett ruin Hawse Sarah • Regan Annie Malliden ry Howard Mary Rowan Matt Bigham E Mrs olahan Ellen ' Robeson Raoh L Bo li rleVi. flougrijAneel's i t tclelstA r ige ' , Ron ll Sam Hunter Marg't Bean Hannah Bayrout h Lie unhaff Kerr 0 , Howe Amelia Brown Jos T ns 'wales Mary Rogers Mary Brown Jas W Mrs Johnson OZ. Butter Jag w Holies 1.4 Jimmie Oath E Bogeys gt sy Bullock J W Jlokson kli,fiab Rockwell Jane Brophey Bridget Jamison 14 oars Ryan Mary Brillyikaan . Johnson Oath Sharky Isabella Brossen Biddy ` Jackson Lydia • Sanford M L Bruen Sarah 0 '' loymini Anne PI Scott Mary Mrs Braes Ellzsbeth' /Mite* Miss • Schuman Rebeo Britton Julia • ~ ones J ¶l' Mrs Shoemaker Miss Brown El . .Tohnson Mary Scott Raney kali, Libbie Jones Jew It Mrs Sheffer Jenne. Boehm* Lizzie Jones Hattie Sharron Ellen Brown Alonzo Hewes Fanny Sabra dR M 2 rs Kreissman J say bold C Btuff_Blbil Kyle Mail Sampson S Mrs csw Mrs Beckley /Saab Female Eliza Chase Sarah Xing Banns Mrs Rhode; Llama Capon Clarrina Kenos Ada B Safford Rin Cbailee Mary L Knowles Ramo S cott Sarah Carty Oath's Kirkpatrick E Bayern Mrs Chalfant Sallie Knight Susan M Smith Mary Mrs Carr It 8 Mrs Kelly Sonora Smith John Caldwell , E ors Knox MISS Reuther* Mary Cheeseborough E Lawrence Nlf Suoyd Mary D Cheyney Fannie Longs Mary T thriedlo W Mrs Corney Mary Lackey Mrs So ithMary J Clapp Plume Id Lyon. Id Mrs Smith Sarah Clarice Mary B Lyons Maggie , Smith Margaret Clark tdaryy. Linwood .• M Smith Harnett Conwer, Susan B Larkin Mary Smith Gertie COlestaliy t r. c pasha Mrs Smith Banns 0 Coleman Ann Eines Prances Smith Sarah E i ochran Cath'e Linwrd Mrs Simpson Mary Cordell Annie Lewis R 8 Mrs Stephens AI E Coleman Mary Lippe:matt .6 Ft Sweeny Thomas Crnrillai P M Mrs Lawless Annie St Clair Ella CallOM Alien Y MoCemey Alice Sterling Ida 0 Cochran Mrs McGinley Annie Sullivan Sarah Colgate Rachel McFadden Mary Stringer Ann Carbon Qath'e Moßourne Oath Holey R L Dented EMlrla 2 Mo.larty /table Spinney Mrs Denier Marg't MoOreeght M E Stirling Ai D Devir Rebecca MoEwen E V Stewart L 3 ' Began Mary Maddox Susan Swart Mrs Davidson Martha Marks Mary Eloby Thomas Dean Bliss Meehan Mary Sum Sally Denim airs B Maoklacklin Miss Townsend B Drone Cynt'a A •Maull M W Temple Sarah' Pennell Miss Miner Clara P Thompson Cor Bunnell Mary Matsdorlf Mad Taylor Farm) , Downing Betty• Matthews E A Thomas Sarah B Dugan Mrs Miller Lizzie Term Ida Dougherty Rose Mitchell C Mrs Thompson At noon Julia. 0 Miller Lizzie 'Pitchman Mrs Emeriek Annie Milbry J Tuttle Mary H E Ennis Mary Middleton R R M Telford E Elliot Eliza Mrs Miller Blt Toner Ann Ea ens Susan Mingle Anna C Thomas BI B Edwards W Mrs Mingle A. C White Eliza Field Kate Murphy Martha Weston J Gray Foote Willh'a Marin Louisa Walker Uath Feltwell Mary E Moore Caroline White A L Fox Mane Morrison A 8 Welsch Sophia Fort Mrs Monaoh Lizzie Westerfield 8 Fleming Annie Mayer Celia West Mrs Anne Ferment" 0 Mrs Morrison it Mrs Watkins L a Penetrable A Newberry Mrs Wale. 14 D Finley Oaths Noble Mrs William Jane F ou lke R WNevelt Adana Wilber Mary Green Julia Ann Bill Jane Wrismore Mary Garber Rachol leichol's A Mrs Wilt Matilda Gen! B oda Mrs ' Noble Mary A Wilson Chas Gould Theo Mrs Neely Jane Woodside Isab's Gonldach Mary Benninger John wood Mrs , Grant Frames Newlin Anna P Wright E A Garay_ Mary Mrs Nan to .1 . N L Mrs Woodside It Guy Venue kiad Neff E K Yopst M A cubbleJoe's Osbuni Bar A Young Ii 0 Graff Anna J Osmond' AI C Quinn Mary J Gorman Mary Mrs Proudfutt A li Zane Mrs Goldman Virg's Peckham Geo Young F Kenton ellizab Phillips al (uinn AS a Heuer A Mrs Petal Annie GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Allen Jacob L 2 Dormon he H. Lancer Jae Allen Sas Dourey S Larkin J E Allen John 0 Borland Andy Lamed Henry Allen Wm . peright T 0 Ligkett W Wirt, Atwood 0 0 ' Brennen P H Lafferty 13 Alvos AB . Dryder & Gibbons Larry H e n) ' Allen GB y Dunlap Capt P Lattime Jam H Albnghtlves lea. Lacey C J Allmon .1.12 Duval B E Laws Chu Adams David _Du BarryH 31 Lakin Sea Almeida Robt Barons m Langford Dr J Mien elutes Duffey Geo Lawrenoa J Alvard Gabriel pUnlap Chas Lane WI. Anderson 8- Ouddry Jae Larnden Chas , Anderson A W '. Duties Saint Lehman W B Anderson John L Admondson Hor'e. Lenny I ardeway I W Ednar Ones Lewis Semi ' Ashbrldge J F Eday Thos _ Lewis DAM Aub r ey & Gil, Edwards Wain Moller_ Jas H Ashley .1 . 'T EnghehJH toilL 'Appleton JOoL . Pyddyson Jesse Lewi Sac L esor the Easton Mr Leidon Si, A Cror ie usmy c a Leland Aurnst Anghner Mr Elliott Aaron 8 Lehman Adolph Minton John - E l kins - ton RI" .146000009 Ur Coes Arnold & co E bprhart A bunts Thos P Anglin Ezra itor of Ladies Lem Pator Baird IL 0 Wreath Libby Harry H 2 Banner Win Evans E T Lindsay A M. Barclay Jae Ammar Carson LomyPeter Baird Robt. A mmer Thu Londerbeek RevA Beer JA - v ans 00 . Lowden J W Bantom Jae _mine Philiy Lookharr Oliver Banoroft hi vans Thai st Longstreth F Barnes Dent English J P Loomis i. 0.0. v. ' 1 Belt John Auenwein &CoA Appall° 00196 BIM Wm H Estrada Carlon ENCOMPM6I4I4I. Babcock 1.1, versos John Philo/ern No I Barrett Win ft, Field 'WI Thos H Biloam oft materna° wan Fells James Pradon 6 No 36 Harwich C K fields Oliver Broth Love No 38 Baker Chu Pullman W W Howard No 33 Baird Bev J H Ferguson Sas Ashland No 4a I Barron Terrence Fletcher Wm Palestine No al Baird Eded Fled° Henry Lafayette reo 6 Boston W W Finial Ou Marshall No 7 I Barker John W other Waal J Beanie No 23 I Bellior Igo F ~... lanigull. P - Paradise No 53 Baker Alfred 4 iyi ld. P P I Love. I; rd W a lter B ro Am St ilt 11 401 1 1 12: n n tr i lf inj , a r erun?" Wrt gi t d Re= Baker 13 H Fridenber L E Minerva No 214 Behan Dennis fox nos Commercial Np Ball Semi ' FamWMP ' Bell Johan , -, Fulemonder It 13 P en Township Beason Henry bets/ H No MO Borgia /Morn - I' leilt , Atientec N 0262 I Benson Frank frillitnia H Merchants' Nc4.83 'Beekel Geo W , . Ferns 0 Saranac No 297 , Beeson Jacob ?Ortidus bob Ashland No 2112 I Beck Jaen , -; Fowl, F Hand-m• Hand . tifien d r ter ' . ft: 1 r , :trtm ?Art 7° 4 " Allman Jas Goan. d G Jima' Division derelow John 3 ' Garrett 0 Henry Bone or Temp _Donlon John • lastrJaeob , Blot/enough WM - Black Jos Gartman McConnell Alex Blanton Henry Calllgher Jae A MoConolok & !nd B=lB . - 011ohe41 JF 2 Once , Boyd Henry 31 ' Gets Edwd, MoCorkle Jae R Border, Jefferson Oerdide Jno - MoCarttey Deno Along= John 42 Gerry John MoGin/ey GASS - I Iroden 8 Gallia John NeFarland A I n r .i n rei o. ' no bu l. ' I " ri g ' & McConnell e Tigi Dlinselet .E . .E. Cladding John W McMullen K Eker 130161 D Gibbs D 0 i McGowan Jno , yle John 0 Girard JF g MoEwen win .1, yle Jai Gorden t. G 11.2 Mo. Ivane II W 1 Bowie John B Gbrden ni MoLauchltri J no Boomem Henry -Goydsmtt 1., Mogowln Jon Boyd Sea Borden Jig H. lotradden Bern Bournuard Mr Grab Geo olntosh 1 T Bower 0 Graves Henry A °Minnie &So Boon Jl4 -. ' Gunner Mr Mohair Jno T Boone F - §redne natal W MoNameta D T Boone John J , my Bedford Ma star F Haler James ilitin joint Matlack it C Rev Bower &bastion Golan Robt T Harker Win H Bowie &urn B Green Daniel Macgregor feL Brown Joanne, Crosson Wm Mar inninJas Brown Geo O. theideraT ~ - Madden Win ßrown J Grew W D filaillardir By Brown W N A liumbreoht P Mellows Jas Brown Chas C Gragory_Wail Maiony Dant Brown H.l) Creel w Macdonough F Brown Dr Jas - Guyer G A Mahoney id V Brows chef Grue l:l A t i C . ritiny.reD Comer'' Brady Jam Hreakraer Mr Grey yin lit Mathewson Jac II Broadish F orarPort G W Mamba C Bros ard Eocene Gnaws or m 0 Mathews Alph Bradley WJ - Garrison Wm H Mary John Brunner A Garrett .'ooper 1 Marshal Et 0 Rev BIM. Elaml 0 Hayes Toon Malone Jas Bradt Joe Hazen Joe Mason & Ely Bryant Cut - Hanley Joe Mathews D Brady James Herrington Dent Marshal' Nichol BruffJaa 8 a rn Lagner Chas Y Marshal Jos • Buckley E. II wr Hatch Jl3 Mammon Tim Burke John •Nansey Henry Mann Oeo Burke Jae Hue J 1 Meson Robt A Buohanan Sea A rialto Jacob Mason B Burn" John Hart w 0 Mayhew CI 0 Bushnell A W Hart Julius May J 0 Hrinkhurst John Herrwell John Mann M Bush Moon Igate. E J MeagiesEdwd Henley Beni sierras , John ozerneirain Il 11. Budd 8 e Hazard P F Harrel Geo C huge Semi . Heebner &Co 8 Z Mears John Buckley E M Mendel Geo Meyer Jo & Bro Borne air - Henderson Met D Mayers jos Burns Mr Menentoor.o J Meyer4Aaron Bark Robt W Hewit John Meyers? no Burch D 0 Ileden J D Mamoru A Dentleyti M. Hewed John Miner 080 W ' Carty M r Help ,1 W Miller A J Cannon John Helmbold 0 Q Mingle 3 8 Colwell J Henry Robt A Miles & Cheney I Calkins NC Heasellorne .1 p Miller M. B ' Caldwell J fl. Henry Peter Miller John II Carbonell 0 , Herron Rev 8 P MOSOII Mr Cortland Pat Hagen Math T Mincer .1 Or Cawrence'L' II . , Hamilton Jae Mille ham' 8, 121 . 7 3 Pat H 'amilton J B W Miller Jno 8 Hamilton Phillip Millican Chas ' Cesaidy Owen Hal ler D J . Mitall Wm Carpenter II YM. Bogner Thoe II Miller oh . Canaille John Hill Win IL Moore G W Calnli P4iohl - Hagen JllO 2 morns II tar Cakes Win Hillier Jos I. Moore Joe Ornadonian Club Howard H C Al orey e dwin Calkins Prof M.l Horn A Morten C H. Dr Campbell la Hoffman John I Morrison J Carnes Mr - Hollard Mahon Moneta John Carrot Peter well &Co al Moore Thom Campbell WA. r Balt J F MoseeW m W Cameron/lam% Holland Chas F Homo J H Carr Chas .- Holmee Philip Morris John Cerrell Robt House Harrison Morgem Thu Childs E W - Horn H Munmehow 0 Chestnut W Hoffman Col W Muiphytilr t'aln Joe P Howard John Myers W__m Chambers inn Bellew* Chan H molten W U Chain Joe J Howard Joan R Mullen Chine Chambers R R Molding E H. Mulligan J B ' Cbelly A 0 °well Goo 2 Normandon Edw 0 Sill Jos .1 gorren lea Newman Hen 8 Chatham Joe Stocker Harry Beei Armstrong chilson D T Eadimen ft CI Nob e Wm B Chambers Win lone Wra B Nee cry David 0 Chemin Auguste Mock Fred Nab es P H .0 Clark Owen oyes Dant Nagle & William Clerk Henry E olio.* Geo Nixon John Clark A I.Hodgman_ 31 Neely Hoe W Classy Geo 0 Houton! At Newlin Geo clemborne 0 D „Holmes Thom Neatly Horace Clateeson John 3 - kluntor Jug lohole Thoe H. Cook eleoA Hutolitnge W E ,chain Jas 2 ' Coendre ktd yrnt A Noon ..iehael ceehlin Jaw uff A inlaregg o g le Richard CoolUngh JR . turn John W . Nagle F catkin biolb7 Irby Henry Osborne Chu H Cohen Alen. uddell J Otter Wm Carton Fred tinter Geo W ' Oatee Jae A A Conway Peter . Nntahenson Jno o.oonoor 'rhos - Cowan John Hater 8 II Ores Win 7d Collier Daniel Hugh' =WM .. , Ogden Geo F Cornelius Jg • FidemiJohn Drain Henri' ium I Cor David out B 8 - Otto Chas Constabel John - H erbert I. I 8 Osborn Henry L Colas Caas ngersoll I Paris Frank iialisn Jae Llrwin John_ Pascoe & Bro coffin Jos • ' Imlay Old T Patterson E OPO gatirr Ingersoll Wm R Pardon Henry , Coon ev BPS Israel Wm P Pawner Chas Coklin Thom W Jameson Geo 02, Porter A nwayco John H Jackson, A d S - Parke Geo S Colbert J obn H. Jacobs H Parks Robt Cornea Davit Junkies &Co Phinney JII Capt Conelogios OH. Jenkins Rev F Phillips Mr eerier Win ' /ernes Saint 0 rem' Andw I Cooper Jai F Jaokson Shag Peterson Basel COODOZ A Johnson has Phelan John Cole Huh Jolly David Phil Cemetery_ Coleman F 8 Jollevet.l Penn & Ohio It R. Colasnairfalk Janet &110 Agent Coleman Beni W Johnston Jae )3Pettengill 8 M Celbury Thos Johnston David R Phil Co Med Boot- Collins Arleen 0 Johnson Jam_it ety Cochran W G Jones Danl 31 Pearson J Cochran Jeff Jones J Hems Perry Robt Cochran John Jones Wm Plulade Dollar Collins &Co A_ Johnston Henry Times Cunningham 'ff Johnston &Co Peterman GF H. Jones John Peasa Ralph , Crawford Wm Jones Rev The R Pheligar Ali Crosby J B Jones D 0 Pippitt Paul B CuonnigheM J / Jones Rev 8 ' , Miner Geo B Craig Rev JI • loneeJ 9 Pike Wm Cunningham G.l Johnson Jun Pillson Jae Curtis G R Johnson Mr Platt & Co Craig John - Jordon Chas Powell Semi Curran Marti n Johnson elilbt A Potts Oboe T (trona GA Kavanaugh Dowd Phil Co Med &- Crave]; Luke - Kennede Won P clay Cummins G P -Kesler Dant ' Pool Jas Curry Chas . Keyear Wm Prince & Christ- Dem J 11l Kelly Thor • man* traylft'i l tigi t 'lf i el; S i g I d w ' . Primr ose a ,ta_e.Wm wawa' Henn , , Kershaw Math Praia tY TILIY alltaill . r Age T Kelton A B Pratt r Omani L Davis KaJlitolll6 Fire In ?Tenors Jae B. , Daum t Geo W Co - . Pratt Peal H Deal 0 we Kennedy A.A Purnell° Nicholas. raven E a maven Pet Bartell H Cape snoop D W , es Jae Re flier John vernal= B. G nowald Gustav Ranch I w clan, &Co - Tur n eries Rea, Grose l pts CO Defoe SI ,- - , ti ...."k eSLI s Obi e n y son HUTT [ la ell B . ing 31 - Rosana AOOlO2 -. 81,g11,%."1- 1 1, ni and Ico itaynolds GI IN DiskerwellM F. Imes John P Reynolds H M Dickson ti nis grairlellarie J alln ' .400/00. Ws - nun John Hodes Dougherty ,Laae Ilan , sin o ard I t? rgra al , tbrojy; jd nt 06ior llobl3 y 2 . llai r _ oughon as . 11 Doming IN W SO, ' WOOL aßill DOW Jig - A news wiz mg ilttetinatMi "Bitlink - '' • Welkii - I PIr '!''' dgewa yl I_3,st :ram , Warne 'nue Chos n c t Mr w alling/PI r _ward. le IWO •Peter.: - - , --Waltsrs & co&- ' Ralffirnsl, ' , l l4ll t a t iPi ., :4oA),k'.._' Richards w -' Om tti 4 .., - '-, ,- • dnik -:,_ ~-. is , , fi rgop, tie. I ff,N F T r it :qc 1% 1 .7. h ersJos P' , now lead -'s- , - w ttLie i/-`-' o moon Pend' '. Bubilrielseilahl , 4% a keel I, .. tebertson Wm ,Souder Jacob E I Pr, ", Roer Jim B-• - tiqi j ring • Garden --welleronathan Roush John „ nit Society Weatherby!. Robinson Jon Dr !banger A 0.1 Wetmore II 0 Rogers Wm - Spear W-W Rev Wils e y' omit '-' Rowland Wm Sommer J W Wells Romney T 1) -, %Staveason John Ws ttJ I)Dr ' Ross Sam el Stine ri 9 Weaver MB' - Robbins F L Rev Stone GMDi - Wharton Joe 0 Limiters .1 Rev Kornai Zkdok Wlutehead 13 T ' ' Roes Jan A &althorn). & Co Wboitley ti 8 Rook A -Minor L White C W ' polisher Edw Stapleton J B Wilhomson CI 1/4 Robertson Jno Stephens Homers W Summon I A irrieel Adam ii Ital i a% Sarni ;iii i icfn j t s ai k j Basin e , W Stig/Cavid M - Wrn s• Rey. - Submit Louts Still m 0 Rev W Morns AR echlimenrr Bro r tone E'- • -.' Wts G //Oast 'Scott Lao us H. Sturm* Jkoo W te Calhoun Schutter Co Steele 8 tur% Wiser Angelo sampson Albert &rowan Th u. , Wilden Alfred Sehuselle Albert Stephensjaß Wiratireeyobn , Flapham Ohre Stewart Mr Williams in Scott Leonard & Sttekton B.nj Dr - Widienel fi •• Co • , Steni . , Williams - . Scott Ruth . • Stanch Geo WI c ot J M Sanders J aco b , Stanch A Wi lliams ea PI B. Tmore •w m , lo q ui r e. prank Wilkins sienrgi bet Well j Money SwayneGibson A WilloMeen 0 F Semeidas Victor Swain Beni - wiling Geo- - &nano' W .1. ; Suokett E M Woods a W Selfridge Jas Taylor Chas R. . Woods J W , Sparks II Taylor Somi C Woostec .1 E Copt Shoat Gotha)) Tack James Woodruff H & 0 Shill Raymond Taylor & Rioh- Wood Jno_ Shies J million ' hood .1.1-Wm - ' Shalloroes Jun Tank Stephen D Wood A B Shamokin, Hora Taylor & Ward Wrigley WH ' &Co Taternßeuben Wright Thug Sheppard 8 ' `Thomas, Collins, Wnght J H Sheppard 11 Dr & p o Wright Cor M ithanelias • Thomas Eriw M Wright TH. Sheffer I C Tillard Bath 'tram E m it Sherman W p . Thomson M Quinn Daniel Sharkey Mae C Tionnee AYount Chas • Simplon Jno - Thomson T 0 yanaken win Suasion Chas Thompson Theo I Van nyke F Dr Simon Edird Thompson E A Van Baine le Son HinerJno Thornton John I A - Sprague Ira! • Thompson It B Van Breokie iri - Silveira Chao D Toothaker GII Menne a A Rev Siminoca Thos W Treverton Coal Yang Jae T Sigler JohnCo Young elan; Silvio Samuel — Trites DT Dr Meagher Win F Sloane Geo Capt Tracy J Young B 8 - - - Black & Co Townsend Chas • Yerkas Jonathan Smith Tltli Dr Tyer roce &Co Young Morton B Smith J(1 R Tyler B 0 . Zahn &CoII F Smith Isomers Turner Asa 2 Zeller BF Y Smith Jae W Warner Chest Zwink Charles . N. B. BROWNE. P. M. NEW PUBLICATIONS. REV'OOTAVIIIS WINSLOW'S S I IN T H REEBEAUTIFUL HMO VOLUMES Published by LINDSAY & BLAWISTON. Bookaellers and Publishers: 26 South Sixth street, above Chestnut. THE GLORY OF THE REDEEMER IN HIS PER SON AND WORK. inno cloth. el. GLIMPSES OF THE TRUTH AS IT IS IN JESUS. 12mo cloth. 75 cents. THE INQUIRER DIRECTED TO AN EXPERI MENTAL TRH H VIEW 0 111 F THE WORK: OF TRH HOLY SPIRIT. Umo. cloth, 76 cents. L. & B. KEEP ALWAYS oti„hand at VERY LOW PRICES, A LARGE ASSORTM&NT of Religions. Theological, and Miscellaneous Books. wry A , 1100 K FOR MEMBERS OF CON GRESS. . . . _ THE CENTIC.4f. ai ; .; . O LD REGION. The °Ham. PAST,"Ra.b, and GOLD REGIONS of NORTH AMERICA, with some new Views of its Moat Geography ; en s Obosmtion• on be Pocono Rail road, by WILLIAM GILPIN, late of U. 8. Army. , . ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS MAPS. It exhibits the location of a great natural bed for a Continental Railroad. teething from the Miesiestpet to the Pacifio Ocean, and requiring very little labor for its temptation. It points out the existent@ of Gold end Precious Me tals in !Wass, In looations yet unoocupied, end in quan tities far beyond the most sansulne antitiontiona of those seeking for it, capable of yieihng a million dol lars ner day. One vol. 3vo, 13726 Liberal terms to Agents and the Trade. SOWER, OA RNFI3. & CO., Yubilshers, No. 37 North THIRD &met. Phila. KT Newspapers giving this four inaertione will be en titled to a copy of the work. my764mw 3t it PATENT ICE PITCHERS, KEEP ICE 12 HOURS. LEWIS LADOMUS & Co., Es CHESTNUT STREET. my3B•U C . H. MATTEbON Is prepared to furnish his CUSTOMERS AND FAMILIES Residing in the country, with a CHOICE SELEOTION 0Y WINK GROCERIES AND TEAS, ARCH AND TENTH STREETS. mJ vA N N OILTH iSYL- Mßl NElßEer i atw ata ir D wor Ata r zaxvity. HAVE N it yejl i .K .ro ttlt A kt r .lL i t. :46 pus. ir Tr%ollitriravirFloill t and ?VI V i ttrestmlikt• bnielp ia, DAlLV.(Bandacrelp At A. M. (Repress or Mithlehetn. Allentown, Manch hunk. Hazleton. Ikesbarre, ho. At 2.30 P. M. (Exams), for Bethishern,_Raaton, AO, This train remakes Easton at SSD P. M.. and mate Mose connection with New /army Central ig Express Train foy New ) ark. At BA A. M. and 460 1. M. (Aeoommodanon), Fo.ilioyleatown. At PM A. X. and 6.80 P. M. (Acwommogatiorm. For Fort Washington. The IS ad A. M.P.:press Train makes came connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem. being the shortest and wont desirable root* go Wilkesbarre , and to all potato In t bastiSeal Rem flume FOR .PRIJELPI7I/1 t Leave Bethlehem, (Slams,' at 7.15 A. M. and sin'. at. an Leeve Doylestown (Accommodation,) at 6.20 A. 211":" P.M. L d e 4 ave Fort Washington (Aooc;iranodationd at M.A. M. and 2 13 ON SUNDAYS: Philadelphia for Bethlehem at A. M. P mladelphia, fokDnylestogre, sea P. M. Doylestown for hiladelphis aggi A. 14. Bethlehem for kl tladelphis at liOu Fare to Bethlehem, MAO. To 'Mulch Chunk. 42.80. To Raston, 81 .40. To Doylestown BD omits. ThrotighTikete must be prosnred at the Ticket Roes at W IL LOW Street, or wEAKB Street, in order to secure the smo_ve rates of fare. All Passenger Train. (except Punday Trains) connect at Berke street with Fifth and Sixth• street* and Second and Third-street Passenger Railroads X minuted War leaving Willow street. myEll ZLI,IB CLARK, Agent. UP RIVER. STEAMBOAT ,LaL MONDAY, the TNAIi,TB.„ leave Borne e ntown at 6.so, ru tsrlstol at 7.15. and Burlington at 715 A. M. for Philadelphia Re turning. leave .PhiladelphlwWalwat-Street Wharf, at LS P. al. Fare—Bordentown and Philadelphia. 25 ots. Bris tol. Burlington, and Philadelphia 111% dente, ST Fre(kilt taken at low mass. Trenton Line, tA, Quintin Conduotor) will leave A Trenton at 7.16 A . AI and toile boat a . Taoony. Re turning. will leave Walnut Street W,harr, at 262 P. AL OFI Passengers W a lnu t 8 Belmar.. Fienungton, tro.. will Mare Walnut Street Wharf, at 2.50 teolook P. 2.1,, by Steamboat tor 'Ptsoony., thenoe direct rm. The 3 o'eloelt P. M.. (Qointin's Lined from midday. ton Depot, will be digeoniinued after SATUR AY, the 25th inst. WA. R.GATZBLER. Agent. my. 75 /w February 25th, 1880. AROMATIC DIGESTIVE CORDIAL. This excellent and agreeable preparation loons of the beat means of improving the appetite, promoting digestion, end giving _strength and toga to the stemma, whieh hag yet been offered to the pub to, it is an old German receipt, and hes been in use or many ys i n? la the Moth, of the mannCeturnrs,where it his r _An invaluable remedy for DYSPEPSIA. IsEAR gt RN FLITULENCE, and OKAMPS IN T E ST MACE: analog from Cold or Indigestion. Allenions having the east tendency to indigestion,shou never be with: 'mit It as a small wineglassful, taken altar meals viii exclude all possibility teen ntraoting the DYSPELSIA. it Is compounded of fl ingredients, BITTER and AROMA PICS, and nnly needs to be tested to be ap proved end appreciated, It is a pleasant beverage, Rid may be used with safety. pleasure. and advantage, DT invalids, and by those in health To be had at all lead mit_ Druggists. put up in quart-bottles, mice one dollar. Manufactured and for sale by J. W. KLINE a: o. my 27 3mo 118 011stiTNU I' Street 4 4kr TURTLE AND CLAM SOUP served excepted), &req. l7l7-4VB t t' r iag l it th , knarig N. Dinners from 12 to S o'clock 141tR. M. S. BISHOP'S PARISIAN leiftwituaNkEtY ESTABLISHMENT A No. 1016 CHESTNUT street, next door to the Lawrence Hotel, AMBROTYPIS, from 25 cents upwards; Photographs for es per dozen; atersamopio Views. from 81 per dozen upwards ; GiltjErraines. from 81 upward., ; at REIM.KII:B Gallery, BECOPID street above Green. it* ELEOTR O•MAGNETIO and MAGNETO EL}..OTR IC MACHINES, for medical use, manu factured and for sale at No. 3% 13ouIti SEVENTH At. MOB 3t* W. C. J. NEFF. nIL TANSEY—Eastman's, for sale by arRTHERILL & BEYTHER, 47 and 49 North 91499N9 Rtroott. my 26 y bnow's Italian;' for sale .N- 4 by WETHERILL E BROTHER. 47 Ann 49 Nnvit, tIVOONO Illtswot MIX MANNA—SmaII Lesko, for sale by WE iTA- TERRILL & BROTHER. 47 and 40 74n-kA Rll4ll , MO Rt. • my3s A CARD TO THE MIMI°. CONGRESS SPRING. SARATOGA, ,k/i/Rll, 16, 1866, Au attempt has been weds to deceive the public, by persons daring what they tall " Cowonass Wayza" from Fountains; and at the price of six (Cl cents per glass. The wholesale price of the genuine Congress Wa ter, at New York, being about °enterer slam, the tin position of pretending to sell at retail at less than cost, and Without allowance for freight, cartage, or breakage, le apparent but their probable course bee been to empty one bottle of genuine Congress Water into 6 Fountain filled with their trash, and thereby christening its total oontents, We have NIEVXII sold Congress Water In Fountains, nor in vessels of any other description than ordinary sized °Lest{ SOTTIIS. The oork of every bottle of the genuine is branded "CONGRESS WATER"—" C. 4' W.," and any, without those word. and letten, on the cork, is coVISTNIsiaIT, whether from Fountains! or Bottles. CLARKE & WRITE, Proprietors of empress Spring. The following gentlemen.in Philadelphia, . .. FREDERICK BROWN. eon Fifth and Chestnut eta; FREIERICK BROWN, Jr.,, eon Ninth and Chestnut. - ORA LES_ wa,bps & Co , m fidalket street. J. C. uaretouly & Co., SO Sem, greet, THOS. J. BIHAR% ISI South Third Street, 0. B.HUBBE 1,000 Chestnut atenst, A. D. D. TAT OR, or Ninth end Caoni Were & Are ofty 888 p M i ll 1021811 the /88148818 . N. onus Willett" in IsA se, Hu IfOCEI thi6mrorm °LAREN & W...,,,., too Smi _ 98 CEDAR Bt.. New York City. Bev.. MRS. STILL'S MINIMA LINE LIQUID II t It COLORER t te s el a Pi.lßoTtOtl:;•, ` For t P:et v ol b il l s e b i g,: 11: 1 10 1 3 ' 4%117 ral color. mine to it is glassy appearance, and ren dering it soft and nab. It is entirely different In its nature and effects from any article now in use for the same aureole, being a cleanly fluid, neatly as clear as , water. scariot no wrathful' bef ore a ft er its application , free f rom sulphur or any other o tiotionable ingreatent, en d ,applied so easily a . ir Ia a Hair Gii. Oen b ead o the following persons I li:J Z ketrile b rio " . alj e tilrlti e tpqg 14 , i: i t!" . iN. ' homait t. ineaster Spruce •no Eighteenth streets. OVUM aver, Via. std. Eighteeptn streets. , in. B. Thompson. Mt. Vernon ants easentsenth et 's. i ward Gaillard Jr., Arch . hew" Second street. . B. Gammas, Oval' a Teeth streets. eV. AmtrakVin e a ndfixta a rreetic 2Nr.10,0 man, irrroltiw o d e r.41,1:6; cu. Asi o m Aral aat a titesath sheet*. r Nit • an = = to A 1,, . li mat age .iikravertsatOßVtimff, mbota. 1441zttiga• SS •r 4 ) !'lip '''NIETAIL'IDEY'4IOODeo a: J. LEVY 4i 'O4Zi 4p44 the httention of PU,ROHABBikO To their very large and °holes assortments of .10EW AND BEAUTIFUL SPRING GOODS. .The.grmoir portion have been puraheeed at the large 'auction Wee of New York and Philadelphia. at plow greatly below the odet of importation, and are sold by them at retail at • LOW Mogi • than the ham goods are being disposed of in the Euro pean Markets, where they were mabuSsotared. • Thaaseartmenti of ELMS, ORGANDIES, LAWNS, HAMMES, and all the newest deseristione of • FANCY FLOUIPED DRESSES, are °omelets, and in beauty of style will compare favo raldr•with any prevlotur season, while the prices are fair one• third less than the omit of importation. Particular attention is directed to a lot of BLACK LACE BRAWLS AND MANXIGLAB, AND PIeUNCED'IIARBOB ROBES, At half the usual prices. ' MU at 809 OlfhlifiNtiT Street. COttiOANDI ROBES, • olt6Arivi ROBbßonnees , " -- •••""m° Coat. 44" 5 and Bounces, at... -03.00 Cost-16 MOUSSELINE DE CHINE SHAWLS. tea—.l24° Novelty. LOTS BARtIAWEB: LACE POINTS AND MANTILLAS, Bargains. at belt *sir vain.. .BAREGE AN(ILADt. , RICK BAREGA t iffIiCANZ -- . q uite new MOM. . cents. ' FRENCH PRINTED ORGANDIES AND LAWNS. PARASOLS,oLe, from auction. EMBROIDERED S EMBROIDERED ma K Dv:aurora' priced. 02 to 4IS, .110, cheap--at , LE BOUTILLIER BROTHERS, mi2B-3t* ,919 CHEisTNUT STREET GREAT EEDUOTION IN THE PRICES OF SPRINOr CLOAKS MANTILLAS, AT TMII PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. NEGLI43-E CLOAKS. ARAp$, BOURNOUS, TRAVELLING CLOAKS. REDUCED PRICES.. 'RICH SILK ^.., MANTILLAS. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY, REDUCED PRICES. ELEGANT SILK •.MANTELETIS FINS LAOS FLOUNOINGS, AT REDUCED PRICES. MOURNING MANTILLAS, GRO3 GRAIN, CRAPE, BAREGE, ao., &a., REDUCED PRICES. SUMMER TIIAVELLING CLOAKS AND ti SKIRTS. AT REDUCF.D PRICES. LACE MAN T 1 T.LAS LATEST EUROPEAN DEIUINS, Just rseetved, per stesurehiPe CITY OF WASHINGTON AND EUROPA, The most complete amentment WE HAVE EVER OFFERED, INCLUDING POINTS AND WHOLE SQUARES. POINTS WITH DEEP FLOUNCES, BOURNOUt3—PLAIN, 80/MEOW WITH FLOUNCES, POINTS PICCOLOMINI, POINTS MARIE LOUISE, - /cc., Ac., kc., ALL AT POPULAR PRICE'S W. PROCTOR & CO.. THE PARIS MANTILLA El/POUR% 108 CHESTNUT STREET. sny2l-thun.lt A-.LLAR DVALE IJNSHRINKABLE FL aNNHLEt. Just opened, a fresh supply, from 37,4 cants to $1 per yard. 4 Domet, do. ani cents to $1 Pet Yard. Gain It and BILK WARPS, do. CLOTH. TA SLR. and PIA N O COVHRB. YO-4 Damask Table Linens. Vales Russia Crash. New Nadu= Sur LW cent Prints. Fresh sloes Orel Motortm, at id cantor. Pelf camas, Milanese,and Poniards. All-wool Belaines, reduced to St cents. farts trrsandlers and Ju:meta. farts and Organdy Robes. &a. ORARLJEN ADAMS ARCHOII, mySti-mwlrtf EIGHTH. and Streets. REAL IRISH POPLINS. Browns and Modes. Blues and 8 Blaok B a. LECITk D SHADES. Gray Engliell Poplins. Wane, High Lustre. SILK STRIPES OHINR Plaids and Cheeks _, For Sots and D . IMARTLEI3B BAD am, nry2l-it OataTNUT, corner or EIGHTH Sta. MILLINERY GOODS. STRAW HATS. MEN'S STRAW HATS. BOY'S STRAW HATS. EVERY DERROLE BITLE Or TRAW HAT ROW READY LINCOLN, WOOD. & NICHOLS. 724 CHESTNUT Street FRENCH FLOWERS. MONTUERS. Aar. a STRAW BONNETS. Jot opened, s A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. THOS. KENNEDY & BRO., niy7-2m No. IPP CHESTNUT STREET. iIA.TB AND CAPS. FOR !SUMMER WEAR. WARBURTON'S PATENT "POROUS" HATS. IN, LIGHTNESS, AS THE ZEPHYR ; IN COOLNESS, AS THE NORTH WIND 490 OHESTEUT STREET zany gees , Wry 11• LEMON—Ames, for Oslo 'by WE 6AKKIALL EINOTHENS. 47 and 49 MOONorth eh WATOIIII4. 1111011101106 Alhos•-• , - • AMERICAN' WATCHES, MADE BY THE' ' ' AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY, AT WALTHAM, bide 9. - Attention ie invited to the following statement and aooompanying letterset reeominendattons and testimo nials in term. of theie oelebrated Watobei. A gold medal was awarded the Company by the AMMO= Itmtitnte, at New York, in 1867. The Company Wed received the first premium—a gold medal—from the Franklin Institute, 'Philadelphia, in 1868 . These Watches have now been in the market for nearly ten years, curing which time they have bean tested as to accuracy, durability, and reliability in every conceivable manner, and have proved themselves to be the most satisfactory time-pieces ever offered to the This result has been brought about by a strict lif/Plioa lion of meohanioal science to the construction of the Watch from its very inception, rendering it when finished, mathematically correct in all its proportion✓, and necessarily as perfect a timi-keeper we it is possi ble to make. Thee Company have tested their Watches in many in titaness by actual daily noting, and the remit or thi s test has been that they' have exhibited a rate equal in regularity to the beet marine chronometer. . . , . N, B.—We have )set introduoed a new style of Watch, elab or ately finished, and thinner than any we have hitherto produced, with several improvements calcu lated to insure the greatest accuracy of performance, and to prevent the usual accidents and derangements to which foreign watches are liable. The following is from Mr. Porter, the well-known Marine Chronometer and Watchmaker: Bovros, April 119,1860. Mr. R. E. ROBBINI. Treasurer, te. Pear Girt Vince my note to you of September, NW, I have gold a number of your Company's Watches, and hear good reports from them without exception. They give me no trouble and my customers every satisfaction. ReeentlY, a shipmaster, to whom I sold one last year. called to say that his Chronometer having broken down at sea, he navigated his vented safely home by his Waltham Watch. Yours truly, ego. B. ?omit. Nam' Yong, Tannin . 33,1800. It. E. Rossini, Res. Dear Sir: The American Watch made by your Com pany. which I have had in constant use for about &year has kept excellent time, and sustains your guaranty. It seems to be lees disturbed by horseback and railroad oar Jolting than the generality of foreign watches. Respectfully yours. GEORGE P. MORRIS. Book Room, N0.2b0 Mulberry Street, New York. February 6, DM R. E. Iloapins, Treasurer American Watch Co.; Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in being ablate certify that for the last ten months I have carried a watch from the manufactory of the American Watch Company, and that it has given perfect malefaction SE a time-keeper" Judging from the one I have. I do not hesitate to predict that the day Is not far distant whenwatches made in th United/States will supersede all others. . . -I Limits Fr or, D. D WILTON BLII7P, 8. C., Ottober Mag. R E. ROMII2II, Dear ,81r: The three watches of your manufactur which I tiurohased to be used on my plantation, hay proved to be the most correct time-keepers I have ever known. I gave my head servant, my head carpenter, and my bead engineer, each one of them ; and since they have been in their respective posseuion, every thing on the plantation has moved like clock-work. in conessuenoe of the extreme accuracy and regularity with which these watches perform. Yours truly, Lawre Moan's. CHicano. ILL.. March IMO. AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY, Waltham, Mass. I have tested with extreme oars le running of the watoh I bought of Yon, now nearly a year since, and so accurate and equable bee been Ita performances that I thought it would interest you, and all others familiar with horology to gee a record of its rmations. It was finally set to true time after it had been regulating in toy yeggesedon for three month.: Jugs 5 lost 4 sec. I October lost 8 sec. August 15 lost 6 sec. December 16....9 sec. Since which time its average monthly variations have not exceeded six seoonds. LITMAN WIARD. Cairion.—As our watch to now extensively counter felled by foreign manufacturers, we have to inform the public that no watch is of our production which is anon.- oompanied by a certificate or genuineness, bearing the number or the watch. and signed by our Treasurer. IL E. Rowse, or by our predecessors, APPLETON, TRACT dr. CO. As these watches are for Me by Jewellers generally throughout the Union, the American Watch Company do not solicit orders for single watches. BOBBINS a APPLET9N, WHOLISALY AGENTS. m724-et-if No. 182 BROADWAY, NEW YORK OWING TV THE • LARGE IMPORTATION OF CARPETINGS. and miscount forced Wes THROUGH THE AUCTIONS', Wo shall Ober our ENTIRE ATOOIEIoF VELVET, BRUSSELS, AND TAPESTRY 0 ARPE TS AT AUCTION PRICES. BAILY & BROTHER. No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET. ap3B-stuthtf THE WEEKLY FREDS.' A NEW VOLUME! THE WEEKLY PREBtrontered apon a New Ve. lame with the New Year. To say,meraiy, that our paper has been sneeasebil would be to give far too weak and indefinite an Ida of our position—for, not on)7 baa THE WEEKLY PRESS been established on a seem* and permanent Ibundatton but it ii, in reality, a marvellous example of the degree of favor which a rightly-oonduoteei LITERARY, POJOURLITIO NA AA AND NEWS L . can receive at the hands of a liberal and enlightened piano. Our most gratethl thanks are tendered for the patronage already bestowed upon no, and we shell Wire no efforts whioh may serve to render the paper even more attractive, useful, and popular in the future. ThetROLITICAL course of THE WI/HELY PRZfEs need not be enlarged upon here. Independent, steady, and fearless, it has battled, unwaveringly and melon. ly.in defence of the RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE spatula EXECUTIVE USURPATION, and unfair and tyrannical legislation; ever deolaring and adhering to the doctrine that POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY conga. Cates the ftiodamental Wainer our free institutions, led hat the intelligenoe and patriotism or our oiti sera wit always be preservative of a wise, just,and salutary Goy. eminent. These are (the principles to which TEE WEEKLY PRESS hos been committed, and to these it will adhere. OUR NEWS COLUMNS will continue to be the suttleot of unremitting oars NO attention, and all diligence be employed to make this paper a compendium of all the principal events of int* rest which transpire at home and abroad. • The LITERARY oharaoter of THE WEEKLY PRESS, now universally acknowledged to be of an ale anted stamp, shall not only maintain its Present high standing, but shall be enhanced by Important and valua ble contributions from able writers. Deeming PURITI Or MORALS the great safeguard of private happiness and pnbheprospenty,we shall carefully exclude from oui column everything which may reasonably be °billeted to on the score of improper tendency. The fields of pure literature afford tot fkoioat material to make an AO ORPTABLE FAMILY NEWBPAPER, containing all the elements Et excellence, without a single obbedttoa• able line i and the proprietor of the TUE WEERLy PRESS may Justly claim that no bead of a family need hesitate to let its columns go under the notice of any member of his household. The general features of the paper, in addition to its POLITICAL AND NEWS DEPARTMENTS, will be Poetry, Shah's. Biography, sad Original and Bs. laud Males, chosen for their lemma of 1111,111ustra stone of history, depicters of manners, and general merit—and adapted, in their variety, to the taste , of both sexes and all ages. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. Due care will be takea to &nosh our readers with °erred and reliable reports of the produce sad mitt)" market', made up to the latest hour. Among the agreeable variety of articles in store for the patrons of THE WEEKLY PRESS, it may be mentioned that we shall commenee, in oar New Volume the publioation of TRIALS AND TRIUMPHS: OR, ANOIENT MOB IN OLD VIRCUNIA; an Original Novelette of surpassing interest, written b 7 an author of acknowledged ability. The story will run through several numbers of the paper, and will be, in itself, worth more than the sum required for is year's subecription. In s word, it will be the endeavor of those oonoemed to make TILE WEEKLY FREBB continue a favorite FAMILY JOURNAL, embodyingall the oharacterietics of s carefally-prepared newspaper. air Subscription, are respeotfulty solicited. To those who propose patronizing the " WEE/ELY PRESS," promptitude in forwarding their orders for the Nati VoLven is earnestly teeommended, as, rotapieseni indications, it is believed that large as the • ) be whioh will be printed, it will notional,* • to furnish back numbers, , in Which ease - ' • must occur. , TERMS:, One Copy, one year.......,. is"' Three Copies, one year:........ Copies, one year „ • 8 Ten Copia, one year.. U es Twenty Copies, to one address, at the rate of . 31 per . Oa Twenty Copies, to one address of each sub . scriber._ 111 Any person sending us s Club of Twenty or more, wit be entitled to an extra copy. We oontinn• to send MI . strszny PRESS to Clergymen for SI. Subeoriptione may commence at any time. Term always cash, in advanoe. All letters to be addressed to JOHN W. FORNEY No. 417 CONSTNUT SMUT, ji• lag z 4. X, •W !TL AVANTED: 2 -1Y" the Silt' of - July, a OA wvaovirairwaltdhllol=alin. 'he t° .I." Prf th e °abl e sd' J a g i r baldness, and Ling a Yens deairable trade, And wish% • SOOd Da nner and capitd to illoy•ase the masse. Adders "Jones, at this otßoa,' ' myla.St* -A PERSON _ . WITH THIS #14,1: 0 00* tunoUnt to invlat IR a Irelt•estabbabad p l an i g g 1:241 s r. ° gg°:silhtgr.ye 1 1 4 , t iZ u n ; l A% ri:7ll Itrirl(4 rro WHOLESALE GROOEREL—Ayounk artia,'who writss s mod band And m quick at AVON , . wishes eitoston s Whplenle Grocery Store. nee hew four seam exordiums inn recut smear', Good re. ferenoes Irma. AMMO! St thiii olffse. my36-St" PARTNER WANTED.—An active busi mess 'man. poiatisaiei 111;0IXYin cash, is Waited to JOin the advertiser In‘a safe pe e tiamies entecmta ronn s t badness, m h n hw dd y ess d "Necta c " n ßWa e Dnehh2S. A N EXPERIEN C ED: Bceli EWER AN wishes a Situation In a artioliniala atop or facing ; antisfaotory riVetenoe given. Adams, • SteSnonn, office of The Press. - , . =WA' • WANTED by an ',American - . Lay;;:wh,o voaa R ve 1109 d reoOn MOIIdatiOTUI. a mitintjgrilit. Howselmt t.sy per m imvate family. Apply at 799 ll• JaOA RIB stregtre A- Young Man-from the South 'wishes Board.ng las yespeotable pnysts family. Addross " D." Mhos of this pisper. my UM* WANTED—By a young woman, a Sitn ir v sh Chambermaid or Barse. Apply at 309 DEAN st o r e eet. as' my2o2t. A YOUNG GIRL . WANTS A SiTUA. 339 p i ciV y s i nijate , fs_only to hourw,ogitise.aply GOVERNESS WANTED—A Lady of good eduaatson and refinement, who se saanstOmed to Teed the usual &neigh brainless, also, Flaw* and MUM, dis willing to tote *sttpatto ass uovelr" in a private family. Address 1 F. R , AristaVo lt Office, Pa. my24-ft• WANTED -A PARTNER I with 820 000 v Cash Capital. to increase a 011-aotablisbed had= near. and which will yield to the oarty investing front SB.MO to eua oto per annum • either active or *What Dsttn.r 4t• . tiddress R. B. M., 'Wiles of tke Pmts. myll2 AN .EXPERIENCED SALESMAN WHO ash Intlawhe a. fair amount of near esah•trede, wiehea en engagemest by the let ofJuly in int-elms lobbies Dry Goods Resume. Addreu "F. D.." Ofilee of 2'ke Press. za721101. FOR 'SALE AM) TO LET. ►PHYSIOIANS.—A Physician re -a. aiding in a populous town. about four bourn' rids Philadelphia, and having a Inaction of 413,000 per annum, would dispose of his praotioe and location at a reasonable orlon, to a marred person. who will pro duce proper testimonials. A rare chance is offered to any Demon who wishes to !neat* in a pleasant town. Address " Physician." office of The Press. ney2El 61* ggi FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR awIdERORANDISE—Two two-story brick houses and lot of ground subject to improvement. Rent for en per annum, each. A small amount of cash, and the balance merolusndlse resulted. Address A. Press Mee. mr/e-Im go TO ,LET, UNTIL OCTOBER, IN AIL Chew Street, below Chnreh lane, Germantown, a Furnished Homo. with !table attached. 1 seowitate a y ;W en. Inquire of ?the. !Mtge. FACTORY PROPERTY FOR SALE.— "LK moat desirable Factory, wit" tarps lot of gronn . fronting on three strew. suitable for almost any kind of manufacturing. Terms my. For partials lam, Inquire of ALFRED FITLER. Sixth below Arab, or to W. D. ROGERS, No. 1009 cheetntitit. my2s-m TO LET OR FOR BALE--A FOUR SA story house. double back buildings, all modern im provements, in complete order ; an elegant large yard. rerms low to a good tenant, Situated No. 1994 CHASM NUT Street. Andra& N0..119 CHESTNUT Street, in the Alseanio Halt mos-er NIOR SALE OR RENT.—A very esirsble NEW COTTAGE LEAH DENG 2, at Twentl4oo and Viragos° streets, two mares from Tulsa Ststum, on the Germantown Railroad; twelve rooms. bath room, water-closet. furnace taut,. Mt &a.. tte., bal conies, shade-trees, and from a hag to an aer of ground. haply to J .M. OUMM ,A_LSSI/4 mys6-6t• 520 WALNUT STYLE T. 1 10 OAPITALISTS.-FOR, SALL- . IWAThe klaohinem Stook,. Fixtures of kw Manufactory of PAPER HAPOINGS, midge with every oonvenienoe for oarrylOg on en intensive but nem A neinrebininvestanent to poisons of enemy who can gush the business. For sale with or without the building. Inquire et 2111 OM.N billielmtf if MART. MO N TGOM ER Y, k CO. RESTAURANT TO RENT.—A well 10• oated Restaurant, doing a good bu rins's. trilLbek rented to a competent_person. It tea rare asses. For partioulara address " Macy," Blood's Dispatch. WSW* irLET—A handsome four-stolern residenoe, N 0.1718 GREEN street. a raid &o. BOARDING. 4 GIO ARCH STREW BOARDING, A-Aw with good It owns. Also, Transient and Din ner Boarders. ms96-3t* BOARDIN G —Wanted for, 'AL man and wife, and one child. Address " Temple," through Blood'. °Lopata!).ll-3t^ GO OD BOARDING for one or two Gentle men may be moored et No. 9411/NION rifest. aloB-2t* BOARD WANTED ON A FARM YOB eight persons. on the line of _railroad. and within one hoorof the city. Andrew ..E.11.." 1930 BUT TONWODD Street. myle4t. PRIVATE BOARDlNG.—Gentlemen and their families, or mingle gentlemen, oan armom 'nodose d with Board,with pleasant load howl/snub reogns. forniatied or unfurnished, at 618 LOollem Eltmet. location, being opposite to the Washington Snare. is central, and extremely pleasant. Tmswent persons Punting the city can be aoooinitiodated the day or week. Terms moderate. sortg-Igt TYPO YOUNG GENTLIMEN CAN BE or wi sooommo thouboa dat Lthr) with goodi nvor, airy; ithardsonth ro . (with t a ? Loostw ts.ll- M 0..; Aaron TVIAth:RT,' th rovistt Moor's 1 / 1 11- • rnitol, spill REMOVALS. REMOVAL. --SMALL & ()HAMM, WHOLZSALE GROCERS, deve xviwil bon N North SECOND Stmt. to th MANI= etnest. above Front. north aide. lea PERSONAL. PERZONAL—CIASH WILL BE PAID, and the highest ens., for ladies' and gent.' oast off clotlung. Please call at, or address, B. P. Ancona: No. 737 nOUTH. m m773.6t* CLOTHING. BOYS' CLOTHING. ROCEHILL & WILSON. No. 603 AND 605 CHESTNUT STREET. Are °Senna to the public,, in oonneotion with their regular business of • MEN'S CLOTHING. A superior stook of BOYS' CLOTHING. Of the latest Spring Wade, and made in the MOST FASHIONABLE MANNER. Measures taken and (laments made to ordPr ft the SHORTEST NOTICE. coral-lm E . H. ELDRIDGE. de CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE," N. B. Corner EIGIITEtand CHESTNUT eta. or Customer Work made at short nottoe. mtun am-tr HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS SUPERIOR REFRIGERATORS, Most Improved rinds CRILDRENEe 11108 AND CARRIAGES, In Great Vanety FURNITURE LITTERS, Very useful in irpreading Carpeta and Matting. WILLIAM YARNALL'S HOUSE FURNISIIINO STORE. No, 1040 ORESTNUT STREWS, ;-tfmedettely °pewit. the Academy of Floe Arta, es SUMMER RESORTS. BELMON T HALL, SCHOOLEY'S MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, NEW JERSEY. The subscriber takes vitamin! in annonnoing to his numerous friends, and the magic, Met he has taken the above well-known and faduonable mamma; mood: which is now open for the season. Further information in relation to rooms, &e..ean be bed by letter to the proprietor, at the above place. mak-et WILLIAItI SHARP. Proprietor. BURNETT'S CIOCOAINE. tiURNETT'S COCOAINE. BURNETT'S COCOAINE. A compound of Coooanut-nut Oil. etc.. for draining the Hair. For 'Mow end agreeableness, it is without an coml. fi PREVENTS THE HAIR FROM FALLING 0 PROMOTES ITS HEALTHY AND VIGOROUS OftfiWTH. IS NOT GREASY OR STICKY. SOFTENSO DIsAGREEABLE ODOR. THE HAIR WHEN HARD AND JD Y. IT SOOTHES THE IRRITATED SO4P ERIN. IT AFFORDS THE RIOHPAT LHISTRE, IT REMAINS LONGEST IN EFFECT. Fr nOSTB FIFTY CENTS FOR A HALF PINT lonyr. leap L ylitttotond l erthoha t ir(no matter .„,wwr u giioytforweiefidolti. : '. A i • CHEAPvS IRinS3ING IN THE WORLD. BURNETVS KALLISTON, As a trash for the oonntlexion has no equal. It is dis tinguished for its cooling and soothing properties, and in admirably adapted to all unnatural conditions of the Ril i n g ' j i mo: i ttg e t:M i ti e tibUr o n, freckles , refiner :LI g ' ln., ins the irAtation'omarid%le '' ottes P llmonizt.., i y ußik ir atr a rgA n .Akwa t.. pr igp it ro c d. :a p i f r u Mt!! For Baia everywhere. mytll.l3t-if it 'ME BEST ARE CHEAPEST.—Bny Umbrellas and Parasols of WM. R. RICHAntOIk my 14-Ithrlif No. fie MAAAET Bt. +PARASOLS AND SUN 131B.RILLAS, in every varlet. cheat. at Wl4. H Rat s = 116114-ttylif, • - WALNUZSTRZIMMUINTIRL.:,I . Bob Lame --Mrs. IL t a ar 14"ag e s o r t 7 ==: - THIPONDADAVIgi PARK EU TKtrilliONlA CL LONDON .6919 Sir }faioojut Courtier. Mr. Mz, F. P. Neaeh • gram ilizitiver, isles- lo aonelads 't ORIZ i lt -,; , r • - Try 9 AL. Dints it. Lome r. - Tharte; Ratty Crilitiol, V.PrU t g l ii T. nutti sw oleo as o oloeicS Canals will vim MK , WHIATL a EYs & T . OL&SKIWS: Altoll- ornan • TEM (MONDAY) svANlNG:shie7ll3 Fourth Nisht _of tbie a mmi t i e Di os Boodissols liadth!PPal Vt x attak i t h AW llL • OZ. Tax Bemis or essarowsor' (Played i New York amidst ai r a=mts ea oelied.r Drama, hi 3 soas,br St v er ma i dedioa br hiss Jo. the eljUi y girdle. • mrs - ris - coPPINIMM the 0- nies.) Beats stemeed sin dare in 'dream - • HANDEL - AND HAYDN HALL. FOR ON ONLY • LEVI*I OF " THE PAULI," KM DM -014. The strielloot girl 104 Vp of Mr Me; is tootles tuillaindweigiuse 'lrtlittotottiouitr this ali a l a= I,9lSaoruntircitr=l I IrM i l l bSlL TWO „BMW; Miii l s t Per emedges'a /Ulnae. &Pa %%XI VE l LLan a hr i all 'risk, .4 „ 0 • r an. m . e l . dlin g amet ., ,bb mu ti k 111 . 1 aitUaili mew --Tifftiaolg 'QUI= Usivantroom. of errs. nsfr Igamitt a tiarG at : . 7 /.1 rCa. ce rlift LEVISEIt at 'MEG ANIL MAYBK AU,. ZIEIRTH wt.; riAIWEA-Ikmar. MONDAY AFTFANCIPN EVBRINO, 11ay inst., sous And moat 0 eloou. ti 1 - 0 eaa - • Atimindon Lomita. .t. H. 141.1.113 'Amt. ALBERT NORTON, Maamer. it• EXTRA 'NOTICE !—AXTRA NOTICE • r 'McDONl:kildErd GAISTADU '''• ' - • • RACK etvelet:' ' • F = . • ~. . INTERNATIONAL FRIEV . 'l be Dashing Faroe now being in I,oollseb with. great "week at three •T , eit- OW 11 . 10 evening, entatied _ ~ - • • • . o the ' - BENI B C r IA ROY! Will be produced at the Gomm, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, with the °moat Colors or slum ma Heenan. NEW tiCENM Poliy. Repreeentivr MEADOW AT-FA rouea, - . THE RATTLE ONO To give the Piece every goedbli ea eggage meet hie bees made with . AARuM JONEB t - • , The Celebrated Puilist. the origunalTridnegaCtOMl C. HINMAN. and the nometince of 10M HAYMM! Who will conduct the FIGHT am it reify marred, god will represent JOHN C. ZEEMAN. Mit CHAMPION . OF 4011.511.1 CA. MAT, RllBll. the old favorite of theNert,tiber- Cm and the Champion against .FREhL, . tip celebrated English Prise righter, in ISM, , We occasion. represent . TOM WEBB. CHAMPION OP 11NOLAND I SOLOMON'S; TEMPLE A large. beentifhl, end perfect model Oleo gami est sed meet interest= miming ever befit is erected in the immense mimes of - . . .... ... . . .. . NATIONAL MA BEET, ABOVE TWI LI AI MEET. high;Model is M feet long,'-ft feetwide, Sod M fret lighted bY Se OM Jetk, sad the worshippers re presented by 010 figures arrayed in Jewish rorroruedlng the mime warts, /IMO it a lif•- 11411171112C0. 81 Re let Kir p.ilth faith tar4; 4, l m :l l ;os..llltheiuse4lll Chron. tth end Ilk ch 40,4 Ez9lii.Birikan' ciente sod Ilesorlyboo of whioh • taithrelly_representagi or the .. OPE TO VISIT hibtfrost 10 to 12 A. 11,. 3to 6 and TtoloP. M. Lecture at 11, 4, awle)f o'clock Admission, 23 cents; flea thilerati-ms mon magi. child. 13 cents. - - - - - Liberel arrangements Wade with sokooleandeherebe• With volley) of looters by their pastor. • n-ri-tf THE CII . RMANIA OROMPTRA WILL op the give feff'l1 1 .917k=1.1AT teKmal moimaist ENNSYLVANIA AOADZI&Ir OF TINS P 'AlirrsoLoses amt.; P:r t t er: l hi giaianittriTAF Ad dents. !dim* ewes: dine dyed, to will naive ibelitiokiis of.. e( Um sum 1 INSURANCE COMPANIES . . , IN&JRANOX OOMPANY. 110. U. as OHESTNUT stmt. imnaumnuA. OWORPO ' ZATEDAMONSJIT Tits sum or Duman, Lulu. iONFINED TO FIRB - AND lEILAAD SLIM . • 1rg.%74 5 1•.; - Rio:. wiws6,u. B. PmcatWM Mille L BUPA 8.15,116117. • J 11.11.48 J 91411 MUTUAL LIP'S INSUILUMIII IlkOirANY OF Mt' lONS. mrnipw . NIX ISELLIONS OF DOLLARS. I primaissas sts Lovas Maw ta may ohm PEW alas. sad tks lava's& hays bass saasalle. th o ski= as jr , as amens TO 1111111111/11111. • Paid*%lL L Mid systrrafantadv. tav It• ssaaui, as spier aelta„ A " W. eons; Rifftra7lloll6loa, ELTA:IA E=Mra'slists, M. Maud, 44W ATsts . • • V r"" . • Lila Mims WV' SAVING FUNDS. A AfERIOAN SAVING FUND.--Com itt ittail i.„, . ,i.....,, To ii o'olonk, sad at lIIVIWY Err,. dm ..h r . ow.%imetztation ha away. not is rat Oa 4,101114 WlthplatDOOM , WITEILEST - FIVE PEE All UM paid baaltyauta s e jEra sib*. , ( lt X. LUNN, ta b i .eigalit, Ir., int r itta•, W ' v m lia ‘ John talanas. : H Ellai JonJaOs VIRILEIO L JWnL C.owd amorpr. Efenretari. SPRING GARDEN RA MO run, 01200, 331 North TRIAD and Callowliti. Incorporated i i MUM tith; ISM Oven for Deposits Palms 9 W 11% o'olosn. Also. on KO AY sad Iiv.INBINGS. fromE. to S &anon. Interest Spar oent• per amass. Tspesitons s p rat drews S wab .ceived seys by Gistohs, - LI down& 5 Posit• - JAMBS B. FRIS6I4I.PI=h titaness Nam. Beersears. - ALEDICIIAL. pROF. MORRIS' It IJ If ! P HALO . I , ROPEEIrOR 111 0 Ritlg , Ph OFEBEIOR M ORRIS' PROFESSOR M ORRIS ' EECE PPgHALL OS. Rue E_AB. AN INVALUA BLE EUCE P sALO O S. A INVALUABLE AI INVALUABLE EXTIAL EXTERNAL p y FOR fIIsEASEe OF THE pop. DISEASES OF THE FOR DISEASES OF THE g NitTO vo r F afisT r Aroooisio.ed by intense • APPLICATION OF THE MIND to the researches of Literature, the non of . Commercial and Financial finanes, and the Weirs of Professorial and•Folitical Life or as aiseasowed by air other cause from which the Norms System ton be come exhausted and diseased. The symptoms emend by this valuable Preparation 'l . ' Plc " Bl7l:lltier ' 4 ' t ?' Wirgilign2ll Milos AND DEP_RESSION OF THE CRIt4NIC " NE's VOUaNEBS." NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, NA RVOUS HEADACHE Eta.. Eta. The EUCEP LOS is carsfitlly_prepared, by des mission, from the Formge of PAO Vf F Rlls M. D.. of tide ottr,to Whir he refers in . ble Phshoembluele Pamphlet. "PBUKIEveI.' On the rimless of the Gansno-Nerseas Byron to the inunsterial sold of am Krum exhibited toe principles and oosesended Ma !system of Composite Hogromites. Prolseer M. sari It may be permissible that I should raw as ea il lustration, Ito own car. A OMINOUS 0011;10 of Me diae for a emery of year bad.-to a certain ester, preluded the ordinary effects of extreme remitsl ap- Plio3tion. by attenuating the prime centres of mars and intellectual life. and hence arose a felt corers et personal relief. Having a well-foneer tionfidence is COMlrlit• Homeopathy and an intimate ammaistagest with Maoris Medics of the Honuerattue Saha*. selected certain subetaness of asoerramed hammier relations and approved ales, and centred their tres tle) properties in proportional unity, and was by the possession of a medicinal resserse" Morns describes the mode of relloalloilblM adds: " this way the desired retie has beescoh tamed, the nutritive system invigorated, the geisha nervous system restored to its former tone, and mental °harness. tranquillity, and vigor—at the tee of mad/ three score—are the much valued results.' Prepared. and sold WHOLE.ALE, by MOCLRIDGE & CO., No. 62 North FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, and at RETAIL by Druggists generalll. Pr de, SI per bottle, large size—H cents sea elm assilS Aslf HMVFor the 'NW/ A NT HELM isuyi na- MANIINT CURE of this diatrainiag con- paint, an FENDT I S BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Made by C. B. SEYMOUR & CO., 107 NASSAU 8 Oast, New York. Trios •1 per box ; seat free by Pout my7-6in if) FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS'. CARRIAGES. OP m munnri.ovrai OW WILLIAM D. ROGERS. BIPOBITORY, Ka 1001 WIESTNUT lIITABEZ Ng. /SU. riall-iatt PAPER HANGINGS. We invite the attention of all persons who wish to deoortite their Rouses, to our large and antemrive stook of. PAPER HANGINGS, at either of our establish ments, all of the neweet and best styles, suitable for st ores or dwellings, and put up In the city or country, by careful men. HOWELL, & BOURKE, K, E. Corner FOURTH and MARKET BMWs, and 17 South FOURTH aireet, Fhiladelphis. ral24-Un TRUSSES! BRAO FS ! SUPPORTERS! Ja Correctly adjoined at NEHISLUIP: TWELPTR and RACK Streets. loading entrance 159 Twelfth street, gragdoor below Hare. Lane atterideata. Frenalig i l y gr lint unr , and American.. in _great variety. Melte, Btookinge, ktUllesuonee, ghealdey Brume, gyringes.ke, mylg-toialYl tt 1860 ICE! ICE! 1860 • COLD SPRING /CR COMPANY. ROALS or FAMILY PRICII. 8 40 popoundsdeity canna per we o ek. Li d. deity 40 es . .i. it , . ta is it, . Is at Re II It TS " " 116 Send your orders to the oNAMop i tit t ilit • to the drivers. 0184e,320 waLinn , atiw, ~.0 . 4 r , . TREEwHAA:t. vi llitLiN szi BARD .a pw ..,[1- A UNICA. ! AZUMEA ! AZUMICA I AZUMEA: AZOREA: ARUM:KAI AZURE*,! PROF. • 14.0ORIEF i17 e 11144 BAIL RO POWDER. Rainutteit t ed solidy OO North `s ettioti mad Yale by brown rsoolsOr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers