, • .riiwou 114. 1& — • 444 "' i fflikti.klelifisk:Sis . 0 011 04 . ' t' , 'v'l , ' di - 15siderof mob- visto.tbiCor 7 -4 " i t 0/4 1 4444 rot- uthbOultodt fiiiiii'soisaaßibtlifirorlai,4olu9asillasuOriiofl • ' - '',diotdos td *NSW thibr aribrookbo omit ia skids , . t.' 1011,n 0 ,1•MoisslaastIsildsof afasaliks'sosss !fit', . as Wins os ,siisiPtoloriroropriad dm nod , 'maw • • isittbasio 4 loolpikbreobirdettOroll from 'hoard ' radoiosalsod,i* *O , -,uropoiratou of the do o-biudd: ~,, , Jkiliolikaiidorlif ibuitiodludibitotaratod /sage' - " - d. doubt buroodfatalt , Resit au. *OA S " Oaks . oiruoilau of sigoiretWitm(itolbrifteor$ igoiretWitm(itolbrifteor muffs, - tams tiaaWor IN, Wu authorised to roridb ', • •N,•T :' ttorieri safirkiVlll 2 rOt r yir • . 0 t •TLlrili=4.o l 4l , :rt ,,, l i f proristoo. oraidia4oOr.thokr,protoo4on,_ - , satr , .r,-: - Y R.OidUluer 4oLiosi.: r000luod•W piles loissF.' duidarp:,_ ...I,l,add. Wiwi' was _to be ap rooormssoorliumnos ; . i oosida t re boort, .‘.l-+.'l l ; ' toliWoada tbat Opogruptli# ~, ~ ,,W . + bort. - lbw aS ti*liii4nlipC,OW, 44 c4llll. , ..,, d t, 11 3 1 . 1, •,,,,,...,,‘, s•illio.lO s seAst Sail:i - _ .1.40 „S° 1 14o' want of food, or to bailosio Sioomo d-X! , t .4 " t ill * d14,441410.#4•!0°"4" , 2 ' ignmil, the mmivotamotirmvse, molts tiuu,. 4 .rn.l , laforslio fo of ;rordido l lellia_ppoit. ram Wino , li ',OO . plidifsk idridotb,Z.oUt; , 4 . 1 . ' ,1, !--`'lliii - IN ' iiklboo ' 11.43ektUrPeadd. WO , . suirotingirsta th willigiweald spr2.a hit" sivaito P., . ; , i 't Mr.; liourfOutbio irpsolal menage of 7iii-Do?: . amber, 181104 ibilhpraeosioll *Raab* - ** 14 . 1 saaltil#4. o4o ll ll # il 41610 V *Ate Pin , VirPi - I Fifirlis trummlitiallCAWA • dif y e w ?St/ latulithigitotikkisiga WO , bto'.! ,larfoa,audluiibilirotiiidifb=lisra til l - ~.v.l •i-Admia.kl IP' ' '- -- ' - '750. Tv ' . -, .. yousiost . . - grew, is .. , ..!•;•40.43-isaathild, -- - - re,t fir ,r`tral79: 4 / 777 +t, , C sl4llollll.ftddi _ -- 1 Upla Dik . '` PaCrt ;t '4 - trot , dis rk'ol-•l.oei 10,t1cmitab ''' • '' - , Vild iiiiibb. Le Or ------ -'ciltie - :.• /p r v e#( 1 ,fit.,__ JO '' TWouffit".. '' i dslo ltilii t ibiniaglhigs Aalleogrealpak ho the n 4 01 's•. 6 lC l = - 1 11 4. 6 040,.._,Wit irgAtin i . atiati 19,11mk.inst. :100- - tOO% wets '. Cl";.' . }1.01101146 1 1 isy co the fain Winn_ e- , ,t,., , ` o : pre t i pit .P l / ,Mionent*NretiktleiO4 it e! , vf 14 , 5 . . gni: Alleii,thamielielr4elimn *egg ~ity, -••”•'''' . Vat itiiiiik twill's volouler _ IV •Imiulo - bitlrl.kte enaktinirl i tnilittfi:efo 4 , 4 4 Say *it4 llotiOiti*M4Aoo igOt 4 Aisot SW 04-o*.mortalosti sits ViON . , Lorre; .„ , thelwr Potber , Arfltbirikor,t. anal 4 i • 1 -• '' 1441 beroitYti' ~ .. A nitt, - minetie eiltino34. 26 oAr ii=l.4.' 0 • sitar n!rtimfrm%„4l4l.4,4 l'Etts,4ooth 'W U* ~„, " ' or, m 11,11411, MIMI( saspaigino road . ;1.i:171i R*10 1 (44 0 40 101, -Am hundred. sad ttifty.egOt, • lam sad tea Hato, ijill,tia 10:) ' ', - 2, .v, _ .....got to -that_ , : soder ib•-isioW a .itilopt44,l*. • ~-.; ~.. I , ojhirit eitiotared nit bonnithe leehoi, r"''' '''Crsptiaii will be town, but talsamuut,l o I , Ft' thin er cpritietetnt'llet hiniettet 41 . 2..111eleti ii ol l • air •1 0 . 41011 4 1: "..,`''',:i ,l 4' ' " aliiimpodridzil -.1eria ;,,,,f,,-.•-.4,- em*meraine • Mibittneeniotb4V _.;:',., Stlli t it V , s , ark4400 4 4"-IbiajititibC imikekith Om ' ,l - 14 —c 'Antreeeritseicitarenetrita"etre arm% nOlir: teebrniii tisk ht Proviiiinilifirree inn 'in 155 -‘•TAT ,eatkporAlwillArilif,Asieli groats thon , , YorNr 4 ' : Agreodl:tte' pay -the I,eltethieti n s o, r4Ati . - -'-- , - , ' , . 1 , c, , -*, ,17 ~' -•:: v...- 4 at..; 'k, 10 NE ~ ' ' ‘l6 Onion* t limit 4gt o riv t ita sob , ' Olio_ . „ , to'tbil ease et' the Wild% Li h' WA, - IX% > ' i t ile-tbkiser e imma , f, -. .- - 14, ' A wimp attp, lifts , „. Alik . ‘1101•1110 of oat ~ , a-t.:llo.lom,, o igitoiftt iteptimeemey to ed: 4 34 ;4'9 1 - ,101114* %kb. ;li‘ilu.lit - liar Ifift. - - 711* vpiep 4,,0n - ( 0 ;;'"!otiltitta'4 ll .“ l 9 l •?. lig: ba Wiettie Wit . to '., Jot .. inmeereenteciontiopnerie. ,: 1 , • , „ , ' '-- 1. lite yerieCheit arrived-When it bi bitlispe mble '''‘ l ''''' f ritininpnoll eleetisti' • ' ~:,,, epleepene pn for tht eine -3 .: 1 - ~e irtleilliNeinirkenthWreibje' et. With visit,' I noni**menitliet, ibirark it entitort a th e. ' Woo** ltdia.We'Plirq. *Peal frith ; 4 Vie Coital, uppm 'Sofilits,. then I. mein ' =' Mt lin coast of AGIN hem int agent deers IL the eapte tehleitimiyithe desreped to eni f end to lashitalt, Wail* a, 'Letitia !serial iiion 0- i.,- neetteiniiii and nonelittineei map ealabinethimmil;, '• '..,' rvii - iiiilrete ibee• netertenstee wisb-s i fait INV.' inthapis menesity ef analog sew .„ i bow*, *NCO Mu Sept.,., sat *Jai pre., ~ :„,T Aimitkraad - tacrassilia* titniliepo intim ait lAks empouid.. , •;llmi le* - Might' thini provide disk in all else Whoop thie any be printidebla, tbt oak 9 , 1 r.-fer , olinalitAtarry iter. =grew direetly itt,' Masi i f,f f *at dallvar, OM to the newsiest, mod hirer ~•:. 'ti-: , ` , etterianis. briftftr the Motu* _ineeet, to-the ,- -,- illpttied Wake gss WIlanall• t • `•,. ' •,. s, • ' ; 2114, sapturbg taw, in-.44eielmr &mold blial .bli rite, direetir to the 'UMW.. Otite, auslit 'f:! , , , ~io b .,,wodiss M mad theenmprom in mese OW fir li ;; , :1 1 01.0%. WI. thittould b7 4 klittro&' where •,' :s Air i Vta a dirtillibn4 Ati. OR iii*Y l . - „„,4,1 bat "puiliMNii imeetnieeniv , ;.,---- Aron , lie ' •for tie netielei , they . ' sea Ines, „ lie t itlibeiti 41110•*41„t a .. - :et maw r I Ilimlii**oo_ ..„ _ 4 l gi port s nie I.6 , wii..3ersomerilbe ' :9 44. om m t,.p... • . re Wales them Aare e ~.•,,, bout basibrts-110 ' West: &Ark' te :the tu - s:•- sidenittllmineig irtikattowof,thiliga9mitst,! . . , 41024:K RfAti44o,_ *wows Acibir- Wm ':- - Lg girt.* :lii 'lt wilre. o'o o .l lio , v o l t Mei AI#,,AWIWACH oft' , t 4 , 6fFe ' ` • • 1111114thilt -WM MSNOdi tOll NO: , JO , ..,f ud j i , Oliliivai libellant ereW , thin -.4.1 - oz;t alb* Wok* therellenr , Pr' will'iroptll, ~,,,t , ; : , .o,Ky i lvis;-Sitgaisaikait ~ gm, a .4647 = 4..1_1%. "- 1 1 a i .:al intietibel ' Jer , .etii - o ',lli • ''''''''lmikili fiefte l W-loY„lbele Swim* *oar , t''''r' ,l ihithitidantiolli c heineibitel , Atte tioo the tiaialitilo` f i.bioniitili letter 'erbeado7.l.".iliereint . esiii 'it the ntanhel .„:....,.... district of ilieeltc-to lbelieoferil the Interior, dated"3oth' ~,} Lido, titeWer th ii rc--enteisettittettnrir.liin'ittPtiiesi gA, 4 dor I ,. .roiefietielf, dWit ISt% dawn - , ~., - - • :, It is trelysinimetalfif W it jieibeiii the Pt hiliballiaiim*lld riiii 1 94. 1 00 !a_" 4 ., 44. 1-,a, ittieempeiiirocht4biftiea " - Az* 1 1 47000KititAftimindint, iiii 'tido th e : 4 -:.4 . . r (111* psalm' oftiame tolirid 4 ik iimo r lf to. Dt,:,-,..., - '.• 4R411#1 ti fOilt, i , g lilit taams , iNZI"lar- li,FL 7 t . ': 1 ? r ‘ , "", ;.; r k l iWar il l ZS ,t! a ..• , T,..t. •%, , :f.l iiiii ' '-i ir oe4 o ;:i i:, , ` k . 4„ - R. i ;14 r-A g Wei* , iiiirtoilikisi higialqiiitWie fro tsl_, ?'` tfiaiimiloi t r q *W f i f,C 4e lll, ll 7 l 49#oo 3 , 4, 1 1 10,' I .o*. P al ' 4ol-414 0 8, 4 0 •I i rrrir .64 -Ja' itit,4iiiiial-Aint,: , ----7 5 - K ltti:X leip l 'iie . AilAlieli,:-.4r. ' • ' im ilitiatilied cify Musa liitUrtS..4 aillik'A qty L ,,,, " A ) "• '' .'it ' t.- :• rat r i c rl • -- ''''' ". r-- ' 4 " '' # lqiii" r timid 41, simieValool4nautt‘' - ' lirlAitA ~ 1 k` wlibliftnilla • •' l r tr 1 :' iiitiii a • -•- 0 9 8 "." - 111 .- Riali..." l " ,C9IRIO • • bat , el' -- biltilliAtMe w rPtlt i ri 'bib •:, • dewy, be y ' pin ilny , lejti; lora the mask!roni his feet eiAroi.." ,ki "'e.l M I tsWi l lt i k h rr i konglite" waire'n .: , ' j ,eg,, „itnpephl. beithieepanispior gold; bat not so w. -- ~ q . r i f e, ,, 11100 k.,. ,',414,14-44 , A:a k is ?tit ente , '' ' e- , - -. ~ Vi - init wee ilk tilii• '- ''''' .7 '• .• - ' ' - OA. kir : 1 :1" * ". 1 " - ,r."' -1 ..' :: Valk 11414 MS ,1 , 11: i.s , ' rdr '.,,,, • jr3 l 4,l l Wei sbac. AN ' ~4"? , -' ' WI !Atelier titeemilitra slit 44.1 ' -' ' J 46* -- - licwitV4llooll* 14 .w.ila - ~ ~r , , , . ~, , L, , .6444,141o*Kplukilier tioo ' „, ,i 4-; ,5 1 ~, 9 15 4 14. 34%, 511 1n,,,A6 shisimP.4 o -,,,,, , • 4 . i . , • *I. ego i 1 t ,4111t., .11011 tit, and A •ebut lete - bi' ' natter ilk , Akkthlts4 11l *Tiber „ . #4001,k4 Itillike (ttipw..irwt.' !stritdeiit isr to out of a_ tea kinalintitiAtire lis offer ' beatatepted ...by. th e liutond Con. .to' by tellin:• 1 ;', If they mei kspetrivlust -, Si offerson *dig Otlite;agta , t It Will that .atiaire, Isr deefdok whether Abby , _tolitimiair.tiklialdittl eimot,' , iled the Proddsetutivother day,. tlevelrletV, _, tt••••' ---- ' - ' - 1 tr. sieteiwzOggssiu. wireciiriiitirshMi.grthii, fhiladel. , ' • wands)* busametok. .v. 1. ;--lec-4.000. - ,- ,2 llto.great moral aweek,- in ibis quarter. hes holtk Md 1 ili obi of - Postmaster 'Fowler. A 'lava didupo yen witli tio mach , a-tids'inibjeor that-it, would be Si ": t , - itt forme toll° nto-the details of --- 4 - 1 4 •ieid iale '. - " 1 littheiteuadiutt a loohlenti , • far Fowler. Wks, per-` ,b i i i i; i t : m oz i - s t,,ia t ist ono of: lhs, „Most popular 'Wm -hi thin' eltyosed- his nun. did 'aidound the iiticdoAtus,_„isaitia handeente,-welWitrilt; inenly lookum rumenten, with tvitienoy of„ipetah and a eueviOrel-mautOr AttiteArrecistible. lie! draws 'r ub .*galena taatet,ititind-liearted Id I remarka itle.degrottittrone of the:Mostgenorous beings you -YVer„triet,, tied ltertalply,tint i . legit - aellish` or, all, -11116110-, trolifitH_ 414 or*. ,everybodyia• Mewl and 'teemed l'oi. be 4erfeettykaoklein sarrigardeti hiedwatuterseht;providtd"te eoidd'airireilinse - of, ailisid-ya=pattitudittly' if 'Wiotsi 4041 i ., triltigi, Pk* .r.!. .r . #o 1 !* 1 1 01011 . 1a i med t 4 bo banjo; i h • unite good opinion, to wield matkotity and', „rrfkijenutridswbvarsao , poolosi and see his amodatea .Imerhe-PPfilitoiagh Iste instrumentality. F or w ith atyeari his vomit' it_the Now Irorkflo iiiiii; "baiirktliartiolfilif poittiosi aendment, forth, y NOM': 't o w tie a w; a iii ' , o il y:444mi' and olgari were -iis iistindint -es it , :liji net: ' bli Matter, Who you iretiOf ioki',ditota„ ' i Ur+ Polities - yin had only to: *Wawa beta/Mirth* -., green seal'-','and the “ gold" wialr'-for ii, bettrage; and the kimilatta weep maim: 1 -peutdiable, Jill weeldy 41.1 at ilhe hotel:must haie , beeti,enormeas,;_llioo, optin.,b,„trite -firand- Ala v ohian ~sit ,Ifamtuany';', *4 , as howaii strays lavish lulls contributioda,'„he wav at tikitiad, besides' 'Writ *Cana nitd;tvo4,liirlit Oftike WO, of Mini' lither-politioal:iirginfatitiona: -.in- thig=maszter he eq o " e t le i . kileivY, l withautf this .firsik , fd o o of its .yeatmeilusi.nouldt doea not de's'ists long'. period, with. , *sok wide:gaping 'Murcia 'of 'esodnkftor - the 'knit liajWiAe'of relonroos to exhaust Waif. i --itowlattirfather-waa-presidents 4 think , of-the ' Alhiathltkialik; or bodes (Whir fikuportint oineer in 4tiatlastiottion,;"4l, was a elatilarly dailibog, gay, siatismitherinVgantleresur: ,' lib bettaideAiriotiat 51,it'didlitiption lel haltiirtniOdut;And comitted Weide iii , kilk:ditirtilleition: --- ilis7 lon, oa r late Pliattuititutauhailted - hieleite'i toys era?illiant uadeues-auditpdat'eldtrinitniyhfliixt,y,thouatind 1,1011awt114146 gilt dial at ; VOW ;#Peetl4,lo lie lik#'4 l o 1 4 ii;-/InliffraCtbbilatind -, for his • mother, ;sibeit. alworiadyonie-Adflis Anippltes: - EIS third' sepilloationweirteritughtilefdramof the post office; Vol rialpitolie - :hiti- s ubileit-tbean'inill , reach one; :bnadrinif en& eightyottantiand.. , Boddie Oils; he jexpetzdedi .ouch, rnotior that Le , was con y i t an dy atriums in eneoestrok speattlatiOns,'enct 'toeti much i nsthod atnefortttnate odes, for he was ev r dab, bdtkliisinterpriese of thitdasiling and de perste Alec Ile mode lily. thousand_ dollars -1 three days,;lo3tisfplirohase and- wile: of , luta, l on Staten 1 itie4_ . 4; but it_. „ ,Aid i nat hot %ki r , divot', It. woe ; and f ele -, lt i dir , ;Mut he.hasaltivors m ilk a m il. Rini iit_7 ' ' 't liii istiddiavi4aqtassidered if a , with i the vgniatait7,. due; : elttenotti ; lad IKM lanc.s 4sillui. , ,bl4'''2':„, - .: - . ' '"- ." ', T. 1 44 , 4 11 k: ot ttaltelediitoirishisinaiessari y won 'Polder min; friends. _gveqkOtlikid 3d tai and i - om - ff - etit - OWy,3llf,:saisfortune.,,, { doubt (.. ilitiletti.vienikvehitiris tostrfeethist.i Aler, lig ou •'!" ''''; • r 4 ini i t til li ,ta ra l lasi t „ r6 4e a sta :. on . L l:L i r it u e " Con ik id at p h n o t and upon bine- at toy , moment 'it he thought .otoper,__Rwsionarbink primer, Aid.thirdzi shows Ma awgadty; ' for t 11' he slid venture to do , his duty Id Ahist..oisst;, the hiss Of ,the .poppluit sentiment iiitaild ring-in Idlest, like that of -a serport, and he ~ .Would , be 'ituaintinoutly;.parditionwi among .114tyblilakirrbieldlitiOsit tda/reres, ityudets has tiomistriotertaapare, ,, prilitioat or otherwise. Ile ' wilit'theillfciilf 'do "ne mtoh thing.!-'Atifor Faller hiving i,*,, itui inli dde, ieau 't believelt Nor `ictesvtither,hr ' hiti,left the:oetntli. 410 is, 1 4_hhWIYAs.lhkAhe4 of hie4tittlAet? who 4tanisfilail. easy little difftialty , in , paying: up his tidbit; provided I.l*tio Samuel would itokprfes. all 'aduituat proceedings agaiast 'high. -' Add let" this Oompleziosm it meatA. rome at tart i' if the abysm tutees, dadrea- to rooovor -anything _ mote than its tnereassterlties,‘ Poor Fowler! this is indeed tile "eliapinOterlitin end of a.. gay fellow "- - i -+r,-4;‘ liciefrible and SartgetinarV ' - oMntibi:ShiSichiistWffOODljella:l ' •-- - The telegraPhie dispatch of the Pioaltuiti , . - the' ielloWing nerro4testtering item : 1 ".Wailltutitest, April 2L—Robert J. Welker sent *Mote; by Senator Drown,: of Miiiiissippli to Attor ney General :Black, asking him to -moue al place and time; where sad • when - outside of the District „ordlotanatde;lei_weetd receive a message from him. ,P,Whieb Bleeklaven verbal reply; Inas Walker wants tolinteher Aim." ,.• , 1 - Jitiedes .of . David; of ..Sir , Geoffrey iludeoti, and Seek sh•Gisitt 'Killer, defend us i ' Little Debby - Wilkirattait flee Stone Are - in :bilk, Ave 'feet one inelein , altitude, peopoinisdeliberately to decoy w itost 7 builS,Conestoga out Of the District of Colum bus with the Dalai ef riduolog Matto steaks, e Mips, and lansege meat, and earring him tip' to the great. delight_and.„-roady. oonsomptioa of: the4A.,„.. Leeempten Democrats. A Spanish bantam abet a fall 'graft ',Bersnalt-PoOtra, an Attaltapis bong bore_mGiftstalitit deed, Darbsta - bvll,,at Skye Mindersigatrist an Eteiliati , ia.., *--W3OlawPorrow melon a turkey , bassard, never engaged, in al more unequal combat . , . - DIG Attorney Genial Black is a wise man, and 'properly appreeisted the old Scriptural maxim that 4 ,the,twaths is not always to the strong ."-. Ile fully 'ttompreheade the iseelling offline of modern inven , tiene 'in Waifs* , MUM, the lnolGess adyersrary of 51r Geoffrey Gedsom Sir Walter ticott'ssmaliman, iibotriint to thelleld Withal syringe for hid w upon, - arid.seeihred a - bullet through his midriff f r the joitir-- - inalikethe too amide= giants of snored and pretties history; before qeforted to, Attfornoy • General Mews ,frightfal and feintidable foe a the 4 . LtiliMitian ea-Governor Of Kansas, and deslin e the sexabit .. . This is mortillottest anti - manly , t • the Potter dodge of - teliwiting: bettlis ilea; ;o r ' *ie. tiaras. DU tam jedielm, toe; ai the ex-GoSernor would'__,. WWI pnimptly aseepted either weapon and aid Me antegonht on any terms.- - ' - 1 ItowlWkrdest would have bees," into big hand," :ashi:hht early , days of lend speculating he was an intimate :friend ea& timpani= of Jim end itesin '80W!.,, Whll gas* islmortilitY to that wesPoal Me tee men iffe weapon' fleshing in maw a omit/let in As emir days of Mississippi, and doubtless has Went it in his ;mirth on;the frontier.. - I OMOitereacailonore renumber he did wear; and -lied gerAonisi Anwar it. It was in 1827, when hewasszedting the Clllll9llllforJaokaon in the north. aliteritsnirt ,of hie State, where he happened in the neighborhood .of that redoubtable frontier ty‘bier, , ,ieirse Denton, brother of ',Moines H. lien ion,-whothor Gen. Jaokestia the fainotm,fight in the atpida'of "bbistivilleiln 1811 or ,'l2. Joe* bad `sworn inticwreth , that no one should come ip hie neighborhood to;premete iiiiikeordino;whieb he con- Sideteitilitie; than , treason ; r aid .whien it wee:advertised thiet Robert Welker would', on a certain day speak Adman , within hearing of hie reabibmee, t iter. were Sniffed retinue of the bloody p l uvosat of, Barn' eTom• lee did notalsrea the:intratid, young Jeakeo• idarywhe duly atOareid at the time and piaci. ap lielated.- reli great *toted, ehiellyof the anti,faok enritnes; iverelirement,'reidy,to suelehe pentium in 070ongelet he slight additom the 000asion. Un. Aliemayed by the forteidahlersepect of affaire—even tly,thiSfreelenintieisage, of the grim enemynfpick totl47-Walinst took' the stand cad made one f hie . mast powerful speeches in favor of the Old Nero. Whatheirleatfrern'o rege!rdfor his dlibinitive• tellf; neki - .. 1 0 4.1440004i11e ,_ :nr- the :effect f hie ,ieleeesefeereriromeieble - to'iny, bat the Asa I hie. for ' that ineeritime only listened to; toit was jond*,..plitsadad,*itrionA Jiaaa - Banton agreed ;463icieor:witle idea. 'Attorney Owlets! - Black wee •dotebtless aware of thiv=and elmtlsr incidents in ;ft alkilfellf•Ortnite,bisovitdiently r dailined to go *Video% llielliitiloted Oolniribie to be butokered , - ch. guilt:Mil Cale , in ilavethill • M R A ., - A isiiiiise 'Of :iota lithos and emplane . r i kd. tiae,- raaidtbawin•abs•death or a •joitiv po ~ an, full, *add tit 'few slim bean, doirelopl la ,114. to" in grainterbilOtess. The Pole aro; von , aelollauw 1 - The Meth:win this instaeoe was Atm CaMilaqt: Rtanaall, at 0104 lady' about :twenty ;#l4ol,ll4•liPs.,daggiltar oif .Mr. ,Ime s He% mi. •spimmen, and. • worthy - .4 air brawn jo il y ever; bales atraurtioa street, hem Militia's Mbllew,Sisliaveridll., Mr. Roswell is the father en* eltildren, Mit of whose are autrried. r laro. lino wail employed-for come time before b•T elate Itrigallittg la 'Ohm amiabfad in Elie MOO Malk faa , mooof M t ..Willians.i.soe, of Haverhill.• litho 4ess otr tonsil ofiuthemy with a yearli min nomad iffillitun Pont,'"wha *strata° in tbot employ oil Mr. 'Lana: •Thil s rla of the mother ofMlu lioirrell that her ter - wes its s delteato situation 1 &p p* In bail is moored some six or eight rioebs Moab, bat upon tielnyestioned, the latter geiflat.., asellyssietiedikewal llesti is madtested aohr feeling upon the sub ed. "On Wednesday, ptil 27, Ma , well'ioisat to . Nowburyport ifaboup tbi 14100 Sent betooo4 blik *other Memoir 'I easpor doer aar. soapier, returning hoMoo a - t." She , worked , . id the .shdp - els'.', dit , tie - , Pm talloviitig 'days; liud: oil Saturday !was Um,- elekr-oompledning.of extreme ooldaami arm Mamie. 012 tidal:l4, nfg bt or- Sunday dial wail ilalivart4 of s lambs child, wbfob MO aonoaal d In M t tan* Its bat badohinabar. 'filia datt3r grew rile, 4 ,4,l:olsMadtefollopingthe premature dell my, ptiya.•Kaiyoraraa Galled' in. ; and sabooquartly alla was aces-attended by DTI Chime and >i Lai. , Thata.saa strong midst:tee &Mogul iinerotloo lir•I ft , bo•ll`Ppitoraled: libe;Ctiltialtild to oink gulf! IfoldO•aday, ~. Welt,: whoa she died. 'Bofors bar death Aille Aimless(' 4' '.Per mother the, • morel -that , : IMO bad 'eyed- birth to a ehild, Anfonntos her whMe lt could', he IlMilii:' Ilbrilaileffigelid Mattel- Howbuq. Emir sad =MIAOW talfoPetgion at the hand/ of maJames4.4lltes, a, regular-praetioner -of that aW,-,lllos gave a Wants iteeolult of the manner in `the `operation WIC porton** n date7 l lo s A if OsolsoMauteate empleyedeand of her terrible siderlng. the beget( her mother net to 'allow itaitleitylobtfart4 ingattaid her intended' Lfzj a llaite: b the matter, The °traumatises' - the - death of the yener whams Fe a t of iiii .."- Stleharehtior Etat .en Saturday a ut listen wiruloderiAviik, the Board of Seleotthen; „ wiribilsidibasbutia44l.of body midi an lualneat , soiti4_ ~V4....k , , 4 4 1 4 0 4, 4 "of Horwutr , lbws+ 4 us ninlnalul ...- "itaa Mahal, Rm.', of 1 Sradilltd, , hottitior,hamioThed thefollowing jurors IL: 0: Welker, N.-'0;:gltoball. 11. - P. HSI, Jarob ygew zri r se rinter, t end lc P. How. The inry,l -Imo 4 at fir'eloelt P. If., oh Saturday ,by It t* AL r , ;.1 011, : f 9 tllWiTand pYotait4o4 t o ` ' 41 1M0 4 `440- f4W , (of 4* body, with Mooed eietaki. ~ A le matepayk,ot the,body was disomeg at, oitidaluid bY LW. Watts = --- "Il' f r al lje p tad - W for47 *WSW by Dr. f fil, !lg, t in nadariC4o44onfinned the Vole, peg Chan and ithit ' fit g r , • ' .. WWWiaNt . WOO 0 death Wad ia1441. leaastetted by WboratTlage. „Oa lawnest ,Om TsWielleat 1$ o' oak; but the AK:, A Astiflet , ite,"m yet, withhold froM the .In,- • lmiseguehea , O, the illsolostifee 'Made Alstrteli j MO,,liylveiter-Rhasoi-sketillg On., lay- met -So aeleotmen or Haverhill,- lo Newbsrypert, on Woodsy, Msi ob. _ „WINO Or therwrat of Dr. Tilton:" •lie - agegAitioy, ipinaiiiindad, and brought be ke,itt-Oaart I* lis*burypott; *u* Ite, tea( to Sall 'fa the stun of Slab for hhi ap. ree-oa Tiesipthvy oaf,; ; n i! , obtained th e re. 462441161 i LI Et , '' * • ". ' ''', 1. • a ro Ot*Tit" , 14* lin'i ~ ..,,,f4 IN ' ISAgfir. . r R 4 F.* . .08110 - ejjit' t & z.t lhjfig " ' ' 4.4 ..ORTATIONOe-- 41Z CARDS , t a i li_ t re t anif laub,OZ:Bl '!-Fink43 , 033.0 . 4 411 A WAAL. ,„_ (L . M .11f. ARDISICS, , „.* t '9E 1, 00 PAV A 1413tr1V1,47 TUN MONTH. rf,Cri 0."7 ' 0 1, 0 *,1 , • I ,,tllZlSEteSsilleeleleellalefaltrie l agfr ar. 1411,70A1( Ma onigle . Londond~q, Mar 38 t rk "" 4: rk ebet ire, •.• ••• Om Coact rtod, Bark cordons, Borbedoe. coon ftrk Mary Elizabeth. litobbons..— Montevideo. soon BndWoolf BAuttil. de 4 - .7 r aba. coon RA , Mar! 5,10 r 01 " ) "" •• " • u "' trig Triad, Wooster ,• soon Bohr Pilot's Bride, C0ker...... Barbados. cools RUUNO Oft THE OCEAN STRAINERS. .'" FROM TRH UNITED STA'FF.B. M3RII , -; VS:twit/ - Tog PATO may 23 Naw York.'.Galway.... ...N1 ay 24 Circassian.: -New York...Galway May 24 NOW York..:Rsvre- 26 Kangar00......... New York....livarpool May 26 oaton.:.l,Nrerpool. ay .26 Parma.. • `flew •, ,AArabia .Yorr.:.LlVerpool, 6 a.aool • -.Jane 16 . " . ........-;.111110 13 - ; •-; , 'F.IIO3IIsUROP2 " ' cure • 13u:rm. "" yojt Days E.l.ilinbufgh,.',,(.lkritheinntint.:Nalr York.- May 9 ` P P A e d sleeblaaits b ilairkria........klotilbairtpcoloialork.,':,.i.Mar 11 '6 otk, ay 12 ' thaw. ...4.Braltharripto ,60 ork May 16 fkrzonlak..)».9qathamptori.... aw York .. Mar 18 —.'... 4l: lAvorpool... Hot Ma y /9 t Taaderbilt..'..Bonthampton....New ork. ...... 4 .May 23 Atm% .I.morpool..Norr ork.,--i.;.May 26 ; California Mail ftteimonem4l from Now York on tittlftneHtb of each tratn. Rayonattetanlers nave No', York on thn NI. .Neh l e r l h iho ato rt i h, e 6 ,d= gl i l m o th n:Alundsi;the okeamors wilforol on faonderi ozoontfrom ow °Motu. ; Z.l ALOIE ' kat: o,iii4L4matrnie: -plat 880 sr+ , or—sini•OpTs.......;:— 713, g .833 , • left RIVIG.D. , • • • sit& tifeti - Brlghtmait. 1641.41 dr9titiem is de silwwith. ntoLassaki - Zeo:'wo 13 ft' Ayr/. Hth . in the sixperjapoadymplisavy gales from all mot of the oingemaißest mein boom, marring max gia. so l t main sail. and loot deokdOadoMmisting of 24 nhda ma asses. Bohr B LIMO, Leach, 7days fronoWihnington. NC, withwisealetoreartfrittiwky:Ashbilined & Co. Bohr Herbert, Manton. days from.Sakatirigh, with aottone&o. to 1. 8 Stanton & , Bohr R Coggsball, Tilton. 6 days from 'Wilulington, NO, wita lumber. &o. to M Treaty & Non. Raw S L B Walesatofman, 4 days from Wilitlingtoni NC, with naval 'Mores to DS Stetson & Co. 1 Bohr A rgos Bye, Nickerson, 16 days from N Witkoottoa, &o. to I) 8 Station & Go.- . • &Mr Drumm Priokard, ItldaYm from Darien, b a y with, 96 000 feet timber to Cochran d ays . Botir Lady Ellem Corson. 6 from CharlostOni with oottonoko. to dairy& Bakor.- 1 , - • 1 Bohr Connacanarra, Weiitoott, 4 daya from Whabion ton. NC ,_with yellow nine lumbar to amid Bolton & Go. Bohr Mary 8, Parmlee, Basic ,111 6 day, froFft.rsabing . toruJiio.-wath 'amber to Sarni Britton: , Behr Telegraph, Carter,l nay from Camden, Delowith corn to Jae Barrett & Son.' Bohr Ranoooas. Andaman, 1 day from New 'Castle, Del, with grain to Jam .1 Blaog, * • ltiohr General Taylor. Steven., g days front Milford. , Del. with bark to Jid hlocolie- Behr , r,P MrColley. Deputy, I days from Milford.T l o), with grain to J it MaCoUer.- Bohr sarah Louisa, Crum). from Wareham. Pohr Jae tt Moore, Ingersoll, from B ,aton. Bohr Sir .ayinia, Pont.. front New York. "Bohrl3sairdlot, Ellis , from new Haven. Bohr nediat, Goldsmith, from New,Haven Bohr Z Stratton, Wells. from Roxbury. - Bair Hannah Matilda, Pieroo. from Leesburg. notice; wlloimss. Jelaßiwee. from Nantucket. Behr Willow Harp. Huller, from Port Jeffersan.i mils° Steamer Sarah. Jo eet 4 .16 hours from New l'ortr, with to Yi M Baid & . " , • CLEARED. Swart:whip State of tieorgia, Garvin, Sirrannel, Alex Heron, Jr. • liteamaliAp Virglt4la , Robinson,-Norfolk and, l Rich griond,rf wehater, Jr.. . • Bahr A G Hayden. /path, Eng Greenwich, di Auden ried & Co. Bohr Sarah Louisa. Orme, Pawtucket. do BohrW Benedict, Eats, W aahington, DO, Hayes & Godshall. richt T Benediat, Goidarrilth, New Haven, 134soroft, & Lewis Co. _ Sohr Hannah Matilda, florae, Demon, Stonlokson & Bohr Z Btnitton,iVello, Hingham, C A Eel:thither lc Co Bohr Willow Harp. BOON Boston, ;do Bohr 8 R Moore, InLeroll.l./orpheater. Point. :a.) Bohr C Holmes, mo Elwell, nentoottet, Van pueon Norton Ic Co. - . Bohr Sarah Lavinia, Ford, Washington, DM B , A Packer b. Co. . 2ittgottaPit. 3 Correepondenoe of the Phintdeiphis Exchange.) CAPE ISLAND. N 3, May 21-9 N A. M, Three berm brigs pamed in this morning. Wind S K. Yours, &e. • • ' 'Taos. R. HUGHES. MEM Steamship Boston, NallowOß. A he N nc D e, A. arrived et N York 20th inst. Ship vVigsrd Ring, Cone. from London for Oftioutta, wag sooketrAorilti, lat 4T,N, tong 311 W.' • Only Richard Morse, Ohl er. from NewDrleana I, or •yereool, was off thookhaven 6th met. ebm Arab, Aldridge, from Adelaide, arrived ed. !tow Cutup, NS W,ltlsrob rid. Bark Amason Kirwan, for Barbadoes, sailed from Baltimore 19th inst.' - Brig Aloes, iiaoherling. for Philadelphia, mai at Rot terdam et inert. reed) , ror sea. Bohr A Townsend. Townsend, from Galveetrin, ar rived at New :York 20th met -.. . . Bohr. mary Virgicom Todd, l'or .rbiledettotda, sailed from Petersburg 18tb Bohr Wwn Wallace, Bbull tit 'Baltimore 20th _init. from fMarteatoo,Mir cargo of bark Cliftom from vardonsa, oul haters pepsyre potAnto Qin distress. slows jes_ rierion, Burt, from 'Topton. anif_l3..M Sher:nen, Hareems, fronvVroxidempiwgrtved ,Sf4iti more 20th mat. , . . . . . . , Bahr Geo W grebe, Xmerson, cleared at Baltimore letb, met,. for PhtlerieloOnt. . . , . r aieht Ilirigo. Cook, Iron/ Mate:pine, grrived at Ar York lOW PUBLICATIONS.. E MODERN JOSEPIIDOI. • • `Ng* J3OOIC 1, ' FOR JEW AND GENTILE. JUST .PUBLisans." - A HISTORY OF THE MODERN JEWS ; OR, ANNALS OF THE HEBREW RACE. TAVOSI THE r.nucrioiv 01 0 1ERUSALEH TILL THE PRESpYT BY SAMUEL M. SMUCKE,R, LL.D. 352 Pages, printed on Sne paper. and bound in rich with & Ana Portrait on Steel of the Winos RABBI MAIPIONIDES, $l. • This mirk desailbes the taost onwoorahls itivinete worthy events which have warred lo the Maim' of this a:coy:ocean. nation, dupns the last Me volts. biith the leer and Christian, this book will st , fords vest amount of valuable InfOrmation, whieb can, not sodvenieatly be required from any other goatee. Ii contains the most interisting details tweeting the Jew!sh race, with Biogratibletd. Notion or At:ft:nes; eminent Rabbis. descriptions of their Meese and One toms: and learned expositaott of their Doctrin es and Liberal term; to the Trade and Agents, „DUAKE BULLSON, Publiatiey, 33 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHIL/4M. For Ws by all Booksellers. , mrle-st BUY YOUR - BOOKS AT BYARS' GIFT 1 BOOK STORE No 4 0 OHBSTPII7 Street. 91 Vol FIO 14 AT BVANS rill 'IOU 0S AT ' , VANS' DU oti 00 4AT EVANS' ' Gift Book tore, No. 439 Chestnut street. 19 , ft Book %tore, No 439 Chestnut awn. • - Gift Book Store, Be, gen Cileeinnt , street. wits the beat Mace in the city. &fib , ari)ensi eon lotyo sold on chast i se at any oth e r store, e edvg Of Went a handsome it with enph Rook.' NEW BOORS. THE THRONE or DAVID, with'a gift, Price 81.31. Et. FURIDIS, with agitt_, Pnoe, .81. - - HlllllllOl, T'S LETTBRO with a sift. MOS $025. Rify4.3 l K, nnoinanon Ao Beulah, with es gilt. . . Price 1.M.-. _ 11 01.10 T CARBON, witk a gi ft ., Price, 8f: PI lib 4 - . IN, THE FLO9B, with * gift, ?rum ci, A 961.11.0g,_with a sJjb. Price . T. S. A WITHATR'S BOOKS, lor • krt. ' POGO 81. 1,1P14 OF J EFFERSONopri agi Price 81 1.118 OP 8A al% HOUEITO . with a gift. ,P 4.3 81. SALMAZIM_with a gift Pritie $1 , Dowry .1 in swittOß.switti.asilt. ; _rrio_e 44 34, _ 1 : 111 P i 0 1 4 ( I) 6 F Trit ' illla il b f r /Vitli . th li gift. 'Priee4ll4s. THESIODERN JOSEPII IJR, 4 new Nook for Jew and Henti e t s „ , „ , Tri HISTORY OF TOR MODERN JeWB. ot An. naino the Hebrew Race. from the Deritruotion of Je ra mans to le present time, by_Batonsial.Almuetriir t, L (..,. i'.l, with a tur steel portrait ot " Benin. MOSOILnIaI i/- 0 h1e5, ,, , tine va4,llmo,ls3nageo. with a gift. moo igi. 800104 OF /WEL It .00 or AD Sktvi RER. - 'BOOMS' Ow HIS OR Y. , , r 0100 PRIV RI OH I ' 800 POIt FARMERS. . , . • pou gAtlmpii. zoo is FOR- EVER BODX. -1000 SIN DEYARIIIIINT OF LOERA- Tußti. . sod Shand/Cone Present wor th from 40 cents to 8100, ?zgrrolideverY,.„lo,lk.sell'aii.eieLyins teat 141 begi plats ia g r/U city inautg ram Bopk , cif Is HOEHN O. EYAB4II atiri-800 gtermatataktxrir - , ,, , 439 caas Nurntreet, Philsfielibia. _. Two doors below FIFTH, on the *poor side. NT litt cringe rs visiting tile Op, are .rospeo On lig_ t a vt- Miro call mid - **Mine the large collecion of nooks. ail -get a Catalogue.- -- : - - :- - ,, , , prag.st olv , TO =I4AKE - PERFT:IIBItRY,.. f it k i nS T ON , • TF t grART OF P.ERFUMEILY,,sod Method of Otr JOAO Ogibo Odere_or_rienta t With toginietions for the ma,mitrose of iv y • Mee tor& Hatidifet?hieLBmit••• M l it tn At 4 AVALooVgbol: " Prrg: La i sr hi. ,n• Pi Tull iessie„ap they of Or:Flowers, •• Up Loh! if?! Ito. 1 vol./Mao, -•-• - • ," elf be rdepirose •of learning the various shames troy Match isernstoos *IA tensed, antillie prowbia by whioh they an prepared, iair book will furnish all the knowledge te4Uired lie purpose in to explrsin al .he wearier, (whteivby the by, ekkAtld.not Mager ea.) 'or the:peenumeturii of }pout greparktionsi end ads° , mitee aul.ivAbon of tiloiroro rettelaUlinery eurPhaes, sepettniir vrolitable_ but appropriate. The epthor hay eonetsiea 6,191(111tr interliettilg point" relaUnc . to the staeet; japd' bee ,Marlt, in many , reepepte it pleasant P iqdritanOni• •41NR8Ar '8 GAF rBTON, • • , •rom 'hese and Boosselsoss, cflook • u 8 south alai street,' above °Ultima. COA.L. ‘pit As ' Ea V(11;14 Bir:OAD and cuu+ovtEtru i ' l ;„; at i or :viliiriart, L vlgh.ll.ll, and .i..!F1011 rindkentisaderonvernxplaislf far Fandirans. , pFdala Daiptiteli templve,rroltirign 4, .01ANOs. impri PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS! I ,ri.Asq-roltvi tozon i , • ' 1 p!Atip.pigra tgoie. 14 Athostri c 4 . 4 . 14 '7 C I !AL a. STIINWAY L 60,10131111MPA _ MT? * 1 • 0111 174: ta. , 4 .• • „ ir • b4t r7rtarl, • 1 4 „ • 4f f t , $: i•••• . &Wt. M.'. ' ; ; IL liktfijget * 1.1.4 G .mara 13_ J!, .0111 ptoo ,oloor o t6B " /11/4"4.4M1 tORREY,Co4fifor. OiMet ANOt4 *LI* irkiti, Sr A. INA,. Oitsininted intanir ,Pots, O nnitt=44.otrer 9?titi, , Oplealkotared -; ,1 ' ay/ gem) ossanaust, ~.-. - • INSUSANCEICOMP,ANIZIL" „.!' THE ENTERPEIS t INSURANCE COMP . ANY` OP PiMADEPRIA.. 1 ... 3 , 1 ~h f , ' - ($lJ ISI4OP.AiIOR EXOLO)iIV.kt;Ik.),,,, L, r COMM . : VS BUILDING, S. w, coBN.SIL', ,FO, TH AND ,JVALN UT STRRETS. -.• innEo'roßs, . iI4IOO7fORD STEER. , - f ORDACILI L. DEWRON. ILIIIII MARE. ..-' - ' 10: ki.. tifuRILT ARDNO FR EVER. OEN H. BizoWA, /OEN M. ..rwooz.,. P. A. FAIDIEBTOODi AIN/. T. Mick, ANDREW D. MON, UENRD WRARTOIIy J.L.Ditairmat. '•CattRUP.E4 4:Alr. freelegegi. AR4 ' betrik-lt ANTLIRAOITE INSURANCE ,COMPA NY.—Authorlzed Capital $400,000-ONARTER ppuPaTUA L. ORiee Noalll WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Street, Philadelphia. This Comeany.will insure against loss or damage' by Tire, an and Merchandise gene rally. Also, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Caravel, and Freights.: Island Insuranoe to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. Jacob Faber, Joseph Maxfield. D. Luther.. " Dr. George N. Baked. I,. , Audenried, John R. Blalriston, ' Davis Pearson, Wm. F. Dean, Peter Sieger,— J.' E. B4um. - • 3 ACODIIMER, President. • • WAL F. DEAN, Vice President, M. SMITH. Seeretarp. ap3-tuthatf AMERICAN .FIRE INSURANCE 00, INCORPORATED ISIO—CHARTBR PERDU.: UAL No. MO WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. N i sop a lease paid -up capital Stook and Storm Ist" Vested in sound and avadaDle Seourities,oon nue to insure on 13wollitiss, Stores. Purnituro, Mero audio, Vessels in Port and their cargoes, and other Personal Property. All lessee liberally and promptly adjeited. , masszvons.• , • Thor: R. Marie.' John T. Lewis, • John Welsh, James R. Campbel l, ' Samuel C. Morton, Edmund G. Dutilb, „ Patriok Brady, , Chas. W.Youltriev. brad Morris. THOMAS R. KARTS, President. ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD. Secretary. relz-ti CAIJAIIER ,CITY ;INSURANCE COMPA: •togi NY—PRANKLIN BUILDINGS, sod,,NPALITUt RIIBEY, MiLADELPRIA. CAPITAL END BUIL us tgais.9,rta,7o.—rtourea against Lou or Denside lir Pire,and troy Portia oS the Bea. . inland Nonsattoo Eta Transportation. .. { . . GEORGE A. 'HART, Preeident. 1 kP. ROSS •Vioe President. .. R. coildnßALL, Bea' y eta Tratisurar. 9. IL BUTLER, Aunatant &oratory. R DIRECTORS. P. ona, Foster B. Parkin, I .. • Andrew R. ChambOra, Samuel Jonea, N. 0.,_ , robit-tf • George 11, A. C. Cratell, B. W. *Ale,. CLINTON COUNTY ,LIFE AND etENE RILL: INStft.ANCE COMPANY, 1 P ATTEIBURO, MISSOURI Chastered,iniMrdutiorizod Capita, $100,0%1. „' Whitgto_ A n ' Velitero c ir t Nrner, - T. R George W. Culver, ' James H. Bireh t ;lr t I. N. HOOKADAY,Bee,targ I ZT, ILIGT°" '" 'I r wg. Speotel attention 'raid•to Colleetteue, and Monet , Tomptir•reitutted. - Butineersolietted. • 'tali:Sam* - LIFE'II,4SURiNOR L AND TRUST COM poy..-,T: NN MUTUAL LIFE 1 11181.1- 11.ANgh.'ICOad 4HY, Horthsest corner of THIRD and DOCK Utica:. Assets, 'WARM • INBIIREB LIVEB for the irhois twin pa , Ilifo-4rants snanntion and endowments—purchases lifirintorests in Deal Eatats.and makes all oontraots depending on ea aohtitmonotet or Life. Thar> emt as Executors,'AilmlnistHeatorth Assismano lantatess.and Guardians. _ TRIDITHR.B. . . thatal D. Miller, - DRoormel B. Dtokegv - • rdamm g Coates. William Martin, t i .. onard 11.., Newbold. James B. Morava:llk illiam e. Hacker, : - 7 Joiaph_ll. Trotter, , William 11. Kern , _ . . Je..vaed Matta , ; Samuel Q„ Huey, T,heophilue Pauldhlio Marls Hallowell, • - • Edmund A. Bonder, Hen C. Towns Sod, Daniel L. Hutohinsios• ' k° 4 11°,1,1ril.Katk - hllirl FAU.;', . 1 - p. V, Dutton; • . ' • : liamnel J. Christiana William Aobertsotto , . humph M. Thonna. Warner M.,Kaain,- • - John G. Brenner. 1 • : I . . P; B. Mlohier, Easton. , DADIEL L. KILLER, klex4ent. " &OM, B. STOKES. VioePrea't• Jeffli W. Vfmniostaiwotetnr, inlB WI7I . IE6_AIVD_ IagITORS VINTE:ORCOWERS' COMPANY. OF ?giI,6 ° C;CAPATAL;TRIEESA INT-LNES OF FRAN 6, T E IJOUNT D$ BER, PENVIDE NT. JULES DORM, -•IIIewMANAGER. AGENT NNW YORK,. ...JOHN OSBORN. .. THIS CORPORATION, numbering amongst Itsithate holders fretateen hundred ,Yropneten of thebest•Vine- YeMs in the Dietrieto Coao, its extensive Establish ments being coated irt ors centre of tne town of that name, was organised tor the express putties e of main taining the standard character or _ PURE COGNAC BRANDY, by stopping that article. In all its native purity atid ex cellence, to Oorresporidents in Foreign ¢eintritie, and is bound down by its Statute oLltepulation to oenfine its trnmantions entirely friths Bleed , grown within the District of Cognso. and wholly tee produce oflYine yards to that hichly-favored locality ; np oTtion m whatev admitting into its storehoimeti lane ra ndy which 'nay have. been produced ,without the its of said Pistol:S. With the °Went of °steadies the just reputaiion of their brand by such means only OS will meet the ap- Prey/0 and co-operation °Lille most respectable.Woie Aterehentrir, the United States. THE `P INE GROW- EjtS' COMPANY has authansed the Agency in New Yor dozent up their onoure Cognac. Brandy in oases of one full-sited bottles eaoh, and the acne Wlll be disposed of to the Trade and the Publio; by the under mentioned respectable firm. Every bottle is sealed with the . capsule of the'Com- Pan T—the corks bear the same stamp,. and ,the labels c..ntant an exact deseriptlon of the quality , duly signed , In fee-innole, by the Agent of the C ompan y . - Tte Brairsiter now offerint e cosunst of two different 3ritnTiVr 4 CMiligltailUeratril l e;ggiiit r itiaAlti e%ending therrepp, Me °ldea- beax- the /east notelet ; KRVevvrib,Ytntninio age represented. sui bye for a , family of medtiS tire &Mad(anpt nnpptiiett deSied is designated Ohrrag't of Its extreme age, and become the remote yearn/ Its actual production is beyond positive verifiestion.l ...Objections having been urged . chat the bottles Ma too large.tted the Srandy of a greater strength than usu ally supplied to the'pnblin. Ole Agent or the ompany ventures to express the opinion that a large bottle mar he preferred to a smaller one, and that in obtaining the article of the exact strength at which it was exftopg e a e L e i e Me m r h, lo6s4grtirratiTiirr: 7,9vVi i g n *Aiii at th'seirteif Brandy, or salitordi by G , BROTHER. k COOkR, No. 118 wra NUT Street. aplaetukth /11. KEDICDTAL. THE CHIEF APIONG TEN THOUSANDS DALLEY'iS MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR 11A8 universally supplanted all (Vier oiatra•n w and haasult, essiteattons ho the Eastern athi Western Kettuseheres, wherever altru dueed; and Its istrtesic merit ts the true secret in He fame . ; in all euldn4)us affection,. whether the eatifie be eectdsat or dis4l,.. Buy Mt & tiCd.L.Oll 0 p instantir relieved of P 4,„ their anguish, p obi and iiinimotioni II a JIMMY '''' intebtion of this mar. se toiss molar, and the 4 been is renewed as if by a Charm , no blemish or soar,.. remaining._ THE FRIEND OF M THE NURSERY. Children are frequent sufferers from external in juries, . expeoially from _Fluid and Camp es Bx orosionr--therefOre every Z mother should have this beating preparation oon-,' stantly on hand. It eale st•ro greaser, and quickly-a, removes the TETT It or RINC/ORID, so Ilona- kir in rAs nurr.r.p. 7' R TAVRI,LBSEI it BF.A AND LAN . The aolfirosti hum Tra- 0 ve ler, and every other in• dividual whose' ot in life ••-• throws un withm the than of seal ant front?, exoteric's. are, or tont , . riesirshould bear in mind ._,, that this Magi° Extrardoi ill lila hest mid only friend. X It is both portal:del an% cheap, and should' ever be ea Ids companion, as a friend in need. There are thou- n. i . riads of living witnesses to tettify tote initroellge lingo, who owe Bien I° ll, ' . ili a' " 4 " f 1 v i tiElt rift et Y PIm" f which SAtTAVII3IIIBI 7 - Ognatir int l atTCE OR is a Blt.BllliNT VE A as wall as CURE: l Hums, r fielse,ei . . Bores of all kinds,. isrmses, , istula, ' Shot Wounds, Bolls. ro es Bites. Scrofula, I . Broken Breast, Fever Sores, BourvY, Bites of Renate', Felons. Soalds, i Olenilular Dio-Bourf, C Q reli% Lies, ease, . ' Scald ileaill Chapped I...ndir. Merourlal Soren : , S r p o r t a te ha r. e, Chilblains, rains generally, Small Fos, , Cramp. Pimples, Tumors, Contjneted Cords, %lost, gearee. • toison, Ulcers, ' i Weenies of the hisitutiorii, Venereal Sines, Skin, Rashes, &o. Sold at the pr incipal De pots,l4 Broadway , New 'tort, W d ßittA ld e, jO• i l l r iVg7tl ° ,-Z , ?e ' n't. l.i rt w ea u nli ` irte y oe: tamed of all respect:, me Drug sista and blerohants throughout the United. States and Canada. , T 'W. BYOTT & SONS., .. •• - - its North SECOND Street fele Wilokatrld Aennto for Fennsylvni 11511, BUNTER'S T VEGEAJBLE WCRM (lexEs— THE GREAT HEADING VERMIFUGR. This incomparable combination for WORMS, i now to be bad a t either of the Drug Stores 116110311. Sat fac tion guarantied or the money refunded, Give it it trial and you will not be diaimmincd Ambrose Smith. Seventh and Chestnut ; beidr, Ninth and Filbert; 0 H. Needles, Twelfth andlace; P S. Oliver, Broad npd Chmunat ; J. W Dimes & one. elzteenth and Market ; .1. R. AnsneY, Fifth and Sp ice; Callender & Co., Third and \ Meet ; W. Redson.jun. Tenth and Arch ; 0. C. Bower. Sixth and Vine; J. 11, Kay, Eleventh' And Arch; J. S. 'l.lppinaott.l34 North street H.' Eaton, 25 South Eighth streetAoa Jones, Fourth and Vine,. J. P. Trenchant & Co. Rich mond ; A. Eisenwine. Ninth and Poplar ; S. Filbert, Thirteenth and Green: A. H. Batter. llroai and Coates; B. Chapmanaighth and Coates; T. Brandee , Vinland Callowhilli F. Lehman,' Thirteenth and P_telar; .N. Parson. Callowhill and Franklin I M. Webb. l enth and Spring Garden; t. R. Armstrong. Fourth and Thompson ; J.ll. Abbott, Broad nod Parrish. I Wholesale Depot nt Routing. DA, DlVP•attithat. TO WIIOLES.ALE DRUGGISTS RIND riryncjANß, Mrs, JAMES BUTTS' INVENTNINS FOR LADIS.— Apeoved of and hiritly recommended by the Me teal profession gfraushont the United Slates, Thirty tom oand Invalds haying been fulviead by,theirphrsimans to use her Surgical Appliances. Ithe would caution Merchants and others against purohnetec except Oho: residence, 1030 WA1,1 , 1111 Street, where mho clan be uolmulfed 4111 Y. hltsra.tia the hones of trend/S. ./Ler banjota4 of tiistunonia wth be 'Wen on application. ths HELMBOLD'TUE GREAT DI tiIIETIC. il EXTRAPT BUORII imatuouve EXTRACT:IIIIOBU THt OVAT DIURETIC, HELIIIDOLD'I3 EXTRACT 4 301 _,. i T oREAT DIURETIC DropsY, iLELIABOLIPS EITRAOT UCHU,. ' THE GREAT DIURETIC. And a Positive and Byeedfic , Remedy for Diseases of the Bladder, Or ganic Weakness. Gravid, This Medicine inareaces the power or DigOOtiON, Aud Mass the, ABSORBENTS into healthy action, ' hp which the WATERY OR iti,LCAREf Us deposicnc, and all UNNATURAL a LARGELYNTB too l re ;isueeihas woll as PAIN Ati 12 , 1FLAMMATION, and 6°9Q "'SEEN, Weimiii, OR CHILDREN. I Depot, li lt South wEril s 4 Btreeti lllMATlVereVailtli e nali ad . elPhia. AND IMPRINOWL.qp DEALERS. ..' . Who endeavor to (Home or Vilna OWN - 'Mu ''' TANiarnrBNosl27ita l laßtail. D" inhat-l• ANEW. AND WONDERFUL DU3OO - VE/I,t i tk.tr OugyLgtorettiemapd Gout. • Tide inedtdoe to °gatd writs ItTorretoW 4 43 l3 onidettos of ite helot the whet allbotual rePtedy tor the above dis inter,. ever yet dltrogvored. Aodonset hoed he opera hentled Iron Its pee by•tho mat (telloete. rnoot l Per box, (lao be ilea by mol e on enoioeing one portage stamp and p r of ring. For eolith; the ye Ace t. ALEX HA PEB., n • NO, /0 .804tb . itOr fitrTet oh , Wade m, EDWIN CLARK'S' lito ;MY IMP#OVED ' Ind newly Pekot•it Combined grids', and Bolting. or MERCHANT FLO IC hilLio i f t) , at in operat On at , • • , _i, i i h ie.llll "USN Tinny, n•cow Thing), PRITAD A.. The untiimip FLOW Mill, Sending the oomplete inning "no ; tln) innohlipt y, oCcuolen in Irene of only 4 Mt Vies t npet, niii, and twenty-nine met Wog t Inn t urn Vithin • } lied, innall conitdaei at a •(n&ia cult on, on wOn but I a more oio horse pirNOT, Run It toottsitinlya,"On ne, and all o the low er once 0 nouri anti thh • 'itinerant kinds of Dually O duoing 11001 nun in nighty to th• best flour mode from MTOP IMOyi,9 Wheflt, by th • beat Iderobant"Plour ills id tee tilted Mote', tin in 'kesposi. 4ta averts. to or US Ind I• IWO WSW Of "Ancor cur per Allit; 44 inifiati bitinp)f•t•i Ind !itelebrated inn 0. Pa 110 WHO n 11 11 :911011 ItOo by ninny of the most expertepon Sinn lil a country, and they unroll- Pool,. Deer Olen {t Ikh $ higy4 commendations ; aid natio It e;r reetonle or rhe latrinelo eneettor- Wield rte tremens° Dr y. tey , ~. , , 4 anthem Tuserh ry)6/91321.12UP, capitalist', "people,- tors, and t it grabliolnKenerni,are Trisections invited th'fhtli Var, 4R. ti", 1., 5 1,P4i: '.014 ,, , , c. p.or oeie-, In ornuttion concerning the - Purchase of the Patent Rights for Mates and counts". and, thp nullgilf every pertrenror Mates Mates, and, 'Britain; ranee, GS many, Russia, and other A g dorsi ono egg, Will begaggato ad perecnrn" rattro t 4 _ : 11 I W l * if 1 1: eTbriow Thig,arlra! vitryai eV' tido ation,:conoerning thii ae °bra nd One ipietso to , pled MI yellow hand til I de- WIND% It rolgre r '111 A 1 040.4.1 1 ,11V1XP 01 • I'l, i ttlr Ml ' •44*r'i l i ttit E 9 .1.1 :f av i : 11 - ,.:: 18 1 54 ;-'.• ItiMuel rial 44•94 . frAtift VIP Mi l f, W l E I CL _, ' I i''' 44 llfßEEJfp li i: issENrit-imili t ii%.; WPIPWEEItrP ILAD IA A D Ail. 1if,V, 1 11,, Connsotinattlyeetatlin plus with Throngh Ilona Boston, rietr York, androinte,E,Mt, and irgri ; mon Depot at Fittabor , wit Thrmet Trams to and n 1 411 Petillatn tgr ~.„. orthwest, and Bouthwort -4200 lurnisalng tia ; e jtkaa for , the transportation 0 PaellehitenrinnnttT , +of Wen end comfort our 'other route. • - , ~ . 1., , •,, i Fat:lrene and Fast Lines run throneh •to Pittettprell without chasms oi Oarsor Conductors. All thronspraa-' *anger Trains! - provided with Loughridsra's . eat.M Brake-speed under . perfeot control or the enlitters thus adding innedi to the,salety of teuere. , n smok.., OareareattaChed to eacn3 ,Wood . Blee_ping' Oars to Express -and Feat Teethe. The EXPRESS RIM§ DAILY! Matt and Feat Lineez Boa, r days exoe_pted. • -__* Mail Trani leaves Philadelphia at 730 A.M. . Flat lane , `A , ,-•-, - 0 • .- Ilao A. la., Eye. irp t in i ir s v " 10.45 P. hi. AY A NAVE. AS FOLLOWS z - Harrisburg Aocomrodation. via Colombia, 2 P. M. Columbia 4.00 F. M. . . . Parkeeburg ' $. : "'owF. M. ; Wont Chester " • 121t0 Y. M. West' Chester Faseengers will take the Nell, West Chester AcoomModstiodi and Columbia Trains. ,pa.sansere for Sunbury - , W2lnamsport, Elmira, Dutra- 10, Niagara Falls. and intermediate points. leaving Ph n i; ladelDhia at 7.10 A. M. and I p: M. go directly ihrouf.4. Tickets Westward may be obtained atfe offices ol the I gotoPany ni Philedelnhle, Near York, ston, or Bal timore ; anlTiokete Eastward at , emy o the important Railroad in the West; slim on' board any of the 'regular Line of Steamers on the Mississ ippi or Ohio titers!, . • OP' Pare always m low, and time as quickies by any. other Route. i r• , ' .• , , • ..For further =formation_ apply at the Passenger Eitii: tion, Southeeat comer of Eleventh and 'Market Streets.. • • Tha conipletion of the-Western oonneottorz of the ,Patinerlvarueßadroad to Chiesso.malte this the DLREOT LINE EETWEEN THE BABT AND TRH Ir_ ~ , et . OREAT WEST. The inneotion of tracks by: the Balk - Cad Bruise at •Fitteleirg, avoiding all drayage , or (Image olFreiglit, together with the saving o ff, are advantages readily eppreolatect by Shipppers Freight, and the 'fravel - - Imp .Pubilo.,. ,• . •• -- • • • erchant:land shippers entraining the transportation of their Freight to this ckenpanytean rely with 00Dil donee an it. 4ppear_tranott. - : ' i •, , .... THE RATES'Q V.BBIGHT to and from•any point iirthe West by the Bennie Ivan's' •Rattroud of a at all times as f aver abts• iserwre mama eti• Misr 'Railroad Comseisiss. ‘, • , •••:3• -. • . • • War BentirtiOnblir tO mark packages " via kepis: Ifeil , road. For Freight Continent or Aiming Direotioms, ittiPty . to; or addresser ther Ot the tOlketting Agouti of the Unm natir• • • tiVib 'tc lo e lsF 4. ly A , - 11 , 17.AsVi i e tit ? .9 :7 4 . t t l O tjli t :lgij ti r4ng i li k ' li i i, ro i P lP per a* ,' l ' R. 0.; raddoele k Od:, •,,lepersaipp; e, Hai -1 0 5 Athern & tritiek,a r ieriitia - O tc r; it'isF.Cantit.' su m, Joe. E. moore, Loutavnle KY.. P. - G. m der es Co.: Evahesille, Ind.; IC W;Cirithain & Co., TiroLlll4 It. F. Sass, Boater fr. Glass. Et, Louis, hici_,... olin Id. Ear. rig, Nashville, Tr; Horn; & Hunt, MeMphia Tenrut W. D. Koonts; Alton, Elygto&i?evh7 Air e ra; !biti W ilr i otpleat different points - tnis Yest.' - - . - : ” .: i v KINGSTON , .Ir., Philadelphia, - I -'• enCO, . 1t /M a o P otinn t §. B k ritiLumu re. , i. y. :PileribiNth' Beata irnlxiirrint_Phio. - • 1.,, ._. o , 1:411 iiniket Agemt r Phiza. ' E. EWII3, tien'l Silo t Altoona, la. i ' I • Mkt " NORTH'. PENNSYL VAN IA RAILROAD. .; • WIN ER - AILRANORMENT. ; _ For BETHLEREALL_DOYLESTOWN, EASTON, ALLENTOWN,__AIAO 'DRUNK, UAZLETON. On and after rdONDAY,movember7t6, Uo9__, Passen ger Trains FRoNT.and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia. DALLYl(Sundagaexoeeted • For -,Rettil4lieNsston:"Mentoltti, Mitten ;Chunk, Ilesdetoo, &0., ( reel') at 0.38 A. AL . For Ilethlenent, neresso at %an A. M. and Bp. F m orient.") r_n, (Aoonglauidation) at 8.40 A.,M. and For Fort WashifigtOroAogchinmadationj at 8 1 F. AL TRAINS FOIL PRILADBLPHIA't .. Leave Bethlehem, ( Express ' ) at 8 A. M. and CIO P. M. josev_eDoyleatown, fAeoommodationd at 7A: Dd. and QM P. Pa, Leave rort Woutldpgtoat(Agagehodatiort,) at,. A.M., • Um 'Burma 8: Philadelphia for Fort'Waiittngton,at 9.90 A. M. . Philadelphia. for Doylestown . , at 4 P. 2 Pgrt e =fil_ r ten t le b ilainN' l a p t h" tat i i4o P Fare to Bethloheat,-881830; n,,unn a nh Chunk , . oniM; to Naaton4l.tio ;to b e t .Dorleown. SO oe,nts. ThrottBB UakOta Float nreenred.before entering the All Aft Pape neer Trainor Sandeg - Traine) can neot at oarka street with ena Sixth-streete, and StroOnd and.ThirdsatreetaVaattlnger.Railroade. of - CLARK. -Agent 1860 - .:' ,ipsitairie -, 1 , SPRING ARRA GB:Fa- RR, YORK .: x Ttl K. - DASIDEN AN •• A BOY AND Cl DELPHIA_AND T '64T1 1 7$ RAILROAD Cl LINES FROM Pli%ti .I,PD Lk TO N.P.I YORK AND A .PL4RIS, , • Freim Walrint-s teat wkarf, Will leave &Sri:plows-via; _, , PARR. At 6A M. viabarnden and Aiplarr 'C. .V.K.Aciirup- • =Mallon. ..... I .' - :it? 2 6 At a ii 54, vi ., b . o.r . ikeii. ............ diii i i+1:471-io comma! at] pp.-- - ~: . ...,-. 326 At 9 A M, Ma: Datrolon and JetiSlCity, hlorciiild Mail. _.., . ;• . ~•-• , S 00 At 11 A - 61,' by Smainboat: via Tammy and . .iirrinh • City,'Western Expros2 . -.S. 900 At 1231 P 31, via Camden and Amboy. &pa= - dation- ' •••- • • • and ~... ~.• , 222 At 2l' Al, via Camden Alilßo7, C. end A. Rl , ' probe ,i.... 1. aOO At 4 P M, by Steamboat via,"Tacony and - Joiner City, Evening .fibcpress..... • •- . . . ny . ..., ..... .l. 300 FAt 4 M, by Steamboat yin Taw and JereslY • Oitk. 2d Claes Ticket— . _. ..1 225 At 6 M, via Camden and iprsey City, Evening Ma 1.. . . . ... .. . ...,. '' 9 00 'At 31 P IA .. via dim - aeiiiiiii * itrseiblii .. .7,,i4kue ill Mail—, ... ........ ..,_„, ;.t...•... - .. ''..,..--,' 226 At 6 P 61.14 a Camden and Atiaboi ' a ocarodit- Don, (Freight and Patsengerd- et Clam whet. 226 = 5 The 8P M Mail Line 'runs daily. The 11 PM, Ro u t h - - ernoul tlio- ern Mail, Saturdays excepted. • t For Belvidere Easton. k lernington, ko.tat 6AM and - '3)4 j . BC from Walnut-street wharf.,, r ' . ' For 'Oster Gap. Stroudsborg, riorentoit, Willose‘arra, Montrose, - Great Bend, &a.. at 6 A. M., via Delaware, Laokawarma t i llq WoniBn l i! i t' For Milaq 0 ir, dr and , AA. fit, 2 and og ,P, AI. For Freels° dott 6A. 65 - . str, 2 1 ,, ,, M. ,L , I ~. ~ , WAY' ta 88. For Bristol, Trenton; 8c.0.._ at 234 and LP. .9q from Walnut-street Wharf. and Mr. P. Svt. from Minim ton: - For Palmyra, Riverton. Telanoo k Beverly, BUrling. ton, Bordentown,&o., at 12%21,.and 4 3 61'. M. I • Steamboat Jos B?rdentown and Interme diate: Places, al /hy P. "Bally , ... ' Wear:Os:at 2 . .FEaton_ or_itrioony, at 11 A_ M• and 4 -I ' Aity . ToTinds of Baggage, only edlowed snobl",assem. ger. Faseengers are prohibited alum tailing anytning an beKgage but their wearin g : apparel . A bassaga over fifty pound s to be paid or ours. , The Company! !M ut their responsibility for gage to One Dollar per Pound, and will not be liable for any anionnt be, ond hid, ex cept by special oontritet. aide . , WM. R. GATZAIER. 4ent. ampiam - ELMI RA R I OUTE. Mll. 1 3A To P R IL ADPIIIA AND E L 410110MTF to Taman! Catawlisii Ru pert,Weiiare,Saranton, , giltoni yll - - - • 723NriOaglTM111=0l A ia points 4ll caago, St Atlwa.ee , and all , h Gri d , Va Fau rt. nge r trains will loan! WI new Depot of th Phi= ledelphielind Reading `Railroad; corner BIWA and GALLOWHILL Streets. (Fsmenser entrance o Cal lowhtli strain,/ daily tandems excepted), for hove pointak es follower AY EXPRESS. ...... —..7.30 A. Id IGHT 8.30 F. Ali - The 7.30 A. M. train oonne‘cds . .e.ltuport % for SV4lkce.. harm. Patriot!, Scranton, dateme iho LAuRAWANNA Arlo BLOOhltitlllßUi RAIL OAD. The above trains make , diroot connections M with the trains at the Rev York and Erie, • Canandaigua and Niagara Fade, and Buffalo Railroads from Mt points Nvyth and W, set, ark. d the Canada& I Baggage 011E101E0U to Elmira, tint°, and Sueve3lsip'n Bridge, and alt intermediate po 1 'i c okets can be nponrad at 'ON Thiladelphisi .nl m Railroad L i nes motet OBoe . northweskeor or of SI TII and 041E3 Pr US twine ? and at the Prim agar D epo t - c o r ner orTH 11, T andaLl.olBlLlo fiI.ROUGH AlEgfir FREW TRAI N. •Leave the 'Philalphla eAci Renotlp Repot ; BC(Ro and cadeptill street!! ally IStlndlige 'e.Vdelited), .for points West shall rth. at BF. Freights must be detwered balms SP. M. to dome their going the came day. _ ' For father information !triply at Freight Down. THIRTEENTH and CIALLOWHILL. or I CHAS. 8. PAPREN, Ooneral Agent • Northwest corner SIXTH and (..H.EZT.N UT Sir. ap1241 .Philade ohm. &LIMNPHILADELPHIA., GER. iitterrA w ß i a r am i aNti. B -: On and after M,117,414,X,A1Ay.14,1800, FOR 09.KMAPITOW.N.; Learn Flalladelphigi 6,7, 9 9 , 10. /1, and II 6. 6,6 M, 7, 9. 9, 1011. and 4136 , P. M. Laws Oermantown 6, 7 7. 1 49, Wl9, 10, 11,11 111. 2,8, to, 9, ex, 7, bi t 1011 4 P:xd. _ imy2, Leave Vldlnd6l6lda to milli W.M., 1,3, 9, and P llOll,v A P. 14 e Oertnantown 8.10 min. A. M.,1.10 nun., CHESTNUT RILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6,8, 10,12 A. 51., 2, I, 6, and iOR P. M. Leave Chestnut .11111 7.10,_7.40, 8.40,40 11.110 1,40, 0.40, 0.)0, 6.44, Liu S. hi. ON SNDYS. heave Philadelphia 9.06 A2ni,, 3,5, and Z 8( P. 14.' Leave Chestnut Hip 245 A. M.,1850, 6.10, an min P.M. ?OR CONSHOHOCKEN AND P/ORRISTOWI Leave Philadelphia 0.10.75!6., p. 116. 11.00, win., A Lee, Lee, 6 1 6, 6.06, 6.6 P, and 1W P. M. Lea,' Norliatown'o, 1, S.Op. 8,'a;.4..14., 414 4 and M. : *ON 61 . 01.D111ti11, Leave Philadelphia A. and and SP. M. Leave Norriatown FOR MAN 7.4 A. M.,AYIINK. 1 and 6 P. M. Leave Philadelphia 5.50, 735.0.05. 11.05 A. M.,1.03 Q.N. 06, 61 , 0.00. 04, and 114 P. M. Leave Mannytink 234, a3O, PA, and titt A.ll hes, 5, 5)5,8, and Ph 1., M. ON SUNDAYe, Leave Philadelphia 0 A. 14.; frA, and 8 P M. Leave Alaiireat r il /4 ,3 6,61, and Pi; P.M, and ni t elintenden I 6119-0 DEM. NIITPH and RIP Streg . - satammvx SPRING 'ARRANGE = M ENT. PHILADELPHIA, ORE WILMINGILRTOAN, ' JOB BALII . RAOD, On and after MONDAY. April 28, Itm,' _ I PAESENDER TRAINS tit,AVE PHILADELPHIA 11 10 F.M. , For Baltimbre at o.le A. M., is noon, (Expro69.4 LIDO ii k"go . lt . taar at B.l l li A. M., .14 noon, 1./6, 6.60, Lot and 11.10 For P. WilMlngtoil at 8. 16 A. M., 12015, 4.00, 7.01 and M. • For New Castle at 0.115 A. M., and 4. P. M. , or Middletown at 8.15 A. AIL, and 6, Q . P. M. or Boyer at &lb A. M g and 600 P. . lvi or Milford at S.la 4. •., and aXo P. . I or Sanford at B.le 4. ~ and 0.00 ?,_ I. - or Laurel at 8.16 A. M. and LOOP. M. • For Reliably), ot 8.111 A. AL i ii .ii .nd IS 00. P. M. ' TRAINS FOR P ILADELPIIIA LoavOCltimore at 8.30 A. ..(Exorward Ma Al M., a4d gas .M. Leave ilmlnston at 6.110, 810, and MOO A. M.. i. 415, 0.40 an d AZ F. M. cave Seliebury at 6.10 A. M., and 3.00 P. M. vo i,„iri at 6.18 A. Al. atm 6,4.0 T. at. , , wive Sea ord at 866 A. N. and 4.00 P. AL • I Leave NW ord at LSO A. AL: and 4.1 . P. 111. I • illaiZel Dover at ircai.'dlit. 4 /id . 71 P. M i elztr.graloTa.lo B , 6 8.14° .2 . 8 .11i3r.-,d2 8 .0, /And 8,18. P. M , Lease Baltimore for Salisbury and Delaware Blatt toga at 10,16 A. M. • TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE *wave Qester et AA A. AL, 1,11..18 an d Imo p, Ni, I • Leave wilmincton at 9.18 M., LIMP. AL, and 11.10 A. m. FREIGHT- TRAIN, with PASSENGER CAR attached, . , will run as follow,: • Lear, hiladnlchia for Ferryvitte and intorMediata plum at A-P. M. , I • Leave •Wiletireon for Forrrsiilo and Intermediate planes at ILOB P. M. Leave winiAngon for Phfladolskla and intermediate Orono at 4sa .N. Leave Bavre•do-Gtaoe for Baltimore and intermedi ate planes at 000 A. AL ' Leave Baltimore fotliavre•de-Grace and intarmtdi ate plume at,4.10 P. M. • .• • eItINDAYEI • 1 Oply at ndo_r. M., from Pluladelplan to . lialtjmOi 6. Only naiad F. M., front Baltunore SO Philadelphia:, &DM - 111.11.1, Prinr, eromdent ____ NOTIOE.---CUEStrat WILEY BAILROAD—P P ElnielMtTitA BFa DOWNIN9TOWN AND ri- TIOMEM TB MTh lONS ,— On and after ad '4 nl, MOO, the- memos - rains for DOWNINGTV rt rip girt from the i now ß Preler Not of the rhpoi A . t i thrtii 04t.elitity,M2.1,T a litr e e4, (sLoragr Si tranoto_94._o,lbsdull. _ . , ,. A VKIMIS las 'KRAL'S tor Domains/own, ?eases at 5.84 AF ; rEIti(OON TRAM for Dolrolorto'Na, lowrog at a P. M. . • 'Attila (EMndays moor.) .... ... .. r "— mi lt i rcl.r iv o g ite n Mitti . or ia4gors or uto rausoolopi sMa. ••, ~ ~ W. IrgitifElYNEY, groroforik TO -WEST atiESTIIR AND INTRIIMBRIATIR refirrth . VlAJerEDlA. - - - . de v rf.l44.o .r etc , woo Ohexter .4 lrimai e lliAlekds 4.1 4 14 etreets,Dit rEsli A. M., an and M. On Stlticlayi at BA. . And a I'. M. • Pateeviers for Stetioni on the Philedelohia'and't i timjvre ntral Railroad take tee 7.. M I A. art P. 1(; Trani!. ' ITS T A .11,. p I t it it tusta rjarunitAudigAD. Lo4v ot iar urcrit and , 111.(111111n , nlteettr'd (tenant navl at 7.13 A, hi., 13AD P. M., end .4 M. Leave W e d 'che a t er a t a d la A, AL, 10,113 A. 31., and 3,10 F. M. ~! I~uLl 3D,X~IIJ $. "RtiliAttEr443lii AND IMENEANE SALTII49..RE! CENTRAL: RAILEOA Uhl ER waßDirrtk—Traten •leare the dtpt) toe weetChesterend Eitoro di t 00 kilaktanntitand Market streets, little 4.66. and arra nj.• 4.eart 4yondala 6:16 and 9 sine M 46 Y. M. rie/111141. for this line received at N 0.38111 Market street. ,A•de) y tine of stagecto and From bey don and Ox ford ocieneete with the 7:30 A. AL tram'front end the 9A. train from .Avondale. The bean- SIN wiener, and well-known haalthrolneet OYD•laware •and. abetter enmities offer. luparror.ncduComente to A fl• BURTON 0 040 /00/15 f° Z um nre ding " an . ? It 1 , 1,016(101p a, 14, 1 ,an Pell ten d e n t. ! , -, , ~.....- '2." t ,,, 1L...U. _ • ~, ..IPILLA /4.lea2C P HI A Al NR. , ENADIN RAIL, g ....• 6111 R TRA4It far l'o E tll/1111ri .098,,Difar,"(1 1 11nda$91.1 1 e6eted.) lektee ew,Doot„ a ozaletoll'..lool6l.l. ana CALLuW miLLeltreete,P/111.419191411tAilYaaaingef entrance,' on Thirteeatth and on Clailowitill meets )at 7.3lp_A. M., oonneotang• at•DarrieberAleithAker k IiNNSYL.VANIA DAII.AADij VALLEY eitanine to Unit:etre. ; the CUMBERLAND 1.06 P. M. tiraM On.ant,6 to chambersbute, ,_Carlethe, An. I_ and the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD IP. AL train ; runateg to San-, A bure, , o. • r - I AFTERNOOI9 LINES.: •"' .` T ' fi ii Leave. iiaTD•ppt, corner of BROAD and CALLO - DILL Atreus, PHILADELPHIA, (Pannier Ontranona of t Thirteenth and on CallOwhill atteets,) km POTTIi. V ILLE and RARRIBBURU, at NL. DAILY, for Itkau MG. only,-at 6P. M., DADA) tetuAlaya ex ' ODDIsul .1 DISTANCES VIA PIIILA - DPLPHIA AND ItigADING • RAILROAD. . PRIM PitiLtieLenta milers. ~ ; To ncenizettle -- XII 'NU :1 1'g ' -.'"- -- . 1 ?}li r Lebanon l iha i r llfe a y a rk. Harnit4...7:-.....7211.2 an d ru plita .---,. -.....- isi' illeribtarc ... ....... MI .' ravorton .lanotica, ..168 ' : BunburT.,... 169 ' NOrthumberland......l7l • - 'Lewi5burg.—.........116 Milton ..--- ...........162 Mu n0r...-- .-- -...197 Wellianaeport... - _ti...-.909 t , - may' Shops. .. ---,MA) , - ook Raven.... J.,...:235 i , staton— ,•-•,... " 1 Willlautevert, irr Elmira end. :Minim ..._-_,..........-.. We - -..• :' - . 11 " x The7.3o A. M. ate the 8.30 P. M. train con eat daily %MI? "i' ,, Tl:EhiglVßlxratit?EllttASeaf). making close connections with lines to Niagara Palls, Canada. the let, and Southwest DEPOT INA. ILADELPHIA: Corner of BR AD and DALLOW.D.IL litreete. , ,-- 2 _„i ..• ' • , 1 , saa.tf ~ ,-+A 10. kat CitgliNV.V. - 14 , krettary. , Banbury and Ene R. lartiggigeo PHILADEL.p .1 AND' ,READING -RAILROAD' Rgalealuni OF FARES! attar ,Arttil, Ma - We Commutatlon' , Tioket ,ttrith twehty,ein anyone, Will De, maned, eotilr , the holder and any, member of Ina family, on any neer Train,' and at any tune. alley: will be sou by the Imoaner, offioe of the coop:any, No. South' CIURTiI +street, ot a redgetion Oftwenty•five et oent.' min the reviler Rms.! Y en Wlehinc to e joy • the finfinner In the Cloantry 'will Mid.thyti a , verfleintatmi route, the Sehnylkill and Lebanon Yelleyr being sin'ong the most beautiful and healthy la the Stateyand abees -110, by four trains from and to •ehiladelpbta daily. , • 3. ARADFORD, , Treturnrer. Pnri f enym sum, Efareh mos oso. •., , • -• rphimr SAVING FUNDgi. "A little, but °Nile fills the Purse." 1 VIVANKVIN lAVINGi FUND, No. -S..' 136 South FOURTIL Street, between Chest nut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all Deposits i on demand. .. . • • , Depositors' money scoured . by Govbraniebt, Stale. and 1 City Wins, Around Rents, Mort-, ' gages, &a. -- This Company deems safetibetter thenrge Profits, ooneeeuently will run no risk with d po; shore' money, butiletve it at all time, re ad y to return. with 5 per eent: interest, to the owner, se they have always dove. •Thle Company co e mer suspended.: , Females, married or single, and Minors; am' deposit in their own right, and slob deposit/loan be anthdrawn army by their'Sonsiint: Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the, ta ts olPetinsil ream, with authority commie's ra n ay from trustees slid fluvial - ore, ' L.SittrE AND SMALL SUMS RECETY __Oslo* even da4y, from 9 to 3 o'clock, and on YV 4 dne suai evening until 8 o'olools. —.,. . .. DIRECTORS. Jacob H. Shannon, Cyrus, Carlasilbutei, - John Shindler, ; . Oeorge Russell, ! , hfaiaohi Pr. Sloan, Edward T. Eyot. Lewis Krumtdmar. Ilenry Delany, Nichols)! Rittenhouse, Nathan Smedley. Joe, D. leattertawaits,: Jones Yerkes, Joseph W. Lip ' * _ JACOR B. 8 NON, Preside t. uvula adDWALLADIR, reasnrer. ap2B-y , .. A Dollar tiered le tiiioe espad ' 'FWD PERCEN''' n V i AVING FUND—.. I - NnEREBT...-NATIOAW.SAVETIt TBSEVI COM PANY, WALNUT Street,'eouttrwcatponzer etlllllrD, -Philadelphia. Incorporated 1)7 the Mate or plinnall l'ar t h e it' -' re iii - ' howl 1d " ' ,-.. ono/tattoo t any IN . . rge or .. ir in- Avert paid from der of ?emit to the day with draltei. . • •• The office Is open every'dh7 frOith .11010 0 ChM in the morning till five o'clock irt the eve *and on Vonday and Thurady tirenallitly i t i te! . EN It; Presilmt. -- ' RBEKT-BELPRITIOE,,Yoie Pres dent. WILLIA.I.I J. Rahn, SOOTInarY• DIREcTORA : Ron. Henry L. Benner, F.Carroll'Orewbteri Edward L. carter, Joseph it. Bart. Robert Selfridge.reams Lee. , 1 , Samuel K. Ashtort. " ' '" foiepit Yerkee. 1 C. Landreth Munns, awes L. 5-tepliempori. Money Is received and paYments made daily. 1. - The...investments are made, in conformity,„yilli the ploVisions of the Charter, ip. /that Mare Mortgages, "MT% 420thinnel mtotrffiviVolau annuities ugl i l al ways insure perfect 'minty to the deposito , and which cannot tan to give permanency and eta lay to this Institution. , IT SAVING •FIJNIV-:IINITE6 , TRUST COMPANY, oorner THIRD and '9] NUT Street. Large and smelt jams renelvsk and Amid back mand without hnt.*,ith' FINI, I , ,ER CENT, REST from we - day or depogit to the day al, (traqal. utnoe hours. from 9 until 5 o'etook every da Ind on MONDAY N,VESINEIStront 7 until I o'oloek. DRAFT'S for sale on England, Ireland, and Set Aland, front El - upwards. VelairieZNl lEN PUNY FISK. Actuary., an,A7-ly MIZE IN TUE COURT OF COMMON. P .EAS JR: POR THE CITY An ,COUNTY OF piItILA DELPHIA. ,In the matter, of the assigned Estate of the Mutual' Deposit Insurance Assootstion of Pailadelphilt. 'The Auditor appointed to audit, settle. and adjoin the account of P. P. MORRIS; Vag., Assignee of thellu tool Deposit Insurance - Association of Philadelphia, and to report dactriptionpviti most th e parties ju is terPfit on PtiFfiDA . the 29th dat of hlay, la, at P. , hl.wat his office, Plo. 11. a South 'FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelpitia. , JAMES H. CASTIB, , rit2l7-thstuitt* , , t • ,- Auditor. HAW') WARJE -JrAC. t t:Z JULIUS 19/A(.3“Or ILMI,DWARE BOUISE. We Would tainsotfollY calf the mutation of the tool. (%I Hardware Trade tooter' egtensige fiLook of Mx- MilitilLabl'atiallWAßSE,lrtnela 'we oner Tata tdrancot by the package. • • Orders for diloctArnstortatf On solicited, and tdoo a 4, dvera.l either An Weedy, New York i tagiewtirkSts , •• .04514 I.l7 '" Ei A3 tr n ert Icarrittipg 1 gazinueston And Aio'ata torlrorn37l2 ponleurtio Hardwart. tki.t . vner.b. orscuuTLNR,T, .N4VCIA ILLF'T dCiMPANY. MAY Ifith.l4 —Vrece and after July lath, Odd. at@ VW pteon ilet.lB3o,tha °Mug* for tilt, 10 @e - '9f vain, and for TO I and Trans pottatiotton Antnnsette-Coal, carried to Ftuladelphia, Us vas of the Behuvlittil bo increased Fifteed Cents per Tort on the rates fixed hiallsth. 1180; and nn the Lee of pest tuber , 1880, [gush r In crease of Fifteen Cents uer Ton will be made)" said charges, and no continue until the otose of navigation. By order of the Managers. F. FRALEY.. my 11-2 m _ ' mod .nt. P ROPOSALS VOW" 'WV UMINOUS CO 61,Q.- , PataAd proposals wilt be meerred at the tett t r k!kr e hl r rti l l i ilt D r i ee L t r i t ai l a t i il nVh S o f W 4llol,'Y fg , I ' ) u 2 n C ti 8.1860, for any port or the whole of fifty thou' tone Sae, Bituminous Coals, suitable for the multdhoture of Gag, to be delivered at the OaxWorke, oe Schuylkill river, in such monthly quantities es mays upecided in the contract. 'The first delivertes tn/BO ilt the month of July nev.t. . The Coals crit,et Se fresh; okan, and drY, and of a tittli ty to Witmer/wed by the engineer. The proposals/rut state the particular variety of Coal Um intended tO fur nigh. and itof a kind not before used at theme works, . o r not t o ese than fifty tons rot trietwillavrte suited previous te . time of. opening the pro Is. 'The gues/on of 2,24Oountiewill be ,comaderedaa the weight intended in the propoesiel Inlets Otherwise ag- Prelude , stated, and. if it,* prefem9 to deliver by p. m . sure, the stitick buehel of %ea Wale inches witi be d. In etve of ftildre to deliver the Cold acedrding to a mo ment. the ethane* Of the't'as Werke pilgrim the tat. t o Ito herrehttee Wherever thpy may 'deem best, and e sego to the oritraotore any Mee or damage tioutemo ton auoh Tbe payments wT Mdigik kW9 total Metal uta, lat foto' and six Mott h toot a esesl ed pesoda of Me livery,' theHlth o oi 11 Mouth to bit ken as thelave rsge pf the Month y deliveries'' I or, at the option of the ttnateep, bay menta arta ,bri, made in oath, with interact deduoted. t Should the sontreetOrs prefer to deliver the Cogent liar than required, it may be received, if eonveniebt to store but payments will be made to date from the tune specified.,, liatieflotoryseourity for the ftfl fit m ant of the en rant will be reentredp , I,P/tiff I:CRESSON. , guagineer l'hiladelshis Oas Works. • 1 , 41tY 2, 1.10. . - sure-yea NC)T HB ICE - -40 RAILROAD OONTRZU- A 1 O . . BEALE'D „PitopoUts Will be reieived at- the kfilee of the WRsT lERSEY 5A114119 D 00A1PAN . at WOODBURY, tilotioettor °Dent]; etf Jersey, fo the il t• l e,ding of Ibuiroad from Viroodbm tio, Maud/rough, & distance of 10 miles ,) lintel T.H.U.RBDAY, the 10th of ay,IPSO. Also, at BRIDGETON, for the grading from Bridge ton, in Cumberland county, to Pitts iown_, in silem count/4(a distance of 10 miles,/ until 'THURSDAY the ITth of ltlay 0%1). ~ Also, et abassßoßoGGll, fol. the grading. rem Pittetown, in salem county, ,to Giasehorough, 1 the &e i ti , nty of Glotmeater, fa do,anee of le stoles/ Ira atttstmy, the 24th of May, 1860. _ , _ rofiles, Plane. and Speonfieationg_ef theNork ay bo seen at the ENCIIII,V44t'S "I' FiCE? in WOOD HUAI' , for thy First /solemn; at 13 RIDOI,TON, for the Seopind Division' and at OLASSBUROUGH, for the Third Division—three days before the letting of flash• Division. W• qP O Fe I t~! 'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application will be made to the Nose Bruton In surance Company for ttiP indOwal of Certificate N 0.9, for ten shares of tke (mogul stook of the mid comp on, in lint o r ahinh hoe been inst. 'fesfirtn, m OFFIOE OF TOD PHILADELPHIA D READING RAILROAD COMPANY; PUIZADELPHIA.I4Iaroh 14. 1801 TAB rates uf freight and toile on coal truuagetrteth by this company Tani be as follow Starts `Match Wien tit further nonce : To Richm0nd._._......... 8 Philadelphia..—...... I. , ;' lualmod I' laue-.. 1. ,tiioatorro. —— 1. Uermantown R. R— 1.13 Falls of Schuylkill..... 1.43 Idensynak.......:. - 1.38 Eg bort', 151 Ponshohooken. I. Swede Furnace........ 1. • Rambo's.... .... 1,14 N orrist'n or iirlrgePort ' l . Port Kennedy.......-.. 1.17 Valley Forito.--- • • 1.14 Tiounixville....— 1.0.8 iroyer's Ford.- ..-_. 1s • Arena ago.- ---• ..• • 1.. • .Winerick..—....— -1. , rottstown : ..• • • • -,—. VI iiouglas'sville.—. .. ...... Pd °smear • • • ..• • . • • 98 rdeb0r0......... . RI .ReaLng.......- tS Tookortou..— -........ imespoKt....-.........-.. 70 510hr5vi11e............ 75 RamburF ..... 7l OnYlgeb g A u burn.ata 51 After July 15th to September 1 to Itiohmotd will be raised 15 o niter Savtember Ist, au ad ame Per 040. By order of the Reanl I ap.1.:1-2m W. ff. Me PROVISIONS.—Mms, Sidea, and Shan] der of yariope branda Moo. Moss Pork, Met fkof, nod Smoked Deer, for side by C. C. MDIAR rex. eurlyi 119nfolei elonr Ashnv,Pmn .10.7 • IftrIIITE FESII.-194 hnlf 43h161......911t0kiL • • naw White Fish. &superior article hot renamed and for lade by 0. 0. BADLER k AKCK fdreat. mond door above Rout, 1,;.111140 141 PtiXitalifisliiittitii&,.. i _ I',' ' ,l:;:' „..' ~: :,,, j,si...4l444„iumwr erriumr, , 44 0 6,4t:TailiaoiniV a lKiArKe t mm 4 Sde AT de t' - ' A' ditlY.—Tlie - ktiorTiii pPreltdadta is! reehtlitast PI oar: We et 100 ' Otikey_ had' atapte r lty It oe*; that (Tuesday) redrning. 7 wrel, site o'ofoo •oa I mouths' are dlt, Weals pow; 000Pritlag a pews arelortaaWab. d rtOplO .-T•7 DvAt,r•RW ire VSTOPUI. r Ap - This - hloreinc,' et Kl.o.Lcwa I ," Yoe cartons Noa.dett I. seprier - tlatultr acut:^Wnall ribbota, of the trttatema of /deft, I Jae y rarta, , - '', TO OMANI! IbilltOtti •I "' • - - - fhb; ateralar• • ' - ', ~,.• time doiert mew's; women's"' dad bilialllllll l •pr,..- , brown, sod mud eetton' hostelry i - ailh: / 1 110 12 . -,-. , thread, and ootteaythrees. ' 111-LT- VAR/VIOL/ ' . , Thla Moraine, L 2101,114 plata and attired atik paraloW, ' l --_ .....___ ' • elAti OF - 77dPOR_TED pxy folopia . Thia 7ftnnag, , May XL at bleVeldelr- •.. • .. 1 co pulkases ant lota.of Olney lad staple hal LARGE BALE. Or. BONNET 1111IRONit. ;OR TIER itiP_RTATIOZ4 OF . 91 . 8 1 1 u..004.141e t 0 FT Balta. • - • •. This *Omni. • •," May : 1241. - 1440 Volook— • - , . g oo oa rt, o o - ph, appo,ydaln. plaid:gold :brOolda 'tripe, °host*mat de Noll boning obborlii. tom DOsing some of the holiest goodosasported,aot worthy tho at tention of the trade. - ; • . 2,r00.-DOW. 'cox** itinERY, or SUPERIOR max& • ". DaY. " • :moo two:who*, Nook, brown, and mixed cotton hose; tar aka. , • • , " Vhitebtowti, iitiUd &alines, eottaii hidt Rose ' 0 /Lit: i n; 7-113;g0 GOODS. Morning, " May 25; at 10 n'olook— , paokagoa Antrim. or buoy and staple *nob try goods. , , . Northe rnilroad Ce . - ntral . Ra • 100 DOZEN STEEL SPRING' HOOP SKI , HUENEME (.11141,177. , On 'Fonder Moraine. • _ - .100 ;Armen di 10, 04 6,-11.40, Xi, 24, JO, and 40 mins hoop akirtni white and colored, _ - --NAM= '-qBCUTP-ATAUCTION. A '- On ThunWiay. , .- Map 24th. at If O j eloolicwill ha sold. Without IMP., at South street wharf Philadelphia, the fit -sailing cutter pada . &dt well'found, with two ant of o Wig. Vilb.lll 1141141UVIVC011f t eteAlad igt even WO Kid out or !immediate we", Aetna meanies 76 lota, by Abe NewSork yacht. rota &holm . -I -.— = N,l3o42hw,7lkohtitharhe Mit OTAITY day 11 1 . lion tO , the saki, st thttaaaborage o ff mois t Any, is WW2- nal: , , vie •stiott ,ri,' , , Atortomus; 0. 431 B. OHRBT99I! ISTRitirr r Ksi th custom' trmoobeicreen'PO ItTito etre, , • -., 0 Lit' OF AMP, 10Als AI A DAM_ 9.T 9 DRY 1 Obit,"TiONNET AND ' TAlXidlite , 990P03,, •-P NCR PLOSII O 4, koe. - - On Wednesday Morning. 'Ma y^ bytiatelogois, cm it 'oredit, °women inn at 10. o'oloch, wilt be Old, an attractive sasortment of season able goods. ells te e to city retail- stiles. -Inotod,kt wilt,found— - i ONNET , 978. 17— °shoos rich t9rie figured b eitlatds.'so.vi ootois stripes' pooh isme permit rib S, ROL 6.317 for best city retail Wei. ' : ' • - TR thIMINGih - Also, a line of rite fancy trimming ribbons, fringes, - galloons:ow: • . - , 1 , 11.P.M0R PLOWP,ItB. 100 carton latest, sait Paris aro tole aowsrs, Mon ours, resesi Wyk _stra osettes, Ice, , • • ,—•- • i ;PAltlit CU MANTLES. ' • A line of newest end victim Pests aniyarel and Iti lanais lase mantles and points, of a oshibritad f mports lion. PM99019)M IE9. -, '_ . Also, new stile Paris embroidered collars, seta. bands, lb:mooing, musts, are. , i,_ , , . , , , . . • , I „.. . -)' MITTS. 1 , Also, black French • hies to and short mats, iintli . and,withontfiltaisra. + -' - - . , ,_, , , 1 • .._, HOOP SKITS. '' ,- Also. ,a , lino, of etwal-boop suet soma shit most approved mates: , ' • , Illir &UM*/ anCeittilossim' soy on, thi 10115 HIE P FORD It CO ; AUpTIO rag:. , _it• zto, xismatwr • Street; and .041 • MOE' 'Street. SALE OP BEADY-MAl2.lt-OLOTEINO AND ' I LINEN SATS, On Wednesday Morning, o May 23, at 10 o'clock atratusislY, bisold logos, aoo lots of superior ready-made cloth' it. coo n -autinc of the usual assortment, far tar and Marl nL. Sales. Of seasonable goods. • - It Also, a large assortment of ham and mtuilm s op E account of manufacturer. , . • 13A1,4 OF),000 OASES BOOTS. BEOEB BR ANS, AND TRAW - NATS"AND soNSET ,„ • on Tharadiy Moinstne: • ' May 94, ati ' o'clock prealsely. will se la: 1r oatatogne, on four months maths, I,SX aces man's. boys ; and youth*/ Irmand calf boom latent Ica sr and calf sait?m,, Oxford ars, &a.; wo men's; m , and children is °all. gdat, kid, and motoooo becks, sh a, no. ti rat line Of OttYlitade goods. • aTitAW , GOODS. I • " .(ta That ay Afte rn oon, Mal Stott in`oMok emiy. will be sold a direble issortinent ofladie 'maim/ straw bonne and , tdoemersr 'hors' unitliorti, Pedals uraldt ransom Italian "trey, nod bets. Able, tilessespee sand boys 01/44:1 leaf do. I - . • 1 i ..LLIAMS. , BOYLE CO. ACC 4rTiosmeats & commifisioN MEAbIW 1. No. 6No MAIN Bt., ST. LOUIS, fa mai, pith me ..... Myers, Cl/Warn. & ) sr their Bermes to ,the mordants, artae tar -and others of rhiladalphia , for tko aMe dry , oar. pe _ts boots stnas,,nants are. javelin, tko., 60. , ur cad advasoaa made on reontat ot f l ew "Jr &Warrants made th ree days after , 31111111.1Ptels.. moans. Myers, binghorn, & go•antM6ollMM: ••;1. • • 'A , tt i, nan &Brother, Pintadelanna. " H e nan Brother , Townsend.! Warrens, NO York. ' ' L. & B. Carta & Co., Plum York. q• bad, Mortar,* Co., Bt.,Lpta, 3,40. ,Crow:l4eVrearr. 4. tatillt-ttptaly iliaFOX TUE SOUTtII-13=1- - WIN' AND HAVANNAR • FREIGHT REDUCED. • - Hairy' lefoloht at an ave Eli otismtat per coot Dr low lie* YOT3C Steamship 1, 1 . .._ . • - -FOlt CEA% ON, R... C. The tr. D. ADDLE4aamaloo YETOTUK UH. OW Ohl 010 P. =total/sum, will &all nPnda r y, Mar El. fo.2DA, . , Tomo lO OMR) hottew4otiy WI holm at Bola rOR BAVAII i dH. DA.. The U. 11.'lltur Steamship ATE op ONORo.t.a. Captain Soho,/ Damn. will oil Monday.. .OW zz, 11a P.O , - - ._ , • lholooth to_pg to epttourt-o ley Wilw •At tya, I tour ,_..--,.- - o r l o/ 1 0 11 rp-...-- ...11% ; . a .. , aurtlaning ii Wowed tronieynia ay Winery ire days. O , reannveit, andi .WMI aimed Thepla t pliagolass irldt-trtiedStaantahips ten- BTQNEI37 . x Ala BTATI OFMOIA new pin as above eye ten days, thus formula a te•day equatan , moan on with Chaneston and Eta , sad the 'Booth sal Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah, theaafilhira ina ne/at with stemmata for Florida.. VA. rann.W, U., for all plaosorin the South an it.v.- , Freight*: on& on a pro shinpidSo trill be tonna to lowe i rti 41: than br gal risitebt, the *mat o= bei ng the , N. 8.--Insarano• ell all Railroad Aretphgri az irllT anatoessazy. ihrthar ta ttra n Charleston o f oa t IV .61 "" l a i rd i rßEarblithr i APar a Rao 'Or this roar to ad* beaver r by the inland Rome', arrid tdi y the fonoida Elbe dole. Thong* no NI frdm hdadelphot, via t.; r Vt ton landTbartansh aronbhis, IN CL t/D/74 CI hl l l9 ll on, the whoN route, adeent.from Charlastqa and pavan ash to tooldsonterp : gi nits= 7.13.11 l To Cluniestog-,...--elt Made/ton -.FS X 8arr0ute11e........- rbFavuoalt— —. angoata r ...--,,. In anal% ..............-4 re ktodn-....!- ........ 21.• 00 hlip m .....- ........- 7e, Atlanta.— - - 100 At .........--...... 51. 00 Colarnhati.,,,,,,,_ Ri Co =Ow-- JO 00 Nblf ~,-•, --- 91 #4111nY..—.. —,tat 00 ing t rtrry ...i .. L . rg r e arooktfraery— , New Orleans., -. nil 711 Naar Orleans- -.... IN se No bills or lading t signed alter the ship au sailed. For fre ight or pasrate apply on board, at Woad wharf above Pane street, or to • 'ALBA. URN s i ., , Soot/meet cornerxojni s ff slattlidriNtri,, Agents, it. lanarlectoa r .0-. a. a. T. ti. pp D. , • Ibirnanth. HUNTER do eithlldnLi Fin Itlopitit front Charleston, eSattaer Oar.?tins rya Taesda. . For Florins hos B e aO , steamer' IR, hi aryts and Fit, John's avers ! Treado sail naterdaz. ; o Arm!. V, 3. IVA reiliai ai , miez, ROUYLIW A aFOUNDRY MTHAND :WASHINGTON drakaiTl orr,l. gi itir . itiflan*m h tie wh mANDihallM liato • m A o and Ljamrooom• Lot Land, Pp von ay MCFI7IOI, la. arum Maasr,*44 Csitthav 0 01001101.1 r COO. or, ream - - Ironfia Frpmar for eso Yrorito;WOrkakapii.Xall. • road Eiromy to. Retortsrarr_i Gam Maohirroryor tho West mad Imatt ia a " of i lt lt trura i rSt4lNmam " Traima, Deutoator4 atm, romping. isnoine, Solo •Asa for ~ itmaenz'o rommt_foram Mara AMOdkartroi, raarayth a_Pstent Mita Mama, 'on a 0ESW•11-0- , Woia0V• moat C4mrp'. - drmor ime IrlacMhma T. ' LINGLISIT AND. OLASSIOAL BOD, iN SCHOOL FOR If croNa MEN, AND 1"11‘, ~,f4ciesstet:countt, . _ , ke 11/00)1ft Frompol. The fooamon fa oven. imaimA, desirrdAti tont, COurse of fooffAotig ample end thorough.. Pupas ad mitted st, tilae. - For rostiostom fond for s sobs . . my4,l,to* MRS,FREDBRIOK BOOGIES, OF Ba.l- TON. Intend* oeeninlea kicgoot. FOR YODNG LADIES in Chia citri crewing is Repleitaber next. Mrs. has Th e ham 0 referring to the Rer...Pea.. Vintoti. D. D , Recdor MA utioroh of the Clroula_ni, With full 'lsmaa% may be obtained of Mr. F. If. Rodeos. 701 FINE street. apll4-3m. A hIARIVAN ISULLOUL IPSTITOM 44 1 a reliable ruediesi thouhhWhichB 01lein d Ftml sicahro may Abbi ' ant ooe °Btant tl ev e h n eo Y ta F n ahrt enYatsna l ob,stataltaMr; B.tIT M WDOODdAN, • sya CHERTAUWAu,NewIuIokh .RYANT & STRATIMiIiNATIO fl.ll l :NIERIANTILE iiikat i ts; trod at. rti t tert itarilovetstid 6131."0,casidaillai QQt .., . pdneor. CAUTI !—ASTROLOGY !—LOO. `..OIIV—GOOD NEWS 'FOR. ALL'—Tiles %WM railing him viol Hum is the best; encased phe ' 'when all others have tai Atiyhe are in trouldt. all who have been unfortunits. OaCeivit by fella Proadabl. Sy to her for sdpip sod nossfort. Ns lots nfetsa sits ndeer Mtn she fit'4, the 'egret of winning 'the stito pais of the opposite Sex. It is this feat rshwit indnesa illiterate pretenders to try to 'imitate her, sag Doodler advertisement.. hhs shows you the hkrieNß DX I / 110- Pure wife, husband , or absent friend. t nevelt 11316W* to the publics et large that She le the fitst and only r son who san ettOW CA e niceness in reelith i rent va entire satiaion ,ea all tae concerns o r can be taste mg JyrovidA thoupsnds, taarn end mule. w hodaily tea. vim hen one : come ell I' to No . = LO RD Str eet , between juni per and 'Artoui.•my /.11-4. PROM ' 11 AbILEAS' TRAVELLING BAGS A-0 rearnifhoterest and for sale by C. F. RUMPP, in Mirth FOITIITH Street, above Mob Wbolesehs and retail snasufeetorer of I.' PORTE-MONIVAIBS, _POCKET-BOORS MAX . . 04.8.ES.•MONRY-BBLrq. ' a I Sachets, runes. Cabal, Bnkele W. Drealng . 2 3 Cases. Writing Desk", Port-Pallor, Hill books. I .2 , 1 lobbies eromptls don. Aitrar .20 ill 1.41 141 1.47 147 .42 sly: 1.30 1. 1 63 Lta 1.16 1.90 • 1.13 7.10 1.06 lab 111010INI 4 arASANT`,FOUNDRY, No. 98.1 BEAta stra i n, Remington, LIAM' B. TIERS informs tun frtendir that, harms Vidr -30 • onased the entire stook of Patterns fi t the stare Po drx; hs is now presared to roomy* orders for Roll ins, . 0 2 Grist, and SaW Atilt Eroding., Soap, 'Chemical; . 01 }lmmo Woes.. Gearing. Cutting* made from • Rawer- Ilaratory or cupola turnewes. in dry or mon atiadioi Yloam: , ' • ' f. NNI ENOR KOROPE.:—Having beim appintied, jv I 136 I A Bo kale Ez ze p C ie tg as for.l teat. 0 ar , n Vn ow L't ele . _2 64t a & CO to r . 1 6061 . - '76 FREIGHT, PAGEAENa, it , In For all carte ot Europe and Aalsoiter Vac _ dented nt tits eltY. • :us , & Cm, . i ff np2-3nl N 0 .16 loath- FTH throat. • ( 57 ---.., 60 - MEAD AND CANS BAITLERY,, .'. i , , 48 BR EAD No. 1323 North SECOND 'Street:. 615 Retweeta PROW N and rOPLAN.; 1 ,u HavingrAa b d e d tt,lel..M,Saty (fortaarly oonto:•dity " p l a i l i t i Alkth Bread nlit 74 4 " th i e ir t i erglolr: 14 hal - taney Caneped Pies,* ttelh_ovary da ,pa i xi, low "nen at Ena North SISSUND litheit, 4:hilade nt la. - invl -lon ,- ' -' WV 4t vek. tit and tolls n. On add of 121 Gents pr FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SOALIFI MOM nT luta by:F AI R . 11,10 ICS & MWING, •-• • cliirsonvNtrwah....t. v‘i! ! ENN4SS . T BRA NDY.-t-Tct Q warnOt• FRAMES, ko., at the lowest ascii Prices. 746 IRARD Avenue,_,(seeoad atom ) "MP WALMIt tr =NT ~AetL - IS' ~!"Ai1~llltllre' MO. SHIPPING. SACJIANERit AND IRON: ,*Dtc*rioN.. munnezma s*zaiusitakvaitadni. 7_l4**Or • IMMO ift • • Magri ; . 1 - • V.N 47 • '•re t. - amt• eadetneke frauntßils alaillaa v Matt er yr • • as . WA* anla,amo •• • . YR' r' llama trat doer' • . attb•fidl, , tolr yi sp 4M4 4l. A 1 AT to el v , OA IMO lions . A elf. COMPANY. - • medal ,trirStAit .e'eloot meter M I A" — /Eselearc h , till *a 4 , Altiact wane. by realm eues". bi AlliDadows: ....., lismolaos y yjy. f b 00144. *NO Ookinibinead play. ,W 4ll =l 6 e. • CI flue TWENIITY-IPFEMIN memo sai;-)lcay 92. - 1 - " •At 21 Wein*. Boas. Ituyinvite_warohtv-rZarlteltnidd Ir t utlUia l i t ieltEE-Mier DiirE,LL. CLNa. lam? Walsoak(kamerlY -"- nook strut m betimes Tenth and Stertoth AMU north from - ronlar_Oling. Aeon kedeta—TweAFAITORT :.B.IYECE "Dir.ELL MG: Vs WarisootAtle4.- adianuic ewe. IlipprosLosruati—roekto"merzwynad6L3WiMlL#l4-4431D, 1111111LoAit X 1•6!! Mn. Lwer • TMIttIYSTOMP nortAmea toner &ant:haunt ajaem bi d. r t o w.„ PamEataderePNCOM•B r cow JEtICE DWELL vriw. No raote _ . .S. Dawlizwrstabim• i QR~ r..BTOR,I rtreii r •W*lloll Walser an4L,44"oy_4o4kr ST011.1" - BRICK DWELLING. BO.MALLombard amt. rut et Teuthatreet.OrtOrll - th , notstory Irv*, direllasy is tea ye*** le—ifirtata atfilania Carnal. dee'd. PITOZCS 'KESIDNCs, DUELS, AND coe.= HOUSE. AND WIGS LOT. Wtitfriotoily aide oi" tlintelotrett. *Orbit of Magma West, German. Very 10 .try ITwotaae -• • • • Paimp STORY STONE DWELLING. on its 'anima/arty aide at Cumberland street, Oct. rnontoint. . .. . . Ihuree Estati—VALUABLE- FARM. over St sorer. &21"ercrla-Maktrrar. ergrePirl ft E REM n alifh - /Cos•Ma. itims,w3.l2lostaat street. vat et • stitettW. -MEAT- BTURE•IE ErFarEG..Ne.r73l Boa* Fifth stmt. , befew MOWN street, *wants Abe Fah andikx*arreete Peasengar Baiter* deed: known re the • fter_t_lleasa.. NEAT "MODERN RtIODEI4OI3. north** corner a' Tenth and Fiatvater stvorla, SS bet Dont ; has the ire ,dorn ernsverne, - MULL. FARM* SAM. Low.fir **ion townshia, hlomoseely_vonn, Pa- Tailig-FroRT - BRIM- IiVFF.L_MCD DWELL , INOcaorthivest mew of Medlar *6 7100-,third ate.. sniff thave-reore *lee aerie** *rotor*. Twenty foe ward. D iIItABLE RESIDENCE; Gorden emit, &min buil', wrists-01mi ward. • Lot RI WEE feet; fonts on ware river. , TicACT OF LAND, in , n osey . Tf.isa. abort 13K masa Toot 97 th e top of ace. centime* TRACT OF LAND in Victims monnev, Tex*. on Bravoed° meek, about 8 Wee seat from Vootono, 000- taintwo-ttorO of* loom. ,3 BTONT MICE DWALLago, No. 17 Nor rVtniairitriCartitil At wara do. sr N. Thirteen* Must, aentre of On* atriat,Peertireath -81 64* "., 4 1 °0- 4 1111 4 i ) WELLIAG; ;No. 133 8 • 1111811414 PitO tr TEiTir feird, • litakineitk itif.****hesee, whir sad twerameltra- 'valet F i re Al % two u trhat • • Om* ftehillim&• Let 7213ine - ,- Ben is , - Demi& -- ItHerriPi/CA - inktiont a m 0011SOIr tori Vi tujiklaiwo lid Liao Wort Aideaabiloomp Yeller. ants Aip . D LIIIOr Pio. In ilip!fi 27 Danfee ari indel a rf - pit , Mae UN diadNorth BtODEW t iPCE3ir-Mri MICE ' arsuaraim N 0.431 dm *atreehlreer offiroood genet. Peremptory o.' CENTKAL BALL ",. , Oft 4; Fisnkfoni road, .neeth re Wert *rem Yampa for (nor ,41.,610 a sow—, nem ahrelara. - - , 1 Exsokors' tae Prsansin—Betsti d B. Lan g, it aUPII - fliS e diCar. --• , Floe cod sy matey May Ikon o'oloolr; inll-• bd,"' dote at WM.! eab the promotes. So. UtS,Asek stmt. rho Wdeosse ! • mo dern "i s mito,yrttli doubt" Ouse story teen teinStosrs sad rsitonnnessethilit het II menu poet, /34 etigrM-44.. Übe alone/ loserinkt fdridtaprosado ths bloom & Cant- Mr Pali paittenlais in - hand hills sod datslognms. To Bookaaners. LARCH BALS roII'ULAR SCHOOL NOOKS AND VLUANLIAJAIDMLIJANI3I4 W 01116,11, ANL BOOKAi ko., **Most of ,s jobbat Mere declining 'the motel ~ NOY foionstneseise et . Aid. with out mom, lugs ultortanet Ist poplar ea►od Loa miso.entuieonif tic ,00lts, grtitisa to wit twos. the -40:onea;s0gotriligIsAyr ook - ROM. Ontettr i i plagf. fl- Xl,ll. •.- ' • .:-, Ott Tit f rain. , At o'clock -0U ilia- eetpra tlkiiL i d excellent sreoha-imad , • t "Am- Sns utuomr•. clovetc. •ton moossig. telorid re zee Aare r lr utzin 4140. clario m•rioo of ea - Iftikeatillain-rooro ek•lic. rooktel chum winos panolkisibor Matra, &N, to tck cold without metro sic • Also. il Soo Frank- At motel ninon, in carved ikiivaals , as.i.s. gAlect i tei Nowa* roonrood 73i-occsvo vano.forto• Wide Eau*, lob told for &moon of Meteor. SP ROTA I.' Alio PEREMPTORY SALE OF Y MAYA- W'lliat.tlteiernblatittierglueriar* PAUL donators or o.utopo fort itt:4 of WI he r jth. On Fruley .. . " 1 Kew hi. eesneenotes at II Tee "Net is the tatizemoo over Meant Meter= t Sara' Nano-forte I.6l • wont No. SOT Clostant atrcouativitioat oservo. • Viblptholl of chafe. catesopt Menai youtti i r (matisouyiego , by mr: Wettes t tombs. Intb o wtboico yrorlut by otiterituluout uttudik Au I. wubur ut about deputtarg for EstoPo. the whole coliseum will be cold loteout•th• WOW* reser- VartiOS. Sir Paintings will 1.1 twaseed for. isimeerion tont dare previous to the Wok will deeorietmestaloeueitc. SUPp .•_, I " - ki1c01e..417 Utak .1104111 Street. ljug IFULNITURN A swung, Tafirarrßy , CAJELPETeI., to. , ~ • At Tatectelr .Itatittlit t ' .. Ekl4llinf,;dlo o'clock.* Na acne!Drisi Street, .low Pine strifet. the funrsitust oat ggegsgpsa t he 1 00 100•• leir. emoriesel a of Pato pods mode parlor fit rrotore..fdo if act. pints mid.i. , Up Bird triltlet. PlOnOlt WU: ri ll ootOrtlth elle g Irsj,L Meet, interliare, ta carpet., al , . ...- makf PO ee•suned ort ' 11:101111.11 of este at e o'oloelt, rit . .RATILLNit; ABOTIQNBS6.B4B. . R, rrF f •• =IWO, inotheatt FIR OF. ovra Lots oi,POR- Will 1W *law T TAD CO LLAT ft •f 4 , - lON Tuesday W•ming, °pea f or inspection on lifieedne nitannicia. - - - - • - - - - - NONSY I 140A254 17: a tetrAst i t i, ior ellall aft =ete. j.w r n7ro4 - ;T e r= 43 7 - ...., 1 r w a nniftm l nulg- le; Met ho li nitti irbief4 • sato* all In 01 vela*. r mitts* . ' • .-ca W . liberal to al an , . . ila W. $ Olll, 1044 j . • ' • '''` - , j , —ki ••00 1 .11 . 8A141_, • - Wed or, Parr be 1110 wasfresh it 4 Ton ley .. :essieolgeo . ' " 9 8 1? nen teas araeler4 Ler Nano easel tiro- Jlir by will be II i si rrt i rtl i Ml"' SW trA -GOLD PATENT LEVER. ATellik Utterer like, extra MI jerwellerep of the m aseebtertriad best raikeno, ewe trear UM tO/Si , WrenSßl br Illeer-_ - , - . nireasilf RißATilli.. 1 ITIIIVZSO CARDS. V B. - PAISIER; • THE ADVERTISING IF • AGENT, FIFTH and CHERTHET. !dim bib Views or lb* senoiplar and but nude of Advents:tot.. tuttrua - Maut4olkook. -Adtbsts raJit-ir • • _ --•V. ft. PALMER. . ._ . J. -ItAYL.IB TtiOMAS. • • . . . E. -- ~ • ArroRNEY-AT-.14w. Has rineyrml hie elfin* from No. 112$ Arch. etreet to NO. 449 WALNUT Street. Particular attention given to the recovery of limas- UM elniAle. .The Meiling slid tifintWitne el Wills, Conveyeneek Aseigneseata. arias of Title. mid othm Inernunestgor Writing:Tarement of Nxeoutor ahipe, 'Adaninstratonthiee. r ata: -eneartaten4.4; and the bed !bounties Et or Abe germeeeef na -1/1111tRI•tall or NMI., liebefietorY. mamma v.ea when mound. ' - - .- - QANIU t. 'SLOAN— . 4 4 1 ." '?Ctrr4l 1 1 3 110 ,10 eO4,LIOTINU ' 7. 7 Rnia.Minsittola. ,tIORAON - :AA csi, Exegsbi,tad T ATTOINV.Y, .114 NOON VIET i i g= goe gt, • 0 14 4tvit44,441.the.goinity ;) graertrzr‘eatiaratrvro."&aea„mixor-Tecif Ms Patent. - 4144,1 in• 414 4 ,1 in• _ HANOOOK. OAEIP, ‘tCO.,CO. ,PRODULIE AN 1)- 133114.6114 L COMMISSIONMFASNANTS. Na. 47 North "WATER Street , I...bneigneemeta am; meat, whaited: Agent" fei ut the di ff erent Fertilitere. - as24l.m. WAGNER JERMON; • - 4.4 ATTORNX.Y AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. Moe. No 116 Booth SIXTH Street, (Onceite ladeneezdisew Deueze,) Peu.asirrrEza. Br the aid or reliabtrAthernere, at different poets fa the - United Stete db... s. te.ezeNal ... 19 Pra6,646,6111601160t el t=l:4 l l7zolor t ii n to the exandee ' tios end re covery uf,the elameogooteee sod , 'of DeozeleA, 'Ad the ereaumbon of glee and seeming 'the interests luzlzkand persona zatereaten /a. the Spite; in ell Porte of the Uzuon. • Ha the Statutes of ell libefitetee tied Nenthieloner for most of them. Depoertions earehar WHIR under Connzazasanlg • awl 4m , „ HENRY Arrommy-wr-LAvr, Has IRENIOVED from Ne. NO Walnut latteet to No.= ticatliCTßlAD Street. ratutt4m. LFRED L. ROUGH. Ptinit IWARUFACTIJNANIP AGE. 147.- Order" sooonod for Ver t deounitioa of PAPBR AND raIR-stAKEit'S MATERLU.L. fW- No.l7llltonit T'S Eltretn. Ptilodetolus. PA WBON it! NICHLSON YND , DERB, - BOIL BIS Atrinl,6llßOß firritwwok. • Between; ZilLif. i t u gkee i twit roweeel. InidßB PAWS 0 - . tAT.t. TBUTIOLBOB' KILPRESS COMPANIES: Ti - SP TRADX. NJ ' PLIPPtEn . MI4OfIO.I I I,AND 13.AYWIT • • TIM ADAMS L9 - _,IXPRESS COMPANY. , nib, CREWI74 ll Tla 1 RRET. in tteaPeen u t. tettielk !het they are trePared, with „„ ' . atravoistrAzo,i J.,. p ity , Tr.., .., pans of the. . Puma. AND euUTRWEAT. . xecatrra orvxa, - teeithWes inserted to destination. shis p on s [ guaran will bs ae IoW as those of any other resble Ex prelim Commix. The &seats! with which we put all descriptions of 5. i ° NIT. 4:ratr i gh n lo t &o P . it l t . l e b 4i g jo C n i . nc irt r ..g : iit. lur it - . s, Sahvibe, nod all other ..,toss and Towns irt the eat, eannot be exacted by any other Colnur. • Al..g by ant Soatbern Express. which has l ately k been etwinked over the greet bee of Radrosos. via: . rand Jancition lad Ilinaxamlitt Central, throug h to New Orleans to Reltonore, washingion, Alexandre. hsnehtrarg. Bristol, Knexvdle, Che ita hoots. leashvi e. /I mils vale, Memphis, Grand. - unction, Canton.Jaohisr,.. Volinbara. asd Plow Orleans, and all other hitter anA total in the Ronda and Elva thwest. r 0 e lli o nies 1.-sy m it r ait s T r i e r , eg a itird , 10.1 . from fi g g and al' ' ! '" ' f • hi. . I or T o ryßev, at 11. 9. *flan* • M., nod nand n prki., daily (liinniharl rieggelk Steamship Rastas,' fos Charniaton NM &mann.* at our office at 7PI M. oitthe day, before sub?. . erars. W dirgatat i b nr d4 is. tigra Pa ardlet b n e y ja r rivers, sad Cottes Rad Booth es:gets. Provided nob .. b . left at oar onsoe befoTa livo o elock .I.'• N. Merchants hags= egtthe oatt alas tit tio Ad EITMlae COM MY. may dePend Von oar drivers glom stria &MIS OM to tie gages Ror ipertic*.naMtuie nasty to this ADAst)•.W,R,K comraltYr MA., Ret. 10 . 11191 : . apa-tan Join Brno Kin. Melee 'HEAT svADJ--loi i s l 4 by:: . . • '..lirrawitua. aIItIiTURIN, rAI 4 1 1 1 1 Ninth .IWry IM . AQX.E4 4t•••-iM". tibia. 290;hfs. 1004ra. and no no. Is jut ree•iinid. and 111 raw order. For tale Owl JMO saii! /1311 MAitiall lAN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers