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''- - ,-, -- ,- as totootostoo o. —,--re i bi bit womb s6' fault. bli g" l • of zufac- Au o7, - - iifgiiii• - a, , . tinstmtki*, . 'it *mob - - mak' ' "Ohl .legia. iii is ...,..--r-.1 , „Niaiii• to . of &MO *. lb." areat°B, - - ' USW soo,i".- -- ' "1441Cl ! i fi l tr. I T 1 e P744,,,*,.*1•'-'''- .111 ..:0440100tarbligli .. )T ion*P l ithi t thli -- ito4ol. 486 "tbab,,, • 67 stwhig #r . ! 7 ' ' A - 1140141.1 10 14 M -- --_, ibuttorismon, itasioli - All is'llesat.i.,..tobukbaS., iopinal,ol*.,r., ' viskooltro,l-gi 114; Prow ~„..iiitiotilfsikiiiria-iwitir ~, , Naafi ail Z=liir eta tinika alik ii ii . qi.6,,A ::0;,,-;,-,0-.q.-,,,-; i INC. 114Virrijjktelli -I .;:,'`'i _.:',i',44 • ~.1 - ; 4.13=6;;;;1 - -, .; :.' •, -- . .. - 141iiiiiiikWobitto. it ,tiroooN 'York, wltli ' . .:6,?) ,, - ~ - .:..1 ,..,,•:.4 -k - , •7 `. ' ~ • ,:i i ~,, . . -••- oiL .i iiiiiii'll i i•iio l t - N -I.a( rd 2 i . 'ikotior 00... '' • - ill- !!' P ' 1 r r ?- U r Weaorooe.' ast.• h a tt i go o t l ., . -:-• 110 - 4,4 i ',..,030.NikUu0t0 , . ...,, Nswroo, r. ~ • :. e ' : - 1 -)-'1“-;-.'-'ilikOliiiifi) -- • -.-' 'l' ' - tII 111*.tobi ilkoior 0 , 10 . j o rzt , ,, McGowan , for ifoillFue #Ei li doro u t g lilltk',...*m. '"' elebittni :11 latsWallitogo4o• ! • 51. .*: w.otooktotwi *Pk 4 Tirirgerleiiii* foliWaeiLiiiiia4k4teirod ':.,•' 7 i1.448 . ~W lN Attiiii:,N4r.- 11t.,4 1 W 1 , 6 4‘‘ ' ; Aimed at; 4 , fir 1 44 4 Aido).*L-lUit!oit teiVitiport leth ult. !',V 1111Mt o nspsesi himpeat-Doluorooottett! .111114,0#Bp*Ail0, - ,be:o.)iriviid at lam: . ..,,-. ,„,ilitaaro,lLir t)ii,i,,OiNirld at NailiuNti 4 , :::41kriva,...v.;_iio.-„,i.. ! -risvfo,sto.i. 7=l l , l 4iii-..- i ifliWO'n,lioboli arnwei Wo - yr.U., ~. 701trirw.,;•.**01- 04 - 4 4 4i i i h,i; ~,, i , , ,e d ' ... ts, 73-4 r. ,„ , ilifladole a tO.eloored it `,tow . I=l l4 V itt ridt.." oath lialoo.ww . U Mob tok NO wi ii. -19101111 , 4/* .' • ' • ' * psi -;-' rai , r;g i r Y s: ;, , f ~ !* a - 1111° F . • N 9, , , i itornamielii4l4.casUiS: 1ita...,,,, L 4 !_.-...._ ~ cysl Arr 6l Fo , l 4• !, _! l •r t 9 !" 1; lor i ti rs t Min. idoUloo• •S, ; kasioo !unwed at New irw , . r; Pri. opt' lOU ;WNW. at' *Fr Ir riVr`t" 9 r, Narthpit.; iti..., -. fisseil lift' liT • &Vilma An aallina ...... lit inst, 5 —.=,,, I,2l=tolgtir"l6l4ll7. ; 041Via-41.1 THE l'ititOßAL ire wolllllTiOitopOlL taitirtairr. , ,- , , 1111, 11 r I se -;"-' 1341%110. " ' ii‘ibiiirwletlek`2 A - I, r .,• ***l' eihrls..Wlr, * , t• • ...' .- - Ir v ! . ,„clei ! , ~-,:-,;--„ 4,.: , ,,,,..,:. i r vl.'„;,Y-... -- tipiatiti ,, •g , R. :ph0..,,,,,,,,. , rp tr , T o it.,.„ ~ le • rr---- , -, - lui r iii,zsi,.- -, • . - #1 k . Br'Afw - .1?"' ° ' au r t. fax: i_,, , v. i i f i atitit,4llptat ~', 7;7; 1 ' ni•- :Irogr.-P - Wreksilloli; 8 0 . V ,l ltY ii • A ," ...4. 11 41 ;•; 4 ' 4 : - S;'. r. .-rt•.. , -:' , -.-!.. isli "Ir - - 7 " yt ..sT*, kJ :8 - patt fo nillertoo: _Y- ° WY i i L .am.ibtrd..ol-., ~,,,...,.emi,7l:l,md ... 1.%2,--IP.I, 0 , OYEity,Z4. bah , !" ?- • I=,. a.' do' it a c 11} 1 01 2 1e . - 4 - : ,:: , , t i g i ntr i epsn, Aim% se T . rlyi N 7 *Wm. - .l‘ T, - I & .1 1 1 - • : t s 3114 X$ 6 8 0 ,..." ._ I rg i r l :ri f. ' : -',' :-. re' 4:gri . t. ' '. W 1 =, • ' rho Oder. W I ...• , ur iliErmilia, -- -- .. , r id , .• Ten. NI • iv; i Not vi NY . no Gobb, N.Y. •,-, . k ootii, I , 1 2 47 ri-.1 ~,,..• ,_,...• es ailliniosout - . ••,_.. • • •4606.. ~ ~ , :: ,•• A *not" , id, U..§ 1 - '"'`l ' . Airit ' `-.:,:::' . il i peltiCtrol4: Y , -1- •-.-'-• ' ••..,,-..,- ‘-'‘4• 1 ' almitn;.! • • - . 1,7j114 ;'.; : z= e tr i..... %) -•' -; ' .-- ii T •:-;,-:-/ 'yr : L el 1 1 N -1 1 41:01 Y t i i hroe ,Y --- igrfitifit. - ' ,-, : -. ' P oming i lt 4Yl ''' ' kt , 434.9.88 / 4 , Ara -: - ''' W J 111 (it'll:* k .l g tom; Its ol = 'lt' ".' ''' % 1403600 01 ari1l .1' ikverth!S _.• !' "---; . ::::" II *Tit, Cobisibai . -. , 4.1915 r Twirer -:ll,,zi k av h ailmit sty. • "lAMlstei ilifka er Views ' Per Vir " 41" a" i 4 ' e Pt t " I !IN I I A - " i sur ', A lag Li' 117LIOPI: ' Shah , t Il i r. ':: , lui 'lligrien . k = /K 2 tlostio n lik . '',' fulw"SaUilt..it Y ~' 2 .: ' t h • in, kr , '°, falaitvt ~,,-,' roiton ; i t neje , - ,_, ./ s ' :, fill i erttrAtt; Vs , e qs , •- Al f lii, . 4 ".. a ...,,,,.... 41 - ) i t .., „„„. ,1 , 1, , ,i, Wolti V I pro vl , it t: ortilitMi ^'• .:. itivi, e stows. V.,... , notoookottomi%r s v . , owl axe t r. le 4 K P e rroro . , Ark K Ihrn i ker VY 'nog lirolkoor Jr. Cons WooOnr:rows 4 1; ' 1 14=f-ft , '.. - ,2 Kliss el M ti Y 'ri . Vo it ) fliffirett. il ' 'A. 11100146 -/7 'a. As- NV" kV= 4 .1 U.,,. Y . . - 1 - 171 ,14- *T . "VG",.,, Ar i l Oply izr. gee irkinuf • . _ -_, - 0 &KW Latimer._ fiM i ii. :-. •'. rs- irk s = t ‘*iiiitailawrr - mansir-rolitita street, boa; Arek V s e IC= Vlotnat ilreptro v , imyJ C01g00ir g 24 . 5,.... p* „ oe . te ip..., :4 , pg 1 , t ir illikkell' ' tiotr tmirl e des Bad - "Ihr-7 - 7: - -'' : • oh' DosorKlo IgValoro ARAI ' '.. Kir= MIR ' r i" ::: rite s Id , .., : k 'top 1. Ps er , ttlearkeld ' K Vail •Mk Haven se . Leek !Ism . j_l3 A arms. r& 1 Gr a n. F . _ . . w Iworrood, Wyoming 1111:141. =ZIT fas,Virgtrg, 6 il • , .0 11 & f vie, a ' A. Meet .Ball_ %m sow Md. .it li Wabfate, new York kiIIEUKAN KOTACe-Ckonene *root. Morro YU*. W f: 4 l . Vit ips - .:',: , __,':: : ,vt ierwan. T Oriingypiinra , ~ .ae n it t%; ':, . '; 4.l= i tir,iY Itataw - _ , •:,_...: - i ti I, l ac. oigir. itiyiki,:o.ti A titiod. ha* siiimath. - _ v - ilitill•i ; e 7_ 011434. , , , ~. i ., , h „: , i., i ri v i lr it i r .; : t re, 0 — 410 111 44;rt i, "-".1 , :!: 1 w iTaiLi Oa, ecf ° rms. rail l / 4 ,: 4. 1 , a rga:Vraet, DQ_ E s. a: ' mo . Prem*rgitftt. obattitr, At it. qe, o f t!skt ao, ra 3 %in XiiProodiil4, MN% N.Y . • - , . -t. ST. 14017111,:N0TTL.-obestaitt , : shove hitt. , 0 1*1 4 g rtilit :: ,;... )- ' A T IPA C Ir t , 111 12 4• Ts - 427 , 7;p 1...„. ! ...,..r.rwt.-.ki . ".. !L .... 7'40a It li ooksn pa t * k* ' .ll ;- '- ` : jitif4n : Ur; itoCk =iiro - ', . - f - : : -Ai itTagi C L i grati;P* . -.. . , '7; ITIOISO 11P000 HOTEL - M arl aft, 61*. , ~ : B ilT4te . : 4 _..t i " 1 40L_1 :- ' - •i.,,,... .i - ri t mgrtitt, -, ~. •• . • ......... i .,...,. AI iliatftgr Owns io i ttlis 0 itistny, ONO'S!! .. -,,, walk. 47, 5 ,, _ tirt ,T,..:......e....,....,...0.„,ii,„ ... ,tair.,,..: ,-,..—_, ,ricil, ifti t ar :' r WIW I * ilk - - '-' II er7llAbing' 40111iiiiiiiiiii0iifir4hid(it; ibi/VO ' Chiethies - I V .11 at i r l?" " 494 g -' . i ; g i iMOMr ' - ' ll4Thiiligliri . :; (' INIP , iit ' Claiiter. OtiVerierll6' , ; ih r ottikli. "; lit A i :„..,:, 1:, , . : „41 , 00 _ •:, , ire Zratatritik, -t at.. .. ,1571,14? - NC 0 440 Ar 4l l • '. - l a at o t t ion. Fyn. Grua YbOT ii • . ' ; - -.4bilit. ', . ' ) ,; me att l itir 0 .9 . ! 1 4 0 irita,.. : A w±Arf,; I !ri!tg,to 41 ,-• .:-.,;:.,, ~. %.....r...-1 , 4 . ~ OTiosti, litiTillawill*** */***S, abase MM. --e 1414 " I***4l "nillie ' re 'lesetostor "he • ! ' , .gooku ttel 4 i t .41 ;, a l srigrOrtparrilki -- ,;711 1 a 2 _,.6, - : :,111*iill'' ' 4401, 7 1 1. 4 ' Il l ik e ed # : " IiIMP llMllitile iota ii.. toIOCM/ VA:.; ArielKief!'l, ~: ilellil , VlllTinni . ~,,g4t,, 1 4 , _s '': lL. ' 1. ' 7. 7, '''' fP lit ' '4 l**4;l . iiiete 4 i0 ,0 1414 " , 144tt . . ':' ,. P i ' l7, ilryirnailtreallilliil4P4sl3:ool `2: Loxrioir- sll4*--' 1 1'hut:aelebnitad ilantvialtimagiOassifistril Istoihia4l4ititly,bt: porke r Bide:, faro* 11441 tkyoughwt-the Valted - Ohgail.PONNoli spoivittsidled itabseel sisitiellesayst- to 11 4 L-0 4 0 0“, sit, asailasZ 44: 10 `ltsicis bit* room sands* kr dieliildp.Tt P*ol 2l o l lo 001.• WOr" , aitorddrilkatoo;sad ts sold ai WM* vice+ 13 01 4 tit '4l. J.P Alp% whitlow/4440v for the Udttd iltsteip, ;NA biAieireatable viova rad daterilli pW&M aid Preierrog. %NIG. 1.11: Streelgtt`a , 101 and 11080vra, 101741!thi-Ini olimore Ovormayr; for Salt houni srui PrA ols;perit r. aionitlr Aires Totter. ikold-hird. .vtsropi. Ind Bia*m4 raiotiois of ths' .Tattlintia;mt penia ke' . tf4 b of hi Mows. 40solotts vary sonne, mai 'mot 'from titelleah tio oloso sae, &Om, ow the maw; ~Large skis bosio; (ant* NOITON, Proprietor, No IP, teekmea• irttietti Now York. *Why T. . ppm; & son. os mush. sit t cotto etnet - Di., IV (Currant? s COLD' -AND Cou as anarsotied ,to ,ente, ari ordinary odd or oatiith i lititissi"; sore throat, &o.,,whit Ow; tati esitlaista. and • douse of rapidity thatiritt &MT &Omsk tholl Plitiont• Malin pent& All Dram*" .111601insoblei Parody Mediatalii taSt oianatitra of Gnat., .Nori row, solo prOprlotori%No. Is. litriakenasi NoirYollr,(suocumorto A;Ciabirma & Coq pole lkaii 'l9r: T.: IC' =Or' 114 &IONS; US North‘algo92o ratropt. spit- toklui•lm J.R. Freigoio.oLlVll TAB, the beet Wait medicine knows, mares all Throat and Lang af feationi, ;arid' Catitith,! by inhatation, In awes if in ternal vain or seronsen. - a . few drops, takenlatinnaky, aTeidi immediate roller. In Rbenmatie 'afsetions, Bettrahlia; SR*, Brutmeno, Bents, and' Skin dissiees, an exteritit ,ot this vainable, astiele Lint = tended With the happiest taselle: , - - • J. 11..8T/JOORR% IRON ANA UtoPlipit POW , These Valuable adhinets to the Tar revitalise and miry' tie blood, hititorate the liver, strenathen the di- Pence, and mutate all the eeeretione. ' No one should be withent there it tile &noon of the year.. Bold by ell Drone*, mad. by -V.V. DYOtT &' BONO; 113 North B.ffettf4D Street. Powders, 111 Olive Tlir. 100 • 116 !.. eery-tnthe-lin - • . • vary law wortemat al SALAMI NOSES Dar lab at red. Nimble prim% No. Ss GENSTNUT St. PhilWelsbk. Nest-er , .• ':814NO k WATSON. Oita Ihnov Cluislako'op Luxe Ramis; roads is the beat iseinser, 111/IMIIII/4 for RE. TAIL SALIM LOWEYIT -Whits 'moss inarkol is Plsi&Figars& goods sods to order warrasted sad*. thOloiy.2l)sr-OltiE-PRICE sides is strictly seers 104 as we bellsvo this to WA* Daly fair was of &saint -AA arc thereby treats& abb. . • JOH= & -; ositAt • - MAME= Stmt. Diamitrza. = peitions wlio hare bought &reign ,MeObinee Irbil:herrn not perform the work enimeted, are informed thitt SINGER'S Ms- Aisle rower reit to do any kind of work. • Noon* Weyer disappointed in the Miteldnee of I. K. BINGER k CO.; No. $lO onximurr ft, - ap+ll-dot Silica sr 'a SAvING , FuND--NosTuwitir born tincominnd !Niacin AI ,Detiosito ro 'Dewed in mall arid !anti amounts, from all okra of the immunity. and allows interest at the rate of FivE EPA fIIEXT% per ennui - . Xotecotarcr to drown ho sleeks intlian loos of in tone. . . . . . . • Vida odad lIISUT, frame cralloak.liad *a Nam day sad leataiday, aaiU Ida* In Um **sung. Frei- . dint. FRAITJEta FELL s. Tresiairat sad. 51aaddaTi MAD. IL YOERtti EIAAVIT Tian- OmeAsT.-44rtered by the Stow of Pousylvo p. L Money reoeived , every day, ind,m saymarmat Uri* or mall. . . OM PYR OBNT. iatereet is paid for money from Nodal it Is pat in - L The mow le ahem paid beak in BOLD whenever it is WWI lor and without **doe.' L Meng le Nielson from Bascasers, Administrative, Orrardtmis, and other Trustees, La large 'Mama mime, 03 main a iollli**lo* , period. L The money reorivid from Dimmators is invested in Seri Berate, Mornmeed, Ground Beat, and other fast. oleo worlds& 4. 014ois open ovary dart-WALNUT Strastowittnred OVIllIf Third *toot. Phillidal•hilv IMO MORNS AND TIDOS CORE.—The most ele- East aad •Aleioat Worm Wadies* now to ass is HOL • LOW,AYTI WORM CONFECTIONS, a &Wass sr,- panstioaraugar: ' • They are Srim superior to aim 011011101111 Worm mixtures not Only on amount of their pleasant time, (a meat rarnsideration with children.) bat biome* they improve thrikeritk In all mate. leaving no bad *fedi. *lds NUS 10 tit Bolloway'ris they are the original and only reliable and safe Worm Congestions. There are assay Nee imitations in Market, that have no merit but the ism they Oontsin. Ito nubs nee the tune attire proisrietora - -/ORNIITON, Routowar, a cowszN, - -30 *oath FLVIE 110101. 'llooli SHAVING AND 11AIR-DBASSINa NetAamtuanst. ' • L. OUTRKMUIT, 'R. E. aornet FOURTH and BRANCH Bursts, Mimi opened his magnilleent Baleen for Hair Caning , Dyeing, sad Bletmeosini, to commode* vial the most slabOrose mired/ Urea* fortfiNsr, would row tor noitihie to the matte. snot a saes ssoomadoasadats, thathtemmuts of seeetimstedating hunrnterocs patrons bavi been rendered still more nertmt.. or4ifosis *teas best ortistkiresasployaL eir-Prtrate Remit for Loam and Children. Sir Bast Heir 11tH sad Obir dressing pessandioss stasis, for asli. Chartecticaerste: „ ~ OiEBORDS brie now , open ,the largest and _. Meat dsisadat sasortosat of Muria ' and Oh ildrair's los Lista= and Braid Bars, elegantly; trimmed, aid Bore Brom sad adman Caps of sraiildr IMPlrlmatosok - _ laidtmit,end Children's Woe., Of the pelmet Worn', • endrnade in the Mort itibmantial manner. Tee neatest fitting PIM" that as be Wed. • - " thatlealesee Droaa fleas; fie* Arent& &ft Hats. late: Mr Bate Mid 0411• W ems detonation. An styles o Mate and Caps for room , gent& Csatleasta'alormsbiacOoods, of the newest Patters' Amstrad weekly per, meamere from Europa; Skirts side to order and warranted to It, AY of bit doodiwill be sold at the lowest rims. 6.116121E8 OANFORD_ # 80148._ Nat 826, end 898 Cimarron.. trader the Couttneatel natal. =EI BouDina Sswure Iduraurs ! - 7 - . IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD. FUMY hitAIITIC AT Rirsar"Pait. 1441144104 OiSis, IM ARCH St. Asents wasted. 6114 NADFOND'S POWDER. A BURN AND DANN 'Me for Malaroact Scarlet Fem, or putrid Sore Throat. Seely to T. W. Dyott tc Song,'No. 1118 forth Somme Anna apID-stutb-it • - zylut—Oß_Astiii. , -ov,tbe evening of ty. Nth tApril, bßev. A. A. Willits. Mr William gyre, .al t" c ilts, sh A oldest & es milder of Jam r ah Vim, NA —I4,2ITRDY.--Tp_ Now BrightMi, /Waver minty. -Pa- April 26th, hi Kev._Dr_ Kendall. of (Pitts burg. JAM Kaspii.k as,: of Outten, Masa. to Miss Mary J. lieCardy, of New Brighton, formerly of Chair -1121A817-11SEVEIS.:-.oq• bit Laid" in firldialon. ff_ Y.. by by. Ilmagel A. oaf.. D. D., itenlainia 8. MOpet,of Pelledelphft, to sum .13 , daughter of Jo sash asses. ribs former lase, . . • Cii If,-.4A R.—hiareh MS, by Rev. Chu. Kanner, Mr. redidis P. Gab from Flantiaso do Cuba, and Am Gertrude B. 6 amorthis city. - • i OMICiD&-Oa the let lat., have Totnkins, in his alltatisee and friends of the remi, are respectful ly mired to attend the funeral. Dein hie late rosideme, woretuurt Fa., on Muth dm, stiff o'oloeh A. Ja.. Wait. est fuberee. AbliEL on Y vion .-on the Ist inst., Wm. Frenklie. infant son o W. F. and Elisabeth W. Lonely, aged wren muths. Z u ltr&glga te rfo l grige:f. ' gis g artraysT i t r eT: noon,at I o'4l Ir. BBAR.-In (Minden. N.J., Ist imt, Joseph W., son of bomb and Chriglana Beer,ed JO years. Funeral this (Thursday) a ternoon. at 2 o'elock, front the modems or hut rather. Fourth street, below Ifirtr telortn Camden. v BERN Itit-On the Ileth inst.. Jamb Flamer, in IMAM yew. of hie *XL rinlll/111ft•In the reindsnee of hts mother, Airs. March Bentwi t T. the n titceart street. above Cbritria, end Valt c 1 4.1),%!• 1 0 1 SI 4 07= 7 6117. 114 . 21:17: 4 r., ° 17: 1 1he iteth vz.„....., at her residence, No. rem at., bekrir et GOl. bil- On the Nth th at, Catharine Caine, in the Frth gesso Mr Nee. , u:tong rom the residence Of her mother.ffimmin's aven_ 2... ue sightb streebsbove Garpenter,tble( rbandav) a Vallnilit- 6 20 " :1:he Seth nit, Mr Ann Detwiler, its_theatth year of her are. rtmend from her late residence. Upper - Mahan TOM - :41/ t e 1. 13 rltf MOM ee.trinti (Thtufe“2) morning, atlo , If .I&F,Y,--On the %h at, ofaimpletty, John, eon of thn lam gem' n Fii, f, Found f them eimmetof hie mothey, JI. W. cor ner el Foust and' Galloolliti strew. th is ( rbunday) • aumfr itlhil) o'olOcir, FO D the Nlh nit- Emma, wife of Joe. For°. Funeral ig the residence _of he. !vett/sr-in • loW, Adrew 7.• , mount Airy, this abuteday) ertilmoon 4 st . 1 o' anat. 4. Fillit.-4ht the fah ult.. alter a *gni ilinefte,whioh etibore wit% Massa= tatted', Jetnima B . Fier, In Ild Mt/A her as*. O u wm.-may let, Mn. Cetheroaar Goodwla, mid t receetut from Mr tato residdme. fa Rao, street, tbis Mummy ) atternoon, Si 3 0.0‘033. pLAIN BLACK BALZOEINES, 121-2 leita l rtiriittfio;inise. 3.1 x 0 1 1 )4 (c' se ssia white ens Tailors unfree; WI Note. irk grit iq lied BM% liiiiiistita. ~ lit i Oak imcorted Lazt i mi contr. ; end ;lite 4 1 .11:,: t Ilategis na ,ine l ntr iL ie ., ~...,..1 0 p4irs, *Conti , rat Mask Oriedril • Iti amts. I of /!4B Limit ese_lithiir, lahtteritai . DkikeiniA kON. 03ingiCitolis, ifs ':‘ Re. 91k1 Ittßri [VC Street. Mla t At o'o I. Ve t = :47440210n1.4 1 MotiVe g l ower et thissanset 01, WIGLIA HAMILTON. - Actuary. fr - 3 1 .. THE SECOND APINIVERSARy OF tb. Yostg Me Okriedottk Ijohoo of tho libteen steed likE t jOhottil) Intl M . held in the °borate, WEI isirteli, May la. oorainfehoico ot a Mortar fore . Wiiitit. Addio* by monbeyi of thtdrodtoootetleo. . , It• '' _ - POs? owner, PHILA.. PA.—MAY tot, ro.—yrovi a 'MIN, reettd e r tl e si n d s t: tq l , itl i ago is pi,it AV. YA G ivat.,eun-liagown. migtow., • ost, trE, to Chestnut iii, Itst Ipih•. a" b"k itt all ' . eI r It TIOSt DAILY, t:o•Ct O•rmantown be eesa,md Bu g i sitio p he ;indorsed " Provottlo for Cap/ `( b e IL o. Pisa, , spd eddrostod to the, go . a l t i , pilini lu ta , - rieltddlo 11 - 1- . ~. ' : - • Postmaster. . 013. et - -.- • , . 1 , , r • DNEN A R#DT ' 130 . 0 NI I n 1 at MUS ICAL FUND ! Abu on THU . I% 'MIND ,. MiliAd. at a o'olook. lerrlittili g NePri g :l i atgk W A A erigtil I will to ea In nob& ottno ofinse. st ~_ ' oft oh° oiltrlir" r, '.", 0. . 11 `. °5, .t.nrr, Sandia /tool union , .• Third. 6 N Y vlt hia led tea onus above - , Tic rat , egni Omit Osi " VIM* %PO ccrOATAWili t elA, 'WILLIAMSPORT, AMU s ip i l r eit ß ri gL RAIL ROAD cOMP.A.rIIII. rale rick 398 rl Si 1 89 ,21 . Hdere oetetat i VittrefeFr l ity'et3 ces r bet ado are en I ee thdehee t their herr itquir Moonier it the °Poe at theoeme .11 r, 1.0 U' meat. neeresit rm boars az sad S 4 reostycfroluirs r c , - F earE PN ' rvrOcT L 4lik/tiffl • MM. hOhlerth 00101Phitt. .041; Alt =Ell inIE lIIAItRIE DIED. , 4 ' ~,h 0,.,-;E:'.. . . ~.' ' , .cojg' 10gSfkj1fRIATIPM,Wei':. MR,.IPAIri z MAY 3, ~.1800. . o! CE OF IME A hJoisatasATA INKToADIOS 00sarAtiy, No, 310 w • trait.' • • - " r" •-•1111,0em witiotkos thseWo46oldint hi the Aiioil- VZINATTOWNIAMPIII to It oritine4ori will take "law imp !stp• ..f.,410.111,T, C. L. oikiwrosen,-'. Traipt MONO roirtrorfekr. Ihtir reirgvutz .4'k. • wit, nif VS at IA % ke7 Lt Wt4 mie , .n .xj7ik 7uprAr tiist sazwiethi"l . ,s . utx, gr T lDATAksMitaa.nismalt, : bilIPI L ir 150714LNUT lITMT;i: , ' 11:3644 iforrse 14 . 114. 1 cf V l 4 Po= 4"; Itaneart, an apt i =W ir rett tda.ll7l ,l ,ll4:r i berwra A ir . (AU") 'tea thetkildt t eir ode with . . 0 Unlit Ht. Of, we their Attorney, to be iri,in the peptise. quad °ad, under : the dooms of part au th or** thelieteel.hr , , . re°,17."1""1 - e4 (4 ""It. B. - V. litl o o.4tfent ' ?BERT...PAY . y: • , . A. VANDy ~_r , , ; - ', ,"--, • Pi. Ni i: " 4 rk , • , , ay4l.llt einatialttell a Find 16400 77. be r - ovij r cis or% MS RHAmmuti Irt i t _ L ptcy.- ND ikRAILItO.IO , • . W.ltt,sl attest, P e s i t li, pi es, ley %tat Mrp= ii e e n h a t i r ra or tit be Irsta la 4 the ale and el the Osinvesyl i th43//gd at 110'000k, wften a Premodent mad a ere be elected toes rre for the e l mincte. r .“- • • , ' aple-tm7 . _ 8.,1311.1FP.VV1R WAL.L.O.lllloratart• SCRIDYLKILI4: Ap SIVIIQUEWN/ ItedtOAD' Ca MP f: , -.1 he a A TINE and xtrurto ,of I! i ant the thdeqlkal end Ineetteb Vt . e a ' . Jaizii flat e t" y i th tligderg r kri r ilehlieNteuteletette&l etoxpAl4o . 6 3 er f et Ittroeei M. tot the ear of elize i r , : an telti =CI tr man i sznao s et i l e v: or4g . Millltal ON mss etedotely t i riteit i lgtiettriptettt- Am. ' . ep7-lm• ' " " ' ; ' Bettedety. (07 OFFICE OF yus , ApHi6ansupaiuk AND READING NALIIROAD COI ELMI, hlsnotte - The holders of the bonds of thin Company, da* Y..e1l WA oan nom remilfe. 'Mon stoPlioattokat_ mut o 0, is per con4onati, upon tne term . 'seamed in the amts. siLattac •Us men abo entitled !Co the bet of II .11111& lag Fon of :DUDA° per annum. an eeteb !eked by the stockholders at their annual meeting, he Jansen h. ,mid in - punruano• of the oontnioti= br hp company and dab' ysktroarry. • Metnet. :Sot, . , - . • Ett GFORth r. , : . - CI S MA I - ' Nemo Sc Mu Holdsys - .Tittta•apilie - end Emitting „fiat/read Company Mortgage Bands, ditt July I These bonds are wound by the brat megtesgea road,' amounting in 'Gee aggregate to •..1110 pp • net• retreat's tor the Let Omer rear V woes amount of the anneal interest on these ,- . one managers I.ropoeit to extend them • Wore of twat yelp% the hokiere retaining the bondeeed tit soon y they r the mogice_ln the Preehekoollettion. *bits are nom a . Fregh sheets °memos, fat ths tutereat L payabie ha -Teeny. min be wag& -'- - , A 1101111/.91 /0 per Gent. trui bot even toTerkAn oteunderanon or their ereentincto the e on. IRIS bouts will b ir 'Debi in egah to the Wawa the Wadi, on their signing it receipt and presenting. 'troops:l - bonds at the othee of the Oomperl7.ot to to etente• folentionuonent. - • - ,• • . Forme or retsipt and endorsement mill bp farniehmk orlioation. order of ttut IlMirdyif Mammrs,____ m o r DIVIDENDPI FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK, PHILADIMPHIA. 2 . IM The Diriptora Jow‘LTIIIB DAT declared • Mehemet of POUR rER (.1614T.. ~able on dimmed. m7l-et w. WIRTOn. Jr.. Gelder. CORN EXORANGZ BANK , PIZILAiItIMIta. May 3, U. The Menton, bane TRH; DAY &Woad a Thnidea of THREE PER CENT. on thetapital Stook, dear 0 State Tax and payable an dam nayl4 • J. W n . 4 fORREY. Oainkien MECHANICS' BANK, - , PHILADELPHIA. May It -The pirtotora lave this day deolsred • din, ed o FIVE PXYL OENT. for the laat six maths. INIS ea the 11th tut. . Y. Cf. hirregiad, nlytitt : „ , - -. CIMUIt. GIRARD BANK, PsitLADnprrlA. May 1, 3680.-*The Directors have deolaret Divider t g Three For Not. for the Jo't Dix months. fore' s Tex, payable on the Ilth loston oonforunty with ti get oral Banking Low. =Ohm n W. L. 1 1 011APPED, - Daehler. KENSINGTON BANK, PniuDinasie, May 1, IMO.—The Board of Directors heirs tide day declared a Dividend of Five Per r t, foal months, * burt onthe, 03)1Lb oon demand,elaar Iltate_Tes. mys-it D. T. Y l2B. SOUTHWARK BANK, PRIUDEPILIA, Mal lit, Isoo.—Tlee Board of Dire Re ftiAire tu dz &wed e Dtridenct or Ten Der erv : ! L toye.er MBE PHIL ADELPBIA BANK, MATI#, nety—Th• Directors have Ws deT de Bred a Din &lnd of Fill, per oast., ffi per rent.) OW or the faille de of the Iva anr. months, male oe deluged. rare•St B. B. COMICOYS. Gam. WFEITERN BArK, PIMAMILPHIA, ?dilet, mix—The Directors or thts disk keen dsf deolaied a dividend of Five pet mit., pijseje oa 11th inst.; clear of Staten . Ditou i stms a iwadar.: , non-et EMI"'S CRAVAT, STORE - - No. 41. No. 701. MOVED No. 701. N0. , 701. TO THE 0011.9 P NEVENTH Are oftEOTNE. 0.101. clutvArt,PciA, TI110; o. 701. No. 701. PATENT WWI & AD COLLARS; No.' 701. OENTLEI4IOIWURNMEINONo. 701. x0..101. scorpfi triekß WEAR; Ire. No. 701. oullt.To MAD To 091:404. o. 7 1. No.-701. 6 FOR !..N0.7031. NO. 701., CON. NEVE,'" 4111 AND clintirrlf4l. No. 701. 701 . . loy.l.thoto.3so OFLICE LEMUR COAL AND NAVI TION COMPANY. ABILAVISLPT Mat it ita At fin election held this des. the low eg-nemed yams! were chosen officers 14 &MOH COAL AND NAVIGATION CONIPAN for the esetung yeast' JAMES COX. Beltilatilli I NErshineßstard, ndneWldandereen. 1 John MJrenm. , team d. Con. genry J. Boller. ilooD ,F. .lonerh • maoherd Rondeon, , penning; Yernall, Alrnmnder 'erten. ' ensue .d_tokee. _EDWIN WALThE, Triunity. Enw WALIBUI, eleeritat7. neriit MINERAL .SPRING' HOTEL, WILLOW GROVE. Montootuork - This welt known retort will be open for the romp of boarder* br the firer of June. The rooms are a sset, and the grounds cannot be artreaseed in the State. The tattle wilt be furniehed with on the louden of the season, and at the bar will DO Tonne the ohoseimit liguerer wines. immers,_Shower and plunge bathe are Mouthed to the sloes for the are or alitots.. Four lines of ontnibwies pees the door daily to wed Ircon the city, opsnocanig with the N. I'. Nailropad at A biegtou station. ALBERT BUO AN. roaristor. _ _ METHODIST EPISCOPAL GENERAL AM JR- Conference 'at Huffato.—Prdi Report to the NH baDEL•Plita !MOIRE:it of TiiiB WIRE it? °fibs Firet Ones ProesealarE Ley Diliallitglit,_o 111 ;roubleNs lnyent fteromtteetti Fort e 121Q11 RER— Phase 1 Eleht rages. Forty,etttit (Unman!! or sale by all Hymn ,Auc r int• at TWO CENTS a onTri l e l cony. tt , eryed in the e tY,and in alltarrasurtiftke one hundred Wes. at T ELVE CENTS A WERE. Mee, 141 South THIRD dtreeh It METHODIST EPISCOPAL' GENERAL gonferanoe jtepott fri.the rm. hAIIYaRRIA trigulitigß of I_4OIMORNIKO or the Find Da 'a Yroofadlir Lay polliettnt mitt fte rorigleitZl 41 9 :grririt! for gale by all vete Agents t tl.' AO& Ta .lade T raj re!l l 7rn e i s h t e l i t &E a ttlf i t3afir r u lidis umos. mirth THIRD Motet. • m HTHODIST EPISCOPAL GENERAL At f.hmferenoe at laufslo.—Full Resort, in the niI ',ADE IttgOLRER of TIII2 AMOCO NO or the Fort Day Proceeding'. L.y Deleation. OE porta l Thaverr clattattaaa. eta. TICIS /PIQU Bouts, Sheet. jeight Pates. Fort...lsta Outmneb-te fur eel, by all plater Agents at TWO °Brae,in& copy. Served in the atty pod In all towns with'in'sa hundred toilet at TWELvE CilfiTtl A WIMK tAnco. 121 south THIRD Street. - ' • It MARRIAGES , AND DEATHS' AR§ M ALE. WWII, without chine. In TNE DAIL , IN- Vt li drbtforsa SIVA% ""'l9l 1"11;rNAD MARRIAGES AND DEATHS . ARE IN .l.7Ntive,4. watelojn Itarie : In TIM, DAII,Y M armot. beroirZttsYMyr. "*""°" TmaD o-st MARRIAGES AND DEATHS ARE IN. sorted, without charge; in THS DAILY IN QUIRER, Double street ones TRI South THIRD Street, belew cageolut sass-st rife NBW JOB PRINTING' OFFICE "THE PRESS" 1 'mum to elem. otonoboopt, ottaimodmotar nimurnon 01 PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTINfes BOOKAr PAMPRIATC PAPBX. #9Ollll, OLIIOII/ARS I " BILL MUDS BLAmEs OF BVBRY, Dstournint, rr7.-r n ItANDBILLB, Printing for AUOTIONEhIta, LAWYIII6 111111AONANT8. MANUFACTURERS, MECHANICS, HANni RAILROAD AND IROUItAROM EL Au ardor* wit at tho Pub Station Ofleo or Tao Prat, No. 41? CHESTNUT STREET, sin to promptly !tended to. Jelit-tf , ATOTIOE,THE PARTNERSHIPHERE TOPORE ON far Under the,,Ann of TRANER, JONES. a co.. iron and Mete l leerthente was die solved on the eighteen or AptiI.ISOO,JOstEPE . O. JONES tint therefrom . . , The team nese or the fete Arm RP II lidded by the re maining partner., • raid TRAN&R. .. ' . i t l B . hi li Et j ll 4lB ' OE . 'Poilatniumnis, May Ist, 1* . 4 -. I .11SIITXD PARTNERSHIO.—;NO TIC le it 4 is hereby given, that the anbeeribers hive Phial day entente into a hunted Ipattnorabit. in 'Agonistic* with the pot or Allalably or the Coripaontrealah or roans* enm. gamed t o Eat day al Minh. link entitled an " Act relative to lirettedyerlnerslti,e," apil the *vile mole rite, per tee nom name milt AN & MERO R. for t e trensaotam or thed metal hentete, it No. 11 North WATER Etreet, Phlhadet , i ltle gene* terriers' sic rntx TRANER 'mil JOlthi D. FAEROE, . aid t at slietal gentler AROM, althriEB J. BUCK Di!" ski resident, of the pity or 11 1 1 1 ad eo e ce i tita is6 1 In AlUdi, nentribnied by th_e alieeisl part ner, 111'1 EN TROUBAND 1 , 01.,LAR15 The Paid End• moldy is to oortnnettevn the first ;lei . e r m„. fife, end eto tertnilatlon t ihunetli day o April, me, 1 E X. AN cR ~., 0 N D . tatteEe i l .15110ral PrirMeri. , eatclusizvEs J. n ocreoß, Epeeist Partner. [ Pniumnet.ranas. Mae let, ROO. . , m o,, w et CONSOLIDATION BANK. PIIILADEL. it*, Mit r uitt. j ra - 7 0 of t emtra ittr: this u3T 41014 r tvi ea a r eon le ^I an d a q tn iligt. 103 N. insiOL, ambler. win: 3c • = Ai ANTowN-A twrrrivotaswd NEW PUBLICATIONS. ANEW BOOK REV. J. H. INGRAIIAM, LL. D., '4laidwrif the thililima at Doti." in 4 KI maim N! : NOW for or.lo r . /RO,NE - OF DAVXD; BSBELLION, OB PRINCE Ass Atom '4 I 44biri r epI e OIiMPVTDORIAVIR, AEOBSTOR AND TYPE OP JESUS. IN A MONO or ZATOPAO, ..ODBBAD ..ItY AN AsNYILIAN AMBASSA - ea' - D R , KESiDR,Cf.T AT VIA' 00 tric 2 , OP .I.6allaalacaz, I To hie LOU! and King on the Thtope of Nineveh 11.11BRSIN TRS VORY FP _SSYSI',A, AS WELi. AS 1717 AVIP SPNvE OP JU ~ RA, S___RRS TR TO ThcS JiA4DB AS BY AN EYE-WITNESS. - :REV. J. H. INGRAHAM, LL. D., . , Jhetcir oT Ohrtst Millie:4 folly florleis, IPhi Prince at the Zu e s/ D.faid," and " The Pit , Par Illeg i ctr , sir r iat rend in one largo ilmo. 6EO. a. EVANS, ItUBLISIUM /10. 489 CHESTNUT STREET, Ueda rootlet of the print of the Book, and,' tents ad ditional for Reams , . a eoir of thp Book, together with a handsome 'resent, worth from 60 owner to 1111 M, era/ be sent free of engem., to any addreaw in the United States. SEED FOR A COMPLETE CLASSIFIED CATA LOGUE of Books, vides contains a fall description of °Vet 36,000 aninprising the writings of all the soya tar and standard authors of the age. This Catalogue grill be sent free to any address. SELECT YOUR BOOKS, enclose the monist of mo ney required, end one trial will satisfy on that the boot glees in the oountry to corals/re boobs is at the Read etutrton of GEO. G. EVANS, PUBLISHEI. OnteiNAToß or TIM 017T4001t EIIIIIIIPSION, And Proprietor of the lomat 00 Book Retab/isheneva fa the Weald. NO. 439 OHESTNIIT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON LIBRARX EDITION TYLNEY HALL; BY THOMAS HOOD. The publishers, In thti printing and binding of tAle Mums. hire *Pend so beim and b 3 mosey to staking Is. is wieehenicsi ertetottion, worthy of the thoughts, fume, sad descriptions it embodies, Emir* Meer of Hood Will desire to mod sod mime this Motent To lune."—(Tnuteeriet. ."The gobluilune are eerteinly gesorring of groat credit for the elegant taste is idiot, they hay. grooltit ed this Mono to the yohlte."--fßaoAaen. "Per neitnue. begot', and etegar,olo in boot-mating, Minim Tilton ft Co. here no equate on Hu We of the wator."—{Tnbone. Sonatitally frintad on ion paper, And bound U 1 121111- ha In extra ablc Prloe For 0n104.7 all Booksellers. , 3. E. TILTON & COMPANY, , 161 WABIIIII6TON STREET, PUBLINWIL mis-eistust (2.BORGE O. r V 8' GE BOOK STORE, rte. 439 DHEOTHDT Street. A NEW REV, E. 17014 1 13 AM. Author of the 0 Promo of the Now of David," end • Pillar of Fire." ell DEAD And for sale by ell Bookseller'' Y , e TUC THRONE OF DAVID i REBELLION OVRIVCIS ABSALOM. DMA AN ruvantetioN o f THE SPLIWIDON T POWEL AND DOMINION OE TWE NEIGH 0 THE SHIIPMSBD. PORT: , WARRIOR. II NO. It ANOSS7OI I4 /HIMON& JESUS. ADDIMaIt i li grl f Fgra AMBAS- B" VVP I YIRITSAW nk; To AN 1...c.ra ite RID( I the T hrr of NittoveS WHEREIN THE OWE OF ASS NIA. AS PA All THE MAPINIFIDE c_E OF trogiktil PA . , SENTED TO TON RADER. AD BX AN EYE-WITNSS. 1111 TRW ARV. J. FL INORAitAId. LL. D. Rooter or Christ Church, Ifoilr apriags, AVIROII Of " TM Primo if she Rolm of _David," "Th. Pilfer s/ Ara'. frandsomeir Ilinstntted, and bound in unshod, limo. potions of KG pages. Pries= OBOlt(313 O. 13 MI PulOisher, No. 439 NUT Oltreet. PRILADELPRIA. UPolt reediPt_of the price of the Boor and gr cents addi r clonal for rootage, a copy of the Book, together wit headsmen pnisent, worth from SO Dents to ONO, will be sent, free , of expense, to any addnat in the United Stater. B.ad for a Complete Classified Catalogue of Books, whin hone tains a toil description of over II die volumes, nossonsins the arnnose of alt the popular and standar d w the age. This Cattikaine will be sent free to any address. Silent your Books enclose the amount of money required, and one trial will satisfy you that .th .s best Place in the country to purobses books is at the Head quarters of _ . GEO. G. EVANS, robHelier, 0 11161/1•7011 OP 71111 0117 000 n BRZIOSP11•111, And Proerletoret the largest . Gin Book Hetab/isament tot the World, No. 439 CHESTNUT iineek myS•llt PHILADELPHIA. IVIESra.THIELDON & COMP.ANY, No. 116 NASSAUStreet, PUBLISH New Ar ERS, e, whe aleaftre In annonnolng that theYw9l POtnAni jk on Saturday, May 6: ABORIGINAL AMERICA, Being the Brat volume 01 the new , AMERICANHISTORY. L JACOII /Mom Author of " Hello Hoots j' " Abbott's Hletorlee," " Tie Florence Rorie'," tee. With Eiehteen Illoetrations. 0 . 110 vol.yele. Fries 74 twat ft the irr., t. Tit Isiiierittifir - 0 - 03:04t E E 8 8.. 6. THE NODDLE COLONIES. 6. RE vovr IN THE 00LONIIVI. 7, BoRTON IN ORVENIVE. 8 NEW YORK IN SEVEN Yl4t3C. O. THE CARQ.LINAII Eprry NINE. I...CAMPAIGN IN TER JSS T Vit. B. BURGOYNE AND_CO ENWA 4419, 12. THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTIGN.- litaoh velutnewillloo fully illustration with s pir op ri mo ktsps. Charts, end xxiltravinge, and will toe oomprete in lir Abbott eine oftheo eft. &Ming ake se one Tthe rat, or molest' &inborn. is wo r ts are Goren ool l u r lar. end th . INN efibrt, is the teen tOf years of stpdy sad research. • 11. - Popular HISTORYOF ENGLAND. lidta TOuIILS GILDART. Aethor of " Stories of Eeotland." " Emelt' the Pesos soaker. &0.. • One vol. lam. Price 76 neat.. Illustrated with twenty Engraving, on Wood, front designs br J. E. Chapin and others. Mrs. Goldin is one or the' 'most popular writers in. England, and her book. have hid a large gale in Alam itos. new edition or THE LIFE OF FREI DRICH SCHILLER, wogs A 2 B, or BIS Wattle. Br TISOBAI OANLYI.e. ' Author of Prenah Revolution," to. ne vol. Itno. Price Si. Uniform wliF the new edition of Carlyle's Einem This le one o Csigle's best works. just Published, OUSIN GUY. Vol. In of the Oakland Stories. In Ono. B. TATtoe. l lteeutifittly Illustrated, One vol. limo. rose 00 cents. Mother of the above sent by mall, prepaid. on receipt of the prices annexed , ntylatd 11W OVER 30,000 VOLUMES SOLD! %BIM. 311t....itAIIDAUGHT WORKS. LINDSAY & BLARDITON, No. SS South SIXTH throat, above chestnut. Publish— Is 011, THE SAINTED DEAD. lath edition. 76 cants. RECOGNITION a OF FHLENDS. 16th 6 °` 111. TE..E HEAVENLY HOME ; Qs the Employment/ end zur meats or the Salute in Heaven. 10th edition. 12mo. 1 00. LABELS OOPIPANIEL . . THE FOTtIIE taFE, (ineluding the above three vottnec) of b). V. 7. it B. Wive just published '9fARBAUGItid POEMS. Dray. 7/$ ants. my 3 FOR TWO DOLLARS:!!!_ I "1 1► THE 1 I I_l I ! 13 STREL PORTRAITS AND Ai l astral advancto. first inspressiow, new ready ; " di s ,inVEIMIIIr f asTiMat. " VeRLD will be feu wet kly tor thitteen oorrewndtmstal to ti a leA d e t NVIVA I ey t a. igtNats7 l . Y llHNAsith-3w • rVIIE' ENTRIES fOR" MOO r 4l. 4F l Virrlatillgrar t Art . tu tit t oan4 l u twlog t li ' rash,. Mt, 9211 AVTNOR or PHILADELPHIA. A NOVEL' NEW rvnuosTione. SMITH'S BIBLIOAL DIOTIONARY, LITTLE, BROWN. & (30.. 37 itILAY "THANT, Barre& A DIOTIONAI.If Of - TEI BIBLII, Comprising its Anti%Oisin, Diogrsibpi Coos : MOP, and Natural History, Edited by WU4441111 SUMO, LL. D. To be oompletea is two wohunee. Viacom with the Dialogistic. at Biography-gad IllytimAcw, Antiou tile, and Cisogragby: . • Vol. 1: Tldak aro. Illustrated with nttms►oai Mss ==Z=n The. scope and shiest of the work may be briody It is" Dictionary of the /lets. aid not of Me tall. It is intended to olueidate the "ahead's, bio graphy, googiseby, mid natural history 'of the Old Tes tament, New Testament, and Aborrypha g but not to explain systems of Theology, or dismiss points of eon trovernial divinity. * • It has been the aim of the Editor and Contributors to present the infor mation in sash a form u to meet the wants, net only of Theological Students, but also of that large alms o patois who. without punning Theology as a proles lion, Ore anxious to study the Bible with the aid of the latest investigations of the best scholars. • • • • The Editor believes that the work will be found, upon examination. to be far more Complete in the raided" which it professes to treat than any of its ptedeoessora No other Dictionary has yet attemstod to give a cons piste list of the proper unreel weaning in the Old and NeW Testaments, to sty Bothnia of those in the Apoc rypha -Tim present Work is Intended to contain entry name, and, in the ease of miner puma. referential to every passage in the Bible in which "soh %ram (Bs tut frro m the Preface as2B-ewth Stir SAMUEL HAZARD, Ja.. , rut CHESTNUT STREET, Takes plealmnain informills BDOK BUYERS, a_nd the pg_blie _generally, that the eminent Pabliabilat /11013.110 Of 2411 W Yo t i Y; 'AP PLETONS." having established with him ea Apenoy for th e male of their , publiaatione in Philadelphia, he ha. now In store an will keep oonstently on hand . a full assortment of their books, mood 'abash are many valuable works tn EMBRY DisPARTNIENT DP LITERATURE. A NEW AND COMPLETE. CATALOGUE, of over Ist pages, limo elle. containing foil list, with descriptions, arieee, /to., iv nowready, and may be had u'ittf.;nati'lgit i tneaggz . wonld do well to °molt this Catalogue before natio' porehassa. • I:hrly9.the TN% TRADE SUPPLIED. RETAIL DItY GOODS. MANUFACTORY Or CLOTH CLOAKS AND BLACK SILK MANTILLAS, NNW AND ELEGANT GARMENTS. BROUGHT PROM Tin ADIALONNT WORK-ROOMS EVERY MORNING. COOPER & CONARD. Beare: t oner NINTH AND IsitAxicar BricRNTS. ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT , • • HEAD DRESSES. 80 DESIRABLE STYLES. • BILIVBRAID HAIR NETS, SOLD BRAID HAIR NEM BILE CHENILLE HAIR NETS. BILE CORD HAIR KIM BEADED HAIR NETS J. G. MAXWELL & SON, TRIMMINGS, :SHIRTS, AND ZEPHYRS sad Retail Mawit4settrrint HatabUsAssast, IL E. ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT BM myßthaw•St GRAY SILK POPLINES. Ws hsve r"o"wed Ormolu* of mow pray Poplins", vim nosh dasirsd For Dimon aad Disiat/es. easy Ranges Atislais, At 111 omits. WM* Hatotoo. For Shawls and Mantles. _ . Gray Travallaria.. easy Gingham& ' d lama lad Or Organdy Robed, • • Oman Ftosaa•a. At 44 00 par Robe. mum _1338 OROTKIBRII. taXI CHICSTIIUT led EIGHTO Sta. A PINE STOCK OF SEASONABLY, DRY A HOODS, at thi 0 NT RAL STORE,_ • 8. Moonier IGHTH sad ARCH &net& . DRE&S MATER ALS Or &Awn every variety, in sign, ssedipm. and say styles. Moair'. Lignites. Wawa) Poplins, nil Orsi Ooodi for_Tompiling Dream. - - _ Fans Jai:moots sad Organdies, ta seat, moillam, and as styles. ow Valentin, and Foil do Opening. is*Scoter,' Gingham. c York Li e rs, e bortet °mai/4 4" &sties, nista, Tolman, sad insole. Sleek Silk Manillas. VELDA 811 An& 11-4,7•4, and 84 wide w site sad 'Mask &Ulf Of. FURNISHING GOODS. aresillsa Quilt.. Lutes Sheeting,. Table firtlw, lassikissdnigil Denies. andble perm Diaper, UsoarnAstilelettanots. Canso, Olik lassels, fro., *oh site•atitatf CHAXLES ADAMS & SON. COOPER & CONARD Invite lineation to the largest Moan's , / balm mg offered, 000 P enfal VOTE ELOAEII Of Pient. Akre. and Mixed Cietbeeall of th e new ." i nr.DVA n f I t Yp al 'Ain h O t lintiEß, and tow rat very retuonableAstes. BILK MANTLES are in proportion. and will be ready in*few dam A LADE POLETB AND inANTlilifl. MEN'S AND BO'YW WEAL Embracing the followint eut Embrate IS Mask l oth. Black Clotho of wine pill for lUD. - nor 'mini& BI at ki FOSA KDO KIN& Einar Cilmomeree for MINI 011 W boys wear iffeauarieg r . LIO 0 AX CLOTHE. Find rate, as Ela; blitterlq" COO nit & Agr aN S. E. NIN II and MA NE Its. DRY GOODS, ADAPTED TO PHILA. DELPRIA PLAIN MiDE.-11YRB & Lief - DELL, FOURTH sod ARH, &mg, hopplhisolo, so mm 11,044,00 ot Goods tIN ADMTIoN TO Mx .11, GAY STYLE )or the ling (W t y. sod seiner doie boss, ptot to rot L=U PH PLAIN TARTS. ig ada htgr ad ' vbdood Colored Bali. on-oo Lung. strainedtomlttal 0111,0004. • 0010T•0Showla. ITL I VOViMP. rm. ks. POPULAR TRADE. -"CITY RETAIL 9&LEB-EYR3 & LANDELL, FOURTH . and AROR stylists, have assoon.matto it kooant to have tiatoolc weds of the Ara Guilty, end of the most do " 1441 IPTED TO OITY SALIM &hoot Orrimgks.., l e glirosi g iosi,toitsay th of them §Tal .joes u noder than l opi c = A fresh invoice of 41 Vs for opr fa Moro or — 4l South 14 welt Street _ tlt a nd sr* gursat Cocoa. READY-MADE CLOTHING. BC)IT - 0140TI-lIN Cf. A PULL ASSORTMENT OF READY• MADE BOYS' OLOTHINCt, On hind, and Monsfooturod of the BEST MATERIA AT F. A. HOYT & BRO.'S. CHESTNUT. Comer of TENTH Street, opli-otatle-lialt ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. E. LEIRIDGE. tiOONTINRNTAL 010 THING HOUSE,,, N. B. Corner EIGHTH and ORIWITIIIIT Sir Curtomor Work roods of shot; Bodo*. ogsSl•ruk-if CLARK'S PATENT INDICT IDLE PEN v Oil El, FOR *MIXING OLOTRING.—Thia Natio% htte the following with to labileon It by anyone, in - Writialf nVAIT' hit ch of oiou,. n blot lite ink. • - ;will make a ettar Nook mark that viii leek for room , Ve ta n cl ieneie liti . el!r's e l a ir t ee le , le tononly, and edlidonef II merit,. welcome and, wherever {mown, a neaea aaff art ale in every house. , FOY Sat% TFROLIFEALE AND RETAIL, DT D. ft. TAyLott & co.. &II CAI ERTN UT NTRERT. apli-Imit CIARDEN AND-PARLOR VASES, S CA tustr,- Founteatif, Ornamented Flower o m . ggandad ko of Terns Cotta , tossulsotqf Poor aa,s, irlsolooslo 012 d NAP RIPON 1010 camptrati.. Gem pacri.. OGRAra, AItIBB °WPM, og famished by 2.131M.13R, ell Nor* eoi t pltr.s.sbave.Gre“. Meitner nmrat Wit to. swe tles, sad Wpm; are aasaoaabta, Call at Nles- . WARTS. WANTED -ay dependmit MAIL • Nit•Stioug_iNgi• effil CommArroiiki Houns,u) M i l: W707 4 =111 t a ral e t uill _gry ratirsapes n. ., • - assase_ A IMMO 'MAN MIRES A 'ERMA ern in* wkaksisSe sto.*, Milaion u m* , te, wheys*, toodoli Risko - mow Iseeriatr r611.111Z11:43, 4 " 4 " . " Wini a . f at ANTED—A situation =in . a counting. _beam byviuret%fio rit n of business ospactirl Kor li mi arn ;Of llearniso• gimp. 30 3117: 1 A YOUNG LADY. having , : a Aboitiylo " l ' h "4 9 %nut= Tutor In o respeolobSe family'. • no 42. To sive*. Addlooo bfordt," office of I%a AN EXPERIENCED BOOK KEEPER abes an Ptgageoreet ip s finat-e_lias di', It hours. Can Walsh Sim bon tierlounfo " atter sad *spatial% - - Address •• gryor, cars o this Dwyer. • piet-11* „. WANTED-I;ya young Lad. Situation amt. to ran on errand,. Apply to efkr XORRIIS mit It* WANTED—A Partnor sate sad • • profitable antettfartartarbaeineeta Metie_bana In rash, Marn e "filasuraotory," at this °f ief • b>: 111 r. p3toommlvkit.liTht—Antfni t neulie deer in art eirtebilekedi rut& luerst s grensii.epe, AO* er _or curt. withpu 6 risk (stint, irruitatajpe.seveintr.4lllo further asst.!, am _Wig Word reauipatato wed romans income. - edee W i t h real Maw, rco., " DeauuLLotar lir," Press Qflre. - . myl-Ilt. WANTED—A_ Situation by a young • • iala from Billimorl a*Clork. Midpratands book. Mew! 117,725 Ar. Best . of Memos siven.manrs -- , WANTS -ADVERTISING . POPULAR, IZ lat.—Wants arsussbirshed in TAN PH.DA EPUMA. DAMS. ISIQuiRrIER.(nt SIX URNIa A Mrs first insertion, FOulll..Vistia Wit ItabniMit asertion. - • ' ' ' in, WANTS—ADVERTISING 'POPULAR ED.nat are published In 7. az _puns- PELF HIA DAILY INQUIRER Jor NIX 010475 A LINK first insertion ' FOWL CENT/ melt mthisitsteat AL JANTS—ADVERTISIXG POPULAR IZED.—BIatt IMO pnbliebed in THE tHILIi- DELYHIA DAIL,Y INQUIRER for NIX CENTN A LINE first inseruon, .FOUR. CENT! sash subsequent insertion. . insi•et WANTED—By a young man, a situa tioa as ikeeistant Bookkeeper led to be other wise woeful thine employer. Beware ll of Om Cen tral b debool, is gradual? of Cri wien's Coop thermal edited*. address** A. B. • this es:, apae4c. FOR SALE AND TO LET. 'OE SALE —The Goodwill, Fixtures, mid Furniture of the Totthin Home. 820 Walnut street. Apply to 080._W. WOLLAWTOni, mytt-St. -PlO.B liereentito Libramr Bostidiee.. fIOTTAGES AND BUILDING LOTS IN ••••:, ' ATLANTIS CITY. For Estee tour neat Lod ear:Mediale entlakaii, stutabhe for family residences In sauteser APO yen OS see, located. Mao, building lo orat or rect Darts of the city. If not sold by the INS tke cottages will be rented for the omen. AndLto JO PN STEWART, Arebiteet, 422. Wo Lie UT Street: or ISAAC LLOYL imak smitiny,c. sad A. Land tota-10t Cooper'. Oist. PHILADELPHIA SHOE STUFFS AND TRIMMING ausnly,sB FOR - ISALE.—FIie Stook, Opod-will. and Fixtures of an sid•establisled stand, domes lime sod profitable business, will be sold oat. on reformable terms, to responsible partial-411e Prevent proprietor retinns on aroont or ill Walsh. Addron with rest name, ao.,- • Shoe Truntninss," hits. P. 0. rasa-Osaka. ' VOR SALE AND TO 'XT.-ALTER TISEMENTS an inserted la the PHILADEL PHIA DAILY INQUIRER—DoubIe sheet, Eight Pages. pries two orate. fo r ceNT A LINE Tor Ana Jur swami, FOUR CENTSeh subseitunt iseerdma Office Ns. ill. IL Third street, below Chestnut. nayl-4t poR SALE AND TO -LEP.=—ADVER, TISEMENTB ere inserted In the` 'III3LADEL. , DAM DAILY INllJlRER—Donbisltheet.Eisht ?um. Dries POUR ettle, IX CENTS A LIMA for AM tar; Wm. 088 8 *soh sutossuent insestim No. 01. 8. Third street. billow Chestnut- tufl,lt gem SALE AND TO . JET.-ADVER TISEIMITAere unsorted to the PIFILAXEL-' PHIA DAI !PICO I RER—Douthe Attsetalthith panes, prim two cents. O IX A LI oft, forliort Met- Con, four cents for, sub enbeequent ithertiou. Osee No. 121 8. 7 bird street. below Chestnut. arrl-nt EaFOR BALI ' -A lIANDSOMI PRO PRATT, in Glermantown. within a grw wrdea tralk of the depot. Fine garden. inthlaetiede. A - denee rot Prait—erepee. end plenty or shade. dame La Howe ; gad end Water throughout. Stone atsade. large wn. Terme eery acaonimodering. ck when required. Apply to - c'Q atR sea-if at the indedeiebne • • TO RENT, THE REMAINING STORRS OK TKO NINTH-STREIT FRONT Os -nix OONTINENTAL HOTEL, WILL to RIaTID Lqw, Upon Imn•ediats spoliostion to • JOHN •RIO&, 8 nativist oornsr of NINTH and S 0101 d Sts., 11U•Ift (swoon story.) BOARDING. WARDING ADVERTIS.EMEN S ARE insedsd ia the PHILADELPHIA DAILY IN QUIEMI., Doable sham—Fries Two_iiiiisate—mtßrX mortal fint dion, and Pouigmt _term Gael aobsiguent inasition. =as 191 Booth THLEDIEreint. myl.• St BOARDING ADVERTISEMENTS ARC issettad in tbs PRIUDEIPHIA DMZ' in...l;w4to,poilitMv soh subresuest tossrtlon. °Sas 121 out TRIAD &mt. styl St . BOARCENG ADVERTISIMENTS ARE inserted in the PHILADELPHIA DAILY IN QUM L ae Bheet—Prusts THoSente—F.r HIE Zltr a U t line d o lma i s 2 nit e gaskinizat WI at HOARDERS WILL BE REOMED FOR .B-P the summer months at a **mat ram home In Carter county, witbta a Saw eietanea of the railroad. Re ...nee. IP V.ln sad ?Ignite& Ayer at 811 SAN SO Street, above Slant IL - irneet*- g lit hi R BOARDING AT MOUNT es , AIRY .(within five inientia valk of the Station.) Peveralglynee Roams 111111 be bad by andylog ROOD. at MN. POLAARD'S. aq6 12t• TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN CAN BE seeenimodited with Ilford, airy • hi.(wirk or without board,i_ia a'mat? faanly. (pa int& Marro TOLfisay *ham& 00d's youth. avX PERSOPIAL. LADIES' AN D GENTS' OAST-OFF mamma W A INTED—Tkoo ktglipit prior paid tor thorn at M. D. ANCONA, 2 2 EOu Jen attest so34t. LADIES OR GENTLEMEN HAVING CAST-OFF CLOTHING to dispre of for`Caolt, UraTil:efitaarsnriiinoltirßtfort.°l:3ll72.lt: FUR EUROPE.—Having been appointed &lints for WM. WILLIAMS & COTsVniasst blotto Zspriws. ws ars now 'rowed to mom FRUI.URT. ACCAGES. For rta of Europe sad Ado. Opt Urg e. dentedhis city. OAK _4 LIU., 614-301 'N. Se Soot IPTi Strait EDUCATIONAL. AN EXAMINATION OF OANDIDATES ror the Triceps Min of the Mittelman Grammar School to Gala. mill Its Mild at the Lin Sato School Some, Twooty•thltd Omit. lam Coltman). 'Dom mencinit, PRIO&Y.tho MI" of lam, at one o'clock. r. Moild eonoluding Bsturdely. ths Ith. galaxy SIM. it` LEARN TO WRITE A RAPID AND beaqtiful stile for OUR In EL voolt-itee•bas awl A rithmetie. THE BIG aus. 4 32,01118TNUT. below 118TH Street. Ladies' Owes snug*. nit-$t LOST AND POUND. LOST—A SILVER CARD CASE, WITH the initials" F. H. P." ettireved on it. The finder wei ounfar a favor by ratarnuag it Co %be oar* of Ths Press. - isTS-St REMOVALS. • pop EMOVAL O. DONOGHUE has re moved 023 SOUTH WATER (great. and of fen far sal.. fresh stook or Mosso Reused ISHOARS and BYRUps, et, the following, Wooed au& smote nerd Craned and Pnlverisad emu at 9X to 9X; Whitod,l% to C; White B. SX tojW C. to ; Yellow (Urals %TM to) X 1 Yellow .; Coffee BMWs, at i .1 , 4421_41A.1, um House Slusets.l to %d obis., f t7TEGV l. !'''''' . ..""km• stales. in Mids. • o f • REMOVAL. ' R. it- G. A. WRIGHT , Inform their friends that they rife was new wid apselose binding. No. 024 0 whereiheir increased facilites wit eles7X aim to fresh indwiements to the Trade to visit their new es tablishment. ex7eiervZielytelaniON7 YTORg with an j towh oh braneh et our Milken we intend to devote jellrierder attention. lowing made immurement' an Europe to be supplied with all speciantits awl novelties as they sr pear. Char PERFUMERY IfitPARTMBIIT will 'matinee to receive our beet attention, and we emus ear friends that no exertion will be emoting to nrodocgthm hereto fore, a variety of new. elegant, and saw I Weltioi pa ell tro irla nag es r. ll , n w4h eid ope gnina to ilv o nn iir i r eui ner ni6 i: e d am e n oe vejfo in r en i re . ir fo ki r . i n te d oontnuanoe R. & G. A. WRIGHT i April 0,11 M WRIGHT KMOVAL--SMALL & ORANDLER; wHousuz oßocrisap, kw. loiyea from M North SECOND Street, to MS MARKET Wont, above Front . north gds. 4611 itil E TIIODIST , GENERAL , CONFER -LTA ENCE , Buffalo, New Y,tnis, GENERAL , se¢py_ted L i O n eN i s: Odble Sheet. Coahuila' all the New, of the day. eta. e ' e No. 121 /South TEIRD Street, below Chestnut. trat 3t METHODIST GENERAL CONFER 11NON, at Buffalo. New York. will be rrigsirtod in_fall bi splroml oottrapondent, in the DAILV MORN iNQUIRAIt. Prose Two Cents. Eight nee& Double Sheet. Contains all the News of the dee. eta. Oillise No. 191 South 1 NERD Street. below Cbestaat. Lit IsHODIST GENERAL CONFER xv.A. pIiCE, at Buffalo. New York, will tw.visetted i ltriPal v drarritTi l it i ptre_ine t izz iguble sheet. ContsiMs eh the awe 0t4.41 use ow. ogi No. 121 South TlititS sheet, s MAIM. 1860. I 0 E 011 1860 • COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. .CALK OP /141(110t !MOIRE 8 wand. dub 410 NM per week. "tMI lot 0 ris Ilene your orders to the ollktee sax . ittri T io the dr il3S6 wAttrulr Street. me .otul 1111 L. H BET- Wflo_Rf Ekihntlkitt. etty Depot. L DI D d ,T w ENT Y-FIFTH bullets. Apgl-Staly , .. . sTutoSCOPIO INSTRUMENTE, 711Tnet r OF 4 7 1 0 1 n itl v al t , l flew . i i pk.ta mar 4rlPOrtsd, lino sold low br B!. r On lAN, • ~ 43pticuan, 119 Booth FO 0 IL Street below•C FO.N T. , ALEIO, Spectacles sad Ero-gtossos, or,"*.ti, sae 1111.0 4 0500005. Opera illsaso. Elootrw•Nlogoolio Ma otoooo. Mothowatiowl 11.0_ duryoyor's lo*Oureionts, al vary aawaabba VIM* Labpra tamale Wm NO" sisl4as , , , , wnuss~tßi~P~:-u; ; . ; A . 0 IIMY OVIIIPKAMMI*,. Al! MOAB affb•LOcusijkai* : -'f•-•.,,-.: - - ' -- coMnAlha t rit CRNOSIF' - ' -- , • - COLN 711177;;, -,.• • • Tlitfititatfl o lll lira /014, . - - Cd/ BAND/ .Wi_ ' • Th. town fame ortrelinrilNißOl ItuNia ILNIOINSONOit, and a Based r aduat9d , 14 : ' Oast. RENTZ "*- Tickets N Nett etehdor tele et talk Pt= and at th a 40a4eley of it vide 00 th e e veelt i V i the _ tort. Caiftw or seetoid maw It m ....... aaa tads et Andrea JINN "tote. sga• ai.--.""'. etalot. , . liel. WinNUT,_-STREET, MATER. • - ttige Way' I,LA,GARXIITTROA, MUl Tlntrfittfr ........................ waminit jaiy) Q6sr de it4;s7ll7 l tik Masi Arr. Ditbo s i kleliktu biro. D n ai s t: " l ' A — litreilAVMU T V. ' iswooDoer krra. osa. arn i caosk - ' loam - - 'twat bait N ATIONAL. TENATRE, WALNITZST ^t '" above R/1/11TIE—VM.REEtrEZ. Xaaa Jen , -- L ' sir orts i r 110 -rlr .1194 . • - . OP /11); 11.10/1411i t s V. , AND POW. XL t 1 ft : • , SATURDAY V / fik 1 011/.-11/16 /Mk _. Whin/he Theow/ed liN REZ willos,/oeconisimi , with a polar Portion Gruel- • • _ • KT. Timm • • W a r 'h. filet ' F f P a Wail" $ 114 . 4 ° S w r ir i *4 " LreA. f - : 0., 'oa a'atsle bika4to i raag air - sa an 0 ,..... - butt etriot oon%naite to a tiles 'MAIM t o =ti .I,Litellrazrt, rd flozc, =tag , Pr tthatTbreeia l lent =ltet. X mar ; Soeial — Circle. tiaeate: Bo:wee sea's, -' . _ - - : ATLIT -- ik, c CLARK E'S — ARCH , OW 0ti1n#13:14,241. TATUM ', Tpl.B (TliviWamr7l.l4.l) kV", Mr., Featherly; 11.—ifivautT,_ik_lo a. iook. Mr. Rebllll/1 j Stajor WellVd• mew. sar illas rshr " reatirrip. NTS amt.., g irm s v i , • , AS Awa iir.:CknocAad, ifi ii rfirmisr l yr T'iolor : , • - iir Box Boot now omit • TAR INAUGURATION BAIJ. OR. TIM PRITADELPNIA ZOUAYEA will take lawri t MUtIOAL PUND HALL. on MONDAY Vrtiti- , MG. May Tth. riokoaa—one Dollar—eaa e—and sttke N. Wt isomer " FIFTE( tad PRUNKRemp.te. . 03 4 12 cnomT JSX-19 MARTIN, Floor itaiaear wary. - 20-41t* WALNUT -STREET TREAT Ncyri z iwp . R T iiat ie t. ;_ yu E llan n 11 4 iti ..ll, 64lT; itic Atter ',high, GREAT LEDGER STORY. • . 73 TV WININF N M Th oll 41' Mr • A Romute priax. Box Book noW0POIL: i anat. SOLOMON'S TEMPLE ; • • A large, besentei, end Peffeet ROW tette antad: — est *ad meet Intateenng innhkerrever hallt itteeted in the imam* Woos et Model VE TWEI.FTH _- Th Ii Si 3 feet Lou. n St feetvride,snd Wet high; lighted _by BO gee Jett, and the woteldneent re gradated Ed 101 Sum 'm , ated itrenikeaernine_., mirrOtuiding the venom 001113111. WO it 1.411 , -11g, Resale/ !frma(/' alkiestl.; 1 Ottren..llllth g has.; 2d eth and 7t h Ades ; PstabialltheUllr,fot contests end gaestbetton of Rolonsen'e Tespie, ail of whieb Isithfalip re_p_reeented in the findaL - - NOW OPEN TO viatTigill, from 10 A. U. to 10 T. Amnimion; 03 cents; two Andrew, 23 eanbil nulla• ebi Id; 10 emir - Liberal arrangements rude with neboole and abatable. Print privilege of leonine by theiv_peetor. Wlll open on WEOPIESDAY Evening. LEVEES OF 4 tTlll LITTLE FAIRY,I , • wigs DOLLIE DUTTON, • • - The smallest p t vs Dm traria, of hoe Ada, 9 Diva QC Simko hit Land wenthimemaly IS pininan inkiest/ greatar.suriatite than Oen. Tom Thumb. oba_sinen the tidia ta noass at sewn Lainsa• - -..,. • Man bad alit * b. Ll/Ws L area Muth L The_Evanias Star.. i k Ormillmea-ddrios. a. Pa Suity-tina. I. Wahl. ma en awned yea. ME IL L. lIIELLS, or itsebantaa • -miti tamiide as tha MI6. sad sine both a Essiiiiii and Italian. semin inn ea theme popettar airs- . The Puma used an Mis amanita umbras thee wow= of Illsons. Chtatimins.A. Sons 801 citiestuat street.. Zaino aay be obtained att ic Mame Stem ot Ch._ -kik r u i t s 12. 1 %6, SOT, and G. Andra it Co.; M. CAW, hsriThr sir"bgvtris at l' Om ASSEMBLY )1" MOS. sonar of Tomb aselUnAnt strata% lE.S_ i• a ROE MALLL_SEO-10MIlli FLOOR: 'Every AFTE Enland STSEINti THIS WEEK at 3 tad 11 %oat ohms at Aotierinelimi °low at 1% o'clock.- . - Alkomios IS Media, Chilantritsn_ta • LILLIS. Aitaset• ALBERT NORTON. Madam. WS It Til& PALMER, MARBLE,. - - - now:wr i the 1004. besalMol. of the Ma*. gad Hagoe -PALMER, - • . . 41/1"11 IIfIILIt 701• . T ik e osoottroiakost otlioollo Daft - MX* ' •' P i n ijaBl67 k A ' PIRIT'S Fuerwk, r a i r iv tilort c . s . ~,,.- _ - a REIIIIE, sod othor& full =PP 7 boltr i voel. Ve• may tor is. LM & - MOM may MoDON OTHOM.UGHIB GAIITLEB-414WE Si..below IHRB J N H lAllo=lllli, The ever-olesel tastes of !kee -1 ACM "SEYMOUR. The celebrated richComensa eel Cootie Vamtbd. AN ENT/AR CRANGE compAyr. • O BATON THIS N R OBBEIL UN h int -be performed. tetredeenta Mita .TENIty HYATT. Tian its the best Comma. sow is the city. THE GRILSIANIA OROBE-TEA WILL gin, their leg polite ielienroal of THIS BEASON, on the WA of M. lieltete for sale at the nee d places. arait.mpal PINNSYLTANIA AOADSMY OF FIVZ At svet. loss CIikBTNIT2 Street. Tbe 100, Anus' Eittioa is swop,. dail.tvelt • o'clock h. Ph s until P. M.. nd Venni WISP . tS, Mutinies SS eons. oa to iltl oests. Ml drat'. ••••-vrie... Stockholders Intl ressiss their theists nth* Nies of the Academy. INESURANCE COMPANIES. THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY Op PRILADEPRIA. (FMB V(EWILANCB KECLIIIIIVELY.) cpari ct uy_rs_ imam -No. ctrittuut aims AND WALND7 STARR= DIRSCITO.IIB. 1110111C42 74, DAWSON. rY. Sem?. oss IL Blowy, A. Taimisenom ,P7ID. CAM 13111WIL. ILD AlLl,Priman; RAircNna,p BOIL ELLIJIM KAMM tMai 110 Pamirs. oils Arwoon. INI.T HMI wilawrox F. lumen CHARLES W. coal, AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., En UAL INCORPORATED 1410—CHATTER PER.PET. . No. 310 WALNUT Ptneet. above Third. Philatlehdus. BMW'S' • large paid-up Citadel Stook and Wolin In vested in monad and available Securities. continue to iumre on Thistlinss, Stores, Furniture, Merohandiee Vorsele to PATt sad their cargoes. and other Po Property. AU knees liberally and promptly adjusted. DULIICTOR* . Thosat. Marie, John T. Levi. Min Walsh_., - Jewel X. costolloll.' annul Q. Igartost lidideN b. Duda, ,ulolc Bradt, -- Chop. W. Poolooky, fircienrrld T 0 lip t. KAMP, Prodded. ALBEIT C. L. CIA FOR.D. gieerotory. han-tf TIM MUTUAL LIPP. iNstruiwe GOBILPANT OF nsw YOWL oto: DIX. mu,Lio - Ntrop toot,LAxt, U/VOITID i r r i tATApahLAti2l2 7 BAAL , 311 TALL '''''' . " I.IM '''' The •1101•11/•• Cr. wow than he span, cam Cosucc zdes, an Ms Dividends hare bean 111ZATI:11. ---. Mil LI • Malady ull:tax, Ccissiy. limo son as Btookhoklans so that ALL TIM name lillll , ll TO TIM MIMI% . ........ P• 010.1•11, apt every Infonnatian. may he lind awns.= lopiron_bo L W. ram; Mafile4 T AMMAti.. onUeVdELM! ANIFEWICiEIIt rvvola. - P t iaT i L ab sisan. okarc Y. Mned. Allen, - oespkratteduati, Qui X. Atirood, omaa H. Fame. Minn MOM*. krisher Inetniny. Mauna C. Ludwig. ' Arthir e Wan; Demo W. Taunt Thos. Wattinn. nnt-2yll. D TO THE PITELIO CONGRESS SPRI BANATO6iI, APRIL 16, 1860 An attempt Lea bun mute to deceive the public, by venous offering what skip cart •• Cosetiss W4TILS" from Fountains; and et the prior, of six (6) outs per glue. The eckoksals pries of the (series Gumtrees We ser, at New York, being a boo curds pu glue, the im- Patinon of preluding to sell at retail at kse than cost. and without allowance for freight, outage, or breakage) fe apparent; bet their probable wares has been to empty one bottle of genuine Congress Water into a Fonntata filled with their tresb, and thereby christening its total oontentm We hare NEVER sold Congress Water In Tourdaima nor in 'vessels of neg. draw discrieriest than emboss, sized °Less Domes. The cork of 'city bottle of the genuine is brawled "CONGRESS WATER"—" O. & W.," and any, without thou words and letters on the cork, is cotrweglinitr, whether from Fountains or Bottles. CLARKS & WRITE. Proprietors of COUTO. atria& The following gentlemen in Philadelphia, rig - PRXDERICK. BROWN, nor. Fifth sad Cheftwit As" FREDERICK BROWN, sot. Rath sad Cllelsesoti . ARt,ES elitifB 4Co . Kafka stoma, C. TVll.NpsNity & en Spree* street. HOB. ./. PIUtIARV. na eogth Third Street. O. 8. }iu_gag• ou• CPIISMint street. A. D. D. TAY et, asp Moth and Chestiest streets, Are constantly impophipt try es with the 1111111M11 •• Con ant,' Ware" In NOW. fresh fromthiCagress denim. • • CLARKIL & split-knit BR ClSThalt. at, aiwY Our. CARRIACtIEI3: OF TEO liAXOUCtFinlil 1 - WILLIAM ' ibtietPEßK . it 04Miti FITYJOL sl22pilr, No. 1062 CAMPHORATED yITIVERT, For the Preservation of Fan, Orslunar's, and Woollen Roods from the to ylike. of Moth,. Ants; and other I:mots. Tb. CAMPHORATED 17ETIVERT s a - aosubina bon of Oatitihor, Vstirtort and various - A remake. It tun bean lone and favorably known to Humps, and knn boon found superler to other ardelow for the warpose. PrepArsd at PARRIE/Fe PHARMACY, 10111-Leif Ito. POO ARCH Etroot, QPRING _GARDEN SAVING PIJND, woe, 331 'faith THIRD Stmt. between Vine and leeerpotated by the I.elialatu e April 14th. Icel. for Dew,wite /tat Payments. dtit. treat 9 r. Vet S E T , fro p p hirgt o tt2.o. 484 TRU SOLI 100,045 M tent. Per anntila• l'eartaitors can with draw their *OMB by Cheeks, it dew- d. epeeist posit& renewed, „ pu7lel.s4 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers