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B to. 9110 KAMA? f sow* roweiiiglorny 44 for •S; AlTir , , qA/R,X* 4ll - Whir SEIAPLEIGItRLfiE. /14 um& • • B/ 1511 1 13 01/ 811 . iiii ianirr Man , _ 4 111 ,11 1 , 1 0 10 Ornea• WINOS la the llaa iguevola •at I l t ell Ii• 211 " 4°111 0! * " kin x~~~,15,r,~ 6A9 ' lll'l ,' U~~.' - , • atEltrazt, l / 4 - tiring's. 7 STORE No., TIE? 'caEsiltut " & REST; , • AHVAliptElk.:FECiir; a Co. -p,. , - , ol , oRoolwAy, m YORK: Wes* l'OPply.,l44* issaralimissall. Woes - 9 A I /1- I EWUNIk LANAI. „ O,IUNDOIA9 I .... mit 4liatatisitt.4lslol , l itock4olioileti OW . aim** as as the tad iliattongivottanas.iseigned by kiss at their WM" tIith.7,IIIOADWAY,a lergssad tau seforucentOtall Pigs* mOtbats are 1 0 11 .1 11 04 Pa CHA TACkEtiatT. t :woo4 — to ii10111011.44144 - „,,;',3 2 =i • • : . 1. : 4 1 : 1 I ' itite*A$ 1, 435 1 *Si' On% lo• lad Bourbon * *MKgW f , ";iiTitkiiifstoisirta Hiweas 1860 ...1850' t - 1 •4-ti • ' 4E 4 09. uT#4,23 G 0.0 D Ei„ • efti,tiff.Tintibirrantir.% fiItiLADULPRIA. • .140.; rageottal4 ths 10 ; aeon et Oasittry Iftrokaata Wash. . . , liatio9 AND 101141r141LBOlilD "MOOR OF e .• . 17,410:41*7syri*vir recolving fb, •' Sibtitialai:.o 3 .4 l . ll xii. .agraid essouniroar sicaL • OPRINa• 1860 ,J. , T. WAY dis t 7 0 - IMPORTER AND WHOLIVIAIE IMAM= lOSHIGN. AND DOMPTIO D'ICY G - o'o D6 l aki: gel Roam TIMID arr.. Aro noir AGO for tho • 1 • PA I N 121 - 'TRADE. spiiirk r ia oil 3 ed; wil4int saii:oretiot ihg - IMCPS " -ta Ye r. ; 42,4 lt, s . r "7 17:1 t ..o•Wwair 7' 1 3 7 0 00. ,loth:onsinroweass PriefiiOAgs Mat dift No. Rot Orly la tidoi bat-it aaf 0 010 , ,..50 f Auteawit,V lOU Awl 0./ Etio* you mwtaa m isoms of thorn& • wow. t ' ITAS. DPURIP. woM ?or. r. wr.t. 1 1 dAtitIRat A 14 - C 8, 45 , 1N1 1 3W GRADES. ' itANIMOTUBIOUI 01L-0L0T103,- 146 Nona. TIMID lITAMMIRILAIIIIIPMA: r• WOleritibilibiatinVoliOdeislon tioplirlargimosk of - 1 , 1032, 'r/LOB:I.AND , OAILILias ow make. •`•• WM= OLAUD - 01140A1113110. - •1 ivetheNfil-efeiele foialeadeiw .Th 9 lefifit 'Meth et WINDOW DILUDIS BIIEP 1 ut the 'NOR" it! writhe *kith distr ankpeelion..", ntes4lth AkmaliativioßF o aco. 104. a A#p a Itgart Frau% .eoozie.karxe. ZUBILOMS. 11.001=Y; OLOysq, Jam, AND, *Wax coorsi t .,. it. thlUtial. *MTh a *aim C"Ilk 'PAERM 4II ) CWORK, 0 0 Ctigil****Ar 1. 1113 .#0 11 ‘ 10 / 11 * .134"lt:jk, 'I3E 47,Y0 1:1‘ S i ; . 'rr hits VarierrEv WCast a=`; Wm! , supseiTmoripoinwpsomist; swim, =maim AXD 411114111041 i-; 87:1,0V. ,THRE 71100 11 Z_o o 0 1 0 1 4811 . .artiWiager: stoOmic tmatio43; •*RS itT lAA .err 11411141111411T5.', o'-'4IISOLO43Yr • ' :-.l4ooiFilisrm as AltfilliMITIOL • % ]1! . :0111Mr, ItITADEIIto !kis' ,goaTa STAMM_ • gas. - ,LOOKE4G;GLAMSIiB. • -PoRTRAIt A i lro - moluitz 11541003, EN,CM.A.171.14013.. OIL peurriNGs. kg.) km EARLS &.20r; WHOLR StLX , AND:RXTAIL:DEALERB, ' • EARLIS' GALLERIES, - - - tote oa2srllvr BUHR% - . , , HARDWARIL AtiBEIC& ' NEAFF. It O. 308 NORTH THIRD BTREIBT. Have aot4lti 01(i . • t • 'of late Imientatioa. aid Anwiteiaif utanntsature,whielt ,to NE/iIL TRADE, oo the very beet Trt.oo.- dt) OP.* 3 , • urposintB — ix***;ao4l.2 : inurase_ HARDWARE. OUTLIRT, Taw PISTOLS, ago, en • KARIM snarr, 829 wag' W Ern, ziorrit AIDE. fail-Erwltra PHILADELPHIA. -MOORE. HENtiZE:Y. & 00. •RARDWARS. CUTLERY, and GUM Ne; aft ;14 . 1157, sad 416 EMMA= lities6 PHILADELPHIA. NEW' YORK ADVERTISEMENT& 4:00178V-BELMONT k. 00., - , • NNW • !ORR, /00100011 Coneht Writsvollon 00620 0 2' • ALL p ON: 1 11111 WOMB; • • •-- • micoor Tn 11111000 111070110BILD, sass. tortool6A oar aim mm um, • PLEA . ; AND THEIRORRESPONDERTS MEDICINAL. 1 RB. inNI V( W iI N . FNMALE Mos s 'Z ral troos iii ico ° D ot tri r AND ro jko tan on o_ - not ,-- tvo mart GI 81fli P _ NOB ORILDREN TZETIIINGF, eh VV. Ilibeitirs oo r al y i naxlfg raz iliV ga i ritittlitraru l iviai' . nigii t moiNlProrim virgin to you•olvs• endd -*lanai. AM4W • bay' putta l. oom i f irtNe ti . utykkiMr)ros 'p r Zeret i a r i d 74111% . M.::: grOne:triaMCOai llllLttilt . IlbStr ir ....T i r "rant' 'it 1r 1) - WS wilsoa wtoltirj i Fin ui 3•Zr 04,1 . 7Eitt_ AffidiM 77l": wet- M; 4t. not attol u t u l Mak ? mil ^ - SAND j / FZI),NR 44%M lafiWarg , ~,,A . , , t i c i t e , d'airor.son k er , at:, iii Wa] id , Azi. rlay.e.r. , ,', 16 14 el , ILIA Hl' - 44inetIg 7 YOUR INFANTS. Ame nask +IMMO for e rth ver_kin da E l s err e know it.' himinos his used it. 04 the in 2 th its mews me, romvfistiono itra :rtg l e, to? mmitiQn r • - Ore 111011 6. 617101 Lad& Witerortrve l li s tV ministered. • ftirdiffleflit 110d,_With had Prom yeti, bet in egtitler""MiPritastitli : i g e Lifirtarz a r Naltim Alta whether: fit ensue m it o ttrSer' w e a lll t o" ay not lot % S r PIIOOO. AN% 0 1 112, 6 1 1 Wien the mke via or ..1(' SUR oil the 'Jr med. 1.1 , rev aw e d,. I.4s' 0 s , 5 , 4 i l k a : f irwie rta t f o l i y U r t wr i l trainl his-ir g4O iiiiNo - :-3 ifick= , mxuricr •I.roilebb% and Plat 4 IVA% IrrAt i r A .4r And 1 , 11TF141:1ION - '‘TABLVS " Kla sold, at re low !maw it Wry, 914 CIALIM KILL, Millet. 111.16-im" 111 xA Dirk' `61111100111: GRA:Y :eoot .7 THOS. W. EVAN S & C 9 THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OP IN THE O.ITY, FAVIIAA DID ORENR, K°R‘V/64/ POPLINS, y4i4woLts, OJEEBNS LUt3TEXEI, EiItIBIENNEB, OliBRl BAR irAB mrowas, ilt001(R BABEGE 4NGLAII3,, OBBN BAR ANGLAIS A iAßOkior OF *FM' 44tIALIIY BAREGE AN(aLAI.B; AT' 8 8-4 CENTS. „tios os BSA .ill-tl. ~ i .RRDIJOTION, • • - .; , -• THOS. W. .EVANR‘'&7„Ct,ci. ABll OP/21MM 711111 • SALAireill • of t.tilar • ' _ IMPORTATION. 0/1 „ ~ FOULARD ROSES,,, • - • AT . REDUCED P ELIOIII3'. Thai* (ioadaarint aapeno'r quality,,,and srriss. , 81$ and 11.90 O.III4EITNLIT ' • rail-nt WOIC GOODS AGM 'AUCTION. L. , J. LEVY at (30. .P,Nbod a JIM. /at #q ioulla:Slclar. RITZ ills'', szrati-nebitturs alkirqr*NDclaNOLlAra BOW. 44 . 0$0#:riii,'Vitett 6roi ottir tie to Arco. • 4 ., a Ki r lati LC I T B !LO -R 1 0 111 • Oreatirtelfw,thiciegt rt. no" 0110ANDYJIPLOWICE!) , PlUralka. ititk etinvi , tAtAluismit thdef!4**. • `lll4 eat ell ciiiremrr Strait: BURK AND WHITE _ , ,BLOND,6 'LADES'. WA,RVIURToIi d , SOO SOUTH BROOND STRUT, 1005 CHESTNUT STREET, Coils imisktual attentiqn tq Dl* about goode. footing confident that NOWHERE IN THIS CITY CAN SUCH A Laaoi AND VARIRD ANPRTBENT BE FOUND.- apte tf , NEW MANTE LETO. PRONLENADE AND DlititlADE YR BXOLIISIVE STYLBLI, UPENING.EVICRY MORNING PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 'tog cnisaTtrUT 81 . 11.14. T. TRU 1.42111130 T nom U vui caw. NSW 14.0 S NANTILLAS 2toer opening Ia unparalieled prolkunon Ist thlb PARIS MANTII,I,A EMPORIUM, 706 CHESTNUT STREET. S. W. PROCTOR. & CO, sow-er W . P. CAMPBELL. NO. 111j$ ORESTNOT STREET. SPRING CLOAKS MANTILLAS low OPENING DAILY. z;bra.in g s l sb. nEwErr arms spa choieNt s Msterials. st the zowssr Plums. WL: nuours. DRESS TRIMMINGS; • NEW GOODS. - AU the Wry style' now owl, and oonotantly rooolvi re eve' 1 3 0701 5 7 ' PLAITED CORDS, A-LE ODEON& ORNEB KNITTING BALLS. EMBROIDERED CUSHIONS. ' EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS. BEST QUALITY SHETLAND WOOL. , GILT BRAIDS, TASSELS, AND CORDS, RAP7ONeI3 TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE, . CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY BTREETIL sp3.fm cLoirgs. otoTkis, OASSIME.RES. VESTING S. An nosortmont of the above at SNODORASS & STEELHAN 'S , , No. SE south SECOND String,aboo•CHEßTHUT. Eir Also, PLAIN and , STRIPED CLOTHS for LA wigs, CLOAKS. • slat-Irina:Dela T , WORNLEY - & 01110 f; ' • f B v ia a . ttootion to egg Stook of— ' 4 1 01 1 0 .• • . OLOT in a ti . I iTlet a , SAX ritu • PlAretOE Assn Drumm' sslnV i t: stue 41V St oo k in flutadophis, a,— rrile I '. ' " e rtea l litc_i_ nat En gra l i s i t - ,' , •, : , :nook asi u . . 111120 Lacs l on. mds t it fr Tomah 911°41'2f4f!°11.5MFkvertal, G. . - 2 ' - itnjytitenstsepkon r ..f pavans:kinds, Via I , • Vt gi2111,1447.5. 14 M N a uttlisiast non .. • . lionaper., HAVE JUST OPERBD GRAY ii:OODS sustonia 1111 LOW OPIIFOII4 ♦tnet rxxsa, CLOA-KB, maw LACE Puma, NEW LAClLBotraseue, EC= "FARMERS PHORHATIO A N, O. 1 1 0141* . 1110*BRE:RO ISL#ND, WHET 1191*, „Tipp , RICHEST FORMATION OF PHOSPHATE --,•,'.' • 0 Ohti xpiclivx IN ,THE WORLD. . . * up !PI/n*37l, 4 *Si M iist nini. of . Eno Phoophati,or rosingi ini,r onnkiloner in Thonviata lif/,One MI SALE WE TEE TON: (ii aAliiji9,lain TO 1.. ••• ' ': ' FARMERS, AT • i'L , .' • •„'..! ',• ••. pa iliN TON in ZOO Xiik: - • 408. $, I3A.NSOI* At 6,, „ . ;,,liole Ast*,El PilledeliAls,, 4110 04 1 11-lithillit 14160**"' ''', Pirist! 1 i ~ . .r. , p ~7 1 : ~ ..;,11A, 7 V,„ .1 ' tti t!' I 1 i?_ i T. 44, - , 34D: ~... r . ;,;,.•.*.voylAt 0 _‘• , ; t. Oar, cry_ir . , _.• • rqtlo. orft, quo* - - . a ' r Atirti."" 4 "' 64 ! - - Wit. • • _ f 1.•• • . .171“41 P th 4 --; ~.. - ; fp, 7, i ,,, ;•,•,• v„,.. -, , J. •4;! ! ' , 7 rftr,VlLi imi”.••• i Lpia• • • - • , iriati o so 01 plot, tiling og i t - 1 ..,, °ten ,I not . tufortiritooLoo o be- i . -..,,,ii r 1 , ,, )11sha d oilaktt4?1,. , no* w l ii ISO 'O7 "744 E t ' ,o - I . ~- ,',A o. 1.01) • ,, iNT•gnit,.. 1 f. nihit-taii;..4Pri,.• • 4• •,. .•• -..,,• . . . . _. .. . . , .FARmERS AND autroonas.—,The ••:•• • ft:t eji ; lii , now on hands' istitt lot or GRav . •-• 7-. *.ill'u,A n de' littillittiNl4, • 1. i .,., , • .i a , oir mon .liortgat. to gr im 1 Ma: cc, .4 43 ,1 C a1":1',74.12 Woil. la% • ito, ,, ,aoloolo••• . .. , .. '.. AvEktlue V ), ?§P BUSINESS. BARTI, I9 I47 ia OIO ERT. & 0 0.1 • "f' ., "• kw. $22:540 8 9TApT spuerr, iftft e.n est;throigh this winter sad tisitiriaa, their . 4*N 42}07 1 2} 8e Jiesialkstedinierr etuiso4teatistedliith — tito balsa, AW:9 l artiVgit #ooo l o4gtii 01 /74, CUM 7fil- . ai !siert, ors set was 351 . ALRGAMIEL: - • • • ,• , • • WU' SMUG MAVIIIVEfiI. -VvltaziAtic ,as ItBON BEWINO. 111401:11NEK affrairi. 9 0 T,-Aput,' wurzerl p? puma, e*OOND FLOOR; * 4•l4l44o VP+ O P lD . ri i i Mt o n i tit*t?.P 4 Vllf.,FaMil" /11WICE 0171C1112 r ww, isTAni stowiorteatotwx.4. its wormy somas, swat. ;1411-11. WO, 0 0 . 2 C it- GIBBS' BritlNOt me.. , g(Nrlo l anj .6 lgetants.'" dad 'Slip for 14 , 1r4A;b=71liagratnet: 4- , GEORGE B: SLOAT* C 0.14 • EWINO•?dACRINVI. alttlet. • No.•loge CHESTNUT tree D gL!fE. SPALPING I4 -PREPARED GLUE! . , gtri . P.W. 1 4 * . 1 1 1 */1 #,A 7114 i. ttA ;1 . Ss !HAP ATO4 ' NAVA' 11111 7.1.11101 8 t • - • , . 4$ ,Asitiiedisti will AOPIHNI fillili to troli-reguiatei familia, AA, rill'. 0411104 tiiiiiivoiesli *him* aid oo n vimi l mtmw *t0ii44414 riojllF". Toys ; Crooks - too.. . . ..... . .. ' ' *spAwnrirs TREPARED•GLUEI mute all snob mierginelee, aid no housohold can Alford to be without it, -Lt is derma ready and up to the stiok tag point, 'Thews le no longer. A necessity for limping shahs. spluttered. veneers,. headless dolls, and broken eyedies e It us jut the enrols for oone. Shell, and other twziameatal work, so PoPulntwith ladies of rolinentint animate. • • • - • • .... , Thirtadmirable Pr eparatio nie stsea odd, being oho. imeally Ica in eolutton, anifetWeaelie tb•• 74l "bi• qualities of the beet cabinet - makers 'glue. It may be mod in the pales of ordinary mucilage, being yearly more. adhesive, •• ........ , - " WHOM. IN EVERY. HOUSE." ' It, B.'k brush aoomnpanies each bottle. :Rl(l . oE . tWgtiTlr-PMA OEN TB. 'M o il:l%We Motot4 10.45 OBDAit RNA, Now York, Addre " " " " ARMY U: SPALIANG & 00., . • „ Pax No, NW, New York. &ZAN B f lin , sooorommyuit *soh pukes*. • • teir.A Mule bottle of . SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten tirade Its ooirt annually to every household, Sold by all prominent . Stationer*, Dratteistyard Tarer and . Piunitere Deelere,, Grocers. and Fenny snorer, Oiontitri Merchants should make a note of " ' SPALDING'S PREPARED OLE% wtaniiniacileni Weir ' IT WILL STAND ANY CLIMATE. dat-ertrf-y - ' PRINTING PAPER • or svior Oroomprzor MANUEAOTURED TO ORDER, BY E. O. & P. H. WARREN, PHILADELPHIA. YA. WALTER EVANS. & CO. BOAR'S-HEAD .SIX-CO4D I3POQL4 COTTON, - , Ayr to any ear imported, in strength, smoothness, elettioith for nmehine or hand sewing. LEMMAS WARRANTED. "WA have tried Brans Co.'s RosestileM Bawling EVIT.M.7: aotail4 la OnIiVILLE, Mineral Agent, New York. J. B. 80148.1. L ., Agent for .Philddelphis, 4.1 . ..X1PAL.8 0 t t r i1 , , /izzEk ABWING 1 1 , 1 1 b Ani n .‘111 , Awe's, InS EDYFIN 'CLARK'S '' r • -'' ; 1; • loony TairsovED - • • , end airwir Pat enttd aolueltiedahrieduic end Bolting. or M.BROBANT FLOW!. 2d11,1 , , -.. • : . ' Daily in operation at • . ~ ' Oill i nri l tareirlflOr htlir aoluil l iiltti=ste iscand boding niaohnters , ampule s, spade of , lalt44 , widet Olat feet biK , pad twenty-nine feet ab l e :FAT= TX/ Al t u b a tte iscmintg.ty'httni: posiea tinily extra, sates, sapertine,'and s l os the lov es rest doilliudAhe dlirerent hinds o f, offal ro deo ng dour equa in et t , to th beet dour made rom a given eulogist o wheat, by the ' best Merchant , lour Audis is tho -United States, fir in , Europe. Its average td of enndthi la AWO barrels of superior Spar per it . tli a lielVelltle P fe4 =jlt% t T i m - %Mtge Sour sutpenensedlni arc.. Ow country, end they unani-' Molly bestow Avon it the blehipitoornmenabons Land hahave Wet their testanonists or i te intrinsic supenors ana itrinatertee' utility. _ • . .. ,_ Atillere i rtl-owners, meana egalanth!. III*011.! tens MA t e public inigene they , _ reap: inucintart 'bili t° s 4 3 bulfeu" uunu - a jally ° Bl .. Rig mu/4ga ' ooneernilig• the Wareham of the Patent kw torstatisondruntuts, sea the pulls, foj ~,,,, portion .0e the unite Tates, Great Britain, ranee, Glenneny.ltussis, an of er A carrel ooitutr es, will be elven tk ill persons selt c sir re toga 1 AW i P atun. , • ' , No. e 44 RAC W.. IoWT "rd,Philial , a, ro l e INir For furthr information </moraine thul celebra ted dour WI, ple a se to read the yellow handbills. de. earthing it, . . — , ' : , - ; nig •ly p.ROOLAIVIATION 74!',PatigAnd7i.i117171111'itilir l i a a iokiklada%':Tevainfiz Ol iwtot isnotiee is given to the contrary. This an nounosmentts made in order that our numerous pa• trout in {.hit ally and slsesihere may knot, that their or ders. Mad *Wed aa above. vrillatways reach us , whs th et they ha ad to see our adentisement. in 1 / 1 6 news papers f r te time belnt, or not. , Pisan outthis out aml pante It in your memorandum , twat. , •myt-ti" ,pmmionTAL SPORTS. KliteAgz,;4B.lNot icaantiogiBr.4ol.o. .% stattrsettt, and s,tt oslity, of TACILLE . ever 0 nest in this atty. flush Ise Berge's' iroti l trenewned Trost, B. and Balaton fteds. ElupnoL. rent 4 Baas, end Salmon nee tree mites Y esrliele, Salmon, J sea v 6 , 114204 O R risr,iineit i rit &Wolf tinga.", Bilk, mhil-ere A SILVER MEDAL AND DT r P to L9 A lel f t 1 4 AR EP tNl4r.tagrusetnt AND _ - _. Y 41196,1 elido2fgel. fill t oc , B HISr Meditelh A. : AVIA .V MA r i ll I s . AV If Pc tA2is gone At e ,, , A. i. Av Aitc,g ifing-,_ I a S. ...„. , A. . AV 61 & °mug ire critire paiiMpi. ~ ,41 t AK . I3,A,_ I,ll,4folle_ . ip r , ~ wra® f1,.'`.7 711 1 1 7 0.01W17:11rit.1.417 Elti..' PROMIONS.-114n1Ni 84es,snd •Shonl S i Fo rr tsramh tam lvi's, 0000aColooa t;r abors Front. ' LAnttni ogtissr ritimffies. • AN UNLIMITED OHOICIF;" , . BTYLIIN, COLORS, AND TIMER. MAONIFIORPIT ABSORTAINN'te OP SPRINGI DRESS ;.TRIMMINGS, LACES, RIBIDONS,AIR' EXTRA QUALITY ZNFRYNG. ' FOR SUMMER. KNITTING.. Ties eideantikeen ws en. 1 07 1 914 ° , ';° 1 /$ 4 . 211 0.“' 26 rn!fsettoeeni I aporttn, lobborn, and statlsn. in the borer/inn* of tbeelunseeeref our goods beyond tM'ofdiairy~idafdi{asd >n !hirer ftlf !IT the s; Ib do t~plobi t: ' -R/ S TATI:I I * - OPR being iti4li'anitivsted,'despitiltnlainntong Made tor Oa - 'NtJEKKIOR kAFIT t AND QUIOR„NATURNG. J. G.., iszLIMWELD.:I4.; SON. LADIES' TRIMMINGETIIKIRTI4- AND ZEPHYRS. AiWPACI'ORY; " ELV - Rftif t il7/4 0 7ipifsifOgr STS. tauLtaicsietalmobwr-;;,-,-.L' BONNETS! BONNETS! FINE CHIP Bolcom% BLACK NEAMLITARBTRAW ROOS. .BLAOK SOWN AND READY BONNET!, F4 I E,TN I T°A.IA, B( AI!IATI:r 4 4*. LINCOLN, WOOD,'&.NIQI/OLik 7 dziirrxrr FRENCH ' IRONNETB T Of recent Importation. , FREHH.M6NTURRB FLOWII4I, hit :rmeivedti • LINCOLN; WOOD; ' rpil-tr ref oftWerifUT " • CI'ILL OREN'S GOODS Every INA, of STRAW bikitir• ' ' or RIMMED AND VNTANKMED4 - BOYS'4I. 4 RA'Ar- NAti-AND CAW LniooLN; i WoOD,•a•lllolltiLai• • - • moo; OKENTNUT StriNkl 0* . 1 , - iA:ou'4ir "oni*Aitni 'MOM OLABA AND Ctlanumw.ua. ' AcIENCY. SLAW, NAILS. 4a, de6ettel,!&l the F &tete 4. AT MAN UnOTIPURUF - r09. 7 * , , GRANTE .BUTIMPIPi Zfoi:. 5 , ' f o r ili- !,F T I / 114.4 fel4tair Its ;. 1 4114ADZINALLI "*.% , 'll°Y73' & Et - TROUD„ ' ' IMPOKTILIia , am 4 **lon latid o etoorlotif atOok , of QUE:Pagginitairtre,, OIaAtIOWARIy mud ; • '• -11111211 CR ' -• • - -• • - '.111101J618•11111NA. -At thite Old 4. 1 Nag MI -1 , 0172 TH *UT or „ ; W thooAlotoLtOliktok 40 In tirPrstention o WRoLIMLII 401 ,V , T!!1 1 , 0 !1 , ~'4 ,o4tak „ . .mzupg . TAktio*N4 E. , 0. - THompsopl. - - N. D. COR.B.IIVENTH AND WALNCTDTAIDITB, Clothing wads TO ORDER oals. • A Fine Stook of Mitoriala shwa on hand.. N.l9rBBtcangers visiting the Chi , are gotintied to him their niesitires. • sp7l34se ON:DON BROWN STOUT, gOOT€II3._ ALE. ' IN STONE AND GLASS. - ALBERT 0. ROBERTS, Deader in Fins Giroosrier, myl-t( Ccrr.ELEVENTE and 'VINE Street*. LONGW O.4TH'S “SPARKLING CATAWBA.) , • 0. H. MATTSON. DEALER IN EINE QIIOOEEDIS. spy - ARCH, and I`ANTH Eltreeie. . HENRY, .„ ' Nos. 4 AND 6 - Ntlill4 • SECONEP STREET.' Jost Teeelved s large assortment of the !stoat striSs FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND SCOTCH OABEILKERES, 'AND • • • ; 00ATINGS. Al So, a great variety' of • • „ " • 'VESTINGB, LADIES', :CLOTHS, AO. IDDMLADELPHik, , ARMING AND .V.ENTILATLNO , WAREHOUSE. bIEW GAS-CONSUMING - . CONE FURNAIDE. ,, This Wittm:.My Furnace bus now been In nee in aft city and all Darts of the Unted States, 0111.19 gfter four years trial, they have yroyed to be the grows* Ecoso; mixers of tool, and wost • . • (POWERFUL.,. HEATERS:- . Earxt:is ""1 " 4" "P"' 61.11 ' ARNOLD - 86. WILSON'S; 1010 ORESTNITT BT.REET.• B. id. pitywza. suet. ENAMFILED. . .. ..'• . . , SliA SE . ,MANVEL S.' • Matililfeetured -. Elora P sansylMoult Ellate lit‘ine, arid enioneltedend marble Med in imitation Qf the Hobbit and Mit rare ItrAtiminish.Yerd Antolite.floinna, lino other desirable tee. • They are highly spindled, trlil net Milner or y ;Oils,. said.. 0111111,01. thnoke, are sis times Ate strong ap marble, shd are old mueb °broiler'', _They have ' . been used in this Country for the isat fifteen and In Europe for the• last forty yogis, with inersesed eatisfaMion, Arehlteote, Benders. and alt in rust of Mutat, should not (sato spamine them. Mini motored and forest. by . . , AItIsTOLD. di WILSON; tote CHESTNUT STREET, -, •-•,' , 11. M. lisvrwial., Sidet. ' Philadelphia.' nthl7.o wain . COOKING RANGES. MUNN'S PATENT ELEVATED DOUBLE-OVEN pooxprot RANGE. ' .Sorneehina new and deoided i r t r- beet and most coin- Pane Cooking Range aver olrer Pdto the Public, war ranted to give sitisMett_on in a oases. Call and see them.- ARNOLD & WILSON.. 100 CHESTNUT STREET. , Sow% . Wl7-A.IOW BLINDS AND - • SHADEAL B. 3. WILLIAMS. ; No. 16 KORTH SIXTH STREET, • • 111 the 6104eztensivimanufseturly of VENETIAN BLIND'S WINDOW ','SI;IA.DES. • 'The largest and fittest 6isorisrurit In the city, At the lowest NyORE MUM! •m - dad lettered. Repaving orotimtly attended to. • asal-dten . J. BATus THOMAS, • ' --- ' - - - " ATTORNEY-AT.LAW, BO rsporid Mu MN* front No i 23 Arch street to No. SUS w 41,tet UT Street. ~, . •- , .41 r o tia)wit SLlentlon even to ttie recovery of Mimic *mu, The crafting , and essopnation-or,Witic, Fonveyandeei .tortettraehte. Briefs or Tttle L yind -ottiec, Artnultertto;WnStig, The Warttemect of NittWator elltititte'reel tinge IrcituVel . f,:nlie triZta blte e. n e,,, d • 1 vestments ,of 'Monet. , Hatulfsatory liikrrabei: - .1,;;; whetneentred. ' , , ,'', = ~ , - .46,80,14,r tit AI TIN it .440iTrig'S ' •`• INA irravortr i fio pr. pAiray 00001. -, ski 0 ) / u r. STR V EAT. : • mow BLIVIIXW L =l, NW 041410,4; 4 04409r ilitgrAot ri tttl u rs A .. • _ .~~ *imeNirsti4, 31,4, 2, 180. it'detlrslaT. It its strange duainction ; sho'sTherfgjnerf - which we hate heen u*lti to aseeitiMiln, thatwlust called Asestrance 06hes ex4sitely whge denntstm - appliervielly to•life.•: A man Jennies his binle, hisarniturekhislibrilyi hie shlp,:.but tainni a:policy of , leesuraere epee hi; lifel'oitupon the Mb of another person, whom he hal a *Wary *eked; • He Pia; eared, we may say, igaltukira. and the perpl of the See, but Whits his iffe 4111i111do;, *been said that Inituente and' Aim; 'mute *setae santsprelatien te essikoitier I.fir3gration deal 'to :Immigration, but this hp Sisqt so. The emigrant simply remove' front 0110 911197.? a gilt oravage, so it. were; *tie- into st #Khthe inteatibn of coutinuousli lbcirtg their leitdende there., Moreover, while Emigrutlatareirpirandetafesimerte country awifilk, 404, s2110.:01164016114144 nsigratleulratheilAiminden the"ieuntraitifyiegle Mumberied persesnent +y 45 e intithiOintr7 ff. Italmmerdpardsli whesOhiisare**) . nik:b 4 hreen; - sfe speak:of Gormatimmipmts, who Come hither in lieli4es. Vito there "fee real distlnotion betwein elnign!sifie:4 l .4 .IhOnigrai . 0014 Viboo that iiio,keen Methane& euld'inati l , lance Skeen nninatified lig4orratit`olphile= lagy. i . lfowever,:leacticeiheit esiablialed lifferinei, and tice ante* .the" rule id • this, nein many etliPr thin t --r ";, ,-- -„ • _ L •r - 4-3 illy the Way, it is afactthatimithlanom teat • years; t aire was ' sti Itiehltlislittatili 1,0,6 4 the title of tg hit Metionale Con4:' piny oflrebtasi.l Contddevieg.thepseeeviii modesty of the `lila race: fib* i titlieinandi oddlyi - . If: it were& properly listltitted. Core. ; imp, the Cireetorti;• se a matter of f•ourse, must have kissWllie blarney ..Morre hefbre every , bail-yearly -meeting, • _and; Isere taken quirterly dips in the River Shannon, to enable theni,,toThikoldlbreigideATalthe regular die, 'charged -their &dab! Late Asmansei which bar -119 w. 4 :444e. 11 eo torgelyt,t4onetoiot Zuglandi end. the - , United, Ekates,.tnit its geniis deveibied•ht, over two', hundrea.tyears foods aid brkillsociethaijuive e,ndated ;Genuanj. Since ttoi Middle:Of the Sav'enteeinth E 'eantari. There, , :was town of Tiny.. Importance which ;did not peesess eneor• wore establish- Ments cor the leis ; and ; pee: are net •:confhted?-;to the , ilawer 'ler Artisan. class, extitit to Otisheikror - nig) co i nw iw ity . leo* ,vr theiriatogiiiiiikinitt,. however;; have bergs ruinedaibeatile the scion-, tide elements werOotallyl:l42idhi4jthe tinie eT their foundatiett.t It waimetintilthe year 1741 thSt 'alumni* raisettaip tile:tired pope: Ution hate the dignity °tit seir4,*toos,i attested Is table by mortaltman&arrenthen .114as'tentbeforelharparipies evelyed froia: lien* iniployedhilheinattatiblis depending upon human life. r Insurance upon l ives is not •orvery long ;tending In kagiand.; i iii :it6anitth4otiety, tor:fltbittiri*Ottao dientetin. I, :Tin the reign of QueenAmm, in 17013.• , Ahr the reign of (leafs I r the Royal leirchange and_tendon Alleirance COMpanielp, began io,cake':riika enliven, arid the genii* Society Bas AnMiontect i 417 , the 'woad yew i.ef ceinge. thalnir's reign. Op {he continentiquroperi - withthe eiception- titemeray, ,Ansuesuce hSs Mira nusteinuch giagtesiti/t 18.58 . ,7the un nsbi, ott *room •Ltriil,i4 - Mime Companies brectire:OPiniainimounted , 0'26 ; of Went, life Bank is-the oldest, haying been',fotusta4;lritiiiihtlefiT;,- Ifiq French and - , English-.;companies Aol a• large agetii business In Gerinanyi . :especially.- in the commercial; and Seep* teens ; tint many severetestrictions ate linpoled , upcoa the agents of :foreign coniPaniee,! in Arial:rift they' are prohibited altogether.: _. ' At the beginninfref the:year(lBsB) the sum of .f,12,876,128 was: insured: on the lives of 80,528 persons in the twenty . German life assurance companies that snake reports ; and at the end .of the_ year,- .414,3i1a,C,1.10 was. hi-• stand on 80,12.8Peusone, aliening an Increase,. within, the year 'llilitreftel,6o7AB2 on the. giros of 9,668-persona.. 'The: total amount of 'assurances itts*essed, theref 1 141 per . cent., and the tititaber'ef -persons by' 11-93 per cent. , TheSvenige sum assured on ono llib is about .£1110; In the year. -1857; thiinraottnt of .premhiins received was`Xso9,oo7; in 1858 it was £618,- 882 giving an incresae 01 r 409,875/0r 21 per cent. ite.clairns in 1857 amounted to £251,-: 545 on 1,510 deaths r• is 1858 they were £BOB,- 988' 01 ; 1,900, .deatfis: Theftotar: immure funds at the end of 1867 Were 52,258,088; at, the end of 1858, ; 42037,044; increase, .£179,-; 756, or 8 per ritit. ; • - The Gotha 'company is the largest and most gOnriaiiiii' 0:10, Gerniart n- iiistanaCe institti; founded on:tiitk mutualprinciPle:, the emipitui armaitilY ascertained heirig deduct- , ad'lltre 'ilie - preinium,or paid' in cash if the assurance is' eating ultie)lieli. The average divi dend amounts to 28 per. Cent. of the premium.' ThOe'ilenlatitain of the Gotha 'office are founded on the table comp*a byß.abbage, according to the experience oraqi Mcirdtahle pociety,wl th an augmentation of mortality for ages above 55. During its 80. years'; experience the company, has disbursed abetti2: Per :901.1k - fest' for claims than might .have , been Spent according to the. haiis'or Calculat t lari:',optKichi the number -of Claim's have been about per cent. below expectation.'.:The ; Mortality, In tits' Gotha company aeeey alinest exactly with the mor tality, as lexpreistil ,in the /actuaries' table, founded on• the experience of ITEnelsh life Companies; in tatagei under bb years ; beyond the' r.th year' the mortality, in the Gotha com pany is•greater. The heliy Goy,:errirrient tax upon Marine, . Fire, and Life inaritaneesin England—actially unjust' impentsipen pitutence- , lia've greatly Prevented „the :general extension of this bust try thelast twenty Timis. In this 410011_,,, IV/._ 11 yetiri, 'lnsurance has greatly increased, and, indeed; every careful man ought to resort to it. Univeriities i$ .Austria In the.AffstZikn•• Inetiarchy there are Ilse • cotinplete. uniTetsitias,Arienna, Prague, Kra kez;, and three incomplete, • i. e. *Mural the medical facalty—Tenapiteli, Gratz, and Lemberg. . , , lA, Germany; for: the dame number of Inhabi tants as the Auairien Empire, — there'ire sigh teemitilrelaitle,s; (nemplito,)'aral the Theolo gical nigh Sehrl at Munster, A: - Iteal School; of two Omega ; in Ozeirdefte, (iustrian Po land,) is the only. institution of that kind for one hundred and eighty hquare German miles. ~',Pi4bHc Amusements. This evening, :Aire...A(4li Drew's benefit wtII come off at Aroh-etreei Theatre. Two comedies till be played, " Single Life" and "Married _ 'Mi. Den., teat 4, a Very useful end resieetaiie .member of. the oompeny at Wating,atreet, has ids 110120 k 014 .evening, the chief attraeileik being a new Bvp•eot pity, called P The Doom of Oeville, or the Maiden's . Lthie Doille Dutton, deoidedly the unalleet per• former i n the world, nont*Mt givt,tteri after noon had evening leveui at , Aiiiiablpiltdidinge, sonthviest corner of Tenth: and Chestnut stmts. The npoiept The entertainments, ineitiding nutria and singing, aoenpy onn,is'oui 111 r; Hiram Corson given ; Readinge, this *Vetting, at his, residence; Dr-Vinton street, preced4l 1y n Isaias, on f'• - • Mr. lifeDocteligh,itlio has made, a hit at. the Galeties,with 14r.`jamea Sejmonr, in Irish e!tev racteri, hait edded to the attractions of Ida itineyst; ny by engagitig the excellent. dancers, ,Einestlis and Minnie der Faber. • • •• The'totodel of 8610m:el's Teinple,,ife; en'view-ft !nt:the National abeve Twelfth 'afreeoiblOt wlil be exldbited thifeeen 1-eqg, and. doting the iee,k, le 191;04 of ii,eleft. - 'Mr. Thayer, of Walnut:Arse( Theatiei and an 014 apikesell-rueritifig Pub 4 o favorite, has; hie be nefit on Iridey Me hie 'good: pro: gramme, and we be haw a very prowded house. - ' *PI* if I cfr Ina *I amit )t Sipa' d t brii . 4 mall Vase Copts* " Fin •• ,t7T fie• 8.00 Tin - _ uum , 77 1 1107. ciloll4 __ ,1 . 614111 0 110 4 1 .4.":"`"7 , '• .40 )!CtrA 600 INPOBit'aae ; - I Pe 7 4 / 1 a r i r **bow tfifiew‘r.i4 KIM lar:Pos eie aw 2#1;4111 rMt - • i lst &401-11406 ti aubrais ittittedlitife, 'tit Moths. Atl9l iritwi,sosfrntAzt r ta , titt'Sktetotr•,,,,___lteratett t incr44. ,enikatmt,_,wpo MRS. or TIPAN , ... AN ..ADOW-$340 ' MJA - vett aerrownositnewitolattrametttota... toitiatairaiwirerthillinietr- t -heat la - -rey'letla refophado to thelleidas nod i ro nth* tt emothet,itintsi statlism-rtotta the 1 tlitert Allig-Mr"Vis gieth 449 tlq.“41:MiRlifott MI004;.1014441,11101t(ITUUVIMMO rfiAlrld ; New' .rii•sff that: Us , ,pehiaCil* . ,tippliiinan ' O4-11st, sea' 17 tribe 'tittle' to ittiteittbefort *waist' iittisenikke ltkiti itteittit boetitittim, oit -1' had Blatt konfe intereiting whati,-int ihidey -11 1 16,foitit LloAtae Sat lievY k wilt,witilgit q i tgl an a c t St Ao l 4teuier-Powilt.taP, ►ef trrisq”eJamgt 10-4_, 'Wm Krt li !: d ith eiys yawn enact': lII= 4t 4 titiryetiPot k, aaoitisv=:da Iteitsteined thin:l4C -satia,9esetrigeiboititit eygaud ithontitairki tit pa j,: hmJ tetttitietos„ Ret,nart,atocerelnew %slut 1 4,Oje , C4en oithfietp,iy e , fortiliht ititriCoVi .l er e lre4l'itiol teintet*WisiCtitheliinfibidloornm• -daree-ti etwf - - maim •700,mitr,n itelbtor ileo tairi.c *so ow ars sic; ; whisk' est ; tik itaphied in Unmet* sacttlee amain, et Abe iwest.C4wate ; ixoffwA, 447, ; , 1 4411,4 14091p.,_ " , ! , `44o l Aggh'!. sad I r 4d ir•otiliklA qinual.r.A• il 3 . l ef i illi Wit i atittli(trimac -the kW* fork', ntawriage reaepO 111451 i— thetas. - th'e'iti 'lci,r; 'Aft- Ithe labs ticjiniegiomiinett ttittieiTtalitrikeit "'sly on thild i tnetttiort: stelq thineetthientetnre, they !SU -titelpeolvit grattirmittliteaaw irhan kilt! Nieto leibt filit is tAstiqh, _ l Ol4O/ P ui "O w Vlr4o 4 !4"i:•# o o° 3 _ , Tileigtonnie; were itu4ti "thO dorilYlets tin tniintneto • lid !tett titan& the columns of the patient •itiw*netent-ite.labby, which were .apposed to b wrapped in the non mnanniliedltotitet iiiipetttntility, - - art' Gazing out litinhpetrilieptkile Snide the - pilau tewhicla I Pete ant ectioolawith Oat '.:Otlet actin -4•01130041iir1Ak40rt.00..7e LA c wArfM , 40 911911 rx P l 4 P0 gra ,9 6 44 10. 4 9 1044! tpsli . tap if it tew '?.( 41.-4, 3 korsrtoate9t I#s-*EpoOrs tte Waste: Vai r thi::*llo,” it, isiewsefitiiiwipM f t 11 . 1 1 1 . 3 .4M111.,*14.6 - 1; jr4P 111Z11" aye,' ti 4 1414.1, 14 01 New or mh ,10 Akieepttideli far' Ziont?titileiLiniitpoilill,. c tat ,f; 3, - =`:=l N . /• c 4 To defeat nwsent gaw, D. gook_ _ omit giu edi end 1iga,116,090* Teltetitt UntNewitork ebirterftls,oolX tlr koirsa- &Awes approxistater: yam , tha tAitiAtt44ol.F.D.MffirVik, ~41" anima pampi_;._But,thap t rtl aixadwAy..gozporitora their o ttocle Of;iiiitirtittlit fqiii** --.04 t film *lit* Thitabs./mitt "yettiortYpittplviile':lghting _ ineasayi to intrtitit bin* nytt'weeittitlierktor ttio Putts* of 4 0, 7-Wot.7I•WA-AiCityk. „Ns WTI rt., Gad 33(0,11s0,11;41#i Milt WA bet*Onlitlie,orierat th e , : ~zonsre 410'afield * lie - '4 - 0 - re.' - 5 1 4911100 , ** 01 000 the ii.keo4 , 04 1161 "r 6 5)26t iiiiiikett ' llilic - ittnig,'Weittithij !hit tic will bete tome splay seeding Nail the Mrattgr is lowiii4tr„ - WrittorrlirM -- blirir - jood deal of tough, elittittilotttireitiOattilatenti.:, itioburit . otStkt Add, I terisiip3itWasbeiplf_tabi 44'e:bialys We before, had belegrephie- adrif6E ~iftAfter ihmuilklont .1 1 1eatems %Utak; ;ern ere hertinea rind fend tardy the siring - Is it ISM a"mOlith'fididlian ' uintalf tistasteg-greit inetniireidenoe leAls nd it suers! rittsuttiett. - Pt Assiseif .41110 g, the, groat Interest hire, ea end: Omni Chi hose. feverathltiOsivdeiii teen - . rtietts six& ,_patople' woldelllettsrbe,dri „the WPMo.:it . wievt, But,en it is, therearitemly Omit eight' hundred. the'eniigratioti' hole California will;lrout , ne doubt, keihenvy. mining—)respects-are' ._entionsagiAlit":lllo probabilities sr...that we shall have a population of 40,000 bathe eatteritelogietefore the tat of lino , 914 s wens onr.mationatriders Jn timettrate thinlMlBt PPOorn7 be done, or the orWest ern Utah 'millirem be the theatre of a *Oder rule thatitesi . trier tictiebtd . on the plains ((Kansas. - Leeit beitiniww that NMI+ 4s, to- afford. us Speedy-relief, that they are disposed to listen to - these grouts orthe - BritoiCand this Spirit of for hostraitoimay.rat-Yarvis, susdidei t is•frlie• public Pe94erentAlbeencePtet4ferMof fmerkieent and legal tribinediaan bafritiodneedlor trer protection and redress. We arisitew peteritish* add liatened iy in open rebellion against Abe Aileron/nista, hav ing utterly repudiated Mennen authority and ride, and tan netrivegebibtilibreed to recognise or aeknolledge the elms, be the results *bat they may. - Our attitude is tvallitsitine4 Oar, fattne is evident. Let, COMPS/II by forewarned.- -„ "Owing to ,the bad condition' of_ the thadapro• visions:of allltinda eseautieeditgly roarethlrongh. 'out this 'regiOil, and-prides- have In co hence gone itp beyondenyththg everknown in Calitornis. The following are the rates et whit* ample articles of food are miling in.Carsoh city at the principal depot, to-day t rpm, linndrod, butter' and sugar, $1 a pottedtehe coffee' and , candies,7s centers pound; riot, s eep , biansibirkpepper,salt, de.; 60 eastaapsentil , ponsioes, beef, - hams.and ba con, 60 to:40 *ants a pound; _end everything else In proporthatL.liey and barley hive 'sold.- today for 11d,900 - per 'Mai. Board Is $1.50 per lewd; $t per day, and $25 per.week: ,. 466 to $3 per dayAlLLumber, $BO per thtineand.. ; Wood, $25 per cord. • • • - • -- "Yet nosh is thoiconfldepoo fetttn the mines, that men paY:these' prices' readily, believing that tho pprospeoiawill jaellfy the same. :Nor does thiltcon !Menet,' seem misplaced, as. new ergo:Ailerons and auriferous leads are constantly being discovered. The, silver,bearingdistricts having now spread . over, at last - 500,,sgusra inites, Carson City has a tiPulation - of 600 or COO , . yhieh is , rapidly on the "Anew roed.haebeenprojeated leading - directly weet,inta„california, which will be Worked t 4 the spring, euttiirolf-thiity Wife' ?rola thivrentes as now, travelled; and rendering it the beet -ohannel for the Coming emigration to enter California. -•" Several other .towne have sprung up in the vi einiof the mines , - and are fast inereating. "The fanning diatrieta. are also filling up, and a great dead of.land will be cultivate& this mason." Ate IMPORTANT 'INDIAN - Tostary.—The Sioux of the plains (Minnesota and Dakota} and the &alto aux Indlene _ of Selkirk, *Loiters - . been at war for a long time ,- held a council at ForipitrY on the first-of March, and concluded eireaty of peace and amity. The Iroe ietester, of the 2dth ultimo, givea long and interesting description of the - council. We quote from that paper: -- • ii Ths braves who left. the fland,of •the Dakotas' on .this peaceful mission toruthered about eighty. They were met at Pembina Mountain . bY - Oocernor Maatavieb, who distributed presents amongst them and advised them to-return, being: elfral4 that serious ooneequeoless would ensue if they proceeded further,- The last-timothe_Sionx came to the set element, now fifteen years ago, one of their number wairsliot at the verygates of the fort in open day, an~lin the prosence of hundreds of spectators, by a bung Bateaux,' who' had taken this means of licensing the low at their-hands of a brother. The remembrance 'of this eironmatance, and of ,ixtany I others of a kindred nature, induced the main body to give an unwilling assent to Mr. Maotavieh's re commendation ; but twenty of the party resolved to I push on if it eost them their . 'They wore cordially received by the Selteaux, and after the usual amount of. talk and smoke, a treaty was Axed up, by whichwaohparty-agreed to forego hostilities in the ibture. -The following is en account of the-.proceedings. after the treaty had been duly ratified : ' • - - Then followed the' distribution of prese* to the Sioux, the expense of which was defrayed from the , puhlio funds. Their weapons were next re stored to them, and they prepared for their doper> tare. On-;the exterior of the Court Rouse, a de taehnient- 'the Royal -Canadian hides, compris• Ins about one hundred men, under the command of *Captain Sharpe, was drawn up to receive. them and to oonduot them a abort distance on their way. The main body of the troops was formed into two divisions, between which the Sioux took:up their wsition being flanked on either - side by single iwo braes field-pieces led the van. The so periorttrofthe disciplined-soldier to the untutored warrior , never appeered in stronger contrast than when the finest and beat-tiiined troops on the con tinent were they brought side' by side with the wild but fearless mine: On the order to march 'being given, the - Indiana 'of both nations oommen trod singing. And eo they parted company. When distant 'dated two miles from the Fort, the rifles startled t the Sic= by tiring ten rounds from the bigamies, by way of a parting ealute;,and then left them 'Webers° of the tudithreieds.." - rie; The Oteeiyati ~./agotrer by the tollowlas In' relation to the mop c -„ andwrithis rellsittieif the wheat • crop. re ceived thronsh the actuary sevebents dense the week. are satidsetent The late farnnible :weather has mealy ignlnoTtiik the okaigintirannili tit Rekhi Met bed the Met patt the-month; tied *ewe the crone Wars not /Wilted 3Veausis • Sae appaaraues. some plainee Where Arse sieve tip firming. the •nicd; woe, the wag aceretes elymilinnanneen. will be et.sate. bet norther the OnSerper the itdications at Drew:nit are - bet-Weide riNlitiatennury, parr. C. Ad vionni+reftailintnokl.r. Inonuinntnt, and in tn. c Souett is ahneether tt crop will fall short ol an avenge. , Rattai hat* fatan•in great strunicanne within the lest two weeks. The streams ars all high, and bet loin lands are to a large attest underwater. - tory we.- tblia Islam needed. to 'hates farmers to complete their sprig[ Work., 'rats we yell yelYebt, key." ..-- -44. - '....-. S."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers