4 ° -1177'011261Wk -,bly "Mu 11utut iitiMiiidiNkrabrittrt tit 0 -0 P , ro I I a " With tbs s~titssst.l% .l 4 l l,l l lt , VIMATId self tkT,ots.lsts6l4o: , loak thsie_ lilt the, trilk wig Nowaimkilit *At*, but " 3t4ibitliothatiot; t aettlid M ad Vll l l i t s t".n "."‘" Ste; atm tatiii 'Emit— yep 406 W Safi*: Mlitt *Ai bet lwoutiPtblit ' xi4 -, 11 1001 kb be M 6 / 1 1 0 10 " 0 4 . 40 04 , 404 .I;sl4 6 "ltnikerct Beforise4eameg ti6igerve'lzpiltlllii for #, ll Alithele ,ll " l " 01 110 3 01;041a.TOCUOMPii 4 :10 ' P r ; ''lBi li r t , oll ' - "fr 1 0 164 , 111 ";! ' 1 iOialift4Oriikt*,rir:t -1404**i ' 16%4 Ouse arosiOut i atter • comlttotatuui quay- proposed., b6 - „tiowpmeTtit to w, 9; msetrimit, :J!‘;!q42laiiged Owen; deeiri therltrit4eoeg lserrisigai kimaisitiisil Leh POAVinlinifeld Id* n0C,407M111.0u. • • T IMMO= iISf.AIeOIiTW,O4IIIiTITT lk I ay. ...0yZ,.^5+,01.1116, all4_0 1; OUtr4A.fillbyll - Alke Mute -.041V-4,rDespeerat', w 14W:hi( tailSibakt 7 iildoilt'Of good Salieoi &Os - thl4h;)01 - Atilliti whioh:..lo,oll3ls: , - liu 6;tiAnliitetist itesik..lt:Pos Bawd ; ...p4 l 9ltests tettho toivoldpof Alitaidittsh;- " 5 1W9tte" - th.flt*":44 - Y# 00004 into staosa.4-Tltustratt-iitusporfeedplotual, oo: . thiu~44c4bliS 140saSiatigtatitaelEtaLthiogi Wys - fiolis4l .idot 04041411111#1 with an 44 . W.ANilioul4(154014.11HOksieletaised • that ttsiliihatS**;AelltlPeriF4/ 1 4CilliObie • had itiVall groptiss,l4:. utat It taikke=_ maloodAhots, seoletkthaa 410:4114tarisat tr+2lol6: thllCAßlO...biaibid..7oo.4llolo.-0L1110_0#.341 1 : '. ° "01 1 4- Ot l 4 o . WO , . 1 ..*"14 1, 4449 11 7 - ;Th " 6 ' ;I klill alakilliLlititainieliAtlialia aide Altopitossow iNittapitailkOlidmileGoestal Bishop, ißlit"histlit;:imPtimmonstil .‘• oss 66104 1/440,fitiOtstliiviir bait for: 11114.1041,4 : bir n it 4114filitimmook: ~bbpphensult44o,llooolth=ipilit'Wl, isin; .daughter, Irma -le' thy fib Ble o 9 ,l o 4 ) , Thir Irh;' OiCiAdt d wit44l:utft,Dedidebed the, aile* half difiaKthealaride , dokaddelmadV -. AWI .twol.~lo 1 5 4 . 7 il trV en itLieitt: , aroma w mown" &war btlizmotisdi the 'kW a gar land-.)llPeet ,rai .ef- ,-Zretlatlblew. • whtte -• •-•-• and 76410aatiree, arab:44l afabOat3s, _"011101usa. - Te. ' this thefFieickwidadditiaeit 10,111141:1;dentri end' eaffal4f and *bout 0 00 a t sad widen. -The' tetel.Wl ol o l .l l lßAwrolW ..leteint to. about thirty; - tioasear sofa, rnve of the allied aavy,thi beee el oyeraticali' Via/goat, of eight: of A O .1141W'a . doped Rye :' Go ashore; we ware mat by *any, espentalty,anade than who said, ObilVt'Obko' eHtMet tatted. !' and, opining of a joke it tad of one of the elk." UNiate gsitil lth * 44". " for 'the , ` was ' ta d'-- ' l 9lde Ohio I' Why,' salt hi, • how did thus . good= people know_ I eaasellons ?PP. • _ Airentritana sr Goviisioa.—John D°u4W c t -MIL, 411 7511(.=1.440 1 0. . ewe tit r ft..• . w lens ha exprelf 4andatnieist:: 'llr. :Iteosherty gives • .-garttiadir:Etitioart Tioritii aid:patent' r .(1 " At - 6 4thlwlY Itmhefffe the - • 11t alukatamosa—itiourizetri'aratareitanr. 'A.lienilemanangageilliahiglaaheilige basins* in Beeten.hett tor.* few 41syli.-paaa. noadteeted a de ' lopouFdr:etate_ef pkitsl,-,,vailbii by rellibms , :ssette, , labbte,is, l , lllll o l olbpalbe.'ffdPht:PrialPHAVOnlieP 40,, , , - ...-oa;qbligKrilliranktet.ibi , ibeemir, very, ring ,ittey-ft tiovisistsca spsio,ootstioo.lo - : akkowy;kodZiaLtintibelitter taidatb*I gas ` wn eared to lb. tt..-e$ 12te,et4 Boutk • "'J. tri _ - - '. ..',.,'„ `::` - fttlitatill' W` - -' , '""':, --, ,,' , , . . , . - - ,:f , ~4 i; kitiiidiliille.1111101(0910 11;11e4 6 3..: , f ~., Lthili ,1 , .4 w.t.4:44. - :::,... - , MOM SNOT. 01111 , 1 .. 1. ..,- ..10 , 4 , , , , ,== 346 =TAilifitikt-.l: r j - , , •'--..-t,- __, r ..1....• . I' ' ' - . '' ll l] - - - - E3=Z=3 itfi ) 4 n , , tiNvic., Alandilk m ar4trarnis*wi— s -, .` , 4 1 1f.). - , 11,0intu) likwhinriwriversoa VOW4ll44Nia..96l)*llll;l4Ntsp,i,i.; ~_ _:-., 14 49 1 i , ir*Wii; . . " te_Alltsikelim 11 r Or. • -....:1.- ~,,.,_, ::.... _ _!,,.. . TR0.:0.44011.W . li-bAlrillall. ' - -- : TILE RILL ON TUE paoss, --,irrl a the velum , of Anson Bodo, one vol- VEL k i rkir,___B. binllseivOt.: In I OE ryfRY, and RIM -1 To Y . it isoi o Amp. By the nu-, 9 . ~.1 ~... i.. 4 . w ~ .. . A...prov.. 1 .11 isE l ero ::Aiiiik, fm.s.Ronii,:! . a , r oc gmi e R tat rO saut O n, q, f 'To lky ~ -WrovW Er the latO illnibrions , r iV o t u RAMR I VS! h a i . olll. l - , a. •-i ' - , . iig L ', 14. = i f i ttr IN ITALIfi g Mc , Astiett 1 , 4 % , • -, :11.'Sairlarvii:n. .iews tif 94., . -° % ' VAR v t OwfrA o tte m l4 - 1 -_= WOO 1 POl3 OFF 0 -By ... Wool. of I.' inn o Ibodoltio." - - " ' ' --' .c• - f 14014498 AND 'ARUM CTOOX. • -Bowe! - Irf - *nay- p liAm z Avrwitti t U. frinitt, ;rim& by ; = = •.: - - nullkjg. 11,,,1 N.- ' 40E-St ,••- ••• ' - ‘,..• - Iro maws' T Wise. 1 - litexicT.gi k norrioN, OP lIRTINOI2I INOVICer •:'' i- ,- --' 1 , Y ,:-.,. -, :f . - 1 -:' ' ' ' .41101 9. l ift)MAS 'lkea; ';, INikkini.,Voi r it 'Or'ilank4 - 79ii nilladolpkin n t .' ll ' 4Pa a grAßßlWArlinti a rs Von ' '' '- ' = : ~..'`,, „ - -, 3I,,,G,R,pILTAIMIket fiilrlfork, . '' iliTkrZi , 4, *.rt4u EDITION, 41 . ~...., ..:- ~ ~.. i: , 4 ,, : oji,':', . tb,i51 . (1 . 161 • , , , , w,. , ittlf,...' ~.., ' -1 "' '' i I P I ia iiril a getrinit VINO. Lil.ol.its ,WHEiltr a 7;14711 1 11:Cit a ir :Ilk:AB:4 (4. l.4 `aeoritZtiMikr3,*.• at l llitii P - Ell VD.' 14014114 . .PAY421WS Ott_ DELIVItaY. 10.13W-size.' Ortn ited . ta deLirAlly,! sinqd moor. substan.: tia It islevell rdp,,esoh vole illFutpue.l ; .04,t1t VW!. 1'31.8 nil 5THEand WO O .-„ 1 . witi WIWI szeturhelt: sithstribert, and will ,bo_ 1g i lAit k, I'lltird= " lel d of tr 4 "l:::l4l*lngtio 4)-PV4rtrittlire: .l ntlEtralBfalO , s -. K ' 1 "r.... ~!.,.,..7--trivi:restvi , — IfFeg,)!". at ' • } 5- ' , '': , • . f • I NU T XU A TWI P htt r at. _. .. _,, ...__'' ' ' ~,..!...."'" • titto 4150rB a ttUt. ',ltitto•toorosis l.:•oconuenag 'Alma for this Edttiolt. , ENRY,WARD - 13,00HF2.--Ttie - Steel : Trienied"Pall•lt?o4sit ofAin amlisiit` et mod Looputr i tit.rtt, 100 l wto pit ;Nat to aft 7 tAtAiilliWi Vito" • • U. ATED,,21.4 . 0r,,V118 .WORLD,_ a l_ 4)1 1 1 1 ru i t ta lreAftn n lertgar ilat ! inners. inai'lkin:11001,1101LO Ina. Ha wn.• . '''' ' ' - - ' -''. - ' - ' •'-' .-- ~ apti.thstu it lip 0 It,: - TW) -' D 0 L;LA Itzp, ! I !I - _ , .„. .. . - , I t i - t j B I T ill, PiaTILVI A.ll l AI:it:EMI/TRW ' 3 ' re totintoom. „Wittiotroastioth .nor •IdLy ; 'la t. .11A1•• 't . - :i : ! WlArjrnit il ikt e iLD Ittlf,totoostvoo • 00, oisspanthanirooki tn_ I l illart i AM - i ikUllig i s s r-giWY A' ;•t BO ' : • -0...-:, ' ANW - ,-, t ': • 'BOOK __, no • L . 430 tnigin. .4 . 14044. ~ r P ll .l -• i ~ ;fiL i t 14111;: ~ .1 ~ A gvA IN -. • ; - - -'. imoies l • we t ' as t 2sio.r ill si ° Ar ai:mia ow — re, tilit ` --' ...... .• */.• • r a r e ctil li ts• li o Mal ''. liilikLli -.- :46 :470k- , thel a - g iu;oky. Mountain' i t t Min' ~ ' 'skim4l44=o; th e - Tei.ari .ILIWIWB ;tithe PaiNKillf. / tii Sage sail 1 , 0 111.1, '109! 14***1111.;fflik's Pride,, 4 '4 *tab* 0 1 1011 1 1M.i.hi Noble States : + i _ 0:- G MARION.' tM I.evoludpnary Hero. A i let )1 . 0 . & ,.._ 6111 0#* -- iif' ; ,' -,48 Wardetial 04 4 p k-i-p.:_..., io»!* ../i)-404! ,,, * . 6 g eur • - - a. 0 I,4FITA!CTISW4IBIRN or all 2!atioeui. , 14 , i li l ' it u iilidif o - iiiiiidowiiiitit. Price 41 ; ' MRS Axiliiymintim imoitu.lolAl4ll. • 1 •.,-• • • lit, - 'll'4**i ' OP S A-; HUNTER'S' , A - ' l `. '-' ,''' ' % litimitior*.iiab...t. : 4, ribbiam;i:- :.,, , i ', - ii;iiiiii.fis. *iiiiii , 1 0,4,iti.:„,k, , bi a: a 6 4,1, . ' ."' : ilk 4 , oPl)l2iii'lCitltill'ett. Each. 1 ''.. iiii460.1042:11 1104N:Ali ISSUED, . 1 . - W.. rake ar OF Tilp STANDARD Au. poqr ..,:. 2 2=2 ~,,,,i f iti., ..m4:42222=Aset. A te. il -'-. 1 ''i2 Wt 42a,iiii .'.. i : lii i.. 0 0. tiii"kift -:. .„ , ". r ~ . 0 i 'y ,-'4114114t , 41roldett "'"" •- - . ime . impor ~ lc" , '--,,, ' X '`E' a . i itl.' .1: . 00.;.% - Yl r 4Wl*-AilreVO°D• B cigvirkimert i gs : Ri stn l. . r mewra gon% !Vide are tk " i r iitaltar "t ! 7W.: l ,Clutatotn • Jelladeo , aid „ 1 1 ' 'i•,,' WO OP (1000 toonsnr. ei v tr t ni ll pena l la 41:2 1 1:146 and itit,ii 4H4 l v ire po l a nd, mite an :KLII aid an it neseltagrotobte. '" - 04„. 1,,,,. 0111 V 11 t 11 6 - 0 ° tr' • ••• JVle - , ~„, . t neon,/ , the same Ler ! : J. wen nom the Zee:: 4 Si re r. e_ ea Iv. sat no ape 4 411 mai m ; ir slilooet lili I in late ream Ram' ardlitmetee, grow agalLetiz i d toa d"clrosbrillfit t tor nig 'Not end, Inman and, v-.: , ^111111:EAT-11111MATtON, . at eg. Dan. aterthu Pine a l/ ean. • i. ,... tharsiste rip _ 44 14•111••• rO a %1 14 71. Clgily Si II ~..t WOr iniml T : ote ts As sale b i Ztia Ininiadt te; lieaSsaeounoes the 'I thidloggettif sag mats opgnr w fi e ap In mono kin hien one More mart 4141 111011 eattn ' , 1.,, ,, , An et the Are, be seat by nail, 11 ' 11 """"11111,1 , ilova, Follhhivi, it Audg-iltinitt Oro. 66 D Ittreet roe York. itroTtcsis: AIII.ICAT.VN WILL ,TO . 4-2 10. tie posri - of Difteonfiv the, Illenaitile Libm `arigf : 011 1 ,1 1 14 P- 3 4 29, **a ' Wan /1.• iimosETT 111J11---TO, RAILROAD OONTRAOT i L , tbo ' wall. DO O Paw x at M s , I„ , ' ram* w long' foklo 1,1 a t ill'Man woletita Gioaaoroatb L ,Awl W . ) osh) D/1Y ! Um )ot h or ) a , Tilit t i w yWN. #littiitaditik dot tit TA1“...147 . suiintrot,4./ tie 'itimsgs.from _tip __ oi=oosastiniiid4the 'Motown. in a eousUu3la o ott o nzu ) I ta tr i nittutaratrogo w ,_._ , asr. ..nao•Now kit g 7 l ol-.2:4l . 4ittisttrei ~..., . ..5, 1 0,..,43.1.-,d0.. 1 toirk,',' ,; : .:" , ''. - . Iljniter. 111 M1C91: 7 -ilbe: Burdbuideru unit Predi gko , di Alle a r4lllOFL4 . llTIO Rtaii , led an ilrarist a r tglikel eagraegant, nut gait e l 1 f, ,71115 r e outt, , :.... :: ,,,,, . ~. deitt. djilfi VOW 'RICORANOR BANK; APRIL 19, - I Dom/as lor ishiolps Beek will be dee see fisyr ! , f i re the flat et *ay nest. ,10 1 / 1 4iiiiril" • " Cullum ArbiTICTX OF TIM PHILADELPHIA 419:1, Itsamma umakeD COMPAIIIY: r A Panauntammaimisio ilf,fro44l owl Joni es coal ii spirted by coo J!tt rZer o t , _ . ll . , , t 1.114 . 0 . rf - :tor ilrsteA yolk- VICARMISIVS 'll, X 1 , ,,A=4, TiattoE N Milr iclul e ) tAbitivii. l e v=l i totAtioy fotihnsoitodnion Orditliondooon ts on 4414 on lot MI *NJ itt In• ipinw. 010. split-Ln ik --- 4 raoo .4. Via* Trinnorer. ~ ' ' , °47 - i .ll 4o„tk!OCr;Wh i l i tel; of " . rwrisia , L IFOR-SALE==The-valuoVe finu‘stoi 6 le - Dwiname nouss, 11,tteini front, muljne No. 34 11 North SIXTH Streit. AP slionthe „ de A 'OO4 BELT Pitollwry POE asp. ly to BALB.—Ttio Rosso No. tiOV 11 E ir MOO Saw, Ap 14Meet.E.31,rua W:A.; Amu. ! 1,, . 2nd and 3d -Stories of the Large,_ wen-lirded, and heated, pd t - ldil fir and n 27 I n& deiritt &AO?, B t hll'olindiggi to itto if sitit;;.-Imili' litio 16it1Q',A111:- • built dm:watery' dwelling, with doable threa t:wok bondman, on north aide of GIRARD AVE out of rithionth. Lot U feet front!), 11,3 feet dent). to A street, with ooach,JIOUNI and mote. home rtote Arr. ZAValsl47lto. A l Ifill o le n oP i lit e lt re trtgre s t: nall-itt ANDSOMS NT$-lO' 60IINTRY BEAT—T N N t A RAtir-thres_minutos from s a ZlDll B llttivagalming7. l d ~ i u 6t ap ti t i at tWll 6hrtgliMiXTH Street (second story.) WEST PHILADELPHIA.. , OR INIRRENT OR 1 , 1t1..1.R-4 largo rontirtrall3WEL- LlNG atgl_LOr, ebytket • WILL d ing et and POWELToR ALsa, s Dios IS tid Lot on Loolot tt ret,grit,nr.,Margar e e or yhtrtrinith :Inn "as 4:4l,7moriallint-vm to coi, ADA ._oornrp OHM lite stilt AtAltillAßETTAorlitl TY-SINN/130'bn Ca p -6t COUNTRY RESIDENCES FOR SALE. —fire new 11101.11111M4 IlkTlnirltriglitatfon, on the timore Itailrcan Uteeu mites mom the city. The lodation women& et beautiful view of the D 810,1013 river, and tut to- ssighlnerhd..The hinges have-all,the modern oawayenienoes, .TblMoteoltid orkwunodation for reaching that station by additional trams. whiph art sad on Monday, the of April, rsoontniend it to parties desirin a country residence. Also, some forty sores of L A N 0 for hone-iota for milkat the same place. Apply to D. F. Renner, at the atatton. co w .ine r of r !llWATtedid: YAMS Otter Streets . ap111)-S GARMAKTOWN.—,-. FOR, SALE OR NEKTORENT , 4TONB COTTAGE., eight roomg; Gle. .Rater. Awn. Stable. and one gore of Ground hand )ennety improved. Apply on the plane. MAUI( Street. h ill/731 1 ra hire etn e itri r W s .l or or MadapVg” FOR SALE, or *ollie baolikriged lbr good RailrOad Stook, s &hirable LOT OF ititON p Mt MIFFING GIOIA/En atartizett iftit .! ,00 feet der, to- : Airoir to . BORA° FRITZ, Cotiviquutor, _sp24-St* 144 Mouth youttzu street. - WOE SALE , AND TO :LET—Atlyer7 4: tieing Fopti .+ larited:-iißiert Idir'ethries 'For Sale 'afi l lo Let ilt_ HE DAIIiTINQUI iody RER- double eheet 0 121 AO T THIRD ; fittest. 'Advertisement* s astute a line first insertion , and FOUR CENTS a toe each subsequentinsernon. • ann-at FOR SALE - AND ,TO LET—Adver• '-II: Laing Fopulariiid.-_,Everibody advertiees For File siTo Latin TAI N. DAUM' IN tit RElit-rdou bin sheet. oe 121,_ SOUTH THIRD street: -Adeertisernis 311 CENTS a line 110[0111'0016n, and FOUR C NTS • tine each eubeequent ithertiOn, • ap -St t 4,0- SALE . AND TO LET—Ativer• 1. tieing Popularined.-Pvtly body adverhses For Bale OriTo [Atm THE UAILY INQUIRER - double 'haat ea 121 atIUTII CHUM_ tit net. Advertisements 32 C' NTO a line But insertion, and FOUR CENTS a Rae each subsequent imeruon. , ap3l3t ,01,. FOR .SALE, IN HADDONFIELD N. .1., seitital VtlrY desirable Brick and Frame esidenoan, well shaded and handsomely improved, Ala), the beautiful property known as *. Tulip Groye.” together with a tangier' of well-located emttage sites. ;Portion of the property will be exchanged for city real estate. Ten easy. Apply to . JkSBE 'S, PEYTON.' 3 • 1131 N South FOURTH Street,' apl-he _ , Detween•lo A. M. and 3 P. M, ~... M. FIRST-CLASS STEAM FORGE FOR BALE.—will be sold at publio sale at 3 P. iili on the Nth day of May , 18p0. at the üblic house of , te DE Boa Bi tht, in the city of R ADIN the eroPe known as the READING , BP PA FORGE, ill the Il3Td t titiptireNvie=haTtr.,„_4l;magaza,l l .l4 a a.kon Nesyllith Mei hammer .... ,reit, Kix. steam haromete, each wit heating furnaces NO boiler) luta/Mid, I. Wel bending amohine add oven; three paddling. (tram)." ; aye Pialternitha• forges ; two thirty ton crane!' ; One Wield elate boring mill ; slotting idne.• tailing lathe, and sixty-bores engine. Main koritin Eic kid set, with sheet-iron roo[ 01 carpen ter shop and rick office, wilvire proof, &0., on the premises, which 0013t514 over maks. Bald Forge is most convemen y located for !Mathew, adjoining the Reading Railroad. and so connected therewith that logomotivee can take away and deliver oars of iron, (mai and other freight without coat for Muting'. Shiites run outside the building, by which coal, serap.lron, &o;, sea be dumped cloth to, each furnace, witht extra oast for hauling or labor. Thu Friths is capa fin i shedecuting the heaviest work. having forged and the main shafts of the " Adriatic," (be lieved to be the largest ever , made.) besides °omelets sets of format for numelothl steamships tot Govern mynt and others. The city of Reading presents peculiar advantages rot go ot=iitt i roviatif4lllet c a toile. j it st vttitt , rislatl aili"giggiiliAi L Ifaiggistil; Nom ; $ fr om Harrisbargaind kg from the El?htlylki. .g.,rettoit ew il t rA c ipe tl irob n it foraVun a s ar ton. Avid's; II 'Dusted 12 414 of Lipman agricultural dm that orl'entisylvarms, ki ss apo &Boa of 1.3,000, and is Wald for its general health and a Punts of its water As Berke (Fity contains More urnaces thee any o th er la the Dal Barr, iroa t il i f , Avery desg i ption can be Pr il.7lllolll raNlCAtibranot. g ir l owiession given Dri rffisteire.end terms made easy. to salt parsbaseni. hit Forge is an *omelet* order, and is furtuthed with every necessary tool and appurtenance to commence Work imatediately on taking pormsasion. It is a proper. ty well worth the attention of those engaged. IA the tooth Weimar. For all further InfonnaMon, ant, to al USENBERG4 Cubism Farmers' Bank, Reading Pa April U, =6 slows ,WHOLESALIi DRUGGISTS AND Mc SAKES 111370.144Art1Ef1,, Approved of and highly Ipporomeaden by thb natidroat $a T tri l ie" ... nj ri th algt.T h !hvaio l an we bar Ellidgermi Atilrondedei a wOa td cautio n daeyobatibi ann °them malordAiitelesaing Gavial a reaidenei WIMA U lan. ta 'r P e tree hou b rg irniir t os . ae r atnind tx=ll on givaa On apnea ' in OL LI ERT 1 ' ET.- OE - tEI N.I. h..... BiIAnD I 4.uK .k. BgtGER 001,1 3 2$Y,oituatod at 47thia - aIIo OM SI 1 %. n'Ottrag• a riiro t a n d i I , wild be. lit upon the e on anon of the improvements in 11100 , N. - mon are two venr of, Rid .e, Coil (Watt= tan roil l att a gra Al= Mgr iroltitigvarti " . ' . ;ova pt hu sou intro o dueit., It a wady valuedFd 4 . 4 "" t0 wta s itisl i tatorrzi ° 4 ° ,74l. ... atr i.. Nsn opened' for this n the orth ynt:.l4. Few. atoptnent to . tq a est it may be to F tlty, andlLt tr u stily:a la sum alit, liattensionor At to spoineept - wl the tiK re dnit alley and i l ,r i tting Alii.9l, it can he slip et AM Mad. IMO 110114 'g a m th y*, to GMT boodytd thOollogc ,41 **el- 'Oh • There its °twit mouser Willis,to : ono rimy Ash Coal on the Irto- PClT.whis ate i ev a reble. , The eaumtv or the mutter pe th to neper annum, ~_ Wllin' eau edtambled u alidibatlon to D. W : O. _Uptn 1.4 a preMdme. , ' Or oinOW imorasuot olig, to ,fitt. BASTWICK, little-titbit( . Ilii.klVlNEOtreet, Philadelphia. ___ ON, _• EN OR - - SALE—'-Two pretty Catiges, Stables. eta., four metes !matey Second streets. end Vine wen rooms end half slue OW 01011. Citt MOTU taken In pert ,fayment. !Also. handsome! Cottage us of one •to eve Ames. IL F. SMITH. DM South el TEL street (Wend s tory. ) splt 24t TO NURIKERTMEMAND FLORISTS For oil* a ,Z jot lo_tkee Bouthwortara section of singjj. well Ma For aFtomorr., Tema soommods- Yor sortie address " 'at this Mhos. ap17.0 'TO RENT—Two beautifully situated I•ll.'ilimbio hostas' ion shaded.'. With coach MOH* pad peon •attsa aw ri on Tsoony.Plaok Roactono ookruNr. ree-quaryni of a mils from r y t ip., Andesbarg. Andrinhltt qp.XIthttAIZTOWN 'PROPERTY. -- VALUABLE REAL ESTATE TOR BIM& TM . saleable Farm and Country. Seat, oonteming Ipe aerls_prtailmani" town Ittr, hia, boutt dsvotiia uertuaown. •al aof thii wropert got to be Mireasiedi nti ed On ad DOM h , 1 94 o f lne, of t tha ownship Line road. sind oit the illOU ee et7istrwit, and-within one-eighth of a Inas o the i Tur: l rke, and a lanes of mile or two Gut gym on thy sewn Hill ranch of the Germantown W ad ' ill a ngle alinngt" I VA thy. ti l h oominz ell ,wottty n propel ry hV a t: moirody for Cottage &tee lt commands aq satin ed view of the iontoundins country. and-ls internment te the streets running Hem Glirmmitown, as laid &int on the Garveyot's senor that, &stmt. The property is laidaTitaL'vt'lroffaaVlTlMlttenrtil,l2ll,4h gi,ZiWa saleable ad handsome Building' Lot, altilleed on Mani street. neer Phu* road. Germantown, ocw. lawns i n s nt on said ernes /97 feet. and in depth abodt MO feet, hieing an-area of about Caere.. The trolind Hee Vali. and Maass towans Nenhetnt street, •upost- ertuatt -mut is *row of large and elegant glade trim. v[F l o e r psesendfine Building 1.,0ta adjoining end to , yof Fisher's-line thation. Germantown. (arum mgrag t r i enbr i nntpsly to • K a i Jr., *limner, • - • R. cor,GLITH an ALEUT Streets. Or MEMEL B. HENRY , GERMANTOWN. NIOR HAL • .;—ThirtyAcres ofhigh, beau- A: Atria lead: two, miler north , of the Second street pavements. near a nen! and handsome settlement. , Per sons"desirous of building a first-class country seat or purchasingyn speculation, will dud here a are oppor tunity. To unproven' will be divided into iota of from one to five sores, mauls ut easy matalments, or otty Miraitk i :na n Pan.rsZfri th vint.4 l . easeenaer Ta p "pi,' to H, Y. 8M TH. 53 , f tfoiittiscela street. m 6 avit-set J3ILLIARD TABLES' FOR BALE.—Two Rilligird 'Tablet with 1J Wok p l arble tow bedL sor d Miro i rsAd u rfa:34 1 , 1" :.: a bove 14* agisißmilips. Apietto H. AL LATE, VI MARKET Stmt. Hooding. 1% IT: W. NEILL & Co., YARD, S. E. Comer BROAD and CALLOWIIILL, Superior WHITE AtIeMIZQUA, and LEHIGH Pre P r gitirrit t a d = " ,:ireare~ ro ttlagflo:: ap23 nos PM P. IMAM - ' 'TDIO. D. =NM KELLER,at EMORY, 1110* MM Nit. leD laTirEpialtdelphis, Pa.. =r a n% tA'S" end Aso Ileatan tto Ma/W=l B6 mA os4 ?tom Sohnylkilleyaven. LLlNERY—Adirertising Mvulanzod. MUL t rybpity-•gilvertisai MILLINERY jn the DAM InniumEx—double (Moe I'4 South var 7210k a vegileirig i jgsiftigliPtfilig nation. !apt MlLLlNERY+Advertieing Popularized, altiliabriblerteht l i r t r : L eroh ofi t inseaorrO t bregarat i e t t is i "" liiit sort . - ao SU ilititegg. MILLINERY=.Ad venrtiinoei rrl Aißils'i=lkierEr"lshk S L~RI to tsi:aLeirt the I spi4, Ai - 1 Awarded by Pennaylv orrietnitste9aeit t lif y fr for MARTELL' . b kki .141 701:1, trj: /B°4' 111411Threws dad I on 1 1, ,h , MO for HARlviteriPAreir Iseitat.ll44ll4"l"ll thritior u s tk e i mei attilnit the old style or Jam M 'Duca* unteir tie vow, NAJLT4L & rteiTCHNO TH. sitMdm! ii." 11164r I FT, , '.t • %IINA_B: " Z 1 0— or sole T WILL & BUT/14. 47 1%449 It o . Clit9lll o lD TiLNETIAN .R .ND'its ka reP d ml l iOrlju i ,AlemPg(irliPHlLLl WiliatSB) II • DDT,- BASS' AND BAla lops;—_t guar wiuson co., `oll. Thr rye wiruwiiv; Waled roe , an RQ_,lnithi nin ply se i gUendanatil "eV% ,LET VOA.L. - - - E. tlNr4. vau ,•WtrN,TT , , , t'o I -„r 4 :0111 ‘ t 1 "`• • ; Spua " • as, • 41 .• a. fcir - tfnuii.7, P1r,'711 4 , • It N.' itOOKAV AY464% Pity " " eat vtri:r i tri l =i rsetZ=r". l'111413:°41 "LIQW: ." • ' . • lttik;* ( VVIARINEINSII- S-L FitiNO.iOO4IANY. 49, 410 yr,#,L,tnpr litrist. mem teuetele, Pb *Wm.- tmotti, 41M0, OA :Oustaetee, Catellai, ,for. the prQmpt moment o f Lolosa, IMAM '3 ha eV risky has ettouunhed Ma , - - , , 1 . ' '-• .' ''. •.Diszyrose. KlW.aldw ' , . tMW Theingon, william Rauguel, , ~ oink w..liation. 191/"44 l . `" yer, n , n ii n , . ' 'O:E. hisagler. ' . 8. ' -`' Air li c ' bq. ,:aitt - yv.eß.ittriait. .:q, oid: .°Plan: 4 zlward A. Warne.' var ' . .10 t imif t lt. 1 1 ....•1 1 ., _ Rs, i . pf i glea - A, ,i, Kim 1 4.00 E: gOoteaty. . A =RICAN rum - IMMO= 00., mooltronArsro iii.—cmAttata PRE.r.m. , , - l itt, iio wALiittatrieti obv.,ftra_amotejohla. sving """Si d it yla s k t irruttiZZATFe i rata heaLl unn aton t i .:p u raiMre,...tro audlie t kil we lligle b r n "Sif an d ar e p or pom, and other Personal 'icipert; All loom berally cad promptly adlat t e d , viazoor Fop. it. tr. ha it. ~_ i tt 1,.."67E . 1 / l i l t XII% 1 ;77.' : ' . !'‘fie l :FM:louitasy: j'Etly 11,, MARIS. PresAknt,. 3. C. L; Aw .SeoretsrY. ' rm-tr FAME • INSURANOZ UOMPANY, NO. 106 °NESTOR" Street, MILA I DELPHIA. 00011SILATVir s hr A t i lLTJJE STATE OF SONiINED TO VIZ AND 1111:6.01D ft.'"V r Aity* TV.Bivr.6„, Ohm. Xi n, Jett ylra, Jr., a t tv yron: wo' rt r istfit. • ? fwftha4ll.l,lMiiit Prkit:if AN I'ILBACiTE ''INB I ' AMIE 'CO i PA. ' fIY.-diitioriiied Cdgital a4 o ih oo b—caißTEit iIIgEPETuA • , moil los 'WALNUT illinni, indium& Tiiird and Porta dimet, Philadelnind. Fide, cempany win insure alpinist 101 or ,dsinage by ... .,rir, aa 06,diddinge,Fiiminire , dnd bleronandise gene "AL, Marine Xdsuranises on Veisels, Carson!, 'bad Freight*, Inland Inwenoe to_aliliarti of thaUilion. lIMOTORS..., . ; '16' 13. i l ittg s at. rgolitfeak.tt. k r _ 1 111:4,; - iin R. Won, , m. F. Dean, star Muer. ' ' J..g,Baiim. LoomaktwkPresitinst, .. wm, P.Dig.dri, 'V ine President. pr: M. SMITH, Swam. ' `, . „ , ~1114:toilitt a trAlri t ß , CITY -TIVILANtnt COMP.& '"4 2 . N' L— ANIMUS H IL DINGS. 46 WALNILT ElfitEET,' HILADELPH A. CAPITAL AND BUR- P US s3s9,l47o.—lngurex against Loss Or Damage by F re and th t trenis of the Bea. Inland Navigation and Trarlsporta on. 0 URGE H. HART, President N. P. HMS. Vine President. . " H H. InneGISHALL, Elee'y and Treasurer. B. H. BUTLER, Assistant BeoretarY. • . ' DiRECTORI3,_ GeojtgeH, Hart; • H.P. Rome, _ At C. Oettell, Foster 13,Perkins, E. W. Bail Andrew R. Chamberg, 'HonCoggs all, Samuel /ones, H. D.. H. H. alter. - • _. . Inh9-tt L IFE INSURANUE AND TRUST COM olllrtiZ4o"siittinti tteptp._fib. *APAR F s i,t for the whole term of dife—grante minium and endowmente—pnrobrumm life interests in Hard Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the " gir t el a l oV e Lr f Eit if4 eaatere. Administrators, Anima, ir r uaelhand G"InIiTHES. ea s e! B. Stokes , 7.inaltoVah.4, Joseph H. Trotter. Janes Huston, leeoehl i Peuldints mound . Soter, Daniel. L. tato Mlle John W. Horror, ! Im ager Clh e" omse, l qh termer, I It flestdent, • o , v ial Pres% tan. Rule r el L. Miller. uiamin cp.soi, ' . Tli a gitolt William R. ern, Fuel ? i,r Wirt. ries a ell. en y 7 C. urruseug• • Rodoiphu i t Icsat, Willmar olio rr. L v Du williarn,Robertsour Wartler ria. !ty, A I .:, 41IWN A. Rouriolt. Mere WINES AND LIQUORS. 10 HE ,VINE•GROWERS , COMPANY OF '• • • - ere. . , 17.14CTAL0 TIMER 1,1,10N8 OR.P.RANCEL , • RE COUNT DE AN T -LEOER, Fassuatir. JUL DIJRET ,, Es, Jetsregore, • AORNT IN NEW YORK, JOHN OSBORN. TIIIS CORPORATION, numbering amongst its share ho wers fourteen hundred Proprietors of the best Vine yards In the Minuet of Cognac, its etve Establish ments being located in the +centre or the town of that name, was organised ,or the 49XPrega purpose of main taining the standard a Eltnnter of BURR COONAO BRANDY, by shipping that article, In ail its native t furity and ex liencelo COlTtilpoZl46l4ll in Toreinn OURITIIII, and bound own by its Statute o Regulation to confid e Al trattlinfitWnil entirely to the brand, grown wittbuthe District or Copula. and wholly the produce of Vine ya in that bighly-favered !mighty ;on nn condition who eel admitting into its stbrehoimes any Brandi' which limy hare been produced *Mont the limits of said Distnot. , I - Willa the ighjecit .of extending the just revelation of 1 t i le',ll ll ,o l33 :4l4` m ti" tITLVILIftIIeigItINI; !tants in ttiltraited Sg 6 : Tils vINN 1114_ COMPAN lute authorized the Agotierfh.liew ". r to but up t air photo. Cognac Brandy in oases of one g en fiall-sised bottles eaoh, and the nine will be disposed of to the Trade and the Public, by the under-, , mentioned respectable liral. , - -Every bottle is sealed with the (moguls or the Ceina pany—the corks bear the same stamp. and the labels rtilitin int in, t eh e irTg v ert r rigegrgialf;,thdy signed The brandies now adored mane of two different euelities, both guarantied to be envied,' pure fp quality, degrees in Streng th 11=711rill y e Mir grotilit '41 4 . 1 .10w ,_ Q tent. , si t a r atitfi n e t, I".l,,,ite n nf Ai l g i rcl i ge . age repression . mutable for as or medicinal er- FNI P I b r ldrfiS7t ii li l ,t l g Zit ' Iraletti 0 its extreme mei and because the remote fear of its wool produntion is bernin OCIIIIIVII Verifies ion. Objections haying beep urged that the bott ea are too Dirge, and the Brandi of a greater strength, than is ally supplied tb the public, the Meet Of la the il i mpanY Ventures to enures' the midden' that a rge hot le may he preferred to a smaller IMO, and that in obtain nu Übe r olls or the exact strength at which it wasjaported O l i P tsa g g n rresirt i on l iTirthe t i k r 6 =9 " , hare ail rut s 'l ie n !! 1 17,1 7 V. a te 2 r L a N t bU t y h T l3 B tr !if : I , Atnfiliß ap i li . - to th i COOPER, LAGUERENNE & a'RASEL, Buiroeskois ta r. L. Legillitenhe No. lttli Hou'M rttOfil (Street, offer (ornate, from Wilted states Bonded arehousa, of their own importation, • Brandies, - °anises, Final. Castilian & Co., of various vintages and in as sorted packages. " • ?eten & l 0., ir 1d P. 1,. Leiguerenne, Is ftlg_tite 11eV011412, ' A. l Camas, 11 Claret W ines 1n ' C hampagne ,,,, Wines, of various brands. Dordnalli Olive 011, In baskets, (P. 1,. Lesuerenne brand.' apg-Im dIEORGE WHITELEY, Trona ciytt i LL_P u Vig l e t s_3 I :A. e t ti Z i. bo the 01t0.15, &moos t ats standard %%it of brew 3 E, a, tilltar & tte.. Them. Voss & co, tlei ß gte: 4"1 °lt sislit Alura7l 4 ' tf n it Oe., felleviutho. reeds. WlL: l*L e or r ite liM ?Olen, ensL zaßeni.nraiglialTirrEcc,%o anlia:ll.lkaltig Or-1Y HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES peokmnt HARDWARE HOUSE.—We . would rettfially cr o tli the attention of the Gent , 'c ur e ßr iire tlv7A, are:: Sraf.:l:2 n 1 G 4 Owe by the wham Orden for direct importation /Witted, and Goode de beret either in title can Ifvr . Wee. Vasa. GI &OM UWE , i hr op_ _Merohalle. And Agents Rtringin andliool u t ' e,le irerdware. asiti4l. rrO THE PUHLIO, CALHOUN'S ANNULAR VENTILATOR. . The above patent Is deemed, by solentifio and Prang cal mea t to be the very best ever offered to the public, and needs only to be seen in actual operation for its marital to be appremated. Nothing ever introduced le go perfectly adapted for ventilating private and plablio bumming, schools, hospitals, engine houses. mines, team and sailing vessele, and, for the ours of smoky shimmers they haveo mural. fdanufeotured and f or sale. wholesale end retail, at eattnal l ariVVAlTnsmitrere.t, }pus. Personal Attention wt. be given to all desompt one of heating and ventilating bi the anderingaed. who has been many yearsprag_tioally engaged in the above brini nss. Also for sale, Oahu metlytvelebmted warin•air a l tact t o i hmiting raracea, bath bvitkrepfttaitiek.br ED SY LS ()LARK'S HIGHLY IMPROVSD • and newlY Nailed Corp bleed Grindint end Bolting. or iIIitHAPIT FLOVE Alltitti Daily in operator a t ,ito. MI FacTRIIIIT, !SLOW vamp, rHILAT,A. le unrivalled Flour Mill, including t • complete grinding Arid bolting maoluneT, occupies a spivs of only • met wide. eight rein hie . end twenty-nine lest longs mane corm within 'kb e small oompeu, et a single operation, gad with but little more Mill:horse power,. fluelltextra, extra, suerflne, and all o the low er grades of flour and the different Mauls of o 1 'ln ducing flour emu( in quality to the beat flour made IrOM csiven amount o wheat, by the beet Merchant Flour mills 10 the limited triage', or In Europe. Its average rate of gnarling is two barrels of superior (Ion! per • 'phie new,compaok, complete, and celebrated flour null has been aerofoil, 'Tuned by many of the most experienced millers in, t e country , and they nano: mouldy bestqw.npon it thehighest ocurunandshoits i end have even their testimonials of its tartaric euperion ty, and its immense utility. Millers, mill-owners, merchants, Capitaliste, speaula ton, and the publio in seueill, are reemestftilly invited to call and examine this highly emend audited's( Gels build hour min. (moaning the purchase or the Patera Rig rer ti teri_ and counties, and the mile, favor" Germany, on of the United .etates, Great Britain, ranee, Germany, Resale sod other Asrloultarel count rie s, will be given to all trdeone *regal DK their lettere to LDWIN CLANK, Patentee, No. We RACE it, below Third, nit 'it. Kr For further information concerning thin 0. (Ors ted flour mill, please to read the yellow handbi , de scribing it. ms Ir FOISUATORIAL SPURTS. PHjLIP WILSoN .t CO., 432 DRESTNUT would invlte the lovers of PISCATORIAL, S PORT _ to the flout arsortinent, and But quality, of TACKLE ever If In 014 oft,. I s tkarn a w w WrlM:r3r,,t, f ' ffiS i gni pa riCe d . finer extra Lfrheri ; V rids, Cayiage, efon, and rat i nt, dgi,itnin, iP a t h let t a d l e lenr , 811 k, mhit-em •. ADIRS' T 'EIiLING BAGS el and for yslt by 0 . F. RUMPP, 118 fiordintii Wet, Anofron . ponrs. 4 mt p. , , y 1 °OMR; ciGAR k Lrs. _ main 91.09.,1Pri_orkf l arth. &Mail% L D r g realm! e l r i one .Y‘.. j nik astalm 1 000-BiIti6IMITIVIE. If» Mc Pure lino Bone &Wiwi. 100 / t ell rota Ammoniated Smear Phogphate of c B, Rol2BRei iVa l, pf Naili ifY - No . 14 M A RKET Street.. 4 1/ SILVER, MEDAL AND DIPLOMA i ipe t N i ,Vir. l4 ::n2r:fß l PAEliTit All ' I. i it AA O,' Railroad Spitec 4: 4. I CO,' 11.7,4,11:,,, - A & o,' t i e; Boa eg. ' t A k O.: Initnelkes, . & Q, 8 Iling-m 1 &Am. .4% 'it, v.% .pcmitnt. Warehouse Boales. I , 0 ,A,CONLY mtform Ooslee. ;,111.1tft man"lm PaketE . 1 9 1illidcILLOW at'. jr:FAIREANIW,PLATFORMBOALFiII. Pet aol• %MMUS Vali& =p , 4 Gf 1.r.~i • ripAPE g•' 1 ' „ _. TAPE WO.ll. ~ ; JAYl4EiiiirAiliali ' 4i;X WORM ' OR T Hie Silt. fien,irnetiii to fail !iiiitlitt instanoe to renc i le:d I , teceisteetnne seitnak,jt is . , easily taken ViAi is o n inusitiert 1:,4°1.7jUdy,tyg,106,,. et hb alter at nt 7r vil Te te,ltes. " tle DMus ? l b is ogee, eh disietbsie tense. • • r ' . rr ‘ ' Aryt 00 Dr 'N, JA & SON, IN CHESTNUT Street, I. saseltga. anatomise two dollars for each doss, Shit modkopoin , ediately be Yorwitded by wail to any salt okthse."7 F . vin, 'READ T$E FOLLOWING OERTIFIGATE9 ' r MIEPPICTADY, It Y., Nov. 23, 1361. Jr. yo. Jaynti-tDear .81r i I reoeived the Imokaxe of yotir thiscinti for rep. worm. and took it itooording to the directions. About four hours after I had taken it, 1 M. 'I tare . Ir° nn ""win llPAi i ra Y it t' f': )4 6 '4 " n . t - Engineer on N. . and Erie Railroad, Iticasimn, Mo., Sanaa; M. pr. D. Jayne--Bir : I have for eightyearsheen afflicted with ra te rri ble disorder—the tape worm. During that time had k it ed various remedies, and the best medical skill n this rind theadjacent counties. without obtata ing any relief. l was sAvised to send for our remedy. At that mos I was almost reduced to a ske leton, unable to attend to business. and my suffering was beyond de sdrltittom I took two doges. and then paned fi ft y feet of the worm. lam now strong end t hen pane d health. Id& Perry Brewer writee: MAMIII raAtus. Foxy Gibsom, Ark., Iteb. N. 1868. ti. , ./fter taking yOur Bse l gia for tare Worm, It had the effito tot (duel d, wain MOW% iti all twenty-four feet, , ' Extract of a letter,froq,lfilre. Oboye E. Donk, dated ~ Cannon, Title Co ., ~ Y., Feb. 9 1858 "About& year since we reoeived rout you a'dose . of the Tape worm ppecufio t whieh my husband took ac cording to directions, an d the rank was, that he passed nearly sixty feet of the worm. , PHlLAtintniA. March 21. IMP. Dr. D. Jayne—Dear Hir i 1 had been for some four years afflicted with that horrible disease, tape worm. Having tried venous! remedies without anexe, I was at Mat compelled to use your SPECIFIC. I say compelled. for I had great repug nance to advertised med i cines, ea I considered them all humbugs, an a was with great dit finny I was induced to try your remedy. I took three doses, and the result has been the complete ejection of my tormentor. I have passed some eighty feet—the last eight or ten feet tapering gradually until It was no thicker than sewing cotton, with a head as large aYthe head of a pin. .1 believe if 1 had taken your medicines in the begin , nisi& before mcitomen became accustomed to drugs, n o don wool have been sufficient. Feeling it to a duty I gWe. not 0011 to YOU, for har ing saved me from aft early grave, whefe my disease woulithave inevitablyt Mont yob bet also ttl those Who afe tillibted at *ea, make Vliese flag. . lanai grater IY, ' bent Wynken, Fifth an Chestnut streets, ,I,tisiikriWile.,:etie 11, 189. DenthoMen : Your TAPE, wQxay. . I.rEc.[YE his been adthinartered neortling to directing: yi t dose etymon in the Morning. At three in the aftern n the worm liras expelled enta Your LIF.E.CII O g has sus tained ifs pretensions. anl have no hesitation in re eiimmending it to the p ublic, Jszits B. Lawn, M. D. POILTERSviIiN, Tent., July ;2, MA . . lik, D. Jayne Bon—Dear Sim A little girl about gavial yedri old puh r ephdgwtth tdps toorM, and bad noon outlet mod on treatment for some titre, without benefit. WO SPECIFIC, was given, nenording to al. motions, and in about three hours fifteen' hiot of the ertirill name nits). erhion,lrom the desCription, rthink intuit be the entire worm. . R. MoDu.c. DEIIRTIBLD, N. Y., Aug blsa,. - Dr. p. /sine—Deer Sue I tOok your &Fp W ORM Firninc 40oordiur todi.otkon.. Zight hostre.after weiti I disehatsed without pain) MA wormantpoyho measured twe gi 4 "t lb tit in 16° . l ar ni l l Wi t igr d mime elm See s. Irma, N. Y., Atts4 Iti, ISM. Dr. D. Jayne—Dear Sir : t _week Mr. M,era made Mumma of us about your A es PE : WORM SPECIFIC, and immediately wrote to you for some. This morning he nailed upon us with a bottle ,00ntainiug the tape worm. Wasmus at Ray, DrOggiiitai . N 'Bsrilsonit. Mich., Bent . 21,4T1W E 'W P M 114161 FM Bon—Deerno onrt r : directions. took your worml-1 wee eXneNed an Dix hours; length twenty-slit feet. Yours, _ &0., Louis Boma. Blittgswlng, 14., ootor 7, Y 854. Dr. ft Jayne & Son—Mr.itiley Price has men in bad dalth tor slime years, sub eat to spells of sickness at to Wow, tilt uontinnis emaohition. About a month cite th re de.atiout terchty.tisti feet or tate *worm. t broke, a sort remaintym_in his stomach. We otOotired some of your TAPE .W9ltfd arguinc,„whtoti Ito took according to directions. Ile 400 n dptoharged about Ai:7z feet oftre worm, k, and thinks he is now free Buis & Dona iss. DAVENPORT. lowa. Oot. M. 1889. Dr. D. lsyne—Dear 81r: I took your SPECIFIC for tape 'worm, wording to duaotione, mid In four house the worm was expelled. HERMANN TEGEIINDE. COMP° Saco, Cabfarnm, Got. 81.1810. Gr.D. Jayne & fion—Desx Sus: Ida not hesitate nor do 1 delay to givegny testimony to the real excellence and euvenority of your " TAPE WORM IRECIFIC " I iately had an occasion to have the virtue bf this medi cine tested, the result of which wag the expelling of a tape worm of enormous length, whiolt had worn the Pa tient down to a skeleton. but who now had fleshy end healthy. 1 ant at liberty to give the address of 'the lady Gem Whom this ttentblesomo animal wee expelleil: but a matter notion of tt ntrw oh ethibitiOn. my °Moak ii ocular t.rof i r u fif What I have *rate% has been wit neased by are& who have balled sea it. °TIM trttlY, . G. SchitAcX. Illuspolotttnr, hi., td, mea. . . .lticianghter, Ping =toted s o mtb_dtaivitworni,,,Wita Mik e i tr48111.0. )" de" "4. A lis i gy S lit M k; LspPrrept7ae where y Ijr AXGE & fiGG, Miler -altlisL4,ll-AYIYE'S VALUAM.III.I PURE GEORGIA ARROW ROOT. The special attention of physicians and families iti willed to the imperionty of this article. It is rapidly supplanting all other kinds, and all those who have used it give UAW! moat decided preference.' The fol lowing anneal! f rom certificates in the hands of the manufacturer, • Col.,' will show the high intimation in which the Oeorgia Arrow Root is held by these gentlemen of the medical profeimon who have fukezamined it. One pound, OM cents, or two pound' for el. moiste instillations accompany each package, show ing how to *eke the most delicious articles for the tale. • RYFDOBRA SALE, WIOLt e D T n R i AND RETAIL, AF STons, ICK :CorRR A FI A T At d oOREM R I UT L • Web, P iIIIRLFttIA, . DR AAID AS ROIR'N,Jr' O " 41 ttii qhl, drop r 8. B. Corner of INTR 0 MTN T &Agar, . Under he t: sr Rotel, PHILADELPHIA. , •• H I he's examined Ind prepared some Arrow Root. nenufaetared by Col. allows. of St. Mary% Urania. 1$ bag the best quality of that venety of Mauls have wet with. being superior to guy Bermuda or other Ar row N.ooc I have &min. " BAKUIA. JACKSON, at " university of Pennsylvania." "I haye examined a snub) of Arrow Root. mann faotqred by Col. ggall44wee, of Bt. Mary's, Georgia, apd nwhibited at the Met fair of the Anieriban Institute by Mr. Burkhalter, of thus eity. ,The article is of the vett garcs i TO'n s ter; f iri n Ore e riligglitir tet, and to bejEroty_other, remota EMLISOnal.to th of nntnttoua .si bellkslilatitx of o* Root Obtalbotti frthit nerrnads. ,It twons Of In, ripportanne to, In? ish at ellen delicate *moles ordiet Depute, / feel el 0 rtanl ;speak so favorsbly_ot the Georg a Arrow lit. 4now-Itti "'JAES R. CIXIVEOIi, M. . Cm" (mai !! douttlr!!! E VANS VILLEP.OOk 00.. Sept . 6 1668. D 11.1). JATrIe Deft/. m u — Mr. Nathaniel Blakey, in thip plaes,mithorisdd ine testate that his wifewee taktin to her bel Ohe bat ago with Liing Disease, w w him( the ploalotans pronounced Comminution. lie doctored for six months to heTumor. during which time he had hoard your EXPECTORANT spoken of very highly, and concluded to try it. lie bought of your Agent a half.dosen, bottle*, arid his wife commenced taking It. and has been getting better ever since. She can go out even now, and is gaining daily in strength. A. WEST l CO. EXPECTORANT FOR LUNG FEVER. /Coeburn, Ohio, Sept._ll6, lea& Dn. D. JANNE I hove niado use of y our EXPECTO RANT for Lung Fever -and It effect a cure. with the aid of your excellent SANATIVE P ILLS. G. W. HOWBERT. THE SWEDISH MISSIONARY. Extraot of a letter, from the Rev. A. %Fibers. doted Srocanotts, Sweden, March le. HAT. Your Invaluable Medicine. the EXPECTORANT, has been of very essential eervioe to my throat end breast, and I can soaroe ydo without It a single day. Several of our friends ' to whom we tinve occasionally given some, express themselves me being much benefited. THREE YEARS WITH sgorioarris, Orottgon, Owen co., Indiana, Sept. 4,1867. Dn. JAY 1111: My Wire having been severely afflicted spat three .Tiarsiiith Bronnintis ) and having hemd of the wonder Islamic!' of your XPECIORANT for tths. Ast tna,Ddrioulty., of reatbing, Spitting al torsi. Ly4a other phrases 111 th e Ltiligll,lpUTollll.lllld Ono ttle o tit , and one box of SA ATIYE P 11.1.5. and nn p_appy_tir Worth you. that aftet using the L.X.PECIIE tWOPU.MiIar artar edi e milY suppressed , 1; and easy eap_eetti:_gian, aii[f l i r n ffirMB r N AI Jette d r a COMPLETE CURE. • . J. P. 13XITIL Preparna only at mhm im JAYNE'S. CHESTNUT Street. itUSHTOWS COD LIVER OIL, •03 001481JMPTION. THE CHIEF AMONG P AINHOUSAND,__ DALLEY'S MAGICAL EXTRACTOR Hs universally supplanted all other Ointments and healing applications to both the Dieter's and Western Hemispheres, wherever intro &wed ; anti its inttrinsto mint m 'he !rue secret of its sussesin ell comusnow Affections. whether the mime be ascidest or disktse. SIMMS Et ad SCALDS 0 ore instantly relieved of t•I their anguish., pain and inflammation, OT a timely '-• aophoatien of this moo ti eiteur heatar,. and the g flesh Is renewed as if by a charm,_ no blemish or soar E ., remains T ng. HE FRIEND OF THE NURSERY. Children are frequent lil sufferers from external In juries, es orally front Raid and Camp ens Ex pie:lees —therefoje every A mother should have this healillf preparation .00n- '..-.. stoutly on hand. It beetle sore yeasts-, and quickly 01 removes the TETTER or RIK WORM, so price- / 1 /.! in the nurse TO 'TRAVELLERS SEA AND LAND. The Maohinist, the Da. c ) ve ler,and every other in dividual whose nit in life i-. throws him within the Chance of accident from T., szplosioo I , Ar e, or co Eli sips, should ,bear in mind ~.,,, that this Magi° bixtractor le his best and only friend. A It le both portable ant °loan, and_should ever be rc his companion, as a friend in need, There are thou- 'muds of living witnesses to testify to Its marvellous virtue, who owe their so . und limbs cud mingles 1 to its saving effiecor. The thaw/glare a few of the FAIN gi,easss for which Di11.111.7t. '1134A01- OhL EX'PRAOT OR is a FRB ENTIVE g an well as CURE : Ba, Eivelpeiss, Sores of all kinds, Bruises, Fistunt, Shot Wounds, Frost Bites Scrofula , g HOW, Fever Sor es , Scurvy, ' Rtes of Reptiles, role Scalds, Cancer. Lie, eases , . l e ttau s lar Die-Elourf, Cracked fog, Heald Read, C htriiilmli. Fends, Pate , Sores , tltikni%z . kamp, implen, Tumors, ntrectiid Cords, Piles, Tatter, Chafe,. ioLson , Ulcers, Disea es sof . the henmatista, Venereal ße. Sores, Skin, hes, Bold at the prinoiisal Depots, 14 Broadway, New York. ail al tri Di Chartres street. New Orleans, by J. W lON & CO., General Agent, It can also be ob tained o all respectable Druggists and blerohante throughout the United Staten and Canada, T. W. DYOT'r &Sims, 218 North SECOND Street feli Wholesale Agents for Pennsylvania. A NEW AND WONDERFUL DlBOO- •a, VERY _for the Cure of Rheumatism and Gout, ESLIE'S ARTERITIO PILLS' This medloise I. offered with the utmost emafidenoe of its being the most effectual remedy for the above dil emma ever yet discovered. No danger need be appre hended front its use by the most. delicate. Price SI Per box. Can be sent by mall, on enclosing one postage stamp and priee of PHIL For sale by the soIeHA RPER agent, ALEX. J. _ _ No. 149 South FRONT Street, a. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BIIOIIII_, THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'B EXTRACT Brllll_, j'H GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLDII EXTRACT OHU, TEE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLIPS EXTRACT BUCHU, THE GREAT DIURETIC. Aad a Positive and Bpeoifio Remedy' for Mimosas of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Or Weakness. "Ale Meditunekinoreesee the power of Digestion, and excites the ABSO_RBENTS into healthy action, by which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depositions, and all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are re duoed,as no PAIN AND INFLAMMATION, and is good for MEN, WOMEN OR . OIIILDREN. Belom p arkAva„ T e E tZ ' l l lillg t lagila. BEWARE OF COUNTER ° P.aI DEALERS, Who UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dingoes " or 'mein own" and flotilla," saver se On TUE REPUTATION ATTAINED an HELMEOLIPIi gEriumF. PREPARATIONEL mh24-1. MACKEREL —363 Bbls. Nos. 1,2, 84 3 Mackerel, in snorted paakagee, for gale by 0.0 - R ADI.ER lao., ARCH Street, second door above Front. an? 81111-OARB. SODA. i --400 kieut 114 r lor sale by ' mak v r sa i s e t%k 11,ms 26,, 1860. notiAtKort , ' wiriskrv—u 0 P'A 1- KONG' WHISIET, ' •. ' -• • • H.QPATKONGIVEISKEyi - nip &Senate Towle Stimtklar, distilled fr om the Pure .1 Wee of apples, rralpeally designed for the use of the Medieal persica and,tiee lerayily i 1:i fast su&er seding the none! totj• eine,' • Whistle . .ko., iv eh 'Mine been palmed on on the wrlblie le Warelldnote- It is en reed by all the prominent • • .... t , Yeto Leads, okightleirs i and O t iNNOitiSKONST easing all the Macho na toradt teronsabiy neeewlery in an Tore or hTe h itili i i r l e s : t. I is put up iii elegant sty e, n barge bo t tles i a.. . /soh, and is the cheapest an tne_pureet 11 tit now in the market, . J. O. HEM & C O. Wholesale ftmita, SplS-1m ' ' • , No. V South SIXTH Street. %IRS- WINSLOW - ; 1; Tx AN EXI • gIIOED NIINDE O I23, FEVALP rhysiolani waken the attestiOn P ' YOR it 1400'1'. IN% SYR; P YOR CHILDREN TERVItING, •11,,ich l greatly fitoilib ri t L the a 4irtm=fe s tr i zi illy terAi i ffi r .....t.l..... i. . - _ D... GULATE THE EU SUL Depend spon t,mothers, it will givegest tOlOlllllOl , lllll td _HELM' AND HEALTH TO YOUR iNFAXTEI. ere hove put up and sold • th i is &Mole for over ten w fa lrrit4 l 3 l l4 n Etly i l l etrii ht :itn.g.treritii; o f ot "; mediolttejte...... He LC able AIL... ilia SI EfLE I . IpIiOE,TO yl4 F Ear A CURE, when timely adver db. e knowAn loitenee of dismal salon neysine :„.". who used it. the Clon: tr c ,,,, ; ml are dblis to 172 With its operate, anti miA.aqpirTzgdle vi 0 Dr. 'iOjais7;aktirtfili Wetter what liye, tie * at MON ten Yintst_ impenereancletigeog qputati r far :gni Vi ti a t i o n • ' Verb tfie_tilla 133 yt u rt ate ri ii ii„ _kola vain ZIE . 1.1 austion. relic wu E„, iontnihirteen or twenty 1 mites after the Ilia oft mints tr. Tis valuable pun nto il therein iptiosofin of_ the most_ .-..,-- - 0 ENO DA D SKIM , NtUtBES hi rierdrAnglaid _ d as been mkt iiith never-fading semen I TH,QUPASMI P 0411 . 7. le not only reliever the M had no paiti, but in vigorates the strunaoh and ^ bowels, mots aeldit end gives to end enern fr. to the whole s_yetenn 11 will almost instantly re- eve ORIPINU IN TII BpwELS AND WIND I = o COLIC and overcome .n ,vulsions. which, if not ~,I speedily remedied, en in t t lin. or ye4 i xilirve a lt e ri o e to tfrir e amsd .. Erb ra n A l l RHIICA 11 CHILDREN *„ whether it arises om teething o from any other ,_. cense. We would say to enety mother who has "" ohild =fibrins from any of he foregoing nomplaints Ilt do not let your preludraieli 1 9 r the .oreJudieee o others, sr n d between roar suffenng_o_l_a,nd , thy! i re the i o rilt _nil SVRE-44. AMU VW Ca t.,Y UR to 0 w the nee of Uhl n stej ., time y 71 4 4 ywo tit:mayor delffir s 0. . o ff n s k itr e Me V: YlDrk , ti cli .111 rite an 6$ wrseyer. Tfin gll(l all. le .2l.f . ,,ltrei rearl4'l47e. Prin°l - ... ... , - a4u.no,u, 16. . PHILAbELPHIA AND ELMIRA _RAILROAD SINE. 3f TO BUFEALO' wil -be issued to Delegates and others wiehtns to attend the Glinetal conferenwi of the Methodat Er mope Much, tit ha held at that inane. Ecre for the tzi , p.1 3 12, or sale Ist the Depot, BROAD ana VALLOWIII L i lzeits, el giarPtik a ttleiht , Northw6aftlAtign e. r TA fra, " • ap2CM , ._: General Agitate TO AND g'VISTR CHESTER POI AITS.MA MS Train for Nest Chester leave Plulaiteltifilts Men Ina deool, northeastenfant 0! Eighteenth end Mattel streets; , at LSO and 10.30 A. AL, arid at g and lAA P. AL On Sundays WV A. AL and 2 P. AL Passengers for sitsitions on , the Stilledelehla and 141-. timo,re .Central Railroad will take ,t e, LSO and 10 agi AL, and lb P. M. Travis . th.h3OW Fi 8I: OR! rtni FER - Ne Y L VAN IA RA 1.44 1 6 11 . Ego ger l ogrra l e . ELEVENTH and M ARK Btteata. dell (wept floods at 7.15 A. M., 1210 P. M. and 4P. N. I_,Apve West Chester at 0.40 A. M.. 1044 A. M., and 3.10 P. M. PHILADELPHIA ANDD READING RgAIL- B PA@SENG^R 'TRAINS for YOTTFIVILLY, READ(Nik and HARRISBURG. MOR DAlLYlSundays excepted.) _,L,eave Dayelt.rrier,or lona, ace CALLOW HILL Streets!, PHU, LEHI , (Paitonger en Lan"' on hirbsenth and of /Dream *UM A. . oonneetins at Harrisburg with the PENNER' LVA RAIL ROAD, 3 P. M. train tannin , to Pittsinirr4 t CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.06 P.M. train running t_S cbambersburs, Carbide,' kr. ; and t h e NOE RN TRX CENTRAL RAILROAD I P. train, running to Hun burr: A°. AFTERNOON LINER. Leave New De pot, corner of BROAD and CALLOr- HI LI, Streets, PHI LADELPHIA, (Passenger entree i on Thirteenth and on Callowhill atieets,) for POTTS. VILLE and HARRISBURG, at stau P. M.. DAILY, for REAPING, only, at 6 P. ht., DAILY, (Sundays et orrotA4 . DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. Piton Pit tsinstents. To Phceninville. ...... 181 esding ...... 58 Philadelolna a^d Reading 143 . and Lebanon Valley R.R. anis Dag oh VeZton g Janation..lllll Sunbury 161 Nort)uritberland... .371 Lewisburg-- ..... ~178 hieltotl .. ........, ..166 hittncy„ . .... .197 Jersey Shore— Lock Troy.l ruff:a': E 187 The 7.804.. ed., and the 3.Xi P. Br. train Connect daily at Port Clinton, (Sunday. excepteda with the CATA WAISA, WILIABISPORT, and ERIE RAILROAD, making close connections With lines to Niagara Falls, Canada. the West, and Southwest DEtOT tEILADELPRIA: Corner of BROAD and 13 a A rZ- I" tr Wni MoILTIRNTIRY.Seorstarv. iiiiIIIIPIE SPRING G ARRANGE PHILADULPHIA. WILMINGTON._ AND RAI,Tf. MORE RAILROA, On and affarid NDAY t April 13, IMO. PASSENGER - TRANI LMA PRLIADELPRIA, Dor Soltirtsura IGLU . si., noon, (Eurrses,) and 1/..10 P. al. Bur Cheater at LIS A. M., If noon, 1.10, 6.00, 1.00 and XDa Pat. . . aro w ihriinittot at ILO A. Id., le, 1.15,1.0e,1.00 and 1 1 p. AL , For Now Caatliv at 8.1/1 A. M., , and too P. M. • For Middletowkat lila A. M . and 6.1. AL ' For Dover ate. A. 31., and 5.30 P.1117[. For Milford at MA. M., and 6.if ,For Seaford at 111 A. M i pd O. or Laurel at 8.13 A. M.. 690 ~ile4 For Salisbuy 01_8 111 A, . and 690 P. M. 'PRAIA 8 FOR P I ELPEIA Leave Zal oi tituore at 829 A. .. ( masa WM A. X, andll36 Leave lainston MGM, EIM. and GA A. 111., 1,66. 1.00 and 8.35 P. M. haease Salisbury at 600 A. EL, and 340 P.M. VOL/MIL at 91a al, and 1.0 P. M. are Sosford at 6.0 A. ~ and 4.00 P. M. ars Milford at 7.10 A._ M. and 4.3) P. M. eve Dorm at 9.06 A. M.. and 6.60 P. M. Leave ltllddlotown at 10.00 A. M. and 7.05P.M Loans new Culls at 8.00,1018 A. M., and 8.00 P. AL Leans Ohestar 12 7.40, 8.10, UM A. M.. 142, AD and 9.16 P. in Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Delaware Rail road at 10.161,1 f f !,,,,,,. ___ _ 7 TRAINS Pg% BALT] KOJR.g Lfsve VRl ste" t t o e sittfri l e 4l l4lll: itd A. M. FREIGHT T.RAIN trith nissENOBB OAR attached , tit rtmlAS follows: !Antis PhilillelP a for Perryville and intermediate planes at S P. M. Leave Wilminkton for Perryville and Intermediate planes at it 06 P. Id. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate slues at d. 46 P. M. Leave Havre-de-Grape for Baltimore and intermedi ate•plasegst6ODe.M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Graoe and intermedi ate places at 6.00 P. M. SUNDAYS Only st m.,fron_l9.l 4 doious to Baltimor e. Ohly stli.M.r. M., from Baltltdefe to Philadelphia. ap23 M . FELTON. l'llMadent P ' ZININ FOR THE SEA.- BHORE.‘-CAPIDENAND AT- I,AN It) RAILROAD.—Trains leave VINN Street Ferry for Atlantto City daily, (Sunday' sa- For Abeenorn 45 . P.M. On and after tdONDAY, May 7th, two train" titillative for Atlantic, City daily (Sunday" excepted.) Mail train wilt leave Vine Street Ferry..,...7.50 A.M. &mem train " ".... . .4 Y. M. Re homing, sull,teave Atlantic, (Fxprea5 . ).......6 A. M. (Mail) 310P.M. JNO. G. BRYANT. apl9-tf Agent. PI ILADELPHIA AND READING _RAILROAD. OS I On and a f ter APRIL Id, P Commutation Tickets. With twenty-six- coupons, will be issued. good for the holder and any member otitis family. on any Passenger Train, and at any time. They will be sold by the Treasurer, at the ',Moo of the company. No. SO South FOURTH ',treat, at a reduction of twenty-fre per cent. from the regular fares. Parties wishing to desirable Bummer in the Country will find this a very route, the Schuylkill and Lebanon Valleys being among the moot beautiful and healthy in the State" and sons lade by four trains from and to Philadelphia daily. 8. BRADPOttIi, Treaeurer PHILADELPHIA, March 116th. IBA mds,ct A MERIOAN 'SAVING FUND--Compa aVs sodtheast garner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. Oven daily from 9 till 6 o'olonk, end on MONDAY 11118 in the evening. This Old Institution has BaWll4O liakvapronFdinnii,dabhatiimtioe. =MMI;IM== witiLLIMN President. SA Nll.. WORK, Vice President. John C. Farr, T. E. Harper. George Nugent John Anapaoh, Jr.. Sand. T Bodine, Mb. C. Roberts John mktnan Jones Bowman. H. B. Eldridge Win. J. Howard. JOHN S. WILSON, Treasurer JOHN O. SIMS, Secretary. ap2l-6t A little, but often, hilt the Puree." riVANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. -• 136 South FOURTH Street, between Chest nut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all Deposits on demand. Depositors' money secured by Goveriment, State, and City LOMB, Ground Rents, Mort gagee, &o. This Company deems safety better than large Profits, consequently will run no risk with depo sitors' money, but have it at all times ready to return, with it per cent. interest, to the owner, tut they have always done. Thu Company never suspended. Females, married or single, and Minors, can deposit in their own right, and such deposits can be withdrawn oncv by their connent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by , the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive money from - trustees and executor". LARGE AND SMAL L SUMS RECEIVED. Office open daily, from 9 to S o'olook, and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings until 8 o'olk. DIRECTORS. Jaoob B. Shannon, Cyrus Cadwilladar• John /Bundler, - George Russell, eirsiachl W. taloart, Edward T. Hyatt, Lewis Krumbhaar, Henry Delany. Nicholas Rittenhouse, Nathan Smedley, Jos. R. datterthwaiteL Ephrallh Blanchard, Joaaph W. Lippincott. JACOIi B. SHANNON, President. Crave CADWaLLADER, Treasurer. _ nIO2?-7 A Dollar saved is twice earned." CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. HAVANA CI GARS .—An unusually handsome assortment of the most celebrated brands, such as 'Cabanas, Pertness, Figaro. 'Espanola, Arguelles, Zaragosana, Arroyo Hondo, Bum, reenumos„ and Cigarottax, &0., of Regalia klntanie.a, Regalia Londres., Breves, Lon dres, Conchae, and other emos, and or all nuslibeciint received end for esle low by CHA 'MEd TETE, aulB-lm 150 WALNUT Ptreet, S FIIGUET & SONS,_ • IMI'ORTERB OF HAVANA MARL No. Sl6 t3outh FRON street, Reoeive regularly a Cull assortment of desirable Ol. OAR% which they offer at low Rawl, for cash or ap oroved credit. &lady GENTS) FURNISHING GOODS. W. EICOTT---late of the firm of Win. •.• °heater & Scott—GENTIrEMEN'S FURNISH ING _STORE and SHIRT ALANUFAGTOGY, 814 CHESTNUT Street, (neszly oppeite the Guard Honied Philadelphia. I,W.S. would repfrotrally oall the attention of hie former patrons and mends to hie new 'tore, and in nre parr ti t fill orde t r o for_fig 1.1 e 42 e tart no uppire. flrerhirtigftwakllmi. ST. LA.WRENOE MOTEL, BROADWAY A n d EIGHTH Street, NEW YORK. one block above the N. Y. Hotel . This new and ootnmodious Hotel know open for the reception of guests, and will be conducted exclusively on the European Wen. The long want of a business hotel, in thisportion of tire city, hail induced ;the proprietor to establish the pricee on the following linens] scale Single rooms, tiO cents per day;_elegant suites, 011 th 0. With a thorough knowledge of e busi ness, and strict attention to the wants of every Mitt hope to reoeive a liberal share of publiplavor. apdim J. H. GOODWIZI. ProprietOr, Northern Central Railroad. Banbury and Ent! R. R Willismipoit add Eltitlnt. SAVING FUNDis Ltib.llll* , ~AttlOTlo4l),,w- , ,,, PURNIB64IIIIIktTI4 11 Mil e y, IVOR GOO . April ff.ottO tnn— . ) • sm tow orry MI rit dry jowls. EXTRA AL , 1.. 0 :, LA o.g. OROS DB It lIRS-.FOR. R 491.1,TRADR. Ow FMav Mtn. itiliOOtitie Of Sit altd 411-1410tilittiNtry ant stmeriof ni tij po l l'irs,V o li t s r. t ri tl u r tunes. ' olui na v iikii. • , r jk t in .... zi r a p n a ttir po l l ~ -..- - PATUrgiNTEL Bulpli suA. warmly, 4 r ) alsroVit MeV Mdirorle" ,- - On Friday orm • , • ma cartons Nos. 9 and GI MOM' cm tty fleet woo do to blonet t ril, of ouponor ty, and desirable irieeitiefq , DRROS - BMWS: FOR CITY HAUS, ST • ANDER FROM STRRMISR B T, lONCILRO. —- • : Ow *Way ittorgrh, , . ot dbout 76 lotn nob Pare ;Mateo desa,xootle 000dstiwg extra rich printed silk tisane robes. • -;.. sun k do ' tome rotes. 7,9, and U Fonda. extra ~ d0.., 0f , Irma . no ..., do do, -4 : I n r itaitArGTE .ealliraer :JARBOE.' A fall assortment Of- , .. Oa. 67, sad 7tt mob Sal we i r atbfack_ bate e. NEW STYLE, A ft k Il t g , I f f I OIN,R KARM- A. large invoice Of new style black sillißoWstre Map- Calm. , . BLACK SILK-VEINET RIBBONS. " NO. 13i to No. m super Sr., &Moan black silk-velvet ribbons. BALE OP IMPORTED DRY 000 DR. On Tends, Moniung, • •• tray •1, nt 10 dolook; br oatidogne, on ea mouths ciedit— , .. s ti z e r ysickneen and tots run sad staple dry goods. Ranales and catatoniaa early on the montago • PHILIFORD k CO., AUOTIONEMRB, P No. NIG MARKET Ernst. satige7 MIRO* gam; , PEREMPTORY B_,KLE i,goe Wkeroxyrs, SHOES, CALF4DiIf , 3_,,AbID lITAaW GOODS. nig Itgonang, — Amp at Kt o'clock mealsehr. ha 'arldr bv Oamiosne, on four montho.orodit. 1,1110 osoojc mie! boys% and_youthst Ifll. and calf boots; calf, bug" and. hie brogans t gdobrit ties. Contrast', gaiters , enameled and calf Oxford hes; women's, bailee' arrig ehddren's kip, calf, and goat boots, s li ppers. end biadrinsi also, a 'de sirable assortment. of Maim' oity-Made, kid and goat limas and simperp. , and blank Meting boned gaiters, worthy, the attention of buyers. Pamples teed , wit h vita/meter, earle on the morning of gale. t Also in sale lasting,be found 10 - owl womilVe pad minim' black heeled gaiters direct from the mono (sower, to be sold by order of iodine. • HUBBARD & GORMLEY, . . AUCTIONEERS, Mii MAJIKET Street. BALE OP IicE RAW GOO, , . ,On Frldsy Moronic, April ff with au, sacortscont ot UMW and Mario dry goads, clothing, &a, . . • • • ST.'Louis, mo. WIILIAMS BOYLE AUCTIONEERS it AND comminioN i iißrumg, No. le North MAIN Street. err. LO IS, q.atorwssrly with tests,hlests, CI horn . & Co. le4elphla,/ offal t ' tr isrmess to' s moments, matteaMirere bad o etti li a Phihtdelp mrfor the We of &reload,: oar 's.t. , shoe., lardy arejewelyt, ere, a o. ~.,_ as advances mods ot reosestot roods. etw— 88 Oise ens made this* days SISSY eels. itiorrateir. Messrs. Myatt,. Claitcore, ty , Pipelphis, , Sou e , BroAher. Fhi 1 , I " Vett lot. Torment& & erten", New Yolk. .r O. & . Corns & CO., Stew - Fork. wood, Christy, & Co, At. Loam,Mo. ~C row, McCreary, tt. Co., . tahli:thstnlT, 'ft air OING. AK FOR. THE I:CliSttit,-7-' MOLES TONAND BAVANNAH STEAMSHIP& 1 . - FREIGHT REDUCED, • Heavy /MOO tanra t t , i o i of instrizit tier inn& be lfry' fiew ors POIWLat. N 8 V.. The U. 8. Mail &smash'. P THig*STATE. CH tSin MUM P. MSTIIIIIIIIA, snit' tlx We dnesday., May 2, at 10 o'clock A. M. - Through in 0 to 0 inia.-waly 10 hours at eis. NOE. BAVNNAU,____GA. The U. 8. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, CaptainjohnZarynt, Tillman on Saturday. April E. at M Women A , lac i ar to 00 hon . agely e r boars at fies. five days. 606=:ed,ZA,A f rattirs= ovehy day. ._ - . . T • xplendu2 first-olase tids-wbge Milantships ILEY EIT NE` BTAT4and STATE OF OEOROIA now ma as kliove entry tan days, Nina fortabm a lys-dav somata timplion with Charleinon and lArrannat, and the South and Nolithiteet. • ' At both OtitirlAittm and 15mmah, these Shire don soot with steamers MT Florai ri tad with railroads, Amy Tor all plums in the &Palk WAS& r , 11113 U N. , . r twat and humane; onalarie proetetiotti n flooda eluppel South will be found to be , lower by Ones ban by aaihng vomnahi, the filliiiiilM being ow- tite V: B.—lrrarange on ail Railroad Freight if only ry, fertbir thee Cltaileetoe .Or BaramM, the_ I°2l ;R _ffrittWidititrlllik. ' . ""' • Fare by tam renteStv i e ter ' l, 7tipeper the. by the bird Rada, ag WI be act* owl j sf kitrz W i mil.. dale. hrongh tickets II fbi ii, Lee. ton an Strannah reamah pe,INCL TO the labels Mt*, eleeft fres Char sebn Savan nah to Montgolnell z To Choiieston—...--$l5 OD fleohumakt.— 76 OD SiEOO - 01) .119 . 0.:2E—. —-, .1a To. Atlanta= -.... 111 CO . it 00 Columbus—. 20 Co Wtoui—..-- ■Co , iljbany..— --.: 114 00 . New 1 42 . d ef,: 6 "... — • TM New Orleans.- . we 70 hew anweae.:-...77 ge. Co to m billii.of lading - inroad attar the Woo Ma railed. - or fraught or wog° apply on board , at mond w f alarra Vino stmt. or tb - Bonthwairt oorn . riallani: Ag•nta in Charleston._ _. 8. Savannah, HU it 7.i. . For Florida front Ottartautca, seesaw ma For Florida frof . lsl , o=6;=alBll 4. Clan '. and St. John's. ewers soda, May., COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. NIV 0T I 0 E.—THE COPARTNERSHIP II heretofore esistingreen the sabroribers , un der the Inn of J. E. ER R & CO.; is this day dis solved by mutual °unseat. .E. Remy retinas- The tnisinto of the lets Inn will he led CHARLES F. TACOART A at the old stand. A o. 0 31 MARKET St:Win-hem all persons -lineup _ nis will Prellellt them for settlement. - awe team obtaterill Mate psynienL J, B. Koos , dpil-Mt CRA& P. TAROART. LIMITED PASTE REHIP.-NOTICE is hereby given, that the imbieribera have formed 1., limited partnership. avreeably to the sot of Assewdoly of the Commonwealth of - Pennsylvania. approved Marc MIL entitled An act relative to Limited Partner ship," and the supplements thereto. The name of the hrm under which the said partner AAR wls to be conducted is that of " CHARLIIS F. TAG- TheH T" general nature of the latrine m to be trapeeteo by the Arm is, that or Importer' and Wholesale paters in Wines andliquors in the oily of Philadelphia; The name o the g_eneral partner Is CHARLES P. TAGOARP. ale place of residence is at No. 1610 Chestnut street, in the oily .of Philadsledius,and this name of the special partner is WILLIAM ..".2111)/SL TAOHART,_who likewise resides in the city of Phila delphia, at Ho. 131 South Fifteenth street: The special partner., the said WILLIAM MEMBEL TM:MART, has contributed to the common motor the firm the sum of ten thousand dollars in cash. • . . . C o • The period et 'which the mid opartnership in to com mence it the etit day of April, MOO, And is to terminate on the stn day of Apd, ism. CHARLES F: TAGGART. apd-ASt - WILLIAM H& AL, TAGGART. COPARTNERSHIP.—A: W. RAND has THIB DAY admitted into Partnere/4 GEORGE W. ALLEN. The style of the fiTIII will be RAND & ALLEN. " Who will eontinoe the , HOT-Al R AND TT -WATER FURNACE, COOKING -RANGE. P 1.11481NG. GAS, and STEAM FITTI II DUNINERS.. At the old stand. No. 124 North SIXTH Street, Pkllaißdribia. April 2 . 7888. • siersi" BUSINSIN CARDS. HORACE SEE, MFORANICAL ENGINEKR,.and PATENT ATTORNEY. No. lt4 Pout SIXTH Street, (Nearly °Prom's the County Courthanse„) Prepares e pacification,. ralringe &0., end transact% all other business connected with the obtaininn of Let. tens Patent. apt* lut HANCOOK. CAMP, ,Sr. CO., PRODUC AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 47 North WATER &rest. Consignments and Agenta solicited. Agent* for al the different Fertilisers. &AS Ira. JWAGNER JztoioN, • ATTORN L EY AND POTINSELLOR-AT-I,AW, Office, No. 116 South SIX fit Street, (Opened* Independence Squired PAILADIMPHIA. Hi the aid of reliable Attorneye, et different points in t"e U nited States, to enabled to prosecute and collect claims of every description. Particular attention riven to the exaruination end re covery of the Manna Of holism's and Douses') and the examination of Land Titles and securing the interests of heirs and alt persons interested in the same, in all parts of the Union. Iles the Statutes of all the States and is Commissioner for most of them. Depositions carefully taken under Commonnons. apll 6m BEAKY E. KEENE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, • Ras REMOVED from No. 630 Wekut street to No. 2U South-THIRD Street. mti32.3m . SAMUEL G. SLO , N, REAL ESTATE BROK.F. T R AND COLLECTING AOEN, Sr. ?Am, MINNESOTA, rEISI MrSOURI LAND! E. E. RI LBROUGH & CO.. General Land and Real Estate Agents', Dealers in Laud Warranta_, Straka. &0., Northwest oorner THIRD and CIIESTN LOIS UTStreets. ST. iGr Partioular attention' paid to antenna Graduated Lands. 600,000 dares for sale at 'noes ranging from tel 7 Gents per sore. Patents spouted and tam paid. Jdnehies stamp for Plat and nattionlata. WY. Y. OREINIM WY. W. NATAIDISWI. GRENER' t HARKNESS, CORIMINION MERCHANTS. fell-3. 132 SOUTH' W }EAR V.ES E _ PHILADELPau. ALFRED- L. HOUGH, PAPER MANUFACTURERS' AGENT, Ordors molioited for every desoriptiou of PAPER AND PAPER-MAKER'S MATERIALS, No. 17 South SIXTH Street, Ppßedelphs. l'ol-6m* PAWSON NICHOLSON, BOOKBINDERN. NM. 819 AND BAI MINO R STREET. Between Market . and Chestnut streets. Pint•ADELPRIA. JAMES PAWBON. JAB. B. NICHOLSON. 1a27-1y• R R. 'CORSON, RhAL ESTATE BRO e 10ER AND CONVEYANCER, Norristown, Ps. 160 Farms forattle to Buolog,_Montiomery, and Clips er sounties. catalognea or FAME. with Mt despoils , tons, sent by mail. fee-Sna rrElOB. M. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law, a. No. 373 Routh FOURTH &root. nia Ihe fl AU T I ON !—ASTROLOGY.!---LOOK C OUT!—GOOD NEWS FOR ALL!—The never failing Mrs. VAN HORN is the best; she Auoceeda when all other. have failed. All who are in trouble, all who have been unfortunate, deceived by false Promme,e fly to her for advice and comfort, lit tees (fairs she never fails. She has the secret of winning the affeo lions of the opposite sex, It is thin fact which induces illiterate pretenders to try to imitate her, and &My her advertisement. She shows you the likeness of your fu ture wife, husband, or absent friend. It well known to the public at large that she is the first and only per son who can show the likeness in reality, and can give entire satisfaction on all the concerns of lite, whioh can be tested and proved by thousands, both married and single, whorlaily and eagerly visit her. Come one I come all l to No. IM6 LOMdARD Street, betweenSlani per and Broad. - anll3-41t. SOAP AND DANDLES.-400 Boxes Olive Soap. 300 boxes Olean Soap. 100 boxes Detennve Soup, sso boxes Hydraulic Candles. 610 Sousa „ada mantine Candles. /so boxes_lberm. in store - foul for w e b y RowLEY, ASHURNE 00.. noir Nn. 1 6 SOUTH willA ➢ EVE& MINTON'S ENCAUSTIC TILES FOR floors, Ornamental Chimer_ Tope, Garden and Orringnin Vases, rountaney Vitrllled Drain and eat pine. vitrified kinineY ImpOrted, m tared. and for mete be ' ' 1~la• 86_4. itAß_Riac mhal 1010 miF.STriliT Street. GRDEN SEEDS FOR 1860. • - VEGETABLE SEEDS miteatmiriety. ' FLOW/NUE lAt i tipwanir °Tr vatietles; , GRABS D FIE D SEEDS 0 the hest quality. GARDE. MPLE ENT'S met Oolut: Fruit T, sea and Sone, Grape Vines, &0., Ike, _ Send far Catalogues, which meLkip_bfid gr atis. mlt3l-1m -, E..A.DItazx.ESS Chestnut it. lAVA 001111111.-1,000 pockets prime AR A GICLer Imoes IeAsSUMIsm - at Sr. „ -I Tholltecliiikilk:':::';” 'frit-1_•! . . ,- , ,,, , , , - :;_, lassigi my So - ' : • . ' iiii lll sii. - -0& . -- • • -,' ••• 11 4 '.- ..1_,.„,-,.,,,_ - 1 , liveiM ion to to we es ens % num itisVl - ,, r--74--- _ . Wis a Wigs iftinohttlie !"'"' A lle--:'.. ! i rty. , P twit -... ... . : . - •- P ATE • r t ': , l Sir Ewa edits ka • seeks' - Ade seduset, - ' - - and admin.& i toCchloiakaiii• ,!' . • v.= - ‘ .) 848 OP tittPERIOIL _ PC OUVW4# A i ORTEE, 13OPESIOXesji NITURC LARette ETSEh p s - • ~,, 7 . _ -MOP' UM' OAR% WEB TX Lis a , MEP atitoa; mt.E.- CARPETS. epe - '-!-.... • - ,-.•-, .... _ -,-. .et - ir: D.—Oar WWI. this witnitstr: se tits Saistmet Maio. win new* bodies RIS lots ordwelisat sesess hand lentitum sienetfsdk, lief 11, 1 1 1. 1 Lb 00 61. 1 .01, demo sett owes hout& lattes - a mewl Are- ofo wife, Or! mai IDI - 11111414talb bit* Alallie gad tedd.n. Mow sad lannstirst i =re stAtts , esr. tto., formats an Minidisk os , th tittoneon or tads, and dims Sesinies 0' stir oh - 11 s. ._ foreland Catalo hh gues wry natty, ski the AMA" ansaired iete '" - - mcg Ike. : . _ Mai lot. .2 12 d'i0;47.4017;423, be oaf . at so 421 2 1'41e sha i re ihil sAa r a n d ilha" ze - ,r.,... - C e I share Point Brossersilr Asamamiew ......_______ — .. 1 TWENTY- SECOND SPRING SALE-WAY I. At 12 tetoot.l.o.l, • • N T Ii t ,EGANT ItkowxerroNE MANSION , WALNUT lii NET, month aids. No. Is 3 ; nebtterwiiii•Vely mo de n iMproVe_waest alai coarefressey4M feet hest. OW" lest deep to onebton attain. , Mats, ' fetamptory,Salo by order or rip-Estats - of Wilrmas • Worrell.* 'Very valuable PARK ANDi s" VtINTET . 'SEAT. OW iares.Witb extemlve improvaniests, MA* tequilas* of ' the West Philaddakis Railroad. afloat tsar =Sao flues lleArlist street briars. NT Bali sieseAra.- , NEAT STONE DWELIJNO;MAWITA,ro.. - olutteast. withparden, (Impule., ate., Porthwestoomprof Bridge and Thirty-m.lth Mmes. Twinitr-loarth was* RESIDENCR, PINE n p ~ P ; Woe -Starr 'brick. with double back buildims. Mat.* mad misali-boiwo. Na} 424 Pine *tram; Gana Jilt& MT mmidmair par , m seion. , . . STONE RESIDENCE, GERMAN TOWN. slaes side of Dewey's lane two soon oe walk frog) o Lelia statkrd, ' Gsrlas RallorwA 1 1011, try MI • Alv,f new siaW Peremptory tabe.-LARGE ANDVAiIJAGLI LOT. Arch street, audit in , sad of Twenty-lira[- street. LS feet rroar c D. feet _..p. Sala ihmitste. NEAT moonpar 1119MORNON. No. AU North Nis& street, above Wine street. , togosetlaie Waosesioa. ; _Esoootor's Sale-Moats or flowsolt Parks. dm A. • RESIDENCE with i rabla sal eopekboose t No. 019 Ltoust street. above oath. vaEAT I'OTTAGE, AtleatieCity, wars of 1=1"1.- le 'and Atlantic Avenue.. opposite !De • oar ' Home, /Alaimo City. ttaw Jarmo!. REATMODERN RsBID.RNCE, whh larmmide yard.. No. lOW North Fifth stroll.- billow Girard avenue ; lot. xr feet front. . LIN:3%U OW iWti4tltd nines' i.AND- , -very sala.basp. i bdiiNli )1111110.11, ligaz i :?hestaat He 9 l ihm from ilitakiphui. Isle Dadiartli t Ulg. It St e i t io• Wit% Twelfth West. south of vise stmt. ' - rEAT MODERN DwELLING, No. MlNerDs Tea* VlY , Firieci r taraiMunritiAlit, si. - . Teii. Daley townah.p. thillyvan - eminiy, - .P. .1111SflUbetaira of Oilabore-w If watered. . . - peremptory ~. le.-.IIANDBOMIS 6RAT. AIM germ - witii modern naprovaudints. on tke west Chaiddi all rood, 22 pules Dont Philadelptua. Me atoolatir. Mate possession. _ . • - • m as Noa Dis aas 3el r-i l ae r t. . supiploit pußNlTtutx.a r km i xer Lon W . PIANO-PORTZ& U . & - At 0 o'okalt.it the &mama A.m. la Aiaile at exadlent second-hand riMatinatti.l44.o4o,ll.o. E:a7 l iou r ci = to ii• ACM Oesoolaimese OFFICE. 1 7 VRNTTURE _ANpROM FTRE-PROO.r. 1 AANE, LARGe CASE OF MLNEDAL&Ita. - 'This Moamar- r_ At the alien.. start, ljarir e sea ne s t tes' of Ifes-irroof _ as a made by Evans & warson. sad_ . SIM: rarez,,, nor walnut licmkesios. dens.' 0,0111 Obairl, 110911101:41. serge tame ease of ounefais. He. • SALE OP isrElparma 2218cE . 1,143120U3 - woitte. .- - - Irin EstanSi -- .; - Mth inst., at the atletio a n Mope.. tooliseuoal of - 32 11 - estim books, on various sabltsits.- . - sr - !or partieulazooms. , ' - • Administrator's day-No. H Norttildi atresb-4*- tate of John Neill,di, __. . STOOK OF LADIEW AND CIIILDORWe BOOT! AND 13310 . 69,_ tagra,.,typrEn, a... - ~ , . of.trnaiymemis, . April rrelii: at 30 o'clock. at No-1.1 Rortk Eigieb the Mock of ladiall'imizare aad oltildraa's boats ill shoos, isoludZqesliid , Coessisa, Isaiah but-•. toned; kid Amato, 2. l lor.and-_2•ll.** - rwimik ehilarse, stow. e.. seaaafrattotai ailirMetnif W WI sales. Ai r t a lAti g krZ S T E 6f ' IN t =WV be lt: mei aorst-...11 a w l ta jjli a l h- - ' Zist iewbole to ba add tesstve, by order wf fill- 13,11,130 P littliteßiiit=littllll43ll. • - alibiudaY April *M s at assralos o'er% at 31 . ofsdoek; a *glee tier: or Europom COI Twatsagareamerialat Lamb= Manna, aacl ottatt_autameta. A 340. Mob COVOI Ot tha•Beawat Bans. by matillo. y-tboar and Childiongiaalt by Plumb t•Paita. by Gonad, kw" alt !. , 14111101107,eorred oast tramea. Tie pauttsaaa at* now arransallar extuainaties otklorso Ear Room. asaoad start, . - j _ • - " Salo at No. LicePowialtittroot. FUltNt t 1711.15. °VAT,. JO _R11.014 MAIL - • : MATTRISI33I3II, TAPESTRY AULPSTS. ka.. Olt eaturdss Mannar. - fah last- skis 0: at Mo. nit Panisdi street. ilia train taro. reach' plata oval *fir. but la ram% kg. • • - - Ilatiotsoa. scr iroy beesamased at a didedros the Borgia' of Ws. _ solo I. Ptortb Yew HANDSOME ROUSSO, iObD- onda riaroirruis. is. Pfaff 4, at 10 o'cl oc k, etPriem- lila 14 b 11•711 best street= alto Yonapouato, Um landaus of a said Haan ins bouaeleeyura- Yaboularebaraidter. • - Nolo No. 111111folaot STOCK OF YLEOADIT PIANO& Oa Ideaday .111pam. May 7. at II tokekaalr, at No. 1117 Walnut stmt. It ea- Parlor rosewood pianos. T octaves. wattafaettowi Wit ite Union-Compass. *some, ter wasevessaastea , of best quality and materraW, aid warraatiti. Or Pap partapalowalli oataJostlas. • M=M • R -SCOTT Jr., AUCTIOMIS, ,No. 4311 won between Folln tie gealw. • 11/1 1 3 mI SF. e feiky p i m a r a m OVIN A rI d . BOYS I WTB...to._ On Friday Nay I, by entslogesi on emelt, eselieneinir ig - o'clock. -Included mai be found ladies! sad Mumma deed and moat desirable Maps FaWisls straw. VW's.* nsd Pedal braid. fine .phi straw. Famick. faddy lase, Mist obtain and hair bonnets. FANCY HAIN, NLOUNINNI, Also, ladies', audead' A ingildreit's km, hats. Lee horn and braid Modem . ko. - MEN'd A VW NATO. • Also. men's and boys' emu. Legketzh least, l►tL Ham Tell, sad Pals Mtn. • __ Ald..t.E OF 1,900 DOZEN irreitEoscomßcruise, P Lam AND RE VOLIIIIIO Mums ke• On Saturday Moine. Aprir - 28, commending at, 31 Ho a k.oa lneMadwill be toned a great variety of plain and colored English and French groups and views, almninated views, Faris. Swiss, Irish. and America& N so A. enerY. BO 8. Also, walnut and rosewood boxes for4s and SO re- Wes. fins rosewood and morooeo single boxes, eco. MOSES NATHABTB, AIIUTIONEZZ AND WItIONSION INNI6IWIT, eeratikesist .00rner or 8 1 TTH and Ants Stoma . . . Tr OrWar TO MANX 81110.008 to lean, la large or ana amoutt wi ts nooks. sold and elm plate. &alsoluatehes, ry, towline pleoel o *rx oteran Plethite. ee".. m ...lefi. di haidWaret f sastrenea eeding, Went: . arias reia vahro, for say met' WOO Woof Arflert, co ISOM liberal fru= at smother 011salielDseat la this elks • OUT-DOOl. /kneaded to Maras& to )111• 13 =sear.isTen kr. charges. 0011191611101N711110J..ICITED. Ocairixamente of al sad stem lda , / or goods sonedted for pablio sale ; WO- irile Om raise of the !mode tem be le enc.-wooer. a teLe eels. l A SVID PD ninwrive CASE GOLD ' PATENT LEV 'N. WATCHEIL 18 karat dee, extra full Jewelled, of the moot approved sod boot MUM: cad from 8180 to 81118 eaoh. at from He to 41181. - . - NOW NATHAN. LLEN GROVI? FEMALE SEMINARY, F ANICPOND. Pennsylvania, six iodic from Market street. Philadelphia. • The worse of instruction In this Sohool is comprehensive and thorough. The location is ome of the most beautiful and desirable in the country. The summer swoon grill commence Tuesday, May hit. Parents and (Matthias who intend to also& thur daughters or wards at rhos iustitatioat aril I please apply to M RS. E. L'THOMPSON. opal ltatuth Principal and Preperintendenr, MRS FREDERI4 K hODGES BOS TON, intends opening a SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES in Thu; city, commencing m illentioSor mixt. Mrs. hen the honor of relerring tonne Res. Vim B. Vinton, D. D, flsotor of the Churah of the Holy Trini_ti. Ciroulars. with full ussneshos. may be obtained.' Mr. F. H. Hodges, 701 VIM Is street. apfil.Ms• AAlLtinati. 511;1110 1 / 1 . 11 4 4115Te11,11,11. • reliable modinm thromthwniek Solomon; ane Fano liee may obtant. oomraStanalkern lamb mar ob tain, gratnitollnY, I of th. beet sahoola. SN - lfr ,Vaarl i t. CO., Ma BROADWAY, eV Yort, or -- - - 1:00 CHEST/Mr Street. Philadelaniai NEW BOARDIIO St.:IRWL. I• TUSCARORA FEMALE ENI rITUTIC Will be opened at ACADEMIA. Juruata ocoluaty, Pa., on the let day of MAY next. For announcenontr taming terms, ke..yieely by letter , or pereonalls. to the gubsonber.st_ni VINE @trod. fki phut; attar that at A.OADEAUA_Janiatacocuitr.TA. W. G. E. AGNEW . " 1111 VINE &Ant. fe93-41tmyl* naTANT •t - STRATTOWN NATIONAL .MBRGANTILB COLVRIffEB, deigns, B. N. corner c !few York, Buffalo, Cleveland, Chi e. For information. call or send tat SPRING TRADE. SPEED_, E O ONOMY AND SAFETY Tall ADAMS EXPR ESS COMPANY, 311 19 ciirmalu 8 rELEET, Respectfully give naive that they are prepared, with increased faciihties t lpr theforwarlimpi- --.., SPItING PUGCRASkS, By Passenger Trains, to all parts OU of the_ WEST, /SOUTH, ANSTHWEST; RECEIPTS GIVEN, • With rates inserted to destination, which we guaran tee will be as low as those of any other reeposiubte Ex press Company. The despatch with whioh we put all deotoiptions of merchandise through to Pittabang. CtnoinbattColnm bus, Cleveland. Chicago. Lexington. Lomsville. St. Louis. Nashville, and all other Cities and Towns in the West, cannot be excelled by any other Company. Also, by our Southern Express, which ha lately been eatabl she d over the great tae of Railrcoas,Vitl: Grand Junction and MuieWstypi Central, through to New Orleans. to Baltimoril,_ Washington Alexandria, Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville,Ohattatomis, Nag_ tivtile, Huntsville, Memphis, Grand Junction, Canton,:ronkiroti. Vicksburg, and Pew Orleans, and all other cake and towns in the South and Southwest. Expres CHESTNUT the West and South from our Office, M Street, daily, at 7 S. H. and at 7 P. M. For New York, at 6.9, and 11 A. M. audit and 11P.M., daily (Sundays excepted , . Steamship b;xpreas, for Charleston and Savannah, races at our office at 7J'. M. on the days before sailing. Our Wagons will call for goods in any part of the city within the following limits. Delaware and Sehnylkilt oven, and Coates and South streets, provided notice he left at our office before five o'clock P. M. Merchants hanging out the Call Cards of the Adams Express Com pany, may depend upon our drivers giving strict atten tion to the same. ADAMS oleam, epply to the =tame COMPANY, Phila., Feb. 10, INO. apPlen Joan BINGIAX, Beset. ! Rh PIANOS! PIANOS !! PIANOS !--1 PL&NO-FORTES AWALODEON& PLOW-FOAMS. _.m..ELOPYONL Mid. Raven „ itsoon. & Co., Minus & Clark. gone% Davie, & Co., =dottier'. J. IL tt OULD. • SEVENTH sad amenarr IR% 7 4 . g u lgr c w w *?, PlitOnepareairsarra a r L Ats r aketnreL. wt.. a - awsmaad MISWAY & BONI Mir PA TIINT.MR-ISTIONG 0 .11,111 A ?VW, WAMEGRAND, D stium=p. s ryt: Tl: inf trell. , : ro oollo=d 111111611 rem= = Nel2 4 7 sii i t tlerVaml& w XI - 1" . 31.1 fi:L'L l:A't' i V h eii. Expßit.ss COMPANIES. JPIAPION.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers