, ;51N "`" A l = Iti t i f 4 AVijoii= tUr i %iiiii4T iivons:o44 4 ,iiiii:l ' , itiAli lielitiail x-,-- , —•‘,: . # 4.7 ft . e Atike4litiip st i t ri egl raid issfeno • zrza iii v e., faciNetti, - .00 - cOgiinsteitt';_,: , , •N, , 7 .21. 17 i 4;,..... --.6.-......- —7 , . ,-,, ,- - .- - _-• .7 ', m,, , ,, , ,,,;,,, ,_.k•;=-; ..k.,-, 7,,--:1,7-7 , 74.7:. ;e ; 7,- 6!:;4iii.iiicids:',' roi tit. oystipthattmasfisip.l6.4xllkehO'stocti 10 4 Alit PAW alailiaisititil thi *al or ' 40ritAliftiiAwtisoisli4 sayikapi . , - .1111) imptiiinalitbeet,Ptiieetat Worst Wiled li at ft. list ::iist wit le mit& it 'do ••1501*. N•10:4 iiti* IWO' iliikin fist *Midi lialtilin 'l4 .- " 4 -a •., n.fr.-....,-ittiog oinsissith,......,. -- -- Tt -• . . .. .- !.,.7:-...iiiiiri, kW ',,,er nai: 4,1 - :..' 'tskoir , mei , mil* r, xs.wfa tom. 41 4 4 .. 1` 110,3114 - Wl l le , 113 AR ~,, Jit. , ,,11:7,1*; ,- :- A1421 , 1"..1 17. 14 .22± .: 20 sh-irmeiti al imo races tra,aki ) 10 %,, _ r.0 1 .,;.i.i1?-itin , a l . aisooLTaStes.o : - - won/am -1..'- ~:- ifyierlicticiiiimi,' suit . '` .=%-ii' - 3 1 ; • i: 4 :s. ~....'';I: - i -, -', " to. hie ''''''''' - T r,: ; 1 :3 ,2 •_.4 41 ,.. 3 , ,, ai..-: ''''• ' ' sum , ~ I . l_,Wai.- . 7: - Vet - , - "::: • :M*7;:,,leirsit ',=4 4 4;;;;: , -.:, ,„ Atfl _ r- t . - fiukie.i....;, - ! romfis - -, -; Tril".ao FA , J.,t.v..-_I4 ~-,,- "i?...----4 '-. , ' • -7-- , ---, . - „'-', - --7-!---_, - . , ,- alai- i - 4%101 • ',' -• =se:" ''.' _ ..• -% , Tui4-saw s raffiriiii; omit Aamose la or 81010fal Vaoll.dPlair#l'll4losdpntaalt Z iIgliii•I; 1 1 k 4 o e ti Id 4110.g.;:i41. ,•7.`..4a id Pan -1,444,1‘ , 4:1- d. :4.., , .4 , 7.Z 71.118 . 71 ,P.U4l44lllll , ,Avicic:l4olo4,if OALi4: ,. ; -.. , . , ..,..40anim01111:• - • , , , , •--. ._,, -,.. ~ t•-, -UP, ?" wt 8 - N. iiLiakileitialigir 4 fik bir•iti ; ~'• •-• :- ''-`: , illy i Ili,* *4. : tivadiktiLo;whi-Ii 1 ,- 4,. t , A;-.. - 1 - !•8 • ...011% , i& 7-12 • tit: T r , - .2 , 44.1. 4 1 1 1 0 *nips I t•. - , 40ms r 1,1 i• IN/;,-0.0., fi '410... ....• ...i - -, . gee 4 Tomas_ oclitLlN • - Irantririk — _i÷-4 , • • , it . _.:,,,,-,. = m i.. .......... Nrtoo,- , - , •:. at , .. 44 V1 14y.t.stanis311 ' • -No , r ,, , "...,......"...'«A8'''''.•44 . ...1.0n111 wear , 4 , , :..i ~...4 0 asp& .4 . 1ateA....., Jo iair.-41,,, ,, ..........i. , .. 44', 311, :, r i ::! . .:: - ...,.. 4 •1.1t, - ,so „ Ati . ~., ~..,.i 4 .. 4 i ‘ 1i5i . 8 .,....,- , 1-%- to rni "l ON Wlttil ""!' ir. ,- :NM N.' do • • -. " 7 :642.16hi• soa r N r k ri zt „-v 'r .... ollanisilp....: :Aix Imo _..4he .. .., ~...I.,Wit Be ralll4llup IL Alai I Petards yaw praf.lll' 14 oast s'M wswa..un,, • oct ClTE"*.Witom -41 t AIX : 16 Id "haithiV, 11 ,lat' 4 01 , .' - lik.tlfiSS 1)0144*- - , .. IN Pnois-pa,v.:-..: .610 l'.. iot 8ink.......130i ... hatie.- - 4 , - , , - • •.• ' BECOMp_BOAIUX i ' .' ' ' " , t - -4" ' • C:ttlt4.i t ;.lk4":74l ' ,Allitiows 4.... k: .1 - tit(e:* 0 . I' 'V W ier - 4'.7,4 pg ri er r *S44 " 4: l l 4l 4trirdi l *l " -I ' - taur -;'. ~ ,-.... ;•• - -.1. -, • - -9 : 1 • 4 -! 4 " t ~ 1 - .1 '.,1 , -4 , P,11111110A1111: , '.,..,'"`71.1 1 ..r... - AIP ANS roam' e5......, 7 . 7,! %• . s , A 4, 0-; .IRAML i . OII.III O I6-4 :-. ir tT ll 's -- ; . i. 4, -. 4;. - 1 :, , .. - ,'Foorig.:-..1 1444 11. WO obea.;.3 - ,i. , -,. • =---- Pn. - 4-a .., ''; NA i'L•'''' 1149rt fi1.".-.. 1 6 ...iiis. l , ' ~..zifif t i s : t ii - -iit.l":--, -, •14 ,:. 44......5e1i 71.41. , ri1hq"...4 , , -, i f .. EMS Jr . * ... , fld., 'Pi ' '.7:3: •'. 7".. •" - i': so t0 t9 0 7 11 ' tato*. " AZ' ° - 41 Iraqi 4 411414 45 ‘ '1:14 411 Mtiltrill,rarl!g• 1151.01040 , 1#000400 ilow*Th intillAhor** l -41. 04 : 4 4: 0 rnaltri, •Rie.:4llikrobas - don on' 44iLiiiiI14 - 1 1- 1 04 4 4 ffet di4d , *04.0.0 11 ..... 'osairialkeltriplk•fie_ir tn*,:linntlen . h4ao , wye Co of -)trei StOak our Wolk* BP POO KiilisOtiliisOtetrll-047: , spa, Inot, ',winnklononnonO'nt nomootnoorosh at* AnAiroWn l fluilaignamoi m-. miitiolcut within Si *din!Onotnit c iititOkboye n .Wen for lidiaivklipilirnalin *UM* Maude of cheering; 4 1 1.di0nif:154, - poderitilianood We Me of look tkittanir eon Oitikai' ,antabiiiditoont whidb 'con (SO italhillicsieget•Obatila °aeon. and hand. - .slosin'ildifirar Us* iodidal Maim upon the occoniders: 31on aakaajamolatiwof klia:pnldo. in. view of;hiob, .'ore , dial *do tbilitiorty'or deootiar. a few naiatkS td: thf grist ' , Central Light- Einporitue Maws: Wit- Poi lag4k,i'kolododat IfO4SraOh'sintitit Minot. north 141#'.ekitaiiit tiaw iontwoes no*" ireiene . _ iiirestablishusant duitierealipaoredit oar metropolia; siitdwertreitbst'itbr. to Ind that ther aro ,atiosetitar genetslation - knoCesdp to their commit s* butr7erallanas" althea have beentaarsiderwd. este:sada ell the arti .l.o the' itnol; To du transcend the mtialootnq we must - 9taTimieimi Enke samolaut to - a. few of , their' principal mipeltditierk Cl Aiwa wo.,ineatiortArst their "adieu sari* Ofietslita Manson. oil, whiob' from heads Of **if aordittitotlen; either for permanent SktiOrtabla atuvray, ro? is" Oar ,s,uper'or Awaits ;atilt of whieh th•PhatatiStrairditita'aontroli ate bens twfdelP latsodrised, Ntt idaaaatin passitliti that *Mir Unseen ' pt e iemes,tb Wowing, unquestionable ad vajghtse* tlititnktifOitlidt:liaeltiicitiiiiiokein burning:, is Ind &ear - as aintor:anif so • breeds* aerfectif Lparer anieruidultinited, Mils light, by the tray; from Ititho ll initiiiiideilisittidleledehasanstable‘tividly_tom-- int tato fantail tairor. - :,lt is tree Cloak all the obleation attiolt t 4 Flirt lights, and we %Oa t* chesidittly reeoutistrid it pa the ambito, The tam* sad inane, which. idslisra4riumii* CO nolv ma ittithe, (Ot. bigraing tail oil; are realty beautiful,' Millrip4rAt to*. 00 **OW 'et liaht, sad ornament. The Aialtlandtathtt 44.berster., and ". Fixtiras, gado" - we, have hiretidene.haii 'mission to'notice, are :aleolkatiutga t iantedaba, This latter is also a very bnl lians aad'etaliibtisiCallight; the cost of it tieing less; by a ;tinitsiderattlit per cantata, then., the ordinary gas. It is ,introduoe4 into churches, public halls, amp private diudnitkidentitridl Ohd same at tits, ordi, , iiicluding hunisive and Edagant delierwrendants; braoketia table standsi &a., and ,hr ell respects equal; gad, if aiiithung; more abaohitchtfrat Jrom dartssr, by szatatisi ;then , thcoononon coal-ass light."-WiSmight,to state;4l4, in thia ecintieotion, that • News. Witter* tt CO, eati Lapels iteilheed in the ma n aone , of the ordihrow sae failures.. although their orders from huffier . . retest are. mainly for, their fixtures ittepterf to ihesonsniaption of either /laid tar, or Ka- - TAW "resent establishment, very properly delft listed !era!, Wes" Light Sinpontim.'r In addition to thou(' elisantlifitted.iito retail rootlet OA the fret Soor,,inei hare ricanitlfrotriet it neetmary-to" fit up tile entire up , Atilt:part of, the , pnlldlYg tar sehgtotat gutgoftg. - In 11 brief inspietion One- imaroyements- yesterdtdr, -Sr.vU partionlarlyetinelfrith the met that-three gentle , - pen have - rMAIy ereatisiabiniertent "new mercantile %mob, end t)iiittaik of iiirtlxtufees ahlindahm, `coal Milted other leiseetrhirdinow Mb; theirwholesele rooms the **Wm itteoltiditiiiirehlints. train ttys Afet'thitvitiiiiwriW,Aatrodilead they are at Ono* ap ireelebtd. and the exteaudreseile nom whieb.thislimi ie saw inianitietating enable' theri to sill et 'such priced thistelitablidlirOltiritzWieldeltted•by the retailers.- -We may any in conollution, that no one can fail of being perfectly suited with light at this establzehment, no matter heir festidlosellie that., bow vend his ideas, or' bow limitet- leans; inasmuch as 'the various:. (dames of tight *bore teferrad to are Atordshed in every rariety of fixtures, froth 'the lowest ,east to the most Ober:de: 'We 'hid also the pleasure of exainmint a splendid ehandeher jorVectmpletsd by lbw Arm for the new Entail* Clintals at Miyettoni blew ismer tales, beautiful line of their fliddsae-lLttarei; manufaidurad loarder forsliipmetat to fontea,kortroltioo.: - . • • raw,u,eataz Anytime Rog -Ifaxit.tits.—Zde. Bamia;liar tommilowl druysist in thiseitit bee shoieeded inlpreparaut an article; which he cells C ainphonited Ith tivortAtottholion of fan, and ell kinds of woollen goods, thellidina carrots, that, we bailers, will - Won become very popular, Its . efficacy, ,ha been thorimuililye eidediliatad by' eitientittorf .papeiiments. 'maths maids of applying it is lb midi male el mme and earielbte ilieriths %dual 'ocerite ideated , tbat it must oheaaerna tato Ateliers! Ans. - It bat this advantage. MO* aVer: that, instead of Whig garenente filled with- eti • tearleasent odor Timm ainpaokiny them, they are agreeably guentad,,Thit,leatedlents used the pre earigoil are MuMaidlaithe molt effective muds for meth dada!! other isnot& It is prepared-and sold trtf Mr, Ferried!, Eighth and Arch street". Tern ,AerisieflOng AT Oagrosta' , .—The 'photoa tidareihateraixid th the *dons iterartmenti Mauna :Oilkforit dt-fkies7 Yeditiel establiahrmint, nader the Con hileand Motet ere ho maltitudinons that the ladies of our 1 4 18 . 6. -tirciraitii AA; their:44l474st" tour. on Chestnut eireol4itta *glinting to woke "Itil rule to "cal! at Oak— .(dideJlrri," for no matter what. In more than half the else" the - Sohliiiedit . arii that Oakfou de' is, of all other spotto be ,tultet ;td knioets in - What 41017,.**4 imaa. in in any MMixt, the suuuddotint bazaar of NOP Patisseen, and As polite ilannei of their Warta ,Oallgaadaatil;are ens* td repay the trouble of iiii:fiet;tbat'reitv , pcontelft the trnicin, or out 414. *emit -greater attrimitiosi 'to -buyers. male and Osktordiernittat the'4Cmitinenta".. ilea". are extessilingly "resaii‘e thai tis4nAlia - Si:Sashimi Orphiesisiii, and ate spoken of i i teisilef - Mak apmmeasation Or those *to thism:':,Tbei %reediest benefit to aq Who ate trotibled with bilitiseljostivineiii, constipated Mimi.; *kik aid insreses beadsobe;: bilious Wiesen, and in ewes wherika mild and , Wound pnrsetive is Vi tiate Tliii ars tiriosiiiiel bi 0;10. *ma, Math dad ;Vinestiesss, at SIM seatiresr byt. • ;ti.r.zup Dprzokl little girl, mini& /iisiaittrsated_so . mush „ attention-at Boston and other, busierirettra, data Itor; fisst. lasses, on - Toss. iidtdrado**W ninisodi tdlire,suibdided.,_Bl. id ; 14 iseehmeastr linialatf,, or her age ve have -Stir seen, nod,. veithentasi: sadism Will atilsoterowdg OW! breHt, lithiketro to tWgiv - ep ticonoirt Ahastaipt ,otreet. - .**Teilfthi ersrfiftarinon and 'saline *al iirol4:aril and de'elialt.' , tVarr4 0)4, wipit au chestnut' 'etplet,_ On it F1091141,1h Oat ACIAPhild new , °Mad, &mica! lam; Jul* laicgod, sad greatly billow omit "of itorietcAinxi: Also, 'soother coil:or:Bi rig:0104W ig ESC aim*, tiOd ono copo, doubts itidtki at *comfit pot • _ tilq.oxotes pixTur.-.Tbis really . splendid lbnild irbioll;toir the hist six minks, ill Naw York drew wsh. posh*, belts pot lapin this city for exhibition Iwo of osiniss,iind stripe will be mon m si v Oss. , "- .•- - • . Vale; the, priwilind of, torkhlylkili Word his, Sebiii: for boys. et Freehold.. Mon_ 4htnr!.kountrat.J.i will be' it Si Girard .Rouse to fioni ro o'Olook is the gong's dit i in the after loon,Witiot lanais Who may: desire to ionfeF, with Posas# forßoois and Shoes ': - PaiSs'i.liissa" sae PerIWI roe Paisioelsssehir. .. , Pojrs's,3sspsess3Vato t r ooot Polish.; s Ptssfilssosess Hamer Polish. - ' 'ji!tcml,tAme. ,abeautiffi (Wm. > t(o nubbins reanirid. • Preserves thi „ . Bold by all grocers awl druifieWeverawhore. :IW/iota's!' Op* ,thr - Potesihiufai m IS.S.Ruet & ocortrYgdrsmkglaSstsigeWiseta. irkiliuCooLiiie, tilLhpbreelain eniunel linings N. thi Ow coolers 'No metal comes in - non, tharwitssn'yrliiiiain sold's* CorrYl "4. OfplatioisoFvusWdus littore, 714 9beidind street: - TiCK . N.a....ixsza and Claim :Tool Chide; roe mallets. roe Tons.. and los Chests. E. W. Caryl & Co., 714 Chest -J:4d Afoot. ' Ftwx dect) lalt;T 'and 'Enamel Trorrand Wait. ere,of o t ittizeoogiOCO E. W. Carryl & Co., 114 Chasamt street.: disa *ties; SpLob ' Boner, Cake , lisidwiohflozos, Bonnet, Boma, sod Broad ttaidaigW;Csiryll & 7.l4hoinnot street. • Bligheattitore gas; UNIOW 1.- , We are in the , teeelet Oa telegraphic, anitongo,sinsitliont Washing. tea; tojthstafrent that the Cabinet hail dissolved, and that ths wistabers obit bars left the lest otOovernment for ends. ariknown., - We hive it in air paWar to ewe - that this diesoltitiMilwill not be a Monument 'ammo the,Cabiant fittaials hoeing morels determined to Works a temaorary . mpatation for the yurpose of coming -onto td Swoons* feii themselves new. elo , sant - hid "comfortable" garments, at the Brown Btoce Clothing Ballot itookhill - kr Wilson, Noe. ma and in Chastitah~, *bore Sixth. Thor will retain to limrlihigtonind 'resume their'places in 'the Cabinet as soon as their new outfits are procured. - '.S Basins ifJltO W.9iiiiige Sults. , .71Lciptlishor t doglpggposer ; E . 01,11.NVILIm !mono working olothes ; Butts for labor az ran gen , ' = Artistes to mgt you well ; •. ist wear-and never high. ,L. 011,4, of labor, Mlle awl but: '•,_ 'kr itemnribir, B =AttvLLil Primpa, Philadelphia Vapid' orreablemi. No. Pep Cheating attest. „ n :AgN irtkl,ll2ll RAO! ! ._, ' , D . '' ' "Nri - d 31‘1, .11 -4. 11 1 ' t ak igi A t it Tilo, ii, s from Itillabbro', N rrA m in to wfonE siker; 25 day s fritm Portland; withaidra to irate Caba4. .. Bng dilator, aakell ia d dais from Portland, with 260 raroma r t itht i Toom i t t. l2 days f om Esatoorf.with Uhl& 3111.1ConneOf &CM i411.3101t0 A &older o. Bow Nortp - IX days nom ortlaad, with pin 8o et. dif • ivom Portl and, with i outo to hAria' -.-5 - --- • ..,...“keiraragthilpy, "MS; ldttma from Beaton, with n Dy_eroira„ 7. dare from .Eaataort, with • 116 h :Val a keouder & r ._., EN, at, Co de .' ye from Itilford,DaP 4 d" T t ito " " 4 . ;is ' f pii tr.a Del • ~, in rr, fl !a row 1 . , riggripb lit t,„„ Si imiri from N York, with i tea a , krda,dthotini 6 , ar•NavYorkwitli: MO, too M r wom. , . . . , • otlaialteddaholoorm_ .14 . hours from Now York, with rim t0:1 1 44,MS la Igo .... ,: • , -,, , , CiNAttltp." ~ Bialliterrisi (Br) Flepool ! Id rorpool,ll Morris Waln - k atikwhattoSaiddiromismitwoo ands itiarkit,, , Zar- A.- o.biki.iip.iiitii. ' ' pw,5,,, , ,4tui.i?.#.. Baltm,ret Aerovei, Jr. :. -1 ': 7 , ,f.;: - . ' /IT 2111414111.11,P1L ' ' ' ' ' ; . ferafilikposihmed of the Philadelphia Edelman.) -.' , - CAPHISI.AND;' N. J.:Amnia-4m P. M. ttit - a hers trAir poled m thui ellemooh. The 4 r nia itv s. forial ,Iv.. in , ipprifignitoottuand T%'iter —4615 r- ~,poe„itt 161 z Ait, -92 nth, 80% , • Net ',‘ ~,,, - ~-...,• -; ~- .' - > litifigOit - 44041. ' • •- ' I "..' Oteamelde, l'ldiesaLlertem Matthews, sailed from -•;, Sit erraitlfeltrilmellii; IM4lSMl,Oleared , • p ll slso, mitome,,kom Givereeel, arrived, em• mirli smu if e jj • h o s es, • • 'ad at Mob =me i i, ii v iii,„ r, arnv 4 ag e I trieMisadled from Baltimore poitantay Praiiiii for Rimini Meired at 14 lark * r ile4 . 11 ,, !!' , -!. ,• , ... , Chadwick from Caldera, at $O. 'l th fliitA , , ... eVier, 11?0*, 111'1106, at Nei (Miami lota lywn,'Wiiirkift.` 6itlietlia u lleii irMic ror Aospatoo, I 1-- Wlir t ., .. 1 1L104 - 111213rcrt 141 6 taa 'arrived at f l , -' 11 ' ,raiiii it Nem Vaiii iester rllAii4i,r6ao; 7i;Ft se Mayag*Fa, !i, • r . .. q. ~...„....., 4 i3Olettredll* 'l 4 4--- , -, billintoot it; se do demo, , T 1 '..„.4.,.. 4 .4 ' '—; toilliiadelvida la 10 difp,' ";•••0•-,1 da ii il icalki - hui IDh - is "' ein. at latto* IPA Nat ilinkNi hitiotlitlita4 bMs.mo-: 1.. 14 1 si ;*- 'n: bitiieli a ttatifialia.loll var. ' 'l7l, 1 t4l ; 7o =Witrilta t h ' it e ;,i 4 * - l i tt ikidelphis, t i llgradVatity - • im sailed !ciAldthead, ~..t. MAME Mili===l PbSi "ll4 4 iiisoiNst - 0.4.4 fows Pi° 144 40 , Safi toot ot. -- Z • 2 Bohr Geo owatand, Culver, fro, Rio Grande, Feb 18itnived al Nerr r.orlriaatatdat. - or q Uitiolatirs, raustain. from Ya k arrived pBehitiV i liiiimr4;,o ilea:item, Ma', 6:p6 . 0" at lableat H4k une e • --•- - BbhrJ Inaaaa.Staalmaa, - fra,,Ja•kaoaville,*rtived New York Yashadaii, . - • 'OW ifia 001',EY3 - .:; 08 ,iO4Wiattili3O'ol.ooH ian 810HT I . ::: '.. " . . . ' 'GIRARD HOBSR-4Rieetnor at.. below Ninth ' B Oarlingtos. Brookly Oh io ' W T MoOnmsona..exing'n . Mr_Plothingqsas er, la, Mai Morgantolllo B marley & la, Princeton Jas Wows& La, Conn F 0 Got", N Y, , , - - - J HHarsammDletnst 11 Caftan. BrooktiB . - -, T LT MoCrus%l.ey., Ye M n rs - ' - - D'r N g ri 9,l"' Col Meyer, Ks' - Z Collins. li • ' • • 0 igoCormick & la, Ohio Theo 4 Minn .t la. Ohio F Nioliohi, Iji „ - 0 galawsll,ra,_ I .141 r Utast*. Pa, '.. ' ' ii t eg *lsms, Montrose 0 R Willis, Pret r oill, N 4 • : Willis, Freehold. NJ J TiMoOlintr, anovi/ria /dont, Yemen, hid .1.11 Geyer, orvriotbo . Witner & In, ONO Dr Norton. ton ' • Pones & la, N 1 kiltr e e i ,W ;sf " '-• `.- - ' : 1Y Pr= Lii t s Ai. I B tWitchslit k '114; Ya", - ' 7 800 Pattenton, vods a voie r John Ba Nl , , L we...i 0 A 0 Barnani k Oregoa '• '' H Bassett. Maa 11 Q_Posack. Y ww Clark, N,Y 1 . watkinona; Dello . w - ciona. Tad 1111/Ittur r Trenton. J 0 Nameklow Trenton,NJ o_Taylor.TrentoN Miss -at, N Y wo.Tron_Tuokati Y Dandrid‘a Bale, Ya Jammerarsin. is --- B Nose & Is, Conn Jr* Brooks & isoct -. • A H wits= & Is, Mesa R 0 Lowrie. Texas - , ' 0 W Hurst, Mass WB, Ran t & In4oalO —J 8 Locum, 5o ton, Pa George LharleA, N a, , James wilder,. is C WAtkinsoti, iio. • ' Jes Robinson as la, Val • James Murray: 1 ark A Belated. 14 Y O 114/wards & la, Gs , /1 Leavitt, Boston Mr Spelbier & Is, Ya ". ' „ :Miss Spencer, Ye ' Mills Narks!. Va - s B J Stookton. NY , Hon T J ark., NJ • Tli Gordon, lowa - - 3 toffee, a , , IgIIRSIIOII, NI Ch'unk itiltry'll: Pa -.' , ' - iolltilirii°4r.a.k son,Pa H u L ' Onanonatoor ' p_A Fipney, Pa Dv Archer , Ri chmond wr c .kl rinnelli a N Y C m , t o p t o ' . .t . 1 . w e r . n, N Y R Nelson & .14 Y York , ' Mi v li Bani on N Y OPE ili iii Wtiroutton ' , 14, °on, li York r 0 b rrisjk ,N Y , ."/4 T Henn, flotanton, Pa swes Taylor. Brooklyn ~ Atyarin. Br ooklyn 14 Hallam & la. II 0 J W Matt ye ws, 14 Y 14 Wheeler, 14 Y - . M Burch, a Mrs ihirch. Pa ' ' ' N 8 Beacon & la, Montreal Miss Latircnoe,Montreal ,John A Iliestand_,Lsno 'A N Rankin. Choral:Rush's 0 W Walker, N Y J Jackson Boston _., . , 11. Vanteiver, Belt ww LeoVi-Wastiinston Hon HM. Rice, Minnesota Hon Chas due; Wis " Oep Culver, Minnesota firHS Latham, Weak col 8 Ward. N Y Y• Lenuttoon. Boston 0 W Tyson & is, N . Robinson, Mass , 'v , Wright, Haugook, II Y 0 Bissell. Pa - , J N Jones, Harrisburg ' .1 4 tiokinguis, Ps ' C K Garrison, N I( Oorner - of Ninth and Gliesnint. 8 Mauslntem,,Pit g W Crothsts,_ W Rose,Norfolk: Vs 8 Charlton Norfolk, Vs E'At e ig i ieikir n folk s , to V n s E awr, r ta;l 4 t &tot le lefords, • Wo rs bt AIL. Os Amos Green,Balt ' R Poole. flalt Miss Note, Balt Miss Omni Belt Miss Idinufer, Bait Ca i (dwell. Ind B R Baldwin & wf, Ohio va Richardson & wf, Coon A 0 Bugg, Hy , wJ rinsg & la a y T Pitt, NashYille - I II Williams. N Y ' F, B Bolcom & wt 1 , 1 Y Juo I.N Stratton & la, N J mr HaMoont: Washington L L,Badler. Vs galloon, • N Y ' A Lily, Bet • wiworth & la, N Y . .1 Bands. Co figinte. lowa " , J E Moon! Ate Y W rt. soot:lay, - • 1) Jones, Phi Mr Ociolidge & Is; Boston J L Caruso & la. AM- R 'l` I.Aestartatforristown B aloote, Norristown Welic Norristown J McDermott, Itornstown VI Coat, N 0 • - • A.l Macaulay & la, Si 0 Wm O Jackson. Md Mies G Mann, Md Wm C Gilman & is N Y- Miss E L Oilmen. N Y Chas Adams & wf, Y J_llumphreys. Wash D :Myatt & la. Y Mester litswert, N Y J A Bul utohion & Ist - 0 Mrs B N Y Miss Itntherfold • Mrs Watts . Chas umen Cats, • T 11, 8 ory & fm, Boston M Da N Y M Costa, N Y Geo SI Corliss, Ploy, RI JC Mc Donald, N J C Miker, Chicago MO Case. Columbia J W Jenkins ' C Bingen, Boston W G Naxos, New Jersey P Efatartz &„s Pottsville H Romingarten & dais, .1 Paine, New York C Weise...New York - W Blake, Boston - J Treadway Illinois • E Jones. Boston 8 Stilt & Is. `L iverpool ' R D Robertson, Glasgow 8 Boyd & fain, Boston F booth, New York IA Minsk, New York , •••• A Fisk, Boston • D L Webster, Boston - G F Bowes'', Worcester B Btartemmt, Maas • kl Coward, Mew Your Geo Bookman, Nl' • .ID 8 Kauffman & la, Pa 0 Suydam & 15,8 Y Venom, Boston & Timminy; Boston - A Leitch ' is, 8t Lotus tW Gray; N Y • HA White, Vs Jas Ifilniphreysi Jr, N Y • Frank Wood,N Y GeoW Powers, SAY '• ' M Sorry, N Y Bacon, Boston Geo A Tufts & wf, Boston Mrs li on , Boston 18 Linwood, N Y Goo rlisle; Cincinnati. 0 John .1 Potter & la, Vs Mrs town A Pell. Jr. N . 1C J c t venoer & son, N Y D I. Bray. NiY Geo W Cook, ft Y J_IDSCoy. N Y . Mr qhsersr & ds, ' NB Pratt, Cohn, T Knight, St Louis ILB Herding, litt Louis hoe W Pembertoo. arts 8H Boordman . Ohio J Boordman, Ohio 11Bose., Prov, R J W Bauer. at Josephs E Nye,ri UIY Fox, Maas ‘`, MERMAN* BOTELr—Fmnta street. below Aran. 1 M. Carr, Al'Wien! B W Miller, Pittaburs Ddieben. Jr,Blairsville, D H Stawert, Vis Nl,WHilton. Ind 10 Waabburn, Colombia. H Tattle, Colambia, City W IdoOsrty & la, Ohio • 1 Web,ter, Vs Pit Wentz. N Jersey J_D Wallace, Orangeville J Monroe, Wortietea, Pa W Kennedy . , Pa Parkineon L lano i F Cilak, Ps., , I r KiliVeite ßa ulr'd, Ve, Miss A rlington, Balt 0 0 Brother, Miss L ' I OV Tulle Fulton, Pa Mrs di Keyser, Ps Chsa O'Neill, I's .1F Means , Towanda A H Reynolds!, Pa R. A ender;Betalebem, Ea C Burnet, ntraudtbarg, Pa J F Bowman, N Y . f Iwo Bowm, 14 Y Jacob Peyssr & son, Pa, .T. Ishina. N Yan A Crawford, 0 • flute Move I. 0 • P A Fawcett, 0 ' ' ,An Kempf, 'Xenia, 0 , , • • * THE UNION HOTEL-Arab 4reet. above Third. Mr* %Lamson. NY Mr Lamson. N y tt H Fitch, Obi IL _ W Remota, Allegheny City /no Ye Pt wane, bid , A Illemerove, Warrenton Baml l E lliott,o Wilmington Blllittle, Tummy& N Fowler-1e ea, Pa W riale, Pa 5 Leaman, Easton, Ps • H. Thalas, Wall 0 A Remaking. Ind las C Brown , T, Daniel BtJohn,N 1 1 81 (heathen s R rohrarner, Plmnsvn, r W Peal 'ft la. Pa ' W P Shaffner. Lafayette Early, Lebanon um P Lindenbourn , Y it Dale, Danville, Pa -• , *MINT VERNON BOTHL-Ssonnd st., above Areh. J A Both & la,'Bsnriok .M M Bennet Stroudsburg A H Miller, Earrimburg l ee Long, Lebanon W tr Y., - J oe Fenner ne talya, oF. w *len, thsarnetd , Jos rotter,Oleamekt WHichmsn, Easton rue,: y - W Middletown, Norristown 0 wenhorn, Fe John S Lee, Beading M Ekher, i Butz, Mauch Chunk W hipple, A IC • • NATIONAL HOTEIr-Iltatielttreet, above Third. EA, preymutter. 80100* WIDIWOUVOIt t Huntingd on John Roemer Wheslies,Fit 'Lewin Paul i . L Hamm N Winker. Pam( B McQuade, Phila Joe !Mirk & to t ,mb no, Pa 1, Pinkerton, Trete% Pa &mil Matter. , Millemburg .1' Handler, Pottsville Bezel Harris, York. Ps E M Enhelman. Pa O M Brubaker,Milletsbarytti Davis, Pittsburg, ' Dr I , John. Bloomsburg • I J Seibert, Pettey'. A 8 Ely, Le b is on • • B ichton,Boeten J•liriyhton, Balton ' HM Claston, Balt Bethlehem Omer F Bennett, Ps HAI,» 'EAGLE ROTEL-110d it.. above Callowhill. D R Harrisburg John Clangs's, Philia Albin E Weidner. Lehigh co Miu R. Weidner, Pa E J Runts, Cherryvilte Pa F Kaufman, BilelLtomil M h letter, Berke go , Anderson Calvin, Keaton BEAR HOTEL.—W(4M.. above Callorhill. D Baobtel, Bechtelsville Miss Milletteedensville Weidner Pa Jae Stetleg, ntstown Mn .1 Stetter, Rutstown M Cooper , Pemburg JKline Berriville Watson COIPIO7, Illberrg 0 Welder, Clearfield Jos Potter,. Clearfield Jos It Sohn:tanker, Reading Jacob 0 Appel. Pa Henry_ bac Maurer, Boohtelve Jos Ritter, Reading JWin T Wayne. WEaston eymouth John Ginley, Booth Esston 0 irek" BARLEY' lINBAP 11(YrEL—Ssoong it.. below Vine Giles Batterthwsit,Biteks oo J Blair & In, Doylestown N A Oeskill, Burlington J A Shunts/I. Na Geo H Miller, Stroudsburg „I W Hens, Md Stouffer, Tennersville Eva,, .. Deposit N Y John D Jones, Hatborough W Kirk*, Bowline Thorges, Lumberellie jos Ashton, Pa nos H Bedloe, NJ WB Lacey, Pa FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Seoopojetreet. above Martel. J W Sharp. Camden, Del W H Erik, Baltimore Jag Gorman, Del Thee it. Wood k Is. N J A J F Clement Calder, Equinunk. Pa W Scollop. Del • fhos 8 Aaron,CamdenDel Allaband, Camden, Del y. Short, Georgetown, '1? ) 0 et re Pennington, Del L D Jackson, Camden, el Milton Eityerson, Del II B Freeman,W Chester Martin E Diekson. Del A Hopkins. Del Miss Is Haohcook,Lok.lisvn al Jackson, Camden, Del • IttERCRANTIP HOUSE—Third at., above Callowlull. O 00011man,Freennansburg 8 A Baohman, Ps J Pa miss Mary Weigle, Pa J ffreiderellnyder co, Pa 8 Fleokinaer. Lana no, Pa 8 IS l ghr, Books co L Melt, Bucks co Fleckinr er: Lane cat, Ps RC Sabring is son. Twin W Marber, Ties!' ao .L F Beekel, Bethlehem .Tohn Sohllling, Bethlehem N. Pager. Allentown Beabor, Lehigh co C 8 lachmoyer, Latinate° N Bolonoyer, Lehigh eo .I( .lsece. Lehigh oo mer, Lebanon co F Wolf ' T B Widmer, lc, Is, Hamburg T Baum & Is, Tuokerton Stover, Backe oo T B Widdifield, Cin, Ohio • WNW,' HOTHL—Chostaut atoe_at. below Simla. Ajes Robb, Jr, Phil% C W N Btaploono4nd Mn iteng, Pi .(_- • - W Walton & la. N C Goo W W allace W,Yr C ' - John W Dims, Vet /dr+ J V Clark, Maw 'J N Cordes°, Bt Paul A Holing, Oino Jam Johnson. N .1' T B &adman, Plats C H ,Ayers, N 3 11 lliturtlo. Pada • . Whi Learing.ill T A Boteler ic family, Vor. J a Drown, N Y 0 H WooklY Y ti W ?Holm, N Y James A Woodbury. Boston W Martiand, N Y B Goldman, N x .1 Keenan, Farrington AMERICAN HQEL—Chestant street. above Fifth. Jim B Cochran, Md Ajngram, Md John T Moore. Md - W 8 Gnus, Md T Streets, Beat W W Leggett. Dresden, Q GE Eaton, Dresden, 0 • hire A eiv Leisenring & do, It li Berkheime Pittsburg Mauch Chunk J.M Crawford, it CasUe, Fa( l' Maven'', N Y • L thinton, Pa B Dolaber & Is, Canada John White & la, Md John Troyer, filinersville Flue Ferry, New Bedford Mrs Williams, N J W hi ranee 0 A Hart, Newborn,N 0 A D Harlan. Fa J Diaturnall.N Y Geo T Corals, lows. toms Durr, II Y 8 8 Gardner. N Y F T peonard. Brooklyn J Cochran, Conn A. Miller, Conn L ICaddisan, N Y BY. Newell. hi Y 11. Halloran Se la, Maas Robt II Williams, Philo T Chase, Mau -*8 A rond,N Y Robt Lockhart. M. Chunk Jim L GroverAtookton,f's A 8 Jordan, Boston ' R hhaoklett, % a - • Geo Brag, 7 4. - , John Donahue, Balt , , • - ,"11T. LOMB HOTEL—Chest at. above Third. '4' Brown, Phis, Lp w Oliver, Phtla ic MstOurdy. Beading A 'M Wit's, B I R Livmston & la. PI J E T Maier, York; Ps li Leavitt, Boston , J L Tappan. Newituryport ID Bernd, PLY , ti Paeolts, N Y E Ronerson.N Y W P Byers, West Chester 13 rey )t weet Chester • 13 1. Spenoer. R I V eddy. a ~.... .1. T Moore, Del A when pr toll Y ' ' J Bashes: Dubuque • D attsrSon. ' .ton ' N A Pennock, Boston (3 linghes, N J )) Uldline, NJ I. Allen NT J 0 Clayton & i_n", N Y W V Bosworth, Maas P. II Etraosott, Vs T Culbertson, N Y 9 M Patterson. N 1 B Bourn, Conn - tU K till .Ift; I•I4YY Levi '1 1 ,11:',1% Ye • rop Cin, 0 W it Maker, Man COMMERCIAL ROTEL—Sixth at, above Cheatnyt. And Crowson, pa Lewis Enlweiarl , Patentor Jews Bowersank. lowa CI; tRa ff erty, Bolivar, Pe. J C walker , °ht. Robinson : Juniata co D Beaus. Pottstown in F Kerns, Lana no A Lyons, Pt eposit, Md 0-Darlington, W Cheater CS Rentterson,tano co, Pa Chas Rittenhouse. Balt KG Sone', Roxboro T Jones, Roxboro 118 Walton, Chester co 33 R Walton, Chester ao sideon fteakman, Del 00 N Elimaker, Jr, Lana no 81) McKinney, Rarpergy'e, W Van Sweringer, Pa AI 5! Davi s, Donaldtma , Thos,Whltoon, Cheater Co P Hobson, Cheater oo,Pai Q.:FA7PB Irfaori ROTEL—Market street . shove Sixth. win /napalm', Malta, V oesse Seaman, 0 Alex Taoism% Coatesville Jae Coons, Coatesville Jno aloClees, Atlantic, City Jae Conner, .Pit , tlt Broome, Vs. Jea Room, Laimeaster Mointosh, Blair oo Mu 8 &Lupo, ft a Lauolt & la. Dancatinon JBB CadwaMder.Pottayille ill Jones, PORSVIIIe, Pa C B Sellers, Phil& jos 0 Walker, (Jae, Pa John Crouse . , Dauphin no ohn W fdattini, Win Strauss. j..anoseter no Oeo W Rose, IS A Bider, tdifilitirn , Pluteh is Elder, Atifilintown I D Halbert & la„ duds Miss igen, Carlisle, Pa ti BosworlltV, Isboro rue camere: „ Lindemuth. hit Joy, Pa in Woolf. Re ading - P Shollenberser. Ohio H Johnson, Marlon, 0 Mies Cornll Chicago May. Chimes°. C Witham, iirecaer, thinesee; Bt - Ofti PAM Oltrintwa OP ram LATSBT lITYLPO, made In the beet manner, expressly for RE TAIL •SALE& -LOWEST. sillier: ,prmes marked in Plain Eiguree. - , All needs made to order varraated factory. Our ONE-TRIOS system, is strictly adhere to, as we believe this to be the only fair way of deallnr. pill are thereby 'mated alike. JOkiEti & sand{ • ' MARKET -Street. : SAVING rtnilt-L-NATIONAL SAY= TUNS Couratiy.—Chattered by the State of Peatarbta u. BULLS. L *nein . romilvidt.arers daslstid in any amount Mile or. smith. .. ' I. FIVE PER CENTS Interest is said for Money from the day - AM main, ,-& The money, is always paid hart s in 40101,1 l whenever Els aided for, sad without Wilde. , , . ',, . . 1. atoner ioreoeivoa from XmrMors. Adsofsferrarera, orsoirlisiu, and other Trust am, it Imes Of Mali Immo, to ' remains low:a- 408 period, L The itemise rooreived ham ,Deemitorria invested in Real Ratite, Relleragois (hotrod Rent!, and other Aria , atm etanuittota , • . oßrreelop oven 4 . , Nir.farff UT Street, someone* 012 M Third Week rWidellidee ltpl cf A . 1 SPECIAtte SOTWES. fiOLI4O,WAY I S•;rpm& fomprgeol l , 'would eau eeeehti , athrutAort to s the:taltHeof tbio dodlz• *ohms &Wee aver , rho ,lt ls pgiei , v•getabok Arlthotti the 7 ton. of etsdlosas. It tor reliably' ideates ' iOttitif WOilSt& iifitrkifm 00 . With' Willi 'earl. ll;rehielves'. she ps tq at oat, ,beeahillolene had reveilles: It is sold 0 , 1117714•141, st Sidearm per hoe. Prepared oily by ' : ' - • ;WINSTON, 1101.10 WAT. CONFOHN: ]t' Su South - FIFTH Street. • MARRIAteit3 • AND DXATlOS—Advertising Poiaderized,—tiiarybode publialooiMANßlAGks and DRAT= in the DAILY. INQUIRER. Doable Ehiet. Ofilee South Third attest. Notices of Iflsfriagoo end Deaths twontk-five cents each, , - eat!-3t' LissiAase AND DRITHe —Aiivertising Foettlatized.—Everybody nubliihei kept and, DRATIVe In the DAILY INQUIRER. Doiible Sheet. Me 191 south Third •.treet. Naha. of -Marriages and Death. twentf-ftve cents each., ault-de 21s.airnasti AND. DEATits Attvnidising I'dpulerixed.—Everybody rUbbahes MARRIAGES end DEAT$S'in the DAILY INQUIRER. Double Sheet. Office 19 t South Third street. Notion of Marriages and Deaths tweety.ftve coots msh, • ' eszt-nt RADFORD'S POWDER., A. SURE .11..141/ SAFE init. for Idahenant Bearlet Fever, or -Putrid Bore Throat. Apply to T. W. Dyott & Bone, No. SlB North &woad street.' apit.stutli-at. NORTON'S OINTMENT, for Salt Rheum and Irarofula. Immanently aurae Tatter. Boald-heed. Ring wOrena, and all Whine. and Burning Eruptions of,the Skin. ' - This Ointment penetrates to the beau of the disease, goes in its very snores, and aitres it from the flesh be neath to the skin on the 'surface. Large glass beam.. Prtoo 00 cents., OKRUIT NORTON, PTOPTIOtOk, No 13 Beekman ' lifted, New York. Sold by T. W. DYOTT ( SONS. 218 North SECOND Street. splT-tuthrplot DR. DICOLINTOOO3 COf,D AND 00IIGII MIXTUEN is guarantied to cure an ordinary cold or cough, catarrh, influenza, sore throat, &0., with abso lute certainty. and a degree of rapidity that will agree ably astonish the patient. Price Sacentir.. AU Dr. James McClintock's Family Medicines. bear the signature of GMERIT NOZTON, 1010 'proprietor, No. la Beekman street, New York, (successor to A. Cutthroat]. & Co., solo proprietors.) Bold by T. W. DYOTT & SONS, alB North SECOND Street. , apl7-tuths-lm J. R. STAFFORD'S OLtm TAR ) tIIO famili medicine known, cures all Throat and Lung af fection', and Catarrh, by inhalation. In cases of in ternal pain or soreness, a few drops, taken internally, affords immediate relief. In Rheumatic affections, Neuralgia, Sores, Eruptions; Burns, and Skin diseases, an external application of thia satiable article is at tended withihe happiest results. J. R. STAFFORD'S IRON AND 811LPItUR rciw- • DENS. , These valuable adjuncts to the Tar revitalize and purify the blood, invigoratelhe liver, strengthen the di gestion, and rezulate all the aerations. No one should be without them at this ;reason of the year. Sold by all Druggists, and by. T. W. DYOTT & SONS, 218 North SECOND Street. Powders, St; Olive Tar, 60 cents. , apl7-tuthe r lsr, • LONDON ()um Sauce.-=This celebrated European Same, lately introduced into this country by Parker Bros., London, and now being generally used throughout the United States, possesses an unrivalled richness and delieaoy of taste superior to all others, is an excellent aid to 'digestion, and is highly recom mended for dyspepsia. It takes precedence of the Wm; cestershire Settee, and is sold at half the prfee. Bold by A. J. PARKER, wholesale agent for the United States, and by all respectable grouts and dealers itt plates and preserves; and 0. J. B. DUSIDER & DO., Nos. 108 and 110 SOUTH. WHARVES, Philadelphia. aplT-tuthr-Im To Clartemtprivim.—Qmmuli COD Live on. SILLY. This great meld* for Consumption is fest superse ding eliothers in ita curative effects upon those afflicted with tubercular diseases, being twice as effiownous as the crude oil. Prepared upon highly scientific prinoi pies of the pure oil, and robbed of the nauseous taste of the Main article, it is received into the stomach in its Jellified form. without mastication, and is gradually dis solved end digested, passing into the *mall Intestines drop by drop. tapplriog the wastes of the body by, its* nutritious proPerties, And Huts assisting and sustaining nature in overcoming the dietetic. Approved by the New York Academy of Medicine. and recommended by the faculty everywhere, this preparation is egaGdently offered as a remedy far Consumption and all flgrofeloue affections. Sold by FRIsDERICK BROWN, oonier of CHESTNUT and FIFTH Streets; PREDBRICK BROWN, Jr., Continental Hotel ; and T. W. DYOTT tr. SONS. mi3l•stuf3nt MACIIINBS. All persons who have bought Sewing hlaohines which will not perform the work espeoted, are informed thet SINGER'S Ma chines never fail to do any kind of work.' NO one is ever disappointed in the Machines of I. M. SINGER & CO.. No. 810 CHESTNUT Ht. ape-em SALANANDHIt Flu-PROOF Sam—A very largo ansortmeat of BALAIIIoNDERS for &Os at rea• sonatdo prices, No.llol OfiEBTNUT Bt.. Philadelphia. Ralf-tf EVAN'S & WATSON. Ato. HARRIS' BOUDOIR BRWIED MA.OITERIL* IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD. • Foist histimix aT Emu! PAM. Pbßadelples Office, HO ARCH St. Agents Tanta& tHI-3 I.IITOKTADT TO VAL LOU AND. The Grover & Baker Belding-Ittaohlne Dominate ban lust introduosd a hew and superior Bhuttle..Maehlue, large_slte, high .peed, *Oh' latest Improvements, PneerD6o. For Bale at Na. 730 VILESTNOT , STREET, FAlladelphia. . . 81 AMIN • fi SAVING 717bni--NOVIMiIBT CORN= SECOND Old WALNUT BllMlEM• — ffOliftiti re 001Ved i n mill se largo amounts, front all obtain of the eononnaltr, and allows interest at the rate of flys PER. CENT. per annum. • , Money may be drawn by elleoke sothont lose of in terest. Moo open daily, from 9 until I o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until nine in the mama. Freak. dent. FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Asoretaryi OKA& M. I.I.IIIERB—BEiLAB.—On the 17th inst., by the Rev. James M. ellowell.l at the residence of the bride a fa ther. Miss marrianna, daughter of Whomne Benne, Eva of this oil, to Mr. Hermann, W. Luders, of Tie. m Vi °l o l l 6 )l ab l ik — d ßri t . 3 tOn the 11th inst.,by th e Rev. Wm. P. Breed,Mr. diadem Wolbert to miss Julie...A, Bell. both of this oity, BPPERIBIMER—REEDER.—ApriI 23d by the Rev. Wm. Coo r, Mr Jonas Eppehelmer to Miss Mary A. Reeder, l Ph il adelphia. , FOlgumbl,—MAlll.MAß,—Alarcit 20. 1..%0.• by John O. Wilson. V. D. M, Mr. Emanuel Folwell and bilge Marearet Maolear. both of this city. BOAR—PIBBMIL—On the Bth mt., by Rem Cha•les A. neer, Hen. W. Boas, of Philadelphia, to Eallie.L. blither. of Norristown. • RAMIX.—On the 21Ith inst.. William only son of William Henry and Mary Sidney Ravin, in the 6th year of his age. • s • D0885.-iOn the Sid Ingt.,Bamuel B. Dobbs, in the 60th year of his age. Funeral CY91211 his late residence, at Pine Grove, on Friday a ft ernoon , at 1 o cloek. DONNALLY.—On the 2lth inst., Jane, daughter of John and Mary Donnelly, aged 9 years, 0 months, and 14 Funeral from the residence of her raents, 1114 Ore* street. this (Thursday) afternoon, at o 'clock. JONES.—On the Wham.. Silas Jones, in the Bath year of hie age. Funeral from his late resident*. Oxford street, Opp r. site Joee_chine. on Bun +ay afternoon, at I o'clock. ROACH.--fin th e 22d inst., Miss Caroline Roach, daughter of the late Ben). B. and Sophie Roach, aged 21 Funeral from the - residence of her step-mother, Ha Mairibo.ough greet, this (Thursday) afternoon, at .Nso'clook. SOWERN.—On the 24th kit. Mrs. Elizabeth Bowers. wife of Win. Rowers, in the 33111 year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her father-in-law, Mathias Bowers,Bl2 Rolle street, on Friday afternoon, at 3 a ciao's. 11.• '49(80:4.--en the 22d Met., Miss Frances NUMMI& Wilde, daughter of Henry and Hannah Tyson, in the 14th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her parents, York at, above Frankford. Road, this (Thursday) of °moon, al. o Woob.—On the 23d Met., Mrs. Mahal& Wood. aired Wears. uneral from Swanson c of her husbard. Mr. Wm.' , Wood, 535sj.reet, below Queen, tip (Thursday/ afternoon. ay o oloos. CARLILB.—On the 26th Joseph J. Carina, in the 49 . 1,P year of his age. Bus friends are invited to attend his funeral from his late residence Have ford Street, Wait Philadelphia, on with day. the 21 . thMet, at 10 A. M.. without further ss notice. Interment at South Laurel Hill. Fr SMJRB.—On the 23d Met., Mary R. wife of Sam!. C. Fesmlre. aired 69 years. Funeral from the resldence of her husband, in Sorrel street. above Bath, Riohmond, this (Thursday,/ at . l2 o clock. • MILLER.—On the lad Met.. Helen M. Miler, wife of Fbrand W. Miller, in toe soth veer of her ate. uneritt from the residence of her husband, on the Lancaster Pike. two doors above the Cathedral tiale, his (Thursday) )afternoon, at kM o'clock. PLAIN BLAOK BALZOTLINES 121-2 cents. Black Balsonnes, ISX cents, Blank and white printed Balsorinee,Wi amts. Black end white Chefs Tanlore Lustros, Ws' cents. lark gray mixed De Dares, 12M cents. lain h aok imparted Lawns, 13% cents. leak and white imported Lawns. 1134 dents. lack and white S i glir kit,i,1,1%;12::g1:,• WV and black Orandrille 2ti cents. „ Ormaille Ingres mixed Barege It lab, cents. i . BESSON & EON. Itiournms More. , anti No. 915 CHESNUT Street. • ITFRANKLIN INSTITUTE.:—THE Members of the Inetituto are requested to meet at t e Hall TlllB (Thursday) EVENletti,lith instant: et 8 o'olooB, to organize a Weekly Conversation H itt ing. lt• WILLIAM HAMILTON, /I deers,. LLs--• OFFICE OF TIM I.EINIGII COAL AND 3 Navigation Company—Ptuladelpida, April 21, 60.—The stated annual meeting of the Stockho lders of thin Company wall he hold at th eir Oflioe, on TUES DAY MORNiNa, the let day of stn next, at II o'olook, after wuioh an ELECTION for OFFICERS of the Com pany will be there held, to close at 2 o• look P. M. of game day. tayMiltl JAMES COX, President. 03r. MONUMENT CEMETERY NOTICE.— The Annual Meeting of the worts Loholders i n " The 11"milltcl""arhi Philadelphia " held at OeA of,ell ASSOCIATI ON si d e TERN orect,west _llTti, on hOrusxrr- OON, the rth of May next. at 4 o'clook. The Annual Report of the Manosera will be read, soil an election held (between 4 and 7 Y. aLlfor Veen Man agers 54 serve the ensuing year. 1,.. TAYLOR, sper,-dtmyr keoretary. CATAWISSA. WILLIAAISPORT, AND WALNUT RAILROAD re COMPANY, Office Pio. 308 stet. PITILADELPIIIA, April 24,1810. Thyde r s of Catawissa, Williamsport end Erie Rim road Company °hone' bonds are notified to depot t their bonds with their attorney at the office of the comp .my. 3013 WALNUT Street, between the hours of Ist and '2 P, M., and receive certificates of deposit. M. P. ..tIUTORINSON, , E. P. BORDEN. &FRP -ID A tte for chattel bondhi Mete. orn3 s CATAWISSA WILLIAMSPORT, AND ERIE RAILROAD CO. OFFICE. No. 308 WALNUT STREET& PIJILAD/CLPHIA. April IL moo. The First Aransas° Bondholders of the Catawissa, Williamsport, and Erin Railroad Company are noti fied to pall at the Offiae of the . Company, No, 308 WALNUT Street, between the hours of 12 and I and deposit their Bonds with M. P. HU FORIISSON, ae their Attorney, to be used in the purchase of maid Bond, under the deeree of authonsinis the same. and 'receive certificates Courtsft S. V. AIRRAMK. ROBERT HAVARTI, F. A. VANDYKE. Jr., J. N. To„,gri , ,, A. W.4413T0 L. PI. R TOR 'ap244l2t Committee of First Mortgage Boneholtlere. EiUNION CANAL COMPANY OF PENN. SYLVANLA.—First Mortgage Ikmdbolderaof the a:named compguy t disuosed to co-operate in ins at- Ina on a faithful execution of the trust, in their favor, created by the comP¢nYi and 0 9Pgin to further tinnier/ asorinoes tavor of the nesting debt of the company, are reques ted to sand their gespecgive names, - addresses, and ameunta of bonds to either or the under signed F. M. DREX N 0.94 South Third St. ' EDNVD o. BUCKLEY. No. g Av. of 230 Walnut St. VI no ENT L. BRA_DFO RD. No. 71)7 b6llllOlll Mt. 3. R. E. flurropov 0. 1124 Beach St. RAmBoBOER, No. 6 Av. of WO Walnut St. apStl'i3t* OrPEOPLE'S STATE COMMITTEE IdEETING.—A meeting of the numbers of the eeple's State Couttel COlRTMtiett will be held at the MISAND sql,lSE,l:tulsdejplita, on Thursday, the Seth day 'Of 'Aptilb at 3 o stools r. sa.full attendance-is requested. apn-St A. K. kleO A LIME,IPSeimem, MARRIED. DIED. • ,• 'tit :26, A. • frPAM OW Tilt GWARAILAIII'OOSPIWAL. i , staiit r a t i t a i l it F4 r A il z r i ar ito t CO °Rm. MALL, ebennegoind'MniiiVDA April SO. Tient ening' darns tie Ver.- The taAgiti be Writti u ik ano al,l73 t 4 a' rani , OntSlS A will ba to ilehrind49olriattifieeVl the gtriiina of a ita The Ladles respect ully invite the public ge nerally to partioirte, end tberseby but them in the i a a u pT. ' y__i l t e orti l ie r gtireti t er Pt l igiltlp p a g worthy nr rite mersttiornme LIBRARY COMPA'MV.— • The Board of Directory ottne 'Mercantile La hr r•T yCompany Main thou. thanks to j_',lttypplaYr. Foreign Bookseller, no. lait3 OinEnTritiTetreet, for hie generous donation of eighty volumes of valuable re cent German and French publications. • T. MORJUS I'EROT, President pro tem. of hiero. Lib. Co. JAMES LESLEY, Jit.,EleolfetnrY• • IirrEIGHTH WARD DEMOCRATI(.I TICKET. • vat nuarnoßcE 011YLER. _ppieocon COUNCIL. RERT P. KANE, • DiVID SALOMON, 0 °ROE PLITT. ilJ.l 4 r l a B l DULL 8 O R E YO UN H , NPA, , JOHN A. CLARK, For the unexpired term of E. W. Dailey. JOHN HART ALDE MA RIER N N. • ANTHONY H. REYNOLDS, CONSTABLES. JAMES INORARAM, JAMES DONNELLY. SURVEYOR TRIED DISTRICT. D. 41.11RENNAN. apl4-18,2143 .23,46.2748-30" OFFICEOF THE SHAMOKIN V LEY AND POTTSVILLS RAILROAD CO ,LO. YOli WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, April 14_, 1860. '1 he Annual Meeting of the etookholders or the Bhe mokm Yeller and rottsville Railroad Company will be held et the OtHse of the Company, an, the 7th of MAY, at 12 o cloak, when a President and six Mansgers will be elected to serve for the epeoingipar. apl6-Im7. DRIPPITTB WlsLl.s,Booretar 7 . wiv SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD COMPANY, the ANNUAL RUNG and RLFCTION of the Btookholders of the Behuylkill and Suequehenna Railroad Company,aa required by their charter. will be held at the " GIRARD ROCS d.. In the city of Pphia. Pennsylvania, on MONDAY, May 7th, at 12 o'olndk el, for the ph se of °boogies a President and Biz Managers to serve or the entwine year; and also for the oonsidera of other h iress as mar properly . be brouc ht . f. et apf-lm. ' - . y,., KrOFFICE OF THE PHIL lIIIA ,AND READING RAILROAD C ANY. bl The holden of the bonds of this °meow', Oeaona Jul: 11 IfrO, can now receive, upon appiloatimeat this office, lo per Gent, in cash, upon the term emoted in the 01/oU letettethed. The holders are also entitled to the bens lt of a link ing Fund or *140,000 per statism as 6010 inked by the stookholders at their annual meeting, he Clanuary 9, REO, and in pursuance of the contract, entered into by hp company and duly recorded . to carry the same into sot. li_ BRADFORD, Treasurer. CIRCULAR. Notice, to Ma Hades of Phi/adelphta and Reading Railroad Company Mortgage Bonds, draTsar 1,1860. These bonds are secured by the first mortgagee on the read, amounting in" the aggregate to s3me.wo. The net revenue for the last Pineal year was six times the am ant of the annual interest on these bonds. Tee managers preemie to extend them fora paned of twenty ,years, the holders retaining the bonds and the security of the mortgagee In the premise condition in which they are now held - , Fresh sheets of coupons for the InterestLpayable lair:yearly, will be weed. - A ; pones 9110 per cent. wilt be given to the holden In ponsideretuni of their assentincto,the antena on. True heirna Ins paid in muth to the Deafen thei r le betide, on signing a receipt and presenting respeo-.. Live bonds at the office of the Company, or to Its 'agents, for endorsement. Forms of receipt and endorsement wilt be furnished on application. m3By order of the Board of Manegere, -tt Vt. H. MeIMENNY. Ilearetasg. J,eIDIES• DRESS TRIMMINGS. AN UNLIMITED CHOICE • IN• STYLES, COLORS, AND PRICES. • MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENTS OF SPRING DRESS TRIMMINGS, LACES, RIBBONS, AND EXTRA QUALITY ZEPHYRS, FOR SUMMER KNITTING. The advantages W 6 enjoy. in being our own Bankers, Manufaeturer", Importers, Jobbers. and Retailers, ARE SEARED WITH OUR CUSTOMERS In the improvement of the chtirewter of our goods beyond the ordinary Standards, and in lower "floes. where the Goods admit of no further Improvement, • OUR RETAIL TRADE being steadily cultivated, despite Its laborious details, for Its SUPERIOR SAFETY AND QUICK RETURNS. J. Q. MAXWELL & SON, LADIES' TRIMMINGS, SKIRTS, AND ZEPRYRS. STORE AND FACTORY, .ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT STS. apX thaw•at . NEW PUSLICATIONS. THIS DAY - PUBLISILEH. • • FILEED lIEADX3 TIIAT FAILED THREE THOUSAND YEARS AGO. With Other Poem*. , By the author o 1" The New Priest in COllOOl4lOl/ Bay." I vol. Idino, Cloth. IS mita. • THE SEMI-DETAUBED ROUSE,• Edited by Lady THERESA LEWIS. Prom the laat London edition. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. iG cents. - 7 - TIOHNOII, & FIELDS. ap)d•the2t PUBLISHERS, BOSTON. ADAM BEDE.-THE NEW WORK by the author of" Adam Bede," entitled THE MILL ON I'HE FLOSS, For sale by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. THE MILL OF THE 'FLOSS. By George Eliot, authorof Adam Bed 2, &a. 12mo. olotn. Alpo. a Create anent!' of The New Bonk by Miss At °Keever. ~THE WAY TO THE PIT. Sy . Harriet 8., Molfeei• ver, authoress of "Sunshine," Edith's Ministry,' &o. Moo. cloth. L. & B. publish The following works tiy_ Alias McKeever. SUISSISINE,or Kato Vinton. lama. THE FLOUNCED ROSE, and What It Cost. lemo. EDITH'S ADNISTRY. 12mo. AND ALL.NEW BOOKS received and FOR SALE, at the WAY LOWEST PRICES, LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers, No, a* South SIXTH Street, ap2l above Chestnut. MBE RBFORM OF A BLIND BOY.- 1. THIS DAY Is ready the Second Thousand of beautiful 1020 touching story. entitled BLIND TOM; oa THE i OST FOUND. With four ithietmtume. 18mo. 00 cents. [From the Evening Bulletin.] "This unpretending little woo. in which en simple a matter as the reform of a blind little street boy and hie Intemperate mother. is made, by the sheer force of rumple truth end naturalness, to assume a pathos which the author of many a far more arsuming work might • pubii.bovrialam foL6FgarityliaTlAL. Rata A NEW BOOK !ANEW BOOK 2 A NEW PER B & DSOsOOK I—Su•t published, In oindunation with BAR THE THE NMI, ON THE FLOSS, By the author of Adam Bede, one volume, Ilmo, with a Gift. Prato 81. OSA O. EVANS, Publisher, No. 439 OHESTNIJP Street. THE MILL ON THE FLOSS.—By the author of Adam Bede. with a handsome Prevent, Pride It, at EVANS' GIFT BOOK o riga MILL ON THE FLOSS—By George . A• lint. price 41. with a splendid Gift. at EVANS' GIFT 8.,0X el 1 V RE. BUY TILE NEW - BOOK—By the author or Adam Bede. at KVANB' PIET. BOOK RTORE, where you get a valuable Preterit with esoh Meek. BUY THE MILL UN TtiE FLOSS AT EVANS'. BoY THE MILL ON THE FLOSS. at EVANW, Y, HE MILL UN v Y HE MILL ON 7 r11.1 UST PUBLISHED —Tho MILL ON THE Ft 09 by the author of aeon Brtle. Scones of Clerinal Life. Re., one vol„ .12mo,_wi'h a Sift, pnoe 81 1 at EVANS' OIF/: BOOK STORE, 439 UHESTNU Street. . av 26 tf SALM BY AUCTION. BAZAAR—NINTH AND BAN -4 2 M STREETS. AUCTION BALE OF HORZES, &o. On Satanlei Morning. At Mi o'clook preoisely, oomsrising— . A pair of handsome dark bay coach horses, A light oaryinge by Jacobs, for summer or winter. A nosch with seat for outriders. French carnage with seats for outriders. 2 sets double harem. The above are to sold by order of the executors of Mrs. Elise 11. Surd, deAls oessed. • o, A ..air of stylish bay horses—cost silLsao, A coach for two horses, in good order. A set double harness. - we- The property of a gentleman breaking up his Stable, Also, About Ilftr other horses which will he Dilly described in catalogues. Also. A large collection of new and second-hand carriages, with hich the sale will commune. Sr Tr a de stponeme car r iage,nt of the weather. Nikr sale of 200 2il Nay. ALFRED M. RERKAIESS, ap26-Atif Auctioneer. , SPECIAL SALE OF NEW ORRRIAGREI. SECOND SPRING 841 LE FOR 1800, On Wednesday. Morning, May 2, 1800, at 10 o'clock, at [be Bazaar. Nt PITH aNO BANIYUM STARRY 8, Will be soloMthout reserve for cash,n Guncotton of • NEW CARRIAGES, W prgr o tt u r a e r zll t Z!tundred, ALFRED M. HERKNEBB, apU Auotioneer. 'CIDER—CIDER.-40 bbls. more Wayne IL/ county, Warrantediture apple Juice. vure Cider Vinegar. W. r. KY, anS6-3t. , 210 north SECOND Street:ll VC/PART ERSEUP.—ELLIS P. MOO B and RICHARD C. 13ARNARD, ' here astmelated 'themselves together for the transaction of general w Lumber bestol, the name I.nd atyle of the firm to be P. Moore & Co. F,I,Lf 8 P. moottz,__ • RICHARD C. DARNARD.: Phila., 4 m0.2d,1860. RESORT TO REIMER'S PM/TOOK& PHIL GALLERY, SECOND Street. above Green, 'and cet one of thaw; Inimitable Ilfe-el to Photographs. In o il. oryourealf. - - It* ;85;000 $3,000,82,00 . 0, AND OTHER . • a.m. to r a bto c rev . a l - / 4 :117,6 1 1 3 11 ,1 11 142 souti kaOliTki street. .POLITICAL" pEOPLE f 'S okrY TICKET. MAYOR, ALEXANDER HENRY. CITY SOLfOITOIti . CHARLES' E. LEX. CITY CONTROLLER, GEORGE W. RUFTY. RECEIVER OF TAXES, WILD AM P. HAMM. CITY COMMISSIONER, JOHN - A. HOUSEMAN. ELECTION TO TAKE plabE TUESDAY. MAY''IT. GRAND RALLY PEOPLE! ON SATURDAY NIGHT NEXT ONE MORE CHARGE FOR THE FIGHT AGAINST TaE WRONG ! THE PEOPLE OP THE OITi OP PHILADELPHIA Who are OPPOSED to the CORRUPTIONS of the meant NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION, and who are IN FAVOR of the RR-ELECTION of ALEXANDER lIENRY As MAYOR of our OITY OF PHILADELPHIA, And of n CON TINUANCE of the EXISTING MUNI CIPAL GOVERNMENT OP OUR CITY, WILL MEET IN - GRAND MASS MEETING ON SATURDAY EVENING, THE Sera-INST., AT PENN SQUARE S BROAD AND MARKET STREETS OITIZEINS ,OF PRILAtELPHIA! Those or you who are unwilling to have your beauti ful city again oonsigned to the despotism which die-. grimed it two years ago, and wild desire an holiest add faithful administration of her 'wren:intent, rally to gether now. FRIENDS OF rm e tunozr AND TIM COFSTITUTIOv. oome tortilla your:strength. MECHANICS, who feel the neoessar for PROTECTION TO AMERICAN INDUSTRY ne agnitut the pauper later of the Old World, With., in council. Come from your Moth,: Corns from your workshops Come from your homes, and owns all together for the protection of 7011 r rights, the preservation of your fire-, sides, and the integrity of OUR GREAT AND GLORIOUS .UNION I Distinguished 9peakers of your own and other (sales will be present to address rou. The colleens of the d.fferent 'Wards are requested to meet to t o'clock at their headquarters, and arooed to a body to the Meeting. by ORDER OF Tag COMMIT2I3II OF SUFBRINTENDBROE. ap§s-4t Ta 4 SPECIAL REPORVN OF THE cart,Eirrbm CONVENTION, published In THE DAI LY INQUIRER, art, the most melets and reliable o any publiphed is Philadelp hia. Doable Sheet. 'New tyke. Fine White Paper. Price Two rite. Fords!, by all hews Agents. &weed ik_iDer r era at Twelve Cents a week Otßee, 121 UTII THIRD Street. OET THE BEET-BUDADR B AT °N+l '. 'VILE SPECIAL REPORTS OF THE CHARLESTON CONVENTION. Publiehed An THE DAILY INQUIRER. are them oat ectrlPlPtd and reliable of any publiehed _JIM Philadelphia. Doable Sheet. New type. pine Whit* Paver. Price Twu lants. For lisle by all New. Aunty, Served byStar. er* at Twelve Cents a week. Office. 141 SOUTH HI RD Street. GET THE BEST—SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE. rrHE PPEOTAL REPORTS OF THE -IL CHrESTON CONVENTION. published le THE HA V INCANRER, are the most complete and reliable o any published In Plutadelplue. Mm Hg. eheet. New type. Fine White raper. Fri vi Two Cents. For sale by all Nowa Monte. Served II nem at Twelve Cents a 'week. Slffule 121 8 1.31• THIRD Street. GET THE BEST-81.1138Citylg A ONCE. . It TIRE SPECIAL REPORTS OF THE CHARLESTON CONVENTION, published ii TRH DAIi.Y INQUIRER, are the most complete and reliable of any published in Philadelphia. Double Sheet. New 'lna, Pine White Paper. Pries Two Cents. For Sale - by all News seems Served by Car riers at Twelve Cents a week. Moe. 121 mum THIRD Street. UHT THE BEST—SUBSORIBE ONCE. It TimS''ECIAL BEPORTS OP THE CHARLESTON CONVENTION. published in THE DAILY INQUIRER, are the most complete and re tablet:item published in Philadelphia. Double Sheet. New type. Fine Iffbita Paper. Price Two .lenta. For Sale by all News Agent*. Ferved he Carnets at Twelve Cents a week. Office 121 SOUTH THIRD Street. (MT THE BEBT—hUBSCHIBE AT ONCE. It THE SPECIAL REPORTS OF THE CHARLEBTOK CONVENTION, published in THE DAILY INQUIRED, are the meet complete and reliable of any published in Philadelphia- Double Sheet. New type. Fine White Paper Pries Iwo Cents. For dale by all News Agenkt. Served by Cal l tiers at Twelve Cent. week. Mon. 121 BOUT THIRD Street. GET THE BEET—DUIRICHIBE A ONCE. it _ _ GET THE BEST-SUBSCRIBE AT ON C R.—Tha PAILAD FLPF IA DAILY MORN ING INQ UIRSIt contains all the News of the day, full Local arid TelegraPhio Reports, ko. r ago. Rotel Arri vals up to nudniglit. Thimble Pheerdaily I Eight Pages! Forty-eight Gowning Pine wit to Papejl New, large,_ and clear Type . PRIOR TWO CF.NTF , office um South TttI RD Sty _ct,below jil_E ll _Bll4l,lT Ptreet. Served by Carr i ers e forTWELVE C CETS A WerE_lfiC, and on sale by News Agents everywhere, 131 X MIL LARS A YEAR, payable in Advance. aple-St GE' TIIE BEST--BUBSOBIBE AT ONCE —The PHILADELPHIA D hi LY MORN rNO INQUIRER contains all the News or the day. fa LoosLand Telegra.phie Relents. so.. An. I- site!. !trivet} on to midnight. Double Sheet, daily ! Eight rue , : Forty-eight Columns ! Fine white Paper! New, large. end °leer Type: PRICE TWO CENTS Office 121 South THIRD Street, below CHESTNUT Street. Served by Corriere for T ELVE CENTS A WEER, end on sale by News Agents everywhere. SIX DOL LARS A YEAR, payable in advance. arta ft fIET TEE BEST--81/11S011T13E AT lJf ONCE—The DAILY moßx- IN 0 thQUiftER contains ail the Nowe or the day full Local and Telegraphin Revrta, &0., Se. Hotel Arri • vale up to midnight. Double Sheet day Eight Pages! Forty-eight Columes! Floe white Paper New. large , and clear Type! P RICE TWO CENTS. OfEce. 121 South THIRD Street, below CHESTNUT Street. Nerved by Camera for TWELVE CENTS A WEWX, and on eslo by News Agents everywhere. SIX DOL LARS A YEAR, payable In Advance. CET THE BEST SUBSCRIBE AT ONO E.—The PHILADELPHIA DAILY MORN ING INQUIRERntains all the News of the day full Lnoal and Tel oo egraphic) Reports, &Q ego Hote l Arrivela nu to midnight. Doable Sheet pail, ! Eight Pages! Forty-eight Columns! Fine white paper! New. large, and clear Type! PRICE TWO GERM Office Vat South THIRD Street. below Chestnut WEEK Served by Carriers I' AgentsELYN CENTS e WEEK, and on sate by News everywhere. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR. payable in advance. ap2.5.2t GAT THE REST - 5tr11.50.1 1 113E AT ONCE—The PRILADEL,PRIA_DAILY MORN ING INQUIRER contains all the News of the slay. AIR Local and Telegraphic) reports, so., An.. Hotel Arrivals up to undnislit. 'Double sheet daily! tight penes! Forty-eight columns! Fine. w_hile plat! MM. large. and Weer te! PRICE TWO CENTS, (flue, 1 , 21. Brnktu 'CB LAD Pireet. below Chestnut street, Served by . Corriere for TWELVE CENTS A WEEK, and on sale be. News Agents everywhere. MX DOL LARS A YEAR, payable in advance. ap2ll-21 GET THE BEST—SUB' CRIBS AT ONCE.—The PHILADELPHIA DAILY MORN ING INQUIRER °entwine all the Nein, of the day, full tonal and elettraphlg_ Reports. ko., An, Hotel Arnvals pp to nutbught.. Double alheett all, _tighi Patten: roTty-eitiht Columns! Ytne White raper. rew, large, and clear Type: PR ICE TWO CENTS. Office 121 Fouth THIRD Street. below CHESTNUT Street. Served by Camera for TWELVE CENTS A WEEK, and on sale by New. Agents everywhere. MIX DOLLARS A YEAR, savable in Advance. awls GET THE BEST-SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE,--The PRILADELPEIA DAILY MORN ING INQUIRER contains all the News of the day. full Local and Telegraphic. Report., &o Sc. Hotel Arn vale up to midnight. Double Sheet daily Eight Pagel Forty-eight Columns! Fine white Paper! New, large, and clear Type! PRICE TWO CSNTS. Office 181 South THIRD Street. below Chestnut etreet. Served by elgritOtS for TWELVE GENTS A WEER. and on sale b News Agents everywhere. SIX DOLLARSA yRAIt, payable in advance. ap26.2t G . ET TILE BEST SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE.—The PHILKDRLPIIIA I)APIN 'MORN ING INQUIRER contains all the Nowa of the day. full Local and Telograplile Repol3B. &o. Hotel lutri- , vale up to midnleht. Double Sheet daily ljEleht Pages! Forty , eight Columns! fine white Roper New, laree, end clear Type PRICE TWO OEN %8. Whoa 121 South 'milt Etroet. below_ CHESTNUT Street. - Served waleariers , or TWELVE CENTS A , virnic,, and on by News knonte everywhere, bIX DOL LARS A YEAR, payab le in Advance. , spas.2s q3ET VIE BEST •••= SUBSCRIBE ~- A T ONCE —The PHILADELPHIA DAILY MORN ING INQUIRER contains all the Neva of the day. full Local and Telegraphie Rom% &e. Hotel Arn vale on to midnight. Double Sheet itly I 'Eight Peen! 01. F 064.14 Columns! Fine white per New. lame. and clear Type I PRICE Two °Envie. Office 181 South THIRD . street,_ below _OHENTNuT !Meet. served by Camara for TWELVE CENTS A WEEK. ond on sale by News Agent' everywhere. SIX DOL LAR/3 a YEAR, sayable in Advance. nana St (ET THE BEST-SUBSCRIBE AT. ON F.—The DEILADELPRIA DAILY MORN ING INODIRER contains all the News of the day. full . Local and Telegrayhlo Repent!, &0., &o, Ifotol Arta vale op to . nudnutlyt. Double Sheet daily! Eight. Pages Forty-eight Columns ! Pine white Pater New, large and clear Type! PRICE TWO OEN O. Offioli 121 South THIRD Street, below CHEEITN T NtreM. Barred by Garrlere for TWELVE C.KNTS A WEEK, and on gale by News Agents everywhere . SIX DOL= .LARS A THAR, payable in Advance,. ap26 1403 F, PITCH, TAR —B5O bblia. Nos, 1 n 2 Common Rosin, MO Ci d bbla a . - Pi y to b, 350 L bb Y ln . . A/r.OJKegEdo&in otbnh and B o UT/1 WHRARWEOE = l ====MlME=Wo llllls ,"aa,..,C,,, invireti; BAREGE - ANGLifS," - . tax CENTS PER 'YARD, an , 7 AND 9-FLOUNCIL ORGANDY ROBES. la, ,J. LEVY 41: CO.. invite the attention of the Ladies to . e.easi of EAREGE ANGLAI9 AT 18f CENTS PER YARD, 'Jung opened. Atm. to *lame sweetmeat of new SEVEN and NINE-FLOUNCED ORGANDY ROBES, ,'At If each, greogf below the oat of impottation. ,809 811 CRESTS UP Stmt. ay.2)- St, PARIS THOS:' W. EVANS• 0 .2 C0. NeViltoiippari( OF THEIR OWN IMPORTATION, A LARD& AND WELL SELECTED ASPORTmENT of PARIS ENIRROXPEEIES. BnisuAciarG ALL 7111 ` • LATEST• NOVELTIES I , , • or ' THE - .SEASON. NOS. 818 CHESTNUT ST. LAMES ! REMEMBER Tilt ;CHEAP Dry-Goode Store of 8. V. R. 4111NTICA. No. 40 Aouth F.COND Street. Openom. Nue day.4ottreir wit styles of Summer 8114165 t NY: emit& ' 441448". NOW OPEN, AT THE ITNEUVALLED Cloak Manufactory of B. V. R.' RUNTS& all styles of spring Make—some ea low ea.B3i 41 3 28 44 4.24.2 worth double the =My.' No: 40 wutk enCunw Street. aide 61.. ' WANTS. A YOUNG MAN, EIGHTEEN YEARS A of ass. define , a situation in some wholesale best nem; Notions and Panay Goodyipreferred. Ess,been in the business three years. Address "T...11,' Press office. It. WANTED —A PRACTICAL BOOK. KEEPER, of bastion experience generally: Must be a soodyentasn and correspondent. None bet the best of men used apply: Best of references re quired. Situation a permanent one. sada Meng salary will be paid. Ad‘reer" Expenentic" Pyoss nose. for this week. with referesees. svPle 2tv VIRTUE - it CO., - PDBLISLIERS,- 222 w WALNUT street s are is wait of tiroreasetitable mos, °flood madams and, energetic habits, act as AGENTAIor the sale of their, issMWations. A comae. tint man will be engages on a salary, and Pereumentlr employed. 11' ABOY, 16 years of age, is !milieus to learn the Drug and Prescription blueness. Would be williatto serve a term of years. Apply at 304 MARKET Miser. lt* A YOUNG N FROM TILE COUNTRY, Am- W S I TUATI O N r hand and ut exited at tastes, wishes a i n n a whydeesle store, where kis FRANCISouId be reasonably rewarded. Addles* at this office. WANTED—A young woman to do mind housework in a nrivata fanny. Anil., at 908 MORRIS Weer. aigto-ft* WANTED—A Young Man who has had NOM exponent)* as entry clerk, in a kubtaat dry rods bowie. Andreae " A LTER,' illocW's , son St. WANTED—BY A ,YOUNG} MAN, 22 year" old, a SITUATION in a , Wholesale aro , cery house. Wou be willing to act as collaatoramd assist at books. Address YIENILY, at The ?ma Moe. sp2s-6t" GGOVERNESSWANTED.—A young lady of education le vented to worna the duty of TRACI:fht in al./Nate family. Good references re attired. Address T. B. A. st Unmake. annent• , A SW.GLIE. hiAN, AMID 27; WELL Ictioeuttinted with the Wholeeelegreoery sod 'donor basiaras, Book-Ireeeltm ke, erter some eitaattoa "hate he world sulk* himself eeneredlr medal. Bells reetorretty referwroersepa hewer' (rola but arid former eme.orere, Address ••.I ' thuotltee aWid at* WANT& Advertising - Popttlariied.— . Uversbody edvertiree :WANTS in THE DAIDT INCll.llRl3lt—dotabie ettett. Moe 121 tenth TOW Street. AdeertieementaSlXT&NTS line fret me. FOUR china s Sias each subsequent inaertioa, spit lA/ AN TS. Advertising Popularize 4.— " EvenTbodyadvortimiWANTS Ia 7'1E16_411.Y INQUIRER—doubIe shoot. Oleo. lin South THIRD Hymn. Adrartisements BLX CRRTB aline trot inser tion. FOUR MOMS auras eat& subeeitent iodation. sp24-3t WANTS. Advertising Popularized.— Everybody advertises WANTS la Tag DAILY rtictUiß.EX--double eh I. Moe 121 BOUTS THIRD ttreet dvorti•davanta amp, 8a lure tint irwr lion. FOUR OISPITB a Has taatt salaams! isannaaa. ar24-31, WANTED—A man, who can give . the ry test of rererenoe. to aot a• a Portir is a IF V store. O ne*ha turdentaap the Proviinon basiaiss ere fermi. Add ere •• Jones t iltie Aka. • WAivrElV—, 1,000 Indies to send - for • • D 5 Rums grist book. ►oE~ve ',tat and_ Immix cootemplating weatoolt. .111 vs Ws batik. EnoloiN .11 cents to Box ph nalaaelloll •O. MO Le FOR SALE AND .TO LET. SIERRIFP'S SALE.—The Property of =CHARLES IL SHWRMA HER. or ceelteueni : oa the 4111.4).YI) Road: five 'Mawr on& of the~toa, oTi tre North Pepoothoston lasokrosd,Ci sodas hem 0110 city. will be sold" the pyeuneee, by the Bleit!V on TUoSDAY, Met let. MS r.R. Seldom such s lovely Country house ls to be be* "able old Piece sod fleudook &hide the Roue tea we, making et one of the mar otormise seramer Ogee in the vietnity of Philadelphia sideit. • WANTED TO RENT—A small house • • in a pleasant neighborhood. with 'the =darn iniprivemente. within fifteen minutes intik of MOD endflAQii streets. 'Rent not to exceed 'Mk Address BABTER, Pow; office. • alia-111* AA VDIN HANDSOMELY YURNISOED WWI* TO KR . eq—Tbs reat taken or bol t with tiggirggri:llll.llr°thirddVrk. - it• L - li, SALE—A Now Walnut Counter, 18 feet long. Anti 0128 NorthAWOOND BtottoL aplti•nt• MESUPERIOR PRIVATE RESIDENOR FOR BALE—No. taia North SEVFN "II 'treat, above Omen, late the 'residence of fames P. Elba, de sensed, containing perlor, dining roots, kitchen. with superior range op hrat floor, mrtea lodging roma and large loft above, task etairwag to third May, bathroain. with hot and cold water, *e t a *toed, Sto. fIA. Lot nearly one hundred feet, to a MI% AA Yon the Premises, or to SAC M. Lis,' 5. E. cornet NINTH and Briv i rt_¢_qq.. DEN street. PROM Nrudaelits, Corner sad LAUREL street, aoht-wfstbYt• Executors. a RCM SALa---A. HANDSONLII PRO sm. PPIRTY. in Germantown, within • few minutes wnlk of the depot. Pine garden, with hot-beds. Abun dance of Fruit—Grape,. and plenty of shade. stone House ; gag and water throughout. Stone Stable. Large Lawn. Terms very acoommodating. when resulted. Apply to. CONSSYS. apl2-if at the Ph tadelptua Bank. BOARDING. UE BOARDING AT MOUNT IN- 7 AIRY (within Ave 'yninites walk of the Station.) "Peveral choice Rooms way be had by applying IMO*. at tg. POLLARDS. ' • aped ile• BOARDING.—A Gertitewan , his *ifs, and three small children, wish to secure perma nent boarding in a respectable private family. Address " G. D." office of this paper. - spin St. 911W0 GENTLEMEN, WITH THEIR Wives, want flaardme i a Private Family. from FOURTH to NiNTH. addf rom ARCH to SPRUCE Straits. Address J. lid.,"lrl North WATER Street. ap2s.3t* iVO YOUNG OENTLEDIEN CAN - BE accommodated with aood.pirxiapar i t: o nentei, (with PAth Bad' Vl': mita. &pal SUMMER BOARDING.,—A few boarders can be comfortably accommodated for the summer I n the vicinity of Cheater. ratan a few minutes walk of the railroad depot. or the steamboat Wharf. _Apply to ,ftP3EPIi TAYLOR. Ticket Agent, Chester Depot. slat. 4t. ORNATE BOARDING,--Very superior accommodations can be had SA one of the most delightful locations in the city—neighbortiood of lux teenth and Walnut streets. do entire louse, with perlore aad dining-room on firstttoor,all communica ting's/Ith elegant bed-rooms, will be let to a petty of gentlemen, with breakfast and tea only. if desired, or to families, insults or sevards. Unexceptionable re. ferenoes required. The houses. for beauty arid &n -vanienoes. have no superior in Philadelphia. earilite Drawing to furnish can do so. Please address • K. L.." Press Orme. BOARD IN G .—Adverti • ing • Popnler- Jur iited.—Every_body advertises BOARDINII m the 1)AIL lACCUIRER—deubIe sheet. tdlioe,l2l South IIIR Street . Advertisement. BIX CENTS a line red Insertion, FOUR OENIBa line mutt subsequent Insertion. ap24.3t BARDINQ .—Advertising Popular -m-1' ized.—Fveubodyadvertim 111ARDIN6 in the DAILY INgUIRER—SoubIe sheet. 0111.8.121 South THIRD Street. edverttsements SIX CENTS a line first ineerton, FOUR CENTS a line each subsequent insertlons. la 143 t B 0 ARDING .—Advertising Popular. iced—Eve hody advertises BOA aDINO in the DAILY INQUIRER—doubIe sheet. Otlae,l2l South TRIRD Street. severtiteme , ta SIX CENTS a hue Stet insertion, FOUR CENTS a line each subsequent Insertion. sett et PERSONAL. CLOTHING WANTED M D. Ancona aives a lush price for Ladies' and Gents'. Court-oq Clottuns. Ladies or gents having such to d isp ose would do well to caul or address b 22 dOUTR street. 60640 j AWES OR GENTLEMEN HAVING A-a CAST - OFF t ?LOTRir dlicia; i of for Cub. 72,1 1 fiva c ola'firolt .13 o street ClaVittrz FOR EtTßOPE.—Having been appointed • Agents for WM. WILLIAM CO, 's Transat lantic Elven. we are now pre red to receive PRZIOLIT, PACKA pa GES, km. For all parts of Europe and Asia, at_ prises meow.- dented In this intr. • - °ARM AN' It ap3-9m No. 28 Booth FIFTH Street. LOST AND FOUND• LOST—A SMALL POOKEDBOOK, con taming /camel amount of money, end peyereArno value except to the owner. The finder will be einhebly rewar t. ded by returning it to No. 118 FEDBRAL *tren - Mei 2tr" MEDICINAL. WEST INDIAN BITTERS. —These ode butted Bittern are meeting with general' favor They moat glean:WV end permanently clue W dutor dere arming out w ant of of pr ans ge, o r y ttrg d health se• mA c' d n og t t i r the fa t at; of the principal e hl fli d eOrtrie United ?tete. end Europe for the speedy on Of DU impala, Aver Compliunr. Nervous Debility, Fever and Ague, • THOMAS F. 6.IIADLDIri nof tail Agent. nilarmfrro., B. W. corner DIXTH and &WS BMWs, 1.8604 ... -"ICE! ICE! -1860 • ~,,,,,':0,0A440, ICE COMPANY. ~ , •.' • ', -' , A bierAMIO" PRICSA• 117p0ti . f0 . 11161111 cHtlyt, a ref net. 0 •;',,i--:10:::.:.,:....,4i 70 •., 0 •,,,,VW '. 0 105 0 ; • ;% ,. :11, -. ,- 0 .05 ~ as .$ I 0 e thl your order. to the 01E0 , 84,4 1 ra bav A tzto i t ; ha driveta. ,ttrficee, 325 WALNUT Street. se' and dory; ANPC. ETRXET „ INCA RE, Schuylkill. " City Depot, LON ARD and TWENTY.FIFNERianDeta. ap2a-3adf w f riin:~fi'r ,sr; I . I7VALNUVITOIet . sastimpie.....4 - Ang.su &atilt! D ' to 74 to i 1316 DAY) - 41:11:71411_ - AA "' " 'AIWA 117," 1b=11474421: wimbek. Jr.; Ml tia eg t=ixt llll , la4l 4 l , lll ."• KT:. wee so - • - Doors twits 1118,3 tesitsitt - Alttais tall am at hail mitt WRIGATIABY 411,-43 1 LABILWO- ARM -o • a le k WO! - - ~ 111 ;Y p : • ; TgEn 8 . tf-At h. 0A • • , After A l. a , tkii.h. I Secian your sesta. 'l7, A,41 7. 4 NATIONAL THILTRZ--WAUIUT nitIVWATIVIIIT BUT TWO ~ ROBllO. W oll tAt ti c brkt. _WAMM! Lesst win buit z tr z lh av i im f m D n a % ROSIINONRILD . 4III.ir 4 'Fa jit i niaisto FIIIDALY.' E c ylUO.- ER 0 11 2914111118 S • Orsa. to a. sr Skims birrIOATCIDAT irallgeloo/1 Vosirtscs of tiro isar Lild Or Woman for EM aorroarussel of Ts ills_s 44004 row 1 n' l4.7lEsar.. 84741.1.71 OF. PliMiDross c=i ii i i s i sl Paronot, IS molls; ranally rosr. , r .s. CliWnr, oscrarod. a soars; vsrusr7 , c UV. •• Doors 011011 It 7. Carlini will rah stssoress S. THE OREM:AMA ORME 4 TEA WILL on th i noth liabt~ for 3 4 181) irgst 4 owes. Of -( MMN USW4 wpm, HALL, CLARBIE r ritIBRAI. MM?. ' THE labia% is ctuurranz um, Oirt d re, at the iss baledien of the inewitai palace of 1 ' qttrilrerMMTNl. . • Amsted by the casebbed tromi - hiNSL - N. LO. Pc(i. Tickets 00 cent, each. Woo pyagrimampe way be ob tained at the mast Maws, and st Ur door. Cansert to conunence at a precisely. N. a L EVEES OP. , THZ LIM.% /AVIV' WU DOLLIE DUTTON., . • • The smallest girl lathe world. of her sae, 9 =t o i. X Indies Mahood - rNallafanaly Li it restersanonty then i ,_ ... .Wca. Tea Th= s-41 ,811, slags the to Loves -I.' Mary had a Lrtignie a r s &Vret Iwo Nagle. 3. .1 he Bynum I!•.r. a Nt i Zilisa Advise. a. rim Bixty.two. a. w 'die. Ire ye yea Mr E. L. WELLS, of I la Med* at the Piano and wag, both ußune& end /WWI. Isiest tag from the moat melee eini._ _ "be wilt gime LOY E lig at CON RALLJOinct nut street. Philadelphia. Wedeenpay, Cll Ledeb t = and Saturday. Apro Pa. Mr. and at. in the and Ermine or emelt de , at It at 5 and s'elea. w • edmioli 16 mita. Children 30apid Twists may he obtained at the Music Stormier Ctuebessing &nowt, HO7, and 0. Andre & C0.,1104 C,larnent street. ALBERT NORTON. BlAONl j dr . . S"thidir4 tiltitt. pINNSY.,VANIA AOADEMY.OII I IIIII mrrsovzsswelvitre Streit.' • The Kith Animal Exii MUIR 'IX * M . = IV 9 0 01009. a. , nett 64 wet Admiettya ISmints. warm tisket4ll4 &ten. Mit-price, Stockholders will reoeive their tickets at tie cam ef the Academy. - VAHL W01,15011N AND CARL HO . N `l-,BTOCHIS SIXT! imp LAWNUp&110111lE will take plane on THIAIDA WO, st toe Foyer pf tag ACADEltiWatru. rot programmes and emulate see the mown sten& Die Linke' SI- Csa be had oa the sonnuagia the dew. grand orsratrawed Stamm Piano is from Dews. Dianna's wereroome,leoo Callitagt Knit SOPA AMERICAN AO*DKMY OF IRMO RROACI sod LOCUST GRAND NUCTRICAL ENT 1 AINN,E. Om ZANE-IMRE= GfILIA" o_ll,k ICMOL. Condactor—ProL JONA BOWER. Tioketa amts. For oak at eta Xmas Ilkarta. &18-tmyl MoDONOINH'S GA I ITIIB-14.011114.. below . . .• , . . , 571.137 1 :1. alum 6raptiMUSlLinpit4o. The will fr, Thiry are thii - roadis a nirse . rfonrm mei won received as Wombs inTriii . .inill aid iks tbuloastto maim . liglUlAßlitlif - . 4ILd tee s weave afro. _ ,- . • PAG.&Millinti • gTEINIVAY A BON Br, PATENT Ais n i tuum, rkAya ,,,,,,T, A .,„. 0 . . I%UMLI MOM C. - kll • ‘11 . 1011=1:4 4 4 1 WlZ ill ig ti tirti i It ' , I Wee ., 4 , • • lain. preforred mut, ill ".- i 712 01ARD VUTIVAL =lit A r t,llXlll A•Ciii 116 114 At the, ;assert as istfera iz . Mr. as 'eared before titegurtars. refused to play his se* the peso earrided te the siaasainasst the is se applause with a tatautesuastpopteht eat* The flashier the ewes epia Adorer rigriedware each So IsavitiNey Sea* 'sated a ateininsy groolooomo tic tto orrootirio instrument was afterwards seat op to the Afredieray elf Memo, taned.lla.ent gs -Ike uta“. lll 4lo o Plf4 hi tote to au mirugui:. The yabha Moak! know that fa iialay sity at thiwarie - 1 MI tOttOMII7 that arthiteimerrionts t ni thatt teat • oakaltateal timat gatia • Academy , bawernr . a ' nabs they arc it seems, refeetritalf Ihr *if tMt Wit Hots errs oboes* to malt. Atli*, INN rawest, WO treat that we moat tease Wiee: el etre at siL • arefarl i t tm. alieniatiee of charoapeot to tie Pk es . WV gig We mild net tine the setlerlAr et play D i mas rarsage nretrunmest so othea% the mumuw.tasouil — iiiiiirez• different, hat, el.___...te - tie fteile , e - at 44" oar _tie resew te - s•i:: es' lei ern teemed like • itstitirenste to Ow Se milked • vaataasoaa light Wore than 116!1!11111. • - mhUratattlin ZPuasrtoN&l.. ASELEOT SCHOOL FOR MISSES under 14 will to mowed on MONDAY...Awn in Ow PSIILADI3I.eFIa - 4 1 1 TY morn= - 4 limtitset nsiveisr athniuni. -Crrnialara fartlwrjiartissin . oldineind "stills Ladies' I__ate N. Wenner of 1 . 13K14TE and CHM etnioes. area Si THE BUMMER 81:ibION L OP A. BOL- A. MAO'S BOARAUW SCHOOfar BM* West Cheatsta's.. INAS !alara am Ist of May ant. g 1 .11t REAVY.ALADE CLOTHING. BO -YS' CLOTHIN G. A FULL ASSORTMF.NT OF READY MADE BOYS' CLOTHING. On hand, and Mandleeturod of U. BEST MATERIA LS, AT F. A. HOYT & BRO.'S. CHESTNUT, Corner or TENTH Street, apli-stuth-Imif ASSEMBAA' BUILDINGS REMOVALS. C. DONOSIIIIE, 13 S. WAT BR Streit, will remove On the lot or hiss next to No. 2.4 Booth WAT • 11. =sad sisviags to removal oilers _for sae 4.010 obtAin-telard SUGARS sod SYRUPS of various .Arodtmr, ines or stook in store. at reduced Prices .fl2r 00 -- proved credit. The store. No. la tooth ir ll a l i stow, to Rent. • aid At REAIOVIUA. R. & G. A. WRIGHT Inform their that tkey pre noz i ritut r ilir new and anemone building. NIL 524 C N whore their inertia/red theakess sue the w to add fresh inducements to the Trails to visit theta new es tablishmeet. We have. opened oar NNW STUB with an in creased vanety of DRUG gyms AITIttLESI. to which branolt et our beefiness we Weed to devote partiesler &usenet'. having weds errangeowints Bosse to tie im Honed with all specialities and wields', as they ae - • pear. Our PERFUMERY DEPART/KM? will sontanits to reoeive our beat attention, an we wore our friends that no exertion will be wanting to produce. as hereto fore, a variety of new, elegant, and eneoessful designs every season, the quality remainies usneaned• Sincerely thank= all our oustontere for their kind Patronage, we hope to oder Mw indmonnente for its continuance. R. & Q. A. WRIGHT. April 9,1880. aphlt-laif REEISIOYAL.-SIML & .041ANDLIM, tiO North Awk W COND HOLESALE GROCEJUI, hirt A gMhsp ISE ettotot. to NI Chow Front. north ride. A CARD TO THE &IMMO CONGRESS SPRING. BARATOOA, AFAR, 10, 1800. An attempt has been made to deeelye the pubile, by persons offering what they call'" Commies isms" from Fountains; and at the mine of rig (6) mite per ease. 'Um whetssate wine of the genuine Congress Wa ter, at New York, being shout 7.% omit/aver glass, the im position of pretending to sell at retail at lees than cost, and irithontallowsnos for freight. cartage, or breakage. apparent; bat their probable course has been to empty one bottle of genuine Cowes* Water Into a omital a filled with their tradi, and thereby obristealog Its total contents. Wa have Navas sold Congress Witter ilacoultains. nor in vessels of any other description than ordinary sized GLASS BOTTLES. The cork of everrhoede of the genuma is branded " Cossrtra Water "--" C. &W," and any, without tholes words and lsttersMithe eorlt. id COUNTER/ZIT, whether from Ponstaine or Boobs. CLARKE & WRITE, Proprietors of Congress seems. The following gentlemen inThiladelphis, Aria FREDERICK MOWN, ow.. Fifth aid Chertsut FREDERICK BROWN, Jr., oor. Ninth sad Chestnut, C ItAR 6EB_ LLB & Co . 721 Market street. J. C. TURREEsI/1 7 . & Co., 9/1 /lentos stmt. TROIS. 3. RittAND. En Routh Third Street, 0. 8. 111111181/ L 1410 Chestnut street. A D. D. T A Y . our. Ninth and Chestnut streets, At s oonstauttr sopplist Dr me with the gesussie ••CON OXUS WATER-" in bottles fresh from the Commis Mame.. bottles. & WRITE, hplll-3inif , 98 CEDAR Rt., New York City. CAMPHORATED VETPirpT, • , For the Preservation of - Fos, columns, and 'Woollen tooth from the ra tlines of Moths, Ants, end other /meet& The CAMPHORATED VET/VERT is a combina tion of Camphor, Vetivert aad carious A romatioe. It bee bran lone and favorably known in Europe, and has been found interior to other articles for the purpose. Prepar e d It PARRISWB PHARMACY, - rill-half . No.lloo ARCH Street. 'I4IXTENSION TABLES •ABE NOW sokt, at very_lgw prow . itelt FPFirmis Pact ton. IL.CALit.,OWBILi. . opowini. PLANK'S PATENT INIKRIBLE PEN 11`ii t c brell I Z E MbIit i VibaWitgit rkia"6l. / ....t ell bquaeg i Vci - Oster 17 SW INN. In initial ° Nail Rotdry bp or him ink: • . Wilt mske Amor Nark thatVill tut for aeon, an d mak lOU work SAOO 4. 7 m ~..m ultri v e n, , ..... . encomia, sad 'Saimaa m_g article it •4 16 47 r omaik , : arka , ! wow 1111011,5.11 LOOM ; ror We, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . - "- D. G.V.iii i oD vil uszjEDUT Olant 101-Imit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers