;RtiTa Open ko,_ Clark Ma* M!! g) vasty - tera:i?,. Cunittisbuov etalK3lo, Canavan D4ee its*".. Pairetteupf, Drvin• DilampoteT D rarp 114X14 014. thiaL forg r moirti ;ril - Mtr Ws- -I ioneiiit ;, .._,.. a AUDI ......,,,.. 1:::il Leber ft ;IV eI e , elf Gall 0170111111, Gerabb47 Cionsumo ____ Gilroy ' G eve it. Ciarnotem 6r Anger' Allea kW A Aiken Acre m., banal K aUI M - - Altegood Out A AiSfa Os° Aidsimg jp , AcitisaloUlue , IMAAIIo iiiiiiTiritill —, '.'4, . - Andel:Ill -- AIWA; ;ma Atidui .1" 1 AlMlitil#: Athatan . , n od,. sb t . allurp -- rats .0. . ea .., ~ a Nia z 1 ,-, *awn * iii e Barldq r 10) S u m 4 :4 . . :i ' 4 . : ): •." 7 ~:.; ....,"' , - A '. - tistiiikt; i Orriftifn'A g imi ti Ti.' o 4, r Al larall : " . Bowman Potts_ Mt e r-r1 pri.. ISAlie — *M I N lOWA lillis,rl rows n 1 , Brown nrf ii , 0r,,,, ~,0,,A-, ~..,....., ,.. ilimru wait Wwc" ,- p- Brrnh Ordin i , l' )„...., , g „,,,„ .„..„....,...,. BrOtsanon , Hanoi let' ' - r. TU ! A 11111" 04 . slue as .;„ ,:: ...,,,,,..,,..,,_ gn 11 ,lii , r, - • - lI II' ,, , i -1.,r,' ; =IL, ' CalliteJob.. : y o rk i tt k Gut Jobw 053b1 '4 W , 4 . llama W: Campbell 0 Enter Minn •,•.,F er,tin ti t . mmi pug q - Calton 4i n-- Carl Ws a ... , Coelho:Is Al I- ', osmium lElra "C Mow ...5.,.' t ' 44 =r f 3 fr isaimmtrisii ..-,t .4a 440 81 : Undo 4.3 ifitbo gift . I mai P AUX, ' kr a I NI if Fr 41170:it i 1 4 1*15i iiitia• ' t f • '‘.4 44T M.,. kV ~....., .11%•ft.-4.0. . Al u z., .....Ato.r 4.-.... • 1 1 Itnc f l ew - 'i, ' , ilitiiitifil'i , , ~, ,r,,, •••, 4 .,,,, n 1j--4* rtri;474 . 3 , -':1•`•:'w . 4 -- , • it:" . .:?: ___,„ol“' . - ;_ i f -,,'''.,,' c r.1,-.2,------•-:Vri.,lll' - li - ", . I='nhis Yr -;,,:: r, " Ifth'lrgrht E —-- . 14Iiiirnlir,:,Nfr * m o m, wriiht ,C,,,,....M05tiek,, t ,j ~ALLADXZ4 ILIA, DURO . OF 1;1W1116:',3 -1 1 ,7 ivoriftryoi.,r!!,,. 1 ',.'. : '' , :'. 4, ZIASIMM , , 02‘411:if-', , I- 3, :41„"s s :ii; . 14 • eat ituagaiikaWa• '' 1 w 0 4).v i ' 1 ., - ,,4i 1 4 - r 1 00.01001 X! i.. ..... ' '...V; AIPSI VOMPP loom .. 1, ..T . vegta, 4004: kr Vow. oitter...6..". , ,.. Bszbailoes. woe !9•!tiPsi : ; l .. 7 ....°ooAirfru l 44P _ 0 1 4 .4V, rristrit r*. le ..,,,,,ieg,...,(..........,.....47^4-.. , ....,.....1..-" , ...WI; k, ....,,„...filliellatiftgaii OWN Jr / WSW lillt n ivala m ew %ILI= ti - 16,Ixttiric fora-4 , ,„, a iit, ~. 041 t , ' i . n. 0 4 714 4 7 0 01, V o ', l, / 1 , itr V - sta, &At! demi fifids libeitspeahlfC44 Itul" thiriv tliel Can Del Withr Ilh. ,CarPr, leby n, , .. Wit=lit l iti=kaSti. i dayfrogs. aeons, net, Mal to Murrains & Curran. , t .., , 11_ . Yeithe i ri on. 3 days "'pm Concord, Tie, Slit 76. Ti 4 dais, froM . VinnitS, Belt rgit e rfaso i gtashedt, 'Neve Redford. So g Itil Wm". arts. Boltni. r y *right. Corso . from mewls. _ Sold l ri 42410kr.xuax,swortk, Nom New yore. pg 7 kil" titmat.P*Or, front New Twit. , , ,," r ."Wirlinar • Johnsen, IMp New Yort. 4 a r i t iriplater, , Gillidf 2(1.1=1= , ON. : " ildiesegier frlitirtt,Bi L ~ dw litt l ilMari !iota Ns* Yolk, *IA mWp to it Band it z gia. IliargivAlAt Prirdttik tit (db. 4 days from AlbseYi *Ma AA% Sas. to Paw aisCilitib ; ir : , ikanilittrthr, pot Wineort . etrmK mteßajh r a riv enim „,lonneon. el York. I =woe. Frli TiialtlitiiiteGrn7 , 44:la, : Wra, Cum in lanNall4 o, l4,boueons, F..t Bin;lerSs Co. "g alit rgrk4g wl i, 1 4 1 1° B T ild . 4 11 e Jou' 6 suns tiwaut, • 'Cliettleeton, D s Stetson Bahr Et it Wider, Hoffman, Wilmington, NO, do Setif ifit PiateriGandy, Soston„, Rothermel & Co, 1 Bohr. A LalifatiOS. Selaniooo ~on, l,' Siintevant, Sear B T 'WM. Edwedn; Bolton, ooptitln. . noir R. • listhaanon, Matta, ilembitry. u & Hookaeher , Behr. It ireittwnightottorsanOkwitm.• do Co Bahr Untie, haekett. Newport,"Alvertion Coal Co. Bahr John restaer. AttingstrOrtaalavernill, Wilda- ' Salton A Co: I nib Jail *Mir afasasi 0 / 07 1eioMe. li/ 7 1 1 11 God", Isell., ~ , 1 MG Ugly 33 Bei, Cans*. ellatiasttat. 3 Baker k Co. gnelynet r orange. Jerome, AtensAdnit &no T Weir l Her .1 S Shiriver, - Deends, Baßitskire, A Orates, Jr. Beats Yount Avant", linagliton, Albany, Ti Mc ,•Cirthf• +, • i• Clotl '" -sr IrdiZitars. yespondwin eltkohgbtlegokis zehange.) -- RlLAri.W.ir 7, ecru 11-3 r. AL Two Wins i=rtswite MOW mate afternoon. No vessels= the madetwail nor at the Srsakwator. . I Wmut sW. , ,„ I , '; IYourii, lie tQMtellO~d. ~, 1 0 ' TNiki. iiiittraitga. t tpritiz. t , , Y n• - • 4 The mag Imetiohi ll i s t a kiiitt ire Pit as k i74 l S., W Anhars. OSA., ;ha ' sit a ct, rai ill attallialg CiliAlloon wit ingossat, 7ii liar- Dr i : nue emmi.kom tinclisirb yY Ittak 1/4011U111$ j ;*Out t t seelarday. wind roradk itur ' aihntORNDA. Bbi 8 b. - Orandsll, o A ilmen at New York Met istoc i , Pallor, from New York, arrived at Mup item, .Bkiliberger, cleared •at Baltimore meg, ateette ilfmndiel, cleared st Axton 10th tar . . Irp Pad*. lifuntlikf. dared at New York 11th it•te're,...it:int„...&....ki.,,h; kneiro, woe be: um italtirotellth in*, alli' Sark Washington' tiatablirdins. for Havana, en, ItLelt outward at New Castle w, 3d mei. 4 Aug Ciardallatraryeil, for St Thorium. Was ballasting 1 VAT ' t itiVhea /1 bad e ilt, ar otur, armed at Slos s, 01r) Bonney,•sailed from St Timms. nth GIL , P R. to load for yhillideleddis. itaislAkinmetokagegnei, Almnosouriveci at /dam gulps Mk last, , dears &Mon Bett& Ocisphatt; • Fidelia . Wheaton ; , Sots Gwadar, Smith ' and Joseph Porter, Yates,hens MareWellse. alk idlatie, Swan ; Palm Anna, Hatilititi sad Jo Baboocki 'Sabana, &mos ,a 4, Clearleatem, 8 (2, lath, m etwilt. flatlet,•Benne,•for Dettwore City, and W C Die for skis port , sawed for Fall Slyer lath lust. Jab , it nth i A Yies. iss Wilii port, wit ad from New /w) a s. ' Siiiit_Ailila ie. gownsßr Itatnirds, for this port, sailed - - from rrovidesee t. Behr old Pettit, Clare, Irma Wilmington. N C. at Breton Xith met. Behr .1 Cadwahnier, Tariff, MKS, arrived at Savan • nah Nth inat.- _, Sahel, B Ferguson . Zavystt i elaarsd at Newborn, N C. fall inst. reported for,reew 'York. Mir it G Wadden (Arai for Philadelphia, cleared at Manila 'Whiner., wit SO balls or cotton. &Mrs Omni, r, and OP Ford, Fountain, henna, strived igt_ ortolk Mb mit. hobrG A voirasirrett, hence at Richmond aoth Atio i netz , ' I%mt ups kttio.' l ?- lijarrcita.,, 41 - tt.., Tee, 1 411 W l2likc t , 'Wm Mut , ek.Wonie :121"E ma s a, 1.140013k,i VAR etsdnino, ek ITATW esebr ♦a ~ handy embed from Richman 10th last.TOT en, meal I'Mledesbea her before - retorted &snore m New Wet, bur Warr. chtmee, lies aot Mr, and arri%ed at mil let glair 0, BO - ittat, leaky, and cargo an a mutated 614 ,44 4- A_lftitt'a ' Bateman — ; &tams Ann , it), • el*ut urL jansi Armpit ; antarMe m a•M. F a innW* sl ,l= ll: lrtialat for name- R . Linkit aolair on. et,it ! oe tot Boetoa,railea from 'Bahr . F Weirton itateen, beam, arrived at Belfast WILESB,poMP.tNiE9. iapzJzio -- : Wield. - , INF WPRll7o,ll3lo . 2%My fe le 19,tip TlitE I.7 , ADAIG.—._X 00 Y. ' , sse CHENitrrtiRES . , _ ' 1641110g1W litiVl O&M rem are presansd. with litoremd mwhtimb for Oa ung or .., e, - IWW.ffile. P 011ABh.e. , - . ' l `' i lr e mill r affielle t leBltniqusr. enr -mai antsalSorts4 to quoit, Which we paten. com tosiWidinins NOW maws any, wade resnonlaule Ea prass The 114 t o - ag i:lestripthins of . . ii to- rg. Ciaonootti, colons bathe, V „ a fas• ImusWls. 81. Low r es sad Towns in the West, root ; Li m . trylsav *lb h COMITy i "At 0 -71,.? " rees .. ot . ° be ef pp, I." 111 tito irs Amnon EMI, IhrOsstto rr '. , -so ... ,......... ington, Attu= a, la irashsAllo . Pa r . • We, ionson, 1 fa r dir . • Iwo all other,ellirls and totni ha Ms illad i -,-. • .39i=. ~...„ V , lor,the. egg soil South from our ltig .1 .. c17,1 , w , nossa, sums, at 7 A. X. and M t It i siii'm de duP AT dof sw D° t llama 43... " i .........ad1y I' Savo ,iiiabi na our ciao at 7a' in r - .007 - a - Wri • anikat: •,' ;', ' ~; * ' 1 41 1rtfl r 11 Muflri to an Y i r titt il e gib ri ,w, ton ulna .. ,m ware tig stibisid Costes air OM atilattaaroVidet a notioa be left et our °Molt be orp fas o Mot P. M. • erohants aanguat out instead Coda off,tlw.Aabisigi Maass cern . bww, sou Mona noon 0111. dram giving strict a ticle to the gam. For pertionstsglosse sopa to the, ADARLS•EXt, Zap ellwaNY, Phila., Feb. W. ISW. sphlin Jonp Bittonsat, But& Iv )str of It ',-',. :1 - ; ._-_, iiidavoi. - wilel PIANOS! PIANOS !! PIANOS !I • PIA*O4OATF.B.! , ' - - MELODEONS. • . • PLOO-FORTES. a EO MEJAID Co., Ntuao a Mark NS IlaUest. Dam, & ono Whom - end. GOULD, sayl&lv BEVENTH WiEBTti UT. J. & 4. FISOHER'S SPLENDID; ttglir..YOrray l trant 8 Triu for tts to' ifrtourolt ° nap otta dotstliity k ,""7 for oatr i mitiutaiolooto. from * lO to 11110, Or, t othorr, Plasm from romel-; J 5 1 14 4. - .ELLAK, /2040 1 t1 4 7, 1, " I , 3 .7" 1 , 117 . "we WK ) " 116 SpUNG & SONS 'MANY . • 'I '1 , Areximoit' L Ar ny i. ,irv„ r4i, , "'" , :iftnivrATAAOPILSAW.Tii I.IANOSi '..• ; r4tati l a 1 6 11N a0 0, re , • em . Ulm otirts rev ~.• J .,.. A other,. rest.' '''=" rest ' ~ iLifttMatie.Mint•Vtoft. •fri!#4le:! !iollitik. •:' ' ' -r. v•trivux Xii 11011; gpuTuwAlitllAM"' .rF.,,illocato wAiumfuToN 'Nokia l . ' ndeitoirA-. Jowlsitti, .... uno, xiiiina. ifa, ~a, au , al Int Inn i aim Omni* • Wg•-Altki. Work ISkono, it•ii: t ri tt• *seism" of dottiest and I wo* 17 nob ail 1 •• " 1411 Wst Stem se ir n a g IVA: w. _ • We. ito. Bois Apa% l lW: /i I , • t . .1101314 LlMikir=o26.o. iii. ...* &Ml= ukg =Moan*. • ve,SING OEM! IN, paTzwiamAt...B=r t r oi TzupTf i oo , - ;Atliiikw of • Ponnel Tani& muff ismiadhim Attrarrell,:4l4- - 909 room Tory day from nine &Moor in the ntortagr la and on blonds', ' ilttearilltag.: .001,thut ire4,-W.L, • 151EXCIRRAI .„. , , 401011;i7-74-05110,0tr,"-, -• ' , 'S'• ,„' - 4,,,,,, * 1111 . !,0f'• ;I. : weft nalitf, , - ~.,-, '' "ti'' . ` - 4 .. fhA : - I ' l , - ';'f•:: = - -:',l, ~ , =now --.-- : • : niii s t rorts ig.r : T ..4011'0•10161Witiflaint,017-101Nellil .6J ' . ' , _; 161 1VV11 , 44 4 : A l a ,1,.. , • „:„„ r .., ..1 ! „ytipt, V e , ,pilmafteftey7loo•4llitY SO ' .-41" a -- -•-^,-,. ,- -,--,-- ~, iiil-s , 111: O r al q 4 . o: #;Sidei;iliiir - StiOil 1 feiVrif i al i g ? Z 7 Ightig. "JO Or - " Jl 4 o ' , is c ' k 1,7 1 WTF fitroM - Vti lf ll 4l ) ,Pirdt ' e q s ta i i iittzt of i to Age 111 — a61 7 7 - - r , ifor i Pvili,FandetiotartiokOnstitgeoeived egagragifW i AltP ° 7;t 4 .9t l ,l t Z t % etkiniet4ounty "e=titistiAWM.4ll4 S ' ."I #4 Al 4i~ IIIII AV I MOina t t fi 23 0 4 e 114441,1,77. poR SAlZA•TiVii`',,MWMatti n gr , teirMrirnter e dram, oodhrThissich. srpn-5t..11. ilAs, Ifuiniadd 4latrei ; .Cstittrpit,Venanatawao Addrisa i : ffictol;ttwi gam, —0314 t!.• • TO trk , /11Matid r•aZIC) I:o4o4olPyb' op; 40 ,, POW LE-'The-valuable fourlotory• ' guiv'syttAtilov-nottstv-witti%imitatiotr Mats frotaillitag• %lAA& :North fifXlll. Btreet. , , Av: ex on Vas prernutaik, _ Aratit PROERT:ft AR - ORISTHM P .: „cum Et: Tr?! st r za. LBEtr.; HE 2nd and 3d Stories of the Large, ,_-imeiiitittdilied•basted-Aluild,ini , f R. isilicerr, 8815KRY lit. to rapt. Aproy at thre e •tO•Aw- AMBRIDGE, FRY, lk. Bream Foundbro. OP3I-et a FOR SAtt.,VAE:,biOl)/Citc;*ELL mt. built three -atarg nrithAnuble' ' three -gory bookicnilidingtil *AtifooSie bf,DiAlillp ;AVE NUE. oast of FittopAtOw • L , 042q Mist Itont byJOD feet tee. to A gnat, wittrooloh nouvO Mine." Immo t W i g %Mt 44 1 1 4 4/1 4 1, "Siroarggot: A RARE - 430.A1 4 10111 OMR LBEISINESS am. MAN t—reß SALE—The sood-wIl fixtures, and lundtg agtn i ti r ringere lt lit u rtr 4 44"; ' T at" .a rt , a_ o t atty. and e now ti g eta :r?. , r2mauL.itt i ttais ii"trig-sercircavA: ,Commity, I,llh r wit. 4 ticte ° N/Z S git e i m i n . t i lhitts u a we ßenunary. to i wan clop apN-114 °li koH Win SIXTH Streetasegoilaitiol4.) oat- ORRMANTOWN.—FOR SALE OR TO RENT—STONE COTTAGE , eirht rootoe; er, Barn, Stable., an tI one bore of Orotnet, band itcomely' imeroVed. Apply on the place. MAIN Street, Third house above Mr. Carpenter's, or of E. MENDEL SON, 9 DAN.K.Street, 03..1140 8 d .• -• Him 3t., in WEST. PHILADELPHIA. FOR IMRENT OR SALE—A large substantial DWEL LING-710V LOnleotnelf 011NYI4LIAbr &Mb and rOWSIiTOef Avenue.,Alto', • A nine ßedding' bet on teboust St r eet. Welt o f MtligarettA, Or Thirty-sixth street, Weer front by 100 deep, clear of inoumbrance, and will be soldo ap he for cash, or ground rent. Apply to C. COLLADAY, W?-eorner of CHESTNUT and NEAROAR ETTA or THIRTY-SIXTH Street. [spinet. COUNTRY RESID,ENOES FOR SALE. 'Nos. --Zip hesEMOUSEN, at-ThuilOw_Btatnin,riiithe a !Amore Railroad, fifteen miles from the city. The location commands a beautiful view of the Delaware river, and is in a healthy neighborhood.. The houses have all the modern conveniences ' The increased an o-mmodation for reaching that station by additional Wain., which are to ton on Moz N lay, the 23d of April, recommend it to Rattles denten a country residence. - Alpo, home forty amen of LA D for house-lots for seilsat the same plane. Apply to H. F. Romney, at the station. earner of BROAD and PRIME Btreeta. apiD3w" in FIRST-OLA SS STEAM FORGE FOR I SALE.—WiII be sold atfublic sale, at 2P. M.. on the 28th day (U MAO dall eilbilo house of WM, 1.,. DE1101(801% inn heolt*o READING. the property known as the READING STEAM FORGE, in the said pity, Said forge is substantially built, and-completely equipped with all the modern improvements, including pi seveniton Plasymitiedeam hammer end three Kirk Melte lianiniere, - each wittrtteating fumbles and boilers' atteched. A tirMbeildiF machine and oven ; three pnddhng furneepat five b 1.40,,f r ; mo ,thirtylon orange ; one largest oau boring nu ; Mottle machine: terrible lathe, Mid eikty-horse ens ne. A tun budding MO by Inn leep,Mithshest-lronthiof t engin/ell ler shop and brick onion, wit fire-proof, Ito., on the 'eremites, which mentais,over sores. r,' l Plaid Forgo hi incetoonv_enlOri Mogen for business, ;adjoining the Reading : Mathis .. mid so opturopted sores. thmewith that ioboinotives can e away enti deliver 'cars of arch, coal. and other freight without edit for !hauling. Shute. run outside the bruldirtg,-by,which coal, Acres.-iron, Ito., can be dumped close to each furnace, ,witernit extra cost for hauling, or thbor. ; This Forge is capable of executing, the hemnept work, , having orged and finished the main shafts, of the • • Adriatic, ' (be lieved to be the largest ever made.) besides complete sets orforginge for noniron/ steamships for (Rivera went and other'. I The city of Reading Plisinits Peculiar advantftea for :the successful oporauon anted' a forge. 1t is within Ai mile' of Philadelphia. , connected therewith by the ;Reading Railroad, end the SchaylkiJl (160 ton) Cecil I ;the intim, by rail direct (rem NewTork; 138 from Relit more ; Pt froni filerrisburg, and 34 from the Schuylkill -coal regien. whence the best anthracite coal can be piths& at the ihnitoordeting for Admit. nesier ton. ißeadinple eitneted in ems of he fittest asylp_ultural dis lrictelifFeunrylvaintl,lith Mpoyeletlan of WAIDOOsIId in {noted fajta genera , health and the purith of its ,water ;Asßerlis county contains more furnaces than any other kakis Milted State ; Grontof every description , Gan' be :procured- by the forge at the loired prim., ; m Ettteelesir of all incumbranoe. Pohmssion given tin, T 1 ' - mY, Slid WlRlMnsdida and . milt parotimenv The Foots is in oominete ordeis furnished 'with every netiessary, tool and - appurtenance to 0011102.11011 ,work immediately on taking possesaion. It is a proper ty well ;myth, the. 'attention or thole engaged in the above business. , Fot any farther inforina u ti , ct . a m ptltt ,, , EßG,_ . ! . Ciiihiei'Permate Bank, Reeding„Te` ' April 12,111X1. sob/tattle ", 11 FARMS AND COUNtRY — SEAIS ; FOR. SA , LE AND SOME TO RENT.—FARM of S nei Agateirdr if irirale tall g a rr . . I. rin cn nerka :4%1 OEIIO ACRES, on ItulieFike,Sif 'mime frorri :railrosd depot, good buildings, beautifully oested, and onlyess per-acre . .013,00) can jemain. at 0 per cent. Immediate tiOseession given: - COUNTR.Y SEAT with 9 acres, beautifully located, 'FOR SALE or It IMVT,` three mileAfrom Nornstown. HOULF3 TO RENT, in a email village four miles from -Norristownk suitable for summer boarder*. HANDSOME PROPERTY , of eight sores, on a Pike , H. Wes from the city, on easy terms. • The undersigned, haying a great surietiof Farms and Country Seat, for sale, Batters himself that he san no coinmodate all who may favor him weCOR a oalL SO ap2-mwf ew ' Real relate Bro lt ker. Norristo N, wn, Fa FOR SALD• AND TO RENT.—Aaver tisements of For Selo and To Re tri TUN RaILMIRLPHIA •INCWIRRE— nC ar o " üblißhed c—for CENTR aline Atet•inser_tion i d a nd ul9 F 2 o. b _U eet 'CENTS subsiment Manion, Odle 121 ti tiT TRIRD Street. below Obeetnet.. • -a • scl-dttt &N OE SALE AIR TO RENT.-4Adver •-• lisenienterof For Bile aid To Rent are tablished in THlS PittLADKißmA.lNgurnza—dou le sheet —for SIX' or.trra is first insertion, and FOUR ;CENTS subildqUent insertions. Moe 121 SOUTH THIRD Street, below I.:besting. aroll-St Llon: SALE ,AND TO - RENT,—Adver tisements2: - Of For Sr,le , And To Rent are publfstied in THIS PHILADELPHIA, INQUIRER—doubIe sheet —for SIX ottrura a' hue first 'insertion. and FOUR CRISTS subsequent insertions. 011105 121 SOUTH THIRD Sheet, below Chestnut. epSO St FOR SALE AND -.V/ ,RENT —Adver tioemefiti of FOr' Saleti_d TO - Itent ire published HILPHIL ADELPHIA men RER—don tole sheet —for , /iIX. CENTIS a- lies .firstlzutortion. rad FOUR CENTS subsequent insertions. office 121 SOUTH THIRD Iltreet.- below Chestnut. - BOO 11C VOR SALE. AND, TO RENT.-Adver tipententior T'difislii and To Rine ire Putilimbed in THE PHILADRIRRIR LNQUIRER—donbIe sheet —tor SIX CENTS a line first inserttort., and POUR CNNTS enbsequent owerilons.. • ()Ilea 121 SOUTH THIRD Street. below Chestnut. atol-at • IOR SALE AND TO REND`. ,--Advertise• weals Of reellakillisd To Rent are published in THE PIiILADRLDRIA /NQUlRER—doublo - siT for DIX CENT 2 a innertion,and R VENTS ltubsequent woodman. (Mae 121 8011 fl THIRD Street : below Chortaut. • apre-bt F°ft SALE . -L-TWo% pretty Cottages, Stables . etO:i !Mir miles north of Beocrnd and Vine streets. Ten roomirand half pore lota each. City property taken% part payment. bigidsolne Cottage iota of one to five 110ree. indiTileah South SIXTH street, (second +derv.) RPM- at OTO LET—A Mien;Story Brick Store d'esDoininglartrehbuse. on line` side of 0 WA IR -afraid , near Walnut street. Also, two large ow with fir* , proof closets, °Lai:lath side of WAb- N 'r afro% between 'Water street and Delaware 74= 'Wr i est t h o e nflg fi n t i e , 0 1lo th . SO P s hi ggitVErl d - WARE Avanne, np stairs. . apIT-61 Pro NC/RS=I3IEN AND FLORISTS Jt. "Pot isle , large toile the Southwestern section of the well ideated for alf unce ry. Terms acoomra oda tin& For particulars address " at this office. aplTtf WOE; SALE.— Thirty* Acres of high, A: beau tiful land; tern 'Mlles •porth dt' the Second street pevementei nests neW and baudsome settlement.' Per son* deprettirer Wilding a first-olaas country seat or purchasing orispeoulation. will find hers - IL rare oppor tunity. To improvers 'twin be divided into lots of tram one to five ores,' Payable in emir' inetalments, or eity propertr taken in part payment. A-passenger railroad pronablv mom inns within two minaret Apply to B. F. smint. OM nouthBiXTlll street. apl4-12t gia FOIL SALE, - IN HADDONFIELD several very desirsble Brick dad Arame Residencies. we q shaded and handsoll fm tpved. Alto, the beau pl tro v erttlamem as lip rove. together with a number el welHoeste4 ootta`p site,. Portion of the proherti Will tie ezetertied for oily real estate. Terme 084, ' a nt alst E. PiVTON, a .• A - , 1.331 i 130 nth FOURTH atrot,_ *pint : „ between 10 A. M. and 3P. M. FLTO RENT--:-Two beautifully eitiisted double ilfilliellkwen shaded. with siosoh boluses sad gallens attached. on Taoony Plank Road one mile below Taoony. and three-quarters of a mlle trom Pas 1110911gar Rlll{ll7ll depot at Bridesbum. App Sy et 717 mbilf-tf WALNUT Street. GERMANTOWN - :PROPERTY. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR BALE. The valuable Fartnend Country Beet, containing 101 acres of highly cultivated land,.sittutted in the town , ship of Germantownabilsibtlohis' county, and within 11Lnulds of the depot in Germantown. The sitgatiim Of this property_ is got to be sunoweed; been; bolded on the r by Washington lane, on the went by owpahlp nn Maid, and on the south by es stqist, and Sri in one-eighth of a mile of the ons pi Tatnedke, awls branc h of • mile of two Sta. the chestnut Hill of ty ff earmiuWaing Rallroad, High Street, and Washington to, . The tomb* of the above property and heel: thy, the lead well watered and lying verY fry, for Cottage Sites. It - commends al eats ow .01 Um, estrnindigg ..soun g ri. and is interest'. tbe`etmetexmonini Gernimilown, as laid down onthe durveyor's els o .hat distriiil. The property is laid oat ryt Ave *ore oP. thogrepnto visite of which day bp obtained on ageboattirn to either ot the tinder -44. Ate 41iliMble tadadeons 8 Iditg . Lot, Situated ' Nl eteet,nel Plank rftG i' nooralm Vtffa n il o t i Ti r t ezrsl f - Th t ilfersVng L! ifsui ♦ setie: r rirl i g l VltVae=t;oreirttiorrat trees. . , Ai et earn!. d G ag e . hting ilia in the "E;1! it:tner A l t i r d ithnd u &at th r wpFru 4 ,... r . otto B. E. ear. Slim EtAmun . BKN. - 111a4M . 4/15 NTCPWIL BILLIARD TABLES FOR ,PALE,--T wo irst,olan BOMA:Tables, with,l,4 1,2 A mutil• Ibidw 111094 Wait improyet_oushioos, allaatMar— nruArt:C.l en t hrtre few.tf • P ALA M.A.BitAtutirdb ra.' M INTON'R RROAILSTIO .TILES FOR Am.A. doom, Oniamenftl Chimnerols.' Garden, gwinginc vamp. Fountsim, edttl and „Heat Arlitnimd Chimer m . mum(4,3 7 Wad. and for Wetly • O. A. MON . modfl MO CHM UT fitrom. DRAWING I AND: PAINTING' 'MA* pulp otme t zti t tavitloasry. ° P e ter4l l ' u d e ttlo f A nt or . an mix sae on:etbs p . ta pram rdolml i rrean Fronok. " gra U lat i bt 1141616111.tilt , Allgratr u t.. Ga : oinnoott.".; DEN SE - EDS FOR 1860. G A %SIETAILF: SEEDS mgreatverlqty. FLOWER SE.E,DS. upwards of rd varieties. GIRA7ANpitEtati3ERDS of the best quality. LikkLP DErAghtEETS andtoks. , rnlit 411a4110(1 401•11, l3faue vineeitte.,Ao.l " Send fur Catalogues Whig may be had gratis. H. A. /MEER, 821 Chestnut, st. PLSOATORIAL'SPORTS._, PHILIP WILSONCO., 4 no CHESTNUT St would invite the lover. of PISCATORIAL SPORT tee 41tellt: enaortmenti sad But quality, of TACKLB O eveyoffere4 in thil oily. tin am mug Pe morldlertmed Trout, Beri r ,and Ra ki mon /lotto, nneertor,Tnnit, Same, and *hoop Flies aver extra Lirkerio, Salmao,and Hoolot, iiaaketa. Artifieta ] Ban, Si end Hoar, Orem, Linea, and Cotton Linea. • • t , s Anbgern, LADIES' TRAVELLING BAGS manufactured and for We by C. P. RUMPP, 118 Z :i °4ll,F Pa i r T .lit r if is t ralnvtgu t ila canter of FORTE-kfONIVdS, POCK .T-BOOKS, CIGAR CASES, MONEY-BELTS, Sachem, Puree. rem Came, Drecalag Cases. Writing - Poi* Honks., . lobbing pomp I‘lo,lo. ata-Srri SQ A- rODWIPX 4 IS : T 4 L X L-BP, e t9Ple hex e s" °lvan Bcilia: u.Ae. DMirl ire NA* - aso roma -issataalia OssidlS* SQO ROM' - 14 atina s 990A*io. bvcasduc t rk;irvarzaad or .I.Tlt`r.ll.ll/aTrialekVialritle; MEE STATE THE boribitiori., I MUTUAL; 'LIFE IisTSURAI&E COMPANY N E - W YOR K. „ . -DAY : OF FEBRUARY, 1860. :, ~i~i~~ —None. - Entirely mutual, 2. Nmhper -of-. Share, of • Stook - suimienbed,for.- None. p.—.4llnOtint of , 4 siourments or Jo atalirierite on Stook pltid In . ... None. EBOOND: . Tii PEOPERTIr titifitrB HELD BY THE COMPANY. Jr-The value, or es nearly ail tray 'be of the Real Eslittaheld by , • the Company.' 11.—Am aunt of• Oath op hand. , • 4.—Ant onnt of Cash deposited in .Bunke, titririg i g rlitlt r tg —nil deposited in. the nit of 41139,464 64 w York. Matte s Bank, or United States Trust 3.-;-AnFo c aTi b all i n,~ aw,Y Q rk. Ageqtr and in course of trans mll3loll s,—Amount of LOSlitUr Bonds and Mortg 11140 ages, con I ; satins the first hen on the I. Beal Estate on Vrhteh there la toes than one year's Into , rest due and owing.... . . - • 6,636,864 93 6.—Amount of Loans on wh ich In terest has not been paid with -7.—Amount er., ..............None. due Company on which J d udgments have been obtain -B.—Amount of htooks ownedy the • Company. whether of any State or of the United State,, • it ass r f Q tile a Ira tt n =i r iel, • d o of any other description. spew ' fling the, number of shares and the par and market value of the same—being XXI Um tad States Treasury Notes (131,000 eac h).....--- : . ..-... M0,000 00 9.—Amount Fitootity the Company is Collateral seen for Loans, with the amount loaned on leech kind of stook, its par and market value. 10.-Amount tin tif -None. , stoek'of the Company called ' in. and glue and•unpaid... ..None. 11.—Amount of Premutrn Notes dee end unpaid.. . . . . ...None. 0 —Amount of Irteiresi on ynest titenta mum by the Comm:un ' ride and unpaid. 8,168 int THIRD. THE .ILIANILITIES OF THE COMPANY. 1 I 'l,—Aminnit of losies unpaid brit not yet due 67 6~ UO the , , which arena Ingot oontested ,• by the Comoany—one for.. • - 6 001 00 3.—Amount of losisesduring the year ' • which have been eat& 641,51415 ;4.—Amount of losses g rea r — w N h o u g r glirtlia r agar '5.--Atitotint of 100011 during te fe . , year lonian are contet - Non* other than above. / o.—Amount ofjoeses during the year reverted to theCompithy, and • mat setell epos: :7.—Amonist or • davnbemde (teetered payable at maturity of Yon- -' • 'Ma only . . . . . 2335.00 19 .B.—Amount of . dile, thspain-tbilitig oh-, • I Cla ms l d Pest 6,660 15 o.—Ateount of , dividend, (either ' cash or scrip./ declared and • not yet due Pion*. 10.--AmountorMonay borrowed sad 'themiture and amount of so- ; _ _ bunt/ .. • Ile—Amount of sill other ;mating °lams against the Compaey, contested ot otherwiee—None knows. ••FOURTH. INCOME OF THE COMPANY. : I,—Amount of Cash, premature' re- " named . . 1,066.501 31 I.—Amount of preniiiitinOtitstitied by tea Company B—Amount ofgremiums earned. 4.—Amountinterest money re ceived rom thh itivdetmentil of the Company. •. . 61,113 11 s.—Amount ofinoome t/U; . &;iii:: • pony from any other spume,. Annuities, And Agents' be looses. 79,940 FIFTH. $1,443,901 97 - • TEE EXPENDITURES OF TEE COMPANY. I.—Antount of losses paid Miring the year. answered above.... ROAM i 9 2.—Amount of losses paid during the year, which scorned p rior to 'the year , i ilza ds—Amount at wltttts losAete tistiMated in Muster state th tnent.whioh rpm gaiddunng e year. 4. , --Antonnt pa d aid owing for re ' ineuramse premium.. . None. s.—Amount of m return eminum, whether weld or unpaid...,...NSne. 6.—Amratof dividends paid dur ing t 7.—Amount of torimgnesgai,,,..dtinfts7 me year, including - • mons and Fees paid to he - • Aten pa ts- y ard Officers of • t o Co,,- B.=-AntoU m nt of Wages paid' by Me 109,0394 Company for the year ....... 0,404 ea I).—Amount ' of all other Rayermee and Ixpenclatureaofthe Com- Pam*. (flee below.) I.—Amount' or Promissory Notes originally forming the capital ' of the Compeer. ._.,. 3. Amount of said not es heft . by the Comosay_as part o the whole of the Capital thereof.Nont Paid during the year for surrendered polioloe :Paid during the year for Annultlec. 'Paid during the year for Reduction of Premiums.—. Net Expenditures Add Tines paid forthe genre rut end • 1851, not properly belonging to the expenses of this year.. 87,131 ff (Signed,) P. 8. WINBTON, President. L ABBATL Neoretary. The foregoing statement, taken, sabionbed, and swore to this fourth day of April, 31360, before mi in the Oily of New York, by the said F. S. Winaton, Presi dent; and Abbott, Secretary, to me severally blown. (Signed,) MOSES B. AIACLAY, (SEAL.] Pennsylvania Conwniuioner, in the Oily of New York, to take alatavitz, ' ' • dilly oonuaissioned and qualified. TRUSTEES IN NEW YORK Froderiok 8. Winston, Millard Fillmore, David Boadley, William V. Blair, Henry ibe . 4 g. 8 1V1 h 'Unly , John V, b.Prikyul William Betts, Isaac Green Pearson, John Wadsworth, William J. Bunker, Samuel M. Cornell, litmus! E. Bewails. John M. Stuart. Hamlin Blake, tpsa!yams. mum Robinson, Samuel D. Babcock, William Moore, 4112tHeift. E 1054 ri t zt6k Jliseph hint, . ree t t a W ? . l 6l:lll , l3: ohn. P. Yelvertorn ithant M. Varmilyo, John H. &irelln. Iteorica Il ix %e. Combas . Berton, William . Strong. Ezra Wheeler. William .. William opnam, lanurgua anon, W. If mitb rown, George R. Clark. P. S. WINSTON, President,. ISAAC ABBATT, Secretary • FHILAPEIRRIA REFERENCES. Thome,' Robbins, John Welsh, Mordecai 1.,. Dawson, ' George N. Stuart, Georite M. Stroud, fi:lV'erebtli•eean'ming. John B . Myers, toeeph Fattereon, ohn M. Atwood,YU Ludw ig , Art i l i,r n ti O . Con _Animas ft_. if owere, William MoKeri,l George W. Inland, Thome Watteau. F. R ATCI-IFORD , STARR, Southwest Corner of FOURTH and WALNUT fidreete, . (Bute4rise Ins. Co. Building.) anse.foskwat - . VIDAL. NAIL P. MUM KELLER ,4t . MOEY,, ana l Noalp liltr i etaeg, F P4tileatelahla, B.l 6 .l%.:rgo.t f ti x t ilitatistrhAiztlltng Phijaati ty'oinAil and raigoad i rrom Bahuylkill Ravin, ao.: Pa. ' lel4-am HOUSEKEEPERS LOOK TO YOUR initireit, . Her' your GOAL AT EtrOJEW, 'WWI* nothing out theq; bestrality of Lough tool Somoi kill Pool is otre at the (Wowing neduoed 'nose: Lehlghlteffpi fp= Eltre--.....A4 11 per too, Vr i . .--- ar t stattlfreettettlitete or ttitt b stAkd tal i tatht. 1 Vil e ali. detrerelier. owner m4ita on -al HARDWARE 'PACKAGE HOUERIP. 10111AOKAGII JIARD*IIIO • HOUSE.—We i I. i pkt LAIII.MtV Loll ? IL= giol t zu.n o e f , al i t MN o fit hi fan WAR weloh we offer at a and! ideation by the Pnelleee. Orden tor omit importation sollolted, and S had.lry Staved *item t o tltte eft, Ng Si? grill fie, is, co lON Streit. - ' inittned end 111, on Bletnnanlie , dind Agents or amiss and Dom •Maranuy. QTEANI REFINED SUGAR and STRUM. r•- , ' .O.IIONOMM 15 Muth W.5.T115t. Street, noir fir k offers to sale, at tednottd adobe, loronsh; or on IO- W° ort ormit.the telano• of hie stook of steam le S eil a 7 tt i juley.!. D Avwk. wi lu raftt l it e o r gi man notate, . A , setsanoe Casalle*,o tato make, and til t's Frenolphrande coloring'. Store to Rent and fixtures for,Sale, , mittl-tag? • JAIN VL,AICK'S - • . • - HIGHLYIBIPRovED . . and newly Patented tiombiped Grindri x and Bolting. or , fdI3II.OOANT FLOUR MILL, Daily in operation at ; inoludinX i the s oomelei o l, ,Ac.tte *Acs ttrAsay, arrow 'filrar, PAILAVA. g r..16 11 117' 1 401,... - gz i g ii, .only 4 rest widd, ins tit feet, g e 7, , agr i ggi i ty.n a lne pao Let long '4 .rnitnuipotitriag within fp 0 ambit compan, et a' simile operation, as wit but little more thimpixlione VP4hgr:Pialrafetringlgitiilg:Pgrr o rict mining Sour equailli quality to the best flour nuide l j P roM a given amount 4 wheat, by the beat Merchant lour filletD Me United Nestor, or in liiirOpe. IM average V s o. grinding ls two barrels of superior Seer per r;4 ife11.6016{4 1 •04; 00111 I .lete, ethil eelebrittpd i 14 it I has bean carefahy exautitied by than or the ~e m OM experiensed millers 3,4 thie ciountai am they unani mously Miaow upon it the lushest oesmiturlations ; Ma have - ern) their testiralahi of its intrinsio surrion "Ogg", riii n rigist 'ankhantai °Masi 79 ;WTI tors, and the public in ion, I, are respect u,r in., to call and examine t is highly uteful an justly oats htetra elnerreill.. , . - . —.,. , • :. , kagmrion oonoenalim the intohage of th Pa te 4 f 6.-*tee and sountiel, and the nnqa.. Inn 44,4 r, WA I,CII g i al i b r , n r i tll e d d' et t r; i ( ALA! f r:llt 'Ar:, n ‘ ' irl I be given to all persons se we i glibtar letterfee , ) t • Fo rtrtherintermation'ooncerning thmoStira-• Par Mlll,l3leMe to read the iatlow besatru Ai 'Roils It, TAPE WOII6I 4 4II.P.VIVORMV ), ) '. 1 JAYNE'S 13YEMPIC; FOR TAWS MOAB( Hauer iit hash known to fail tit a:Anita woganoti to fon .y. r i t him :: t rah o za t r.R.trx Nrettrs.illre worm ii amity expelliiii in go u n i three to tight bony On tan _l4lOO . ts takim; , It is gut n 0 to aaows, limo al _ w! f o r wii i . $y writing toif t N. 4 A IYZ ac SON, 242 CHESTNUT, Wtreet, etoistow qt. onoiciour two doithro fin' mob doge, the medicone wi immefttateiy be forwarded bi mail to api Pandas world. , , , . ~ , , , ~,, ~, READ TALE FOLLOWING CEIITIFICA7rit - • botimixoy.toy, N. Y.;Nim..13.111b7. Dr. D. Jayne—Dear Sir: I received tlie,stopkago of your Speetho for tapd Worm, and took t soeording to the directions.. About four hours after Ii had taken it, I want sr tape Wprnt , mouttring,follifif,r-twp .feet in length. ' - - • raTllll- A.-/e OAST, r Engineer on N. Y. and Erie Railroad. • RICHFIELD, Mo., Jan. 16,1863. • pr. D./eine-8w : I have for eight yeant been afflicted with that terrible diyorder—the tapeworm. Dunne that time I had tried venous remedies, and the'best medical skill in this end the tdinoeat enmities. without obtain ing any roller. I use odYieed to mud for 'your remedy. At that time I was alinost rodtthed to a ekemmti, undble to attend to Milanese, and my suffering wae beyond de scription. I took two doom and then passed •fifty feet of the worm. Ism now strong and inLood health. , • • MAlsoN FIZAIGUS. • Mr. Ferry Brewer writes: " Foar Ontsort, Ark., Feb. &Lim, • "After afoot to expel a worm measuring in all twentyifour, Met," Eitraot of A. Idg i ef i g t or ri tlagepr.P.lloakidated , Y., Fob, , t" Abotitiesr.. ailiee we reol/1•011 Aom, lon a dose of he Tape Wotm Opeoifio. whioh m nueband took ao °Wing to dtreotions, and the reendt y. wee, thethe Owned nearly mit) , feet of the worm? , • , • Purtaniiirine. March 91,1869. Dr. D. , Jayne-,-Driar Sit had .peen . for some four if..7l B ,illpviiavg.it,hiarlevalthg:iesegTze:ritt'gi es. compelled to use your SPECIFIQ.. tiay for I had great repugnance to advertised- medioines, ea I considered them aU humtiage,SOlt was wall great dif ficulty I was induced to try your remedy. I took three closer. and the result hasr been the complete election of My tormentor. I have cruised some eighty feet—the last aight or ten feet tapering gradually Until it was thicker than sewing cotton, with a head as large as the head of a pin. - • „ • I behave if I had taken your Medicines in the begin ning, before my stomach Useable !aoeustomed to drugs, ono dole would have been sufficient. 1 Feeling it to be teddy l'owe, not only to you, for hav ing saved me from' an early 'grave, where my disease Would have inevitably laced me, but also to those who tire affl licted as I wee, make public these facts. - • Yours gratefully, Leonia WAGNER, Fifth and Chestnut streets. ELIZABETH', Ills., June 17. Igeg. Gentlemen Your TAPE WORM SPECIFIC him been administered according to directions: First dose at seven in thg morning. At three in the afternoon the worm was expelled entire. Your SPECIFIC has sus tained its pretensions, and I have no hesitatidh, in re commending it to the publi • • JAi4H.II Lawns, hi. D. OIiTaRaVILLE. Tenn., July 12, 1869. D Dr. . Jayne Pc gon—Dear,l3irs: httle girt about peren :dare old was Buffering with fare worm, and had been anger medical treatment for some time, without benefit. Your SPECIFIC was men according to di reotions, and in about three hours fifteen feet of the Worm came away. which, from the dereliction, I think must be the entire worm. R. McDitc. DRERFINGrh N. Y., Aug le, ISM L took your Ten.; WORM . ight bourn after wards I dig , arge (without pain) hip reilrmskiP, Who Measured twenty-eight feet in length. and contained more than Sid links LUrIIER MYERS. • • L ast rice, 01 1 611 f1 1ffe5 5 43 9 1a . d Dr. hone—Dear . , e incomes of us about your APE W 8 NM ID, and immediately wrote to you for come. This morning be called upon ue with a bottle containing the tape worm. , WiItNER Sc RAY. Druggists. .• NWlff BALTIMORR. Ahoh.. 5ept.:21.1869. : a r itt tWit / 8 0 °11 ;o l gt r n Mire Irani. C TEe T w A o l gi WM expo led talon houre ; length twenty-six feet. - Yours, Au.. .14017/6 STIER. Hitkittswica, hlo., October 7,1869. Dr. D. Jayne Son—Mr, Riley Price bee been in bad health for some years, subject to spells of sioltness at the stomach, and continued emaciation. About a month ago he threw up' about twenty-five , lest of tars worm. %broke., a part remaining in his stomach. We procured some 01 Trtr TAPE WO WORM SPECIFIC, which he took acoora tape ttons Hs soon disohargod hbont teen feet 0 1 rm, and thinks he is now free from It. Yours. Donerase. 7*, l b lI.AVUPPOILT., , Cot. MOM, Dr. D. Jayne—Dear Sir I took your SPECIFIC for tape worm, according todueotiOns: and in four hours the WOIDIIIIIS expelled,. RsaiunN TICCIRONDB. . - CoIIIPQ Seco, Cabfornia, Oct. el, 18u0. Dr.D. Jayne & Son—Dear Bus: Ido not hesitate nor do delay, to give my testimony to thegreat excellence and eupenonty of your" TAPE W0R..114 SPECIFIC " I lately had an occasion to have the virtue of thin meth cone tasted. tho result of which wag the exnelbus 01 a tape worm of enormous length, which had worn the na tant down to a skeleton. but wholnow looks fleshrand healthy. 1 Pin at liberty to give the address or the lady from whom this troublesome animal was expelled 1' but .a Sumter motion of it now on exhibition at my office, is ocular proof of whet I have written. It has been wit nessed by bondresle who have called to see it. Yours, truiy, E. O. 130111.1.0 d. Dimasonotion, 111., Jen.9p, 1860. My daughtei, long afflicted with a lane worm, was en tirely reliirved by one dorm of DR. JAYNIVEI TAFE WORM SPECLF/0. =row Exx. Prepared only by Dr. D. mom k SON, Ra C_HERT nor ktreat, where ail Dr. JAYNE'S VALUABLE ME DICINES may be obtained. mhtit-lm PURE GEORGIA ARROW ROOT. Th. ipeolal attention of shysiolans and families is nailed to the superiority , of 'nue article. It is raidly enpplenting all other kinds. and all those who have used it nye it the most decided preference. The toi letries' entracte fr om oertalostes In the hands of the manuttaturer, • IL Haz,Lowss, ." wit: show tho high estimation in wh in the bleorgia Anal, Root le held or those gentlemen o th e medical groisacon who have lailLaaaminea it W' One honed, MX cents, or two ponilds for $l. Complete lostruotionsaccomsang eaob o.olcasceohow ing how to make the Must delicious - ar ti cles for the table. . . FOR BALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT FREDERICK BROWS DKOD. AND CHEMICAL_ OTOIRE. N. E. CORNE,. Fr FTEI cod ClibirTri UT Weer., EIDLADEr,E , !/IA, FREDERIVROWN, Jets. A • DRUG ealoAt, CH E STN UT Streets, B. Comer of NI NT and CHESTNUT Linder Continental" Hotel, FHILADDLEHIA. " I have examined and prepared some Arrow Root. manufeotured by Col, Hallowell, of Bt. Mary's, Georgic It has the beet Quality.of that variety of finoula t have met with . being supe rior to aby Bermuda or other Ar row Root I have seen. " I have examined a sanult n of Arrow Root. menu fietured by Col. Ilan es, o St. Ma's, Oursia, and 'Ol bited at the last fair of t e American hiptituto by Mr Burkhalter. of this city. The article is of the very best sttahty, and, from the expenine op made upon tt. I And it to contain u large a proportion of nutritious water, and to be in every other raiment Intl Y elloot to th/ beat quality of Arrow Root obtained from Bermuda. • • It being of vital importance to invalids that such delicate &Moles of diet be cure I feel glad of the oppor tunityto speakso favorably oft Georgia Arrow Root. schn-lin JARLES 01111,TOB, DI. D" IMO 17 $683,698 69 COUGH! COUGH 11, 0OUGII!!! EVATItiviLLE ROOk CO., Will., &Pt: 6, MA TM. Beat Bit—Mr. Nathaniel Blu)+ m, of this place, authorized me to state that his wife was taken to her bed one year ago with Lung Disease. which the physicians pronounced Commotion. lie doctored for biX months to no Rurposeduring which time h e hart heard 'oar EXEUrfiritA spoken of very highly, and Ooncluded oily It. Mebought of your Agent a halt-dozen boning, and his wife commenced taking it, and hes been tatting Flatter ever since. She can go out ev, now, and is gaining daily In streng th. A. I t. WEST tr. CO. EXPECTORANT FOR LUNG FEVER. _ Kostaryn, Ohio , 15.14. MOW. . DR. L. JAYNE t I have mado vie ofrr EXPECTO RANT for Lung Fever, and it effeote onto, with th e aid of your excellent SANATIVE PI L& G. W. Howls/um THE SWEDLSE AEBRIONAEY. ' Extraot of letter, from the Rev. A. IV 'berg. dated ocuuoLx,bwetjen, hlerob Your invaluable Medicine, the EXPECTORANT, has been of very effeential eervitne to my throat and breast i and lean name ydo without single day. Several of our friends, to whom we have amestonally given some, express themselves at being Much benefited. THREE YEARS WITH BRONCHITIS. Brocitymr. Owen no., Indiana, dept. 4, 1867.1 pa. JAYNE My wee• having been severely afflicted some three years wit Bronanitie,_end having hoard of the wonderful ellioaoy of your SXPEC tORANT for Moshe, Asthma, Diffioulty of Breathing, dpitting 0 1 Blood, man other Dunning ,of the Lunce„Leurahased one bottle of it, and one box of SAPIATIVE, FILLS. and am happy to inform you, that alter neing the EXPECTO; RANT, her cough was immediately suppressed, the d if faulty bf breathing and pain removed. 913.1uaing a, free and mumMO expectoration, and in ONE Tit effected a COMPLETE CURE. . P. BMITII. Preparea only at nthig•lm JAYNE'S, CHESTNUT Street. RUSIITONS THE GRIEF ATIONO TllolllBabilk, _ DALLEY'LI BLeio.loAls FAIN EXTRAOTOR HAS universally supplanted all other Ointments and healing applications in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, wherever intro duced; WA; intrinsic merit a ihe Ode eeoret of lid /moms" in all miasmas arm:foes. whether the cause be modest orDUPES disease. & Pd SCALD!' Ageht, 0 Ke a Initee telievoc ta l e of U i thei i i arishi, this and Vii... A.u.14; 1 4it the fles h tirget c v ' ed iiii s ir rn a re obartn,no blemish orsear topmetimpg. TEX FRIEND OF TliE NURSERY. Children are FRIE N D eurfererr from °Men:Latin hales, especially from Fluid and CamPnene Wx. plosions—therefore every mother should have this beali7 preparation eon.; 'Rattly on hand. _lt heats ears reartsdind quickly ~, removes the TETTER or KIN WOJIM, so Freya- keycis Me nursery. TO TRAVELLERS DI SEA AND LAND. . . The Maehinist, the Tr - 0 yeller. and every other in. dlvidnal whose ot to li fe.-. throws him 'within the chance of accident from tb_., explosion. fire, or tail,- fiare,ehonld bear in mind '''. that this Magic, Extractor ie his best and only friend. Mtl is both portable and cheap, and should ever be e , his companion, an a friend in Pallid There are thou- r_ sands ot living witnesses to tests to its marvellous K., virtue , who owe their sound li mbs and muscles '1 to its saving efficacy. The ol i l i pw i iiii v are a few of the tend's, diseases for 'Meth D EIMAGI- CAL PAIN EXTRACT OR. is a VENTIVE p ea well as CURE i Yarns, Pritlir.,!"' Bores of all kinds, Brumes, Shot Wounds. Ernst B ites , Borotala, Rita Hireall. reser Bores, uns Bite/ of Reptiles, Felons. wilds, Omen thanlinlar De- Bout, Cracked LApseases, Scald Herd, etlard Ran d s , Mercurial Rote. , Sprains, &I ain,ll, Pains generally, Small Pod, ramp, L Pimples, Tumors, ntractad Cords, Piles, Wetter, Chafes. '- . ron, Ulcers, .D• *see ,of the enmatiem. Venereal Bores, tickin, " ashes, .to. d at the principal Dillpots,ll Droadvray, New York, ILI afd /51 Chartres street, New (Means, by J. ...... ja er. GO., General Agent. It can also be oh .o all respectable Druggists and Merchants thout the United States and Canada. T. W. DYOTT &SONS, ill North SECOND Street, NIP Wholesale Agents for Pennsylvania. TRIO. D. amozy. A NEW AND WONDERFUL DISCO -ins. VERY for the Oure of Rheumatism and Gout. 44SLIE'S ARTHRITIC FILLS' This medicine is offered with the utmost confidence of ate being the most effectual remedy for, the above die easel emir yet discovered. flo danger need he appre hended front its use by the most delicate. Fries SI per box. Can be gent by mall, on enclosing one postage stamp end price of Pale. per sale by' the ante meat. ALEX J. lifiRPE. No. 119 Swab, TRODIT &Neel. feWini* HELDEBOLIPS EXTRACT BUCRU RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT T DGOHE GREAT DIURETIC. E: GREAT RELMB TI OLD'S EXTRACT SUCHU. DIURETIC. THE GREAT DIURETIC. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT DUCRU, THE GREAT DIURETC. And, II Positive and Speclfio Remedy for Diseases of the Bladder, Elaine's, Gravel, Drops/. .Organio Weakness. Thar Medicine moralises the power of Digestion, and excites theBo BENTS Into healthy action.' by which tla ATE Y OR, CALCAREOUS depoaltions, t i. and ail NAT RAL, b.:NLARGEMENTB are re ducted, u well as AIN AND INFLAMMATION, and all good for • MEN, WOMEN. OR CRIEJIREN. Dept, hot truth TErr. Street, low cumin' IS T Street aladelpMa. _ Be ARE OF CO NTERF ITS. __; IA UNPAUNOIPLEiD DEALF,RS, WOO•Olt &at to 41SOOSO 6 ON THEM OWN" and ', primer lf:Ft D a my,aoitrEsirsgattrwrivav dm. 1,..4.,,r MAOK —363 fails. Nos. 1,2, IMN I. Maghreb in assorted packages, for cafe by 0. PADhER tc CO. ARCH Street, second door above lit 'tor, ilia° Vialiaktakkallint. .. - :`,4friAoll, , f'",) ''' ." •' SAMUEL iri;ni&" UOD LIVER OM, /OA . CONSUMPTION. NZDIOINAL.. ~ OP.AVILON GFIV HISKEY=I:I OP A HH . HOPATNONGO#N.T. VOW delitoos TeettP Sttetuiaet, of liod , from the persdeiee o epples. essepially,. emir -o r too us oj. dther.Ne4tco friessivit an 4 tbs mem /e. lUt 'adding the numerous_ :Ina, e ft ignrri= n a i rl C lg he io l eyi l Ar 94'11 Plaittlolol,ll,9d4hllltt, Se4ll/40ABErg u !Wu possesstug all the medic, nal etiolates "hie ate to In duspenuiletrneeeueryjn anlsr . tioje prom kin d. it to pet UP ukelegant style, in largo bott es at7P oellti Moir,. and 42 ,, the eheepestspidjekuumfost spirit now in ,the.tearket. ~ ' 'J. !.) *Bahl i r. • NO. 7 ItoutnlßlAlDSthet. tit RS, WINSW ','; ~ ' t --- ~-, -- -' LV.I AN EXPERtENCED NUREIR'AND PEMALE thyslman ....agents to the attention of nititintre her ••• B ' l6 0 T KIM* • f'S'Y RAI P . Y (}lt;.olllLria,E,N, T$ E TII-liet 0 - elk); coati,' tzioilitatas the er!kiega' et teettdelgAZ. `lnlets the spine. rednoing all infiamMatign t IND! - 1 1 1 , go hqu an ,fintr a Virat" WAtic ikiepena upon it, motnorunit wll4 gm rat 1 / 4 ,70117 4." tid. , ~ I RELIEF AND fIRALTS TO YOUR INFANT& We have put up and g01d... this etrUgle for. over ten MVO; madam say, in con ne fidenee -,and I.Mth of in, i r e hi deritt e ,,N _ 4" a e lft! WTI 0 a ktViitifi ir i s tir Eft,z a lri a nol4,TO /31 7 go in f o cA. lIIARE4 , when ' sanely used.: Never Ma 1,„. WO W./14 Inetanoe of tgaatieLaCtlOn DJ any one ..,,r, I who used it.. Oft the cob racy, all are d elighted iez with its _operatiens it id Wag ill terms o fhighest .., eommenaZonof its I -1.11 efigota and medical vii Ve tuss. We Rpm* la itl natter: 'I what we no A know,' after ten years, taparignes,andpiedgeour _ reputation tor the Danl. Sent of *hat' we here de -- glare. , In almost Avery Mentes wherltlr infant lill i sudprinigfrom pain and LthAtteeshaUstiosiltlt re t is Will tr , Irs E 4 (oundin fineen or twenty r 4 .n e "" 0 t dt t i"re t . tio f a PAL "! vam iu s 4L e P l e ini i i i go - ' IreL e Nro altddbf. u AEtt. in runrErigleind - sad us limn used with !sever-fedi tguogess in to . . TiVAISANI)B OF ' GAM?, • it not only relieves the Do . kild from pain, but'jil- Vigades the itomaoh And " letzip ale, corrects , acid' nil gives l bra and i energy t/g , Ity v tr o ya r tib ri tirilr i llai 014 1 11.7',1 VD VIM./ tei &Ward overgorae &its talons.' which- f not - speedily remedied, Sad In oath: , Wehelievis it the hest and surest reined/up the world, m all oases of U 3 JRYtiMNTERY and D AK RIDE& IN CIIILD.REN, * whether it AtriMnifrom teething ay fromenyothet cause. We would say to every mother who 'hate '"'• ottlid suffering from say of : he foregoing oomotinui. it dO not let your prejudiogg, aor the re) ndides of others, gland between y Ai our eufering child and ~ . the relief that will be DUILE-ea. ABSOLUEL to i f Y ItuRR-te, follow the ago of l is le medicine, if „, timely used. Pull diem:i lium, for wing 1118.00010 Ki gaily glut_ bath,. .Ogne g . enuine. unless t e lao el- * mile of DURTIS k. PLR AINB, New' Wet 'is on the outride Wranpar. t. 153 , Bold by Dristatteroughout the world. Penal al Office, No. 13 CEDAR fittest, New York. 1 ?nee 20 cents a bottle. -- -- - .- --- • --- - Iy2o-11 RAILROAD LINES. WEST CHESTER RAMROD/ID TRAiSS VIA TENN6YI Tv A IA ROAD. Leave Depot. aprzor ELEVENTH and MET. Rtreetts. daily (eioefit Bunday) al 7.15 A. M AR K P. M.. and IP. Melva Want Chester at 5.40 A. M., 10.15 A. M., and 5.10 . P. M. •• - . far t s / imp PHILADELPHIA A AND READING RALL fIOATI.—PASSENGKR TRAINS for POTTSVILLE, REATUHG and HARRISBURG. • MORNINU LIFE, DAILY, (Sunders excel:4osJ ! Leave New Deeot . onrner of BROAD ana cAI...LuW -111LLIs Streets, (Paseanger entranoes hitteenth anD ott streets_ I et 7.30 A oonneonng at Harrisburg- with the PEDINSYn WANIA ~ .BAILHOAD, 1 P. M. train ranninv toPittsbenr ; the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 103 P. M. train tanning!. :'clhamhersbur. ,g Carlisle, An. 1 and the PIORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD 1 P. M. train, running to Sun bury, )5.0. ' AFTERNOON LINER. ) Leave New Depot corner of BROAD and OALLO*- AILL Streets, PRILADEIRDIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on Callowldli streets,/ tor POTTS - - !VILLE and RARRISBURO. atti.6o P. 11d.. DAILY. for oe Rh: d. A(NO,IN 0217, at 8 I'. M., DAILY, illnnaa7ll tax 'DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD Faoaz,Pn Lsoutinia. Mites: To Fhcentaville.„ ..... 29 Re , ding ...... 68 Lebanon 86 Harris burg............/12 Dauphin— Millersburg, . . . ... 142 Trovorton Jun06011..169 Suentry 169 Northumberland... ..1711 Lewisburg .3181 .....163 • Muney • Williamsport ...... —lO9 jersey 5h0re.........292 I . Dock Haven.— • ...236) ...... Troy mu; Elmira The 7.30 A. M., and the 3 30 'at Port Clinton, (Sundays es WJBSA,. wittAMseoßT making close connections wi Canada the Wert, and Pond DEPOT IN ?tithe DELPit ; CALLOWRILL Streete. ap23-tf tt. Mt PhlMelvin% eind Rtindiu and Lebauon valley Hat. Williamsport and Elmira . Railrosd.. P. M. tram ,ionneet eeptedo with the CA.TA - and ERIE IteltAß4D, ith linen to Niagara ralLI, hwest See Dania of BROAD and arkstaimeri c Ll ß T lNG ARRANGE PH!LADDLPDIIIavidniv„ AND DAM. On and aftnuIgONDAY,,ANII in, Meo, • • • PASSENUER TRAINS LEAYE DMADDLPNIA, -For Baltimore at B.li A. M., 19 noon, (Enrols,' and 11.10 P. M. For Chester at 8.15 A. M., IS noon, 1.16440, 7.60 and 11.10 P. 01; For Wilirdinton at 8.16 A. 111., lt, 1.16, DX% 700 and 1.10 P. M. For New Castle at 8.15 A. M., and 540 P. M. For Middletown at OM A. M.. and 5.66 P. IL For Povar at 8.16 A. M. and &CO P. M. For Milford at 8.18 A. M. and Marvelvar - nt 6 8 . iSISAA.Y.rirrid66.O?IPTIIM.. . . , . . . For Sal lebitry at So A. M. and 0.00 P. M. ' • TRAMS FOR PIIILABBLPIIIk Leave Baltimore at SW A. M., (Szeteted 11:).111 A. IE4. .d AS P. Pd. Leave Wdratecton at CO, B.BL and UJO A. AI.. lA, .op and LW P. M. Leave flatulency at 6.10 A. M., and 3.0 Y. M. Leave Laur el at 6.16 A. XL, and 3 . 40 P. M. Leave Bea ord at 6.45 M., and 4.00 P. M. Leave Mil ord 7.50 A. M., and 4.38 P. M. Leave Dover at 9.00 A. and ASO P. M. Leave Middletown at 1.0.06 A. M. and Ina P. M Leave New Castle at 8 00.10.86 A. M., and B.dio P. M. Leave Chester at 7.40. 8.10, 11.04 A. M., fa, ISSI and 15 P.M Leave Bslllinois for fla!Mum? and Delaware Mad rona at 10:15 A. M. TRAINS Ftlft BADTIIIIOILB- • lattiall Chester at 8.411 A. AL, LISS and 11.0 P. M. A LeaVe WilMinyton at LS A. At., LW P. AL. and 12. X ar FREIGHT TRAIN, with PABBBiIIEB. CAR. attached, ll run as sonowei Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and Intermediate planes at a P.M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places at cop m. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate p eve CO P. AL ilavia-de-Grace for Baltimore and intermedi ate places a , 6 CIO A. Leave Baltimore for Harr...de-omo end intermedi ate pleees at 4.00 XL` BUNLAY9 Oply at 17.111 P.M., from kiledelphis JAMi e. Chkly st /1,16 P. Ai, tom timore to Ph ilad e l phia.. ftp2o a. ea. FELTON. President ANAMMN-.' F 0 R TILE SEA _ BRORE.—CARDEN AND AT LANTA, BAlLROAo.—Trains leave VINE Street Ferry for Atlantlo City daily. (Sundays ex.- For Atweonm ( a iiily) 3 46 I' . Id . Un and after °AWAY, May tth, two ttains will leave for Atlantic, City daily (gpudsys excepted./ Mail train will leave Vine. Street Nerty...... 1.30 A. At. Exams. train • ..............4 P. M. Returning, will leave Atlantic (Fx0Ke5.0.......6 A. Al. 16 ib .• (ht,t,l) ale P.M. JNO. 0. BRYANT. Agent. PRUAIDELPHIA AND puctiorel P F N Ala f El t ? "°" ‘ Op and after aritti., 2d, tOtht, Commutation Tickets. with twenty-sig °omelette trill be issued, good for the , holder and any member of his family, on any Passenger Train, and at any time. They will be sold by the; Treasurer at the office of the company', Ho. 227 South FOURTIfb tree t, at a reduction of tweptyrfise per cent., from the „regular fares. Patttea wishing to enjoy the Summer in the Country 101 l find [hie a eery desirable route, the f3ehuy !kill and Lebapon Valleys being among the moat beautiful arid healthy in the State, and aceee table by four trains from and to Philadelphia daily. S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. PIIILAMELgItta, Match Nth, 1100. mh2T-tf WINES AND LIQUORS. L AQUERENNE & TEASEL, Sueoessors to P. L. Laguerenne, N 0.106 Routh FRONT Btreet, Offer for sale. from Vntted &ate' Bonded Warehouse, of their own importation, Braudies, Cognacs, Pinot. Castillon & Co., of various vintages and to as • sorted paekefes. Ala.* & . (,0., . P. L. Laguerenne, • " fa el Itoehelles, . A. Beignette, Pellevinsin, . A. Cam_pe. 11l Claret Wines Wulff. • Champagne wines, of various bminis. , Bordeaux (Viva Oil, in baskets. (Y. L. Laguerenne brand.‘ , are-1m G EORGE WIIITELKY. lio, LSO RoutkrßONT Street, Importer of prandy, WlllOl. other for sisleat. bond only, the followm, emuitaiderd brand, of brandy _ 4 . f2:l;Piontill,°l l C,N, e" erspz&-„m. L. . seignette, ma,, • sea, relievortm, . Ditpont ire Co., tiptoe r roprlet . & F. 2dsrtello, huh Rennemy. . Btnaree Ymgleynall Whin key, ant the *hotel 11014 m g,trtrBehm i.?„fni kg, truln3,:n. Om Rum. fardiertut Oil. 8.5.. k e , tB-lir CIGARS, TOBACCO, ate. HAVANA CI GARS .—An unusually handsome assortment of the most celebrated brand., each se Cabanas, Partagas, Figaro Feesnola. Arguelles, Zernosana, Arroyo Hondo. dam. Presnianos, and cigarettme, h0.,0f Regalia firitanlca, Regalia ..L Lon. e Breves, dreg, Conchae, and other slues. and of all qua li t•e_,ll Just renewed and for sale low by. C lIARLEIi TETE. aple-Im )30 W A LN UT guest. FUGUET & SUNS • IMPORTERS Of HAv_ofit CIGARS, No. 31e South FRONT Street, Reoeive regularly a full ageortment of desirable 01 , GARR, which they offer at low rates, for clash or ap Droved credit. felOar 'GENTS' FIJRNISHING GOODS. , I W. SCOTT—Leto of the firm of Win. •• • ablator & Sao tt A s tßl A ll i M il ial e MINI let 110 1P ISSNU R T H StA n et ( gearly opposite the Girard if.:69 1 kllndelphin. - ! . W. 13. would resmottally t 11 . 1 the attention ot his former patrol:up and 11 end t s itrRTS"w store , aul is I"- pared to till orders or al r short m mu no r t m e d e. i 4 Cietifitt4TlMlL Wholesale ' DP Islay* o•-. 7 LAWRENCE ROTEL, BROADWAY and EIGHTH Street, NEW YORK. one block above the N.Y. Rotel. This new and commodious Hotel is now open for the reception of guests, and will be conducted exclusively on the European plan. The long want of a business hotel, in thisportion of the oity. has induced the proprietor to establish the prices on the following hharol soale: Single rooms, SO cents per day elegant suites, elm. With a thorough knowledge of }.he Duet gees. and arid attention to the wants of every guest, I ope to receive & liberal share ofpublie favor. apia•am J. R. GOODWIN. Proprietor. ASILVER MEDAL AND DIPLOMA stAWARDED. at the late State Fair A. B. DAVlti v & CO., N. W. corner of FIFTEENTH and 7114L0 Streets. A. . DAV it & r.'S Railroad Scales. A: . PAWS h CO .'S Depot Scales. A. B. DAVIS & ci. , ,s Day Moat... A. B. DllSCoal Boole., A. B. A ISMiners' Scares. • A. S. A IS CO.'S Rolling-Mill Bogies. A. A. AVIS & CO.'S Dormant Warehouse Soales. A. B. DAVIS & CO.'S Platform Snits. Manufactory, N. W..oorner of np7-1m FIFTEENTH and WILLOW Sta. zuLititAik; AM) VALUABLE;STOOK some' selling out at Greatly Reduoed Prmen, fit ins wiEnti UT titreet. $lO.OOO worth Standatd Weight Inales, oomPriniall amortment of all Counter',Portable Platform, Warehouse, Ban Coals Cattle, and &filmed /Males. PuMlnimPtli WM ;find it for their toterest to call and examine the above goods at - • - PM. US CHESTNUT STREET. Philadelphia. CRAB. A 9NIELS. The attentioit of country merchant' ui galled to the above "took. . py, FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SOALES. i-111 F " " is ba iriFINED SUGAR.-500 bbls. crushed, iik,1 4 7:r`1,1:;:ithAt41.1.16411`44 briettn.. 4 lar ..p JAVA ,000 ptiokets prime r i dsuligwr saw by SAWA 11149.11411 11FUMBOWNINLITctirtlaii iqn.mi_stana.MP "wry. SALE OF ,If t fORTED DAY GOODO. April 25st 10 egck4 1_ litaa D1RE5551 T8.1550050:45.., 50 cartons is4est sty .Ferry , U silk diem t5i50,0412. LACE CHAT/INS, DRAPERY, giiiitiotain of Kunzier,lthainsok. - • - - 2 Ott Tuesday A:Wirer - I. ;- - - trl th at 100 clock. - - r i lerr a ' .. rab roidered lace tarn' boated s' rtata. - ; 0 00 r i ch drapery Haulm Mos borders. -, 00 extra non lace drafting!.' 900 rich emlitodeted mamba draper/ . ' _ 000 heTr eitrie needts`worartrobrordered eollani. dotted arid figured MHOS mulin& - #bro, an Invoke of boot and jatoolters 'and Ma. LINEN. SHIRT FRO eoon NTS, LI piece! 4-4 Lea t aercti 'r SY Plebes blrd-epPlittecatsliSrs. _ _ , PAIN PHD BORDEN. WIT:LLA SHAVTL4I., 400 - pnated border stalls ahrorla. - - no dozen Oa 617oratah-rprips hoop shirk. IIOS4 aprhiga "On TuesddY Morning, ,„ et.NCONdOod— • s• ,‘ gip geot t eigas nnd,lote. of fano; and saple. dry wooded 'mug oro_I4O4TATNirLT , AcE-DttikatEs: qtrITAP4 It till tit, • DOTTRD nr4D , FIOURED , MUD Intl AND , altogratsa, of the insandeo.. tura o Mr, gg. May't" - ' On ropilday. MOMLlVre igirtrskr7w., FRENCH A r A oic LAOS Dawn idAN. VVV• tat,,,,A • . • An i nvoke tift i djet e r ia lili M lael n ioTis add tsentlllse - PAWS Dble. Mir It DHOTIS.. -- • .60 lots Non, dend Xi Penn malt de etne.bilnettibbnne, WRITS GOODS. • involoe of - Unmet.. nembriei Obook, DiebF, and stripe might!, soft. - mullsjjko. 'POR,D.KR VAMBRIO .HDKFS. " An invoice , Minted border ettynbtin handkerobiefe, madder and go gadget, tenakoretuefs. - OE FIiENC.R.GOOLIS. • -; ~' a Friday Morning. , 1 2 1 1 111fOrtgfir s ial — tei . sle - Frel - loh dry i'do,l4 011ILIP 10140.4k100., AUOTIOIWOR , AL PEREMPTORYT Street. endlitildltroll Street. On SALE OF 8 PRANY OOODS. Tlegdzierm".. April 10 o'olock, wil tbe sold by eillakinue, de- Citable niter/meet or 'ladies' and' intieW Florence Pedal, obln vrid fancy etrew bonnets. la lea', misses and children Leghorn, PedaL Fkirenee, and Adelaide Rats and, bloomers ; Mane Ranch dad Ready pedal bonnets; ranee and bola' trimmed Centow, braid, calm leaf, and Caniula etraw hats, PEREMPTORY BALE 1,000 CAISFS BOOTS, SHOES, CALF -SKI An STRaNy 00008. _ On Thursday Morning, _ Awing . at fa o'clock Precisely. will be sold; by catatogue, 'on four monthe credit. 100 oases men's boys ,andjouthe inn and oalf boots; calf, but and kip brogans; Bootee des, Congress gaiters, enameled ann ual( Oxford ties' women's, !MOOS' and children's kip, calf. and goat bbota. slippers, and bulking; also , a de arable assortment of ladles' olty-nnide kid and goat boots end ,slippera. mud blank lasting bee.ed gaiters, ?worthy the attention of buyers. g9'l3.l.rtiples ready, :with catalogues, early on the Mondrian of este. - • • ' • ' fritEEg' AIM gBRIMBEIty AES(I- TION . —TO-14Y, April 23d: at 1 o'clock. s: the Wm. Penn Hotel. West ituladelphia, a large lot of figs oversreene, fruit, end large 'bane trees. A/10. M a large and fine lot of choice, dowering, slirtlhbeM. , an d anta In great variety,al from our nursery, at west Chaotic, Pa., and in first-rate order.. . . J. L. DARLINGTOIN & Co. . i FRANK, Auctioneer. WILLIAMS & DOM ' AtICTIONEgfig North ItiAligy s eet rit gl i h j aiMPrjetry• o. Messrs. Myst% Clits4oft, & Op. 1. 1#4.1 - offer their serytees ti %titrAnerobeets, yen; sad others or PM le us, for the sate o 211trcets 611 E, g e tifi' b s o ll ui titt b l= ' o l .:At ar tlroVeoti m itt •?- t3s4leme Ms made wee deli - Messrs. Myers. Clahoirl, & Co..MlSdelphis. tr , ! v & d l i tr9her, hilsier s te• • 6, L. & B.getirti Townsend.ew ir Wood, Christy. it Co._ Mo. crs4t, MoCresm, mhtli-thstelt Northern Central Railroad. TUN BRITISH AND 'NORTH Alamo; ROYAL MAIL STEAM 8111P8. - gunbtiry and Ens R. R TROIS ItTON lOU TO LITIMPOIThe •_, ' Chief Cabin Pangaea - ... ••••• • - • • ••- -MIN ' • - Second Cabin Passage. . .....,.... ...._ ye PlOll 101101 TO .......... Chief Cabin Pauses --• ••• • • - ...... •ODit Second Cabin Passage ._ ....... ...... 01) The ships from New York oall at Cork illarldr. The shies fro Isoston call at liabfax, and Cork Har bor,' • • PERSIA, Cast. Troilitins, ICANADA, Capt., Lang," ARABIA, Card. J. Mono, ElytI,GA, Capt. Millar, ASIA, Capt. E. ELL.Lett, IA itßE,Capt.norpon AFRICA. Capt. Spannon U 07A; INK .1: Leitch, ' SUOTIA, ciao* Idadidg.! These vessels carry II a ear white WE it stalethaad I green on starboard bawFl on pert hoW. CANADA. Lang; leave ton, Wednesder,444ll,l I, ARABIA, Stone. . • . York,,__Wmineilday,Aprll IL NIAGARA, Miller, " ' Boston Wednesday, Apnll6. PERSIA Junkies , .N. York, Wednesday" r ... AN S &ICA Lang. . Holton Wednesday, ay.2. - A RI uA, Shannon," t Yi ni ng, Wednesday, 7 g,, E 4 Rope, Leitch, . , Wednesday, May 16. A A.Lott, " N. ork, Wednesday, May M. A ri " a ti tre: 4 4l2lTel_ du l l:A. 4 ne e ornors of thesefehlre wt. not be arrownitable for Gold, Silver, ?align. Beetila, JewearY, Preoloos Stones, or Metals, on eat pills el - jading afa smug thayster. and the ,value thereof therein eaermuod - FM MoVilt , or yassage wooly tO fe77.-wfmtf .E. N ew 4 Bowliai Grout. New rork. FOR THE ,friOUTRL--OHARIARS TON AND faVANNAN ILTNAMOHIPS ! PREIGRT REDUCED. Heavy Fritirt at an average of Mr7Balf pat coati be low' New YOr Ittatfteltip Mae. - OR ORAKLTN, C. The U.S. Mail Eltassi mum; STATE,. Can tam Charism P. MartnMan, stul .ois Wednesday, May .1, at 10 o'elottk AL Through in tl to BO lion al7 hens at Bess FOR SAVADIN GA. The U. S. Mail Steamship B ATE 'OP GEORGIA, Captain John .I,._thinna, Will Lail on Saturday, niml 211, tit 10 o'ologit A M. Ihrough to ID tioare-only 45 home at Am flai hag days at &nod frost *my Saturday Warm five days. G oods received, anti Ding of Lading aine every day. The sidssidid Int-Glare ids-wheol l teiguidirs KEY STONE STATE sad STATE OF 15E0R131Anolt above every ten day., thilgiorming a fiyll.4•ll 0014mma mostion with Charleston an Savannah, and the South and Southwest. . At both Charlest on . nel ib lr e n c ialt . , wi t= il e r = t a tig- Pc7llTikact i es in the ileeth eits_oeettroest. ' " . INSRACE. Freight and Insurance on a lams froaortion'of %ads Cupped Booth wall he found to be by those sacks than by selling noels, the premium being one-half tag rate. N. 8.-Icinuanes on all Railroad Freight is inktirelY 1 1 110001 , 16arY, farther then Charlegtott or SavannM, the Railroad Comparue.ttakisie ail rink. from these smite. GREAT REMOTION IN PARE. Fare by this route ita Ia eo per mat. abeapior than by the Inland Route, as will be seen _by the following sche dule. Through tickets from Philadelphia. via Charles ton and Savannah atetunehiss, INDLDDINO MEALS on the whole route. except front Chiurimiton and Savan nah M Montgomery : To Charleston ' Savannah........ 15 001 Augusta—. se to Alsoon— Al 01) Columbus—. -. Id 00 Albany 00 Montgomery...-.M 00 Mobs M 02 _New oriiiate as is No bills of lading signed after the ship itas sa i led. For freight or passage apply on board, at second w hart above Vine agree t, or to ALEX. BEIM Jr.. Southwest comer FOURTH andCHESTNUT, Agents in Charleston. T. A. & T. G. BUDD. _ f3avannah,HUNTßß OAMMELL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Car:dims ever, Tnesder. John'',rida from Baotou:LS, steamers 134 Miry'. sad Pt. every Moeda, and Saturday. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- The Sim of T. B. LANCASTER dc SON 'mini been dietolYed by the daath of J. B. A: aster, on tho &I must.. the business will be contain by the under signed. at the old stand, Bonne and De ware aial/Ues under the name of .1. B. Lancaster k Bon. and DELAWARE R, SPRUCE and Avenue. ' NOTI C E.—THE COPARTNERSHIP hirsotofore existing between the enbeeribere, un der tho arm of J. E. KNORR & CO., is this day dis solved by mutual consent, J. E. Knorr retiring The business of the late firm will be settled by. RLES P. TAGOART, at the old•stand . Ito. 63i MARKET Street, where all persons having olaims will present them for settlement, and tenee indebted will make paymenL J. E. KNORR. ete-eet CHAS. P. TAOGART. LPARTNERSHIP.—NOTICE A-a is hereby Riven, that the subsoribers have formed a limited partnetehip, sigresabq to the cot off lio:magi of the Commouvrealth of Fedneylvania. approved march flat. los. entitled "An sot relative to Limited Partner, stop h s." and the supplements thereto. The name of the urt under which the said sartney ship tobe conducted is that of " CHAIM P.B P. • Thegenera! nature of the busicass to be 0811am:den by the firm is, that of Importers and Wholesale Peeler's in Wines and Liquors in the city ef Flidedglnhls. The name of the general partner is CHARLES F. TAGGART. whose place of residence is at Vo. 1010 Chestnut street. in the city of Fhiladelphis k ind the name of the special partner le ILLIAMMBi4 TAG 0 ART _,who likewise resides in the city oPntter delphie, at Ito. 131 Routh Fifteenth street. The special partner, the said WILLIAM REM REL TAG GART. has contritruted to the common stock of the firm the sum of ten thousand dollars in cash. The period at which the said Copartnership is to com mence is the 4th day or .4ont, MO, end is to terminate on the 4th day of Apni, CHARLES F. TAGGART. apa.ll6t WILLIAM HEMIIIiL TAGGART. COPARTNERSIIIP.—A, - W. RAND his THIS DAY admitted into PannershiP GEORGE W. ALLEN. The style of the firm will be RAND & ALLEN, Who will continue the HOT-AIR. AND HOT-WATER FURNACE, COOKING-RANGE. PLUMBING. GAS, and STEAM- At the old etand. FITTING BUSINESS, N 0.224 North SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. April 2. ISM. apf-lin• J WAGNER JERMON, • ATTORNEY AND COLINSELWR-AT-LAW, (Moe. 116 South 81% PH Street, (Opposite independence Square,) Bithe aid of reliable Attornoye, at di ff erent points in the United States. is enabled to proseoute and colleot claims of every description. Particular attention liven to the examination end re covery of the Timm of Lesatees and Devuesee.aud the examination o Land Titles and aeorinne the interests of.heire and a persons interested - in the same, in all parts of tho Union. Rae the Statutes of all the Mates and is Commissioner for most of them. Depositions carefully Miami under Commissions. 5511 em HENRY E. KEENE_, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Has REMOVED from N 0.630 Walnut street 'to N 0. 2 ,60 Booth THIRD Street. mh.92-3m. SSAMUELSLO 4N, REAL ESTATE BROKER. AND COLLECTING AGENT, nOL33-sm. BT. PAIR, MINNESOTA. IVIIESODRI LAND ! B. B. BILBROUGH & CO.. • General Land and Beat Estate Ite. Dealers in Land Warrants_,Aoo s. &a.. Northwest earner THIRD and OH UT Streets, .. in, OUP& . lifir Particular attention paid to entering Graduated Land/. noo,ooo Ames for sale at guess ranging from 12 to 2 netts per sere. &tents snouted and taxes paid. nolose stamp for flat and Parrlnullttl. le&Fint WM. M. GRIMMER. G REINER & BARECNESS, COMMISSION mEcHANTE. 132 SOUTH W.IIARVEN fel4-3m I.IIILADELPIITA. ALFRED L. PAPER MANUFACTURSRi 4DE744, Orders solicited for every description of PAPER AND PAPER-MAKERII MATER/AM N 0.17 South SIXTH. Etreetattiladelptua. tell-Son" r PAWSON & • NIOIIOLSON, gix_pp. • NOB. $l9 A B ND oo 99 n 1 miNo m 9. STRET, Between AlArlo DAbstnat Woe% FIitL,ADELPDIA. JAMES ?AMON. JAS. B, Niamouson, ' R CORSON, REAL ESTATE BEO- • KER AND CONVIVA_IY_DER,NOrTNVInI• R B * In(I Farms for tale in Buoicii,_NontgotnerroAd Cagi er oounties. Catelostes of Yuma, Trab, ionc sent to well. Want .BIDDLE, Attorney at Law; No, in Souk FOUATIL Num. „. . kEles, M 4 1 4 11, .411,1X49,143 ST. LOUIS, MO. RIPPING. INLMID WAIL Charleston —.-. .....1323 BD Sievannah—.--. 31 00 Augusta 1R 03 Maxim— 11773 Atlante— ' 31 00' Columbas—...:. al 00 00 Modtgoinet3—. EB 00' Mobile. 16 90 New or 00. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. BUSINESS CARDS. wx. W. twuumes. , THOMAS A 80/114----- , Not..ls„„AL._,„fflirgir aroci,, , „„1,--,,,,,, - A t zg trioostilot ow ofriptoogs oMit ralm o Lootiorwo,A B . ap..30,....., wi11 , ~ ntrtragt.--r: =nen* ' imillst 4t viduabl. litc ""' '' ' ' '^,. ~. Z r,..1 , .- •_1 ~."- ~, 0.4.X.D.--MBLI "X -, T , , -411114 atom AT • . n4,c• !mai • - &Oct stooks limn fattira - --r-r" , 4 1 ' 1 ' . , - sadjtiont6 l lll2elswopoi oft -" 4 too 'ea. thomonointw it a it o 0 Air .vs a togs at svistile solo. istoloitAtinivAotiorl . odur oM s . :111ir Hog memo Waned oft oar :21-igg i 014 adirertlredeNmiosaJay lii au tetwhishl44aliestprtatai "zoom , BONDS; - • • • • ear 111441011 Y. ); is cesbeltowas, *CI itoidOkt nataaelphraEzelvids.• • • fILIZO• bonds. trziaelei Ueda 9 77 u sintis Via aid =tin ' uilmst onginni. thaw"; (30 saw eiazie)Baer tlztasideeLsiell - Emanation— — - abate Philadelphia Liteemzertlm • pelezP. • - ' • share Blertmetzle Likuhry pa , - - me shares; Piedmont Coat ttn , 3 rove e_oapany tri 2ftrit mortgage maim" 8 per•eent Waft BM Huh. of the intonCoanzz minim: aid - ti Cow. • n, pe of Virriniti.. shares Logo* County levied I ledXls ' laiseiliriag - TineDanz of Vtrginin=oar $lO 6 . riare Point Breeze Park Automation, - Also. - without reserve. - for aoepmt ot - arboas - it may ctoacenz,- 4 bond's, 4060 eao, Ponaldadretmproyamesit Co." 320 shareeriaptereßaalrOf klisetareed. - • 4Without reserve, for amount of whore Haw Goa- 013,00:1M mortgage - eciagicei beads Camden !ad Sunni Railroad Company. " ' • . 118 LE RARE. ,CU WOW', AND INTRARITING BOOKS ,including the - Lib arfol the late Thotautß. (Jordon, Bag. On Tuesday everting, - April 24th, at the,Atietion store. a solsotimiedpare. ea noes - e.and :valua hooka, atd•di library of the la intereeain te. Thomas F.:Gordon ble . Rea.t ng Or , TWYNTIETH SPRING SALE-APRIL JO 13 o'obwik noon. • Assignee's Peremptory Sale-ELEOANT COUNTRY - SPAT, 19X ecru , with suctenetve and Sae issarerre lunar, ea the ifaverford road. ) fromDarW7 Pea- longer Railway depot and 35 mile-from station oa /*buster Railroad, Delaware coonty,Pa.,l6 salsa. fame . Market-street bridge. -_ • • Assignee's Peremptory , dale., -VALUAELE SMALL. FARM.-37 aim& with onproveuteate, on Haverford-. road,-at -Darby station. , Melt renewer, Raikaad. 174 Assignee'.arby Delaware ootnity .. . - Pa. - Peremptory nale.-11ANDISONE COUN TRY //EAT. 37 Amer. Haverfordroad gad West Cass tar Railroad, near Baltimore taraplia. part ithiinlanir the above. ,_d_beriere Sale.-VALUABLE FARM. AND • COUN TRY BRAT. 66 acre , with supenor issuarremearar_. Yrankford and Dneel t eramke. and I realms - M1141101114,‘ near Torresdale.% mile from Delaware river. • Peremptory dale-Estate late Minim Ostiten,ase'd. - LARGE AND 'VALUABLE LOT. wigs 6 Outs dere Begs, Front strett,_Nos. 1418 and Ileti aura Poplar at.; lot 43 by 111/ feet. - rW' Sale abeotate.'' •,• "••••_„__ • Bartle r state -T WO4ITORV VIARIEDWT , LL/310,,, RI Galant street,. betw. Ascend smd Thutk ~..„ltardandeout4 tstate,- OE ars : Vr a taw. Catbar no street.. betwels teat see Se cond street." with large. of and from dwell/ALA thts Plan. -8 "" ‘ &I r tms V TY Rt.lB -MOW- BameE.tme .aRGE AND, AL 41. plipeoN No see 'aottoe street west of Thißl n...... "etstielt. with two story bnor ... " '" 4lB g th• p ar " street, No. 34)7 a lot IS bf m5 . ,1%.! foot. tentl‘ Wahl ° H o T E L AN D mys L1N(161.-Thraw-ittory, bnelt hotel and dwelling: L. 7at lir W l L, a ta iti r .t r. IFlrtelenth. with tonrthreswatery tb rear. Ititsentor's Sale.--T it t. 4aIIe"PAND e, mt. pemA a( ;LARGE LOT, west ai d e la° ?"" L7brand 'Rees - feet front. sad IS „depth RR eat sine FU ailt i rt WWl, ' LlNas.-rriy two Loa; a Wok Arreilirje, /To. 141 !read street, butra . ." I tc trtt and / ilia": d lt ,ewoo m l x ssr4 ,. Beech elreeLyurt Zdeliatrult - WERT PIIILA Lniial.- , r• - bug, months di Twenty-foartfi tid yoNt. street, air Wt hinentor'ereneinitrry , :pslB:-7Esiiita of Ow. UM. dee'd -1111111NNSO Irrerap.-psnao'. roar stet store and Murder...Ruud as %Regatta Re/L" Cosner strut: eddereite Faudrattats agar , Ludun_ aveau. - - anr - Baleateohite.- • —' Same Estate.-I RRRD MASI, W TRiItAW GROUND RENT. - NR 84914%-s nr u e a N ed - oroar-sfril 8 so am No ketateortte o 8 nMtIV • GROUND - RENT: 114. seemed od three Mary briar /*Chas. .rthwest eonser Arab doily l ....aat h. C4olll•l7 late, ealt Ruud sou gee kaate Ramon) itteOl,"Aolosid.-'-filt VALUAR E - LOT . wITN - rollN - FRONTS. an OK on Ridge aerentie,4llolegt ow Cambia anisnea, on Twenty, /earth army* Mg MIS. teat ea yusty-, t. l l street, Twentieth ward, °inmate dept of Gl' rard College Raulway i vany; •• - lireentor's +or Rsouly Fraltni THREE STORY BR DWELLI.NO, No. 110 Alas (late &heel Kraig between Obeid avenue sat Ottsir, and Front and 110117.74 streets, Diliewatib Ward. gb,dme Estate -THREE-STORY yums MAU, west aide- of O'Neal strut, ix 10-Year et the -v sity yALITABLB LoIVFAMS--111 ice TystroAlutsetovb Jeri oftwiet, oil us depth =6 resit to loh !toot, h tie MI Malmo, stro*U., _we was wane. - Trustee's ente—lr Wn& IiVEINVIS gwuriPll , 'Mr-Two thres•otore eh garde eat elesetane. Imo and as &lull Be an lei% or noon stradol teoB 13ItY Manz 0.Ko• an Cheese street, between taut and sad .rolutia aid Firm streets. - - • .13UKIPIR88 STAND.—hBB store and dwelling -12M rederht angst. *est of' Twelfth. Sr mediate possession.. ITIREE-IsTO ft s MUCK 3:lWELLnifi. Ars. Vederat street. ad3oining the above, with glable tlig roar. BODKRII,IIIIICATORt BRICK DWRLLIMIL with Indy; yard. fro. glarrattlin atraegig Wit w. : THRBI4-824iRtr BRICK DRIBLLIffe, Sea 111 Ching. arse. vewtreinas ain*.Vrifeinuihis. Chester coun6/. l's.".33nat from Nu& Executors' heie.--Weboet of Mawr Ettsis, deceased, valzasis US, mast Mee( IlUenhenin mars, S 3 feet by 141 Apet. • _ Bale No. 241 BouthBIXTH Street. ' BELOAN r F U KNIT LAM' ROBEWOOI.I O M, OCATELLN. - CURTAINS, MIN_ TAPESTRY CARPETS. leo. ' This Yoram. 23d inst., at 10 o'clock, by catelog - ue. at N 0.311 aontb Sixth street. the elegant drawine-ream form.ure. rosewood plan-forte by No r k Co.. handsome biamstel/le and bwm eurable./1 4 Dd r it. swami minors, tapestry velvet 'carpets. gut gee cc deher, to. - - ' lit - May be examined at. I o'elook ois the 'aerates of sale. - . &Alt N !anion. IiANDEONLIS In WM ItOPEWOOD MAO, . Tarn Tensaw o . :FrlS.kc. - . O lath Inst.. MY/o'clock. ilairrank tn street t the bandaonto . puler, Alausa-toosa. mod chamber ilmutate. tneenvocd. /seko weaker, teptetry Melte. bee k air !mammas. Ginza. 6 1 re. km, of a ROODIMAII declining heneekeiglag. Also. the kitchen fart:atom ET May Joe elammed on the morning of main at o'cloek. • - ' SALE ON WEDNESDAY EVENIWO., " • POPULAR kusantacotous MORK& -Oe Wirdsomisp Lrceeiai April 2:81), atl aariortment of popular Webs oatnfer eapnß imbjetts. LT For outionlarst are calslopuirs. Pale at Nee. LSO and ill Sonth_Foarth 'Stmt. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRRSCM,PLATE MIR ROR& PIANO-FORTES, BRUSSELS CARPETS.. OA Thursday Monona'. At I weloolt, at the Auetean Store , an sembis aseelient second - band furniture. asp i c jpisao-keimr. fate martin, carpets, eta, [rya _delabAll* housekeeping, removed so th e plow or eolimumew . We. Administrator's Sale—No. IS florin Eighth, atreei—Es tate of Jobn Neill, deceased. erocx OF LA IHEIV AND CHILDREN'S HOOOTS AND SHOES, LA BTB, UPPERS, Ecl- On Pride, lifortnEfr April EU. at 10 o'clock, at No. 11 north Eighth street, the stook of lobes', misuse' , and otiiklren'ir boots ai d dl inoludin heeled patois, CcesanestOessee, tea one(' ; kid mallung boots, parlor and Wet Wlppere, childten'e shoes, kn., manufactured enersasE Or re tail miles. • Alan, a large assortment of taste, itp=rk benches. and seerlthing appertaining lathe *.loo, the good-arid and Oat-urea The 'thole to be sold williont_reeerse, by color of nd niiniatrator. SALE OF EUROPEAN OIL. PAINTINGS. • On Saturday Dientiee: kerit 20th, at the auction r ore. ICU ceelott=lee tilts Eitropeatioll Paintings ecesprEisig pee, k Icons ; aed other eablects. tea Purge aid reme - Me copieS of the Neuss Neu. ail Child original) by Feristi ; ritElL.trs all to elegantly rained and silt frames. - Tbe paintings are now arranged for inasin . Wien in oar large Nut Room, mooed MM. - • ' IR SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 sari CILESTPI ^non betTe_en PCITIMIT ass ik SPECIAL SALE KREOS lu IC URES SADBOXES. On Idondg.7 Monsing. . April 23. oommerming at &cook. coasisting of a Inge and varied aasortment of importer colored sad pl sin groups and Train, iltuminAted pictures. Bwiss. Irish. and Americas soenery. to. SOAP. Also, rosewood and walnut S patent , avolving morocco, rosewood. and walnut style stereoscopes.. BALE 1418 EMBBOIDFIOB.B. BONNET -MY TRIMMIAG - .11.18801 8 , VDU k; 000D8, LA &0., to. On Wadmobil 111185. by astalaitah of a ay•dit, commraelsot at .etaatr.. atabtaatas theaseal awanapat of mow "ad deotrabla goad for pity ratan sales. MOSES NATRANB I AUOTIONEBE Arai commiemow logthelat Oorner of SIETEAIO RAge_gaverria. nd NEYTO LOASI.T 8050,000 to loan , rae= all arootuit 'took,. aced and 'dyer plate. n t E t wataboag n, r fowling pieced. dry goofs, ale . gsooe 7. - tT bedding. hone . vehielaa I =az t Veloon value..for any length oftuna adreMLusoa. auWIS AI Libenel terms Mix at any other ermoullezent in Me M OUT-DOOK SALES A charge'. ttended to personally, PE Idur awationost , gamy jgeg . , CONSIONAMTIg SOLICITED. Deasixementa of MI and elan , kind of goods goliggted for patine gale ; two-tfurds me value of the goodie 'MI be wale. SPLENDID • HUNTING CAPE GOLD PATENT lEEE It WATCHES. Ulmer fine, extra fell ,d of the moat approved and beet wagers, cost from $lO4 to $1260 each, at from SiO to 01/26. Jaws NATaszta. SOU OAT lo NA:. .AMENICIAN ' &AWOL INSTITUTE is a reliable medium thronyhytif eh Setoote ana Fami- Hai may obtain, /teat taaohent. Bllliabl may WY teln, ratuitosy, n mullion and monism of tne Mil wheels 8, ITH, PrOoDbIAN, ik. Cti., "leS BROADWAY. New Y rk. - alf•tt SO CHESTNUT Street, Phiadelgrie. DE KALB INSTITUTE, NORR'S TOWN, RA., FOR YOUNG MRN AND BOYS.— he Ehroiner &aeon Wilt oommence on MONDAY. the 16th of April. For circulars. containing particulars. ad dreg/8 JOHN W. LOCH, apll-wralGt • Principal. NEW BOARDING SCHOOL. -TUSCARORA FEMALE IN't fITUTE Will be opened at ACADEM LA, Juniata eountyl PS" on the Ist day of MAY twat. Pot amicatenetturata con temns terms, dto.,spply by letter, or pprionany. till lA Atoll. to the subsenber,esUll VINE. street, Philadel phia ; after that at ACADEMI. Juniata emmty„ta. W. G. E AGNEW. fer-dtrayl* lilt VINT. SOW. iptILYANT & "STRATTON/8 NATIONAL aI:ERUNTILM mkt_ delphis..• 8. aornez_ REV 16 g at e arfiluT firm York, Buffalo, cioviland, C and . For isitornatioa. oat or rood zor no, IbiLiz MERCHANT TAILOR N. E . 0. THOMPSON, MERCHANT TAILOR. tt. E. CORNER OF /SEVENTH AND WALNUT BTB. elbeotfullr invites the attention of, all thorns suffsting ironi the . Inoonwenienca of bad-fitting pantaloons to Fue sopenor method of cutting and fitting this important garment. This is, in fact. an almost =sena' com plaint. the truth ts,noweyer, that the fault generally lira with the nettilled cotter. who hos never searched for or made hurneelf ;nester of the true method. Hayti*• to a measure, made this department a sperrialtg. t largo all who are interested to IrtVe Ina 6 call. I haws alwala on hand a oomplabr assortment of desirable goods for Coatinra, ralltaioooll. and estings, of the lawn styles, Partials ofmr oWn importation. 300 BBLS Prime Halifax' and Zit tport Herring, INA bates Scialed BMW. ill hail tobleWlMe Flab, m stares ad MO UM for sale do 1111 %WIC J. T KOrytidioo., BRIOK-MAKIPI(} WHINES which tem. toler L angr,*Blo,ooqer day, Blink Preeeest Zile Rae nes, ulav 0 1 5 4 .1,LeeVitit eemet Hams Arm B#OULDXR3I,9OO Pisces I.lriramitur,!r,hlo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers