4 ( 2 11. 4 . 4 HA t.: 1 4 , -. 4. 4. ,,, 4 - ir k fil * a . MO" ,400041 1 1: 1 0Art tiAtirlitioUba of" t AC' tutiobA ituta- , , Alt AtlMAAottAbk74valrottiltrii_ , iStitutAttotont• 1 , rs , :: 11116 r, , 114111 =4,1: 06 $ lad VW $ 11011 ! ' -,` floottato *Wu* -„ t o le „ ~,- ilto,%=kroilioutitePof ellis ~ f,,, - - tr , i-y — . . .. E. Y - ge '. " .iisiiicovoiAZiumi:t.ii;; Z,l ~21 011 =1,0 40 . . ..f rit 1 ' .11041. ' Till '. t • -- likil.W/Wligt - ,i et 4 .„.r jk ...........iteatatkingt 414106 , Ike MUTH Ire ',VI i = „ook4skAlaiii. l 4l!°:." l4 o. it4ar , Nitiliiiiildoo2llslllllol3Calebt,T. '. z ' - ' 211010otrAt aullautat i oiltrir um itiorw - urfuoka /* 'isaissigiivigaiiiivekillikaliWillUith's wassions a h , „ dlp " iptair . oo,.--, :, ~ 4 4, ,- Ilttio, p -isi" .u..111N,. a. i -.:-'4 • ~ . :All 4 '-'l 4 P i rt.C4: :.' ..;.,'. , . '7,24'4 lIIRMII./ 4.. i. • AM 4 / ...,.-:,... UM .."---. . W V1NV.....: .‘. - lame -' -- '.... , :kuthPol'ill ' Yiii wolat , i this ? ilioil:iitruit, : , ,b,hiriOsaliaildrO4PPA.tOrP4lo, thiii,eir- A ," o tuoutotmoloUtios lathe tottliirototatoaaiteitit ' fa* 1404 bY, imr.Widatill faa 'ask 114110 10 , litipOW.Crat Iwsoid, 'a** bi"fifik i rl a Po ll ° - " 1 _ day aril.,. A. 11,1414. 41100* was v. Piricia47 14/624**ttlilitstetkisse litteboasoia tbill at, of NOW TOrk.l4 POW Oa**, to is.highest bights , . hue l omtigid d4West irigi us bi WI wad, re*ottvery. fa., siliguligkii eflittblifedatilis Wm _. , ' '' ineust ;Col/ortodox tottotowhis on to Lt De aimtultruiitititibitisith' in httioviiiii*NUNlA Th• twotout,ot 6-..th+o, *tow* ta ationcoota tarnlast SVIC IW Nitqa,e ,iditt' the 42 4 411 4 1 4 . 3 " bire , ii ' .1404:4444414. :fiakaNgs ietzig. ' -111i;Ims. ' 1 4 443,: iiii4Piltu pi& 1/414sai • .:',A?-11:00,, ~ metoutk r ioffwa tn. it,kzionn IL,- ~.Ki r .......--`-. 16 - ' , . , 54.q.765'. ' do •".- " ••,'• •l e 1111 , a40.145 Vag" VP I" dour ciow.ll4 , JO W.-SWUM ,Wi l t-71.17; * 41,05010iL ,Z o Ilarit - __,_ latininiftwailii ~,;• 'tp. , ..z77 , , , , , , , :tipt fil:Ps Carf:aiiialli P „,*i-'4Vigillii. it'''ll4l2 ‘.7414-- 0 ' 'Ol , 71:44itiiii*Millo.4.,-.;... .... ........,--• • -- Ng 1 Z... ~.. AL . i• 1144,7iip ,, • 2I - • N i* "tf47 . ,IW Z IPe I r f . ::::.:N ''' •• ', *l tT;t7 l'''' • * " ...... 11% - 1 • -qt.t.JOIAI6, 41Ni; 41::::.1 - SlNOtollow ' ` Ailibtlik.Bll, ,111113friad saas..-,a.tiliii ' .ll , -- Wio,W. dill4nUlt,- , , ' ~. ''''' - 17* V • ••-- ' otattiia' .i.' -ft A t ...,....14, ;.,,,....„4. . ...:7.47...1.,,,aa ir , ” §- ~), N 4 ,6 , 4 it. ....„, vivo • •,... ;4.4 , 4 ~A l7/ 0 4p - if f , - - -1 2 , , . act : • : .Ag.. ti" 4 .tom d. & , shwas ..,,- ._.,:, .... --fiat .4., . Ili - 10,04Clar Sli - *atom:its 411 tit their F iro r-0 1 4-mie•its. *le Igo WI so* mitt" riiilo e 1114-V**l Min 19 tolflit 'Jess. MOO io f for rtikiik Imp ow bilpirrat ktrr[A4l4 l 4lrabloOlde atAit At Orfoe~ led drudge . „. , '. 2l oo lo:l** . i ie kiti 'l4.ftkA , tiFts , sl I „ 4;4 47 4 It* itirdoetic6lar . -so ri si t*qesk Ma ':'0IT*1:111•!IIII's -f• ; Mr_ertetovs , Reitovah.—khe eg the pro-; atiffiehaiiitiniftee of itiimitsslocire attikingli limiethani !heath Its atiavaithierger eed wore ellaitilil leoetakinattets. Tide is 46444W7 Ova lebesi the ro-'. ilitivil re a saroosite to easotaiwahae the groin*, wabts. 'tellies: 'yr* lwre lee munetvas ieloovaliref Me - eleakulthet the tail few. l444 thoi o*Chbetilat,4 ether WOOL ***lll4 let dist oat wage. PS *Molt' *******4 lloll lo l 4:eat. ' wtemet *Wm* tothi estPrecitic-_,2u'r Ulbral eftweiti.. pertioathaily situp mt.: ..• Ilfe `..to coethailisted teeiovat of illte l% it ~ V11114 .4* 11 4 41. ,C*42ol' *OM ,ObVr• _ • filbil 4 1 ,014.14bete the hind sad Outathollota dont - • ;iitothWeet 'Gotha Let. Mama al Swank ktists" . Ili* - Wanes *met Ibis no'ION IWO, ;114147 y i= jo br e, 24/1 ettoiehat withia th e ea*airo mil IMO indoi-avrakor, ',new/Idle gyrrit ni0,F 90407 1 His : *****, betetothe,e hero ad 1, Nia.. aeralthii, Wash iithierot thaw ay taw* ae aa •." r '., : lbsi***ta****ll4t Mit itheelithepatehi. located et , !Pt._ .. .theltrthaeakop Ousetkii of twe popular botmeas 2 , " • ' •*lelotzlattflatont eandenve to the tonal, of a 'inettlitl mew We headily eoserandete Mr. f IMO** tam go Mr, Aim lath' right4theotion7 ' • Obi *Mika 'whammed' will weireireird yp}-,-iumt have no ilaittt that tip isersased,nitromme 'whisk rendered the' wove steognow eUI fad'atilt bemer 'aoat ia Ma eeletopf aseratertens. We two haus lbst, with: nue ' 4104 0 4diverIllknar illilb 'ill be otaiewethattil in * . NwaffeeifirliViir *Mart tia***ll min 'peer . vOßP s iZ i t a rra•rif imolnitS hall* foi the ete;ti 'Will** ' '' r i *nee*/ Made ht sethital. wilt "noloPpadli, ll Memikened. Mt sown, a is Axed la ta :WietPaMtilaiirleAtit ititria bo - miqo taws to the ...*Vik.4loll6 In ;:fiv: sot* W Weal*, I 144 , V4l4obflO bratilielir,* *l*****. ii* hil• s 4l # ll 7r.!***** P. /rh'lrilkli•ibe ll 9 , P 44 4 : "Pitr*fi liaseeine Ifni" ore amenity .441/40.1.1* . ikei.ai,eeekketn it oiiimukaii. smi • 'Weliatheir Witt Mead hish allatenemket, be thai • who have said them Thee woof vest (sushi to ati 104 4 1 *. boomed viii b.altial ontIONSHI,00141t4•141 ;.'main'-'lick"aid'servooi heithieho',' beanie ,dhaaese, heath eamtiretheth II ithla aid, elloniat mauve is Ter : 4 -Vok 26 / I .l l * Imekirelt Or G. a sown; sok and a fit ,t .4hltgrni Poo* I'M bii* - ,- - - ' - L. it Leaver a Co,:; ' xi. swakaptiiit fitmt, Inf ofri*OiNclottooiiiiii At AO liothif ;willow or Sues. 11 .fillgallOot ***Oligtfir ***; Offie %GC igssionind or: - I Sat"; a i 1 .0 016 . 10 0 01 : WO Ai coat if li ti., iii.i tiiiiiiiiiiiiei losiiiiif, NOviiirorklig. 6, tiM) ~ Otretana l tertteteentue-Oztter 4 inch 4 4144i1i ' %/Ado itlibbfaubb t b atit fir a pity air Ilona' ihoslii be widow, itr,„ •-.• ... • " , • :, • • ., spet-teStWat ';',3l4.74iii. ,. *****to:ociti. foiptrtoneo of compooo Mid " ta a ffeki k-l it4 l 4rekthilittio.t r ien4 Mr d i ri li tit t ' - ''' . 11 b 4 j, ...4 1 1 0 04*4 1 144011*416111144" tretelei .. 4 "l 4 .7 4 stationto . ? - '4sitaitstio`Vtatirtifti Alborg Of mote than one hudiod 4triae,r Ism* from team each to an per ea me eta he - ~., .LW. %tam & 00.,, , 'f, ci . ; i i ' - :.r - } / i - -,' ', , - ,.ni,( 7 bliltatt Strut. Srairojimmatii , Z;* Onam - - besawilf• wiedak ::, Wiriiitil'"favoi*ol4oo46l,*4l.:4 , , - , , . p,.-- , -,..--,-,', .',. B. :11y,; ChtliTh It OM _ ~,.: , •-`- -' , `-% , " lit ckeetaut Street. - f r iali itignie. be rei Pinar.. Moab; ` - f;lliiiiim4VoiLwisitoof, onCsaligobies 4ololl, 4 / 1 1 0 1 a othrogsmost at iielailkilill*i lilealwater at k', i. ~„ (t-J. , -: q`-‘ h.- • +. ,‘,X. W. oakklite k 00. ' k, , ‘: e ''''': ''' • ;', ' - ' ' '- ' ''' ,l u cbgataat luti4 , ! ~ t oft Visit. : r . — - '•I q• The rata sad pieces M.llrhatell ere peat, .: -,. -, . 'A*Siliar*filliii***Oiritheetitai ma &mite s ', :, , al Omni einfient. tone am 41444 crow. 1 .papi2 Ow 1 '-13alie I,llll***ll*ltiviimpt itipdaine WO, - 1 Z liery ' 4 ": ' ditch ON'i *Wit refik.*"* . of Puma 1 ' ''-' ivinticsiat Ills the eildiefellwthi with We. 1 v: ; ' .l llo.ofterfid holm reth*** frank * 0,404 1 1 , **et i f r, gii Ait i talirtfta - , NO "•". , .0 11 4 .010 541 •P , i' .4 , g old it - 1 14 • -. , . .. 4 4911$' <,';'<: 1 r Ae-Ziklifrata4.l,44_ok,glollkilike ,-4,-- ~,,, i J .. , 4100611 witirkelmenbeemite• Xa , "' .-.., WINAW II ,W I ~ - , 1 , -.;=. ,taiMitet=eltrefeMinal th e ,r t BelWaw, the Toilet ,'"OritatOWL IltrP**** ll l*OV l ." . '•- .." , .... -_• ~ - Ikoiritle <0 7, It ARIVALB: 110TEL8. mloeuitaiso:ol#o,o4o nom - . i l ii' .. -.,, - JtormisiAir-Pf. Liineot Tha.. ; sl,a vit ittit. r ( Ra m . 1 ,1 rt' 0 , 414 :', e ao /1;66174. ' (11 0,*Aasd in tpr en ' i;;; e n iirr0v mh' 93,....., 1 11? Jsatoonimit. ' st Lop! Atai eibuic..... ', Va. ul e iv rr ' ei u 1 i1 3144" 11. ma k* , q....littw,,ns- 4 , 14 snria, NashvlllB. ' ma% 1 1 81 M 0 i walyor, Wpm, D•I 8 ma& a • t , W i n e tll l, it , G A t or , - ; NANA Y i rk: iski XX • / it o r oo toz azi 4 &, It i postua a: it t, Balton clitr,f,,Ttr„„,. , . is rel v i \roc , Dl' D A 8064 & lir et Paul , iv . m u . Ora l . JaM l ZAtei t l"e! i ~: nailfernmon.. rigr. ' , l i=e,,w ... y 1 i f irwa litz , 4. 1 ..., 7 -r so 'Fi tohea m nv lort ., , I l i 9. ' •,, ,,, , e,,, , , , 113 . ,, , :: ,,,,.. _ „,.... Ilohonpk, Br i V o ya, Ate n ittormon Riftir j ‘4ll.6 1 -,m . 'kWh irf uis 1 1 4 I% aolllbuTA . 0 A oar. i I 1.1 I . harlinnen. 8 0 II VII tt ar. wl, . 1 Jame a l k z t on. PI Y , v , 4 %We ir., It y rilt. F k lkausel, Ofi nn I f NY OnfuLP / 1 1• 1 1,1h 1 Xj r Taw & Is. Z.Y u : , oki . fe t v rAgric7 ' s 1 Mrklirkual:l4 4 4 . a rttlif t"Y l i art f iris ° o l .lrig=ataid 11' . m tonimoi,W.6h N i V itl. Pkil ' ' -,, l arat r i4 Y E_ or or. )MI '• / • its j a . - h "up 0 MIS L istake• it Lost, i imet „ rap 8 P vonner, !Ma ris e anlB ut !tic k clVlSoOtabranta 4 t ell yo . i a %I VY - - (I ere . Roahattat niPB4. l Xew loni Arjunpast & WWI! ...48canolintor, _, , ._/, it.Bpor,B _ .14 x ”aiter OW. BIM 0, al Y , nir mule a 116.,_. X .. .., WW 0 alms* • WI /410 91 1 1. r 1, 44,.P u ii, GBmith, sib, D 0 K. WI Mara I A ~,,,m ai, ri0r ,,,,.. .• - 6 rColexism, Yhils J 0 jam & Is, Boston 1 8 0 Win, al Y 431RARD R O UdIP Mishima it., below ninth. ,11,30nee, anisbare , Jog MoV i rose, Ohio ' iD b r =V: ; ' tili C sirliivit N J tkV Utter, COMA . . .Ist , /reins & is, Mess , Ken .Aabilities. a 0 , RPhillips A DJ3 . - K McClure, Pa .. /Miller, J. Y 0 marina; N Y - R Wsker 4. ja;N Y El Pasdletoo, Mai" le '' VP•l n' Ai d= tu, BC W G Gibson, 1i,4 wit. .. eel .. Ja ic r tgi n Vitrt 5 u . • k . 4,M u ire ' ileirWirifl i : - 2 , Tottt e g l gtjet. ' ri et 1 Or ohm) d 744111• Ad - , mod " kori . 4 l 4_ P tWillard,Dronkliti • • ' , 110 . 0 1 2: 4110, a a , la. 8 0 Gnomon, Coss • • • 3, to orison, Coss ' Amiga, 11, - - -. on Gi deo n, o,Pa .B rt Velum, Jr, Philii," Gl3 Wash, D 0 ,I T. twins:lll:Boston .. ,_ ft B CollstoOlt,N Y W Robinson N is. Trio?. el Y Jame I,olrwood. Del NAV. D • - . • Jilt Cengshall, Elenannt'n Mre tall, aterissarn ,w a Iltdvar, Ind won Bruner Bellalont Chia w Pratt k Is, Pa JDArs_ts rio talk 7 ' te entriner, 'Predation, kid fta i iii3l " Y r. I ‘ ., '-' - , - j il le g i filrent. "o .llY . ‘. Rubes & la, i pa to r ' NIL Crewman,. al X Cot it ?Blast n, Pa , IS at althorns & Is, ri Y Baal Blistaa, ple .. Jas 31.13pasoei, Obitato 001114 ro' n ; 111? miler &s, alln lan g Moms, c ',eland, oli 1 cam Khanna - Oscar 0 Wnght ' . -- • - .B 0 ill, YI, • - kkto W CaroptrelLA Y, - =- A Tiairroll, Nr_ ,W P Dorsett, Vi no ' A Alsokistosh, N Y Hg _Tailisdr. outer ' Uttar, York, Pa A , Brownles, Pt .. . on Brownies Hi Lou/4 ViVitsrit%o ' ,- ~' bi d:Al:34 " t Ilt Ayorweatber, km, - /4.-vitinrlnk Cubs M ism onba , - - W Woodruff GsVots•• 0011 1e 1 0: 0 , - . Voids, Jr k cr, Bal i 'W Barrett. A ' ' ABral, N Y 4., Johnson, : irend.itwpa ' . Hobe em - .'- ";-, '. Grows, Wash, DC C. _ Tana Barry. fish. D 0 ' . . Tomple, Smyrna, Del Itainl B. Austin. Plum - :. .., W a Danam, Pa VI4. ra • -- Crawtoro Pa Browie,gariiikiri - .. lily-,tal 4 1 . R i k n 1: 4 e l i gr. a . u a Yr & vr i4 r j s r tl l I 1 I it ta g j I' I° a' 1 t er an &far -' ,: 11 3 80erlent irw . es. lakansse Ir .. Is,Csuada rum..,,,,,tra.m. , r Tkozokal, N Y r a.--14, ..... -, .. , Anitubaid, N y Nalsoer, N. . :..- .J W Barmen & la, N Y I `Uorof • fl)3lMilisai ir ' • fi t r. A whys-. mt. Rlokardioo, Va, ' ' A Iruin. a N Worttunitton, "D 0 4 Mereford,Wtes - --I Mama, Ya . .1 Janson, le Y - _ .. , - • , • lA)* • I AZI4ERIPPIP 1141Y311,—Forott, wrist. below Areb. J P Crairroid, Pa - ' -J 0 Loraine, ICleariteld R ireatinsda, • ..., ..-,, t 1 E P Thisbe/it:ant t . . .5 cireonXliefoatti " lehVlattrolth, one, Pa Yeasts,„l4,,, .- - ~-_ ~, V I :2OW. Pe, , WA/Xltrim i ts •, ~ m ea t . Pit burg tOure,:trTa - • a 014141ader ° 74 '. k Hier, Aga *AI .: Geo Zdtilbent; Mali' Cblt Wee., Pittaburn, li C Everett, N 0 L J • eland. Ronlester, PI Y,1131t Noiron, N Y It 1111114:41 ..,, -, A Teick 1111 i e,ll • _:00.. - , ',.- ' Jo s V itz W Ma, N 0 11 :. 1 13 0 0 Vtre rens c.ty lc ..11 2 „,. t: Pp .• . - .11 awniert, IV Y B , yd. Mina ~,, '' Olio W Davenport, Ohio .1 , W Smith, _Yrs • . CI Rod, Ye bllleodonald. P ortland., ' dend Kirk, Clearfield ' 4414.478 fJYiION ROT El.—Market areal. above eixtb". i t ottlifil* a Lanoaatoi co M g raltrz a Nt a t,Cm,o Pe eaktoravO, tiattargira - ` , Freeland Pittobara Ii t. MnAr...°l4. , , ungirobiani 4 n" - &tete awry lame. Pa ? I ,llleke t kiner, kanieberg jaaCilWllo:Plaellrfi (iet L Pbtrisitter AfffiltleAttnoiia,--Chsitinit stroMe Mete* Path. 3 41 2.Toreou. M 4. - ' Dr 3-Yeeleas. Pa Et nAlleaellilac oiMpg co Pe M Feenellnate i• , Pf .1. apothem nr . ' ay. Weigieli, Bsit , W Linen N Y , Jis nougherSlA Delco, Ps W;r i iiteMeickei4tie: - • -Dr cart va, • - DS f' Batorramsti wm s'Elemmmt,W 3 Rik Ighrwm le Woodward, N 3 0 Mimftill.ll L' , 'lO Wammr. Otto ImAm firm* J - Taylor, Trenton. N J I willful.. tenfiN .1., , MmeletsieM,Preittht,MJ ass tiemier_ , Askew . sept Ailitteir, kr .Then 104 grinebolo.Vt Miinngt n • J tiliimettonadic : : orrm. et Pin g Loatemealeiebtrer- ~ .' . Pigiglaig a 11441111 Mme, PP Y - - • ; "'I , Mil - th,c, thilassos; 163 ' " -- ' Oil 21p 601 1141 t2L :1 ';: — .14, "144 ' 4111 V. t P hii:::: L , au. - • ---- • gliageletk l Mikis N - 000 'moo I,twit too _ _3olollBr..lll.lheehuah etreet. below Seventh. og. Intel...Skits'. --'. -' • ,•,, , 4111*. lihnum, Snits ISO uortnne i /Wok . Cermlnen t f i Nie j hilll/ 4 0i110012. O. -"- ' Z'' .. .. " Jesurß white, BM - • ' A lora York , i r (3.40. 4 totii Bait ' A ThAttal . - N C BttmaL e . r . 1.1 og i groan N Cropper, union. y Mlle, Ow Mb, st aul% 1.8 BM At? - ' It filler, ogee. 11 emel etir .. . tla ' '' '- -' Zhu Itt s iega '. ,P1:11. J l UU -taam4 l' ~ '. 'tt Mattle, N a P , Gowen.. a - . '.- , •- ,- - . '•, 001111ENCIAtelitittr-Biath it, above Cheetreat C RBar, Hebert Danford. N J ir r ? " l/: 'rE T V4l,;gs " l ° Lgtra rani 8 anemic, mutt Square SA Beldame, Md lit'Beereed. a beater, eo , midttoues, Pa u Voter; fotteterre N HUI. Del ee ignogEmlDNP# Wrigest J U Canaan, - - , '---, 13Y. LOUIS 11011,1,--YrieWaht. above Third. • Y MeGirk, bt 1r ,-, -, , i t Irv, br y im. , 0 A Bonejeollitte _ • rdwe II 0 Peolt,Ohlisago loterr in ii 11" Y" • 'ame Stokes &A bw, If J Bohn, Aida , J U Baker Phila. ' A F ..... 714 , ,• fdrr sioel4i BMW* -w 8 swarth, J 1111tior.Ye, - - . NII _ ors, Liberty . . 0 , ShLhet Tittlos,N Y - - -111 Moron, Mooresville D W M o rtar iseemOville ohne Barber, London Zi r mio e ?Mr. /dwelt/0 01- Z Orator, Pa obn F 7, • 0 A Marshall, Philo A' Panes) i ?bile - . Fl, Lugo. Caraosais I W hill. lingleed , - ./ Bell, England 0 Wiese , Heason•-; ; • --- r D Stuart, Wash, Dl3 W p •Tbomos, Ala Jaime. °Travis, ate, DIC Be llea, i's 3_ . den RM. N J - Jansen ratterson . L T Wattson, Bristol VARI;NY SHEAF HOTEL-Second st... isflow Vine. W Dividsgre. Cheltenham) Geo L Smith, 11 .1 ' land Groff, Cheltenham , lases Corniest, Bunks eo ; A Scott. Phil& ' IS Steakhouse. Bucks oo Joe hill, Genhantovra Mott .1 Davis, &wind's, wigs nosier, Pa „ - Bomb Ha nor. Pox Obese. 0 0 Murray, N Y - Jae T McMahon, _Batt Goo F Ott, - 80l - , - • Lee I Widest.. Maas X le MoCop, pa , . . NATIptiM. 11.0TR1.--Race street, above Third. :W 31 Sonendr. Allentown 3 B_,Brobist, Catemisse, Pa '. J . 8 Rteiel. CoSsiwissa, A ft 1101033110, 11 A Volatiles& •P A maim:Alit Mown , ' ;111 W Boman, 11l , JJansesom, Allentown" / Pane phonon ; 9 8 Jimkmoisi Sisilpa& tar Si , Utah inch. Pottsville ; Jolusw *Am, du - eo BOWSAW, thhilershorg, Joo Gormley, Pi - - - Chao Plymmton, Philo; Jab** Skoldon,A 130131117411•31B 3 PIL-Soisone_otroot. Om Msoktt. Blaine SIMI.. Md 8 m Jobinton N 3 ' Wel•W Wintesubs, Del .T B os Woloott. # y t ir dle , ' •.; Thor I Whelan. tints ,•W Tester, Orn, Del w 0 Browndl, Boyer, Det Geo W MAW, MA .3W Houston, Muton; Poi - • Jkludth & la, Milton, Del - ',THICHRION Mr 10,-Areh street, above Thud. 1) - It Buell, poteresse. Pa Sand 0 Bweeuer, Pe, ' ,130, 11 ? Brolielbormer, Ohio R e Felton s ONO , `4 Strand moattose,•Pa - - Albert SOAR. 10 I" Jor Lowenot, Ohio., - . Vol J Cook, Ironton, II J ; .I Amt. New (0,1 ,4 - ' ' P 118 mall, If oweritown - i hLaskbesa , stela AR. Hage. Hagerstown ; ilrovit , it , 01. 0 , Joseph. W ikidal, lowa HurlNdittSkre • - . R Sattetthwa4 Pia. moss. rhila , Joel, Irsdell bile tronm:Loonwille, 0 '' .A W Smith abaoh,lnd ' §ilesCiata,mato 1 s A Rqulre, Mow ,: . 11Wilson, hoe , t ,-., • , . BALD. BAtilth 110THIJ-4tdrd at., above Cithowhill, 'll W Earlf, - 31Y - '-' '' Mirom Clark, Blk ito,Pe ' MACH AHAB PHITBL-Telnd at.. above Callownill, If 11alhaelL Witellinton ' 'Geo M GostraWarrikatod ; mats 7, pa - 8 Morris, P e: - •; - M utla7mieste. ' , thio Klinoisetnit3i pa, , KEW:MA.I , 4W )10118E-Third et,' above CallowhIll• J TVeinswor,Weihinskal N Westal4 ..- Pa - . 1? Burand, Pa B Jonma.Maadipg,Pa. 1 .11, Brash - Dor jesMwn, Pa; Irvin wroth, Eiennsgrovo J,e l / 1 1v.00 3 0, 8-41kWkY , Win Plana, Wakeabarro illeaertel far Ow frame.l • • - PORTO OAIRLIOO--Bark ha Maxwell.--941 bid e, VA boll 44140 4 .. bP14:40.. 4 balm wear, Da Lett Alluvial. INlba hip ot ei m bri a dge e2ooo .Boll beiga iSelh o O g Uril in fro il r ng ßos nw tOil l: Ift.i 11101MainieS. to 11 W/2110t. Repseto a 1 . S PAT rorei th ea t litZ l infil l in t rd4re r ; I 1 011 f a* 1 litme It to yiLliits; undies off Fearteen Foot It ; bents asp an, from tlikYrat ip tow o a Vol iF. o the NOP on nueMiddle ; situp ashastian . of Saabs, Rook 1 StaionstillPs Nen' slantoit pod i infs. do mum out. nark Joseph . . tromp ;ono Cabello, April I Zia S. Ac.. to u la a t i ta iireturs. Paasen ittet (44, 1 1. oaten ZPltrlifgeff, ?ma B WSW.). or ewlit t rk, " = B , 27 ,it Bray.= hot Willis 14m lb. aorta the w le wegeme . Oa the uteasat. Z 1 Wong OA it bark ;award /an lama Outsi. , S ato tint ' 1 porno pat 1 a t tri Pi1kka.. cr .,,, 1 . 1 , , A lt, sop itlia r Ainy. otin,Pios. and rot b s this wonting. its SIOII6IIV r . ' to pee_ tow atternees ilaMt o l o a tili not oa tat mown , supposed to be 4444, 7 . eau, THOS. B. RIJOHES. _Arrievd-8h4201.004,110,ht kvertoojta viyesig4 , ooosolfXol_6;olo6 MOM". ir° A .Sl T lluu iD ...i ;40115.0RANDAs "liar" New " I vi j" , 0 • - 1 1 .15. 1 • for N Yotkolehted ort Nit - LIS aras ' - at 1 010 , - ea ha atthc 0 . *3l-1: r.'" - Lawam,,..... A 44, 111 41ri100i, for Live r poo l , cleared ri t t er i zr ..., - t • • i nr,d r arta& .14 im i rf giti g i i ro? ‘- tiirge '" =;litied 11, I gi t ertedt4oiiaitllattiturle ar i d at atatiatt,, ,, ,, , , ~ - . Ile 0 Marto 110044ap, elected at tiostoa, nit Wt.; foram 1 , .- -•-• • - - Ittppaaboo, itama.ailderii. et ClualevirOnSt ult. fib ..l4 ~ • ci,,f,or. Oljtarui, mailed from tt . it` r i i. 6 4 - It6OriSzali fait. i . a;,.: • . ati n it Am 4111,00. , Pat into ism ~ l U k . 41, A jitatus4oo o l4adolaina. sailed, - frotaliantaoket for ''''''' l' ' '0 41 4r ;t0 61 " 1411 11 ~.. . .:.;, rt ai. , , ma an Itivar „ loam artiold,, toraea'at pa Awe ! : is• , , * a ;it i a i iii i• -- I''' . ilt :7 Ow .kr tibia"# P 7: LIIPOIRTATIONS. L4infig 1111TMLIGENCX., UK MILER PAIL lOarYMsulYNsar„allia -„ t hrzsimton,w.bb. haticii,i'itive4 at Amnion Rd tt. .. ....... i LirrOtiltillArtittlriptaitc.-14"qt 444 ,7 4 ) . .' as 141 7 1"; # 1 ! , hr iv chthrj,f!om..!..,l,•.tbrivesd, ol•Wil. 1 IR Tigitton l4 tibi l is i li nl init tl ' 'flit Vis i ` " 4 llll: 1 4& 1 " , ar ed p.t tia, I . rto roe r5B beteeyo, ; 10,do sheeting I 81,000 4it lum,_ ,ri, silladriet. ', •- ' . , hr 11 A- deka, godless , ' for Bolton, clewed at i pitytoa, C. atatiat. •- • - lkihr noW Fiske. weaver. for Jaokeonville, cleared at Chateston Seth Jae.; lathh l &dastr ri. Cotioon,:Ladiatn, tot New York. at Charleston . , , ~. SPECIAL; NOTI.OES. , A.NTYMBR. Vgnonr for Evans & Watson's BohtnianderSatit': Owirco. Tloga oonnty, N. Y., March V, 1850. tinatleuran. It aforsia ma MIA pleasure to inform Yea that ihe Safe No. 4, (upright,) Whloh I uurolumied of B, errand, rout travelling agent, hag passed through an eiceedingly hot" , fire l , In a three-story _ brio( *tiding which heated the Safe to a white heat, go that the cor ners of It agueli'meltid ; but it preserved my hooka and valnablelmirsra to the amount of several thousand dol. lam, for Whioli I feel thankful: Yonrs, respectfully, .f. N. ELDRIDGE. B..ic W. have a large sagettment of Salamander Oates et their store . , No. 904 CIBBI'NUT Street, Philadel spWwfm.B. Siwura•,'MAormrsa.— Ail persons who have : bought Sewing Machines which will not perform the work expected, are informed that SINGER'S Ma chines never fail todO eny kind of work. Noose is ever disappointed in the Machines of • I. - M. aXNGNL& CO, No. aid ORESTINIT apd.din OXYI PRIOR VLOTHINO THIS LAMS ERTLES, made in the beat manner, expressly for RE TAIL- BALES., - LOWEST selltn6 Prices' marked in Plain Pnrures: All goods made to order warranted satli fietory. Our ONE-PRICE system is strictly adhere to, as are believe this to be the only fair way of dealing. AR aro thereby imam! alike. JONES & CO., sse•tt 6DI MARKIPP street. flumumme,Rs-Psooir 84nm—A very lario assortment of SALAMANDERS for Oslo at rea sonable prices, No. 1104 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. EVANS & WATSON. BOUDOIR SIWIIW Markina.— • - IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD. Plan , PMPFIVM Ar EVKAT Flu. PhiMOW& Office. no 44.11011 Bt. Agents waited. rso,t INPONTAiiT TO TAILORS AND OMENS.— The Grover le Baker Beeting4Nsehie• Company . helm /wit introdnoed e new and impeder Shuttle-Meohtne, large else, With 'speed, with latest improvements Priori .P - For Solo at N 0.730 CHESTNUT STREET, Ftri ladelr tost-N SEAMEN 8 SAVING Foxe—NOSTEWMO COSNER Stoop], and WArator Eraiers.—DePoalte re ceived in small sal large amounts, from otwesse of the community, audition' interest et the rate of FIVE PER CENT. per annum. Money may be drawn by oheeke without ken of In terest. Office open daily, from fl until I o'blook, and on Mon day and Batorday until nine is the overarm. Prod• dent. FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Beeretary, OMAR. M. MORRIS. SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SA 1Y TRUB? Oortrany.—Chartered by the BOWS of POOSISAYO is. ROLLS. I. Money ill received every day, and in any amount Urge calms% PLVE PER GENT. interest is paid for money from the day it Mint in.. : P. The money is always paid bark in GOLD whenever it is called for, and withoutnotioei 4, Money is TOOIIiTOO from Executors, Admimistromys, Chusrdiass, and ether Trustees; in large or small MIMI, to remain a long or short period. • 3. The money received from Depositor" is invested in Real RAW*, Mortgages. Ground Rents, end other first clam securities. 6. 0 6100 0 666 ever/ 667—WALNUT Stmt, iicrathwest miler Third ■treet. Phibutel Jan MARRIED. qmeßOLES—MeCia.—On the_ 19th tot, br Rev. .7 li. fronnhrd. - Idr. Within% liioh.cleit to Mies hlitry ; .E. McCall, both of Chester oo DIED. McFADDEN.-on, the glut inst., at 7 o'olook A, M., Mr. Dunce McFadden, in his .Vd Year. The relatives quid friend* of the family , and s members of the lieart•and-hiand Council No. 79, of ti. A. M.. are respectfully invited to attend his funeral (tom his late residenee, Roxborough. near the ten-mile stone, on Tuesdfig morning. at 10 o'clock, without tailor notion. ISEDDES.—On the Ilstitist, Paul Henry, son of WHI. F. Geddes. aged 13 years. The relatives and friends of the family. and 'United States Lodge No. 34. I. 0. of 0. F., are reseeettuily in vited tb attend his funeral from his father's residence, Ds No. Christian street, op Lau 3 Lauder afternoon. at o'clobk,lntbout Mintier notion. - MolilifATll , 4ln the Sfitti fruit., William MIA/rant, in t f h ati l y l7l l sth ryft e l l it iof lt h air r i 7 t 4 h n e ds fat f egr, f t :Vitt:lZ= dame 140,4i5 Chrostianetritet, abovarourth 'train, this (!Woodsy) morning, at J o'olbolr f . Flamm!, serMOS at the Church of Sx..Fhilig De Re Interment at St Michael's Cemetery, DALE.—In New York, on Friday morning, 20th inet., Mary Kimbell, wile of of U. Dale. The relatives and friends of the fain& are invited to attend the funeral at Calgary Churoh, New York, this (Moods .2 Mkt instant, at 11 o'clock. PARKI.)..--en,the 20th inst., Alexander Parket . , in the 70th S ear of his ogO. , - Rig relative. an t, from are regyentfiuly invited to attend the funeral, from hie late resilience. No. eat Washington avenue. this (Monday) afternoon, at 2 o'oloo2, withernt father natio.. CLANK. — On the 19th inst., Wesley Clark, in the With Year of his age. • Funeral glom his late residence. No. 1109 Citron st., this (Mhndailloorning. 113 d instant. at 10 o'elock. • PLAIN BLAVK BALZORINES, 121-2 -a. cents. Black BAlitornees, fig eekte., Bieck sad *ham tinted•anlsnrlnes:ll)( emits, Black and white hene Tattier. Lostree t la% OentS. Dark gra,' ta)xed Beges,lll% each:. Weir Week 'cavorted Limns, 111% cents. Bleak aid white imported Leans. 111( cents. Bleak and white Chime Beteses.3s cents, Bleck end white jeeps Mohair% 25 cents. - Ore, and black Gnpdrills. ffi cents. Grimulte or gm. nuxe4 Borego_etriclate, 1113( cents. RENON & ON. Mourning sal , Nc. ill s ChEBNUT Street. Tr 10ZIPEE COMAIiTTEE ineetios of tho ntehtbej: of People's state Cuittat lat e trattea be Hel at He GlffeD OUSE. Phila el ites. Tlioniistr, he th d4Y - aLB *WOO M. A Itin atteactsnee Teta apu—St A. K. lhoClitlßK, Oltaltalam WOTFwE OF THE. GIRARD F. & INS. CO. Fhilada., Apr il etb, Dlo.—Ar Heating o be 'Dirootor. held tine oat, ieensetteeo nivittenat of four dottereper !bt_te less neolered, Ph end after the Eteteay P. may, pret. ALFRED O. (3I it. 1 4/ 6- Arefft ~ , , • minter. irr A ilitAirn EETINtI. OF THE YOVNG MEN 8 OKRI: TIAN Armoct&TlON OF au- LAMELPRJA will , be , htl .1 , 12 MONDAY _gym- NJ NO ESA Int.. ot A* °loon, I t h e BANSOM-STRE ea Blatt %Hula. lot tinunti be lead by MT. MAW "rOn R. uregiNs. Hann—. The ulula tion Noutt4 Men o America." A fidl attendance of the members io oornettla nioneitad. Tho rublig invited to Oallarcien wiserveo for ladies. Devotional Meeting for Member. at NOVOcil. n2l 2t JOHN WANAMAKLR, Con Reo.l. TICKET. EI GUTH WARD DEMOCRATIC Tliliang coD p e t c con rt tort: DAVIDIIOOE/ Id SA JO OEORCE LIT T. itE u vil ok rea, P iloi'tle unexpired term of H. W. Bailey. JOHN HA RTMAK . ANTHONY H. RHyNOLDS, CANSITABL2S. XAMYR INGRAHAM, ..TANIE4 DONNELLY. stIRYRYOU TRIAD DISTRICT D. 0, BitEli_tiAT. arolli-18.21,23,5i.234027.23.80 Union pIistAMELPEnn, APRIL An AdJaunted Meeting of the Bondholders of the Cap al of Penneylvania will be held on MONDAY next, 211 met.. at 12 n'elnek M., at Room Na. 30 MEROHAN'IIe EXCHANGE, Third Mori. By order of .20-31 JOHN". BROWN, Chairman. KrGIRARD COLLEGE.—THE TOltft of the Girard Collar give pe . tioe that they' are preparedro bindeut, the tate of rennerlvapie i : .TIArENTY ORPHAN/3, , 6cm anti, with file Will td Sheehan Girard, to suit abl e 000upatione, stint tdAltirl culture, 7461diatento A t b , meoluthicint Tradell and Manuatotiires. The roaster will bri required to (each his apprentice his respective art, and to furnish him with suitabe board and lodging in his own place of re sidence,(except where, for enema' reaming, the amaran th's may De snowed to board elsewhere.) The wester wiU be allowed to take each Owyhee on trial fora term not exceeding one month. Potions desirous Id obtain , inn an aPprentiee can annlyist the College, between the hours of 3 and If P. hi.. or, if not nucleate of Philadel phia. can .eddress the undersigned in ,writing. giving name. re si dence occupation , and reference. the latter. whenever possible, to be residents _of Philadelphia. HENRY W. ARM", aplo-5t Eecretary Girard College. OFFICE OF THE SHARIORIN VAL. LEY ND - POTTSVILLE -RAILROAD CO., 11 3W;ALEUT Street, Philadelphia, April UAW '1 he Almost Meeting of the btookholdem of the . Sha molon Valley and FottayMe Railroad Company will he held at the Moe of the Company. on DIN= or MAN at 12 o'clock, when a President and six. notanagets be s e t t.1 7 4° p , 00. l tm rotary. IXIIL 4 'HUTLKILL AND SUNQUEr ANNA ElNOVitragrO P Pl Al Y ' llirtoolthof i le i ri t .!i the Se uylkill and gusquehanrus r will befeu road C elds antittnikai st' l l i t 'MrO genie op mO3DAYdday 1114 &t 12 o'clock Si, for the purpose of choosing a President end Dix Managers to serve for the ensuing year; and &Dorm' the consideration of snub other business as WV properly be brought before said meet ing. FRAliit S. BOND, ap2-Im. • thoretary, OFFICE OF THE rittutLpuLt AND RFADING RAILROAD COXPANY. The holders of the bonds n a p his Company, flue /my I, ital, can now rece upon pplication at this oinoe,lo per cent. In cash, loan the terms speotlied In the siren- Istattaehed. The Ware are aDo entitled to the benefit of a leg Fein of BMA° Per annum, to g, tblhed by the stockholders at their anima meetin held January 9, 1360, and in pursuance of the eontrent, entered into by 111 clammy sad duly regarded, to (tarry the same into Feet. 3 /2 HAI/PORI, ' Treararer, OIRGULAIL Melee to the Nadine of Philadelphia end Reading Railroad Compang Mortgage Bends, due July 1, ism, These bonds are secured by the nrst WOrtri_geg on_lhe goad, amounting in the aggregate tO Th e net revenue for the last float year was six times t e managers the anneal interest 1m bora. e of pretax i,naecil,:rinlogrert: them bon ds and the security of the inert es in the precise condition in which they are now bed. Fresh 'beets of coupons for the tlitereets,HMehis balfryearly, rill be muted. A bonus 01 Di per cent, will be given to the holders_,_ in eonsideration of their Pasenting to the extension. The bonus will ti e paid in cash to the bearers of the bonds, on sigmas a retaiipt and presenting their renal:l imo de at the aloe or the Company, or to its agents, im for en orsitent. Fortis py receipt end endorsement will be furnished i li a rlr i d e e & rti n tl eßoarill_o fld a am, R. Ft. eIn u ILDENNY. Igeorittarg. MLECTVREN ON BOTANY.—A COUEhE of Sixteen Let:Mire. on Botany w4ll be delivered ies add Gentlemen in the Scientific. and Olmst ed Institute, CirtiTlV' streeknorthwest earner of Twelfth, at 6 o'c oak P. .. on TRU it SPAYS and SA TIJRDAYS, he w Fing April 20, and oloning June 3, and again beginning ptemberlB, and doming October 6. All the leotures ll bopractioally illustrated with liVil g g plants, and at lead eight of them will be delivered i n the 'anode and grovee in the environs of the city. y deferring four of the Leotard. to Autumn.,the olds Will have the great advantage of studying, with an in stniotor. all the flowers of an entire season. Entrance On Twelfth street. Introductory_ Ledure free. 59747 t, J. ENNIS, Yrtnemal. CLINTON COUNTY LIPS AND GENE mu SAL INIIIIBANCP. COMPANY. itLATTSBURG..nIIB6OI.IRI. Chartered in 191).—Authonzed Capital, 4100,000. 131AECT01413 t IL Whittingto__,i. Wowlow Turner T. It. Bradley, _ . (Norge w. Culver, _Jame . Birch, Jr, H. WHIT NGTON I'm 1 , I. NIOCKADAY, Hee. and Tress. • Mow attention laid to CoNations. , and Mono? romp i remitted. nuoitonla solicited, inhaasm• TO WEST CHESTER ro a iri Mipt AND NICE RMEDIATE Tram, for it ]; ["A hooter leave Philadelphia from th e &wt, northeast corner of Eighteenth and hiatket grantik d at 7210 rs 5i0. 6 ., 1 „,,, a ind at 9 and 9,10 Id. 4 /4 1 =1 14 4:ten r4ictlinis on the Phliadolptifeend timm iflntrat &Owed will take aad fa El 'A. Ph an Llis 93, 'maw • - labia) ¶mEPR-PirnAPELP ; MERCHANT TA1149116. , . _ „ o. THoatptioN, • A.1r..4b8 • si, S, 6014 OIitENTA WALNOT STREETS 4 4 . TibOthor wale TO ol)ER . oell. A Flue fito4. Mottolpl4 ' N. 13.--41trenters vieltinot the City are solicited to !Save their scesevass, , , , a cr,t DAY4O3ODII JOBOZE,N. FRENCH DRESS GOODS. JOSHVA L. 13.:AILY INVITES ATTENTION A 51.1PEM AIRSORTMENT OF , FRENCH DRESS GOOD 1, inolading P.RINTED BAREOFS, • SATIN PLAID BAREGES, HIGH COLORED BAREGES. BLACK AND MODE BAREGES, BLACK TAMERTINES, HIGH COLORED TAMERTINES, MODE TAMERTINES. • BLACK AND CRAPE; DIU3PAGNE, NIGH COLORED DRAPE lOWAN& METED MULLES, . , ELEGANT FLORIDIENNESt GRENADINE BAREGES., MOUSSELINE'DE CREWE& - CHINTZ MOUSSELINE& CRAPE MARETZ.. PRINTED AND PLAIN DE LALNES, BLACK AND MODE, DE LAINES, LAWNS AND ORGANDIES, FOULARD SILKS, BLACK GROG DE REINES, BLACK TAFFETAS, From the greht.' AUCTION ISIALtki. NO. 213 MARKET ST. spl2-et ' - patty, PRIOR, It CO. s6b MARKET STREET. IMPOILTRIO AND 701WIRS of OLOTRO, OABBIMBLES, Have now on band a large and well-seleoted stook, which they are prepared to sell at the lowest market yrioes.' mhs-gra .4 . W.' LITTLE 46 CO. SILK GOODS. No. 825 MARKET STREET. bll4En SKELETON SKIRTS. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. GORE TRAIL SHIRTS. FRENCH CORSETS. THE TRADE tAlPplato BY EVANS & IiASSALL. 61 sOtia FOURTH BTRECY. mhl34mw Im SIDNEY• G. FISHER'S ADDRESS AT ORRMANTOWN.Repoited in full Fah Report of the ORNTF.NNTAt, Chide. RATION st Ciernmatoin, Saturday eveninK, In th e ALLY INQUARRR of La morning. Northd. Phan. right Pages Fogs T 0 Oglr& For We br nil Miwa Agents. Served by Car riers. Twelve owe streak... . It SIDNEY G. 'FISHER'S ADDRESS AT GERMANTOWN, limportedjnfli EEO Itepottat the CENTEPIAIAL,CELEBRATI et Oermallidwai tiaturdek evetilag. in the 'Djklpy INQUIRSIt of this morning. Vollble khaet. Met eke*. Pribe TWO cy,N•i_ .13 Fbr es! oby fdl lifts Merit.. Sorted by Oat- Tiers, Twelve cent* a week. . . ' It pEonwsp,ARTY MBEITNO THXRD WARP -1 7 011Y repotted dir - the .I)AILY 1140.1J1. .11ER of this morning. Double Meet. _NOS Pepe,. PRIOR TWO MOTS. Pot eats ha all Mita/ Altents• Served r. by Carriers at 12 °anti a 'week. payab l e to the earne . It PEOPLE'S PARTY MEETING nr THIRD WARY—Fully yttyClltd In the DAILY INQUI RER of this mooed. Doable Sheet. Melt Peaell. ?RICE TWO ClisTS. For sale by all Newe Aurae. Served by Clitfleriat 12 elate wort, payable to the Carrier. • It pEopLt's PARTY MBE V INO ni THIRD. ' 6 Wig -4 4 11 r rotamd se tits 13AV hi ouitng. lionb heat, _ Pages. PRICE TW0 06.1‘115. For sale by 1111 newsagents. Served by Carrlersat v yenta a Irsat .*arable telt° Canter. nIEMPPPR4PO W,f l .4D NEST I Nt4S, in - 1 1- o '. the Stith. Xichth and Ninth *eta. on Batirdav Eaainit• felts letwitegi gpVINII,tER thismornin.e. Doable Sheet. nos o N ti. For sale by all ItsWa Alta. Served by Carriers, Twelve Cents a week. papa.). a to the Carrier. It TIEMOORATIG WARD WATINGS, m .1-• the B ath, Eighth, and Ninth Rt oAlliatintav Evening. fully reported 111 the Dal •Ing ullnklt or this morpies, Double Sheet. Prism Colet Tel, or f sale by all Rota AMU; Served by Carriers, Twelve Coate Week, PaYable to the Cattier. It nRMOCIRATIO WARD MIETINGS,• In .1.7 the stActx, y,4bui, iitttitk*artibt Patiltdat th he rune pt . 4.lfif of Cerrit ° 4l7,lV..l;2l " b7eZl. N.E. l ". e l l ! " nts a week. pars theCbrrier. SWAT% INVESIWATINGt COMMlT latbEer +RE, i,rAffii, rittf(trp Val e iittzAii, aker fte psi to Bit Robe*. Fileh r aSPrnTrml ° ll ) taiirii OF TMI MOROI ,O RS .A , AP% 7.417,' VwEll o ret &week. payable to the Carrier. SENATE' INVESTIGATING COUIVIT PO' TEE. • COLLECTOR BAKER ON THE ATANB. Cot. Florence Bereafiel jdattere. • 1, PRICE OF Via rEivivisiri.vAivieN. Baker Refuses to Sign Reoeiot. Further lleveloreets olCot r,u sive. PUBLIIIKED_JN F letqlßEß ' OF TiIIk,MURIIIING-1)011D K B ET.. PRICE. Tip° ctript—Fot eel Ur a l_,_NElTtt AUENTB, :inn astral tw CARRLEHB .Ibr TithltV.C; CYATO a week, paleele to the Center. It SENATE ' INVESTIGATING COMMIT ,,,,TEE. " 1 251%1 1 4, 1 1%?,5'i11?",,,D . NS zito. Hater IternSee to Mae Receipt. PUBLISHED Developments of Corruption. PUBLISHED IN FULL IN-THE INQUIRER OF THIS MORNING—DOUBLE BREST. AOTWO OhNTB.—For sale by all NEWS AO NTS, and served by CARRIERS for TWEL,V.S CENTS a week, payable to the Cetner. It SENATE INVESTIGATING 011 , 11 , 11 - . • COLLEcTO I K BAKER. ON 4 : 71E STAND. Colonel Florence Deranges Matters. PRICE OF THE PLNNSYLVANIAN. Baker Becalms to digs Reotipt. THIS Developments of Corruption, iutiLisan• IN FULL IN ••_xiiki 151AER Oe THIS MOHNIN(i—DQUOLE 13 ENT. PRInE TWO OENTS.—For sale by aIl NEWS AtiENTB, end served by CARRIERS for TWELVE GSM 8 s week, payable to the Carrier. • - It SENATE INVESTIGATLI'.O COMMIT re,}I, CULLEO dIR BAER CPI THE STAND. OfVlprgnlrilr erlefuAp tMtN. Bak Ree to Bin Reeeiet. Further Derneloomenta of Corruption. FUBLISitirnD IN FULL IN TgE thiQUOIER OF TBIS AtORNING--DOUBLE SkiSk.. PRIOR TWO OENTS.—For eggs lit all NY,We „ ai, A.,O„,FN, ta, and Berm by CARILLEAU3 lur TWELVg rn , +:B a week, Petrible to the Carrier. It kgNATE INVESTLUATING COMMIT '‘..7 TEE. COLLECTOR BAKER ON TRE STAND. Col. Floreece Deranges Matters. TRIOE OF THE TENNOYLVANIAN. Bakerfefeses to Sign Rreelpt. Further elopmeete of Corruption. PUBLIBIrD WA, THE INQUIRER OF TH 8 Mull ING—DOUBLE +MEET. rrtt PRICE T OEN 111.— CARRIERS foe TWELVE PI AOEPITS, and served by fot TWELVE CENTS a week , payable to the Carrr. , It rip W. NEILL & Co YARD, S. E. Corner m ßßOAD , and CALLOWIIII.Li Superior WHITE Ant L YAMIQUA, end LERISII NJALh. ily use' Pr O l gte n g k a t h i re d :s r alTirl x r go r aTir a „en: tion. spnein rIPLIE POINT BREEZE PARK ASSO- Ji CIATION will give their FIRST RXHIRITION under the especial privileges of their new Simplon:oa t ir , inmenoins on the 14th May neat, and to continue for Two WEEKS. Sermon ticket, for the whole period will be issued at ea each or for either week •t. The Principal hotele will be supplied with drangerd elude tickets of admission. Programmes of tho exhibition can be had at the °Mosta the undersigned and at the Park. KILVATIVOK:Reeretary, 144 rotate FOURTH &reel Between Cheetnut and Walnut.. ILIANCOCK. CAMP, & CO., PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMPAISSIONMERCIJANTO, No. 47 North WATER Street. Consignments and Agents solicited. Agents for ail the different Fertilizers. AP234.11 * • 1860. COI D SPRING ICE COMPANY. - - - 'Wax OF FAMILY PRICES. 0 pounds daily 40 cents per week. 1 2 41 44 26 tt ta .. vs 44. 44 0 3 It it • 20 tt 44 20 st 4t 40 "at t. , 75 It 44 105 1 75 t• It Send your orders to the offices, or may be given to the drivers. , s TRW NAIMOLI, umeee,_32s WALNUT Street. se •on 4 atoll I PIN Si lITNEET- IVOARF, Schuylkill. City Depot. LOM ANO end TWENTY-FIFTH etraets. autlgnite MOTIOB.—The Bondholders Orerli toreof of the CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC KATI/. ROAD COMPANY are teonested to present-their' Wade and el , ,,irrus or adluetment tied aettlenteat. ao oording to the terms of the aareement ,reoentii mattes by theta, at the aloe 0( . 00 COMPSI3Y, 00 , 11. Per Point, Camden, JNO.IIRODHUAD, at23-Gt President.: PROM SMALL DAGUERREOTYPE'S or Ambrotspee you ciangAt ITIMO. at REIMER'S' Photographic Gallery, 12114COND htroet, above Green, fe• size Photographs in Oil that aro far superior to Oil Prontinro. OILS. 3450 gals. extra barreledßlephankoll. i - 2,6 AM 00 gals. extra barreled Whale (hi, . . S gala. racked Whale Oil. 76 bble. Act, it Lard Oil ! . . , 4,000 gals. No. 1 Machinery Oil. SAO gals Relined °refuting Oil, s - 100 gate. Gag Oil, . , r is a p23 ll°" au , f°ll66eWb.cl,loll:iiiii6BlolulytalfwltußaStrtGylis'o CORN EXOBANGE 'BANK;APRjG n i ' 1960.—An instelment of PIVrpOLLAREI per share On the capital stook of this Bink In be due and Solable at the Bank on or before the 1110. of May neat. By order of the B ep2lMtinvM TOKRBY, Oa:doer BBLS. POVDRETTE: • riltm I bPitl aDn:etVgrfoN-;tfigdergie /Im m.4 , Nat/ MA if TO OPEN THIS DAY. ICE! ICE! 1860. ATONP" ;_. t APAIL ISM., NEW P.-Mia,CATl°Nti• A NEW 1 0. TOR3G INTITLED: TOE CRUSADE OFTTRE FOREST; • 1-4? • , (31 1;' • , THE LAST DAYS OF KATRARINR MONTOUR • •ryt T. 193 FOPIILAIL , os "TILE BRIDE OF THE OLD FRONTIER," WILL 31N COPOINNOND IN TUB ' I,TEW YORIC LEDGER MONDAY NEXT. This new tale of Revolutionary and Forest Life le tllkd with the wilifest edventnros of the . daring spirits of that storm' and eventful period. The cunning con• tests for supremacy between the white inputs and the Indians—the night surprise- , -the relentless attack—the bloody. hand-to.hend encounter in the dense forest, Shrouded in darkness—the swift and trackless march through the wildemesurrihe burning homes--Eavaires peeing with captured. maidens, and the fierce pursuers on their track—the gathering o.fibp tribes, and the Anal, great ooniliet of the time between the White and red men for the mastery, are all set forth with a power and it fesoination Which hie never been surpassed. Tim Murphy, the popular hero of "The Bride of the Old Frostier," is Jii trodu oed Into this tale. The reader can. not fail to be entorMined and am used with the peruse of his exploits.lt • LITTLE, BROWN, 41 , Co.. 37 KILBY STREET, BOSTON, }LAVE 31187 PUBLISHED, ELEMNNTS 0t CHEMICAL PHYSICS. DV' JOSIAH I', GOOKS, JR.. Erving rroleesor of Chemistry and Mineralogy. in Harvard College. ILLUSTRATXD PIT, 400 WOODCVM With e t impinge Index. One volume,Svo. Price $3. Thug book has been prepared to meet a want, to which the division of subjects usually adopted in the colleges of this country, bettveen the various departments of Physical science, hag given rise. It coven that portion of Physios which is conveniently taught in connection with Chemistry. It treats, for example, of the proper ties of matter in ifs three conditlomi, including crys tallography, hydrostatioi. and pneumatics; of heat in ite relations to matter, and of the various methods by which the weight and volume °leads, lieuide, or gases are accutlitely tuoastired. In order to adapt the book tO the purposes of instrtp lion, it has been prepared on stern:My inductive method Yhroughout, and so much of the subject matter of me chanics nu beep given 'at the beginning of the volume AA was necessary to Secure this ohjeot. For the same 'reason, each chapter is followed by a large number of problems, which ere calculated not only to teat the ,knowledge of the student, but &so to extend and OAT the principles stated in the tekt. Care has been taken to include the latest results of science, and several of the subjects have been solar developed as to illustrate the methods of physical research. The appendix contains a late* taeotion of tablesi inch mere of daily use in the °homiest laboratory, And whielts O ltender the work valuable to the profttiohat chemist. ap*-fmw-Stif NEW BOOKS—FOR SALE BY SAMUEL, HAtARD, 724 CHESTNUT /Street. BERTHA PERCY ; Or, L'Hoperanee. A new Novel. blergeret Field • One vol. *1.25. MADEMOISELLE MORI: A Tale of Modern Rome. One rot. 0116, A book recommended by the author of •• The Heir of Redblille." TomTYLatnY ot HALL, .Asap Hy the late Meitner" Hoo. One s 25. A VOYAGE DOWN 'POE AMOO R. WITH A JOUR NAY TISHOUO/1 SIBERIA, &o. By Caine. U. S. Coded], One vol. 81 25. NAPOLEON THIRD IN ITALY. Mrs. Barrett Browning's new Foam, Cloth, ao peas, SNAMANSRIP AND 118 ASSOCIATED DUTIES, together with' a treatise on Nautical Purveying. With two hundred illustrations. One vol., cloth. Cr. TRH JYA_VIS.B. OF THE WORLD; their Present State and Future Capabilities. Bvidens Rusk. M. A. With illustrations One vol. $11.76. THE LOST SHIP. By the author of "Pride of the Mess." THE DINER QUESTION. By Tabitha tonh.4 , BrOGRAPHY AND (41ITICIS.M. Belau a second Aeries of "Fgrunent Men and Poptilst Books." Front l" The Times Cloth. 80 unfits. TOM DROWN AT OXFORD. Part "Fide. Taloa from Bliokwebk_ Volume Bth. 4 NEW MOVEABLE PICTURE FOR Oath- DREN. How Ned Nuotile built but Conroe. SO rieeta. PRIABSWOOD PotIT OFFICE. By the author of " ap23 St TE ADIERIQAN JOURNAL OF DEK TAL SCIENCE—APRIL ISt& NOW n ••• The Dental .rourna&,_editilid DresSbapip A. Har rill and a. 8 Plasm. Vol. x, N 0. 2, With 42 Illustra tions, finely agenuted. CONTENTS. OR OINAL COMMUNICATIONS. Artists I.—Dental Anomalies, and their renitence in the Production of Diseases of the Maxillary bones. By A. M. Fontet, M. D. Article .11—Prattical Dinistry. .By R. lirOtur. Article 111.-11Ints and Suggestions to the Denial Pro- Artiste IV.—L= l g t e l a f t er l drrelte l e:ll l ?.; %ss dire " yt from . the Plainer amptessum. ' sty J. Oarroll Honks. Argiele add the. Metals wllioh t. By MM. Sainte Clare - Devine and •,• Daum, • .., Artfbis Vl.—Thn ellvati Glands. By Dr. dec:rlo C. • Dri rlel. • . , , • • Article YlD —Ane yiosis or the Jaws frinn is Semi-Cart the moos Band Connecting the Upper and Lower Jew.. By Dr. J. L. Levison. ArticleNew k Method of Making Diem. By F. Y. Clar. Article JX —Artifioial Dentures. By John Allen. AriicZe X.—Corrections. artier* Xl.—The Trofeuton In Blighted. together with Peleated Articles and the Editorial De partment. The Journal issutd Quarterly. Terms 46 per annum , in ad mines. LINDSAY 6r. IILARISTON, Publishers. No. 26 Booth SIXH reet, spit above CSthestnut. ' PIJBLICIATIONS. TILE BIBLE AND SOCIAL REFORM. By R. H. Taylor,l. LEOTU ft ntl E fl IbArIOIJAGB. B 1 13 Aria NUT THE aratit. Neuman Ea% IBgno, STARTNIUS, THE MUTINY I or. Thai end I'M nmobs.ur Chri num In the Barak) , Rebellien J e ani n e witn an Lett notion. By Rev. John Jeanine. D. D.. 'erne.. Ma. r: t r ! , lic ro g tigt g et ° torte, Aged, lamb, 661). STORIES OF THE OCEAN ; or, Genie froni Seafa ring Life. MX. HESTER ADD I; or. Beware of Worldlinees,l6mo. THE 8 CORY OF OUR DARLING NELLIE, Moo. RUTH AND HER FRIENDS. A Story for Girls. /6Mo, WO. For sais b • wILLIAM S. &ALFRED MARTIEN, 6023 N 0.606 CHESTNUT street. IZEORG E. U. EVANS' 01F'r BOOK `..A STORE, No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. BUY yowl. Hol AT Lap BUY , YOUR BO D BI A 'C r r . 'Th . r i titnest place the of youand *AA argB In n % Ae r ms si r :ream o out, re NE ir nfili ji LIFE OF kIT CARSON, the Rttoity' molinialla Hunter. Prioe SI.ID. LIFE OF GEN. SAMUEL HOUSTON, the Texan Hero. Price 5100 LIFE OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, the Sage and Patriot: P MAIM 'WEBSTER, Our Country's Pride. Price $l. • ~. LIFE 0 THOMAS iHRITHRRON, the Node States man. Price SI2S. p.. ,LIFEoF GEN. MARION. the Revolutionary Itdrd. 'lll'lo ROBERT HOUDIN, the Wonderful Magi °i riVi r t!tr I.I I II.IIANE, the Fearless Audio Voyageur. Price 61.03. LIVES OF ILLUSTRIOUS WOMEN, of all Natiorm Prioe RI ou. DA RINO DEEDS OF AMERICAN WOM hN. Prim, THRILLING ADVENTURES AMONS INDIANS. PriceSUS. PERILS AND PLEASURES OP A HUNTER'S LIFE. Price WM, 1100( GF roeuLAR SWIGS. the beef otror Pablished. Frio° 1.00 Rog OF PLAYS, for Home A inuiehierit, fa. S. 8. &ode. Prone Lee. T. S. ARTHUR'S POPULAR WRITINGS. Each, ALL THE NEW BOOKS AS SOON AB, ISSUED; and a Gift with each. TORSHE WRITINGS OF THE STANDARD AU in every department 'el Literature, at the Publishers' regular prices, ands handsome present with each book. eat trial tall assirrs yew that the but Piece in' the city rsArrs you shoutd_purchare Books is GEORGE G. EVANS' . • • GIFT BOOK. ESTABLISHMENT, 439 CHESTNUT 81., Phi ladelphia, • ap2l:tt Two doors below Fifth. on the upper side. NTERFSTING RELIGIOUS AND THEO. LOGICAL WORKS:: I ately Published by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, No. SIC. South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. • THE MORIN REVEALED. in the 0149116011 and Redemption of Man. By Dl. S. J. Baird. OotaVO. REV. ALBERT BARNES' WORKS. THE WAY OF SALVATION. Dino. New Edition, THIS ATONENDiNT. loom New Edition. I m'RAC TICAL oERMONS. 12 o. New Edition. RELC l E It' 8 HISTORICAL SKETCHRS OP HYMNS, Their Authors, & 1 vol., Dino. AdesOOSPEL IN LEVITICUS. By the Rev. Jos. ,D. D. Dmo. BOAIBESOEWS INFANT V. SALVATION, in ite rela tion to Infant Depravity. Regeneration. and Baptism. REMOVALS. pIIOTOGRAPAIO REMOVAL MeCLEES' PHOTOGRAPH. AND DAGUERREOTYPE GALL'ERIER Hem been ramoved from 626 to 910 CHESTNUT Street, above NINTH, over Robinson's Looking-sten R..MOVAL. R. & G. A. WRIGHT • Inform their friends that they are now Mooted in their new and widow; building. No, OD! ORF,oTNUT Street, Wheretheir unweaned faailities wit. enable thorn to adil freshlnducements to the Trade to Visit their new es tablishment. We have opened our fIPAir STORE with an In tim:wed variety of DRUO(AST'S ARTICLES, to which Drencher our business we intend to devote partioular attention. having made armagettienta in Europe to be mipphed with ail speolitlitioe Mid novelties as they ap pear Our. PERFUMERY DEPARTMENT will continue to reeeive our beet attention, and we Moore our friends that no exertion will be wanting to prodOee, as hereto tore, a variety of new. elegant, and sucoossful designs every season, the quality remaining unrivalled. Strtoerely thanldng ill our customers for their kind patronage, we hope to offer new inducements for its COritillUßßOO. R. Jo G. A. WRIGHT. Aprll9, 1880. 800-bnif UEMQVAL.--SMALL & CHANDLER, lw WHOLEttilliE OROCIENR,ha_vo remo ved from Of North oIECOND Street, to an MAR KET street , above Front. north aids. ta , BAKES' RENOVATOR, FOR CLEANSING SID GLOVES, • AND einoring Grease and Stains from Bilks, Satins, Cloth or, °mama. Wall Sayer, Sco, WITROUT INJURING THE MOST DRLICATR COLORS, .LUSPRIT, OR TRXTCIRE. .E 1 '9,8819, Wholesale and Retail, by .. ' EDWARD PARRISH, • ,No. 801) ARCH 1414 by DRUGGISTS yenerialyi , RE'T'AIL DS~C~6DODI. .. . .. .. . 'RAMIE ANGLAII3,- - - - • -, -- - s- ^AP iexcEriveß it.9l Po A' ' , a i %I: ANDO-FLOUR= 11440TV•9 3 ,E5. , • -... • •... . ' i - L a . tkv L. J. Y" CO. -, -- I= i -Invites the attention of the Ladle" to a onse of ' liAREGE ANOLAIS AT teu' OENTE PER YARD,' Ault opened. -Alio, to a lade asetateienf or new SpvEN end NINE-FLOUNCED ORGANDY ROREI, At $4 eaohi greatly below the wet of importations ' 809 and 811 CHESTNUT street. m0234f LADIRO' DgW, TRIMMINGS. • NEW GOODS. All the new oily now open, and oonstaFAly reeelvint Avery novelty. • PLAITED CORDS, ALL COLORS. ORNEE KNITTING BAWL EMBROIDERED oUsnioNe. • EMBROIDERED. SLIPPERS, BEST QUALITY fourrisaco WOOL. GILTBRAIDS, TAMILS, AND CORDS. • . _ , • • RA.PSON'S mutiainFiip AND ZSPAYR BMA - CORNER OF EIGHTH. AND CHERRY STREET!. spa-Sm 1 86 0. , OPENING. ,1860 . • THISI4OHNINO, AND DURING TRH WEBB , .SPRING MAN'TELETS AND NEGLIGE CLOAKS. In Goat Variety, et ths PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. J. W. PROCTOR. mbri-tt !No. 70$ CHESTNUT Street. WARBURTON'S. 1004 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH, 306 SOUTH SECOND STREET, BILKS, BELOW /SPRUCE. RIBBONS, • FLOWERS, ORAPBS, TARLATANS, ILLUSIONS, RUCHES, AND LAO 66. Ws hare just opened our Spring Stook of the above goods, andfblabnMdentthattheloannotbeaurpaaaed, either in style, gualaty, or - price. OUA STOCK OF LACES IS UNUSUALLY LARGE. IWV• ,SPRING GOODS. 1860. We have JUST OPENED.* beatitiful stook of BONNET 4ND TRIAfiIIINII RIBBONS; Of all deeirable shades, In great vsbiety of widths and otfleo, whioh, with an untunially attractive assortment of FEKNOII FLOWERS, ISTRAW,.BONNATO, ARO MILLINERY GOODS,. Have been selected with spoolsl maid to our RETAIL BALM. STERN & COOS. 126 OBSEITNIA BTlll2l`. mht4lmirthl CLOTHS i plz4Est CASSIMERE% • THE FINEST FANCY FRENCH. VESTING% THE FINEST FANCY FRENCH STYLES. LADIES' CLOAKING% BOYS' WEAR, Very gieeit lertety of the oftoleeet styles of Foreign arid Adierioan Clothe, Wh6letiang and Rehtll, tit ESI-ILEMAN'S. UNDER JAYNE'S HALL. CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH. inhle-mertim WIARPLESS BROTHERS 1, - 7 Are suiting out their FOULAID ROBES at a reduction of 23 per Cent. from repast prices -Yard wide Goods, Cliints colors. Thaek nod Brown Grounds, Nest stld medium styles, Now Friendly styhis,, CGoods smsyear Browne. by the Yard, Fallhooth tubes. ONESTNUT and EIGHTH HUI YEAR Y MEEITN.G. SEE 4 final! BROTHERS, Offer far Friendly 'Near Very neat styles of Uoodit, Shawls. Harllifrohlefs. _ Plain Colored Milks. Lawns. Givaimnis, Barnes. Cassimares, Cloths. Vestines. Furnishing Good&9 r oilta• aviary 011E8 NUT and EIGIITH Streets IRISU LINENS. A fresh invoice of SELETING LINENS threat from the manufau torero, RICEARDSON, sONs, & uWDEsi, of Belfast, ii.ot received. These Goods are 'elected atoresily f o r our fa m ily rude, and are guarantied free from any admixture of Cotten. PERKINS & CO., et e r si smith NINTH Street. C OOPER & CUNARD I rival, attention to the largest clock they have ever °fines, obnlprieitte, cart, L &MLA Cl4rif of Male. Kneed, pad Axed o.lot of the nev e" Pat elG a lekt u reth Bl rag44o IER. and to cell at very ma ir sintai t iVi s are In proportion, and will be ready a few.day& LACE POLITE AND MANTLES. Also. _ KEN'S AND HOYE' WEAR, Embry/Mg the folldwins, vitt A that-rate $3 13nAlk cloth. Black Cloths of rupenor stlallty tot WO. Finer trade' of Deck arid Mixtbfed, FINE SNICK DOESKINS. rang Caellmeres for young sante. 13°" we llal u f re a O ve ll t hi CLOTHS, Fap7irst rate, at $1.15; better . $1.50 end 12. _coo &._torilAg., S. E. MIN E ft and MARNE-Ate. riItIORNLEY & CHISM, JL El Cills t re Wel lineation to their Stook of— anVATEI. DigEl6B cLoTiycrrEnt_ 811, „MANTLE& BARDS A GILAP DUSTERS AND DRESSES. also to the Richest Stock to thiledelphie, of— :leech Late Bournons. French Leos Ploo_olominies. Fteneh Lace Eugenie's. - Frees& Lute shawls. • French Le Pointe'. "'mash Lace Mantles. Freaoh Lao Team. Cambria Lassa. Chenting Laces. ho., BOUGHT FOR ASR! Wejnvige attention to our Staple Goods, vii: Best Fangs and Fronting Limo. Belt Shirting, litheetioord rtuow;ld Wine. vg:a tilariwer Y t o rt ua tiimn inert Best kid Gloves, 1111441ra ReeeiPeinet Read Inergaa ti tou trweaat iltglaragtrititiF(' DRY GOODS, ADAPTED TO PHILA DULPRIA PLAIN TRADE.—EYRE & LAN DELL. FOURTH and ARCH Streets. have this sewn. ultunt. it hector Goods (IN ADDITION TO THEIR GAY STYLE,/ of the first quality, and neater descrip tions, adapted to PHILADELPHIA PLAIN TASTE, Very neat Foulards. Neat Barnes and Lawns. Quiet Plaid Dress Bilk& Sobdued Colored Sillen. Non-eqmmittal Lawns. Restrained Style Calicoes. Modo Colored Bilk Shawls. Plain inad Neat Cashmeres. Plain Mitts, Gloves, Hdlife, Au. ri •4- jr pOPULAR TRADE. OITY RETAIL BALER.—EYRE & LANTIELI, FOURTH and ARCH Streets. have this season made its point to have a stook of Goods of the first quality, and of the most de cided good taste. ADAPTED TO CITY SALES. Richest Spring Bilks. Magnificent Flonnoed Robes. Little Flounce's and many of them, Grenadines. richer than ordinsm Organdies, Ramos. end Foulards. re new style Boring Pardeasns. lack Silk new shape Mantle, lack Laos rousts Burnous, &n. molg-tf MACHINE SEWING SILK, Warranted the beet ankle for SEWING+ MACHINES. For nate b 7 the Manufacturer. at the LOWEST B. BOOLEY & SON, No. 226 MAEKty EMMYIT, PHIL,ADELERIA. PURE PORT WINE, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. C. H. MATTSON, apfl ARCH and UNTH Streets E H. I,DRIDGE, as CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE," N. E. Corner NIGHTIE and CHESTNUT SW. $7 - Customer Work roads at short notice. MACKEREL - -300 bbls. 290 bfs.loo keg. 0riter.1,7.5:1, I"' I. 114 """ vd, boa ba wino NAV Vfill*Whatalhitaki IWANTXD-L-By h YODNG Jail tolllgstgtinatielgirri? " gn . 631 Mug notossuntSsi tons say. hotssr.,,,,,, u sar amt Do •brtsty. Address 0 .: 24 000 r tCh IWO 3L * , o rl -- " rat , WANTED, with 00,Ullth. , this assoutitja aaah, In an mobil WA' od nrothatilt bulbar", done ,tor nub 4 44 1 w i thout }it-switsintss, moms DO 1111rthlir °avast so nfirnrei num. dims and vs:ambit' isolate. Andrea, wit h real name, azo.... , Persevesston,". Pies mos. - WANTED --A lad- ins Store to , run errands. Address, "R. .12.! , Press °Moe.. apil St. WANT3--WANT*I - , -Advertierments of Wanted. &o. ars pnbliattad in Tag XHIL.A. LPHIA Iritt Ut R ER-double stack-44r 81X CENT! q ! lu g it i e t ttit e .l.ge a l n 2 l l INVAITILTRI)74. Ithre iouw Chestnut. - _ aldtt-at ' WANTS—WANTS.--Advertisements of Wants. kb., ink published TRE ?midi D EL EIS Ing,llllloll.—double sheet-foLSIX CENTS a me 9nt onettloo. and FOUR oS_N_Ta.esok vane- Vint tolertion.• Moe ISl'South TRIAD Street, be low Chostaut. • " sp3lo WANTB - --WANTB.--Advertisements of wioltsd i va,d ih e THE JPHILA DELPHIA IN 1"X), uENTra a, hue mat usejtrist, - ea " subsequent trunnion. wee 14/ Beath Ettreet. bolo. Chestnut. WANTS—WANTS.-Advertisements of 'Wanted, &;.,ars published i s y t liE r pHLIA: 3151.011/..,. I Quouta (wok Y.11T15 a lips first. moorhen. and FOC smelt enbeement lam hon. 0.160 e 12,1 tomtit ThletP ap tr Weer Chestnut. WANTB--WANTS.—Advertisements of WSW &C.. ITO PUtilit&O& of THE Y DELPHI!. L. MlLER—double ebeetiprElX CV% I line first limit _en, sad POUR CM each Nubia silent lobed'. otr. Moe. 121 South TH AD Street, be. low Chestnut.; se3o-5t ANTS—WANTS. Advertisements of DELtiTtrimtUVßYl"tedl heet — for SIX CENTki u line firs' insertion. and POUR (WITS each Subsequent insertion. Adios 121 SOUTH THIRD ttrest, below Chestnut. ap2O.lt WANTED—By a Young, Man, a Situ ation as - Aasistant Bookkeeper, and to be other wise useful to los employer. Be was a pupil _or the Coa tis! RIO School, and le a graduate of Cratesuktea Com mania Constr. Address "8. th," at this race. atift-et* WANTED—A map, who can give the very beat of reference, to aot w s Porter in a Mors. ()is who undentoo,la the provision Pre• fe r•. ires"J.n • • WANTED 1,009 Ladies to rind for • • DE RUSE'D groat book. Evert young toss ski 'CritnEwznieva. hol esi,=.l.ki.htat the 1109 FOR SALE AND TO LET. NMTO LET-IN GERMANTOWN-A desirable Dwelling Hones, with watt-shaded grounds. fruit, shrubbery. ho., one minute's Ira* from &wt, Inquire of A. HEltekfillElMEß., 4 aiell-sewl et 32 MAR KET Street. TO OAPITALISTB.—FOR ma:rho Machinery. Stook. mid Fixtures of bine Manufactory of PAPER *.A 1101,N015. • replete with every ooevepienoe for oarryiaa on an extends , ' fi ner.bec A dew rable investment to mirlolls of Amur/ w ran path tfie Wither& fthr_oAlo wi th or wi th out • w building. ar* at= ClivowttuTatireet: • hitkrfint if - BART. MONTGOMERY, k CO. 111. FOR SALIt--A HANDSOME PRO PEATY. in Garmantawa. withins few minutes walk of the depot. Pine garden, with hot-beds. Abun dance of Fruit—Orapee, and plenty of shade. Stone gam; gas and water throughout. Stone Stable. Large Lawn. Terme very accommodating, and poereagion riven when required. Apply to B. B. C01%116..048, ' at this Philadelphia Bank. HOARDING. PRIVATIC BOARDING,—Very superior jscoommodstions ems be had in one of the moat delightful locations , in the eity—neighborhood of bor t/math sod Walnut streets. , An entire house. with Pedant and &Mese room on first floor. an 0011111111106- tint. with 'taunt b ud rooms, will be let to a Party of gentlemen, with breakfast end tee only, if dewed, Of to families, tneditesegartte. Unegolleboneble re re:sects required. The boaese,for beauty awl- cue venfenose. have no superior in Philadelphia. Parties Pr eferr r ing to furnish can do so. Please address "K. v " Pess Moe. apl4-12t. BOARDlNG.—Advertisements of Bosni ing,_ko., sra nublThtied in 'MX PIIILADBPPBUI. INQUIRNR—doubIe sheet— kw 81X OBRTIS nnefirst ingettlott, and FOUR CENTS' andientient intention+. Oftos 121 hOUTIL THIRD 80061. beiow Chestnut. St iptOAßDlNG.—Advertisements of Board jug, &a.. ere publiabed in tHE #IIILADEJ.PHIA QUllll3R.—doOle sheet—for SIX CENII3.e IMO Int insertion. road YOUR CENTS antinequent sosettio_wr. Oboe 121 SOUTH THIHD Street. below Okeetant. BARDIN44.---Advertisementa of Board inn. ice., so p ublished in THE raLuDELpsuk INQUIRER—doubIe shest— [ or MX CENTS • li ne Int insetison. and YOUR _DEISTS subsequent Insertiolut Office. 121 South THIRD Stmt. below Chestnut. at rioTICBs. VIFFIOE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND `,..." READING RAILROAD COMPANY. PamaskurstA. Mardi H,lOOO. Ths rates tlf frelAt and tolls as tee infanta:4d br this iompami Win be ea follows frogs Mara 12 - tit...further notice To II lob»_._ _ _ 291.40,,, •• Germantown R. f i at's .." • Coaaltoltiltig.::::::: Swede Fumitee........ Ttorrisdaor itridgepoit Fort Ke Valley Fonts...—. Phimnswille Ford.... EOttotoWn Alonocaol • • • Reading ea se - 7 - 1 Tat:Aetna:L.-- —. et in 78 77 71 ye Ye e 7 . rs onnairs mid intern.l, 6/ 80 di Alter July lath to September let, the freie to Sietitnotid will ire raised 13 perste per to after Saaldinber /It, an additional advanoe t per lOU. atimm Vl order of t w. R. moihe Board ettai lit s rategel ri NI dAVING FUNDS. A MERTOAN SAVING TUND—Compt southeruit corner .WALNUT and NO u gtyeets. Open daily from 9 till a o'clock. And on MO DAY 0118 ill the evening. This Old Institution has always paid in full,on demand t without notice. , usTEREsT Fir% PhR CENT. All awns paid bast on demand, in gold and silver. TX bBTEEe. ALXX. walmJatrs Prominent. BAMI.. WORK, Vine President. John O. Farr, - T. E. Aar r, George Nugent. John Anspaoh, Jr., Haml. T. Bodine, . Alb. C. Roberts. JohnAikman, Jones Bowman. H. Eldridge. Wm. J. Howard. ' JOHN B. WILSON, Treasurer, JOHN C. SIMS, BeoretarY. sisal-St PREPARED GLUE. S ALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! "A STITCH Ili T1M.13 SAVES NINE." DIBPATOIi 1300140111 Y! SAVE THE PIECE'S! As accidents win happen, soda i* miii-rersiated famines, it is very desirable to have some atom* end convenient may for repairing Funuture.TOYl, Crooke &a. 13PALDIXOM3 PREPARED (FLUE meta stimuli" emergencies, and no bowed:mid can afford to be without it. It is always ready and up to the stink ing point. There is no longer a necessity for limping chairs, splintered veneers, headless dolls, and broken cradles. It is Rot the article for cone, shell,ind other ornamental work. so popular with Whim of refinement and taste. Thm admirable preparation is used cold, being ohs mically held in solution, and possessing all the valuable qualities of the beet cabinet-maker.' gine. It may be used in the place of ordinary mucilage, being "WI/ more adhesive. "USEFUL, IN EVERY ROUBE." N. H. A brush accompanies each bottle. , PRION TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Wholesale Depot, No. 48 CEDAR Street, New York Address RIMY C. SPALDING & CO., Box No. 300 Q, Now YoTic. Put up for Dealers in Cases oontaimng four, eight, and twelve dozenoi, beintad LithograPhio Bnow-cann sooompanying each pabgage. 'TA single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUM will wove ton thou Ito oast annually to every houmehold Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggista,Jtard were sad Furniture Dealers, Gropers, and Fancy Stores. Country Morelnd/1 should make • note of SPALDING'S PRBPARED 0.1,11/, when making up their list. IT WILL IMAM) ANY CLOUTS. ciSe-unr(-Y CARRIAGES, or yrs rawirricroor or WILLIAM •D. ROGERS. MOSITOSIT, Na 1001 CHESTNUT STREE7. %len : sMBDAL Awarded by• Penn. • t s-7 nia Agrionitural Sooletr of nav for HAlt , et 3 ALL-eLAes FRESH. FRUIT JAR. DIPLOMA awarded by tenngilvanta Airrient&nd So jo'ety of MO for MARTELL'S ALL,944145, A1M wlttrlT JARS. FIRST PREMlUMawardeOrregt*ht 4 . • cultural BOOlet`f of HO for HAXWAWIL, ALL-GLASS JARS, _ t: - tro Metal used or Cement relmmeo. • Scientific and Medical men to he Ins/Pl.._ ob jealous urged against the old style of ' ' • Who turers under the patent, HARTELL & LETCHWORTH, Oenend Ohms Warehouse, an2l-Im* N 0.13 North FIFTH Street. jAeIiNEsE , AND CHINESE GOODS— miZearl rablpirtz : i to ßr aoatatga n o . f . 3 . loaeileeWortboxea. %satin, &0.. nahly 1414; a ourmis Do w er { But of J o romen9bly c w re e d, with si vavot, a;gl l l2XeobWO Pei attim of Bhmighae, 4t Tio. 8 ED/ rD. , " 40 0 1 r""tiCK Street,) not h above MA/IRE heat GEUROE B. BLOAT & CO.'S SEWING MACHINES,' ' No. 1020 CHESTNUT Street. ViiONG THE FINIAT SPECIMENS of t are the Lite-eIne_PIIOTOCIRPIIS, In OIL. from Rigtegjyt ate GALLY. SECOPM threat. 11,1.Aeit otst..hi liter are unsurrwmod hi smaller mo os/dim oboist 146011% Um bolt mots. ' ea? 2=== IXTM .7 '4- 'M:rri El - ARM 7 '1 v - artEmt - iiir,.-210t,:_ : :,,, , 9 -110 ~. IMAT114111) I ".nk,dp.r . , PI Rif 1.18 i'' in art t f . 1 Til Th i l Plil t e " lllg ul j l' i THE OMAN O. A .• • , Una - "': &Kilts 301/, Sate St DOM „ - ,_. - -,:- ALKUT-STREET- THEATRE iscdspedemso r ---,mis.M..b . ? Ihr MUNOZ "M.' MN . kViiiiiire r : /Lod a. tat r every *mon armee rho 'week. Ore Oreet winter MaartirlOr bliarfla HOMO . 61Orro 0 WEIL `Nano. fblies. :711, the Jew . J; I Pratt. ol %. Jr.; Bill estora, Mr. Sheerell; Oliver Mist. Mies Jefferson. Te s yeriorareeeento omits& entii a &soft Cues. wryness UM YAW I Dome oPlin St 7 Vow& ; Cam& win - rift at bat Ma 7. IVA PION AL TRICATRI-IVALNUT All STREIBTisIiOOO Eir 4 ' liti erßylrx I t it ieecTioN. GR NAT X A Meat DRAMA! IR 1M DA ElfX 1, Ave! MAIL And every Mild-We Iveldvo danniroteir Yowerfol I nul4-f° #o2 . 1•261 ff Ammate of als . , PI rA'riti I , . . 1 Ox, N. ere or, :us Wez-PITS ! ! - - 08. Tel At or lit WAX- PATH t RWS/NA HO lliver, the Iteld of th, wee-pity. M AMMO se" JOCRO: 'The Pioneer Portia wee onslarDy wrodrood to Now Ni k .AOII4.D.RD PPR .1810MTP Main% And o ; Waottit s PlDL ilitiiliATlC. TM - OMM .. _ T LIBERAL, SCALE OF MMus Dm, Lal=s fsquat, IA eende_j PillithlY Canis:Li eentei laws, roorrod,ffi °taro; Colored riflery. lb eats ; rivideßasee: ti . Box, 118_,•Hol • Box, i n : Souk" &at 71 , eon % Drag op" et B. Cartels nee at quarter brOrr II o'e k. ... MUSWAL FUND HALL. , . .. _ .. . cL_A t WMIEBI3R CODIIW. ' THE "Wm BIC Q.DIITZWE CLUB. - Of Boston, as •Op ioltattas oftaw INVlsicat patrhe of l'hiladelphis. will omes Concert on FILWA ewe Y k; G. April //, buottett by sits dhotis . ei Vgahat, WM ,J. 0. LO G. Ticket* 10 MAO ESCht taw progreannea may by ob tained et the alou twi ne sad at UN door. Loam to porno:Ma* at a prly. . . am it LEVBES OF " THS LITTLE FAIRY." left DOWE DurroN.,- - I The ethellestrgirt to the yothl. of her Me. 2 Tee th Md. Pi iththoththa t ead weighthethily tloronda—ea tallaithir greater cumauth thee Goa. Tom Thoth. Z e mE e s ev im iniusas t i be se fo tt rowi ti al:Sge y b. L th w erit be lzzi eee ei — ii,3. Sixty-two is. 111j_11141.1re vs weed ye.. ". L m Mies C. IX B. MUSDOC . omit Dreads at the plasm. and Ruth several /14 • 141. M.. the $ .0 10112134 I* ; I. Ever of nee. 2. Do eiza. '3. lath eisd Na. owt. 4. The Thee. Man Heater. I. 'velolt • &veer Mane. 6. 0 Tots Wog to Seritso .T. By tkie Sid Pea Waves. & I Wee Ones mon r Oft Native, Aar. O. My rotes . j& c_end of tbe - WOO, a Tb, Bonze Me 12. tMS Lime Milo tel Me Motir. Mk L l MPAl t'l let MEW - _it CONCERT NALL,_Cbost.. exit street, r ettattolphis,WedoeedayAltereith :Frith and tlotercthr. pert M X. 21, eat 2e. ur tbo And Eriksn! of 411'4 ds i Vitod floPefork, athethuois *death ktre, - fl. LUISE. Amt. ' ALBIERt 'NORTON, Breassiir. , • sell it iIIIWPITY-FIRST QUADRILLI PARTY ,_,. - to the CONTRIBUTING 11EllINEE of Os rift i.A_DITIACEw RAND, Ma. 4 intt taw o• .It. WE Dire AY 'EVENING. Asa Ah at tie ItA VONA. GOA EAU. NT 'node. rot tradadtable. , No tiokett SOW tA tits door. 1 • JAMES IILIIOOrt SEGE. No.IAI /WILMA Owed, Above Vim*, NAM rtellnder. AMERICAN AOADLIEY OF MUM. NPRNSZN.FATION IPADINVX a COMPAGM p H LA LWOW. 21 &MUM& La Our PAU seeps' ihr l'amtm LN BOWAN • ort JJUNENam W taii PArn 3 - Or. ,TIEN XliefANUrg - 01 A • POOR 'YOUNG MAX. he great meow rftailaled trf Fre e nod Wallseree-riaCt Ver "A". is a wire guararety for the-wreigese which, is reeenwl to it at Ws iteartswy has ' ed.rairsdeighor. The author, whofogad goal tranalimere lw Awe new. will have this time. for lue work Ararat? fowl, hie rentebie uaterpretere, , Preeented et the Aeridewr of Nhaio, aware to M. °eta,. Petrillet'• work all true epleador required. sad all the /OWN Welted. ' -- On ralerireel o N 4 3pertaela eeinsehoer• • 7%, It Bens terrains • . P tX DNS Loess d'Avast feen•la phase._ vat Parquet, Parquet CiroN, et —. 1 N 3ine &sane Lee Owes memos a eriitio — eii iiiiiaagateateeloe depritt, kturreudePet eavitet as nate* tole to jeers eh aN. et deg h. Ash. - euellt* HAMM AND - HAYDN . 1901ZirrY." The THIRD awl LAST c_OHCRIT IPILTNS MA WR( Intl talut i 4= TUESDAY ISVEIVOIEL Ariel 24, Cl Al MCA I , UND HALL. viten vet telt a choice ails )44541111111140 41( DAC AND alian.4lll4, 131 C. from *e Apart rniiErwic maaminn At the revolt 4/ 1 111Szty O" t 0. 11 4 sinsftitiLlariohl ;Atonal Antics'. A ‘91,1991i SOER( S 4 s fall obsess, Tha Or rbeetis lon satrWrill . 911013 Olintunte; acerra pens the simarsess, - The whole under the lirsetioA of Hr. re. CARR CROSS. Condostot of the Society. Pisan*. . MICHAEL It CIUESS. 1.-atter ;filar Ort - rliest Tisk.% AD mat*: alr• w•MagililAln%hrrealk and Ch•stout et eats al; Coniston's JO Dos% Eighth a t the AXIS opts at 7; oolamenos at 3 o'shreL aesst PENNSYLVANIA AOADIM4Y.OII/IvE elm iew_CRIMITNUT Street. Tlte lath Alava Exbibitiow tit new opeAidailyanint 9 o, It mita CH k. It iv tionir)fi WM'. It. Admission te °Ws. tiolorte, erl seats. Chil drab. ARLWLPSTILIN AND CARL HORN -18Tocrs auf fit jiff D LAST CARE CA L 110121311 ,will twlso Smarm* THI7I4D_AVYA'ENIBC4 aril Y 4 HOD:at too Inner of the ACALMINY UMW. I , or programmes and airaglans .Ea the mannatarea.,! Mr In tickets el. Can I* had on Um events, at Pm dem no arm! oraystringad eteiennly finis is DNB lawns. Blaolueo waronootoo,sm Davi/Wu *not. - arlOpik OLIO LX 1.38 1.76 taO 1.10 Lor 1.0 'LIS ISS 1.311 LSO LSO PRCIAT. 1 4 10110.11-:-To the Mum of ' Welt Ilfilada'iohis.—Bir. J. DYER., the favorite vocaliatof city. Agatha /fosters ofieutoatedscto hie friendu,sat the Wilmot West Philsdagthia Evrie. that he villatve °Be of his Grand MUSICAL ti T Belt at the COMAILISIONEett' HAL . est - Phileuhtlahla on MONDAY EVENING. grit on Yeah at quartar flea dokook. Adhaigagee. tomato; Conking, 10 cent& Cove. eel Color oti: to do Costatiotionwil WOW AA MERIOAN AOADSMY -BstoAn and LOCUST Btreeti. GRAND MUSICAL RETERTAIENNITINt Lt. MI P. N., by the Tense fetes or tk. ZANE-STREET Gi RUA GRANATA* SCROOL. Condeotor—Prot. JOON BOWER. liekeht 76 tette. For fate at the Mane Stele.. alS•tacl E ARLE'S OALLERIES. 816 CHESTNUT Brewer. Now on Nibibitron. for a very few dem Mx. &MAI- Th ala t ArrAzigo ' II a Rivas JUDet PALL. Now Oriteas. awtelniax tbe lava of los C s. as he had defended her liberties ja the Ora& It contemn sort rehab% ant raterrenen rertssits or ncimly forty ynywurentiternswesof that et isig eo t = iig t ee g ret t ortfkltr a lgi by rat. ""ax floors (ram to a P. Mumma la cents.' MoDONODOWS 4.143.21113--ZAOI LEIL below THIRD • • STAGY. MANAGER: - RERNANDEZ. EMGAGEMET4T - Wlits FELTZ CARail t r i br i ET_TßOlTßE._ The above Troupe will appear EVERY Airwave. They are the most wondereal pederast, !tang, were received on Sateday elteMAa trilk the Mai a. - huematio applause. HERNANDEZ! ATM th e talented Company appear. Pint apperneeof_ eOA_TYIiRoTXRRS. TWENTY-SEVEN PERFORMERS. GfMANIA ORMSTRA.—Pubbe Be. e ß arsala every EIATOIAY, as muszam.yuropi HALL. at S)Co'oloolt P. Tadatts So be led aru. Andre's. sad Beak as istalon'a Mane Skew. amide the door. PEILSORAL. FOR EUROPE. Saving been appointed Agents for WM. WILLLAMS & CO..' Iteneet twain Express. we are now pmaniA_to mem FREIGHT. PACKAGES, &0.. • Per a ll sesta of Europe and Asia , at_pri i r angssOlS dented in this sits. . °AWNS. & ap2-3m " No. X Booth Fl Nthreet. MEDICINAL. WEST INDIAN BITTERS.—These bated Bitters are timbal with fenetalar They mod effectually end petmanenthy cure MI den arming out of a want of prwper ton* d h monde of the digeetive organs: Thaz are Mealy mended by Wa d faculy of tbe pnnobud ounee United states an Europe for tem mrsedy oars of Ina limpets, Liver Oomplansf. Narrow Debility, Parer mid Ague, &a. THOMAS F.LB:AIt&T. thaeat. mh2B-tflut comer SIXTH sadVirEfirii BMW% CHARLES F. TAOGIatT, entssassor to J. E. ENHER d. Co.. • Importer and Wholook. Peaks In BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, 4c. Choice brands Old Mononganeta, ba. and Houton WHISKEY constantly on hand, at ap7-43sr •3l MARKET Streit. WALTER EVANS & CO.'S • BOAR'S-HEAD SIX-CORD • • SPOOL COTTON, Superior to any ever imported, in strength, intioothaare, and edairtioSY, for machine or hand towbar, LENGTHS W.SRUNTED. "We have tried Brans & Co.'. Bete/1;44M See Machine Cottons. sad dad teem excausat. , —Witiataa tt %%Leos, AL F. E. Co., 401Braathro, y , •C. CA/MILLE. General Sued, Now York. J. E. - HOWELL Agent for Pkikid•/A. ROOMS, N I K 2 L Ch e s t nLYsOmNt'S. brWLNG kalC.Hdi il a"an BLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS. No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREIT. Ix the meet extensive' maantioterer of ',TAP. - 2 - NETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. largest and fined oanottanent in the oily. at the 7O at pride. STORE SHADES made and lettere& loosiring otostotly attended tn. stoi-Airn CA U T I ON !—.4 StROLOG V !—LOOK MITI-GOOD ',ROM FOR -ALLI-The never foaling blot VAN SOWN is the beet: eke Jammed; when all others have failed. All ilia an it Mesta. 41 who have been unfortunate , deceived br fanw o rnisee, By to her for advice and. comfort le fees OWS she aster fails Bile hem me !beret of enemas saes pone or the awaits milt ie Otis Stet eramthindeces Illiterate pretenders to to nattats her, set easy her avertisement. Ehe • vele the hketrose of_ymer fa , tove yirt, husband, or about !mad. It in known to the l abile at large that she is the first and eel; per m* who out chew the Javan hi mkt', meteita give entire sabokonott on all the mummy og fife, Irhl tan be teetiK sad proved* Or thessands, bl a zer and single, Who ibttly gild esigertg riait bet oome an l to PM. inn I,I3OIwWWD Etmet, lietereeeel- Per mid Bread. . - le, , , sellita' 110111MY Npia WALLS -CUOMO AT A LO rrittiAplsl3ot.M.ll..AlMS aim
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers