6 .L .} -1M4410::ZJ!;.1 : _-i.:-...; -- ' , .i- ; ...'...-: :1,-, ra ,,,, r , ... ,, w. ; A ...4,3 s. ,-,4-. . , rn -,,,- ; - v- 5 ;- 1, ..?w ,w6„..„-g"..4.-45,--_ - =!..-. , ..', , f.-,;• : . :-. - ,.. - ..'..':;: - ' , .11-- --,- ; , - :: , r•' . ';..1;", , ;.! - '"'; '"'' r— -•-: ' " .) 5 ...*z . L , , 1 t+ " ,` -*: Id , , ~. : , i :::t - Stllilint'''.', 1 14. : i4 1 ...: 4.; j t : -,' ~-% " Itlaialr'iliiii**-4i11411Pjf.. 4 4 14' V., -, PA 7 .= ,.., .. , -..?,-,:,. , 'an 'iritZ • .-.;7:4-,i,tailC--fbilai-.'.4r7:ll4,OffeaViiali-1 0 _ck_vani9.!! '" 4 "'"0011100P'31,- - , tlti.„.,_. , --,,, , r f. , titliiiiii4 l *.ar•E', ,, ,,,,.. l '- -- i '' - -':)24P,... smiih 'ir;itd - lft., :1 11 41 1 4 1 Vilal iat li mithir SiagiV a " 4 744 - ii-1tZ ; =.... kut .7 111-11 j g ri rd i- ipatthioi , WSClOdaltaa-2inailbliesos. - - '- - "f - ' lll X l At4.t it i f idtta it e M4ll to lialdifitat;tho 1 ~ 0 1* . 1( 4 4 0 , 1 ,4: at 7 . '" 4 -1 - . " Wpolloll owes si thtrespltd it •, , - ---- arrive at ~,--, f ..--- 4 --,-- ~ Maxwar ituokiB,4B6•• ~;,I"_r, l *.s i d . '''''Oetili'llitinallibillikt or. Ilintlaiiiiae it T sasOß -'-.lreia.4ol-11111!1,- lila ' laa Oa J 'aillfblelitrated from now..tki tltaail Thikiieetiot MO": -.- ..,` A • otolcaf r.e*avitelFil :-: tAl.' •1 - ;. s ; ' __ ~ • .bite t , 4l o.- Wait Idase 7011514 ,11 Wt. rottel , .--:.posiiii„ktiwit.,,—.:ool.4*ind. Pm' , - , , l_tr a ir e a tt= g a l ca tak Aadatkrlia a rill a t it t 4. o 4 l tiallta IP l *ra Ilige;•''.ai- -- etiP o itho '. tr, , 1 • 0 : *..:Ala'aigilai; , *rot 1.-.-` ; ` . 3lssua; loracii - limunit,* rliS , Pit, . ,at Amite aliads and 'Maidtioas sit WarOtkokiMl-., ';.e, - r- - Amon la Mt stimakmpedi Vero (1114. 4,- ;, - ,Thai,oloom '' * . a ... 00 - 03 1at i ttattlfsa wa t a t - c or i l,Lftiadit its . thatr:Liii , 11491114tillialtilai A_ atge ". Anima ateltialitiiiir Mawr ~ ;:aseats tto• - •:ripswr-itiamoilastititM • wi*." - litikaao74 . liacSa.alaaiOna-a l aaatn i t a aAa a a ala)k l a 4 111 °' ..;liaaa slaSpetvessastrategarbiolimia• siatslag In r;, r: Shot tratessait :Tom Omit, lt'*lt *l l 4 TA W ' - of iimeiMiXKatiai mid; _.idealme, Mam at. -r 1',.-: , ;Jabtatabillaattailli. seat a boaCtos,amotalitel the' 4„,jakaitiattof r;' or the r two - .mars. 1 -11110 . alfv*Cirod 'S ; apeatho ; boat. from _the , vessels of .111,1:11;. ,, This ":Sunned .the memaador ot AM: 4 0 at i11, 11 04 . ' t . ici eve -"':'= 'some& a bramishim 11 a - tie* as to ladwroMariolir sartamier at onae. ~ After this alfiiit'Adialraltsfilio4,4l ll slrimoh I "4l Z= . ' fi tigro l t4, _ ,P irb w otiff: f on r i s e :- ...' - imptaraditti the Lerkmailoaanalideri-whiqied ';',' thy Millis hi keel Mr beidatoi; lad nu* lc .atoillvoelliallit SA* 11. V 7 idditionsorsM` sy IMO., -te'lfall'•: . .thsata . There tore -.' ' .l ,twirweliteK - tiKall...by.the. - 'T . ,'l•,....___airlost adobes lroM Vera Omni, were yr hilissent 14 , , Ti ai ri; : tdr 4 =eraiti . - id I:llCifiii itixill:lll;eni. .‘r . '-filtlibi idly. "/K1 et - nreratiiiat OA& capitol Midi, .:;.•,,:'. the grstawit falia - aail Othiliattilaii Oaa It is Wilma ....-. - ; -.;isisaylieleat -thaylway,dorT:.',/dare-mas 'enterained ..„--..---; ask they sarrear theirnage Is ' sew . atrocities -•.---- arm the firieritiih'alshitateisliad thlittir is awls - Km stroigor, by their edge dike fiat Wit the British eoremiariat hie.. itatioll: at IMMO* 'over - Mr. Malhow,Ml as-Iltek sappailmfoia -- -taa been . dons,- , lifiamosoasticis" Of ~ .thataMotit Mr. liew. - --1, , -Weak* Li 13.1 of the oirpretestad'Arans " - '-,' Their *midi Uri silis him tilkidMillithe met whOlosilaithiss:4 this siiiiii, Mid thfistinf - -“--- i , V l Taish ittlidear; M. dir!Vialciat; Midi by :. Om mil of twday, - wroardirseiy.:Mreoir -Orders eo Adseiral Pestoodsoostrriertag...khot M . tad. part -.-- neasist exe , Ainekeluts. 'lt thisirailixic befiist ,,, „. mad to, It is elm a oollision mast at -me 'take yam but it Is to be hoped Admiral Pound' will bilo . . exam — him leer year ' a 7::. OOPtein w the m Sast ,-.--; ':-• Das; to_ to obey a madi - voidsr.liven by Mr Otwayinirl inPfolailtailie tit tiiiiieoliattr` 1 -..-,; The iitpeditkra of Mario was ditallaid a phstiasi -1 , ,-.- Om liy : ilts &Mamma, of VorallaM sad aif well -- ' kofaist here by:adricar.froaclitV/101111,kat the orewe - • of the voimelt Mai ;111,1Spalimds, met of them I :.Yj.: - -iablaarat t ie r ... a... alma all ikor• s r ion the 'Ja i ? , I. • ;: ;I:o ' Cabs 'for ar' - '/Ar - gt-Mr seta .11 iM dreg • *is' gook: Ito; the ilientian'-ak a lir . Can . -;4--i4lO. 1 eialis to ; be- saw. batter - Mats - '. o f Lopes .---- } m ills the MIMI or flobiti and for - ths`lirstrame 1 ,-), tliOnfaannithinnitioPolls*pii:l* °t the? cam _ ~i ,;;, litt,the bid twallress - iiiiiilleiiM , 'the ap - - ~ ---I ttaliolit.- . O.Ka- - - W itta me' Wiliam th lioxice. ,Ills sPenhillaana; 'z 1W latiftEleniVilas had `very - ;-• hodidlifinpetioailittoriM harm STlMallaily re :- '... twilit , •id a spatial -410W7, slid tilitiotrit Ss nob :•.:' Sr awirjoarasts. - MO/ ~,Wolt4ii*Pliatatiltalia of ;‘ , _Marrilaill , Ara bli.-Auatiewlt head imps, a die '-- _ - : - %tapprefal -at Yr Mathews waidoe‘_. sad as Mr. Witka":l6ldistlifitileig 'KINK mi. - - his pro . deesaarti la libklag after Ids awrtootut and , ,:_, ta hoodisaraCairthalor = I vosartiar% , lad" ping .bald to etaitlowepsaiirlio - wilini without pro , . - nic•wellio„: Ike elegy, tab* ibis.venues pf !abduct assets'aithi'disapprevalatihe.lforeiga Dales. ; It la - - -- -"timdbio_thoy any be Offaitits-__ and' - if So; me plop 4-, -..-„MilaCiagliiiv: - rtaidenti.inaimiswarweartainlY; ' - '', -- .-sjaiitidpadtion. - • Thalnufeasteof -the tippoint ffi--->'. KM :?4 , Mr. Wylie over-Mr' althea; re,i,poot, .- - '!'..-t LiattilMillitiMimmitais tibias - of' the latter patio; ' : laaV it ig t "ll .db 4 4;the'l"l°lr , - ssl.ltk ittte'ts "::If Wokik;.fini, al-losst distattidl by Mr. Ot -- -:' wayi'erittitolibi'aMastithit'hiriticall -frala here .. • ' .for from's - -;other cases than hatred ' „., : i..-', falls eamoomitrymaa,mid IdiMtler inability la • .r, .=, Ad I k e elevated post to which =. be had beettutes.' ......., r , raised. 'His bitrod'for Raglisheisainide -- im.witk.,the claw agoinstz u s and lds attar '-' ;.:. tit lid parisitta‘kla to do sa te ssoli* base ' • i":,'F'ibig "know that Ids dlygrecataltoradiet wee found apt -sod mimed, ': This -le ;Mama who' has me - `-wieded Ts'ballpliog, the -- - • '- :,• '-:'." liridgaSi l• the sp , pottaiidOf'amMbekPowel . ofMexco, la thi.4oltl - imajdi. his; is kaoa:-Jot , 'Of thetalttrisal itv-PoiTla...- - tftolirmar i -' - - sisosseablisseatiattom idth tbam. - -.„. ' ... s --' . • 1 -- Thereto la *hot satarairotth imitiorik.t The ---,.' - ~- Wadi are raktialt lis aniap:athrplieei,:sail a 'lv -, - ' - 44l'illateefdrajolids.developlu. ttiar The direst ~' eftlessilia'befttralftira Ceak i S he tho - dillel ' !',lhrthoWasittry to liiii into la - - :"Maill y Masi. 1111 'Pa ' -: - I :_ao l :'..aasat - ' la :WO - rye : 'af ti nioi i , Raw% ' ,- ,' - ~.---- -,,, ,„,. tilek - Ja eta 'Craftatilliiiririalitistoir , ;:, and' What itkeyLlkid; , • • The sorreeposdeat ,of the if eir;York - TiciiiWiltes in ;ioocaat ir"fithetay- the: ' -; n ( a • Freinetatt teal Stiela int#4llMit 4114 hostile re ',,,patelloceolt.**o of babies arearwarerowor. 'The elleerf tw. ol l ll * l 4 icßd*keelliiiel with • - white-ablik-e**eemea baledleC .. .,AeareePe • . ;ft thratelydresset eik embroidered wiedehtlacuitheltthey Waked ad very unlike the salforiceildiocireof oar navy. The mar** were •• elegised la= dark-bias loathe; Mob:With -Mc reAk lad thrifty - lid his work* with*** - bparelt two* libiAketdderj'ead bit. fiewing-troWeerf TM'Niko looted 'ftlaanoe'iloat.'ill, ware • ' sad '' To Ikeda** ewes-ew ;bawd after• - eahismad " rierinciciartir aliweepoci had *WO mirveadered owthe !tome, lotty,Sacttithethae •.', ;")theet ieftm&-erho. had *dyed work :the_ ship, the -_-__Misiralaaraedereit 'the Seine, 'se a Clad* and tables We n Pert -11001tur0r," Tbri, hcf, ea ether Ltd:: ot *get . =aad, , tes: , The skorstieke stood 9a , Bonder the Bea Brand= oftialartnew ".`locti of die espreisore; head. . by** president, rowed off to the *mite, and ' :Itreiteihtheeirearas to es the sky/ The &cloths], hat it tsok half 00 hour to *thaw the or. der al t i . gulag. •' "Oa lauding, the irreeldtatiOCAbe beak, politely *aped dead, to help the adaircd`Out i - sed ,; had a learner aseepi et eiviarfoteraelly disetakin the precredeneo,- , The --wee walked Mho , by side metal ~ 't he others in 'Otheilal 'order_ it rankthe _dethooratie immid kusedaillocatriiirksolletur • • etiquette ky:voidias'lOC - gb• 'wet& .11ehtlebit6-1 0 ' paw to tlintreanisipcir!.ftre another half beer, : r iatitiveetie ts a a lle right Orderer MO. Theo. 11 1# O.' 'Pirlorio . eitatit47 our • :;-'14•491.0 1 ii • • 0004 Di DowneyDowney, *lath tOwn. ::-111earieg abet.** ep be went over to:lather the tereasor, ,, Eitering lathe singleowapadoo, it took ,!.• 'ill the faltirthe **ague weld' eamtated 'to • „- Ben that a lltthr am in loliokleakidth no *thew, could be awamilnefievencor. , ealt • - haft -eoesprethe ,oded andl:' the =is bad was •-••-• "turned certain eleamieid. - 44eadee latb: *kin' En. - Sifik leed *Wiry Cab/idea - Zia - WOW **pH •• meats into -34esieectice sdreiralfeepreised a de , - eire - that the Govetwor Woald-Chdei 11:4Ity doek pre-= pared to give the Ogre** otheirootaVeverhanling, • - eaplidalagked.'elearly, that vaAsterPreter - wee seeded lOireaderiti that:ther Taal* should not olt i ln a lkri Melt soaftwcyts this beano*, . • MI. - * Withal stisarpkt thee, elisital that - • - -ft 'promptly astictirsiber *boon cirri heeinrytowthedry teddia tot ready to laws& Mali the two high **** thee eon=, the.*** _loft**, retaining.to, the . ear= - :.'dem wen being waived through the principal dreetiVis' eight of the. 'eateldl i Bac. peat the eciturehesead hots* awned*. , 11111;''esi, tiratatuteliast,..PolaZl i h i ga 're 11 9 1 v ::1 1.113(''" ag eon ," etrostect 0 asodikleat twit sor the fteramesW _ • rofibre,' pore 0f',101,80 , -Wridcker`Lweiti esafielefklei extrei dest-ef Ltieerraid the arrawitsee& •: , • w . : :p01 . 1.41 oat note ilijodwri • • -';‘- kite Aehd the' *A ie and ad' set ' eatfelled that pab• peg their work , loyithir;they reelf construct the ,„-- anaterpart of** Viropolle at bow- By the way, Mr. ffet*Jelye the dapeseee, 'fa c oming over; '• = sh o wed theme** wiper* is averydotetalast of easialistaik nia:tuctisoialhiary imilliors. It . • ww, maw th ey amt , been , arteraf , ditys at 'Nei OM Aft 'Nue* to did& iste watches-it was a sewldekto,ikest t- hat whet thal kid tried it a ,fat',llo:o_,thapt4 to :relish, itwaiderfelly: They •-•; - wiftetere .oar...tooard, sad gave evi -- . it Shit* idisattost. , l Bich te Ulm hotel, . .rethilikawkriently 111011thr oar us. riA*44+l B2 vosiberadiestbowiziaepsobov t k0111110M:, id , de "jimaie: - te'th4V-illater. They moiled task attar- dark,trithe is:We t their pat '.lllthithated With overtook - riot" - ' • • Apliii3 it. -•- ' 'fk - " 4110011010 101 9 1, 441 ox - • 0 our , .., aitsAft lik4eAL:ll4„,dike"l:lliNiebed ' 'Asitilob'''%ll- •;alior t ' islir wine - . fit , i - i l irois-Nsobvills, ' l ion ow Or. - =tioriorslril/ht11441,:=119,r,..00. unt , rot thstdsh from r . - --: ...• * .:44 i rsc.liowiti o ,,„,' ii tiariLF4.B4:liteati • .t . ' lir! bosliirdeiiikemielgu4ts 1 611 *1;,, a s ' '''' ' *"ll" etta "" " e t l " 4ll" the Vetting moo , . - i . , ait idlib ir , .16.k0r , , . ' .. —..- ae of the sonsiss - tioss. s - - is Nil, or tuil'lLgtot thst, *Cope forties - -- - s ,-ta - "Josit t lor 1*07. ; - - -hi —.4.,;,,t /hi gate as , „101111100 POI o w "' I' Inkiiaption of '';‘‘,.-: -ilk Ilzei ille‘ , 1 era is ft, Coeds e - no*, i• • -;;; ;.,„ =44 , 4. MUM. 11*--".. - • uirriug sow whistAiliamlo .11114.1112LP1C1At... ♦ias Ingenr! Ship easwatida. • Lowto. Wp r A, wog y► iturrig. 44 N..50; .•Pe rt MAINS IRTELLIGEgtig• 401/7,III[LILDIMPHOWAven 11). 1060. 1367404/ ......613 st eum bh p mu ms e i Zriejlidrinp, iiktoli Dom t iftlu y Z a vp, ill tr i rta ak inr r ix7ffi r t u ir ra b tri isto tr4;l4% ,i p . orwY, Itallavans, at MOM! off i •,1 ' , .• • I. B lWritsy. ZS AZ !MVOs rAN:rf! elk „ . 7 Bobs Teaustl t = hors MON% . with ea too to Petbi , • ",- - - ' ' Polls Fred • , .0 days from Port*, with plaster • •- ' " " , _ . ' "(11.11,41.10, , , . . flipirdlUbse MOO& blaW Yost. las Alldsrdios. _ eats - laukaN 144 6 Of q. , 040, Ti etUitelniat & Co. - ,-. :.' 06 " _or Th• trim) , - - M..• ODAOB. moil 12, 1.960. ITV "ThWrornioM - la ere la worsiits vita rice bests 'in tots; Meat sad eons rug to . Oro, pomp in% fp As; Col Dotal 13, Wiltilum bar, einces sad pig iron to Noniron svinisigig; FJ Bur routs, *abet to do; l' D Raitka i t to . Jers c Orosken A r t kW * t • lai .1' =A t AF Budd, "sod gin, i ogal ti m D e ga: ware way, W. E. W. (Oorranoubm• of tiro e. April 36. The,fgirm begatinerod, into the Sokagthall Canal , laden tontotlter brks' il tatep,..._• Anna E &Maid. Cot rip _ d o t o 5 a ; Waster t l . lo to aoltott Crisman; Howard, gram to • 0 OW* • a - i ; MEMORANDA:' fltiimPranAgaynre, Shamrock,. Samna and Saga, •more, for Philadelphia . Were loading at Liverpool Met =Ship Westmoreland, Noon, from New Orleans for L iverpool, wad spoken Maarcb3o, lat 4119 „lon 44 13. - Ship Iligirstrora, Duality', for Philadelphia, sailed lioaiagiverpool-sera 0.1/ gt 11 aka3gnsi fateespailitatyra, *on Callao, at Quarts qttaszt_assunplittfiararana, for Philadelphirt; - Ulla; fol)tiilidalphia, sailed from Shi rasell3oth p Calhope, Goodwin, from New Orleans, arrived at ralltooMa nang ult.- Shic ab ßoolyll, Sadden,_ from Baton ; arrived - at Pe- F. Shotyamesolirallam, from San Francisco, at Cal onnaßark Ile. Ryder, for,Pln 'labia, sailed from Sm. tw iarl li Mr s taliilni k _Wigkinig;'from New York for Montevideo. wags sp o keno march is,:lat 111 , 30, lon 30 ! fk Oba z i e rri.iii from Mayans. arrived NTiiingtiMilt - ittiMi - Colling•iiatiled front:3l;yr. ' l r -ittr l3 k - Wallto r i l 3.lstiraargitroni Boston, aniv! 4 - 5 t Ta , ofiN * -b Hathaway, cleared at Boston llth'inst fourtydelpbh. — - Bohr Jane lt Bakst. Headersou, cleared at Charles ton 9th rest for i Providenoe. • - Bohr Mary Haler, Haley for Georgetown, S.C. went tory& from Charleston try nst. Bohr Ida. Clark, for Hew York, cleared ittNow Or leans Mr met.: Bahr Fred Itypt. Galaario, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence four inst. Salm W B Darling, sinter, from Providing* for Phi -laderphis, soiled from Nome* 10th met. - - Boar id 11g: t hole, Winsgoors, from Providence, at Now Yorks = • Seer fr W Clark,,Ciark, for Philadelphia, sailed from Fall Elver lath lest. - Bohr Mail, Kelly, from Providence for Philadelphia, at Bristol 10th raw. litchr Liter Whit*. Croaker. from Calais for Philadel phia. at Piew_York yesterday.. „ , MILLINERY GOODS. LINCOLN. WQOD, lb. NICHOLS. OITY BONNET STORE. OPENING. THURSDAY. ' ePBIL • STH, 1800. • Yen ate neonatally Invited. OBERBENUT STUNT, it4-ti.... D. FERRIS, 1037 CHESTNUT Stivet, N NE open THIS DAT ash* in• &E0114:1111% qtris make Aga tinilLi &goatee split EITitAW 1 1:1114 fl 15 is, w ALKI el end KIM NO EIA.Tt3, i.ew ?nether with a e assort Mimi of misses' and 011112111112 Hits. ape Im 14188119- &BRYAN, 914 CHEST -I.4IILPIVT,' &boys ?pa*, tiriN epen yIiRIS i(IO.Y. Apr- 411,11, Ifippaza, ea TRURSDAILY, don! the ,its. 1110: , - , • api•lm RAILROAD-LINE,. - - ELMIRA ROUTE ' m A A itattop. PHILADELPHIA AND EL - Ul2.K.E%4lPrit to Taataetoti Catitriala - c Fill pert,- W,lltrea. ,Sorsaton Don't kJ.' POW% _Wit tigaseouroilillpe, &Mon:- Simko faffale,. FILM" 11 - is. . ri eveland.DOtros roledo. View. ' mem eta an points orta and 04 met Olga. Will leave tie new Drier the Phi -1 H I ta t eu 1 imi ' ti, Le i a i ! i it ii ,O w el * 4 a 4 1 , / l op e ti g t I t 0 At! i : l and t l a hril arrest.) !Fear/are : exce pted), ' I rm o abote ..-- r alf f ii A1d......" Lc . . l. *1 a /MP ": . -" . " ... " .. .-:&ao tt. i nk ~, , . A.M. tnea ........:eiti:.:...-rti for (gam bi i."% . A itnrtagedlseritor.: Lgar ,‘.Vie retimp maim none at Elmira with • bah" Wise owe rlt neiCanandaigna eAdriinemerang, sedan limbos& troma/1 pronto II aid Wad ~ ~- face to , "ra C4l l 4 cottalo, sad Itatesaiioa t arit into -.i po ate. - - i rea ..g be . . . , ate* Ph il adelphia aid El .. 40 4: : EN O l' Omen', nortli*aot_oorzer of direst tha MINIUM Ihinter b • _tr_ri , 014N8,_ -..,.. OUGH•Ear •:• • . Mawr ?RAI* UWve - Pkilattelealaaa Delo:. mood and Callowk streets Is, s soweeledh for all points west and Plonk, ate ~ Peelakte wet as donee .tefore Sl'. M. to Inure VI. 'Parr, .eri' ' 1610 at' Freight Fagot. filtoAlA, ter t i olo mm „. -, _, 4 uralAgelli, • StirthWald earSAf'D aiiiVabr2 l llJT fitneete, ' ' , .rhiladslatos. f,- -•: -- .- . " NOWT.W.PUNSYL ," -.1- . ... , ,?.„.....w eg, a -11%1 Aar on : iad. , eo 41): 11 1 I V to, i . 4 1 DAM .(. , , A ir s alC4 0 ._. . • valuta, Yar i', • la, ( • )44 ) 1 1 11 .10 . A.X ° a ~ y • .. ( •••- • • • • ape) 01411 A. 111. and x erfht 1 !" 1 - iwiliticlitifi . (Xlinnah) at B.a. bf... tag 4.1._P. M. rlaitatm, UlaeonoaplUlay ./ at r A. A. and att 1r •:41altioa.)ati. /4Ni. F d ,11,....t01it_..t-ivit,r4.x _7., ..1 rImA ,s ig .lll; art • 'lir , '• at mar. 111. we to . .11111:16 h C.lnuar, ILO; to a Wi l rate i g,iNget.. itaMA L Arritaitaliatr th• -r•S' ..' fiii *4* (4 1 Z Train.) am= me.b . Ana 1 ~ -streets, aad -atm* • r0_,..... „i . rr i 1 . Agent r - - PHILADELPHIA, GER- I WN ANTI Minn _AILILSNONnuNT— . LA••• P• 014•1 1 9. I& 21, 14_111 A. M.. i tivrtamiatoz 4 A lak e t a r•t r ial 7 A. K. 1.% I, is 061616 mit& i i , Mt 2=l.l.7egtiliflttlf,'l, :I ''''''',atittrr.`iiiii NAII:7IOAR t , , eft` La" II A. -, S. 4,..., 7. awn° Lowebbreelllill.6 1.114 11.1iloind !SAO A. M., 1414114144 . 49 1 , , - niair_YN. *r• rriA7Al A. N., &mid IN P. M. vs . iLi If" WC =ILO 7. ,I ME poo t ocaram aux xospurrows. Amtavis I 1,,f10 • 11./•, WA, 41. AL. LW SA. V VortV•iii - 44 7. a, ik A. it. 136, 406. Ind i ' ' - '. ' oil iOialik ‘ • raraobadvalt ait .. e c r illlc k . A K. arrit• .f, NA .ft. IL . 141, 2111, tag, vo , dig,loli. Iladnano IML,I. 11, ; -- 1 . r .4 ' 0 L—ez•k_afto At A .agar for r!ZiLIt t of rrictuVuti d'noigert.o_ the of aivrou • -.a stalled* frolooasor en "A,~ilforbovalastora;hrovar at tat OON ifittlN for Dairafastova. limit at i tZwithW at aatiatora Phlladolaithi - ' 41:EMMY, tioorotarr. -PHILADELPHIA IN 0 D !LUZ. Adir. . • C pe w Viintali !moor_ Ant 4t. ' -llicr Aruvrim , , VIM'S owl exoestod;) forREAD . .--,lrieriLEANSET.Reeiretanr. TAILORS E, O. T,HOM.PSON. - • " MSS CRAM' TAILOR. er, CORNER 01 , OEM= AND WALNUT II a; kni n t et al t agrtnioiltl4l4lo. lion 41 1 0th174711o th 174711 tt r ii iitiportint P A TLIbiI a t r, ?ant ope r d ror roorii wow, lit the true t tipo ies e t e h e od..NA ss, lett moss isadstins ilitsettsiant s weiter i tvatmt• sit who a re ittimweed to R.ve me it VI vs way. =ld ir w a i til la W ad it r i al Of gt ,or switisig s of avow' Lissortettoff " . 11=1":1. - COAL* saps i, i~aFsfi : taw: xi, mann K I EL= 10- *OR' - • # .. ;if Re a l his, Pati til&l6Tir ' fop; ftg. o ti eg1ir4 1 . 1 k. 1 ? * !, 7 , 6" , ,, .„, , ,7"1,/f,re4b, futoOm*: .itihogoottatxruia l t a,,4, 4 / s ,Pio n erl gdmi gopmtik, , ..,484.21ktil stivrAlt logit. Goons. =LAWRY DRESS TRIBIDDRes, , • NEW , GOODS. • Ail 04 mini stiles flow oiin. Arid oonsiintir rireehrlng ever, novsEr. "Liam CORDS, ALL COLORS. ORNEE KNITTING. BALLS. EMBROIDERED CUSHIONS. - EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS. ' BEST QUALITY SHETLAND WOOL. ,OWT,IIKAIDIL,TASSELS. AND CORDS. RAPSON'S • TRIMMING'S AND 72,PHYR STORE, • CORNER OF EIGHTH'AND CHERRY STREETS pS-Im 1 860 . OPENING. 1860 . THIS MORNING. AHD puma THIS WHIM, SPRING MANTELETS AND , • NEGLIGE CLOAKS. In Greet Veriety, et the PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. J. W. PROCTOR. tehl7-tf No. 708 CHESTNUT Street. 1860. SPRING GOODS. 1860. We have JUST OPENED a beautiful stook of . DONNET - AND. TRIMMING • RIBBONS, Of all dudish's &Mee, In great variety of widths and styles, which, with an mutsualtyrittnestive assortment of PItENOR BLOWERS, STRAW BONNETS, AND 'MILLINERY GOODS, Have bean reirietedlnth special regard to our RETAIL, BALM STERN & COON, 726 CHESTNUT STREET. mb24- fwim CLOTHS. FINEST FRENCH. CASSIMERES. THE FINEST FANCY FRENCH.; VESTINGS, THE FINEST FANCY FRENCH STYLES. . LADIES' CLOAKING% BOYS' .."'icrEAR, 'Very great variety of the oholoeat styles of Foreign and Amer/eau Cloths, Wholesale and Retell, at ESHLEMAN'S. UNDER JAYNE'S HALL. CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH. mhl9-towam PHILADELPHIA SPRING GOODS.- SHARPLEBS BROTHERS have reoeived an ad mirable Stook of new fabrics, Travelleries ; snob as °nannies and Camilla,. Panay Silks fromenotion,belowthe 'motor importation. Handkerohiefe E flosiery, Cravats, Embroideries. Plain colored, Black glossy felts, and neat Cheoks. Gray Pennines in every variety ; Chine and Plaid Organdies. Grenadines, Lawns and Chintzes. Nashua, Mange's, Qui lt, end Furnishing Goods. Irish &outing 1.1110111 of the best bleach. Shaw , Cloaks, Laee and Silk Mantles, Goods for Frie nds; wear, Shoe Goods, Bolting Cloth.. &pH CDOPER tt OONARD 'lnvite attentiokto the largest stook they have ever °trued ' wmP ei l llfa t MTH CLOAKS Of Plain, Striped, and Mixed o.lolas. all of the new est Patterns end material. get _up te the meet ELEGANT AND ARTISTIC MANNER. and toga at eerymeson shlerste& SILK hIAeaLES are in proatkinv o in i cril 17 ,ti re D ad t ilil i Sifo s days: ' AN D AIso, BOYS' WEAR, Embracing the followmi, vim A bet-rate likißleek loth. NW* Linde or epee °rectally for eu,o. - '"" ir itINSIMASIVDTEritsiIL rem casennores for tors gents. • v tar e fa s etko cLonte. First rate, at Rue ; better r k ; 1.110 and It arg • WO ER _CONAR S. E. rut li and Md umt 'Ste. rIIIIORNLEY & OHISni, - ca special attention to their Stook of— BILKS SHAWLS. DRESS GOODS wars nvirrps. BILK _MAN VEIL . BARGE, AUGLAP PUS AND DREBSrI9. elso L to the .11beheat Stook in Fhiladelphia, of— Prep_oh ott Bournous. Much Lace Ficoolonupiem Firenah Laos Engels's'. Freneh Leon Shawls. ' , Tench Ley Pointe.. m • Fro Lace Mantles: renoh Lace Winn. Cambria Limey. Chan_tills Lao. &0., 80. BOUGHT FOR GASH! ' We invite attention to our Staple Goode. yin: Best Family and Fronting Linens, Best Shirting, Sheeting. and Pillow Muslim Spring and Summer Flannels and Cassimeren . mixed Cloths, Slash . French Moths, &a.oko. Best Bid Gloves, Silk Glove., Emery, Linen, Rand kesehiersato., &e. Northeast corner T HE cid SPRING lOARDEN. mhS4 THE HARRISON BUILDINGS." FOR SALE AND TO LET as - FACTORY FOR SALE --FITUATRD =Lit Bridgesetti Montgomery county, stiteed miles from Flututeiphis, on the Reading Railroad. Main Wilding 00 by 30 feet; thumb wells; steam rr. For particulars Mitring • . J. E. W ITE, ate itt` ' 247 North TRI D street. gi TO LET, OR FOR SALE, OR IX =A:MANGE FOR GERMANTOWN PROPRRILT— Mbe Jane thrse-etorled BRICK NOOSE,: No. IsOS North THNTLI Street, with three-storied book build- Inas, e,de and on Brown street, and all the modern Im provements.- hove of HENRY S. TARR, So 710 GREEN Street. Antladelphos. arowirt FOR SALE, IN HADDONFIEL D =AN. J., eeverat very deetrable Brick and Freene Residences, well shaded and handeotzapir tra.proved, Also ,the beankfut property know das Tulle move,' tonetberrth number et welltouted 'oettsep sheep Portion o the property will be enohanged Tor city real estate. arms pply to ThnSE R. YEVTON; 103 i South FOURTH Stre P. et, sptt•lm Between 10 A. M. ands AI.. FOR SALE--A large Carriage and Har mu-making entabllehment. Coate oolt t he Garver of two of the widen streets in Portsmouth. s. ; dotal a good, tlarivniebuidnese. alai owner ie lamb e, hroes Id health, to longer give it attention. Can befunfttie on low And very mamma term. or lease or a term drunk APell to GEO. R. 19 EA?, a., or at EANn.l7 ° l6l*• glailo4i* 30i GROTE treat. a TO RENT—Two 'beautifully situated doable hatiseik shaded with coach! homes end amens attached. imeraoony tuna Road L One mile delow TRay. and three-quarter.of a mile mad d e w t ad st depot Cl /Macadam ampliAhria_tit7 FOR SALE—A Dwelling House, near the Mate Hoses. suitable for GMT CHAR Ea RH9ADS, mbl6-Ite 436 NVALP , UT Street. GERMANTOWN PROPERTY. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE The vpluable Farm end Country teat, containing 106 acres or highly cultivated land, ,situated in:the town ship of Germantown, Philadelphia oonnty, SSA within Lietnilea of the &polio Germantown. The mambo!' of thin propertui not to be rareeased. being bounded ou the north by Wee Wanton WIG, on the Helier by Township We road, and op, the south by ma letLeet, and within one-elghth of a mile of the onakiln Torn t r ke, and a quarter of a mile of two tha t one on the Getout Rill branch of the Germantown Rnilroad, Big street, and Wmhingtop lane. I , The lonstgozi of the sbove property ie high and heal thy, the land well watered aud lying very advent'. gooney for Cottage Sipa., It commands an extended view of the Norrounding country, and is intemeo.ed by the streets riteirtli rpm Ge_towu, as lad down ninths Bairogyor'ap of that diatilot. The property is bud out in aye sore op, lithogravnic plans of which y be obtained on application to either o the order ed. - , . • valuable and haiftaa Building Lot, situated en *int street, neer scl.Ctoern, oon m nemt oe mud street, wt an d end in depth' ar goat . bob rzir an area o i t i ut 4 gores. The Ni .7....aitintVii rorriif tree and - elat :112:: tree& r yil4"9/"FrgAridpou j Ohiining and In the fiaiki tl i tor e imm ene Station , uermantfrii, uticriiiTartl L P,R, Winton_ or E ta 11. E. oor, fiIILTII andyr Alir Stream. igibl-ka• 6AMISRAAARAC BILLIARD TABLES FOR bALE.—Two A- 1 7 , fi n fi-ehr t il4lliard Tablese,withlif bah marble beds, Is improved onstuovl last May— POW ig at t e monnt Vernon , anti shoes Fifth street, Reading. applr,to • STZ, tabast MARK cart, felfl-tf ' se, no PIANOS: gm . PIANOS ! PIANOS !! PIANOS ! I ilatio-ironsl— mbilvDEM ...... • . PLArio-voime. bIisLODSONA Mods by Raven, Baden, & Co., ;Canna .b. Club. Halailit, Thole, & (. 19., and other.' , Y. R. 8011hD,__ anyl4-14 • SEVENTH and offErnurr. mito J. & O. FISCHER'S SPLENDID inEW -YORK PIANOS, from HIM onwards to HIM 4000fABIS to attlith—fivonstay known tin , their beauty of tone, exterior, end &nobility. sale oA monthly instalment., from CO to SH), ifr for Garth o i t l a hborol unt, dlao. nut Asiartment of other Planorbrin lama lotm ooturoro, on head. JAB B AK , wand= South FIFTH lITHHET, shoos prime. oft CHICKERING & BONS, NAM -4.,11‘11 min a/m.lr 4f Orand, WI N % W • And talierireardso, to sad o i 2 c , s!; 4 3 . amotiost. 19:4' tpilp O lb - I in " • - , 4 nf.Thriatui. Emixa end in priests ro es =ved the nrit P awn. " white Go OP& 'el W 0011:01k42,01.14 ffervet a iai , • / • Int eT - JUR Itkits I=n °us. 11V1011.-MAKING}MA.CORIBS !WI tem srv2Aseinosnikog= 61Av-47 -" ?Atli 0011M1. 1, ---1.000 kg** p ri m e aye., saw ts :Alan "AZ" • fp TEE PItEK—PRILADELPIitti;`FRIDAY. ' IAPRIL ltle Ice°. , 11111t0At AND LUNG DINDASES.:. peughs, Colds, ooughsrdoldskouilts; Droardidtts, Dom 'Throat. Dronohitii, Mire 'nit" Asthma, Quinsy, liethms,.QulnNY, Mama, . .., Croup , Whooping oough, Croup, Indanunation of the Throat, Lungs, or Oho*, Congimption, ConsuituptionA AD diseases oithis ahoy* nature readily oueoumli to that now universal remedn DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. RECOMMENDATIONS. FROM JESSE F 43.... President of the -Ilona Minty lank, and who is Well knownrend much iteteemed thraishait New Jersey: Piloanursowis, N. .1., Jan. 0, New. Messrs. Sirrn R. Irowve & Co.; Dear Sirs: Having need in'. Wistar's Daleam of Wild Cherry for shout fifteen Years, and having yogi zed its. beneficial resultain my family, it afford', Me, great, Pleasure in recommending it to the nubile as a valuable remedy In calm of weak lungs, colds, - caliche, Yie,, and a remedy which I consider to be entirely innocent, and may be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate in health. Yours, very respectfully, JESSE SMITH. DR. WIBTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. The follAring letter from a gentleman in Philadelphia who tame near being imposed upon by a worthless ar ticle, and who, knowing by experience the *lilies of the genuine WDITAIVO BALSAM OW WILD CIiSiLIIT, wishes to caution the public against similar imposi tions PoItADALPHIA, An. boom°. Meyer e. 13ant W. Fooris Ac Co., Boston My wife having been afflicted with a very severe cough for nearly two years, was induced by a friebd to try Mame,' Balsam of Wild Charm and finiting great reliefia it, she persevered in its UBO with the most bene ficial results, My object in writing it to inform you that you would advance Your own interest, as well as that of the suffer ing community. by edvertiling nob retail "druggists as keep it for sale. Being on one occasion out of the Bal sam. I called at a drag store in this city to 'itirclutett bottle, when n spuriotts and worthliiss inlitatiorkpaa of fered me is the genuine.' By advertising la this man ner you will protect the public from imposition and ad vance your own interests, am a medicine baying the in- Ntimsble of Wistar's Balsam of Wild ghirfro 'Mould never suffer in reputation by coming m oonimeti tion with worthless and deleterious mixtures. With reipeot, Toms truly, . C. M. HALLOWEI,L. lair Beware of vile end worthless Counterfeits !, The only Genuine, Pure. and Medieiaal Balsam has the name of "I. BUTTS," written with a pen, and the, minted name of the proprietors, S. W. FOWLS de CO.. on the outer wrapper. DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHRILIST. PROM A. H. CAD WALLADER, ESQ., Merohant of Yardleyville, YAM:LISTS/1N: Pa., S mo. 0,1860. Mears. S. W. FOWLS de CO.: BOSTON: Gents : I take this method of testifying to the great etrumoy of Dr. Winar's Balsam qf Wild Cherry, pre pared by your I contracted, last winter, a very severe. cold, 'whioh threatened to assume a chronic form, mak for which I tried various remedies without obtaining any relief, until I commenced taking this valuable Balesso;whieh oared me entirely before I had finished the second bottle. Very respeotfully k A.. 8. CADWALLADER. - DE. W/STAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. Certifies** from Mr. Norborne Norton, of the Ex aminer 0811000 NICIhMOnd Mormons, Vs., Feb. 23, MM. Mears. S. W. rowLE dc.00., Boston :—Gentlemen : I with pleasure testify to the great merit of your invalua ble lung medicine, Dr. Witter' s Ba/som d Wild Cher - rY, which is likewise highly valued by many of our esteemed citigene, who have tested its virtues by trial. I first made use of this Balsam some three years since for &violent and distressing (Mush, which baffled the skill of physician', and, to my Joy. experienced such gratifying relief as to indues me to persevere in it, use. l.always keep it by me, and ever find it to be unfailing in its effects. No medicine that I have ever used has given such speedy felief. Youis truly, NORBORNE NORTON. rar Beware of vile and worthless Counterfeits I The only Genuine, Fury, and /Whined Balsam has tie name of "I. strtii," Written with a pail and the printed name of the proprietors, B. W. FOWL'S. & co;, on the outer wrapper. BETH W. BOWLE te CO., BOSTON, T. W DYOTT & SONS, 918 North SBOOND Street, phtlndelphis, RIR MALE EVRRYWSSRS• •FOR BALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. apH-eaßtm 4&W TAPE WORM-TAPE WORM. JAYNE'S SPECIFIC FOR TAPE WORM Has never been known to fail in a single insteace to remove this troublesome animal. It ill 'sully taken as so ordinary purgatrve, and y e followed by no moles, cant erects. The worm le usually expelled in from three to eight hours after the m?diii t ri is taken. is put up indosea lti r i g th to d ig " , 7). JAIME & u tter, RI CHESTNUT Strest, r iVedelpnla, °miming two dollars for each dose, the inedi navel will immediately be forwarded by mail to any part of the world. READ TEE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATE,: . NiCHENECTADY,if. 6 I.. Noy. 33. 1857. Dr. D. June—Dear Sir: I reee v the reteksge of poor Specific, for tape worm. and tooli:t according to the direc ti ons. About four hours a ft er had taken it t tra iatape worm measuring full A p-two feet in FETER VAN VOMIT, Engineer on N. y. and Erie Railroad. Iticartnn, Jan.ls, MSS. Pr. D. Jayno—&r:have for eightyesrsbeen afflicted with that terrible disorder—the caps worm. During that time tr i ed various remedies, sod the hest medi c al skill in t is and the adjacent counties. without °hous ing any re ef. I was advised to send for pour remedy. At that time I was almost reduced to a skeleton, unable to attend to business, and my suffering was beyond de odrlgnon. I took two doses. and then panted fifty feet f the worm. lam now strong and injr_ood health. DIMION Paeans. Mr. Perry Brewer writer' "Poor OINIION, Ark., Feb. ad. 1868. "After taking your pacific for tope worm, It had the effect to expel a worm measuring in all twenty-four feet." Extract of it letter from Mn, George_ R• Ronk, dated " Osarma, Tioga Ro., N. Y., Feb. 9, 1808. " Aboutw_year adios we received from you a dose of the Tape Worm dpeolito which my husband took ao oording to directions, and the rrsalt was, that he passed nearly sixty feet of the worm.' s Dais DILLIMadP lIA. March 11, V W . D ar r. D ffl J ce m ith that hmble di e e n e r ta me W f r o M u r . vault tried various remedies withoutsuoceas, I wu at t compelled to use your dPECiF/0. .1 VII compelled. or I had great repugnance to advertised medicines,. as considered them all humbugs, so at was with great dli fioulty.l was induced to try your remedy. ' I took three doses. sad the result has been the complete election of nu tormentor. I have passed some eighty fset—the last eight • • or ten feet tapering gradually anti! it was no thicker than sewing cotton, with a head as large as the heaga p i I n ve e t l had taken your meftines in the begin ning. fore toy stomata' became agustomml to drugs. one dose would have been sudiolent: 'unsling it to be a duty I. owe, not only to you, for hav ing saved me from an early grave. where my &moat wouldaave inevitably_plaoed me, but also to those who are arnioted as I was, kaiaks public these facts. Yours gratefully, Fifth oe. end Lo C u b it, st W nu a t o s N U N', ste E6TZABiT7I. Ills. Jane 17. Ma Gentlemen : Your TAPE WORM gPECIFIO; hes been administered according to directions: First dose at seven in the mornine. di three in the afternoon the worm NMI expelled entire. Your SPECIFIC has 'ma tallied its prenimmons. and I have no hesitation id re commending it to the public JAMES D. Lewis, M. D. • ronrenevang. Tenn.. July 12, VA Dr. D. Jaya* & non—Dear Sires A httle ahout isven Yeare old , suffering trite taps worm, and Kees had rk under mod a treatment for some time, without .benefit. YoIIfIIPbOIFJO wag giveltoording tiL di rections, and i n about three boom en feet 0 the worm came aim. - which. from the scription, •I ink riot to the snore 11011116 MoDmr.. DrPlaNkN. sitoYACY=Vir tlirdirecanrEisit ur ho.„,.ft.,_ / dim/mood rwAnout- pain) ormahtp, who measured twenty- e [ ht feu in loath, wad inntlined more Mau NO bobs. /44711;11 BMOC IM, N. Y.,Ans. in i) .t r aeir l iiiiiista l g P . 14 kalrdilktltzte, Immoduttely wrote to you or mow ; Ito I no oalted upon us wtth bottle eontaunns the maps *WPM' YV MUM& & Druggurta. New DAVIT/KOMI. MO. Bert. V. _Dr. D. Jayne It Bon—Dear Sire I took your TAPE .woltee seEplielld aooordlog to dtreptione. The worm was expelled 10 MX hours; length twenty-ILI feet. Yours, &a, Lome SPllix. • x. Din leowlog, 7d0., °debar 7, SIC Dr. Jayne & Son—!2r FILO. hal been in bad health for some years, sub eat to spells of sioknege at the stomach. and oontinn emaciation. About a month agp he threw up about twenty,-five feet -or tele MOM. It broke a partiemelaifficlu tug stomach. We procured some o f your TAPE WORM SPECIFIC, whisk he %it i e t egr o dAll tO d irotag i tua an lii,goon discharged ixke shou t Cronin. Pornirkoe: atfElLitee DAVENPORT lOWA, 00E YAW. Dr. D. Jayne — Dear Sirs I too l-yonr BPROIVIC for tape worm, woding to directions. and in four hours the MOM expe lled. DIEXANN TEORIINDE. CoMpo Ellco, California, Oat, 81,1869. Dr. D..Tayne.gc Son—Denr Suss Ido not hesi taut nor do I delay melee my testimony to the great excellence end superiority of your" TAPE WORM BfECIFIC " I nasty had an awasionjo have the virtue of this mem • OMR WSW , tine result of 'Men was the Quelling of a taps worm esionnons length , ' , M had wo nt t he lot- Peat down to a skeleton. but who now looks shy and realthy. stin at liberty to give the address o the lady from whom this troublesome lIIIMRI yea exp e et; but a suarter MOOR of it now on ezhibitron at toy olnoe,is ocular proof or what I have written. It has been wit nessed by bunt/ode who have milled to see it. - rano, WWI. E. 0. EICHAACIL Ifulesozonew,Dl.. Jm. $l5, My daughter, long afflicted withietape worm; 1t?l+ en mty relieved one dale of DR. .I.AVIIIVB BAPS CM lIVEC/FM. Rangy RILL. Prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE k BON, 101 CREST ape street, Where all Dr. JAYNE'S VALUABLE ME DICI/SRI? may be obtained. • uthelf-dm 11 " MEOLD'S EXTRACT BII011U„ _ swizoLD , B ExTRAc iHE O GVAT DIURRTIO. HELBIBOLD' lIRLMBOLD'S EXTRAOt hoeRRU!A L , m T m liT . lntEl :+ 7 .l n a. And a Positive and iiinn!ilo Re G ni t ellifor p litsTas — Ot the 6 ErrzeoriFflicktAT DIURETIC. %Oder, K D idneys, - - israyel, IT' 1 1 7 , Organic Weakness. Thus ittedlinerstieekthe power 011166160 n, and envies thtLA SOR4ENTB into lixtiiy notion, by wino,' the wA ERN OR OALl t ri OlTedoesinento and all UNNATURNP BKLA (I ENT B _nye ra g:ravel' as PA.O4 AND I FLAXIMATiON, sad, .16EN. WOMEN Olt 0.611.61tRtf. Aphilltholflaillta. ekeitmatuim itqr A., ~ . MO II 11.00 f 10 dilllol/0 " OF TOr t Cp ..II" at. , OWA lLatell IC% ■ Anil T 1 L Bolld aNtlis a, illTrto r ia I, `l4-/1 NP DscuiAt. TIMELY CAUTION! VIRGINIA TEt3TI/dONI. 1.()4$ .1t1.! WROLIIIAIII ACIANTB Lli6ALa l'N AIM ORPHANS' 001TIVE FOR .111 E A.:ctrz. Amy COUNTY OP pILIL.ADAPHIA.: Estate or ALEXANDER NALL.), The Auditor. appointed hp the Court to Audit d senttt the aetount of ET B. I.ETOWORTII.. - e u dminfirtOtor 0. b. h. - 6 t. e.. of ALEXANDER HALL. tieseed. end to make distriburiOri of thefLudancie in the hen Of thWohrt6tit.rrAlirnaat the It" WrisitEry VAVeLrigin hid t ?. . PP ril, m A nt,o l n ,_:-.1 1' 014 ~_ 0. zsd, .inth r IFTEL street , ° in the oliff - rniinuelpide. • apt-wfmat" CEO. W . THORN. Auditor. •IN THE ORPHANS' COURT. FOR THE OITY AND MICHAEL OP PHILADELPHIA. ' Istate of PAICHAEL COOPER, deceased,' Thequditor appointed by the Court to audit i settlei and- net the Alit account of DAVID COs,RAD, one of the mentors of the last will and testament of do omed, and to make distribution of the Balance in the hands of the asountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of h is appointment, on MONDAY. April 1 e1h.1860, at II o cloqk A. M.. at his Ollte4. No. 221 South FIFTH Street, in the CAT of Philadelphia. wunat -JOHN O'BRIEN, Auditor. NOTlOE.—Letters of Administration to estate of JAMB LESLIE, late of West Pluto:dol phin, depessed.heming been granted to the subscriber, all person. indebted to said demeaned are Tormested to make psYnient. end KS persons having claims are requested •to present thane for_sement to PATIENCE LESLIE, Admintstratrix, 1080 CHERR y Street, March 9th. 1800-f-et* Piladelphia. IN THE COURT O 1 COMMON PLEAS 11- FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADEL PHIA. Matter of the assigned estate of R. R. fc H. S. CHESS MN. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit.settlo, and adjust the account of 'Thomas J. Diehl, Mosinee in trust for the benefit of creditors of Heller R. Creinman and Henry S. Crooman, late trading as R. R. & H. S. (freeman, of the City of Philadelphia, and to report distribution of the balance In the hands of the assignee, will meet the parties interested for the purview' of his appointment, fn Monday. April 16th. IMd._ at 4 P. M., at the office of the Assignee, No, 530 WALNUT street, in tie City of Philedehibie. spa mwillt WILLIAM ERNST, Auditor. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES NTO T I 0 E.—THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing' between the subscribers, un der the firm of J. E. KNORR & CO., is this day Ms solved by mutual consent. J. E. Knorr retiring The business of the late firm will be settled by CTIARE.E9 F. TAGGART, at the old stand. No. 631 MARKET Street, where allpersons having 'Anima will present them for settlement, and those indebted will make payment. J. E. KNORR. • ap6-36t CHAR. F. TAGGART. LIISIITED P A RTNERSUIP. —NOTICE is hereby given, that the subscribers have formed a limited partnership, agreeably to the sot of nimbly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. approved March stst.lMB. entitled sot relative to Limited Partner-' stove." and the supplements thereto. The name of the firm under which the said partner ship is to be conducted is that of" CHARLES F. TAG GART." The general nature of the business to be transacted by the firm is, that of Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Wince and Liers in the city of Philadelphia. The name of the general partner is CHARLES F. TAGGARP. whose plaoe of residence is at No. 1610 Chestnut street, in the city of Philadelphia. and the name of the special partner is WILLIAM HEMDEL TAGGART. who likewise resides in the pity of Phila delphia, at No. 131 South Fifteenth street. The serinal Partner. the said WILLIAM REMBEL TAGGART. has contributed to the common stook of the firm the sum of ten thousand dollars in cash. The period at which the said Copartnership is to com mence is the 4th day of April, 1860, and is to terminate on the 4th day of April, Icon. CHARLES F. TAI3GART. WILLIAM HEMBP.I. TAGGART. COPARTNERSHIP.—A. W. RAND has THIS DAY admitted into Partnership OEORGE.W. ALLEN. The style of the HANDI be ALLEN, Who will oont'lnufithe HOT-Al SANG KOT-WATER PURNA6E, COOKING-RANE. PLUMBING. OAS, sad STEAM. FITTINO BUINESS, At the old Stand. No. al North SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. April 5. 1960. ap2.lm. ED IicATioNAL. VOATESVILLE SEMTNARY.—This in stitation is located in Coateinnlle. pheater countr. Pa.. on the Central Railroad. about 88 miles from Phila &debit', and 82 from Hamsburg. it is easy of access from any part of the Union, and is in the midst of a, mend end refined _population. It posseues the advan tases of having a daily mail. a telegraph Otos, and an Adams' Express office. The buildings have been ere otod with reference to aunited education of both sexes on the basis of a well-regulated Christian family. So healthy is the location that no MUM of sickness has occurred in the cohoolt but several "rodents of weakly constitutions have become strong and robust. The course of instruc tion comprises everythinp; that is taught in the best collates and seminaries of our country Send for a Catalogue, or meet the Principal at AIoKIBBINB' Mer ohante Hotel, FOURTH Street. Philadelphia, the 10th, 11th. eni 12th of April, from 1 until 6 o'clock. ap6-rt JAMB E. GIFFIII, A. N. Pnnoipal • VNGLIFH AND OLASSTOAL BOARD IMO SCHOOL POR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS— MT. JOY. Lanonnter county, Pa. The Summer Session opens May ler. For Circniara call at Amerio+n School Inditnie; 609 CHESTNUT Street. or Memo the aptl Mt Principal. E. L. MOORE. F A MILY SCHOOL FOR BOYS. at POTTSTOWN, Montgomery county. Pa.—The en only Bummer Session will commence WEDNRS lighea:ll3;rBptiii.,,tiglifairs, with full particulars, fur- Rev M. MRIOS. A. M.. Principal, Referencte--Bishop Potter, lion. Owen Joneewldesant. J am es E. dame L. ClRAhorn, John W. Olug brim, E. Vireetoott Bailey, Ydward Roberta, Jonah R. Evans, A. F Ohms, Rotwrt Wood. ap2-12t" AMERICAN 8011.00 L INSTITUTE is s reliable medium through which Schools awl Fami ne' may obtain competent .teaohere. Parente mar oh , taw, uratuitoimly, information and mroniare of the beat =heels. SMITH, WOODMAN, Er. CO.. 54¢_DROADWAY, New York, or nil-tf FOR CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. N EW BOARDING SOIIOOL. TUSCARORA FEMALE IN. , PITUTE Will be opened at ACADEMIA. Juniata county, Pa., on. the let day of MAY next. For announcements, con. tnir terms , ko., apply b letter, or pereonallly pais I &fla t r e that at ACADEMIA. Juniata noun ty,_Pa W. O. E. AGNEW.' fell-dtmyr. 1111 VINE Street. BRYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL MERVNTILE COLLEGE% located et Thit daljohls, corner SE H, VENT and CILEBTriU MeV York, dffalo, Cleveland, entente, and Bt. Lck For Information. nail or send Or Gatalognl. fe9-tf 8 UIPPING, TDB BRITISH AND NORTH 1.1 AMERICAN . ROYAL MAIL STEAM- TitON NEW TORE TO LIVERPOOL, Chief Cabin Passage.— ...... --quo end Cabin Passage--• •. 75 PEON BOSTON TO LIVERP OOL. Chief Cabin Beoond Cabin Passage.- . . . 60 'The ships from Boston call anti Cork Bar- NVIBIA, Capt. Sndkins, CANABA, Capt. Lang, ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, 0,4. miner, ASI_A, Capt. E.G.G. Lott, NIAGARA, Capt. Anderson AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, EROPA, Capt. J. Leitoli. SCOTIA, (now loading.) Them vessels carry a clear white light at masthead; til e rTATrait d li t X r e ' n r crige7, P° We b rreTieday April 4. ARABIA. Stone, N. York, Wednesday:April 11. NIAGARA, Miller, " Boston, Wednesday, Aprtl PERSIA. Junkine, N. York, Wednesday, Ann! ya, AMERICA. Lang. " Boston, Wednesday, May 2. AFRICA, Shannon, " N. York, Wednesday, May 9. EUROPA. Leitch, " Boston, Wednesday, May 15. ASIA, Lott, N. York, Wednesday, May W. Berths not secured until paid for. 4RE:TATlTirtge r if:FiPpil n w l iiilfge be accountable for Geld, Silver. Bullion. Specie, Jewelry, Preoioue Stones, or Metabi, unless bills of lading are signed therefor. and the value therJof therein expressed, Fur freight or passage apply to E. CUNARD, fe27-wfmtP Bowling Green. New York. FOR THE SOUTH —CHARLES TON AND •EAVANNAH RTEAMBRIPB. FREIGRT REDUCED. Heavy Elet glit at an ayonwe apt PTREN per cont. be. low New it ormearißsipß _ 'f'Oß CEA I,ESTON, 8. C. The U. 8. Mall Steamship KEYSTONE STATE., Cap. Wm Charles P. Marstiman, will sail on Wednesday, Art 1 18, at t o'olook M. Through in Ago 60 R ISA honys—o YAN nl NA y 160-1 urs at flea. FO The U. 8, Mail Steamship STA ,hoOA. TE OF GEORGIA, Captain 0100 John J. G arvin, will sail on Saturday, April 14, at 10 o'k A.. 'through at 68 to 60 hours—only 48 hours at Sea. gErSailing days clanged from every Saturnay to every five days. bloods roomed, and Sills of Lading Signed " A y e I l igtind id fiat-olass side-wheel Steamships KEY -BTON.II. STATE and STATE 0.1? CiEORGIA now run as alsove ever y ten days, thus forming a five-day commu ne:4lm,, wt Charleston and Savannah, and the South and Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah. ghost, Ships oon neat with steamers for Florida. and with railroads, Re., tor a ll places in the South and Southwest. INSURANCE. . _ _ . . Veiled and Insurance on a large proportion of Goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these shins than by sailing vessels, the premium being one-half the rate. , N. 8.--Ir.quranqe on all Railroad Freight is entirely unneemary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Rail/VW COMM:11611 takI DU ng all risks from these points. GREAT RECTION IN FARE. Fare by this route 25 to 40 per oent, cheaper than by the Inland Route, as will be seen by the following sche dule. Through tickets from Philadelphia, via Charles ton and Savannah steamships, INCL UDING MEALS on the whole route, except from Charleston and Savan nah to Montgomery OIIARLESTOA CONVENTION. . - - • The steamship KEYSTONE STATE. Card. Marsh man, wall total for Charleston on WEDNEODAY, April 8, at 3 o'clock I'. M.; arrive in Charleston on PRI DAT' April 20, at 3 &ohmic, unless nd remain there nnti SA FONDA Y. April 28,the Convention shoule adjourn sooner. Excursion Toskets, inoluding_Board and Berths in Clutringon until April 28, 480. For any detention after that date, 48 pet day. INLAND FARB. To Charleston—......Bl6 00 Obarleston...--..823 CO Savannah.-- 15 00 Savannah—. 81 00 Augusta.— -- 00 Augusta 26 00 Almon 9100 ' Maoon.—. 82 71$ Atlanta.-- . 23 00 Atlanta. 81 CY) Columbus— 23 00 Columbus— 46 00 24 00 Albany..-..—.--.-.. 87 00 ontaomery--. 28 00 MontgomerY-- . 38 00 35 Mobile. 9O ley ortitanir.77., as , 72 New OrlOaVni.... 81 00 No big' of lading signed after the ship has nailed. For freight or passaze apply On board, at aooond Wharf above Vine street, or to • .1 ALEX. HERON, Jr.. Southwest corner FOURT and CHESTNUT, Agents In Charleston T. hT. O. BUDD. Savannah, LINTER GAM MELL. For Florida from Char enton, steamer Carotins every T r e a liforida from Savannah, /Amman St, Mary's and St. John's. every Tuesday and Saturday. EDWIN CLARK'S HIGHLY IMPROVED and newly Patented. Combined Grinding_ and Bolting. or MLR() dANT FI,OLIR MILL, Daily in operation at 'L0436 RAGS STREET, BELOW THIRD, PHILAD'A. s unrivalled Flour Mill, including the complete !n r Yl ,d liter ‘ ' slid b e ° , l g n stitTert h ifi e ßg'areWA s tAgn a G a rc:f long t manufacturing within tam email compass, et a single operation, and with but little more than six horse power, family extra, extra, superfine;and all of the low er grade' of flour, and the different kinds of offal tiro decline flour equal in quality to the beat flour made c oin a given amount of wheat, by the best Merchant lour Mills in the United Btates, or in Europe. Its average rate of grinding is two barrels of superior flour per hur. Thug new, cement:it, complete, and celebrated flour mill has been carefully examined by many of the most experienced millers In. this country, and they unani !Honey bestow noon it the highest commendations land have given their teetimoniale of its intrinsicsuporiori tYrltnolite im me see utility. min-owners, merchants, capitalists, specula tote, and the patina in general, are respectfully invited to tall and examine this highly useful and justly cote bTted flour mill. rtnation concerningßi nd o. i the fnuirtTesegifi4 h AT o n g tortion of the United atates, Great Britain, France, Gorman'', Russikand other Agricultural countries, wil l be giVen to all persons addressing their letters to EDWIN CLARK. Patentee, N 0.936 RACE et., below Third, Philad'a. wa^For further information concerning tale celebra ted flour mill, please to read the yellow handbills, de seribths lv GARDEN SEEDS FOR 1860. VEGETABLE SEEDS in great variety. FLOWER SEEDS, upwards of ism varieties. GRABS AND FIELD SE" DS of the best quality, GARDEN IMPLEMENTS and, Books. Fruit T.ess and Rosee, Grape Vines, &0., tko. Send for Catalogues, whion ntay be had gratis. nin3l-1m H. A.DREEft,377 Chestnut et I:PISCATORIAL SPORTS. I , IIILIP WILSON & CO.. 432 CHESTNUT St, would invite the lovers of PISCATORIAL SPORT to the Smoot eeeortment, and Best quality, of TACKLE ever offered in this city. Such an Burgess' world-renowned Trout, Raze, and Salmon Rode. Superior Trout', Base , mid Balloon Flies Super extra Limon°, Virginia, Carlisle . , Salmon, end Base Hopi% Reali c Sestets, Artificial - Bait, Silk, Sat and Hair, erase, Linen, and Cotton Lines. . mha•llm VItIIII.GRSR) TRODT_, 'BASS, AND SAL :IIoN RODS . — PHILIP WILSON & CO., 432 OR UT street haring taken the Bele Agency of ne planted Trout , Pass, anCHalmon node, Reebr, ch. wilt clingy myOmuta and tile radoBURGESS at MAW thhil-381 G. W. I-PARB. SODA.--400 key , for sale, • WE=RILII & OUTER, MN ' 4111 fieruifl GOV trootr ; NOTICES. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. —On tho second day of November, 1869. I neve Mr. Wm. Frieohmoth, °hamlet, in Philadelphia, No. Ira North Sixteenth street, the agenoy of the sole, for the State of P in e rt n k s t iva r a ingtuT y for _ neht thp mfor,i4l9er.inCif an rrisoni 4 Mi c tereeeived from heal i n g me, at ',oat time, legal theorattorney for the 'elec.( said patent night for the State of Pennsylvania only. and one of my maohinee, with instruments. Said Wm. Frisohinuth promised arid 'agreed to give me, every week, information about his ants and doings in relation to the irate of the said patent dght for the said, gate. Now, whereas the gain Win. Yrisehmuth has not given me any information of hie Vno d tope of the geld matter slime the tleth day of el a embeiosss, I therefore revoke the said power-of attorney hereby. arid call. upon the maid Wm. Frisoh moth to return the said machine, with Instruments, to me in eight days from this date. • DIL'ERNST BAGNfoxi .1.10 ELDRIDGE Street, New York city. New York, April ID. MOD. ' splgrat fiFFICE of ,AAIERIOAN FIRE 'LP IN O I.IIIANOE COMPeY , Ain' 2, 31al. . The DIRECTORS have t day demisted a dividend of FIVE DOLLARS PER SHARE for the lot six ornths whlob will be paid to , oneTOCKOLDISR their legal ropresentatives, sad after . the 12th instant. exolusive of State Tax ap3-10t* ALBERT CL L. CRAWFORD. Boo'y. LOST OR STOLEN OFRTIFIOATES. About six years ago were lost by, or 'dole's from, plizabeth Jones, then of Philadelphia ,but late of Read me, Pennsylvania, deceased, the following described certificates of stook, to wit : - Numbers 1190,1791, and 9915, respectively. the first two for two hundred oilers each, or the United States Loan, redeemable in 1867, end the last for one thousand dol lars of the same loan. Also. a oertifioate for four shares of the capital stock the Bank of North AlAtirioo., In Philadelphia standing on the book., of the said bank in the name of Elizabeth Pringle, deceased. A mutable reward will be paid by the advertiser upon the delivery of those oertafioatecor either of them, with in six weeks after which time application wdi he made to the Treasury Department of the United states and to the Bank of North emeriti& reerotively, for the Issue of new certificates in the p l ace of those lost or stolen as aforesaid. J. IItINGLE JON EB, Reading, Penm Adm'r of Elizabeth Jones, Deceased, mhari fiFFIOE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. PrimhDIILPIIIA, Marini 10. The rates af freight and toils on coal tranaported by this company will be as foliates from Mara 1214 further notice : To Richmond._.. : . Inclined Plane—..--. Falls of Schuylkill...-. Gonshohook . en......_ fiwede Furnace !Limbo's orriat' n or Bridgepor Port Kennedy.. ---- Valley F0rge...... Phcentx vi Ile ...._ Royer's Lonenok.. _...,.. Pottstown D ouglassville— Exeter . Reading —.—........ Tankerton— Leesport.. --.--.... Mob ravi 1ie.... amberg. Orwigsb r g an 6 d — Aublirn. By order of the mhlll-3n2 W. SAVING FUNDS. " A little, but often, fills the Puree," FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. 136 South FOURTH Street, between Chest nut and Walnut. Philadelphia, pays all Deposits on demand. Depositors'money seemed by Government, State. and City Loans, (frond Rents, Mort gages, &o. This company deem safety better than large Profits, consequently will run no risk with depo adore' money, but have it at an times ready to return, with per pt en to the owner.as 'they have always done. This Company never responded. F^lnales, married or single , and Minors, can deposit in their own right, and such deposits can be withdrawn ONLY by their consent. Charter perpetual. incorporated by,the State of Fenasylv anus with authority to receive money from trustees and exec hors. LARGE AND SMALL 8151 AS 'RECEIVED. Office open daily, from 9to 3 o'clock, and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings until 8 &elk. DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, Cyrus Cadwallader, John Shindler, George Russell. Malachi W. Moan, Edward T. Hyatt, 1 Lewis 'Crumbliest., Henry Delany. Moholio3 Rittenhouse. Nathan Stn 64o ." , Joe. R. SatterthwaiteEphraim Blanonard, Joseph M VP. Lippincott . JACOB B. SHANNON, President. CYRUS CADNVALLADZIL, Treasurer. mh29-y ". A Dollar saved lo twioe earned." AVING FUND—UNITED STATES 1 ,7 TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Street. Large and small gums received. andpaid bank on de mand without notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTE REn from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. Moe bourn, from 9 until IS o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'olook. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from Al upwards. President — ST EHEN R. CR WFORD, Treasurer—JAMES R. HUNTER, PLINY FISK. Actuary, SAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT IN .-7TEREST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRYST COM PA NY, WALNUT street, southwest corner of THI RD philadelphis. incorporated by the State of Penneyt vania. . • • Money is received In any gum, large or small, and in teresthaid from the day of deposit to the day of 'with drawal. The oMoe !sorsa every day from nine o'clock in the morning till five o (dock in the evening. and on Monday and Thursday evenings till eight o'olook. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, President. It_OBBILT BELFRIDGIL Vine President.. WILLIAM J. AMID. PeOretary., DIRECTORS: Hon. Henry L. Benner, P. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. carter, Joseph B. Barr, obert Selfridge. Brunet; Lee. Samuel K. Ashton, tleeeh Yorker. C. Landreth Munn', James L. Stephenson. Money 111 received and payment/ made daily. The mvestments are made, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in Real Estate Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such first-class securities as wilt al ways insure perfect security to the depositor'', and whieh cannot tail to give permanency and stability to this Institution. aol 11 SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO CIETY OF PHILADELPHIA, Office, No. 881 North THIRD Street. ConsoW Mien Bank Building.) CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENN SYLVANIA Deposits received in sums of One Dollar and upwards, and repaid in Gold. without notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST from the day of deposit till with drawn. A responsible and reliable Saving Institution has long been needed in the,Northern part of the city, and " The Spring Garden Savings Fund Giooiety" was ohartered by the Legislature of Penney Ivania to supply this neeesusity. The Managers. in organising and locating it, have been governed wholly by a .desire to accommodate the busi ness interests and wants of the very large and enter prising population by which it is surrounded. OFFICE OPEN DAILY, From 9 to 938 o'clock ; also, on Monday nnd Thursday from 6 until 8 o'clock in the evening. KANAGRAA. Stephen Smith, Hon. H. K. Strong, Frederick Eitacke, Joseph P. LaMar°. George Knecht, Jacob Dock. Hon. Wm. Millward, Geo. T. Thorn, Robert B. Davidson. 13. PRINGLE, President. 1a29-tf if Frederick Klett, John P. Levy. Daniel Uneerkoffer, Francis fled, John Keestar. Jr., James S. Pringle Joseph M. Crowell, George Wnelpper, Peter C. hlttnaker J'Am - Ed FaANCIB HIRT. Secret= EXPRESS COMPANIES. SPRING TRADE. SPEED ECONOIY, AND SAFETY. THE ADAMB EX P REM COMPANY. 320 CHESTNUT 8 MEET, Hespeotrultv give notive that they are prepared, w taeretteed faethties or the roman - ling of SPRING PUHCHABI,B, Py Passenger Trains, to all parts of the WEST, SOUTH, AND SOUTHWEST. RSCIEIPT3 OWEN, With rates inserted to destination, whioh we guaran tee will be as low as those of any other responsible Ex press Company, The despatch with whit& we put all deseriptions of merchandise through to Pitteburg, Cinoinnati, Colum bus. Cleveland, China o, Lexington. Lmilsville. St. Louis, Nashville, and all other Cities And Towne In the West, eannot be excelled by any other Company. Also, by our Southern Express, which hoe lately boon established over the great line of Railroaae, via: Grand Junction and Missitostpoi Central. through to New Orleans. to Baltimore, Washington, Alexandria, Lynchburg, Bristol. Knoxvil)e, Chattanooga, Nashville, Huntsville, Memphis. Grand Junction, Canton, jecimon, ioexhurx. and New Orleans, and all other cities and toy ns in the South and Southwest. . . . Expresses Lava for tha West and South from our Office 320 CHESTNUT Street, daily, at 7 A. M. and at 7 P. AL For New York, at 6. 0, and /I A. M. and 0 and 11.Y.8.1., daily (Sundays excepted% Steasnship Express, for Charleston and Say. , nnah, close at our office at 1 P. Pl. on the days before sailing. vur 'Masons will call for goods In any part of the city within the followin limits. Delaware and hlohnylkill rivers, and Coates end South streets. prov,ded notice be left nt our office before five o'clock P. Al Merchants hanging out the Call Cards of the Adams Express Corn piny, may depend upon our drivers ruing strict atten tion to the same, For particulars, please COIN ANY, the ADa.tlS EXPIII,BB COM ANY, Phila., Feb. 10,1860, ape-sm Jour; fliNo Sup't. WINEP AND LIQUORS. LAGUERENNE & TRASEL, Simulants to P. L. Laguarenna, No. 105 South FRONT Motet, Offer for sate, front United States Bonded Warehouse, or B i r ltOir O iews, n IMpOrtatiOn, and Cognare, Pinot. Castillon & Co., of various vintages and In as sorted packages. I, Marett & Co., et P. L. Lagueronne, el le es it °similes, ft A. Seignotto, Pollevoisin, ~ A. o,,rnus, .. Claret Winos. in oases. Champagne Wines. of various brands. Bordeaux Olive Oil, in baskets, (P. L. Laguerenne brand. , aps-1m G EORCIE WHITELEY No. ira South p.R.ONT Street, linoortor of BrandT, Wanes, &0,, offer. for sele, in bond only, tho following, anions other standard brands of brandy Pint, Caatillon, & Cle., 11%08.11in:1s & Co., lutes, Robin, & CB , ' OtarSLDUIALY. & C. A. SaignettO, attitt, . Cameos, .g i ellemilth . C. Dnnont & Co., won rronnet J. ,it P. Martelle, Jae. Ronne:my. Also, Stuart's Paitley Melt Whiskey, azd the choicest vanetter of Madeira, Sherry, Port. Burttundy, sod Rhine Wines,Peen Tree Gin, Jealaiea MIDI, ants Os Rum, B ordeaux Cit. &a.. &o dr-17 ii LARGE AND VALUABLE STOOK Scales selling out at Greatly Reduced Prices, at 423 01i 1 - 8T UT tstroat. • 11110 ass 400 'Worth f St i e:rrnes.r Weight Boles, comprising an ortment o all sld . . Counter, Portable Platform, Warehouse, Hay, Coal, Cattle, and Railropul Scales,. Purchasers will find it for their interest to call and examine the abovep aomile at No. 428 CREATKIPT STREET. Philadelphia. °Hatt. A. DANIELS. The attention of country merohanta n oatled to the above stook. feTailm REFINED . SUGARS AND SYRUPS.— JE-s , d. DONOciithE will continue business until Ms next. at 15 Routh WATER Street, and now offers for sale, at the lowest market priees, for cash. or on ap proved short oredits, 4,000 ls steam-refined, Sugars and.Sf rues of various grade., ineluding LoVering's Crushed an'd Pulverised and alollor's Patent out Loaf Sugars. Alen, ItMand Java Coffee, Adamantine Cart die.. and lintly'• Fritnnh Grntlds flolottnt. in.l7-Inl. sTEANI REFINED SUGAR and SY RIIRS. n. DONOGAUE, 15 South WATFA Street ~ w ith the Vlpw of closing business on the let of May next, now offers for sale, ed reduced prim's, for cash, or on aP uroceik short credit, the balance of his• stook of steam rotimkk. ti Cesare and Elyrups, including a large and general lessor:fluent ol Philadelphia, New York, and Caltimore manulacture. Also, Adamantine Candles, of city make, and Kelly's French-hrandv coloring. m1122-tan2l AGKEREL-300 bblB. 290 hfs..loo order an g o sullelteViril N" Net received, prime! Y dAAM ZAV:I.OR &co lend is Nonni witAxvite, SALIN IST •.1111110tION. ptißr=%?R.Mii r _ r 44 l 00 . SALE OP forma rfikof afieN. Imp" day) MORMNO., APRIL 13th, AT 10 VC vas _ A CARD.—The attention of parohasars..l7,traeseet•O to our sale of 310 lots fancy .and staple .ration dry Roods. to be odd this (Friday) morning, April I.sth, 1.0 o'clock. by Wedmore. im 'BMW credit, GOWN „ ry desirable arsortment. e 'Ti e OTICE—To Retailers. In sale this MOrtnri2-. '- SOO Paris printed bares* robes, *fiat and slaved firmness. jseonet robes. 240 pieces &rum, bareges, and valsiimas. • 200 p teas solid cheat iringbarna. 100 10-4, 11-4, and 13-4 Mammalian guilts. 100 blaek 'mos de Rhine, and dreamlike. 250 French black lace points. 1,000 printed Cashmere and Stella shawls. NOTION-To Dealers is Bonnet Ribbons. The attention ofdealers is reallsated to our sal. of 13510 ts No. and 30 plain and, fanny pouts d• awe bore net ribbons. , . SALE OF FRENCH. OMNI. This Momute Ap s ril le, st 10 o'loch— good SOP swims's and tots of &soy and stap le Famb dri FRENCH BLACK LACE POINTS—FOR al TRADE. An invoice °ivory Mph cost F_sris black loos points. OHATILLy Aom In • An invoice of Obsfitilly lace mantillas. BONNET RIBBONS. Thin Norinns. An insole* of Nom dettponit de sole bonnet ribbons HEAVY StACR TAFFETA, FOR. USIBBBLI.AIS. —3O and Winch oil boiW heavy . tbsolt taffeta., for umbrellas. BALD OF 1751PORTE_D DRY GOODS. • Oa Tuesday Diorama, Anni Mud 10 o'alook -0 package. and lota of fanny and stale lallorted doods. OW Samples atm stalugues MIT on B SCOTT Jr., 41.11(YrIONNICR, No. :431 AN-00 STREET A adrit° the OOPS Rouse. betwaskrOlTßTH la SALE OF LAWNS' AND VISSFA I MW BON NETS, FLATS , BLOONLERB AND FANCY RATS, MEM' AND BOYS' II eTS. to. • The Moraine, April 13, by eatalogne, on a credit , nommen:ming at 10 0 clock PreoinelY, consisting, in urt, of— Ladies' newest and best abase English straw, 7 and 11 end braid, fancy. gimp pedal braid, lead oolored ud brown straw bonnets. FLATS AND FANCY BATS. Ladies', mimes' and children's trimmed and un trimmed pedal , braid and Leghorn hats, Bloomers, Ado• bikini, fanny ME N ' Sgts. Se. AND BOYS BATS. , Also. palm, braid, Suet. Wm.- Fansma hats—to wluoh the attention of the trade is invited. BONNET RIBBONS, Also. cartons nob spring styles figured, plaids, stripes, and solid colors bonnet ribbons, pIiTIWP FORD Oa, AUCTIONEERS, AL No. MO MARKET Street. and NI MINOR Street. HUBBARD & GOMM, AUCTIONEERS 7M 7M MARKET StH4„ BALE OF DRY OOODS. HOSIERY, OARP.. BAWTRISIMINOS, &o. morzunt, 81.15 1.26 L 26 1.26 1.26 1.22 1.11 LlO 1.06 1.02 mir Particular" on Fridsy morning ST. LOUIS, MO. WILIAMB BOYLI AIICI,TIONEEIB ANA conusimoryhtEllCßANTS, No. MI North MAIN Street. ST. LO IS, Mo.,(tOrmerly with Messrs. Myers , Clanhorn. & Co. Ptuladelphia,) offer their *smote to Cr merobarma, manufacturer'. SAG others of Phdadele or, for the salsa dry awd,h oar peoi-trutt atnte f fairoli fewei reol o k 7 o ' sir Settlement, made three days rafter eels. Mews. Myers. Mistime, & Co ,Philiwislohia. Van & Brother. Phiuidelgua. " Wyok, Townsend, & warren', Now York. L. B. Curti/ k Co., New Yark. " Wood, Christy, & Co. Bt. Lou is, Mo. " Crow, Mocrearr: &, co.. rohli.thstuts BUSDIE6B CARDS. WAGNER JERMON, • "ole t a: fres c ogg i allratg, - " w ' into Independence Saner.,) By the aid of reliable httorneyi, at different points in Pe United States, is enabled to promoute and solleet claim e of every description. Partioular attention liven to the examination and re covery of the claim, of Legatees and Devisees. and the examination of Lend TWIN' and peettnng the Interests of heirs and all persons Interested an the same, in all parts of the Union. Has the Statutes of all the State, and is Commissioner for meat of them. . . Deposition carefully taken tinder Comunattouh. sell •6m JOHN DICKINSON, COMMISSION MARCH ANT DEALER IN DOMEATIO AND FOREIGN EXCHANOB. • - DOUG ON, TEXAS. Collections mute and prompt remittaapaeis Matt Pm:Mange, et currant rates. = Nair Y Boston, or New Orleans. TO CRESCENT CITY JUNE. New Orleans. Mears. HENNINGS & GOSLING, Now York. W. IL PRICE,Esq., New York. Messrs. PIERCE & BACON, Barton. mhll-I.anf • V i AMIIEL G. SLO 4 N, REAL ESTATE BRGENT ORISR AND COLLECTING BT. PAUL, MLINIBOTA. mhl3-3m" MUSOURI LAND ! B. E. BILBROUGH & 00.. Genera Load sad Real Estate Aeon% Desists in Land WarrantsAltivks. Northwest corner THIRD sad OaB.BTNUT LO Streets, 8/. UIS. sir Particular attention wad to entering Graduated Lands. 600a00 Aeres for gala at gnus ranging from ter cents per sore. katents secured sad tales paid. Enolows stamp for Plat and parte:dna" 616 -gm • WM. M. ONIIIIIM. W. W. P1A21.11118. GREINER &t RARENESS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 169 SOUTH WHeoval. • feltAm . PHILADELPHI: A LFRED L. HOUGH. Ord -La...Ptaft MANVFACIURAF AGENT, PAPTat AIearP e rEISLMIANATERIALL N 0.17 Souk SIXTH Street, Pailada rell4m* PAWSON & NICHOLSON, ' BOOKBINDER& !CAL 619 AND 626 MINOR STREET. Between Ryan Ant &Notate . streets. _ ;AMES DAWSON. - Uri. MOROLBOM isX-ly* RR. CORSON, REAL ESTATE BRO. • KED AND CONVEYANDER, Noiristown.Ps. IEO Farms for salo in Booby, Montgomery, end Chi at counties. Catalo g ues of Farm, pith full tiesenr ions. sent by mail. fiblm MHO No S. M. BIDD ff 3 Booth FOURTLE; Attorney st Law -M. . H' Street. lim. LNSIIRANCE COMPANIES. VD:MANGE INSURANCE COMPANY ILA —Office No. dB WALNUT Street. FIRE INSURANCE on Houses and Merohandlsa g net - nal. eneraill, on favorable terms, either limited or Ber- DIRECTORS. Jeremiah Donlan, Edward D. Roberts, John Q. Oinnodm John J. Gnlfiths. JoshT. Owen. • Reub Thom Marsh, John M c D o well. Jr.. Sand. L. Smedley,' , Jam,,,T. Date, Bellefonte. „MREMIAN BONSALL, President. JOHN Q. GINNODO, Vice President. EDWARD W. DAVID. secrets» , schil-wfmtf ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPA NY.—Authorized Capital 8400000—CHARTER ,er RPET U.n L. Office N 0.311 WALNUT Street, between Third and- Fourth Street, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against lose or damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene rally. Alto. Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Ignorance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. Joeepb Man_Seld,. PfunelitaZZ:" . Win. F. Dean, I. E. Baum. JACOB ESlHER,_President. WM. F. DEAN. Vice President. W. M. SMlTll,Becretary. ap3-tuthstf Jacob'Esher, D. Luther. 1,. Audenried, Davie Pearson, Peter Sieger, DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY TN SURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BYY THE LEGISLATURE OF LIA, 12U. OFFICE 21. E. CORNER MED AND WALNUT Streets, p MARINE' INS U R ANCE ON VESSELS, ;ARGORE P:MT% To all variant th is War% i LNLAND INSURAN On Goods. by River Canals, Lake s Slant Canaan F nt a ll " IV gat e /114 i n 11 On Merchandise generally. On litorea r Dwelling_liouses, ke. _ 41.001.8 OF THE COMPANY. November 1, ISM. Per. Marks. Palms 122,050, Philadelphia City 6 greens L0an.....123,440 Co 100.000 A .Pennsyleatua State 2 4' ot. Loan.— semi OD MAO Pennsylvania State 6 40 . or. cman.,...c_. um, se MAO, U.,E. Treasury Of illo cent. Notes and interest uue - - nja lig 030" U. B. Treasury 6 4P es No - 47ga iiiiir. dist elms —......., t he City ama go 2122,000 Teniporary Loan to * the City of Phila delphia - 116.000 CO 100,000, Penns- Railroad 2d - Morryiii I 42 , cant. Ronda. 13,100 00 MOOD, North Pennsylvania Railriair Ca: . ... 2111,1:00 WestMill 6 e v ai n s t galetter way 4-... " .... Company 7 V' et. coupon bonda.... 12,460 00 Ono" ow shares *toot Otermantown Gas Company, interest and Prineijed guarantied by the city of Pala asiphic.—_ . 11,000 00 01,000, 100 shares Pennsylvania Railroad Cqmp_aay—.....".-.----.... ihns 00 IMMO, 100 altar es - North Pennsylvania Sul road Company—. . MI CO gum, shares Philadelphia Ice Boat and Steam Tug Company, Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Com pany, Ocean , Navisatton compaaj,Philadelphiaßid Ha -_ _ _and vie de race Steam Th m B oat Company, Philadelphia Exchange Company 110 lode util MonttMeer slut Real Mate, Of- Ce,7111 fic°Bulidin y receivableßßella or me __ ee renumu mi. Balance due at Agerto rine Policies, interest, and other de due the Coilleutl--. — do . num. a"; is Scrip sad 'toot of atinctry /usuraisoe cm 00 ca n e t h ei tiiitrecuTairta=...= p,060 elleel#2l.ll7 DIRECTOR& William m.r. IV.lite B. Edmund A. ender. Ktittilil "'au, . ItigrTillititgtoni John C. Dens, H. Jones Brooke, James Tte.4llldt, Event:al' 111 , 11vame, William Eyre, Jr., Thomas C. Hand. latota C. Rind. Hobert Barton, William C. Ludwig, Jacob P. Jones, /oeeph 13. Beal, James N. M'Ferlan4 LIG E. M. Roston. Joshes P. Eyre, George 0. !Alper, Atilt IL ample, PittVig fflittle:2l, A . B. rAgeln. i . .. IfY. WILLIAM MARTIN, yresident THOS. C. RAND. Irma President. HENRY LVLIMR.N. Flemetam. dIJ-wfmtf AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PERPET. UAL. N 0.310 WALNUT Street., above Third, Philadelphia, Raving a large paid-up pipits) Stock and Surplus In vested in sound and available Securities, continue to insure on Dwellinies, Storee , Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in Port and their cargoes, and other Personal Property. All lases liberally and promptly adjusted, DI/MOTORS. Thos. R. Moths, John T. Lewin, John Welsh, James R. Campbell,- Ramuel C. Morton, Edmund Outilh, Patriot Brady, Chas. W. 0. PoultneY, rant _Morrie: THOMAB R. MARIE, Preridenk • ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD, 9eoretary. fen-ht INSURANCE tOOMPA FNIY OAFT I T HE RIN AT N E URAN N E N —N LV EXCHA R E BUlLD lNCharered in I 1 Capital s3oo.ooo—tlavetS, 711111t517 1, no, ka17,446 60d00. All Invented an sonnd and mailable seonritien—con tintis to inaare on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stools of Alerobandiee,o._, on liberal terms. DIRCTORS: rill Rstilierrsrdt moon Toby. Grow H. Stuart. Seminal Grant, Jr., taries Mmalenter t ` Tobitui Waage'', iliam B. Butith, Thome B. Wattna, hlgalug. ANWAiVrL TENR.n°itititikitD, PresideaL WILLIAM RARFMR. *wow , le 'Arta if 7.1441.- 2 -Pure :French snow-white, of kv.M. m on t.no mandaaturer for male btivETRERILL 8R0P1161,. 47 and .45. North aBCOND &raft. ay, I.alas'int Aimfmm' 11,1 THOMAS - WBOlll4 - . 11.% ism; in , VIM Fan% wrath? / 0 • au anra° .SAL 'iIiSTATII. leth Benue thele-Apt Mb,' ea th e asteee. Arab ~..,Iltrei t -UNdaolll3o /1110111101 rimmieses. -Sir Pe relTtliChort7l. Alan lath, oz the 1~0... hioko a-Lai:l6a INA extemaiv, stawft, iiirre relneeri Pa me Boring*ele-AVrill noon the Extete. 17th airing Sate-Apnll7, scree .eit the baste. tip nitt of the handbills for et ate Mal ater seeds. • - . • =vat An. sarDvlaMtlfe jl asel - lOW **option et etZp rin didon to VI •on rat& 5.. ! tart)* er if otos stew of irtiPetttee to 'Rif 11 9 gas A " Ai Ifvfii si u t - , sr • •••I•r••=2e sr. r_k_. eo•W a rittr P • dir Lad estate On on our va;* aiAir jate . and advertised ist air eehtte este (ef natal lia ewe* en enneedyeenteddree a.--aitt.j; . TO GENTLEMEN O C P THE HAI AND DOOR BEL& LARGE AND IMPORTANTEIALEOF LAW BODIDL oi'A are aoir pre eattaloguao Or hit Catetlmell calleation ofyslitsb a law Vs, 'winch embraces threw entire libraries, to bs sold order of azaanterrs Nu). Others. Inoluded are MOM) o the best and moat denim bls Eagliah and Antarioast Esacsitsi Ibiteezb sad 515" ntentarf orks. Sir Da w te or sale will be arotounoed to few Ali., POURTP.ENTR SPRING SALE-6PRI 23. Persinasta Sale—On the erentisee_Nek. Arehet.— NAND. 020-P. MODENA RESIDENCE AND FIJUNI TORE.I us of sale. - - ThLe Morning. April is, at 10 o'clock. will be sold. without reserve, on the premises, all that superior modern three story brick messusee. • Itti double three-story back mild - - Wm, and lot of gni:Mud- North double _ of - reh etreet, west of Broad street.. 4 o. MS, PS feet 2 niches front, 018 feet deep, replete, w ith, all the modern improvements and conveniences. Ihr Bee handbills for tub particulars. Clear of all ineumboinee. Terms-212.m each, 03,t00 Within twelve menthe; Wade, may ternato on mort gage fora term of years. FURNITUE --,The entire household furniture, piano, lro:Ourill be sold immediately alter the sale of the house. 'airElsie absolute, without reserve or limitation. BIRTKENTH BFRIND BAIR—RPRII., If, At 13 o'clock noon. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Rebecca Fetcher, deceneed. FOUR-STORY BRICK DM ELLIN% with modern convenierioes No. 1331 Filbert street west of Fifteenth.— Same Estate-3 FRAM t, STABI,ES. south aide of Filbert street, west of Einkteenth street Executor's Ferempioit Sali—Estate of George Wil son. deceased. BUSINESS BraND—Three story brick store and dwelling, No. 134 North Front street, above Arch street. Sir Sale absolute. L,ABOE. AND VALUABLE RESIDENCE, 'with back bungs and modern improvement*. Nn. 2 14 Fine street. with stable and eatabllr r in rear. on Stam per's street. Lot 333 by 142 fee o fronts. HANDBO3IE MODERN R.Bc Nos. Walnut at.. No. ill, east of Eleventh street, 32 feet front deep ; has all modern eionvemenoes. and in R o o d order. BRICK STABLE ABD coaca H0U 4 .13, No, 1306 Cuthbert street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth, and Arab and Filbert streets. Room for 3 homes and carriwas. with gas and water. - VALUABLE PROPERTY—Ste am Flouring Mill. Distillery, Coal Yard, and 1 acre land. at North Wales station. on the Nona. Penney 'rutin Railroad, 19 mime from Plitladelptue. a.NDIVME MODERN RESIDENCE, with aide yard. No. 1331 Spruce etreer.west of Thirteenth street lot 29 feet front, lig feet deep, with all modem Improve ments and convemencee. N RESIDENCE. RIVERTON, cottage style, N. W. corner of deeond and Cinnaminson streets; large lot. 100 by 300 feet. HANDSOE MODERN REKDENCE, No. late Spruce street, east of Sixteenth street. with modern conveniences. M }DERV DWELLING, No. 90 Coates street, east of Tenth street. - BUSINESS STAND—Modern three-story brick More and dwelling No. fed Louth street. west of Siateentit street. air immediate pone** ion. ELEGANT MO ..nftfe EntilDaNCE, No. 1213 Wal nut street. great of Tanga*" 26 feet front. na Met deep to tenon street. Two.fronts. Sirinonediste Dos sermon - SEVENTEENTH ammo siis—APSE. 17. At 7 o'clock in the cesum.. Assienee's Pereeeptori Bale—TWO THREETORY MOCK DWE1.441408. Spring Garden attest, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets. Same ha' tate EIGHT THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGd, south into of Barker street, between Chestnut and Market, and Sixteenth and Beveateenth streets. air Bale absolute. Same Estate TWO-TBRBE-STORY BRIM. DWELLINGS north side of Mellor street, between Chestnut and Market. and Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets. lairtlate absolute,. . _ lillllst-STOilt IikLICIC DWELLING. No. 1107 Federal 'Area. welt of Rloventh. . • Peremptory Sale— MO-STORY- DRICg. DWEL LING._ Hroverford street. west of Tinnylifth street. oats MantuarlDs); lot "ee - feet front. - pie feet deer. Or Bete &beds*. Sale No 7123 Arch Street. SUPERIOR PO/INIT.-HE. ROSEWOOD PIANO, ELEOAN CRANDELI ER, hIIRRORSt PIXIE DA.Kiwre, CURT nINS. Az. This Idornmg. 13th Wet., at 13 o'olook.. at: No. 1413 Arch street. hr catalogue, the ban !some furniture, superior piano, made by Reichenbeco • fine mirrors, curtains superior booscases, fine carpets', superior chamber furniture. Ito. Sir The residence will be solo previous to the mile of furniture. Ilar See catalogues. SLE RO APRIVATE A R CO IO L U EPBEN.CTS, This Erman. Miran at the Inman store. a collection of valuable books, on variem subjoins, from it titivate oolioction. Its For parhoulars Se• 0114310(USIL,. Peremtitory Sale.- - PRIVATE COLLEC fION OF CHOWE AND VALU ABLE RuapFEAN PAINTIBOB, includin Os Works of eminent Dusseldorf Artists, eiThllt g_ RAU. BEE'S Bpleadid Marble Statue of PSYCHE. On hi Saturday Monoug,. April IL at M o eloek, at the auction room, ROLM and lel South Fourth street, will be sold w ithout re serve, a private pollsetkia of &toles and besolifig Oil Paintings. by Emma European artists. - , BTRINHAUSERII BPLF. AIso NDID MARBLE STATUE OF PSYCia. Sir Catalogues will be- ready threp days previous. Paintings now arranged for examouttion. _-__SALE NO. 613 WOOD STREET, • ROUBEI/OLD FURNITURE TAYESTRY OAR. O Mendity-Monii_n. 16th Inst., st o clock. et N 0.613 Wood street, the en tire Household and Kitchen Furniture Tapssn7 Car yeti, Hair Mattreasee, &n o of a gentleman declining housekeeping. szr Msy be atomized atB o'oloak on the morning of the sale. - - LARGE RALE OP WHrult GRANITE WARR, TO , NTENT4 OP TIRE ITV CRATER, J2IRECT PROM • LIVERPOOL - pE4 fitlIPS '• ELME- E. PNNNIXDTO2.I" AND _l.Tott. FIND." 2,- Oa Monde, Afteruo9ll. • April l. stS crelooft etthitpaotion store, N 05.133 sue 141 &AAA Fourth street: will be sold. without re serve; for cash. lb. contents of twenty orates of wer pool ware, consisting of dabs'. pintas. slog and Mtn.. wont. - tea pots; - segue. (imams, howls jugs; bakers. batter plates. wales, chamber sets, covered dishes, $0.30, air The shore gale Iwatts) the attention *fez ty and ootintra dealers. • Sale at Noe. 1,4 end 141 South ,Imarth Stmt. SUPERIOR PURNITURI3, FRENCH-PLATS MIR RORLPIARO-FORTES, BRUsans CARPETS. - On Thumbs,. Morning. • I lit t ceoZook , at the Auction etc ,en eeeortment O Fsilent second-hand furniture,. e ant piano -for es, e mirrors, carpets , etc., frtim writhes deolining oueekeenutz, removed to the store r omiveruence of see. MOMS NATHAN% AUCTIONEER lAA AND COMMISSION RESECHANT, eoutheart minter of ISLITH and NAOS Streets. norm y TO 'LOAM igsso,iioo to loan, large or =all amount", ea Moots, gild and Bihar plate. atemn watches. Jewel ry, towing pieces, dry Dtioftst olothing., groceries, ci gars , hardware, co orT, musical instruments, feral tare, beathrg, hones, veluc4es. harnmse, and on all ail:tales at value. for any length of. time agreed upon. on more liberal tenon than at WY other establishment la this slag, OOT-DOOR SALIN Attended to personally by the anoltoneer, at very him charm amaiwiraturrs sojAprzED. Conaignmenta of all and every kind of goods solicited for goblin sale ; tlro-thuda the vales of the goods tirSl be advanced In anticipation of the gala. ROSES NATILANS. AILVCJILVERY MID IRON. &MEM V. 112111C1t, I, VA11.11.1.11 NOLIVICK. WILLIAX %OT.ITHWABA 'FOUNDRY, rs. 7 Filaa AND WASHINGTON MEETS, VITELADILvItI.t. MKRRICH a BONN, __ ENKNEERS AND MACHLNISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engine+. for Land. River. and Marine same.. Bolen, Ganometers, Tanks, Iron Boat", &o.; Castings of all kinds. either Iron or Brass. Iron Frame Roof' for Gem Works', Work Rhona, Rail road Stations, eco. Retorts and Ou Machinery of the West s;d moat IM proved commotion. Eve r 7 description of plants/lion Alaelunerr , such as Sugar. saw and Grist Mile, Vacuum Za.nli, Open Steam Trains, Defeentorn r _Filteng, Pumping Engines. &c. Bole Agents for N. itillumes Patent Sugar Soiling Apparatus; Nagunpth'iL Patent Stenrs Hammer ; and Aepiuwall & Wolisey'a Patent Centrifugai Sugar Dre int- Machine. aus.l GARDWARE PACKAGE ROUSES. PACKAGE HARDWARE. fIOI3B.E.—Wo would rezotinlly ea the attention of tee Gene ral ELardware Trade to onr extensive Stook of BLS KINOFILM HARDWARE, whieh we offer ate small edvanoe by the peonage. Orders for Minot importation imnoited, and 00011 de livered either in this city, Now York or New Orleans. W. G. L.E.w.to & Son, 1111 COMMERCE Street Importing and Ootrardnoion Merchants. And Agents far YOTIGIM and Domestic Hardware. aellt—tt GENTS' FVENISHING GOODS. W. SOOTT-4ste of the firm of Win cheater cheater & Scott—GENTLEMENS FURNISH ING STORE and SRIRT MANUFACTORY, HU CHESTNUT Street, (nearly oroosite Our Girard Hoare ' ) riLttadelphis. w. S. would respectfully call the attention of his former patrons and friend! to Ws new store, and is pro wad to orders for SITITS e al Of notaoe. A igligargr d. I" lanj Trad u4l4rlV CIGARS, TOBACCO, itu. SFIIGUET 4k SONS, " IMPORTERS OR lI.AVAZIA OIOARS, N 0.218 South FRONT Street. Receive regularly a full assortment of deeitable GARS. winch that odor at low rates, for cash or aO3 proved credit. felotr ®SAWING AND PAINTING M AT E .A- Eagineere Ann Architects' Stational. armful Painting Materials. g s' arcir a g V and also for &rhea lama Manta. I:o7res and Picture Frames. laying Cada, American and Frenak. 'aim gratis to the trade. SCHOLZ & , Y4HICNTZEY's No. Di South EJMITH atrect. WHOLESALE ANTI stETArt, ,Ml-1121: CAUTION !—AS FRoLOG ` !—LOOK OUT!—GOOD NEWS PON ALL!—The never failing Mrs. VAN HORN ur the best; she succeeds when all others have failed. All who are in trouble. all who have been uofortunate, deceived by false promise e , fly to her for advice and comfort In love affatrs never fairs. like has the secret of winning the grew.- tione of the opposite sex. It is this feet which induces illiterate pretenders to try to. imitate he , and cony her advertia, ment. Ohe shows you the likeness of your fu ture wife, husband, or absent friend. It is well known to the publics at large that she is the first and onh per. son who can show the likeness in reality. and can RIVO entire satisfaction on all the concerns of life, whi c h can be tested and proved by thousands, both marr ie d and single, who daily said eagerly visit her. Come one. come all to No.= LomJARD Street, between Juni per and Broad. ap9-bt' SILVER MEDAL AND DTPLOMA tyrAwARDED,, at the late State Fair to A. DAVIS & Cu., N. W. corner of FIFTEENTH and WILL , W Streets. • A B. DAVIS & CO.'S Railroad. Scales. A. B. DAVIS & g 0.% Depot Scales. A. B. DAVIS & CD'S Hay Seale& A. B. DAVIS & CO.'S Coal Scales. A, B. DAVIS & CO. S Miners' Scales. A. B. DAVIS & CO.'S Rollins. Mill Scales. A. B. DAVIS & CO.'S Dormant Warehouse Scales. A. B. DAVIS & CO.B Platform Scales. an7-lm Manufactory, N W. corner of FIFTEENTH and WILLOW Ste. WHITE F(SH.-194 half Bbls. Macki v flaw White Fish, a Inperiorirtirde, just received and for este by 0. C. SADLER Et CO.,ARCH Street. second door above Frost. .. sp7 11/EIFINIID blob. crashed, aiwtminartirsetinewdzoir gIIOULDERS.-5 j 0 000 pounds Dry-Salt Pair 86011161% ust **trod sad- for - . aals by c. 43, &JULY& & 5e.454 ,lioor above Mat. aiP4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers