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''''' l ' ' '• 1 - 1 -.. el ) •-• 111 . - ,• . .- .) • -IQ --.. ,-.V.,.,..., , ~., .____ . . ums . i / ' • - p- 1.-3.70 . #,,_ -- ,,.. • leFampr,;-:-. ~:;.,, t)•• ~,: , -,,-" N'" 1".::..';','„ 1 .) .1,. , 1 - A,410.11114 2 istttokiiii":. 1 - S'''.. ~;,`,J"...,.,.), . .) ~ 4.... f • f . . - I \ \ .. 1 .... r .,.....,.„ . ... '. .-- , 4- •'-'" -. _ sikk r """ ::".‘ .... i. .i....t . M " . ••,- -.) . - °-- : --...r : - , -----.. i - "-- -'-- -!----...-- • • .. , • . • . 1 7 9 )1") - „ . . . . p„J ~.... • - ,-••,.. •ii•-. • - -rs ...--„, ~ 4,1,,- . . f ..t.. • •• -. ••1 0, -• •ft'.!• -, -`,` ;,"- ••'„ ''' '.;l'". - '• f' . • , -'.• ' 1 • _ • _ „ • - -."-''.- •,-.' ; .-• ••• •.- • •..- -• --=-• • ' • - --• '''' 3 l 4, 14"4 — . .; ' . . . • • 44400: 4 ,11 1 0 10 .1 1 11 1 . 1 0 1 WPOOM IIIR!!7i . ' I 4 S -'' • " .- .e . *plik wi4 ..•••- .• ilr.a.` lio .WIPX , ,qOO - . :41tiMNEINar.:10 1 :(4: 0 8,, rt -4- -•- - • ! 6„ .. 3N 6- - tt . TM 444114 , YAIIMNI:40. 1 0 1111 .1 1 0 1111 t 14,,, IP* MEESE • ''• , . - ErrtAa,* - iitirrgEors..' nae, weans, akfca A' IV 1411 WI re 4 1 4 itto. -wumakoattimuoupf*erionuassibilliassra. aorviemiefeeraittaitiii atidatilm4 do Akt. - •BERNIKEINE. - - ,;*; la 110VMSZOIRM 'CAM 4041141" -710.01160teriihmit. o rfr aotxratiliLy., " jwc.. .. spockients. D o r . . FIMM F* / a i6341 0 2 *film oNWlritita'the -11 11**Tradep OWISOCat : ' istailmo one .ssum lafte l ig o. l **l; (6ll, 4,4***** !: 12 *- 0 / 13 n" aitkinalae: n i g ig a4V ARTIFIC ". 12 4 1 . 1 7 31 V,%:^ 7 ,1 - "t. STRAW BOXIIIITS Mnemonic vainorT . 990.1 W .A! , *. • 1,1 -7P:• l * 2140212081. IMAM' ''''''''' Olosiatau et set eeppillle, we iiffle•VeeleelVeelell&Aleeeree'eefeell% pants;oothnratilliCalialeiot isks#Aoo,loo444 . ll, Von in pie d& Reset Wiwi ' AI Ins j • - atir:;#9DWas• immetli•o•••••• . , 14 -- 1 0 1 9t,8* Mftw, - - Bobitsiors4AND MEXTIK' mitoißa,o - rawr" - attla or thiaben. attilifllea • . 2 MARKEVEITA :g; . • -}` 1412 - Orifilni, WV a AA."",* K1y~04214* • essitigii ItioWertiode 41 11. 140 94 411114714 C 7 q.4 - Vt.* 401VC 114 4 • if,, 41 -o* - 1104 - -- - E17 , 14 4 11 ILIPIP4IIO47I I IPWWW. fai*NeirU oo l4 . • ,:mmeunemirsAWmirOrtfitunio.. ,_Wii:11,10,10041111AMMITAIM 1111‘; ( el:Or Ageg• 11 - 2401 0 1, `" 1 . b bit o lir i b x , f j -410CDRAOR D COTN M Tit .70 4 - , `,Aorolo# „IMO:tiro. ' • i• , 191. 4 0 1 0 1 00 00 1 4 . 0 1•AP',.. 0 44 4 .! , - go"- NNW r,Ok" - - 1 ;.',Ji*oiiii:,-„; BOKERArg aO i nfkaft i,z+l. 2• 4*.f .111 1t. L '.o! *.a titre:AM I ,IIMX:VIDSAVP.? itiutzsr *44o* - 1 . , A7Z• .4"ttit 4010,1r1,40/10011:',' A ibtoriiimiNtoopasroomiiii44isaiiiiitioAs on. 0111 , AXI) V"lslr o itt iv e i l 1"1 6. A 1 - ,, t bm 6.4 '6ll4in /.• ' I J% lair' - ,•.= ''':: -.--- ,inun,e3 - 7,:47,4*-0,,...4W:', 4 , r tt; -":.'':' $;-. $ b iv w 1.,.0. 1f i eiti 7.. , - ,, i . 4 ...VtA-:' t`i. ,,,,,, 4- 7 7?'' - .. , -; ,-, " . 4"." 14. t' S * , ',' ;. .04:44111 f eantkliv i el*Willaf ..,. Atl4 im , MARitafteviral"i POWS diUss iv.i4Aii lAui,' g'-. ikstrll..4 l- ?.., : ... 0 'altikeiliC i.wrif „ 1 1.-a . ~,, , - , .0-s, m t: ri. , hl • *al gMaMi • • - 1 • ~;,,,--11111r --- - .. -, -,,,}..e"._ ~-,1- ... , rre , ~,,. - - -- , 4...1.,Vu 'ts - iy.,16%,!.:- . ,•.:;. ,:-,.. ,i - li - 4.:'.:,,t:Act:, tfilia-airiaoidva-11.161141111416;,;•,f,;,,, , ~,,,,,, : 1 , ,,-:,- ~ • , s - -,..ie‘s , - -srx,ta,v-,A.: , ,,•A41. - rt4i, - 1 - i VII 1-411:4"34 "nt'DS' - - .. ...., . . , .. _ _ ...... 1 14 1 . .:1,4i;.arr,p5 , " - #. f to_, „lit - V0U141104 - .llllllr ' 7 • Wro---* 4,6,114 ii!• It - ,1114 , 1 - , Vim SetitAk,„ ' 2 .. :PWW IS R4 CI NtA IaK MA II7B "' , • • & at Altt I ' OA /4 -- '-Oft. 0:5 D S ,42411 PO OT 1 jujiikaime inissyntei imam% -AND • :: -- .44. 2 . 41 0 1 .0 104' OOZUT nrows.par444;4l)lfAZllii2ll3. 1 ' 0.416 0#040 1 44:4 1" 401** 1 ,0 1 4 , : , I•itialtiii.`iiiinckuoir 1*(16. • 1 ..!#I. I .Iv9OPAPD Molt C loll a. • - . - ';,ixt4ot rAicir Oiallml ut , ' /WE 'AffP iirpr . f l PiriP lllo4 Ise:. ke. • • - LAST- ARRIVALS. FARRELL -& NEORILIS, +l,l otroarass aid owns:wit lIPEBOHASThri tisk' air:lllT Pill VOTE li ET. m !"`",mc.m. br th•!•Pr,t o •,sffvm • Pon luoltmlk 2 • 07034*tai soosir ange iuka Immure ipmividshartauta.. prim , ` l l 4 . 43 PriLlAtAriarirktois,•o4 MIS titoOt Ammo &saw= tich, do. • • do. ' 40; Wilts tottiins at them* palmist 41911E4 iIINIARAZOKIZEIPPRI; 11 4 VIP , ' ofFFSE - WARP,_OLOTRO; ' ' opyroximAi 'AAA 'YENTlAiintigoe; An ce Irlush seeollal;6ft is4AON FAVORABLE fen below Pifdi. K 1860.- VARI4/7#i;',31141/0/tt AND /UM" WAREHOUSE. • isr—Aia;, 03i riduktood. 'Vs* . •itiii.4kwiiiiiiftliFo„;i4oopti.' bPpICERi• -:AsaitrztivaNielArser ?Egyms..:w ::. , • - -lio.lsuriaserrstridirtgarr; • • 011/11D Ho rn; OPPOIIIIIII - COVITNIOMS. f • ••••' -, - ,, h10 1 •4 1 44-5.'.' , " • - , xwiehrsixt. stattsisrs••*at • •, inkitvg 7.; h;:.7",-1 , trit t;,•• *reettv ' . r ., D ikowsig g : 4 - "GLOVES, Aniarr Ws/T 04 110.44; EMIM =RE ;:77:7.1Attkir t 'err , • .`"` , 11 ' 411, t4 4 44 19 ePAINTIV io 100, 11011/11EVA/iii) BAC" inWSS, !WMOL /14.01 virxio ?a, 444,,frAmme, ,lNiaiilld,~i~iefin6esiY'_ ~ foCPUNTRY - AkEMMUOTTS wig* A, 40' "ATtliEfi t emu I{o:Rxt,* - .lv.T9P4Rwz -y r i544141 1 ) - iniVir:: AMERICAN WATCHES - aoLD imisitints ammo, tT n TAB - VVIESM — ,IOBI/71* Pillollll. SILVER PtATP.,W WARN ,;, • - 40 , 1, 1 40 1, 11.11 1 :1: • '; 0 41,,Rialr; ; : , • „.„ OW. ~nrsrh and , Ma* PIP1:6; LIMWVI/OiNaNd Ito.:11te• BMW, • "siodoki#Afassi lith) lisiiir4;•llo - `4614 : , ard *WI 1 0: 112 00nek, goataiest q;••UiII397LII.OIAIMPINfi GOODS. • " 0011,111,T; • imituuly. itiaPnorplansis, ' ' ' dibi=titswit" rifs ram AO.: -1 1 10.-.11/8101,TH TRIAD STRUT, ts Moak • Tiro‘•• • i iir litifiiios. sad atim:i•aii: whieh tiliomfgreE-Aw, "0 - 'lgl4o. tßAltr, •th• nu. but battri4lON r iiiZtvidistso , " 4,9*.gx#*;ii4 x - rOilla4l mz I j i.d ems , WArBECOVSS o,Loigs. 1860 - - FOURTH 'STREET :1860 CAltP,,.`l l WAREUOTJSE.! ABOVE WIESTNAJT,' STREET, ! Aping linuortaticin of new styles Royal Wilton Vel-' vet, Batem, I m perial Tbree-gly, Super Ingrain, and yinanlen of mar, era tranitinis • . • ' Fresh Cihron Straw Mittinns, white end 'colored, of is large assiortenent of Oil: C) e itber.'irmn Drunneti, Crumb Cloths, and En g lish Ammo Blinn ilmorldatn-em. , Mao, an invoice of aIairOCCOA ATEltles; etirlOurairid the 171rarisisrlg; bripieriezi Of papas is St/halted, with' the isinirinoe of: the mat reasonable terms. JOHN" • 't. suceissoa . RICHARD -RUNT, 4,1„3-Ita , • -47 EIMER' FOURTH orRERT, • CARPETING . - , ' -GEORGE . _ W., HILL, 447TTIRAIT,AggurcA4pirf- WAAHELOUSit, 144 ttolda THIRD STREET. *Die-Imf • •• - • - , - - 00 SHE ETS • • - FLOOR on; Olney and ohOwo otyloO now IA ston. - - Nol fglo OtiESTAUT Minot, • 1000', YARDS' . • , INGRAIN GARS,R74I. Part cotton; at 3734 oentia yard gikafeatterrie: SHESINsT Street, • • ••','BAILY,ik BROTHER. YARDS • • 13U/KR THREE-PLY CARPSTB. Jost oonod. new Wales, int ' ' No; NO CHESTNUT Street, 13:AILY • & ,BROTHER. 10 4 r .MO • YARDS ; 'ENGLISH TAPESTRY' CARPETS. Just tooolvodo to ;bit idlikat ONE DOLLAR At,YARD. ' . • - • - No, NO CHESTNUT Stmt. 36 - 4.1.1 N". & BROTHER. INVOICE . , irEw lirate , *.Neues BRUSBEI4S. Jut nosiyad bi tipmmen lAALLYROTHER.• . • 13 SID CHESTNUT Street i'Mp.a - pALT.49I9' !vsi ! irEr CARPETS, ,Croirbel bat new patella `Juit 'DAILY & BROTHER. - " ' sts CHESTNUT Street. DOOR MATS.. ,:- d iron line ict troop 4uation, st -• • ! - No. re CIMTNUT Stria. ,BROTHER. inewittottiam !ARM -STREET T WARE On.N. OA. . 832 ARCH STRUT. TWO DOORS BELOW ,NINTH, Mouth side). INGRAIN AND vs. .iddati.tho• ajrZeig e trar4 ror llMOrroMems. 4.. 4 !'","'"221114-1m CAA—SPE:TS. V; A. BUOT 00.• - $07181 and It North PEON? Stmt. are the BOLE AbENTB in Phiiladolohts for the ROXACTRYCIARPETOOMPAffyiiind have eoneastly fioLoolo a foll simian.* of VELVET and TAPESTRY Cq4.IPIPTS. of oAcker . . it ism einetiref the vitiate kinds of CAR PETS inatinfentaredjkifidiedelehin mtr,and CXXIAtIs fnst . nserir ellAtio 't r ims mannbetunn. Desieri , will Sat it' their. interest to isall and exentipe tit* se*, tiktok ors elferen for sots on the inoetfaeorebii time 11.--F. A. F.LIOT,A 00,, blot the Soho Asertte ii i'bqielgeliii'for the /aloof the Waisted sad Greet YAM meet by the Ilimetrtille MU*foriterly,the Nett Itiglealt Waisted Cont*ild aid -bums siege Wm tor ; *MA: :Wilt* mod Abbott Commas., have Apeetillat hetAltiee rot; Ite•eles etmeteattly for; We the Mier hutdaot Cerpete.shietAteteted is Philadelphia, ' ! ,eB ttidi - ' iall-ete Biautellt, lattspi. sad Venitis4 iterlean velarPetinre Op i llotko; in' mat yarlan r loin Ado tt Impintarmd War, r!rigiv2=l„Zulltd, =ME trOALLum 46: 00 • '',', - OA4PETAILWINACOMUBUIp - ' BONO NaLLO;, pweanToirs, Mao, liziationisad Daelsn 1a OARPETiN'Gik ' MATTINO.:11110% -,,,W#.!1$11017831011 OBBOTNUT 87., tai !tats Roam) doithar - a iiiitiraiisi , it * i4iers are ietre*lr Invited &c. 1860. • BPRINGI t3TYa3, •1860. WALL , PAPERS. ' 110 Maadrotation and 'mode's , RA,PEFL„ HANMENGEL Fe. it#9ll*;roxrivpi siltE,Erri beimw mom: facilities to Southern and Wootent iitaar of gOSi to:iteleot frolt. and all .of be dewed and tort Oka's. WINDOW CURTAIN PA- E'ERB intik*. twisty: • • - - • ; "fittl-tto Iro CLOSE' ' BUSINESS. aro. imam: in onuarr,' ' mama out, through this winter end nest erhig, their urge stook of PAPER' HANGINGS. elog!tins?f•TorY wiFietreouneatfdwith the hnieneee. AT 01141441.41 lUSDIRIXD PRTOIB. 114741111da iAllinA AT 10 11111 OBST. LOW 008 T. retail. IralitilWribair Rosa., Meted, sea 1$ out WIARGAINEL LOOKING, GLASSES. LOOHINO-OLASABS, • iORTRAI i i AND Piquas 14A1M213, • 'ENeßatkvoree. rAmis f?.. EARLE & SON IMPORTO9, ArANUFACITAR RS; WHOLE - :WALE ,AND 1t,117 1 / 1 ., .1 E4LBRB. EpvfAzs.:GALLER ES, r~r ~-+~ :.. . JOHNS' 811 SON. zzgreank AND DIALRINI U 8 9 0 r, IHOB, and GAITER MATERIA.tB; LANTINON, oAUoOrtib '• , NREETENOni PATENT LEJLTHEit, • PRENOR Kifle. LANETE, ishlPPZit UPPERS, &a nr. a. comma ,Nolrian AND ARCH STRUTS. fall-Ign pRINCE IMPERIAL • - (in A M P , A N FROM DR VENOOR & 00.. EP - ERNAY. FAAblet Bold by all Doepolallaaliorathroiliglioilt Umpqua:lin. 'Thin 'Asa byiatar ORARRAGNR, ;galas. ("mitt of inekrinr..wny oogpen esolualvely to fba *Ow of ws tuwirizzaivri.p t ehsinty"Wioh7=6"et ed b, Zinelinnenrenobtas oft he city c li nairVk, over ail other w nee on wa nt* of its ey ettrity.eno ro nee any tinionoy. ;hod • t t l i oen out onto try at slaw tu rgotgter .seer ,the maw 4. mom** aad ooqstantly sierearon, heO=talisulataasattuatiztahtelZrt.ft Thalitaq• of imporaed . aolely by net int boll% Moto AMP of earth Thi Yettoge re G0...1tt this JULtnilltwOUT Cit_o "nue; ' ken; it. sad Vila BROADWAY. Raw York. : Bold can bY .11,11 EVE& & DEAL, fir' - • so 4 : ll 4 l twr, P*44.. efiAliT*l§ F. , TAGOART, • • • tatmalot to B.l.Nostit &co.. ,4 Importsi mid Whobnif DNNr fa BIUNDiffB, Oho* boas Old Moo'WWII, Zr., ae4 Bourbon WitlicEle oii load/ at afTilw c • OIL PAINT/NOS, Oo $lB ORESTNUT STREET, PbAsdelphii4 ltloq]oN9l.., 6111:2411.0"3! sttlit(. :: : ":',,e,1-013))FT.II-xt.; .- : :',, , ,vitugspAL :',,APAIIIT:O2;:,, 186 KE=!=i= ,TO F ARME RS',; 'TJ I FROM SOMBRERO ISLAND, WEST INI/HEIL THE = RIORKST" 'FORMATION OF FKOSPIi4I4AI OF LIME KNOWN IN THE WOR-O t . It potash. over 10 per oent. of. Bone' FbrierAetreqlt Linehllenle d 0 per cent. richer 'ln Fhoephat• ofLine.:;4 than Bone Duet. , • , • - FOR SALE BY. TOE TON OR CARO% ANEI. FARMERS, AT $3O PEA ' IAN 0* 2,000, LEB. , • JOS.-B. HANSOM& Co,'" Sole Monis In PlWdelpMn. uthe-frrer-2m No r .' 30 iioWhi ViA ; 1101. Stnitit.:)l TO FARMERS AND GA ROE NERS.—Thff subscriber hi,i tiow 4Wiiknd a luso lot of esNIT4 tNE POGDRiirr.o, of a;aueerior qnstity,Wniolt Wilt I be aold at the . lowest. cash prices. ,Warrenten to g lye] infe h oliz i o N l I.'ll , eas:s warrant its kaligefit Toll 'Gate. ite, it#T, triAlll ItZt!lrb. Franklin av enue. rhurnteipbta. . aelbbn" Yl ' CIENTLEMEN , .11.A.VINO. CO,IIN TB Y 1 ‘fil SEATS apd fait DENS, wilui. hive mot irufilowt% manure of their own, or who are 'desirous of a - guti growth mid large and early orate of vegetables, a lean. MI lawn and tires:rt. will find what they need in the OUDRETTIt ... •OF Tat LODI ANUFACT.IpitING CMPANY.) This fertiliser is neat. handy', without odor, neck in new barreii, and has the , advantage of not Mrs the seed or plant by direct contact therewithplad o _ttia-, jet known For twenty years as a reliable rtuile, ' flit". 1/1410 per barrel f ey seven _barrel' and aver ~,.. •ii. , pamphlets wi directions. 7. free. Mink to_ li,.. ; TH • LODI MAN FACTURINO Off,,'"' 138 South Dp.A. ,AR..O Avenue, Ails. ' I mh.lo-f mer4in ' ' - • • FANCY DRY GOODS. • BURNPIPT E ' ' • SEXTON, " ' ' SWWLINGEN' Wooden of . . 'FANCY `GOODS; • At:roman AND GERMAN NOSIRRF. KEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. 'LADIES' DRESS Viroolaelltyra ad V.4_9141+4, No. 419 BAN RKCH felB-tmil .OUHKINEF do CO Noe. >i6 ,and 28 NORTH, POUNTH STNEEZ r. Are now receiving,* ruceerive arriveli frOni r 4. their , • SPRING IMPORTATIONS /31(611,1BH' AND ,01311:31.A21, •• - HOSIERY. . - _ • DLOVDII, AND SMALL ,WAKEN. • • Machine Sewing Bilk and Thread-4nd noting. an in gpechon of their complete end well-wrrted zarnmentv ADWPTIED TO SOUTHRILM AND'ITIII2IIII TRADI. •' , fig4lnt ; inf-FILPTPN.PIPRwo; T IE BEST IS , THE CHEAPEST. 1860. . • 1860. " WOVEN GORE TRAIL" ' SKELETON SKIRTS. CRINOLINE DE PARIS. . r hose fashionable Goods meet with unicorn' favor by the critical Tride ; sad for , QUALITY OP BIATEAL&L, EXCELLENCE OP WORIMAESHIP, - AND SYMMETRY OF FORM, Theme Gooda 9tind Unrlvelled. • • . FOR BALE EVERYWHERE BY THEiRADE. there're many worthless' imitations, Ladles should be particular to see that OUR NAMK is stamped *pox he Bawl of Ratty Skirt, as, a 011,4 ,goaranies of quality. OSBORNE & CH EESMAN, ANBONLA, Jghttwfmise LADLES' idus :04A E" TRAIL SKIRTS. FRENOH CORSETS. TEE TRADE BUNVED BY EVANS tic 51 5017TH FOURTH STlll33ll` inh23-fmw lm „ SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER ":45:, WILSON. BENVIN4 NiA:OHINES. " HE COY, AReeit, tle ONERTNUT 11TREET, SECOND PL00R.,.; Machines, with Operate* on inn to Private Pauline& MAACK ovvlcs”,,, STATE Street, Trenton N. I. 110 OENTE.AL SQUARE, • Eaddoi, Pa. ' I alO-tha WIL 0 OX MINE.—The giptalpad himealoing.dernatakroT, Wilms /4' Gibps'flawiacataalalla }a Eguaranla}rate trek e lkelieligiteNr diEgfite/ 73troat. - 88-tt UMBAELLAS. SLEEP.Eict F.ENNER. WHOLESALE` UM=BRELLA AND PANABOIs MANUFACNTREDS, 'N0.,330 MARKET #TREUT, CHINA AND GIDEENEIWARE. TURNBULL, ALLEN- & 00., IMPORTERS . AND • WHOLESALE DEALERS - . trt • CHINA. ABB QUEENSWAI,LE:' Nos. 23 and Ad SOUTH FthlitTß STR EET. (Between Market and Chestnut streets.) Mgr Putrsanno, GLass . 10 /10T. °LAO* O P l rl 01 /11' Ting TAO/408, AT MANUFACTURE:air PRICES.. faldlut iBOY.D.. itp STROUD, , IMPORTRItS kappa - ma,' Roe now 'orcheca a complete Stook .of ~. -QTJEF_INSVVARE. ' '.• !GLISSWAIO; ind . . Willtififf and . _ ZNGLISH CIIINA. At their Old. stead” No. 3 ' 4 1 10 Rita - 1 I rl i t l lT "" four tom below o ff ertents' ea:tufo:4 o the! in 7 7irilinattgli on P l irrlistri b uhos T e l . ' ' 1 ree4m ELLS. , , OAST-STEEL, BEILLS. 'FOR CHURCHES, , ACADEMIES, FMB ALARMS, et FACTORIES, ' PLANTATIONS, Ad. tlto t • ' ,MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY , y NAYLOR. Zie 490 COMM:EROS Street, PHILADELPHIA, i These Bella tovb been extenlively nee in ab parts f &trove, the United States, and Canada. for the put live years. We are, therefore, now prepared to state let. U• l 4: l t P .A i re s i d a n i t in e :llllt l l:4 of the materi i. ad. A very pure and melodious .quality oi tone, eomb.ning rweetnesq with power in a remarkable Aer reit. ad. An tiveraite wane of de per cent,. in mat, as enmokred with that in ordinary belle. fr Taff Belt is warranted for one year, with r rootm " Zet i eVorag n egrotion , out to order, with ,restso euranY. m TABLE OIL: FIFTY, BAI3ItETS • . 0.1 7 "..LA 'MDR," AND OTHEORANDS • 'FOR BALE BY 0.. H. 'MATTSON DsLhEit FINR 02.00ERFEe. .'r 'AiejltAirD TENTH STREETS. ". le7, 111 , . 43 H,E W,A: Co - • , 'i. ' ' PHOTOGRAPH FRAME DEPOT, ' • ' it 'r.c''' ' 'll'4.o BOOTH RIGHTR ii/reatt - '' . —4 .) , , , Abßirel Cheitaut: - •,., • , . ~' Taiiiiiitte only , taitablithmeat is the futr devoted 11701usiimlf to PROToGRAPH-FRAAIRa. A must vanity nf OVAL GILT PRAM= pa hand than can b• imeil l ea 14110 0: !Int cis 4 , 4 1 t0 liihtalnitt, An tint traltat , BOMA I tigigir*our, thokarntiils,, and luiTtt , *met , ' kW irtti t extra Amis. .. 1,4* ' ' 1 , J . W. GXBBSSp , PONS. • 1110. 181 744..RXET STM.SE7, Are now oPeraiirthelr gPIIFIV:ef goobs to - ?NI E N ' 'W , E R Its ibtoil wit* foaming fall 'wheat - Mont of , 1 dikrnis,DO,EBKINS, VESTING& TRIBIKIN 1 ALLENDALE QUILTS.. )3Y triug oesE, FOR SALE BY . JOSHUA, L. 'HAILY,; uts hirantaTittrasst.to 'Orghtl:tt 41.4 1N T 6 *i 4 .41,460)* Vi`X ' t I -'IIICPDXTBRe AND 11117MlialiatillArdlta • ..,:nigl.=•.r.ti • * AS •al 5:14"1 . 1 ',7 , 9; ?)1. 112 =4, 1 116 . .`01 , t.7.:1/N7 ctlint: l- nrAkr ,M l 4l4l.lotifiriqwEtiMiliingetet ?q0 JiLitlictr4 1111017104insirs,) Ifitica s; tc:4lll6fri44- Ilimintoution of ' pp - taTE-wetarr—='iriika v '6 . 4' AND CROW : , "Wri. XAMRPITAND.V. - • nTO 1 1; Ilipa are constancy psodippd 4falinamnotntont of or and Daintabw.: g i gitc7lPnihi rot oY ~ le- d e go s “?rutrgir t *. ply,er,:gaoonnyOAbe ner 00100 rlnetolooniatln ~ cd-m J 140.; EL E.LEISE3I4 &SONS.' ' • *it ii 411 K. B i f. ' iiitici it, ; ~' " Meemiddoor below Ailtrui,E E. .;',- clevosgairit-Asop.woirssits , lip' •, : ' l4 *" l!3 ?' 43fflar,Pvithityisrog.lav f%.ellontirArr.utbssv.4 ....„. 1 / 4 , ,0 PORE Oa olmr 111 VUSGain : 04 11; tui .1.4 4 04 11 a, 114% HI =, Doe. to ➢ th i e r. i f ; gl adiu. :7;:j s it p P 47:l3 f 7 s t li wge iV: t w _ le s 8 :010 notpt tb; 4its. • • r .j' //d.PORTHROI AND JOBBERS , OF PAREIGN , ; 1 4 41. 816 - /ORKET ••It 1/41.1407 . ' PE3tsy.. • • * .• Es o lt:t . ;vratsom. the LYWA aD , DueD Y . OWNSEMD, • ALIMID D IL V 0561. • ' tot' iifC6D, - MAAI3If, • • ' Importers rind ;Wholimale Ijealere lb 17), • -O 0I) 8 - .". CLOTHING, . OH* Mo. 309 MARKET Otreet,'Phlladelvhla;" 11WX714,TS, AUSTIN:. a - .'; ....,, , . pirovElG-it uaroxissa AND JODBISNaI ' ni .DRY GOODS, No, 811 mATINET STWM Above Third, E. ' Zeta , . . ok.g.:2 4 dremo, t . . /111GADIMPIIIA• ad) BUrgui, fit.3lo Fvi4.l.AN,:ilcalys, &, ad:. veitoLzalual maims .FOREIGN AND . DOMESTIC n _co D No. 340 MOM MT. GOODS noeivizx every as; for - .DITY AND NEAR t JUDE. Islt4ut CONNECTICUT. ai!..I 3 pEIGH. RUE; & Importers el WRITE, OOODEI, LAM, end EfinnorDsn.um, 1110,, U 9 MARKET EIVigRT. - or Our meant stook, eeleoted In the beet Haraseaa ilerlite by esrsoives, is the MOst•Sonsplete ,w e have intrAfrerd4. „ f...t4rm TJECI,RD%47IIIMI 4 . 41013111NG HOUSES RO HANTS - BUYtNGI rOLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. pLA - BON'tt'alVtlTll.: prifird:FACTUREitS OF, OM-CLOTHS, 140 NORTH THIRD STREET, FEILAOE4FEfffi., We invits the attention of dealers to our large stook of FLOOR, I'AtILE, AND OARRIAOS, OIL CLOTHS, GREEN 61/.AZND OIL CAMBRIC, I beautiful article for Shades. The jargon stook. of WINDOW„ SHADES and BUFF HOLLANDS in the market, attprieti which defy nomination. ' fey-gal 6c CO.. 1106.10 AND Oi NORTH TIDO STREET, WO/ITEM AND:DBAL;BRS SILK • . AND. PANCY DRY ,e,O;DDS,, want 'oooDa t LACES; LINENS, EMOROIDE RIES, lIOSIERt, CLOVES, MITTS, AND (0.1-31 n MAMA. nihron cooraa, Ws', N. ?Annear. ROBIN D, WO L, COMA, IiMOW' " WORK BSTORTSRS, MANUFAOTURERS, AND 'JOBBERS , 01' • , I-1. AT S CAPS , ADD. . STRAW GOODS, NO. 41 NORTH ,TRI RD STREET. 1/31r — Conymtly on 'hand a !arse assortment of Straw and Lade 'Bonne,ts, PAnhnis, - Legborn and Palm Leat Rata, Sonnet Tryaminga, Artificial Flowers; Rue4-3mche' *to. PWILAI3ELPIIIA. SOWER. BARNES.,& • BOOKSELLERS PUBLIICIINSEC OP ?ELTON'S ,OUTLINE MA'S AND KEYS. `MASONS' GEOLOGY. BROOK®' NORMAL ARITEIMETICS, - -SANDERS' READERS, to., No. 87 NORTH THIRD STREET, ' •(ISaat side. halo•► Arch street.) tad-SIP LONG z - ,lmnorteriand Whotante Healers In 'IRISH, ENGLISH - , AND AMERICAN TI-XRE : AIS.s; FRENCH AND ENO UV I,ASTIOGS EffrOf /ittIVUFACTURBR S' A 'NT/MKS: un v e niis a E Rua, TIIREADS, • CIOV CO -• • SOLEAG N FOx - Gurney's e6ehratedl2a, Mach c , to Silk, and Hp.field'e P &tent „Mot T r ees. No. SO North THIILD Street, fe3-llnt i1860."..13PR1NG TRADE, 1860. RAIGUEL. & CO.. 000/VIRES AND JOBBERS /N , FANCY DRY GOODS. 137 NORTH THIRD STREET, Are treeared to exhlbit at their salesrooms the most complete stock of goods ever °tiered by them, present pta unusual attractions to the trade generally. • - The stook comprises a complete assortment of ever/ vaziett BILKS: RIBBONS, • PRESS GOODS, WifiTB GOODS, . IiMBROIDERL63, CLOTHS,' ' CAS..inf.E.RES , AND VESTINGB, ,•• ' Arai • TRIAINZAW. Akio, a foll end markt aiteortxrient of Sprint AXD . • ' MANTILLAS. • , I To 11 1 1 of eihieh they invite the attention of . Oiell AND TILOMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS. 1.1f:rill/NS; ' • V. 0. strut, RAIGUEL, W. W. KURiZ, • H. F. BUNN. fe 18-ti - Ll A N pg o ,o : l—Gro T u t we ilt 11111671AMINVIi. te) t j t reso THURSDAY, APRIL 12,,,1860 . , • „ , . ~ ~ Ojsera-Ifingers and OPerayllitaitage re. : , Seine drys ego,_ we ,tonk, leave jo yeeinmen upon the skilful mancetivre of Messrs. tillssia • I and; Strattoech, by !which, after, Miss Adel 1 Pattithan takes leave of her Philidelplihne • 1 trons; she waif brought beeli fora se/ea:fn. finallarewelibeniflt.- We *rendered 'Why:V. Mr. CruntunlOr 4iell-kit y ciwnplan.ethtiving cf 1 third and ieitfer:Miell,4o4-irrt,tarkee'"„tadine.ei ewes had not inien made' for.having it, in limn • of Miss, Patti.- .An, adviirtisenaent,in the 2f ) York,papers of yesterday.-iwileatna.that the : rosily will be stag; faressollpaektgaitiutd ern chiding Patti`, llitnellWtratt*llMPlikakahedt, rims that t oi , ' , Ti itgYo a ['P.m il.:, , -,..ii0- , . 44 4; *,• I riti , -,a d ig i vi ri i i i,..l : ''''4 41• 1 401:*7 - MTWillin ' 31 1 1, 6414 - • ass tlistabdwillmalteihor neat tattlPtirollof 'cr ?sliest Apritlf!. tiffs(' Asiadsmi a stavingbeen of previoitily tor ute anniverts, the qoriipani,will d"ptrt for tromp isKR)OO.I- 1610 1 .36ru11id ptifilese_ nrififai mike therelosivg I segOspaswees t ortetkii i hoM. , enia" ern e L-p ; .e•31:: 'rr Ote,Yti V.o lB ;:lii.iti l l, t tg Iti 6 tet l Y;;74,o!ilai bieie ^ eorinenlietilii;,:”. S . O, "°enifti`CPOrtitiei iftinaiW . St:.,Nnit L e,aernher,:iosolit Miss Ade lina P;lti *ail biOuglieto this, city, by Meagre., •llllman and Strakosch,:the public. were inform-I ed that the young - lady was actually engaged for the Italian Opera in London; and must' leave New York in March, in order to, be in`Len..l d'on'at the - "opening of: . the operatie • seison l MiirtY pereen,s, Maxey among the number, cer- 1 1 tidoli thought ,it somewhat remarkable, that! within t!:few weeks after her debut in. New ! York, (and indeed before the news of her sue-1 cers could have crossed the - Atlantic,) .anyl engagement should have been so rapidly made by out English manager.' Be' that as' it' may, Philadelphia' waa told to rtiaki3 muchof little 'll4O Patti, dating the short little she could bei h'ere, tieeauie she muss leave this 'country toil tempo Si March, In order to appear in opera,! at ,London, in April. We did make mucked her, and sholeeerved it, for she ii a very - nice little prima donna, deficient in power, - it lirtrue, but singing ! prettily, with a iibe,'citeat Voice, Which seems: to gain 'strength `by len : Mice. If she is zipt; overworked, 'and . she has,' sang a great deal! `diming the 'six er seven months which have! elapsed since her debut in New York, she will be a very pleasing , and reliable vocalist, though neither a Malibran nor a 'Jenny Lind., For she has two drawbacks : first, her voice has' a tendency to run into the high notes, which almost invariably end's, in what is Called wiriness) . and, secondly,ishe 'has no prospect of ever beedming a_dramofic-vocalist,who not 'only sings bat acts. To 'illustrate • this,.we would : rimy that Madame Gazzaniga, with very little voice,-'produced great effects, by intense acting, and that Madame Colson not only acts well, bait' also sings with exquisite skill, natural and *quire& MISS Patti, so tar from acting, 'bits not yet learned how to walk _upon the stage. . Her. short,, quick, mincing steps ar e the reverse of 'graceful, aid remind us of Madame de Wilhorst's rapid waddle, which was so amusing. ' In March, just about the time when it might be expected' that Miss Patti was 'packing up' bey trunktitolkine forth; aCriisa the 'Atlantic, 'to corMninice her " Louilcin ' engagement," tfllman and Strakitsch dio,PPed her down In Philadelphia, where she took a solemn fare well (bene fi t) of the public, in the Academy. o f. Music, on the plea that she was , about going, to Europe. Three' weeks later, without a word of explanation, we had her again, taking ..-pond fire Well, (and benefit,) and playing two 'of Mietlintjettet.......,‘ „ I l i r t a - Theri lin'syateritin Ullrefilfd - Str - airosemir _,. Manegenient;:of meiritig'gie , , jiligers .play second to inferiors. Thus, Luria/go, was sa crificed to Gazzaniga; Laborde was put•in the back-ground, to give , place to that clever, tined bug, Piceolomini; and Madame Oolsen; by far the boat dramatics vocalist we have had in this city for years, Was kept back that the manage ment might make play with Miss patti:, We learn that Madame Colsonosho Isknown and appreciated In New Orleans, his gladly availed herself of the opportunity ofilltittinit avomPANY Whore she was sacrificed to advance such a child as Miss Patti. She has $8;500 tor live weeks' performance in the'new Opera Rouse at New Orleans, with $2:59' for travelling ex penses;' $BO for' extra dresses in each new role she appears in'; and half a clear benefit. Not ' only was Colson sacrificed to, Patti, but also to, Gazzaniga, whom Ullman, and Stra hoech bad to break with because sbe did not draw, in any week of her engagement, halfas much money as they paid her. Some years 'ago, in 'this 'very city, at' the National Theatre, Corner of Ninth and Cfiest nut, streets,'whero the Continental Hotel new stands, this same game of keeping back a,great artist to' bring forward .an inferior one was played rather strongly. The vocalists were Rose de Vries, with ft shrill high voice, and Rosie. The latter was by far the better Vocalist, but the managers kept her :back; and gaie all the fine chaiacters to Retie de Vries. At last, in disgust, Bosietiont hence, to Paris, where she immediately was 'acknowledged to be one of the best, singers of the day, and her reputa tion kept advancing until her untimely death in Russia, last year. Philadelphia submitted to the dopreskion of Bosh) and the undue ele vation of Rose de' Vries, and ao far partici pated' in . - it-Aust as they did when they al lowed Gazzaniga and Patti, in two seasons, to be,tinfairlY exalted over Colson. • It being part of our business carefully to road the loading foreign journals, advertisements not excepted, we have seen the announcements that liar Majesty's Theatre hi LondOn, under the management of Mr. Smith, (who previ ' misty had the Italian Opera at Drury Lane), and the Royal Italian 'Opera, Covent Garden, managed by,Mr. iGyo, ...rrottig.*lmpltipeoualy be :eporied on Tuesday night, April 10th. ; Wodo . ;net and the,naine ohiliss :Adelina Patti in the iiiivertilied lief e of singers to appear at either of ;these' houses. In feet, she is not engaged !either by lir. Smith or Mr. Gye, and the ; selemn announcement that she was, is a mere 'managerial, fiction, which at • once imposes 'upon and insults the opera-goers of Piftladel phis. • Indeed, the announcement, in tie New, Yolk paper's; Of its ," nom ; being deflislioiy ;settled that Miss Patti departs 'for Landon in' the middle of arrivi(thero in Juno, when the opera season la nearly over,) 'shows the character of the declaration, by the Same parties : , last December,, that Miss ;Patti Was positively," engaged" for ono of the ;London opera houses, and would appear at the 'commencement of the season. She is to make her last " final appearance" in Nei York on or about April 28th, after which " the cote pani will depart' for Roston and Philadelphia, for the purpose, Of : giving there the closing performances of the season." 'ibis leaves It a little doubtful whether Miss Patti will come ; buck here to have the third and last final fare well," according to custom, but we are pretty sure she will give us the benefit of the doubt, ;and come. , _ Opurct. Swint; and Amodio go, it 41 paid, to New Orleans, with Madame , Oolsoli.. p . so, where will Ullman and gtrahosett's company be Brigioli is a fine tenor, though the most awkward.: - ..nd clumsy man on the Mao, but his throat-affection is so much ittereasing,that Le must gire 6 bimeell rest, or risk the loss of hill voice. Ferri is a good singer; bit he is ohlY one. lest to be anticipated that Ullman eMd Strakosch mean to s iely whelly Upon *his Patti 7 Just half a 'century ikin, 'Captain • Vela" 'breque, husband of the fatuous Madame Cntalini, .writing. to Mr F Frederick Jones, lessee of-the Dublin theatre, intbnated--"You just put six peep/es:upon the Stageovith my' wife, and she Will make the ()Perm" Citallni could de it, but 'Adelina Patti cannot. Times are'cliariged, and besidee a girl of" sweet seventeen,' with a very nice voice and no dramatic power, we want a • full company, of, general, -geed NT-, ballets. , • • Towards,thla young lady we have the kind; tTW 7 venprilik. ^ • • 4. 'sr 4 ibliiifinit ' s..74 l _WOK tP94eT , ifikei and he v 9 CP) eNli, t Y:4 1 4 1 if,PA CIC . It,•I Me is •• ee i 14 , 0 11 410. Oh ,p 4 brefAilik have many ree 4 Pile , - hifig t 9 , 14- 4 10 PFKIII,PfAtert ,Bq oti :ha's, ..P., - 4auPd.l 90 - V#qt,r4 4 ._ 1.4 W/4 1 0'51 4 ° 1 ;1 Apm, i,leceßtinlyinx,,t,e, i ctrwsorgpf Phil " / * J _ l4 ; i'll,. kr4,ror, , ,U;*illdr, Pi call P 4 0 ,•• 'Lt . ° V r e 0 1 , 1 geere .4c1444. to /t* th e Y; 44 - 1 -07j fi l i :, hi l u l t 3 ,A ' ne:fPf PPF ilPalge4ii maiagers vroill,. pfr,r9l f icoty sincle ?Vicer4 j . t iP i t , 7•V‘, ith, PPP I i9! , ;:* r it#A l o el!er. ll 7 3 Rala 4 M4' IrciC,•lll"E ea ,et ~/141 °PO t 91.4 ??Peßt i e,utfKAPit c , Wflitft ei , Wit, le A c o 5 643 94 r Ailiff .f ( MIRR I V Oft- tali! wlil.Cr,9ll39:4l;silll4oolslc*i#l4VlWlket ittlqrf.4. ?cn#Tl t-ong RFtwo,cif. vrokmom tii'vpirrk ,retinevoirp Aftwm nap, figteßorg , .?wimmrrow44l4,7o4.9o44l came tothis coent7Nantl Gel I . 11 For Ti~e 'p 6) i r .1 ;•Ly • la Well knOlinthie 211 1 2 cYfbr i j itio: 2 2V ibomeroirs ohnis . rif fiiadreirithbwfitieft - 1(14 Os* of Wean* do Midnight darknati''of , timbal; ntua&A Veit of our happy, (vlrtpoe wibi mut daughters MOnld drawtheirgmmento9l4lPrAtoatid them totaveldeom, toot with any onaoftimae,and turyllteinaltogthelr doors with indignation and equiPuiPtz I tTilf! - 75 an ago . 4 was entlinatedthnt:iwanty Mammal& Rf "Vass I women were New York *Alf ritrinher,'ae lee may ti . e'!aapposid "fo t now In 'oar 'own Oiti. With tbe „, are yeit •ntitdeitd reside theta, net` inari4hati'One hundred, mut - liftyinfatirone - year are- aiiitiMit to enter the asylums proridedr, feethitra.; In.looking with despsdr•at the out amokordeft tolooomplhh t)ietr, own destraetknt ,of body and ; mid, therques• tion arises, °linnet. more.,bo,,dmio o to reeoh•them enrlier- 7 -before,tbay are entatighskin.thli welt of gamoOt ranks fiMA they chiefly aottie' be' entered, , add ; 'the' taken and ei'ved,liefont the y Sri ad enough to been the.life they'are'so sure to'llYe Whiff to ' And - for Pet this! purposti;- there7ll •fil'aerolety which is Working uttobtritairely, but Steadily' and hopefully c - ,The dinduntrist.flome.for Girlie', an. deayoties tO dp •jost reetdotta girls from elovrm yeamoldtpoighteearrwhatiterhroaght th.Cre:by 7 polieemenaa lowan* placed theta, by , parents unwilling or, nahlo: to taite„ . oire of them, or 'by' thOne itithntstcd in think 'hotlines . they are takes Mine Who'it'atis bat "any titic; 'eta in dinger.of felling? regfres them a wohtt,:irith instructintan" heutehold'work, sowing, reading, Wrriting, ho:; end as winei rathiry are-fitted,. provides- them with , carefully ardeutdd pieces. (generally in the country,) until , they ass of age. The sictetris lletle kltswp s tiaCtan means nre very ; but, there, are not few, even now In the infancy of Its no •Istentirtorhchsve token-fromlbeen the strOots or from wreMbed beams, thientere no hemes,and whinged' from dirty, 'rag god; violont ohildrekinto ' quiet, itiOdeet, useful girls. • A tali of them have — gtreiritriemist; that their. hearts have, been tanted.not•Qtahiand•goore bare - shown: that the seeds of troth ,hara: ; Jodgfd deep, and will trier fruit in lime td emne. Bot thir.raattemits want - more Mosul teltartand their operations, by, taking • larger,botwe,in widah they may acnOmmodate a gretitar t narnber of girls, and keep the& for a long* 'time. they desire eornently also rtohave a heneatei th saltielea t &Mind for a garden, so that the girls may .bave,air :and exerene withorit going 'beyond" t he 11Mitst of :the establishment', • For inareasenf means , they appeal to the public; - , I beikarieg .that •if their objeat them plan, their, Requisition, sad their' eneotir!tigemtatt for' fete wotk , , era fairlymmlie known; timed nattamalk this nownatitty be Moak of . 8 7PIPO OrOf s~ni - a Donations of ny kind will bwgratefallini t ielvad at the " ome, Net 32 1Beath' Thirtieittli street: &s -low Spruotr,_ and aubtariptlonit, Gallas kat to the treasurer, 1C0,1202 Ohastaut.streek or to Allows T. Shinn, northeast tomer_ of Broad and dpruoe , . , Tite,RePolt of . ..i r ill - 4 1 : 36 ,4 1 , Shkirgi•PlLO/o. the Brillvik,l l YeAt ,asyrr" e z he patio of SinnisiOs c;;r:r.is to thoJmooroircotootot - Litihowirvtitudttridtat may, % berz , who km •rieceatly addreared-die Loeddo Morning Bera/4_,upon, this -important: aubjeot. Ile has well reinerbed fhattbe ory ruin bes,nbt proceeded Irate, themplittere Of this LQiiiid *itbobt deep otiose ; for thgt, with All ; the *sera", gait and economy in their mode of management, tbey,,hav,e ono by one 'seed ' tbele otrxi" bard 'earnings, or .the ,hereditary , - property rof :their =ancestors, mett way.. under the, onaorpd, competition of slavery; wbile ,beie been. &pled the only utensil' by'which tbeyrislistt have Votioilt for sacsemi This is en old story,, but it contrieter be stale whilir the oanse of oomplainP OPutinnes ;. and lett is only by a 'reiteration of that vie can 'kips to ',Sik. vines the British phhiiio a the grave ritW& tbey have boeweedneed inseeKenotittlug, and the serious itijary,tbey baye inflicted, it ia Op. stored , d4p, -of i"vdry tine 'who has either pen or press ef,hts omit • manitto contribitte es be asn tlyitskid - dealing 'the desired and, • • , , - . . Despite, the many,facts and figares which hese repeatedly been atlduied during ttie lett twenty year, in. proof of • themelanoholy late Oita Uri thorit a deep:oration of labor, the landin any coantly, and more eskcially ih one an lisiably,endow,ed with natnielittlesidsges' ,Isnatice, autibunalas can neither be properly ,developed; nor its cultiva tion he sustained ;- and in equal deflance,,mr.the other hand, ,of the proofs of inoreasing preduotlye ness of • doe' countries,. 'whetbee slave bk free, where -this equilibria:a, is ist.Teli. rasiuttilua t i t efi Ent continue; to, be contended by a• party whoee. antecede:Ad give MOM hiportintie, either that Ns labor lialtiestion: hislnot dindaiateld'AilfWW'hAse ropreseuted, .0:)91en--.-whurnl,ndmittedr4liut , this haa 'risen' from caoildietanoes frviepeetive of thesretiliontradslgtieBi by lA.' , Tollnise who lire inclined ; to argue. ta• 4W:summer, the .following facts are rospectfally, offered :„ • 11 . 0nba, poesereing 'glare tabor; the' piode - I:Lion of linger iiirlB27;:waa only 100.800 tons • • in 1850; It hes ruin to 2511 1 000 p, and in 1852 it has reaohed the enormous amount of 400 ; 000, tons. Ia the United' States, also slave cultivated, the production' of auger daring the same pericki rose from 88,000 to 348400 hbds- In Broil;, also et, slave oituntu, grvit spirit; of that country, coffee, inoreised front 8,000,'000 lbs' to 320.000,000: -•- , ; ; • In Java, where a 'modified alelpary . eittde r the produotion of both - sugar and, coffee. hal remained, neatly stationery.. ' ' ; , • Qn the othet !mod. thmaitit,trbioh frl 1805;dnring slavery . , produced - .150,900, lade, of, sugar,,W, . 1814'3•i;000,000 ibir dr lii 1.848; after,nearly . twenty ' Years - of 'freedom.' with a dispersed 'and :wholly inadequate population. exported only 23,000 htels and 3,000,000 Ilia of.coffee••,, • - , :While Hayti, which under the 'management of , the Frenotti end with' slave labor, annnally'prO ' duced,above eightlnandred million pounds of ;des gar, and some ntnety millions of.poffee,. ..now, ender , a free Systerd;'doee not 'prod:tot safßcient sugar for lita 'own consurnplion; ,and depends altheetentirely 'on its cultivation, of „ogee,. vliolt is eletx l fM. ;half 'What Wield sixty years ago ! ' , In Barbad43. , `honevek,' the free systeni be !worked welt; and why? pimply bgoa»deitiadense ly populated—containing ten times as many 'tents as Tamales, in proportion 'to its'sise., In lids model colony, soodrdutgly, we'find that the'prodne,- ;tion now Mlet 400 M o -what It was derinplatery lwhile; Mauritius, Trialded,„ and Demerara-- !thanks to 'the cimutitind of itnmigient labor to sup ly the defielenity ,areated by Tr au ,t 16 '—t b e products have-also very isonside,r,ebly inoreased,-all though 'nothing certainly, to compare with, the 'gigantic strides madisby'enba; Sointheiti States of 'America, and BrasitifOr to compensaterfor thelose. 'sustained in Hayti, Jamaica. and other. free islands of the West.--,Toraciai. Trelatray , Linens , or , flots.' H. 'Thirsrica,=—This'Titt - i ter or the- Representative ',from , Mid ‘i Old' Tenth , ' Legion,l' Savor of the nomination of ..joydge Doughise concludoe as follows - , , 7 , "In loosing over the list of 11111111:41,118.L;r * a. disea pre ses' one to the Charleston Conventtemiseases' one with which we cen.wiekeall,lArleititonn greasier. There and nurtiber of stantinten Ur wont receive the unanimous inmeort,thcfinartvi liut can only. discover to samara one t e alerneinte.which Would ob tain for tie outaidesitrenithiOThor onallroir hate. ions since conjectured, 1 cc:Restos to be Mr. 1- 1 411114.1. among, the °titer. gentlemeni , namegmliets:sas thohe xi] igloo in war, totha. ttenate,sCitarn tawl Aos, hia or that p &Molitor talent: h hie or thilt ree b u t' fOr" not one of,them rkt his moat enthnemswo, friends elajta , that . be can obtain 'more than listrtat pert; vote: to plant any, one oftheet „we egmuld ' , have tweet On Use Damoeratio party. and it globe. Bat we require mor.,• and vegutrO, greobiely. that Whloh Mr. Vottglail able to give. litvery parisincionoedeli that Mr.'Moiighie has Opfer- 'atonal and pastillas strength annum ,Inen who have , baen? noting recently with es; while at the same time his, lons.and consonant .lentoyratio serviciscaroWithillenti the Warm and energetni coppers of onr whole party. ttae9 :treat ability. hie hood anderesnip boar , tog, his defiance of the combined assaults of ]salon, foes; Inn; consistent, said trier , and WeNwention; We won for hint a plane in the.popular bean_Ninon% sonnet be truth - owed, ME 1161111nd:10R leotard yroapail. tsniantest to as ;. thr nowinellimoltLltly IMP would, to toy the lota. Pane the tom:tett Halloo * , I favor thel;nogir,:rokm.,/ , st r. Mangles: and inflilebeta by the .are isommtiof reason tag,manyofm7 construes from Abe Southern States' kire joining In the moyement which., promotes to carry. him triurophantlf aver avethe•terter.hettlity of men who prefer the defeat, of the Ilemoorntio party,,to,thoseua7, cowl of a rival • laul. very; raapectfullyeyoprM Mery t, „ .1: '; '''41115."-"Ki=clC%-: : ftwrznnia .Bitasw -hitwavoita.;- 7 The l term of-the following Banat9re,eapiradi with the oloite-,oi,tJte last !1910Prf• ind.•Nald!* P:4l Zanotieter ooit*; „ha . Stoller . of ; thella,fder4*- triatY Veil of Chqatei Arid Ilei►~are fir., ROttierford'of - Diaphin atidtebitiok far: Matielie,' Philddeliihia:otty;' Mi. Ttnlney ot tie WbYiui9ro- iand. district ; Mr. Miller of the Washington 'dial' triat ; , Mr, Eranoleof the Lawrenee.-dlitriet;'-ifi. Craig of 'the . Cartoii distriat Retell of the Bedford distriot. Of those ietiiitig,'''setrers Beinberati,' and 'tour Oppoititien; Messrs. ahaeffer Baldwin, Rutherford, and Brandi: ' MtaMENM IMME=ISII= THE W irki;iX, goat to II keret/bee. ief piall (per smut. edreege.) ae site° Time Copia% " " _ LP. Fire Codes, , COO n u ", • • . 4 =fie Tlnistytte-~"-- - sderemd OWN Twiqttpr Beek, - : iM siege, of otektuboorlbot.) - Pt! • For bof Twasai:am.ot owr.w.atnli ours *ow to tho 6040-11, for ~ at as ItMd Tau witiays 4,81;1, - - • • ..awrirmis*TAXlll4l. • - -1. ittdeasers 15 i 4t t l- Kmatt4,4114 1 .,• APattgimia . or A, novel ,eam:of - balms - eorpas;, fordable curium and important g **oboes otlaw, weageemetly tried before ledgeji: M. ee„ = of tito,Ttialois Court, Coilaitt4alt4( o e , lii; Veit of that oily, nacted ' Wffiam lass; s 4,0 - tine' shied iss orax, enamored sii,tb a bb, atsodateider, laiosa n / tioleman; whearesigrosatet bisralhatimis,- and a marries. aegasmosat was toinimiedele, • Bak the efasteledgeb faint 'bit tbeierrgstiemaifelk aa antrong,rikillfgrUeliiiibilsiteg ,by lam 4., Ken i uek7 ymaa Li. Ohio, the ristraig , to,ottlamiven,Wolakt fie ./e -retweik7sparriagor betimmtr:blealmtalatival slam --beine-psabibited Weld tttaga: " 411 0 " 1 : 14 0 4 , 1 4 Of ttoOnT) sad ••--e bbafe it 4 teiatig of !ha Peer , .the rbb nuptials, The - girl being years of ago— riy*tiitaderlite `lid habits Arse. s.t'rotation of .:astreloo, and a ,linte. command - y Jrt i loore, db` seas UM by itiein was preamdt,* -rierk4kaufrattlhat-sliti -zoote„thaii delillasarywalle eft4o,Parlialidirmhided, As patina or borinfassoY - ne plooeiffroft tlitmarrisp wee solemnisairweefreemketawmalat—l'M attorneys for the oteralkim wi abase , Sao as timparties were residents of, 3Keritpoity,, marese ,ales "OW to eiradelb6- liVais of that - Etate - we.,and Tot& The 'ignitor Multaltßal the niarriamivoladt 01$111,1Adjtiate:tire" east* Of • 11 P.. eri t - •1- • ' • -Mtn Foirk-14:40 ter' itereio-orwi 16:40;-m,oisti *shod oat irer l y"yeair to sin , * In the . hinds, Oren years, re the"OndOetiiii'l*ien Yitatil. ) 6o_,ooo tueo will hare beiefrontsfeekitier-littof wiiiira will be broughtiotri th. retest eitity, ike eon. stituking a morred - -Eirow,liable th be *died lite aareios9theg needed. the , end of amen year* theyorilh,hit'dFetted tote the - Rational Guard, where i they will mime 1044 fMy-ise ,yearo old, aiediaphireed ,'oldie are, also to berdrafre4 into the ilttati!; end to geririoe Digit forty_ five years of age. By thlt irringeniant:the Empe ror will Tiayb reedit6i leirice Moment as effeetidiftiteed2,Boolo6:. - ' " rgr (fe &wider; ariie-ighi we. to halo taken Otte• istlfirtanite between ar royal' tiger of Vol. liana'amienagerio and; threw bleedloweds of is c l i tt h A st a a emit) tubed, , Thelaffair was molting a great - deal of interest.' The battings was, of eoutr,,aga!hat the tiger, but there were mriain Shrewd, inter: l 4 oll o o 44itrititOetakeh4 Yankee type, tetailnk 'ettlital Ia .offered, AL MT &sill theAlgar the Nabs. by catching 's; %Mind edit , bid estia; 'Ank haw, hi could be reotii dad, bid killed end lead* way with Vie best portion alba ; silid , =moestwil ' obsin miler % last Aid 'Oat trouble kis Ago s'lip in the, sligitteri degree. _! It• was, etklandood that the, toped would leak /414'9 4 E4 to !ha *s tent of a handiwd bane* •, , , • Too '',31;:000 Brig imlort —The Vieksbxtre . See of - Toiiiriy: give, the toiletries, aceoliot 'of in awful- `tragedy in Wishing!** comity z • • . • • kaye3mit mariami imeasalieti•or tholonemot NM ; in retapon to the burrito*. of • noire MIL et Woottelk's:plamiatfom!on•Deer , ereee. - It stereo that I VetUfigVeNaZilton ' lre on the seetaltelootarioaorotardoge two,/ ae n e be corking in the held ana . tlerlDerntelLeallited y hie Wei intol t!thkeflirroLotieUrirMerrelragbelfri bgine'reierhal "the t r n o=r;fr i. 'Pliant th a t VAlri.,iirmirgabam. nett. ' O 6 Aron t46N,l l istt :44 hi* of how* Ike wee ,paptured, timed. rotOelthegt desperate etrnehtle; the saireofte being Vet to all they knew to *aka Mgt alive., ateviee ppeettelheerma Mee.- they took Met • beck to the plantation to emeeider whet, ' , nets/wan be teeehebiettrah. &ming Wby pelipset: Ole gentlemen were oten-kac,_at the ommatAl.wletto.l.- otothetthstaiseireetterreekeneeitreeeent• should es arr a ttria t g: pre~arletai at ones aaynteiiar ixofroLb•• Aardecided to as eheetoteezwbedi was demi e presence of all e metro's on that /tee, several et moodhlahog,giemagloaa.Mter whoa egelletßerna4 ant ifthel e , wi te on trntinne. se awful a.etwala **Wm! of ;am, domed meet sever vie tutees& - the emit toni n g.. he.inhtee; teehket. was home that hearoald • tabs egitimaiel Ultftwhen the)" awe! each Allier ih!teV 't . . . Tg4,-Patxoa - or WALIS , 011 - ..-PRISONZIR.-.4oftli- Nail is* artinsennent has - been afforded at Oxford through =the etoentrie neediest Of a knight of the plough, named Hedges known under the swire- - quer of.**,Lord Ohlef,Justice,Hurne." It appears his froyal Highness Ars POMO of Wales in nom pa ny w Ith Coronet Mtippell.: Winery in waiting, Mr. Herbert.ffiehrtgartelialeinter to his mild highness, Bari, Brownlow, Sir. Frederick Johnstone-B*4 A H. 11,, Mitrilisint; Zit, a. chipu 4ni r..;, H. Tay- lor,H KU Be.; went *out with the tenth Oxford shire • hounds, on Frider.laat; but, meeting - with fterent - sport, life,royal party, on their ratans to o . l rolmt[detirtnineff thos a ridesseines the country. NotheltigstragnaintedWith the locality; they made their • wax,,, lands of:farmer - Hodefe, at. Barton, ands , *at being aware of the temper of the sturdy firtne *Tinto the farm yard: - ffar tner,liedgem, ,with e"..irriregartl• for ties pumas, Inamadiately 'slimed tie ghee on the illus trious- party, and levied a finetik sove reign for ,lausages,' - enforoing the' deralin "ws *rt_ %time lion - that, none.. 'of , them s.alacrelcL leavor--entil, he ~ had pocketed , - the..atneunt. , The pare,..._ Alt fi rst Imagined that When Hedges was ao-. quaintest with the namerof hisYntiterti, he would t once have claimed the royal , tdemersery ; but in this they were quite Mietaken i for upois, being in formed that he weirdetehing the future' king of England, he remarkodot.Prinee Orion Prince, I'll have my, moneY,'l .Tkaaatermennststo.f the Prince's redline May well hi initigined hut ;hikng mounted cud encompassed by. 'ldea - W alk; they were-tom ' polled to. yield to .the iinemorali. farmer, who. I added to an '‘ amiable" disposition, sipaserrawarof a powerful frame and onthe occasion in question was armed, withu dung fork:Abe emblem 'of his Jailing. . The royal; _party; although somewhat air: noyecrat their detention and the obstinacy of the farmer, made the best of the joke: the Prince above, the, rag being Muds amused at the turn matters had takes. • - - ~.', Din, GOODRICR'S 471PIPLCUTUI Snits,—An atm don •safe of cotillderable inleteet took piece on Wednesday last at -the risideidteseflion/82 A. Guedriols, , (Potir ,Itegley ) a: in Elintori•Plaoe; New York, - The artioleseeldibeelitiedArouse raze gams in Paintidg and ssialpture, Collected hylki: Good- - rich durthrliii isesfreetseeliti Paris is 'American coned, ,witiols,Toritien .I,se.beld for h number -of - years: !airing. the,paintings sold, ware a due copy of Titiab'S **Medel," Ma original portrait 6f Frank lin, taken bye odebrated - Freaoh-artist during Ma residence at 41e1Frtn/Ch COATI, and; al, superb copy of Mnrillo'S great idatire, .‘ Thelmmacalate..con iceptioa." • It is nolgenerally known that Murillo hassle ,two, 'notarise, en this subject, the first one being now. in the possession of Mr. Aspinwall, of :Sew York, slut costing thi rty q thousand dollars.. he second' one, - which was considered the great picture of Ms life! mu in the permeation of Marshal nett' rind! his death a few years einem, hiving can taken by hint during one Of - hie Campaigns 'MC 6 ' aid 'in 'the ware of the 1- firit - - Nripoleert. After ,t 0, death of _Gov't, ~this piotare Was sold at nnotion n - PariS, and nearly ever] crowned bead o Edirbpsi was reeireiersted 'at the sale. It was dually .knooked dean to rthti French Government rl2 ;some live bewared thousand francs. (about 9,000.) 'Mr. Hoodrich was present at this sale, tend immediately engaged - M.'atilet, a celebrated Freneb artist, .10 tithe X copy of It. - -The copy Is tat( size of the original,,ies exqnisitely finished. and 0$ said tb - furnish a Very correct idea of Its este brateeloirkriaal, ' Thiipairsting 'it/tether with the po r t ra it of.Franiclin,,aad 'nation' M a w , were ikarchaedl by a gentleman of this city, and will (adorn a private gallery whioh he contemplates reeling.—Newark Daffy Advaituer. The Humboldt MaY Massacre. The California Papers contain further particulars -A the,ileedish massacre of Indians at Humboldt bay, by some of--the white residents of Humboldt ;Natty, California, 'A correspondent of the San , . prancisco Builesin says :.. .. " For thelut two or, Wrest years there have been ergs settlements or, lodges at Wilms, on what is ailed Indian Island, and: South= Beach, both - of Mph are within nehert distance of this place—say, mile... ,These Ind ans i -a great many of them at onst4have learned ,teipsals the English language .''as to :be 'undiret ood; and a groat many have amid an-honest lisin g , byworkingin town, and Quint ,the,settlere There were not les than ten ~ r 'fliteen.lutlf-hreed infants among the squaw., na all *ere Using On ' the moat HisaldlY and ntimite.. tenni with the whites ;. , and, all bad eon , assured 'of the protection- of.; the United .tats.; ; garrison_ of this place , ebennended yl,fujor Baines. 4 tha, midst Ot '.. this fainted comity, the two camps ware rushed upon arty in the Morning 4 Saturday, 25th February, nd, literally and eomplebely wiped out. Yes, air, y .pen almost, refusal to , record it. Nearly two =Ore& huma n were pat out of existence , the short Spacsi of one hour from the commence ent of the bptcbery ; and though you will hardly elleiretwerl atstire you that every squaw and obild as; tilled that could be found. One man alone, pthircof the band, boasted next day that be had , int: l 4lo l V Women and children with his own luka,;O:r ri,ther isataltet I Fire-arms were used to eery limited extent ; but the work was chiefly one with loitchets, iron bludgeons, knives, etc i t' Next morning, .Ivisited the camp and I mums Jon that - the menet was harrowing and sickening kh the extreme. Old squaws, decrepid and gray. hatred; young equawe, the mother of two or three Children, were lying lea pile,. Sometimes, and fro. c uently:, the - infant-would -be mortally wounded cod (dinning to the &Sul mother's breast. The stalwart becks lay scattered round, quietly dee- Fbabefl with a blow - a- from hatchet, and a thrust . e two ahout the heart with a isrie•knife. Infants ncorawlhig aroma. ami hiding among he rub hish, Sta.:, Altogether, it was the most mokening apentsele that fever beheld.; And all this was done irithin stouttlincw.of 'the United States barracks; riVatig!la aOurilFou, that so United Stites bar- , kao s and United, State! -tXoPPI alit ast perfectly _ mime ' here as, they .ore . anywhere. .. ,Notwith ....._... on the o,,,Reliition. signed . by. all :the tiles on AN A2T9rl praying hives itskubi to protect the &ilea, ty.Autitany yethe Las tbings"rip: " It' 4c,441 Ana AIM. We Are .adratoingrbaik: 4, 83 44 in chibi s atipu and, Banality: • .This is , the Snot war carrie,4 Ott;M women and children ' that I have ',karma... feilettialreemal any thlnglike it; -attri-X. Mus aw el krens that these things have hiesjiettithy beMonallingtheinselves Americas._ , .- - OP.- teled ( )ol7:iarant/44 &Aar tie citi'! aln a tb4,lff lit! 7:4leklaieracgtenissitande of '' 'Owing killed, w own hands, sixty infante." GENER,ki, ;NEWS;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers