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''':'-;‘-i",`.',;;l:' ' •-,''..- - ::: ,- • W ' , :',130 , ..Nkl*3Mil,w.it • . --1,..., , ~ _ ...„. -..,-. ,----,:lks till ••• , : ~. -..5-2,11,11k,,i,---,-_,-=',2 - ..• .Ihp, , , -4 :, - '...,.;--'l . ._,... -,1 ,,,i r- j ili4 ,i . - I , .ie cul ti." , , Aoliiiiimeg , otimakimi- floo via, ' 4tilnitadat* .1-1--iy4:l.oo7*,,,,mid.l"llll4itaiii,: i. e -k-Alltlik, • II" MRSI4I' -.7-",,1.,,T;;;:1i "; -''' 1 •iNts , , ! -. ' ----' - BitL.:l!.;:t4 :..,„ 1 ,.. , ' -,-- • ' - ._iaow,-,- wasiiitig. ~ :i =. 7 .- - . j.--- ''.•C::: . ' 2 . l f'::::':-:':H - ::-;!;:'-, -- _,"...;„:4,`. - '•: ~;''.'r -',- . . i,,„,,::, .„. 5 ,,,, - - - rilt-f,A.. - -Tv r.' GO ODS 'dill MIS* 013Ulit, Millie. SIMII, mown folio Amid Jam" kap . War 010•041 loseiveandflisissok siteskin, Oak ' WOW whiligtao • , :.‘ '' . .,.iramarraMMOlLlutat piiutait 4 rroliwortow ll sl4 attoisi-rusitoistactids. s i 1 . tY imw_immons IN UMBIVIII PAREII7I6 - mmumearrimovisisteans. ao; - • ' '110:00/111140.431MtlI000.44.'• wr ~ 7rdtlelie Is oillialassur , M* IN Omar Adult.; Abet' viyigtitt boa at sidoilioi . 4110taiodeifr, go I* reisamanaot AO* ', HUALABORN.47ONES, t_- I`_o:**W KONEwria- OVIIP/Oblin*FAMlt' " .',l l l.l;lllMMlStiai. - misalsommagissiarsaiiiiimaiiin • a leap aatimetat eamit et the AIM* $006114 402',BilAltliET:igrrt;:':: / 11 - 6 , 8 T,0,9„K1860 ON sea r aura art same air ear' et weir ' erg o Sao la elrr Assositr: 1 .41 1 0 110 . 14 thlf _," , , - F1.,, , •41.11:141 - 110U4k1364 :II A !Is i F,U R , wituritanausimimirgerair aeons. . 4 ,llinsinailtirmiwavissmariraiscAo., •-•• -WO* eat". Vhl ll o llo , ll Tal - 01 4 1 "; Solik .11(Mi 1101,1111111 r; ! t_. " ~0 1 1 1r Ai01 4 1 4 11 1t - 411totrESA$0":13HOPAS. 411totrESA$0":13HOPAS. au" swat f i giriciwx,t4iliaN. CXX.,,- I.llrallu. 1-110: alialAiOn2; • i,r"±"josaitirr' WU Mit SaolllrAlt Piatingh,; 'ma vilAwr4o.'44•-iiaiiiiii# ' , 7lat !OVICS D:&1(1113.:, ; o * * , 4 tiNpautni;iroLlrocci: , ithuinitiukui a .wnsaw , , Awnywab maws's, it". r;:,=iNiathviatmrtow lb -04=40z ; „, " - • • 9!! .44 le Tgletablif MOM* 1* Lgt►Dowi FAAREPOI*II;IIIIfAiIIt -404-11111011.0¢EUIttOlflaleff sPALIA XLER-&REP ;BLUE! • - • TIMM wpm writ, 11°C. P nr" &MI , ran inio;# s sorm, was •iseprei; no voil-nitsisiod isillishit is •Tert 10 - 110ficia112•100111241 atiat,furaaMrisi tttalttatt4Tollip C ron .1 PRAPARE:s„ Unr; pat *6 WWI* - Simi Mind "; 'ls lswitismitit,it is shins sistiltestis stick. Wows liMissiti-for UAW* IikSOMPIII, TWO* beilill,q,iflllaikt,tielm ItilifillitVer MU* daramedsiapli.sed ewer ,4 0 0 , a 16 11111 % - s tipilliati WM* bibis al tit valuable aisoft Mid Its i be • siiita 4 . 01 / 1 1#1.,/1 1 , 1101 . 1 . 1 h . 17 ' lO Ist Xattllol2llllo • 11. A. , , Sek,""4". • * *4 ,',;'., ; F;CriiicoTivolvitxrg daft, t ustarstlsWit.putii = 5ki* 110411 1 1 % 11 0 41 00 4 '''',:—Jl2l*lill'itiarlit=l2lllll 41444 011MIVIM , 4, .::111P*114001140,1V. r' •-• --- :wtatlgEPB-1111.11PAS110 , 0Linr. .: : A . -isilhaPP elmtliftliinastassistriiikhe# Ihig ; 67 ' • , 041") , M110 . 011 an. , 00,4 4 14tV014411110• 3,%7V-Pre'44Lcf` •Lllrical - •:"WM44i-kZ7-F,J, ,- -7t - dT-7 7 . --, ;.'537 , 74 . •'''.7 77 _ • ,- - . , ~;;, 41,?04-: - *VeNtomeriamodiort4 0 ::3 , q-, -- ,--. - _.. i Fild.r#i.Lll ,.- • - ' , , - -'...--'••' , ',e r , •''- - - , ::,,•.'•;: z. 4 .?•,4.;:',t,, , ;Et , ......M r.11714 - N3'n , ' Llitriti Y - - - - - -^' '-4 disk.. .'4A --,, i - -$ , , , ,,, , , ,, r. , 40.,ftf.,,, , t; ....1.,.;-.i. ~--. .; , Ir , {1 ›c4::k-143 . 6 - s , :ir,"zt - 3:1;...;' ,, , 1, 1„, ', i4, - '4'?.%'1 4 , - ' 4 , : , 4 , . • -i, ' Wfvo • ''. .' " ' - • ' .':./iiiiiil, ` • "...- -, •' l ,' , •".Iv. - . •-,== i - .. ", ,t ,:' ?Sit. •••••...irk..F.,. - t r .f.,t, a , R it * , , a .:: lb , : fP 1 . i . .5g,, 4 4 ,1 ..7-:4..,4, 0..: 4„ e ,- . 9 4..,„,vy:i,: .' .'h' .'.'.„s ;ir'.... "..-'l. .-,‘-4:-....- * - --. :-.). -- . 4. 4 i - , t i t + -- , 7 4 W -, . P i 4i ;i --•, Pi.'. /, —rl- l!,',”'le' ',. •1 -; . i •• l --- t,.. , i.•i.•",•, ..-.1 . "v - ,4`..'' , 1` - ••••;•;-,e•41... , -^1, • • • Jf' ' -- ' ''' D ` 14 ilia" ~÷--4..).'51.,,,„cc.,,.... Zi,...?,-,'.. C''rCYV.. , ' . ',1" ., ".11 . .?,, , ,,.,?.3.::.VW .. •47 ‘..."`rr-C , _g s '''..":” - 2,-.''','"' - - -.... ' ' , - ' •,, , V;g:4.1 , ,,-,Wir ..., A7 - .. , :25 .,F i r fk'76 t 'Ye '.:-'-g,,,,,1''V.:-.::, eszrAulErvelam. !!!!!I voL. 36.40. s' Commuesion-noveze. ' 0H1N114314' irrA,zmen• L 4% HUT • , __......,..,„ • '. tini4t " , , • -• 140:1111*0;111=HANTS nnyirtn '' ' SION ' X or ' 1 '••' - ‘''''....'. R 'BALI _.-J , 9 is. , , ~ ;„„isi,,, • •W* l -; - T-4 N . • G • COFFIN. & • its afteinttrT •STUNT, 7 01E mous doierikaut: of I , itER/0414 - • , GOODS :num oi-itnrui AND mu* mime. "616; AND BROWN IKEilariels AND Di t n all • artasuited writs, Art) TRIM!. ' -0014 ST Jlailionlailtwo, Aso wari • F/04Malidia42 iell /4 Nlll ", AlfD boT "TONADB/. '.itia,:vrooteArD UNION aOl%lB. • . num AND P.m?. omstmsain. 44#.0R LIED MIX= Dossimni. SATIMITS AND:11111021,0A101901128. TIME% CLIIIIKARATIL ia, io. sums - al wooraxims IffoILIWAINE & BACON, Xo. 188 FirEBTNI7r drsE sr, Bitty, per the Weld sniiste, received a Lilo stock of UMW Sad, yropLum'adapt•ct to the Clothing sad dingSsirTirde: items which are the following pOpolsr iialwof:olotlfa: • .' • - O. ifi1111 . 011414 (Son of!. K.) iflole aid Half Soda. k Bozos *. luiriztex of ill grad's. , A 50,14 aid N Ittwalurre, OASSIMERIM PAN .OY; 40;13/OLLErS SIElf MIX:TOILSB mid" TRI -0071:110IN DB 010311. BLA9K. SILK SATINS, ObtTON BAGS day.. BLUM BILK ThIPITS, * - 404 ask 1 1 1417 Y 81LII VESTINGIkko.. to. ail Of whisk aro tared for isle ea flirorible tones. AVlrfltralhot " " LAST 'ASErfAllt FAARELL & MORRIS. ntroasiiis sM cosausam inmoniais, STRII3I7. 14v•Igeolysd fie thelalie Almon hal eimaiises 4 !saw safi BAXOIIIF morn; Atla Dostiams 4161011 . 1rblialk an a , aad had "Woos asvps & loambrtf, do. do. • OBIANSILMD DOEFIELNIL - 00. , likiiiksipisiot _their • wommiar awrosta. bosom's sax itLup. 0OATiNOO: - VOTTON WARY autric ' • OOTTONADNO mod ' "71111` PAODINos, .414-*sai w etiesQ Soroile ON FAVoIiABIN toodkaorr• WALVE • 4,wßotxs .2A.L ,- 01Oft 01* • • A`Ni) idemaicm,s. DRIT9B, :4 1 08% . PAPA Lo• WEIT.I3HOEM4KER a co. 111411THIMIT 00111U1S ' INTIM Aft ILAcra arluirre,. FIE9I4III,La , DRITGOISTB, illtentavitt tits &wants of (3 9 13 NTRY MERaHASIV I gm, ilea has meek 4 - ora.,'vtitei titirs tow at the Plark ol ll l , ,40011-11 ,Ii„-W4MellX 8 t,JENICUrg• dm. BUTLER Moo4ItTY, NORTH BZOOND MUM, AMERICAN WATCHES.• GOLD AND siraymi, GAM, AT THE ' LOWEST . JOBBING P 1110.611, ablkosail - ,• • .P 2lll. MWELIC—t_j • AT Itel4llPrcrusEWs , ' P. DMlO — frg E BON. . : ; foutworocres% AND 11111WATIn st Etreilow ortnand a arortanent o trd on d Jet . Unmoor, do /nom lei love ,of 4"art STititr. iioo,addloraxl4,tiaLVlNVe e $. W T .,IICAVER. reti-windtm • Superintendent HARDWARE. BRO.. LISSILTERS AND WHOLSBALS DEALERS - ':;.HARDWA.RE: qi;rtupair # ebini, - PISTOLS, &a., RS . 313811 T MEAT, " 329 - 319 PW 3/XTlf, KORTH RIDE, • itillAnvesk - PHILADELPHIA. A • BBEY - , -NEFF, • • • NO. ioe NORTH TRLRD STREET. - IRiva 'len,: to gin moot ma' plot* stook of Walla latiortattoil. - and Minim nuonfootuni, which to. tba MAIL .TRADE' an Ma vary beat MOORE.HIONMZEY.& 00 etTriallY. and GUN ; r INIAZIEROUNE., Igo. WAKE . Md 415 OOMMIMOSIttests 1 .2447. .6141 me eztTxotizaw• - 1410 ° 4 4 0.E11y & CO., , - 4N/ 11144/ST !ITEM, . LF4 R B. DTATIONIDS,', AND /MANI-ROOK ItARIIPAOTURNR6, tNrslrrh anoCrou-adistig stoek, IMPORTED. DOMErno, sad of Sink o!wsk ittANUPACITUAZ Wit#idiiallistalittill • t,loWt Nicol. • BLA,,wis_ BOOKS i. isrmasoki r rind. to actor. of say 40 111 14911k0W, ?f 4iq , r % Wit =atonal and work , 1104 dna itabbilion coldestoodott toonitioa to offer nnintinionninolo *Orotund/a 1 4N4iiii014444: Itatitiri "' 4llratnaro f if .IRAVONNIViri n FOC9r 6 1 00D11 ,IrWpkir.: l l l l 41412 . . .•• • CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. T 1860. CARPET WAXIEHOUSE.. AZOVR ,OHESTNITt STREW, N0.',117.' ' 'SPRING IMPORTATION Of Velvet, Breseels, Imperial Three-ply. Super In *ram sad Veattias 'CARPETING:S, o* rum Airs ewe trr r ur.,• Dewey& Fresh Canton Straw Matting.. whits and colored, of a Impanor quality. - Also, a hues assortment or Oil Cloths, Rope.' DIMON, Crumb Clothi, end English &ber Slats. Door Mats, to. Also, an involos of Cal state 0000 A MATT/NOS, or swims widths. : JOHN SUCCESSOR TO RICHARD M.' HUNT, aplSam idanufaenrer, Importer, and Dealer. CARPETING. GEORGE W. HILL, mARUFACTIIMA ga r r i mE a r e ..iN (mann- WARETVRE,' 144 NORTH THIRD STREET. oto•Im S W. TOWNSEND & Co., NKW CARPET STORE, 36 NORTH NINTH STREET, (Geoond door above Filbert, Weet aide,) • PHILADELPHIA. Would roopootfally inform their Mandl. and the pub- Ito generally, that they have opened an tundra new itook'ot OARPSTEI. OIL CLOTHS,, MATTINOS, ao., ko., - Of this seseon'a importation. Purolmeere mm rely upon haying an entire new stook to select from; and an inspootlon of the same Ia go oPoottnlly solioitad. apil-wfm-lm • OLD ESTABLISHED STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH • SECOND STREW, ABOVE CHESTNUT. TOWNSEND & 00 .. SUCCESSORS OF SAMUEL TOWNSEND At SON, . , Importets and Dealers nn VELVET, " BRUSSELS, - THREE-PLY, and - INGRAIN OARPE Of the beet Enslish and Amettean make. MATTINOS, OIL CLOT), e, &e., &e, To which attention is whetted. whIS-whatat A ROE-STREET %WET WAREROIIBI4,_ 0/ADDNN & WOLENER„ AEON ST EET, TWO DODDS BELr MATH, Month aide), R1VE1 1 3144411, s-pLy MOM AND VI - irz i ev i egyirld6 4 l sitafi l vi t iL for ale. One ohm ow yard, DAL+I3O .01 ♦ Wit 'Wi. CARPg TS. F. A. ELIOT & 00.. Nola ea sad Si North FRONT Street. are the "SOLE AGENTS is Philadelphia for the 'ROXBURY OARPET 00XPANY.aad have mutual, for oh a SW easiittant,of TRIVET sad TAPESTRY CARPETS. °tame paGerne. Ato; •latie merely of the varier bode of CAR PETS etahefeelarod ln. Phthidelehla oats met emits. from emir an the beet mattetestatent Desists 'will Aid it to . their utters* to till sod siaidaitbsso nods, vidott are oared for Ws to the most Om: able arms. - ELIOT a 'oo, twee the owe 'Agents in Philadelphia for the sale of the Warbled and . Moot Yung spin brjle Saiaaville Mute (fonierir the Now Enema Wonted Common) and piing agents also for the Baldwin, Wilton; and Abbott Compardei, hertz peculiar facilities for keeping Ptonataney for silo the various kith of Carpet; titansfooturid to PiuladelPhia, on thi woe %iambi' term lair-im E I V UBII CAR I= B :2I4 yeoman iur _ , Ak e , Anw a piw r Ali Moths; la snit ritlass: , r• . , .. , 0 ity MOW. tot r r. . • 'l6lll4ii-' , , -- '! Ab° - '''' , • . --,:;,;1%," inv _ ; was saik , PAPER HANGINGS, ate: - . [B6O. EIPB.IIIO STYLES, 1860 . WALL PAPERS.. HO WIILL .& SOUR KZ, Maaskotarers sal Imports's or PAPER HAN:PINGS. No. 37 6017TH BOUM STREET, Wow Market. Cotror miasmal &anises to flosMoin and Western bay no", splendid stook of goods to meet from, and all of be newest and best designs. WINDOW CURTAIN PA fliEB in endless variety. TO' :OLOSE BUSINESS. BART, XONTGOKTAtif, & 00., .110 AO OREM= OTEATIT, MINT out, thrugh this winter end nut tutu, their lane stook of PAPER HANGINGS, misting of every mists oonneeted with the bulnees. AT OBSATLY BRAVOED PRIM. " /AZ MOOR PA*ARA AT Al PBX OBNT. BA UM DIRTY. OMNI wanting their House Papered, sea eet great 11:14AGArNS. LOOKING GLASSES. LOOAEJNO-GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE PRANK ENGRAVINGS, OIL PAINTINGS, ka., AO JAMES 8. ZARLE & SON, HIPORTERC MANUFACTURER", WHOLE - HALE AND RETAIL DEALER& X&RLES' GALLERLES, $l6 CHESTNUT STREHT. SHOE FINDINGS. WM. JOHNS 8e SON. IMPORTER AND DEALERS IN BOOT, SHOE, dad GAITER MATERIALS, LASTING/I, GALLOONS. lIKEETINOB, PATENT LEATEEE4 FRENCH RIDS, LAOETS, SLIPPER UPPERS, &o. N. B. OORNES 7017W1T1 AMP AMOR 15TREETS. 3,43-Sin PRINCE IMPERIAL .CHAMPAGNE. FROM DE VENOGE & CO.. EPERNAY. FRANCE. Bold by all Res?getable Dealers threughont the country. Tide Au brand of CHAMPAGNE, whlon until the grap e ign s itVl:4N al' ira i n v il l oir t° ot i ltg a d t trilos or t anboon mimeo and poinnanty I. thle eountr .I t la rettommended by sante of he &at sthystlans of ihe oity of mar York, over all other winea, on account o da n trams purity sad delloaoy, and 0110 1 1 who once try It Fly use arty other brand. Although only one year etapeud since its introduotlon into this country, the ernand is enormous and constantly increasing. Oar waxing:lents are airl i ne l to t tnture the milt of the rh i rl'imr. Impelt re buirohedlord)hi gh standard. s T UM, 111 , 11 being the so • Agenta of hteura. 94 venom, ICo,, la this *matt • R. O. HAUOIN.W_O .% el, ' lgo, iIN; MOO end Ad BROAD WA , New York, Sold 0 4 d e S, bY REEVES & DEAL, libtlat & 904 MARKET attest. CHARLES F. TAGGART. wooottooot to J. R. KNORR & Co., Importer and MOH&le Denier in BRAND/XS, WINES, GINS, ¢e. Ob.:dee brunt, Old Monongahela, Ire, mod Bourbon eonentatly on hand, at forg-thr . " 1131-.IBAIBRT ✓!treat. 111 SHEW &0o ; PHOTOGRAPH FRAME DEPOT, No. Ito 801J711 EIGHTH Stmt, Above Chestnut. This to the only moubbahment In the nay devided exclusively to 'PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES- A greater moiety of OVAL GILT FRAMES on head than mu% be found In any One eeinbilehment In the United Bate., and prim lower, leir.Brlng your Photournehib and have them fitted without extra ehmee, mlig- tnt R.IPTURE TRUSS, WHITE'S PATENT LEVER. icirniiiratittr.l22,LQcois. 'yr Ilbid for * Pausflikt. 4415114 PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1860. T - 0 --I" A. R DELEILAI. NIOSPHATIC , , A. N 0 nom SOMBRERO ISLAND, WiffiTINDIREL TRH RICHEST 'FORMAtiOrt OP PHOSPHATE OP LIME KNOWN IN THE WORLD. ft oontains over S) per cent. of Bone Phosphate of Lime, being DO per own. richer in Phosphate of Lime than Bone Duet. , FOR BALE BY TRH• TON OR CARGO, AND TO FARMERS, AT $3O PER TON OF 2,000 LBS.• JOS. B. HANSON Sots Agents in Philadelphia, inh9-fmw-tut - No. 34 NORTH WATER Street. FARMERS AND GARDENERS.-=-The .nbaoribsr has now on hand a large lot of GENU INE FOUDRETTE. of a superior quality. which will Ist sold st the lowestoash• rime,. w a arrnted c tove wy, o ddON S w con n a a test. a nesqu rb aboveM a Ent Toll Gate. WE*, N 0.1113 North Sitoond street. *boys Franklin stems. Philadelphia. • GENTLEMEN HAVING 00 IT N'T R Y SEATS and DARDEN% who have rot MlRleient manure of their own, or who are dement". of a amok growth and large and early orr of vegatables, a beau tiful lawn and grass ill tt4 what they need in the p lat ßE TE OF TUE LODI MANUfFACTUNING COMPANY. i This fertiliser s neat, handy; without odor, puked in new barrels; and as the advantage 01; not injuring the seed or plant by direct contact therewith, and of be ing known for twenty years' as a reliable artmle. Prose Duo per barrel ror seven barrels and over Painphlets wi tdtreetlons. Deal. Apply ' LODI MANI.IPACTuRiNG w „, * 20144 pEI4WARE Ammo*, =4 "i mhgd-f MW-lm FARM DRY GOODS. BURNETT, , SEXTON, a SWEAIinsIGEN Inaortars of FANOY GOODS; .. ENGLISH - AND GERMAN HOSIERY. MEN'S PUSNISEIRG GOODS, LADIES' DRESS Ta.MINGS. SPRTEt-Shottand Wool,Zeig AIIKTIEB HO. 419 Al tiT. l :' fiGS-tinfS • HH DUT-fRING . go and 28 NORTH FOURTH STREET. Are now readying, br iaommeire arrivals from Na me, their ' SPRING IMPORTATION'S. OW ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIERY. " GLOVES, AND SMALL WARNS, Machine Sewing Silk and Thread—and Plied an in spection of their complete and well-easortiej_ Waning ADAPTED TO BOVTERIN AND NTUTIOM TRADE. fea4hn SKELETON SKIRTS. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST.. • 1860. 1860. "WOVEN GORE TRAIL" SKELETON SKIRTS. ORINOLINN DE PARIS. Thee ihshionablo Goode !wet with universal tact b 7 the Oritioal Trade ; and for QUALITY OF MATERIAL, • ~. 6 EXCELLENcE OF WORRSIANORIT.' AND SYMMETRY OF FORM. ' These Goods Stand Unrivalled. FOR BALE EVERYWHERE BY THE TRANI. As there are many worthloas tmttatloaa. Wien about& be partionlar to sae that OUR NAldlt is smear Ai arm sae Bead of Beery Skirt, a; a sore 1104114i0 el OSBORNE &CHEEBALM ANSONIA, aebMwtedin OONNECTIOUT. LADIES' DEWS TRIMMINGS. GORE! =TRMMI4II.IERFAC FRENCH CORSETS. TEE TRADE Mk.= BY EVANS & HASSALL. 51 50IITE FOURTH STREET. mbs3•fmw Im SEWING NA.CHISE S. WHEELER, Be WILSON SEWING MAOHINES. HENRY 00Y, Agent, IPS ORE EITNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOIt. Maehinee, with Operators', on jure to hint* Familia; MIAMI 07/1011: I' Went STATE street. Trenton. N. J: 110 CENTRAL SQUARE. Beaton, Pa. all-In WILCOX & 0088' SEWING MA CHINE-TN, gmt and increasing demand e r Weer & Gibr illeiriv ri lanohme maul% s . lINg=gTeMBUIZAVtiILiNUTIMeet. eg-tf ST•FI'•PER & FENNER. WHOLEBLI UMBRELLA MAD PARASOL MANITIACTITRESS, N•. 330 MARK:6T O.TRJE6T, CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. TURNBULL, ALLEN, & 00., IMPORTERS ARE WHOLESALE DEALERS JHINA AND QUEENSWARE. Am VS and ea SOUTH 'FOURTH STREET. (Between Market luta Chestnut streets.) PITT/E17213 GLASS AGENCY. WAIN Open 'Ol CT TUC PA061.011, AT MALNUFACTURE4 PRIM& fale-Inn Philadelphia WRIGHT, SMITH. & CO.. 011.13 A, ()LAM AND C/ITBENErWARIL -PITTSBURG AGENCY. GLASS, NAILS, eco., delivered faint the seteil AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. , GRANITE BUILDING, No. S North PIP= Street, . fe3-fmw6m PHILADELPHIA. BOYD dd STROUD. IMPORTERS & JOBENRS, Rave now on hand a'aomplete Stook or QUEENSWARE. • GLASSWARE, and FRENCH and ENGLISH CHINA. - • At their (111 . Stoid, No.32_EORTH FOURTH 54, Tour GOUTS be W erehante Rotel, to tirltlO4 Me/ 1O- Vito t eaten 0110 WHOLISALR 15001814 ffir A 03005 FUR PITTSBURG (SLAM fed-am , . BELLS; OAST-STEEL BELLS. NOR OHDROHRS, AOADBAII:ES, • FIRE ALARMS, FACTORIES, PLANTATIONS, ke., Le. MANUFAOTURBD AND SOLD BY NAYLOR 8c 420 OQRAINROB Street, PRILADELPHIA. These Belle hae been extensively in nee in all parts of Ettroce, the U n ited State,. and Ramada. for the pest Ave years. We are , therefore. now prepared to mate their prinoipal advantages to be as follow Ist. Great etreneth and ebutioity or the material. 2d. A very pure and melodious quality of tone, eombiniug sweetness with Nero in a remarkable derree, 341. An average saving of 40 per reit. In met, SO compered with that ot ordinary' bells. verg Bell Is warranted for one year, with prOper usage, in any climate. Chimes of any Mammon, epet to order, with great soouraoY. mh23-tf TABLE OIL. FIFTY BASKETS OP le .LATOZIR," AND OTIIBIZ DRANDS, FOR SALE By O. H. MATTSON, DEALER iN FINE GROCERIES, ARCH AND TENTH ,STRMEI. enT PJ MTILIZtE9. • UMBRELLAS. PHILADELPHIA. DAY-GOOD/ Jpoinues. J o W.. a1i3.1313:6. SONS., ' ire. issi him= sTiuuri. Are mew opat'llas their . SP-RENO'IITOCI-QP GOODS, Adapted to Nas WEAR . la 'Odell wili be feud a fall eaeortaaeat of CiI.OTRILDO*ICINS, VOTING% Titlfdfdlllqlll,lkek fed-am MaPLINTOOJC, °EAST, & 00., IMPORTER/I AND WHOLSISAIJI DUMP= IN mono cusanuaucs VBTMEI, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. No. 838 'AUNT EITIMIT, (Up Stedrei) ' Are olf (Mollies their Boring Stook, to eikiali they in- Vas tke attention of the trade. fee-ate %M.M. S. STEWART & 00.. y 184014111115 -AND, ,10819348 OF • • • • ; SILK MID • • . 4ANOF:OILEBB GOODS, . 306 MA'AM jde awir dap' and awannaiddly. rai llt ieltal 81"1 " 84 ? - cirafiril0015 •O tt r, ' rot hd fat euti, to teeth they uriite Ala stie Arlbs ildidhWygat ittglidaWboies- , „ irk— I . 13 a lgtx .It4ON asoNs„ -• ~ • $9 it.“ NI; ' • ' 4 rapoimgx. AN,D,Josa.s• ow 114A T H5 q 9 .fifirkeaSir! 3° ' =AO' r ettP no- k e ri te i mz3, 4 3 Kra ,__ *lege of 111103 crolo rind mato t /looking; onto, iravittt. !Newton in os. to ihnnovaii,) end Ni.dunui BITER. PRIbE, & ThIPORTEIia AND ;MBAS OF FOEEIGN AND DOMESTIC DB& GOODS: No. 'Bl6 MAREZT STRICET. PHILADELPHIA SPRING. 1860., tetiiktv.ice, EV I L M13 1 ,""' 'a 7. Townesso, ALIFILIM H. gOSTPX. . "WOOD, MAMA HANWALRD, -- ktatiden and Wholesale Dialers in DRY GOODS • CLOTHING. bel4los ", No. JOY MARKET Street, Philadelphia. WURtiS, . • MoVEIGI-1, 111PORTERVIO JO,BBBIRI DRY GOODS' Ngl i pARBT Maikth F s IFI ; li o V i iO4.lt • . sum% h Bus t in. Ise-ig;) FITHIAN. JONES. .& 00.. WHOLINALE DMUS . rosnox AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 140 MARKST,STREBT. EN!: 0001)13 mooring "ow day for • MY AND NEAR TRAM f.3-lm SKAPL.EIGH. RUE. & CO.. . , !motion of MINN ' warm GOODS, LAUB, we • - EKBAOIDBRII3B, , ' NO. 1199 HAMLET ISTII.MIT. MO"-du Nue nt Kook, eelsoted La the beet amen Airkiati M tosielmo, hi the titan omelet* we hare .tram Mit:( l lslo4:4)l4oisi:rrri i rrnwri 1860. SPRING. 1860. MESH GOODS. 'RIEGEL, BALED. As (JO.. IMPORTitatt AND ;JOBBERS .07 FORBID?' AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS. • N 0.47 N. THIRD EULER% • (PHILADELPHIA, Woeld reepeotSally invite the attention of Country afershenti to their LARGE AND MILL-SELECTED BTOOI OF FBEITH SPRING GOODS, ,Wltah they are now receiving In store. Merohsata would find it to their advantage to call end exanand our stook. 1860. SPRING. 1860. J. T. WAY 86 40 0.. . IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALERS Dir • FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. No. as NORTH THIRD ST., , Are now ready for the 15,PRIN G TRADE. And prepared to offer, to ma and prompt ga mmen; Buyers, one of the LARGEST AND MOST ATTRACTIVE STOOKS In the oonntry, and at Prim that will defy tire not only in this, bat in any other otty. h irohasers will find our Stook well assorted at all seasons of the year. I. T. WIT. 37Ap. DMIL•Pe WM. P. WAT ,$ fea-Pm .8120. P. WAT. E RO.H ANTS BUYING. OIL . POLOTHEI AND WINDOW SHADES. BLABON & MANIIPSOTMIEBB OP on,-oLonis, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We invite the attention of dealer, to our large stook of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTH& GREEN GLAZED OIL CAMBRIC, a beautiful artiole for Bkadee. The largest stook of WINDOW SHADES and BUFF HOLLANDB In the market, at prices which deb. no tion. fe3,9m y ARD, GILLMORE. & 09. Nos. a AND 411 NORTH THIRD STREWN. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SILK' AND iPANOY DRY GOODS, WHITE DOOM NOBS, LINENS, EMBROIDE• RIES, HOSIERY, ()LOVES, MITTS, AND le6•Sm SHAWLS, MILTON 0001.311. WM. K, Pe3Sa , ROM D. W 01.1.. COOPER, PARRAM, & .WORK, - BIPORTBRO, MANUFACTURERS, AND JOBBDRB or HATS. CAPS. AND STRAW GOODS. NO. 31 NORTH THIRD STREET. 'Sir Constantly on hand a large nasortatentor Strai &ad Lace Bonnets, Panandb, berghorn, and Yana Lest MIA, Sonnet Trimmings, Arafiond Flowers, Roches, tea-Sal LAING & MAGINNIS. 'lmporters and Wholesale Dealers in . BUM ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN SHOE THREADS; • FRENCH AND ENGLISH LASTINGS SANMANUFACTITRRREP_ABTIMES 0 MACHINE SHAM =ARAM, COT TONS. NEEDLES,Ito. SOLE_AGB NTS FOR Guiney'e Oelebnited IXt. Silk, and Upfield's Patent Boot rises. N 0.30 North THIRD Street. 14441 m SOWER. 'BARNES. Its BOOKSELLERS AND POlSLlffillllo O FELTON'S OUTLINE MAPS AND KEYS, EMMONS' GEOLOGY, BROOKS' NORMAL ARITHMETICS, SANDERS' READERS, Re., No. 87 NORTH THIRD STREET, Ma aide, below Arab Street.) (e3-Ilm THOMAS & MARTIN, 117 0114STNIIT STREET) APAQUAG _ SEAMLESS BAGS. Oispisusins, ' 'r•iMaa 1 ,41 t _ss . • PRIDAY,WRITi ',11;1869. Authors and BOoks. - It Is singular that The .dilleausm and! Ths &die, the only two London literary paters, which, to our knowledge up to March 24th, have• noticed Mrs. Browning's netrvoltmie of Poems, should each fall into &singular srror concerning the concluding ;verses, entitled ce.A. - curse for a Nation." , The',...Rthenteuns says, ,g her present. pamphlet opens With a paean to the Emperor of the French, and ends with - a curse to lagiand r whereof the follolving is the copy." ' The Critic says: ic So eathu 'slastic is 'She; that she puts her faith in; the pririty OffLOula Napoleon's motives, and he- Here's that he cane to /WY for,lo meanstlmd tire .thau, 'to set Italy fi : ee._M* ade god in •her eyes his fortunate, .ap*culater, thisi shrewd and crafty wlio'shift4 us, tionalities under trbaties, a* y zna4.would;peas under a thimble. She believes who , 1 has eislayed his r oinranbjeCte;•andlolds Shi3rti bonne and gagleil - iwith a IlairOet at their throats; is. the r > avlonr ' bf;thyj wild , the •pi'b. SW carses_licr qust cosstry, because England re flmed to.take past in the plan by forgingi s adll stronger fottar,wlifht Shoawetitudad, to * can ctilse the captlia." :Nirw,Mnr. -BroWn• did no such thing. In dui poem in citieStioU she says that she heard 'an angel . speak=) ' • ' , Write! Write e nation's curse for rde. And send it ovirine Wiirerai . Sho vesponda 1 „ • " Not so, my unit - 1 If cams must be; choose another . To mend thy aurae egidnet my brother,'S and says that she was bound by gratitadd "To brothers' of Wise across the sea, Who stretch out kindly hands to me," and her heart was sore for her own land'a sins --sundry of, which 'she enumerates—:-and the angel responds, "Therefore shalt thou Write • My curse to-night. Because thou hest strength to see and bate A foul thing done within thy gate." On this; being further told that ".A.ourse from the depths of womanhood Is very salt and bitter, and good," she writes, as she waa enjoined, and sends over the NVestern sea that precious anathema called w The Curse," in which she pitches into the United States for using lc brand and thong," for keeping " Calm footing all the time On wnehinit bond•slaves," and for doing te the fiend's work perfectly in strangling martyrs," which can allude to 110tle other then the late Captain John Brown. How 'the English critics could possibly. apply this fierce and fanatical attack upon &aeries to England Is a thing quite to ordi nary comprehension. It Is noticeable thakno obituary of Mrs. Ja meson mentions her age. .Like many'. other Women, learned and unlearned, she had a dis like to having that secret known. In 18'64 she published "A Commonplace Bdok — of Thoughts," which was so poor that a sharp critic declared that its title should have been "A Book of Commonplace Thoughts." He had the hint, perhaps, from Lord Ilyroo declaration that Colton's "Lawn, •or Many Things in Few Words," ought to helie been called "Few Things in Many WOrds."! Miss Evans , author of "Adana Bede, " has a new novel in the press called "The Mill on the k7loss," a story of life , in the lorth of England. The tint volume of Germah trans lation of " Adam Bede" has made its appear ance at Berlin; the translator is Julius) Frage. An American edition of Dr. Hayes,. Arctic Boat Journey is enriched with an introduction and notes flrom the pen of Dr. Norton Shaw, the Secretary of the Royal Geographical So- Ciety of England. A new edition, the sixth, 0f,_,)1(e. , 41ailey's cc Festns'i is announced. . Longriaan & Co., of London, have in prepa ration a now work by the Abbe Domenech, the author of the Very interesting ;cilia sionary Adventures in Texas and Mexico," an account of his "Seven Years' Residence in the Great Deserts of North America." The articles on "Fleets and Navies," which lately appeared in Blackwood's Magazine, are to be collected in book form, and their author is Captain Charles Hamley, a relative of Col. Hamley, who contributed to Maga "Lady Lee's Widowhood," and from the seat of war the Siege of Sebastopol. Captain Hamley is in tho marines; Colonel Hamley in the ar tillery. Sir James Prior, editor and biographer of Oliver Goldsmith, has just published, in Lon don, the Life of -Edmund Malone, Editor of Shakspearo, with selections from his manu script notes. Chapman & Hall have received from Thomas Carlyle the third and fourth volumes of the Life of Frederick the Great. - These, which complete the work, will not be published until October. • Charles Lever's new monthly serial, called One of Them," has reached its fifth part, and will be completed in twelve. Messrs. Black, of Edinburgh, have repub lished, in one volume, the five biographies which Lord Macaulay contributed to the "new edition of the Encyclopedia Britanniea. Messrs. Longman, of London, announce, in two volumes, Macaulay's Miscellaneous Wri tings, comprising his contributions toKnight's Quarterly Magazine ; articles in the Edin burgh Review, not included in his "Critical and Historical Essays ;" biographies written for the Encyclopedia Britanniea ; miscella neous poems, &c. The continuation of the History of England is a-mere fragment. There is a rumor in literary circles in Ten don, which surely cannot be correct, that Mr. Thaekeray intends writing a continuation of Macaulay's History, so as to extend it from the Pea . ce of Ryswick, in 1698,' where the fourth volume now ends, to the Peace of Utrecht, in 1718, at which period Lord Mahon's History .cif England commences. This would give the closing years of William's reign and the greater portion of Anne's. Thackeray's style and . way _of treating subjects—whether historical, literary, or social—are so much the antipodes of Macaulay's that the idea of his taking up the great historian's unfinished work is simply ab surd. The Cornhill Magazine flourishes, having a larger circulation than any other British monthly. The contents of the forthcoming fourth Number, for April,. are: 1. Loyal the Widower, (with as illustration.) Chapter IV. A Black sheep. 2. Colour Blindness. 3. Spring—By Thomas Hood. 4. Inside Can ton—By Albert Smith (1) 5. William Hogarth : yainter, Engraver, arid Philosopher. Essays on the Man, the Work and the Time. 111. A Long Ladder; and Hard to Climb, 0. Studies in Animal Life. Chapter IV. 7. Strangers Yet I By R. Honekton Wines. 8. Pramley Parson age; by Anthony Trollops, (with an illustra tion.) Chapter X. Lucyßoberts. Chapter XI. Griselda Greatly. Chapter XII. The Little Bill. 9. Ideal Houses. 10. Dante. 11. The Last Sketch—Emma (a fragment of a Story by the late Charlotte Bronte.) 12. Under Chloroform. 18. The How and Why of Long Shots and Straight Shots, Bentley, of London, has two editions of the Misses Warner's now novel, .c Say and Seal." A library edition, crown Bvo, with illustra tions, price seven shillings, (under two dol lars,) and a cheap popular edition, small Bvo, with an illustration, for seventy-five cents. Of this over 20,000 were sold in a fortnight. Of the cc Wide, Wide World," by Miss Warner, 600,000 copies were sold in England. Ber nard Tauehnitz, of Leipzig, has also brought out a reprint of" Say and Seal." -The Harpers, of New York, have com menced the publication of a Library edition of Bulwer's novels and romances. The first volume contains the whole of c. The Caxton'," on good paper and with clear type, fora dollar. The same house has republished, with all the engravings 'of the English edition, Mr. John Timbsi Stories of Inventors and Discoverers in Solenoe and the Useful Arts. The boos is TWO CENTS at'Onie ieloo*fle, and a bi!iter,tkook for houiehold:theilapon comilot essay tio,lound. _ Oampapi- biographies , are tunutilyfiall of platituded, -'exaggerations, and .hyperbolical praise's. !Not so thiLife of .Senator Douglas, by a liembei of the WOW= Bar, publidhed by Derby . Lk .raCksob, Of Neii 7 York. It Coal tains a relbible`acCorinf of Mr. Doilies, Mad hie meet Important speeches and 'deports. ' - • The Rev. W: H. ifilburrl, OM . . 8110, Preach. er, has a new book, gi The Pioneers, Preach ers,' and People of, the Xiseisaind -: Valley,“ publisbed•byHerbfir. Jaclusoseequallu bite :rest and literdirj merit tor Ms drat work,' if.:The Rifle,' Axe, and gaddlebsga,n ad nada an= Perior to. Ids -4 , 4 '1 1 mi Years ol'pracher Idre.” There aie:deseriPtimirof mer cry here which .brine - the; Plata. fall, beibiethe mind's 'eye; and • the - sketched _of .. pros:cher, - are very graphic. It irkratefully_.dedicated to YleMber llarper,-Esq.,.'of Howyorld:'' - . . . " ' ic:The Ribiked tßeaime-Wli y : • id:Family guide 'to AciiPturelistadidigs:mite. Hint; isl ,o book for Biblical Studiat; , !" , Pahl* by . Dick.and .pitzgarald, of llfFif;l794c; ti.ii - irk t irhickall who road .the.ll434kriphaires mai • ,aillimitageosaly• refer- to fer:Ailifetteitioni ' It , is liberally illustrated, and arkestsOssit Index' adds rolls .cileapletembeac,4 77 : ' i'.'7 : ` r 1 w 1 i* * 41 003 1 1 4 4. , tc.r!,*, I Maude' and Rosanadind,"' (0: X: Satan Aar . X 9 T k l) 4 ?Ot il -7. t!Plie AleOrer!lPtikr:g only a good moral . perpoo 4 to 'recommend le. -These moral 'sbayies, lioirevei,;freqieutly - vie" 1 mawkish and dull, ad this is ,of their. i - 4 $ Trhe, Bible and. Social Warm; ,o 4 The Seriptiires as a Means of Civilization? Ity R. .n. TYler, a New York lawyer, contains agood 'll4 - of assured fact' and sound argatent, :shoeing that the Word of Ginfla the greatest means of chilizatien in th'e world. = Thd an ther shOws his personal vanity by, prefixing his,engraved portinit as a frontispiece 'to his book. = Who cares tOf know how Mr. 'Eyler looks ? Published ly James Challen & !Son.. The new -edition of Carlyle'a Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, in 4 volts:, revised and annotated by the author; printed - on fine fluted paper, will be published to-day by' Brown & Taggart, Boston. 'lt has a copious index, and a new portrait, engraved on puipose ter this edition, from a miniature of iecent date.! This, will certainly be the edition ; ofDarlyle. Thole:. who have admired Dailey's Illustra tions, in the neW edition of Cooper's novels, will be - glad to jean( that the publisherp (W. A. Townsend & Co., .New York) have com, menced the issue of ,tt Darley's Coopei. nettes," artist proofs before lettei, prin4ed on- India paper, and engraved ,by the .best artists in the country in line and etching: Designs , and engraving, as well as subjects, are irholly national—fming American. The series will consist of eight folios of eight plates each, with descriptiie letter-press to 'eadh. An en graved title-page and portrait of }fr. Cooper will accompany the gecko. "Eight 'folios of eight plates will cost $3 5 and only 500 sets will be. published, no subscription being re ceived for less than a fbll set. The two4ellos, orl6 plates,"which have appeared, are admira= ble in all respects, and we are sure that Mr. S. McHenry, agent for the' publication, 406 Walnut street, will gladly show them to others, as he hoz to us; and with the same result. This work will foim a monument of Anierican Art, suitably illustrating Ainerican Mei:dare. The Cooper Vignettes will-End their place in library and parlor tables. GENERAL NEWS. • rir The experience d . two - Prise :lighters in England, the other day; is not encouraging for the great eentliet between Sayers ',end Iberian. It imams that a fight was to tilts ,place on Merl% 20, the combatants being Bull, who has" only,i, fought twice in the prise ring, and Smith, a notedtpagillst, of Portsmouth. The pugilist and their ;backers started from London in sempanywith a large Orly of friends, and went to a sequestered -spot on the Essex coast, where, at ten minutes before llo'cloelt.- ..the gap Ices thrown into•ths ring, sad the pugilists ootemenetd operations., :At this atonmet tliare was seen in the distance a policemen, robing :with all his might to the mane of antion,i.followid by a large body of the foroe. • 2he 'pugilists, frightened by this apparition, took to the boats, whiSh were in readiness for them, and were making oft moron the water to the Kentish coast, when thto found they were-followed by a fast-sailing skiff belonging to the Thames pollee, containing 4 body of the Kent and Ens.: forces, BO that on whioheyer side the pugilists and their friends landed, rout would be trate to follow. After palling about_ the river for more than an hour, the pugilistio parties came to the conclusion that no chance was open,to them, and they returned to London, in , the hbpe that t. they who fight and run away may live ito fight another day." - Efir Among the Illegitimate births inlessaolm setts in 1858, there was one cue worthy o especial notice, in consequence of the extipme youth of the mother. Elizabeth D. was • born of native parents hi the almshouse at Taunton, May b, 1847, and at the same place she became the mother of healthy boy on the first of February, 1858, being only ten years, eight months, and seven days old. ,This ap pears to be a rare case in this climate, butAt is well attested by the Physician of the almeitonse bt Taunton, who offiotatoal personally,. both at the birth of the young motherend at that of the child. This boy weighed eight pounds at birth, aid at the age of eighteen -months weighed thirty-sloven and a half pounds, and was in the enjoyment of ro bust health. Tan PONY ExPEtnes.--4 correspondent of the New York Herald, writing from Great Salt Lake city, under date of March 18, says: " The agents of Russell, Majors, and Waddell, Government contraotore, are now aetively engaged in preparations for the forthcoming experiment of linking the Atlantlo with the Pulite in:six days' lively exercise of mule flesh and telegraph. Mr. B. F. Ficiklin, the Wektern superintendent of the conoern, arrived hero on 'lneeday, and hap already his ' subs ant purchasing 'horses, and preparing the way for a quiok run to,the,,aoifie. " For the first two months the oompanY will at tempt to make from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sac ramento, California, in -ten days.' When every thing is in working- order, they expect fo abridge, that two daps. The express, by salting ist Genoa, flarson Valley, .will deliver doepatohes that the telegraph can for Ward to the - Pacific Cities, and thus abridge, so far as that is - concerned' another two days. There la no doubt entertained here of the company's ability to carry out their ;project in the given time. at is not snob &Arca undertaking as It sounds. Three hundred head of horses, and a hundred and fifty riders, with stations every twenty mules spirt, will do the business. The company ealimate the first year's,expenses at two hundred thousand dol lars. As Government has not been asked for as sistance, nor offered any; the motive for,the enter prise is purely and simply business—an eye on the future.' - LT' The Nashville Giizette says: see a newspaper paragraph stating that old Dr. Hot laohor, of Pennsylvania, was lately tarred and feathered at Atlanta,Cla„ for having- Incendiary documents Mills poss ession, but for humanity sake we hope no such outrage win aottudly Committed upon that venerable and decrepit old man. Even if it were true that Dr Hollaeher bad in his pos session incendiary documents, we cannot think the people of Atlanta arc so hard up for somebody, to mob as to try their hand upon an Invalid whose 'head bed grown white In the frosts Of Seventy winters. It will be remembered that this old gen tleman, a short time since, delivered several lee. tures in Nashville, taking for his text !Revery in the Southern States right amor,ding toll's teach- Inge of the Bible.' His lectures and omfierieations witk our people showed bine 'to beidecidedly f r i en dly to the institution, of the South, and we can hardly believe that he would anywhere receive tinkled treatment from the hands of Southern people." . DELEGATES TO CHARLESTON TROY ,Tlll ELE VENTH DISTRICT.—We have received information by letter; that the Harrisonburg ConVention, as sembled on .Monday last, elected as delegates to Charleston, Mr. S. K Yost, of Augneta,; at present editor of the Staunton Vindicator, and Dr. Mof-• tot, of Rockingham. Both these gentlemen are said to be uncommitted to the support of any par. Cooler candidate for the Presidential rumination. They are both generally believed, howeVer, to pre for Stephen A. Douglas. Thus, the whole number of Virginia delegates having' been elected, the result elands; Wise 13,' Hunter 12, Cowden 2; with' preference unknown 3.—Eichtnond Enquarir, 41pri/ 11, - 'A Co:memos OT lkinanin—Ttris EIICRET KEPT TOR Eireann YEARS. , --46 learn front. the Boston Journal, of the 10th inst., 'that a man, named Weed, recently returned from California to Sand wich, New Hampshire, 'confessed, upon his dying bed, that ho and another men were the murderers of a Mr. Parker, of Manchester; in .1845: The letter announcing his confession deee not enter more fully into particulars. Mr. Parker, the murdered man, was, at the time of hI death, tat Oolleotor for Manchester, and was call* out of his house one night on the pretense that he;witiwinted ,at a house, the road to which laid throngketraet of woods. On his way thither be whs . ; murdered, and deed - body found in the *suds the next day. The murder created. a-great excitement at the • time, and two men (brothers)._ to subse quently WO* OR AMP SHIM Gc ONO the uturderima, buts OW 994110101. ' • mai woven sus.- - vocb. uiit Y' min kialloasaj Op-I+7 ^':•"0 ,84 . 11 Ithro•Ooaliiv SAN ilve 04004 " 1a -e" Tea " " = _ 19441 " 1 " ova alizoo)*Call Covivii. or iaar tievialom d • *Mk Fora Rob oe Twadraao oromoro vsVoivol is ram ow to th• golorte. *Cargo. • - 1111rAilnelless arovieurovi Os Nam Ivaavv ha Winn TIMM. ; - • " ' _ . CALIFORNIA PARR& . /mod RoR-RIARVII - NON Re fOigNorsia ruumis riOrget .N;to. 'Val of the Nei' York. fftoit ITALY. Advance of the Ink of Sato of- THE LA* *4. *Mit am iirs! Titic er.:oo*inm Tvz Alwrea,gp44l,ipprwAiA,Tpti.: Nino 1):Mi, Abril Chinird 'etbil-etteatehte Pasta Lea arrivetorittildvermilif6aMtebillemoby tb° Slat Hot ddvioss ham Mm MOOi hOOD•red the snit* of the ibmiser Prices Aguas. The.Pert66. met to Itmottihmeli Mal isteamidp Auterme. rumba cm the ftt hilt, etesumbor Mostrate mote rAeril la, ill buitode Ussitteloltie etistnable Ado:lmila, from LILVIIIVOOI for NW Y 'Tb6 Perste brintwadotote one day litter asuirdsoimd by. telegraph ma CiMiesietolna, Her eouuttereal Timm - arem Mar than' Wore toolmhed. - • oom*, . Ara 2,—Msdeopeteh from 6ltem Me that the Piedinontaes• troops - entered revolt= on the WM !Gt. - The hilittoseteitolardiOrt attlielt /a atm= yeturn um to Genoa. , A desestelilred ftiste IMO that nine= Castinan. iaikoriodeanoun n m _Semaco, take Mem that the meg thulemteacts tbsoentet of Ms tualestmi•Mft to be, to Ka theyoroaseamte who fb . the - NSW those, and that Ms i n tfibbb== bike 6 0=0 , . hOMILMOS =Mb hilly a Meteoroid man - radisastatikosu isii.".ista•ilitstelt , AlasbUn go taw : t . .s,potit. So jilts-gabfest of Xiinn. ho. atait,Oodmmt ali t, ateAstatei ngp nfitit* of ''..- r • Y. , 4forapnerto Di ne to MONO ea nd; =whin thoon deerpoilmic be 4 telskomemolte Euro- Os= tessimmemoold =dray ttio dent of sectleawon :w of lea ltil, Ablliejellirteeitew,ifettre43othle : 'Areas. of It . fMin koitiiiener Mai RI ego a( itiiirtaan titorttaisir il i ftw e ikawAt i btar . co . tlne by m e *o Tiwitlvii4l43l4olSt Xapal trOete op, me *omen et Gorda _ • knew revoluttosammtmemMeakimEnetto have las 9 plane at Roue, but item* valtpons4 in cOnseeDetto ot secrete irouleredeStribetai del simple Wisest:ice that war wasmealuatiaa Mohr be the taw of annoy =es to the Yeanctieramis. .. - - _ ~ , Holds. Karen - 2 4.—T0-iley.,:ths ant of maior einem at aniastieweMnist those WWI have either promised eid to or tounotold tshelhou# immure& or neurration, in AO Itontanna; hie %ea published- The -sot hes been wined npursovorateumeers of Rome- i . , -, On Tummies `apt, the Papal Government forwarded to the whole of the thMomatte corpus oroteit - againat the ft .-.... annexation of the logationetoeMata. - Ances4,- MOO X l . - 01113.144090C1010 left hereon the 28th. For Rome. . KtOirEillle Marsh M.—The' l i anal - Carabineers hays taken off the eionteheon of Sardinia from the house of the Sardinian vice-c onsul at.Vuoteo. - ardr . rogn the .amerimmLoontrd ., at, Rome is Ho- - 'FRANCE AND ENOLLND. - There are ,eymptoms in the Paris press of, too:mi n enoemeut of the diatribes against England whist' were suspended by ribuiresnda few months no, The Opinions public. denounces England as ungrate ful for betiefitts conferred in it bylhe Fteneti govern ment; and is described as eaten ieldrituir ; made neddiPPY M Fleece , encoete. - and- 48oiied- by bar mon impote nob she banesherpelfm seeking enemies astunst France, end would organize ig coalitiii against her. , The writavthen annommes that the indeiptilde of the rick man as about to open, end England impudently breaks withFrinice when symptoms to onsia of Turkey are multiplied, and the Ang-Fruich caw alone :counterbiLentie tee power of isaidei. The Adjusgraplue 'sheets pnnted in Yana far provincial cir culation adopt similar laminae towards Kngland. Lord lohn finnan?. speech on Monday is described as the exploision or a gun charged milli powder, brit as the ma w:Mon to wound is ilagrant. asmount Is kept of it for the Annie If enghodiwill have.orinse to regret the - peters or * the Anglo-tlenoh allianceit will not be ths Fri:nob mettoil, which hinenot forgot ht. Helena. FRAfter; • - - • • - The Matft w jublishisathe treaty of tee mission of Savoy and Ni.. by the Sardinian Govern* oat France. This treaty is according to die MologiarY al ready published, end bwi besides, the •following arti cles: A mixed commission will &Vine what Savoy and Nice shall - eontritateto tel public debt tit Cordi als, and to the a:motion of seineral• nubile tontrutts • the Sardinian - *overmans reserves to aselt to forah alone the bonne or mount Cents ; the 'treaty will M ourn, executive lot Sardinia after reativingthensnotion of Pailiament, - • • •-• ,- • • : The Mertittur alms snarierneee that the Senate hits re !IWO, by passing to the order of_theAsy, i end with IIP quart 16 votes. several petitions requering the inter vention of the Senate in ray,* of the tempoi at power of the Pope. • • - The CoMmitution set publishes a strowiiiYof the Priy olaination of Victor Enormous!. rehnonaglbe inhabi tants of Beim and Ntoefrom ciontinnies•setilisets of his Majesty. Tb. King, iis:conehogion. says Prin ee and Italy ore two dieter natiorms- Timm destiny *Aomori* at the head of invitirmitsoe, . • , The Miming Hera Parigegirrespenolleigtkaya that prepratiene are midday ger Om eilthsilting• altars of on army of MOM men. nod art-the Mee- nt sad men Ott furlough have been ordered toitna their ems. - Piaui, Patioi.--Itnbilitat«w-out the,TruPeror has 02 premed to a dip:emetic personale is - readiness to rater the toreetion of Feireigag -and- Cgs bbus to a Con trite, or to the Power", and to be bound 'by their dad -3100. It or beliiived:tbar the Conthtentni•Powere are ready to agree to tbotprommition ATTEMPTED COUP-DE MAIN DR NOM( SAVOY. We have *mired **following iebi of sidespotoh from Berne: a - f" sans . °et. bodr Of &bout ANT,armint men, fromi Genera, made an attempt (entre/dews raity-de-rittiorinpon Tbo non teat night. The Federal Connell hag gent its a cum onenoner to Grasmosact has directed that a rigorous inquiry should be mutated. Yet* a view to the punish ment of the gent.: 'ram eleirstnetent f Geneve. extant mould, =peened.. hat loudly blamed. eseli imprudent conduit. It has limed a proeliwation annottneinp that three who been marry of Wear* will hithulnished, and energetic memoorre hair* been sweated to prevent the **Pennon Of bey similarattempt.'. Thonon babe chief town of Ohablais.on the southern abort of Lake Iniman. - According to the WWI despatch furnished by Mr. Neuter. 'the -many gorieensed an this 1,101,4 4 MONVII/Obt left OM:levet lin beard one of the steamers glyph on the lake. 'ds the enmity is still in sepal possession of-the tlardintan enventment, it is at Tann that the Swim- suitprides, wilt_ have to preset t their exManarione and wildcat. Although the snid est ememennest prevail ihronghoot tlisiCesdecleration in Veva Istbrela*ti •ornulatioq of North travoy.bY Tratiest, Si-Federal mews's* to_reeeive the liceilottOf the Sante sondes in ingu ting Ito dis abaewifer lemait a y whic h t Mi eatea the tleuortreMdol eslated to melodi that reputation - . PRANCE ANLififlt.V9l( .. Paws, Priday,Marc,..b .10.—Tisaajt: mibbabsi a de :fggill annonn deputy giglfaiet t Zonly:at rhe :gond oleo oaa ! Lion, as the meaner'' , namber_of sotei was natntesizmil at the first ballot. The same peter hes as *Mote by M. (hunter de Cantasmae. expressing itategrets on account tf the reproaches of 'England concerning the annexe, don of savor: iweating.out the eentradictions in the conduct of that Power, who, although encouraging the e.iinexation of Central Italy to Piedmont. opposes that of Amp toiltranes L.and wao.;wtule aupporting the Timm:4 of the anncxation to daitirila of the States of the Church and of Napl.is. - 'which two countnes do not solicit nob annexation refuses to accede to the 'desire of the inhabitants of the lonian Islands to be re united to Greece.- •EIPAIN AND MOROCCO. bi.tbirD,Mireia—The official Gussets publishes the preliminenee of peace agreed upon between Spam and. Morose°. Morocco cedes to Npain the whole territory from theses tothe liollow.Road of. Snake*, and also a certain portion of territory at Santa Com. The Con vention of Me 9, refernocla-Melille., , Pennewand Alin penes, is ratified. indemnity , of t twenty million pi astres to be paid to Spain: Tetuan will be kept by Spain until this payment is stocked- A trouty of com merce is also to guaranty to Strata the same privileges as to the - mos `favored nation: A representative of Spain and a missionary establishment to be permitted at Fes. The treatrof peace to be signed atTeragn before the 29th of April._All hostilities tote.... - The Spanish retv, however, ito he allowca , to chastise the Ka- Wes. it is asserted that the Conrtwill leave on Tueedny neat for aranmez. Marshal O'Donnell will return im mediately; neon his arrival tte Cortes will be con voked. GERMANY FRANKPORT-ozi-MAre,litrah 29 =Austria has noti fied to the Federal Diet her protest egtoust the issinexa tumor the Iteheti duchies to 6ardima. Prunte Tee repeated her reserre with reference to the question of the re.utablishrient of the Constitution dr electoral Deese. The Faders] If.et. In 'reply to Prussia. referred tit tter resolettonn on 'the qaettion. ERLISSIA BratiN. Match 19.—The roar of PrineLl. ta M. Thou venal'e note was sent to Faris eday iv forajeatArde; Prussia diseeproves of the nahezetatt 4 avoy Francs. Switzerland, mhose ni:hts Ise ',t reserved Rardirna. hes made en appeal to the 'Potrero. Tho riehts must be examined and protected. ?mein cot chides by announcing that she will treat the question C, SwitsorAnd in et sperm! note. • - A.l.lBTant. - Turmas, Marcht:il.—The Archduke Ferdinand Maxi milian, who has returned from Brazes, will proceed with his wife to Vienna. havirk - been summoned by the Emperor legit in ther,ounoil of the Eor, , ,inw. _ _ SWITZERLAND. March 23—The 'billowing is g summary or the report addressed by the Federal Donnell to the Fe deral Assembly : The interests of "thet &slaty. lode- Pendenee. and neutrality of 3adtzerland demand that her rights. in reference to the neutralized provinces of s decoy. should not be eneroacted mon by their annexa tion to France. Even admitting ;that the neutrality of these provinces should continue, their annexe ton would still be Inmost the treaties, and would threaten the rights and interests of Switzerland. The expecta tion of the good offices of the rowers concerning these questions reassures Switzerland, on condition that no occupation of those provinces by. France previously takes place, and that the stem quo shall be respected." 'ehe following are, therefore, the proposals made by the Federal Council 4 ' That the Assembly may ratify the resolutions which have been adopted. and • grant the necessary credits. The Assembly should request the Council to continue to protect energetically the rights and interpreter Switzer land in regard to the neutralised provinces of Savoy, :ted to obtain that the sou s quo should he respected. Itinsy also authorise the Precedent to take all necessary Mantes to that effect. The Assembly will be again convoked in the event of its becoming necessary to call out the troops, or should other grace eircumstances restore it." BYRNE, larch n—The Federal Assembly bag ay pointed & commission or twenty-three m Aubers, who wdl examine the repeat of the Federal Council, and will propose their resolutions to-morrow thoruitm. - TOO iskitosesdancestates that Queen... Victoria is ex pected at Berlin .towards the end of Juno. The con finement of the Princess Frederick expe 3ted in July. - A journal under French iroteetion ix shortly to <um* out at Oeneva. to advocate the doctrine of natural fron tiers to the fullest extent- The rarlistmentary Committee to which the Bales Concordat wits Marred have reported by a mighty of eight to one against its ratificsoon, in eon:sane:too of which it becomes annulled; B'ROM BHeziL The Dramlien mails of Marta— bad reached Lisbon. T lf is 1. ttado 'boson President of tdontevilm. The Coffee market was anion - LONDON MONEY MARKET.—The Dank of England has advanced the rates .of Maid:mat XV dent., so that ntb' ipr cent. is the present rate. • • • . A letter published In the Lomilott Timis gives full de• tail. of the late massacre at Nome by the Papal sacs d'armes One 'hundred and forty-seven persons were killed pr wounded: A number of ladles were inn.red. Tha American pee consul Yeteived a stab in the aide, and severed of the Fropah mili6t7, off duty. were wounded. LIVERPOOL, March 30.—The riles Of cotton for the put week were ek,ooo bale& 12r One of the most singular wagers we ever beard of, says the Buffalo Courser, was made In Chicago, on the day before the munieipal election in that city. The bet wee between a Water-street merchant and Ned Osborne, of the Tremont House, the largest cigar and tobacco dealer in the city, and wee to the effect that if Wentworth was net elected, Osborne should have the privilege of kick ing the Water-street merchant aforesaid from the Tremont House to Spinier street. The day after the election, the merchant having lost, came to Osborne's store, and presented his person to him for the nentemplat - ediltele, and demanded that Osborne should take the stakes. Osborne bad been training his right leg all the previous day, and had armed his foot with a heavy cowhide boat, with soles as thiek airtiwo elapboirds. The ruerelyamt started up by the Tremont, Osborne delivering a heavy. kick as he started, butdrew back hie foot with a spasmodic 'action and paroiyato of countenance ab solutely pitiful. He tried another one, but the loser flinched notiaud'kept on his way undisturb ed by the volley he bad reerdilitt_ The result of this was worse • than.. tie. first, and he fairly cur l e d up on the ground and howled with pain. The merchant stopped and oaltnly inquired " Why don't`yOu take' the stakes?" " Whit have you got in the basement of yOurpante?" cried Ned. waukeeWHoks,," - ifhoutetthe merchant "aid we arn't mile'of 'Springer. street yet." Os hernecabsidedomid theehrunpagae, suad has heel irOarht I Zit OVA:10010W •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers