4,4..,, , -..- , --..• ! ".,• 4 •".-.:- . •-.T , z,,- 4 ";,'- - 1; , ,- ; • --.', „ _ V . _„, _ , . , V:44',&•-&-`,.:.',c, ,-a • .-s ,-,(:,:* - • ._ - ..:, , ',--;',..... ' '”,.., , . .?;-",'.5.''.4-:' 4-= ' ,4 4 .1, ; , WW -4,,, ''' , ‘" , •'"... '-'. a • i2l','•*kr, '-,'".-71"'`-' 4 ..i. , Xiit , ', 7 4„, i;,_4? , ~,,qc- , ,, ~_, ''' . - .-5..,,,.. , . - • ---, ;, ',. v.,-_, . ,-,T 7 ll,milimitlfts,--";_, q i, •' - z` . -..- 1 -:7 -- ..?11,V 4 . )1 4, ^ - -r-,e , Fter,, -.. . 1 .7 ar 4q•4 '.:'-:' '" P.' - '. s` .-::$44lW-talgtlol.Pliviili-1111itgV • P ciii, - 0 ototiii: . It'atel , , .;" - ft :, ;; - ‘" , Ai': , ,.",‘,.,, , -., ' 'ilia; °I ~ .___._„,,.., , :„,E--....:*: , , n , ------- , -“ - ; fish *tow '',, y.. - ' l, -:- - i, , , , ;: - , -'.;-• ~,,, , „,„...m . ' -,,anftiftilit .._11.*402_14_14: fib ..,,.. eitisloo::-/i***44=lo= •-•:'''c_-,._&,,,'-,--'Z:z7;*s. pit at.btOwlmeoils.s,l6l,Witi f: .".„7,40014.1,0011!""ur - 4100 2- ''. VA* ' '';'-- ''7-IWhheee_,,______6l,l,.._ jen t t not 1 amminpr wE ......_ isimi k t ` ." 11,,,mIlkikailliblikr I ' • ' ..,....., • 1 ' i ~.Wats,=m4ooo,l - ~ 1-11101,11 i ..- - m 1 abTa., tpelahwir si l` w ' la -- t e niOta, ' At igttrttrit` '' lit 1 4 ' - t h e -sompkv _ ,li. of a ,-......:_;r.,,m, _ t ,,,,....._. 6 , ,ii c Chu l a _;,.., , -, --_-, Joi sway 'VW 11101 it - , '`.: -r , '-'- ;'lll 'ill i lii.i* ~,.„, ' • 7 - 2-14kr e : -,---',.. 1 . ,.. • '', ' - aftor.otiaft, ~,,,l u . - ILftischtirA .„1:,-,' ,•-,,,...,,-_,::-cirmir ,s# AUV1*10.4,..1-411, ‘ll , llr, Ober 411. j ' ,, /,' -- -,_ `i -• ' .in the ..... -•• .. istu wa s . ,''' - ~,. - ",-- • -4The *sato „ *boa Nalkatu . e. „ - ... - iiatikimii' - ' 1 44 : 6 7 '' .. lb halr fatiobe/i: ,- tir , iitria- ',OOl-aits , '..- ea•Reletillttli2lllo/41.4i4M-11to•Siik. ' '';i4lllll"%"ther. lablejrool,4l4.***llB= ,;;Itriiiiiii!.*oo:l4'. .°lll.lftt sisti • wi t it oft 1,4 -- tissis*, ~ ,T.-, 2 !OW: al .of,' _f or * - Aser: sl l24 o o9 ? 4lo 4 4 , '"l ri ti l i gb 01 4 fil - , `-aid • sentoolosietils 'fi t er mi tovaqiiit r ft e ;eo . - • , .I!m,,tat - : W /196 i tt i hrtri010- 41 ".=, 4 4411 11 k ee '' s afer - 4 211Mer44 11i7dialAtk It ' 40 ',';`="'"- `1414,e11t1itie:41,04,14.090it s , rzasig,liiii...**liti-1fta..,041,° ,/,124,,,AV1e. rar i e;::?=________. l. :* u Per L A lGi. A . 4 o:l timi. e f 1-,Th1a,....,,,„.'w.„...4.0a1s wwww li i Mi n i a; _'pljzirea io Ode - '' l 44 .. 14 -7. " -- "imistbse:,2ltelpi,viorkithipt-guno, ;140 cili a ii-airde-,--wilvithift_Zietira ter Weladriallie<altelfam, p...... 0) T .A .M l Hygpwitated hilAwL eider! of the Platte,:teer.. , *-11111140/1" fiat.. , US ill*f*-3111111,t(i. iii; Will'nekt•KL 'Z'Zilder,Siliiiio* '. 1Z L ir i tri l" 4 &OA, bra* f000tolifr: ' ,3*l •••1 __,. ut. esit kw ,last` • ..'z . ~ • - i'lltikWeiniT' oc A u k ' .. Ali. ; ' l 2,l 4.l 4• ll 'e=ate r t Ur blows' ", w i atg aft4d ;own ts-heittaat aver4W,lll4Ziki...'ii,,,,, .• ward :flraVitysik by Mr- "1914 iit bee -in ~la_ 4. wheu the ,arMil welt - ' lifidtaa;3l6 saieadtar aiwk , atetgara_4? rpt ,, ,,, the word was slim: ; ~1 ,- . followed salmi. i Th• ripest of or " eg r e l r ilift Nu ign 40.0 :atatelythatrA' ,lo 2,.-• , '‘, ,'. : ~.; ' later, sod foofsioft•w , '"•*'.„, • ' - - ma p p oNd to; be , :.'• ; ',Dr.,.,Btioe Miss qtafirll7 a soar waattaltr tramEladkthea_w_aLe , o = 6r ..., SCA* ..I•ll.,,,lldilbilse=r4. .: Thai ball sica7. = II IC u " . "rlW . balosmi sus mkt* advance dna it". ~,,i , _ li Offnitalir '- • ` s t ii ii teh rliltre l i illiM77MOlNgtftli (Mit I ' We lalaii AOC** 111°. ' - - IBuddern - rat.,,tb• welels'ir t il a utleh -Ole- "mills - ' - ithalialiett.'„ - "tailiglitik‘iltairtirit byte ad Wailrltaiseel I, ''L 116 Wake! is ill* him*" 1 10 15111601 4."° .-.',, Iseell ser vietwaVaribtlY, eta VallueeS 4113"1" ' ir AI rt ta.--diralleintlatliwillthaut ' ' 'IY erhs ruts: = strived at itall, Dud Se (tap. ) - • took Fallout Asko that Behelleolakreseur e In ''t he limialatiaeir mai diloopiattodoosaimoooLiti d u a t a • ' 'ilitoonet thaluttaara, lalwwww* and, miss. _ A 1,...,08 thitrui.`eltt=lidto habitable' ' - hir aid — 47, -- ' -- weft. ' who" , resided la „l'' #l " l4ll4l tat E lisili t i r hem 'aid Ai deftab ,,,,,51001,,...L.---- .-a,t4„,eimintai,lo,'"istiltih-lbey ~ .. - ;,l4 . 4ol . ari e workaa atell e rideau iu d it il= -- ,za(-Mitifition cef th'Vrtehheorteet -.4111. "'dm' . = C'AtaldagailleNtralhilliktilliattigglinq r allierul apbr a ti Ar ithd po t ar lin ," l4 ; . ikons* - -iiitii.avarialle ,4*Meu -•;.':;tia ' -7-1 4 17 4 1 1- =t 21i r git :ism) . ink' ' _ 44 11111 10 6 . ,, . ~,,:.,,,„,,,_. L„_ ' if 1 4 1111 4Vad 4a 4 a S t i edir wie :l L _ ''''. 'Wog ~ HA I I . IO &Alined; 6661 i 124-=l"liivetrisit":l-r ---114111C1-' °Mt Ale 11 / 03 t i.'"d -CSI and aNtli ..____.____-1 11 * etiCrt re!' , • , Tr bor toin pir—u-ut ei .i'- ji. - .....,,,,„ 74 - ; 01 02 „ ... .cps, , 1, -I,4iimoosiii,„Vaio -....21 04 -i,„,,,k, sof Um = o i rtintoPPler ' d - Ofdkr'Ulltilli the -'4147:14.41 * -- f,"*" .l 4,:t r • - -`'w.. r t twits ) lisf illsl6kri .....••••••.5 '• ” '''' 4' '' ' ' m i . 4 31 * ' - '- a M / 4 11r , W ald , I ,4" , 11 1 1 : tr i :,./ 14 21 1 ,- a i s e n v y : •' - A l ril li kebS4 b. ' li ' iH. ih m;„, jua•taat i zaL . SeUw. V i la°4 64l r l W .. c Aii, was goat fr o* et urii,l,,-.6.4. --Nithie. t .,,, „ , k ko t ... L v.,i,fp = s ior . b ,,...„ ,• :...;,,,,-.,.....— 5r ha I,*""",bopecio • boos prodocoMf ' ''. c 2 ,,, - toA., , 'ltolf,4-hod,sa. "=21411/"Nal= s- 'LluUlieryiksjAd;bolow*OlNuurattlfataktrith iii': - 01, - :moliiiiiwi *wife& 00114•1161 to p v r. ....11. L . 7 that'll.- PhaliKWlPAllig.kea •=lasTrff.'4lll,l l 9‘ . not /din"' ~, . ' Pal= little . irtV4filig4tildookoa 0 lbw it, Was ~ , - st iteleaki fee1441*.411"- ''°oi "`•ri litt , tho- riti ehfipiterbor„4",&4o,l , - ,' ' - ,, i j it , h e istrokood- attaßY • ,:"..-;';' ' ' , ot . '7"" ' ',`..' `4-11/Srlirsat... VAillitilemalteloirittOliittlititt4J6 We... : • ^ .--5.,,,,,,,. Irecokima)masmitift-ussorsis• "• Arai •-time* tu. r ham ''-',.diork about: • fiwowa : ,ifir,i47-4M heritaqtwlddi letb; • --' Aitiold in i'illeOfk , ~.- . 11411 *- "e4asidao#4lw-lreip- - -, liefirlottikk-wPOIrt ' , atatilpathishwit ISt ;litrre;‘,- 'iourai.,4,m...tresir,„ : . ,4„,,,,..., fj1 IlliOadviollosomot, • ' ..,'.:- - woo*,_ ~- - - 4F,i - -N g • is 'l, ' is 0. - 's 0 f l ' hi lilitAtiit%? ' Cirts te = _-,,,, ?- ft- , ...t ~..mi T was 0 gi g; ~i ' ' ...r , ,---, ~7 eftV. 4 #3o,,a, wig ' '•' rb "" ' ''' - ' tiny ziox!-- Jt• beriusoirip' sow Jartaat - putt3l,a ~ , vssksrss•-Tss Gisminer (d., p,) " On Thatadity aftwiwor; lank loth, iatatwal r ii ,, eel* Jtfneillit=atylild,..__era d , da= wen U I el an 4itterir tat to, the Sum. hi thkew - -, • ' helehliC et , 4 1 •40IttPlualme Ow` . Olt. • Unable worka. amisistiai at the ed vommilielietalkotboofifidit__ - 14 II stOTti, kflik4 l ll4l l otarbd ow add!.i , 'of tho Ora* wail awataawal to onippww a ha. priaanweatf , Thojillo et theereleXeuris order -17 aa irtlgaskjottorat Icx.,- op am' , •- to id eisferelletllelhe "Allem* Prow*l. I Ontelke4o l, 4) , 1 4.,# , . 111" toad } h. , cii 4" 2 " I giogitaegatit im h° --' ~ el"keraelleklisomeat •••''''''iaitipoltilwataak I'lo iwittalik b Oit 7 7lll4 !glade ,- a ' 2 4 0 Ism / corn . .4.1161, 4714;= lP r 1 ak t4t4C41;106- , W**. ' ' ' ':-. ~.,• „- meaeat.ar,the hP$ M l , a t fistsl " 7_777t_i da ' „ `;rlr-11ha iiiii##llWM.l4iP; a 2 t hlk , ifil4ia4boul w0r , 40060,000 0 41 0 4 iiiid•c4 ~ . 4itiirsitutuuh;roki4opeut , 4o4Nuth'!ur- "`''hOOrnaudithiai-'oe ; I *l o nalleUS : -V10440 lat Olitotaiiiii",etaPACOtiVlCkikr:+xdiNG -irOiste.,,:i*lsi‘pairse,4lazip pew ' waist- kw; aluiti i tus el tim smiles it. State fairy, boo awe obtained sad NMI', en fl r 4 to Charles., taiu ; Thai-edgealae of Um comusit* I P , :l 1 , i ii , tti, ,;-'l";lliikeiolh4=4 l thrwerd. % t eal 1 ,at a an trE s us , r , ego am jeor 'r Avlrowit ' - - --' - - *ea t a: l Ar g aiiettbst .• - • :fir-A' 4 / vo. g.** , ,414 -... .. .. ~..• 4 '-' • .. - 4,,L.',..4.... 4 - 6 . 4 „, , rho ,„_:its, ale. : .-- .. .. , 71,eak. '--- -P, , , "-- 1 iii f ir / * na l Alg . **l 4 ) !:Ar la q" _,,,,., ~.,, _ ~,,,.nionwirr, sto„.ta % , , -.'. ...••• ' '• , .• ir`ir , ,',•,•*- ~ , s_ Alf44OAsh4stekto .TAL 0. mi. , v - _ ,t.', Tway Na. e -`_ ''''' ',Oar** a ihmatutlets; ilk* bV ' '; '4 26, 6trilAw _ th•.segoodi4 per 76.131101 4 '''';, ' IWO*, li k ihe ll. I. z e ti . -' - 40,04,,,Aftftstift000 0 ads - • tio 01044,11,0102414/6" ' ' " - MOW , ' Oa* :SW 44,1114w00, David. •- . - ' ,•-•it*pil,,isisidiat,Pooloo.J. -- ' -Au, „,0 7 .444 the • ' '' .--. ' - ii i pihrai l o r i s iiiite4 ; , ,latriere halraJltrAtso .t. at tml4ol‘ ri' i''- -_. • - Y e ;,,f, ":-?.••:-..-;, ' fir.,`.'" at weutt"..thlbli a. 4. ,- -.' -,, !”.,' • ' '-' '' ; - 4t611161 neat t° Sr ' 6„,,,r „,. :,,:- I. tail %11 r)._.o. en filar 4r ioa, E ~ ,' - 17. =',:',•';': - 16 , 1* :: L. . rit Agit $ 2 1:., „•ii--V,z.. 1. .4,?-,,..wagli4:69,AwL.L.L.sert4 -.7,.. oabis MEI . f ',.:. EINS:I =MO - 4 -Pt_ , <. • -talvit*_ ~--. - " 14.-' f - -'7;:!tii'to -,, ,, -4 -77 7:' 4 " . " 7- ~:-,";?,!,,:=-:.1,.. 7, . Alve--c .- • -': - ,'• • • tater .; 1~: U.* JIM an. 1 4 041 -040. ee, - the vikit "111101Ing, • •y 344,4 , 'f ; 7'7- ' Al i rtit I = I NSAi aeon= • t_77. — "St_..7"' lot -- ....Z..414.ittan5a11, , L101 61 . 1 t " .1 *. • ',14140:44? eirard: - •!. _coalitissoVrasldimu. - lik 7 oo* , :ltfpt. ,i44Al(tiC:, -,1 -.---" 5 'L - ''''"; InlttatnisNolly,l — tiektoond l i _Woba tiik 'mirark , -Cantion; lOW 'York, J A rr - 41 ii*iiikatiottia: .1110aas: ',NatWis. - ,E . 4 t: B ouioi r _ . 6 :; - tiii i iii 9 tl e i:,, is aii di ii bea;Tivrton , r Vim, oTilf 8 mi 6 ik;"! /I" rrii ta i t Igig, mai, 1 ,- -,-.41011( Or /I ttakit 4 roul Nf° 4fai Csa lt i ftini t ViTt to. %t - ; ' . . A 3 . 111 1% W i tt ai at" 4 " 11 "h r itBl lf. 110$1114ofintOkil,110kio,,Harome tt ' OthaniaOa ' iniatoio ' rr.norlialk.' , Ltatti t - Mit & Co. 4:0 684"11. "M B°4"* . Btatotell•Aatt,l.awia ''' tg'l t m atraa.4ovllloan. ,-. do ' r , • _. ~ --,:= tintii j,is, lit' book _ lityrassarorak , r , Inl air . y Matt alt. on acaaanC of head yam. . • fl tWaTt i Crir Adoasiq Bagarnoter ' Bonham t itightai INFOrtiqotirlti, 'W- T 1 "I llil f 4e i L " " l ii i 4 in,. S 94411,... 9' 1'iteVA ri. l eaky A tolp • r ßoreri•t - ornaw: at ow onit IML fillh_ , .. hau"..""dlise" ma M ath.' u dirali c alliVa r ii t ,..,,... 0 7 0 ..4 ~( a, " , ' • z ; el" 11 I VITIOA - ii - Aland at 'Bogota ink inst. for F. i Aid a% ttillizi; lir V*Hollii4 l bit jut ' " '”i t. d o Nitta lit• . ' '' p ,I- ' rolorforßkdattelnatiffftkorka at ., 1 , ' %T. .- ifilakt!4 04 — odr.,Ameriort Arrivod.stW , ! o mf". /' et * 9t ," Ind' - ''''' ' ' ' iii•aiittaitos ilk mat. for i irrlialio i stV • hrork, e - JVAlriVrittify.'fallssard, for New York: uuted from - 511 ='11 ,4 l 'l n i Mum; &Mow York , WWI from WlTZ tr is . " .°"l"l" ; -- -- ' I'd ai. 6th lilt „IN, ' on Kt,- em for raltdelataa, at '- *art° tillove 1 for New Bedford, at eakr MT.,. . . f. 4 ,” ' , " • • I =B le~te ' VA% r'oliibiltllitd - Ni Caltefißlll2oi's f‘' st i nib& ia, won front rroridopos 7tl tut. ' , I Soar , also, -- Barroaabn, rrono p ast,,, , sf New . r',lroya ii b t v -,. 4 hi p 4i .s nßiii r foiiihiladilph*, 4 i essiti• lir " , .- .744.11;42-I{6o47krell!t'A!**' Vitt bolt PV .Wll. 'C:~.~~i~'i~ii..DFrlF,t[iOADd.j cr.Axiie..l OUT..? , EVANs - & TIiB ENTIRE BALANCE, OF • !'Et R.R I N .14.1.1.,Ks ;AUCTION PRICES. 901400 TUN. will be offered thisvosk, GREAT_LOS TILE:OIO,4**PciRTATION. lIVOTNUT Strief. APPPPluoittiumituicis. NEW, GOODS, • • - -Antiikaff , Loon, and constanur -1 10 **r• ". • . - • • • , • Mann QOM ALL'CoLoiIE. Orin TArtiltrid - 21011.01i0BILtli CUBHION6. , , . , • AFIFB/AN,D# _RED At 4 4P.kEill. • SIB:r.4II.II.LISINOHICTLAND WOOL. • OWL R4i . P Ei 0 NIS ,titiOilits*ailianfilllZE STOWE, ow 'Or Evnutoto. 'lB6O '--°'•LP • 1860 • • 2/00../1111444"1410, .!(D DI/JUNO THE WEEK, SPRING M.ANTELETEi 391E4GE , ,OLOALIECK, • - lireatVerietroatke . ' * - -.-:',',..am-lutazhz4,zmPos,rtirtr, - • _ ~T .i :4:-.W.i pitoorEoß. F No. TOO CREST/MT Streit. He - LOVA 1 •• *Nisi Firma. , CIASSIBIERES. .;1118 FINEST FANCY *BENCH. • 1 -- vEsTmas; Tawyncrstrrielitiv . notes irrnas. 0110A*NGS, Tr. :WEAR. 104 of and Itatail, at - - El3l - 114ENIA.WS`. • " JAie•NE'Sr.gi. 4 „ 7 : ; OHEBENUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH ' 1860. SPRING. GOODS.- 1860. ~;.;ave Wu JUST.OPARBD beautiful 'Wok oti 'RONNET dND -TRIMMING, RIBBONS, Of all greatlei,' of 'widths:4M itiliailoNigt, *Ali an' nniumiilly Lt sr itirtive aiis9rtatent 14- - - - r‘FEI RQ$ ILUWBRB , argiw - Nzim , a,. 4.• ; " _ epoims; OUT RETAIL' STERN COOS, ')720 aIigSTSIN BTRIFST. PRTIADELPHIA AIMING 3 GOODS.— •R , ' WARMER( BROTHERB jg havitrenefr. lined mind rokaim,f,Olies, Tnr:nnane4, o an 'Leiiglitl ent' tbs coatorirePoristione t ens ral d el liflirtter X9llgoiderlo•• k ' rid; Willti :in wand nearCiteeks; rn, f ,L PCIY4 rniz e nrietT ; °nip? and rlsid ta , 4l 4 6 a w a n d l 05 1it h,.. 1 . 4 . 21 Stcyd , II : •• ' pkt . Ilion 0 Goods.. o o l Ung ellit4 o . - WA§ _ . vtiviiiiiiii t tiiii tetliitiiiteit iribik theii hame e;er # , IIIMINUOMITRAMOAVI .- 1 4 AK , isigisc_jetwgotheN an or the siew ;,"!!_. < rir . dieratma. ..itml7Airtm, mot„.. Aoo.l:uhr kmnitatrP”, r , . ,-.lisi oeut vir WEAR. tig 'it. Ins : go, , . _ !parlor tug IT Pr_ 'Le?. l k i aril447' g* * eealriN,p, - : Doi WNW ll a falc o ler ”: ' s , 1i i...,. “ 4,4. ' id a tu cum& a iliiiTak nav,. # ll= =EI , , - TO LET.. TO,RENT—A FURNISHED' HOUSE. JIM !wire on the prohitri;:ll.lrooknigot NINTH and I.OCUIrr Mo.: • ap9 St FAOTORY FOR SALE--FITUATED mast Bridgeport, Montgomery eountg, aixteentitirplea, from Philadelphia, bitthe Reading Railroad, 'Ulm Wadding 00 by au test ; 10 tpott WWI eslpyn~reT, For inn t UI P I 1t4".48. .24Y Noartiltfli :Treat. • lir To: - LW, OR•FOR SALE, OR EX-, mckANGE POIOIERMANTOWN PROPERTY The large three-storied BRICK NO SR No. 102 North TENTU Street,. with three-storied back head ings, inde n t s,. on Mgr ggri t t t ri modern pe, flitTirr7 Street s ,Cladelphut. An ."' 41.101 n: ==M _ FOR SALE, OR TO .LET,:I.N GEL' MANTOWN—A handsome COTTAI7/s,'.ith all the modern Lawrovemellts and betatiful tianien,on Har vey etteet,witt five minutes' Walk of the depot, Ay- , yly at 718 ARCH btreet. „ ay9-3t*r MLFOR - SALSA - IN - HADDONFIELD' R. several 'very desitablerßriok and Friimi Residences., well shaded and , handsomely improved. Also Ms beautiful property knowp as "Tulip Grove.". tog: t iller inth a cumber of well.bmated cottage sites, Ye 0 4 ,4 MS property will be saohanimd tot oily teal estate.,' emu easy. -apply to - JitISSE V. PENTON, 1X3'.1 South VAT. fintraf.tk TO' liENTL=Forlhe season s et small MIIM COTTAGE, contenting four rooms aod kitoben; pleum* situated within a hundred verde of s mows station, 7 miles from the Mts. Inquire at DANIBL's Seed Mom, IMF MARKET St. av 643t* WANTED TO RENT—A comforts= AML. Me dwelling hotieei - with stable and ground at: tadowl, (sag one give acres.? or near a station on the rstiadervhsi- and Columbus -Railroad, Within ten mitesof the city - . Add egg, Malang location'and terms Per rear, " Cash " Blood's Dispatch. Philadelphia, - 81.8 et GERMANTOWN.—For sale, on easy' ANL terms, a' handsome pointed Stone RESIDENCE; near Nanheim street, 'Flank road, and Calvary Church." House hes mu, eater. and all modern con veniences. • The situation is not atunkaseBd HUGERan, Fmk J. 30-110. SOS South FOURTH Street. plat, I:SALtI=-- . - large Carriage and Hari -.: neininitking eatsbliehmeut. nituate on the oorner• of two of the widest streets in Portsmouth, Va.; doing a thriving busitiesnahe owne ll unable, throng fit health, to longer give it attention. Can be vurohne on low and very reasonable term, or leasitd fora term of years. Apply to GEO. A. ,HEAD, , .., Portsmoulb L Va., or at EVANG - & WATEGN, . • trildlo4m ~ .. Ent CHESTNUT Street. i NI TO KENT—Two beautifully situate. ARIL double haulm, well shaded. ' , with (meek how?ei and gardens attached. on Taoodiy Plank Road one mile below-, t 7 y. and three-quarters _of a mile ronk Pal e T ly t a r l e tepot at Elndesnurg, ASP 101117.eff FOR SALE-:-A-Dwe ing House ; near the State Roues. imitable for Moo.. CNA RAMS RHOADS,' rahle-Im* • -436 wAi.atUT Street. OF FOR SALE, in TIADDON FIELD. N. J . 4 MIAs pleasant Cottage. with about two sores of ground, stable. fruit Weir, and aeoesinble from the oity, by rail, in NI =mites five tunes a day, and by a gravel tut apika al NIX Wig&• ,, rlell sow. terms easy, 14,4. to • mtas.im. 7tB WALNUT Street. GERMANTOWN PROPERTY. VALUABLE : REAL - ESTATE FOR HALE, The` Vrigeble Farm slid Country Seat, containing 10 6 Ern? fle t =l9 .34 l l r U n v ,Vtlfla i d a eliiiiiirt a u t g". n a within ',miles of tne asset in Germantown. ' • - The situatiod of this' properts not to be warplane& being bounded on the north by Washington lane, o , the Fr by Tins - Lubin' Mn. read, and on.' the.eout by nee Meet, sad within , one -eighth of s o rthe uneinln Turnpike, ands quarter of a mile of two Sta tions on the, Chestnut Hill branch of the flonnastoVrti Railroad, High *pest, end Washington lane. The location of the above property is high and heal thy, the land-well watered and lying very advents, geonsly for, Collage Sites. It commands an extended view of the surrounding country, sod is_Mtenreo , ed by the streets running from Gennentown, es laid down on the Surveyor's plisisof that district. The property Is laid out in five lore lots: lithographic plans •or which may be obtained on application to either of the under signed. Al. a valuable and handsome Building Lot, iltuated oil Mabel" street, near Plant r oad, Germantown, s o n. r,oh.rfeigienkarlirsianstergit l olsitt2 ° 44l. de iht ground lies high and elopes towards Menheim street, upon which front Is a row of large and elegant shade- Meg. Also, sevinal fine Building Lots adjoining and in the viortivy of Fisher's-lsne Station, Germ l entown. For nir4 r l : PEllic7Entrilinn_ t allittomy, ' -8. B. oor. SIXTH and w ALN UT Streets.' - Or to SAMUEL, B. BEHR ' GERMANTOWN, BILLIARD TABLES FOR KALE.-7-Tvio first-olase Mlliard Tables, with 7),( itch kftrblei bed*, sad Mama improved auOlone , made laat Marl— wffilehitreseer=go.unWierea met LekhrTe aaft, T e*~ P 6. rfil PIANOS! PIANOS ! ! PIANOS I ! i _ R • ' . &EL . M/EONS. PIANO-FORTES. MELODEONS. / 484 * 'AMR Eaditn N awm. do., and fitkoni. " an a l * Clark ' _ J. E. ISONLD, _ ' "SEVENTH and cagerNtry, WRIPIa. & - 0. , FISCHEWS SPLENDW I NEW YORE RIANAVm Ole Upwards to 4WD, soootdies to A otsh—layor kttolra for itbrAt ba r i fe k"i oeplot t agtiliza., faiiew to 01 4 . OT for e ikt &I DONA Anioonti A a tra attortroaat *Vamp aotarant,..tplat Le ex, puoe i • Serge th -2:"7 OHIO t SONS, MANLY.nm ert tsoilf arena,flagutiA V tim. u 0 wareroontio. laksp , in ;exi i kaap. . 0410 . sod L 4,176.1trA1r , "!. " J - sTEiNweY & 01 150, 1 sk_ fr va NZW pIAN P 00 -: an til ait clri' y thits nigmastnr aZ llad .• u- .;,; 07472 • co!ssiti •_ • c • f3Uld 04 • DING. ' PLEASURE SEEKERS, aad petetaWflepd the sesames sips thetriensi hde ,sts thethe wry, will and sew delsglitlid placer Ilia" 1 1t7AiviritA RAILROAD. With a view to sotionimodate and enp_o_ wage the larg e Et=Lt.:ay& in he vicinity of rinlanalptna, Andrimal ipany , have made a very - i re' /eduction in faire,_a . in nr i priounientniWi FUWfidfiLTIORETS HAW) _FON AT A T HE - COUNT OF FROM 20 TONI PER C a bow RbOX.ILASt RATES, according to distance. moreons desirous of wonting' boaydi will find swim advantage/in the teelt.aepointed n ot es s and Amen Id sionmerysaprk all atone the hen the Pennsylvania Raiiroad. - „ Tickets; t or u d o on e sor o f the peeonunodationireincßo l ettetrit i e or NM ttrittita h apt-itn • THOMAS MOURlcatiawig. WEST ~ TER RA> LRoAD TEAMS 'hi OA4i. Leave Depot. corder 4.13VE mot .11fIRKET_ Streets. daily (except &Wag /00 oa* 4.. 4P. IC Lowe Wpit uhestor art.94-A,,p141 NA p. gg; • ; • TO - WESVOLIPITR efigit4Pl AN , D iNTXRMED I 4 I I I3 , "wriate Weet heater leave Philadelebie 94p he degot,liortnetag darner of Eighteenth a -Market iitreetg, et ix and (DADA . M.,nnd mg an d d.ge pad, 014.8undaye at and 9 P. AL ,r9 1 04i1_41*._* 0 444, Ann on the Phitedeliplifei and Eel rir.r4l,4lrairp • jjil tote the LSO,nihgo and 1410 atiIIaININPREAonMAD4LPie AND ii_o_gra - •- • ozoomox OF pAp.xB I • on and after APRIL, 9d. gm Commutation IlOkiti, prith twenty-six 000ponsontl ti e lamed. il d for the holder, end awrinember of his family, many Ter Train, and et any time. They will be so the freasureg, at the office of the company. No. et ' n th OURTII Afoot, at aleduatien of tweaty-five per cent. from the'sealer fare.. _Verb., wishing to enjoy the Bummer in the Planet! will find this a very desira ble route, the Rohm ill anA Lohapon Valhi,. heansamong the most dissefe end healthy ; n the State, sodwen, silee by four trains from and to Philadelphia daily. - S. IsHAupoxp, Treiwurer. PHILADIIITHIA. MSTIab Mlii, 4850. mhl7-tf • - • . ' NOTlON.—Uffargit 1/ RA s ViinvilstMatre ft s T mo lf3TA ONIII,-=5 aild_giV_ A ri i Illeg, the neer Trains for DOW 11 1 ro will . .tow_Poopmnagor Depot o loPhDo i twill :: ...,,,,Thirait,...er.1.41:94. • ...;•• • i .:• -iiiicsiii...4,...iii. !Wig at i 4 f ofi.• . i 1 • s ooxits =Am for Poirailistora, 14evai as n I ta i orth tr %c ac ilrelgoris of the Phifatielettie a &O il- - - 111-414 - W. 11 (11°1" . &ETRE . NNEY, Eleoreta4'. AM P RUA DE LP HIA MAD, o I, L _AIW&UI I a I G ii.nx 8 USD, . Oh w inArlitreett 1 1 0 t =i p.f.seit,Doi MOral i solitizioord , ) tor u Vat t.—, , u; modiste Wg.inti, aotenionag at srriataara m i t e t o mats ta ilta. PIM, Cluunlarsai i , frot „ r em., or ILLE'atid • ' 1 i OAD Mondays excaptadd for REAM ' a/9 •I;lirritcriLßßNNlT.lii.Baarlttaiv: . , EDWIN CLARK'S ' - - . . MOTILE IMPROVED ' sod avirITPWl - Ooßiblned Sredingen4 Bolting. or • - RORANT FLOUR MILL, • ' - Daily in operationet , 149.134 , Rac0 S ,hictow Titian. FiiileV4. . The unrivalled Flour Mill, inoluding the complete grinding aid, bolting maehmery, Nommen a Amstar of one 4 feet, wide, wait feet hip, end twenty-nee feet lOU 1 mentifoottml within le small comealfei 0t a j i sigrairittli t arti, Z i all,7lgartgd t lit i tinte h ror er grades or noar and the dinerent kinds of offal tiro diming goer *Smith twilit, to the best flour made rom amen" cvt o wheat, by the best Merchant our Stint to nited ntates , or in Rurope. Its average rte of 1 iag is two barrel of easerlor sour; per hour: nos new, te m pest. aomplete.' end:celebrated Apar mill hie been carefully e t i b einused by many of Shave...it eaperienoes millers In ti p 'weary , snit they maim moody bestowheon it the caked oommendations l. and hav:ren their tertimonisli of its add!, imperlon ty, its immense utihty. NI it a, mill-owners, uterphants,ciptahets, sFitils, Wm. F r nubile in Otani; we - '000640 r ;need GI OW Szlimilie the blear mint UM De .1 WO • b.tri oar mill. Ri Ntrir u lU t i ll a n. ad t trot till girtrnair tb firerk k portion of the United SUMS, Great Bribes, , Moe, Dionnati. Almiiii, Niel olberaiof hiral Omit ea, will .be given to al D owns eat ft . a _ri letters to ! ~ ' E 0 .11.111, Patentee. - No. gal RAC st., below Third, Oiled's. scr For further informs on concerning Mg °phalli,- tad flour uulli ydrissieto read the yellow handbillsi de *tritons it. -- . , ,me , ls , el..AltilEN HEEDS .F0R,1860, .-' • ; vBGETfiILE,BEEDO IPralY l Wi t iti; O ilargrittfprge l a fa. Zs Ltd ',MUERTE! sup ji I cult Tone oad Hoses, Prue V' es, tw o Icar • stod for '(Malasassi anima may had gratis. maia-lea • H. it.DRHER.B9 (Thestnat st pISOATORIAL SPORTS. ~. • Bt. woottal:TATltfkglideigiftleMT }T 1 , 1 thip in . r fi r T . :n th It . ead Bar , ' tr, of 'rAC lir, . . so n lurgeame worl d Trout, Von arid per ofig. Bl,llll :T., l 43ll4, lM OTlZo l , B gru c tr i' . l a te nd Hooks. .„,liteouk Busters, Art taj Bali, 'pax, guk sa mar, WI" rouirsoind Cotton /Apes _ ... . I;ths-int ' MINTON'S ENCAUSTIC . TILES OR AAA-door., Ornamental thinnier. Toys,' Gairl4rand owiligist V i tir Cation- I/jinn - ad Drain &MI eat Pips. Vitr honey Arum Impiteiljk s o - U/. aad Oraglia - iceo lA s 1141 t. 12U161188''' TROUT BASO' OD. AP..' ,11 % .1 " 6: 7-tiW4Bll:Aig4yl 13 li t ll e w .lutGE*B. ket rte str; DA4°° ;391A,- M4141/4 ,exso' , j ui l e by st.4l- -601Hompo pitEss . l.;.4lllLAD' ELIMIAVWEDY2 .8 1) Al:, ' 186% JPIIII4OIII. MAILROAD NEW-PTTBt.YCATf/NB., THIRTY 'THOUgA GLAND!iID ',COPIts:IS4.4bI IN EN Y THE AUTHOR OF'! WIDE. :WIDE WORLD," - THE AUTHOR,OE "DOLI4ARSIAID GENTS." 2 Vali., 121Ii0:; 111(4 $4. In evidenie of the 'great popularity of. this work, we !leadenly say that MAO COPIES of the English edition have already,been good. end, pp to the present time, .e have been unable to furnish the books' ea rapidly an ordered. We invite attention to the following notices .°' The authors have turned their intellectual wealth la the best lumina Such books are better than htuidrede of mere dontrovereird eirmong." l 4l.. Maraca Neel karmic.. " Bay and" Seal! is indeed a trued beautlial hdmit book. that will be reed with delight and profit by reds of thousands of our people."—[Evening "Decidedly the best hook unstinting from the author rens of Wide, Wide World,' "—Lb:vaulter. I "A delightful book it is."—[T'he Press. " It is superior to • Wide, Wide World."'—[North American. J, B. LIPPINCOTT tr. CO., 22 and 24 North FOURTH Street MAMMA'S LESSONS ABOUT JESUS.— AN.A. This dayis enblished— ' • , • " MAMMA'S LESSONS AHOIII'3EBISB. By a Mother; With four fine illumtratinno. 75 cents. We cordially °emceed this book to mothers who are desirous of imbuing the tender mind! of their children • with the prink truths of the evangelical history. It is simple without being childish, or m ar_tr war low Print the dignity of the scored. narratbre. we have seldom met with stook of the kind whtsh pleated •vs so well. Let mothers try 11 in the instruction of their ohilr dren. Published br , WILLIAM S. ALERED MAHT/EN, • a)10• Ni,' 600 CHESTNUT street.' NEW BOOKS FOB SAVE `BY -LI SAMUEyg4 H in.. CHESTNUT BMREET. - A VOYAGE DOWN THE AMOUR, with a 8000116 Joump7 through Siberia, and incidental notice" of Man chooria, Kamaglistka. and Jap an . Br -Porn" McDo nough Collins, U. Commercal Agent at the Amoor Rivet. One volume, lemo, oloth, ith illustrations, FRIARS WOOD Mr OFFICE. By the authoress of .• Reir of Radcliffe, ' &o. Cue volume. SAYAND SEAL. Br the Mises. Warner, author ewe' or " Wide World, i " Querichy,"firo. Two vols.', ntmo,oloth. WAIMEA ASIIWOOD. A Homy Story. By Paul S iO logvolk, writer for the Ktdokerbooter. thte11011:1111,0. Cttl. I. fiTOlnti FROM BLACKWOOD. Volume Bich b. • LET ERS„' FROM. S wITZERLAIVD. ; Oy With illustffittoner One volume. I. THE WAR IN NICARACILIA. Wntten b 7 Glinera,l Willem Walker. RITA.' A AND Skim (111. THE STARti AND d M/W I : 1 :r. Meditations Vt e E n lng i tien n ßE,StV AVa r ti i I y Guide to Scripture Heeding". - - AGAINsT WIND AN p TIDE. By UM author of " Moan Vlolt's Daughter. - - LIFE BEFORE HIM. The New American Novel, LUCY CROFTON. By ,the author of "Mar g aret Maitland." 801.3 t THE LIFE .AIVD TIMES ' . , - lit ROD TH or E OFFAT l THE LIFE AND TIMES OF M_EHOD THE GREAT, As ponneoted.lllstorically and rrosheticallr.srith the Coming or Christ, andinoidentel Portraitures GE Voted Permo, VF sons of the el Age. Hr Witham IL Willett. One vol., 12W, . • ~ NOTICES OF TIIIS'PRIFS: ' .. '' Profane and Sacred History,ere beautifally blended in the deacripticel of eventa.mendante, and charnel. re ; and, the, scenes' t tat Are , made {o sass before the mind have Oswego' o ei dretas wide,'" earwig to 'muses the truth illustrated. '—Amerleas Presbyteries. It is an aditdrabto book for the general reader, and for the family.' —Christian Observer. 1116 0 7 A iwaye_on haat, ayery lotr prince, a large ae terient of Theologies'. ellelows,_and Miseellaneous Lulus ok & OLAKISTPS, • . Publishers and Booksellers. 6212 4 N0;916,19. SIXTH St , above CHESTIIin. EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS !!! Upwards of 2,oooNS(two millions) of Engraved PORTRAITS AND MEMOIRS - Nave already been issued with the ILLUSTRATED. NEWS OP TEE WORLD, • AND DRAWING-ROOM PORTRAIT GALLERY - ' of Ennn4t Persons. PUBLIeIIEDWEEKLY IN LONDON AND /106 TON at 17.80 & year, rigg 4 quarter in advance—the portraits cent quar terly advanoe, and the paper sent weekly, Me whole prepaid, to any address—thus } reserving these Aral engraveApertraihren transit," SicoLa Nosiness ANY PosTuent, le OEMS& CoMpiet4 sets of all the Port raits. ahm the Paper and Portraits, in weekly numbers, fort sightly.oarte, sad yolum•L aocuteutly on hand, tog , ther Eumber. or [loofa, IlLit each. India Predrill& aolt, of any ortralt. • BE. yA. BR° cm gr, CO., Poblishani . Agents for America. LtHaeover Wept, : l4 Hanover etreet, nosed. • ''apg-ttnerat Seaton. soIITH AND NORTII ; - , IMPRESSIONS lIIEVIVIP _DFAEW _ll. TRIP TO ODBA D HIS -,- ' • y., "' LI P . Joint S. O. Almon. I vol., Umo. L em_oaces,._Priee $l. VOIDS oF THE PRESS. From the New York Independent. The VERY easy BOOK OD SLAVDILYTIT MUDD, Sixind, judlomus, ki nd, Christian , and most timely and faithful. . . . The author rehearse.= a untold° way the meatuses of viotenoe which *Bol72llitittl AetletteetON" JIM 1 late so eleteingi John Wo l gt i hn d lroirjr "l l7hr.T.7 , ,v , ..erVaTil for the opprebred puts to shame Vol:ward fury of the South for ovpreaum . yet 'the ttiltyAolr, Vo outdid. max arid MAW, 1,- DI , re alma Fog le . ?- manly ; ' - Ntly.elinglONAL, act PIATIMNAI4 not paytisan, hot Ohrlibrut. g.• points the Eionth to the simple napedy for exhotans terse, by, en tomtit "DM for Me 1341 , free labor for coerced . - • • f'roora as op York Tribmie. TtenOnsatingiggeoripyi , And the fraekneel and oor atili diality of its tone; are aoted s to pee it a favorahle re.. cinftii4.. 30 44 . 7, 1 * reader* ybo lIIEDIt Jert ',IVY from him in yonnon. r • ' , The topics to whioh tile r i iilb os pf i ll limbed,. und i gi artrlt in which they are . otigli •tiiiir armies a tempest of opposition foal *Newer. Mat siletioe on the only guarantee o =soy, wail secure it a wide circulation among Tan PDJEDDS ,or Fusspot( throughout the eountri, /lam the Allootta (17a4COnfederary: - tel t ltl: y c ii3rairitlVid)lrair sit al m iel=a a t:y Tit ,the mind t . 2113. , • , _ It forittehHts trill ' Alirilisa r =ir t iletifkinisttig. iihichilo ttaiter u nirririgi " - , v t or matte Press. g Myrmidons Ire sock es would be derived by any honest: fisir-mpded , ,Northern man. Pr al ttradtMt Dl' agC F. ji"iVreitt the Netelergilri The book ta intensely sad Td it_ San: - ABORT JCBPOT; 'Pa atkert., •- nthls-fm&w-lm . No. OA Nassau street. N. 'S", 141113 ML10414 AFABON WWI% DIVLWAL isTirtini2o RA 1011Ay:BOHD01.! U GUIDE TO Lomax mustIPTGRE REAVNG. BEAUTIFULLY LITEOIEMO., 60TII; Gilt Bide - and Nvolt. hie,* 41. This book makes the Bible is pleateiet se well niero. fo4Thd pubJeotgratudy,, It leaves; Le diftioalt or obsoure rarAgrcfAti:l6l,o7ykerv6„7"trastwe Blear. imperetively nevi' to pees Beemee ' imili.owte.o 4111VVELYANABOVEBB 1 BB iblarrlONO IN A CLEAR. MAIINE TEITHAONIALft OP 'THE SIM ROT.' " 4 , 71. Mt IlOmelgbiatito the Mimi Beeson Wh y and eel home ID ffley it i mt me to con tain avert ampl e of inkmr tratz°44:2;riv...det, itatilita. valuable addition to tins maretrui of the Teacher, Parent, end jrrivate Obrolien. Easkt Rev. ALONZO POTTER, D. D., LL. P. Bishop of Poutsyleausa. . , have ekaroinod f10../1 1 /40424a50n Why: end Ind it to be a repertory of mote on :Refel subjeots, set tort i tan a s t ein and ?tallied. Va. finica l: Lc rt._ th a Cr u trsel f n an t ible% ator setwoli, I dogma del it the beet nook of the Mod haveJoilt • ' • Rev. 301D1 Moe,' k TOM D. D. LL.D., Preridrut of Me Troy out Pastor ttr Pala , * Mash (Makodist Episcopal), New York. Tilqettentign r hove eke. your book eatiellei me tbaS /Z.9000(4 to ems important aid to all students of the klaule. and eopepielly 14; ism elms who nave neither tune nor mean* to sell on larger or more erilice4Orks. The plan et yank IR' 4s4l4lent. and the ma wig) chcosA. if awn haves lersd *ado tattoo. t PerthAnlY be of great use 14 the shady of the Hol yPorl04113%;. josEryi H. KENNA RD,, Pastor ar the Eighth-strew Baptist dalshia. • Published by 'DICIr PITZOIr t RALP. No. 18 N r tre_ et. New York. Percale by • J. IL' IPPINCOTT & CO.. ' • ~ FOURTH Street. Copie, onto ftgire book spit by mail, to any &Well. free Of inftlike, ou repaint% One Dollar. . lir IlintiAsel wane d is 'Fop , fp_pt . lofi of t he Of:14- ii7dghltb ` P ,' tilthom! Pm"' . "I`i' I°' parts • GEORGE Q. • EVANS' GlIp"r• BOOR STORE, o if it Itow it ufit r ygpsiree4. Rs livAge u O UR ; ' Ks A uVANs% 'Tie the beta plaoaia the eity. Moltke vityllr °Maw 40 SA any ower atore, itad you WO N. e e wi trt pr Betty Whom, Gilt a /to ..J3 with oime , ri v tiN filr o TFß KEW WKS N Pia RE!, I na hiti OP tin EITANPARD AU THORS. in' every dairaytmeti 'Or I.4tioratitre, et *a publiahers' regular anew, lad • handsome Present "NU earth,book, _ owl oar trial will assure you OW the but Plass iw tics city wawa yea shtniktparchase Boobs is 6I T B U Lt EV IIM AN NI • st, Dadelp ap9-11 firm eon below Fl .b • '•• • .r aide. coPAßTimastur ItoTivEs• . • ~ , . .. . . 1111SSOLTITION..,. AND - (*PARTNER ...Jr 8 HlP.—The oopeorftumehip beretofqre exiatinntee twe,pn the underelened. cyder the firm or BANCROFT & , BOOSTEAD. °Oat derdere. 413 North highth street. he tine day dtetolved.by expiration. John Boomed ye tiring. The business of the late firm will Wielded Py 'John Bancroft. at the aboye place . . • JOHN #4NCROFT. Aprat IN ,C' .101iN USTEAD 'The buten/41mill be Intiebedott t e old stand. by John Beneroll awlArn am Brown, under , the fi rr of BANOROFT dr. JOHN BANC FAL, i l pystlee • `. .' ' &BRAUM PRO N. IV 0 TT 0 E.—TIII COPARTNERSHIP .. o ' tt - I / fl'i i n t ei c l e t.l . lllitits t ri l etl i ffi t iti l i be gi cl;: - - eyed by mutual coolant, J. E. nory,retlrine he by e eeme of the late inn wilt be es led C ARI A 9 P. TAGGART, et the old stand. Na. 6 ARKS Street , where ell eeleene heYlee Welles I Oreimat t m for settlement,. and those indebted wil l make payment. , ,• • •J. R.Rpowa. apAlet • CHAO. F. TAOOART. ... IMITED P ARTNERSIIIP.:-40 TICE AL". ie hereby liven, that theaubeeribere have fohned eitmitedvirtnershiv, agreeably to the eat of A Numbly ,of tam Co ttlu or Pennsylvania. approved fdaroh list. la,ll. entitled d act relative to Limited Partner- , ` 211 1 1 6 n t it i nt d e t o h r e tre P ir e m a lt !PM& thi said lartifkr chip LI to be 000dooted te e that or" uttAttLIKII TAu la A - , The 4e a nerai- nature of the bumblers. to be traracted' byt . ,e rta to at of Importers and hplepale eaters in I and ignore in the oity rilteCeleh a T • name o tee ?horst partner a estAkld R. TAG4AftI, whole 'p ode of rapplepo• le, at Na. 010 Chestnut street, in t e oily or rhilatriVlSJ.And the Ira Verr e ,grd::thhi ° olo 4 ,,, lf,vp dglitkal!%l4.ersrerlivoiglTlkt IrEmtrOp TA ligAttT, haetroattrleuled to MO rionano stock of the inn lin ldidltof tea °allied &glom. Hi owl . The astir at wg° the sol e d cooartnerph p a to omit inane. ta; arts i tergf wo, and le tto terminate on the gth ay ofd i tt spe-ist *7f; ialPll6. 'COPARTNERSHIP.—A. W.' RAND hag TRIB D ,Alr o agatt s it ,V l tflate s e r r i i . ltip The stlle , • Who will oontletif thi , Ht-AIR Aril) OT-WittEß )PURNAOX, CooxiNo-altramj um VINO; GAR; iso orKAM. FITT' 4.0 xuspoieN. „ At the old !Seed. MI North NIXTR, street, Philadelphia. • STEAM REFINED SUGAR and SYRUPS. 9. DONNINCIit . M Oath - . WATER aireotoritb %view 4. of otaidai! WWII 41 1 ;11.11:: Itll . )f e te Art Aug mg kart eete Okit the Manes Mc wait g at/sm rem tow tifiv ii r a lasts altut ails rie a Kea , taL "" "or OW IciiiPlr YOttro , and ititnpri ;map_ to k' I ilt anentiswatio• of aty mew end,Konvos prOnoh , tminti randminc -- mbR-bu117,, Wift:LMANANti MAO • Mi whi • tiem • liblatri&ratimer do tßriekrrepsee 'W=A. 41.1 EDUCATIONAL. COATESVILLE SEMINARY.-This in itifirtfon ie boosted in coittesville. Chester county, on the Central Railroad. about NI miles from Philo, delphm. and ed from Harrisburg. It easy of eooosx from any part of the Union, and le in the midst of a moral efined _population. It tares o having a arai y mail, a telegraph office, and an Adams Express o ffi ce, The buildings have been erected with reference to minuted eduoation of both sex es ott the ba l m, of swell-regulated Christian family, So healthy is the location that no 011119 of sioknoss has occurred in the school but several students of weakly oonetitutions bare *mine strong awl robust, The course of instruc tion comprises everything that be taught in the best colleges and seminaries of our ocrpoiry. Send for a, catalogue, or meet Prineipal at rile RIB BINS' Mor pheme, Hotel, FOURTH Street. Philadelphia, the 10th, Uth. and 12th of April. frons 1 until IS o'clock. ap6-70 JAMES S. OlFFift, A. M. Principal. 11C4•ria • •' s • tI• • I 11A ING SODOOL FOR. YOUNG MEN AND DOW—. MT. NIY. Lancaster count', Pe. The Bummer Sermon oeeehmetlar. F'or lOroAriers et Aineriom School IneUture, tho 9 CRED'rN IsLeet. or eddrets the apd UV Fromm', E. L. MOORE. A'M IL Y SUHOOL FOR BOYS. at F4TTSTOWN, Montgomery county, I.a..—Pi l e en , bummer passion ,wid ooininanoe wy t Dpiwp4 DAY, !Hoy ill 4. throultwa, with full particulars, fur, Welted, on applloatton to Rev M. MEIGS, A. M., Principal, References—Amboy Potter, Ron. Owen Jones_•blessrs, t o rues E. Caldwell, James Clagborn. Jona W . Claga rn. E. Westoott Bailey, Edward Roberts. Joseph R, V 61214 A. F Claes, Robert Wood: - • • ap9-111t. DIERMAIS 5U1100.14 -1148TITUTE is a reliable medium throush which Schools and Faint , nag may obtain ooment tmehora. Parents may ob• ton gratuitously, in formation antl . oiroulars of the kali iks taols, 8 ITH, WOO MAN, & NIa_HROADWA , Hely York e crr nit-tf SOS CHESTNUT Street, PailadeMbia. NEW WARDING SOHOOL. r" TUSCARORA 'FEMALE IN' MUTE Watt* opens.] at ACADEMIA, Juniata smutty. Pa., Oa the Ist day of MAY next. For annonnesmonts von tattoos terms, Sta., apply by letterdw p,ersonally,tili lid Asnl, to the subeariber. at 1711 VINE, Street, Pluladel. phis; after that at ACADEMlA_Jumataaounti l / 2 p6 W. O. E. ACRE fell-dtmyl" 1711 VINE Street •IptRYANT it STRATTONIS NATIONAL Jur BEEILC.ILDITILE COL_LBOBS, lowed at Than. flobia, 8. IL corner SIIMNT_It and CHEW/VW ; ow yea., Buffalo, Cleveland, Wow, sod Bt. Lents. or Information. call or send for Catalogue. fea-tf . LEGAL. , PEREMPTORY SALE, ON THE ME RU. ltftBEB, WISSAHICKON, to close a concern. Thomas & Sons,Atiotioneers. Very valuable property,. Wubianiolcon avenue,' near CHEB ['NUT HILL, nine mine from Philadelphia. A LARGE DWELLING. With Extensive Stabiles. and FIVE ACRES OF LAND. - trei ettiNDAY AFTERNOON. April le. IMO, at o'clock. will be sold at public sale, without reserve. to glove concern, um the premises, all that valuable lot of see acres, and baildings, situate on the westerly side of Wissahickon avenue neer Chestnut Hill, about nine miles from Philadelphia. The improvements comust of a large and commodious modern three-story Demo house SO by 00 feet, with modern improvements, exten sive piazzas, ace. Carriage House and stabling for twenty horses. Terms—Two-thirdsof the rirobeae money may re- Main on 'Mortgage on the premises. gr. VW to be paid at the time the property is streak off. It is accessible by railroad, turnpike, and several beautiful summer roads. vr The humlity it unsurpassed for health and beauty. It would he well adaptedfor either a private residence, boarding school. or publio house. our,witt positively be sold without reserve or limita tion. M. THOMAS & SONS. , Auctioneers. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. ' Philadelphia, Feb.2o. 1860. mh1321 28 &Apl4lll6' IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE :CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, Estate of ALEXANDER HALL, Deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. widths, sad adjust the inieoent ofALBE KT LETCRWORTH. Adminirrator r. b. n. o a.. of ALEX ANDER HALL, deaeaseti. and to make distribuiion of the balance in the handsel* the accountant. will nieetthe pertjee interested for the r i zse: t of m o'clock P. it e ! ? t...o t n h T:ti i iil 4 o l e Nitil o Al lo ' 18. street, In the oity_Af Shiladelphiet. api-wfinet* DEO. W. THORN. Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. ' Estate of MICHAEL COOPEn, deceased. The auditor appointed by the Court to audit.settle. and &Quilt the first account of DAVID COo. RAD. one of the Executors of the last will and testament of de ceased,' and to make distribution of the Balance in the headier the neeoontar4, will meet the parties interested for the purooles of his appointment, on MONDAY. April 16th.1860, at 1 i o'clock A. At.. at hie Offioe. No. 221 South FIFTH West in the flirt of Philadelphia. apt. what • JOHN O'BeLIEN, Auditor. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS AL FOR THE CITY 4NP COVNTY OP PHILADEL PHIA. MENMatter of the. Reigned *Mato of Olt. cRiBB- . • .the Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, an&adJust the Recount of Thomas J. Diehl, Amide's In trust for the benefit of creditor, of Railer H. Cressmen and Henry 8. Creasman, late tradina as R. R. & H. 8. Dressman,, of the Cots of Phil:violable, and to report thiltribution of the hatanse in the hands of the assignee, will meet the parties interested. for the purposes of his appointment, on Monday, April 16th. INO. at! N. AI., at the office of the Assignee, No. AV WALNUT street, in the Ony of Philadelphia. • 'ap!•inwfet WILLIAM ERNST, Auditor. ESTATE OF JAME§ C. pONNELL ) DECEASED. Vettere testamentary on the estate of JAMES C. DONN ELL, &cleaved. having been granted to the un dersigned. all persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having ottoms against the same are to present them to SAMUEL H. 627 ADOLPH E. SOM Walnut Street. . 1025 Bynum street, Executors. mlal-wet 'SHIPPING, TRH BRITISH AND NORTH B inTr ANKRICIAN MAT, DI#IL STEAM "..3. PROM NEW Toni TO LIVERPOOL, Chief Cabin Paarage...........„ ..... ....WM ftoopd Cabin Paesage- - •• . - Ti PROM aoaron yo LI VER POOL, Chief iF abin ranage..—. '" - - - --ell° Stepp Cabin ?mune. •• • •.- • . IV To epilpy frgill itki6Ana 01l a 1 8A1g66 and Cork Har litp,%ti.iztvpp, iitaiwc.,§gt.llt. ilh6, AS . Capt. .G. Lott, ABA RA, aft• Anderson AFRICA, Capt. Shannon E BOPA , Cap J. Leitnk, SCOTIA, now loadins 4 i , These 'easel' carry a clear white li tat masthead; •gun starboard taw; red on pore lr. 49,-ertertir-ftt i rit; Ilitit terl*Ar4ll. -- 4 , 1 4 4 4 0 :;.,.. .4,,,,,,tigisit:trid I .16 -A., sae . " on, Wednesday, sy 2. A FBICA. Shannon, " . Ork• Wednesday, Key 9, UROPA. L4OOll, ' fi on, Wednesday, May 16. ARIL, Lott, " 14. ark. Wednesday, may SI Berths not seemed until paid ler: • • • Arielreeneneed Surgeon on board, GlitEn ere of these ships will not be aminuntable for sr. Bullion. flPeoie, 4ewelry, Preoious Stones, neMe mnlelie bills of lading are siltn4B th eforop and the Paine thereof therein epressed, vrentnt or Agilate *PT TO' ' • • - g ARD, Yellf-wfmtf ,' 4 Bowling Boiten. Nei York. FQR, TnE SOUTH.—OHARLES. TAW AS tbAVAPWATI STEAMS/IN& FREIGHT RPPPED. Bailey ?Lett at an &wage of sintail per mt. W WI' new. ror steamship rates. OR GRANIES_TON, 8. C. The V. B.filall Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Cap tain Charles P. Marshman, will tall on Wednesday, Awll6, a o'cloc k N. M. of n4S to pp ed hours--only ILI bours at Sea. pfiTISIN.I,, .ieBAvANNAH,ASA: The U. 8. Mai EtillattlOWlN444),WF OEORGIA, Captain John .1, Garvin, will sail on natuiday, :April 14, at 10 o'clock A. M. lkronkh an SS to SO honisL.-caly 48 lea. Iiar&ILLIML days changed from every rdny to even' five dam Goons received, and Mille . Di mined ev Ve wi di te . ndid nt-olase side-whrl ' fitearriships REY farm ST4T , and STATE 01; , EO.IOIA now run as :1 4" a v igh tl' l3 el l e t l ia l t li alP %WA:oh , v :it Ilirf i t n i l itl; i sau c tlV:Alit i rest, At both Charleston and Savannah, these Ships con nect with steers tor Florida. and with railroads, .§c.o., for all places In the South and Southweet, INSURANCE. Freight and hurnronee o s large proportion of °owe quipped Booth will be for to be lower by these ships 47 Fejlug valises, e premium being one-half the 13.—Ineuranoe on an lil.p.ilrogd Freight is entire', 2311:25 4 tiol Hellsip ro4 F i ng gi v46 : ll I aPl°' 1 ht: Fare by ihi;;:outo 78 to dil per cent. cheaper than by the Inland Route as will be seen by the folloanne sohe• dale. Through t(aken' from Philadelphia, via Charles ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route, except from Charleston and Savan nah to Montsomery CH ARbESTON CONVENTION. The steamship KEYSTONE Capt. Marsh rnan, wdl Charleston on WEDNEeIIAY, April 18.61 8 o'clock P. M.; arrive in Charleston on FRI.* D.iy, April 20. at d o'clock. Pi M. and remain there until seautcpAy. April da, tiptop tbd Convention 4trio adionleopner, delusion jpets, inpimitnr ppard and Berths in Charleston u nit April SIS, 4/kID. Pot 41 1 7 gotentlon after that date, Ea per day. To Charbieton—,—.ollo 00 Bovanoso.-- lb 00 Augusta— -- fa IX) mama— —. 21 00 iti,i,;67: - ......... , g i 6 tt . it - .1.: t T i K: 7-=-::ii a i .. 7:::aI;--- 00 t 7 7:: 31 00 0Z- F 46: g : 7ii72 irii:_. 1 Ei4;ii1 g No 1 or laabaz vapid after 60mp 8 a flu Nailed. For eight or peset . a agy On bderd, at second er had above Vine street or , A ..X. HERON, Jr. Bontberest eorner OCHT R antLOHEBT . NVF. Agents in Charleston TT &T. 0. BUDD. Savannah, BUNTER & GAM:HELL jallerida. from Charleston, steamer Carolina every o o:ids, frog' 00404 k. Oteamers St, Mary's and iSt. &Alp #: every •.e e5114+ e . ty.! gatltipg. WINES AND LIQUORS. PURE AMERICAN WINES, rams the most eminent Wine powered VIRGINIA khORT/1 GAR,QIJINA, OHIO, and PENNBVVANIA glPark4nt, Btiq, Byegt, pry and Communion WINES, Warranted the PURE JUICE OF THE GRAPE, kroBERT O. ROBERTS, DEALER IN PINE GROCERIES. mhl4-tf Corner ELEVENTH end VINE Streets, L AGUERENNE & TRASEL, Successor.' to P. L. Laguerenne, No toe South FRONT Street. Offer for sale, from Veiled States Bonded Warehouse, of their own Importation, Brandies, gir e , &stilton & Co., of various viotages and in as sou a packages. tett & co.. ~ ~ ~ • • Law il ue ramie, 4. Reignelte, ' relleyounn, .., A. Ouroul. 111 • giGiet Wines, m oasee. Champagne Wines. of various brands. Bordeaux Olive Oil, In baskets, (P. L. Laguerenne brand.' • avs-tm G EORUE WHITELEY. britir a t hr l ifirtarec T 4.,rtl e o t rir for sale, it lit , in , tho fa o us, among other standard brand' i l , a :P I Robin, 4 '"9 ° , '' cm. 0 1 ;h4,1,Rix,&,Pe.. , c li; b. CAM , 1, , ' " 1 .. fr . ~ , piglet I , Priitiat ' nion Propriety , tut, ganntarq, taa,rt'Aostasy Malt ' , A hum, aza the Onion! LATirrti lia pg . 1. 4181 l ati t i o a l ai frgi n ni i T 14 a a n n t: A um, r osozOi . 0.. o af-li COAL. INLAL rt JUILLIIII6 KE L M* $, EMORY, Mut No. IWO rAlNUTatreet, Pao AGBN'IB FOR Ekrdea* ankaarlor Broad Mountain White Aah, and &Boolusher k Co.'s celebrated Bleak Heath and Otto 0 from Shlusatd hyaena' and ra o ilroa A d froin Sohnylkill Haven, Bohnylkl eo., Pa. fel4-3in S W. (ROOMS & 00. * O>ea 111 Swan FOURTH 15treal. !MAIM. PINS 81 e 4OIINT, S n CHDYLicas, Doond Owers Mast Mount em de A r hp. sad Elekitylklll ItsrOtnitlae taw on ThaTT4ll VIOUSEKEEPBRS LOOK, TO YOUR HOUSEFCEEPERS BUY Your COAL AT RICKS', where inse. bragraislata4ruciirk,.„ll,npaldow.i. firoir, .zio, and Stave- 4 ....t. yet t on . e a - ~...-..« --...—.7:: *— Ire ~ ...._eininteg;tree ir9llo4lt. or dustat i t e oalrotrht, Ot iniV, de P4714:.` "ruff "tii4" SURVEY NOTICE. ' DIPARTMINT pP SURVNThr .` Moe of Chief Engineer undiltirveYorr . lidiadelphia. April 3..11130i NOTlCE..—Duplinsterilans of the ourb regulattons of the et/youth sermon of the Twenty third weird. bounded on the' North by line of Twenty-second and Twenty-second wards. south by Erie avenue. Fast by 014 York mad; West by Sermantown road/ • Number 171. Ninth Section —Curb regulations of the ninth section of Twenty-first ward, bounded on the North by Susquehanna avenue, South by Columbia avenue, East by 'Thirtieth street. West by Elohnylkill river, Number 172. 'Tenth Section.—Curb regulations of theteath W- I on, Twrntr-first ward, bounded on the North by Lehigh avenue, Sleuthy Soscuelzanna avenue. vast by Thaltet,t street, West by Sohuilkill rive Are 173. - Are now prepared and deposited for public inspiration at the Ornee of the Surveyors and P egulators of the Eighth and Tenth Survey Distiats, nod at the (Moe of this liepartmeet, City Building FIFTH Street, below 'Walnut Street; and the Board of Banes ore have ay [ Pointed MONDAY, APRIL; 16th, 1860, ' At 10 o'clock, A. M.. to oonsider any objections that may be urged thereto by any citizen interested therein. STRICKLAND KNEABS, Chief Engineer and Surveyor. av9-mws3t (WM OF THE AMERIO 4N FIRE INsURANCE COMPANY, April 2, Is7o. - The DIRECTORS have this day declared a dividend of FIVE DOLLARS PER SHARE for the last six months, which will be paid to the STOCKHOLDERS. 9r their lexal representatives, on sad after Hie 12th instant. exclusive of State Tax. , apS- tut* ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD, See,. ,OHUYLKILL 'NAVIGATION COM PANY—OFFICE OF TRH SCHUYLKILL NA VIGATION COMPANY, March 12. 1860.—The charge for the Use of Cara and for Toll on Anthracite Cool. oar tied OD the Schuylkill Navigation, will be as follows from this date, end so continue until, further notice : To ipring -- onahohookaa Port Kennedy.-- .-.- Valley hosoiltville..-.- - Roy .to er's .....-.... Ramberg.-- ..... Orwiselmrg ....... The charge will be ear On of 8440 {be., less five Ter cent. allowance for waste. as usual, and no charge lees than twenty-five ornate per ton win be made for any dis tance. ny order of the Managers. mhl3-1m P. FRALEY. President.' OFFICE OF E. S. WHELEN & CO„ No. 309 WALNUT Street. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS WILLIAMSPORT AND ELM IRA RAILROAD COMPANY.—AII holders of First Mortgage ends of the Company, who have constituted Edward S. Whalen their Attorney, are re quested forthwith to deposit their Deadest his othiah No. SOP WALNUT Street, and pay an easessment of ONE PER CENT. thereon; and alt Roadholding who have sot united In the power of attorney to Mr. Wha len. and desire to do go. are remanded to gall at his office mod execute the game, and deposit their Bonds, with said assessment . before the TENTH DAY tif" APRIL, IMp, as after that day siatures to the game will not be received by him; and.all gn who shall not have signed. paid, and deposited the Bones before that date, will be considered as daiquiri's to unite in the con templated parchaae of the Road, under the decree of the Court. .ELLIS I EMS. Chairmen. • MONCDRE ROBINSON. CRADLES GIBBONS, W EDWARD A WI ON L , EN. Committee of First Mortgage Bondholders, Philadelphia. March IL ISIM. mlit/-tapto-stain FFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND `L , 'READING RAILROAD COMPANY. PKIL•DELPIIIA. March fO, nem The rates or freight aad tolls on coat traomeorted by this comPaav toil/ be as follows from March 124 MO- W further notice: To Richmond.— Philadelphia Inclined Plane....._._. Busetown.... Germantown R. Falls of Schuylkill..... Conshohocken... ..... Swede Furnace........ Rambo's. ..... Plorrist'n orßridgepor Port Kennedy. ...—.... Valley F0rte.._....... Phoenixville ltoyer'e AAramlngSo •. tiotto town ....... onglaasville Bi rd Dor o T ~ 0 et n ....... oh rsville. . ... OrwigeaP4 AuNTzi mhl2-3m W order . of the . PRANKUnd SAVING FUND, No. Ise South FOURTH Street, between Chest nut and Walnut. Fkulsstelphia, 'WAYS ali Deemer+ on demand. Depositors money secured hi' Government, State. and 'City Lou.,, Ground Rents, shied sage!. Ro. This Company deems gaiety bet ter than large :=l:ll l 47. ne tip i P/Ve irgitru ttle:4lln; return, with 5 per cent. interest, to the Owner, as they have IWaYS done. Ttus Company never suspended. ' Fornales, married or single, and Minors. can deposit in their own right , andsuoti deposits can be withdrawn ON Li . ;;pr their consent. Charter pervel Incorporated bribe State of Pennsrltenis auntority to ropewe'lpoular from trustees an 'sgeonterl(._ LARNE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Office open datly, from 9 to 3 o'clock, and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings until b o'sdk, DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, Cyrus Cadwallader,John Bhtudier. • George Raman. Meet hi *la, liggrtli;,llok. Lewis rum est frieholas P.lttenhoilliet Estlisrramedisy • Jos R . Satterthweits, phniim Blanonisrd. Joseph W. Ippinoun. JACOM B. BRANNON, President. Cysts Csows.u.suas, Treasurer. inb29l - ,AVII4IOII FUND-UNITED " STATES P.- 7 TRUST COMPANY. oorner THIRD and CHEST NUT Street. Large and small rums received. andid back on de mand without notice, with FIVE PERCENT. INTE REBT from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. Office hours. from 9 until IS o'clock even day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until o'clock. DRAFTS for saloon England, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 tipws'r:` • " President--BTEPEEN R. CR aWFoRD, rettauror—JAMES R. HUNTER. PLINY FISK. Actuary. SAVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT IN TEREST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRII3T COM .A NY, WALNUT Street. noutnwest oorner of TAI ND, Inoorpontted by the State of r9Rrityl vania. I and .ht , t nro or 4 r f . ~n , h _ Mee. f eeei la AM e tte l Aait to the'Vy 0 tercet p ant rom dr3we " ' day from Mae o'oloom the The ° V e it 72, P z i o e n, to .„ping. sad on Monday 'rnnitilikiveniyitYlaltygglit Plpidlt• unlit ECEL. , D 2, Vice rest oat. • wuxtem J. Ramo, Fooretary. INLAND FARE. Cheitleston--Ali 50 Savannah- ..-.. 35 00 DIT{ECTORB : Hon. Henry L. Bonner, F. Carroll Brew. ter, ' _Edward 1.. carter, Joseph B. Barr, Robert Selfridge, Francis Lee. ' Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, C. Landreth Mauna, James L. Stephenson. Money is received and payments made daily. - The investments are made, in conformity with the provisions of the Chatitt, in Real Estate Mortgages, Ground Reale:and ono lirst-olasis imonrlties se will ell ways insure patient eentity lb the depositors, apd which cannot fall to give permanency aim atehility tit this Institution. out tr • • A tii ugu. 26 OU blazon-- -- 6876 SPRENG GARDEN SAVING FUND SO CIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. 0115oe, No. 331 North THIRD Street, LConsolkation Bank Buildin_g_.) CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENN , SY LVANiA Deposits received tu sums of One Dollar and up_wards. and mld th"Gololovithout notion, with FIVE PER e CENT. INTEREST from the day of deposit till with drawn. A reeponeible and reliable Saving Institution has long boon needed in the Northern Dalt of the city. and The pmts. Garden Saving. Fund Society" was chartered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply this necessity. The Managers. in organizing and locating it, have been governed wholly by a desire to accommodate the homi ness interests and wants of the very large and enter prising population hy which it is surrounded. DEMOB OPEN DAILY. From S t 9 elm on ; el on kliniday end 'roma metal $ o'cloOk tk the evening. sgerierms. • Frederick Klett, tetephen Bnaith, John P. Levy. Hon. H. K. Strong, Daniel Underkoffer, Frederick Stack°, Francis Hart, Joseph P. LeClere, John Keselay, Jr., • George Knecht, James N. tnnithi , Jarmo Dock Joseph H. Crowed, Ado. Wm. lildlward, George WoelPPer, Geo. T. Thorn, Peter 0. Elimaker Robert B. Davidson. - .TAMES S. PRINGLE, Preindent. Secretary. Iced-tf if SPRINQ TRADE. SPEED. ECONOMY,_ AND SAVETY_i TUE ADAM n EXPRESS COMPANY, sun CHESTNUT STREET. espect give 'move they are prepared, with increased facilities, the orwarding of SPRING P RODASP.S, By Passenger Tram. to all parts of the WEST, SOUTH, AND SOOTHWEST. RHOIIIPTS OIVSN, With rates Moiled to destination, which we guaran tee will be as low as those of any other responsible Ex-: press °mime v. The despatch with which we put all descriptions of merchandise (brooch to Pittsbarg, Cincinnati, Colum bus. Cleveland, Chime, Lexington, Lolisville. - St. Louie. Nashville, and all other Cities and Torres in the West, cannot be excelled by any other Company. Also, by our Southern Exuress, which has lately bean established orer the great line of Hallmarks, via: Grand Junution and lidissisrmipt Central, through to New Orleene, to Baltimore, Washington, Alexandria, Ly nchburg, B ristol Knoxvile, Chattanooga , Nashville, Huntsville, Memphis, Grand Junction ,Canton, Jackson. ,icsaburg. and New Orleans, and ell other cities and toe ne in the South ono Soutket. Expresses Pave icr the West and South from our Moo 3:10 OtIBSTNPT Street, at 7 A. Al. and at r P. pl. For New York, at 6 5, audit A. M. and gand 11P.M.. daily (Sunday; ex.:meted t, Steamship Expreas, for Charleston and Stivannah, close at our office at ? P. M. on the dare before wall • Cur Westin* wilt call tor goods in any part of the city within the following limits. Delaware and Sehuylkill rivers, and Coates end South streets. provided notice be left at our °Mae before five o'olook P. M. Merchants hanging out the Call (lards of the Adam, Express Com pany. may depend upon our drivers giving strict atten tion to the same. For particulars, please apOy to the ADAMS EXPREI3B COMPANY, Phila., Feb. 104860. Itps-Pin JOHN BINGHAM, Sup% THIO. D. 111110IL7. E. O. TH.OMPSON, , MERCHANT TAILOR, N. E. CORNER OF lIIEVENTH AND WALNUT EITEL itespeotrufir invites the attention of all those eaffeting from the inconvenience of bad -fitting pantaloons to his superior method pf cutting and fitting this important garment. This lei in fact. an almost universal com plaint. The truth is. however, that the fault generally ties with the unskilled cutter, who has never searche d f o r or made himself mister of the true teethed.filating. in a measure, made this department n 'Rectal ty. turrlte gj ra h p ' ld are E interested goot=eQ't rit PA " e octianit; venting., Pantaloons, and Veetinge, tigt tat:st styles.' vanish"' of my own unportntion. mkni-om NOTICES.! * SAVING FUNDS. " A little,lnst often, tills the Purse." Doll. r saved is twice earned) EXPRESS COMPANIES. MERCHANT TAILORS. ; lr**liCher!. FORMES 'B. it itA MU& STAN 41. SALE OF LIO LOTH_ FAHNIIHMODff, OF WE YORTATION pp THl msms. & HUT TON. (WedededAyl MORBINO, AMU, /I, AT_ 10 O'OLOOL A CARD.—We hav_tAaw senngeti For eXessigoitioro and to be gold this iwedneeday)_etaoraitig, April 11, et 10 o'otook,7)) torso(' Caney stale Presort dry goods. ell of the ilbsortttios or Muer& Inikardit Hatton. war prising the largest and beat Assortment 01 agitlOSObie goods offered at emotion this swop, wodby fM Mtn' Con of the trade. TO RETAILERS, - NOTIOR—The perboular attention or retailers Is requested to our lisle this morning, oompr iuing &largo suortment of plain and pngted grow good.. amp* WY l'ardv crape Woomagno, Monglind• lonia, busses, robes, grenedines. tett& rantnn 'Minot akith,poroalea. bril liants, blank ems de Thine*, taffeta, ism dress silk robes, Foulards, ke., &e. 'SHAWLS. 3,000 plain, printed, and brooks bordered Thlbst and Stella inawls. TO MERCHANT TAILORS. - Also. Lusin's fins to extra fine blank drop ; plaid, and side-bend =Monett+ ; black Nam vorpng• - r &a., Ito. • - LARDS SPECIAL, 5.11. LE OP, FRENCH GOODS, • Of the Importation of MESSRS. BEIIIKB6D & HUTTON. This Morning, April 11, at 10 dolook, on , x months' credit, oonrist tnt pieces plain mullein de Leine., high colors, blacks, and modes. 300 pieces de burettes high colors modes, and blesski. 400 " gripe maretz. fire to very fine, au colors. 200" tamannes, all colors. 31 . 0 " ' hoYsdare busses, high colors, Model, and blacks. 3d) " printed boraces, 6,8, and 10 colons 900 " printed MGOIIIII2 do banes, new destine. 100 " chintz printed grenadmes,,very postlf• AO " 6 B.and tyB.4 drop date, fine to very fine ali. 160 " na q n u kinetts, plain.plaid, and bands - . . 700 " bangs robes, 7 and 9 Bounced and double lope. 900 " rich dram silks. 100 " silk robes, 7 and 9 flounced, brocade and chine. 900 " printed foulards, chintz colors. 100 " taffeta resins. a favorite article. priest cloth. all 110 " b lock taffetas and 111011 de rhinos. 100 " white brilliants and pique cloths. 40 " plain coloredrroales 13 AWLS. 1,000 ex-superfine ities modes, bblielts, and high colored silk fringe thibet shawls. 6CO very foie wool fringes thibet shawls. Slo new style rich printed- do. do. 800 new style high colored stripe tissue shawls, for !NUMMI' WOO. 13.—The ebbs* sale will campfires very large and fun assortment of the most desirable goods—many jug landed. - BALE OF FRBNCII 000D8. n riday April It, at 10 o , H stookF— ?Lorain*, SOS ssoltases and tots of fumy and staple French Ha roods. FNENCH BLACK LACE POINTS—FOR CITY T. An invoice of ve "nn costkris bisok Ws points. CHANTILLYLAON ANT LI,AB. An invoice of Chantilly lase mantillas. BSOOT p4„.. AIIMILONIER, NO. 43i . MIES t• the MAXI H tnie. bereaarieat i niellir.fltreatit LARGE BALE OW EMBHOID ftf BONNET AND TAIMMING 'RIBBONS. LINEN C/BLJElklel HAND KEBOHIEFEI,-WHITE GOODs. &a. This Morning April It. IMO, by catalogue, on a credit, commencing at 10 o'clock. , Included will be found— . BONNET RIBBONS. Bich spring styles plaid. stripes, solid colon and eui broidered pool& de me bonnet ribbon& TRIMAINGB. A line of black ails and silk inished velvet ribbons; rich newest 'Weird' ladies' cress trimnungai fringes, • cords and Mmes. ?libellee. de. LAC ald AND BL ACK NETS. Also, X pieces 100 ribh boniton lam for curtains t a full line of French blank silk laces, white silk blonde utoes, black mechdin mete Icis. LACE POINTS AND VEILS. • Anuivoice of ladies' Paris black silk lace points and mantles, from medium - to high ocet; black silk lace veils. BILLET FROWN AND LINEN CAMBRIC RAND KEBOBIEFIL ' A full assortment of vain and fanny plaid pore linen shirt franks ; gout' s colored border linen cambric hand kerehieta, No. EMBROIDERIES. Mares' new style cambric and pumas collars and sets; book edgings mid inserting., cambric Smnaings and bands. infants' waists. PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS, Ladies' and mouses' fancy and brocade silk and Turk satin parasols and sun umbrella*, earra clarity whale bone and iron Nemo gingham umbrollaa, dm. SEWING MACHINES. - A Grover and Baker sewing machine, in good order. LARGE DESK. Also ,_a large counting-house desk. salmir Samples and catalogues early on the morning of e, . KID GLOVES. Ladies" and gents' l 6t oolors and dark kid gloves. Alto, ladies' silk taffeta gloves SHAWLS. A line of strins.styles Stella shawls. - Also Cents lig ht merino pants and skirts. FItENOH FL OWERS AND MILLINERY GOODS. Also. cartons Paris attdoial goyim!, boast crapes, materials, SALE OF LADIES' AND BIASSELY STBAW BON NETS, PLATO, BMW, AND . , 'ANDY RATS, misr4s , AND BOY ' AT_ ,8 no. ,On 'day Morning. April 13,14 estsloloo, on a oreOit, con sine at IP o'olOon bredisely.ponsisting, mrti Ladies' newest and best shape English straw, and 11 end brsid, Moog mow pedal braid, lead Wenn/sad brown straw bonnets: PLATS AND FANOk BATS Ladies', mews', and obudren's brimmed and un trimmed pedal braid and I mihorn haus, Bloomers, Ade laide., fanny riding hats. Ae. MEN'd AND BOYS' BATS. Also, palm, braid, Benet. Wm. Tell, and Panania bata—to which the attention of the trade is invited. 1.20 1.0 1.10 1 07 1.06 106 PH 1P FORD& 00 , ATTOTIONI3IIIB, RA. ma MARKET BOOTS Ittre•Land 11111111011 Streit SALE OF Lefai CASIO , ANON& -. GANS, AND N o Wo s T wayooD& MIS la, At ]p er TA U lt f g r=irmdt be e a dd esteioga dg n oor sd OnetaAirboy.,nf", Ja ot l aig, eadt, buff. Post, and kin brogans, calf and natant lea MUM Ox ford ties , patent lea th er vellum , shoeSaad opera boots; women's, misses', and..obildren's ealt, sost,..tefono l= ki s i g l ae " riclr e rtr ie g d oe t ritglOo Le liar t r pa Consign heeled boots nod Coma. Alm. a • as sortment of firtd-elses city-made (mods. lee above call will_ennbrace fall aaaortemet of Wets and shoes of the non quality, adapted to the city sad county. trade. I.7MBRELL Agl. - Also, samples of IDD oases &AGM gillgßast broils. STRAW GOOD& At commencement of gals— .o. large and 'elegant aneortment or ladies' and misses' =ifs 6nO MAN, 'Legitoin•BWootorp, date, bonanta,ladies . and name Florence braid Inglneoet new style do. French chip and randy do. Unmated Flo rence Adelaide, MIA away misses' shakers. Ike. air Goods open, tot examination, ertth oatekstamb arty on tea morning of We. - : C J. WOLBERT (X)., AUCTIOSSZak •no A R e jt ist at rn i?ad azik. Dry goods. akitAing. straw soak, carpet,. boo nit those. to .. in lota adapted to the city and molar, re tail. trade. by catalogue, and for waa, even TilmY and Friday merging. Fiunitore. ohne, glaaa. &e.,1111•17 WOdlOadar 13 0112 , reen, placer, vines, to.. ovary Thursday aad &tar day mornuth duringtne salmon. _ - ear We e o,f en or any derthbon of property at time tO saga his Othitcaleme o r the mien thereof. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. This Morning. 11th inst., at 10 o'clock. at Ora ARCH Strout. A large assortment of superior walnut tfurniture and house-furnishing articles. PARLOR FRITURE. Also, the nest pazlor furniture, oarpetgi Ctroill9o - Tempt/Alp _ LARGE SATA2c - b laV y iii i !RT Vp4ILS. 12th init., at 11 o'clock. at the auTtioti wart— A large assortment of the haw trait and other Om /Pk grape Trues, &o . ho. •COTTAGH CHAMBER SUITE AT PRIVATE SALE . 20 chamber nate ootteie farnitgra• with %I Hißm fflarlllo SUPERIOR teURNITURE AT PRIVATE PALE. A large armatity al very aunenor walnut Sundays, manufactured to Arat-Mase pity ',alumni, for sale at very reduced artera. BUSINESS CARDS. SAMUEL Q. 81.0 IN, REAL ESTATE BROICRR AND COLLECTING AGENT, mh23-Sm. BT. PAIIL, MINNBSOTA. 31ISSOURI LAND! B. E. BILBROWN k 00., General Land and Neal Estate Agents, Dealers in Land Warreints.Btooks. Northwest corner THIRD and OH.E.9TNUT Streets,. tfP. scr Particular attention said to (alteri LOUTH.. enhdoited Lands. mop Atlas for Ws at anon ranging [rota tlig to 7 °ants per acre. Patents seemed and taxes mad. Engage stamp for Pla'fand Urbanism. fott-em Y. GRIMIER. WY , W. ILLIZNIISII. GREINER & HARNNESS, COMMISSION NERO felit.3ol lB2 BOUTH WHAitll/6 PRILAD Lrine. ALFRED L. HOUGH, PAPER MANUFACTURER, AGENT, Orders soliceted for deeerieesou of PAPER AND PAPER-me:KKR% etienauda. fp 1 41p. Roar South EIRTR. Street, Poilededpltue. PAWS() NHAIOLSON, ODERS. NON. 619 A BO ND BOOKBINDERS 321 N MINOR STREET. Between Menet and Chestnut sheets. • PHLAIA. JAMESJAMESPAWBON. DELPH JAIL B. NICHOLSON. jattr-li* • RR. OORSON, REAL ESTATE BRO , SEE AND CONVEYANCER, Norristown, Ps. d 1N) Farm for male in Books, Nontgoraorg, and Clops sr counties. Catalogues of Faring, ;with Pull ow ner tons, lent by mail. t 1 B. PALMER'S ADVERTISING AND • SUBSCRIPTION AgENCY, for Priscilla! Nevi papers and_ Periodioals of City and Country. 11. N. cor ner FIFTH aciI_ORRESTN UT. Address "if B. BallilNN." THOS. M. BEDDLE, Attorney at Law No. VS South FOURTH Street. nLB fm" HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. lIIDAOKAGIC LIMIDWA.R.B 191 MEN.—We would reinnotfally call the attention of the eigilk tel Hardware Trade to our szterutive Stook of BM, MIN IMAM HARDWAHE,WhiIIa In our at &wad advance by the nitolme. Orders for &Tool iinworteddi Itlieited.yind Goode le. liverad either in mua oily, New ota i datwOrlaaaa W. 134 Van, GI COM WC Etreet k And Agents finoVin i ta i d aCku=kaMnrivi. GENTS' FDDNISHING GOODS. W. SOOTT—lete of the tine of Win. ttel s t pli k eri s creiiiiirfrainOlit ß Pßi ?; 13410 4 , 41 Li 1 . 5tr st ( nearlyopPointe the GI tentilonse,) . would retpeottally ott ll the attention Of.hin Meter patrons And fr (o iends to his new store, and is pre t i g _i i ns c r"S d n e ta r ßoU t ell e r V, nue Swifts sod Co tally TO WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS AND rilysicfANs. Mrs. JAMES BETTS' INVENTIONS FOR LAMES.— Apuroved of end highly recommended by the t Medical Protession throughout been nited States, ThirtY Thou sand Invaids haying- e4viead trteiristigetoians to use her Sursioal Appliances. She wo ad citation Merchants and others against purchasing except at het rinnclenoe YOU WALNUT Street. where she can be consulted' daily, between the. hours of e and a. Her book of testimonials will be Given on application. A NEW AND WONDERFUL DISCO- A - 2. VERY for the CUM of Rhenniatirm and GeV. I.ESLIE'S ARTHRITIC PILLS. This medielne is offered with the utmost confidence of its being the moat effectual remedy for the above dig. easea ever yet discovered. No danger need be appre hended from its uee by the most delicate. Price tl per box. Can be sent by mall, on endoderm one postage stamp and norm of Pills, For sale by the sole agent, ALEX. JIARRE, No. le Mouth FRONT 'Street goom HAMS AND SHOULD —1,900 Pieces City Smok.d Varna and Shealdol,' ;stop rieoes extra, augavourod Ham, for Nils 0. ID. SADLER & 00.. ARCH elreAt. 11 ilnor *DM* Pirciat. "AI OBEES.E.--380 Boxes Herkimer, County IL , en, Ch R e M l iin 00 0 n dannd on o e n r DD SADLER A' FKENCIi GELATINE, WRITE, 13E81'— 1; ;Ntlikb.7.3,l.lol4lßilit • WECITIrRa • VA° nO 111. bbla. extra' Mackinaw _White Fish r i ! i vrtitl ° T b iiol & fak; 'am sad OS 111/IAZ Arri*V 4 %4: o ll,e,v-_ At MOW 1110118; AM-.• Nos. lit sad sa flaisTitrOVlßTS WWI mute seISIMAgri:wrIZIL: *MM. A giglrrelV-- - • '4t a 4Tp.--s Itl" ." ittgvtuittotiVtier=7. og • 44 % -- 171111910nsumm- , Atal avianig, a rig t r i rthe head a, ' NIS bat the Akan MIN '4211411 1,0 5117 /CF , •II• A ll•lrliT_ , Y& M - MAUI= . In •••• 4. 1 00 • / 9.9 • • M • jperoitt ra , ~ ~ - lii., - ,- iIA -- = - = • - sir • • • . it - 44 gr ai li v O il ,„ ll 111•110 Sal "OS • /MOM. Plait IMO i tli 7:WIF wiritzgistat• Ak e on our -tiMellejSl46,lft t a lv el . li 11711 is libm ra IT r iroW". Wii rjaii a , °ARI L. TO GENTLEMEN OP T B4M AND BOOZ , BELLE - - - LARGE AND IMPOR'rANT BALE OP LAW= an We are now preparing catalogues of an collection of valuable law books , watch embalms QM entire libraries, to be sold by order of exec:Mom Net °there. Included are manrof the best and most &eata ble English and American Reports,- Dianna, and Me- InelltATY works. _ Data of wile will be anionewed u a &Erdal& - - FOURTkENTH SPRING , BALK--APRIL U. Pe re mptosy 13216—0 n the 'rem ffit.3. 14113'A rale et.— HAND.:OM.K. 1110D*ILN ises. Arpyukru. , . - • - Oa Orilla ktornion, - - April 13, at 10 o'clock, wi ll be sold, without TOllllrVe, oo toe premises; all that 'strperiot ntodeni three-story brick manage. with ioutgra thrmt-stors bent Wild- Inas, and lot of *roped. Ifortlilin'.o of arch street, VOA of Broad street, we -143,116 feet it imam Bon", l rest deep, replete with - all the ratdern 'Mormon testa and 00IIVOIMinalig. Or' 801 lumdlrills tot-inn - pa Manlius. Clear of all iseembranoe. 7:coati—MAC' rah, VIA 00 within twelve months; betimes may reams pa mon gartfilfiNtitritt,?—f peace, The entire. hourabo- _ ld faraitYnkt m piano, &, will be sold trainalistely alter the Awe oi the bons*. Belo aboolute, 'without re u.. , rve or I:mitatiott: FIFTEENTH SPRING SALE—A PHIL, fik Perutupton• Setel nA the premises, WISSAHICKON, Tooke* a emeers. ' LARGE DWEL ACR WN W STABLING; AND Frill ES OF LAND. - • • Oa Monday-afternoon; - April 16th. 1910. without reserve, tacks* ooncerno very valuable prapetts, Wirrhiuhoa . aesinmi, spar Chestnut Hill, 9 velem front Pintasloiphinasno chrenteg, with extensive stabling'. ands sere, of *nu. - Sale IthiOlUto• SEO to be paid at the time 01 age. - • BIRTISEETE SPRING 13,11 Lt—APRIL At II q'olock, noon. • Orphans' Court Ibis—Estate of Rebecca F.etcher. de K cease FOUR-LITOSTBRIC DWE d., LLING, with ptodern ocalveitiettoes 80. MI Silbert streakiest orFlioseatb. flame Estate-3 FRAMs STABLES, math aide of Filbert street, west of kiehtsearri street. Executor's Pereaterorr Sale , . , Nstate of Glens Wil aon,deetYle9. • BUSMEN 8 fa . Nl)—Ttiree , stOn brick stare and d Ire Bios, No. 134 Nerth'Front street, above Arch street. ST bate abrolate. LARGE AND VALUABLE ItESLDENCE, back buildings and modems improventeata. No. trariae street, vita stable and coach how* to rear. on draw tor's street. Lot RN by Id fest.' rwo fronts: HANDaubilt-Mutill N ltigaThEleCit Walebt - 41 No. lon, east of Eleventh stireet„ r•imaraas, re deep has alt modem oonreateserib sad to gw. woe,. - BRICK ISTABLK AND MIAMI'II9III_IT,YA. NO, I* Cuthbert street. between Twelfth and Thirteinith. mad Arch and Filbert streets . ' Yams -:fisrar •histass-ami 2 carrion.. with gas sac orator,—, - vAutrABLE s zoPtotTr. Distillery. Coal vat, othil S lien. taad. me ortk *on station. on the Norte Yeoserleaais - ,tdrasil, "IS miles from Plutadmpais.: : • . • - -- • • - muTEremtgp.ink_trAeirrh ON THE PitOMINEN._ MOUNT Y. 111123117- PNCOISD WAR , • Orphans' Court Yeremptont ..ame — Estate my mosaT Bolts, or &Mon on Soft, demon& Oa Ihypasy,, Aptill9, I o'tdoelc P. et. oe premises. will be sold, Without reserve or hantattoit, tits valnabas Ito- PeTtl—Two-story stone &reflux. atone Psis, sad mar improvements ; wan over three 50100 ofiar 116 essairrb side of Crisham street, near AUalfs Maus. awl seas low mama of Janus Goireir, Bea, monat hir.r. TRAlT second ward. Char of all inatuataraacaa IT. Day amok .ti.4l;_ RARE AND VA.LEABLE I,OPINDNJOIN - AIZET cAN EOOEs, COLLECTION OF INbECTE, 'Duo Brim& April 11. - at thriereetrosatore,Nll agora b lo a t of rare aral valuate, 1300aVoa raiportaat:aad urtaris mg- subj_eota, mut of thorn ice Leaks a , *,Eoria Alm lqr en. 'mamas of as plat. } a eclarosion OF la arete..embraorag *boat N.ErFaeselaiese nom variemao ootrtriee. ET For EartioaDifa as llicrio* „ • SA L B 0 it -- If OSEEIOR FIIINITIIKIL_ - - yarn's, Ficr„___ptiVer un ti l EL , VELVET I NT 'CARP .' AEDE" D riVERIOTurn " SA ..- LL.E TA BL - e &OE WOK B EV. Immo _ Lj„.A.ND OTEEP. M INA AND GLA=wAIIE. , = - 11, _ - - OsED.-Our aske trkiserreer morals& at Da Awake Storearill esszte. Mali NOlrs , str i fe gleat woad I ta=iii, r a.e.; it - .Itige i Tnedallioa ii - Wet ancut. Withame ease stared- rde.: bagatrlie • table: Irish bane and • enea oensplidat lame- hunk- ,Nitithawtets. ahandehent• Brunel, 1111(1.• /WWI., iimeeniasetcy.- nettaa tsata. China OW glaalrurc - Ate- forkaulit.aur attractive - assortment wittily the shanties ~ee lams pairthe demons of EnreElMMig; . ~ Catalogues mow wane. sad lIMI- WON 2.1711904 for examiaalask ,-,- . . ~... ,• - . en.l. it fer r iN i .on EOPEEM&F__ k i l k a t ffilkt. ROBS. rußo B On Tiatedas Allman& ' -.--.. At It o'ektek, at the asetterk as egeeklest seaned-liaed fasnitatiV tild 6o• amen, ameba -010 ,f , num - Wat .d rsti l liali housekeepills; removed to .thil done ' eonelEHlNti a Alto, a jams ease stuffed birds. - - - - - Also, a largo quantity man saran —' - Pets • • PRIVATE COLLEO 10 F 011[01011.41)011 VALU- A Bide. EUROPEAN AINTIMIS, insisting_ tly Works of *wisest Duereklorf HER'S Splendid Marble Maas of PtitYlmtm. Oa datarday Mamma, - - April 14 at o'clock. at the metemess - at DS. US aad gouth Fourth *WW I wilt be oaf i= .o4/ Serye, a private soileetion o SOO" and Pastansal. Esdnest'Rviropeas artists, siEDiaiusEws sethavlrD mAiILE writes -OF PS - - • - • reab anfi;d l o B •lttcrjOS Paintings aOW arrallita Cor k.lalaatattall, HALE Igo. SIP WOOD gratin t: HOUSEHOLD - yuarirrvits. , wovant lath ittat.;at IS thtvert ttre Household aid "she' 'Pianism Tripsetty.:Car rim, Hair Mattress*, rims of a mama . demon Vtritteialiinsist tieraltosk feoiTiNt st MOM NAMANSi . AII - 01 I 01411 it centeini. rtPRZWAII4OWI4I!,..I•6•I46IS 3 - •• `, Wirt , lel aaiii;iii lemee or wall ate, OM stoote, son s ert eilyer plate, Manama MUM*. jet* ", I TLZ - Zer.an'Jt=%r.Z%' - , n(.. horses, vela* sod ea au WWl* value, for any teolith - -141=11. am liberal prop than at sai ut that. tan OM? CIIANIMPOALatitAIMI: • ',- 7 "- At • ipivam - Wiiomdelidid. s . a 1 171 asse, mot Nee. onto Web tAqi. R4a Vas =ll wee ostenqrahrq "ejd heting-ow moods. oem_lp , a , _ aa a- W g=w l"gr ier Alle; *7ll PgrifilAlaki watearet r -O'er . . *Ter 111 4,4747 04 ter0m Tata%iik va l e i li HrE: S EMI* Dothan tar , As leost serlean i t aet — M i pt, leverwat4ee of ;- Vs "i ligii . WEI Watches •; ditto doe ta w = Mr sli r. ani s e r jsse• 1. 4... ' *it MI from : a ct: , zit of CMS WU fil le Vll h oeetati s , i 43,4 4 V sit 4 INCatist. +a ft . 40.4. imr and Leeinei ne , 9b ze i kw ti to le g v el s eiti of ear-rumi, c breariFee 4 race et.; hawks, finch ; my% sad jewelry, o ',eh dew emotion, for le than half the usual !ethos mem. $36D.000 to loan, in soma to snit &pelmet', on &small every kind ,of male at lase rate of okainlllit than aa7 other eatebbahatent iA the m, aalai _____,.._WlT-Dcor Attended to yonmpbuy by the atiotionesr. at veriley donna - 441 1 1116NXiarlit w yrriszt. -- - Modeumate et attoade t e of sox% aba' ism for ptddie Ws ; two - Wide Oils geode trill be sdrossed is sakiedvaboa o . 4Y__ .- - _ . • , Mtinkttt NA it. AtAcnimr.sit AND IRON. sarstrai v. rorairet. . 0. VAL . amen sairm gouTuwarke iff, FlFTS A = NE W WAIRINGTOI( OK a ffi goNek ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. - Manufacture High and liar Yresmins Steam Earfuls. for Land, Rirer;and Marme service. Boilers, Gasometers. Tauks.lron Boat', Ake.; Casting* of all kinds. either Iron or Brame Iron Frame Roofs for GSA Work,. Work Shops, Rail road Siationa, Ac. , Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest sad most int pros ed construction. Every_ deseription of Plantiaion Maolunery, sew* as finger, Maw- Grist Mile, weenie FOAL Open Steam Tram, Defetsators,__Fillerst humping Emma, &a. Bale Agent. for ft: Rillleux's Patent Sugar Boiling Annan:gest Ramaytint tatent Steam Eammer_L and tag& Woisipy'a Patent Ceatrillual Baser Dram- Int Machine. aiii-y eIGARIS, TOBACCO, S YOGURT & SONS, • EMPORTBRS OF HAVANA CIGARS, N 0.216 South FkON T Street, Receive regularly a full ageortment of desirable CI GARS ethic!' they offer at low meg, for caeb or INV Proved credit faux-re DRAWING AND PAINTING MAXI& rlytle A kct Arshitoote Btationery. tan Painting Msteriabs Al=s Desd4iss sad Vaasa. for Children, and also far Arthog am onto. • kor i lattPistara Frames. tut Quail. Amman and nava.. 44 gratis to the *sada. wHoLEtqAmx imf o 't 2116 1 4A 1 11. it--btumIUITZI Y. r " tre ' / • VALT T lON !—A s rßoLoo !—LOOK OUT!—GOOD NEWS FOR ALL!—The never failing Mrs. VAN HORN is the beat i she s ucceeds when all others have failed. All who are in trouble, all who have been unfortunate. deceived by false 4 11 , 0'ethe.S, Hy to her for advice and comfort /a lore aff airs she serer/ails. She has the secret of winning the sffeo- Lions of the opposite sex. It is this fact which induces illiterate pretenders to try to imitate he , and coey her advertisement. She shows you the likeness of your fu ture wile; husband, or absent fiend. It well known to the publio at large that she to the first entente pm .• ma who can show the likeness in reality. and can give entire satiafaotion on all the concerns of life, which can be tested and. proved by thousands,.both married and single. who daily sue eagerly visit her. Come one come all! to No. LIX LONicsARD Street, between Juni per and Broad. sisi9-6t" ASILVERMEDAL AM) DIPLOMA IAWAVIDED, at the late State Fair, to A. B. DAvis A Co.. N. W. corner of FIFTEhNTII and Streets. A. B. DAVIS A CO.'S Rellrotd Seale'. A. B. DAVIS & CO.'S Depot Scales. A. B. DAVIS & CO 'S Hay Seatee. A. B. DAVIS & CO.'S Cog'. !Beaten. A. D. DAVIS & CO.'S Mears' Scales. A. B. DAVIS & CO.'S Roi (mg- Mill Scales. A. B. DAVIS & CO.'S Dormant Warehotute Scale& OA. B. DAVIS A CO.'S Platform Scales. - Marmfactort, N W. corner of • api-lm FIFTEENTH and wit um IizaLARGE AND VALUABLE' STOCK &also selling oat at Christi, Beim& 94 Anon. at 456 I.3II.BTNUT btreot. So.ooo worth Stan Jard Weight &maim, emliprisAag an assortment of all aloes. Counter r Portsblo Platform, Warshomm -. Cattl re e lase and r iU Railroad find Scale.. it Pufor their ta -- torasit Y43: oo e .. al -b441 1 and oxsorgeSr e al IrrikET. CHAS. A. DASH BLS. The attentiaa - runty aeralisais is Wiest to Mir above stook. feakm FerRILANKST PLATFORM WALES. 6.1" irar w iIIAWAY4a 1"g REFINED malts AND iSTRUZEI.— C. DONOORITE willeciatterebeehteeeeatit Mies nest, at le Meath WATIM Street, led eel! 006,6 WO, et the loved 'whet moos. ter tel..er eft se leeeedehort credits, 1140 bar r itaaat , Wised gegen _Mee. of "erten grade imbecile( Lover nil aid, Sad lammed Attest-est Mums. *No, end %s ilo alles sad lelly meml44
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers