_ - • t) ~1 ',. • - ".„,.. 5. ,, , .. 4, , , , -- - - -.,_ :-•-• , " -- s r , 1 4 ,.: - -" ''''' ' allrilli. g. "'"7.) Ll ' • I ' .' , ,f;•04 , - -%, A: . „ _, ':01%41.. 'pit 1 ••_ ' i llaille. l '''' toltkillth ulthlk. „ , '.14.k . '• -- * 1 / 4 i• ii ihrzra., ''' lid finildt e _, , .•-i - ' „ • l'e‘ , , ..1 7 . , - ' 4 4 4 11,37 x. j g Ariii7 .. . , 9 1 ilitr ' 4iff . .)* l4 _,. ' * *Or * AV/Stu . .--' 1 10=1. 415 1i k ' 24 4 0 9 1 %•; ;..,. ~:oemomil yeelsedin ~,t . P.,.._ 13111 ,i „Catasc4 l ' , 47 , ' 4,l**.eric it.:6llm. losifofflikwev eve 1 , mum;f sit testexplit retArlillawaratal• tan, ~ it'.ista=liitilLlOL.Tideee,fil rd =, uear liithett so es, -st.?.v.-,t mesclik_l•4 lllll / VSltt ilempoului h a pTie"Wisewms : , g for the brib e Witty team, e..--tro.:ht a ti4., 4 " . "Til s t e r km blowantelleitai ..,-,„, .ss beet lest, oilier IWO bortl, eau ein old:; Tin iLaildeet the ~ , !....,,...tstais_ „ Y., , *I , thu t" 41 0 0 or 4; 4am ponerrled. but hey. - II -15 *''' .....•,thsti;And rii :In liareolou; I, wan-present at. ,'-,-the time the Marquee de t . le'. Habana was, Op. . A . _- , 366/0 i my contract eras,ln_sr e . a, Viarn ems 'or 'hence, point , Otr , the,nast of' th ere deliver ' 777 the viand, re4etee,-, aky - pay; - lave mY,. pans. •.-- - tiagc•patil „hut_ to- lllVana - r I - do - iibt hoon ; 1 "` *bat' - 'oo'atnuett . on ' ' , tho,'':****eq,lood ; ,- the,' reel wee,* Ake' a*Obo!lias 11 7 4 1 0 11, ot , on L ludo 1• .-' Whennho woe upland; c I do.not know mold whit --•- .t ; - centetett the eapplreitu Moltt.;:abwevie taken ,to "Veihtitt ; the - Twat Ilvi le the thee if _ohe esp. • ton was ander the, Spanielt Mei; , there weito•wir - , other &El 1600/4;1 do not know for what thievestednade no resistanoe.;_eho_fitatiCto *an; . , ... the vett& width, attacked •,us Waa hl44lkofitrUnt s, -., then here -i t thei time, beside' our ' void's the • suisidgep t vessel, • the steamer ;Minima . an two other a warners • the *Onto of the Morguesdeli ~ Habana, is :11,4141 Saone' Arise; I boo ileo quaintest with him at Revue , when we eh ors !hi Statente; I sobtlonifo Wee appoint the . orb command lir the .t ei et v,ivi ,iireer ; • the 6 ra ta - , (he command 10t ibi Weet• at 'llitnat_l4, - i , 1. ''shaitig brAre the day or.roportu* • whith on ~ ;.- the Tfrithf Sebdiery c_l - otiodAnYttiatiedy ben,, ' A '.." I think"! knowthat the Omer gave thWoom Ind to the captain; the owner la the - general: M riff the SW median of Captain Arlie is in Splet • I - don't know ezaell.7.what town; he has a feta iy'in -,-- 1 - Spid,o, I believe: c ' ._,.-- „..• • . , 1 , - ,- -1- t The 4 , mini of th e Maroon de trelfabani is about Set; tome ;•her crew was about 37meg; ofilereirs' and ell—eey 7 ofileers and nehmen and shoot SO . .ointy,; - ,097, Ire' ~all Bretniards ; these eonstifuted •'," - , the Grew proper 'of the Martinet, obi), 9 11 on board at *run :. et z ua nom additional 'seamen wen pat eh bond from the Wrenn ; they were sent Ow, hoard because the -machinery had 10 oat of order, - and they, wanted help to moneys it. • ilhho explanation was objected-to by the Co mis• 1 sienert , lllr.• tionlb, for the deduce, toot en Son, and it was neteddoWn,l6 beiabthitted to the c rt I The crew tam engageCia -Havant shout the 14th .., ..._, Ftbra&M,,by_Captalli Arias, by order id °lend i .7 Thomas Marto; I had me Interest In the , ul veal •,. _set or. ciargo ; T don't lute If any of tbsi they' ' edam had &Wilde:est tharidal I belonged•tit the •• ~ ,. .varier rot the time she was taken, is the alveoli, of soma oases; I liam,known,ths veva for Mont `' " ` tiro or,tbrie meet* when I ,osor her, for digit first <t • ..time, is theipeyeet garotte; I don't knew. where ' '''' she Wit blink;Om Yeesel'ir setae li,the lifergries de Is Mibaba; shah was the namii'l knot her by in. Hansa, artd which' dm ha dace bone; I know. - ' of no rethet , name; themes, hed'a rigida:a. .. nith royal register; Me tailed from • Ricans r a • petal on the Muu oust, where eke 'soya w ee "'- Mimi ended; the' list fildithe - mieWhed, fled from befrrelter_dabtore was Saline; she left Aare l' ' `on the gg of Month Ohelasteheatieg port trat Ha -,' • :- vane* she sailed ' from Ilectunon **Vim lart n ar o ; -, ,„i sits, the a/oldest to the meeldnery we pot at Sisal for repairs; beau we , went .to Sellairr and fonts this last port to the flicherage grened 01 Att- N. , ,tina lileardo.. -, - i ~,-,, , - i , i zi, - , - - When we left Habana the vessel bad on bond' . '..; -'-_ coal, water, provisions, polderandballs,and brae' , ~.. gnu ; she - bad..•the.. same lading 'whoa eapti red, with the eiseption at a smell quantity of thate j militant which woe • thrown, wterboatil .'whe the stink was mad* by the Ame ri can vessels, fu fear, of an expiated 1 the lading warpit on be din . Havens, from sad after the lath of Fainter ; I - . don't know the quantity of aid; there we 14 tanks,three of water, gone, sr afreadritat ; / e t do net know whet quantity of 'provision or a mu. talon there -was ; ,no Pad 'eV ail' Whig of said vessel had bean unladen eines the comniesoe ent of hadodd, 'twig, ; I 'oppose time the ow rof the vessel at the .ti of her uppers was Th mess - Karin; I 'believe so because it was with hi we made our shipping , contrast; Ido not ken id what notary the seld (marls by birth; bu be. lien be is a Maslen ; Ido not know where his . , residence, nor that of his family; I lippose •is leaden to Meilen; I think is beennownarl. rin poseeedon; on the 14th February; the' lb leer - owner was named lbaSia; I think Marie or. - -door" from him; Ido not know if any bill of nie ' was iodic her by:whom, to the owser; the d • lading was all pat. ea board:at Nevatu,'ai the • , same - thee, elteepting'the ammundlos and gum '- - vehicle werepatot bead on the het days. tons her deportee,. - I do not know thinamesof the respective 111 ors, ' '• /- ' - bwineri4lor consigewel of the laid geode; / Wen ' the laden or owners of the aridelesiest shi are -s Mailetts, hitt do not know who are the ooneig op; - •--f„;.ille Int attlidetr.to wit; the seal and path! ..','-:'Were onboard at the hare of die frinsfer.to bl n, rumi :'' ' -, Z'Abditietefel'al believe the Unite were Spew, • - "-- : Ibetiore theneed and cargo west for aeon* and -- -- ------- mu - orwen-:-Mstriat.tilo sAillatetwilist us o ors 7 ' ' bad an interest lathe said goods' winsot i log were, signe t to my kaowledate:- kilo witness bah .., - there are,ln the United Inland Movies any ills et lading, ini,doet, letters, or lewtrtimetate re! • -.`.' ' ..`lo the stipend goods; concerning which lam ow • ixamlned ; 'I know of no charter - party• hp • ~ been signed Ido nof ltriew what other 'p ',,. . Might hive '- been . on board _; no papers or a - ',,,, - , Weents wore destroyed or concealed to, my low ledge ; the ship ' s papers Were headed, In my - ,- prseenee , to th e ' commander"of, th e e, tilantoga : , t hey were delivered by Captain :Arias ;I; hive 4.-. .suffered no lose by the captors itt• the Tung; I have ' reeolied so indemnity for my daten t ru, ` although I caveat to , eludes -wording to the • term of •my hoprisonoteeth I I 'do ; not know' 1 the ven d or eargwwee insured; Aber, were emptier Penton en, board,who represented Theauseites t be pamengers;. Ido mot 'now •if aoy of: them o. .• - onto' themselves at the:lime of eseiptutt;their ^ , names were, so tar oi l min tvetelleats Othadoc at -10 hello,lnan - 11oltsisiger ' - Sudan Reasero ; t ere , 7 T.7. Vero main fourteen or fifteen others, but I o ot, recollect their name ; Marcell* and Romero are Spsuinde ;,../hidtznPr. kheilims la *.4 10 94 ; I - -do sot - know the nationality it - the - otters ; do not know their :sake or .naseition ; they we not employed on beardcuor had say eithatandem; my, knowledge; they all toinneW bond et Haven on thellith mid 27th February ; they said they ere • „ going ta Vora Crow: Ido pot know that the se- - -- 'augers bad'-any'interest in the ship and ea ; they had un authority:on board. . ,i - There was 'one of the' Niemen, who'wu sal.. to . be an American, bed both of his legs nut off by the inn 6110/6011. hilt frost the Satatoga; he WSPOD of the men sent onboard from tho General rtt. mow ;,.the Papua ore hoard all were true and ii; p ie they were obtained by the captain from the - Commands:lola de 'ls Marina in H 1 as • the ship papers were to last for the ,' . Toyer rem Cavan* to the point ,on the Mei an neat— that is, tho time the vessel was under the ~. Spanish lin ; I dohot'know if any pencil on rd - had s letter id safe eatoluot ,- the Vemorinii - jet sn it ettor when first *Sacked by her captor•L.. - '`,4d n' i ' know what we the parables pine for thedle es, .„ .- or whether Whit been paid or esecidly glut t re - tor ; - I believe, the eitlewitt,Middittgood:le b ; •- - tlmre Wire no Cannon • mounted on boo* ;'• I'm , Woe hale, sonannintrO - ot rape, pawdi r, it s , Ai box Add': 40 ':contain muskets , ;whlob so 1,- thrown (Warhead; I have no P.Mald kstild X 4 of*, orrengements• but I bowl.* gum! t publicly ,opoiten of, that--Matia had bought tit noel, and had her fitted up u e vessel 'of+ we fo thellirentitn party ;= I had merely contract 1 take ' th e 'Sestet 'to a point on the Mexican e where...l was to leave her,' and Mom to Swan. we went to Anton liiiardo by order of Mario, lel is the kaolin owner of the vessel, there to ohm, .•. the nationality of -the vessel t by boiling Stoll a: ',, • eau lieg—tthe thip being deetined use eisip,if , for the Minium Ooveroment; oho, woo_0:50 ` Wired - then, and - I' woild, have had no for connection with her. • ' • • a The prisoners were then sent beet to the p i prime. The , examltiatien will be rwom ed 160tailig. ' - -.7 . t. 7 ,7 7 ' `i - - 7 -• 7' - • 7 . 7. EmiltrfilltlJ - WOrtd_„4/111.. itai0111; lankly, Mas pteettsi .tiu Triday,•:thallti nit ' St. NW, /Iwamoto. - Her we la strongly as geim to that' of lifte,Atittairg; lifiertrai part , -. - lara; ',lt is an untsaal i thin- ta'' huts" 'roots . this. motatry -7, Thie la - otte of :slily two or t eases Theism widto• WlOllll b weer been be tbetrnitad.lloo,tee.- The media , of which BUenebi, wakeenvieted-eeenered. on -4be : l3t Mirth; 185$ 'llfr: Biliissity, h . rolmider of - wwaltill foil( Illindialto Bl: - Paal hi l • . -5 .1 1 14 1 / 4 111 Wight iiiitistite, Isitoimiti•ti ty • '4 i •1 1.:z,-. _l3l•l•Oratta Irlitrwaii itxmlitmi Itialifilli p' E - Atilt. Piatitito ofthroarliiiagol frog Sitthe t .- llia, where It Is supposod'ahe has rialto& It y‘ bit she bit liergaisptli revised ti give not a et heroin. Oa, more than to Sair that Mehl* /1 4 ,', ._llvbis,4ebeienete mit'where she* Md' (wow w , `2' iltesvidsatti - Mist'el tolioatitsiliti *omit' • - ".' , .1.161,..' She iiiarrititi Sitiiiiti la 185 T, mono 't , Wally resided si ass *said Jilin Walicir;bil ' - Whom - fad: Mr; Bilenslwtberic Wend an ft •"biljneialseicwatinsied, limb haters awd,after imarthigto ' 10.1111itailty died suddenly, sad ...,-..i pielee of-togl,Pfsiiwow,iwbish led _to en Ill• '' .s 4 .#Wi c edmitint AI , thi - aistiotion tot , bli wit '1.7. - .- Wow imirri4 that Ake "pinsimeeCtimmplei insole was hand, ,I• the Atcompd'e atolieeb. _ Yap last - she steseedPjaelni of putsicie oreaphig Atka jail, ba t *il - riarreate4 same . ' aiterwart wad_ , In imimonwer hat, after' :rape —* Willi on taitielt if her enamel to Were for II wow trial; the - day of 'exectitiewwaslizolt Bir - 2&lifliiareh.; nor omiasel and litoltithisoll ' ~ good. - ivlistAeiloiretebffeel te Wait the MI sou Leflohltore.to commute berawasones, sod - . - deeded solar alttskharem resolution passed to ..• Afot. .2his 'Weis imiiktot 'by Abe,voito !A% • I - ' 'llireifi!....`,Obedidirint!tforitt .tierl , ,2. - - :-.: am , rophi..erpv gstitimoucto 0141.11r-9. 4 ' : V *alb* irititoilti of tholtdithidiett, :IS I t'''''Weiriotitiletif,iiir =DOS Wit lot . arlitlibl • mat of thew ayozetpoosiestati.. Is pfterkf; ' e manistiit% *eV v 4 wiitilitir kr" — - •lor %sik fix= . '_4sll4:4'ita MMI MEM 100muo Ointior • • , s l ,vmmixenotgan irony' $ „ ,•• ~, .;,•••IL. - - .4Erlit% .111404.4' ' . - ... , .•.1 ~ 7' -4: . • . ilorti•siiesasoi. ~i 7. liairtnik." •• 1 '. ' l,- ;.l' • 'l. '• 'l. l O l - I .t . t 4, , 4 lc , NOD 1 }; t 1 "•• ' ' 11114,. , ,' ,4 ,.."4 4. . 1 Air 1 1 , ' - , . " iiiittl i tu ~.„.* OVNIIIC AKIWA - ;i11 1 4 11 4 11 , ,f • '.. 'BUM ma vamp maws.- r. :. :- - . , 1i.W.... '7!., Atikvii_-"! ' tos .. i'.. ... - .,..A r im r 7 ire - 41 :.....::4111N/ Of ...: V•11,00_1 .41r1,11 A 1 5ba":::........ ow or ~.. moor • %" -- t...tA i li it . itriitie.:4‘6.`o oTir 0 - 01 T.tik:::7,Z . :.. 4Apt 115 ~.."...,, irLy a k.... 1 ... 1 i,' 01.4,.......cApni li "33- '"Wiwn r ot"ll:: igll/00 1 -I—%•-;k9n 1111 L os. ;7; , ,: 1 I ':'l TO Itiging. • ' ' ' bii e Zl or k ....,-Msroh fr o. l h,” j t s ilir s :: ;i f oft ........,NVO li. te° ll-47 '" 11 °. ".. a* giirt:::: - . Z:itantal 0fi1ia. i ......,...4-, , VOrD OI - .. r .1., I its -'' ' - pod' Sessairvi soil from Nev . !fort oir, , Ath i n ti VriZio n 4 l. NOlriolrm thi Ea,. -6 17 0 :fla -0 121pIlaii14,0 ‘. 1 . 00 . 10 4 844 4 ' Net. 4 1 .4 07: .44. - ht z iimaiw t ti. diNuners 'lrj 1 Pa 64 v.rrooot ow•Or mg. ; 1 -; ;', 7 ; kirrO tlF M. "INTPLI4GENCE• `;)OI*,,AOItIOLAm*LvtitA,4pOtS;IINW. .111.41 M, EIST6L-•”:.-- 1 619 wwATER:44-1.- • / 2 10 . A WED. } Piewren wfitisinktort. magi.. brim from Boston. gi• w IPS ...I' Immengees to HEW ',prior. Off the min.seseldolo safT't 1 ",""mi °lr Reedy 4 - MIL shill dwarfism. , ot x f rom asenmol, air ilit e n j n est l ag' ll t h ljlifi: Anon., . m ert, or iyerpoo , o o Denali ateamedir Ifenpobso. Hand, 16 h 011714 York, via Cape Wm, WMnod's sad primangera to James All devolve. - Sear D L Morishon, Allan. 6 days from Boston with yam to . Behr town, Chostor; Somers. 6 dare from Wining hon. EC Or RN naval MATH to D 8 Stetson & Co. ROW 110111M1 Betts, Thompson, in days from New Or- Isassorilti mayor. &o: to Pettit. Martin ACo 0 fitagtfatitwitippjoiyay from Brodie 1 , D e l, soar J W Early. Sipple. 1 day from Frederica, Del, With wheilit r a i sd eons to Ju to Bewley & Co. ~,Nhr Peon, 81th. 1 day from Hanoook's Lehr john W A - Deane l'i!rfs=aii . nolia Del, with corn tons 1, Bewloy & Co. _ Bohr Limon.. Bayard. 1 day from Christians, Del, with Mtn to Christ ian and Conan. Behr Es u na. Snooks. 1 day from New Castle. Del, with oats tb rem Marriott d: 800. Bohr Manton, ilazon..lday from Frederica, Del, with corn to Jsa Barrett &. Bon. Bark AtOttrichile konoy, Ravaaa, Taos Watt Son ;It Boss. Brig Bailie. Jairkson; new, MI toon,) Liihtbournol 8 amap_ab.' D 'mow& Co. Magi Tam. Balßraus.,ThosWetatra; Jr: ,•"""Ifs'arraeriDatus, Brahma*, A Orme*, Sr. A.T IBiLMIIIOITON, DBL. , Bela Pritw, du prom tiorsonah, with *at toC hoir. pat tot !Bally last to diming, part oloatigo. . . 'IT TILIOZILTIL . .. ....., Moms:Ara UP Peas.) a DB- ORACZ.. /:f o ril 2. leo& The Kingston will ins • hot first t rip Tram hero to day. or Muir Dupre ITS four bast* hers are but Ore*. as o ut. a s sod eonyhtned sa follows: _ , Four Boys. two , James mitOonuey, end PronrUor. town, *amber to B. Boqou & Co. W. E. W. - MEMORANDA. ill s trzegt d ßgEtonee State, Mar et home, 0 'llteemer belswere, Cieion, limiest, at New York let brat. Bhirrathedlii- Groitriouth, from Charleoton, at Havre 11111 Met. r b ttottkotoo. - Odell, taped frord Colombo Fib id for ehorWiteed Arrow, *atheist, fromlikiiton, St Mani la ISO i M! Judea Modr, Parker, from New York, et Woo grkairoiroire',,Lawrenoe, Peloi'Mor at New Yo~h let MeV ; • 4 zArt f Aith ,FAmbiti,Normove, for Ode port, sailed ,Berk Loy Riiid. l i t itur* Dim Arius. at New York _ WIND Delwin, /Seaton, from Ely West, ark red at ew nutlet met. 8 4 4 j 13 1dcotWHIPIll , cleared at Baltimore Mat Mt IVeTa I,lltaietOsst.lorer W 'Dlln ,Wsits • na nd Aid, kreliOott grOlt. Tr dortegloa, l otProwyoklot ..4 01 10Iftir nfooo:frOps - Providonoo for this port, at New IQ.* lit met , sebr.vn. LaeoemereWthette, dared Lot Newyork 31st Boweti, bones, et P 1 ' 071 4 11,0 Xth ult. • Bohr J.II Hem. *lnter for this port, nailed from Providence, Nth ult. Bailed pa , the 10th March Alias 'Radii Yarn= from FOR' aALB AID TO: iET. ge TO Rbit—T - Wo - THREE-STOBIED IMLlfew v Unglen:, all inoairn inipravesnento -;_ Isms vied ;.ons "on' , GIULIO D v vraittr d zar FIFTRENM WOO t _eher 1111 RENT UK above, tbn Vissun. MM, n o_, 3: OWEIL, • ',Aland dosamc„AXCHBcrset, dam KightEn • - Aig•lt" MR' SALE- Desirable: Lots it& ioar priee:mad only's ortall tettiou or rh re coiredens of iquiyl op, surpmek emu, ti _abort intsar 'soars maws wound. Altov2lo fon on nom nker Ml g lat Asti HnsWl trtakini l l p = of Iharginaek stmt.= • • inh3l-3t* Mt GERM ANTOWN.—for on easy "mmilimits,;: I ltandanms pointed Wale RESIDENCE. near-Idanbann, ,r)ask road, and Calvary Cluinde attmin '• spas laas pa, watar t -and n2r t i neon- - 1114 Smith FOURTH Street. T It ER T== A DESIRABLE ,obwatty. reli d oooo. with oil. form of lawn, tee =6, stobirog, orotund. BLIGHT.b _one foils from ot .-Apoly- to A. AM WALNUT tftmt, No. tf, - floor.- - - Mai 8t• :11 LIMR Y TO_ LET.—THE CELt wiretapp LUKE PIDLXII. COLlAii.RY.eiteeted a t el h rt i hi b k l gni %gel! trill, e he lit Oen the oomph) oa o the improseniente Actin Pnsurts,- -•- %ere are two veins °t• a Ash Coal opened on the *Poplin", each mean het thuds. - Thcooal is of Me ow "molar, and haw 'Maned a hick reputation when ever at bee hoer, intrixtneed. It le highly valued and 'among& * readyeale Or Baltimore and intermediate Mew. to uniottit m sent b o th by eons! and railroad. A market has alio been opened- for this coal in the North a s z e l mart-s 3 -For thipment to, the Feet it may be a to Del ware City. and, upon Also completion tri ciao itenthittha t erscrou of the Mime Hillitabroad tvessusiet ebamolt Valley And FOtteville laud; it can hes inlaid at otiniOnd. • •Mee Vein. will !MCI from three to four hundred :above Avatar hire!. There , are other 17.1. - 171111., Its & and Gray Ash moat 00 the pro- Weide Jae eilirdy aseaelty (lithe as zor eaurem. Calli:ryeas on application to D. o,_ 'tin the pip For , r mtbratatma el* • I.IIC - ISAITW ICI Vitt Strut, P Male 6 a. pOR',I3ALVAt laigerViriiage 'and Ifar- Istsbnabosint;sitasto on the earner tir . n ott4o irsorg stunts in Portemont4 Va. L doing thriving bennew ..Tho toner is unable, twang n. health;prlonier ewe itsttentiop; Carr be purchased OA low Alla TM risimshis terms or leesedlor • term of yews. Apply W HES. R. BEHAR, etao .1m -.- or at 3EOVI A C NS P E o S k r T t s W m A o T nt S a S O v N a e t.,. TO'ONTI--Two ;beautifully situated ma double bonsai well Minded. Willi ooseb balms and &Mims attsoliet m on Tao oity Plank .Road. one mile below Taoeny. sad t erw quaile or s mile from Yam itintkurttiltray .eseoa Ilndesbarg. Appl i t h ithre . FOR SALE-4A Dwellingll.ouse, neer :the 'forrir k , z C AS A SIVAGNIVI` Street. fit FOR BALI, in HADDONFIBLD,; J., IMaajoirssiiVotasOcirith ataut twO reatirO, Mit troaa spa amaribio frau Otanii or nul, oar amass; awe masa 0174 aad by a aroma Monk. or m Dam. Prio WOO, term sal. Apwr or ..bls4ne -; • TS WALNUT Street. nERMANTOWN' PWAPERTY. not VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. The mil** Fir. sod Oonitiy eitst, containing lon loin Of Muddy enlnvond land. cite in the to of Oermastotin, PW•this what', and within V i Zi r it . "AP' i s ~ betni holnri l osthAt=lexxotv.: -. 0 E t br oWnohin -. mai and an ta d „l i g , / 44 sad . .eiee-sightb. of tope tor tho ma 1 mike. and keno:ter. mire of_c of two eta criat4 tor il** **frATN l ciatat h l e ..l, -^ " . a . ,".. On or Itie ` obeve property is bite ant mit 011y, ei v aTh rltred:i trine very &Amok. y' rot PIO Jaw It, otituniade an WM44 at.nnr•ountry.,•nd is Wont* od IN MIMS 7n3iln rionk Gormintown, an laid down filftrui" or lifet &stmt. Tit it is lady bitcharictaztnurtra ziozh. Vintaia - iii.id - liaitilitor Lot, sibilant! i st eldwinintownt:winit. it , ritsatown, eon maybonotaiwo wad str eet foot. rad in deeth Hat s ~, m t .. area • oat norm. The Wu win% U% is otolInf l =root2 1 41: 2 . 411! trI SP. lirrlKO l . l d, *Mini TAW ad)olnhis and hi the vif or it i Viant.lito• etotpri Oennr .st ern , . , t irrapiPinn. k irrnev, ::.. 1 I- ATV I ILLIARD! TABLES. JOE r ALE.—Two * liistArisli<Thil r iarcrzp:ox Oi iti t m.arbie . blidoktgliMir t eps fly— ak stmt. lasdiagn . 1 . 7 "1 . 41 te n T • . ---"Mwe IlLektiya. 140,4 :. SALE—A Miceral-Water Appara tus, issued ossin r inth Fountains sad Draught tiosstrists. w •Ii• sokl um low. Ausir to N 0 NSYNNY. Salmi* Druggist, 807 MAR mbrg-Llt. _RAILROAD LIMBO. -W EST CHESTER & w tiit i oVD. ii• R ofec f 4r4 lay . Wrests. d4ily (,toept At A A jli . 2705 PA " . oi l atf 1"t iia ,..... TO WEST CHESTER p. AND INTERMEDIATE '. , t nitra t i e7 itir V W l e I t ' HUE . leak tfidladelptila from' the oleos, northeast earner of enemata ,and. Kapott senate, at 7.10 and MI A. M.,- _ramd at! sad els p, M. Opandaym lir A. ftAff hit h _ _ it I and Bal. tier 0 1 :13 i tta r iP e d Zell* the Lad a and 10 .110 A.M.: sod XIS P. ;Trattua. ' I ... WOO . . PHIL A DE ',MIA AND to rt v ol o N A G a ttitimoAD. l wi l giirl s ti s litrxifi l k i ni d Arl'ilVu l eingd T rttie rider asTirir-rin4trigronoirry' l l fg: reeenrei,_at the Ogee of the Gorman No. IN South OURTig 'treat, pt a _ tion of twenty-five per cent. tatheystalaUt l iree. Yartitia wishing to enjoy ,the enter MINI try wil f l find this It very claimable vortehyttraihnylkit illid bitoon Vall e ys being among th . 'mot Untrained hos thy in the State and ammo iitierby l'ourtrattie fromsnd to tbiladalshis daily. • --, -- ~ : - •c; 'B. ONADFOND, Treasurer. .! liaiiiteg.inti.kgrett MM. Imo. rohlf-tf Mil t ag; . =MME=I=ME MORNME •'; ‘ • 1 " iEW.,:r:V#43IPATIPTIP.) 1 Ril-T -RINI YRIIITIMTHERED. s, orti. ottovnumrs WIWI QV A CCN RTND YoStifto LAWYER .-lThie haelitifill little Were dedicated tattle' Young •,Men's Cheesier' As ters of Yonland ; OA la gesaially eeleptedfor oir • ffik ""%filitattl norm{ Tarnat Teagnit u rra=3 . 4l: ll ,:tf ,°*.riettgitidr:lti wadi/ balm all lohila max read. ally. and ingrate it. rit. . Chblvetr. Tonna men of a dirabtlul mind eating "What is 'VOW will. hers meet with mar& Ina email space to eonvinee teem of the reedy orrehition.—Borms Re aratadrikervias rendered to the 'rave of the Master Irtsitijki,lrAtrOrY. of Ili der?ted Christian mind,- 4 n h. j ,ltien.l. l ls,,gbit,„vieivodcl,filan'll aiswsist of il ottV i r eitis..irotad o Wes to are • it. It einnot fall to interne/ohne men, end asset ells young leeryors.—fertiriesd Armor " 41Amatiral tribute to the memory o stings. who was rapeseed during the s p iritua l afresh-ing of Ind. and thettoeforth led a life angular deroted nom tall called hsme.•>-Cosaremstioitalist, Borten. A charming tribute to the memory Of a highly-gifted young man. It ought to be in the bends of all young min r-Ceweord Joarna/. PriooNflieentL For gale at the ?RUT. HPISOICIP eL BOOK DIPOPITORY. mhili at 1211011ESTNI.ff Street. Phila. BOLD WORK. . Now THE read ~ STARE AND THE ANGELS 1 vol., limo. _ 21.25 t• We have seldom opened a book which wit have found it more difficult tote) , aide. The themes ate of marten ina interest—the geolomy of the sue, how ears may be kindled, celestial chemistry, the 'spiritual body, Orli ology of the spirit, demoniacal posabions, "Emelt° bo dies, and kindred topics.- We "have never Seen these suhlects treated with the same Ingenuity and apparent trpthrulnems."—Presbyteriau. The bock is bound to be read.,The anthor's sperm lotions are bold, sometime. strirtlmr, yet care is exer opted to keeparithin the line of what et probable and !HUM!. , The chapter on the " Physiology of the Spirit" sut be oonndered a marked by mush:ability, and with a t h orough oceaderation of, and acquaintance with, the Ser 'Aura on the eutdeet.."—Bosner of the Cross. A volume 424 atnitulat rant, and in many respects remarkable book,. The author ia a bold oscillator, and motonimbits as well as interests . Presbmre, rise. WILLIAM & ALFREn hIARTIVN, fnhlt. No. OVICHBSTSIIT fitreet. POOPIJLAR . AND INTERESTING BOOKS! FOR GENERAL READING.' and sent by. mail, (postage free) on receipt of retail price. By addressing 'LINDSAY le. BLAKISTON, Publisher', No. 23 BOUM SIXTH street. above CHESTNUT. Philadelphia. ALCOHOL and, TOBACCO. One vol. TS cents : Con tuning Prof. Miller It" ALCO HOL: G ITS PLACK AND and !Amu s.. TOBACCOICS USE No Amiss The above have been selling rapidly. Aqiitiould read them They Gan be had sePatately. Al onset, re oents ; them 38 Cents. THRVS TIMUSAN_DJtECEIPTS ; or, COMPLETE BOOK OF REFERENCE. for salaable receipts upon Cookery, Powtmlpreserving, Agnsulture. /Ito. , By, A. IL- wright. AGRIODLTDRE FOR. THE SCHOOL AND THE FARM. By rrat Campbell. This is a solorntitio and practical treatise, which every Farmer in the ooruitry should women. whet TMARBLE VATIN ; Or, The Re mime of Monte Beni. By Neth. hawthorns. Two vol.. Also . 13mo. Out VIA. • Just , I3AY J.ND ,EAL. By the Author of " The Wide, Wide World,' eta., eto. 2 yobs 12120. 0 kin; Va b lsB - otitil aniTrigart.alliClVAlTBl444bT. PURE AMERICAN WINES; From the most eminent Wine grower. of VIRGINIA, NORTH CAROLINA', OHIO, and PENNSYLVANIA Sparkling, Still. Sweet, Dry and Oonununlon WINES, Warranted the PURE JUICE OF THE GRAPE. ALBERT 0. BOBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, mhtt-tf Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. WE GALL „ATTENTION OF THE • ••ALF R EDTRA malygingerigg abate • RENAUD COGNAC. AMMO inluNgrtal names oonstently /mg. iltinhcit e ssi ladissotLi i rgrrtation. noMi taw Wand ly5,5h 1 L11:::, high sad low gritsox - ' L0A.99 dpiP9rAit• ,117 Smith Fxu GLRitliri . WIIITEIri itei , ' rttrot"gi ßcdT Bt ri t jffl i t lyt 4 ,, fterrltig.w z g u i ,,„ o r az Ziotit i t a y :_ Eia,rttiop . , k Oft.: . Viet. Nines Ocki seigne r te. .o . 4 . 3l4 . ~ 4 r ulara h .Di, our. & Oen: - : main, :„.A.ict. "'..,, -1.7:-"_. , -- , sturat 7 r a t :4, Eil i fT4Too d itiolo s ea n t a 119'ineit, Palm leo i ffig Lolios CaLpanta Ora r Ewa. Bonissuir . ko.. o ,-17 E • 0. THOMPSON, mslicirANT TAILOR, N. E. CORNER OP SEVENTH AND WALNUT STS. fteepeotfully invites, the attention of all those angering From the ineonvenfenoe of bed-Rohm pantaloons to his superior method prontting and Ethel; this Important garment. This is in feat. an almost universal oom laint, The truth ix, however, that the fault generally se with the ettekilled cutter, who he flitter Felmsrohed or armada himself mains, of the true method. I.vies, in a measure, made thin department a specialty. I invite all who are interested to give me a eat!, I have always on hand • complete assortment of desirable goods for Coatints, Pantaloons, and Vaginas, of the latest sty leei partially of mw own importation. mht4-am PAUL P. ZELLER. KELLER & EMORY, 00foe N 0.160 W4LNDT,otmiat.j'hiladolphia, Pan .HOLE AGY.nli FOR N. Montan' en riot Brasil roi t ritsui Mao Ashosnd .11. nookishoy & Co. a oloora lams mark and titto , o 0 A , Ib)optd.lo c oviti:Lead ra il road fro m Bohayildliarg i n, 1 5°nOYMU. r SW. GROOMS & 00., . • Odlos le &nits FOUKTIL Steam. ann RFa PINE STE-MKT, 801111114.114 N Dealers and Wilma Menet Maantaiat g . b, and Boknyibill Meretta falcon' on sahaitia oWSR HOUSEKEEPKKEI LOOK TO YOUR Interest. Buy your COAL AT AllolM,srhere upping but Dowry host ratty Of L fligli Mg IsoßaTi r ton, h l / 4 11 1 04 1107.:11 7 T4F Ma MC I :_!""......"*.. 1 1, 1 1"4: l w • NA_ . . —7= Ajo .* a • tad - fro& from Mato or doata i lre wet ht. at Sj .. S _y_ard, southeast corner HAL au, wit. iw. ow sad see. • . oit4m ovlif PIANOS! PIANOS !! PIANOS !! - • PIANFORTES. MELODEONS. PIANO Pomo. ELODEONS. • PIAN_47 FORTES, MELODEONS. PIANO-FORTES. MELODEONS. Made by Rayon, Bacon. & Co., Nunn, & MEWS. DaYLLA Co.. and aims. J. E. COULD, - so SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. wpm J. dc 0. PISOHER'S SPLENDID NEW YORK PIANOS, from 8110 upwards le 111110 a. aeootding to finish—favorably known for their beauty of tone, exterior, and durability. F sale on monthly instalments, from 810 to ft*, or for cosh at a liberal discount, Also, a large assortment of other Pianos, from eieel. lent manuurers, on hand. JAS BEL.LAK. 0 - 279 and fin South - FIFTH STREIT, above Eprur. mh2l.lm• M• STEINWAY 'lb SON'S NEW A VM' OVER4IG GRAND PIANOB, ORAN% AND SQ. ARE fIANGS;now pra t-er isorts and in Dr vats (voles by the best pro men. - Riroeived the first prelims over best c left e a rs oli f o ro a t 00 ,hiliz i lia .. •Gottr A t aa-ly /0016 Oil TIMM. HARDWARE, 'PACKAGE MOUSES. PACKAGE HARDWARE H OUS E. -4V. X' would reertfe e lli o oall atte i r v ut e logg k th o e f pP n HI e ithi...AnwAfftishntswe offer at a mull grrrla i ll=tmt.tiatud, and Goode de. awed either in Wm OitYo New Ira Zre. ale Or i gami & Led Agents!: Z i g Dorneetinanilinimi VA IT T I ON!—ASTROLOGY!--LOOK. C OUT I—GOOD NNWS 'FOR ALL I—The never failing Mrs. VAN Roam is the beet; phe moaned when all o th ers have failed. All who are in trouble, all' who have been unfortunate, deceived by false promises, fly to her for advice and comfort is goys strain she ante fatly. She has tho secret of winning the area- Sone of the °melte sex. It is this fact which induces illiterate pretenders to try to imitate her, and copy her advertisement. Pho shows you the likeness of your fu ture wife, quiband, or lament friend. It is Well known to the public at large that she fp the first and only Per non who can show the likeness in reality, end can give entire satiefestims on all the concerns of life, which can be tested an proved by thousands, both married and rimyle. who daily and eagerly visit her. Come one i comelll to Ivo.= LOM CARD Street, between Juni per and Broad. apg.tit. EDWIN CLARK'S . . HIGHLY IIIiPBOVED and newly PaAanied Combin L ed Orindintand Saltine. or smaC4ANT FLOUR MIL, Daily in operation at 110411fi Rios Sr Her , RILOW THIRD, PITILAD'A. Jr unnTlitd iti Flour M i ll, ti inoludin n g i t i ta comPlete f Cie Feet wide, ti n t= gle e Wairt4entgliTle:t tow t• manufacturing withi n nits smell compass, of a single operation, sad withbut lints more thane's hone , family rostra, extra, superfine, and all of the lbw powerergrades of dour, and the different kinde of offal ; pro dyeing flour equal in quality to the best flour made from a given amount of wheat, by the best Merohent Flour Mills an the United htates, or ID Eurone. Its avereee ritte ,or grinding is two barrels of superior flour per w r compact,lets dlb td flour in tit s aa n re r 'nly e Zinine ' d b y m a n y a the moat exa n tag r Liv s milers t o figs country , an _they unapt.. Dm t the igheetoonffnendations ;, and =live:their - testimonials of its intrinsio supeon ya_ellfil its immense utility. superiori ty mill-owners, merchants, capitalist,, ape: flit acre, ainethe public in general, are resiowtfullyin ted to op sod examine this highly useful and Justly ciolie bra flour mill. I ormation concerning the purchase of the Fs lit Rs Hi for States and oountlea, and the pulls, for • ery tonics of the ~United totes, Great Britain, France, Germany, Rama and o Aericultural countries, will he liven to all persons easing their hatters to, ; j r F. WIN CLANK. Patentee, No. kle RACE et., below Third, PhlMd'a. Ilir For further information concerning this itelebra ted flour mill, please to read the yellow handbills, de: scribing it. ma Iv TO THE PUBLIC. CALHOUN'S ANNULAR VENTILATOR. . The above patent is deemed, by No/entitle end praoyi eat men to be the very beet aver offered to the nukillo, and needs only to be seen yp actual operation for its menttto be. appreciated, Nothing ever introduoe4 is 90 JeelleetlY adapted for ventilating private and pplie bunainge, sehools, hospitals, engine houses, nues, and gelling vessels, end for the Cure of smoky i cc l usys they have JlO equal. saufeetnred end for sale wholesale and retail! at Su- War ins or tiM MARKET Street, Phila. Personal attention will be mean to all demo/otiose of heating and ventilatidg bp the undersigned, who / 1 4 11 bean many gesmaratMeallg eagagsdin the above tam- WNW Also tot Cuter', Jusuymelebrited warturair Moses*, °oohing range., bath bo. ir• tem, Icti AL by felg-sitnthihn CHAS. CHESTER -41ApA rot ur ttu. ffiTOwn emir wo Th ofar Apr •u -it I. at TO WHOLESALE - DRUGGISTSMLAN 'ASH I pmE,. are. JAMES lIRTTB' INVENTIONS OR LADIES.—' Aired of and highly recommended by the Medical pro eseionProughout the United States, Thirty Thou son Invands having been advised by their_physionine go use her Surgical Appliance.. She would caution igepshents and others tigtapet moaning except at bey' nimi l enc a. toM, WALM/T Street, where she clan be wasaltad daily, bitwaen the hours of II and 8, Hay book of testimonials Will be given on annhoetion. , fell-stnth-tv - Mt 41 .PURIVIE WELLS CLEANED AT - A LOW w 2""Tv/ 4 Ejtilly.to otlisiAyou• tArgents. AddreerlVll4l4 nr Newth *MINT 0646 B SODA.L-400 kes s for sale, I WRTHERILII & 9.TRER, Ella by er gnome ;wettest, it'd.--PHILADELPILIA, TUESDAY,, APRIL 1, 1860. WINKS AND LIQUORS. MERCHANT TAILORS. MA I. TORO. D. Ilmoay. PIANOS. MVIDICINAL. PURE GEORGIA' , ARROW SOOT. t The special attention of physicians and familia* manse to the superiority of. this article. It is ramdlY suppisating, sit other kinds. arid, all those who nave 'and it give It the most decided preferenoe. The , fol lowing extracts from certificate, in phe hands of the manulaoturer, "Col: Hezbowes,” will show the i high estimation in which the Georgia Arrow Root is eld lay those gentlemen of the medical profeunon who have fully examined it. ew One pound, UM cents, or two pounds for all. Complete instillations &company each Paokexa.,4l ol,- ma how to make the most delicious articles tor the table FOß SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, FREDERICK BROWN'S A BRIBir AND CHEMICAL STORE, N. E. CORNER FIFTH and CHESTNUT tweets, PHILADELPHIA, FREDERICK BROWN, lee.. DRUG AND CHEMICAL STORE, . 8. H. Corner of NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets. • Under the ' Continental' , Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. . • " I have examined and prepared some Arrow Root. manufaotured by Cpl. Hallows', ofht. Mare% Georgia. It m e the belt quality of that variety of Mauls I have met with. being superior to any Bermuda or other Ar row Root I have seen. • " SAIVEL .TACICSON, D., University of Pennsylvania." I have examined a samPle of Arrow, Root. manu factured by Col. Hanoires, of 81. Marrs, Georgie, and exhibited at the last fair of the American Institute by Mr. Burkhalter, or this oity. The article is of the Vett best quality, and, from the.experiments Made upon find it to ciontain as large a proportion- of nutntious matter, and to be in every tither respect fullyequal to the bell quality of Arrow Root obtained from Bermuda. It being of vital unportanoe to invalids that suet delioete ortioles of diet be pure, I feel pled of the ono' , tunityto speaks° favomblyor tho Georgia Arrow;ltoot. mh.wlm " JAMES R. CHILTON, AL,D," TAPE WORM—TAPE WORM. - - " "JAYNE'S' SPECIFIC FOR, TAPE WORK ' Has never been known to fail in single instaisee'to' remove this troublesome animal. It is as putty taken as an ordinary purgative, and is followed byfie unplea sant e ff ects. The worm is usually expelled in from tines to eight hours after the medicine is token. t U put up in duos, with direotions for its use. By writing to Dr. D. JAYNE & BON, 242 iIIHESTNUT‘ Street, rhiladelphia,enolosing two dollars for each dou, the medicine will immediately beforwarded by mail to any part of the world. READ THE FOLLOWING ORRTIFICATIN: SCRINECTADT, N. IS., Nov. U. M. Jayne—Dear Sir: resolve the package of your ,Speei fi e for tripe worm. awl took it aooording to the directions. About four hours after f had taken it, I lassed a tape worm measurinp• full Afty-two feet in ength. reran Part VoRsT, Engineer on N. Y. and Erie Railroad. ' Ilicuirtst.n. Mo., Yen. 16,1869. Dr. D. Jayne—Sir have for eight years been 'Whaled with Drat terrible disorder—the tape worm. During that ti me 1, Led (sled yestoUs remedies, and the best medical skill in this and the adjacent 'counties. without °Utah/s -ing any relief. I was advised to send for your resift's. At that time lms almost reamed to a skeleton. unable to attend to bu ets, and my suffering wag beyond de emiption. I t ooktwo closes. and then munifti arty feet of the worm. Ism now and in _toed health, Mr. Perry BI.WArFIZT • mason Flitaltlll. Dixon, Ark., Feb.M. Ida After taking your Specific for tope worm; it bed the *net to expel a worm measuring iu all twenty-four feet." Extraet of a letter from Airs. George E. Houk, dated " Orarnon, Tiosa Co., N. Feb. 8, nell. "Aboat a year muse we roccoved (root you a donor the Jape Worm npeolfio. which my husband took ae oording to directions, and the result was, thstie puma nearly suty feet of the worm.', . PHILADELPHIA, March PI, MO. Dr. D. Jayne—Dear Sir: I had been for some four years &filleted with that horrible disease, tapeworm. Raving tried various remedies without anemia. I was at Net oonmelled to use your SPECIFIC. I say compelled, for I had great repugnance to advertised medieines, M lsenaidered them all humbugs, so it was with great tilt- Coolly I was induced to try your remedy'. I took three doses. and the result has been the com pete ejection of my tormentor. I have passed some eighty feet—the last might or ten feet tapering gradually until it wee no thinker than sewing cotton, with a head as large as the head of a pin. I believe if [had taken your mediemes in the begin ning 4 , before etoinach became accustomed to &lan, ens dose wmu Rave been sufficient. Feeling If &duty I owe, not only to YoU, for hav ing saved an early grave , where my Mamas e would have mat tably_plamid me, but also to those who are &filleted ea I was, I make public these feels. Yenta gratefully, and Che s tnut Fifth and Chestnut streets. ELI zanive r fils,, June 17.1869. eentlernen : Your TAPE WORM ISPEC/Fla has been administered according to direotions: First dose at seven In the morning. At three in the afternoon the worm was expelled enttre. Tour SPECIFIC Imo. sus tained its pretensions. and 1 have no hesitation in re commending it to the pubbo. Jamas D. JAMIE, M, D. Ponransenia, Tenn., Jul! It Mit Dr. D. Jayne & Bon—Dear Biro: A 11010 girt&Wit seven VAT% old was suffering with taps tvorm, and had been timer medieel treatment for some time, without benefit. Your SPECIFIC was givenjtooording to el rootione, and in about three , bouts AIWA feet of the worm name away. which, from the deammtion, 1 think must be the entire worm. IC. bloptf.L. Diiiiniriun, It Y., tug. %A O Dr. ft. - Jarne—Dear Sir: I took your &Pk: werlen SPECIFIC according to directions. Eig ht hours after wards I discharged (without pain) hi s ,ivernisitsportio measured twenty. eight' feet In lenath. and - contained more than 900 fin k s. LIITHEIt De. D. Jaine—Dear Sir: Last reek Mr. Myers mad' bßulrtes qf 1p about poor TAI' S 'VP ORBUIPEOIFIC. end inimfaiataly wrote tO YOti 'or .111101116. %Cho Moll3ing he WWI upon Si with a bottle containing then WO Worm. WAILPIRA k RAY, Druggists. NEW BAT.TIMORE. Miob.. Rept.2:11,1889. Dr. D. Jayne & Ron—Dear I took your TAYE WORM OPEOIRIO aocording to directions. The worm was expelled in six hours; length twenty-six fast. Yours. in., Louis 13rnot. /110.,00t0b811,10. Dr. D. Jayne & Ron—Mr. Riley Price has been ip bed health for borne years, subject to spelbr of sickness at the , storosah, and continued eM1101311019. About a month ago be threw up about twenty-five feet of tape worm. it broke, a part remaining in his stomach. We procured some of your TA PE WORM EIPBOLFIO.% which he took maw/ding to directions. Hosoon discharged about sixteen foot of tape worm, and thinks' he io' pow !free from it. ' Yours. &e., BLuz & Doutitaos. Davi:OMl, lowa, Oct. Dr. D. Jayne — Deal Sir i I took your SPECIFIC for tape worm, aecording todireotions, and In four home the worm was expelled. EnamantuTkonottmi. Comp° Savo, Califoa, Oct. MOW. 'Dr.D. Jityne,& Son—Dear flits: I dO nu net hesitate nor do I delay to gtvayny testimony to the grearenoe and insperiority of your .. TAFF,. NORM ECIFLO '• I lately had an occasion to have the virtue this medi cine tested, the result of which was theettpelling,of a tape worm of enormous length, which had wore tint pa tient down to a skeleton. but who nowlookelesby and healthy. lam at liberty to give th e address o thalittlY from whom this t ro ubtesome animal was exp. led ; hut a quarter section of it now on elthibltlon at my offleeos molar proof of what i have written. It has bisorewit named by hundreds who have called to see It. Yours, truly; E. G. ISCISILLit. llthmosonouou, Ill:, jan.lo.llBo. kly daughter, long atßieted with a tape worm, 11 , 16 en tirely- relieved by one doie of DIL JAYNE'S TAPE WORM SPECIFIC. ii.EMILT HILL. Prepared only by Dr. D. sk , trot & 8021 242 &Soli xrr street, where ail Dr. JAYNE'S VALUABLE ME -, MOINES intw be obtained. stdok COUGH! . COUGH ! COUGH !I ! EVANS VILLI,:r.OOk WU.: Sept. 0, ma. D. JAIME 'Dear [—Mr. Nathaniel Eluger. of Mg oleo, ' authorized me to state ;bating wife was taken to her b a d one year alas with Lung Disease, whiob the physicians pronounced Consumption. 'He doetored for six months to no urposewing Which time he had heard your EXPE C TORA N T spoken -of very highly, and cionoltuled' to try it. e bought of your 4811 t half-dozen bettles,'and his wife commenoed taking it. and bag been getting better over alma. - She ono go out even now, and is gaining daily in etrenath. • - A. K. Weer & Co. EXPECTORANT FOR LUNG ' FEVER. Rossurit,tlido,Sept.z6,looB. ' Ds. IhJATrIZ have mad e nee V a lour EXPEcTO- RANT for Lung ever , awl it .fee a cure. with the aid of your axes ❑ have SANATIVE Pi LS. O. W. Ii.OWSZET. THE SWEDISH VialgioNAßY.. Extract of a letter, from %halter. A. Viborg. dated tirpHriotw.Sweden,lklitroh to X 167. Your invaluable Medialue, the EXPECTORAisT, has been of very essential rewrite tatnythritat and breast, and I oan soars. ydo without it A single flay. Several of our friends, to whom we have ocsmitionally given some, express themselves, an being lunch benefited THR.EE YEARS WITH BRONCHITIS. BTocAros...owenao., Indiana; Sept. 4, Hirt IS DI DR. SAVN ; Y wile. /laving been 'leveret airy ate some three Years with Brottonitiz,LlPil Levi the wonderful tansy ,of your KAPPA., lo 4 for Coughs, stathmaLDlMoulty of Breathing, Spitting of Blood. and other oisessem of the Longa,l putrehased one bottle of lt, and one lkohtif El at a tNATIVE and am ha to inform you, tter ndntthe irk oTU- I ANT, her eouth wag immediately suppreued, the acuitydtf of breathing and pain removed. producing a free and easy expectoration, and in ON E , MONTH. effected a COMPLETE CURE. J. P. /WIT% Pre imp. only at mhn-/m. JAYHE'S, CHESTNUT Street. 11E L:MBOLVS - F4TRAbT BUCEIII, HELMBOLD'S'EXTRAO'I T PUO %RUE T DIURETIC: u H It u EAT DIURETIC. RELMIKE.D'S EXTRACT S rd . O THE RA AT DIURETIC. HELEIBOLD'S EXTRACBLI THEG R E ATE DIURETIC. the And te remittve and ApOittle Rowdy ter Diseases of Bladder, - Kidneys, Gravel, prom. - Oraanio Weakness. Tine Medhnne tnoreaaaa the power Digestion, and 'tear ae vr t . ll4,sayf ß iTs Into nr c l ) t,r notion. by and aIf * TINNATURAL E/St l aVa t EME l N l T e rVerg: °HOOCH" well as PAIN AND LrIFLAMBLATION, and 'egad for MEN, WOMEN, OR. CHILDREN. • Deem, 104 South TENTH Street, ; Below CHESTNUT Stree_LiPhiladelphia. • BEWARE OF courrisit.F.Errs, . AND UNPRINCIPLED DEAL e Who endeavor to dispose " of molt own" and "opium." AHTICLES ON THE REPUTATION ATTAINED inr HELMSOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS: mh3l-ly 'RUSHTON'S ODD LIVER OIL, ♦OR CONSUMPTION - THE CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND, -DALLEY'S .14AGIOAL &UN EXTRAOTOR HAS universally supplanted all other Ointments and healing eglantines in both the Eastern. and Western Hemispheres, wherever intro duced; and tie intrinste merit ia +he ntecaeretof Me moan in all cutaneous a ff ections. whether the canoe be accident or disease. BURNS It se SCALDS ars Instantly relieved of 0 4 their alignugh, pain and inliammatidn, by a timely 3 application of this mgr. talons healer, and the Uesh is rammed as if by A ohartni_no blem'ish or soar , remaining. THE FRIEND OF r"` THE NURSERY. Children are frequent, , „1 sefferere from external In juries, ashamedly front ” ..I , 7ufd and Camp/Ante .Fn plosions—therefore every, mother Should by r e this healing preparation eon- = etantly on hand. t heals tote Breasts, and quickly ii: removes the TET ER or RINGWORM, so pivots- lilt in Ike nursery. TO TRAVELLERS a SEA AND LAND. Tpe Machinist, the Tra- ve !enema every other in dividual whose lot in life ., throws him within the 0 arnie of accident from c . ;.1 esvdoefon_._ hr,e..c.r_ cokii• MI; VlArgin.rlT4T. z reteirargatZtttga.l.s phony, and should ever oe en his companion , sea friend in need There are thou- r„. sands of living witnesses to War to its marvellorui Li.; virtue. who owe their wind ? ) mbe and numeles .. to its saving eltinaey. The ollowin are a few of thefeadmie diseases for .whioh ALLE '&,M_Aiigl,- CAL AIN EXTRACT. OR' hi a PRE ENTIVE es es we as CURE: 1 '4;4' ~ - . Pin e a l" . : Bores o f d'' oils, Frost M ites, Bora/ a, token Breast. Fever Sores, Scurvy, Bites of Reptiles, 'Felons • Swede , BiTATt r ia Li' s!, M eld, " Mi l a wircr'Bead, (Mapped Kauai, prourial Rotes, Sprit nil. gtaiwainaG ins generally, Small Pox, romp, irllplel, , Tumors, iltiontiraoted Cords, ilea , ' Totter, • chafes. . , oiso n,' Moen, Drial of the umatioro, Venereal Bores, kin, „ ••,. . . tar, , to. __ Id at the puma! mesons, le Ditabdir,lV, riew, x mk t aid:Xl eked ial Charlie* street - New (Gleans, by wxleirr de CO.. General Agent, -It Gan • also es 0 - tinned or all respeotable . Drugra and Merchant, thronabont khe.United &kites an CarLada. T. W. D OTT SONS. 218 North SECOND Street (sly Wholesale Agents for Pennsylvania. Ail/ARCM AND VALUABLE STOCK Reales selling out at Greatly fteduoed Trion, at 494 (PRI.STNUT ntrast. SWAPO worth Standard Weight Boater, comprising sa assortrasst or all aver. counter, Portable Platform, Warehouse, Hag, Coal, dsttie, and Railroad Scales. P a ufialleril will find it for their interest to will sad ex ne the_ gabo turierit , IS lIREFSTRAFT Philadellii • 10413. A. DA I SLE The attention of country merchants oal ad to MO above mot. . feitagm FEURRANKS' PLATFORM SCALER Fatima' birALKBANkt& EWING, , flu Merin Ptrmit. iaL JAVA COFFEE.-1,000 Dookepl prime mit i nar s izer sew by MUM /WIWI / (30., rttiriczo. AVIHIATION. 00M- , PANY.--01 7 1.10t OP, TRW 00.11U1pKILL NA ' OLTIOn OtharATir. Moroh 12, 18$0.—Tbo &Jorge ii:ll t Oi 3 u tlo of a_qrS f fisTrigti a _4: -' 7 'h iwtliti= from is data. a n d so bamboos Lorther.nosios : - To Philedelphis....-...........-...... ' 73 7 Minimltk,,-. - -......-. -••••• •• ' •' i i oraoitiz- V 7 41t," m ..... — . — _ -- : - .. '" ::: 5 ' 'ott litenroxiy. 1 „, .,.,.........„..._ ..... ..„ . alley P:orise..- —.....-.- • 44 exiling le am........—,,.. -..,. 4 • . pre Provl ens* • t hanoxvilla..-....- . -- - O'er 's' F0rd..„........_,.......... ottatown Landing • ---•— • • ..-• • gsti U a n r i gilr ..- . . --.'....-.....:'....... '..... • • IS ' InS;•.-.... ....... ille. .... ...... ... • Althoue... ..... ....—._ . as ..... ~., . • Orwigabore isindin .. .. The eharge will be par ton of 2,11'• '.1., less t cent. allewanoe for waate, an usual. and no aka then twenty-Hva cents per ton will be made for a lane... ,Ify order of the ltlanat mhl3-Im , F. FJtALEY, Free OFFICE O. WHELEN & CO, sost WALNUT Street. 'MST MORTGAGE BONDS WILLIAMSPORT AND ELMIRA' RAILROAD COMPANY.—AIt holders of First Mortgage comas of the Company, Who have eonstituted Edward EL Whelan their Attorney. are re eueeted forthwith to deposit their Bonde at his office o: SOO WALNUT Street, and pay ep assessment of ONE PER CENT. thereon; and all Bondholdere who have lot united In the power of attorney to Mr. Wha len, and desire to do ao, are requested to call at his Once and execute the mane, and deposit their Bonds, with *aid aroessment. before the TENTH DAY tip APRIL 1 850, se after that day aignatures to the same well not be kr hint; and AI who shall not have Maned, paid, and deposited their Bands before that date, will be considered as declining to deb) in the con tetaplated purehmi of the Road, under the decree of the Court. ELLIS LEWIS, Chairman. MONCURE ROBINSON, . CHARLES GIBBONS, WM, If. Diterrori, WDWARD S. WHELEN, Committee of Flint Mortgamßondholde re. Philadelphia, Marohile. 1850. nilll7-tairlo.stutb. THE PHILADELPHIA, ' WILMING. TON, AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD COM PANY, Aura, Id, 800.—''be Director" have thin day deemed a semi-ennuel Dimdend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capital Stook of the Company, payable on and after the al of April next. mhrretti&th tape ALFRED 'HORNER, BeersVy. CiFFIOE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. Pim IMILPILIA.. Mar.% 1860. The ?WelAtitte and tans on iota transported by tAis sampan,/ ws t Ss as follows from March 12th sti ff f WOO : To fof nod Germantown%..... Falls of dlohny Egberth.... tConahohoyen. wede Ftt ambo's:. . orrist'n or Bddgego Fort Kennedy....—.... . Valley F0rge..._..... Fhtenlxville Royer!' Ford. —. Llineria ....... trstoern ..... tiding...........—. Pinkerton— --. IfoberF Orsn on pll g and An Gin By order of the mhl2-am . W. Is/#VING FUNDS. " A ihtle, text °Nu., fills the Puree." FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. 136 South FOURTH Street, between Chest nut and Walnut, Philadelphia. pays all Deposits on demand. Depositors' money secured by government, State: and City Lamm; firourid Rinds, Mort gages, die, Shia iximpany deems safety 'batter than huge profits, aoreessuently will run no risk with depo sitors' money, bat have it at all times ready to return. with per cont. - Lateran, to the owner, ae they have always done. Thin Company never ttleyealded. Femalos, married or single, and Minors. pan deacon in their own tight, and suoh deposits can he withdrawn Mat' by their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by.the State rrenwhaula with authority to reeinveietoney L trustees and e rf loutors. 2 LASOR AND 8 LL BUMS 33ECE7D. Office open daily, rom 9 tog o'clock, Wednesday and Saturday everting. until air DIMICTORB. t ß ut Cadwallader, John Shin sr. se rge Well, t Maisa :Moan, ward T. Hyatt, Leeis Arambhear, henry velum. Ritt•ntioa“, Rattail Smedley, Joe. klatterthwaite,_ Bphraim Blanchard, Jopsph W. Lippineott. JACIL3I B. President. Ows CADwAuAais,Treasuriir, "4 Doll4r ;1541 is twice earned." AMERIOAN SAVINQ FUND.—Compa nce amatbasat earner WA ,NUT and FOUR Streets. 09011 daily from 9 tin o olook, and on MON AV tiil gin the evening. This Old Institution nap alwa laid in full. on demand, without notice. INTEREST FIVE FER CENT. • All some paid baokr demand ti In gold and silver. AL E ff HILL:DIN President * SAM 'WORK, Vice l'roeidont. John O. Parr. T. E. Harper, OeorgelNlogept, Jog n Anapaohidr" T Robert., , John .How "RfAremJ S. Eeeretarv. rtcsori, Tre ratg 7gt S IVIIS 'G - FUND—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, sonar THIRD and CHEST -14 Err a iro u ntinits resolved. sitidusid book on de man's/About no with FIVE FEE CENT. of from A. , cif deposit to the day of with drawal. Onine bourn. (mu 9 until 5 &plonk *Yeti day, and on wsliip cir EvENlNOkfrom I until p o'clock. pRAFTI3 for illtas on Englsod, Ireland, and Reotlani frrel upwars. esident=-STEPIIEN ft, CIISWFORD. iwsaiwr—lAMEA R. HUNTER. LINY PIMi Astltary. fig A.ViNe UND--FIV.4 PER. CENT IN: ral TERISTANIONAL SAFETY Taimpir ctatoti.. ismoTol4"-by h rge Wird P 1911443: Money,tarimaived in any tam, lance or small. and in rilit rd from the day Pf depaillt sa the day of mu11rfc.;460... rfc.;460... min ovary day from pine o'cleok in the anommg till five o' leak In the ovelons. end on Monday 111X431111111daY toVentielli. till entht o_omelr. .fi l eAdß E T N ß l LMEl2, 2 4ir r ivgrgit. Wfi4Jlla J. Man, Pomona,. DIRICTONS: Han. lt9r7 L. Benner, P. C,erroll Brewster, Edward L. (rer. Joseph B. Barr, Robert licleitri se.' Samuel K.As cos. mom Lee. Joseph Yorke', U. Landreth Munne, - ems, L. Stephenson. Gnat is received and payments made daily% he Investment' are mega,. in conformity with the Broirlsiens of the Charter. lu Beat Estate Morticages, round Rents, and such first-ohms seourities as will al ways insure perfect security 63 the depositors, and whieh cannot fail to give permanency and stability to this Institution. sully SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND NO CLEW OF PHILADELPHIA. ' , Of No. 331 North THIRD Street, . „ Worotolinatiol t ßank Building.) CHARTERED BY THE EcIJOILATURE OF PENN SYL AMA. ' Denman ree'elren in isms of ore Dollar and upwards, sad ropeni In Gold, without notice , with FIVE PER CENT. INTEEEJ3T from the day of deponit till with drawn. .. A responsible and reliable Hiving Inetitutran ham long been needed in tho Northam part of the city, and "The Spring Garden Savings Fund &Ginty" was chartered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply this necessity. The Managers. in organising and locating it, have been governed wholly hy a denim toseerimmodate the bem oans interesta end +sante of thaVery large and enter prising POPnlation"by whioh it is surrounded. OFFICE; OPEN DAILY. Prom 0 to 2M o'clock ; also, on Monday ailltillhuraday frame until 8 o'clock in the *veal*: MANAOIIite. Frederick Klett, Stephen Smith, John P. Levy.• on. H. K. atronil• famoral UnderkoFer, Y .P roderiok Smoke, ranois Hart, • , °sank P. Leclerc, ohn Bentley, Jr., . • George Kneeht. 'Yemen S. Pringle , - Jacob Dook. Joseph M, CrOWIIII, o n . NV . wt. Millwand, 0. T Thorn, Veorge Wraelmger, eter U. Elitungsr, obert B. Davidson. ' JAMBI E. FRJNOLE, President. Frannie HART. Secretary. Ja2o-tf if GENTS' FIMNISHING ' GOODS. J W. SCOTT—late of the firm of Win 41OiVEZETTEIBLEirfi ethirtald fel/pectin: i t VI the attention of hie for r i p er estrous and friends • new store, end Is pre. par to fill orders for v hl R a ft at non nomst lte~hirtiennd Collar . ° °Trad e au" 1111:11 BUSINESS CARDS. RAMIIEL G. SLOAN, REAL ESTATE BROKER AND COLLECTING AGEN nib23.Sm* MISSOURI .LAND 8. E. BILBIO UGH C g O Bl .. Geglladanal Beatg Manta, ' ialV grett 4NorthitetoorneNUNDidlNE7Tr eete. ttT 8 LOUIB. Partioutarattention paid to anten 7. na' Graduated Lauda. 600,000 Acres for isle at emelt ranging from 12% to 7 ea eta p r ts ds securedr and paid. Nnatoite stamp for Piet and particulate. fe76-3m WY. Y. WRISINSE. WM. W. }LAXNESS. GREINER. ib HARKNESS, COMMISSION MERCHANT& 133 SOUTH. WHARV , felt -3m LAD PH • . ALFRED L. HOUGH, PAPER MANUFACTURERS' emu. Orders solieited for eira t eeitoriptio PAPER AND - AKER'S n THRUM. ho. 17 South 81A EOM, Phi alpha'. fell-Em* pAWSON & NIOROLSON, 110981NDR166 NOB. 81.0 AND 111 MINOR EITREBT. DinWO MOT all peanut, Onsets. PH LAD L B. ;AMES EAWEION. JAB. D. NIOHOLSON, JeX-le R Ri' CORSON. REAL ESTATE BRO nw• ZED AND CONVEYANCER, Norristown, Pa, ISO Parini for tato in Books, Montgomery, end Ohl+ or oountm; ,OsWoguels of Farm , with find Oniony lona. sent by mall. • Mita, ••V D.' PALMER.II ADVERTISING} AND • •SU BSORIPTIONtNINCT, for TrizAlultitwu- Mp .Jorittirkr i pari sad Country, yr Der rIPTH an dareas B . A MIL' I i4n-Sm THOS. IL BIDDLE, Attorney , at Law, TILE ADAMS EXPEESS W. , OFFICE *g OSINTNIV SUM, fonn4rools, ee,Mbrahendise, Bonk N9tes, OA 0 ei th er 0. ito crrn Linen in ocimeotiorztta .pnlis Flom- Cl:et the Inn" e trewimrD, 1111-if faneral Elqt.erintendent MACKEREL- 545 Bbls. Nog. 1,•2,4 3 Atia in Treed otighhtl4aelatsts, h t. th e Jetatt eaten, ih r gale C. ItAIMSJIL 4t, 00•0 ARIp "IMMO- 241 tinny othows. pant mhß ‘.! OREBS—For sale by WETHERILL & ~ Morn& it ind IP IWO =PM MN. ON 9HIPPIIfo. gm. FOR' TEM t3OIITH.--oneiuss , TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP& FREIGHT REDUCED Haim Ifyrart at an average siOrrrair . s per XOT Steamship rate& OR CRAKLESTON, El. O. 14 The U. S. Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Cap tain Charles P. Marahman.,willsarl on Saturday, April 7th. at 10 o'clock A. M.' . Through in 48 to 40 hours—only 40 hours at tbia. • FOR SAVANNAH GA. • The, U. O. Mail , Steamship STAB' OP GEORGIA, Captain John J. Garvin, win gall on Tawny, April 3, at /0 o'claok A. M. ilihrough in M to a 0 hours—Daly evv hours at Elea. pp-rradini days ohangeolironsgou 844 May to eve five day.. ,Upea leolllVear an d Sills °liming i i 33 04 *very. day. . • Theapiend.id_forst-olairs side-mheel Steamships EEY STONE STAT E and 13TATE OF BEITHOIA now nut ea above every ten dam thus forming a five-day commu nication with Charledon aid, Savannah, and the ; South end Southwest: •• At both Charleston and Savannah, thee .Shipe eon geot with steamers for Florida. and with ralune, for all place' In the South andblotithwest. • INSURANCE. • th South will be sound a ti l itie t . e lart r r these ■ than of Goods n trtsaitnit versals, the premium being on e - half t~ rs N.H.—lr.waranee on' all Railroad Freight is entirely Tinneoessitry, farther than Charleston or savannah, tila Railroad Companies inkjet_ all rusks from_tbses points. GREAT REDUCTION IN SA RI! Fare by this rout* 25 to" 40 per gent. cheaper than by the Inland Route., as will be seen by the follow/0K eche dale. Through tickets • from Pinladiclens. viaghprlss ton and Savannah steamship., lNG MEALS on the whole route, except front Char Won and Sayan uan to Montgomery , . . . . OftARI.EBToN _cONVENTION. The eteamebie KEYSTONE STATE. Oapt. Marsh man, will for Charleston on WEDNEtWAY, April 18, at. 3 0 Olook F. M.; Arrive in Charleston on FRI DAY, April 20_, at a 0 eleek, P. ; and remain there until BA TUMMY, April 28, unleite the Convention shoula adjourn sooner. Excursion Tiokets, inoladins_Board and Ijiaths in Charleston until April 28 , 680. env any deis m after that date, CY per day. . • INLAND SARI. To Charleeton....-811 00 Charleston...—. --2113 IM Savannah.— la 00 Savanualt—......—: 81 00 Augusta— -- 2 100 Augusta 00 acon-- IID Macon-- —I ✓ 1 22 Atlanta.— -- 23 01 Atlanta.— 31 On Columbus— —. 01(1 Columbue— Ila 00 M l ontgoioery., . . 3.1 0000 Albany..— 00 !4 9 0 1) itggfri nnerl = 1 1 8 5 00 New Oriershi.._ 30 75 New. ' 00 No bale of lading ' mimed after the ehtp hasialled. For freight 9r paw l° ary on board, at second wharf above Vine street. or gx HERON, Jr.,_ Southwest - dottier Rl4l and criEsmuT. Agents in Cherleston,_T. 8. & T. D. BUDD. • Sah, BUNTER & GAMMELL. For Florida troth Charleston, ateamer Carolina every Tuesday, - Far Florida from Savannah, stearnsm St, Mary's and Bt. John's. every Tuesday and Baturdnr. THE BRITISH AND NORTH iali 6 . , AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM 'noel NEW TOEI TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabinyassoge. ...... - - --RIM &end Cabin Peerage .__.... --•- 74 . THOME NosTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Footage— -..- ......- . .$llO Second Cabin Peerage .,,-...,- .-.... 60 The ships front BmtOn c all at Halifax and Cern. Rat , . .. PlitSIA, Capt. Judaism, (CANADA, Copt. Lpst i, t ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, Cent. TOI T, ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott; NikOAßA,Capt.An rson AFRICA, Capt: Shannon EUROPA, u.pt. .1. itch, SCOTIA, cilow building.) These vessels carry a o ear white light at maethead; rUR on starboard bay Lred on port bow. - RABIA, Stone, leave N. York, Wednesday, PeVy 22 OPA, Leash, " Boston, Wedneedag t rah 7 At i ltlCA, Shannon ," N. York, Wsdassday, roll 14 A ERICA, Millar, " seiton, Wednesday , arch 21 AB A, Lott, " Nrk, Wednesday, March 24 anNADA,_I,IIIg, 7. n, 3_wo4nemar.eptli 11 f ArtateA.,lwiLtr; .. P.,..4:11 L 1 '-'474:::(117 7, 1;11 PERSIA, Judkim " N.Y.., WlOnesday: April 26 Bertha not secured anal psi l ig t or. • An eXperietiosa Burgeon on rd. • The owners of these ships I not be soonantatio for Gold, Silver, Bullion. Specie, Jewel, Phaetons Stones, dr Metals, unless bi d e of lading are rued thereto and the value thereof there* exprom . FoLfrolff t or pea's apply to - • ' E. 011NAR , BAY . 4 Bowling Green. New York. - - $1.15 1,25 1, 23 1,25 1.26 1.20 1.15 1.10 105 1.02 2.01 1.00 2301 1.20, 1301 1215 1.20 , 1.12, INSURANCE COMPANIES. LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM ANY,—.THE PENN, 'MUTUAL ,T.I.YE lOW kik; COMPANY, Northeast °tinier of Unit and DOCK Streets.- Assets, eatE,69l W. IN EKES LIVES for the whole term of Alfa—a:mats inities and endowments—purohageg life interests in •ai Estate, and makes- all contracts depending on the ocittingenoles of Life. They sot' as Egoottom, 'Adudnlstrstmg, Assiinges Trustees, and Ogardiamo, • TRUETEED. el L. Miller, , Samuel B. /Rohm, ' Pegrl3,. C gs tu tio ' ld ' ' - Rile :5 M artin, ' I:iam P. Hooter, . ' Hell. Trotter, - - • William IL Kern, ' ame n %Moe n, . • : • Mt l i talln y ell, - ' eoph las agdatag. mind A. der, li;lry O. Townsend& el L,Matordzool. olphoi Kent, olin W. Hnnior. • 44 Vf Do nna arr, ......lia t. fr n4. oaa r t hiani; -MeIII nti., Joseph M. mos! M. Ta, ' mi is John G. Bremer. ! . . RANA L' mtvAR, Fri dent AML. E. S TOKES, Vies Pres% Joan W. Hamm* ahraratarr. . ant, VICCUANGE INSURANCE COMPANY mil —offioe N 0.409 WALNUT Street. FIRE INSURANCE on Houses and Merohatidise generally, on favorable terms, either limited or , per. Datum!. DIRECTORS. Jeremiah Bonen% Edward - D. lboberts, t( ohn 9.. Glnnotto, John J. Griffith,, , whim T. Owen, - Reuben C. Hale. tomes Marsh, John MoDoweD. Jr.. Saint. L. Smedley. 365. T. Hale, Bellefonte. JEREMIAH BONSALL, President. JOHN Q. GINNODO, Vine Prellident. EDWARD W. DAVID. reoretary mh2t UARER CITY INSURANCE COMPA NY—FRANKLIN_ROILDMOO, Oa WAL_N__ titDE e LPAII 6 A_D I E I. PH I A.. i C s A t P i ljj.l. r AND 13 y _ ctX ire, and the Perils NM I fle g a.lnland Revival% an ransportatton. P . R E_ HART. President. E. P. RO . Vice President. H. R. CO GEIRALL, iipo , y and Treaeurer. 8. D. BUTLER, Awnslent Seoreheri. • DLM.S.CTORS, %Borg H . Dart, • •E. P. Dom, 1 itl, - Faster 8. Perkins, ' ' Andrew R. Chambers, ..R.. o os Kilian, ' Samuel Jones, M. D..' on. H. M. Fuller. mho-tf AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE 00., UAL. INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER REAP= No. 40 WALNUT Street. above Third. Philadelphia. Raving a large paid-up Caving Stook and Elurplus In vented in sound nod available Seourities,oontinue 1p [mire on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, hterollandise, Vessels in Port and their 'cargoes, and Tenional Property: All lows liberally and promptly adjusted. - DIMICTORs. Thos. R. Maria. , John T. Lewis, ' John Welsh James R. Campbell, Ban And C. Morton,.. . Edmund G. Dual/. ' , Patrick Brady, Chan. W. Pordiney, To 1 ?dorm. TEL , R. MARIS, Frolident. ALBERT C. L. ORAWFO .Seorahary. fort-tf DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY 1 - 14:, SURANCE COMPANY. INCORPOJIATS'o_pY THE' LEGISLATIMR OP PENNSYLVANIA, MO. FI OFCE O. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALIIVE Streete, Phimdeldida. ON VESS EL MAR S INE INSURANCE , C'A BO 0 . To all panto! the WOll4. PRENOiT'INLAND nisußANom On Goods, be' RlVer, Canals, Lakev, fold Land Curled* I;o4aP pert. glillrAulnnts; Qm i llerehardemlinUr ; . a "bug% Mf'cokeellY. November I, ISM. Par. Mario Patine. IPOWlPeuVigeli t t y at e sTSPOLLV, . ),,8 21 rennsitvams Ststeitsp pt. n.—. 27,000 00 8814000. U.S. Tremont, Shi oent. No tes and 'littlest nue ..... 76,163 Si OM.= 17.8. Treasury 8 et. Notes and inter mit due mai 00 1011100 Tquipopiry Loan to 'the City of delptla $lOOO 00 .11"""P"41VollaiXt t 1 Ctrtgaire 48180 00 .80.080. North Pennsylvania. Railr oad Mo at, ir cent. Banda__ _ 11.100 00 fBl4.olWeat Mal e r i delohm Passenger Ranway Ckunpany 74r at. Coupon bonds WOO 80 SILO% 800 shams stook Germantown Gee Company, interest and prinolnal guarantied by the city of Yhila dslphia —one 00 tiMatia Shares Pennsylvania Railroad" — Coni&onY .. 1,773 00 eceoo. io9 shares road Company—..--- NI IV 41,m%,pharesThiladelphin foe Boat and Steil Tug ConepanT. Philadelpitin Savannah Steam Navigation Coin- vre de Gte , pj!,B.te.?.m y T ow._ J Company. Philadelphia Szehanze Company 9,1110 00 US lit Luria Mortgagor, and Reel Estate, Of- 444 toe 7/1.301 80 rateleatile for Ineuranoes More— . 181,1 KI no due at Asensies—PreroMme on Ma rine Follett% interest, and other debts due the Clemagany 14551, Scrip and stoat ofSundry InmuanoeComps,- SAM of Clash on Dcrpogit in ,000 putragoits. Fh un., Martin,. round A. &low. Samuel E. stokes. J. F. Penigton, eophilug Paulding, Henry Sloan. tit 6`.1,14:,ge . int Edward Darlington§ R. Jones Brooke, rnosTTillatr. Spender Wllvaine. Alma 115, Jr., Thomas C. Rang, es C.Burton, and, Robert ?Wham C. Ludwig, Jacob I'. Jones. seph R. Beal, lames B. M'Farlands yr. M. Huston, Joshua P. Eyre. George G. Leiper, ' John B. Semple, 1'01:lb's Hugh Craig. I) Charles Kai, D. T. Morgan, har, 40 WILLIAMMARTIN, President. THOS. C. RAND, Vioe President. EXPIRY LYLDURN. Secretary. • dI6-dtf O TII 0 E --LETTERS OF ADMINIS -L TRATION upon the estate of WM. B. FOSTER, Ja.jdeceased. have been duly granted by the Register of Wills of the City and County of Philadelphia to the Subscriber. All persons indebted to or having claims agturat the Estate will ap_pls to R. L. URNETT, Administrator, Or to his Attorney, THEO. _C UYL ER , .mhZ7-tuft" 761 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. ETTERS TESTAMENTARY upon the L Estate of THOMAS E. MAGOEFIN, late of the city of PhiladelPhia, deceased. baring been duly grant ed to the subscriber, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against the same to present them. Without delay. to CORNELIA ANTHO N Y Executrix. Or, ANTHONY SWAIN, her Attorney. mias-to-et" BRISTOL. Reeks county. NOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A. apphoctien will be made to the Rope Mutual In surance Company for the reamed of Certificate No 9. for ten shares of the capital stook of the said ocenTaleV, in lien of one which has been lost. fao.4om IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS A- IN AND FOR THE OITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. THOMAS BituOKE vs.IIIARY VIRGINIA BROOKE. Liebe. in Divorce, • &Wernher T. 1869. 14 o. 9. ' On motion of THI9B. ISILLETTE. loss., for Libel ant, Rule Mum beep granted. returnable April Ith,lBoo, at 10 0 *look A. M., in said Cond. to show cau decreed divorce a viectdo matromonn shoult o not be Personal service of this Rule Mimes eiled.on account of the absence of the Respondent, the urt has directed ° it' s o Pl lVl b 4. ° llZ4 Viaonsil input. • Inbn-tufSt* REFINED SUGARS AND - SYRUI'S.— A-gi4). BONOGHILB will oonUnue and until May next, at 16 South WATER. Street, and now offers for *ale, at the lowest market aria's, for cash. or on ay e:Rd short oredits, 4,000 barrels .Team-refined Seams a yrups, of various sande_ ,e moluding Loveriturs Oran Crushed end Pulverise& and Moller , * Patent-out Loaf gams. Aleg,ltic.and Java randy(e, Adamantine Can les. and Kelly e Wrench iming. 1,01-11 m• MINERAL -WATER APPARATUS, OF A the m o st mad style and finish. Be would also dell the on of all druggists and dealers ia Sode-yrater me to examine MN new Urn and Draßinx Noe and yruping Apparatus. Also. Bells of irjt kinds east and numbed to order, All finds of brass tforkaattouted. kitie l ifitiga la tiglo o r% rligi, ti% repairing JOSEP atrDEMYEIR, ' Addli-Ini 617 MINOR Street , Philadelphia- . , SAL 80D&. SOS. KLICINTON & SONS Offer prime Sal Pmla. In puke or barrels, delivered kee of porterage, in quantities to suit purchasers. inhll.l.• ' • 70 South SECOND Stye's' ' H AMS AND S s ll ml U O s 1 0 .11 3 n-1,900 Pieces 1;FYI VIRENOII GELAVIA vvna,parr se kaillaillira" . 08014161 Ili LEGAL. siA.Lirs Am AUCTION. IrENIS9_, • BRlNgin_it 00„ n_' J AIR MARIKET ',TREE!. PALE. TEM • aneeday), MORXING, APRIL a, AT 10 O'CLOCK. CARD.—The atteati tki c ir °.agers is "anebta i to onr sale 01, dry goods a ce dar ) znornlng, Apri _ 3, at 11' o'clock. by eatalegne. - ea on months' credit, eompronnt a general poOrtnaint. • • • BALE OF-IMPORYBD RY worts. mi. m y o* T • April 5, at 10 o'clock. b m *flab: , 440 h on NIX months' grout -400 paoknes and iota of fanny arid IWO* ImPortoti dry goods. NOTION—To Retailers. In sale thief. naorni - 400104,11.4, and 13.4 Marseilles and toilet guilts. 8.4 10-4, and 12.4 linen devout " do. -- slain and printed linen cambric handkerellierl: •. polka spot, cochineal. end madder do. linen abut fronts, ohelleie.lnillinata t flannels. /to NOTICE—To DealsTs In Bonnet Ribbons. , g, 90 lots No. WO new T 4ing„ le w his Mormn , " artifioisl matt att de Noir, bonnet ribbon* . CANTON AND COCOA MATTING , ng, 60 pleeei white canton ma te " 3-4, 4-4, and 6 4 00006 matting. MOHAN% BRILLIANTS, FLANNELS, no. Thle.Monung, 0 easel fancy' and solid plaid gingham& S oases fancy ;phallist. oases super whits brilliants. 2 balsa blue flannels: • MARSEILLES QUILTS. 3 oases 10-4, HA, and 11-4 white and pink Marseilles quilts. LINEN DAMASEJ. 3 oases e-4, and 9-t heavy Mien damasks. PRINTED BORDERSI C AND MADDER %immune.- HIEFS. • 3 06411 printed border( cambno handkerchiefs. 3 mums Madder Turkey red and polka handkerehleft. PRINTED CASHJASRE SHAWLS. . Printed border and broche Stella shawls. Also. a large invoice of new style printed cashmere shawls. Printed and brooheborder Stalls shawls' SALE OF 12 ENTIRE. CASES OF NEEDLEWORK - EmBROIDERISS, Litst_landsd, Suited to the jobbing and retail trade. On Wednesday Momma, April gth, at 10 tev o ine Wos*, by cautknnas, on Mx months' credit, an entire oof 11 dam, just landed, oon sistingof— Fine to superfine book muslin sets. • Do ir t iiminet sets. Do k and Jimionst rollers. • • 'go in ante embroidered saps. • embreibered linen sambris hand kerchiefs. o N. S.—Some of these goods will be sold in hogs lots, and worthy the attention of the jobber.. FRENCH NEEDLEWORK 'BEM On Madonna! timing, An invoice of rtenoh anydand needlework seta. ' - PARIS BLACK ACE POINTS. • - • An invoice of inurenore itrr Part. black lace points and mantilla& LINEN,CAMBEIC HANDKERCHIEF'S . An invoice of 0-3 and e-llinenciambrio handkerchiefs' BALE OF FEENCHGOODB. ytt Friday !dorm& April gth, at 10 o °kook— g oo goo ds vantages aad tots of tow and staple Frans& dry , ... - lot SOOTT Jr., AtiCTIONNNR, No; 4bl Jaffe .CHERTNUT STRELyasit• the Diatom melee. betworit FOURTH and geriatx _._ - SHERIFF'S SALE OF BALANCE OF STOCK OF siLVER-PLATED WARE, AHOY 000DS, UN FINISHED WORK Re. __. . This figorului, April 3, Inge, commencing at 10 o'clock, iniluded will bo found a quantity of fine aleor-plated ware, unfinished work, rich ninny goods, Pane fans. opera -g lameg, tto., China and bigeue vase*, bisque figural, bronze oloste, fcc. wir Open for examination early on the morning of gale. SALE OF EMBROIDERIES. WRITE GOODS, AIb BONS,_TRIMMINGIS, Re. . On Wednesday Morning, April 4th, by eatalogue, oa a credit, einnmeneisiat o'oiock, embracing & general assortment of new and desirable goods for present salsa. Included in sale will be found— - BONNET RIBBONS. ' A full line slob spring style brocade, plaid, solid colorer and stripe north de sole bonnet rib-one. TRIMAtiPlia RIBBONS. Also, rich spring styles fanny dress trimming"; rib bone,thnses, teasels. vebiet yibbonsase., fto LINEN CAMBRIC !UNDIES SCHLEPS AND SHIRT • FRONTS. Also, ladles' and gent.' tape border and hemstaiohed linen oembrio handkerchiefs BUM linen shot fronts, ko. EnnittolbßßlllS. Rich new style .embroidsred !unmet cambric and book sets Sad Collar. IMMO. and Calabria banes , flouncing, waists obe y Ito o LACES A D LACE GOODS. Also, black Frenoh lace -points and mantles, silk blonde laces, blondes. tw o . FRENCH FLOWES. Also. spring Styles Faris artificaal flowers, buds and. wreaths. , SALE OF 1,000 CITY CIUSTOM-MADE EIHIETS—IN LOgI3 TO SUIT PURCHASERS. On Thursday Morns a, . i . April 5. aomtn•neing at 10K, o cloak. , Included will be found— A full and ; geasial mmortment of fine owdoni-nneis 1 I :Ai:1 1 ,4;d iit i llit l e a n in a aa t i a.; rae ."l r l d small mist Ind TN inner plait linen do, j aco., am., with and without lam. EFT Open fog examination, with cataloging, ea yon the morning of sale. - ; - ; . , HUBBARD & Avariolayas, • 730 BIARKET Street FORD it CO.; AIIOTIMIZAS, St- No. 689 MARKET Street. and MI MINOR Finn& ULF. OFos.ns, lA.o.cAs&I4D B its TtIAW Hoare. KNORR. 1110- GOODS. • • • On Thlgsdal Marain: April 6th, at /3 o'olook praensely. Will be, sold by eatitlogne r on four months' event. tiita Awes men's, boys', and youths' c alf and kip boots • call, buff. goat, and kip brogrkse, caf and paint leather gaiters. Ox ford ties, patent leather walking •hoss and mica toots ; woolen'', misses', and children's calf, goat butfOno. room, kid, and enutmensd booty, bested and Mies' superior eng'd goat morocco and `lean -kip Congress heeled booty and sliprs. Also, • large as sortment of first-okay oily-ma d, good.. Tie above tale will embrace a full assortment of boots and shoes O f the fint quality, adapted to the Idly mad email trade. b ram Also, amigo* of 1 ow/ Scotch ginittam am- Atoommoneamentof _oak— A lame sad deedezNe sportment of ladiss• and misuse Leghorn ilipomers, WIN bonnets &a., &c. satGoode open, DR examinaVatt, sitslogula, ion the morning of salo. J. WOLBUT & 00., AUUTIONZERB, V* ill ARCH Ilboohlietinsen Fifth and Mixt& AMMAR BALES. Drg I pods. olothlot. strewgoods, sages. DOM., mhos', at in lots &lasted- to the city sad oototry re -tail Ueda. by-ostalogue, ex& for sash. • ry_ xleettia_ y and Frldey sooralltg. Fortutore, Moira. glom, dre:, every Wedneeday Mont -Trent; Ideate, Villebl ike..invery Thursday and &dyer as, ICRITUID4III.IIIIIL 101141012. ' • gpeerel or ea or any deeminlina ef • proeerty at coy time to t the ernivernenee 11f Ski ovum thetoor. CARD TiciTav SITAIL TRADR, The atteuttost of the city and country retail Undo is torita(l to our terse sale of ate le sod Door dry gouda, 84. o" to be held on to=morrow (Timidity) morning. 11'W For parlbonlam Noe simples and catalogues *arty on the morning Made. IMPORTED AND DOMEBITO DRY GOODS.. T (By Catalogu Mo e for Mini/ • hus April 3, at 10 o'elock. at Sla arch &treat, in lot. adapted ro the city and country retail trade, a large and des tralde assortment of imported and donnish* laser and staple dry goods. &o. SOO lots +toe mantillas, dregs silks, most da,iss silk parasols , printed i cons, shirting hoop., imam lawn robe& ribbons, rands liretelets, silk tassels, gauntlet sleeve', Maltese collars, Maltase sets, brit- , fringes, fillet mitts, large assortment or White' and brown nottoa hosiery. nee & ties suspenders; silk bandkerobials.Serlirs collars, embroidered skirts. boos Marti. saps. gloves. Stella and bemire ehawls, 'Mee points. sewing silk,' auspeaders, linen table Moths, Franck, estate, ko., ww ades nanny so ap . sh Cologns, Bay ruin. &e, • • . LARGE tLIZE OF FURNITURE, &e. On Wednesday Morning. April 4th, at 10 reolook, at our saleroomslarge as.. sortnient of bounthold turntture and house-furnishing ing goods.prints, French China, carpets, looking -alaassts, paint- s, so., • ' TRERB._VINES. ROSES, &d. • Oa Viands,' !darning. ath Inst., at 11 o'slook, at MS droll 'trust— it large assortment of standard sea dwart fruit trees, roam grape runs, asparagus roots, rhubarb. and malt fruits. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. ' Oa Friday 'doming, dth mat., at 10 o alook, at an Arch great , by astatoom and in lota adapted to the Ott' Reel country retail trails -260 lots intportad and dogiestio fanoy and staple dry goods. 1311PRRIQR FURNITURE AT PRIVATE PALI. A large quantity of vary aawitior walnut human». manufactured by firat-olaaa city workmen. for sale at very reduced prima.. MOSES NATHANS, AU OTJONE MR aornertlißxrlialts=RANT. wake" LOOM 4240,000 4 id...,, tint . pi ox r ...„ = „ 42. Mocks. gold silver , ry, fowling p SONIA dry g . o. PIO , krotenes. of firdliknailiwo" ' " iiiWt=ei l = "n e e t n1'7 1 4116 1 f, r zes . , e , a um. , on attto ea o ol v l l e u tt terms y tka at ' tiny otherei r ra i t=enVin n a f • . GREAT ORARCE.FOR BARGAINS. At private We, iplsndid pi o- in no r osewood case, cost GOO, Priori MP • line IS•aaret g huting case patent leveLwatoh, doable time and spendent seconds, only ONG; Imp gad lauding-ease emit pa tent lever watches, ot the most aterfovod and boot makes, from SS to $110; fine old g donbie-bottem Eng lish patent lever watches, bee maker from to RIC fine 18 - caret hunting - case detached ppaa font lever arataheek.thjewrla, from .111 to 8# ; open Ms ikh, troth elp to int; fine IS-caret go ldLemnos hunting ems watches at 120 form face 40 1, Om 510 to EN; 'fiver t n ti l ighlit t iil‘mi e o v i P t r hei r ritt Zirged h inird i s g e ° pi= from 410 to $9O; Amerman hustling case silver patent lever watches at ISO; . hunting case silver duple: watches; ditto double time,from en 1. ea; Manning case silver lever watches. f i.w.. 4l wiads without a ker. from Veto 111 „ Lep ne do. In Sl 2 to Ill; I d hunting case silver de h layer hes t It jewels, from 419 to VII; open ace do., from el ge; hunting ccriveaver Levine watches, full Jewell , from $7 to $10; open face do., from 03 to ae; iirso . marliier watches from, 53 to lie; silver Frenehlwatc , from $1 V II; gold patent r thig e d a r Indio"en le ver ru d to prio n An ß e ni s z oistilestrfi l thrnd prothrintai l lio= pit dwt.; Ana gold seta of eat-naaa itetsttur , and breuielete; bands, finger num and Plierit or every as. soription, for tar than half the iisuM po llin g prices. OM to loan, lo sums to suit applicante. on dry and every bad of goal!, at leas rate of charging than any other establlahnient in the oar. OUT-DOO.N. BALM charges. Attended to personalty by the auctioneer, at very law . CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED . Conslgntile al value of the goods will be advanced In anticipation of the sale mdints NA.TBANA. ST. LOUIS, MO. WILLIATILS & BOYLE AIJOTIONEERt3 AND combussaiNviziomANTs, No. le Keith MAIN ph ST LO Si o. (ormerly with Messrs. Myers. teeshora, & Co., .mladelphia.) otter their servitou to the metabolite. manufseturen, and others of rhasdelphis. for the sale of dry sooU. ou pets ts, &hue, hardy are. Jewelry, &0., Cash adrseoes made on reconaof roods. Settleme ate IneAo three days after isle. Mears. Myers, Clashorn, & Philsdelphia. Stuart & Brother,Philsdetitte. " Van Wysk , Towmly i t ir arr i ene, Nsw York. krOOdß,.C 4 qatg,lkk. Co,, at. Mo. Crow, Mo teary, & " mhlls-thstuly SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES. HENRY COY, Agent, • OS CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR. Allonines, with Operators, on tire to Private imam. BRANCH °swam 7 West STATE Street, Trenton, N. J. 110 CENTRAL SQUARE, East on, p a . late-iia WIL 0 0 I GIBBS' SEWING MA 011INE.—The groat amid *mains de mand ( or Wile= & d. Se s erehomigi s surintegikts dmairid tltniet. fw . NOTICE TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS ANI) SPORTAMBN,--The subscriber now °fen for sale a tall assortment of 9rms and iiimsning operates of corers luseription. Also, a full assortment of thu fast quality or La -F in/11 t i •Lettel t ,lh i n talhialtit n oVnta the • beet rhea, to omit ever? mnnfh an the year, for Trout Authitur, which will be hold low for oash,or coy acceptance, by •- • s. aPANG. robfa-thuktu St* 148 North TRIAD Street. IFIRIOKAWEIN(34IACIHNICS whielftest.o j"/ r ala, uYbandrm& koso,ooo per de , Beak Prow, vs se 4ii Immo, BY AItICPrION; ltir THOMAS & SONS, Koalard la Brit Mali iiiptim niroarly 40.1 . trroqics A r e i f...w,j,errAwEcte DLL Paulahlairalogsa• sow. e =ri e saatilialitilail dr triTrltim gr.. roa r : w all 4a :11= 1 tr a ik ahs of Wee of 100 sun. Ma. trth, NM met, yd mak April, aomorlauig a lan* same or- vidalible lgolorty. BPallite Hamm—groom AND • aux. a saim mi, 10th Hering Bale—This dal, at nave. at the 11th gyring leale,—Thim evealig, at tie Nenng ea 8 1: 7 2:11 1 102 4 , anselgg s. " , 11.14 0 ag s. lath Hering e. Ilesi—Avel MEtki Oli promoiss.__, l 74lll Arab street —Readsonte modern nandenos. sir P.- `lll t igrring titile—rttei 1 on the preasisea, Was Abeam—Larva dwelling, extensive dabber, La. of Asi- • • " ID' ol a the handbills for each of the Moon wee now mean • , ~I itr i -Kw ri Itl = 1 4 ... cat 7 . l).—ruAlo - T REAL: PIETA: Rit mous AT mE ER=ANGIL—RePa_. at toed Neale and stooks laws Teeedsf, at the Eandialtaa ilir Contritatons lawns tee °Wiwi of addair saw P Handbills of asolLstael• lase.ra aa addition' to alum,' trie 'abaft. oalui A AT PRilf re r ERLE. Wr. We have a taro aartamit of *date at lain* Ws, inotadize avary dwoription OMY 0: 1 = oroperty. Printed ham 1084 be had a PRIVATE SALE AEG' Wr Rail Masts entered oa our morale ini9=WW , Gad adVlntised aomidaballl in our a 110155 ag ir _ la 1 (ofaieh lattoosias are Jointed VOCIa7i) S hute TPEWS, AO. kis Day. at Is &Moak: mos, will be sold. at the Philadelphia .114iirjr• o - f s Pew Nab north ai r ale Cain* of the Trinity- Nee. Dr. Vinton. Teeter. Sir Sale absolute. Pow No. 51middle alit. St Lake's Chunk-Nee. Dr. Howe Ten rora. WOs h es M s o tpeWeorC s n ndl fw nCmom it p mny eeane absolute. - • Also, for other amounts ' ahem Americas* Aeademy of Mule, with Collet. 1 share Philadelphia Lama', lame Merman,' Library. S shares Eastern Market Company-par smi. it chars Philadelphia and. Darby Passenger Salsas Compass,. Peremptory Sale-&sat Fyezeisco Land Association. entheat reserve. fm seamat of warm it may oonaerti- 1 original sharir.l2o new *aria) Bea nano:moo land Anoeistion. war Bale abaolnte, , PERSIMPTORY S4 - IE—RMS. OA Toads, , April lOrb, at Mo'clocir: noon. at . the Philiutalphia Ex- Mame, win be sold. without reeerria. Ammant of whow it may comers bo SMAKO per co Wilt Cheater and Ph il adelphia Ra il road Co. ids.. 9 nt. 14.000 Montour Iron Comport,' bonds, mo y naekawanzut and Bloomsburg Railroad Com pan bonds. Aiim, by postponeninit, for account of whom it may concern— . . 1006 shares Hopewell Coal and Iron Compaar w" Hale &violate. TRIM BYRING DALE—THIS DAY. At tY realoolt,,neen.. Ookanie Cant BW —LOT of Joe. L. %heifer, dee.d. ae-sixth of large LOT OF 111.0UffD, Wended by peeti t cltntyertnt, Twentieth and Twenty flint W. Of Co utt Sala— bitnee of DebotraliSehaNei. dee'd. tine-girth of trs* LOT OF *ROUN. bounded by Orton, No Vernon. Twastieta and TwentyAtrat streets. Four fronts. - Exteuter'e.Veremeteri Bele—Estate of Jos. Gratz, VALUABLE BUSINEft ft r*ANDS„-2 thrse- awry Welt atoms: Noe. Me and IN South Front street, ex tending Went to Water street. Two boats. air Bide , absolute. ELESANT RESIDF.NCE, WALNUT' STERN'''. No. tete South side, won of-Teeth street. feet front. let feet 7, with Stehle and Coach Roue in tee mi. HT him att4osseamoit. - VEST ALUABLE ATIIDING LOT, North side qf Ortiott street, east of Eighteenth street, it feat front. lee feet eep. wollftts. - - BANDSONIS MODERN RESIDENCE. No. WI Brown street, west of Twelfth Weal. Immediate pomades. MODERN RESIDENCE, southeast Gonr, of His teenth and Linden streets, above Chestant street. ES feet front. VALUA BESINESS PROPERTT—Foar• briolthotel ßLE sad dinelting, northeast - earner of Broad and Christian streets. with Anon eonfetdsonery, garden. ion-house. and lame Iclititti three fronts. farm:eon , SaIe.—HANDSONE MODERN REST DE et 011, with marble front end side yard, tie. NI &NMI Sixteenth street, Mews Borne*. Ifir Bele alestiete. Imm ,Rlll. milt-- Handsome modem of dm 'brisk reddens,. Ito. Tflelbeen_street,weet ef Seven- Month street. lILSTENTH OrEINNIIALE —TE/N Evszt - NO,. At T o'slesk. - - 1114esne Csaitle—Waste of Dwindle:42; dopy TWO DWELLINOII.--two &O r r itery brick littalliags, *MAIO wryer Tonna mutes stmts. Batas mnair—T . pwkizz two-sten i ttit t dwablits, "lank wan of Nestor insist. out a tal ek 44—TWO - DWELLII42.4 throe-staff .11.111 ns. N. W. emir Munn and Fmk ntrenta, seat or Fonda stmt. Brune Ststste.—TWO4TOßY: STABLE. west sidaTtakAtseetountis of BMW street. • Naas Eshiv.4.pwsidaNti ITABLX—Thss story bruit dwalhac. it side raserth straits south chi Master, with frame stable ow Pint dont. • Sims Estate—NH/NT DWELLlNOlig—Terse threw stmbsud flee four-story dwellings, wt etas of ea Beath lAsktisealk . ...me, oKy a Addisonstreet. below wins ATi MOD/ =u 11111811)13NON. with large suits art!, O. MN Brown stmt, warn of TwslftL,3l het N AT MODERN REBIDENON.Ne. 212 Was attest. botwooa 6a red loot Third armors. - -, • TWO PWELIANIIB AND LARNE LOT.-11 Um% story brick dwellings sad large VIIONat belrefig fast a ßßrown street , SW m flat art Rulgs minus, sad 1, fi eed en iftsenth stroll. Tires frowW. • - .VALUABLE PRIVATE LIBBARY. Eassuna. April L at the apetion store wilt be sold, a rrAvsye library. wlt is ielt taaludra many valuable arid dtairabis aaaVra an smasting sulneets. - For partienbus see customs. MIX ler TUN AR.CADji. HOTISL FUINITUFMBSDB. la ATTRXTBIES. BEDDING. kn, . • - Wedneedag Xorniag. At 10 e'elook, et the mot oVottoo of th• Azoado..Choot not street the tlitnitute_sd ttio Arcade Hotel . Moo. Ike ¯o of GO* boatstr mew Alan a; quantity int .benet k ee sod camp stools Iter Jayoo'r Hall. - Olio ,long lergl holt retandsh and brackets, abort IN feet %Mutt Noo: Mold 141 8 VO Z R I B R IAVO- R ittinlNV l i l ML L Oa Thosodo Ito - At O ceek i a 4 at filo 400tloit Mao, looorOopat at ll.Atitad [gruttkre. filoppitaiko7 tom* lute :warm, too nom USN 0 .0 toromboosullta tosiored to too dote r ooavolibla BALE 01 , 111 COLLECTION OF VALUABLE LON DON ANIL/MEER:AN .80016. - Oa Thursday. Emma'. April 5 : at the auction- - store, a conestim of Maim and valuable Molls os various Wiest% ruin/ of tkss See Loden editiom sataliireee. EDIJCATIONAL. - IRI A MILY SCHOOL' PoR BOYB. at = rOTTSTOWN. Montitomery connty..Pa.—The en vta Summer rinhnnngNEll:TaniZtig,nineu.onapplaation to. • . Hey M. SIMS. A. M.. Principal , Referenimi—Bishop Potter, Hoor.renjonea_Lalents. Jamas Caldwell, Janine Clisaborn. Jobs W. Clas kora, E. Walloon Bailey. Edward Hoban'. Joseph R. Evans, d. P Glaaa.r Robert Wood. AIM'S lA' l.' I I l't is' - I :Ig a reliable mediam rbroastarbielt &bons and Fami lies may num at teat Mashes. Parents may ob tain, gratrubsialy, in ornsi r adv i lars of the ben snow& 8 . " „ k . . eailla t i r lark7 ear York, ox alatf MP Cal'r Patina Philadelphia. •NEW • BOARDING 80110014 TUSCARORA NERALIS INeITTUTE Will be opened at ACADEMIA, Initials coast,. te... on the lit day of MAY next. , For attioaattemonts aots taini nu tenni, ate...apfly by' lettitioty personally. till laa Anyll. to the aubeenber, at 1721 lattE - Street, Pnldet- PWa After Mat at ARADEMLA . Juniata °cen t & a. laid-dttnn AO W. O. E. . //11 VINE Street. nRYANT STRATTON'S NATION.AL DILERETTLE COU,BOIO, d, corner ETEN - TH and Ord"rfgl rdrw York, slo, Clavelaad, Cdgosco, sad Bt. Lc. or informapoo. oall °road forostaNrae. fad- ciqmis, TOBACCO, dzo. N7O FIIGITET IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS. No. MS Routh FRONT Street. Reeeive regularly a full assortnent of desirable CI GARS. whie thee °for at low rate* for cue or aei stowed 014.., felll.lyr MACHINERY AND IRON. CAXUIL V. 7. VAVOI.I2 XXXXICK, WILLIAM E. MERRICK. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STILISTes • VICILADELVILIA. • !MIMIC& & SONS, ENGINEERS AND „MACHINISTS, Mannfsetam High and Ism Presume Steam Engines, for Lead, Vrer, and Min* zanies. Boilers, sasometera, ,Iron Boats, Ito.; Castings of all kinds, sither_lron or rasa Iron Frame Roofs for Gas ' , Norte, Work Sham Rail road Staboeus. ar.a. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most amend sonstruplson. Seery damnation of.P.lantealon Maohinerr, each ea Sugar, Saw. and font mi le, Gamma Pens, Open Bteasr, Trasns, Delasators, _Filters, ramping Baseness, kit. Me Agents for It, Ennui's Patent Sugar &lima Apparatus PAgenyth's Patent Steam Hammer; an Asai_awall hine. Wol4B7'llPabilt Onatillasal Sugar Drain ing mac , _ DRAWING AND PAINTING MATE— , j i il sragaci AtOliteOlelltstionery. ' . ranting aroatab, aDemd_gwiand Yaw& 1. 4 .. , for mudren, and alio far &riot& and otarealadltiotras Frame,. 016varda.Arnerioon and Freaan. • nada to the arras. SCHOEN & JANENT - - - -- No. Ile Eons•E r . ZKY, WHOLNAALR aNTI RETATE. 2 I" li "v". nal-aa, A NEW AND WONDERFUL DISCO -3,A. That for the Cure of Rheumatism and Gout. bESLIE'S ARTHRITIC PILLS. beingedioine is offered with the utmost confidence of it the most effectual re_piedy for the above dis eases ever yet discovered. giodanger need be appre hended from its use by the most delicate. Price 81 per box. Can be meg br mail, on enclosing one postage:, ammo and prim of Fdle. FoALr sale by ,the AR.PER. sole agent. EX. 111) South FRONT Street, Phi fa/Wain. 13ISOATORIAL SPORTS. PHILIP WILSON & CO.. CIS CHESTNUT St.. would invite the lovers of PISCATORIAL SPOu T t the finest assortment, and Best quality, of TACKLE ever oifersA in this city. Suoh en Harken' worlii,renoweed Trout. Bans. and Ninon Rods. Superior Trent. Bass, shd Salmon Flies Buyer Ho ok s Limes's, Virginia, Carlisle, salmon, and Bess Reale, Baskets. Artificial - Balt, Bilk and Bair. Grass. Linen, and Cotton Lines. %TEAM REFINED SUGAR and SYRUPS. 9. DONOGRITE. ja South WATER Street. with idie view of elegise business on the tat of May next, nova *rein for We, at reduced priees, for cash, ashenre or on an credit, the balance of his etock or eteam- Sugars and tly rope, including . a large and renerat lint of Philadelphia. blew ork. and Balusuore manufacture. Also, Adaamatme Candles, of city make, and Kelly's Preneh-brandr coloring. • mla-tanrr 300 - Ebb. and 340 bfs. large No. 3 Mack .... ere. Dabble. and tliZI hfs. small No. 3 Mack erel received Dar schooner Francis Edwards. and for sale l!rt WILLIAM J. TAYLOR , 1 / 4 t 0., miff( 172 and 111 NORTH lIAR Vita. WALL AND CURTAIN PAPER. Groat inducements to cash buyers. Entirely new styles for Spring trade. No. 31. North above Market street. mba..lm* 3.1 X. VAN MRTRIT. BBSSI TROUT, BASS, AND SAL URMGONRO DS.— PHILIP WILSON h CO.. 432 CHESTNUT Street, having taken the Sole Agency of my calebrated Trout, Bess, and tkalmon Roda, nErPli • &c„ will supply my friends and the trade, at the lowest ime4ls. • vo&-sm t). FON opts • mINTON '8 ENCAUSTIC 'I ILES leuß floors, Ornamental Chimney Tom Garden and Swinging vases. Vountals, Vitrified - Itrain and Heat Pine, Vitrtfied Chimney Pines. Imported, wanufse tared. and for gala by • S. A. HARMON. rtAll Ma Ott wATN If T. to:oat. NEW CROP INELIV OHLEAVS SUGAR.- 110 litdi rime new •00, N. 0 Ro.rsr, fiv .04 kr /ANNA ARAM k PAL LIZTITI A Rt...[ CHEESE. -330 Boxes lierkinter Comity oit z en. la:wrests foraslit V .0. C. seta l si & '1V14,.• A • AtnniN. :sow abnow rtno. ' b Gic.Ottahl B. SWAT it CO 'S SIW/NO M ACEINBEI. zdAl-00 tle./OX CIOSSTRWS Unit, .~=.~ •. j
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