14,18 eiros?") , Rwill= `-001541494#1karkz041 , 64•11.01 , 14 • , spooks ei ISkeitl37 iesirissr6osreg4',o4l7, 011 04, *ad.." ) 'nnirStiiti or ire:ids - itoi ' i notice trt a Itorr itric;tion 01. ilesY! Ant TN hays bern'seleotod t•rnifil tti /WOW' 1:3,. , Shattenwher areithdenvoring obtAn romp p i eit .ip b.r. On Shit °opt •••• ti VArlethltrisb.tralili et tint Adt rittalligrirare'rai FwVeri * ari trworetir oottnewhite men; ej u irrii Protested the t e art tigel ° JI.; n mi. eon' Old - t rte. but the t ga . o ai r *ri grit t riNtrif„MOVlW - hte ' n e e d tit to tkibif&: ite t rtigro t a i ShV • ta 14 ", Ittetttiritittit with Otte wee leistios f Meellsohel!anA najerrilMto enthortne roe or tte Eserne r Men to draw neon me, at 'deed, rtvo nese deltere.ollo.l te awist' mutilating ta Anita sou Wine women or , - the ...Oki-way =Milt Straggle against their italingearia• Your*. Nome e. pumps MARTIN. Philadelahlt, Marsh] 1610 ^V*Saosia Revratti, Maw 1., - .lEviungrrt. atareitt {JUL Al hilts Meet* , donfoiwity your rem*, have boon oyes 'on for ersaleandred dam. at Wald, thank ! ins loci for yonirltY. , ' l .• rillard to„ reed seaoitian 0 the raeollettle• or the ronsh.. sexcie •behelf o toy oreft. that tho amebae some,' oestedete elan .ne longer eon- Vro,..teteos,m sip WU. tn amen ow , rtehtek and no lower nein gannet Cob Corlitressto iiihtonr brionds; ga.tottif:Li.w. woo l b r uoviss..47; 1 4 ti bees /cud tiernalulleg• not•intenurante :with the free t , States, than'ifississippi. It wee espeoted that It. people would hive been entlenstaitie fn Welt 'my port of home manufeetureit if thetbed .any o ther object than the monis of • polities! party their ulsmore Agatha demendenoe upon Northern enter ' 'prise. Now read s slanifleant we copy from the Vialtabarg Whig: We limn there Is large mennenotory et Meet shoes' at Brownsedie, to Muds eonntr, ethien inahont . be tbecetettneedt tittaUe* the , * ye no esia ro r ype !hcar. lymph% mar De seen at th e store or Wm. , !‘ [him ei tr. tier atialtaatO be of the very best au Ith. t. at leen Watt Bleeder than anything wa win say • ot tie to poetise of the time' gen is a , nose witittaa. tory or artistes watch ere ususlirimpOrtiprrorp 0 1 1 % 206 , • oboist% in the very ite , rl of misnesie w01e,.. 008 sot metro estroner e outtelent tosser Tenexessn.--eorersor Barrie, of Tennessee, In bit letter, trentimittini tbe resolutions of South 'Catalina ant Mieeleetppl, inregent to a Southern „ emivention, tithes the following suggestion as a better Kuhl* to loutbern notion t • I. Whilat ther•is moon In the "resent (MIMS@ Over old !!tats , sod wain men. in the Normans tar tan of the Cenforlerrair. to cane sepretentston.se to the.sr. VlZVertifeVrlVOlWlttnrirr. %Ai j a r l a; rel tens - 'Mine terleeratel, end am cremates may avert one, tenetylinit PAL— Therefor.. before widening the resew. in the, minister designated in the re' lotion. erowdh our Dollar eaOtad be to exhanet every Means nonsietent with honor and the Constitu tion In an earnest strort to cheek the ude or aggression. and, restore the 'ere of good, paling and, fraternity throes twat the whole eserstry. , ,-:Tide Coosetotto or PritansLista eau Pim. Anttn.--The Pittsburg .Dispateh, thus notices the r• sent proontedinge in the Otty CounoilsOf Philadelphia relative to the reoeption of the Counsihnen of Pith- Toils Con Sews OPTICS CrrY °erreTentrite. 0 311211;- , j'te The MeMbire of the fleleet and Common Greelolll oy eit eras bout to tasks en ofilelsl Visit to the olt• e- Of Mill there seems to be Mr doubt. Tho mediations looking to a color/I'omile with the bond • holders do not in any way intertere.with that malt. Ono ry portions. to the. Supreme Cadre caking. for a new onto oft Ine OM, at bast, only Postpone the inevitable or:. • n It litenetomary whin the municipal wisdom of one city is about to laved* the presereen of another. for the nmercinal- wisdom ,of • the invaded city to,make some prentretton for their rocentioo. We therefore tooted eonfidontly.to The monitored wisdom of Philadelphia trrange for a Finns' end pleasing reception of the mu.- relic wisdom of - Pittsburg. Need we say we have berm di aponinted f ' The wisdom of Philadelphia has nprointed no committee of, renept'on n^r have- they voted the freedom or t_e city nor rooms at the Conti neural - nor oarriagee hr a drive to Todepentirce Hall• the Fairmount waterworks, the nevy yard.or oyamen pine. • Mr. Miller. It is true. in the kindness Of hat eart did fife a resolution entonding Ihe hormitalitier or ;be thy ,Qh.lndolthig, to the Count:AlM . Pittsburo and it wonWilld to. ant the sober ascend thought" nom. a d with it a motion to reconsidor. A Mr Hooker, who had • not understood the object of their vieito-dom • itfr 11.0ker read the perms I—had voted yea; but when e oinioned Ire nroded-Inroymallon.-My limiter called ii• reromoderation believing it would ballad! im • , malt to peer the reso lution. Mr. Justice took Stiffer - out glow; it wee an set of anurtesyy. 'merely. and would g isetAfee—a very commit reason, and' eon that '_"•Wraliii,ticklir• the diaphragm of a Chinese tdandann Theo up roa• Mr Quinn. We do not know ht.. Quinn : "• we era- not, ronemous of having seen Mr. Quinn. Jul wa have not own ideas about him.= Re has no bowels of oomph* lemierhismo , not a bowel.-'Beanu:wipe arttnesa—a &tinge B . IT imiefortu the trir 'Mr Visit ItlrkPli:ll:Y e er Aint ' Pr i tThrl i r: need the hospeallties of Philadelphia.- There wee no Cnneeila won td •extrams probabilityytie,mbearted, that - shove/tele hod% of the Pit *burs Connolls wou ld, be sent to the platten. tier - ! V her were to corms tut iiiminale, find should. tie trotted an smolt. - • • „ _ atr. Quinn must be a btmdholder; nobody hula bond -hOltier ••oonld amis.:caplets the- " retrome pit hebll '7" Of illeereereting the " whole bod of our de. bberative municipal iss•mbly: There ey are, Mr. Quiror—the, plensant . rnd_ gentlemanly McAuley: the • mort And. oral:Moll 'Bennett the. stretcht-forward - •go.yrn; thefiery and ensmetio Cont. Ward I the tom and assist MoCriodlest I the goodoimmored Chadwick; , pepper and polo od Beast the - defile:lS:Mee Barn ill. the* arniribie;Ployd. and. a host of rood-looking. lard waning . mtiseno—und Mr . Quinn would eoesign,tbern. one and ail. to the foulebam -I:TllOffrPritirrlidill7gellii - rrPri e elli y l l ll; 'good thm You'ohuotie over the prost u oct of binding toe Atends nod feetof our miniarl represeutatioes _mot. we beim rot touche upon the most inevont ` count in Oar le eetment auk net the - wisdom of Phila. delphis., Mr. Miller. who bed introduced the risointior ereneregss.teh•eh was to, oott nthing. added Insult, to -Be - would pan tho reso lution; be would tend h o me— meaning thereby our ;municipal wociom—m emit cool humor that they `Weed, et once -levy a.tai. fajta,. forlhair bonds. ,That wan an int • P"Mtlon Jar. Miller, that - we „trolouteer to - burl boot with scorn. It is suggestive_ of: savory bribes in the . way Of baked meets. and sparkling ..sednotiver - in eh+ way of oharnpasnes It hints ei possibility or • gold, needed panes. plate prieentabotts. and eighteer "ovret watebro It is a prospeotivis intimation of visits '•to the mint. m Indetendeoce Mallory& mysterious en linters in oyster saloons and wine cellars. _No. Mr • Firmer. Our wisdom is proof to teteptatlon" and Wan : ',Amon ton your part. and fines and prison on the pail of the no wt ; and under air tbe citommelanoes we are Weal/ to lon or reconeidering and postponing that resolution indefinitely. • Prinieedingri: in the' entirts.Testerday hipplaut Commr—Chlat Judos Lowrie and Juatlota WOoillgard ,dad Estd. - -.The Barclay Railroad and Coal Coii.pany, vitilUtlfr lo error, Vl:loseph Ingham, de fondant In error. Error to the Common Phu of Brad ford county. dinned sod submitted. John. Dory end John' C1303M11111., plaintiffs In'error, vs J. 10.8tark. to tlt• nsa et. Wetller .R.. kilts, defendants In nrair. Err, tothe Commonrlene of LUND* oomsty. Argued and submitted. "Palsy vs.. Drum. Error to Common Pjaas of Imams Mitt Patros—Juetlee Tbionpiut.—Tite Mutual Benefit ammo', compeir.. haloes, &0., ea. Joseph L Lei,d; : Defers repotted. Fifll en trial. 4,6111021 PLEllt—ludses Thompson and Allison.—The Court is still engaged with the Orphans' Court but Q,o4lrf SI SISSIONS-•- Judea tmdlow.--The liquor Vigsera 'motioned yesterday. the court room being ra ei &twin 4 with patties interesicd therein, Edward Perry. Reuben Predereke. Jacob Den%• M. Lanett and natihina Model. plead guilty to selling liquor Without license. and were snob ii ed Res and tong. Jobe morn° plead guilty, b lalt stated that ne had taken a new v fes In novelty r. and wee not able then ~ to Ammo the Demise. Me did mok.t the application as st ,„,, LI tee,,, tor emnio warrant. • Fined $l3 andl eons. - Spina ( waren plead guilty. He moved, and took his Romps with him, *nepotism it gave him the right to soil anywhere. *tined le SS and testa , Same* Rutted a 11 11. Howard Byres, elks 11, ig,Licw. aid Wale , •hdinted with the lameny of spivs* and 'to con teem. By ex Plead PAW. The carte* were errest• ed on rno °hams of piokins the melee of ere-Benne% es- Sienna street Russell's mimosa! 'nude an applies lints fore. rontinuonve. on the ground °tither/Oscines of a materiel oneness The ease wont over for the day. john Hem wM played on trial charged with arson in Stint the raven te r ghat. of John B Baker. on JlllllllOl street. wint-r -of Sodden's alley- A fire WAS kindled outside the door of the shoe, - Hoerr r fevens. a pollarmen., testified that he was , standing at' I, bittfientk aud_Arch Weal, at two n'olook. no thalSafflla lof the Lot of NOSellthet, end notioing a ill ht. be rot to the shop 41/11 saw that a ire of /tusks were - VicliZ e c:F;Te e r etris e a?be t d e tte w fl e en e . herein" a few ' Wilder 1 empty tew Hied that he visited We n shop the rian f h e e e ll ' i:,,, e i n ie t t i o r geieWe g ene e ee r reg ie ri sti lans tt do 1 t aTflan the clabbornond to weenaln. if poesible, where hey came ainii.•nd b. &covered In the rear portion of she Good di Hermes Roues:wood that porreirpooded with these sticks i the 1/0411 way entail on one side, anary the mater at taken from = ll' Old 01100 a am. Win ~~uione hoes; David hanks testified thak_on the night of the fire, ;he wee at the oscine house ; Reis was theme too: wit. ' 31011 Went • le • about LI lee:kooky Meta left idiot 12 ifel .h. and returned in about half au hoer. and wished ' the witness to en Mit with• him t he refused ; he went COI, end returned a second time - he the: /mid he was going in fire it ehovin Juniper street an took a anon thy of et:otiose; did not see the wood taken. bet hoard -'the rompling on the pile : Mete returned a third tic-. end told wino ae. the firs was going;' acid witness then went to bed ri the engine house, f ,A.—xaminrst --I Wll4 arrested on the Mune at be. its,wesecntedt did not go out with Metes 1 saw him take lie nse. and Pat them 'in his a nt i he told • Inc whe pewee e SOlllir the ser.oad time. and wild me = Whet ho Witiliil* to dot there wens three °therein the m /Imo hones w so Mete took the *biomes; I fist told shout this after also arrested, on the Eld of December. •Meer Weldon test fi.d that be paw hive so into the en ace hones shot twelve•Wieloak at night; he was /SOPS M.S . SIT tAltifila that he beard Meth Say be fl nil the shop. Ott it did wit burn ; thls • Wail the night after the fire. and he titan said he intended to try it agate that niehr. and if It fatted he would to to TW•ifth god tsr en and firs a elute there Meta wan ball drunk.; 11.1111.41 eivrive hslf &oak ; 1 w en r r e g e d. Rife Marsha l Black, urn metaled shot homed° on en. emm ;lion of the premises lord; the fin * had been kin '• died at the bottom of thy door; the shop is atria• three. Maarten ar a agape irom „the enema boom; I was nsearch of Nets Iron the Seeflad day alter' the fire rm. bin t,,, o or three weeks ; understood he was • th. Mt!, but theollicers reported that they could not n r idm - -. • Cliff,ll W.' look.. Hog., Wee quite unearotedly , amounted to du ..-Ludlow Ludlow to represent the Mt endant, and, alters Dri• OnifellltitiOn Whin Ma, silent, MI did eel .. In ca elengeme micsiel slat clotted the he of the wort. its callel no wltnermies. but commented tcq the testiOner et the Commonwealth as entitled to t iittl Asr dic• a* 'domed eatwittiness who nad neen =g a r mostly suspected that:Weirs* of the orange for which • eta wan on lilal. The Distriet Attorney, while par - nt a in, h compliment to Mr. Smoke. contended that .. • - ln tease or thin oharisater , the evident* of *Geo co elites wastall boo that could be obtained, and iherefoj. re „ . to be sin to the nary , Alters charge from the sis Ke, to which .he evidence end law as „appbeitb'e t stet° w ore , r,,,i, reviewed. me jury retired tor stelmeratlou. attr b ol a ' cat some time. thersetunts4 with aver tut to Sentenced mutts. Sennced to two year" in the Eastern ealtentiory. John MogiimLWalfoherSeO with selling Miner without liosnelon the Twenty third Word. lot not eue)ty• Joiewi blatler,wee to nod menet. on a similar Illtafill'f far go hog In eon) street, below Moven. Ben ten itit to pay a flue nt fritio and the costs, - - Andrew...walker plead guilty in aching liquor Whit t ".data linear is Filbert street. above Tenth, dentenothl to an s foss of WIC and the costs. John Rockerwasitecultted on sphere* or selling with out. a neer. i -• ~ . Adorn , knee pleaded evilly to eelhaK without a li eonse In um uns,, Stinkweed to pay a lane of Gan and reds, lair Gull Ploed guilty to -soiling -.' - Detente I t hlangitiuk, and was icecie Mapco without ILIN and the costs • -.• W:" to p a y a olio = Henreid , Ronne, eras &barged with 1141114 honor , wit nut a liestfae at 113 i star street. 'lrmo% not o , nhari,exushtng_wiut oharged with gelling' liquor WI Mina* license hi walnut street above evisond, v t • r „ met not sulfur ' - ' , v ir id,l4nu m wee alrge h d 14: i lgilthe honor wit irltuess rrigi t Co e int e nnviglth Wite • ADO l' A i ra t lf, 2 lltid litttrOhtltioll gritr Rit of a desert t er t irt tier eo - l e l t yr e igirrorr e rt? We A n iVil f rgi l lroop e imis d d rone e tifigi: ``, ff's tialerftad terillthiteillogn Verdict or nest guilt, Mss-' son was referee by T. . aver'. Egg. , , .. ReilllPooneel was charge with ireillnelinuor with -I'4M itimense.tu Walton . etylies, belOW:ff Meta Yen - diet not smite. ,-- ,;:, „f, itobstgllvad oleitit'not - gtilltg tb gelling'llgtior with , - ittatieeSsif. nt Evt, , ,040 i dennsiter turnpike), In the ::: 4 sili e sTfe t et i lel e ii i res ' ooettlitrit W ol' f iniTriiiilime)r eithout ~ '':.••i i keneeslet•the Ximatticton Wok mad stud Harrow ii, ildpf . aamenced It ene a fee of Glemand costs- Ai. A , hamar* mills a utimbehrof the Mom of Muck • to by • erliellosegief, and they Wilt doubtless &okay glass satire r , .. , ' , Jo , eitind'itle lied occasion to te n the_Seet MUT. Eine a l l,l HaLl'itFlAirrviaqr:f toast "Al t4' y t:: , -,, , vferit kale's' adopts:eget miss donemeteet who, yt ,;,, Lem •tommegoeinet; Omni term' taunt honest em hi g Ofitiatid 111043 at* ocinClo, be unlicensed. MT render t '. l l6 lt a rt t i t , t a g ' : iti•Vil e rtra r sgirlitai l - I V=t r r l Zarii _, fast Mooted, Thiel Issalitatiftettrodf. e-' , -- 1 - • -1 . ;1... Tee Putitlf Ski, IWlflebiegaiowshes indneed • busy f nine , FlLL . o.slorabie- 15 0 .41 1 11110.410 , Si Oftioity o Aff, ' ,lrm in toli nli o t i a l 4 10" ' r ia llifirfi i kif il l 4 we tertia lE il tz lii ...... atr ain atte moni the bee AO ,ki Ig' ea r, otia - i5i5,...., i th,.._utbyinir m is loh artirptiode usenet emu* to 00M -444"1"1-1011°.A1,41g qtheroPerilatbotittft 4 ..0- -, ,) q-, - - ME= 4E1141 - 101M14.30A1D OF MUDS:- 0, ISO WM. ; °°. moorado9lLubbsm...Nnilanwact Hco, soon B ~eet, won tlit nOinkiliVa ter. 01nrth t own Bili,M*l7 Mikilkok, ?Jordan-4..4 vans, swoon iNt'LIGENCi• PORT Oi PHITC43IIIXLPHIA: Mira 34i WM. r . im7=z:awm;g:49..6: Ahlti lematte. Doan: from Ulm !an alat., with pPapp toL Panroaal2llth - ins apa :E.rciri ....% w ir r, SI milgo ow/at, o atom ulp otsevy __,, -Ina I, ors; t i ra br' taILATF.e..I •zßp . la wo o : • Lt Pe s 7 al k re k tearla. tfya... , loVhistA t il tt e .Thifter,3 tit KMat Nov Yoik , with mafedelanlitet;lirritarkilday&froraNmf York, with Mc to• Dir Coora _ ..', 4 . f i x , N , • York, frith ~......L..1 % 4 0 . 4. , mth,p VI, al , elf • ,7"rtgai :orPtirerfirimekllp o N ey Yofic• -.: fa r A d g elling r olto " P mite lit / Behr 6 i n ter, 01041 ,01 ., surO . - Baer awastma Carmief!_aular. Lam ors u mar,. Bo r B pokpeotyllEnaaa map Re y tt. „ Ci te. Bar ; 1:Ig:t STrkr °ivNl:elmk.".. ." •Behr alga alesttar, ilitti, froalte oats Crook. 'gout 'Mow sup, Mile, rom fort data= • .4 5 ,tiiii 6 ..,:iy! rirmarlaalaia , , Niohmorad, Thomu - . s llfriie, l NP. R4 "lii‘ or,litet C t Z. G 4Ar ' ti r & Y° Co lk ." fAlderdi". • Beek oatola Commaem, Ham!, apaguai, I Mama Do i Inn Cheese,. I' l err ammo. N rtwall• -Bohr* mproke samosa: _lk_wtoneotttam.tt. Co. 1 ' 3114 or oar. FlN:falaltorkTierftker Ro h r B li s ti r , 8.,,ar0r, Now York, Sohn R White. Rohr Ala ide. Vorma. New Yort,_ On Behr 1 H chum, Job Mon, New York, Noble, Han. matt, & Co. '', - Bohr A' ' Bohr E.M o t o r . 'lUs, Hew London, a Mniokarop & Ohover,_. , Bohr liedroa, Dilka, N London, Van Darin, NOit o l2, Fo V. Danenhower, Miller, Portland, do Her pp p Growth. Tforiersoo.fma BMo, do po r If olmaa. "Hewitt. nntm. al. Et Cratner fa Co. Bohr J Lanouter, WlHetta,Brookirn,l, Ando:Hold & Co. • Bohr Willow Harp, Nubs. Newport, do , • • ET TilltaJura. WorrinTegratirieroltis Egolinngo.L. rho ' Kenneboo, NV;i l t • Vie P i tt PA 10 o'olookAhig morning, 'aro torBml gohm, deo R 1.7 as en44:7l4."l""sy..wAltli. ' NOTICE TOMARTNCRB, The Crews I.Bg* Lightship Delomote Bnyl moulting Tepsint, the Italie' bishsehle wi" Pleeed on the I•Ofre Stollen on the igth inst. and Witt dummy the emit let tering end *einele et the Lighthente Board. . STELI,w/aXII, Commander IL 5,N. Light laspeotoeg Ofte, Phils, hlaroh 11, I. - Mh.VORAPIDA. 811iT WI Penn, Meade, bents, at New Orleans 10th That,n 1,9 2 m a l l lh i,.l7astraaM from Calcutta, at Boston Itth net " nark Reindeer. Coate, for Rio de Janeiro, sailed from Richmond shout 7th met. &hie C A Rte mop. Bob: floor L Green, amain I 'Nehmen. Emit .Williartison. Jr. Vitnemore; Frink; Doughty; Mad. Daytonf 8 A Hammond. Paine; and A Corder!, • len, hence, at Boston lush inst. &Are Sarah Mince, Vreaven Alton ilowtativ. mum Mary Elizabeth, !ideality; and Mary Anna, Boyd, hence, Itch Met: • Bohr Monterey: Craig, called from Pall River 10th That for Delaware • Rohr Teal el, Tailor. Onto, at ProVidonoo 10t4) eohr 'Rani, Wird rrovidenoe 10th last. for thisport, add iten,nrct Bristol , n anoopnt or head winds, • Rohr; bet File% Niateroom F 0 South, ROHM; hence, at Providenee 11th. . MOMS Ores, Meted Oa. from New i 4ettle. Ninth Prierioo, Milro Del, and Etats. soernin, from Bridgeton. N. arrive 4 at New To* init. Rohm Marlrice, Blivearti, met John °nee, Hogan, arrived at Witittop, vitiatth lett. Pehr N Smith, &nub. Mr 'Fernandina, sailed from Wilmin.ton.Jeaterday. Sur j Jerome, reromedaenoe, arrived at Alessidria 10th =V FOREIGN PORTS. [Per steamship Mamma. at Halifax.] Arr at Live p ool, Feb n, Underwriter. Roberts. Fa vannah; yorfok. Soule, and C O Daman. Otis. New Orletuntbita.Yenus. Pateloar; Oliver I num, Smith; Allen, Me arthun Solon. Smith. and Mary it Cam obeli. atoree, New Orleans; Fred Gabbard. Godfrey: Windsor Forest, Carrie , and New Mobile; Sebastopol, Lombard, and Anna Pieeatur. Parsons Charleston Bld nd, aria Adelaide - New York; R S Lanus- Win, do; Robert. Carter. Baltimore; s td, Mountaineer, Williamson. New Orleans , An at Borer, Feb el, horseman. from New York for Brvman. Off South Foreland, Feb 21, Carl, Ludwig, from New °donut to Stomata. Arr at Flrmouth. Feb Bid, Royal Adelaide, &two, Sa mush. NArr York. Prtsmouth, nd int, Louis Napoleon, Hartleet• ew Y fild fr om Sunderland, Feb 2M, Chase , Edwards, New rk. • Sid from Shields. Feb EM, Pioneer. Child. New York NEW PUBLICATIONS. 25 BROWN & TAGGARD -!‘ HAVE IN PREPARATION OARINLEII ESSAYS, Revised. enlarged, and annotated by the author. The work will be in four volumes, Printed at the River side Press, on fine tinted pager, in the style of the Boston edition of the " Curiosities of Literature.' It will have a copious indatend new Portrait. and will by altogether ths fined edition of Carlyle ever laced on either side of the Atlantic. Pnce Slat per volume. Ready April lit. LORD BACON'S WORKS. The complete Works of Francis Baoce, in 15.v01e. orown octavo. Reprinted Rom the recent London edition, edited by JAMES SPEDDING, M. A., of Trinity College, 'ROBERT LESLIE EL. Id, 11. A., Late Fellow of Trinity College, and DOUG LAB DENQR HEATH, Barrister at Law, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. It is the design of the publishers to issue these works In Inch/chest style of manufacture, and thus supply 'a want which has long existed for the popular and standard works of our literature produced In a style folly equal to their merits, BMELLEY'S.PRILOBOPHY 'Os Nsreur. HISTORY. Anew editioximith extensive and important additions, by Dr. John Ware, Illustrated by over ge [ravings on wood, engraved by Andrew. ENCYCLOPEDIA AMERICANA. le vols. Bro.,'ia varione styles of binding. B. & I'. having nurotuniest the stereotype plates and sheet ' Mock of the above valuable work, now offer it to the public, end malign orders from 'lawn Libra - ries, School Committees, and all wanting a cons ' Aida Enoyelopodia at a modern price. 'PARLEY'S CABINET LIBRARY, By B. G. 000.11101 I—a gentleman Who, as Peter -- Parlor, has made his name a household word in two Hemispheres. In 10 vols. 36m0., SOO beautiful illustrations. The Whole forming a complete ' Library of Biography, History. Philosophy. Art. •Scienoe and Literature. embracing subjects of the mos t important kind. such u every one In this age of progress should know, end which' can only be obtained elsewhere, at great expense o books and time. SARGENT'S ARCTIC ADVENTURE, Jly Bea and Land, from the earliest date to the finding ' of the remains of dir John Franklin's Tarty Ready 'March loth. BOSTON PRIMARY BallOOL MANUAL. -For u• of Teachers in Primer, Bohools Oman the Unitedatates. Ily John D. Philbriolt. ' tendent Of Public) Bohools in the City of Boston Busily July hit. EA,TOyB PR/MARY ARITHMETIC. • A beautiful book, intended to 'Dread. " Warren Col. • burn's First Lessons" Illustrated with maul enstratngs. Read, July I st. SUMMER-HOUSE STORIES. • A new volume of th ie charming eerie& NELLY'S FIRST 80110014 DAYS, Being Vet. Ed of the Nally and Martin Stories. RECENTLY ISSUED, MARGARET FULLER'S WORKS. 11FE WITHOUT AND LIFE WITHIN. 'Ain entire new volume of her unpublished mann• scripts, edited by her brother, Rev. Arthur B. AT ROME AND ABROAD. • Idssont on Mnaroccurr Femme. D'Oirsom. , Two vols. IHno , °loth. WOMAN OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. ART, LITIR (TIME, AND TUX DRMA. The above, being theoomplete woad of that muob. - 0/teemed anthems/I, Margaret Fuller, are pub' Belied uniform , and tarnished separate ot °omelet* DR. MAYES'S ARCTIC BOAT JOURNEY. ' An' informal , interesting narrative of Anti* Life, Fourth thousand In Fe"' MOTHERS AND INFANTS. Translated from the French of Dr. A. L. Donne—a capital beck for young mother*, and all interested in young children. THE UNIVERSAL SPEAKER. By N. A. Whine and W. T. Adams. Thill thousand lti preu. Frio. SI. THE BOSTONTRIMARY SCHOOL TABLETS. Connoting or to Tablets, primal on 10 cheats of extra • heavy binders' board—recently adopted for use In all the Primary Sohoola of the Dales of Boston and Ohloago. ' 'Mr O'Mara from the trade noSolted. BROWN & TAGGARD, 25 and nun ILL, BOSTON. mblO•skw•Dt 'MR.: NATHANIEL HAWTHORNEI3 NEW ROMANCE! --- TICKNOR & FIELDS Rave now Reedy, THE MAIII3LE FAUN, on int • ROMANCE OT MONTE !Fax. NATHANIEL HAWTHOHNE, AUTHOR OF• TUB " EOARLET LETTER," /cc. • 11 vols. Unto. Cloth. SIX, IT Copley mailed by the ?oblishent on tecolpt of brio!. The Arse Editien le nearly exhatuted by advanoe 04ent. and Dealers wishing au early sanely inn Velum Send Orders Immediately. nobl.wat LIRE'S EVENING AND LIFE'S MORN LYP s t o pc;fiNo; oro Thoughts tor Ahe Aged. infir ORNIIR; Cour) Egoountge " A,RaLel i n t Bhit ITN irtkeeteruentarr to InfeV tr OtiaMi t e r lif W an Vie It '1? W 11' itr, g g - 1 1110 I It! by Little,. Br the author of Julian iffrOUN Ua t f ra t aND THEORETIC oriKALI J. B'6D ait 11::: el . mail; 0 a wangrun :stoat. Teßmxmmust mAognal t 3 wh i ch tem , wifilirtec k l ig ya z, v i k ;0 e nyenti gait IGikItO'OIGAREL--A snail itrioioe of Pluto OIGAREI a l liarr dlated• Fdr nais Icar, ANASIVWStrees. CORNHILL „.-...,viii ' etiiss.LOtiti4tiEtratii ‘; • WtDfits - Dmr.; MARCH -u;,1.86c1;.-.!. INSMIL,4iOII tIOMPANIES; - - - 14EFE rtfairgAN°E AND wail ;P t /MT Op i g 4 .1 WAWA °enter ell'Efil& and ' ' .. * ir II ra titriirol a ttentt sr ratit—trakte • 4 64 4 t , a 01F l iat r og= " 411117: 1 " 42 Cr tat ft atom. ` ithainiltrgitarli, ANISIIOIII iragthiffa: ol riti Id I. TIM , , f ri .114,041. ' 1 g 1 ink 1 1 14 Ve i t re e ph l 3Z t a ter , . it * 11 eue H. SM. •• os oil, uel I ueei. !web le l u lt s 46 . t to lieu. . UP. tit. el . 1;44 ' 16 e . ;Lb' Rana, . mot, ' 6 g1k,1 . A t i t t° 6 . " .I I • 0 0 1 4 • mu.. . =et VT _, .hp • reawer, * It:11 i f . Arteilterkt Joan W. Holutoie. WM , 111/1 .` A MEISIOAN :FIRE. INSURANCE .00., .tx. msoItPORATED 1810—ClEARTS It PBRSET tit': IVO WALNUT Street stxrve Third, PhSedidnhirl., HaViCt &WI& Paid-up lapttal Moak and nursing Lt.. vested in sound and mad able Securities, °entities to Ysure all rrivillriss, Stores, Furniture, Merehandise, essets in rt. and their °argots, and other rersonal smarty. tomes uusranr and promptly Wasted, iiiitlifi e r -- D "I d it T,Lawis, &moot rt. Campbell, am el C. orlon, Inuit O. Dutith, errlok Br , has, w.Poultrieb • pgrlldorke, ___ _ aB MARIS .Pr dant. ALBSRT 0. L. oRIWonD, 9earetnry. elielt-tr DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN iAtoasPolin t r E arrArinui ON 1 V 1 % OPE= 16. R.. WALNUT la. ANOR ' gird* irr l i' To all nuts of the Work, yr , 'INLAND INSURANOBiI On Goods, by River, Collate, Laker / lad Land CeeTtillite It &V IV I?l f tlit e A A Oil e On Iderolutaatee feneya.ly. ' ""IbgAIMAT us e s, .ovozo v., I, 18110. Par. Market Teat. r,OOO, Pldiadelphia City 6 0, cent. J.,0art....11030,00:1 00 leo . ~yonneylvania State 5 eft oti n oan.—. WWI 00 01 . Penemivanla State 0 egv et. .—, 11,000 00 mom I) .a. Treasury 0314 e coot. Notes and interest duo -.........,,,. ..-- 15,2511 54 *OO,OOO U, B. Treasury 6 40 1 " .31.1'04:land inter tst dn .. 80,611 00 416,000 Tonipogry V,itil . i . O . tiiirofiiiirkiiil . o, deo; a ....,.. —...— ........ . 30,000 co 4100000, lennay Tanta ? Lathan '6O Mortiage e h v cent. n4m.......-„ ss,ooo oo *OO,OOO, Nort Penney vaninaallroad Mart- 6 V cent. Nonee.—. 11,100 00 1110,000 W 'Welsh la Feesenger Italians,' many 7 Vrt °Lemon bonito.... 79 000 00 tiM,55O, MO Maras etoek Oermaltown uay Cwn areh l tille iii"fvc gir,.. ' " ° " OM, 100 shares a tennsiVan - la Railroad .°C° °I) Company— ~ ..„. , 1,776 00 um, 100 shares t arth Pennsylvania ILail coul many ..-„ .. „ MHO 111010, share r s Ph alpha toe Bier and . lite c al "" =AIM it'iliviairCoX ....afainaili --viiiation uo.- tam Cotrltesre Namor uomPatir. ladelvhistr o a we, de me etemn ow pa Company. hiladelphis hangs Company —. --........—-, SAW 00 . l ire ° t i r Ttlisges, WIWI Estate. Of- "e ' lls VI reo l gvagri kiliianrairainieli=7lll2 tii i or. &t agentnat-yromituns on My. lan: Oilololll hlttrott , and other debts due &rip sillt a ooTOTlkail' 1111111rili 07 . 631111 Z. i t t: 11184L 08.0/1010j01 . Wi1t............ "-7 ".... AOTO 11 '',_..-..-_, 1101448.11 • NEILBOTORB. gj eo lnk . ..ii. mu . o liltokea• . 1 tt . 414 ‘ 4 4 : n i lk N:S e , ward Odor. Jones C. ea T i n Jr. noer Mq vain% n dsste. Tr 14 1 .41,1 e osivh 11. ti, soo ones. 4E44 rei l leerr, Y. li.. /4. ston. ree ti. iyes , kill B. Semple, PittsVg. li ems, . . Mor g a n , 74 ng les .Kelly, . Der e 4 4. t LIAPillatTO, rxesident. ty s.._ e. , toe *eat dent, RUM' LIMB 1 . georetarr. dle-dtt NS U RAN OE 190MPANY OP THE tili t ranaffl i dgerkkoffittilla t. , Pr de n op l Chartered In Ifll4—Ciinital .100,000—Aineis, Joivary 15/0 .l o p - 11.100. il iac inverted in sound eta available seonritler ontgligree"gellestaeSiggws' ThilWinglAt ' -)611 n °TORS: pi r SParrs SUOOII • 1:0 01 (W M La . 1:VO h."l3Valtioz, tyLlil thaa 83:11:7 6. V:4 8 111 , St keirt _ C SWV4 WILLIAM is e s-sr.rs tI VANE INSUHADION VOMPAN Y, NO. 2 ; 403 031EBTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. PE INOORPOEATED_APEIL. 11166, RY THE STATE OF NNSYLVANIA. . CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RMS. i t DISIC Oltio i ht i a 4r w . att!., • . ft. VIM,. ri:Riativ i rm eraz 7 1 14 : 44. . B° 47l;ty rt ri, VIM Morns 8. EZIRBI3 Nq:. b4. e ggltrAit. • JONATHAN J. e uUsn. vioe PT•iet. WILLIAMS 1. BIANORAR . Beeratary. MI rtir COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. - NoTro.- THE PARTNERSHIP lie. tween WILLTAIId OHNE and B. F. MOH/ Wi der the mime and firm of WILLIAM O,RNS * was diuol red by Mutual consent on the Tth aby of February, H . Old T SandNo b 2 w outhNPt a a he W r e"reoea Bi4lu3dn e O es e asNtn Eth.e mhlabt" NOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF SPE oialputiteToblp entered into between WfUlAitt RICHARDSON, as sputa) partner, end JOHN LEMON, as general partner, from the sixth flay of Horeb, 1860 L to aotginne two years, and to Oipirli on the Oft6 any of r8 r 4t11 18. 14/ . 1)& 9 115Ver. et:=Wrifrtrt ll t son intioetsirm, as optimal partner, tan thousand dol. are. 1116/34t CAP.ARTNER.BII P.-OHARLES ADAMS has this day admitted into Partnership his eon, CHAELPAI Alta Mti. The style of the dratwill he CHAEL,Ed ADAMS & EON, Iwill °nations the WHOLESALE find RETAIL D _Y-130 0-1 911 BUS NESS at the old etand.B. E. earner o and ARCE Stream CHARLES ADAldS,___ CHARLES .1:L. ADAM& Philadelphia, third mo.l, DlRnUL,ft e The eubsoribers respectfully tpforyn their Mond, and the public that they have ma& Important alterations to the Old Establishment, an are now prepared to exhibit a large and splendid gawk o FANCY AND Nil APkiE DRY 000D8, adapted to the wants of Families. Particular attention isaleo given to the choice of 900D8. Desirous not Only of retaining all the Old ens mere but or ening the heehaw. the oodeieigneei tru thatorith egl atona l care and attention to tie o purenaseni t ay win receive an increased s are pa, MIMS. m 1,141.1,148 ADAMS BQ tohl-lui B. Z. corner and AROrt eta. MEDICINAL. RUSHTON'S OOD LIVB OIL. iros CONSUMPTION DAL I L O E 2 )f I l l t lE I F O A I M A NG PAIN R XTR A AC D TO R 11.1A8 universally supplanted all other ALA- Ointmenng and healing applications in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, wherever lore &mod ; and its intrinsic merit le 'he Ntie 'emelt of ill Waal , / In all "I atiet , U , oActiont. whether the eases oe surmises or _disease. BUitNB k o al BOLLES rinstantly relieved pf V their anguish, pain and ilanuardion. by a timely 4 application of WS mot et lows keeter, ii rd the flesh is self by a °luum eirli i r A lEtWiti E. , i e rniaBEßY. , • Children 'ere freopent li g ea ereriarom external In- Jones, especially from need and CemPheite Ex plosions—therefore every 1 mother should by r e this hes/eparation con- Manny on band, tinsels sore rea rs ,and qui c kly a, removes the TET ER or RIN WORM, so preen- Jln S EAs names, _ TO Titayst4sas S r AND LAND. The Machinist, the Tra yeller. oraevery other in diVidnal whose lot in life ... throws. 2m withal th e is ants of accident lio n nj c 4 szpiorpri t . ~ Ar i e,iir t earti oightleate, al l'l sh lt oili tr ie nr v g er n it fa ' l Bl 4o t in tti m gh :rgi rtA ki ll i ll fri a°4 3d l in need There are thou-;, ands of living witnesses to testi pto its marve l titles. who pre their sours, imbs and menden to its sa ving entoanr. s wall °l 4.ll,o f itt. gat e 11.frYVEIOt r - OR lea T Vn. r:i ea W 6 all R I rysipeins, Bores of all hinds, urns, istuta, Shot Wooin , oils, rod Bitea, tiorofnla, tone: f ni e e i t s,. ever Bores, Eo a fft slogs Phi- Ilr Sargga ie. ....., Beal 'Deed. chapped an ' as, eraunal Bores, ermine, Chilblains, Ma generally, mall Pox, Cramp,' melee, anions, Contracted Cords, nes, atter, Chafes. onion, 0.1111, Diseases of the berumailmn, onereal Bores, Elkin, lies, &e. Bold at th d e bringArgpotr i li t itriadwed, l New lorlp, tIPILI?Etf Pc Jo., Gener l d ' etk A r m ' it a ri. y .e: rultgauttl i armgrfo k i. , o r s ! '"' rig North SECOND Street, MP Wholesale Agents for rimuy wawa.% WIRES AND LIQUORS. WILECALL ATTENTION Or TICE NSlVllfirdneke` rt. seserjed.packs j es oosultatal 011 /ma& e g, 1 3 1 radmateportation. e crtm , ta na ie _ t iLoy r e po ka gdon sad poen, ai d id e lO na wip *es. w rOAVO 010-6 m 1117 South FRO T, Deg= GROWN WHITELY - tb,Pit NT Stmt. jit i lt u y,t grar:o Tlie:t &11.• Were for Nale,in Or 3' t Alait anions caner standard bran s Os° Oh Wm k OdA._ EASlletta: ' jwa ru t am, &,...,1 , eal, 1"' NotN ta, ' i l Yff la 9r i. 1,. madame; ede Stl Y t a g i le" g l e t Whis trir rarl; a°l° y e g ae *gm, Pa n h. T 4, askaa r i g at i , l b,:it il Oran Rtun. Bordeaux Oh. &0.. &a dl-11 EDWIN CLARK'S • - Runny IMPROVED and newly Patented Combined °xi nding and Bolting, or bIERVaART FLOUR Daily in operation O.SU r itiCt TICEIVI, BILLOW ' ii RD , his! un yelled Flour Mill, including the complete grinding avd bolting machinery, 000 pies Elmo, of Oci./ feet wide, ei ,et feet high', and enty-nine met long i inatmlact.mtng within email *omen's, at a single operation, and with but little more then m. horse power, family extra, extra , imperil he, had all ot e low er grades of flour, and the different kinds of offa l diming flour equal in qualit y to the best flour trade CCM kgiven arnonnt of wheat, by the beet , klerobant Flour Mile in the United Metes, or in Europe. Its average rate of grinding is two barrels or M:tenor flour per h r. ° i l ia. new, compact, complete, end nelehreted flour Mill has been carefully examined by many of the molt experlepued in this 001111/117 9 and they unpin. moody bestow upon it the blithest commeniationg and have given their testimonials of Ito intrins ic lluporion tgi Ann its it:MAIMS utility, mill-oispere, merchant', aerialist*, specula tors, end the public in general, are resneolfullY invited to call and °Winne this highly useful and pump aeig.. bmted flour mill. Information conneming the perehase of the Patent Rights for State and counties. and the mins, for every portion of the United•rtates, Crest Franop, wermany, Russia, and other A gricultnr countrise, be given te all pe ratio r tear, to E WI LAP P3a RACEst., slow Third, 141:1 I a. Al:r For farther inforMetion °Oncoming this oats *bra. t:ed flourit< mill, please to Mad_ the yellow handl:dig, do rAtm IY • ItETAIL DRY GOODS: NEAT 'MGT SHIRTINGS. 4 •C ro Y s ta'l wide ebolos design Illttrtialta. r 1 11:: 1 411:1 'gut" t 011;91011A1 NEW STYLE OP B4LI4ORAL. me aswB°ll " 4111Mainiehorarau SPRING CLOAKS. -- i!..lclub. argirta il ev.Y.h63, oht owsko moo to ardor. NM.; ftom ito 60 al NA 000pdin & CONARD, mha . NINTR and MARK ILT SW SPRING OASSIDEMEMS. Ju olend, Shy sem new Smug Oyesimbres, Nang 13 tr. lk, Al.e lo,ltnols, Mosi k6 ping, &12:317 " 4 u, oN, WWI' eitioliwore lothp. entaigs. e4' Plain ltakam. 0•11t1 File3riti_t Coating. mhe li RIAU Mina ts . F RENOH EMBROIDERED BETS. Just opold a smelt 11 , 11' at dam Chiti n oner art u a IFLYI ', i d Th.. oiatilirr I woikinntfigli. BEAUTLETIL NEW SILKS I ! I TtooßNhgy & clam, imam and BP IN S} GARDEN, kik B . lpc eons vrou: en or no. ' quo al Youler# Vs for 610, 11' 0 4 4 447 .11 16, E rTale PcLVIIIiii. ail Zolt . for 81 is ~.,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ciell i fetridgitTED. Je t t: i s:Lig o r l st u aLinc r mi. so ar t :Ate 71 110ValtY 'WU Wal i 1 SHAWLS/ )1 Our establishment bee been rendered famous for $ hawls of eve description. STELLA 8 AWLS. CRAP _9IIAWIE i Tama oil WLO, mhs "" tHiMiALS, am LUPIN'S PRINTED MOUS LAINES, all Wool. from Wilmoyding & Mount's large auo lion sale of Itenkard lc Mutton's importation, New , 1 o lot high colors neat tinges, for ohildra, at VW. 1 lot litnyee, with neat lisures.67N,e. 1 lot do with Polka dot,Srlie. I lot do darker at 440 Importer's price was tao. I lot super white ground Chintz, figure', at 80e, usual price 75e. 1 lot rich Bet Mints. figures, at 63340, usual price 76e. od colors. plain mod • . do., 61 to tOc. 1 lot double-Doom:ad French Organdy Robin at $6 each, soot WI to Imrt. Super Foulard Silks po at CVO. nominated Foulard Bilks at Me. And many other new Idood‘that will be sold at prises to defy gompottou. GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Also, a full line just CHARLES ADAMS & SON BID writ aid Afton stmt.. SPRING GOODS.-81611tPLESS BRU a HERB are opening new and handsome Moak terims, and Summer Silitk teh Otgandiee. very neat Lawns. collard Robe,. Ilaodla Cloths. riessilles. regge, seven Amami, igured Sleek Bilks. k Taffetas. Mixed Travelkirieik - Springhawl,. OAS CHESTNUT and MUMS Struts. NOTICES. gOIRTYLKILL NAVIGATT N- 7 PANY—OPPIOR OF T 11.14 BIN VIGATION COhIPANY, a , oh 12. for the uoe of Cara an 4 ter Toll on Anth fied on the Bohullicell Navigation, aril rom thin date, and no oontinue until fur To ihno.delptua......._ lonagung..-. ..... ....-.......... pnng MI-- -- uthogo ell ...—. ..... .......... rictmort.....—.-- ..... .--- 0rn0t0wn.,......- ••• • • - • • " .. : . ' .ort Kenning 1 o7t l g0 i vid0n m 0i . ...:....... — ..... .. ........ naninvillo..... . - ... o totown Landing.-- —.......... on Unto irdeb0r0ugh........................ dittonget _ Orpnggburg Landing.. • . _ The ahem(' will be per ton of cart enowanoe for treats. a. venal , an • than twenty-five oanta Foy ton will be ro tent ^7 Order of the ffiltontere P. ' ALE N'ORTEUSECOND-STREET MARKET COMPANY.—Books for the eubsorlotion of stook to the above company have been opened nt :21 North FIFTII. Permit, rrhere all perform deemrtnt to subooribe are !netted to call. This Market s to be tauten on the west sine of Becond streptosboge Name, pa the site now oopupied sh by she Itnek Hotel and enjoining propertie t s. Pri of ares 860. • mbl3 e g I FFIOE DL THE PIIMADELPHIA AND flk-r. READING RAILROAD COMPANY, n Pim oniumnto. March 10030. rhi yogi of frti4kt an 4 soiis on toal tnwpented by tis comets,tsil be Alloys fray! Mara Ugh UR- I Juni '" or ft 010 ; To flobotond hibtdolphis nolinod Plane...—. 1b10pt0wn........„, raTtrflo l l i glitt.:::- Inalonk.•.. ...... .... gbeet's.-- ......... Oonabohobkon... ...... leunweds Hurna0e........ orrtet'n or Bridgepor oft Kennedy.......... alley F0ntb...... ..... Rigout:vino ............ HOY, r'e Ford... ......... • AraVi r o.. ...... ...... otbtown ~.. ...... .... ouglosertne--..... pir *bolo. ........ 'noberton..— Beta klohraville Bambini. Oryngnb'n and Au Odra. rous-3 m y ordefof the . CHATTEL BONDHOLDERS OF THE CATAWIMIA, WILLIAMBPOP AND Rf P: RAILRPAD, ato notiae4 that it is misery for the protection or their tU presen t sit hod end sign the power ot AtteniSPi at the Office. 303 WALNUT Street rithget delay, as more 'then two.tturds of the boadho Ors have alma slued, 24,101 , 1138, J. L. ORI. M. P. NUTFIMBON, P. g THU B. Marob 0th.11060-flt /4/40&14. USTATE OP JOEL JONES , DECEASED. JILL 4 ' Whereas, Letters Testamentary on the Es to of JOEL JONES, late of the oar of rbiladeleh a, sle. ceased, have been duly emoted to the undersign° . No tts* he therefore hereby given to all Demons having &alms against the same to meant them, cud those In debted thereto to ilm*e_Painle nt 10 r ra A. Y. 8 JI INES, Fatioutrix tea-rat wALN uT &mt. Phitsdeiphis. PSTATE OF SUSAN DAVIS, DE- Ch.. 4 A SED. The ?Auttor appointed by the Orphans' Court of the County o Philadelphia to audit, Cattle. and adjust the rst auit eat wt6unt of KERRY C. TOWNSEN It and . BE aOr RANT PRICE, Executors of BU AN giVIS , deceased, and -to report distribution pr the taupe lu Ogit bandit. wilt meet the omits intereat d. at tite r 3. 44 %; s29 ea , A 6 M e rtr i tte i t : fr . FRI UAY, the 10.1 der inhillliuw-pt AWARO HOPPER, Auditor. PSTATE OF DOROTHY DAVIS, DE- A-. 0 RAPE D. The Auditor op pointed hi the Orphane' Court of the County of Philadelphia oo lit, mettle. and adjust the find and final acoonn_t of tik. RY C. TOW N 8 KN D ond .1. n.R.ONANT prricg zoourors or DOROTHY DAT, deoenaed, and to ' mon dootribution of the' fiat once o their hood.. win moor tho potties ipterepted, of It o oa t: Pita ARCH htreet..nt, frXwAY, the pa MU ol Mtrtmerr 6t. i ° V 4 6 11 4617111 HOPPER. Auditor. REMOVALS. WIL D. KELLEY AND GEORGE A. 128 soirsiTiTetZt%?N eCiii i ilt" liarig.' R9I2M- G il ii iiAL ß L k w, CHANDLER, ti i t o rgr i p ro tiireg il er w a ils RIM tstr, (7QA.L. non Y. 1 414•LiiiL, YINIO. Imola?. KELLER it, EMORY, Orbs No. NO WALNUT street, l'hliadolpdla, Pt S. fiZgeriekPLl:taraNzirawit'llniewied'O'al DUAL. Shipped bi mai aid railroad fromßobarlkill Haven, &hay tailloo.. la. fort-Sm HOLTSEREEPERS LOOK TO YOUR in Tgi-tg Ce ll e rti' L otl i 'etiMl' , El MT! r i.o ared_attha o a n g r no emu: hal; ifl t r". IMP an tve:::=ldo3 6 ;IF" SO .. Nritinterll7o7Grarairl OFEliiiiik — A ti at ih t, a I I li 8 l iar %ars and come ouzo, g GROOktE & CO., K.'. 0200 144 Sesta FOURTH litres*. mumo, Fs STWITET, SOHUYLILLIN Psalm Cut ninety 9r Unit Mou 0 t*ln, Le hl i tb iscd Merehandlge tagett on wtui r sge. 0111.41‘ REFINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS.- 0. DONOGILUB will continue Walnut until IStiLy next. at to South WATHIL Stoat, aril now otters tor WS, at the !oust matrat Orion,, for cub, or on mi rrored abort ord v iti r i t 4,000 recla i m te l tut regittUvr. Ent'aral , ..,:ricznatd Ltim Susan. +eh ithLato Jove frq_Ct, Adamantine Caw ea. and MIT a ' , much Brandy soloring. lat2-11m • A NEW AND WONDERFUL DISCO- A.A. VFArfor the Oureot Rhegmedtsm end Gout. 44:n.1hil AKTHAITIO raLs. This medicine is mimed alth the utmost °midden.). of its beteg the most effeettiej remedy for the above dia. salmi over pot discovered. Nod/taper need be &here head ed from Its use bp me i , uo s t at m ,. P r i ce 81 per box. Gett be se n t br insil, on ogp sing one postage stamp and Dries of Me. For 410_7 . ellamppt. ALISX. ,HA P S No. 10 South itOrt Swet t fese.am• Ph Indelchie: MINTON'S ENOAUSTIO TIM for A .T.a. ZOOM VdIOL/ ehllTßZ'o e ff for °ottani. tt pe itiEl a rgir r 4Witter whiter& ii.at ,EW Mot , NEW oak • T 8 SUGAR.— imagewara s i i 0. entresitair ItAIIII.ROAD LINES. 1860. an k iikyr 1860. wirm iliw loE,y,, NT ? pR mI NEs. 'OLIN Tittt4o itRAD,C4 B F ROM PHILA." Ai iA TO NEW ORK AND WA PLAnEB, Prom Walnut-street Wher and Kensington Depae Will leave as ollowit—mar Yeas. At 6A M, via Camden and Amboy, 0. & Aooom modetion 26 At 6 A el, fa Camden and Jersey City Ao- AMAoomModation , an Jersey ,• . 229 M, via Camden d Jeey City, Morning At it AliT, by timarnboat, via TaOOl2Y and .jOisey dOO City Western Faeroe... . 3 00 Atittf, p 41, vta Camden and Amboy, MOOMMO dation.- 2 25 At 3 p td, vin Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ea- Are n r pM, via Kensington and Jenny ItVel 3 133 AC po.. kineligion s ss Class 'russet .. M At 6 M, via Ca mden and Jersey City, Evening Mail ....... 3 00 M c 'd ,T it ins bn and Jersey City, Southern 2 13 At e et . Camdir and — Ambrir twommeda tion, (Freight and Pa ssenger ,} — Tycet. 3M Sd 1 The 4P M Mail Lino rens daily. The 11 M, South 6o - ern Mali, Saturdays exempted. For Belvidere Beaton, 'Flemington, &e., at OA M and 2P M_ , from Walnut-street wharf. For Mauch Chunk. A ilentovn, and Bethlehem, at 6 A M. via Lehigh Valley Railroad. For Water Oap. Stroudobarl A. Borgintos, Wilkes'arre, Montreal', Oreataand, &a.. a I . M., via Delaware, Leakawana and Western It For Mount Holly. at 6 Mtn 9 A . ht., 2 end Ofi P. M. For Freehold, at lA. M and 31'. M. WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton. &a., at zig P. M. from Walnut street Wharf, CH and 61( P. M. from Kensington. For Palmyra, Htverton. Delnneo, Priverly, Burling ton. Hordentown. ko , at 12X,,3, and AM P. M. flteemboet Tree , on for Bordentown and Intermediate Places, at Mg P. M. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only, allowed earl, Passen• ger. Passensers are prohibited from taking anything se beegage brit their wear s several. Ail baggage over Ally rounds to be paid or extra. The Company limit their responsibility tor sagage to Ono Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount na, ond 8100, *u napt by special aontram. Mr WM. N. OATZMEH. Agent. T UE PENNSYLVANIA 0 .E, fi TRA L RAILROAD. SOD MILES DOUBLE TRACE. 860 . 1860. alpgairos 1 THE CAPRTZT u ni i lte c i.Aß l tipyr EQUAL TURA rifitOUGH FAseirioglt VRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTEIBURO, Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains ifrom Boston, blew York, and, an poin4 East, and in the soon Depot at Pittscum wit4ugh Trains SO Milt tom all points t e West, ort west, and Southwest —thus tarnishing facilities fort e Ftuniengerm annunciated for speed and comfort by any other route. Express and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change ol Collor Conductors. All through Pas senger Triune provided with Loughridge's Patent Drake—epeed ender portent control of the engineer, thus adding muoh to the safety of travecers. Smoking Can are atOshed to eaoh r Tre t uni woodryr, Eletriltse C iVlNV DMV i r pu t t! day exoeptad. till Train levet Philadelphia at A. M. mit Line 11 NI fd. 511 AV LEAVE . AS POT 1.6 Harrisburg Acoom.rodation. folambia, 2P. M. Columbia 4.00 .M. Tarkesburg 10.90 . M. West Chatter Passengers will take the Mail, Parkes burg and Columbia Tram,. Passengers, for Sunburr, Willianurport,Elmira, Buffa lo, Nieman. Yells, and intermediate points, leaving YM 1600101UL at. 8 A. M. go direatly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained atAhe oßieesof_the Company in Philadelphos, New York, Dore. or BM timore and Tiokete Eaftward at any of t e important Railroad Oiliest in the West also Ga_ bear any of the regular Line of Steamers on the blimusampt or Ohio mere. . air Fare always as low, and time as fund, BA by any other Route. or further informati apply at the Passenger Sta- OD, Southeast corner o f n Eleventh and Market Streets. The completion of the Western oontections of the Pennevlraput Railroad to quango. EAST hs the DIRECT LINE BETWEPAILTHE AND THE GREAT WEST. The connection of tracks by the italiroad 'lndite at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantageereadilr pnpraotated by Suipppers of Freight, and the Travel ling habil°. merchants and Shippers entrusting the transportation or their Freight to time (tempting, can rely with poen derrgiti/WrOVV'TEtiORT w and from any point ti e sth West by the Penne, Ivatila Railroad are as nit tims agfaeorable as ors classed by other Raiireqd Companies. sir Re particular to mask packages" via retina. Rail road. For Freight Contracts' Br Shipping Direotione,a ply to, or address either of the following Agents of the Com- Pang D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg;E.S.Pieree tc Co., Zancsville,O.; J. J. Johisstonißltey, 0.; R. McNeely, hlnysville. If y.; Ormsby 4 Cro per, POIiMULOU& 0 .; fait, Ar• CO, Jelle t niAnville f, prouge V!6WrTa t i , i i ..l4 l 4!fgti es. E. Moore, Louisville it y.; Q .B. Q'R lley e, co., Vansvillo, it'd.; N. W. Graham & Co., _Cairo i _DlA F. Sass, Shaer & Oboe, Si, Louis, Mo. Jobp..ll,hist ris, Nashville, Teen.; Harris & Runt Tenn.; Luke & Co., Chicago, RI,• W. 11.11. Koontz, Alton, orto_Frelght Agents of Railroads at different points n the West E. J. BREEDER, _Philadelphia. R()RAW & ifOoNB, 80 North street Baltimore. F,fllit tr. CO., lestor House, or 1 S.William e t., MY. ROIL & 00.,_ o._77,State street, Boston. _ faa. L i. im frel ht Agm i t h6 Phils. ~ L. r j ElPo44, n ti P l t g /Itona, JaS-1 kiffillLROAD. atM M moTom, AND BALTL OR ' • On e iti after MONDA 4 . Noyerahe_r_ 11, NEC_ P49IENOL R at L .AV h rIiIL_ADRLFHIA, morAtlmore at 8.19 A. ~ Is noon, (Ricrac, / and 1/. g a4frinlVVB.. If x. il le,Kg;4 4 ll 3 ,:.z d a'adAl ill: 1 21. IrdPe l t i cr i on s t rtt. 1 1 5 5 A A'. r h I C an , if. Ni'. or over At 836 A. ht, end 4.30 P L , or iford at 9.10 A. M., and oo P. %I. or ford at 8.16 A. M., and 4.30 P. . or nrel at 8.15 FOR and 4.30 P. h . TRAINS rut LA DE LPIIIA Leaveßaltimore at 8.30 A. hi., ( Ma prea,/ 10.11 A. M., aad 635 P. INI. Leave Wilmington at 7.1.8 A. M. and 11.10 A. M., Lai and 8.40 F.M. Leave Lauf el at O.IS A. M., and 140 P. M. ,AIL” Elea ord at 5.45 A. Al., and 4.051'. M. ...eave Mil ord at 740 A. M., and 4.15 r. ALI ..00To over at Oa A. Al., pad scco,P f aint Iddigtorrn at 10 A. M. and /.05 P. yedve ow walls st 10.613 A. M. and BP. Ailve hater at 8.19 A. M. La and 9., P. 16.4 t Leave Inmors for Laurel and Delaware at 10.19 A. M. ' TRAINEI FOR BALTIMORE Leeve ChesPir at 8.49 A. M., 12.191 add 41.0py. M. Los,* W0U 1 404 11 0 9 -41 A• kli/ UM P. la" and 4411 A. ftt. SEND y 91117 at 11.10 P. 14 ., c fro fri m B ili/elptua k wimps. rnialferal,Zth r A EPAR R dral i tat Oa • 'WM au an cilloive : Low Fhiri fig Euryville and intlqwbot WWI fit I L I. - LlMordo Wil alga for Botryrulo and Intermediate' iplpos la 4•46 .lc Leave Villankton for Philadelphia and Intermediate K li Er wced v i rM st iiiii for s..m.e. Ann, Chase% and nll S. M. FELTON. Ereoldont. $1 e Lai ts 110 I.ot iOl 'I 00 100 120 1 1.51 1.10, ~jPHILADELPHIA,GER IR~ MANTOWN AND NORM TOWOCRI AD—'WINTER AR RAN GEMENT— Oa mid after MONDAY Nov I&O, FOR GERMANTOWN. lea" "14 1 9 41 4 1 : 1:1 7 / 1 AL DV A. 74 " i ttvetinuintac:rn' 7 k, 'B, 218. 16, 4, A. Al.. 1, IL 3.4, 6, 6. Mi t !, e,LIOI p, M. r. Sup DAY% Leave Philadelphia 9.05 van. A. M, I, 6%, aad 10 F,ld, Leave Germantown 6.10 mlu. A. M., 130 min., 6X, and m. GHERTNUT RILL RAILROA Leave Philadelphia 6, .7.60, UA. M., 3,4, 0 7 w, 7, Ind 10 Leave ohednut WU 7,10, 7,40, 6.66, and 1230 A. M., LW, L4O, 41.40, and 8.40,P.31. ON SUNDAYS, Pre Philadelphip,PAA. M., 11,6120_ 111 i and v p elheatnut 7.10 A. u. 60, 6.20, ... YOR CONSHOHOCKEN A.''D N ORRISTOWN. Leave Phitafeleis 6,2, 1., A. M., LW. 3.06, C lev'enloNdtoirl l 'o, 7,0, 11 .1., I*, 404, and P. SUN DAY& lisave pltiladelphlaO V N A. M. and 3 P. M, .Uava Nornatown 7A. M. snit R. AL FOR MANA 7UN K. Lam% Ftdladelphia e , 7,4, O. MOO A. 84.,1.06, LOS, 3.00. 7%, eave M ,and NM P. M. ankyaajc TM, 8)4, 9)4, and lIN A. N,, 1. 3, 8, Og i and SX P. Id. ON SUNDAYS, Leave rldladelntly A.M., 8, and al P M. Lava AtanNypp 7 8,4, and P. M.. -tf .li t iN ( grat Wang's. PIDLADELPIIIA AND r rTß E ß L lA l r i a t ,,Vil k k l e l eria O rA D , 11 . Wong° k Niagara_ Falls, Milwaukee. Bur -1114111. 'Montreal, St. Pure, Detroit, Rauh eth, and Bt. n'assenger trail:town! leave the Philadelphia and Read Ins Railroad Depot, corner BROAD apd CALLOW RILL treetellAlLY. (Bondage excepted,) es follows: 7.. V A. M. DAY P.X.PRIESS. For Ebnits,Niegars Bnilitlo,Detroit, Chiaago, and SL Milwau L kee, Rook Island, Galena, St. Paul e, Surbaston, ot& ILNI P. id., NIGHT EXPRRBB. ForElad» Niagara Falls, Buirido,Detroft Chicago, t,ook_ Oalealli Bt. MPS' dortilgoon, St 'Ag i t. A. M. and ADO P. M. trains run Omagh to IiAR 'ODOR% stowing at all Stations on the Lebanon Valley Branch, The 740 A. M. train connects at Rupert for Wilkey bane aittstaa, Buanton, and all amigos on the LACK AWANNA AND 111.00AISBURO RAILROAD. Bridge. Bagbageeheeked to BIMINI, Basle, and Suenenelon Tickets earll e prpenred AL the Philadelphia and E Rellroad It Picket Office, Northwest earner o SIXTH and CH STN UT Streets, and It the, Passim. ger Dip i o i t l oner ROAD, and #1.1.c BILL. X.Pittlit3 r T TRAIN Leaven the Liar oor R e, dadi j (Puri dlreef mpg t t. I t o Vild i re gains For f r.r ofb i rspari, Bogy at t air y , m r ? , bolor A Vlne, Cl l4. ° W. oomer and cIiERIMr eol-tf PhllMatiohly ii. NORTH PENN 8Y L: fCI.4 O II : MINAD, AnL_RF.TIII. 'M A ling LAOWN, EA.STON. ktNTOWNattalli MIN . HAZLETON. - Vl , l alter MO _Y, Voyem er 7th. 1839, Peasan tlS eliMin.).2.7,rsta r z,r . e d e l o V t il dji OW BtreeLl ' For Bethlehem,ituton Auen x town. e rdauoh Chunk, to l itiehtliguEVsi t ) er ad 1 1 . M. and 3 P. M.' G gopoyleatown, (Aooummodation,) at a. 9 A. M. and Yin Fort Wuhipeilie(Aeoonstoodat on.) at 0 P.M. a Trial Nl' pIiti.AREFIA, to ve pot Worn. ( , Aproso,) at BA. n 0 ...Init ,1,.13 4 P . .Zi a • 1 0 .AT1 ( 1101 NICOVn, 4Aoeontmoutio Leave Fort Waahloiton (Aocommodatlond ((H. ALIV. on VNBYBI hilmielphia for Fort ashingtonod 9.30 A. M. tuladefehlik, for Doylestown, at 4 le.r. ylestown for Phßutelp)»s, at 7A. 1. Fort Washington for l'hiladelphie, at 2.40 P. AI. are to Bethlehem, 181.80 ; to Memel. Chunk, aim; to Easton, VA; to Doylestown, 80 oent4, Throuh dotal matt Ls plowed beton) entering the ears. All Pasaenger Treble tamest Bendpis Traiael (wa ne°, at Defile street with lath and Sixth-streets, and Beeend and Third-streets l'aaspnger ailro Rads. hiLLIB CLARK. Asent. PIIILADELPILIA LINE, EA.piNo RAIL ROAD, ABlitli 0 LINE, for POTTSVILLE, READ -1 0 and HARRISBURG, beam the new Depot, at corner of BROAD and OALLOWHILI, titreets, (entrances on Callowhil,t ) 0,7.,AP.,„A.b1" iikAlLY,Lßundare exoepted,) for FOTTA Y /raw , ' iIARRIBUR‘3, and all intermeduste nointe, oonneoting et Harrisburg,with trains running to burg, Chamberahr4 parltele,Bupburr, Oro. NOON , Lonen.ats3ol l V, ' ,lAlLY, lot VOTRIVILLE end HARR _MAURO, tr t i t 4! ,5 0 Id,, DAILY, (Batulan exoepted,)for READ c*, and intermediate puma, Ur. hletalltNNY.Fienrate,v WEST CHESTER RAIL RIM. ROAD TRAINS vi• PENNSYL . A RK Depot oor. ELEVENTH A. Imo p , rr4 2 1 , °i11 1 . 7 'iVi , 747:t" 4 "" at a Closter a t, 7.10 A. L. 10.90 A.M.. and 5.60 P M. is 14-v Di MICV•• -- 111F0STER 1 111,151 VALLEY HAI LROAD—PAS EIEN TERI t E N EPP I AI l l t alr.—O n trl 4 ) l g,m, i l be Mr toe Passenserirains for tniWNlNGTuvrri 1" efnfrpllLthe new w ea r r Depot of the pni! & _ V lab 43 oflett l B§nitLinstrirnrii.4:Ni' f Platalli for Iketraltittown, beeves at 7.30 4. /1181'100N TRAIN for Denntlxistown , leaves at f Ala (S pie &coasted.) 40 7.Prder of Board of Managers of the Philadelphia "441" an ""ur e ir mP an al :ii.uvreary rr....... TO WEST °HESTER D °l A. krArand intermediate ointe vin ME• Rig WI:11 e.Yr. A .TNI ) . I„ta u ,i;11 . 53351.`" Bi ti L ' itita tis t,fi ' vit A. A . g .l ll l l 6 ll.l6 l4l'E w l ill 'il ta l k A e Ire .14 0 A. Ail lad 441) P. IA. wralass SAVING FIIIEDII. QPRING GARDEN SAYING FUND 80 curr ilisgiCtoilifolr t Stmt. 0 gAßiEartrinal l B Ws opplisx rp syL A • Depogite received nt epple of • Dollar dra y ' 6l2\ Miti . itai l l trm m eh t e laiTi 740. th i i clr gtf drairn• A reeponaible and rellahle gating irtitiition him Ifil beep needed' m the Northern part o t i e o trog re4 litrillltt i rdett Bant e me n F i ulto=tr ,IT 0 mt pl t4la necauttm Ele`mger.. in omanl Y plitp and looarinair, kayo q governed wholly A by • r i lg i rit h t o o v r y orod. a z taor. nem natant : r n i tTZ h I f TA .17011414. Me Main Oind &Elf o n day Ito 13i o'otook; ilpq, on. monday nnd Thrill, from I nut Itp 0t9 . 911 titbe evezungs L l' V ` ' .dderplClett, ghen . ohrl • 17% leuut plersonor, FiNig e ao. I. lllk—. Joseph Whale. 161"eoles., m. sold, lames g,Pona, Fie tt y vEzure ereu ri : OIL FRAIIOII itLIST.B . := B : ti..% SAVING RM..--UNITED STATES ri et t ygOOMPAIIY, center THUD 4114 CINVIT- M i ttur etinsionot vgraw.e I N ,Tom . day to dr to the day of pith wal. 0 v . odorant 1 o'oloqt,e7g o siity, sad oo id 4 Y at I> PrIll?or sale oa ° Ttlernetadot and soo th ing, Vau l igtVAMEß , oRAIFox). teltd e PllSK. AotaarY. H UN T RAVING FUND--FIVE PER CENT. IN REST.—N/LTIONAL SAFETY TRindTco p , ALIII.IT Street.Southweet oorney P alga& Inoorporeted by the state of renneYlvev . • a. Money 11 a gooetved In any con, Wye or all, studio.- terent paid wn the dal' of daeoidt to the day of Inth drplal. The 'Aloe is open every day from 8 VoloolF.ln the morWng till IS o'otook in the evening, end on fnandny and 'pint:Way mums till I o'oloc.k, 1 lNili tV aPitYo7r , Vgat WlLLialt J. RUA, Secretary. DIAMOVI. En. BeDILL. Bnanarr Y. Carroll . gr at oweter i ward L.. C S. onepti B I _ . bert SelfriTi t t ramie Lett, Samuel IL AnAton, foeeph Waal. iLandreth Menne, limes L. litethensom onpy is received and payments made &Lay. tip Investments a r e made, to cooformity_ with the provisions of the • Chaney, in Heal rotate Mortaagesi Wound Rou ts. end such &t-class secerities as will &l een, Mute perfect security to the depositor& and which cannot fall to gin perrnatnency and stab a ility to this Institutomi ul-Iy PUN 08. STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA TEN :r ovER-STRING GRAND PIANOS, SQUARE GRAN El, AND BG.UARE pIANOS, ocrw pre ferred in concerts end in private circles by the best performers. Received the first premium over the beet fromjudgea kite Gottschalk, Meson, end others. Ohallenie a ll competition. BLASIUS BKOTHEKS. db-lv toOtt CHESTNUT Street, ffm HOLIDAY PRESENTS! pi t ivt-poßv.s. MgiaORTE3. MEL0D491 , 03. niku-FORTI E LOV_EOE tiQ,F MELODNE AM ?, othe l it , gun" J. E. GOVIJ/, 3171417 SEVENTH and CREBTII us. OE IVING MACHISES. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES. HENRY 00Y, Agent, CIIESTAT STREET, SECOND FLOOR. Machines, with Operators, on ;ure to Print, Familiaa. DUNCE Of Ifeslll f West STATE Sweet, Trenton, N. J. 110 CENTRAL SQUARE, Eaton, Pa. jal-0-4ai WILCOX do GIBBS' SEWING MA CHINE.—The great and increasing demand for Wiloolt & Oaths' AlowingMaetone isa guarteetetor Its t a ite r k o g; ° B l :l l 4i Weie 4d 3O dargilVdl ' Ariel! R. feB-tf SHIPPLPIG. FOR THE SOUTH --CHARLES TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP& FREIGHT REDUCED. 1 Helley Frei ht at an average ofirsygin Cr p oenL be kre, New Yor 80 /arlie/lIP Wei, 04 CUKI,EST_N. S. q. Thrill. & li all stearnehip KEY STONY. STATE. Cap tain Oltarlea_ . Marth.man, will as on Saturday, March U. at 10 A.. At. Through hi 44 tot@ SAV A NNA H hours at See. VOR SAVANNAHGe. The U. S. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA . captain John J. Garvin, will sag on Wednesday, March Il at 10 o'clock A. M. . . 'I lipoid' in 33 to 6tl hours—oily 48 bourn at Sea. *rem hng days ol tinged from e very Saturday to every five days. Gooas received, and Mlle of Lading 11122•4 ovary _The eplepdl43trt-e'ms side-wheel Steamships KEY STONE STATE end STATE OF GEORGIAnr tint at more every ten days. thus forming a ove•clit ;lamina ntoation with Charleston and Sayalmah, e booth and Southwest. At both Charlestoused Savannah, tree amps von vecit v , th steamers a Ficitldei and wit mamba, mo., for alt places in the nth and fiouthweet. INSURANCE. Freight and Insurance on a large proportion of Goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing vessels, the premium being one-half the tato. N. 8.--Insuranne on all Railroad Freight is entirely poneciaaeau. farther then Charleston er savannah. the Rall(ollllCompanieg takieg ad risk' from theas Pointli• trItEAT LEDUC' lON IN FARE. Fare by this route Et to 40 per Gent. cheaper than by the Inland Route, as will be seen by the following sche dule. Thrcragh tickets from Philadelphia. via _Charles ton and Kavanagh steamships, INCLUDING MEALS tur the Whole route, except. from Chartmann and Myatt tudi to Montgomery MAUD TAU. }S ppqp a1ifinfit99........815 pp Charteeton..—. %Vadnao.— 14 00 Saran+ tat WM"to t u"lta 21 00 goon.— sa 10 At1anta.........,.... • WI 9I ambus—. 33 fo i ll 6 itti l Lognery— tontgomer7.= 38 00 o New Orie War: tw s ........ 00 EXQIIHBION TICKETS TO THE CHArti;aB/0:1 ea . No bills of lading signed alter the ship has gaited. For freight or miss% ce apply on board, ht 104012 wharf above Vine street, or trii • gx. HERoN,jr..; So in corner e. AT') end CHEBTNIerr. Agents in Charleston, Savannah, HUNTER te, GAM MEL For Florida from Charleston, stenwr crasauss. .very • Tuesday, •• or Tjoride from Savannah, steamers St.lllary's and St. John a, every Tuesday and Saturday. FOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE.— soter.'NEw YORK AND HAVRE STRAMIMIP COMPANY. The United States Mail BteamshipsgriO, SAGO tons, .r/ avid Linea, Corramirdar, wed 'F ON, 3,600 tons, James A. W0[444 'ClOnbandar, Gave hew ICrti Moore, and Southampton, for the year IBES, on t following days To meet new recurementa of the Poet Office Depart ment, the days of sailing of the A KAGO and FULTON from HAVRE and SOUTHAMPTON, will, ales .hifr re it voyages, be changed as fallow 'Now, NEW OR r eeve in the OSAIS Ithaca demtura of the UL ON, tyhtuki like place on the nth Deoember, the eeheditle remains sweltered: NAVIN ANIS SOUTHAMPTON. /lost NSW ... T . as. • FULTON ;Maar. FULTON...Jan. In— Jan. IL ARAGO an. T. ARAKO_.- -Jan. 11,1. FrTON. —Feb. FULTON--yQ.x.ler a AGO— M oh. L Amp 03.......11d0 6.21...M0b. M. P LTON.-.1K0h.31. FULTON....ApL 21. -Apt. X. These steamers. twllt expressly for °Overt:meat ser vice, with double enginst, under deolt.erarY attention has been taken in the oonstruoCon of the bull and ma chinery to Insure safety and speed. The ships have Ave water-tight compartments enoloaing the eucKice, no that In the evert oollision or eirandica, the water could not reach t cad Itw ptruipti being floe to work, the IMIFeIY 1,0 9 4 4 1 40 1 VW DassOUSOZI woula be se eared: 'Qv ut experience hag doinonstiated the &bec k:l_4i neoessuty of 1113 rood. of construction. Tfte ra agoontoda ons for passengers srO believed to combine every oo ort and convenience that can be de sired. .301;ign New 'fork to Bouttungtoll or Havre—Flget Cabin, 81.10; Second do., Va. From Havre or Southampton to Now York—Finn Cabin, 700 franc; &mond do., WO franca. To gammons; golog to London those steamers over the advantage of eeonompLoth in time and novenae. Specie delivered In London. No panto loured until paid 70r. An experienced surgeon on beard. All lotion; ei2 nen- Ftirolgo l lmtea through the Post !Moo. WILL 1 01 4. 0 1 1 404 4r1b m ig0 , y. mew York. T yat f•VbegMatto„,„,,,,,, 4 EtLSOlt Agent, Ofilo Tobacco 1)00 'and RONT Streets, Pid e ladelphl Wsrebme ' Plana of the Clam can be wien. s ia VIE DRITIBII AND gI9ATiI SHIPS AISBRIGAif Mit.L ST EA92- . 1110 M Maw TORT to LIViltoOL. Chief CabiaPaasage.... ..... ..... • ...ISO . Stioand Cabin Passage 79 PROM UMW,: TO L 1 gk 1 2009.. Chief Cabin Faseaso . 19910 Beoond Cabin Painsertl. •• .... • • •• " " tp The ship, front Bosteut osU aißalifix — : and Cork Har be,p. PX , kKA, Cent. Jodkins. 'CANADA. Capt. Lang, AR BI A, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA , Capt. ANI • Capt. E. D. Lott, NIAG RA,Capt.Anderson AFRICA, Capt. Shanlion EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch, SCOTIA, now build/n/4 Theta TeSSels rang a r ear white light at nittetheed Preen 011 starboard biw • red on port bow. tRAIII A, Stone, Rave N. York, We,•nesday, Feb'y 29 EUROPA. Leitch. " Boston, Wednesday, abash 7 AFRICA. Shannon," 11. York, Wedneeday, Alston 14 AMR.nICA, " Ikuton. 'Wednesday. Marchel ASIA. Lott. " 1 ork, Wednesday. March SI CANADA. Lang, " Boston. Wednesday, Apri 4 ARA 11 , A, Stone, " N. York, Wednesday, Apri l 11 NIAGARA, Miller, " &noon. Wedneedar i Apr 18 Junkie., " N. York, Wednesday, April 29 Berths not 'moored until paid tor, Thexperienced Surgeon on board: owners of these snipe will not be 11 , 0 9nAntable for Gold, Silver Bullion. Secie, Jewelry, Preatoue Sbapee, or eltala, un fre e Odle of lading ain Vent! tl•erefor the veiny thereof therein ekpreseed. For (relent or Dwartga apply to E. CUNARD, reel 4 Bowling Green, New York. 114.19 WARP. PACKAGE tiOUsES. p•AUHAGE lIARDWAIW, ROUSE.—We would reezotfully oral the attention of the Gene ral Hardwnro rede_k, onr extensive Stook of Hilt ed HI/WARE, 'Mull we oiler at alma adearico hy the package, Orders tor direct tusportatlon nolioited, and Goods de- Usenet ether In this city, New York, or flow Orleans. W. U. LEWIS d. Son. all COMMERCE Btreet. Littlittlris and Commission filerollantS. dad ants or f Foreisa and Dorcoretra Hardwire. sett-tr Fr LARGE AND VALUABLE, STOOK P 1 Scales selling out at Greatly Reduced Pnoee. at 425 STA UT Street. 82000 worth Stan lard Woixht Settles, comprising an assortment of on sIQ.S. Counter, Portable Platform, Warehouse, Has, Coal, Cattle, and lia tmad Scales. Purchasers will find it for their Interest to call and exam 11113 the above 'roods at No. Qs CIE araTNUT ISTRYET. Philadelphia. MIAS. A. DANIELS. The attention of country !imamate moaned to the above stock. fe=•tm FAIRBANKS' PLATFORAI 50A1.F.9 'r "le blitt,iii&Mitt,wt.",,Lii. BURGESS' TROUT, BASS, SAL. MON HODS.— PfilLIP 'WILSON & CO., 4'2 CifLSTNUT Sorett, having talon the Sole Ammer Of my celebrated Trout, Bass. and Nalmon Rode, Neel', etc.. wilt ecpply my friends and the trade. et the jewel; prices. tchnem W. Buttewes. Ew IuEK KERUSENE 011.—idolliii for sale at manulltotorefa_pllCell. Yn RPiAlg L. It OGDEN. 471 Newt], 'PHI /I II Arr.t. 1 -1 1UKO1ik AND 61'1INti MOUNTAIN LEI-11011 COAL, .emered anchorite, %info on best terms. Apply et kliOwLE.Bl beeet, NINTH oin nertT.l.Oter Ids GM WELLS CLEANED AT A LOW Pr Oe, to obtain the contents. Address WILLIAM Yotutrette °Moe t. FI Pas inn. No I Nnrth VNINTI Rl°ll—Prune retailing (lhatleston Rice ( o r cola /Iv JAMES GRAHAM & GM. LRTITI lee ... C0.81 4 :136—F0r sale. by W ‘O l 5l Blur/MEL a apd &ea ncomP Pima hi liAttEiritY - AUCTION. . - MENEM BILINMY & 00. ao mi. Blair moth. I,SBOR SALE OF ?REBOIL GOODS. Menne, Benton% & mitten will sill On Vedas' Moms:, Msrelk MB, /9 o'eloek, folblsrlat 14Idneldi goods : ' 000 pie*** slain monelin de Mine. bleak, Wei eolors, mode colors. fine to waperiles eun.itiss. -- los amen drop Lesin's pods, all quaktlei - 100 eweroldnete, plain , aids stnpes, sad yield, Boost goods i mported. 400 °Meek gm* muslin Os talne, all-wool, 4,1, 8, and 30 .0010111. in please eriased bangs and mouslin do ebbs., al, ohm.* new and elegant designs. wo mimes barege, boa Were. bleat, high aelorsi and mode new goods. 350 Mean noh drum silks, all new cholas and baud fel 16'pews barer. sober , and 9 ficaumd, doubts lope, and three donness, all newmods. IaCCI repartins enelltiss, mode', black, and high Col ored. silk framed Thubst 1 000 long sod square black Tb.bet shawla. lego printed Csahenare d'eeoe• shawls. palm r ". no very itch printed , wen d borders. BM Tlubst simmu, 800 o.llts n h main iteip• 0ball? shawls 1.600 superfine doable thrilled centres, breohe-border Stella, black and model , and usorted color& 500 Nob exits fake totality broehe herder& 800 neer stele *mead broths 'bawls. IA BOOTY_, Jr. AIIOTIONEKR, no. 431 A-Nii CHESTNUT llREEr gvni virera to Out sr,,r o, het - warm IPOITH and ALM OF EMBROIT BALE gg , B EN.OgABRic X BBCKI FEI, TAB fli 118. This Morning March nth, by ow ta loon. op a mod% commencing at 10 o'elook precisely. 800 lots of new and ditainsbis goals. suited ro solos sales. 16r Catalogues ready ea , le on the morning of We. La eBROIDe RI b.B. Rich new Mrs embroidered jaeonet and Hgrim °ol ive and sets. 'rennet band,. dolmens' rka. LlNEH•cant RIO H .1111 E 4 OBIEFiII AND SHIRT FRONT& A full bas ladle,' and gents' hemmed and hemstitched tape and pnnted-border linen-cambric hardlierettiefe. Also, par, lines stun fronts. plain and tamer Also. an Invoice of linen damask table comas, 7-4 10410 4. man°Ns AM) 'FLOWERS. Nab retina style vault de sots bonnet ribbons, Paris ArtifLotal flowers. Ao. LACEB AND LACE MITTE. Ao, black stla laces, French black elk lane mitts, lons and short. A line of JEWELRY. sleeve butto fine painted, Ism, and cameo jewelry, 'tads, ns. /to TRIMMING - RlM:to:we, Aloe, rich 'pries alias Pompadour trimming, silk dress fringea an. HUBBARD it GORMLEY, AUCTIONERRS, 730 KARICI3T Street- pRILIP FORD & DO , AITOTIONEFIRS, a. N 0.0.10 MARFFT Street. and ent MINOR fittest. SALE OF BOOTS. snora. AND On Tlinrsday Morning.BROGANS. March lath. at 10 o'clock prootselrorill be sold by eat:Vogue. on fonr months ore:W.IAP eases Boots and Shoes. as today': Men's, boys', and youths French Cal - Bon', and Bro gans; Freneb Calf Congress Gaiters Rad Ozrnr. , 70. , Patent Leather do, and French Patent Oera Boots: men's, bola'. and_ you , hs Can - and Buff French tient ,rumen's Frepott. Morocco and Victoria hreled Boots of finest quality ; enm' d Union Ties of French, Ma peon. and enurel Pane, mina and:W . l44,4'BCW, bloat. Oranten. Reeled, and epring Lao, Beate Also, In. sale. an assortment. of city-made Boot., Bask - Isis. Ti6i, and Clarets. fro n a first-olaas nannfaotarer. Samples of - 100 oases Scotch Gingham and Bilk Um brellas. Goods ow n for examination, with catalogue, earl! on minims or sate. J. WOLBERT do CO., AIJOTIONEERS, N-le 519 ARCH Street, between 'Fifth and Ruth. REGULY R SALES. Drr yoode, elothing, straw goodd, eeriest., hoots, oboes, &0., in lots Wanted to the oity and county! re tail trade. hr oatelogus, and for each, every Tues da y and Friday morning. Furniture, shins, glass. &e.,every Wednesday morn ig. Trees, plants. ko.. every Thursday and Saar day muroine during the sewn. Special Wee of ell or any description of property at any time to amt the rental erten of the owners thereof. SUPERIOR PURNITUR E, SILVER-PLATED WARE, PREECE CHINA. WA ITE GRANITE WARY:. do. RV This Montag, 11th inst.. at 10 o'clock. at 519 Arch street. a tarts se eortmeut of Seely manufactured and tansheA walnut furniture, oval Frpaoh elite mirrors. silver-plated car te and tea sets, toe pitchers, covered duties. castors. %tins, sailers. salts. &0., French China and white granite ware of the lost 'Milky. BRILLIANT DIAMOND JEWELRY, PING WATCHES, &a. On Thursday Evening. lath Inst. at 7X o'clock at eV Arab street. by eatalorne. Brilliant diamond Timi s ; cluser pins, Anger rings, and studs emerald and ruby ladies' watches, set in dia monds ; gentlemen'. watches. et the highest cost and best Illnk•I ; imported bracelets; jewelry, in sets and eingle pieces, in great variety. May be examined nil day on Tbarsday. 1,15(/0 CITY-MA:IE Sitißll3-BPECIAL BALE. On Fnday /dorms, 16th instant, at 10 o'clock. at oar salesroom, 119 Arch street, 2 200 runde thirts, crompriunx a full &nut meat, awn whita and eoiored linen sod Marseilles ho sous, the whole neatly pet RR IR iota of a half dp2en each. expreuly for oily and country retail sales, pe air Catalogues early on thie trorning of male, na which we wheat the attention of ah purchasers. TREES. GRAYE-VINES, ka On Saturday Worms. ITth [natant, a. o Gluck. at Sl9 dreh"atreet a large assortment of all t e finest c wart and standard import ed and A roamer. nut. ornamental, shade. and seer- Men Ulna. CUTT&DiI. raspberry., Lawson blackberry., snips Wes. ica., in taiga and small ;mammas, al (cern the b. st grotee _FANCY PIGEONS. Also. at 'ornmenoement of sale Ai fine fanny plgetl.l the property of a gentleman amateur. Bala E. E. earner of Tenth nap Thootmen Sta. DRUG STORY, FlX'r_Dlrh.S. STOOK, &a on lavolay higrtuny, 122 h Instant. at deing, on the pretrasee. at the spotheaa; angel' °Munch coo Th - anion 'treat', the ehUra WO, nature,. 11011 good-wilt Of 1.11 4 , rueltore• to be soltt lo one Kt, and waken% merle. Sr' Slay a ex ‘ syranad any taps Drayton& to gala MOSSS NATHANS , ARO TIONEBB tv 4 - AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, soathsval oorner of SIXTH and_ltACE Street!, MONEY TO LOA 41, 1 ' 1#51013.000 to loan, in lar o nor sonata, oa stooks. gold and salver el , , n „systoles. Jewel ry, fowfing plefi l drV , groomer. *i gen. harVfar4,ba Of. 111 ents.barnitan, bedding, Donnie. Ye Wei, hnmene, on all analog of valde, for any length of time ogre it .on more Metal Onto than at any other oeU. ant in Ws Metal 6RISAT OgAtiE,E94 EERAINS. 4 private elle, sproode4 rano lotto. in n i toestrood , oeilt4MO sine a . pia .Wootoky hosting °elk patent let watoh. oo e ugge nod In oendent rabOnds, only 121; to t i t e Atutp4saitlaah vs- Sant lever me tint. Di t amp nage. (gm. yo QIN; no go double nom Sr tlull Pekvevor wthes. litake, e fiom . be to 4403 littiss. tau l trO:cri s t e ll to Striven 1.4,.. 1 4Z e' to *a il 1-ne wa" g°l" Le aye lIWI2g. watches at _llO ; open face do , rom 11; so 2 70 ; t rg• &mind. latent lever watOhat, in huntrog eases end double bottom, of thp Sada aPprovtdisew make, from $lO to S7O I Amencan halms,' .tornt lever watcbes at 430; linr o liag eras Ive v ir dnplez watches; ditto dooble ti from from .12 to 4130; ho ease silver l- - s watobes; II Jewelled. Inn In no A fr , z, jinni VI toss2o;' Les no d . frfiV 14 ; at' nen. Ivor detnennd It • r ly) gt,,, eye*, Jo / 31. gb il i l lgt to 2 , 1 4 f ; open t f* l np., 010 a 1 ; sem lase gayer inn An , Joy, , rn 27 so Old; oDe% f do. in' . .to .8 42 ,f; [doer miter trti. l l9tio Ilf W i lt , 'ref rreno d h wato t hes. l frozei 1 . te sae ea a: n adV. 4 an e trrgoeltiolt trTZI et to 160 ; fine gold vest, fqb, and neck chains at 60 oexis perdu' ; fine gold seta col ear-onge, brenog. And bracelets; tondo, finger nogs, and On! Y. or every de soggia Lor i lens . than balf w the 1.....A1Ag0 g moos. d *very kind , ,or sofiratag 3 ratan s?"o4 911411 an other vtieettobmeit Me lty. 0 -DOOR HA IM Atrended to personally by the sitatlonge7, al very 104 obagges. , OORSIONMENTEI Er/ITED. Constonmn of ; isliAilvVy ii 0i goods solgton for Denim ode I isgo- jlle ra op otthe soodp be advavood WV:thou/anon of LYe n. moISES NATHAN& WASHINGTON. GREAT CATALOGUE SALE OF BOOKS IN WASH {NCTON.—The robwintien are now auansina for sale, to commence on TU e.BDAY. *web 2QUt, 18011. at W o clnok. in the lane room, second door wee , of the auction row , a, aboat Ilentatl volumes of books. (prinoipally seoo_sidAsirld.) comprising the oollee tione of the late M. Temnlernan, and Use late 8. G. D4:th. a( QcOnstoWn. D. O. he owl - . embraces pant rare and valuable WorS.l overvestiartment of literature aro 'mance, a wore full description of which will be found lathe cata logue which may beobtained on appiicatiork to .J. 81181 N. No. 27 nouth ER street, isoclphus. JOdkilla El gems VEII.ISIIVON J. C. hIcGUIRE & CO.. AAusuoneers, mlig-stuth-tm.2o Washington, D. C BREAD pußz AND CHEAP BREAD, MAKUPAOTIJRND BY T/IB KKOI - lANICAL BAKERY. EAN NI OS?•I2CAD AT ?H FOLLOW :fa PLACES: MECHANICAL BAKERY, 8. W, corner of Broad end Vine sweats. 0. M. CLARK.— --Pp. I i t r• •ts • e t, below H. M0NE1L.—.._.,...._t eornll r Sixth and testes s treet. IdiTHO N a orth Filth street. JOHN G. No. Ulo Vine atm% T. P. SMITH.— —No.III North Fifth street, 8. ....,,_..._...._.8. S. unrest Fifth and IF. W. MATICRWL—.-21. L e att i tventh and Loonet streets. D. KNIGHT.— ....Broad street, below Wel t. GEORGE GARVIN nu Isle Lombard street. D. COURTNEY.----------N. W. corner Stsdeenth and Pine streets. WM. COURTNEY....,.--No. 5.06 Soo* Twelfts Weft. H. R. WANA.'efAEEß_.._F4dersl street, above Sixth. S. LENTZ —Corner South Fourth and Johnston streets. L..W Ogd .co streets. ruer Sixteenth as en DAVID SADDLER---.No. bRi North Eleventh J. WEI ORTMd..7I Ttltt r t e rfe t nth Street, below Thompson street. 8. S. —No. MO North Front Meet, H BROOKS,— B. W er. oan s e t r ofeeventh F. N. W. comer Tenth and E. B. TURNER. No.hirm ' t e nth Front street. J. SHUSTER & Wcorner Broad sad Parrish streets. THOS. T. BLEST.— --Corner Nineteenth street and Ridge avenue. U.S. DOWN —N. E. corner Ninth and Federal streets. J. MaINTYRE TsrentiAteoond street, sb. ALEX. FULLERTON. Co e rne t giFifth and Chris tian. MRS. E. RAMBLER.-_. No. 1731 Coates stmt. D. F. & T. W. WOLF—.—...M Girard avenue. WM. McCRACE.EN —220 Hannitton street. R. R. W. 0011 , 13 T of Twelfth and Miens street. JULIUS W, nor. , or hirteenth and tartsh street. M. NIPPER .-_ corner of Fourth and corner tret. MRS. F . RwoTT____ W. Teeth and Green street. J. L. HICKS. —.Camden ~14. J.; stare 1111 Arch street. O. H. est Pluledeiphis,36thst. Haverford road. N. L. VARNELL Lenni,Pellll4 JOHN BARNDT----. Tremont and Pine Grove! Pes. GEO. B. TOWNSEND.— West Mester, Poem City, N. J. D. E0RT0N...*.............F10ren0e, N. J. 11 F. EBERLEIN —Columbia, Pa. )es-tr GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. sW. SCOTT—late of the firm of Win o ore tloott--9ENTb_EldrB PORDIIBII - 8' ORE and SHIRT MAN FAcTORA, CREST Street, (nearly moots e Guard lioluned Philadelphia. .1. W.S. would respeory gall the attention of his former patrOn/ And filen to Ili! new ram, and is are rarqd to Ord" for HiRTA short riot*. A uartitet etenataut 6d. Whotesais Trade inissiled with. Bias Simla and (kit ra. test-1, IAVA COFFEE. -1,000 pocketsprime :--iNe Fehr" axle by JAMES) GRAIIAIti*U.• CHEESE —330 Boxes Herkimer County Chan., in store and tarsals by C. &ADLER & on- A Rr.l4 AtTAAI. SA ',sr 1.11..w0 Frntt nth 3 nA.MAORD 'JAVAN 4 CIGARS.—A few 'CIGARS of the "FIGARO" breed,. Just Is oeigi tailarivargoirizaztqatet. SUBS BY AIICTLOIG 'Ti.THOMAS & SONS, —._ • , - Soo lattad IPMt= raltril MM. fizoomorio pm or W... gu . jilt a tt s ittifi= on Me rtr lir I" ltr . .. a .... _____ : __ , 81 7 111 .,...... e uas-erroals AND . ERMA Nam Senn ante—blarsh Mi. on tbruszuntios. Xll7 Walnat street. Yababbb residence. clause. - 11rts re nth Spas Saar Mardi Wt. at noon 4 at itto Nt. Sailittli liprinn Prilir—Xtreh 17th. at Boos. at dm Ri change. Map Brag Sala. Meath set .6 at ttctramtors. Cares den. . - the .. Camde n Cobalt oats Portal Worts. and treat of 350 saris land. wir Part of tne handbttle for sank of the OM Wen now ready. • . 1 if • YgiN aida Mat t A" sable end • • even lon • • Womb/mei gee °gene sto &lett to I,ritiClAL • " ' '2 1 41V 4 * l emu " .441 i am the l . j to he - A AT ParIATZ aux. INT e Te lerge eggennot n j akte at privet, ale. la erei/nonCar tr a = a eaugn property. "" store a a i r a g e t. i r th..t g r o sr lot:ohnh 3.ooooopies treetee qty.)egfre•iteg SALETP ir MIR RORS E LEG ANT R y O C ELe WINDOW CURTAINS, kIa(rATELLIT A E. CHINA AND ot.Answksz. DEEDS AN Marg. eAttre tn. as. CA • D.--Char sale to-morrow moans`. at the MOM* Store w,Il camprue. besides 900 lots of eneeDent fun& turn. sepenor walnut Taring and chanlher funottnre. I suites *lciest brooerelle wlndow en name. end eorrneeeg bagatelle tabs. with balls end cites complete. Clung. and slsswere. bed, and beddms. a large onatitlty or carpets, matttus. Ike.; m. entree boa aqddiee, 19011i8ael and Maar.. s ir e rs.' sets scales a nd Verghtly buckets. brushes, rte.. forming an attractive esseilb om i t worthy the attention of ladies and °Am aid !MU nriporctiamat• MT for Count cues . now mad,. and the ankles wren ea examinstron !KEW RICHMOND AND ECRITYLICILL PAULEN tigIt Reit vrey . BLINDS. 0 thl nds March loth. at U Week Te , neon. ', at the Ptehtlelotile Xeeeenre. will be sold. without rosary', for so:ova or *hoot a my unwire— to ••oupati sonde. *eV each. Richmond sad Helont- Mil Passenger Bailers, Com cony, interest T 'per oft: • pap.ble tat Jane and December. Also. fur otner &connote— i share Continental Hotel Company—par .9140. I share Philadelphia f.,,brerr. 1 shire Morosatile ',Stirs/l eant SPRING BAL.E—MAJIHR Itch. Male en the Prenweea VALUABLE WALNUT-BTX EST REBIDEMIN AND FURNI , DRS. This Morning. March Mb. si o'olock on elt, oramwoo,ll73-Wahent street, the largo and supenor nay-gem with atebie,, comb house , and lot of gtottud.l2 lest rivet. we foot to depth. to George street; built in the beet measer ‘ fot the use of a fore or owner. THE PHAN - I - TIME, of excellent quality. lied Le flea will be sold =medics', after the brew WO' Perth:raters tn Pandb.re Lust eaisto , noa. Also. pow, ht. Andrew's Church, Eighth street. above Spruce. SEVENTH FPPING SALE—MARCH nth. - At 12 o'slooa. noon. Orphans' Gerd Bate—s state of James R. foam. doe .n. : L 1 LAUDS LOT AND BUILDINti. nattiness' co l Laar o Phalli" and Napo streets. with a (fort ea street. Keessacton. lof sone 100 feet. ''ttrro mats. Beans .scat.—VALUABLE WHARF. B1,11 , 01:169,, AND LA ROE LOT. alter street and River Ihlawarey north of Cat lovtalt st. RE SID ENCE . y 216 feet. 1111,aT MOD hRN northwest sweet of Fourth and Buttonwood RANDSOMB MODERN ILESIDENCE with Ards yard. No. 612 North Soußh atrset. above ' Euttonwootd street. Lot as by 122 feet. VALUe OLE FAR ht. 18t ACT EBorith One Improve. meats. known as " The If istdands." New BritainUrsa shi p. Reeks county, Ps.. 2); mile* northwest of DoVes town. tad setae distance from how Omaha station. North Pawylessis Rearm& liusir4.sd Pa RTY.—Thres thros-stort buck novae. Nos. iss, sas. sad 02/ Os.ard aunts Beet Of Tenth street. . . MODE 4N POITR-1 4 TORY RTAIDENCE. sith mo dern conveniences. 50.1119 ' , maim street- &bore Paz. nab street 1401.11E,11.N THRBB-ItTOBX RBBIDYNCS, No.tedil Cheri y street_ with modern oonremeness. peremptory BaIe.—THREE-8 ORY BRIO( OWBI., LINO. No alb Lumend street. between Wharton - Mt seed streets. ?mat wind. P Bale at/rotate. La nu% COS N Eat WT. sesta:mess corals well and Cooper streets. at by 63 feet. Two trouts. Nineteenth want. tiVILDINO _LOT. east side of Amber aka.% monk 01 Wu's stree. mincemeat, wero. TWO LVtd. FRANK" ORD, Norediest sets of Or thodox street. south of Toeteeratuts street, tosether 10 Dr id feet. Twent7-third ward. TWO TilliEttdlVEY BRICE IMELLtNOS.eor ner ot Jilin and enes streets. !Sixteenth erapt. BtriLoula LO7. southeast *puke of Wood sad Brown sneers, 4r• Kenainatos. BUILDING' LOT. n.rotecttwardy. aide of Wood attest monk of Brown street.4.l3a Keimigton. • SUPERIOR RERVEYOR'S TRANSIT INRTBC• MINT, AND ALEOTRO-bIAGN/sTIC MAD/UN& Thu Morraft. Ilth fist , at II o'clock. a surrepor's transit isetra mints. cote mood, co.l.lete, can 61116. Ake, In Visa no-magnet,. machine. Bala Wo 1217 Walnut street. SUPERIOR VUILNITU r , .1.4 t RUES ?AMT. INcis CANTON mum, CHANDEUMA FINS WINA, ko. This Morsim • March ltth. at 10 &chalk. at No. 12r7 Walnut strem„ br awake ue, the e. tity t taalotre. Piano, V e6:a Kate Mirrors. Mon Ca e.s sat ware. BnumMsCurtatas. Fu cicitsa- Ca tm ses, C na, itte. ke , 13 Vitle. Vora. lee Madeira. Meek, and Sherry Winee, la Un ties and demijohns. • 013r-1 clo g s valua•sidence with BMble and Condi House b$ wls o'clock. precisely, prerkess In sale or Fs,rnitare. Pisa_ urtleatirs to o , talecoes o'clook. lir Play De alltillala on Tuesday. horn 20 to 2 Pala at ?Cm 139 and 141 goal) Poor* Street: 9OPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENI.II•PLATK_Ant. ROOS, PIANO-I.OR r.Sot, - BROW GARZET. Oa Thareday Manama At 9(04 , 4.0 tb• Alumna nom. se astern lawileat saaaad-haad fantitare. *Utast rano= toe Eamon. earpata eta.. from familial dtallama hoosekserbeet, removed to the store 621MaDleliDe et Gals • • Also. 11 settee Yell aliment brae/dells and lace 'win dow -amine, with h+ndsoms pit etrailexa, serer asp lasses. seteFUR Chastain Street. HOUSEHOLD (TUN.. MIRRORS, PRUSL LS CARPETS, Re. Inc Needs, Staub Mtb, at 10 o'clock, at Ho MR tiestesi stmt. Pert of the household Tantalus of a, handy Isevaeg the May be examined at 11. b l etaek on the martini of 811811iES8 CARDS. IVIIE • tatl LANni • 8. E. BILBROUGE & Garters! land and Real Estate Agents. Deakra is load WarranteEtevta. Ea, linitltvest corner THIRD and CHEdTletrr 84*lb, Gan& tar Parsiaolar attention . tow& paid to ea Oradaatsa 600 nts AO Acres for Ede at griepriesTsisisg friss teR teer re. Pate p nts d iecured and tasea pea& Eyeless attune Int MS and swim-dam 616 - Set QUIZNIi• NM. W.1./2VMM GREIRSH it HARKNESS. COMA IIUTH' RSION MERCHANTS. MI-3. 133 SO W 11A. v k HI LAD EL AtA. LFRE.D L. LIQUOR. LA- PAPER ASAMITACTURRREP AGENT, (Wets solicited for every desoripsios of PAPER AND PAPER-MARY-Ws ISATERLAIRI. No. 1? South aura West, PARsdelphis. [2 R. OOR 8 O N REAL - • ESTATE awe BROKER AND CONVEYANCES, NCIAILIS TOWN, PENNA. FARM Ist Idoaromory, Docks. and Charter cm iOor N mi S ro AG 4 IAoo tonna too:dted. RANI:MOMS DWELLINGS for PA, fts ?klutz*. erht-tat PAWBON & NICHOLSON, BOOKIIINDEBA, NOS. 119 AND 19a MMus ST/LEHT. Between Marin and pieriztat istiNNA. ILILASELrIII JAMES PAWBO P N. JARS. A. S. B. NICHOLSON Ja27-I,* no R. OoRSON. REAL ESTATE BRO. *Alm HER AND CONITRYANCER, Monist:Damp, =Farms for sale to Bunks. Montgomery, and Ctn.- sr mantles. Catalogues of Farm , with full 4684 rl7 . tong. sent by 'mut. fee-3m B. PAAMER'S ADVERTISING AND • SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY. for Prieekkai Nem*. Pavel. and Portodfoils of Citi &ad aer rIFTFI had CHESTNUT. Addrihes " V B PALMER." Plulsdelpifia. JAI3-In M. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law, Nn. 93 South FOURTH Street. BIS ere %MIR ADAMS EXPRESS It., • 0711CTS nO CROTNUT Street, forwards Proala, Pack aged!. Morohsactiss, Bask N9tes, and Spam*, either a its tyarn Luton. or to oostasotoa with other &press thcri watas, to sp. tiro lITEMINAII SOVLS and cities of WI 'Fluted Inaba,. asa-IffS. S. SANDFORD. IsseralOuvenutesidert. EDUCATION/U,. A DLIERICAN 80/100LINSTiTISTE is a A - ra reliable meth= throcalkyllich'et=lszo Fami lies may otaam coaa . cmat Mar ma My ob. Min. matanouly, 1 omatioa ccrealera al the beat schOok. H. ITH NI( DV aN, & Ms BRrADW&Y, Nav Yon. or c.ll-13 MI CHEW . VT Strain. Philadelacia. "riv E W BOARUING SCHOOL. • TUSCARORA. VEMA LE IN ITTUTE wttl bo opened et ACADEMIA. Josisft county', Ps, on ate Ist day of RAY aft. For ammonceemestscon- Luso lir to res. Re.. apply' by let er or pets malt}. till let A pytl. to the eutteenber.st int VINE Street. Ph: hide:. Shoe: later Met at AO SDESIIA. Juanita coasts. Rs. W. O. E. AGNEW, rota-tatblr Int VItYR etreet. BRYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL aIEacANTILE coLL6O3B, imam at Philo -0441. 11:"B. corm! SKVENTIk sad CHESTNUT; Her York. Buffalo. Cleveland. Minato, aad St. Louis, For information. or lor,nd for C....tale's+. citmica, Tutmt;ut), arc ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER LORILI,ATID. SNUFF & TOBACCO MAN OFACTURER, W and It Cal.atlS',..AS STREET. ((Formerly U Chsc.adri street. New York.} Wenkl call the aspens) attention of Grocers and Druggists to hil reswPs.l. and also the articles of hie inanuisomre, : BROWN SNUFF. hob. Denugror,_ 1 3. 10, 0 .tapper. Pure irginia, COWES Ram*, Natchitoches, Amenoantianglernau, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNUFF. 500.4. Fresh Scotch. High Toast Bootoh , Irish High T oast, Fresh Honey Dewleetch. or Lundyfoot. TO isAao. 1111011.18. Fljilt CUT CREWING. ILIC0t1:10. No. 1, P. A. L.. or ideas. Et. Saco, - ti.. 2. Cavendish. or sweet, Spanish. Npf. 1 h 2, mii'd , Sweet Scented Orinoco- Canine?. Kitefoot, Tin Foil Cavendish. Fere Turkish. A cirankr of Prices will be sent QC application. N. B.—Note the neer article of &oh bootch Snuff,. whion will be found ssueerior ankle for dipping ,r -poses. MACHINERY AND IRON. liYQIL V. 315111 LICK, I. Piaoll/1.7i NIZAXICK. WILLIIY. YIBIICL V,OUT EIWAR FOUN 11 R. I k , FIFTH AND WASHINGToN STREETB. - • - - - nuttLantLania. - ' MERRICK & SONS, EN 6 n 4 BESS AND CHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land. River. and Marine service. Uteri, Gasometers, Tanks. I ron BcAls, hat Coat:tars of alt ktrda either Iron or Breen. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Work 13)1051, E a r, road Sottions, &c. Retorts and Gas Maekinerg of the latest and moat tat Droved construction. Ryer, desamesion of Plantation Machinery. Inch as @agar. Saw and One: Alt 6. Vncnnm P.n.. Open Steam Tre4rig. Laleratorn. Filters, pan pine gum.. ha Sole Agents for N. Rik/eon's Patent Sugar &MITA Aeuaratusi Nasmyth's latent Steam Hammer: and Agtonwall & Wang's Patent Clatlltitgal MUM . Drain ing Mu Moe 11133-3, JNICHOLSON, . 31anialanthrer of SHIRTS. LINEN and aIAILREILLF:3 $08.0313 AND COLLAR& A large and choice assortment. atd mask MASS. al• mays on hand, ante Which t particularly lava* the ag tenton ordain and profol-payius sH o g T T i. F. corner of SACX/ND and ARCH Stream delta, ostatin• 300 8111.8 Prime Habra: and .F.atpert.: Herring, afai boxes Sealed Herrin, 30a ball' bbla White Fish, to store and for Bala J. TANA & CO.. LIS &Nat Da fiait
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers